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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


A_LAW - Enum constant in enum class
samples in alaw
A11Y - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Information about accessibility state changes
A16 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
One guint16 value; for alpha.
A16_FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
One half-float value; for alpha.
A32_FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
One float value; for alpha.
A420 - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:2:0 AYUV
A420_10BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:2:0 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.6)
A420_10LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:2:0 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.6)
A420_12BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:2:0 YUV, 12 bits per channel
A420_12LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:2:0 YUV, 12 bits per channel
A420_16BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:2:0 YUV, 16 bits per channel
A420_16LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:2:0 YUV, 16 bits per channel
A422 - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:2:2 YUV, 8 bits per channel
A422_10BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:2:2 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.6)
A422_10LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:2:2 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.6)
A422_12BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:2:2 YUV, 12 bits per channel
A422_12LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:2:2 YUV, 12 bits per channel
A422_16BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:2:2 YUV, 16 bits per channel
A422_16LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:2:2 YUV, 16 bits per channel
A444 - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4:4 YUV, 8 bits per channel
A444_10BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4:4 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.6)
A444_10LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4:4 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.6)
A444_12BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4:4 YUV, 12 bits per channel
A444_12LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4:4 YUV, 12 bits per channel
A444_16BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4:4 YUV, 16 bits per channel
A444_16LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4:4 YUV, 16 bits per channel
A8 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
One byte; for alpha.
A8B8G8R8 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 bytes; for alpha, blue, green, red.
A8B8G8R8_PREMULTIPLIED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 bytes; for alpha, blue, green, red, The color values are premultiplied with the alpha value.
A8R8G8B8 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 bytes; for alpha, red, green, blue.
A8R8G8B8_PREMULTIPLIED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 bytes; for alpha, red, green, blue.
AAT_LAYOUT_NO_SELECTOR_INDEX - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Used when getting or setting AAT feature selectors.
AatLayoutFeatureSelector - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
The selectors defined for specifying AAT feature settings.
AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Structure representing a setting for an hb_aat_layout_feature_type_t.
AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo
Allocate a new AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo.
AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo
Allocate a new AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo.
AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo
Create a AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo(OtNameId, AatLayoutFeatureSelector, AatLayoutFeatureSelector) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo
Allocate a new AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo(OtNameId, AatLayoutFeatureSelector, AatLayoutFeatureSelector, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo
Allocate a new AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
AatLayoutFeatureType - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
The possible feature types defined for AAT shaping, from Apple Font Feature Registry.
aatLayoutFeatureTypeGetNameId(Face, AatLayoutFeatureType) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the name identifier of the specified feature type in the face's name table.
aatLayoutFeatureTypeGetSelectorInfos(Face, AatLayoutFeatureType, int, Out<AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo[]>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of the selectors available for the specified feature in the given face.
aatLayoutGetFeatureTypes(Face, int, Out<AatLayoutFeatureType[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of the AAT feature types included in the specified face.
aatLayoutHasPositioning(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether the specified face includes any positioning information in the kerx table.
aatLayoutHasSubstitution(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether the specified face includes any substitutions in the morx or mort tables.
aatLayoutHasTracking(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether the specified face includes any tracking information in the trak table.
ABBREV_SQUARED_LIGATURES_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
ABBREV_SQUARED_LIGATURES_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
ABGR - Enum constant in enum class
reverse rgb with alpha channel first
ABGR64_BE - Enum constant in enum class
Reverse RGB with alpha channel first, 16 bits (big endian) per channel.
ABGR64_LE - Enum constant in enum class
Reverse RGB with alpha channel first, 16 bits (little endian) per channel.
ABNORMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketCloseCode
reserved value indicating that the connection was closed abnormally; must not be sent.
abort() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A wrapper for the POSIX abort() function.
abort() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Cancels all pending requests in this Session and closes all idle persistent connections.
aborted() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
ABORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountOperationResult
The user requested the mount operation to be aborted
abortState() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Abort the state change of the element.
AboutDialog - Class in org.gnome.adw
A dialog showing information about the application.
AboutDialog - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkAboutDialog offers a simple way to display information about a program.
AboutDialog() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Creates a new AdwAboutDialog.
AboutDialog() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Creates a new GtkAboutDialog.
AboutDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Create a AboutDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AboutDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Create a AboutDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AboutDialog.AboutDialogClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
AboutDialog.ActivateLinkCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateLinkCallback callback.
AboutDialog.ActivateLinkCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateLinkCallback callback.
AboutDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AboutDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AboutDialogClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.AboutDialogClass
Allocate a new AboutDialogClass.
AboutDialogClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.AboutDialogClass
Allocate a new AboutDialogClass.
AboutDialogClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.AboutDialogClass
Create a AboutDialogClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AboutWindow - Class in org.gnome.adw
AboutWindow() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
AboutWindow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
Create a AboutWindow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AboutWindow.AboutWindowClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
AboutWindow.ActivateLinkCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
AboutWindow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AboutWindowClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.AboutWindowClass
Allocate a new AboutWindowClass.
AboutWindowClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.AboutWindowClass
Allocate a new AboutWindowClass.
AboutWindowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.AboutWindowClass
Create a AboutWindowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ABOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Distinct marks directly above
ABOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
the surface is kept above other surfaces
ABOVE_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Distinct marks at the top left
ABOVE_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Distinct marks at the top right
ABOVE_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextViewLayer
The layer rendered above the text.
ABSOLUTE_LINE_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
line height (Pango.AttrInt).
ABSOLUTE_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
font size in pixels scaled by PANGO_SCALE (Pango.AttrInt)
ABSTRACT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddressType
an abstract name
ABSTRACT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFlags
Indicates an abstract type.
abstract_(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress
Use g_unix_socket_address_new_with_type().
ABSTRACT_PADDED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddressType
an abstract name, 0-padded to the full length of a unix socket name
abstractNamesSupported() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress
Checks if abstract UNIX domain socket names are supported.
AC3 - Enum constant in enum class
samples in AC3 format
ACCELERATOR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutType
The shortcut is a keyboard accelerator.
acceleratorGetDefaultModMask() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Gets the modifier mask.
acceleratorGetLabel(int, Set<ModifierType>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string which can be used to represent the accelerator to the user.
acceleratorGetLabel(int, ModifierType...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string which can be used to represent the accelerator to the user.
acceleratorGetLabelWithKeycode(Display, int, int, Set<ModifierType>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string that can be displayed to the user.
acceleratorGetLabelWithKeycode(Display, int, int, ModifierType...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string that can be displayed to the user.
acceleratorName(int, Set<ModifierType>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string parseable by gtk_accelerator_parse().
acceleratorName(int, ModifierType...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string parseable by gtk_accelerator_parse().
acceleratorNameWithKeycode(Display, int, int, Set<ModifierType>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string parseable by gtk_accelerator_parse_with_keycode().
acceleratorNameWithKeycode(Display, int, int, ModifierType...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string parseable by gtk_accelerator_parse_with_keycode().
acceleratorParse(String, Out<Integer>, Out<Set<ModifierType>>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Parses a string representing an accelerator.
acceleratorParseWithKeycode(String, Display, Out<Integer>, Out<int[]>, Out<Set<ModifierType>>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Parses a string representing an accelerator.
acceleratorValid(int, Set<ModifierType>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Determines whether a given keyval and modifier mask constitute a valid keyboard accelerator.
acceleratorValid(int, ModifierType...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Determines whether a given keyval and modifier mask constitute a valid keyboard accelerator.
ACCENT_BASE_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
AccentColor - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
Describes the available system accent colors.
accept(Out<GObject>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
Blocks waiting for a client to connect to any of the sockets added to the listener.
accept(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Accept incoming connections on a connection-based socket.
ACCEPT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ResponseType
Generic response id, not used by GTK dialogs
ACCEPT_CAPS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
the accept caps query
ACCEPT_INTERSECT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
the default accept-caps handler will check it the caps intersect the query-caps result instead of checking for a subset.
ACCEPT_TEMPLATE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
the default accept-caps handler will use the template pad caps instead of query caps to compare with the accept caps.
acceptAsync(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
This is the asynchronous version of g_socket_listener_accept().
acceptCaps(Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new query object for querying if caps are accepted.
acceptCaps(PadDirection, Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
acceptCertificate(TlsCertificate, Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Check whether to accept a certificate.
ACCEPTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
202 Accepted (HTTP)
acceptFinish(AsyncResult, Out<GObject>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
Finishes an async accept operation.
acceptIostream(IOStream, SocketAddress, SocketAddress) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Adds a new client stream to the this Server.
accepts(ServerMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain
Checks if msg contains appropriate authorization for this AuthDomain to accept it.
accepts(ServerMessage, String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain
acceptSocket(Out<GObject>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
Blocks waiting for a client to connect to any of the sockets added to the listener.
acceptSocketAsync(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
This is the asynchronous version of g_socket_listener_accept_socket().
acceptSocketFinish(AsyncResult, Out<GObject>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
Finishes an async accept operation.
acceptsPdf() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Returns whether the printer accepts input in PDF format.
acceptsPs() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Returns whether the printer accepts input in PostScript format.
ACCES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Permission denied; the file permissions do not allow the attempted operation.
ACCES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
execv() returned EACCES
access(String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A wrapper for the POSIX access() function.
ACCESS_DENIED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Security restrictions don't allow doing what you're trying to do.
Accessible - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
GtkAccessible is an interface for describing UI elements for Assistive Technologies.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_BACKGROUND - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
An attribute for the background color, expressed as an RGB value encoded in a string using the format: {r8},{g8},{b8}.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_FAMILY - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
An attribute for the font family name.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_FOREGROUND - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
An attribute for the foreground color, expressed as an RGB value encoded in a string using the format: {r8},{g8},{b8}.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_OVERLINE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
An attribute for the overline style.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_OVERLINE_NONE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "none" overline value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_OVERLINE.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_OVERLINE_SINGLE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "single" overline value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_OVERLINE.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
An attribute for the font size, expressed in points.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
An attribute for the font stretch type.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH_CONDENSED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "condensed" stretch value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH_EXPANDED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "expanded" stretch value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH_EXTRA_CONDENSED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "extra condensed" stretch value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "extra expanded" stretch value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "normal" stretch value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "semi condensed" stretch value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "semi expanded" stretch value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "ultra condensed" stretch value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "ultra expanded" stretch value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRETCH.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STRIKETHROUGH - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
An attribute for strikethrough text.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STYLE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
An attribute for the font style.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STYLE_ITALIC - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "italic" style value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STYLE.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STYLE_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "normal" style value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STYLE.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STYLE_OBLIQUE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "oblique" style value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STYLE.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
An attribute for the underline style.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE_DOUBLE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "double" underline value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "error" underline value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE_NONE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "none" underline value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE_SINGLE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "single" underline value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_VARIANT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
An attribute for the font variant.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_VARIANT_ALL_PETITE_CAPS - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "all petite caps" variant value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_VARIANT.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_VARIANT_ALL_SMALL_CAPS - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "all small caps" variant value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_VARIANT.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_VARIANT_PETITE_CAPS - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "petite caps" variant value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_VARIANT.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_VARIANT_SMALL_CAPS - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "small caps" variant value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_VARIANT.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_VARIANT_TITLE_CAPS - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "title caps" variant value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_VARIANT.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_VARIANT_UNICASE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The "unicase" variant value for Gtk.ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_VARIANT.
ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_WEIGHT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
An attribute for the font weight.
ACCESSIBLE_VALUE_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
An undefined value.
Accessible.AccessibleImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The AccessibleImpl type represents a native instance of the Accessible interface.
Accessible.AccessibleInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The common interface for accessible objects.
Accessible.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
AccessibleAnnouncementPriority - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The priority of an accessibility announcement.
AccessibleAutocomplete - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The possible values for the AccessibleProperty.AUTOCOMPLETE accessible property.
AccessibleImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Accessible.AccessibleImpl
Creates a new instance of Accessible for the provided memory address.
AccessibleInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Accessible.AccessibleInterface
Allocate a new AccessibleInterface.
AccessibleInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Accessible.AccessibleInterface
Allocate a new AccessibleInterface.
AccessibleInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Accessible.AccessibleInterface
Create a AccessibleInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AccessibleInvalidState - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The possible values for the AccessibleState.INVALID accessible state.
AccessibleList - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A boxed type which wraps a list of references to GtkAccessible objects.
AccessibleList(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleList
Create a AccessibleList proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AccessiblePlatformState - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The various platform states which can be queried using Accessible.getPlatformState(org.gnome.gtk.AccessiblePlatformState).
AccessibleProperty - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The possible accessible properties of a Accessible.
AccessibleRange - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
This interface describes ranged controls, e.g.
AccessibleRange.AccessibleRangeImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The AccessibleRangeImpl type represents a native instance of the AccessibleRange interface.
AccessibleRange.AccessibleRangeInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
AccessibleRangeImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRange.AccessibleRangeImpl
Creates a new instance of AccessibleRange for the provided memory address.
AccessibleRangeInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRange.AccessibleRangeInterface
Allocate a new AccessibleRangeInterface.
AccessibleRangeInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRange.AccessibleRangeInterface
Allocate a new AccessibleRangeInterface.
AccessibleRangeInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRange.AccessibleRangeInterface
Create a AccessibleRangeInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AccessibleRelation - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The possible accessible relations of a Accessible.
AccessibleRole - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The accessible role for a Accessible implementation.
AccessibleSort - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The possible values for the AccessibleProperty.SORT accessible property.
AccessibleState - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The possible accessible states of a Accessible.
AccessibleText - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
An interface for accessible objects containing formatted text.
AccessibleText.AccessibleTextImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The AccessibleTextImpl type represents a native instance of the AccessibleText interface.
AccessibleText.AccessibleTextInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The interface vtable for accessible objects containing text.
AccessibleTextContentChange - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The type of contents change operation.
AccessibleTextGranularity - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The granularity for queries about the text contents of a AccessibleText implementation.
AccessibleTextImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleText.AccessibleTextImpl
Creates a new instance of AccessibleText for the provided memory address.
AccessibleTextInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleText.AccessibleTextInterface
Allocate a new AccessibleTextInterface.
AccessibleTextInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleText.AccessibleTextInterface
Allocate a new AccessibleTextInterface.
AccessibleTextInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleText.AccessibleTextInterface
Create a AccessibleTextInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AccessibleTextRange - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A range inside the text of an accessible object.
AccessibleTextRange() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextRange
Allocate a new AccessibleTextRange.
AccessibleTextRange(long, long) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextRange
Allocate a new AccessibleTextRange with the fields set to the provided values.
AccessibleTextRange(long, long, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextRange
Allocate a new AccessibleTextRange with the fields set to the provided values.
AccessibleTextRange(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextRange
Allocate a new AccessibleTextRange.
AccessibleTextRange(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextRange
Create a AccessibleTextRange proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AccessibleTristate - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The possible values for the AccessibleState.PRESSED accessible state.
ACCUMULATOR_FIRST_RUN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalFlags
Only used in GSignalAccumulator accumulator functions for the GSignalInvocationHint::run_type field to mark the first call to the accumulator function for a signal emission.
ACCURATE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
accurate position is requested, this might be considerably slower for some formats.
acquire() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Tries to become the owner of the specified context.
acquire(AudioRingBufferSpec) - Method in class
Allocate the resources for the ringbuffer.
acquire(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission
Attempts to acquire the permission represented by this Permission.
acquireAsync(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission
Attempts to acquire the permission represented by this Permission.
acquireBuffer(Out<Buffer>, BufferPoolAcquireParams) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Acquires a buffer from this BufferPool.
acquireFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission
Collects the result of attempting to acquire the permission represented by this Permission.
action() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Signal
Action signals are signals that may freely be emitted on alive objects from user code via g_signal_emit() and friends, without the need of being embedded into extra code that performs pre or post emission adjustments on the object.
Action - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GAction represents a single named action.
ACTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalFlags
Action signals are signals that may freely be emitted on alive objects from user code via g_signal_emit() and friends, without the need of being embedded into extra code that performs pre or post emission adjustments on the object.
ACTION_ALL - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Defines all possible DND actions.
Action.ActionImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The ActionImpl type represents a native instance of the Action interface.
Action.ActionInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
The virtual function table for Gio.Action.
Action.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Actionable - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkActionable interface provides a convenient way of associating widgets with actions.
Actionable.ActionableImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The ActionableImpl type represents a native instance of the Actionable interface.
Actionable.ActionableInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The interface vtable for GtkActionable.
Actionable.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
ActionableImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Actionable.ActionableImpl
Creates a new instance of Actionable for the provided memory address.
ActionableInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Actionable.ActionableInterface
Allocate a new ActionableInterface.
ActionableInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Actionable.ActionableInterface
Allocate a new ActionableInterface.
ActionableInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Actionable.ActionableInterface
Create a ActionableInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
actionAdded(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Emits the Gio.ActionGroup::action-added signal on this ActionGroup.
ActionBar - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkActionBar is designed to present contextual actions.
ActionBar() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ActionBar
Creates a new GtkActionBar widget.
ActionBar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ActionBar
Create a ActionBar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ActionBar.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
actionEnabledChanged(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Emits the Gio.ActionGroup::action-enabled-changed signal on this ActionGroup.
ActionEntry - Class in org.gnome.gio
This struct defines a single action.
ActionEntry() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry
Allocate a new ActionEntry.
ActionEntry(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry
Allocate a new ActionEntry.
ActionEntry(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry
Create a ActionEntry proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ActionEntry(String, ActionEntry.ActivateCallback, String, String, ActionEntry.ChangeStateCallback) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry
Allocate a new ActionEntry with the fields set to the provided values.
ActionEntry(String, ActionEntry.ActivateCallback, String, String, ActionEntry.ChangeStateCallback, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry
Allocate a new ActionEntry with the fields set to the provided values.
ActionEntry.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
ActionEntry.ChangeStateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ChangeStateCallback callback.
ActionGroup - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GActionGroup represents a group of actions.
ActionGroup.ActionAddedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ActionAddedCallback callback.
ActionGroup.ActionEnabledChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ActionEnabledChangedCallback callback.
ActionGroup.ActionGroupImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The ActionGroupImpl type represents a native instance of the ActionGroup interface.
ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
The virtual function table for Gio.ActionGroup.
ActionGroup.ActionRemovedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ActionRemovedCallback callback.
ActionGroup.ActionStateChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ActionStateChangedCallback callback.
ActionGroupImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupImpl
Creates a new instance of ActionGroup for the provided memory address.
ActionGroupInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
Allocate a new ActionGroupInterface.
ActionGroupInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
Allocate a new ActionGroupInterface.
ActionGroupInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
Create a ActionGroupInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ActionImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Action.ActionImpl
Creates a new instance of Action for the provided memory address.
ActionInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Action.ActionInterface
Allocate a new ActionInterface.
ActionInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Action.ActionInterface
Allocate a new ActionInterface.
ActionInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Action.ActionInterface
Create a ActionInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ActionMap - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GActionMap is an interface for action containers.
ActionMap.ActionMapImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The ActionMapImpl type represents a native instance of the ActionMap interface.
ActionMap.ActionMapInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
The virtual function table for ActionMap.
ActionMapImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ActionMap.ActionMapImpl
Creates a new instance of ActionMap for the provided memory address.
ActionMapInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ActionMap.ActionMapInterface
Allocate a new ActionMapInterface.
ActionMapInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ActionMap.ActionMapInterface
Allocate a new ActionMapInterface.
ActionMapInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ActionMap.ActionMapInterface
Create a ActionMapInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
actionRemoved(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Emits the Gio.ActionGroup::action-removed signal on this ActionGroup.
ActionRow - Class in org.gnome.adw
A ListBoxRow used to present actions.
ActionRow() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Creates a new AdwActionRow.
ActionRow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Create a ActionRow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ActionRow.ActionRowClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
ActionRow.ActivatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ActivatedCallback callback.
ActionRow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ActionRowClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow.ActionRowClass
Allocate a new ActionRowClass.
ActionRowClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow.ActionRowClass
Allocate a new ActionRowClass.
ActionRowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow.ActionRowClass
Create a ActionRowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ACTIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Information about actions and menu models
actionSetEnabled(String, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Enable or disable an action installed with gtk_widget_class_install_action().
actionStateChanged(String, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Emits the Gio.ActionGroup::action-state-changed signal on this ActionGroup.
ACTIVATABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererMode
The cell can be clicked.
activate() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Activates this ActionRow.
activate() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Activates the application.
activate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Signal that causes the button to animate press then release.
activate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
activate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
activate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Class handler for the GtkEntry::activate signal.
activate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild
activate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
activate() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Does initial setup before rendering operations on this Renderer.
activate(boolean) - Method in class
Activate this AudioRingBuffer to start or stop pulling data.
activate(Set<ShortcutActionFlags>, Widget, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutAction
Activates the action on the widget with the given args.
activate(Event, Widget, String, Rectangle, Rectangle, Set<CellRendererState>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
activate(Event, Widget, String, Rectangle, Rectangle, CellRendererState...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
activate(Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Action
Activates the action.
activate(CellAreaContext, Widget, Rectangle, Set<CellRendererState>, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
activate(CellAreaContext, Widget, Rectangle, CellRendererState, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
activate(ShortcutActionFlags, Widget, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutAction
Activates the action on the widget with the given args.
activate(TextIter, Rectangle, int, Set<ModifierType>, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Emits the GutterRenderer::activate signal of the renderer.
activate(TextIter, Rectangle, int, ModifierType, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Emits the GutterRenderer::activate signal of the renderer.
activate(CompletionContext, CompletionProposal) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider
This function requests proposal to be activated by the GtkSourceCompletionProvider.
ACTIVATE - Enum constant in enum class
Activate (click) the currently selected button in a menu, if such a button exists.
activateAction(String, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Activate the named action within this ActionGroup.
ActivateAction - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkShortcutAction that calls gtk_widget_activate().
ActivateAction(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ActivateAction
Create a ActivateAction proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ActivateAction.ActivateActionClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ActivateAction.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ActivateActionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ActivateAction.ActivateActionClass
Create a ActivateActionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
activateActionFull(String, Variant, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.RemoteActionGroup
Activates the remote action.
activateActionIfExists(String, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Looks up the action in the action groups associated with this Widget and its ancestors, and activates it.
activateCell(Widget, CellRenderer, Event, Rectangle, Set<CellRendererState>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
activateCell(Widget, CellRenderer, Event, Rectangle, CellRendererState...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
activateDefault() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
activateDefault() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Activates the default.activate action from this Widget.
activateDefault() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Activates the default widget for the window.
activateFocus() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Activates the current focused widget within the window.
activateItem(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu
Activates the WebKitOptionMenuItem at index in this OptionMenu.
activateMode(PadMode, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Activates or deactivates the given pad in mode via dispatching to the pad's activatemodefunc.
activateModeDefault(Pad, GstObject, PadMode, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad
Invoke the default activate mode function of a ghost pad.
activateOsk() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
activateOsk(Event) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Requests the platform to show an on-screen keyboard for user input.
activateOskWithEvent(Event) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
activatePull(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Subclasses should override this when they can provide an alternate method of spawning a thread to drive the pipeline in pull mode.
activateWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
For widgets that can be “activated” (buttons, menu items, etc.), this function activates them.
ACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.HookFlagMask
set if the hook has not been destroyed
ACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessiblePlatformState
whether the accessible is active
ACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Widget is active
ACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.MediaCaptureState
Media capture is active.
ACTIVE_DESCENDANT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Identifies the currently active element when focus is on a composite widget, combobox, textbox, group, or application.
Adapter - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
This class is for elements that receive buffers in an undesired size.
Adapter() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Creates a new GstAdapter.
Adapter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Create a Adapter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Adapter.AdapterClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Adapter.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AdapterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter.AdapterClass
Create a AdapterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
add(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeVal
GTimeVal is not year-2038-safe. Use guint64 for representing microseconds since the epoch, or use GDateTime.
add(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Adds value to this Bitset if it wasn't part of it before.
add(int, E) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
add(E) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
add(MemorySegment[], MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Adds a pointer to the end of the pointer array.
add(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Adds feature to this CapsFeatures.
add(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StrvBuilder
Add a string to the end of the array.
add(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantBuilder
Adds to a GVariantBuilder.
add(String, FileAttributeType, Set<FileAttributeInfoFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoList
Adds a new attribute with name to the this FileAttributeInfoList, setting its type and flags.
add(String, FileAttributeType, FileAttributeInfoFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoList
Adds a new attribute with name to the this FileAttributeInfoList, setting its type and flags.
add(K) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
This is a convenience function for using a GHashTable as a set.
add(Element) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Adds the given element to the bin.
add(TagMergeMode, String, Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Sets the values for the given tags using the specified mode.
add(NavigationPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Permanently adds page to this NavigationView.
add(PreferencesGroup) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Adds a preferences group to this PreferencesPage.
add(PreferencesPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog
Adds a preferences page to this PreferencesDialog.
add(PreferencesPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
add(TestCase) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestSuite
Adds testCase to this TestSuite.
add(TimeSpan) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a copy of this DateTime and adds the specified timespan to the copy.
add(Quaternion, Quaternion) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Adds two graphene_quaternion_t this Quaternion and b.
add(Vec2, Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Adds each component of the two passed vectors and places each result into the components of res.
add(Vec3, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Adds each component of the two given vectors.
add(Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Adds each component of the two given vectors.
add(CellRenderer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
add(TextTag) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable
Add a tag to the table.
add(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup
Adds a child to this PreferencesGroup.
add(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
add(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Adds a child to this ViewStack.
addAcknowledgementSection(String, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Adds a section to the Acknowledgements page.
addAcknowledgementSection(String, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
addAction(Action) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionMap
Adds an action to the this ActionMap.
addAction(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
addActionEntries(ActionEntry[], MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionMap
A convenience function for creating multiple SimpleAction instances and adding them to a ActionMap.
addActionWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
addActionWidget(Widget, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Use Window instead
addActionWidget(Widget, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
addAddress(SocketAddress, SocketType, SocketProtocol, GObject, Out<SocketAddress>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
Creates a socket of type type and protocol protocol, binds it to address and adds it to the set of sockets we're accepting sockets from.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
addAllocationMeta(Type, Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Add api with params as one of the supported metadata API to this Query.
addAllocationParam(Allocator, AllocationParams) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Add allocator and its params as a supported memory allocator.
addAllocationPool(BufferPool, int, int, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Set the pool parameters in this Query.
addAlpha(boolean, byte, byte, byte) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Takes an existing pixbuf and adds an alpha channel to it.
addAncillary(boolean, byte, byte, byte[]) - Method in class
Stores Video Ancillary data, according to SMPTE-291M specification.
addAnyInetPort(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
Listens for TCP connections on any available port number for both IPv6 and IPv4 (if each is available).
addApplication(String, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Adds the application with name and exec to the list of applications that have registered a bookmark for uri into this BookmarkFile.
addApplicationProxy(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Enable proxy protocols to be handled by the application.
addAttribute(CellRenderer, String, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout
addAttribute(CellRenderer, String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
addAuthDomain(AuthDomain) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Adds an authentication domain to this Server.
addBinding(int, Set<ModifierType>, ShortcutFunc, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Creates a new shortcut for this WidgetClass that calls the given callback with arguments read according to formatString.
addBinding(int, ModifierType, ShortcutFunc, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Creates a new shortcut for this WidgetClass that calls the given callback with arguments read according to formatString.
addBindingAction(int, Set<ModifierType>, String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Creates a new shortcut for this WidgetClass that activates the given actionName with arguments read according to formatString.
addBindingAction(int, ModifierType, String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Creates a new shortcut for this WidgetClass that activates the given actionName with arguments read according to formatString.
addBindingSignal(int, Set<ModifierType>, String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Creates a new shortcut for this WidgetClass that emits the given action signal with arguments read according to formatString.
addBindingSignal(int, ModifierType, String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Creates a new shortcut for this WidgetClass that emits the given action signal with arguments read according to formatString.
addBottomBar(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Adds a bottom bar to this ToolbarView.
addBreakpoint(Breakpoint) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow
Adds breakpoint to this ApplicationWindow.
addBreakpoint(Breakpoint) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin
Adds breakpoint to this BreakpointBin.
addBreakpoint(Breakpoint) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Adds breakpoint to this Dialog.
addBreakpoint(Breakpoint) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Window
Adds breakpoint to this Window.
addBufferingRange(long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Set the buffering-ranges array field in this Query.
addBuilderProperty(String, Value) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.Builder
Add the provided property name and value to the builder
addBuilderProperty(String, Value) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.BuilderInterface
Add the provided property name and value to the builder
addButton(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Use Window instead
addButton(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
addButton(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Notification
Adds a button to this Notification that activates the action in detailedAction when clicked.
addButtons(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Use Window instead
addButtons(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
addButtonWithTarget(String, String, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Notification
Adds a button to this Notification that activates action when clicked.
addBytes(Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryInputStream
Appends bytes to data that can be read from the input stream.
addCairoPath(Path) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Adds a Cairo path to the builder.
addCallbackSymbol(String, Callback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderCScope
Adds the callbackSymbol to the scope of builder under the given callbackName.
addCallbackSymbols(String, Callback, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderCScope
A convenience function to add many callbacks.
addChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
addChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Adds a child to this Stack.
addChild(Widget, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu
Adds a custom widget to a generated menu.
addChild(Widget, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuBar
Adds a custom widget to a generated menubar.
addChildAtAnchor(Widget, TextChildAnchor) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Adds a child widget in the text buffer, at the given anchor.
addChildSource(Source) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Adds childSource to this Source as a "polled" source; when this Source is added to a GLib.MainContext, childSource will be automatically added with the same priority, when childSource is triggered, it will cause this Source to dispatch (in addition to calling its own callback), and when this Source is destroyed, it will destroy childSource as well.
addChoice(String, String, String[], String[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
addChunk(SnippetChunk) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Appends chunk to the this Snippet.
addCircle(Point, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Adds a circle with the center and radius.
addClass(int, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Adds the class name to line.
addClass(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
addCommitNotify(Set<TextBufferNotifyFlags>, TextBufferCommitNotify) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Adds a Gtk.TextBufferCommitNotify to be called when a change is to be made to the Gtk.TextBuffer.
addCommitNotify(TextBufferNotifyFlags, TextBufferCommitNotify) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Adds a Gtk.TextBufferCommitNotify to be called when a change is to be made to the Gtk.TextBuffer.
addComposeFile(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContextSimple
Adds an additional table from the X11 compose file.
addConstraint(Constraint) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout
Adds a constraint to the layout manager.
addConstraintsFromDescription(String[], int, int, HashTable<String, ConstraintTarget>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout
Creates a list of constraints from a VFL description.
addConstructor(String, Callback, Type, Type[]) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class
Add a constructor to this Class.
addConstructorVariadic(String, Callback, Type) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class
Add a constructor to this Class.
addControlBinding(ControlBinding) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Attach the GstControlBinding to the object.
addController(EventController) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Adds controller to this Widget so that it will receive events.
addCookie(Cookie) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Adds cookie to this CookieJar.
addCookie(Cookie, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Asynchronously add a SoupCookie to the underlying storage.
addCookieFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_cookie_manager_add_cookie().
addCookieFull(Cookie, Uri, Uri) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Adds cookie to this CookieJar.
addCookieWithFirstParty(Uri, Cookie) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Adds cookie to this CookieJar.
addCreditSection(String, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Adds an extra section to the Credits page.
addCreditSection(String, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
addCreditSection(String, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Creates a new section in the "Credits" page.
addCssClass(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Adds a style class to this Widget.
addCustomMeta(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Creates and adds a GstCustomMeta for the desired name.
addCustomTab(Widget, Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Adds a custom tab to the print dialog.
addData(byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryInputStream
Appends data to data that can be read from the input stream
addDays(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Increments a date some number of days.
addDays(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a copy of this DateTime and adds the specified number of days to the copy.
addDependency(String[], String[], String[], Set<PluginDependencyFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Make GStreamer aware of external dependencies which affect the feature set of this plugin (ie.
addDependency(String[], String[], String[], PluginDependencyFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Make GStreamer aware of external dependencies which affect the feature set of this plugin (ie.
addDependencySimple(String, String, String, Set<PluginDependencyFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Make GStreamer aware of external dependencies which affect the feature set of this plugin (ie.
addDependencySimple(String, String, String, PluginDependencyFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Make GStreamer aware of external dependencies which affect the feature set of this plugin (ie.
addEarlyHandler(String, ServerCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Adds an "early" handler to this Server for requests prefixed by path.
addElement(Element) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Method to add an element to the bin.
addEmblem(Emblem) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.EmblemedIcon
Adds emblem to the GList of GEmblems.
addEntries(ActionEntry[], MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleActionGroup
Use g_action_map_add_action_entries()
addEntries(OptionEntry[]) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionGroup
Adds the options specified in entries to this OptionGroup.
addFd(PollFD) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Add a file descriptor to the file descriptor set.
addFeature(PluginFeature) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Add the feature to the registry.
addFeature(SessionFeature) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Adds feature's functionality to this Session.
addFeatureByType(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
If featureType is the type of a class that implements SessionFeature, this creates a new feature of that type and adds it to this Session as with Session.addFeature(org.gnome.soup.SessionFeature).
addFilter(String, Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor
Adds a filter for which GstDevice will be monitored, any device that matches all these classes and the GstCaps will be returned.
addFilter(DBusMessageFilterFunction) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Adds a message filter.
addFilter(FileFilter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
addFilter(UserContentFilter) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Adds a WebKitUserContentFilter to the given WebKitUserContentManager.
addFinalizeNotifier(MemorySegment, ClosureNotify) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Registers a finalization notifier which will be called when the reference count of this Closure goes down to 0.
addFlags(Set<MessageFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Adds flags to the set of this Message's flags.
addFlags(MessageFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Adds flags to the set of this Message's flags.
addFocusSibling(CellRenderer, CellRenderer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
addFormats(ContentFormats) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormatsBuilder
Appends all formats from formats to this ContentFormatsBuilder, skipping those that already exist.
addFrame(Pixbuf) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnim
Adds a new frame to this PixbufSimpleAnim.
addFrames(long) - Method in class
Adds or subtracts frames amount of frames to this VideoTimeCode.
addFromFile(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Parses a file containing a UI definition and merges it with the current contents of this Builder.
addFromResource(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Parses a resource file containing a UI definition and merges it with the current contents of this Builder.
addFromString(String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Parses a string containing a UI definition and merges it with the current contents of this Builder.
addFull(int, int, int, int, int, double) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a new GDateTime adding the specified values to the current date and time in this DateTime.
addFull(String, RecentData) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
Adds a new resource, pointed by uri, into the recently used resources list, using the metadata specified inside the GtkRecentData passed in recentData.
addGroup(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Adds group to the list of groups to which the bookmark for uri belongs to.
addGroup(OptionGroup) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Adds a GOptionGroup to the this OptionContext, so that parsing with this OptionContext will recognize the options in the group.
addGroup(ShortcutsGroup) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection
Adds a group to the shortcuts section.
addGtype(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormatsBuilder
Appends type to this ContentFormatsBuilder if it has not already been added.
addGuide(ConstraintGuide) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout
Adds a guide to layout.
addHandler(String, ServerCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Adds a handler to this Server for requests prefixed by path.
addHeaderHandler(String, String, Callback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Adds a signal handler to this Message for signal.
addHours(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a copy of this DateTime and adds the specified number of hours.
addId(Quark) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Adds feature to this CapsFeatures.
addIndexEntry(long, ClockTime, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
Adds an entry to the index associating offset to ts.
addInetPort(short, GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
Helper function for g_socket_listener_add_address() that creates a TCP/IP socket listening on IPv4 and IPv6 (if supported) on the specified port on all interfaces.
addInterface(DBusInterfaceSkeleton) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton
Adds interface_ to this DBusObjectSkeleton.
addInterface(Type, Type, InterfaceInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule
Registers an additional interface for a type, whose interface lives in the given type plugin.
addInterval(VideoTimeCodeInterval) - Method in class
This makes a component-wise addition of tcInter to this VideoTimeCode.
addInvalidateNotifier(MemorySegment, ClosureNotify) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Registers an invalidation notifier which will be called when the this Closure is invalidated with g_closure_invalidate().
addItem(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
Adds a new resource, pointed by uri, into the recently used resources list.
addItems(List<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Rarely used API
addLayout(Layout) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView
Adds layout to this MultiLayoutView.
addLayout(Layout) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Adds the outlines for the glyphs in layout to the builder.
addLegalSection(String, String, License, String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Adds an extra section to the Legal page.
addLegalSection(String, String, License, String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
addLine(byte[]) - Method in class
Provide a new line of data to the this VideoVBIParser.
addLink(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Adds an extra link to the Details page.
addLink(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
addMainEntries(OptionEntry[], String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
A convenience function which creates a main group if it doesn't exist, adds the entries to it and sets the translation domain.
addMainOption(String, byte, Set<OptionFlags>, OptionArg, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Add an option to be handled by this Application.
addMainOption(String, byte, OptionFlags, OptionArg, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Add an option to be handled by this Application.
addMainOptionEntries(OptionEntry[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Adds main option entries to be handled by this Application.
addMany(Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StrvBuilder
Appends all the given strings to the builder.
addMany(Element, Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Adds a null-terminated list of elements to a bin.
addMark(double, PositionType, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
Adds a mark at value.
addMark(TextMark, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Adds the mark at position where.
addMarshalGuards(MemorySegment, ClosureNotify, ClosureNotify) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Adds a pair of notifiers which get invoked before and after the closure callback, respectively.
addMeta(MetaInfo, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Adds metadata for info to this Buffer using the parameters in params.
addMetadata(String, String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderClass
Set key with value as metadata in this DeviceProviderClass.
addMetadata(String, String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Set key with value as metadata in this ElementClass.
addMethod(String, Callback, Type, Type[]) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class
Add method with name to this Class.
addMethodVariadic(String, Callback, Type) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class
Add method with name to this Class.
addMimeType(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormatsBuilder
Appends mimeType to this ContentFormatsBuilder if it has not already been added.
addMimeType(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter
Adds a rule allowing a given mime type to this FileFilter.
addMinutes(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a copy of this DateTime adding the specified number of minutes.
addMnemonicLabel(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Adds a widget to the list of mnemonic labels for this widget.
addMonths(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Increments a date by some number of months.
addMonths(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a copy of this DateTime and adds the specified number of months to the copy.
addNamed(Widget, String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Adds a child to this ViewStack.
addNamed(Widget, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Adds a child to this Stack.
addObjectsFromFile(String, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Parses a file containing a UI definition building only the requested objects and merges them with the current contents of this Builder.
addObjectsFromResource(String, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Parses a resource file containing a UI definition, building only the requested objects and merges them with the current contents of this Builder.
addObjectsFromString(String, long, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Parses a string containing a UI definition, building only the requested objects and merges them with the current contents of this Builder.
addObservation(ClockTime, ClockTime, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
The time master of the master clock and the time slave of the slave clock are added to the list of observations.
addObservationUnapplied(ClockTime, ClockTime, Out<Double>, ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Add a clock observation to the internal slaving algorithm the same as gst_clock_add_observation(), and return the result of the master clock estimation, without updating the internal calibration.
addOffsetValue(String, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Adds a new offset marker on this LevelBar at the position specified by value.
addOptionGroup(OptionGroup) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Adds a GOptionGroup to the commandline handling of this Application.
addOverlay(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay
Adds widget to this Overlay.
addOverlay(Widget, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Adds child at a fixed coordinate in the GtkTextView's text window.
addPad(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.FlowCombiner
Adds a new GstPad to the GstFlowCombiner.
addPad(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Adds a pad (link point) to this Element.
addPad(Pad, int, CollectDataDestroyNotify, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Add a pad to the collection of collect pads.
addPadTemplate(PadTemplate) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Adds a padtemplate to an element class.
addPadTemplates(Caps) - Method in class
Convenience function to add pad templates to this element class, with allowedCaps as the caps that can be handled.
addPage(Widget, TabPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Adds child to this TabView with parent as the parent.
addPalette(Orientation, int, RGBA[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser
Use ColorDialog instead
addParam(Structure) - Method in class
Attach element-specific parameters to this VideoRegionOfInterestMeta meant to be used by downstream elements which may handle this ROI.
addParent(MiniObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
This adds parent as a parent for this MiniObject.
addParentBufferMeta(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Adds a GstParentBufferMeta to this Buffer that holds a reference on ref until the buffer is freed.
addParsed(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantBuilder
Adds to a GVariantBuilder.
addPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain
Adds path to this AuthDomain.
addPath(Path) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Appends all of path to the builder.
addPathToSandbox(String, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Adds a path to be mounted in the sandbox.
addPattern(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter
Adds a rule allowing a shell style glob to a filter.
addPixbufFormats() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter
Adds a rule allowing image files in the formats supported by GdkPixbuf.
addPlatformData(VariantBuilder) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
invoked (locally) to add 'platform data' to be sent to the primary instance when activating, opening or invoking actions
addPlugin(Plugin) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Add the plugin to the registry.
addPoll(PollFD) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Adds a file descriptor to the set of file descriptors polled for this source.
addPoll(PollFD, int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Adds a file descriptor to the set of file descriptors polled for this context.
addPrefix(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Adds a prefix widget to this ActionRow.
addPrefix(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Adds a prefix widget to this EntryRow.
addPrefix(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Adds a prefix widget to this ExpanderRow.
addPrerequisite(Type, Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterface
Adds prerequisiteType to the list of prerequisites of interfaceType.
addPrivate(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
Use the G_ADD_PRIVATE() macro with the G_DEFINE_* family of macros to add instance private data to a type
addProbe(Set<PadProbeType>, PadProbeCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Be notified of different states of pads.
addProbe(PadProbeType, PadProbeCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Be notified of different states of pads.
addProfile(EncodingProfile) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingContainerProfile
Add a GstEncodingProfile to the list of profiles handled by this EncodingContainerProfile.
addProfile(EncodingProfile) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget
Adds the given profile to the this EncodingTarget.
addProperty(String, Type, Callback, Callback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class
Add a property with name to this Class.
addPropertyDeepNotifyWatch(String, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
addPropertyNotifyWatch(String, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
addProtectionMeta(Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Attaches protection metadata to a GstBuffer.
addProvider(StyleProvider, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
Use style classes instead
addProvider(CompletionProvider) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
Adds a CompletionProvider to the list of providers to be queried for completion results.
addProvider(HoverProvider) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Hover
addProviderForDisplay(Display, StyleProvider, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
addProxyForScheme(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkProxySettings
Adds a URI-scheme-specific proxy.
addQclass(int, Quark) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Adds the class denoted by qname to line.
addRange(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Adds all values from start (inclusive) to start + nItems (exclusive) in this Bitset.
addRangeClosed(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Adds the closed range last, so first, last and all values in between.
addRect(Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Adds rect as a new contour to the path built by the builder.
addRectangle(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Interprets the values as a 2-dimensional boolean grid with the given stride and inside that grid, adds a rectangle with the given width and height.
addRectangle(VideoOverlayRectangle) - Method in class
Adds an overlay rectangle to an existing overlay composition object.
addRedirectEntry(String, TagList, Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Creates and appends a new entry.
addReferenceTimestampMeta(Caps, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Adds a GstReferenceTimestampMeta to this Buffer that holds a timestamp and optionally duration based on a specific timestamp reference.
addRegion(Region) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region
Adds regionToAdd to this Region.
addResourcePath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Adds a resource path that will be looked at when looking for icons, similar to search paths.
addResponse(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Adds a response with id and label to this AlertDialog.
addResponse(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
addResponses(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Adds multiple responses to this AlertDialog.
addResponses(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
ADDRESS_IN_USE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Can't bind a socket since its address is in use (i.e.
ADDRESS_IN_USE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
The requested address is already in use.
addReversePath(Path) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Appends all of path to the builder, in reverse order.
addRoundedRect(RoundedRect) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Adds rect as a new contour to the path built in this PathBuilder.
addRow(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Adds a widget to this ExpanderRow.
addSchedulingMode(PadMode) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Add mode as one of the supported scheduling modes to this Query.
addScript(UserScript) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Adds a WebKitUserScript to the given WebKitUserContentManager.
addSearchPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Appends a directory to the search path.
addSeconds(double) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a copy of this DateTime and adds the specified number of seconds.
addSection(ShortcutsSection) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow
Adds a section to the shortcuts window.
addSegment(Path, PathPoint, PathPoint) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Adds to this PathBuilder the segment of path from start to end.
addSelectionClipboard(Clipboard) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Adds clipboard to the list of clipboards in which the selection contents of this TextBuffer are available.
addServiceDir(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TestDBus
Add a path where dbus-daemon will look up .service files.
addSetter(GObject, String, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint
Adds a setter to this Breakpoint.
addSetters(GObject[], String[], Value[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint
Adds nSetters setters to this Breakpoint.
addShortcut(Shortcut) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController
Adds shortcut to the list of shortcuts handled by this ShortcutController.
addShortcut(Shortcut) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Installs a shortcut in this WidgetClass.
addShortcut(ShortcutsShortcut) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsGroup
Adds a shortcut to the shortcuts group.
addShortcutFolder(File) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
addShortcuts(Set<TabViewShortcuts>) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Adds shortcuts for this TabView.
addShortcuts(TabViewShortcuts...) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Adds shortcuts for this TabView.
addSignalWatch() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Adds a bus signal watch to the default main context with the default priority ( G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT ).
addSignalWatchFull(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Adds a bus signal watch to the default main context with the given priority (e.g.
addSocket(Socket, GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
Adds socket to the set of sockets that we try to accept new clients from.
addStaticMetadata(String, String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderClass
Set key with value as metadata in this DeviceProviderClass.
addStaticMetadata(String, String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Set key with value as metadata in this ElementClass.
addStaticPadTemplate(StaticPadTemplate) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Adds a pad template to an element class based on the static pad template templ.
addStaticPadTemplateWithGtype(StaticPadTemplate, Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Adds a pad template to an element class based on the static pad template templ.
addStatusCodeHandler(String, int, Callback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Adds a signal handler to this Message for signal.
addStatusError(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
addStatusInfo(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
addStatusWarning(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
addStream(Stream) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection
Add the given stream to the this StreamCollection.
addStyleSheet(UserStyleSheet) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Adds a WebKitUserStyleSheet to the given WebKitUserContentManager.
addSubregion(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region
Adds the subregion delimited by Start and End to this Region.
addSuffix(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter
Adds a suffix match rule to a filter.
addSuffix(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Adds a suffix widget to this ActionRow.
addSuffix(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Adds a suffix widget to this EntryRow.
addSuffix(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Adds an suffix widget to this ExpanderRow.
addSuite(TestSuite) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestSuite
Adds nestedsuite to this TestSuite.
addSupportsType(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Adds a content type to the application information to indicate the application is capable of opening files with the given content type.
addTable(short[], int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContextSimple
Use gtk_im_context_simple_add_compose_file()
addTags(TagMergeMode, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagSetter
Adds the given tag / value pairs on the setter using the given merge mode.
addTagValue(TagMergeMode, String, Value) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagSetter
Adds the given tag / GValue pair on the setter using the given merge mode.
addTagValues(TagMergeMode, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagSetter
Adds the given tag / GValue pairs on the setter using the given merge mode.
addTickCallback(TickCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Queues an animation frame update and adds a callback to be called before each frame.
addTitled(Widget, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Adds a child to this ViewStack.
addTitled(Widget, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Adds a child to this Stack.
addTitledWithIcon(Widget, String, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Adds a child to this ViewStack.
addToast(Toast) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog
Displays toast.
addToast(Toast) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
addToast(Toast) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToastOverlay
Displays toast.
addToCaps(Caps) - Method in class
Parse caps and update this VideoContentLightLevel
addToCaps(Caps) - Method in class
Set string representation of this VideoMasteringDisplayInfo to caps
addToFrame(int) - Method in class
Removes next nBytes of input data and adds it to currently parsed frame.
addToggleRef(ToggleNotify) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Increases the reference count of the object by one and sets a callback to be called when all other references to the object are dropped, or when this is already the last reference to the object and another reference is established.
addTopBar(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Adds a top bar to this ToolbarView.
addTrack(AudioCdSrcTrack) - Method in class
CDDA sources use this function from their start vfunc to announce the available data and audio tracks to the base source class.
addUnixFd(int, Set<IOCondition>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Monitors fd for the IO events in events.
addUnixFd(int, IOCondition...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Monitors fd for the IO events in events.
addv(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StrvBuilder
Appends all the strings in the given vector to the builder.
addValue(TagMergeMode, String, Value) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Sets the GValue for a given tag using the specified mode.
addValue(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantBuilder
Adds value to this VariantBuilder.
addValues(TagMergeMode, String, Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Sets the GValues for the given tags using the specified mode.
addWatch(int, BusFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Adds a bus watch to the default main context with the given priority (e.g.
addWeakPointer(Out<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Adds a weak reference from weak_pointer to this Object to indicate that the pointer located at weakPointerLocation is only valid during the lifetime of this Object.
addWebsocketExtension(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Add support for a WebSocket extension of the given extensionType.
addWebsocketHandler(String, String, String[], ServerWebsocketCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Adds a WebSocket handler to this Server for requests prefixed by path.
addWeeks(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a copy of this DateTime and adds the specified number of weeks to the copy.
addWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroup
Adds a widget to a GtkSizeGroup.
addWindow(Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Adds a window to application.
addWindow(Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowGroup
Adds a window to a GtkWindowGroup.
addWithProperties(CellRenderer, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
addWritableNamespaces(FileAttributeInfoList) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
addYears(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Increments a date by some number of years.
addYears(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a copy of this DateTime and adds the specified number of years to the copy.
adjust(ClockTime) - Method in class
Adjust time with the internal offset of the audio clock.
adjustBounds(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Adjustment - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkAdjustment is a model for a numeric value.
Adjustment(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Creates a new GtkAdjustment.
Adjustment(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Create a Adjustment proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Adjustment.AdjustmentClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Adjustment.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Adjustment.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
Adjustment.ValueChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ValueChangedCallback callback.
AdjustmentClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.AdjustmentClass
Allocate a new AdjustmentClass.
AdjustmentClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.AdjustmentClass
Allocate a new AdjustmentClass.
AdjustmentClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.AdjustmentClass
Create a AdjustmentClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
adjustPrivateOffset(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
adjustTime(TimeType, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeZone
Finds an interval within this TimeZone that corresponds to the given time, possibly adjusting time if required to fit into an interval.
adjustUnlocked(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Converts the given internal clock time to the external time, adjusting for the rate and reference time set with gst_clock_set_calibration() and making sure that the returned time is increasing.
adjustWithCalibration(ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Converts the given internalTarget clock time to the external time, using the passed calibration parameters.
ADLAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Adlm, Since: 1.3.0
ADLAM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
ADOBERGB - Enum constant in enum class
Adobe RGB primaries.
ADOBERGB - Enum constant in enum class
Gamma 2.19921875.
adoptOrphanMount(Mount) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Instead of using this function, GVolumeMonitor implementations should instead create shadow mounts with the URI of the mount they intend to adopt. See the proxy volume monitor in gvfs for an example of this. Also see g_mount_is_shadowed(), g_mount_shadow() and g_mount_unshadow() functions.
ADT_AUDIT_DATA_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Asked for ADT audit data and it wasn't available.
advance(int) - Method in class
Subclasses should call this function to notify the fact that advance segments are now processed by the device.
advance(TimeVal) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter
Possibly advances an animation to a new frame.
Adw - Class in org.gnome.adw
Constants and functions that are declared in the global Adw namespace.
Adw() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Adw
AFTER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SearchMode
Search for an exact match or the element just after.
AFTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Break Opportunity After (BA)
AFTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ConnectFlags
If set, the handler should be called after the default handler of the signal.
AFTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewDropPosition
dropped row is inserted after
AFTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionColumn
AFTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SmartHomeEndType
move to the beginning/end of the line on the first press of the HOME/END keys and to the first/last non-whitespace character on the second press.
AFTER_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextBufferNotifyFlags
Be notified after text has been deleted from the underlying buffer.
AFTER_INSERT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextBufferNotifyFlags
Be notified after text has been inserted into the underlying buffer.
AFTER_PAINT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClockPhase
corresponds to GdkFrameClock::after-paint.
afterEmit(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
invoked on the primary instance after 'activate', 'open', 'command-line' or any action invocation, gets the 'platform data' from the calling instance
AGAIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Resource temporarily unavailable; the call might work if you try again later.
AGAIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOError
an EAGAIN error occurred
AGAIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOStatus
Resource temporarily unavailable.
aggregate(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
AGGREGATED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerValueFlags
the value is a combined figure, since the start of tracing.
aggregateFrames(Buffer) - Method in class
Lets subclasses aggregate frames that are ready.
aggregateOneBuffer(AudioAggregatorPad, Buffer, int, Buffer, int, int) - Method in class
Aggregates one input buffer to the output buffer.
Aggregator - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Manages a set of pads with the purpose of aggregating their buffers.
Aggregator(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
Create a Aggregator proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Aggregator.AggregatorClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
The aggregator base class will handle in a thread-safe way all manners of concurrent flushes, seeks, pad additions and removals, leaving to the subclass the responsibility of clipping buffers, and aggregating buffers in the way the implementor sees fit.
Aggregator.AggregatorImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
The AggregatorImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Aggregator class.
Aggregator.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Aggregator.SamplesSelectedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Functional interface declaration of the SamplesSelectedCallback callback.
AggregatorClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Allocate a new AggregatorClass.
AggregatorClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Allocate a new AggregatorClass.
AggregatorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Create a AggregatorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AggregatorImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorImpl
Creates a new instance of Aggregator for the provided memory address.
AggregatorPad - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Pads managed by a GstAggregator subclass.
AggregatorPad(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad
Create a AggregatorPad proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AggregatorPad.AggregatorPadClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
AggregatorPad.BufferConsumedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Functional interface declaration of the BufferConsumedCallback callback.
AggregatorPad.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AggregatorPadClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad.AggregatorPadClass
Allocate a new AggregatorPadClass.
AggregatorPadClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad.AggregatorPadClass
Allocate a new AggregatorPadClass.
AggregatorPadClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad.AggregatorPadClass
Create a AggregatorPadClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AggregatorStartTimeSelection - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
AGPL_3_0 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
The GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0 or later
AGPL_3_0_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
The GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0 only
AHOM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Ahom, Since: 0.9.30
AHOM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
AHOM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
AIRBRUSH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceToolType
Tool is an airbrush stylus.
AKSARA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Aksara (AK).
AKSARA_PRE_BASE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
AKSARA_START - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
AL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Right-to-Left Arabic
ALERT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
An element with important, and usually time-sensitive, information
ALERT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialogType
Alert script dialog, used to show a message to the user.
ALERT_DIALOG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A type of dialog that contains an alert message
AlertDialog - Class in org.gnome.adw
A dialog presenting a message or a question.
AlertDialog - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkAlertDialog object collects the arguments that are needed to present a message to the user.
AlertDialog(String, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Creates a new AdwAlertDialog.
AlertDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Create a AlertDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AlertDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Create a AlertDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AlertDialog(String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Creates a new GtkAlertDialog object.
AlertDialog.AlertDialogClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
AlertDialog.AlertDialogClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
AlertDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AlertDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AlertDialog.ResponseCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ResponseCallback callback.
AlertDialogClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.AlertDialogClass
Allocate a new AlertDialogClass.
AlertDialogClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog.AlertDialogClass
Allocate a new AlertDialogClass.
AlertDialogClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.AlertDialogClass
Allocate a new AlertDialogClass.
AlertDialogClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog.AlertDialogClass
Allocate a new AlertDialogClass.
AlertDialogClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.AlertDialogClass
Create a AlertDialogClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AlertDialogClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog.AlertDialogClass
Create a AlertDialogClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Alias<T> - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.base
Base class for type aliases of primitive values.
Alias(T) - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Alias
Create a new alias with the provided value.
align(VideoAlignment) - Method in class
Adjust the offset and stride fields in this VideoInfo so that the padding and stride alignment in align is respected.
Align - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Controls how a widget deals with extra space in a single dimension.
alignBytes(byte) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Write trailing bit to align last byte of data.
alignCell(int, float, float, Out<Float>, Out<Float>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Locates where to render content that is width x height based on the renderers alignment and padding.
alignedAlloc(long, long, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function is similar to g_malloc(), allocating (nBlocks * nBlockBytes) bytes, but care is taken to align the allocated memory to with the given alignment value.
alignedAlloc0(long, long, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function is similar to g_aligned_alloc(), but it will also clear the allocated memory before returning it.
alignedFree(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Frees the memory allocated by g_aligned_alloc().
alignedFreeSized(MemorySegment, long, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Frees the memory pointed to by mem, assuming it is has the given size and alignment.
alignFull(VideoAlignment, Out<Long>) - Method in class
Extra padding will be added to the right side when stride alignment padding is required and align will be updated with the new padding values.
Alignment - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
PangoAlignment describes how to align the lines of a PangoLayout within the available space.
ALIGNMENT - Enum constant in enum class
Aligning buffers failed because the timestamps are too discontinuous
ALL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugGraphDetails
show all the typical details that one might want
ALL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSerializeFlags
Serialize all the available info, including caps, tags and miscellaneous information
ALL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SeatCapabilities
The union of all capabilities
ALL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.NormalizeMode
beyond NormalizeMode.DEFAULT also standardize the "compatibility" characters in Unicode, such as SUPERSCRIPT THREE to the standard forms (in this case DIGIT THREE).
ALL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseFlags
all nodes should be visited.
ALL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FilterMatch
The filter matches all items, gtk_filter_match() will alays return true.
ALL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ListTabBehavior
Cycle through all focusable items of the list
ALL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PageSet
All pages.
ALL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintPages
All pages.
ALL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceLocationFlags
White spaces anywhere.
ALL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceTypeFlags
All white spaces.
ALL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
All types.
ALL_BOTH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe upstream events and queries and downstream buffers, buffer lists, events and queries
ALL_CAPS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
ALL_COMPOSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.NormalizeMode
like NormalizeMode.ALL, but with composed forms rather than a maximally decomposed form
ALL_FRAMES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentInjectedFrames
Insert the user style sheet in all the frames loaded by the web view, including nested frames.
ALL_LOWER_CASE - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
ALL_METADATA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCopyFlags
Copy all file metadata instead of just default set used for copy (see GFileInfo).
ALL_MONITORS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FullscreenMode
Span across all monitors when fullscreen.
ALL_PETITE_CAPS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Variant
A font with all characters replaced by smaller variants of the capital characters.
ALL_POINTING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SeatCapabilities
The union of all pointing capabilities
ALL_SHORTCUTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
All of the shortcuts
ALL_SMALL_CAPS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Variant
A font with all characters replaced by smaller variants of the capital characters.
ALL_TYPE_FEATURES_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
ALL_TYPE_FEATURES_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
ALL_TYPOGRAPHIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
allCookies() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Constructs a GLib.List with every cookie inside the this CookieJar.
alloc() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MemChunk
alloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Allocates a new graphene_box_t.
alloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Allocates a new graphene_euler_t.
alloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Allocates a new graphene_frustum_t structure.
alloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Allocates a new graphene_matrix_t.
alloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Allocates a new graphene_plane_t structure.
alloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Allocates a new graphene_point_t structure.
alloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Allocates a graphene_point3d_t structure.
alloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quad
Allocates a new graphene_quad_t instance.
alloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Allocates a new graphene_quaternion_t.
alloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Allocates a new graphene_ray_t structure.
alloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Allocates a new graphene_rect_t.
alloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Size
Allocates a new graphene_size_t.
alloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Allocates a new graphene_sphere_t.
alloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Allocates a new graphene_triangle_t.
alloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Allocates a new graphene_vec2_t structure.
alloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Allocates a new graphene_vec3_t structure.
alloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Allocates a new graphene_vec4_t structure.
alloc(long, int, Out<Buffer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Ask the subclass to allocate an output buffer with offset and size, the default implementation will use the negotiated allocator.
alloc(long, AllocationParams) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator
Use this Allocator to allocate a new memory block with memory that is at least size big.
alloc(Out<Buffer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.PushSrc
Allocate memory for a buffer.
alloc(HookList) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Allocates space for a GHook and initializes it.
ALLOC_AND_FREE - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
ALLOC_ONLY - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
alloc0() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MemChunk
allocate(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext
This object will be removed in GTK 5
allocate(int, int, int, Transform) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
This function is only used by GtkWidget subclasses, to assign a size, position and (optionally) baseline to their child widgets.
allocate(Allocator, long, AllocationParams) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Tries to create a newly allocated buffer with data of the given size and extra parameters from allocator.
allocate(Widget, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager
Assigns the given width, height, and baseline to a widget, and computes the position and sizes of the children of the widget using the layout management policy of this LayoutManager.
allocateNativeArray(boolean[], boolean, Arena) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Convert a boolean[] array into an int[] array, and calls Interop.allocateNativeArray(int[], boolean, Arena).
allocateNativeArray(byte[], boolean, Arena) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Allocate and initialize an (optionally NULL-terminated) array of bytes.
allocateNativeArray(char[], boolean, Arena) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Allocate and initialize an (optionally NULL-terminated) array of chars.
allocateNativeArray(double[], boolean, Arena) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Allocate and initialize an (optionally NULL-terminated) array of doubles.
allocateNativeArray(float[], boolean, Arena) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Allocate and initialize an (optionally NULL-terminated) array of floats.
allocateNativeArray(int[], boolean, Arena) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Allocate and initialize an (optionally NULL-terminated) array of floats.
allocateNativeArray(long[], boolean, Arena) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Allocate and initialize an (optionally NULL-terminated) array of longs.
allocateNativeArray(short[], boolean, Arena) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Allocate and initialize an (optionally NULL-terminated) array of shorts.
allocateNativeArray(Proxy[], boolean, Arena) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Allocate and initialize an (optionally NULL-terminated) array of pointers (from Proxy instances).
allocateNativeArray(Proxy[], MemoryLayout, boolean, Arena) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Allocate and initialize an (optionally NULL-terminated) array of structs (from Proxy instances).
allocateNativeArray(MemorySegment[], boolean, Arena) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Allocate and initialize an (optionally NULL-terminated) array of memory addresses.
allocateNativeArray(String[], boolean, Arena) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Allocate and initialize an (optionally NULL-terminated) array of strings (NULL-terminated utf8 char*).
allocateNativeString(String, SegmentAllocator) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Allocate a native string using SegmentAllocator.allocateFrom(String), but return MemorySegment.NULL for a null argument.
allocateOutputBuffer() - Method in class
Helper function that allocates a buffer to hold a video frame for this VideoDecoder's current GstVideoCodecState.
allocateOutputBuffer(long) - Method in class
Helper function that allocates a buffer to hold an audio frame for this AudioDecoder's current output format.
allocateOutputBuffer(long) - Method in class
Helper function that allocates a buffer to hold an encoded audio frame for this AudioEncoder's current output format.
allocateOutputBuffer(long) - Method in class
Helper function that allocates a buffer to hold an encoded video frame for this VideoEncoder's current GstVideoCodecState.
allocateOutputFrame(VideoCodecFrame) - Method in class
Helper function that allocates a buffer to hold a video frame for this VideoDecoder's current GstVideoCodecState.
allocateOutputFrame(VideoCodecFrame, long) - Method in class
Helper function that allocates a buffer to hold an encoded video frame for this VideoEncoder's current GstVideoCodecState.
allocateOutputFrameWithParams(VideoCodecFrame, BufferPoolAcquireParams) - Method in class
Same as gst_video_decoder_allocate_output_frame except it allows passing GstBufferPoolAcquireParams to the sub call gst_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer.
allocation(Caps, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new query object for querying the allocation properties.
Allocation - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The rectangle representing the area allocated for a widget by its parent.
Allocation(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Allocation
Create a Allocation proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ALLOCATION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
the buffer allocation properties
AllocationParams - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Parameters to control the allocation of memory
AllocationParams() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocationParams
Create a new GstAllocationParams on the heap.
AllocationParams(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocationParams
Create a AllocationParams proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Allocator - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Memory is usually created by allocators with a gst_allocator_alloc() method call.
Allocator - Class in org.gnome.glib
Allocator(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator
Create a Allocator proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Allocator(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Allocator
Create a Allocator proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ALLOCATOR_LIST - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
ALLOCATOR_NODE - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
ALLOCATOR_SLIST - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
ALLOCATOR_SYSMEM - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
The allocator name for the default system memory allocator
Allocator.AllocatorClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The GstAllocator is used to create new memory.
Allocator.AllocatorImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The AllocatorImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Allocator class.
Allocator.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AllocatorClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator.AllocatorClass
Allocate a new AllocatorClass.
AllocatorClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator.AllocatorClass
Allocate a new AllocatorClass.
AllocatorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator.AllocatorClass
Create a AllocatorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AllocatorFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Flags for allocators.
AllocatorImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator.AllocatorImpl
Creates a new instance of Allocator for the provided memory address.
allocBuffer(Out<Buffer>, BufferPoolAcquireParams) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Allocate a buffer.
allow() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.PermissionRequest
Allow the action which triggered this request.
ALLOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AutoplayPolicy
Do not restrict autoplay.
ALLOW_BREAKS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
whether breaks are allowed (Pango.AttrInt).
ALLOW_INTERACTIVE_AUTHORIZATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusCallFlags
the caller is prepared to wait for interactive authorization.
ALLOW_INTERACTIVE_AUTHORIZATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageFlags
If set on a method call, this flag means that the caller is prepared to wait for interactive authorization.
ALLOW_REPLACEMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationFlags
Allow another instance to take over the bus name.
ALLOW_REPLACEMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusNameOwnerFlags
Allow another message bus connection to claim the name.
ALLOW_WITHOUT_SOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AutoplayPolicy
Allow videos to autoplay if they have no audio track, or if their audio track is muted.
allowMechanism(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver
Emits the GDBusAuthObserver::allow-mechanism signal on this DBusAuthObserver.
allowTlsCertificateForHost(TlsCertificate, String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Ignore further TLS errors on the host for the certificate present in info.
ALNUM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.AsciiType
ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class
The video format has an alpha components with the number 3.
ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.AsciiType
ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.MaskMode
Use the alpha channel of the mask
ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputPurpose
Allow only alphabetic characters
ALPHABETIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Ordinary Alphabetic and Symbol Characters (AL)
ALREADY_EXISTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserError
Indicates a duplicate path (e.g.
ALREADY_MOUNTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
File is already mounted.
ALT_DIGITS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
Alt+19 - switch to pages 1-9
ALT_HALF_WIDTH_TEXT - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
ALT_LINE - Enum constant in enum class
choma samples are sited on alternate lines
ALT_MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
the fourth modifier key (it depends on the modifier mapping of the X server which key is interpreted as this modifier, but normally it is the Alt key).
ALT_PROPORTIONAL_TEXT - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
ALT_ZERO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
Alt+0 - switch to page 10
ALTERNATE - Enum constant in enum class
1 field is stored in one buffer, GSTVIDEOBUFFERFLAGTF or GSTVIDEOBUFFERFLAGBF indicates if the buffer is carrying the top or bottom field, respectively.
ALTERNATE_HORIZ_KANA_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
ALTERNATE_HORIZ_KANA_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
ALTERNATE_KANA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
ALTERNATE_VERT_KANA_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
ALTERNATE_VERT_KANA_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
AlternativeTrigger - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkShortcutTrigger that combines two triggers.
AlternativeTrigger(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AlternativeTrigger
Create a AlternativeTrigger proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AlternativeTrigger(ShortcutTrigger, ShortcutTrigger) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AlternativeTrigger
Creates a GtkShortcutTrigger that will trigger whenever either of the two given triggers gets triggered.
AlternativeTrigger.AlternativeTriggerClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
AlternativeTrigger.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AlternativeTriggerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AlternativeTrigger.AlternativeTriggerClass
Create a AlternativeTriggerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadPresence
the pad is always available
ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.FlapFoldPolicy
Keep the flap always folded.
ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PolicyType
The scrollbar is always visible.
ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButtonUpdatePolicy
When refreshing your GtkSpinButton, the value is always displayed
ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SmartHomeEndType
always move to the first/last non-whitespace character when the HOME/END keys are pressed.
ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarAcceptPolicy
accept all cookies unconditionally.
ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CookieAcceptPolicy
Accept all cookies unconditionally.
ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HardwareAccelerationPolicy
Hardware acceleration is always enabled, even for websites not requesting it.
ALWAYS_MALLOC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SliceConfig
AMBIGUOUS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Ambiguous (Alphabetic or Ideographic) (AI)
AN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Arabic Number
Analysis - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoAnalysis structure stores information about the properties of a segment of text.
Analysis() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Allocate a new Analysis.
Analysis(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Allocate a new Analysis.
Analysis(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Create a Analysis proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Analysis(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, Font, byte, byte, byte, byte, Language) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Allocate a new Analysis with the fields set to the provided values.
Analysis(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, Font, byte, byte, byte, byte, Language, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Allocate a new Analysis with the fields set to the provided values.
ANALYSIS_FLAG_CENTERED_BASELINE - Static variable in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Whether the segment should be shifted to center around the baseline.
ANALYSIS_FLAG_IS_ELLIPSIS - Static variable in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Whether this run holds ellipsized text.
ANALYSIS_FLAG_NEED_HYPHEN - Static variable in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Whether to add a hyphen at the end of the run during shaping.
ANALYZER_ANALYZING - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
ANATOLIAN_HIEROGLYPHS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Hluw, Since: 0.9.30
ANATOLIAN_HIEROGLYPHS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Anatolian Hieroglyphs.
ANATOLIAN_HIEROGLYPHS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Anatolian Hieroglyphs.
ANCESTOR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.NotifyType
the surface is entered from an ancestor or left towards an ancestor.
ANCHORED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
The pattern is forced to be "anchored", that is, it is constrained to match only at the first matching point in the string that is being searched.
ANCHORED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
The pattern is forced to be "anchored", that is, it is constrained to match only at the first matching point in the string that is being searched.
AnchorHints - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Positioning hints for aligning a surface relative to a rectangle.
AncillaryMeta - Class in
GstMeta for carrying SMPTE-291M Ancillary data.
AncillaryMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AncillaryMeta.
AncillaryMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AncillaryMeta.
AncillaryMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AncillaryMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AncillaryMeta(Meta, AncillaryMetaField, boolean, short, short, short, short, short, MemorySegment, short) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AncillaryMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
AncillaryMeta(Meta, AncillaryMetaField, boolean, short, short, short, short, short, MemorySegment, short, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AncillaryMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
ancillaryMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
AncillaryMetaField - Enum Class in
Location of a GstAncillaryMeta.
and(BreakpointCondition, BreakpointCondition) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointCondition
Creates a condition that triggers when condition1 and condition2 are both true.
ANGLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntryType
entry is an angle (i.e.
ANGLES - Enum constant in enum class
viewing angle query
ANGLES_CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class
Sent when display angles in a multi-angle feature (such as a multiangle DVD) change - either angles have appeared or disappeared.
Animation - Class in org.gnome.adw
A base class for animations.
Animation(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Animation
Create a Animation proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Animation.AnimationClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
Animation.AnimationImpl - Class in org.gnome.adw
The AnimationImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Animation class.
Animation.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Animation.DoneCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the DoneCallback callback.
AnimationClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Animation.AnimationClass
Create a AnimationClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AnimationImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Animation.AnimationImpl
Creates a new instance of Animation for the provided memory address.
AnimationState - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
Describes the possible states of an Animation.
AnimationTarget - Class in org.gnome.adw
Represents a value Animation can animate.
AnimationTarget(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AnimationTarget
Create a AnimationTarget proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AnimationTarget.AnimationTargetClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
AnimationTarget.AnimationTargetImpl - Class in org.gnome.adw
The AnimationTargetImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract AnimationTarget class.
AnimationTarget.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AnimationTargetClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AnimationTarget.AnimationTargetClass
Create a AnimationTargetClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AnimationTargetFunc - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the AnimationTargetFunc callback.
AnimationTargetImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AnimationTarget.AnimationTargetImpl
Creates a new instance of AnimationTarget for the provided memory address.
ANNOTATION_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
announce(String, AccessibleAnnouncementPriority) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible
Requests the user's screen reader to announce the given message.
ANONYMOUS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddressType
ANONYMOUS_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.AskPasswordFlags
operation supports anonymous users.
any() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Creates a new GstCaps that indicates that it is compatible with any media format.
any() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Creates a new, ANY GstCapsFeatures.
any(SocketFamily) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Creates a GInetAddress for the "any" address (unassigned/"don't care") for family.
ANY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFlags
Caps has no specific content, but can contain anything.
ANY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
mask for all of the above messages.
ANY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DataStreamNewlineType
Automatically try to handle any line ending type.
ANY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.Win32OSType
The running system can be a workstation or a server edition of Windows.
ANY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.TransformCategory
Analyzing the matrix concluded that it does not fit in any other category.
ANY - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
An indefinite type that is a supertype of every type (including itself).
AnyFilter<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkAnyFilter matches an item when at least one of its filters matches.
AnyFilter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AnyFilter
Creates a new empty "any" filter.
AnyFilter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AnyFilter
Create a AnyFilter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AnyFilter.AnyFilterClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
AnyFilter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AnyFilterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AnyFilter.AnyFilterClass
Create a AnyFilterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
APACHE_2_0 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
The Apache License, version 2.0
apiTypeGetTags(Type) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
apiTypeHasTag(Type, Quark) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Check if api was registered with tag.
apiTypeRegister(String, String[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Register and return a GType for the api and associate it with tags.
APP_NOT_REGISTERED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFileError
a requested application did not register a bookmark
APPARENT_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMeasureFlags
Tally usage based on apparent file sizes.
AppChooser - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
AppChooser.AppChooserImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The AppChooserImpl type represents a native instance of the AppChooser interface.
AppChooser.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
AppChooserButton - Class in org.gnome.gtk
AppChooserButton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
Create a AppChooserButton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AppChooserButton(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
AppChooserButton.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
AppChooserButton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AppChooserButton.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
AppChooserButton.CustomItemActivatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CustomItemActivatedCallback callback.
AppChooserDialog - Class in org.gnome.gtk
AppChooserDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserDialog
Create a AppChooserDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AppChooserDialog(Window, Set<DialogFlags>, File) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserDialog
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
AppChooserDialog(Window, DialogFlags, File) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserDialog
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
AppChooserDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AppChooserImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooser.AppChooserImpl
Creates a new instance of AppChooser for the provided memory address.
AppChooserWidget - Class in org.gnome.gtk
AppChooserWidget(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
Create a AppChooserWidget proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AppChooserWidget(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
AppChooserWidget.ApplicationActivatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ApplicationActivatedCallback callback.
AppChooserWidget.ApplicationSelectedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ApplicationSelectedCallback callback.
AppChooserWidget.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
append(byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Appends length bytes from data to this MessageBody.
append(byte[], MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Adds the given bytes to the end of the GByteArray.
append(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList
Adds a file descriptor to this UnixFDList.
append(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Convenience function for appending a normal menu item to the end of this Menu.
append(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBoxText
append(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Adds a new item to the end of this Sequence.
append(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Adds a string onto the end of a GString, expanding it if necessary.
append(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringList
Appends string to this StringList.
append(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Appends a new header with name name and value value to this MessageHeaders.
append(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Appends all the memory from buf2 to this Buffer.
append(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Appends the structures contained in caps2 to this Caps.
append(Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
Use GArray and g_array_append_val() instead.
append(Filter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiFilter
Adds a filter to this MultiFilter to use for matching.
append(Sorter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSorter
Add sorter to this MultiSorter to use for sorting at the end.
append(TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Use list models
append(TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
append(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Appends child to this Carousel.
append(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
append(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Inserts child as the last non-pinned page.
append(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box
Adds child as the last child to this Box.
append(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Adds child to the end of this FlowBox.
append(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Append a widget to the list.
append(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverDisplay
append(Font) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontsetSimple
Adds a font to the fontset.
append(ContextMenuItem) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Adds item at the end of the this ContextMenu.
append(ContextMenuItem) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Adds item at the end of the this ContextMenu.
append(T) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ListStore
Appends item to this ListStore.
APPEND - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagMergeMode
append tags
APPEND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOFlags
turns on append mode, corresponds to O_APPEND (see the documentation of the UNIX open() syscall)
appendAndTakeValue(Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueArray
Appends appendValue to the GstValueArray in value.
appendAndTakeValue(Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueList
Appends appendValue to the GstValueList in value.
appendBorder(RoundedRect, float[], RGBA[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Appends a stroked border rectangle inside the given outline.
appendBytes(Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Appends the data from buffer to this MessageBody.
appendC(byte) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Adds a byte onto the end of a GString, expanding it if necessary.
appendCairo(Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Creates a new CairoNode and appends it to the current render node of this Snapshot, without changing the current node.
appendColor(RGBA, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Creates a new render node drawing the color into the given bounds and appends it to the current render node of this Snapshot.
appendColumn(ColumnViewColumn) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Appends the column to the end of the columns in this ColumnView.
appendColumn(TreeViewColumn) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
appendConicGradient(Rect, Point, float, ColorStop[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Appends a conic gradient node with the given stops to this Snapshot.
appendCustomItem(String, String, Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
appendEntry(TocEntry) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Toc
Appends the GstTocEntry entry to this Toc.
appendFd(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDMessage
Adds a file descriptor to this UnixFDMessage.
appendFill(Path, FillRule, RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
A convenience method to fill a path with a color.
appendFormFile(String, String, String, Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Multipart
Adds a new MIME part containing body to this Multipart
appendFormString(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Multipart
Adds a new MIME part containing data to this Multipart.
appendIndex(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
appendInsetShadow(RoundedRect, RGBA, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Appends an inset shadow into the box given by outline.
appendItem(MenuItem) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Appends item to the end of this Menu.
appendLayout(Layout, RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Creates render nodes for rendering layout in the given foregound color and appends them to the current node of this Snapshot without changing the current node.
appendLen(String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Appends len bytes of val to this String.
appendLinearGradient(Rect, Point, Point, ColorStop[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Appends a linear gradient node with the given stops to this Snapshot.
appendMemory(Memory) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Appends the memory block mem to this Buffer.
appendName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThemedIcon
Append a name to the list of icons from within this ThemedIcon.
appendNode(RenderNode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Appends node to the current render node of this Snapshot, without changing the current node.
appendOutsetShadow(RoundedRect, RGBA, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Appends an outset shadow node around the box given by outline.
appendPage(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
appendPage(Widget, Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Appends a page to this Notebook.
appendPageMenu(Widget, Widget, Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Appends a page to this Notebook, specifying the widget to use as the label in the popup menu.
appendPart(MessageHeaders, Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Multipart
Adds a new MIME part to this Multipart with the given headers and body.
appendPath(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Append a path onto the end of the path in the URI.
appendPathSegment(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Append a single path segment onto the end of the URI path.
appendPinned(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Inserts child as the last pinned page.
appendPrintf(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Appends a formatted string onto the end of a GString.
appendRadialGradient(Rect, Point, float, float, float, float, ColorStop[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Appends a radial gradient node with the given stops to this Snapshot.
appendRegion(Buffer, long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Appends size bytes at offset from buf2 to this Buffer.
appendRepeatingLinearGradient(Rect, Point, Point, ColorStop[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Appends a repeating linear gradient node with the given stops to this Snapshot.
appendRepeatingRadialGradient(Rect, Point, float, float, float, float, ColorStop[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Appends a repeating radial gradient node with the given stops to this Snapshot.
appendScaledTexture(Texture, ScalingFilter, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Creates a new render node drawing the texture into the given bounds and appends it to the current render node of this Snapshot.
appendSearchPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager
Appends path to the list of directories where the manager looks for language files.
appendSearchPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager
Appends path to the list of directories where the this StyleSchemeManager looks for style scheme files.
appendSection(String, MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Convenience function for appending a section menu item to the end of this Menu.
appendSeparator() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
appendStroke(Path, Stroke, RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
A convenience method to stroke a path with a color.
appendStructure(Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Appends structure to this Caps.
appendStructureFull(Structure, CapsFeatures) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Appends structure with features to this Caps.
appendSubEntry(TocEntry) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
Appends the GstTocEntry subentry to this TocEntry.
appendSubmenu(String, MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Convenience function for appending a submenu menu item to the end of this Menu.
appendText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBoxText
appendTexture(Texture, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Creates a new render node drawing the texture into the given bounds and appends it to the current render node of this Snapshot.
appendTo(Set<FileCreateFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Gets an output stream for appending data to the file.
appendTo(FileCreateFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Gets an output stream for appending data to the file.
appendToAsync(Set<FileCreateFlags>, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously opens this File for appending.
appendToAsync(FileCreateFlags, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously opens this File for appending.
appendToFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous file append operation started with g_file_append_to_async().
appendUnichar(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Converts a Unicode character into UTF-8, and appends it to the string.
appendUriEscaped(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Appends unescaped to this String, escaping any characters that are reserved in URIs using URI-style escape sequences.
appendVals(MemorySegment[], MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Adds len elements onto the end of the array.
appendValue(Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueArray
Appends appendValue to the GstValueArray in value.
appendValue(Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueList
Appends appendValue to the GstValueList in value.
AppInfo - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Information about an installed application and methods to launch it (with file arguments).
AppInfo.AppInfoIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Application Information interface, for operating system portability.
AppInfo.AppInfoImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The AppInfoImpl type represents a native instance of the AppInfo interface.
AppInfoCreateFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used when creating a GAppInfo.
AppInfoIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Allocate a new AppInfoIface.
AppInfoIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Allocate a new AppInfoIface.
AppInfoIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Create a AppInfoIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AppInfoImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoImpl
Creates a new instance of AppInfo for the provided memory address.
AppInfoMonitor - Class in org.gnome.gio
GAppInfoMonitor monitors application information for changes.
AppInfoMonitor(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoMonitor
Create a AppInfoMonitor proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AppInfoMonitor.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AppInfoMonitor.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
AppLaunchContext - Class in org.gnome.gdk
GdkAppLaunchContext handles launching an application in a graphical context.
AppLaunchContext - Class in org.gnome.gio
Integrating the launch with the launching application.
AppLaunchContext() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
Creates a new application launch context.
AppLaunchContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.AppLaunchContext
Create a AppLaunchContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AppLaunchContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
Create a AppLaunchContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AppLaunchContext.AppLaunchContextClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
AppLaunchContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AppLaunchContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AppLaunchContext.LaunchedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the LaunchedCallback callback.
AppLaunchContext.LaunchFailedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the LaunchFailedCallback callback.
AppLaunchContext.LaunchStartedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the LaunchStartedCallback callback.
AppLaunchContextClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.AppLaunchContextClass
Allocate a new AppLaunchContextClass.
AppLaunchContextClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.AppLaunchContextClass
Allocate a new AppLaunchContextClass.
AppLaunchContextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.AppLaunchContextClass
Create a AppLaunchContextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
APPLE_XUCRED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.CredentialsType
The native credentials type is a struct xucred.
application(GstObject, Structure) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new application-typed message.
Application - Class in org.gnome.adw
A base class for Adwaita applications.
Application - Class in org.gnome.gio
GApplication is the core class for application support.
Application - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkApplication is a high-level API for writing applications.
Application(String, Set<ApplicationFlags>) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Application
Creates a new AdwApplication.
Application(String, Set<ApplicationFlags>) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Application
Creates a new GApplication instance.
Application(String, Set<ApplicationFlags>) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Creates a new GtkApplication instance.
Application(String, ApplicationFlags...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Application
Creates a new AdwApplication.
Application(String, ApplicationFlags...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Application
Creates a new GApplication instance.
Application(String, ApplicationFlags...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Creates a new GtkApplication instance.
Application(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Application
Create a Application proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Application(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Application
Create a Application proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Application(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Create a Application proxy instance for the provided memory address.
APPLICATION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
message posted by the application, possibly via an application-specific element.
APPLICATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A toplevel element of a graphical user interface.
Application.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
Application.ApplicationClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
Application.ApplicationClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Virtual function table for GApplication.
Application.ApplicationClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Application.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Application.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Application.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Application.CommandLineCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the CommandLineCallback callback.
Application.HandleLocalOptionsCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the HandleLocalOptionsCallback callback.
Application.NameLostCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the NameLostCallback callback.
Application.OpenCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the OpenCallback callback.
Application.QueryEndCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the QueryEndCallback callback.
Application.ShutdownCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ShutdownCallback callback.
Application.StartupCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the StartupCallback callback.
Application.WindowAddedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the WindowAddedCallback callback.
Application.WindowRemovedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the WindowRemovedCallback callback.
ApplicationClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Application.ApplicationClass
Allocate a new ApplicationClass.
ApplicationClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Allocate a new ApplicationClass.
ApplicationClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Application.ApplicationClass
Allocate a new ApplicationClass.
ApplicationClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Application.ApplicationClass
Allocate a new ApplicationClass.
ApplicationClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Allocate a new ApplicationClass.
ApplicationClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Application.ApplicationClass
Allocate a new ApplicationClass.
ApplicationClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Application.ApplicationClass
Create a ApplicationClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ApplicationClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Create a ApplicationClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ApplicationClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Application.ApplicationClass
Create a ApplicationClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ApplicationCommandLine - Class in org.gnome.gio
GApplicationCommandLine represents a command-line invocation of an application.
ApplicationCommandLine(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Create a ApplicationCommandLine proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ApplicationCommandLine.ApplicationCommandLineClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
The GApplicationCommandLineClass-struct contains private data only.
ApplicationCommandLine.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ApplicationCommandLineClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine.ApplicationCommandLineClass
Allocate a new ApplicationCommandLineClass.
ApplicationCommandLineClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine.ApplicationCommandLineClass
Allocate a new ApplicationCommandLineClass.
ApplicationCommandLineClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine.ApplicationCommandLineClass
Create a ApplicationCommandLineClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ApplicationFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used to define the behaviour of a GApplication.
ApplicationInfo - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Information about an application running in automation mode.
ApplicationInfo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ApplicationInfo
Creates a new WebKitApplicationInfo
ApplicationInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ApplicationInfo
Create a ApplicationInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ApplicationInhibitFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Types of user actions that may be blocked by GtkApplication.
ApplicationWindow - Class in org.gnome.adw
A freeform application window.
ApplicationWindow - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkApplicationWindow is a GtkWindow subclass that integrates with GtkApplication.
ApplicationWindow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow
Create a ApplicationWindow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ApplicationWindow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow
Create a ApplicationWindow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ApplicationWindow(Application) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow
Creates a new AdwApplicationWindow for app.
ApplicationWindow(Application) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow
Creates a new GtkApplicationWindow.
ApplicationWindow.ApplicationWindowClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
ApplicationWindow.ApplicationWindowClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ApplicationWindow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ApplicationWindow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ApplicationWindowClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow.ApplicationWindowClass
Allocate a new ApplicationWindowClass.
ApplicationWindowClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow.ApplicationWindowClass
Allocate a new ApplicationWindowClass.
ApplicationWindowClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow.ApplicationWindowClass
Allocate a new ApplicationWindowClass.
ApplicationWindowClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow.ApplicationWindowClass
Allocate a new ApplicationWindowClass.
ApplicationWindowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow.ApplicationWindowClass
Create a ApplicationWindowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ApplicationWindowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow.ApplicationWindowClass
Create a ApplicationWindowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
appliesToUri(Uri) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Tests if this Cookie should be sent to uri.
apply() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Applies any changes that have been made to the settings.
apply(TextTag) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style
This function modifies the TextTag properties that are related to the GtkSourceStyle properties.
APPLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationResult
The print settings should be stored.
APPLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ResponseType
Returned by Apply buttons in GTK dialogs
applyAttributes(TreeModel, TreeIter, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
applyAttrs(String, AttrList) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Splits a shaped item (PangoGlyphItem) into multiple items based on an attribute list.
applyAttrs(AttrIterator) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Item
Add attributes to a PangoItem.
applyEmbeddedOrientation() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Takes an existing pixbuf and checks for the presence of an associated "orientation" option.
applyFromKeyFile(KeyFile, String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Reads the contents of the given groupName from the given keyFile and apply the value of each key/value to the corresponding property on the this Settings.
applyMatrix(float[]) - Method in class
Apply a transformation using the given 4x4 transformation matrix.
applyTag(TextTag, TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the “apply-tag” signal on this TextBuffer.
applyTagByName(String, TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the “apply-tag” signal on this TextBuffer.
APPROXIMATE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.CoverageLevel
The character is represented as basically the correct graphical form, but with a stylistic variant inappropriate for the current script.
APRIL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateMonth
ARABIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
ARABIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
ARABIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
arcTo(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Adds an elliptical arc from the current point to x2, y2 with x1, y1 determining the tangent directions.
areaPrepared() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
areaUpdated(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
arena() - Method in record class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.ArenaCloseAction
Returns the value of the arena record component.
ArenaCloseAction - Record Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop
Helper class to separate the cleanup logic from the object being cleaned
ArenaCloseAction(Arena) - Constructor for record class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.ArenaCloseAction
Creates an instance of a ArenaCloseAction record class.
Arenas - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop
Keeps a list of open Arenas that will be closed in a DestroyNotify callback.
Arenas() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Arenas
ARGB - Enum constant in enum class
rgb with alpha channel first
ARGB64 - Enum constant in enum class
rgb with alpha channel first, 16 bits (native endianness) per channel
ARGB64_BE - Enum constant in enum class
RGB with alpha channel first, 16 bits (big endian) per channel.
ARGB64_LE - Enum constant in enum class
RGB with alpha channel first, 16 bits (little endian) per channel.
ARIB_STD_B67 - Enum constant in enum class
Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) STD-B67 and Rec.
ARMENIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
ARMENIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
ARMENIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
array(VariantType, Variant[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a new GVariant array from children.
array(VariantType) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Constructs the type corresponding to an array of elements of the type type.
array(Context, Type, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Create a new JSCValue referencing an array with the given items.
Array - Class in org.gnome.glib
Contains the public fields of a GArray.
Array - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Array() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Array
Allocate a new Array.
Array(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Array
Allocate a new Array.
Array(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Array
Create a Array proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Array(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Array
Create a Array proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Array(String, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Array
Allocate a new Array with the fields set to the provided values.
Array(String, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Array
Allocate a new Array with the fields set to the provided values.
ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is an array.
ARRAY - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
An indefinite type that is a supertype of every array type.
ARRAY - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GArray reference.
arrayBuffer(Context, MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Creates a new ArrayBuffer from existing data in memory.
arrayBufferGetData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Gets a pointer to memory that contains the array buffer data.
arrayBufferGetSize() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Gets the size in bytes of the array buffer.
arrayFromGarray(Context, Value[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Create a new JSCValue referencing an array with the items from array.
arrayFromStrv(Context, String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Create a new JSCValue referencing an array of strings with the items from strv.
ArrowType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Used to indicate the direction in which an arrow should point.
ARTICLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A section of a page that consists of a composition that forms an independent part of a document, page, or site.
ARTISTIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
The Artistic License, version 2.0
ASCENDING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleSort
Items are sorted in ascending order by this column.
ASCENDING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SortType
Sorting is in ascending order.
ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A good size for a buffer to be passed into GLib.asciiDtostr(java.lang.String, int, double).
asciiDigitValue(byte) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines the numeric value of a character as a decimal digit.
asciiDown() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Converts all uppercase ASCII letters to lowercase ASCII letters.
asciiDtostr(String, int, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a gdouble to a string, using the '.' as decimal point.
asciiFormatd(String, int, String, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a gdouble to a string, using the '.' as decimal point.
asciiStrcasecmp(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Compare two strings, ignoring the case of ASCII characters.
asciiStrdown(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts all upper case ASCII letters to lower case ASCII letters, with semantics that exactly match GLib.asciiTolower(byte).
asciiStringToSigned(String, int, long, long, Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A convenience function for converting a string to a signed number.
asciiStringToUnsigned(String, int, long, long, Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A convenience function for converting a string to an unsigned number.
asciiStrncasecmp(String, String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Compare s1 and s2, ignoring the case of ASCII characters and any characters after the first n in each string.
asciiStrtod(String, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a string to a floating point value.
asciiStrtoll(String, Out<String>, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a string to a gint64 value.
asciiStrtoull(String, Out<String>, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a string to a guint64 value.
asciiStrup(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts all lower case ASCII letters to upper case ASCII letters, with semantics that exactly match GLib.asciiToupper(byte).
asciiTolower(byte) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Convert a character to ASCII lower case.
asciiToupper(byte) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Convert a character to ASCII upper case.
AsciiType - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
asciiUp() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Converts all lowercase ASCII letters to uppercase ASCII letters.
asciiXdigitValue(byte) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines the numeric value of a character as a hexadecimal digit.
asColor() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Returns the attribute cast to PangoAttrColor.
asFloat() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Returns the attribute cast to PangoAttrFloat.
asFontDesc() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Returns the attribute cast to PangoAttrFontDesc.
asFontFeatures() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Returns the attribute cast to PangoAttrFontFeatures.
asInt() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Returns the attribute cast to PangoAttrInt.
ASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragAction
Ask the user what to do with the data.
askPassword(String, String, String, Set<AskPasswordFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
askPassword(TlsPassword, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction
Run synchronous interaction to ask the user for a password.
askPasswordAsync(TlsPassword, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction
Run asynchronous interaction to ask the user for a password.
askPasswordFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction
Complete an ask password user interaction request.
AskPasswordFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
GAskPasswordFlags are used to request specific information from the user, or to notify the user of their choices in an authentication situation.
askQuestion(String, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Virtual implementation of GMountOperation::ask-question.
asLanguage() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Returns the attribute cast to PangoAttrLanguage.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.PushSrc
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bitmask
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSource
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProviderFactory
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DoubleRange
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DynamicTypeFactory
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlagSet
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Fraction
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FractionRange
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Int64Range
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IntRange
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamArray
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamFraction
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProxyPad
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SharedTaskPool
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SystemClock
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Tracer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerFactory
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerRecord
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindFactory
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueArray
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueList
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererAudioInfo
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererContainerInfo
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfo
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSubtitleInfo
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfo
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingAudioProfile
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingContainerProfile
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingVideoProfile
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AnimationTarget
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Application
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Bin
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.CallbackAnimationTarget
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorDots
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorLines
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Clamp
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EnumListItem
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EnumListModel
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Layout
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.LayoutSlot
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PasswordEntryRow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PropertyAnimationTarget
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Spinner
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinnerPaintable
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerPage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwitchRow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabButton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToastOverlay
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPages
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcher
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherBar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Window
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.WindowTitle
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.AppLaunchContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ButtonEvent
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CairoContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingEvent
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DeleteEvent
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceTool
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTexture
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DNDEvent
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DrawContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FocusEvent
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTexture
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GrabBrokenEvent
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeyEvent
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTexture
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MotionEvent
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PadEvent
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ProximityEvent
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollEvent
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Snapshot
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TouchEvent
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TouchpadEvent
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufNonAnim
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnim
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnimIter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoMonitor
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BytesIcon
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.CharsetConverter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ConverterInputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ConverterOutputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Credentials
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusActionGroup
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMenuModel
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectProxy
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Emblem
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.EmblemedIcon
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIcon
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterInputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterOutputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOModule
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ListStore
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryInputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuAttributeIter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuLinkIter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NativeSocketAddress
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NativeVolumeMonitor
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Notification
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OsxAppInfo
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.PropertyAction
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddressEnumerator
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleActionGroup
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleIOStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimplePermission
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleProxyResolver
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketService
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TcpConnection
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TcpWrapperConnection
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TestDBus
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThemedIcon
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedResolver
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixCredentialsMessage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDMessage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixInputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixOutputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32InputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32OutputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressor
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ZlibDecompressor
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.BindingGroup
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.InitiallyUnowned
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecBoolean
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecBoxed
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecChar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecDouble
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecEnum
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecFlags
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecFloat
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecGType
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecInt
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecInt64
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecLong
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecObject
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecOverride
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecParam
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecPointer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecString
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecUChar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecUInt
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecUInt64
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecULong
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecUnichar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecValueArray
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecVariant
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.BlendNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.BlurNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.BorderNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.BroadwayRenderer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.CairoNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.CairoRenderer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ClipNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ColorMatrixNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ColorNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ConicGradientNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ContainerNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.CrossFadeNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.DebugNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.FillNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLRenderer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShaderNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.InsetShadowNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.LinearGradientNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.MaskNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.NglRenderer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.OpacityNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.OutsetShadowNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RadialGradientNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Renderer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RepeatingLinearGradientNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RepeatingRadialGradientNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RepeatNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedClipNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ShadowNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.StrokeNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.SubsurfaceNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.TextNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.TextureNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.TextureScaleNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.TransformNode
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.VulkanRenderer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ActionBar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ActivateAction
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlternativeTrigger
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AnyFilter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ATContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BinLayout
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderCScope
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderListItemFactory
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CallbackAction
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CClosureExpression
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaBox
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererCombo
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererPixbuf
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererProgress
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpin
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpinner
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ClosureExpression
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooserDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooserWidget
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewCell
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewSorter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBoxText
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstantExpression
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayoutChild
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CustomFilter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CustomSorter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragIcon
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EditableLabel
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EmojiChooser
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerLegacy
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EveryFilter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expression
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserNative
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Filter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayout
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayoutChild
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlattenListModel
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserWidget
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GesturePan
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureRotate
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSwipe
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureZoom
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconPaintable
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContextSimple
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMMulticontext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.KeyvalTrigger
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutChild
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBase
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListHeader
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItemFactory
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LockButton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MapListModel
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaControls
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicAction
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicTrigger
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiFilter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSelection
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSorter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NamedAction
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NeverTrigger
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NoSelection
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookPage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NothingAction
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ObjectExpression
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayout
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayoutChild
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadController
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetupUnixDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ParamSpecExpression
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntryBuffer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuBar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PropertyExpression
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scrollbar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionFilterModel
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Separator
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutAction
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutLabel
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsGroup
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutTrigger
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalAction
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroup
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Spinner
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackSidebar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackSwitcher
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringList
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringObject
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Switch
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextChildAnchor
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Tooltip
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRowSorter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.UriLauncher
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Viewport
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.VolumeButton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WidgetPaintable
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowGroup
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowHandle
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionSnippets
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Gutter
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Hover
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverDisplay
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Map
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Mark
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserButton
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserWidget
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Tag
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Coverage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFace
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Fontset
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontsetSimple
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthBasic
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDigest
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainBasic
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigest
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthManager
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthNegotiate
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthNTLM
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cache
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ContentDecoder
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ContentSniffer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarDB
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarText
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcerDB
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Logger
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MultipartInputStream
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionDeflate
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionManager
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardListItem
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ClipboardPermissionRequest
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.DeviceInfoPermissionRequest
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FileChooserRequest
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FormSubmissionRequest
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPermissionRequest
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.VirtualMachine
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationPolicyDecision
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Notification
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NotificationPermissionRequest
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PointerLockPermissionRequest
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecision
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ResponsePolicyDecision
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIRequest
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIResponse
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeResponse
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMediaPermissionRequest
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsitePolicies
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebViewBase
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.Frame
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIRequest
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIResponse
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebEditor
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
asParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension
Returns this instance as if it were its parent type.
AspectFrame - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkAspectFrame preserves the aspect ratio of its child.
AspectFrame(float, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame
Create a new GtkAspectFrame.
AspectFrame(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame
Create a AspectFrame proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AspectFrame.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ASSERTION_EXPECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Assertion expected after "(?(".
assertionMessage(String, String, int, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
assertionMessageCmpint(String, String, int, String, String, long, String, long, byte) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
assertionMessageCmpnum(String, String, int, String, String, double, String, double, byte) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
assertionMessageCmpstr(String, String, int, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
assertionMessageCmpstrv(String, String, int, String, String, String, String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
assertionMessageError(String, String, int, String, String, GError, Quark, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
assertionMessageExpr(String, String, int, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Internal function used to print messages from the public g_assert() and g_assert_not_reached() macros.
assertWarning(String, String, int, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
asShape() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Returns the attribute cast to PangoAttrShape.
assign(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Copies the bytes from a string into a GString, destroying any previous contents.
assign(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Assigns the value of other to this TextIter.
Assistant - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Assistant() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
Assistant(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
Create a Assistant proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Assistant.ApplyCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Assistant.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Assistant.CancelCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Assistant.CloseCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Assistant.EscapeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Assistant.PrepareCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
AssistantPage - Class in org.gnome.gtk
AssistantPage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPage
Create a AssistantPage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AssistantPage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AssistantPageFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the AssistantPageFunc callback.
AssistantPageType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Determines the page role inside a GtkAssistant.
asSize() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Returns the attribute cast to PangoAttrSize.
asString() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Returns the attribute cast to PangoAttrString.
ASTERISK_TO_MULTIPLY_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
ASTERISK_TO_MULTIPLY_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
ASYNC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusSyncReply
pass message to async queue, continue if message is handled
ASYNC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChangeReturn
the state change will happen asynchronously
ASYNC_DONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Posted by elements when they complete an ASYNC GstStateChange.
ASYNC_START - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Posted by elements when they start an ASYNC GstStateChange.
asyncDone(GstObject, ClockTime) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
The message is posted when elements completed an ASYNC state change.
AsyncInitable - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GAsyncInitable is an interface for asynchronously initializable objects.
AsyncInitable.AsyncInitableIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Provides an interface for asynchronous initializing object such that initialization may fail.
AsyncInitable.AsyncInitableImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The AsyncInitableImpl type represents a native instance of the AsyncInitable interface.
AsyncInitableIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AsyncInitable.AsyncInitableIface
Allocate a new AsyncInitableIface.
AsyncInitableIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AsyncInitable.AsyncInitableIface
Allocate a new AsyncInitableIface.
AsyncInitableIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AsyncInitable.AsyncInitableIface
Create a AsyncInitableIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AsyncInitableImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AsyncInitable.AsyncInitableImpl
Creates a new instance of AsyncInitable for the provided memory address.
AsyncQueue - Class in org.gnome.glib
An opaque data structure which represents an asynchronous queue.
AsyncQueue(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Create a AsyncQueue proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AsyncReadyCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the AsyncReadyCallback callback.
AsyncResult - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GAsyncResult provides a base class for implementing asynchronous function results.
AsyncResult.AsyncResultIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Interface definition for AsyncResult.
AsyncResult.AsyncResultImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The AsyncResultImpl type represents a native instance of the AsyncResult interface.
AsyncResultIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AsyncResult.AsyncResultIface
Allocate a new AsyncResultIface.
AsyncResultIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AsyncResult.AsyncResultIface
Allocate a new AsyncResultIface.
AsyncResultIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AsyncResult.AsyncResultIface
Create a AsyncResultIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AsyncResultImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AsyncResult.AsyncResultImpl
Creates a new instance of AsyncResult for the provided memory address.
asyncSignalFunc(Message, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
A helper GstBusFunc that can be used to convert all asynchronous messages into signals.
asyncStart(GstObject) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
This message is posted by elements when they start an ASYNC state change.
at(String, Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountPoint
Gets a GUnixMountPoint for a given mount path.
AT_WORD_STARTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FindOptions
search text only at the begining of the words.
ATContext - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkATContext is an abstract class provided by GTK to communicate to platform-specific assistive technologies API.
ATContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ATContext
Create a ATContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ATContext.ATContextClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ATContext.ATContextImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The ATContextImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract ATContext class.
ATContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ATContext.StateChangeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the StateChangeCallback callback.
ATContextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ATContext.ATContextClass
Create a ATContextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ATContextImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ATContext.ATContextImpl
Creates a new instance of ATContext for the provided memory address.
atexit(VoidFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
It is best to avoid g_atexit().
atLastLine() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Determines whether this LayoutIter is on the last line of the layout.
ATOMIC_REF_COUNT_INIT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Evaluates to the initial reference count for gatomicrefcount.
atomicIntAdd(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Atomically adds val to the value of atomic.
atomicIntAnd(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Performs an atomic bitwise 'and' of the value of atomic and val, storing the result back in atomic.
atomicIntCompareAndExchange(MemorySegment, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Compares atomic to oldval and, if equal, sets it to newval.
atomicIntCompareAndExchangeFull(MemorySegment, int, int, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Compares atomic to oldval and, if equal, sets it to newval.
atomicIntDecAndTest(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Decrements the value of atomic by 1.
atomicIntExchange(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets the atomic to newval and returns the old value from atomic.
atomicIntExchangeAndAdd(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Use g_atomic_int_add() instead.
atomicIntGet(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the current value of atomic.
atomicIntInc(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Increments the value of atomic by 1.
atomicIntOr(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Performs an atomic bitwise 'or' of the value of atomic and val, storing the result back in atomic.
atomicIntSet(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets the value of atomic to newval.
atomicIntXor(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Performs an atomic bitwise 'xor' of the value of atomic and val, storing the result back in atomic.
atomicPointerAdd(MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Atomically adds val to the value of atomic.
atomicPointerAnd(MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Performs an atomic bitwise 'and' of the value of atomic and val, storing the result back in atomic.
atomicPointerCompareAndExchange(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Compares atomic to oldval and, if equal, sets it to newval.
atomicPointerCompareAndExchangeFull(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, Out<MemorySegment>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Compares atomic to oldval and, if equal, sets it to newval.
atomicPointerExchange(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets the atomic to newval and returns the old value from atomic.
atomicPointerGet(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the current value of atomic.
atomicPointerOr(MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Performs an atomic bitwise 'or' of the value of atomic and val, storing the result back in atomic.
atomicPointerSet(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets the value of atomic to newval.
atomicPointerXor(MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Performs an atomic bitwise 'xor' of the value of atomic and val, storing the result back in atomic.
AtomicQueue - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The GstAtomicQueue object implements a queue that can be used from multiple threads without performing any blocking operations.
AtomicQueue(int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AtomicQueue
Create a new atomic queue instance.
AtomicQueue(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AtomicQueue
Create a AtomicQueue proxy instance for the provided memory address.
atomicRcBoxAcquire(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Atomically acquires a reference on the data pointed by memBlock.
atomicRcBoxAlloc(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Allocates blockSize bytes of memory, and adds atomic reference counting semantics to it.
atomicRcBoxAlloc0(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Allocates blockSize bytes of memory, and adds atomic reference counting semantics to it.
atomicRcBoxDup(long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Allocates a new block of data with atomic reference counting semantics, and copies blockSize bytes of memBlock into it.
atomicRcBoxGetSize(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Retrieves the size of the reference counted data pointed by memBlock.
atomicRcBoxRelease(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Atomically releases a reference on the data pointed by memBlock.
atomicRcBoxReleaseFull(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Atomically releases a reference on the data pointed by memBlock.
atomicRefCountCompare(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Atomically compares the current value of arc with val.
atomicRefCountDec(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Atomically decreases the reference count.
atomicRefCountInc(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Atomically increases the reference count.
atomicRefCountInit(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Initializes a reference count variable to 1.
ATSC_A53 - Enum constant in enum class
AFD value is from ATSC A/53 standard
attach() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Request this WebInspector to be attached.
attach(MainContext) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Adds a GLib.Source to a context so that it will be executed within that context.
attach(Widget, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Adds a widget to the grid.
attachArena(Arena, Object) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Register a Cleaner that will close the arena when the instance is garbage-collected, coupling the lifetime of the arena to the lifetime of the instance.
attachBuffers() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Binds buffers to the framebuffer.
attachClipboard(Clipboard) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
ATTACHED_ABOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Marks attached directly above
ATTACHED_ABOVE_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Marks attached at the top right
ATTACHED_BELOW - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Marks attached directly below
ATTACHED_BELOW_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Marks attached at the bottom left
attachNextTo(Widget, Widget, PositionType, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Adds a widget to the grid.
attachSource(Source, SourceFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
A utility function for dealing with async operations where you need to wait for a GSource to trigger.
ATTR_INDEX_FROM_TEXT_BEGINNING - Static variable in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Value for startIndex in PangoAttribute that indicates the beginning of the text.
ATTR_INDEX_TO_TEXT_END - Static variable in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Value for endIndex in PangoAttribute that indicates the end of the text.
attrAllowBreaksNew(boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new allow-breaks attribute.
attrBackgroundAlphaNew(short) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new background alpha attribute.
attrBackgroundNew(short, short, short) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new background color attribute.
attrBaselineShiftNew(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new baseline displacement attribute.
attrBreak(String, int, AttrList, int, LogAttr[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Apply customization from attributes to the breaks in attrs.
AttrClass - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoAttrClass structure stores the type and operations for a particular type of attribute.
AttrClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrClass
Allocate a new AttrClass.
AttrClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrClass
Allocate a new AttrClass.
AttrClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrClass
Create a AttrClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AttrClass(AttrType, AttrClass.CopyCallback, AttrClass.DestroyCallback, AttrClass.EqualCallback) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrClass
Allocate a new AttrClass with the fields set to the provided values.
AttrClass(AttrType, AttrClass.CopyCallback, AttrClass.DestroyCallback, AttrClass.EqualCallback, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrClass
Allocate a new AttrClass with the fields set to the provided values.
AttrClass.CopyCallback - Interface in org.gnome.pango
Functional interface declaration of the CopyCallback callback.
AttrClass.DestroyCallback - Interface in org.gnome.pango
Functional interface declaration of the DestroyCallback callback.
AttrClass.EqualCallback - Interface in org.gnome.pango
Functional interface declaration of the EqualCallback callback.
AttrColor - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoAttrColor structure is used to represent attributes that are colors.
AttrColor() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrColor
Allocate a new AttrColor.
AttrColor(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrColor
Allocate a new AttrColor.
AttrColor(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrColor
Create a AttrColor proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AttrColor(Attribute, Color) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrColor
Allocate a new AttrColor with the fields set to the provided values.
AttrColor(Attribute, Color, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrColor
Allocate a new AttrColor with the fields set to the provided values.
AttrDataCopyFunc - Interface in org.gnome.pango
Functional interface declaration of the AttrDataCopyFunc callback.
attrFallbackNew(boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new font fallback attribute.
attrFamilyNew(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new font family attribute.
AttrFilterFunc - Interface in org.gnome.pango
Functional interface declaration of the AttrFilterFunc callback.
AttrFloat - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoAttrFloat structure is used to represent attributes with a float or double value.
AttrFloat() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrFloat
Allocate a new AttrFloat.
AttrFloat(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrFloat
Allocate a new AttrFloat.
AttrFloat(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrFloat
Create a AttrFloat proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AttrFloat(Attribute, double) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrFloat
Allocate a new AttrFloat with the fields set to the provided values.
AttrFloat(Attribute, double, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrFloat
Allocate a new AttrFloat with the fields set to the provided values.
AttrFontDesc - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoAttrFontDesc structure is used to store an attribute that sets all aspects of the font description at once.
AttrFontDesc() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontDesc
Allocate a new AttrFontDesc.
AttrFontDesc(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontDesc
Allocate a new AttrFontDesc.
AttrFontDesc(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontDesc
Create a AttrFontDesc proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AttrFontDesc(Attribute, FontDescription) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontDesc
Allocate a new AttrFontDesc with the fields set to the provided values.
AttrFontDesc(Attribute, FontDescription, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontDesc
Allocate a new AttrFontDesc with the fields set to the provided values.
AttrFontFeatures - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoAttrFontFeatures structure is used to represent OpenType font features as an attribute.
AttrFontFeatures() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontFeatures
Allocate a new AttrFontFeatures.
AttrFontFeatures(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontFeatures
Allocate a new AttrFontFeatures.
AttrFontFeatures(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontFeatures
Create a AttrFontFeatures proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AttrFontFeatures(Attribute, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontFeatures
Allocate a new AttrFontFeatures with the fields set to the provided values.
AttrFontFeatures(Attribute, String, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontFeatures
Allocate a new AttrFontFeatures with the fields set to the provided values.
attrFontScaleNew(FontScale) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new font scale attribute.
attrForegroundAlphaNew(short) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new foreground alpha attribute.
attrForegroundNew(short, short, short) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new foreground color attribute.
attrGravityHintNew(GravityHint) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new gravity hint attribute.
attrGravityNew(Gravity) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new gravity attribute.
Attribute - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoAttribute structure represents the common portions of all attributes.
Attribute() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Allocate a new Attribute.
Attribute(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Allocate a new Attribute.
Attribute(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Create a Attribute proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Attribute(AttrClass, int, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Allocate a new Attribute with the fields set to the provided values.
Attribute(AttrClass, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Allocate a new Attribute with the fields set to the provided values.
ATTRIBUTE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintVflParserError
Invalid or unknown attribute
ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorEvent
a file attribute was changed.
attributeConnect(CellRenderer, String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
attributeDisconnect(CellRenderer, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
attributeGetColumn(CellRenderer, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
attrInsertHyphensNew(boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new insert-hyphens attribute.
AttrInt - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoAttrInt structure is used to represent attributes with an integer or enumeration value.
AttrInt() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrInt
Allocate a new AttrInt.
AttrInt(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrInt
Allocate a new AttrInt.
AttrInt(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrInt
Create a AttrInt proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AttrInt(Attribute, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrInt
Allocate a new AttrInt with the fields set to the provided values.
AttrInt(Attribute, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrInt
Allocate a new AttrInt with the fields set to the provided values.
AttrIterator - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoAttrIterator is used to iterate through a PangoAttrList.
AttrIterator(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrIterator
Create a AttrIterator proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AttrLanguage - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoAttrLanguage structure is used to represent attributes that are languages.
AttrLanguage() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrLanguage
Allocate a new AttrLanguage.
AttrLanguage(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrLanguage
Allocate a new AttrLanguage.
AttrLanguage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrLanguage
Create a AttrLanguage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AttrLanguage(Attribute, Language) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrLanguage
Allocate a new AttrLanguage with the fields set to the provided values.
AttrLanguage(Attribute, Language, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrLanguage
Allocate a new AttrLanguage with the fields set to the provided values.
attrLetterSpacingNew(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new letter-spacing attribute.
attrLineHeightNew(double) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Modify the height of logical line extents by a factor.
attrLineHeightNewAbsolute(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Override the height of logical line extents to be height.
AttrList - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoAttrList represents a list of attributes that apply to a section of text.
AttrList() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrList
Create a new empty attribute list with a reference count of one.
AttrList(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrList
Create a AttrList proxy instance for the provided memory address.
attrOverlineColorNew(short, short, short) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new overline color attribute.
attrOverlineNew(Overline) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new overline-style attribute.
attrRiseNew(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new baseline displacement attribute.
attrScaleNew(double) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new font size scale attribute.
attrSentenceNew() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Marks the range of the attribute as a single sentence.
AttrShape - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoAttrShape structure is used to represent attributes which impose shape restrictions.
AttrShape() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Allocate a new AttrShape.
AttrShape(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Allocate a new AttrShape.
AttrShape(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Create a AttrShape proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AttrShape(Attribute, Rectangle, Rectangle, MemorySegment, AttrDataCopyFunc, DestroyNotify) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Allocate a new AttrShape with the fields set to the provided values.
AttrShape(Attribute, Rectangle, Rectangle, MemorySegment, AttrDataCopyFunc, DestroyNotify, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Allocate a new AttrShape with the fields set to the provided values.
attrShowNew(Set<ShowFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new attribute that influences how invisible characters are rendered.
attrShowNew(ShowFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new attribute that influences how invisible characters are rendered.
AttrSize - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoAttrSize structure is used to represent attributes which set font size.
AttrSize() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrSize
Allocate a new AttrSize.
AttrSize(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrSize
Allocate a new AttrSize.
AttrSize(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrSize
Create a AttrSize proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AttrSize(Attribute, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrSize
Allocate a new AttrSize with the fields set to the provided values.
AttrSize(Attribute, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrSize
Allocate a new AttrSize with the fields set to the provided values.
attrStretchNew(Stretch) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new font stretch attribute.
attrStrikethroughColorNew(short, short, short) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new strikethrough color attribute.
attrStrikethroughNew(boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new strike-through attribute.
AttrString - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoAttrString structure is used to represent attributes with a string value.
AttrString() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrString
Allocate a new AttrString.
AttrString(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrString
Allocate a new AttrString.
AttrString(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrString
Create a AttrString proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AttrString(Attribute, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrString
Allocate a new AttrString with the fields set to the provided values.
AttrString(Attribute, String, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.AttrString
Allocate a new AttrString with the fields set to the provided values.
attrStyleNew(Style) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new font slant style attribute.
attrTextTransformNew(TextTransform) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new attribute that influences how characters are transformed during shaping.
AttrType - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoAttrType distinguishes between different types of attributes.
attrUnderlineColorNew(short, short, short) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new underline color attribute.
attrUnderlineNew(Underline) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new underline-style attribute.
attrVariantNew(Variant) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new font variant attribute (normal or small caps).
attrWeightNew(Weight) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Create a new font weight attribute.
attrWordNew() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Marks the range of the attribute as a single word.
AUDIO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamType
The stream is of audio data
AUDIO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.PbUtilsCapsDescriptionFlags
Caps describe an audio format, or a container format that can store audio.
AUDIO_CHANNELS_RANGE - Static variable in class
Maximum range of allowed channels, for use in template caps strings.
AUDIO_CONVERTER_OPT_DITHER_METHOD - Static variable in class
GstAudioDitherMethod, The dither method to use when changing bit depth.
Threshold for the output bit depth at/below which to apply dithering.
AUDIO_CONVERTER_OPT_MIX_MATRIX - Static variable in class
GST_TYPE_LIST, The channel mapping matrix.
GstAudioNoiseShapingMethod, The noise shaping method to use to mask noise from quantization errors.
G_TYPE_UINT, The quantization amount.
GstAudioResamplerMethod, The resampler method to use when changing sample rates.
AUDIO_DECODER_MAX_ERRORS - Static variable in class
Default maximum number of errors tolerated before signaling error.
AUDIO_DECODER_SINK_NAME - Static variable in class
The name of the templates for the sink pad.
AUDIO_DECODER_SRC_NAME - Static variable in class
The name of the templates for the source pad.
AUDIO_DEF_CHANNELS - Static variable in class
Standard number of channels used in consumer audio.
AUDIO_DEF_FORMAT - Static variable in class
Standard format used in consumer audio.
AUDIO_DEF_RATE - Static variable in class
Standard sampling rate used in consumer audio.
AUDIO_ENCODER_SINK_NAME - Static variable in class
the name of the templates for the sink pad
AUDIO_ENCODER_SRC_NAME - Static variable in class
the name of the templates for the source pad
AUDIO_FORMATS_ALL - Static variable in class
List of all audio formats, for use in template caps strings.
AUDIO_RATE_RANGE - Static variable in class
Maximum range of allowed sample rates, for use in template caps strings.
AUDIO_RESAMPLER_OPT_CUBIC_B - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_DOUBLE, B parameter of the cubic filter.
AUDIO_RESAMPLER_OPT_CUBIC_C - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_DOUBLE, C parameter of the cubic filter.
AUDIO_RESAMPLER_OPT_CUTOFF - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_DOUBLE, Cutoff parameter for the filter.
GST_TYPE_AUDIO_RESAMPLER_INTERPOLATION: how the filter coefficients should be interpolated.
AUDIO_RESAMPLER_OPT_FILTER_MODE - Static variable in class
GST_TYPE_AUDIO_RESAMPLER_FILTER_MODE: how the filter tables should be constructed.
G_TYPE_UINT: the amount of memory to use for full filter tables before switching to interpolated filter tables.
G_TYPE_UINT, oversampling to use when interpolating filters 8 is the default.
AUDIO_RESAMPLER_OPT_MAX_PHASE_ERROR - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_DOUBLE: The maximum allowed phase error when switching sample rates.
AUDIO_RESAMPLER_OPT_N_TAPS - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_INT: the number of taps to use for the filter.
G_TYPE_DOUBLE, stopband attenuation in decibels.
G_TYPE_DOUBLE, transition bandwidth.
AUDIO_RESAMPLER_QUALITY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class
AUDIO_RESAMPLER_QUALITY_MAX - Static variable in class
AUDIO_RESAMPLER_QUALITY_MIN - Static variable in class
AudioAggregator - Class in
Subclasses must use (a subclass of) GstAudioAggregatorPad for both their source and sink pads, gst_element_class_add_static_pad_template_with_gtype() is a convenient helper.
AudioAggregator(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioAggregator proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioAggregator.AudioAggregatorClass - Class in
AudioAggregator.AudioAggregatorImpl - Class in
The AudioAggregatorImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract AudioAggregator class.
AudioAggregator.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AudioAggregatorClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioAggregatorClass.
AudioAggregatorClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioAggregatorClass.
AudioAggregatorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioAggregatorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioAggregatorConvertPad - Class in
An implementation of GstPad that can be used with GstAudioAggregator.
AudioAggregatorConvertPad(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioAggregatorConvertPad proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioAggregatorConvertPad.AudioAggregatorConvertPadClass - Class in
AudioAggregatorConvertPad.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AudioAggregatorConvertPadClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioAggregatorConvertPadClass.
AudioAggregatorConvertPadClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioAggregatorConvertPadClass.
AudioAggregatorConvertPadClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioAggregatorConvertPadClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioAggregatorImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of AudioAggregator for the provided memory address.
AudioAggregatorPad - Class in
The default implementation of GstPad used with GstAudioAggregator
AudioAggregatorPad(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioAggregatorPad proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioAggregatorPad.AudioAggregatorPadClass - Class in
AudioAggregatorPad.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AudioAggregatorPadClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioAggregatorPadClass.
AudioAggregatorPadClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioAggregatorPadClass.
AudioAggregatorPadClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioAggregatorPadClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioBaseSink - Class in
This is the base class for audio sinks.
AudioBaseSink(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioBaseSink proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioBaseSink.AudioBaseSinkClass - Class in
GstAudioBaseSink class.
AudioBaseSink.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AudioBaseSinkClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioBaseSinkClass.
AudioBaseSinkClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioBaseSinkClass.
AudioBaseSinkClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioBaseSinkClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioBaseSinkCustomSlavingCallback - Interface in
Functional interface declaration of the AudioBaseSinkCustomSlavingCallback callback.
AudioBaseSinkDiscontReason - Enum Class in
Different possible reasons for discontinuities.
AudioBaseSinkSlaveMethod - Enum Class in
Different possible clock slaving algorithms used when the internal audio clock is not selected as the pipeline master clock.
AudioBaseSrc - Class in
This is the base class for audio sources.
AudioBaseSrc(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioBaseSrc proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioBaseSrc.AudioBaseSrcClass - Class in
GstAudioBaseSrc class.
AudioBaseSrc.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AudioBaseSrcClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioBaseSrcClass.
AudioBaseSrcClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioBaseSrcClass.
AudioBaseSrcClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioBaseSrcClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioBaseSrcSlaveMethod - Enum Class in
Different possible clock slaving algorithms when the internal audio clock was not selected as the pipeline clock.
AudioBuffer - Class in
A structure containing the result of an audio buffer map operation, which is executed with gst_audio_buffer_map().
AudioBuffer() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioBuffer.
AudioBuffer(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioBuffer.
AudioBuffer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioBuffer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioBuffer(AudioInfo, long, int, MemorySegment, Buffer, MapInfo, MemorySegment[], MapInfo[]) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioBuffer with the fields set to the provided values.
AudioBuffer(AudioInfo, long, int, MemorySegment, Buffer, MapInfo, MemorySegment[], MapInfo[], Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioBuffer with the fields set to the provided values.
AudioCdSrc - Class in
Provides a base class for CD digital audio (CDDA) sources, which handles things like seeking, querying, discid calculation, tags, and buffer timestamping.
AudioCdSrc(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioCdSrc proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioCdSrc.AudioCdSrcClass - Class in
Audio CD source base class.
AudioCdSrc.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AudioCdSrcClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioCdSrcClass.
AudioCdSrcClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioCdSrcClass.
AudioCdSrcClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioCdSrcClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioCdSrcMode - Enum Class in
Mode in which the CD audio source operates.
AudioCdSrcTrack - Class in
CD track abstraction to communicate TOC entries to the base class.
AudioCdSrcTrack() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioCdSrcTrack.
AudioCdSrcTrack(boolean, int, int, int, TagList) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioCdSrcTrack with the fields set to the provided values.
AudioCdSrcTrack(boolean, int, int, int, TagList, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioCdSrcTrack with the fields set to the provided values.
AudioCdSrcTrack(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioCdSrcTrack.
AudioCdSrcTrack(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioCdSrcTrack proxy instance for the provided memory address.
audioChannelGetFallbackMask(int) - Static method in class
Get the fallback channel-mask for the given number of channels.
AudioChannelMixer - Class in
AudioChannelMixer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioChannelMixer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioChannelMixerFlags - Enum Class in
Flags passed to gst_audio_channel_mixer_new()
AudioChannelPosition - Enum Class in
Audio channel positions.
audioChannelPositionsFromMask(long, AudioChannelPosition[]) - Static method in class
Convert the channels present in channelMask to a position array (which should have at least channels entries ensured by caller).
audioChannelPositionsToMask(AudioChannelPosition[], boolean, Out<Long>) - Static method in class
Convert the position array of channels channels to a bitmask.
audioChannelPositionsToString(AudioChannelPosition[]) - Static method in class
Converts position to a human-readable string representation for debugging purposes.
audioChannelPositionsToValidOrder(AudioChannelPosition[]) - Static method in class
Reorders the channel positions in position from any order to the GStreamer channel order.
audioCheckValidChannelPositions(AudioChannelPosition[], boolean) - Static method in class
Checks if position contains valid channel positions for channels channels.
AudioClippingMeta - Class in
Extra buffer metadata describing how much audio has to be clipped from the start or end of a buffer.
AudioClippingMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioClippingMeta.
AudioClippingMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioClippingMeta.
AudioClippingMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioClippingMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioClippingMeta(Meta, Format, long, long) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioClippingMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
AudioClippingMeta(Meta, Format, long, long, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioClippingMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
audioClippingMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
AudioClock - Class in
GstAudioClock makes it easy for elements to implement a GstClock, they simply need to provide a function that returns the current clock time.
AudioClock(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioClock proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioClock(String, AudioClockGetTimeFunc) - Constructor for class
Create a new GstAudioClock instance.
AudioClock.AudioClockClass - Class in
AudioClock.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AudioClockClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioClockClass.
AudioClockClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioClockClass.
AudioClockClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioClockClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioClockGetTimeFunc - Interface in
Functional interface declaration of the AudioClockGetTimeFunc callback.
AudioConverter - Class in
This object is used to convert audio samples from one format to another.
AudioConverter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioConverter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioConverter(Set<AudioConverterFlags>, AudioInfo, AudioInfo, Structure) - Constructor for class
Create a new GstAudioConverter that is able to convert between in and out audio formats.
AudioConverter(AudioConverterFlags, AudioInfo, AudioInfo, Structure) - Constructor for class
Create a new GstAudioConverter that is able to convert between in and out audio formats.
AudioConverterFlags - Enum Class in
Extra flags passed to gst_audio_converter_new() and gst_audio_converter_samples().
AudioDecoder - Class in
This base class is for audio decoders turning encoded data into raw audio samples.
AudioDecoder(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioDecoder proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioDecoder.AudioDecoderClass - Class in
Subclasses can override any of the available virtual methods or not, as needed.
AudioDecoder.AudioDecoderImpl - Class in
The AudioDecoderImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract AudioDecoder class.
AudioDecoder.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AudioDecoderClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioDecoderClass.
AudioDecoderClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioDecoderClass.
AudioDecoderClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioDecoderClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioDecoderImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of AudioDecoder for the provided memory address.
AudioDitherMethod - Enum Class in
Set of available dithering methods.
AudioDownmixMeta - Class in
Extra buffer metadata describing audio downmixing matrix.
AudioDownmixMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioDownmixMeta.
AudioDownmixMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioDownmixMeta.
AudioDownmixMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioDownmixMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioDownmixMeta(Meta, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, MemorySegment[]) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioDownmixMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
AudioDownmixMeta(Meta, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, MemorySegment[], Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioDownmixMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
audioDownmixMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
AudioEncoder - Class in
This base class is for audio encoders turning raw audio samples into encoded audio data.
AudioEncoder(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioEncoder proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioEncoder.AudioEncoderClass - Class in
Subclasses can override any of the available virtual methods or not, as needed.
AudioEncoder.AudioEncoderImpl - Class in
The AudioEncoderImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract AudioEncoder class.
AudioEncoder.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AudioEncoderClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioEncoderClass.
AudioEncoderClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioEncoderClass.
AudioEncoderClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioEncoderClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioEncoderImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of AudioEncoder for the provided memory address.
AudioFilter - Class in
GstAudioFilter is a GstBaseTransform<!-- -->-derived base class for simple audio filters, ie.
AudioFilter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioFilter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioFilter.AudioFilterClass - Class in
In addition to the setup virtual function, you should also override the GstBaseTransform::transform and/or GstBaseTransform::transform_ip virtual function.
AudioFilter.AudioFilterImpl - Class in
The AudioFilterImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract AudioFilter class.
AudioFilter.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AudioFilterClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioFilterClass.
AudioFilterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioFilterClass.
AudioFilterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioFilterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioFilterImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of AudioFilter for the provided memory address.
AudioFlags - Enum Class in
Extra audio flags
AudioFormat - Enum Class in
Enum value describing the most common audio formats.
AudioFormatFlags - Enum Class in
The different audio flags that a format info can have.
AudioFormatInfo - Class in
Information for an audio format.
AudioFormatInfo() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioFormatInfo.
AudioFormatInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioFormatInfo.
AudioFormatInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioFormatInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioFormatInfo(AudioFormat, String, String, Set<AudioFormatFlags>, int, int, int, byte[], AudioFormat, AudioFormatUnpack, AudioFormatPack) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioFormatInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
AudioFormatInfo(AudioFormat, String, String, Set<AudioFormatFlags>, int, int, int, byte[], AudioFormat, AudioFormatUnpack, AudioFormatPack, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioFormatInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
audioFormatInfoGetType() - Static method in class
AudioFormatPack - Interface in
Functional interface declaration of the AudioFormatPack callback.
audioFormatsRaw() - Static method in class
Return all the raw audio formats supported by GStreamer.
AudioFormatUnpack - Interface in
Functional interface declaration of the AudioFormatUnpack callback.
audioGetChannelReorderMap(AudioChannelPosition[], AudioChannelPosition[], int[]) - Static method in class
Returns a reorder map for from to to that can be used in custom channel reordering code, e.g.
audioIec61937FrameSize(AudioRingBufferSpec) - Static method in class
Calculated the size of the buffer expected by gst_audio_iec61937_payload() for payloading type from spec.
audioIec61937Payload(byte[], byte[], AudioRingBufferSpec, int) - Static method in class
Payloads src in the form specified by IEC 61937 for the type from spec and stores the result in dst.
AudioInfo - Class in
Information describing audio properties.
AudioInfo() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new GstAudioInfo that is also initialized with gst_audio_info_init().
AudioInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioLayout - Enum Class in
Layout of the audio samples for the different channels.
AudioLevelMeta - Class in
Meta containing Audio Level Indication:
AudioLevelMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioLevelMeta.
AudioLevelMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioLevelMeta.
AudioLevelMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioLevelMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioLevelMeta(Meta, byte, boolean) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioLevelMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
AudioLevelMeta(Meta, byte, boolean, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioLevelMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
audioLevelMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
Return the GType associated with GstAudioLevelMeta.
audioMakeRawCaps(AudioFormat[], AudioLayout) - Static method in class
Return a generic raw audio caps for formats defined in formats.
AudioMeta - Class in
GstAudioDownmixMeta defines an audio downmix matrix to be send along with audio buffers.
AudioMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioMeta.
AudioMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioMeta.
AudioMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioMeta(Meta, AudioInfo, long, MemorySegment, long[]) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
AudioMeta(Meta, AudioInfo, long, MemorySegment, long[], Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
audioMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
AudioNoiseShapingMethod - Enum Class in
Set of available noise shaping methods
AudioPackFlags - Enum Class in
The different flags that can be used when packing and unpacking.
AudioQuantize - Class in
AudioQuantize(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioQuantize proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioQuantizeFlags - Enum Class in
Extra flags that can be passed to gst_audio_quantize_new()
audioReorderChannels(byte[], AudioFormat, AudioChannelPosition[], AudioChannelPosition[]) - Static method in class
Reorders data from the channel positions from to the channel positions to.
AudioResampler - Class in
GstAudioResampler is a structure which holds the information required to perform various kinds of resampling filtering.
AudioResampler(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioResampler proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioResamplerFilterInterpolation - Enum Class in
The different filter interpolation methods.
AudioResamplerFilterMode - Enum Class in
Select for the filter tables should be set up.
AudioResamplerFlags - Enum Class in
Different resampler flags.
AudioResamplerMethod - Enum Class in
Different subsampling and upsampling methods
AudioRingBuffer - Class in
This object is the base class for audio ringbuffers used by the base audio source and sink classes.
AudioRingBuffer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioRingBuffer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioRingBuffer.AudioRingBufferClass - Class in
The vmethods that subclasses can override to implement the ringbuffer.
AudioRingBuffer.AudioRingBufferImpl - Class in
The AudioRingBufferImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract AudioRingBuffer class.
AudioRingBuffer.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AudioRingBufferCallback - Interface in
Functional interface declaration of the AudioRingBufferCallback callback.
AudioRingBufferClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioRingBufferClass.
AudioRingBufferClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioRingBufferClass.
AudioRingBufferClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioRingBufferClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioRingBufferFormatType - Enum Class in
The format of the samples in the ringbuffer.
AudioRingBufferImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of AudioRingBuffer for the provided memory address.
AudioRingBufferSpec - Class in
The structure containing the format specification of the ringbuffer.
AudioRingBufferSpec() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioRingBufferSpec.
AudioRingBufferSpec(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioRingBufferSpec.
AudioRingBufferSpec(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioRingBufferSpec proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioRingBufferSpec(Caps, AudioRingBufferFormatType, AudioInfo, long, long, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioRingBufferSpec with the fields set to the provided values.
AudioRingBufferSpec(Caps, AudioRingBufferFormatType, AudioInfo, long, long, int, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioRingBufferSpec with the fields set to the provided values.
AudioRingBufferState - Enum Class in
The state of the ringbuffer.
AudioSink - Class in
This is the most simple base class for audio sinks that only requires subclasses to implement a set of simple functions: open() :Open the device.
AudioSink(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioSink proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioSink.AudioSinkClass - Class in
AudioSink.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AudioSinkClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioSinkClass.
AudioSinkClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioSinkClass.
AudioSinkClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioSinkClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioSinkClassExtension - Class in
AudioSinkClassExtension() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioSinkClassExtension.
AudioSinkClassExtension(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioSinkClassExtension.
AudioSinkClassExtension(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioSinkClassExtension proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioSinkClassExtension.ClearAllCallback - Interface in
Functional interface declaration of the ClearAllCallback callback.
AudioSrc - Class in
This is the most simple base class for audio sources that only requires subclasses to implement a set of simple functions: open() :Open the device.
AudioSrc(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioSrc proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioSrc.AudioSrcClass - Class in
GstAudioSrc class.
AudioSrc.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AudioSrcClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioSrcClass.
AudioSrcClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new AudioSrcClass.
AudioSrcClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioSrcClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioStreamAlign - Class in
GstAudioStreamAlign provides a helper object that helps tracking audio stream alignment and discontinuities, and detects discontinuities if possible.
AudioStreamAlign(int, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new GstAudioStreamAlign with the given configuration.
AudioStreamAlign(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a AudioStreamAlign proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioVisualizer - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
A baseclass for scopes (visualizers).
AudioVisualizer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer
Create a AudioVisualizer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioVisualizer.AudioVisualizerClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
AudioVisualizer.AudioVisualizerImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
The AudioVisualizerImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract AudioVisualizer class.
AudioVisualizer.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AudioVisualizerClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer.AudioVisualizerClass
Allocate a new AudioVisualizerClass.
AudioVisualizerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer.AudioVisualizerClass
Allocate a new AudioVisualizerClass.
AudioVisualizerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer.AudioVisualizerClass
Create a AudioVisualizerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AudioVisualizerImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer.AudioVisualizerImpl
Creates a new instance of AudioVisualizer for the provided memory address.
AudioVisualizerShader - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Different types of supported background shading functions.
AudioVisualizerShaderFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Functional interface declaration of the AudioVisualizerShaderFunc callback.
AUGUST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateMonth
Auth - Class in org.gnome.soup
The abstract base class for handling authentication.
Auth(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Create a Auth proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Auth(Type, Message, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Creates a new SoupAuth of type type with the information from msg and authHeader.
AUTH_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Authentication didn't work.
AUTH_PARAMS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriHideFlags
Hide the auth_params.
AUTH_PARAMS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.URIComponent
the URI authentication parameters component
Auth.AuthClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
Auth.AuthImpl - Class in org.gnome.soup
The AuthImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Auth class.
Auth.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AuthBasic - Class in org.gnome.soup
HTTP "Basic" authentication.
AuthBasic(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthBasic
Create a AuthBasic proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AuthBasic.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AuthClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Auth.AuthClass
Allocate a new AuthClass.
AuthClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Auth.AuthClass
Allocate a new AuthClass.
AuthClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Auth.AuthClass
Create a AuthClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AuthDigest - Class in org.gnome.soup
HTTP "Digest" authentication.
AuthDigest(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDigest
Create a AuthDigest proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AuthDigest.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AuthDomain - Class in org.gnome.soup
Server-side authentication.
AuthDomain(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain
Create a AuthDomain proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AuthDomain.AuthDomainClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
AuthDomain.AuthDomainImpl - Class in org.gnome.soup
The AuthDomainImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract AuthDomain class.
AuthDomain.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AuthDomainBasic - Class in org.gnome.soup
Server-side "Basic" authentication.
AuthDomainBasic(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainBasic
Create a AuthDomainBasic proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AuthDomainBasic(String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainBasic
Creates a SoupAuthDomainBasic.
AuthDomainBasic.AuthDomainBasicClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
AuthDomainBasic.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AuthDomainBasicAuthCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the AuthDomainBasicAuthCallback callback.
AuthDomainBasicClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainBasic.AuthDomainBasicClass
Allocate a new AuthDomainBasicClass.
AuthDomainBasicClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainBasic.AuthDomainBasicClass
Allocate a new AuthDomainBasicClass.
AuthDomainBasicClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainBasic.AuthDomainBasicClass
Create a AuthDomainBasicClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AuthDomainClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain.AuthDomainClass
Allocate a new AuthDomainClass.
AuthDomainClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain.AuthDomainClass
Allocate a new AuthDomainClass.
AuthDomainClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain.AuthDomainClass
Create a AuthDomainClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AuthDomainDigest - Class in org.gnome.soup
Server-side "Digest" authentication.
AuthDomainDigest(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigest
Create a AuthDomainDigest proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AuthDomainDigest(String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigest
Creates a SoupAuthDomainDigest.
AuthDomainDigest.AuthDomainDigestClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
AuthDomainDigest.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AuthDomainDigestAuthCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the AuthDomainDigestAuthCallback callback.
AuthDomainDigestClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigest.AuthDomainDigestClass
Allocate a new AuthDomainDigestClass.
AuthDomainDigestClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigest.AuthDomainDigestClass
Allocate a new AuthDomainDigestClass.
AuthDomainDigestClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigest.AuthDomainDigestClass
Create a AuthDomainDigestClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AuthDomainFilter - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the AuthDomainFilter callback.
AuthDomainGenericAuthCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the AuthDomainGenericAuthCallback callback.
AuthDomainImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain.AuthDomainImpl
Creates a new instance of AuthDomain for the provided memory address.
authenticate(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Call this on an auth to authenticate it.
authenticate(Credential) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Authenticate the WebKitAuthenticationRequest.
authenticate(AuthenticationRequest) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
AUTHENTICATION_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnectionFlags
When authenticating as a server, allow the anonymous authentication method.
AUTHENTICATION_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusServerFlags
Allow the anonymous authentication method.
AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnectionFlags
Perform authentication against server.
AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRE_SAME_USER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnectionFlags
When authenticating as a server, require the UID of the peer to be the same as the UID of the server.
AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRE_SAME_USER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusServerFlags
Require the UID of the peer to be the same as the UID of the server when authenticating.
AUTHENTICATION_SERVER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnectionFlags
Perform authentication against client.
AuthenticationRequest - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Represents an authentication request.
AuthenticationRequest(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Create a AuthenticationRequest proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AuthenticationRequest.AuthenticatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the AuthenticatedCallback callback.
AuthenticationRequest.AuthenticationRequestClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
AuthenticationRequest.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AuthenticationRequest.CancelledCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the CancelledCallback callback.
AuthenticationRequestClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest.AuthenticationRequestClass
Allocate a new AuthenticationRequestClass.
AuthenticationRequestClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest.AuthenticationRequestClass
Allocate a new AuthenticationRequestClass.
AuthenticationRequestClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest.AuthenticationRequestClass
Create a AuthenticationRequestClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AuthenticationScheme - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values representing the authentication scheme.
AuthImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Auth.AuthImpl
Creates a new instance of Auth for the provided memory address.
AuthManager - Class in org.gnome.soup
HTTP client-side authentication handler.
AuthManager(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthManager
Create a AuthManager proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AuthManager.AuthManagerClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
AuthManager.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AuthManagerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthManager.AuthManagerClass
Allocate a new AuthManagerClass.
AuthManagerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthManager.AuthManagerClass
Allocate a new AuthManagerClass.
AuthManagerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthManager.AuthManagerClass
Create a AuthManagerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AuthNegotiate - Class in org.gnome.soup
HTTP-based GSS-Negotiate authentication, as defined by RFC 4559.
AuthNegotiate(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthNegotiate
Create a AuthNegotiate proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AuthNegotiate.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AuthNTLM - Class in org.gnome.soup
HTTP-based NTLM authentication.
AuthNTLM(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthNTLM
Create a AuthNTLM proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AuthNTLM.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AUTHOR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserStyleLevel
The style sheet will be treated as if it was provided by the loaded documents.
authorize(DBusMethodInvocation) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus
Default handler for the GDebugControllerDBus::authorize signal.
authorizeAuthenticatedPeer(IOStream, Credentials) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver
Emits the GDBusAuthObserver::authorize-authenticated-peer signal on this DBusAuthObserver.
authorizeMethod(DBusInterfaceSkeleton, DBusMethodInvocation) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton
Signal class handler for the GDBusObjectSkeleton::authorize-method signal.
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class
Automatically choose between interpolated and full filter tables.
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class
Select flip method based on image-orientation tag
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.DialogPresentationMode
Switch between ADW_DIALOG_FLOATING and ADW_DIALOG_BOTTOM_SHEET depending on available size.
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.FlapFoldPolicy
Fold and unfold the flap based on available space.
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SensitivityType
The control is made insensitive if no action can be triggered
AUTO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Gravity
Gravity is resolved from the context matrix
AUTO_START - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusNameWatcherFlags
If no-one owns the name when beginning to watch the name, ask the bus to launch an owner for the name.
autoClock() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Let this Pipeline select a clock automatically.
AutoCloseable - Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio
An AutoCloseable interface for GIO streams.
AUTOCOMPLETE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Indicates whether inputting text could trigger display of one or more predictions of the user's intended value for a combobox, searchbox, or textbox and specifies how predictions would be presented if they were made.
AUTOMATIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontRendering
Set up font rendering automatically, taking factors like screen resolution and scale into account
AUTOMATIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PolicyType
The scrollbar will appear and disappear as necessary.
AutomationBrowsingContextPresentation - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used for determining the automation browsing context presentation.
AutomationSession - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Automation Session.
AutomationSession(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession
Create a AutomationSession proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AutomationSession.AutomationSessionClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
AutomationSession.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AutomationSession.CreateWebViewCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the CreateWebViewCallback callback.
AutomationSession.WillCloseCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the WillCloseCallback callback.
AutomationSessionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession.AutomationSessionClass
Allocate a new AutomationSessionClass.
AutomationSessionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession.AutomationSessionClass
Allocate a new AutomationSessionClass.
AutomationSessionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession.AutomationSessionClass
Create a AutomationSessionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AutoplayPolicy - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to specify autoplay policies.
AUTOSIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing
Columns resize to be the optimal size every time the model changes.
AV12 - Enum constant in enum class
Planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane with alpha as 3rd plane.
available() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Gets the maximum amount of bytes available, that is it returns the maximum value that can be supplied to gst_adapter_map() without that function returning null.
available() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Query how much bytes can be read from each queued buffer.
availableFast() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Gets the maximum number of bytes that are immediately available without requiring any expensive operations (like copying the data into a temporary buffer).
Avatar - Class in org.gnome.adw
A widget displaying an image, with a generated fallback.
Avatar(int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Avatar
Creates a new AdwAvatar.
Avatar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Avatar
Create a Avatar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Avatar.AvatarClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
Avatar.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
AvatarClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Avatar.AvatarClass
Allocate a new AvatarClass.
AvatarClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Avatar.AvatarClass
Allocate a new AvatarClass.
AvatarClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Avatar.AvatarClass
Create a AvatarClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
AVESTAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
AVESTAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
AXIS_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
AxisFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Flags describing the current capabilities of a device/tool.
AxisUse - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Defines how device axes are interpreted by GTK.
AYUV - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:4:4 YUV with alpha channel (A0-Y0-U0-V0 ...)
AYUV64 - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:4:4 YUV with alpha channel, 16 bits (native endianness) per channel (A0-Y0-U0-V0 ...)


B - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Paragraph Separator
B8G8R8 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
3 bytes; for blue, green, red.
B8G8R8A8 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 bytes; for blue, green, red, alpha.
B8G8R8A8_PREMULTIPLIED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 bytes; for blue, green, red, alpha.
B8G8R8X8 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 bytes; for blue, green, red, unused.
BACK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.NavigationDirection
Corresponds to start or top, depending on orientation and text direction
BACK_FORWARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationType
The navigation was triggered by navigating forward or backward.
BACKDROP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Widget is in a background toplevel window
BackForwardList - Class in org.gnome.webkit
List of visited pages.
BackForwardList(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList
Create a BackForwardList proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BackForwardList.BackForwardListClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
BackForwardList.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BackForwardList.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
BackForwardListClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList.BackForwardListClass
Allocate a new BackForwardListClass.
BackForwardListClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList.BackForwardListClass
Allocate a new BackForwardListClass.
BackForwardListClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList.BackForwardListClass
Create a BackForwardListClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BackForwardListItem - Class in org.gnome.webkit
One item of the WebKitBackForwardList.
BackForwardListItem(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardListItem
Create a BackForwardListItem proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BackForwardListItem.BackForwardListItemClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
BackForwardListItem.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BackForwardListItemClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardListItem.BackForwardListItemClass
Allocate a new BackForwardListItemClass.
BackForwardListItemClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardListItem.BackForwardListItemClass
Allocate a new BackForwardListItemClass.
BackForwardListItemClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardListItem.BackForwardListItemClass
Create a BackForwardListItemClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BACKGROUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
background color (Pango.AttrColor)
BACKGROUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.RenderPart
the area behind the text
BACKGROUND_ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
background alpha (Pango.AttrInt).
BackgroundPatternType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
backspace() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
The class handler for the GtkTextView::backspace keybinding signal.
backspace(TextIter, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Performs the appropriate action as if the user hit the delete key with the cursor at the position specified by iter.
BACKTRACKING_CONTROL_VERB_ARGUMENT_FORBIDDEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
the backtracing control verb used does not allow an argument.
BACKTRACKING_CONTROL_VERB_ARGUMENT_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
the backtracing control verb requires an argument.
BACKUP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCopyFlags
Make a backup of any existing files.
backward(TextIter, TextIter, TextIter, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
Synchronous backward search.
BACKWARD_COMPAT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SerializeFlags
Serialize using the old format for nested structures.
backwardAsync(TextIter, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
backwardChar() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves backward by one character offset.
backwardChars(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves count characters backward, if possible.
backwardCursorPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Like TextIter.forwardCursorPosition(), but moves backward.
backwardCursorPositions(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves up to count cursor positions.
backwardDisplayLine(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Moves the given iter backward by one display (wrapped) line.
backwardDisplayLineStart(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Moves the given iter backward to the next display line start.
backwardFindChar(TextCharPredicate, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
backwardFinish(AsyncResult, TextIter, TextIter, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
backwardIterToSourceMark(TextIter, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Moves iter to the position of the previous Mark of the given category.
backwardLine() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves this TextIter to the start of the previous line.
backwardLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves count lines backward, if possible.
BACKWARDS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FindOptions
search backwards.
backwardSearch(String, Set<TextSearchFlags>, TextIter, TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
backwardSearch(String, TextSearchFlags, TextIter, TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
backwardSentenceStart() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves backward to the previous sentence start.
backwardSentenceStarts(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Calls TextIter.backwardSentenceStart() up to count times.
backwardToTagToggle(TextTag) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves backward to the next toggle (on or off) of the tag, or to the next toggle of any tag if tag is null.
backwardVisibleCursorPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves this TextIter backward to the previous visible cursor position.
backwardVisibleCursorPositions(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves up to count visible cursor positions.
backwardVisibleLine() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves this TextIter to the start of the previous visible line.
backwardVisibleLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves count visible lines backward, if possible.
backwardVisibleWordStart() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves backward to the previous visible word start.
backwardVisibleWordStarts(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Calls TextIter.backwardVisibleWordStart() up to count times.
backwardWordStart() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves backward to the previous word start.
backwardWordStarts(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Calls TextIter.backwardWordStart() up to count times.
BAD_ADDRESS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
A D-Bus bus address was malformed.
BAD_AUTH_PARAMS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriError
The authentication parameters of a URI could not be parsed.
BAD_CERTIFICATE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsError
The certificate presented could not be parsed or failed validation.
BAD_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsError
The certificate failed to load because a password was incorrect.
BAD_DATA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketCloseCode
the endpoint received data that was invalid (eg, non-UTF-8 data in a text message).
BAD_FILENAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserError
Indicates a malformed filename.
BAD_FRAGMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriError
The fragment of a URI could not be parsed.
BAD_GATEWAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
502 Bad Gateway (HTTP)
BAD_HANDSHAKE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketError
the WebSocket handshake failed because some detail was invalid (eg, incorrect accept key).
BAD_HOST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriError
The host of a URI could not be parsed.
BAD_IDENTITY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateFlags
The certificate does not match the expected identity of the site that it was retrieved from.
BAD_MONTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateMonth
invalid value
BAD_OPTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufError
A bad option was passed to a pixbuf save module.
BAD_ORIGIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketError
the WebSocket handshake failed because the "Origin" header was not an allowed value.
BAD_PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriError
The password of a URI could not be parsed.
BAD_PATH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriError
The path of a URI could not be parsed.
BAD_PORT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriError
The port of a URI could not be parsed.
BAD_QUERY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriError
The query of a URI could not be parsed.
BAD_QUOTING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ShellError
Mismatched or otherwise mangled quoting.
BAD_REFERENCE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIError
There was a problem with the entity that the URI references
BAD_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
400 Bad Request (HTTP)
BAD_SCHEME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriError
The scheme of a URI could not be parsed.
BAD_STATE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIError
Could not set or change the URI because the URI handler was in a state where that is not possible or not permitted
BAD_URI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIError
There was a problem with the URI
BAD_URI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ConvertError
URI is invalid.
BAD_USER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriError
The user/userinfo of a URI could not be parsed.
BAD_UTF8 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupError
text being parsed was not valid UTF-8
BAD_VALUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionError
A value couldn't be parsed.
BAD_WEEKDAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateWeekday
invalid value
BADF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Bad file descriptor; for example, I/O on a descriptor that has been closed or reading from a descriptor open only for writing (or vice versa).
BADTIME - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockReturn
A bad time was provided to a function.
BALINESE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
BALINESE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
BALINESE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
BAMUM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
BAMUM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
BANDWIDTH_LIMITED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SchedulingFlags
if bandwidth is limited and buffering possible (since 1.2)
Banner - Class in org.gnome.adw
A bar with contextual information.
Banner(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Banner
Create a Banner proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Banner(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Banner
Creates a new AdwBanner.
BANNER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Banner.BannerClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
Banner.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Banner.ButtonClickedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ButtonClickedCallback callback.
BannerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Banner.BannerClass
Allocate a new BannerClass.
BannerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Banner.BannerClass
Allocate a new BannerClass.
BannerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Banner.BannerClass
Create a BannerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BASE_GLYPH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutGlyphClass
Spacing, single characters, capable of accepting marks
BASE_PARSE_FLAG_DRAINING - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.GstBase
BASE_PARSE_FLAG_LOST_SYNC - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.GstBase
BASE_TRANSFORM_SINK_NAME - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.GstBase
The name of the templates for the sink pad.
BASE_TRANSFORM_SRC_NAME - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.GstBase
The name of the templates for the source pad.
base64Decode(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Decode a sequence of Base-64 encoded text into binary data.
base64DecodeInplace(Out<byte[]>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Decode a sequence of Base-64 encoded text into binary data by overwriting the input data.
base64DecodeStep(byte[], byte[], Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Incrementally decode a sequence of binary data from its Base-64 stringified representation.
base64Encode(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Encode a sequence of binary data into its Base-64 stringified representation.
base64EncodeClose(boolean, byte[], Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Flush the status from a sequence of calls to g_base64_encode_step().
base64EncodeStep(byte[], boolean, byte[], Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Incrementally encode a sequence of binary data into its Base-64 stringified representation.
BaseFinalizeFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the BaseFinalizeFunc callback.
BaseInitFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the BaseInitFunc callback.
BASELINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintAttribute
The baseline of a widget
BASELINE - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Align
align the widget according to the baseline.
BASELINE_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Align
stretch to fill all space, but align the baseline.
BASELINE_FILL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Align
a different name for GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE.
BASELINE_SHIFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
baseline displacement (Pango.AttrInt).
BaselinePosition - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Baseline position in a row of widgets.
BaselineShift - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
An enumeration that affects baseline shifts between runs.
basename(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Use g_path_get_basename() instead, but notice that g_path_get_basename() allocates new memory for the returned string, unlike this function which returns a pointer into the argument.
BaseParse - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
This base class is for parser elements that process data and splits it into separate audio/video/whatever frames.
BaseParse(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
Create a BaseParse proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BaseParse.BaseParseClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Subclasses can override any of the available virtual methods or not, as needed.
BaseParse.BaseParseImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
The BaseParseImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract BaseParse class.
BaseParse.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BaseParseClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.BaseParseClass
Allocate a new BaseParseClass.
BaseParseClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.BaseParseClass
Allocate a new BaseParseClass.
BaseParseClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.BaseParseClass
Create a BaseParseClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BaseParseFrame - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Frame (context) data passed to each frame parsing virtual methods.
BaseParseFrame(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Create a BaseParseFrame proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BaseParseFrame(Buffer, Set<BaseParseFrameFlags>, int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Allocates a new GstBaseParseFrame.
BaseParseFrame(Buffer, BaseParseFrameFlags, int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Allocates a new GstBaseParseFrame.
BaseParseFrameFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Flags to be used in a GstBaseParseFrame.
BaseParseImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.BaseParseImpl
Creates a new instance of BaseParse for the provided memory address.
BaseSink - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
GstBaseSink is the base class for sink elements in GStreamer, such as xvimagesink or filesink.
BaseSink(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Create a BaseSink proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BaseSink.BaseSinkClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Subclasses can override any of the available virtual methods or not, as needed.
BaseSink.BaseSinkImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
The BaseSinkImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract BaseSink class.
BaseSink.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BaseSinkClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Allocate a new BaseSinkClass.
BaseSinkClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Allocate a new BaseSinkClass.
BaseSinkClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Create a BaseSinkClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BaseSinkImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkImpl
Creates a new instance of BaseSink for the provided memory address.
BaseSrc - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
This is a generic base class for source elements.
BaseSrc(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Create a BaseSrc proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Subclasses can override any of the available virtual methods or not, as needed.
BaseSrc.BaseSrcImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
The BaseSrcImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract BaseSrc class.
BaseSrc.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BaseSrcClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Allocate a new BaseSrcClass.
BaseSrcClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Allocate a new BaseSrcClass.
BaseSrcClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Create a BaseSrcClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BaseSrcFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
The GstElement flags that a basesrc element may have.
BaseSrcImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcImpl
Creates a new instance of BaseSrc for the provided memory address.
BaseTransform - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
This base class is for filter elements that process data.
BaseTransform(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Create a BaseTransform proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Subclasses can override any of the available virtual methods or not, as needed.
BaseTransform.BaseTransformImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
The BaseTransformImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract BaseTransform class.
BaseTransform.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BaseTransformClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Allocate a new BaseTransformClass.
BaseTransformClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Allocate a new BaseTransformClass.
BaseTransformClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Create a BaseTransformClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BaseTransformImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformImpl
Creates a new instance of BaseTransform for the provided memory address.
BASIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSerializeFlags
Serialize only basic information, excluding caps, tags and miscellaneous information
BASIC - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
An indefinite type that is a supertype of every basic (ie: non-container) type.
BASIC_TYPE_EXPECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
a non-basic GVariantType was given where a basic type was expected
BASSA_VAH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Bass, Since: 0.9.30
BASSA_VAH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
BASSA_VAH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
BATAK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
BATAK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
BATAK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
BAYER - Enum constant in enum class
ordered dither using a bayer pattern
beep() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Emits a short beep on this Display
beep() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Emits a short beep associated to this Surface.
BEFORE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SearchMode
Search for an exact match or the element just before.
BEFORE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Break Opportunity Before (BB)
BEFORE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewDropPosition
dropped row is inserted before
BEFORE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionColumn
BEFORE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SmartHomeEndType
move to the first/last non-whitespace character on the first press of the HOME/END keys and to the beginning/end of the line on the second press.
BEFORE_AND_AFTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Break Opportunity Before and After (B2)
BEFORE_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextBufferNotifyFlags
Be notified before text is deleted from the underlying buffer.
BEFORE_INSERT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextBufferNotifyFlags
Be notified before text is inserted into the underlying buffer.
BEFORE_PAINT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClockPhase
corresponds to GdkFrameClock::before-paint.
BEFORE_UNLOAD_CONFIRM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialogType
Before unload confirm dialog, used to ask confirmation to leave the current page to the user.
beforeEmit(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
invoked on the primary instance before 'activate', 'open', 'command-line' or any action invocation, gets the 'platform data' from the calling instance
beforeTransform(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
begin() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Do renderer-specific initialization before drawing
begin(Surface, Device, ContentProvider, Set<DragAction>, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Starts a drag and creates a new drag context for it.
begin(Surface, Device, ContentProvider, DragAction, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Starts a drag and creates a new drag context for it.
begin(GutterLines) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
BEGIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TouchpadGesturePhase
The gesture has begun.
beginFrame(Region) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DrawContext
Drawing directly to the surface is no longer recommended. Use GskRenderNode and GskRenderer.
beginIrreversibleAction() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Denotes the beginning of an action that may not be undone.
beginMove(Device, int, double, double, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Begins an interactive move operation.
beginPrint(PrintContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Signal emitted after the user has finished changing print settings in the dialog, before the actual rendering starts.
beginResize(SurfaceEdge, Device, int, double, double, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Begins an interactive resize operation.
beginUpdating() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Starts updates for an animation.
beginUserAction() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Called to indicate that the buffer operations between here and a call to gtk_text_buffer_end_user_action() are part of a single user-visible operation.
BELOW - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Distinct marks directly below
BELOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
the surface is kept below other surfaces
BELOW_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Distinct marks at the bottom left
BELOW_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Distinct marks at the bottom right
BELOW_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextViewLayer
The layer rendered below the text (but above the background).
BENGALI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
BENGALI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
BENGALI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
betterMatch(FontDescription, FontDescription) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Determines if the style attributes of newMatch are a closer match for this FontDescription than those of oldMatch are, or if oldMatch is null, determines if newMatch is a match at all.
BEVEL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.LineJoin
use a cut-off join, the join is cut off at half the line width from the joint point
BG_BLACK - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Use black as background color.
BG_BLUE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Use blue as background color.
BG_CYAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Use cyan as background color.
BG_GREEN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Use green as background color.
BG_MAGENTA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Use magenta as background color.
BG_RED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Use red as background color.
BG_WHITE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Use white as background color.
BG_YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Use yellow as background color.
BGR - Enum constant in enum class
reverse RGB packed into 24 bits without padding (B-G-R-B-G-R)
BGR10A2_LE - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:4:4 RGB with alpha channel(B-G-R-A), 10 bits for R/G/B channel and MSB 2 bits for alpha channel (Since: 1.16)
BGR15 - Enum constant in enum class
reverse rgb 5-5-5 bits per component
BGR16 - Enum constant in enum class
reverse rgb 5-6-5 bits per component
BGRA - Enum constant in enum class
reverse rgb with alpha channel last
BGRA64_BE - Enum constant in enum class
Reverse RGB with alpha channel last, 16 bits (big endian) per channel.
BGRA64_LE - Enum constant in enum class
Reverse RGB with alpha channel last, 16 bits (little endian) per channel.
BGRP - Enum constant in enum class
Planar 4:4:4 RGB, B-G-R order
BGRX - Enum constant in enum class
sparse reverse rgb packed into 32 bit, space last
BHAIKSUKI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Bhks, Since: 1.3.0
BHAIKSUKI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
bidirectional() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.BindingBuilder
Bidirectional binding; if either the property of the source or the property of the target changes, the other is updated.
BIDIRECTIONAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.BindingFlags
Bidirectional binding; if either the property of the source or the property of the target changes, the other is updated.
BidiType - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
BIG_ENDIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DataStreamByteOrder
Selects Big Endian byte order.
BIG_ENDIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageByteOrder
The byte order is big endian.
BIG_ENDIAN - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Specifies one of the possible types of byte order.
BILEVEL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAlphaMode
A bilevel clipping mask (black and white) will be created and used to draw the image.
BILINEAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.InterpType
Best quality/speed balance; use this mode by default.
Bin - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstBin is an element that can contain other GstElement, allowing them to be managed as a group.
Bin - Class in org.gnome.adw
A widget with one child.
Bin() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Calls Bin(java.lang.String) with name = null
Bin() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Bin
Creates a new AdwBin.
Bin(String) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Creates a new bin with the given name.
Bin(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Create a Bin proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Bin(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Bin
Create a Bin proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Bin.BinClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Subclasses can override GstBinClass::add_element and GstBinClass::remove_element to update the list of children in the bin.
Bin.BinClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
Bin.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Bin.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Bin.DeepElementAddedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the DeepElementAddedCallback callback.
Bin.DeepElementRemovedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the DeepElementRemovedCallback callback.
Bin.DoLatencyCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the DoLatencyCallback callback.
Bin.ElementAddedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the ElementAddedCallback callback.
Bin.ElementRemovedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the ElementRemovedCallback callback.
BINARY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
a binary integer
BINARY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketDataType
binary data
BINARY_AGE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Like Gtk.getBinaryAge(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
binarySearch(MemorySegment[], MemorySegment, CompareFunc, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Checks whether target exists in array by performing a binary search based on the given comparison function compareFunc which get pointers to items as arguments.
BinClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.BinClass
Allocate a new BinClass.
BinClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Bin.BinClass
Allocate a new BinClass.
BinClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.BinClass
Allocate a new BinClass.
BinClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Bin.BinClass
Allocate a new BinClass.
BinClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.BinClass
Create a BinClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BinClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Bin.BinClass
Create a BinClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
bind(String, GObject, String, Set<SettingsBindFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Create a binding between the key in the this Settings object and the property property of object.
bind(String, GObject, String, Set<BindingFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.BindingGroup
Creates a binding between sourceProperty on the source object and targetProperty on target.
bind(String, GObject, String, SettingsBindFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Create a binding between the key in the this Settings object and the property property of object.
bind(String, GObject, String, BindingFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.BindingGroup
Creates a binding between sourceProperty on the source object and targetProperty on target.
bind(SocketAddress, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
When a socket is created it is attached to an address family, but it doesn't have an address in this family.
bind(GObject, String, GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expression
Bind target's property named property to self.
bindBusyProperty(GObject, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Marks this Application as busy (see g_application_mark_busy()) while property on object is true.
bindFull(String, GObject, String, Set<BindingFlags>, BindingTransformFunc, BindingTransformFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.BindingGroup
Creates a binding between sourceProperty on the source object and targetProperty on target, allowing you to set the transformation functions to be used by the binding.
bindFull(String, GObject, String, BindingFlags, BindingTransformFunc, BindingTransformFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.BindingGroup
Creates a binding between sourceProperty on the source object and targetProperty on target, allowing you to set the transformation functions to be used by the binding.
Binding - Class in org.gnome.gobject
GObject instance (or source) and another property on another GObject instance (or target).
Binding(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Binding
Create a Binding proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BINDING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketListenerEvent
The listener is about to bind a socket.
Binding.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BindingBuilder<S,T> - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject
Builder class to setup a GObject property binding.
BindingBuilder() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.BindingBuilder
Create a BindingBuilder to construct a GObject property binding.
BindingBuilder(GObject, String, GObject, String) - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.BindingBuilder
Create a BindingBuilder to construct a GObject property binding.
BindingFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gobject
Flags to be passed to g_object_bind_property() or g_object_bind_property_full().
BindingGroup - Class in org.gnome.gobject
GBindingGroup can be used to bind multiple properties from an object collectively.
BindingGroup() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.BindingGroup
Creates a new GBindingGroup.
BindingGroup(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.BindingGroup
Create a BindingGroup proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BindingGroup.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BindingTransformFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the BindingTransformFunc callback.
bindMatrixSetting(Settings, String, Set<SettingsBindFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer
Binds the SpaceDrawer:matrix property to a Settings key.
bindMatrixSetting(Settings, String, SettingsBindFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer
Binds the SpaceDrawer:matrix property to a Settings key.
bindModel(ListModel, ListBoxCreateWidgetFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Binds model to this ListBox.
bindModel(ListModel, FlowBoxCreateWidgetFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Binds model to this FlowBox.
bindProperty(String, GObject, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Creates a binding between sourceProperty on this Object and targetProperty on target.
bindProperty(String, GObject, String, Set<BindingFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Creates a binding between sourceProperty on this Object and targetProperty on target.
bindProperty(String, GObject, String, BindingFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Creates a binding between sourceProperty on this Object and targetProperty on target.
bindPropertyFull(String, GObject, String, Set<BindingFlags>, BindingTransformFunc, BindingTransformFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Complete version of g_object_bind_property().
bindPropertyFull(String, GObject, String, BindingFlags, BindingTransformFunc, BindingTransformFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Complete version of g_object_bind_property().
bindPropertyWithClosures(String, GObject, String, Set<BindingFlags>, Closure, Closure) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Creates a binding between sourceProperty on this Object and targetProperty on target, allowing you to set the transformation functions to be used by the binding.
bindPropertyWithClosures(String, GObject, String, BindingFlags, Closure, Closure) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Creates a binding between sourceProperty on this Object and targetProperty on target, allowing you to set the transformation functions to be used by the binding.
bindTemplateCallbackFull(String, Callback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Declares a callbackSymbol to handle callbackName from the template XML defined for widgetType.
bindTemplateChildFull(String, boolean, long) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Automatically assign an object declared in the class template XML to be set to a location on a freshly built instance’s private data, or alternatively accessible via Widget.getTemplateChild(org.gnome.glib.Type, java.lang.String).
bindWithClosures(String, GObject, String, Set<BindingFlags>, Closure, Closure) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.BindingGroup
Creates a binding between sourceProperty on the source object and targetProperty on target, allowing you to set the transformation functions to be used by the binding.
bindWithClosures(String, GObject, String, BindingFlags, Closure, Closure) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.BindingGroup
Creates a binding between sourceProperty on the source object and targetProperty on target, allowing you to set the transformation functions to be used by the binding.
bindWithMapping(String, GObject, String, Set<SettingsBindFlags>, Closure, Closure) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Version of g_settings_bind_with_mapping() using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages.
bindWithMapping(String, GObject, String, SettingsBindFlags, Closure, Closure) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Version of g_settings_bind_with_mapping() using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages.
bindWritable(String, GObject, String, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Create a binding between the writability of key in the this Settings object and the property property of object.
BinFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstBinFlags are a set of flags specific to bins.
BinLayout - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkBinLayout is a GtkLayoutManager subclass useful for create "bins" of widgets.
BinLayout() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BinLayout
Creates a new GtkBinLayout instance.
BinLayout(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BinLayout
Create a BinLayout proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BinLayout.BinLayoutClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
BinLayout.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BinLayoutClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BinLayout.BinLayoutClass
Allocate a new BinLayoutClass.
BinLayoutClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BinLayout.BinLayoutClass
Allocate a new BinLayoutClass.
BinLayoutClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BinLayout.BinLayoutClass
Create a BinLayoutClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
bitLock(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets the indicated lockBit in address.
Bitmask - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A fundamental type that describes a 64-bit bitmask
Bitmask(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bitmask
Create a Bitmask proxy instance for the provided memory address.
bitNthLsf(int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Find the position of the first bit set in mask, searching from (but not including) nthBit upwards.
bitNthMsf(int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Find the position of the first bit set in mask, searching from (but not including) nthBit downwards.
bitrate() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new query object for querying the bitrate.
BITRATE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
the bitrate query (since 1.16)
BitReader - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
GstBitReader provides a bit reader that can read any number of bits from a memory buffer.
BitReader() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Allocate a new BitReader.
BitReader(byte[], int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Allocate a new BitReader with the fields set to the provided values.
BitReader(byte[], int, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Allocate a new BitReader with the fields set to the provided values.
BitReader(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Allocate a new BitReader.
BitReader(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Create a BitReader proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BITS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FormatSizeFlags
set the size as a quantity in bits, rather than bytes, and return units in bits.
Bitset - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkBitset represents a set of unsigned integers.
Bitset(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Create a Bitset proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BitsetIter - Class in org.gnome.gtk
An opaque, stack-allocated struct for iterating over the elements of a GtkBitset.
BitsetIter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BitsetIter
Allocate a new BitsetIter.
BitsetIter(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BitsetIter
Allocate a new BitsetIter.
BitsetIter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BitsetIter
Create a BitsetIter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BitsetIter(MemorySegment[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BitsetIter
Allocate a new BitsetIter with the fields set to the provided values.
BitsetIter(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BitsetIter
Allocate a new BitsetIter with the fields set to the provided values.
bitStorage(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the number of bits used to hold number, e.g.
bitTrylock(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets the indicated lockBit in address, returning true if successful.
bitUnlock(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Clears the indicated lockBit in address.
BitWriter - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
GstBitWriter provides a bit writer that can write any number of bits into a memory buffer.
BitWriter() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Allocate a new BitWriter.
BitWriter(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Allocate a new BitWriter.
BitWriter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Create a BitWriter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BitWriter(MemorySegment, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Allocate a new BitWriter with the fields set to the provided values.
BitWriter(MemorySegment, int, int, boolean, boolean, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Allocate a new BitWriter with the fields set to the provided values.
BLACKLISTED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFlags
The plugin won't be scanned (again)
BLACKMAN_NUTTALL - Enum constant in enum class
Uses Blackman-Nuttall windowed sinc interpolation
blend(VideoFrame) - Method in class
Blends the overlay rectangles in this VideoOverlayComposition on top of the raw video data contained in videoBuf.
BLEND_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node that blends two children together
BlendMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.gsk
The blend modes available for render nodes.
BlendNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node applying a blending function between its two child nodes.
BlendNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.BlendNode
Create a BlendNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BlendNode(RenderNode, RenderNode, BlendMode) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.BlendNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will use blendMode to blend the top node onto the bottom node.
Blob - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for blobs.
Blob(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Blob
Create a Blob proxy instance for the provided memory address.
blobCopyWritableOrFail(Blob) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Makes a writable copy of blob.
blobCreate(String, int, MemoryMode, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates a new "blob" object wrapping data.
blobCreateFromFile(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates a new blob containing the data from the specified binary font file.
blobCreateFromFileOrFail(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates a new blob containing the data from the specified binary font file.
blobCreateOrFail(String, int, MemoryMode, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates a new "blob" object wrapping data.
blobCreateSubBlob(Blob, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Returns a blob that represents a range of bytes in parent.
blobDestroy(Blob) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Decreases the reference count on blob, and if it reaches zero, destroys blob, freeing all memory, possibly calling the destroy-callback the blob was created for if it has not been called already.
blobGetData(Blob) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the data from a blob.
blobGetDataWritable(Blob) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tries to make blob data writable (possibly copying it) and return pointer to data.
blobGetEmpty() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Returns the singleton empty blob.
blobGetLength(Blob) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the length of a blob's data.
blobGetUserData(Blob, UserDataKey) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the user data associated with the specified key, attached to the specified font-functions structure.
blobIsImmutable(Blob) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether a blob is immutable.
blobMakeImmutable(Blob) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Makes a blob immutable.
blobReference(Blob) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Increases the reference count on blob.
blobSetUserData(Blob, UserDataKey, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc, Bool) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Attaches a user-data key/data pair to the specified blob.
block() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.SignalConnection
Blocks a handler of an instance so it will not be called during any signal emissions unless it is unblocked again.
block() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Blocks all signal handlers managed by this SignalGroup so they will not be called during any signal emissions.
block(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOModuleScope
Block modules with the given basename from being loaded when this scope is used with g_io_modules_scan_all_in_directory_with_scope() or g_io_modules_load_all_in_directory_with_scope().
BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe and block pads
BLOCK_DOWNSTREAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe and block downstream data (buffers, buffer lists, and events)
BLOCK_DUPLICATES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOModuleScopeFlags
When using this scope to load or scan modules, automatically block a modules which has the same base basename as previously loaded module.
BLOCK_QUOTE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A section of content that is quoted from another source.
BLOCK_UPSTREAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe and block upstream data (events)
BLOCKED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
is dataflow on a pad blocked
BLOCKING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
is pad currently blocking on a buffer or event
BLOCKING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe and block at the next opportunity, at data flow or when idle
blockInteractive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
blowChunks() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
BLUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.AccentColor
Use a blue color (#3584e4).
BLUR_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node that applies a blur
BlurNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node applying a blur effect to its single child.
BlurNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.BlurNode
Create a BlurNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BlurNode(RenderNode, float) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.BlurNode
Creates a render node that blurs the child.
BN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Boundary Neutral
BODY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.LoggerLogLevel
Log the full headers and request/response bodies
BOLD - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Make the output bold.
BOLD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Weight
the bold weight (= 700)
BOLD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
BOLD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.EditorTypingAttributes
Bold typing attribute.
BOLD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
BOOK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Weight
the book weight (= 380) Since: 1.24)
BOOKMARK_FILE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GBookmarkFile.
BookmarkFile - Class in org.gnome.glib
GBookmarkFile lets you parse, edit or create files containing bookmarks.
BookmarkFile - Class in org.gnome.gobject
BookmarkFile() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Creates a new empty GBookmarkFile object.
BookmarkFile(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Create a BookmarkFile proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BookmarkFile(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.BookmarkFile
Create a BookmarkFile proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BookmarkFileError - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Error codes returned by bookmark file parsing.
BookmarkList<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkBookmarkList is a list model that wraps GBookmarkFile.
BookmarkList(String, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList
Creates a new GtkBookmarkList with the given attributes.
BookmarkList(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList
Create a BookmarkList proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BookmarkList.BookmarkListClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
BookmarkList.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BookmarkListClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList.BookmarkListClass
Allocate a new BookmarkListClass.
BookmarkListClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList.BookmarkListClass
Allocate a new BookmarkListClass.
BookmarkListClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList.BookmarkListClass
Create a BookmarkListClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Bool - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for booleans.
Bool(int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Bool
Create a new Bool with the provided value
BOOL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.GLUniformType
A GLSL bool / gboolean uniform
BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeType
a boolean value.
BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupCollectType
expects a parameter of type (gboolean *) and parses the attribute value as a boolean.
BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is a boolean.
BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.OptionType
A gboolean option type.
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of a value that can be either true or false.
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type corresponding to gboolean.
boolean_(boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a new boolean GVariant instance -- either true or false.
boolean_(Context, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Create a new JSCValue from value
BoolFilter - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkBoolFilter evaluates a boolean GtkExpression to determine whether to include items.
BoolFilter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter
Calls BoolFilter(org.gnome.gtk.Expression) with expression = null
BoolFilter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter
Create a BoolFilter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BoolFilter(Expression) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter
Creates a new bool filter.
BoolFilter.BoolFilterClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
BoolFilter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BoolFilterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter.BoolFilterClass
Allocate a new BoolFilterClass.
BoolFilterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter.BoolFilterClass
Allocate a new BoolFilterClass.
BoolFilterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter.BoolFilterClass
Create a BoolFilterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BOPOMOFO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
BOPOMOFO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
BOPOMOFO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Border - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A struct that specifies a border around a rectangular area.
Border() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Border
Allocates a new GtkBorder struct and initializes its elements to zero.
Border(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Border
Create a Border proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BORDER_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node stroking a border around an area
BorderNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node for a border.
BorderNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.BorderNode
Create a BorderNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BorderNode(RoundedRect, float[], RGBA[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.BorderNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will stroke a border rectangle inside the given outline.
BorderStyle - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes how the border of a UI element should be rendered.
BOT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferFlags
flag indicating that special handling of the beginning of text paragraph can be applied to this buffer.
BOTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleAutocomplete
When a user is providing input, an element containing a collection of values that could complete the provided input may be displayed.
BOTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroupMode
group affects both horizontal and vertical requisition
BOTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewGridLines
Horizontal and vertical grid lines.
BOTH_AXES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScrollFlags
Emit scroll on both axes.
BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BaselinePosition
Align the baseline at the bottom
BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintAttribute
The bottom edge of a widget
BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PositionType
The feature is at the bottom edge.
BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextWindowType
Bottom border window.
BOTTOM_FIELD - Static variable in enum class
The video frame has the bottom field only.
BOTTOM_FIELD - Static variable in enum class
The video frame has the bottom field only.
BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST - Enum constant in enum class
bottom field is first
BOTTOM_FRONT_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class
Bottom front center
BOTTOM_FRONT_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
Bottom front left
BOTTOM_FRONT_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
Bottom front right
BOTTOM_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKern
The bottom left corner of the glyph.
BOTTOM_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.Corner
The bottom left corner
BOTTOM_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CornerType
Place the scrollbars on the top and right of the widget.
BOTTOM_RESIZABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
whether the bottom edge is resizable
BOTTOM_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKern
The bottom right corner of the glyph.
BOTTOM_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.Corner
The bottom right corner
BOTTOM_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CornerType
Place the scrollbars on the top and left of the widget.
BOTTOM_SHEET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.DialogPresentationMode
Present dialog as a bottom sheet.
BOTTOM_TILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
whether the bottom edge is tiled
BottomSheet - Class in org.gnome.adw
A bottom sheet with an optional bottom bar.
BottomSheet() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Creates a new AdwBottomSheet.
BottomSheet(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Create a BottomSheet proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BottomSheet.BottomSheetClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
BottomSheet.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BottomSheet.CloseAttemptCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the CloseAttemptCallback callback.
BottomSheetClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.BottomSheetClass
Allocate a new BottomSheetClass.
BottomSheetClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.BottomSheetClass
Allocate a new BottomSheetClass.
BottomSheetClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.BottomSheetClass
Create a BottomSheetClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketListenerEvent
The listener has bound a socket.
bounds(Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quad
Computes the bounding rectangle of this Quad and places it into r.
Box - Class in org.gnome.graphene
A 3D box, described as the volume between a minimum and a maximum vertices.
Box - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkBox widget arranges child widgets into a single row or column.
Box() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Allocate a new Box.
Box(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Allocate a new Box.
Box(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Create a Box proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Box(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Box
Create a Box proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Box(Vec3, Vec3) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Allocate a new Box with the fields set to the provided values.
Box(Vec3, Vec3, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Allocate a new Box with the fields set to the provided values.
Box(Orientation, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Box
Creates a new GtkBox.
BOX_ANNOTATION - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
Box.BoxClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Box.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BoxClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Box.BoxClass
Allocate a new BoxClass.
BoxClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Box.BoxClass
Allocate a new BoxClass.
BoxClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Box.BoxClass
Create a BoxClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BOXED - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type from which all boxed types are derived.
boxedCopy(Type, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Provide a copy of a boxed structure srcBoxed which is of type boxedType.
BoxedCopyFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the BoxedCopyFunc callback.
boxedFree(Type, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Free the boxed structure boxed which is of type boxedType.
BoxedFreeFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the BoxedFreeFunc callback.
boxedTypeRegisterStatic(String, BoxedCopyFunc, BoxedFreeFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
This function creates a new G_TYPE_BOXED derived type id for a new boxed type with name name.
BoxLayout - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkBoxLayout is a layout manager that arranges children in a single row or column.
BoxLayout(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout
Create a BoxLayout proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BoxLayout(Orientation) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout
Creates a new GtkBoxLayout.
BoxLayout.BoxLayoutClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
BoxLayout.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BoxLayoutClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout.BoxLayoutClass
Allocate a new BoxLayoutClass.
BoxLayoutClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout.BoxLayoutClass
Allocate a new BoxLayoutClass.
BoxLayoutClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout.BoxLayoutClass
Create a BoxLayoutClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
bracketMatched(TextIter, BracketMatchType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
BracketMatchType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
BRAHMI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
BRAHMI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
BRAHMI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
BRAILLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
BRAILLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
BRAILLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
break_(String, int, Analysis, LogAttr[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Breakpoint - Class in org.gnome.adw
Describes a breakpoint for Window or Dialog.
Breakpoint(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint
Create a Breakpoint proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Breakpoint(BreakpointCondition) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint
Creates a new AdwBreakpoint with condition.
Breakpoint.ApplyCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ApplyCallback callback.
Breakpoint.BreakpointClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
Breakpoint.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Breakpoint.UnapplyCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the UnapplyCallback callback.
BreakpointBin - Class in org.gnome.adw
A widget that changes layout based on available size.
BreakpointBin() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin
Creates a new AdwBreakpointBin.
BreakpointBin(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin
Create a BreakpointBin proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BreakpointBin.BreakpointBinClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
BreakpointBin.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BreakpointBinClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin.BreakpointBinClass
Allocate a new BreakpointBinClass.
BreakpointBinClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin.BreakpointBinClass
Allocate a new BreakpointBinClass.
BreakpointBinClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin.BreakpointBinClass
Create a BreakpointBinClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BreakpointClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint.BreakpointClass
Allocate a new BreakpointClass.
BreakpointClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint.BreakpointClass
Allocate a new BreakpointClass.
BreakpointClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint.BreakpointClass
Create a BreakpointClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BreakpointCondition - Class in org.gnome.adw
Describes condition for an Breakpoint.
BreakpointCondition(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointCondition
Create a BreakpointCondition proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BreakpointConditionLengthType - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
Describes length types for BreakpointCondition.
BreakpointConditionRatioType - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
Describes ratio types for BreakpointCondition.
broadcast() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Cond
If threads are waiting for this Cond, all of them are unblocked.
BroadwayRenderer - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A Broadway based renderer.
BroadwayRenderer() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.BroadwayRenderer
Creates a new Broadway renderer.
BroadwayRenderer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.BroadwayRenderer
Create a BroadwayRenderer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BroadwayRenderer.BroadwayRendererClass - Class in org.gnome.gsk
BroadwayRenderer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gsk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BroadwayRendererClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.BroadwayRenderer.BroadwayRendererClass
Create a BroadwayRendererClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BROKEN_PIPE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Broken pipe.
BROWSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionMode
Exactly one element is selected.
BRUSH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceToolType
Tool is a brush stylus.
BSD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
The BSD standard license
BSD_3 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
The 3-clause BSD licence
BSR_ANY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
Overrides the newline definition for "\\R" set when creating a new GRegex; any Unicode newline character or character sequence are recognized as a newline by "\\R".
BSR_ANYCRLF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Usually any newline character or character sequence is recognised.
BSR_ANYCRLF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
Overrides the newline definition for "\\R" set when creating a new GRegex; only '\\r', '\\n', or '\\r\\n' character sequences are recognized as a newline by "\\R".
BT2020 - Enum constant in enum class
ITU-R BT.2020 color matrix.
BT2020 - Enum constant in enum class
ITU-R BT2020 primaries.
BT2020_10 - Enum constant in enum class
BT2020_12 - Enum constant in enum class
Gamma 2.2 curve with a linear segment in the lower range.
BT470BG - Enum constant in enum class
BT470BG primaries, also ITU-R BT601-6 625 / ITU-R BT1358 625 / ITU-R BT1700 625 PAL & SECAM
BT470M - Enum constant in enum class
BT470M primaries, also FCC Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations 73.682 (a)(20)
BT601 - Enum constant in enum class
ITU-R BT.601 color matrix, also SMPTE170M / ITU-R BT1358 525 / ITU-R BT1700 NTSC
BT601 - Enum constant in enum class
also known as SMPTE170M / ITU-R BT1358 525 or 625 / ITU-R BT1700 NTSC
BT709 - Enum constant in enum class
ITU-R BT.709 color matrix, also ITU-R BT1361 / IEC 61966-2-4 xvYCC709 / SMPTE RP177 Annex B
BT709 - Enum constant in enum class
BT709 primaries, also ITU-R BT1361 / IEC 61966-2-4 / SMPTE RP177 Annex B
BT709 - Enum constant in enum class
Gamma 2.2 curve with a linear segment in the lower range, also ITU-R BT470M / ITU-R BT1700 625 PAL & SECAM / ITU-R BT1361
BTLR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NumberUpLayout
BTRL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NumberUpLayout
BTT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Direction
Text is set vertically from bottom to top.
BUBBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PropagationPhase
Events are delivered in the bubble phase.
Buffer - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Buffers are the basic unit of data transfer in GStreamer.
Buffer - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
The main structure holding the input text and its properties before shaping, and output glyphs and their information after shaping.
Buffer - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Subclass of TextBuffer.
Buffer() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Creates a newly allocated buffer without any data.
Buffer() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Calls Buffer(org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable) with table = null
Buffer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Create a Buffer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Buffer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Buffer
Create a Buffer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Buffer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Create a Buffer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Buffer(TextTagTable) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Creates a new source buffer.
BUFFER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe buffers
BUFFER_COPY_ALL - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Combination of all possible fields that can be copied with gst_buffer_copy_into().
BUFFER_COPY_METADATA - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Combination of all possible metadata fields that can be copied with gst_buffer_copy_into().
BUFFER_ENDS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MovementStep
Move to ends of the buffer
BUFFER_LIST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe buffer lists
BUFFER_OFFSET_NONE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Constant for no-offset return results.
A bufferpool option to enable extra padding.
An option that can be activated on a bufferpool to request gl texture upload meta on buffers from the pool.
BUFFER_POOL_OPTION_VIDEO_META - Static variable in class
An option that can be activated on bufferpool to request video metadata on buffers from the pool.
BUFFER_REPLACEMENT_CODEPOINT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
The default code point for replacing invalid characters in a given encoding.
Buffer.BracketMatchedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the BracketMatchedCallback callback.
Buffer.BufferClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Buffer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Buffer.CursorMovedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the CursorMovedCallback callback.
Buffer.HighlightUpdatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the HighlightUpdatedCallback callback.
Buffer.SourceMarkUpdatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the SourceMarkUpdatedCallback callback.
bufferAdd(Buffer, Codepoint, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Appends a character with the Unicode value of codepoint to buffer, and gives it the initial cluster value of cluster.
bufferAddAncillaryMeta(Buffer) - Static method in class
Adds a new GstAncillaryMeta to the buffer.
bufferAddAudioClippingMeta(Buffer, Format, long, long) - Static method in class
Attaches GstAudioClippingMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.
bufferAddAudioDownmixMeta(Buffer, AudioChannelPosition[], AudioChannelPosition[], MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class
Attaches GstAudioDownmixMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.
bufferAddAudioLevelMeta(Buffer, byte, boolean) - Static method in class
Attaches audio level information to buffer.
bufferAddAudioMeta(Buffer, AudioInfo, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
Allocates and attaches a GstAudioMeta on buffer, which must be writable for that purpose.
bufferAddCodepoints(Buffer, Codepoint[], int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Appends characters from text array to buffer.
bufferAddDsdPlaneOffsetMeta(Buffer, int, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
Allocates and attaches a GstDsdPlaneOffsetMeta on buffer, which must be writable for that purpose.
bufferAddLatin1(Buffer, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Similar to hb_buffer_add_codepoints(), but allows only access to first 256 Unicode code points that can fit in 8-bit strings.
bufferAddUtf16(Buffer, short[], int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
See hb_buffer_add_codepoints().
bufferAddUtf32(Buffer, int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
See hb_buffer_add_codepoints().
bufferAddUtf8(Buffer, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
See hb_buffer_add_codepoints().
bufferAddVideoAfdMeta(Buffer, byte, VideoAFDSpec, VideoAFDValue) - Static method in class
Attaches GstVideoAFDMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.
bufferAddVideoAffineTransformationMeta(Buffer) - Static method in class
Attaches GstVideoAffineTransformationMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.
bufferAddVideoBarMeta(Buffer, byte, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class
Attaches GstVideoBarMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.
bufferAddVideoCaptionMeta(Buffer, VideoCaptionType, byte[]) - Static method in class
Attaches GstVideoCaptionMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.
bufferAddVideoCodecAlphaMeta(Buffer, Buffer) - Static method in class
Attaches a GstVideoCodecAlphaMeta metadata to buffer with the given alpha buffer.
bufferAddVideoGlTextureUploadMeta(Buffer, VideoGLTextureOrientation, int, MemorySegment, VideoGLTextureUpload, BoxedCopyFunc, BoxedFreeFunc) - Static method in class
Attaches GstVideoGLTextureUploadMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.
bufferAddVideoMeta(Buffer, Set<VideoFrameFlags>, VideoFormat, int, int) - Static method in class
Attaches GstVideoMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters and the default offsets and strides for format and width x height.
bufferAddVideoMeta(Buffer, VideoFrameFlags, VideoFormat, int, int) - Static method in class
Attaches GstVideoMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters and the default offsets and strides for format and width x height.
bufferAddVideoMetaFull(Buffer, Set<VideoFrameFlags>, VideoFormat, int, int, int, long[], int[]) - Static method in class
Attaches GstVideoMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.
bufferAddVideoMetaFull(Buffer, VideoFrameFlags, VideoFormat, int, int, int, long[], int[]) - Static method in class
Attaches GstVideoMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.
bufferAddVideoOverlayCompositionMeta(Buffer, VideoOverlayComposition) - Static method in class
Sets an overlay composition on a buffer.
bufferAddVideoRegionOfInterestMeta(Buffer, String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class
Attaches GstVideoRegionOfInterestMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.
bufferAddVideoRegionOfInterestMetaId(Buffer, Quark, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class
Attaches GstVideoRegionOfInterestMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.
bufferAddVideoSeiUserDataUnregisteredMeta(Buffer, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class
Attaches GstVideoSEIUserDataUnregisteredMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.
bufferAddVideoTimeCodeMeta(Buffer, VideoTimeCode) - Static method in class
Attaches GstVideoTimeCodeMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.
bufferAddVideoTimeCodeMetaFull(Buffer, int, int, DateTime, Set<VideoTimeCodeFlags>, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class
Attaches GstVideoTimeCodeMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.
bufferAddVideoTimeCodeMetaFull(Buffer, int, int, DateTime, VideoTimeCodeFlags, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class
Attaches GstVideoTimeCodeMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.
bufferAllocationSuccessful(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Check if allocating memory for the buffer succeeded.
bufferAppend(Buffer, Buffer, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Append (part of) contents of another buffer to this buffer.
BufferClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.BufferClass
Allocate a new BufferClass.
BufferClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.BufferClass
Allocate a new BufferClass.
BufferClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.BufferClass
Create a BufferClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
bufferClearContents(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Similar to hb_buffer_reset(), but does not clear the Unicode functions and the replacement code point.
BufferClusterLevel - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for holding HarfBuzz's clustering behavior options.
BufferContentType - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
The type of hb_buffer_t contents.
BufferCopyFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A set of flags that can be provided to the gst_buffer_copy_into() function to specify which items should be copied.
bufferCreate() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates a new hb_buffer_t with all properties to defaults.
bufferCreateSimilar(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates a new hb_buffer_t, similar to hb_buffer_create().
bufferDeserializeGlyphs(Buffer, String[], Out<String>, Font, BufferSerializeFormat) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Deserializes glyphs buffer from textual representation in the format produced by hb_buffer_serialize_glyphs().
bufferDeserializeUnicode(Buffer, String[], Out<String>, BufferSerializeFormat) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Deserializes Unicode buffer from textual representation in the format produced by hb_buffer_serialize_unicode().
bufferDestroy(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Deallocate the buffer.
bufferDiff(Buffer, Buffer, Codepoint, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
If dottedcircle_glyph is (hb_codepoint_t) -1 then HB_BUFFER_DIFF_FLAG_DOTTED_CIRCLE_PRESENT and HB_BUFFER_DIFF_FLAG_NOTDEF_PRESENT are never returned.
BufferDiffFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Flags from comparing two hb_buffer_t's.
BufferedInputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
Buffered input stream implements FilterInputStream and provides for buffered reads.
BufferedInputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream
Create a BufferedInputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BufferedInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream
Creates a new InputStream from the given baseStream, with a buffer set to the default size (4 kilobytes).
BufferedInputStream.BufferedInputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
BufferedInputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BufferedInputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream.BufferedInputStreamClass
Allocate a new BufferedInputStreamClass.
BufferedInputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream.BufferedInputStreamClass
Allocate a new BufferedInputStreamClass.
BufferedInputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream.BufferedInputStreamClass
Create a BufferedInputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BufferedOutputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
Buffered output stream implements FilterOutputStream and provides for buffered writes.
BufferedOutputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream
Create a BufferedOutputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream
Creates a new buffered output stream for a base stream.
BufferedOutputStream.BufferedOutputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
BufferedOutputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BufferedOutputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream.BufferedOutputStreamClass
Allocate a new BufferedOutputStreamClass.
BufferedOutputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream.BufferedOutputStreamClass
Allocate a new BufferedOutputStreamClass.
BufferedOutputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream.BufferedOutputStreamClass
Create a BufferedOutputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BufferFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A set of buffer flags used to describe properties of a GstBuffer.
BufferFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Flags for hb_buffer_t.
BufferForeachMetaFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the BufferForeachMetaFunc callback.
bufferGetAudioDownmixMetaForChannels(Buffer, AudioChannelPosition[]) - Static method in class
Find the GstAudioDownmixMeta on buffer for the given destination channel positions.
bufferGetAudioLevelMeta(Buffer) - Static method in class
Find the GstAudioLevelMeta on buffer.
bufferGetClusterLevel(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the cluster level of a buffer.
bufferGetContentType(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the type of buffer contents.
bufferGetDirection(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
See hb_buffer_set_direction()
bufferGetEmpty() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches an empty hb_buffer_t.
bufferGetFlags(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the hb_buffer_flags_t of buffer.
bufferGetGlyphInfos(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Returns buffer glyph information array.
bufferGetGlyphPositions(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Returns buffer glyph position array.
bufferGetInvisibleGlyph(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
See hb_buffer_set_invisible_glyph().
bufferGetLanguage(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
See hb_buffer_set_language().
bufferGetLength(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Returns the number of items in the buffer.
bufferGetNotFoundGlyph(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
See hb_buffer_set_not_found_glyph().
bufferGetRandomState(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
See hb_buffer_set_random_state().
bufferGetReplacementCodepoint(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the hb_codepoint_t that replaces invalid entries for a given encoding when adding text to buffer.
bufferGetScript(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the script of buffer.
bufferGetSegmentProperties(Buffer, SegmentProperties) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets props to the hb_segment_properties_t of buffer.
bufferGetUnicodeFuncs(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the Unicode-functions structure of a buffer.
bufferGetUserData(Buffer, UserDataKey) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the user data associated with the specified key, attached to the specified buffer.
bufferGetVideoMeta(Buffer) - Static method in class
Find the GstVideoMeta on buffer with the lowest id.
bufferGetVideoMetaId(Buffer, int) - Static method in class
Find the GstVideoMeta on buffer with the given id.
bufferGetVideoRegionOfInterestMetaId(Buffer, int) - Static method in class
Find the GstVideoRegionOfInterestMeta on buffer with the given id.
bufferGuessSegmentProperties(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets unset buffer segment properties based on buffer Unicode contents.
bufferHasPositions(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Returns whether buffer has glyph position data.
buffering(GstObject, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new buffering message.
buffering(Format) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new query object for querying the buffering status of a stream.
BUFFERING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
the pipeline is buffering.
BUFFERING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
query available media for efficient seeking.
BufferingMode - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The different types of buffering methods.
BufferList - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Buffer lists are an object containing a list of buffers.
BufferList() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferList
Creates a new, empty GstBufferList.
BufferList(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferList
Create a BufferList proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BufferListFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the BufferListFunc callback.
BufferMapInfo - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Alias for GstMapInfo to be used with g_auto():
BufferMapInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferMapInfo
Create a BufferMapInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BufferMessageFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the BufferMessageFunc callback.
bufferNormalizeGlyphs(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Reorders a glyph buffer to have canonical in-cluster glyph order / position.
BufferPool - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A GstBufferPool is an object that can be used to pre-allocate and recycle buffers of the same size and with the same properties.
BufferPool() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Creates a new GstBufferPool instance.
BufferPool(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Create a BufferPool proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BufferPool.BufferPoolClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The GstBufferPool class.
BufferPool.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BufferPoolAcquireFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Additional flags to control the allocation of a buffer
BufferPoolAcquireParams - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Parameters passed to the gst_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer() function to control the allocation of the buffer.
BufferPoolAcquireParams() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireParams
Allocate a new BufferPoolAcquireParams.
BufferPoolAcquireParams(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireParams
Allocate a new BufferPoolAcquireParams.
BufferPoolAcquireParams(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireParams
Create a BufferPoolAcquireParams proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BufferPoolAcquireParams(Format, long, long, Set<BufferPoolAcquireFlags>) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireParams
Allocate a new BufferPoolAcquireParams with the fields set to the provided values.
BufferPoolAcquireParams(Format, long, long, Set<BufferPoolAcquireFlags>, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireParams
Allocate a new BufferPoolAcquireParams with the fields set to the provided values.
BufferPoolClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool.BufferPoolClass
Allocate a new BufferPoolClass.
BufferPoolClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool.BufferPoolClass
Allocate a new BufferPoolClass.
BufferPoolClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool.BufferPoolClass
Create a BufferPoolClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
bufferPoolConfigGetVideoAlignment(Structure, VideoAlignment) - Static method in class
Get the video alignment from the bufferpool configuration config in in align
bufferPoolConfigSetVideoAlignment(Structure, VideoAlignment) - Static method in class
Set the video alignment in align to the bufferpool configuration config
bufferPreAllocate(Buffer, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Pre allocates memory for buffer to fit at least size number of items.
bufferReference(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Increases the reference count on buffer by one.
bufferReset(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Resets the buffer to its initial status, as if it was just newly created with hb_buffer_create().
bufferReverse(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Reverses buffer contents.
bufferReverseClusters(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Reverses buffer clusters.
bufferReverseRange(Buffer, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Reverses buffer contents between start and end.
BUFFERS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Format
buffers (few, if any, elements implement this as of May 2009)
bufferSerialize(Buffer, int, int, Out<byte[]>, Out<Integer>, Font, BufferSerializeFormat, Set<BufferSerializeFlags>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Serializes buffer into a textual representation of its content, whether Unicode codepoints or glyph identifiers and positioning information.
bufferSerialize(Buffer, int, int, Out<byte[]>, Out<Integer>, Font, BufferSerializeFormat, BufferSerializeFlags...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Serializes buffer into a textual representation of its content, whether Unicode codepoints or glyph identifiers and positioning information.
BufferSerializeFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Flags that control what glyph information are serialized in hb_buffer_serialize_glyphs().
BufferSerializeFormat - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
The buffer serialization and de-serialization format used in hb_buffer_serialize_glyphs() and hb_buffer_deserialize_glyphs().
bufferSerializeFormatFromString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Parses a string into an hb_buffer_serialize_format_t.
bufferSerializeFormatToString(BufferSerializeFormat) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Converts format to the string corresponding it, or NULL if it is not a valid hb_buffer_serialize_format_t.
bufferSerializeGlyphs(Buffer, int, int, Out<byte[]>, Out<Integer>, Font, BufferSerializeFormat, Set<BufferSerializeFlags>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Serializes buffer into a textual representation of its glyph content, useful for showing the contents of the buffer, for example during debugging.
bufferSerializeGlyphs(Buffer, int, int, Out<byte[]>, Out<Integer>, Font, BufferSerializeFormat, BufferSerializeFlags...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Serializes buffer into a textual representation of its glyph content, useful for showing the contents of the buffer, for example during debugging.
bufferSerializeListFormats() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Returns a list of supported buffer serialization formats.
bufferSerializeUnicode(Buffer, int, int, Out<byte[]>, Out<Integer>, BufferSerializeFormat, Set<BufferSerializeFlags>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Serializes buffer into a textual representation of its content, when the buffer contains Unicode codepoints (i.e., before shaping).
bufferSerializeUnicode(Buffer, int, int, Out<byte[]>, Out<Integer>, BufferSerializeFormat, BufferSerializeFlags...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Serializes buffer into a textual representation of its content, when the buffer contains Unicode codepoints (i.e., before shaping).
bufferSetClusterLevel(Buffer, BufferClusterLevel) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the cluster level of a buffer.
bufferSetContentType(Buffer, BufferContentType) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the type of buffer contents.
bufferSetDirection(Buffer, Direction) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Set the text flow direction of the buffer.
bufferSetFlags(Buffer, Set<BufferFlags>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets buffer flags to flags.
bufferSetFlags(Buffer, BufferFlags...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets buffer flags to flags.
bufferSetInvisibleGlyph(Buffer, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the hb_codepoint_t that replaces invisible characters in the shaping result.
bufferSetLanguage(Buffer, Language) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the language of buffer to language.
bufferSetLength(Buffer, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Similar to hb_buffer_pre_allocate(), but clears any new items added at the end.
bufferSetMessageFunc(Buffer, BufferMessageFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_buffer_message_func_t.
bufferSetNotFoundGlyph(Buffer, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the hb_codepoint_t that replaces characters not found in the font during shaping.
bufferSetRandomState(Buffer, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the random state of the buffer.
bufferSetReplacementCodepoint(Buffer, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the hb_codepoint_t that replaces invalid entries for a given encoding when adding text to buffer.
bufferSetScript(Buffer, Script) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the script of buffer to script.
bufferSetSegmentProperties(Buffer, SegmentProperties) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the segment properties of the buffer, a shortcut for calling hb_buffer_set_direction(), hb_buffer_set_script() and hb_buffer_set_language() individually.
bufferSetUnicodeFuncs(Buffer, UnicodeFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the Unicode-functions structure of a buffer to unicodeFuncs.
bufferSetUserData(Buffer, UserDataKey, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc, Bool) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Attaches a user-data key/data pair to the specified buffer.
bufferSize(Format, long, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new buffersize event.
BUFFERSIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Notification of buffering requirements.
bufferToWindowCoords(TextWindowType, int, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Converts buffer coordinates to window coordinates.
BUGINESE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
BUGINESE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
BUGINESE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
BUHID - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
BUHID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
BUHID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
build() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.BindingBuilder
Create the property binding.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the AudioAggregator object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the AudioAggregatorConvertPad object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the AudioAggregatorPad object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the AudioBaseSink object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the AudioBaseSrc object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the AudioCdSrc object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the AudioClock object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the AudioDecoder object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the AudioEncoder object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the AudioFilter object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the AudioRingBuffer object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the AudioSink object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the AudioSrc object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter.Builder
Finish building the Adapter object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.Builder
Finish building the Aggregator object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad.Builder
Finish building the AggregatorPad object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.Builder
Finish building the BaseParse object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.Builder
Finish building the BaseSink object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.Builder
Finish building the BaseSrc object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.Builder
Finish building the BaseTransform object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads.Builder
Finish building the CollectPads object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue.Builder
Finish building the DataQueue object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.PushSrc.Builder
Finish building the PushSrc object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator.Builder
Finish building the Allocator object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.Builder
Finish building the Bin object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool.Builder
Finish building the BufferPool object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus.Builder
Finish building the Bus object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.Builder
Finish building the Clock object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding.Builder
Finish building the ControlBinding object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSource.Builder
Finish building the ControlSource object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device.Builder
Finish building the Device object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor.Builder
Finish building the DeviceMonitor object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.Builder
Finish building the DeviceProvider object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProviderFactory.Builder
Finish building the DeviceProviderFactory object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DynamicTypeFactory.Builder
Finish building the DynamicTypeFactory object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.Builder
Finish building the Element object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory.Builder
Finish building the ElementFactory object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad.Builder
Finish building the GhostPad object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject.Builder
Finish building the GstObject object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.Builder
Finish building the Pad object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate.Builder
Finish building the PadTemplate object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline.Builder
Finish building the Pipeline object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin.Builder
Finish building the Plugin object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature.Builder
Finish building the PluginFeature object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProxyPad.Builder
Finish building the ProxyPad object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry.Builder
Finish building the Registry object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SharedTaskPool.Builder
Finish building the SharedTaskPool object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream.Builder
Finish building the Stream object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection.Builder
Finish building the StreamCollection object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SystemClock.Builder
Finish building the SystemClock object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task.Builder
Finish building the Task object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool.Builder
Finish building the TaskPool object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Tracer.Builder
Finish building the Tracer object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerFactory.Builder
Finish building the TracerFactory object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerRecord.Builder
Finish building the TracerRecord object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindFactory.Builder
Finish building the TypeFindFactory object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer.Builder
Finish building the AudioVisualizer object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.Builder
Finish building the Discoverer object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererAudioInfo.Builder
Finish building the DiscovererAudioInfo object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererContainerInfo.Builder
Finish building the DiscovererContainerInfo object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo.Builder
Finish building the DiscovererInfo object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfo.Builder
Finish building the DiscovererStreamInfo object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSubtitleInfo.Builder
Finish building the DiscovererSubtitleInfo object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfo.Builder
Finish building the DiscovererVideoInfo object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingAudioProfile.Builder
Finish building the EncodingAudioProfile object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingContainerProfile.Builder
Finish building the EncodingContainerProfile object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile.Builder
Finish building the EncodingProfile object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget.Builder
Finish building the EncodingTarget object.
build() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingVideoProfile.Builder
Finish building the EncodingVideoProfile object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the ColorBalanceChannel object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the VideoAggregator object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the VideoAggregatorConvertPad object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the VideoAggregatorPad object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the VideoAggregatorParallelConvertPad object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the VideoBufferPool object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the VideoDecoder object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the VideoEncoder object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the VideoFilter object.
build() - Method in class
Finish building the VideoSink object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
Finish building the AboutDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
Finish building the AboutWindow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow.Builder
Finish building the ActionRow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.Builder
Finish building the AlertDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation.Builder
Finish building the Animation object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AnimationTarget.Builder
Finish building the AnimationTarget object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Application.Builder
Finish building the Application object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow.Builder
Finish building the ApplicationWindow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar.Builder
Finish building the Avatar object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner.Builder
Finish building the Banner object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Bin.Builder
Finish building the Bin object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.Builder
Finish building the BottomSheet object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint.Builder
Finish building the Breakpoint object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin.Builder
Finish building the BreakpointBin object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent.Builder
Finish building the ButtonContent object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow.Builder
Finish building the ButtonRow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.CallbackAnimationTarget.Builder
Finish building the CallbackAnimationTarget object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel.Builder
Finish building the Carousel object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorDots.Builder
Finish building the CarouselIndicatorDots object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorLines.Builder
Finish building the CarouselIndicatorLines object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Clamp.Builder
Finish building the Clamp object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout.Builder
Finish building the ClampLayout object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable.Builder
Finish building the ClampScrollable object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow.Builder
Finish building the ComboRow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.Builder
Finish building the Dialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.Builder
Finish building the EntryRow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EnumListItem.Builder
Finish building the EnumListItem object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EnumListModel.Builder
Finish building the EnumListModel object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow.Builder
Finish building the ExpanderRow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap.Builder
Finish building the Flap object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar.Builder
Finish building the HeaderBar object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Layout.Builder
Finish building the Layout object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.LayoutSlot.Builder
Finish building the LayoutSlot object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet.Builder
Finish building the Leaflet object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage.Builder
Finish building the LeafletPage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.Builder
Finish building the MessageDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView.Builder
Finish building the MultiLayoutView object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.Builder
Finish building the NavigationPage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView.Builder
Finish building the NavigationSplitView object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.Builder
Finish building the NavigationView object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.Builder
Finish building the OverlaySplitView object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PasswordEntryRow.Builder
Finish building the PasswordEntryRow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog.Builder
Finish building the PreferencesDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup.Builder
Finish building the PreferencesGroup object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage.Builder
Finish building the PreferencesPage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow.Builder
Finish building the PreferencesRow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow.Builder
Finish building the PreferencesWindow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PropertyAnimationTarget.Builder
Finish building the PropertyAnimationTarget object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Spinner.Builder
Finish building the Spinner object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinnerPaintable.Builder
Finish building the SpinnerPaintable object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.Builder
Finish building the SpinRow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.Builder
Finish building the SplitButton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation.Builder
Finish building the SpringAnimation object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer.Builder
Finish building the Squeezer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerPage.Builder
Finish building the SqueezerPage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage.Builder
Finish building the StatusPage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager.Builder
Finish building the StyleManager object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.Builder
Finish building the SwipeTracker object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwitchRow.Builder
Finish building the SwitchRow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar.Builder
Finish building the TabBar object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabButton.Builder
Finish building the TabButton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.Builder
Finish building the TabOverview object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.Builder
Finish building the TabPage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView.Builder
Finish building the TabView object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation.Builder
Finish building the TimedAnimation object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast.Builder
Finish building the Toast object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToastOverlay.Builder
Finish building the ToastOverlay object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView.Builder
Finish building the ToolbarView object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack.Builder
Finish building the ViewStack object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage.Builder
Finish building the ViewStackPage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPages.Builder
Finish building the ViewStackPages object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcher.Builder
Finish building the ViewSwitcher object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherBar.Builder
Finish building the ViewSwitcherBar object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle.Builder
Finish building the ViewSwitcherTitle object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Window.Builder
Finish building the Window object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.WindowTitle.Builder
Finish building the WindowTitle object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.AppLaunchContext.Builder
Finish building the AppLaunchContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CairoContext.Builder
Finish building the CairoContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams.Builder
Finish building the CicpParams object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard.Builder
Finish building the Clipboard object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializer.Builder
Finish building the ContentDeserializer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.Builder
Finish building the ContentProvider object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializer.Builder
Finish building the ContentSerializer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor.Builder
Finish building the Cursor object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device.Builder
Finish building the Device object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceTool.Builder
Finish building the DeviceTool object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display.Builder
Finish building the Display object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager.Builder
Finish building the DisplayManager object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTexture.Builder
Finish building the DmabufTexture object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder.Builder
Finish building the DmabufTextureBuilder object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag.Builder
Finish building the Drag object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DrawContext.Builder
Finish building the DrawContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop.Builder
Finish building the Drop object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.Builder
Finish building the FrameClock object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext.Builder
Finish building the GLContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTexture.Builder
Finish building the GLTexture object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder.Builder
Finish building the GLTextureBuilder object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTexture.Builder
Finish building the MemoryTexture object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Builds a new GdkTexture with the values set up in the builder.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder.Builder
Finish building the MemoryTextureBuilder object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor.Builder
Finish building the Monitor object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat.Builder
Finish building the Seat object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Snapshot.Builder
Finish building the Snapshot object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface.Builder
Finish building the Surface object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture.Builder
Finish building the Texture object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanContext.Builder
Finish building the VulkanContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf.Builder
Finish building the Pixbuf object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation.Builder
Finish building the PixbufAnimation object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter.Builder
Finish building the PixbufAnimationIter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.Builder
Finish building the PixbufLoader object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufNonAnim.Builder
Finish building the PixbufNonAnim object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnim.Builder
Finish building the PixbufSimpleAnim object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnimIter.Builder
Finish building the PixbufSimpleAnimIter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoMonitor.Builder
Finish building the AppInfoMonitor object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.Builder
Finish building the AppLaunchContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.Builder
Finish building the Application object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine.Builder
Finish building the ApplicationCommandLine object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream.Builder
Finish building the BufferedInputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream.Builder
Finish building the BufferedOutputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BytesIcon.Builder
Finish building the BytesIcon object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable.Builder
Finish building the Cancellable object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.CharsetConverter.Builder
Finish building the CharsetConverter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ConverterInputStream.Builder
Finish building the ConverterInputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ConverterOutputStream.Builder
Finish building the ConverterOutputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Credentials.Builder
Finish building the Credentials object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream.Builder
Finish building the DataInputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream.Builder
Finish building the DataOutputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusActionGroup.Builder
Finish building the DBusActionGroup object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver.Builder
Finish building the DBusAuthObserver object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection.Builder
Finish building the DBusConnection object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.Builder
Finish building the DBusInterfaceSkeleton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMenuModel.Builder
Finish building the DBusMenuModel object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage.Builder
Finish building the DBusMessage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation.Builder
Finish building the DBusMethodInvocation object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.Builder
Finish building the DBusObjectManagerClient object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer.Builder
Finish building the DBusObjectManagerServer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectProxy.Builder
Finish building the DBusObjectProxy object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton.Builder
Finish building the DBusObjectSkeleton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.Builder
Finish building the DBusProxy object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer.Builder
Finish building the DBusServer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus.Builder
Finish building the DebugControllerDBus object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo.Builder
Finish building the DesktopAppInfo object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Emblem.Builder
Finish building the Emblem object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.EmblemedIcon.Builder
Finish building the EmblemedIcon object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator.Builder
Finish building the FileEnumerator object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIcon.Builder
Finish building the FileIcon object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo.Builder
Finish building the FileInfo object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream.Builder
Finish building the FileInputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream.Builder
Finish building the FileIOStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor.Builder
Finish building the FileMonitor object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter.Builder
Finish building the FilenameCompleter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream.Builder
Finish building the FileOutputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterInputStream.Builder
Finish building the FilterInputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterOutputStream.Builder
Finish building the FilterOutputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress.Builder
Finish building the InetAddress object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask.Builder
Finish building the InetAddressMask object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress.Builder
Finish building the InetSocketAddress object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream.Builder
Finish building the InputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOModule.Builder
Finish building the IOModule object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream.Builder
Finish building the IOStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ListStore.Builder
Finish building the ListStore object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryInputStream.Builder
Finish building the MemoryInputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream.Builder
Finish building the MemoryOutputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu.Builder
Finish building the Menu object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuAttributeIter.Builder
Finish building the MenuAttributeIter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem.Builder
Finish building the MenuItem object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuLinkIter.Builder
Finish building the MenuLinkIter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.Builder
Finish building the MenuModel object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.Builder
Finish building the MountOperation object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NativeSocketAddress.Builder
Finish building the NativeSocketAddress object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NativeVolumeMonitor.Builder
Finish building the NativeVolumeMonitor object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress.Builder
Finish building the NetworkAddress object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService.Builder
Finish building the NetworkService object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Notification.Builder
Finish building the Notification object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OsxAppInfo.Builder
Finish building the OsxAppInfo object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.Builder
Finish building the OutputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission.Builder
Finish building the Permission object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.PropertyAction.Builder
Finish building the PropertyAction object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress.Builder
Finish building the ProxyAddress object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddressEnumerator.Builder
Finish building the ProxyAddressEnumerator object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.Builder
Finish building the Resolver object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings.Builder
Finish building the Settings object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend.Builder
Finish building the SettingsBackend object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction.Builder
Finish building the SimpleAction object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleActionGroup.Builder
Finish building the SimpleActionGroup object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult.Builder
Finish building the SimpleAsyncResult object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleIOStream.Builder
Finish building the SimpleIOStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimplePermission.Builder
Finish building the SimplePermission object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleProxyResolver.Builder
Finish building the SimpleProxyResolver object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket.Builder
Finish building the Socket object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress.Builder
Finish building the SocketAddress object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator.Builder
Finish building the SocketAddressEnumerator object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.Builder
Finish building the SocketClient object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection.Builder
Finish building the SocketConnection object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage.Builder
Finish building the SocketControlMessage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener.Builder
Finish building the SocketListener object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketService.Builder
Finish building the SocketService object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess.Builder
Finish building the Subprocess object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher.Builder
Finish building the SubprocessLauncher object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task.Builder
Finish building the Task object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TcpConnection.Builder
Finish building the TcpConnection object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TcpWrapperConnection.Builder
Finish building the TcpWrapperConnection object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TestDBus.Builder
Finish building the TestDBus object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThemedIcon.Builder
Finish building the ThemedIcon object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedResolver.Builder
Finish building the ThreadedResolver object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService.Builder
Finish building the ThreadedSocketService object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate.Builder
Finish building the TlsCertificate object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.Builder
Finish building the TlsConnection object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.Builder
Finish building the TlsDatabase object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction.Builder
Finish building the TlsInteraction object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword.Builder
Finish building the TlsPassword object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection.Builder
Finish building the UnixConnection object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixCredentialsMessage.Builder
Finish building the UnixCredentialsMessage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList.Builder
Finish building the UnixFDList object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDMessage.Builder
Finish building the UnixFDMessage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixInputStream.Builder
Finish building the UnixInputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor.Builder
Finish building the UnixMountMonitor object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixOutputStream.Builder
Finish building the UnixOutputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress.Builder
Finish building the UnixSocketAddress object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs.Builder
Finish building the Vfs object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.Builder
Finish building the VolumeMonitor object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32InputStream.Builder
Finish building the Win32InputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32OutputStream.Builder
Finish building the Win32OutputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressor.Builder
Finish building the ZlibCompressor object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ZlibDecompressor.Builder
Finish building the ZlibDecompressor object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding.Builder
Finish building the Binding object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.BindingGroup.Builder
Finish building the BindingGroup object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.Builder
Finish building the GObject object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.InitiallyUnowned.Builder
Finish building the InitiallyUnowned object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup.Builder
Finish building the SignalGroup object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule.Builder
Finish building the TypeModule object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.BroadwayRenderer.Builder
Finish building the BroadwayRenderer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.CairoRenderer.Builder
Finish building the CairoRenderer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLRenderer.Builder
Finish building the GLRenderer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader.Builder
Finish building the GLShader object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.NglRenderer.Builder
Finish building the NglRenderer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Renderer.Builder
Finish building the Renderer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.VulkanRenderer.Builder
Finish building the VulkanRenderer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
Finish building the AboutDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ActionBar.Builder
Finish building the ActionBar object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ActivateAction.Builder
Finish building the ActivateAction object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.Builder
Finish building the Adjustment object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog.Builder
Finish building the AlertDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlternativeTrigger.Builder
Finish building the AlternativeTrigger object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AnyFilter.Builder
Finish building the AnyFilter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.Builder
Finish building the AppChooserButton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserDialog.Builder
Finish building the AppChooserDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget.Builder
Finish building the AppChooserWidget object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application.Builder
Finish building the Application object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow.Builder
Finish building the ApplicationWindow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame.Builder
Finish building the AspectFrame object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.Builder
Finish building the Assistant object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPage.Builder
Finish building the AssistantPage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ATContext.Builder
Finish building the ATContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BinLayout.Builder
Finish building the BinLayout object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList.Builder
Finish building the BookmarkList object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter.Builder
Finish building the BoolFilter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box.Builder
Finish building the Box object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout.Builder
Finish building the BoxLayout object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderCScope.Builder
Finish building the BuilderCScope object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderListItemFactory.Builder
Finish building the BuilderListItemFactory object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button.Builder
Finish building the Button object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.Builder
Finish building the Calendar object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CallbackAction.Builder
Finish building the CallbackAction object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.Builder
Finish building the CellArea object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaBox.Builder
Finish building the CellAreaBox object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext.Builder
Finish building the CellAreaContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
Finish building the CellRenderer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel.Builder
Finish building the CellRendererAccel object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererCombo.Builder
Finish building the CellRendererCombo object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererPixbuf.Builder
Finish building the CellRendererPixbuf object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererProgress.Builder
Finish building the CellRendererProgress object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpin.Builder
Finish building the CellRendererSpin object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpinner.Builder
Finish building the CellRendererSpinner object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
Finish building the CellRendererText object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle.Builder
Finish building the CellRendererToggle object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView.Builder
Finish building the CellView object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox.Builder
Finish building the CenterBox object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout.Builder
Finish building the CenterLayout object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.Builder
Finish building the CheckButton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton.Builder
Finish building the ColorButton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooserDialog.Builder
Finish building the ColorChooserDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooserWidget.Builder
Finish building the ColorChooserWidget object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog.Builder
Finish building the ColorDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton.Builder
Finish building the ColorDialogButton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView.Builder
Finish building the ColumnView object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewCell.Builder
Finish building the ColumnViewCell object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn.Builder
Finish building the ColumnViewColumn object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow.Builder
Finish building the ColumnViewRow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewSorter.Builder
Finish building the ColumnViewSorter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
Finish building the ComboBox object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBoxText.Builder
Finish building the ComboBoxText object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint.Builder
Finish building the Constraint object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide.Builder
Finish building the ConstraintGuide object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout.Builder
Finish building the ConstraintLayout object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayoutChild.Builder
Finish building the ConstraintLayoutChild object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider.Builder
Finish building the CssProvider object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CustomFilter.Builder
Finish building the CustomFilter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CustomSorter.Builder
Finish building the CustomSorter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog.Builder
Finish building the Dialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList.Builder
Finish building the DirectoryList object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragIcon.Builder
Finish building the DragIcon object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.Builder
Finish building the DragSource object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea.Builder
Finish building the DrawingArea object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion.Builder
Finish building the DropControllerMotion object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.Builder
Finish building the DropDown object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.Builder
Finish building the DropTarget object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.Builder
Finish building the DropTargetAsync object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EditableLabel.Builder
Finish building the EditableLabel object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EmojiChooser.Builder
Finish building the EmojiChooser object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Finish building the Entry object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.Builder
Finish building the EntryBuffer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.Builder
Finish building the EntryCompletion object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController.Builder
Finish building the EventController object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus.Builder
Finish building the EventControllerFocus object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.Builder
Finish building the EventControllerKey object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerLegacy.Builder
Finish building the EventControllerLegacy object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion.Builder
Finish building the EventControllerMotion object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.Builder
Finish building the EventControllerScroll object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EveryFilter.Builder
Finish building the EveryFilter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander.Builder
Finish building the Expander object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserDialog.Builder
Finish building the FileChooserDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserNative.Builder
Finish building the FileChooserNative object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.Builder
Finish building the FileChooserWidget object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog.Builder
Finish building the FileDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter.Builder
Finish building the FileFilter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher.Builder
Finish building the FileLauncher object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Filter.Builder
Finish building the Filter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel.Builder
Finish building the FilterListModel object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed.Builder
Finish building the Fixed object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayout.Builder
Finish building the FixedLayout object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayoutChild.Builder
Finish building the FixedLayoutChild object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlattenListModel.Builder
Finish building the FlattenListModel object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.Builder
Finish building the FlowBox object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild.Builder
Finish building the FlowBoxChild object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton.Builder
Finish building the FontButton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserDialog.Builder
Finish building the FontChooserDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserWidget.Builder
Finish building the FontChooserWidget object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog.Builder
Finish building the FontDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton.Builder
Finish building the FontDialogButton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame.Builder
Finish building the Frame object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.Builder
Finish building the Gesture object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.Builder
Finish building the GestureClick object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag.Builder
Finish building the GestureDrag object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress.Builder
Finish building the GestureLongPress object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GesturePan.Builder
Finish building the GesturePan object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureRotate.Builder
Finish building the GestureRotate object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle.Builder
Finish building the GestureSingle object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.Builder
Finish building the GestureStylus object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSwipe.Builder
Finish building the GestureSwipe object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureZoom.Builder
Finish building the GestureZoom object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.Builder
Finish building the GLArea object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload.Builder
Finish building the GraphicsOffload object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid.Builder
Finish building the Grid object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout.Builder
Finish building the GridLayout object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild.Builder
Finish building the GridLayoutChild object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView.Builder
Finish building the GridView object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder.Builder
Finish building the GtkBuilder object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar.Builder
Finish building the HeaderBar object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconPaintable.Builder
Finish building the IconPaintable object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme.Builder
Finish building the IconTheme object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
Finish building the IconView object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image.Builder
Finish building the Image object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.Builder
Finish building the IMContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContextSimple.Builder
Finish building the IMContextSimple object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMMulticontext.Builder
Finish building the IMMulticontext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar.Builder
Finish building the InfoBar object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription.Builder
Finish building the Inscription object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.KeyvalTrigger.Builder
Finish building the KeyvalTrigger object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
Finish building the Label object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutChild.Builder
Finish building the LayoutChild object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager.Builder
Finish building the LayoutManager object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar.Builder
Finish building the LevelBar object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton.Builder
Finish building the LinkButton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBase.Builder
Finish building the ListBase object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.Builder
Finish building the ListBox object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow.Builder
Finish building the ListBoxRow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListHeader.Builder
Finish building the ListHeader object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem.Builder
Finish building the ListItem object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItemFactory.Builder
Finish building the ListItemFactory object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore.Builder
Finish building the ListStore object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView.Builder
Finish building the ListView object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LockButton.Builder
Finish building the LockButton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MapListModel.Builder
Finish building the MapListModel object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaControls.Builder
Finish building the MediaControls object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile.Builder
Finish building the MediaFile object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.Builder
Finish building the MediaStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.Builder
Finish building the MenuButton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog.Builder
Finish building the MessageDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicAction.Builder
Finish building the MnemonicAction object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicTrigger.Builder
Finish building the MnemonicTrigger object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation.Builder
Finish building the MountOperation object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiFilter.Builder
Finish building the MultiFilter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSelection.Builder
Finish building the MultiSelection object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSorter.Builder
Finish building the MultiSorter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NamedAction.Builder
Finish building the NamedAction object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.Builder
Finish building the NativeDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NeverTrigger.Builder
Finish building the NeverTrigger object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NoSelection.Builder
Finish building the NoSelection object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
Finish building the Notebook object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookPage.Builder
Finish building the NotebookPage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NothingAction.Builder
Finish building the NothingAction object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter.Builder
Finish building the NumericSorter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay.Builder
Finish building the Overlay object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayout.Builder
Finish building the OverlayLayout object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayoutChild.Builder
Finish building the OverlayLayoutChild object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadController.Builder
Finish building the PadController object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup.Builder
Finish building the PageSetup object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetupUnixDialog.Builder
Finish building the PageSetupUnixDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned.Builder
Finish building the Paned object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry.Builder
Finish building the PasswordEntry object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntryBuffer.Builder
Finish building the PasswordEntryBuffer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture.Builder
Finish building the Picture object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.Builder
Finish building the Popover object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu.Builder
Finish building the PopoverMenu object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuBar.Builder
Finish building the PopoverMenuBar object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintContext.Builder
Finish building the PrintContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog.Builder
Finish building the PrintDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer.Builder
Finish building the Printer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob.Builder
Finish building the PrintJob object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
Finish building the PrintOperation object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings.Builder
Finish building the PrintSettings object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog.Builder
Finish building the PrintUnixDialog object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar.Builder
Finish building the ProgressBar object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range.Builder
Finish building the Range object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.Builder
Finish building the RecentManager object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer.Builder
Finish building the Revealer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale.Builder
Finish building the Scale object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.Builder
Finish building the ScaleButton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scrollbar.Builder
Finish building the Scrollbar object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
Finish building the ScrolledWindow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar.Builder
Finish building the SearchBar object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.Builder
Finish building the SearchEntry object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionFilterModel.Builder
Finish building the SelectionFilterModel object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Separator.Builder
Finish building the Separator object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Finish building the Settings object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut.Builder
Finish building the Shortcut object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutAction.Builder
Finish building the ShortcutAction object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController.Builder
Finish building the ShortcutController object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutLabel.Builder
Finish building the ShortcutLabel object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsGroup.Builder
Finish building the ShortcutsGroup object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection.Builder
Finish building the ShortcutsSection object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut.Builder
Finish building the ShortcutsShortcut object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow.Builder
Finish building the ShortcutsWindow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutTrigger.Builder
Finish building the ShortcutTrigger object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalAction.Builder
Finish building the SignalAction object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.Builder
Finish building the SignalListItemFactory object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection.Builder
Finish building the SingleSelection object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroup.Builder
Finish building the SizeGroup object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel.Builder
Finish building the SliceListModel object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot.Builder
Finish building the Snapshot object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter.Builder
Finish building the Sorter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel.Builder
Finish building the SortListModel object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.Builder
Finish building the SpinButton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Spinner.Builder
Finish building the Spinner object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack.Builder
Finish building the Stack object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage.Builder
Finish building the StackPage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackSidebar.Builder
Finish building the StackSidebar object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackSwitcher.Builder
Finish building the StackSwitcher object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar.Builder
Finish building the Statusbar object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter.Builder
Finish building the StringFilter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringList.Builder
Finish building the StringList object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringObject.Builder
Finish building the StringObject object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter.Builder
Finish building the StringSorter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext.Builder
Finish building the StyleContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Switch.Builder
Finish building the Switch object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Finish building the Text object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Finish building the TextBuffer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextChildAnchor.Builder
Finish building the TextChildAnchor object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark.Builder
Finish building the TextMark object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Finish building the TextTag object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable.Builder
Finish building the TextTagTable object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Finish building the TextView object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton.Builder
Finish building the ToggleButton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Tooltip.Builder
Finish building the Tooltip object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander.Builder
Finish building the TreeExpander object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel.Builder
Finish building the TreeListModel object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow.Builder
Finish building the TreeListRow object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRowSorter.Builder
Finish building the TreeListRowSorter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter.Builder
Finish building the TreeModelFilter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort.Builder
Finish building the TreeModelSort object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection.Builder
Finish building the TreeSelection object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore.Builder
Finish building the TreeStore object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
Finish building the TreeView object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
Finish building the TreeViewColumn object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.UriLauncher.Builder
Finish building the UriLauncher object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video.Builder
Finish building the Video object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Viewport.Builder
Finish building the Viewport object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.VolumeButton.Builder
Finish building the VolumeButton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Finish building the Widget object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WidgetPaintable.Builder
Finish building the WidgetPaintable object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
Finish building the Window object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls.Builder
Finish building the WindowControls object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowGroup.Builder
Finish building the WindowGroup object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowHandle.Builder
Finish building the WindowHandle object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.Builder
Finish building the Buffer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.Builder
Finish building the Completion object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell.Builder
Finish building the CompletionCell object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext.Builder
Finish building the CompletionContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionSnippets.Builder
Finish building the CompletionSnippets object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords.Builder
Finish building the CompletionWords object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File.Builder
Finish building the File object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader.Builder
Finish building the FileLoader object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver.Builder
Finish building the FileSaver object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Gutter.Builder
Finish building the Gutter object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines.Builder
Finish building the GutterLines object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.Builder
Finish building the GutterRenderer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf.Builder
Finish building the GutterRendererPixbuf object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText.Builder
Finish building the GutterRendererText object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Hover.Builder
Finish building the Hover object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverContext.Builder
Finish building the HoverContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverDisplay.Builder
Finish building the HoverDisplay object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language.Builder
Finish building the Language object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager.Builder
Finish building the LanguageManager object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Map.Builder
Finish building the Map object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Mark.Builder
Finish building the Mark object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.Builder
Finish building the MarkAttributes object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor.Builder
Finish building the PrintCompositor object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region.Builder
Finish building the Region object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext.Builder
Finish building the SearchContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings.Builder
Finish building the SearchSettings object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet.Builder
Finish building the Snippet object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk.Builder
Finish building the SnippetChunk object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext.Builder
Finish building the SnippetContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager.Builder
Finish building the SnippetManager object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer.Builder
Finish building the SpaceDrawer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
Finish building the Style object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme.Builder
Finish building the StyleScheme object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserButton.Builder
Finish building the StyleSchemeChooserButton object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserWidget.Builder
Finish building the StyleSchemeChooserWidget object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager.Builder
Finish building the StyleSchemeManager object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview.Builder
Finish building the StyleSchemePreview object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Tag.Builder
Finish building the Tag object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
Finish building the View object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.Builder
Finish building the VimIMContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context.Builder
Finish building the Context object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Coverage.Builder
Finish building the Coverage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font.Builder
Finish building the Font object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFace.Builder
Finish building the FontFace object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily.Builder
Finish building the FontFamily object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap.Builder
Finish building the FontMap object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Fontset.Builder
Finish building the Fontset object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontsetSimple.Builder
Finish building the FontsetSimple object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout.Builder
Finish building the Layout object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.Builder
Finish building the Renderer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth.Builder
Finish building the Auth object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthBasic.Builder
Finish building the AuthBasic object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDigest.Builder
Finish building the AuthDigest object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain.Builder
Finish building the AuthDomain object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainBasic.Builder
Finish building the AuthDomainBasic object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigest.Builder
Finish building the AuthDomainDigest object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthManager.Builder
Finish building the AuthManager object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthNegotiate.Builder
Finish building the AuthNegotiate object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthNTLM.Builder
Finish building the AuthNTLM object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cache.Builder
Finish building the Cache object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ContentDecoder.Builder
Finish building the ContentDecoder object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ContentSniffer.Builder
Finish building the ContentSniffer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar.Builder
Finish building the CookieJar object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarDB.Builder
Finish building the CookieJarDB object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarText.Builder
Finish building the CookieJarText object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer.Builder
Finish building the HSTSEnforcer object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcerDB.Builder
Finish building the HSTSEnforcerDB object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Logger.Builder
Finish building the Logger object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Finish building the Message object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MultipartInputStream.Builder
Finish building the MultipartInputStream object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server.Builder
Finish building the Server object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.Builder
Finish building the ServerMessage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.Builder
Finish building the Session object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.Builder
Finish building the WebsocketConnection object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension.Builder
Finish building the WebsocketExtension object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionDeflate.Builder
Finish building the WebsocketExtensionDeflate object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionManager.Builder
Finish building the WebsocketExtensionManager object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest.Builder
Finish building the AuthenticationRequest object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession.Builder
Finish building the AutomationSession object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList.Builder
Finish building the BackForwardList object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardListItem.Builder
Finish building the BackForwardListItem object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ClipboardPermissionRequest.Builder
Finish building the ClipboardPermissionRequest object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest.Builder
Finish building the ColorChooserRequest object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu.Builder
Finish building the ContextMenu object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem.Builder
Finish building the ContextMenuItem object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager.Builder
Finish building the CookieManager object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.DeviceInfoPermissionRequest.Builder
Finish building the DeviceInfoPermissionRequest object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download.Builder
Finish building the Download object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState.Builder
Finish building the EditorState object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase.Builder
Finish building the FaviconDatabase object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FileChooserRequest.Builder
Finish building the FileChooserRequest object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController.Builder
Finish building the FindController object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FormSubmissionRequest.Builder
Finish building the FormSubmissionRequest object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager.Builder
Finish building the GeolocationManager object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPermissionRequest.Builder
Finish building the GeolocationPermissionRequest object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult.Builder
Finish building the HitTestResult object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.Builder
Finish building the InputMethodContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class.Builder
Finish building the Class object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context.Builder
Finish building the Context object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception.Builder
Finish building the Exception object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value.Builder
Finish building the Value object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.VirtualMachine.Builder
Finish building the VirtualMachine object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue.Builder
Finish building the WeakValue object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest.Builder
Finish building the MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationPolicyDecision.Builder
Finish building the NavigationPolicyDecision object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession.Builder
Finish building the NetworkSession object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Notification.Builder
Finish building the Notification object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NotificationPermissionRequest.Builder
Finish building the NotificationPermissionRequest object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu.Builder
Finish building the OptionMenu object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PointerLockPermissionRequest.Builder
Finish building the PointerLockPermissionRequest object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecision.Builder
Finish building the PolicyDecision object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation.Builder
Finish building the PrintOperation object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ResponsePolicyDecision.Builder
Finish building the ResponsePolicyDecision object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager.Builder
Finish building the SecurityManager object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Finish building the Settings object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIRequest.Builder
Finish building the URIRequest object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIResponse.Builder
Finish building the URIResponse object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest.Builder
Finish building the URISchemeRequest object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeResponse.Builder
Finish building the URISchemeResponse object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore.Builder
Finish building the UserContentFilterStore object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager.Builder
Finish building the UserContentManager object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMediaPermissionRequest.Builder
Finish building the UserMediaPermissionRequest object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage.Builder
Finish building the UserMessage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.Builder
Finish building the WebContext object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.Builder
Finish building the WebInspector object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.Builder
Finish building the WebResource object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest.Builder
Finish building the WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager.Builder
Finish building the WebsiteDataManager object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsitePolicies.Builder
Finish building the WebsitePolicies object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Finish building the WebView object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebViewBase.Builder
Finish building the WebViewBase object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties.Builder
Finish building the WindowProperties object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu.Builder
Finish building the ContextMenu object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem.Builder
Finish building the ContextMenuItem object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.Frame.Builder
Finish building the Frame object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult.Builder
Finish building the HitTestResult object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld.Builder
Finish building the ScriptWorld object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIRequest.Builder
Finish building the URIRequest object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIResponse.Builder
Finish building the URIResponse object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage.Builder
Finish building the UserMessage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebEditor.Builder
Finish building the WebEditor object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.Builder
Finish building the WebFormManager object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult.Builder
Finish building the WebHitTestResult object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.Builder
Finish building the WebPage object.
build() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension.Builder
Finish building the WebProcessExtension object.
build(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Builds a new GdkTexture with the values set up in the builder.
build(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Builds a new GdkTexture with the values set up in the builder.
build(Set<UriFlags>, String, String, String, int, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Creates a new GUri from the given components according to flags.
build(UriFlags, String, String, String, int, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Creates a new GUri from the given components according to flags.
Buildable - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
GtkBuildable allows objects to extend and customize their deserialization from ui files.
Buildable.BuildableIface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkBuildableIface interface contains methods that are necessary to allow GtkBuilder to construct an object from a GtkBuilder UI definition.
Buildable.BuildableImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The BuildableImpl type represents a native instance of the Buildable interface.
BuildableIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Buildable.BuildableIface
Allocate a new BuildableIface.
BuildableIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Buildable.BuildableIface
Allocate a new BuildableIface.
BuildableIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Buildable.BuildableIface
Create a BuildableIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BuildableImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Buildable.BuildableImpl
Creates a new instance of Buildable for the provided memory address.
BuildableParseContext - Class in org.gnome.gtk
An opaque context struct for GtkBuildableParser.
BuildableParseContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParseContext
Create a BuildableParseContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BuildableParser - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A sub-parser for GtkBuildable implementations.
BuildableParser() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser
Allocate a new BuildableParser.
BuildableParser(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser
Allocate a new BuildableParser.
BuildableParser(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser
Create a BuildableParser proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BuildableParser.EndElementCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EndElementCallback callback.
BuildableParser.ErrorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ErrorCallback callback.
BuildableParser.StartElementCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the StartElementCallback callback.
BuildableParser.TextCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TextCallback callback.
buildAttributeListForCopy(Set<FileCopyFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Prepares the file attribute query string for copying to this File.
buildAttributeListForCopy(FileCopyFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Prepares the file attribute query string for copying to this File.
buildColorState() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams
Creates a new GdkColorState object for the cicp parameters in this CicpParams.
builder() - Static method in class
A AudioAggregator.Builder object constructs a AudioAggregator with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A AudioAggregatorConvertPad.Builder object constructs a AudioAggregatorConvertPad with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A AudioAggregatorPad.Builder object constructs a AudioAggregatorPad with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A AudioBaseSink.Builder object constructs a AudioBaseSink with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A AudioBaseSrc.Builder object constructs a AudioBaseSrc with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A AudioCdSrc.Builder object constructs a AudioCdSrc with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A AudioClock.Builder object constructs a AudioClock with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A AudioDecoder.Builder object constructs a AudioDecoder with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A AudioEncoder.Builder object constructs a AudioEncoder with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A AudioFilter.Builder object constructs a AudioFilter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A AudioRingBuffer.Builder object constructs a AudioRingBuffer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A AudioSink.Builder object constructs a AudioSink with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A AudioSrc.Builder object constructs a AudioSrc with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
A Adapter.Builder object constructs a Adapter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
A Aggregator.Builder object constructs a Aggregator with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad
A AggregatorPad.Builder object constructs a AggregatorPad with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
A BaseParse.Builder object constructs a BaseParse with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
A BaseSink.Builder object constructs a BaseSink with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
A BaseSrc.Builder object constructs a BaseSrc with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
A BaseTransform.Builder object constructs a BaseTransform with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
A CollectPads.Builder object constructs a CollectPads with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
A DataQueue.Builder object constructs a DataQueue with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.PushSrc
A PushSrc.Builder object constructs a PushSrc with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator
A Allocator.Builder object constructs a Allocator with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
A Bin.Builder object constructs a Bin with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
A BufferPool.Builder object constructs a BufferPool with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
A Bus.Builder object constructs a Bus with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
A Clock.Builder object constructs a Clock with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding
A ControlBinding.Builder object constructs a ControlBinding with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSource
A ControlSource.Builder object constructs a ControlSource with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device
A Device.Builder object constructs a Device with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor
A DeviceMonitor.Builder object constructs a DeviceMonitor with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
A DeviceProvider.Builder object constructs a DeviceProvider with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProviderFactory
A DeviceProviderFactory.Builder object constructs a DeviceProviderFactory with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DynamicTypeFactory
A DynamicTypeFactory.Builder object constructs a DynamicTypeFactory with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
A Element.Builder object constructs a Element with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
A ElementFactory.Builder object constructs a ElementFactory with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad
A GhostPad.Builder object constructs a GhostPad with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
A GstObject.Builder object constructs a GstObject with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
A Pad.Builder object constructs a Pad with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate
A PadTemplate.Builder object constructs a PadTemplate with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
A Pipeline.Builder object constructs a Pipeline with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
A Plugin.Builder object constructs a Plugin with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature
A PluginFeature.Builder object constructs a PluginFeature with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProxyPad
A ProxyPad.Builder object constructs a ProxyPad with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
A Registry.Builder object constructs a Registry with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SharedTaskPool
A SharedTaskPool.Builder object constructs a SharedTaskPool with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
A Stream.Builder object constructs a Stream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection
A StreamCollection.Builder object constructs a StreamCollection with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SystemClock
A SystemClock.Builder object constructs a SystemClock with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
A Task.Builder object constructs a Task with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool
A TaskPool.Builder object constructs a TaskPool with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Tracer
A Tracer.Builder object constructs a Tracer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerFactory
A TracerFactory.Builder object constructs a TracerFactory with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerRecord
A TracerRecord.Builder object constructs a TracerRecord with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindFactory
A TypeFindFactory.Builder object constructs a TypeFindFactory with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer
A AudioVisualizer.Builder object constructs a AudioVisualizer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
A Discoverer.Builder object constructs a Discoverer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererAudioInfo
A DiscovererAudioInfo.Builder object constructs a DiscovererAudioInfo with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererContainerInfo
A DiscovererContainerInfo.Builder object constructs a DiscovererContainerInfo with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
A DiscovererInfo.Builder object constructs a DiscovererInfo with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfo
A DiscovererStreamInfo.Builder object constructs a DiscovererStreamInfo with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSubtitleInfo
A DiscovererSubtitleInfo.Builder object constructs a DiscovererSubtitleInfo with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfo
A DiscovererVideoInfo.Builder object constructs a DiscovererVideoInfo with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingAudioProfile
A EncodingAudioProfile.Builder object constructs a EncodingAudioProfile with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingContainerProfile
A EncodingContainerProfile.Builder object constructs a EncodingContainerProfile with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
A EncodingProfile.Builder object constructs a EncodingProfile with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget
A EncodingTarget.Builder object constructs a EncodingTarget with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingVideoProfile
A EncodingVideoProfile.Builder object constructs a EncodingVideoProfile with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A ColorBalanceChannel.Builder object constructs a ColorBalanceChannel with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A VideoAggregator.Builder object constructs a VideoAggregator with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A VideoAggregatorConvertPad.Builder object constructs a VideoAggregatorConvertPad with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A VideoAggregatorPad.Builder object constructs a VideoAggregatorPad with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A VideoAggregatorParallelConvertPad.Builder object constructs a VideoAggregatorParallelConvertPad with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A VideoBufferPool.Builder object constructs a VideoBufferPool with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A VideoDecoder.Builder object constructs a VideoDecoder with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A VideoEncoder.Builder object constructs a VideoEncoder with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A VideoFilter.Builder object constructs a VideoFilter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class
A VideoSink.Builder object constructs a VideoSink with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
A AboutDialog.Builder object constructs a AboutDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
A AboutWindow.Builder object constructs a AboutWindow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
A ActionRow.Builder object constructs a ActionRow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
A AlertDialog.Builder object constructs a AlertDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
A Animation.Builder object constructs a Animation with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.AnimationTarget
A AnimationTarget.Builder object constructs a AnimationTarget with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Application
A Application.Builder object constructs a Application with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow
A ApplicationWindow.Builder object constructs a ApplicationWindow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar
A Avatar.Builder object constructs a Avatar with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner
A Banner.Builder object constructs a Banner with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Bin
A Bin.Builder object constructs a Bin with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
A BottomSheet.Builder object constructs a BottomSheet with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint
A Breakpoint.Builder object constructs a Breakpoint with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin
A BreakpointBin.Builder object constructs a BreakpointBin with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent
A ButtonContent.Builder object constructs a ButtonContent with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow
A ButtonRow.Builder object constructs a ButtonRow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.CallbackAnimationTarget
A CallbackAnimationTarget.Builder object constructs a CallbackAnimationTarget with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
A Carousel.Builder object constructs a Carousel with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorDots
A CarouselIndicatorDots.Builder object constructs a CarouselIndicatorDots with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorLines
A CarouselIndicatorLines.Builder object constructs a CarouselIndicatorLines with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Clamp
A Clamp.Builder object constructs a Clamp with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout
A ClampLayout.Builder object constructs a ClampLayout with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable
A ClampScrollable.Builder object constructs a ClampScrollable with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
A ComboRow.Builder object constructs a ComboRow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
A Dialog.Builder object constructs a Dialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
A EntryRow.Builder object constructs a EntryRow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.EnumListItem
A EnumListItem.Builder object constructs a EnumListItem with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.EnumListModel
A EnumListModel.Builder object constructs a EnumListModel with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
A ExpanderRow.Builder object constructs a ExpanderRow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
A Flap.Builder object constructs a Flap with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
A HeaderBar.Builder object constructs a HeaderBar with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Layout
A Layout.Builder object constructs a Layout with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.LayoutSlot
A LayoutSlot.Builder object constructs a LayoutSlot with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
A Leaflet.Builder object constructs a Leaflet with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage
A LeafletPage.Builder object constructs a LeafletPage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
A MessageDialog.Builder object constructs a MessageDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView
A MultiLayoutView.Builder object constructs a MultiLayoutView with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
A NavigationPage.Builder object constructs a NavigationPage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
A NavigationSplitView.Builder object constructs a NavigationSplitView with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
A NavigationView.Builder object constructs a NavigationView with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
A OverlaySplitView.Builder object constructs a OverlaySplitView with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PasswordEntryRow
A PasswordEntryRow.Builder object constructs a PasswordEntryRow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog
A PreferencesDialog.Builder object constructs a PreferencesDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup
A PreferencesGroup.Builder object constructs a PreferencesGroup with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
A PreferencesPage.Builder object constructs a PreferencesPage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow
A PreferencesRow.Builder object constructs a PreferencesRow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
A PreferencesWindow.Builder object constructs a PreferencesWindow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PropertyAnimationTarget
A PropertyAnimationTarget.Builder object constructs a PropertyAnimationTarget with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Spinner
A Spinner.Builder object constructs a Spinner with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinnerPaintable
A SpinnerPaintable.Builder object constructs a SpinnerPaintable with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
A SpinRow.Builder object constructs a SpinRow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
A SplitButton.Builder object constructs a SplitButton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
A SpringAnimation.Builder object constructs a SpringAnimation with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
A Squeezer.Builder object constructs a Squeezer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerPage
A SqueezerPage.Builder object constructs a SqueezerPage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage
A StatusPage.Builder object constructs a StatusPage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager
A StyleManager.Builder object constructs a StyleManager with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
A SwipeTracker.Builder object constructs a SwipeTracker with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SwitchRow
A SwitchRow.Builder object constructs a SwitchRow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
A TabBar.Builder object constructs a TabBar with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.TabButton
A TabButton.Builder object constructs a TabButton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
A TabOverview.Builder object constructs a TabOverview with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
A TabPage.Builder object constructs a TabPage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
A TabView.Builder object constructs a TabView with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
A TimedAnimation.Builder object constructs a TimedAnimation with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
A Toast.Builder object constructs a Toast with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ToastOverlay
A ToastOverlay.Builder object constructs a ToastOverlay with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
A ToolbarView.Builder object constructs a ToolbarView with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
A ViewStack.Builder object constructs a ViewStack with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
A ViewStackPage.Builder object constructs a ViewStackPage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPages
A ViewStackPages.Builder object constructs a ViewStackPages with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcher
A ViewSwitcher.Builder object constructs a ViewSwitcher with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherBar
A ViewSwitcherBar.Builder object constructs a ViewSwitcherBar with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle
A ViewSwitcherTitle.Builder object constructs a ViewSwitcherTitle with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Window
A Window.Builder object constructs a Window with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.WindowTitle
A WindowTitle.Builder object constructs a WindowTitle with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.AppLaunchContext
A AppLaunchContext.Builder object constructs a AppLaunchContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.CairoContext
A CairoContext.Builder object constructs a CairoContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams
A CicpParams.Builder object constructs a CicpParams with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
A Clipboard.Builder object constructs a Clipboard with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializer
A ContentDeserializer.Builder object constructs a ContentDeserializer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
A ContentProvider.Builder object constructs a ContentProvider with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializer
A ContentSerializer.Builder object constructs a ContentSerializer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor
A Cursor.Builder object constructs a Cursor with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
A Device.Builder object constructs a Device with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceTool
A DeviceTool.Builder object constructs a DeviceTool with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
A Display.Builder object constructs a Display with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager
A DisplayManager.Builder object constructs a DisplayManager with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTexture
A DmabufTexture.Builder object constructs a DmabufTexture with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
A DmabufTextureBuilder.Builder object constructs a DmabufTextureBuilder with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
A Drag.Builder object constructs a Drag with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.DrawContext
A DrawContext.Builder object constructs a DrawContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
A Drop.Builder object constructs a Drop with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
A FrameClock.Builder object constructs a FrameClock with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
A GLContext.Builder object constructs a GLContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTexture
A GLTexture.Builder object constructs a GLTexture with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
A GLTextureBuilder.Builder object constructs a GLTextureBuilder with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTexture
A MemoryTexture.Builder object constructs a MemoryTexture with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
A MemoryTextureBuilder.Builder object constructs a MemoryTextureBuilder with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
A Monitor.Builder object constructs a Monitor with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
A Seat.Builder object constructs a Seat with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Snapshot
A Snapshot.Builder object constructs a Snapshot with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
A Surface.Builder object constructs a Surface with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
A Texture.Builder object constructs a Texture with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanContext
A VulkanContext.Builder object constructs a VulkanContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
A Pixbuf.Builder object constructs a Pixbuf with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
A PixbufAnimation.Builder object constructs a PixbufAnimation with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter
A PixbufAnimationIter.Builder object constructs a PixbufAnimationIter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
A PixbufLoader.Builder object constructs a PixbufLoader with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufNonAnim
A PixbufNonAnim.Builder object constructs a PixbufNonAnim with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnim
A PixbufSimpleAnim.Builder object constructs a PixbufSimpleAnim with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnimIter
A PixbufSimpleAnimIter.Builder object constructs a PixbufSimpleAnimIter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoMonitor
A AppInfoMonitor.Builder object constructs a AppInfoMonitor with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
A AppLaunchContext.Builder object constructs a AppLaunchContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
A Application.Builder object constructs a Application with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
A ApplicationCommandLine.Builder object constructs a ApplicationCommandLine with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream
A BufferedInputStream.Builder object constructs a BufferedInputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream
A BufferedOutputStream.Builder object constructs a BufferedOutputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.BytesIcon
A BytesIcon.Builder object constructs a BytesIcon with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
A Cancellable.Builder object constructs a Cancellable with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.CharsetConverter
A CharsetConverter.Builder object constructs a CharsetConverter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ConverterInputStream
A ConverterInputStream.Builder object constructs a ConverterInputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ConverterOutputStream
A ConverterOutputStream.Builder object constructs a ConverterOutputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Credentials
A Credentials.Builder object constructs a Credentials with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
A DataInputStream.Builder object constructs a DataInputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream
A DataOutputStream.Builder object constructs a DataOutputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusActionGroup
A DBusActionGroup.Builder object constructs a DBusActionGroup with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver
A DBusAuthObserver.Builder object constructs a DBusAuthObserver with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
A DBusConnection.Builder object constructs a DBusConnection with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
A DBusInterfaceSkeleton.Builder object constructs a DBusInterfaceSkeleton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMenuModel
A DBusMenuModel.Builder object constructs a DBusMenuModel with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
A DBusMessage.Builder object constructs a DBusMessage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
A DBusMethodInvocation.Builder object constructs a DBusMethodInvocation with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
A DBusObjectManagerClient.Builder object constructs a DBusObjectManagerClient with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer
A DBusObjectManagerServer.Builder object constructs a DBusObjectManagerServer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectProxy
A DBusObjectProxy.Builder object constructs a DBusObjectProxy with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton
A DBusObjectSkeleton.Builder object constructs a DBusObjectSkeleton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
A DBusProxy.Builder object constructs a DBusProxy with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer
A DBusServer.Builder object constructs a DBusServer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus
A DebugControllerDBus.Builder object constructs a DebugControllerDBus with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
A DesktopAppInfo.Builder object constructs a DesktopAppInfo with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Emblem
A Emblem.Builder object constructs a Emblem with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.EmblemedIcon
A EmblemedIcon.Builder object constructs a EmblemedIcon with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
A FileEnumerator.Builder object constructs a FileEnumerator with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIcon
A FileIcon.Builder object constructs a FileIcon with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
A FileInfo.Builder object constructs a FileInfo with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream
A FileInputStream.Builder object constructs a FileInputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream
A FileIOStream.Builder object constructs a FileIOStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor
A FileMonitor.Builder object constructs a FileMonitor with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter
A FilenameCompleter.Builder object constructs a FilenameCompleter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream
A FileOutputStream.Builder object constructs a FileOutputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterInputStream
A FilterInputStream.Builder object constructs a FilterInputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterOutputStream
A FilterOutputStream.Builder object constructs a FilterOutputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
A InetAddress.Builder object constructs a InetAddress with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask
A InetAddressMask.Builder object constructs a InetAddressMask with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress
A InetSocketAddress.Builder object constructs a InetSocketAddress with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
A InputStream.Builder object constructs a InputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.IOModule
A IOModule.Builder object constructs a IOModule with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
A IOStream.Builder object constructs a IOStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ListStore
A ListStore.Builder object constructs a ListStore with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryInputStream
A MemoryInputStream.Builder object constructs a MemoryInputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream
A MemoryOutputStream.Builder object constructs a MemoryOutputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
A Menu.Builder object constructs a Menu with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuAttributeIter
A MenuAttributeIter.Builder object constructs a MenuAttributeIter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
A MenuItem.Builder object constructs a MenuItem with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuLinkIter
A MenuLinkIter.Builder object constructs a MenuLinkIter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel
A MenuModel.Builder object constructs a MenuModel with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
A MountOperation.Builder object constructs a MountOperation with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NativeSocketAddress
A NativeSocketAddress.Builder object constructs a NativeSocketAddress with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NativeVolumeMonitor
A NativeVolumeMonitor.Builder object constructs a NativeVolumeMonitor with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress
A NetworkAddress.Builder object constructs a NetworkAddress with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService
A NetworkService.Builder object constructs a NetworkService with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Notification
A Notification.Builder object constructs a Notification with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.OsxAppInfo
A OsxAppInfo.Builder object constructs a OsxAppInfo with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
A OutputStream.Builder object constructs a OutputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission
A Permission.Builder object constructs a Permission with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.PropertyAction
A PropertyAction.Builder object constructs a PropertyAction with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress
A ProxyAddress.Builder object constructs a ProxyAddress with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddressEnumerator
A ProxyAddressEnumerator.Builder object constructs a ProxyAddressEnumerator with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
A Resolver.Builder object constructs a Resolver with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
A Settings.Builder object constructs a Settings with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
A SettingsBackend.Builder object constructs a SettingsBackend with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction
A SimpleAction.Builder object constructs a SimpleAction with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleActionGroup
A SimpleActionGroup.Builder object constructs a SimpleActionGroup with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
A SimpleAsyncResult.Builder object constructs a SimpleAsyncResult with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleIOStream
A SimpleIOStream.Builder object constructs a SimpleIOStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimplePermission
A SimplePermission.Builder object constructs a SimplePermission with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleProxyResolver
A SimpleProxyResolver.Builder object constructs a SimpleProxyResolver with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
A Socket.Builder object constructs a Socket with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress
A SocketAddress.Builder object constructs a SocketAddress with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator
A SocketAddressEnumerator.Builder object constructs a SocketAddressEnumerator with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
A SocketClient.Builder object constructs a SocketClient with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection
A SocketConnection.Builder object constructs a SocketConnection with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage
A SocketControlMessage.Builder object constructs a SocketControlMessage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
A SocketListener.Builder object constructs a SocketListener with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketService
A SocketService.Builder object constructs a SocketService with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
A Subprocess.Builder object constructs a Subprocess with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
A SubprocessLauncher.Builder object constructs a SubprocessLauncher with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
A Task.Builder object constructs a Task with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TcpConnection
A TcpConnection.Builder object constructs a TcpConnection with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TcpWrapperConnection
A TcpWrapperConnection.Builder object constructs a TcpWrapperConnection with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TestDBus
A TestDBus.Builder object constructs a TestDBus with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ThemedIcon
A ThemedIcon.Builder object constructs a ThemedIcon with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedResolver
A ThreadedResolver.Builder object constructs a ThreadedResolver with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService
A ThreadedSocketService.Builder object constructs a ThreadedSocketService with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
A TlsCertificate.Builder object constructs a TlsCertificate with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
A TlsConnection.Builder object constructs a TlsConnection with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
A TlsDatabase.Builder object constructs a TlsDatabase with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction
A TlsInteraction.Builder object constructs a TlsInteraction with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
A TlsPassword.Builder object constructs a TlsPassword with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection
A UnixConnection.Builder object constructs a UnixConnection with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixCredentialsMessage
A UnixCredentialsMessage.Builder object constructs a UnixCredentialsMessage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList
A UnixFDList.Builder object constructs a UnixFDList with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDMessage
A UnixFDMessage.Builder object constructs a UnixFDMessage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixInputStream
A UnixInputStream.Builder object constructs a UnixInputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor
A UnixMountMonitor.Builder object constructs a UnixMountMonitor with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixOutputStream
A UnixOutputStream.Builder object constructs a UnixOutputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress
A UnixSocketAddress.Builder object constructs a UnixSocketAddress with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
A Vfs.Builder object constructs a Vfs with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
A VolumeMonitor.Builder object constructs a VolumeMonitor with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32InputStream
A Win32InputStream.Builder object constructs a Win32InputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32OutputStream
A Win32OutputStream.Builder object constructs a Win32OutputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressor
A ZlibCompressor.Builder object constructs a ZlibCompressor with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ZlibDecompressor
A ZlibDecompressor.Builder object constructs a ZlibDecompressor with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding
A Binding.Builder object constructs a Binding with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.BindingGroup
A BindingGroup.Builder object constructs a BindingGroup with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
A GObject.Builder object constructs a GObject with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.InitiallyUnowned
A InitiallyUnowned.Builder object constructs a InitiallyUnowned with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
A SignalGroup.Builder object constructs a SignalGroup with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule
A TypeModule.Builder object constructs a TypeModule with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.BroadwayRenderer
A BroadwayRenderer.Builder object constructs a BroadwayRenderer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.CairoRenderer
A CairoRenderer.Builder object constructs a CairoRenderer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLRenderer
A GLRenderer.Builder object constructs a GLRenderer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
A GLShader.Builder object constructs a GLShader with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.NglRenderer
A NglRenderer.Builder object constructs a NglRenderer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.Renderer
A Renderer.Builder object constructs a Renderer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.VulkanRenderer
A VulkanRenderer.Builder object constructs a VulkanRenderer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
A AboutDialog.Builder object constructs a AboutDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ActionBar
A ActionBar.Builder object constructs a ActionBar with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ActivateAction
A ActivateAction.Builder object constructs a ActivateAction with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
A Adjustment.Builder object constructs a Adjustment with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
A AlertDialog.Builder object constructs a AlertDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlternativeTrigger
A AlternativeTrigger.Builder object constructs a AlternativeTrigger with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AnyFilter
A AnyFilter.Builder object constructs a AnyFilter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
A AppChooserButton.Builder object constructs a AppChooserButton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserDialog
A AppChooserDialog.Builder object constructs a AppChooserDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
A AppChooserWidget.Builder object constructs a AppChooserWidget with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
A Application.Builder object constructs a Application with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow
A ApplicationWindow.Builder object constructs a ApplicationWindow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame
A AspectFrame.Builder object constructs a AspectFrame with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
A Assistant.Builder object constructs a Assistant with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPage
A AssistantPage.Builder object constructs a AssistantPage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ATContext
A ATContext.Builder object constructs a ATContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BinLayout
A BinLayout.Builder object constructs a BinLayout with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList
A BookmarkList.Builder object constructs a BookmarkList with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter
A BoolFilter.Builder object constructs a BoolFilter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box
A Box.Builder object constructs a Box with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout
A BoxLayout.Builder object constructs a BoxLayout with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderCScope
A BuilderCScope.Builder object constructs a BuilderCScope with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderListItemFactory
A BuilderListItemFactory.Builder object constructs a BuilderListItemFactory with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
A Button.Builder object constructs a Button with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
A Calendar.Builder object constructs a Calendar with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CallbackAction
A CallbackAction.Builder object constructs a CallbackAction with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
A CellArea.Builder object constructs a CellArea with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaBox
A CellAreaBox.Builder object constructs a CellAreaBox with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext
A CellAreaContext.Builder object constructs a CellAreaContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
A CellRenderer.Builder object constructs a CellRenderer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel
A CellRendererAccel.Builder object constructs a CellRendererAccel with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererCombo
A CellRendererCombo.Builder object constructs a CellRendererCombo with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererPixbuf
A CellRendererPixbuf.Builder object constructs a CellRendererPixbuf with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererProgress
A CellRendererProgress.Builder object constructs a CellRendererProgress with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpin
A CellRendererSpin.Builder object constructs a CellRendererSpin with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpinner
A CellRendererSpinner.Builder object constructs a CellRendererSpinner with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText
A CellRendererText.Builder object constructs a CellRendererText with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle
A CellRendererToggle.Builder object constructs a CellRendererToggle with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView
A CellView.Builder object constructs a CellView with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox
A CenterBox.Builder object constructs a CenterBox with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout
A CenterLayout.Builder object constructs a CenterLayout with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
A CheckButton.Builder object constructs a CheckButton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton
A ColorButton.Builder object constructs a ColorButton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooserDialog
A ColorChooserDialog.Builder object constructs a ColorChooserDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooserWidget
A ColorChooserWidget.Builder object constructs a ColorChooserWidget with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog
A ColorDialog.Builder object constructs a ColorDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton
A ColorDialogButton.Builder object constructs a ColorDialogButton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
A ColumnView.Builder object constructs a ColumnView with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewCell
A ColumnViewCell.Builder object constructs a ColumnViewCell with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
A ColumnViewColumn.Builder object constructs a ColumnViewColumn with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow
A ColumnViewRow.Builder object constructs a ColumnViewRow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewSorter
A ColumnViewSorter.Builder object constructs a ColumnViewSorter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
A ComboBox.Builder object constructs a ComboBox with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBoxText
A ComboBoxText.Builder object constructs a ComboBoxText with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint
A Constraint.Builder object constructs a Constraint with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide
A ConstraintGuide.Builder object constructs a ConstraintGuide with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout
A ConstraintLayout.Builder object constructs a ConstraintLayout with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayoutChild
A ConstraintLayoutChild.Builder object constructs a ConstraintLayoutChild with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider
A CssProvider.Builder object constructs a CssProvider with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CustomFilter
A CustomFilter.Builder object constructs a CustomFilter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CustomSorter
A CustomSorter.Builder object constructs a CustomSorter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
A Dialog.Builder object constructs a Dialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList
A DirectoryList.Builder object constructs a DirectoryList with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragIcon
A DragIcon.Builder object constructs a DragIcon with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
A DragSource.Builder object constructs a DragSource with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea
A DrawingArea.Builder object constructs a DrawingArea with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion
A DropControllerMotion.Builder object constructs a DropControllerMotion with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
A DropDown.Builder object constructs a DropDown with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
A DropTarget.Builder object constructs a DropTarget with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
A DropTargetAsync.Builder object constructs a DropTargetAsync with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EditableLabel
A EditableLabel.Builder object constructs a EditableLabel with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EmojiChooser
A EmojiChooser.Builder object constructs a EmojiChooser with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
A Entry.Builder object constructs a Entry with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
A EntryBuffer.Builder object constructs a EntryBuffer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
A EntryCompletion.Builder object constructs a EntryCompletion with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController
A EventController.Builder object constructs a EventController with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus
A EventControllerFocus.Builder object constructs a EventControllerFocus with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey
A EventControllerKey.Builder object constructs a EventControllerKey with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerLegacy
A EventControllerLegacy.Builder object constructs a EventControllerLegacy with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion
A EventControllerMotion.Builder object constructs a EventControllerMotion with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
A EventControllerScroll.Builder object constructs a EventControllerScroll with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EveryFilter
A EveryFilter.Builder object constructs a EveryFilter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
A Expander.Builder object constructs a Expander with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserDialog
A FileChooserDialog.Builder object constructs a FileChooserDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserNative
A FileChooserNative.Builder object constructs a FileChooserNative with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
A FileChooserWidget.Builder object constructs a FileChooserWidget with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
A FileDialog.Builder object constructs a FileDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter
A FileFilter.Builder object constructs a FileFilter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher
A FileLauncher.Builder object constructs a FileLauncher with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Filter
A Filter.Builder object constructs a Filter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel
A FilterListModel.Builder object constructs a FilterListModel with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed
A Fixed.Builder object constructs a Fixed with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayout
A FixedLayout.Builder object constructs a FixedLayout with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayoutChild
A FixedLayoutChild.Builder object constructs a FixedLayoutChild with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlattenListModel
A FlattenListModel.Builder object constructs a FlattenListModel with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
A FlowBox.Builder object constructs a FlowBox with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild
A FlowBoxChild.Builder object constructs a FlowBoxChild with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
A FontButton.Builder object constructs a FontButton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserDialog
A FontChooserDialog.Builder object constructs a FontChooserDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserWidget
A FontChooserWidget.Builder object constructs a FontChooserWidget with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
A FontDialog.Builder object constructs a FontDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
A FontDialogButton.Builder object constructs a FontDialogButton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame
A Frame.Builder object constructs a Frame with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
A Gesture.Builder object constructs a Gesture with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick
A GestureClick.Builder object constructs a GestureClick with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag
A GestureDrag.Builder object constructs a GestureDrag with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress
A GestureLongPress.Builder object constructs a GestureLongPress with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GesturePan
A GesturePan.Builder object constructs a GesturePan with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureRotate
A GestureRotate.Builder object constructs a GestureRotate with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle
A GestureSingle.Builder object constructs a GestureSingle with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
A GestureStylus.Builder object constructs a GestureStylus with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSwipe
A GestureSwipe.Builder object constructs a GestureSwipe with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureZoom
A GestureZoom.Builder object constructs a GestureZoom with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
A GLArea.Builder object constructs a GLArea with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload
A GraphicsOffload.Builder object constructs a GraphicsOffload with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
A Grid.Builder object constructs a Grid with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout
A GridLayout.Builder object constructs a GridLayout with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild
A GridLayoutChild.Builder object constructs a GridLayoutChild with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
A GridView.Builder object constructs a GridView with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
A GtkBuilder.Builder object constructs a GtkBuilder with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar
A HeaderBar.Builder object constructs a HeaderBar with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconPaintable
A IconPaintable.Builder object constructs a IconPaintable with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
A IconTheme.Builder object constructs a IconTheme with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
A IconView.Builder object constructs a IconView with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
A Image.Builder object constructs a Image with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
A IMContext.Builder object constructs a IMContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContextSimple
A IMContextSimple.Builder object constructs a IMContextSimple with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMMulticontext
A IMMulticontext.Builder object constructs a IMMulticontext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
A InfoBar.Builder object constructs a InfoBar with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
A Inscription.Builder object constructs a Inscription with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.KeyvalTrigger
A KeyvalTrigger.Builder object constructs a KeyvalTrigger with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
A Label.Builder object constructs a Label with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutChild
A LayoutChild.Builder object constructs a LayoutChild with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager
A LayoutManager.Builder object constructs a LayoutManager with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
A LevelBar.Builder object constructs a LevelBar with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton
A LinkButton.Builder object constructs a LinkButton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBase
A ListBase.Builder object constructs a ListBase with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
A ListBox.Builder object constructs a ListBox with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
A ListBoxRow.Builder object constructs a ListBoxRow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListHeader
A ListHeader.Builder object constructs a ListHeader with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
A ListItem.Builder object constructs a ListItem with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItemFactory
A ListItemFactory.Builder object constructs a ListItemFactory with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
A ListStore.Builder object constructs a ListStore with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
A ListView.Builder object constructs a ListView with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.LockButton
A LockButton.Builder object constructs a LockButton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MapListModel
A MapListModel.Builder object constructs a MapListModel with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaControls
A MediaControls.Builder object constructs a MediaControls with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
A MediaFile.Builder object constructs a MediaFile with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
A MediaStream.Builder object constructs a MediaStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
A MenuButton.Builder object constructs a MenuButton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog
A MessageDialog.Builder object constructs a MessageDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicAction
A MnemonicAction.Builder object constructs a MnemonicAction with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicTrigger
A MnemonicTrigger.Builder object constructs a MnemonicTrigger with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation
A MountOperation.Builder object constructs a MountOperation with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiFilter
A MultiFilter.Builder object constructs a MultiFilter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSelection
A MultiSelection.Builder object constructs a MultiSelection with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSorter
A MultiSorter.Builder object constructs a MultiSorter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NamedAction
A NamedAction.Builder object constructs a NamedAction with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
A NativeDialog.Builder object constructs a NativeDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NeverTrigger
A NeverTrigger.Builder object constructs a NeverTrigger with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NoSelection
A NoSelection.Builder object constructs a NoSelection with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
A Notebook.Builder object constructs a Notebook with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookPage
A NotebookPage.Builder object constructs a NotebookPage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NothingAction
A NothingAction.Builder object constructs a NothingAction with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter
A NumericSorter.Builder object constructs a NumericSorter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay
A Overlay.Builder object constructs a Overlay with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayout
A OverlayLayout.Builder object constructs a OverlayLayout with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayoutChild
A OverlayLayoutChild.Builder object constructs a OverlayLayoutChild with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadController
A PadController.Builder object constructs a PadController with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
A PageSetup.Builder object constructs a PageSetup with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetupUnixDialog
A PageSetupUnixDialog.Builder object constructs a PageSetupUnixDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
A Paned.Builder object constructs a Paned with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry
A PasswordEntry.Builder object constructs a PasswordEntry with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntryBuffer
A PasswordEntryBuffer.Builder object constructs a PasswordEntryBuffer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
A Picture.Builder object constructs a Picture with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
A Popover.Builder object constructs a Popover with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu
A PopoverMenu.Builder object constructs a PopoverMenu with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuBar
A PopoverMenuBar.Builder object constructs a PopoverMenuBar with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintContext
A PrintContext.Builder object constructs a PrintContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
A PrintDialog.Builder object constructs a PrintDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
A Printer.Builder object constructs a Printer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
A PrintJob.Builder object constructs a PrintJob with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
A PrintOperation.Builder object constructs a PrintOperation with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
A PrintSettings.Builder object constructs a PrintSettings with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
A PrintUnixDialog.Builder object constructs a PrintUnixDialog with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
A ProgressBar.Builder object constructs a ProgressBar with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
A Range.Builder object constructs a Range with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
A RecentManager.Builder object constructs a RecentManager with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer
A Revealer.Builder object constructs a Revealer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
A Scale.Builder object constructs a Scale with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
A ScaleButton.Builder object constructs a ScaleButton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scrollbar
A Scrollbar.Builder object constructs a Scrollbar with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
A ScrolledWindow.Builder object constructs a ScrolledWindow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar
A SearchBar.Builder object constructs a SearchBar with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
A SearchEntry.Builder object constructs a SearchEntry with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionFilterModel
A SelectionFilterModel.Builder object constructs a SelectionFilterModel with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Separator
A Separator.Builder object constructs a Separator with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings
A Settings.Builder object constructs a Settings with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut
A Shortcut.Builder object constructs a Shortcut with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutAction
A ShortcutAction.Builder object constructs a ShortcutAction with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController
A ShortcutController.Builder object constructs a ShortcutController with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutLabel
A ShortcutLabel.Builder object constructs a ShortcutLabel with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsGroup
A ShortcutsGroup.Builder object constructs a ShortcutsGroup with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection
A ShortcutsSection.Builder object constructs a ShortcutsSection with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut
A ShortcutsShortcut.Builder object constructs a ShortcutsShortcut with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow
A ShortcutsWindow.Builder object constructs a ShortcutsWindow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutTrigger
A ShortcutTrigger.Builder object constructs a ShortcutTrigger with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalAction
A SignalAction.Builder object constructs a SignalAction with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory
A SignalListItemFactory.Builder object constructs a SignalListItemFactory with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection
A SingleSelection.Builder object constructs a SingleSelection with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroup
A SizeGroup.Builder object constructs a SizeGroup with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel
A SliceListModel.Builder object constructs a SliceListModel with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
A Snapshot.Builder object constructs a Snapshot with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter
A Sorter.Builder object constructs a Sorter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel
A SortListModel.Builder object constructs a SortListModel with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
A SpinButton.Builder object constructs a SpinButton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Spinner
A Spinner.Builder object constructs a Spinner with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
A Stack.Builder object constructs a Stack with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage
A StackPage.Builder object constructs a StackPage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackSidebar
A StackSidebar.Builder object constructs a StackSidebar with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackSwitcher
A StackSwitcher.Builder object constructs a StackSwitcher with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar
A Statusbar.Builder object constructs a Statusbar with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter
A StringFilter.Builder object constructs a StringFilter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringList
A StringList.Builder object constructs a StringList with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringObject
A StringObject.Builder object constructs a StringObject with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter
A StringSorter.Builder object constructs a StringSorter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
A StyleContext.Builder object constructs a StyleContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Switch
A Switch.Builder object constructs a Switch with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
A Text.Builder object constructs a Text with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
A TextBuffer.Builder object constructs a TextBuffer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextChildAnchor
A TextChildAnchor.Builder object constructs a TextChildAnchor with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark
A TextMark.Builder object constructs a TextMark with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag
A TextTag.Builder object constructs a TextTag with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable
A TextTagTable.Builder object constructs a TextTagTable with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
A TextView.Builder object constructs a TextView with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton
A ToggleButton.Builder object constructs a ToggleButton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Tooltip
A Tooltip.Builder object constructs a Tooltip with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander
A TreeExpander.Builder object constructs a TreeExpander with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel
A TreeListModel.Builder object constructs a TreeListModel with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow
A TreeListRow.Builder object constructs a TreeListRow with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRowSorter
A TreeListRowSorter.Builder object constructs a TreeListRowSorter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter
A TreeModelFilter.Builder object constructs a TreeModelFilter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort
A TreeModelSort.Builder object constructs a TreeModelSort with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
A TreeSelection.Builder object constructs a TreeSelection with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
A TreeStore.Builder object constructs a TreeStore with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
A TreeView.Builder object constructs a TreeView with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
A TreeViewColumn.Builder object constructs a TreeViewColumn with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.UriLauncher
A UriLauncher.Builder object constructs a UriLauncher with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
A Video.Builder object constructs a Video with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Viewport
A Viewport.Builder object constructs a Viewport with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.VolumeButton
A VolumeButton.Builder object constructs a VolumeButton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
A Widget.Builder object constructs a Widget with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.WidgetPaintable
A WidgetPaintable.Builder object constructs a WidgetPaintable with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
A Window.Builder object constructs a Window with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls
A WindowControls.Builder object constructs a WindowControls with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowGroup
A WindowGroup.Builder object constructs a WindowGroup with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowHandle
A WindowHandle.Builder object constructs a WindowHandle with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
A Buffer.Builder object constructs a Buffer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
A Completion.Builder object constructs a Completion with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell
A CompletionCell.Builder object constructs a CompletionCell with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
A CompletionContext.Builder object constructs a CompletionContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionSnippets
A CompletionSnippets.Builder object constructs a CompletionSnippets with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords
A CompletionWords.Builder object constructs a CompletionWords with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File
A File.Builder object constructs a File with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader
A FileLoader.Builder object constructs a FileLoader with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
A FileSaver.Builder object constructs a FileSaver with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Gutter
A Gutter.Builder object constructs a Gutter with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
A GutterLines.Builder object constructs a GutterLines with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
A GutterRenderer.Builder object constructs a GutterRenderer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf
A GutterRendererPixbuf.Builder object constructs a GutterRendererPixbuf with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText
A GutterRendererText.Builder object constructs a GutterRendererText with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Hover
A Hover.Builder object constructs a Hover with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverContext
A HoverContext.Builder object constructs a HoverContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverDisplay
A HoverDisplay.Builder object constructs a HoverDisplay with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language
A Language.Builder object constructs a Language with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager
A LanguageManager.Builder object constructs a LanguageManager with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Map
A Map.Builder object constructs a Map with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Mark
A Mark.Builder object constructs a Mark with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
A MarkAttributes.Builder object constructs a MarkAttributes with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
A PrintCompositor.Builder object constructs a PrintCompositor with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region
A Region.Builder object constructs a Region with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
A SearchContext.Builder object constructs a SearchContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
A SearchSettings.Builder object constructs a SearchSettings with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
A Snippet.Builder object constructs a Snippet with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
A SnippetChunk.Builder object constructs a SnippetChunk with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext
A SnippetContext.Builder object constructs a SnippetContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager
A SnippetManager.Builder object constructs a SnippetManager with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer
A SpaceDrawer.Builder object constructs a SpaceDrawer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style
A Style.Builder object constructs a Style with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme
A StyleScheme.Builder object constructs a StyleScheme with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserButton
A StyleSchemeChooserButton.Builder object constructs a StyleSchemeChooserButton with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserWidget
A StyleSchemeChooserWidget.Builder object constructs a StyleSchemeChooserWidget with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager
A StyleSchemeManager.Builder object constructs a StyleSchemeManager with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview
A StyleSchemePreview.Builder object constructs a StyleSchemePreview with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Tag
A Tag.Builder object constructs a Tag with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
A View.Builder object constructs a View with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext
A VimIMContext.Builder object constructs a VimIMContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
A Context.Builder object constructs a Context with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Coverage
A Coverage.Builder object constructs a Coverage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
A Font.Builder object constructs a Font with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFace
A FontFace.Builder object constructs a FontFace with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily
A FontFamily.Builder object constructs a FontFamily with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap
A FontMap.Builder object constructs a FontMap with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Fontset
A Fontset.Builder object constructs a Fontset with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontsetSimple
A FontsetSimple.Builder object constructs a FontsetSimple with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
A Layout.Builder object constructs a Layout with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
A Renderer.Builder object constructs a Renderer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
A Auth.Builder object constructs a Auth with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthBasic
A AuthBasic.Builder object constructs a AuthBasic with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDigest
A AuthDigest.Builder object constructs a AuthDigest with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain
A AuthDomain.Builder object constructs a AuthDomain with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainBasic
A AuthDomainBasic.Builder object constructs a AuthDomainBasic with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigest
A AuthDomainDigest.Builder object constructs a AuthDomainDigest with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthManager
A AuthManager.Builder object constructs a AuthManager with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthNegotiate
A AuthNegotiate.Builder object constructs a AuthNegotiate with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthNTLM
A AuthNTLM.Builder object constructs a AuthNTLM with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Cache
A Cache.Builder object constructs a Cache with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.ContentDecoder
A ContentDecoder.Builder object constructs a ContentDecoder with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.ContentSniffer
A ContentSniffer.Builder object constructs a ContentSniffer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
A CookieJar.Builder object constructs a CookieJar with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarDB
A CookieJarDB.Builder object constructs a CookieJarDB with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarText
A CookieJarText.Builder object constructs a CookieJarText with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer
A HSTSEnforcer.Builder object constructs a HSTSEnforcer with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcerDB
A HSTSEnforcerDB.Builder object constructs a HSTSEnforcerDB with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Logger
A Logger.Builder object constructs a Logger with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
A Message.Builder object constructs a Message with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.MultipartInputStream
A MultipartInputStream.Builder object constructs a MultipartInputStream with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
A Server.Builder object constructs a Server with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
A ServerMessage.Builder object constructs a ServerMessage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
A Session.Builder object constructs a Session with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
A WebsocketConnection.Builder object constructs a WebsocketConnection with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension
A WebsocketExtension.Builder object constructs a WebsocketExtension with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionDeflate
A WebsocketExtensionDeflate.Builder object constructs a WebsocketExtensionDeflate with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionManager
A WebsocketExtensionManager.Builder object constructs a WebsocketExtensionManager with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
A AuthenticationRequest.Builder object constructs a AuthenticationRequest with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession
A AutomationSession.Builder object constructs a AutomationSession with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList
A BackForwardList.Builder object constructs a BackForwardList with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardListItem
A BackForwardListItem.Builder object constructs a BackForwardListItem with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ClipboardPermissionRequest
A ClipboardPermissionRequest.Builder object constructs a ClipboardPermissionRequest with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest
A ColorChooserRequest.Builder object constructs a ColorChooserRequest with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
A ContextMenu.Builder object constructs a ContextMenu with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem
A ContextMenuItem.Builder object constructs a ContextMenuItem with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
A CookieManager.Builder object constructs a CookieManager with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.DeviceInfoPermissionRequest
A DeviceInfoPermissionRequest.Builder object constructs a DeviceInfoPermissionRequest with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
A Download.Builder object constructs a Download with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState
A EditorState.Builder object constructs a EditorState with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase
A FaviconDatabase.Builder object constructs a FaviconDatabase with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.FileChooserRequest
A FileChooserRequest.Builder object constructs a FileChooserRequest with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
A FindController.Builder object constructs a FindController with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.FormSubmissionRequest
A FormSubmissionRequest.Builder object constructs a FormSubmissionRequest with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager
A GeolocationManager.Builder object constructs a GeolocationManager with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPermissionRequest
A GeolocationPermissionRequest.Builder object constructs a GeolocationPermissionRequest with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult
A HitTestResult.Builder object constructs a HitTestResult with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
A InputMethodContext.Builder object constructs a InputMethodContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class
A Class.Builder object constructs a Class with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
A Context.Builder object constructs a Context with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception
A Exception.Builder object constructs a Exception with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
A Value.Builder object constructs a Value with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.VirtualMachine
A VirtualMachine.Builder object constructs a VirtualMachine with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue
A WeakValue.Builder object constructs a WeakValue with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest
A MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest.Builder object constructs a MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationPolicyDecision
A NavigationPolicyDecision.Builder object constructs a NavigationPolicyDecision with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
A NetworkSession.Builder object constructs a NetworkSession with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Notification
A Notification.Builder object constructs a Notification with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.NotificationPermissionRequest
A NotificationPermissionRequest.Builder object constructs a NotificationPermissionRequest with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu
A OptionMenu.Builder object constructs a OptionMenu with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.PointerLockPermissionRequest
A PointerLockPermissionRequest.Builder object constructs a PointerLockPermissionRequest with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecision
A PolicyDecision.Builder object constructs a PolicyDecision with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation
A PrintOperation.Builder object constructs a PrintOperation with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ResponsePolicyDecision
A ResponsePolicyDecision.Builder object constructs a ResponsePolicyDecision with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager
A SecurityManager.Builder object constructs a SecurityManager with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
A Settings.Builder object constructs a Settings with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIRequest
A URIRequest.Builder object constructs a URIRequest with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIResponse
A URIResponse.Builder object constructs a URIResponse with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest
A URISchemeRequest.Builder object constructs a URISchemeRequest with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeResponse
A URISchemeResponse.Builder object constructs a URISchemeResponse with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore
A UserContentFilterStore.Builder object constructs a UserContentFilterStore with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
A UserContentManager.Builder object constructs a UserContentManager with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMediaPermissionRequest
A UserMediaPermissionRequest.Builder object constructs a UserMediaPermissionRequest with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage
A UserMessage.Builder object constructs a UserMessage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
A WebContext.Builder object constructs a WebContext with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
A WebInspector.Builder object constructs a WebInspector with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource
A WebResource.Builder object constructs a WebResource with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest
A WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest.Builder object constructs a WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
A WebsiteDataManager.Builder object constructs a WebsiteDataManager with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsitePolicies
A WebsitePolicies.Builder object constructs a WebsitePolicies with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
A WebView.Builder object constructs a WebView with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebViewBase
A WebViewBase.Builder object constructs a WebViewBase with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties
A WindowProperties.Builder object constructs a WindowProperties with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
A ContextMenu.Builder object constructs a ContextMenu with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem
A ContextMenuItem.Builder object constructs a ContextMenuItem with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.Frame
A Frame.Builder object constructs a Frame with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult
A HitTestResult.Builder object constructs a HitTestResult with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld
A ScriptWorld.Builder object constructs a ScriptWorld with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIRequest
A URIRequest.Builder object constructs a URIRequest with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIResponse
A URIResponse.Builder object constructs a URIResponse with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage
A UserMessage.Builder object constructs a UserMessage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebEditor
A WebEditor.Builder object constructs a WebEditor with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager
A WebFormManager.Builder object constructs a WebFormManager with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult
A WebHitTestResult.Builder object constructs a WebHitTestResult with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
A WebPage.Builder object constructs a WebPage with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension
A WebProcessExtension.Builder object constructs a WebProcessExtension with the specified properties.
Builder<S> - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject
Base class for all inner Builder classes inside GObject proxy classes.
Builder() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.PushSrc.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSource.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProviderFactory.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DynamicTypeFactory.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProxyPad.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SharedTaskPool.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SystemClock.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Tracer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerFactory.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerRecord.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindFactory.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererAudioInfo.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererContainerInfo.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfo.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSubtitleInfo.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfo.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingAudioProfile.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingContainerProfile.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingVideoProfile.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Animation.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.AnimationTarget.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Application.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Avatar.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Banner.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Bin.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.CallbackAnimationTarget.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Carousel.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorDots.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorLines.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Clamp.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.EnumListItem.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.EnumListModel.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Flap.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Layout.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.LayoutSlot.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PasswordEntryRow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PropertyAnimationTarget.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Spinner.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpinnerPaintable.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerPage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SwitchRow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabBar.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabButton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabView.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Toast.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ToastOverlay.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPages.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcher.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherBar.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Window.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.WindowTitle.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.AppLaunchContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.CairoContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Device.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceTool.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Display.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTexture.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Drag.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DrawContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Drop.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.GLTexture.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTexture.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Seat.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Snapshot.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Surface.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Texture.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufNonAnim.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnim.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnimIter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoMonitor.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Application.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.BytesIcon.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.CharsetConverter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ConverterInputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ConverterOutputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Credentials.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusActionGroup.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusMenuModel.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectProxy.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Emblem.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.EmblemedIcon.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileIcon.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilterInputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilterOutputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.IOModule.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.IOStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ListStore.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MemoryInputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Menu.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuAttributeIter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuLinkIter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NativeSocketAddress.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NativeVolumeMonitor.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Notification.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OsxAppInfo.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Permission.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.PropertyAction.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddressEnumerator.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Settings.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleActionGroup.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleIOStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimplePermission.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleProxyResolver.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Socket.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketService.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Task.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TcpConnection.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TcpWrapperConnection.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TestDBus.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ThemedIcon.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedResolver.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixCredentialsMessage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDMessage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixInputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixOutputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Vfs.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Win32InputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Win32OutputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressor.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ZlibDecompressor.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Binding.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.BindingGroup.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.InitiallyUnowned.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.BroadwayRenderer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.CairoRenderer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.GLRenderer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.NglRenderer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.Renderer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.VulkanRenderer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ActionBar.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ActivateAction.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AlternativeTrigger.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AnyFilter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Application.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ATContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BinLayout.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Box.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderCScope.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderListItemFactory.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Button.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CallbackAction.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaBox.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererCombo.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererPixbuf.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererProgress.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpin.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpinner.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellView.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooserDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooserWidget.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewCell.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewSorter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBoxText.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayoutChild.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CustomFilter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CustomSorter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DragIcon.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EditableLabel.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EmojiChooser.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventController.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerLegacy.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EveryFilter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Expander.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserNative.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Filter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayout.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayoutChild.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FlattenListModel.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserWidget.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Frame.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GesturePan.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureRotate.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSwipe.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureZoom.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Grid.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GridView.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IconPaintable.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Image.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMContextSimple.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMMulticontext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.KeyvalTrigger.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutChild.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListBase.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListHeader.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListItemFactory.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListView.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LockButton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MapListModel.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaControls.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicAction.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicTrigger.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MultiFilter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSelection.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSorter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NamedAction.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NeverTrigger.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NoSelection.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookPage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NothingAction.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayout.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayoutChild.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PadController.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetupUnixDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Paned.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntryBuffer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Picture.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuBar.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Printer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Range.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Scale.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Scrollbar.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionFilterModel.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Separator.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutAction.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutLabel.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsGroup.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutTrigger.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SignalAction.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroup.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Spinner.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Stack.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StackSidebar.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StackSwitcher.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringList.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringObject.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Switch.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextChildAnchor.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Tooltip.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRowSorter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.UriLauncher.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Video.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Viewport.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.VolumeButton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WidgetPaintable.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowGroup.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowHandle.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionSnippets.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Gutter.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Hover.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverDisplay.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Map.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Mark.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserButton.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserWidget.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Tag.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Context.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Coverage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Font.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontFace.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontMap.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Fontset.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontsetSimple.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Layout.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Auth.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthBasic.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDigest.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainBasic.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigest.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthManager.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthNegotiate.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.AuthNTLM.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Cache.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.ContentDecoder.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.ContentSniffer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarDB.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarText.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcerDB.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Logger.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.MultipartInputStream.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Server.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Session.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionDeflate.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionManager.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardListItem.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ClipboardPermissionRequest.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.DeviceInfoPermissionRequest.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Download.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FileChooserRequest.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FindController.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FormSubmissionRequest.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPermissionRequest.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.VirtualMachine.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationPolicyDecision.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Notification.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NotificationPermissionRequest.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PointerLockPermissionRequest.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecision.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ResponsePolicyDecision.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URIRequest.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URIResponse.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeResponse.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserMediaPermissionRequest.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebsitePolicies.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebViewBase.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.Frame.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIRequest.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIResponse.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebEditor.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension.Builder
Default constructor for a Builder object.
BUILDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Trace GtkBuilder operation
BUILDER_OBJECTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Log unused GtkBuilder objects
BuilderClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder.BuilderClass
Create a BuilderClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BuilderClosureFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The list of flags that can be passed to gtk_builder_create_closure().
BuilderCScope - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkBuilderScope implementation for the C language.
BuilderCScope() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderCScope
Creates a new GtkBuilderCScope object to use with future GtkBuilder instances.
BuilderCScope(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderCScope
Create a BuilderCScope proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BuilderCScope.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BuilderCScope.BuilderCScopeClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
BuilderCScopeClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderCScope.BuilderCScopeClass
Allocate a new BuilderCScopeClass.
BuilderCScopeClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderCScope.BuilderCScopeClass
Allocate a new BuilderCScopeClass.
BuilderCScopeClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderCScope.BuilderCScopeClass
Create a BuilderCScopeClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BuilderError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Error codes that identify various errors that can occur while using GtkBuilder.
BuilderInterface - Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject
Base interface for nested Builder types in interfaces.
BuilderJavaScope - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.util
The BuilderJavaScope class can be used with a GtkBuilder to refer to Java instance methods from a ui file.
BuilderJavaScope(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.util.BuilderJavaScope
Memory address constructor for instantiating a Java proxy object
BuilderListItemFactory - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkBuilderListItemFactory is a GtkListItemFactory that creates widgets by instantiating GtkBuilder UI templates.
BuilderListItemFactory(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderListItemFactory
Create a BuilderListItemFactory proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BuilderListItemFactory.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
BuilderListItemFactory.BuilderListItemFactoryClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
BuilderListItemFactoryClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderListItemFactory.BuilderListItemFactoryClass
Create a BuilderListItemFactoryClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BuilderScope - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
GtkBuilderScope is an interface to provide language binding support to GtkBuilder.
BuilderScope.BuilderScopeImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The BuilderScopeImpl type represents a native instance of the BuilderScope interface.
BuilderScope.BuilderScopeInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The virtual function table to implement for GtkBuilderScope implementations.
BuilderScopeImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderScope.BuilderScopeImpl
Creates a new instance of BuilderScope for the provided memory address.
BuilderScopeInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderScope.BuilderScopeInterface
Allocate a new BuilderScopeInterface.
BuilderScopeInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderScope.BuilderScopeInterface
Allocate a new BuilderScopeInterface.
BuilderScopeInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderScope.BuilderScopeInterface
Create a BuilderScopeInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
buildFilename(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a filename from a series of elements using the correct separator for the current platform.
buildFilenamev(String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a filename from a vector of elements using the correct separator for the current platform.
buildInteger(boolean, int, int, int) - Static method in enum class
Construct a GstAudioFormat with given parameters.
buildPath(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gmodule.Module
Use g_module_open() instead with moduleName as the basename of the file_name argument. See G_MODULE_SUFFIX for why.
buildPath(String, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a path from a series of elements using separator as the separator between elements.
buildPathv(String, String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Behaves exactly like g_build_path(), but takes the path elements as a string array, instead of variadic arguments.
buildWithUser(Set<UriFlags>, String, String, String, String, String, int, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Creates a new GUri from the given components according to flags (UriFlags.HAS_PASSWORD is added unconditionally).
buildWithUser(UriFlags, String, String, String, String, String, int, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Creates a new GUri from the given components according to flags (UriFlags.HAS_PASSWORD is added unconditionally).
BUILT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestFileType
a file that was built on the compiling machine
Bus - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The GstBus is an object responsible for delivering GstMessage packets in a first-in first-out way from the streaming threads (see GstTask) to the application.
Bus() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Creates a new GstBus instance.
Bus(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Create a Bus proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Bus.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Bus.BusClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GStreamer bus class.
Bus.MessageCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MessageCallback callback.
Bus.SyncMessageCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the SyncMessageCallback callback.
BusAcquiredCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the BusAcquiredCallback callback.
BusClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus.BusClass
Allocate a new BusClass.
BusClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus.BusClass
Allocate a new BusClass.
BusClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus.BusClass
Create a BusClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BusFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The standard flags that a bus may have.
BusFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the BusFunc callback.
busGet(BusType, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Asynchronously connects to the message bus specified by busType.
busGetFinish(AsyncResult) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Finishes an operation started with g_bus_get().
busGetSync(BusType, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Synchronously connects to the message bus specified by busType.
BusNameAcquiredCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the BusNameAcquiredCallback callback.
BusNameAppearedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the BusNameAppearedCallback callback.
BusNameLostCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the BusNameLostCallback callback.
BusNameOwnerFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used in g_bus_own_name().
BusNameVanishedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the BusNameVanishedCallback callback.
BusNameWatcherFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used in g_bus_watch_name().
busOwnName(BusType, String, Set<BusNameOwnerFlags>, Closure, Closure, Closure) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Version of g_bus_own_name() using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages.
busOwnName(BusType, String, BusNameOwnerFlags, Closure, Closure, Closure) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Version of g_bus_own_name() using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages.
busOwnNameOnConnection(DBusConnection, String, Set<BusNameOwnerFlags>, Closure, Closure) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Version of g_bus_own_name_on_connection() using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages.
busOwnNameOnConnection(DBusConnection, String, BusNameOwnerFlags, Closure, Closure) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Version of g_bus_own_name_on_connection() using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages.
BusSyncHandler - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the BusSyncHandler callback.
BusSyncReply - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The result values for a GstBusSyncHandler.
BusType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
An enumeration for well-known message buses.
busUnownName(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Stops owning a name.
busUnwatchName(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Stops watching a name.
busWatchName(BusType, String, Set<BusNameWatcherFlags>, Closure, Closure) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Version of g_bus_watch_name() using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages.
busWatchName(BusType, String, BusNameWatcherFlags, Closure, Closure) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Version of g_bus_watch_name() using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages.
busWatchNameOnConnection(DBusConnection, String, Set<BusNameWatcherFlags>, Closure, Closure) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Version of g_bus_watch_name_on_connection() using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages.
busWatchNameOnConnection(DBusConnection, String, BusNameWatcherFlags, Closure, Closure) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Version of g_bus_watch_name_on_connection() using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages.
BUSY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockReturn
The ClockID is busy
BUSY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
used when resource is busy.
BUSY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererResult
the discoverer was already discovering a file
BUSY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
File is busy.
BUSY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleState
A “busy” state.
BUTT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.LineCap
Start and stop the line exactly at the start and end point
Button - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkButton widget is generally used to trigger a callback function that is called when the button is pressed.
Button() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Creates a new GtkButton widget.
Button(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Create a Button proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DevicePadFeature
a button
BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
An input element that allows for user-triggered actions when clicked or pressed
BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionType
Action is triggered by a pad button
BUTTON_MIDDLE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
The middle button.
BUTTON_PRESS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
a mouse button has been pressed.
BUTTON_PRIMARY - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
The primary button.
BUTTON_RELEASE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
a mouse button has been released.
BUTTON_SECONDARY - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
The secondary button.
Button.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
Button.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Button.ButtonClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Button.ClickedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ClickedCallback callback.
BUTTON1_MASK - Enum constant in enum class
the first mouse button (usually the left button).
BUTTON1_MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
the first mouse button.
BUTTON2_MASK - Enum constant in enum class
the second mouse button (usually the right button).
BUTTON2_MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
the second mouse button.
BUTTON3_MASK - Enum constant in enum class
the third mouse button (usually the mouse wheel button or middle button).
BUTTON3_MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
the third mouse button.
BUTTON4_MASK - Enum constant in enum class
the fourth mouse button (typically the "Back" button).
BUTTON4_MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
the fourth mouse button.
BUTTON5_MASK - Enum constant in enum class
the fifth mouse button (typically the "forward" button).
BUTTON5_MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
the fifth mouse button.
ButtonClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Button.ButtonClass
Allocate a new ButtonClass.
ButtonClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Button.ButtonClass
Allocate a new ButtonClass.
ButtonClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Button.ButtonClass
Create a ButtonClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ButtonContent - Class in org.gnome.adw
A helper widget for creating buttons.
ButtonContent() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent
Creates a new AdwButtonContent.
ButtonContent(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent
Create a ButtonContent proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ButtonContent.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ButtonContent.ButtonContentClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
ButtonContentClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent.ButtonContentClass
Allocate a new ButtonContentClass.
ButtonContentClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent.ButtonContentClass
Allocate a new ButtonContentClass.
ButtonContentClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent.ButtonContentClass
Create a ButtonContentClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ButtonEvent - Class in org.gnome.gdk
An event related to a button on a pointer device.
ButtonEvent(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ButtonEvent
Create a ButtonEvent proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ButtonRow - Class in org.gnome.adw
A ListBoxRow that looks like a button.
ButtonRow() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow
Creates a new AdwButtonRow.
ButtonRow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow
Create a ButtonRow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ButtonRow.ActivatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ActivatedCallback callback.
ButtonRow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ButtonRow.ButtonRowClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
ButtonRowClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow.ButtonRowClass
Allocate a new ButtonRowClass.
ButtonRowClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow.ButtonRowClass
Allocate a new ButtonRowClass.
ButtonRowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow.ButtonRowClass
Create a ButtonRowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ButtonsType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Prebuilt sets of buttons for GtkDialog.
BYPASS_MAGAZINES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SliceConfig
BYTE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is a byte.
BYTE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of an integer value that can range from 0 to 255.
byte_(byte) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a new byte GVariant instance.
BYTE_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GByteArray reference.
BYTE_STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeType
a zero terminated string of non-zero bytes.
ByteArray - Class in org.gnome.glib
Contains the public fields of a GByteArray.
ByteArray - Class in org.gnome.gobject
ByteArray() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Allocate a new ByteArray.
ByteArray(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Allocate a new ByteArray.
ByteArray(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Create a ByteArray proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ByteArray(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ByteArray
Create a ByteArray proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ByteArray(MemorySegment, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Allocate a new ByteArray with the fields set to the provided values.
ByteArray(MemorySegment, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Allocate a new ByteArray with the fields set to the provided values.
ByteArrayInterface - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Interface for an array of bytes.
ByteArrayInterface() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ByteArrayInterface
Allocate a new ByteArrayInterface.
ByteArrayInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ByteArrayInterface
Allocate a new ByteArrayInterface.
ByteArrayInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ByteArrayInterface
Create a ByteArrayInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ByteArrayInterface(MemorySegment, long, ByteArrayInterface.ResizeCallback) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ByteArrayInterface
Allocate a new ByteArrayInterface with the fields set to the provided values.
ByteArrayInterface(MemorySegment, long, ByteArrayInterface.ResizeCallback, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ByteArrayInterface
Allocate a new ByteArrayInterface with the fields set to the provided values.
ByteArrayInterface.ResizeCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the ResizeCallback callback.
BYTERANGES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Encoding
multipart/byteranges (Reserved for future use: NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED)
ByteReader - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
GstByteReader provides a byte reader that can read different integer and floating point types from a memory buffer.
ByteReader() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Allocate a new ByteReader.
ByteReader(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Allocate a new ByteReader with the fields set to the provided values.
ByteReader(byte[], int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Allocate a new ByteReader with the fields set to the provided values.
ByteReader(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Allocate a new ByteReader.
ByteReader(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Create a ByteReader proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Bytes - Class in org.gnome.glib
A simple refcounted data type representing an immutable sequence of zero or more bytes from an unspecified origin.
Bytes - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Bytes() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Calls Bytes(byte[]) with data = null
Bytes(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Creates a new GBytes from data.
Bytes(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Create a Bytes proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Bytes(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Bytes
Create a Bytes proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BYTES - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Format
BYTES - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for GBytes.
BytesIcon - Class in org.gnome.gio
GBytesIcon specifies an image held in memory in a common format (usually PNG) to be used as icon.
BytesIcon(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.BytesIcon
Create a BytesIcon proxy instance for the provided memory address.
BytesIcon(Bytes) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.BytesIcon
Creates a new icon for a bytes.
BytesIcon.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
bytesNeeded(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Utility function to calculate how many bytes are needed to completely deserialize the D-Bus message stored at blob.
bytestring(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates an array-of-bytes GVariant with the contents of string.
BYTESTRING - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of an array of bytes.
BYTESTRING_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of an array of byte strings (an array of arrays of bytes).
bytestringArray(String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Constructs an array of bytestring GVariant from the given array of strings.
byteswap() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Performs a byteswapping operation on the contents of this Variant.
ByteWriter - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
GstByteWriter provides a byte writer and reader that can write/read different integer and floating point types to/from a memory buffer.
ByteWriter() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Allocate a new ByteWriter.
ByteWriter(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Allocate a new ByteWriter.
ByteWriter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Create a ByteWriter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ByteWriter(ByteReader, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Allocate a new ByteWriter with the fields set to the provided values.
ByteWriter(ByteReader, int, boolean, boolean, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Allocate a new ByteWriter with the fields set to the provided values.


C_STD_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The C standard version the code is compiling against, it's normally defined with the same value of __STDC_VERSION__ for C standard compatible compilers, while it uses the lowest standard version in pure MSVC, given that in such compiler the definition depends on a compilation flag.
Cache - Class in org.gnome.glib
Cache - Class in org.gnome.soup
File-based cache for HTTP resources.
Cache(String, CacheType) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Cache
Creates a new SoupCache.
Cache(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Cache
Create a Cache proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Cache(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Cache
Create a Cache proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Cache.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Cache.CacheClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
Cacheability - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
Indicates if a message should or shouldn't be cached.
CACHEABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Cacheability
The message should be cached
cacheArena(Arena) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Arenas
This will add the Arena to the global static list of open arenas, and return a pointer to the hashcode of the Arena.
cacheBuild() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Builds a lookup-cache to speed up g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_method(), g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_signal() and g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_property().
CacheClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Cache.CacheClass
Allocate a new CacheClass.
CacheClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Cache.CacheClass
Allocate a new CacheClass.
CacheClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Cache.CacheClass
Create a CacheClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CACHED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFlags
Temporarily loaded plugins
CacheDestroyFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
CacheDupFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
CacheModel - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used for determining the WebKitWebContext cache model.
CacheNewFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
cacheRelease() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Decrements the usage count for the cache for this DBusInterfaceInfo built by g_dbus_interface_info_cache_build() (if any) and frees the resources used by the cache if the usage count drops to zero.
CacheType - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
The type of cache; this affects what kinds of responses will be saved.
CAIRO_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node drawing a cairo_surface_t
CairoContext - Class in org.gnome.gdk
GdkCairoContext is an object representing the platform-specific draw context.
CairoContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.CairoContext
Create a CairoContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CairoContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CairoContext.CairoContextImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The CairoContextImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract CairoContext class.
CairoContextImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.CairoContext.CairoContextImpl
Creates a new instance of CairoContext for the provided memory address.
cairoCreate() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CairoContext
Retrieves a Cairo context to be used to draw on the GdkSurface of context.
cairoDrawFromGl(Context, Surface, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
The function is overly complex and produces broken output in various combinations of arguments. If you want to draw with GL textures in GTK, use GLTexture(org.gnome.gdk.GLContext, int, int, int, java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment); if you want to use that texture in Cairo, use[], long) to download the data into a Cairo image surface.
CairoNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node for a Cairo surface.
CairoNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.CairoNode
Create a CairoNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CairoNode(Rect) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.CairoNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will render a cairo surface into the area given by bounds.
cairoRectangle(Context, Rectangle) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Adds the given rectangle to the current path of cr.
cairoRegion(Context, Region) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Adds the given region to the current path of cr.
cairoRegionCreateFromSurface(Surface) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Creates region that covers the area where the given surface is more than 50% opaque.
CairoRenderer - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A GSK renderer that is using cairo.
CairoRenderer() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.CairoRenderer
Creates a new Cairo renderer.
CairoRenderer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.CairoRenderer
Create a CairoRenderer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CairoRenderer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gsk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CairoRenderer.CairoRendererClass - Class in org.gnome.gsk
CairoRendererClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.CairoRenderer.CairoRendererClass
Create a CairoRendererClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
cairoSetSourcePixbuf(Context, Pixbuf, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Sets the given pixbuf as the source pattern for cr.
cairoSetSourceRgba(Context, RGBA) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Sets the specified GdkRGBA as the source color of cr.
calculateLinearRegression(ClockTime, ClockTime, int, ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime, Out<Double>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Calculates the linear regression of the values xy and places the result in mNum, mDenom, b and xbase, representing the function y(x) = m_num/m_denom * (x - xbase) + b that has the least-square distance from all points x and y.
calculateRowstride(Colorspace, boolean, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Calculates the rowstride that an image created with those values would have.
calculateSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferList
Calculates the size of the data contained in this BufferList by adding the size of all buffers.
calculateValue(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Calculates the value this SpringAnimation will have at time.
calculateVelocity(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Calculates the velocity this SpringAnimation will have at time.
Calendar - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkCalendar is a widget that displays a Gregorian calendar, one month at a time.
Calendar() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Creates a new calendar, with the current date being selected.
Calendar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Create a Calendar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Calendar.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Calendar.DaySelectedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DaySelectedCallback callback.
Calendar.NextMonthCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the NextMonthCallback callback.
Calendar.NextYearCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the NextYearCallback callback.
Calendar.PrevMonthCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PrevMonthCallback callback.
Calendar.PrevYearCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PrevYearCallback callback.
call(String, String, String, String, Variant, VariantType, Set<DBusCallFlags>, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Asynchronously invokes the methodName method on the interfaceName D-Bus interface on the remote object at objectPath owned by busName.
call(String, String, String, String, Variant, VariantType, DBusCallFlags, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Asynchronously invokes the methodName method on the interfaceName D-Bus interface on the remote object at objectPath owned by busName.
call(String, Variant, Set<DBusCallFlags>, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Asynchronously invokes the methodName method on this DBusProxy.
call(String, Variant, DBusCallFlags, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Asynchronously invokes the methodName method on this DBusProxy.
callAsync(ElementCallAsyncFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Calls func from another thread and passes userData to it.
callAsyncJavascriptFunction(String, long, Variant, String, String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Asynchronously call body with arguments in the script world with name worldName of the main frame current context in this WebView.
callAsyncJavascriptFunctionFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_view_call_async_javascript_function().
Callback - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the Callback callback.
CALLBACK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionArg
The option provides a callback (of type GOptionArgFunc) to parse the extra argument.
CallbackAction - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkShortcutAction that invokes a callback.
CallbackAction(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CallbackAction
Create a CallbackAction proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CallbackAction(ShortcutFunc) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CallbackAction
Create a custom action that calls the given callback when activated.
CallbackAction.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CallbackAction.CallbackActionClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CallbackActionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CallbackAction.CallbackActionClass
Create a CallbackActionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CallbackAnimationTarget - Class in org.gnome.adw
An AnimationTarget that calls a given callback during the animation.
CallbackAnimationTarget(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.CallbackAnimationTarget
Create a CallbackAnimationTarget proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CallbackAnimationTarget(AnimationTargetFunc) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.CallbackAnimationTarget
Creates a new AdwAnimationTarget that calls the given callback during the animation.
CallbackAnimationTarget.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CallbackAnimationTarget.CallbackAnimationTargetClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
CallbackAnimationTargetClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.CallbackAnimationTarget.CallbackAnimationTargetClass
Create a CallbackAnimationTargetClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
callFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Finishes an operation started with g_dbus_connection_call().
callFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Finishes an operation started with g_dbus_proxy_call().
callFunction(TypeFind) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindFactory
Calls the GstTypeFindFunction associated with this factory.
callParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInstance
Returns the flag that determines if for virtual method calls, g_type_class_peek_parent() is used to obtain the function pointer of the parent type instead of the instance class.
callParent(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInstance
Set the flag that determines if for virtual method calls, g_type_class_peek_parent() is used to obtain the function pointer of the parent type instead of the instance class.
callSync(String, String, String, String, Variant, VariantType, Set<DBusCallFlags>, int, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Synchronously invokes the methodName method on the interfaceName D-Bus interface on the remote object at objectPath owned by busName.
callSync(String, String, String, String, Variant, VariantType, DBusCallFlags, int, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Synchronously invokes the methodName method on the interfaceName D-Bus interface on the remote object at objectPath owned by busName.
callSync(String, Variant, Set<DBusCallFlags>, int, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Synchronously invokes the methodName method on this DBusProxy.
callSync(String, Variant, DBusCallFlags, int, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Synchronously invokes the methodName method on this DBusProxy.
callWithUnixFdList(String, String, String, String, Variant, VariantType, Set<DBusCallFlags>, int, UnixFDList, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Like g_dbus_connection_call() but also takes a GUnixFDList object.
callWithUnixFdList(String, String, String, String, Variant, VariantType, DBusCallFlags, int, UnixFDList, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Like g_dbus_connection_call() but also takes a GUnixFDList object.
callWithUnixFdList(String, Variant, Set<DBusCallFlags>, int, UnixFDList, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Like g_dbus_proxy_call() but also takes a GUnixFDList object.
callWithUnixFdList(String, Variant, DBusCallFlags, int, UnixFDList, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Like g_dbus_proxy_call() but also takes a GUnixFDList object.
callWithUnixFdListFinish(Out<UnixFDList>, AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Finishes an operation started with g_dbus_connection_call_with_unix_fd_list().
callWithUnixFdListFinish(Out<UnixFDList>, AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Finishes an operation started with g_dbus_proxy_call_with_unix_fd_list().
callWithUnixFdListSync(String, String, String, String, Variant, VariantType, Set<DBusCallFlags>, int, UnixFDList, Out<UnixFDList>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Like g_dbus_connection_call_sync() but also takes and returns GUnixFDList objects.
callWithUnixFdListSync(String, String, String, String, Variant, VariantType, DBusCallFlags, int, UnixFDList, Out<UnixFDList>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Like g_dbus_connection_call_sync() but also takes and returns GUnixFDList objects.
callWithUnixFdListSync(String, Variant, Set<DBusCallFlags>, int, UnixFDList, Out<UnixFDList>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Like g_dbus_proxy_call_sync() but also takes and returns GUnixFDList objects.
callWithUnixFdListSync(String, Variant, DBusCallFlags, int, UnixFDList, Out<UnixFDList>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Like g_dbus_proxy_call_sync() but also takes and returns GUnixFDList objects.
CAMERA_POSITION - Enum constant in enum class
CAN_DO_PERIODIC_ASYNC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockFlags
clock can do async periodic timeout callbacks
CAN_DO_PERIODIC_SYNC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockFlags
clock can do sync periodic timeout requests
CAN_DO_SINGLE_ASYNC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockFlags
clock can do a single async timeout request
CAN_DO_SINGLE_SYNC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockFlags
clock can do a single sync timeout request
CAN_INLINE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
CAN_OVERRIDE_APP_ID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationFlags
Allow users to override the application ID from the command line with --gapplication-app-id.
CAN_SET_MASTER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockFlags
clock can be slaved to a master clock
CAN_SET_RESOLUTION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockFlags
clock's resolution can be changed
CANADIAN_ABORIGINAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Canadian Aboriginal
CANADIAN_ABORIGINAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Canadian Aboriginal
CANADIAN_SYLLABICS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
canAuthenticate() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Tests if this Auth is able to authenticate by providing credentials to the Auth.authenticate(java.lang.String, java.lang.String).
cancel() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Will set this Cancellable to cancelled, and will emit the GCancellable::cancelled signal.
cancel() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor
Cancels a file monitor.
cancel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Cancels a running print operation.
cancel() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Call this on an auth to cancel it.
cancel() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Cancel the authentication challenge.
cancel() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest
Cancels this ColorChooserRequest and the input element changes to use the initial color.
cancel() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Cancels the download.
cancel() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FileChooserRequest
Ask WebKit to cancel the request.
CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TouchpadGesturePhase
The gesture was cancelled, all changes should be undone.
CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ButtonsType
a Cancel button
CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationResult
The print operation has been canceled, the print settings should not be stored.
CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ResponseType
Returned by Cancel buttons in GTK dialogs
CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperationResponse
Print dialog was cancelled
CANCELED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProgressType
A task was canceled.
Cancellable - Class in org.gnome.gio
GCancellable allows operations to be cancelled.
Cancellable() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Creates a new GCancellable object.
Cancellable(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Create a Cancellable proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Cancellable.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Cancellable.CancellableClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Cancellable.CancelledCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the CancelledCallback callback.
CancellableClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable.CancellableClass
Allocate a new CancellableClass.
CancellableClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable.CancellableClass
Allocate a new CancellableClass.
CancellableClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable.CancellableClass
Create a CancellableClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CancellableSourceFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the CancellableSourceFunc callback.
cancelled() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Operation was cancelled.
CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DialogError
The async function call was cancelled via its GCancellable
CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkError
Load failure due to cancellation
CANCELLED_BY_USER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.DownloadError
Download was cancelled by user
canDelete() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Obtains the information whether the AppInfo can be deleted.
canEject() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Checks if a drive can be ejected.
canEject() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Checks if this Mount can be ejected.
canEject() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Checks if a volume can be ejected.
canExecuteEditingCommand(String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Asynchronously check if it is possible to execute the given editing command.
canExecuteEditingCommandFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_view_can_execute_editing_command().
canGoBack() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Determines whether this WebView has a previous history item.
canGoForward() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Determines whether this WebView has a next history item.
canInsert(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Considering the default editability of the buffer, and tags that affect editability, determines whether text inserted at this TextIter would be editable.
canIntersect(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Tries intersecting this Caps and caps2 and reports whether the result would not be empty
canIntersect(Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Tries intersecting this Structure and struct2 and reports whether the result would not be empty.
canLink(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Checks if the source pad and the sink pad are compatible so they can be linked.
canMonitor() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
canMount() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Checks if a volume can be mounted.
CANNOT_INFER_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
cannot infer the GVariantType
CANNOT_SHOW_MIME_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyError
Load failure due to unsupported mime type
CANNOT_SHOW_URI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyError
Load failure due to URI that can not be shown
CANNOT_USE_RESTRICTED_PORT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyError
Load failure due to port restriction
CANONICAL_COMPOSITION_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CANONICAL_COMPOSITION_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
canonicalizeFilename(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the canonical file name from filename.
canPoll() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.PollableInputStream
Checks if this PollableInputStream is actually pollable.
canPoll() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.PollableOutputStream
Checks if this PollableOutputStream is actually pollable.
canPollForMedia() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Checks if a drive can be polled for media changes.
canReach(SocketConnectable, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor
Attempts to determine whether or not the host pointed to by connectable can be reached, without actually trying to connect to it.
canReachAsync(SocketConnectable, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor
Asynchronously attempts to determine whether or not the host pointed to by connectable can be reached, without actually trying to connect to it.
canReachFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor
Finishes an async network connectivity test.
canRemoveSupportsType() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Checks if a supported content type can be removed from an application.
canSaveCredentials() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Determine whether this WebKitAuthenticationRequest should allow the storage of credentials.
canSeek() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Seekable
Tests if the stream supports the GSeekableIface.
canShowMimeType(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Whether or not a MIME type can be displayed in this WebView.
canSinkAllCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Checks if the factory can sink all possible capabilities.
canSinkAnyCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Checks if the factory can sink any possible capability.
canSrcAllCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Checks if the factory can src all possible capabilities.
canSrcAnyCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Checks if the factory can src any possible capability.
canStart() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Checks if a drive can be started.
canStartDegraded() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Checks if a drive can be started degraded.
canStop() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Checks if a drive can be stopped.
CANT_CREATE_BACKUP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Backup couldn't be created.
canTruncate() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Seekable
Tests if the length of the stream can be adjusted with g_seekable_truncate().
canUnmount() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Checks if this Mount can be unmounted.
CAP_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
cap height.
CAPITALIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.TextTransform
Display the first character of a word in titlecase
caps(Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new CAPS event for caps.
caps(Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new query object for querying the caps.
Caps - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Caps (capabilities) are lightweight refcounted objects describing media types.
Caps() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Allocate a new Caps.
Caps(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Allocate a new Caps.
Caps(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Create a Caps proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Caps(MiniObject) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Allocate a new Caps with the fields set to the provided values.
Caps(MiniObject, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Allocate a new Caps with the fields set to the provided values.
CAPS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
used for caps-related errors.
CAPS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
GstCaps event.
CAPS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkCheck
Check if the pads are compatible by comparing the caps returned by gst_pad_query_caps().
CAPS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
the caps query
CAPS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSerializeFlags
Serialize the caps for each stream
CAPS_DETAILS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugGraphDetails
show caps-details on edges
CAPS_FEATURE_FORMAT_INTERLACED - Static variable in class
Name of the caps feature indicating that the stream is interlaced.
CAPS_FEATURE_MEMORY_SYSTEM_MEMORY - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
CAPS_FEATURE_META_GST_VIDEO_META - Static variable in class
CapsFeatures - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstCapsFeatures can optionally be set on a GstCaps to add requirements for additional features for a specific GstStructure.
CapsFeatures(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Create a CapsFeatures proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CapsFeatures(String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Creates a new GstCapsFeatures with the given features.
CapsFilterMapFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the CapsFilterMapFunc callback.
CapsFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Extra flags for a caps.
CapsForeachFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the CapsForeachFunc callback.
CapsIntersectMode - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Modes of caps intersection
CapsMapFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the CapsMapFunc callback.
CAPTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
CAPTURE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PropagationPhase
Events are delivered in the capture phase.
CARIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
CARIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
CARIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Carousel - Class in org.gnome.adw
A paginated scrolling widget.
Carousel() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Creates a new AdwCarousel.
Carousel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Create a Carousel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Carousel.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Carousel.CarouselClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
Carousel.PageChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the PageChangedCallback callback.
CarouselClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Carousel.CarouselClass
Allocate a new CarouselClass.
CarouselClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Carousel.CarouselClass
Allocate a new CarouselClass.
CarouselClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Carousel.CarouselClass
Create a CarouselClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CarouselIndicatorDots - Class in org.gnome.adw
A dots indicator for Carousel.
CarouselIndicatorDots() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorDots
Creates a new AdwCarouselIndicatorDots.
CarouselIndicatorDots(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorDots
Create a CarouselIndicatorDots proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CarouselIndicatorDots.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CarouselIndicatorDots.CarouselIndicatorDotsClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
CarouselIndicatorDotsClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorDots.CarouselIndicatorDotsClass
Allocate a new CarouselIndicatorDotsClass.
CarouselIndicatorDotsClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorDots.CarouselIndicatorDotsClass
Allocate a new CarouselIndicatorDotsClass.
CarouselIndicatorDotsClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorDots.CarouselIndicatorDotsClass
Create a CarouselIndicatorDotsClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CarouselIndicatorLines - Class in org.gnome.adw
A lines indicator for Carousel.
CarouselIndicatorLines() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorLines
Creates a new AdwCarouselIndicatorLines.
CarouselIndicatorLines(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorLines
Create a CarouselIndicatorLines proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CarouselIndicatorLines.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CarouselIndicatorLines.CarouselIndicatorLinesClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
CarouselIndicatorLinesClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorLines.CarouselIndicatorLinesClass
Allocate a new CarouselIndicatorLinesClass.
CarouselIndicatorLinesClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorLines.CarouselIndicatorLinesClass
Allocate a new CarouselIndicatorLinesClass.
CarouselIndicatorLinesClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorLines.CarouselIndicatorLinesClass
Create a CarouselIndicatorLinesClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CARRIAGE_RETURN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Carriage Return (CR)
CASE_INSENSITIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsFlags
Parameter names are case insensitive.
CASE_INSENSITIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextSearchFlags
The text will be matched regardless of what case it is in.
CASE_INSENSITIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FindOptions
case insensitive search.
CASE_SENSITIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SortFlags
case sensitive sort
CASE_SENSITIVE_LAYOUT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
CASE_SENSITIVE_LAYOUT_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CASE_SENSITIVE_LAYOUT_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CASE_SENSITIVE_SPACING_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CASE_SENSITIVE_SPACING_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CASELESS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Letters in the pattern match both upper- and lowercase letters.
CAUCASIAN_ALBANIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Aghb, Since: 0.9.30
CAUCASIAN_ALBANIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Caucasian Albanian.
CAUCASIAN_ALBANIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Caucasian Albanian.
CCC10 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC103 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC107 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC11 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC118 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC12 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC122 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC129 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC13 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC130 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC132 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
[Tibetan] Since: 7.2.0
CCC14 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC15 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC16 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC17 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC18 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC19 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC20 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC21 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC22 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC23 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC24 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC25 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC26 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC27 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC28 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC29 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC30 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC31 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC32 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC33 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC34 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC35 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC36 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC84 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CCC91 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
CClosure - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GCClosure is a specialization of GClosure for C function callbacks.
CClosure() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
Allocate a new CClosure.
CClosure(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
Allocate a new CClosure.
CClosure(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
Create a CClosure proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CClosure(Closure, MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
Allocate a new CClosure with the fields set to the provided values.
CClosure(Closure, MemorySegment, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
Allocate a new CClosure with the fields set to the provided values.
CClosureExpression - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A variant of GtkClosureExpression using a C closure.
CClosureExpression(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CClosureExpression
Create a CClosureExpression proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CClosureExpression(Type, ClosureMarshal, Expression[], Callback, ClosureNotify) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CClosureExpression
Creates a GtkExpression that calls callback_func when it is evaluated.
CEA608_RAW - Enum constant in enum class
CEA-608 as byte pairs.
CEA608_S334_1A - Enum constant in enum class
CEA-608 as byte triplets as defined in SMPTE S334-1 Annex A.
CEA708_CDP - Enum constant in enum class
CEA-708 (and optionally CEA-608) in a CDP (Caption Distribution Packet) defined by SMPTE S-334-2.
CEA708_RAW - Enum constant in enum class
CEA-708 as cc_data byte triplets.
CELL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
CELL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ListTabBehavior
Cycle only through a single cell, then move focus out of the list.
CELL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererAlignmentMode
The full cell.
CellAllocCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CellAllocCallback callback.
CellArea - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellArea(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
Create a CellArea proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellArea.AddEditableCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the AddEditableCallback callback.
CellArea.ApplyAttributesCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ApplyAttributesCallback callback.
CellArea.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CellArea.CellAreaClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellArea.CellAreaImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The CellAreaImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract CellArea class.
CellArea.FocusChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the FocusChangedCallback callback.
CellArea.RemoveEditableCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RemoveEditableCallback callback.
CellAreaBox - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellAreaBox() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaBox
CellAreaBox(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaBox
Create a CellAreaBox proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellAreaBox.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CellAreaClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Allocate a new CellAreaClass.
CellAreaClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Allocate a new CellAreaClass.
CellAreaClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Create a CellAreaClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellAreaContext - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellAreaContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext
Create a CellAreaContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellAreaContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CellAreaContext.CellAreaContextClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellAreaContextClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext.CellAreaContextClass
Allocate a new CellAreaContextClass.
CellAreaContextClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext.CellAreaContextClass
Allocate a new CellAreaContextClass.
CellAreaContextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext.CellAreaContextClass
Create a CellAreaContextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellAreaImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaImpl
Creates a new instance of CellArea for the provided memory address.
CellCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CellCallback callback.
CellEditable - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
CellEditable.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
CellEditable.CellEditableIface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellEditable.CellEditableImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The CellEditableImpl type represents a native instance of the CellEditable interface.
CellEditable.EditingDoneCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EditingDoneCallback callback.
CellEditable.RemoveWidgetCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RemoveWidgetCallback callback.
CellEditableIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable.CellEditableIface
Allocate a new CellEditableIface.
CellEditableIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable.CellEditableIface
Allocate a new CellEditableIface.
CellEditableIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable.CellEditableIface
Create a CellEditableIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellEditableImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable.CellEditableImpl
Creates a new instance of CellEditable for the provided memory address.
cellGet(CellRenderer, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
cellGetPosition(CellRenderer, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
cellGetProperty(CellRenderer, String, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
cellGetSize(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
cellIsVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
CellLayout - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
CellLayout.CellLayoutIface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellLayout.CellLayoutImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The CellLayoutImpl type represents a native instance of the CellLayout interface.
CellLayoutDataFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CellLayoutDataFunc callback.
CellLayoutIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout.CellLayoutIface
Allocate a new CellLayoutIface.
CellLayoutIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout.CellLayoutIface
Allocate a new CellLayoutIface.
CellLayoutIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout.CellLayoutIface
Create a CellLayoutIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellLayoutImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout.CellLayoutImpl
Creates a new instance of CellLayout for the provided memory address.
CellRenderer - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellRenderer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
Create a CellRenderer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellRenderer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CellRenderer.CellRendererClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellRenderer.CellRendererImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The CellRendererImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract CellRenderer class.
CellRenderer.EditingCanceledCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EditingCanceledCallback callback.
CellRenderer.EditingStartedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EditingStartedCallback callback.
CellRendererAccel - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellRendererAccel() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel
CellRendererAccel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel
Create a CellRendererAccel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellRendererAccel.AccelClearedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the AccelClearedCallback callback.
CellRendererAccel.AccelEditedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the AccelEditedCallback callback.
CellRendererAccel.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CellRendererAccelMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The available modes for Gtk.CellRendererAccel:accel-mode.
CellRendererClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.CellRendererClass
Allocate a new CellRendererClass.
CellRendererClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.CellRendererClass
Allocate a new CellRendererClass.
CellRendererClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.CellRendererClass
Create a CellRendererClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellRendererCombo - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellRendererCombo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererCombo
CellRendererCombo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererCombo
Create a CellRendererCombo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellRendererCombo.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CellRendererCombo.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
CellRendererImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.CellRendererImpl
Creates a new instance of CellRenderer for the provided memory address.
CellRendererMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Identifies how the user can interact with a particular cell.
CellRendererPixbuf - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellRendererPixbuf() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererPixbuf
CellRendererPixbuf(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererPixbuf
Create a CellRendererPixbuf proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellRendererPixbuf.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CellRendererProgress - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellRendererProgress() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererProgress
CellRendererProgress(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererProgress
Create a CellRendererProgress proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellRendererProgress.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CellRendererSpin - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellRendererSpin() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpin
CellRendererSpin(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpin
Create a CellRendererSpin proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellRendererSpin.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CellRendererSpinner - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellRendererSpinner() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpinner
CellRendererSpinner(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpinner
Create a CellRendererSpinner proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellRendererSpinner.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CellRendererState - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Tells how a cell is to be rendered.
CellRendererText - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellRendererText() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText
CellRendererText(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText
Create a CellRendererText proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellRendererText.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CellRendererText.CellRendererTextClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellRendererText.EditedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EditedCallback callback.
CellRendererTextClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.CellRendererTextClass
Allocate a new CellRendererTextClass.
CellRendererTextClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.CellRendererTextClass
Allocate a new CellRendererTextClass.
CellRendererTextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.CellRendererTextClass
Create a CellRendererTextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellRendererToggle - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellRendererToggle() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle
CellRendererToggle(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle
Create a CellRendererToggle proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellRendererToggle.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CellRendererToggle.ToggledCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ToggledCallback callback.
cellSet(CellRenderer, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
cellSetCellData(TreeModel, TreeIter, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
cellSetProperty(CellRenderer, String, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
CellView - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CellView() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellView
CellView(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CellView
Create a CellView proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CellView.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CENTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.Gravity
the reference point is at the center of the surface.
CENTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Align
center natural width of widget inside the allocation
CENTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BaselinePosition
Center the baseline
CENTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Justification
The text is placed in the center of the label.
CENTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Alignment
Center the line within the available space
CENTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.TabAlign
the text is centered at the tab stop position until the available space is filled.
CENTER_X - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintAttribute
The center of a widget, on the horizontal axis
CENTER_Y - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintAttribute
The center of a widget, on the vertical axis
CenterBox - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkCenterBox arranges three children in a row, keeping the middle child centered as well as possible.
CenterBox() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox
Creates a new GtkCenterBox.
CenterBox(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox
Create a CenterBox proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CenterBox.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CenterBox.CenterBoxClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CenterBoxClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox.CenterBoxClass
Create a CenterBoxClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CenteringPolicy - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
Describes title centering behavior of a HeaderBar widget.
CenterLayout - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkCenterLayout is a layout manager that manages up to three children.
CenterLayout() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout
Creates a new GtkCenterLayout.
CenterLayout(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout
Create a CenterLayout proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CenterLayout.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CenterLayout.CenterLayoutClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CenterLayoutClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout.CenterLayoutClass
Allocate a new CenterLayoutClass.
CenterLayoutClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout.CenterLayoutClass
Allocate a new CenterLayoutClass.
CenterLayoutClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout.CenterLayoutClass
Create a CenterLayoutClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
centerRect(VideoRectangle, VideoRectangle, VideoRectangle, boolean) - Static method in class
CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsError
The TLS handshake failed because the server requested a client-side certificate, but none was provided.
chain(Consumer<Z>, Consumer<Z>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Null-safe run first.andThen(second).
chain(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Chain a buffer to this Pad.
chainDefault(Pad, GstObject, Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProxyPad
Invoke the default chain function of the proxy pad.
chainList(BufferList) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Chain a bufferlist to this Pad.
chainListDefault(Pad, GstObject, BufferList) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProxyPad
Invoke the default chain list function of the proxy pad.
CHAKMA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
CHAKMA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
CHAKMA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
challenge(ServerMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain
Adds a "WWW-Authenticate" or "Proxy-Authenticate" header to msg.
CHAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
CHAM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
CHAM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
change(Attribute) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrList
Insert the given attribute into the PangoAttrList.
changeActionState(String, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Request for the state of the named action within this ActionGroup to be changed to value.
changeActionStateFull(String, Variant, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.RemoteActionGroup
Changes the state of a remote action.
changeBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
This is called when the text buffer changes for this GutterRenderer.
changeCase(ChangeCaseType, TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Changes the case of the text between the specified iterators.
ChangeCaseType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
changed() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
virtual method called when the set of socket listened to changes
changed() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
changed() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
Signal is emitted when the active item is changed.
changed() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild
Marks this FlowBoxChild as changed, causing any state that depends on this to be updated.
changed() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
Marks this ListBoxRow as changed, causing any state that depends on this to be updated.
changed() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
changed() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
changed() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
The class handler for the GtkTextBuffer::changed signal.
changed() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Forces a change in the context, which will cause any PangoLayout using this context to re-layout.
changed() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap
Forces a change in the context, which will cause any PangoContext using this fontmap to change.
changed(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag
Emits the Gtk.TextTagTable::tag-changed signal on the GtkTextTagTable where the tag is included.
changed(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
changed(String, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
Signals that a single key has possibly changed.
changed(File, File, FileMonitorEvent) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor
changed(FilterChange) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Filter
Notifies all users of the filter that it has changed.
changed(SorterChange) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter
Notifies all users of the sorter that it has changed.
changed(Cookie, Cookie) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
changed(HSTSPolicy, HSTSPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer
The class closure for the SoupHSTSEnforcer::changed signal.
CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorEvent
a file changed.
changedTree(Tree, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
This call is a convenience wrapper.
changeEvent(Quark, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
changeResolution(ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Change the resolution of the clock.
CHANGES_DONE_HINT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorEvent
a hint that this was probably the last change in a set of changes.
changeState(StateChange) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Perform transition on this Element.
changeState(Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Action
Request for the state of this Action to be changed to value.
changeValue(ScrollType, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
changeView(View) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
This is called when the text view changes for this GutterRenderer.
CHAPTER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntryType
entry is a chapter (i.e.
CHAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
a character
CHAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.WrapMode
wrap text, breaking lines anywhere the cursor can appear (between characters, usually - if you want to be technical, between graphemes, see pango_get_log_attrs())
CHAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.WrapMode
wrap lines at character boundaries.
CHAR - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type corresponding to gchar.
CHARACTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextGranularity
Use the boundary between characters (including non-printing characters)
CHARACTER_ALTERNATIVES - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
CHARACTER_SHAPE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
CHARACTER_VALUE_TOO_LARGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
the character value in the \\\\u sequence is too large.
CHARACTERS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferClusterLevel
Don't group cluster values.
CHARS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DeleteType
Delete characters.
CharsetConverter - Class in org.gnome.gio
GCharsetConverter is an implementation of Converter based on GLib.IConv.
CharsetConverter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.CharsetConverter
Create a CharsetConverter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CharsetConverter(String, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.CharsetConverter
Creates a new GCharsetConverter.
CharsetConverter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CharsetConverter.CharsetConverterClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
CharsetConverterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.CharsetConverter.CharsetConverterClass
Allocate a new CharsetConverterClass.
CharsetConverterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.CharsetConverter.CharsetConverterClass
Allocate a new CharsetConverterClass.
CharsetConverterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.CharsetConverter.CharsetConverterClass
Create a CharsetConverterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
chdir(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A wrapper for the POSIX chdir() function.
CHDIR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
Changing to working directory failed.
CHECK_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleError
a module returned an error from its g_module_check_init() function
CHECKBOX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A checkable input element that has three possible values: true, false, or mixed
CheckButton - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkCheckButton places a label next to an indicator.
CheckButton() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Creates a new GtkCheckButton.
CheckButton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Create a CheckButton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CheckButton.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
CheckButton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CheckButton.CheckButtonClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CheckButton.ToggledCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ToggledCallback callback.
CheckButtonClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.CheckButtonClass
Allocate a new CheckButtonClass.
CheckButtonClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.CheckButtonClass
Allocate a new CheckButtonClass.
CheckButtonClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.CheckButtonClass
Create a CheckButtonClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
checkConnectResult() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Checks and resets the pending connect error for the socket.
checked(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
CHECKED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleState
A “checked” state; indicates the current state of a CheckButton.
CHECKED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Widget is checked
CHECKERBOARD - Enum constant in enum class
Pixels are arranged with alternating pixels representing left and right eye views in a checkerboard fashion.
CHECKERBOARD - Enum constant in enum class
Pixels are arranged with alternating pixels representing left and right eye views in a checkerboard fashion.
checkFeatureVersion(String, int, int, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Checks whether a plugin feature by the given name exists in this Registry and whether its version is at least the version required.
checkFileOnDisk() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File
Checks synchronously the file on disk, to know whether the file is externally modified, or has been deleted, and whether the file is read-only.
checkFormatString(String, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Checks if calling g_variant_get() with formatString on this Variant would be valid from a type-compatibility standpoint.
checkPassword(ServerMessage, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain
Checks if msg authenticates to this AuthDomain via username and password.
checkReconfigure() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Check and clear the GST_PAD_FLAG_NEED_RECONFIGURE flag on this Pad and return true if the flag was set.
checkReplacement(String, Out<Boolean>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Checks whether replacement is a valid replacement string (see g_regex_replace()), i.e.
Checksum - Class in org.gnome.glib
GLib provides a generic API for computing checksums (or ‘digests’) for a sequence of arbitrary bytes, using various hashing algorithms like MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256.
Checksum - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Checksum(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Checksum
Create a Checksum proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Checksum(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Checksum
Create a Checksum proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Checksum(ChecksumType) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Checksum
Creates a new GChecksum, using the checksum algorithm checksumType.
CHECKSUM - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GChecksum.
ChecksumType - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
The hashing algorithm to be used by GChecksum when performing the digest of some data.
checkSupportedPlatform(String...) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Platform
Check if the runtime platform is in the list of provided platforms; if not, throws UnsupportedPlatformException.
checkSyntax(String, long, CheckSyntaxMode, String, int, Out<Exception>) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Check the given code in this Context for syntax errors.
CheckSyntaxMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Enum values to specify a mode to check for syntax errors in jsc_context_check_syntax().
CheckSyntaxResult - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Enum values to specify the result of jsc_context_check_syntax().
checkUniqueness(List<GstObject>, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Checks to see if there is any object named name in list.
checkVersion(int, int, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature
Checks whether the given plugin feature is at least the required version.
checkVersion(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Checks that the GLib library in use is compatible with the given version.
checkVersion(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Checks that the GTK library in use is compatible with the given version.
checkVersion(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GtkSource
Like GTK_SOURCE_CHECK_VERSION, but the check for gtk_source_check_version is at runtime instead of compile time.
checkVersion(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Like org.gnome.soup.Soup#CHECKVERSION, but the check for soup_check_version is at runtime instead of compile time.
CHEROKEE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
CHEROKEE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
CHEROKEE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
CHILD_INHERITS_STDERR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnFlags
The child will inherit the parent's standard error.
CHILD_INHERITS_STDIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnFlags
the child will inherit the parent's standard input (by default, the child's standard input is attached to /dev/null).
CHILD_INHERITS_STDOUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnFlags
The child will inherit the parent's standard output.
childAdded(GObject, String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy
Emits the GstChildProxy::child-added signal.
childFocus(DirectionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Called by widgets as the user moves around the window using keyboard shortcuts.
childIndex(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Gets the position of the first child of a GNode which contains the given data.
childPosition(Node) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Gets the position of a GNode with respect to its siblings.
ChildProxy - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
This interface abstracts handling of property sets for elements with children.
ChildProxy.ChildAddedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the ChildAddedCallback callback.
ChildProxy.ChildProxyImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The ChildProxyImpl type represents a native instance of the ChildProxy interface.
ChildProxy.ChildProxyInterface - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstChildProxy interface.
ChildProxy.ChildRemovedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the ChildRemovedCallback callback.
ChildProxyImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy.ChildProxyImpl
Creates a new instance of ChildProxy for the provided memory address.
ChildProxyInterface() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy.ChildProxyInterface
Allocate a new ChildProxyInterface.
ChildProxyInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy.ChildProxyInterface
Allocate a new ChildProxyInterface.
ChildProxyInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy.ChildProxyInterface
Create a ChildProxyInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
childRemoved(GObject, String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy
Emits the GstChildProxy::child-removed signal.
childrenForeach(Set<TraverseFlags>, NodeForeachFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Calls a function for each of the children of a GNode.
childrenForeach(TraverseFlags, NodeForeachFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Calls a function for each of the children of a GNode.
childWatchAdd(int, Pid, ChildWatchFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets a function to be called when the child indicated by pid exits, at the priority priority.
ChildWatchFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the ChildWatchFunc callback.
childWatchSourceNew(Pid) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a new child_watch source.
chmod(String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A wrapper for the POSIX chmod() function.
choose(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
choose(Widget, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
This function shows this AlertDialog to the user.
choose(Window, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
This function shows the alert to the user.
chooseFace(Window, FontFace, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
This function initiates a font selection operation by presenting a dialog to the user for selecting a font face (i.e.
chooseFaceFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
chooseFamily(Window, FontFamily, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
This function initiates a font selection operation by presenting a dialog to the user for selecting a font family.
chooseFamilyFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
chooseFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
chooseFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
chooseFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Finishes the AlertDialog.choose(org.gnome.gtk.Window, org.gnome.gio.Cancellable, org.gnome.gio.AsyncReadyCallback) call and returns the index of the button that was clicked.
chooseFont(Window, FontDescription, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
This function initiates a font selection operation by presenting a dialog to the user for selecting a font.
chooseFontAndFeatures(Window, FontDescription, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
This function initiates a font selection operation by presenting a dialog to the user for selecting a font and font features.
chooseFontFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
chooseRgba(Window, RGBA, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog
This function initiates a color choice operation by presenting a color chooser dialog to the user.
chooseRgbaFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog
CHORASMIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Chrs, Since: 2.6.7
CHORASMIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
CHUNK_SIZES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SliceConfig
CHUNKED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Encoding
chunked encoding (currently only supported for response)
CicpParams - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The GdkCicpParams struct contains the parameters that define a colorstate according to the ITU-T H.273 specification.
CicpParams() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams
Creates a new GdkCicpParams object.
CicpParams(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams
Create a CicpParams proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CicpParams.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CicpParams.CicpParamsClass - Class in org.gnome.gdk
CicpParamsClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams.CicpParamsClass
Create a CicpParamsClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CicpRange - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
The values of this enumeration describe whether image data uses the full range of 8-bit values.
CID_FINDFONT_NAME - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
PostScript CID findfont name
CIRCLE_ANNOTATION - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CJK_ITALIC_ROMAN - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CJK_ITALIC_ROMAN_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CJK_ITALIC_ROMAN_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CJK_ROMAN_SPACING_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
CJK_SYMBOL_ALT_FIVE - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CJK_SYMBOL_ALT_FOUR - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CJK_SYMBOL_ALT_ONE - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CJK_SYMBOL_ALT_THREE - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CJK_SYMBOL_ALT_TWO - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CJK_SYMBOL_ALTERNATIVES_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
CJK_VERTICAL_ROMAN_CENTERED - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CJK_VERTICAL_ROMAN_HBASELINE - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CJK_VERTICAL_ROMAN_PLACEMENT_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
CLAIMED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventSequenceState
The sequence is handled and grabbed.
clamp(Date, Date) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
If this Date is prior to minDate, sets this Date equal to minDate.
Clamp - Class in org.gnome.adw
A widget constraining its child to a given size.
Clamp() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Clamp
Creates a new AdwClamp.
Clamp(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Clamp
Create a Clamp proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Clamp.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Clamp.ClampClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
ClampClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Clamp.ClampClass
Allocate a new ClampClass.
ClampClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Clamp.ClampClass
Allocate a new ClampClass.
ClampClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Clamp.ClampClass
Create a ClampClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ClampLayout - Class in org.gnome.adw
A layout manager constraining its children to a given size.
ClampLayout() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout
Creates a new AdwClampLayout.
ClampLayout(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout
Create a ClampLayout proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ClampLayout.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ClampLayout.ClampLayoutClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
ClampLayoutClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout.ClampLayoutClass
Allocate a new ClampLayoutClass.
ClampLayoutClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout.ClampLayoutClass
Allocate a new ClampLayoutClass.
ClampLayoutClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout.ClampLayoutClass
Create a ClampLayoutClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
clampPage(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Updates the value property to ensure that the range between lower and upper is in the current page.
ClampScrollable - Class in org.gnome.adw
A scrollable Clamp.
ClampScrollable() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable
Creates a new AdwClampScrollable.
ClampScrollable(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable
Create a ClampScrollable proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ClampScrollable.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ClampScrollable.ClampScrollableClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
ClampScrollableClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable.ClampScrollableClass
Allocate a new ClampScrollableClass.
ClampScrollableClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable.ClampScrollableClass
Allocate a new ClampScrollableClass.
ClampScrollableClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable.ClampScrollableClass
Create a ClampScrollableClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Class - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
A JSSClass represents a custom JavaScript class registered by the user in a JSCContext.
Class(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class
Create a Class proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Class.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Class.ClassClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
ClassClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class.ClassClass
Allocate a new ClassClass.
ClassClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class.ClassClass
Allocate a new ClassClass.
ClassClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class.ClassClass
Create a ClassClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ClassDeletePropertyFunction - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Functional interface declaration of the ClassDeletePropertyFunction callback.
CLASSED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFundamentalFlags
Indicates a classed type
ClassEnumeratePropertiesFunction - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Functional interface declaration of the ClassEnumeratePropertiesFunction callback.
ClassFinalizeFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the ClassFinalizeFunc callback.
ClassGetPropertyFunction - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Functional interface declaration of the ClassGetPropertyFunction callback.
ClassHasPropertyFunction - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Functional interface declaration of the ClassHasPropertyFunction callback.
classify() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Classifies this Variant according to its top-level type.
ClassInit - Annotation Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations
ClassInitFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the ClassInitFunc callback.
ClassSetPropertyFunction - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Functional interface declaration of the ClassSetPropertyFunction callback.
ClassVTable - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Virtual table for a JSCClass.
ClassVTable() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassVTable
Allocate a new ClassVTable.
ClassVTable(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassVTable
Allocate a new ClassVTable.
ClassVTable(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassVTable
Create a ClassVTable proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ClassVTable(ClassGetPropertyFunction, ClassSetPropertyFunction, ClassHasPropertyFunction, ClassDeletePropertyFunction, ClassEnumeratePropertiesFunction) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassVTable
Allocate a new ClassVTable with the fields set to the provided values.
ClassVTable(ClassGetPropertyFunction, ClassSetPropertyFunction, ClassHasPropertyFunction, ClassDeletePropertyFunction, ClassEnumeratePropertiesFunction, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassVTable
Allocate a new ClassVTable with the fields set to the provided values.
clean() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MemChunk
cleanConnectionHeaders() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Removes all the headers listed in the Connection header.
CLEANER - Static variable in record class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.ArenaCloseAction
cleanFrame(VideoAggregator, VideoFrame) - Method in class
clean the frame previously prepared in prepare_frame
cleanup() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticCaps
Cleans up the cached caps contained in this StaticCaps.
cleanup() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool
Wait for all tasks to be stopped.
cleanupAll() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
Wait for all tasks to be stopped.
clear() - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
clear() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Removes all buffers from this Adapter.
clear() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.FlowCombiner
Removes all pads from a GstFlowCombiner and resets it to its initial state.
clear() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Clears queue this QueueArray and frees all memory associated to it.
clear() - Method in class
Clear a previously initialized GstVideoResampler this VideoResampler.
clear() - Method in class
Initializes this VideoTimeCode with empty/zero/NULL values and frees any memory it might currently use.
clear() - Method in class
Initializes this VideoTimeCodeInterval with empty/zero/NULL values.
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Cond
Frees the resources allocated to a GCond with g_cond_init().
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Removes all the GHook elements from a GHookList.
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Clears the contents of the path buffer.
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Removes all the elements in this Queue.
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RecMutex
Frees the resources allocated to a recursive mutex with g_rec_mutex_init().
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
Frees the resources allocated to a lock with g_rw_lock_init().
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StringChunk
Frees all strings contained within the GStringChunk.
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantBuilder
Releases all memory associated with a GVariantBuilder without freeing the GVariantBuilder structure itself.
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
Releases all memory associated with a GVariantDict without freeing the GVariantDict structure itself.
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.WeakRef
Frees resources associated with a non-statically-allocated GWeakRef.
clear() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Resets the image to be empty.
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Use list models
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
Resets the media file to be empty.
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cache
Will remove all entries in the this Cache plus all the cache files.
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Clears this MessageHeaders.
clear() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase
Clears all icons from the database.
clear(int) - Method in class
Clear the given segment of the buffer with silence samples.
clear(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Initializes one or more GDate structs to a safe but invalid state.
clear(Set<WebsiteDataTypes>, TimeSpan, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Asynchronously clear the website data of the given types modified in the past timespan.
clear(WebsiteDataTypes, TimeSpan, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Asynchronously clear the website data of the given types modified in the past timespan.
CLEAR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
clear destination layer (bounded)
clearAll() - Method in class
Clear all samples from the ringbuffer.
clearAttributes(CellRenderer) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout
clearAttributes(CellRenderer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
clearBuffer(Buffer[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Clears a reference to a GstBuffer.
clearBufferList(BufferList[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Clears a reference to a GstBufferList.
clearCache() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter
clearCache() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort
clearCachedCredentials() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthManager
Clear all credentials cached by this AuthManager.
clearCaps(Caps[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Clears a reference to a GstCaps.
clearContext(Context[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Clears a reference to a GstContext.
clearCurrent() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Clears the current GdkGLContext.
clearEmblems() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.EmblemedIcon
Removes all the emblems from icon.
clearEvent(Event[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Clears a reference to a GstEvent.
clearException() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Clear the uncaught exception in this Context if any.
clearFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_website_data_manager_clear()
clearFull() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Convenience method, which frees all the memory used by a GQueue, and calls the provided freeFunc on each item in the GQueue.
ClearHandleFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the ClearHandleFunc callback.
clearHandleId(MemorySegment, ClearHandleFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Clears a numeric handler, such as a GSource ID.
clearItems() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Rarely used API
clearList(List<MemorySegment>[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Clears a pointer to a GList, freeing it and, optionally, freeing its elements using destroy.
clearMarks() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Remove all visual markers.
clearMarks() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
Removes any marks that have been added.
clearMessage(Message[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Clears a reference to a GstMessage.
clearMiniObject(MiniObject[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Clears a reference to a GstMiniObject.
clearObject(GstObject[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Clears a reference to a GstObject.
clearObject(GObject[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Clears a reference to a GObject.
clearPending() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Clears the pending flag on this InputStream.
clearPending() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
Clears the pending flag on this IOStream.
clearPending() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Clears the pending flag on this OutputStream.
clearPointer(Out<MemorySegment>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Clears a reference to a variable.
clearPromise(Promise[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Clears a reference to a GstPromise.
clearQuery(Query[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Clears a reference to a GstQuery.
clearSample(Sample[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Clears a reference to a GstSample
clearSignalHandler(MemorySegment, GObject) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Disconnects a handler from instance so it will not be called during any future or currently ongoing emissions of the signal it has been connected to.
clearSlist(SList<MemorySegment>[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Clears a pointer to a GSList, freeing it and, optionally, freeing its elements using destroy.
clearStatus() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Clears the status information from this FileInfo.
clearStructure(Structure[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Clears a reference to a GstStructure.
clearTagList(TagList[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Clears a reference to a GstTagList.
clearToPath() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Clears the contents of the path buffer and returns the built path.
clearUri(Uri[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Clears a reference to a GstUri.
clearVariables() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext
Removes all variables from the context.
clicked() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Signal emitted when the button has been activated (pressed and released).
clicked() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
clicked() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Notification
Tells WebKit the notification has been clicked.
CLIENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnectionType
a client-side connection
CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PIN_REQUESTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationScheme
Client certificate PIN required for use.
CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_REQUESTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationScheme
Client Certificate Authentication (see RFC 2246).
clip(AggregatorPad, Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
clip(Buffer, Segment, int, int) - Static method in class
Clip the buffer to the given GstSegment.
clip(Format, long, long, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Clip the given start and stop values to the segment boundaries given in this Segment.
CLIP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrameFlags
prePushFrame can set this to indicate that regular segment clipping can still be performed (as opposed to any custom one having been done).
CLIP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InscriptionOverflow
Clip the remaining text
CLIP_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node that clips its child to a rectangular area
Clipboard - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The GdkClipboard object represents data shared between applications or inside an application.
Clipboard(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Create a Clipboard proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Clipboard.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Clipboard.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
ClipboardPermissionRequest - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A permission request for reading clipboard contents.
ClipboardPermissionRequest(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ClipboardPermissionRequest
Create a ClipboardPermissionRequest proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ClipboardPermissionRequest.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ClipboardPermissionRequest.ClipboardPermissionRequestClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
ClipboardPermissionRequestClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ClipboardPermissionRequest.ClipboardPermissionRequestClass
Allocate a new ClipboardPermissionRequestClass.
ClipboardPermissionRequestClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ClipboardPermissionRequest.ClipboardPermissionRequestClass
Allocate a new ClipboardPermissionRequestClass.
ClipboardPermissionRequestClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ClipboardPermissionRequest.ClipboardPermissionRequestClass
Create a ClipboardPermissionRequestClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ClipNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node applying a rectangular clip to its single child node.
ClipNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ClipNode
Create a ClipNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ClipNode(RenderNode, Rect) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ClipNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will clip the child to the area given by clip.
clipRunningTime(CollectData, Buffer, Out<Buffer>, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Convenience clipping function that converts incoming buffer's timestamp to running time, or clips the buffer if outside configured segment.
Clock - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GStreamer uses a global clock to synchronize the plugins in a pipeline.
Clock(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Create a Clock proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
used for clock related errors.
CLOCK_LOST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
The current clock as selected by the pipeline became unusable.
CLOCK_PROVIDE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
an element notifies its capability of providing a clock.
CLOCK_TIME_NONE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Constant to define an undefined clock time.
Clock.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Clock.ClockClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GStreamer clock class.
Clock.ClockImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The ClockImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Clock class.
Clock.SyncedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the SyncedCallback callback.
ClockCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the ClockCallback callback.
ClockClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.ClockClass
Allocate a new ClockClass.
ClockClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.ClockClass
Allocate a new ClockClass.
ClockClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.ClockClass
Create a ClockClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ClockEntry - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
All pending timeouts or periodic notifies are converted into an entry.
ClockEntry() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Allocate a new ClockEntry.
ClockEntry(int, Clock, ClockEntryType, ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockReturn, ClockCallback, MemorySegment, DestroyNotify, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Allocate a new ClockEntry with the fields set to the provided values.
ClockEntry(int, Clock, ClockEntryType, ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockReturn, ClockCallback, MemorySegment, DestroyNotify, boolean, boolean, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Allocate a new ClockEntry with the fields set to the provided values.
ClockEntry(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Allocate a new ClockEntry.
ClockEntry(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Create a ClockEntry proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ClockEntryType - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The type of the clock entry
ClockFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The capabilities of this clock
ClockID - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A datatype to hold the handle to an outstanding sync or async clock callback.
ClockID(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockID
Create a new ClockID with the provided value
ClockImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.ClockImpl
Creates a new instance of Clock for the provided memory address.
clockLost(GstObject, Clock) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a clock lost message.
clockProvide(GstObject, Clock, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a clock provide message.
ClockReturn - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The return value of a clock operation.
ClockTime - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A datatype to hold a time, measured in nanoseconds.
ClockTime(long) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockTime
Create a new ClockTime with the provided value
ClockTimeDiff - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A datatype to hold a time difference, measured in nanoseconds.
ClockTimeDiff(long) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockTimeDiff
Create a new ClockTimeDiff with the provided value
ClockType - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The different kind of clocks.
CLOCKWISE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufRotation
Rotate by 270 degrees.
CLOEXEC_PIPES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnFlags
create all pipes with the O_CLOEXEC flag set.
close() - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.AutoCloseable
A default implementation of AutoCloseable that calls AutoCloseable.close(Cancellable).
close() - Method in class
closing the device
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
Close the device.
close() - Method in class
close the device
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Attempts to close this Dialog.
close() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Closes the connection to the windowing system for the given display.
close() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
Informs a pixbuf loader that no further writes with gdk_pixbuf_loader_write() will occur, so that it can free its internal loading structures.
close() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Closes the socket, shutting down any active connection.
close() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
Closes all the sockets in the listener.
close() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Closes all the file descriptors previously passed to the object with g_subprocess_launcher_take_fd(), g_subprocess_launcher_take_stderr_fd(), etc.
close() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Dir
Closes the directory immediately and decrements the reference count.
close() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IConv
Same as the standard UNIX routine iconv_close(), but may be implemented via libiconv on UNIX flavors that lack a native implementation.
close() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Use g_io_channel_shutdown() instead.
close() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantBuilder
Closes the subcontainer inside the given this VariantBuilder that was opened by the most recent call to g_variant_builder_open().
close() - Method in class org.gnome.gmodule.Module
Closes a module.
close() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Ends the current contour with a line back to the start point.
close() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Signal emitted when the user uses a keybinding to close the dialog.
close() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
close() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Requests that the window is closed.
close() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Notification
Closes the notification.
close() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu
Request to close a WebKitOptionMenu.
close() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialog
Close this ScriptDialog.
close() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Request this WebInspector to be closed.
close() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
close(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This wraps the close() call.
close(short, String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Close the connection in an orderly fashion.
close(Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Close the DTLS connection.
close(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
Releases all resources used by this enumerator, making the enumerator return IOErrorEnum.CLOSED on all calls.
close(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Closes the stream, releasing resources related to it.
close(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
Closes the stream, releasing resources related to it.
close(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Closes the stream, releasing resources related to it.
close(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Closes this DBusConnection.
close(Cancellable) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.AutoCloseable
The close method that is implemented by GLib streams (IOStream, InputStream and OutputStream).
CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
used when the resource can't be closed.
CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathOperation
A close operation ending the current contour with a line back to the starting point.
CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ButtonsType
a Close button
CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ResponseType
Returned by Close buttons in GTK dialogs
close_cb(MemorySegment) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Arenas
This is called by native code when it runs the DestroyNotify callback.
CLOSE_CB_SYM - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Arenas
The upcall stub for the DestroyNotify callback method
CLOSE_PARANTHESIS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Closing Parenthesis (CP).
CLOSE_PARENTHESIS - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Closing Parenthesis (CP).
CLOSE_PUNCTUATION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
CLOSE_PUNCTUATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Closing Punctuation (CL)
CLOSE_PUNCTUATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Punctuation, Close" (Pe)
CLOSE_SOURCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.OutputStreamSpliceFlags
Close the source stream after the splice.
CLOSE_STREAM1 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOStreamSpliceFlags
Close the first stream after the splice.
CLOSE_STREAM2 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOStreamSpliceFlags
Close the second stream after the splice.
CLOSE_TARGET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.OutputStreamSpliceFlags
Close the target stream after the splice.
closeAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Asynchronously close the DTLS connection.
closeAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
Asynchronously closes the file enumerator.
closeAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Requests an asynchronous closes of the stream, releasing resources related to it.
closeAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
Requests an asynchronous close of the stream, releasing resources related to it.
closeAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Requests an asynchronous close of the stream, releasing resources related to it.
closeAttempt() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
closed() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
closed() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
closed() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
CLOSED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
File was closed.
CLOSED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketState
the connection is completely closed down
closeDevice() - Method in class
Close the audio device associated with the ring buffer.
closeFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Finishes an operation started with g_dbus_connection_close().
closeFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Finish an asynchronous TLS close operation.
closeFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
Finishes closing a file enumerator, started from g_file_enumerator_close_async().
closeFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Finishes closing a stream asynchronously, started from g_input_stream_close_async().
closeFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
Closes a stream.
closeFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Closes an output stream.
closeFn(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
closeFn(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
closeFn(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
closeFn(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
closefrom(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Close every file descriptor equal to or greater than lowfd.
closeOtherPages(TabPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Requests to close all pages other than page.
closePage(TabPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Requests to close page.
closePageFinish(TabPage, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Completes a TabView.closePage(org.gnome.adw.TabPage) call for page.
closePagesAfter(TabPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Requests to close all pages after page.
closePagesBefore(TabPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Requests to close all pages before page.
closeRequest() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Class handler for the GtkWindow::close-request signal.
closeSubpage() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
closeSync(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Synchronously closes this DBusConnection.
CLOSING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketState
the connection is in the process of closing down; messages may be received, but not sent
Closure - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GClosure represents a callback supplied by the programmer.
Closure() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Allocate a new Closure.
Closure(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Allocate a new Closure.
Closure(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Create a Closure proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Closure(Closure.MarshalCallback, MemorySegment, ClosureNotifyData) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Allocate a new Closure with the fields set to the provided values.
Closure(Closure.MarshalCallback, MemorySegment, ClosureNotifyData, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Allocate a new Closure with the fields set to the provided values.
CLOSURE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalMatchType
The closure must be the same.
Closure.MarshalCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the MarshalCallback callback.
ClosureExpression - Class in org.gnome.gtk
An expression using a custom GClosure to compute the value from its parameters.
ClosureExpression(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ClosureExpression
Create a ClosureExpression proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ClosureExpression(Type, Closure, Expression[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ClosureExpression
Creates a GtkExpression that calls closure when it is evaluated.
ClosureMarshal - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the ClosureMarshal callback.
ClosureNotify - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the ClosureNotify callback.
ClosureNotifyData - Class in org.gnome.gobject
ClosureNotifyData() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ClosureNotifyData
Allocate a new ClosureNotifyData.
ClosureNotifyData(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ClosureNotifyData
Allocate a new ClosureNotifyData.
ClosureNotifyData(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ClosureNotifyData
Create a ClosureNotifyData proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ClosureNotifyData(MemorySegment, ClosureNotify) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ClosureNotifyData
Allocate a new ClosureNotifyData with the fields set to the provided values.
ClosureNotifyData(MemorySegment, ClosureNotify, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ClosureNotifyData
Allocate a new ClosureNotifyData with the fields set to the provided values.
CLUSTER_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferDiffFlags
difference in hb_glyph_info_t.cluster
CNTRL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.AsciiType
CODEC_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
used when there's no codec to handle the stream's type.
codecUtilsAacCapsSetLevelAndProfile(Caps, byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Sets the level and profile on caps if it can be determined from audioConfig.
codecUtilsAacGetChannels(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Returns the channels of the given AAC stream.
codecUtilsAacGetIndexFromSampleRate(int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Translates the sample rate to the index corresponding to it in AAC spec.
codecUtilsAacGetLevel(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Determines the level of a stream as defined in ISO/IEC 14496-3.
codecUtilsAacGetProfile(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Returns the profile of the given AAC stream as a string.
codecUtilsAacGetSampleRate(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Translates the sample rate index found in AAC headers to the actual sample rate.
codecUtilsAacGetSampleRateFromIndex(int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Translates the sample rate index found in AAC headers to the actual sample rate.
codecUtilsCapsFromMimeCodec(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Converts a RFC 6381 compatible codec string to GstCaps.
codecUtilsCapsGetMimeCodec(Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Converts caps to a RFC 6381 compatible codec string if possible.
codecUtilsH264CapsSetLevelAndProfile(Caps, byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Sets the level and profile in caps if it can be determined from sps.
codecUtilsH264GetLevel(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Converts the level indication (level_idc) in the stream's sequence parameter set into a string.
codecUtilsH264GetLevelIdc(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Transform a level string from the caps into the level_idc
codecUtilsH264GetProfile(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Converts the profile indication (profile_idc) in the stream's sequence parameter set into a string.
codecUtilsH264GetProfileFlagsLevel(byte[], Out<Byte>, Out<Byte>, Out<Byte>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Parses profile, flags, and level from a H264 AVCC extradata/sequence_header.
codecUtilsH265CapsSetLevelTierAndProfile(Caps, byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Sets the level, tier and profile in caps if it can be determined from profileTierLevel.
codecUtilsH265GetLevel(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Converts the level indication (general_level_idc) in the stream's profile_tier_level structure into a string.
codecUtilsH265GetLevelIdc(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Transform a level string from the caps into the level_idc
codecUtilsH265GetProfile(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Converts the profile indication (general_profile_idc) in the stream's profile_level_tier structure into a string.
codecUtilsH265GetTier(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Converts the tier indication (general_tier_flag) in the stream's profile_tier_level structure into a string.
codecUtilsMpeg4videoCapsSetLevelAndProfile(Caps, byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Sets the level and profile in caps if it can be determined from visObjSeq.
codecUtilsMpeg4videoGetLevel(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Converts the level indication in the stream's visual object sequence into a string.
codecUtilsMpeg4videoGetProfile(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Converts the profile indication in the stream's visual object sequence into a string.
codecUtilsOpusCreateCaps(int, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Creates Opus caps from the given parameters.
codecUtilsOpusCreateCapsFromHeader(Buffer, Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Creates Opus caps from the given OpusHead header and comment header comments.
codecUtilsOpusCreateHeader(int, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte[], short, short) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Creates OpusHead header from the given parameters.
codecUtilsOpusParseCaps(Caps, Out<Integer>, Out<Byte>, Out<Byte>, Out<Byte>, Out<Byte>, Out<byte[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Parses Opus caps and fills the different fields with defaults if possible.
codecUtilsOpusParseHeader(Buffer, Out<Integer>, Out<Byte>, Out<Byte>, Out<Byte>, Out<Byte>, Out<byte[]>, Out<Short>, Out<Short>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Parses the OpusHead header.
Codepoint - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for holding Unicode codepoints.
Codepoint(int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Codepoint
Create a new Codepoint with the provided value
CODEPOINT_INVALID - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Unused hb_codepoint_t value.
CODEPOINT_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferDiffFlags
difference in hb_glyph_info_t.codepoint
COL_COUNT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Defines the total number of columns in a table, grid, or treegrid.
COL_INDEX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Defines an element's column index or position with respect to the total number of columns within a table, grid, or treegrid.
COL_INDEX_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Defines a human readable text alternative of AccessibleRelation.COL_INDEX.
COL_SPAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Defines the number of columns spanned by a cell or gridcell within a table, grid, or treegrid.
collapseAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
collapseRow(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
COLLATE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintCapabilities
Print dialog will allow to collate multiple copies.
Collation - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes how a StringSorter turns strings into sort keys to compare them.
COLLECT_METRICS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageFlags
Metrics will be collected for this message.
CollectData - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Structure used by the collect_pads.
CollectData() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
Allocate a new CollectData.
CollectData(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
Allocate a new CollectData.
CollectData(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
Create a CollectData proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CollectData(CollectPads, Pad, Buffer, int, Segment, Set<CollectPadsStateFlags>) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
Allocate a new CollectData with the fields set to the provided values.
CollectData(CollectPads, Pad, Buffer, int, Segment, Set<CollectPadsStateFlags>, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
Allocate a new CollectData with the fields set to the provided values.
CollectDataDestroyNotify - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Functional interface declaration of the CollectDataDestroyNotify callback.
CollectPads - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Manages a set of pads that operate in collect mode.
CollectPads() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Create a new instance of GstCollectPads.
CollectPads(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Create a CollectPads proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CollectPads.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CollectPads.CollectPadsClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
CollectPadsBufferFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Functional interface declaration of the CollectPadsBufferFunction callback.
CollectPadsClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads.CollectPadsClass
Allocate a new CollectPadsClass.
CollectPadsClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads.CollectPadsClass
Allocate a new CollectPadsClass.
CollectPadsClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads.CollectPadsClass
Create a CollectPadsClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CollectPadsClipFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Functional interface declaration of the CollectPadsClipFunction callback.
CollectPadsCompareFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Functional interface declaration of the CollectPadsCompareFunction callback.
CollectPadsEventFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Functional interface declaration of the CollectPadsEventFunction callback.
CollectPadsFlushFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Functional interface declaration of the CollectPadsFlushFunction callback.
CollectPadsFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Functional interface declaration of the CollectPadsFunction callback.
CollectPadsQueryFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Functional interface declaration of the CollectPadsQueryFunction callback.
CollectPadsStateFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Color - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for holding color values.
Color - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoColor structure is used to represent a color in an uncalibrated RGB color-space.
Color() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Color
Allocate a new Color.
Color(int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Color
Create a new Color with the provided value
Color(short, short, short) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Color
Allocate a new Color with the fields set to the provided values.
Color(short, short, short, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Color
Allocate a new Color with the fields set to the provided values.
Color(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Color
Allocate a new Color.
Color(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Color
Create a Color proxy instance for the provided memory address.
COLOR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Creates a color with the hue and saturation of the source color and the luminosity of the destination color
COLOR_BURN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
darkens the destination color to reflect the source color.
COLOR_BURN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Darkens the destination color to reflect the source color
COLOR_DODGE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
brightens the destination color to reflect the source color.
COLOR_DODGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Brightens the destination color to reflect the source color
COLOR_INCREMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SliceConfig
COLOR_MATRIX_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node that applies a color matrix to every pixel
COLOR_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node drawing a single color rectangle
ColorBalance - Interface in
This interface is implemented by elements which can perform some color balance operation on video frames they process.
ColorBalance.ColorBalanceImpl - Class in
The ColorBalanceImpl type represents a native instance of the ColorBalance interface.
ColorBalance.ColorBalanceInterface - Class in
Color-balance interface.
ColorBalance.ValueChangedCallback - Interface in
Functional interface declaration of the ValueChangedCallback callback.
ColorBalanceChannel - Class in
The GstColorBalanceChannel object represents a parameter for modifying the color balance implemented by an element providing the GstColorBalance interface.
ColorBalanceChannel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a ColorBalanceChannel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColorBalanceChannel.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ColorBalanceChannel.ColorBalanceChannelClass - Class in
Color-balance channel class.
ColorBalanceChannel.ValueChangedCallback - Interface in
Functional interface declaration of the ValueChangedCallback callback.
ColorBalanceChannelClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new ColorBalanceChannelClass.
ColorBalanceChannelClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new ColorBalanceChannelClass.
ColorBalanceChannelClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a ColorBalanceChannelClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColorBalanceImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of ColorBalance for the provided memory address.
ColorBalanceInterface() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new ColorBalanceInterface.
ColorBalanceInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new ColorBalanceInterface.
ColorBalanceInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a ColorBalanceInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColorBalanceType - Enum Class in
An enumeration indicating whether an element implements color balancing operations in software or in dedicated hardware.
ColorButton - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ColorButton() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton
Use ColorDialogButton instead
ColorButton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton
Create a ColorButton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColorButton.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
ColorButton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ColorButton.ColorSetCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ColorSetCallback callback.
ColorChooser - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
ColorChooser.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
ColorChooser.ColorActivatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
ColorChooser.ColorChooserImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The ColorChooserImpl type represents a native instance of the ColorChooser interface.
ColorChooser.ColorChooserInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ColorChooserDialog - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ColorChooserDialog(String, Window) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooserDialog
Use ColorDialog instead
ColorChooserDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooserDialog
Create a ColorChooserDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColorChooserDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ColorChooserImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser.ColorChooserImpl
Creates a new instance of ColorChooser for the provided memory address.
ColorChooserInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser.ColorChooserInterface
Allocate a new ColorChooserInterface.
ColorChooserInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser.ColorChooserInterface
Allocate a new ColorChooserInterface.
ColorChooserInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser.ColorChooserInterface
Create a ColorChooserInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColorChooserRequest - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A request to open a color chooser.
ColorChooserRequest(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest
Create a ColorChooserRequest proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColorChooserRequest.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ColorChooserRequest.ColorChooserRequestClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
ColorChooserRequest.FinishedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the FinishedCallback callback.
ColorChooserRequestClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest.ColorChooserRequestClass
Allocate a new ColorChooserRequestClass.
ColorChooserRequestClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest.ColorChooserRequestClass
Allocate a new ColorChooserRequestClass.
ColorChooserRequestClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest.ColorChooserRequestClass
Create a ColorChooserRequestClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColorChooserWidget - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ColorChooserWidget() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooserWidget
Creates a new GtkColorChooserWidget.
ColorChooserWidget(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooserWidget
Create a ColorChooserWidget proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColorChooserWidget.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ColorDialog - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkColorDialog object collects the arguments that are needed to present a color chooser dialog to the user, such as a title for the dialog and whether it should be modal.
ColorDialog() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog
Creates a new GtkColorDialog object.
ColorDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog
Create a ColorDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColorDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ColorDialog.ColorDialogClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ColorDialogButton - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkColorDialogButton is a wrapped around a ColorDialog and allows to open a color chooser dialog to change the color.
ColorDialogButton() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton
ColorDialogButton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton
Create a ColorDialogButton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColorDialogButton(ColorDialog) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton
Creates a new GtkColorDialogButton with the given GtkColorDialog.
ColorDialogButton.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
ColorDialogButton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ColorDialogButton.ColorDialogButtonClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ColorDialogButtonClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton.ColorDialogButtonClass
Allocate a new ColorDialogButtonClass.
ColorDialogButtonClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton.ColorDialogButtonClass
Allocate a new ColorDialogButtonClass.
ColorDialogButtonClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton.ColorDialogButtonClass
Create a ColorDialogButtonClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColorDialogClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog.ColorDialogClass
Allocate a new ColorDialogClass.
ColorDialogClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog.ColorDialogClass
Allocate a new ColorDialogClass.
ColorDialogClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog.ColorDialogClass
Create a ColorDialogClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
colorGetAlpha(Color) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the alpha channel of the given color.
colorGetBlue(Color) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the blue channel of the given color.
colorGetGreen(Color) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the green channel of the given color.
colorGetRed(Color) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the red channel of the given color.
ColorLine - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
A struct containing color information for a gradient.
ColorLine() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLine
Allocate a new ColorLine.
ColorLine(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLine
Allocate a new ColorLine.
ColorLine(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLine
Create a ColorLine proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColorLine(MemorySegment, ColorLineGetColorStopsFunc, MemorySegment, ColorLineGetExtendFunc, MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLine
Allocate a new ColorLine with the fields set to the provided values.
ColorLine(MemorySegment, ColorLineGetColorStopsFunc, MemorySegment, ColorLineGetExtendFunc, MemorySegment, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLine
Allocate a new ColorLine with the fields set to the provided values.
colorLineGetColorStops(ColorLine, int, Out<ColorStop[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of color stops from the given color line object.
ColorLineGetColorStopsFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the ColorLineGetColorStopsFunc callback.
colorLineGetExtend(ColorLine) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the extend mode of the color line object.
ColorLineGetExtendFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the ColorLineGetExtendFunc callback.
ColorMatrixNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node controlling the color matrix of its single child node.
ColorMatrixNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ColorMatrixNode
Create a ColorMatrixNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColorMatrixNode(RenderNode, Matrix, Vec4) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ColorMatrixNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will drawn the child with colorMatrix.
ColorNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node for a solid color.
ColorNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ColorNode
Create a ColorNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColorNode(RGBA, Rect) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ColorNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will render the color specified by rgba into the area given by bounds.
ColorScheme - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
Application color schemes for StyleManager:color-scheme.
Colorspace - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
This enumeration defines the color spaces that are supported by the gdk-pixbuf library.
ColorState - Class in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkColorState object provides the information to interpret colors and pixels in a variety of ways.
ColorState(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ColorState
Create a ColorState proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColorStop - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Information about a color stop on a color line.
ColorStop - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A color stop in a gradient node.
ColorStop() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorStop
Allocate a new ColorStop.
ColorStop() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ColorStop
Allocate a new ColorStop.
ColorStop(float, Bool, Color) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorStop
Allocate a new ColorStop with the fields set to the provided values.
ColorStop(float, Bool, Color, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorStop
Allocate a new ColorStop with the fields set to the provided values.
ColorStop(float, RGBA) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ColorStop
Allocate a new ColorStop with the fields set to the provided values.
ColorStop(float, RGBA, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ColorStop
Allocate a new ColorStop with the fields set to the provided values.
ColorStop(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorStop
Allocate a new ColorStop.
ColorStop(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ColorStop
Allocate a new ColorStop.
ColorStop(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorStop
Create a ColorStop proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColorStop(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ColorStop
Create a ColorStop proxy instance for the provided memory address.
COLUMN_HEADER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A header in a columned list.
COLUMN_INTERLEAVED - Enum constant in enum class
Alternating vertical columns of pixels represent the left and right eye view respectively.
COLUMN_INTERLEAVED - Enum constant in enum class
Alternating vertical columns of pixels represent the left and right eye view respectively.
columnsAutosize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
columnsChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
ColumnView - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkColumnView presents a large dynamic list of items using multiple columns with headers.
ColumnView() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
ColumnView(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Create a ColumnView proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColumnView(SelectionModel) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Creates a new GtkColumnView.
ColumnView.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
ColumnView.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ColumnView.ColumnViewClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ColumnViewCell - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkColumnViewCell is used by ColumnViewColumn to represent items in a cell in ColumnView.
ColumnViewCell(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewCell
Create a ColumnViewCell proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColumnViewCell.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ColumnViewCell.ColumnViewCellClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ColumnViewCellClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewCell.ColumnViewCellClass
Create a ColumnViewCellClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColumnViewClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView.ColumnViewClass
Create a ColumnViewClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColumnViewColumn - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkColumnViewColumn represents the columns being added to a GtkColumnView.
ColumnViewColumn(String, ListItemFactory) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Creates a new GtkColumnViewColumn that uses the given factory for mapping items to widgets.
ColumnViewColumn(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Create a ColumnViewColumn proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColumnViewColumn.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ColumnViewColumn.ColumnViewColumnClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ColumnViewColumnClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn.ColumnViewColumnClass
Create a ColumnViewColumnClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColumnViewRow - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkColumnViewRow is used by ColumnView to allow configuring how rows are displayed.
ColumnViewRow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow
Create a ColumnViewRow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColumnViewRow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ColumnViewRow.ColumnViewRowClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ColumnViewRowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow.ColumnViewRowClass
Create a ColumnViewRowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColumnViewSorter - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkColumnViewSorter is a sorter implementation that is geared towards the needs of GtkColumnView.
ColumnViewSorter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewSorter
Create a ColumnViewSorter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ColumnViewSorter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ColumnViewSorter.ColumnViewSorterClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ColumnViewSorterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewSorter.ColumnViewSorterClass
Allocate a new ColumnViewSorterClass.
ColumnViewSorterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewSorter.ColumnViewSorterClass
Allocate a new ColumnViewSorterClass.
ColumnViewSorterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewSorter.ColumnViewSorterClass
Create a ColumnViewSorterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
combinePackedYUV(VideoScaler, VideoFormat, VideoFormat) - Method in class
Combine a scaler for Y and UV into one scaler for the packed format.
COMBINING_MARK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Attached Characters and Combining Marks (CM)
COMBO_BOX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
An input that controls another element, such as a list or a grid, that can dynamically pop up to help the user set the value of the input
ComboBox - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ComboBox() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
ComboBox(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
Create a ComboBox proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ComboBox.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
ComboBox.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ComboBox.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
ComboBox.ComboBoxClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ComboBox.FormatEntryTextCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the FormatEntryTextCallback callback.
ComboBox.MoveActiveCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MoveActiveCallback callback.
ComboBox.PopdownCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PopdownCallback callback.
ComboBox.PopupCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PopupCallback callback.
ComboBoxClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.ComboBoxClass
Allocate a new ComboBoxClass.
ComboBoxClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.ComboBoxClass
Allocate a new ComboBoxClass.
ComboBoxClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.ComboBoxClass
Create a ComboBoxClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ComboBoxText - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ComboBoxText() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBoxText
ComboBoxText(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBoxText
Create a ComboBoxText proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ComboBoxText.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ComboRow - Class in org.gnome.adw
A ListBoxRow used to choose from a list of items.
ComboRow() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Creates a new AdwComboRow.
ComboRow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Create a ComboRow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ComboRow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ComboRow.ComboRowClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
ComboRowClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow.ComboRowClass
Allocate a new ComboRowClass.
ComboRowClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow.ComboRowClass
Allocate a new ComboRowClass.
ComboRowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow.ComboRowClass
Create a ComboRowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
COMMA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
a ',' character
COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class
A navigation command event.
COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Abstract role.
commandLine(ApplicationCommandLine) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
invoked on the primary instance when a command-line is not handled locally
COMMANDS - Enum constant in enum class
command query
COMMANDS_CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class
Sent when the set of available commands changes and should re-queried by interested applications.
COMMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A comment contains content expressing reaction to other content.
COMMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionColumn
COMMENT_MULTI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
multi line comment
COMMENT_SINGLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
one line comment
commit() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
commit(Out<Long>, byte[], int, Out<Integer>) - Method in class
Commit inSamples samples pointed to by data to the ringbuffer this AudioRingBuffer.
commit(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Default handler of the Gtk.IMContext::commit signal.
committed(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
COMMITTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.LoadEvent
The content started arriving for a page load.
COMMON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
COMMON - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
a character used by multiple different scripts
COMMON - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
a character used by multiple different scripts
COMMON_LIGATURES_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
COMMON_LIGATURES_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
communicate(Bytes, Cancellable, Out<Bytes>, Out<Bytes>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Communicate with the subprocess until it terminates, and all input and output has been completed.
communicateAsync(Bytes, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Asynchronous version of g_subprocess_communicate().
communicateFinish(AsyncResult, Out<Bytes>, Out<Bytes>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Complete an invocation of g_subprocess_communicate_async().
communicateUtf8(String, Cancellable, Out<String>, Out<String>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Like g_subprocess_communicate(), but validates the output of the process as UTF-8, and returns it as a regular NUL terminated string.
communicateUtf8Async(String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Asynchronous version of g_subprocess_communicate_utf8().
communicateUtf8Finish(AsyncResult, Out<String>, Out<String>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Complete an invocation of g_subprocess_communicate_utf8_async().
compare(VideoTimeCode) - Method in class
Compares this VideoTimeCode and tc2.
compare(UnixMountPoint) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountPoint
Compares two unix mount points.
compare(Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Compares the two GBytes values.
compare(Date) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
qsort()-style comparison function for dates.
compare(DateTime) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
A comparison function for GDateTimes that is suitable as a GCompareFunc.
compare(SequenceIter) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SequenceIter
Returns a negative number if this SequenceIter comes before b, 0 if they are equal, and a positive number if this SequenceIter comes after b.
compare(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Compares this Variant and two.
compare(GObject, GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter
Compares two given items according to the sort order implemented by the sorter.
compare(PathPoint) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathPoint
Returns whether this PathPoint is before or after point2.
compare(Printer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Compares two printers.
compare(ShortcutTrigger) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutTrigger
The types of this ShortcutTrigger and trigger2 are gconstpointer only to allow use of this function as a GCompareFunc.
compare(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
A qsort()-style function that returns negative if this TextIter is less than rhs, positive if this TextIter is greater than rhs, and 0 if they’re equal.
compare(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
CompareDataFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the CompareDataFunc callback.
CompareFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the CompareFunc callback.
compareIds(Hook) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Compares the ids of two GHook elements, returning a negative value if the second id is greater than the first.
compareSeqnum(Meta) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Meta sequence number compare function.
compatControl(long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
COMPATIBILITY_COMPOSITION_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
COMPATIBILITY_COMPOSITION_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
COMPILATION_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLError
The shader compilation failed
compile(Renderer) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
COMPILE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Compilation of the regular expression failed.
complete() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use GTask instead.
complete() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
complete() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Tags this MessageBody as being complete.
complete(String, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Rarely used API
COMPLETE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProgressType
A task completed.
COMPLETE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketClientEvent
The client is done with a particular GSocketConnectable.
completeInIdle() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use GTask instead.
completeInterfaceInfo(Type, Type, InterfaceInfo) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypePlugin
Calls the completeInterfaceInfo function from the GTypePluginClass of this TypePlugin.
completeTypeInfo(Type, TypeInfo, TypeValueTable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypePlugin
Calls the completeTypeInfo function from the GTypePluginClass of this TypePlugin.
completeUtf8(String, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Rarely used API
Completion - Class in org.gnome.glib
Completion - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Main Completion Object.
Completion() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Allocate a new Completion.
Completion(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Allocate a new Completion.
Completion(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Create a Completion proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Completion(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
Create a Completion proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Completion(CompletionFunc, String, CompletionStrncmpFunc) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Allocate a new Completion with the fields set to the provided values.
Completion(CompletionFunc, String, CompletionStrncmpFunc, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Allocate a new Completion with the fields set to the provided values.
Completion.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Completion.CompletionClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Completion.HideCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the HideCallback callback.
Completion.ProviderAddedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the ProviderAddedCallback callback.
Completion.ProviderRemovedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the ProviderRemovedCallback callback.
Completion.ShowCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the ShowCallback callback.
CompletionActivation - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
CompletionCell - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Widget for single cell of completion proposal.
CompletionCell(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell
Create a CompletionCell proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CompletionCell.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CompletionCell.CompletionCellClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
CompletionCellClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell.CompletionCellClass
Allocate a new CompletionCellClass.
CompletionCellClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell.CompletionCellClass
Allocate a new CompletionCellClass.
CompletionCellClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell.CompletionCellClass
Create a CompletionCellClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CompletionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.CompletionClass
Allocate a new CompletionClass.
CompletionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.CompletionClass
Allocate a new CompletionClass.
CompletionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.CompletionClass
Create a CompletionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CompletionColumn - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
CompletionContext<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
The context of a completion.
CompletionContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
Create a CompletionContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CompletionContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CompletionContext.CompletionContextClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
CompletionContext.ProviderModelChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the ProviderModelChangedCallback callback.
CompletionContextClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext.CompletionContextClass
Allocate a new CompletionContextClass.
CompletionContextClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext.CompletionContextClass
Allocate a new CompletionContextClass.
CompletionContextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext.CompletionContextClass
Create a CompletionContextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CompletionFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
CompletionProposal - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Interface for completion proposals.
CompletionProposal.CompletionProposalImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
The CompletionProposalImpl type represents a native instance of the CompletionProposal interface.
CompletionProposal.CompletionProposalInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
CompletionProposalImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProposal.CompletionProposalImpl
Creates a new instance of CompletionProposal for the provided memory address.
CompletionProposalInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProposal.CompletionProposalInterface
Allocate a new CompletionProposalInterface.
CompletionProposalInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProposal.CompletionProposalInterface
Allocate a new CompletionProposalInterface.
CompletionProposalInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProposal.CompletionProposalInterface
Create a CompletionProposalInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CompletionProvider - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Completion provider interface.
CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
The CompletionProviderImpl type represents a native instance of the CompletionProvider interface.
CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
CompletionProviderImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderImpl
Creates a new instance of CompletionProvider for the provided memory address.
CompletionProviderInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderInterface
Allocate a new CompletionProviderInterface.
CompletionProviderInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderInterface
Allocate a new CompletionProviderInterface.
CompletionProviderInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderInterface
Create a CompletionProviderInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CompletionSnippets - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
A CompletionProvider for the completion of snippets.
CompletionSnippets() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionSnippets
CompletionSnippets(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionSnippets
Create a CompletionSnippets proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CompletionSnippets.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CompletionSnippets.CompletionSnippetsClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
CompletionSnippetsClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionSnippets.CompletionSnippetsClass
Allocate a new CompletionSnippetsClass.
CompletionSnippetsClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionSnippets.CompletionSnippetsClass
Allocate a new CompletionSnippetsClass.
CompletionSnippetsClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionSnippets.CompletionSnippetsClass
Create a CompletionSnippetsClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CompletionStrncmpFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
CompletionWords - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
A CompletionProvider for the completion of words.
CompletionWords() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords
Calls CompletionWords(java.lang.String) with title = null
CompletionWords(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords
CompletionWords(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords
Create a CompletionWords proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CompletionWords.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CompletionWords.CompletionWordsClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
CompletionWordsClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords.CompletionWordsClass
Allocate a new CompletionWordsClass.
CompletionWordsClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords.CompletionWordsClass
Allocate a new CompletionWordsClass.
CompletionWordsClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords.CompletionWordsClass
Create a CompletionWordsClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
COMPLEX - Enum constant in enum class
complex layout
COMPLEX - Enum constant in enum class
The video format has a complex layout that can't be described with the usual information in the GstVideoFormatInfo.
COMPLEX_CONTEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Complex Content Dependent (South East Asian) (SA)
component(int, Out<Integer>) - Method in class
Fill components with the number of all the components packed in plane p for the format this VideoFormatInfo.
COMPONENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutGlyphClass
Spacing glyphs that represent part of a single character
composite(Pixbuf, int, int, int, int, double, double, double, double, InterpType, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a transformation of the source image this Pixbuf by scaling by scaleX and scaleY then translating by offsetX and offsetY.
COMPOSITE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Abstract role.
compositeColor(Pixbuf, int, int, int, int, double, double, double, double, InterpType, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a transformation of the source image this Pixbuf by scaling by scaleX and scaleY then translating by offsetX and offsetY, then alpha blends the rectangle (destX ,destY, destWidth, destHeight) of the resulting image with a checkboard of the colors color1 and color2 and renders it onto the destination image.
compositeColorSimple(int, int, InterpType, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a new pixbuf by scaling src to dest_width x dest_height and alpha blending the result with a checkboard of colors color1 and color2.
COMPRESSED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceFlags
The file is compressed.
CompressionType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
computeBounds(Widget, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Computes the bounds for this Widget in the coordinate space of target.
computeChecksumForBytes(ChecksumType, Bytes) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Computes the checksum for a binary data.
computeChecksumForData(ChecksumType, byte[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Computes the checksum for a binary data of length.
computeChecksumForString(ChecksumType, String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Computes the checksum of a string.
computeChildAllocation(Allocation) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame
computeConcreteSize(double, double, double, double, Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable
Compute a concrete size for the GdkPaintable.
computeCursorExtents(long, Rect, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Determine the positions of the strong and weak cursors if the insertion point in the layout is at position.
computeExpand(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Computes whether a container should give this widget extra space when possible.
computeExpand(Orientation) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Computes whether a container should give this widget extra space when possible.
computeHmacForBytes(ChecksumType, Bytes, Bytes) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Computes the HMAC for a binary data.
computeHmacForData(ChecksumType, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Computes the HMAC for a binary data of length.
computeHmacForString(ChecksumType, byte[], String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Computes the HMAC for a string.
computePoint(Widget, Point, Point) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Translates the given point in this Widget's coordinates to coordinates relative to target’s coordinate system.
computePrefix(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
computeTransform(Widget, Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Computes a matrix suitable to describe a transformation from this Widget's coordinate system into target's coordinate system.
concat(Value, Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueList
Concatenates copies of value1 and value2 into a list.
concat(Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Changes the transformation represented by this Matrix to be the transformation given by first applying transformation given by newMatrix then applying the original transformation.
Cond - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GCond struct is an opaque data structure that represents a condition.
Cond() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Cond
Allocate a new Cond.
Cond(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Cond
Allocate a new Cond.
Cond(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Cond
Create a Cond proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Cond(MemorySegment, int[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Cond
Allocate a new Cond with the fields set to the provided values.
Cond(MemorySegment, int[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Cond
Allocate a new Cond with the fields set to the provided values.
CONDENSED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Stretch
condensed width
CONDITIONAL_JAPANESE_STARTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Conditional Japanese Starter (CJ).
conditionCheck(Set<IOCondition>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased
Checks on the readiness of this DatagramBased to perform operations.
conditionCheck(Set<IOCondition>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Checks on the readiness of this Socket to perform operations.
conditionCheck(IOCondition...) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased
Checks on the readiness of this DatagramBased to perform operations.
conditionCheck(IOCondition...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Checks on the readiness of this Socket to perform operations.
conditionTimedWait(Set<IOCondition>, long, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Waits for up to timeoutUs microseconds for condition to become true on this Socket.
conditionTimedWait(IOCondition, long, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Waits for up to timeoutUs microseconds for condition to become true on this Socket.
conditionWait(Set<IOCondition>, long, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased
Waits for up to timeout microseconds for condition to become true on this DatagramBased.
conditionWait(Set<IOCondition>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Waits for condition to become true on this Socket.
conditionWait(IOCondition, long, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased
Waits for up to timeout microseconds for condition to become true on this DatagramBased.
conditionWait(IOCondition, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Waits for condition to become true on this Socket.
configAddOption(Structure, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Enables the option in config.
configGetAllocator(Structure, Out<Allocator>, AllocationParams) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Gets the allocator and params from config.
configGetOption(Structure, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Parses an available config and gets the option at index of the options API array.
configGetParams(Structure, Out<Caps>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Gets the configuration values from config.
configHasOption(Structure, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Checks if config contains option.
configNOptions(Structure) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Retrieves the number of values currently stored in the options array of the config structure.
configSetAllocator(Structure, Allocator, AllocationParams) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Sets the allocator and params on config.
configSetParams(Structure, Caps, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Configures config with the given parameters.
CONFIGURABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ValuePropertyFlags
the type of the property descriptor may be changed and the property may be deleted from the corresponding object.
configure(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Sets all properties of the adjustment at once.
configure(Adjustment, double, int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Changes the properties of an existing spin row.
configure(Adjustment, double, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Changes the properties of an existing spin button.
configure(WebsocketConnectionType, HashTable<MemorySegment, MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension
Configures this WebsocketExtension with the given params.
configValidateParams(Structure, Caps, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Validates that changes made to config are still valid in the context of the expected parameters.
CONFIRM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPageType
The page lets the user confirm or deny the changes.
CONFIRM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialogType
Confirm script dialog, used to ask confirmation to the user.
confirmSetConfirmed(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialog
Set whether the user confirmed the dialog.
CONFLICT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
409 Conflict (HTTP)
CONIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathForeachFlags
Allow emission of GSK_PATH_CONIC operations.
CONIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathOperation
A rational quadratic Bézier curve with 3 points describing the start point, control point and end point of the curve.
CONIC_GRADIENT_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node drawing a conic gradient
ConicGradientNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node for a conic gradient.
ConicGradientNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ConicGradientNode
Create a ConicGradientNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ConicGradientNode(Rect, Point, float, ColorStop[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ConicGradientNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that draws a conic gradient.
conicTo(float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Adds a conic curve from the current point to x2, y2 with the given weight and x1, y1 as the control point.
connect(String, FunctionPointer) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.Builder
Add the provided signal to the builder
connect(String, FunctionPointer) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.BuilderInterface
Add the provided signal to the builder
connect(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
A convenience function to connect multiple signals at once.
connect(String, String, FunctionPointer) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.Builder
Add the provided detailed signal to the builder
connect(String, String, FunctionPointer) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.BuilderInterface
Add the provided detailed signal to the builder
connect(String, Callback) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Connects cHandler to the signal detailedSignal on the target instance of this SignalGroup.
connect(String, T) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Connect a callback to a signal for this object.
connect(String, T, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Connect a callback to a signal for this object.
connect(IOStream, ProxyAddress, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Proxy
Given connection to communicate with a proxy (eg, a GSocketConnection that is connected to the proxy server), this does the necessary handshake to connect to proxyAddress, and if required, wraps the GIOStream to handle proxy payload.
connect(SocketAddress, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Connect the socket to the specified remote address.
connect(SocketAddress, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection
Connect this SocketConnection to the specified remote address.
connect(SocketConnectable, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Tries to resolve the connectable and make a network connection to it.
connect(Callback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Convenience function to connect to the GCancellable::cancelled signal.
CONNECT_PUNCTUATION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
CONNECT_PUNCTUATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Punctuation, Connector" (Pc)
connectAfter(String, Callback) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Connects cHandler to the signal detailedSignal on the target instance of this SignalGroup.
connectAsync(IOStream, ProxyAddress, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Proxy
Asynchronous version of g_proxy_connect().
connectAsync(SocketAddress, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection
Asynchronously connect this SocketConnection to the specified remote address.
connectAsync(SocketConnectable, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
This is the asynchronous version of g_socket_client_connect().
connectClosure(String, Closure, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Connects closure to the signal detailedSignal on GSignalGroup:target.
connectData(String, Callback, ClosureNotify, Set<ConnectFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Connects cHandler to the signal detailedSignal on the target instance of this SignalGroup.
connectData(String, Callback, ClosureNotify, ConnectFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Connects cHandler to the signal detailedSignal on the target instance of this SignalGroup.
CONNECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketClientEvent
The client has connected to a remote host.
connectEntry(Editable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar
Connects the GtkEditable widget passed as the one to be used in this search bar.
connectFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Proxy
See g_proxy_connect().
connectFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Finishes an async connect operation.
connectFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection
Gets the result of a g_socket_connection_connect_async() call.
ConnectFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gobject
The connection flags are used to specify the behaviour of a signal's connection.
CONNECTING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketClientEvent
The client is connecting to a remote host (either a proxy or the destination server).
CONNECTION_CLOSED - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Connection closed by peer.
CONNECTION_REFUSED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Connection refused.
connectionFactoryCreateConnection() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Creates a GSocketConnection subclass of the right type for this Socket.
connectObject(String, Callback, MemorySegment, Set<ConnectFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Connects cHandler to the signal detailedSignal on GSignalGroup:target.
connectObject(String, Callback, MemorySegment, ConnectFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Connects cHandler to the signal detailedSignal on GSignalGroup:target.
connectSignals(MemorySegment) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.Builder
Connect the requested signals to the newly created object
connectSwapped(String, Callback) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Connects cHandler to the signal detailedSignal on the target instance of this SignalGroup.
connectToHost(String, short, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
This is a helper function for g_socket_client_connect().
connectToHostAsync(String, short, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
This is the asynchronous version of g_socket_client_connect_to_host().
connectToHostFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Finishes an async connect operation.
connectToService(String, String, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Attempts to create a TCP connection to a service.
connectToServiceAsync(String, String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
This is the asynchronous version of g_socket_client_connect_to_service().
connectToServiceFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Finishes an async connect operation.
connectToUri(String, short, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
This is a helper function for g_socket_client_connect().
connectToUriAsync(String, short, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
This is the asynchronous version of g_socket_client_connect_to_uri().
connectToUriFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Finishes an async connect operation.
CONSISTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileSetContentsFlags
Guarantee file consistency: after a crash, either the old version of the file or the new version of the file will be available, but not a mixture.
CONSOLE_API - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageSource
Messages produced by console API.
ConsoleMessage - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
ConsoleMessage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessage
Create a ConsoleMessage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ConsoleMessageLevel - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Enum values used to denote the various levels of console messages.
ConsoleMessageSource - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Enum values used to denote the various sources of console messages.
constant(ConstraintTarget, ConstraintAttribute, ConstraintRelation, double, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint
Creates a new constraint representing a relation between a layout attribute on a target and a constant value.
CONSTANT_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SizeRequestMode
Don’t trade height-for-width or width-for-height
ConstantExpression - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A constant value in a GtkExpression.
ConstantExpression(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstantExpression
Create a ConstantExpression proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ConstantExpression(Type, Object...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstantExpression
Creates a GtkExpression that evaluates to the object given by the arguments.
Constants - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi
Java-GI global constant definitions
Constants() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.Constants
Constraint - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkConstraint describes a constraint between attributes of two widgets, expressed as a linear equation.
Constraint(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint
Create a Constraint proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Constraint(ConstraintTarget, ConstraintAttribute, ConstraintRelation, ConstraintTarget, ConstraintAttribute, double, double, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint
Creates a new constraint representing a relation between a layout attribute on a source and a layout attribute on a target.
Constraint.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Constraint.ConstraintClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ConstraintAttribute - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The widget attributes that can be used when creating a Constraint.
ConstraintClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint.ConstraintClass
Allocate a new ConstraintClass.
ConstraintClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint.ConstraintClass
Allocate a new ConstraintClass.
ConstraintClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint.ConstraintClass
Create a ConstraintClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ConstraintGuide - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkConstraintGuide is an invisible layout element in a GtkConstraintLayout.
ConstraintGuide() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide
Creates a new GtkConstraintGuide object.
ConstraintGuide(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide
Create a ConstraintGuide proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ConstraintGuide.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ConstraintGuide.ConstraintGuideClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ConstraintGuideClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide.ConstraintGuideClass
Allocate a new ConstraintGuideClass.
ConstraintGuideClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide.ConstraintGuideClass
Allocate a new ConstraintGuideClass.
ConstraintGuideClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide.ConstraintGuideClass
Create a ConstraintGuideClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ConstraintLayout - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A layout manager using constraints to describe relations between widgets.
ConstraintLayout() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout
Creates a new GtkConstraintLayout layout manager.
ConstraintLayout(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout
Create a ConstraintLayout proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ConstraintLayout.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ConstraintLayout.ConstraintLayoutClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ConstraintLayoutChild - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkLayoutChild subclass for children in a GtkConstraintLayout.
ConstraintLayoutChild(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayoutChild
Create a ConstraintLayoutChild proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ConstraintLayoutChild.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ConstraintLayoutChild.ConstraintLayoutChildClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ConstraintLayoutChildClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayoutChild.ConstraintLayoutChildClass
Allocate a new ConstraintLayoutChildClass.
ConstraintLayoutChildClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayoutChild.ConstraintLayoutChildClass
Allocate a new ConstraintLayoutChildClass.
ConstraintLayoutChildClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayoutChild.ConstraintLayoutChildClass
Create a ConstraintLayoutChildClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ConstraintLayoutClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout.ConstraintLayoutClass
Allocate a new ConstraintLayoutClass.
ConstraintLayoutClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout.ConstraintLayoutClass
Allocate a new ConstraintLayoutClass.
ConstraintLayoutClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout.ConstraintLayoutClass
Create a ConstraintLayoutClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ConstraintRelation - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The relation between two terms of a constraint.
CONSTRAINTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Information from the constraints solver
ConstraintStrength - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The strength of a constraint, expressed as a symbolic constant.
ConstraintTarget - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkConstraintTarget interface is implemented by objects that can be used as source or target in GtkConstraints.
ConstraintTarget.ConstraintTargetImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The ConstraintTargetImpl type represents a native instance of the ConstraintTarget interface.
ConstraintTarget.ConstraintTargetInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ConstraintTargetImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintTarget.ConstraintTargetImpl
Creates a new instance of ConstraintTarget for the provided memory address.
ConstraintTargetInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintTarget.ConstraintTargetInterface
Create a ConstraintTargetInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ConstraintVflParserError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Domain for VFL parsing errors.
construct() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Property
construct() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad
This function is deprecated since 1.18 and does nothing anymore.
construct(String, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Use GstURI instead.
CONSTRUCT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ParamFlags
the parameter will be set upon object construction
CONSTRUCT_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ParamFlags
the parameter can only be set upon object construction
constructed() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
the constructed function is called by g_object_new() as the final step of the object creation process.
CONSTRUCTED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ObjectFlags
Flag that's set when the object has been constructed.
constructOnly() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Property
constructorCall(Value[]) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Invoke <function>new</function> with constructor referenced by this Value.
CONTAIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ContentFit
Scale the content to fit the allocation, while taking its aspect ratio in consideration.
CONTAINER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamType
The stream is a muxed container type
CONTAINER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.PbUtilsCapsDescriptionFlags
Caps describe a container format.
CONTAINER_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node containing a stack of children
ContainerNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node that can contain other render nodes.
ContainerNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ContainerNode
Create a ContainerNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ContainerNode(RenderNode[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ContainerNode
Creates a new GskRenderNode instance for holding the given children.
containGtype(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Checks if a given GType is part of the given this ContentFormats.
containMimeType(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Checks if a given mime type is part of the given this ContentFormats.
contains(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Tests if the point at (x, y) is contained in this Widget.
contains(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Checks if the given value has been added to this Bitset
contains(int, long) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufFormats
Returns whether a given format is contained in this DmabufFormats.
contains(Object) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
contains(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Checks if this CapsFeatures contains feature.
contains(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
Checks if key exists in this VariantDict.
contains(K) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Checks if key is in this GLib.HashTable.
contains(Point) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quad
Checks if the given graphene_quad_t contains the given graphene_point_t.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
containsBox(Box) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Checks whether the graphene_box_t this Box contains the given graphene_box_t b.
containsFocus() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus
Returns true if focus is within this EventControllerFocus or one of its children.
containsId(Quark) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Checks if this CapsFeatures contains feature.
containsPoint(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Returns true if this Rectangle contains the point described by x and y.
containsPoint(Point) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Checks whether a graphene_rect_t contains the given coordinates.
containsPoint(Point) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Checks if the given point is inside the rounded rectangle.
containsPoint(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Checks whether this Box contains the given point.
containsPoint(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Checks whether a point is inside the volume defined by the given graphene_frustum_t.
containsPoint(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Checks whether the given point is contained in the volume of a graphene_sphere_t.
containsPoint(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Checks whether the given triangle this Triangle contains the point p.
containsPointer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion
Returns if a Drag-and-Drop operation is within the widget this DropControllerMotion or one of its children.
containsPointer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion
Returns if a pointer is within this EventControllerMotion or one of its children.
containsProfile(EncodingProfile) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingContainerProfile
Checks if this EncodingContainerProfile contains a GstEncodingProfile identical to profile.
containsRect(Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Checks whether a graphene_rect_t fully contains the given rectangle.
containsRect(Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Checks if the given rect is contained inside the rounded rectangle.
CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPageType
The page has regular contents.
CONTENT_LENGTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Encoding
Content-Length encoding
CONTENT_TYPE_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferDiffFlags
buffers with different hb_buffer_content_type_t.
contentChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
Emits the ::content-changed signal.
ContentDecoder - Class in org.gnome.soup
Handles decoding of HTTP messages.
ContentDecoder(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.ContentDecoder
Create a ContentDecoder proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ContentDecoder.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ContentDecoder.ContentDecoderClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
ContentDecoderClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.ContentDecoder.ContentDecoderClass
Allocate a new ContentDecoderClass.
ContentDecoderClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.ContentDecoder.ContentDecoderClass
Allocate a new ContentDecoderClass.
ContentDecoderClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.ContentDecoder.ContentDecoderClass
Create a ContentDecoderClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
contentDeserializeAsync(InputStream, String, Type, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Read content from the given input stream and deserialize it, asynchronously.
contentDeserializeFinish(AsyncResult, Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Finishes a content deserialization operation.
ContentDeserializeFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the ContentDeserializeFunc callback.
ContentDeserializer - Class in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkContentDeserializer is used to deserialize content received via inter-application data transfers.
ContentDeserializer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializer
Create a ContentDeserializer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ContentDeserializer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ContentFit - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Controls how a content should be made to fit inside an allocation.
ContentFormats - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The GdkContentFormats structure is used to advertise and negotiate the format of content.
ContentFormats() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Calls ContentFormats(java.lang.String[]) with mimeTypes = null
ContentFormats(String[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Creates a new GdkContentFormats from an array of mime types.
ContentFormats(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Create a ContentFormats proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ContentFormatsBuilder - Class in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkContentFormatsBuilder is an auxiliary struct used to create new GdkContentFormats, and should not be kept around.
ContentFormatsBuilder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormatsBuilder
Create a new GdkContentFormatsBuilder object.
ContentFormatsBuilder(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormatsBuilder
Create a ContentFormatsBuilder proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CONTENTION_COUNTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SliceConfig
ContentProvider - Class in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkContentProvider is used to provide content for the clipboard or for drag-and-drop operations in a number of formats.
ContentProvider(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
Create a ContentProvider proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ContentProvider.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ContentProvider.ContentChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the ContentChangedCallback callback.
ContentProvider.ContentProviderClass - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Class structure for GdkContentProvider.
ContentProviderClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.ContentProviderClass
Allocate a new ContentProviderClass.
ContentProviderClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.ContentProviderClass
Allocate a new ContentProviderClass.
ContentProviderClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.ContentProviderClass
Create a ContentProviderClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
contentRegisterDeserializer(String, Type, ContentDeserializeFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Registers a function to deserialize object of a given type.
contentRegisterSerializer(Type, String, ContentSerializeFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Registers a function to serialize objects of a given type.
CONTENTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.PaintableFlags
The content is immutable.
contentSerializeAsync(OutputStream, String, Value, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Serialize content and write it to the given output stream, asynchronously.
contentSerializeFinish(AsyncResult) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Finishes a content serialization operation.
ContentSerializeFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the ContentSerializeFunc callback.
ContentSerializer - Class in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkContentSerializer is used to serialize content for inter-application data transfers.
ContentSerializer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializer
Create a ContentSerializer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ContentSerializer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ContentSniffer - Class in org.gnome.soup
Sniffs the mime type of messages.
ContentSniffer() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.ContentSniffer
Creates a new SoupContentSniffer.
ContentSniffer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.ContentSniffer
Create a ContentSniffer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ContentSniffer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ContentSniffer.ContentSnifferClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
ContentSnifferClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.ContentSniffer.ContentSnifferClass
Allocate a new ContentSnifferClass.
ContentSnifferClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.ContentSniffer.ContentSnifferClass
Allocate a new ContentSnifferClass.
ContentSnifferClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.ContentSniffer.ContentSnifferClass
Create a ContentSnifferClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
contentTypeCanBeExecutable(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Checks if a content type can be executable.
contentTypeEquals(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Compares two content types for equality.
contentTypeFromMimeType(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Tries to find a content type based on the mime type name.
contentTypeGetDescription(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets the human readable description of the content type.
contentTypeGetGenericIconName(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets the generic icon name for a content type.
contentTypeGetIcon(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets the icon for a content type.
contentTypeGetMimeDirs() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Get the list of directories which MIME data is loaded from.
contentTypeGetMimeType(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets the mime type for the content type, if one is registered.
contentTypeGetSymbolicIcon(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets the symbolic icon for a content type.
contentTypeGuess(String, byte[], Out<Boolean>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Guesses the content type based on example data.
contentTypeGuessForTree(File) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Tries to guess the type of the tree with root root, by looking at the files it contains.
contentTypeIsA(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Determines if type is a subset of supertype.
contentTypeIsMimeType(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Determines if type is a subset of mimeType.
contentTypeIsUnknown(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Checks if the content type is the generic "unknown" type.
contentTypeSetMimeDirs(String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Set the list of directories used by GIO to load the MIME database.
contentTypesGetRegistered() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets a list of strings containing all the registered content types known to the system.
context(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new query object for querying the pipeline-local context.
Context - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstContext is a container object used to store contexts like a device context, a display server connection and similar concepts that should be shared between multiple elements.
Context - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoContext stores global information used to control the itemization process.
Context - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
JSCContext represents a JavaScript execution context, where all operations take place and where the values will be associated.
Context() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Context
Creates a new PangoContext initialized to default values.
Context() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Create a new JSCContext.
Context(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Context
Create a Context proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Context(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Context
Create a Context proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Context(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Create a Context proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Context(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Context
Creates a new context.
CONTEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
query the pipeline-local context from downstream or upstream (since 1.2)
CONTEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutDeserializeFlags
Apply context information from the serialization to the PangoContext
CONTEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutSerializeFlags
Include context information
Context.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.pango
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Context.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Context.ContextClass - Class in org.gnome.pango
Context.ContextClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
contextChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Forces recomputation of any state in the PangoLayout that might depend on the layout's context.
ContextClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context.ContextClass
Allocate a new ContextClass.
ContextClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context.ContextClass
Allocate a new ContextClass.
ContextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Context.ContextClass
Create a ContextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ContextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context.ContextClass
Create a ContextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
contextGetFontOptions(Context) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
contextGetResolution(Context) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Gets the resolution for the context.
contextGetShapeRenderer(Context, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Sets callback function for context to use for rendering attributes of type AttrType.SHAPE.
contextIsEditable() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult
Gets whether HitTestResultContext.EDITABLE flag is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context.
contextIsEditable() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult
Gets whether HitTestResultContext.EDITABLE flag is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context.
contextIsEditable() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult
Check whether there is an editable element at the hit test position.
contextIsImage() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult
Gets whether HitTestResultContext.IMAGE flag is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context.
contextIsImage() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult
Gets whether HitTestResultContext.IMAGE flag is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context.
contextIsImage() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult
Check whether there is an image element at the hit test position.
contextIsLink() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult
Gets whether HitTestResultContext.LINK flag is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context.
contextIsLink() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult
Gets whether HitTestResultContext.LINK flag is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context.
contextIsLink() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult
Check whether there is a link element at the hit test position.
contextIsMedia() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult
Gets whether HitTestResultContext.MEDIA flag is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context.
contextIsMedia() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult
Gets whether HitTestResultContext.MEDIA flag is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context.
contextIsMedia() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult
Check whether there is a media element at the hit test position.
contextIsScrollbar() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult
Gets whether HitTestResultContext.SCROLLBAR flag is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context.
contextIsScrollbar() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult
Gets whether HitTestResultContext.SCROLLBAR flag is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context.
contextIsScrollbar() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult
Check whether there is a scrollbar at the hit test position.
contextIsSelection() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult
Gets whether HitTestResultContext.SELECTION flag is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context.
contextIsSelection() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult
Gets whether HitTestResultContext.SELECTION flag is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context.
contextIsSelection() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult
Check whether there is a selected element at the hit test position.
contextMenu(ContextMenu, HitTestResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
ContextMenu - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Represents the context menu in a WebKitWebView.
ContextMenu - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Represents the context menu in a WebKitWebView.
ContextMenu() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Creates a new WebKitContextMenu object.
ContextMenu() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Creates a new WebKitContextMenu object.
ContextMenu(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Create a ContextMenu proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ContextMenu(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Create a ContextMenu proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ContextMenu.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ContextMenu.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ContextMenu.ContextMenuClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
ContextMenu.ContextMenuClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
ContextMenuAction - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to denote the stock actions for WebKitContextMenuItem<!-- -->s
ContextMenuAction - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Enum values used to denote the stock actions for WebKitContextMenuItem<!-- -->s
ContextMenuClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu.ContextMenuClass
Allocate a new ContextMenuClass.
ContextMenuClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu.ContextMenuClass
Allocate a new ContextMenuClass.
ContextMenuClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu.ContextMenuClass
Allocate a new ContextMenuClass.
ContextMenuClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu.ContextMenuClass
Allocate a new ContextMenuClass.
ContextMenuClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu.ContextMenuClass
Create a ContextMenuClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ContextMenuClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu.ContextMenuClass
Create a ContextMenuClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
contextMenuDismissed() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
ContextMenuItem - Class in org.gnome.webkit
One item of a WebKitContextMenu.
ContextMenuItem - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
One item of a WebKitContextMenu.
ContextMenuItem(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem
Create a ContextMenuItem proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ContextMenuItem(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem
Create a ContextMenuItem proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ContextMenuItem.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ContextMenuItem.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ContextMenuItem.ContextMenuItemClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
ContextMenuItem.ContextMenuItemClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
ContextMenuItemClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem.ContextMenuItemClass
Allocate a new ContextMenuItemClass.
ContextMenuItemClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem.ContextMenuItemClass
Allocate a new ContextMenuItemClass.
ContextMenuItemClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem.ContextMenuItemClass
Allocate a new ContextMenuItemClass.
ContextMenuItemClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem.ContextMenuItemClass
Allocate a new ContextMenuItemClass.
ContextMenuItemClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem.ContextMenuItemClass
Create a ContextMenuItemClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ContextMenuItemClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem.ContextMenuItemClass
Create a ContextMenuItemClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
contextSetFontOptions(Context, FontOptions) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Sets the font options used when rendering text with this context.
contextSetResolution(Context, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Sets the resolution for the context.
contextSetShapeRenderer(Context, ShapeRendererFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Sets callback function for context to use for rendering attributes of type AttrType.SHAPE.
CONTEXTUAL_ALTERNATES_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CONTEXTUAL_ALTERNATES_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CONTEXTUAL_ALTERNATIVES - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
CONTEXTUAL_LIGATURES_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CONTEXTUAL_LIGATURES_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CONTEXTUAL_SWASH_ALTERNATES_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CONTEXTUAL_SWASH_ALTERNATES_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CONTINGENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Contingent Break Opportunity (CB)
CONTINUE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProgressType
A task completed and a new one continues.
CONTINUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Expectation
CONTINUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
100 Continue (HTTP)
continue_() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Timer
Resumes a timer that has previously been stopped with g_timer_stop().
continueState(StateChangeReturn) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Commit the state change of the element and proceed to the next pending state if any.
CONTINUOUS - Enum constant in enum class
the entire disc is a single stream
CONTINUOUS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBarMode
the bar has a continuous mode
CONTROL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
CONTROL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Other, Control" (Cc)
CONTROL_END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
Ctrl+End - switch to the last page
CONTROL_HOME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
Ctrl+Home - switch to the first page
CONTROL_MASK - Enum constant in enum class
the Control key.
CONTROL_MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
the Control key.
CONTROL_PAGE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
Ctrl+Page Down - switch to the next page
CONTROL_PAGE_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
Ctrl+Page Up - switch to the previous page
CONTROL_SHIFT_END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
Ctrl+Shift+End - move the current page at the end
CONTROL_SHIFT_HOME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
Ctrl+Shift+Home - move the selected page at the start
CONTROL_SHIFT_PAGE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
Ctrl+Shift+Page Down - move the selected page forward
CONTROL_SHIFT_PAGE_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
Ctrl+Shift+Page Up - move the selected page backward
CONTROL_SHIFT_TAB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
Shift+Ctrl+Tab - switch to the previous page
CONTROL_TAB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
Ctrl+Tab - switch to the next page
ControlBinding - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A base class for value mapping objects that attaches control sources to GObject properties.
ControlBinding(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding
Create a ControlBinding proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ControlBinding.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ControlBinding.ControlBindingClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The class structure of GstControlBinding.
ControlBinding.ControlBindingImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The ControlBindingImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract ControlBinding class.
ControlBindingClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding.ControlBindingClass
Allocate a new ControlBindingClass.
ControlBindingClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding.ControlBindingClass
Allocate a new ControlBindingClass.
ControlBindingClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding.ControlBindingClass
Create a ControlBindingClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ControlBindingConvert - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the ControlBindingConvert callback.
ControlBindingImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding.ControlBindingImpl
Creates a new instance of ControlBinding for the provided memory address.
CONTROLS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Identifies the element (or elements) whose contents or presence are controlled by the current element.
ControlSource - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The GstControlSource is a base class for control value sources that could be used to get timestamp-value pairs.
ControlSource(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSource
Create a ControlSource proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ControlSource.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ControlSource.ControlSourceClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The class structure of GstControlSource.
ControlSource.ControlSourceImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The ControlSourceImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract ControlSource class.
ControlSourceClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSource.ControlSourceClass
Allocate a new ControlSourceClass.
ControlSourceClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSource.ControlSourceClass
Allocate a new ControlSourceClass.
ControlSourceClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSource.ControlSourceClass
Create a ControlSourceClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
controlSourceGetValue(ClockTime, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSource
Gets the value for this GstControlSource at a given timestamp.
ControlSourceGetValue - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the ControlSourceGetValue callback.
controlSourceGetValueArray(ClockTime, ClockTime, double[]) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSource
Gets an array of values for for this GstControlSource.
ControlSourceGetValueArray - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the ControlSourceGetValueArray callback.
ControlSourceImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSource.ControlSourceImpl
Creates a new instance of ControlSource for the provided memory address.
CONVERSION_FALLBACK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoaderError
There was an encoding conversion error and it was needed to use a fallback character.
convert(byte[], byte[], Set<ConverterFlags>, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Converter
This is the main operation used when converting data.
convert(byte[], byte[], ConverterFlags, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Converter
This is the main operation used when converting data.
convert(byte[], String, String, Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a string from one character set to another.
convert(Set<AudioConverterFlags>, byte[], Out<byte[]>) - Method in class
Convenience wrapper around gst_audio_converter_samples(), which will perform allocation of the output buffer based on the result from gst_audio_converter_get_out_frames().
convert(AudioConverterFlags, byte[], Out<byte[]>) - Method in class
Convenience wrapper around gst_audio_converter_samples(), which will perform allocation of the output buffer based on the result from gst_audio_converter_get_out_frames().
convert(Format, long, Format) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new convert query object.
convert(Format, long, Format, Out<Long>) - Method in class
Converts among various GstFormat types.
convert(Format, long, Format, Out<Long>) - Method in class
Convert srcVal in srcFmt to the equivalent value in destFmt.
convert(Format, long, Format, Out<Long>) - Method in class
Converts among various GstFormat types.
convert(Format, long, Format, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
CONVERT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
convert values between formats
convertBinWindowToTreeCoords(int, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
convertBinWindowToWidgetCoords(int, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
convertBuffer(AudioInfo, AudioInfo, Buffer) - Method in class
Convert a buffer from one format to another.
convertBytes(Bytes) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Converter
Applies this Converter to the data in bytes.
convertChildIterToIter(TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter
convertChildIterToIter(TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort
convertChildPathToPath(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter
convertChildPathToPath(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort
convertDefault(Format, long, Format, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
Default implementation of GstBaseParseClass::convert.
CONVERTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ConverterResult
Some data was consumed or produced
Converter - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GConverter is an interface for streaming conversions.
Converter.ConverterIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Provides an interface for converting data from one type to another type.
Converter.ConverterImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The ConverterImpl type represents a native instance of the Converter interface.
ConverterFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used when calling a g_converter_convert().
ConverterIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Converter.ConverterIface
Allocate a new ConverterIface.
ConverterIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Converter.ConverterIface
Allocate a new ConverterIface.
ConverterIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Converter.ConverterIface
Create a ConverterIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ConverterImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Converter.ConverterImpl
Creates a new instance of Converter for the provided memory address.
ConverterInputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
Converter input stream implements InputStream and allows conversion of data of various types during reading.
ConverterInputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ConverterInputStream
Create a ConverterInputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ConverterInputStream(InputStream, Converter) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ConverterInputStream
Creates a new converter input stream for the baseStream.
ConverterInputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ConverterInputStream.ConverterInputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
ConverterInputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ConverterInputStream.ConverterInputStreamClass
Allocate a new ConverterInputStreamClass.
ConverterInputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ConverterInputStream.ConverterInputStreamClass
Allocate a new ConverterInputStreamClass.
ConverterInputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ConverterInputStream.ConverterInputStreamClass
Create a ConverterInputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ConverterOutputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
Converter output stream implements OutputStream and allows conversion of data of various types during reading.
ConverterOutputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ConverterOutputStream
Create a ConverterOutputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ConverterOutputStream(OutputStream, Converter) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ConverterOutputStream
Creates a new converter output stream for the baseStream.
ConverterOutputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ConverterOutputStream.ConverterOutputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
ConverterOutputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ConverterOutputStream.ConverterOutputStreamClass
Allocate a new ConverterOutputStreamClass.
ConverterOutputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ConverterOutputStream.ConverterOutputStreamClass
Allocate a new ConverterOutputStreamClass.
ConverterOutputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ConverterOutputStream.ConverterOutputStreamClass
Create a ConverterOutputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ConverterResult - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Results returned from g_converter_convert().
ConvertError - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Error codes returned by character set conversion routines.
convertErrorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
convertIterToChildIter(TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter
convertIterToChildIter(TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort
convertPathToChildPath(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter
convertPathToChildPath(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort
convertTreeToBinWindowCoords(int, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
convertTreeToWidgetCoords(int, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
convertVolume(StreamVolumeFormat, StreamVolumeFormat, double) - Static method in interface
convertWidgetToBinWindowCoords(int, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
convertWidgetToTreeCoords(int, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
convertWithFallback(byte[], String, String, String, Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a string from one character set to another, possibly including fallback sequences for characters not representable in the output.
convertWithIconv(byte[], IConv, Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a string from one character set to another.
Cookie - Class in org.gnome.soup
Implements HTTP cookies, as described by RFC 6265.
Cookie(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Create a Cookie proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Cookie(String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Creates a new SoupCookie with the given attributes.
COOKIE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.DateFormat
The format for the "Expires" timestamp in the Netscape cookie specification.
COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_DAY - Static variable in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
A constant corresponding to 1 day.
COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_HOUR - Static variable in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
A constant corresponding to 1 hour.
COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_WEEK - Static variable in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
A constant corresponding to 1 week.
COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_YEAR - Static variable in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
A constant corresponding to 1 year.
CookieAcceptPolicy - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to denote the cookie acceptance policies.
CookieJar - Class in org.gnome.soup
Automatic cookie handling for SoupSession.
CookieJar() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Creates a new SoupCookieJar.
CookieJar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Create a CookieJar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CookieJar.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CookieJar.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
CookieJar.CookieJarClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
CookieJarAcceptPolicy - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
The policy for accepting or rejecting cookies returned in responses.
CookieJarClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar.CookieJarClass
Allocate a new CookieJarClass.
CookieJarClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar.CookieJarClass
Allocate a new CookieJarClass.
CookieJarClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar.CookieJarClass
Create a CookieJarClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CookieJarDB - Class in org.gnome.soup
Database-based Cookie Jar.
CookieJarDB(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarDB
Create a CookieJarDB proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CookieJarDB(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarDB
Creates a SoupCookieJarDB.
CookieJarDB.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CookieJarDB.CookieJarDBClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
CookieJarDBClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarDB.CookieJarDBClass
Allocate a new CookieJarDBClass.
CookieJarDBClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarDB.CookieJarDBClass
Allocate a new CookieJarDBClass.
CookieJarDBClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarDB.CookieJarDBClass
Create a CookieJarDBClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CookieJarText - Class in org.gnome.soup
Text-file-based ("cookies.txt") Cookie Jar
CookieJarText(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarText
Create a CookieJarText proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CookieJarText(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarText
Creates a SoupCookieJarText.
CookieJarText.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CookieJarText.CookieJarTextClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
CookieJarTextClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarText.CookieJarTextClass
Allocate a new CookieJarTextClass.
CookieJarTextClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarText.CookieJarTextClass
Allocate a new CookieJarTextClass.
CookieJarTextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarText.CookieJarTextClass
Create a CookieJarTextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CookieManager - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Defines how to handle cookies in a WebKitWebContext.
CookieManager(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Create a CookieManager proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CookieManager.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CookieManager.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
CookieManager.CookieManagerClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
CookieManagerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager.CookieManagerClass
Allocate a new CookieManagerClass.
CookieManagerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager.CookieManagerClass
Allocate a new CookieManagerClass.
CookieManagerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager.CookieManagerClass
Create a CookieManagerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CookiePersistentStorage - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to denote the cookie persistent storage types.
COOKIES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
cookiesFree(SList<Cookie>) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Frees cookies.
cookiesFromRequest(Message) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Parses msg's Cookie request header and returns a GLib.SList of SoupCookies.
cookiesFromResponse(Message) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Parses msg's Set-Cookie response headers and returns a GLib.SList of SoupCookies.
cookiesToCookieHeader(SList<Cookie>) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Serializes a GLib.SList of SoupCookie into a string suitable for setting as the value of the "Cookie" header.
cookiesToRequest(SList<Cookie>, Message) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Adds the name and value of each cookie in cookies to msg's "Cookie" request.
cookiesToResponse(SList<Cookie>, Message) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Appends a "Set-Cookie" response header to msg for each cookie in cookies.
COPIES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintCapabilities
Print dialog will allow to print multiple copies.
COPTIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
COPTIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
COPTIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
copy() - Method in class
Copy a GstAudioInfo structure.
copy() - Method in class
Copy a GstAudioStreamAlign structure.
copy() - Method in class
Copy a GstDsdInfo structure.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Copies a GstBaseParseFrame.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocationParams
Create a copy of this AllocationParams.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Creates a copy of the given buffer.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferList
Creates a shallow copy of the given buffer list.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Creates a new GstCaps as a copy of the old this Caps.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Duplicates a GstCapsFeatures and all its values.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Context
Creates a copy of the context.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Copy the event using the event specific copy function.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Copy the iterator and its state.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Creates a copy of the message.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Creates a copy of the mini-object.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseContext
Copies the this ParseContext.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Copies the given query using the copy function of the parent GstStructure.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Sample
Create a copy of the given sample.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Create a copy of given this Segment.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Duplicates a GstStructure and all its fields and values.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Creates a new GstTagList as a copy of the old this TagList.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Create a new GstUri object with the same data as this GstUri object.
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Makes a deep copy of this EncodingProfile
copy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsContext
Copies a GstInstallPluginsContext.
copy() - Method in class
Copy a GstVideoInfo structure.
copy() - Method in class
Makes a copy of this VideoOverlayComposition and all contained rectangles, so that it is possible to modify the composition and contained rectangles (e.g.
copy() - Method in class
Makes a copy of this VideoOverlayRectangle, so that it is possible to modify it (e.g.
copy() - Method in class
copy() - Method in class
copy() - Method in class
copy() - Method in class
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointCondition
Copies this BreakpointCondition.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Makes a copy of this PopupLayout.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Makes a copy of a GdkRGBA.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TextureDownloader
Creates a copy of the downloader.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelLayout
Create a new GdkToplevelLayout and copy the contents of this ToplevelLayout into it.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a new GdkPixbuf with a copy of the information in the specified pixbuf.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Creates a copy of format.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Copies this DBusMessage.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SrvTarget
Copies this SrvTarget
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountPoint
Makes a copy of this UnixMountPoint.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Deeply copies a this BookmarkFile GBookmarkFile object to a new one.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Checksum
Copies a GChecksum.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Copies a GDate to a newly-allocated GDate.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GError
Makes a copy of this Error.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hmac
Copies a GHmac.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Recursively copies a GNode (but does not deep-copy the data inside the nodes, see g_node_copy_deep() if you need that).
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Copies the contents of a path buffer into a new GPathBuf.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PatternSpec
Copies this PatternSpec in a new GLib.PatternSpec.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Copies a this Queue.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Rand
Copies a GRand into a new one with the same exact state as before.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantIter
Creates a new heap-allocated GVariantIter to iterate over the container that was being iterated over by this VariantIter.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Makes a copy of a GVariantType.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
Use GArray and g_array_ref() instead.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathPoint
Copies a path point.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Creates a copy of the given this Stroke stroke.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Creates a copy of this Bitset.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Border
Copies a GtkBorder.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Copies a GtkPageSetup.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Copies an existing GtkPaperSize.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Copies a GtkPrintSettings object.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Requisition
Copies a GtkRequisition.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Creates a dynamically-allocated copy of an iterator.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeIter
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeRowReference
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Encoding
Used by language bindings.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Does a deep copy of the snippet.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
Copies the source snippet.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style
Creates a copy of this Style, that is a new GtkSourceStyle instance which has the same attributes set.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Make a copy of an attribute.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrIterator
Copy a PangoAttrIterator.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrList
Copy this AttrList and return an identical new list.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Color
Creates a copy of this Color.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Coverage
Copy an existing PangoCoverage.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Make a copy of a PangoFontDescription.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Make a deep copy of an existing PangoGlyphItem structure.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Make a shallow copy of an existing PangoGlyphItemIter structure.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Copy a glyph string and associated storage.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Item
Copy an existing PangoItem structure.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Creates a deep copy-by-value of the layout.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Copies a PangoLayoutIter.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Copies a PangoMatrix.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
Copies a PangoTabArray.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Copies this Cookie.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSPolicy
Copies this HSTSPolicy.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Copies this MessageMetrics.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Credential
Make a copy of the WebKitCredential.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPosition
Make a copy of the WebKitGeolocationPosition.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodUnderline
Make a copy of the WebKitInputMethodUnderline.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.MemoryPressureSettings
Make a copy of this MemoryPressureSettings.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationAction
Make a copy of this NavigationAction.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkProxySettings
Make a copy of the WebKitNetworkProxySettings.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenuItem
Make a copy of the WebKitOptionMenuItem.
copy() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessage
Make a copy of this ConsoleMessage.
copy(long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Similar to gst_adapter_copy, but more suitable for language bindings.
copy(long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Return a copy of size bytes from this Memory starting from offset.
copy(MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Create a shallow copy of a GArray.
copy(MemorySegment[], CopyFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Makes a full (deep) copy of a GPtrArray.
copy(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
First reinterpret the memory segments so they have equal size, then copy src into dst.
copy(VideoFrame) - Method in class
Copy the contents from src to this VideoFrame.
copy(File, Set<FileCopyFlags>, Cancellable, FileProgressCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Copies the file this File to the location specified by destination.
copy(File, FileCopyFlags, Cancellable, FileProgressCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Copies the file this File to the location specified by destination.
copy(Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Copies the value of this Value into destValue.
COPY - Enum constant in enum class
When input and output have alpha, it will be copied.
COPY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragAction
Copy the data.
COPY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.MemoryUse
The passed-in data belongs to the caller and libsoup will copy it into new memory leaving the caller free to reuse the original memory.
COPY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Copy current selection the clipboard.
COPY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Copy current selection the clipboard.
COPY_AUDIO_LINK_TO_CLIPBOARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Copy audio link location in to the clipboard.
COPY_AUDIO_LINK_TO_CLIPBOARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Copy audio link location in to the clipboard.
COPY_IMAGE_TO_CLIPBOARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Copy current image to the clipboard.
COPY_IMAGE_TO_CLIPBOARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Copy current image to the clipboard.
COPY_IMAGE_URL_TO_CLIPBOARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Copy current image location to the clipboard.
COPY_IMAGE_URL_TO_CLIPBOARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Copy current image location to the clipboard.
COPY_LINK_TO_CLIPBOARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Copy link location to the clipboard.
COPY_LINK_TO_CLIPBOARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Copy link location to the clipboard.
COPY_VIDEO_LINK_TO_CLIPBOARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Copy video link location in to the clipboard.
COPY_VIDEO_LINK_TO_CLIPBOARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Copy video link location in to the clipboard.
COPY_WHEN_MOVED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoFlags
copy the attribute values when the file is moved.
COPY_WITH_FILE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoFlags
copy the attribute values when the file is copied.
copyArea(int, int, int, int, Pixbuf, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Copies a rectangular area from src_pixbuf to dest_pixbuf.
copyAsync(File, Set<FileCopyFlags>, int, Cancellable, FileProgressCallback, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Copies the file this File to the location specified by destination asynchronously.
copyAsync(File, FileCopyFlags, int, Cancellable, FileProgressCallback, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Copies the file this File to the location specified by destination asynchronously.
copyAsyncWithClosures(File, Set<FileCopyFlags>, int, Cancellable, Closure, Closure) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
copyAsyncWithClosures(File, FileCopyFlags, int, Cancellable, Closure, Closure) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
copyAttributes(File, Set<FileCopyFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Copies the file attributes from this File to destination.
copyAttributes(File, FileCopyFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Copies the file attributes from this File to destination.
copyClipboard() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
The class handler for the GtkTextView::copy-clipboard keybinding signal.
copyClipboard(Clipboard) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Copies the currently-selected text to a clipboard.
copyContext(CellAreaContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
copyDeep() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Creates a copy of the given buffer.
copyDeep() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferList
Creates a copy of the given buffer list.
copyDeep(CopyFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Recursively copies a GNode and its data.
copyFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes copying the file started with g_file_copy_async().
CopyFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the CopyFunc callback.
copyInto(Buffer, Set<BufferCopyFlags>, long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Copies the information from src into this Buffer.
copyInto(Buffer, BufferCopyFlags, long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Copies the information from src into this Buffer.
copyInto(Segment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Copy the contents of this Segment into dest.
copyInto(FileInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
First clears all of the [GFileAttribute][gio-GFileAttribute] of destInfo, and then copies all of the file attributes from this FileInfo to destInfo.
copyMetadata(Buffer, Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
copyNth(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Creates a new GstCaps and appends a copy of the nth structure contained in this Caps.
copyOptions(Pixbuf) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Copies the key/value pair options attached to a GdkPixbuf to another GdkPixbuf.
copyPlane(VideoFrame, int) - Method in class
Copy the plane with index plane from src to this VideoFrame.
copyRegion(Set<BufferCopyFlags>, long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Creates a sub-buffer from this Buffer at offset and size.
copyRegion(BufferCopyFlags, long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Creates a sub-buffer from this Buffer at offset and size.
COPYRIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Copyright notice
copySegment(Segment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Parses a segment this Event and copies the GstSegment into the location given by segment.
copySessionState(TlsClientConnection) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection
Possibly copies session state from one connection to another, for use in TLS session resumption.
copyStatic() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Make a copy of a PangoFontDescription, but don't duplicate allocated fields.
copyValue(Value, TagList, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
CoreError - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Core errors are errors inside the core GStreamer library.
Corner - Enum Class in org.gnome.gsk
The corner indices used by GskRoundedRect.
CornerType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Specifies which corner a child widget should be placed in when packed into a GtkScrolledWindow.
CORRUPT_IMAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TextureError
The image data appears corrupted
CORRUPT_IMAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufError
An image file was broken somehow.
CORRUPT_OUTPUT - Enum constant in enum class
discard all following output until the next sync point.
CORRUPTED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
the buffer data is corrupted.
CORRUPTED - Enum constant in enum class
The buffer data is corrupted.
COSITED - Enum constant in enum class
chroma samples cosited with luma samples
COULD_NOT_SET_PROPERTY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseError
There was an error setting a property
count(MemorySegment, int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Relation
Rarely used API
COUNT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugLevel
The number of defined debugging levels.
COUNT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagFlag
number of tag flags
COUNT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagMergeMode
the number of merge modes
COUNTERCLOCKWISE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufRotation
Rotate by 90 degrees.
countMatches(String, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
Counts the number of matches for searchText.
countSelectedRows() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
COVER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ContentFit
Cover the entire allocation, while taking the content aspect ratio in consideration.
Coverage - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoCoverage structure is a map from Unicode characters to Pango.CoverageLevel values.
Coverage() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Coverage
Create a new PangoCoverage
Coverage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Coverage
Create a Coverage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Coverage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.pango
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CoverageLevel - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
PangoCoverageLevel is used to indicate how well a font can represent a particular Unicode character for a particular script.
covers(ServerMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain
Checks if this AuthDomain requires msg to be authenticated (according to its paths and filter function).
CR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DataStreamNewlineType
Selects "CR" line endings.
CR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.NewlineType
carriage return, used on Mac.
CR_LF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DataStreamNewlineType
Selects "CR, LF" line ending, common on Microsoft Windows.
CR_LF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.NewlineType
carriage return followed by a line feed, used on Windows.
CRASHED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsReturn
the installer had an unclean exit code (ie.
CRASHED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebProcessTerminationReason
the web process crashed.
creat(String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A wrapper for the POSIX creat() function.
create(long, int, Out<Buffer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Ask the subclass to create a buffer with offset and size, the default implementation will call alloc if no allocated buf is provided and then call fill.
create(Out<Buffer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.PushSrc
Ask the subclass to create a buffer, the default implementation will call alloc if no allocated buf is provided and then call fill.
create(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Create a new element of the type defined by the given elementfactory.
create(Set<FileCreateFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Creates a new file and returns an output stream for writing to it.
create(FileCreateFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Creates a new file and returns an output stream for writing to it.
create(ThreadFunc, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Use g_thread_new() instead
create(AccessibleRole, Accessible, Display) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ATContext
Creates a new GtkATContext instance for the given accessible role, accessible instance, and display connection.
create(NavigationAction) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
CREATE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamStatusType
A new thread need to be created.
CREATE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotError
An error occurred when creating a webpage snapshot.
CREATE_BACKUP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaverFlags
Create a backup before saving the file.
createAction(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Creates a GAction corresponding to a given GSettings key.
createAllPads() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Creates a pad for each pad template that is always available.
createAppInfo(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Creates a GAppInfo for the specified GtkRecentInfo
createAsync(Set<FileCreateFlags>, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously creates a new file and returns an output stream for writing to it.
createAsync(FileCreateFlags, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously creates a new file and returns an output stream for writing to it.
createBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
The create_buffer vfunc is called to create a GtkTextBuffer for the text view.
createCairoContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Creates a new GdkCairoContext for rendering on this Surface.
createCertificateHandle(TlsCertificate) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Create a handle string for the certificate.
createChildAnchor(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Creates and inserts a child anchor.
createCicpParams() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ColorState
Create a CicpParams representing the colorstate.
createClosure(String, Set<BuilderClosureFlags>, GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Creates a closure to invoke the function called functionName.
createClosure(String, BuilderClosureFlags, GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Creates a closure to invoke the function called functionName.
createClosure(GtkBuilder, String, Set<BuilderClosureFlags>, GObject) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.util.BuilderJavaScope
Called by a GtkBuilder to create a Closure from the name that was specified in an attribute of a UI file.
createClosure(GtkBuilder, String, Set<BuilderClosureFlags>, GObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.BuilderScope
Create a closure with the given arguments.
createContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
createContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
class closure for the GtkGLArea::create-context signal
createContext() - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.cairo.FontMap
Use pango_font_map_create_context() instead.
createContext() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap
Creates a PangoContext connected to this FontMap.
createContext(Context) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Creates a context object set up to match the current transformation and target surface of the Cairo context.
createConversionInfo(VideoAggregator, VideoInfo) - Method in class
createCustomWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Signal emitted when displaying the print dialog.
CREATED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorEvent
a file was created.
CREATED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
201 Created (HTTP)
createDragIcon(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
createElement(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device
Creates the element with all of the required parameters set to use this device.
createFileForArg(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Creates a GFile corresponding to a filename that was given as part of the invocation of this ApplicationCommandLine.
createFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous file create operation started with g_file_create_async().
createFromCommandline(String, String, Set<AppInfoCreateFlags>) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Creates a new AppInfo from the given information.
createFromCommandline(String, String, AppInfoCreateFlags...) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Creates a new AppInfo from the given information.
createFull(String, Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Create a new element of the type defined by the given elementfactory.
createFull(ThreadFunc, int, boolean, boolean, ThreadPriority) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
The bound and priority arguments are now ignored. Use g_thread_new().
createGlContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Creates a new GdkGLContext for the GdkDisplay.
createGlContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Creates a new GdkGLContext for the GdkSurface.
createHbFont() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
createLayout(Context) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Creates a layout object set up to match the current transformation and target surface of the Cairo context.
createLayoutChild(Widget, Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager
Create a GtkLayoutChild instance for the given forChild widget.
createMark(String, TextIter, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Creates a mark at position where.
createNewPad(PadTemplate, String, Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
createOutputBuffer(int) - Method in class
Create a new output buffer contains num_frames frames.
createOutputBuffer(Buffer[]) - Method in class
createPangoContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintContext
Creates a new PangoContext that can be used with the GtkPrintContext.
createPangoContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Creates a new PangoContext with the appropriate font map, font options, font description, and base direction for drawing text for this widget.
createPangoLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintContext
Creates a new PangoLayout that is suitable for use with the GtkPrintContext.
createPangoLayout(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Creates a new PangoLayout with the appropriate font map, font description, and base direction for drawing text for this widget.
createReadwrite(Set<FileCreateFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Creates a new file and returns a stream for reading and writing to it.
createReadwrite(FileCreateFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Creates a new file and returns a stream for reading and writing to it.
createReadwriteAsync(Set<FileCreateFlags>, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously creates a new file and returns a stream for reading and writing to it.
createReadwriteAsync(FileCreateFlags, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously creates a new file and returns a stream for reading and writing to it.
createReadwriteFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous file create operation started with g_file_create_readwrite_async().
createRingbuffer() - Method in class
Create and return the GstAudioRingBuffer for this AudioBaseSink.
createRingbuffer() - Method in class
Create and return the GstAudioRingBuffer for this AudioBaseSrc.
createRowDragIcon(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
createSimilarSurface(Content, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Create a suitable cairo image surface yourself
createSource(Set<IOCondition>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased
Creates a GSource that can be attached to a GMainContext to monitor for the availability of the specified condition on the GDatagramBased.
createSource(Set<IOCondition>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Creates a GSource that can be attached to a GMainContext to monitor for the availability of the specified condition on the socket.
createSource(Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.PollableInputStream
Creates a GSource that triggers when this PollableInputStream can be read, or cancellable is triggered or an error occurs.
createSource(Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.PollableOutputStream
Creates a GSource that triggers when this PollableOutputStream can be written, or cancellable is triggered or an error occurs.
createSource(IOCondition, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased
Creates a GSource that can be attached to a GMainContext to monitor for the availability of the specified condition on the GDatagramBased.
createSource(IOCondition, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Creates a GSource that can be attached to a GMainContext to monitor for the availability of the specified condition on the socket.
createSourceMark(String, String, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Creates a source mark in the buffer of category category.
createSourceTag(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
In short, this is the same function as TextBuffer.createTag(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...) but instead of creating a TextTag, this function creates a Tag.
createStreamId(Element, String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Creates a stream-id for the source GstPad this Pad by combining the upstream information with the optional streamId of the stream of this Pad.
createStreamIdPrintf(Element, String, Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Creates a stream-id for the source GstPad this Pad by combining the upstream information with the optional streamId of the stream of this Pad.
createTag(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Creates a tag and adds it to the tag table for this TextBuffer.
createVulkanContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
GTK does not expose any Vulkan internals. This function is a leftover that was accidentally exposed.
createWatch() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Create watch for this bus.
createWidgetForValue(Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragIcon
Creates a widget that can be used as a drag icon for the given value.
createWithProperties(String[], Value[]) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Create a new element of the type defined by the given elementfactory.
CREATION_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufError
GTK failed to create the resource for other reasons
Credential - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Groups information used for user authentication.
Credential(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Credential
Create a Credential proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Credential(String, String, CredentialPersistence) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Credential
Create a new credential from the provided username, password and persistence mode.
CredentialPersistence - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values representing the duration for which a credential persists.
Credentials - Class in org.gnome.gio
The GCredentials type is a reference-counted wrapper for native credentials.
Credentials() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Credentials
Creates a new GCredentials object with credentials matching the the current process.
Credentials(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Credentials
Create a Credentials proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Credentials.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Credentials.CredentialsClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Class structure for GCredentials.
CredentialsClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Credentials.CredentialsClass
Create a CredentialsClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CredentialsType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Enumeration describing different kinds of native credential types.
CRITICAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitorWarningLevel
The system will soon start terminating processes to reclaim memory, including background processes.
cross(Point3D, Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Computes the cross product of the two given graphene_point3d_t.
cross(Vec3, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Computes the cross product of the two given vectors.
CROSS_FADE_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node that cross-fades between two children
CROSS_NAMESPACE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnectionFlags
When authenticating, try to use protocols that work across a Linux user namespace boundary, even if this reduces interoperability with older D-Bus implementations.
CROSSFADE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerTransitionType
A cross-fade
CROSSFADE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RevealerTransitionType
Fade in
CROSSFADE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
A cross-fade
CrossFadeNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node cross fading between two child nodes.
CrossFadeNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.CrossFadeNode
Create a CrossFadeNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CrossFadeNode(RenderNode, RenderNode, float) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.CrossFadeNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will do a cross-fade between start and end.
CrossingEvent - Class in org.gnome.gdk
An event caused by a pointing device moving between surfaces.
CrossingEvent(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingEvent
Create a CrossingEvent proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CrossingMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Specifies the crossing mode for enter and leave events.
CS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Common Number Separator
CSET_a_2_z - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The set of lowercase ASCII alphabet characters.
CSET_A_2_Z - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The set of uppercase ASCII alphabet characters.
CSET_DIGITS - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The set of ASCII digits.
CSS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Information about deprecated CSS features.
cssChanged(CssStyleChange) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Vfunc called when the CSS used by widget was changed.
CssLocation - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A description of a location inside a CSS stream.
CssLocation() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CssLocation
Allocate a new CssLocation.
CssLocation(long, long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CssLocation
Allocate a new CssLocation with the fields set to the provided values.
CssLocation(long, long, long, long, long, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CssLocation
Allocate a new CssLocation with the fields set to the provided values.
CssLocation(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CssLocation
Allocate a new CssLocation.
CssLocation(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CssLocation
Create a CssLocation proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CssParserError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Errors that can occur while parsing CSS.
cssParserErrorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Registers an error quark for CSS parsing errors.
CssParserWarning - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Warnings that can occur while parsing CSS.
cssParserWarningQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Registers an error quark for CSS parsing warnings.
CssProvider - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkCssProvider is an object implementing the GtkStyleProvider interface for CSS.
CssProvider() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider
Returns a newly created GtkCssProvider.
CssProvider(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider
Create a CssProvider proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CssProvider.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CssProvider.CssProviderClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CssProvider.ParsingErrorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ParsingErrorCallback callback.
CssProviderClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider.CssProviderClass
Create a CssProviderClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CssSection - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Defines a part of a CSS document.
CssSection(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CssSection
Create a CssSection proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CssSection(File, CssLocation, CssLocation) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CssSection
Creates a new GtkCssSection referring to the section in the given file from the start location to the end location.
CssStyleChange - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A CSS style change.
CssStyleChange(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CssStyleChange
Create a CssStyleChange proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CUBIC - Enum constant in enum class
cubic interpolation of the filter coefficients.
CUBIC - Enum constant in enum class
Uses cubic interpolation
CUBIC - Enum constant in enum class
Cubic volume scale
CUBIC - Enum constant in enum class
Uses cubic interpolation
CUBIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathForeachFlags
Allow emission of GSK_PATH_CUBIC operations.
CUBIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathOperation
A curve-to operation describing a cubic Bézier curve with 4 points describing the start point, the two control points and the end point of the curve.
cubicTo(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Adds a cubic Bézier curve from the current point to x3, y3 with x1, y1 and x2, y2 as the control points.
CUNEIFORM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
CUNEIFORM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
CUNEIFORM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
CUR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SeekType
the current position in the file.
curLine() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Returns the current line in the input stream (counting from 1).
curPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Returns the current position in the current line (counting from 0).
CURRENCY_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
CURRENCY_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Symbol, Currency" (Sc)
CURRENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocScope
TOC for the currently active/selected stream (this is a TOC representing the current stream from start to EOS, and is what a TOC writer / muxer is usually interested in; it will usually be a subset of the global TOC, e.g.
CURRENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintPages
Current page.
CURRENT_MONITOR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FullscreenMode
Fullscreen on current monitor only.
CURRENT_TIME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Represents the current time, and can be used anywhere a time is expected.
CURSIVE - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
CURSIVE_CONNECTION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
Cursor - Class in org.gnome.gdk
GdkCursor is used to create and destroy cursors.
Cursor(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor
Create a Cursor proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Cursor.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
cursorChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
CursorGetTextureCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the CursorGetTextureCallback callback.
curToken() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Gets the current token type.
curValue() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Gets the current token value.
custom(String, String, double, double, Unit) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Creates a new GtkPaperSize object with the given parameters.
custom(Set<MessageType>, GstObject, Structure) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new custom-typed message.
custom(EventType, Structure) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new custom-typed event.
custom(MessageType, GstObject, Structure) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new custom-typed message.
custom(QueryType, Structure) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new custom query object.
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class
Use custom clock slaving algorithm (Since: 1.6)
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
a custom application or element defined query.
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class
Current status depends on plugin internal setup
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPageType
Used for when other page types are not appropriate.
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
A license text is going to be specified by the developer
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Custom action defined by applications.
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkProxyMode
Use custom proxy settings.
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Custom action defined by applications.
CUSTOM_ALLOC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocatorFlags
The allocator has a custom alloc function.
CUSTOM_BOTH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Custom upstream or downstream event.
CUSTOM_BOTH_OOB - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Custom upstream or downstream out-of-band event.
CUSTOM_DOWNSTREAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Downstream custom event that travels in the data flow.
CUSTOM_DOWNSTREAM_OOB - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Custom out-of-band downstream event.
CUSTOM_DOWNSTREAM_STICKY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Custom sticky downstream event.
CUSTOM_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
Elements can use values starting from this (and lower) to define custom error codes.
CUSTOM_ERROR_1 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
Pre-defined custom error code (define your custom error code to this to avoid compiler warnings).
CUSTOM_ERROR_2 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
Pre-defined custom error code.
CUSTOM_SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
Elements can use values starting from this (and higher) to define custom success codes.
CUSTOM_SUCCESS_1 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
Pre-defined custom success code (define your custom success code to this to avoid compiler warnings).
CUSTOM_SUCCESS_2 - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
Pre-defined custom success code.
CUSTOM_UPSTREAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Upstream custom event
CustomFilter - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkCustomFilter determines whether to include items with a callback.
CustomFilter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CustomFilter
CustomFilter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CustomFilter
Create a CustomFilter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CustomFilter(CustomFilterFunc) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CustomFilter
Creates a new filter using the given matchFunc to filter items.
CustomFilter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CustomFilter.CustomFilterClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CustomFilterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CustomFilter.CustomFilterClass
Allocate a new CustomFilterClass.
CustomFilterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CustomFilter.CustomFilterClass
Allocate a new CustomFilterClass.
CustomFilterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CustomFilter.CustomFilterClass
Create a CustomFilterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CustomFilterFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CustomFilterFunc callback.
CustomMeta - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Extra custom metadata.
CustomMeta() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CustomMeta
Allocate a new CustomMeta.
CustomMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CustomMeta
Allocate a new CustomMeta.
CustomMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CustomMeta
Create a CustomMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CustomMeta(Meta, Structure) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CustomMeta
Allocate a new CustomMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
CustomMeta(Meta, Structure, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CustomMeta
Allocate a new CustomMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
CustomMetaTransformFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the CustomMetaTransformFunction callback.
CustomSorter - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkCustomSorter is a GtkSorter implementation that sorts via a callback function.
CustomSorter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CustomSorter
CustomSorter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CustomSorter
Create a CustomSorter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
CustomSorter(CompareDataFunc) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CustomSorter
Creates a new GtkSorter that works by calling sortFunc to compare items.
CustomSorter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
CustomSorter.CustomSorterClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
CustomSorterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CustomSorter.CustomSorterClass
Allocate a new CustomSorterClass.
CustomSorterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CustomSorter.CustomSorterClass
Allocate a new CustomSorterClass.
CustomSorterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.CustomSorter.CustomSorterClass
Create a CustomSorterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
customWidgetApply(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Signal emitted right before “begin-print” if you added a custom widget in the “create-custom-widget” handler.
CUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Cut current selection to the clipboard.
CUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Cut current selection to the clipboard.
cutClipboard() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
The class handler for the GtkTextView::cut-clipboard keybinding signal
cutClipboard(Clipboard, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Copies the currently-selected text to a clipboard, then deletes said text if it’s editable.
CYPRIOT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
CYPRIOT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
CYPRIOT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
CYPRO_MINOAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Cpmn, Since: 3.0.0
CYPRO_MINOAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
CYRILLIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
CYRILLIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
CYRILLIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script


DARK_BACKGROUND - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Dark Background Palette
DARKEN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
replaces the destination with the source if it is darker, otherwise keeps the source.
DARKEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Selects the darker of the destination and source colors
DASH_PUNCTUATION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
DASH_PUNCTUATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Punctuation, Dash" (Pd)
DASHED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BorderStyle
A series of square-ended dashes
Data - Class in org.gnome.glib
An opaque data structure that represents a keyed data list.
Data(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Data
Create a Data proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DATA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GapFlags
The GST_EVENT_GAP signals missing data, for example because of packet loss.
DATA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalMatchType
The closure data must be the same.
DATA_BOTH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe upstream and downstream data (buffers, buffer lists, and events)
DATA_DOWNSTREAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe downstream data (buffers, buffer lists, and events)
DATA_UPSTREAM - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe upstream data (events)
DataForeachFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the DataForeachFunc callback.
DATAGRAM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketType
Connectionless, unreliable datagram passing.
DatagramBased - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Interface for socket-like objects with datagram semantics.
DatagramBased.DatagramBasedImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The DatagramBasedImpl type represents a native instance of the DatagramBased interface.
DatagramBased.DatagramBasedInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Provides an interface for socket-like objects which have datagram semantics, following the Berkeley sockets API.
DatagramBasedImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased.DatagramBasedImpl
Creates a new instance of DatagramBased for the provided memory address.
DatagramBasedInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased.DatagramBasedInterface
Allocate a new DatagramBasedInterface.
DatagramBasedInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased.DatagramBasedInterface
Allocate a new DatagramBasedInterface.
DatagramBasedInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased.DatagramBasedInterface
Create a DatagramBasedInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DatagramBasedSourceFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the DatagramBasedSourceFunc callback.
DataInputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
Data input stream implements InputStream and includes functions for reading structured data directly from a binary input stream.
DataInputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Create a DataInputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DataInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Creates a new data input stream for the baseStream.
DataInputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DataInputStream.DataInputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
DataInputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream.DataInputStreamClass
Allocate a new DataInputStreamClass.
DataInputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream.DataInputStreamClass
Allocate a new DataInputStreamClass.
DataInputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream.DataInputStreamClass
Create a DataInputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DATALIST_FLAGS_MASK - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A bitmask that restricts the possible flags passed to g_datalist_set_flags().
datalistClear(Data[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Frees all the data elements of the datalist.
datalistForeach(Data[], DataForeachFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Calls the given function for each data element of the datalist.
datalistGetData(Data[], String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets a data element, using its string identifier.
datalistGetFlags(Data[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets flags values packed in together with the datalist.
datalistIdDupData(Data[], Quark, DuplicateFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This is a variant of g_datalist_id_get_data() which returns a 'duplicate' of the value.
datalistIdGetData(Data[], Quark) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Retrieves the data element corresponding to keyId.
datalistIdRemoveMultiple(Data[], Quark[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Removes multiple keys from a datalist.
datalistIdRemoveNoNotify(Data[], Quark) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Removes an element, without calling its destroy notification function.
datalistIdReplaceData(Data[], Quark, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, Out<DestroyNotify>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Compares the member that is associated with keyId in datalist to oldval, and if they are the same, replace oldval with newval.
datalistIdSetDataFull(Data[], Quark, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets the data corresponding to the given GQuark id, and the function to be called when the element is removed from the datalist.
datalistInit(Data[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Resets the datalist to null.
datalistSetFlags(Data[], int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Turns on flag values for a data list.
datalistUnsetFlags(Data[], int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Turns off flag values for a data list.
DataOutputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
Data output stream implements OutputStream and includes functions for writing data directly to an output stream.
DataOutputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream
Create a DataOutputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DataOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream
Creates a new data output stream for baseStream.
DataOutputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DataOutputStream.DataOutputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
DataOutputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream.DataOutputStreamClass
Allocate a new DataOutputStreamClass.
DataOutputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream.DataOutputStreamClass
Allocate a new DataOutputStreamClass.
DataOutputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream.DataOutputStreamClass
Create a DataOutputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DataQueue - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
GstDataQueue is an object that handles threadsafe queueing of objects.
DataQueue(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Create a DataQueue proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DataQueue(DataQueueCheckFullFunction, DataQueueFullCallback, DataQueueEmptyCallback) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Creates a new GstDataQueue.
DataQueue.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DataQueue.DataQueueClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
DataQueue.EmptyCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Functional interface declaration of the EmptyCallback callback.
DataQueue.FullCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Functional interface declaration of the FullCallback callback.
DataQueueCheckFullFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Functional interface declaration of the DataQueueCheckFullFunction callback.
DataQueueClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue.DataQueueClass
Allocate a new DataQueueClass.
DataQueueClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue.DataQueueClass
Allocate a new DataQueueClass.
DataQueueClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue.DataQueueClass
Create a DataQueueClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DataQueueEmptyCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Functional interface declaration of the DataQueueEmptyCallback callback.
DataQueueFullCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Functional interface declaration of the DataQueueFullCallback callback.
DataQueueItem - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Structure used by GstDataQueue.
DataQueueItem() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueItem
Allocate a new DataQueueItem.
DataQueueItem(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueItem
Allocate a new DataQueueItem.
DataQueueItem(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueItem
Create a DataQueueItem proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DataQueueItem(MiniObject, int, long, boolean, DestroyNotify) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueItem
Allocate a new DataQueueItem with the fields set to the provided values.
DataQueueItem(MiniObject, int, long, boolean, DestroyNotify, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueItem
Allocate a new DataQueueItem with the fields set to the provided values.
DataQueueSize - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Structure describing the size of a queue.
DataQueueSize() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueSize
Allocate a new DataQueueSize.
DataQueueSize(int, int, long) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueSize
Allocate a new DataQueueSize with the fields set to the provided values.
DataQueueSize(int, int, long, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueSize
Allocate a new DataQueueSize with the fields set to the provided values.
DataQueueSize(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueSize
Allocate a new DataQueueSize.
DataQueueSize(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueSize
Create a DataQueueSize proxy instance for the provided memory address.
datasetDestroy(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Destroys the dataset, freeing all memory allocated, and calling any destroy functions set for data elements.
datasetForeach(MemorySegment, DataForeachFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Calls the given function for each data element which is associated with the given location.
datasetIdGetData(MemorySegment, Quark) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the data element corresponding to a GQuark.
datasetIdRemoveNoNotify(MemorySegment, Quark) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Removes an element, without calling its destroy notification function.
datasetIdSetDataFull(MemorySegment, Quark, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets the data element associated with the given GQuark id, and also the function to call when the data element is destroyed.
DataStreamByteOrder - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
GDataStreamByteOrder is used to ensure proper endianness of streaming data sources across various machine architectures.
DataStreamNewlineType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
GDataStreamNewlineType is used when checking for or setting the line endings for a given file.
Date - Class in org.gnome.glib
GDate is a struct for calendrical calculations.
Date - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Date() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Date
Allocates a GDate and initializes it to a safe state.
Date(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Date
Create a Date proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Date(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Date
Create a Date proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DATE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for GDate.
DATE_BAD_DAY - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Represents an invalid GDateDay.
DATE_BAD_JULIAN - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Represents an invalid Julian day number.
DATE_BAD_YEAR - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Represents an invalid year.
DATE_TIME - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GDateTime.
DateDay - Class in org.gnome.glib
Integer representing a day of the month; between 1 and 31.
DateDay(byte) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.DateDay
Create a new DateDay with the provided value
DateDMY - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
This enumeration isn't used in the API, but may be useful if you need to mark a number as a day, month, or year.
DateFormat - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
DateMonth - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Enumeration representing a month; values are DateMonth.JANUARY, DateMonth.FEBRUARY, etc.
DateTime - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Struct to store date, time and timezone information altogether.
DateTime - Class in org.gnome.glib
GDateTime is a structure that combines a Gregorian date and time into a single structure.
DateTime - Class in org.gnome.gobject
DateTime(float, int, int, int, int, int, double) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Creates a new GstDateTime using the date and times in the gregorian calendar in the supplied timezone.
DateTime(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Create a DateTime proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DateTime(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Create a DateTime proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DateTime(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.DateTime
Create a DateTime proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DateTime(TimeZone, int, int, int, int, int, double) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a new GDateTime corresponding to the given date and time in the time zone tz.
dateTimeNewFromHttpString(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Parses dateString and tries to extract a date from it.
dateTimeToString(DateTime, DateFormat) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Converts date to a string in the format described by format.
DateWeekday - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Enumeration representing a day of the week; DateWeekday.MONDAY, DateWeekday.TUESDAY, etc.
DateYear - Class in org.gnome.glib
Integer type representing a year.
DateYear(short) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.DateYear
Create a new DateYear with the provided value
DAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateDMY
a day
DAYLIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TimeType
the time is in local daylight time
daysBetween(Date) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Computes the number of days between two dates.
DB - Enum constant in enum class
Logarithmic volume scale (dB, amplitude not power)
DBUS_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
A remote object generated an error that doesn't correspond to a locally registered GError error domain.
DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION_HANDLED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The value returned by handlers of the signals generated by the gdbus-codegen tool to indicate that a method call has been handled by an implementation.
DBUS_METHOD_INVOCATION_UNHANDLED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The value returned by handlers of the signals generated by the gdbus-codegen tool to indicate that a method call has not been handled by an implementation.
DBusActionGroup - Class in org.gnome.gio
GDBusActionGroup is an implementation of the ActionGroup interface.
DBusActionGroup(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusActionGroup
Create a DBusActionGroup proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusActionGroup.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
dbusAddressEscapeValue(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Escape string so it can appear in a D-Bus address as the value part of a key-value pair.
dbusAddressGetForBusSync(BusType, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Synchronously looks up the D-Bus address for the well-known message bus instance specified by busType.
dbusAddressGetStream(String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Asynchronously connects to an endpoint specified by address and sets up the connection so it is in a state to run the client-side of the D-Bus authentication conversation.
dbusAddressGetStreamFinish(AsyncResult, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Finishes an operation started with g_dbus_address_get_stream().
dbusAddressGetStreamSync(String, Out<String>, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Synchronously connects to an endpoint specified by address and sets up the connection so it is in a state to run the client-side of the D-Bus authentication conversation.
DBusAnnotationInfo - Class in org.gnome.gio
Information about an annotation.
DBusAnnotationInfo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
Allocate a new DBusAnnotationInfo.
DBusAnnotationInfo(int, String, String, DBusAnnotationInfo[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
Allocate a new DBusAnnotationInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusAnnotationInfo(int, String, String, DBusAnnotationInfo[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
Allocate a new DBusAnnotationInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusAnnotationInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
Allocate a new DBusAnnotationInfo.
DBusAnnotationInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
Create a DBusAnnotationInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusArgInfo - Class in org.gnome.gio
Information about an argument for a method or a signal.
DBusArgInfo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusArgInfo
Allocate a new DBusArgInfo.
DBusArgInfo(int, String, String, DBusAnnotationInfo[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusArgInfo
Allocate a new DBusArgInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusArgInfo(int, String, String, DBusAnnotationInfo[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusArgInfo
Allocate a new DBusArgInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusArgInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusArgInfo
Allocate a new DBusArgInfo.
DBusArgInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusArgInfo
Create a DBusArgInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusAuthObserver - Class in org.gnome.gio
GDBusAuthObserver provides a mechanism for participating in how a DBusServer (or a DBusConnection) authenticates remote peers.
DBusAuthObserver() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver
Creates a new GDBusAuthObserver object.
DBusAuthObserver(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver
Create a DBusAuthObserver proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusAuthObserver.AllowMechanismCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the AllowMechanismCallback callback.
DBusAuthObserver.AuthorizeAuthenticatedPeerCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the AuthorizeAuthenticatedPeerCallback callback.
DBusAuthObserver.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DBusCallFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used in g_dbus_connection_call() and similar APIs.
DBusCapabilityFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Capabilities negotiated with the remote peer.
DBusConnection - Class in org.gnome.gio
The GDBusConnection type is used for D-Bus connections to remote peers such as a message buses.
DBusConnection(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Create a DBusConnection proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusConnection.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DBusConnection.ClosedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ClosedCallback callback.
DBusConnectionFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used when creating a new GDBusConnection.
DBusError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Error codes for the G_DBUS_ERROR error domain.
DBusErrorEntry - Class in org.gnome.gio
Struct used in g_dbus_error_register_error_domain().
DBusErrorEntry() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusErrorEntry
Allocate a new DBusErrorEntry.
DBusErrorEntry(int, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusErrorEntry
Allocate a new DBusErrorEntry with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusErrorEntry(int, String, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusErrorEntry
Allocate a new DBusErrorEntry with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusErrorEntry(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusErrorEntry
Allocate a new DBusErrorEntry.
DBusErrorEntry(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusErrorEntry
Create a DBusErrorEntry proxy instance for the provided memory address.
dbusEscapeObjectPath(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
This is a language binding friendly version of g_dbus_escape_object_path_bytestring().
dbusEscapeObjectPathBytestring(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Escapes bytes for use in a D-Bus object path component.
dbusGenerateGuid() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Generate a D-Bus GUID that can be used with e.g.
dbusGvalueToGvariant(Value, VariantType) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Converts a GValue to a GVariant of the type indicated by the type parameter.
dbusGvariantToGvalue(Variant, Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Converts a GVariant to a GValue.
DBusInterface - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Base type for D-Bus interfaces.
DBusInterface.DBusInterfaceIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Base type for D-Bus interfaces.
DBusInterface.DBusInterfaceImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The DBusInterfaceImpl type represents a native instance of the DBusInterface interface.
DBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the DBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc callback.
DBusInterfaceIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterface.DBusInterfaceIface
Allocate a new DBusInterfaceIface.
DBusInterfaceIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterface.DBusInterfaceIface
Allocate a new DBusInterfaceIface.
DBusInterfaceIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterface.DBusInterfaceIface
Create a DBusInterfaceIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusInterfaceImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterface.DBusInterfaceImpl
Creates a new instance of DBusInterface for the provided memory address.
DBusInterfaceInfo - Class in org.gnome.gio
Information about a D-Bus interface.
DBusInterfaceInfo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Allocate a new DBusInterfaceInfo.
DBusInterfaceInfo(int, String, DBusMethodInfo[], DBusSignalInfo[], DBusPropertyInfo[], DBusAnnotationInfo[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Allocate a new DBusInterfaceInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusInterfaceInfo(int, String, DBusMethodInfo[], DBusSignalInfo[], DBusPropertyInfo[], DBusAnnotationInfo[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Allocate a new DBusInterfaceInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusInterfaceInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Allocate a new DBusInterfaceInfo.
DBusInterfaceInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Create a DBusInterfaceInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the DBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc callback.
DBusInterfaceSetPropertyFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the DBusInterfaceSetPropertyFunc callback.
DBusInterfaceSkeleton - Class in org.gnome.gio
Abstract base class for D-Bus interfaces on the service side.
DBusInterfaceSkeleton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Create a DBusInterfaceSkeleton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusInterfaceSkeleton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DBusInterfaceSkeleton.DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Class structure for GDBusInterfaceSkeleton.
DBusInterfaceSkeleton.DBusInterfaceSkeletonImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The DBusInterfaceSkeletonImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract DBusInterfaceSkeleton class.
DBusInterfaceSkeleton.GAuthorizeMethodCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the GAuthorizeMethodCallback callback.
DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass
Allocate a new DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass.
DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass
Allocate a new DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass.
DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass
Create a DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags describing the behavior of a GDBusInterfaceSkeleton instance.
DBusInterfaceSkeletonImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.DBusInterfaceSkeletonImpl
Creates a new instance of DBusInterfaceSkeleton for the provided memory address.
DBusInterfaceVTable - Class in org.gnome.gio
Virtual table for handling properties and method calls for a D-Bus interface.
DBusInterfaceVTable() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceVTable
Allocate a new DBusInterfaceVTable.
DBusInterfaceVTable(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceVTable
Allocate a new DBusInterfaceVTable.
DBusInterfaceVTable(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceVTable
Create a DBusInterfaceVTable proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusInterfaceVTable(DBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc, DBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc, DBusInterfaceSetPropertyFunc) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceVTable
Allocate a new DBusInterfaceVTable with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusInterfaceVTable(DBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc, DBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc, DBusInterfaceSetPropertyFunc, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceVTable
Allocate a new DBusInterfaceVTable with the fields set to the provided values.
dbusIsAddress(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Checks if string is a D-Bus address.
dbusIsErrorName(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Check whether string is a valid D-Bus error name.
dbusIsGuid(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Checks if string is a D-Bus GUID.
dbusIsInterfaceName(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Checks if string is a valid D-Bus interface name.
dbusIsMemberName(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Checks if string is a valid D-Bus member (e.g.
dbusIsName(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Checks if string is a valid D-Bus bus name (either unique or well-known).
dbusIsSupportedAddress(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Like g_dbus_is_address() but also checks if the library supports the transports in string and that key/value pairs for each transport are valid.
dbusIsUniqueName(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Checks if string is a valid D-Bus unique bus name.
DBusMenuModel - Class in org.gnome.gio
GDBusMenuModel is an implementation of MenuModel that can be used as a proxy for a menu model that is exported over D-Bus with DBusConnection.exportMenuModel(java.lang.String, org.gnome.gio.MenuModel).
DBusMenuModel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusMenuModel
Create a DBusMenuModel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusMenuModel.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DBusMessage - Class in org.gnome.gio
A type for representing D-Bus messages that can be sent or received on a DBusConnection.
DBusMessage() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Creates a new empty GDBusMessage.
DBusMessage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Create a DBusMessage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusMessage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DBusMessageByteOrder - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Enumeration used to describe the byte order of a D-Bus message.
DBusMessageFilterFunction - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the DBusMessageFilterFunction callback.
DBusMessageFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Message flags used in GDBusMessage.
DBusMessageHeaderField - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Header fields used in GDBusMessage.
DBusMessageType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Message types used in GDBusMessage.
DBusMethodInfo - Class in org.gnome.gio
Information about a method on a D-Bus interface.
DBusMethodInfo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
Allocate a new DBusMethodInfo.
DBusMethodInfo(int, String, DBusArgInfo[], DBusArgInfo[], DBusAnnotationInfo[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
Allocate a new DBusMethodInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusMethodInfo(int, String, DBusArgInfo[], DBusArgInfo[], DBusAnnotationInfo[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
Allocate a new DBusMethodInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusMethodInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
Allocate a new DBusMethodInfo.
DBusMethodInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
Create a DBusMethodInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusMethodInvocation - Class in org.gnome.gio
Instances of the GDBusMethodInvocation class are used when handling D-Bus method calls.
DBusMethodInvocation(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Create a DBusMethodInvocation proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusMethodInvocation.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DBusNodeInfo - Class in org.gnome.gio
Information about nodes in a remote object hierarchy.
DBusNodeInfo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Allocate a new DBusNodeInfo.
DBusNodeInfo(int, String, DBusInterfaceInfo[], DBusNodeInfo[], DBusAnnotationInfo[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Allocate a new DBusNodeInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusNodeInfo(int, String, DBusInterfaceInfo[], DBusNodeInfo[], DBusAnnotationInfo[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Allocate a new DBusNodeInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusNodeInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Allocate a new DBusNodeInfo.
DBusNodeInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Create a DBusNodeInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusObject - Interface in org.gnome.gio
The GDBusObject type is the base type for D-Bus objects on both the service side (see DBusObjectSkeleton) and the client side (see DBusObjectProxy).
DBusObject.DBusObjectIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Base object type for D-Bus objects.
DBusObject.DBusObjectImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The DBusObjectImpl type represents a native instance of the DBusObject interface.
DBusObject.InterfaceAddedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the InterfaceAddedCallback callback.
DBusObject.InterfaceRemovedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the InterfaceRemovedCallback callback.
DBusObjectIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObject.DBusObjectIface
Allocate a new DBusObjectIface.
DBusObjectIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObject.DBusObjectIface
Allocate a new DBusObjectIface.
DBusObjectIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObject.DBusObjectIface
Create a DBusObjectIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusObjectImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObject.DBusObjectImpl
Creates a new instance of DBusObject for the provided memory address.
DBusObjectManager - Interface in org.gnome.gio
The GDBusObjectManager type is the base type for service- and client-side implementations of the standardized org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager interface.
DBusObjectManager.DBusObjectManagerIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Base type for D-Bus object managers.
DBusObjectManager.DBusObjectManagerImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The DBusObjectManagerImpl type represents a native instance of the DBusObjectManager interface.
DBusObjectManager.InterfaceAddedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the InterfaceAddedCallback callback.
DBusObjectManager.InterfaceRemovedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the InterfaceRemovedCallback callback.
DBusObjectManager.ObjectAddedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ObjectAddedCallback callback.
DBusObjectManager.ObjectRemovedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ObjectRemovedCallback callback.
DBusObjectManagerClient - Class in org.gnome.gio
GDBusObjectManagerClient is used to create, monitor and delete object proxies for remote objects exported by a DBusObjectManagerServer (or any code implementing the org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager interface).
DBusObjectManagerClient(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Create a DBusObjectManagerClient proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusObjectManagerClient.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DBusObjectManagerClient.DBusObjectManagerClientClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Class structure for GDBusObjectManagerClient.
DBusObjectManagerClient.InterfaceProxyPropertiesChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the InterfaceProxyPropertiesChangedCallback callback.
DBusObjectManagerClient.InterfaceProxySignalCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the InterfaceProxySignalCallback callback.
DBusObjectManagerClientClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.DBusObjectManagerClientClass
Allocate a new DBusObjectManagerClientClass.
DBusObjectManagerClientClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.DBusObjectManagerClientClass
Allocate a new DBusObjectManagerClientClass.
DBusObjectManagerClientClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.DBusObjectManagerClientClass
Create a DBusObjectManagerClientClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusObjectManagerClientFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used when constructing a GDBusObjectManagerClient.
DBusObjectManagerIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.DBusObjectManagerIface
Allocate a new DBusObjectManagerIface.
DBusObjectManagerIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.DBusObjectManagerIface
Allocate a new DBusObjectManagerIface.
DBusObjectManagerIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.DBusObjectManagerIface
Create a DBusObjectManagerIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusObjectManagerImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.DBusObjectManagerImpl
Creates a new instance of DBusObjectManager for the provided memory address.
DBusObjectManagerServer - Class in org.gnome.gio
GDBusObjectManagerServer is used to export DBusObject instances using the standardized org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager interface.
DBusObjectManagerServer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer
Create a DBusObjectManagerServer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusObjectManagerServer(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer
Creates a new GDBusObjectManagerServer object.
DBusObjectManagerServer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DBusObjectManagerServer.DBusObjectManagerServerClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Class structure for GDBusObjectManagerServer.
DBusObjectManagerServerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer.DBusObjectManagerServerClass
Allocate a new DBusObjectManagerServerClass.
DBusObjectManagerServerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer.DBusObjectManagerServerClass
Allocate a new DBusObjectManagerServerClass.
DBusObjectManagerServerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer.DBusObjectManagerServerClass
Create a DBusObjectManagerServerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusObjectProxy - Class in org.gnome.gio
A GDBusObjectProxy is an object used to represent a remote object with one or more D-Bus interfaces.
DBusObjectProxy(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectProxy
Create a DBusObjectProxy proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusObjectProxy(DBusConnection, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectProxy
Creates a new GDBusObjectProxy for the given connection and object path.
DBusObjectProxy.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DBusObjectProxy.DBusObjectProxyClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Class structure for GDBusObjectProxy.
DBusObjectProxyClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectProxy.DBusObjectProxyClass
Allocate a new DBusObjectProxyClass.
DBusObjectProxyClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectProxy.DBusObjectProxyClass
Allocate a new DBusObjectProxyClass.
DBusObjectProxyClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectProxy.DBusObjectProxyClass
Create a DBusObjectProxyClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusObjectSkeleton - Class in org.gnome.gio
A GDBusObjectSkeleton instance is essentially a group of D-Bus interfaces.
DBusObjectSkeleton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton
Create a DBusObjectSkeleton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusObjectSkeleton(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton
Creates a new GDBusObjectSkeleton.
DBusObjectSkeleton.AuthorizeMethodCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the AuthorizeMethodCallback callback.
DBusObjectSkeleton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DBusObjectSkeleton.DBusObjectSkeletonClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Class structure for GDBusObjectSkeleton.
DBusObjectSkeletonClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton.DBusObjectSkeletonClass
Allocate a new DBusObjectSkeletonClass.
DBusObjectSkeletonClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton.DBusObjectSkeletonClass
Allocate a new DBusObjectSkeletonClass.
DBusObjectSkeletonClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton.DBusObjectSkeletonClass
Create a DBusObjectSkeletonClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusPropertyInfo - Class in org.gnome.gio
Information about a D-Bus property on a D-Bus interface.
DBusPropertyInfo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
Allocate a new DBusPropertyInfo.
DBusPropertyInfo(int, String, String, Set<DBusPropertyInfoFlags>, DBusAnnotationInfo[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
Allocate a new DBusPropertyInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusPropertyInfo(int, String, String, Set<DBusPropertyInfoFlags>, DBusAnnotationInfo[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
Allocate a new DBusPropertyInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusPropertyInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
Allocate a new DBusPropertyInfo.
DBusPropertyInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
Create a DBusPropertyInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusPropertyInfoFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags describing the access control of a D-Bus property.
DBusProxy - Class in org.gnome.gio
GDBusProxy is a base class used for proxies to access a D-Bus interface on a remote object.
DBusProxy(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Create a DBusProxy proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusProxy.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DBusProxy.DBusProxyClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Class structure for GDBusProxy.
DBusProxy.GPropertiesChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the GPropertiesChangedCallback callback.
DBusProxy.GSignalCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the GSignalCallback callback.
DBusProxyClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.DBusProxyClass
Allocate a new DBusProxyClass.
DBusProxyClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.DBusProxyClass
Allocate a new DBusProxyClass.
DBusProxyClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.DBusProxyClass
Create a DBusProxyClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusProxyFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used when constructing an instance of a GDBusProxy derived class.
DBusProxyTypeFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the DBusProxyTypeFunc callback.
dbusRegister(DBusConnection, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
invoked locally during registration, if the application is using its D-Bus backend.
DBusSendMessageFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used when sending GDBusMessages on a GDBusConnection.
DBusServer - Class in org.gnome.gio
GDBusServer is a helper for listening to and accepting D-Bus connections.
DBusServer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer
Create a DBusServer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusServer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DBusServer.NewConnectionCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the NewConnectionCallback callback.
DBusServerFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used when creating a GDBusServer.
DBusSignalCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the DBusSignalCallback callback.
DBusSignalFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used when subscribing to signals via g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe().
DBusSignalInfo - Class in org.gnome.gio
Information about a signal on a D-Bus interface.
DBusSignalInfo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalInfo
Allocate a new DBusSignalInfo.
DBusSignalInfo(int, String, DBusArgInfo[], DBusAnnotationInfo[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalInfo
Allocate a new DBusSignalInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusSignalInfo(int, String, DBusArgInfo[], DBusAnnotationInfo[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalInfo
Allocate a new DBusSignalInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusSignalInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalInfo
Allocate a new DBusSignalInfo.
DBusSignalInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalInfo
Create a DBusSignalInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusSubtreeDispatchFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the DBusSubtreeDispatchFunc callback.
DBusSubtreeEnumerateFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the DBusSubtreeEnumerateFunc callback.
DBusSubtreeFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags passed to g_dbus_connection_register_subtree().
DBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the DBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc callback.
DBusSubtreeVTable - Class in org.gnome.gio
Virtual table for handling subtrees registered with g_dbus_connection_register_subtree().
DBusSubtreeVTable() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeVTable
Allocate a new DBusSubtreeVTable.
DBusSubtreeVTable(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeVTable
Allocate a new DBusSubtreeVTable.
DBusSubtreeVTable(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeVTable
Create a DBusSubtreeVTable proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DBusSubtreeVTable(DBusSubtreeEnumerateFunc, DBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc, DBusSubtreeDispatchFunc) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeVTable
Allocate a new DBusSubtreeVTable with the fields set to the provided values.
DBusSubtreeVTable(DBusSubtreeEnumerateFunc, DBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc, DBusSubtreeDispatchFunc, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeVTable
Allocate a new DBusSubtreeVTable with the fields set to the provided values.
dbusUnescapeObjectPath(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Unescapes an string that was previously escaped with g_dbus_escape_object_path().
dbusUnregister(DBusConnection, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
invoked locally during unregistration, if the application is using its D-Bus backend.
dcgettext(String, String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This is a variant of g_dgettext() that allows specifying a locale category instead of always using LC_MESSAGES.
deactivate() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Cleans up after rendering operations on this Renderer.
debug(String, Object...) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.GLibLogger
DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugLevel
Debugging messages should be used when something common happens that is not the expected default behavior, or something that's useful to know but doesn't happen all the time (ie.
DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageLevel
Debug message.
DEBUG_BG_MASK - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
DEBUG_CONTROLLER_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Extension point for debug control functionality.
DEBUG_FG_MASK - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
DEBUG_FORMAT_MASK - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
DEBUG_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
Debug information that does not affect the rendering
debugAddLogFunction(LogFunction) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Adds the logging function to the list of logging functions.
debugAddRingBufferLogger(int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Adds a memory ringbuffer based debug logger that stores up to maxSizePerThread bytes of logs per thread and times out threads after threadTimeout seconds of inactivity.
debugBinToDotData(Bin, Set<DebugGraphDetails>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
To aid debugging applications one can use this method to obtain the whole network of gstreamer elements that form the pipeline into a dot file.
debugBinToDotData(Bin, DebugGraphDetails...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
To aid debugging applications one can use this method to obtain the whole network of gstreamer elements that form the pipeline into a dot file.
debugBinToDotFile(Bin, Set<DebugGraphDetails>, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
To aid debugging applications one can use this method to write out the whole network of gstreamer elements that form the pipeline into a dot file.
debugBinToDotFile(Bin, DebugGraphDetails, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
To aid debugging applications one can use this method to write out the whole network of gstreamer elements that form the pipeline into a dot file.
debugBinToDotFileWithTs(Bin, Set<DebugGraphDetails>, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
This works like gst_debug_bin_to_dot_file(), but adds the current timestamp to the filename, so that it can be used to take multiple snapshots.
debugBinToDotFileWithTs(Bin, DebugGraphDetails, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
This works like gst_debug_bin_to_dot_file(), but adds the current timestamp to the filename, so that it can be used to take multiple snapshots.
DebugCategory - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
This is the struct that describes the categories.
DebugCategory() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Allocate a new DebugCategory.
DebugCategory(int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Allocate a new DebugCategory with the fields set to the provided values.
DebugCategory(int, int, String, String, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Allocate a new DebugCategory with the fields set to the provided values.
DebugCategory(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Allocate a new DebugCategory.
DebugCategory(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Create a DebugCategory proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DebugColorFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
These are some terminal style flags you can use when creating your debugging categories to make them stand out in debugging output.
DebugColorMode - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
debugConstructTermColor(int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Constructs a string that can be used for getting the desired color in color terminals.
debugConstructWinColor(int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Constructs an integer that can be used for getting the desired color in windows' terminals (cmd.exe).
DebugController - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GDebugController is an interface to expose control of debugging features and debug output.
DebugController.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gio
DebugController.DebugControllerImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The DebugControllerImpl type represents a native instance of the DebugController interface.
DebugController.DebugControllerInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
The virtual function table for GDebugController.
DebugControllerDBus - Class in org.gnome.gio
GDebugControllerDBus is an implementation of DebugController which exposes debug settings as a D-Bus object.
DebugControllerDBus(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus
Create a DebugControllerDBus proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DebugControllerDBus(DBusConnection, Cancellable) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus
Create a new GDebugControllerDBus and synchronously initialize it.
DebugControllerDBus.AuthorizeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the AuthorizeCallback callback.
DebugControllerDBus.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DebugControllerDBus.DebugControllerDBusClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
The virtual function table for GDebugControllerDBus.
DebugControllerDBusClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus.DebugControllerDBusClass
Allocate a new DebugControllerDBusClass.
DebugControllerDBusClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus.DebugControllerDBusClass
Allocate a new DebugControllerDBusClass.
DebugControllerDBusClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus.DebugControllerDBusClass
Create a DebugControllerDBusClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DebugControllerImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DebugController.DebugControllerImpl
Creates a new instance of DebugController for the provided memory address.
DebugControllerInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DebugController.DebugControllerInterface
Allocate a new DebugControllerInterface.
DebugControllerInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DebugController.DebugControllerInterface
Allocate a new DebugControllerInterface.
DebugControllerInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DebugController.DebugControllerInterface
Create a DebugControllerInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DebugFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Flags to use with gtk_set_debug_flags().
DebugFuncPtr - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the DebugFuncPtr callback.
debugGetAllCategories() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Returns a snapshot of a all categories that are currently in use .
debugGetColorMode() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Changes the coloring mode for debug output.
debugGetDefaultThreshold() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Returns the default threshold that is used for new categories.
debugGetStackTrace(Set<StackTraceFlags>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
debugGetStackTrace(StackTraceFlags...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
DebugGraphDetails - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Available details for pipeline graphs produced by GST_DEBUG_BIN_TO_DOT_FILE() and GST_DEBUG_BIN_TO_DOT_FILE_WITH_TS().
debugIsActive() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Checks if debugging output is activated.
debugIsColored() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Checks if the debugging output should be colored.
DebugKey - Class in org.gnome.glib
Associates a string with a bit flag.
DebugKey() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.DebugKey
Allocate a new DebugKey.
DebugKey(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.DebugKey
Allocate a new DebugKey.
DebugKey(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.DebugKey
Create a DebugKey proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DebugKey(String, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.DebugKey
Allocate a new DebugKey with the fields set to the provided values.
DebugKey(String, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.DebugKey
Allocate a new DebugKey with the fields set to the provided values.
DebugLevel - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The level defines the importance of a debugging message.
debugLog(DebugCategory, DebugLevel, String, String, int, GObject, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Logs the given message using the currently registered debugging handlers.
debugLogDefault(DebugCategory, DebugLevel, String, String, int, GObject, DebugMessage, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
The default logging handler used by GStreamer.
debugLogGetLine(DebugCategory, DebugLevel, String, String, int, GObject, DebugMessage) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Returns the string representation for the specified debug log message formatted in the same way as gst_debug_log_default() (the default handler), without color.
debugLogId(DebugCategory, DebugLevel, String, String, int, String, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Logs the given message using the currently registered debugging handlers.
debugLogIdLiteral(DebugCategory, DebugLevel, String, String, int, String, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Logs the given message using the currently registered debugging handlers.
debugLogLiteral(DebugCategory, DebugLevel, String, String, int, GObject, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Logs the given message using the currently registered debugging handlers.
DebugMessage - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
DebugMessage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugMessage
Create a DebugMessage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DebugNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node that emits a debugging message when drawing its child node.
DebugNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.DebugNode
Create a DebugNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DebugNode(RenderNode, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.DebugNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will add debug information about the given child.
debugPrintStackTrace() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
If libunwind, glibc backtrace or DbgHelp are present a stack trace is printed.
debugRemoveLogFunction(LogFunction) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Removes all registered instances of the given logging functions.
debugRemoveLogFunctionByData(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Removes all registered instances of log functions with the given user data.
debugRemoveRingBufferLogger() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Removes any previously added ring buffer logger with gst_debug_add_ring_buffer_logger().
debugRingBufferLoggerGetLogs() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Fetches the current logs per thread from the ring buffer logger.
debugSetActive(boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
If activated, debugging messages are sent to the debugging handlers.
debugSetColored(boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sets or unsets the use of coloured debugging output.
debugSetColorMode(DebugColorMode) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Changes the coloring mode for debug output.
debugSetColorModeFromString(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Changes the coloring mode for debug output.
debugSetDefaultThreshold(DebugLevel) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sets the default threshold to the given level and updates all categories to use this threshold.
debugSetThresholdForName(String, DebugLevel) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sets all categories which match the given glob style pattern to the given level.
debugSetThresholdFromString(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sets the debug logging wanted in the same form as with the GST_DEBUG environment variable.
debugSpecBuff(AudioRingBufferSpec) - Static method in class
Print debug info about the buffer sized in spec to the debug log.
debugSpecCaps(AudioRingBufferSpec) - Static method in class
Print debug info about the parsed caps in spec to the debug log.
debugUnsetThresholdForName(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Resets all categories with the given name back to the default level.
Debugutils - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
DECEMBER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateMonth
decideAllocation(Query) - Method in class
decideAllocation(Query) - Method in class
decideAllocation(Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
decideAllocation(Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
configure the allocation query
decideAllocation(Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Setup the allocation parameters for allocating output buffers.
decideAllocation(Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer
decideAllocation(Query) - Method in class
decideAllocation(Query) - Method in class
decidePolicy(PolicyDecision, PolicyDecisionType) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
DECIMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.TabAlign
text before the first occurrence of the decimal point character appears to the left of the tab stop position (until the available space is filled), the rest to the right.
DECIMAL_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
DECIMAL_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Number, Decimal Digit" (Nd)
decode(double) - Method in enum class
Convert val to its gamma decoded value.
DECODE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
used when decoding fails.
DECODE_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
the buffer contains data that should be dropped because it will be clipped against the segment boundaries or because it does not contain data that should be shown to the user.
DECODE_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class
is the frame only meant to be decoded
DECODED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagFlag
tag is decoded
decompose(Vec3, Vec3, Quaternion, Vec3, Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Decomposes a transformation matrix into its component transformations.
DECOMPOSE_DIACRITICS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
decorateStreamId(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Creates a stream-id for this Element by combining the upstream information with the streamId.
decorateStreamIdPrintf(String, Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Creates a stream-id for this Element by combining the upstream information with the format.
DECORATIVE_BORDERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
DECRYPT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
used when the stream is encrypted and can't be decrypted because this is not supported by the element.
DECRYPT_NOKEY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
used when the stream is encrypted and can't be decrypted because no suitable key is available.
DEEP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferCopyFlags
flag indicating that memory should always be copied instead of reffed
DEEP_DERIVABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFundamentalFlags
Indicates a deep derivable type (implies derivable)
deepElementAdded(Bin, Element) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Method called when an element was added somewhere in the bin hierarchy.
deepElementRemoved(Bin, Element) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Method called when an element was removed somewhere in the bin hierarchy.
deepNotify(GstObject, ParamSpec) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
default signal handler
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Format
the default format of the pad/element.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkCheck
The default checks done when linking pads (i.e.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferFlags
the default buffer flag.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFlags
serialize glyph names, clusters and positions.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorPaletteFlags
Default indicating that there is nothing special to note about a color palette.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.ColorScheme
Inherit the parent color-scheme.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.ResponseAppearance
the default appearance.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverNameLookupFlags
default behavior (same as g_resolver_lookup_by_name())
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBindFlags
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketProtocol
The default protocol for the family/type
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FormatSizeFlags
behave the same as g_format_size()
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.NormalizeMode
standardize differences that do not affect the text content, such as the above-mentioned accent representation
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
No special options set.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
No special options set.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnFlags
no flags, default behaviour
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestSubprocessFlags
Default behaviour.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestTrapFlags
Default behaviour.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.BindingFlags
The default binding; if the source property changes, the target property is updated with its value.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ConnectFlags
Default behaviour (no special flags).
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Rotate in the default order; the default order is one of the following enumeration values
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
The default blend mode, which specifies no blending
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PickFlags
The default behavior, include widgets that are receiving events
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutDeserializeFlags
Default behavior
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutSerializeFlags
Default behavior
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationScheme
The default authentication scheme of WebKit.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkProxyMode
Use the default proxy of the system.
DEFAULT - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferClusterLevel
default_() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Returns the global-default main context.
DEFAULT_CJK_ROMAN - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
DEFAULT_COMPOSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.NormalizeMode
like NormalizeMode.DEFAULT, but with composed forms rather than a maximally decomposed form
DEFAULT_FLAGS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseFlags
No special behaviour.
DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationFlags
Default flags.
DEFAULT_LOWER_CASE - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
DEFAULT_UPPER_CASE - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
defaultBreak(String, int, Analysis, LogAttr, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
This is the default break algorithm.
defaultDeepNotify(GObject, GstObject, ParamSpec, String[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
A default deep_notify signal callback for an object.
defaultError(GError, String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
A default error function that uses g_printerr() to display the error message and the optional debug string..
DEFINE_REPETION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Repeating a "DEFINE" group is not allowed.
DEFINED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferFlags
All currently defined flags: Since: 4.4.0
DEFINED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFlags
All currently defined flags.
DEFINED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphFlags
All the currently defined flags.
DEFINITE_TYPE_EXPECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
an indefinite GVariantType was given where a definite type was expected
deinit() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Clean up any resources created by GStreamer in gst_init().
delay() - Method in class
Get the number of samples queued in the audio device.
delay() - Method in class
Return how many frames are still in the device.
delay() - Method in class
the number of frames queued in the device
delay() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Changes the GSettings object into 'delay-apply' mode.
DELAY_MESSAGE_PROCESSING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnectionFlags
If set, processing of D-Bus messages is delayed until g_dbus_connection_start_message_processing() is called.
DELAYED_LINK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseError
A delayed link did not get resolved.
delegateGetAccessiblePlatformState(AccessiblePlatformState) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Retrieves the accessible platform state from the editable delegate.
delegateGetProperty(GObject, int, Value, ParamSpec) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Gets a property of the GtkEditable delegate for object.
delegateSetProperty(GObject, int, Value, ParamSpec) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Sets a property on the GtkEditable delegate for object.
delete() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Tries to delete a AppInfo.
delete(MemorySegment, int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Relation
Rarely used API
delete(Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Deletes a file.
delete(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Deletes text between start and end.
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
the window manager has requested that the toplevel surface be hidden or destroyed, usually when the user clicks on a special icon in the title bar.
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Delete current selection.
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Delete current selection.
DELETE_EVENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ResponseType
Returned if the dialog is deleted
deleteAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously delete a file.
deleteCookie(Cookie) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Deletes cookie from this CookieJar.
deleteCookie(Cookie, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Asynchronously delete a SoupCookie from the current session.
deleteCookieFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_cookie_manager_delete_cookie().
deleted(GObject, TreePath) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeRowReference
DELETED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorEvent
a file was deleted.
deletedText(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
DeleteEvent - Class in org.gnome.gdk
An event related to closing a top-level surface.
DeleteEvent(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DeleteEvent
Create a DeleteEvent proxy instance for the provided memory address.
deleteFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes deleting a file started with g_file_delete_async().
deleteFromCursor(DeleteType, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
The class handler for the GtkTextView::delete-from-cursor keybinding signal.
deleteInteractive(TextIter, TextIter, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Deletes all editable text in the given range.
deleteLink(List<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Removes link from this Queue and frees it.
deleteMark(TextMark) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Deletes mark, so that it’s no longer located anywhere in the buffer.
deleteMarkByName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Deletes the mark named name; the mark must exist.
deletePreset(String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset
Delete the given preset.
deleteRange(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
The class handler for the GtkTextBuffer::delete-range signal.
deleteSelection() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Deletes the currently selected text of the editable.
deleteSelection(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Deletes the range between the “insert” and “selection_bound” marks, that is, the currently-selected text.
deleteSurrounding(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Asks the widget that the input context is attached to delete characters around the cursor position by emitting the ::delete_surrounding signal.
deleteSurrounding(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
deleteText(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Deletes a sequence of characters.
deleteText(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
Deletes a sequence of characters from the buffer.
DeleteType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Passed to various keybinding signals for deleting text.
DELETION - Enum constant in enum class
DELIMITED_SUB_FORMULA_MIN_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
DELTA_UNIT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
this unit cannot be decoded independently.
DELTA_X - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisFlags
Scroll X delta axis is present
DELTA_X - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
the axis is used as the scroll x delta
DELTA_Y - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisFlags
Scroll Y delta axis is present
DELTA_Y - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
the axis is used as the scroll y delta
DEMUX - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
used when demuxing fails.
DENIED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventSequenceState
The sequence is denied.
DENIED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionState
Access to the feature is denied.
deny() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.PermissionRequest
Deny the action which triggered this request.
DENY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AutoplayPolicy
Never allow autoplay.
DEPENDENCIES - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginError
The plugin has unresolved dependencies
deprecated() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Property
deprecated() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Signal
The signal is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
DEPRECATED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ParamFlags
the parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
DEPRECATED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalFlags
The signal is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
DEPRECATED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFlags
The type is deprecated and may be removed in a future version.
DEPRECATED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CssParserWarning
The given construct is deprecated and will be removed in a future version
depth() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Gets the depth of a GNode.
dereference(MemorySegment) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Dereference a pointer
DERIVABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFundamentalFlags
Indicates a flat derivable type
DESCENDING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleSort
Items are sorted in descending order by this column.
DESCENDING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SortType
Sorting is in descending order.
describe() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
Returns a description of the font, with font size set in points.
describe() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFace
Returns a font description that matches the face.
describeAbsolute() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
DESCRIBED_BY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Identifies the element (or elements) that describes the object.
describeWithAbsoluteSize() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
Returns a description of the font, with absolute font size set in device units.
DESCRIPTION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
DESCRIPTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Defines a string value that describes or annotates the current element.
descriptionsFree(FontDescription[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
Frees an array of font descriptions.
DESERET - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
DESERET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
DESERET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
deserialize(int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage
Tries to deserialize a socket control message of a given level and type.
deserialize(Buffer, MemorySegment, long, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Recreate a GstMeta from serialized data returned by gst_meta_serialize() and add it to buffer.
deserialize(Bytes, ParseErrorFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNode
Loads data previously created via RenderNode.serialize().
deserialize(Variant) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.Icon
Deserializes a GIcon previously serialized using g_icon_serialize().
deserialize(Context, Bytes) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
Loads data previously created via Font.serialize().
deserialize(Context, Bytes, Set<LayoutDeserializeFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
deserialize(Context, Bytes, LayoutDeserializeFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
deserializeIcon(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
DESIGN_COMPLEXITY_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
DESIGN_LANGUAGES - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetaTag
Design languages.
DESIGN_LEVEL1 - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
DESIGN_LEVEL2 - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
DESIGN_LEVEL3 - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
DESIGN_LEVEL4 - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
DESIGN_LEVEL5 - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
DESIGNER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
DESIGNER_URL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
URL of typeface designer
DESKTOP_APP_INFO_LOOKUP_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Extension point for default handler to URI association.
DesktopAppInfo - Class in org.gnome.gio
GDesktopAppInfo is an implementation of AppInfo based on desktop files.
DesktopAppInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Create a DesktopAppInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DesktopAppInfo(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Creates a new DesktopAppInfo based on a desktop file ID.
DesktopAppInfo.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DesktopAppInfo.DesktopAppInfoClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
DesktopAppInfoClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo.DesktopAppInfoClass
Allocate a new DesktopAppInfoClass.
DesktopAppInfoClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo.DesktopAppInfoClass
Allocate a new DesktopAppInfoClass.
DesktopAppInfoClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo.DesktopAppInfoClass
Create a DesktopAppInfoClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DesktopAppInfoLookup - Interface in org.gnome.gio
DesktopAppInfoLookup.DesktopAppInfoLookupIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Interface that is used by backends to associate default handlers with URI schemes.
DesktopAppInfoLookup.DesktopAppInfoLookupImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The DesktopAppInfoLookupImpl type represents a native instance of the DesktopAppInfoLookup interface.
DesktopAppInfoLookupIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfoLookup.DesktopAppInfoLookupIface
Allocate a new DesktopAppInfoLookupIface.
DesktopAppInfoLookupIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfoLookup.DesktopAppInfoLookupIface
Allocate a new DesktopAppInfoLookupIface.
DesktopAppInfoLookupIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfoLookup.DesktopAppInfoLookupIface
Create a DesktopAppInfoLookupIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DesktopAppInfoLookupImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfoLookup.DesktopAppInfoLookupImpl
Creates a new instance of DesktopAppInfoLookup for the provided memory address.
DesktopAppLaunchCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the DesktopAppLaunchCallback callback.
DEST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
ignore the source
DEST_ATOP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
leave destination on top of source content and only there (unbounded)
DEST_IN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
leave destination only where there was source content (unbounded)
DEST_OUT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
leave destination only where there was no source content
DEST_OVER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
draw destination on top of source
DESTINATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageHeaderField
The name the message is intended for.
DESTINATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.DownloadError
Download failure due to destination error
DESTINATION_UNSET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Destination address unset.
destroy() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Destroys the window system resources associated with this Surface and decrements this Surface's reference count.
destroy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Cache
Use a GHashTable instead
destroy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Destroys all keys and values in the GHashTable and decrements its reference count by 1.
destroy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MemChunk
destroy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Removes this Node and its children from the tree, freeing any memory allocated.
destroy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Relation
Rarely used API
destroy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Frees all memory used by the GScanner.
destroy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Removes a source from its GLib.MainContext, if any, and mark it as destroyed.
destroy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Timer
Destroys a timer, freeing associated resources.
destroy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Removes all keys and values from the GTree and decreases its reference count by one.
destroy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tuples
Rarely used API
destroy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
Destroys a dialog.
destroy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Drop the internal reference GTK holds on toplevel windows.
destroy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Destroy a PangoAttribute and free all associated memory.
destroy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrIterator
Destroy a PangoAttrIterator and free all associated memory.
destroy(HookList, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Destroys a GHook, given its ID.
DESTROY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamStatusType
a thread is destroyed
DESTROY_WITH_PARENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DialogFlags
Destroy the dialog when its parent is destroyed
DestroyFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the DestroyFunc callback.
destroyLink(HookList, Hook) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Removes one GHook from a GHookList, marking it inactive and calling g_hook_unref() on it.
DestroyNotify - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the DestroyNotify callback.
DESTRUCTIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.ResponseAppearance
used to draw attention to the potentially damaging consequences of using the response.
detach() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Request this WebInspector to be detached.
detachClipboard(Clipboard) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
detachTab(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Removes the child from the notebook.
DETAIL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalMatchType
The signal detail must be equal.
detailed() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Signal
This signal supports “::detail” appendices to the signal name upon handler connections and emissions.
DETAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalFlags
This signal supports "::detail" appendices to the signal name upon handler connections and emissions.
DETAILS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Identifies the element (or elements) that provide additional information related to the object.
DETAILS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionColumn
detect(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
determinant() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Computes the determinant of the given matrix.
DEVANAGARI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
DEVANAGARI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
DEVANAGARI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
DEVELOPER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureStatus
Feature for web developers.
Device - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstDevice are objects representing a device, they contain relevant metadata about the device, such as its class and the GstCaps representing the media types it can produce or handle.
Device - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The GdkDevice object represents an input device, such as a keyboard, a mouse, or a touchpad.
Device(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device
Create a Device proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Device(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Create a Device proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DEVICE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.EmblemOrigin
Emblem adds device-specific information
DEVICE_ADDED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Message indicating a GstDevice was added to a GstDeviceProvider (Since: 1.4)
DEVICE_CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Message indicating a GstDevice was changed a GstDeviceProvider (Since: 1.16)
DEVICE_FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class
Audio output device experienced and recovered from an error but introduced latency in the process (see also gst_audio_base_sink_report_device_failure())
DEVICE_ID_HASH_SALT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
Hash salt used to generate the device ids used by webpages.
DEVICE_REMOVED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Message indicating a GstDevice was removed from a GstDeviceProvider (Since: 1.4)
DEVICE_SWITCH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingMode
crossing because of a device switch (i.e.
Device.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Device.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Device.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
Device.DeviceClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The class structure for a GstDevice object.
Device.DeviceImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The DeviceImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Device class.
Device.DeviceImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The DeviceImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Device class.
Device.RemovedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the RemovedCallback callback.
Device.ToolChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the ToolChangedCallback callback.
deviceAdd(Device) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
Posts a message on the provider's GstBus to inform applications that a new device has been added.
deviceAdded(GstObject, Device) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Creates a new device-added message.
deviceChanged(GstObject, Device, Device) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Creates a new device-changed message.
deviceChanged(Device, Device) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
This function is used when changedDevice was modified into its new form device.
DeviceClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device.DeviceClass
Allocate a new DeviceClass.
DeviceClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device.DeviceClass
Allocate a new DeviceClass.
DeviceClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device.DeviceClass
Create a DeviceClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DeviceImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device.DeviceImpl
Creates a new instance of Device for the provided memory address.
DeviceImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Device.DeviceImpl
Creates a new instance of Device for the provided memory address.
DeviceInfoPermissionRequest - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A permission request for accessing user's audio/video devices.
DeviceInfoPermissionRequest(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.DeviceInfoPermissionRequest
Create a DeviceInfoPermissionRequest proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DeviceInfoPermissionRequest.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DeviceInfoPermissionRequest.DeviceInfoPermissionRequestClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
DeviceInfoPermissionRequestClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.DeviceInfoPermissionRequest.DeviceInfoPermissionRequestClass
Allocate a new DeviceInfoPermissionRequestClass.
DeviceInfoPermissionRequestClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.DeviceInfoPermissionRequest.DeviceInfoPermissionRequestClass
Allocate a new DeviceInfoPermissionRequestClass.
DeviceInfoPermissionRequestClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.DeviceInfoPermissionRequest.DeviceInfoPermissionRequestClass
Create a DeviceInfoPermissionRequestClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
deviceIsGrabbed(Device) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Returns true if there is an ongoing grab on device for this Display.
deviceIsOpen() - Method in class
Checks the status of the device associated with the ring buffer.
DeviceMonitor - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Applications should create a GstDeviceMonitor when they want to probe, list and monitor devices of a specific type.
DeviceMonitor() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor
Create a new GstDeviceMonitor
DeviceMonitor(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor
Create a DeviceMonitor proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DeviceMonitor.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DeviceMonitor.DeviceMonitorClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Opaque device monitor class structure.
DeviceMonitorClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor.DeviceMonitorClass
Allocate a new DeviceMonitorClass.
DeviceMonitorClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor.DeviceMonitorClass
Allocate a new DeviceMonitorClass.
DeviceMonitorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor.DeviceMonitorClass
Create a DeviceMonitorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DevicePad - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
GdkDevicePad is an interface implemented by devices of type InputSource.TABLET_PAD
DevicePad.DevicePadImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The DevicePadImpl type represents a native instance of the DevicePad interface.
DevicePad.DevicePadInterface - Class in org.gnome.gdk
DevicePadFeature - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
A pad feature.
DevicePadImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DevicePad.DevicePadImpl
Creates a new instance of DevicePad for the provided memory address.
DevicePadInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DevicePad.DevicePadInterface
Create a DevicePadInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DeviceProvider - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A GstDeviceProvider subclass is provided by a plugin that handles devices if there is a way to programmatically list connected devices.
DeviceProvider(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
Create a DeviceProvider proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DeviceProvider.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The structure of the base GstDeviceProviderClass
DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The DeviceProviderImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract DeviceProvider class.
DeviceProvider.ProviderHiddenCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the ProviderHiddenCallback callback.
DeviceProvider.ProviderUnhiddenCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the ProviderUnhiddenCallback callback.
DeviceProviderClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderClass
Allocate a new DeviceProviderClass.
DeviceProviderClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderClass
Allocate a new DeviceProviderClass.
DeviceProviderClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderClass
Create a DeviceProviderClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DeviceProviderFactory - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstDeviceProviderFactory is used to create instances of device providers.
DeviceProviderFactory(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProviderFactory
Create a DeviceProviderFactory proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DeviceProviderFactory.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DeviceProviderFactory.DeviceProviderFactoryClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The opaque GstDeviceProviderFactoryClass data structure.
DeviceProviderFactoryClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProviderFactory.DeviceProviderFactoryClass
Create a DeviceProviderFactoryClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DeviceProviderImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderImpl
Creates a new instance of DeviceProvider for the provided memory address.
deviceRemove(Device) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
Posts a message on the provider's GstBus to inform applications that a device has been removed.
deviceRemoved(GstObject, Device) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Creates a new device-removed message.
DeviceTool - Class in org.gnome.gdk
A physical tool associated to a GdkDevice.
DeviceTool(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceTool
Create a DeviceTool proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DeviceTool.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DeviceToolType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Indicates the specific type of tool being used being a tablet.
dgettext(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function is a wrapper of dgettext() which does not translate the message if the default domain as set with textdomain() has no translations for the current locale.
DIACRITICS_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
DIAGONAL_FRACTIONS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
Dialog - Class in org.gnome.adw
An adaptive dialog container.
Dialog - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Dialog() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Creates a new AdwDialog.
Dialog() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Use Window instead
Dialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Create a Dialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Dialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Create a Dialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DIALOG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A dialog is a window that is designed to interrupt the current processing of an application in order to prompt the user to enter information or require a response.
Dialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Dialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Dialog.CloseAttemptCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the CloseAttemptCallback callback.
Dialog.CloseCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Dialog.ClosedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ClosedCallback callback.
Dialog.DialogClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
Dialog.DialogClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Dialog.ResponseCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
DialogClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.DialogClass
Allocate a new DialogClass.
DialogClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog.DialogClass
Allocate a new DialogClass.
DialogClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.DialogClass
Allocate a new DialogClass.
DialogClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog.DialogClass
Allocate a new DialogClass.
DialogClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.DialogClass
Create a DialogClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DialogClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog.DialogClass
Create a DialogClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DialogError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Error codes in the GTK_DIALOG_ERROR domain that can be returned by async dialog functions.
DialogFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Flags used to influence dialog construction.
DialogPresentationMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
Describes the available presentation modes for Dialog.
DIAMOND_ANNOTATION - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
DICT_ENTRY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is a dictionary entry.
DICT_ENTRY - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
An indefinite type that is a supertype of every dictionary entry type.
dictEntry(Variant, Variant) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a new dictionary entry GVariant.
dictEntry(VariantType, VariantType) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Constructs the type corresponding to a dictionary entry with a key of type key and a value of type value.
DICTIONARY - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
An indefinite type that is a supertype of every dictionary type -- that is, any array type that has an element type equal to any dictionary entry type.
difference(DateTime) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Calculates the difference in time between this DateTime and begin.
difference(Bitset) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Sets this Bitset to be the symmetric difference of this Bitset and other.
DIFFERENCE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
Takes the difference of the source and destination color.
DIFFERENCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Subtracts the darker of the two constituent colors from the lighter color
DIFFERENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FilterChange
The filter change cannot be described with any of the other enumeration values.
DIFFERENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SorterChange
The sorter change cannot be described by any of the other enumeration values
DIGIT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.AsciiType
DIGIT_RADIX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ErrorType
digit beyond radix in a number
DIGITS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputPurpose
Allow only digits
DIGITS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputPurpose
Editable element expects digits
DINGBATS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
DIPHTHONG_LIGATURES_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
DIPHTHONG_LIGATURES_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
Dir - Class in org.gnome.glib
An opaque structure representing an opened directory.
Dir - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Dir(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Dir
Create a Dir proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Dir(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Dir
Create a Dir proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DIR_LTR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Widget is in left-to-right text direction
DIR_RTL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Widget is in right-to-left text direction
DIR_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The directory separator character.
DIR_SEPARATOR_S - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The directory separator as a string.
directEqual(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Compares two gpointer arguments and returns true if they are equal.
directHash(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a gpointer to a hash value.
Direction - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
The direction of a text segment or buffer.
Direction - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
PangoDirection represents a direction in the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.
directionChanged(TextDirection) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Signal emitted when the text direction of a widget changes.
directionFromString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Converts a string to an hb_direction_t.
directionToString(Direction) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Converts an hb_direction_t to a string.
DirectionType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Focus movement types.
DIRECTORY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileType
File handle represents a directory.
DIRECTORY_DESKTOP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UserDirectory
the user's Desktop directory
DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UserDirectory
the user's Documents directory
DIRECTORY_DOWNLOAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UserDirectory
the user's Downloads directory
DIRECTORY_MUSIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UserDirectory
the user's Music directory
DIRECTORY_PICTURES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UserDirectory
the user's Pictures directory
DIRECTORY_PUBLIC_SHARE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UserDirectory
the user's shared directory
DIRECTORY_TEMPLATES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UserDirectory
the user's Templates directory
DIRECTORY_VIDEOS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UserDirectory
the user's Movies directory
DirectoryList<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkDirectoryList is a list model that wraps g_file_enumerate_children_async().
DirectoryList(String, File) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList
Creates a new GtkDirectoryList.
DirectoryList(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList
Create a DirectoryList proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DirectoryList.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DirectoryList.DirectoryListClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
DirectoryListClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList.DirectoryListClass
Allocate a new DirectoryListClass.
DirectoryListClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList.DirectoryListClass
Allocate a new DirectoryListClass.
DirectoryListClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList.DirectoryListClass
Create a DirectoryListClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
used if functionality has been disabled at compile time.
DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleState
A “disabled” state; corresponds to the Widget:sensitive property.
DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffloadEnabled
Graphics offloading is disabled.
DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SmartHomeEndType
smart-home-end disabled.
disableFeature(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Disables the actions of SessionFeatures with the given featureType (or a subclass of that type) on this Message.
disableSetlocale() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Prevents Gtk.init() and Gtk.initCheck() from automatically calling setlocale (LC_ALL, "").
disableSyncMessageEmission() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Instructs GStreamer to stop emitting the "sync-message" signal for this bus.
DISCARD_INPUT - Enum constant in enum class
discard all following input until the next sync point.
disconnect() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.SignalConnection
Disconnects a handler from an instance so it will not be called during any future or currently ongoing emissions of the signal it has been connected to.
disconnect() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Closes and frees this Server's listening sockets.
disconnect(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Disconnects a handler from a cancellable instance similar to g_signal_handler_disconnect().
disconnect(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
A convenience function to disconnect multiple signals at once.
DISCONNECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
The connection is disconnected and you're trying to use it.
DISCONT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
the buffer marks a data discontinuity in the stream.
DISCONT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireFlags
buffer is discont
discovered(DiscovererInfo, GError) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Discoverer - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
The GstDiscoverer is a utility object which allows to get as much information as possible from one or many URIs.
Discoverer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Create a Discoverer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Discoverer(ClockTime) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Creates a new GstDiscoverer with the provided timeout.
Discoverer.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Discoverer.DiscoveredCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Functional interface declaration of the DiscoveredCallback callback.
Discoverer.DiscovererClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Discoverer.FinishedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Functional interface declaration of the FinishedCallback callback.
Discoverer.LoadSerializedInfoCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Functional interface declaration of the LoadSerializedInfoCallback callback.
Discoverer.SourceSetupCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Functional interface declaration of the SourceSetupCallback callback.
Discoverer.StartingCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Functional interface declaration of the StartingCallback callback.
DiscovererAudioInfo - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
GstDiscovererStreamInfo specific to audio streams.
DiscovererAudioInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererAudioInfo
Create a DiscovererAudioInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DiscovererAudioInfo.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DiscovererAudioInfoClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
DiscovererAudioInfoClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererAudioInfoClass
Create a DiscovererAudioInfoClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DiscovererClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.DiscovererClass
Allocate a new DiscovererClass.
DiscovererClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.DiscovererClass
Allocate a new DiscovererClass.
DiscovererClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.DiscovererClass
Create a DiscovererClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DiscovererContainerInfo - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
GstDiscovererStreamInfo specific to container streams.
DiscovererContainerInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererContainerInfo
Create a DiscovererContainerInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DiscovererContainerInfo.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DiscovererContainerInfoClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
DiscovererContainerInfoClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererContainerInfoClass
Create a DiscovererContainerInfoClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DiscovererInfo - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Structure containing the information of a URI analyzed by GstDiscoverer.
DiscovererInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
Create a DiscovererInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DiscovererInfo.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DiscovererInfoClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
DiscovererInfoClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfoClass
Create a DiscovererInfoClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DiscovererResult - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Result values for the discovery process.
DiscovererSerializeFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
You can use these flags to control what is serialized by gst_discoverer_info_to_variant()
DiscovererStreamInfo - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Base structure for information concerning a media stream.
DiscovererStreamInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfo
Create a DiscovererStreamInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DiscovererStreamInfo.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DiscovererStreamInfoClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
DiscovererStreamInfoClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfoClass
Create a DiscovererStreamInfoClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DiscovererSubtitleInfo - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
GstDiscovererStreamInfo specific to subtitle streams (this includes text and image based ones).
DiscovererSubtitleInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSubtitleInfo
Create a DiscovererSubtitleInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DiscovererSubtitleInfo.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DiscovererSubtitleInfoClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
DiscovererSubtitleInfoClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSubtitleInfoClass
Create a DiscovererSubtitleInfoClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DiscovererVideoInfo - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
GstDiscovererStreamInfo specific to video streams (this includes images).
DiscovererVideoInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfo
Create a DiscovererVideoInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DiscovererVideoInfo.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DiscovererVideoInfoClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
DiscovererVideoInfoClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfoClass
Create a DiscovererVideoInfoClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
discoverUri(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Synchronously discovers the given uri.
discoverUriAsync(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Appends the given uri to the list of URIs to discoverer.
DISCRETE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScrollFlags
Only emit deltas that are multiples of 1.
DISCRETE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBarMode
the bar has a discrete mode
DISK_CACHE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
HTTP disk cache.
dismiss() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Dismisses this Toast.
DISMISSED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DialogError
The operation was cancelled by the user (via a Cancel or Close button)
dispatch() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Dispatches all pending sources.
DISPATCH_TO_UNENUMERATED_NODES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeFlags
Method calls to objects not in the enumerated range will still be dispatched.
dispatchPropertiesChanged(int, ParamSpec[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
emits property change notification for a bunch of properties.
display(CompletionContext, CompletionProposal, CompletionCell) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider
This function requests that the GtkSourceCompletionProvider prepares cell to display the contents of proposal.
Display - Class in org.gnome.gdk
GdkDisplay objects are the GDK representation of a workstation.
Display(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Create a Display proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DISPLAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SystemSetting
The display has changed
DISPLAY_LINE_ENDS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DeleteType
Delete only the portion of the display-line to the left/right of cursor.
DISPLAY_LINE_ENDS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MovementStep
Move to either end of a line
DISPLAY_LINES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DeleteType
Delete display-lines.
DISPLAY_LINES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MovementStep
Move up or down lines (wrapped lines)
DISPLAY_OPERATOR_MIN_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
DISPLAY_TEXT - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
Display.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Display.ClosedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the ClosedCallback callback.
Display.OpenedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the OpenedCallback callback.
Display.SeatAddedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the SeatAddedCallback callback.
Display.SeatRemovedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the SeatRemovedCallback callback.
Display.SettingChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the SettingChangedCallback callback.
DISPLAYED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InsecureContentEvent
Insecure content has been detected by trying to display any kind of resource (e.g.
DisplayManager - Class in org.gnome.gdk
A singleton object that offers notification when displays appear or disappear.
DisplayManager(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager
Create a DisplayManager proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DisplayManager.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DisplayManager.DisplayOpenedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the DisplayOpenedCallback callback.
dispose() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
the dispose function is supposed to drop all references to other objects, but keep the instance otherwise intact, so that client method invocations still work.
disposeHandle(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool
Dispose of the handle returned by gst_task_pool_push().
disposeTemplate(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Clears the template children for the given widget.
DIST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestFileType
a file that was included in the distribution tarball
distance(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Computes the distance of point from a graphene_plane_t.
distance(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Computes the distance of the given point from the surface of a graphene_sphere_t.
distance(Point3D, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Computes the distance between the two given graphene_point3d_t.
distance(Point, Out<Float>, Out<Float>) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Computes the distance between this Point and b.
DISTANCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisFlags
Distance axis is present
DISTANCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
the axis is used for pen/tablet distance information
distanceFromDiscont() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Get the distance in bytes since the last buffer with the BufferFlags.DISCONT flag.
distributeNaturalAllocation(int, RequestedSize[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Distributes extraSpace to child sizes by bringing smaller children up to natural size first.
DIVES_AKURU - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Diak, Since: 2.6.7
DIVES_AKURU - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Dives Akuru.
divide(Vec2, Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Divides each component of the first operand this Vec2 by the corresponding component of the second operand b, and places the results into the vector res.
divide(Vec3, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Divides each component of the first operand this Vec3 by the corresponding component of the second operand b, and places the results into the vector res.
divide(Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Divides each component of the first operand this Vec4 by the corresponding component of the second operand b, and places the results into the vector res.
DMA_DRM - Enum constant in enum class
GSTVIDEOFORMATDMADRM represent the DMA DRM special format.
DmabufError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Error enumeration for GdkDmabufTexture.
DmabufFormats - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The GdkDmabufFormats struct provides information about supported DMA buffer formats.
DmabufFormats(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufFormats
Create a DmabufFormats proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DmabufTexture - Class in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkTexture representing a DMA buffer.
DmabufTexture(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTexture
Create a DmabufTexture proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DmabufTexture.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DmabufTexture.DmabufTextureClass - Class in org.gnome.gdk
DmabufTextureBuilder - Class in org.gnome.gdk
GdkDmabufTextureBuilder is a builder used to construct Texture objects from DMA buffers.
DmabufTextureBuilder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Creates a new texture builder.
DmabufTextureBuilder(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Create a DmabufTextureBuilder proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DmabufTextureBuilder.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DmabufTextureBuilder.DmabufTextureBuilderClass - Class in org.gnome.gdk
DmabufTextureBuilderClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder.DmabufTextureBuilderClass
Create a DmabufTextureBuilderClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DmabufTextureClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTexture.DmabufTextureClass
Create a DmabufTextureClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
dmy(DateDay, DateMonth, DateYear) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Create a new GDate representing the given day-month-year triplet.
DNDEvent - Class in org.gnome.gdk
An event related to drag and drop operations.
DNDEvent(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DNDEvent
Create a DNDEvent proxy instance for the provided memory address.
dngettext(String, String, String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function is a wrapper of dngettext() which does not translate the message if the default domain as set with textdomain() has no translations for the current locale.
DO_NOT_AUTO_START - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClientFlags
If not set and the manager is for a well-known name, then request the bus to launch an owner for the name if no-one owns the name.
DO_NOT_AUTO_START - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxyFlags
If the proxy is for a well-known name, do not ask the bus to launch an owner during proxy initialization or a method call.
DO_NOT_AUTO_START_AT_CONSTRUCTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxyFlags
If the proxy is for a well-known name, do not ask the bus to launch an owner during proxy initialization, but allow it to be autostarted by a method call.
DO_NOT_CONNECT_SIGNALS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxyFlags
Don't connect to signals on the remote object.
DO_NOT_INSERT_DOTTED_CIRCLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferFlags
flag indicating that a dotted circle should not be inserted in the rendering of incorrect character sequences (such at <0905 093E>).
DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxyFlags
Don't load properties.
DO_NOT_QUEUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusNameOwnerFlags
If another message bus connection owns the name, immediately return an error from g_bus_own_name() rather than entering the waiting queue for that name.
DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnFlags
the child will not be automatically reaped; you must use g_child_watch_add() yourself (or call waitpid() or handle SIGCHLD yourself), or the child will become a zombie.
DO_NOT_USE_AUTH_CACHE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageFlags
The AuthManager should not use the credentials cache for this message, neither to use cached credentials to automatically authenticate this message nor to cache the credentials after the message is successfully authenticated.
DO_NOT_USE_THIS_UNSUPPORTED_FLAG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseFlags
flag you should not use
DOCUMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Content that assistive technology users may want to browse in a reading mode.
DOCUMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResultContext
anywhere in the document.
DOCUMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResultContext
anywhere in the document.
DOCUMENT_BROWSER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CacheModel
A cache model optimized for viewing a series of local files -- for example, a documentation viewer or a website designer.
DOCUMENT_VIEWER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CacheModel
Disable the cache completely, which substantially reduces memory usage.
DOGRA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Dogr, Since: 1.8.0
DOGRA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
doLatency() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
DOLLAR_ENDONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
A dollar metacharacter ("$") in the pattern matches only at the end of the string.
DOM_CACHE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
DOM (CacheStorage) cache.
domainMatches(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Checks if the this Cookie's domain and host match.
domainRegister(String, long, ErrorInitFunc, ErrorCopyFunc, ErrorClearFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GError
This function registers an extended GError domain.
domainRegisterStatic(String, long, ErrorInitFunc, ErrorCopyFunc, ErrorClearFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GError
This function registers an extended GError domain.
done() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Signals that command line processing is completed.
done(PrintOperationResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Signal emitted when the print operation run has finished doing everything required for printing.
DONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockReturn
The ClockID is done waiting
DONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorResult
No more items in the iterator
DONE - Enum constant in enum class
No line were provided, or no more Ancillary data was found.
DONTROUTE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketMsgFlags
Don't use a gateway to send out the packet, only send to hosts on directly connected networks.
DONTWAIT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireFlags
when the bufferpool is empty, acquire_buffer will by default block until a buffer is released into the pool again.
doPreroll(MiniObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
If the this BaseSink spawns its own thread for pulling buffers from upstream it should call this method after it has pulled a buffer.
doSeek(double, Format, Set<SeekFlags>, SeekType, long, SeekType, long, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Update the segment structure with the field values of a seek event (see gst_event_new_seek()).
doSeek(double, Format, SeekFlags, SeekType, long, SeekType, long, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Update the segment structure with the field values of a seek event (see gst_event_new_seek()).
doSeek(Segment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Perform seeking on the resource to the indicated segment.
dot(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Computes the dot product of the two given graphene_point3d_t.
dot(Quaternion) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Computes the dot product of two graphene_quaternion_t.
dot(Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Computes the dot product of the two given vectors.
dot(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Computes the dot product of the two given vectors.
dot(Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Computes the dot product of the two given vectors.
DOTALL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
A dot metacharacter (".") in the pattern matches all characters, including newlines.
DOTTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BorderStyle
A series of round dots
DOTTED_CIRCLE_PRESENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferDiffFlags
dotted circle glyph is present in the reference buffer.
DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionArg
The option takes a double argument.
DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is a double precision floating point value.
DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BorderStyle
Two parallel lines with some space between them
DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Underline
a double underline should be drawn
DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.OptionType
A gdouble options type.
DOUBLE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of a double precision IEEE754 floating point number.
DOUBLE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type corresponding to gdouble.
double_() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Rand
Returns the next random gdouble from this Rand equally distributed over the range [0..1).
double_(double) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a new double GVariant instance.
DOUBLE_ABOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Distinct marks extending above two bases
DOUBLE_BELOW - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Distinct marks subtending two bases
DOUBLE_CLICK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TitlebarGesture
double click gesture
DOUBLE_LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Underline
Like PANGOUNDERLINEDOUBLE, but drawn continuously across multiple runs.
doubleEqual(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Compares the two gdouble values being pointed to and returns true if they are equal.
doubleHash(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a pointer to a gdouble to a hash value.
DoubleIEEE754 - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GFloatIEEE754 and GDoubleIEEE754 unions are used to access the sign, mantissa and exponent of IEEE floats and doubles.
DoubleIEEE754(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.DoubleIEEE754
Allocate a new DoubleIEEE754.
DoubleIEEE754(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.DoubleIEEE754
Create a DoubleIEEE754 proxy instance for the provided memory address.
doubleRange(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Rand
Returns the next random gdouble from this Rand equally distributed over the range [begin..end).
DoubleRange - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A fundamental type that describes a gdouble range
DoubleRange(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DoubleRange
Create a DoubleRange proxy instance for the provided memory address.
down() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TestDBus
Stop the session bus started by g_test_dbus_up().
down() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
This function uses the locale-specific tolower() function, which is almost never the right thing. Use g_string_ascii_down() or g_utf8_strdown() instead.
down() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
DOWN - Enum constant in enum class
Select the button below the current one in a menu, if such a button exists.
DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollDirection
the surface is scrolled down.
DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ArrowType
Represents a downward pointing arrow.
DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DirectionType
Move down.
DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PanDirection
panned downwards
downcallHandle(MemorySegment, FunctionDescriptor, Linker.Option...) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Create a method handle that is used to call the native function at the provided memory address.
downcallHandle(String, FunctionDescriptor) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Convenience method that calls Interop.downcallHandle(String, FunctionDescriptor, boolean) with variadic=false.
downcallHandle(String, FunctionDescriptor, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Create a method handle that is used to call the native function with the provided name and function descriptor.
download() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecision
Spawn a download from this decision.
download(byte[], long) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
Downloads the this Texture into local memory.
Download - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Object used to communicate with the application when downloading.
Download(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Create a Download proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DOWNLOAD - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferingMode
the stream is being downloaded
DOWNLOAD_AUDIO_TO_DISK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Download audio to disk.
DOWNLOAD_AUDIO_TO_DISK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Download audio to disk.
DOWNLOAD_IMAGE_TO_DISK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Download current image.
DOWNLOAD_IMAGE_TO_DISK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Download current image.
DOWNLOAD_LINK_TO_DISK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Download link destination.
DOWNLOAD_LINK_TO_DISK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Download link destination.
DOWNLOAD_VIDEO_TO_DISK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Download video to disk.
DOWNLOAD_VIDEO_TO_DISK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Download video to disk.
Download.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Download.CreatedDestinationCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the CreatedDestinationCallback callback.
Download.DecideDestinationCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the DecideDestinationCallback callback.
Download.DownloadClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Download.FailedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the FailedCallback callback.
Download.FinishedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the FinishedCallback callback.
Download.ReceivedDataCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the ReceivedDataCallback callback.
downloadBytes(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TextureDownloader
Downloads the given texture pixels into a GBytes.
DownloadClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Download.DownloadClass
Allocate a new DownloadClass.
DownloadClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Download.DownloadClass
Allocate a new DownloadClass.
DownloadClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Download.DownloadClass
Create a DownloadClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DownloadError - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to denote the various download errors.
downloadInto(byte[], long) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TextureDownloader
Downloads the texture into local memory.
downloadUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Requests downloading of the specified URI string.
downloadUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Requests downloading of the specified URI string for this WebView.
DOWNSAMPLE_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class
only perform chroma downsampling
DOWNSTREAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventTypeFlags
Set if the event can travel downstream.
DOWNSTREAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryTypeFlags
Set if the query can travel downstream.
dpgettext(String, String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function is a variant of g_dgettext() which supports a disambiguating message context.
dpgettext2(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function is a variant of g_dgettext() which supports a disambiguating message context.
DPI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SystemSetting
the Gtk.Settings:gtk-xft-dpi setting has changed
DRAFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintQuality
Draft quality.
Drag - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The GdkDrag object represents the source of an ongoing DND operation.
Drag(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Create a Drag proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DRAG_ENTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
the mouse has entered the surface while a drag is in progress.
DRAG_LEAVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
the mouse has left the surface while a drag is in progress.
DRAG_MOTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
the mouse has moved in the surface while a drag is in progress.
Drag.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Drag.CancelCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the CancelCallback callback.
Drag.DndFinishedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the DndFinishedCallback callback.
Drag.DragImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The DragImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Drag class.
Drag.DropPerformedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the DropPerformedCallback callback.
DragAction - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Used in GdkDrop and GdkDrag to indicate the actions that the destination can and should do with the dropped data.
dragCancel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Cancels a currently ongoing drag operation.
DragCancelReason - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Used in GdkDrag to the reason of a cancelled DND operation.
dragCheckThreshold(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Checks to see if a drag movement has passed the GTK drag threshold.
dragDataDelete(TreePath) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragSource
Use list models instead
dragDataGet(TreePath) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragSource
Use list models instead
dragDataReceived(TreePath, Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragDest
Use list models instead
dragHighlightRow(ListBoxRow) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Add a drag highlight to a row.
DragIcon - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkDragIcon is a GtkRoot implementation for drag icons.
DragIcon(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DragIcon
Create a DragIcon proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DragIcon.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DragIcon.DragIconClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
DragIconClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DragIcon.DragIconClass
Allocate a new DragIconClass.
DragIconClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DragIcon.DragIconClass
Allocate a new DragIconClass.
DragIconClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DragIcon.DragIconClass
Create a DragIconClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DragImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Drag.DragImpl
Creates a new instance of Drag for the provided memory address.
DragSource - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkDragSource is an event controller to initiate Drag-And-Drop operations.
DragSource() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Creates a new GtkDragSource object.
DragSource(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Create a DragSource proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DragSource.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DragSource.DragBeginCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DragBeginCallback callback.
DragSource.DragCancelCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DragCancelCallback callback.
DragSource.DragEndCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DragEndCallback callback.
DragSource.DragSourceClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
DragSource.PrepareCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PrepareCallback callback.
DragSourceClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.DragSourceClass
Create a DragSourceClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DragSurface - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkDragSurface is an interface for surfaces used during DND.
DragSurface.ComputeSizeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the ComputeSizeCallback callback.
DragSurface.DragSurfaceImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The DragSurfaceImpl type represents a native instance of the DragSurface interface.
DragSurface.DragSurfaceInterface - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The GdkDragSurfaceInterface implementation is private to GDK.
DragSurfaceImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DragSurface.DragSurfaceImpl
Creates a new instance of DragSurface for the provided memory address.
DragSurfaceInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DragSurface.DragSurfaceInterface
Create a DragSurfaceInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DragSurfaceSize - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The GdkDragSurfaceSize struct contains information that is useful to compute the size of a drag surface.
DragSurfaceSize(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DragSurfaceSize
Create a DragSurfaceSize proxy instance for the provided memory address.
dragUnhighlightRow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
If a row has previously been highlighted via gtk_list_box_drag_highlight_row(), it will have the highlight removed.
drain() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
Drains the adapter until it is empty.
drain() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new query object for querying the drain state.
drain() - Method in class
DRAIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
wait till all serialized data is consumed downstream
draw(Context) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNode
Draw the contents of this RenderNode to the given cairo context.
drawClosePath(DrawFuncs, MemorySegment, DrawState) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "close-path" draw operation.
DrawClosePathFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the DrawClosePathFunc callback.
DrawContext - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Base class for objects implementing different rendering methods.
DrawContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DrawContext
Create a DrawContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DrawContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DrawContext.DrawContextImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The DrawContextImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract DrawContext class.
DrawContextImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.DrawContext.DrawContextImpl
Creates a new instance of DrawContext for the provided memory address.
drawCubicTo(DrawFuncs, MemorySegment, DrawState, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "cubic-to" draw operation.
DrawCubicToFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the DrawCubicToFunc callback.
drawErrorUnderline(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Draw a squiggly line that approximately covers the given rectangle in the style of an underline used to indicate a spelling error.
DrawFuncs - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Glyph draw callbacks.
DrawFuncs(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawFuncs
Create a DrawFuncs proxy instance for the provided memory address.
drawFuncsCreate() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates a new draw callbacks object.
drawFuncsDestroy(DrawFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Deallocate the dfuncs.
drawFuncsGetEmpty() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the singleton empty draw-functions structure.
drawFuncsGetUserData(DrawFuncs, UserDataKey) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the user-data associated with the specified key, attached to the specified draw-functions structure.
drawFuncsIsImmutable(DrawFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Checks whether dfuncs is immutable.
drawFuncsMakeImmutable(DrawFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Makes dfuncs object immutable.
drawFuncsReference(DrawFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Increases the reference count on dfuncs by one.
drawFuncsSetClosePathFunc(DrawFuncs, DrawClosePathFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets close-path callback to the draw functions object.
drawFuncsSetCubicToFunc(DrawFuncs, DrawCubicToFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets cubic-to callback to the draw functions object.
drawFuncsSetLineToFunc(DrawFuncs, DrawLineToFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets line-to callback to the draw functions object.
drawFuncsSetMoveToFunc(DrawFuncs, DrawMoveToFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets move-to callback to the draw functions object.
drawFuncsSetQuadraticToFunc(DrawFuncs, DrawQuadraticToFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets quadratic-to callback to the draw functions object.
drawFuncsSetUserData(DrawFuncs, UserDataKey, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc, Bool) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Attaches a user-data key/data pair to the specified draw-functions structure.
drawGlyph(Font, Glyph, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Draws a single glyph with coordinates in device space.
drawGlyphItem(String, GlyphItem, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Draws the glyphs in glyphItem with the specified PangoRenderer, embedding the text associated with the glyphs in the output if the output format supports it.
drawGlyphs(Font, GlyphString, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Draws the glyphs in glyphs with the specified PangoRenderer.
DrawingArea - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkDrawingArea is a widget that allows drawing with cairo.
DrawingArea() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea
Creates a new drawing area.
DrawingArea(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea
Create a DrawingArea proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DrawingArea.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DrawingArea.DrawingAreaClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
DrawingArea.ResizeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ResizeCallback callback.
DrawingAreaClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea.DrawingAreaClass
Allocate a new DrawingAreaClass.
DrawingAreaClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea.DrawingAreaClass
Allocate a new DrawingAreaClass.
DrawingAreaClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea.DrawingAreaClass
Create a DrawingAreaClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DrawingAreaDrawFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DrawingAreaDrawFunc callback.
drawLayout(Layout, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Draws layout with the specified PangoRenderer.
drawLayoutLine(LayoutLine, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Draws line with the specified PangoRenderer.
drawLineTo(DrawFuncs, MemorySegment, DrawState, float, float) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "line-to" draw operation.
DrawLineToFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the DrawLineToFunc callback.
drawMoveTo(DrawFuncs, MemorySegment, DrawState, float, float) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "move-to" draw operation.
DrawMoveToFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the DrawMoveToFunc callback.
drawPage(PrintContext, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Signal emitted for every page that is printed.
drawPage(PrintContext, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Draw page pageNr for printing on the the Cairo context encapsuled in context.
drawPageFinish() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Signal that drawing of particular page is complete.
drawQuadraticTo(DrawFuncs, MemorySegment, DrawState, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "quadratic-to" draw operation.
DrawQuadraticToFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the DrawQuadraticToFunc callback.
drawRectangle(RenderPart, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Draws an axis-aligned rectangle in user space coordinates with the specified PangoRenderer.
drawShape(AttrShape, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
draw content for a glyph shaped with PangoAttrShape x, y are the coordinates of the left edge of the baseline, in user coordinates.
DrawState - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Current drawing state.
DrawState() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawState
Allocate a new DrawState.
DrawState(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawState
Allocate a new DrawState.
DrawState(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawState
Create a DrawState proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DrawState(Bool, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawState
Allocate a new DrawState with the fields set to the provided values.
DrawState(Bool, float, float, float, float, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawState
Allocate a new DrawState with the fields set to the provided values.
drawToTexture(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar
Renders this Avatar into a Texture at scaleFactor.
drawTrapezoid(RenderPart, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Draws a trapezoid with the parallel sides aligned with the X axis using the given PangoRenderer; coordinates are in device space.
Drive - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GDrive represents a piece of hardware connected to the machine.
DRIVE_IDENTIFIER_KIND_UNIX_DEVICE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The string used to obtain a Unix device path with g_drive_get_identifier().
Drive.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
Drive.DisconnectedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the DisconnectedCallback callback.
Drive.DriveIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Interface for creating GDrive implementations.
Drive.DriveImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The DriveImpl type represents a native instance of the Drive interface.
Drive.EjectButtonCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the EjectButtonCallback callback.
Drive.StopButtonCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the StopButtonCallback callback.
driveChanged(Drive) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
driveConnected(Drive) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
driveDisconnected(Drive) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
driveEjectButton(Drive) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
DriveIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Allocate a new DriveIface.
DriveIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Allocate a new DriveIface.
DriveIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Create a DriveIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DriveImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveImpl
Creates a new instance of Drive for the provided memory address.
DriveStartFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used when starting a drive.
DriveStartStopType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Enumeration describing how a drive can be started/stopped.
driveStopButton(Drive) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Drop - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The GdkDrop object represents the target of an ongoing DND operation.
Drop(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
Create a Drop proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DROP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrameFlags
indicates to finishFrame that the the frame should be dropped (and might be handled internally by subclass)
DROP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusSyncReply
drop the message
DROP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeReturn
drop data in data probes.
DROP_ABOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconViewDropPosition
dropped item is inserted above
DROP_ACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Widget is highlighted as a drop target for DND
DROP_BELOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconViewDropPosition
dropped item is inserted below
DROP_FRAME - Enum constant in enum class
Whether we have drop frame rate
DROP_INTO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconViewDropPosition
dropped item replaces the item
DROP_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconViewDropPosition
dropped item is inserted to the left
DROP_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconViewDropPosition
dropped item is inserted to the right
DROP_START - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
a drop operation onto the surface has started.
Drop.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Drop.DropImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The DropImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Drop class.
dropBuffer() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad
Drop the buffer currently queued in this AggregatorPad.
DropControllerMotion - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkDropControllerMotion is an event controller tracking the pointer during Drag-and-Drop operations.
DropControllerMotion() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion
Creates a new event controller that will handle pointer motion events during drag and drop.
DropControllerMotion(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion
Create a DropControllerMotion proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DropControllerMotion.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DropControllerMotion.DropControllerMotionClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
DropControllerMotion.EnterCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EnterCallback callback.
DropControllerMotion.LeaveCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the LeaveCallback callback.
DropControllerMotion.MotionCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MotionCallback callback.
DropControllerMotionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion.DropControllerMotionClass
Create a DropControllerMotionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
dropDone(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Informs GDK that the drop ended.
DropDown - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkDropDown is a widget that allows the user to choose an item from a list of options.
DropDown(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Create a DropDown proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DropDown(ListModel, Expression) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Creates a new GtkDropDown.
DropDown.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
DropDown.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DropDown.DropDownClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
DropDownClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.DropDownClass
Allocate a new DropDownClass.
DropDownClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.DropDownClass
Allocate a new DropDownClass.
DropDownClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.DropDownClass
Create a DropDownClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
dropElement(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Drops the queue element at position idx from queue this QueueArray.
dropFrame(VideoCodecFrame) - Method in class
Similar to gst_video_decoder_finish_frame(), but drops frame in any case and posts a QoS message with the frame's details on the bus.
dropHead(Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Pop and unref the head-most GstMiniObject with the given GType.
DropImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Drop.DropImpl
Creates a new instance of Drop for the provided memory address.
DROPPABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
the buffer can be dropped without breaking the stream, for example to reduce bandwidth.
dropStruct(int, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Drops the queue element at position idx from queue this QueueArray and copies the data of the element or structure that was removed into pStruct if pStruct is set (not NULL).
dropSubframe(VideoCodecFrame) - Method in class
Drops input data.
DropTarget - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkDropTarget is an event controller to receive Drag-and-Drop operations.
DropTarget(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Create a DropTarget proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DropTarget(Type, Set<DragAction>) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Creates a new GtkDropTarget object.
DropTarget(Type, DragAction...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Creates a new GtkDropTarget object.
DropTarget.AcceptCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the AcceptCallback callback.
DropTarget.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DropTarget.DropCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DropCallback callback.
DropTarget.DropTargetClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
DropTarget.EnterCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EnterCallback callback.
DropTarget.LeaveCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the LeaveCallback callback.
DropTarget.MotionCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MotionCallback callback.
DropTargetAsync - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkDropTargetAsync is an event controller to receive Drag-and-Drop operations, asynchronously.
DropTargetAsync(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Create a DropTargetAsync proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DropTargetAsync(ContentFormats, Set<DragAction>) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Creates a new GtkDropTargetAsync object.
DropTargetAsync(ContentFormats, DragAction...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Creates a new GtkDropTargetAsync object.
DropTargetAsync.AcceptCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the AcceptCallback callback.
DropTargetAsync.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DropTargetAsync.DragEnterCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DragEnterCallback callback.
DropTargetAsync.DragLeaveCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DragLeaveCallback callback.
DropTargetAsync.DragMotionCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DragMotionCallback callback.
DropTargetAsync.DropCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DropCallback callback.
DropTargetAsync.DropTargetAsyncClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
DropTargetAsyncClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.DropTargetAsyncClass
Create a DropTargetAsyncClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DropTargetClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.DropTargetClass
Create a DropTargetClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DSD - Enum constant in enum class
samples in DSD format (Since: 1.24)
DSD_FORMAT_U16 - Static variable in enum class
16 DSD bits in 2 bytes, native endianness
DSD_FORMAT_U16BE - Enum constant in enum class
16 DSD bits in 2 bytes, big endian order
DSD_FORMAT_U16LE - Enum constant in enum class
16 DSD bits in 2 bytes, little endian order
DSD_FORMAT_U32 - Static variable in enum class
32 DSD bits in 4 bytes, native endianness
DSD_FORMAT_U32BE - Enum constant in enum class
32 DSD bits in 4 bytes, big endian order
DSD_FORMAT_U32LE - Enum constant in enum class
32 DSD bits in 4 bytes, little endian order
DSD_FORMAT_U8 - Enum constant in enum class
8 DSD bits in 1 byte
DSD_FORMAT_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
unknown / invalid DSD format
DSD_FORMATS_ALL - Static variable in class
List of all DSD formats, for use in template caps strings.
DSD_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class
The GStreamer media type for DSD.
DSD_SILENCE_PATTERN_BYTE - Static variable in class
Silence pattern for DSD data.
dsdConvert(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, DsdFormat, DsdFormat, AudioLayout, AudioLayout, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long, int, boolean) - Static method in class
Converts DSD data from one layout and grouping format to another.
DsdFormat - Enum Class in
Enum value describing how DSD bits are grouped.
DsdInfo - Class in
Information describing DSD audio properties.
DsdInfo() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new GstDsdInfo that is also initialized with gst_dsd_info_init().
DsdInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a DsdInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DsdPlaneOffsetMeta - Class in
Buffer metadata describing planar DSD contents in the buffer.
DsdPlaneOffsetMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new DsdPlaneOffsetMeta.
DsdPlaneOffsetMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new DsdPlaneOffsetMeta.
DsdPlaneOffsetMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a DsdPlaneOffsetMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DsdPlaneOffsetMeta(Meta, int, long, MemorySegment, long[]) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new DsdPlaneOffsetMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
DsdPlaneOffsetMeta(Meta, int, long, MemorySegment, long[], Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new DsdPlaneOffsetMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
dsdPlaneOffsetMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
DTLS_1_0 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsProtocolVersion
DTLS 1.0, which is insecure and should not be used
DTLS_1_2 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsProtocolVersion
DTLS 1.2, defined by RFC 6347
DtlsClientConnection - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GDtlsClientConnection is the client-side subclass of DtlsConnection, representing a client-side DTLS connection.
DtlsClientConnection.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gio
DtlsClientConnection.DtlsClientConnectionImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The DtlsClientConnectionImpl type represents a native instance of the DtlsClientConnection interface.
DtlsClientConnection.DtlsClientConnectionInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
vtable for a GDtlsClientConnection implementation.
DtlsClientConnectionImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DtlsClientConnection.DtlsClientConnectionImpl
Creates a new instance of DtlsClientConnection for the provided memory address.
DtlsClientConnectionInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DtlsClientConnection.DtlsClientConnectionInterface
Allocate a new DtlsClientConnectionInterface.
DtlsClientConnectionInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DtlsClientConnection.DtlsClientConnectionInterface
Allocate a new DtlsClientConnectionInterface.
DtlsClientConnectionInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DtlsClientConnection.DtlsClientConnectionInterface
Create a DtlsClientConnectionInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DtlsConnection - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GDtlsConnection is the base DTLS connection class type, which wraps a DatagramBased and provides DTLS encryption on top of it.
DtlsConnection.AcceptCertificateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the AcceptCertificateCallback callback.
DtlsConnection.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gio
DtlsConnection.DtlsConnectionImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The DtlsConnectionImpl type represents a native instance of the DtlsConnection interface.
DtlsConnection.DtlsConnectionInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Virtual method table for a GDtlsConnection implementation.
DtlsConnectionImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.DtlsConnectionImpl
Creates a new instance of DtlsConnection for the provided memory address.
DtlsConnectionInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.DtlsConnectionInterface
Allocate a new DtlsConnectionInterface.
DtlsConnectionInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.DtlsConnectionInterface
Allocate a new DtlsConnectionInterface.
DtlsConnectionInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.DtlsConnectionInterface
Create a DtlsConnectionInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DtlsServerConnection - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GDtlsServerConnection is the server-side subclass of DtlsConnection, representing a server-side DTLS connection.
DtlsServerConnection.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gio
DtlsServerConnection.DtlsServerConnectionImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The DtlsServerConnectionImpl type represents a native instance of the DtlsServerConnection interface.
DtlsServerConnection.DtlsServerConnectionInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
vtable for a GDtlsServerConnection implementation.
DtlsServerConnectionImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DtlsServerConnection.DtlsServerConnectionImpl
Creates a new instance of DtlsServerConnection for the provided memory address.
DtlsServerConnectionInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DtlsServerConnection.DtlsServerConnectionInterface
Allocate a new DtlsServerConnectionInterface.
DtlsServerConnectionInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DtlsServerConnection.DtlsServerConnectionInterface
Allocate a new DtlsServerConnectionInterface.
DtlsServerConnectionInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.DtlsServerConnection.DtlsServerConnectionInterface
Create a DtlsServerConnectionInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DTS - Enum constant in enum class
samples in DTS format
dtsAtDiscont() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Get the DTS that was on the last buffer with the GST_BUFFER_FLAG_DISCONT flag, or GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE.
dump() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Toc
dump() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cache
Synchronously writes the cache index out to disk.
dup() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Creates a duplicate of a AppInfo.
dup() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Duplicates a GFile handle.
dup() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoList
Makes a duplicate of a file attribute info list.
dup() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Duplicates a file info structure.
dupBoxed() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_BOXED derived GValue.
dupBytestring() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Similar to g_variant_get_bytestring() except that instead of returning a constant string, the string is duplicated.
dupBytestringArray() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Gets the contents of an array of array of bytes GVariant.
dupData(Out<byte[]>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Free-function: g_free
dupData(String, DuplicateFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
This is a variant of g_object_get_data() which returns a 'duplicate' of the value.
dupDefault() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitor
Gets a reference to the default GMemoryMonitor for the system.
dupDefault() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.PowerProfileMonitor
Gets a reference to the default GPowerProfileMonitor for the system.
DUPLICATE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.MemoryMode
HarfBuzz immediately makes a copy of the data.
DUPLICATE_ID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
An object id occurred twice.
DUPLICATE_SUBPATTERN_NAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Two named subpatterns have the same name.
DuplicateFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the DuplicateFunc callback.
DUPLOYAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Dupl, Since: 0.9.30
DUPLOYAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
DUPLOYAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
DUPNAMES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Names used to identify capturing subpatterns need not be unique.
dupObject() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_OBJECT derived GValue, increasing its reference count.
dupObjv() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Gets the contents of an array of object paths GVariant.
dupParam() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_PARAM GValue, increasing its reference count.
dupQdata(Quark, DuplicateFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
This is a variant of g_object_get_qdata() which returns a 'duplicate' of the value.
dupSource() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding
Retrieves the GObject instance used as the source of the binding.
dupSource() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.BindingGroup
Gets the source object used for binding properties.
dupString() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Returns a newly-allocated copy of the type string corresponding to this VariantType.
dupString() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get a copy the contents of a G_TYPE_STRING GValue.
dupString(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Similar to g_variant_get_string() except that instead of returning a constant string, the string is duplicated.
dupStringUtf32(Out<int[]>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Free-function: g_free
dupStringUtf8(Out<String[]>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Free-function: g_free
dupStrv() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Gets the contents of an array of strings GVariant.
dupTarget() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding
Retrieves the GObject instance used as the target of the binding.
dupTarget() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Gets the target instance used when connecting signals.
dupVariant() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a variant GValue, increasing its refcount.
DURABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileSetContentsFlags
Guarantee file durability: after a crash, the new version of the file will be available.
duration(Format) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new stream duration query object to query in the given format.
DURATION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
total duration of the stream
DURATION_CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
The duration of a pipeline changed.
DURATION_INFINITE - Static variable in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
Indicates an Animation with an infinite duration.
durationChanged(GstObject) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new duration changed message.
DV - Enum constant in enum class
DV style cositing
DVB_ETSI - Enum constant in enum class
AFD value is from DVB/ETSI standard
DynamicTypeFactory - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstDynamicTypeFactory is used to represent a type that can be automatically loaded the first time it is used.
DynamicTypeFactory(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DynamicTypeFactory
Create a DynamicTypeFactory proxy instance for the provided memory address.
DynamicTypeFactory.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
DynamicTypeFactory.DynamicTypeFactoryClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
DynamicTypeFactoryClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DynamicTypeFactory.DynamicTypeFactoryClass
Create a DynamicTypeFactoryClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
dynamicTypeRegister(Plugin, Type) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Registers a new GstDynamicTypeFactory in the registry


E - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The base of natural logarithms.
EAC3 - Enum constant in enum class
samples in EAC3 format
EARLY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockReturn
The operation was scheduled too late.
ease(double) - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Computes easing with easing for value.
EASE_IN_BACK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Overshooting cubic tweening, with backtracking on start.
EASE_IN_BOUNCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Exponentially decaying parabolic (bounce) tweening, on start.
EASE_IN_CIRC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Circular tweening.
EASE_IN_CUBIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Cubic tweening.
EASE_IN_ELASTIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Elastic tweening, with offshoot on start.
EASE_IN_EXPO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Exponential tweening.
EASE_IN_OUT_BACK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Overshooting cubic tweening, with backtracking on both ends, combining ADW_EASE_IN_BACK and ADW_EASE_OUT_BACK.
EASE_IN_OUT_BOUNCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Exponentially decaying parabolic (bounce) tweening, with bounce on both ends, combining ADW_EASE_IN_BOUNCE and ADW_EASE_OUT_BOUNCE.
EASE_IN_OUT_CIRC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Circular tweening, combining ADW_EASE_IN_CIRC and ADW_EASE_OUT_CIRC.
EASE_IN_OUT_CUBIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Cubic tweening, combining ADW_EASE_IN_CUBIC and ADW_EASE_OUT_CUBIC.
EASE_IN_OUT_ELASTIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Elastic tweening, with offshoot on both ends, combining ADW_EASE_IN_ELASTIC and ADW_EASE_OUT_ELASTIC.
EASE_IN_OUT_EXPO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Exponential tweening, combining ADW_EASE_IN_EXPO and ADW_EASE_OUT_EXPO.
EASE_IN_OUT_QUAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Quadratic tweening, combining ADW_EASE_IN_QUAD and ADW_EASE_OUT_QUAD.
EASE_IN_OUT_QUART - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Quartic tweening, combining ADW_EASE_IN_QUART and ADW_EASE_OUT_QUART.
EASE_IN_OUT_QUINT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Quintic tweening, combining ADW_EASE_IN_QUINT and ADW_EASE_OUT_QUINT.
EASE_IN_OUT_SINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Sine wave tweening, combining ADW_EASE_IN_SINE and ADW_EASE_OUT_SINE.
EASE_IN_QUAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Quadratic tweening.
EASE_IN_QUART - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Quartic tweening.
EASE_IN_QUINT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Quintic tweening.
EASE_IN_SINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Sine wave tweening.
EASE_OUT_BACK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Overshooting cubic tweening, with backtracking on end, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_BACK.
EASE_OUT_BOUNCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Exponentially decaying parabolic (bounce) tweening, with bounce on end, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_BOUNCE.
EASE_OUT_CIRC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Circular tweening, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_CIRC.
EASE_OUT_CUBIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Cubic tweening, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_CUBIC.
EASE_OUT_ELASTIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Elastic tweening, with offshoot on end, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_ELASTIC.
EASE_OUT_EXPO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Exponential tweening, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_EXPO.
EASE_OUT_QUAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Quadratic tweening, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_QUAD.
EASE_OUT_QUART - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Quartic tweening, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_QUART.
EASE_OUT_QUINT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Quintic tweening, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_QUINT.
EASE_OUT_SINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Sine wave tweening, inverse of ADW_EASE_IN_SINE.
Easing - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
Describes the available easing functions for use with TimedAnimation.
EAST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.Gravity
the reference point is at the middle of the right edge.
EAST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SurfaceEdge
the right edge.
EAST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Gravity
Glyphs are rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
EBU3213 - Enum constant in enum class
EBU 3213 primaries (JEDEC P22 phosphors).
editable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns whether the character at this TextIter is within an editable region of text.
Editable - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
GtkEditable is an interface for text editing widgets.
EDITABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererMode
The cell can be edited or otherwise modified.
EDITABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResultContext
an editable element
EDITABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResultContext
an editable element
Editable.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Editable.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
Editable.DeleteTextCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DeleteTextCallback callback.
Editable.EditableImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The EditableImpl type represents a native instance of the Editable interface.
Editable.EditableInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Editable.InsertTextCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the InsertTextCallback callback.
EditableImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Editable.EditableImpl
Creates a new instance of Editable for the provided memory address.
EditableInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Editable.EditableInterface
Allocate a new EditableInterface.
EditableInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Editable.EditableInterface
Allocate a new EditableInterface.
EditableInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Editable.EditableInterface
Create a EditableInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EditableLabel - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkEditableLabel is a label that allows users to edit the text by switching to an “edit mode”.
EditableLabel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EditableLabel
Create a EditableLabel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EditableLabel(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EditableLabel
Creates a new GtkEditableLabel widget.
EditableLabel.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EditableLabel.EditableLabelClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
EditableLabelClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EditableLabel.EditableLabelClass
Allocate a new EditableLabelClass.
EditableLabelClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EditableLabel.EditableLabelClass
Allocate a new EditableLabelClass.
EditableLabelClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EditableLabel.EditableLabelClass
Create a EditableLabelClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EditableProperties - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The identifiers for Editable properties.
edited(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText
EDITING_COMMAND_COPY - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
The copy clipboard command.
EDITING_COMMAND_CREATE_LINK - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
The create link command.
EDITING_COMMAND_CUT - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
The cut clipboard command.
EDITING_COMMAND_INSERT_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
The insert image command.
EDITING_COMMAND_PASTE - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
The paste clipboard command.
EDITING_COMMAND_PASTE_AS_PLAIN_TEXT - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
The paste as plaintext clipboard command.
EDITING_COMMAND_REDO - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
The redo command.
EDITING_COMMAND_SELECT_ALL - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
The select all command.
EDITING_COMMAND_UNDO - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
The undo command.
editingCanceled() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
Signal gets emitted when the user cancels the process of editing a cell.
editingDone() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable
editingStarted(CellEditable, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
Signal gets emitted when a cell starts to be edited.
EDITION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntryType
entry is an edition (i.e.
EditorState - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Web editor state.
EditorState(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState
Create a EditorState proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EditorState.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EditorState.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
EditorState.EditorStateClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
EditorStateClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState.EditorStateClass
Allocate a new EditorStateClass.
EditorStateClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState.EditorStateClass
Allocate a new EditorStateClass.
EditorStateClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState.EditorStateClass
Create a EditorStateClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EditorTypingAttributes - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values with flags representing typing attributes.
EGYPTIAN_HIEROGLYPHS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
EGYPTIAN_HIEROGLYPHS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Egyptian Hieroglpyhs.
eject(Set<MountUnmountFlags>, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Use g_drive_eject_with_operation() instead.
eject(Set<MountUnmountFlags>, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Use g_mount_eject_with_operation() instead.
eject(Set<MountUnmountFlags>, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Use g_volume_eject_with_operation() instead.
eject(MountUnmountFlags, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Use g_drive_eject_with_operation() instead.
eject(MountUnmountFlags, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Use g_mount_eject_with_operation() instead.
eject(MountUnmountFlags, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Use g_volume_eject_with_operation() instead.
ejectFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Use g_drive_eject_with_operation_finish() instead.
ejectFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Use g_mount_eject_with_operation_finish() instead.
ejectFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Use g_volume_eject_with_operation_finish() instead.
ejectMountable(Set<MountUnmountFlags>, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Use g_file_eject_mountable_with_operation() instead.
ejectMountable(MountUnmountFlags, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Use g_file_eject_mountable_with_operation() instead.
ejectMountableFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Use g_file_eject_mountable_with_operation_finish() instead.
ejectMountableWithOperation(Set<MountUnmountFlags>, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Starts an asynchronous eject on a mountable.
ejectMountableWithOperation(MountUnmountFlags, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Starts an asynchronous eject on a mountable.
ejectMountableWithOperationFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous eject operation started by g_file_eject_mountable_with_operation().
ejectWithOperation(Set<MountUnmountFlags>, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Ejects a drive.
ejectWithOperation(Set<MountUnmountFlags>, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Ejects a mount.
ejectWithOperation(Set<MountUnmountFlags>, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Ejects a volume.
ejectWithOperation(MountUnmountFlags, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Ejects a drive.
ejectWithOperation(MountUnmountFlags, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Ejects a mount.
ejectWithOperation(MountUnmountFlags, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Ejects a volume.
ejectWithOperationFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Finishes ejecting a drive.
ejectWithOperationFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Finishes ejecting a mount.
ejectWithOperationFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Finishes ejecting a volume.
elapsed(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Timer
If this Timer has been started but not stopped, obtains the time since the timer was started.
ELBASAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Elba, Since: 0.9.30
ELBASAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
ELBASAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
element() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Determines the element type of an array or maybe type.
element(GstObject, Structure) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new element-specific message.
Element - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstElement is the abstract base class needed to construct an element that can be used in a GStreamer pipeline.
Element(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Create a Element proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ELEMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
element-specific message, see the specific element's documentation
ELEMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerValueScope
the value is related to an GstElement
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_DECODER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_DECRYPTOR - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_DEMUXER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_DEPAYLOADER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_ENCODER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_ENCRYPTOR - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_FORMATTER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_HARDWARE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Elements interacting with hardware devices should specify this classifier in their metadata.
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_MEDIA_AUDIO - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_MEDIA_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_MEDIA_METADATA - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_MEDIA_SUBTITLE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_MEDIA_VIDEO - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_MUXER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_PARSER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_PAYLOADER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_SINK - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_KLASS_SRC - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_ANY - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Elements of any of the defined GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY_LIST types
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_AUDIO_ENCODER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
All encoders handling audio media types
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_AUDIOVIDEO_SINKS - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
All sinks handling audio, video or image media types
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_DECODABLE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
All elements used to 'decode' streams (decoders, demuxers, parsers, depayloaders)
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_DECODER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_DECRYPTOR - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_DEMUXER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_DEPAYLOADER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_ENCODER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_ENCRYPTOR - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_FORMATTER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_HARDWARE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_MAX_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_MEDIA_ANY - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Elements matching any of the defined GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_MEDIA types
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_MEDIA_AUDIO - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_MEDIA_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_MEDIA_METADATA - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_MEDIA_SUBTITLE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_MEDIA_VIDEO - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_MUXER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_PARSER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_PAYLOADER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_SINK - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_SRC - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_TIMESTAMPER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Timestamp correcting elements
ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_VIDEO_ENCODER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
All encoders handling video or image media types
ELEMENT_METADATA_AUTHOR - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Name and contact details of the author(s).
ELEMENT_METADATA_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sentence describing the purpose of the element.
ELEMENT_METADATA_DOC_URI - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Set uri pointing to user documentation.
ELEMENT_METADATA_ICON_NAME - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Elements that bridge to certain other products can include an icon of that used product.
ELEMENT_METADATA_KLASS - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
String describing the type of element, as an unordered list separated with slashes ('/').
ELEMENT_METADATA_LONGNAME - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
The long English name of the element.
Element.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Element.ElementClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GStreamer element class.
Element.ElementImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The ElementImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Element class.
Element.NoMorePadsCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the NoMorePadsCallback callback.
Element.PadAddedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PadAddedCallback callback.
Element.PadRemovedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PadRemovedCallback callback.
elementAdded(Element) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Method called when an element was added to the bin.
ElementCallAsyncFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the ElementCallAsyncFunc callback.
ElementClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Allocate a new ElementClass.
ElementClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Allocate a new ElementClass.
ElementClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Create a ElementClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ElementFactory - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstElementFactory is used to create instances of elements.
ElementFactory(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Create a ElementFactory proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ElementFactory.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ElementFactory.ElementFactoryClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
ElementFactoryClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory.ElementFactoryClass
Create a ElementFactoryClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ElementFactoryListType - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A type defining the type of an element factory.
ElementFactoryListType(long) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactoryListType
Create a new ElementFactoryListType with the provided value
ElementFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The standard flags that an element may have.
ElementForeachPadFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the ElementForeachPadFunc callback.
ElementImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementImpl
Creates a new instance of Element for the provided memory address.
elementRemoved(Element) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Method called when an element was removed from the bin.
ELLIPSIZE_END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InscriptionOverflow
Omit characters at the end of the text
ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InscriptionOverflow
Omit characters at the middle of the text
ELLIPSIZE_START - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InscriptionOverflow
Omit characters at the start of the text
EllipsizeMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
PangoEllipsizeMode describes what sort of ellipsization should be applied to text.
ELYMAIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Elym, Since: 2.4.0
ELYMAIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
EMAIL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputPurpose
Edited field expects email address
EMAIL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputPurpose
Editable element expects an email
EMBEDDED_NUL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ConvertError
An embedded NUL character is present in conversion output where a NUL-terminated string is expected.
EMBEDDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureStatus
Feature that adjust behaviour for specific application needs.
Emblem - Class in org.gnome.gio
GEmblem is an implementation of Icon that supports having an emblem, which is an icon with additional properties.
Emblem(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Emblem
Create a Emblem proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Emblem(Icon) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Emblem
Creates a new emblem for icon.
Emblem.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Emblem.EmblemClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
EmblemClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Emblem.EmblemClass
Create a EmblemClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EmblemedIcon - Class in org.gnome.gio
GEmblemedIcon is an implementation of Icon that supports adding an emblem to an icon.
EmblemedIcon(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.EmblemedIcon
Create a EmblemedIcon proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EmblemedIcon(Icon, Emblem) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.EmblemedIcon
Creates a new emblemed icon for icon with the emblem emblem.
EmblemedIcon.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EmblemedIcon.EmblemedIconClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
EmblemedIconClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.EmblemedIcon.EmblemedIconClass
Allocate a new EmblemedIconClass.
EmblemedIconClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.EmblemedIcon.EmblemedIconClass
Allocate a new EmblemedIconClass.
EmblemedIconClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.EmblemedIcon.EmblemedIconClass
Create a EmblemedIconClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EmblemOrigin - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
GEmblemOrigin is used to add information about the origin of the emblem to GEmblem.
emit(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Emits a signal from this object.
emit(GObject, String, Object...) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Signals
Emits a signal from a GObject.
emitAborted() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Emits the "aborted" signal.
emitAccelCleared(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel
Emits the "accel-cleared" signal.
emitAccelEdited(String, int, Set<ModifierType>, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel
Emits the "accel-edited" signal.
emitAccept(Drop) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Emits the "accept" signal.
emitAccept(Drop) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Emits the "accept" signal.
emitAcceptCertificate(TlsCertificate, Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Used by GDtlsConnection implementations to emit the GDtlsConnection::accept-certificate signal.
emitAcceptCertificate(TlsCertificate, Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Used by GTlsConnection implementations to emit the GTlsConnection::accept-certificate signal.
emitAcceptCertificate(TlsCertificate, Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emits the "accept-certificate" signal.
emitAcceptCertificate(TlsCertificate, Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emits the "accept-certificate" signal.
emitAcceptCertificate(TlsCertificate, TlsCertificateFlags...) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Used by GDtlsConnection implementations to emit the GDtlsConnection::accept-certificate signal.
emitAcceptCertificate(TlsCertificate, TlsCertificateFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Used by GTlsConnection implementations to emit the GTlsConnection::accept-certificate signal.
emitAcceptPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Emits the "accept-position" signal.
emitActionAdded(String, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Emits the "action-added" signal.
emitActionEnabledChanged(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Emits the "action-enabled-changed" signal.
emitActionRemoved(String, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Emits the "action-removed" signal.
emitActionStateChanged(String, String, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Emits the "action-state-changed" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabButton
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Switch
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview
emitActivate(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivate(TextIter, Rectangle, int, Set<ModifierType>, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Emits the "activate" signal.
emitActivateCurrentLink() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Emits the "activate-current-link" signal.
emitActivateCursorChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Emits the "activate-cursor-child" signal.
emitActivateCursorItem() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Emits the "activate-cursor-item" signal.
emitActivateCursorRow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Emits the "activate-cursor-row" signal.
emitActivated() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Emits the "activated" signal.
emitActivated() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow
Emits the "activated" signal.
emitActivateDefault() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Emits the "activate-default" signal.
emitActivateDefault() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Emits the "activate-default" signal.
emitActivateFocus() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Emits the "activate-focus" signal.
emitActivateLink() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton
Emits the "activate-link" signal.
emitActivateLink(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Emits the "activate-link" signal.
emitActivateLink(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
emitActivateLink(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Emits the "activate-link" signal.
emitActivateLink(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Emits the "activate-link" signal.
emitAddEditable(CellRenderer, CellEditable, Rectangle, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
Emits the "add-editable" signal.
emitAdjustBounds(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Emits the "adjust-bounds" signal.
emitAfterPaint() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Emits the "after-paint" signal.
emitAllowMechanism(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver
Emits the "allow-mechanism" signal.
emitAngleChanged(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureRotate
Emits the "angle-changed" signal.
emitApplicationActivated(AppInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
Emits the "application-activated" signal.
emitApplicationSelected(AppInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
Emits the "application-selected" signal.
emitApply() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint
Emits the "apply" signal.
emitApply() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Emits the "apply" signal.
emitApply() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
emitApplyAttributes(TreeModel, TreeIter, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
Emits the "apply-attributes" signal.
emitApplyTag(TextTag, TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the "apply-tag" signal.
emitAreaPrepared() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
Emits the "area-prepared" signal.
emitAreaUpdated(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
Emits the "area-updated" signal.
emitAskPassword(String, String, String, Set<AskPasswordFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Emits the "ask-password" signal.
emitAskQuestion(String, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Emits the "ask-question" signal.
emitAttach() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Emits the "attach" signal.
emitAuthenticate(Auth, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emits the "authenticate" signal.
emitAuthenticate(AuthenticationRequest) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "authenticate" signal.
emitAuthenticated(Credential) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Emits the "authenticated" signal.
emitAuthorize(DBusMethodInvocation) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus
Emits the "authorize" signal.
emitAuthorizeAuthenticatedPeer(IOStream, Credentials) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver
Emits the "authorize-authenticated-peer" signal.
emitAuthorizeMethod(DBusInterfaceSkeleton, DBusMethodInvocation) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton
Emits the "authorize-method" signal.
emitAutomationStarted(AutomationSession) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Emits the "automation-started" signal.
emitBackspace() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emits the "backspace" signal.
emitBackspace() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Emits the "backspace" signal.
emitBeforePaint() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Emits the "before-paint" signal.
emitBegin(EventSequence) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Emits the "begin" signal.
emitBeginPrint(PrintContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emits the "begin-print" signal.
emitBeginSwipe() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Emits the "begin-swipe" signal.
emitBeginUserAction() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the "begin-user-action" signal.
emitBind(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Emits the "bind" signal.
emitBind(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory
Emits the "bind" signal.
emitBracketMatched(TextIter, BracketMatchType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Emits the "bracket-matched" signal.
emitBringToFront() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Emits the "bring-to-front" signal.
emitBufferConsumed(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad
emitButtonClicked() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner
Emits the "button-clicked" signal.
emitButtonClicked() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Emits the "button-clicked" signal.
emitCancel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
emitCancel(EventSequence) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Emits the "cancel" signal.
emitCancel(DragCancelReason) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Emits the "cancel" signal.
emitCancelled() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Emits the "cancelled" signal.
emitCancelled() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress
Emits the "cancelled" signal.
emitCancelled() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Emits the "cancelled" signal.
emitCancelPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Emits the "cancel-position" signal.
emitChangeCase(ChangeCaseType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Emits the "change-case" signal.
emitChangeCurrentPage(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Emits the "change-current-page" signal.
emitChangeCurrentPage(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection
Emits the "change-current-page" signal.
emitChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoMonitor
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged(String, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererCombo
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged(File, File, FileMonitorEvent) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged(FilterChange) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Filter
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged(SorterChange) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged(Cookie, Cookie) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged(HSTSPolicy, HSTSPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChanged(BackForwardListItem, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList
Emits the "changed" signal.
emitChangeEvent(Quark[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Emits the "change-event" signal.
emitChangeNumber(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Emits the "change-number" signal.
emitChangeState(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction
Emits the "change-state" signal.
emitChangeValue(ScrollType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Emits the "change-value" signal.
emitChangeValue(ScrollType, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Emits the "change-value" signal.
emitChildActivated(FlowBoxChild) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Emits the "child-activated" signal.
emitChildAdded(GObject, String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy
Emits the "child-added" signal.
emitChildRemoved(GObject, String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy
Emits the "child-removed" signal.
emitCleared() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue
Emits the "cleared" signal.
emitClicked() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Emits the "clicked" signal.
emitClicked() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabButton
Emits the "clicked" signal.
emitClicked() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Emits the "clicked" signal.
emitClicked() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Emits the "clicked" signal.
emitClicked() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Notification
Emits the "clicked" signal.
emitClose() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
emitClose() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
emitClose() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
Emits the "close" signal.
emitClose() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow
Emits the "close" signal.
emitClose() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu
Emits the "close" signal.
emitClose() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "close" signal.
emitCloseAttempt() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Emits the "close-attempt" signal.
emitCloseAttempt() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Emits the "close-attempt" signal.
emitClosed() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Emits the "closed" signal.
emitClosed() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
Emits the "closed" signal.
emitClosed() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Emits the "closed" signal.
emitClosed() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Emits the "closed" signal.
emitClosed() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Notification
Emits the "closed" signal.
emitClosed() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Emits the "closed" signal.
emitClosed(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Emits the "closed" signal.
emitClosed(boolean, GError) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Emits the "closed" signal.
emitClosePage(TabPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Emits the "close-page" signal.
emitCloseRequest() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Emits the "close-request" signal.
emitClosing() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Emits the "closing" signal.
emitColorActivated(RGBA) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser
emitColorSet() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton
Emits the "color-set" signal.
emitColumnsChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Emits the "columns-changed" signal.
emitCommandLine(ApplicationCommandLine) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Emits the "command-line" signal.
emitCommit(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Emits the "commit" signal.
emitCommitted(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Emits the "committed" signal.
emitComputeSize(DragSurfaceSize) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.DragSurface
Emits the "compute-size" signal.
emitComputeSize(ToplevelSize) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Emits the "compute-size" signal.
emitConnected() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emits the "connected" signal.
emitConsoleMessageSent(ConsoleMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
Emits the "console-message-sent" signal.
emitContentChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
Emits the "content-changed" signal.
emitContentSniffed(String, HashTable<String, String>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emits the "content-sniffed" signal.
emitContextMenu(ContextMenu, HitTestResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "context-menu" signal.
emitContextMenu(ContextMenu, WebHitTestResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
Emits the "context-menu" signal.
emitContextMenuDismissed() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "context-menu-dismissed" signal.
emitCopyClipboard() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Emits the "copy-clipboard" signal.
emitCopyClipboard() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emits the "copy-clipboard" signal.
emitCopyClipboard() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Emits the "copy-clipboard" signal.
emitCountedMatches(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
Emits the "counted-matches" signal.
emitCreate(NavigationAction) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "create" signal.
emitCreateContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Emits the "create-context" signal.
emitCreateCustomWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emits the "create-custom-widget" signal.
emitCreatedDestination(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Emits the "created-destination" signal.
emitCreateTab() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Emits the "create-tab" signal.
emitCreateWebView(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession
Emits the "create-web-view" signal.
emitCreateWindow() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Emits the "create-window" signal.
emitCreateWindow(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Emits the "create-window" signal.
emitCursorChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Emits the "cursor-changed" signal.
emitCursorMoved() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Emits the "cursor-moved" signal.
emitCursorOnMatch(TreeModel, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
Emits the "cursor-on-match" signal.
emitCustomItemActivated(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
Emits the "custom-item-activated" signal.
emitCustomWidgetApply(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emits the "custom-widget-apply" signal.
emitCutClipboard() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emits the "cut-clipboard" signal.
emitCutClipboard() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Emits the "cut-clipboard" signal.
emitCycleChildFocus(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Emits the "cycle-child-focus" signal.
emitCycleHandleFocus(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Emits the "cycle-handle-focus" signal.
emitDaySelected() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Emits the "day-selected" signal.
emitDecelerate(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
Emits the "decelerate" signal.
emitDecideDestination(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Emits the "decide-destination" signal.
emitDecidePolicy(PolicyDecision, PolicyDecisionType) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "decide-policy" signal.
emitDeepElementAdded(Bin, Element) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Emits the "deep-element-added" signal.
emitDeepElementRemoved(Bin, Element) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Emits the "deep-element-removed" signal.
emitDeepNotify(String, GstObject, ParamSpec) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Emits the "deep-notify" signal.
emitDeletedText(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
Used when subclassing GtkEntryBuffer.
emitDeleteFromCursor(DeleteType, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emits the "delete-from-cursor" signal.
emitDeleteFromCursor(DeleteType, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Emits the "delete-from-cursor" signal.
emitDeleteRange(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the "delete-range" signal.
emitDeleteSurrounding(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Emits the "delete-surrounding" signal.
emitDeleteSurrounding(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Emits the "delete-surrounding" signal.
emitDeleteText(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Emits the "delete-text" signal.
emitDesktopFolder() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emits the "desktop-folder" signal.
emitDestroy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emits the "destroy" signal.
emitDetach() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Emits the "detach" signal.
emitDetailsAcquired(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Emits the "details-acquired" signal.
emitDeviceAdded(Device) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Emits the "device-added" signal.
emitDeviceRemoved(Device) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Emits the "device-removed" signal.
emitDirectionChanged(TextDirection) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emits the "direction-changed" signal.
emitDisconnected() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Emits the "disconnected" signal.
emitDisconnected() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emits the "disconnected" signal.
emitDiscovered(DiscovererInfo, GError) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Emits the "discovered" signal.
emitDismissed() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Emits the "dismissed" signal.
emitDisplayOpened(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager
Emits the "display-opened" signal.
emitDndFinished() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Emits the "dnd-finished" signal.
emitDocumentLoaded() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
Emits the "document-loaded" signal.
emitDoLatency() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Emits the "do-latency" signal.
emitDone() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
Emits the "done" signal.
emitDone(PrintOperationResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emits the "done" signal.
emitDown(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Emits the "down" signal.
emitDownFolder() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emits the "down-folder" signal.
emitDownloadStarted(Download) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Emits the "download-started" signal.
emitDragBegin(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag
Emits the "drag-begin" signal.
emitDragBegin(Drag) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Emits the "drag-begin" signal.
emitDragCancel(Drag, DragCancelReason) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Emits the "drag-cancel" signal.
emitDragEnd(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag
Emits the "drag-end" signal.
emitDragEnd(Drag, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Emits the "drag-end" signal.
emitDragEnter(Drop, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Emits the "drag-enter" signal.
emitDragLeave(Drop) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Emits the "drag-leave" signal.
emitDragMotion(Drop, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Emits the "drag-motion" signal.
emitDragUpdate(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag
Emits the "drag-update" signal.
emitDrawPage(PrintContext, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emits the "draw-page" signal.
emitDriveChanged(Drive) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emits the "drive-changed" signal.
emitDriveConnected(Drive) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emits the "drive-connected" signal.
emitDriveDisconnected(Drive) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emits the "drive-disconnected" signal.
emitDriveEjectButton(Drive) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emits the "drive-eject-button" signal.
emitDriveStopButton(Drive) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emits the "drive-stop-button" signal.
emitDrop(Drop, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Emits the "drop" signal.
emitDrop(Value, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Emits the "drop" signal.
emitDropPerformed() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Emits the "drop-performed" signal.
emitEdgeOvershot(PositionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Emits the "edge-overshot" signal.
emitEdgeReached(PositionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Emits the "edge-reached" signal.
emitEdit(View, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext
Emits the "edit" signal.
emitEdited(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText
Emits the "edited" signal.
emitEditingCanceled() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
Emits the "editing-canceled" signal.
emitEditingDone() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable
Emits the "editing-done" signal.
emitEditingStarted(CellEditable, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
Emits the "editing-started" signal.
emitEjectButton() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Emits the "eject-button" signal.
emitElementAdded(Element) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Emits the "element-added" signal.
emitElementRemoved(Element) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Emits the "element-removed" signal.
emitEmojiPicked(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EmojiChooser
Emits the "emoji-picked" signal.
emitEmpty() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Emits the "empty" signal.
emitEnableDebugging(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Emits the "enable-debugging" signal.
emitEnd(EventSequence) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Emits the "end" signal.
emitEndPrint(PrintContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emits the "end-print" signal.
emitEndSwipe(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Emits the "end-swipe" signal.
emitEndUserAction() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the "end-user-action" signal.
emitEnter() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus
Emits the "enter" signal.
emitEnter(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion
Emits the "enter" signal.
emitEnter(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Emits the "enter" signal.
emitEnter(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion
Emits the "enter" signal.
emitEnterFullscreen() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "enter-fullscreen" signal.
emitEnterMonitor(Monitor) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Emits the "enter-monitor" signal.
emitEntryActivated() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Emits the "entry-activated" signal.
emitError(GError) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Emits the "error" signal.
emitEscape() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
emitEvent(Event) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Emits the "event" signal.
emitEvent(Event) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerLegacy
Emits the "event" signal.
emitEvent(File, File, FileMonitorEvent) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor
Emits the GFileMonitor::changed signal if a change has taken place.
emitEvent(SocketClientEvent, SocketConnectable, IOStream) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Emits the "event" signal.
emitEvent(SocketListenerEvent, Socket) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
Emits the "event" signal.
emitExecuteCommand(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext
Emits the "execute-command" signal.
emitExpandCollapseCursorRow(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
emitExtendSelection(TextExtendSelection, TextIter, TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Emits the "extend-selection" signal.
emitExtraDragDrop(TabPage, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Emits the "extra-drag-drop" signal.
emitExtraDragDrop(TabPage, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Emits the "extra-drag-drop" signal.
emitExtraDragValue(TabPage, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Emits the "extra-drag-value" signal.
emitExtraDragValue(TabPage, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Emits the "extra-drag-value" signal.
emitFailed(GError) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Emits the "failed" signal.
emitFailed(GError) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation
Emits the "failed" signal.
emitFailed(GError) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource
Emits the "failed" signal.
emitFailedToFindText() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
Emits the "failed-to-find-text" signal.
emitFailedWithTlsErrors(TlsCertificate, Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource
Emits the "failed-with-tls-errors" signal.
emitFaviconChanged(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase
Emits the "favicon-changed" signal.
emitFeatureAdded(PluginFeature) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Emits the "feature-added" signal.
emitFinished() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Emits the "finished" signal.
emitFinished() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emits the "finished" signal.
emitFinished() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emits the "finished" signal.
emitFinished() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest
Emits the "finished" signal.
emitFinished() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Emits the "finished" signal.
emitFinished() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation
Emits the "finished" signal.
emitFinished() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource
Emits the "finished" signal.
emitFlushEvents() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Emits the "flush-events" signal.
emitFocusChanged(CellRenderer, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
Emits the "focus-changed" signal.
emitFocusTab(NotebookTab) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Emits the "focus-tab" signal.
emitFontActivated(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
emitFontSet() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
Emits the "font-set" signal.
emitFormatEntryText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
Emits the "format-entry-text" signal.
emitFormatText(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext
Emits the "format-text" signal.
emitFormControlsAssociated(Frame, Value[]) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager
Emits the "form-controls-associated" signal.
emitFoundText(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
Emits the "found-text" signal.
emitFull() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Emits the "full" signal.
emitGAuthorizeMethod(DBusMethodInvocation) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Emits the "g-authorize-method" signal.
emitGetChildPosition(Widget, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay
Emits the "get-child-position" signal.
emitGetNextPage() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Emits the "get-next-page" signal.
emitGotBody() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emits the "got-body" signal.
emitGotBody() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emits the "got-body" signal.
emitGotBodyData(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emits the "got-body-data" signal.
emitGotChunk(Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emits the "got-chunk" signal.
emitGotCompletionData() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter
Emits the "got-completion-data" signal.
emitGotHeaders() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emits the "got-headers" signal.
emitGotHeaders() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emits the "got-headers" signal.
emitGotInformational() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emits the "got-informational" signal.
emitGotPageSize(PrintContext, PageSetup) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview
Emits the "got-page-size" signal.
emitGPropertiesChanged(Variant, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Emits the "g-properties-changed" signal.
emitGSignal(String, String, String, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Emits the "g-signal" signal.
emitGtkPrivateChanged() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.StyleProvider
emitHandleLocalOptions(VariantDict) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Emits the "handle-local-options" signal.
emitHidden() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Emits the "hidden" signal.
emitHide() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emits the "hide" signal.
emitHide() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
Emits the "hide" signal.
emitHiding() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Emits the "hiding" signal.
emitHighlightUpdated(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Emits the "highlight-updated" signal.
emitHomeFolder() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emits the "home-folder" signal.
emitHstsEnforced() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emits the "hsts-enforced" signal.
emitIconPress(EntryIconPosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Emits the "icon-press" signal.
emitIconRelease(EntryIconPosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Emits the "icon-release" signal.
emitImagesUpdated() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanContext
Emits the "images-updated" signal.
emitImUpdate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey
Emits the "im-update" signal.
emitIncoming(SocketConnection, GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketService
Emits the "incoming" signal.
emitIndicatorActivated(TabPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Emits the "indicator-activated" signal.
emitInitializeNotificationPermissions() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Emits the "initialize-notification-permissions" signal.
emitInitializeWebProcessExtensions() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Emits the "initialize-web-process-extensions" signal.
emitInput(Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Emits the "input" signal.
emitInput(Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Emits the "input" signal.
emitInsecureContentDetected(InsecureContentEvent) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
emitInsertAtCursor(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emits the "insert-at-cursor" signal.
emitInsertAtCursor(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Emits the "insert-at-cursor" signal.
emitInsertChildAnchor(TextIter, TextChildAnchor) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the "insert-child-anchor" signal.
emitInsertedText(int, String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
Used when subclassing GtkEntryBuffer.
emitInsertEmoji() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emits the "insert-emoji" signal.
emitInsertEmoji() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Emits the "insert-emoji" signal.
emitInsertPaintable(TextIter, Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the "insert-paintable" signal.
emitInsertPrefix(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
Emits the "insert-prefix" signal.
emitInsertText(String, int, Out<Integer>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Emits the "insert-text" signal.
emitInsertText(TextIter, String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the "insert-text" signal.
emitInterfaceAdded(DBusInterface) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObject
Emits the "interface-added" signal.
emitInterfaceAdded(DBusObject, DBusInterface) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager
Emits the "interface-added" signal.
emitInterfaceProxyPropertiesChanged(DBusObjectProxy, DBusProxy, Variant, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Emits the "interface-proxy-properties-changed" signal.
emitInterfaceProxySignal(DBusObjectProxy, DBusProxy, String, String, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Emits the "interface-proxy-signal" signal.
emitInterfaceRemoved(DBusInterface) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObject
Emits the "interface-removed" signal.
emitInterfaceRemoved(DBusObject, DBusInterface) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager
Emits the "interface-removed" signal.
emitInvalidate() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Emits the "invalidate" signal.
emitInvalidateContents() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable
Emits the "invalidate-contents" signal.
emitInvalidateSize() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable
Emits the "invalidate-size" signal.
emitItemActivated(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Emits the "item-activated" signal.
emitItemsChanged(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ListModel
Emits the "items-changed" signal.
emitItemsChanged(int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel
Emits the "items-changed" signal.
emitJoinLines() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Emits the "join-lines" signal.
emitKeynavFailed(DirectionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emits the "keynav-failed" signal.
emitKeyPressed(int, int, Set<ModifierType>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey
Emits the "key-pressed" signal.
emitKeyReleased(int, int, Set<ModifierType>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey
Emits the "key-released" signal.
emitKeysChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
emitLaunched(AppInfo, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
Emits the "launched" signal.
emitLaunchFailed(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
Emits the "launch-failed" signal.
emitLaunchStarted(AppInfo, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
Emits the "launch-started" signal.
emitLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Emits the "layout" signal.
emitLayout(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Emits the "layout" signal.
emitLeave() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion
Emits the "leave" signal.
emitLeave() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Emits the "leave" signal.
emitLeave() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus
Emits the "leave" signal.
emitLeave() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion
Emits the "leave" signal.
emitLeaveFullscreen() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "leave-fullscreen" signal.
emitLeaveMonitor(Monitor) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Emits the "leave-monitor" signal.
emitLineMarkActivated(TextIter, int, Set<ModifierType>, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Emits the "line-mark-activated" signal.
emitLinked(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Emits the "linked" signal.
emitLoadChanged(LoadEvent) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "load-changed" signal.
emitLoadFailed(LoadEvent, String, GError) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "load-failed" signal.
emitLoadFailedWithTlsErrors(String, TlsCertificate, Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "load-failed-with-tls-errors" signal.
emitLoadSerializedInfo(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Emits the "load-serialized-info" signal.
emitLocationPopup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emits the "location-popup" signal.
emitLocationPopupOnPaste() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emits the "location-popup-on-paste" signal.
emitLocationTogglePopup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emits the "location-toggle-popup" signal.
emitLowMemoryWarning(MemoryMonitorWarningLevel) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitor
Emits the "low-memory-warning" signal.
emitMap() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emits the "map" signal.
emitMarkDeleted(TextMark) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the "mark-deleted" signal.
emitMarkSet(TextIter, TextMark) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the "mark-set" signal.
emitMatchSelected(TreeModel, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
Emits the "match-selected" signal.
emitMessage(int, Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Emits the "message" signal.
emitMessage(String, Message) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Emits the "message" signal.
emitMnemonicActivate(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emits the "mnemonic-activate" signal.
emitModifiedChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the "modified-changed" signal.
emitModifiers(Set<ModifierType>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey
Emits the "modifiers" signal.
emitMotion(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion
Emits the "motion" signal.
emitMotion(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Emits the "motion" signal.
emitMotion(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion
Emits the "motion" signal.
emitMotion(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Emits the "motion" signal.
emitMountAdded(Mount) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emits the "mount-added" signal.
emitMountChanged(Mount) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emits the "mount-changed" signal.
emitMountpointsChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor
Emits the "mountpoints-changed" signal.
emitMountPreUnmount(Mount) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emits the "mount-pre-unmount" signal.
emitMountRemoved(Mount) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emits the "mount-removed" signal.
emitMountsChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor
Emits the "mounts-changed" signal.
emitMouseTargetChanged(HitTestResult, int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "mouse-target-changed" signal.
emitMoveActive(ScrollType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
Emits the "move-active" signal.
emitMoveCursor(MovementStep, int, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Emits the "move-cursor" signal.
emitMoveCursor(MovementStep, int, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emits the "move-cursor" signal.
emitMoveCursor(MovementStep, int, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Emits the "move-cursor" signal.
emitMoveCursor(MovementStep, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Emits the "move-cursor" signal.
emitMoveCursor(MovementStep, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Emits the "move-cursor" signal.
emitMoveCursor(MovementStep, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Emits the "move-cursor" signal.
emitMoveCursor(MovementStep, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Emits the "move-cursor" signal.
emitMoveFocus(DirectionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emits the "move-focus" signal.
emitMoveFocusOut(DirectionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Emits the "move-focus-out" signal.
emitMoveFocusOut(DirectionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Emits the "move-focus-out" signal.
emitMoveHandle(ScrollType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Emits the "move-handle" signal.
emitMoveLines(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Emits the "move-lines" signal.
emitMoveSlider(ScrollType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Emits the "move-slider" signal.
emitMoveToMatchingBracket(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Emits the "move-to-matching-bracket" signal.
emitMoveViewport(ScrollStep, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Emits the "move-viewport" signal.
emitMoveWords(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Emits the "move-words" signal.
emitNameLost() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Emits the "name-lost" signal.
emitNetworkChanged(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor
Emits the "network-changed" signal.
emitNetworkEvent(SocketClientEvent, IOStream) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emits the "network-event" signal.
emitNewConnection(DBusConnection) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer
Emits the "new-connection" signal.
emitNextMatch() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Emits the "next-match" signal.
emitNextMonth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Emits the "next-month" signal.
emitNextYear() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Emits the "next-year" signal.
emitNoMatches() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
Emits the "no-matches" signal.
emitNoMorePads() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Emits the "no-more-pads" signal.
emitNotify(String, ParamSpec) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Emits the "notify" signal.
emitObjectAdded(DBusObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager
Emits the "object-added" signal.
emitObjectRemoved(DBusObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager
Emits the "object-removed" signal.
emitOffsetChanged(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Emits the "offset-changed" signal.
emitOpen(File[], String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Emits the "open" signal.
emitOpened() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Emits the "opened" signal.
emitOpenWindow() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Emits the "open-window" signal.
emitOutput() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Emits the "output" signal.
emitOutput() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Emits the "output" signal.
emitPadAdded(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Emits the "pad-added" signal.
emitPadCreated(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate
Emits the "pad-created" signal.
emitPadRemoved(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Emits the "pad-removed" signal.
emitPageAdded(Widget, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Emits the "page-added" signal.
emitPageAttached(TabPage, int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Emits the "page-attached" signal.
emitPageChanged(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Emits the "page-changed" signal.
emitPageCreated(WebPage) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension
Emits the "page-created" signal.
emitPageDetached(TabPage, int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Emits the "page-detached" signal.
emitPageRemoved(Widget, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Emits the "page-removed" signal.
emitPageReordered(TabPage, int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Emits the "page-reordered" signal.
emitPageReordered(Widget, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Emits the "page-reordered" signal.
emitPaginate(PrintContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emits the "paginate" signal.
emitPaint() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Emits the "paint" signal.
emitPan(PanDirection, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GesturePan
Emits the "pan" signal.
emitParsingError(CssSection, GError) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider
Emits the "parsing-error" signal.
emitPasteClipboard() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emits the "paste-clipboard" signal.
emitPasteClipboard() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Emits the "paste-clipboard" signal.
emitPasteDone(Clipboard) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the "paste-done" signal.
emitPermissionRequest(PermissionRequest) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "permission-request" signal.
emitPlacesShortcut() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emits the "places-shortcut" signal.
emitPluginAdded(Plugin) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Emits the "plugin-added" signal.
emitPong(Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Emits the "pong" signal.
emitPopdown() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
Emits the "popdown" signal.
emitPopdown() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Emits the "popdown" signal.
emitPopped(NavigationPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Emits the "popped" signal.
emitPopup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
Emits the "popup" signal.
emitPopup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Emits the "popup" signal.
emitPreeditChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Emits the "preedit-changed" signal.
emitPreeditChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Emits the "preedit-changed" signal.
emitPreeditChanged(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emits the "preedit-changed" signal.
emitPreeditChanged(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Emits the "preedit-changed" signal.
emitPreeditEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Emits the "preedit-end" signal.
emitPreeditFinished() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Emits the "preedit-finished" signal.
emitPreeditStart() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Emits the "preedit-start" signal.
emitPreeditStarted() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Emits the "preedit-started" signal.
emitPrepare(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Emits the "prepare" signal.
emitPrepare(NavigationDirection) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Emits the "prepare" signal.
emitPrepare(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
emitPressed(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress
Emits the "pressed" signal.
emitPressed(int, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick
Emits the "pressed" signal.
emitPreUnmount() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Emits the "pre-unmount" signal.
emitPreview(PrintOperationPreview, PrintContext, Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emits the "preview" signal.
emitPreviousMatch() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Emits the "previous-match" signal.
emitPrevMonth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Emits the "prev-month" signal.
emitPrevYear() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Emits the "prev-year" signal.
emitPrint(PrintOperation) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "print" signal.
emitProviderAdded(CompletionProvider) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
Emits the "provider-added" signal.
emitProviderHidden(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
emitProviderModelChanged(CompletionProvider, ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
Emits the "provider-model-changed" signal.
emitProviderRemoved(CompletionProvider) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
Emits the "provider-removed" signal.
emitProviderUnhidden(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
emitProximity(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Emits the "proximity" signal.
emitPushed() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Emits the "pushed" signal.
emitPushSnippet(Snippet, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Emits the "push-snippet" signal.
emitQueryActivatable(TextIter, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Emits the "query-activatable" signal.
emitQueryData(GObject, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
emitQueryEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Emits the "query-end" signal.
emitQueryPermissionState(PermissionStateQuery) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "query-permission-state" signal.
emitQueryTooltip(int, int, boolean, Tooltip) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emits the "query-tooltip" signal.
emitQueryTooltipMarkup(Mark) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
Emits the "query-tooltip-markup" signal.
emitQueryTooltipText(Mark) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
Emits the "query-tooltip-text" signal.
emitQuickBookmark(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emits the "quick-bookmark" signal.
emitReady(PrintContext) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview
Emits the "ready" signal.
emitReadyToShow() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "ready-to-show" signal.
emitRealize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emits the "realize" signal.
emitReceivedData(long) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Emits the "received-data" signal.
emitRecentShortcut() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emits the "recent-shortcut" signal.
emitRedo() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the "redo" signal.
emitReleased(int, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick
Emits the "released" signal.
emitReload() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Emits the "reload" signal.
emitRemoved() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device
emitRemoved() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Emits the "removed" signal.
emitRemoveEditable(CellRenderer, CellEditable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
Emits the "remove-editable" signal.
emitRemoveTag(TextTag, TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the "remove-tag" signal.
emitRemoveWidget() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable
Emits the "remove-widget" signal.
emitRender(Region) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Emits the "render" signal.
emitRender(GLContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Emits the "render" signal.
emitReorderTab(DirectionType, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Emits the "reorder-tab" signal.
emitReplaced() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Emits the "replaced" signal.
emitReply(MountOperationResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Emits the "reply" signal.
emitRequestAborted(ServerMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Emits the "request-aborted" signal.
emitRequestCertificate(TlsClientConnection) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emits the "request-certificate" signal.
emitRequestCertificatePassword(TlsPassword) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emits the "request-certificate-password" signal.
emitRequestFinished(ServerMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Emits the "request-finished" signal.
emitRequestPageSetup(PrintContext, int, PageSetup) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emits the "request-page-setup" signal.
emitRequestQueued(Message) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Emits the "request-queued" signal.
emitRequestRead(ServerMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Emits the "request-read" signal.
emitRequestStarted(ServerMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Emits the "request-started" signal.
emitRequestUnqueued(Message) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Emits the "request-unqueued" signal.
emitResize(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea
Emits the "resize" signal.
emitResize(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Emits the "resize" signal.
emitResourceLoadStarted(WebResource, URIRequest) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "resource-load-started" signal.
emitResponse(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
emitResponse(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
Emits the "response" signal.
emitResponse(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
Emits the "response" signal.
emitResponse(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Emits the "response" signal.
emitResponse(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
emitRestarted() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emits the "restarted" signal.
emitResumeEvents() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Emits the "resume-events" signal.
emitRetrieveSurrounding() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Emits the "retrieve-surrounding" signal.
emitRowActivated(ListBoxRow) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Emits the "row-activated" signal.
emitRowActivated(TreePath, TreeViewColumn) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Emits the "row-activated" signal.
emitRowChanged(TreePath, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
Emits the "row-changed" signal.
emitRowCollapsed(TreeIter, TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Emits the "row-collapsed" signal.
emitRowDeleted(TreePath) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
Emits the "row-deleted" signal.
emitRowExpanded(TreeIter, TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Emits the "row-expanded" signal.
emitRowHasChildToggled(TreePath, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
Emits the "row-has-child-toggled" signal.
emitRowInserted(TreePath, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
Emits the "row-inserted" signal.
emitRowSelected(ListBoxRow) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Emits the "row-selected" signal.
emitRowsReordered(TreePath, TreeIter, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
Emits the "rows-reordered" signal.
emitRun(SocketConnection, GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService
Emits the "run" signal.
emitRunAsModal() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "run-as-modal" signal.
emitRunColorChooser(ColorChooserRequest) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "run-color-chooser" signal.
emitRunFileChooser(FileChooserRequest) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "run-file-chooser" signal.
emitSamplesSelected(Segment, long, long, long, Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
Emits the "samples-selected" signal.
emitScaleChanged(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureZoom
Emits the "scale-changed" signal.
emitScriptDialog(ScriptDialog) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "script-dialog" signal.
emitScriptMessageReceived(String, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Emits the "script-message-received" signal.
emitScriptMessageWithReplyReceived(String, Value, ScriptMessageReply) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Emits the "script-message-with-reply-received" signal.
emitScroll(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
Emits the "scroll" signal.
emitScrollBegin() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
Emits the "scroll-begin" signal.
emitScrollChild(ScrollType, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Emits the "scroll-child" signal.
emitScrollEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
Emits the "scroll-end" signal.
emitSearch() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow
Emits the "search" signal.
emitSearchChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Emits the "search-changed" signal.
emitSearchShortcut() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emits the "search-shortcut" signal.
emitSearchStarted() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Emits the "search-started" signal.
emitSeatAdded(Seat) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Emits the "seat-added" signal.
emitSeatRemoved(Seat) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Emits the "seat-removed" signal.
emitSectionsChanged(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SectionModel
Emits the "sections-changed" signal.
emitSelectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Emits the "select-all" signal.
emitSelectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Emits the "select-all" signal.
emitSelectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Emits the "select-all" signal.
emitSelectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
emitSelectAll(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Emits the "select-all" signal.
emitSelectCursorItem() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Emits the "select-cursor-item" signal.
emitSelectCursorParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
emitSelectCursorRow(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
emitSelectedChildrenChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Emits the "selected-children-changed" signal.
emitSelectedRowsChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Emits the "selected-rows-changed" signal.
emitSelectionChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Emits the "selection-changed" signal.
emitSelectionChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebEditor
Emits the "selection-changed" signal.
emitSelectionChanged(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel
Emits the "selection-changed" signal.
emitSelectPage(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Emits the "select-page" signal.
emitSendRequest(URIRequest, URIResponse) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
Emits the "send-request" signal.
emitSentRequest(URIRequest, URIResponse) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource
Emits the "sent-request" signal.
emitSequenceStateChanged(EventSequence, EventSequenceState) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Emits the "sequence-state-changed" signal.
emitSetAnchor() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Emits the "set-anchor" signal.
emitSettingChanged(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Emits the "setting-changed" signal.
emitSetup(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory
Emits the "setup" signal.
emitSetupMenu(TabPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Emits the "setup-menu" signal.
emitShow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emits the "show" signal.
emitShow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
Emits the "show" signal.
emitShowCompletion() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Emits the "show-completion" signal.
emitShowHidden() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emits the "show-hidden" signal.
emitShowing() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Emits the "showing" signal.
emitShown() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Emits the "shown" signal.
emitShowNotification(Notification) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "show-notification" signal.
emitShowOptionMenu(OptionMenu, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "show-option-menu" signal.
emitShowProcesses(String, Pid[], String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Emits the "show-processes" signal.
emitShowUnmountProgress(String, long, long) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Emits the "show-unmount-progress" signal.
emitShutdown() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Emits the "shutdown" signal.
emitSignal(String, String, String, String, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Emits a signal.
emitSizePrepared(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
Emits the "size-prepared" signal.
emitSmartHomeEnd(TextIter, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Emits the "smart-home-end" signal.
emitSortColumnChanged() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable
Emits the "sort-column-changed" signal.
emitSourceMarkUpdated(TextMark) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Emits the "source-mark-updated" signal.
emitSourceSetup(Element) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Emits the "source-setup" signal.
emitStart() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager
Emits the "start" signal.
emitStarting() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Emits the "starting" signal.
emitStarting() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emits the "starting" signal.
emitStartInteractiveSearch() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
emitStartup() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Emits the "startup" signal.
emitStateChange() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ATContext
Emits the "state-change" signal.
emitStateFlagsChanged(Set<StateFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emits the "state-flags-changed" signal.
emitStateSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Switch
Emits the "state-set" signal.
emitStatusChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Emits the "status-changed" signal.
emitStatusChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emits the "status-changed" signal.
emitStop() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager
Emits the "stop" signal.
emitStopButton() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Emits the "stop-button" signal.
emitStopped() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick
Emits the "stopped" signal.
emitStopSearch() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Emits the "stop-search" signal.
emitStreamNotify(String, Stream, ParamSpec) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection
Emits the "stream-notify" signal.
emitSubmitForm(FormSubmissionRequest) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "submit-form" signal.
emitSwipe(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSwipe
Emits the "swipe" signal.
emitSwitchPage(Widget, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Emits the "switch-page" signal.
emitSynced(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Emits the "synced" signal.
emitSyncMessage(String, Message) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Emits the "sync-message" signal.
emitTagAdded(TextTag) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable
Emits the "tag-added" signal.
emitTagChanged(TextTag, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable
Emits the "tag-changed" signal.
emitTagRemoved(TextTag) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable
Emits the "tag-removed" signal.
emitTeardown(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory
Emits the "teardown" signal.
emitTestCollapseRow(TreeIter, TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Emits the "test-collapse-row" signal.
emitTestExpandRow(TreeIter, TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Emits the "test-expand-row" signal.
emitTextPopped(int, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar
emitTextPushed(int, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar
emitToggleCursorChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Emits the "toggle-cursor-child" signal.
emitToggleCursorItem() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Emits the "toggle-cursor-item" signal.
emitToggleCursorRow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Emits the "toggle-cursor-row" signal.
emitToggleCursorRow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
emitToggleCursorVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Emits the "toggle-cursor-visible" signal.
emitToggled() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Emits the "toggled" signal.
emitToggled() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton
Emits the "toggled" signal.
emitToggled(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle
Emits the "toggled" signal.
emitToggleHandleFocus() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Emits the "toggle-handle-focus" signal.
emitToggleOverwrite() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emits the "toggle-overwrite" signal.
emitToggleOverwrite() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Emits the "toggle-overwrite" signal.
emitToolAdded(DeviceTool) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Emits the "tool-added" signal.
emitToolChanged(DeviceTool) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Emits the "tool-changed" signal.
emitToolRemoved(DeviceTool) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Emits the "tool-removed" signal.
emitUnapply() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint
Emits the "unapply" signal.
emitUnbind() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Emits the "unbind" signal.
emitUnbind(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory
Emits the "unbind" signal.
emitUndo() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the "undo" signal.
emitUnlinked(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Emits the "unlinked" signal.
emitUnmap() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emits the "unmap" signal.
emitUnmounted() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Emits the "unmounted" signal.
emitUnpairedRelease(double, double, int, EventSequence) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick
Emits the "unpaired-release" signal.
emitUnrealize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emits the "unrealize" signal.
emitUnselectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Emits the "unselect-all" signal.
emitUnselectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Emits the "unselect-all" signal.
emitUnselectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Emits the "unselect-all" signal.
emitUnselectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
emitUp(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Emits the "up" signal.
emitUpdate() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Emits the "update" signal.
emitUpdate(EventSequence) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Emits the "update" signal.
emitUpdateCustomWidget(Widget, PageSetup, PrintSettings) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emits the "update-custom-widget" signal.
emitUpdateSwipe(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Emits the "update-swipe" signal.
emitUpFolder() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emits the "up-folder" signal.
emitUserMessageReceived(UserMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Emits the "user-message-received" signal.
emitUserMessageReceived(UserMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "user-message-received" signal.
emitUserMessageReceived(UserMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
Emits the "user-message-received" signal.
emitUserMessageReceived(UserMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension
Emits the "user-message-received" signal.
emitValueChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Emits the "value-changed" signal.
emitValueChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Emits the "value-changed" signal.
emitValueChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Emits the "value-changed" signal.
emitValueChanged(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Emits the "value-changed" signal.
emitValueChanged(int) - Method in class
Emits the "value-changed" signal.
emitValueChanged(ColorBalanceChannel, int) - Method in interface
Emits the "value-changed" signal.
emitVolumeAdded(Volume) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emits the "volume-added" signal.
emitVolumeChanged(Volume) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emits the "volume-changed" signal.
emitVolumeRemoved(Volume) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emits the "volume-removed" signal.
emitWebProcessTerminated(WebProcessTerminationReason) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emits the "web-process-terminated" signal.
emitWillClose() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession
Emits the "will-close" signal.
emitWillSendSubmitEvent(Value, Frame, Frame) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager
Emits the "will-send-submit-event" signal.
emitWillSubmitForm(Value, Frame, Frame) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager
Emits the "will-submit-form" signal.
emitWindowAdded(Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Emits the "window-added" signal.
emitWindowObjectCleared(WebPage, Frame) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld
Emits the "window-object-cleared" signal.
emitWindowRemoved(Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Emits the "window-removed" signal.
emitWrapped() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Emits the "wrapped" signal.
emitWrapped() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Emits the "wrapped" signal.
emitWritableChanged(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Emits the "writable-changed" signal.
emitWritableChangeEvent(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Emits the "writable-change-event" signal.
emitWrite(View, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext
Emits the "write" signal.
emitWroteBody() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emits the "wrote-body" signal.
emitWroteBody() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emits the "wrote-body" signal.
emitWroteBodyData(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emits the "wrote-body-data" signal.
emitWroteBodyData(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emits the "wrote-body-data" signal.
emitWroteChunk() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emits the "wrote-chunk" signal.
emitWroteHeaders() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emits the "wrote-headers" signal.
emitWroteHeaders() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emits the "wrote-headers" signal.
emitWroteInformational() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emits the "wrote-informational" signal.
EMOJI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
Suggest offering Emoji support
EMOJI_BASE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Emoji Base (EB).
EMOJI_MODIFIER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Emoji Modifier (EM).
EmojiChooser - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkEmojiChooser is used by text widgets such as GtkEntry or GtkTextView to let users insert Emoji characters.
EmojiChooser() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EmojiChooser
Creates a new GtkEmojiChooser.
EmojiChooser(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EmojiChooser
Create a EmojiChooser proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EmojiChooser.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EmojiChooser.EmojiChooserClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
EmojiChooser.EmojiPickedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EmojiPickedCallback callback.
EmojiChooserClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EmojiChooser.EmojiChooserClass
Create a EmojiChooserClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
empty() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
empty() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Creates a new GstCaps that is empty.
empty() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Creates a new, empty GstCapsFeatures.
empty() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Creates a new empty GstTagList.
empty() - Static method in class
empty() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
A degenerate graphene_box_t that can only be expanded.
empty() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Creates a new empty bitset.
empty(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Creates a new, empty GstStructure with the given name.
EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseError
An empty description was specified
EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupError
document contained nothing, or only whitespace
EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ImageType
there is no image displayed by the widget
EMPTY_BIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseError
An empty bin was specified.
EMPTY_STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ShellError
String to be parsed was empty.
emptySimple(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Creates a new GstCaps that contains one GstStructure with name mediaType.
EN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
European Number
ENABLED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffloadEnabled
Graphics offloading is enabled.
enableDebugging(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Class handler for the GtkWindow::enable-debugging keybinding signal.
enableModelDragDest(ContentFormats, Set<DragAction>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
enableModelDragDest(ContentFormats, Set<DragAction>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
enableModelDragDest(ContentFormats, DragAction...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
enableModelDragDest(ContentFormats, DragAction...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
enableModelDragSource(Set<ModifierType>, ContentFormats, Set<DragAction>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
enableModelDragSource(Set<ModifierType>, ContentFormats, Set<DragAction>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
enableModelDragSource(ModifierType, ContentFormats, DragAction...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
enableModelDragSource(ModifierType, ContentFormats, DragAction...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
enableSyncMessageEmission() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Instructs GStreamer to emit the "sync-message" signal after running the bus's sync handler.
ENCLOSING_MARK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
ENCLOSING_MARK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Mark, Enclosing" (Me)
encode(double) - Method in enum class
Convert val to its gamma encoded value.
ENCODE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LibraryError
used when the library generated an encoding error.
ENCODE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
used when encoding fails.
ENCODED - Enum constant in enum class
encoded audio format
ENCODED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagFlag
tag is encoded
ENCODED - Enum constant in enum class
Encoded video format.
ENCODED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriFlags
When parsing a URI, this indicates that %-encoded characters in the userinfo, path, query, and fragment fields should not be decoded.
ENCODED_FRAGMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriFlags
Same as UriFlags.ENCODED, for the fragment only.
ENCODED_PATH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriFlags
Same as UriFlags.ENCODED, for the path only.
ENCODED_QUERY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriFlags
Same as UriFlags.ENCODED, for the query field only.
encodeGerror(GError) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Creates a D-Bus error name to use for error.
encodePassword(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigest
Encodes the username/realm/password triplet for Digest authentication.
Encoding - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Character encoding.
Encoding - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
How a message body is encoded for transport
Encoding(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Encoding
Create a Encoding proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ENCODING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.SessionError
the server's response was in an unsupported format
ENCODING_AUTO_DETECTION_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoaderError
It is not possible to detect the encoding automatically.
ENCODING_CATEGORY_CAPTURE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
GstEncodingTarget category for recording and capture.
ENCODING_CATEGORY_DEVICE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
GstEncodingTarget category for device-specific targets.
ENCODING_CATEGORY_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
GstEncodingTarget category for file extensions.
ENCODING_CATEGORY_ONLINE_SERVICE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
GstEncodingTarget category for online-services.
ENCODING_CATEGORY_STORAGE_EDITING - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
GstEncodingTarget category for storage, archiving and editing targets.
EncodingAudioProfile - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Variant of GstEncodingProfile for audio streams.
EncodingAudioProfile(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingAudioProfile
Create a EncodingAudioProfile proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EncodingAudioProfile(Caps, String, Caps, int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingAudioProfile
Creates a new GstEncodingAudioProfile
EncodingAudioProfile.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EncodingAudioProfile.EncodingAudioProfileClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
EncodingAudioProfileClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingAudioProfile.EncodingAudioProfileClass
Create a EncodingAudioProfileClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EncodingContainerProfile - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Encoding profiles for containers.
EncodingContainerProfile(String, String, Caps, String) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingContainerProfile
Creates a new GstEncodingContainerProfile.
EncodingContainerProfile(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingContainerProfile
Create a EncodingContainerProfile proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EncodingContainerProfile.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EncodingContainerProfile.EncodingContainerProfileClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
EncodingContainerProfileClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingContainerProfile.EncodingContainerProfileClass
Create a EncodingContainerProfileClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
encodingListAllTargets(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
List all available GstEncodingTarget for the specified category, or all categories if categoryname is null.
encodingListAvailableCategories() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Lists all GstEncodingTarget categories present on disk.
EncodingProfile - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
The opaque base class object for all encoding profiles.
EncodingProfile(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Create a EncodingProfile proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Encoding-profile - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
EncodingProfile.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EncodingProfile.EncodingProfileClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
EncodingProfileClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile.EncodingProfileClass
Create a EncodingProfileClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EncodingTarget - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Collection of GstEncodingProfile for a specific target or use-case.
EncodingTarget(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget
Create a EncodingTarget proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EncodingTarget(String, String, String, List<EncodingProfile>) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget
Creates a new GstEncodingTarget.
Encoding-target - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
EncodingTarget.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EncodingTargetClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
EncodingTargetClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTargetClass
Create a EncodingTargetClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EncodingVideoProfile - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Variant of GstEncodingProfile for video streams, allows specifying the pass.
EncodingVideoProfile(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingVideoProfile
Create a EncodingVideoProfile proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EncodingVideoProfile(Caps, String, Caps, int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingVideoProfile
Creates a new GstEncodingVideoProfile
EncodingVideoProfile.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EncodingVideoProfile.EncodingVideoProfileClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
EncodingVideoProfileClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingVideoProfile.EncodingVideoProfileClass
Create a EncodingVideoProfileClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
end() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StrvBuilder
Ends the builder process and returns the constructed NULL-terminated string array.
end() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantBuilder
Ends the builder process and returns the constructed value.
end() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
Returns the current value of this VariantDict as a GVariant of type G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARDICT, clearing it in the process.
end() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
end() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Do renderer-specific cleanup after drawing
END - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorItem
Stop after this item.
END - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekType
relative position to duration is requested
END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TouchpadGesturePhase
The gesture was finished, changes should be permanently applied.
END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SeekType
the end of the file.
END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Align
snap to right or bottom side, leaving space on left or top
END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintAttribute
The trailing edge of a widget, depending on text direction; equivalent to ConstraintAttribute.RIGHT for LTR languages, and ConstraintAttribute.LEFT for RTL ones
END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PackType
The child is packed into the end of the widget
END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Scroll to end.
END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinType
Go to the adjustments upper bound.
END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.EllipsizeMode
Omit characters at the end of the text
END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserScriptInjectionTime
Insert the code of the user script at the end of the loaded documents.
ended() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
endFrame() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DrawContext
Drawing directly to the surface is no longer recommended. Use GskRenderNode and GskRenderer.
endIrreversibleAction() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Denotes the end of an action that may not be undone.
endParse() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseContext
Signals to the GMarkupParseContext that all data has been fed into the parse context with g_markup_parse_context_parse().
endPreview() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview
Ends a preview.
endPrint(PrintContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Signal emitted after all pages have been rendered.
ENDS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollStep
Scroll to ends.
endsLine() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns true if this TextIter points to the start of the paragraph delimiter characters for a line.
endsSentence() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Determines whether this TextIter ends a sentence.
endsTag(TextTag) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns true if tag is toggled off at exactly this point.
endsWord() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Determines whether this TextIter ends a natural-language word.
endUpdating() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Stops updates for an animation.
endUserAction() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Ends a user-visible operation.
ENGRAVED_TEXT - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
ensureFreeSpace(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Checks if enough free space from the current write cursor is available and reallocates if necessary.
ensureHighlight(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Forces buffer to analyze and highlight the given area synchronously.
ENTER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamStatusType
a thread entered its loop function
ENTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.RayIntersectionKind
The ray is entering the intersected object
ENTER_NOTIFY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
the pointer has entered the surface.
ENTER_VIDEO_FULLSCREEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Show current video element in fullscreen mode.
ENTER_VIDEO_FULLSCREEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Show current video element in fullscreen mode.
enterFullscreen() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Entry - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkEntry is a single line text entry widget.
Entry() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Creates a new entry.
Entry(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Create a Entry proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Entry.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
Entry.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Entry.EntryClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Class structure for GtkEntry.
Entry.IconPressCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the IconPressCallback callback.
Entry.IconReleaseCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the IconReleaseCallback callback.
EntryBuffer - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkEntryBuffer hold the text displayed in a GtkText widget.
EntryBuffer(String, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
Create a new GtkEntryBuffer object.
EntryBuffer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
Create a EntryBuffer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EntryBuffer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EntryBuffer.DeletedTextCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DeletedTextCallback callback.
EntryBuffer.EntryBufferClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
EntryBuffer.InsertedTextCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the InsertedTextCallback callback.
EntryBufferClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.EntryBufferClass
Allocate a new EntryBufferClass.
EntryBufferClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.EntryBufferClass
Allocate a new EntryBufferClass.
EntryBufferClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.EntryBufferClass
Create a EntryBufferClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EntryClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.EntryClass
Allocate a new EntryClass.
EntryClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.EntryClass
Allocate a new EntryClass.
EntryClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.EntryClass
Create a EntryClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EntryCompletion - Class in org.gnome.gtk
EntryCompletion() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
EntryCompletion(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
Create a EntryCompletion proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EntryCompletion.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EntryCompletion.CursorOnMatchCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CursorOnMatchCallback callback.
EntryCompletion.InsertPrefixCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the InsertPrefixCallback callback.
EntryCompletion.MatchSelectedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MatchSelectedCallback callback.
EntryCompletion.NoMatchesCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the NoMatchesCallback callback.
EntryCompletionMatchFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EntryCompletionMatchFunc callback.
EntryIconPosition - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Specifies the side of the entry at which an icon is placed.
EntryRow - Class in org.gnome.adw
A ListBoxRow with an embedded text entry.
EntryRow() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Creates a new AdwEntryRow.
EntryRow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Create a EntryRow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EntryRow.ApplyCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ApplyCallback callback.
EntryRow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EntryRow.EntryActivatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the EntryActivatedCallback callback.
EntryRow.EntryRowClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
EntryRowClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.EntryRowClass
Allocate a new EntryRowClass.
EntryRowClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.EntryRowClass
Allocate a new EntryRowClass.
EntryRowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.EntryRowClass
Create a EntryRowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
entrySet() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
ENUM - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type from which all enumeration types are derived.
EnumClass - Class in org.gnome.gobject
The class of an enumeration type holds information about its possible values.
EnumClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.EnumClass
Allocate a new EnumClass.
EnumClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.EnumClass
Allocate a new EnumClass.
EnumClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.EnumClass
Create a EnumClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EnumClass(TypeClass, int, int, int, EnumValue) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.EnumClass
Allocate a new EnumClass with the fields set to the provided values.
EnumClass(TypeClass, int, int, int, EnumValue, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.EnumClass
Allocate a new EnumClass with the fields set to the provided values.
enumCompleteTypeInfo(Type, TypeInfo, EnumValue) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
This function is meant to be called from the complete_type_info function of a GTypePlugin implementation, as in the following example:
ENUMERABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ValuePropertyFlags
the property shows up during enumeration of the properties on the corresponding object.
enumerate() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SocketConnectable
Creates a GSocketAddressEnumerator for this SocketConnectable.
enumerateChildren(String, Set<FileQueryInfoFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Gets the requested information about the files in a directory.
enumerateChildren(String, Set<ResourceLookupFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resource
Returns all the names of children at the specified path in the resource.
enumerateChildren(String, FileQueryInfoFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Gets the requested information about the files in a directory.
enumerateChildren(String, ResourceLookupFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resource
Returns all the names of children at the specified path in the resource.
enumerateChildrenAsync(String, Set<FileQueryInfoFlags>, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously gets the requested information about the files in a directory.
enumerateChildrenAsync(String, FileQueryInfoFlags, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously gets the requested information about the files in a directory.
enumerateChildrenFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an async enumerate children operation.
enumerateIdentifiers() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Gets the kinds of identifiers that this Drive has.
enumerateIdentifiers() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Gets the kinds of identifiers that this Volume has.
enumerateNamespace(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeMatcher
Checks if the matcher will match all of the keys in a given namespace.
enumerateNext() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeMatcher
Gets the next matched attribute from a GFileAttributeMatcher.
enumeratePrinters(PrinterFunc, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Calls a function for all GtkPrinters.
Enumeration - Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.base
Interface implemented by all enums generated by Java-GI.
enumGetValue(EnumClass, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Returns the GEnumValue for a value.
enumGetValueByName(EnumClass, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Looks up a GEnumValue by name.
enumGetValueByNick(EnumClass, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Looks up a GEnumValue by nickname.
EnumListItem - Class in org.gnome.adw
AdwEnumListItem is the type of items in a EnumListModel.
EnumListItem(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.EnumListItem
Create a EnumListItem proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EnumListItem.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EnumListItem.EnumListItemClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
EnumListItemClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.EnumListItem.EnumListItemClass
Allocate a new EnumListItemClass.
EnumListItemClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.EnumListItem.EnumListItemClass
Allocate a new EnumListItemClass.
EnumListItemClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.EnumListItem.EnumListItemClass
Create a EnumListItemClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EnumListModel<T> - Class in org.gnome.adw
A ListModel representing values of a given enum.
EnumListModel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.EnumListModel
Create a EnumListModel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EnumListModel(Type) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.EnumListModel
Creates a new AdwEnumListModel for enumType.
EnumListModel.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EnumListModel.EnumListModelClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.adw
EnumListModelClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.EnumListModel.EnumListModelClass
Allocate a new EnumListModelClass.
EnumListModelClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.EnumListModel.EnumListModelClass
Allocate a new EnumListModelClass.
EnumListModelClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.EnumListModel.EnumListModelClass
Create a EnumListModelClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
enumRegisterStatic(String, EnumValue) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Registers a new static enumeration type with the name name.
enumSetToInt(Set<T>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Create a bitfield from the provided Set of enums
enumToString(Type, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Pretty-prints value in the form of the enum’s name.
EnumValue - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A structure which contains a single enum value, its name, and its nickname.
EnumValue() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.EnumValue
Allocate a new EnumValue.
EnumValue(int, String, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.EnumValue
Allocate a new EnumValue with the fields set to the provided values.
EnumValue(int, String, String, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.EnumValue
Allocate a new EnumValue with the fields set to the provided values.
EnumValue(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.EnumValue
Allocate a new EnumValue.
EnumValue(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.EnumValue
Create a EnumValue proxy instance for the provided memory address.
environGetenv(String[], String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns the value of the environment variable variable in the provided list envp.
environSetenv(String[], String, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets the environment variable variable in the provided list envp to value.
environUnsetenv(String[], String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Removes the environment variable variable from the provided environment envp.
eof() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Returns true if the scanner has reached the end of the file or text buffer.
EOF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsError
The TLS connection was closed without proper notice, which may indicate an attack.
EOF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOStatus
End of file.
EOF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
the end of the file
EOF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Encoding
Response body ends when the connection is closed
eos() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new EOS event.
eos(GstObject) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new eos message.
EOS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsStateFlags
Set if collectdata's pad is EOS.
EOS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
EOS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
Pad is EOS.
EOS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
end-of-stream reached in a pipeline.
EOS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
is pad in EOS state
EOT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferFlags
flag indicating that special handling of the end of text paragraph can be applied to this buffer, similar to HBBUFFERFLAGBOT.
ephemeral() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Creates a new WebKitNetworkSession with an ephemeral WebKitWebsiteDataManager.
EQ - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintRelation
equal(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Checks if 2 strokes are identical.
equal(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Compares two path buffers for equality and returns TRUE if they are equal.
equal(Uri) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Compares two GstUri objects to see if they represent the same normalized URI.
equal(DmabufFormats) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufFormats
Returns whether this DmabufFormats and formats2 contain the same dmabuf formats, in the same order.
equal(ColorState) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ColorState
Compares two GdkColorStates for equality.
equal(PopupLayout) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Check whether this PopupLayout and other has identical layout properties.
equal(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Checks if the two given rectangles are equal.
equal(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Compares two GdkRGBA colors.
equal(ToplevelLayout) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelLayout
Check whether this ToplevelLayout and other has identical layout properties.
equal(Icon) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Icon
Checks if two icons are equal.
equal(AppInfo) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Checks if two AppInfos are equal.
equal(File) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Checks if the two given GFiles refer to the same file.
equal(InetAddress) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Checks if two GInetAddress instances are equal, e.g.
equal(InetAddressMask) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask
Tests if this InetAddressMask and mask2 are the same mask.
equal(Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Compares the two GBytes values being pointed to and returns true if they are equal.
equal(DateTime) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Checks to see if this DateTime and dt2 are equal.
equal(GString) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Compares two strings for equality, returning true if they are equal.
equal(PatternSpec) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PatternSpec
Compares two compiled pattern specs and returns whether they will match the same set of strings.
equal(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Checks if this Variant and two have the same type and value.
equal(VariantType) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Compares this VariantType and type2 for equality.
equal(Box) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Checks whether the two given boxes are equal.
equal(Euler) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Checks if two graphene_euler_t are equal.
equal(Frustum) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Checks whether the two given graphene_frustum_t are equal.
equal(Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Checks whether the two given graphene_matrix_t matrices are equal.
equal(Plane) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Checks whether the two given graphene_plane_t are equal.
equal(Point) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Checks if the two points this Point and b point to the same coordinates.
equal(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Checks whether two given points are equal.
equal(Quaternion) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Checks whether the given quaternions are equal.
equal(Ray) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Checks whether the two given graphene_ray_t are equal.
equal(Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Checks whether the two given rectangle are equal.
equal(Size) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Size
Checks whether the two give graphene_size_t are equal.
equal(Sphere) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Checks whether two graphene_sphere_t are equal.
equal(Triangle) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Checks whether the two given graphene_triangle_t are equal.
equal(Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Checks whether the two given graphene_vec2_t are equal.
equal(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Checks whether the two given graphene_vec3_t are equal.
equal(Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Checks whether the two given graphene_vec4_t are equal.
equal(Transform) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Checks two transforms for equality.
equal(PathPoint) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathPoint
Returns whether the two path points refer to the same location on all paths.
equal(ShortcutTrigger) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutTrigger
Checks if this ShortcutTrigger and trigger2 trigger under the same conditions.
equal(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Tests whether two iterators are equal, using the fastest possible mechanism.
equal(Attribute) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Compare two attributes for equality.
equal(AttrList) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrList
Checks whether this AttrList and otherList contain the same attributes and whether those attributes apply to the same ranges.
equal(FontDescription) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Compares two font descriptions for equality.
equal(Cookie) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Tests if this Cookie and cookie2 are equal.
equal(HSTSPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSPolicy
Tests if this HSTSPolicy and policy2 are equal.
EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferDiffFlags
equal buffers.
EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Ordering
the two values are equal
EQUAL_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
a '=' character
equalFast(Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Checks whether the two given graphene_matrix_t matrices are byte-by-byte equal.
EqualFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the EqualFunc callback.
EqualFuncFull - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the EqualFuncFull callback.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Alias
Compare two aliases for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.ProxyInstance
Compare two proxy instances for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.ArenaCloseAction
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Bitset) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Returns true if this Bitset and other contain the same values.
erase(long, long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Removes len bytes from a GString, starting at position pos.
ERASER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceToolType
Tool is standard tablet eraser.
ERR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOCondition
Error condition.
ERR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.IOCondition
error() - Static method in class org.gnome.gmodule.Module
Gets a string describing the last module error.
error(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Outputs an error message, via the GScanner message handler.
error(GstObject, GError, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new error message.
error(Quark, int, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Sets this MediaStream into an error state using a printf()-style format string.
error(GObject, AsyncReadyCallback, Quark, int, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use g_task_new() and g_task_return_new_error() instead.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class
The ringbuffer has encountered an error after it has been started, e.g.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockReturn
An error occurred
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugLevel
Error messages are to be used only when an error occurred that stops the application from keeping working correctly.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
Some (fatal) error occurred.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorResult
An error happened
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
an error occurred.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProgressType
A task caused an error.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererResult
an error happened and the GError is set
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsReturn
an error occurred during the installation.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class
An error occurred
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragCancelReason
Unspecified error.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ConverterResult
There was an error during conversion.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageType
Error reply.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOStatus
An error occurred.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestLogType
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
an error occurred
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MessageType
Fatal error message
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationResult
An error has occurred.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SymbolicColor
Indication color for errors
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Underline
an underline indicating an error should be drawn below.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageLevel
Error message.
ERROR - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GError.
ERROR_FEEDBACK - Enum constant in enum class
Error feedback
ERROR_LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Underline
Like PANGOUNDERLINEERROR, but drawn continuously across multiple runs.
ERROR_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Identifies the element (or elements) that provide an error message for an object.
ERROR_NAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageHeaderField
The name of the error that occurred.
ERROR_SETTING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeStatus
Indicates an error in setting the value.
ERROR_SYSTEM - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Builds a string using errno describing the previously failed system call.
errorBell() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Notifies the user about an input-related error on this widget.
ErrorClearFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the ErrorClearFunc callback.
ErrorCopyFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the ErrorCopyFunc callback.
errorFromErrno(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Converts an errno error number to a GIOChannelError.
errorGetMessage(Quark, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Get a string describing the error message in the current locale.
ErrorInitFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the ErrorInitFunc callback.
errorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
errorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
errorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
errorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
errorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
errorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
errorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.gmodule.Module
errorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage
Gets the quark for the domain of user message errors.
ErrorType - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
The possible errors, used in the vError field of GTokenValue, when the token is a TokenType.ERROR.
errorUnderlinePath(Context, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Add a squiggly line to the current path in the specified cairo context that approximately covers the given rectangle in the style of an underline used to indicate a spelling error.
errorWithDetails(GstObject, GError, String, Structure) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new error message.
ES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
European Number Separator
escapeBytes(byte[], String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Escapes arbitrary data for use in a URI.
escapeNul(String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Escapes the nul characters in string to "\\x00".
escapeString(String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Escapes the special characters used for regular expressions in string, for instance "a.b*c" becomes "a\\.b\\*c".
escapeString(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Escapes a string for use in a URI.
ET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
European Number Terminator
ETHIOPIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
ETHIOPIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
ETHIOPIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Euler - Class in org.gnome.graphene
Describe a rotation using Euler angles.
Euler() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Allocate a new Euler.
Euler(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Allocate a new Euler.
Euler(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Create a Euler proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Euler(Vec3, EulerOrder) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Allocate a new Euler with the fields set to the provided values.
Euler(Vec3, EulerOrder, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Allocate a new Euler with the fields set to the provided values.
EulerOrder - Enum Class in org.gnome.graphene
Specify the order of the rotations on each axis.
evaluate(String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Evaluate code in this Context.
evaluate(GObject, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expression
Evaluates the given expression and on success stores the result in value.
evaluate(Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ExpressionWatch
Evaluates the watched expression and on success stores the result in value.
evaluateInObject(String, long, MemorySegment, Class, String, int, Out<Value>) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Evaluate code and create an new object where symbols defined in code will be added as properties, instead of being added to this Context global object.
evaluateJavascript(String, long, String, String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Asynchronously evaluate script in the script world with name worldName of the main frame current context in this WebView.
evaluateJavascriptFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_view_evaluate_javascript().
evaluateWithSourceUri(String, long, String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Evaluate code in this Context using uri as the source URI.
EVEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PageSet
Even pages.
EVEN_ODD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.FillRule
Counts the total number of intersections, without regard to the orientation of the contour.
event(Event) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Override this to handle events arriving on the sink pad
event(Event) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Override this to implement custom event handling.
event(SocketClientEvent, SocketConnectable, IOStream) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
event(SocketListenerEvent, Socket) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
event(CellAreaContext, Widget, Event, Rectangle, Set<CellRendererState>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
event(CellAreaContext, Widget, Event, Rectangle, CellRendererState...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
Event - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The event class provides factory methods to construct events for sending and functions to query (parse) received events.
Event - Class in org.gnome.gdk
GdkEvents are immutable data structures, created by GDK to represent windowing system events.
Event() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Allocate a new Event.
Event(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Allocate a new Event.
Event(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a Event proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Event(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Create a Event proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Event(MiniObject, EventType, long, int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Allocate a new Event with the fields set to the provided values.
Event(MiniObject, EventType, long, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Allocate a new Event with the fields set to the provided values.
EVENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
used for event-related errors.
EVENT - Enum constant in enum class
Sent when a navigation event was not handled by any element in the pipeline (Since: 1.6)
EVENT_BOTH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe upstream and downstream events
EVENT_DOWNSTREAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe downstream events
EVENT_FLUSH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe flush events.
EVENT_LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
marks the end of the GdkEventType enumeration.
EVENT_NUM_SHIFT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
EVENT_PROPAGATE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Use this macro as the return value for continuing the propagation of an event handler.
EVENT_STOP - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Use this macro as the return value for stopping the propagation of an event handler.
EVENT_TYPE_BOTH - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
EVENT_UPSTREAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe upstream events
Event.EventImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The EventImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Event class.
EventController - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkEventController is the base class for event controllers.
EventController(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventController
Create a EventController proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EventController.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EventController.EventControllerClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
EventController.EventControllerImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The EventControllerImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract EventController class.
EventControllerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventController.EventControllerClass
Create a EventControllerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EventControllerFocus - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkEventControllerFocus is an event controller to keep track of keyboard focus.
EventControllerFocus() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus
Creates a new event controller that will handle focus events.
EventControllerFocus(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus
Create a EventControllerFocus proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EventControllerFocus.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EventControllerFocus.EnterCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EnterCallback callback.
EventControllerFocus.EventControllerFocusClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
EventControllerFocus.LeaveCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the LeaveCallback callback.
EventControllerFocusClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus.EventControllerFocusClass
Create a EventControllerFocusClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EventControllerImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventController.EventControllerImpl
Creates a new instance of EventController for the provided memory address.
EventControllerKey - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkEventControllerKey is an event controller that provides access to key events.
EventControllerKey() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey
Creates a new event controller that will handle key events.
EventControllerKey(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey
Create a EventControllerKey proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EventControllerKey.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EventControllerKey.EventControllerKeyClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
EventControllerKey.ImUpdateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ImUpdateCallback callback.
EventControllerKey.KeyPressedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the KeyPressedCallback callback.
EventControllerKey.KeyReleasedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the KeyReleasedCallback callback.
EventControllerKey.ModifiersCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ModifiersCallback callback.
EventControllerKeyClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.EventControllerKeyClass
Create a EventControllerKeyClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EventControllerLegacy - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkEventControllerLegacy is an event controller that provides raw access to the event stream.
EventControllerLegacy() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerLegacy
Creates a new legacy event controller.
EventControllerLegacy(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerLegacy
Create a EventControllerLegacy proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EventControllerLegacy.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EventControllerLegacy.EventCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EventCallback callback.
EventControllerLegacy.EventControllerLegacyClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
EventControllerLegacyClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerLegacy.EventControllerLegacyClass
Create a EventControllerLegacyClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EventControllerMotion - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkEventControllerMotion is an event controller tracking the pointer position.
EventControllerMotion() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion
Creates a new event controller that will handle motion events.
EventControllerMotion(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion
Create a EventControllerMotion proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EventControllerMotion.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EventControllerMotion.EnterCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EnterCallback callback.
EventControllerMotion.EventControllerMotionClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
EventControllerMotion.LeaveCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the LeaveCallback callback.
EventControllerMotion.MotionCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MotionCallback callback.
EventControllerMotionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion.EventControllerMotionClass
Create a EventControllerMotionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EventControllerScroll - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkEventControllerScroll is an event controller that handles scroll events.
EventControllerScroll(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
Create a EventControllerScroll proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EventControllerScroll(Set<EventControllerScrollFlags>) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
Creates a new event controller that will handle scroll events.
EventControllerScroll(EventControllerScrollFlags...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
Creates a new event controller that will handle scroll events.
EventControllerScroll.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EventControllerScroll.DecelerateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DecelerateCallback callback.
EventControllerScroll.EventControllerScrollClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
EventControllerScroll.ScrollBeginCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ScrollBeginCallback callback.
EventControllerScroll.ScrollCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ScrollCallback callback.
EventControllerScroll.ScrollEndCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ScrollEndCallback callback.
EventControllerScrollClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.EventControllerScrollClass
Create a EventControllerScrollClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EventControllerScrollFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes the behavior of a GtkEventControllerScroll.
eventDefault(CollectData, Event, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Default GstCollectPads event handling that elements should always chain up to to ensure proper operation.
eventDefault(GstObject, Event) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Invokes the default event handler for the given pad.
eventGetCoordinates(Event, Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Static method in interface
Try to retrieve x and y coordinates of a GstNavigation event.
eventGetType(Event) - Static method in interface
Inspect a GstEvent and return the GstNavigationEventType of the event, or GST_NAVIGATION_EVENT_INVALID if the event is not a GstNavigation event.
EventImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Event.EventImpl
Creates a new instance of Event for the provided memory address.
eventNewCommand(NavigationCommand) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event given navigation command..
eventNewKeyPress(String, Set<NavigationModifierType>) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for the given key press.
eventNewKeyPress(String, NavigationModifierType...) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for the given key press.
eventNewKeyRelease(String, Set<NavigationModifierType>) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for the given key release.
eventNewKeyRelease(String, NavigationModifierType...) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for the given key release.
eventNewMouseButtonPress(int, double, double, Set<NavigationModifierType>) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for the given key mouse button press.
eventNewMouseButtonPress(int, double, double, NavigationModifierType...) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for the given key mouse button press.
eventNewMouseButtonRelease(int, double, double, Set<NavigationModifierType>) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for the given key mouse button release.
eventNewMouseButtonRelease(int, double, double, NavigationModifierType...) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for the given key mouse button release.
eventNewMouseMove(double, double, Set<NavigationModifierType>) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for the new mouse location.
eventNewMouseMove(double, double, NavigationModifierType...) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for the new mouse location.
eventNewMouseScroll(double, double, double, double, Set<NavigationModifierType>) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for the mouse scroll.
eventNewMouseScroll(double, double, double, double, NavigationModifierType...) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for the mouse scroll.
eventNewTouchCancel(Set<NavigationModifierType>) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event signalling that all currently active touch points are cancelled and should be discarded.
eventNewTouchCancel(NavigationModifierType...) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event signalling that all currently active touch points are cancelled and should be discarded.
eventNewTouchDown(int, double, double, double, Set<NavigationModifierType>) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for an added touch point.
eventNewTouchDown(int, double, double, double, NavigationModifierType...) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for an added touch point.
eventNewTouchFrame(Set<NavigationModifierType>) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event signalling the end of a touch frame.
eventNewTouchFrame(NavigationModifierType...) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event signalling the end of a touch frame.
eventNewTouchMotion(int, double, double, double, Set<NavigationModifierType>) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for a moved touch point.
eventNewTouchMotion(int, double, double, double, NavigationModifierType...) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for a moved touch point.
eventNewTouchUp(int, double, double, Set<NavigationModifierType>) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for a removed touch point.
eventNewTouchUp(int, double, double, NavigationModifierType...) - Static method in interface
Create a new navigation event for a removed touch point.
eventParseCommand(Event, Out<NavigationCommand>) - Static method in interface
Inspect a GstNavigation command event and retrieve the enum value of the associated command.
eventParseKeyEvent(Event, Out<String>) - Static method in interface
Note: Modifier keys (as defined in GstNavigationModifierType) press and release events are generated even if those states are present on all other related events
eventParseModifierState(Event, MemorySegment) - Static method in interface
eventParseMouseButtonEvent(Event, Out<Integer>, Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Static method in interface
Retrieve the details of either a GstNavigation mouse button press event or a mouse button release event.
eventParseMouseMoveEvent(Event, Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Static method in interface
Inspect a GstNavigation mouse movement event and extract the coordinates of the event.
eventParseMouseScrollEvent(Event, Out<Double>, Out<Double>, Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Static method in interface
Inspect a GstNavigation mouse scroll event and extract the coordinates of the event.
eventParseTouchEvent(Event, Out<Integer>, Out<Double>, Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Static method in interface
Retrieve the details of a GstNavigation touch-down or touch-motion event.
eventParseTouchUpEvent(Event, Out<Integer>, Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Static method in interface
Retrieve the details of a GstNavigation touch-up event.
EventSequence - Class in org.gnome.gdk
GdkEventSequence is an opaque type representing a sequence of related touch events.
EventSequence(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.EventSequence
Create a EventSequence proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EventSequenceState - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes the state of a Gdk.EventSequence in a Gesture.
eventSetCoordinates(Event, double, double) - Static method in interface
Try to set x and y coordinates on a GstNavigation event.
eventsGetAngle(Event, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Returns the relative angle from this Event to event2.
eventsGetAngle(Event, Event, Out<Double>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Returns the relative angle from event1 to event2.
eventsGetCenter(Event, Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Returns the point halfway between the events' positions.
eventsGetCenter(Event, Event, Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Returns the point halfway between the events' positions.
eventsGetDistance(Event, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Returns the distance between the event locations.
eventsGetDistance(Event, Event, Out<Double>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Returns the distance between the event locations.
EventType - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstEventType lists the standard event types that can be sent in a pipeline.
EventType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Specifies the type of the event.
EventTypeFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstEventTypeFlags indicate the aspects of the different GstEventType values.
EveryFilter<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkEveryFilter matches an item when each of its filters matches.
EveryFilter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EveryFilter
Creates a new empty "every" filter.
EveryFilter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EveryFilter
Create a EveryFilter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EveryFilter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
EveryFilter.EveryFilterClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
EveryFilterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.EveryFilter.EveryFilterClass
Create a EveryFilterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EXACT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SearchMode
Only search for exact matches.
EXACT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.KeyMatch
The key event matches
EXACT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilterMatchMode
The search string and text must match exactly.
EXACT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.CoverageLevel
The character is represented as the correct graphical form.
EXCEEDED_MEMORY_LIMIT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebProcessTerminationReason
the web process exceeded the memory limit.
Exception - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
JSCException represents a JavaScript exception.
Exception(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception
Create a Exception proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Exception(Context, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception
Create a new JSCException in context with message.
Exception.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Exception.ExceptionClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
ExceptionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception.ExceptionClass
Allocate a new ExceptionClass.
ExceptionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception.ExceptionClass
Allocate a new ExceptionClass.
ExceptionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception.ExceptionClass
Create a ExceptionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ExceptionHandler - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Functional interface declaration of the ExceptionHandler callback.
EXCLAMATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Exclamation/Interrogation (EX)
EXCLUSION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
Produces an effect similar to difference, but with lower contrast.
EXCLUSION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Produces an effect similar to that of the difference mode but lower in contrast
EXCLUSIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LockFlags
lock for exclusive access
EXCLUSIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutActionFlags
The action is the only action that can be activated.
executeCommand(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext
Executes command as if it was typed into the command bar by the user except that this does not emit the VimIMContext::execute-command signal.
executeEditingCommand(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Request to execute the given command for this WebView.
executeEditingCommandWithArgument(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Request to execute the given command with argument for this WebView.
EXIST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Operation not permitted; only the owner of the file (or other resource) or processes with special privileges can perform the operation.
exists() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Checks whether the resource pointed by this RecentInfo still exists.
exists(Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Relation
Rarely used API
EXISTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
File already exists.
EXISTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileTest
true if the file exists.
exit(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Terminates the current thread.
expand(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext
expand(Point3D, Box) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Expands the dimensions of this Box to include the coordinates at point.
expand(Point, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Expands a graphene_rect_t to contain the given graphene_point_t.
EXPANDABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererState
The cell is in a row that can be expanded
expandAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
expandCollapseCursorRow(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
EXPANDED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleState
An “expanded” state; corresponds to the Expander:expanded property.
EXPANDED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererState
The cell is in a row that is expanded
EXPANDED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Stretch
expanded width
Expander - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkExpander allows the user to reveal its child by clicking on an expander triangle.
Expander() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Calls Expander(java.lang.String) with label = null
Expander(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Creates a new expander using label as the text of the label.
Expander(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Create a Expander proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Expander.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
Expander.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ExpanderRow - Class in org.gnome.adw
A ListBoxRow used to reveal widgets.
ExpanderRow() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Creates a new AdwExpanderRow.
ExpanderRow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Create a ExpanderRow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ExpanderRow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ExpanderRow.ExpanderRowClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
ExpanderRowClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow.ExpanderRowClass
Allocate a new ExpanderRowClass.
ExpanderRowClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow.ExpanderRowClass
Allocate a new ExpanderRowClass.
ExpanderRowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow.ExpanderRowClass
Create a ExpanderRowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
expandReferences(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MatchInfo
Returns a new string containing the text in stringToExpand with references and escape sequences expanded.
expandRow(TreePath, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
expandScalar(float, Box) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Expands the dimensions of this Box by the given scalar value.
expandToPath(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
expandVec3(Vec3, Box) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Expands the dimensions of this Box to include the coordinates of the given vector.
Expectation - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
Represents the parsed value of the "Expect" header.
EXPECTATION_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
417 Expectation Failed (HTTP)
EXPERT_CHARACTERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
expire() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Promise
Expire a this Promise.
EXPIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PromiseResult
The promise expired (the carrying object lost all refs) and the promise will never be fulfilled.
EXPIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateFlags
The certificate has expired
EXPLICIT_NOTIFY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ParamFlags
calls to g_object_set_property() for this property will not automatically result in a "notify" signal being emitted: the implementation must call g_object_notify() themselves in case the property actually changes.
explicitNotify() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Property
EXPONENTS_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
EXPONENTS_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
export(DBusConnection, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Exports this DBusInterfaceSkeleton at objectPath on connection.
export(DBusObjectSkeleton) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer
Exports object on this DBusObjectManagerServer.
EXPORT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationAction
Export to a file.
exportActionGroup(String, ActionGroup) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Exports actionGroup on this DBusConnection at objectPath.
EXPORTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingType
tls-exporter binding type.
exportMenuModel(String, MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Exports menu on this DBusConnection at objectPath.
exportUniquely(DBusObjectSkeleton) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer
Like g_dbus_object_manager_server_export() but appends a string of the form _N (with N being a natural number) to object's object path if an object with the given path already exists.
expose() - Method in interface
Tell an overlay that it has been exposed.
exposeObject(String, GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Add object to the this Builder object pool so it can be referenced just like any other object built by builder.
Expression - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkExpression provides a way to describe references to values.
Expression(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Expression
Create a Expression proxy instance for the provided memory address.
EXPRESSION_TOO_LARGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Regular expression too large.
Expression.ExpressionImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The ExpressionImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Expression class.
ExpressionImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Expression.ExpressionImpl
Creates a new instance of Expression for the provided memory address.
ExpressionNotify - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ExpressionNotify callback.
ExpressionWatch - Class in org.gnome.gtk
An opaque structure representing a watched GtkExpression.
ExpressionWatch(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ExpressionWatch
Create a ExpressionWatch proxy instance for the provided memory address.
extend(MemorySegment[], MemorySegment[], CopyFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Adds all pointers of array to the end of the array arrayToExtend.
extendAndSteal(MemorySegment[], MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Adds all the pointers in array to the end of arrayToExtend, transferring ownership of each element from array to arrayToExtend and modifying arrayToExtend in-place.
EXTENDED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Message is an extended message type (see below).
EXTENDED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Whitespace data characters in the pattern are totally ignored except when escaped or inside a character class.
EXTENDER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPartFlags
This is an extender glyph part that can be repeated to reach the desired length.
extendSelection(TextExtendSelection, TextIter, TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
The class handler for the GtkTextView::extend-selection signal.
extendWithTemplate(GObject, Type, String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Main private entry point for building composite components from template XML.
extents(Font, Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Compute the logical and ink extents of a glyph string.
extentsRange(int, int, Font, Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Computes the extents of a sub-portion of a glyph string.
extentsToPixels(Rectangle, Rectangle) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Converts extents from Pango units to device units.
EXTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PolicyType
Don't show a scrollbar, but don't force the size to follow the content.
EXTERNALLY_MODIFIED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaverError
The file is externally modified.
EXTRA_CONDENSED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Stretch
extra condensed width
EXTRA_EXPANDED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Stretch
extra expanded width
EXTRA_SUBPATTERN_NAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed.
extract(long, Out<byte[]>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Copies size bytes starting from offset in this Buffer to dest.
extractDup(long, long, Out<byte[]>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Extracts a copy of at most size bytes the data at offset into newly-allocated memory.
extrapolateStride(int, int) - Method in class
Extrapolate plane stride from the first stride of an image.


F32 - Static variable in enum class
32-bit floating point samples, native endianness
F32BE - Enum constant in enum class
32-bit floating point samples, big endian
F32LE - Enum constant in enum class
32-bit floating point samples, little endian
F64 - Static variable in enum class
64-bit floating point samples, native endianness
F64BE - Enum constant in enum class
64-bit floating point samples, big endian
F64LE - Enum constant in enum class
64-bit floating point samples, little endian
Face - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for holding font faces.
Face(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Face
Create a Face proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FACE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontLevel
Select a font face (i.e.
faceBuilderAddTable(Face, Tag, Blob) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Add table for tag with data provided by blob to the face.
faceBuilderCreate() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates a hb_face_t that can be used with hb_face_builder_add_table().
faceBuilderSortTables(Face, Tag[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Set the ordering of tables for serialization.
faceCollectNominalGlyphMapping(Face, Map, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Collects the mapping from Unicode characters to nominal glyphs of the face, and optionally all of the Unicode characters covered by face.
faceCollectUnicodes(Face, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Collects all of the Unicode characters covered by face and adds them to the hb_set_t set out.
faceCollectVariationSelectors(Face, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Collects all Unicode "Variation Selector" characters covered by face and adds them to the hb_set_t set out.
faceCollectVariationUnicodes(Face, Codepoint, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Collects all Unicode characters for variationSelector covered by face and adds them to the hb_set_t set out.
faceCount(Blob) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the number of faces in a blob.
faceCreate(Blob, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Constructs a new face object from the specified blob and a face index into that blob.
faceCreateForTables(ReferenceTableFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Variant of hb_face_create(), built for those cases where it is more convenient to provide data for individual tables instead of the whole font data.
faceDestroy(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Decreases the reference count on a face object.
faceGetEmpty() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the singleton empty face object.
faceGetGlyphCount(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the glyph-count value of the specified face object.
faceGetIndex(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the face-index corresponding to the given face.
faceGetTableTags(Face, int, Out<Tag[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of all table tags for a face, if possible.
faceGetUpem(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the units-per-em (UPEM) value of the specified face object.
faceGetUserData(Face, UserDataKey) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the user data associated with the specified key, attached to the specified face object.
faceIsImmutable(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether the given face object is immutable.
faceMakeImmutable(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Makes the given face object immutable.
faceReference(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Increases the reference count on a face object.
faceReferenceBlob(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a pointer to the binary blob that contains the specified face.
faceReferenceTable(Face, Tag) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a reference to the specified table within the specified face.
faceSetGlyphCount(Face, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the glyph count for a face object to the specified value.
faceSetIndex(Face, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Assigns the specified face-index to face.
faceSetUpem(Face, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the units-per-em (upem) for a face object to the specified value.
faceSetUserData(Face, UserDataKey, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc, Bool) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Attaches a user-data key/data pair to the given face object.
factoryLookupType(SocketFamily, SocketType, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection
Looks up the GType to be used when creating socket connections on sockets with the specified family, type and protocolId.
factoryRegisterType(Type, SocketFamily, SocketType, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection
Looks up the GType to be used when creating socket connections on sockets with the specified family, type and protocol.
FADE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShader
plain fading
FADE_AND_MOVE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShader
fade and move down
FADE_AND_MOVE_HORIZ_IN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShader
fade and move horizontally in
FADE_AND_MOVE_HORIZ_OUT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShader
fade and move horizontally out
FADE_AND_MOVE_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShader
fade and move left
FADE_AND_MOVE_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShader
fade and move right
FADE_AND_MOVE_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShader
fade and move up
FADE_AND_MOVE_VERT_IN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShader
fade and move vertically in
FADE_AND_MOVE_VERT_OUT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShader
fade and move vertically out
FAIL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.TLSErrorsPolicy
TLS errors will emit WebKitWebView::load-failed-with-tls-errors and, if the signal is handled, finish the load.
failed(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager
Notify this GeolocationManager that determining the position failed.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
a general error which doesn't fit in any other category.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LibraryError
a general error which doesn't fit in any other category.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
a general error which doesn't fit in any other category.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
a general error which doesn't fit in any other category.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufError
Generic failure code, something went wrong.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
A generic error; "something went wrong" - see the error message for more.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Generic error condition for when an operation fails and no more specific GIOErrorEnum value is defined.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.PollableReturn
Generic error condition for when an operation fails.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteractionResult
The interaction has failed, or was cancelled.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ConvertError
Conversion failed for some reason.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Does not correspond to a UNIX error code; this is the standard "failed for unspecified reason" error code present in all GError error code enumerations.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOChannelError
Some other error.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionError
A GOptionArgFunc callback failed.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ShellError
Some other error.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
Some other fatal failure, error->message should explain.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriError
Generic error if no more specific error is available.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
generic error (unused)
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleError
there was an error loading or opening a module file
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CssParserError
Unknown failure.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DialogError
Generic error condition for when an operation fails and no more specific code is applicable
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconThemeError
An unspecified error occurred.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketError
a generic error
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkError
Generic load failure
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyError
Generic load failure due to policy error
FAILED_DEPENDENCY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
424 Failed Dependency (WebDAV)
FAILED_HANDLED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Operation failed and a helper program has already interacted with the user.
FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChangeReturn
the state change failed
FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestResult
FALLBACK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
whether fallback is enabled (Pango.AttrInt)
FALLBACK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.CoverageLevel
The character is represented in a way that may be comprehensible but is not the correct graphical form.
FALSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleInvalidState
There are no detected errors in the value
FALSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTristate
The state is false
FAMILY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserLevel
Allow selecting a font family
FAMILY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontLevel
Select a font family
FAMILY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
font family name list (Pango.AttrString)
FAMILY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontMask
the font family is specified.
FAST - Enum constant in enum class
fast conversion between primaries
FATAL_ERRORS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseFlags
Always return null when an error occurs (default behaviour is to return partially constructed bins or elements in some cases)
FAULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
You passed in a pointer to bad memory.
FAVICON_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabaseError
There is not an icon available for the requested URL
FAVICON_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabaseError
There might be an icon for the requested URL, but its data is unknown at the moment
FaviconDatabase - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Provides access to the icons associated with web sites.
FaviconDatabase(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase
Create a FaviconDatabase proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FaviconDatabase.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FaviconDatabase.FaviconChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the FaviconChangedCallback callback.
FaviconDatabase.FaviconDatabaseClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
FaviconDatabaseClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase.FaviconDatabaseClass
Allocate a new FaviconDatabaseClass.
FaviconDatabaseClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase.FaviconDatabaseClass
Allocate a new FaviconDatabaseClass.
FaviconDatabaseClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase.FaviconDatabaseClass
Create a FaviconDatabaseClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FaviconDatabaseError - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to denote the various errors related to the WebKitFaviconDatabase.
FBIG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOChannelError
File too large.
FCC - Enum constant in enum class
FCC Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations 73.682 (a)(20)
fdCanRead(PollFD) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Check if fd in this Poll has data to be read.
fdCanWrite(PollFD) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Check if fd in this Poll can be used for writing.
fdCtlPri(PollFD, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Control whether the descriptor fd in this Poll will be monitored for exceptional conditions (POLLPRI).
fdCtlRead(PollFD, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Control whether the descriptor fd in this Poll will be monitored for readability.
fdCtlWrite(PollFD, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Control whether the descriptor fd in this Poll will be monitored for writability.
fdHasClosed(PollFD) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Check if fd in this Poll has closed the connection.
fdHasError(PollFD) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Check if fd in this Poll has an error.
fdHasPri(PollFD) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Check if fd in this Poll has an exceptional condition (POLLPRI).
fdIgnored(PollFD) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Mark fd as ignored so that the next call to gst_poll_wait() will yield the same result for fd as last time.
fdwalkSetCloexec(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Mark every file descriptor equal to or greater than lowfd to be closed at the next execve() or similar, as if via the FD_CLOEXEC flag.
Feature - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
The hb_feature_t is the structure that holds information about requested feature application.
Feature - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Describes a web engine feature that may be toggled at runtime.
Feature() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Feature
Allocate a new Feature.
Feature(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Feature
Allocate a new Feature.
Feature(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Feature
Create a Feature proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Feature(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Feature
Create a Feature proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Feature(Tag, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Feature
Allocate a new Feature with the fields set to the provided values.
Feature(Tag, int, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Feature
Allocate a new Feature with the fields set to the provided values.
FEATURE_GLOBAL_START - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Special setting for hb_feature_t.start to apply the feature from the start of the buffer.
featureFilter(PluginFeatureFilter, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Runs a filter against all features of the plugins in the registry and returns a GList with the results.
featureFromString(byte[], Feature) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Parses a string into a hb_feature_t.
FeatureList - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Contains a set of toggle-able web engine features.
FeatureList(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureList
Create a FeatureList proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FEATURES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserLevel
Allow selecting specific OpenType font features
FEATURES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontLevel
Select a font and font features
FeatureStatus - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Describes the status of a WebKitFeature.
featureToString(Out<String[]>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Feature
Converts a hb_feature_t into a NULL-terminated string in the format understood by hb_feature_from_string().
featureToString(Feature, Out<String[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Converts a hb_feature_t into a NULL-terminated string in the format understood by hb_feature_from_string().
FEBRUARY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateMonth
FEED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
fetch(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MatchInfo
Retrieves the text matching the matchNum'th capturing parentheses.
fetch(Set<WebsiteDataTypes>, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Asynchronously get the list of WebKitWebsiteData for the given types.
fetch(WebsiteDataTypes, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Asynchronously get the list of WebKitWebsiteData for the given types.
fetchAll() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MatchInfo
Bundles up pointers to each of the matching substrings from a match and stores them in an array of gchar pointers.
fetchFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_website_data_manager_fetch().
fetchIdentifiers(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore
Asynchronously retrieve a list of the identifiers for all the stored filters.
fetchIdentifiersFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore
Finishes an asynchronous fetch of the list of stored filters.
fetchNamed(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MatchInfo
Retrieves the text matching the capturing parentheses named name.
fetchNamedPos(String, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MatchInfo
Retrieves the position in bytes of the capturing parentheses named name.
fetchPos(int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MatchInfo
Retrieves the position in bytes of the matchNum'th capturing parentheses.
FG_BLACK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Use black as foreground color.
FG_BLUE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Use blue as foreground color.
FG_CYAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Use cyan as foreground color.
FG_GREEN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Use green as foreground color.
FG_MAGENTA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Use magenta as foreground color.
FG_RED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Use red as foreground color.
FG_WHITE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Use white as foreground color.
FG_YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Use yellow as foreground color.
FIELDS - Enum constant in enum class
2 fields are stored in one buffer, use the frame ID to get access to the required field.
file(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Open a file filename as a GIOChannel using mode mode.
File - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
On-disk representation of a Buffer.
File - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GFile is a high level abstraction for manipulating files on a virtual file system.
File() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File
File(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File
Create a File proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FILE_AND_ARGV_ZERO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnFlags
the first element of argv is the file to execute, while the remaining elements are the actual argument vector to pass to the file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_CAN_DELETE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "access" namespace for checking deletion privileges.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_CAN_EXECUTE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "access" namespace for getting execution privileges.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_CAN_READ - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "access" namespace for getting read privileges.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_CAN_RENAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "access" namespace for checking renaming privileges.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_CAN_TRASH - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "access" namespace for checking trashing privileges.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_CAN_WRITE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "access" namespace for getting write privileges.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DOS_IS_ARCHIVE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "dos" namespace for checking if the file's archive flag is set.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DOS_IS_MOUNTPOINT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "dos" namespace for checking if the file is a NTFS mount point (a volume mount or a junction point).
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DOS_IS_SYSTEM - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "dos" namespace for checking if the file's backup flag is set.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DOS_REPARSE_POINT_TAG - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "dos" namespace for getting the file NTFS reparse tag.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ETAG_VALUE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "etag" namespace for getting the value of the file's entity tag.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_FILESYSTEM_FREE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "filesystem" namespace for getting the number of bytes of free space left on the file system.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_FILESYSTEM_READONLY - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "filesystem" namespace for checking if the file system is read only.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_FILESYSTEM_REMOTE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "filesystem" namespace for checking if the file system is remote.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_FILESYSTEM_SIZE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "filesystem" namespace for getting the total size (in bytes) of the file system, used in g_file_query_filesystem_info().
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_FILESYSTEM_TYPE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "filesystem" namespace for getting the file system's type.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_FILESYSTEM_USE_PREVIEW - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "filesystem" namespace for hinting a file manager application whether it should preview (e.g.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_FILESYSTEM_USED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "filesystem" namespace for getting the number of bytes used by data on the file system.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_GVFS_BACKEND - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "gvfs" namespace that gets the name of the current GVFS backend in use.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "id" namespace for getting a file identifier.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_FILESYSTEM - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "id" namespace for getting the file system identifier.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MOUNTABLE_CAN_EJECT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "mountable" namespace for checking if a file (of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) can be ejected.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MOUNTABLE_CAN_MOUNT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "mountable" namespace for checking if a file (of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) is mountable.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MOUNTABLE_CAN_POLL - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "mountable" namespace for checking if a file (of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) can be polled.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MOUNTABLE_CAN_START - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "mountable" namespace for checking if a file (of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) can be started.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MOUNTABLE_CAN_START_DEGRADED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "mountable" namespace for checking if a file (of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) can be started degraded.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MOUNTABLE_CAN_STOP - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "mountable" namespace for checking if a file (of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) can be stopped.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MOUNTABLE_CAN_UNMOUNT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "mountable" namespace for checking if a file (of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) is unmountable.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MOUNTABLE_HAL_UDI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "mountable" namespace for getting the HAL UDI for the mountable file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MOUNTABLE_IS_MEDIA_CHECK_AUTOMATIC - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "mountable" namespace for checking if a file (of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) is automatically polled for media.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MOUNTABLE_START_STOP_TYPE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "mountable" namespace for getting the GDriveStartStopType.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MOUNTABLE_UNIX_DEVICE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "mountable" namespace for getting the unix device.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MOUNTABLE_UNIX_DEVICE_FILE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "mountable" namespace for getting the unix device file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OWNER_GROUP - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "owner" namespace for getting the file owner's group.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OWNER_USER - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "owner" namespace for getting the user name of the file's owner.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OWNER_USER_REAL - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "owner" namespace for getting the real name of the user that owns the file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_PREVIEW_ICON - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "preview" namespace for getting a GIcon that can be used to get preview of the file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_RECENT_MODIFIED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "recent" namespace for getting time, when the metadata for the file in recent:/// was last changed.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SELINUX_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "selinux" namespace for getting the file's SELinux context.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_ALLOCATED_SIZE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the amount of disk space that is consumed by the file (in bytes).
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the content type of the file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_COPY_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the copy name of the file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the description of the file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the display name of the file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_EDIT_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for edit name of the file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_FAST_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the fast content type.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_ICON - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the icon for the file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_IS_BACKUP - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for checking if a file is a backup file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_IS_HIDDEN - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for checking if a file is hidden.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_IS_SYMLINK - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for checking if the file is a symlink.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_IS_VIRTUAL - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for checking if a file is virtual.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_IS_VOLATILE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for checking if a file is volatile.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the name of the file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_SIZE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the file's size (in bytes).
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_SORT_ORDER - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for setting the sort order of a file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_SYMBOLIC_ICON - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the symbolic icon for the file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_SYMLINK_TARGET - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the symlink target, if the file is a symlink.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_TARGET_URI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the target URI for the file, in the case of FileType.SHORTCUT or FileType.MOUNTABLE files.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_TYPE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "standard" namespace for storing file types.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_THUMBNAIL_IS_VALID - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking whether the thumbnail is outdated.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_THUMBNAIL_IS_VALID_LARGE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking whether the large thumbnail is outdated.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_THUMBNAIL_IS_VALID_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking whether the normal thumbnail is outdated.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_THUMBNAIL_IS_VALID_XLARGE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking whether the x-large thumbnail is outdated.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_THUMBNAIL_IS_VALID_XXLARGE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking whether the xx-large thumbnail is outdated.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_THUMBNAIL_PATH - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for getting the path to the thumbnail image with the biggest size available.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_THUMBNAIL_PATH_LARGE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for getting the path to the large thumbnail image.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_THUMBNAIL_PATH_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for getting the path to the normal thumbnail image.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_THUMBNAIL_PATH_XLARGE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for getting the path to the x-large thumbnail image.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_THUMBNAIL_PATH_XXLARGE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for getting the path to the xx-large thumbnail image.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_THUMBNAILING_FAILED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking if thumbnailing failed.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_THUMBNAILING_FAILED_LARGE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking if thumbnailing failed for the large image.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_THUMBNAILING_FAILED_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking if thumbnailing failed for the normal image.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_THUMBNAILING_FAILED_XLARGE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking if thumbnailing failed for the x-large image.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_THUMBNAILING_FAILED_XXLARGE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking if thumbnailing failed for the xx-large image.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_ACCESS - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the time the file was last accessed.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_ACCESS_NSEC - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the nanoseconds of the time the file was last accessed.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_ACCESS_USEC - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the microseconds of the time the file was last accessed.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_CHANGED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the time the file was last changed.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_CHANGED_NSEC - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the nanoseconds of the time the file was last changed.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_CHANGED_USEC - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the microseconds of the time the file was last changed.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_CREATED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the time the file was created.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_CREATED_NSEC - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the nanoseconds of the time the file was created.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_CREATED_USEC - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the microseconds of the time the file was created.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_MODIFIED - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the time the file was last modified.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_MODIFIED_NSEC - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the nanoseconds of the time the file was last modified.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_MODIFIED_USEC - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the microseconds of the time the file was last modified.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TRASH_DELETION_DATE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "trash" namespace for getting the deletion date and time of a file inside the trash:/// folder.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TRASH_ITEM_COUNT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "trash" namespace for getting the number of (toplevel) items that are present in the trash:/// folder.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TRASH_ORIG_PATH - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "trash" namespace for getting the original path of a file inside the trash:/// folder before it was trashed.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_BLOCK_SIZE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the block size for the file system.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_BLOCKS - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the number of blocks allocated for the file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_DEVICE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the device id of the device the file is located on (see stat() documentation).
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_GID - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the group ID for the file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_INODE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the inode of the file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_IS_MOUNTPOINT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "unix" namespace for checking if the file represents a UNIX mount point.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_MODE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the mode of the file (e.g.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_NLINK - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the number of hard links for a file.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_RDEV - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the device ID for the file (if it is a special file).
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_UID - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the user ID for the file.
FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkError
Load failure due to missing file
FILE_EXISTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Existing file and the operation you're using does not silently overwrite.
FILE_NAME_IS_PREFIX - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDependencyFlags
interpret filename argument as filter prefix and check all matching files in the directory.
FILE_NAME_IS_SUFFIX - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDependencyFlags
interpret filename argument as filter suffix and check all matching files in the directory
FILE_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Missing file.
FILE_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFileError
requested file was not found
File.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
File.FileClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
File.FileIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
An interface for writing VFS file handles.
File.FileIface.QuerySettableAttributesAsyncCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the QuerySettableAttributesAsyncCallback callback.
File.FileIface.QuerySettableAttributesFinishCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the QuerySettableAttributesFinishCallback callback.
File.FileIface.QueryWritableNamespacesAsyncCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the QueryWritableNamespacesAsyncCallback callback.
File.FileIface.QueryWritableNamespacesFinishCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the QueryWritableNamespacesFinishCallback callback.
File.FileImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The FileImpl type represents a native instance of the File interface.
FileAttributeInfo - Class in org.gnome.gio
Information about a specific attribute.
FileAttributeInfo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfo
Allocate a new FileAttributeInfo.
FileAttributeInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfo
Allocate a new FileAttributeInfo.
FileAttributeInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfo
Create a FileAttributeInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileAttributeInfo(String, FileAttributeType, Set<FileAttributeInfoFlags>) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfo
Allocate a new FileAttributeInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
FileAttributeInfo(String, FileAttributeType, Set<FileAttributeInfoFlags>, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfo
Allocate a new FileAttributeInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
FileAttributeInfoFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags specifying the behaviour of an attribute.
FileAttributeInfoList - Class in org.gnome.gio
Acts as a lightweight registry for possible valid file attributes.
FileAttributeInfoList() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoList
Creates a new file attribute info list.
FileAttributeInfoList(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoList
Create a FileAttributeInfoList proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileAttributeMatcher - Class in org.gnome.gio
Determines if a string matches a file attribute.
FileAttributeMatcher(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeMatcher
Create a FileAttributeMatcher proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileAttributeMatcher(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeMatcher
Creates a new file attribute matcher, which matches attributes against a given string.
FileAttributeStatus - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Used by g_file_set_attributes_from_info() when setting file attributes.
FileAttributeType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
The data types for file attributes.
FileChooser - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
FileChooser.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
FileChooser.FileChooserImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The FileChooserImpl type represents a native instance of the FileChooser interface.
FileChooserAction - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes whether a GtkFileChooser is being used to open existing files or to save to a possibly new file.
FileChooserDialog - Class in org.gnome.gtk
FileChooserDialog(String, Window, FileChooserAction, String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserDialog
Use FileDialog instead
FileChooserDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserDialog
Create a FileChooserDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileChooserDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FileChooserError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
These identify the various errors that can occur while calling GtkFileChooser functions.
FileChooserImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser.FileChooserImpl
Creates a new instance of FileChooser for the provided memory address.
FileChooserNative - Class in org.gnome.gtk
FileChooserNative(String, Window, FileChooserAction, String, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserNative
Use FileDialog instead
FileChooserNative(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserNative
Create a FileChooserNative proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileChooserNative.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FileChooserNative.FileChooserNativeClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
FileChooserNativeClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserNative.FileChooserNativeClass
Allocate a new FileChooserNativeClass.
FileChooserNativeClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserNative.FileChooserNativeClass
Allocate a new FileChooserNativeClass.
FileChooserNativeClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserNative.FileChooserNativeClass
Create a FileChooserNativeClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileChooserRequest - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A request to open a file chooser.
FileChooserRequest(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FileChooserRequest
Create a FileChooserRequest proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileChooserRequest.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FileChooserRequest.FileChooserRequestClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
FileChooserRequestClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FileChooserRequest.FileChooserRequestClass
Allocate a new FileChooserRequestClass.
FileChooserRequestClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FileChooserRequest.FileChooserRequestClass
Allocate a new FileChooserRequestClass.
FileChooserRequestClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FileChooserRequest.FileChooserRequestClass
Create a FileChooserRequestClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileChooserWidget - Class in org.gnome.gtk
FileChooserWidget(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Create a FileChooserWidget proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileChooserWidget(FileChooserAction) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Direct use of GtkFileChooserWidget is deprecated
FileChooserWidget.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FileChooserWidget.DesktopFolderCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DesktopFolderCallback callback.
FileChooserWidget.DownFolderCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DownFolderCallback callback.
FileChooserWidget.HomeFolderCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the HomeFolderCallback callback.
FileChooserWidget.LocationPopupCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the LocationPopupCallback callback.
FileChooserWidget.LocationPopupOnPasteCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the LocationPopupOnPasteCallback callback.
FileChooserWidget.LocationTogglePopupCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the LocationTogglePopupCallback callback.
FileChooserWidget.PlacesShortcutCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PlacesShortcutCallback callback.
FileChooserWidget.QuickBookmarkCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the QuickBookmarkCallback callback.
FileChooserWidget.RecentShortcutCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RecentShortcutCallback callback.
FileChooserWidget.SearchShortcutCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SearchShortcutCallback callback.
FileChooserWidget.ShowHiddenCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ShowHiddenCallback callback.
FileChooserWidget.UpFolderCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the UpFolderCallback callback.
FileClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File.FileClass
Allocate a new FileClass.
FileClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File.FileClass
Allocate a new FileClass.
FileClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File.FileClass
Create a FileClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileCopyFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used when copying or moving files.
FileCreateFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used when an operation may create a file.
FileDescriptorBased - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GFileDescriptorBased is an interface for file descriptor based IO.
FileDescriptorBased.FileDescriptorBasedIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
An interface for file descriptor based io objects.
FileDescriptorBased.FileDescriptorBasedImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The FileDescriptorBasedImpl type represents a native instance of the FileDescriptorBased interface.
FileDescriptorBasedIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileDescriptorBased.FileDescriptorBasedIface
Allocate a new FileDescriptorBasedIface.
FileDescriptorBasedIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileDescriptorBased.FileDescriptorBasedIface
Allocate a new FileDescriptorBasedIface.
FileDescriptorBasedIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileDescriptorBased.FileDescriptorBasedIface
Create a FileDescriptorBasedIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileDescriptorBasedImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileDescriptorBased.FileDescriptorBasedImpl
Creates a new instance of FileDescriptorBased for the provided memory address.
FileDialog - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkFileDialog object collects the arguments that are needed to present a file chooser dialog to the user, such as a title for the dialog and whether it should be modal.
FileDialog() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Creates a new GtkFileDialog object.
FileDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Create a FileDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FileDialog.FileDialogClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
FileDialogClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog.FileDialogClass
Allocate a new FileDialogClass.
FileDialogClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog.FileDialogClass
Allocate a new FileDialogClass.
FileDialogClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog.FileDialogClass
Create a FileDialogClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileEnumerator - Class in org.gnome.gio
GFileEnumerator allows you to operate on a set of File objects, returning a FileInfo structure for each file enumerated (e.g.
FileEnumerator(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
Create a FileEnumerator proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileEnumerator.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FileEnumerator.FileEnumeratorClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
FileEnumeratorClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator.FileEnumeratorClass
Allocate a new FileEnumeratorClass.
FileEnumeratorClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator.FileEnumeratorClass
Allocate a new FileEnumeratorClass.
FileEnumeratorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator.FileEnumeratorClass
Create a FileEnumeratorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileError - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Values corresponding to errno codes returned from file operations on UNIX.
fileErrorFromErrno(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets a GFileError constant based on the passed-in errNo.
fileErrorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
FileFilter - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkFileFilter filters files by name or mime type.
FileFilter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter
Creates a new GtkFileFilter with no rules added to it.
FileFilter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter
Create a FileFilter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileFilter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
fileGetContents(String, Out<byte[]>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Reads an entire file into allocated memory, with good error checking.
FileIcon - Class in org.gnome.gio
GFileIcon specifies an icon by pointing to an image file to be used as icon.
FileIcon(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileIcon
Create a FileIcon proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileIcon(File) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileIcon
Creates a new icon for a file.
FileIcon.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FileIcon.FileIconClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
FileIconClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileIcon.FileIconClass
Create a FileIconClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Allocate a new FileIface.
FileIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Allocate a new FileIface.
FileIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Create a FileIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.File.FileImpl
Creates a new instance of File for the provided memory address.
FileInfo - Class in org.gnome.gio
Stores information about a file system object referenced by a File.
FileInfo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Creates a new file info structure.
FileInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Create a FileInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileInfo.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FileInfo.FileInfoClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
FileInfoClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo.FileInfoClass
Create a FileInfoClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileInputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
GFileInputStream provides input streams that take their content from a file.
FileInputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream
Create a FileInputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileInputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FileInputStream.FileInputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
FileInputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream.FileInputStreamClass
Allocate a new FileInputStreamClass.
FileInputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream.FileInputStreamClass
Allocate a new FileInputStreamClass.
FileInputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream.FileInputStreamClass
Create a FileInputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileIOStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
GFileIOStream provides I/O streams that both read and write to the same file handle.
FileIOStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream
Create a FileIOStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileIOStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FileIOStream.FileIOStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
FileIOStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream.FileIOStreamClass
Allocate a new FileIOStreamClass.
FileIOStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream.FileIOStreamClass
Allocate a new FileIOStreamClass.
FileIOStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream.FileIOStreamClass
Create a FileIOStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileLauncher - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkFileLauncher object collects the arguments that are needed to open a file with an application.
FileLauncher() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher
Calls FileLauncher(org.gnome.gio.File) with file = null
FileLauncher(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher
Create a FileLauncher proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileLauncher(File) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher
Creates a new GtkFileLauncher object.
FileLauncher.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FileLauncher.FileLauncherClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
FileLauncherClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher.FileLauncherClass
Allocate a new FileLauncherClass.
FileLauncherClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher.FileLauncherClass
Allocate a new FileLauncherClass.
FileLauncherClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher.FileLauncherClass
Create a FileLauncherClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileList - Class in org.gnome.gdk
An opaque type representing a list of files.
FileList(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.FileList
Create a FileList proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileLoader - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Load a file into a GtkSourceBuffer.
FileLoader(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader
Create a FileLoader proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileLoader(Buffer, File) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader
Creates a new GtkSourceFileLoader object.
FileLoader.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FileLoader.FileLoaderClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
FileLoaderClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader.FileLoaderClass
Allocate a new FileLoaderClass.
FileLoaderClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader.FileLoaderClass
Allocate a new FileLoaderClass.
FileLoaderClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader.FileLoaderClass
Create a FileLoaderClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileLoaderError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
An error code used with the GTK_SOURCE_FILE_LOADER_ERROR domain.
FileMeasureFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags that can be used with g_file_measure_disk_usage().
FileMeasureProgressCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the FileMeasureProgressCallback callback.
FileMonitor - Class in org.gnome.gio
Monitors a file or directory for changes.
FileMonitor(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor
Create a FileMonitor proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileMonitor.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FileMonitor.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
FileMonitor.FileMonitorClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
FileMonitor.FileMonitorImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The FileMonitorImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract FileMonitor class.
FileMonitorClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor.FileMonitorClass
Allocate a new FileMonitorClass.
FileMonitorClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor.FileMonitorClass
Allocate a new FileMonitorClass.
FileMonitorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor.FileMonitorClass
Create a FileMonitorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileMonitorEvent - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Specifies what type of event a monitor event is.
FileMonitorFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used to set what a GFileMonitor will watch for.
FileMonitorImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor.FileMonitorImpl
Creates a new instance of FileMonitor for the provided memory address.
FILENAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionArg
The option takes a filename as argument, which will be in the GLib filename encoding rather than UTF-8.
FILENAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionFlags
For options of the OptionArg.CALLBACK kind, this flag indicates that the argument should be passed to the callback in the GLib filename encoding rather than UTF-8.
FILENAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Collation
FILENAME_ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionArg
The option takes a filename as argument, multiple uses of the option are collected into an array of strings.
FILENAME_TOO_LONG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Filename is too many characters.
FilenameCompleter - Class in org.gnome.gio
Completes partial file and directory names given a partial string by looking in the file system for clues.
FilenameCompleter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter
Creates a new filename completer.
FilenameCompleter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter
Create a FilenameCompleter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FilenameCompleter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FilenameCompleter.FilenameCompleterClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
FilenameCompleter.GotCompletionDataCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the GotCompletionDataCallback callback.
FilenameCompleterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter.FilenameCompleterClass
Allocate a new FilenameCompleterClass.
FilenameCompleterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter.FilenameCompleterClass
Allocate a new FilenameCompleterClass.
FilenameCompleterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter.FilenameCompleterClass
Create a FilenameCompleterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
filenameDisplayBasename(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns the display basename for the particular filename, guaranteed to be valid UTF-8.
filenameDisplayName(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a filename into a valid UTF-8 string.
filenameFromUri(String, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts an escaped ASCII-encoded URI to a local filename in the encoding used for filenames.
filenameFromUtf8(String, long, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a string from UTF-8 to the encoding GLib uses for filenames.
filenameToUri(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Similar to g_filename_to_uri(), but attempts to handle relative file paths as well.
filenameToUri(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts an absolute filename to an escaped ASCII-encoded URI, with the path component following Section 3.3.
filenameToUtf8(String, long, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a string which is in the encoding used by GLib for filenames into a UTF-8 string.
fileOpenTmp(String, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Opens a file for writing in the preferred directory for temporary files (as returned by g_get_tmp_dir()).
FileOutputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
GFileOutputStream provides output streams that write their content to a file.
FileOutputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream
Create a FileOutputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileOutputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FileOutputStream.FileOutputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
FileOutputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream.FileOutputStreamClass
Allocate a new FileOutputStreamClass.
FileOutputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream.FileOutputStreamClass
Allocate a new FileOutputStreamClass.
FileOutputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream.FileOutputStreamClass
Create a FileOutputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileProgressCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the FileProgressCallback callback.
FileQueryInfoFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used when querying a GFileInfo.
fileReadLink(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Reads the contents of the symbolic link filename like the POSIX readlink() function.
FileReadMoreCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the FileReadMoreCallback callback.
FileSaver - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Save a Buffer into a file.
FileSaver(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
Create a FileSaver proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileSaver(Buffer, File) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
Creates a new GtkSourceFileSaver object.
FileSaver.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FileSaver.FileSaverClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
FileSaverClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver.FileSaverClass
Allocate a new FileSaverClass.
FileSaverClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver.FileSaverClass
Allocate a new FileSaverClass.
FileSaverClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver.FileSaverClass
Create a FileSaverClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FileSaverError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
An error code used with the GTK_SOURCE_FILE_SAVER_ERROR domain.
FileSaverFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Flags to define the behavior of a FileSaverFlags.
fileSetContents(String, byte[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Writes all of contents to a file named filename.
FileSetContentsFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Flags to pass to g_file_set_contents_full() to affect its safety and performance.
fileSetContentsFull(String, byte[], Set<FileSetContentsFlags>, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Writes all of contents to a file named filename, with good error checking.
fileSetContentsFull(String, byte[], FileSetContentsFlags, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Writes all of contents to a file named filename, with good error checking.
FilesystemPreviewType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Indicates a hint from the file system whether files should be previewed in a file manager.
fileTest(String, Set<FileTest>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns true if any of the tests in the bitfield test are true.
fileTest(String, FileTest...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns true if any of the tests in the bitfield test are true.
FileTest - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
A test to perform on a file using g_file_test().
FileType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Indicates the file's on-disk type.
fill(byte, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes size bytes containing value to this ByteWriter.
fill(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Clears a pixbuf to the given RGBA value, converting the RGBA value into the pixbuf's pixel format.
fill(long, byte[]) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Copies size bytes from src to this Buffer at offset.
fill(long, int, Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Ask the subclass to fill the buffer with data for offset and size.
fill(long, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream
Tries to read count bytes from the stream into the buffer.
fill(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.PushSrc
Ask the subclass to fill the buffer with data.
FILL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Align
stretch to fill all space if possible, center if no meaningful way to stretch
FILL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ContentFit
Make the content fill the entire allocation, without taking its aspect ratio in consideration.
FILL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Justification
The text is placed is distributed across the label.
FILL_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node that fills a path.
fillAsync(long, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream
Reads data into this BufferedInputStream's buffer asynchronously, up to count size.
fillFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream
Finishes an asynchronous read.
FillNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node filling the area given by Gsk.Path and Gsk.FillRule with the child node.
FillNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.FillNode
Create a FillNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FillNode(RenderNode, Path, FillRule) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.FillNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will fill the child in the area given by path and fillRule.
FillRule - Enum Class in org.gnome.gsk
GskFillRule is used to select how paths are filled.
fillSilence(byte[]) - Method in class
Fill length bytes in dest with silence samples for this AudioFormatInfo.
fillSilence(AudioFormatInfo, byte[]) - Static method in enum class
Use gst_audio_format_info_fill_silence() instead.
FILM - Enum constant in enum class
Generic film (colour filters using Illuminant C)
filter(CompareFunc, Value) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Create a new iterator from an existing iterator.
filter(AttrFilterFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrList
Given a PangoAttrList and callback function, removes any elements of this AttrList for which func returns true and inserts them into a new list.
Filter - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkFilter object describes the filtering to be performed by a FilterListModel.
Filter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Filter
Create a Filter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Filter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Filter.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
Filter.FilterClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
filterAndMapInPlace(CapsFilterMapFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Calls the provided function once for each structure and caps feature in the GstCaps.
filterAndMapInPlace(StructureFilterMapFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Calls the provided function once for each field in the GstStructure.
FilterChange - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes changes in a filter in more detail and allows objects using the filter to optimize refiltering items.
FilterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Filter.FilterClass
Allocate a new FilterClass.
FilterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Filter.FilterClass
Allocate a new FilterClass.
FilterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Filter.FilterClass
Create a FilterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FilterInputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
Base class for input stream implementations that perform some kind of filtering operation on a base stream.
FilterInputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilterInputStream
Create a FilterInputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FilterInputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FilterInputStream.FilterInputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
FilterInputStream.FilterInputStreamImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The FilterInputStreamImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract FilterInputStream class.
FilterInputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilterInputStream.FilterInputStreamClass
Allocate a new FilterInputStreamClass.
FilterInputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilterInputStream.FilterInputStreamClass
Allocate a new FilterInputStreamClass.
FilterInputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilterInputStream.FilterInputStreamClass
Create a FilterInputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FilterInputStreamImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilterInputStream.FilterInputStreamImpl
Creates a new instance of FilterInputStream for the provided memory address.
filterKey(boolean, Surface, Device, int, int, Set<ModifierType>, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Allow an input method to forward key press and release events to another input method without necessarily having a GdkEvent available.
filterKey(boolean, Surface, Device, int, int, ModifierType, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Allow an input method to forward key press and release events to another input method without necessarily having a GdkEvent available.
filterKeyEvent(Event) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Allow keyEvent to be handled by the input method.
filterKeypress(Event) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Allow an input method to internally handle key press and release events.
FilterListModel<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkFilterListModel is a list model that filters the elements of the underlying model according to a GtkFilter.
FilterListModel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel
Create a FilterListModel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FilterListModel(ListModel, Filter) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel
Creates a new GtkFilterListModel that will filter model using the given filter.
FilterListModel.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FilterListModel.FilterListModelClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
FilterListModelClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel.FilterListModelClass
Allocate a new FilterListModelClass.
FilterListModelClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel.FilterListModelClass
Allocate a new FilterListModelClass.
FilterListModelClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel.FilterListModelClass
Create a FilterListModelClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FilterMatch - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes the known strictness of a filter.
filterMeta(Query, Type, Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Return true if the metadata API should be proposed in the upstream allocation query.
filterNew(TreePath) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
FilterOutputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
Base class for output stream implementations that perform some kind of filtering operation on a base stream.
FilterOutputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilterOutputStream
Create a FilterOutputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FilterOutputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FilterOutputStream.FilterOutputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
FilterOutputStream.FilterOutputStreamImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The FilterOutputStreamImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract FilterOutputStream class.
FilterOutputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilterOutputStream.FilterOutputStreamClass
Allocate a new FilterOutputStreamClass.
FilterOutputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilterOutputStream.FilterOutputStreamClass
Allocate a new FilterOutputStreamClass.
FilterOutputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilterOutputStream.FilterOutputStreamClass
Create a FilterOutputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FilterOutputStreamImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.FilterOutputStream.FilterOutputStreamImpl
Creates a new instance of FilterOutputStream for the provided memory address.
FINAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFlags
Indicates a final type.
FINAL_PUNCTUATION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
FINAL_PUNCTUATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Punctuation, Final quote" (Pf)
FINAL_TRY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsPasswordFlags
Hint to the user that this is the last try to get this password right.
finalize_() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
instance finalization function, should finish the finalization of the instance begun in dispose and chain up to the finalize_ method of the parent class.
finalize_() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
The instance finalization function (optional), should chain up to the finalize method of the parent class.
finalize_() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GtkSource
Free the resources allocated by GtkSourceView.
find(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator
Find a previously registered allocator with name.
find(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Finds the first link in this Queue which contains data.
find(MemorySegment[], MemorySegment, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Checks whether needle exists in haystack.
find(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProviderFactory
Search for an device provider factory of the given name.
find(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Search for an element factory of the given name.
find(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Find the GstEncodingProfile with the specified name and category.
find(CompareFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Finds an element in the queue this QueueArray, either by comparing every element with func or by looking up data if no compare function func is provided, and returning the index of the found element.
find(HookList, boolean, HookFindFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Finds a GHook in a GHookList using the given function to test for a match.
find(HRFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Calls the given function for key/value pairs in the GHashTable until predicate returns true.
find(TraverseType, Set<TraverseFlags>, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Finds a GNode in a tree.
find(TraverseType, TraverseFlags, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Finds a GNode in a tree.
find(T, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ListStore
Looks up the given item in the list store by looping over the items until the first occurrence of item.
findAllocationMeta(Type, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Check if this Query has metadata api set.
findBaseDir(String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Searches a string the first character that has a strong direction, according to the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.
findBestFormat(Caps, VideoInfo, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class
findCellProperty(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
findChild(Set<TraverseFlags>, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Finds the first child of a GNode with the given data.
findChild(TraverseFlags, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Finds the first child of a GNode with the given data.
FindController - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Controls text search in a WebKitWebView.
FindController(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
Create a FindController proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FindController.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FindController.CountedMatchesCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the CountedMatchesCallback callback.
FindController.FailedToFindTextCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the FailedToFindTextCallback callback.
FindController.FindControllerClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
FindController.FoundTextCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the FoundTextCallback callback.
FindControllerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FindController.FindControllerClass
Allocate a new FindControllerClass.
FindControllerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FindController.FindControllerClass
Allocate a new FindControllerClass.
FindControllerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FindController.FindControllerClass
Create a FindControllerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
findCustom(MemorySegment, CompareFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Finds an element in a GQueue, using a supplied function to find the desired element.
findCustom(CompareFunc, Value) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Find the first element in this Iterator that matches the compare function func.
findData(HookList, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Finds a GHook in a GHookList with the given data.
findEnclosingMount(Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Gets a GMount for the GFile.
findEnclosingMountAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously gets the mount for the file.
findEnclosingMountFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous find mount request.
findEntry(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Toc
Find GstTocEntry with given uid in the this Toc.
findFeature(String, Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Find the pluginfeature with the given name and type in the registry.
findFunc(HookList, boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Finds a GHook in a GHookList with the given function.
findFuncData(HookList, boolean, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Finds a GHook in a GHookList with the given function and data.
findInterval(TimeType, long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeZone
Finds an interval within this TimeZone that corresponds to the given time.
findMemory(long, long, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Finds the memory blocks that span size bytes starting from offset in this Buffer.
FindOptions - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to specify search options.
findPage(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Finds a page in this NavigationView by its tag.
findParagraphBoundary(String, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Locates a paragraph boundary in text.
findPlugin(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Find the plugin with the given name in the registry.
findPosition(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EnumListModel
Finds the position of a given enum value in this EnumListModel.
findProgramInPath(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Locates the first executable named program in the user's path, in the same way that execvp() would locate it.
findProperty(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Looks up the GParamSpec for a property of a class.
findSourceByFuncsUserData(SourceFuncs, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Finds a source with the given source functions and user data.
findSourceById(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Finds a GSource given a pair of context and ID.
findSourceByUserData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Finds a source with the given user data for the callback.
findUniformByName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
findUnlinkedPad(PadDirection) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Recursively looks for elements with an unlinked pad of the given direction within the specified bin and returns an unlinked pad if one is found, or null otherwise.
findWithEqualFunc(MemorySegment[], MemorySegment, EqualFunc, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Checks whether needle exists in haystack, using the given equalFunc.
findWithEqualFunc(T, EqualFunc, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ListStore
Looks up the given item in the list store by looping over the items and comparing them with equalFunc until the first occurrence of item which matches.
findWithEqualFuncFull(T, EqualFuncFull, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ListStore
Like g_list_store_find_with_equal_func() but with an additional userData that is passed to equalFunc.
fini() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.StaticResource
Finalized a GResource initialized by g_static_resource_init().
finish() - Method in class
finish() - Method in class
finish() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest
Finishes this ColorChooserRequest and the input element keeps the current value of WebKitColorChooserRequest:rgba.
finish(Set<DragAction>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
Ends the drag operation after a drop.
finish(DragAction...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
Ends the drag operation after a drop.
finish(AsyncResult) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Finishes an operation started with g_dbus_connection_new().
finish(AsyncResult) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Finishes an operation started with g_dbus_object_manager_client_new().
finish(AsyncResult) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Finishes creating a GDBusProxy.
finish(InputStream, long, String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest
Finish a WebKitURISchemeRequest by setting the contents of the request and its mime type.
finish(PermissionState) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionStateQuery
Notify the web-engine of the selected permission state for the given query.
finishBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
This method will push the provided output buffer downstream.
finishBufferList(BufferList) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
This method will push the provided output buffer list downstream.
finishDelegate() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Undoes the setup done by Editable.initDelegate().
finished() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
FINISHED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.AnimationState
The animation has finished.
FINISHED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ConverterResult
The conversion is finished
FINISHED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintStatus
The printing has been completed successfully.
FINISHED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.LoadEvent
Load completed.
FINISHED_ABORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintStatus
The printing has been aborted.
finishError(GError) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest
Finish a WebKitURISchemeRequest with a GError.
finishFrame(BaseParseFrame, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
Collects parsed data and pushes it downstream.
finishFrame(Buffer, int) - Method in class
Collects decoded data and pushes it downstream.
finishFrame(Buffer, int) - Method in class
Collects encoded data and pushes encoded data downstream.
finishFrame(VideoCodecFrame) - Method in class
frame should have a valid decoded data buffer, whose metadata fields are then appropriately set according to frame data and pushed downstream.
finishFrame(VideoCodecFrame) - Method in class
frame must have a valid encoded data buffer, whose metadata fields are then appropriately set according to frame data or no buffer at all if the frame should be dropped.
finishSubframe(Buffer) - Method in class
Collects decoded data and pushes it downstream.
finishSubframe(VideoCodecFrame) - Method in class
Indicate that a subframe has been finished to be decoded by the subclass.
finishSubframe(VideoCodecFrame) - Method in class
If multiple subframes are produced for one input frame then use this method for each subframe, except for the last one.
finishWithResponse(URISchemeResponse) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest
Finish a WebKitURISchemeRequest by returning a WebKitURISchemeResponse
first() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Determines the first item type of a tuple or dictionary entry type.
first() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
first() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Gets the first item in the this ContextMenu.
first() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Gets the first item in the this ContextMenu.
FIRST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorStartTimeSelection
Start at the running time of the first buffer that is received.
FIRST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsIntersectMode
Keeps the first caps order.
FIRST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookTab
the first tab in the notebook
FIRST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererAlignmentMode
The first line.
FIRST_IN_BUNDLE - Enum constant in enum class
When conveying stereo/multiview content with frame-by-frame methods, this flag marks the first buffer in a bundle of frames that belong together.
FIRST_IN_BUNDLE - Enum constant in enum class
The video frame is the first in a set of corresponding views provided as sequential frames.
FIRSTLINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Limits an unanchored pattern to match before (or at) the first newline.
firstSibling() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Gets the first sibling of a GNode.
firstValid(HookList, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Returns the first GHook in a GHookList which has not been destroyed.
fitsPointer() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Determines if this Value will fit inside the size of a pointer value.
fixate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Modifies the given this Caps into a representation with only fixed values.
fixate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Fixate all values in this Structure using gst_value_fixate().
fixate(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Only useful in pull mode.
fixate(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Called if, in negotiation, caps need fixating.
fixateCaps(PadDirection, Caps, Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
fixateField(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Fixates a GstStructure by changing the given field with its fixated value.
fixateFieldBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Fixates a GstStructure by changing the given fieldName field to the given target boolean if that field is not fixed yet.
fixateFieldNearestDouble(String, double) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Fixates a GstStructure by changing the given field to the nearest double to target that is a subset of the existing field.
fixateFieldNearestFraction(String, int, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Fixates a GstStructure by changing the given field to the nearest fraction to targetNumerator/targetDenominator that is a subset of the existing field.
fixateFieldNearestInt(String, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Fixates a GstStructure by changing the given field to the nearest integer to target that is a subset of the existing field.
fixateFieldString(String, String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Fixates a GstStructure by changing the given fieldName field to the given target string if that field is not fixed yet.
fixateSrcCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
Fixed - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkFixed places its child widgets at fixed positions and with fixed sizes.
Fixed() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed
Creates a new GtkFixed.
Fixed(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed
Create a Fixed proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FIXED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing
Columns are a fixed numbers of pixels wide.
FIXED_CAPS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
the pad is using fixed caps.
FIXED_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PipelineFlags
this pipeline works with a fixed clock
Fixed.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Fixed.FixedClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
fixedArray(VariantType, MemorySegment, long, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Constructs a new array GVariant instance, where the elements are of elementType type.
FixedClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed.FixedClass
Allocate a new FixedClass.
FixedClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed.FixedClass
Allocate a new FixedClass.
FixedClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed.FixedClass
Create a FixedClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FixedLayout - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkFixedLayout is a layout manager which can place child widgets at fixed positions.
FixedLayout() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayout
Creates a new GtkFixedLayout.
FixedLayout(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayout
Create a FixedLayout proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FixedLayout.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FixedLayout.FixedLayoutClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
FixedLayoutChild - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkLayoutChild subclass for children in a GtkFixedLayout.
FixedLayoutChild(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayoutChild
Create a FixedLayoutChild proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FixedLayoutChild.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FixedLayoutChild.FixedLayoutChildClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
FixedLayoutChildClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayoutChild.FixedLayoutChildClass
Allocate a new FixedLayoutChildClass.
FixedLayoutChildClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayoutChild.FixedLayoutChildClass
Allocate a new FixedLayoutChildClass.
FixedLayoutChildClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayoutChild.FixedLayoutChildClass
Create a FixedLayoutChildClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FixedLayoutClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayout.FixedLayoutClass
Allocate a new FixedLayoutClass.
FixedLayoutClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayout.FixedLayoutClass
Allocate a new FixedLayoutClass.
FixedLayoutClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayout.FixedLayoutClass
Create a FixedLayoutClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FIXME - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugLevel
Fixme messages are messages that indicate that something in the executed code path is not fully implemented or handled yet.
FLAC - Enum constant in enum class
samples in FLAC format (Since: 1.12)
FLAG_FATAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogLevelFlags
internal flag
FLAG_LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusFlags
offset to define more flags
FLAG_LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapFlags
first flag that can be used for custom purposes
FLAG_RECURSION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogLevelFlags
internal flag
FLAG_SET_MASK_EXACT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
A mask value with all bits set, for use as a GstFlagSet mask where all flag bits must match exactly
FLAGS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferCopyFlags
flag indicating that buffer flags should be copied
FLAGS - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type from which all flags types are derived.
FLAGS_NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationFlags
FlagsClass - Class in org.gnome.gobject
The class of a flags type holds information about its possible values.
FlagsClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsClass
Allocate a new FlagsClass.
FlagsClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsClass
Allocate a new FlagsClass.
FlagsClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsClass
Create a FlagsClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FlagsClass(TypeClass, int, int, FlagsValue) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsClass
Allocate a new FlagsClass with the fields set to the provided values.
FlagsClass(TypeClass, int, int, FlagsValue, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsClass
Allocate a new FlagsClass with the fields set to the provided values.
flagsCompleteTypeInfo(Type, TypeInfo, FlagsValue) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
This function is meant to be called from the complete_type_info() function of a GTypePlugin implementation, see the example for g_enum_complete_type_info() above.
FlagSet - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A fundamental type that describes a 32-bit flag bitfield, with 32-bit mask indicating which of the bits in the field are explicitly set.
FlagSet(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlagSet
Create a FlagSet proxy instance for the provided memory address.
flagsGetFirstValue(FlagsClass, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Returns the first GFlagsValue which is set in value.
flagsGetValueByName(FlagsClass, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Looks up a GFlagsValue by name.
flagsGetValueByNick(FlagsClass, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Looks up a GFlagsValue by nickname.
flagsRegisterStatic(String, FlagsValue) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Registers a new static flags type with the name name.
flagsToString(Type, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Pretty-prints value in the form of the flag names separated by | and sorted.
FlagsValue - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A structure which contains a single flags value, its name, and its nickname.
FlagsValue() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsValue
Allocate a new FlagsValue.
FlagsValue(int, String, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsValue
Allocate a new FlagsValue with the fields set to the provided values.
FlagsValue(int, String, String, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsValue
Allocate a new FlagsValue with the fields set to the provided values.
FlagsValue(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsValue
Allocate a new FlagsValue.
FlagsValue(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsValue
Create a FlagsValue proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Flap - Class in org.gnome.adw
Flap() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Flap
Flap(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Flap
Create a Flap proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Flap.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Flap.FlapClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
FlapClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Flap.FlapClass
Allocate a new FlapClass.
FlapClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Flap.FlapClass
Allocate a new FlapClass.
FlapClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Flap.FlapClass
Create a FlapClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FlapFoldPolicy - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
FlapTransitionType - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
FLAT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarStyle
No background, shadow only for scrolled content
flatten() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Fills in this MessageBody's data field with a buffer containing all of the data in this MessageBody.
FLATTENED_ACCENT_BASE_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
FlattenListModel<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkFlattenListModel is a list model that concatenates other list models.
FlattenListModel() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FlattenListModel
FlattenListModel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FlattenListModel
Create a FlattenListModel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FlattenListModel(ListModel) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FlattenListModel
Creates a new GtkFlattenListModel that flattens list.
FlattenListModel.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FlattenListModel.FlattenListModelClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
FlattenListModelClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FlattenListModel.FlattenListModelClass
Allocate a new FlattenListModelClass.
FlattenListModelClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FlattenListModel.FlattenListModelClass
Allocate a new FlattenListModelClass.
FlattenListModelClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FlattenListModel.FlattenListModelClass
Create a FlattenListModelClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
flattenTree(Tree, Out<String>, Out<String[]>, Out<Variant[]>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
Calculate the longest common prefix of all keys in a tree and write out an array of the key names relative to that prefix and, optionally, the value to store at each of those keys.
FLEURONS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
flip(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Flips a pixbuf horizontally or vertically and returns the result in a new pixbuf.
FLIP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AnchorHints
allow flipping anchors on both axes
FLIP_X - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AnchorHints
allow flipping anchors horizontally
FLIP_Y - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AnchorHints
allow flipping anchors vertically
FLIP_Y_FLIP - Enum constant in enum class
Bottom line first in memory, right row first
FLIP_Y_NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class
Top line first in memory, right row first
FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class
float samples
FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
a floating point number
FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.GLUniformType
A float uniform
FLOAT - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type corresponding to gfloat.
FLOAT_MALFORMED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ErrorType
malformed floating point number
FLOAT_RADIX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ErrorType
non-decimal floating point number
FLOAT32 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.TypedArrayType
Array elements are 32-bit floating point numbers (float).
FLOAT64 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.TypedArrayType
Array elements are 64-bit floating point numbers (double).
FloatIEEE754 - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GFloatIEEE754 and GDoubleIEEE754 unions are used to access the sign, mantissa and exponent of IEEE floats and doubles.
FloatIEEE754(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.FloatIEEE754
Allocate a new FloatIEEE754.
FloatIEEE754(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.FloatIEEE754
Create a FloatIEEE754 proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Floating - Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.base
Classes that implement the Floating interface, have a refSink method.
FLOATING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.DialogPresentationMode
Present dialog as a centered floating window.
FLOW_TO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Identifies the next element (or elements) in an alternate reading order of content which, at the user's discretion, allows assistive technology to override the general default of reading in document source order.
FlowBox - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkFlowBox puts child widgets in reflowing grid.
FlowBox() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Creates a GtkFlowBox.
FlowBox(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Create a FlowBox proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FlowBox.ActivateCursorChildCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCursorChildCallback callback.
FlowBox.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FlowBox.ChildActivatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ChildActivatedCallback callback.
FlowBox.MoveCursorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MoveCursorCallback callback.
FlowBox.SelectAllCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SelectAllCallback callback.
FlowBox.SelectedChildrenChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SelectedChildrenChangedCallback callback.
FlowBox.ToggleCursorChildCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ToggleCursorChildCallback callback.
FlowBox.UnselectAllCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the UnselectAllCallback callback.
FlowBoxChild - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkFlowBoxChild is the kind of widget that can be added to a GtkFlowBox.
FlowBoxChild() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild
Creates a new GtkFlowBoxChild.
FlowBoxChild(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild
Create a FlowBoxChild proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FlowBoxChild.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
FlowBoxChild.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FlowBoxChild.FlowBoxChildClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
FlowBoxChildClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild.FlowBoxChildClass
Allocate a new FlowBoxChildClass.
FlowBoxChildClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild.FlowBoxChildClass
Allocate a new FlowBoxChildClass.
FlowBoxChildClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild.FlowBoxChildClass
Create a FlowBoxChildClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FlowBoxCreateWidgetFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the FlowBoxCreateWidgetFunc callback.
FlowBoxFilterFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the FlowBoxFilterFunc callback.
FlowBoxForeachFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the FlowBoxForeachFunc callback.
FlowBoxSortFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the FlowBoxSortFunc callback.
FlowCombiner - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Utility struct to help handling GstFlowReturn combination.
FlowCombiner() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.FlowCombiner
Creates a new GstFlowCombiner, use gst_flow_combiner_free() to free it.
FlowCombiner(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.FlowCombiner
Create a FlowCombiner proxy instance for the provided memory address.
flowGetName(FlowReturn) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets a string representing the given flow return.
FlowReturn - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The result of passing data to a pad.
flowToQuark(FlowReturn) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Get the unique quark for the given GstFlowReturn.
FLOYD_STEINBERG - Enum constant in enum class
Dither with floyd-steinberg error diffusion
flush() - Method in class
flush() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
flush() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Flushes all the contents of the this DataQueue.
flush() - Method in class
flush() - Method in class
flush() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Flushes any requests queued for the windowing system.
flush() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
If this DBusInterfaceSkeleton has outstanding changes, request for these changes to be emitted immediately.
flush() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton
This method simply calls g_dbus_interface_skeleton_flush() on all interfaces belonging to this DBusObjectSkeleton.
flush() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Flushes the write buffer for the GIOChannel.
flush() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cache
Forces all pending writes in the this Cache to be committed to disk.
flush(boolean) - Method in class
flush(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Flushes the first flush bytes in the this Adapter.
flush(Aggregator) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad
Optional Called when the pad has received a flush stop, this is the place to flush any information specific to the pad, it allows for individual pads to be flushed while others might not be.
flush(CollectData, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Flush size bytes from the pad data.
flush(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Forces a write of all user-space buffered data for the given this OutputStream.
flush(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Asynchronously flushes this DBusConnection, that is, writes all queued outgoing message to the transport and then flushes the transport (using g_output_stream_flush_async()).
FLUSH - Enum constant in enum class
Samples have been flushed
FLUSH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
flush pipeline
FLUSH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ConverterFlags
Flush data
FLUSH_EVENTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClockPhase
corresponds to GdkFrameClock::flush-events.
FLUSH_START - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Start a flush operation.
FLUSH_STOP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Stop a flush operation.
flushAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Forces an asynchronous write of all user-space buffered data for the given this OutputStream.
FLUSHED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ConverterResult
Flushing is finished
flushFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Finishes an operation started with g_dbus_connection_flush().
flushFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Finishes flushing an output stream.
FLUSHING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsStateFlags
Set if collectdata's pad is flushing.
FLUSHING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusFlags
The bus is currently dropping all messages
FLUSHING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
Pad is flushing.
FLUSHING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
is pad flushing
flushStart() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Enter the flushing state.
flushStart() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Allocate a new flush start event.
flushStop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Leave the flushing state.
flushStop(boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Allocate a new flush stop event.
flushSync(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Synchronously flushes this DBusConnection.
focus(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Sets keyboard focus to surface.
focus(DirectionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
focus(DirectionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Vfunc for gtk_widget_child_focus()
FOCUS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ListScrollFlags
Focus the target item
FOCUS_CHANGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
the keyboard focus has entered or left the surface.
FOCUS_VISIBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Widget has the visible focus
FOCUS_WITHIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Widget contains the keyboard focus
FOCUSABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessiblePlatformState
whether the accessible can be focused
focusCell(CellRenderer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
FOCUSED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
the surface is presented as focused (with active decorations)
FOCUSED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessiblePlatformState
whether the accessible has focus
FOCUSED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererState
The cell is in the focus row.
FOCUSED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Widget has the keyboard focus
FocusEvent - Class in org.gnome.gdk
An event related to a keyboard focus change.
FocusEvent(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.FocusEvent
Create a FocusEvent proxy instance for the provided memory address.
focusIn() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Notify the input method that the widget to which this input context corresponds has gained focus.
focusOut() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Notify the input method that the widget to which this input context corresponds has lost focus.
fold(IteratorFoldFunction, Value) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Folds func over the elements of iter.
FoldThresholdPolicy - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
Font - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for holding fonts.
Font - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoFont is used to represent a font in a rendering-system-independent manner.
Font - Interface in org.gnome.pango.cairo
PangoCairoFont is an interface exported by fonts for use with Cairo.
Font(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Font
Create a Font proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Font(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Font
Create a Font proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FONT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontLevel
Select a font (i.e.
FONT_CONFIG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SystemSetting
The font configuration has changed in a way that requires text to be redrawn.
FONT_DESC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
font description (Pango.AttrFontDesc)
FONT_FAMILY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Font Family name
FONT_FEATURES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
OpenType font features (Pango.AttrFontFeatures).
FONT_MENU - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Font options menu.
FONT_MENU - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Font options menu.
FONT_NAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SystemSetting
The Gtk.Settings:gtk-font-name setting has changed
FONT_NO_VAR_NAMED_INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Constant signifying that a font does not have any named-instance index set.
FONT_SCALE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
font-relative size change (Pango.AttrInt).
FONT_SUBFAMILY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Font Subfamily name
Font.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.pango
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Font.FontClass - Class in org.gnome.pango
Font.FontImpl - Class in org.gnome.pango.cairo
The FontImpl type represents a native instance of the Font interface.
Font.FontImpl - Class in org.gnome.pango
The FontImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Font class.
fontAddGlyphOriginForDirection(Font, Codepoint, Direction, Position, Position) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Adds the origin coordinates to an (X,Y) point coordinate, in the specified glyph ID in the specified font.
FontButton - Class in org.gnome.gtk
FontButton() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
Use FontDialogButton instead
FontButton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
Create a FontButton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FontButton.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
FontButton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FontButton.FontSetCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the FontSetCallback callback.
fontChanged(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Notifies the font that underlying font data has changed.
FontChooser - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
FontChooser.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
FontChooser.FontActivatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
FontChooser.FontChooserIface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
FontChooser.FontChooserImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The FontChooserImpl type represents a native instance of the FontChooser interface.
FontChooserDialog - Class in org.gnome.gtk
FontChooserDialog(String, Window) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserDialog
Use FontDialog instead
FontChooserDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserDialog
Create a FontChooserDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FontChooserDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FontChooserIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.FontChooserIface
Allocate a new FontChooserIface.
FontChooserIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.FontChooserIface
Allocate a new FontChooserIface.
FontChooserIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.FontChooserIface
Create a FontChooserIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FontChooserImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.FontChooserImpl
Creates a new instance of FontChooser for the provided memory address.
FontChooserLevel - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Specifies the granularity of font selection that is desired in a GtkFontChooser.
FontChooserWidget - Class in org.gnome.gtk
FontChooserWidget() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserWidget
Direct use of GtkFontChooserWidget is deprecated.
FontChooserWidget(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserWidget
Create a FontChooserWidget proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FontChooserWidget.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FontClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Font.FontClass
Allocate a new FontClass.
FontClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Font.FontClass
Allocate a new FontClass.
FontClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Font.FontClass
Create a FontClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
fontCreate(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Constructs a new font object from the specified face.
fontCreateSubFont(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Constructs a sub-font font object from the specified parent font, replicating the parent's properties.
FontDescription - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoFontDescription describes a font in an implementation-independent manner.
FontDescription() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Creates a new font description structure with all fields unset.
FontDescription(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Create a FontDescription proxy instance for the provided memory address.
fontDestroy(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Decreases the reference count on the given font object.
FontDialog - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkFontDialog object collects the arguments that are needed to present a font chooser dialog to the user, such as a title for the dialog and whether it should be modal.
FontDialog() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
Creates a new GtkFontDialog object.
FontDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
Create a FontDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FontDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FontDialog.FontDialogClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
FontDialogButton - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkFontDialogButton is wrapped around a FontDialog and allows to open a font chooser dialog to change the font.
FontDialogButton() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
FontDialogButton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Create a FontDialogButton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FontDialogButton(FontDialog) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Creates a new GtkFontDialogButton with the given GtkFontDialog.
FontDialogButton.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
FontDialogButton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FontDialogButton.FontDialogButtonClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
FontDialogButtonClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton.FontDialogButtonClass
Allocate a new FontDialogButtonClass.
FontDialogButtonClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton.FontDialogButtonClass
Allocate a new FontDialogButtonClass.
FontDialogButtonClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton.FontDialogButtonClass
Create a FontDialogButtonClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FontDialogClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog.FontDialogClass
Allocate a new FontDialogClass.
FontDialogClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog.FontDialogClass
Allocate a new FontDialogClass.
FontDialogClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog.FontDialogClass
Create a FontDialogClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
fontDrawGlyph(Font, Codepoint, DrawFuncs, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Draws the outline that corresponds to a glyph in the specified font.
FontDrawGlyphFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the FontDrawGlyphFunc callback.
FontExtents - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Font-wide extent values, measured in font units.
FontExtents() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontExtents
Allocate a new FontExtents.
FontExtents(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontExtents
Allocate a new FontExtents.
FontExtents(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontExtents
Create a FontExtents proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FontExtents(Position, Position, Position) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontExtents
Allocate a new FontExtents with the fields set to the provided values.
FontExtents(Position, Position, Position, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontExtents
Allocate a new FontExtents with the fields set to the provided values.
FontFace - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoFontFace is used to represent a group of fonts with the same family, slant, weight, and width, but varying sizes.
FontFace(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontFace
Create a FontFace proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FontFace.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.pango
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FontFace.FontFaceClass - Class in org.gnome.pango
FontFace.FontFaceImpl - Class in org.gnome.pango
The FontFaceImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract FontFace class.
FontFaceClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontFace.FontFaceClass
Allocate a new FontFaceClass.
FontFaceClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontFace.FontFaceClass
Allocate a new FontFaceClass.
FontFaceClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontFace.FontFaceClass
Create a FontFaceClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FontFaceImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontFace.FontFaceImpl
Creates a new instance of FontFace for the provided memory address.
FontFamily<T> - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoFontFamily is used to represent a family of related font faces.
FontFamily(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily
Create a FontFamily proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FontFamily.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.pango
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FontFamily.FontFamilyClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.pango
FontFamily.FontFamilyImpl - Class in org.gnome.pango
The FontFamilyImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract FontFamily class.
FontFamilyClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily.FontFamilyClass
Allocate a new FontFamilyClass.
FontFamilyClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily.FontFamilyClass
Allocate a new FontFamilyClass.
FontFamilyClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily.FontFamilyClass
Create a FontFamilyClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FontFamilyImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily.FontFamilyImpl
Creates a new instance of FontFamily for the provided memory address.
FontFilterFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the FontFilterFunc callback.
FontFuncs - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type containing a set of virtual methods used for working on hb_font_t font objects.
FontFuncs(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontFuncs
Create a FontFuncs proxy instance for the provided memory address.
fontFuncsCreate() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates a new hb_font_funcs_t structure of font functions.
fontFuncsDestroy(FontFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Decreases the reference count on a font-functions structure.
fontFuncsGetEmpty() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches an empty font-functions structure.
fontFuncsGetUserData(FontFuncs, UserDataKey) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the user data associated with the specified key, attached to the specified font-functions structure.
fontFuncsIsImmutable(FontFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether a font-functions structure is immutable.
fontFuncsMakeImmutable(FontFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Makes a font-functions structure immutable.
fontFuncsReference(FontFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Increases the reference count on a font-functions structure.
fontFuncsSetDrawGlyphFunc(FontFuncs, FontDrawGlyphFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_draw_glyph_func_t.
fontFuncsSetFontHExtentsFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetFontHExtentsFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_get_font_h_extents_func_t.
fontFuncsSetFontVExtentsFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetFontVExtentsFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_get_font_v_extents_func_t.
fontFuncsSetGlyphContourPointFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetGlyphContourPointFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_get_glyph_contour_point_func_t.
fontFuncsSetGlyphExtentsFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetGlyphExtentsFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_get_glyph_extents_func_t.
fontFuncsSetGlyphFromNameFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetGlyphFromNameFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_get_glyph_from_name_func_t.
fontFuncsSetGlyphFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetGlyphFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
fontFuncsSetGlyphHAdvanceFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetGlyphHAdvanceFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_get_glyph_h_advance_func_t.
fontFuncsSetGlyphHAdvancesFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetGlyphHAdvancesFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_get_glyph_h_advances_func_t.
fontFuncsSetGlyphHKerningFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetGlyphHKerningFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_get_glyph_h_kerning_func_t.
fontFuncsSetGlyphHOriginFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetGlyphHOriginFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_get_glyph_h_origin_func_t.
fontFuncsSetGlyphNameFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetGlyphNameFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_get_glyph_name_func_t.
fontFuncsSetGlyphShapeFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetGlyphShapeFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Use hb_font_funcs_set_draw_glyph_func() instead
fontFuncsSetGlyphVAdvanceFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetGlyphVAdvanceFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_get_glyph_v_advance_func_t.
fontFuncsSetGlyphVAdvancesFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetGlyphVAdvancesFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_get_glyph_v_advances_func_t.
fontFuncsSetGlyphVKerningFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetGlyphVKerningFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
fontFuncsSetGlyphVOriginFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetGlyphVOriginFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_get_glyph_v_origin_func_t.
fontFuncsSetNominalGlyphFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetNominalGlyphFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_get_nominal_glyph_func_t.
fontFuncsSetNominalGlyphsFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetNominalGlyphsFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_get_nominal_glyphs_func_t.
fontFuncsSetPaintGlyphFunc(FontFuncs, FontPaintGlyphFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_paint_glyph_func_t.
fontFuncsSetUserData(FontFuncs, UserDataKey, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc, Bool) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Attaches a user-data key/data pair to the specified font-functions structure.
fontFuncsSetVariationGlyphFunc(FontFuncs, FontGetVariationGlyphFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_font_get_variation_glyph_func_t.
fontGetEmpty() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the empty font object.
fontGetExtentsForDirection(Font, Direction, FontExtents) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the extents for a font in a text segment of the specified direction.
fontGetFace(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the face associated with the specified font object.
FontGetFontExtentsFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the FontGetFontExtentsFunc callback.
FontGetFontHExtentsFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
FontGetFontVExtentsFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
fontGetGlyph(Font, Codepoint, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the glyph ID for a Unicode code point in the specified font, with an optional variation selector.
fontGetGlyphAdvanceForDirection(Font, Codepoint, Direction, Position, Position) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the advance for a glyph ID from the specified font, in a text segment of the specified direction.
FontGetGlyphAdvanceFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the FontGetGlyphAdvanceFunc callback.
fontGetGlyphAdvancesForDirection(Font, Direction, int, Codepoint, int, Position, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the advances for a sequence of glyph IDs in the specified font, in a text segment of the specified direction.
FontGetGlyphAdvancesFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the FontGetGlyphAdvancesFunc callback.
fontGetGlyphContourPoint(Font, Codepoint, int, Position, Position) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the (x,y) coordinates of a specified contour-point index in the specified glyph, within the specified font.
fontGetGlyphContourPointForOrigin(Font, Codepoint, int, Direction, Position, Position) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the (X,Y) coordinates of a specified contour-point index in the specified glyph ID in the specified font, with respect to the origin in a text segment in the specified direction.
FontGetGlyphContourPointFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the FontGetGlyphContourPointFunc callback.
fontGetGlyphExtents(Font, Codepoint, GlyphExtents) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the hb_glyph_extents_t data for a glyph ID in the specified font.
fontGetGlyphExtentsForOrigin(Font, Codepoint, Direction, GlyphExtents) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the hb_glyph_extents_t data for a glyph ID in the specified font, with respect to the origin in a text segment in the specified direction.
FontGetGlyphExtentsFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the FontGetGlyphExtentsFunc callback.
fontGetGlyphFromName(Font, String[], Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the glyph ID that corresponds to a name string in the specified font.
FontGetGlyphFromNameFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the FontGetGlyphFromNameFunc callback.
FontGetGlyphFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
fontGetGlyphHAdvance(Font, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the advance for a glyph ID in the specified font, for horizontal text segments.
FontGetGlyphHAdvanceFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
fontGetGlyphHAdvances(Font, int, Codepoint, int, Position, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the advances for a sequence of glyph IDs in the specified font, for horizontal text segments.
FontGetGlyphHAdvancesFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
fontGetGlyphHKerning(Font, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the kerning-adjustment value for a glyph-pair in the specified font, for horizontal text segments.
FontGetGlyphHKerningFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
fontGetGlyphHOrigin(Font, Codepoint, Position, Position) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the (X,Y) coordinates of the origin for a glyph ID in the specified font, for horizontal text segments.
FontGetGlyphHOriginFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
fontGetGlyphKerningForDirection(Font, Codepoint, Codepoint, Direction, Position, Position) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the kerning-adjustment value for a glyph-pair in the specified font.
FontGetGlyphKerningFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the FontGetGlyphKerningFunc callback.
fontGetGlyphName(Font, Codepoint, Out<String[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the glyph-name string for a glyph ID in the specified font.
FontGetGlyphNameFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the FontGetGlyphNameFunc callback.
fontGetGlyphOriginForDirection(Font, Codepoint, Direction, Position, Position) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the (X,Y) coordinates of the origin for a glyph in the specified font.
FontGetGlyphOriginFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the FontGetGlyphOriginFunc callback.
fontGetGlyphShape(Font, Codepoint, DrawFuncs, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Use hb_font_draw_glyph() instead
FontGetGlyphShapeFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
fontGetGlyphVAdvance(Font, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the advance for a glyph ID in the specified font, for vertical text segments.
FontGetGlyphVAdvanceFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
fontGetGlyphVAdvances(Font, int, Codepoint, int, Position, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the advances for a sequence of glyph IDs in the specified font, for vertical text segments.
FontGetGlyphVAdvancesFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
fontGetGlyphVKerning(Font, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
FontGetGlyphVKerningFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
fontGetGlyphVOrigin(Font, Codepoint, Position, Position) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the (X,Y) coordinates of the origin for a glyph ID in the specified font, for vertical text segments.
FontGetGlyphVOriginFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
fontGetHExtents(Font, FontExtents) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the extents for a specified font, for horizontal text segments.
fontGetNominalGlyph(Font, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the nominal glyph ID for a Unicode code point in the specified font.
FontGetNominalGlyphFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the FontGetNominalGlyphFunc callback.
fontGetNominalGlyphs(Font, int, Codepoint, int, Codepoint, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the nominal glyph IDs for a sequence of Unicode code points.
FontGetNominalGlyphsFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the FontGetNominalGlyphsFunc callback.
fontGetParent(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the parent font of font.
fontGetPpem(Font, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the horizontal and vertical points-per-em (ppem) of a font.
fontGetPtem(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the "point size" of a font.
fontGetScale(Font, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the horizontal and vertical scale of a font.
fontGetSerial(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Returns the internal serial number of the font.
fontGetSyntheticBold(Font, Out<Float>, Out<Float>, Bool) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the "synthetic boldness" parameters of a font.
fontGetSyntheticSlant(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the "synthetic slant" of a font.
fontGetUserData(Font, UserDataKey) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the user-data object associated with the specified key, attached to the specified font object.
fontGetVarCoordsDesign(Font, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the list of variation coordinates (in design-space units) currently set on a font.
fontGetVarCoordsNormalized(Font, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the list of normalized variation coordinates currently set on a font.
fontGetVariationGlyph(Font, Codepoint, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the glyph ID for a Unicode code point when followed by by the specified variation-selector code point, in the specified font.
FontGetVariationGlyphFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the FontGetVariationGlyphFunc callback.
fontGetVarNamedInstance(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Returns the currently-set named-instance index of the font.
fontGetVExtents(Font, FontExtents) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the extents for a specified font, for vertical text segments.
fontGlyphFromString(Font, byte[], Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the glyph ID from font that matches the specified string.
fontGlyphToString(Font, Codepoint, Out<String[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the name of the specified glyph ID in font and returns it in string s.
FontImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.cairo.Font.FontImpl
Creates a new instance of Font for the provided memory address.
FontImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Font.FontImpl
Creates a new instance of Font for the provided memory address.
fontIsImmutable(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether a font object is immutable.
FontLevel - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The level of granularity for the font selection.
fontMakeImmutable(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Makes font immutable.
FontMap<T> - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoFontMap represents the set of fonts available for a particular rendering system.
FontMap - Interface in org.gnome.pango.cairo
PangoCairoFontMap is an interface exported by font maps for use with Cairo.
FontMap(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontMap
Create a FontMap proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FontMap.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.pango
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FontMap.FontMapClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoFontMapClass structure holds the virtual functions for a particular PangoFontMap implementation.
FontMap.FontMapImpl - Class in org.gnome.pango.cairo
The FontMapImpl type represents a native instance of the FontMap interface.
FontMap.FontMapImpl - Class in org.gnome.pango
The FontMapImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract FontMap class.
FontMapClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontMap.FontMapClass
Allocate a new FontMapClass.
FontMapClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontMap.FontMapClass
Allocate a new FontMapClass.
FontMapClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontMap.FontMapClass
Create a FontMapClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FontMapImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.cairo.FontMap.FontMapImpl
Creates a new instance of FontMap for the provided memory address.
FontMapImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontMap.FontMapImpl
Creates a new instance of FontMap for the provided memory address.
FontMask - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
The bits in a PangoFontMask correspond to the set fields in a PangoFontDescription.
FontMetrics - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoFontMetrics structure holds the overall metric information for a font.
FontMetrics() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Allocate a new FontMetrics.
FontMetrics(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Allocate a new FontMetrics with the fields set to the provided values.
FontMetrics(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Allocate a new FontMetrics with the fields set to the provided values.
FontMetrics(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Allocate a new FontMetrics.
FontMetrics(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Create a FontMetrics proxy instance for the provided memory address.
fontPaintGlyph(Font, Codepoint, PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, int, Color) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Paints the glyph.
FontPaintGlyphFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the FontPaintGlyphFunc callback.
fontReference(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Increases the reference count on the given font object.
FontRendering - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Values for the Gtk.Settings:gtk-font-rendering setting that influence how GTK renders fonts.
FontScale - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
An enumeration that affects font sizes for superscript and subscript positioning and for (emulated) Small Caps.
Fontset - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoFontset represents a set of PangoFont to use when rendering text.
Fontset(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Fontset
Create a Fontset proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Fontset.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.pango
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Fontset.FontsetClass - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoFontsetClass structure holds the virtual functions for a particular PangoFontset implementation.
Fontset.FontsetImpl - Class in org.gnome.pango
The FontsetImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Fontset class.
FontsetClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Fontset.FontsetClass
Allocate a new FontsetClass.
FontsetClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Fontset.FontsetClass
Allocate a new FontsetClass.
FontsetClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Fontset.FontsetClass
Create a FontsetClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
fontSetFace(Font, Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets face as the font-face value of font.
FontsetForeachFunc - Interface in org.gnome.pango
Functional interface declaration of the FontsetForeachFunc callback.
fontSetFuncs(Font, FontFuncs, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Replaces the font-functions structure attached to a font, updating the font's user-data with font-data and the destroy callback.
fontSetFuncsData(Font, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Replaces the user data attached to a font, updating the font's destroy callback.
FontsetImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Fontset.FontsetImpl
Creates a new instance of Fontset for the provided memory address.
fontSetParent(Font, Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the parent font of font.
fontSetPpem(Font, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the horizontal and vertical pixels-per-em (PPEM) of a font.
fontSetPtem(Font, float) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the "point size" of a font.
fontSetScale(Font, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the horizontal and vertical scale of a font.
FontsetSimple - Class in org.gnome.pango
PangoFontsetSimple is a implementation of the abstract PangoFontset base class as an array of fonts.
FontsetSimple(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontsetSimple
Create a FontsetSimple proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FontsetSimple(Language) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontsetSimple
Creates a new PangoFontsetSimple for the given language.
FontsetSimple.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.pango
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FontsetSimple.FontsetSimpleClass - Class in org.gnome.pango
FontsetSimpleClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.FontsetSimple.FontsetSimpleClass
Create a FontsetSimpleClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
fontSetSyntheticBold(Font, float, float, Bool) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the "synthetic boldness" of a font.
fontSetSyntheticSlant(Font, float) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the "synthetic slant" of a font.
fontSetUserData(Font, UserDataKey, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc, Bool) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Attaches a user-data key/data pair to the specified font object.
fontSetVarCoordsDesign(Font, float[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Applies a list of variation coordinates (in design-space units) to a font.
fontSetVarCoordsNormalized(Font, int[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Applies a list of variation coordinates (in normalized units) to a font.
fontSetVariation(Font, Tag, float) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Change the value of one variation axis on the font.
fontSetVariations(Font, Variation[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Applies a list of font-variation settings to a font.
fontSetVarNamedInstance(Font, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets design coords of a font from a named-instance index.
fontSizeToPixels(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Convert points to the equivalent value in pixels.
fontSizeToPoints(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Convert pixels to the equivalent value in points.
fontSubtractGlyphOriginForDirection(Font, Codepoint, Direction, Position, Position) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Subtracts the origin coordinates from an (X,Y) point coordinate, in the specified glyph ID in the specified font.
fopen(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A wrapper for the stdio fopen() function.
FOR_SESSION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.PasswordSave
save a password for the session.
FOR_SESSION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CredentialPersistence
Credential persists for session only
forAddressFinish(AsyncResult) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Finishes an operation started with g_dbus_connection_new_for_address().
forAddressSync(String, Set<DBusConnectionFlags>, DBusAuthObserver, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Synchronously connects and sets up a D-Bus client connection for exchanging D-Bus messages with an endpoint specified by address which must be in the D-Bus address format.
forAddressSync(String, DBusConnectionFlags, DBusAuthObserver, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Synchronously connects and sets up a D-Bus client connection for exchanging D-Bus messages with an endpoint specified by address which must be in the D-Bus address format.
FORBIDDEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
403 Forbidden (HTTP)
forBusFinish(AsyncResult) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Finishes an operation started with g_dbus_object_manager_client_new_for_bus().
forBusFinish(AsyncResult) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Finishes creating a GDBusProxy.
forBusSync(BusType, Set<DBusObjectManagerClientFlags>, String, String, DBusProxyTypeFunc, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Like g_dbus_object_manager_client_new_sync() but takes a GBusType instead of a GDBusConnection.
forBusSync(BusType, Set<DBusProxyFlags>, DBusInterfaceInfo, String, String, String, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Like g_dbus_proxy_new_sync() but takes a GBusType instead of a GDBusConnection.
forBusSync(BusType, DBusObjectManagerClientFlags, String, String, DBusProxyTypeFunc, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Like g_dbus_object_manager_client_new_sync() but takes a GBusType instead of a GDBusConnection.
forBusSync(BusType, DBusProxyFlags, DBusInterfaceInfo, String, String, String, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Like g_dbus_proxy_new_sync() but takes a GBusType instead of a GDBusConnection.
forBytes(String, Bytes) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
Create a content provider that provides the given bytes as data for the given mimeType.
FORCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountUnmountFlags
Unmount even if there are outstanding file operations on the mount.
FORCE_DARK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.ColorScheme
Always use dark appearance.
FORCE_KEYFRAME - Enum constant in enum class
should the output frame be made a keyframe
FORCE_KEYFRAME_HEADERS - Enum constant in enum class
should the encoder output stream headers
FORCE_LIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.ColorScheme
Always use light appearance.
FORCE_REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconLookupFlags
Try to always load regular icons, even when symbolic icon names are given
FORCE_SYMBOLIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconLookupFlags
Try to always load symbolic icons, even when regular icon names are given
forceClose() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Closes this Dialog.
forceExit() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Use an operating-system specific method to attempt an immediate, forceful termination of the process.
forceFloating() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
This function is intended for GObject implementations to re-enforce a [floating][floating-ref] object reference.
forceRescan() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager
Mark any currently cached information about the available style schems as invalid.
forCertificate(TlsCertificate, CredentialPersistence) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Credential
Create a new credential from the certificate and persistence mode.
forCertificatePin(String, CredentialPersistence) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Credential
Create a new credential from the provided PIN and persistence mode.
forContentType(Window, Set<DialogFlags>, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserDialog
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
forContentType(Window, DialogFlags, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserDialog
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
foreach(MemorySegment[], Func) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Calls a function for each element of a GPtrArray.
foreach(Set<PathForeachFlags>, PathForeachFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Path
Calls func for every operation of the path.
foreach(BufferListFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferList
Calls func with data for each buffer in this BufferList.
foreach(CapsForeachFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Calls the provided function once for each structure and caps feature in the GstCaps.
foreach(IteratorForeachFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Iterate over all element of this Iterator and call the given function func for each element.
foreach(StructureForeachFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Calls the provided function once for each field in the GstStructure.
foreach(TagForeachFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Calls the given function for each tag inside the tag list.
foreach(Func) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Calls func for each element in the queue passing userData to the function.
foreach(Func) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Calls func for each item in the sequence passing userData to the function.
foreach(Func) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
There aren't many things you can do with a GThread, except comparing it with one that was returned from g_thread_create(). There are better ways to find out if your thread is still alive.
foreach(HFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Calls the given function for each of the key/value pairs in the GHashTable.
foreach(TraverseFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Calls the given function for each of the key/value pairs in the GTree.
foreach(PathForeachFlags, PathForeachFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Path
Calls func for every operation of the path.
foreach(CellCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
foreach(PrintSettingsFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Calls func for each key-value pair of this PrintSettings.
foreach(TextTagTableForeach) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable
Calls func on each tag in this TextTagTable, with user data data.
foreach(TreeModelForeachFunc) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
foreach(FontsetForeachFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Fontset
Iterates through all the fonts in a fontset, calling func for each one.
foreach(MessageHeadersForeachFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Calls func once for each header value in this MessageHeaders.
foreachAlloc(CellAreaContext, Widget, Rectangle, Rectangle, CellAllocCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
Calls callback for every GtkCellRenderer in this CellArea with the allocated rectangle inside cellArea.
foreachMeta(BufferForeachMetaFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Calls func with userData for each meta in this Buffer.
foreachNode(TraverseNodeFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Calls the given function for each of the nodes in the GTree.
foreachPad(ElementForeachPadFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Call func with userData for each of this Element's pads.
foreachRange(SequenceIter, SequenceIter, Func) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Calls func for each item in the range (begin, end) passing userData to the function.
foreachRemove(HRFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Calls the given function for each key/value pair in the GHashTable.
foreachSinkPad(ElementForeachPadFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Call func with userData for each of this Element's sink pads.
foreachSrcPad(ElementForeachPadFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Call func with userData for each of this Element's source pads.
foreachSteal(HRFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Calls the given function for each key/value pair in the GHashTable.
FOREGROUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SymbolicColor
The default foreground color
FOREGROUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
foreground color (Pango.AttrColor)
FOREGROUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.RenderPart
the text itself
FOREGROUND_ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
foreground alpha (Pango.AttrInt).
forFile(File) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Creates a new GtkPicture displaying the given file.
forFile(File) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Creates a GtkVideo to play back the given file.
forFile(File) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
Creates a new media file to play file.
forFile(File, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconPaintable
Creates a GtkIconPaintable for a file with a given size and scale.
forFilename(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Creates a new GtkPicture displaying the file filename.
forFilename(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Creates a GtkVideo to play back the given filename.
forFilename(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
Creates a new media file for the given filename.
forGtype(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Creates a new GdkContentFormats for a given GType.
forInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
Creates a new media file to play stream.
forInterval(double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Creates a new GtkLevelBar for the specified interval.
FORK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
Fork failed due to lack of memory.
forkIsEnabled() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
By default GStreamer will perform scanning and rebuilding of the registry file using a helper child process.
forkSetEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Applications might want to disable/enable spawning of a child helper process when rebuilding the registry.
FORM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
FORM_INTERROBANG_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
FORM_INTERROBANG_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
FORM_MIME_TYPE_MULTIPART - Static variable in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
A macro containing the value multipart/form-data; the MIME type used for posting form data that contains files to be uploaded.
FORM_MIME_TYPE_URLENCODED - Static variable in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
A macro containing the value application/x-www-form-urlencoded; the default MIME type for POSTing HTML form data.
FORM_RESUBMITTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationType
The navigation was triggered by resubmitting a form.
FORM_SUBMITTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationType
The navigation was triggered by submitting a form.
format(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a newly allocated string representing the requested format.
format(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Creates a new AdwToast.
Format - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Standard predefined formats
FORMAT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
used when the stream is of the wrong format (for example, wrong caps).
FORMAT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
FORMAT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Other, Format" (Cf)
FORMAT_PERCENT_MAX - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
The PERCENT format is between 0 and this value
FORMAT_PERCENT_SCALE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
The value used to scale down the reported PERCENT format value to its real value.
formatArgs(Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
formatBody(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Sets the formatted body text of this AlertDialog.
formatBody(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
formatBodyMarkup(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Sets the formatted body text of this AlertDialog with Pango markup.
formatBodyMarkup(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
FormatDefinition - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A format definition
FormatDefinition() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FormatDefinition
Allocate a new FormatDefinition.
FormatDefinition(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FormatDefinition
Allocate a new FormatDefinition.
FormatDefinition(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FormatDefinition
Create a FormatDefinition proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FormatDefinition(Format, String, String, Quark) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FormatDefinition
Allocate a new FormatDefinition with the fields set to the provided values.
FormatDefinition(Format, String, String, Quark, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FormatDefinition
Allocate a new FormatDefinition with the fields set to the provided values.
formatEntryText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
Signal which allows you to change how the text displayed in a combo box’s entry is displayed.
formatHeading(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Sets the formatted heading of this AlertDialog.
formatHeading(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
formatHeadingMarkup(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Sets the formatted heading of this AlertDialog with Pango markup.
formatHeadingMarkup(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
formatIso8601() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Format this DateTime in ISO 8601 format, including the date, time and time zone, and return that as a UTF-8 encoded string.
formats() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new query object for querying formats of the stream.
FORMATS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
query supported formats for convert
formatsContains(Format[], Format) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
See if the given format is inside the format array.
formatSecondaryMarkup(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog
Use AlertDialog instead
formatSecondaryText(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog
Use AlertDialog instead
formatSize(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Formats a size (for example the size of a file) into a human readable string.
FormatSizeFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Flags to modify the format of the string returned by g_format_size_full().
formatSizeForDisplay(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function is broken due to its use of SI suffixes to denote IEC units. Use g_format_size() instead.
formatSizeFull(long, Set<FormatSizeFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Formats a size.
formatSizeFull(long, FormatSizeFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Formats a size.
formDecode(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Decodes form.
formDecodeMultipart(Multipart, String, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<Bytes>) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Decodes the "multipart/form-data" request in multipart.
forMediaStream(MediaStream) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Creates a GtkVideo to play back the given stream.
formEncode(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Encodes the given field names and values into a value of type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
formEncodeDatalist(Data[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Encodes formDataSet into a value of type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
formEncodeHash(HashTable<String, String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Encodes formDataSet into a value of type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
forModel(ListModel) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController
Creates a new shortcut controller that takes its shortcuts from the given list model.
FormSubmissionRequest - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Represents a form submission request.
FormSubmissionRequest(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FormSubmissionRequest
Create a FormSubmissionRequest proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FormSubmissionRequest.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FormSubmissionRequest.FormSubmissionRequestClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
FormSubmissionRequestClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FormSubmissionRequest.FormSubmissionRequestClass
Allocate a new FormSubmissionRequestClass.
FormSubmissionRequestClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FormSubmissionRequest.FormSubmissionRequestClass
Allocate a new FormSubmissionRequestClass.
FormSubmissionRequestClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.FormSubmissionRequest.FormSubmissionRequestClass
Create a FormSubmissionRequestClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
forPaintable(Paintable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Creates a new GtkPicture displaying paintable.
forPixbuf(Pixbuf) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
forPixbuf(Pixbuf) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
Creates a new texture object representing the GdkPixbuf.
forPspec(GObject, ParamSpec) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PropertyAnimationTarget
Creates a new AdwPropertyAnimationTarget for the pspec property on object.
forPspec(Expression, ParamSpec) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PropertyExpression
Creates an expression that looks up a property.
forResource(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Creates a new GtkPicture displaying the resource at resourcePath.
forResource(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Creates a GtkVideo to play back the resource at the given resourcePath.
forResource(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
Creates a new new media file for the given resource.
forSurface(Surface) - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.Renderer
Creates an appropriate GskRenderer instance for the given surface.
forUnichar(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Determines the bidirectional type of a character.
forUnichar(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Use g_unichar_get_script()
forUri(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityOrigin
Create a new security origin from the provided.
forValue(Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
Create a content provider that provides the given value.
forValue(Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstantExpression
Creates an expression that always evaluates to the given value.
forward(PadForwardFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Calls forward for all internally linked pads of this Pad.
forward(TextIter, TextIter, TextIter, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
Synchronous forward search.
forward(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey
Forwards the current event of this this EventControllerKey to a widget.
FORWARD - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocLoopType
repeat forward
FORWARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.NavigationDirection
Corresponds to end or bottom, depending on orientation and text direction
forwardAsync(TextIter, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
forwardChar() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves this TextIter forward by one character offset.
forwardChars(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves count characters if possible.
forwardCursorPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves this TextIter forward by a single cursor position.
forwardCursorPositions(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves up to count cursor positions.
forwardDisplayLine(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Moves the given iter forward by one display (wrapped) line.
forwardDisplayLineEnd(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Moves the given iter forward to the next display line end.
forwardFindChar(TextCharPredicate, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Advances this TextIter, calling pred on each character.
forwardFinish(AsyncResult, TextIter, TextIter, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
forwardIterToSourceMark(TextIter, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Moves iter to the position of the next Mark of the given category.
forwardLine() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves this TextIter to the start of the next line.
forwardLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves count lines forward, if possible.
forwardSearch(String, Set<TextSearchFlags>, TextIter, TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Searches forward for str.
forwardSearch(String, TextSearchFlags, TextIter, TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Searches forward for str.
forwardSentenceEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves forward to the next sentence end.
forwardSentenceEnds(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
forwardToEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves this TextIter forward to the “end iterator”, which points one past the last valid character in the buffer.
forwardToLineEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves the iterator to point to the paragraph delimiter characters.
forwardToTagToggle(TextTag) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves forward to the next toggle (on or off) of the tag, or to the next toggle of any tag if tag is null.
forwardVisibleCursorPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves this TextIter forward to the next visible cursor position.
forwardVisibleCursorPositions(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves up to count visible cursor positions.
forwardVisibleLine() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves this TextIter to the start of the next visible line.
forwardVisibleLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves count visible lines forward, if possible.
forwardVisibleWordEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves forward to the next visible word end.
forwardVisibleWordEnds(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Calls TextIter.forwardVisibleWordEnd() up to count times.
forwardWordEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves forward to the next word end.
forwardWordEnds(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Calls TextIter.forwardWordEnd() up to count times.
forWorld(String, UserContentInjectedFrames, UserScriptInjectionTime, String, String[], String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserScript
Creates a new user script for script world with name worldName.
forWorld(String, UserContentInjectedFrames, UserStyleLevel, String, String[], String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserStyleSheet
Creates a new user style sheet for script world.
forXml(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Parses xmlData and returns a GDBusNodeInfo representing the data.
FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.BracketMatchType
a matching bracket was found.
FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
302 Found (HTTP)
FOURCC_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Can be used together with GST_FOURCC_ARGS to properly output a guint32 fourcc value in a printf\\()-style text message.
fprintf(MemorySegment, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
An implementation of the standard fprintf() function which supports positional parameters, as specified in the Single Unix Specification.
Fraction - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A fundamental type that describes a fraction of an integer numerator over an integer denominator
Fraction(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Fraction
Create a Fraction proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FRACTION_DENOM_DISPLAY_STYLE_GAP_MIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
FRACTION_DENOMINATOR_DISPLAY_STYLE_SHIFT_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
FRACTION_DENOMINATOR_GAP_MIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
FRACTION_DENOMINATOR_SHIFT_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
FRACTION_NUM_DISPLAY_STYLE_GAP_MIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
FRACTION_NUMERATOR_DISPLAY_STYLE_SHIFT_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
FRACTION_NUMERATOR_GAP_MIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
FRACTION_NUMERATOR_SHIFT_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
FRACTION_RULE_THICKNESS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
FractionRange - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A fundamental type that describes a GstFractionRange range
FractionRange(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FractionRange
Create a FractionRange proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FRACTIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
FRAGMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriHideFlags
Hide the fragment.
FRAGMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.URIComponent
the URI fragment component
frame(VideoFrame, VideoFrame) - Method in class
Convert the pixels of src into dest using this VideoConverter.
Frame - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkFrame is a widget that surrounds its child with a decorative frame and an optional label.
Frame - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
A web page frame.
Frame() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Frame
Calls Frame(java.lang.String) with label = null
Frame(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Frame
Creates a new GtkFrame, with optional label label.
Frame(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Frame
Create a Frame proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Frame(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.Frame
Create a Frame proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FRAME_BY_FRAME - Enum constant in enum class
Left and right eye views are provided in separate frames alternately.
FRAME_LOAD_INTERRUPTED_BY_POLICY_CHANGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyError
Load failure due to frame load interruption by policy change
Frame.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Frame.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Frame.FrameClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Frame.FrameClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
FrameClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Frame.FrameClass
Allocate a new FrameClass.
FrameClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.Frame.FrameClass
Allocate a new FrameClass.
FrameClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Frame.FrameClass
Allocate a new FrameClass.
FrameClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.Frame.FrameClass
Allocate a new FrameClass.
FrameClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Frame.FrameClass
Create a FrameClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FrameClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.Frame.FrameClass
Create a FrameClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FrameClock - Class in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkFrameClock tells the application when to update and repaint a surface.
FrameClock(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Create a FrameClock proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FrameClock.AfterPaintCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the AfterPaintCallback callback.
FrameClock.BeforePaintCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the BeforePaintCallback callback.
FrameClock.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
FrameClock.FlushEventsCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the FlushEventsCallback callback.
FrameClock.FrameClockClass - Class in org.gnome.gdk
FrameClock.FrameClockImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The FrameClockImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract FrameClock class.
FrameClock.LayoutCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the LayoutCallback callback.
FrameClock.PaintCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the PaintCallback callback.
FrameClock.ResumeEventsCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the ResumeEventsCallback callback.
FrameClock.UpdateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the UpdateCallback callback.
FrameClockClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.FrameClockClass
Create a FrameClockClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
FrameClockImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.FrameClockImpl
Creates a new instance of FrameClock for the provided memory address.
FrameClockPhase - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Used to represent the different paint clock phases that can be requested.
frameFinish() - Method in class
Wait for a previous async conversion performed using gst_video_converter_frame() to complete.
framesSinceDailyJam() - Method in class
FrameTimings - Class in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkFrameTimings object holds timing information for a single frame of the application’s displays.
FrameTimings(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.FrameTimings
Create a FrameTimings proxy instance for the provided memory address.
free() - Method in class
Free memory allocated by this AudioChannelMixer.
free() - Method in class
Free a previously allocated this AudioConverter instance.
free() - Method in class
Free a GstAudioInfo structure previously allocated with gst_audio_info_new() or gst_audio_info_copy().
free() - Method in class
Free a GstAudioQuantize.
free() - Method in class
Free a previously allocated GstAudioResampler this AudioResampler.
free() - Method in class
Free a GstAudioStreamAlign structure previously allocated with gst_audio_stream_align_new() or gst_audio_stream_align_copy().
free() - Method in class
Free a GstDsdInfo structure previously allocated with gst_dsd_info_new() or gst_dsd_info_copy().
free() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Frees the provided this BaseParseFrame.
free() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Frees a GstBitReader instance, which was previously allocated by gst_bit_reader_new().
free() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Frees this BitWriter and the allocated data inside.
free() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Frees a GstByteReader instance, which was previously allocated by gst_byte_reader_new().
free() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Frees this ByteWriter and all memory allocated by it.
free() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.FlowCombiner
Frees a GstFlowCombiner struct and all its internal data.
free() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Frees queue this QueueArray and all memory associated to it.
free() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.TypeFindData
free() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocationParams
Free this AllocationParams
free() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Frees a GstCapsFeatures and all its values.
free() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
This function can easily cause memory corruption, don't use it.
free() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Free the iterator.
free() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseContext
Frees a parse context previously allocated with gst_parse_context_new().
free() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Free a file descriptor set.
free() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Free the allocated segment this Segment.
free() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Frees a GstStructure and all its fields and values.
free() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsContext
Frees a GstInstallPluginsContext.
free() - Method in class
Free this VideoChromaResample
free() - Method in class
Free this VideoConverter
free() - Method in class
Free this VideoDither
free() - Method in class
Free a GstVideoInfo structure previously allocated with gst_video_info_new() or gst_video_info_copy().
free() - Method in class
Free a GstVideoInfoDmaDrm structure previously allocated with gst_video_info_dma_drm_new()
free() - Method in class
Free a previously allocated GstVideoScaler this VideoScaler.
free() - Method in class
Frees this VideoTimeCode.
free() - Method in class
Frees this VideoTimeCodeInterval.
free() - Method in class
Frees the this VideoVBIEncoder.
free() - Method in class
Frees the this VideoVBIParser.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointCondition
Frees this BreakpointCondition.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Frees a GdkRGBA.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TextureDownloader
Frees the given downloader and all its associated resources.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Frees the resources allocated when copying a GdkPixbufFormat using gdk_pixbuf_format_copy()
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOModuleScope
Free a module scope.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SrvTarget
Frees this SrvTarget
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountPoint
Frees a unix mount point.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Allocator
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Frees a GBookmarkFile.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Checksum
Frees the memory allocated for this Checksum.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Rarely used API
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Cond
GCond can now be statically allocated, or embedded in structures and initialised with g_cond_init().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Frees a GDate returned from g_date_new().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GError
Frees a GError and associated resources.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Clears all keys and groups from this KeyFile, and decreases the reference count by 1.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MappedFile
Use g_mapped_file_unref() instead.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseContext
Frees a GMarkupParseContext.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MatchInfo
If this MatchInfo is not null, calls g_match_info_unref(); otherwise does nothing.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Frees context and all the groups which have been added to it.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionGroup
Use g_option_group_unref() instead.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Frees a GPathBuf allocated by g_path_buf_new().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PatternSpec
Frees the memory allocated for the GLib.PatternSpec.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Frees the memory allocated for the GQueue.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Rand
Frees the memory allocated for the GRand.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Frees the memory allocated for this Sequence.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticMutex
Use g_mutex_clear()
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRecMutex
Use g_rec_mutex_clear()
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Use a GRWLock instead
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StringChunk
Frees all memory allocated by the GStringChunk.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestCase
Free the this TestCase.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogBuffer
Internal function for gtester to free test log messages, no ABI guarantees provided.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogMsg
Internal function for gtester to free test log messages, no ABI guarantees provided.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestSuite
Free the this TestSuite and all nested GTestSuites.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantIter
Frees a heap-allocated GVariantIter.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Frees a GVariantType that was allocated with g_variant_type_copy(), g_variant_type_new() or one of the container type constructor functions.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecPool
Frees the resources allocated by a GParamSpecPool.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
Use GArray and g_array_unref() instead.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Frees the resources allocated by graphene_box_alloc().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Frees the resources allocated by graphene_euler_alloc().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Frees the resources allocated by graphene_frustum_alloc().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Frees the resources allocated by graphene_matrix_alloc().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Frees the resources allocated by graphene_plane_alloc().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Frees the resources allocated by graphene_point_alloc().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Frees the resources allocated via graphene_point3d_alloc().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quad
Frees the resources allocated by graphene_quad_alloc()
free() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Releases the resources allocated by graphene_quaternion_alloc().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Frees the resources allocated by graphene_ray_alloc().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Frees the resources allocated by graphene_rect_alloc().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Size
Frees the resources allocated by graphene_size_alloc().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Frees the resources allocated by graphene_sphere_alloc().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Frees the resources allocated by graphene_triangle_alloc().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Frees the resources allocated by this Vec2
free() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Frees the resources allocated by this Vec3
free() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Frees the resources allocated by this Vec4
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathPoint
Frees a path point copied by PathPoint.copy().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Frees a GskStroke.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Border
Frees a GtkBorder.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Free the given GtkPaperSize object.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Requisition
Frees a GtkRequisition.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Free an iterator allocated on the heap.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeIter
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeRowReference
free() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Encoding
Used by language bindings.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Color
Frees a color allocated by Color.copy().
free() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Frees a font description.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Frees a PangoGlyphItem and resources to which it points.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Frees a PangoGlyphItemIter.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Free a glyph string and associated storage.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Item
Free a PangoItem and all associated memory.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Frees an iterator that's no longer in use.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Free a PangoMatrix.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.ScriptIter
Frees a PangoScriptIter.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
Frees a tab array and associated resources.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Frees this Cookie.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSPolicy
Frees this HSTSPolicy.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Frees this MessageMetrics.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Multipart
Frees this Multipart.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Credential
Free the WebKitCredential.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPosition
Free the WebKitGeolocationPosition
free() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodUnderline
Free the WebKitInputMethodUnderline.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.MemoryPressureSettings
Free the WebKitMemoryPressureSettings.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationAction
Free the WebKitNavigationAction
free() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkProxySettings
Free the WebKitNetworkProxySettings.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenuItem
Free the WebKitOptionMenuItem.
free() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessage
Free the WebKitConsoleMessage
free(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Frees the memory allocated for the GString.
free(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Frees all resources allocated for this ThreadPool.
free(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Frees the memory allocated by the GByteArray.
free(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Frees the memory pointed to by mem.
free(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MemChunk
free(MemorySegment) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.MemoryCleaner
Run the MemoryCleaner.StructFinalizer associated with this memory address, by invoking Cleaner.Cleanable.clean().
free(MemorySegment[], boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Frees the memory allocated for the GArray.
free(MemorySegment[], boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Frees the memory allocated for the GPtrArray.
free(Memory) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator
Free memory that was previously allocated with gst_allocator_alloc().
free(HookList, Hook) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Calls the GHookList finalizeHook function if it exists, and frees the memory allocated for the GHook.
FREE_FORM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputPurpose
Allow any character
FREE_FORM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputPurpose
Editable element expects any characters
freeAddresses(List<MemorySegment>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Frees addresses (which should be the return value from g_resolver_lookup_by_name() or g_resolver_lookup_by_name_finish()).
freeAndGetBuffer() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Frees this BitWriter without destroying the internal data, which is returned as GstBuffer.
freeAndGetBuffer() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Frees this ByteWriter and all memory allocated by it except the current data, which is returned as GstBuffer.
freeAndGetData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Frees this BitWriter without destroying the internal data, which is returned.
freeAndGetData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Frees this ByteWriter and all memory allocated by it except the current data, which is returned.
freeAndSteal() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Frees the memory allocated for the GString.
FREEBSD_CMSGCRED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.CredentialsType
The native credentials type is a struct cmsgcred.
freeBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Free a buffer.
freeFull() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Convenience method, which frees all the memory used by a GQueue, and calls the specified destroy function on every element's data.
FreeFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the FreeFunc callback.
freeProtectionSpace(SList<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Frees space.
freeRanges(Range) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
freeSized(MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Frees the memory pointed to by mem, assuming it is has the given size.
freeTargets(List<MemorySegment>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Frees targets (which should be the return value from g_resolver_lookup_service() or g_resolver_lookup_service_finish()).
freeToArgs() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
freeToBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Transfers ownership of the contents of this String to a newly allocated GBytes.
freeToBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Transfers the data from the GByteArray into a new immutable GBytes.
freeToFormats() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormatsBuilder
Creates a new GdkContentFormats from the current state of the given this ContentFormatsBuilder, and frees the this ContentFormatsBuilder instance.
freeToNode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Returns the node that was constructed by this Snapshot and frees this Snapshot.
freeToPaintable(Size) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Returns a paintable for the node that was constructed by this Snapshot and frees this Snapshot.
freeToPath() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Frees a GPathBuf allocated by g_path_buf_new(), and returns the path inside the buffer.
freeToPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Creates a new GskPath from the current state of the given builder, and unrefs the builder instance.
freeze() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Marks this Menu as frozen.
freezeNotify() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Increases the freeze count on this Object.
freopen(String, String, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A wrapper for the POSIX freopen() function.
FRIDAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateWeekday
FROM_END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathDirection
The tangent against path direction of the outgoing side of the path
FROM_START - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathDirection
The tangent in path direction of the incoming side of the path
fromAppdata(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Creates a new AdwAboutDialog using AppStream metadata.
fromAppdata(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
fromArray(int[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList
Creates a new GUnixFDList containing the file descriptors given in fds.
fromArray(File[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.FileList
Creates a new GdkFileList for the given array of files.
fromArray(Accessible[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleList
Allocates a new list of accessible instances.
fromBlob(byte[], Set<DBusCapabilityFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Creates a new GDBusMessage from the data stored at blob.
fromBlob(byte[], DBusCapabilityFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Creates a new GDBusMessage from the data stored at blob.
fromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Coverage
This returns null
fromBytes(byte[], SocketFamily) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Creates a new GInetAddress from the given family and bytes.
fromBytes(Bytes) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
Creates a new texture by loading an image from memory,
fromBytes(Bytes) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryInputStream
Creates a new GMemoryInputStream with data from the given bytes.
fromBytes(Bytes) - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
fromBytes(Bytes, Colorspace, boolean, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a new GdkPixbuf out of in-memory readonly image data.
fromBytes(VariantType, Bytes, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Constructs a new serialized-mode GVariant instance.
fromBytes(BuilderScope, Bytes) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderListItemFactory
Creates a new GtkBuilderListItemFactory that instantiates widgets using bytes as the data to pass to GtkBuilder.
fromCallback(CursorGetTextureCallback, Cursor) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor
Creates a new callback-based cursor object.
fromCaps(Caps) - Static method in class
Parse caps to generate a GstAudioInfo.
fromCaps(Caps) - Static method in class
Parse caps to generate a GstDsdInfo.
fromCaps(Caps) - Static method in enum class
Parses fixed Closed Caption GstCaps and returns the corresponding caption type, or VideoCaptionType.UNKNOWN.
fromCaps(Caps) - Method in class
Parse caps and update this VideoContentLightLevel
fromCaps(Caps) - Static method in class
Parse caps to generate a GstVideoInfo.
fromCaps(Caps) - Static method in class
Parse caps to generate a GstVideoInfoDmaDrm.
fromCaps(Caps) - Method in class
Parse caps and update this VideoMasteringDisplayInfo
fromCapsString(String) - Static method in enum class
fromCmpfunc(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Ordering
Converts the result of a GCompareFunc like strcmp() to a GtkOrdering value.
fromData(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryInputStream
Creates a new GMemoryInputStream with data in memory of a given size.
fromData(byte[], Colorspace, boolean, int, int, int, int, PixbufDestroyNotify) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a new GdkPixbuf out of in-memory image data.
fromData(Bytes) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Resource
Creates a GResource from a reference to the binary resource bundle.
fromData(VariantType, byte[], boolean, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a new GVariant instance from serialized data.
fromDateTime(int, int, DateTime, Set<VideoTimeCodeFlags>, int) - Static method in class
The resulting config->latest_daily_jam is set to midnight, and timecode is set to the given time.
fromDateTime(int, int, DateTime, VideoTimeCodeFlags, int) - Static method in class
The resulting config->latest_daily_jam is set to midnight, and timecode is set to the given time.
fromDateTimeFull(int, int, DateTime, Set<VideoTimeCodeFlags>, int) - Static method in class
The resulting config->latest_daily_jam is set to midnight, and timecode is set to the given time.
fromDateTimeFull(int, int, DateTime, VideoTimeCodeFlags, int) - Static method in class
The resulting config->latest_daily_jam is set to midnight, and timecode is set to the given time.
fromDirectory(String, SettingsSchemaSource, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaSource
Attempts to create a new schema source corresponding to the contents of the given directory.
fromDiscoverer(DiscovererInfo) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Creates a GstEncodingProfile matching the formats from the given GstDiscovererInfo.
fromEncodedForm(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Creates a new SoupMessage and sets it up to send the given encodedForm to uri via method.
fromError(GObject, AsyncReadyCallback, GError) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use g_task_new() and g_task_return_error() instead.
fromFd(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Creates a new GSocket from a native file descriptor or winsock SOCKET handle.
fromFd(int, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.MappedFile
Maps a file into memory.
fromFile(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from a file.
fromFile(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
Creates a new animation by loading it from a file.
fromFile(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Creates a GTlsCertificate from the data in file.
fromFile(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Parses the UI definition in the file filename.
fromFile(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Creates a new GtkImage displaying the file filename.
fromFile(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Reads the page setup from the file fileName.
fromFile(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Reads the print settings from fileName.
fromFile(File) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
Creates a new texture by loading an image from a file.
fromFileAtScale(String, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from a file.
fromFileAtScaleUtf8(String, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Same as gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_scale().
fromFileAtSize(String, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from a file.
fromFileAtSizeUtf8(String, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Same as gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size()
fromFilename(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
Creates a new texture by loading an image from a file.
fromFilename(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Creates a new DesktopAppInfo.
fromFiles(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Creates a GTlsCertificate from the PEM-encoded data in certFile and keyFile.
fromFileUtf8(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Same as gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file()
fromFileUtf8(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
Same as gdk_pixbuf_animation_new_from_file()
fromFileWithPassword(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Creates a GTlsCertificate from the data in file.
fromFourcc(int) - Static method in enum class
Converts a FOURCC value into the corresponding GstVideoFormat.
fromGaction(Action, String, Variant) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem
Creates a new WebKitContextMenuItem for the given action and label.
fromGaction(Action, String, Variant) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem
Creates a new WebKitContextMenuItem for the given action and label.
fromGDateTime(DateTime) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Creates a new GstDateTime from a GDateTime object.
fromGicon(Icon) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Creates a GtkImage displaying an icon from the current icon theme.
fromGlyphItem(GlyphItem) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutRun
Cast a GlyphItem instance to a LayoutRun with the same memory address.
fromGvariant(Variant) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter
Deserialize a file filter from a GVariant.
fromGvariant(Variant) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Desrialize a page setup from an a{sv} variant.
fromGvariant(Variant) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Deserialize a paper size from a GVariant.
fromGvariant(Variant) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Deserialize print settings from an a{sv} variant.
fromIconName(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Creates a GtkImage displaying an icon from the current icon theme.
fromIconName(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Creates a new button containing an icon from the current icon theme.
fromIndices(int[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
fromInline(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Use GResource instead.
fromIpp(String, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Creates a new GtkPaperSize object by using IPP information.
fromIso(int) - Static method in enum class
Converts the value to the GstVideoColorMatrix The matrix coefficients (MatrixCoefficients) value is defined by "ISO/IEC 23001-8 Section 7.3 Table 4" and "ITU-T H.273 Table 4".
fromIso(int) - Static method in enum class
Converts the value to the GstVideoColorPrimaries The colour primaries (ColourPrimaries) value is defined by "ISO/IEC 23001-8 Section 7.1 Table 2" and "ITU-T H.273 Table 2".
fromIso(int) - Static method in enum class
Converts the value to the GstVideoTransferFunction The transfer characteristics (TransferCharacteristics) value is defined by "ISO/IEC 23001-8 Section 7.2 Table 3" and "ITU-T H.273 Table 3".
fromIso15924(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Looks up the Unicode script for iso15924.
fromIso8601(String, TimeZone) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a GDateTime corresponding to the given ISO 8601 formatted string text.
fromIso8601(String, TimeVal) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeVal
GTimeVal is not year-2038-safe. Use g_date_time_new_from_iso8601() instead.
fromIso8601String(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Tries to parse common variants of ISO-8601 datetime strings into a GstDateTime.
fromJson(Context, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Create a new JSCValue referencing a new value created by parsing json.
fromKeyfile(KeyFile) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Creates a new DesktopAppInfo.
fromKeyFile(KeyFile, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Reads the page setup from the group groupName in the key file keyFile.
fromKeyFile(KeyFile, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Reads a paper size from the group groupName in the key file keyFile.
fromKeyFile(KeyFile, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Reads the print settings from the group groupName in keyFile.
fromList(List<Accessible>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleList
Allocates a new GtkAccessibleList, doing a shallow copy of the passed list of GtkAccessible instances.
fromList(SList<File>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.FileList
Creates a new files list container from a singly linked list of GFile instances.
fromMapInfo(MapInfo) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferMapInfo
Cast a MapInfo instance to a BufferMapInfo with the same memory address.
fromMapInfo(MapInfo) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryMapInfo
Cast a MapInfo instance to a MemoryMapInfo with the same memory address.
fromMasks(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in enum class
Find the GstVideoFormat for the given parameters.
fromMessage(MessageHeaders, Bytes) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Multipart
Parses headers and body to form a new SoupMultipart
fromModel(MenuModel) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu
Creates a GtkPopoverMenu and populates it according to model.
fromModel(MenuModel) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuBar
Creates a GtkPopoverMenuBar from a GMenuModel.
fromModel(MenuModel, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Creates a GMenuItem as an exact copy of an existing menu item in a GMenuModel.
fromModelFull(MenuModel, Set<PopoverMenuFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu
Creates a GtkPopoverMenu and populates it according to model.
fromModelFull(MenuModel, PopoverMenuFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu
Creates a GtkPopoverMenu and populates it according to model.
fromMultipart(String, Multipart) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Creates a new SoupMessage and sets it up to send multipart to uriString via POST.
fromName(String, Cursor) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor
Creates a new cursor by looking up name in the current cursor theme.
fromNames(String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ThemedIcon
Creates a new themed icon for iconnames.
fromNative(MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress
Creates a GSocketAddress subclass corresponding to the native struct sockaddr native_.
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockID
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockTime
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockTimeDiff
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactoryListType
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Bool
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Codepoint
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Color
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Mask
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameId
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Position
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Tag
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.DateDay
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.DateYear
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Pid
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Quark
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.RefString
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Strv
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Time
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeSpan
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Type
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Type
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Glyph
fromNativeArray(MemorySegment, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphUnit
fromObjectClass(GObject.ObjectClass) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererAudioInfoClass
Cast a ObjectClass instance to a DiscovererAudioInfoClass with the same memory address.
fromObjectClass(GObject.ObjectClass) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererContainerInfoClass
Cast a ObjectClass instance to a DiscovererContainerInfoClass with the same memory address.
fromObjectClass(GObject.ObjectClass) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfoClass
Cast a ObjectClass instance to a DiscovererInfoClass with the same memory address.
fromObjectClass(GObject.ObjectClass) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfoClass
Cast a ObjectClass instance to a DiscovererStreamInfoClass with the same memory address.
fromObjectClass(GObject.ObjectClass) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSubtitleInfoClass
Cast a ObjectClass instance to a DiscovererSubtitleInfoClass with the same memory address.
fromObjectClass(GObject.ObjectClass) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfoClass
Cast a ObjectClass instance to a DiscovererVideoInfoClass with the same memory address.
fromObjectClass(GObject.ObjectClass) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTargetClass
Cast a ObjectClass instance to a EncodingTargetClass with the same memory address.
fromPaintable(Paintable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Creates a new GtkImage displaying paintable.
fromPem(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Creates a GTlsCertificate from the PEM-encoded data in data.
fromPixbuf(Pixbuf) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
fromPkcs11Uris(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Creates a GTlsCertificate from a PKCS \\#11 URI.
fromPkcs12(byte[], String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Creates a GTlsCertificate from the data in data.
fromPpd(String, String, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Creates a new GtkPaperSize object by using PPD information.
fromPx(double, Settings) - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.LengthUnit
Converts value from pixels to this LengthUnit.
fromRectangle(Rectangle) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Allocation
Cast a Rectangle instance to a Allocation with the same memory address.
fromResource(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
Creates a new texture by loading an image from a resource.
fromResource(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from an resource.
fromResource(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
Creates a new pixbuf animation by loading an image from an resource.
fromResource(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
fromResource(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Parses the UI definition at resourcePath.
fromResource(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Creates a new GtkImage displaying the resource file resourcePath.
fromResource(BuilderScope, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderListItemFactory
Creates a new GtkBuilderListItemFactory that instantiates widgets using data read from the given resourcePath to pass to GtkBuilder.
fromResourceAtScale(String, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from an resource.
fromResponse(Message) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSPolicy
Parses msg's first "Strict-Transport-Security" response header and returns a SoupHSTSPolicy.
fromStaticPadTemplateWithGtype(StaticPadTemplate, Type) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate
Converts a GstStaticPadTemplate into a GstPadTemplate with a type.
fromStaticTemplate(StaticPadTemplate, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Creates a new pad with the given name from the given static template.
fromStockAction(ContextMenuAction) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem
Creates a new WebKitContextMenuItem for the given stock action.
fromStockAction(ContextMenuAction) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem
Creates a new WebKitContextMenuItem for the given stock action.
fromStockActionWithLabel(ContextMenuAction, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem
Creates a new WebKitContextMenuItem for the given stock action using the given label.
fromStockActionWithLabel(ContextMenuAction, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem
Creates a new WebKitContextMenuItem for the given stock action using the given label.
fromStream(InputStream, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from an input stream.
fromStream(InputStream, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
Creates a new animation by loading it from an input stream.
fromStream(Buffer, File, InputStream) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader
Creates a new GtkSourceFileLoader object.
fromStreamAtScale(InputStream, int, int, boolean, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from an input stream.
fromStreamFinish(AsyncResult) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Finishes an asynchronous pixbuf creation operation started with gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream_async().
fromStreamFinish(AsyncResult) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Language
Convert a language tag to a PangoLanguage.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum class
Convert the format string to its GstAudioFormat.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum class
Convert the DSD format string str to its GstDsdFormat.
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Converts caps from a string representation.
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Creates a GstCapsFeatures from a string representation.
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Creates a GstStructure from a string representation.
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Deserializes a tag list.
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Parses a URI string into a new GstUri object.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum class
Convert s to a GstVideoChromaSite
fromString(String) - Method in class
Parse the colorimetry string and update this VideoColorimetry with the parsed values.
fromString(String) - Method in class
Parse the value of content-light-level caps field and update minfo with the parsed values.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum class
Convert order to a GstVideoFieldOrder
fromString(String) - Static method in enum class
Convert the format string to its GstVideoFormat.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum class
Convert mode to a GstVideoInterlaceMode
fromString(String) - Static method in class
fromString(String) - Static method in class
tcInterStr must only have ":" as separators.
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Parses string as an IP address and creates a new GInetAddress.
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask
Parses maskString as an IP address and (optional) length, and creates a new GInetAddressMask.
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrList
Deserializes a PangoAttrList from a string.
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Creates a new font description from a string representation.
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
Deserializes a PangoTabArray from a string.
fromString(String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress
Creates a new GInetSocketAddress for address and port.
fromString(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Parses the UI definition in string.
fromString(String, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Creates a GstStructure from a string representation.
fromString(VideoMasteringDisplayInfo, String) - Static method in class
Extract GstVideoMasteringDisplayInfo from mastering
fromStringEscaped(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Parses a URI string into a new GstUri object.
fromStrings(String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Creates a new GtkDropDown that is populated with the strings.
fromStringWithBase(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Like gst_uri_from_string() but also joins with a base URI.
fromTag(TagList, Out<VideoOrientationMethod>) - Static method in interface
Parses the "image-orientation" tag and transforms it into the GstVideoOrientationMethod enum.
fromTemplate(String, Pad, PadTemplate) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad
Create a new ghostpad with target as the target.
fromTemplate(PadTemplate, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Creates a new pad with the given name from the given template.
fromTexture(Texture, int, int, Cursor) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor
Creates a new cursor from a GdkTexture.
fromTimevalLocal(TimeVal) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
GTimeVal is not year-2038-safe. Use g_date_time_new_from_unix_local() instead.
fromTimevalUtc(TimeVal) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
GTimeVal is not year-2038-safe. Use g_date_time_new_from_unix_utc() instead.
fromUnixEpochLocalTime(long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Creates a new GstDateTime using the time since Jan 1, 1970 specified by secs.
fromUnixEpochLocalTimeUsecs(long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Creates a new GstDateTime using the time since Jan 1, 1970 specified by usecs.
fromUnixEpochUtc(long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Creates a new GstDateTime using the time since Jan 1, 1970 specified by secs.
fromUnixEpochUtcUsecs(long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Creates a new GstDateTime using the time since Jan 1, 1970 specified by usecs.
fromUnixLocal(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a GDateTime corresponding to the given Unix time t in the local time zone.
fromUnixLocalUsec(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a GLib.DateTime corresponding to the given Unix time t in the local time zone.
fromUnixUtc(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a GDateTime corresponding to the given Unix time t in UTC.
fromUnixUtcUsec(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a GLib.DateTime corresponding to the given Unix time t in UTC.
fromUri(String, Uri) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Creates a new empty SoupMessage, which will connect to uri.
fromVariant(Variant) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
Parses a GVariant as produced by gst_discoverer_info_to_variant() back to a GstDiscovererInfo.
fromVideoInfo(VideoInfoDmaDrm, VideoInfo, long) - Static method in class
Fills drmInfo if info's format has a valid drm format and modifier is also valid
fromView(View) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Creates a new print compositor that can be used to print the buffer associated with view.
fromXpmData(String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a new pixbuf by parsing XPM data in memory.
FRONT_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class
Front center
FRONT_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
Front left
FRONT_LEFT_OF_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class
Front left of center
FRONT_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
Front right
FRONT_RIGHT_OF_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class
Front right of center
Frustum - Class in org.gnome.graphene
A 3D volume delimited by 2D clip planes.
Frustum() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Allocate a new Frustum.
Frustum(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Allocate a new Frustum.
Frustum(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Create a Frustum proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Frustum(Plane[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Allocate a new Frustum with the fields set to the provided values.
Frustum(Plane[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Allocate a new Frustum with the fields set to the provided values.
FSI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
First strong isolate.
fsync(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A wrapper for the POSIX fsync() function.
ftFaceCreate(Face, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates an hb_face_t face object from the specified FT_Face.
ftFaceCreateCached(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates an hb_face_t face object from the specified FT_Face.
ftFaceCreateReferenced(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates an hb_face_t face object from the specified FT_Face.
ftFontChanged(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Refreshes the state of font when the underlying FT_Face has changed.
ftFontCreate(Face, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates an hb_font_t font object from the specified FT_Face.
ftFontCreateReferenced(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates an hb_font_t font object from the specified FT_Face.
ftFontGetFace(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the FT_Face associated with the specified hb_font_t font object.
ftFontGetLoadFlags(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the FT_Load_Glyph load flags of the specified hb_font_t.
ftFontLockFace(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Gets the FT_Face associated with font.
ftFontSetFuncs(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Configures the font-functions structure of the specified hb_font_t font object to use FreeType font functions.
ftFontSetLoadFlags(Font, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the FT_Load_Glyph load flags for the specified hb_font_t.
ftFontUnlockFace(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Releases an FT_Face previously obtained with hb_ft_font_lock_face().
ftHbFontChanged(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Refreshes the state of the underlying FT_Face of font when the hb_font_t font has changed.
full() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
full(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringParams
Creates a new AdwSpringParams from mass, stiffness and damping.
full(String, int, DateTime, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSPolicy
Full version of HSTSPolicy(java.lang.String, int, boolean), to use with an existing expiration date.
full(Structure, Object...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Creates a new GstCaps and adds all the structures listed as arguments.
full(SettingsSchema, SettingsBackend, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Creates a new GSettings object with a given schema, backend and path.
full(CompareDataFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Creates a new GTree like g_tree_new() and allows to specify functions to free the memory allocated for the key and value that get called when removing the entry from the GTree.
FULL - Enum constant in enum class
Use full filter table.
FULL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StackTraceFlags
Try to retrieve as much information as possible, including source information when getting the stack trace
FULL - Enum constant in enum class
do full chroma up and down sampling
FULL - Enum constant in enum class
do conversion between color matrices
FULL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CicpRange
The values use the full range.
FULL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAlphaMode
For now falls back to GDK_PIXBUF_ALPHA_BILEVEL.
FULL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.NetworkConnectivity
The host is connected to a network, and appears to be able to reach the full Internet.
FULL_DOCUMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotRegion
A snapshot of the entire document.
FULL_NAME - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Full font name that reflects all family and relevant subfamily descriptors
FULL_PARAMS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugGraphDetails
show full element parameter values even if they are very long
FULL_WIDTH_CJK_ROMAN - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
FULL_WIDTH_IDEOGRAPHS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
FULL_WIDTH_KANA - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
fullscreen() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Asks to place this Window in the fullscreen state.
FULLSCREEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
the surface is maximized without decorations
FullscreenMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Indicates which monitor a surface should span over when in fullscreen mode.
fullscreenOnMonitor(Monitor) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Asks to place this Window in the fullscreen state on the given monitor.
Func - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the Func callback.
FUNC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalMatchType
The C closure callback must be the same.
function(Context, String, Callback, Type, Type[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Create a function in context.
functionCall(Value[]) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Call function referenced by this Value, passing the given parameters.
FunctionPointer - Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.base
A common interface to create a function pointer in native memory for a Java functional interface.
functionVariadic(Context, String, Callback, Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Create a function in context.
fuzzyHighlight(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
This will add <b> tags around matched characters in haystack based on casefoldQuery.
fuzzyMatch(String, String, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
This helper function can do a fuzzy match for you giving a haystack and casefolded needle.


g_signal_connect_data - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Signals
The method handle for g_signal_connect_data is used by all generated signal-connection methods.
g_signal_emit_by_name - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Signals
The method handle for g_signal_emit_by_name is used by all generated signal-emission methods.
G16 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
One guint16 value; for grayscale.
G16A16 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
2 guint16 values; for grayscale, alpha.
G16A16_PREMULTIPLIED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
2 guint16 values; for grayscale, alpha.
G8 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
One byte; for grayscale.
G8A8 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
2 bytes; for grayscale, alpha.
G8A8_PREMULTIPLIED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
2 bytes; for grayscale, alpha.
GAMMA10 - Enum constant in enum class
linear RGB, gamma 1.0 curve
GAMMA18 - Enum constant in enum class
Gamma 1.8 curve
GAMMA20 - Enum constant in enum class
Gamma 2.0 curve
GAMMA22 - Enum constant in enum class
Gamma 2.2 curve
GAMMA28 - Enum constant in enum class
Gamma 2.8 curve, also ITU-R BT470BG
gap(ClockTime, ClockTime) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new GAP event.
GAP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
the buffer has been created to fill a gap in the stream and contains media neutral data (elements can switch to optimized code path that ignores the buffer content).
GAP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Marks a gap in the datastream.
GapFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The different flags that can be set on GST_EVENT_GAP events.
GATEWAY_TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
504 Gateway Timeout (HTTP)
gAuthorizeMethod(DBusMethodInvocation) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Signal class handler for the GDBusInterfaceSkeleton::g-authorize-method signal.
GBR - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4 RGB, 8 bits per channel (Since: 1.2)
GBR_10BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4 RGB, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.2)
GBR_10LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4 RGB, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.2)
GBR_12BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4 RGB, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12)
GBR_12LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4 RGB, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12)
GBR_16BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4 RGB, 16 bits per channel
GBR_16LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4 RGB, 16 bits per channel
GBRA - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4:4 ARGB, 8 bits per channel (Since: 1.12)
GBRA_10BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4:4 ARGB, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.12)
GBRA_10LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4:4 ARGB, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.12)
GBRA_12BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4:4 ARGB, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12)
GBRA_12LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4:4 ARGB, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12)
Gdk - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Constants and functions that are declared in the global Gdk namespace.
Gdk() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
GdkPixbuf - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Constants and functions that are declared in the global GdkPixbuf namespace.
GdkPixbuf() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.GdkPixbuf
GE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintRelation
Greater than, or equal
GENERAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintError
An unspecified error occurred.
GENERAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PrintError
Unspecified error during a print operation
GENERAL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingError
Any other backend error preventing binding data retrieval.
GENERATE_PDF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintCapabilities
The program will send the document to the printer in PDF format
GENERATE_PS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintCapabilities
The program will send the document to the printer in Postscript format
generateOutput(Out<Buffer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
generateXml(int, GString) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Appends an XML representation of this DBusInterfaceInfo (and its children) to stringBuilder.
generateXml(int, GString) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Appends an XML representation of this DBusNodeInfo (and its children) to stringBuilder.
GENERATING_DATA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintStatus
This status is set while the pages are being rendered.
GENERIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.PbUtilsCapsDescriptionFlags
Container format can store any kind of stream type.
GENERIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A nameless container that has no semantic meaning of its own.
GENERIC_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateFlags
Some other error occurred validating the certificate
GeolocationManager - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Geolocation manager.
GeolocationManager(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager
Create a GeolocationManager proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GeolocationManager.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GeolocationManager.GeolocationManagerClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
GeolocationManager.StartCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the StartCallback callback.
GeolocationManager.StopCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the StopCallback callback.
GeolocationManagerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager.GeolocationManagerClass
Allocate a new GeolocationManagerClass.
GeolocationManagerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager.GeolocationManagerClass
Allocate a new GeolocationManagerClass.
GeolocationManagerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager.GeolocationManagerClass
Create a GeolocationManagerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GeolocationPermissionRequest - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A permission request for sharing the user's location.
GeolocationPermissionRequest(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPermissionRequest
Create a GeolocationPermissionRequest proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GeolocationPermissionRequest.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GeolocationPermissionRequest.GeolocationPermissionRequestClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
GeolocationPermissionRequestClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPermissionRequest.GeolocationPermissionRequestClass
Allocate a new GeolocationPermissionRequestClass.
GeolocationPermissionRequestClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPermissionRequest.GeolocationPermissionRequestClass
Allocate a new GeolocationPermissionRequestClass.
GeolocationPermissionRequestClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPermissionRequest.GeolocationPermissionRequestClass
Create a GeolocationPermissionRequestClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GeolocationPosition - Class in org.gnome.webkit
An opaque struct to provide position updates to a WebKitGeolocationManager.
GeolocationPosition(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPosition
Create a new WebKitGeolocationPosition.
GeolocationPosition(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPosition
Create a GeolocationPosition proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GEOMETRY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Information about size allocation
GEORGIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
GEORGIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
GEORGIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
gerror(GError) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Sets this MediaStream into an error state.
GError - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GError structure contains information about an error that has occurred.
GError - Class in org.gnome.gobject
GError(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.GError
Create a GError proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GError(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.GError
Create a GError proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GError(Quark, int, String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.GError
Creates a new GError with the given domain and code, and a message formatted with format.
GErrorException - Exception Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.base
A GErrorException is thrown when a GError is returned by native code.
GErrorException(MemorySegment) - Constructor for exception class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.GErrorException
Create a GErrorException from a GError memory segment that was returned by a native function.
GErrorException(Quark, int, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.GErrorException
Create a GErrorException that can be used to return a GError from a Java callback function to native code.
Gesture - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkGesture is the base class for gesture recognition.
Gesture(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Create a Gesture proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GESTURE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutType
The shortcut is a gesture.
GESTURE_PINCH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutType
The shortcut is a pinch gesture.
GESTURE_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutType
The shortcut is a clockwise rotation gesture.
GESTURE_ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutType
The shortcut is a counterclockwise rotation gesture.
GESTURE_STRETCH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutType
The shortcut is a stretch gesture.
GESTURE_SWIPE_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutType
The shortcut is a swipe gesture.
GESTURE_SWIPE_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutType
The shortcut is a swipe gesture.
GESTURE_TWO_FINGER_SWIPE_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutType
The shortcut is a two-finger swipe gesture.
GESTURE_TWO_FINGER_SWIPE_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutType
The shortcut is a two-finger swipe gesture.
Gesture.BeginCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the BeginCallback callback.
Gesture.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Gesture.CancelCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CancelCallback callback.
Gesture.EndCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EndCallback callback.
Gesture.GestureClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Gesture.GestureImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GestureImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Gesture class.
Gesture.SequenceStateChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SequenceStateChangedCallback callback.
Gesture.UpdateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the UpdateCallback callback.
GestureClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.GestureClass
Create a GestureClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GestureClick - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkGestureClick is a GtkGesture implementation for clicks.
GestureClick() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick
Returns a newly created GtkGesture that recognizes single and multiple presses.
GestureClick(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick
Create a GestureClick proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GestureClick.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GestureClick.GestureClickClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GestureClick.PressedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PressedCallback callback.
GestureClick.ReleasedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ReleasedCallback callback.
GestureClick.StoppedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the StoppedCallback callback.
GestureClick.UnpairedReleaseCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the UnpairedReleaseCallback callback.
GestureClickClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.GestureClickClass
Create a GestureClickClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GestureDrag - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkGestureDrag is a GtkGesture implementation for drags.
GestureDrag() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag
Returns a newly created GtkGesture that recognizes drags.
GestureDrag(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag
Create a GestureDrag proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GestureDrag.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GestureDrag.DragBeginCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DragBeginCallback callback.
GestureDrag.DragEndCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DragEndCallback callback.
GestureDrag.DragUpdateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DragUpdateCallback callback.
GestureDrag.GestureDragClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GestureDragClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag.GestureDragClass
Create a GestureDragClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GestureImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.GestureImpl
Creates a new instance of Gesture for the provided memory address.
GestureLongPress - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkGestureLongPress is a GtkGesture for long presses.
GestureLongPress() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress
Returns a newly created GtkGesture that recognizes long presses.
GestureLongPress(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress
Create a GestureLongPress proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GestureLongPress.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GestureLongPress.CancelledCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CancelledCallback callback.
GestureLongPress.GestureLongPressClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GestureLongPress.PressedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PressedCallback callback.
GestureLongPressClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress.GestureLongPressClass
Create a GestureLongPressClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GesturePan - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkGesturePan is a GtkGesture for pan gestures.
GesturePan(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GesturePan
Create a GesturePan proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GesturePan(Orientation) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GesturePan
Returns a newly created GtkGesture that recognizes pan gestures.
GesturePan.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GesturePan.GesturePanClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GesturePan.PanCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PanCallback callback.
GesturePanClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GesturePan.GesturePanClass
Create a GesturePanClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GestureRotate - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkGestureRotate is a GtkGesture for 2-finger rotations.
GestureRotate() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureRotate
Returns a newly created GtkGesture that recognizes 2-touch rotation gestures.
GestureRotate(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureRotate
Create a GestureRotate proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GestureRotate.AngleChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the AngleChangedCallback callback.
GestureRotate.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GestureRotate.GestureRotateClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GestureRotateClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureRotate.GestureRotateClass
Create a GestureRotateClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GestureSingle - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkGestureSingle is a GtkGestures subclass optimized for singe-touch and mouse gestures.
GestureSingle(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle
Create a GestureSingle proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GestureSingle.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GestureSingle.GestureSingleClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GestureSingleClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle.GestureSingleClass
Create a GestureSingleClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GestureStylus - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkGestureStylus is a GtkGesture specific to stylus input.
GestureStylus() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Creates a new GtkGestureStylus.
GestureStylus(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Create a GestureStylus proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GestureStylus.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GestureStylus.DownCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DownCallback callback.
GestureStylus.GestureStylusClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GestureStylus.MotionCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MotionCallback callback.
GestureStylus.ProximityCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ProximityCallback callback.
GestureStylus.UpCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the UpCallback callback.
GestureStylusClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.GestureStylusClass
Create a GestureStylusClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GestureSwipe - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkGestureSwipe is a GtkGesture for swipe gestures.
GestureSwipe() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSwipe
Returns a newly created GtkGesture that recognizes swipes.
GestureSwipe(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSwipe
Create a GestureSwipe proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GestureSwipe.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GestureSwipe.GestureSwipeClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GestureSwipe.SwipeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SwipeCallback callback.
GestureSwipeClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSwipe.GestureSwipeClass
Create a GestureSwipeClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GestureZoom - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkGestureZoom is a GtkGesture for 2-finger pinch/zoom gestures.
GestureZoom() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureZoom
Returns a newly created GtkGesture that recognizes pinch/zoom gestures.
GestureZoom(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureZoom
Create a GestureZoom proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GestureZoom.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GestureZoom.GestureZoomClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GestureZoom.ScaleChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ScaleChangedCallback callback.
GestureZoomClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GestureZoom.GestureZoomClass
Create a GestureZoomClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
get() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Out
Get the value from the out-parameter.
get() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugMessage
Gets the string representation of a GstDebugMessage.
get() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProviderFactory
Returns the device provider of the type defined by the given device providerfactory.
get() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Retrieves the singleton plugin registry.
get() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticCaps
Converts a GstStaticCaps to a GstCaps.
get() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticPadTemplate
Converts a GstStaticPadTemplate into a GstPadTemplate.
get() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager
Gets the singleton GdkDisplayManager object.
get() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoMonitor
Gets the GAppInfoMonitor for the current thread-default main context.
get() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor
Gets the GUnixMountMonitor for the current thread-default main context.
get() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Gets the volume monitor used by gio.
get() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Private
Returns the current value of the thread local variable this Private.
get() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.WeakRef
If this WeakRef is not empty, atomically acquire a strong reference to the object it points to, and return that reference.
get() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ActivateAction
Gets the activate action.
get() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicAction
Gets the mnemonic action.
get() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NeverTrigger
Gets the never trigger.
get() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NothingAction
Gets the nothing action.
get(int) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
get(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferList
Gets the buffer at idx.
get(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList
Gets a file descriptor out of this UnixFDList.
get(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Coverage
Determine whether a particular index is covered by this Coverage.
get(long) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureList
Gets a feature given its index.
get(MemorySegment, Function<MemorySegment, ? extends Proxy>, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.InstanceCache
Get a Proxy object for the provided native memory address.
get(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy
Gets properties of the parent object and its children.
get(String, Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Parses the variable arguments and reads fields from this Structure accordingly.
get(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Deconstructs a GVariant instance.
get(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Gets properties of an object.
get(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Gets the value that is stored at key in this Settings.
get(DBusConnection, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusActionGroup
Obtains a GDBusActionGroup for the action group which is exported at the given busName and objectPath.
get(DBusConnection, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMenuModel
Obtains a GDBusMenuModel for the menu model which is exported at the given busName and objectPath.
get(HookList, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Returns the GHook with the given id, or null if it is not found.
get(SequenceIter) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Returns the data that iter points to.
get(TreeIter, Object...) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
get(AttrType) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrIterator
Find the current attribute of a particular type at the iterator location.
GET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBindFlags
Update the GObject property when the setting changes.
GET_INVALIDATED_PROPERTIES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxyFlags
If set, the property value for any __invalidated property__ will be (asynchronously) retrieved upon receiving the PropertiesChanged D-Bus signal and the property will not cause emission of the GDBusProxy::g-properties-changed signal.
GET_MASK - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOFlags
the mask of the flags that are returned from g_io_channel_get_flags()
GET_NO_CHANGES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBindFlags
When set in addition to SettingsBindFlags.GET, set the GObject property value initially from the setting, but do not listen for changes of the setting
getAbbreviation(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeZone
Determines the time zone abbreviation to be used during a particular interval of time in the time zone this TimeZone.
getAccelerator() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutLabel
Retrieves the current accelerator of this ShortcutLabel.
getAccelsForAction(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Gets the accelerators that are currently associated with the given action.
getAccentColor() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager
Gets the current system accent color.
getAccentColorRgba() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager
Gets the current system accent color as a GdkRGBA.
getAcceptedCas() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsClientConnection
Gets the list of distinguished names of the Certificate Authorities that the server will accept certificates from.
getAcceptedCas() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection
Gets the list of distinguished names of the Certificate Authorities that the server will accept certificates from.
getAcceptLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserNative
Use FileDialog instead
getAcceptLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Retrieves the text used by the dialog on its accept button.
getAcceptLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
Returns the label that will be shown on the accept button of the print dialog.
getAcceptLanguage() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Get the value used by this Session for the "Accept-Language" header on new requests.
getAcceptLanguageAuto() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Gets whether this Session automatically sets the "Accept-Language" header on new requests.
getAcceptPolicy() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Gets this CookieJar's CookieJarAcceptPolicy.
getAcceptPolicy(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Asynchronously get the cookie acceptance policy of this CookieManager.
getAcceptPolicyFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_cookie_manager_get_accept_policy().
getAcceptsTab() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Returns whether pressing the Tab key inserts a tab characters.
getAccessDateTime() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the access time of the current this FileInfo and returns it as a GDateTime.
getAccessible() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ATContext
Retrieves the GtkAccessible using this context.
getAccessibleDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow
Gets the accessible description of this ColumnViewRow.
getAccessibleDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Gets the accessible description of this ListItem.
getAccessibleLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow
Gets the accessible label of this ColumnViewRow.
getAccessibleLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Gets the accessible label of this ListItem.
getAccessibleParent() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible
Retrieves the accessible parent for an accessible object.
getAccessibleRole() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible
Retrieves the accessible role of an accessible object.
getAccessibleRole() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ATContext
Retrieves the accessible role of this context.
getAccessibleRole() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Retrieves the accessible role used by the given GtkWidget class.
getAccumulate() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Gets the accumulate flag on this MessageBody.
getAction() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
getAction() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut
Gets the action that is activated by this shortcut.
getActionEnabled(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Checks if the named action within this ActionGroup is currently enabled.
getActionName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Gets the name of the associated action.
getActionName() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Actionable
Gets the action name for this Actionable.
getActionName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NamedAction
Returns the name of the action that will be activated.
getActionName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Gets the user-visible display name of the ‘additional application actions’ specified by actionName.
getActionParameterType(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Queries the type of the parameter that must be given when activating the named action within this ActionGroup.
getActions() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Determines the bitmask of possible actions proposed by the source.
getActions() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
Returns the possible actions for this GdkDrop.
getActions() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Gets the actions that are currently set on the GtkDragSource.
getActions() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Gets the actions that this drop target supports.
getActions() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Gets the actions that this drop target supports.
getActionsForAccel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Returns the list of actions (possibly empty) that accel maps to.
getActionState(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Queries the current state of the named action within this ActionGroup.
getActionStateHint(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Requests a hint about the valid range of values for the state of the named action within this ActionGroup.
getActionStateType(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Queries the type of the state of the named action within this ActionGroup.
getActionTargetValue() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Gets the parameter for action invocations.
getActionTargetValue() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Actionable
Gets the current target value of this Actionable.
getActionWidget(PackType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Gets one of the action widgets.
getActivatable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle
getActivatable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow
Checks if the row has been set to be activatable via gtk_column_view_row_set_activatable().
getActivatable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
Gets whether the row is activatable.
getActivatable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Checks if a list item has been set to be activatable via gtk_list_item_set_activatable().
getActivatableWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Gets the widget activated when this ActionRow is activated.
getActivateOnSingleClick() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Returns whether children activate on single clicks.
getActivateOnSingleClick() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getActivateOnSingleClick() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Returns whether rows activate on single clicks.
getActivateOnSingleClick() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getActivatesDefault() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Gets whether activating the embedded entry can activate the default widget.
getActivatesDefault() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Retrieves the value set by gtk_entry_set_activates_default().
getActivatesDefault() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Retrieves the value set by SpinButton.setActivatesDefault(boolean).
getActivatesDefault() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Returns whether pressing Enter will activate the default widget for the window containing this Text.
getActivateSignal() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Retrieves the signal id for the activation signal.
getActivation() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
Gets the mode for which the context was activated.
getActivationRoot() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Gets the activation root for a GVolume if it is known ahead of mount time.
getActive() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwitchRow
Gets whether this SwitchRow is in its "on" or "off" position.
getActive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle
getActive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Returns whether the check button is active.
getActive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
getActive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Returns whether the menu button is active.
getActive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Queries a GtkScaleButton and returns its current state.
getActive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Switch
Gets whether the GtkSwitch is in its “on” or “off” state.
getActive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton
Queries a GtkToggleButton and returns its current state.
getActiveId() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
getActiveIter(TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
getActiveText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBoxText
getActiveWindow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Gets the “active” window for the application.
getAdded() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Gets the time when the resource was added to the recently used resources list.
getAdded(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Use g_bookmark_file_get_added_date_time() instead, as time_t is deprecated due to the year 2038 problem.
getAddedDateTime(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Gets the time the bookmark for uri was added to this BookmarkFile
getAddress() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask
Gets this InetAddressMask's base address
getAddress() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress
Gets this InetSocketAddress's GInetAddress.
getAddressArrayFrom(MemorySegment, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read an array of pointers from a NULL-terminated array in native memory.
getAddressArrayFrom(MemorySegment, int, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read an array of pointers with the requested length from native memory.
getAddressConstructor(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Return the memory address constructor for the provided class.
getAddressType() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress
Gets this UnixSocketAddress's type.
getAddressValues(Alias<MemorySegment>[]) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Alias
Convert an array of MemorySegment Aliases into an array of MemorySegments.
getAdjacentChild(NavigationDirection) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
getAdjustment() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Gets the adjustment that holds the value for the spin row.
getAdjustment() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Gets the adjustment (if any) that the widget uses to for vertical scrolling.
getAdjustment() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Get the adjustment which is the “model” object for GtkRange.
getAdjustment() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Gets the GtkAdjustment associated with the GtkScaleButton’s scale.
getAdjustment() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scrollbar
Returns the scrollbar's adjustment.
getAdjustment() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Get the adjustment associated with a GtkSpinButton.
getAge() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Gets the number of days elapsed since the last update of the resource pointed by this RecentInfo.
getAlign() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Gets horizontal alignment of the bottom sheet.
getAlignedArea(Widget, Set<CellRendererState>, Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
getAlignedArea(Widget, CellRendererState, Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
getAlignment() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Gets the alignment of the editable.
getAlignment() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Gets the value set by gtk_entry_set_alignment().
getAlignment() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getAlignment() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Gets the alignment for the layout: how partial lines are positioned within the horizontal space available.
getAlignment(Out<Float>, Out<Float>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
getAlignmentMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Get the alignment mode.
getAlignmentThreshold() - Method in class
Get the current alignment threshold, in nanoseconds, used by this AudioBaseSink.
getAlignmentThreshold() - Method in class
Gets the currently configured alignment threshold.
getAll() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Gets a list of all of the applications currently registered on this system.
getAll() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Encoding
Gets all encodings.
getAllCookies(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Asynchronously get a list of SoupCookie from this CookieManager.
getAllCookiesFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_cookie_manager_get_all_cookies().
getAllFeatures() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Gets the list of all available WebKit features.
getAllForScheme(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.OsxAppInfo
getAllForType(String) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Gets a list of all AppInfos for a given content type, including the recommended and fallback AppInfos.
getAllMemory() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Gets all the memory blocks in this Buffer.
getAllocatedBaseline() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
getAllocatedHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Use Widget.getHeight() instead
getAllocatedWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Use Widget.getWidth() instead
getAllocation(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext
This object will be removed in GTK 5
getAllocation(Allocation) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
getAllocator(Out<Allocator>, AllocationParams) - Method in class
Lets GstAudioDecoder sub-classes to know the memory allocator used by the base class and its params.
getAllocator(Out<Allocator>, AllocationParams) - Method in class
Lets GstAudioEncoder sub-classes to know the memory allocator used by the base class and its params.
getAllocator(Out<Allocator>, AllocationParams) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
Lets GstAggregator sub-classes get the memory allocator acquired by the base class and its params.
getAllocator(Out<Allocator>, AllocationParams) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Lets GstBaseSrc sub-classes to know the memory allocator used by the base class and its params.
getAllocator(Out<Allocator>, AllocationParams) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Lets GstBaseTransform sub-classes know the memory allocator used by the base class and its params.
getAllocator(Out<Allocator>, AllocationParams) - Method in class
Lets GstVideoDecoder sub-classes to know the memory allocator used by the base class and its params.
getAllocator(Out<Allocator>, AllocationParams) - Method in class
Lets GstVideoEncoder sub-classes to know the memory allocator used by the base class and its params.
getAllowDynamicOutput() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Get whether the format that has been negotiated in at some point can be renegotiated later during the encoding.
getAllowed() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission
Gets the value of the 'allowed' property.
getAllowedApis() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Gets the allowed APIs set via gdk_gl_context_set_allowed_apis().
getAllowedApis() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Gets the allowed APIs.
getAllowedCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Gets the capabilities of the allowed media types that can flow through this Pad and its peer.
getAllowFileAccessFromFileUrls() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:allow-file-access-from-file-urls property.
getAllowLongSwipes() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Gets whether to allow swiping for more than one page at a time.
getAllowLongSwipes() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Gets whether to allow swiping for more than one snap point at a time.
getAllowModalDialogs() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:allow-modal-dialogs property.
getAllowMouseDrag() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Sets whether this Carousel can be dragged with mouse pointer.
getAllowMouseDrag() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Gets whether this SwipeTracker can be dragged with mouse pointer.
getAllowNone() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
getAllowOverwrite() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Returns the current value of the WebKitDownload:allow-overwrite property.
getAllowScrollWheel() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Gets whether this Carousel will respond to scroll wheel events.
getAllowTopNavigationToDataUrls() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:allow-top-navigation-to-data-urls property.
getAllowUniversalAccessFromFileUrls() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:allow-universal-access-from-file-urls property.
getAllowWindowHandle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Gets whether to allow touchscreen swiping from GtkWindowHandle.
getAlpha() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Retrieves the first component of the Euler angle vector, depending on the order of rotation.
getAlpha(RenderPart) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Gets the current alpha for the specified part.
getAlternate() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Gets whether this TimedAnimation changes direction on every iteration.
getAlternativeText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Gets the alternative textual description of the picture.
getAlwaysAsk() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher
Returns whether to ask the user to choose an app for opening the file.
getAlwaysShowArrow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Gets whether to show a dropdown arrow even when using an icon or a custom child.
getAncestor(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets the first ancestor of this Widget with type widgetType.
getAnchorHints() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Get the GdkAnchorHints.
getAnchorRect() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Get the anchor rectangle.
getAncillary(VideoAncillary) - Method in class
Parse the line provided previously by gst_video_vbi_parser_add_line().
getAngle() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ConicGradientNode
Retrieves the angle for the gradient in radians, normalized in [0, 2 * PI].
getAngleDelta() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureRotate
Gets the angle delta in radians.
getAnimateTransitions() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Gets whether this NavigationView animates page transitions.
getAnimation() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
Queries the GdkPixbufAnimation that a pixbuf loader is currently creating.
getAnonymous() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Check to see whether the mount operation is being used for an anonymous user.
getApi() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Gets the API currently in use.
getApi() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Gets the API that is currently in use.
getAppDir() - Static method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset
Gets the directory for application specific presets if set by the application.
getAppInfo() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooser
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getAppInfo(String, String, Out<String>, Out<Integer>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Use g_bookmark_file_get_application_info() instead, as time_t is deprecated due to the year 2038 problem.
getAppLaunchContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Returns a GdkAppLaunchContext suitable for launching applications on the given display.
getApplication() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Gets the GtkApplication associated with the window.
getApplicationIcon() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the name of the application icon for this AboutDialog.
getApplicationIcon() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getApplicationId() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Gets the unique identifier for this Application.
getApplicationInfo() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession
Get the the previously set WebKitAutomationSession.
getApplicationInfo(String, Out<String>, Out<Integer>, Out<DateTime>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Gets the data regarding the application that has registered the resource pointed by this RecentInfo.
getApplicationInfo(String, String, Out<String>, Out<Integer>, Out<DateTime>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Gets the registration information of appName for the bookmark for uri.
getApplicationName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the application name for this AboutDialog.
getApplicationName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getApplicationName() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets a human-readable name for the application, as set by g_set_application_name().
getApplications() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Retrieves the list of applications that have registered this resource.
getApplications(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Retrieves the names of the applications that have registered the bookmark for uri.
getApproximateCharWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Gets the approximate character width for a font metrics structure.
getApproximateDigitWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Gets the approximate digit width for a font metrics structure.
getArea() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Compute the area of given normalized rectangle.
getArea() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Computes the area of the given graphene_triangle_t.
getArea() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext
This object will be removed in GTK 5
getArea() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout
getArena() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.Builder
Get the arena for allocating memory in this builder
getArena() - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.BuilderInterface
Get the arena for allocating memory in this builder
getArg0() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience to get the first item in the body of this DBusMessage.
getArg0Path() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience to get the first item in the body of this DBusMessage.
getArgBool(Bytes, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getArgFloat(Bytes, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getArgInt(Bytes, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getArgs() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShaderNode
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getArgsSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getArgUint(Bytes, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getArguments() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Gets the list of arguments that was passed on the command line.
getArguments() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut
Gets the arguments that are passed when activating the shortcut.
getArgVec2(Bytes, int, Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getArgVec3(Bytes, int, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getArgVec4(Bytes, int, Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getArray(String, Out<ValueArray>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
This is useful in language bindings where unknown GValue types are not supported.
getArrayFromIntPointer(MemorySegment, int, Class<T>, Function<Integer, T>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read an array of integers from native memory, create a Java instance for each integer value with the provided constructor, and return an array of these instances.
getArrowDirection() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Gets the direction in which the popup will be popped up.
getArrowDirection() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Returns the direction the popup will be pointing at when popped up.
getArtists() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the list of artists of the application.
getArtists() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getArtists() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Returns the names of the artists which are displayed in the credits page.
getAscent() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Gets the ascent from a font metrics structure.
getAsyncResultMessage(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Gets the Message of the result asynchronous operation This is useful to get the Message of an asynchronous operation started by this Session from its Gio.AsyncReadyCallback.
getAtContext() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible
Retrieves the accessible implementation for the given GtkAccessible.
getAttachedHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Get the height that the inspector view when attached.
getAttribute(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Queries the named attribute on this MenuItem.
getAttributeAsString(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the value of an attribute, formatted as a string.
getAttributeBoolean(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the value of a boolean attribute.
getAttributeByteString(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the value of a byte string attribute.
getAttributeData(String, Out<FileAttributeType>, Out<MemorySegment>, Out<FileAttributeStatus>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the attribute type, value and status for an attribute key.
getAttributeFilePath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the value of a byte string attribute as a file path.
getAttributeInt32(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets a signed 32-bit integer contained within the attribute.
getAttributeInt64(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets a signed 64-bit integer contained within the attribute.
getAttributeObject(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the value of a GObject attribute.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Gets Pango attributes applied to the text of the embedded entry.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList
Gets the attributes queried on the children.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList
Gets the attributes queried on the children.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Gets the attribute list of the GtkEntry.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter
Gets the attributes that need to be filled in for the GFileInfo passed to this filter.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Gets the inscription's attribute list.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Gets the label's attribute list.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Gets the attribute list that was set on the GtkText.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrList
Gets a list of all attributes in this AttrList.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Gets the attribute list for the layout, if any.
getAttributeStatus(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the attribute status for an attribute key.
getAttributeString(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the value of a string attribute.
getAttributeStringv(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the value of a stringv attribute.
getAttributeType(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the attribute type for an attribute key.
getAttributeUint32(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets an unsigned 32-bit integer contained within the attribute.
getAttributeUint64(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets a unsigned 64-bit integer contained within the attribute.
getAttributeValue(String, VariantType) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Queries the named attribute on this MenuItem.
getAttrs() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrIterator
Gets a list of all attributes at the current position of the iterator.
getAtWordBoundaries() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
getAudioInfo() - Method in class
getAudioInfo() - Method in class
getAudioStreams() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
Finds all the GstDiscovererAudioInfo contained in this DiscovererInfo
getAuthority() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Returns the authority (host:port) that this Auth is associated with.
getAuthorization(Message) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Generates an appropriate "Authorization" header for msg.
getAuthors() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Returns the names of the authors which are displayed in the credits page.
getAuthors() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme
getAuthParams() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Gets this Uri's authentication parameters, which may contain %-encoding, depending on the flags with which this Uri was created.
getAutoDir() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Gets whether to calculate the base direction for the layout according to its contents.
getAutoexpand() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel
Gets whether the model is set to automatically expand new rows that get added.
getAutoFlushBus() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Check if this Pipeline will automatically flush messages when going to the NULL state.
getAutoGrow() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream
Checks if the buffer automatically grows as data is added.
getAutohide() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Gets whether the tabs automatically hide.
getAutohide() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Popup
Returns whether this popup is set to hide on outside clicks.
getAutohide() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Returns whether the popover is modal.
getAutoIndent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Returns whether auto-indentation of text is enabled.
getAutoLoadImages() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:auto-load-images property.
getAutomationPresentationType() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Get the presentation type of WebKitWebView when created for automation.
getAutoplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Returns true if videos have been set to loop.
getAutoplayPolicy() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsitePolicies
Get the WebKitWebsitePolicies:autoplay property.
getAutoRender() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Returns whether the area is in auto render mode or not.
getAutoselect() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection
Checks if autoselect has been enabled or disabled via gtk_single_selection_set_autoselect().
getAvailable() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream
Gets the size of the available data within the stream.
getAvailableBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Get the amount of data pending in the OS input buffer, without blocking.
getAxes() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceTool
Gets the axes of the tool.
getAxes(Out<double[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Extracts all axis values from an event.
getAxes(AxisUse[], double[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Returns the current values for the requested axes.
getAxis(AxisUse, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Extract the axis value for a particular axis use from an event structure.
getAxis(AxisUse, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Returns the current value for the requested axis.
getAxisValue(Out<Integer>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PadEvent
Extracts the information from a pad strip or ring event.
getBackend() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Returns the backend of the printer.
getBackForwardList() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Obtains the WebKitBackForwardList associated with the given WebKitWebView.
getBackground(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
Stores background color in background.
getBackgroundArea(TreePath, TreeViewColumn, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getBackgroundColor(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Gets the color that is used to draw the this WebView background.
getBackgroundPattern() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Returns the GtkSourceBackgroundPatternType specifying if and how the background pattern should be displayed for this this View.
getBackItem() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList
Returns the item that precedes the current item.
getBackList() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList
Obtain the list of items preceding the current one.
getBackListWithLimit(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList
Obtain a list up to some number of items preceding the current one.
getBacklog(Out<TimeCoord[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Returns the accumulated backlog of tracking information.
getBacktraceString() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception
Get a string with the exception backtrace.
getBadgeNumber() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Gets the badge number for this page.
getBalanceType() - Method in interface
Get the GstColorBalanceType of this implementation.
getBarycoords(Point3D, Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Computes the barycentric coordinates of the given point p.
getBaseCacheDirectory() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Get the WebKitWebsiteDataManager:base-cache-directory property.
getBaseDataDirectory() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Get the WebKitWebsiteDataManager:base-data-directory property.
getBaseDir() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Retrieves the base direction for the context.
getBaseGravity() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Retrieves the base gravity for the context.
getBaseIoStream() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TcpWrapperConnection
Gets this TcpWrapperConnection's base GIOStream
getBaseline() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the baseline that has currently been allocated to this Widget.
getBaseline() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Gets the Y position of baseline of the first line in this Layout.
getBaseline() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Gets the Y position of the current line's baseline, in layout coordinates.
getBaselineChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box
Gets the value set by gtk_box_set_baseline_child().
getBaselineChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout
Gets the value set by gtk_box_layout_set_baseline_child().
getBaselinePosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box
Gets the value set by gtk_box_set_baseline_position().
getBaselinePosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout
Gets the value set by gtk_box_layout_set_baseline_position().
getBaselinePosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox
Gets the value set by gtk_center_box_set_baseline_position().
getBaselinePosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout
Returns the baseline position of the layout.
getBaselineRow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Returns which row defines the global baseline of this Grid.
getBaselineRow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout
Retrieves the row set with gtk_grid_layout_set_baseline_row().
getBasename() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Gets the base name (the last component of the path) for a given GFile.
getBaseStream() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterInputStream
Gets the base stream for the filter stream.
getBaseStream() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterOutputStream
Gets the base stream for the filter stream.
getBaseTime() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Returns the base time of the element.
getBeginIter() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Returns the begin iterator for this Sequence.
getBeta() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Retrieves the second component of the Euler angle vector, depending on the order of rotation.
getBinaryAge() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Returns the binary age as passed to libtool.
getBindingData(TlsChannelBindingType, byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Retrieve TLS channel binding data (Since: 2.66)
getBitrate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererAudioInfo
getBitrate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfo
getBitsPerSample() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Queries the number of bits per color sample in a pixbuf.
getBitsUint16(Out<Short>, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Read nbits bits into val and update the current position.
getBitsUint32(Out<Integer>, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Read nbits bits into val and update the current position.
getBitsUint64(Out<Long>, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Read nbits bits into val and update the current position.
getBitsUint8(Out<Byte>, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Read nbits bits into val and update the current position.
getBlackBackground() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload
Returns whether the widget draws a black background.
getBlendMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.BlendNode
Retrieves the blend mode used by this BlendNode.
getBlocking() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Gets the blocking mode of the socket.
getBlocksize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Get the number of bytes that the sink will pull when it is operating in pull mode.
getBlocksize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Get the number of bytes that this BaseSrc will push out with each buffer.
getBlurb() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Get the short description of a GParamSpec.
getBlurRadius() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.InsetShadowNode
Retrieves the blur radius to apply to the shadow.
getBlurRadius() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.OutsetShadowNode
Retrieves the blur radius of the shadow.
getBody() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Gets the body text of this AlertDialog.
getBody() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
getBody() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Gets the body of a message.
getBody() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Notification
Obtains the body for the notification.
getBodyFontName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Returns the name of the font used to print the text body.
getBodyUseMarkup() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Gets whether the body text of this AlertDialog includes Pango markup.
getBodyUseMarkup() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
getBool(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Returns the boolean represented by the value that is associated with key.
getBoolean() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Returns the boolean value of this Variant.
getBoolean() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_BOOLEAN GValue.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Looks up a boolean value in the keyfile backing this DesktopAppInfo.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Gets the value that is stored at key in this Settings.
getBoolean(String, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the boolean pointed to by value corresponding to the value of the given field.
getBoolean(String, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
getBoolean(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Returns the value associated with key under groupName as a boolean.
getBooleanArrayFrom(MemorySegment, long, Arena, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read an array of booleans with the requested length from native memory.
getBooleanIndex(String, int, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.
getBooleanList(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Returns the values associated with key under groupName as booleans.
getBooleanValues(Alias<Boolean>[]) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Alias
Convert an array of Boolean Aliases into an array of booleans.
getBorder(Border) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable
Returns the size of a non-scrolling border around the outside of the scrollable.
getBorder(Border) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
This api will be removed in GTK 5
getBottomBar() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Gets the bottom bar widget for this BottomSheet.
getBottomBarHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Gets the current bottom bar height.
getBottomBarHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Gets the current bottom bar height for this ToolbarView.
getBottomBarStyle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Gets appearance of the bottom bars for this ToolbarView.
getBottomChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.BlendNode
Retrieves the bottom GskRenderNode child of the this BlendNode.
getBottomLeft(Point) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Retrieves the coordinates of the bottom-left corner of the given rectangle.
getBottomMargin() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the bottom margin for text in the this TextView.
getBottomMargin(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Gets the bottom margin in units of unit.
getBottomMargin(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Gets the bottom margin in units of unit.
getBottomRight(Point) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Retrieves the coordinates of the bottom-right corner of the given rectangle.
getBoundingBox(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
If there are touch sequences being currently handled by this Gesture, returns true and fills in rect with the bounding box containing all active touches.
getBoundingBox(Box) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Computes the bounding box capable of containing the given graphene_sphere_t.
getBoundingBox(Box) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Computes the bounding box of the given graphene_triangle_t.
getBoundingBoxCenter(Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
If there are touch sequences being currently handled by this Gesture, returns true and fills in x and y with the center of the bounding box containing all active touches.
getBoundingSphere(Sphere) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Computes the bounding graphene_sphere_t capable of containing the given graphene_box_t.
getBounds(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelSize
Retrieves the bounds the toplevel is placed within.
getBounds(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible
Queries the coordinates and dimensions of this accessible
getBounds(Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Path
Computes the bounds of the given path.
getBounds(Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNode
Retrieves the boundaries of the this RenderNode.
getBounds(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
Gets the bounds for the completion, which is the beginning of the current word (taking break characters into account) to the current insertion cursor.
getBounds(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverContext
Gets the current word bounds of the hover.
getBounds(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region
Gets the start and end bounds of the this Region.
getBounds(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Retrieves the first and last iterators in the buffer, i.e.
getBoxed() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_BOXED derived GValue.
getBroadcast() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Gets the broadcast setting on this Socket; if true, it is possible to send packets to broadcast addresses.
getBuffer() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
getBuffer() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Sample
Get the buffer associated with this Sample
getBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Get the GtkEntryBuffer object which holds the text for this widget.
getBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Get the GtkEntryBuffer object which holds the text for this widget.
getBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns the GtkTextBuffer this iterator is associated with.
getBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark
Gets the buffer this mark is located inside.
getBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Returns the GtkTextBuffer being displayed by this text view.
getBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
Gets the connected View's Buffer
getBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
Gets the underlying buffer used by the context.
getBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader
getBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
getBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Gets the TextBuffer that the GtkSourceGutterLines represents.
getBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Gets the Buffer for which the gutter renderer is drawing.
getBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverContext
A convenience function to get the buffer.
getBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Gets the Buffer associated with the compositor.
getBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region
getBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
getBuffer(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Returns a GstBuffer containing the first nbytes of the this Adapter, but does not flush them from the adapter.
getBufferCondition() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
This function returns a GIOCondition depending on whether there is data to be read/space to write data in the internal buffers in the GIOChannel.
getBuffered() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Returns whether this IOChannel is buffered.
getBufferFast(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Returns a GstBuffer containing the first nbytes of the this Adapter, but does not flush them from the adapter.
getBufferList() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
getBufferList() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Sample
Get the buffer list associated with this Sample
getBufferList(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Returns a GstBufferList of buffers containing the first nbytes bytes of the this Adapter but does not flush them from the adapter.
getBufferPool() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
getBufferPool() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
getBufferPool() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
getBufferPool() - Method in class
getBufferSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream
Gets the size of the input buffer.
getBufferSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream
Gets the size of the buffer in the this BufferedOutputStream.
getBufferSize() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Gets the buffer size.
getBuildableId() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Buildable
Gets the ID of the this Buildable object.
getBus() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor
Gets the GstBus of this GstDeviceMonitor
getBus() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
Gets the GstBus of this GstDeviceProvider
getBus() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Returns the bus of the element.
getBus() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Gets the GstBus of this Pipeline.
getBusAddress() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TestDBus
Get the address on which dbus-daemon is running.
getBusy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
Gets the "busy" property.
getButton() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ButtonEvent
Extract the button number from a button event.
getButton() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PadEvent
Extracts information about the pressed button from a pad event.
getButton() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle
Returns the button number this GestureSingle listens for.
getButton() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getButtonLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner
Gets the button label for this Banner.
getButtonLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Gets the label to show on the button.
getButtons() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Returns the button labels for the alert.
getButtonSensitivity() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
getByInterface(Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Looks for an element inside the bin that implements the given interface.
getByName(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Gets the element with the given name from a bin.
getByName(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProviderFactory
Returns the device provider of the type defined by the given device provider factory.
getByNameRecurseUp(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Gets the element with the given name from this bin.
getByNick(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Format
Return the format registered with the given nick.
getByte() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Returns the byte value of this Variant.
getByteArrayFrom(MemorySegment, long, Arena, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read an array of bytes with the requested length from native memory.
getByteArrayFrom(MemorySegment, Arena, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read a NULL-terminated array of bytes from native memory.
getByteLength() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Returns the length of the pixel data, in bytes.
getByteOrder() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Gets the byte order for the data input stream.
getByteOrder() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream
Gets the byte order for the stream.
getByteOrder() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Gets the byte order of this DBusMessage.
getBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Gets the bytes previously set via gdk_memory_texture_builder_set_bytes() or null if none was set.
getBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BytesIcon
Gets the GBytes associated with the given this BytesIcon.
getBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MappedFile
Creates a new GBytes which references the data mapped from this MappedFile.
getBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderListItemFactory
Gets the data used as the GtkBuilder UI template for constructing listitems.
getBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssSection
Gets the bytes that this CssSection was parsed from.
getBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
Retrieves the length in bytes of the buffer.
getBytesInLine() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns the number of bytes in the line containing this TextIter, including the paragraph delimiters.
getBytestring() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Returns the string value of a GVariant instance with an array-of-bytes type.
getBytestringArray() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Gets the contents of an array of array of bytes GVariant.
getByteValues(Alias<Byte>[]) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Alias
Convert an array of Byte Aliases into an array of bytes.
getCacheability(Message) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cache
getCacheData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Gets the plugin specific data cache.
getCachedProperty(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Looks up the value for a property from the cache.
getCachedPropertyNames() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Gets the names of all cached properties on this DBusProxy.
getCacheModel() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Returns the current cache model.
getCairoContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintContext
Obtains the cairo context that is associated with the GtkPrintContext.
getCalibration(ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Gets the internal rate and reference time of this Clock.
getCameraCaptureState() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Get the camera capture state of a WebKitWebView.
getCanAcquire() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission
Gets the value of the 'can-acquire' property.
getCanAttach() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Whether the this WebInspector can be attached to the same window that contains the inspected view.
getCancelButton() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Returns the index of the cancel button.
getCancelLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserNative
Use FileDialog instead
getCancellable() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializer
Gets the cancellable for the current operation.
getCancellable() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializer
Gets the cancellable for the current operation.
getCancellable() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Gets this Task's GCancellable
getCancelProgress() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Swipeable
Gets the progress this Swipeable will snap back to after the gesture is canceled.
getCanClose() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Gets whether the bottom sheet can be closed by user.
getCanClose() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Gets whether this Dialog can be closed.
getCanFocus() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Determines whether the input focus can enter this Widget or any of its children.
getCanNavigateBack() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
getCanNavigateBack() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
getCanNavigateForward() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
getCanOpen() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Gets whether the bottom sheet can be opened by user.
getCanPop() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Gets whether this NavigationPage can be popped from navigation stack.
getCanRecurse() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Checks whether a source is allowed to be called recursively.
getCanRedo() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Gets whether there is a redoable action in the history.
getCanRelease() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission
Gets the value of the 'can-release' property.
getCanShrink() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent
gets whether the button can be smaller than the natural size of its contents.
getCanShrink() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
gets whether the button can be smaller than the natural size of its contents.
getCanShrink() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Retrieves whether the button can be smaller than the natural size of its contents.
getCanShrink() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Retrieves whether the button can be smaller than the natural size of its contents.
getCanShrink() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Returns whether the GtkPicture respects its contents size.
getCanTarget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Queries whether this Widget can be the target of pointer events.
getCanUndo() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Gets whether there is an undoable action in the history.
getCanUnfold() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
getCanUnselect() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection
If true, gtk_selection_model_unselect_item() is supported and allows unselecting the selected item.
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Returns the capabilities this GdkSeat currently has.
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Gets the capabilities negotiated with the remote peer
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Returns the printer’s capabilities.
getcaps(Caps) - Method in class
getcaps(Caps) - Method in class
getcaps(Caps) - Method in class
getcaps(Caps) - Method in class
getCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.TypeFindData
Returns GstCaps associated with GstTypeFindData
getCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device
Getter for the GstCaps that this device supports.
getCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate
Gets the capabilities of the pad template.
getCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Sample
Get the caps associated with this Sample
getCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticPadTemplate
Gets the capabilities of the static pad template.
getCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
Retrieve the caps for this Stream, if any
getCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindFactory
Gets the GstCaps associated with a typefind factory.
getCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfo
getCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Called to get sink pad caps from the subclass.
getCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Called to get the caps to report.
getCapsLockState() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Retrieves whether the Caps Lock modifier of the keyboard is locked.
getCaptureCount() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Returns the number of capturing subpatterns in the pattern.
getCaretPos(int, Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Given an index within a layout, determines the positions that of the strong and weak cursors if the insertion point is at that index.
getCarousel() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorDots
Gets the displayed carousel.
getCarousel() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorLines
Gets the displayed carousel.
getCascadePopdown() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Returns whether the popover will close after a modal child is closed.
getCaseSensitive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
getCategories() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Gets the categories from the desktop file.
getCategory() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget
getCategory() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Returns the category this transform belongs to.
getCategory() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Mark
Returns the mark category.
getCategory() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Feature
Gets the category of the feature.
getCellAllocation(CellAreaContext, Widget, CellRenderer, Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
getCellArea(TreePath, TreeViewColumn, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getCellAtPosition(CellAreaContext, Widget, Rectangle, int, int, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
getCellProperty(CellRenderer, int, Value, ParamSpec) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
This should be implemented to report the values of child cell properties for a given child GtkCellRenderer.
getCellRect(TreePath, CellRenderer, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getCells() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout
getCenter() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ConicGradientNode
Retrieves the center pointer for the gradient.
getCenter() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RadialGradientNode
Retrieves the center pointer for the gradient.
getCenter(Point) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Retrieves the coordinates of the center of the given rectangle.
getCenter(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Retrieves the coordinates of the center of a graphene_box_t.
getCenter(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Retrieves the coordinates of the center of a graphene_sphere_t.
getCenteringPolicy() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Gets the policy for aligning the center widget.
getCenterWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ActionBar
Retrieves the center bar widget of the bar.
getCenterWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox
Gets the center widget, or null if there is none.
getCenterWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout
Returns the center widget of the layout.
getCertificate() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Gets this DtlsConnection's certificate, as set by g_dtls_connection_set_certificate().
getCertificate() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Gets this TlsConnection's certificate, as set by g_tls_connection_set_certificate().
getCertificate() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Credential
Get the certificate currently held by this WebKitCredential.
getCertificatePinFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Get the GTlsPasswordFlags of the AuthenticationScheme.CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PIN_REQUESTED authentication challenge.
getCertificateType() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend
Gets the GType of this TlsBackend's GTlsCertificate implementation.
getChannelBindingData(TlsChannelBindingType, byte[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Query the TLS backend for TLS channel binding data of type for this DtlsConnection.
getChannelBindingData(TlsChannelBindingType, byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Query the TLS backend for TLS channel binding data of type for this TlsConnection.
getChannelMask() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererAudioInfo
getChannels() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererAudioInfo
getChar() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
This function's return type is broken, see g_value_get_schar()
getChar() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
The Unicode character at this iterator is returned.
getCharacterArrayFrom(MemorySegment, long, Arena, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read an array of chars with the requested length from native memory.
getCharacterCount() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Returns the number of Unicode characters in the the text of this Layout.
getCharacterValues(Alias<Character>[]) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Alias
Convert an array of Character Aliases into an array of chars.
getCharCount() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Gets the number of characters in the buffer.
getCharExtents(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Gets the extents of the current character, in layout coordinates.
getCharOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Item
Returns the character offset of the item from the beginning of the itemized text.
getChars(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Retrieves a sequence of characters.
getCharset() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Encoding
Gets the character set of the GtkSourceEncoding, such as "UTF-8" or "ISO-8859-1".
getCharset(Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Obtains the character set for the [current locale][setlocale]; you might use this character set as an argument to g_convert(), to convert from the current locale's encoding to some other encoding.
getCharsInLine() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns the number of characters in the line containing this TextIter, including the paragraph delimiters.
getCheckCancellable() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Gets this Task's check-cancellable flag.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Bin
Gets the child widget of this Bin.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin
Gets the child widget of this BreakpointBin.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Clamp
Gets the child widget of this Clamp.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable
Gets the child widget of this ClampScrollable.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Gets the child widget of this Dialog.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Gets the child widget of this NavigationPage.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Gets the child widget.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerPage
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage
Gets the child widget of this StatusPage.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Gets the child widget of this TabOverview.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Gets the child of this TabPage.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToastOverlay
Gets the child widget of this ToastOverlay.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Gets the stack child to which this ViewStackPage belongs.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.BlurNode
Retrieves the child GskRenderNode of the blur this BlurNode.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ClipNode
Gets the child node that is getting clipped by the given this ClipNode.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ColorMatrixNode
Gets the child node that is getting its colors modified by the given this ColorMatrixNode.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.DebugNode
Gets the child node that is getting drawn by the given this DebugNode.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.FillNode
Gets the child node that is getting drawn by the given this FillNode.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.OpacityNode
Gets the child node that is getting opacityed by the given this OpacityNode.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RepeatNode
Retrieves the child of this RepeatNode.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedClipNode
Gets the child node that is getting clipped by the given this RoundedClipNode.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ShadowNode
Retrieves the child GskRenderNode of the shadow this ShadowNode.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.StrokeNode
Gets the child node that is getting drawn by the given this StrokeNode.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.SubsurfaceNode
Gets the child node that is getting drawn by the given this SubsurfaceNode.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.TransformNode
Gets the child node that is getting transformed by the given this TransformNode.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame
Gets the child widget of this AspectFrame.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPage
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Gets the child widget of this Button.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Gets the child widget of this CheckButton or NULL if CheckButton:label is set.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewCell
Gets the child previously set via gtk_column_view_cell_set_child() or null if none was set.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragIcon
Gets the widget currently used as drag icon.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Gets the child widget of this Expander.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild
Gets the child widget of this FlowBoxChild.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame
Gets the child widget of this Frame.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload
Gets the child of this GraphicsOffload.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
Gets the child widget of this ListBoxRow.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListHeader
Gets the child previously set via gtk_list_header_set_child() or null if none was set.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Gets the child previously set via gtk_list_item_set_child() or null if none was set.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Gets the child widget of this MenuButton.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookPage
Returns the notebook child to which this NotebookPage belongs.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay
Gets the child widget of this Overlay.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Gets the child widget of this Popover.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer
Gets the child widget of this Revealer.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Gets the child widget of this ScrolledWindow.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar
Gets the child widget of this SearchBar.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage
Returns the stack child to which this StackPage belongs.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander
Gets the child widget displayed by this TreeExpander.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Viewport
Gets the child widget of this Viewport.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Gets the child widget of this Window.
getChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowHandle
Gets the child widget of this WindowHandle.
getChild(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ContainerNode
Gets one of the children of container.
getChild(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShaderNode
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getChild(long, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Reads a child item out of a container GVariant instance and deconstructs it according to formatString.
getChild(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView
Gets the child for id to this MultiLayoutView.
getChild(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Gets a child of this File with basename equal to name.
getChild(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Creates a child settings object which has a base path of base-path/@name, where base-path is the base path of this Settings.
getChild(FileInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
Return a new GFile which refers to the file named by info in the source directory of this FileEnumerator.
getChildAnchor() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
If the location at this TextIter contains a child anchor, the anchor is returned.
getChildAt(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Gets the child of this Grid whose area covers the grid cell at column, row.
getChildAtIndex(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Gets the nth child in the this FlowBox.
getChildAtPos(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Gets the child in the (x, y) position.
getChildBounds() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RepeatNode
Retrieves the bounding rectangle of the child of this RepeatNode.
getChildByIndex(int) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy
Fetches a child by its number.
getChildByName(String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy
Looks up a child element by the given name.
getChildByName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
getChildByName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Finds the child with name in this ViewStack.
getChildByName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Finds the child with the name given as the argument.
getChildByNameRecurse(String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy
Looks up a child element by the given full-path name.
getChildForDisplayName(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Gets the child of this File for a given displayName (i.e.
getChildPosition(Widget, Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed
Retrieves the translation transformation of the given child GtkWidget in the GtkFixed.
getChildren() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow
If the row is expanded, gets the model holding the children of this TreeListRow.
getChildrenCount() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy
Gets the number of child objects this parent contains.
getChildRevealed() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer
Returns whether the child is fully revealed.
getChildRow(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel
Gets the row item corresponding to the child at index position for this TreeListModel's root model.
getChildRow(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow
If this TreeListRow is not expanded or position is greater than the number of children, null is returned.
getChildTransform(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed
Retrieves the transformation for widget set using gtk_fixed_set_child_transform().
getChildTransitionParams() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
getChildTransitionRunning() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
getChildValue(long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Reads a child item out of a container GVariant instance.
getChildVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets the value set with gtk_widget_set_child_visible().
getChildWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutChild
Retrieves the GtkWidget associated to the given this LayoutChild.
getChoice() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Gets a choice from the mount operation.
getChoice(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
getChunk(long) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Gets a GLib.Bytes containing data from this MessageBody starting at offset.
getCiphersuiteName() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Returns the name of the current DTLS ciphersuite, or null if the connection has not handshaked or has been closed.
getCiphersuiteName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Returns the name of the current TLS ciphersuite, or null if the connection has not handshaked or has been closed.
getClamp() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Gets whether this SpringAnimation should be clamped.
getClassInit(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Return a lambda that invokes the class initializer, with is a method that is annotated with ClassInit and takes a single parameter of type GObject.ObjectClass.
getClassLayout(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Generate a MemoryLayout struct with one member: the memorylayout of the parent TypeClass
getClickable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getClientAddress() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer
Gets a D-Bus address string that can be used by clients to connect to this DBusServer.
getClientConnectionType() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend
Gets the GType of this TlsBackend's GTlsClientConnection implementation.
getClimbRate() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Gets the acceleration rate when you hold down a button or key.
getClimbRate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Returns the acceleration rate for repeated changes.
getClip() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ClipNode
Retrieves the clip rectangle for this ClipNode.
getClip() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedClipNode
Retrieves the rounded rectangle used to clip the contents of the this RoundedClipNode.
getClipboard() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Gets the clipboard used for copy/paste operations.
getClipboard() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets the clipboard object for this Widget.
getClipOverlay() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayoutChild
Retrieves whether the child is clipped.
getClipOverlay(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay
Gets whether widget should be clipped within the parent.
getClock() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Gets the currently configured clock of the element.
getClock() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Gets the current clock used by this Pipeline.
getClockTime(String, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the clock time pointed to by value corresponding to the clock time of the given field.
getCloseBaseStream() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterInputStream
Returns whether the base stream will be closed when this FilterInputStream is closed.
getCloseBaseStream() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterOutputStream
Returns whether the base stream will be closed when this FilterOutputStream is closed.
getCloseCode() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Get the close code received from the WebSocket peer.
getCloseData() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Get the close data received from the WebSocket peer.
getCloseFd() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixInputStream
Returns whether the file descriptor of this UnixInputStream will be closed when the stream is closed.
getCloseFd() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixOutputStream
Returns whether the file descriptor of this UnixOutputStream will be closed when the stream is closed.
getCloseHandle() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32InputStream
Returns whether the handle of this Win32InputStream will be closed when the stream is closed.
getCloseHandle() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32OutputStream
Returns whether the handle of this Win32OutputStream will be closed when the stream is closed.
getCloseOnUnref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Returns whether the file/socket/whatever associated with this IOChannel will be closed when this IOChannel receives its final unref and is destroyed.
getCloseResponse() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Gets the ID of the close response of this AlertDialog.
getCloseResponse() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
getClosestPoint(Point, float, PathPoint, Out<Float>) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Path
Computes the closest point on the path to the given point and sets the result to it.
getClosestPointToPoint(Point3D, Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Computes the point on the given graphene_ray_t that is closest to the given point p.
getClusterExtents(Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Gets the extents of the current cluster, in layout coordinates.
getCode() - Method in exception class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.GErrorException
Get the error code.
getCodeset() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the character set for the current locale.
getCoeff(int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class
For a given pixel at outOffset, get the first required input pixel at inOffset and the nTaps filter coefficients.
getCollapsed() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Gets whether this NavigationSplitView is collapsed.
getCollapsed() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Gets whether this OverlaySplitView is collapsed.
getCollate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Gets whether this job is printed collated.
getCollate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getCollation() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter
Gets which collation method the sorter uses.
getColor() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Returns the color of a debug category used when printing output in this category.
getColor() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ColorNode
Retrieves the color of the given this ColorNode.
getColor() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.InsetShadowNode
Retrieves the color of the inset shadow.
getColor() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.OutsetShadowNode
Retrieves the color of the outset shadow.
getColor() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.TextNode
Retrieves the color used by the text this TextNode.
getColor(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
getColor(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets the current foreground color for the widget’s CSS style.
getColor(RenderPart) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Gets the current rendering color for the specified part.
getColorMatrix() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ColorMatrixNode
Retrieves the color matrix used by the this ColorMatrixNode.
getColorOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ColorMatrixNode
Retrieves the color offset used by the this ColorMatrixNode.
getColorPrimaries() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams
Returns the value of the color-primaries property of this CicpParams.
getColors() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.BorderNode
Retrieves the colors of the border.
getColorScheme() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager
Gets the requested application color scheme.
getColorspace() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Queries the color space of a pixbuf.
getColorState() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Gets the color state previously set via gdk_dmabuf_texture_builder_set_color_state().
getColorState() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Gets the color state previously set via gdk_gl_texture_builder_set_color_state().
getColorState() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Gets the colorstate previously set via gdk_memory_texture_builder_set_color_state().
getColorState() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
Returns the color state associated with the texture.
getColorState() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TextureDownloader
Gets the color state that the data will be downloaded in.
getColorStops() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ConicGradientNode
Retrieves the color stops in the gradient.
getColorStops() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.LinearGradientNode
Retrieves the color stops in the gradient.
getColorStops() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RadialGradientNode
Retrieves the color stops in the gradient.
getColumn() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild
Retrieves the column number to which this GridLayoutChild attaches its left side.
getColumn() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell
getColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getColumnHomogeneous() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Returns whether all columns of this Grid have the same width.
getColumnHomogeneous() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout
Checks whether all columns of this GridLayout should have the same width.
getColumnNumber() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception
Get the column number at which this Exception happened.
getColumns() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Gets the list of columns in this column view.
getColumns() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getColumns() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getColumnSpacing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Gets the horizontal spacing.
getColumnSpacing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Returns the amount of space between the columns of this Grid.
getColumnSpacing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout
Retrieves the spacing set with gtk_grid_layout_set_column_spacing().
getColumnSpacing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getColumnSpan() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild
Retrieves the number of columns that this GridLayoutChild spans to.
getColumnType(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
getColumnView() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Gets the column view that's currently displaying this column.
getCommandBarText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext
Gets the current command-bar text as it is entered by the user.
getCommandline() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Gets the commandline with which the application will be started.
getCommandText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext
Gets the current command text as it is entered by the user.
getComment(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Retrieves a comment above key from groupName.
getComments() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the comments about the application.
getComments() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getComments() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Returns the comments string.
getCompatiblePad(Pad, Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Looks for an unlinked pad to which the given pad can link.
getCompatiblePadTemplate(PadTemplate) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Retrieves a pad template from this Element that is compatible with compattempl.
getCompileFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Returns the compile options that this Regex was created with.
getComplete() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameTimings
Returns whether this FrameTimings are complete.
getCompleted() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Gets the value of GTask:completed.
getCompletion() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
getCompletion() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
Gets the GtkSourceCompletion that created the context.
getCompletion() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Gets the Completion associated with this View.
getCompletionPrefix() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
getCompletions(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter
Gets an array of completion strings for a given initial text.
getCompletionSuffix(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter
Obtains a completion for initialText from this FilenameCompleter.
getCompressionType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File
getCompressionType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader
getCompressionType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
getCondition() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint
Gets the condition for this Breakpoint.
getConfig() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Gets a copy of the current configuration of the pool.
getConfig() - Method in class
Get the current configuration of this VideoConverter.
getConfig(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class
Get the current configuration of this AudioConverter.
getConfiguredLatency() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Return the configured latency on this Pipeline.
getConnectedDrives() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Gets a list of drives connected to the system.
getConnectEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Get the time immediately after the Message completed the connection to the server.
getConnection() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Gets the first connection that this DBusInterfaceSkeleton is exported on, if any.
getConnection() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Gets the GDBusConnection the method was invoked on.
getConnection() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Gets the GDBusConnection used by this DBusObjectManagerClient.
getConnection() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer
Gets the GDBusConnection used by this DBusObjectManagerServer.
getConnection() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectProxy
Gets the connection that this DBusObjectProxy is for.
getConnection() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Gets the connection this DBusProxy is for.
getConnectionId() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Returns the unique idenfier for the last connection used.
getConnections() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Gets a list of the connections that this DBusInterfaceSkeleton is exported on.
getConnectionType() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Get the connection type (client/server) of the connection.
getConnectivity() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor
Gets a more detailed networking state than g_network_monitor_get_network_available().
getConnector() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Gets the name of the monitor's connector, if available.
getConnectStart() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Get the time immediately before the Message started to establish the connection to the server.
getConservativeThreshold() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.MemoryPressureSettings
Gets the conservative memory usage threshold.
getConsoleCharset(Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Obtains the character set used by the console attached to the process, which is suitable for printing output to the terminal.
getConstant() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Retrieves the distance along the normal vector of the given graphene_plane_t from the origin.
getConstant() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint
Retrieves the constant factor added to the source attributes' value.
getConstructor(MemorySegment, Function<MemorySegment, ? extends Proxy>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.TypeCache
Get the constructor from the type registry for the native object instance at the given memory address.
getConstructor(Type, Function<MemorySegment, ? extends Proxy>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.TypeCache
Get the constructor from the type registry for the provided GType.
getConsumedModifiers() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeyEvent
Extracts the consumed modifiers from a key event.
getContainer() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
Get the GFile container which is being enumerated.
getContainerStreams() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
Finds all the GstDiscovererContainerInfo contained in this DiscovererInfo
getContent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow
Gets the content widget of this ApplicationWindow.
getContent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Gets the content widget for this BottomSheet.
getContent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
getContent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Layout
Gets the content widget.
getContent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Sets the content widget for this NavigationSplitView.
getContent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Gets the content widget for this OverlaySplitView.
getContent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Gets the content widget for this ToolbarView.
getContent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Window
Gets the content widget of this Window.
getContent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Returns the GdkContentProvider currently set on this Clipboard.
getContent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Returns the GdkContentProvider associated to the GdkDrag object.
getContent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Gets the current content provider of a GtkDragSource.
getContentArea() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Use Window instead
getContentDisposition(Out<String>, Out<HashTable<String, String>>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Looks up the "Content-Disposition" header in this MessageHeaders, parses it, and returns its value in *disposition and *params.
getContentFit() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Returns the fit mode for the content of the GtkPicture.
getContentHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Gets the height of the dialog's contents.
getContentHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea
Retrieves the content height of the GtkDrawingArea.
getContentLength() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Gets the message body length that this MessageHeaders declare.
getContentLength() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIResponse
Get the expected content length of the WebKitURIResponse.
getContentLength() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIResponse
Get the expected content length of the WebKitURIResponse.
getContentRange(Out<Long>, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Parses this MessageHeaders's Content-Range header and returns it in start, end, and totalLength.
getContents() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MappedFile
Returns the contents of a GMappedFile.
getContentType() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the file's content type.
getContentType() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooser
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getContentType(Out<HashTable<String, String>>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Looks up the "Content-Type" header in this MessageHeaders, parses it, and returns its value in *contentType and *params.
getContentWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Gets the width of the dialog's contents.
getContentWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea
Retrieves the content width of the GtkDrawingArea.
getContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Gets the context previously set via gdk_gl_texture_builder_set_context() or null if none was set.
getContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Gets the GMainContext that this Task will return its result in (that is, the context that was the [thread-default main context][g-main-context-push-thread-default] at the point when this Task was created).
getContext() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainLoop
Returns the GLib.MainContext of this MainLoop.
getContext() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Gets the GLib.MainContext with which the source is associated.
getContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Retrieves the GdkGLContext used by this GLArea.
getContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Gets the context used for expanding the snippet.
getContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
Gets the context for the snippet insertion.
getContext() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Retrieves the PangoContext used for this layout.
getContext() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult
Gets the value of the WebKitHitTestResult:context property.
getContext() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Get the JSCContext in which this Value was created.
getContext() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Gets the web context of this WebView.
getContext() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult
Gets the value of the WebKitHitTestResult:context property.
getContext() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult
Gets the the context flags for the hit test result.
getContext(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Gets the context with contextType set on the element or NULL.
getContextClassesAtIter(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Get all defined context classes at iter.
getContextId() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMMulticontext
Gets the id of the currently active delegate of the this IMMulticontext.
getContextId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getContexts() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Gets the contexts set on the element.
getContextType() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Context
Gets the type of this Context.
getContextUnlocked(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Gets the context with contextType set on the element or NULL.
getControlBinding(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Gets the corresponding GstControlBinding for the property.
getControlRate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Obtain the control-rate for this this Object.
getConverter() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ConverterInputStream
Gets the GConverter that is used by this ConverterInputStream.
getConverter() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ConverterOutputStream
Gets the GConverter that is used by this ConverterOutputStream.
getCookieList(Uri, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Retrieves the list of cookies that would be sent with a request to uri as a GLib.List of SoupCookie objects.
getCookieListWithSameSiteInfo(Uri, Uri, Uri, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
This is an extended version of CookieJar.getCookieList(org.gnome.glib.Uri, boolean) that provides more information required to use SameSite cookies.
getCookieManager() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Get the WebKitCookieManager of this NetworkSession.
getCookies(String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Asynchronously get a list of SoupCookie from this CookieManager.
getCookies(Uri, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Retrieves (in Cookie-header form) the list of cookies that would be sent with a request to uri.
getCookiesFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_cookie_manager_get_cookies().
getCopyright() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the copyright information for this AboutDialog.
getCopyright() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getCopyright() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Returns the copyright string.
getCoverage(Language) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
Computes the coverage map for a given font and language tag.
getCreateFolders() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
getCreationDateTime() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the creation time of the current this FileInfo and returns it as a GDateTime.
getCredentials() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Returns the credentials of the foreign process connected to this socket, if any (e.g.
getCredentials() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixCredentialsMessage
Gets the credentials stored in this UnixCredentialsMessage.
getCssClasses() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the list of style classes applied to this Widget.
getCssName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the CSS name that is used for this Widget.
getCssName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Gets the name used by this class for matching in CSS code.
getCurrent() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Retrieves the current GdkGLContext.
getCurrent() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Gets the top cancellable from the stack.
getCurrent() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Encoding
Gets the GtkSourceEncoding for the current locale.
getCurrent() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Get the JSCContext that is currently executing a function.
getCurrentBreakpoint() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow
Gets the current breakpoint.
getCurrentBreakpoint() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin
Gets the current breakpoint.
getCurrentBreakpoint() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Gets the current breakpoint.
getCurrentBreakpoint() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Window
Gets the current breakpoint.
getCurrentBuffer() - Method in class
Returns the currently queued buffer that is going to be used for the current output frame.
getCurrentButton() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle
Returns the button number currently interacting with this GestureSingle, or 0 if there is none.
getCurrentCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Gets the capabilities currently configured on this Pad with the last GST_EVENT_CAPS event.
getCurrentClockTime() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Returns the current clock time of the element, as in, the time of the element's clock, or GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE if there is no clock.
getCurrentDir() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the current directory.
getCurrentDomain() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest
Get the current domain being browsed.
getCurrentDrop() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Gets the currently handled drop operation.
getCurrentEvent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController
Returns the event that is currently being handled by the controller.
getCurrentEventDevice() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController
Returns the device of the event that is currently being handled by the controller.
getCurrentEventState() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController
Returns the modifier state of the event that is currently being handled by the controller.
getCurrentEventTime() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController
Returns the timestamp of the event that is currently being handled by the controller.
getCurrentFolder() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
getCurrentIconDragSource() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Returns the index of the icon which is the source of the current DND operation, or -1.
getCurrentImage() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable
Gets an immutable paintable for the current contents displayed by this Paintable.
getCurrentItem() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList
Returns the current item in this BackForwardList.
getCurrentName() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
getCurrentObject() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Gets the current object set via gtk_builder_set_current_object().
getCurrentPage() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getCurrentPage() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Returns the page number of the current page.
getCurrentPage() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Gets the current page of the GtkPrintUnixDialog.
getCurrentPathString() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
Gets the current GtkTreePath string for the currently applied GtkTreeIter, this is implicitly updated when gtk_cell_area_apply_attributes() is called and can be used to interact with renderers from GtkCellArea subclasses.
getCurrentPoint() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Gets the current point.
getCurrentRunningTime() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Returns the running time of the element.
getCurrentSequence() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle
Returns the event sequence currently interacting with this GestureSingle.
getCurrentTime(TimeVal) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
GTimeVal is not year-2038-safe. Use GLib.getRealTime() instead.
getCurrentTime(TimeVal) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
use Source.getTime() instead
getCurrentTimings() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Gets the frame timings for the current frame.
getCurrentUri() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Returns the URI for the currently active link in the label.
getCursiveFontFamily() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Gets the WebKitSettings:cursive-font-family property.
getCursor() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Retrieves a GdkCursor pointer for the cursor currently set on the GdkSurface.
getCursor() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Queries the cursor set on this Widget.
getCursor(Out<TreePath>, Out<CellRenderer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getCursor(Out<TreePath>, Out<TreeViewColumn>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getCursorLocations(TextIter, Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Determine the positions of the strong and weak cursors if the insertion point is at iter.
getCursorPos(int, Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Given an index within a layout, determines the positions that of the strong and weak cursors if the insertion point is at that index.
getCursorVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Find out whether the cursor should be displayed.
getCurvature(Path, PathDirection, Point) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathPoint
Calculates the curvature of the path at the point.
getCustomCharset() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Returns the current custom character encoding name of this WebView.
getCustomImage() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar
Gets the custom image paintable.
getCustomMeta(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Finds the first GstCustomMeta on this Buffer for the desired name.
getCustomTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Gets the custom title widget of this Toast.
getCwd() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Gets the working directory of the command line invocation.
getDamping() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringParams
Gets the damping of this SpringParams.
getDampingRatio() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringParams
Gets the damping ratio of this SpringParams.
getDark() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager
Gets whether the application is using dark appearance.
getDash() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Gets the dash array in use or NULL if dashing is disabled.
getDashOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Returns the dash_offset of a GskStroke.
getData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Get written data pointer
getData() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream
Gets any loaded data from the this MemoryOutputStream.
getData() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Get the byte data in the GBytes.
getData() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Returns a pointer to the serialized form of a GVariant instance.
getData(Out<byte[]>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Returns a constant pointer to the current data position if at least size bytes are left and updates the current position.
getData(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Gets a named field from the objects table of associations (see g_object_set_data()).
getData(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource
Asynchronously get the raw data for this WebResource.
getDataAsBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Returns a pointer to the serialized form of a GVariant instance.
getDatabase() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Gets the certificate database that this DtlsConnection uses to verify peer certificates.
getDatabase() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Gets the certificate database that this TlsConnection uses to verify peer certificates.
getDataFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_resource_get_data().
getDataSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream
Returns the number of bytes from the start up to including the last byte written in the stream that has not been truncated away.
getDate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Returns a GDateTime representing the shown year, month and the selected day.
getDate(String, Out<Date>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the date pointed to by value corresponding to the date of the given field.
getDate(String, Out<Date>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Copies the first date for the given tag in the taglist into the variable pointed to by value.
getDateIndex(String, int, Out<Date>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Gets the date that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list and copies it into the variable pointed to by value.
getDateTime(String, Out<DateTime>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the datetime pointed to by value corresponding to the datetime of the given field.
getDateTime(String, Out<DateTime>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Copies the first datetime for the given tag in the taglist into the variable pointed to by value.
getDateTimeIndex(String, int, Out<DateTime>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Gets the datetime that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list and copies it into the variable pointed to by value.
getDay() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Returns the day of the month of this GstDateTime.
getDay() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns the day of the month.
getDay() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Gets the day of the selected date.
getDayIsMarked(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Returns if the day of the this Calendar is already marked.
getDayOfMonth() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Retrieves the day of the month represented by this DateTime in the gregorian calendar.
getDayOfWeek() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Retrieves the ISO 8601 day of the week on which this DateTime falls (1 is Monday, 2 is Tuesday...
getDayOfYear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns the day of the year, where Jan 1 is the first day of the year.
getDayOfYear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Retrieves the day of the year represented by this DateTime in the Gregorian calendar.
getDaysInMonth(DateMonth, DateYear) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns the number of days in a month, taking leap years into account.
getDbusConnection() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Gets the GDBusConnection being used by the application, or null.
getDbusObjectPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Gets the D-Bus object path being used by the application, or null.
getDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Retrieves whether the context is doing extra validations and runtime checking.
getDebugEnabled() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DebugController
Get the value of GDebugController:debug-enabled.
getDebugFlags() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Returns the GTK debug flags that are currently active.
getDebugInfo() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the debug information for this AboutDialog.
getDebugInfo() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getDebugInfoFilename() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the debug information filename for this AboutDialog.
getDebugInfoFilename() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getDecimalPoint(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
Gets the Unicode character to use as decimal point.
getDecorated() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Returns whether the window has been set to have decorations.
getDecorationLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Gets the decoration layout for this HeaderBar.
getDecorationLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar
Gets the decoration layout of the GtkHeaderBar.
getDecorationLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls
Gets the decoration layout of this GtkWindowControls.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager
Gets the default AdwStyleManager instance.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Gets the default GdkDisplay.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Returns the default GApplication instance for this process.
getDefault() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor
Gets the default GNetworkMonitor for the system.
getDefault() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.ProxyResolver
Gets the default GProxyResolver for the system.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Gets the default GResolver.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
Returns the default GSettingsBackend.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaSource
Gets the default system schema source.
getDefault() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend
Gets the default GTlsBackend for the system.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
Gets the default GVfs for the system.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Returns the name of the default paper size, which depends on the current locale.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
Gets a unique instance of GtkRecentManager that you can share in your application without caring about memory management.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings
Gets the GtkSettings object for the default display, creating it if necessary.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager
Returns the default GtkSourceLanguageManager instance.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager
Returns the default GtkSourceSnippetManager instance.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager
Returns the default GtkSourceStyleSchemeManager instance.
getDefault() - Static method in interface org.gnome.pango.cairo.FontMap
Gets a default PangoCairoFontMap to use with Cairo.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Language
Returns the PangoLanguage for the current locale of the process.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Get the default network session.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Gets the default web context.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld
Get the default WebKitScriptWorld.
getDefaultBottomMargin(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Gets the default bottom margin for the GtkPaperSize.
getDefaultButton() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Returns the index of the default button.
getDefaultCandidates() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Encoding
Gets the list of default candidate encodings to try when loading a file.
getDefaultCharset() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Gets the WebKitSettings:default-charset property.
getDefaultContentSecurityPolicy() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Gets the configured default Content-Security-Policy.
getDefaultDatabase() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend
Gets the default GTlsDatabase used to verify TLS connections.
getDefaultDirection() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Obtains the current default reading direction.
getDefaultDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager
Gets the default GdkDisplay.
getDefaultFilter() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Gets the filter that will be selected by default in the file chooser dialog.
getDefaultFontFamily() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Gets the WebKitSettings:default-font-family property.
getDefaultFontSize() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Gets the WebKitSettings:default-font-size property.
getDefaultForProtocol(String) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.Proxy
Find the gio-proxy extension point for a proxy implementation that supports the specified protocol.
getDefaultForType(String, boolean) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Gets the default AppInfo for a given content type.
getDefaultForTypeAsync(String, boolean, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Asynchronously gets the default AppInfo for a given content type.
getDefaultForTypeFinish(AsyncResult) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
getDefaultForUriScheme(String) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Gets the default application for handling URIs with the given URI scheme.
getDefaultForUriScheme(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfoLookup
The DesktopAppInfoLookup interface is deprecated and unused by GIO.
getDefaultForUriSchemeAsync(String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Asynchronously gets the default application for handling URIs with the given URI scheme.
getDefaultForUriSchemeFinish(AsyncResult) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
getDefaultIcon() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Gets the default icon of this TabView.
getDefaultIconName() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Returns the fallback icon name for windows.
getDefaultLanguage() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Returns the PangoLanguage for the default language currently in effect.
getDefaultLeftMargin(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Gets the default left margin for the GtkPaperSize.
getDefaultLocation() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Gets the default location of this Mount.
getDefaultMonospaceFontSize() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Gets the WebKitSettings:default-monospace-font-size property.
getDefaultPageSetup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Returns the default page setup.
getDefaultPageSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Returns default page size of this Printer.
getDefaultResponse() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Gets the ID of the default response of this AlertDialog.
getDefaultResponse() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
getDefaultRightMargin(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Gets the default right margin for the GtkPaperSize.
getDefaultSeat() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Returns the default GdkSeat for this display.
getDefaultSize(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Gets the default size of the window.
getDefaultSource() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getDefaultText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getDefaultTimeout() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Gets the timeout to use if -1 (specifying default timeout) is passed as timeoutMsec in the g_dbus_proxy_call() and g_dbus_proxy_call_sync() functions.
getDefaultTopMargin(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Gets the default top margin for the GtkPaperSize.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaKey
Gets the default value for this SettingsSchemaKey.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Gets the default value of this ParamSpec as a pointer to a GValue.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Feature
Gets whether the feature is enabled by default.
getDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Gets the "default value" of a key.
getDefaultWarning() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
virtual method for g_tls_password_get_warning() if no value has been set using g_tls_password_set_warning()
getDefaultWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Gets the default widget for this Dialog.
getDefaultWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Returns the default widget for this Window.
getDelay() - Method in class
getDelay() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Get the configured delay (see gst_pipeline_set_delay()).
getDelayFactor() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress
Returns the delay factor.
getDelayTime() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter
Gets the number of milliseconds the current pixbuf should be displayed, or -1 if the current pixbuf should be displayed forever.
getDelegate() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Gets the GtkEditable that this Editable is delegating its implementation to.
getDeletable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Returns whether the window has been set to have a close button.
getDeleted() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextChildAnchor
Determines whether a child anchor has been deleted from the buffer.
getDeleted() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark
Returns true if the mark has been removed from its buffer.
getDeletionDate() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Returns the GDateTime representing the deletion date of the file, as available in G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TRASH_DELETION_DATE.
getDeltas(Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollEvent
Extracts the scroll deltas of a scroll event.
getDeltas(Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TouchpadEvent
Extracts delta information from a touchpad event.
getDepth() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererAudioInfo
getDepth() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfo
getDepth() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Retrieves the size of the this Box on the Z axis.
getDepth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow
Gets the depth of this row.
getDepth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
getDescent() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Gets the descent from a font metrics structure.
getDescription() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Returns the description of a debug category.
getDescription() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Get the long descriptive name of the plugin
getDescription() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
getDescription() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget
getDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup
Gets the description of this PreferencesGroup.
getDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Gets the description of this PreferencesPage.
getDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage
Gets the description markup for this StatusPage.
getDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Gets a string describing the monitor, if available.
getDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Returns a description of the format.
getDescription() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Gets a human-readable description of an installed application.
getDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaKey
Gets the description for this SettingsSchemaKey.
getDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
Get a description string about what the password will be used for.
getDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Returns the description.
getDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Gets the description of the printer.
getDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Gets the (short) description of the resource.
getDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Gets the description for the snippet.
getDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme
getDescription(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Retrieves the description of the bookmark for uri.
getDescriptionCentered() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Gets whether the description is centered.
getDesigners() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the list of designers of the application.
getDesigners() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getDestination() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience getter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.DESTINATION header field.
getDestination() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Obtains the destination to which the downloaded file will be written.
getDestinationHostname() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress
Gets this ProxyAddress's destination hostname; that is, the name of the host that will be connected to via the proxy, not the name of the proxy itself.
getDestinationPort() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress
Gets this ProxyAddress's destination port; that is, the port on the destination host that will be connected to via the proxy, not the port number of the proxy itself.
getDestinationProtocol() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress
Gets the protocol that is being spoken to the destination server; eg, "http" or "ftp".
getDestItemAtPos(int, int, Out<TreePath>, Out<IconViewDropPosition>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getDestRowAtPos(int, int, Out<TreePath>, Out<TreeViewDropPosition>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getDestroyWithParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Returns whether the window will be destroyed with its transient parent.
getDetail() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingEvent
Extracts the notify detail from a crossing event.
getDetail() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Returns the detail text that will be shown in the alert.
getDetails() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Format
Get details about the given format.
getDetails() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Feature
Gets a description for the this Feature.
getDeveloperName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the developer name for this AboutDialog.
getDeveloperName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getDevelopers() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the list of developers of the application.
getDevelopers() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getDevelopmentFeatures() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Gets the list of available development WebKit features.
getDevice() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Returns the GdkDevice associated to the GdkDrag object.
getDevice() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
Returns the GdkDevice performing the drop.
getDevice() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Returns the device of an event.
getDevice() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Returns the logical GdkDevice that is currently operating on this Gesture.
getDeviceClass() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device
Gets the "class" of a device.
getDeviceCursor(Device) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Retrieves a GdkCursor pointer for the device currently set on the specified GdkSurface.
getDevicePath() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountPoint
Gets the device path for a unix mount point.
getDevicePosition(Device, Out<Double>, Out<Double>, Out<Set<ModifierType>>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Obtains the current device position and modifier state.
getDeviceProviderType() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProviderFactory
Get the GType for device providers managed by this factory.
getDevices() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor
Gets a list of devices from all of the relevant monitors.
getDevices() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
Gets a list of devices that this provider understands.
getDevices(Set<SeatCapabilities>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Returns the devices that match the given capabilities.
getDevices(SeatCapabilities...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Returns the devices that match the given capabilities.
getDeviceTool() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Retrieves the current tool for this Device.
getDeviceTool() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Returns a GdkDeviceTool representing the tool that caused the event.
getDeviceTool() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Returns the GdkDeviceTool currently driving input through this gesture.
getDialog() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton
Returns the GtkColorDialog of this ColorDialogButton.
getDialog() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Returns the GtkFontDialog of this FontDialogButton.
getDialogs() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow
Returns a ListModel that contains the open dialogs of this ApplicationWindow.
getDialogs() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Window
Returns a ListModel that contains the open dialogs of this Window.
getDialogType() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialog
Get the dialog type of a WebKitScriptDialog.
getDigest(byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Checksum
Gets the digest from this Checksum as a raw binary vector and places it into buffer.
getDigest(byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hmac
Gets the digest from checksum as a raw binary array and places it into buffer.
getDigits() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Gets the number of decimal places to display.
getDigits() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
Gets the number of decimal places that are displayed in the value.
getDigits() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Fetches the precision of this SpinButton.
getDirection() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Gets the direction of the pad.
getDirection() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Returns the direction of effective layout of the keyboard.
getDirection() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollEvent
Extracts the direction of a scroll event.
getDirection() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets the reading direction for a particular widget.
getDirection(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Gets the text direction at the given character position in this Layout.
getDirection(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Retrieves the direction of the given graphene_ray_t.
getDisabledText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutLabel
Retrieves the text that is displayed when no accelerator is set.
getDisableWebSecurity() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:disable-web-security property.
getDiscontWait() - Method in class
Get the current discont wait, in nanoseconds, used by this AudioBaseSink.
getDiscontWait() - Method in class
Gets the currently configured discont wait.
getDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager
Gets the display the style manager is associated with.
getDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.AppLaunchContext
Gets the GdkDisplay that this AppLaunchContext is for.
getDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Gets the GdkDisplay that the clipboard was created for.
getDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Returns the GdkDisplay to which this Device pertains.
getDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Returns the display that this texture builder is associated with.
getDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Gets the GdkDisplay that the drag object was created for.
getDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DrawContext
Retrieves the GdkDisplay the this DrawContext is created for
getDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
Gets the GdkDisplay that this Drop was created for.
getDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Retrieves the display associated to the this Event.
getDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Retrieves the display the this GLContext is created for
getDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Gets the display that this monitor belongs to.
getDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Returns the GdkDisplay this seat belongs to.
getDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Gets the GdkDisplay associated with a GdkSurface.
getDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Returns the display that the GtkIconTheme object was created for.
getDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation
Gets the display on which windows of the GtkMountOperation will be shown.
getDisplay() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Root
Returns the display that this GtkRoot is on.
getDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
getDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Get the GdkDisplay for the toplevel window associated with this widget.
getDisplay(AppInfo, List<File>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
Gets the display string for the this AppLaunchContext.
getDisplayCaptureState() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Get the display capture state of a WebKitWebView.
getDisplayedRow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device
Gets the user-friendly name of the device.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Gets the display name of the application.
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets a display name for a file.
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Gets the human-readable name of the GtkPaperSize.
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Gets the name of the resource.
getDistance() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Swipeable
Gets the swipe distance of this Swipeable.
getDistance(PathMeasure) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathPoint
Returns the distance from the beginning of the path to this PathPoint.
getDistanceToPlane(Plane) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Computes the distance of the origin of the given graphene_ray_t from the given plane.
getDistanceToPoint(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Computes the distance of the closest approach between the given graphene_ray_t this Ray and the point p.
getDither() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getDmabufFormats() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Returns the dma-buf formats that are supported on this display.
getDnsEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Get the time immediately after the Message completed the domain lookup name for the resource.
getDnsNames() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Gets the value of GTlsCertificate:dns-names.
getDnsStart() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Get the time immediately before the Message started the domain lookup name for the resource.
getDocumentationCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate
See gst_pad_template_set_documentation_caps().
getDocumenters() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the list of documenters of the application.
getDocumenters() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getDocumenters() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Returns the name of the documenters which are displayed in the credits page.
getDomain() - Method in exception class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.GErrorException
Get the error domain.
getDomain() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Gets the domain of the mount operation.
getDomain() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService
Gets the domain that this NetworkService serves.
getDomain() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Gets this Cookie's domain.
getDomain() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSPolicy
Gets this HSTSPolicy's domain.
getDomain() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ITPFirstParty
Get the domain name of this ITPFirstParty.
getDomain() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ITPThirdParty
Get the domain name of this ITPThirdParty.
getDomains(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer
Gets a list of domains for which there are policies in enforcer.
getDoTimestamp() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Query if this BaseSrc timestamps outgoing buffers based on the current running_time.
getDouble() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Returns the double precision floating point value of this Variant.
getDouble() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_DOUBLE GValue.
getDouble(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Gets the value that is stored at key in this Settings.
getDouble(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Returns the double value associated with key, or 0.
getDouble(String, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the double pointed to by value corresponding to the value of the given field.
getDouble(String, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
getDouble(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Returns the value associated with key under groupName as a double.
getDoubleArrayFrom(MemorySegment, long, Arena, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read an array of doubles with the requested length from native memory.
getDoubleIndex(String, int, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.
getDoubleList(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Returns the values associated with key under groupName as doubles.
getDoubleValues(Alias<Double>[]) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Alias
Convert an array of Double Aliases into an array of doubles.
getDoubleWithDefault(String, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Returns the floating point number represented by the value that is associated with key, or defaultVal if the value does not represent a floating point number.
getDpiX() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintContext
Obtains the horizontal resolution of the GtkPrintContext, in dots per inch.
getDpiY() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintContext
Obtains the vertical resolution of the GtkPrintContext, in dots per inch.
getDrag() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
If this is an in-app drag-and-drop operation, returns the GdkDrag that corresponds to this drop.
getDrag() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Returns the underlying GdkDrag object for an ongoing drag.
getDragDestItem(Out<TreePath>, Out<IconViewDropPosition>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getDragDestRow(Out<TreePath>, Out<TreeViewDropPosition>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getDragSurface() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Returns the surface on which the drag icon should be rendered during the drag operation.
getDrainable() - Method in class
Queries decoder drain handling.
getDrainable() - Method in class
Queries encoder drain handling.
getDrawCompositingIndicators() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:draw-compositing-indicators property.
getDrawContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.CairoNode
Creates a Cairo context for drawing using the surface associated to the render node.
getDrawSensitive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView
getDrawValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
Returns whether the current value is displayed as a string next to the slider.
getDriftTolerance() - Method in class
Get the current drift tolerance, in microseconds, used by this AudioBaseSink.
getDrive() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Gets the drive for the this Mount.
getDrive() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Gets the drive for the this Volume.
getDrop() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DNDEvent
Gets the GdkDrop object from a DND event.
getDrop() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion
Returns the GdkDrop of a current Drag-and-Drop operation over the widget of this DropControllerMotion.
getDrop() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
getDropdownTooltip() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Gets the tooltip of the dropdown button of this SplitButton.
getDropOutOfSegment() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Checks if this BaseSink is currently configured to drop buffers which are outside the current segment
getDtlsClientConnectionType() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend
Gets the GType of this TlsBackend’s GDtlsClientConnection implementation.
getDtlsServerConnectionType() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend
Gets the GType of this TlsBackend’s GDtlsServerConnection implementation.
getDuplex() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getDuration() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
getDuration() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Gets the duration of this TimedAnimation.
getDuration() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Gets the duration of the stream.
getDx() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.InsetShadowNode
Retrieves the horizontal offset of the inset shadow.
getDx() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.OutsetShadowNode
Retrieves the horizontal offset of the outset shadow.
getDy() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.InsetShadowNode
Retrieves the vertical offset of the inset shadow.
getDy() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.OutsetShadowNode
Retrieves the vertical offset of the outset shadow.
getEasing() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Gets the easing function this TimedAnimation uses.
getEditable() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Retrieves whether this Editable is editable.
getEditable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Returns the default editability of the GtkTextView.
getEditedCell() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
getEditing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EditableLabel
Returns whether the label is currently in “editing mode”.
getEditName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the edit name for a file.
getEditor() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
Gets the WebKitWebEditor of a WebKitWebPage.
getEditorState() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Gets the web editor state of this WebView.
getEditWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
getElapsedTime() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Gets the elapsed time in seconds, including any fractional part.
getElement() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseContext
Retrieves the name of the currently open element.
getElement() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParseContext
Retrieves the name of the currently open element.
getElementPrivate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Gets the private data of a pad.
getElementProperties() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
getElementRectangle(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest
Gets the bounding box of the color input element.
getElementSize(MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Gets the size of the elements in array.
getElementStack() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseContext
Retrieves the element stack from the internal state of the parser.
getElementStack() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParseContext
Retrieves the element stack from the internal state of the parser.
getElementType() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Get the GType for elements managed by this factory.
getEllipsize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Returns the ellipsizing position of the label.
getEllipsize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
Returns the ellipsizing position of the progress bar.
getEllipsize() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Gets the type of ellipsization being performed for this Layout.
getEmbedPageSetup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Gets whether page setup selection combos are embedded
getEmbedPageSetup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Gets whether to embed the page setup.
getEmblems() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.EmblemedIcon
Gets the list of emblems for the icon.
getEmpty() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls
Gets whether the widget has any window buttons.
getEmpty() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
Checks if any proposals have been provided to the context.
getEmulatingPointer() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TouchEvent
Extracts whether a touch event is emulating a pointer event.
getEnable2dCanvasAcceleration() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-2d-canvas-acceleration property.
getEnableAnimations(Widget) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
Checks whether animations are enabled for widget.
getEnableBackForwardNavigationGestures() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-back-forward-navigation-gestures property.
getEnableCaretBrowsing() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-caret-browsing property.
getEnabled() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerPage
getEnabled() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Gets whether this SwipeTracker is enabled.
getEnabled() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Action
Checks if this Action is currently enabled.
getEnabled() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload
Returns whether offload is enabled for this GraphicsOffload.
getEnableDeveloperExtras() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-developer-extras property.
getEnableDnsPrefetching() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-dns-prefetching property.
getEnableEmojiCompletion() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Gets whether to suggest emoji replacements on this EntryRow.
getEnableEmojiCompletion() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Returns whether Emoji completion is enabled for this GtkText widget.
getEnableEncryptedMedia() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-encrypted-media property.
getEnableExpansion() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Gets whether the expansion of this ExpanderRow is enabled.
getEnableFullscreen() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-fullscreen property.
getEnableHideGesture() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Gets whether this OverlaySplitView can be closed with a swipe gesture.
getEnableHighAccuracy() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager
Get whether high accuracy is enabled.
getEnableHorizontal() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollInfo
Checks if horizontal scrolling is enabled.
getEnableHtml5Database() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-html5-database property.
getEnableHtml5LocalStorage() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-html5-local-storage property.
getEnableHyperlinkAuditing() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-hyperlink-auditing property.
getEnableJavascript() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-javascript property.
getEnableJavascriptMarkup() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-javascript-markup property.
getEnableMatrix() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer
getEnableMedia() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-media property.
getEnableMediaCapabilities() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-media-capabilities property.
getEnableMediasource() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-mediasource property.
getEnableMediaStream() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-media-stream property.
getEnableMockCaptureDevices() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-mock-capture-devices property.
getEnableNewTab() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Gets whether to new tab button is enabled for this TabOverview.
getEnableOfflineWebApplicationCache() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
getEnablePageCache() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-page-cache property.
getEnableProxy() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Gets the proxy enable state; see g_socket_client_set_enable_proxy()
getEnableResizableTextAreas() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-resizable-text-areas property.
getEnableRubberband() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Returns whether rows can be selected by dragging with the mouse.
getEnableRubberband() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Returns whether rows can be selected by dragging with the mouse.
getEnableRubberband() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Returns whether rows can be selected by dragging with the mouse.
getEnableSearch() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Gets whether search is enabled.
getEnableSearch() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Gets whether search in tabs is enabled for this TabOverview.
getEnableSearch() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Returns whether search is enabled.
getEnableSearch() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getEnableShowGesture() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Gets whether this OverlaySplitView can be opened with an edge swipe gesture.
getEnableSiteSpecificQuirks() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-site-specific-quirks property.
getEnableSmoothScrolling() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-smooth-scrolling property.
getEnableSnippets() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Gets the View:enable-snippets property.
getEnableSpatialNavigation() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-spatial-navigation property.
getEnableTabsToLinks() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-tabs-to-links property.
getEnableTreeLines() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getEnableUndo() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Gets if undo/redo actions are enabled for this Editable
getEnableUndo() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Gets whether the buffer is saving modifications to the buffer to allow for undo and redo actions.
getEnableVertical() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollInfo
Checks if vertical scrolling is enabled.
getEnableWebaudio() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-webaudio property.
getEnableWebgl() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-webgl property.
getEnableWebrtc() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the Settings:enable-webrtc property.
getEnableWriteConsoleMessagesToStdout() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:enable-write-console-messages-to-stdout property.
getEncoding() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Gets the encoding for the input/output of the channel.
getEncoding() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File
The encoding is initially null.
getEncoding() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader
getEncoding() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
getEncoding() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Gets the message body encoding that this MessageHeaders declare.
getEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.LinearGradientNode
Retrieves the final point of the linear gradient.
getEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RadialGradientNode
Retrieves the end value for the gradient.
getEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListHeader
Gets the end position in the model of the section that this ListHeader is currently the header for.
getEndActionWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Gets the widget shown after the tabs.
getEndChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.CrossFadeNode
Retrieves the child GskRenderNode at the end of the cross-fade.
getEndChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Retrieves the end child of the given GtkPaned.
getEnded() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Returns whether the streams playback is finished.
getEndIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow
Gets the end icon name for this ButtonRow.
getEndIter() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Returns the end iterator for seg
getEndIter(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Initializes iter with the “end iterator,” one past the last valid character in the text buffer.
getEndLocation() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssSection
Returns the location in the CSS document where this section ends.
getEndPoint(PathPoint) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Path
Gets the end point of the path.
getEndWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox
Gets the end widget, or null if there is none.
getEndWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout
Returns the end widget of the layout.
getEntries() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Toc
Gets the list of GstTocEntry of this Toc.
getEntry() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
getEntryTextColumn() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
getEntryType() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
getEnum() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_ENUM GValue.
getEnum(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Gets the value that is stored in this Settings for key and converts it to the enum value that it represents.
getEnum(String, Type, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the int pointed to by value corresponding to the value of the given field.
getEnumType() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EnumListModel
Gets the type of the enum represented by this EnumListModel.
getenv(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Gets the value of a particular environment variable of the command line invocation, as would be returned by g_getenv().
getenv(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Returns the value of the environment variable variable in the environment of processes launched from this launcher.
getenv(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns the value of an environment variable.
getEnviron() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Gets the contents of the 'environ' variable of the command line invocation, as would be returned by g_get_environ(), ie as a null-terminated list of strings in the form 'NAME=VALUE'.
getEnviron() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the list of environment variables for the current process.
getEnvironment() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
Gets the complete environment variable list to be passed to the child process when this AppLaunchContext is used to launch an application.
getEpsilon() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Gets the precision of the spring.
getError() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList
Gets the loading error, if any.
getError() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Gets the current error set on the this GLArea.
getError() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
If the stream is in an error state, returns the GError explaining that state.
getError() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Call this when the result of a print operation is PrintOperationResult.ERROR.
getErrorName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience getter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.ERROR_NAME header field.
getEstimatedDuration() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Gets the estimated duration of this SpringAnimation, in milliseconds.
getEstimatedLoadProgress() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Gets the value of the WebKitWebView:estimated-load-progress property.
getEstimatedProgress() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Gets the value of the WebKitDownload:estimated-progress property.
getEstimateRate() - Method in class
getEstimateRate() - Method in class
getEtag() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the entity tag for a given GFileInfo.
getEtag() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream
Gets the entity tag for the file when it has been written.
getEtag() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream
Gets the entity tag for the file when it has been written.
getEvent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
getEvent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Gets the GdkEvent that triggered the context menu.
getEvent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu
Gets the GdkEvent that triggered the dropdown menu.
getEvent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Gets the GdkEvent that triggered the context menu.
getEventSequence() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Returns the event sequence to which the event belongs.
getEventType() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Retrieves the type of the event.
getException() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Get the last unhandled exception thrown in this Context by API functions calls.
getExclusive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle
Gets whether a gesture is exclusive.
getExecutable() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Gets the executable’s name for the installed application.
getExecutionTaskPool() - Method in class
The returned GstTaskPool is used internally for performing parallel video format conversions/scaling/etc during the GstVideoAggregatorPadClass::prepare_frame_start() process.
getExitOnClose() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Gets whether the process is terminated when this DBusConnection is closed by the remote peer.
getExitStatus() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Gets the exit status of this ApplicationCommandLine.
getExitStatus() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Check the exit status of the subprocess, given that it exited normally.
getExpand() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Returns whether this column should expand.
getExpand() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getExpanded() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Gets whether this ExpanderRow is expanded.
getExpanded() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Queries a GtkExpander and returns its current state.
getExpanded() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow
Gets if a row is currently expanded.
getExpanderColumn() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getExpandTabs() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Gets whether tabs expand to full width.
getExpectations() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Gets the expectations declared by this MessageHeaders's "Expect" header.
getExperimentalFeatures() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Gets the list of available experimental WebKit features.
getExpires() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Gets this Cookie's expiration time.
getExpires() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSPolicy
Returns the expiration date for this HSTSPolicy.
getExpression() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Gets the expression used to obtain strings from items.
getExpression() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter
Gets the expression that the filter uses to evaluate if an item should be filtered.
getExpression() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Gets the expression set that is used to obtain strings from items.
getExpression() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter
Gets the expression that is evaluated to obtain numbers from items.
getExpression() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PropertyExpression
Gets the expression specifying the object of a property expression.
getExpression() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter
Gets the expression that the string filter uses to obtain strings from items.
getExpression() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter
Gets the expression that is evaluated to obtain strings from items.
getExtendContentToBottomEdge() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Gets whether the content widget can extend behind bottom bars.
getExtendContentToTopEdge() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Gets whether the content widget can extend behind top bars.
getExtensionByName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOExtensionPoint
Finds a GIOExtension for an extension point by name.
getExtensions() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindFactory
Gets the extensions associated with a GstTypeFindFactory.
getExtensions() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Returns the filename extensions typically used for files in the given format.
getExtensions() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOExtensionPoint
Gets a list of all extensions that implement this extension point.
getExtensions() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Get the extensions chosen via negotiation with the peer.
getExtents(Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Computes the logical and ink extents of this Layout.
getExtents(Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Computes the logical and ink extents of a layout line.
getExtraChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Gets the child widget of this AlertDialog.
getExtraChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
getExtraDragPreferredAction() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Gets the current action during a drop on the extra_drop_target.
getExtraDragPreferredAction() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Gets the current action during a drop on the extra_drop_target.
getExtraDragPreload() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Gets whether drop data should be preloaded on hover.
getExtraDragPreload() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Gets whether drop data should be preloaded on hover.
getExtraMenu() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Gets the menu model set with gtk_entry_set_extra_menu().
getExtraMenu() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Gets the extra menu model of label.
getExtraMenu() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry
Gets the menu model set with gtk_password_entry_set_extra_menu().
getExtraMenu() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Gets the menu model for extra items in the context menu.
getExtraMenu() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the menu model that gets added to the context menu or null if none has been set.
getFace() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
Gets the PangoFontFace to which this Font belongs.
getFace(String) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily
Gets the PangoFontFace of this FontFamily with the given name.
getFace(Font) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap
getFaceName() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFace
Gets a name representing the style of this face.
getFactory() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
Retrieves the factory that was used to create this device provider.
getFactory() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Retrieves the factory that was used to create this element.
getFactory() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Gets the factory for populating list items.
getFactory() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Gets the factory that's currently used to populate list items for this column.
getFactory() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Gets the factory that's currently used to populate list items.
getFactory() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Gets the factory that's currently used to populate list items.
getFactory() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Gets the factory that's currently used to populate list items.
getFallback() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor
Returns the fallback for this this Cursor.
getFallbackForType(String) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Gets a list of fallback AppInfos for a given content type, i.e.
getFamily() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Gets this InetAddress's family
getFamily() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask
Gets the GSocketFamily of this InetAddressMask's address
getFamily() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Gets the socket family of the socket.
getFamily() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress
Gets the socket family type of this SocketAddress.
getFamily() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Gets the socket family of the socket client.
getFamily() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Gets the family name field of a font description.
getFamily() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFace
Gets the PangoFontFamily that this FontFace belongs to.
getFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap
Gets a font family by name.
getFantasyFontFamily() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Gets the WebKitSettings:fantasy-font-family property.
getFavicon() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Returns favicon currently associated to this WebView.
getFavicon(String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase
Asynchronously obtains a favicon image.
getFaviconDatabase() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Get the WebKitFaviconDatabase of this WebsiteDataManager.
getFaviconFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase
Finishes an operation started with webkit_favicon_database_get_favicon().
getFaviconsEnabled() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Get whether website icons are enabled.
getFaviconUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase
Obtains the URI of the favicon for the given pageUri.
getFd() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Gets the file descriptor for a cancellable job.
getFd() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.FileDescriptorBased
Gets the underlying file descriptor.
getFd() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Returns the underlying OS socket object.
getFd() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixInputStream
Return the UNIX file descriptor that the stream reads from.
getFd() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixOutputStream
Return the UNIX file descriptor that the stream writes to.
getFd(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Gets the file descriptor for a plane.
getFdList() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDMessage
Gets the GUnixFDList contained in this UnixFDMessage.
getFdList() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage
Get the this UserMessage list of file descritpor.
getFdList() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage
Get the this UserMessage list of file descritpor.
getFeature(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Gets the feature in this Session of type featureType.
getFeatureEnabled(Feature) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Gets whether a feature is enabled.
getFeatureForMessage(Type, Message) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Gets the feature in this Session of type featureType, provided that it is not disabled for msg.
getFeatureGroup(DevicePadFeature, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.DevicePad
Returns the group the given feature and idx belong to.
getFeatureList(Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Retrieves a GList of GstPluginFeature of type.
getFeatureListByPlugin(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Retrieves a GList of features of the plugin with name name.
getFeatureListCookie() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Returns the registry's feature list cookie.
getFeatures(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Finds the features in this Caps at index, and returns it.
getFetchStart() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Get the time immediately before the Message started to fetch a resource either from a remote server or local disk cache.
getFieldType(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Finds the field with the given name, and returns the type of the value it contains.
getFile() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIcon
Gets the GFile associated with the given this FileIcon.
getFile() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssSection
Gets the file that this CssSection was parsed from.
getFile() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList
Gets the file whose children are currently enumerated.
getFile() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
getFile() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher
Gets the file that will be opened.
getFile() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconPaintable
Gets the GFile that was used to load the icon.
getFile() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
Returns the file that this MediaFile is currently playing from.
getFile() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Gets the GFile currently displayed if this Picture is displaying a file.
getFile() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Gets the file played by this Video or null if not playing back a file.
getFile() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader
getFile() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
getFileDatabaseType() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend
Gets the GType of this TlsBackend's GTlsFileDatabase implementation.
getFileExtension() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
getFileForPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
Gets a GFile for path.
getFileForUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
Gets a GFile for uri.
getFileInfo() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressor
Returns the GZlibCompressor:file-info property.
getFileInfo() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ZlibDecompressor
Retrieves the GFileInfo constructed from the GZIP header data of compressed data processed by compressor, or null if this ZlibDecompressor's GZlibDecompressor:format property is not ZlibCompressorFormat.GZIP, or the header data was not fully processed yet, or it not present in the data stream at all.
getFileInfo(String, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Parses an image file far enough to determine its format and size.
getFileInfoAsync(String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Asynchronously parses an image file far enough to determine its format and size.
getFileInfoFinish(AsyncResult, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Finishes an asynchronous pixbuf parsing operation started with gdk_pixbuf_get_file_info_async().
getFilename() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
get the filename of the plugin
getFilename() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
When this DesktopAppInfo was created from a known filename, return it.
getFilename() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OsxAppInfo
getFilename() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList
Returns the filename of the bookmark file that this list is loading.
getFilename() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme
getFilenameCharsets(Out<String[]>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines the preferred character sets used for filenames.
getFiles() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FileList
Retrieves the list of files inside a GdkFileList.
getFiles() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
getFileType() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets a file's type (whether it is a regular file, symlink, etc).
getFillLevel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Gets the current position of the fill level indicator.
getFillRule() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.FillNode
Retrieves the fill rule used to determine how the path is filled.
getFilter() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.TextureScaleNode
Retrieves the GskScalingFilter used when creating this GskRenderNode.
getFilter() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
getFilter() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel
Gets the GtkFilter currently set on this FilterListModel.
getFilter() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
Returns the filter that decides which fonts to display in the font chooser dialog.
getFilters() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
getFilters() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Gets the filters that will be offered to the user in the file chooser dialog.
getFindController() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Gets the WebKitFindController.
getFinishings() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getFirst() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlternativeTrigger
Gets the first of the two alternative triggers that may trigger this AlternativeTrigger.
getFirst() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Gets the line number (starting from 0) for the first line that is user visible.
getFirstAccessibleChild() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible
Retrieves the first accessible child of an accessible object.
getFirstChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the widget’s first child.
getFirstParties() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ITPThirdParty
Get the list of WebKitITPFirstParty under which this ITPThirdParty has been seen.
getFirstParty() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Gets this Message's first-party GLib.Uri.
getFitModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView
getFixedArray(long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Provides access to the serialized data for an array of fixed-sized items.
getFixedHeightMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getFixedSize(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
getFixedWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Gets the fixed width of the column.
getFixedWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getFlags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Gets the GstBufferFlags flags set on this buffer.
getFlags() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Gets the GstEventTypeFlags associated with this EventType.
getFlags() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
Gets the GstQueryTypeFlags associated with this QueryType.
getFlags() - Method in class
Retrieves the flags associated with a GstVideoOverlayRectangle.
getFlags() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable
Get flags for the paintable.
getFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Gets the flags for this Application.
getFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Gets the flags used to construct this connection
getFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Gets the GDBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags that describes what the behavior of this DBusInterfaceSkeleton
getFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Gets the flags for this DBusMessage.
getFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Gets the flags that this DBusObjectManagerClient was constructed with.
getFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Gets the flags that this DBusProxy was constructed with.
getFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer
Gets the flags for this DBusServer.
getFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TestDBus
Get the flags of the GTestDBus object.
getFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
Get flags about the password.
getFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Gets the current flags for a GIOChannel, including read-only flags such as IOFlags.IS_READABLE.
getFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Gets this Uri's flags set upon construction.
getFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding
Retrieves the flags passed when constructing the GBinding.
getFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_FLAGS GValue.
getFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
Gets the flags conditioning the scroll controller behavior.
getFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu
Returns the flags that this PopoverMenu uses to create/display a menu from its model.
getFlags() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
getFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
getFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Gets the flags on this Message.
getFlags(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Gets the value that is stored in this Settings for key and converts it to the flags value that it represents.
getFlags(String, Type, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the unsigned int pointed to by value corresponding to the value of the given field.
getFlagset(String, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Read the GstFlagSet flags and mask out of the structure into the provided pointers.
getFlap() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
getFlapPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
getFlippable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Gets whether the GtkRange respects text direction.
getFloat() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_FLOAT GValue.
getFloat(String, Out<Float>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
getFloat32Be(Out<Float>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a 32 bit big endian floating point value into val and update the current position.
getFloat32Le(Out<Float>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a 32 bit little endian floating point value into val and update the current position.
getFloat64Be(Out<Double>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a 64 bit big endian floating point value into val and update the current position.
getFloat64Le(Out<Double>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a 64 bit little endian floating point value into val and update the current position.
getFloatArrayFrom(MemorySegment, long, Arena, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read an array of floats with the requested length from native memory.
getFloatIndex(String, int, Out<Float>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.
getFloatValues(Alias<Float>[]) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Alias
Convert an array of Float Aliases into an array of floats.
getFlowinfo() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress
Gets the sin6_flowinfo field from this InetSocketAddress, which must be an IPv6 address.
getFocus() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Gets the focus widget for this Dialog.
getFocus() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingEvent
Checks if the this CrossingEvent surface is the focus surface.
getFocus() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Root
Retrieves the current focused widget within the root.
getFocus() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Retrieves the current focused widget within the window.
getFocusable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewCell
Checks if a list item has been set to be focusable via gtk_column_view_cell_set_focusable().
getFocusable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow
Checks if a row item has been set to be focusable via gtk_column_view_row_set_focusable().
getFocusable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Checks if a list item has been set to be focusable via gtk_list_item_set_focusable().
getFocusable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Determines whether this Widget can own the input focus.
getFocusCell() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
getFocusChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the current focus child of this Widget.
getFocusFromSibling(CellRenderer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
getFocusOnClick() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns whether the widget should grab focus when it is clicked with the mouse.
getFocusPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Gets the current focus for the snippet.
getFocusPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
Gets the SnippetChunk:focus-position.
getFocusSiblings(CellRenderer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
getFocusVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Gets whether “focus rectangles” are supposed to be visible.
getFoldDuration() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
getFolded() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
getFolded() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
getFoldPolicy() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
getFoldThresholdPolicy() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
getFoldThresholdPolicy() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
getFollowEnableAnimationsSetting() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
Gets whether this Animation should be skipped when animations are globally disabled.
getFollowsContentSize() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Gets whether to size content of this Dialog automatically.
getFont() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.TextNode
Returns the font used by the text this TextNode.
getFont() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
getFont(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Fontset
Returns the font in the fontset that contains the best glyph for a Unicode character.
getFont(FontDescription, Out<Language>, Out<SList<Attribute>>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrIterator
Get the font and other attributes at the current iterator position.
getFontDesc() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
getFontDesc() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Returns the font of the button.
getFontDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Retrieve the default font description for the context.
getFontDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Gets the font description for the layout, if any.
getFontFace() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
getFontFamily() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
getFontFeatures() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
getFontFeatures() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Returns the font features of the button.
getFontMap() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
getFontMap() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
Returns the fontmap from which fonts are selected, or NULL for the default fontmap.
getFontMap() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets the font map of this Widget.
getFontMap() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Gets the PangoFontMap used to look up fonts for this context.
getFontMap() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
Gets the font map for which the font was created.
getFontOptions() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
getFontScaleFactor() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Returns the scale factor of a matrix on the height of the font.
getFontScaleFactors(Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Calculates the scale factor of a matrix on the width and height of the font.
getFontSize() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
getFontType() - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.cairo.FontMap
Gets the type of Cairo font backend that this FontMap uses.
getFooterFontName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Returns the name of the font used to print the page footer.
getForceHttp1() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Returns whether HTTP/1 version is currently demanded for the this Message send.
getForceLive() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
Subclasses may use the return value to inform whether they should return FlowReturn.EOS from their aggregate implementation.
getForDisplay(Display) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager
Gets the AdwStyleManager instance managing display.
getForDisplay(Display) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Gets the icon theme object associated with display.
getForDisplay(Display) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings
Gets the GtkSettings object for display, creating it if necessary.
getForDrag(Drag) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragIcon
Gets the GtkDragIcon in use with drag.
getFormat() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
getFormat() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Gets the format previously set via gdk_gl_texture_builder_set_format().
getFormat() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Gets the format previously set via gdk_memory_texture_builder_set_format().
getFormat() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
Gets the memory format most closely associated with the data of the texture.
getFormat() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TextureDownloader
Gets the format that the data will be downloaded in.
getFormat() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
Obtains the available information about the format of the currently loading image file.
getFormat(long, Out<Integer>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufFormats
Gets the fourcc code and modifier for a format that is contained in this DmabufFormats.
getForMatrix(Matrix) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Gravity
Finds the gravity that best matches the rotation component in a PangoMatrix.
getFormats() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Gets the formats that the clipboard can provide its current contents in.
getFormats() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Retrieves the formats supported by this GdkDrag object.
getFormats() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
Returns the GdkContentFormats that the drop offers the data to be read in.
getFormats() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Obtains the available information about the image formats supported by GdkPixbuf.
getFormats() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Gets the data formats that this drop target accepts.
getFormats() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Gets the data formats that this drop target accepts.
getFormManager(ScriptWorld) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
Get the WebKitWebFormManager of this WebPage in world.
getForScript(Script, Gravity, GravityHint) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Gravity
Returns the gravity to use in laying out a PangoItem.
getForScriptAndWidth(Script, boolean, Gravity, GravityHint) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Gravity
Returns the gravity to use in laying out a single character or PangoItem.
getForSurface(Surface) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Native
Finds the GtkNative associated with the surface.
getForType(MemorySegment, Function<MemorySegment, ? extends Proxy>, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.InstanceCache
Get a Proxy object for the provided native memory address.
getForTypeClass(MemorySegment, Function<MemorySegment, ? extends Proxy>, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.InstanceCache
Get a Proxy object for the provided native memory address of a TypeClass.
getForwardCompatible() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Retrieves whether the context is forward-compatible.
getForwardItem() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList
Returns the item that follows the current item.
getForwardList() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList
Obtain the list of items following the current one.
getForwardListWithLimit(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList
Obtain a list up to some number of items following the current one.
getFourcc() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Gets the format previously set via gdk_dmabuf_texture_builder_set_fourcc() or 0 if the format wasn't set.
getFps() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Calculates the current frames-per-second, based on the frame timings of this FrameClock.
getFraction() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
Returns the current fraction of the task that’s been completed.
getFraction(String, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the integers pointed to by valueNumerator and valueDenominator corresponding to the value of the given field.
getFragment() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Get the fragment name from the URI or null if it doesn't exist.
getFragment() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Gets this Uri's fragment, which may contain %-encoding, depending on the flags with which this Uri was created.
getFrame(int) - Method in class
Get a pending unfinished GstVideoCodecFrame
getFrame(int) - Method in class
Get a pending unfinished GstVideoCodecFrame
getFrameClock() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Gets the frame clock for the surface.
getFrameClock() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Obtains the frame clock for a widget.
getFrameCounter() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
GdkFrameClock maintains a 64-bit counter that increments for each frame drawn.
getFrameCounter() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameTimings
Gets the frame counter value of the GdkFrameClock when this frame was drawn.
getFrameMax() - Method in class
getFrameName() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationAction
Gets the this NavigationAction target frame name.
getFramerateDenom() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfo
getFramerateNum() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfo
getFrameRegion() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DrawContext
Drawing directly to the surface is no longer recommended. Use GskRenderNode and GskRenderer.
getFrames() - Method in class
Get all pending unfinished GstVideoCodecFrame
getFrames() - Method in class
Get all pending unfinished GstVideoCodecFrame
getFrameSamplesMax() - Method in class
getFrameSamplesMin() - Method in class
getFrameTime() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Gets the time that should currently be used for animations.
getFrameTime() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameTimings
Returns the frame time for the frame.
getFromCharset(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Encoding
Gets a GtkSourceEncoding from a character set such as "UTF-8" or "ISO-8859-1".
getFsType() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountPoint
Gets the file system type for the mount point.
getFullscreen() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties
Get whether the window should be shown in fullscreen state or not.
getFullscreen(Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelLayout
If the layout specifies whether to the toplevel should go fullscreen, the value pointed to by fullscreen is set to true if it should go fullscreen, or false, if it should go unfullscreen.
getFullscreenMonitor() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelLayout
Returns the monitor that the layout is fullscreening the surface on.
getFullWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Gets whether the bottom sheet takes the full width.
getGaction() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem
Gets the action associated to this ContextMenuItem as a GAction.
getGaction() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem
Gets the action associated to this ContextMenuItem as a GAction.
getGamma() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Retrieves the third component of the Euler angle vector, depending on the order of rotation.
getGenericName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Gets the generic name from the desktop file.
getGeolocationManager() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Get the WebKitGeolocationManager of this WebContext.
getGeometry(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Retrieves the size and position of the monitor within the display coordinate space.
getGeometry(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties
Get the geometry the window should have on the screen when shown.
getGError() - Method in exception class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.GErrorException
getGesturePhase() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TouchpadEvent
Extracts the touchpad gesture phase from a touchpad event.
getGicon() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Gets the GIcon being displayed by the GtkImage.
getGicon() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Retrieves the icon associated to the resource MIME type.
getGicon() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf
Get the gicon of the renderer
getGicon() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
Gets a Icon to be used as a base for rendered icon.
getGlobalAlpha() - Method in class
Retrieves the global-alpha value associated with a GstVideoOverlayRectangle.
getGlobalObject() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Get a JSCValue referencing the this Context global object
getGlobs() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language
Returns the globs associated to this language.
getGlyphExtents(Glyph, Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
Gets the logical and ink extents of a glyph within a font.
getGlyphs() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.TextNode
Retrieves the glyph information in the this TextNode.
getGrabSurface() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GrabBrokenEvent
Extracts the grab surface from a grab broken event.
getGracefulDisconnect() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TcpConnection
Checks if graceful disconnects are used.
getGraphicsOffload() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Returns whether graphics offload is enabled.
getGravity() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Retrieves the gravity for the context.
getGravity() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Gets the gravity field of a font description.
getGravityHint() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Retrieves the gravity hint for the context.
getGridLines() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getGroup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey
Gets the key group of the current event of this this EventControllerKey.
getGroup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Returns all gestures in the group of this Gesture
getGroup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Returns the group for this Window.
getGroupMode(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PadEvent
Extracts group and mode information from a pad event.
getGroupName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Gets the current group name for this Notebook.
getGroupNModes(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.DevicePad
Returns the number of modes that group may have.
getGroups() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Returns all groups registered for the recently used item this RecentInfo.
getGroups(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Returns all groups in the key file loaded with this KeyFile.
getGroups(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Retrieves the list of group names of the bookmark for uri.
getGtype() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializer
Gets the GType to create an instance of.
getGtype() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializer
Gets the GType to of the object to serialize.
getGtype() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_GTYPE GValue.
getGType(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Return the Type that is returned by a static method with @GType annotation, or if that annotation is not found, by searching for a method with return type Type, or else, return null.
getGtypes() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Gets the GTypes included in this ContentFormats.
getGtypes() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Gets the list of supported GTypes that can be dropped on the target.
getGuid() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
The GUID of the peer performing the role of server when authenticating.
getGuid() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer
Gets the GUID for this DBusServer, as provided to g_dbus_server_new_sync().
getGutter(TextWindowType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets a GtkWidget that has previously been set as gutter.
getGutter(TextWindowType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Returns the Gutter object associated with windowType for this View.
getGValueArray(String, ClockTime, ClockTime, Value[]) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Gets a number of GValues for the given controlled property starting at the requested time.
getGValueArray(ClockTime, ClockTime, Value[]) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding
Gets a number of GValues for the given controlled property starting at the requested time.
getHadjustment() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable
Retrieves the GtkAdjustment used for horizontal scrolling.
getHadjustment() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Returns the horizontal scrollbar’s adjustment.
getHalign() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets the horizontal alignment of this Widget.
getHandle() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32InputStream
Return the Windows file handle that the stream reads from.
getHandle() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32OutputStream
Return the Windows handle that the stream writes to.
getHandle() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Returns the 32-bit signed integer value of this Variant.
getHandleMenubarAccel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Returns whether this window reacts to F10 key presses by activating a menubar it contains.
getHardMargins(Out<Double>, Out<Double>, Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintContext
Obtains the hardware printer margins of the GtkPrintContext, in units.
getHardMargins(Out<Double>, Out<Double>, Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Retrieve the hard margins of this Printer.
getHardMarginsForPaperSize(PaperSize, Out<Double>, Out<Double>, Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Retrieve the hard margins of this Printer for paperSize.
getHardMin() - Method in class
Queries encoder hard minimum handling.
getHardResync() - Method in class
getHardwareAccelerationPolicy() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:hardware-acceleration-policy property.
getHardwareId() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceTool
Gets the hardware ID of this tool, or 0 if it's not known.
getHasAlpha() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Queries whether a pixbuf has an alpha channel (opacity information).
getHasArrow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Gets whether this popover is showing an arrow pointing at the widget that it is relative to.
getHasCrOrLf() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Checks whether the pattern contains explicit CR or LF references.
getHasCursor() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Determines whether the pointer follows device motion.
getHasDepthBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Returns whether the area has a depth buffer.
getHasEntry() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
getHasFrame() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Returns whether the button has a frame.
getHasFrame() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Gets the value set by gtk_entry_set_has_frame().
getHasFrame() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Returns whether the button has a frame.
getHasFrame() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Returns whether the button has a frame.
getHasFrame() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Gets whether the scrolled window draws a frame.
getHashTable() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Returns the GHashTable associated with this HashTableIter.
getHasMipmap() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Gets whether the texture has a mipmap.
getHasOrigin() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
Returns whether the scale has an origin.
getHasSelection() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Gets whether there is a selection.
getHasSelection() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Gets whether there is a selection.
getHasSelection() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Indicates whether the buffer has some text currently selected.
getHasStencilBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Returns whether the area has a stencil buffer.
getHasTooltip() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the current value of the has-tooltip property.
getHasUnapplied() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Returns whether the GSettings object has any unapplied changes.
getHbFont() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
Get a hb_font_t object backing this font.
getHcenter(Out<Integer>) - Method in interface
Get the horizontal centering offset from the given object.
getHeader() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
Returns the current header of the this ListBoxRow.
getHeader(DBusMessageHeaderField) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Gets a header field on this DBusMessage.
getHeaderBar() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Use Window instead
getHeaderFactory() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Gets the factory that's currently used to create header widgets for the popup.
getHeaderFactory() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Gets the factory that's currently used to populate section headers.
getHeaderFactory() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Gets the factory that's currently used to create header widgets for the popup.
getHeaderFactory() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Gets the factory that's currently used to populate section headers.
getHeaderFields() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Gets an array of all header fields on this DBusMessage that are set.
getHeaderFontName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Returns the name of the font used to print the page header.
getHeaderMenu() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Gets the menu model that is used to create the context menu for the column header.
getHeaders() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MultipartInputStream
Obtains the headers for the part currently being processed.
getHeadersClickable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getHeadersType() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Gets the type of headers.
getHeaderSuffix() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup
Gets the suffix for this PreferencesGroup's header.
getHeadersVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getHeading() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Gets the heading of this AlertDialog.
getHeading() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
getHeading() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getHeading() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserDialog
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getHeadingUseMarkup() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Gets whether the heading of this AlertDialog includes Pango markup.
getHeadingUseMarkup() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
getHeight() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfo
getHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Gets the height previously set via gdk_dmabuf_texture_builder_set_height() or 0 if the height wasn't set.
getHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Gets the height previously set via gdk_gl_texture_builder_set_height() or 0 if the height wasn't set.
getHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Gets the height previously set via gdk_memory_texture_builder_set_height() or 0 if the height wasn't set.
getHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Returns the height of the given this Surface.
getHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
Returns the height of the this Texture, in pixels.
getHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Queries the height of a pixbuf.
getHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
Queries the height of the bounding box of a pixbuf animation.
getHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Retrieves the size of the this Box on the Y axis.
getHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Retrieves the normalized height of the given rectangle.
getHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintContext
Obtains the height of the GtkPrintContext, in pixels.
getHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the content height of the widget.
getHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Gets the line height from a font metrics structure.
getHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Gets the height of layout used for ellipsization.
getHeight(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Computes the height of the line, as the maximum of the heights of fonts used in this line.
getHeight(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Gets the paper height of the GtkPaperSize, in units of unit.
getHeightMm() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Gets the height in millimeters of the monitor.
getHelp(boolean, OptionGroup) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Returns a formatted, translated help text for the given context.
getHelpEnabled() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Returns whether automatic --help generation is turned on for this OptionContext.
getHelpOverlay() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow
Gets the GtkShortcutsWindow that is associated with this ApplicationWindow.
getHexpand() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets whether the widget would like any available extra horizontal space.
getHexpandSet() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets whether gtk_widget_set_hexpand() has been used to explicitly set the expand flag on this widget.
getHflip(Out<Boolean>) - Method in interface
Get the horizontal flipping state (true for flipped) from the given object.
getHhomogeneous() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Gets whether this ViewStack is horizontally homogeneous.
getHhomogeneous() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Gets whether this Stack is horizontally homogeneous.
getHidden() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language
Returns whether the language should be hidden from the user.
getHiddenProviders() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
Get the provider factory names of the GstDeviceProvider instances that are hidden by this DeviceProvider.
getHideExpander() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander
Gets whether the TreeExpander should be hidden in a GtkTreeListRow.
getHideOnClose() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Returns whether the window will be hidden when the close button is clicked.
getHighContrast() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager
Gets whether the application is using high contrast appearance.
getHighlight() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
getHighlightCurrentLine() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Returns whether the current line is highlighted.
getHighlightMatchingBrackets() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Determines whether bracket match highlighting is activated for the source buffer.
getHighlightSyntax() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Determines whether syntax highlighting is activated in the source buffer.
getHighlightSyntax() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Determines whether the printed text will be highlighted according to the buffer rules.
getHistory() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Retrieves the history of the device that this Event is for, as a list of time and coordinates.
getHistoryStart() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Returns the frame counter for the oldest frame available in history.
getHomeDir() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the current user's home directory.
getHomogeneous() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
getHomogeneous() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
getHomogeneous() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box
Returns whether the box is homogeneous (all children are the same size).
getHomogeneous() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout
Returns whether the layout is set to be homogeneous.
getHomogeneous() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Returns whether the box is homogeneous.
getHost() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Get the host name from the URI or null if it doesn't exist.
getHost() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Gets this Uri's host.
getHost() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Get the host that this authentication challenge is applicable to.
getHost() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityOrigin
Gets the hostname of this SecurityOrigin.
getHostname() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress
Gets this NetworkAddress's hostname.
getHostname() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SrvTarget
Gets this SrvTarget's hostname (in ASCII form; if you are going to present this to the user, you should use g_hostname_is_ascii_encoded() to check if it contains encoded Unicode segments, and use g_hostname_to_unicode() to convert it if it does.)
getHostName() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Return a name for the machine.
getHotspotX() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor
Returns the horizontal offset of the hotspot.
getHotspotY() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor
Returns the vertical offset of the hotspot.
getHour() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Retrieves the hour of the day represented by this DateTime in the gregorian calendar.
getHour() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Retrieves the hour of the day represented by this DateTime
getHover() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Gets the Hover associated with this View.
getHoverExpand() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getHoverSelection() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getHradius() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RadialGradientNode
Retrieves the horizontal radius for the gradient.
getHscrollbar() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Returns the horizontal scrollbar of this ScrolledWindow.
getHscrollPolicy() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable
Gets the horizontal GtkScrollablePolicy.
getHttpBody() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest
Get the request body.
getHttpHeaders() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIRequest
Get the HTTP headers of a WebKitURIRequest as a SoupMessageHeaders.
getHttpHeaders() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIResponse
Get the HTTP headers of a WebKitURIResponse as a SoupMessageHeaders.
getHttpHeaders() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest
Get the SoupMessageHeaders of the request.
getHttpHeaders() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIRequest
Get the HTTP headers of a WebKitURIRequest as a SoupMessageHeaders.
getHttpHeaders() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIResponse
Get the HTTP headers of a WebKitURIResponse as a SoupMessageHeaders.
getHttpMethod() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIRequest
Get the HTTP method of the WebKitURIRequest.
getHttpMethod() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest
Get the HTTP method of the this URISchemeRequest.
getHttpMethod() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIRequest
Get the HTTP method of the WebKitURIRequest.
getHttpOnly() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Gets this Cookie's HttpOnly attribute.
getHttpVersion() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Gets the HTTP version of this Message.
getHttpVersion() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Get the HTTP version of this ServerMessage.
getIcon() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Gets the icon of this TabPage.
getIcon() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Gets the icon for the application.
getIcon() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Gets the icon for this Drive.
getIcon() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Emblem
Gives back the icon from this Emblem.
getIcon() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.EmblemedIcon
Gets the main icon for this EmblemedIcon.
getIcon() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the icon for a file.
getIcon() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Gets the icon for this Mount.
getIcon() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Gets the icon for this Volume.
getIcon(String, Out<String>, Out<String>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Gets the icon of the bookmark for uri.
getIconActivatable(EntryIconPosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Returns whether the icon is activatable.
getIconArea(EntryIconPosition, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Gets the area where entry’s icon at iconPos is drawn.
getIconAtPos(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Finds the icon at the given position and return its index.
getIconGicon(EntryIconPosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Retrieves the GIcon used for the icon.
getIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
getIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar
Gets the name of an icon to use as a fallback.
getIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent
Gets the name of the displayed icon.
getIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
getIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Gets the icon name for this PreferencesPage.
getIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Gets the name of the icon used to automatically populate the button.
getIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage
Gets the icon name for this StatusPage.
getIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Gets the icon name of the page.
getIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Returns the icon name of the button.
getIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconPaintable
Get the icon name being used for this icon.
getIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Gets the icon name and size being displayed by the GtkImage.
getIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Gets the name of the icon shown in the button.
getIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Gets the name of the icon to use for the printer.
getIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage
Returns the icon name of the page.
getIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Returns the name of the themed icon for the window.
getIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf
getIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
Gets a name of an icon to be used as a base for rendered icon.
getIconName(EntryIconPosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Retrieves the icon name used for the icon.
getIconNames() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Lists the names of icons in the current icon theme.
getIconPaintable(EntryIconPosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Retrieves the GdkPaintable used for the icon.
getIconSensitive(EntryIconPosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Returns whether the icon appears sensitive or insensitive.
getIconSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Gets the icon size used by the this Image when rendering icons.
getIconSizes(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Returns an array of integers describing the sizes at which the icon is available without scaling.
getIconStorageType(EntryIconPosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Gets the type of representation being used by the icon to store image data.
getIconTooltipMarkup(EntryIconPosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Gets the contents of the tooltip on the icon at the specified position in this Entry.
getIconTooltipText(EntryIconPosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Gets the contents of the tooltip on the icon at the specified position in this Entry.
getId() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugMessage
Get the id of the object that emitted this message.
getId() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Gets the texture id previously set via gdk_gl_texture_builder_set_id() or 0 if the id wasn't set.
getId() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Gets the ID of an application.
getId() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchema
Get the ID of this SettingsSchema.
getId() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Returns the numeric ID for a particular source.
getId() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Returns the ID set with gtk_column_view_column_set_id().
getId() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language
Returns the ID of the language.
getId() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme
getId() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession
Get the unique identifier of a WebKitAutomationSession
getId() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Notification
Obtains the unique id for the notification.
getId() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.Frame
Gets the process-unique identifier of this WebKitFrame.
getId() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
Get the identifier of the WebKitWebPage
getIdColumn() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
On UNIX, returns the process ID as a decimal string.
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeZone
Get the identifier of this GTimeZone, as passed to g_time_zone_new().
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Feature
Gets a string that uniquely identifies the this Feature.
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilter
Obtain the identifier previously used to save the this UserContentFilter.
getIdentifier(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Gets the identifier of the given kind for this Drive.
getIdentifier(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Gets the identifier of the given kind for this Volume.
getIdleTimeout() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Get the timeout in seconds for idle connection lifetime currently used by this Session.
getIfExited() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Check if the given subprocess exited normally (ie: by way of exit() or return from main()).
getIfSignaled() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Check if the given subprocess terminated in response to a signal.
getIgnoreCase() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter
Returns whether the filter ignores case differences.
getIgnoreCase() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter
Gets whether the sorter ignores case differences.
getIgnoreInactivePads() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
getIgnoreUnknownOptions() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Returns whether unknown options are ignored or not.
getImageUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult
Gets the value of the WebKitHitTestResult:image-uri property.
getImageUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult
Gets the value of the WebKitHitTestResult:image-uri property.
getImageUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult
Obtains the URI associated with the image element at the hit test position.
getImContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey
Gets the input method context of the key this EventControllerKey.
getImplementations(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Gets all applications that implement interface_.
getImplicit() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GrabBrokenEvent
Checks whether the grab broken event is for an implicit grab.
getImplicitTrailingNewline() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
getIn() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FocusEvent
Extracts whether this event is about focus entering or leaving the surface.
getInactivityTimeout() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Gets the current inactivity timeout for the application.
getInconsistent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Returns whether the check button is in an inconsistent state.
getIncremental() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel
Returns whether incremental filtering is enabled.
getIncremental() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel
Returns whether incremental sorting is enabled.
getIncrements(Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Gets the current step and page the increments used by this SpinButton.
getIndent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the default indentation of paragraphs in this TextView.
getIndent() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Gets the paragraph indent width in Pango units.
getIndenter() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Gets the View:indenter property.
getIndentForDepth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander
TreeExpander indents each level of depth with an additional indent.
getIndentForIcon() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander
TreeExpander indents the child by the width of an expander-icon if it is not expandable.
getIndentOnTab() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Returns whether when the tab key is pressed the current selection should get indented instead of replaced with the \\t character.
getIndentWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Returns the number of spaces to use for each step of indent.
getIndex() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListIndexModel.ListIndex
Get the index of this ListIndex object.
getIndex() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild
Gets the current index of the this FlowBoxChild in its GtkFlowBox container.
getIndex() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
Gets the current index of the this ListBoxRow in its GtkListBox container.
getIndex() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Gets the current byte index.
getIndicatorActivatable() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Gets whether the indicator of this TabPage is activatable.
getIndicatorIcon() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Gets the indicator icon of this TabPage.
getIndicatorTooltip() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Gets the tooltip of the indicator icon of this TabPage.
getIndices() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
getInfo() - Static method in class
getInfo() - Static method in class
getInfo() - Method in enum class
Get the GstAudioFormatInfo for this AudioFormat
getInfo() - Static method in class
Return the GstMetaInfo associated with GstAudioLevelMeta.
getInfo() - Static method in class
getInfo() - Static method in class
getInfo() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParentBufferMeta
Gets the global GstMetaInfo describing the GstParentBufferMeta meta.
getInfo() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProtectionMeta
getInfo() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ReferenceTimestampMeta
Gets the global GstMetaInfo describing the GstReferenceTimestampMeta meta.
getInfo() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Sample
Get extra information associated with this Sample.
getInfo() - Static method in class
getInfo() - Static method in class
getInfo() - Static method in class
getInfo() - Static method in class
getInfo() - Static method in class
getInfo() - Static method in class
getInfo() - Method in enum class
Get information about the chromaticity coordinates of this VideoColorPrimaries.
getInfo() - Static method in class
getInfo() - Method in enum class
Get the GstVideoFormatInfo for this VideoFormat
getInfo() - Static method in class
getInfo() - Static method in class
getInfo() - Static method in class
getInfo() - Static method in class
getInfo() - Static method in class
getInfo() - Static method in class
getInfo() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusInterface
Gets D-Bus introspection information for the D-Bus interface implemented by this DBusInterface.
getInfo() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Gets D-Bus introspection information for the D-Bus interface implemented by this DBusInterfaceSkeleton.
getInfo() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Gets an opaque identifier for this Auth.
getInfo(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class
The resampler must be fed nLines at a time.
getInfo(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Lookup a previously registered meta info structure by its implementation name impl.
getInfo(String, Set<ResourceLookupFlags>, Out<Long>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resource
Looks for a file at the specified path in the resource and if found returns information about it.
getInfo(String, ResourceLookupFlags, Out<Long>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resource
Looks for a file at the specified path in the resource and if found returns information about it.
getInFrames(long) - Method in class
Calculate how many input frames are currently needed by this AudioConverter to produce outFrames of output frames.
getInFrames(long) - Method in class
Get the number of input frames that would currently be needed to produce outFrames from this AudioResampler.
getInInfo() - Method in class
Retrieve the input format of this VideoConverter.
getInitialFile() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Gets the file that will be initially selected in the file chooser dialog.
getInitialFolder() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Gets the folder that will be set as the initial folder in the file chooser dialog.
getInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Indicates if g_thread_init() has been called.
getInitialName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Gets the name for the file that should be initially set.
getInitialVelocity() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Gets the initial velocity of this SpringAnimation.
getInlineCompletion() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
getInlineSelection() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
getInputCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Computes the full output caps that this this EncodingProfile will be able to consume.
getInputHints() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Gets the additional input hints of this EntryRow.
getInputHints() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Gets the input hints of this GtkEntry.
getInputHints() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Gets the input purpose for this SearchEntry.
getInputHints() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Gets the input hints of the GtkText.
getInputHints() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the input-hints of the GtkTextView.
getInputHints() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Get the value of the WebKitInputMethodContext:input-hints property.
getInputMethodContext() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Get the WebKitInputMethodContext currently in use by this WebView.
getInputPurpose() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Gets the input purpose of this EntryRow.
getInputPurpose() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Gets the input purpose of the GtkEntry.
getInputPurpose() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Gets the input purpose of this SearchEntry.
getInputPurpose() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Gets the input purpose of the GtkText.
getInputPurpose() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the input-purpose of the GtkTextView.
getInputPurpose() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Get the value of the WebKitInputMethodContext:input-purpose property.
getInputStream() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializer
Gets the input stream for the current operation.
getInputStream() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
Gets the input stream for this object.
getInputStream() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
Returns the stream that this MediaFile is currently playing from.
getInputStream() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader
getInputSubframeIndex(VideoCodecFrame) - Method in class
Queries the number of the last subframe received by the decoder baseclass in the frame.
getInsert() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Returns the mark that represents the cursor (insertion point).
getInsertSpacesInsteadOfTabs() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Returns whether when inserting a tabulator character it should be replaced by a group of space characters.
getInspectedUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Get the URI that is currently being inspected.
getInspector() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Get the WebKitWebInspector associated to this WebView
getInstanceInit(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Return a lambda that invokes the instance initializer, with is a method that is annotated with InstanceInit and takes a single parameter of type GObject.
getInstanceLayout(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Return the memory layout defined in the provided class, or if not found, a new MemoryLayout.structLayout with one field that points to the memory layout defined in the direct superclass.
getInstancePrivateOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
Gets the offset of the private data for instances of this TypeClass.
getInt() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_INT GValue.
getInt(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Gets the value that is stored at key in this Settings.
getInt(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Returns the integer value of key, or 0.
getInt(String, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the int pointed to by value corresponding to the value of the given field.
getInt(String, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
getInt16() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Returns the 16-bit signed integer value of this Variant.
getInt16Be(Out<Short>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 16 bit big endian integer into val and update the current position.
getInt16Le(Out<Short>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 16 bit little endian integer into val and update the current position.
getInt24Be(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 24 bit big endian integer into val and update the current position.
getInt24Le(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 24 bit little endian integer into val and update the current position.
getInt32() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Returns the 32-bit signed integer value of this Variant.
getInt32Be(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 32 bit big endian integer into val and update the current position.
getInt32Le(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 32 bit little endian integer into val and update the current position.
getInt64() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Returns the 64-bit signed integer value of this Variant.
getInt64() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_INT64 GValue.
getInt64(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Gets the value that is stored at key in this Settings.
getInt64(String, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the gint64 pointed to by value corresponding to the value of the given field.
getInt64(String, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
getInt64(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Returns the value associated with key under groupName as a signed 64-bit integer.
getInt64Be(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 64 bit big endian integer into val and update the current position.
getInt64Index(String, int, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.
getInt64Le(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 64 bit little endian integer into val and update the current position.
getInt8(Out<Byte>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 8 bit integer into val and update the current position.
getInteger(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Returns the value associated with key under groupName as an integer.
getIntegerArrayFrom(MemorySegment, long, Arena, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read an array of integers with the requested length from native memory.
getIntegerArrayFrom(MemorySegment, Arena, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read a NULL-terminated array of integers from native memory.
getIntegerList(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Returns the values associated with key under groupName as integers.
getIntegerValues(Alias<Integer>[]) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Alias
Convert an array of Integer Aliases into an array of integers.
getInteraction() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Get the object that will be used to interact with the user.
getInteraction() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Get the object that will be used to interact with the user.
getInteractive() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Gets whether this Carousel can be navigated.
getInterface() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience getter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.INTERFACE header field.
getInterface(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObject
Gets the D-Bus interface with name interfaceName associated with this DBusObject, if any.
getInterface(String, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager
Gets the interface proxy for interfaceName at objectPath, if any.
getInterfaceAge() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Returns the interface age as passed to libtool.
getInterfaceInfo() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Returns the GDBusInterfaceInfo, if any, specifying the interface that this DBusProxy conforms to.
getInterfaceInit(Class<T>, Class<?>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Return a lambda that invokes the interface initializer, with is a method that is annotated with InterfaceInit and takes a single parameter of the type that is specified with iface.
getInterfaceName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Gets the name of the D-Bus interface the method was invoked on.
getInterfaceName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Gets the D-Bus interface name this DBusProxy is for.
getInterfaces() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObject
Gets the D-Bus interfaces associated with this DBusObject.
getInternal() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProxyPad
Get the internal pad of this ProxyPad.
getInternalTime() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Gets the current internal time of the given clock.
getInterpolateSize() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
getInterpolateSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Returns whether the GtkStack is set up to interpolate between the sizes of children on page switch.
getIntIndex(String, int, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.
getIntrinsicAspectRatio() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable
Gets the preferred aspect ratio the this Paintable would like to be displayed at.
getIntrinsicHeight() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable
Gets the preferred height the this Paintable would like to be displayed at.
getIntrinsicWidth() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable
Gets the preferred width the this Paintable would like to be displayed at.
getIntWithDefault(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Returns the value of key, interpreted as an integer, or the default value.
getInvert() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter
Returns whether the filter inverts the expression.
getInverted() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Gets whether tabs use inverted layout.
getInverted() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Gets whether thumbnails use inverted layout.
getInverted() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Returns whether the levelbar is inverted.
getInverted() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
Returns whether the progress bar is inverted.
getInverted() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Gets whether the range is inverted.
getInvisibleChar() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Retrieves the character displayed in place of the actual text in “password mode”.
getInvisibleChar() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Retrieves the character displayed when visibility is set to false.
getIoPriority() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList
Gets the IO priority to use while loading file.
getIoPriority() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList
Gets the IO priority set via gtk_directory_list_set_io_priority().
getIoStream() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Get the I/O stream the WebSocket is communicating over.
getIpAddresses() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Gets the value of GTlsCertificate:ip-addresses.
getIsAbstract() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress
Use g_unix_socket_address_get_address_type()
getIsAny() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Tests whether this InetAddress is the "any" address for its family.
getIsBackup() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Checks if a file is a backup file.
getIsBusy() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Gets the application's current busy state, as set through g_application_mark_busy() or g_application_bind_busy_property().
getIsExpanded() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
getIsExpander() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
getIsHidden() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
A desktop file is hidden if the Hidden key in it is set to True.
getIsHidden() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Checks if a file is hidden.
getIsLinkLocal() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Tests whether this InetAddress is a link-local address (that is, if it identifies a host on a local network that is not connected to the Internet).
getIsLoopback() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Tests whether this InetAddress is the loopback address for its family.
getIsMcGlobal() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Tests whether this InetAddress is a global multicast address.
getIsMcLinkLocal() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Tests whether this InetAddress is a link-local multicast address.
getIsMcNodeLocal() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Tests whether this InetAddress is a node-local multicast address.
getIsMcOrgLocal() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Tests whether this InetAddress is an organization-local multicast address.
getIsMcSiteLocal() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Tests whether this InetAddress is a site-local multicast address.
getIsMulticast() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Tests whether this InetAddress is a multicast address.
getIsMuted() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Gets the mute state of this WebView.
getIso8601WeekOfYear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns the week of the year, where weeks are interpreted according to ISO 8601.
getIsOptionsPing() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Gets whether this Message is intended to be used to send OPTIONS * to a server.
getIsOverflowing() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Gets whether this TabBar is overflowing.
getIsPrivate(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Gets whether the private flag of the bookmark for uri is set.
getIsRegistered() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Checks if this Application is registered.
getIsRemote() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Checks if this Application is remote.
getIsRemote() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Determines if this ApplicationCommandLine represents a remote invocation.
getIsSiteLocal() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Tests whether this InetAddress is a site-local address such as (that is, the address identifies a host on a local network that can not be reached directly from the Internet, but which may have outgoing Internet connectivity via a NAT or firewall).
getIssuer() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Gets the GTlsCertificate representing this TlsCertificate's issuer, if known
getIssuerName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Returns the issuer name from the certificate.
getIssueUrl() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the issue tracker URL for this AboutDialog.
getIssueUrl() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getIsSymlink() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Checks if a file is a symlink.
getIsTcryptHiddenVolume() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Check to see whether the mount operation is being used for a TCRYPT hidden volume.
getIsTcryptSystemVolume() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Check to see whether the mount operation is being used for a TCRYPT system volume.
getIsTopLevelNavigation() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Returns if this message is set as a top level navigation.
getIsTransferringPage() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Whether a page is being transferred.
getIsWebProcessResponsive() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Get whether the current web process of a WebKitWebView is responsive.
getItem() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewCell
Gets the model item that associated with this ColumnViewCell.
getItem() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow
Gets the model item that associated with this ColumnViewRow.
getItem() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListHeader
Gets the model item at the start of the section.
getItem() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Gets the model item that associated with this ListItem.
getItem() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander
Forwards the item set on the GtkTreeListRow that this TreeExpander is managing.
getItem() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow
Gets the item corresponding to this row,
getItem(int) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListIndexModel
Returns a ListIndexModel.ListIndex with the requested position as its value.
getItem(int) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
getItem(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ListModel
Get the item at position.
getItem(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu
Returns the WebKitOptionMenuItem at index in this OptionMenu.
getItemAtPos(int, int, Out<TreePath>, Out<CellRenderer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getItemAtPosition(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Gets the item at the given position in the this ContextMenu.
getItemAtPosition(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Gets the item at the given position in the this ContextMenu.
getItemAttribute(int, String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel
Queries item at position itemIndex in this MenuModel for the attribute specified by attribute.
getItemAttributes(int, Out<HashTable<String, Variant>>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel
Gets all the attributes associated with the item in the menu model.
getItemAttributeValue(int, String, VariantType) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel
Queries the item at position itemIndex in this MenuModel for the attribute specified by attribute.
getItemColumn(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getItemLink(int, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel
Queries the item at position itemIndex in this MenuModel for the link specified by link.
getItemLinks(int, Out<HashTable<String, MenuModel>>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel
Gets all the links associated with the item in the menu model.
getItemOrientation() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getItemPadding() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getItemRow(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getItems() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
Gets the list of recently used resources.
getItems() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Returns the item list of this ContextMenu.
getItems() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Returns the item list of this ContextMenu.
getItemType() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListIndexModel
Get the gtype of ListIndexModel.ListIndex.
getItemType() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ListModel
Gets the type of the items in this ListModel.
getItemWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getIter() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Returns an iterator to iterate over the visual extents of the layout.
getIter(TimeVal) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
Get an iterator for displaying an animation.
getIter(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverContext
getIter(TreeIter, TreePath) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
getIterAtChildAnchor(TextIter, TextChildAnchor) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Obtains the location of anchor within this TextBuffer.
getIterAtLine(TextIter, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Initializes iter to the start of the given line.
getIterAtLine(TextIter, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Gets a GtkTextIter for the current buffer at line
getIterAtLineIndex(TextIter, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Obtains an iterator pointing to byteIndex within the given line.
getIterAtLineOffset(TextIter, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Obtains an iterator pointing to charOffset within the given line.
getIterAtLocation(TextIter, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Retrieves the iterator at buffer coordinates x and y.
getIterAtMark(TextIter, TextMark) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Initializes iter with the current position of mark.
getIterAtOffset(TextIter, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Initializes iter to a position charOffset chars from the start of the entire buffer.
getIterator() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrList
Create a iterator initialized to the beginning of the list.
getIterAtPos(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Returns the iterator at position pos.
getIterAtPosition(TextIter, Out<Integer>, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Retrieves the iterator pointing to the character at buffer coordinates x and y.
getIterFirst(TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
getIterFromString(TreeIter, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
getIterLocation(TextIter, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets a rectangle which roughly contains the character at iter.
getItpEnabled() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Get whether Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) is enabled or not.
getItpSummary(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Asynchronously get the list of WebKitITPThirdParty seen for this NetworkSession.
getItpSummary(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Asynchronously get the list of WebKitITPThirdParty seen for this WebsiteDataManager.
getItpSummaryFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_network_session_get_itp_summary().
getItpSummaryFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_website_data_manager_get_itp_summary().
getJavascriptCanAccessClipboard() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:javascript-can-access-clipboard property.
getJavascriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:javascript-can-open-windows-automatically property.
getJobCount() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Gets the number of jobs currently queued on the printer.
getJsContext() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.Frame
Get the JavaScript execution context of this Frame.
getJsContextForScriptWorld(ScriptWorld) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.Frame
Get the JavaScript execution context of this Frame for the given WebKitScriptWorld.
getJsNode(ScriptWorld) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult
Get the JSCValue for the DOM node in world at the coordinates of the Hit Test.
getJulian() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns the Julian day or "serial number" of the GDate.
getJustification() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the default justification of paragraphs in this TextView.
getJustify() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Returns the justification of the label.
getJustify() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Gets whether each complete line should be stretched to fill the entire width of the layout.
getJustifyLastLine() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Gets whether the last line should be stretched to fill the entire width of the layout.
getKeepalive() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Gets the keepalive mode of the socket.
getKeepaliveInterval() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Gets the keepalive interval in seconds or 0 if disabled.
getKeepalivePongTimeout() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Gets the keepalive pong timeout in seconds or 0 if disabled.
getKeepAspectRatio() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Use Picture.getContentFit() instead. This will now return FALSE only if Gtk.Picture:content-fit is GTK_CONTENT_FIT_FILL. Returns TRUE otherwise.
getKey(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchema
Gets the key named name from this SettingsSchema.
getKeyboard() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Returns the device that routes keyboard events.
getKeyCaptureWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar
Gets the widget that this SearchBar is capturing key events from.
getKeyCaptureWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Gets the widget that this SearchEntry is capturing key events from.
getKeycode() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeyEvent
Extracts the keycode from a key event.
getKeys() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Retrieves every key inside this GLib.HashTable.
getKeys(String, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Returns all keys for the group name groupName.
getKeysAsArray() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Retrieves every key inside this GLib.HashTable, as an array.
getKeysAsPtrArray() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Retrieves every key inside this GLib.HashTable, as a GPtrArray.
getKeyval() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeyEvent
Extracts the keyval from a key event.
getKeyval() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.KeyvalTrigger
Gets the keyval that must be pressed to succeed triggering this KeyvalTrigger.
getKeyval() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicTrigger
Gets the keyval that must be pressed to succeed triggering this MnemonicTrigger.
getKeyword() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Gets the search keyword of this TabPage.
getKeywords() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Gets the keywords from the desktop file.
getKillThreshold() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.MemoryPressureSettings
Gets the kill memory usage threshold.
getKineticScrolling() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Returns the specified kinetic scrolling behavior.
getKrKb(Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in enum class
Get the coefficients used to convert between Y'PbPr and R'G'B' using this VideoColorMatrix.
getLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent
Gets the displayed label.
getLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Gets the label for this SplitButton.
getLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Fetches the text from the label of the button.
getLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Returns the label of the check button or NULL if CheckButton:child is set.
getLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Fetches the text from a label widget.
getLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame
Returns the frame labels text.
getLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Fetches the text from a label.
getLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Gets the label shown in the button
getLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenuItem
Get the label of a WebKitOptionMenuItem.
getLabelAlign() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame
Retrieves the X alignment of the frame’s label.
getLabelWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Retrieves the label widget for the frame.
getLabelWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame
Retrieves the label widget for the frame.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererAudioInfo
getLanguage() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSubtitleInfo
getLanguage() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
getLanguage() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
Returns the language for which font features are applied.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Returns the language that is used for font features.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns the language in effect at this TextIter.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Returns the Language associated with the buffer, see Buffer.setLanguage(org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language).
getLanguage() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
Gets the language of the underlying buffer, if any.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Retrieves the global language tag for the context.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Fontset
a function to get the language of the fontset.
getLanguage(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager
Gets the Language identified by the given id in the language manager.
getLanguageId() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Gets the language-id used for the source snippet.
getLanguageIds() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager
Returns the ids of the available languages.
getLanguageNames() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Computes a list of applicable locale names, which can be used to e.g.
getLanguageNamesWithCategory(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Computes a list of applicable locale names with a locale category name, which can be used to construct the fallback locale-dependent filenames or search paths.
getLast() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Gets the line number (starting from 0) for the last line that is user visible.
getLastChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the widget’s last child.
getLastEvent(EventSequence) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Returns the last event that was processed for sequence.
getLastFlowReturn() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Gets the GstFlowReturn return from the last data passed by this pad.
getLastSample() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Get the last sample that arrived in the sink and was used for preroll or for rendering.
getLastSerial() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Retrieves the last serial number assigned to a GDBusMessage on the current thread.
getLastUpdatedSequence() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Returns the GdkEventSequence that was last updated on this Gesture.
getLastUpdateTime() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ITPFirstParty
Get the last time a WebKitITPThirdParty has been seen under this ITPFirstParty.
getLatency() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
Retrieves the latency values reported by this Aggregator in response to the latency query, or GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE if there is not live source connected and the element will not wait for the clock.
getLatency() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Get the currently configured latency.
getLatency() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Gets the latency that should be configured on the pipeline.
getLatency(ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class
Sets the variables pointed to by min and max to the currently configured latency.
getLatency(ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class
Sets the variables pointed to by min and max to the currently configured latency.
getLatency(ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class
Query the configured decoder latency.
getLatency(ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class
Query the configured encoding latency.
getLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView
Gets the currently used layout of this MultiLayoutView.
getLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeyEvent
Extracts the layout from a key event.
getLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Gets the PangoLayout used to display the label.
getLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
Gets the PangoLayout used to display the scale.
getLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Gets the layout associated with a PangoLayoutIter.
getLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Gets the layout currently being rendered using this Renderer.
getLayout(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Return the MemoryLayout that is returned by a method with @MemoryLayout annotation, or if that annotation is not found, by invoking cls.getMemoryLayout() if such method exists, or else, return null.
getLayoutByName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView
Gets layout with the name name from this MultiLayoutView, or NULL if it doesn't exist.
getLayoutChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager
Retrieves a GtkLayoutChild instance for the GtkLayoutManager, creating one if necessary.
getLayoutExtents(Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Obtains the extents of the PangoLayout being iterated over.
getLayoutLine() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Gets the layout line currently being rendered using this Renderer.
getLayoutManager() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutChild
Retrieves the GtkLayoutManager instance that created the given this LayoutChild.
getLayoutManager() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Retrieves the layout manager used by this Widget.
getLayoutManagerType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Retrieves the type of the LayoutManager used by widgets of class this WidgetClass.
getLayoutName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView
Returns the name of the currently used layout of this MultiLayoutView.
getLayoutOffsets(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Obtains the coordinates where the label will draw its PangoLayout.
getLayoutOffsets(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
Obtains the coordinates where the scale will draw the PangoLayout representing the text in the scale.
getLeftGravity() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark
Determines whether the mark has left gravity.
getLeftMargin() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the default left margin size of paragraphs in the this TextView.
getLeftMargin(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Gets the left margin in units of unit.
getLeftMargin(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Gets the left margin in units of unit.
getLength() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Returns the length of the queue this QueueArray
getLength() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind
Get the length of the data stream.
getLength() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask
Gets this InetAddressMask's length
getLength() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList
Gets the length of this UnixFDList (ie: the number of file descriptors contained within).
getLength() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MappedFile
Returns the length of the contents of a GMappedFile.
getLength() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Returns the number of items in this Queue.
getLength() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Returns the positive length (>= 0) of this Sequence.
getLength() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathMeasure
Gets the length of the path being measured.
getLength() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
Retrieves the length in characters of the buffer.
getLength() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Returns the length of the line, in bytes.
getLength() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Multipart
Gets the number of body parts in this Multipart.
getLength() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList
Obtain the amount of items in the list.
getLength() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureList
Gets the number of elements in the feature list.
getLength(String, Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Returns the value associated with key, interpreted as a length.
getLevel() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeyEvent
Extracts the shift level from a key event.
getLevel() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage
Returns the "level" (i.e.
getLevel() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
getLevel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Returns the level of detail at which this dialog lets the user select fonts.
getLevel() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessage
Gets the log level of a WebKitConsoleMessage
getLevel(DataQueueSize) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Get the current level of the queue.
getLevelIndentation() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getLicense() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
get the license of the plugin
getLicense() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the license for this AboutDialog.
getLicense() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getLicense() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Returns information about the license of the image loader for the format.
getLicense() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Returns the license information.
getLicenseType() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the license type for this AboutDialog.
getLicenseType() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getLicenseType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Retrieves the license type.
getLine() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns the line number containing the iterator.
getLine() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Gets the current line.
getLine() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessage
Gets the line number of a WebKitConsoleMessage
getLine(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Retrieves a particular line from a PangoLayout.
getLineAtY(TextIter, int, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the GtkTextIter at the start of the line containing the coordinate y.
getLineCap() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Gets the line cap used.
getLineCount() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Obtains the number of lines in the buffer.
getLineCount() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Retrieves the count of lines for the this Layout.
getLineExtents(Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Obtains the extents of the current line.
getLineIndex() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns the byte index of the iterator, counting from the start of a newline-terminated line.
getLineJoin() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Gets the line join used.
getLineNumber() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception
Get the line number at which this Exception happened.
getLineNumbersFontName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Returns the name of the font used to print line numbers on the left margin.
getLineOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns the character offset of the iterator, counting from the start of a newline-terminated line.
getLineReadonly() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Gets the current line for read-only access.
getLineReadonly(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Retrieves a particular line from a PangoLayout.
getLines() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Gets the number of lines to which an ellipsized, wrapping label should be limited.
getLines() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Returns the lines of the this Layout as a list.
getLineSpacing() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Gets the line spacing factor of this Layout.
getLinesReadonly() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Returns the lines of the this Layout as a list.
getLineTerm(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
This returns the string that GIOChannel uses to determine where in the file a line break occurs.
getLineWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Gets the line width used.
getLineYrange(int, GutterRendererAlignmentMode, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Gets the Y range for a line based on mode.
getLineYrange(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Divides the vertical space in the PangoLayout being iterated over between the lines in the layout, and returns the space belonging to the current line.
getLineYrange(TextIter, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the y coordinate of the top of the line containing iter, and the height of the line.
getLink(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Queries the named link on this MenuItem.
getLinkLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult
Gets the value of the WebKitHitTestResult:link-label property.
getLinkLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult
Gets the value of the WebKitHitTestResult:link-label property.
getLinkLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult
Obtains the label associated with the link element at the hit test position.
getLinkTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult
Gets the value of the WebKitHitTestResult:link-title property.
getLinkTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult
Gets the value of the WebKitHitTestResult:link-title property.
getLinkTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult
Obtains the title associated with the link element at the hit test position.
getLinkUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult
Gets the value of the WebKitHitTestResult:link-uri property.
getLinkUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult
Gets the value of the WebKitHitTestResult:link-uri property.
getLinkUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult
Obtains the URI associated with the link element at the hit test position.
getList() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerFactory
Gets the list of all registered tracer factories.
getList() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindFactory
Gets the list of all registered typefind factories.
getList(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Returns a GList of buffers containing the first nbytes bytes of the this Adapter, but does not flush them from the adapter.
getList(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Gets the value of header name in this MessageHeaders.
getList(String, Out<ValueArray>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
This is useful in language bindings where unknown GValue types are not supported.
getListenBacklog() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Gets the listen backlog setting of the socket.
getListeners() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Gets this Server's list of listening sockets.
getListFactory() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Gets the factory for populating list items in the popup.
getListFactory() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Gets the factory that's currently used to populate list items in the popup.
getListRow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander
Gets the list row managed by this TreeExpander.
getLive() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
getLiveThumbnail() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Gets whether to live thumbnail is enabled this TabPage.
getLoadIconsIgnoringImageLoadSetting() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
getLoading() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Gets whether this TabPage is loading.
getLoading() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
getLocal() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
Gets the local GVfs for the system.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Try to get the local address of a bound socket.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Gets the local address of the socket client.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection
Try to get the local address of a socket connection.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Retrieves the SocketAddress associated with the local end of a connection.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Get the InetSocketAddress to use for the client side of connections in this Session.
getLocaleDirection() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Get the direction of the current locale.
getLocaleForKey(String, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Returns the actual locale which the result of g_key_file_get_locale_string() or g_key_file_get_locale_string_list() came from.
getLocaleString(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Looks up a localized string value in the keyfile backing this DesktopAppInfo translated to the current locale.
getLocaleString(String, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Returns the value associated with key under groupName translated in the given locale if available.
getLocaleStringList(String, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Returns the values associated with key under groupName translated in the given locale if available.
getLocaleVariants(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns a list of derived variants of locale, which can be used to e.g.
getLocation() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Returns a description of the location of the printer.
getLocation() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File
getLocation() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader
getLocation() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
getLocation(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Extracts the location out of a given valid URI, ie.
getLocationbarVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties
Get whether the window should have the locationbar visible or not.
getLocked() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
getLocked() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Checks whether this DBusMessage is locked.
getLogAttrs(Out<LogAttr[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Retrieves an array of logical attributes for each character in the this Layout.
getLogAttrs(String, int, int, Language, LogAttr[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Computes a PangoLogAttr for each character in text.
getLogAttrsReadonly() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Retrieves an array of logical attributes for each character in the this Layout.
getLogicalWidths(String, int[]) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Given a PangoGlyphItem and the corresponding text, determine the width corresponding to each character.
getLogicalWidths(String, int, int, int[]) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Given a PangoGlyphString and corresponding text, determine the width corresponding to each character.
getLogo() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Returns the paintable displayed as logo in the about dialog.
getLogoIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Returns the icon name displayed as logo in the about dialog.
getLong() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_LONG GValue.
getLongArrayFrom(MemorySegment, long, Arena, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read an array of longs with the requested length from native memory.
getLongValues(Alias<Long>[]) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Alias
Convert an array of Long Aliases into an array of longs.
getLookahead() - Method in class
getLoop() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnim
Gets whether this PixbufSimpleAnim should loop indefinitely when it reaches the end.
getLoop() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Returns whether the stream is set to loop.
getLoop() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Returns true if videos have been set to loop.
getLoop(Out<TocLoopType>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
Get loopType and repeatCount values from the this TocEntry and write them into appropriate storages.
getLower() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Retrieves the minimum value of the adjustment.
getLowerOvershoot() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Gets whether to allow swiping past the first available snap point.
getLtrContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the PangoContext that is used for rendering LTR directed text layouts.
getMainExecutablePath() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
This helper is mostly helpful for plugins that need to inspect the folder of the main executable to determine their set of features.
getMainFrame() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
Returns the main frame of a WebKitWebPage.
getMainGroup() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Returns a pointer to the main group of this OptionContext.
getMainResource() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Return the main resource of this WebView.
getMajorVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
Returns the major version number of the Adwaita library.
getMajorVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Returns the major version number of the GTK library.
getMajorVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GtkSource
Returns the major version number of the GtkSourceView library.
getMajorVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Returns the major version number of the libsoup library.
getMajorVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Returns the major version number of the JavaScriptCore library.
getMajorVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
Returns the major version number of the WebKit library.
getManualCapabilities() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Gets the capabilities that have been set on this GtkPrintUnixDialog.
getManufacturer() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Gets the name or PNP ID of the monitor's manufacturer.
getMapped() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Checks whether the surface has been mapped.
getMapped() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Whether the widget is mapped.
getMapped(String, SettingsGetMapping) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Gets the value that is stored at key in this Settings, subject to application-level validation/mapping.
getMargin() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getMargin(Border) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
This api will be removed in GTK 5
getMarginBottom() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets the bottom margin of this Widget.
getMarginEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets the end margin of this Widget.
getMarginStart() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets the start margin of this Widget.
getMarginTop() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets the top margin of this Widget.
getMark(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Returns the mark named name in buffer this TextBuffer, or null if no such mark exists in the buffer.
getMarkAttributes(String, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Gets attributes and priority for the category.
getMarkGranule() - Method in class
Queries if the encoder will handle granule marking.
getMarks() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns a list of all GtkTextMark at this location.
getMarkupColumn() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getMask() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.MaskNode
Retrieves the mask GskRenderNode child of the this MaskNode.
getMaskMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.MaskNode
Retrieves the mask mode used by this MaskNode.
getMass() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringParams
Gets the mass of this SpringParams.
getMaster() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Gets the master clock that this Clock is slaved to or null when the clock is not slaved to any master clock.
getMatch(Out<Integer>, Out<Set<ModifierType>>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeyEvent
Gets a keyval and modifier combination that will match the event.
getMatchCount() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MatchInfo
Retrieves the number of matched substrings (including substring 0, that is the whole matched text), so 1 is returned if the pattern has no substrings in it and 0 is returned if the match failed.
getMatchFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Returns the match options that this Regex was created with.
getMatchMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter
Returns the match mode that the filter is using.
getMatchStyle() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
getMatrix() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer
Gets the value of the SpaceDrawer:matrix property, as a GLib.Variant.
getMatrix() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Gets the transformation matrix that will be applied when rendering with this context.
getMatrix() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Gets the transformation matrix that will be applied when rendering.
getMatrixCoefficients() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams
Gets the matrix-coefficients property of this CicpParams.
getMax(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Retrieves the coordinates of the maximum point of the given graphene_box_t.
getMaxAge() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSPolicy
Returns the max age for this HSTSPolicy.
getMaxBackref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Returns the number of the highest back reference in the pattern, or 0 if the pattern does not contain back references.
getMaxBitrate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Get the maximum amount of bits per second that the sink will render.
getMaxBitrate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererAudioInfo
getMaxBitrate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfo
getMaxBodySize() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Logger
Get the maximum body size for this Logger.
getMaxChildrenPerLine() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Gets the maximum number of children per line.
getMaxColumns() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Gets the maximum number of columns that the grid will use.
getMaxConns() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Get the maximum number of connections that this Session can open at once.
getMaxConnsPerHost() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Get the maximum number of connections that this Session can open at once to a given host.
getMaxContentHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Returns the maximum content height set.
getMaxContentWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Returns the maximum content width set.
getMaxDecodeTime(VideoCodecFrame) - Method in class
Determines maximum possible decoding time for frame that will allow it to decode and arrive in time (as determined by QoS events).
getMaxEncodeTime(VideoCodecFrame) - Method in class
Determines maximum possible encoding time for frame that will allow it to encode and arrive in time (as determined by QoS events).
getMaxErrors() - Method in class
getMaxErrors() - Method in class
getMaxIdleTime() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
This function will return the maximum interval that a thread will wait in the thread pool for new tasks before being stopped.
getMaximized(Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelLayout
If the layout specifies whether to the toplevel should go maximized, the value pointed to by maximized is set to true if it should go fullscreen, or false, if it should go unmaximized.
getMaximum() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Returns the largest value in this Bitset.
getMaximumSize() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Clamp
Gets the maximum size allocated to the child.
getMaximumSize() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout
Gets the maximum size allocated to the children.
getMaximumSize() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable
Gets the maximum size allocated to the child.
getMaxIncomingPayloadSize() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Gets the maximum payload size allowed for incoming packets.
getMaxLatency() - Method in class
Get the maximum number of input frames that the converter would need before producing output.
getMaxLatency() - Method in class
Get the maximum number of input samples that the resampler would need before producing output.
getMaxLateness() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Gets the max lateness value.
getMaxLength() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Retrieves the maximum length of the entry.
getMaxLength() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Retrieves the maximum allowed length of the text in this Entry.
getMaxLength() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
Retrieves the maximum allowed length of the text in this EntryBuffer.
getMaxLength() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Retrieves the maximum allowed length of the text in this Text.
getMaxLookbehind() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Gets the number of characters in the longest lookbehind assertion in the pattern.
getMaxMatchCount() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
Gets the maximum number of matches to report.
getMaxMemory() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Gets the maximum amount of memory blocks that a buffer can hold.
getMaxSidebarWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Gets the maximum sidebar width for this NavigationSplitView.
getMaxSidebarWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Gets the maximum sidebar width for this OverlaySplitView.
getMaxSize() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cache
Gets the maximum size of the cache.
getMaxSize(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide
Gets the maximum size of this ConstraintGuide.
getMaxTaps() - Method in class
Get the maximum number of taps for this VideoScaler.
getMaxThreads() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SharedTaskPool
getMaxThreads() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Returns the maximal number of threads for this ThreadPool.
getMaxUndoLevels() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Gets the maximum number of undo levels to perform.
getMaxUnusedThreads() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Returns the maximal allowed number of unused threads.
getMaxValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Returns the max-value of the GtkLevelBar.
getMaxWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getMaxWidthChars() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Retrieves the desired maximum width of this Editable, in characters.
getMaxWidthChars() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Retrieves the desired maximum width of label, in characters.
getMaybe() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Given a maybe-typed GVariant instance, extract its value.
getMeasure() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayoutChild
Retrieves whether the child is measured.
getMeasureOverlay(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay
Gets whether widget's size is included in the measurement of this Overlay.
getMediaContentTypesRequiringHardwareSupport() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Gets the WebKitSettings:media-content-types-requiring-hardware-support property.
getMediaFragmentTable() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Get the media fragment table from the URI, as defined by "Media Fragments URI 1.0".
getMediaPlaybackAllowsInline() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:media-playback-allows-inline property.
getMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:media-playback-requires-user-gesture property.
getMediaStream() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaControls
Gets the media stream managed by this MediaControls or null if none.
getMediaStream() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Gets the media stream managed by this Video or null if none.
getMediaType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getMediaUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult
Gets the value of the WebKitHitTestResult:media-uri property.
getMediaUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult
Gets the value of the WebKitHitTestResult:media-uri property.
getMediaUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult
Obtains the URI associated with the media element at the hit test position.
getMember() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience getter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.MEMBER header field.
getMemory(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Gets the memory block at index idx in this Buffer.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
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getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
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getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
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getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad.AggregatorPadClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.BaseParseClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads.CollectPadsClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue.DataQueueClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueItem
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueSize
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.PushSrc
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.PushSrc.PushSrcClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocationParams
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator.AllocatorClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.BinClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool.BufferPoolClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireParams
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus.BusClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ByteArrayInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy.ChildProxyInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.ClockClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding.ControlBindingClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSource.ControlSourceClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSource
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CustomMeta
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device.DeviceClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor.DeviceMonitorClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FormatDefinition
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad.GhostPadClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject.ObjectClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaTransformCopy
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.PadClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate.PadTemplateClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecArray
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParentBufferMeta
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline.PipelineClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PollFD
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset.PresetInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Promise
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProtectionMeta
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProxyPad
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProxyPad.ProxyPadClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ReferenceTimestampMeta
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry.RegistryClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SharedTaskPool
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SharedTaskPool.SharedTaskPoolClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticCaps
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticPadTemplate
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream.StreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection.StreamCollectionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SystemClock
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SystemClock.SystemClockClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagSetter.TagSetterInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task.TaskClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool.TaskPoolClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TimedValue
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocSetter.TocSetterInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Tracer
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Tracer.TracerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIHandler.URIHandlerInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueTable
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer.AudioVisualizerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.DiscovererClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLine
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorStop
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawState
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Feature
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontExtents
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphExtents
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphPosition
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorLayer
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPart
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphVariant
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKernEntry
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameEntry
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxis
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.SegmentProperties
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UserDataKey
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Variation
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.VarInt
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.VarNum
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.AboutDialogClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.AboutWindowClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow.ActionRowClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.AlertDialogClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Application.ApplicationClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Application
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow.ApplicationWindowClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar.AvatarClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner.BannerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Bin.BinClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Bin
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.BottomSheetClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint.BreakpointClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin.BreakpointBinClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent.ButtonContentClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow.ButtonRowClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel.CarouselClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorDots.CarouselIndicatorDotsClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorLines.CarouselIndicatorLinesClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Clamp.ClampClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout.ClampLayoutClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable.ClampScrollableClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow.ComboRowClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.DialogClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.EntryRowClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.EnumListItem.EnumListItemClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.EnumListModel.EnumListModelClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow.ExpanderRowClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap.FlapClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar.HeaderBarClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Layout.LayoutClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.LayoutSlot.LayoutSlotClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet.LeafletClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage.LeafletPageClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.MessageDialogClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView.MultiLayoutViewClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.NavigationPageClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView.NavigationSplitViewClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.NavigationViewClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.OverlaySplitViewClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PasswordEntryRow.PasswordEntryRowClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog.PreferencesDialogClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup.PreferencesGroupClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage.PreferencesPageClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow.PreferencesRowClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow.PreferencesWindowClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Spinner.SpinnerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinnerPaintable.SpinnerPaintableClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.SpinRowClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.SplitButtonClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer.SqueezerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerPage.SqueezerPageClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage.StatusPageClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager.StyleManagerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Swipeable.SwipeableInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.SwipeTrackerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SwitchRow.SwitchRowClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar.TabBarClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.TabButton.TabButtonClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.TabOverviewClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.TabPageClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView.TabViewClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast.ToastClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ToastOverlay.ToastOverlayClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView.ToolbarViewClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack.ViewStackClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage.ViewStackPageClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPages.ViewStackPagesClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcher.ViewSwitcherClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherBar.ViewSwitcherBarClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle.ViewSwitcherTitleClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Window
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Window.WindowClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.WindowTitle.WindowTitleClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.ContentProviderClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeymapKey
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Paintable.PaintableInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.TimeCoord
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation.PixbufAnimationClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter.PixbufAnimationIterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.PixbufLoaderClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModulePattern
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Action.ActionInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionMap.ActionMapInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.AppLaunchContextClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine.ApplicationCommandLineClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.AsyncInitable.AsyncInitableIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.AsyncResult.AsyncResultIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream.BufferedInputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream.BufferedOutputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable.CancellableClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.CharsetConverter.CharsetConverterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Converter.ConverterIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ConverterInputStream.ConverterInputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ConverterInputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ConverterOutputStream.ConverterOutputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ConverterOutputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased.DatagramBasedInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream.DataInputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream.DataOutputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusArgInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusErrorEntry
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterface.DBusInterfaceIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceVTable
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObject.DBusObjectIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.DBusObjectManagerIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.DBusObjectManagerClientClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer.DBusObjectManagerServerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectProxy.DBusObjectProxyClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectProxy
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton.DBusObjectSkeletonClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.DBusProxyClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeVTable
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DebugController.DebugControllerInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus.DebugControllerDBusClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo.DesktopAppInfoClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfoLookup.DesktopAppInfoLookupIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DtlsClientConnection.DtlsClientConnectionInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.DtlsConnectionInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DtlsServerConnection.DtlsServerConnectionInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.EmblemedIcon.EmblemedIconClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.EmblemedIcon
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoList
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileDescriptorBased.FileDescriptorBasedIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator.FileEnumeratorClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream.FileInputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream.FileIOStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor.FileMonitorClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter.FilenameCompleterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream.FileOutputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterInputStream.FilterInputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterInputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterOutputStream.FilterOutputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterOutputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Icon.IconIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress.InetAddressClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask.InetAddressMaskClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress.InetSocketAddressClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Initable.InitableIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream.InputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InputVector
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream.IOStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ListModel.ListModelInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ListStore.ListStoreClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.LoadableIcon.LoadableIconIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryInputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryInputStream.MemoryInputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitor.MemoryMonitorInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream.MemoryOutputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuAttributeIter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuAttributeIter.MenuAttributeIterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuLinkIter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuLinkIter.MenuLinkIterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.MenuModelClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.MountOperationClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NativeSocketAddress
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NativeSocketAddress.NativeSocketAddressClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NativeVolumeMonitor
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NativeVolumeMonitor.NativeVolumeMonitorClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress.NetworkAddressClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor.NetworkMonitorInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService.NetworkServiceClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.OsxAppInfo.OsxAppInfoClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputVector
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission.PermissionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.PollableInputStream.PollableInputStreamInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.PollableOutputStream.PollableOutputStreamInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.PowerProfileMonitor.PowerProfileMonitorInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Proxy.ProxyInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress.ProxyAddressClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddressEnumerator
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddressEnumerator.ProxyAddressEnumeratorClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyResolver.ProxyResolverInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.RemoteActionGroup.RemoteActionGroupInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Seekable.SeekableIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings.SettingsClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend.SettingsBackendClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleActionGroup
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleActionGroup.SimpleActionGroupClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleProxyResolver
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleProxyResolver.SimpleProxyResolverClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket.SocketClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress.SocketAddressClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator.SocketAddressEnumeratorClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.SocketClientClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnectable.SocketConnectableIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection.SocketConnectionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage.SocketControlMessageClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener.SocketListenerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketService
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketService.SocketServiceClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.StaticResource
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TcpConnection
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TcpConnection.TcpConnectionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TcpWrapperConnection
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TcpWrapperConnection.TcpWrapperConnectionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedResolver.ThreadedResolverClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService.ThreadedSocketServiceClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate.TlsCertificateClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection.TlsClientConnectionInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.TlsConnectionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsFileDatabase.TlsFileDatabaseInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction.TlsInteractionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword.TlsPasswordClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsServerConnection.TlsServerConnectionInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection.UnixConnectionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixCredentialsMessage
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixCredentialsMessage.UnixCredentialsMessageClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList.UnixFDListClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDMessage
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDMessage.UnixFDMessageClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixInputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixInputStream.UnixInputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixOutputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixOutputStream.UnixOutputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress.UnixSocketAddressClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs.VfsClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32InputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32InputStream.Win32InputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32OutputStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32OutputStream.Win32OutputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressor.ZlibCompressorClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ZlibDecompressor.ZlibDecompressorClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Completion
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Cond
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.DebugKey
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.DoubleIEEE754
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.FloatIEEE754
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GError
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.HookList
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.LogField
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.MemVTable
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Mutex
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Once
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Private
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.RecMutex
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ScannerConfig
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.SourceCallbackFuncs
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticMutex
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRecMutex
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogBuffer
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogMsg
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeVal
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.TokenValue
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.TrashStack
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Tuples
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.UnixPipe
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsIter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantBuilder
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantIter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ClosureNotifyData
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumValue
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsValue
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.InitiallyUnowned
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.InitiallyUnowned.InitiallyUnownedClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ObjectConstructParam
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Parameter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec.ParamSpecClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecBoolean
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecBoxed
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecChar
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecDouble
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecEnum
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecFlags
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecFloat
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecGType
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecInt
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecInt64
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecLong
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecObject
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecOverride
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecParam
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecPointer
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecString
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecUChar
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecUInt
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecUInt64
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecULong
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecUnichar
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecValueArray
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecVariant
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalInvocationHint
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeCValue
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFundamentalInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInstance
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule.TypeModuleClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeQuery
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ValueDataUnion
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.WeakRef
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quad
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4F
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4X4F
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Size
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.ColorStop
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader.GLShaderClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.ParseLocation
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathPoint
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.Shadow
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Accessible.AccessibleInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRange.AccessibleRangeInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleText.AccessibleTextInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextRange
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Actionable.ActionableInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.AdjustmentClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog.AlertDialogClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application.ApplicationClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow.ApplicationWindowClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BinLayout.BinLayoutClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BitsetIter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList.BookmarkListClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter.BoolFilterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Border
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box.BoxClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout.BoxLayoutClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Buildable.BuildableIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderCScope.BuilderCScopeClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderCScope
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderScope.BuilderScopeInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button.ButtonClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext.CellAreaContextClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable.CellEditableIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout.CellLayoutIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.CellRendererClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.CellRendererTextClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout.CenterLayoutClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.CheckButtonClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser.ColorChooserInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog.ColorDialogClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton.ColorDialogButtonClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewSorter.ColumnViewSorterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.ComboBoxClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint.ConstraintClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide.ConstraintGuideClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout.ConstraintLayoutClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayoutChild.ConstraintLayoutChildClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssLocation
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CustomFilter.CustomFilterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CustomSorter.CustomSorterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog.DialogClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList.DirectoryListClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragIcon.DragIconClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea.DrawingAreaClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.DropDownClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Editable.EditableInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EditableLabel.EditableLabelClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.EntryClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.EntryBufferClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserNative.FileChooserNativeClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog.FileDialogClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher.FileLauncherClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Filter.FilterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Filter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel.FilterListModelClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed.FixedClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayout.FixedLayoutClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayoutChild.FixedLayoutChildClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlattenListModel.FlattenListModelClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild.FlowBoxChildClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.FontChooserIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog.FontDialogClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton.FontDialogButtonClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame.FrameClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.GLAreaClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload.GraphicsOffloadClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid.GridClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout.GridLayoutClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild.GridLayoutChildClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContextSimple
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContextSimple.IMContextSimpleClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMMulticontext
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMMulticontext.IMMulticontextClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription.InscriptionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutChild
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutChild.LayoutChildClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager.LayoutManagerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow.ListBoxRowClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore.ListStoreClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MapListModel.MapListModelClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaControls.MediaControlsClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile.MediaFileClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.MediaStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation.MountOperationClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSelection.MultiSelectionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSorter.MultiSorterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.NativeDialogClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NoSelection.NoSelectionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter.NumericSorterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Orientable.OrientableIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayout.OverlayLayoutClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayoutChild.OverlayLayoutChildClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionEntry
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageRange
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ParamSpecExpression
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntryBuffer.PasswordEntryBufferClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture.PictureClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.PopoverClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog.PrintDialogClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview.PrintOperationPreviewIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range.RangeClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.RecentManagerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.RequestedSize
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Requisition
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale.ScaleClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.ScaleButtonClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable.ScrollableInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SectionModel.SectionModelInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionFilterModel.SelectionFilterModelClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel.SelectionModelInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut.ShortcutClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutManager.ShortcutManagerInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection.SingleSelectionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroup
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel.SliceListModelClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter.SorterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel.SortListModelClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter.StringFilterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringList.StringListClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringObject.StringObjectClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter.StringSorterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext.StyleContextClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SymbolicPaintable.SymbolicPaintableInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextChildAnchor
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextChildAnchor.TextChildAnchorClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark.TextMarkClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.TextTagClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.TextViewClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton.ToggleButtonClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragDest.TreeDragDestIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragSource.TreeDragSourceIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander.TreeExpanderClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeIter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel.TreeListModelClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow.TreeListRowClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRowSorter.TreeListRowSorterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter.TreeModelFilterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort.TreeModelSortClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable.TreeSortableIface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore.TreeStoreClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.UriLauncher.UriLauncherClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video.VideoClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.VolumeButton
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.WidgetPaintable.WidgetPaintableClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.WindowClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls.WindowControlsClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowGroup
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowGroup.WindowGroupClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowHandle.WindowHandleClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.BufferClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.CompletionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell.CompletionCellClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext.CompletionContextClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProposal.CompletionProposalInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionSnippets.CompletionSnippetsClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionSnippets
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords.CompletionWordsClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File.FileClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader.FileLoaderClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver.FileSaverClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Gutter.GutterClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines.GutterLinesClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.GutterRendererClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf.GutterRendererPixbufClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText.GutterRendererTextClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Hover.HoverClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverContext.HoverContextClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverDisplay.HoverDisplayClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverProvider.HoverProviderInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Indenter.IndenterInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language.LanguageClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager.LanguageManagerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Map
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Map.MapClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Mark
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Mark.MarkClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.MarkAttributesClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor.PrintCompositorClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region.RegionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.RegionIter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext.SearchContextClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings.SearchSettingsClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet.SnippetClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk.SnippetChunkClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext.SnippetContextClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager.SnippetManagerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer.SpaceDrawerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.StyleClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme.StyleSchemeClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooser.StyleSchemeChooserInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserButton
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserButton.StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserWidget
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserWidget.StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager.StyleSchemeManagerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview.StyleSchemePreviewClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Tag
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Tag.TagClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ViewClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.VimIMContextClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrColor
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrFloat
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontDesc
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontFeatures
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrInt
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrLanguage
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrSize
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrString
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Color
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Font.FontClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFace.FontFaceClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFace
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily.FontFamilyClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap.FontMapClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Fontset.FontsetClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Fontset
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphGeometry
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphInfo
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphVisAttr
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Item
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.LogAttr
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Rectangle
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.RendererClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth.AuthClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain.AuthDomainClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainBasic.AuthDomainBasicClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigest.AuthDomainDigestClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthManager.AuthManagerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Cache.CacheClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Cache
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.ContentDecoder.ContentDecoderClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.ContentSniffer.ContentSnifferClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar.CookieJarClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarDB.CookieJarDBClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarText.CookieJarTextClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer.HSTSEnforcerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcerDB.HSTSEnforcerDBClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Logger.LoggerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.MessageClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersIter
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.MultipartInputStream.MultipartInputStreamClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Range
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Server.ServerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.ServerMessageClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.SessionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.WebsocketConnectionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension.WebsocketExtensionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionDeflate.WebsocketExtensionDeflateClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionManager.WebsocketExtensionManagerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest.AuthenticationRequestClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession.AutomationSessionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList.BackForwardListClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardListItem.BackForwardListItemClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ClipboardPermissionRequest.ClipboardPermissionRequestClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest.ColorChooserRequestClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu.ContextMenuClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem.ContextMenuItemClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager.CookieManagerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.DeviceInfoPermissionRequest.DeviceInfoPermissionRequestClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download.DownloadClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState.EditorStateClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase.FaviconDatabaseClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.FileChooserRequest.FileChooserRequestClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController.FindControllerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.FormSubmissionRequest.FormSubmissionRequestClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager.GeolocationManagerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPermissionRequest.GeolocationPermissionRequestClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult.HitTestResultClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class.ClassClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassVTable
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context.ContextClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception.ExceptionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value.ValueClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.VirtualMachine.VirtualMachineClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue.WeakValueClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest.MediaKeySystemPermissionRequestClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationPolicyDecision.NavigationPolicyDecisionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession.NetworkSessionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Notification.NotificationClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.NotificationPermissionRequest.NotificationPermissionRequestClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu.OptionMenuClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionRequest.PermissionRequestInterface
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.PointerLockPermissionRequest.PointerLockPermissionRequestClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecision
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecision.PolicyDecisionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ResponsePolicyDecision.ResponsePolicyDecisionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager.SecurityManagerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.SettingsClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIRequest.URIRequestClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIResponse.URIResponseClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest.URISchemeRequestClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeResponse.URISchemeResponseClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore.UserContentFilterStoreClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager.UserContentManagerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMediaPermissionRequest.UserMediaPermissionRequestClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage.UserMessageClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.WebContextClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.WebInspectorClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.WebResourceClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest.WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequestClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager.WebsiteDataManagerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsitePolicies.WebsitePoliciesClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebViewBase
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebViewBase.WebViewBaseClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties.WindowPropertiesClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu.ContextMenuClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem.ContextMenuItemClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.Frame.FrameClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult.HitTestResultClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld.ScriptWorldClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIRequest.URIRequestClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIResponse.URIResponseClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage.UserMessageClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebEditor.WebEditorClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.WebFormManagerClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult.WebHitTestResultClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.WebPageClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLayout() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension.WebProcessExtensionClass
The memory layout of the native struct.
getMemoryLimit() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.MemoryPressureSettings
Gets the memory usage limit.
getMemoryRange(int, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Gets length memory blocks in this Buffer starting at idx.
getMenubar() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Returns the menu model that has been set with Application.setMenubar(org.gnome.gio.MenuModel).
getMenubarVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties
Get whether the window should have the menubar visible or not.
getMenuById(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Gets a menu from automatically loaded resources.
getMenuLabel(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Retrieves the menu label widget of the page containing child.
getMenuLabelText(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Retrieves the text of the menu label for the page containing child.
getMenuModel() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Gets the menu model from which the popup will be created.
getMenuModel() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Gets the tab context menu model for this TabView.
getMenuModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Returns the GMenuModel used to generate the popup.
getMenuModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu
Returns the menu model used to populate the popover.
getMenuModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuBar
Returns the model from which the contents of this PopoverMenuBar are taken.
getMessage() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Gets the GDBusMessage for the method invocation.
getMessage() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.DebugNode
Gets the debug message that was set on this node
getMessage() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Returns the message that will be shown in the alert.
getMessage() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception
Get the error message of this Exception.
getMessage() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialog
Get the message of a WebKitScriptDialog.
getMessageArea() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog
Use AlertDialog instead
getMessageType() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Gets the type of this DBusMessage.
getMessageType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
getMeta(String, String, Out<String>) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset
Gets the value for an existing meta data tag.
getMeta(Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Gets the metadata for api on buffer.
getMetadata(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderClass
Get metadata with key in this DeviceProviderClass.
getMetadata(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
Get metadata with key in this DeviceProvider.
getMetadata(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProviderFactory
Get the metadata on this DeviceProviderFactory with key.
getMetadata(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Get metadata with key in this ElementClass.
getMetadata(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Get metadata with key in klass.
getMetadata(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Get the metadata on this ElementFactory with key.
getMetadata(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language
getMetadata(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme
Gets a metadata property from the style scheme.
getMetadataKeys() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProviderFactory
Get the available keys for the metadata on this DeviceProviderFactory.
getMetadataKeys() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Get the available keys for the metadata on this ElementFactory.
getMethod() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Returns the method of this message.
getMethod() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Get the HTTP method of this ServerMessage.
getMethodInfo() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Gets information about the method call, if any.
getMethodName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Gets the name of the method that was invoked.
getMetrics() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Fontset
Get overall metric information for the fonts in the fontset.
getMetrics() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Get the MessageMetrics of this Message.
getMetrics(FontDescription, Language) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Get overall metric information for a particular font description.
getMetrics(Language) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
Gets overall metric information for a font.
getMicrophoneCaptureState() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Get the microphone capture state of a WebKitWebView.
getMicrosecond() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Retrieves the fractional part of the seconds in microseconds represented by this DateTime in the gregorian calendar.
getMicrosecond() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Retrieves the microsecond of the date represented by this DateTime
getMicroVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
Returns the micro version number of the Adwaita library.
getMicroVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Returns the micro version number of the GTK library.
getMicroVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GtkSource
Returns the micro version number of the GtkSourceView library.
getMicroVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Returns the micro version number of the libsoup library.
getMicroVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Returns the micro version number of the JavaScriptCore library.
getMicroVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
Returns the micro version number of the WebKit library.
getMidpoint(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Computes the coordinates of the midpoint of the given graphene_triangle_t.
getMimeType() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializer
Gets the mime type to deserialize from.
getMimeType() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializer
Gets the mime type to serialize to.
getMimeType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Gets the MIME type of the resource.
getMimeType() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIResponse
Gets the MIME type of the response.
getMimeType() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIResponse
Gets the MIME type of the response.
getMimeType(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Retrieves the MIME type of the resource pointed by uri.
getMimeTypes() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Gets the mime types included in this ContentFormats.
getMimeTypes() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Returns the mime types supported by the format.
getMimeTypes() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language
Returns the mime types associated to this language.
getMimeTypes() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FileChooserRequest
Get the list of MIME types the file chooser dialog should handle.
getMimeTypesFilter() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FileChooserRequest
Get the filter currently associated with the request.
getMin(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Retrieves the coordinates of the minimum point of the given graphene_box_t.
getMinChars() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Gets the min-chars of the inscription.
getMinChildrenPerLine() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Gets the minimum number of children per line.
getMinColumns() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Gets the minimum number of columns that the grid will use.
getMinContentHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Gets the minimal content height of this ScrolledWindow.
getMinContentWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Gets the minimum content width of this ScrolledWindow.
getMinForceKeyUnitInterval() - Method in class
Returns the minimum force-keyunit interval, see gst_video_encoder_set_min_force_key_unit_interval() for more details.
getMinimum() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Returns the smallest value in this Bitset.
getMinimumFontSize() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Gets the WebKitSettings:minimum-font-size property.
getMinimumIncrement() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Gets the smaller of step increment and page increment.
getMinimumKeyLength() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
getMinLatency() - Method in class
Queries decoder's latency aggregation.
getMinLines() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Gets the min-lines of the inscription.
getMinorVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
Returns the minor version number of the Adwaita library.
getMinorVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Returns the minor version number of the GTK library.
getMinorVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GtkSource
Returns the minor version number of the GtkSourceView library.
getMinorVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Returns the minor version number of the libsoup library.
getMinorVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Returns the minor version number of the JavaScriptCore library.
getMinorVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
Returns the minor version number of the WebKit library.
getMinSidebarWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Gets the minimum sidebar width for this NavigationSplitView.
getMinSidebarWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Gets the minimum sidebar width for this OverlaySplitView.
getMinSize(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide
Gets the minimum size of this ConstraintGuide.
getMinusButton() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Retrieves the minus button of the GtkScaleButton.
getMinute() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Retrieves the minute of the hour represented by this DateTime in the gregorian calendar.
getMinute() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Retrieves the minute of the hour represented by this DateTime
getMinValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Returns the min-value of the GtkLevelBar.
getMinWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getMirrorChar(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Use GLib.unicharGetMirrorChar(int, io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Out<java.lang.Integer>) instead; the docs for that function provide full details.
getMisc() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
getMisc() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfo
getMissingElements() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseContext
Retrieve missing elements from a previous run of gst_parse_launch_full() or gst_parse_launchv_full().
getMissingElementsInstallerDetails() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
Get the installer details for missing elements
getMiterLimit() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Returns the miter limit of a GskStroke.
getMnemonicKeyval() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Return the mnemonic accelerator.
getMnemonicsModifiers() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController
Gets the mnemonics modifiers for when this controller activates its shortcuts.
getMnemonicsVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Gets whether mnemonics are visible.
getMnemonicsVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Gets whether mnemonics are supposed to be visible.
getMnemonicWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Retrieves the target of the mnemonic (keyboard shortcut) of this label.
getModal() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Gets whether the bottom sheet is modal.
getModal() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
getModal() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Returns whether the alert blocks interaction with the parent window while it is presented.
getModal() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getModal() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton
Use ColorDialogButton instead
getModal() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog
Returns whether the color chooser dialog blocks interaction with the parent window while it is presented.
getModal() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Returns whether the file chooser dialog blocks interaction with the parent window while it is presented.
getModal() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
Use FontDialogButton instead
getModal() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
Returns whether the font chooser dialog blocks interaction with the parent window while it is presented.
getModal() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
Returns whether the dialog is modal.
getModal() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
Returns whether the print dialog blocks interaction with the parent window while it is presented.
getModal() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Returns whether the window is modal.
getMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingEvent
Extracts the crossing mode from a crossing event.
getMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Returns the mode of the GtkLevelBar.
getMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroup
Gets the current mode of the size group.
getMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Gets the model that provides the displayed items.
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Gets the string identifying the monitor model, if available.
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Gets the model that's currently used to read the items displayed.
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Gets the model that provides the displayed items.
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel
Gets the model currently filtered or null if none.
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlattenListModel
Gets the model set via gtk_flatten_list_model_set_model().
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Gets the model that's currently used to read the items displayed.
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Gets the model that's currently used to read the items displayed.
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MapListModel
Gets the model that is currently being mapped or null if none.
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSelection
Returns the underlying model of this MultiSelection.
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NoSelection
Gets the model that this NoSelection is wrapping.
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionFilterModel
Gets the model currently filtered or null if none.
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection
Gets the model that this SingleSelection is wrapping.
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel
Gets the model that is currently being used or null if none.
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel
Gets the model currently sorted or null if none.
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel
Gets the root model that this TreeListModel was created with.
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort
Returns the model the GtkTreeModelSort is sorting.
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeRowReference
getModel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getModelForItem(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlattenListModel
Returns the model containing the item at the given position.
getModeTransitionDuration() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
getModificationDateTime() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the modification time of the current this FileInfo and returns it as a GDateTime.
getModificationTime(TimeVal) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Use g_file_info_get_modification_date_time() instead, as GTimeVal is deprecated due to the year 2038 problem.
getModified() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Gets the time when the meta-data for the resource was last modified.
getModified() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Indicates whether the buffer has been modified since the last call to TextBuffer.setModified(boolean) set the modification flag to false.
getModified(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Use g_bookmark_file_get_modified_date_time() instead, as time_t is deprecated due to the year 2038 problem.
getModifiedDateTime(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Gets the time when the bookmark for uri was last modified.
getModifier() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Gets the modifier value.
getModifiers() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.KeyvalTrigger
Gets the modifiers that must be present to succeed triggering this KeyvalTrigger.
getModifiers() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationAction
Return the modifier keys.
getModifierState() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Retrieves the current modifier state of the keyboard.
getModifierState() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Returns the modifier state field of an event.
getMondayWeekOfYear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns the week of the year, where weeks are understood to start on Monday.
getMondayWeeksInYear(DateYear) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns the number of weeks in the year, where weeks are taken to start on Monday.
getMonitorAtSurface(Surface) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Gets the monitor in which the largest area of surface resides.
getMonitored() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList
Returns whether the directory list is monitoring the directory for changes.
getMonitors() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Gets the list of monitors associated with this display.
getMonospace() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets whether the GtkTextView uses monospace styling.
getMonospaceFontFamily() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Gets the WebKitSettings:monospace-font-family property.
getMonotonicTime() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Queries the system monotonic time.
getMonth() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Returns the month of this GstDateTime.
getMonth() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns the month of the year.
getMonth() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Retrieves the month of the year represented by this DateTime in the Gregorian calendar.
getMonth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Gets the month of the selected date.
getMount() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Gets the mount for the this Volume.
getMountForUuid(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Finds a GMount object by its UUID (see g_mount_get_uuid())
getMountPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountPoint
Gets the mount path for a unix mount point.
getMounts() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Gets a list of the mounts on the system.
getMouseButton() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationAction
Return the number of the mouse button that triggered the navigation.
getMsgType() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage
Returns the protocol specific type of the control message.
getMulticastLoopback() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Gets the multicast loopback setting on this Socket; if true (the default), outgoing multicast packets will be looped back to multicast listeners on the same host.
getMulticastTtl() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Gets the multicast time-to-live setting on this Socket; see g_socket_set_multicast_ttl() for more details.
getMultiplier() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint
Retrieves the multiplication factor applied to the source attribute's value.
getMute() - Method in interface
getMuted() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Returns whether the audio for the stream is muted.
getMutexImpl() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticMutex
getNAllocationMetas() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Retrieve the number of values currently stored in the meta API array of the query's structure.
getNAllocationParams() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Retrieve the number of values currently stored in the allocator params array of the query's structure.
getNAllocationPools() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Retrieve the number of values currently stored in the pool array of the query's structure.
getName() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Returns the name of a debug category.
getName() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugLevel
Get the string representation of a debugging level
getName() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Get a printable name for the given event type.
getName() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Format
Get a printable name for the given format.
getName() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Returns a copy of the name of this Object.
getName() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Get a printable name for the given message type.
getName() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadMode
Return the name of a pad mode, for use in debug messages mostly.
getName() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Get the short name of the plugin
getName() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
Get a printable name for the given query type.
getName() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChange
Gets a string representing the given state transition.
getName() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamType
Get a descriptive string for a given GstStreamType
getName() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Get the name of this Structure as a string.
getName() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
getName() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget
getName() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsReturn
Convenience function to return the descriptive string associated with a status code.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EnumListItem
Gets the enum value name.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Layout
Gets the name of the layout.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Gets the name of this PreferencesPage.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Gets the name of the page.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor
Returns the name of the cursor.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
The name of the device, suitable for showing in a user interface.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Gets the name of the display.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Returns the name of the format.
getName() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Action
Queries the name of this Action.
getName() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Gets the installed name of the application.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Gets the name that this DBusObjectManagerClient is for, or null if not a message bus connection.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Gets the name that this DBusProxy was constructed for.
getName() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Gets the name of this Drive.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the name for a file.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOExtension
Gets the name under which this IOExtension was registered.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuAttributeIter
Gets the name of the attribute at the current iterator position, as a string.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuLinkIter
Gets the name of the link at the current iterator position.
getName() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Gets the name of this Mount.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaKey
Gets the name of this SettingsSchemaKey.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Gets this Task’s name.
getName() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Gets the name of this Volume.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Gets a name for the source, used in debugging and profiling.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Get the name of a GParamSpec.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide
Retrieves the name set using gtk_constraint_guide_set_name().
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController
Gets the name of this EventController.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter
Gets the human-readable name for the filter.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Gets the name of the GtkPaperSize.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Returns the name of the printer.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage
Returns the name of the page.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark
Returns the mark name.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Retrieves the name of a widget.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Encoding
Gets the name of the GtkSourceEncoding such as "Unicode" or "Western".
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language
Returns the localized name of the language.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Gets the name for the snippet.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme
getName() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
Fetches the attribute type name.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily
Gets the name of the family.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Gets this Cookie's name.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ApplicationInfo
Get the name of the application.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Feature
Gets a short name for the this Feature.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class
Get the class name of this Class
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception
Get the error name of this Exception
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionStateQuery
Get the permission name for which access is being queried.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage
Get the this UserMessage name.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteData
Gets the name of WebKitWebsiteData.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld
Get the name of a WebKitScriptWorld.
getName() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage
Get the this UserMessage name.
getName(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Convert the name of a class to the name for a new GType.
getNameId() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Get the name of this Structure as a GQuark.
getNameOwner() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
The unique name that owns the name that this DBusObjectManagerClient is for or null if no-one currently owns that name.
getNameOwner() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
The unique name that owns the name that this DBusProxy is for or null if no-one currently owns that name.
getNameQuark() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Gets the GQuark for the name.
getNames() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.Builder
Get the property names
getNames() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThemedIcon
Gets the names of icons from within this ThemedIcon.
getNatChars() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Gets the nat-chars of the inscription.
getNative() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the nearest GtkNative ancestor of this Widget.
getNative(CredentialsType) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Credentials
Gets a pointer to native credentials of type nativeType from this Credentials.
getNativeSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Gets the size of the native raw binary address for this InetAddress.
getNativeSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress
Gets the size of this SocketAddress's native struct sockaddr.
getNatLines() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Gets the nat-lines of the inscription.
getNatSize(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide
Gets the natural size of this ConstraintGuide.
getNaturalWrapMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Returns line wrap mode used by the label.
getNavigatable() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage
getNavigationAction() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationPolicyDecision
Gets the value of the WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision:navigation-action property.
getNavigationStack() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Returns a ListModel that contains the pages in navigation stack.
getNavigationType() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationAction
Return the type of action that triggered the navigation.
getNBufferingRanges() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Retrieve the number of values currently stored in the buffered-ranges array of the query's structure.
getNChannels() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Queries the number of channels of a pixbuf.
getNChildren() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ContainerNode
Retrieves the number of direct children of this ContainerNode.
getNChildren() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShaderNode
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getNChunks() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Gets the number of chunks in the snippet.
getNColorStops() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ConicGradientNode
Retrieves the number of color stops in the gradient.
getNColorStops() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.LinearGradientNode
Retrieves the number of color stops in the gradient.
getNColorStops() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RadialGradientNode
Retrieves the number of color stops in the gradient.
getNColumns() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
getNColumns() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getNCopies() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getNeedsAttention() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Gets whether this TabPage needs attention.
getNeedsAttention() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Gets whether the page requires the user attention.
getNeedsAttention() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage
Returns whether the page is marked as “needs attention”.
getNeedsFormat() - Method in class
Queries decoder required format handling.
getNeedsFormat() - Method in class
Queries decoder required format handling.
getNeedsSyncPoint() - Method in class
Queries if the decoder requires a sync point before it starts outputting data in the beginning.
getNegotiatedProtocol() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Gets the name of the application-layer protocol negotiated during the handshake.
getNegotiatedProtocol() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Gets the name of the application-layer protocol negotiated during the handshake.
getNetworkAvailable() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor
Checks if the network is available.
getNetworkMetered() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor
Checks if the network is metered.
getNetworkSession() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Get the WebKitNetworkSession associated to this WebView.
getNetworkSessionForAutomation() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Get the WebKitNetworkSession used for automation sessions started in this WebContext.
getNewlineType() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Gets the current newline type for the this DataInputStream.
getNewlineType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File
getNewlineType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader
getNewlineType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
getNext() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfo
getNext(Out<String>, Out<MenuModel>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuLinkIter
This function combines g_menu_link_iter_next() with g_menu_link_iter_get_name() and g_menu_link_iter_get_value().
getNext(Out<String>, Out<Variant>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuAttributeIter
This function combines g_menu_attribute_iter_next() with g_menu_attribute_iter_get_name() and g_menu_attribute_iter_get_value().
getNextAccessibleSibling() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible
Retrieves the next accessible sibling of an accessible object
getNextSibling() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the widget’s next sibling.
getNextTime() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
getNextToken() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Parses the next token just like g_scanner_peek_next_token() and also removes it from the input stream.
getNFeatures(DevicePadFeature) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.DevicePad
Returns the number of features a tablet pad has.
getNFingers() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TouchpadEvent
Extracts the number of fingers from a touchpad event.
getNFormats() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufFormats
Returns the number of formats that the this DmabufFormats object contains.
getNGroups() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.DevicePad
Returns the number of groups this pad device has.
getNick() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntryType
Converts this TocEntryType to a string representation.
getNick() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EnumListItem
Gets the enum value nick.
getNick() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Get the nickname of a GParamSpec.
getNItems() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListIndexModel
Get the size of the list model.
getNItems() - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
getNItems() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ListModel
Gets the number of items in this ListModel.
getNItems() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel
Query the number of items in this MenuModel.
getNItems() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListHeader
Gets the the number of items in the section.
getNItems() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Gets the length of the this ContextMenu.
getNItems() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu
Gets the length of the this OptionMenu.
getNItems() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Gets the length of the this ContextMenu.
getNMeta(Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
getNodeType() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNode
Returns the type of the this RenderNode.
getNodisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Gets the value of the NoDisplay key which helps determine if the application info should be shown in menus.
getNormal(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Retrieves the normal vector pointing towards the origin of the given graphene_plane_t.
getNormal(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Computes the normal vector of the given graphene_triangle_t.
getNormalForm() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Gets a GVariant instance that has the same value as this Variant and is trusted to be in normal form.
getNotValidAfter() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Returns the time at which the certificate became or will become invalid.
getNotValidBefore() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Returns the time at which the certificate became or will become valid.
getNPages() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Gets the number of pages in this Carousel.
getNPages() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Gets the number of pages in this TabView.
getNPages() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getNPages() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Gets the number of pages in a notebook.
getNPages() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Returns the number of pages in the document or <code>-1</code> if the document has not been completely paginated.
getNPagesToPrint() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Returns the number of pages that will be printed.
getNPinnedPages() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Gets the number of pinned pages in this TabView.
getNPlanes() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Gets the number of planes.
getNSchedulingModes() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Retrieve the number of values currently stored in the scheduling mode array of the query's structure.
getNShadows() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ShadowNode
Retrieves the number of shadows in the this ShadowNode.
getNSortColumns() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewSorter
Returns the number of columns by which the sorter sorts.
getNTextures() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getNth(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Returns the i-th feature of this CapsFeatures.
getNth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
Use g_array_index() instead.
getNth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Returns the value of the nth item in self.
getNthChunk(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Gets the chunk at nth.
getNthId(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Returns the i-th feature of this CapsFeatures.
getNthItem(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList
Returns the item at a given index relative to the current item.
getNthPage(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Gets the page at position n.
getNthPage(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Gets the TabPage representing the child at position.
getNthPage(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getNthPage(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Returns the child widget contained in page number pageNum.
getNthSortColumn(int, Out<SortType>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewSorter
Gets the position'th sort column and its associated sort order.
getNumberUp() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getNumberUpLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getNumCopies() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Gets the number of copies of this job.
getNumeric() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Gets whether non-numeric characters should be ignored.
getNumeric() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Returns whether non-numeric text can be typed into the spin button.
getNumFallbacks() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.CharsetConverter
Gets the number of fallbacks that this CharsetConverter has applied so far.
getNumGlyphs() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.TextNode
Retrieves the number of glyphs in the text node.
getNumLockState() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Retrieves whether the Num Lock modifier of the keyboard is locked.
getNumPadTemplates() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Gets the number of pad_templates in this factory.
getNumProcessors() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determine the approximate number of threads that the system will schedule simultaneously for this process.
getNumRedirectEntries() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
getNumThreads() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Returns the number of threads currently running in this ThreadPool.
getNumTouches() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Retrieves the number of touch points associated to this Device.
getNumUnixFds() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience getter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.NUM_UNIX_FDS header field.
getNumUnusedThreads() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Returns the number of currently unused threads.
getNUniforms() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getNUp() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Gets the n-up setting for this job.
getNUpLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Gets the n-up layout setting for this job.
getObeyChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame
Returns whether the child's size request should override the set aspect ratio of the GtkAspectFrame.
getObject() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PropertyAnimationTarget
Gets the object animated by this PropertyAnimationTarget.
getObject() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusInterface
Gets the GDBusObject that this DBusInterface belongs to, if any.
getObject() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_OBJECT derived GValue.
getObject() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ObjectExpression
Gets the object that the expression evaluates to.
getObject(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager
Gets the GDBusObject at objectPath, if any.
getObject(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Gets the object named name.
getObjectPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Gets the object path that this DBusInterfaceSkeleton is exported on, if any.
getObjectPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Gets the object path the method was invoked on.
getObjectPath() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObject
Gets the object path for this DBusObject.
getObjectPath() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager
Gets the object path that this DBusObjectManager is for.
getObjectPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Gets the object path this DBusProxy is for.
getObjects() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager
Gets all GDBusObject objects known to this DBusObjectManager.
getObjects() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleList
Gets the list of objects this boxed type holds
getObjects() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Gets all objects that have been constructed by this Builder.
getObjv() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Gets the contents of an array of object paths GVariant.
getOccurrencePosition(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
Gets the position of a search occurrence.
getOccurrencesCount() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
Gets the total number of search occurrences.
getOffset() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Get the offset applied to the running time of this Pad.
getOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.TextNode
Retrieves the offset applied to the text.
getOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel
Gets the offset set via gtk_slice_list_model_set_offset().
getOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns the character offset of an iterator.
getOffset(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Gets the offset value for a plane.
getOffset(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeZone
Determines the offset to UTC in effect during a particular interval of time in the time zone this TimeZone.
getOffset(Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag
Gets the offset from the start point.
getOffset(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Gets the offset previous set with Popover#setOffset().
getOffset(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Retrieves the offset for the anchor rectangle.
getOffsetValue(String, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Fetches the value specified for the offset marker name in this LevelBar.
getOldestFrame() - Method in class
Get the oldest pending unfinished GstVideoCodecFrame
getOldestFrame() - Method in class
Get the oldest unfinished pending GstVideoCodecFrame
getOne(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Gets the value of header name in this MessageHeaders.
getOpacity() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.OpacityNode
Gets the transparency factor for an opacity node.
getOpacity() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Fetches the requested opacity for this widget.
getOpaqueRect(Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNode
Gets an opaque rectangle inside the node that GTK can determine to be fully opaque.
getOpen() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Gets whether the bottom sheet is open.
getOpen() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Gets whether this TabOverview is open.
getOpResGboolean() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use GTask and g_task_propagate_boolean() instead.
getOpResGpointer() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use GTask and g_task_propagate_pointer() instead.
getOpResGssize() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use GTask and g_task_propagate_int() instead.
getOption(int, int, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Gets the value of an integer-valued option on this Socket, as with getsockopt().
getOption(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Looks up key in the list of options that may have been attached to the this Pixbuf when it was loaded, or that may have been attached by another function using gdk_pixbuf_set_option().
getOptions() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Gets a null terminated array of string with supported bufferpool options for this BufferPool.
getOptions() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Returns a GHashTable with a list of all the options that may have been attached to the pixbuf when it was loaded, or that may have been attached by another function using Pixbuf.setOption(java.lang.String, java.lang.String).
getOptions() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountPoint
Gets the options for the mount point.
getOptions() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
Gets the WebKitFindOptions for the current search.
getOptionsDict() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Gets the options that were passed to g_application_command_line().
getOrder() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Retrieves the order used to apply the rotations described in the graphene_euler_t structure, when converting to and from other structures, like graphene_quaternion_t and graphene_matrix_t.
getOrder() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter
Gets the order that this Sorter conforms to.
getOrientation() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout
Gets the current orienration of the layout manager.
getOrientation() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GesturePan
Returns the orientation of the pan gestures that this this GesturePan expects.
getOrientation() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Orientable
Retrieves the orientation of the this Orientable.
getOrientation() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Gets the page orientation of the GtkPageSetup.
getOrientation() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Get the value of GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_ORIENTATION, converted to a GtkPageOrientation.
getOrigin() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
get the URL where the plugin comes from
getOrigin() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Emblem
Gets the origin of the emblem.
getOrigin() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Get the origin of the WebSocket.
getOrigin(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Retrieves the origin of the given graphene_ray_t.
getOriginalUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardListItem
Obtain the original URI of the item.
getOsInfo(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Get information about the operating system.
getOutFrames(long) - Method in class
Calculate how many output frames can be produced when inFrames input frames are given to this AudioConverter.
getOutFrames(long) - Method in class
Get the number of output frames that would be currently available when inFrames are given to this AudioResampler.
getOutInfo() - Method in class
Retrieve the output format of this VideoConverter.
getOutline() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.BorderNode
Retrieves the outline of the border.
getOutline() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.InsetShadowNode
Retrieves the outline rectangle of the inset shadow.
getOutline() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.OutsetShadowNode
Retrieves the outline rectangle of the outset shadow.
getOutputBin() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getOutputState() - Method in class
Get the GstVideoCodecState currently describing the output stream.
getOutputState() - Method in class
Get the current GstVideoCodecState
getOutputStream() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializer
Gets the output stream for the current operation.
getOutputStream() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
Gets the output stream for this object.
getOverflow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the widget’s overflow value.
getOverlayScrolling() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Returns whether overlay scrolling is enabled for this scrolled window.
getOverwrite() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Returns whether the GtkTextView is in overwrite mode or not.
getOverwriteMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Gets whether the GtkEntry is in overwrite mode.
getOverwriteMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Gets whether text is overwritten when typing in the GtkText.
getPackage() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
get the package the plugin belongs to.
getPacketized() - Method in class
Queries whether input data is considered packetized or not by the base class.
getPadding(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
getPadding(Border) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
This api will be removed in GTK 5
getPadTemplate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Gets the template for this Pad.
getPadTemplate(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Retrieves a padtemplate from this ElementClass with the given name.
getPadTemplate(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Retrieves a padtemplate from this Element with the given name.
getPadTemplateCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Gets the capabilities for this Pad's template.
getPadTemplateList() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Retrieves a list of the pad templates associated with this ElementClass.
getPadTemplateList() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Retrieves a list of the pad templates associated with this Element.
getPage() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebEditor
Gets the WebKitWebPage that is associated with the WebKitWebEditor.
getPage(long) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension
Get the web page of the given pageId.
getPage(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
getPage(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
getPage(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Gets the TabPage object representing child.
getPage(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Gets the ViewStackPage object for child.
getPage(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getPage(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Returns the GtkNotebookPage for child.
getPage(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Returns the GtkStackPage object for child.
getPageComplete(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getPageHeight(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Returns the page height in units of unit.
getPageId() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Get the identifier of the WebKitWebPage corresponding to the WebKitWebView
getPageIncrement() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Retrieves the page increment of the adjustment.
getPagePosition(TabPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Finds the position of page in this TabView, starting from 0.
getPageRanges() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Gets the page ranges for this job.
getPageRanges() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getPages() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
getPages() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
getPages() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Returns a ListModel that contains the pages of this TabView.
getPages() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Returns a ListModel that contains the pages of the stack.
getPages() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getPages() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Returns a GListModel that contains the pages of the notebook.
getPages() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Gets the GtkPrintPages setting for this job.
getPages() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Returns a GListModel that contains the pages of the stack.
getPageSet() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Gets the GtkPageSet setting for this job.
getPageSet() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getPageSetup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetupUnixDialog
Gets the currently selected page setup from the dialog.
getPageSetup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintContext
Obtains the GtkPageSetup that determines the page dimensions of the GtkPrintContext.
getPageSetup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
Returns the page setup.
getPageSetup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSetup
Returns the page setup of this PrintSetup.
getPageSetup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Gets the page setup that is used by the GtkPrintUnixDialog.
getPageSetup() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation
Return the current page setup of this PrintOperation.
getPageSetupSet() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Gets whether a page setup was set by the user.
getPageSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Retrieves the page size of the adjustment.
getPageSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
getPageTitle(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getPageType(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getPageWidth(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Returns the page width in units of unit.
getPaginationProgress() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Returns the current fraction of the document pagination that has been completed.
getPaintable() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage
Gets the paintable for this StatusPage.
getPaintable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Gets the image GdkPaintable being displayed by the GtkImage.
getPaintable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Gets the GdkPaintable being displayed by the GtkPicture.
getPaintable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
If the element at this TextIter is a paintable, the paintable is returned.
getPaintable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf
getPalette(Out<Long>) - Method in enum class
Get the default palette of this VideoFormat.
getPangoContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets a PangoContext with the appropriate font map, font description, and base direction for this widget.
getPangoFontmap() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintContext
Returns a PangoFontMap that is suitable for use with the GtkPrintContext.
getPaperHeight(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Returns the paper height in units of unit.
getPaperHeight(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Gets the value of GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_PAPER_HEIGHT, converted to unit.
getPaperSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Gets the paper size of the GtkPageSetup.
getPaperSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Gets the value of GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_PAPER_FORMAT, converted to a GtkPaperSize.
getPaperSizes(boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Creates a list of known paper sizes.
getPaperWidth(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Returns the paper width in units of unit.
getPaperWidth(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Gets the value of GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_PAPER_WIDTH, converted to unit.
getParam() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_PARAM GValue.
getParam(String) - Method in class
Retrieve the parameter for this VideoRegionOfInterestMeta having name as structure name, or null if there is none.
getParameters() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Gets the parameters of the method invocation.
getParameters() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage
Get the this UserMessage parameters.
getParameters() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage
Get the this UserMessage parameters.
getParameterType() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Action
Queries the type of the parameter that must be given when activating this Action.
getParDenom() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfo
getParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Returns the parent of this Object.
getParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
Gets the parent GstTocEntry of this TocEntry.
getParent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Gets the parent page of this TabPage.
getParent() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Popup
Returns the parent surface of a popup.
getParent() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Gets the parent directory for the this File.
getParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssSection
Gets the parent section for the given section.
getParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation
Gets the transient parent used by the GtkMountOperation.
getParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow
Gets the row representing the parent for this TreeListRow.
getParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the parent widget of this Widget.
getParent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class
Get the parent class of this Class
getParentElement() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Gets the parent of this Pad, cast to a GstElement.
getParNum() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfo
getParseName() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Gets the parse name of the this File.
getParseState(Out<Boolean>, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class
Return current parsing (sync and eos) state.
getPart(int, Out<MessageHeaders>, Out<Bytes>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Multipart
Gets the indicated body part from this Multipart.
getPass() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingVideoProfile
Get the pass number if this is part of a multi-pass profile.
getPassthrough() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel
Gets whether the model is passing through original row items.
getPassword() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Gets a password from the mount operation.
getPassword() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress
Gets this ProxyAddress's password.
getPassword() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Gets this Uri's password, which may contain %-encoding, depending on the flags with which this Uri was created.
getPassword() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Credential
Get the password currently held by this WebKitCredential.
getPasswordSave() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Gets the state of saving passwords for the mount operation.
getPath() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Extract the path string from the URI object.
getPath() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget
getPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience getter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.PATH header field.
getPath() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Gets the local pathname for GFile, if one exists.
getPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchema
Gets the path associated with this SettingsSchema, or null.
getPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress
Gets this UnixSocketAddress's path, or for abstract sockets the "name".
getPath() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Gets this Uri's path, which may contain %-encoding, depending on the flags with which this Uri was created.
getPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.FillNode
Retrieves the path used to describe the area filled with the contents of the this FillNode.
getPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathMeasure
Returns the path that the measure was created for.
getPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.StrokeNode
Retrieves the path that will be stroked with the contents of the this StrokeNode.
getPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeRowReference
getPath() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Gets this Cookie's path.
getPath() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest
Get the URI path of this URISchemeRequest.
getPath() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore
Gets the storage path for user content filters.
getPath(TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
getPathAtPos(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getPathAtPos(int, int, Out<TreePath>, Out<TreeViewColumn>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getPathLen() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress
Gets the length of this UnixSocketAddress's path.
getPathSegments() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Get a list of path segments from the URI.
getPathString() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Generates a string describing the path of this Object in the object hierarchy.
getPathString() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Extract the path string from the URI object as a percent encoded URI path.
getPattern() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Gets the pattern string associated with this Regex, i.e.
getPeer() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Gets the peer of this Pad.
getPeerCertificate() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Gets this DtlsConnection's peer's certificate after the handshake has completed or failed.
getPeerCertificate() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Gets this TlsConnection's peer's certificate after the handshake has completed or failed.
getPeerCertificateErrors() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Gets the errors associated with validating this DtlsConnection's peer's certificate, after the handshake has completed or failed.
getPeerCertificateErrors() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Gets the errors associated with validating this TlsConnection's peer's certificate, after the handshake has completed or failed.
getPeerCredentials() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Gets the credentials of the authenticated peer.
getPending() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel
Returns the number of items that have not been filtered yet.
getPending() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel
Estimates progress of an ongoing sorting operation.
getPendingFrameSize() - Method in class
Returns the number of bytes previously added to the current frame by calling gst_video_decoder_add_to_frame().
getPerfectTimestamp() - Method in class
Queries encoder perfect timestamp behaviour.
getPermission() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LockButton
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getPermission(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
virtual method to get permission of a key
getPersistence() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Credential
Get the persistence mode currently held by this WebKitCredential.
getPersistentCredentialStorageEnabled() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Get whether persistent credential storage is enabled or not.
getPhrase(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
Looks up the stock HTTP description of statusCode.
getPictographFontFamily() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Gets the WebKitSettings:pictograph-font-family property.
getPim() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Gets a PIM from the mount operation.
getPinchAngleDelta() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TouchpadEvent
Extracts the angle delta from a touchpad pinch event.
getPinchScale() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TouchpadEvent
Extracts the scale from a touchpad pinch event.
getPinned() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Gets whether this TabPage is pinned.
getPinSidebar() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Gets whether the sidebar widget is pinned for this OverlaySplitView.
getPipelineClock() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Gets the current clock used by this Pipeline.
getPixbuf() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter
Gets the current pixbuf which should be displayed.
getPixbuf() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
Queries the GdkPixbuf that a pixbuf loader is currently creating.
getPixbuf() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf
Get the pixbuf of the renderer.
getPixbuf() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
Gets a Pixbuf to be used as a base for rendered icon.
getPixbufColumn() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getPixelExtents(Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Computes the logical and ink extents of this Layout in device units.
getPixelExtents(Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Computes the logical and ink extents of this LayoutLine in device units.
getPixels() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Queries a pointer to the pixel data of a pixbuf.
getPixelsAboveLines() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the default number of pixels to put above paragraphs.
getPixelsArgb(Set<VideoOverlayFormatFlags>) - Method in class
getPixelsArgb(VideoOverlayFormatFlags...) - Method in class
getPixelsAyuv(Set<VideoOverlayFormatFlags>) - Method in class
getPixelsAyuv(VideoOverlayFormatFlags...) - Method in class
getPixelsBelowLines() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the default number of pixels to put below paragraphs.
getPixelsInsideWrap() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the default number of pixels to put between wrapped lines inside a paragraph.
getPixelSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Gets the pixel size used for named icons.
getPixelSize(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Determines the logical width and height of a PangoLayout in device units.
getPixelsRaw(Set<VideoOverlayFormatFlags>) - Method in class
getPixelsRaw(VideoOverlayFormatFlags...) - Method in class
getPixelsUnscaledArgb(Set<VideoOverlayFormatFlags>) - Method in class
Retrieves the pixel data as it is.
getPixelsUnscaledArgb(VideoOverlayFormatFlags...) - Method in class
Retrieves the pixel data as it is.
getPixelsUnscaledAyuv(Set<VideoOverlayFormatFlags>) - Method in class
Retrieves the pixel data as it is.
getPixelsUnscaledAyuv(VideoOverlayFormatFlags...) - Method in class
Retrieves the pixel data as it is.
getPixelsUnscaledRaw(Set<VideoOverlayFormatFlags>) - Method in class
Retrieves the pixel data as it is.
getPixelsUnscaledRaw(VideoOverlayFormatFlags...) - Method in class
Retrieves the pixel data as it is.
getPlaceholderText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Retrieves the text that will be displayed when this Entry is empty and unfocused
getPlaceholderText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Gets the placeholder text associated with this SearchEntry.
getPlaceholderText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Retrieves the text that will be displayed when this Text is empty and unfocused
getPlacement() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Gets the placement of the contents with respect to the scrollbars.
getPlane(Plane) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Computes the plane based on the vertices of the given graphene_triangle_t.
getPlaneHeight(Out<int[]>) - Method in class
Compute the padded height of each plane from this VideoMeta (padded size divided by stride).
getPlanes(Out<Plane[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Retrieves the planes that define the given graphene_frustum_t.
getPlaneSize(Out<long[]>) - Method in class
Compute the size, in bytes, of each video plane described in this VideoMeta including any padding and alignment constraint defined in this VideoMeta->alignment.
getPlatformData() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Gets the platform data associated with the invocation of this ApplicationCommandLine.
getPlatformState(AccessiblePlatformState) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible
Query a platform state, such as focus.
getPlaying() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Return whether the stream is currently playing.
getPlc() - Method in class
Queries decoder packet loss concealment handling.
getPlcAware() - Method in class
getPlugin() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature
Get the plugin that provides this feature.
getPlugin(Type, Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterface
Returns the GTypePlugin structure for the dynamic interface interfaceType which has been added to instanceType, or null if interfaceType has not been added to instanceType or does not have a GTypePlugin structure.
getPluginList() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Get a copy of all plugins registered in the given registry.
getPluginName() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature
Get the name of the plugin that provides this feature.
getPlusButton() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Retrieves the plus button of the GtkScaleButton.
getPoint(float, PathPoint) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathMeasure
Sets result to the point at the given distance into the path.
getPoint(int) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quad
Retrieves the point of a graphene_quad_t at the given index.
getPoint(EventSequence, Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
If sequence is currently being interpreted by this Gesture, returns true and fills in x and y with the last coordinates stored for that event sequence.
getPointer() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Returns the device that routes pointer events.
getPointer() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a pointer GValue.
getPointer(String, Out<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
getPointerEmulated() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Returns whether this event is an 'emulated' pointer event.
getPointerIndex(String, int, Out<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.
getPointingTo(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Gets the rectangle that the popover points to.
getPoints(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Retrieves the three vertices of the given graphene_triangle_t and returns their coordinates as graphene_point3d_t.
getPolicies(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer
Gets a list with the policies in enforcer.
getPolicy() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcher
Gets the policy of this ViewSwitcher.
getPolicy(Out<PolicyType>, Out<PolicyType>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Retrieves the current policy values for the horizontal and vertical scrollbars.
getPollfd(PollFD) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Gets the file descriptor from the bus which can be used to get notified about messages being available with functions like g_poll(), and allows integration into other event loops based on file descriptors.
getPollFunc() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
getPollInterval() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.MemoryPressureSettings
Gets the interval at which memory usage is checked.
getPool() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
Get the GstTaskPool that this task will use for its streaming threads.
getPopOnEscape() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Gets whether pressing Escape pops the current page on this NavigationView.
getPopover() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Gets the popover that will be popped up when the dropdown is clicked.
getPopover() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Returns the GtkPopover that pops out of the button.
getPopup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Retrieves the popup of the GtkScaleButton.
getPopupCompletion() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
getPopupFixedWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
getPopupSetWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
getPopupSingleMatch() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
getPort() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Get the port number from the URI or GST_URI_NO_PORT if it doesn't exist.
getPort() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress
Gets this InetSocketAddress's port.
getPort() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress
Gets this NetworkAddress's port number
getPort() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SrvTarget
Gets this SrvTarget's port
getPort() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Gets this Uri's port.
getPort() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Get the port that this authentication challenge is applicable to.
getPort() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityOrigin
Gets the port of this SecurityOrigin.
getPos() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Returns the current position of a GstBitReader instance in bits.
getPos() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Returns the current position of a GstByteReader instance in bytes.
getPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Gets current scroll position in this Carousel, unitless.
getPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SequenceIter
Returns the position of this SequenceIter
getPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewCell
Gets the position in the model that this ColumnViewCell currently displays.
getPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow
Gets the position in the model that this ColumnViewRow currently displays.
getPosition() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Retrieves the current position of the cursor relative to the start of the content of the editable.
getPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Gets the position in the model that this ListItem currently displays.
getPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Obtains the position of the divider between the two panes.
getPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Returns the preferred position of this Popover.
getPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow
Returns the position in the GtkTreeListModel that this TreeListRow occupies at the moment.
getPosition(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseContext
Retrieves the current line number and the number of the character on that line.
getPosition(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParseContext
Retrieves the current line number and the number of the character on that line.
getPosition(Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Extract the event surface relative x/y coordinates from an event.
getPosition(Path, Point) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathPoint
Gets the position of the point.
getPositionAt(float, Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Retrieves the coordinates of a point at the distance t along the given graphene_ray_t.
getPositionsInPixels() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
Returns true if the tab positions are in pixels, false if they are in Pango units.
getPositionX() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Popup
Obtains the position of the popup relative to its parent.
getPositionY() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Popup
Obtains the position of the popup relative to its parent.
getPowerSaverEnabled() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.PowerProfileMonitor
Gets whether the system is in “Power Saver” mode.
getPpdName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Gets the PPD name of the GtkPaperSize, which may be null.
getPredictedPresentationTime() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameTimings
Gets the predicted time at which this frame will be displayed.
getPreedit(Out<String>, Out<List<InputMethodUnderline>>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Get the pre-edit string and a list of WebKitInputMethodUnderline.
getPreeditString(Out<String>, Out<AttrList>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Retrieve the current preedit string for the input context, and a list of attributes to apply to the string.
getPreferred() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Language
Returns the list of languages that the user prefers.
getPreferredHeight(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext
This object will be removed in GTK 5
getPreferredHeight(CellAreaContext, Widget, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
getPreferredHeight(Widget, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
getPreferredHeightForWidth(int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext
This object will be removed in GTK 5
getPreferredHeightForWidth(CellAreaContext, Widget, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
getPreferredHeightForWidth(Widget, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
getPreferredSize(Requisition, Requisition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Retrieves the minimum and natural size of a widget, taking into account the widget’s preference for height-for-width management.
getPreferredSize(Widget, Requisition, Requisition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
getPreferredWidth(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext
This object will be removed in GTK 5
getPreferredWidth(CellAreaContext, Widget, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
getPreferredWidth(Widget, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
getPreferredWidthForHeight(int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext
This object will be removed in GTK 5
getPreferredWidthForHeight(CellAreaContext, Widget, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
getPreferredWidthForHeight(Widget, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
getPreferWideLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Gets whether this AlertDialog prefers wide layout.
getPreload() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Gets whether data should be preloaded on hover.
getPremultiplied() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Whether the data is premultiplied.
getPreparedFrame() - Method in class
Returns the currently prepared video frame that has to be aggregated into the current output frame.
getPresence() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
getPresentationMode() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Gets presentation mode for this Dialog.
getPresentationTime() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameTimings
Reurns the presentation time.
getPreset() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
getPresetName() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
getPresetNames() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset
Get a copy of preset names as a null terminated string array.
getPreviewText() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
getPrevious() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfo
getPreviousPage(NavigationPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Gets the previous page for page.
getPrevSibling() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the widget’s previous sibling.
getPrgname() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the name of the program.
getPrimary() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Returns whether the menu button acts as a primary menu.
getPrimaryClipboard() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Gets the clipboard used for the primary selection.
getPrimaryClipboard() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets the primary clipboard of this Widget.
getPrimarySortColumn() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewSorter
Returns the primary sort column.
getPrimarySortOrder() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewSorter
Returns the primary sort order.
getPrintBackgrounds() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:print-backgrounds property.
getPrinter() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Gets the GtkPrinter of the print job.
getPrinter() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Convenience function to obtain the value of GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_PRINTER.
getPrinterLpi() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getPrintFooter() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Determines if a footer is set to be printed for each page.
getPrintHeader() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Determines if a header is set to be printed for each page.
getPrintLineNumbers() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Returns the interval used for line number printing.
getPrintPages() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getPrintSettings() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetupUnixDialog
Gets the current print settings from the dialog.
getPrintSettings() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
Returns the print settings for the print dialog.
getPrintSettings() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Returns the current print settings.
getPrintSettings() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSetup
Returns the print settings of this PrintSetup.
getPrintSettings() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Gets a new GtkPrintSettings object that represents the current values in the print dialog.
getPrintSettings() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation
Return the current print settings of this PrintOperation.
getPriority() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Gets priority for this Toast.
getPriority() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializer
Gets the I/O priority for the current operation.
getPriority() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializer
Gets the I/O priority for the current operation.
getPriority() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOExtension
Gets the priority with which this IOExtension was registered.
getPriority() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SrvTarget
Gets this SrvTarget's priority.
getPriority() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Gets this Task's priority
getPriority() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Gets the priority of a source.
getPriority() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag
Get the tag priority.
getPriority() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Retrieves the MessagePriority.
getPriority(CompletionContext) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider
This function should return the priority of this CompletionProvider in context.
getPrivate(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
getPrivate(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInstance
getPrivateHint() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Gets the value of the “private” flag.
getProbability() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.TypeFindData
Returns GstTypeFindProbability associated with GstTypeFindData
getProcessedSubframeIndex(VideoCodecFrame) - Method in class
Queries the number of subframes in the frame processed by the decoder baseclass.
getProcessingDeadline() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Get the processing deadline of this BaseSink.
getProductId() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Returns the product ID of this device.
getProfile(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget
getProfiles() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingContainerProfile
getProfiles() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget
getProgramName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Returns the program name displayed in the about dialog.
getProgress() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Swipeable
Gets the current progress of this Swipeable.
getProgress() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.CrossFadeNode
Retrieves the progress value of the cross fade.
getProgressFraction() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Returns the current fraction of the task that’s been completed.
getProgressPulseStep() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Retrieves the pulse step set with gtk_entry_set_progress_pulse_step().
getPropagateNaturalHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Reports whether the natural height of the child will be calculated and propagated through the scrolled window’s requested natural height.
getPropagateNaturalWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Reports whether the natural width of the child will be calculated and propagated through the scrolled window’s requested natural width.
getPropagateTextWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Returns whether the GtkText will grow and shrink with the content.
getPropagationLimit() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController
Gets the propagation limit of the event controller.
getPropagationPhase() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController
Gets the propagation phase at which this EventController handles events.
getProperties() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device
Gets the extra properties of a device.
getProperties() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Gets all D-Bus properties for this DBusInterfaceSkeleton.
getProperty(int, Value, ParamSpec) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
the generic getter for all properties of this type.
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Get a property of an object.
getProperty(String, Value) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy
Gets a single property using the GstChildProxy mechanism.
getProperty(String, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Gets a property of an object.
getProperty(GObject, String) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Properties
Get a property of an object.
getPropertyInfo() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Gets information about the property that this method call is for, if any.
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset
Get a the names of the GObject properties that can be used for presets.
getProposalsForProvider(CompletionProvider) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
Gets the GListModel associated with the provider.
getProposedCredential() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Get the WebKitCredential of the proposed authentication challenge.
getProtectionSpace(Uri) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Returns a list of paths on the server which this Auth extends over.
getProtocol() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService
Gets this NetworkService's protocol name (eg, "tcp").
getProtocol() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress
Gets this ProxyAddress's protocol.
getProtocol() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Gets the socket protocol id the socket was created with.
getProtocol() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Gets the protocol name type of the socket client.
getProtocol() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Get the protocol chosen via negotiation with the peer.
getProtocol() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityOrigin
Gets the protocol of this SecurityOrigin.
getProtocol(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Extracts the protocol out of a given valid URI.
getProtocols() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIHandler
Gets the list of protocols supported by this URIHandler.
getProtocolVersion() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Returns the current DTLS protocol version, which may be TlsProtocolVersion.UNKNOWN if the connection has not handshaked, or has been closed, or if the TLS backend has implemented a protocol version that is not a recognized GTlsProtocolVersion.
getProtocolVersion() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Returns the current TLS protocol version, which may be TlsProtocolVersion.UNKNOWN if the connection has not handshaked, or has been closed, or if the TLS backend has implemented a protocol version that is not a recognized GTlsProtocolVersion.
getProvideClock() - Method in class
Queries whether this AudioBaseSink will provide a clock or not.
getProvideClock() - Method in class
Queries whether this AudioBaseSrc will provide a clock or not.
getProviders() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor
Get a list of the currently selected device provider factories.
getProxyArrayFrom(MemorySegment, int, Class<T>, Function<MemorySegment, T>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read an array of memory addresses from native memory, create a Proxy instance for each address, and return an array of Proxy instances.
getProxyArrayFrom(MemorySegment, Class<T>, Function<MemorySegment, T>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read a NULL-terminated array of memory addresses from native memory, create a Proxy instance for each address, and return an array of Proxy instances.
getProxyResolver() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Gets the GProxyResolver being used by this SocketClient.
getProxyResolver() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Get the ProxyResolver currently used by this Session.
getPspec() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PropertyAnimationTarget
Gets the GParamSpec of the property animated by this PropertyAnimationTarget.
getPspec() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PropertyExpression
Gets the GParamSpec specifying the property of a property expression.
getPulseStep() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
Retrieves the pulse step.
getQdata(Quark) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
This function gets back user data pointers stored via gst_mini_object_set_qdata().
getQdata(Quark) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
This function gets back user data pointers stored via g_object_set_qdata().
getQdata(Quark) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Gets back user data pointers stored via g_param_spec_set_qdata().
getQosProportion() - Method in class
getQuality() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getQuery() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
getQuery() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Gets this Uri's query, which may contain %-encoding, depending on the flags with which this Uri was created.
getQueryKeys() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Get a list of the query keys from the URI.
getQueryString() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Get a percent encoded URI query string from the this Uri.
getQueryStringOrdered(List<String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Get a percent encoded URI query string from the this Uri, with query parameters in the order provided by the keys list.
getQueryTable() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Get the query table from the URI.
getQueryValue(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Get the value associated with the queryKey key.
getRadio() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle
getRadius() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Retrieves the radius of a graphene_sphere_t.
getRadius() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.BlurNode
Retrieves the blur radius of the this BlurNode.
getRange() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams
Gets the range property of this CicpParams.
getRange() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaKey
Queries the range of a key.
getRange(long, int, Out<Buffer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
When this Pad is flushing this function returns GST_FLOW_FLUSHING immediately and buffer is null.
getRange(Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Gets the range allowed for this SpinButton.
getRange(Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<Script>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.ScriptIter
Gets information about the range to which this ScriptIter currently points.
getRange(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Use g_settings_schema_key_get_range() instead.
getRangeBorder(Border) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
getrangeDefault(Pad, GstObject, long, int, Out<Buffer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProxyPad
Invoke the default getrange function of the proxy pad.
getRangeRect(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
This function returns the area that contains the range’s trough, in coordinates relative to this Range's origin.
getRanges(long, Out<Range[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Parses this MessageHeaders's Range header and returns an array of the requested byte ranges.
getRank() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature
Gets the rank of a plugin feature.
getRate() - Method in class
Gets the currently configured sample rate.
getRatio() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame
Returns the desired aspect ratio of the child.
getReadGpollfd(PollFD) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Get a GPollFD for the reading part of the control socket.
getReadyTime() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Gets the "ready time" of this Source, as set by Source.setReadyTime(long).
getRealized() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Determines whether this Widget is realized.
getRealm() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Returns this Auth's realm.
getRealm() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain
Gets the realm name associated with this AuthDomain.
getRealm() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Get the realm that this authentication challenge is applicable to.
getRealName() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the real name of the user.
getRealTime() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Queries the system wall-clock time.
getReasonPhrase() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Returns the reason phrase for the status of this message.
getReasonPhrase() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Get the HTTP reason phrase of this ServerMessage.
getRec2100Linear() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ColorState
Returns the color state object representing the linear rec2100 color space.
getRec2100Pq() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ColorState
Returns the color state object representing the rec2100-pq color space.
getReceivedDataLength() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Gets the length of the data already downloaded for this Download.
getReceivesDefault() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Determines whether this Widget is always treated as the default widget within its toplevel when it has the focus, even if another widget is the default.
getRecommendedForType(String) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Gets a list of recommended AppInfos for a given content type, i.e.
getRectAnchor() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Popup
Gets the current popup rectangle anchor.
getRectAnchor() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Returns the anchor position on the anchor rectangle.
getRectangle(int) - Method in class
Returns the n-th GstVideoOverlayRectangle contained in this VideoOverlayComposition.
getRedirectTarget() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
If the paramspec redirects operations to another paramspec, returns that paramspec.
getReferenceTimestampMeta(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Finds the first GstReferenceTimestampMeta on this Buffer that conforms to reference.
getRefreshInfo(long, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Predicts a presentation time, based on history.
getRefreshInterval() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameTimings
Gets the natural interval between presentation times for the display that this frame was displayed on.
getRefreshRate() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Gets the refresh rate of the monitor, if available.
getRegex() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MatchInfo
Returns GRegex object used in this MatchInfo.
getRegexEnabled() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
getRegexError() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
Regular expression patterns must follow certain rules.
getRegion(long, long, long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Gets a pointer to a region in this Bytes.
getRehandshakeMode() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Changing the rehandshake mode is no longer required for compatibility. Also, rehandshaking has been removed from the TLS protocol in TLS 1.3.
getRehandshakeMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Changing the rehandshake mode is no longer required for compatibility. Also, rehandshaking has been removed from the TLS protocol in TLS 1.3.
getRelation() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint
The order relation between the terms of the constraint.
getRelativePath(File) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Gets the path for descendant relative to this File.
getReleaseDateString() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Get the release date (and possibly time) in form of a string, if available.
getReleaseNotes() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the release notes for this AboutDialog.
getReleaseNotes() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getReleaseNotesVersion() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the version described by the application's release notes.
getReleaseNotesVersion() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getRemaining() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Returns the remaining number of bits of a GstBitReader instance.
getRemaining() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
getRemaining() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Returns the remaining number of bytes of a GstByteReader instance.
getRemaining() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Returns the remaining size of data that can still be written.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Try to get the remote address of a connected socket.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection
Try to get the remote address of a socket connection.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Get the remote SocketAddress of the connection associated with the message.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Retrieves the SocketAddress associated with the remote end of a connection.
getRemoteConnectable() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Gets the remote connectable if one set.
getRemoteError(GError) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Gets the D-Bus error name used for error, if any.
getRemoteHost() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Retrieves the IP address associated with the remote end of a connection.
getRenderDelay() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Get the render delay of this BaseSink.
getRenderer() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Native
Returns the renderer that is used for this GtkNative.
getRenderRectangle(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class
Retrieves the render position and render dimension of the overlay rectangle on the video.
getReorderable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Returns whether columns are reorderable.
getReorderable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getReorderable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getReorderable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getRepeatCount() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Gets the number of times this TimedAnimation will play.
getReply() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Promise
Retrieve the reply set on this Promise.
getReplySerial() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience getter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.REPLY_SERIAL header field.
getRequest() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Retrieves the WebKitURIRequest object that backs the download process.
getRequest() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationAction
Return the WebKitURIRequest associated with the navigation action.
getRequest() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ResponsePolicyDecision
Return the WebKitURIRequest associated with the response decision.
getRequestBody() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Get the request body of this ServerMessage.
getRequestBodyBytesSent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Get the number of bytes sent to the network for the request body.
getRequestBodySize() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Get the request body size in bytes.
getRequestHeaderBytesSent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Get the number of bytes sent to the network for the request headers.
getRequestHeaders() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Returns the headers sent with the request.
getRequestHeaders() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Get the request headers of this ServerMessage.
getRequestingDomain() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest
Get the domain requesting permission to access its cookies while browsing the current domain.
getRequestMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
Gets whether the area prefers a height-for-width layout or a width-for-height layout.
getRequestMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
getRequestMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager
Retrieves the request mode of this LayoutManager.
getRequestMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets whether the widget prefers a height-for-width layout or a width-for-height layout.
getRequestMode(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager
a virtual function, used to return the preferred request mode for the layout manager; for instance, "width for height" or "height for width"; see GtkSizeRequestMode
getRequestPad(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Prefer using gst_element_request_pad_simple() which provides the exact same functionality.
getRequestParams() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension
Get the parameters strings to be included in the request header.
getRequestStart() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Get the time immediately before the Message started the request of the resource from the server or the local disk cache.
getRequireCloseNotify() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Tests whether or not this DtlsConnection expects a proper TLS close notification when the connection is closed.
getRequireCloseNotify() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Tests whether or not this TlsConnection expects a proper TLS close notification when the connection is closed.
getRequiredType() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOExtensionPoint
Gets the required type for this IOExtensionPoint.
getRequiredVersion(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Retrieves required OpenGL version set as a requirement for the this GLContext realization.
getRequiredVersion(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Retrieves the required version of OpenGL.
getResizable() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelLayout
Returns whether the layout should allow the user to resize the surface.
getResizable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Returns whether this column is resizable.
getResizable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getResizable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Gets the value set by gtk_window_set_resizable().
getResizable() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties
Get whether the window should be resizable by the user or not.
getResizeEndChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Returns whether the Gtk.Paned:end-child can be resized.
getResizeStartChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Returns whether the Gtk.Paned:start-child can be resized.
getResizeToplevel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Returns whether the expander will resize the toplevel widget containing the expander upon resizing and collapsing.
getResolution() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Gets the accuracy of the clock.
getResolution() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getResolution() - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.cairo.FontMap
Gets the resolution for the fontmap.
getResolutionX() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getResolutionY() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getResolvedDirection() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Returns the resolved direction of the line.
getResource() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.StaticResource
Gets the GResource that was registered by a call to g_static_resource_init().
getResource() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getResource() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderListItemFactory
If the data references a resource, gets the path of that resource.
getResourceBasePath() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Gets the resource base path of this Application.
getResourcePath() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Gets the current resource path.
getResponse() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Retrieves the WebKitURIResponse object that backs the download process.
getResponse() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ResponsePolicyDecision
Gets the value of the WebKitResponsePolicyDecision:response property.
getResponse() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource
Retrieves the WebKitURIResponse of the resource load operation.
getResponseAppearance(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Gets the appearance of response.
getResponseAppearance(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
getResponseBody() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Get the response body of this ServerMessage.
getResponseBodyBytesReceived() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Get the number of bytes received from the network for the response body.
getResponseBodySize() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Get the response body size in bytes.
getResponseEnabled(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Gets whether response is enabled.
getResponseEnabled(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
getResponseEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Get the time immediately after the Message received the last bytes of the response from the server or the local disk cache.
getResponseForWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Use Window instead
getResponseHeaderBytesReceived() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Get the number of bytes received from the network for the response headers.
getResponseHeaders() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Returns the headers recieved with the response.
getResponseHeaders() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Get the response headers of this ServerMessage.
getResponseLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Gets the label of response.
getResponseLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
getResponseParams() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension
Get the parameters strings to be included in the response header.
getResponseStart() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Get the time immediately after the Message received the first bytes of the response from the server or the local disk cache.
getRestriction() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
getRestrictToFillLevel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Gets whether the range is restricted to the fill level.
getResult() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
getReturnOnCancel() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Gets this Task's return-on-cancel flag.
getReveal() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherBar
Gets whether this ViewSwitcherBar should be revealed or hidden.
getRevealBottomBars() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Gets whether bottom bars are revealed for this ToolbarView.
getRevealChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer
Returns whether the child is currently revealed.
getRevealDuration() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Gets the page reveal duration, in milliseconds.
getRevealed() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner
Gets if a banner is revealed
getRevealed() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ActionBar
Gets whether the contents of the action bar are revealed.
getRevealed() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
getRevealFlap() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
getRevealParams() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
getRevealProgress() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
getRevealTopBars() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Gets whether top bars are revealed for this ToolbarView.
getReverse() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Gets whether this TimedAnimation plays backwards.
getReverse() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Gets whether this job is printed reversed.
getReverse() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getReversed() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Gets whether this SwipeTracker is reversing the swipe direction.
getRgba() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton
Returns the color of the button.
getRgba(RGBA) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser
Use ColorDialog instead
getRgba(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest
Gets the current GdkRGBA color of this ColorChooserRequest
getRightMargin() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the default right margin for text in this TextView.
getRightMargin(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Gets the right margin in units of unit.
getRightMargin(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Gets the right margin in units of unit.
getRightMarginPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Gets the position of the right margin in the given this View.
getRoot() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Gets the root directory on this Mount.
getRoot() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Gets the root of a tree.
getRoot() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the GtkRoot widget of this Widget.
getRotate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Gets whether the job is printed rotated.
getRotation() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ConicGradientNode
Retrieves the rotation for the gradient in degrees.
getRotation(Path, PathDirection) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathPoint
Gets the direction of the tangent at a given point.
getRoundDigits() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Gets the number of digits to round the value to when it changes.
getRoundGlyphPositions() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Returns whether font rendering with this context should round glyph positions and widths.
getRow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild
Retrieves the row number to which this GridLayoutChild attaches its top side.
getRow(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel
Gets the row object for the given row.
getRow(int, Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Retrieves the given row vector at index inside a matrix.
getRowAtIndex(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Gets the n-th child in the list (not counting headers).
getRowAtY(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Gets the row at the y position.
getRowBaselinePosition(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Returns the baseline position of row.
getRowBaselinePosition(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout
Returns the baseline position of row.
getRowFactory() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
getRowHomogeneous() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Returns whether all rows of this Grid have the same height.
getRowHomogeneous() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout
Checks whether all rows of this GridLayout should have the same height.
getRowSeparatorFunc() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
getRowSeparatorFunc() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getRowSpacing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Gets the vertical spacing.
getRowSpacing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Returns the amount of space between the rows of this Grid.
getRowSpacing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout
Retrieves the spacing set with gtk_grid_layout_set_row_spacing().
getRowSpacing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getRowSpan() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild
Retrieves the number of rows that this GridLayoutChild spans to.
getRowstride() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Queries the rowstride of a pixbuf, which is the number of bytes between the start of a row and the start of the next row.
getRtlContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the PangoContext that is used for rendering RTL directed text layouts.
getRubberBanding() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getRun() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Gets the current run.
getRunBaseline() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Gets the Y position of the current run's baseline, in layout coordinates.
getRunExtents(Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Gets the extents of the current run in layout coordinates.
getRunningTimeOffset() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Retrieve the accumulated running time offset of the event.
getRunReadonly() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Gets the current run for read-only access.
getRuntimePlatform() - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Platform
Determine the runtime platform
getSameSitePolicy() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Returns the same-site policy for this cookie.
getSample(String, Out<Sample>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Copies the first sample for the given tag in the taglist into the variable pointed to by sample.
getSampleIndex(String, int, Out<Sample>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Gets the sample that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list and copies it into the variable pointed to by sample.
getSampleLanguage() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Finds a language tag that is reasonably representative of this Script.
getSampleRate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererAudioInfo
getSamplesSinceDiscont() - Method in class
Returns the number of samples that were processed since the last discontinuity was detected.
getSampleString() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Language
Get a string that is representative of the characters needed to render a particular language.
getSansSerifFontFamily() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Gets the WebKitSettings:sans-serif-font-family property.
getScale() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Gets the internal scale factor that maps from monitor coordinates to device pixels.
getScale() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Returns the internal scale that maps from surface coordinates to the actual device pixels.
getScale() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Gets the scale for this job.
getScale() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getScale() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
getScaleDelta() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureZoom
Gets the scale delta.
getScaledFont() - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.cairo.Font
Gets the cairo_scaled_font_t used by this Font.
getScaleFactor() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Gets the internal scale factor that maps from monitor coordinates to device pixels.
getScaleFactor() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Returns the internal scale factor that maps from surface coordinates to the actual device pixels.
getScaleFactor() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Retrieves the internal scale factor that maps from window coordinates to the actual device pixels.
getSchar() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_CHAR GValue.
getScheme() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Get the scheme name from the URI or null if it doesn't exist.
getScheme() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress
Gets this NetworkAddress's scheme
getScheme() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService
Gets the URI scheme used to resolve proxies.
getScheme() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Gets this Uri's scheme.
getScheme() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview
Gets the GtkSourceStyleScheme previewed by the widget.
getScheme() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Get the authentication scheme of the authentication challenge.
getScheme() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest
Get the URI scheme of this URISchemeRequest.
getScheme(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager
Looks up style scheme by id.
getSchemeIds() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager
Returns the ids of the available style schemes.
getSchemeName() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
soup_auth_get_scheme_name: (attributes org.gtk.Method.get_property=scheme-name) Returns this Auth's scheme name.
getScope() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Gets the scope of this TagList.
getScope() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Toc
getScope() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderListItemFactory
Gets the scope used when constructing listitems.
getScope() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Gets the scope in use that was set via gtk_builder_set_scope().
getScope() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController
Gets the scope for when this controller activates its shortcuts.
getScopeId() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress
Gets the sin6_scope_id field from this InetSocketAddress, which must be an IPv6 address.
getScripts() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Language
Determines the scripts used to to write this Language.
getScrollable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Returns whether the tab label area has arrows for scrolling.
getScrollbarsVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties
Get whether the window should have the scrollbars visible or not.
getScrollLockState() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Retrieves whether the Scroll Lock modifier of the keyboard is locked.
getScrollParams() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Gets the scroll animation spring parameters for this Carousel.
getScrollToFocus() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Viewport
Gets whether the viewport is scrolling to keep the focused child in view.
getSearch() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter
Gets the search term.
getSearchActive() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Gets whether search is currently active for this TabOverview.
getSearchColumn() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getSearchDelay() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Get the delay to be used between the last keypress and the Gtk.SearchEntry::search-changed signal being emitted.
getSearchEnabled() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog
Gets whether search is enabled for this PreferencesDialog.
getSearchEnabled() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
getSearchEntry() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getSearchEqualFunc() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getSearchMatchMode() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Returns the match mode that the search filter is using.
getSearchMatchMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Returns the match mode that the search filter is using.
getSearchMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar
Returns whether the search mode is on or off.
getSearchPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Gets the current search path.
getSearchPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager
Gets the list directories where this LanguageManager looks for language files.
getSearchPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager
Gets the list directories where this SnippetManager looks for snippet files.
getSearchPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager
Returns the current search path for the this StyleSchemeManager.
getSearchText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
Gets the text to search.
getSearchText() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
Gets the text that this FindController is searching for.
getSeat() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Returns the GdkSeat the device belongs to.
getSeat() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Returns the seat that originated the event.
getSecond() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Retrieves the second of the minute represented by this DateTime in the gregorian calendar.
getSecond() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Retrieves the second of the minute represented by this DateTime
getSecond() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlternativeTrigger
Gets the second of the two alternative triggers that may trigger this AlternativeTrigger.
getSecondaryMenu() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Gets the secondary menu model for this TabOverview.
getSeconds() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Retrieves the number of seconds since the start of the last minute, including the fractional part.
getSection() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language
Returns the localized section of the language.
getSection(int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SectionModel
Query the section that covers the given position.
getSectionSorter() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel
Gets the section sorter that is used to sort items of this SortListModel into sections.
getSecure() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Gets this Cookie's secure attribute.
getSecurityManager() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Get the WebKitSecurityManager of this WebContext.
getSecurityOrigin() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Get the WebKitSecurityOrigin that this authentication challenge is applicable to.
getSecurityOrigin() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionStateQuery
Get the permission origin for which access is being queried.
getSeekable() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
getSegment() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Sample
Get the segment associated with this Sample
getSelectable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow
Checks if the row has been set to be selectable via gtk_column_view_row_set_selectable().
getSelectable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Returns whether the label is selectable.
getSelectable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
Gets whether the row can be selected.
getSelectable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Checks if a list item has been set to be selectable via gtk_list_item_set_selectable().
getSelected() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Gets the position of the selected item.
getSelected() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Gets whether this TabPage is selected.
getSelected() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewCell
Checks if the item is displayed as selected.
getSelected() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow
Checks if the item is selected that this row corresponds to.
getSelected() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Gets the position of the selected item.
getSelected() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Checks if the item is displayed as selected.
getSelected() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection
Gets the position of the selected item.
getSelected() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview
getSelected(Out<TreeModel>, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
getSelectedAction() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Determines the action chosen by the drag destination.
getSelectedChildren() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Creates a list of all selected children.
getSelectedFiles() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FileChooserRequest
Get the list of selected files associated to the request.
getSelectedItem() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Gets the selected item.
getSelectedItem() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Gets the selected item.
getSelectedItem() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection
Gets the selected item.
getSelectedItems() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getSelectedPage() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Gets the currently selected page in this TabView.
getSelectedPage() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPages
Gets the ViewStackPage for the visible child of a view stack
getSelectedPrinter() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Gets the currently selected printer.
getSelectedRow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Gets the selected row, or null if no rows are selected.
getSelectedRows() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Creates a list of all selected children.
getSelectedRows(Out<TreeModel>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
getSelectFunction() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
getSelection() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel
Gets the set containing all currently selected items in the model.
getSelection() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getSelectionBound() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Returns the mark that represents the selection bound.
getSelectionBounds(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Retrieves the selection bound of the editable.
getSelectionBounds(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Gets the selected range of characters in the label.
getSelectionBounds(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Returns true if some text is selected; places the bounds of the selection in start and end.
getSelectionContent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Get a content provider for this buffer.
getSelectionInRange(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel
Gets the set of selected items in a range.
getSelectionMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Gets the selection mode of this FlowBox.
getSelectionMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getSelectionMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Gets the selection mode of the listbox.
getSelectMultiple() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
getSelectMultiple() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FileChooserRequest
Whether the file chooser should allow selecting multiple files.
getSender() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience getter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.SENDER header field.
getSender() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Gets the bus name that invoked the method.
getSensitive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
getSensitive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the widget’s sensitivity.
getSeparateRows() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup
Gets whether this PreferencesGroup's rows are separated.
getSeparator() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
getSeqnum() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Retrieve the sequence number of a event.
getSeqnum() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Retrieve the sequence number of a message.
getSeqnum() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Gets seqnum for this meta.
getSeqnum() - Method in class
Returns the sequence number of this composition.
getSeqnum() - Method in class
Returns the sequence number of this rectangle.
getSequence() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SequenceIter
Returns the GSequence that this SequenceIter points into.
getSequences() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Returns the list of GdkEventSequences currently being interpreted by this Gesture.
getSequenceState(EventSequence) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Returns the sequence state, as seen by this Gesture.
getSerial() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceTool
Gets the serial number of this tool.
getSerial() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Gets the serial for this DBusMessage.
getSerial() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Returns the current serial number of this Context.
getSerial() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap
Returns the current serial number of this FontMap.
getSerial() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Returns the current serial number of this Layout.
getSerifFontFamily() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Gets the WebKitSettings:serif-font-family property.
getServerConnectionType() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend
Gets the GType of this TlsBackend's GTlsServerConnection implementation.
getServerIdentity() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsClientConnection
Gets this DtlsClientConnection's expected server identity
getServerIdentity() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection
Gets this TlsClientConnection's expected server identity
getService() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService
Gets this NetworkService's service name (eg, "ldap").
getSessionState() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Gets the current session state of this WebView
getSetFields() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Determines which fields in a font description have been set.
getSetting(String, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Retrieves a desktop-wide setting such as double-click time for the this Display.
getSettings() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Gets the GtkPrintSettings of the print job.
getSettings() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets the settings object holding the settings used for this widget.
getSettings() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
getShader() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShaderNode
Gets shader code for the node.
getShadow(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ShadowNode
Retrieves the shadow data at the given index i.
getShadowWidth(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Obtains the shadow widths of this layout.
getSharedContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Use GLContext.isShared(org.gnome.gdk.GLContext) to check if contexts can be shared.
getSheet() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Gets the bottom sheet widget for this BottomSheet.
getSheetHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Gets the current bottom sheet height.
getShortArrayFrom(MemorySegment, long, Arena, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read an array of shorts with the requested length from native memory.
getShortcutFolders() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
getShortcuts() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Gets the enabled shortcuts for this TabView.
getShortName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Computes a valid UTF-8 string that can be used as the name of the item in a menu or list.
getShortValues(Alias<Short>[]) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Alias
Convert an array of Short Aliases into an array of shorts.
getShowAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getShowAllDevices() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor
Get if this DeviceMonitor is currently showing all devices, even those from hidden providers.
getShowApplyButton() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Gets whether this EntryRow can show the apply button.
getShowArrow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Returns whether to show an arrow within the widget.
getShowBackButton() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Gets whether this HeaderBar can show the back button.
getShowBorder() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Returns whether a bevel will be drawn around the notebook pages.
getShowCloseButton() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
getShowCloseButton() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar
Returns whether the close button is shown.
getShowColumnSeparators() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Returns whether the list should show separators between columns.
getShowContent() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Gets which page is visible when this NavigationSplitView is collapsed.
getShowDayNames() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Returns whether this Calendar is currently showing the names of the week days.
getShowDefault() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getShowDefaultItem() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getShowDialogItem() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getShowDragHandle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Gets whether to show a drag handle in the bottom sheet.
getShowEnableSwitch() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Gets whether the switch enabling the expansion of this ExpanderRow is visible.
getShowEndTitleButtons() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Gets whether to show title buttons at the end of this HeaderBar.
getShowEndTitleButtons() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Gets whether end title buttons are shown in this TabOverview's header bar.
getShowExpanders() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getShowFallback() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getShowFillLevel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Gets whether the range displays the fill level graphically.
getShowHeading() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Returns whether this Calendar is currently showing the heading.
getShowIn(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Checks if the application info should be shown in menus that list available applications for a specific name of the desktop, based on the OnlyShowIn and NotShowIn keys.
getShowInitials() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar
Gets whether initials are used instead of an icon on the fallback avatar.
getShowLineMarks() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Returns whether line marks are displayed beside the text.
getShowLineNumbers() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Returns whether line numbers are displayed beside the text.
getShowMenubar() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow
Returns whether the window will display a menubar for the app menu and menubar as needed.
getShowOther() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getShowPeekIcon() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry
Returns whether the entry is showing an icon to reveal the contents.
getShowPreviewEntry() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
getShowRecommended() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getShowRightMargin() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Returns whether a right margin is displayed.
getShowRowSeparators() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Returns whether the list should show separators between rows.
getShowSeparators() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Returns whether the list box should show separators between rows.
getShowSeparators() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Returns whether the list box should show separators between rows.
getShowSidebar() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Gets whether the sidebar widget is shown for this OverlaySplitView.
getShowStartTitleButtons() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Gets whether to show title buttons at the start of this HeaderBar.
getShowStartTitleButtons() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Gets whether start title buttons are shown in this TabOverview's header bar.
getShowTabs() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Returns whether the tabs of the notebook are shown.
getShowText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
Returns whether the GtkProgressBar shows text.
getShowTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Gets whether the title widget should be shown.
getShowTitleButtons() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar
Returns whether this header bar shows the standard window title buttons.
getShowWeekNumbers() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Returns whether this Calendar is showing week numbers right now.
getShrinkCenterLast() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox
Gets whether this CenterBox shrinks the center widget after other children.
getShrinkCenterLast() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout
Gets whether this CenterLayout shrinks the center widget after other children.
getShrinkEndChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Returns whether the Gtk.Paned:end-child can shrink.
getShrinkStartChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Returns whether the Gtk.Paned:start-child can shrink.
getSide() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls
Gets the side to which this GtkWindowControls instance belongs.
getSidebar() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Gets the sidebar widget for this NavigationSplitView.
getSidebar() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Gets the sidebar widget for this OverlaySplitView.
getSidebarPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Gets the sidebar position for this OverlaySplitView.
getSidebarWidthFraction() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Gets the preferred sidebar width fraction for this NavigationSplitView.
getSidebarWidthFraction() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Gets the preferred sidebar width fraction for this OverlaySplitView.
getSidebarWidthUnit() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Gets the length unit for minimum and maximum sidebar widths.
getSidebarWidthUnit() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Gets the length unit for minimum and maximum sidebar widths.
getSignalName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalAction
Returns the name of the signal that will be emitted.
getSignature() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience getter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.SIGNATURE header field.
getSingleAbstractMethod(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Signals
Get the single abstract method (SAM) implementation of a class that implements a functional interface.
getSingleClickActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Returns whether rows will be activated on single click and selected on hover.
getSingleClickActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Returns whether items will be activated on single click and selected on hover.
getSingleClickActivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Returns whether rows will be activated on single click and selected on hover.
getSingleInternalLink() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
If there is a single internal link of the given pad, this function will return it.
getSingleLineMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Returns whether the label is in single line mode.
getSingleMethod(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.JavaClosure
Get the single abstract method (SAM) implementation of a class that implements a functional interface.
getSingleParagraphMode() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Obtains whether this Layout is in single paragraph mode.
getSingleSegment() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
getSinkCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
getSiteForCookies() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Gets this Message's site for cookies GUri.
getSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Returns the total number of bits of a GstBitReader instance.
getSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Get size of written data
getSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Returns the total number of bytes of a GstByteReader instance.
getSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Gets the total size of the memory blocks in this Buffer.
getSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Gets the number of structures contained in this Caps.
getSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Returns the number of features in this CapsFeatures.
getSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection
Get the number of streams this collection contains
getSize() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar
Gets the size of the avatar.
getSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the file's size (in bytes).
getSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream
Gets the size of the currently allocated data area (available from g_memory_output_stream_get_data()).
getSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage
Returns the space required for the control message, not including headers or alignment.
getSize() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Gets the number of bookmarks inside this BookmarkFile.
getSize() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Get the size of the byte data in the GBytes.
getSize() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Determines the number of bytes that would be required to store this Variant with g_variant_store().
getSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Gets the number of values that were added to the set.
getSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel
Gets the size set via gtk_slice_list_model_set_size().
getSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable
Returns the size of the table (number of tags)
getSize() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Gets the size field of a font description.
getSize() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
Gets the number of tab stops in this TabArray.
getSize(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Determines the logical width and height of a PangoLayout in Pango units.
getSize(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Get the total size of the resource in the format set by gst_base_src_set_format().
getSize(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
fills width and height with the frame size of the animation.
getSize(Set<WebsiteDataTypes>) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteData
Gets the size of the data of types types in a WebKitWebsiteData.
getSize(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueArray
Gets the number of values contained in value.
getSize(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueList
Gets the number of values contained in value.
getSize(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Retrieves the size of the box on all three axes, and stores it into the given size vector.
getSize(Orientation) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the content width or height of the widget.
getSize(WebsiteDataTypes...) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteData
Gets the size of the data of types types in a WebKitWebsiteData.
getSizeInRange(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Gets the number of values that are part of the set from first to last (inclusive).
getSizeIsAbsolute() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Determines whether the size of the font is in points (not absolute) or device units (absolute).
getSizeRequest(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets the size request that was explicitly set for the widget using gtk_widget_set_size_request().
getSizes(Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Gets the total size of the memory blocks in this Buffer.
getSizes(Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Get the current size, offset and maxsize of this Memory.
getSizesRange(int, int, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Gets the total size of length memory blocks stating from idx in this Buffer.
getSizing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getSkipDocumentation() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Queries whether registered element managed by this ElementFactory needs to be excluded from documentation system or not.
getSlantRatio() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Gets the slant ratio of a matrix.
getSlaveMethod() - Method in class
Get the current slave method used by this AudioBaseSink.
getSlaveMethod() - Method in class
Get the current slave method used by this AudioBaseSrc.
getSlice(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns the text in the given range.
getSlice(TextIter, TextIter, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Returns the text in the range end). Excludes undisplayed text (text marked with tags that set the invisibility attribute) if @include_hidden_chars is %FALSE. The returned string includes a 0xFFFC character whenever the buffer contains embedded images, so byte and character indexes into the returned string do correspond to byte and character indexes into the buffer. Contrast with [method@Gtk.TextBuffer.get_text.
getSliderRange(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
This function returns sliders range along the long dimension, in widget->window coordinates.
getSliderSizeFixed() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
This function is useful mainly for GtkRange subclasses.
getSlotId() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.LayoutSlot
Gets the slot id of this LayoutSlot.
getSmartBackspace() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Returns true if pressing the Backspace key will try to delete spaces up to the previous tab stop.
getSmartHomeEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Returns a SmartHomeEndType end value specifying how the cursor will move when HOME and END keys are pressed.
getSnapPoints() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Swipeable
Gets the snap points of this Swipeable.
getSnapshot(SnapshotRegion, Set<SnapshotOptions>, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Asynchronously retrieves a snapshot of this WebView for region.
getSnapshot(SnapshotRegion, SnapshotOptions, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Asynchronously retrieves a snapshot of this WebView for region.
getSnapshotFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Finishes an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_view_get_snapshot().
getSnapToTicks() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Gets whether invalid values are snapped to nearest step increment.
getSnapToTicks() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Returns whether the values are corrected to the nearest step.
getSnippet(String, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager
Queries the known snippets for the first matching group, languageId, and/or trigger.
getSocket() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection
Gets the underlying GSocket object of the connection.
getSocket() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Retrieves the Socket that this ServerMessage is associated with.
getSocketType() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Gets the socket type of the socket.
getSocketType() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Gets the socket type of the socket client.
getSortColumnId() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getSortColumnId(Out<Integer>, Out<SortType>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable
getSorter() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Returns a special sorter that reflects the users sorting choices in the column view.
getSorter() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Returns the sorter that is associated with the column.
getSorter() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel
Gets the sorter that is used to sort this SortListModel.
getSorter() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRowSorter
Returns the sorter used by this TreeListRowSorter.
getSortIndicator() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getSortKey() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Gets the sort key for this Drive, if any.
getSortKey() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Gets the sort key for this Mount, if any.
getSortKey() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Gets the sort key for this Volume, if any.
getSortOrder() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the value of the sort_order attribute from the GFileInfo.
getSortOrder() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter
Gets whether this sorter will sort smaller numbers first.
getSortOrder() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getSource() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
get the source module the plugin belongs to.
getSource() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Determines the type of the device.
getSource() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding
Use g_binding_dup_source() for a safer version of this function.
getSource() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getSource() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.MaskNode
Retrieves the source GskRenderNode child of the this MaskNode.
getSource() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint
Retrieves the ConstraintTarget used as the source for the constraint.
getSource() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessage
Gets the source of a WebKitConsoleMessage
getSourceAttribute() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint
Retrieves the attribute of the source to be read by the constraint.
getSourceId() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessage
Gets the source identifier of a WebKitConsoleMessage
getSourceMarksAtIter(TextIter, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Returns the list of marks of the given category at iter.
getSourceMarksAtLine(int, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Returns the list of marks of the given category at line.
getSourceObject() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AsyncResult
Gets the source object from a AsyncResult.
getSourceObject() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Gets the source object from this Task.
getSourceProperty() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding
Retrieves the name of the property of GBinding:source used as the source of the binding.
getSourceTag() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use GTask and g_task_get_source_tag() instead.
getSourceTag() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Gets this Task's source tag.
getSourceUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception
Get the source URI of this Exception.
getSpaceDrawer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Gets the SpaceDrawer associated with this View.
getSpacing() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Gets spacing between pages in pixels.
getSpacing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box
Gets the value set by gtk_box_set_spacing().
getSpacing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout
Returns the space that this BoxLayout puts between children.
getSpacing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaBox
getSpacing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getSpacing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getSpacing() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Gets the amount of spacing between the lines of the layout.
getSpec() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
Gets the specification for the chunk.
getSpellCheckingEnabled() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Get whether spell checking feature is currently enabled.
getSpellCheckingLanguages() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Get the the list of spell checking languages.
getSpinning() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Spinner
Returns whether the spinner is spinning.
getSpread() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.InsetShadowNode
Retrieves how much the shadow spreads inwards.
getSpread() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.OutsetShadowNode
Retrieves how much the shadow spreads outwards.
getSpringParams() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Gets the physical parameters of the spring of this SpringAnimation.
getSrgb() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ColorState
Returns the color state object representing the sRGB color space.
getSrgbLinear() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ColorState
Returns the color state object representing the linearized sRGB color space.
getStack() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcher
Gets the stack controlled by this ViewSwitcher.
getStack() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherBar
Gets the stack controlled by this ViewSwitcherBar.
getStack() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle
getStack() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackSidebar
Retrieves the stack.
getStack() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackSwitcher
Retrieves the stack.
getStart() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.LinearGradientNode
Retrieves the initial point of the linear gradient.
getStart() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RadialGradientNode
Retrieves the start value for the gradient.
getStart() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListHeader
Gets the start position in the model of the section that this ListHeader is currently the header for.
getStartActionWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Gets the widget shown before the tabs.
getStartChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.CrossFadeNode
Retrieves the child GskRenderNode at the beginning of the cross-fade.
getStartChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Retrieves the start child of the given GtkPaned.
getStartGroup() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Returns the name of the start group of the file.
getStartIconName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow
Gets the start icon name for this ButtonRow.
getStartIndex() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Returns the start index of the line, as byte index into the text of the layout.
getStartIter(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Initialized iter with the first position in the text buffer.
getStartLocation() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssSection
Returns the location in the CSS document where this section starts.
getStartPoint(Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag
Gets the point where the drag started.
getStartPoint(PathPoint) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Path
Gets the start point of the path.
getStartRegionIter(RegionIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region
Initializes a RegionIter to the first subregion of this Region.
getStartStopTimes(Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
Get start and stop values from the this TocEntry and write them into appropriate storages.
getStartStopType() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Gets a hint about how a drive can be started/stopped.
getStartTime() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Returns the start time of the element.
getStartupNotificationId() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
getStartupNotifyId(AppInfo, List<File>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
Initiates startup notification for the application and returns the XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN or DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID for the launched operation, if supported.
getStartupWmClass() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Retrieves the StartupWMClass field from this DesktopAppInfo.
getStartWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox
Gets the start widget, or null if there is none.
getStartWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout
Returns the start widget of the layout.
getState() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
Get the current state of the task.
getState() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
Gets the current value of this Animation.
getState() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Gets the bitwise or of the currently active surface state flags, from the GdkToplevelState enumeration.
getState() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Action
Queries the current state of this Action.
getState() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
getState() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Switch
Gets the underlying state of the GtkSwitch.
getState() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Get the current state of the WebSocket.
getState(Out<State>, Out<State>, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Gets the state of the element.
getState(Widget, Set<CellRendererState>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
getState(Widget, CellRendererState...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
getStateFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the widget state as a flag set.
getStateHint() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Action
Requests a hint about the valid range of values for the state of this Action.
getStateMessage() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Returns the state message describing the current state of the printer.
getStateType() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Action
Queries the type of the state of this Action.
getStaticImage() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
Retrieves a static image for the animation.
getStaticPad(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Retrieves a pad from this Element by name.
getStaticPadTemplates() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Gets the GList of GstStaticPadTemplate for this factory.
getStats() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Return various GstBaseSink statistics.
getStatus() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Gets the raw status code of the process, as from waitpid().
getStatus() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Gets the status of the print job.
getStatus() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Returns the status of the print operation.
getStatus() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Returns the set status of this message.
getStatus() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Get the HTTP status code of this ServerMessage.
getStatus() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Feature
Gets the status of the feature.
getStatusbarVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties
Get whether the window should have the statusbar visible or not.
getStatusCode() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIResponse
Get the status code of the WebKitURIResponse.
getStatusCode() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIResponse
Get the status code of the WebKitURIResponse.
getStatusErrors() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
getStatusInfos() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
getStatusString() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Returns a string representation of the status of the print operation.
getStatusWarnings() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
getStderrPipe() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Gets the GInputStream from which to read the stderr output of this Subprocess.
getStdin() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Gets the stdin of the invoking process.
getStdinPipe() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Gets the GOutputStream that you can write to in order to give data to the stdin of this Subprocess.
getStdoutPipe() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Gets the GInputStream from which to read the stdout output of this Subprocess.
getStepIncrement() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Retrieves the step increment of the adjustment.
getStickyEvent(EventType, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Returns a new reference of the sticky event of type eventType from the event.
getStiffness() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringParams
Gets the stiffness of this SpringParams.
getStockAction() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem
Gets the WebKitContextMenuAction of this ContextMenuItem.
getStockAction() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem
Gets the WebKitContextMenuAction of this ContextMenuItem.
getStorageType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Gets the type of representation being used by the GtkImage to store image data.
getStream() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Returns the current GstStream for the this Pad, or null if none has been set yet, i.e.
getStream() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Gets the underlying stream used for IO.
getStream(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection
Retrieve the GstStream with index index from the collection.
getStreamFlags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
Retrieve the current stream flags for this Stream
getStreamId() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Returns the current stream-id for the this Pad, or null if none has been set yet, i.e.
getStreamId() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
Returns the stream ID of this Stream.
getStreamId() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfo
getStreamInfo() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
getStreamList() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
getStreamNumber() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfo
getStreams() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererContainerInfo
getStreams(Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
Finds the GstDiscovererStreamInfo contained in this DiscovererInfo that match the given streamtype.
getStreamStatusObject() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extracts the object managing the streaming thread from this Message.
getStreamType() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
Retrieve the stream type for this Stream
getStreamTypeNick() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfo
getStrength() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint
Retrieves the strength of the constraint.
getStrength() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide
Retrieves the strength set using gtk_constraint_guide_set_strength().
getStretch() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Gets the stretch field of a font description.
getStrictness() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Filter
Gets the known strictness of filters.
getStrictPosix() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Returns whether strict POSIX code is enabled.
getStrictThreshold() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.MemoryPressureSettings
Gets the strict memory usage threshold.
getStride() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Gets the stride previously set via gdk_memory_texture_builder_set_stride().
getStride(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Gets the stride value for a plane.
getStrikethroughPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Gets the suggested position to draw the strikethrough.
getStrikethroughThickness() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Gets the suggested thickness to draw for the strikethrough.
getString() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Checksum
Gets the digest as a hexadecimal string.
getString() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hmac
Gets the HMAC as a hexadecimal string.
getString() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MatchInfo
Returns the string searched with this MatchInfo.
getString() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_STRING GValue.
getString() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringObject
Returns the string contained in a GtkStringObject.
getString(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringList
Gets the string that is at position in this StringList.
getString(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Returns the string value of a GVariant instance with a string type.
getString(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Finds the field corresponding to fieldname, and returns the string contained in the field's value.
getString(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Looks up a string value in the keyfile backing this DesktopAppInfo.
getString(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Gets the value that is stored at key in this Settings.
getString(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Looks up the string value associated with key.
getString(String, Out<String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, possibly merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
getString(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Returns the string value associated with key under groupName.
getStringArrayFrom(MemorySegment, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read an array of Strings from a NULL-terminated array in native memory.
getStringArrayFrom(MemorySegment, int, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read an array of Strings with the requested length from native memory.
getStringFrom(MemorySegment) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Copy a Java string from native memory using MemorySegment.getUtf8String().
getStringFrom(MemorySegment, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Copy a Java string from native memory using MemorySegment.getUtf8String().
getStringFromIter(TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
getStringIndex(String, int, Out<String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.
getStringLength() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Returns the length of the type string corresponding to the given this VariantType.
getStringList(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Looks up a string list value in the keyfile backing this DesktopAppInfo.
getStringList(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Returns the values associated with key under groupName.
getStringNumber(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Retrieves the number of the subexpression named name.
getStringUtf8(Out<String[]>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Returns a constant pointer to the current data position if there is a NUL-terminated string in the data (this could be just a NUL terminator), advancing the current position to the byte after the string.
getStroke() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.StrokeNode
Retrieves the stroke attributes used in this this StrokeNode.
getStrokeBounds(Stroke, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Path
Computes the bounds for stroking the given path with the parameters in stroke.
getStructArrayFrom(MemorySegment, int, Class<T>, Function<MemorySegment, T>, MemoryLayout) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read an array of structs from native memory, create a Proxy instance for each struct, and return an array of Proxy instances.
getStructure() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Context
Accesses the structure of the context.
getStructure() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CustomMeta
Retrieve the GstStructure backing a custom meta, the structure's mutability is conditioned to the writability of the GstBuffer this CustomMeta is attached to.
getStructure() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Access the structure of the event.
getStructure() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Access the structure of the message.
getStructure() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Get the structure of a query.
getStructure(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Finds the structure in this Caps at index, and returns it.
getStrv() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Gets the contents of an array of strings GVariant.
getStrv(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
A convenience variant of g_settings_get() for string arrays.
getStrvArrayFrom(MemorySegment, boolean) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Read NULL-terminated arrays of Strings from a NULL-terminated array in native memory.
getStyle() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Gets the style field of a PangoFontDescription.
getStyle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme
getStyleContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Style contexts will be removed in GTK 5
getStyleFallback(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language
Returns the ID of the style to use if the specified styleId is not present in the current style scheme.
getStyleIds() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language
Returns the ids of the styles defined by this this Language.
getStyleManager() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Application
Gets the style manager for this Application.
getStyleName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language
Returns the name of the style with ID styleId defined by this this Language.
getStyleScheme() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Returns the StyleScheme associated with the buffer, see Buffer.setStyleScheme(org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme).
getStyleScheme() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooser
Gets the currently-selected scheme.
getStylusOnly() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Checks whether the gesture is for styluses only.
getSubEntries() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
Gets the sub-entries of this TocEntry.
getSubframeMode() - Method in class
Queries whether input data is considered as subframes or not by the base class.
getSubjectName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Returns the subject name from the certificate.
getSubmenu() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem
Gets the submenu of this ContextMenuItem.
getSubmenu() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem
Gets the submenu of this ContextMenuItem.
getSubpixelLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Gets information about the layout of red, green and blue primaries for pixels.
getSubReader(ByteReader, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Initializes a GstByteReader sub-reader instance to contain size bytes of data from the current position of this ByteReader.
getSubregion(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.RegionIter
Gets the subregion at this iterator.
getSubsurface(DebugNode) - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.SubsurfaceNode
Gets the subsurface that was set on this node
getSubtitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Gets the subtitle for this ActionRow.
getSubtitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Gets the subtitle for this ExpanderRow.
getSubtitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle
getSubtitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.WindowTitle
Gets the subtitle of this WindowTitle.
getSubtitleLines() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Gets the number of lines at the end of which the subtitle label will be ellipsized.
getSubtitleLines() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Gets the number of lines at the end of which the subtitle label will be ellipsized.
getSubtitleSelectable() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Gets whether the user can copy the subtitle from the label
getSubtitleStreams() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
Finds all the GstDiscovererSubtitleInfo contained in this DiscovererInfo
getSuccessful() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Checks if the process was "successful".
getSuggestedFilename() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIResponse
Get the suggested filename for this URIResponse.
getSuggestedFilename() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIResponse
Get the suggested filename for this URIResponse.
getSummary() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaKey
Gets the summary for this SettingsSchemaKey.
getSummary() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Returns the summary.
getSundayWeekOfYear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns the week of the year during which this date falls, if weeks are understood to begin on Sunday.
getSundayWeeksInYear(DateYear) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns the number of weeks in the year, where weeks are taken to start on Sunday.
getSupportedTypes() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Retrieves the list of content types that appInfo claims to support.
getSupportedUriSchemes() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
Gets a list of URI schemes supported by this Vfs.
getSupportSelection() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Gets whether the application supports print of selection
getSupportSelection() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Gets whether the print dialog allows user to print a selection.
getSupportUrl() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the URL of the support page for this AboutDialog.
getSupportUrl() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getSuppressedFlags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
getSurface() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Returns the GdkSurface where the drag originates.
getSurface() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DrawContext
Retrieves the surface that this DrawContext is bound to.
getSurface() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
Returns the GdkSurface performing the drop.
getSurface() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Extracts the surface associated with an event.
getSurface() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Retrieves the surface used by the this GLContext.
getSurface() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.CairoNode
Retrieves the Cairo surface used by the render node.
getSurface() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Renderer
Retrieves the GdkSurface set using gsk_enderer_realize().
getSurface() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Native
Returns the surface of this GtkNative.
getSurface() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Gets a cairo surface onto which the pages of the print job should be rendered.
getSurfaceAnchor() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Popup
Gets the current popup surface anchor.
getSurfaceAnchor() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Returns the anchor position on the popup surface.
getSurfaceAtPosition(Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Obtains the surface underneath this Device, returning the location of the device in winX and winY.
getSurfaceTransform(Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Native
Retrieves the surface transform of this Native.
getSurrounding(Out<String>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
getSurroundingWithSelection(Out<String>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Retrieves context around the insertion point.
getSwipeable() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Get the widget this SwipeTracker is attached to.
getSwipeArea(NavigationDirection, boolean, Rectangle) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Swipeable
Gets the area this Swipeable can start a swipe from for the given direction and gesture type.
getSwipeToClose() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
getSwipeToOpen() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
getSwitchThresholdPolicy() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
getSymbolicIcon() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Gets the icon for this Drive.
getSymbolicIcon() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the symbolic icon for a file.
getSymbolicIcon() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Gets the symbolic icon for this Mount.
getSymbolicIcon() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Gets the symbolic icon for this Volume.
getSymlinkTarget() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Gets the symlink target for a given GFileInfo.
getSync() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Checks if this BaseSink is currently configured to synchronize against the clock.
getSync() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Gets the GLsync previously set via gdk_gl_texture_builder_set_sync().
getSystemConfigDirs() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns an ordered list of base directories in which to access system-wide configuration information.
getSystemDataDirs() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns an ordered list of base directories in which to access system-wide application data.
getSystemInformation() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Returns the system information that is shown in the about dialog.
getSystemSupportsAccentColors() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager
Gets whether the system supports accent colors.
getSystemSupportsColorSchemes() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager
Gets whether the system supports color schemes.
getTab(int, Out<TabAlign>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
Gets the alignment and position of a tab stop.
getTabBehavior() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Gets the behavior set for the Tab key.
getTabBehavior() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Gets the behavior set for the Tab key.
getTabBehavior() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Gets the behavior set for the Tab key.
getTabDetachable(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Returns whether the tab contents can be detached from this Notebook.
getTabLabel(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Returns the tab label widget for the page child.
getTabLabelText(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Retrieves the text of the tab label for the page containing child.
getTabPos() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Gets the edge at which the tabs are drawn.
getTabReorderable(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Gets whether the tab can be reordered via drag and drop or not.
getTabs() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Gets the tabstops of the GtkEntry.
getTabs() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Gets the tabs for this Label.
getTabs() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Gets the tabstops that were set on the GtkText.
getTabs() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the default tabs for this TextView.
getTabs() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Gets the current PangoTabArray used by this layout.
getTabs(Out<TabAlign>, int[]) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
If non-null, alignments and locations are filled with allocated arrays.
getTabsRevealed() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Gets whether the tabs are currently revealed.
getTabWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Returns the width of tabulation in characters for printed text.
getTabWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Returns the width of tabulation in characters.
getTag() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Gets the tag of this NavigationPage.
getTag() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Notification
Obtains the tag identifier for the notification.
getTagList() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagSetter
Returns the current list of tags the setter uses.
getTagMergeMode() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagSetter
Queries the mode by which tags inside the setter are overwritten by tags from events
getTags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
Retrieve the tags for this Stream, if any
getTags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Toc
Gets the tags for this Toc.
getTags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
Gets the tags for this TocEntry.
getTags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererContainerInfo
getTags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
getTags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfo
getTags() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns a list of tags that apply to this TextIter, in ascending order of priority.
getTagSize(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Checks how many value are stored in this tag list for the given tag.
getTagTable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Get the GtkTextTagTable associated with this buffer.
getTangent(Path, PathDirection, Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathPoint
Gets the tangent of the path at the point.
getTarget() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad
Get the target pad of this GhostPad.
getTarget() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
Gets the target this Animation animates.
getTarget() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding
Use g_binding_dup_target() for a safer version of this function.
getTarget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint
Retrieves the ConstraintTarget used as the target for the constraint.
getTargetAttribute() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint
Retrieves the attribute of the target to be set by the constraint.
getTargetProperty() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding
Retrieves the name of the property of GBinding:target used as the target of the binding.
getTaskData() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializer
Gets the data that was associated with the current operation.
getTaskData() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializer
Gets the data that was associated with the current operation.
getTaskData() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Gets this Task's task_data.
getTaskState() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Get this Pad task state.
getTemplateChild(Type, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Fetch an object build from the template XML for widgetType in this this Widget instance.
getTemplateName(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.types.TemplateTypes
Get the name parameter of the GtkTemplate annotation, or if it is not defined, fallback to Types.getName(Class).
getTemplateName(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.types.Types
getTermSig() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Get the signal number that caused the subprocess to terminate, given that it terminated due to a signal.
getText() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar
Gets the text used to generate the fallback initials and color.
getText() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Retrieves the contents of this Editable.
getText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
Retrieves the contents of the buffer.
getText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Gets the text that is displayed.
getText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Fetches the text from a label.
getText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
Retrieves the text that is displayed with the progress bar.
getText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
Gets the SnippetChunk:text property.
getText() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Gets the text in the layout.
getText() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessage
Gets the text message of a WebKitConsoleMessage
getText(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
getText(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns text in the given range.
getText(TextIter, TextIter, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Returns the text in the range end). Excludes undisplayed text (text marked with tags that set the invisibility attribute) if @include_hidden_chars is %FALSE. Does not include characters representing embedded images, so byte and character indexes into the returned string do not correspond to byte and character indexes into the buffer. Contrast with [method@Gtk.TextBuffer.get_slice.
getTextColumn() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
getTextColumn() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getTextLength() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Retrieves the current length of the text in this EntryRow.
getTextLength() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Retrieves the current length of the text in this Entry.
getTextLength() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Retrieves the current length of the text in this Text.
getTextOverflow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Gets the inscription's overflow method.
getTextSet() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
Gets the SnippetChunk:text-set property.
getTexture() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor
Returns the texture for the cursor.
getTexture() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TextureDownloader
Gets the texture that the downloader will download.
getTexture() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.TextureNode
Retrieves the GdkTexture used when creating this GskRenderNode.
getTexture() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.TextureScaleNode
Retrieves the GdkTexture used when creating this GskRenderNode.
getThemeName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Gets the current icon theme name.
getThreadDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Gets the thread-default GMainContext for this thread.
getThreshold() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Returns the threshold of a GstDebugCategory.
getThrottleTime() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Get the time that will be inserted between frames to control the maximum buffers per second.
getThumbnailXalign() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Gets the horizontal alignment of the thumbnail for this TabPage.
getThumbnailYalign() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Gets the vertical alignment of the thumbnail for this TabPage.
getTighteningThreshold() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Clamp
Gets the size above which the child is clamped.
getTighteningThreshold() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout
Gets the size above which the children are clamped.
getTighteningThreshold() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable
Gets the size above which the child is clamped.
getTime() - Method in class
Report the time as returned by the GstAudioClockGetTimeFunc without applying any offsets.
getTime() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Gets the current time of the given clock.
getTime() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Returns the timestamp of this Event.
getTime() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Gets the time to be used when checking this source.
getTimeout() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Gets the amount of time that master and slave clocks are sampled.
getTimeout() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Gets timeout for this Toast.
getTimeout() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Get the timeout applied to all resolver lookups.
getTimeout() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Gets the timeout setting of the socket.
getTimeout() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Gets the I/O timeout time for sockets created by this SocketClient.
getTimeout() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Get the timeout in seconds for socket I/O operations currently used by this Session.
getTimes(Buffer, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Get the start and end times for syncing on this buffer.
getTimes(Buffer, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Given buffer, return start and end time when it should be pushed out.
getTimestamp() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Returns the timestamp of the last activity for this device.
getTimestamp() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Returns the current presentation timestamp in microseconds.
getTimestampAtDiscont() - Method in class
Timestamp that was passed when a discontinuity was detected, i.e.
getTimezone() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Get the time zone for this this DateTime.
getTimezoneAbbreviation() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Determines the time zone abbreviation to be used at the time and in the time zone of this DateTime.
getTimeZoneOffset() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Retrieves the offset from UTC in hours that the timezone specified by this DateTime represents.
getTimeZoneOverride() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Get the WebKitWebContext:time-zone-override property.
getTimings(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Retrieves a GdkFrameTimings object holding timing information for the current frame or a recent frame.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner
Gets the title for this Banner.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Gets the title of this Dialog.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Gets the title of this NavigationPage.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup
Gets the title of this PreferencesGroup.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Gets the title of this PreferencesPage.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow
Gets the title of the preference represented by this PreferencesRow.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage
Gets the title for this StatusPage.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Gets the title of this TabPage.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Gets the title that will be displayed on the toast.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Gets the page title.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.WindowTitle
Gets the title of this WindowTitle.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton
Use ColorDialogButton instead
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog
Returns the title that will be shown on the color chooser dialog.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Returns the title set with gtk_column_view_column_set_title().
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Returns the title that will be shown on the file chooser dialog.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
Use FontDialogButton instead
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
Returns the title that will be shown on the font chooser dialog.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
Gets the title of the GtkNativeDialog.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
Returns the title that will be shown on the print dialog.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Gets the job title.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage
Gets the page title.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Retrieves the title of the window.
getTitle() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider
Gets the title of the completion provider, if any.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardListItem
Obtain the title of the item.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Notification
Obtains the title for the notification.
getTitle() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Gets the value of the WebKitWebView:title property.
getTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Returns the title of the bookmark for uri.
getTitlebar() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Returns the custom titlebar that has been set with gtk_window_set_titlebar().
getTitleLines() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Gets the number of lines at the end of which the title label will be ellipsized.
getTitleLines() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Gets the number of lines at the end of which the title label will be ellipsized.
getTitleSelectable() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow
Gets whether the user can copy the title from the label
getTitleVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle
getTitleWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Gets the title widget widget of this HeaderBar.
getTitleWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar
Retrieves the title widget of the header.
getTls() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Gets whether this SocketClient creates TLS connections.
getTlsAuthMode() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Gets the this Server SSL/TLS client authentication mode.
getTlsCertificate() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Gets the this Server SSL/TLS certificate.
getTlsCiphersuiteName() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Gets the name of the TLS ciphersuite negotiated for this Message's connection.
getTlsDatabase() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Gets the this Server SSL/TLS database.
getTlsDatabase() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Get the TlsDatabase currently used by this Session.
getTlsErrorsPolicy() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Get the TLS errors policy of this NetworkSession.
getTlsInfo(Out<TlsCertificate>, Out<Set<TlsCertificateFlags>>) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Retrieves the GTlsCertificate associated with the main resource of this WebView.
getTlsInteraction() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Get the TlsInteraction currently used by this Session.
getTlsPeerCertificate() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Gets the peer's TlsCertificate associated with this Message's connection.
getTlsPeerCertificate() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Gets the peer's GTlsCertificate associated with this ServerMessage's connection.
getTlsPeerCertificateErrors() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Gets the errors associated with validating this Message's TLS peer certificate.
getTlsPeerCertificateErrors() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Gets the errors associated with validating this ServerMessage's TLS peer certificate.
getTlsProtocolVersion() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Gets the TLS protocol version negotiated for this Message's connection.
getTlsStart() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Get the time immediately before the Message started the TLS handshake.
getTlsValidationFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Do not attempt to ignore validation errors.
getTmpDir() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the directory to use for temporary files.
getToc() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
Gets the parent GstToc of this TocEntry.
getToc() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocSetter
Return current TOC the setter uses.
getToc() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
getToc() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfo
getToggledTags(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns a list of GtkTextTag that are toggled on or off at this point.
getTolerance() - Method in class
Queries current audio jitter tolerance threshold.
getTolerance() - Method in class
Queries current audio jitter tolerance threshold.
getTolerance() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathMeasure
Returns the tolerance that the measure was created with.
getToolbarVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties
Get whether the window should have the toolbar visible or not.
getTools() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Returns all GdkDeviceTools that are known to the application.
getTooltip() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Gets the tooltip of this TabPage.
getTooltip() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenuItem
Get the tooltip of a WebKitOptionMenuItem.
getTooltipColumn() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getTooltipColumn() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getTooltipContext(int, int, boolean, Out<TreeModel>, Out<TreePath>, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getTooltipContext(int, int, boolean, Out<TreeModel>, Out<TreePath>, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getTooltipMarkup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets the contents of the tooltip for this Widget.
getTooltipMarkup(Mark) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
Queries for a tooltip by emitting a MarkAttributes::query-tooltip-markup signal.
getTooltipText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets the contents of the tooltip for this Widget.
getTooltipText() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
getTooltipText(Mark) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
Queries for a tooltip by emitting a MarkAttributes::query-tooltip-text signal.
getToolType() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceTool
Gets the GdkDeviceToolType of the tool.
getTopBarHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Gets the current top bar height for this ToolbarView.
getTopBarStyle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Gets appearance of the top bars for this ToolbarView.
getTopChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.BlendNode
Retrieves the top GskRenderNode child of the this BlendNode.
getTopLeft(Point) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Retrieves the coordinates of the top-left corner of the given rectangle.
getToplevels() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Returns a list of all existing toplevel windows.
getTopMargin() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the top margin for text in the this TextView.
getTopMargin(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Gets the top margin in units of unit.
getTopMargin(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Gets the top margin in units of unit.
getTopRight(Point) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Retrieves the coordinates of the top-right corner of the given rectangle.
getTouchOnly() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle
Returns true if the gesture is only triggered by touch events.
getTracerType() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerFactory
Get the GType for elements managed by this factory.
getTrackPrintStatus() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Returns whether jobs will be tracked after printing.
getTransferFunction() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams
Gets the transfer-function property of this CicpParams.
getTransform() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.TransformNode
Retrieves the GskTransform used by the this TransformNode.
getTransform() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayoutChild
Retrieves the transformation of the child.
getTransientFor() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
Fetches the transient parent for this window.
getTransientFor() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Fetches the transient parent for this window.
getTransitionDuration() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
getTransitionDuration() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer
Returns the amount of time (in milliseconds) that transitions will take.
getTransitionDuration() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Returns the amount of time (in milliseconds) that transitions between pages in this Stack will take.
getTransitionRunning() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
getTransitionRunning() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Returns whether the this Stack is currently in a transition from one page to another.
getTransitionType() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
getTransitionType() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
getTransitionType() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
getTransitionType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer
Gets the type of animation that will be used for transitions in this Revealer.
getTransitionType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Gets the type of animation that will be used for transitions between pages in this Stack.
getTranslationDomain() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Gets the translation domain of this Builder.
getTranslatorCredits() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the translator credits string.
getTranslatorCredits() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getTranslatorCredits() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Returns the translator credits string which is displayed in the credits page.
getTreeView() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
getTreeView() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getTrigger() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut
Gets the trigger used to trigger this Shortcut.
getTrigger() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Gets the trigger for the source snippet.
getTruncateMultiline() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Returns whether the GtkText will truncate multi-line text that is pasted into the widget
getTsOffset() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Get the synchronisation offset of this BaseSink.
getTtl() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Gets the unicast time-to-live setting on this Socket; see g_socket_set_ttl() for more details.
getType() - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListIndexModel
Return the GType for the ListIndexModel.
getType() - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListIndexModel.ListIndex
Return the GType for the ListIndex.
getType() - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.util.BuilderJavaScope
Return the GType of BuilderJavaScope
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the AudioAggregator class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the AudioAggregatorConvertPad class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the AudioAggregatorPad class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the AudioBaseSink class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioBaseSinkDiscontReason class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioBaseSinkSlaveMethod class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the AudioBaseSrc class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioBaseSrcSlaveMethod class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the AudioCdSrc class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioCdSrcMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioChannelMixerFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioChannelPosition class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the AudioClock class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the AudioConverter class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioConverterFlags class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the AudioDecoder class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioDitherMethod class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the AudioEncoder class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the AudioFilter class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioFormat class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioFormatFlags class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the AudioInfo class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioLayout class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioNoiseShapingMethod class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioPackFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioQuantizeFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioResamplerFilterInterpolation class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioResamplerFilterMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioResamplerFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioResamplerMethod class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the AudioRingBuffer class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioRingBufferFormatType class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AudioRingBufferState class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the AudioSink class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the AudioSrc class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the AudioStreamAlign class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the DsdFormat class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the DsdInfo class
getType() - Static method in interface
Get the GType of the StreamVolume class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Get the GType of the Adapter class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
Get the GType of the Aggregator class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad
Get the GType of the AggregatorPad class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorStartTimeSelection
Get the GType of the AggregatorStartTimeSelection class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
Get the GType of the BaseParse class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Get the GType of the BaseParseFrame class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Get the GType of the BaseSink class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Get the GType of the BaseSrc class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Get the GType of the BaseTransform class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Get the GType of the CollectPads class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Get the GType of the DataQueue class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.FlowCombiner
Get the GType of the FlowCombiner class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.PushSrc
Get the GType of the PushSrc class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocationParams
Get the GType of the AllocationParams class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator
Get the GType of the Allocator class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocatorFlags
Get the GType of the AllocatorFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AtomicQueue
Get the GType of the AtomicQueue class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Get the GType of the Bin class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BinFlags
Get the GType of the BinFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bitmask
Get the GType of the Bitmask class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Get the GType of the Buffer class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferCopyFlags
Get the GType of the BufferCopyFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
Get the GType of the BufferFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferingMode
Get the GType of the BufferingMode class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferList
Get the GType of the BufferList class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Get the GType of the BufferPool class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireFlags
Get the GType of the BufferPoolAcquireFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Get the GType of the Bus class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusFlags
Get the GType of the BusFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusSyncReply
Get the GType of the BusSyncReply class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Get the GType of the Caps class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Get the GType of the CapsFeatures class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFlags
Get the GType of the CapsFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsIntersectMode
Get the GType of the CapsIntersectMode class
getType() - Static method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy
Get the GType of the ChildProxy class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Get the GType of the Clock class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntryType
Get the GType of the ClockEntryType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockFlags
Get the GType of the ClockFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockReturn
Get the GType of the ClockReturn class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockType
Get the GType of the ClockType class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Context
Get the GType of the Context class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding
Get the GType of the ControlBinding class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSource
Get the GType of the ControlSource class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
Get the GType of the CoreError class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Get the GType of the DateTime class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Get the GType of the DebugColorFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorMode
Get the GType of the DebugColorMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugGraphDetails
Get the GType of the DebugGraphDetails class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugLevel
Get the GType of the DebugLevel class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device
Get the GType of the Device class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor
Get the GType of the DeviceMonitor class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
Get the GType of the DeviceProvider class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProviderFactory
Get the GType of the DeviceProviderFactory class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DoubleRange
Get the GType of the DoubleRange class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DynamicTypeFactory
Get the GType of the DynamicTypeFactory class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Get the GType of the Element class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Get the GType of the ElementFactory class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFlags
Get the GType of the ElementFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Get the GType of the Event class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Get the GType of the EventType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventTypeFlags
Get the GType of the EventTypeFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlagSet
Get the GType of the FlagSet class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
Get the GType of the FlowReturn class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Format
Get the GType of the Format class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Fraction
Get the GType of the Fraction class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FractionRange
Get the GType of the FractionRange class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GapFlags
Get the GType of the GapFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad
Get the GType of the GhostPad class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Get the GType of the GstObject class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Int64Range
Get the GType of the Int64Range class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IntRange
Get the GType of the IntRange class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Get the GType of the Iterator class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorItem
Get the GType of the IteratorItem class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorResult
Get the GType of the IteratorResult class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LibraryError
Get the GType of the LibraryError class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LockFlags
Get the GType of the LockFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapFlags
Get the GType of the MapFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Get the GType of the Memory class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryFlags
Get the GType of the MemoryFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Get the GType of the Message class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Get the GType of the MessageType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaFlags
Get the GType of the MetaFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Get the GType of the MiniObject class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectFlags
Get the GType of the MiniObjectFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ObjectFlags
Get the GType of the ObjectFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Get the GType of the Pad class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadDirection
Get the GType of the PadDirection class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
Get the GType of the PadFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkCheck
Get the GType of the PadLinkCheck class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkReturn
Get the GType of the PadLinkReturn class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadMode
Get the GType of the PadMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadPresence
Get the GType of the PadPresence class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeReturn
Get the GType of the PadProbeReturn class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
Get the GType of the PadProbeType class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate
Get the GType of the PadTemplate class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplateFlags
Get the GType of the PadTemplateFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamArray
Get the GType of the ParamArray class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamFraction
Get the GType of the ParamFraction class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseContext
Get the GType of the ParseContext class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseError
Get the GType of the ParseError class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseFlags
Get the GType of the ParseFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Get the GType of the Pipeline class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PipelineFlags
Get the GType of the PipelineFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Get the GType of the Plugin class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginAPIFlags
Get the GType of the PluginAPIFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDependencyFlags
Get the GType of the PluginDependencyFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginError
Get the GType of the PluginError class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature
Get the GType of the PluginFeature class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFlags
Get the GType of the PluginFlags class
getType() - Static method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset
Get the GType of the Preset class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProgressType
Get the GType of the ProgressType class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Promise
Get the GType of the Promise class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PromiseResult
Get the GType of the PromiseResult class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProxyPad
Get the GType of the ProxyPad class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QOSType
Get the GType of the QOSType class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Get the GType of the Query class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
Get the GType of the QueryType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryTypeFlags
Get the GType of the QueryTypeFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Rank
Get the GType of the Rank class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Get the GType of the Registry class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
Get the GType of the ResourceError class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Sample
Get the GType of the Sample class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SchedulingFlags
Get the GType of the SchedulingFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SearchMode
Get the GType of the SearchMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
Get the GType of the SeekFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekType
Get the GType of the SeekType class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Get the GType of the Segment class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SegmentFlags
Get the GType of the SegmentFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SerializeFlags
Get the GType of the SerializeFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SharedTaskPool
Get the GType of the SharedTaskPool class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StackTraceFlags
Get the GType of the StackTraceFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.State
Get the GType of the State class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChange
Get the GType of the StateChange class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChangeReturn
Get the GType of the StateChangeReturn class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
Get the GType of the Stream class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection
Get the GType of the StreamCollection class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
Get the GType of the StreamError class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamFlags
Get the GType of the StreamFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamStatusType
Get the GType of the StreamStatusType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamType
Get the GType of the StreamType class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Get the GType of the Structure class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StructureChangeType
Get the GType of the StructureChangeType class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SystemClock
Get the GType of the SystemClock class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagFlag
Get the GType of the TagFlag class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Get the GType of the TagList class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagMergeMode
Get the GType of the TagMergeMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagScope
Get the GType of the TagScope class
getType() - Static method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagSetter
Get the GType of the TagSetter class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
Get the GType of the Task class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool
Get the GType of the TaskPool class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskState
Get the GType of the TaskState class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Toc
Get the GType of the Toc class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
Get the GType of the TocEntry class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntryType
Get the GType of the TocEntryType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocLoopType
Get the GType of the TocLoopType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocScope
Get the GType of the TocScope class
getType() - Static method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocSetter
Get the GType of the TocSetter class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Tracer
Get the GType of the Tracer class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerFactory
Get the GType of the TracerFactory class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerRecord
Get the GType of the TracerRecord class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerValueFlags
Get the GType of the TracerValueFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerValueScope
Get the GType of the TracerValueScope class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindFactory
Get the GType of the TypeFindFactory class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindProbability
Get the GType of the TypeFindProbability class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Get the GType of the Uri class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIError
Get the GType of the URIError class
getType() - Static method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIHandler
Get the GType of the URIHandler class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIType
Get the GType of the URIType class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueArray
Get the GType of the ValueArray class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueList
Get the GType of the ValueList class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer
Get the GType of the AudioVisualizer class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShader
Get the GType of the AudioVisualizerShader class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Get the GType of the Discoverer class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererAudioInfo
Get the GType of the DiscovererAudioInfo class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererContainerInfo
Get the GType of the DiscovererContainerInfo class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
Get the GType of the DiscovererInfo class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererResult
Get the GType of the DiscovererResult class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSerializeFlags
Get the GType of the DiscovererSerializeFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfo
Get the GType of the DiscovererStreamInfo class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSubtitleInfo
Get the GType of the DiscovererSubtitleInfo class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfo
Get the GType of the DiscovererVideoInfo class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingAudioProfile
Get the GType of the EncodingAudioProfile class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingContainerProfile
Get the GType of the EncodingContainerProfile class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Get the GType of the EncodingProfile class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget
Get the GType of the EncodingTarget class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingVideoProfile
Get the GType of the EncodingVideoProfile class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsContext
Get the GType of the InstallPluginsContext class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsReturn
Get the GType of the InstallPluginsReturn class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.PbUtilsCapsDescriptionFlags
Get the GType of the PbUtilsCapsDescriptionFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the AncillaryMetaField class
getType() - Static method in interface
Get the GType of the ColorBalance class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the ColorBalanceChannel class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the ColorBalanceType class
getType() - Static method in interface
Get the GType of the Navigation class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the NavigationCommand class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the NavigationEventType class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the NavigationMessageType class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the NavigationModifierType class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the NavigationQueryType class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoAFDSpec class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoAFDValue class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoAggregator class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoAggregatorConvertPad class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoAggregatorPad class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoAggregatorParallelConvertPad class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoAlphaMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoAncillaryDID class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoAncillaryDID16 class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoBufferFlags class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoBufferPool class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoCaptionType class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoChromaFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoChromaMethod class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoChromaMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoChromaSite class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoCodecFrame class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoCodecFrameFlags class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoCodecState class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoColorMatrix class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoColorPrimaries class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoColorRange class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoDecoder class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoDecoderRequestSyncPointFlags class
getType() - Static method in interface
Get the GType of the VideoDirection class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoDitherFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoDitherMethod class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoEncoder class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoFieldOrder class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoFilter class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoFormat class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoFormatFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoFrameFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoFrameMapFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoGammaMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoGLTextureOrientation class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoGLTextureType class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoInfo class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoInfoDmaDrm class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoInterlaceMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoMatrixMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoMultiviewFlags class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoMultiviewFlagsSet class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoMultiviewFramePacking class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoMultiviewMode class
getType() - Static method in interface
Get the GType of the VideoOrientation class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoOrientationMethod class
getType() - Static method in interface
Get the GType of the VideoOverlay class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoOverlayComposition class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoOverlayFormatFlags class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoOverlayRectangle class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoPackFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoPrimariesMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoResamplerFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoResamplerMethod class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoScalerFlags class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoSink class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoTileMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoTileType class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoTimeCode class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoTimeCodeFlags class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoTimeCodeInterval class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoTransferFunction class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoVBIEncoder class
getType() - Static method in class
Get the GType of the VideoVBIParser class
getType() - Static method in enum class
Get the GType of the VideoVBIParserResult class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
Get the GType of the AatLayoutFeatureSelector class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
Get the GType of the AatLayoutFeatureType class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Blob
Get the GType of the Blob class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Buffer
Get the GType of the Buffer class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferClusterLevel
Get the GType of the BufferClusterLevel class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferContentType
Get the GType of the BufferContentType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferDiffFlags
Get the GType of the BufferDiffFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferFlags
Get the GType of the BufferFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFlags
Get the GType of the BufferSerializeFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFormat
Get the GType of the BufferSerializeFormat class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLine
Get the GType of the ColorLine class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorStop
Get the GType of the ColorStop class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Direction
Get the GType of the Direction class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawFuncs
Get the GType of the DrawFuncs class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawState
Get the GType of the DrawState class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Face
Get the GType of the Face class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Feature
Get the GType of the Feature class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Font
Get the GType of the Font class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontFuncs
Get the GType of the FontFuncs class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphFlags
Get the GType of the GlyphFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphInfo
Get the GType of the GlyphInfo class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphPosition
Get the GType of the GlyphPosition class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Map
Get the GType of the Map class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.MemoryMode
Get the GType of the MemoryMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorPaletteFlags
Get the GType of the OtColorPaletteFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutBaselineTag
Get the GType of the OtLayoutBaselineTag class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutGlyphClass
Get the GType of the OtLayoutGlyphClass class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
Get the GType of the OtMathConstant class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPart
Get the GType of the OtMathGlyphPart class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPartFlags
Get the GType of the OtMathGlyphPartFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphVariant
Get the GType of the OtMathGlyphVariant class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKern
Get the GType of the OtMathKern class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetaTag
Get the GType of the OtMetaTag class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
Get the GType of the OtMetricsTag class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Get the GType of the OtNameIdPredefined class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisFlags
Get the GType of the OtVarAxisFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Get the GType of the OtVarAxisInfo class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
Get the GType of the PaintCompositeMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintExtend
Get the GType of the PaintExtend class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintFuncs
Get the GType of the PaintFuncs class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Get the GType of the Script class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.SegmentProperties
Get the GType of the SegmentProperties class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Set
Get the GType of the Set class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ShapePlan
Get the GType of the ShapePlan class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.StyleTag
Get the GType of the StyleTag class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Get the GType of the UnicodeCombiningClass class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeFuncs
Get the GType of the UnicodeFuncs class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
Get the GType of the UnicodeGeneralCategory class
getType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UserDataKey
Get the GType of the UserDataKey class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Get the GType of the AboutDialog class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
Get the GType of the AboutWindow class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.AccentColor
Get the GType of the AccentColor class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Get the GType of the ActionRow class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Get the GType of the AlertDialog class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
Get the GType of the Animation class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.AnimationState
Get the GType of the AnimationState class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.AnimationTarget
Get the GType of the AnimationTarget class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Application
Get the GType of the Application class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow
Get the GType of the ApplicationWindow class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar
Get the GType of the Avatar class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner
Get the GType of the Banner class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Bin
Get the GType of the Bin class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Get the GType of the BottomSheet class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint
Get the GType of the Breakpoint class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin
Get the GType of the BreakpointBin class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointCondition
Get the GType of the BreakpointCondition class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointConditionLengthType
Get the GType of the BreakpointConditionLengthType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointConditionRatioType
Get the GType of the BreakpointConditionRatioType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent
Get the GType of the ButtonContent class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow
Get the GType of the ButtonRow class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.CallbackAnimationTarget
Get the GType of the CallbackAnimationTarget class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Get the GType of the Carousel class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorDots
Get the GType of the CarouselIndicatorDots class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorLines
Get the GType of the CarouselIndicatorLines class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.CenteringPolicy
Get the GType of the CenteringPolicy class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Clamp
Get the GType of the Clamp class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout
Get the GType of the ClampLayout class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable
Get the GType of the ClampScrollable class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ColorScheme
Get the GType of the ColorScheme class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Get the GType of the ComboRow class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Get the GType of the Dialog class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.DialogPresentationMode
Get the GType of the DialogPresentationMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Get the GType of the Easing class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Get the GType of the EntryRow class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.EnumListItem
Get the GType of the EnumListItem class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.EnumListModel
Get the GType of the EnumListModel class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Get the GType of the ExpanderRow class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
Get the GType of the Flap class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.FlapFoldPolicy
Get the GType of the FlapFoldPolicy class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.FlapTransitionType
Get the GType of the FlapTransitionType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.FoldThresholdPolicy
Get the GType of the FoldThresholdPolicy class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Get the GType of the HeaderBar class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Layout
Get the GType of the Layout class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.LayoutSlot
Get the GType of the LayoutSlot class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
Get the GType of the Leaflet class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage
Get the GType of the LeafletPage class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.LeafletTransitionType
Get the GType of the LeafletTransitionType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.LengthUnit
Get the GType of the LengthUnit class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
Get the GType of the MessageDialog class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView
Get the GType of the MultiLayoutView class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.NavigationDirection
Get the GType of the NavigationDirection class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Get the GType of the NavigationPage class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Get the GType of the NavigationSplitView class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Get the GType of the NavigationView class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Get the GType of the OverlaySplitView class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PasswordEntryRow
Get the GType of the PasswordEntryRow class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog
Get the GType of the PreferencesDialog class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup
Get the GType of the PreferencesGroup class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Get the GType of the PreferencesPage class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow
Get the GType of the PreferencesRow class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
Get the GType of the PreferencesWindow class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.PropertyAnimationTarget
Get the GType of the PropertyAnimationTarget class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ResponseAppearance
Get the GType of the ResponseAppearance class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Spinner
Get the GType of the Spinner class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinnerPaintable
Get the GType of the SpinnerPaintable class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Get the GType of the SpinRow class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Get the GType of the SplitButton class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Get the GType of the SpringAnimation class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringParams
Get the GType of the SpringParams class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
Get the GType of the Squeezer class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerPage
Get the GType of the SqueezerPage class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerTransitionType
Get the GType of the SqueezerTransitionType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage
Get the GType of the StatusPage class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager
Get the GType of the StyleManager class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.adw.Swipeable
Get the GType of the Swipeable class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Get the GType of the SwipeTracker class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SwitchRow
Get the GType of the SwitchRow class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Get the GType of the TabBar class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.TabButton
Get the GType of the TabButton class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Get the GType of the TabOverview class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Get the GType of the TabPage class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Get the GType of the TabView class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
Get the GType of the TabViewShortcuts class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Get the GType of the TimedAnimation class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Get the GType of the Toast class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ToastOverlay
Get the GType of the ToastOverlay class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ToastPriority
Get the GType of the ToastPriority class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarStyle
Get the GType of the ToolbarStyle class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Get the GType of the ToolbarView class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Get the GType of the ViewStack class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Get the GType of the ViewStackPage class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPages
Get the GType of the ViewStackPages class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcher
Get the GType of the ViewSwitcher class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherBar
Get the GType of the ViewSwitcherBar class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherPolicy
Get the GType of the ViewSwitcherPolicy class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle
Get the GType of the ViewSwitcherTitle class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Window
Get the GType of the Window class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.WindowTitle
Get the GType of the WindowTitle class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AnchorHints
Get the GType of the AnchorHints class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.AppLaunchContext
Get the GType of the AppLaunchContext class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisFlags
Get the GType of the AxisFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
Get the GType of the AxisUse class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ButtonEvent
Get the GType of the ButtonEvent class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.CairoContext
Get the GType of the CairoContext class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams
Get the GType of the CicpParams class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CicpRange
Get the GType of the CicpRange class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Get the GType of the Clipboard class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ColorState
Get the GType of the ColorState class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializer
Get the GType of the ContentDeserializer class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Get the GType of the ContentFormats class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormatsBuilder
Get the GType of the ContentFormatsBuilder class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
Get the GType of the ContentProvider class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializer
Get the GType of the ContentSerializer class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingEvent
Get the GType of the CrossingEvent class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingMode
Get the GType of the CrossingMode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor
Get the GType of the Cursor class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.DeleteEvent
Get the GType of the DeleteEvent class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Get the GType of the Device class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gdk.DevicePad
Get the GType of the DevicePad class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DevicePadFeature
Get the GType of the DevicePadFeature class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceTool
Get the GType of the DeviceTool class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceToolType
Get the GType of the DeviceToolType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Get the GType of the Display class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager
Get the GType of the DisplayManager class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufError
Get the GType of the DmabufError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufFormats
Get the GType of the DmabufFormats class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTexture
Get the GType of the DmabufTexture class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Get the GType of the DmabufTextureBuilder class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.DNDEvent
Get the GType of the DNDEvent class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Get the GType of the Drag class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragAction
Get the GType of the DragAction class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragCancelReason
Get the GType of the DragCancelReason class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gdk.DragSurface
Get the GType of the DragSurface class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.DragSurfaceSize
Get the GType of the DragSurfaceSize class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.DrawContext
Get the GType of the DrawContext class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
Get the GType of the Drop class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Get the GType of the Event class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.EventSequence
Get the GType of the EventSequence class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
Get the GType of the EventType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.FileList
Get the GType of the FileList class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.FocusEvent
Get the GType of the FocusEvent class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Get the GType of the FrameClock class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClockPhase
Get the GType of the FrameClockPhase class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameTimings
Get the GType of the FrameTimings class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FullscreenMode
Get the GType of the FullscreenMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLAPI
Get the GType of the GLAPI class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Get the GType of the GLContext class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLError
Get the GType of the GLError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTexture
Get the GType of the GLTexture class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Get the GType of the GLTextureBuilder class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.GrabBrokenEvent
Get the GType of the GrabBrokenEvent class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.Gravity
Get the GType of the Gravity class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.InputSource
Get the GType of the InputSource class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeyEvent
Get the GType of the KeyEvent class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.KeyMatch
Get the GType of the KeyMatch class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
Get the GType of the MemoryFormat class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTexture
Get the GType of the MemoryTexture class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Get the GType of the MemoryTextureBuilder class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
Get the GType of the ModifierType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Get the GType of the Monitor class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.MotionEvent
Get the GType of the MotionEvent class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.NotifyType
Get the GType of the NotifyType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.PadEvent
Get the GType of the PadEvent class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable
Get the GType of the Paintable class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.PaintableFlags
Get the GType of the PaintableFlags class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Popup
Get the GType of the Popup class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Get the GType of the PopupLayout class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ProximityEvent
Get the GType of the ProximityEvent class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Get the GType of the Rectangle class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Get the GType of the RGBA class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollDirection
Get the GType of the ScrollDirection class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollEvent
Get the GType of the ScrollEvent class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollUnit
Get the GType of the ScrollUnit class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Get the GType of the Seat class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SeatCapabilities
Get the GType of the SeatCapabilities class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Snapshot
Get the GType of the Snapshot class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SubpixelLayout
Get the GType of the SubpixelLayout class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Get the GType of the Surface class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SurfaceEdge
Get the GType of the SurfaceEdge class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
Get the GType of the Texture class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.TextureDownloader
Get the GType of the TextureDownloader class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TextureError
Get the GType of the TextureError class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TitlebarGesture
Get the GType of the TitlebarGesture class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Get the GType of the Toplevel class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelLayout
Get the GType of the ToplevelLayout class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelSize
Get the GType of the ToplevelSize class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
Get the GType of the ToplevelState class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.TouchEvent
Get the GType of the TouchEvent class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.TouchpadEvent
Get the GType of the TouchpadEvent class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TouchpadGesturePhase
Get the GType of the TouchpadGesturePhase class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanContext
Get the GType of the VulkanContext class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanError
Get the GType of the VulkanError class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Colorspace
Get the GType of the Colorspace class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.InterpType
Get the GType of the InterpType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Get the GType of the Pixbuf class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAlphaMode
Get the GType of the PixbufAlphaMode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
Get the GType of the PixbufAnimation class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter
Get the GType of the PixbufAnimationIter class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufError
Get the GType of the PixbufError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Get the GType of the PixbufFormat class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
Get the GType of the PixbufLoader class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufNonAnim
Get the GType of the PixbufNonAnim class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufRotation
Get the GType of the PixbufRotation class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnim
Get the GType of the PixbufSimpleAnim class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnimIter
Get the GType of the PixbufSimpleAnimIter class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.Action
Get the GType of the Action class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Get the GType of the ActionGroup class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionMap
Get the GType of the ActionMap class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Get the GType of the AppInfo class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoCreateFlags
Get the GType of the AppInfoCreateFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoMonitor
Get the GType of the AppInfoMonitor class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
Get the GType of the AppLaunchContext class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Get the GType of the Application class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Get the GType of the ApplicationCommandLine class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationFlags
Get the GType of the ApplicationFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.AskPasswordFlags
Get the GType of the AskPasswordFlags class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AsyncInitable
Get the GType of the AsyncInitable class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AsyncResult
Get the GType of the AsyncResult class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream
Get the GType of the BufferedInputStream class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream
Get the GType of the BufferedOutputStream class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusNameOwnerFlags
Get the GType of the BusNameOwnerFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusNameWatcherFlags
Get the GType of the BusNameWatcherFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusType
Get the GType of the BusType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.BytesIcon
Get the GType of the BytesIcon class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Get the GType of the Cancellable class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.CharsetConverter
Get the GType of the CharsetConverter class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.Converter
Get the GType of the Converter class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ConverterFlags
Get the GType of the ConverterFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ConverterInputStream
Get the GType of the ConverterInputStream class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ConverterOutputStream
Get the GType of the ConverterOutputStream class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ConverterResult
Get the GType of the ConverterResult class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Credentials
Get the GType of the Credentials class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.CredentialsType
Get the GType of the CredentialsType class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased
Get the GType of the DatagramBased class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Get the GType of the DataInputStream class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream
Get the GType of the DataOutputStream class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DataStreamByteOrder
Get the GType of the DataStreamByteOrder class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DataStreamNewlineType
Get the GType of the DataStreamNewlineType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusActionGroup
Get the GType of the DBusActionGroup class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
Get the GType of the DBusAnnotationInfo class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusArgInfo
Get the GType of the DBusArgInfo class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver
Get the GType of the DBusAuthObserver class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusCallFlags
Get the GType of the DBusCallFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusCapabilityFlags
Get the GType of the DBusCapabilityFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Get the GType of the DBusConnection class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnectionFlags
Get the GType of the DBusConnectionFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Get the GType of the DBusError class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusInterface
Get the GType of the DBusInterface class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Get the GType of the DBusInterfaceInfo class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Get the GType of the DBusInterfaceSkeleton class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags
Get the GType of the DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMenuModel
Get the GType of the DBusMenuModel class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Get the GType of the DBusMessage class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageByteOrder
Get the GType of the DBusMessageByteOrder class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageFlags
Get the GType of the DBusMessageFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageHeaderField
Get the GType of the DBusMessageHeaderField class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageType
Get the GType of the DBusMessageType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
Get the GType of the DBusMethodInfo class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Get the GType of the DBusMethodInvocation class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Get the GType of the DBusNodeInfo class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObject
Get the GType of the DBusObject class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager
Get the GType of the DBusObjectManager class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Get the GType of the DBusObjectManagerClient class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClientFlags
Get the GType of the DBusObjectManagerClientFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer
Get the GType of the DBusObjectManagerServer class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectProxy
Get the GType of the DBusObjectProxy class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton
Get the GType of the DBusObjectSkeleton class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
Get the GType of the DBusPropertyInfo class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfoFlags
Get the GType of the DBusPropertyInfoFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Get the GType of the DBusProxy class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxyFlags
Get the GType of the DBusProxyFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSendMessageFlags
Get the GType of the DBusSendMessageFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer
Get the GType of the DBusServer class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusServerFlags
Get the GType of the DBusServerFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalFlags
Get the GType of the DBusSignalFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalInfo
Get the GType of the DBusSignalInfo class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeFlags
Get the GType of the DBusSubtreeFlags class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.DebugController
Get the GType of the DebugController class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus
Get the GType of the DebugControllerDBus class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Get the GType of the DesktopAppInfo class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfoLookup
Get the GType of the DesktopAppInfoLookup class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Get the GType of the Drive class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DriveStartFlags
Get the GType of the DriveStartFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DriveStartStopType
Get the GType of the DriveStartStopType class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsClientConnection
Get the GType of the DtlsClientConnection class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Get the GType of the DtlsConnection class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsServerConnection
Get the GType of the DtlsServerConnection class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Emblem
Get the GType of the Emblem class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.EmblemedIcon
Get the GType of the EmblemedIcon class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.EmblemOrigin
Get the GType of the EmblemOrigin class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Get the GType of the File class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoFlags
Get the GType of the FileAttributeInfoFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoList
Get the GType of the FileAttributeInfoList class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeMatcher
Get the GType of the FileAttributeMatcher class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeStatus
Get the GType of the FileAttributeStatus class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeType
Get the GType of the FileAttributeType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCopyFlags
Get the GType of the FileCopyFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCreateFlags
Get the GType of the FileCreateFlags class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.FileDescriptorBased
Get the GType of the FileDescriptorBased class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
Get the GType of the FileEnumerator class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIcon
Get the GType of the FileIcon class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Get the GType of the FileInfo class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream
Get the GType of the FileInputStream class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream
Get the GType of the FileIOStream class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMeasureFlags
Get the GType of the FileMeasureFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor
Get the GType of the FileMonitor class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorEvent
Get the GType of the FileMonitorEvent class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorFlags
Get the GType of the FileMonitorFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter
Get the GType of the FilenameCompleter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream
Get the GType of the FileOutputStream class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileQueryInfoFlags
Get the GType of the FileQueryInfoFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FilesystemPreviewType
Get the GType of the FilesystemPreviewType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileType
Get the GType of the FileType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterInputStream
Get the GType of the FilterInputStream class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterOutputStream
Get the GType of the FilterOutputStream class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.Icon
Get the GType of the Icon class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Get the GType of the InetAddress class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask
Get the GType of the InetAddressMask class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress
Get the GType of the InetSocketAddress class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.Initable
Get the GType of the Initable class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Get the GType of the InputStream class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Get the GType of the IOErrorEnum class
getType() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOExtension
Gets the type associated with this IOExtension.
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.IOModule
Get the GType of the IOModule class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOModuleScopeFlags
Get the GType of the IOModuleScopeFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
Get the GType of the IOStream class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOStreamSpliceFlags
Get the GType of the IOStreamSpliceFlags class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.ListModel
Get the GType of the ListModel class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ListStore
Get the GType of the ListStore class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.LoadableIcon
Get the GType of the LoadableIcon class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryInputStream
Get the GType of the MemoryInputStream class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitor
Get the GType of the MemoryMonitor class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitorWarningLevel
Get the GType of the MemoryMonitorWarningLevel class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream
Get the GType of the MemoryOutputStream class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Get the GType of the Menu class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuAttributeIter
Get the GType of the MenuAttributeIter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Get the GType of the MenuItem class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuLinkIter
Get the GType of the MenuLinkIter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel
Get the GType of the MenuModel class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Get the GType of the Mount class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountMountFlags
Get the GType of the MountMountFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Get the GType of the MountOperation class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountOperationResult
Get the GType of the MountOperationResult class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountUnmountFlags
Get the GType of the MountUnmountFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NativeSocketAddress
Get the GType of the NativeSocketAddress class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NativeVolumeMonitor
Get the GType of the NativeVolumeMonitor class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress
Get the GType of the NetworkAddress class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.NetworkConnectivity
Get the GType of the NetworkConnectivity class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor
Get the GType of the NetworkMonitor class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService
Get the GType of the NetworkService class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Notification
Get the GType of the Notification class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.NotificationPriority
Get the GType of the NotificationPriority class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.OsxAppInfo
Get the GType of the OsxAppInfo class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Get the GType of the OutputStream class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.OutputStreamSpliceFlags
Get the GType of the OutputStreamSpliceFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.PasswordSave
Get the GType of the PasswordSave class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission
Get the GType of the Permission class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.PollableInputStream
Get the GType of the PollableInputStream class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.PollableOutputStream
Get the GType of the PollableOutputStream class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.PollableReturn
Get the GType of the PollableReturn class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.PowerProfileMonitor
Get the GType of the PowerProfileMonitor class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.PropertyAction
Get the GType of the PropertyAction class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.Proxy
Get the GType of the Proxy class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress
Get the GType of the ProxyAddress class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddressEnumerator
Get the GType of the ProxyAddressEnumerator class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.ProxyResolver
Get the GType of the ProxyResolver class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.RemoteActionGroup
Get the GType of the RemoteActionGroup class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Get the GType of the Resolver class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverError
Get the GType of the ResolverError class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverNameLookupFlags
Get the GType of the ResolverNameLookupFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverRecordType
Get the GType of the ResolverRecordType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Resource
Get the GType of the Resource class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceError
Get the GType of the ResourceError class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceFlags
Get the GType of the ResourceFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceLookupFlags
Get the GType of the ResourceLookupFlags class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.Seekable
Get the GType of the Seekable class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Get the GType of the Settings class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
Get the GType of the SettingsBackend class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBindFlags
Get the GType of the SettingsBindFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchema
Get the GType of the SettingsSchema class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaKey
Get the GType of the SettingsSchemaKey class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaSource
Get the GType of the SettingsSchemaSource class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction
Get the GType of the SimpleAction class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleActionGroup
Get the GType of the SimpleActionGroup class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Get the GType of the SimpleAsyncResult class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleIOStream
Get the GType of the SimpleIOStream class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimplePermission
Get the GType of the SimplePermission class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleProxyResolver
Get the GType of the SimpleProxyResolver class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Get the GType of the Socket class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress
Get the GType of the SocketAddress class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator
Get the GType of the SocketAddressEnumerator class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Get the GType of the SocketClient class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketClientEvent
Get the GType of the SocketClientEvent class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.SocketConnectable
Get the GType of the SocketConnectable class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection
Get the GType of the SocketConnection class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage
Get the GType of the SocketControlMessage class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketFamily
Get the GType of the SocketFamily class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
Get the GType of the SocketListener class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketListenerEvent
Get the GType of the SocketListenerEvent class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketMsgFlags
Get the GType of the SocketMsgFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketProtocol
Get the GType of the SocketProtocol class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketService
Get the GType of the SocketService class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketType
Get the GType of the SocketType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SrvTarget
Get the GType of the SrvTarget class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Get the GType of the Subprocess class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessFlags
Get the GType of the SubprocessFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Get the GType of the SubprocessLauncher class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Get the GType of the Task class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TcpConnection
Get the GType of the TcpConnection class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TcpWrapperConnection
Get the GType of the TcpWrapperConnection class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TestDBus
Get the GType of the TestDBus class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TestDBusFlags
Get the GType of the TestDBusFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ThemedIcon
Get the GType of the ThemedIcon class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedResolver
Get the GType of the ThreadedResolver class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService
Get the GType of the ThreadedSocketService class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsAuthenticationMode
Get the GType of the TlsAuthenticationMode class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend
Get the GType of the TlsBackend class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Get the GType of the TlsCertificate class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateFlags
Get the GType of the TlsCertificateFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateRequestFlags
Get the GType of the TlsCertificateRequestFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingError
Get the GType of the TlsChannelBindingError class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingType
Get the GType of the TlsChannelBindingType class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection
Get the GType of the TlsClientConnection class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Get the GType of the TlsConnection class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Get the GType of the TlsDatabase class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabaseLookupFlags
Get the GType of the TlsDatabaseLookupFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags
Get the GType of the TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsError
Get the GType of the TlsError class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsFileDatabase
Get the GType of the TlsFileDatabase class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction
Get the GType of the TlsInteraction class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteractionResult
Get the GType of the TlsInteractionResult class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
Get the GType of the TlsPassword class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsPasswordFlags
Get the GType of the TlsPasswordFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsProtocolVersion
Get the GType of the TlsProtocolVersion class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsRehandshakeMode
Get the GType of the TlsRehandshakeMode class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsServerConnection
Get the GType of the TlsServerConnection class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection
Get the GType of the UnixConnection class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixCredentialsMessage
Get the GType of the UnixCredentialsMessage class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList
Get the GType of the UnixFDList class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDMessage
Get the GType of the UnixFDMessage class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixInputStream
Get the GType of the UnixInputStream class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountEntry
Get the GType of the UnixMountEntry class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor
Get the GType of the UnixMountMonitor class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountPoint
Get the GType of the UnixMountPoint class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixOutputStream
Get the GType of the UnixOutputStream class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress
Get the GType of the UnixSocketAddress class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddressType
Get the GType of the UnixSocketAddressType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
Get the GType of the Vfs class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Get the GType of the Volume class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Get the GType of the VolumeMonitor class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32InputStream
Get the GType of the Win32InputStream class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32OutputStream
Get the GType of the Win32OutputStream class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressor
Get the GType of the ZlibCompressor class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressorFormat
Get the GType of the ZlibCompressorFormat class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ZlibDecompressor
Get the GType of the ZlibDecompressor class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Get the GType of the Array class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Get the GType of the BookmarkFile class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Get the GType of the ByteArray class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Get the GType of the Bytes class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Checksum
Get the GType of the Checksum class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Get the GType of the Date class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Get the GType of the DateTime class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Dir
Get the GType of the Dir class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GError
Get the GType of the GError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Get the GType of the GString class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Get the GType of the HashTable class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hmac
Get the GType of the Hmac class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Get the GType of the IOChannel class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOCondition
Get the GType of the IOCondition class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Get the GType of the KeyFile class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Get the GType of the MainContext class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.MainLoop
Get the GType of the MainLoop class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.MappedFile
Get the GType of the MappedFile class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseContext
Get the GType of the MarkupParseContext class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.MatchInfo
Get the GType of the MatchInfo class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.NormalizeMode
Get the GType of the NormalizeMode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionGroup
Get the GType of the OptionGroup class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PatternSpec
Get the GType of the PatternSpec class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PollFD
Get the GType of the PollFD class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Get the GType of the PtrArray class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Rand
Get the GType of the Rand class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Get the GType of the Regex class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Get the GType of the Source class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.StrvBuilder
Get the GType of the StrvBuilder class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Get the GType of the Thread class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeZone
Get the GType of the TimeZone class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Get the GType of the Tree class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Get the GType of the UnicodeBreakType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Get the GType of the UnicodeScript class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
Get the GType of the UnicodeType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Get the GType of the Uri class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Get the GType of the GVariant class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantBuilder
Get the GType of the VariantBuilder class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
Get the GType of the VariantDict class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Get the GType of the VariantType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Array
Get the GType of the Array class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding
Get the GType of the Binding class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.BindingFlags
Get the GType of the BindingFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.BindingGroup
Get the GType of the BindingGroup class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.BookmarkFile
Get the GType of the BookmarkFile class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ByteArray
Get the GType of the ByteArray class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Bytes
Get the GType of the Bytes class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Checksum
Get the GType of the Checksum class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Get the GType of the Closure class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Date
Get the GType of the Date class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.DateTime
Get the GType of the DateTime class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Dir
Get the GType of the Dir class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GError
Get the GType of the GError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Get the GType of the GObject class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GString
Get the GType of the GString class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.HashTable
Get the GType of the HashTable class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Hmac
Get the GType of the Hmac class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.InitiallyUnowned
Get the GType of the InitiallyUnowned class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.IOChannel
Get the GType of the IOChannel class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.IOCondition
Get the GType of the IOCondition class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.KeyFile
Get the GType of the KeyFile class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.MainContext
Get the GType of the MainContext class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.MainLoop
Get the GType of the MainLoop class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.MappedFile
Get the GType of the MappedFile class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.MarkupParseContext
Get the GType of the MarkupParseContext class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.MatchInfo
Get the GType of the MatchInfo class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.OptionGroup
Get the GType of the OptionGroup class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Get the GType of the GParamSpec class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecBoolean
Get the GType of the GParamSpecBoolean class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecBoxed
Get the GType of the GParamSpecBoxed class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecChar
Get the GType of the GParamSpecChar class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecDouble
Get the GType of the GParamSpecDouble class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecEnum
Get the GType of the GParamSpecEnum class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecFlags
Get the GType of the GParamSpecFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecFloat
Get the GType of the GParamSpecFloat class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecGType
Get the GType of the GParamSpecGType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecInt
Get the GType of the GParamSpecInt class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecInt64
Get the GType of the GParamSpecInt64 class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecLong
Get the GType of the GParamSpecLong class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecObject
Get the GType of the GParamSpecObject class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecOverride
Get the GType of the GParamSpecOverride class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecParam
Get the GType of the GParamSpecParam class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecPointer
Get the GType of the GParamSpecPointer class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecString
Get the GType of the GParamSpecString class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecUChar
Get the GType of the GParamSpecUChar class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecUInt
Get the GType of the GParamSpecUInt class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecUInt64
Get the GType of the GParamSpecUInt64 class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecULong
Get the GType of the GParamSpecULong class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecUnichar
Get the GType of the GParamSpecUnichar class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecValueArray
Get the GType of the GParamSpecValueArray class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecVariant
Get the GType of the GParamSpecVariant class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.PatternSpec
Get the GType of the PatternSpec class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.PollFD
Get the GType of the PollFD class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.PtrArray
Get the GType of the PtrArray class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Rand
Get the GType of the Rand class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Regex
Get the GType of the Regex class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Get the GType of the SignalGroup class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Source
Get the GType of the Source class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Strv
Get the GType of the Strv class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.StrvBuilder
Get the GType of the StrvBuilder class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Thread
Get the GType of the Thread class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TimeZone
Get the GType of the TimeZone class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Tree
Get the GType of the Tree class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule
Get the GType of the TypeModule class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypePlugin
Get the GType of the TypePlugin class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Uri
Get the GType of the Uri class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the GType of the Value class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
Get the GType of the ValueArray class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.VariantBuilder
Get the GType of the VariantBuilder class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.VariantDict
Get the GType of the VariantDict class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.VariantType
Get the GType of the VariantType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Get the GType of the Box class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Get the GType of the Euler class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Get the GType of the Frustum class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Get the GType of the Matrix class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Get the GType of the Plane class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Get the GType of the Point class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Get the GType of the Point3D class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quad
Get the GType of the Quad class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Get the GType of the Quaternion class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Get the GType of the Ray class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Get the GType of the Rect class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Size
Get the GType of the Size class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Get the GType of the Sphere class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Get the GType of the Triangle class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Get the GType of the Vec2 class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Get the GType of the Vec3 class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Get the GType of the Vec4 class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Get the GType of the BlendMode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.BlendNode
Get the GType of the BlendNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.BlurNode
Get the GType of the BlurNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.BorderNode
Get the GType of the BorderNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.BroadwayRenderer
Get the GType of the BroadwayRenderer class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.CairoNode
Get the GType of the CairoNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.CairoRenderer
Get the GType of the CairoRenderer class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.ClipNode
Get the GType of the ClipNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.ColorMatrixNode
Get the GType of the ColorMatrixNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.ColorNode
Get the GType of the ColorNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.ConicGradientNode
Get the GType of the ConicGradientNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.ContainerNode
Get the GType of the ContainerNode class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.Corner
Get the GType of the Corner class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.CrossFadeNode
Get the GType of the CrossFadeNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.DebugNode
Get the GType of the DebugNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.FillNode
Get the GType of the FillNode class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.FillRule
Get the GType of the FillRule class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLRenderer
Get the GType of the GLRenderer class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
Get the GType of the GLShader class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShaderNode
Get the GType of the GLShaderNode class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.GLUniformType
Get the GType of the GLUniformType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.InsetShadowNode
Get the GType of the InsetShadowNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.LinearGradientNode
Get the GType of the LinearGradientNode class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.LineCap
Get the GType of the LineCap class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.LineJoin
Get the GType of the LineJoin class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.MaskMode
Get the GType of the MaskMode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.MaskNode
Get the GType of the MaskNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.NglRenderer
Get the GType of the NglRenderer class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.OpacityNode
Get the GType of the OpacityNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.OutsetShadowNode
Get the GType of the OutsetShadowNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.Path
Get the GType of the Path class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Get the GType of the PathBuilder class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathDirection
Get the GType of the PathDirection class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathForeachFlags
Get the GType of the PathForeachFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathMeasure
Get the GType of the PathMeasure class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathOperation
Get the GType of the PathOperation class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathPoint
Get the GType of the PathPoint class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.RadialGradientNode
Get the GType of the RadialGradientNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.Renderer
Get the GType of the Renderer class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNode
Get the GType of the RenderNode class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
Get the GType of the RenderNodeType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.RepeatingLinearGradientNode
Get the GType of the RepeatingLinearGradientNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.RepeatingRadialGradientNode
Get the GType of the RepeatingRadialGradientNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.RepeatNode
Get the GType of the RepeatNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedClipNode
Get the GType of the RoundedClipNode class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.ScalingFilter
Get the GType of the ScalingFilter class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.SerializationError
Get the GType of the SerializationError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder
Get the GType of the ShaderArgsBuilder class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.ShadowNode
Get the GType of the ShadowNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Get the GType of the Stroke class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.StrokeNode
Get the GType of the StrokeNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.SubsurfaceNode
Get the GType of the SubsurfaceNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.TextNode
Get the GType of the TextNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.TextureNode
Get the GType of the TextureNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.TextureScaleNode
Get the GType of the TextureScaleNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Get the GType of the Transform class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.TransformCategory
Get the GType of the TransformCategory class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.TransformNode
Get the GType of the TransformNode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.VulkanRenderer
Get the GType of the VulkanRenderer class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Get the GType of the AboutDialog class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible
Get the GType of the Accessible class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleAnnouncementPriority
Get the GType of the AccessibleAnnouncementPriority class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleAutocomplete
Get the GType of the AccessibleAutocomplete class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleInvalidState
Get the GType of the AccessibleInvalidState class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleList
Get the GType of the AccessibleList class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessiblePlatformState
Get the GType of the AccessiblePlatformState class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Get the GType of the AccessibleProperty class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRange
Get the GType of the AccessibleRange class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Get the GType of the AccessibleRelation class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Get the GType of the AccessibleRole class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleSort
Get the GType of the AccessibleSort class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleState
Get the GType of the AccessibleState class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleText
Get the GType of the AccessibleText class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextContentChange
Get the GType of the AccessibleTextContentChange class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextGranularity
Get the GType of the AccessibleTextGranularity class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTristate
Get the GType of the AccessibleTristate class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Actionable
Get the GType of the Actionable class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ActionBar
Get the GType of the ActionBar class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ActivateAction
Get the GType of the ActivateAction class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Get the GType of the Adjustment class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Get the GType of the AlertDialog class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Align
Get the GType of the Align class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlternativeTrigger
Get the GType of the AlternativeTrigger class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AnyFilter
Get the GType of the AnyFilter class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooser
Get the GType of the AppChooser class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
Get the GType of the AppChooserButton class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserDialog
Get the GType of the AppChooserDialog class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
Get the GType of the AppChooserWidget class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Get the GType of the Application class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationInhibitFlags
Get the GType of the ApplicationInhibitFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow
Get the GType of the ApplicationWindow class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ArrowType
Get the GType of the ArrowType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame
Get the GType of the AspectFrame class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
Get the GType of the Assistant class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPage
Get the GType of the AssistantPage class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPageType
Get the GType of the AssistantPageType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ATContext
Get the GType of the ATContext class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BaselinePosition
Get the GType of the BaselinePosition class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BinLayout
Get the GType of the BinLayout class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Get the GType of the Bitset class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BitsetIter
Get the GType of the BitsetIter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList
Get the GType of the BookmarkList class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter
Get the GType of the BoolFilter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Border
Get the GType of the Border class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BorderStyle
Get the GType of the BorderStyle class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box
Get the GType of the Box class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout
Get the GType of the BoxLayout class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Buildable
Get the GType of the Buildable class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderClosureFlags
Get the GType of the BuilderClosureFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderCScope
Get the GType of the BuilderCScope class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
Get the GType of the BuilderError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderListItemFactory
Get the GType of the BuilderListItemFactory class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.BuilderScope
Get the GType of the BuilderScope class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Get the GType of the Button class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ButtonsType
Get the GType of the ButtonsType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Get the GType of the Calendar class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CallbackAction
Get the GType of the CallbackAction class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CClosureExpression
Get the GType of the CClosureExpression class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
Get the GType of the CellArea class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaBox
Get the GType of the CellAreaBox class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext
Get the GType of the CellAreaContext class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable
Get the GType of the CellEditable class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout
Get the GType of the CellLayout class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
Get the GType of the CellRenderer class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel
Get the GType of the CellRendererAccel class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccelMode
Get the GType of the CellRendererAccelMode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererCombo
Get the GType of the CellRendererCombo class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererMode
Get the GType of the CellRendererMode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererPixbuf
Get the GType of the CellRendererPixbuf class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererProgress
Get the GType of the CellRendererProgress class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpin
Get the GType of the CellRendererSpin class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpinner
Get the GType of the CellRendererSpinner class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererState
Get the GType of the CellRendererState class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText
Get the GType of the CellRendererText class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle
Get the GType of the CellRendererToggle class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView
Get the GType of the CellView class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox
Get the GType of the CenterBox class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout
Get the GType of the CenterLayout class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Get the GType of the CheckButton class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ClosureExpression
Get the GType of the ClosureExpression class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Collation
Get the GType of the Collation class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton
Get the GType of the ColorButton class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser
Get the GType of the ColorChooser class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooserDialog
Get the GType of the ColorChooserDialog class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooserWidget
Get the GType of the ColorChooserWidget class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog
Get the GType of the ColorDialog class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton
Get the GType of the ColorDialogButton class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Get the GType of the ColumnView class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewCell
Get the GType of the ColumnViewCell class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Get the GType of the ColumnViewColumn class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow
Get the GType of the ColumnViewRow class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewSorter
Get the GType of the ColumnViewSorter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
Get the GType of the ComboBox class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBoxText
Get the GType of the ComboBoxText class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstantExpression
Get the GType of the ConstantExpression class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint
Get the GType of the Constraint class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintAttribute
Get the GType of the ConstraintAttribute class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide
Get the GType of the ConstraintGuide class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout
Get the GType of the ConstraintLayout class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayoutChild
Get the GType of the ConstraintLayoutChild class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintRelation
Get the GType of the ConstraintRelation class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintStrength
Get the GType of the ConstraintStrength class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintTarget
Get the GType of the ConstraintTarget class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintVflParserError
Get the GType of the ConstraintVflParserError class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ContentFit
Get the GType of the ContentFit class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CornerType
Get the GType of the CornerType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider
Get the GType of the CssProvider class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssSection
Get the GType of the CssSection class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CustomFilter
Get the GType of the CustomFilter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CustomSorter
Get the GType of the CustomSorter class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Get the GType of the DebugFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DeleteType
Get the GType of the DeleteType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Get the GType of the Dialog class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DialogError
Get the GType of the DialogError class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DialogFlags
Get the GType of the DialogFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DirectionType
Get the GType of the DirectionType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList
Get the GType of the DirectoryList class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragIcon
Get the GType of the DragIcon class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Get the GType of the DragSource class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea
Get the GType of the DrawingArea class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion
Get the GType of the DropControllerMotion class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Get the GType of the DropDown class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Get the GType of the DropTarget class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Get the GType of the DropTargetAsync class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Get the GType of the Editable class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EditableLabel
Get the GType of the EditableLabel class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EditableProperties
Get the GType of the EditableProperties class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EmojiChooser
Get the GType of the EmojiChooser class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Get the GType of the Entry class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
Get the GType of the EntryBuffer class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
Get the GType of the EntryCompletion class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EntryIconPosition
Get the GType of the EntryIconPosition class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController
Get the GType of the EventController class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus
Get the GType of the EventControllerFocus class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey
Get the GType of the EventControllerKey class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerLegacy
Get the GType of the EventControllerLegacy class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion
Get the GType of the EventControllerMotion class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
Get the GType of the EventControllerScroll class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScrollFlags
Get the GType of the EventControllerScrollFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventSequenceState
Get the GType of the EventSequenceState class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EveryFilter
Get the GType of the EveryFilter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Get the GType of the Expander class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expression
Get the GType of the Expression class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ExpressionWatch
Get the GType of the ExpressionWatch class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Get the GType of the FileChooser class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserAction
Get the GType of the FileChooserAction class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserDialog
Get the GType of the FileChooserDialog class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserError
Get the GType of the FileChooserError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserNative
Get the GType of the FileChooserNative class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Get the GType of the FileChooserWidget class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Get the GType of the FileDialog class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter
Get the GType of the FileFilter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher
Get the GType of the FileLauncher class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Filter
Get the GType of the Filter class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FilterChange
Get the GType of the FilterChange class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel
Get the GType of the FilterListModel class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FilterMatch
Get the GType of the FilterMatch class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed
Get the GType of the Fixed class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayout
Get the GType of the FixedLayout class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayoutChild
Get the GType of the FixedLayoutChild class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlattenListModel
Get the GType of the FlattenListModel class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Get the GType of the FlowBox class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild
Get the GType of the FlowBoxChild class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
Get the GType of the FontButton class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
Get the GType of the FontChooser class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserDialog
Get the GType of the FontChooserDialog class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserLevel
Get the GType of the FontChooserLevel class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserWidget
Get the GType of the FontChooserWidget class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
Get the GType of the FontDialog class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Get the GType of the FontDialogButton class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontLevel
Get the GType of the FontLevel class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontRendering
Get the GType of the FontRendering class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame
Get the GType of the Frame class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Get the GType of the Gesture class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick
Get the GType of the GestureClick class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag
Get the GType of the GestureDrag class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress
Get the GType of the GestureLongPress class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GesturePan
Get the GType of the GesturePan class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureRotate
Get the GType of the GestureRotate class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle
Get the GType of the GestureSingle class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Get the GType of the GestureStylus class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSwipe
Get the GType of the GestureSwipe class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureZoom
Get the GType of the GestureZoom class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Get the GType of the GLArea class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload
Get the GType of the GraphicsOffload class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffloadEnabled
Get the GType of the GraphicsOffloadEnabled class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Get the GType of the Grid class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout
Get the GType of the GridLayout class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild
Get the GType of the GridLayoutChild class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Get the GType of the GridView class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Get the GType of the GtkBuilder class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar
Get the GType of the HeaderBar class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconLookupFlags
Get the GType of the IconLookupFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconPaintable
Get the GType of the IconPaintable class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconSize
Get the GType of the IconSize class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Get the GType of the IconTheme class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconThemeError
Get the GType of the IconThemeError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Get the GType of the IconView class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconViewDropPosition
Get the GType of the IconViewDropPosition class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Get the GType of the Image class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ImageType
Get the GType of the ImageType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Get the GType of the IMContext class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContextSimple
Get the GType of the IMContextSimple class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMMulticontext
Get the GType of the IMMulticontext class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
Get the GType of the InfoBar class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
Get the GType of the InputHints class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputPurpose
Get the GType of the InputPurpose class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Get the GType of the Inscription class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InscriptionOverflow
Get the GType of the InscriptionOverflow class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Justification
Get the GType of the Justification class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.KeyvalTrigger
Get the GType of the KeyvalTrigger class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Get the GType of the Label class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutChild
Get the GType of the LayoutChild class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager
Get the GType of the LayoutManager class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Get the GType of the LevelBar class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBarMode
Get the GType of the LevelBarMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
Get the GType of the License class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton
Get the GType of the LinkButton class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBase
Get the GType of the ListBase class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Get the GType of the ListBox class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
Get the GType of the ListBoxRow class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListHeader
Get the GType of the ListHeader class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Get the GType of the ListItem class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItemFactory
Get the GType of the ListItemFactory class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ListScrollFlags
Get the GType of the ListScrollFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Get the GType of the ListStore class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ListTabBehavior
Get the GType of the ListTabBehavior class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Get the GType of the ListView class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.LockButton
Get the GType of the LockButton class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MapListModel
Get the GType of the MapListModel class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaControls
Get the GType of the MediaControls class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
Get the GType of the MediaFile class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Get the GType of the MediaStream class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Get the GType of the MenuButton class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog
Get the GType of the MessageDialog class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MessageType
Get the GType of the MessageType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicAction
Get the GType of the MnemonicAction class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicTrigger
Get the GType of the MnemonicTrigger class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation
Get the GType of the MountOperation class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MovementStep
Get the GType of the MovementStep class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiFilter
Get the GType of the MultiFilter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSelection
Get the GType of the MultiSelection class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSorter
Get the GType of the MultiSorter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NamedAction
Get the GType of the NamedAction class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Native
Get the GType of the Native class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
Get the GType of the NativeDialog class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NaturalWrapMode
Get the GType of the NaturalWrapMode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NeverTrigger
Get the GType of the NeverTrigger class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NoSelection
Get the GType of the NoSelection class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Get the GType of the Notebook class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookPage
Get the GType of the NotebookPage class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookTab
Get the GType of the NotebookTab class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NothingAction
Get the GType of the NothingAction class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NumberUpLayout
Get the GType of the NumberUpLayout class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter
Get the GType of the NumericSorter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ObjectExpression
Get the GType of the ObjectExpression class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Ordering
Get the GType of the Ordering class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Orientable
Get the GType of the Orientable class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Orientation
Get the GType of the Orientation class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Overflow
Get the GType of the Overflow class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay
Get the GType of the Overlay class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayout
Get the GType of the OverlayLayout class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayoutChild
Get the GType of the OverlayLayoutChild class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PackType
Get the GType of the PackType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionType
Get the GType of the PadActionType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadController
Get the GType of the PadController class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PageOrientation
Get the GType of the PageOrientation class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PageSet
Get the GType of the PageSet class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Get the GType of the PageSetup class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetupUnixDialog
Get the GType of the PageSetupUnixDialog class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PanDirection
Get the GType of the PanDirection class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Get the GType of the Paned class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Get the GType of the PaperSize class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ParamSpecExpression
Get the GType of the ParamSpecExpression class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry
Get the GType of the PasswordEntry class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntryBuffer
Get the GType of the PasswordEntryBuffer class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PickFlags
Get the GType of the PickFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Get the GType of the Picture class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PolicyType
Get the GType of the PolicyType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Get the GType of the Popover class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu
Get the GType of the PopoverMenu class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuBar
Get the GType of the PopoverMenuBar class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuFlags
Get the GType of the PopoverMenuFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PositionType
Get the GType of the PositionType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintCapabilities
Get the GType of the PrintCapabilities class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintContext
Get the GType of the PrintContext class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
Get the GType of the PrintDialog class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDuplex
Get the GType of the PrintDuplex class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Get the GType of the Printer class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintError
Get the GType of the PrintError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Get the GType of the PrintJob class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Get the GType of the PrintOperation class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationAction
Get the GType of the PrintOperationAction class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview
Get the GType of the PrintOperationPreview class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationResult
Get the GType of the PrintOperationResult class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintPages
Get the GType of the PrintPages class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintQuality
Get the GType of the PrintQuality class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Get the GType of the PrintSettings class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSetup
Get the GType of the PrintSetup class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintStatus
Get the GType of the PrintStatus class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Get the GType of the PrintUnixDialog class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
Get the GType of the ProgressBar class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PropagationLimit
Get the GType of the PropagationLimit class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PropagationPhase
Get the GType of the PropagationPhase class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.PropertyExpression
Get the GType of the PropertyExpression class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Get the GType of the Range class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Get the GType of the RecentInfo class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
Get the GType of the RecentManager class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManagerError
Get the GType of the RecentManagerError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Requisition
Get the GType of the Requisition class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ResponseType
Get the GType of the ResponseType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer
Get the GType of the Revealer class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RevealerTransitionType
Get the GType of the RevealerTransitionType class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Root
Get the GType of the Root class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
Get the GType of the Scale class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Get the GType of the ScaleButton class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable
Get the GType of the Scrollable class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollablePolicy
Get the GType of the ScrollablePolicy class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scrollbar
Get the GType of the Scrollbar class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Get the GType of the ScrolledWindow class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollInfo
Get the GType of the ScrollInfo class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollStep
Get the GType of the ScrollStep class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Get the GType of the ScrollType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar
Get the GType of the SearchBar class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Get the GType of the SearchEntry class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SectionModel
Get the GType of the SectionModel class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionFilterModel
Get the GType of the SelectionFilterModel class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionMode
Get the GType of the SelectionMode class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel
Get the GType of the SelectionModel class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SensitivityType
Get the GType of the SensitivityType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Separator
Get the GType of the Separator class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings
Get the GType of the Settings class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut
Get the GType of the Shortcut class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutAction
Get the GType of the ShortcutAction class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutActionFlags
Get the GType of the ShortcutActionFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController
Get the GType of the ShortcutController class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutLabel
Get the GType of the ShortcutLabel class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutManager
Get the GType of the ShortcutManager class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutScope
Get the GType of the ShortcutScope class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsGroup
Get the GType of the ShortcutsGroup class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection
Get the GType of the ShortcutsSection class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut
Get the GType of the ShortcutsShortcut class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow
Get the GType of the ShortcutsWindow class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutTrigger
Get the GType of the ShortcutTrigger class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutType
Get the GType of the ShortcutType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalAction
Get the GType of the SignalAction class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory
Get the GType of the SignalListItemFactory class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection
Get the GType of the SingleSelection class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroup
Get the GType of the SizeGroup class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroupMode
Get the GType of the SizeGroupMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SizeRequestMode
Get the GType of the SizeRequestMode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel
Get the GType of the SliceListModel class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Get the GType of the Snapshot class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter
Get the GType of the Sorter class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SorterChange
Get the GType of the SorterChange class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SorterOrder
Get the GType of the SorterOrder class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel
Get the GType of the SortListModel class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SortType
Get the GType of the SortType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Get the GType of the SpinButton class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButtonUpdatePolicy
Get the GType of the SpinButtonUpdatePolicy class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Spinner
Get the GType of the Spinner class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinType
Get the GType of the SpinType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Get the GType of the Stack class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage
Get the GType of the StackPage class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackSidebar
Get the GType of the StackSidebar class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackSwitcher
Get the GType of the StackSwitcher class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Get the GType of the StackTransitionType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Get the GType of the StateFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar
Get the GType of the Statusbar class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter
Get the GType of the StringFilter class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilterMatchMode
Get the GType of the StringFilterMatchMode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringList
Get the GType of the StringList class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringObject
Get the GType of the StringObject class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter
Get the GType of the StringSorter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
Get the GType of the StyleContext class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContextPrintFlags
Get the GType of the StyleContextPrintFlags class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.StyleProvider
Get the GType of the StyleProvider class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Switch
Get the GType of the Switch class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SymbolicColor
Get the GType of the SymbolicColor class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SymbolicPaintable
Get the GType of the SymbolicPaintable class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SystemSetting
Get the GType of the SystemSetting class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Get the GType of the Text class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Get the GType of the TextBuffer class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextBufferNotifyFlags
Get the GType of the TextBufferNotifyFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextChildAnchor
Get the GType of the TextChildAnchor class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextDirection
Get the GType of the TextDirection class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextExtendSelection
Get the GType of the TextExtendSelection class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Get the GType of the TextIter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark
Get the GType of the TextMark class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextSearchFlags
Get the GType of the TextSearchFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag
Get the GType of the TextTag class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable
Get the GType of the TextTagTable class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Get the GType of the TextView class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextViewLayer
Get the GType of the TextViewLayer class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextWindowType
Get the GType of the TextWindowType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton
Get the GType of the ToggleButton class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Tooltip
Get the GType of the Tooltip class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragDest
Get the GType of the TreeDragDest class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragSource
Get the GType of the TreeDragSource class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander
Get the GType of the TreeExpander class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeIter
Get the GType of the TreeIter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel
Get the GType of the TreeListModel class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow
Get the GType of the TreeListRow class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRowSorter
Get the GType of the TreeListRowSorter class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
Get the GType of the TreeModel class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter
Get the GType of the TreeModelFilter class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFlags
Get the GType of the TreeModelFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort
Get the GType of the TreeModelSort class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
Get the GType of the TreePath class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeRowData
Get the GType of the TreeRowData class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeRowReference
Get the GType of the TreeRowReference class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Get the GType of the TreeSelection class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable
Get the GType of the TreeSortable class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Get the GType of the TreeStore class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Get the GType of the TreeView class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Get the GType of the TreeViewColumn class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing
Get the GType of the TreeViewColumnSizing class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewDropPosition
Get the GType of the TreeViewDropPosition class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewGridLines
Get the GType of the TreeViewGridLines class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Unit
Get the GType of the Unit class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.UriLauncher
Get the GType of the UriLauncher class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Get the GType of the Video class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Viewport
Get the GType of the Viewport class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.VolumeButton
Get the GType of the VolumeButton class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Get the GType of the Widget class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.WidgetPaintable
Get the GType of the WidgetPaintable class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Get the GType of the Window class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls
Get the GType of the WindowControls class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowGroup
Get the GType of the WindowGroup class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowHandle
Get the GType of the WindowHandle class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.WrapMode
Get the GType of the WrapMode class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.BackgroundPatternType
Get the GType of the BackgroundPatternType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.BracketMatchType
Get the GType of the BracketMatchType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Get the GType of the Buffer class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.ChangeCaseType
Get the GType of the ChangeCaseType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
Get the GType of the Completion class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionActivation
Get the GType of the CompletionActivation class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell
Get the GType of the CompletionCell class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionColumn
Get the GType of the CompletionColumn class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
Get the GType of the CompletionContext class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProposal
Get the GType of the CompletionProposal class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider
Get the GType of the CompletionProvider class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionSnippets
Get the GType of the CompletionSnippets class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords
Get the GType of the CompletionWords class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompressionType
Get the GType of the CompressionType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Encoding
Get the GType of the Encoding class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File
Get the GType of the File class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader
Get the GType of the FileLoader class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoaderError
Get the GType of the FileLoaderError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
Get the GType of the FileSaver class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaverError
Get the GType of the FileSaverError class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaverFlags
Get the GType of the FileSaverFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Gutter
Get the GType of the Gutter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Get the GType of the GutterLines class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Get the GType of the GutterRenderer class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererAlignmentMode
Get the GType of the GutterRendererAlignmentMode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf
Get the GType of the GutterRendererPixbuf class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText
Get the GType of the GutterRendererText class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Hover
Get the GType of the Hover class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverContext
Get the GType of the HoverContext class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverDisplay
Get the GType of the HoverDisplay class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverProvider
Get the GType of the HoverProvider class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Indenter
Get the GType of the Indenter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language
Get the GType of the Language class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager
Get the GType of the LanguageManager class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Map
Get the GType of the Map class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Mark
Get the GType of the Mark class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
Get the GType of the MarkAttributes class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.NewlineType
Get the GType of the NewlineType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Get the GType of the PrintCompositor class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region
Get the GType of the Region class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
Get the GType of the SearchContext class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
Get the GType of the SearchSettings class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SmartHomeEndType
Get the GType of the SmartHomeEndType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Get the GType of the Snippet class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
Get the GType of the SnippetChunk class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext
Get the GType of the SnippetContext class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager
Get the GType of the SnippetManager class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SortFlags
Get the GType of the SortFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer
Get the GType of the SpaceDrawer class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceLocationFlags
Get the GType of the SpaceLocationFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceTypeFlags
Get the GType of the SpaceTypeFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style
Get the GType of the Style class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme
Get the GType of the StyleScheme class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooser
Get the GType of the StyleSchemeChooser class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserButton
Get the GType of the StyleSchemeChooserButton class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserWidget
Get the GType of the StyleSchemeChooserWidget class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager
Get the GType of the StyleSchemeManager class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview
Get the GType of the StyleSchemePreview class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Tag
Get the GType of the Tag class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Get the GType of the View class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.ViewGutterPosition
Get the GType of the ViewGutterPosition class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext
Get the GType of the VimIMContext class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Alignment
Get the GType of the Alignment class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Get the GType of the Attribute class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrIterator
Get the GType of the AttrIterator class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrList
Get the GType of the AttrList class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
Get the GType of the AttrType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.BaselineShift
Get the GType of the BaselineShift class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Get the GType of the BidiType class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.pango.cairo.Font
Get the GType of the Font class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.pango.cairo.FontMap
Get the GType of the FontMap class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Color
Get the GType of the Color class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Get the GType of the Context class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Coverage
Get the GType of the Coverage class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.CoverageLevel
Get the GType of the CoverageLevel class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Direction
Get the GType of the Direction class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.EllipsizeMode
Get the GType of the EllipsizeMode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
Get the GType of the Font class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Get the GType of the FontDescription class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFace
Get the GType of the FontFace class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily
Get the GType of the FontFamily class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap
Get the GType of the FontMap class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontMask
Get the GType of the FontMask class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Get the GType of the FontMetrics class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontScale
Get the GType of the FontScale class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Fontset
Get the GType of the Fontset class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.FontsetSimple
Get the GType of the FontsetSimple class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Get the GType of the GlyphItem class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Get the GType of the GlyphItemIter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Get the GType of the GlyphString class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Gravity
Get the GType of the Gravity class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.GravityHint
Get the GType of the GravityHint class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Item
Get the GType of the Item class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Language
Get the GType of the Language class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Get the GType of the Layout class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutDeserializeError
Get the GType of the LayoutDeserializeError class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutDeserializeFlags
Get the GType of the LayoutDeserializeFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Get the GType of the LayoutIter class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Get the GType of the LayoutLine class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutSerializeFlags
Get the GType of the LayoutSerializeFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Get the GType of the Matrix class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Overline
Get the GType of the Overline class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Get the GType of the Renderer class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.RenderPart
Get the GType of the RenderPart class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Get the GType of the Script class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.ScriptIter
Get the GType of the ScriptIter class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.ShapeFlags
Get the GType of the ShapeFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.ShowFlags
Get the GType of the ShowFlags class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Stretch
Get the GType of the Stretch class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Style
Get the GType of the Style class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.TabAlign
Get the GType of the TabAlign class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
Get the GType of the TabArray class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.TextTransform
Get the GType of the TextTransform class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Underline
Get the GType of the Underline class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Variant
Get the GType of the Variant class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Weight
Get the GType of the Weight class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.WrapMode
Get the GType of the WrapMode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Get the GType of the Auth class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthBasic
Get the GType of the AuthBasic class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDigest
Get the GType of the AuthDigest class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain
Get the GType of the AuthDomain class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainBasic
Get the GType of the AuthDomainBasic class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigest
Get the GType of the AuthDomainDigest class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthManager
Get the GType of the AuthManager class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthNegotiate
Get the GType of the AuthNegotiate class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthNTLM
Get the GType of the AuthNTLM class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Cache
Get the GType of the Cache class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Cacheability
Get the GType of the Cacheability class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.CacheType
Get the GType of the CacheType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.ContentDecoder
Get the GType of the ContentDecoder class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.ContentSniffer
Get the GType of the ContentSniffer class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Get the GType of the Cookie class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Get the GType of the CookieJar class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarAcceptPolicy
Get the GType of the CookieJarAcceptPolicy class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarDB
Get the GType of the CookieJarDB class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarText
Get the GType of the CookieJarText class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.DateFormat
Get the GType of the DateFormat class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Encoding
Get the GType of the Encoding class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Expectation
Get the GType of the Expectation class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer
Get the GType of the HSTSEnforcer class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcerDB
Get the GType of the HSTSEnforcerDB class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSPolicy
Get the GType of the HSTSPolicy class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.HTTPVersion
Get the GType of the HTTPVersion class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Logger
Get the GType of the Logger class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.LoggerLogLevel
Get the GType of the LoggerLogLevel class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MemoryUse
Get the GType of the MemoryUse class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Get the GType of the Message class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Get the GType of the MessageBody class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageFlags
Get the GType of the MessageFlags class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Get the GType of the MessageHeaders class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersType
Get the GType of the MessageHeadersType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Get the GType of the MessageMetrics class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessagePriority
Get the GType of the MessagePriority class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Multipart
Get the GType of the Multipart class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.MultipartInputStream
Get the GType of the MultipartInputStream class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.SameSitePolicy
Get the GType of the SameSitePolicy class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Get the GType of the Server class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.ServerListenOptions
Get the GType of the ServerListenOptions class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Get the GType of the ServerMessage class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Get the GType of the Session class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.SessionError
Get the GType of the SessionError class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.soup.SessionFeature
Get the GType of the SessionFeature class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
Get the GType of the Status class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.TLDError
Get the GType of the TLDError class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.URIComponent
Get the GType of the URIComponent class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketCloseCode
Get the GType of the WebsocketCloseCode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Get the GType of the WebsocketConnection class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnectionType
Get the GType of the WebsocketConnectionType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketDataType
Get the GType of the WebsocketDataType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketError
Get the GType of the WebsocketError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension
Get the GType of the WebsocketExtension class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionDeflate
Get the GType of the WebsocketExtensionDeflate class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionManager
Get the GType of the WebsocketExtensionManager class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketState
Get the GType of the WebsocketState class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ApplicationInfo
Get the GType of the ApplicationInfo class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Get the GType of the AuthenticationRequest class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationScheme
Get the GType of the AuthenticationScheme class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationBrowsingContextPresentation
Get the GType of the AutomationBrowsingContextPresentation class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession
Get the GType of the AutomationSession class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AutoplayPolicy
Get the GType of the AutoplayPolicy class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList
Get the GType of the BackForwardList class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardListItem
Get the GType of the BackForwardListItem class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CacheModel
Get the GType of the CacheModel class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ClipboardPermissionRequest
Get the GType of the ClipboardPermissionRequest class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest
Get the GType of the ColorChooserRequest class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Get the GType of the ContextMenu class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Get the GType of the ContextMenuAction class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem
Get the GType of the ContextMenuItem class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CookieAcceptPolicy
Get the GType of the CookieAcceptPolicy class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Get the GType of the CookieManager class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CookiePersistentStorage
Get the GType of the CookiePersistentStorage class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Credential
Get the GType of the Credential class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CredentialPersistence
Get the GType of the CredentialPersistence class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.DeviceInfoPermissionRequest
Get the GType of the DeviceInfoPermissionRequest class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Get the GType of the Download class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.DownloadError
Get the GType of the DownloadError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState
Get the GType of the EditorState class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.EditorTypingAttributes
Get the GType of the EditorTypingAttributes class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase
Get the GType of the FaviconDatabase class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabaseError
Get the GType of the FaviconDatabaseError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Feature
Get the GType of the Feature class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureList
Get the GType of the FeatureList class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureStatus
Get the GType of the FeatureStatus class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.FileChooserRequest
Get the GType of the FileChooserRequest class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
Get the GType of the FindController class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FindOptions
Get the GType of the FindOptions class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.FormSubmissionRequest
Get the GType of the FormSubmissionRequest class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager
Get the GType of the GeolocationManager class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPermissionRequest
Get the GType of the GeolocationPermissionRequest class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPosition
Get the GType of the GeolocationPosition class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HardwareAccelerationPolicy
Get the GType of the HardwareAccelerationPolicy class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult
Get the GType of the HitTestResult class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResultContext
Get the GType of the HitTestResultContext class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputHints
Get the GType of the InputHints class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Get the GType of the InputMethodContext class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodUnderline
Get the GType of the InputMethodUnderline class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputPurpose
Get the GType of the InputPurpose class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InsecureContentEvent
Get the GType of the InsecureContentEvent class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ITPFirstParty
Get the GType of the ITPFirstParty class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ITPThirdParty
Get the GType of the ITPThirdParty class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.JavascriptError
Get the GType of the JavascriptError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class
Get the GType of the Class class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Get the GType of the Context class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception
Get the GType of the Exception class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Get the GType of the Value class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.VirtualMachine
Get the GType of the VirtualMachine class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue
Get the GType of the WeakValue class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.LoadEvent
Get the GType of the LoadEvent class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.MediaCaptureState
Get the GType of the MediaCaptureState class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.MediaError
Get the GType of the MediaError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest
Get the GType of the MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.MemoryPressureSettings
Get the GType of the MemoryPressureSettings class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationAction
Get the GType of the NavigationAction class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationPolicyDecision
Get the GType of the NavigationPolicyDecision class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationType
Get the GType of the NavigationType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkError
Get the GType of the NetworkError class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkProxyMode
Get the GType of the NetworkProxyMode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkProxySettings
Get the GType of the NetworkProxySettings class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Get the GType of the NetworkSession class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Notification
Get the GType of the Notification class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.NotificationPermissionRequest
Get the GType of the NotificationPermissionRequest class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu
Get the GType of the OptionMenu class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenuItem
Get the GType of the OptionMenuItem class
getType() - Static method in interface org.gnome.webkit.PermissionRequest
Get the GType of the PermissionRequest class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionState
Get the GType of the PermissionState class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionStateQuery
Get the GType of the PermissionStateQuery class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.PointerLockPermissionRequest
Get the GType of the PointerLockPermissionRequest class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecision
Get the GType of the PolicyDecision class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecisionType
Get the GType of the PolicyDecisionType class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyError
Get the GType of the PolicyError class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PrintError
Get the GType of the PrintError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation
Get the GType of the PrintOperation class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperationResponse
Get the GType of the PrintOperationResponse class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ResponsePolicyDecision
Get the GType of the ResponsePolicyDecision class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SaveMode
Get the GType of the SaveMode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialog
Get the GType of the ScriptDialog class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialogType
Get the GType of the ScriptDialogType class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptMessageReply
Get the GType of the ScriptMessageReply class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager
Get the GType of the SecurityManager class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityOrigin
Get the GType of the SecurityOrigin class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the GType of the Settings class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotError
Get the GType of the SnapshotError class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotOptions
Get the GType of the SnapshotOptions class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotRegion
Get the GType of the SnapshotRegion class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.TLSErrorsPolicy
Get the GType of the TLSErrorsPolicy class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIRequest
Get the GType of the URIRequest class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIResponse
Get the GType of the URIResponse class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest
Get the GType of the URISchemeRequest class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeResponse
Get the GType of the URISchemeResponse class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilter
Get the GType of the UserContentFilter class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterError
Get the GType of the UserContentFilterError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore
Get the GType of the UserContentFilterStore class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentInjectedFrames
Get the GType of the UserContentInjectedFrames class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Get the GType of the UserContentManager class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMediaPermissionRequest
Get the GType of the UserMediaPermissionRequest class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage
Get the GType of the UserMessage class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessageError
Get the GType of the UserMessageError class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserScript
Get the GType of the UserScript class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserScriptInjectionTime
Get the GType of the UserScriptInjectionTime class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserStyleLevel
Get the GType of the UserStyleLevel class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserStyleSheet
Get the GType of the UserStyleSheet class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Get the GType of the WebContext class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebExtensionMode
Get the GType of the WebExtensionMode class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Get the GType of the WebInspector class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebProcessTerminationReason
Get the GType of the WebProcessTerminationReason class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource
Get the GType of the WebResource class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteData
Get the GType of the WebsiteData class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest
Get the GType of the WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Get the GType of the WebsiteDataManager class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
Get the GType of the WebsiteDataTypes class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsitePolicies
Get the GType of the WebsitePolicies class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Get the GType of the WebView class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebViewBase
Get the GType of the WebViewBase class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebViewSessionState
Get the GType of the WebViewSessionState class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties
Get the GType of the WindowProperties class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessage
Get the GType of the ConsoleMessage class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageLevel
Get the GType of the ConsoleMessageLevel class
getType() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageSource
Get the GType of the ConsoleMessageSource class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Get the GType of the ContextMenu class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem
Get the GType of the ContextMenuItem class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.Frame
Get the GType of the Frame class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult
Get the GType of the HitTestResult class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld
Get the GType of the ScriptWorld class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIRequest
Get the GType of the URIRequest class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIResponse
Get the GType of the URIResponse class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage
Get the GType of the UserMessage class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebEditor
Get the GType of the WebEditor class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager
Get the GType of the WebFormManager class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult
Get the GType of the WebHitTestResult class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
Get the GType of the WebPage class
getType() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension
Get the GType of the WebProcessExtension class
getType(String) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Get a GType by executing the provided get-type function.
getTypeClass(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Return the inner TypeClass class, or the inner TypeClass from the superclass, or null if not found.
getTypedText() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProposal
Gets the typed-text for the proposal, if supported by the implementation.
getTypefind() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.TypeFindData
Returns GstTypeFind associated with GstTypeFindData
getTypeFlags(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Construct a TypeFlags bitfield that specifies whether the provided class is abstract and/or final.
getTypeFromFunction(GtkBuilder, String) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.util.BuilderJavaScope
getTypeFromFunction(GtkBuilder, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.BuilderScope
Try to lookup a GType via the given function name, specified explicitly in a GtkBuilder file, like via the "type-func" attribute in the <object> tag.
getTypeFromName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Looks up a type by name.
getTypeFromName(GtkBuilder, String) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.util.BuilderJavaScope
getTypeFromName(GtkBuilder, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.BuilderScope
Try to lookup a GType via the its name.
getTypeInterface(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Return the inner TypeInterface class, or null if not found.
getTypeNick() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
getTypes() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteData
Gets the types of data stored in the client for a WebKitWebsiteData.
getTypesForLocations(Set<SpaceLocationFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer
If only one location is specified, this function returns what kind of white spaces are drawn at that location.
getTypesForLocations(SpaceLocationFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer
If only one location is specified, this function returns what kind of white spaces are drawn at that location.
getTypeString() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Returns the type string of this Variant.
getTypingAttributes() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState
Gets the typing attributes at the current cursor position.
getUchar() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_UCHAR GValue.
getUid() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
Gets the UID of this TocEntry.
getUint() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_UINT GValue.
getUint(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Gets the value that is stored at key in this Settings.
getUint(String, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the uint pointed to by value corresponding to the value of the given field.
getUint(String, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
getUint16() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Returns the 16-bit unsigned integer value of this Variant.
getUint16Be(Out<Short>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 16 bit big endian integer into val and update the current position.
getUint16Le(Out<Short>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 16 bit little endian integer into val and update the current position.
getUint24Be(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 24 bit big endian integer into val and update the current position.
getUint24Le(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 24 bit little endian integer into val and update the current position.
getUint32() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Returns the 32-bit unsigned integer value of this Variant.
getUint32Be(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 32 bit big endian integer into val and update the current position.
getUint32Le(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 32 bit little endian integer into val and update the current position.
getUint64() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Returns the 64-bit unsigned integer value of this Variant.
getUint64() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_UINT64 GValue.
getUint64(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Gets the value that is stored at key in this Settings.
getUint64(String, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the guint64 pointed to by value corresponding to the value of the given field.
getUint64(String, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
getUint64(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Returns the value associated with key under groupName as an unsigned 64-bit integer.
getUint64Be(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 64 bit big endian integer into val and update the current position.
getUint64Index(String, int, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.
getUint64Le(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 64 bit little endian integer into val and update the current position.
getUint8(Out<Byte>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 8 bit integer into val and update the current position.
getUintIndex(String, int, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.
getUlong() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a G_TYPE_ULONG GValue.
getUnderlinePosition() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Gets the suggested position to draw the underline.
getUnderlineThickness() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Gets the suggested thickness to draw for the underline.
getUniformName(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getUniformOffset(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getUniformType(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
getUniqueName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Gets the unique name of this DBusConnection as assigned by the message bus.
getUnit() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Clamp
Gets the length unit for maximum size and tightening threshold.
getUnit() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout
Gets the length unit for maximum size and tightening threshold.
getUnit() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable
Gets the length unit for maximum size and tightening threshold.
getUnit() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollEvent
Extracts the scroll delta unit of a scroll event.
getUnit() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
Gets the scroll unit of the last Gtk.EventControllerScroll::scroll signal received.
getUnitSize(Caps, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
getUnixFdList() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Gets the UNIX file descriptors associated with this DBusMessage, if any.
getUnixPid() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Credentials
Tries to get the UNIX process identifier from this Credentials.
getUnixUser() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Credentials
Tries to get the UNIX user identifier from this Credentials.
getUnknownGlyphsCount() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Counts the number of unknown glyphs in this Layout.
getUpdatePolicy() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Gets the policy for updating the spin row.
getUpdatePolicy() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Gets the update behavior of a spin button.
getUpdateRegion() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Gets the region previously set via gdk_dmabuf_texture_builder_set_update_region() or null if none was set.
getUpdateRegion() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Gets the region previously set via gdk_gl_texture_builder_set_update_region() or null if none was set.
getUpdateRegion() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Gets the region previously set via gdk_memory_texture_builder_set_update_region() or null if none was set.
getUpdateTexture() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Gets the texture previously set via gdk_dmabuf_texture_builder_set_update_texture() or null if none was set.
getUpdateTexture() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Gets the texture previously set via gdk_gl_texture_builder_set_update_texture() or null if none was set.
getUpdateTexture() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Gets the texture previously set via gdk_memory_texture_builder_set_update_texture() or null if none was set.
getUpper() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Retrieves the maximum value of the adjustment.
getUpperOvershoot() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Gets whether to allow swiping past the last available snap point.
getUpstreamId() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection
Returns the upstream id of the this StreamCollection.
getUri() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIHandler
Gets the currently handled URI.
getUri() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
getUri() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Gets the URI for the this File.
getUri() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress
Gets the proxy URI that this ProxyAddress was constructed from.
getUri() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton
Retrieves the URI of the GtkLinkButton.
getUri() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Gets the URI of the resource.
getUri() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.UriLauncher
Gets the uri that will be opened.
getUri() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Gets this Message's URI.
getUri() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Get this ServerMessage's URI.
getUri() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Get the URI of the WebSocket.
getUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardListItem
Obtain the URI of the item.
getUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIRequest
Obtains the request URI.
getUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIResponse
Gets the URI which resulted in the response.
getUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest
Get the URI of this URISchemeRequest.
getUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource
Returns the current active URI of this WebResource.
getUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Returns the current active URI of this WebView.
getUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.Frame
Gets the current active URI of this Frame.
getUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIRequest
Obtains the request URI.
getUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIResponse
Gets the URI which resulted in the response.
getUri() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
Returns the current active URI of this WebPage.
getUriDisplay() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Gets a displayable version of the resource’s URI.
getUriProtocols() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Gets a null-terminated array of protocols this element supports or null if no protocols are supported.
getUris() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Returns all URIs of the bookmarks in the bookmark file this BookmarkFile.
getUris() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Gets a list of URIs corresponding to the interfaces this Server is listening on.
getUriScheme() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Gets the URI scheme for a GFile.
getUriType() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Gets the type of URIs the element supports or GST_URI_UNKNOWN if none.
getUriType() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIHandler
Gets the type of the given URI handler
getUseAlpha() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser
Use ColorDialog instead
getUseColor() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
getUseEs() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Checks whether the this GLContext is using an OpenGL or OpenGL ES profile.
getUseEs() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
getUseFallback() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.CharsetConverter
Gets the GCharsetConverter:use-fallback property.
getUseFont() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
Use FontDialogButton instead
getUseFont() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Returns whether the selected font is used in the label.
getUseMarkup() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner
Gets whether to use Pango markup for the banner title.
getUseMarkup() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow
Gets whether to use Pango markup for the title label.
getUseMarkup() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Gets whether to use Pango markup for the toast title.
getUseMarkup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Returns whether the label’s text is interpreted as Pango markup.
getUseMarkup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Returns whether the label’s text is interpreted as Pango markup.
getUser() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Gets the ‘username’ component of this Uri's userinfo, which may contain %-encoding, depending on the flags with which this Uri was created.
getUserAgent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Get the value used by this Session for the "User-Agent" header on new requests.
getUserAgent() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:user-agent property.
getUserCacheDir() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns a base directory in which to store non-essential, cached data specific to particular user.
getUserConfigDir() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns a base directory in which to store user-specific application configuration information such as user preferences and settings.
getUserContentManager() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Gets the user content manager associated to this WebView.
getUserData() - Method in class
Gets private data set on the frame by the subclass via gst_video_codec_frame_set_user_data() previously.
getUserData() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializer
Gets the user data that was passed when the deserializer was registered.
getUserData() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializer
Gets the user data that was passed when the serializer was registered.
getUserData() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AsyncResult
Gets the user data from a AsyncResult.
getUserData() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Gets the userData gpointer passed to g_dbus_connection_register_object().
getUserData() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseContext
Returns the user_data associated with this MarkupParseContext.
getUserData() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
getUserData() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Gets the user data of this ContextMenu.
getUserData() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Gets the user data of this ContextMenu.
getUserDataDir() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns a base directory in which to access application data such as icons that is customized for a particular user.
getUserinfo() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Get the userinfo (usually in the form "username:password") from the URI or null if it doesn't exist.
getUserinfo() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Gets this Uri's userinfo, which may contain %-encoding, depending on the flags with which this Uri was created.
getUsername() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Get the user name from the mount operation.
getUsername() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress
Gets this ProxyAddress's username.
getUsername() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Credential
Get the username currently held by this WebKitCredential.
getUserName() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the user name of the current user.
getUserRuntimeDir() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns a directory that is unique to the current user on the local system.
getUserSpecialDir(UserDirectory) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns the full path of a special directory using its logical id.
getUserStateDir() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns a base directory in which to store state files specific to particular user.
getUserValue(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Checks the "user value" of a key, if there is one.
getUseSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
Use FontDialogButton instead
getUseSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Returns whether the selected font size is used in the label.
getUseSsl3() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection
SSL 3.0 is insecure.
getUseSubtitle() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Gets whether to use the current value as the subtitle.
getUseSystemCertdb() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Use g_tls_connection_get_database() instead
getUseUnderline() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent
Gets whether an underline in the text indicates a mnemonic.
getUseUnderline() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Gets whether an embedded underline in the title indicates a mnemonic.
getUseUnderline() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow
Gets whether an embedded underline in the title indicates a mnemonic.
getUseUnderline() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Gets whether an underline in the text indicates a mnemonic.
getUseUnderline() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Gets whether underlines in the page title indicate mnemonics.
getUseUnderline() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
gets whether underlines are interpreted as mnemonics.
getUseUnderline() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Returns whether underlines in the label indicate mnemonics.
getUseUnderline() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Returns whether an underline in the text indicates a mnemonic.
getUseUnderline() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Returns whether an embedded underlines in the label indicate mnemonics.
getUseUnderline() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Returns whether an embedded underline in the text indicates a mnemonic.
getUseUnderline() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage
Gets whether underlines in the page title indicate mnemonics.
getUtcOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Determines the offset to UTC in effect at the time and in the time zone of this DateTime.
getUtf8() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Encoding
getUuid() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Gets the UUID for the this Mount.
getUuid() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Gets the UUID for the this Volume.
getUv(Point3D, Vec2, Vec2, Vec2, Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Computes the UV coordinates of the given point p.
getv(String[], Value[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Gets nProperties properties for an this Object.
getVadjustment() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable
Retrieves the GtkAdjustment used for vertical scrolling.
getVadjustment() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Returns the vertical scrollbar’s adjustment.
getValidationFlags() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsClientConnection
Do not attempt to ignore validation errors.
getValidationFlags() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection
Do not attempt to ignore validation errors.
getValign() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets the vertical alignment of this Widget.
getValue() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Alias
Get the current value of the alias.
getValue() - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Enumeration
Get the integer value of this enum.
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorStartTimeSelection
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrameFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrcFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsStateFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocatorFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BinFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferCopyFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferingMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusSyncReply
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsIntersectMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntryType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockReturn
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugGraphDetails
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugLevel
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventTypeFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Format
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GapFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorItem
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorResult
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LibraryError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LockFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ObjectFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadDirection
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkCheck
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkReturn
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadPresence
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeReturn
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplateFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PipelineFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginAPIFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDependencyFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProgressType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PromiseResult
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QOSType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryTypeFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Rank
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SchedulingFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SearchMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SegmentFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SerializeFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StackTraceFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.State
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChange
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChangeReturn
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamStatusType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StructureChangeType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagFlag
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagMergeMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagScope
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskState
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntryType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocLoopType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocScope
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerValueFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerValueScope
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindProbability
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShader
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererResult
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSerializeFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsReturn
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.PbUtilsCapsDescriptionFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferClusterLevel
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferContentType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferDiffFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFormat
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Direction
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.MemoryMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorPaletteFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutBaselineTag
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutGlyphClass
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPartFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKern
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetaTag
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintExtend
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.StyleTag
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.AccentColor
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
Gets the current value of this Animation.
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.AnimationState
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointConditionLengthType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointConditionRatioType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.CenteringPolicy
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ColorScheme
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.DialogPresentationMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EnumListItem
Gets the enum value.
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.FlapFoldPolicy
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.FlapTransitionType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.FoldThresholdPolicy
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.LeafletTransitionType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.LengthUnit
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.NavigationDirection
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ResponseAppearance
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Gets the current value.
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerTransitionType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ToastPriority
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarStyle
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherPolicy
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AnchorHints
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CicpRange
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializer
Gets the GValue to store the deserialized object in.
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializer
Gets the GValue to read the object to serialize from.
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DevicePadFeature
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceToolType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragAction
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragCancelReason
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClockPhase
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FullscreenMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLAPI
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.Gravity
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.InputSource
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.KeyMatch
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.NotifyType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.PaintableFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollDirection
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollUnit
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SeatCapabilities
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SubpixelLayout
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SurfaceEdge
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TextureError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TitlebarGesture
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TouchpadGesturePhase
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Colorspace
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.InterpType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAlphaMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormatFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufRotation
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoCreateFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.AskPasswordFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusNameOwnerFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusNameWatcherFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ConverterFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ConverterResult
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.CredentialsType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DataStreamByteOrder
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DataStreamNewlineType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusCallFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusCapabilityFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnectionFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageByteOrder
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageHeaderField
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClientFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfoFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxyFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSendMessageFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusServerFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DriveStartFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DriveStartStopType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.EmblemOrigin
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeStatus
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCopyFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCreateFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMeasureFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorEvent
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileQueryInfoFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FilesystemPreviewType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOModuleScopeFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOStreamSpliceFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitorWarningLevel
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuAttributeIter
Gets the value of the attribute at the current iterator position.
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuLinkIter
Gets the linked GMenuModel at the current iterator position.
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountMountFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountOperationResult
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountUnmountFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.NetworkConnectivity
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.NotificationPriority
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.OutputStreamSpliceFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.PasswordSave
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.PollableReturn
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverNameLookupFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverRecordType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceLookupFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBindFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketClientEvent
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketFamily
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketListenerEvent
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketMsgFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketProtocol
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TestDBusFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsAuthenticationMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateRequestFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabaseLookupFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteractionResult
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
Get the password value.
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsPasswordFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsProtocolVersion
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsRehandshakeMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddressType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressorFormat
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.AsciiType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFileError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ChecksumType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ConvertError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateDMY
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateMonth
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateWeekday
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ErrorType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileSetContentsFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileTest
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.FormatSizeFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.HookFlagMask
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOChannelError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOCondition
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOStatus
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.KeyFileError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.KeyFileFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogLevelFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogWriterOutput
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.MainContextFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupCollectType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.NormalizeMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.NumberParserError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.OnceStatus
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionArg
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.SeekType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ShellError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.SliceConfig
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestFileType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestLogType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestResult
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestSubprocessFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestTrapFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ThreadError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPriority
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TimeType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnixPipeEnd
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriHideFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UserDirectory
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.Win32OSType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.BindingFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ConnectFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.IOCondition
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ParamFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalMatchType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeDebugFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFundamentalFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.graphene.RayIntersectionKind
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.Corner
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.FillRule
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.GLUniformType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.LineCap
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.LineJoin
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.MaskMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathDirection
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathForeachFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathOperation
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.ScalingFilter
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.SerializationError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.TransformCategory
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleAnnouncementPriority
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleAutocomplete
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleInvalidState
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessiblePlatformState
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleSort
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleState
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextContentChange
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextGranularity
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTristate
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Gets the current value of the adjustment.
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Align
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationInhibitFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ArrowType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPageType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BaselinePosition
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BitsetIter
Gets the current value that this BitsetIter points to.
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BorderStyle
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderClosureFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ButtonsType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccelMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererState
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Collation
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstantExpression
Gets the value that a constant expression evaluates to.
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintAttribute
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintRelation
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintStrength
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintVflParserError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ContentFit
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CornerType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CssParserError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CssParserWarning
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DeleteType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DialogError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DialogFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DirectionType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Gets the current drop data, as a GValue.
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EditableProperties
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EntryIconPosition
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScrollFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventSequenceState
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserAction
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FilterChange
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FilterMatch
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserLevel
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontLevel
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontRendering
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffloadEnabled
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconLookupFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconSize
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconThemeError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconViewDropPosition
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ImageType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputPurpose
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InscriptionOverflow
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Justification
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Returns the value of the GtkLevelBar.
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBarMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ListScrollFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ListTabBehavior
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MessageType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MovementStep
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NaturalWrapMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookTab
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NumberUpLayout
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Ordering
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Orientation
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Overflow
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PackType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PageOrientation
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PageSet
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PanDirection
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PickFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PolicyType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PositionType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintCapabilities
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDuplex
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationAction
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationResult
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintPages
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintQuality
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintStatus
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PropagationLimit
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PropagationPhase
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Gets the current value of the range.
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManagerError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ResponseType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RevealerTransitionType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Gets the current value of the scale button.
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollablePolicy
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollStep
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SensitivityType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutActionFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutScope
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroupMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SizeRequestMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SorterChange
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SorterOrder
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SortType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Get the value in the this SpinButton.
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButtonUpdatePolicy
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilterMatchMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContextPrintFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SymbolicColor
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SystemSetting
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextBufferNotifyFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextDirection
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextExtendSelection
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextSearchFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextViewLayer
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextWindowType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewDropPosition
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewGridLines
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Unit
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.WrapMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.BackgroundPatternType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.BracketMatchType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.ChangeCaseType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionActivation
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionColumn
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompressionType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoaderError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaverError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaverFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererAlignmentMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.NewlineType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SmartHomeEndType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SortFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceLocationFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceTypeFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.ViewGutterPosition
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Alignment
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.BaselineShift
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.CoverageLevel
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Direction
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.EllipsizeMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontMask
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontScale
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Gravity
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.GravityHint
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutDeserializeError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutDeserializeFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutSerializeFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Overline
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.RenderPart
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.ShapeFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.ShowFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Stretch
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Style
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.TabAlign
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.TextTransform
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Underline
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Variant
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Weight
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.WrapMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Cacheability
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.CacheType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Gets this Cookie's value.
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarAcceptPolicy
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.DateFormat
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Encoding
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Expectation
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.HTTPVersion
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.LoggerLogLevel
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MemoryUse
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessagePriority
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.SameSitePolicy
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.ServerListenOptions
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.SessionError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.TLDError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.URIComponent
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketCloseCode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnectionType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketDataType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketState
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationScheme
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationBrowsingContextPresentation
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AutoplayPolicy
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CacheModel
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CookieAcceptPolicy
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CookiePersistentStorage
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CredentialPersistence
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.DownloadError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.EditorTypingAttributes
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabaseError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureStatus
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FindOptions
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HardwareAccelerationPolicy
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResultContext
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputHints
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputPurpose
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InsecureContentEvent
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.JavascriptError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.CheckSyntaxMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.CheckSyntaxResult
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.OptionType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.TypedArrayType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ValuePropertyFlags
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue
Get a JSCValue referencing the JavaScript value of this WeakValue.
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.LoadEvent
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.MediaCaptureState
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.MediaError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkProxyMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionState
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecisionType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PrintError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperationResponse
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SaveMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialogType
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotOptions
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotRegion
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.TLSErrorsPolicy
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentInjectedFrames
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessageError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserScriptInjectionTime
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserStyleLevel
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebExtensionMode
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebProcessTerminationReason
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageLevel
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageSource
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResultContext
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessageError
Get the numeric value of this enum
getValue(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Retrieves the value at the given row and col index.
getValue(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Get the value of the field with name fieldname.
getValue(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Gets the value that is stored in this Settings for key.
getValue(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Get a property of this Context global object with name.
getValue(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Returns the raw value associated with key under groupName.
getValue(String, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Gets the value for the given controlled property at the requested time.
getValue(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding
Gets the value for the given controlled property at the requested time.
getValue(ColorBalanceChannel) - Method in interface
Retrieve the current value of the indicated channel, between min_value and max_value.
getValue(Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
Gets the contents of this ContentProvider stored in value.
getValue(Value, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueArray
Gets the value that is a member of the array contained in value and has the index index.
getValue(Value, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueList
Gets the value that is a member of the list contained in value and has the index index.
getValue(TreeIter, int, Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
getValueArray(String, ClockTime, ClockTime, MemorySegment[]) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Gets a number of values for the given controlled property starting at the requested time.
getValueArray(ClockTime, ClockTime, MemorySegment[]) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding
Gets a number of values for the given controlled property starting at the requested time.
getValueAsInt() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Get the value this SpinButton represented as an integer.
getValueFrom() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Gets the value this SpringAnimation will animate from.
getValueFrom() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Gets the value this TimedAnimation will animate from.
getValueIndex(String, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.
getValuePos() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
Gets the position in which the current value is displayed.
getValues() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.Builder
Get the property values
getValues() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Retrieves every value inside this GLib.HashTable.
getValues(Enumeration[]) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Convert an array of enums into an array of integers.
getValuesAsPtrArray() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Retrieves every value inside this GLib.HashTable, as a GPtrArray.
getValueTo() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Gets the value this SpringAnimation will animate to.
getValueTo() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Gets the value this TimedAnimation will animate to.
getValueType() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaKey
Gets the GVariantType of this SettingsSchemaKey.
getValueType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expression
Gets the GType that this expression evaluates to.
getVariable(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext
Gets the current value for a variable named key.
getVariableframerate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingVideoProfile
*NOTE*: Fixed framerate won't be enforced when encodebin:avoid-reencoding is set.
getVariant() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Unboxes this Variant.
getVariant() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Get the contents of a variant GValue.
getVariant() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Gets the variant field of a PangoFontDescription.
getVariantType() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Determines the type of this Variant.
getVariations() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Gets the variations field of a font description.
getVcenter(Out<Integer>) - Method in interface
Get the vertical centering offset from the given object.
getVelocity() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Gets the current velocity of this SpringAnimation.
getVelocity(Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSwipe
Gets the current velocity.
getVendorId() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Returns the vendor ID of this device.
getVersion() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
get the version of the plugin
getVersion() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the version for this AboutDialog.
getVersion() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getVersion() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Gets the version of this Application.
getVersion() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Returns the version string.
getVersion(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Retrieves the OpenGL version of the this GLContext.
getVersion(Out<Long>, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ApplicationInfo
Get the application version previously set with webkit_application_info_set_version().
getVertices(Out<Vec2[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Computes the four vertices of a graphene_rect_t.
getVertices(Out<Vec3[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Computes the vertices of the given graphene_box_t.
getVertices(Vec3, Vec3, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Retrieves the three vertices of the given graphene_triangle_t.
getVexpand() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets whether the widget would like any available extra vertical space.
getVexpandSet() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Gets whether gtk_widget_set_vexpand() has been used to explicitly set the expand flag on this widget.
getVflip(Out<Boolean>) - Method in interface
Get the vertical flipping state (true for flipped) from the given object.
getVhomogeneous() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Gets whether this ViewStack is vertically homogeneous.
getVhomogeneous() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Gets whether this Stack is vertically homogeneous.
getVideoStreams() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
Finds all the GstDiscovererVideoInfo contained in this DiscovererInfo
getView() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Gets the tab view this TabBar controls.
getView() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabButton
Gets the tab view this TabButton displays.
getView() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Gets the tab view this TabOverview controls.
getView() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
Gets the View that owns the Completion.
getView() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
Gets the text view for the context.
getView() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Gutter
getView() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Gets the TextView that the GtkSourceGutterLines represents.
getView() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Get the view associated to the gutter renderer
getView() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverContext
getView() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Map
Gets the Map:view property, which is the view this widget is mapping.
getViewSwitcherEnabled() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle
getVirtualMachine() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Get the JSCVirtualMachine where this Context was created.
getVisibility() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Retrieves whether the text in this Entry is visible.
getVisibility() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Retrieves whether the text in this Text is visible.
getVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Gets whether this ViewStackPage is visible in its AdwViewStack.
getVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
getVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Returns whether this column is visible.
getVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
Determines whether the dialog is visible.
getVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage
Returns whether page is visible in its GtkStack.
getVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark
Returns true if the mark is visible.
getVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Determines whether the widget is visible.
getVisibleChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
getVisibleChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
getVisibleChild() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Gets the currently visible child of this ViewStack.
getVisibleChild() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Gets the currently visible child of this Stack.
getVisibleChildName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
getVisibleChildName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Returns the name of the currently visible child of this ViewStack.
getVisibleChildName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Returns the name of the currently visible child of this Stack.
getVisibleDialog() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow
Returns the currently visible dialog in this ApplicationWindow, if there's one.
getVisibleDialog() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Window
Returns the currently visible dialog in this Window, if there's one.
getVisibleLineIndex() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns the number of bytes from the start of the line to the given this TextIter, not counting bytes that are invisible due to tags with the “invisible” flag toggled on.
getVisibleLineOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns the offset in characters from the start of the line to the given this TextIter, not counting characters that are invisible due to tags with the “invisible” flag toggled on.
getVisibleOnly() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
getVisiblePage() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Gets the currently visible page in this NavigationView.
getVisiblePage() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog
Gets the currently visible page of this PreferencesDialog.
getVisiblePage() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
getVisiblePageName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog
Gets the name of currently visible page of this PreferencesDialog.
getVisiblePageName() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
getVisibleRange(Out<TreePath>, Out<TreePath>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
getVisibleRange(Out<TreePath>, Out<TreePath>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getVisibleRect(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Fills visibleRect with the currently-visible region of the buffer, in buffer coordinates.
getVisibleRect(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
getVisibleSlice(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns visible text in the given range.
getVisibleText(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns visible text in the given range.
getVisited() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton
Retrieves the “visited” state of the GtkLinkButton.
getVisited() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Gets the time when the meta-data for the resource was last visited.
getVisited(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Use g_bookmark_file_get_visited_date_time() instead, as time_t is deprecated due to the year 2038 problem.
getVisitedDateTime(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Gets the time the bookmark for uri was last visited.
getVisualColumn(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Determines the visual column at iter taking into consideration the View:tab-width of this View.
getVolume() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Gets the volume for the this Mount.
getVolume() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Returns the volume of the audio for the stream.
getVolume(StreamVolumeFormat) - Method in interface
getVolumeForUuid(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Finds a GVolume object by its UUID (see g_volume_get_uuid())
getVolumes() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Get a list of mountable volumes for this Drive.
getVolumes() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Gets a list of the volumes on the system.
getVradius() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RadialGradientNode
Retrieves the vertical radius for the gradient.
getVscrollbar() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Returns the vertical scrollbar of this ScrolledWindow.
getVscrollPolicy() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable
Gets the vertical GtkScrollablePolicy.
getVtable() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Gets the interface vtable for the D-Bus interface implemented by this DBusInterfaceSkeleton.
getW() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Retrieves the value of the fourth component of the given graphene_vec4_t.
getWarning() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
Get a user readable translated warning.
getWebExtensionMode() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Get the view's WebKitWebExtensionMode.
getWebsite() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Gets the application website URL for this AboutDialog.
getWebsite() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
getWebsite() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Returns the website URL.
getWebsiteDataAccessAllowed() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ITPFirstParty
Get whether this ITPFirstParty has granted website data access to its WebKitITPThirdParty.
getWebsiteDataManager() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Get the WebKitWebsiteDataManager of this NetworkSession.
getWebsiteLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Returns the label used for the website link.
getWebsitePolicies() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Gets the default website policies.
getWebView() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Get the WebKitWebView that initiated the download.
getWebView() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
Gets the WebKitWebView this find controller is associated to.
getWebView() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest
Get the WebKitWebView that initiated the request.
getWebView() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Get the WebKitWebViewBase used to display the inspector.
getWebViewSettings() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Gets the WebKitSettings currently applied to this WebView.
getWeekday() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns the day of the week for a GDate.
getWeekNumberingYear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Returns the ISO 8601 week-numbering year in which the week containing this DateTime falls.
getWeekOfYear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Returns the ISO 8601 week number for the week containing this DateTime.
getWeight() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SrvTarget
Gets this SrvTarget's weight.
getWeight() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Gets the weight field of a font description.
getWideHandle() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Gets whether the separator should be wide.
getWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
Gets the widget this Animation was created for.
getWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinnerPaintable
Gets the widget used for frame clock.
getWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserDialog
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
getWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController
Returns the GtkWidget this controller relates to.
getWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager
Retrieves the GtkWidget using the given GtkLayoutManager.
getWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WidgetPaintable
Returns the widget that is observed or null if none.
getWidget() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell
Gets the child GtkWidget, if any.
getWidgetForResponse(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Use Window instead
getWidgets() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroup
Returns the list of widgets associated with this SizeGroup.
getWidgets() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextChildAnchor
Gets a list of all widgets anchored at this child anchor.
getWidth() - Method in enum class
getWidth() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfo
getWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Gets the width previously set via gdk_dmabuf_texture_builder_set_width() or 0 if the width wasn't set.
getWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Gets the width previously set via gdk_gl_texture_builder_set_width() or 0 if the width wasn't set.
getWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Gets the width previously set via gdk_memory_texture_builder_set_width() or 0 if the width wasn't set.
getWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Returns the width of the given this Surface.
getWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
Returns the width of this Texture, in pixels.
getWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Queries the width of a pixbuf.
getWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
Queries the width of the bounding box of a pixbuf animation.
getWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Retrieves the size of the this Box on the X axis.
getWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Retrieves the normalized width of the given rectangle.
getWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintContext
Obtains the width of the GtkPrintContext, in pixels.
getWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the content width of the widget.
getWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Computes the logical width of the glyph string.
getWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Gets the width to which the lines of the PangoLayout should wrap.
getWidth(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Gets the paper width of the GtkPaperSize, in units of unit.
getWidthChars() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Gets the number of characters of space reserved for the contents of the editable.
getWidthChars() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Retrieves the desired width of label, in characters.
getWidthMm() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Gets the width in millimeters of the monitor.
getWidths() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.BorderNode
Retrieves the stroke widths of the border.
getWindowById(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Returns the ApplicationWindow with the given ID.
getWindowId() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow
Returns the unique ID of the window.
getWindowProperties() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Get the WebKitWindowProperties object.
getWindows() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Gets a list of the Window instances associated with application.
getWithAlpha() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog
Returns whether colors may have alpha.
getWord() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
Gets the word that is being completed up to the position of the insert mark.
getWrap() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Gets whether the spin row should wrap upon reaching its limits.
getWrap() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Returns whether lines in the label are automatically wrapped.
getWrap() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Returns whether the spin button’s value wraps around to the opposite limit when the upper or lower limit of the range is exceeded.
getWrap() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Gets the wrap mode for the layout.
getWrapAround() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
getWrapLicense() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Returns whether the license text in the about dialog is automatically wrapped.
getWrapMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Returns line wrap mode used by the inscription.
getWrapMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Returns line wrap mode used by the label.
getWrapMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets the line wrapping for the view.
getWrapMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Gets the line wrapping mode for the printed text.
getWritable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher
Returns whether to make the file writable for the handler.
getWritable(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferList
Gets the buffer at idx, ensuring it is a writable buffer.
getWritable(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
virtual method to get if a key is writable
getX() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Retrieves the rotation angle on the X axis, in degrees.
getX() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Retrieves the normalized X coordinate of the origin of the given rectangle.
getX() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Retrieves the X component of the graphene_vec2_t.
getX() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Retrieves the first component of the given vector this Vec3.
getX() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Retrieves the value of the first component of the given graphene_vec4_t.
getXalign() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
getXalign() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame
Returns the horizontal alignment of the child within the allocation of the GtkAspectFrame.
getXalign() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Gets the xalign of the inscription.
getXalign() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Gets the xalign of the label.
getXalign() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Gets the xalign property.
getXOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
getXpad() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Gets the xpad property.
getXRanges(int, int, Out<int[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Gets a list of visual ranges corresponding to a given logical range.
getXScale() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Retrieves the scaling factor on the X axis in this Matrix.
getXTranslation() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Retrieves the translation component on the X axis from this Matrix.
getXy(Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Creates a graphene_vec2_t that contains the first and second components of the given graphene_vec3_t.
getXy(Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Creates a graphene_vec2_t that contains the first two components of the given graphene_vec4_t.
getXy0(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Creates a graphene_vec3_t that contains the first two components of the given graphene_vec3_t, and the third component set to 0.
getXyz(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Creates a graphene_vec3_t that contains the first three components of the given graphene_vec4_t.
getXyz0(Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Converts a graphene_vec3_t in a graphene_vec4_t using 0.0 as the value for the fourth component of the resulting vector.
getXyz1(Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Converts a graphene_vec3_t in a graphene_vec4_t using 1.0 as the value for the fourth component of the resulting vector.
getXyzw(float, Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Converts a graphene_vec3_t in a graphene_vec4_t using w as the value of the fourth component of the resulting vector.
getY() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Retrieves the rotation angle on the Y axis, in degrees.
getY() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Retrieves the normalized Y coordinate of the origin of the given rectangle.
getY() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Retrieves the Y component of the graphene_vec2_t.
getY() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Retrieves the second component of the given vector this Vec3.
getY() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Retrieves the value of the second component of the given graphene_vec4_t.
getYalign() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
getYalign() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame
Returns the vertical alignment of the child within the allocation of the GtkAspectFrame.
getYalign() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Gets the yalign of the inscription.
getYalign() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Gets the yalign of the label.
getYalign() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Gets the yalign property.
getYear() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Returns the year of this GstDateTime.
getYear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns the year of a GDate.
getYear() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Retrieves the year represented by this DateTime in the Gregorian calendar.
getYear() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Gets the year of the selected date.
getYmd(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Retrieves the Gregorian day, month, and year of a given GDateTime.
getYpad() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Gets the ypad property.
getYScale() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Retrieves the scaling factor on the Y axis in this Matrix.
getYTranslation() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Retrieves the translation component on the Y axis from this Matrix.
getZ() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Retrieves the rotation angle on the Z axis, in degrees.
getZ() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Retrieves the third component of the given vector this Vec3.
getZ() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Retrieves the value of the third component of the given graphene_vec4_t.
getZoomLevel() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Set the zoom level of this WebView.
getZoomTextOnly() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Get the WebKitSettings:zoom-text-only property.
getZScale() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Retrieves the scaling factor on the Z axis in this Matrix.
getZTranslation() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Retrieves the translation component on the Z axis from this Matrix.
GhostPad - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GhostPads are useful when organizing pipelines with GstBin like elements.
GhostPad(String, Pad) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad
Create a new ghostpad with target as the target.
GhostPad(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad
Create a GhostPad proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GhostPad.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GhostPad.GhostPadClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GhostPadClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad.GhostPadClass
Allocate a new GhostPadClass.
GhostPadClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad.GhostPadClass
Allocate a new GhostPadClass.
GhostPadClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad.GhostPadClass
Create a GhostPadClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GICON - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ImageType
the widget contains a GIcon
GINT16_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
GINT16_MODIFIER - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
GINT32_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
GINT32_MODIFIER - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
GINT64_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
GINT64_MODIFIER - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
GINTPTR_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
GINTPTR_MODIFIER - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gio - Class in org.gnome.gio
Constants and functions that are declared in the global Gio namespace.
Gio() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Gio
GL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLAPI
The OpenGL API
GL_SHADER_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node that uses OpenGL fragment shaders to render
GLAGOLITIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
GLAGOLITIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
GLAGOLITIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
GLAPI - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
The list of the different APIs that GdkGLContext can potentially support.
GLArea - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkGLArea is a widget that allows drawing with OpenGL.
GLArea() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Creates a new GtkGLArea widget.
GLArea(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Create a GLArea proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GLArea.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GLArea.CreateContextCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CreateContextCallback callback.
GLArea.GLAreaClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkGLAreaClass structure contains only private data.
GLArea.RenderCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RenderCallback callback.
GLArea.ResizeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ResizeCallback callback.
GLAreaClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.GLAreaClass
Allocate a new GLAreaClass.
GLAreaClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.GLAreaClass
Allocate a new GLAreaClass.
GLAreaClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.GLAreaClass
Create a GLAreaClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GLContext - Class in org.gnome.gdk
GdkGLContext is an object representing a platform-specific OpenGL draw context.
GLContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Create a GLContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GLContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GLContext.GLContextImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The GLContextImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract GLContext class.
GLContextImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext.GLContextImpl
Creates a new instance of GLContext for the provided memory address.
GLError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Error enumeration for GdkGLContext.
GLES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLAPI
GLib - Class in org.gnome.glib
Constants and functions that are declared in the global GLib namespace.
GLib() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.GLib
glibBlobCreate(Bytes) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates an hb_blob_t blob from the specified GBytes data structure.
glibGetUnicodeFuncs() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a Unicode-functions structure that is populated with the appropriate GLib function for each method.
GLibLogger - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.base
glibScriptFromScript(Script) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the GUnicodeScript identifier that corresponds to the specified hb_script_t script.
glibScriptToScript(UnicodeScript) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the hb_script_t script that corresponds to the specified GUnicodeScript identifier.
GLOBAL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagScope
global tags for the complete medium
GLOBAL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocScope
global TOC representing all selectable options (this is what applications are usually interested in)
GLOBAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutScope
Shortcuts are handled by the root widget.
GLOBAL_ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class
a global-alpha value != 1 is set.
GLRenderer - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A GL based renderer.
GLRenderer() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.GLRenderer
Creates a new GskRenderer using the new OpenGL renderer.
GLRenderer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.GLRenderer
Create a GLRenderer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GLRenderer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gsk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GLRenderer.GLRendererClass - Class in org.gnome.gsk
GLRendererClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.GLRenderer.GLRendererClass
Create a GLRendererClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GLShader - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A GskGLShader is a snippet of GLSL that is meant to run in the fragment shader of the rendering pipeline.
GLShader(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader
Create a GLShader proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GLShader.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gsk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GLShader.GLShaderClass - Class in org.gnome.gsk
GLShaderClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader.GLShaderClass
Allocate a new GLShaderClass.
GLShaderClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader.GLShaderClass
Allocate a new GLShaderClass.
GLShaderClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader.GLShaderClass
Create a GLShaderClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GLShaderNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node using a GL shader when drawing its children nodes.
GLShaderNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.GLShaderNode
Create a GLShaderNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GLShaderNode(GLShader, Rect, Bytes, RenderNode[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.GLShaderNode
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
glShaderPopTexture() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GLArea for OpenGL rendering.
GLTexture - Class in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkTexture representing a GL texture object.
GLTexture(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.GLTexture
Create a GLTexture proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GLTexture(GLContext, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.GLTexture
GLTextureBuilder supersedes this function and provides extended functionality for creating GL textures.
GLTexture.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GLTexture.GLTextureClass - Class in org.gnome.gdk
GLTextureBuilder - Class in org.gnome.gdk
GdkGLTextureBuilder is a builder used to construct Texture objects from GL textures.
GLTextureBuilder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Creates a new texture builder.
GLTextureBuilder(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Create a GLTextureBuilder proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GLTextureBuilder.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GLTextureBuilder.GLTextureBuilderClass - Class in org.gnome.gdk
GLTextureBuilderClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder.GLTextureBuilderClass
Create a GLTextureBuilderClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GLTextureClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.GLTexture.GLTextureClass
Create a GLTextureClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GLUniformType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gsk
This defines the types of the uniforms that GskGLShaders declare.
Glyph - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoGlyph represents a single glyph in the output form of a string.
Glyph(int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Glyph
Create a new Glyph with the provided value
GLYPH_EMPTY - Static variable in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
A PangoGlyph value that indicates a zero-width empty glpyh.
GLYPH_EXTENTS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFlags
serialize glyph extents.
GLYPH_FLAGS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFlags
serialize glyph flags.
GLYPH_FLAGS_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferDiffFlags
difference in hb_glyph_flags_t.
GLYPH_INVALID_INPUT - Static variable in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
A PangoGlyph value for invalid input.
GLYPH_UNKNOWN_FLAG - Static variable in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Flag used in PangoGlyph to turn a gunichar value of a valid Unicode character into an unknown-character glyph for that gunichar.
GlyphExtents - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Glyph extent values, measured in font units.
GlyphExtents() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphExtents
Allocate a new GlyphExtents.
GlyphExtents(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphExtents
Allocate a new GlyphExtents.
GlyphExtents(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphExtents
Create a GlyphExtents proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GlyphExtents(Position, Position, Position, Position) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphExtents
Allocate a new GlyphExtents with the fields set to the provided values.
GlyphExtents(Position, Position, Position, Position, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphExtents
Allocate a new GlyphExtents with the fields set to the provided values.
GlyphFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Flags for hb_glyph_info_t.
GlyphGeometry - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoGlyphGeometry structure contains width and positioning information for a single glyph.
GlyphGeometry() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphGeometry
Allocate a new GlyphGeometry.
GlyphGeometry(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphGeometry
Allocate a new GlyphGeometry.
GlyphGeometry(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphGeometry
Create a GlyphGeometry proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GlyphGeometry(GlyphUnit, GlyphUnit, GlyphUnit) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphGeometry
Allocate a new GlyphGeometry with the fields set to the provided values.
GlyphGeometry(GlyphUnit, GlyphUnit, GlyphUnit, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphGeometry
Allocate a new GlyphGeometry with the fields set to the provided values.
GlyphInfo - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
The hb_glyph_info_t is the structure that holds information about the glyphs and their relation to input text.
GlyphInfo - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoGlyphInfo structure represents a single glyph with positioning information and visual attributes.
GlyphInfo() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphInfo
Allocate a new GlyphInfo.
GlyphInfo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphInfo
Allocate a new GlyphInfo.
GlyphInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphInfo
Allocate a new GlyphInfo.
GlyphInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphInfo
Allocate a new GlyphInfo.
GlyphInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphInfo
Create a GlyphInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GlyphInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphInfo
Create a GlyphInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GlyphInfo(Codepoint, Mask, int, VarInt, VarInt) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphInfo
Allocate a new GlyphInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
GlyphInfo(Codepoint, Mask, int, VarInt, VarInt, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphInfo
Allocate a new GlyphInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
GlyphInfo(Glyph, GlyphGeometry, GlyphVisAttr) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphInfo
Allocate a new GlyphInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
GlyphInfo(Glyph, GlyphGeometry, GlyphVisAttr, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphInfo
Allocate a new GlyphInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
glyphInfoGetGlyphFlags(GlyphInfo) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Returns glyph flags encoded within a hb_glyph_info_t.
GlyphItem - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoGlyphItem is a pair of a PangoItem and the glyphs resulting from shaping the items text.
GlyphItem() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Allocate a new GlyphItem.
GlyphItem(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Allocate a new GlyphItem.
GlyphItem(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Create a GlyphItem proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GlyphItem(Item, GlyphString, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Allocate a new GlyphItem with the fields set to the provided values.
GlyphItem(Item, GlyphString, int, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Allocate a new GlyphItem with the fields set to the provided values.
GlyphItemIter - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoGlyphItemIter is an iterator over the clusters in a PangoGlyphItem.
GlyphItemIter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Allocate a new GlyphItemIter.
GlyphItemIter(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Allocate a new GlyphItemIter.
GlyphItemIter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Create a GlyphItemIter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GlyphItemIter(GlyphItem, String, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Allocate a new GlyphItemIter with the fields set to the provided values.
GlyphItemIter(GlyphItem, String, int, int, int, int, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Allocate a new GlyphItemIter with the fields set to the provided values.
GlyphPosition - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
The hb_glyph_position_t is the structure that holds the positions of the glyph in both horizontal and vertical directions.
GlyphPosition() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphPosition
Allocate a new GlyphPosition.
GlyphPosition(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphPosition
Allocate a new GlyphPosition.
GlyphPosition(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphPosition
Create a GlyphPosition proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GlyphPosition(Position, Position, Position, Position, VarInt) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphPosition
Allocate a new GlyphPosition with the fields set to the provided values.
GlyphPosition(Position, Position, Position, Position, VarInt, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphPosition
Allocate a new GlyphPosition with the fields set to the provided values.
GLYPHS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferContentType
The buffer contains output glyphs (after shaping).
GlyphString - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoGlyphString is used to store strings of glyphs with geometry and visual attribute information.
GlyphString() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Create a new PangoGlyphString.
GlyphString(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Create a GlyphString proxy instance for the provided memory address.
glyphStringPath(Context, Font, GlyphString) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Adds the glyphs in glyphs to the current path in the specified cairo context.
GlyphUnit - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoGlyphUnit type is used to store dimensions within Pango.
GlyphUnit(int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphUnit
Create a new GlyphUnit with the provided value
GlyphVisAttr - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoGlyphVisAttr structure communicates information between the shaping and rendering phases.
GlyphVisAttr() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphVisAttr
Allocate a new GlyphVisAttr.
GlyphVisAttr(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphVisAttr
Allocate a new GlyphVisAttr.
GlyphVisAttr(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.GlyphVisAttr
Create a GlyphVisAttr proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GModule - Class in org.gnome.gmodule
Constants and functions that are declared in the global GModule namespace.
GModule() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gmodule.GModule
GNUC_FUNCTION - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Expands to "" on all modern compilers, and to __FUNCTION__ on gcc version 2.x.
GNUC_PRETTY_FUNCTION - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Expands to "" on all modern compilers, and to __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ on gcc version 2.x.
GO_BACK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Load the previous history item.
GO_BACK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Load the previous history item.
GO_FORWARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Load the next history item.
GO_FORWARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Load the next history item.
goBack() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Loads the previous history item.
GObject - Class in org.gnome.gobject
The base object type.
GObject(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Create a GObject proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GObject(Type, String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Creates a new instance of a GObject subtype and sets its properties.
GObject.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GObject.NotifyCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the NotifyCallback callback.
GObject.ObjectClass - Class in org.gnome.gobject
The class structure for the GObject type.
GObjects - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Constants and functions that are declared in the global GObject namespace.
GObjects() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
goForward() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Loads the next history item.
GOING_AWAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketCloseCode
the client/server is going away
GONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
410 Gone (HTTP)
gotChunk(Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Handles the SoupMessageBody part of receiving a chunk of data from the network.
gotCompletionData() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter
GOTHIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
GOTHIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
GOTHIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
goToBackForwardListItem(BackForwardListItem) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Loads the specific history item listItem.
gotWindowHandle(long) - Method in interface
This will post a "have-window-handle" element message on the bus.
GPL_2_0 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
The GNU General Public License, version 2.0 or later
GPL_2_0_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
The GNU General Public License, version 2.0 only
GPL_3_0 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
The GNU General Public License, version 3.0 or later
GPL_3_0_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
The GNU General Public License, version 3.0 only
gPropertiesChanged(Variant, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Signal class handler for the GDBusProxy::g-properties-changed signal.
GRAB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingMode
crossing because a grab is activated.
GRAB_BROKEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
a pointer or keyboard grab was broken.
GrabBrokenEvent - Class in org.gnome.gdk
An event related to a broken windowing system grab.
GrabBrokenEvent(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.GrabBrokenEvent
Create a GrabBrokenEvent proxy instance for the provided memory address.
grabFocus() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Causes this Widget to have the keyboard focus for the GtkWindow it's inside.
grabFocusWithoutSelecting() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Causes this EntryRow to have keyboard focus without selecting the text.
grabFocusWithoutSelecting() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Causes this Entry to have keyboard focus.
grabFocusWithoutSelecting() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Causes this Text to have keyboard focus.
GRAMMAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleInvalidState
A grammatical error was detected
GRANDFATHERED_THIRD_PARTY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarAcceptPolicy
accept all cookies set by the main document loaded in the application using libsoup, and from domains that have previously set at least one cookie when loaded as the main document.
GRANTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionState
Access to the feature is granted.
GRANTHA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Gran, Since: 0.9.30
GRANTHA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
GRANTHA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
GRAPH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.AsciiType
Graphene - Class in org.gnome.graphene
Constants and functions that are declared in the global Graphene namespace.
Graphene() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Graphene
Graphene-box - Search tag in package org.gnome.graphene
Graphene-euler - Search tag in package org.gnome.graphene
Graphene-frustum - Search tag in package org.gnome.graphene
Graphene-gobject - Search tag in package org.gnome.graphene
Graphene-matrix - Search tag in package org.gnome.graphene
Graphene-plane - Search tag in package org.gnome.graphene
Graphene-point - Search tag in package org.gnome.graphene
Graphene-point3d - Search tag in package org.gnome.graphene
Graphene-quad - Search tag in package org.gnome.graphene
Graphene-quaternion - Search tag in package org.gnome.graphene
Graphene-ray - Search tag in package org.gnome.graphene
Graphene-rect - Search tag in package org.gnome.graphene
Graphene-size - Search tag in package org.gnome.graphene
Graphene-sphere - Search tag in package org.gnome.graphene
Graphene-triangle - Search tag in package org.gnome.graphene
Graphene-vectors - Search tag in package org.gnome.graphene
GraphicsOffload - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A widget that allows to bypass gsk rendering for its child by passing the content directly to the compositor.
GraphicsOffload() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload
GraphicsOffload(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload
Create a GraphicsOffload proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GraphicsOffload(Widget) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload
Creates a new GtkGraphicsOffload widget.
GraphicsOffload.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GraphicsOffload.GraphicsOffloadClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GraphicsOffloadClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload.GraphicsOffloadClass
Allocate a new GraphicsOffloadClass.
GraphicsOffloadClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload.GraphicsOffloadClass
Allocate a new GraphicsOffloadClass.
GraphicsOffloadClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload.GraphicsOffloadClass
Create a GraphicsOffloadClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GraphicsOffloadEnabled - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Represents the state of graphics offloading.
Gravity - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Defines the reference point of a surface and is used in GdkPopupLayout.
Gravity - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
PangoGravity represents the orientation of glyphs in a segment of text.
GRAVITY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
base text gravity (Pango.AttrInt)
GRAVITY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontMask
the font gravity is specified (Since: 1.16.)
GRAVITY_HINT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
gravity hint (Pango.AttrInt)
GravityHint - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
PangoGravityHint defines how horizontal scripts should behave in a vertical context.
GRAY - Enum constant in enum class
The video is gray, there is one gray component with index 0.
GRAY10_LE32 - Enum constant in enum class
10-bit grayscale, packed into 32bit words (2 bits padding) (Since: 1.14)
GRAY16_BE - Enum constant in enum class
16-bit grayscale, most significant byte first
GRAY16_LE - Enum constant in enum class
16-bit grayscale, least significant byte first
GRAY8 - Enum constant in enum class
8-bit grayscale
GREATER_THAN_16_9 - Enum constant in enum class
For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox image with an aspect ratio greater than 16:9, vertically centered in the coded frame.
GREEK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
GREEK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
GREEK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
GREEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.AccentColor
Use a green color (#3a944a).
Grid - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkGrid is a container which arranges its child widgets in rows and columns.
Grid() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Creates a new grid widget.
Grid(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Create a Grid proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GRID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A grid of items.
GRID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.BackgroundPatternType
grid pattern
GRID_CELL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
An item in a grid or tree grid.
Grid.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Grid.GridClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GridClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Grid.GridClass
Allocate a new GridClass.
GridClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Grid.GridClass
Allocate a new GridClass.
GridClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Grid.GridClass
Create a GridClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GridLayout - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkGridLayout is a layout manager which arranges child widgets in rows and columns.
GridLayout() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout
Creates a new GtkGridLayout.
GridLayout(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout
Create a GridLayout proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GridLayout.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GridLayout.GridLayoutClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GridLayoutChild - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkLayoutChild subclass for children in a GtkGridLayout.
GridLayoutChild(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild
Create a GridLayoutChild proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GridLayoutChild.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GridLayoutChild.GridLayoutChildClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GridLayoutChildClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild.GridLayoutChildClass
Allocate a new GridLayoutChildClass.
GridLayoutChildClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild.GridLayoutChildClass
Allocate a new GridLayoutChildClass.
GridLayoutChildClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild.GridLayoutChildClass
Create a GridLayoutChildClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GridLayoutClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout.GridLayoutClass
Allocate a new GridLayoutClass.
GridLayoutClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout.GridLayoutClass
Allocate a new GridLayoutClass.
GridLayoutClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout.GridLayoutClass
Create a GridLayoutClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GridView - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkGridView presents a large dynamic grid of items.
GridView(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Create a GridView proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GridView(SelectionModel, ListItemFactory) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Creates a new GtkGridView that uses the given factory for mapping items to widgets.
GridView.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
GridView.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GridView.GridViewClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GridViewClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GridView.GridViewClass
Create a GridViewClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GROOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BorderStyle
Looks as if it were carved in the canvas
group(Gesture) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Adds gesture to the same group than this Gesture.
GROUP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
An element that groups multiple related widgets.
GROUP_ID_INVALID - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
A value which is guaranteed to never be returned by gst_util_group_id_next().
GROUP_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.KeyFileError
a requested group was not found
GROW_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing
Columns only get bigger in reaction to changes in the model
gSignal(String, String, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Signal class handler for the GDBusProxy::g-signal signal.
GSIZE_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
GSIZE_MODIFIER - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gsk - Class in org.gnome.gsk
Constants and functions that are declared in the global Gsk namespace.
Gsk() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.Gsk
GSM - Enum constant in enum class
samples in gsm format
GSSIZE_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
GSSIZE_MODIFIER - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gst - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Gst - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Constants and functions that are declared in the global Gst namespace.
Gst() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gstaudio - Search tag in package
GstAudio - Class in
Constants and functions that are declared in the global GstAudio namespace.
GstAudio() - Constructor for class
Gstaudiochannels - Search tag in package
Gstaudioiec61937 - Search tag in package
GstBase - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Constants and functions that are declared in the global GstBase namespace.
GstBase() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.GstBase
Gstcompat - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Gsterror - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Gstformat - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Gstinfo - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstObject - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstObject provides a root for the object hierarchy tree filed in by the GStreamer library.
GstObject(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Create a GstObject proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GstObject.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GstObject.DeepNotifyCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the DeepNotifyCallback callback.
GstObject.ObjectClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GStreamer base object class.
GstObject.ObjectImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The ObjectImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract GstObject class.
Gstparamspec - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Gstparse - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Gstpbutils - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
GstPbutils - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Constants and functions that are declared in the global GstPbutils namespace.
GstPbutils() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Gstpbutilscodecutils - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Gstpbutilsdescriptions - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Gstpbutilsinstallplugins - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Gstpbutilsmissingplugins - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Gstpluginsbaseversion - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Gstprotection - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GString - Class in org.gnome.glib
A GString is an object that handles the memory management of a C string.
GString - Class in org.gnome.gobject
GString() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.GString
Calls GString(java.lang.String) with init = null
GString(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.GString
Creates a new GString, initialized with the given string.
GString(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.GString
Create a GString proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GString(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.GString
Create a GString proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GSTRING - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for GString.
Gststreams - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Gsttypefindhelper - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Gstvalue - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Gstversion - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Gstvideo - Search tag in package
GstVideo - Class in
Constants and functions that are declared in the global GstVideo namespace.
GstVideo() - Constructor for class
Gstvideoanc - Search tag in package
Gstvideochroma - Search tag in package
Gstvideopool - Search tag in package
Gstvideosei - Search tag in package
Gtk - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Constants and functions that are declared in the global Gtk namespace.
Gtk() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
GTK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccelMode
GTK accelerators mode
GTK_GRAB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingMode
crossing because a GTK grab is activated.
GTK_UNGRAB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingMode
crossing because a GTK grab is deactivated.
GtkBuilder - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkBuilder reads XML descriptions of a user interface and instantiates the described objects.
GtkBuilder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Creates a new empty builder object.
GtkBuilder(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Create a GtkBuilder proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GtkBuilder.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GtkBuilder.BuilderClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkCallback - Annotation Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.annotations
GtkChild - Annotation Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.annotations
GtkSource - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Constants and functions that are declared in the global GtkSource namespace.
GtkSource() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GtkSource
GtkTemplate - Annotation Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.annotations
Gtktreednd - Search tag in package org.gnome.gtk
GType - Annotation Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations
gtypeGetType() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
guessCanEject() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountPoint
Guesses whether a Unix mount point can be ejected.
guessContentType(boolean, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Tries to guess the type of content stored on this Mount.
guessContentTypeFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Finishes guessing content types of this Mount.
guessContentTypeSync(boolean, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Tries to guess the type of content stored on this Mount.
guessIcon() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountPoint
Guesses the icon of a Unix mount point.
guessLanguage(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager
Picks a Language for given file name and content type, according to the information in lang files.
guessName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountPoint
Guesses the name of a Unix mount point.
guessSymbolicIcon() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountPoint
Guesses the symbolic icon of a Unix mount point.
GUINT16_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
GUINT32_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
GUINT64_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
GUINTPTR_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
GUJARATI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
GUJARATI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
GUJARATI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
GUNJALA_GONDI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Gong, Since: 1.8.0
GUNJALA_GONDI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Gunjala Gondi.
GURMUKHI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
GURMUKHI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
GURMUKHI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Gutter - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Gutter object for View.
Gutter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Gutter
Create a Gutter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Gutter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Gutter.GutterClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
GutterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Gutter.GutterClass
Allocate a new GutterClass.
GutterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Gutter.GutterClass
Allocate a new GutterClass.
GutterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Gutter.GutterClass
Create a GutterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GutterLines - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Collected information about visible lines.
GutterLines(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Create a GutterLines proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GutterLines.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GutterLines.GutterLinesClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
GutterLinesClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines.GutterLinesClass
Allocate a new GutterLinesClass.
GutterLinesClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines.GutterLinesClass
Allocate a new GutterLinesClass.
GutterLinesClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines.GutterLinesClass
Create a GutterLinesClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GutterRenderer - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Gutter cell renderer.
GutterRenderer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Create a GutterRenderer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GutterRenderer.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
GutterRenderer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GutterRenderer.GutterRendererClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
GutterRenderer.GutterRendererImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
The GutterRendererImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract GutterRenderer class.
GutterRenderer.QueryActivatableCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the QueryActivatableCallback callback.
GutterRenderer.QueryDataCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the QueryDataCallback callback.
GutterRendererAlignmentMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
The alignment mode of the renderer, when a cell spans multiple lines (due to text wrapping).
GutterRendererClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.GutterRendererClass
Allocate a new GutterRendererClass.
GutterRendererClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.GutterRendererClass
Allocate a new GutterRendererClass.
GutterRendererClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.GutterRendererClass
Create a GutterRendererClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GutterRendererImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.GutterRendererImpl
Creates a new instance of GutterRenderer for the provided memory address.
GutterRendererPixbuf - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Renders a pixbuf in the gutter.
GutterRendererPixbuf() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf
Create a new GtkSourceGutterRendererPixbuf.
GutterRendererPixbuf(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf
Create a GutterRendererPixbuf proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GutterRendererPixbuf.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GutterRendererPixbuf.GutterRendererPixbufClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
GutterRendererPixbufClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf.GutterRendererPixbufClass
Allocate a new GutterRendererPixbufClass.
GutterRendererPixbufClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf.GutterRendererPixbufClass
Allocate a new GutterRendererPixbufClass.
GutterRendererPixbufClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf.GutterRendererPixbufClass
Create a GutterRendererPixbufClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GutterRendererText - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Renders text in the gutter.
GutterRendererText() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText
Create a new GtkSourceGutterRendererText.
GutterRendererText(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText
Create a GutterRendererText proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GutterRendererText.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
GutterRendererText.GutterRendererTextClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
GutterRendererTextClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText.GutterRendererTextClass
Allocate a new GutterRendererTextClass.
GutterRendererTextClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText.GutterRendererTextClass
Allocate a new GutterRendererTextClass.
GutterRendererTextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText.GutterRendererTextClass
Create a GutterRendererTextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
GZIP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressorFormat
gzip file format
GZIP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompressionType
gzip compression.


H_COSITED - Enum constant in enum class
chroma is horizontally cosited
hadError() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Tests if this Task resulted in an error.
HALF_ASPECT - Enum constant in enum class
For frame-packed multiview modes, indicates that the individual views have been encoded with half the true width or height and should be scaled back up for display.
HALF_TAPS - Enum constant in enum class
when no taps are given, half the number of calculated taps.
HALF_WIDTH_CJK_ROMAN - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
HALF_WIDTH_IDEOGRAPHS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
HALF_WIDTH_TEXT - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
HAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
HAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
HAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
HANC_3G_AUDIO_DATA_FIRST - Enum constant in enum class
HANC_3G_AUDIO_DATA_LAST - Enum constant in enum class
HANC_ERROR_DETECTION - Enum constant in enum class
HANC_HDTV_AUDIO_DATA_FIRST - Enum constant in enum class
HANC_HDTV_AUDIO_DATA_LAST - Enum constant in enum class
HANC_SDTV_AUDIO_DATA_1_FIRST - Enum constant in enum class
HANC_SDTV_AUDIO_DATA_1_LAST - Enum constant in enum class
HANC_SDTV_AUDIO_DATA_2_FIRST - Enum constant in enum class
HANC_SDTV_AUDIO_DATA_2_LAST - Enum constant in enum class
handle() - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Proxy
Get the native memory address of the object.
handle() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.ProxyInstance
Get the memory address of the instance.
handle() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
handle() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.List
Returns the memory address of the head of the list.
handle() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SList
Returns the memory address of the head of the list.
HANDLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is a file handle index.
HANDLE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of a 32bit signed integer value, that by convention, is used as an index into an array of file descriptors that are sent alongside a D-Bus message.
handle_(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a new handle GVariant instance.
HANDLE_METHOD_INVOCATIONS_IN_THREAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags
Each method invocation is handled in a thread dedicated to the invocation.
HANDLED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeReturn
Data has been handled in the probe and will not be forwarded further.
HANDLED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountOperationResult
The request was fulfilled and the user specified data is now available
HANDLED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteractionResult
The interaction completed, and resulting data is available.
HANDLED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogWriterOutput
Log writer has handled the log entry.
handleEvents(boolean) - Method in interface
Tell an overlay that it should handle events from the window system.
handleFrame(BaseParseFrame, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
Parses the input data into valid frames as defined by subclass which should be passed to gst_base_parse_finish_frame().
handleFrame(Buffer) - Method in class
Provides input data (or NULL to clear any remaining data) to subclass.
handleFrame(Buffer) - Method in class
Provides input samples (or NULL to clear any remaining data) according to directions as configured by the subclass using the API.
handleFrame(VideoCodecFrame) - Method in class
handleFrame(VideoCodecFrame) - Method in class
Provides input frame to subclass.
handleLocalOptions(VariantDict) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
invoked locally after the parsing of the commandline options has occurred.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Method to handle a message from the children.
handleMissingData(ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class
HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationFlags
This application handles command line arguments (in the primary instance).
HANDLES_OPEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationFlags
This application handles opening files (in the primary instance).
handlesSequence(EventSequence) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Returns true if this Gesture is currently handling events corresponding to sequence.
handshake(Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Attempts a TLS handshake on this DtlsConnection.
handshake(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Attempts a TLS handshake on this TlsConnection.
HANDSHAKE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsError
The TLS handshake failed because the peer's certificate was not acceptable.
handshakeAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Asynchronously performs a TLS handshake on this DtlsConnection.
handshakeAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Asynchronously performs a TLS handshake on this TlsConnection.
handshakeFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Finish an asynchronous TLS handshake operation.
handshakeFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Finish an asynchronous TLS handshake operation.
HANGING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutBaselineTag
The hanging baseline.
HANGUL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
HANGUL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
HANGUL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
HANGUL_L_JAMO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Hangul L Jamo (JL)
HANGUL_LV_SYLLABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Hangul LV Syllable (H2)
HANGUL_LVT_SYLLABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Hangul LVT Syllable (H3)
HANGUL_T_JAMO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Hangul T Jamo (JT)
HANGUL_V_JAMO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Hangul V Jamo (JV)
HANIFI_ROHINGYA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Rohg, Since: 1.8.0
HANIFI_ROHINGYA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Hanifi Rohingya.
HANJA_TO_HANGUL - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
HANJA_TO_HANGUL_ALT_ONE - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
HANJA_TO_HANGUL_ALT_THREE - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
HANJA_TO_HANGUL_ALT_TWO - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
HANUNOO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
HANUNOO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
HANUNOO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
HARD_LIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
Multiplies or screens, dependent on source color.
HARD_LIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the source color value
HARDWARE - Enum constant in enum class
Color balance is implemented with dedicated hardware.
HardwareAccelerationPolicy - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used for determining the hardware acceleration policy.
HarfBuzz - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Constants and functions that are declared in the global HarfBuzz namespace.
HarfBuzz() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
HAS_AUTH_PARAMS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriFlags
The userinfo may contain additional authentication-related parameters, which will be separated from the username and/or password by ;.
HAS_PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriFlags
The userinfo field may contain a password, which will be separated from the username by :.
HAS_POPUP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Indicates the availability and type of interactive popup element, such as menu or dialog, that can be triggered by an element.
HAS_VALUE_TABLE(Type) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Checks if type has a TypeValueTable.
hasAction(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Checks if the named action exists within this ActionGroup.
hasActiveControlBindings() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Check if the this Object has active controlled properties.
hasAncestor(GstObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Use gst_object_has_as_ancestor() instead.

MT safe. Grabs and releases this Object's locks.

hasAnyClass(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Checks to see if the line has any GQuark classes set.
hasApplication(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Checks whether an application registered this resource using appName.
hasApplication(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Checks whether the bookmark for uri inside this BookmarkFile has been registered by application name.
hasAsAncestor(GstObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Check if this Object has an ancestor ancestor somewhere up in the hierarchy.
hasAsParent(GstObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Check if parent is the parent of this Object.
hasAttribute(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Checks if a file info structure has an attribute named attribute.
hasAudio() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Returns whether the stream has audio.
hasBidiLayouts() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Determines if layouts for both right-to-left and left-to-right languages are in use on the keyboard.
hasBuffer() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad
This checks if a pad has a buffer available that will be returned by a call to gst_aggregator_pad_peek_buffer() or gst_aggregator_pad_pop_buffer().
hasChar(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
Returns whether the font provides a glyph for this character.
hasClass(int, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Checks to see if GutterLines.addClass(int, java.lang.String) was called with the name for line.
hasClass(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
hasClasses(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProviderFactory
Check if this DeviceProviderFactory matches all of the given classes
hasClasses(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device
Check if this Device matches all of the given classes
hasClassesv(String[]) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProviderFactory
Check if this DeviceProviderFactory matches all of the given classes
hasClassesv(String[]) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device
Check if factory matches all of the given classes
hasColorGlyphs() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.TextNode
Checks whether the text this TextNode has color glyphs.
hasConnection(DBusConnection) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Checks if this DBusInterfaceSkeleton is exported on connection.
hasContextType(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Context
Checks if this Context has contextType.
hasCssClass(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns whether cssClass is currently applied to this Widget.
hasCurrentBuffer() - Method in class
Checks if the pad currently has a buffer queued that is going to be used for the current output frame.
hasCurrentCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Check if this Pad has caps set on it with a GST_EVENT_CAPS event.
hasDay() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
hasDefault() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Determines whether this Widget is the current default widget within its toplevel.
hasDefaultSortFunc() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable
hasDetails() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Returns whether the printer details are available.
hasFeature(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Tests if this Session has at a feature of type featureType (which can be the type of either a SessionFeature, or else a subtype of some class managed by another feature, such as Auth).
hasField(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Check if this Structure contains a field named fieldname.
hasFieldTyped(String, Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Check if this Structure contains a field named fieldname and with GType type.
hasFlags(Set<BufferFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Gives the status of a specific flag on a buffer.
hasFlags(BufferFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Gives the status of a specific flag on a buffer.
hasFocus() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Determines if the widget has the global input focus.
hasFunction() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindFactory
Check whether the factory has a typefind function.
hasGicon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Checks whether an icon theme includes an icon for a particular GIcon.
hasGroup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Returns whether this Window has an explicit window group.
hasGroup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Looks whether the key file has the group groupName.
hasGroup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Checks whether groupName appears inside the groups registered for the recently used item this RecentInfo.
hasGroup(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Checks whether group appears in the list of groups to which the bookmark for uri belongs to.
hash() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
A hash function suitable for using for a hash table that stores GdkRGBAs.
hash() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Creates a hash value for a GFile.
hash() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Icon
Gets a hash for an icon.
hash() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Creates an integer hash code for the byte data in the GBytes.
hash() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Hashes this DateTime into a guint, suitable for use within GHashTable.
hash() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Creates a hash code for this String; for use with GHashTable.
hash() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Generates a hash value for a GVariant instance.
hash() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Hashes this VariantType.
hash() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutTrigger
Generates a hash value for a GtkShortcutTrigger.
hash() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Computes a hash of a PangoFontDescription structure.
HASH_TABLE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GHashTable reference.
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Alias
Calculate the hashcode of the value of the alias.
hashCode() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.ProxyInstance
hashCode() - Method in record class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.ArenaCloseAction
Returns a hash code value for this object.
HashFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the HashFunc callback.
HashTable<K,V> - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GHashTable struct is an opaque data structure to represent a hash table.
HashTable - Class in org.gnome.gobject
HashTable(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Create a HashTable proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HashTable(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.HashTable
Create a HashTable proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HashTable(MemorySegment, Function<MemorySegment, K>, Function<MemorySegment, V>) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Create a HashTable proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HashTableIter - Class in org.gnome.glib
A GHashTableIter structure represents an iterator that can be used to iterate over the elements of a GHashTable.
HashTableIter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Allocate a new HashTableIter.
HashTableIter(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Allocate a new HashTableIter.
HashTableIter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Create a HashTableIter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HashTableIter(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, boolean, MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Allocate a new HashTableIter with the fields set to the provided values.
HashTableIter(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, boolean, MemorySegment, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Allocate a new HashTableIter with the fields set to the provided values.
hasIcon(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Checks whether an icon theme includes an icon for a particular name.
hasInterface(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Check if this ElementFactory implements the interface with name interfacename.
hasItem(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Looks whether the desktop bookmark has an item with its URI set to uri.
hasItem(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
Checks whether there is a recently used resource registered with uri inside the recent manager.
hasKey(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Returns whether key exists in the Desktop Entry group of the keyfile backing this DesktopAppInfo.
hasKey(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchema
Checks if this SettingsSchema has a key named name.
hasKey(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Returns true, if a value is associated with key.
hasKey(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Looks whether the key file has the key key in the group groupName.
hasMap() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MapListModel
Checks if a map function is currently set on this MapListModel.
hasMedia() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Checks if the this Drive has media.
hasMonth() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
hasName(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CustomMeta
Checks whether the name of the custom meta is name
hasName(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Checks if this Event has the given name.
hasName(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Checks if this Message has the given name.
hasName(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Checks if the structure has the given name
hasNameId(Quark) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Checks if this Event has the given name.
hasNamespace(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Checks if a file info structure has an attribute in the specified nameSpace.
hasOption(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Checks if the bufferpool supports option.
hasParent(File) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Checks if this File has a parent, and optionally, if it is parent.
hasPassword() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Credential
Determine whether this credential has a password stored.
hasPending() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
Checks if the file enumerator has pending operations.
hasPending() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Checks if an input stream has pending actions.
hasPending() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
Checks if a stream has pending actions.
hasPending() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Checks if an output stream has pending actions.
hasPrefix(File) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Checks whether this File has the prefix specified by prefix.
hasProtocol(String, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Checks if the protocol of a given valid URI matches protocol.
hasQclass(int, Quark) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Checks to see if GutterLines.addQclass(int, org.gnome.glib.Quark) was called with the quark denoted by qname for line.
hasRenderer(CellRenderer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
hasResponse(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Gets whether this AlertDialog has a response with the ID response.
hasResponse(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
hasSchedulingMode(PadMode) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Check if this Query has scheduling mode set.
hasSchedulingModeWithFlags(PadMode, Set<SchedulingFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Check if this Query has scheduling mode set and flags is set in query scheduling flags.
hasSchedulingModeWithFlags(PadMode, SchedulingFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Check if this Query has scheduling mode set and flags is set in query scheduling flags.
hasSecond() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
hasTag(TextTag) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns true if this TextIter points to a character that is part of a range tagged with tag.
hasTime() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
hasUriScheme(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Checks to see if a GFile has a given URI scheme.
hasValidPolicy(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer
Gets whether this HSTSEnforcer has a currently valid policy for domain.
hasVideo() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Returns whether the stream has video.
hasVisibleFocus() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Determines if the widget should show a visible indication that it has the global input focus.
hasVolumes() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Check if this Drive has any mountable volumes.
hasYear() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
HATRAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Hatr, Since: 0.9.30
HATRAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
HATRAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
HAVE_CONTEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Message indicating that an element created a context (Since: 1.2)
HAVE_GINT64 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
HAVE_GNUC_VARARGS - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
HAVE_GNUC_VISIBILITY - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Defined to 1 if gcc-style visibility handling is supported.
HAVE_GROWING_STACK - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
HAVE_ISO_VARARGS - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
haveContext(GstObject, Context) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
This message is posted when an element has a new local GstContext.
haveFrame() - Method in class
Gathers all data collected for currently parsed frame, gathers corresponding metadata and passes it along for further processing, i.e.
haveLastSubframe(VideoCodecFrame) - Method in class
Indicates that the last subframe has been processed by the decoder in frame.
havePending() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Checks if there are pending messages on the bus that should be handled.
Hb-aat-layout - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-blob - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-buffer - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-common - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-deprecated - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-draw - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-face - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-font - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-ft - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-glib - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-map - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-ot-color - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-ot-font - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-ot-layout - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-ot-math - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-ot-meta - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-ot-metrics - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-ot-name - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-ot-shape - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-ot-var - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-paint - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-set - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-shape - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-shape-plan - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-style - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-unicode - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Hb-version - Search tag in package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
HEADER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
the buffer contains header information that is needed to decode the following data.
HeaderBar - Class in org.gnome.adw
A title bar widget.
HeaderBar - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkHeaderBar is a widget for creating custom title bars for windows.
HeaderBar() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Creates a new AdwHeaderBar.
HeaderBar() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar
Creates a new GtkHeaderBar widget.
HeaderBar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Create a HeaderBar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HeaderBar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar
Create a HeaderBar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HeaderBar.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
HeaderBar.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
HeaderBar.HeaderBarClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
HeaderBarClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar.HeaderBarClass
Allocate a new HeaderBarClass.
HeaderBarClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar.HeaderBarClass
Allocate a new HeaderBarClass.
HeaderBarClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar.HeaderBarClass
Create a HeaderBarClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
headerContains(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Checks whether the list-valued header name is present in this MessageHeaders, and contains a case-insensitive match for token.
headerContains(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Parses header to see if it contains the token token (matched case-insensitively).
headerEquals(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Checks whether the header name is present in this MessageHeaders and is (case-insensitively) equal to value.
headerFreeList(SList<MemorySegment>) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Frees list.
headerFreeParamList(HashTable<String, String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Frees paramList.
headerGStringAppendParam(GString, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Appends something like name=value to string, taking care to quote value if needed, and if so, to escape any quotes or backslashes in value.
headerGStringAppendParamQuoted(GString, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Appends something like name="value" to string, taking care to escape any quotes or backslashes in value.
headerParseList(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Parses a header whose content is described by RFC2616 as #something.
headerParseParamList(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Parses a header which is a comma-delimited list of something like: token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ].
headerParseParamListStrict(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
A strict version of Soup.headerParseParamList(java.lang.String) that bails out if there are duplicate parameters.
headerParseQualityList(String, Out<SList<String>>) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Parses a header whose content is a list of items with optional "qvalue"s (eg, Accept, Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, TE).
headerParseSemiParamList(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Parses a header which is a semicolon-delimited list of something like: token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ].
headerParseSemiParamListStrict(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
A strict version of Soup.headerParseSemiParamList(java.lang.String) that bails out if there are duplicate parameters.
HEADERS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.LoggerLogLevel
Log the full request/response headers
headersParse(String, int, MessageHeaders) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Parses the headers of an HTTP request or response in str and stores the results in dest.
headersParseRequest(String, int, MessageHeaders, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<HTTPVersion>) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Parses the headers of an HTTP request in str and stores the results in reqMethod, reqPath, ver, and reqHeaders.
headersParseResponse(String, int, MessageHeaders, Out<HTTPVersion>, Out<Integer>, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Parses the headers of an HTTP response in str and stores the results in ver, statusCode, reasonPhrase, and headers.
headersParseStatusLine(String, Out<HTTPVersion>, Out<Integer>, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Parses the HTTP Status-Line string in statusLine into ver, statusCode, and reasonPhrase.
HEADING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
HEAVY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Weight
the heavy weight (= 900)
HEBREW - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
HEBREW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
HEBREW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
HEBREW_LETTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Hebrew Letter (HL).
height() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TrashStack
height() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Gets the height of a GTree.
HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintAttribute
The height of a widget
HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SizeRequestMode
Prefer height-for-width geometry management
HELP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ResponseType
Returned by Help buttons in GTK dialogs
HELP_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Defines a string value that provides a description of non-standard keyboard interactions of the current element.
HELPER_MISSING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsReturn
the helper script to call the actual installer is not installed
HEX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
a hex integer
HEX_CODE_TOO_LARGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Character value in "\\\\x{...}" sequence is too large.
HFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the HFunc callback.
hidden() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Called when the navigation view transition has been completed and the page is fully hidden.
HIDDEN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisFlags
The axis should not be exposed directly in user interfaces.
HIDDEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionFlags
The option doesn't appear in --help output.
HIDDEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleState
A “hidden” state; corresponds to the Widget:visible property.
HIDDEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BorderStyle
HIDDEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Overflow
Content is clipped to the bounds of the area.
hide() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Hide the surface.
hide() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
Hides the dialog if it is visible, aborting any interaction.
hide() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
hide() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
Emits the "hide" signal.
HIDE_DIACRITICS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
hideProvider(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
Make this DeviceProvider hide the devices from the factory with name.
hiding() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Called when the page starts hiding at the beginning of the navigation view transition.
HIERARCHY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkCheck
Check the pads have same parents/grandparents.
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class
High 8-pole noise shaping
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.ToastPriority
the toast will be displayed immediately, pushing the previous toast into the queue instead.
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.NotificationPriority
for events that require more attention, usually because responses are time-sensitive (for example chat and SMS messages or alarms)
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPriority
a priority higher than normal
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleAnnouncementPriority
The announcement is of high priority, and is usually spoken immediately.
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintQuality
High quality.
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessagePriority
High priority, a SoupMessage with this priority will be processed before the ones with the default priority.
HIRAGANA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
HIRAGANA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
HIRAGANA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
HIRAGANA_TO_KATAKANA - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
HISTORICAL_LIGATURES_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
HISTORICAL_LIGATURES_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
HitTestResult - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Result of a Hit Test.
HitTestResult - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Result of a Hit Test.
HitTestResult(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult
Create a HitTestResult proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HitTestResult(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult
Create a HitTestResult proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HitTestResult.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
HitTestResult.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
HitTestResult.HitTestResultClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
HitTestResult.HitTestResultClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
HitTestResultClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult.HitTestResultClass
Allocate a new HitTestResultClass.
HitTestResultClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult.HitTestResultClass
Allocate a new HitTestResultClass.
HitTestResultClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult.HitTestResultClass
Allocate a new HitTestResultClass.
HitTestResultClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult.HitTestResultClass
Allocate a new HitTestResultClass.
HitTestResultClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult.HitTestResultClass
Create a HitTestResultClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HitTestResultClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult.HitTestResultClass
Create a HitTestResultClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HitTestResultContext - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values with flags representing the context of a WebKitHitTestResult.
HitTestResultContext - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Enum values with flags representing the context of a WebKitHitTestResult.
Hmac - Class in org.gnome.glib
HMACs should be used when producing a cookie or hash based on data and a key.
Hmac - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Hmac(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Hmac
Create a Hmac proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Hmac(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Hmac
Create a Hmac proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Hmac(ChecksumType, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Hmac
Creates a new GHmac, using the digest algorithm digestType.
HOJO_CHARACTERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
hold() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Increases the use count of this Application.
HOME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinType
Go to the adjustments lower bound.
Hook - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GHook struct represents a single hook function in a GHookList.
Hook() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Allocate a new Hook.
Hook(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Allocate a new Hook.
Hook(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Create a Hook proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Hook(MemorySegment, Hook, Hook, int, int, int, MemorySegment, DestroyNotify) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Allocate a new Hook with the fields set to the provided values.
Hook(MemorySegment, Hook, Hook, int, int, int, MemorySegment, DestroyNotify, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Allocate a new Hook with the fields set to the provided values.
HOOK_FLAG_USER_SHIFT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The position of the first bit which is not reserved for internal use be the GHook implementation, i.e.
HookCheckFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the HookCheckFunc callback.
HookCheckMarshaller - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the HookCheckMarshaller callback.
HookCompareFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the HookCompareFunc callback.
HookFinalizeFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the HookFinalizeFunc callback.
HookFindFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the HookFindFunc callback.
HookFlagMask - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Flags used internally in the GHook implementation.
HookFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the HookFunc callback.
HookList - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GHookList struct represents a list of hook functions.
HookList() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Allocate a new HookList.
HookList(int, Hook, MemorySegment, HookFinalizeFunc, MemorySegment[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Allocate a new HookList with the fields set to the provided values.
HookList(int, Hook, MemorySegment, HookFinalizeFunc, MemorySegment[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Allocate a new HookList with the fields set to the provided values.
HookList(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Allocate a new HookList.
HookList(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Create a HookList proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HookMarshaller - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the HookMarshaller callback.
HORIZ - Enum constant in enum class
Flip horizontally
horizontal(VideoFormat, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in class
Horizontally scale the pixels in src to dest, starting from destOffset for width samples.
HORIZONTAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScrollFlags
Emit scroll with horizontal deltas.
HORIZONTAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Orientation
The element is in horizontal orientation.
HORIZONTAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDuplex
Horizontal duplex.
HORIZONTAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroupMode
group affects horizontal requisition
HORIZONTAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewGridLines
Horizontal grid lines.
HORIZONTAL_ASCENDER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
horizontal ascender.
HORIZONTAL_BGR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SubpixelLayout
The layout is horizontal, the order is BGR
HORIZONTAL_CARET_OFFSET - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
horizontal caret offset.
HORIZONTAL_CARET_RISE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
horizontal caret rise.
HORIZONTAL_CARET_RUN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
horizontal caret run.
HORIZONTAL_CLIPPING_ASCENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
horizontal clipping ascent.
HORIZONTAL_CLIPPING_DESCENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
horizontal clipping descent.
HORIZONTAL_DESCENDER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
horizontal descender.
HORIZONTAL_ENDS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollStep
Scroll to the horizontal ends.
HORIZONTAL_LINE_GAP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
horizontal line gap.
HORIZONTAL_PAGES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MovementStep
Move horizontally by pages
HORIZONTAL_PAGES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollStep
Scroll by horizontal pages.
HORIZONTAL_RGB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SubpixelLayout
The layout is horizontal, the order is RGB
HORIZONTAL_STEPS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollStep
Scroll in horizontal steps.
HOST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.URIComponent
the URI host component
HOST_ENDIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DataStreamByteOrder
Selects endianness based on host machine's architecture.
HOST_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Host couldn't be found (remote operations).
HOST_UNREACHABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Host unreachable.
hostnameIsAsciiEncoded(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Tests if hostname contains segments with an ASCII-compatible encoding of an Internationalized Domain Name.
hostnameIsIpAddress(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Tests if hostname is the string form of an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
hostnameIsNonAscii(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Tests if hostname contains Unicode characters.
hostnameToAscii(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts hostname to its canonical ASCII form; an ASCII-only string containing no uppercase letters and not ending with a trailing dot.
hostnameToUnicode(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts hostname to its canonical presentation form; a UTF-8 string in Unicode normalization form C, containing no uppercase letters, no forbidden characters, and no ASCII-encoded segments, and not ending with a trailing dot.
Hover - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Interactive tooltips.
Hover(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Hover
Create a Hover proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Hover.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Hover.HoverClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
HoverClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Hover.HoverClass
Allocate a new HoverClass.
HoverClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Hover.HoverClass
Allocate a new HoverClass.
HoverClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Hover.HoverClass
Create a HoverClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HoverContext - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Context for populating HoverDisplay contents.
HoverContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverContext
Create a HoverContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HoverContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
HoverContext.HoverContextClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
HoverContextClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverContext.HoverContextClass
Allocate a new HoverContextClass.
HoverContextClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverContext.HoverContextClass
Allocate a new HoverContextClass.
HoverContextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverContext.HoverContextClass
Create a HoverContextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HoverDisplay - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Display for interactive tooltips.
HoverDisplay(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverDisplay
Create a HoverDisplay proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HoverDisplay.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
HoverDisplay.HoverDisplayClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
HoverDisplayClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverDisplay.HoverDisplayClass
Allocate a new HoverDisplayClass.
HoverDisplayClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverDisplay.HoverDisplayClass
Allocate a new HoverDisplayClass.
HoverDisplayClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverDisplay.HoverDisplayClass
Create a HoverDisplayClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HoverProvider - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Interface to populate interactive tooltips.
HoverProvider.HoverProviderImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
The HoverProviderImpl type represents a native instance of the HoverProvider interface.
HoverProvider.HoverProviderInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
HoverProviderImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverProvider.HoverProviderImpl
Creates a new instance of HoverProvider for the provided memory address.
HoverProviderInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverProvider.HoverProviderInterface
Allocate a new HoverProviderInterface.
HoverProviderInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverProvider.HoverProviderInterface
Allocate a new HoverProviderInterface.
HoverProviderInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverProvider.HoverProviderInterface
Create a HoverProviderInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HRFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the HRFunc callback.
HSL_COLOR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
Creates a color with the hue and saturation of the source and the luminosity of the target.
HSL_HUE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
Creates a color with the hue of the source and the saturation and luminosity of the target.
HSL_LUMINOSITY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
Creates a color with the luminosity of the source and the hue and saturation of the target.
HSL_SATURATION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
Creates a color with the saturation of the source and the hue and luminosity of the target.
HSTS_CACHE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
HSTS cache.
HSTS_POLICY_MAX_AGE_PAST - Static variable in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
An expiration date that is always in the past.
HSTSEnforcer - Class in org.gnome.soup
Automatic HTTP Strict Transport Security enforcing for Session.
HSTSEnforcer() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer
Creates a new SoupHSTSEnforcer.
HSTSEnforcer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer
Create a HSTSEnforcer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HSTSEnforcer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
HSTSEnforcer.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
HSTSEnforcer.HSTSEnforcerClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
Class structure for SoupHSTSEnforcer.
HSTSEnforcerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer.HSTSEnforcerClass
Allocate a new HSTSEnforcerClass.
HSTSEnforcerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer.HSTSEnforcerClass
Allocate a new HSTSEnforcerClass.
HSTSEnforcerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer.HSTSEnforcerClass
Create a HSTSEnforcerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HSTSEnforcerDB - Class in org.gnome.soup
Persistent HTTP Strict Transport Security enforcer.
HSTSEnforcerDB(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcerDB
Create a HSTSEnforcerDB proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HSTSEnforcerDB(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcerDB
Creates a SoupHSTSEnforcerDB.
HSTSEnforcerDB.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
HSTSEnforcerDB.HSTSEnforcerDBClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
HSTSEnforcerDBClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcerDB.HSTSEnforcerDBClass
Allocate a new HSTSEnforcerDBClass.
HSTSEnforcerDBClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcerDB.HSTSEnforcerDBClass
Allocate a new HSTSEnforcerDBClass.
HSTSEnforcerDBClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcerDB.HSTSEnforcerDBClass
Create a HSTSEnforcerDBClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HSTSPolicy - Class in org.gnome.soup
SoupHSTSPolicy implements HTTP policies, as described by RFC 6797.
HSTSPolicy(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.HSTSPolicy
Create a HSTSPolicy proxy instance for the provided memory address.
HSTSPolicy(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.HSTSPolicy
Creates a new SoupHSTSPolicy with the given attributes.
hsvToRgb(float, float, float, Out<Float>, Out<Float>, Out<Float>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Converts a color from HSV space to RGB.
HTML_FORM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationScheme
HTML Form authentication.
htmlArcTo(float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Implements arc-to according to the HTML Canvas spec.
HTTP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.DateFormat
RFC 1123 format, used by the HTTP "Date" header.
HTTP_1_0 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.HTTPVersion
HTTP 1.0 (RFC 1945)
HTTP_1_1 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.HTTPVersion
HTTP 1.1 (RFC 2616)
HTTP_2_0 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.HTTPVersion
HTTP 2.0 (RFC 7540)
HTTP_BASIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationScheme
Basic authentication scheme as defined in RFC 2617.
HTTP_DIGEST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationScheme
Digest authentication scheme as defined in RFC 2617.
HTTP_URI_FLAGS - Static variable in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
The set of GUriFlags libsoup expects all GUri to use.
HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
505 HTTP Version Not Supported (HTTP)
HTTPS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.ServerListenOptions
Listen for https connections rather than plain http.
HTTPVersion - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
Indicates the HTTP protocol version being used.
HUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Creates a color with the hue of the source color and the saturation and luminosity of the destination color
HUP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOCondition
Hung up (the connection has been broken, usually for pipes and sockets).
HUP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.IOCondition
HYPER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.InterpType
This is the slowest and highest quality reconstruction function.
HYPER_MASK - Enum constant in enum class
the Hyper modifier
HYPER_MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
the Hyper modifier.
HYPHEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Hyphen (HY)
HYPHEN_TO_EN_DASH_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
HYPHEN_TO_EN_DASH_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
HYPHEN_TO_MINUS_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
HYPHEN_TO_MINUS_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
HYPHENS_TO_EM_DASH_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
HYPHENS_TO_EM_DASH_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector


I420 - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:0 YUV
I420_10BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:0 YUV, 10 bits per channel
I420_10LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:0 YUV, 10 bits per channel
I420_12BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:0 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12)
I420_12LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:0 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12)
I422_10BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:2 YUV, 10 bits per channel
I422_10LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:2 YUV, 10 bits per channel
I422_12BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:2 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12)
I422_12LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:2 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12)
Icon - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GIcon is a very minimal interface for icons.
ICON - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionColumn
ICON_NAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ImageType
the widget contains a named icon
ICON_THEME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SystemSetting
The icon theme has changed in a way that requires icons to be looked up again
Icon.IconIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
GIconIface is used to implement GIcon types for various different systems.
Icon.IconImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The IconImpl type represents a native instance of the Icon interface.
ICONFALLBACK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Information about icon fallback.
IconIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Icon.IconIface
Allocate a new IconIface.
IconIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Icon.IconIface
Allocate a new IconIface.
IconIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Icon.IconIface
Create a IconIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IconImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Icon.IconImpl
Creates a new instance of Icon for the provided memory address.
IconLookupFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Used to specify options for gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon().
IconPaintable - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Contains information found when looking up an icon in GtkIconTheme.
IconPaintable(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IconPaintable
Create a IconPaintable proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IconPaintable.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
IconSize - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Built-in icon sizes.
IconTheme - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkIconTheme provides a facility for loading themed icons.
IconTheme() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Creates a new icon theme object.
IconTheme(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Create a IconTheme proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ICONTHEME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Information about icon themes
IconTheme.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
IconTheme.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
IconThemeError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Error codes for GtkIconTheme operations.
iconv(String[], Out<Long>, String[], Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IConv
Same as the standard UNIX routine iconv(), but may be implemented via libiconv on UNIX flavors that lack a native implementation.
iconv(IConv, String[], Out<Long>, String[], Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Same as the standard UNIX routine iconv(), but may be implemented via libiconv on UNIX flavors that lack a native implementation.
IConv - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GIConv struct wraps an iconv() conversion descriptor.
IConv(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.IConv
Create a IConv proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IconView - Class in org.gnome.gtk
IconView() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
IconView(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Create a IconView proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IconView.ActivateCursorItemCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCursorItemCallback callback.
IconView.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
IconView.ItemActivatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ItemActivatedCallback callback.
IconView.MoveCursorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MoveCursorCallback callback.
IconView.SelectAllCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SelectAllCallback callback.
IconView.SelectCursorItemCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SelectCursorItemCallback callback.
IconView.SelectionChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SelectionChangedCallback callback.
IconView.ToggleCursorItemCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ToggleCursorItemCallback callback.
IconView.UnselectAllCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the UnselectAllCallback callback.
IconViewDropPosition - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
An enum for determining where a dropped item goes.
IconViewForeachFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the IconViewForeachFunc callback.
id(Quark, Object...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Creates a new GstCapsFeatures with the given features.
id(Quark, Quark, Object...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Creates a new GstStructure with the given name as a GQuark, followed by fieldname quark, GType, argument(s) "triplets" in the same format as gst_structure_id_set().
ID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalMatchType
The signal id must be equal.
idCompareFunc(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Compares the two GstClockID instances.
IDEMPOTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageFlags
The message is considered idempotent, regardless its Message:method, and allows reuse of existing idle connections, instead of always requiring a new one, unless SOUP_MESSAGE_NEW_CONNECTION is set.
idEmpty(Quark) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Creates a new, empty GstStructure with the given name as a GQuark.
identifier(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeZone
Creates a GTimeZone corresponding to identifier.
IDENTIFIER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
an identifier
IDENTIFIER_NULL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
a null identifier
IDENTITY - Enum constant in enum class
Identity (no rotation)
IDENTITY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.TransformCategory
The matrix is the identity matrix.
IDEO_EMBOX_BOTTOM_OR_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutBaselineTag
Ideographic em-box bottom or left edge, if the direction is horizontal or vertical, respectively.
IDEO_EMBOX_CENTRAL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutBaselineTag
The center of the ideographic em-box.
IDEO_EMBOX_TOP_OR_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutBaselineTag
Ideographic em-box top or right edge baseline,
IDEO_FACE_BOTTOM_OR_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutBaselineTag
Ideographic character face bottom or left edge, if the direction is horizontal or vertical, respectively.
IDEO_FACE_CENTRAL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutBaselineTag
The center of the ideographic character face.
IDEO_FACE_TOP_OR_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutBaselineTag
Ideographic character face top or right edge, if the direction is horizontal or vertical, respectively.
IDEOGRAPHIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Ideographic (ID)
IDEOGRAPHIC_ALT_FIVE - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
IDEOGRAPHIC_ALT_FOUR - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
IDEOGRAPHIC_ALT_ONE - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
IDEOGRAPHIC_ALT_THREE - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
IDEOGRAPHIC_ALT_TWO - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
IDEOGRAPHIC_ALTERNATIVES_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
IDEOGRAPHIC_SPACING_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
idGet(Quark, Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Parses the variable arguments and reads fields from this Structure accordingly.
idGetClock(ClockID) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
This function returns the underlying clock.
idGetTime(ClockID) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Gets the time of the clock ID
idGetValue(Quark) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Get the value of the field with GQuark field.
idHasField(Quark) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Check if this Structure contains a field named field.
idHasFieldTyped(Quark, Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Check if this Structure contains a field named field and with GType type.
idIsValid(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Checks if applicationId is a valid application identifier.
IDLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe idle pads and block while the callback is called
IDLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.AnimationState
The animation hasn't started yet.
IDLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationInhibitFlags
Inhibit the session being marked as idle (and possibly locked)
idleAdd(int, SourceFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Adds a function to be called whenever there are no higher priority events pending.
idleAddOnce(SourceOnceFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Adds a function to be called whenever there are no higher priority events pending to the default main loop.
idleRemoveByData(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Removes the idle function with the given data.
idleSourceNew() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a new idle source.
idRef(ClockID) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Increases the refcount of given id.
idSet(Quark, Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Identical to gst_structure_set, except that field names are passed using the GQuark for the field name.
idSetValue(Quark, Value) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the field with the given GQuark field to value.
idTakeValue(Quark, Value) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the field with the given GQuark field to value.
idUnref(ClockID) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Unrefs given id.
idUnschedule(ClockID) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Cancels an outstanding request with id.
idUsesClock(ClockID, Clock) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
This function returns whether id uses clock as the underlying clock.
idWait(ClockID, ClockTimeDiff) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Performs a blocking wait on id.
idWaitAsync(ClockID, ClockCallback) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Registers a callback on the given GstClockID id with the given function and user_data.
IEC_UNITS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FormatSizeFlags
use IEC (base 1024) units with "KiB"-style suffixes.
IEC958 - Enum constant in enum class
samples in IEC958 frames (e.g.
IEEE754_DOUBLE_BIAS - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The bias by which exponents in double-precision floats are offset.
IEEE754_FLOAT_BIAS - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The bias by which exponents in single-precision floats are offset.
IF_ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FilesystemPreviewType
Only preview files if user has explicitly requested it.
IF_LOCAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FilesystemPreviewType
Preview files if user has requested preview of "local" files.
IF_VALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButtonUpdatePolicy
When refreshing your GtkSpinButton, the value is only displayed if it is valid within the bounds of the spin button's adjustment
IGNORABLES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.ShowFlags
Render default-ignorable Unicode characters visibly
ignore() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecision
WebKitResponsePolicyDecision, this would cancel the request.
IGNORE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
the axis is ignored.
IGNORE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.TLSErrorsPolicy
Ignore TLS errors.
IGNORE_GRAMMAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Ignore grammar.
IGNORE_GRAMMAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Ignore grammar.
IGNORE_INVALID_CHARS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaverFlags
Ignore invalid characters.
IGNORE_MODIFICATION_TIME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaverFlags
Save file despite external modifications.
IGNORE_QUALIFIED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseFlags
Ignore (don't report) qualified attributes and tags, along with their contents.
IGNORE_SPELLING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Causes the spellchecker to ignore the word for this session.
IGNORE_SPELLING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Causes the spellchecker to ignore the word for this session.
ignoreTag(TextTag) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Specifies a tag whose style should be ignored when compositing the document to the printable page.
ILLEGAL_SEQUENCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ConvertError
Invalid byte sequence in conversion input; or the character sequence could not be represented in the target character set.
ILLUMINATED_CAPS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
IM_MODULE_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The default name of the extension point.
IMA_ADPCM - Enum constant in enum class
samples in ima adpcm
Image - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkImage widget displays an image.
Image() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Creates a new empty GtkImage widget.
Image(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Create a Image proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IMAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.PbUtilsCapsDescriptionFlags
Caps describe an image format, or a container format that can store image.
IMAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResultContext
an image element.
IMAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResultContext
an image element.
Image.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ImageType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes the image data representation used by a Image.
IMContext - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkIMContext defines the interface for GTK input methods.
IMContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Create a IMContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IMContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
IMContext.CommitCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CommitCallback callback.
IMContext.DeleteSurroundingCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DeleteSurroundingCallback callback.
IMContext.IMContextClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
IMContext.IMContextImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The IMContextImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract IMContext class.
IMContext.PreeditChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PreeditChangedCallback callback.
IMContext.PreeditEndCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PreeditEndCallback callback.
IMContext.PreeditStartCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PreeditStartCallback callback.
IMContext.RetrieveSurroundingCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RetrieveSurroundingCallback callback.
IMContextClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Allocate a new IMContextClass.
IMContextClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Allocate a new IMContextClass.
IMContextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Create a IMContextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
imContextFilterKeypress(Event) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Allow the GtkTextView input method to internally handle key press and release events.
IMContextImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextImpl
Creates a new instance of IMContext for the provided memory address.
IMContextSimple - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkIMContextSimple is an input method supporting table-based input methods.
IMContextSimple() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMContextSimple
Creates a new GtkIMContextSimple.
IMContextSimple(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMContextSimple
Create a IMContextSimple proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IMContextSimple.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
IMContextSimple.IMContextSimpleClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
IMContextSimpleClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMContextSimple.IMContextSimpleClass
Allocate a new IMContextSimpleClass.
IMContextSimpleClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMContextSimple.IMContextSimpleClass
Allocate a new IMContextSimpleClass.
IMContextSimpleClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMContextSimple.IMContextSimpleClass
Create a IMContextSimpleClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IMG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
An image.
IMMulticontext - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkIMMulticontext is an input method context supporting multiple, switchable input methods.
IMMulticontext() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMMulticontext
Creates a new GtkIMMulticontext.
IMMulticontext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMMulticontext
Create a IMMulticontext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IMMulticontext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
IMMulticontext.IMMulticontextClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
IMMulticontextClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMMulticontext.IMMulticontextClass
Allocate a new IMMulticontextClass.
IMMulticontextClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMMulticontext.IMMulticontextClass
Allocate a new IMMulticontextClass.
IMMulticontextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.IMMulticontext.IMMulticontextClass
Create a IMMulticontextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IMPERIAL_ARAMAIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
IMPERIAL_ARAMAIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Imperial Aramaic.
impl(ThreadFunc, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Once
implement(String, Type, String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.IOExtensionPoint
Registers type as extension for the extension point with name extensionPointName.
implUpdate(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission
This function is called by the GPermission implementation to update the properties of the permission.
IMPORT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CssParserError
Failed to import a resource
IN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOCondition
There is data to read.
IN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.IOCondition
IN_CALL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.HookFlagMask
set if the hook is currently being run
IN_MAIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionFlags
The option appears in the main section of the --help output, even if it is defined in a group.
IN_ORDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseType
vists a node's left child first, then the node itself, then its right child.
IN_PROGRESS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationResult
The print operation is not complete yet.
IN_WRITABLE - Enum constant in enum class
the input sample arrays are writable and can be used as temporary storage during conversion.
INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsError
The TLS handshake failed because the client sent the fallback SCSV, indicating a protocol downgrade attack.
INCH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Unit
Dimensions in inches.
INCLUDE_SELECTION_HIGHLIGHTING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotOptions
Whether to include in the snapshot the highlight of the selected content.
includesScript(Script) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Language
Determines if script is one of the scripts used to write this Language.
includesSubdomains() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSPolicy
Gets whether this HSTSPolicy include its subdomains.
incoming(SocketConnection, GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketService
signal emitted when new connections are accepted
INCOMPLETE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestResult
INCOMPLETE_ANIMATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufError
Only part of the animation was loaded.
INCOMPLETE_HOSTNAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserError
Indicates an incomplete hostname (e.g.
INCONSISTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Widget is inconsistent
INCONSISTENT_NEWLINE_OPTIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Inconsistent newline options.
incrementFrame() - Method in class
Adds one frame to this VideoTimeCode.
indent(View, TextIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Indenter
This function should be implemented to alter the indentation of text within the view.
Indenter - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Auto-indentation interface.
Indenter.IndenterImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
The IndenterImpl type represents a native instance of the Indenter interface.
Indenter.IndenterInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
The virtual function table for GtkSourceIndenter.
IndenterImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Indenter.IndenterImpl
Creates a new instance of Indenter for the provided memory address.
IndenterInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Indenter.IndenterInterface
Allocate a new IndenterInterface.
IndenterInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Indenter.IndenterInterface
Allocate a new IndenterInterface.
IndenterInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Indenter.IndenterInterface
Create a IndenterInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
indentLines(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Inserts one indentation level at the beginning of the specified lines.
inDestruction() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns whether the widget is currently being destroyed.
index(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tuples
Rarely used API
index(int, HashFunc, EqualFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Relation
Rarely used API
index(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Returns the position of the first element in this Queue which contains data.
INDEXABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFlags
the element can use an index
INDEXED - Enum constant in enum class
Tiles are indexed.
INDEXEDDB_DATABASES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
IndexedDB databases.
indexOf(Object) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
indexToLineX(int, boolean, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Converts from byte index within the this Layout to line and X position.
indexToPos(int, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Converts from an index within a PangoLayout to the onscreen position corresponding to the grapheme at that index.
indexToX(int, boolean, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Converts an index within a line to a X position.
indexToX(String, int, Analysis, int, boolean, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Converts from character position to x position.
indexToXFull(String, int, Analysis, LogAttr, int, boolean, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Converts from character position to x position.
INEQUALITY_LIGATURES_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
INEQUALITY_LIGATURES_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
INERT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererMode
The cell is just for display and cannot be interacted with.
InetAddress - Class in org.gnome.gio
GInetAddress represents an IPv4 or IPv6 internet address.
InetAddress(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Create a InetAddress proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InetAddress.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
InetAddress.InetAddressClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
InetAddressClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress.InetAddressClass
Allocate a new InetAddressClass.
InetAddressClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress.InetAddressClass
Allocate a new InetAddressClass.
InetAddressClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress.InetAddressClass
Create a InetAddressClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InetAddressMask - Class in org.gnome.gio
GInetAddressMask represents a range of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses described by a base address and a length indicating how many bits of the base address are relevant for matching purposes.
InetAddressMask(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask
Create a InetAddressMask proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InetAddressMask(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask
Creates a new GInetAddressMask representing all addresses whose first length bits match addr.
InetAddressMask.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
InetAddressMask.InetAddressMaskClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
InetAddressMaskClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask.InetAddressMaskClass
Allocate a new InetAddressMaskClass.
InetAddressMaskClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask.InetAddressMaskClass
Allocate a new InetAddressMaskClass.
InetAddressMaskClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask.InetAddressMaskClass
Create a InetAddressMaskClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InetSocketAddress - Class in org.gnome.gio
An IPv4 or IPv6 socket address.
InetSocketAddress(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress
Create a InetSocketAddress proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InetSocketAddress(InetAddress, short) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress
Creates a new GInetSocketAddress for address and port.
InetSocketAddress.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
InetSocketAddress.InetSocketAddressClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
InetSocketAddressClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress.InetSocketAddressClass
Allocate a new InetSocketAddressClass.
InetSocketAddressClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress.InetSocketAddressClass
Allocate a new InetSocketAddressClass.
InetSocketAddressClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress.InetSocketAddressClass
Create a InetSocketAddressClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
INEXISTENT_SUBPATTERN_REFERENCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Reference to non-existent subpattern.
INFERIOR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.NotifyType
the surface is entered from an inferior or left towards an inferior.
INFERIORS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
inFill(Point, FillRule) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Path
Returns whether the given point is inside the area that would be affected if the path was filled according to fillRule.
infinite() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
A degenerate graphene_box_t that cannot be expanded.
INFINITE_LOOP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Recursive call could loop indefinitely.
INFIX_SEPARATOR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Infix Separator (Numeric) (IS)
info() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.MemChunk
info(GstObject, GError, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new info message.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugLevel
Informational messages should be used to keep the developer updated about what is happening.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
an info message occurred
INFO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MessageType
Informational message
INFO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageLevel
Information message.
InfoBar - Class in org.gnome.gtk
InfoBar() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
InfoBar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
Create a InfoBar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InfoBar.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
InfoBar.CloseCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CloseCallback callback.
InfoBar.ResponseCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ResponseCallback callback.
infoStrdupPrintf(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Allocates, fills and returns a 0-terminated string from the printf style format string and corresponding arguments.
infoWithDetails(GstObject, GError, String, Structure) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new info message.
INHERIT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconSize
Keep the size of the parent element
INHERIT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NaturalWrapMode
Inherit the minimum size request.
INHERIT_FDS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessFlags
spawned processes will inherit the file descriptors of their parent, unless those descriptors have been explicitly marked as close-on-exec.
INHERIT_STDERR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestSubprocessFlags
If this flag is given, the child process will inherit the parent's stderr.
INHERIT_STDIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestSubprocessFlags
If this flag is given, the child process will inherit the parent's stdin.
INHERIT_STDIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestTrapFlags
If this flag is given, stdin of the child process is shared with stdin of its parent process.
INHERIT_STDOUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestSubprocessFlags
If this flag is given, the child process will inherit the parent's stdout.
INHERITED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
INHERITED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
a mark glyph that takes its script from the base glyph to which it is attached
INHERITED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
a mark glyph that takes its script from the base glyph to which it is attached
inhibit(Window, Set<ApplicationInhibitFlags>, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Inform the session manager that certain types of actions should be inhibited.
inhibit(Window, ApplicationInhibitFlags, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Inform the session manager that certain types of actions should be inhibited.
INHIBIT_OSK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
Suggest to not show an onscreen keyboard (e.g for a calculator that already has all the keys).
INHIBIT_OSK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputHints
Suggest to not show an onscreen keyboard
inhibitSystemShortcuts(Event) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Requests that the this Toplevel inhibit the system shortcuts.
init() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Sets a GstBaseParseFrame to initial state.
init() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Initializes this BitWriter to an empty instance.
init() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Initializes this ByteWriter to an empty instance
init() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocationParams
Initialize this AllocationParams to its default values
init() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PollFD
Initializes this PollFD.
init() - Method in class
Initialize this VideoContentLightLevel
init() - Method in class
Initialize this VideoMasteringDisplayInfo
init() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
Initializes Libadwaita.
init() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.StaticResource
Initializes a GResource from static data using a GStaticResource.
init() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Cond
Initialises a GCond so that it can be used.
init() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Initializes a GIOChannel struct.
init() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Initializes a GPathBuf instance.
init() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
A statically-allocated GQueue must be initialized with this function before it can be used.
init() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RecMutex
Initializes a GRecMutex so that it can be used.
init() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
Initializes a GRWLock so that it can be used.
init() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticMutex
Use g_mutex_init()
init() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRecMutex
Use g_rec_mutex_init()
init() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Use g_rw_lock_init() instead
init() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Call this function before using any other GTK functions in your GUI applications.
init() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GtkSource
Initializes the GtkSourceView library (e.g.
init(byte[]) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Initializes a GstBitReader instance to read from data.
init(byte[]) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Initializes a GstByteReader instance to read from data.
init(float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Initializes this Point to the given x and y coordinates.
init(float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Size
Initializes a graphene_size_t using the given width and height.
init(float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Initializes a graphene_vec2_t using the given values.
init(float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Initializes a graphene_euler_t using the given angles.
init(float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Initializes a graphene_point3d_t with the given coordinates.
init(float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Initializes a graphene_vec3_t using the given values.
init(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Initializes a graphene_quaternion_t using the given four values.
init(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Initializes the given graphene_rect_t with the given values.
init(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Initializes a graphene_vec4_t using the given values.
init(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Initializes a GHookList.
init(int, int, int, int) - Method in class
Initializes this VideoTimeCodeInterval with the given values.
init(int, int, DateTime, Set<VideoTimeCodeFlags>, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class
fieldCount is 0 for progressive, 1 or 2 for interlaced.
init(int, int, DateTime, VideoTimeCodeFlags, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class
fieldCount is 0 for progressive, 1 or 2 for interlaced.
init(int, Type, MiniObjectCopyFunction, MiniObjectDisposeFunction, MiniObjectFreeFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Initializes a mini-object with the desired type and copy/dispose/free functions.
init(Out<String[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Initializes the GStreamer library, setting up internal path lists, registering built-in elements, and loading standard plugins.
init(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
This function is no longer necessary. The GLib threading system is automatically initialized at the start of your program.
init(String, long, String, Set<UriParamsFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsIter
Initializes an attribute/value pair iterator.
init(String, long, String, UriParamsFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsIter
Initializes an attribute/value pair iterator.
init(Set<MemoryFlags>, Allocator, Memory, long, long, long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Initializes a newly allocated this Memory with the given parameters.
init(AudioInfo) - Static method in class
Initialize info with default values.
init(DsdInfo) - Static method in class
Initialize info with default values.
init(Format) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
The start/position fields are set to 0 and the stop/duration fields are set to -1 (unknown).
init(MemoryFlags, Allocator, Memory, long, long, long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Initializes a newly allocated this Memory with the given parameters.
init(VideoInfo) - Static method in class
Initialize info with default values.
init(VideoInfoDmaDrm) - Static method in class
Initialize drmInfo with default values.
init(VideoResamplerMethod, Set<VideoResamplerFlags>, int, int, double, int, int, Structure) - Method in class
init(VideoResamplerMethod, VideoResamplerFlags, int, int, double, int, int, Structure) - Method in class
init(Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Initable
Initializes the object implementing the interface.
init(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
Initialises a GVariantDict structure.
init(HashTable<MemorySegment, MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Initializes a key/value pair iterator and associates it with hashTable.
init(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Initializes this Value with the default value of type.
init(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantIter
Initialises (without allocating) a GVariantIter.
init(VariantType) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantBuilder
Initialises a GVariantBuilder structure.
init(Value, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueArray
Initializes and pre-allocates a GValue of type GST_TYPE_ARRAY.
init(Value, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueList
Initializes and pre-allocates a GValue of type GST_TYPE_LIST.
init(Point3D, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Initializes the given graphene_sphere_t with the given center and radius.
init(Point3D, Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Initializes the given graphene_box_t with two vertices.
init(Point3D, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Initializes the given graphene_ray_t using the given origin and direction values.
init(Vec3, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Initializes the given graphene_plane_t using the given normal vector and constant values.
init(Plane, Plane, Plane, Plane, Plane, Plane) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Initializes the given graphene_frustum_t using the provided clipping planes.
init(Point, Point, Point, Point) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quad
Initializes a graphene_quad_t with the given points.
init(Rect, Size, Size, Size, Size) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Initializes the given GskRoundedRect with the given values.
init(AttrClass) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Initializes this Attribute's klass to klass, it's start_index to PANGO_ATTR_INDEX_FROM_TEXT_BEGINNING and end_index to PANGO_ATTR_INDEX_TO_TEXT_END such that the attribute applies to the entire text by default.
init(MessageHeadersIter, MessageHeaders) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersIter
Initializes iter for iterating hdrs.
init(T) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.WeakRef
Initialise a non-statically-allocated GWeakRef.
INIT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LibraryError
used when the library could not be opened.
initAbiCheck(int, long, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Initable - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GInitable is implemented by objects that can fail during initialization.
Initable.InitableIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Provides an interface for initializing object such that initialization may fail.
Initable.InitableImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The InitableImpl type represents a native instance of the Initable interface.
InitableIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Initable.InitableIface
Allocate a new InitableIface.
InitableIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Initable.InitableIface
Allocate a new InitableIface.
InitableIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Initable.InitableIface
Create a InitableIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InitableImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Initable.InitableImpl
Creates a new instance of Initable for the provided memory address.
initAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AsyncInitable
Starts asynchronous initialization of the object implementing the interface.
initAt(BitsetIter, Bitset, int, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BitsetIter
Initializes iter to point to target.
initCheck() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
This function does the same work as gtk_init() with only a single change: It does not terminate the program if the windowing system can’t be initialized.
initCheck(Out<String[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Initializes the GStreamer library, setting up internal path lists, registering built-in elements, and loading standard plugins.
initCheckAbiCheck(int, long, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
initCopy(RoundedRect) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Initializes this RoundedRect using the given src rectangle.
initDelegate() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Sets up a delegate for GtkEditable.
initEnd(GlyphItem, String) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Initializes a PangoGlyphItemIter structure to point to the last cluster in a glyph item.
initEnter(Out<MemorySegment>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Once
Function to be called when starting a critical initialization section.
initEnterImpl(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Once
initEnterPointer(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Once
This functions behaves in the same way as g_once_init_enter(), but can can be used to initialize pointers (or guintptr) instead of gsize.
initFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AsyncInitable
Finishes asynchronous initialization and returns the result.
initFirst(BitsetIter, Bitset, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BitsetIter
Initializes an iterator for set and points it to the first value in set.
initFrom2d(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Initializes a graphene_matrix_t from the values of an affine transformation matrix.
initFromAngles(float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Initializes a graphene_quaternion_t using the values of the Euler angles on each axis.
initFromAngleVec3(float, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Initializes a graphene_quaternion_t using an angle on a specific axis.
initFromBox(Box) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Initializes the given graphene_box_t with the vertices of another graphene_box_t.
initFromDateTime(int, int, DateTime, Set<VideoTimeCodeFlags>, int) - Method in class
The resulting config->latest_daily_jam is set to midnight, and timecode is set to the given time.
initFromDateTime(int, int, DateTime, VideoTimeCodeFlags, int) - Method in class
The resulting config->latest_daily_jam is set to midnight, and timecode is set to the given time.
initFromDateTimeFull(int, int, DateTime, Set<VideoTimeCodeFlags>, int) - Method in class
The resulting config->latest_daily_jam is set to midnight, and timecode is set to the given time.
initFromDateTimeFull(int, int, DateTime, VideoTimeCodeFlags, int) - Method in class
The resulting config->latest_daily_jam is set to midnight, and timecode is set to the given time.
initFromEuler(Euler) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Initializes a graphene_euler_t using the angles and order of another graphene_euler_t.
initFromEuler(Euler) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Initializes a graphene_quaternion_t using the given graphene_euler_t.
initFromFloat(float[]) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Initializes a graphene_matrix_t with the given array of floating point values.
initFromFloat(float[]) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Initializes this Vec2 with the contents of the given array.
initFromFloat(float[]) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Initializes a graphene_vec3_t with the values from an array.
initFromFloat(float[]) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Initializes a graphene_vec4_t with the values inside the given array.
initFromFloat(float[], float[], float[]) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Initializes a graphene_triangle_t using the three given arrays of floating point values, each representing the coordinates of a point in 3D space.
initFromFrustum(Frustum) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Initializes the given graphene_frustum_t using the clipping planes of another graphene_frustum_t.
initFromInstance(TypeInstance) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Initializes and sets this Value from an instantiatable type via the value_table's collect_value() function.
initFromMatrix(Matrix, EulerOrder) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Initializes a graphene_euler_t using the given rotation matrix.
initFromMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Initializes a graphene_frustum_t using the given matrix.
initFromMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Initializes a graphene_matrix_t using the values of the given matrix.
initFromMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Initializes a graphene_quaternion_t using the rotation components of a transformation matrix.
initFromPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Initializes a GPathBuf instance with the given path.
initFromPlane(Plane) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Initializes the given graphene_plane_t using the normal vector and constant of another graphene_plane_t.
initFromPoint(Point) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Initializes this Point with the same coordinates of src.
initFromPoint(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Initializes a graphene_point3d_t using the coordinates of another graphene_point3d_t.
initFromPoint(Vec3, Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Initializes the given graphene_plane_t using the given normal vector and an arbitrary co-planar point.
initFromPoint3d(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Initializes a graphene_triangle_t using the three given 3D points.
initFromPoints(Point[]) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quad
Initializes a graphene_quad_t using an array of points.
initFromPoints(Point3D[]) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Initializes the given graphene_box_t with the given array of vertices.
initFromPoints(Point3D[], Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Initializes the given graphene_sphere_t using the given array of 3D coordinates so that the sphere includes them.
initFromPoints(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Initializes the given graphene_plane_t using the 3 provided co-planar points.
initFromQuaternion(Quaternion, EulerOrder) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Initializes a graphene_euler_t using the given normalized quaternion.
initFromQuaternion(Quaternion) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Initializes a graphene_quaternion_t with the values from src.
initFromRadians(float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Initializes a graphene_quaternion_t using the values of the Euler angles on each axis.
initFromRadians(float, float, float, EulerOrder) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Initializes a graphene_euler_t using the given angles and order of rotation.
initFromRay(Ray) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Initializes the given graphene_ray_t using the origin and direction values of another graphene_ray_t.
initFromRect(Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quad
Initializes a graphene_quad_t using the four corners of the given graphene_rect_t.
initFromRect(Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Initializes this Rect using the given src rectangle.
initFromRect(Rect, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Initializes this RoundedRect to the given bounds and sets the radius of all four corners to radius.
initFromSize(Size) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Size
Initializes a graphene_size_t using the width and height of the given src.
initFromVec2(Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Initializes this Point with the coordinates inside the given graphene_vec2_t.
initFromVec2(Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Copies the contents of src into this Vec2.
initFromVec2(Vec2, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Initializes a graphene_vec4_t using the components of a graphene_vec2_t and the values of z and w.
initFromVec3(Vec3, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Initializes the given graphene_box_t with two vertices stored inside graphene_vec3_t.
initFromVec3(Vec3, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Initializes the given graphene_ray_t using the given vectors.
initFromVec3(Vec3, Vec3, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Initializes a graphene_triangle_t using the three given vectors.
initFromVec3(Vec3, EulerOrder) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Initializes a graphene_euler_t using the angles contained in a graphene_vec3_t.
initFromVec3(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Initializes a graphene_point3d_t using the components of a graphene_vec3_t.
initFromVec3(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Initializes a graphene_vec3_t with the values of another graphene_vec3_t.
initFromVec3(Vec3, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Initializes a graphene_vec4_t using the components of a graphene_vec3_t and the value of w.
initFromVec4(Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Initializes the given graphene_plane_t using the components of the given graphene_vec4_t vector.
initFromVec4(Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Initializes a graphene_quaternion_t with the values from src.
initFromVec4(Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Initializes a graphene_vec4_t using the components of another graphene_vec4_t.
initFromVec4(Vec4, Vec4, Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Initializes a graphene_matrix_t with the given four row vectors.
initFromVectors(Vec3[]) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Initializes the given graphene_box_t with the given array of vertices.
initFromVectors(Vec3[], Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Initializes the given graphene_sphere_t using the given array of 3D coordinates so that the sphere includes them.
initFrustum(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Initializes a graphene_matrix_t compatible with graphene_frustum_t.
initGetOptionGroup() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Returns a GOptionGroup with GStreamer's argument specifications.
INITIAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintStatus
The printing has not started yet; this status is set initially, and while the print dialog is shown.
INITIAL_CAPS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
INITIAL_CAPS_AND_SMALL_CAPS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
INITIAL_PUNCTUATION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
INITIAL_PUNCTUATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Punctuation, Initial quote" (Pi)
initializeNotificationPermissions(List<SecurityOrigin>, List<SecurityOrigin>) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Sets initial desktop notification permissions for the this WebContext.
InitiallyUnowned - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A type for objects that have an initially floating reference.
InitiallyUnowned(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.InitiallyUnowned
Create a InitiallyUnowned proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InitiallyUnowned.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
InitiallyUnowned.InitiallyUnownedClass - Class in org.gnome.gobject
The class structure for the GInitiallyUnowned type.
InitiallyUnownedClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.InitiallyUnowned.InitiallyUnownedClass
Allocate a new InitiallyUnownedClass.
InitiallyUnownedClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.InitiallyUnowned.InitiallyUnownedClass
Allocate a new InitiallyUnownedClass.
InitiallyUnownedClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.InitiallyUnowned.InitiallyUnownedClass
Create a InitiallyUnownedClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
initIdentity() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Initializes a graphene_matrix_t with the identity matrix.
initIdentity() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Initializes a graphene_quaternion_t using the identity transformation.
initLast(BitsetIter, Bitset, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.BitsetIter
Initializes an iterator for set and points it to the last value in set.
initLeave(Out<MemorySegment>, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Once
Counterpart to g_once_init_enter().
initLeavePointer(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Once
Counterpart to g_once_init_enter_pointer().
initLookAt(Vec3, Vec3, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Initializes a graphene_matrix_t so that it positions the "camera" at the given eye coordinates towards an object at the center coordinates.
initModules(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Initalizes the gdk-pixbuf loader modules referenced by the loaders.cache file present inside that directory.
initOrtho(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Initializes a graphene_matrix_t with an orthographic projection.
initPerspective(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Initializes a graphene_matrix_t with a perspective projection.
initRotate(float, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Initializes this Matrix to represent a rotation of angle degrees on the axis represented by the axis vector.
initScale(float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Initializes a graphene_matrix_t with the given scaling factors.
initSkew(float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Initializes a graphene_matrix_t with a skew transformation with the given factors.
initStart(GlyphItem, String) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Initializes a PangoGlyphItemIter structure to point to the first cluster in a glyph item.
initTemplate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Creates and initializes child widgets defined in templates.
initTranslate(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Initializes a graphene_matrix_t with a translation to the given coordinates.
initValue(Value) - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Initializes value with the appropriate type for the this AccessibleProperty.
initValue(Value) - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Initializes value with the appropriate type for the this AccessibleRelation.
initValue(Value) - Method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleState
Initializes value with the appropriate type for the this AccessibleState.
initWithData(byte[], boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Initializes this BitWriter with the given memory area data.
initWithData(byte[], boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Initializes this ByteWriter with the given memory area.
initWithErrorcheckMutexes(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
initWithOrder(float, float, float, EulerOrder) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Initializes a graphene_euler_t with the given angles and order.
initWithSize(int, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Initializes a GstBitWriter instance and allocates the given data size.
initWithSize(int, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Initializes this ByteWriter with the given initial data size.
INLINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleAutocomplete
When a user is providing input, text suggesting one way to complete the provided input may be dynamically inserted after the caret.
innerCellArea(Widget, Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
INPUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Abstract role.
INPUT_AT_END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ConverterFlags
At end of input data
INPUT_ERROR - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Constant to return from a signal handler for the ::input signal in case of conversion failure.
INPUT_METHODS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Input methods menu.
INPUT_METHODS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Input methods menu.
INPUT_NOT_AT_END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
extra data after parsing finished
INPUT_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class
use the input color matrix to convert to and from R'G'B
inputElementAutoFill(Value, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager
Set the value of an HTML input element as if it had been edited by the user, triggering a change event, and set it as filled automatically.
inputElementIsAutoFilled(Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager
Get whether element is an HTML input element that has been filled automatically.
inputElementIsUserEdited(Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager
Get whether element is an HTML text input element that has been edited by a user action.
inputFile(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Prepares to scan a file.
InputHints - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes hints that might be taken into account by input methods or applications.
InputHints - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to describe hints that might be taken into account by input methods.
InputMessage - Class in org.gnome.gio
Structure used for scatter/gather data input when receiving multiple messages or packets in one go.
InputMessage() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Allocate a new InputMessage.
InputMessage(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Allocate a new InputMessage.
InputMessage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Create a InputMessage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InputMessage(SocketAddress[], InputVector[], int, long, int, SocketControlMessage[], MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Allocate a new InputMessage with the fields set to the provided values.
InputMessage(SocketAddress[], InputVector[], int, long, int, SocketControlMessage[], MemorySegment, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Allocate a new InputMessage with the fields set to the provided values.
InputMethodContext - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Base class for input method contexts.
InputMethodContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Create a InputMethodContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InputMethodContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
InputMethodContext.CommittedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the CommittedCallback callback.
InputMethodContext.DeleteSurroundingCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the DeleteSurroundingCallback callback.
InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextImpl - Class in org.gnome.webkit
The InputMethodContextImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract InputMethodContext class.
InputMethodContext.PreeditChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the PreeditChangedCallback callback.
InputMethodContext.PreeditFinishedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the PreeditFinishedCallback callback.
InputMethodContext.PreeditStartedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the PreeditStartedCallback callback.
InputMethodContextClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass
Allocate a new InputMethodContextClass.
InputMethodContextClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass
Allocate a new InputMethodContextClass.
InputMethodContextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass
Create a InputMethodContextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InputMethodContextImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextImpl
Creates a new instance of InputMethodContext for the provided memory address.
InputMethodUnderline - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Range of text in an preedit string to be shown underlined.
InputMethodUnderline(int, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodUnderline
Create a new WebKitInputMethodUnderline for the given range in preedit string
InputMethodUnderline(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodUnderline
Create a InputMethodUnderline proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InputPurpose - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes primary purpose of the input widget.
InputPurpose - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to describe the primary purpose of the active editable element.
InputSource - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
An enumeration describing the type of an input device in general terms.
InputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
GInputStream is a base class for implementing streaming input.
InputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Create a InputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
InputStream.InputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
InputStream.InputStreamImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The InputStreamImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract InputStream class.
InputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InputStream.InputStreamClass
Allocate a new InputStreamClass.
InputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InputStream.InputStreamClass
Allocate a new InputStreamClass.
InputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InputStream.InputStreamClass
Create a InputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InputStreamImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InputStream.InputStreamImpl
Creates a new instance of InputStream for the provided memory address.
inputText(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Prepares to scan a text buffer.
InputVector - Class in org.gnome.gio
Structure used for scatter/gather data input.
InputVector() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InputVector
Allocate a new InputVector.
InputVector(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InputVector
Allocate a new InputVector.
InputVector(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InputVector
Create a InputVector proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InputVector(MemorySegment, long) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InputVector
Allocate a new InputVector with the fields set to the provided values.
InputVector(MemorySegment, long, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.InputVector
Allocate a new InputVector with the fields set to the provided values.
inRange(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Checks whether this TextIter falls in the range [start, end).
Inscription - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkInscription is a widget to show text in a predefined area.
Inscription() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Calls Inscription(java.lang.String) with text = null
Inscription(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Creates a new GtkInscription with the given text.
Inscription(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Create a Inscription proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Inscription.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Inscription.InscriptionClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
INSCRIPTIONAL_PAHLAVI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
INSCRIPTIONAL_PAHLAVI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Inscriptional Pahlavi.
INSCRIPTIONAL_PARTHIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
INSCRIPTIONAL_PARTHIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Inscriptional Parthian.
InscriptionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription.InscriptionClass
Allocate a new InscriptionClass.
InscriptionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription.InscriptionClass
Allocate a new InscriptionClass.
InscriptionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription.InscriptionClass
Create a InscriptionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InscriptionOverflow - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The different methods to handle text in GtkInscription when it doesn't fit the available space.
INSECURE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateFlags
The certificate's algorithm is considered insecure.
insecureContentDetected(InsecureContentEvent) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
InsecureContentEvent - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
INSENSITIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererState
The cell is drawn in an insensitive manner
INSENSITIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PickFlags
Include widgets that are insensitive
INSENSITIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Widget is insensitive
INSEPARABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Inseparable (IN)
insert(int, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Convenience function for inserting a normal menu item into this Menu.
insert(int, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBoxText
insert(int, Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferList
Inserts buffer at idx in this BufferList.
insert(int, Node) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Inserts a GNode beneath the parent at the given position.
insert(int, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
Use GArray and g_array_insert_val() instead.
insert(int, T) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ListStore
Inserts item into this ListStore at position.
insert(long, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Inserts a copy of a string into a GString, expanding it if necessary.
insert(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Cache
Use a GHashTable instead
insert(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Inserts a key/value pair into a GTree.
insert(MemorySegment[], int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Inserts an element into the pointer array at the given index.
insert(Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Relation
Rarely used API
insert(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StringChunk
Adds a copy of string to the GStringChunk.
insert(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
Inserts a value into a GVariantDict.
insert(K, V) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Inserts a new key and value into a GHashTable.
insert(TagList, TagMergeMode) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Inserts the tags of the from list into the first list using the given mode.
insert(Action) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleActionGroup
Use g_action_map_add_action()
insert(ParamSpec, Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecPool
Inserts a GParamSpec in the pool.
insert(TextIter, String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Inserts len bytes of text at position iter.
insert(TreeIter, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Use list models
insert(TreeIter, TreeIter, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
insert(Widget, int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Inserts child into this Carousel at position position.
insert(Widget, int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Inserts a non-pinned page at position.
insert(Widget, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Inserts the widget into this FlowBox at position.
insert(Widget, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Insert the child into the this ListBox at position.
insert(GutterRenderer, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Gutter
Insert renderer into the gutter.
insert(Attribute) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrList
Insert the given attribute into the PangoAttrList.
insert(ContextMenuItem, int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Inserts item into the this ContextMenu at the given position.
insert(ContextMenuItem, int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Inserts item into the this ContextMenu at the given position.
INSERT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextContentChange
contents change as the result of an insert operation
INSERT_EMOJI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Insert an emoji.
INSERT_EMOJI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Insert an emoji.
INSERT_HYPHENS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
whether to insert hyphens at intra-word line breaks (Pango.AttrInt).
insertActionGroup(String, ActionGroup) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Inserts group into this Widget.
insertAfter(List<MemorySegment>, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Inserts data into this Queue after sibling.
insertAfter(Node, Node) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Inserts a GNode beneath the parent after the given sibling.
insertAfter(TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Use list models
insertAfter(TreeIter, TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
insertAfter(Widget, Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Inserts this Widget into the child widget list of parent.
insertAfter(Widget, Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverDisplay
insertAfterLink(List<MemorySegment>, List<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Inserts link into this Queue after sibling.
insertAtCursor(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
The class handler for the GtkTextView::insert-at-cursor keybinding signal.
insertAtCursor(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Inserts text in this TextBuffer.
insertBefore(List<MemorySegment>, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Inserts data into this Queue before sibling.
insertBefore(HookList, Hook, Hook) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Inserts a GHook into a GHookList, before a given GHook.
insertBefore(Node, Node) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Inserts a GNode beneath the parent before the given sibling.
insertBefore(SequenceIter, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Inserts a new item just before the item pointed to by iter.
insertBefore(TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Use list models
insertBefore(TreeIter, TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
insertBefore(Widget, Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Inserts this Widget into the child widget list of parent.
insertBefore(Attribute) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrList
Insert the given attribute into the PangoAttrList.
insertBeforeLink(List<MemorySegment>, List<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Inserts link into this Queue before sibling.
insertC(long, byte) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Inserts a byte into a GString, expanding it if necessary.
insertChildAfter(Widget, Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
insertChildAfter(Widget, Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box
Inserts child in the position after sibling in the list of this Box children.
insertChildAnchor(TextIter, TextChildAnchor) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Inserts a child widget anchor into the text buffer at iter.
insertColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Inserts a column at the specified position.
insertColumn(int, ColumnViewColumn) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Inserts a column at the given position in the columns of this ColumnView.
insertColumn(TreeViewColumn, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
insertColumnWithAttributes(int, String, CellRenderer, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
insertColumnWithDataFunc(int, String, CellRenderer, TreeCellDataFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
insertConst(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StringChunk
Adds a copy of string to the GStringChunk, unless the same string has already been added to the GStringChunk with g_string_chunk_insert_const().
inserted(GObject, TreePath) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeRowReference
insertedText(int, String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
insertEmoji() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
The class handler for the GtkTextView::insert-emoji signal.
insertInteractive(TextIter, String, int, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Inserts text in this TextBuffer.
insertInteractiveAtCursor(String, int, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Inserts text in this TextBuffer.
insertItem(int, MenuItem) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Inserts item into this Menu.
insertLen(long, String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Inserts len bytes of val into this String at pos.
insertLen(String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StringChunk
Adds a copy of the first len bytes of string to the GStringChunk.
insertMarkup(TextIter, String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Inserts the text in markup at position iter.
insertMemory(int, Memory) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Inserts the memory block mem into this Buffer at idx.
insertNextTo(Widget, PositionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Inserts a row or column at the specified position.
insertNode(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Inserts a key/value pair into a GTree.
insertPage(Widget, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
insertPage(Widget, Widget, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Insert a page into this Notebook at the given position.
insertPageMenu(Widget, Widget, Widget, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Insert a page into this Notebook at the given position, specifying the widget to use as the label in the popup menu.
insertPaintable(TextIter, Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Inserts an image into the text buffer at iter.
insertPinned(Widget, int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Inserts a pinned page at position.
insertPrefix() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
insertRange(TextIter, TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Copies text, tags, and paintables between start and end and inserts the copy at iter.
insertRangeInteractive(TextIter, TextIter, TextIter, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Copies text, tags, and paintables between start and end and inserts the copy at iter.
insertRow(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Inserts a row at the specified position.
insertSection(int, String, MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Convenience function for inserting a section menu item into this Menu.
insertSorted(MemorySegment, CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Inserts data into this Queue using func to determine the new position.
insertSorted(MemorySegment, CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Inserts data into this Sequence using cmpFunc to determine the new position.
insertSorted(HookList, Hook, HookCompareFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Inserts a GHook into a GHookList, sorted by the given function.
insertSorted(T, CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ListStore
Inserts item into this ListStore at a position to be determined by the compareFunc.
insertSortedIter(MemorySegment, SequenceIterCompareFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Like g_sequence_insert_sorted(), but uses a GSequenceIterCompareFunc instead of a GCompareDataFunc as the compare function.
insertSubmenu(int, String, MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Convenience function for inserting a submenu menu item into this Menu.
insertText(int, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBoxText
insertText(int, String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
Inserts nChars characters of chars into the contents of the buffer, at position position.
insertText(String, int, Out<Integer>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Inserts length bytes of text into the contents of the widget, at position position.
insertText(TextIter, String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
The class handler for the GtkTextBuffer::insert-text signal.
insertUnichar(long, int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Converts a Unicode character into UTF-8, and insert it into the string at the given position.
insertVals(MemorySegment[], int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Inserts len elements into a GArray at the given index.
insertValue(String, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
Inserts (or replaces) a key in a GVariantDict.
insertWithTags(TextIter, String, int, TextTag, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Inserts text into this TextBuffer at iter, applying the list of tags to the newly-inserted text.
insertWithTagsByName(TextIter, String, int, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Inserts text into this TextBuffer at iter, applying the list of tags to the newly-inserted text.
insertWithValues(TreeIter, int, int[], Value[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Use list models
insertWithValues(TreeIter, TreeIter, int, int[], Value[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
inset(float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Changes the given rectangle to be smaller, or larger depending on the given inset parameters.
INSET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BorderStyle
Looks as if the content is sunken into the canvas
INSET_SHADOW_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node drawing an inset shadow
insetR(float, float, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Changes the given rectangle to be smaller, or larger depending on the given inset parameters.
InsetShadowNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node for an inset shadow.
InsetShadowNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.InsetShadowNode
Create a InsetShadowNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InsetShadowNode(RoundedRect, RGBA, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.InsetShadowNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will render an inset shadow into the box given by outline.
INSIDE_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceLocationFlags
White spaces inside a line of text.
insideSentence() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Determines whether this TextIter is inside a sentence (as opposed to in between two sentences, e.g.
insideWord() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Determines whether the character pointed by this TextIter is part of a natural-language word (as opposed to say inside some whitespace).
INSPECT_ELEMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Open current element in the inspector.
INSPECT_ELEMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Open current element in the inspector.
INSTALL_IN_PROGRESS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsReturn
a previously-started plugin installation is still in progress, try again later
installAction(String, String, WidgetActionActivateFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
This should be called at class initialization time to specify actions to be added for all instances of this class.
installCellProperty(int, ParamSpec) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
installPluginsAsync(String[], InstallPluginsContext, InstallPluginsResultFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Requests plugin installation without blocking.
InstallPluginsContext - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Opaque context structure for the plugin installation.
InstallPluginsContext() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsContext
Creates a new GstInstallPluginsContext.
InstallPluginsContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsContext
Create a InstallPluginsContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
installPluginsInstallationInProgress() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Checks whether plugin installation (initiated by this application only) is currently in progress.
InstallPluginsResultFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Functional interface declaration of the InstallPluginsResultFunc callback.
InstallPluginsReturn - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Result codes returned by gst_install_plugins_async() and gst_install_plugins_sync(), and also the result code passed to the GstInstallPluginsResultFunc specified with gst_install_plugins_async().
installPluginsSupported() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Checks whether plugin installation is likely to be supported by the current environment.
installPluginsSync(String[], InstallPluginsContext) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Requests plugin installation and block until the plugins have been installed or installation has failed.
installProperties(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Properties
If the provided class defines @Property-annotated getter and/or setter methods, this function will return a class initializer that registers these properties as GObject properties and overrides the GObject.getProperty and setProperty methods to call the annotated getters and setters.
installProperties(GObject.ObjectClass, int) - Static method in interface
This helper shall be used by classes implementing the GstVideoOverlay interface that want the render rectangle to be controllable using properties.
installProperties(GObject.ObjectClass, int) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Overrides the GtkEditable properties for class_.
installProperties(ParamSpec[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Installs new properties from an array of GParamSpecs.
installProperty(int, ParamSpec) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Installs a new property.
installPropertyAction(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Installs an action called actionName on this WidgetClass and binds its state to the value of the propertyName property.
installSignals(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Signals
If the provided class contains inner interface declarations with a @Signal-annotation, this function will return a class initializer that registers these declarations as GObject signals (using g_signal_newv) in the class initializer.
INSTANCE_COUNT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeDebugFlags
Keep a count of instances of each type
InstanceCache - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject
Caches Proxy instances so the same instance is used for the same memory address.
InstanceCache() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.InstanceCache
InstanceInit - Annotation Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations
InstanceInitFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the InstanceInitFunc callback.
INSTANT_RATE_CHANGE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Notify downstream that a playback rate override should be applied as soon as possible.
INSTANT_RATE_CHANGE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
Signals that a rate change should be applied immediately.
INSTANT_RATE_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Message sent by elements to request the running time from the pipeline when an instant rate change should be applied (which may be in the past when the answer arrives).
INSTANT_RATE_SYNC_TIME - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Sent by the pipeline to notify elements that handle the instant-rate-change event about the running-time when the rate multiplier should be applied (or was applied).
INSTANTIATABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFundamentalFlags
Indicates an instantiatable type (implies classed)
instantiatablePrerequisite(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterface
Returns the most specific instantiatable prerequisite of an interface type.
instantRateChange(double, Set<SegmentFlags>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new instant-rate-change event.
instantRateChange(double, SegmentFlags...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new instant-rate-change event.
instantRateRequest(GstObject, double) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Creates a new instant-rate-request message.
instantRateSyncTime(double, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new instant-rate-sync-time event.
INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufError
Not enough memory.
INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
507 Insufficient Storage (WebDAV)
INT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionArg
The option takes an integer argument.
INT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
an integer
INT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.GLUniformType
A GLSL int / gint32 uniform
INT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.OptionType
A gint option type.
INT - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type corresponding to gint.
int_() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Rand
Returns the next random guint32 from this Rand equally distributed over the range [0..2^32-1].
int16(short) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a new int16 GVariant instance.
INT16 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is a signed 16 bit integer.
INT16 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.TypedArrayType
Array elements are 16-bit signed integers (int16_t).
INT16 - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of an integer value that can range from -32768 to 32767.
int32(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a new int32 GVariant instance.
INT32 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeType
a signed 4-byte/32-bit integer.
INT32 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is a signed 32 bit integer.
INT32 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.TypedArrayType
Array elements are 32-bit signed integers (int32_t).
INT32 - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of an integer value that can range from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
int64(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a new int64 GVariant instance.
INT64 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeType
a signed 8-byte/64-bit integer.
INT64 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionArg
The option takes a 64-bit integer.
INT64 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is a signed 64 bit integer.
INT64 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.TypedArrayType
Array elements are 64-bit signed integers (int64_t).
INT64 - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of an integer value that can range from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807.
INT64 - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type corresponding to gint64.
int64Equal(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Compares the two gint64 values being pointed to and returns true if they are equal.
int64Hash(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a pointer to a gint64 to a hash value.
Int64Range - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A fundamental type that describes a gint64 range
Int64Range(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Int64Range
Create a Int64Range proxy instance for the provided memory address.
INT8 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.TypedArrayType
Array elements are 8-bit signed integers (int8_t).
INTEGER - Enum constant in enum class
integer samples
intEqual(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Compares the two gint values being pointed to and returns true if they are equal.
INTERACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Open the GTK inspector
INTERACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionActivation
INTERFACE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageHeaderField
The interface name.
INTERFACE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type from which all interfaces are derived.
INTERFACE_AGE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Like Gtk.getInterfaceAge(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
InterfaceFinalizeFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the InterfaceFinalizeFunc callback.
interfaceFindProperty(TypeInterface, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Find the GParamSpec with the given name for an interface.
InterfaceInfo - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A structure that provides information to the type system which is used specifically for managing interface types.
InterfaceInfo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceInfo
Allocate a new InterfaceInfo.
InterfaceInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceInfo
Allocate a new InterfaceInfo.
InterfaceInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceInfo
Create a InterfaceInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
InterfaceInfo(InterfaceInitFunc, InterfaceFinalizeFunc, MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceInfo
Allocate a new InterfaceInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
InterfaceInfo(InterfaceInitFunc, InterfaceFinalizeFunc, MemorySegment, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceInfo
Allocate a new InterfaceInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
InterfaceInit - Annotation Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations
InterfaceInitFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the InterfaceInitFunc callback.
interfaceInstallProperty(TypeInterface, ParamSpec) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Add a property to an interface; this is only useful for interfaces that are added to GObject-derived types.
interfaceListProperties(TypeInterface) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Lists the properties of an interface.Generally, the interface vtable passed in as gIface will be the default vtable from g_type_default_interface_ref(), or, if you know the interface has already been loaded, g_type_default_interface_peek().
interfaceProxyPropertiesChanged(DBusObjectProxy, DBusProxy, Variant, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Signal class handler for the GDBusObjectManagerClient::interface-proxy-properties-changed signal.
interfaceProxySignal(DBusObjectProxy, DBusProxy, String, String, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Signal class handler for the GDBusObjectManagerClient::interface-proxy-signal signal.
INTERLACED - Enum constant in enum class
If the GstBuffer is interlaced.
INTERLACED - Enum constant in enum class
the input is interlaced
INTERLACED - Enum constant in enum class
the input is interlaced
INTERLACED - Enum constant in enum class
The video frame is interlaced.
INTERLACED - Enum constant in enum class
The source is interlaced.
INTERLACED - Enum constant in enum class
Set up a scaler for interlaced content
INTERLACED - Enum constant in enum class
Whether we have interlaced video
INTERLACED_FIRST - Enum constant in enum class
Interlaced first field
INTERLACED_SECOND - Enum constant in enum class
Interlaced second field
INTERLEAVED - Enum constant in enum class
interleaved audio
INTERLEAVED - Enum constant in enum class
2 fields are interleaved in one video frame.
internal(Type, String, String, String, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Creates a new GParamSpec instance.
internal(Type, String, String, String, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Creates a new GParamSpec instance.
INTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverError
unknown error
INTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceError
unknown error
INTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Internal error of the regular expression engine.
INTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureStatus
Feature for debugging the WebKit engine.
INTERNAL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintError
An internal error occurred.
INTERNAL_FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsReturn
some internal failure has occurred when trying to start the installer
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
500 Internal Server Error (HTTP)
internalActivateModeDefault(Pad, GstObject, PadMode, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad
Invoke the default activate mode function of a proxy pad that is owned by a ghost pad.
INTERNATIONAL_SYMBOLS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
internMimeType(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Canonicalizes the given mime type and interns the result.
internStaticString(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns a canonical representation for string.
internString(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns a canonical representation for string.
Interop - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop
The Interop class contains functionality for interoperability with native code.
Interop() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
InteropException - Exception Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop
Thrown when an unexpected error occurs when calling a native function or reading/writing from/to native memory.
InteropException(String) - Constructor for exception class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.InteropException
Create an InteropException with the provided message.
InteropException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.InteropException
Create an InteropException that wraps another Throwable.
interpolate(Matrix, double, Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Linearly interpolates the two given graphene_matrix_t by interpolating the decomposed transformations separately.
interpolate(Point3D, double, Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Linearly interpolates each component of this Point3D and b using the provided factor, and places the result in res.
interpolate(Point, double, Point) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Linearly interpolates the coordinates of this Point and b using the given factor.
interpolate(Rect, double, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Linearly interpolates the origin and size of the two given rectangles.
interpolate(Size, double, Size) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Size
Linearly interpolates the two given graphene_size_t using the given interpolation factor.
interpolate(Vec2, double, Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Linearly interpolates this Vec2 and v2 using the given factor.
interpolate(Vec3, double, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Linearly interpolates this Vec3 and v2 using the given factor.
interpolate(Vec4, double, Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Linearly interpolates this Vec4 and v2 using the given factor.
INTERPOLATED - Enum constant in enum class
Use interpolated filter tables.
InterpType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Interpolation modes for scaling functions.
interrupt() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Promise
Interrupt waiting for a this Promise.
INTERRUPTED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PromiseResult
Interrupted by the consumer as it doesn't want the value anymore.
intersect(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Creates a new GstCaps that contains all the formats that are common to both this Caps and caps2.
intersect(Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Intersects this Structure and struct2 and returns the intersection.
intersect(Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Calculates the intersection of two rectangles.
intersect(Bitset) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Sets this Bitset to be the intersection of this Bitset and other.
intersectBox(Box, Out<Float>) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Intersects the given graphene_ray_t this Ray with the given graphene_box_t b.
intersectFull(Caps, CapsIntersectMode) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Creates a new GstCaps that contains all the formats that are common to both this Caps and caps2, the order is defined by the GstCapsIntersectMode used.
intersection(Box, Box) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Intersects the two given graphene_box_t.
intersection(Rect, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Computes the intersection of the two given rectangles.
intersectRegion(Region) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region
Returns the intersection between this Region and region2.
intersectsBox(Box) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Checks whether the given box intersects a plane of a graphene_frustum_t.
intersectsBox(Box) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Checks whether the given graphene_ray_t this Ray intersects the given graphene_box_t b.
intersectSphere(Sphere, Out<Float>) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Intersects the given graphene_ray_t this Ray with the given graphene_sphere_t s.
intersectsRect(Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Checks if part of the given rect is contained inside the rounded rectangle.
intersectsSphere(Sphere) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Checks whether the given sphere intersects a plane of a graphene_frustum_t.
intersectsSphere(Sphere) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Checks if the given graphene_ray_t this Ray intersects the given graphene_sphere_t s.
intersectsTriangle(Triangle) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Checks whether the given graphene_ray_t this Ray intersects the given graphene_triangle_t b.
intersectSubregion(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region
Returns the intersection between this Region and the subregion delimited by Start and End.
intersectTriangle(Triangle, Out<Float>) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Intersects the given graphene_ray_t this Ray with the given graphene_triangle_t t.
intHash(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a pointer to a gint to a hash value.
INTO_OR_AFTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewDropPosition
dropped row becomes a child or is inserted after
INTO_OR_BEFORE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewDropPosition
dropped row becomes a child or is inserted before
INTR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Interrupted function call; an asynchronous signal occurred and prevented completion of the call.
intRange(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Rand
Returns the next random gint32 from this Rand equally distributed over the range end-1.
IntRange - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A fundamental type that describes a gint range
IntRange(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IntRange
Create a IntRange proxy instance for the provided memory address.
INTRO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPageType
The page contains an introduction to the assistant task.
intToEnumSet(Class<T>, Function<Integer, T>, int) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Create an EnumSet of class `cls` from the provided bitfield
INVAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Invalid argument.
INVAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOChannelError
Invalid argument.
INVAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOError
an EINVAL error occurred
INVAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
execv() returned EINVAL
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class
invalid position
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
invalid probe type
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntryType
invalid entry type value
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsReturn
the helper returned an invalid status code
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class
An invalid command entry
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class
Returned from gst_navigation_event_get_type() when the passed event is not a navigation event.
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class
Returned from gst_navigation_message_get_type() when the passed message is not a navigation message.
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class
invalid query
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
Initial, unset feature selector
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
Initial, unset feature type
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferContentType
Initial value for new buffer.
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFormat
invalid format.
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Direction
Initial, unset direction.
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Value to represent a nonexistent name ID.
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
No script set
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Invalid combining class
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.CredentialsType
Indicates an invalid native credential type.
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageHeaderField
Not a valid header field.
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageType
Message is of invalid type.
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeType
indicates an invalid or uninitialized type.
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketFamily
no address family
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketType
Type unknown or wrong
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddressType
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupCollectType
used to terminate the list of attributes to collect
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.NumberParserError
string was not a valid number
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleState
An “invalid” state; set when a widget is showing an error.
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
does not happen
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutDeserializeError
Unspecified error
INVALID - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
An invalid GType used as error return value in some functions which return a GType.
INVALID_ARGS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Invalid arguments passed to a method call.
INVALID_ARGUMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Invalid argument.
INVALID_ATTRIBUTE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
GtkBuilder found an attribute that it doesn’t understand.
INVALID_CHARACTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
invalid character in number or unicode escape
INVALID_CHARS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaverError
The buffer contains invalid characters.
INVALID_CODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
a value never returned from g_unichar_get_script()
INVALID_CODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
a value never returned from pango_script_for_unichar()
INVALID_CONDITION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Invalid condition "(?(0)".
INVALID_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupError
error should be set by GMarkupParser functions; content was invalid
INVALID_CONTROL_CHAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
"\\\\c" must be followed by an ASCII character.
INVALID_DATA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
The input data was invalid.
INVALID_DATA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.SerializationError
The given data may not exist in a proper serialization
INVALID_DATA_CHARACTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
In JavaScript compatibility mode, "[" is an invalid data character.
INVALID_ENCODING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManagerError
the supplied string is not UTF-8 encoded.
INVALID_ESCAPE_IN_CHARACTER_CLASS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Invalid escape sequence in character class.
INVALID_FILE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintError
An error occurred while loading a page setup or paper size from a key file.
INVALID_FILE_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
A file contains invalid syntax or is otherwise broken.
INVALID_FILENAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Filename is invalid or contains invalid characters.
INVALID_FORMAT_STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
not a valid GVariant format string
INVALID_FUNCTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
A function could not be found.
INVALID_HOSTNAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.TLDError
A hostname was syntactically invalid.
INVALID_ID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
An object id is unknown.
INVALID_LIST_POSITION - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The value used to refer to a guaranteed invalid position in a GListModel.
INVALID_OBJECT_PATH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
not a valid object path
INVALID_OCTAL_VALUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Octal value is greater than "\\\\377".
INVALID_PAGE_RANGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PrintError
Invalid page range
INVALID_PARAMETER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.JavascriptError
An unsupported parameter has been used to call and async function from API.
INVALID_PROPERTY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
The specified property is unknown for the object class.
INVALID_RANGE - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
INVALID_RELATIVE_REFERENCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
relative reference must not be zero.
INVALID_RESULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.JavascriptError
The result of JavaScript execution could not be returned.
INVALID_SIGNAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
The specified signal is unknown for the object class.
INVALID_SIGNATURE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
A type signature is not valid.
INVALID_SIGNATURE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
not a valid type signature
INVALID_SOURCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterError
The JSON source for a content filter is invalid.
INVALID_STATE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingError
The handshake is not yet complete on the connection which is a strong requirement for any existing binding type.
INVALID_TAG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
GtkBuilder found a tag that it doesn’t understand.
INVALID_TYPE_FUNCTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
A type-func attribute didn’t name a function that returns a GType.
INVALID_TYPE_STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
not a valid GVariant type string
INVALID_URI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFileError
URI was ill-formed
INVALID_URI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManagerError
the URI specified is not valid.
INVALID_VALUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFileError
a requested field was not found
INVALID_VALUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.KeyFileError
a value could not be parsed
INVALID_VALUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
GtkBuilder couldn’t parse some attribute value.
INVALID_VALUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutDeserializeError
A JSon value could not be interpreted
invalidate() - Method in class
Invalidate the clock function.
invalidate() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Sets a flag on the closure to indicate that its calling environment has become invalid, and thus causes any future invocations of g_closure_invoke() on this this Closure to be ignored.
invalidateContents() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable
Called by implementations of GdkPaintable to invalidate their contents.
invalidateFilter() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Updates the filtering for all children.
invalidateFilter() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Update the filtering for all rows.
invalidateHeaders() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Update the separators for all rows.
INVALIDATES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Cacheability
The messages cache should be invalidated
invalidateSize() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable
Called by implementations of GdkPaintable to invalidate their size.
invalidateSort() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Updates the sorting for all children.
invalidateSort() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Update the sorting for all rows.
invalidateThumbnail() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Invalidates thumbnail for this TabPage.
invalidateThumbnails() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Invalidates thumbnails for all pages in this TabView.
inverse(Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Inverts the given matrix.
invert() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Inverts the given transform.
invert(Quaternion) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Inverts a graphene_quaternion_t, and returns the conjugate quaternion of this Quaternion.
INVERT_BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBindFlags
When passed to g_settings_bind(), uses a pair of mapping functions that invert the boolean value when mapping between the setting and the property.
INVERT_BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.BindingFlags
If the two properties being bound are booleans, setting one to true will result in the other being set to false and vice versa.
INVERT_TEXT_DIR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Inverts the default text-direction.
invertBoolean() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.BindingBuilder
If the two properties being bound are booleans, setting one to true will result in the other being set to false and vice versa.
INVERTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SorterChange
The sort order was inverted.
INVERTED_ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.MaskMode
Use the inverted alpha channel of the mask
INVERTED_BOX_ANNOTATION - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
INVERTED_CIRCLE_ANNOTATION - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
INVERTED_LUMINANCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.MaskMode
Use the inverted luminance of the mask, multiplied by mask alpha
INVERTED_ROUNDED_BOX_ANNOTATION - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
invoke(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Calls all of the GHook functions in a GHookList.
invoke(SourceFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Invokes a function in such a way that this MainContext is owned during the invocation of function.
invoke(Value, Value[], MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Invokes the closure, i.e.
invokeAskPassword(TlsPassword, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction
Invoke the interaction to ask the user for a password.
invokeCheck(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Calls all of the GHook functions in a GHookList.
invokeFull(int, SourceFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Invokes a function in such a way that this MainContext is owned during the invocation of function.
invokeRequestCertificate(TlsConnection, TlsCertificateRequestFlags, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction
Invoke the interaction to ask the user to choose a certificate to use with the connection.
IO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Input/output error; usually used for physical read or write errors.
IO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOChannelError
IO error.
IO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
execv() returned EIO
IO_CHANNEL - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for GIOChannel.
IO_CONDITION - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for GIOCondition.
IO_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Something went wrong reading or writing to a socket, for example.
io.github.jwharm.javagi - package io.github.jwharm.javagi
Java-GI global constant definitions.
io.github.jwharm.javagi.base - package io.github.jwharm.javagi.base
Java-GI base classes that are used or extended by generated bindings.
io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio - package io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio
Java-GI helper classes used by the GIO bindings.
io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types - package io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types
Java-GI type declarations.
io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject - package io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject
Java-GI helper classes used for GObject-specific functionality and GValues.
io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations - package io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations
Java-GI annotations that are useful when registering Java objects as new GTypes in the GObject type system.
io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types - package io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types
Java-GI functionality to register a Java class as a new GType in the GObject type system, and various constants and utility functions for working with GTypes and GVariants.
io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.annotations - package io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.annotations
Java-GI annotations to register a Java class as a Gtk composite template class.
io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.types - package io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.types
Java-GI functionality to register a Java class as a Gtk composite template class.
io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.util - package io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.util
Java-GI utility classes for use with the Gtk bindings.
io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop - package io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop
Java-GI classes used by generated bindings to load native libraries, call native functions, allocate and release memory, and check the runtime platform.
ioAddWatch(IOChannel, int, Set<IOCondition>, IOFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Adds the GIOChannel into the default main loop context with the given priority.
ioAddWatch(IOChannel, int, IOCondition, IOFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Adds the GIOChannel into the default main loop context with the given priority.
IOChannel - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GIOChannel data type aims to provide a portable method for using file descriptors, pipes, and sockets, and integrating them into the main event loop (see GLib.MainContext).
IOChannel - Class in org.gnome.gobject
IOChannel() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Allocate a new IOChannel.
IOChannel(int, IOFuncs, String, String, int, long, GString, GString, GString, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Allocate a new IOChannel with the fields set to the provided values.
IOChannel(int, IOFuncs, String, String, int, long, GString, GString, GString, byte[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Allocate a new IOChannel with the fields set to the provided values.
IOChannel(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Allocate a new IOChannel.
IOChannel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Create a IOChannel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IOChannel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.IOChannel
Create a IOChannel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IOChannelError - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Error codes returned by GIOChannel operations.
IOCondition - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
A bitwise combination representing a condition to watch for on an event source.
IOCondition - Enum Class in org.gnome.gobject
ioCreateWatch(IOChannel, Set<IOCondition>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a GSource that's dispatched when condition is met for the given channel.
ioCreateWatch(IOChannel, IOCondition...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a GSource that's dispatched when condition is met for the given channel.
IOError - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
GIOError is only used by the deprecated functions g_io_channel_read(), g_io_channel_write(), and g_io_channel_seek().
IOErrorEnum - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Error codes returned by GIO functions.
ioErrorFromErrno(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Converts errno.h error codes into GIO error codes.
ioErrorFromFileError(FileError) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Converts GFileError error codes into GIO error codes.
ioErrorFromWin32Error(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Converts some common error codes (as returned from GetLastError() or WSAGetLastError()) into GIO error codes.
ioErrorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets the GIO Error Quark.
IOExtension - Class in org.gnome.gio
GIOExtension is an opaque data structure and can only be accessed using the following functions.
IOExtension(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.IOExtension
Create a IOExtension proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IOExtensionPoint - Class in org.gnome.gio
GIOExtensionPoint provides a mechanism for modules to extend the functionality of the library or application that loaded it in an organized fashion.
IOExtensionPoint(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.IOExtensionPoint
Create a IOExtensionPoint proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IOFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Specifies properties of a GIOChannel.
IOFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the IOFunc callback.
IOFuncs - Class in org.gnome.glib
A table of functions used to handle different types of GIOChannel in a generic way.
IOFuncs() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs
Allocate a new IOFuncs.
IOFuncs(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs
Allocate a new IOFuncs.
IOFuncs(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs
Create a IOFuncs proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IOFuncs.IoCloseCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the IoCloseCallback callback.
IOFuncs.IoCreateWatchCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the IoCreateWatchCallback callback.
IOFuncs.IoFreeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the IoFreeCallback callback.
IOFuncs.IoGetFlagsCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the IoGetFlagsCallback callback.
IOFuncs.IoReadCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the IoReadCallback callback.
IOFuncs.IoSeekCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the IoSeekCallback callback.
IOFuncs.IoSetFlagsCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the IoSetFlagsCallback callback.
IOFuncs.IoWriteCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the IoWriteCallback callback.
IOModule - Class in org.gnome.gio
Provides an interface and default functions for loading and unloading modules.
IOModule(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.IOModule
Create a IOModule proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IOModule(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.IOModule
Creates a new GIOModule that will load the specific shared library when in use.
IOModule.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
IOModule.IOModuleClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
IOModuleClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.IOModule.IOModuleClass
Create a IOModuleClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IOModuleScope - Class in org.gnome.gio
Represents a scope for loading IO modules.
IOModuleScope(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.IOModuleScope
Create a IOModuleScope proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IOModuleScopeFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags for use with g_io_module_scope_new().
ioModulesLoadAllInDirectory(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Loads all the modules in the specified directory.
ioModulesLoadAllInDirectoryWithScope(String, IOModuleScope) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Loads all the modules in the specified directory.
ioModulesScanAllInDirectory(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Scans all the modules in the specified directory, ensuring that any extension point implemented by a module is registered.
ioModulesScanAllInDirectoryWithScope(String, IOModuleScope) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Scans all the modules in the specified directory, ensuring that any extension point implemented by a module is registered.
ioSchedulerCancelAllJobs() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
You should never call this function, since you don't know how other libraries in your program might be making use of gioscheduler.
IOSchedulerJob - Class in org.gnome.gio
IOSchedulerJob(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.IOSchedulerJob
Create a IOSchedulerJob proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IOSchedulerJobFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gio
ioSchedulerPushJob(IOSchedulerJobFunc, int, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
use GThreadPool or g_task_run_in_thread()
IOStatus - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Statuses returned by most of the GIOFuncs functions.
IOStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
GIOStream represents an object that has both read and write streams.
IOStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
Create a IOStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IOStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
IOStream.IOStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
IOStream.IOStreamImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The IOStreamImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract IOStream class.
IOStreamAdapter - Class in org.gnome.gio
IOStreamAdapter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.IOStreamAdapter
Create a IOStreamAdapter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IOStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.IOStream.IOStreamClass
Allocate a new IOStreamClass.
IOStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.IOStream.IOStreamClass
Allocate a new IOStreamClass.
IOStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.IOStream.IOStreamClass
Create a IOStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IOStreamImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.IOStream.IOStreamImpl
Creates a new instance of IOStream for the provided memory address.
IOStreamSpliceFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
GIOStreamSpliceFlags determine how streams should be spliced.
IOTA_SUBSCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Greek iota subscript only
IPV4 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketFamily
the IPv4 family
IPV4_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverNameLookupFlags
only resolve ipv4 addresses
IPV4_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.ServerListenOptions
Only listen on IPv4 interfaces.
IPV6 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketFamily
the IPv6 family
IPV6_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverNameLookupFlags
only resolve ipv6 addresses
IPV6_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.ServerListenOptions
Only listen on IPv6 interfaces.
IRRECOVERABLE_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.CheckSyntaxResult
irrecoverable syntax error
IS_ABSTRACT(Type) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Checks if type is an abstract type.
IS_CLASSED(Type) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Checks if type is a classed type.
IS_DEEP_DERIVABLE(Type) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Checks if type is a deep derivable type.
IS_DEPRECATED(Type) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Checks if type is deprecated.
IS_DERIVABLE(Type) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Checks if type is a derivable type.
IS_DERIVED(Type) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Checks if type is derived (or in object-oriented terminology: inherited) from another type (this holds true for all non-fundamental types).
IS_DIR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileTest
true if the file is a directory.
IS_DIRECTORY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
File is a directory.
IS_EXECUTABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileTest
true if the file is executable.
IS_FINAL(Type) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Checks if type is a final type.
IS_FUNDAMENTAL(Type) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Checks if type is a fundamental type.
IS_INSTANTIATABLE(Type) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Checks if type can be instantiated.
IS_INTERFACE(Type) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Checks if type is an interface type.
IS_IP_ADDRESS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.TLDError
The passed-in "hostname" was actually an IP address (and thus has no base domain or public suffix).
IS_LAUNCHER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationFlags
Don't try to become the primary instance.
IS_READABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOFlags
indicates that the io channel is readable.
IS_REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileTest
true if the file is a regular file (not a directory).
IS_SEEKABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOFlags
indicates that the io channel is seekable, i.e.
IS_SERVICE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationFlags
Run as a service.
IS_SYMLINK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileTest
true if the file is a symlink.
IS_VALUE_ABSTRACT(Type) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Checks if type is an abstract value type.
IS_VALUE_TYPE(Type) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Checks if type is a value type and can be used with g_value_init().
IS_WRITABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOFlags
indicates that the io channel is writable.
IS_WRITEABLE - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOFlags
a misspelled version of GIOFLAGISWRITABLE that existed before the spelling was fixed in GLib 2.30.
is2d() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Checks whether the given graphene_matrix_t is compatible with an a 2D affine transformation matrix.
isAcceptingJobs() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Returns whether the printer is accepting jobs
isAcquired() - Method in class
Check if the ringbuffer is acquired and ready to use.
isActivatable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
isActivatable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
isActive() - Method in class
Check if this AudioRingBuffer is activated.
isActive() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Checks if this BufferPool is active.
isActive() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Query if a pad is active
isActive() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer
Gets whether this DBusServer is active.
isActive() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketService
Check whether the service is active or not.
isActive() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
Checks if the VFS is active.
isActive() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Timer
Exposes whether the timer is currently active.
isActive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Returns true if the gesture is currently active.
isActive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Returns whether the printer is currently active (i.e.
isActive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Returns whether the window is part of the current active toplevel.
isAllMemoryWritable() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Checks if all memory blocks in this Buffer are writable.
isAlternative() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
isAlwaysCompatible(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
A given GstCaps structure is always compatible with another if every media format that is in the first is also contained in the second.
isAncestor(Node) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Returns true if this Node is an ancestor of descendant.
isAncestor(TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
isAncestor(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
isAncestor(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Determines whether this Widget is somewhere inside ancestor, possibly with intermediate containers.
isAny() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Determines if this Caps represents any media format.
isAny() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Checks if this CapsFeatures is GST_CAPS_FEATURES_ANY.
isArray() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Determines if the given this VariantType is an array type.
isArray() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Get whether the value referenced by this Value is an array.
isArrayBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Check whether the this Value is an ArrayBuffer.
isAsync() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Get the current async behaviour of this BaseSrc.
isAsyncEnabled() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Checks if this BaseSink is currently configured to perform asynchronous state changes to PAUSED.
isAttached() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint
Checks whether the constraint is attached to a ConstraintLayout, and it is contributing to the layout.
isAttached() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Whether the this WebInspector view is currently attached to the same window that contains the inspected view.
isAuthenticated() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Tests if this Auth has been given a username and password.
isAutomationAllowed() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Get whether automation is allowed in this WebContext.
isBackfaceVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Checks whether a graphene_matrix_t has a visible back face.
isBasic() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Determines if the given this VariantType is a basic type.
isBegin() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SequenceIter
Returns whether this SequenceIter is the begin iterator
isBlankAtPos(int, int, Out<TreePath>, Out<TreeViewColumn>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
isBlocked() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Checks if the pad is blocked or not.
isBlocking() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Checks if the pad is blocking or not.
isBoolean() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Get whether the value referenced by this Value is a boolean.
isCancelled() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Checks if a cancellable job has been cancelled.
isCancelled() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor
Returns whether the monitor is canceled.
isCancelled() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Tests if this Auth has been cancelled
isCapsFeatures(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Checks if obj is a GstCapsFeatures
isClear() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Checks if an this RGBA value is transparent.
isClosed() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Finds out if the display has been closed.
isClosed() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Gets whether this DBusConnection is closed.
isClosed() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
Checks if the file enumerator has been closed.
isClosed() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Checks if an input stream is closed.
isClosed() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
Checks if a stream is closed.
isClosed() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Checks if an output stream has already been closed.
isClosed() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Checks whether a socket is closed.
isClosed() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Path
Returns if the path represents a single closed contour.
isClosing() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Checks if an output stream is being closed.
isComposited() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Returns whether surfaces can reasonably be expected to have their alpha channel drawn correctly on the screen.
isConnected() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.SignalConnection
Returns whether this signal is connected.
isConnected() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Check whether the socket is connected.
isConnected() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection
Checks if this SocketConnection is connected.
isConstant() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint
Checks whether the constraint describes a relation between an attribute on the Gtk.Constraint:target and a constant value.
isConstructor() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Get whether the value referenced by this Value is a constructor.
isContainer() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Checks if this Variant is a container.
isContainer() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Determines if the given this VariantType is a container type.
isControlledByAutomation() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Get whether a WebKitWebView was created with WebKitWebView:is-controlled-by-automation property enabled.
isCopyAvailable() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState
Gets whether a copy command can be issued.
isCursor(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Checks to see if line contains the insertion cursor.
isCursorPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Determine if this TextIter is at a cursor position.
isCustom() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
isCustom() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Returns true if this PaperSize is not a standard paper size.
isCutAvailable() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState
Gets whether a cut command can be issued.
isDaylightSavings() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Determines if daylight savings time is in effect at the time and in the time zone of this DateTime.
isDefault() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Returns whether the printer is the default printer.
isDefinite() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Determines if the given this VariantType is definite (ie: not indefinite).
isDeleted() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File
Returns whether the file has been deleted.
isDescendant(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
isDestroyed() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Check to see if a surface is destroyed.
isDestroyed() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Returns whether this Source has been destroyed.
isDictEntry() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Determines if the given this VariantType is a dictionary entry type.
ISDIR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
File is a directory; you cannot open a directory for writing, or create or remove hard links to it.
ISDIR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOChannelError
File is a directory.
ISDIR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
execv() returned EISDIR
isDisabled() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding
Checks if the control binding is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Returns whether this image format is disabled.
isDrawable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Determines whether this Widget can be drawn to.
isDst(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeZone
Determines if daylight savings time is in effect during a particular interval of time in the time zone this TimeZone.
isEditable() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset
Check if one can add new presets, change existing ones and remove presets.
isEditable() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Gets whether the user is allowed to edit the HTML document.
isEllipsized() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Queries whether the layout had to ellipsize any paragraphs.
isEmpty() - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
isEmpty() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Queries if there are any items in the this DataQueue.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Checks if the queue this QueueArray is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Determines if this Caps represents no media formats.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Checks if the given taglist is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.List
Checks if the list has no elements (the head of the list is null).
isEmpty() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Returns true if the queue is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Returns true if the sequence contains zero items.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SList
Checks if the list has no elements (the head of the list is null).
isEmpty() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Checks whether the sphere has a zero radius.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Path
Checks if the path is empty, i.e.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Check if no value is contained in bitset.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region
Returns whether the this Region is empty.
isEnabled() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
isEnabled() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenuItem
Whether a WebKitOptionMenuItem is enabled.
isEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SequenceIter
Returns whether this SequenceIter is the end iterator
isEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns true if this TextIter is the end iterator.
isEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.RegionIter
isEos() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad
isEphemeral() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Get whether this NetworkSession is ephemeral.
isEphemeral() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Get whether a WebKitWebsiteDataManager is ephemeral.
isEqual(AudioInfo) - Method in class
Compares two GstAudioInfo and returns whether they are equal or not
isEqual(DsdInfo) - Method in class
Compares two GstDsdInfo and returns whether they are equal or not
isEqual(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Checks if the given caps represent the same set of caps.
isEqual(CapsFeatures) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Checks if this CapsFeatures and features2 are equal.
isEqual(Segment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Checks for two segments being equal.
isEqual(Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Tests if the two GstStructure are equal.
isEqual(TagList) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Checks if the two given taglists are equal.
isEqual(EncodingProfile) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Checks whether the two GstEncodingProfile are equal
isEqual(VideoColorimetry) - Method in class
Compare the 2 colorimetry sets for equality
isEqual(VideoContentLightLevel) - Method in class
Checks equality between this VideoContentLightLevel and other.
isEqual(VideoInfo) - Method in class
Compares two GstVideoInfo and returns whether they are equal or not
isEqual(VideoMasteringDisplayInfo) - Method in class
Checks equality between this VideoMasteringDisplayInfo and other.
isEqual(PaperSize) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Compares two GtkPaperSize objects.
isEqualFixed(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Tests if two GstCaps are equal.
isEquivalent(int, VideoColorimetry, int) - Method in class
Compare the 2 colorimetry sets for functionally equality
isEquivalent(int, VideoTransferFunction, int) - Method in enum class
Returns whether this VideoTransferFunction and toFunc are equivalent.
isEquivalent(VideoColorPrimaries) - Method in enum class
Checks whether this VideoColorPrimaries and other are functionally equivalent
isErrorSet(MemorySegment) - Static method in exception class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.GErrorException
Check if an error is set.
isExpandable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow
Checks if a row can be expanded.
isExpired() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSPolicy
Gets whether this HSTSPolicy is expired.
isExported(DBusObjectSkeleton) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer
Returns whether object is currently exported on this DBusObjectManagerServer.
isExternallyModified() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File
Returns whether the file is externally modified.
isFeatureDisabled(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Get whether SessionFeatures of the given featureType (or a subclass of that type) are disabled on this Message.
isFinished() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
A convenience function to find out if the print operation is finished.
isFirstOfMonth() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns true if the date is on the first of a month.
isFixed() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Fixed GstCaps describe exactly one format, that is, they have exactly one structure, and each field in the structure describes a fixed type.
isFloating() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Checks whether this Variant has a floating reference count.
isFloating() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Checks whether this Object has a [floating][floating-ref] reference.
isFlushing() - Method in class
Check if this AudioRingBuffer is flushing.
isFocus() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus
Returns true if focus is within this EventControllerFocus, but not one of its children.
isFocus() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Determines if the widget is the focus widget within its toplevel.
isFocusSibling(CellRenderer, CellRenderer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
isForProxy() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Tests whether or not this Auth is associated with a proxy server rather than an "origin" server.
isForProxy() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Determine whether the authentication challenge is associated with a proxy server.
isFull() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Queries if this DataQueue is full.
isFullscreen() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Retrieves the current fullscreen state of this Window.
isFunction() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Get whether the value referenced by this Value is a function
isGroupChild() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenuItem
Whether a WebKitOptionMenuItem is a group child.
isGroupedWith(Gesture) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Returns true if both gestures pertain to the same group.
isGroupLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenuItem
Whether a WebKitOptionMenuItem is a group label.
isHttps() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Checks whether this Server is capable of https.
isIdentity() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Checks whether the given graphene_matrix_t is the identity matrix.
isImage() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfo
isInactive() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad
It is only valid to call this method from GstAggregatorClass::aggregate()
isInFrame() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DrawContext
Drawing directly to the surface is no longer recommended. Use GskRenderNode and GskRenderer.
isInitialized() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Use this function to check if GStreamer has been initialized with gst_init() or gst_init_check().
isInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
Use this function to check if libadwaita has been initialized with Adw.init().
isInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Use this function to check if GTK has been initialized.
isInPlace() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
See if this BaseTransform is configured as a in_place transform.
isInterlaced() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererVideoInfo
isIpp() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Returns true if this PaperSize is an IPP standard paper size.
isKeepalive() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Determines whether or not this Message's connection can be kept alive for further requests after processing this Message.
isLastOfMonth() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns true if the date is the last day of the month.
isLastSampleEnabled() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Checks if this BaseSink is currently configured to store the last received sample in the last-sample property.
isLeapYear(DateYear) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns true if the year is a leap year.
isLegacy() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Whether the GdkGLContext is in legacy mode or not.
isLinked() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Checks if a this Pad is linked to another pad or not.
isLive() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Check if an element is in live mode.
isLive() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Check if this Pipeline is live.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
queries if the plugin is loaded into memory
isLoading() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList
Returns true if the files are currently being loaded.
isLoading() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList
Returns true if the children enumeration is currently in progress.
isLoading() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Gets the value of the WebKitWebView:is-loading property.
isLocal() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Returns if the clipboard is local.
isLocal() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Checks whether the resource is local or not by looking at the scheme of its URI.
isLocal() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File
Returns whether the file is local.
isLockedState() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Checks if the state of an element is locked.
isLoopback() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountPoint
Checks if a unix mount point is a loopback device.
isMainFrame() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.Frame
Gets whether this Frame is the main frame of a WebKitWebPage
isMainFrameMainResource() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ResponsePolicyDecision
Gets whether the request is the main frame main resource
isMaximized() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Retrieves the current maximized state of this Window.
isMaybe() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Determines if the given this VariantType is a maybe type.
isMediaCheckAutomatic() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Checks if this Drive is capable of automatically detecting media changes.
isMediaRemovable() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Checks if the this Drive supports removable media.
isMemoryRangeWritable(int, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Checks if length memory blocks in this Buffer starting from idx are writable.
isMimeTypeSupported() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ResponsePolicyDecision
Gets whether the MIME type of the response can be displayed in the WebKitWebView.
isMissingPluginMessage(Message) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Checks whether msg is a missing plugins message.
isModifier() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeyEvent
Extracts whether the key event is for a modifier key.
isMonospace() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily
A monospace font is a font designed for text display where the the characters form a regular grid.
isMutable() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel
Queries if this MenuModel is mutable.
isNative() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Checks to see if a file is native to the platform.
isNormalForm() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Checks if this Variant is in normal form.
isNormalized() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Tests the this Uri to see if it is normalized.
isNull() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Get whether the value referenced by this Value is <function>null</function>.
isNullTerminated(MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Gets whether the array was constructed as null-terminated.
isNumber() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Get whether the value referenced by this Value is a number.
isObject() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Get whether the value referenced by this Value is an object.
isObjectPath(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Determines if a given string is a valid D-Bus object path.
isOfType(VariantType) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Checks if a value has a type matching the provided type.
isOpaque() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Checks if an this RGBA value is opaque.
isOptionsPing() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Gets if this ServerMessage represents an OPTIONS message with the path *.
isOwner() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Determines whether this thread holds the (recursive) ownership of this GLib.MainContext.
isParagraphStart() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Returns whether this is the first line of the paragraph.
isPartialMatch() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MatchInfo
Usually if the string passed to g_regex_match*() matches as far as it goes, but is too short to match the entire pattern, false is returned.
isPassthrough() - Method in class
Check if this AudioChannelMixer is in passthrough.
isPassthrough() - Method in class
Returns whether the audio converter will operate in passthrough mode.
isPassthrough() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
See if this BaseTransform is configured as a passthrough transform.
isPasteAvailable() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState
Gets whether a paste command can be issued.
isPaused() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Returns whether the printer is currently paused.
isPersistent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Context
Checks if this Context is persistent.
isPersistent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Gets whether this CookieJar stores cookies persistenly.
isPersistent() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer
Gets whether this HSTSEnforcer stores policies persistenly.
isPlayingAudio() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Gets the value of the WebKitWebView:is-playing-audio property.
isPointer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion
Returns if a Drag-and-Drop operation is within the widget this DropControllerMotion, not one of its children.
isPointer() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion
Returns if a pointer is within this EventControllerMotion, but not one of its children.
isPrelit(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Checks to see if line is marked as prelit.
isPrepared() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Returns whether the stream has finished initializing.
isQosEnabled() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Checks if this BaseSink is currently configured to send Quality-of-Service events upstream.
isQosEnabled() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Queries if the transform will handle QoS.
isQosEnabled() - Method in class
Checks if this VideoEncoder is currently configured to handle Quality-of-Service events from downstream.
isReadable() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.PollableInputStream
Checks if this PollableInputStream can be read.
isReadonly() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountPoint
Checks if a unix mount point is read only.
isReadonly() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File
Returns whether the file is read-only.
isReady(Message) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Tests if this Auth is ready to make a request for msg with.
isRealized() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Renderer
Checks whether the this Renderer is realized or not.
isRecognized() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Returns true if the gesture is currently recognized.
isRectilinear() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Checks if all corners of this RoundedRect are right angles and the rectangle covers all of its bounds.
isRedirect() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationAction
Returns whether the this NavigationAction was redirected.
isRedoAvailable() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState
Gets whether a redo command can be issued.
isRemoteError(GError) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Checks if error represents an error received via D-Bus from a remote peer.
isRemovable() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Checks if the GDrive and/or its media is considered removable by the user.
isRequired() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint
Checks whether the constraint is a required relation for solving the constraint layout.
isRetry() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Determine whether this this is a first attempt or a retry for this authentication challenge.
isRgba() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Returns whether surfaces on this this Display are created with an alpha channel.
isRubberBandingActive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
isRunning() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainLoop
Checks to see if the main loop is currently being run via
isSame(TlsCertificate) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Check if two GTlsCertificate objects represent the same certificate.
isSameUser(Credentials) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Credentials
Checks if this Credentials and otherCredentials is the same user.
isSaveOptionSupported(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Returns TRUE if the save option specified by optionKey is supported when saving a pixbuf using the module implementing this PixbufFormat.
isScalable() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Returns whether this image format is scalable.
isSeekable() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Check if the source can seek
isSeekable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Checks if a stream may be seekable.
isSeeking() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Checks if there is currently a seek operation going on.
isSelected() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild
Returns whether the this FlowBoxChild is currently selected in its GtkFlowBox container.
isSelected() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
Returns whether the child is currently selected in its GtkListBox container.
isSelected() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenuItem
Whether a WebKitOptionMenuItem is the currently selected one.
isSelected(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview
Returns whether the given page is included in the set of pages that have been selected for printing.
isSelected(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel
Checks if the given item is selected.
isSelected(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Checks to see if the view had a selection and if that selection overlaps line in some way.
isSensitive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the widget’s effective sensitivity.
isSeparator() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem
Checks whether this ContextMenuItem is a separator.
isSeparator() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem
Checks whether this ContextMenuItem is a separator.
isSequence() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
isSessionPolicy() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSPolicy
Gets whether this HSTSPolicy is a non-permanent, non-expirable session policy.
isShadowed() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Determines if this Mount is shadowed.
isShared(GLContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Checks if the two GL contexts can share resources.
isShowing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation
Returns whether the GtkMountOperation is currently displaying a window.
isSignature(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Determines if a given string is a valid D-Bus type signature.
isSingular() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Checks whether a matrix is singular.
isSpan(Memory, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Check if this Memory and mem2 share the memory with a common parent memory object and that the memory is contiguous.
isStart() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns true if this TextIter is the first iterator in the buffer.
isStarted() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
This function can be used to know if the this DeviceProvider was successfully started.
isStatic() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expression
Checks if the expression is static.
isStaticImage() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
Checks whether the animation is a static image.
isStop() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollEvent
Check whether a scroll event is a stop scroll event.
isStrictlyEqual(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Checks if the given caps are exactly the same set of caps.
isString() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Get whether the value referenced by this Value is a string
isSubset(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Checks if all caps represented by this Caps are also represented by superset.
isSubset(Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Checks if this Structure is a subset of superset, i.e.
isSubsetStructure(Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Checks if structure is a subset of this Caps.
isSubsetStructureFull(Structure, CapsFeatures) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Checks if structure is a subset of this Caps.
isSubtypeOf(VariantType) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Checks if this VariantType is a subtype of supertype.
isSupported() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ProxyResolver
Checks if this ProxyResolver can be used on this system.
isSupported() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixCredentialsMessage
Checks if passing GCredentials on a GSocket is supported on this platform.
isSuspended() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Retrieves the current suspended state of this Window.
isSymbolic() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconPaintable
Checks if the icon is symbolic or not.
isSynced() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Checks if the clock is currently synced, by looking at whether ClockFlags.NEEDS_STARTUP_SYNC is set.
isSynthesized() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFace
Returns whether a PangoFontFace is synthesized.
isTagged(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AsyncResult
Checks if this AsyncResult has the given sourceTag (generally a function pointer indicating the function this AsyncResult was created by).
isTrigger(TextIter, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider
This function is used to determine if a character inserted into the text editor should cause a new completion request to be triggered.
isTrigger(View, TextIter, Set<ModifierType>, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Indenter
This function is used to determine if a key pressed should cause the indenter to automatically indent.
isTrigger(View, TextIter, ModifierType, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Indenter
This function is used to determine if a key pressed should cause the indenter to automatically indent.
isTuple() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Determines if the given this VariantType is a tuple type.
isType(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Check if this Memory if allocated with an allocator for memType.
isTypedArray() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Determines whether a value is a typed array.
isUndefined() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Get whether the value referenced by this Value is <function>undefined</function>.
isUndoAvailable() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState
Gets whether an undo command can be issued.
isUnique() - Method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragAction
Checks if this DragAction represents a single action or includes multiple actions.
isUserGesture() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationAction
Return whether the navigation was triggered by a user gesture like a mouse click.
isUserMountable() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountPoint
Checks if a unix mount point is mountable by the user.
isValid() - Method in class
isValid() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Returns true if the this Monitor object corresponds to a physical monitor.
isValid() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BitsetIter
Checks if this BitsetIter points to a valid value.
isValid(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Tests if the given string is a valid URI identifier.
isValid(String, Set<UriFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Parses uriString according to flags, to determine whether it is a valid absolute URI, i.e.
isValid(String, UriFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Parses uriString according to flags, to determine whether it is a valid absolute URI, i.e.
isValid(AsyncResult, GObject) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Checks that result is a GTask, and that sourceObject is its source object (or that sourceObject is null and result has no source object).
isValid(AsyncResult, GObject, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use GTask and g_task_is_valid() instead.
isValidName(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Validate a property name for a GParamSpec.
isVariable() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily
A variable font is a font which has axes that can be modified to produce different faces.
isVariant() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Determines if the given this VariantType is the variant type.
isVideoOverlayPrepareWindowHandleMessage(Message) - Static method in class
Convenience function to check if the given message is a "prepare-window-handle" message from a GstVideoOverlay.
isVirtual() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Returns whether the printer is virtual (i.e.
isVisible() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Determines whether the widget and all its parents are marked as visible.
isWrapped() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Queries whether the layout had to wrap any paragraphs.
isWritable() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
If this MiniObject has the LOCKABLE flag set, check if the current EXCLUSIVE lock on object is the only one, this means that changes to the object will not be visible to any other object.
isWritable() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Check if it is safe to write to this GstUri.
isWritable() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Returns whether pixbufs can be saved in the given format.
isWritable() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.PollableOutputStream
Checks if this PollableOutputStream can be written.
isWritable(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Finds out if a key can be written or not
isZeroWidth(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Checks if a character that should not be normally rendered.
ITALIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.StyleTag
Used to vary between non-italic and italic.
ITALIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Style
the font is slanted in an italic style.
ITALIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
ITALIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.EditorTypingAttributes
Italic typing attribute.
ITALIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
ITALIC_CJK_ROMAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
Item - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoItem structure stores information about a segment of text.
Item() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Item
Creates a new PangoItem structure initialized to default values.
Item(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Item
Create a Item proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ITEM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ListTabBehavior
Cycle through a single list element, then move focus out of the list.
itemActivated(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
itemize(Context, String, int, int, AttrList, AttrIterator) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Breaks a piece of text into segments with consistent directional level and font.
itemizeWithBaseDir(Context, Direction, String, int, int, AttrList, AttrIterator) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Like pango_itemize(), but with an explicitly specified base direction.
itemsChanged(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ListModel
Emits the GListModel::items-changed signal on this ListModel.
itemsChanged(int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel
Requests emission of the GMenuModel::items-changed signal on this MenuModel.
iterate(Out<FileInfo>, Out<File>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
This is a version of g_file_enumerator_next_file() that's easier to use correctly from C programs.
iterateAllByElementFactoryName(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Looks for all elements inside the bin with the given element factory name.
iterateAllByInterface(Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Looks for all elements inside the bin that implements the given interface.
iterateDefinitions() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Format
Iterate all the registered formats.
iterateElements() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Gets an iterator for the elements in this bin.
iterateInternalLinks() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Gets an iterator for the pads to which the given pad is linked to inside of the parent element.
iterateInternalLinksDefault(GstObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Iterate the list of pads to which the given pad is linked to inside of the parent element.
iterateInternalLinksDefault(Pad, GstObject) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProxyPad
Invoke the default iterate internal links function of the proxy pad.
iterateItemAttributes(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel
Creates a GMenuAttributeIter to iterate over the attributes of the item at position itemIndex in this MenuModel.
iterateItemLinks(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel
Creates a GMenuLinkIter to iterate over the links of the item at position itemIndex in this MenuModel.
iterateMeta(Out<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Retrieves the next GstMeta after current.
iterateMetaFiltered(Out<MemorySegment>, Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Retrieves the next GstMeta of type metaApiType after the current one according to state.
iteratePads() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Retrieves an iterator of this Element's pads.
iterateRecurse() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Gets an iterator for the elements in this bin.
iterateSinkPads() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Retrieves an iterator of this Element's sink pads.
iterateSinks() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Gets an iterator for all elements in the bin that have the GST_ELEMENT_FLAG_SINK flag set.
iterateSorted() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Gets an iterator for the elements in this bin in topologically sorted order.
iterateSources() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Gets an iterator for all elements in the bin that have the GST_ELEMENT_FLAG_SOURCE flag set.
iterateSrcPads() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Retrieves an iterator of this Element's source pads.
iteration(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Runs a single iteration for the given main loop.
iterator() - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
Iterator - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A GstIterator is used to retrieve multiple objects from another object in a threadsafe way.
Iterator(int, Type, Mutex, MemorySegment, IteratorCopyFunction, IteratorNextFunction, IteratorItemFunction, IteratorResyncFunction, IteratorFreeFunction) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Create a new iterator.
Iterator(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Create a Iterator proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IteratorCopyFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the IteratorCopyFunction callback.
IteratorFoldFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the IteratorFoldFunction callback.
IteratorForeachFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the IteratorForeachFunction callback.
IteratorFreeFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the IteratorFreeFunction callback.
IteratorItem - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The result of a GstIteratorItemFunction.
IteratorItemFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the IteratorItemFunction callback.
IteratorNextFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the IteratorNextFunction callback.
IteratorResult - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The result of gst_iterator_next().
IteratorResyncFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the IteratorResyncFunction callback.
iterBackwardToContextClassToggle(TextIter, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Moves backward to the next toggle (on or off) of the context class.
iterChildren(TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
iterDepth(TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
iterForwardToContextClassToggle(TextIter, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Moves forward to the next toggle (on or off) of the context class.
iterHasChild(TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
iterHasContextClass(TextIter, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Check if the class contextClass is set on iter.
iterIsSelected(TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
iterIsValid(TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Use list models
iterIsValid(TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort
iterIsValid(TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
iterNChildren(TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
iterNew() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a heap-allocated GVariantIter for iterating over the items in this Variant.
iterNext(TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
iterNthChild(TreeIter, TreeIter, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
iterParent(TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
iterPrevious(TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
ITERS_PERSIST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFlags
iterators survive all signals emitted by the tree
ITP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
Intelligent Tracking Prevention data.
ITPFirstParty - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Describes a first party origin.
ITPFirstParty(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ITPFirstParty
Create a ITPFirstParty proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ITPThirdParty - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Describes a third party origin.
ITPThirdParty(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ITPThirdParty
Create a ITPThirdParty proxy instance for the provided memory address.
IYU1 - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:1:1 YUV (Cb-Y0-Y1-Cr-Y2-Y3 ...)
IYU2 - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:4:4 YUV (U-Y-V ...) (Since: 1.10)


JANUARY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateMonth
JavaClosure - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject
An implementation of Closure that can be used with Java callbacks.
JavaClosure(Object) - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.JavaClosure
Construct a Closure that will invoke the provided Java lambda using reflection.
JavaClosure(Object, Method) - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.JavaClosure
Construct a Closure that will invoke the provided Java method using reflection.
JavaClosure(Runnable) - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.JavaClosure
Construct a Closure for a method or lambda that takes no parameters and returns void.
JavaClosure(BooleanSupplier) - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.JavaClosure
Construct a Closure for a method or lambda that takes no parameters and returns boolean.
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.GstBase
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.GdkPixbuf
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.gmodule.GModule
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Graphene
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.Gsk
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GtkSource
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
javagi$ensureInitialized() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebKitWebProcessExtension
JAVANESE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
JAVANESE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
JAVASCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageSource
Message produced by JavaScript.
JAVASCRIPT_COMPAT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Changes behaviour so that it is compatible with JavaScript rather than PCRE.
JavaScriptCore - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Constants and functions that are declared in the global JavaScriptCore namespace.
JavaScriptCore() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
JavascriptError - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to denote errors happening when executing JavaScript
JIS1978_CHARACTERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
JIS1983_CHARACTERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
JIS1990_CHARACTERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
JIS2004_CHARACTERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
JITTER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
current jitter of stream
join() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
Joins this Task.
join() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Waits until this Thread finishes, i.e.
join(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool
Join a task and/or return it to the pool.
join(Set<UriFlags>, String, String, String, int, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Joins the given components together according to flags to create an absolute URI string.
join(Uri) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Join a reference URI onto a base URI using the method from RFC 3986.
join(UriFlags, String, String, String, int, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Joins the given components together according to flags to create an absolute URI string.
joinLines(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Joins the lines of text between the specified iterators.
joinMulticastGroup(InetAddress, boolean, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Registers this Socket to receive multicast messages sent to group.
joinMulticastGroupSsm(InetAddress, InetAddress, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Registers this Socket to receive multicast messages sent to group.
joinStrings(String, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
This is a convenience function to join two URI strings and return the result.
joinWithUser(Set<UriFlags>, String, String, String, String, String, int, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Joins the given components together according to flags to create an absolute URI string.
joinWithUser(UriFlags, String, String, String, String, String, int, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Joins the given components together according to flags to create an absolute URI string.
JPEG - Static variable in enum class
jpeg style cositing, also for mpeg1 and mjpeg
JSCOptions - Search tag in package org.gnome.webkit.jsc
JSON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFormat
a machine-readable JSON format.
julian(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Create a new GDate representing the given Julian date.
JULY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateMonth
JUMP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Jump to new location.
JUNE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateMonth
Justification - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Used for justifying the text inside a Label widget.


KAISER - Enum constant in enum class
Uses Kaiser windowed sinc interpolation
KAITHI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
KAITHI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
KANA_SPACING_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
KANA_TO_ROMANIZATION - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
KANA_VOICING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Hiragana/Katakana voicing marks
KANNADA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
KANNADA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
KANNADA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
KATAKANA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
KATAKANA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
KATAKANA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
KATAKANA_TO_HIRAGANA - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
KAWI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Kawi, Since: 5.2.0
KAWI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
KAYAH_LI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
KAYAH_LI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Kayah Li.
KAYAH_LI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Kayah Li.
KEEP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagMergeMode
keep existing tags
KEEP_ALL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagMergeMode
keep all existing tags
KEEP_COMMENTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.KeyFileFlags
Use this flag if you plan to write the (possibly modified) contents of the key file back to a file; otherwise all comments will be lost when the key file is written back.
KEEP_TRANSLATIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.KeyFileFlags
Use this flag if you plan to write the (possibly modified) contents of the key file back to a file; otherwise only the translations for the current language will be written back.
key() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TreeNode
Gets the key stored at a particular tree node.
key() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Determines the key type of a dictionary entry type.
KEY_0 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_1 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_AltCursor - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_Attn - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_BackTab - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_ChangeScreen - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_Copy - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_CursorBlink - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_CursorSelect - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_DeleteWord - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_Duplicate - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_Enter - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_EraseEOF - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_EraseInput - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_ExSelect - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_FieldMark - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_Ident - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_Jump - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_KeyClick - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_Left2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_PA1 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_PA2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_PA3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_Play - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_PrintScreen - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_Quit - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_Record - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_Reset - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_Right2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_Rule - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_Setup - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_3270_Test - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_4 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_5 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_6 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_7 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_8 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_9 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_a - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_A - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_aacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Aacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_abelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Abelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_abovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_abreve - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Abreve - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_abreveacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Abreveacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_abrevebelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Abrevebelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_abrevegrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Abrevegrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_abrevehook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Abrevehook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_abrevetilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Abrevetilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AccessX_Enable - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AccessX_Feedback_Enable - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_acircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Acircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_acircumflexacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Acircumflexacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_acircumflexbelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Acircumflexbelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_acircumflexgrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Acircumflexgrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_acircumflexhook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Acircumflexhook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_acircumflextilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Acircumflextilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_acute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AddFavorite - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_adiaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Adiaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ae - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_agrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Agrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ahook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ahook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Alt_L - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Alt_R - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_amacron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Amacron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ampersand - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_aogonek - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Aogonek - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_apostrophe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ApplicationLeft - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ApplicationRight - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_approxeq - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_approximate - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_0 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_1 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_4 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_5 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_6 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_7 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_8 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_9 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_ain - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_alef - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_alefmaksura - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_beh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_comma - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_dad - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_dal - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_damma - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_dammatan - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_ddal - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_farsi_yeh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_fatha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_fathatan - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_feh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_fullstop - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_gaf - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_ghain - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_ha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_hah - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_hamza - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_hamza_above - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_hamza_below - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_hamzaonalef - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_hamzaonwaw - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_hamzaonyeh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_hamzaunderalef - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_heh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_heh_doachashmee - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_heh_goal - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_jeem - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_jeh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_kaf - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_kasra - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_kasratan - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_keheh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_khah - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_lam - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_madda_above - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_maddaonalef - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_meem - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_noon - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_noon_ghunna - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_peh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_percent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_qaf - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_question_mark - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_ra - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_rreh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_sad - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_seen - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_semicolon - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_shadda - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_sheen - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_sukun - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_superscript_alef - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_switch - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_tah - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_tatweel - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_tcheh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_teh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_tehmarbuta - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_thal - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_theh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_tteh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_veh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_waw - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_yeh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_yeh_baree - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_zah - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Arabic_zain - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_aring - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Aring - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_accent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_amanak - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_apostrophe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_at - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_AT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_ayb - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_AYB - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_ben - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_BEN - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_but - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_cha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_CHA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_da - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_DA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_dza - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_DZA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_e - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_E - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_exclam - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_fe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_FE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_full_stop - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_ghat - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_GHAT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_gim - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_GIM - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_hi - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_HI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_ho - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_HO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_hyphen - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_ini - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_INI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_je - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_JE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_ke - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_KE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_ken - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_KEN - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_khe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_KHE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_ligature_ew - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_lyun - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_LYUN - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_men - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_MEN - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_nu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_NU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_o - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_O - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_paruyk - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_pe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_PE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_pyur - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_PYUR - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_question - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_ra - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_RA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_re - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_RE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_se - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_SE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_separation_mark - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_sha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_SHA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_shesht - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_tche - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_TCHE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_to - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_TO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_tsa - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_TSA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_tso - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_TSO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_tyun - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_TYUN - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_verjaket - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_vev - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_VEV - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_vo - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_VO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_vyun - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_VYUN - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_yech - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_YECH - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_yentamna - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_za - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_ZA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_zhe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Armenian_ZHE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_asciicircum - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_asciitilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_asterisk - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_at - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_atilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Atilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudibleBell_Enable - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudioCycleTrack - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudioForward - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudioLowerVolume - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudioMedia - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudioMicMute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudioMute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudioNext - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudioPause - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudioPlay - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudioPreset - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudioPrev - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudioRaiseVolume - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudioRandomPlay - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudioRecord - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudioRepeat - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudioRewind - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_AudioStop - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Away - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_b - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_B - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_babovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Babovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Back - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_BackForward - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_backslash - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_BackSpace - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ballotcross - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_bar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Battery - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_because - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Begin - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_blank - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Blue - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Bluetooth - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Book - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_botintegral - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_botleftparens - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_botleftsqbracket - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_botleftsummation - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_botrightparens - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_botrightsqbracket - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_botrightsummation - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_bott - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_botvertsummationconnector - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_BounceKeys_Enable - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braceleft - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braceright - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_bracketleft - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_bracketright - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_blank - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dot_1 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dot_10 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dot_2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dot_3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dot_4 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dot_5 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dot_6 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dot_7 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dot_8 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dot_9 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_123 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1234 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12345 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_123456 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1234567 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12345678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1234568 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_123457 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1234578 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_123458 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12346 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_123467 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1234678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_123468 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12347 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_123478 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12348 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1235 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12356 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_123567 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1235678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_123568 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12357 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_123578 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12358 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1236 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12367 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_123678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12368 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1237 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12378 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1238 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_124 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1245 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12456 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_124567 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1245678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_124568 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12457 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_124578 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12458 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1246 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12467 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_124678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12468 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1247 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12478 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1248 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_125 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1256 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12567 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_125678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12568 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1257 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12578 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1258 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_126 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1267 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_12678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1268 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_127 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1278 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_128 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_13 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_134 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1345 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_13456 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_134567 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1345678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_134568 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_13457 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_134578 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_13458 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1346 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_13467 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_134678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_13468 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1347 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_13478 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1348 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_135 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1356 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_13567 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_135678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_13568 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1357 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_13578 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1358 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_136 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1367 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_13678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1368 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_137 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1378 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_138 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_14 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_145 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1456 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_14567 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_145678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_14568 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1457 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_14578 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1458 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_146 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1467 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_14678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1468 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_147 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1478 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_148 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_15 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_156 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1567 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_15678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1568 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_157 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1578 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_158 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_16 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_167 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_1678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_168 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_17 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_178 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_18 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_23 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_234 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2345 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_23456 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_234567 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2345678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_234568 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_23457 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_234578 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_23458 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2346 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_23467 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_234678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_23468 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2347 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_23478 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2348 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_235 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2356 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_23567 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_235678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_23568 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2357 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_23578 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2358 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_236 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2367 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_23678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2368 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_237 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2378 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_238 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_24 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_245 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2456 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_24567 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_245678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_24568 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2457 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_24578 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2458 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_246 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2467 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_24678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2468 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_247 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2478 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_248 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_25 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_256 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2567 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_25678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2568 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_257 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2578 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_258 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_26 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_267 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_2678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_268 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_27 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_278 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_28 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_34 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_345 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_3456 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_34567 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_345678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_34568 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_3457 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_34578 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_3458 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_346 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_3467 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_34678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_3468 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_347 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_3478 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_348 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_35 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_356 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_3567 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_35678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_3568 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_357 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_3578 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_358 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_36 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_367 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_3678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_368 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_37 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_378 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_38 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_4 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_45 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_456 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_4567 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_45678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_4568 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_457 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_4578 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_458 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_46 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_467 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_4678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_468 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_47 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_478 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_48 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_5 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_56 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_567 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_5678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_568 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_57 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_578 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_58 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_6 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_67 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_678 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_68 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_7 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_78 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_braille_dots_8 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Break - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_breve - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_BrightnessAdjust - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_brokenbar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Byelorussian_shortu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Byelorussian_SHORTU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_c - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_C - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_c_h - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_C_h - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_C_H - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_cabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_cacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Calculator - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Calendar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cancel - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Caps_Lock - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_careof - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_caret - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_caron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ccaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ccaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ccedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ccedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ccircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ccircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_CD - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_cedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_cent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ch - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ch - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_CH - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_checkerboard - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_checkmark - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_circle - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Clear - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ClearGrab - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Close - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_club - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Codeinput - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_colon - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ColonSign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_combining_acute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_combining_belowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_combining_grave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_combining_hook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_combining_tilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_comma - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Community - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_containsas - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ContrastAdjust - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Control_L - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Control_R - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Copy - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_copyright - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_cr - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_crossinglines - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_CruzeiroSign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_cuberoot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_currency - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_cursor - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cut - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_CycleAngle - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_a - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_A - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_be - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_BE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_che - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_CHE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_che_descender - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_CHE_descender - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_che_vertstroke - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_CHE_vertstroke - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_de - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_DE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_dzhe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_DZHE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_e - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_E - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_ef - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_EF - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_el - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_EL - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_em - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_EM - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_en - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_EN - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_en_descender - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_EN_descender - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_er - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_ER - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_es - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_ES - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_ghe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_GHE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_ghe_bar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_GHE_bar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_ha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_HA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_ha_descender - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_HA_descender - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_hardsign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_HARDSIGN - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_i - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_I - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_i_macron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_I_macron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_ie - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_IE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_io - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_IO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_je - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_JE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_ka - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_KA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_ka_descender - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_KA_descender - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_ka_vertstroke - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_KA_vertstroke - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_lje - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_LJE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_nje - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_NJE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_o - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_O - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_o_bar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_O_bar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_pe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_PE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_schwa - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_SCHWA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_sha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_SHA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_shcha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_SHCHA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_shha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_SHHA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_shorti - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_SHORTI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_softsign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_te - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_TE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_tse - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_TSE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_u - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_U - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_u_macron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_U_macron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_u_straight - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_U_straight - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_u_straight_bar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_U_straight_bar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_ve - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_VE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_ya - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_YA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_yeru - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_YERU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_yu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_YU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_ze - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_ZE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_zhe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_ZHE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_zhe_descender - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Cyrillic_ZHE_descender - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_d - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_D - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Dabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dagger - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dcaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Dcaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_a - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_A - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_abovecomma - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_abovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_abovereversedcomma - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_abovering - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_aboveverticalline - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_acute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_belowbreve - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_belowcircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_belowcomma - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_belowdiaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_belowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_belowmacron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_belowring - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_belowtilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_belowverticalline - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_breve - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_capital_schwa - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_caron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_cedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_circumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_currency - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_dasia - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_diaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_doubleacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_doublegrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_e - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_E - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_grave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_greek - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_hamza - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_hook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_horn - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_i - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_I - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_invertedbreve - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_iota - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_longsolidusoverlay - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_lowline - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_macron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_o - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_O - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_ogonek - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_perispomeni - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_psili - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_schwa - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_SCHWA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_semivoiced_sound - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_small_schwa - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_stroke - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_tilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_u - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_U - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dead_voiced_sound - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_decimalpoint - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_degree - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Delete - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_diaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_diamond - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_digitspace - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dintegral - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Display - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_division - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Documents - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dollar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_DongSign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_DOS - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_doubbaselinedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_doubleacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_doubledagger - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_doublelowquotemark - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Down - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_downarrow - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_downcaret - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_downshoe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_downstile - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_downtack - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_dstroke - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Dstroke - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_e - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_E - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_eabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Eabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_eacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Eacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ebelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ebelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ecaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ecaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ecircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ecircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ecircumflexacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ecircumflexacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ecircumflexbelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ecircumflexbelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ecircumflexgrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ecircumflexgrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ecircumflexhook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ecircumflexhook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ecircumflextilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ecircumflextilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_EcuSign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ediaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ediaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_egrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Egrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ehook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ehook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_eightsubscript - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_eightsuperior - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Eisu_Shift - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Eisu_toggle - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Eject - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_elementof - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ellipsis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_em3space - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_em4space - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_emacron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Emacron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_emdash - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_emfilledcircle - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_emfilledrect - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_emopencircle - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_emopenrectangle - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_emptyset - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_emspace - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_End - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_endash - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_enfilledcircbullet - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_enfilledsqbullet - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_eng - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ENG - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_enopencircbullet - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_enopensquarebullet - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_enspace - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_eogonek - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Eogonek - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_equal - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Escape - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_eth - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Eth - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ETH - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_etilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Etilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_EuroSign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Excel - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_exclam - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_exclamdown - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Execute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Explorer - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ezh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_EZH - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_f - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F1 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F10 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F11 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F12 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F13 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F14 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F15 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F16 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F17 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F18 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F19 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F20 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F21 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F22 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F23 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F24 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F25 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F26 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F27 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F28 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F29 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F30 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F31 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F32 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F33 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F34 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F35 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F4 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F5 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F6 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F7 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F8 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_F9 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_fabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Fabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Farsi_0 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Farsi_1 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Farsi_2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Farsi_3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Farsi_4 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Farsi_5 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Farsi_6 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Farsi_7 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Farsi_8 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Farsi_9 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Farsi_yeh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Favorites - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_femalesymbol - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ff - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_FFrancSign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_figdash - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_FILE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GKeyFile.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The name of the main group of a desktop entry file, as defined in the Desktop Entry Specification.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_ACTIONS - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a string list giving the available application actions.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_CATEGORIES - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a list of strings giving the categories in which the desktop entry should be shown in a menu.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_COMMENT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a localized string giving the tooltip for the desktop entry.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_DBUS_ACTIVATABLE - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a boolean set to true if the application is D-Bus activatable.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_EXEC - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a string giving the command line to execute.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_GENERIC_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a localized string giving the generic name of the desktop entry.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_HIDDEN - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a boolean stating whether the desktop entry has been deleted by the user.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_ICON - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a localized string giving the name of the icon to be displayed for the desktop entry.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_MIME_TYPE - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a list of strings giving the MIME types supported by this desktop entry.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a localized string giving the specific name of the desktop entry.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_NO_DISPLAY - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a boolean stating whether the desktop entry should be shown in menus.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_NOT_SHOW_IN - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a list of strings identifying the environments that should not display the desktop entry.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_ONLY_SHOW_IN - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a list of strings identifying the environments that should display the desktop entry.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_PATH - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a string containing the working directory to run the program in.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_STARTUP_NOTIFY - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a boolean stating whether the application supports the Startup Notification Protocol Specification.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_STARTUP_WM_CLASS - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is string identifying the WM class or name hint of a window that the application will create, which can be used to emulate Startup Notification with older applications.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_TERMINAL - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a boolean stating whether the program should be run in a terminal window.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_TRY_EXEC - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a string giving the file name of a binary on disk used to determine if the program is actually installed.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_TYPE - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a string giving the type of the desktop entry.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_URL - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a string giving the URL to access.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A key under G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, whose value is a string giving the version of the Desktop Entry Specification used for the desktop entry file.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_TYPE_APPLICATION - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The value of the G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_TYPE, key for desktop entries representing applications.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_TYPE_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The value of the G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_TYPE, key for desktop entries representing directories.
KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_TYPE_LINK - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The value of the G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_TYPE, key for desktop entries representing links to documents.
KEY_filledlefttribullet - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_filledrectbullet - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_filledrighttribullet - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_filledtribulletdown - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_filledtribulletup - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Finance - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Find - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_First_Virtual_Screen - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_fiveeighths - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_fivesixths - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_fivesubscript - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_fivesuperior - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Forward - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_fourfifths - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_foursubscript - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_foursuperior - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_fourthroot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_FrameBack - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_FrameForward - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_function - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_g - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_G - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_gabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Gabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Game - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_gbreve - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Gbreve - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_gcaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Gcaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_gcedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Gcedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_gcircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Gcircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_an - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_ban - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_can - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_char - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_chin - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_cil - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_don - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_en - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_fi - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_gan - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_ghan - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_hae - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_har - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_he - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_hie - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_hoe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_in - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_jhan - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_jil - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_kan - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_khar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_las - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_man - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_nar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_on - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_par - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_phar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_qar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_rae - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_san - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_shin - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_tan - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_tar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_un - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_vin - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_we - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_xan - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_zen - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Georgian_zhar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Go - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_grave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_greater - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_greaterthanequal - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_accentdieresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_alpha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_ALPHA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_alphaaccent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_ALPHAaccent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_beta - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_BETA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_chi - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_CHI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_delta - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_DELTA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_epsilon - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_EPSILON - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_epsilonaccent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_EPSILONaccent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_eta - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_ETA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_etaaccent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_ETAaccent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_finalsmallsigma - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_gamma - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_GAMMA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_horizbar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_iota - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_IOTA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_iotaaccent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_IOTAaccent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_iotaaccentdieresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_IOTAdiaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_iotadieresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_IOTAdieresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_kappa - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_KAPPA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_lambda - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_LAMBDA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_lamda - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_LAMDA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_mu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_MU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_nu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_NU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_omega - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_OMEGA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_omegaaccent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_OMEGAaccent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_omicron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_OMICRON - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_omicronaccent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_OMICRONaccent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_phi - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_PHI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_pi - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_PI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_psi - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_PSI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_rho - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_RHO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_sigma - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_SIGMA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_switch - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_tau - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_TAU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_theta - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_THETA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_upsilon - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_UPSILON - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_upsilonaccent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_UPSILONaccent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_upsilonaccentdieresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_upsilondieresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_UPSILONdieresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_xi - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_XI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_zeta - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Greek_ZETA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Green - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_guillemetleft - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_guillemetright - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_guillemotleft - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_guillemotright - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_h - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_H - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hairspace - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_A - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_AE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_AraeA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_AraeAE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Banja - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Cieuc - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Codeinput - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Dikeud - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_E - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_End - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_EO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_EU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Hanja - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Hieuh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_I - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Ieung - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_Cieuc - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_Dikeud - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_Hieuh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_Ieung - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_Jieuj - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_Khieuq - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_Kiyeog - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_KiyeogSios - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_KkogjiDalrinIeung - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_Mieum - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_Nieun - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_NieunHieuh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_NieunJieuj - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_PanSios - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_Phieuf - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_Pieub - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_PieubSios - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_Rieul - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_RieulHieuh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_RieulKiyeog - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_RieulMieum - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_RieulPhieuf - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_RieulPieub - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_RieulSios - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_RieulTieut - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_Sios - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_SsangKiyeog - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_SsangSios - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_Tieut - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_J_YeorinHieuh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Jamo - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Jeonja - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Jieuj - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Khieuq - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Kiyeog - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_KiyeogSios - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_KkogjiDalrinIeung - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Mieum - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_MultipleCandidate - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Nieun - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_NieunHieuh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_NieunJieuj - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_O - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_OE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_PanSios - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Phieuf - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Pieub - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_PieubSios - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_PostHanja - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_PreHanja - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_PreviousCandidate - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Rieul - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_RieulHieuh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_RieulKiyeog - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_RieulMieum - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_RieulPhieuf - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_RieulPieub - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_RieulSios - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_RieulTieut - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_RieulYeorinHieuh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Romaja - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_SingleCandidate - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Sios - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Special - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_SsangDikeud - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_SsangJieuj - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_SsangKiyeog - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_SsangPieub - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_SsangSios - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Start - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_SunkyeongeumMieum - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_SunkyeongeumPhieuf - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_SunkyeongeumPieub - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_switch - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_Tieut - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_U - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_WA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_WAE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_WE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_WEO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_WI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_YA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_YAE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_YE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_YEO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_YeorinHieuh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_YI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_YO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hangul_YU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hankaku - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hcircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hcircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_heart - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_aleph - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_ayin - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_bet - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_beth - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_chet - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_dalet - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_daleth - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_doublelowline - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_finalkaph - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_finalmem - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_finalnun - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_finalpe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_finalzade - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_finalzadi - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_gimel - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_gimmel - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_he - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_het - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_kaph - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_kuf - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_lamed - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_mem - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_nun - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_pe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_qoph - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_resh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_samech - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_samekh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_shin - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hebrew_switch - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_taf - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_taw - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_tet - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_teth - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_waw - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_yod - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_zade - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_zadi - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_zain - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hebrew_zayin - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Help - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Henkan - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Henkan_Mode - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hexagram - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hibernate - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hiragana - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hiragana_Katakana - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_History - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Home - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_HomePage - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_horizconnector - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_horizlinescan1 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_horizlinescan3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_horizlinescan5 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_horizlinescan7 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_horizlinescan9 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_HotLinks - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hstroke - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hstroke - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ht - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hyper_L - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Hyper_R - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_hyphen - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_i - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_I - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Iabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_iacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Iacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ibelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ibelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ibreve - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ibreve - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_icircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Icircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_identical - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_idiaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Idiaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_idotless - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ifonlyif - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_igrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Igrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ihook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ihook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_imacron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Imacron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_implies - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_includedin - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_includes - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_infinity - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Insert - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_integral - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_intersection - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_iogonek - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Iogonek - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Center_Object - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Continuous_Underline - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Discontinuous_Underline - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Emphasize - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Enter - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Down - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Left - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Right - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Up - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_First_Group - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_First_Group_Lock - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Group_Latch - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Group_Lock - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Group_Shift - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Last_Group - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Last_Group_Lock - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Left_Tab - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Level2_Latch - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Level3_Latch - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Level3_Lock - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Level3_Shift - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Level5_Latch - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Level5_Lock - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Level5_Shift - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Lock - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Move_Line_Down - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Move_Line_Up - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Next_Group - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Next_Group_Lock - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Partial_Line_Down - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Partial_Line_Up - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Partial_Space_Left - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Partial_Space_Right - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Prev_Group - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Prev_Group_Lock - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Release_Both_Margins - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Release_Margin_Left - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Release_Margin_Right - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Set_Margin_Left - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ISO_Set_Margin_Right - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_itilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Itilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_iTouch - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_j - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_J - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_jcircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Jcircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_jot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_k - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_K - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_a - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_A - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_CHI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_closingbracket - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_comma - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_conjunctive - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_e - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_E - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_FU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_fullstop - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_HA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_HE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_HI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_HO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_HU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_i - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_I - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_KA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_KE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_KI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_KO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_KU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Kana_Lock - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_MA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_ME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_MI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_middledot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_MO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_MU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_N - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_NA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_NE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_NI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_NO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_NU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_o - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_O - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_openingbracket - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_RA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_RE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_RI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_RO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_RU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_SA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_SE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_SHI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Kana_Shift - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_SO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_SU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_switch - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_TA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_TE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_TI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_TO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_tsu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_TSU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_tu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_TU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_u - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_U - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_WA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_WO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_ya - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_YA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_yo - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_YO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_yu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kana_YU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Kanji - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Kanji_Bangou - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kappa - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Katakana - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KbdBrightnessDown - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KbdBrightnessUp - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KbdLightOnOff - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kcedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Kcedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Keyboard - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Korean_Won - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_0 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_1 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_4 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_5 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_6 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_7 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_8 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_9 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Add - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Begin - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Decimal - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Delete - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Divide - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Down - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_End - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Enter - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Equal - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_F1 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_F2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_F3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_F4 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Home - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Insert - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Left - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Multiply - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Next - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Page_Down - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Page_Up - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Prior - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Right - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Separator - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Space - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Subtract - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Tab - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_KP_Up - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_kra - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_l - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_L - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_L1 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_L10 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_L2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_L3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_L4 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_L5 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_L6 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_L7 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_L8 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_L9 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_lacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Lacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Last_Virtual_Screen - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_latincross - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Launch0 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Launch1 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Launch2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Launch3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Launch4 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Launch5 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Launch6 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Launch7 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Launch8 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Launch9 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_LaunchA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_LaunchB - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_LaunchC - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_LaunchD - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_LaunchE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_LaunchF - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_lbelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Lbelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_lcaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Lcaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_lcedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Lcedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Left - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_leftanglebracket - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_leftarrow - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_leftcaret - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_leftdoublequotemark - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_leftmiddlecurlybrace - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_leftopentriangle - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_leftpointer - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_leftradical - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_leftshoe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_leftsinglequotemark - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_leftt - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_lefttack - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_less - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_lessthanequal - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_lf - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_LightBulb - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Linefeed - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_LiraSign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_LogGrabInfo - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_logicaland - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_logicalor - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_LogOff - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_LogWindowTree - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_lowleftcorner - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_lowrightcorner - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_lstroke - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Lstroke - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_m - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_M - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_mabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Mabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Macedonia_dse - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Macedonia_DSE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Macedonia_gje - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Macedonia_GJE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Macedonia_kje - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Macedonia_KJE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_macron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Mae_Koho - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Mail - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_MailForward - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_malesymbol - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_maltesecross - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_marker - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Market - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_masculine - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Massyo - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Meeting - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Memo - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Menu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_MenuKB - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_MenuPB - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Messenger - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Meta_L - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Meta_R - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_MillSign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_minus - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_minutes - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Mode_switch - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ModeLock - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_MonBrightnessDown - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_MonBrightnessUp - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_MouseKeys_Accel_Enable - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_MouseKeys_Enable - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_mu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Muhenkan - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Multi_key - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_MultipleCandidate - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_multiply - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Music - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_musicalflat - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_musicalsharp - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_MyComputer - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_MySites - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_n - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_N - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_nabla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_nacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Nacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_NairaSign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ncaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ncaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ncedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ncedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_New - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_News - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_NewSheqelSign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Next - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Next_Virtual_Screen - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Next_VMode - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ninesubscript - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ninesuperior - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_nl - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_nobreakspace - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.KeyFileError
a requested key was not found
KEY_notapproxeq - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_notelementof - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_notequal - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_notidentical - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_notsign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ntilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ntilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Num_Lock - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_numbersign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_numerosign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_o - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_O - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_oacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Oacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_obarred - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Obarred - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_obelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Obelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ocaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ocaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ocircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ocircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ocircumflexacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ocircumflexacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ocircumflexbelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ocircumflexbelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ocircumflexgrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ocircumflexgrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ocircumflexhook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ocircumflexhook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ocircumflextilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ocircumflextilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_odiaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Odiaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_odoubleacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Odoubleacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_oe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_OE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_OfficeHome - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ogonek - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ograve - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ograve - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ohook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ohook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ohorn - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ohorn - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ohornacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ohornacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ohornbelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ohornbelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ohorngrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ohorngrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ohornhook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ohornhook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ohorntilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ohorntilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_omacron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Omacron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_oneeighth - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_onefifth - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_onehalf - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_onequarter - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_onesixth - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_onesubscript - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_onesuperior - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_onethird - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ooblique - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ooblique - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Open - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_openrectbullet - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_openstar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_opentribulletdown - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_opentribulletup - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_OpenURL - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Option - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ordfeminine - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ordmasculine - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_oslash - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Oslash - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_otilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Otilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_overbar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Overlay1_Enable - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Overlay2_Enable - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_overline - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_p - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_P - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_pabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Page_Down - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Page_Up - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_paragraph - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_parenleft - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_parenright - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_partdifferential - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_partialderivative - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Paste - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pause - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_percent - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_period - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_periodcentered - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_permille - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_PesetaSign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Phone - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_phonographcopyright - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pictures - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_plus - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_plusminus - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_Accelerate - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_Button_Dflt - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_Button1 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_Button2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_Button3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_Button4 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_Button5 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_DblClick_Dflt - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_DblClick1 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_DblClick2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_DblClick3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_DblClick4 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_DblClick5 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_DfltBtnNext - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_DfltBtnPrev - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_Down - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_DownLeft - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_DownRight - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_Drag_Dflt - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_Drag1 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_Drag2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_Drag3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_Drag4 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_Drag5 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_EnableKeys - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_Left - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_Right - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_Up - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_UpLeft - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Pointer_UpRight - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_PowerDown - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_PowerOff - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_prescription - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_PRESS - Enum constant in enum class
A key press event.
KEY_PRESS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
a key has been pressed.
KEY_Prev_Virtual_Screen - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Prev_VMode - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_PreviousCandidate - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Print - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Prior - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_prolongedsound - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_punctspace - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_q - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Q - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_quad - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_question - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_questiondown - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_quotedbl - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_quoteleft - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_quoteright - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_r - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_R - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_R1 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_R10 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_R11 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_R12 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_R13 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_R14 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_R15 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_R2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_R3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_R4 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_R5 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_R6 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_R7 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_R8 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_R9 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_racute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Racute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_radical - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_rcaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Rcaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_rcedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Rcedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Red - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Redo - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Refresh - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_registered - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_RELEASE - Enum constant in enum class
A key release event.
KEY_RELEASE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
a key has been released.
KEY_Reload - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_RepeatKeys_Enable - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Reply - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Return - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_RFKill - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Right - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_rightanglebracket - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_rightarrow - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_rightcaret - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_rightdoublequotemark - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_rightmiddlecurlybrace - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_rightmiddlesummation - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_rightopentriangle - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_rightpointer - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_rightshoe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_rightsinglequotemark - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_rightt - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_righttack - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_RockerDown - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_RockerEnter - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_RockerUp - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Romaji - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_RotateWindows - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_RotationKB - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_RotationPB - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_RupeeSign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_s - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_S - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_sabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_sacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Save - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_scaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Scaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_scedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Scedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_schwa - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_SCHWA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_scircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Scircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ScreenSaver - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_script_switch - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Scroll_Lock - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ScrollClick - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ScrollDown - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ScrollUp - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Search - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_seconds - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_section - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Select - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_SelectButton - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_semicolon - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_semivoicedsound - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Send - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Serbian_dje - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Serbian_DJE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Serbian_dze - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Serbian_DZE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Serbian_je - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Serbian_JE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Serbian_lje - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Serbian_LJE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Serbian_nje - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Serbian_NJE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Serbian_tshe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Serbian_TSHE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_seveneighths - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_sevensubscript - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_sevensuperior - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Shift_L - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Shift_Lock - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Shift_R - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Shop - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_SHORTCUTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Indicates keyboard shortcuts that an author has implemented to activate or give focus to an element.
KEY_signaturemark - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_signifblank - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_similarequal - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_SingleCandidate - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_singlelowquotemark - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_a - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_aa - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_aa2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ae - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ae2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_aee - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_aee2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ai - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ai2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_al - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_au - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_au2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ba - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_bha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ca - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_cha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_dda - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ddha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_dha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_dhha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_e - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_e2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ee - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ee2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_fa - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ga - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_gha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_h2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_i - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_i2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ii - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ii2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ja - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_jha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_jnya - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ka - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_kha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_kunddaliya - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_la - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_lla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_lu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_lu2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_luu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_luu2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ma - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_mba - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_na - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ndda - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ndha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ng - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ng2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_nga - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_nja - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_nna - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_nya - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_o - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_o2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_oo - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_oo2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_pa - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_pha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ra - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ri - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_rii - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ru2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ruu2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_sa - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_sha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ssha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_tha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_thha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_tta - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ttha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_u - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_u2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_uu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_uu2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_va - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sinh_ya - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_sixsubscript - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_sixsuperior - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_slash - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sleep - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_SlowKeys_Enable - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_soliddiamond - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_space - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Spell - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_SplitScreen - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_squareroot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ssharp - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Standby - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Start - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_sterling - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_StickyKeys_Enable - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Stop - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_stricteq - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Subtitle - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Super_L - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Super_R - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Support - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Suspend - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Switch_VT_1 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Switch_VT_10 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Switch_VT_11 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Switch_VT_12 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Switch_VT_2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Switch_VT_3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Switch_VT_4 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Switch_VT_5 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Switch_VT_6 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Switch_VT_7 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Switch_VT_8 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Switch_VT_9 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Sys_Req - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_t - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_T - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Tab - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_tabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Tabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_TaskPane - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_tcaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Tcaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_tcedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Tcedilla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_telephone - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_telephonerecorder - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Terminal - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Terminate_Server - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_baht - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_bobaimai - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_chochan - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_chochang - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_choching - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_chochoe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_dochada - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_dodek - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_fofa - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_fofan - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_hohip - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_honokhuk - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_khokhai - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_khokhon - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_khokhuat - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_khokhwai - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_khorakhang - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_kokai - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_lakkhangyao - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_lekchet - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_lekha - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_lekhok - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_lekkao - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_leknung - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_lekpaet - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_leksam - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_leksi - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_leksong - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_leksun - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_lochula - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_loling - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_lu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_maichattawa - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_maiek - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_maihanakat - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_maihanakat_maitho - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_maitaikhu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_maitho - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_maitri - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_maiyamok - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_moma - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_ngongu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_nikhahit - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_nonen - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_nonu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_oang - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_paiyannoi - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_phinthu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_phophan - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_phophung - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_phosamphao - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_popla - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_rorua - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_ru - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_saraa - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_saraaa - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_saraae - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_saraaimaimalai - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_saraaimaimuan - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_saraam - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_sarae - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_sarai - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_saraii - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_sarao - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_sarau - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_saraue - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_sarauee - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_sarauu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_sorusi - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_sosala - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_soso - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_sosua - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_thanthakhat - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_thonangmontho - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_thophuthao - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_thothahan - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_thothan - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_thothong - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_thothung - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_topatak - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_totao - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_wowaen - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_yoyak - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thai_yoying - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_therefore - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_thinspace - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_thorn - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Thorn - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_THORN - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_threeeighths - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_threefifths - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_threequarters - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_threesubscript - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_threesuperior - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Time - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_tintegral - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ToDoList - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Tools - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_topintegral - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_topleftparens - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_topleftradical - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_topleftsqbracket - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_topleftsummation - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_TopMenu - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_toprightparens - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_toprightsqbracket - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_toprightsummation - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_topt - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_topvertsummationconnector - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_TouchpadOff - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_TouchpadOn - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_TouchpadToggle - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Touroku - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_trademark - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_trademarkincircle - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Travel - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_tslash - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Tslash - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_twofifths - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_twosubscript - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_twosuperior - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_twothirds - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_u - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_U - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_uacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Uacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ubelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ubelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ubreve - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ubreve - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ucircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ucircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_udiaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Udiaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_udoubleacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Udoubleacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ugrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ugrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_uhook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Uhook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_uhorn - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Uhorn - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_uhornacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Uhornacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_uhornbelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Uhornbelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_uhorngrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Uhorngrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_uhornhook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Uhornhook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_uhorntilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Uhorntilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ukrainian_ghe_with_upturn - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ukrainian_GHE_WITH_UPTURN - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ukrainian_i - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ukrainian_I - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ukrainian_ie - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ukrainian_IE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ukrainian_yi - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ukrainian_YI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ukranian_i - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ukranian_I - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ukranian_je - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ukranian_JE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ukranian_yi - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ukranian_YI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_umacron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Umacron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_underbar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_underscore - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Undo - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ungrab - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_union - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_UNIT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireFlags
buffer is keyframe
KEY_UNIT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
seek to the nearest keyframe.
KEY_uogonek - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Uogonek - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Up - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_uparrow - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_upcaret - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_upleftcorner - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_uprightcorner - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_upshoe - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_upstile - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_uptack - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_uring - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Uring - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_User1KB - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_User2KB - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_UserPB - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_utilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Utilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_UWB - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_v - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_V - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_variation - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_VendorHome - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_vertbar - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_vertconnector - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Video - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_View - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_voicedsound - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_VoidSymbol - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_vt - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_w - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_W - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_wacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Wacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_WakeUp - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_wcircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Wcircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_wdiaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Wdiaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_WebCam - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_wgrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Wgrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_WheelButton - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_WindowClear - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_WLAN - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_WonSign - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Word - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_WWAN - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_WWW - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_x - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_X - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_xabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Xabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Xfer - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_y - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Y - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_yacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Yacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ybelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ybelowdot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ycircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ycircumflex - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ydiaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ydiaeresis - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Yellow - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_yen - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ygrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ygrave - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_yhook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Yhook - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ytilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Ytilde - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_z - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Z - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_zabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Zabovedot - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_zacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Zacute - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_zcaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Zcaron - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Zen_Koho - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Zenkaku - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Zenkaku_Hankaku - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_zerosubscript - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_zerosuperior - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ZoomIn - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_ZoomOut - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_zstroke - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
KEY_Zstroke - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
keyActivates(CompletionContext, CompletionProposal, int, Set<ModifierType>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider
This function is used to determine if a key typed by the user should activate proposal (resulting in committing the text to the editor).
keyActivates(CompletionContext, CompletionProposal, int, ModifierType...) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider
This function is used to determine if a key typed by the user should activate proposal (resulting in committing the text to the editor).
KEYBINDINGS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Information about keyboard shortcuts
KEYBOARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.InputSource
the device is a keyboard.
KEYBOARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SeatCapabilities
The seat has keyboard(s) attached
KeyEvent - Class in org.gnome.gdk
An event related to a key-based device.
KeyEvent(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.KeyEvent
Create a KeyEvent proxy instance for the provided memory address.
KeyFile - Class in org.gnome.glib
GKeyFile parses .ini-like config files.
KeyFile - Class in org.gnome.gobject
KeyFile() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Creates a new empty GKeyFile object.
KeyFile(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Create a KeyFile proxy instance for the provided memory address.
KeyFile(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.KeyFile
Create a KeyFile proxy instance for the provided memory address.
KeyFileError - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Error codes returned by key file parsing.
KeyFileFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Flags which influence the parsing.
keyfileSettingsBackendNew(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Creates a keyfile-backed GSettingsBackend.
keyForeach(HFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Cache
Use a GHashTable instead
KeymapKey - Class in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkKeymapKey is a hardware key that can be mapped to a keyval.
KeymapKey() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.KeymapKey
Allocate a new KeymapKey.
KeymapKey(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.KeymapKey
Allocate a new KeymapKey with the fields set to the provided values.
KeymapKey(int, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.KeymapKey
Allocate a new KeymapKey with the fields set to the provided values.
KeymapKey(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.KeymapKey
Allocate a new KeymapKey.
KeymapKey(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.KeymapKey
Create a KeymapKey proxy instance for the provided memory address.
KeyMatch - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Describes how well an event matches a given keyval and modifiers.
keynavFailed(DirectionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emits the ::keynav-failed signal on the widget.
KEYPAIR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabaseLookupFlags
Restrict lookup to certificates that have a private key.
keysChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Signal gets emitted when the set of accelerators or mnemonics that are associated with window changes.
keysChanged(String, String[], MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
Signals that a list of keys have possibly changed.
keyvalConvertCase(int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Obtains the upper- and lower-case versions of the keyval symbol.
keyvalFromName(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Converts a key name to a key value.
keyvalIsLower(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Returns true if the given key value is in lower case.
keyvalIsUpper(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Returns true if the given key value is in upper case.
keyvalName(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Converts a key value into a symbolic name.
keyvalToLower(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Converts a key value to lower case, if applicable.
keyvalToUnicode(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Convert from a GDK key symbol to the corresponding Unicode character.
keyvalToUpper(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Converts a key value to upper case, if applicable.
KeyvalTrigger - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkShortcutTrigger that triggers when a specific keyval and modifiers are pressed.
KeyvalTrigger(int, Set<ModifierType>) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.KeyvalTrigger
Creates a GtkShortcutTrigger that will trigger whenever the key with the given keyval and modifiers is pressed.
KeyvalTrigger(int, ModifierType...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.KeyvalTrigger
Creates a GtkShortcutTrigger that will trigger whenever the key with the given keyval and modifiers is pressed.
KeyvalTrigger(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.KeyvalTrigger
Create a KeyvalTrigger proxy instance for the provided memory address.
KeyvalTrigger.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
KeyvalTrigger.KeyvalTriggerClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
KeyvalTriggerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.KeyvalTrigger.KeyvalTriggerClass
Create a KeyvalTriggerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
KHAROSHTHI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
KHAROSHTHI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
KHAROSHTHI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
KHITAN_SMALL_SCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Kits, Since: 2.6.7
KHITAN_SMALL_SCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Khitan small script.
KHMER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
KHMER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
KHMER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
KHOJKI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Khoj, Since: 0.9.30
KHOJKI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
KHOJKI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
KHUDAWADI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Sind, Since: 0.9.30
KHUDAWADI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Khudawadi, Sindhi.
KHUDAWADI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Khudawadi, Sindhi.
KINETIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScrollFlags
Emit ::decelerate after continuous scroll finishes.


L - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Label - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkLabel widget displays a small amount of text.
Label() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Calls Label(java.lang.String) with str = null
Label(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Creates a new label with the given text inside it.
Label(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Create a Label proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LABEL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Defines a string value that labels the current element.
LABEL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A visible name or caption for a user interface component.
Label.ActivateCurrentLinkCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCurrentLinkCallback callback.
Label.ActivateLinkCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateLinkCallback callback.
Label.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Label.CopyClipboardCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CopyClipboardCallback callback.
Label.MoveCursorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MoveCursorCallback callback.
LABELLED_BY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Identifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element.
LANCZOS - Enum constant in enum class
Uses lanczos interpolation
LANDMARK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Abstract role.
LANDSCAPE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PageOrientation
Landscape mode.
Language - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for languages.
Language - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Represents a syntax highlighted language.
Language - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoLanguage structure is used to represent a language.
Language(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Language
Create a Language proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Language(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language
Create a Language proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Language(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Language
Create a Language proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LANGUAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
language (Pango.AttrLanguage)
LANGUAGE_TAG_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
Language.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Language.LanguageClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
LanguageClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language.LanguageClass
Allocate a new LanguageClass.
LanguageClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language.LanguageClass
Allocate a new LanguageClass.
LanguageClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Language.LanguageClass
Create a LanguageClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
languageFromString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Converts str representing a BCP 47 language tag to the corresponding hb_language_t.
languageGetDefault() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetch the default language from current locale.
LanguageManager - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Provides access to Languages.
LanguageManager() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager
Creates a new language manager.
LanguageManager(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager
Create a LanguageManager proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LanguageManager.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
LanguageManager.LanguageManagerClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
LanguageManagerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager.LanguageManagerClass
Allocate a new LanguageManagerClass.
LanguageManagerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager.LanguageManagerClass
Allocate a new LanguageManagerClass.
LanguageManagerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager.LanguageManagerClass
Create a LanguageManagerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
languageMatches(Language, Language) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Check whether a second language tag is the same or a more specific version of the provided language tag.
languageToString() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Language
Converts an hb_language_t to a string.
languageToString(Language) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Converts an hb_language_t to a string.
LAO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
LAO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
LAO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
LARGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconSize
Large size, for example in an icon view
LARGER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Ordering
the first value is larger than the second
last() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Gets the last item in the this ContextMenu.
last() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Gets the last item in the this ContextMenu.
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrcFlags
offset to define more flags
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocatorFlags
first flag that can be used for custom purposes
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BinFlags
The last enum in the series of flags for bins.
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
additional media specific flags can be added starting from this flag.
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireFlags
last flag, subclasses can use private flags starting from this value.
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockFlags
subclasses can add additional flags starting from this flag
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFlags
offset to define more flags
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LockFlags
first flag that can be used for custom purposes
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryFlags
first flag that can be used for custom purposes
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaFlags
additional flags can be added starting from this flag.
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectFlags
first flag that can be used by subclasses.
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ObjectFlags
subclasses can add additional flags starting from this flag
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
offset to define more flags
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplateFlags
first flag that can be used by subclasses.
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PipelineFlags
offset to define more flags
LAST - Enum constant in enum class
Offset to define more flags
LAST - Enum constant in enum class
Offset to define more flags
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
a constant equal to the numerically highest axis value.
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookTab
the last tab in the notebook
LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererAlignmentMode
The last line.
lastApplication() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Gets the name of the last application that have registered the recently used resource represented by this RecentInfo.
lastChild() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Gets the last child of a GNode.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
lastSibling() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Gets the last sibling of a GNode.
latency() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new latency query object.
latency(GstObject) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
This message can be posted by elements when their latency requirements have changed.
latency(ClockTime) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new latency event.
LATENCY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Notification of new latency adjustment.
LATENCY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Posted by elements when their latency changes.
LATENCY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
latency of stream
LATIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
LATIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
LATIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
launch(List<File>, AppLaunchContext) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Launches the application.
launch(Window, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher
Launch an application to open the file.
launch(Window, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.UriLauncher
Launch an application to open the uri.
launchAction(String, AppLaunchContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Activates the named application action.
launchDefaultForUri(String, AppLaunchContext) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Utility function that launches the default application registered to handle the specified uri.
launchDefaultForUriAsync(String, AppLaunchContext, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
launchDefaultForUriFinish(AsyncResult) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Finishes an asynchronous launch-default-for-uri operation.
launched(AppInfo, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
launchFailed(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
Called when an application has failed to launch, so that it can cancel the application startup notification started in AppLaunchContext.getStartupNotifyId(org.gnome.gio.AppInfo, org.gnome.glib.List<org.gnome.gio.File>).
launchFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher
launchFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.UriLauncher
launchStarted(AppInfo, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
launchUris(List<String>, AppLaunchContext) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Launches the application.
launchUrisAsManager(List<String>, AppLaunchContext, Set<SpawnFlags>, SpawnChildSetupFunc, DesktopAppLaunchCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
This function performs the equivalent of AppInfo.launchUris(org.gnome.glib.List<java.lang.String>, org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext), but is intended primarily for operating system components that launch applications.
launchUrisAsManager(List<String>, AppLaunchContext, SpawnFlags, SpawnChildSetupFunc, DesktopAppLaunchCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
This function performs the equivalent of AppInfo.launchUris(org.gnome.glib.List<java.lang.String>, org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext), but is intended primarily for operating system components that launch applications.
launchUrisAsManagerWithFds(List<String>, AppLaunchContext, Set<SpawnFlags>, SpawnChildSetupFunc, DesktopAppLaunchCallback, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
launchUrisAsManagerWithFds(List<String>, AppLaunchContext, SpawnFlags, SpawnChildSetupFunc, DesktopAppLaunchCallback, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
launchUrisAsync(List<String>, AppLaunchContext, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
launchUrisFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
LAX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.SameSitePolicy
The cookie is withheld on cross-site requests but exposed on cross-site navigations
LAX_VALIDATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ParamFlags
upon parameter conversion (see g_param_value_convert()) strict validation is not required
Layout - Class in org.gnome.adw
An individual layout in MultiLayoutView.
Layout - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoLayout structure represents an entire paragraph of text.
Layout - Annotation Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations
Layout(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Layout
Create a Layout proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Layout(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Create a Layout proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Layout(Widget) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Layout
Creates a new AdwLayout that contains content.
Layout(Context) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Create a new PangoLayout object with attributes initialized to default values for a particular PangoContext.
LAYOUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClockPhase
corresponds to GdkFrameClock::layout.
LAYOUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Information from layout managers
Layout.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Layout.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.pango
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Layout.LayoutClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
Layout.LayoutClass - Class in org.gnome.pango
layoutChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager
Queues a resize on the GtkWidget using this LayoutManager, if any.
LayoutChild - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkLayoutChild is the base class for objects that are meant to hold layout properties.
LayoutChild(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutChild
Create a LayoutChild proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LayoutChild.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
LayoutChild.LayoutChildClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
LayoutChild.LayoutChildImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The LayoutChildImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract LayoutChild class.
LayoutChildClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutChild.LayoutChildClass
Allocate a new LayoutChildClass.
LayoutChildClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutChild.LayoutChildClass
Allocate a new LayoutChildClass.
LayoutChildClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutChild.LayoutChildClass
Create a LayoutChildClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LayoutChildImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutChild.LayoutChildImpl
Creates a new instance of LayoutChild for the provided memory address.
LayoutClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Layout.LayoutClass
Allocate a new LayoutClass.
LayoutClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Layout.LayoutClass
Allocate a new LayoutClass.
LayoutClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Layout.LayoutClass
Create a LayoutClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LayoutClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Layout.LayoutClass
Create a LayoutClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LayoutDeserializeError - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
LayoutDeserializeFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
LayoutIter - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoLayoutIter can be used to iterate over the visual extents of a PangoLayout.
LayoutIter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Create a LayoutIter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LayoutLine - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoLayoutLine represents one of the lines resulting from laying out a paragraph via PangoLayout.
LayoutLine() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Allocate a new LayoutLine.
LayoutLine(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Allocate a new LayoutLine.
LayoutLine(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Create a LayoutLine proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LayoutLine(Layout, int, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Allocate a new LayoutLine with the fields set to the provided values.
LayoutLine(Layout, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Allocate a new LayoutLine with the fields set to the provided values.
layoutLinePath(Context, LayoutLine) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Adds the text in PangoLayoutLine to the current path in the specified cairo context.
LayoutManager - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Layout managers are delegate classes that handle the preferred size and the allocation of a widget.
LayoutManager(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager
Create a LayoutManager proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LayoutManager.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
LayoutManager.LayoutManagerClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkLayoutManagerClass structure contains only private data, and should only be accessed through the provided API, or when subclassing GtkLayoutManager.
LayoutManager.LayoutManagerImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The LayoutManagerImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract LayoutManager class.
LayoutManagerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager.LayoutManagerClass
Allocate a new LayoutManagerClass.
LayoutManagerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager.LayoutManagerClass
Allocate a new LayoutManagerClass.
LayoutManagerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager.LayoutManagerClass
Create a LayoutManagerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LayoutManagerImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager.LayoutManagerImpl
Creates a new instance of LayoutManager for the provided memory address.
layoutPath(Context, Layout) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Adds the text in a PangoLayout to the current path in the specified cairo context.
LayoutRun - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoLayoutRun represents a single run within a PangoLayoutLine.
LayoutRun(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.LayoutRun
Create a LayoutRun proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LayoutSerializeFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
LayoutSlot - Class in org.gnome.adw
A child slot within Layout.
LayoutSlot(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.LayoutSlot
Create a LayoutSlot proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LayoutSlot(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.LayoutSlot
Creates a new AdwLayoutSlot with its ID set to id.
LayoutSlot.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
LayoutSlot.LayoutSlotClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
LayoutSlotClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.LayoutSlot.LayoutSlotClass
Allocate a new LayoutSlotClass.
LayoutSlotClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.LayoutSlot.LayoutSlotClass
Allocate a new LayoutSlotClass.
LayoutSlotClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.LayoutSlot.LayoutSlotClass
Create a LayoutSlotClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LAZY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleFlags
specifies that symbols are only resolved when needed.
LE - Enum constant in enum class
The video format has data stored in little endianness.
LE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintRelation
Less than, or equal
LEADING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceLocationFlags
Leading white spaces on a line, i.e.
Leaflet - Class in org.gnome.adw
Leaflet() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
Leaflet(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
Create a Leaflet proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Leaflet.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Leaflet.LeafletClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
LeafletClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet.LeafletClass
Allocate a new LeafletClass.
LeafletClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet.LeafletClass
Allocate a new LeafletClass.
LeafletClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet.LeafletClass
Create a LeafletClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LeafletPage - Class in org.gnome.adw
LeafletPage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage
Create a LeafletPage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LeafletPage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
LeafletPage.LeafletPageClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
LeafletPageClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage.LeafletPageClass
Allocate a new LeafletPageClass.
LeafletPageClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage.LeafletPageClass
Allocate a new LeafletPageClass.
LeafletPageClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage.LeafletPageClass
Create a LeafletPageClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LeafletTransitionType - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
LEAFS - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseFlags
identical to TraverseFlags.LEAVES.
LEARN_SPELLING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Causes the spellchecker to add the word to the dictionary.
LEARN_SPELLING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Causes the spellchecker to add the word to the dictionary.
LEAVE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamStatusType
a thread left its loop function
LEAVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.RayIntersectionKind
The ray is leaving the intersected object
LEAVE_DESCRIPTORS_OPEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnFlags
the parent's open file descriptors will be inherited by the child; otherwise all descriptors except stdin, stdout and stderr will be closed before calling exec() in the child.
LEAVE_NOTIFY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
the pointer has left the surface.
leaveFullscreen() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
leaveMulticastGroup(InetAddress, boolean, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Removes this Socket from the multicast group defined by group, iface, and sourceSpecific (which must all have the same values they had when you joined the group).
leaveMulticastGroupSsm(InetAddress, InetAddress, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Removes this Socket from the multicast group defined by group, iface, and sourceSpecific (which must all have the same values they had when you joined the group).
LEAVES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseFlags
only leaf nodes should be visited.
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
Select the next button to the left in a menu, if such a button exists.
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
All frames represent a left-eye view.
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
All frames represent a left-eye view.
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Distinct marks to the left
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollDirection
the surface is scrolled to the left.
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ArrowType
Represents a left pointing arrow.
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintAttribute
The left edge of a widget, regardless of text direction
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DirectionType
Move left.
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Justification
The text is placed at the left edge of the label.
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PanDirection
panned towards the left
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PositionType
The feature is at the left edge.
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextWindowType
Left side border window.
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Alignment
Put all available space on the right
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.TabAlign
the text appears to the right of the tab stop position
LEFT_BRACE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
a '[' character
LEFT_CURLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
a '{' character
LEFT_FLIPPED - Enum constant in enum class
The left view is vertically mirrored.
LEFT_FLOPPED - Enum constant in enum class
The left view is horizontally mirrored.
LEFT_PAREN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
a '(' character
LEFT_RESIZABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
whether the left edge is resizable
LEFT_TILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
whether the left edge is tiled
legacyPropagateError() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AsyncResult
If this AsyncResult is a SimpleAsyncResult, this is equivalent to SimpleAsyncResult.propagateError().
LEGEND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
len(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Creates a new GString with len bytes of the init buffer.
length() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AtomicQueue
Get the amount of items in the queue.
length() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferList
Returns the number of buffers in this BufferList.
length() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Returns the length of the queue.
length() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Computes the length of the vector represented by the coordinates of the given graphene_point3d_t.
length() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Computes the length of the given vector.
length() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Retrieves the length of the given vector this Vec3.
length() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Computes the length of the given graphene_vec4_t.
length(BreakpointConditionLengthType, double, LengthUnit) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointCondition
Creates a condition that triggers on length changes.
LENGTH_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferDiffFlags
buffers with differing length.
LENGTH_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
411 Length Required (HTTP)
LengthUnit - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
Describes length units.
lengthUnlocked() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Returns the length of the queue.
LENS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceToolType
Tool is a lens cursor.
LEPCHA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
LEPCHA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
LEPCHA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
lerp(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
Computes the linear interpolation between a and b for t.
LESS_STRICT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FilterChange
The filter is less strict than it was before: All items that it used to return true for still return true, others now may, too.
LESS_STRICT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SorterChange
The sorter is less strict: Comparisons may now return Ordering.EQUAL that did not do so before.
LETTER_CASE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
LETTER_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
LETTER_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Number, Letter" (Nl)
LETTER_SPACING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
letter spacing (PangoAttrInt)
letterSpace(String, LogAttr[], int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Adds spacing between the graphemes of this GlyphItem to give the effect of typographic letter spacing.
LEVEL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Defines the hierarchical level of an element within a structure.
LEVEL_BAR_OFFSET_FULL - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The name used for the stock full offset included by GtkLevelBar.
LEVEL_BAR_OFFSET_HIGH - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The name used for the stock high offset included by GtkLevelBar.
LEVEL_BAR_OFFSET_LOW - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The name used for the stock low offset included by GtkLevelBar.
LEVEL_CRITICAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogLevelFlags
log level for critical warning messages, see GLib#critical.
LEVEL_DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogLevelFlags
log level for debug messages, see GLib#debug
LEVEL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogLevelFlags
log level for errors, see GLib#error.
LEVEL_INFO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogLevelFlags
log level for informational messages, see GLib#info
LEVEL_MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogLevelFlags
a mask including all log levels
LEVEL_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogLevelFlags
log level for messages, see GLib#message
LEVEL_ORDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseType
is not implemented for [balanced binary trees][glib-Balanced-Binary-Trees].
LEVEL_WARNING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogLevelFlags
log level for warnings, see GLib#warning
LevelBar - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkLevelBar is a widget that can be used as a level indicator.
LevelBar() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Creates a new GtkLevelBar.
LevelBar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Create a LevelBar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LevelBar.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
LevelBar.OffsetChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the OffsetChangedCallback callback.
LevelBarMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes how LevelBar contents should be rendered.
LF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DataStreamNewlineType
Selects "LF" line endings, common on most modern UNIX platforms.
LF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.NewlineType
line feed, used on UNIX.
LFE1 - Enum constant in enum class
Low-frequency effects 1 (subwoofer)
LFE2 - Enum constant in enum class
Low-frequency effects 2 (subwoofer)
LGPL_2_1 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or later
LGPL_2_1_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 only
LGPL_3_0 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0 or later
LGPL_3_0_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0 only
LIBBAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
execv() returned ELIBBAD
LibLoad - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop
The LibLoad class is used by Java-GI to load native libraries by name.
LibLoad() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.LibLoad
LibraryError - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Library errors are for errors from the library being used by elements (initializing, finalizing, settings, ...)
License - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The type of license for an application.
LICENSE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
License Description
LICENSE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
To be used in GST_PLUGIN_DEFINE if unsure about the licence.
LICENSE_URL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
URL where additional licensing information can be found
LIGATURE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutGlyphClass
Glyphs that represent ligation of multiple characters
LIGATURES - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
LIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Weight
the light weight (= 300)
LIGHT_BACKGROUND - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Light Background Palette
LIGHTEN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
replaces the destination with the source if it is lighter, otherwise keeps the source.
LIGHTEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Selects the lighter of the destination and source colors
LIKELY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindProbability
likely a type was detected.
LIMBU - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
LIMBU - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
LIMBU - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
LIMITED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.NetworkConnectivity
The host is connected to a network, but does not appear to be able to reach the full Internet, perhaps due to upstream network problems.
LIMITS_EXCEEDED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Some limited resource is exhausted.
limitsChanged() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Inform the queue that the limits for the fullness check have changed and that any blocking gst_data_queue_push() should be unblocked to recheck the limits.
line(MemorySegment, int, int, int) - Method in class
Dither width pixels starting from offset x in line using this VideoDither.
LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathOperation
A line-to operation, with 2 points describing the start and end point of a straight line.
LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextGranularity
Use the boundary between lines, starting from the beginning of the current line and ending at the beginning of the next line
LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextExtendSelection
Selects the current line.
LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.GravityHint
for scripts not in their natural direction (eg.
LINE_BREAKS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.ShowFlags
Render line breaks visibly
LINE_FEED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Line Feed (LF)
LINE_FINAL_SWASHES_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
LINE_FINAL_SWASHES_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
LINE_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
line height factor (Pango.AttrFloat).
LINE_INITIAL_SWASHES_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
LINE_INITIAL_SWASHES_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
LINE_SEPARATOR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
LINE_SEPARATOR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Separator, Line" (Zl)
LINEAR - Enum constant in enum class
linear interpolation of the filter coefficients.
LINEAR - Enum constant in enum class
Uses linear interpolation to reconstruct missing samples and averaging to downsample
LINEAR - Enum constant in enum class
Linear scale factor, 1.0 = 100%
LINEAR - Enum constant in enum class
Uses linear interpolation to reconstruct missing chroma and averaging to subsample
LINEAR - Enum constant in enum class
Uses linear interpolation to reconstruct missing samples and averaging to downsample
LINEAR - Enum constant in enum class
Tiles are in row order.
LINEAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Linear tweening.
LINEAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.ScalingFilter
linear interpolation filter
LINEAR_A - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Lina, Since: 0.9.30
LINEAR_A - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Linear A.
LINEAR_A - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Linear A.
LINEAR_B - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
LINEAR_B - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Linear B
LINEAR_B - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Linear B
LINEAR_GRADIENT_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node drawing a linear gradient
LinearGradientNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node for a linear gradient.
LinearGradientNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.LinearGradientNode
Create a LinearGradientNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LinearGradientNode(Rect, Point, Point, ColorStop[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.LinearGradientNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will create a linear gradient from the given points and color stops, and render that into the area given by bounds.
LineCap - Enum Class in org.gnome.gsk
Specifies how to render the start and end points of contours or dashes when stroking.
LineJoin - Enum Class in org.gnome.gsk
Specifies how to render the junction of two lines when stroking.
lineMarkActivated(TextIter, int, Set<ModifierType>, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
LINES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.ViewGutterPosition
the gutter position of the lines renderer
lineTo(float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Draws a line from the current point to x, y and makes it the new current point.
LINGUISTIC_REARRANGEMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
LINGUISTIC_REARRANGEMENT_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
LINGUISTIC_REARRANGEMENT_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
link(Element) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Links this Element to dest.
link(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Links the source pad and the sink pad.
LINK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseError
There was an error linking two pads.
LINK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StructureChangeType
Pad linking is starting or done.
LINK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragAction
Add a link to the data.
LINK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A clickable link.
LINK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Widget is a link
LINK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResultContext
a hyperlink element.
LINK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResultContext
a hyperlink element.
LINK_CLICKED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationType
The navigation was triggered by clicking a link.
LINK_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLError
The shader linking failed
LinkButton - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkLinkButton is a button with a hyperlink.
LinkButton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton
Create a LinkButton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LinkButton(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton
Creates a new GtkLinkButton with the URI as its text.
LinkButton.ActivateLinkCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateLinkCallback callback.
LinkButton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
linked(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
linkFiltered(Element, Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Links this Element to dest using the given caps as filtercaps.
linkFull(Pad, Set<PadLinkCheck>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Links the source pad and the sink pad.
linkFull(Pad, PadLinkCheck...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Links the source pad and the sink pad.
linkGetName(PadLinkReturn) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Gets a string representing the given pad-link return.
linkIndex(List<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Returns the position of link in this Queue.
linkMany(Element, Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Chain together a series of elements.
linkMaybeGhosting(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Links this Pad to sink, creating any GstGhostPad's in between as necessary.
linkMaybeGhostingFull(Pad, Set<PadLinkCheck>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Links this Pad to sink, creating any GstGhostPad's in between as necessary.
linkMaybeGhostingFull(Pad, PadLinkCheck...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Links this Pad to sink, creating any GstGhostPad's in between as necessary.
linkPads(String, Element, String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Links the two named pads of the source and destination elements.
linkPadsFiltered(String, Element, String, Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Links the two named pads of the source and destination elements.
linkPadsFull(String, Element, String, Set<PadLinkCheck>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Links the two named pads of the source and destination elements.
linkPadsFull(String, Element, String, PadLinkCheck...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Links the two named pads of the source and destination elements.
LINUX_UCRED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.CredentialsType
The native credentials type is a struct ucred.
list(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecPool
Gets an array of all GParamSpecs owned by ownerType in the pool.
list(Type, Mutex, MemorySegment, List<MemorySegment>[], GObject, IteratorItemFunction) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Create a new iterator designed for iterating list.
List<E> - Class in org.gnome.glib
Java wrapper for GLib.List that implements List.
List(MemorySegment, Function<MemorySegment, E>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.List
Create a new GLib.List wrapper.
List(MemorySegment, Function<MemorySegment, E>, Consumer<E>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.List
Create a new GLib.List wrapper.
List(Function<MemorySegment, E>, Consumer<E>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.List
Create a wrapper for a new, empty GLib.List.
LIST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleAutocomplete
When a user is providing input, an element containing a collection of values that could complete the provided input may be displayed.
LIST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A list of items.
LIST_BOX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
LIST_CASE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestLogType
LIST_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
An item in a list.
LIST_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFlags
the model is a list only, and never has children
listActionDescriptions() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Lists the detailed action names which have associated accelerators.
listActions() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Lists the actions contained within this ActionGroup.
listActions() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Returns the list of ‘additional application actions’ supported on the desktop file, as per the desktop file specification.
listAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager
Gets a ListModel of all snippets.
listAlternates(CompletionContext, CompletionProposal) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider
Providers should return a list of alternates to proposal or null if there are no alternates available.
listAttributes(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Lists the file info structure's attributes.
ListBase - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkListBase is the abstract base class for GTK's list widgets.
ListBase(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListBase
Create a ListBase proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ListBase.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ListBase.ListBaseClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ListBase.ListBaseImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The ListBaseImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract ListBase class.
ListBaseClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListBase.ListBaseClass
Create a ListBaseClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ListBaseImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListBase.ListBaseImpl
Creates a new instance of ListBase for the provided memory address.
ListBox - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkListBox is a vertical list.
ListBox() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Creates a new GtkListBox container.
ListBox(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Create a ListBox proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ListBox.ActivateCursorRowCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCursorRowCallback callback.
ListBox.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ListBox.MoveCursorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MoveCursorCallback callback.
ListBox.RowActivatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RowActivatedCallback callback.
ListBox.RowSelectedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RowSelectedCallback callback.
ListBox.SelectAllCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SelectAllCallback callback.
ListBox.SelectedRowsChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SelectedRowsChangedCallback callback.
ListBox.ToggleCursorRowCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ToggleCursorRowCallback callback.
ListBox.UnselectAllCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the UnselectAllCallback callback.
ListBoxCreateWidgetFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ListBoxCreateWidgetFunc callback.
ListBoxFilterFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ListBoxFilterFunc callback.
ListBoxForeachFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ListBoxForeachFunc callback.
ListBoxRow - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkListBoxRow is the kind of widget that can be added to a GtkListBox.
ListBoxRow() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
Creates a new GtkListBoxRow.
ListBoxRow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
Create a ListBoxRow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ListBoxRow.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
ListBoxRow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ListBoxRow.ListBoxRowClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ListBoxRowClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow.ListBoxRowClass
Allocate a new ListBoxRowClass.
ListBoxRowClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow.ListBoxRowClass
Allocate a new ListBoxRowClass.
ListBoxRowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow.ListBoxRowClass
Create a ListBoxRowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ListBoxSortFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ListBoxSortFunc callback.
ListBoxUpdateHeaderFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ListBoxUpdateHeaderFunc callback.
listCellProperties() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
listChannels() - Method in interface
Retrieve a list of the available channels.
listChildren() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Gets the list of children on this Settings.
listChildren() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchema
Gets the list of children in this SettingsSchema.
listCopy(List<PluginFeature>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature
Copies the list of features.
listDebug(List<PluginFeature>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature
Debug the plugin feature names in list.
listDisplays() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager
List all currently open displays.
listen() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Marks the socket as a server socket, i.e.
listen(SocketAddress, Set<ServerListenOptions>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Attempts to set up this Server to listen for connections on address.
listen(SocketAddress, ServerListenOptions...) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Attempts to set up this Server to listen for connections on address.
listenAll(int, Set<ServerListenOptions>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Attempts to set up this Server to listen for connections on all interfaces on the system.
listenAll(int, ServerListenOptions...) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Attempts to set up this Server to listen for connections on all interfaces on the system.
LISTENED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketListenerEvent
The listener is now listening on this socket.
LISTENING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketListenerEvent
The listener is about to start listening on this socket.
listenLocal(int, Set<ServerListenOptions>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Attempts to set up this Server to listen for connections on "localhost".
listenLocal(int, ServerListenOptions...) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Attempts to set up this Server to listen for connections on "localhost".
listenSocket(Socket, Set<ServerListenOptions>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Attempts to set up this Server to listen for connections on socket.
listenSocket(Socket, ServerListenOptions...) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Attempts to set up this Server to listen for connections on socket.
listenv() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the names of all variables set in the environment.
listExtractUris(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Splits an URI list conforming to the text/uri-list mime type defined in RFC 2483 into individual URIs, discarding any comments.
listFaces(Out<FontFace[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily
Lists the different font faces that make up this FontFamily.
listFamilies(Out<FontFamily[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
List all families for a context.
listFamilies(Out<FontFamily[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap
List all families for a fontmap.
listFilter(List<ElementFactory>, Caps, PadDirection, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Filter out all the elementfactories in list that can handle caps in the given direction.
listFree(List<Plugin>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Unrefs each member of list, then frees the list.
listFree(List<PluginFeature>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature
Unrefs each member of list, then frees the list.
listFree(List<DiscovererStreamInfo>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererStreamInfo
Decrements the reference count of all contained GstDiscovererStreamInfo and fress the GList.
listGetDeviceProviders(Rank) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProviderFactory
Get a list of factories with a rank greater or equal to minrank.
listGetElements(ElementFactoryListType, Rank) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Get a list of factories that match the given type.
listGroups() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager
List all the known groups within the snippet manager.
ListHeader - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkListHeader is used by list widgets to represent the headers they display.
ListHeader(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListHeader
Create a ListHeader proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ListHeader.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ListHeader.ListHeaderClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ListHeaderClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListHeader.ListHeaderClass
Create a ListHeaderClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ListIndex(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListIndexModel.ListIndex
Construct a new ListIndex Proxy instance.
ListIndexModel - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio
An implementation of the ListModel interface that returns the index of a list item instead of an actual item.
ListIndexModel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListIndexModel
Construct a ListIndexModel for the provided memory address.
ListIndexModel.ListIndex - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio
Small GObject-derived class with a numeric "index" field.
listIsType(ElementFactoryListType) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Check if this ElementFactory is of the given types.
ListItem - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkListItem is used by list widgets to represent items in a ListModel.
ListItem(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Create a ListItem proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ListItem.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ListItem.ListItemClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ListItemClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem.ListItemClass
Create a ListItemClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ListItemFactory - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkListItemFactory creates widgets for the items taken from a GListModel.
ListItemFactory(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListItemFactory
Create a ListItemFactory proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ListItemFactory.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ListItemFactory.ListItemFactoryClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ListItemFactoryClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListItemFactory.ListItemFactoryClass
Create a ListItemFactoryClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
listIterator() - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
listIterator(int) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.List
Returns a list iterator over the elements in this GLib.List (in proper sequence).
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SList
Returns a list iterator over the elements in this GLib.SList (in proper sequence).
listKeys() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Use g_settings_schema_list_keys() instead.
listKeys() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchema
Introspects the list of keys on this SettingsSchema.
listMatching(String, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager
Queries the known snippets for those matching group, languageId, and/or triggerPrefix.
listMnemonicLabels() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns the widgets for which this widget is the target of a mnemonic.
ListModel<T> - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GListModel is an interface that represents a mutable list of GObject.
ListModel.ItemsChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ItemsChangedCallback callback.
ListModel.ListModelImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The ListModelImpl type represents a native instance of the ListModel interface.
ListModel.ListModelInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
The virtual function table for GListModel.
ListModelImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ListModel.ListModelImpl
Creates a new instance of ListModel for the provided memory address.
ListModelInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ListModel.ListModelInterface
Allocate a new ListModelInterface.
ListModelInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ListModel.ListModelInterface
Allocate a new ListModelInterface.
ListModelInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ListModel.ListModelInterface
Create a ListModelInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ListModelJavaList<E> - Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio
This interface is implemented by ListModel, so it can be used like a regular Java List.
listNewFromFile(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Creates one or more GTlsCertificates from the PEM-encoded data in file.
listOwned(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecPool
Gets an GList of all GParamSpecs owned by ownerType in the pool.
listPapers() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Lists all the paper sizes this Printer supports.
listProperties() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Get an array of GParamSpec* for all properties of a class.
listProviders() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
Gets the providers that are associated with the context.
listRelocatableSchemas() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Use g_settings_schema_source_list_schemas() instead
listSchemas() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Use g_settings_schema_source_list_schemas() instead. If you used g_settings_list_schemas() to check for the presence of a particular schema, use g_settings_schema_source_lookup() instead of your whole loop.
listSchemas(boolean, Out<String[]>, Out<String[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaSource
Lists the schemas in a given source.
ListScrollFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
List of actions to perform when scrolling to items in a list widget.
listSeats() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Returns the list of seats known to this Display.
listSizes(Out<int[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFace
List the available sizes for a font.
listSort(List<MemorySegment>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SrvTarget
Sorts targets in place according to the algorithm in RFC 2782.
ListStore<T> - Class in org.gnome.gio
GListStore is a simple implementation of ListModel that stores all items in memory.
ListStore - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ListStore(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ListStore
Create a ListStore proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ListStore(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Create a ListStore proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ListStore(Type) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ListStore
Creates a new GListStore with items of type itemType.
ListStore(Type[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Use ListStore instead
ListStore.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ListStore.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ListStore.ListStoreClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gio
ListStore.ListStoreClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ListStoreClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ListStore.ListStoreClass
Allocate a new ListStoreClass.
ListStoreClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore.ListStoreClass
Allocate a new ListStoreClass.
ListStoreClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ListStore.ListStoreClass
Allocate a new ListStoreClass.
ListStoreClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore.ListStoreClass
Allocate a new ListStoreClass.
ListStoreClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ListStore.ListStoreClass
Create a ListStoreClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ListStoreClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore.ListStoreClass
Create a ListStoreClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ListTabBehavior - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Used to configure the focus behavior in the GTK_DIR_TAB_FORWARD and GTK_DIR_TAB_BACKWARD direction, like the Tab key in a ListView.
listTextFields(String[], String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FormSubmissionRequest
Get lists of the text fields contained in the form associated to this FormSubmissionRequest.
listToplevels() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Returns a list of all existing toplevel windows.
ListView - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkListView presents a large dynamic list of items.
ListView(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Create a ListView proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ListView(SelectionModel, ListItemFactory) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Creates a new GtkListView that uses the given factory for mapping items to widgets.
ListView.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
ListView.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ListView.ListViewClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ListViewClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ListView.ListViewClass
Create a ListViewClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
listWindows() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowGroup
Returns a list of the GtkWindows that belong to this WindowGroup.
LISU - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
LISU - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
literal(Quark, int, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GError
Creates a new GError; unlike g_error_new(), message is not a printf()-style format string.
LITTLE_ENDIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DataStreamByteOrder
Selects Little Endian byte order.
LITTLE_ENDIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageByteOrder
The byte order is little endian.
LITTLE_ENDIAN - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Specifies one of the possible types of byte order.
LIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
the buffer is live data and should be discarded in the PAUSED state.
LIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferingMode
the stream is a live stream
LIVEMETADATA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.EmblemOrigin
Emblem depicts live metadata, such as "readonly"
LN10 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The natural logarithm of 10.
LN2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The natural logarithm of 2.
load() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Loads this Plugin.
load() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature
Loads the plugin containing this PluginFeature if it's not already loaded.
load() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule
loads the module and registers one or more types using g_type_module_register_type().
load() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cache
Loads the contents of this Cache's index into memory.
load(int, Out<String>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.LoadableIcon
Loads a loadable icon.
load(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DynamicTypeFactory
load(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Resource
Loads a binary resource bundle and creates a GResource representation of it, allowing you to query it for data.
load(String, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget
Searches for the GstEncodingTarget with the given name, loads it and returns it.
load(String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore
Asynchronously load a content filter given its identifier.
LOAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.MediaError
Preliminary load failure for media content types.
LoadableIcon - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GLoadableIcon extends the Icon interface and adds the ability to load icons from streams.
LoadableIcon.LoadableIconIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Interface for icons that can be loaded as a stream.
LoadableIcon.LoadableIconImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The LoadableIconImpl type represents a native instance of the LoadableIcon interface.
LoadableIconIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.LoadableIcon.LoadableIconIface
Allocate a new LoadableIconIface.
LoadableIconIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.LoadableIcon.LoadableIconIface
Allocate a new LoadableIconIface.
LoadableIconIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.LoadableIcon.LoadableIconIface
Create a LoadableIconIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LoadableIconImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.LoadableIcon.LoadableIconImpl
Creates a new instance of LoadableIcon for the provided memory address.
loadAlternateHtml(String, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Load the given content string for the URI contentUri.
loadAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.LoadableIcon
Loads an icon asynchronously.
loadAsync(int, Cancellable, FileProgressCallback, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader
Loads asynchronously the file or input stream contents into the Buffer.
loadByName(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Load the named plugin.
loadBytes(Cancellable, Out<String>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Loads the contents of this File and returns it as GBytes.
loadBytes(Bytes, String, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Load the specified bytes into this WebView using the given mimeType and encoding.
loadBytesAsync(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously loads the contents of this File as GBytes.
loadBytesFinish(AsyncResult, Out<String>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Completes an asynchronous request to g_file_load_bytes_async().
loadChanged(LoadEvent) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
loadContents(Cancellable, Out<byte[]>, Out<String>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Loads the content of the file into memory.
loadContentsAsync(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Starts an asynchronous load of the this File's contents.
loadContentsFinish(AsyncResult, Out<byte[]>, Out<String>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous load of the this File's contents.
LoadEvent - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to denote the different events that happen during a WebKitWebView load operation.
loadFailed(LoadEvent, String, GError) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
loadFailedWithTlsErrors(String, TlsCertificate, Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
loadFile(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Loads the given plugin and refs it.
loadFile(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Reads the page setup from the file fileName.
loadFile(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Reads the print settings from fileName.
loadFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader
loadFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore
Finishes an asynchronous filter load previously started with webkit_user_content_filter_store_load().
loadFinish(AsyncResult, Out<String>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.LoadableIcon
Finishes an asynchronous icon load started in g_loadable_icon_load_async().
loadFont(Context, FontDescription) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap
Load the font in the fontmap that is the closest match for desc.
loadFont(FontDescription) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Loads the font in one of the fontmaps in the context that is the closest match for desc.
loadFontset(Context, FontDescription, Language) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap
Load a set of fonts in the fontmap that can be used to render a font matching desc.
loadFontset(FontDescription, Language) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Load a set of fonts in the context that can be used to render a font matching desc.
loadFromBytes(Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider
Loads data into this CssProvider.
loadFromBytes(Bytes, Set<KeyFileFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Loads a key file from the data in bytes into an empty GKeyFile structure.
loadFromBytes(Bytes, KeyFileFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Loads a key file from the data in bytes into an empty GKeyFile structure.
loadFromData(byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Loads a bookmark file from memory into an empty GBookmarkFile structure.
loadFromData(String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider
loadFromData(String, long, Set<KeyFileFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Loads a key file from memory into an empty GKeyFile structure.
loadFromData(String, long, KeyFileFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Loads a key file from memory into an empty GKeyFile structure.
loadFromDataDirs(String, Out<String>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
This function looks for a desktop bookmark file named file in the paths returned from g_get_user_data_dir() and g_get_system_data_dirs(), loads the file into this BookmarkFile and returns the file's full path in fullPath.
loadFromDataDirs(String, Out<String>, Set<KeyFileFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
This function looks for a key file named file in the paths returned from g_get_user_data_dir() and g_get_system_data_dirs(), loads the file into this KeyFile and returns the file's full path in fullPath.
loadFromDataDirs(String, Out<String>, KeyFileFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
This function looks for a key file named file in the paths returned from g_get_user_data_dir() and g_get_system_data_dirs(), loads the file into this KeyFile and returns the file's full path in fullPath.
loadFromDirs(String, String[], Out<String>, Set<KeyFileFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
This function looks for a key file named file in the paths specified in searchDirs, loads the file into this KeyFile and returns the file's full path in fullPath.
loadFromDirs(String, String[], Out<String>, KeyFileFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
This function looks for a key file named file in the paths specified in searchDirs, loads the file into this KeyFile and returns the file's full path in fullPath.
loadFromFile(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget
Opens the provided file and returns the contained GstEncodingTarget.
loadFromFile(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Loads a desktop bookmark file into an empty GBookmarkFile structure.
loadFromFile(String, Set<KeyFileFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Loads a key file into an empty GKeyFile structure.
loadFromFile(String, KeyFileFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Loads a key file into an empty GKeyFile structure.
loadFromFile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider
Loads the data contained in file into this CssProvider.
loadFromPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider
Loads the data contained in path into this CssProvider.
loadFromResource(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider
Loads the data contained in the resource at resourcePath into the this CssProvider.
loadFromString(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider
Loads string into this CssProvider.
loadHtml(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Load the given content string with the specified baseUri.
loadKeyFile(KeyFile, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Reads the page setup from the group groupName in the key file keyFile.
loadKeyFile(KeyFile, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Reads the print settings from the group groupName in keyFile.
loadLibrary(String) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Load the specified library using SymbolLookup.libraryLookup(String, Arena)RESTRICTED.
loadLibrary(String) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.LibLoad
Load the native library with the provided name.
loadModule() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOModule
Required API for GIO modules to implement.
loadNamed(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider
Loads a theme from the usual theme paths.
loadPartialContentsAsync(Cancellable, FileReadMoreCallback, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Reads the partial contents of a file.
loadPartialContentsFinish(AsyncResult, Out<byte[]>, Out<String>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous partial load operation that was started with g_file_load_partial_contents_async().
loadPlainText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Load the specified plainText string into this WebView.
loadPreset(String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset
Load the given preset.
loadRequest(URIRequest) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Requests loading of the specified WebKitURIRequest.
loadSerializeInfo(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Loads the serialized info from the given uri.
loadUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Requests loading of the specified URI string.
local() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeZone
Creates a GTimeZone corresponding to local time.
local(int, int, int, int, int, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a new GDateTime corresponding to the given date and time in the local time zone.
LOCAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.NetworkConnectivity
The host is not configured with a route to the Internet; it may or may not be connected to a local network.
LOCAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleFlags
specifies that symbols in the module should not be added to the global name space.
LOCAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutScope
Shortcuts are handled inside the widget the controller belongs to.
LOCAL_STORAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
Local storage data.
localCommandLine(Out<String[]>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
This virtual function is always invoked in the local instance.
localeFromUtf8(String, long, Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a string from UTF-8 to the encoding used for strings by the C runtime (usually the same as that used by the operating system) in the [current locale][setlocale].
localeToUtf8(byte[], Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a string which is in the encoding used for strings by the C runtime (usually the same as that used by the operating system) in the [current locale][setlocale] into a UTF-8 string.
localFileAddInfo(String, long, FileAttributeMatcher, FileInfo, Cancellable, MemorySegment, DestroyNotify) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
localFileMoved(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
localFileRemoved(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
localFileSetAttributes(String, FileInfo, Set<FileQueryInfoFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
localTime(int, int, int, int, int, double) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Creates a new GstDateTime using the date and times in the gregorian calendar in the local timezone.
lock() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
If this DBusMessage is locked, does nothing.
lock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Acquires the this AsyncQueue's lock.
lock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RecMutex
Locks this RecMutex.
lock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRecMutex
Use g_rec_mutex_lock()
lock(Set<LockFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Lock the mini-object with the specified access mode in flags.
lock(LockFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Lock the mini-object with the specified access mode in flags.
LOCK_FLAG_READWRITE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
GstLockFlags value alias for GST_LOCK_FLAG_READ | GST_LOCK_FLAG_WRITE
LOCK_MASK - Enum constant in enum class
LOCK_MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
a Lock key (depending on the modifier mapping of the X server this may either be CapsLock or ShiftLock).
LOCK_READONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectFlags
the object is permanently locked in READONLY mode.
LOCKABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectFlags
the object can be locked and unlocked with gst_mini_object_lock() and gst_mini_object_unlock().
LockButton - Class in org.gnome.gtk
LockButton() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LockButton
LockButton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LockButton
Create a LockButton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LockButton(Permission) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.LockButton
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
LockButton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
LOCKED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsStateFlags
Set collectdata's pad WAITING state must not be changed.
LOCKED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaFlags
metadata should not be removed
LOCKED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
423 Locked (WebDAV)
LOCKED_STATE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFlags
ignore state changes from parent
LockFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Flags used when locking miniobjects
lockFull(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRecMutex
Use g_rec_mutex_lock()
log(String, Set<LogLevelFlags>, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Logs an error or debugging message.
log(String, LogLevelFlags, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Logs an error or debugging message.
log(Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerRecord
Serialzes the trace event into the log.
LOG - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugLevel
Log messages are messages that are very common but might be useful to know.
LOG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
LOG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageLevel
Log message.
LOG_2_BASE_10 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Multiplying the base 2 exponent by this number yields the base 10 exponent.
LOG_DOMAIN - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.Constants
The LOG_DOMAIN to use for GLib.log()
LOG_DOMAIN - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Defines the log domain.
LOG_FATAL_MASK - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
GLib log levels that are considered fatal by default.
LOG_LEVEL_USER_SHIFT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Log levels below 1<<G_LOG_LEVEL_USER_SHIFT are used by GLib.
LOG100 - Enum constant in enum class
Logarithmic transfer characteristic 100:1 range
log2visGetEmbeddingLevels(String, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Return the bidirectional embedding levels of the input paragraph.
LOG316 - Enum constant in enum class
Logarithmic transfer characteristic 316.22777:1 range (100 * sqrt(10) : 1)
LogAttr - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoLogAttr structure stores information about the attributes of a single character.
LogAttr() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.LogAttr
Allocate a new LogAttr.
LogAttr(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.LogAttr
Allocate a new LogAttr.
LogAttr(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.LogAttr
Create a LogAttr proxy instance for the provided memory address.
logDefaultHandler(String, Set<LogLevelFlags>, String, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The default log handler set up by GLib; GLib.logSetDefaultHandler(org.gnome.glib.LogFunc) allows to install an alternate default log handler.
logDefaultHandler(String, LogLevelFlags, String, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The default log handler set up by GLib; GLib.logSetDefaultHandler(org.gnome.glib.LogFunc) allows to install an alternate default log handler.
LogField - Class in org.gnome.glib
Structure representing a single field in a structured log entry.
LogField() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.LogField
Allocate a new LogField.
LogField(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.LogField
Allocate a new LogField.
LogField(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.LogField
Create a LogField proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LogField(String, MemorySegment, long) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.LogField
Allocate a new LogField with the fields set to the provided values.
LogField(String, MemorySegment, long, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.LogField
Allocate a new LogField with the fields set to the provided values.
LogFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the LogFunc callback.
LogFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the LogFunction callback.
Logger - Class in org.gnome.soup
Debug logging support
Logger(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Logger
Create a Logger proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Logger(LoggerLogLevel) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Logger
Creates a new SoupLogger with the given debug level.
Logger.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Logger.LoggerClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
LoggerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Logger.LoggerClass
Allocate a new LoggerClass.
LoggerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Logger.LoggerClass
Allocate a new LoggerClass.
LoggerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Logger.LoggerClass
Create a LoggerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
LoggerFilter - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the LoggerFilter callback.
LoggerLogLevel - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
Describes the level of logging output to provide.
LoggerPrinter - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the LoggerPrinter callback.
logGetDebugEnabled() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Return whether debug output from the GLib logging system is enabled.
LOGICAL_POSITIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MovementStep
Move forward or back by graphemes
LogLevelFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Flags specifying the level of log messages.
LOGOS_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
LOGOS_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
LOGOUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationInhibitFlags
Inhibit ending the user session by logging out or by shutting down the computer
logRemoveHandler(String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Removes the log handler.
logSetAlwaysFatal(Set<LogLevelFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets the message levels which are always fatal, in any log domain.
logSetAlwaysFatal(LogLevelFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets the message levels which are always fatal, in any log domain.
logSetDebugEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Enable or disable debug output from the GLib logging system for all domains.
logSetDefaultHandler(LogFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Installs a default log handler which is used if no log handler has been set for the particular log domain and log level combination.
logSetFatalMask(String, Set<LogLevelFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets the log levels which are fatal in the given domain.
logSetFatalMask(String, LogLevelFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets the log levels which are fatal in the given domain.
logSetHandler(String, Set<LogLevelFlags>, LogFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
logSetHandler(String, LogLevelFlags, LogFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
logSetWriterFunc(LogWriterFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Set a writer function which will be called to format and write out each log message.
logStructured(String, Set<LogLevelFlags>, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Log a message with structured data.
logStructured(String, LogLevelFlags, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Log a message with structured data.
logStructuredArray(Set<LogLevelFlags>, LogField[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Log a message with structured data.
logStructuredArray(LogLevelFlags, LogField[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Log a message with structured data.
logStructuredStandard(String, Set<LogLevelFlags>, String, String, String, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
logStructuredStandard(String, LogLevelFlags, String, String, String, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
logVariant(String, Set<LogLevelFlags>, Variant) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Log a message with structured data, accepting the data within a GLib.Variant.
logVariant(String, LogLevelFlags, Variant) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Log a message with structured data, accepting the data within a GLib.Variant.
logWriterDefault(Set<LogLevelFlags>, LogField[], MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Format a structured log message and output it to the default log destination for the platform.
logWriterDefault(LogLevelFlags, LogField[], MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Format a structured log message and output it to the default log destination for the platform.
logWriterDefaultSetDebugDomains(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Reset the list of domains to be logged, that might be initially set by the G_MESSAGES_DEBUG environment variable.
logWriterDefaultSetUseStderr(boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Configure whether the built-in log functions will output all log messages to stderr.
logWriterDefaultWouldDrop(Set<LogLevelFlags>, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
logWriterDefaultWouldDrop(LogLevelFlags, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
logWriterFormatFields(Set<LogLevelFlags>, LogField[], boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Format a structured log message as a string suitable for outputting to the terminal (or elsewhere).
logWriterFormatFields(LogLevelFlags, LogField[], boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Format a structured log message as a string suitable for outputting to the terminal (or elsewhere).
LogWriterFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the LogWriterFunc callback.
logWriterIsJournald(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Check whether the given outputFd file descriptor is a connection to the systemd journal, or something else (like a log file or stdout or stderr).
logWriterJournald(Set<LogLevelFlags>, LogField[], MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Format a structured log message and send it to the systemd journal as a set of key–value pairs.
logWriterJournald(LogLevelFlags, LogField[], MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Format a structured log message and send it to the systemd journal as a set of key–value pairs.
LogWriterOutput - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Return values from GLogWriterFuncs to indicate whether the given log entry was successfully handled by the writer, or whether there was an error in handling it (and hence a fallback writer should be used).
logWriterStandardStreams(Set<LogLevelFlags>, LogField[], MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Format a structured log message and print it to either stdout or stderr, depending on its log level.
logWriterStandardStreams(LogLevelFlags, LogField[], MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Format a structured log message and print it to either stdout or stderr, depending on its log level.
logWriterSupportsColor(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Check whether the given outputFd file descriptor supports ANSI color escape sequences.
logWriterSyslog(Set<LogLevelFlags>, LogField[], MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Format a structured log message and send it to the syslog daemon.
logWriterSyslog(LogLevelFlags, LogField[], MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Format a structured log message and send it to the syslog daemon.
LONG - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type corresponding to glong.
LONG_FORMAT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FormatSizeFlags
include the exact number of bytes as part of the returned string.
longAsInt() - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
lookup(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Gets the value corresponding to the given key.
lookup(MemorySegment, CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Returns an iterator pointing to the position of the first item found equal to data according to cmpFunc and cmpData.
lookup(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Look up a plugin in the given registry with the given filename.
lookup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoList
Gets the file attribute with the name name from this FileAttributeInfoList.
lookup(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.IOExtensionPoint
Looks up an existing extension point.
lookup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleActionGroup
Use g_action_map_lookup_action()
lookup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable
Look up a named tag.
lookup(String, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaSource
Looks up a schema with the identifier schemaId in this SettingsSchemaSource.
lookup(String, Out<GObject>, Out<ParamSpec>) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy
Looks up which object and GParamSpec would be effected by the given name.
lookup(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Looks up a value in a dictionary GVariant.
lookup(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
Looks up a value in a GVariantDict.
lookup(String, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ProxyResolver
Looks into the system proxy configuration to determine what proxy, if any, to use to connect to uri.
lookup(String, Type, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecPool
Looks up a GParamSpec in the pool.
lookup(K) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Looks up a key in a GHashTable.
lookup(DBusAnnotationInfo[], String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
Looks up the value of an annotation.
lookupAction(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionMap
Looks up the action with the name actionName in this ActionMap.
lookupAsync(String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ProxyResolver
Asynchronous lookup of proxy.
lookupByAddress(InetAddress, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Synchronously reverse-resolves address to determine its associated hostname.
lookupByAddressAsync(InetAddress, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Begins asynchronously reverse-resolving address to determine its associated hostname, and eventually calls callback, which must call g_resolver_lookup_by_address_finish() to get the final result.
lookupByAddressFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Retrieves the result of a previous call to g_resolver_lookup_by_address_async().
lookupByGicon(Icon, int, int, TextDirection, Set<IconLookupFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Looks up a icon for a desired size and window scale.
lookupByGicon(Icon, int, int, TextDirection, IconLookupFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Looks up a icon for a desired size and window scale.
lookupByName(String, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Synchronously resolves hostname to determine its associated IP address(es).
lookupByNameAsync(String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Begins asynchronously resolving hostname to determine its associated IP address(es), and eventually calls callback, which must call g_resolver_lookup_by_name_finish() to get the result.
lookupByNameFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Retrieves the result of a call to g_resolver_lookup_by_name_async().
lookupByNameWithFlags(String, Set<ResolverNameLookupFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
This differs from g_resolver_lookup_by_name() in that you can modify the lookup behavior with flags.
lookupByNameWithFlags(String, ResolverNameLookupFlags, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
This differs from g_resolver_lookup_by_name() in that you can modify the lookup behavior with flags.
lookupByNameWithFlagsAsync(String, Set<ResolverNameLookupFlags>, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Begins asynchronously resolving hostname to determine its associated IP address(es), and eventually calls callback, which must call g_resolver_lookup_by_name_with_flags_finish() to get the result.
lookupByNameWithFlagsAsync(String, ResolverNameLookupFlags, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Begins asynchronously resolving hostname to determine its associated IP address(es), and eventually calls callback, which must call g_resolver_lookup_by_name_with_flags_finish() to get the result.
lookupByNameWithFlagsFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Retrieves the result of a call to g_resolver_lookup_by_name_with_flags_async().
lookupCallbackSymbol(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderCScope
Fetches a symbol previously added with gtk_builder_cscope_add_callback_symbol().
lookupCertificateForHandle(String, TlsInteraction, TlsDatabaseLookupFlags, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Look up a certificate by its handle.
lookupCertificateForHandleAsync(String, TlsInteraction, TlsDatabaseLookupFlags, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Asynchronously look up a certificate by its handle in the database.
lookupCertificateForHandleFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Finish an asynchronous lookup of a certificate by its handle.
lookupCertificateIssuer(TlsCertificate, TlsInteraction, TlsDatabaseLookupFlags, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Look up the issuer of certificate in the database.
lookupCertificateIssuerAsync(TlsCertificate, TlsInteraction, TlsDatabaseLookupFlags, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Asynchronously look up the issuer of certificate in the database.
lookupCertificateIssuerFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Finish an asynchronous lookup issuer operation.
lookupCertificatesIssuedBy(byte[], TlsInteraction, TlsDatabaseLookupFlags, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Look up certificates issued by this issuer in the database.
lookupCertificatesIssuedByAsync(byte[], TlsInteraction, TlsDatabaseLookupFlags, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Asynchronously look up certificates issued by this issuer in the database.
lookupCertificatesIssuedByFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Finish an asynchronous lookup of certificates.
lookupColor(String, RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
This api will be removed in GTK 5
lookupData(String, Set<ResourceLookupFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resource
Looks for a file at the specified path in the resource and returns a GBytes that lets you directly access the data in memory.
lookupData(String, ResourceLookupFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resource
Looks for a file at the specified path in the resource and returns a GBytes that lets you directly access the data in memory.
lookupExtended(MemorySegment, Out<MemorySegment>, Out<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Looks up a key in the GTree, returning the original key and the associated value.
lookupExtended(K, Out<K>, Out<V>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Looks up a key in the GHashTable, returning the original key and the associated value and a gboolean which is true if the key was found.
lookupFeature(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Find a GstPluginFeature with name in this Registry.
lookupFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ProxyResolver
Call this function to obtain the array of proxy URIs when g_proxy_resolver_lookup_async() is complete.
lookupIcon(String, String[], int, int, TextDirection, Set<IconLookupFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Looks up a named icon for a desired size and window scale, returning a GtkIconPaintable.
lookupIcon(String, String[], int, int, TextDirection, IconLookupFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Looks up a named icon for a desired size and window scale, returning a GtkIconPaintable.
lookupInterface(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Looks up information about an interface.
lookupItem(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
Searches for a URI inside the recently used resources list, and returns a GtkRecentInfo containing information about the resource like its MIME type, or its display name.
lookupIter(MemorySegment, SequenceIterCompareFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Like g_sequence_lookup(), but uses a GSequenceIterCompareFunc instead of a GCompareDataFunc as the compare function.
lookupMethod(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Looks up information about a method.
lookupNode(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Gets the tree node corresponding to the given key.
lookupProperty(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Looks up information about a property.
lookupRecords(String, ResolverRecordType, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Synchronously performs a DNS record lookup for the given rrname and returns a list of records as GVariant tuples.
lookupRecordsAsync(String, ResolverRecordType, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Begins asynchronously performing a DNS lookup for the given rrname, and eventually calls callback, which must call g_resolver_lookup_records_finish() to get the final result.
lookupRecordsFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Retrieves the result of a previous call to g_resolver_lookup_records_async().
lookupService(String, String, String, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Synchronously performs a DNS SRV lookup for the given service and protocol in the given domain and returns an array of GSrvTarget.
lookupService(String, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
lookupServiceAsync(String, String, String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Begins asynchronously performing a DNS SRV lookup for the given service and protocol in the given domain, and eventually calls callback, which must call g_resolver_lookup_service_finish() to get the final result.
lookupServiceAsync(String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
lookupServiceFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Retrieves the result of a previous call to g_resolver_lookup_service_async().
lookupSignal(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Looks up information about a signal.
lookupSymbol(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Looks up a symbol in the current scope and return its value.
lookupValue(String, VariantType) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Looks up a value in a dictionary GVariant.
lookupValue(String, VariantType) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
Looks up a value in a GVariantDict.
lookupVirtualMethod(MemorySegment, MemoryLayout, String) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Overrides
Returns a function pointer to the specified virtual method.
lookupVirtualMethod(MemorySegment, MemoryLayout, String, Type) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Overrides
Returns a function pointer to the specified virtual method.
lookupVirtualMethodParent(MemorySegment, MemoryLayout, String) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Overrides
Returns a function pointer to the specified virtual method.
lookupVirtualMethodParent(MemorySegment, MemoryLayout, String, Type) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Overrides
Returns a function pointer to the specified virtual method.
loop(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantIter
Gets the next item in the container and unpacks it into the variable argument list according to formatString, returning true.
LOOP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Too many levels of symbolic links were encountered in looking up a file name.
LOOP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
execv() returned ELOOP
loopback(short) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress
Creates a new GSocketConnectable for connecting to the local host over a loopback connection to the given port.
loopback(SocketFamily) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Creates a GInetAddress for the loopback address for family.
LOOSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.CenteringPolicy
Keep the title centered when possible
lostState() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Brings the element to the lost state.
LOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitorWarningLevel
Memory on the device is low, processes should free up unneeded resources (for example, in-memory caches) so they can be used elsewhere.
LOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.NotificationPriority
for notifications that do not require immediate attention - typically used for contextual background information, such as contact birthdays or local weather
LOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPriority
a priority lower than normal
LOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleAnnouncementPriority
The announcement is low priority, and might be read only on the user's request.
LOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintQuality
Low quality.
LOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Underline
a single underline should be drawn at a position beneath the ink extents of the text being underlined.
LOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessagePriority
Use this for low priority messages, a SoupMessage with the default priority will be processed first.
lower() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Asks to lower the this Toplevel below other windows.
LOWER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.AsciiType
LOWER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.ChangeCaseType
change case to lowercase.
LOWER_CASE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
LOWER_CASE_NUMBERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
LOWER_CASE_PETITE_CAPS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
LOWER_CASE_SMALL_CAPS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
LOWER_LIMIT_BASELINE_DROP_MIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
LOWER_LIMIT_GAP_MIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
lowerBound(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Gets the lower bound node corresponding to the given key, or null if the tree is empty or all the nodes in the tree have keys that are strictly lower than the searched key.
LOWERCASE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
Suggest to convert all text to lowercase
LOWERCASE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.TextTransform
Display letters and numbers as lowercase
LOWERCASE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputHints
Suggest to not autocapitlize
LOWERCASE_LETTER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
LOWERCASE_LETTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Letter, Lowercase" (Ll)
LRBT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NumberUpLayout
LRE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Left-to-Right Embedding
LRI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Left-to-Right isolate.
LRO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Left-to-Right Override
LRTB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NumberUpLayout
lstat(String, StatBuf) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A wrapper for the POSIX lstat() function.
LTR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Direction
Text is set horizontally from left to right.
LTR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextDirection
Left to right text direction.
LTR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Direction
A strong left-to-right direction
LUMINANCE - Enum constant in enum class
Luminance texture, GL_LUMINANCE
LUMINANCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.MaskMode
Use the luminance of the mask, multiplied by mask alpha
LUMINANCE_ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class
Luminance-alpha texture, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA
LUMINOSITY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Creates a color with the luminosity of the source color and the hue and saturation of the destination color
LYCIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
LYCIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
LYCIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
LYDIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
LYDIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
LYDIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script


MAC_FULL_NAME - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Compatible Full Name for MacOS
macosMain(MainFunc, int, String[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
macosMainSimple(MainFuncSimple) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
macro__has_attribute___noreturn__ - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
MAHAJANI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Mahj, Since: 0.9.30
MAHAJANI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
MAHAJANI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
MAIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
MAIN_CONTEXT - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GMainContext.
MAIN_LOOP - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GMainLoop.
MainContext - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GMainContext struct is an opaque data type representing a set of sources to be handled in a main loop.
MainContext - Class in org.gnome.gobject
MainContext() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Creates a new GLib.MainContext structure.
MainContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Create a MainContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MainContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.MainContext
Create a MainContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MainContextFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Flags to pass to MainContext.withFlags(java.util.Set<org.gnome.glib.MainContextFlags>) which affect the behaviour of a GLib.MainContext.
MainContextPusher - Class in org.gnome.glib
Opaque type.
MainContextPusher() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MainContextPusher
mainCurrentSource() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns the currently firing source for this thread.
mainDepth() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns the depth of the stack of calls to MainContext.dispatch() on any GMainContext in the current thread.
MainFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MainFunc callback.
MainFuncSimple - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MainFuncSimple callback.
MainLoop - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GMainLoop struct is an opaque data type representing the main event loop of a GLib or GTK application.
MainLoop - Class in org.gnome.gobject
MainLoop(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MainLoop
Create a MainLoop proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MainLoop(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.MainLoop
Create a MainLoop proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MainLoop(MainContext, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MainLoop
Creates a new GLib.MainLoop structure.
MAJOR_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
Adwaita major version component (e.g.
MAJOR_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The major version number of the GLib library.
MAJOR_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Like Gtk.getMajorVersion(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
MAJOR_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GtkSource
Like gtk_source_get_major_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
MAJOR_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Like Soup.getMajorVersion(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
MAJOR_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Like jsc_get_major_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
MAJOR_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
Like webkit_get_major_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
MAKASAR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Maka, Since: 1.8.0
MAKASAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
make(String, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Create a new element of the type defined by the given element factory.
makeCurrent() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Makes the this GLContext the current one.
makeCurrent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Ensures that the GdkGLContext used by this GLArea is associated with the GtkGLArea.
makeDirectory(Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Creates a directory.
makeDirectoryAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously creates a directory.
makeDirectoryFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous directory creation, started with g_file_make_directory_async().
makeDirectoryWithParents(Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Creates a directory and any parent directories that may not exist similar to 'mkdir -p'.
makeElementMessageDetails(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Create a GstStructure to be used with gst_element_message_full_with_details.
makeFromUri(URIType, String, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Creates an element for handling the given URI.
makeFull(String, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Create a new element of the type defined by the given element factory.
makeMapped(MapInfo, Set<MapFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Create a GstMemory object that is mapped with flags.
makeMapped(MapInfo, MapFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Create a GstMemory object that is mapped with flags.
makePollfd(PollFD) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Creates a GPollFD corresponding to this Cancellable; this can be passed to g_poll() and used to poll for cancellation.
makeResident() - Method in class org.gnome.gmodule.Module
Ensures that a module will never be unloaded.
makeSymbolicLink(String, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Creates a symbolic link named this File which contains the string symlinkValue.
makeSymbolicLinkAsync(String, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously creates a symbolic link named this File which contains the string symlinkValue.
makeSymbolicLinkFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous symbolic link creation, started with g_file_make_symbolic_link_async().
makeTmp(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Dir
Creates a subdirectory in the preferred directory for temporary files (as returned by g_get_tmp_dir()).
makeWithProperties(String, String[], Value[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFactory
Create a new element of the type defined by the given elementfactory.
makeWritable() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Checks if a mini-object is writable.
makeWritable() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Make the GstUri writable.
makeWritable() - Method in class
Takes ownership of this VideoOverlayComposition and returns a version of this VideoOverlayComposition that is writable (i.e.
MALAYALAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
MALAYALAM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
MALAYALAM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
MALFORMED_CONDITION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Malformed number or name after "(?(".
MALFORMED_PROPERTY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Malformed "\\\\P" or "\\\\p" sequence.
malloc(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Allocates nBytes bytes of memory.
malloc0(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Allocates nBytes bytes of memory, initialized to 0's.
malloc0N(long, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function is similar to g_malloc0(), allocating (nBlocks * nBlockBytes) bytes, but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.
mallocN(long, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function is similar to g_malloc(), allocating (nBlocks * nBlockBytes) bytes, but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.
MANAGED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutScope
Shortcuts are handled by the first ancestor that is a ShortcutManager
MANDAIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
MANDAIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
MANDAIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
MANDATORY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Mandatory Break (BK)
MANICHAEAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Mani, Since: 0.9.30
MANICHAEAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
MANICHAEAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
MANIFESTV2 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebExtensionMode
For a ManifestV2 extension.
MANIFESTV3 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebExtensionMode
For a ManifestV3 extension.
MANUAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontRendering
Follow low-level font-related settings when configuring font rendering
MANUFACTURER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Manufacturer Name
MANY_TRIES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsPasswordFlags
Hint to the user that the password has been wrong many times, and the user may not have many chances left.
map() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Gets the first size bytes stored in the this Adapter.
map() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Causes a widget to be mapped if it isn’t already.
map(int, MapInfo, Out<MemorySegment>, Out<Integer>, Set<MapFlags>) - Method in class
Map the video plane with index plane in this VideoMeta and return a pointer to the first byte of the plane and the stride of the plane.
map(int, MapInfo, Out<MemorySegment>, Out<Integer>, MapFlags...) - Method in class
Map the video plane with index plane in this VideoMeta and return a pointer to the first byte of the plane and the stride of the plane.
map(AudioBuffer, AudioInfo, Buffer, Set<MapFlags>) - Static method in class
Maps an audio gstbuffer so that it can be read or written and stores the result of the map operation in buffer.
map(AudioBuffer, AudioInfo, Buffer, MapFlags...) - Static method in class
Maps an audio gstbuffer so that it can be read or written and stores the result of the map operation in buffer.
map(MapInfo, Set<MapFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Fills info with the GstMapInfo of all merged memory blocks in this Buffer.
map(MapInfo, Set<MapFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Fill info with the pointer and sizes of the memory in this Memory that can be accessed according to flags.
map(MapInfo, MapFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Fills info with the GstMapInfo of all merged memory blocks in this Buffer.
map(MapInfo, MapFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Fill info with the pointer and sizes of the memory in this Memory that can be accessed according to flags.
map(VideoFrame, VideoInfo, Buffer, Set<MapFlags>) - Static method in class
Use info and buffer to fill in the values of frame.
map(VideoFrame, VideoInfo, Buffer, MapFlags...) - Static method in class
Use info and buffer to fill in the values of frame.
Map - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for holding integer-to-integer hash maps.
Map - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Widget that displays a map for a specific View.
Map() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Map
Creates a new GtkSourceMap.
Map(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Map
Create a Map proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Map(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Map
Create a Map proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MAP_READWRITE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
GstMapFlags value alias for GST_MAP_READ | GST_MAP_WRITE
Map.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Map.MapClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
mapAllocationSuccessful(Map) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether memory allocation for a set was successful.
MapClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Map.MapClass
Allocate a new MapClass.
MapClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Map.MapClass
Allocate a new MapClass.
MapClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Map.MapClass
Create a MapClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
mapClear(Map) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Clears out the contents of map.
mapCopy(Map) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Allocate a copy of map.
mapCreate() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates a new, initially empty map.
mapDel(Map, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Removes key and its stored value from map.
mapDestroy(Map) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Decreases the reference count on a map.
mapExpandedRows(TreeViewMappingFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
MapFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Flags used when mapping memory
mapGet(Map, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the value stored for key in map.
mapGetEmpty() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the singleton empty hb_map_t.
mapGetPopulation(Map) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Returns the number of key-value pairs in the map.
mapGetUserData(Map, UserDataKey) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the user data associated with the specified key, attached to the specified map.
mapHas(Map, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether key is an element of map.
mapHash(Map) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates a hash representing map.
mapId(VideoFrame, VideoInfo, Buffer, int, Set<MapFlags>) - Static method in class
Use info and buffer to fill in the values of frame with the video frame information of frame id.
mapId(VideoFrame, VideoInfo, Buffer, int, MapFlags...) - Static method in class
Use info and buffer to fill in the values of frame with the video frame information of frame id.
MapInfo - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A structure containing the result of a map operation such as gst_memory_map().
MapInfo() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
Allocate a new MapInfo.
MapInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
Allocate a new MapInfo.
MapInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
Create a MapInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MapInfo(Memory, Set<MapFlags>, byte[], long, long, MemorySegment[]) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
Allocate a new MapInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
MapInfo(Memory, Set<MapFlags>, byte[], long, long, MemorySegment[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
Allocate a new MapInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
mapInPlace(CapsMapFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Calls the provided function once for each structure and caps feature in the GstCaps.
mapInPlace(StructureMapFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Calls the provided function once for each field in the GstStructure.
mapIsEmpty(Map) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether map is empty (contains no elements).
mapIsEqual(Map, Map) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether map and other are equal (contain the same elements).
mapKeycode(int, Out<KeymapKey[]>, Out<int[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Returns the keyvals bound to keycode.
mapKeys(Map, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Add the keys of map to keys.
mapKeyval(int, Out<KeymapKey[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Obtains a list of keycode/group/level combinations that will generate keyval.
MapListModel<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkMapListModel maps the items in a list model to different items.
MapListModel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MapListModel
Create a MapListModel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MapListModel(ListModel, MapListModelMapFunc) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MapListModel
Creates a new GtkMapListModel for the given arguments.
MapListModel.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MapListModel.MapListModelClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
MapListModelClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MapListModel.MapListModelClass
Allocate a new MapListModelClass.
MapListModelClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MapListModel.MapListModelClass
Allocate a new MapListModelClass.
MapListModelClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MapListModel.MapListModelClass
Create a MapListModelClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MapListModelMapFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MapListModelMapFunc callback.
mapNext(Map, Out<Integer>, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the next key/value pair in map.
MAPPED_FILE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GMappedFile.
MappedFile - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GMappedFile represents a file mapping created with g_mapped_file_new().
MappedFile - Class in org.gnome.gobject
MappedFile(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MappedFile
Create a MappedFile proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MappedFile(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.MappedFile
Create a MappedFile proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MappedFile(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MappedFile
Maps a file into memory.
mapRange(int, int, MapInfo, Set<MapFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Fills info with the GstMapInfo of length merged memory blocks starting at idx in this Buffer.
mapRange(int, int, MapInfo, MapFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Fills info with the GstMapInfo of length merged memory blocks starting at idx in this Buffer.
mapReference(Map) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Increases the reference count on a map.
mapSet(Map, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Stores key:value in the map.
mapSetUserData(Map, UserDataKey, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc, Bool) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Attaches a user-data key/data pair to the specified map.
mapUpdate(Map, Map) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Add the contents of other to map.
mapValues(Map, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Add the values of map to values.
MARCH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateMonth
MARCHEN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Marc, Since: 1.3.0
MARCHEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
MARGINAL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Rank
unlikely to be chosen
Mark - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Mark object for Buffer.
Mark(String, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Mark
Creates a text mark.
Mark(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Mark
Create a Mark proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MARK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutGlyphClass
Non-spacing, combining glyphs that represent marks
Mark.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Mark.MarkClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
MarkAttributes - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
The source mark attributes object.
MarkAttributes() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
Creates a new source mark attributes.
MarkAttributes(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
Create a MarkAttributes proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MarkAttributes.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MarkAttributes.MarkAttributesClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
MarkAttributes.QueryTooltipMarkupCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the QueryTooltipMarkupCallback callback.
MarkAttributes.QueryTooltipTextCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the QueryTooltipTextCallback callback.
MarkAttributesClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.MarkAttributesClass
Allocate a new MarkAttributesClass.
MarkAttributesClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.MarkAttributesClass
Allocate a new MarkAttributesClass.
MarkAttributesClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.MarkAttributesClass
Create a MarkAttributesClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
markBusy() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Increases the busy count of this Application.
MarkClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Mark.MarkClass
Allocate a new MarkClass.
MarkClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Mark.MarkClass
Allocate a new MarkClass.
MarkClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Mark.MarkClass
Create a MarkClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
markDay(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Places a visual marker on a particular day of the current month.
markDeleted(TextMark) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
The class handler for the GtkTextBuffer::mark-deleted signal.
markDiscont() - Method in class
Marks the next buffer as discontinuous and resets timestamp tracking.
MARKER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
the buffer contains a media specific marker.
MARKER - Enum constant in enum class
The GstBuffer contains the end of a video field or frame boundary such as the last subframe or packet (Since: 1.18).
markReconfigure() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Mark a pad for needing reconfiguration.
MARKS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.ViewGutterPosition
the gutter position of the marks renderer
markSet(TextIter, TextMark) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
The class handler for the GtkTextBuffer::mark-set signal.
MARKUP_PARSE_CONTEXT - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GMarkupParseContext.
markupCollectAttributes(String, String[], String[], GError[], Set<MarkupCollectType>, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Collects the attributes of the element from the data passed to the GMarkupParser start_element function, dealing with common error conditions and supporting boolean values.
markupCollectAttributes(String, String[], String[], GError[], MarkupCollectType, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Collects the attributes of the element from the data passed to the GMarkupParser start_element function, dealing with common error conditions and supporting boolean values.
MarkupCollectType - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
A mixed enumerated type and flags field.
MarkupError - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Error codes returned by markup parsing.
markupErrorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
markupEscapeText(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Escapes text so that the markup parser will parse it verbatim.
MarkupParseContext - Class in org.gnome.glib
A parse context is used to parse a stream of bytes that you expect to contain marked-up text.
MarkupParseContext - Class in org.gnome.gobject
MarkupParseContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseContext
Create a MarkupParseContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MarkupParseContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.MarkupParseContext
Create a MarkupParseContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MarkupParseContext(MarkupParser, Set<MarkupParseFlags>, MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseContext
Creates a new parse context.
MarkupParseContext(MarkupParser, MarkupParseFlags, MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseContext
Creates a new parse context.
MarkupParseFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Flags that affect the behaviour of the parser.
MarkupParser - Class in org.gnome.glib
Any of the fields in GMarkupParser can be null, in which case they will be ignored.
MarkupParser() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser
Allocate a new MarkupParser.
MarkupParser(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser
Allocate a new MarkupParser.
MarkupParser(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser
Create a MarkupParser proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MarkupParser.EndElementCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the EndElementCallback callback.
MarkupParser.ErrorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the ErrorCallback callback.
MarkupParser.PassthroughCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the PassthroughCallback callback.
MarkupParser.StartElementCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the StartElementCallback callback.
MarkupParser.TextCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the TextCallback callback.
markupParserFinish(MarkupParseContext, Out<AttrList>, Out<String>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Finishes parsing markup.
markupParserNew(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Incrementally parses marked-up text to create a plain-text string and an attribute list.
markupPrintfEscaped(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Formats arguments according to format, escaping all string and character arguments in the fashion of g_markup_escape_text().
MARQUEE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
marshal(boolean, HookMarshaller) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Calls a function on each valid GHook.
marshalBOOLEANBOXEDBOXED(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with handlers that take two boxed pointers as arguments and return a boolean.
marshalBOOLEANFLAGS(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with handlers that take a flags type as an argument and return a boolean.
marshalCheck(boolean, HookCheckMarshaller) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Calls a function on each valid GHook and destroys it if the function returns false.
marshalGeneric(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A generic marshaller function implemented via libffi.
marshalSTRINGOBJECTPOINTER(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with handlers that take a GObject and a pointer and produce a string.
marshalVOIDBOOLEAN(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single boolean argument.
marshalVOIDBOXED(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single argument which is any boxed pointer type.
marshalVOIDCHAR(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single character argument.
marshalVOIDDOUBLE(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with one double-precision floating point argument.
marshalVOIDENUM(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single argument with an enumerated type.
marshalVOIDFLAGS(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single argument with a flags types.
marshalVOIDFLOAT(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with one single-precision floating point argument.
marshalVOIDINT(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single integer argument.
marshalVOIDLONG(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with with a single long integer argument.
marshalVOIDOBJECT(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single GObject argument.
marshalVOIDPARAM(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single argument of type GParamSpec.
marshalVOIDPOINTER(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single raw pointer argument type.
marshalVOIDSTRING(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single string argument.
marshalVOIDUCHAR(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single unsigned character argument.
marshalVOIDUINT(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with with a single unsigned integer argument.
marshalVOIDUINTPOINTER(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with an unsigned int and a pointer as arguments.
marshalVOIDULONG(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single unsigned long integer argument.
marshalVOIDVARIANT(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with a single GVariant argument.
marshalVOIDVOID(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
A GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with no arguments.
MASARAM_GONDI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Gonm, Since: 1.6.0
MASARAM_GONDI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Masaram Gondi.
Mask - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for bitmasks.
Mask(int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Mask
Create a new Mask with the provided value
MASK - Enum constant in enum class
A mask covering all entries in GdkModifierType.
MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.HookFlagMask
A mask covering all bits reserved for hook flags; see G_HOOK_FLAG_USER_SHIFT
MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOFlags
the mask that specifies all the valid flags.
MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleFlags
mask for all flags.
MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeDebugFlags
Mask covering all debug flags
MASK - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseFlags
a mask of all traverse flags.
MASK_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node that masks one child with another.
maskedScanUint32(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Scan for pattern pattern with applied mask mask in the byte reader data, starting from offset offset relative to the current position.
maskedScanUint32(int, int, long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Scan for pattern pattern with applied mask mask in the adapter data, starting from offset offset.
maskedScanUint32Peek(int, int, int, int, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Scan for pattern pattern with applied mask mask in the byte reader data, starting from offset offset relative to the current position.
maskedScanUint32Peek(int, int, long, long, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Scan for pattern pattern with applied mask mask in the adapter data, starting from offset offset.
MaskMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.gsk
The mask modes available for mask nodes.
MaskNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node masking one child node with another.
MaskNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.MaskNode
Create a MaskNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MaskNode(RenderNode, RenderNode, MaskMode) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.MaskNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will mask a given node by another.
match(long, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PatternSpec
Matches a string against a compiled pattern.
match(String, Set<RegexMatchFlags>, Out<MatchInfo>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Scans for a match in string for the pattern in this Regex.
match(String, RegexMatchFlags, Out<MatchInfo>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Scans for a match in string for the pattern in this Regex.
match(ContentFormats) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Checks if this ContentFormats and second have any matching formats.
match(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Filter
Checks if the given item is matched by the filter or not.
match(RecentInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Checks whether two GtkRecentInfo point to the same resource.
MATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
The match process failed.
MATCH_ARG0_NAMESPACE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalFlags
Match first arguments that contain a bus or interface name with the given namespace.
MATCH_ARG0_PATH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalFlags
Match first arguments that contain an object path that is either equivalent to the given path, or one of the paths is a subpath of the other.
MATCH_INFO - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GMatchInfo reference.
MATCH_RULE_INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
The match rule isn't syntactically valid.
MATCH_RULE_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Tried to remove or modify a match rule that didn't exist.
matchAll(String, Set<RegexMatchFlags>, Out<MatchInfo>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Using the standard algorithm for regular expression matching only the longest match in the string is retrieved.
matchAll(String, RegexMatchFlags, Out<MatchInfo>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Using the standard algorithm for regular expression matching only the longest match in the string is retrieved.
matchAllFull(String[], int, Set<RegexMatchFlags>, Out<MatchInfo>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Using the standard algorithm for regular expression matching only the longest match in the string is retrieved, it is not possible to obtain all the available matches.
matchAllFull(String[], int, RegexMatchFlags, Out<MatchInfo>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Using the standard algorithm for regular expression matching only the longest match in the string is retrieved, it is not possible to obtain all the available matches.
matches() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MatchInfo
Returns whether the previous match operation succeeded.
matches(int, Set<ModifierType>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeyEvent
Matches a key event against a keyval and modifiers.
matches(int, ModifierType...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeyEvent
Matches a key event against a keyval and modifiers.
matches(String) - Method in class
Check if the colorimetry information in info matches that of the string color.
matches(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeMatcher
Checks if an attribute will be matched by an attribute matcher.
matches(String) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Language
Checks if a language tag matches one of the elements in a list of language ranges.
matches(InetAddress) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask
Tests if address falls within the range described by this InetAddressMask.
matches(Quark, int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GError
Returns true if this Error matches domain and code, false otherwise.
matchesOnly(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeMatcher
Checks if an attribute matcher only matches a given attribute.
matchFull(String[], int, Set<RegexMatchFlags>, Out<MatchInfo>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Scans for a match in string for the pattern in this Regex.
matchFull(String[], int, RegexMatchFlags, Out<MatchInfo>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Scans for a match in string for the pattern in this Regex.
matchGtype(ContentFormats) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Finds the first GType from this ContentFormats that is also contained in second.
MatchInfo - Class in org.gnome.glib
A GMatchInfo is an opaque struct used to return information about matches.
MatchInfo - Class in org.gnome.gobject
MatchInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MatchInfo
Create a MatchInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MatchInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.MatchInfo
Create a MatchInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
matchMimeType(ContentFormats) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Finds the first mime type from this ContentFormats that is also contained in second.
matchSimple(String, String, Set<RegexCompileFlags>, Set<RegexMatchFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Scans for a match in string for pattern.
matchSimple(String, String, RegexCompileFlags, RegexMatchFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Scans for a match in string for pattern.
matchString(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PatternSpec
Matches a string against a compiled pattern.
MATH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutBaselineTag
The baseline about which mathematical characters are centered.
MATH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Zmth, Since: 3.4.0
MATH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Mathematical notation.
MATH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
MATH_LEADING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
MATH_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
MATH_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Symbol, Math" (Sm)
MATH_SYMBOLS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
MATHEMATICAL_EXTRAS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
MATHEMATICAL_GREEK_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
MATHEMATICAL_GREEK_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
matrix(Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Multiplies this Transform with the given matrix.
Matrix - Class in org.gnome.graphene
A structure capable of holding a 4x4 matrix.
Matrix - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoMatrix specifies a transformation between user-space and device coordinates.
Matrix() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Allocate a new Matrix.
Matrix() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Allocate a new Matrix.
Matrix(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Allocate a new Matrix with the fields set to the provided values.
Matrix(double, double, double, double, double, double, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Allocate a new Matrix with the fields set to the provided values.
Matrix(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Allocate a new Matrix.
Matrix(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Allocate a new Matrix.
Matrix(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Create a Matrix proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Matrix(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Create a Matrix proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Matrix(Simd4X4F) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Allocate a new Matrix with the fields set to the provided values.
Matrix(Simd4X4F, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Allocate a new Matrix with the fields set to the provided values.
MATURE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureStatus
Feature in general use.
max(Vec2, Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Compares the two given vectors and places the maximum values of each component into res.
max(Vec3, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Compares each component of the two given vectors and creates a vector that contains the maximum values.
max(Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Compares each component of the two given vectors and creates a vector that contains the maximum values.
max(Coverage) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Coverage
This function does nothing
MAX_ASPECT_RATIO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointConditionRatioType
true if the aspect ratio is less than or equal to the condition value
MAX_COMPOSE_LEN - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Evaluates to the maximum length of a compose sequence.
MAX_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointConditionLengthType
true if the height is less than or equal to the condition value
MAX_RESULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestLogType
MAX_WIDTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointConditionLengthType
true if the width is less than or equal to the condition value
maxHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Gets the maximum height of all branches beneath a GNode.
maximize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Asks to maximize this Window, so that it fills the screen.
MAXIMIZED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
the surface is maximized
MAXIMUM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindProbability
very certain a type was detected.
MAXINT16 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
MAXINT32 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
MAXINT64 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
MAXINT8 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
MAXUINT16 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
MAXUINT32 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
MAXUINT64 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
MAXUINT8 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
MAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateMonth
MAY_BE_LEAKED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectFlags
the object is expected to stay alive even after gst_deinit() has been called and so should be ignored by leak detection tools.
MAY_BE_LEAKED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ObjectFlags
the object is expected to stay alive even after gst_deinit() has been called and so should be ignored by leak detection tools.
maybe(VariantType, Variant) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Depending on if child is null, either wraps child inside of a maybe container or creates a Nothing instance for the given type.
maybe(VariantType) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Constructs the type corresponding to a maybe instance containing type type or Nothing.
MAYBE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is a maybe-typed value.
MAYBE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
An indefinite type that is a supertype of every maybe type.
mayStart(boolean) - Method in class
Tell the ringbuffer that it is allowed to start playback when the ringbuffer is filled with samples.
MD5 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ChecksumType
Use the MD5 hashing algorithm
measure(String, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText
Measures the text provided using the pango layout used by the GtkSourceGutterRendererText.
measure(Orientation, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Measures this Widget in the orientation orientation and for the given forSize.
measure(Widget, Orientation, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager
Measures the size of the widget using this LayoutManager, for the given orientation and size.
measureDiskUsage(Set<FileMeasureFlags>, Cancellable, FileMeasureProgressCallback, Out<Long>, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Recursively measures the disk usage of this File.
measureDiskUsage(FileMeasureFlags, Cancellable, FileMeasureProgressCallback, Out<Long>, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Recursively measures the disk usage of this File.
measureDiskUsageAsync(Set<FileMeasureFlags>, int, Cancellable, FileMeasureProgressCallback, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Recursively measures the disk usage of this File.
measureDiskUsageAsync(FileMeasureFlags, int, Cancellable, FileMeasureProgressCallback, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Recursively measures the disk usage of this File.
measureDiskUsageFinish(AsyncResult, Out<Long>, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Collects the results from an earlier call to g_file_measure_disk_usage_async().
measureMarkup(String, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText
Measures the pango markup provided using the pango layout used by the GtkSourceGutterRendererText.
MEDEFAIDRIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Medf, Since: 1.8.0
MEDEFAIDRIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
MEDIA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResultContext
a video or audio element.
MEDIA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResultContext
a video or audio element.
MEDIA_FILE_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The default extension point name for media file.
MEDIA_MUTE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Mute current media element.
MEDIA_MUTE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Mute current media element.
MEDIA_PAUSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Pause current media element.
MEDIA_PAUSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Pause current media element.
MEDIA_PLAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Play current media element.
MEDIA_PLAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Play current media element.
MEDIA_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugGraphDetails
show caps-name on edges
MediaCaptureState - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to specify the capture state of a media device.
MediaControls - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkMediaControls is a widget to show controls for a video.
MediaControls() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaControls
MediaControls(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaControls
Create a MediaControls proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MediaControls(MediaStream) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaControls
Creates a new GtkMediaControls managing the stream passed to it.
MediaControls.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MediaControls.MediaControlsClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
MediaControlsClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaControls.MediaControlsClass
Allocate a new MediaControlsClass.
MediaControlsClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaControls.MediaControlsClass
Allocate a new MediaControlsClass.
MediaControlsClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaControls.MediaControlsClass
Create a MediaControlsClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MediaError - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to denote the various media errors.
MediaFile - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkMediaFile implements GtkMediaStream for files.
MediaFile() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
Creates a new empty media file.
MediaFile(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
Create a MediaFile proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MediaFile.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MediaFile.MediaFileClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
MediaFile.MediaFileImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The MediaFileImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract MediaFile class.
MediaFileClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile.MediaFileClass
Allocate a new MediaFileClass.
MediaFileClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile.MediaFileClass
Allocate a new MediaFileClass.
MediaFileClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile.MediaFileClass
Create a MediaFileClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MediaFileImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile.MediaFileImpl
Creates a new instance of MediaFile for the provided memory address.
mediaKeySystemPermissionGetName(MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
Get the key system for which access permission is being requested.
MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A permission request for using an EME Content Decryption Module.
MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest
Create a MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest.MediaKeySystemPermissionRequestClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
MediaKeySystemPermissionRequestClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest.MediaKeySystemPermissionRequestClass
Allocate a new MediaKeySystemPermissionRequestClass.
MediaKeySystemPermissionRequestClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest.MediaKeySystemPermissionRequestClass
Allocate a new MediaKeySystemPermissionRequestClass.
MediaKeySystemPermissionRequestClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.MediaKeySystemPermissionRequest.MediaKeySystemPermissionRequestClass
Create a MediaKeySystemPermissionRequestClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MediaStream - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkMediaStream is the integration point for media playback inside GTK.
MediaStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Create a MediaStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MediaStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MediaStream.MediaStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
MediaStream.MediaStreamImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The MediaStreamImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract MediaStream class.
MediaStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.MediaStreamClass
Allocate a new MediaStreamClass.
MediaStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.MediaStreamClass
Allocate a new MediaStreamClass.
MediaStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.MediaStreamClass
Create a MediaStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MediaStreamImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.MediaStreamImpl
Creates a new instance of MediaStream for the provided memory address.
MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum class
Medium 5-pole noise shaping
MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitorWarningLevel
Same as GMEMORYMONITORWARNINGLEVELLOW but the device has even less free memory, so processes should try harder to free up unneeded resources.
MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleAnnouncementPriority
The announcement is of medium priority, and is usually spoken at the next opportunity, such as at the end of speaking the current sentence or when the user pauses typing.
MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintStrength
A medium constraint
MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Weight
the medium weight (= 500) Since: 1.24
MEETEI_MAYEK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
MEETEI_MAYEK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Meetei Mayek.
MEMBER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageHeaderField
The method or signal name.
MEMBERS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginAPIFlags
Ignore enum members when generating the plugins cache.
MemChunk - Class in org.gnome.glib
MemChunk(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MemChunk
Create a MemChunk proxy instance for the provided memory address.
memcmp(long, byte[]) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Compares size bytes starting from offset in this Buffer with the memory in mem.
MEMDUMP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugLevel
memory dump messages are used to log (small) chunks of data as memory dumps in the log.
memdup(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Creates a new buffer of size size and fills it with a copy of data.
memdup(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Use GLib.memdup2(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, long) instead, as it accepts a gsize argument for byteSize, avoiding the possibility of overflow in a gsizeguint conversion
memdup2(MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Allocates byteSize bytes of memory, and copies byteSize bytes into it from mem.
memIsSystemMalloc() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
GLib always uses the system malloc, so this function always returns true.
Memory - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstMemory is a lightweight refcounted object that wraps a region of memory.
Memory() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Allocate a new Memory.
Memory(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Allocate a new Memory.
Memory(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Create a Memory proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Memory(MiniObject, Allocator, Memory, long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Allocate a new Memory with the fields set to the provided values.
Memory(MiniObject, Allocator, Memory, long, long, long, long, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Allocate a new Memory with the fields set to the provided values.
MEMORY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferCopyFlags
flag indicating that buffer memory should be reffed and appended to already existing memory.
MEMORY_CACHE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
Memory cache.
MEMORY_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Failed to get memory.
MEMORY_MONITOR_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Extension point for memory usage monitoring functionality.
MemoryCleaner - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop
This class keeps a cache of all memory addresses for which a Proxy object was created (except for GObject instances; those are handled in the InstanceCache).
MemoryCleaner() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.MemoryCleaner
MemoryCopyFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MemoryCopyFunction callback.
MemoryFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Flags for wrapped memory.
MemoryFormat - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
GdkMemoryFormat describes formats that image data can have in memory.
MemoryInputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
GMemoryInputStream is a class for using arbitrary memory chunks as input for GIO streaming input operations.
MemoryInputStream() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MemoryInputStream
Creates a new empty GMemoryInputStream.
MemoryInputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MemoryInputStream
Create a MemoryInputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MemoryInputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MemoryInputStream.MemoryInputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
MemoryInputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MemoryInputStream.MemoryInputStreamClass
Allocate a new MemoryInputStreamClass.
MemoryInputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MemoryInputStream.MemoryInputStreamClass
Allocate a new MemoryInputStreamClass.
MemoryInputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MemoryInputStream.MemoryInputStreamClass
Create a MemoryInputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MemoryIsSpanFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MemoryIsSpanFunction callback.
MemoryMapFullFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MemoryMapFullFunction callback.
MemoryMapFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MemoryMapFunction callback.
MemoryMapInfo - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Alias for GstMapInfo to be used with g_auto():
MemoryMapInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryMapInfo
Create a MemoryMapInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MemoryMode - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type holding the memory modes available to client programs.
MemoryMonitor - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GMemoryMonitor will monitor system memory and suggest to the application when to free memory so as to leave more room for other applications.
MemoryMonitor.LowMemoryWarningCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the LowMemoryWarningCallback callback.
MemoryMonitor.MemoryMonitorImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The MemoryMonitorImpl type represents a native instance of the MemoryMonitor interface.
MemoryMonitor.MemoryMonitorInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
The virtual function table for GMemoryMonitor.
MemoryMonitorImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitor.MemoryMonitorImpl
Creates a new instance of MemoryMonitor for the provided memory address.
MemoryMonitorInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitor.MemoryMonitorInterface
Allocate a new MemoryMonitorInterface.
MemoryMonitorInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitor.MemoryMonitorInterface
Allocate a new MemoryMonitorInterface.
MemoryMonitorInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitor.MemoryMonitorInterface
Create a MemoryMonitorInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MemoryMonitorWarningLevel - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Memory availability warning levels.
MemoryOutputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
GMemoryOutputStream is a class for using arbitrary memory chunks as output for GIO streaming output operations.
MemoryOutputStream(MemorySegment, long, ReallocFunc) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream
Creates a new GMemoryOutputStream.
MemoryOutputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream
Create a MemoryOutputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MemoryOutputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MemoryOutputStream.MemoryOutputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
MemoryOutputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream.MemoryOutputStreamClass
Allocate a new MemoryOutputStreamClass.
MemoryOutputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream.MemoryOutputStreamClass
Allocate a new MemoryOutputStreamClass.
MemoryOutputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream.MemoryOutputStreamClass
Create a MemoryOutputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MemoryPressureSettings - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A boxed type representing the settings for the memory pressure handler
MemoryPressureSettings() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.MemoryPressureSettings
Create a new WebKitMemoryPressureSettings with the default values.
MemoryPressureSettings(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.MemoryPressureSettings
Create a MemoryPressureSettings proxy instance for the provided memory address.
memorySettingsBackendNew() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Creates a memory-backed GSettingsBackend.
MemoryShareFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MemoryShareFunction callback.
MemoryTexture - Class in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkTexture representing image data in memory.
MemoryTexture(int, int, MemoryFormat, Bytes, long) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTexture
Creates a new texture for a blob of image data.
MemoryTexture(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTexture
Create a MemoryTexture proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MemoryTexture.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MemoryTexture.MemoryTextureClass - Class in org.gnome.gdk
MemoryTextureBuilder - Class in org.gnome.gdk
GdkMemoryTextureBuilder is a builder used to construct Texture objects from system memory provided via GLib.Bytes.
MemoryTextureBuilder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Creates a new texture builder.
MemoryTextureBuilder(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Create a MemoryTextureBuilder proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MemoryTextureBuilder.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MemoryTextureBuilder.MemoryTextureBuilderClass - Class in org.gnome.gdk
MemoryTextureBuilderClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder.MemoryTextureBuilderClass
Create a MemoryTextureBuilderClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MemoryTextureClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTexture.MemoryTextureClass
Create a MemoryTextureClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MemoryUnmapFullFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MemoryUnmapFullFunction callback.
MemoryUnmapFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MemoryUnmapFunction callback.
MemoryUse - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
The lifetime of the memory being passed.
memProfile() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Use other memory profiling tools instead
memset(long, byte, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Fills buf with size bytes with val starting from offset.
memSetVtable(MemVTable) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function now does nothing. Use other memory profiling tools instead
MemVTable - Class in org.gnome.glib
A set of functions used to perform memory allocation.
MemVTable() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MemVTable
Allocate a new MemVTable.
MemVTable(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MemVTable
Allocate a new MemVTable.
MemVTable(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MemVTable
Create a MemVTable proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MemVTable.CallocCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the CallocCallback callback.
MemVTable.FreeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the FreeCallback callback.
MemVTable.MallocCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the MallocCallback callback.
MemVTable.ReallocCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the ReallocCallback callback.
MemVTable.TryMallocCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the TryMallocCallback callback.
MemVTable.TryReallocCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the TryReallocCallback callback.
MENDE_KIKAKUI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Mend, Since: 0.9.30
MENDE_KIKAKUI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Mende Kikakui.
MENDE_KIKAKUI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Mende Kikakui.
Menu - Class in org.gnome.gio
GMenu is a simple implementation of MenuModel.
Menu() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Creates a new GMenu.
Menu(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Create a Menu proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MENU - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A menu.
MENU_ATTRIBUTE_ACTION - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The menu item attribute which holds the action name of the item.
MENU_ATTRIBUTE_ACTION_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The menu item attribute that holds the namespace for all action names in menus that are linked from this item.
MENU_ATTRIBUTE_ICON - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The menu item attribute which holds the icon of the item.
MENU_ATTRIBUTE_LABEL - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The menu item attribute which holds the label of the item.
MENU_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The menu item attribute which holds the target with which the item's action will be activated.
MENU_BAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A menubar.
MENU_EXPORTER_MAX_SECTION_SIZE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The maximum number of entries in a menu section supported by g_dbus_connection_export_menu_model().
MENU_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
An item in a menu.
MENU_ITEM_CHECKBOX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A check item in a menu.
MENU_ITEM_RADIO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A radio item in a menu.
MENU_LINK_SECTION - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The name of the link that associates a menu item with a section.
MENU_LINK_SUBMENU - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The name of the link that associates a menu item with a submenu.
Menu.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MENU1 - Enum constant in enum class
Execute navigation menu command 1.
MENU2 - Enum constant in enum class
Execute navigation menu command 2.
MENU3 - Enum constant in enum class
Execute navigation menu command 3.
MENU4 - Enum constant in enum class
Execute navigation menu command 4.
MENU5 - Enum constant in enum class
Execute navigation menu command 5.
MENU6 - Enum constant in enum class
Execute navigation menu command 6.
MENU7 - Enum constant in enum class
Execute navigation menu command 7.
MenuAttributeIter - Class in org.gnome.gio
GMenuAttributeIter is an opaque structure type.
MenuAttributeIter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuAttributeIter
Create a MenuAttributeIter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MenuAttributeIter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MenuAttributeIter.MenuAttributeIterClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
MenuAttributeIter.MenuAttributeIterImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The MenuAttributeIterImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract MenuAttributeIter class.
MenuAttributeIterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuAttributeIter.MenuAttributeIterClass
Allocate a new MenuAttributeIterClass.
MenuAttributeIterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuAttributeIter.MenuAttributeIterClass
Allocate a new MenuAttributeIterClass.
MenuAttributeIterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuAttributeIter.MenuAttributeIterClass
Create a MenuAttributeIterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MenuAttributeIterImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuAttributeIter.MenuAttributeIterImpl
Creates a new instance of MenuAttributeIter for the provided memory address.
MenuButton - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkMenuButton widget is used to display a popup when clicked.
MenuButton() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Creates a new GtkMenuButton widget with downwards-pointing arrow as the only child.
MenuButton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Create a MenuButton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MenuButton.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
MenuButton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MenuButtonCreatePopupFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MenuButtonCreatePopupFunc callback.
MenuItem - Class in org.gnome.gio
GMenuItem is an opaque structure type.
MenuItem(String, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Creates a new GMenuItem.
MenuItem(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Create a MenuItem proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MenuItem.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MenuLinkIter - Class in org.gnome.gio
GMenuLinkIter is an opaque structure type.
MenuLinkIter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuLinkIter
Create a MenuLinkIter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MenuLinkIter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MenuLinkIter.MenuLinkIterClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
MenuLinkIter.MenuLinkIterImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The MenuLinkIterImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract MenuLinkIter class.
MenuLinkIterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuLinkIter.MenuLinkIterClass
Allocate a new MenuLinkIterClass.
MenuLinkIterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuLinkIter.MenuLinkIterClass
Allocate a new MenuLinkIterClass.
MenuLinkIterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuLinkIter.MenuLinkIterClass
Create a MenuLinkIterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MenuLinkIterImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuLinkIter.MenuLinkIterImpl
Creates a new instance of MenuLinkIter for the provided memory address.
MenuModel - Class in org.gnome.gio
GMenuModel represents the contents of a menu — an ordered list of menu items.
MenuModel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel
Create a MenuModel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MenuModel.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MenuModel.ItemsChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ItemsChangedCallback callback.
MenuModel.MenuModelClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
MenuModel.MenuModelImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The MenuModelImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract MenuModel class.
MenuModelClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.MenuModelClass
Allocate a new MenuModelClass.
MenuModelClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.MenuModelClass
Allocate a new MenuModelClass.
MenuModelClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.MenuModelClass
Create a MenuModelClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MenuModelImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.MenuModelImpl
Creates a new instance of MenuModel for the provided memory address.
merge(TagList, TagMergeMode) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Merges the two given lists into a new list.
merge(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Appends the structures contained in caps2 to this Caps if they are not yet expressed by this Caps.
merge(Value, Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueList
Merges copies of value1 and value2.
merge(FontDescription, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Merges the fields that are set in descToMerge into the fields in this FontDescription.
MERGE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferCopyFlags
flag indicating that buffer memory should be merged
MERGE_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class
do conversion between primaries only when it can be merged with color matrix conversion.
mergeStatic(FontDescription, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Merges the fields that are set in descToMerge into the fields in this FontDescription, without copying allocated fields.
mergeStructure(Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Appends structure to this Caps if it is not already expressed by this Caps.
mergeStructureFull(Structure, CapsFeatures) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Appends structure with features to this Caps if its not already expressed by this Caps.
mergeTags(TagList, TagMergeMode) - Method in class
Sets the audio decoder tags and how they should be merged with any upstream stream tags.
mergeTags(TagList, TagMergeMode) - Method in class
Sets the audio encoder tags and how they should be merged with any upstream stream tags.
mergeTags(TagList, TagMergeMode) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
Sets the parser subclass's tags and how they should be merged with any upstream stream tags.
mergeTags(TagList, TagMergeMode) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Toc
Merge tags into the existing tags of this Toc using mode.
mergeTags(TagList, TagMergeMode) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
Merge tags into the existing tags of this TocEntry using mode.
mergeTags(TagList, TagMergeMode) - Method in class
Sets the audio decoder tags and how they should be merged with any upstream stream tags.
mergeTags(TagList, TagMergeMode) - Method in class
Sets the video encoder tags and how they should be merged with any upstream stream tags.
mergeTags(TagList, TagMergeMode) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagSetter
Merges the given list into the setter's list using the given mode.
MEROITIC_CURSIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
MEROITIC_CURSIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Meroitic Cursive.
MEROITIC_CURSIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Meroitic Cursive.
MEROITIC_HIEROGLYPHS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
MEROITIC_HIEROGLYPHS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Meroitic Hieroglyphs.
MEROITIC_HIEROGLYPHS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Meroitic Hieroglyphs.
message(Message) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
A message has been posted on the bus.
Message - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Messages are implemented as a subclass of GstMiniObject with a generic GstStructure as the content.
Message - Class in org.gnome.soup
Represents an HTTP message being sent or received.
Message() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Allocate a new Message.
Message(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Allocate a new Message.
Message(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a Message proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Message(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Message
Create a Message proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Message(String, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Message
Creates a new empty SoupMessage, which will connect to uri.
Message(MiniObject, Set<MessageType>, long, GstObject, int, Mutex, Cond) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Allocate a new Message with the fields set to the provided values.
Message(MiniObject, Set<MessageType>, long, GstObject, int, Mutex, Cond, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Allocate a new Message with the fields set to the provided values.
MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestLogType
MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessageError
The message was not handled by the receiver.
MESSAGE_ALREADY_IN_QUEUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.SessionError
the message is already in the session queue.
MESSAGE_BUS_CONNECTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnectionFlags
Pass this flag if connecting to a peer that is a message bus.
MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Message too large.
Message.AcceptCertificateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the AcceptCertificateCallback callback.
Message.AuthenticateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the AuthenticateCallback callback.
Message.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Message.ContentSniffedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the ContentSniffedCallback callback.
Message.FinishedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the FinishedCallback callback.
Message.GotBodyCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the GotBodyCallback callback.
Message.GotBodyDataCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the GotBodyDataCallback callback.
Message.GotHeadersCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the GotHeadersCallback callback.
Message.GotInformationalCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the GotInformationalCallback callback.
Message.HstsEnforcedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the HstsEnforcedCallback callback.
Message.MessageClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
Message.NetworkEventCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the NetworkEventCallback callback.
Message.RequestCertificateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the RequestCertificateCallback callback.
Message.RequestCertificatePasswordCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the RequestCertificatePasswordCallback callback.
Message.RestartedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the RestartedCallback callback.
Message.StartingCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the StartingCallback callback.
Message.WroteBodyCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the WroteBodyCallback callback.
Message.WroteBodyDataCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the WroteBodyDataCallback callback.
Message.WroteHeadersCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the WroteHeadersCallback callback.
MessageBody - Class in org.gnome.soup
SoupMessageBody represents the request or response body of a Message.
MessageBody() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Creates a new SoupMessageBody.
MessageBody(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Create a MessageBody proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MessageClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Message.MessageClass
Allocate a new MessageClass.
MessageClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Message.MessageClass
Allocate a new MessageClass.
MessageClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Message.MessageClass
Create a MessageClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MessageDialog - Class in org.gnome.adw
MessageDialog - Class in org.gnome.gtk
MessageDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
Create a MessageDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MessageDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog
Create a MessageDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MessageDialog(Window, String, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
MessageDialog(Window, Set<DialogFlags>, MessageType, ButtonsType, String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog
Use AlertDialog instead
MessageDialog(Window, DialogFlags, MessageType, ButtonsType, String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog
Use AlertDialog instead
MessageDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MessageDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MessageDialog.MessageDialogClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
MessageDialog.MessageDialogClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
MessageDialog.ResponseCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
MessageDialogClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.MessageDialogClass
Allocate a new MessageDialogClass.
MessageDialogClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.MessageDialogClass
Allocate a new MessageDialogClass.
MessageDialogClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.MessageDialogClass
Create a MessageDialogClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MessageDialogClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog.MessageDialogClass
Create a MessageDialogClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MessageFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
Various flags that can be set on a SoupMessage to alter its behavior.
messageFull(Set<MessageType>, Quark, int, String, String, String, String, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Post an error, warning or info message on the bus from inside an element.
messageFull(MessageType, Quark, int, String, String, String, String, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Post an error, warning or info message on the bus from inside an element.
messageFullWithDetails(Set<MessageType>, Quark, int, String, String, String, String, int, Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Post an error, warning or info message on the bus from inside an element.
messageFullWithDetails(MessageType, Quark, int, String, String, String, String, int, Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Post an error, warning or info message on the bus from inside an element.
messageGetType(Message) - Static method in interface
Check a bus message to see if it is a GstNavigation event, and return the GstNavigationMessageType identifying the type of the message if so.
MessageHeaders - Class in org.gnome.soup
The HTTP message headers associated with a request or response.
MessageHeaders(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Create a MessageHeaders proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MessageHeaders(MessageHeadersType) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Creates a SoupMessageHeaders.
MessageHeadersForeachFunc - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the MessageHeadersForeachFunc callback.
MessageHeadersIter - Class in org.gnome.soup
An opaque type used to iterate over a SoupMessageHeaders structure.
MessageHeadersIter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersIter
Allocate a new MessageHeadersIter.
MessageHeadersIter(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersIter
Allocate a new MessageHeadersIter.
MessageHeadersIter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersIter
Create a MessageHeadersIter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MessageHeadersIter(MemorySegment[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersIter
Allocate a new MessageHeadersIter with the fields set to the provided values.
MessageHeadersIter(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersIter
Allocate a new MessageHeadersIter with the fields set to the provided values.
MessageHeadersType - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
Value passed to MessageHeaders(org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersType) to set certain default behaviors.
MessageMetrics - Class in org.gnome.soup
Contains metrics collected while loading a Message either from the network or the disk cache.
MessageMetrics(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.MessageMetrics
Create a MessageMetrics proxy instance for the provided memory address.
messageNewAnglesChanged(GstObject, int, int) - Static method in interface
Creates a new GstNavigation message with type GST_NAVIGATION_MESSAGE_ANGLES_CHANGED for notifying an application that the current angle, or current number of angles available in a multiangle video has changed.
messageNewCommandsChanged(GstObject) - Static method in interface
Creates a new GstNavigation message with type GST_NAVIGATION_MESSAGE_COMMANDS_CHANGED
messageNewEvent(GstObject, Event) - Static method in interface
Creates a new GstNavigation message with type GST_NAVIGATION_MESSAGE_EVENT.
messageNewMouseOver(GstObject, boolean) - Static method in interface
Creates a new GstNavigation message with type GST_NAVIGATION_MESSAGE_MOUSE_OVER.
messageParseAnglesChanged(Message, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in interface
Parse a GstNavigation message of type GST_NAVIGATION_MESSAGE_ANGLES_CHANGED and extract the curAngle and nAngles parameters.
messageParseEvent(Message, Out<Event>) - Static method in interface
Parse a GstNavigation message of type GST_NAVIGATION_MESSAGE_EVENT and extract contained GstEvent.
messageParseMouseOver(Message, Out<Boolean>) - Static method in interface
Parse a GstNavigation message of type GST_NAVIGATION_MESSAGE_MOUSE_OVER and extract the active/inactive flag.
MessagePriority - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
Priorities that can be set on a Message to instruct the message queue to process it before any other message with lower priority.
MessageType - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The different message types that are available.
MessageType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The type of message being displayed in a MessageDialog.
Meta - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The GstMeta structure should be included as the first member of a GstBuffer metadata structure.
Meta() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Allocate a new Meta.
Meta(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Allocate a new Meta.
Meta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Create a Meta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Meta(Set<MetaFlags>, MetaInfo) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Allocate a new Meta with the fields set to the provided values.
Meta(Set<MetaFlags>, MetaInfo, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Allocate a new Meta with the fields set to the provided values.
META - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferCopyFlags
flag indicating that buffer meta should be copied
META - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagFlag
tag is meta data
META_MASK - Enum constant in enum class
the Meta modifier
META_MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
the Meta modifier.
META_TAG_AUDIO_CHANNELS_STR - Static variable in class
This metadata stays relevant as long as channels are unchanged.
META_TAG_AUDIO_RATE_STR - Static variable in class
This metadata stays relevant as long as sample rate is unchanged.
META_TAG_AUDIO_STR - Static variable in class
This metadata is relevant for audio streams.
META_TAG_DSD_PLANE_OFFSETS_STR - Static variable in class
This metadata stays relevant as long as the DSD plane offsets are unchanged.
META_TAG_MEMORY_REFERENCE_STR - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
This metadata stays relevant until a deep copy is made.
META_TAG_MEMORY_STR - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
This metadata stays relevant as long as memory layout is unchanged.
META_TAG_VIDEO_COLORSPACE_STR - Static variable in class
This metadata stays relevant as long as video colorspace is unchanged.
META_TAG_VIDEO_ORIENTATION_STR - Static variable in class
This metadata stays relevant as long as video orientation is unchanged.
META_TAG_VIDEO_SIZE_STR - Static variable in class
This metadata stays relevant as long as video size is unchanged.
META_TAG_VIDEO_STR - Static variable in class
This metadata is relevant for video streams.
MetaClearFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MetaClearFunction callback.
METADATA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.PbUtilsCapsDescriptionFlags
Caps describe a metadata format, or a container format that can store metadata.
MetaDeserializeFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MetaDeserializeFunction callback.
MetaFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Extra metadata flags.
MetaFreeFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MetaFreeFunction callback.
MetaInfo - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The GstMetaInfo provides information about a specific metadata structure.
MetaInfo() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Allocate a new MetaInfo.
MetaInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Allocate a new MetaInfo.
MetaInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Create a MetaInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MetaInfo(Type, Type, long, MetaInitFunction, MetaFreeFunction, MetaTransformFunction, MetaSerializeFunction, MetaDeserializeFunction, MetaClearFunction) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Allocate a new MetaInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
MetaInfo(Type, Type, long, MetaInitFunction, MetaFreeFunction, MetaTransformFunction, MetaSerializeFunction, MetaDeserializeFunction, MetaClearFunction, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Allocate a new MetaInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
MetaInitFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MetaInitFunction callback.
MetaSerializeFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MetaSerializeFunction callback.
MetaTransformCopy - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Extra data passed to a "gst-copy" transform GstMetaTransformFunction.
MetaTransformCopy() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaTransformCopy
Allocate a new MetaTransformCopy.
MetaTransformCopy(boolean, long, long) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaTransformCopy
Allocate a new MetaTransformCopy with the fields set to the provided values.
MetaTransformCopy(boolean, long, long, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaTransformCopy
Allocate a new MetaTransformCopy with the fields set to the provided values.
MetaTransformCopy(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaTransformCopy
Allocate a new MetaTransformCopy.
MetaTransformCopy(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaTransformCopy
Create a MetaTransformCopy proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MetaTransformFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MetaTransformFunction callback.
METER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
An element that represents a value within a known range.
METHOD_CALL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageType
Method call.
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
405 Method Not Allowed (HTTP)
METHOD_RETURN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageType
Method reply.
methodCall(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Creates a new GDBusMessage for a method call.
METRIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintVflParserError
Invalid or unknown metric
MFILE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
The current process has too many files open and can't open any more.
MFILE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
execv() returned EMFILE
MHTML - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SaveMode
Save the current page using the MHTML format.
MIAO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
MIAO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
MIAO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
MICRO_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
Adwaita micro version component (e.g.
MICRO_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The micro version number of the GLib library.
MICRO_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Like Gtk.getMicroVersion(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
MICRO_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GtkSource
Like gtk_source_get_micro_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
MICRO_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Like Soup.getMicroVersion(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
MICRO_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Like jsc_get_micro_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
MICRO_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
Like webkit_get_micro_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
MIDDLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.EllipsizeMode
Omit characters in the middle of the text
MIDDLE_CLICK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TitlebarGesture
middle click gesture
min(Vec2, Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Compares the two given vectors and places the minimum values of each component into res.
min(Vec3, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Compares each component of the two given vectors and creates a vector that contains the minimum values.
min(Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Compares each component of the two given vectors and creates a vector that contains the minimum values.
MIN_ASPECT_RATIO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointConditionRatioType
true if the aspect ratio is greater than or equal to the condition value
MIN_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointConditionLengthType
true if the height is greater than or equal to the condition value
MIN_RESULT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestLogType
MIN_WIDTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointConditionLengthType
true if the width is greater than or equal to the condition value
MINIMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.LoggerLogLevel
Log the Request-Line or Status-Line and the Soup-Debug pseudo-headers
minimize() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Asks to minimize the this Toplevel.
minimize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Asks to minimize the specified this Window.
MINIMIZED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
the surface is minimized
MINIMUM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindProbability
unlikely typefind.
MINIMUM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.FoldThresholdPolicy
Folding is based on the minimum size
MINIMUM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollablePolicy
Scrollable adjustments are based on the minimum size
MININT16 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The minimum value which can be held in a gint16.
MININT32 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The minimum value which can be held in a gint32.
MININT64 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The minimum value which can be held in a gint64.
MININT8 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The minimum value which can be held in a gint8.
MiniObject - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstMiniObject is a simple structure that can be used to implement refcounted types.
MiniObject() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Allocate a new MiniObject.
MiniObject(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Allocate a new MiniObject.
MiniObject(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Create a MiniObject proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MiniObject(Type, int, int, int, MiniObjectCopyFunction, MiniObjectDisposeFunction, MiniObjectFreeFunction, int, MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Allocate a new MiniObject with the fields set to the provided values.
MiniObject(Type, int, int, int, MiniObjectCopyFunction, MiniObjectDisposeFunction, MiniObjectFreeFunction, int, MemorySegment, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Allocate a new MiniObject with the fields set to the provided values.
MiniObjectCopyFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MiniObjectCopyFunction callback.
MiniObjectDisposeFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MiniObjectDisposeFunction callback.
MiniObjectFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Flags for the mini object
MiniObjectFreeFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MiniObjectFreeFunction callback.
MiniObjectNotify - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the MiniObjectNotify callback.
MINOR_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
Adwaita minor version component (e.g.
MINOR_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The minor version number of the GLib library.
MINOR_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Like Gtk.getMinorVersion(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
MINOR_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GtkSource
Like gtk_source_get_minor_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
MINOR_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Like Soup.getMinorVersion(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
MINOR_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Like jsc_get_minor_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
MINOR_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
Like webkit_get_minor_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
minusOne() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
A graphene_box_t with the minimum vertex set at (-1, -1, -1) and the maximum vertex set at (0, 0, 0).
MISC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSerializeFlags
Serialize miscellaneous information for each stream
MISC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsError
Miscellaneous TLS error
MISDIRECTED_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
421 Misdirected Request
MISSING_ATTRIBUTE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupError
error should be set by GMarkupParser functions; a required attribute was missing
MISSING_ATTRIBUTE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
An attribute that is required by GtkBuilder was missing.
MISSING_BACK_REFERENCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
"\\\\g" is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name or number, or by a plain number.
MISSING_CONTROL_CHAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
"\\\\c" at end of pattern.
MISSING_DIGIT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Missing digit.
MISSING_NAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
"\\\\k" is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name.
MISSING_PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
used if a plugin is missing.
MISSING_PLUGINS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererResult
Some plugins are missing for full discovery
MISSING_PROPERTY_VALUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
A required property value was missing.
MISSING_SUBPATTERN_NAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Missing subpattern name.
MISSING_SUBPATTERN_NAME_TERMINATOR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Missing terminator in subpattern name.
MISSING_VALUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutDeserializeError
A required JSon member was not found
missingDecoderInstallerDetailNew(Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via gst_install_plugins_async() or gst_install_plugins_sync().
missingDecoderMessageNew(Element, Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Creates a missing-plugin message for element to notify the application that a decoder element for a particular set of (fixed) caps is missing.
missingElementInstallerDetailNew(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via gst_install_plugins_async() or gst_install_plugins_sync().
missingElementMessageNew(Element, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Creates a missing-plugin message for element to notify the application that a certain required element is missing.
missingEncoderInstallerDetailNew(Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via gst_install_plugins_async() or gst_install_plugins_sync().
missingEncoderMessageNew(Element, Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Creates a missing-plugin message for element to notify the application that an encoder element for a particular set of (fixed) caps is missing.
missingPluginMessageGetDescription(Message) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Returns a localised string describing the missing feature, for use in error dialogs and the like.
missingPluginMessageGetInstallerDetail(Message) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via gst_install_plugins_async() or gst_install_plugins_sync().
missingUriSinkInstallerDetailNew(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via gst_install_plugins_async() or gst_install_plugins_sync().
missingUriSinkMessageNew(Element, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Creates a missing-plugin message for element to notify the application that a sink element for a particular URI protocol is missing.
missingUriSourceInstallerDetailNew(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via gst_install_plugins_async() or gst_install_plugins_sync().
missingUriSourceMessageNew(Element, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Creates a missing-plugin message for element to notify the application that a source element for a particular URI protocol is missing.
MIT_X11 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
The MIT/X11 standard license
MITER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.LineJoin
Use a sharp angled corner
MIXED - Enum constant in enum class
frames contains both interlaced and progressive video, the buffer flags describe the frame and fields.
MIXED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTristate
The state is mixed
MIXED_MONO - Enum constant in enum class
The video stream contains both mono and multiview portions, signalled on each buffer by the absence or presence of the GSTVIDEOBUFFERFLAGMULTIPLEVIEW buffer flag.
mkdir(String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A wrapper for the POSIX mkdir() function.
mkdirWithParents(String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Create a directory if it doesn't already exist.
mkdtemp(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a temporary directory.
mkdtempFull(String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a temporary directory.
mkstemp(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Opens a temporary file.
mkstempFull(String, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Opens a temporary file.
MM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Unit
Dimensions in millimeters
MnemonicAction - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkShortcutAction that calls gtk_widget_mnemonic_activate().
MnemonicAction(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicAction
Create a MnemonicAction proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MnemonicAction.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MnemonicAction.MnemonicActionClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
MnemonicActionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicAction.MnemonicActionClass
Create a MnemonicActionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
mnemonicActivate(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emits the ::mnemonic-activate signal.
MnemonicTrigger - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkShortcutTrigger that triggers when a specific mnemonic is pressed.
MnemonicTrigger(int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicTrigger
Creates a GtkShortcutTrigger that will trigger whenever the key with the given keyval is pressed and mnemonics have been activated.
MnemonicTrigger(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicTrigger
Create a MnemonicTrigger proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MnemonicTrigger.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MnemonicTrigger.MnemonicTriggerClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
MnemonicTriggerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicTrigger.MnemonicTriggerClass
Create a MnemonicTriggerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MOD1_MASK - Enum constant in enum class
the third modifier key
MOD2_MASK - Enum constant in enum class
the fourth modifier key
MOD3_MASK - Enum constant in enum class
the fifth modifier key
MOD4_MASK - Enum constant in enum class
the sixth modifier key
MOD5_MASK - Enum constant in enum class
the seventh modifier key
MODAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Indicates whether an element is modal when displayed.
MODAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DialogFlags
Make the constructed dialog modal
MODI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Modi, Since: 0.9.30
MODI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
MODI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
modifiedChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
The class handler for the GtkTextBuffer::modified-changed signal.
MODIFIER_LETTER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
MODIFIER_LETTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Letter, Modifier" (Lm)
MODIFIER_MASK - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
A mask covering all entries in GdkModifierType.
MODIFIER_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
MODIFIER_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Symbol, Modifier" (Sk)
ModifierType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Flags to indicate the state of modifier keys and mouse buttons in events.
modify(TreeModel, TreeIter, Value, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter
modifyUnixFd(MemorySegment, Set<IOCondition>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Updates the event mask to watch for the fd identified by tag.
modifyUnixFd(MemorySegment, IOCondition...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Updates the event mask to watch for the fd identified by tag.
Module - Class in org.gnome.gmodule
The GModule struct is an opaque data structure to represent a [dynamically-loaded module][glib-Dynamic-Loading-of-Modules].
Module(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gmodule.Module
Create a Module proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MODULE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginError
The plugin could not be loaded
MODULE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.CheckSyntaxMode
mode to check syntax of a module
MODULE_IMPL_AR - Static variable in class org.gnome.gmodule.GModule
MODULE_IMPL_DL - Static variable in class org.gnome.gmodule.GModule
MODULE_IMPL_NONE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gmodule.GModule
MODULE_IMPL_WIN32 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gmodule.GModule
MODULE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
ModuleCheckInit - Interface in org.gnome.gmodule
Functional interface declaration of the ModuleCheckInit callback.
ModuleError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gmodule
Errors returned by g_module_open_full().
ModuleFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gmodule
Flags passed to g_module_open().
MODULES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Information about modules and extensions
ModuleUnload - Interface in org.gnome.gmodule
Functional interface declaration of the ModuleUnload callback.
MONDAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateWeekday
MONGOLIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
MONGOLIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
MONGOLIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
monitor(Set<FileMonitorFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Obtains a file or directory monitor for the given file, depending on the type of the file.
monitor(FileMonitorFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Obtains a file or directory monitor for the given file, depending on the type of the file.
Monitor - Class in org.gnome.gdk
GdkMonitor objects represent the individual outputs that are associated with a GdkDisplay.
Monitor(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Create a Monitor proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Monitor.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Monitor.InvalidateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the InvalidateCallback callback.
Monitor.MonitorClass - Class in org.gnome.gdk
MonitorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor.MonitorClass
Create a MonitorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
monitorDirectory(Set<FileMonitorFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Obtains a directory monitor for the given file.
monitorDirectory(FileMonitorFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Obtains a directory monitor for the given file.
monitorFile(Set<FileMonitorFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Obtains a file monitor for the given file.
monitorFile(FileMonitorFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Obtains a file monitor for the given file.
MONO - Enum constant in enum class
Mono without direction; can only be used with 1 channel
MONO - Enum constant in enum class
All frames are monoscopic.
MONO - Enum constant in enum class
All frames are monoscopic.
MONOSPACED_NUMBERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
MONOSPACED_TEXT - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
MONOTONE_CHARACTERS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferClusterLevel
Return cluster values grouped into monotone order.
MONOTONE_GRAPHEMES - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferClusterLevel
Return cluster values grouped by graphemes into monotone order.
MONOTONIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockType
monotonic time since some unspecified starting point
MONTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateDMY
a month
MORE_STRICT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FilterChange
The filter is more strict than it was before: All items that it used to return false for still return false, others now may, too.
MORE_STRICT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SorterChange
The sorter is more strict: Comparisons that did return Ordering.EQUAL may not do so anymore.
MOTION_NOTIFY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
the pointer (usually a mouse) has moved.
MotionEvent - Class in org.gnome.gdk
An event related to a pointer or touch device motion.
MotionEvent(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.MotionEvent
Create a MotionEvent proxy instance for the provided memory address.
mount(Set<MountMountFlags>, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Mounts a volume.
mount(MountMountFlags, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Mounts a volume.
Mount - Interface in org.gnome.gio
The GMount interface represents a user-visible mount, such as a mounted file system.
Mount.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
Mount.MountIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Interface for implementing operations for mounts.
Mount.MountImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The MountImpl type represents a native instance of the Mount interface.
Mount.PreUnmountCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the PreUnmountCallback callback.
Mount.UnmountedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the UnmountedCallback callback.
MOUNTABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileType
File is a mountable location.
mountAdded(Mount) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
mountChanged(Mount) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
mountEnclosingVolume(Set<MountMountFlags>, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Starts a mountOperation, mounting the volume that contains the file this File.
mountEnclosingVolume(MountMountFlags, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Starts a mountOperation, mounting the volume that contains the file this File.
mountEnclosingVolumeFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes a mount operation started by g_file_mount_enclosing_volume().
mountFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Finishes mounting a volume.
MountIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Allocate a new MountIface.
MountIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Allocate a new MountIface.
MountIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Create a MountIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MountImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountImpl
Creates a new instance of Mount for the provided memory address.
mountMountable(Set<MountMountFlags>, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Mounts a file of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE.
mountMountable(MountMountFlags, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Mounts a file of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE.
mountMountableFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes a mount operation.
MountMountFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used when mounting a mount.
MountOperation - Class in org.gnome.gio
GMountOperation provides a mechanism for interacting with the user.
MountOperation - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkMountOperation is an implementation of GMountOperation.
MountOperation() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Creates a new mount operation.
MountOperation() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation
Calls MountOperation(org.gnome.gtk.Window) with parent = null
MountOperation(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Create a MountOperation proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MountOperation(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation
Create a MountOperation proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MountOperation(Window) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation
Creates a new GtkMountOperation.
MountOperation.AbortedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the AbortedCallback callback.
MountOperation.AskPasswordCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the AskPasswordCallback callback.
MountOperation.AskQuestionCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the AskQuestionCallback callback.
MountOperation.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MountOperation.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MountOperation.MountOperationClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
MountOperation.MountOperationClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
MountOperation.ReplyCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ReplyCallback callback.
MountOperation.ShowProcessesCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ShowProcessesCallback callback.
MountOperation.ShowUnmountProgressCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ShowUnmountProgressCallback callback.
MountOperationClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.MountOperationClass
Allocate a new MountOperationClass.
MountOperationClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation.MountOperationClass
Allocate a new MountOperationClass.
MountOperationClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.MountOperationClass
Allocate a new MountOperationClass.
MountOperationClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation.MountOperationClass
Allocate a new MountOperationClass.
MountOperationClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.MountOperationClass
Create a MountOperationClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MountOperationClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation.MountOperationClass
Create a MountOperationClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MountOperationFactory - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the MountOperationFactory callback.
MountOperationResult - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
GMountOperationResult is returned as a result when a request for information is send by the mounting operation.
mountPreUnmount(Mount) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
mountRemoved(Mount) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
MountUnmountFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used when an unmounting a mount.
MOUSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceToolType
Tool is a mouse.
MOUSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.InputSource
the device is a mouse.
MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESS - Enum constant in enum class
A mouse button press event.
MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASE - Enum constant in enum class
A mouse button release event.
MOUSE_MOVE - Enum constant in enum class
A mouse movement event.
MOUSE_OVER - Enum constant in enum class
Sent when the mouse moves over or leaves a clickable region of the output, such as a DVD menu button.
MOUSE_SCROLL - Enum constant in enum class
A mouse scroll event.
mouseTargetChanged(HitTestResult, int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
move(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SequenceIter
Returns the GSequenceIter which is delta positions away from this SequenceIter.
move(File, Set<FileCopyFlags>, Cancellable, FileProgressCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Tries to move the file or directory this File to the location specified by destination.
move(File, FileCopyFlags, Cancellable, FileProgressCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Tries to move the file or directory this File to the location specified by destination.
move(SequenceIter, SequenceIter) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Moves the item pointed to by src to the position indicated by dest.
move(Widget, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed
Sets a translation transformation to the given x and y coordinates to the child widget of the GtkFixed.
MOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragAction
Move the data, i.e.
MOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathOperation
A move-to operation, with 1 point describing the target point.
moveAfter(TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Use list models
moveAfter(TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
moveAsync(File, Set<FileCopyFlags>, int, Cancellable, FileProgressCallback, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously moves a file this File to the location of destination.
moveAsync(File, FileCopyFlags, int, Cancellable, FileProgressCallback, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously moves a file this File to the location of destination.
moveAsyncWithClosures(File, Set<FileCopyFlags>, int, Cancellable, Closure, Closure) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
moveAsyncWithClosures(File, FileCopyFlags, int, Cancellable, Closure, Closure) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
moveBefore(TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Use list models
moveBefore(TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
moveColumnAfter(TreeViewColumn, TreeViewColumn) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
moveCursor(MovementStep, int, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
The class handler for the GtkTextView::move-cursor keybinding signal.
moveCursor(MovementStep, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
moveCursorVisually(boolean, int, int, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Computes a new cursor position from an old position and a direction.
MOVED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorEvent
the file was moved -- only sent if the (deprecated) FileMonitorFlags.SEND_MOVED flag is set
MOVED_IN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorEvent
the file was moved into the monitored directory from another location -- only sent if the FileMonitorFlags.WATCH_MOVES flag is set.
MOVED_OUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorEvent
the file was moved out of the monitored directory to another location -- only sent if the FileMonitorFlags.WATCH_MOVES flag is set.
MOVED_PERMANENTLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
301 Moved Permanently (HTTP)
MOVED_TEMPORARILY - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
302 Moved Temporarily (old name, RFC 2068)
moveFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous file movement, started with g_file_move_async().
moveFocus(DirectionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Signal emitted when a change of focus is requested
moveItem(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Changes the URI of a bookmark item from oldUri to newUri.
moveItem(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
Changes the location of a recently used resource from uri to newUri.
moveItem(ContextMenuItem, int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Moves item to the given position in the this ContextMenu.
moveItem(ContextMenuItem, int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Moves item to the given position in the this ContextMenu.
moveLines(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
moveMark(TextMark, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Moves mark to the new location where.
moveMarkByName(String, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Moves the mark named name (which must exist) to location where.
moveMarkOnscreen(TextMark) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Moves a mark within the buffer so that it's located within the currently-visible text area.
MovementStep - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Passed as argument to various keybinding signals for moving the cursor position.
moveOverlay(Widget, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Updates the position of a child.
moveRange(SequenceIter, SequenceIter, SequenceIter) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Inserts the (begin, end) range at the destination pointed to by dest.
moveSlider(ScrollType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
moveTo(float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Starts a new contour by placing the pen at x, y.
moveToFront(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Moves the item to the front of the queue of unprocessed items, so that it will be processed next.
moveVisually(TextIter, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Move the iterator a given number of characters visually, treating it as the strong cursor position.
moveWords(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
MPEG - Enum constant in enum class
samples in mpeg audio (but not AAC) format
MPEG2 - Static variable in enum class
mpeg2 style cositing
MPEG2_AAC - Enum constant in enum class
samples in MPEG-2 AAC ADTS format
MPEG2_AAC_RAW - Enum constant in enum class
samples in MPEG-2 AAC raw format (Since: 1.12)
MPEG4_AAC - Enum constant in enum class
samples in MPEG-4 AAC ADTS format
MPEG4_AAC_RAW - Enum constant in enum class
samples in MPEG-4 AAC raw format (Since: 1.12)
MPL_2_0 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
The Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
MRO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Mroo, Since: 0.9.30
MRO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
MRO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
MSECOND - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Constant that defines one GStreamer millisecond.
MT2110R - Enum constant in enum class
Mediatek 10bit NV12 little endian with 16x32 tiles in linear order, raster 2 bits.
MT2110T - Enum constant in enum class
Mediatek 10bit NV12 little endian with 16x32 tiles in linear order, tile 2 bits.
MU_LAW - Enum constant in enum class
samples in mulaw
MULT - Enum constant in enum class
multiply all alpha with GST_VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_ALPHA_VALUE.
MULTANI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Mult, Since: 0.9.30
MULTANI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
MULTANI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
MULTI_LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Indicates whether a text box accepts multiple lines of input or only a single line.
MULTI_SELECTABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Indicates that the user may select more than one item from the current selectable descendants.
MULTI_STATUS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
207 Multi-Status (WebDAV)
MULTIDISK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DriveStartStopType
The start/stop methods will assemble/disassemble a virtual drive from several physical drives.
MultiFilter<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkMultiFilter is the base class for filters that combine multiple filters.
MultiFilter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MultiFilter
Create a MultiFilter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MultiFilter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MultiFilter.MultiFilterClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
MultiFilter.MultiFilterImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The MultiFilterImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract MultiFilter class.
MultiFilterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MultiFilter.MultiFilterClass
Create a MultiFilterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MultiFilterImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MultiFilter.MultiFilterImpl
Creates a new instance of MultiFilter for the provided memory address.
MultiLayoutView - Class in org.gnome.adw
A widget for switching between different layouts.
MultiLayoutView() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView
Creates a new AdwMultiLayoutView.
MultiLayoutView(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView
Create a MultiLayoutView proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MultiLayoutView.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MultiLayoutView.MultiLayoutViewClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
MultiLayoutViewClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView.MultiLayoutViewClass
Allocate a new MultiLayoutViewClass.
MultiLayoutViewClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView.MultiLayoutViewClass
Allocate a new MultiLayoutViewClass.
MultiLayoutViewClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView.MultiLayoutViewClass
Create a MultiLayoutViewClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MULTILINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
By default, GRegex treats the strings as consisting of a single line of characters (even if it actually contains newlines).
Multipart - Class in org.gnome.soup
Represents a multipart HTTP message body, parsed according to the syntax of RFC 2046.
Multipart(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Multipart
Create a Multipart proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Multipart(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Multipart
Creates a new empty SoupMultipart with a randomly-generated boundary string.
MULTIPART - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersType
multipart body part headers
MultipartInputStream - Class in org.gnome.soup
Handles streams of multipart messages.
MultipartInputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.MultipartInputStream
Create a MultipartInputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MultipartInputStream(Message, InputStream) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.MultipartInputStream
Creates a new SoupMultipartInputStream that wraps the InputStream obtained by sending the Message.
MultipartInputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MultipartInputStream.MultipartInputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
MultipartInputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.MultipartInputStream.MultipartInputStreamClass
Allocate a new MultipartInputStreamClass.
MultipartInputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.MultipartInputStream.MultipartInputStreamClass
Allocate a new MultipartInputStreamClass.
MultipartInputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.MultipartInputStream.MultipartInputStreamClass
Create a MultipartInputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MULTIPLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionMode
Any number of elements may be selected.
MULTIPLE_CHOICES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
300 Multiple Choices (HTTP)
MULTIPLE_VIEW - Enum constant in enum class
The GstBuffer contains one or more specific views, such as left or right eye view.
MULTIPLE_VIEW - Enum constant in enum class
The video contains one or more non-mono views
multiply(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Multiplies two graphene_matrix_t.
multiply(Quaternion, Quaternion) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Multiplies two graphene_quaternion_t this Quaternion and b.
multiply(Vec2, Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Multiplies each component of the two passed vectors and places each result into the components of res.
multiply(Vec3, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Multiplies each component of the two given vectors.
multiply(Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Multiplies each component of the two given vectors.
MULTIPLY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
source and destination layers are multiplied.
MULTIPLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
The source color is multiplied by the destination and replaces the destination
MultiSelection<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkMultiSelection is a GtkSelectionModel that allows selecting multiple elements.
MultiSelection() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSelection
MultiSelection(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSelection
Create a MultiSelection proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MultiSelection(ListModel) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSelection
Creates a new selection to handle model.
MultiSelection.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MultiSelection.MultiSelectionClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
MultiSelectionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSelection.MultiSelectionClass
Allocate a new MultiSelectionClass.
MultiSelectionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSelection.MultiSelectionClass
Allocate a new MultiSelectionClass.
MultiSelectionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSelection.MultiSelectionClass
Create a MultiSelectionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MultiSorter<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkMultiSorter combines multiple sorters by trying them in turn.
MultiSorter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSorter
Creates a new multi sorter.
MultiSorter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSorter
Create a MultiSorter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MultiSorter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
MultiSorter.MultiSorterClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
MultiSorterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSorter.MultiSorterClass
Allocate a new MultiSorterClass.
MultiSorterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSorter.MultiSorterClass
Allocate a new MultiSorterClass.
MultiSorterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSorter.MultiSorterClass
Create a MultiSorterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MULTIVIEW_FRAME_BY_FRAME - Enum constant in enum class
Multiple independent views are provided in separate frames in sequence.
MUST_COLLECT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalFlags
Varargs signal emission will always collect the arguments, even if there are no signal handlers connected.
mustCollect() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Signal
Varargs signal emission will always collect the arguments, even if there are no signal handlers connected.
MUTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.MediaCaptureState
Media capture is muted.
Mutex - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GMutex struct is an opaque data structure to represent a mutex (mutual exclusion).
Mutex(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Mutex
Allocate a new Mutex.
Mutex(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Mutex
Create a Mutex proxy instance for the provided memory address.
MutexLocker - Class in org.gnome.glib
Opaque type.
MutexLocker() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.MutexLocker
MUX - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
used when muxing fails.
MX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverRecordType
look up DNS MX records for a domain
MYANMAR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
MYANMAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
MYANMAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script


N_DIRECTORIES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UserDirectory
the number of enum values
N_FORMATS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
The number of formats.
NABATAEAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Nbat, Since: 0.9.30
NABATAEAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
NABATAEAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
NAG_MUNDARI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Nagm, Since: 5.2.0
NAG_MUNDARI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Nag Mundari.
name() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Namespace
name() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Property
name() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.RegisteredType
name() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Signal
The name of the signal.
name() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.annotations.GtkCallback
name() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.annotations.GtkChild
name() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.annotations.GtkTemplate
name() - Method in class org.gnome.gmodule.Module
Returns the filename that the module was opened with.
NAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CssParserError
The given name has not been defined
NAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputPurpose
Edited field expects the name of a person
NAME_HAS_NO_OWNER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
The bus name you referenced doesn't exist (i.e.
NAME_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginError
The plugin has already be loaded from a different file
NAME_TOO_LONG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
the name is too long in "(*MARK)", "(*PRUNE)", "(*SKIP)", or "(*THEN)".
NamedAction - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkShortcutAction that activates an action by name.
NamedAction(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NamedAction
Create a NamedAction proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NamedAction(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NamedAction
Creates an action that when activated, activates the named action on the widget.
NamedAction.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
NamedAction.NamedActionClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
NamedActionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NamedAction.NamedActionClass
Create a NamedActionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
nameIsValid(String) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.Action
Checks if actionName is valid.
nameLost() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
invoked when another instance is taking over the name.
Namespace - Annotation Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations
NAMETOOLONG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Filename too long.
NAMETOOLONG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
execv() returned ENAMETOOLONG
NANDINAGARI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Nand, Since: 2.4.0
NANDINAGARI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
NARROW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherPolicy
Force the narrow mode
NARROW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CicpRange
The values use the range of 16-235 (for Y) and 16-240 for u and v.
Native - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
GtkNative is the interface implemented by all widgets that have their own GdkSurface.
NATIVE_VOLUME_MONITOR_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Native.NativeImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The NativeImpl type represents a native instance of the Native interface.
Native.NativeInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
NativeDialog - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Native dialogs are platform dialogs that don't use GtkDialog.
NativeDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
Create a NativeDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NativeDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
NativeDialog.NativeDialogClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Class structure for GtkNativeDialog.
NativeDialog.NativeDialogImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The NativeDialogImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract NativeDialog class.
NativeDialog.ResponseCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ResponseCallback callback.
NativeDialogClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.NativeDialogClass
Allocate a new NativeDialogClass.
NativeDialogClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.NativeDialogClass
Allocate a new NativeDialogClass.
NativeDialogClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.NativeDialogClass
Create a NativeDialogClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NativeDialogImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.NativeDialogImpl
Creates a new instance of NativeDialog for the provided memory address.
NativeImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Native.NativeImpl
Creates a new instance of Native for the provided memory address.
NativeInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Native.NativeInterface
Create a NativeInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NativeSocketAddress - Class in org.gnome.gio
A socket address of some unknown native type.
NativeSocketAddress(MemorySegment, long) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NativeSocketAddress
Creates a new GNativeSocketAddress for native_ and len.
NativeSocketAddress(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NativeSocketAddress
Create a NativeSocketAddress proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NativeSocketAddress.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
NativeSocketAddress.NativeSocketAddressClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
NativeSocketAddressClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NativeSocketAddress.NativeSocketAddressClass
Allocate a new NativeSocketAddressClass.
NativeSocketAddressClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NativeSocketAddress.NativeSocketAddressClass
Allocate a new NativeSocketAddressClass.
NativeSocketAddressClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NativeSocketAddress.NativeSocketAddressClass
Create a NativeSocketAddressClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NativeVolumeMonitor - Class in org.gnome.gio
NativeVolumeMonitor(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NativeVolumeMonitor
Create a NativeVolumeMonitor proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NativeVolumeMonitor.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
NativeVolumeMonitor.NativeVolumeMonitorClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
NativeVolumeMonitor.NativeVolumeMonitorImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The NativeVolumeMonitorImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract NativeVolumeMonitor class.
NativeVolumeMonitorClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NativeVolumeMonitor.NativeVolumeMonitorClass
Allocate a new NativeVolumeMonitorClass.
NativeVolumeMonitorClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NativeVolumeMonitor.NativeVolumeMonitorClass
Allocate a new NativeVolumeMonitorClass.
NativeVolumeMonitorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NativeVolumeMonitor.NativeVolumeMonitorClass
Create a NativeVolumeMonitorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NativeVolumeMonitorImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NativeVolumeMonitor.NativeVolumeMonitorImpl
Creates a new instance of NativeVolumeMonitor for the provided memory address.
NATURAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.FoldThresholdPolicy
Folding is based on the natural size
NATURAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollablePolicy
Scrollable adjustments are based on the natural size
NATURAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.GravityHint
scripts will take their natural gravity based on the base gravity and the script.
NaturalWrapMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Options for selecting a different wrap mode for natural size requests.
navigate(NavigationDirection) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
navigation(Structure) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new navigation event from the given description.
Navigation - Interface in
The Navigation interface is used for creating and injecting navigation related events such as mouse button presses, cursor motion and key presses.
NAVIGATION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Navigation events are usually used for communicating user requests, such as mouse or keyboard movements, to upstream elements.
NAVIGATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
NAVIGATION_ACTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecisionType
This type of policy decision is requested when WebKit is about to navigate to a new page in either the main frame or a subframe.
Navigation.NavigationImpl - Class in
The NavigationImpl type represents a native instance of the Navigation interface.
Navigation.NavigationInterface - Class in
Navigation interface.
NavigationAction - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Provides details about interaction resulting in a resource load.
NavigationAction(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationAction
Create a NavigationAction proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NavigationCommand - Enum Class in
A set of commands that may be issued to an element providing the GstNavigation interface.
NavigationDirection - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
Describes the direction of a swipe navigation gesture.
NavigationEventType - Enum Class in
Enum values for the various events that an element implementing the GstNavigation interface might send up the pipeline.
NavigationImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of Navigation for the provided memory address.
NavigationInterface() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new NavigationInterface.
NavigationInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new NavigationInterface.
NavigationInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a NavigationInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NavigationMessageType - Enum Class in
A set of notifications that may be received on the bus when navigation related status changes.
NavigationModifierType - Enum Class in
Flags to indicate the state of modifier keys and mouse buttons in events.
NavigationPage - Class in org.gnome.adw
NavigationPage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Create a NavigationPage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NavigationPage(Widget, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Creates a new AdwNavigationPage.
NavigationPage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
NavigationPage.HiddenCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the HiddenCallback callback.
NavigationPage.HidingCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the HidingCallback callback.
NavigationPage.NavigationPageClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
NavigationPage.ShowingCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ShowingCallback callback.
NavigationPage.ShownCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ShownCallback callback.
NavigationPageClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.NavigationPageClass
Allocate a new NavigationPageClass.
NavigationPageClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.NavigationPageClass
Allocate a new NavigationPageClass.
NavigationPageClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.NavigationPageClass
Create a NavigationPageClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NavigationPolicyDecision - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A policy decision for navigation actions.
NavigationPolicyDecision(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationPolicyDecision
Create a NavigationPolicyDecision proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NavigationPolicyDecision.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
NavigationPolicyDecision.NavigationPolicyDecisionClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
NavigationPolicyDecisionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationPolicyDecision.NavigationPolicyDecisionClass
Allocate a new NavigationPolicyDecisionClass.
NavigationPolicyDecisionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationPolicyDecision.NavigationPolicyDecisionClass
Allocate a new NavigationPolicyDecisionClass.
NavigationPolicyDecisionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationPolicyDecision.NavigationPolicyDecisionClass
Create a NavigationPolicyDecisionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NavigationQueryType - Enum Class in
Types of navigation interface queries.
NavigationSplitView - Class in org.gnome.adw
A widget presenting sidebar and content side by side or as a navigation view.
NavigationSplitView() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Creates a new AdwNavigationSplitView.
NavigationSplitView(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Create a NavigationSplitView proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NavigationSplitView.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
NavigationSplitView.NavigationSplitViewClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
NavigationSplitViewClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView.NavigationSplitViewClass
Allocate a new NavigationSplitViewClass.
NavigationSplitViewClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView.NavigationSplitViewClass
Allocate a new NavigationSplitViewClass.
NavigationSplitViewClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView.NavigationSplitViewClass
Create a NavigationSplitViewClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NavigationType - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to denote the various navigation types.
NavigationView - Class in org.gnome.adw
A page-based navigation container.
NavigationView() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Creates a new AdwNavigationView.
NavigationView(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Create a NavigationView proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NavigationView.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
NavigationView.GetNextPageCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the GetNextPageCallback callback.
NavigationView.NavigationViewClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
NavigationView.PoppedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the PoppedCallback callback.
NavigationView.PushedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the PushedCallback callback.
NavigationView.ReplacedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ReplacedCallback callback.
NavigationViewClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.NavigationViewClass
Allocate a new NavigationViewClass.
NavigationViewClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.NavigationViewClass
Allocate a new NavigationViewClass.
NavigationViewClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.NavigationViewClass
Create a NavigationViewClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NBSP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceTypeFlags
Non-breaking space character.
nChildren() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Gets the number of children of a GNode.
nChildren() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Determines the number of children in a container GVariant instance.
nChildren() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantIter
Queries the number of child items in the container that we are iterating over.
near(Matrix, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Compares the two given graphene_matrix_t matrices and checks whether their values are within the given epsilon of each other.
near(Point3D, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Checks whether the two points are near each other, within an epsilon factor.
near(Point, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Checks whether the two points this Point and b are within the threshold of epsilon.
near(Vec2, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Compares the two given graphene_vec2_t vectors and checks whether their values are within the given epsilon.
near(Vec3, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Compares the two given graphene_vec3_t vectors and checks whether their values are within the given epsilon.
near(Vec4, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Compares the two given graphene_vec4_t vectors and checks whether their values are within the given epsilon.
NEAREST - Enum constant in enum class
Duplicates the samples when upsampling and drops when downsampling
NEAREST - Enum constant in enum class
Duplicates the chroma samples when upsampling and drops when subsampling
NEAREST - Enum constant in enum class
Duplicates the samples when upsampling and drops when downsampling
NEAREST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.InterpType
Nearest neighbor sampling; this is the fastest and lowest quality mode.
NEAREST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.ScalingFilter
nearest neighbor interpolation filter
NEARLY_CERTAIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindProbability
nearly certain that a type was detected.
NEED_CONTEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Message indicating that an element wants a specific context (Since: 1.2)
NEED_DOMAIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.AskPasswordFlags
operation requires a domain.
NEED_PARENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
ensure that there is a parent object before calling into the pad callbacks.
NEED_PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.AskPasswordFlags
operation requires a password.
NEED_RECONFIGURE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
the pad should be reconfigured/renegotiated.
NEED_USERNAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.AskPasswordFlags
operation requires a username.
needContext(GstObject, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
This message is posted when an element needs a specific GstContext.
NEEDS_STARTUP_SYNC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockFlags
clock needs to be synced before it can be used
NEEDS_TERMINAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoCreateFlags
Application opens in a terminal window.
needsReconfigure() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Check the GST_PAD_FLAG_NEED_RECONFIGURE flag on this Pad and return true if the flag was set.
negate(Plane) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Negates the normal vector and constant of a graphene_plane_t, effectively mirroring the plane across the origin.
negate(Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Negates the given graphene_vec2_t.
negate(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Negates the given graphene_vec3_t.
negate(Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Negates the given graphene_vec4_t.
negotiate() - Method in class
Negotiate with downstream elements to currently configured GstAudioInfo.
negotiate() - Method in class
Negotiate with downstream elements to currently configured GstCaps.
negotiate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
Negotiates src pad caps with downstream elements.
negotiate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Negotiates src pad caps with downstream elements.
negotiate() - Method in class
Negotiate with downstream elements to currently configured GstVideoCodecState.
negotiate() - Method in class
Negotiate with downstream elements to currently configured GstVideoCodecState.
NEGOTIATE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationScheme
Negotiate (or SPNEGO) authentication scheme as defined in RFC 4559.
negotiatedSrcCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
NEGOTIATION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
used for negotiation-related errors.
NESTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuFlags
Submenus are presented as traditional, nested popovers.
NETBSD_UNPCBID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.CredentialsType
The native credentials type is a struct unpcbid.
NETWORK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DriveStartStopType
The start/stop methods are used for connecting/disconnect to the drive over the network.
NETWORK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.DownloadError
Download failure due to network error
NETWORK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageSource
Network messages.
NETWORK_MONITOR_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Extension point for network status monitoring functionality.
NETWORK_UNREACHABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Network unreachable.
NetworkAddress - Class in org.gnome.gio
GNetworkAddress provides an easy way to resolve a hostname and then attempt to connect to that host, handling the possibility of multiple IP addresses and multiple address families.
NetworkAddress(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress
Create a NetworkAddress proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NetworkAddress(String, short) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress
Creates a new GSocketConnectable for connecting to the given hostname and port.
NetworkAddress.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
NetworkAddress.NetworkAddressClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
NetworkAddressClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress.NetworkAddressClass
Allocate a new NetworkAddressClass.
NetworkAddressClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress.NetworkAddressClass
Allocate a new NetworkAddressClass.
NetworkAddressClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress.NetworkAddressClass
Create a NetworkAddressClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NetworkConnectivity - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
The host's network connectivity state, as reported by GNetworkMonitor.
NetworkError - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to denote the various network errors.
networkingInit() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Initializes the platform networking libraries (eg, on Windows, this calls WSAStartup()).
NetworkMonitor - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GNetworkMonitor provides an easy-to-use cross-platform API for monitoring network connectivity.
NetworkMonitor.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gio
NetworkMonitor.NetworkChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the NetworkChangedCallback callback.
NetworkMonitor.NetworkMonitorImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The NetworkMonitorImpl type represents a native instance of the NetworkMonitor interface.
NetworkMonitor.NetworkMonitorInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
The virtual function table for GNetworkMonitor.
NetworkMonitorImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor.NetworkMonitorImpl
Creates a new instance of NetworkMonitor for the provided memory address.
NetworkMonitorInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor.NetworkMonitorInterface
Allocate a new NetworkMonitorInterface.
NetworkMonitorInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor.NetworkMonitorInterface
Allocate a new NetworkMonitorInterface.
NetworkMonitorInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor.NetworkMonitorInterface
Create a NetworkMonitorInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NetworkProxyMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to set the network proxy mode.
NetworkProxySettings - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Configures network proxies.
NetworkProxySettings(String, String[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkProxySettings
Create a new WebKitNetworkProxySettings with the given defaultProxyUri and ignoreHosts.
NetworkProxySettings(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkProxySettings
Create a NetworkProxySettings proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NetworkService - Class in org.gnome.gio
Like NetworkAddress does with hostnames, GNetworkService provides an easy way to resolve a SRV record, and then attempt to connect to one of the hosts that implements that service, handling service priority/weighting, multiple IP addresses, and multiple address families.
NetworkService(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService
Create a NetworkService proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NetworkService(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService
Creates a new GNetworkService representing the given service, protocol, and domain.
NetworkService.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
NetworkService.NetworkServiceClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
NetworkServiceClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService.NetworkServiceClass
Allocate a new NetworkServiceClass.
NetworkServiceClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService.NetworkServiceClass
Allocate a new NetworkServiceClass.
NetworkServiceClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService.NetworkServiceClass
Create a NetworkServiceClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NetworkSession - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Manages network configuration.
NetworkSession(String, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Creates a new WebKitNetworkSession with a persistent WebKitWebsiteDataManager.
NetworkSession(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Create a NetworkSession proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NetworkSession.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
NetworkSession.DownloadStartedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the DownloadStartedCallback callback.
NetworkSession.NetworkSessionClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
NetworkSessionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession.NetworkSessionClass
Allocate a new NetworkSessionClass.
NetworkSessionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession.NetworkSessionClass
Allocate a new NetworkSessionClass.
NetworkSessionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession.NetworkSessionClass
Create a NetworkSessionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NEUTRAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Direction
No direction specified
NEVER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.FlapFoldPolicy
Disable folding, the flap cannot reach narrow sizes.
NEVER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FilesystemPreviewType
Never preview files.
NEVER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.PasswordSave
never save a password.
NEVER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsRehandshakeMode
Never allow rehandshaking
NEVER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PolicyType
The scrollbar should never appear.
NEVER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarAcceptPolicy
reject all cookies unconditionally.
NEVER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CookieAcceptPolicy
Reject all cookies unconditionally.
NEVER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HardwareAccelerationPolicy
Hardware acceleration is always disabled, even for websites requesting it.
NeverTrigger - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkShortcutTrigger that never triggers.
NeverTrigger(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NeverTrigger
Create a NeverTrigger proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NeverTrigger.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
NeverTrigger.NeverTriggerClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
NeverTriggerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NeverTrigger.NeverTriggerClass
Create a NeverTriggerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
new_() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Creates a new, empty GstBitWriter instance.
new_() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Creates a new, empty GstByteWriter instance
new_() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Creates a new asynchronous queue.
new_() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Creates a new GByteArray with a reference count of 1.
new_() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Cond
GCond can now be statically allocated, or embedded in structures and initialised with g_cond_init().
new_() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Mutex
GMutex can now be statically allocated, or embedded in structures and initialised with g_mutex_init().
new_() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Allocates a new GPathBuf.
new_() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Private
dynamic allocation of GPrivate is a bad idea. Use static storage and G_PRIVATE_INIT() instead.
new_() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Creates a new GPtrArray with a reference count of 1.
new_() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Creates a new GQueue.
new_() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Creates a new GSequence.
new_() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogBuffer
Internal function for gtester to decode test log messages, no ABI guarantees provided.
new_() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Timer
Creates a new timer, and starts timing (i.e.
new_() - Static method in interface org.gnome.pango.cairo.FontMap
Creates a new PangoCairoFontMap object.
new_(boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Create a new file descriptor set.
new_(boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecPool
Creates a new GParamSpecPool.
new_(boolean, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Creates a new GArray with a reference count of 1.
new_(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Create a new GstBitReader instance, which will read from data.
new_(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Create a new GstByteReader instance, which will read from data.
new_(int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Allocates a new GstQueueArray object with an initial queue size of initialSize.
new_(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Relation
Rarely used API
new_(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrSize
Create a new font-size attribute in fractional points.
new_(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.StringChunk
Creates a new GStringChunk.
new_(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Creates a new option context.
new_(String, String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleProxyResolver
Creates a new GSimpleProxyResolver.
new_(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Creates a new GNode containing the given data.
new_(String) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsFileDatabase
Creates a new GTlsFileDatabase which uses anchor certificate authorities in anchors to verify certificate chains.
new_(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontFeatures
Create a new font features tag attribute.
new_(String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Allocator
new_(String, int, long, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.MemChunk
new_(Set<AudioChannelMixerFlags>, AudioFormat, int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
Create a new channel mixer object for the given parameters.
new_(AudioChannelMixerFlags, AudioFormat, int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class
Create a new channel mixer object for the given parameters.
new_(AudioDitherMethod, AudioNoiseShapingMethod, Set<AudioQuantizeFlags>, AudioFormat, int, int) - Static method in class
Create a new quantizer object with the given parameters.
new_(AudioDitherMethod, AudioNoiseShapingMethod, AudioQuantizeFlags, AudioFormat, int, int) - Static method in class
Create a new quantizer object with the given parameters.
new_(AudioResamplerMethod, Set<AudioResamplerFlags>, AudioFormat, int, int, int, Structure) - Static method in class
Make a new resampler.
new_(AudioResamplerMethod, AudioResamplerFlags, AudioFormat, int, int, int, Structure) - Static method in class
Make a new resampler.
new_(GstObject, byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.TypeFindData
Free-function: gst_type_find_data_free
new_(VideoChromaMethod, Set<VideoChromaSite>, Set<VideoChromaFlags>, VideoFormat, int, int) - Static method in class
Create a new resampler object for the given parameters.
new_(VideoChromaMethod, VideoChromaSite, VideoChromaFlags, VideoFormat, int, int) - Static method in class
Create a new resampler object for the given parameters.
new_(VideoDitherMethod, Set<VideoDitherFlags>, VideoFormat, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class
Make a new dither object for dithering lines of format using the algorithm described by method.
new_(VideoDitherMethod, VideoDitherFlags, VideoFormat, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class
Make a new dither object for dithering lines of format using the algorithm described by method.
new_(VideoInfo, VideoInfo, Structure) - Static method in class
Create a new converter object to convert between inInfo and outInfo with config.
new_(VideoResamplerMethod, Set<VideoScalerFlags>, int, int, int, Structure) - Static method in class
Make a new method video scaler.
new_(VideoResamplerMethod, VideoScalerFlags, int, int, int, Structure) - Static method in class
Make a new method video scaler.
new_(DatagramBased, SocketConnectable) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsClientConnection
Creates a new GDtlsClientConnection wrapping baseSocket which is assumed to communicate with the server identified by serverIdentity.
new_(DatagramBased, TlsCertificate) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsServerConnection
Creates a new GDtlsServerConnection wrapping baseSocket.
new_(DBusConnection, Set<DBusObjectManagerClientFlags>, String, String, DBusProxyTypeFunc, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Asynchronously creates a new GDBusObjectManagerClient object.
new_(DBusConnection, Set<DBusProxyFlags>, DBusInterfaceInfo, String, String, String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Creates a proxy for accessing interfaceName on the remote object at objectPath owned by name at connection and asynchronously loads D-Bus properties unless the DBusProxyFlags.DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES flag is used.
new_(DBusConnection, DBusObjectManagerClientFlags, String, String, DBusProxyTypeFunc, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Asynchronously creates a new GDBusObjectManagerClient object.
new_(DBusConnection, DBusProxyFlags, DBusInterfaceInfo, String, String, String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Creates a proxy for accessing interfaceName on the remote object at objectPath owned by name at connection and asynchronously loads D-Bus properties unless the DBusProxyFlags.DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES flag is used.
new_(IOModuleScopeFlags) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.IOModuleScope
Create a new scope for loading of IO modules.
new_(IOStream, String, Set<DBusConnectionFlags>, DBusAuthObserver, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Asynchronously sets up a D-Bus connection for exchanging D-Bus messages with the end represented by stream.
new_(IOStream, String, DBusConnectionFlags, DBusAuthObserver, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Asynchronously sets up a D-Bus connection for exchanging D-Bus messages with the end represented by stream.
new_(IOStream, SocketConnectable) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection
Creates a new GTlsClientConnection wrapping baseIoStream (which must have pollable input and output streams) which is assumed to communicate with the server identified by serverIdentity.
new_(IOStream, TlsCertificate) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsServerConnection
Creates a new GTlsServerConnection wrapping baseIoStream (which must have pollable input and output streams).
new_(CacheNewFunc, CacheDestroyFunc, CacheDupFunc, CacheDestroyFunc, HashFunc, HashFunc, EqualFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Cache
Use a GHashTable instead
new_(CompletionFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Rarely used API
new_(Func, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
This function creates a new thread pool.
new_(HashFunc, EqualFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Creates a new GHashTable with a reference count of 1.
new_(ScannerConfig) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Creates a new GScanner.
new_(Type, String, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Creates a new structure that needs to be filled before being registered.
new_(Type, Cancellable, GError[], String, Object...) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.Initable
Helper function for constructing GInitable object.
new_(FontDescription) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontDesc
Create a new font description attribute.
new_(Language) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrLanguage
Create a new language tag attribute.
new_(Rectangle, Rectangle) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Create a new shape attribute.
NEW_CAPS - Enum constant in enum class
New caps are set, causing renegotiotion
NEW_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
a new clock was selected in the pipeline.
NEW_CONNECTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageFlags
Requests that the message should be sent on a newly-created connection, not reusing an existing persistent connection.
NEW_FRAME - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrameFlags
set by baseclass if current frame is passed for processing to the subclass for the first time (and not set on subsequent calls with same data).
NEW_SEGMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsStateFlags
Set if collectdata's pad received a new_segment event.
NEW_TAI_LUE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
NEW_TAI_LUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
New Tai Lue
NEW_TAI_LUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
New Tai Lue.
NEW_WINDOW_ACTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecisionType
This type of policy decision is requested when WebKit is about to create a new window.
NEWA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Newa, Since: 1.3.0
NEWA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
newAbsolute(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrSize
Create a new font-size attribute in device units.
newAsync(Type, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback, String, Object...) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AsyncInitable
Helper function for constructing GAsyncInitable object.
newBuildFilename(String, Object...) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Constructs a GFile from a series of elements using the correct separator for filenames.
newBuildFilenamev(String[]) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Constructs a GFile from a vector of elements using the correct separator for filenames.
newClock(GstObject, Clock) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new clock message.
newEmpty(int, int) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable
Returns a paintable that has the given intrinsic size and draws nothing.
newForAddress(String, Set<DBusConnectionFlags>, DBusAuthObserver, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Asynchronously connects and sets up a D-Bus client connection for exchanging D-Bus messages with an endpoint specified by address which must be in the D-Bus address format.
newForAddress(String, DBusConnectionFlags, DBusAuthObserver, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Asynchronously connects and sets up a D-Bus client connection for exchanging D-Bus messages with an endpoint specified by address which must be in the D-Bus address format.
newForBus(BusType, Set<DBusObjectManagerClientFlags>, String, String, DBusProxyTypeFunc, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Like g_dbus_object_manager_client_new() but takes a GBusType instead of a GDBusConnection.
newForBus(BusType, Set<DBusProxyFlags>, DBusInterfaceInfo, String, String, String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Like g_dbus_proxy_new() but takes a GBusType instead of a GDBusConnection.
newForBus(BusType, DBusObjectManagerClientFlags, String, String, DBusProxyTypeFunc, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Like g_dbus_object_manager_client_new() but takes a GBusType instead of a GDBusConnection.
newForBus(BusType, DBusProxyFlags, DBusInterfaceInfo, String, String, String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Like g_dbus_proxy_new() but takes a GBusType instead of a GDBusConnection.
newForCommandlineArg(String) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Creates a GFile with the given argument from the command line.
newForCommandlineArgAndCwd(String, String) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Creates a GFile with the given argument from the command line.
newForDbusError(String, String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Creates a GError based on the contents of dbusErrorName and dbusErrorMessage.
newForFontType(FontType) - Static method in interface org.gnome.pango.cairo.FontMap
Creates a new PangoCairoFontMap object of the type suitable to be used with cairo font backend of type fonttype.
newForPath(String) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Constructs a GFile for a given path.
newForString(String) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.Icon
Generate a GIcon instance from str.
newForStruct(long, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Allocates a new GstQueueArray object for elements (e.g.
newForUri(String) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Constructs a GFile for a given URI.
newFromArray(MemorySegment[], CopyFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Creates a new GPtrArray, copying len pointers from data, and setting the array’s reference count to 1.
newFromBytes(long, long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Creates a GBytes which is a subsection of another GBytes.
newFromNullTerminatedArray(MemorySegment[], CopyFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Creates a new GPtrArray copying the pointers from data after having computed the length of it and with a reference count of 1.
newFromPath(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Allocates a new GPathBuf with the given path.
newFromStreamAsync(InputStream, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a new pixbuf by asynchronously loading an image from an input stream.
newFromStreamAsync(InputStream, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
Creates a new animation by asynchronously loading an image from an input stream.
newFromStreamAtScaleAsync(InputStream, int, int, boolean, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a new pixbuf by asynchronously loading an image from an input stream.
newFull() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Creates a new asynchronous queue and sets up a destroy notify function that is used to free any remaining queue items when the queue is destroyed after the final unref.
newFull(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Creates a new GPtrArray with reservedSize pointers preallocated and a reference count of 1.
newFull(Func, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
This function creates a new thread pool similar to g_thread_pool_new() but allowing itemFreeFunc to be specified to free the data passed to g_thread_pool_push() in the case that the GThreadPool is stopped and freed before all tasks have been executed.
newGObjectWithProperties(Type, Object...) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Properties
Create a new GObject instance of the provided GType and with the provided property values.
newInstance() - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.util.BuilderJavaScope
Instantiates a new BuilderScope
newInstance(int) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListIndexModel.ListIndex
Construct a new ListIndex with the provided value.
newInstance(int) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListIndexModel
Construct a new ListIndexModel with the provided size.
newInstance(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Creates a new GObject instance of the provided GType.
newInstance(Type, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Creates a new GObject instance of the provided GType and with the provided property values.
NEWLINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceTypeFlags
Line break character.
NEWLINE_ANY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
Overrides the newline definition set when creating a new GRegex, any Unicode newline sequence is recognised as a newline.
NEWLINE_ANYCRLF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Usually any newline character or character sequence is recognized.
NEWLINE_ANYCRLF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
Overrides the newline definition set when creating a new GRegex; any '\\r', '\\n', or '\\r\\n' character sequence is recognized as a newline.
NEWLINE_CR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Usually any newline character or character sequence is recognized.
NEWLINE_CR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
Overrides the newline definition set when creating a new GRegex, setting the '\\r' character as line terminator.
NEWLINE_CRLF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Usually any newline character or character sequence is recognized.
NEWLINE_CRLF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
Overrides the newline definition set when creating a new GRegex, setting the '\\r\\n' characters sequence as line terminator.
NEWLINE_LF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Usually any newline character or character sequence is recognized.
NEWLINE_LF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
Overrides the newline definition set when creating a new GRegex, setting the '\\n' character as line terminator.
NewlineType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
newMethodError(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Creates a new GDBusMessage that is an error reply to this DBusMessage.
newMethodErrorLiteral(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Creates a new GDBusMessage that is an error reply to this DBusMessage.
newMethodReply() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Creates a new GDBusMessage that is a reply to this DBusMessage.
newNullTerminated(int, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Like g_ptr_array_new_full() but also allows to set the array to be null terminated.
newPeriodicId(ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Gets an ID from this Clock to trigger a periodic notification.
newSeamlessSegment(long, long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Use gst_base_src_new_segment()
newSegment(Segment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Prepare a new segment for emission downstream.
newSimilar() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Creates a new GHashTable like g_hash_table_new_full() with a reference count of 1.
newSingleShotId(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Gets a GstClockID from this Clock to trigger a single shot notification at the requested time.
newSubpixbuf(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a new pixbuf which represents a sub-region of src_pixbuf.
newTake(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Creates a byte array containing the data.
newTake(MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Creates a new GPtrArray with data as pointers, len as length and a reference count of 1.
newTake(MemorySegment[], boolean, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Creates a new GArray with data as array data, len as length and a reference count of 1.
newTakeNullTerminated(MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Creates a new GPtrArray with data as pointers, computing the length of it and setting the reference count to 1.
newTakeZeroTerminated(MemorySegment[], boolean, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Creates a new GArray with data as array data, computing the length of it and setting the reference count to 1.
newTimer() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Create a new poll object that can be used for scheduling cancellable timeouts.
newTmp(String, Out<FileIOStream>) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Opens a file in the preferred directory for temporary files (as returned by g_get_tmp_dir()) and returns a GFile and GFileIOStream pointing to it.
newTmpAsync(String, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously opens a file in the preferred directory for temporary files (as returned by g_get_tmp_dir()) as g_file_new_tmp().
newTmpDirAsync(String, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously creates a directory in the preferred directory for temporary files (as returned by g_get_tmp_dir()) as g_dir_make_tmp().
newTmpDirFinish(AsyncResult) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes a temporary directory creation started by g_file_new_tmp_dir_async().
newTmpFinish(AsyncResult, Out<FileIOStream>) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes a temporary file creation started by g_file_new_tmp_async().
newTypedArrayWithBuffer(TypedArrayType, long, long) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Create a new typed array value with elements from an array buffer.
newv(Type, Parameter[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Use g_object_new_with_properties() instead. deprecated. See GParameter for more information.
newv(Type, Parameter[], Cancellable) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.Initable
Use g_object_new_with_properties() and g_initable_init() instead. See GParameter for more information.
newvAsync(Type, int, Parameter, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AsyncInitable
Use g_object_new_with_properties() and g_async_initable_init_async() instead. See GParameter for more information.
newWithBase(String, String, String, int, String, String, String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Like gst_uri_new(), but joins the new URI onto a base URI.
newWithData(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Creates a new GstBitWriter instance with the given memory area.
newWithData(MemorySegment, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Creates a new GstByteWriter instance with the given memory area.
newWithData(Rectangle, Rectangle, MemorySegment, AttrDataCopyFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Creates a new shape attribute.
newWithFreeFunc() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Creates a new GPtrArray with a reference count of 1 and use elementFreeFunc for freeing each element when the array is destroyed either via g_ptr_array_unref(), when g_ptr_array_free() is called with freeSegment set to true or when removing elements.
newWithMatrix(Set<AudioChannelMixerFlags>, AudioFormat, int, int, MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class
Create a new channel mixer object for the given parameters.
newWithMatrix(AudioChannelMixerFlags, AudioFormat, int, int, MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class
Create a new channel mixer object for the given parameters.
newWithPool(VideoInfo, VideoInfo, Structure, TaskPool) - Static method in class
Create a new converter object to convert between inInfo and outInfo with config.
newWithSize(int, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Creates a GstBitWriter instance with the given initial data size.
newWithSize(int, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Creates a new GstByteWriter instance with the given initial data size.
next() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuAttributeIter
Attempts to advance the iterator to the next (possibly first) attribute.
next() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuLinkIter
Attempts to advance the iterator to the next (possibly first) link.
next() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MatchInfo
Scans for the next match using the same parameters of the previous call to g_regex_match_full() or g_regex_match() that returned this MatchInfo.
next() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SequenceIter
Returns an iterator pointing to the next position after this SequenceIter.
next() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TreeNode
Returns the next in-order node of the tree, or null if the passed node was already the last one.
next() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Determines the next item type of a tuple or dictionary entry type.
next() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
next() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.RegionIter
Moves this RegionIter to the next subregion.
next() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrIterator
Advance the iterator until the next change of style.
next() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.ScriptIter
Advances a PangoScriptIter to the next range.
next(Out<MemorySegment>, Out<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Advances this HashTableIter and retrieves the key and/or value that are now pointed to as a result of this advancement.
next(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BitsetIter
Moves this BitsetIter to the next value in the set.
next(Out<String>, Out<String>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsIter
Advances this UriParamsIter and retrieves the next attribute/value.
next(Out<String>, Out<String>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersIter
Yields the next name/value pair in the MessageHeaders being iterated by this MessageHeadersIter.
next(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Mark
Returns the next GtkSourceMark in the buffer or null if the mark was not added to a buffer.
next(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantIter
Gets the next item in the container and unpacks it into the variable argument list according to formatString, returning true.
next(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator
Retrieves the next GSocketAddress from this SocketAddressEnumerator.
next(Value) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Get the next item from the iterator in elem.
NEXT_ANGLE - Enum constant in enum class
Switch to the next angle in a multiangle feature.
NEXT_LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Next Line (NL)
nextAsync(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator
Asynchronously retrieves the next GSocketAddress from this SocketAddressEnumerator and then calls callback, which must call g_socket_address_enumerator_next_finish() to get the result.
nextChar() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Moves this LayoutIter forward to the next character in visual order.
nextCluster() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Advances the iterator to the next cluster in the glyph item.
nextCluster() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Moves this LayoutIter forward to the next cluster in visual order.
nextFile(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
Returns information for the next file in the enumerated object.
nextFilesAsync(int, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
Request information for a number of files from the enumerator asynchronously.
nextFilesFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
Finishes the asynchronous operation started with g_file_enumerator_next_files_async().
nextFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator
Retrieves the result of a completed call to g_socket_address_enumerator_next_async().
nextLine() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Moves this LayoutIter forward to the start of the next line.
nextPage() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
nextPage() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Switches to the next page.
nextPart(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MultipartInputStream
Obtains an input stream for the next part.
nextPartAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MultipartInputStream
Obtains a InputStream for the next request.
nextPartFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MultipartInputStream
Finishes an asynchronous request for the next part.
nextRun() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutIter
Moves this LayoutIter forward to the next run in visual order.
nextValid(HookList, Hook, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Returns the next GHook in a GHookList which has not been destroyed.
nextValue() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantIter
Gets the next item in the container.
NFC - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.glib.NormalizeMode
NFD - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.glib.NormalizeMode
another name for NormalizeMode.DEFAULT
nFields() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Get the number of fields in the structure.
NFILE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
There are too many distinct file openings in the entire system.
NFILE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
execv() returned ENFILE
NFKC - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.glib.NormalizeMode
another name for NormalizeMode.ALL_COMPOSE
NFKD - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.glib.NormalizeMode
another name for NormalizeMode.ALL
NglRenderer - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A GL based renderer.
NglRenderer() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.NglRenderer
Creates an instance of the new experimental GL renderer.
NglRenderer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.NglRenderer
Create a NglRenderer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NglRenderer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gsk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
nItems() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Determines the number of items contained in a tuple or dictionary entry type.
NKO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
NKO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
NKO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
NLCCHARACTERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
nMemory() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Gets the amount of memory blocks that this buffer has.
nnodes() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Gets the number of nodes in a GTree.
nNodes(Set<TraverseFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Gets the number of nodes in a tree.
nNodes(TraverseFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Gets the number of nodes in a tree.
NO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ResponseType
Returned by No buttons in GTK dialogs
NO_ACTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
No action, used by separator menu items.
NO_ACTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
No action, used by separator menu items.
NO_ADVANCES - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFlags
do not serialize glyph advances, glyph offsets will reflect absolute glyph positions.
NO_ALTERNATES - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
NO_ANNOTATION - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
NO_ARG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionFlags
For options of the OptionArg.CALLBACK kind, this flag indicates that the callback does not take any argument (like a OptionArg.NONE option).
NO_AUTO_CAPTURE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Disables the use of numbered capturing parentheses in the pattern.
NO_AUTO_START - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusCallFlags
The bus must not launch an owner for the destination name in response to this method invocation.
NO_AUTO_START - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageFlags
The bus must not launch an owner for the destination name in response to this message.
NO_BASE_DOMAIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.TLDError
The passed-in hostname has no recognized public suffix.
NO_CJK_ITALIC_ROMAN - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
NO_CJK_SYMBOL_ALTERNATIVES - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
NO_CLUSTERS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFlags
do not serialize glyph cluster.
NO_COMMON_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
could not find a common type for array entries
NO_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
204 No Content (HTTP)
NO_CONVERSION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ConvertError
Conversion between the requested character sets is not supported.
NO_COPY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocatorFlags
When copying a GstMemory allocated with this allocator, the copy will instead be allocated using the default allocator.
NO_CSS_CACHE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Disable the style property cache
NO_DISCONT - Enum constant in enum class
No discontinuity occurred
NO_DROP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconViewDropPosition
no drop possible
NO_EMOJI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
Suggest not offering Emoji support
NO_EXTENSION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketCloseCode
the client is closing the connection because the server failed to negotiate a required extension.
NO_FALLBACK_FOR_MOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCopyFlags
Don't use copy and delete fallback if native move not supported.
NO_FLAGS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateFlags
No flags set.
NO_FRACTIONS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
NO_FRAME - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrameFlags
set to indicate this buffer should not be counted as frame, e.g.
NO_GLYPH_NAMES - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFlags
do no serialize glyph name.
NO_GUESSES_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
An indicator that spellchecking found no proposed replacements.
NO_GUESSES_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
An indicator that spellchecking found no proposed replacements.
NO_HOOKS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalFlags
No emissions hooks are supported for this signal.
NO_IDEOGRAPHIC_ALTERNATIVES - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
NO_MATCH_RULE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxyFlags
Don't actually send the AddMatch D-Bus call for this signal subscription.
NO_MATCH_RULE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalFlags
Don't actually send the AddMatch D-Bus call for this signal subscription.
NO_MEMORY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
There was not enough memory to complete an operation.
NO_MEMORY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ConvertError
No memory available.
NO_MODIFIER_MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
No modifier.
NO_NETWORK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
No network access (probably ENETUNREACH on a socket).
NO_ORNAMENTS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
NO_POSITIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFlags
do not serialize glyph position information.
NO_PREROLL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChangeReturn
the state change succeeded but the element cannot produce data in State.PAUSED.
NO_PROXY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkProxyMode
Do not use any proxy.
NO_PSL_DATA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.TLDError
The Public Suffix List was not available.
NO_RECONFIGURE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkCheck
Disables pushing a reconfigure event when pads are linked.
NO_RECURSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalFlags
Signals being emitted for an object while currently being in emission for this very object will not be emitted recursively, but instead cause the first emission to be restarted.
NO_REDIRECT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageFlags
The session should not follow redirect (3xx) responses received by this message.
NO_REF - Enum constant in enum class
Don't take another reference of the buffer and store it in the GstVideoFrame.
NO_REPLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
No reply to a message expecting one, usually means a timeout occurred.
NO_REPLY_EXPECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageFlags
A reply is not expected.
NO_RESYNC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BinFlags
Don't resync a state change when elements are added or linked in the bin
NO_RUBY_KANA - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
NO_SENSITIVITY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBindFlags
Do not try to bind a "sensitivity" property to the writability of the setting
NO_SERVER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Unable to connect to server (probably caused by ECONNREFUSED on a socket).
NO_SHARE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryFlags
memory must not be shared.
NO_SINGLE_ELEMENT_BINS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseFlags
If a bin only has a single element, just return the element.
NO_SPACE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
No space left on drive.
NO_SPACE_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
used when the resource has no space left.
NO_SPELLCHECK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
Suggest not checking for typos
NO_STATUS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketCloseCode
reserved value indicating that no close code was present; must not be sent.
NO_STYLE_OPTIONS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
NO_STYLISTIC_ALTERNATES - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
NO_SUCH_DEVICE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
No such device found.
NO_SUCH_ELEMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseError
The description contained an unknown element
NO_SUCH_PROPERTY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseError
An element did not have a specified property
NO_TARGET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragCancelReason
There is no suitable drop target.
NO_THIRD_PARTY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarAcceptPolicy
accept all cookies set by the main document loaded in the application using libsoup.
NO_THIRD_PARTY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CookieAcceptPolicy
Accept only cookies set by the main document loaded.
NO_TRANSLITERATION - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
NO_XDEV - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMeasureFlags
Do not cross mount point boundaries.
NOALIAS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionFlags
This flag turns off the automatic conflict resolution which prefixes long option names with groupname- if there is a conflict.
Node - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GNode struct represents one node in a [n-ary tree][glib-N-ary-Trees].
Node() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Node
Allocate a new Node.
Node(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Node
Allocate a new Node.
Node(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Node
Create a Node proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Node(MemorySegment, Node, Node, Node, Node) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Node
Allocate a new Node with the fields set to the provided values.
Node(MemorySegment, Node, Node, Node, Node, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Node
Allocate a new Node with the fields set to the provided values.
nodeFirst() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Returns the first in-order node of the tree, or null for an empty tree.
NodeForeachFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the NodeForeachFunc callback.
nodeLast() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Returns the last in-order node of the tree, or null for an empty tree.
NodeTraverseFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the NodeTraverseFunc callback.
NODEV - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
The underlying file system of the specified file does not support memory mapping.
NOENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
No such file or directory.
NOENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
execv() returned ENOENT
NOEXEC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
execv() returned ENOEXEC
NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCopyFlags
Don't follow symlinks.
NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileQueryInfoFlags
Don't follow symlinks.
NOFORMAT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkReturn
pads do not have common format
noHooks() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Signal
No emissions hooks are supported for this signal.
NOMEM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
No memory available.
NOMEM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
execv() returned ENOMEM
NOMEM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintError
A memory allocation failed.
noMorePads() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Use this function to signal that the element does not expect any more pads to show up in the current pipeline.
NON_AUTHORITATIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
203 Non-Authoritative Information (HTTP)
NON_BREAKING_GLUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Non-breaking ("Glue") (GL)
NON_DEFAULT_PARAMS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugGraphDetails
show modified parameters on elements
NON_DIGIT_IN_CONST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ErrorType
non-digit character in a number
NON_DNS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriFlags
The host component should not be assumed to be a DNS hostname or IP address (for example, for smb URIs with NetBIOS hostnames).
NON_DROPPABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
This buffer is important and should not be dropped.
NON_FINAL_SWASHES_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
NON_FINAL_SWASHES_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
NON_INTERLEAVED - Enum constant in enum class
non-interleaved audio
NON_INTERLEAVED - Enum constant in enum class
samples are non-interleaved
NON_INTERLEAVED_IN - Enum constant in enum class
input channels are not interleaved
NON_INTERLEAVED_IN - Enum constant in enum class
input samples are non-interleaved.
NON_INTERLEAVED_OUT - Enum constant in enum class
output channels are not interleaved
NON_INTERLEAVED_OUT - Enum constant in enum class
output samples are non-interleaved.
NON_LEAFS - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseFlags
NON_LEAVES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseFlags
only non-leaf nodes should be visited.
NON_SPACING_MARK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
NON_SPACING_MARK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Mark, Nonspacing" (Mn)
NON_STARTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Nonstarter (NS)
NON_TARGETABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PickFlags
Include widgets that are marked as non-targetable.
NON_UNIQUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationFlags
Make no attempts to do any of the typical single-instance application negotiation, even if the application ID is given.
NONBLOCK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOFlags
turns on nonblocking mode, corresponds to O_NONBLOCK/O_NDELAY (see the documentation of the UNIX open() syscall)
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
No adjustment is done.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
No adjustment is done.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
no flag
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
used for position-less channels, e.g.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
no flag
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
No dithering
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
no valid flag
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
No noise shaping (default)
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
No flag
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
no flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
no interpolation
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
no flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrameFlags
no flag
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferCopyFlags
copy nothing
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireFlags
no flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugLevel
No debugging level specified or desired.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaFlags
no flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadMode
Pad will not handle dataflow
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseFlags
Do not use any special parsing options.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDependencyFlags
no special flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Rank
will be chosen last or not at all
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
no flag
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekType
no change in position is required
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SegmentFlags
no flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SerializeFlags
No special flags specified.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StackTraceFlags
Try to retrieve the minimum information available, which may be none on some platforms (Since: 1.18)
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamFlags
This stream has no special attributes
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocLoopType
single forward playback
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerValueFlags
no flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindProbability
type undetected.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShader
no shading
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
no flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
disable chroma resampling
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
no cositing
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
no flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
no dithering
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
no flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
no flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
disable gamma handling
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
disable color matrix conversion.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
No flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
A special value indicating no frame packing info.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
A special value indicating no multiview information.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
no flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
No flag
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
disable conversion between primaries
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
no flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
no flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
No flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerTransitionType
No transition
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
No shortcuts
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClockPhase
no phase
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.KeyMatch
The key event does not match
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SeatCapabilities
No input capabilities
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SubpixelLayout
Not organized in this way
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufRotation
No rotation.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoCreateFlags
No flags.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusNameOwnerFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusNameWatcherFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusType
Not a message bus.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ConverterFlags
No flags.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusCallFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusCapabilityFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnectionFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClientFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfoFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxyFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSendMessageFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusServerFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DriveStartFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoFlags
no flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCopyFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCreateFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMeasureFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileQueryInfoFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOModuleScopeFlags
No module scan flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOStreamSpliceFlags
Do not close either stream.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountMountFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountUnmountFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.OutputStreamSpliceFlags
Do not close either stream.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceLookupFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketMsgFlags
No flags.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessFlags
No flags.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TestDBusFlags
No flags.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsAuthenticationMode
client authentication not required
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateRequestFlags
No flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabaseLookupFlags
No lookup flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags
No verification flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsPasswordFlags
No flags
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileSetContentsFlags
No guarantees about file consistency or durability.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOError
no error
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOFlags
no special flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.KeyFileFlags
No flags, default behaviour
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MainContextFlags
Default behaviour.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionArg
No extra argument.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionFlags
No flags.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestLogType
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
not a token
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriHideFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsFlags
No flags set.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeDebugFlags
Print no messages
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFlags
No special flags.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.RayIntersectionKind
No intersection
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.GLUniformType
No type, used for uninitialized or unspecified values.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleAutocomplete
Automatic suggestions are not displayed.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
An element that is not represented to accessibility technologies.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleSort
There is no defined sort applied to the column.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ArrowType
No arrow.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BorderStyle
No visible border
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ButtonsType
no buttons at all
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Collation
Don't do any collation
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintAttribute
No attribute, used for constant relations
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScrollFlags
Don't emit scroll.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventSequenceState
The sequence is handled, but not grabbed.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FilterMatch
The filter does not match any item, gtk_filter_match() will always return false.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
No special behaviour suggested
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ListScrollFlags
Don't do anything extra
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NaturalWrapMode
Try not to wrap the text.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PropagationLimit
Events are handled regardless of what their target is.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PropagationPhase
Events are not delivered.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ResponseType
Returned if an action widget has no response id, or if the dialog gets programmatically hidden or destroyed
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RevealerTransitionType
No transition
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
No scrolling.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionMode
No selection is possible.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroupMode
group has no effect
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SorterOrder
No order, all elements are considered equal.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
No transition
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContextPrintFlags
Default value.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextDirection
No direction.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewGridLines
No grid lines.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Unit
No units.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.WrapMode
do not wrap lines; just make the text area wider
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.BackgroundPatternType
no pattern
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.BracketMatchType
there is no bracket to match.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionActivation
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompressionType
plain text.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaverFlags
No flags.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SortFlags
no flags specified
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceLocationFlags
No flags.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceTypeFlags
No flags.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BaselineShift
Leave the baseline unchanged
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.CoverageLevel
The character is not representable with the font.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.EllipsizeMode
No ellipsization
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontScale
Leave the font size unchanged
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Overline
no overline should be drawn
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.ShapeFlags
Default value
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.ShowFlags
No special treatment for invisible characters
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.TextTransform
Leave text unchanged
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Underline
no underline should be drawn
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Encoding
no body is present (which is not the same as a 0-length body, and only occurs in certain places)
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.LoggerLogLevel
No logging
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.SameSitePolicy
The cookie is exposed with both cross-site and same-site requests
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
No status available.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.URIComponent
no component
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CredentialPersistence
Credential does not persist
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.EditorTypingAttributes
No typing attributes.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FindOptions
no search flags, this means a case sensitive, no wrap, forward only search.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputHints
No special behavior suggested
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.TypedArrayType
Not a typed array, or type unsupported.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.MediaCaptureState
Media capture is disabled.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotOptions
Do not include any special options.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebExtensionMode
Not for an extension.
NONE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
A fundamental type which is used as a replacement for the C void return type.
NONEXISTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserError
Indicates that a file does not exist.
NONLINEAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.NotifyType
the surface is entered from or left towards a surface which is neither an ancestor nor an inferior.
NONLINEAR_VIRTUAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.NotifyType
the pointer moves between two surfaces which are not ancestors of each other and the surface is part of the ancestor chain between one of these surfaces and their least common ancestor.
noRecurse() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Signal
Signals being emitted for an object while currently being in emission for this very object will not be emitted recursively, but instead cause the first emission to be restarted.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class
each single track is a stream
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.ToastPriority
the toast will be queued if another toast is already displayed.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingMode
crossing because of pointer motion.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.NotificationPriority
the default priority, to be used for the majority of notifications (for example email messages, software updates, completed download/sync operations)
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOStatus
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPriority
the default priority
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconSize
Size similar to text size
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintQuality
Normal quality.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
State during normal operation
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Stretch
the normal width
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Style
the font is upright.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Variant
A normal font.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Weight
the default weight (= 400)
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessagePriority
The default priotity, this is the priority assigned to the SoupMessage by default.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketCloseCode
a normal, non-error close
NORMAL_POSITION - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
NORMAL_Y_FLIP - Enum constant in enum class
Bottom line first in memory, left row first
NORMAL_Y_NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class
Top line first in memory, left row first
normalize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Returns a GstCaps that represents the same set of formats as this Caps, but contains no lists.
normalize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Normalization will remove extra path segments ("." and "..") from the URI.
normalize() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Normalizes the passed rectangle.
normalize() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Normalizes the passed rectangle.
normalize(Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Normalizes the given graphene_matrix_t.
normalize(Plane) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Normalizes the vector of the given graphene_plane_t, and adjusts the constant accordingly.
normalize(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Computes the normalization of the vector represented by the coordinates of the given graphene_point3d_t.
normalize(Quaternion) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Normalizes a graphene_quaternion_t.
normalize(Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Computes the normalized vector for the given vector this Vec2.
normalize(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Normalizes the given graphene_vec3_t.
normalize(Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Normalizes the given graphene_vec4_t.
NormalizeMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Defines how a Unicode string is transformed in a canonical form, standardizing such issues as whether a character with an accent is represented as a base character and combining accent or as a single precomposed character.
normalizeR(Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Normalizes the passed rectangle.
normalizeViewport(Rect, float, float, Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Normalizes the coordinates of a graphene_point3d_t using the given viewport and clipping planes.
NORTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.Gravity
the reference point is in the middle of the top edge.
NORTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SurfaceEdge
the top edge.
NORTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Gravity
Glyphs are upside-down.
NORTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.Gravity
the reference point is at the top right corner.
NORTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SurfaceEdge
the top right corner.
NORTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.Gravity
the reference point is at the top left corner.
NORTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SurfaceEdge
the top left corner.
NOSCHED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkReturn
pads cannot cooperate in scheduling
NoSelection<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkNoSelection is a GtkSelectionModel that does not allow selecting anything.
NoSelection() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NoSelection
Calls NoSelection(org.gnome.gio.ListModel) with model = null
NoSelection(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NoSelection
Create a NoSelection proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NoSelection(ListModel) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NoSelection
Creates a new selection to handle model.
NoSelection.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
NoSelection.NoSelectionClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
NoSelectionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NoSelection.NoSelectionClass
Allocate a new NoSelectionClass.
NoSelectionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NoSelection.NoSelectionClass
Allocate a new NoSelectionClass.
NoSelectionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NoSelection.NoSelectionClass
Create a NoSelectionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NOSPC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
No space left on device; write operation on a file failed because the disk is full.
NOSPC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOChannelError
No space left on device.
NOSYS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Function not implemented; this indicates that the system is missing some functionality.
NOT_A_RENDER_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
Error type.
NOT_ABSOLUTE_PATH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ConvertError
Pathname is not an absolute path.
NOT_ACCEPTABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
406 Not Acceptable (HTTP)
NOT_ACTIVATED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateFlags
The certificate's activation time is still in the future
NOT_APPEARING_IN_THIS_PROTOCOL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
306 [Unused] (HTTP)
NOT_AUTHORIZED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
used when the resource can't be opened due to missing authorization.
NOT_AVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufError
Dmabuf support is not available, because the OS is not Linux, or it was explicitly disabled at compile- or runtime
NOT_AVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLError
OpenGL support is not available
NOT_AVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanError
Vulkan support is not available on this Surface
NOT_AVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingError
Handshake is complete but binding data is not available.
NOT_CONNECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Transport endpoint is not connected.
NOT_DIRECTORY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
File is not a directory.
NOT_EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
File is a directory that isn't empty.
NOT_ENOUGH_DOMAINS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.TLDError
The passed-in hostname did not have enough components.
NOT_EXTENDED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
510 Not Extended (RFC 2774)
NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
used when the resource could not be found.
NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsReturn
no appropriate installation candidate for any of the requested plugins could be found.
NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
File not found.
NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverError
the requested name/address/service was not found
NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceError
no file was found at the requested path
NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.KeyFileError
the file was not found
NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconThemeError
The icon specified does not exist in the theme
NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManagerError
the URI specified does not exists in the recently used resources list.
NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.BracketMatchType
a matching bracket was not found.
NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
404 Not Found (HTTP)
NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterError
The requested content filter could not be found.
NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
use this when you do not want to implement this functionality yet.
NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
use this when you do not want to implement this functionality yet.
NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingError
Either entire binding retrieval facility or specific binding type is not implemented in the TLS backend.
NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
501 Not Implemented (HTTP)
NOT_INITIALIZED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
The object has not been initialized.
NOT_INITIALIZED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabaseError
The WebKitFaviconDatabase is closed
NOT_LINKED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
Pad is not linked.
NOT_MAPPABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryFlags
the memory can't be mapped via gst_memory_map() without any preconditions.
NOT_MODIFIED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
304 Not Modified (HTTP)
NOT_MOUNTABLE_FILE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
File cannot be mounted.
NOT_MOUNTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
File isn't mounted.
NOT_NEGOTIATED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
Pad is not negotiated.
NOT_REGISTERED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManagerError
no application has registered the specified item.
NOT_REGULAR_FILE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
File is not a regular file.
NOT_REORDERED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Spacing and enclosing marks; also many vowel and consonant signs, even if nonspacing
NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
This operation is not supported.
NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Requested operation isn't supported (like ENOSYS on UNIX).
NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Operation (or one of its parameters) not supported
NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingError
Binding type is not supported on the current connection.
NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_CLASS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
"\\\\N" is not supported in a class.
NOT_SYMBOLIC_LINK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
File is not a symbolic link.
NOT_TLS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsError
The TLS handshake failed because the peer does not seem to be a TLS server.
NOT_WEBSOCKET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketError
attempted to handshake with a server that does not appear to understand WebSockets.
noTarget(String, PadDirection) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad
Create a new ghostpad without a target with the given direction.
noTargetFromTemplate(String, PadTemplate) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad
Create a new ghostpad based on templ, without setting a target.
NOTBOL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
Specifies that first character of the string is not the beginning of a line, so the circumflex metacharacter should not match before it.
NOTCALLED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OnceStatus
the function has not been called yet.
NOTDEF_PRESENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferDiffFlags
.notdef glyph is present in the reference buffer.
NOTDIR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
A file that isn't a directory was specified when a directory is required.
NOTDIR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
execv() returned ENOTDIR
NOTE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Notebook - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkNotebook is a container whose children are pages switched between using tabs.
Notebook() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Creates a new GtkNotebook widget with no pages.
Notebook(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Create a Notebook proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Notebook.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Notebook.ChangeCurrentPageCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ChangeCurrentPageCallback callback.
Notebook.CreateWindowCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CreateWindowCallback callback.
Notebook.FocusTabCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the FocusTabCallback callback.
Notebook.MoveFocusOutCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MoveFocusOutCallback callback.
Notebook.PageAddedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PageAddedCallback callback.
Notebook.PageRemovedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PageRemovedCallback callback.
Notebook.PageReorderedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PageReorderedCallback callback.
Notebook.ReorderTabCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ReorderTabCallback callback.
Notebook.SelectPageCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SelectPageCallback callback.
Notebook.SwitchPageCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SwitchPageCallback callback.
NotebookPage - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkNotebookPage is an auxiliary object used by GtkNotebook.
NotebookPage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookPage
Create a NotebookPage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NotebookPage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
NotebookTab - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The parameter used in the action signals of GtkNotebook.
NOTEMPTY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
An empty string is not considered to be a valid match if this option is set.
NOTEMPTY_ATSTART - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
Like RegexMatchFlags.NOTEMPTY, but only applied to the start of the matched string.
NOTEOL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
Specifies that the end of the subject string is not the end of a line, so the dollar metacharacter should not match it nor (except in multiline mode) a newline immediately before it.
NOTHING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkCheck
Don't check hierarchy or caps compatibility.
NOTHING_TO_REPEAT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Nothing to repeat.
NothingAction - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkShortcutAction that does nothing.
NothingAction(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NothingAction
Create a NothingAction proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NothingAction.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
NothingAction.NothingActionClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
NothingActionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NothingAction.NothingActionClass
Create a NothingActionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Notification - Class in org.gnome.gio
GNotification is a mechanism for creating a notification to be shown to the user — typically as a pop-up notification presented by the desktop environment shell.
Notification - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Holds information about a notification that should be shown to the user.
Notification(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Notification
Create a Notification proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Notification(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Notification
Create a Notification proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Notification(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Notification
Creates a new GNotification with title as its title.
Notification.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Notification.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Notification.ClickedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the ClickedCallback callback.
Notification.ClosedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the ClosedCallback callback.
Notification.NotificationClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
NotificationClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Notification.NotificationClass
Allocate a new NotificationClass.
NotificationClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Notification.NotificationClass
Allocate a new NotificationClass.
NotificationClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Notification.NotificationClass
Create a NotificationClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NotificationPermissionRequest - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A permission request for displaying web notifications.
NotificationPermissionRequest(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NotificationPermissionRequest
Create a NotificationPermissionRequest proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NotificationPermissionRequest.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
NotificationPermissionRequest.NotificationPermissionRequestClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
NotificationPermissionRequestClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NotificationPermissionRequest.NotificationPermissionRequestClass
Allocate a new NotificationPermissionRequestClass.
NotificationPermissionRequestClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NotificationPermissionRequest.NotificationPermissionRequestClass
Allocate a new NotificationPermissionRequestClass.
NotificationPermissionRequestClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.NotificationPermissionRequest.NotificationPermissionRequestClass
Create a NotificationPermissionRequestClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NotificationPriority - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Priority levels for GNotifications.
notify(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Emits a "notify" signal for the property propertyName on this Object.
notify(ParamSpec) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Emits a "notify" signal for the property propertyName on this Object.
notifyByPspec(ParamSpec) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Emits a "notify" signal for the property specified by pspec on this Object.
notifyCursorArea(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Notify this InputMethodContext that cursor area changed in input associated.
notifyFocusIn() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Notify this InputMethodContext that input associated has gained focus.
notifyFocusOut() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Notify this InputMethodContext that input associated has lost focus.
notifyStartupComplete(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
notifySurrounding(String, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Notify this InputMethodContext that the context surrounding the cursor has changed.
NotifyType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Specifies the kind of crossing for enter and leave events.
NOVEMBER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateMonth
now(TimeZone) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a GDateTime corresponding to this exact instant in the given time zone tz.
nowLocal() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a GDateTime corresponding to this exact instant in the local time zone.
nowLocalTime() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Creates a new GstDateTime representing the current date and time.
nowUtc() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Creates a new GstDateTime that represents the current instant at Universal coordinated time.
nowUtc() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a GDateTime corresponding to this exact instant in UTC.
nRectangles() - Method in class
Returns the number of GstVideoOverlayRectangle<!-- -->s contained in this VideoOverlayComposition.
NS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverRecordType
look up DNS NS records for a domain
NSECOND - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Constant that defines one GStreamer nanosecond
nsecSinceDailyJam() - Method in class
NSM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Nonspacing Mark
nTags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Get the number of tags in this TagList.
nthChild(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Gets a child of a GNode, using the given index.
nthFieldName(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Get the name of the given field number, counting from 0 onwards.
nthTagName(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Get the name of the tag in this TagList at index.
NTLM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationScheme
NTLM Microsoft proprietary authentication scheme.
NUKTA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Diacritic nukta marks in Brahmi-derived scripts
NULL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.State
the NULL state or initial state of an element.
null_(Context) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Create a new JSCValue referencing <function>null</function> in context.
NULL_TO_NULL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChange
state change from NULL to NULL.
NULL_TO_READY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChange
state change from NULL to READY.
nullifyPointer(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Set the pointer at the specified location to null.
nullSettingsBackendNew() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Creates a readonly GSettingsBackend.
NUM_DSD_FORMATS - Enum constant in enum class
number of valid DSD formats
NUM_ERRORS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
the number of core error types.
NUM_ERRORS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LibraryError
the number of library error types.
NUM_ERRORS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
the number of resource error types.
NUM_ERRORS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
the number of stream error types.
NUM_PROPERTIES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EditableProperties
the number of properties
NUM_UNIX_FDS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageHeaderField
The number of UNIX file descriptors that accompany the message.
number(Context, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Create a new JSCValue from number.
NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputPurpose
Edited field expects numbers
NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputPurpose
Editable element expects a number
NUMBER_CASE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
NUMBER_OUT_OF_RANGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
the numerical value is out of range of the given type
NUMBER_SPACING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
NUMBER_TOO_BIG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
number is too big in escape sequence.
NUMBER_TOO_BIG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
the numerical value is out of range for any type
NUMBER_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintCapabilities
Print dialog will offer printing multiple pages per sheet
NUMBER_UP_LAYOUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintCapabilities
Print dialog will allow to rearrange pages when printing multiple pages per sheet
NumberParserError - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Error codes returned by functions converting a string to a number.
numberParserErrorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
NumberUpLayout - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Used to determine the layout of pages on a sheet when printing multiple pages per sheet.
NUMERIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Numeric (NU)
NumericSorter - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkNumericSorter is a GtkSorter that compares numbers.
NumericSorter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter
Calls NumericSorter(org.gnome.gtk.Expression) with expression = null
NumericSorter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter
Create a NumericSorter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NumericSorter(Expression) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter
Creates a new numeric sorter using the given expression.
NumericSorter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
NumericSorter.NumericSorterClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
NumericSorterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter.NumericSorterClass
Allocate a new NumericSorterClass.
NumericSorterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter.NumericSorterClass
Allocate a new NumericSorterClass.
NumericSorterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter.NumericSorterClass
Create a NumericSorterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
NUSHU - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Nshu, Since: 1.6.0
NUSHU - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
NV12 - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane
NV12_10BE_8L128 - Enum constant in enum class
NV12 10bit big endian with 8x128 tiles in linear order.
NV12_10LE32 - Enum constant in enum class
10-bit variant of GSTVIDEOFORMATNV12, packed into 32bit words (MSB 2 bits padding) (Since: 1.14)
NV12_10LE40 - Enum constant in enum class
Fully packed variant of NV12_10LE32 (Since: 1.16)
NV12_10LE40_4L4 - Enum constant in enum class
GSTVIDEOFORMATNV1210LE40 with 4x4 pixels tiles (5 bytes per tile row).
NV12_16L32S - Enum constant in enum class
NV12 with 16x32 Y tiles and 16x16 UV tiles.
NV12_32L32 - Enum constant in enum class
NV12 with 32x32 tiles in linear order.
NV12_4L4 - Enum constant in enum class
NV12 with 4x4 tiles in linear order.
NV12_64Z32 - Enum constant in enum class
NV12 with 64x32 tiling in zigzag pattern (Since: 1.4)
NV12_8L128 - Enum constant in enum class
NV12 with 8x128 tiles in linear order.
NV16 - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:2 YUV with interleaved UV plane (Since: 1.2)
NV16_10LE32 - Enum constant in enum class
10-bit variant of GSTVIDEOFORMATNV16, packed into 32bit words (MSB 2 bits padding) (Since: 1.14)
NV21 - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved VU plane
NV24 - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4 YUV with interleaved UV plane (Since: 1.2)
NV61 - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:2 YUV with interleaved VU plane (Since: 1.6)
NVAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOCondition
Invalid request.
NVAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.IOCondition
NXIO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
No such device or address.
NXIO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOChannelError
No such device or address.
NYIAKENG_PUACHUE_HMONG - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Hmnp, Since: 2.4.0
NYIAKENG_PUACHUE_HMONG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript


object(int, GObject) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
A variant of g_closure_new_simple() which stores object in the data field of the closure and calls g_object_watch_closure() on object and the created closure.
object(Context, MemorySegment, Class) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Create a new JSCValue from instance.
OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeType
a GObject.
OBJECT - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type for GObject.
OBJECT_PATH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is a D-Bus object path string.
OBJECT_PATH - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of a D-Bus object reference.
OBJECT_PATH_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of an array of object paths.
OBJECT_PATH_IN_USE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
There's already an object with the requested object path.
OBJECT_TYPE_REFUSED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
A specified object type is of the same type or derived from the type of the composite class being extended with builder XML.
ObjectClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject.ObjectClass
Allocate a new ObjectClass.
ObjectClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Allocate a new ObjectClass.
ObjectClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject.ObjectClass
Allocate a new ObjectClass.
ObjectClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Allocate a new ObjectClass.
ObjectClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject.ObjectClass
Create a ObjectClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ObjectClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Create a ObjectClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ObjectConstructParam - Class in org.gnome.gobject
The GObjectConstructParam struct is an auxiliary structure used to hand GParamSpec/GValue pairs to the constructor of a GObjectClass.
ObjectConstructParam() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ObjectConstructParam
Allocate a new ObjectConstructParam.
ObjectConstructParam(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ObjectConstructParam
Allocate a new ObjectConstructParam.
ObjectConstructParam(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ObjectConstructParam
Create a ObjectConstructParam proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ObjectConstructParam(ParamSpec, Value) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ObjectConstructParam
Allocate a new ObjectConstructParam with the fields set to the provided values.
ObjectConstructParam(ParamSpec, Value, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ObjectConstructParam
Allocate a new ObjectConstructParam with the fields set to the provided values.
objectDefinePropertyAccessor(String, Set<ValuePropertyFlags>, Type, Callback, Callback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Define or modify a property with propertyName in object referenced by this Value.
objectDefinePropertyAccessor(String, ValuePropertyFlags, Type, Callback, Callback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Define or modify a property with propertyName in object referenced by this Value.
objectDefinePropertyData(String, Set<ValuePropertyFlags>, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Define or modify a property with propertyName in object referenced by this Value.
objectDefinePropertyData(String, ValuePropertyFlags, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Define or modify a property with propertyName in object referenced by this Value.
objectDeleteProperty(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Try to delete property with name from this Value.
objectEnumerateProperties() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Get the list of property names of this Value.
ObjectExpression - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GObject value in a GtkExpression.
ObjectExpression(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ObjectExpression
Create a ObjectExpression proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ObjectExpression(GObject) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ObjectExpression
Creates an expression evaluating to the given object with a weak reference.
ObjectFinalizeFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the ObjectFinalizeFunc callback.
ObjectFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The standard flags that an gstobject may have.
objectGetProperty(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Get property with name from this Value.
objectGetPropertyAtIndex(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Get property at index from this Value.
ObjectGetPropertyFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the ObjectGetPropertyFunc callback.
objectHasProperty(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Get whether this Value has property with name.
ObjectImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject.ObjectImpl
Creates a new instance of GstObject for the provided memory address.
objectInvokeMethod(String, Value[]) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Invoke method with name on object referenced by this Value, passing the given parameters.
objectIsInstanceOf(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Get whether the value referenced by this Value is an instance of class name.
objectPath(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a D-Bus object path GVariant with the contents of objectPath.
OBJECTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeDebugFlags
Print messages about object bookkeeping
objectSetProperty(String, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Set property with name on this Value.
objectSetPropertyAtIndex(int, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Set property at index on this Value.
ObjectSetPropertyFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the ObjectSetPropertyFunc callback.
objectToValue(Object, Value) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.ValueUtil
Read the GType of the dest GValue and set the src object (or boxed primitive value) as its value using the corresponding setter in the Value proxy class.
objectToVariantType(Object) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
Return a VariantType that is suitable for the Java class of this object.
objv(String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Constructs an array of object paths GVariant from the given array of strings.
OBLIQUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Style
the font is slanted, but in a roman style.
observeChildren() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns a GListModel to track the children of this Widget.
observeConstraints() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout
Returns a GListModel to track the constraints that are part of the layout.
observeControllers() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns a GListModel to track the EventControllers of this Widget.
observeGuides() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout
Returns a GListModel to track the guides that are part of the layout.
obtain() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SystemClock
Get a handle to the default system clock.
OCTAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
an octal integer
OCTOBER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateMonth
ODD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PageSet
Odd pages.
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioBaseSinkDiscontReason for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioBaseSinkSlaveMethod for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioBaseSrcSlaveMethod for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioCdSrcMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioChannelMixerFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioChannelPosition for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioConverterFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioDitherMethod for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioFormat for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioFormatFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioLayout for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioNoiseShapingMethod for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioPackFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioQuantizeFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioResamplerFilterInterpolation for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioResamplerFilterMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioResamplerFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioResamplerMethod for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioRingBufferFormatType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AudioRingBufferState for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new DsdFormat for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new StreamVolumeFormat for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorStartTimeSelection
Create a new AggregatorStartTimeSelection for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrameFlags
Create a new BaseParseFrameFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrcFlags
Create a new BaseSrcFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsStateFlags
Create a new CollectPadsStateFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocatorFlags
Create a new AllocatorFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BinFlags
Create a new BinFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferCopyFlags
Create a new BufferCopyFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
Create a new BufferFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferingMode
Create a new BufferingMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireFlags
Create a new BufferPoolAcquireFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusFlags
Create a new BusFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusSyncReply
Create a new BusSyncReply for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFlags
Create a new CapsFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsIntersectMode
Create a new CapsIntersectMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntryType
Create a new ClockEntryType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockFlags
Create a new ClockFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockReturn
Create a new ClockReturn for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockType
Create a new ClockType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
Create a new CoreError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Create a new DebugColorFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorMode
Create a new DebugColorMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugGraphDetails
Create a new DebugGraphDetails for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugLevel
Create a new DebugLevel for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFlags
Create a new ElementFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Create a new EventType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventTypeFlags
Create a new EventTypeFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
Create a new FlowReturn for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Format
Create a new Format for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GapFlags
Create a new GapFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorItem
Create a new IteratorItem for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorResult
Create a new IteratorResult for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LibraryError
Create a new LibraryError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LockFlags
Create a new LockFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapFlags
Create a new MapFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryFlags
Create a new MemoryFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Create a new MessageType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaFlags
Create a new MetaFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectFlags
Create a new MiniObjectFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ObjectFlags
Create a new ObjectFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadDirection
Create a new PadDirection for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
Create a new PadFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkCheck
Create a new PadLinkCheck for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkReturn
Create a new PadLinkReturn for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadMode
Create a new PadMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadPresence
Create a new PadPresence for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeReturn
Create a new PadProbeReturn for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
Create a new PadProbeType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplateFlags
Create a new PadTemplateFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseError
Create a new ParseError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseFlags
Create a new ParseFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PipelineFlags
Create a new PipelineFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginAPIFlags
Create a new PluginAPIFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDependencyFlags
Create a new PluginDependencyFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginError
Create a new PluginError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFlags
Create a new PluginFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProgressType
Create a new ProgressType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PromiseResult
Create a new PromiseResult for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QOSType
Create a new QOSType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
Create a new QueryType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryTypeFlags
Create a new QueryTypeFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Rank
Create a new Rank for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
Create a new ResourceError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SchedulingFlags
Create a new SchedulingFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SearchMode
Create a new SearchMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
Create a new SeekFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekType
Create a new SeekType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SegmentFlags
Create a new SegmentFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SerializeFlags
Create a new SerializeFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StackTraceFlags
Create a new StackTraceFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.State
Create a new State for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChange
Create a new StateChange for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChangeReturn
Create a new StateChangeReturn for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
Create a new StreamError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamFlags
Create a new StreamFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamStatusType
Create a new StreamStatusType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamType
Create a new StreamType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StructureChangeType
Create a new StructureChangeType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagFlag
Create a new TagFlag for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagMergeMode
Create a new TagMergeMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagScope
Create a new TagScope for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskState
Create a new TaskState for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntryType
Create a new TocEntryType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocLoopType
Create a new TocLoopType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocScope
Create a new TocScope for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerValueFlags
Create a new TracerValueFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerValueScope
Create a new TracerValueScope for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindProbability
Create a new TypeFindProbability for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIError
Create a new URIError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIType
Create a new URIType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShader
Create a new AudioVisualizerShader for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererResult
Create a new DiscovererResult for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSerializeFlags
Create a new DiscovererSerializeFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsReturn
Create a new InstallPluginsReturn for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.PbUtilsCapsDescriptionFlags
Create a new PbUtilsCapsDescriptionFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new AncillaryMetaField for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new ColorBalanceType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new NavigationCommand for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new NavigationEventType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new NavigationMessageType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new NavigationModifierType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new NavigationQueryType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoAFDSpec for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoAFDValue for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoAlphaMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoAncillaryDID for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoAncillaryDID16 for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoBufferFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoCaptionType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoChromaFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoChromaMethod for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoChromaMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoChromaSite for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoCodecFrameFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoColorMatrix for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoColorPrimaries for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoColorRange for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoDecoderRequestSyncPointFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoDitherFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoDitherMethod for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoFieldOrder for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoFormat for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoFormatFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoFrameFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoFrameMapFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoGammaMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoGLTextureOrientation for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoGLTextureType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoInterlaceMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoMatrixMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoMultiviewFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoMultiviewFramePacking for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoMultiviewMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoOrientationMethod for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoOverlayFormatFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoPackFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoPrimariesMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoResamplerFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoResamplerMethod for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoScalerFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoTileMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoTileType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoTimeCodeFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoTransferFunction for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class
Create a new VideoVBIParserResult for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
Create a new AatLayoutFeatureSelector for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
Create a new AatLayoutFeatureType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferClusterLevel
Create a new BufferClusterLevel for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferContentType
Create a new BufferContentType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferDiffFlags
Create a new BufferDiffFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferFlags
Create a new BufferFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFlags
Create a new BufferSerializeFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFormat
Create a new BufferSerializeFormat for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Direction
Create a new Direction for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphFlags
Create a new GlyphFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.MemoryMode
Create a new MemoryMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorPaletteFlags
Create a new OtColorPaletteFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutBaselineTag
Create a new OtLayoutBaselineTag for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutGlyphClass
Create a new OtLayoutGlyphClass for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
Create a new OtMathConstant for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPartFlags
Create a new OtMathGlyphPartFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKern
Create a new OtMathKern for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetaTag
Create a new OtMetaTag for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
Create a new OtMetricsTag for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Create a new OtNameIdPredefined for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisFlags
Create a new OtVarAxisFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
Create a new PaintCompositeMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintExtend
Create a new PaintExtend for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Create a new Script for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.StyleTag
Create a new StyleTag for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Create a new UnicodeCombiningClass for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
Create a new UnicodeGeneralCategory for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.AccentColor
Create a new AccentColor for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.AnimationState
Create a new AnimationState for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointConditionLengthType
Create a new BreakpointConditionLengthType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointConditionRatioType
Create a new BreakpointConditionRatioType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.CenteringPolicy
Create a new CenteringPolicy for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ColorScheme
Create a new ColorScheme for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.DialogPresentationMode
Create a new DialogPresentationMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Create a new Easing for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.FlapFoldPolicy
Create a new FlapFoldPolicy for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.FlapTransitionType
Create a new FlapTransitionType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.FoldThresholdPolicy
Create a new FoldThresholdPolicy for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.LeafletTransitionType
Create a new LeafletTransitionType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.LengthUnit
Create a new LengthUnit for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.NavigationDirection
Create a new NavigationDirection for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ResponseAppearance
Create a new ResponseAppearance for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerTransitionType
Create a new SqueezerTransitionType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
Create a new TabViewShortcuts for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ToastPriority
Create a new ToastPriority for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarStyle
Create a new ToolbarStyle for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherPolicy
Create a new ViewSwitcherPolicy for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AnchorHints
Create a new AnchorHints for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisFlags
Create a new AxisFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
Create a new AxisUse for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CicpRange
Create a new CicpRange for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingMode
Create a new CrossingMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DevicePadFeature
Create a new DevicePadFeature for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceToolType
Create a new DeviceToolType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufError
Create a new DmabufError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragAction
Create a new DragAction for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragCancelReason
Create a new DragCancelReason for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
Create a new EventType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClockPhase
Create a new FrameClockPhase for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FullscreenMode
Create a new FullscreenMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLAPI
Create a new GLAPI for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLError
Create a new GLError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.Gravity
Create a new Gravity for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.InputSource
Create a new InputSource for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.KeyMatch
Create a new KeyMatch for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
Create a new MemoryFormat for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
Create a new ModifierType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.NotifyType
Create a new NotifyType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.PaintableFlags
Create a new PaintableFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollDirection
Create a new ScrollDirection for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollUnit
Create a new ScrollUnit for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SeatCapabilities
Create a new SeatCapabilities for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SubpixelLayout
Create a new SubpixelLayout for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SurfaceEdge
Create a new SurfaceEdge for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TextureError
Create a new TextureError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TitlebarGesture
Create a new TitlebarGesture for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
Create a new ToplevelState for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TouchpadGesturePhase
Create a new TouchpadGesturePhase for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanError
Create a new VulkanError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Colorspace
Create a new Colorspace for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.InterpType
Create a new InterpType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAlphaMode
Create a new PixbufAlphaMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufError
Create a new PixbufError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormatFlags
Create a new PixbufFormatFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufRotation
Create a new PixbufRotation for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoCreateFlags
Create a new AppInfoCreateFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationFlags
Create a new ApplicationFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.AskPasswordFlags
Create a new AskPasswordFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusNameOwnerFlags
Create a new BusNameOwnerFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusNameWatcherFlags
Create a new BusNameWatcherFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusType
Create a new BusType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ConverterFlags
Create a new ConverterFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ConverterResult
Create a new ConverterResult for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.CredentialsType
Create a new CredentialsType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DataStreamByteOrder
Create a new DataStreamByteOrder for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DataStreamNewlineType
Create a new DataStreamNewlineType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusCallFlags
Create a new DBusCallFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusCapabilityFlags
Create a new DBusCapabilityFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnectionFlags
Create a new DBusConnectionFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Create a new DBusError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags
Create a new DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageByteOrder
Create a new DBusMessageByteOrder for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageFlags
Create a new DBusMessageFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageHeaderField
Create a new DBusMessageHeaderField for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageType
Create a new DBusMessageType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClientFlags
Create a new DBusObjectManagerClientFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfoFlags
Create a new DBusPropertyInfoFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxyFlags
Create a new DBusProxyFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSendMessageFlags
Create a new DBusSendMessageFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusServerFlags
Create a new DBusServerFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalFlags
Create a new DBusSignalFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeFlags
Create a new DBusSubtreeFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DriveStartFlags
Create a new DriveStartFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DriveStartStopType
Create a new DriveStartStopType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.EmblemOrigin
Create a new EmblemOrigin for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoFlags
Create a new FileAttributeInfoFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeStatus
Create a new FileAttributeStatus for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeType
Create a new FileAttributeType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCopyFlags
Create a new FileCopyFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCreateFlags
Create a new FileCreateFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMeasureFlags
Create a new FileMeasureFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorEvent
Create a new FileMonitorEvent for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorFlags
Create a new FileMonitorFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileQueryInfoFlags
Create a new FileQueryInfoFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FilesystemPreviewType
Create a new FilesystemPreviewType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileType
Create a new FileType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Create a new IOErrorEnum for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOModuleScopeFlags
Create a new IOModuleScopeFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOStreamSpliceFlags
Create a new IOStreamSpliceFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitorWarningLevel
Create a new MemoryMonitorWarningLevel for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountMountFlags
Create a new MountMountFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountOperationResult
Create a new MountOperationResult for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountUnmountFlags
Create a new MountUnmountFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.NetworkConnectivity
Create a new NetworkConnectivity for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.NotificationPriority
Create a new NotificationPriority for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.OutputStreamSpliceFlags
Create a new OutputStreamSpliceFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.PasswordSave
Create a new PasswordSave for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.PollableReturn
Create a new PollableReturn for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverError
Create a new ResolverError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverNameLookupFlags
Create a new ResolverNameLookupFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverRecordType
Create a new ResolverRecordType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceError
Create a new ResourceError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceFlags
Create a new ResourceFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceLookupFlags
Create a new ResourceLookupFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBindFlags
Create a new SettingsBindFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketClientEvent
Create a new SocketClientEvent for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketFamily
Create a new SocketFamily for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketListenerEvent
Create a new SocketListenerEvent for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketMsgFlags
Create a new SocketMsgFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketProtocol
Create a new SocketProtocol for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketType
Create a new SocketType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessFlags
Create a new SubprocessFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TestDBusFlags
Create a new TestDBusFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsAuthenticationMode
Create a new TlsAuthenticationMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateFlags
Create a new TlsCertificateFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateRequestFlags
Create a new TlsCertificateRequestFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingError
Create a new TlsChannelBindingError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingType
Create a new TlsChannelBindingType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabaseLookupFlags
Create a new TlsDatabaseLookupFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags
Create a new TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsError
Create a new TlsError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteractionResult
Create a new TlsInteractionResult for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsPasswordFlags
Create a new TlsPasswordFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsProtocolVersion
Create a new TlsProtocolVersion for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsRehandshakeMode
Create a new TlsRehandshakeMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddressType
Create a new UnixSocketAddressType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressorFormat
Create a new ZlibCompressorFormat for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.AsciiType
Create a new AsciiType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFileError
Create a new BookmarkFileError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ChecksumType
Create a new ChecksumType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ConvertError
Create a new ConvertError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateDMY
Create a new DateDMY for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateMonth
Create a new DateMonth for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateWeekday
Create a new DateWeekday for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ErrorType
Create a new ErrorType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Create a new FileError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileSetContentsFlags
Create a new FileSetContentsFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileTest
Create a new FileTest for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.FormatSizeFlags
Create a new FormatSizeFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.HookFlagMask
Create a new HookFlagMask for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOChannelError
Create a new IOChannelError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOCondition
Create a new IOCondition for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOError
Create a new IOError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOFlags
Create a new IOFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOStatus
Create a new IOStatus for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.KeyFileError
Create a new KeyFileError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.KeyFileFlags
Create a new KeyFileFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogLevelFlags
Create a new LogLevelFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogWriterOutput
Create a new LogWriterOutput for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.MainContextFlags
Create a new MainContextFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupCollectType
Create a new MarkupCollectType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupError
Create a new MarkupError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseFlags
Create a new MarkupParseFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.NormalizeMode
Create a new NormalizeMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.NumberParserError
Create a new NumberParserError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.OnceStatus
Create a new OnceStatus for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionArg
Create a new OptionArg for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionError
Create a new OptionError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionFlags
Create a new OptionFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Create a new RegexCompileFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Create a new RegexError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
Create a new RegexMatchFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.SeekType
Create a new SeekType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ShellError
Create a new ShellError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.SliceConfig
Create a new SliceConfig for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
Create a new SpawnError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnFlags
Create a new SpawnFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestFileType
Create a new TestFileType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestLogType
Create a new TestLogType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestResult
Create a new TestResult for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestSubprocessFlags
Create a new TestSubprocessFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestTrapFlags
Create a new TestTrapFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ThreadError
Create a new ThreadError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPriority
Create a new ThreadPriority for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TimeType
Create a new TimeType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
Create a new TokenType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseFlags
Create a new TraverseFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseType
Create a new TraverseType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Create a new UnicodeBreakType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Create a new UnicodeScript for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
Create a new UnicodeType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnixPipeEnd
Create a new UnixPipeEnd for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriError
Create a new UriError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriFlags
Create a new UriFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriHideFlags
Create a new UriHideFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsFlags
Create a new UriParamsFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UserDirectory
Create a new UserDirectory for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
Create a new VariantClass for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
Create a new VariantParseError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.Win32OSType
Create a new Win32OSType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleError
Create a new ModuleError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleFlags
Create a new ModuleFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.BindingFlags
Create a new BindingFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ConnectFlags
Create a new ConnectFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.IOCondition
Create a new IOCondition for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ParamFlags
Create a new ParamFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalFlags
Create a new SignalFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalMatchType
Create a new SignalMatchType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeDebugFlags
Create a new TypeDebugFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFlags
Create a new TypeFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFundamentalFlags
Create a new TypeFundamentalFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Create a new EulerOrder for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.graphene.RayIntersectionKind
Create a new RayIntersectionKind for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Create a new BlendMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.Corner
Create a new Corner for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.FillRule
Create a new FillRule for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.GLUniformType
Create a new GLUniformType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.LineCap
Create a new LineCap for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.LineJoin
Create a new LineJoin for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.MaskMode
Create a new MaskMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathDirection
Create a new PathDirection for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathForeachFlags
Create a new PathForeachFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathOperation
Create a new PathOperation for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
Create a new RenderNodeType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.ScalingFilter
Create a new ScalingFilter for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.SerializationError
Create a new SerializationError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.TransformCategory
Create a new TransformCategory for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleAnnouncementPriority
Create a new AccessibleAnnouncementPriority for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleAutocomplete
Create a new AccessibleAutocomplete for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleInvalidState
Create a new AccessibleInvalidState for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessiblePlatformState
Create a new AccessiblePlatformState for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Create a new AccessibleProperty for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Create a new AccessibleRelation for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Create a new AccessibleRole for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleSort
Create a new AccessibleSort for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleState
Create a new AccessibleState for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextContentChange
Create a new AccessibleTextContentChange for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextGranularity
Create a new AccessibleTextGranularity for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTristate
Create a new AccessibleTristate for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Align
Create a new Align for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationInhibitFlags
Create a new ApplicationInhibitFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ArrowType
Create a new ArrowType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPageType
Create a new AssistantPageType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BaselinePosition
Create a new BaselinePosition for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BorderStyle
Create a new BorderStyle for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderClosureFlags
Create a new BuilderClosureFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
Create a new BuilderError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ButtonsType
Create a new ButtonsType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccelMode
Create a new CellRendererAccelMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererMode
Create a new CellRendererMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererState
Create a new CellRendererState for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Collation
Create a new Collation for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintAttribute
Create a new ConstraintAttribute for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintRelation
Create a new ConstraintRelation for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintStrength
Create a new ConstraintStrength for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintVflParserError
Create a new ConstraintVflParserError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ContentFit
Create a new ContentFit for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CornerType
Create a new CornerType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CssParserError
Create a new CssParserError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CssParserWarning
Create a new CssParserWarning for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Create a new DebugFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DeleteType
Create a new DeleteType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DialogError
Create a new DialogError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DialogFlags
Create a new DialogFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DirectionType
Create a new DirectionType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EditableProperties
Create a new EditableProperties for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EntryIconPosition
Create a new EntryIconPosition for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScrollFlags
Create a new EventControllerScrollFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventSequenceState
Create a new EventSequenceState for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserAction
Create a new FileChooserAction for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserError
Create a new FileChooserError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FilterChange
Create a new FilterChange for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FilterMatch
Create a new FilterMatch for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserLevel
Create a new FontChooserLevel for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontLevel
Create a new FontLevel for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontRendering
Create a new FontRendering for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffloadEnabled
Create a new GraphicsOffloadEnabled for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconLookupFlags
Create a new IconLookupFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconSize
Create a new IconSize for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconThemeError
Create a new IconThemeError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconViewDropPosition
Create a new IconViewDropPosition for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ImageType
Create a new ImageType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
Create a new InputHints for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputPurpose
Create a new InputPurpose for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InscriptionOverflow
Create a new InscriptionOverflow for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Justification
Create a new Justification for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBarMode
Create a new LevelBarMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
Create a new License for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ListScrollFlags
Create a new ListScrollFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ListTabBehavior
Create a new ListTabBehavior for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MessageType
Create a new MessageType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MovementStep
Create a new MovementStep for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NaturalWrapMode
Create a new NaturalWrapMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookTab
Create a new NotebookTab for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NumberUpLayout
Create a new NumberUpLayout for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Ordering
Create a new Ordering for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Orientation
Create a new Orientation for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Overflow
Create a new Overflow for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PackType
Create a new PackType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionType
Create a new PadActionType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PageOrientation
Create a new PageOrientation for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PageSet
Create a new PageSet for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PanDirection
Create a new PanDirection for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PickFlags
Create a new PickFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PolicyType
Create a new PolicyType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuFlags
Create a new PopoverMenuFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PositionType
Create a new PositionType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintCapabilities
Create a new PrintCapabilities for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDuplex
Create a new PrintDuplex for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintError
Create a new PrintError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationAction
Create a new PrintOperationAction for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationResult
Create a new PrintOperationResult for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintPages
Create a new PrintPages for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintQuality
Create a new PrintQuality for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintStatus
Create a new PrintStatus for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PropagationLimit
Create a new PropagationLimit for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PropagationPhase
Create a new PropagationPhase for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManagerError
Create a new RecentManagerError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ResponseType
Create a new ResponseType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RevealerTransitionType
Create a new RevealerTransitionType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollablePolicy
Create a new ScrollablePolicy for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollStep
Create a new ScrollStep for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Create a new ScrollType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionMode
Create a new SelectionMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SensitivityType
Create a new SensitivityType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutActionFlags
Create a new ShortcutActionFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutScope
Create a new ShortcutScope for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutType
Create a new ShortcutType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroupMode
Create a new SizeGroupMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SizeRequestMode
Create a new SizeRequestMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SorterChange
Create a new SorterChange for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SorterOrder
Create a new SorterOrder for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SortType
Create a new SortType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButtonUpdatePolicy
Create a new SpinButtonUpdatePolicy for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinType
Create a new SpinType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Create a new StackTransitionType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Create a new StateFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilterMatchMode
Create a new StringFilterMatchMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContextPrintFlags
Create a new StyleContextPrintFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SymbolicColor
Create a new SymbolicColor for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SystemSetting
Create a new SystemSetting for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextBufferNotifyFlags
Create a new TextBufferNotifyFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextDirection
Create a new TextDirection for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextExtendSelection
Create a new TextExtendSelection for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextSearchFlags
Create a new TextSearchFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextViewLayer
Create a new TextViewLayer for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextWindowType
Create a new TextWindowType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFlags
Create a new TreeModelFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing
Create a new TreeViewColumnSizing for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewDropPosition
Create a new TreeViewDropPosition for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewGridLines
Create a new TreeViewGridLines for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Unit
Create a new Unit for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.WrapMode
Create a new WrapMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.BackgroundPatternType
Create a new BackgroundPatternType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.BracketMatchType
Create a new BracketMatchType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.ChangeCaseType
Create a new ChangeCaseType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionActivation
Create a new CompletionActivation for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionColumn
Create a new CompletionColumn for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompressionType
Create a new CompressionType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoaderError
Create a new FileLoaderError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaverError
Create a new FileSaverError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaverFlags
Create a new FileSaverFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererAlignmentMode
Create a new GutterRendererAlignmentMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.NewlineType
Create a new NewlineType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SmartHomeEndType
Create a new SmartHomeEndType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SortFlags
Create a new SortFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceLocationFlags
Create a new SpaceLocationFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceTypeFlags
Create a new SpaceTypeFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.ViewGutterPosition
Create a new ViewGutterPosition for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Alignment
Create a new Alignment for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
Create a new AttrType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.BaselineShift
Create a new BaselineShift for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Create a new BidiType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.CoverageLevel
Create a new CoverageLevel for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Direction
Create a new Direction for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.EllipsizeMode
Create a new EllipsizeMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontMask
Create a new FontMask for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontScale
Create a new FontScale for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Gravity
Create a new Gravity for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.GravityHint
Create a new GravityHint for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutDeserializeError
Create a new LayoutDeserializeError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutDeserializeFlags
Create a new LayoutDeserializeFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutSerializeFlags
Create a new LayoutSerializeFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Overline
Create a new Overline for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.RenderPart
Create a new RenderPart for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Create a new Script for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.ShapeFlags
Create a new ShapeFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.ShowFlags
Create a new ShowFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Stretch
Create a new Stretch for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Style
Create a new Style for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.TabAlign
Create a new TabAlign for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.TextTransform
Create a new TextTransform for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Underline
Create a new Underline for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Variant
Create a new Variant for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Weight
Create a new Weight for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.WrapMode
Create a new WrapMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Cacheability
Create a new Cacheability for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.CacheType
Create a new CacheType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarAcceptPolicy
Create a new CookieJarAcceptPolicy for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.DateFormat
Create a new DateFormat for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Encoding
Create a new Encoding for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Expectation
Create a new Expectation for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.HTTPVersion
Create a new HTTPVersion for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.LoggerLogLevel
Create a new LoggerLogLevel for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MemoryUse
Create a new MemoryUse for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageFlags
Create a new MessageFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersType
Create a new MessageHeadersType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessagePriority
Create a new MessagePriority for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.SameSitePolicy
Create a new SameSitePolicy for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.ServerListenOptions
Create a new ServerListenOptions for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.SessionError
Create a new SessionError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
Create a new Status for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.TLDError
Create a new TLDError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.URIComponent
Create a new URIComponent for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketCloseCode
Create a new WebsocketCloseCode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnectionType
Create a new WebsocketConnectionType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketDataType
Create a new WebsocketDataType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketError
Create a new WebsocketError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketState
Create a new WebsocketState for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationScheme
Create a new AuthenticationScheme for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationBrowsingContextPresentation
Create a new AutomationBrowsingContextPresentation for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AutoplayPolicy
Create a new AutoplayPolicy for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CacheModel
Create a new CacheModel for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Create a new ContextMenuAction for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CookieAcceptPolicy
Create a new CookieAcceptPolicy for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CookiePersistentStorage
Create a new CookiePersistentStorage for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CredentialPersistence
Create a new CredentialPersistence for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.DownloadError
Create a new DownloadError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.EditorTypingAttributes
Create a new EditorTypingAttributes for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabaseError
Create a new FaviconDatabaseError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureStatus
Create a new FeatureStatus for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FindOptions
Create a new FindOptions for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HardwareAccelerationPolicy
Create a new HardwareAccelerationPolicy for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResultContext
Create a new HitTestResultContext for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputHints
Create a new InputHints for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputPurpose
Create a new InputPurpose for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InsecureContentEvent
Create a new InsecureContentEvent for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.JavascriptError
Create a new JavascriptError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.CheckSyntaxMode
Create a new CheckSyntaxMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.CheckSyntaxResult
Create a new CheckSyntaxResult for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.OptionType
Create a new OptionType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.TypedArrayType
Create a new TypedArrayType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ValuePropertyFlags
Create a new ValuePropertyFlags for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.LoadEvent
Create a new LoadEvent for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.MediaCaptureState
Create a new MediaCaptureState for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.MediaError
Create a new MediaError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationType
Create a new NavigationType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkError
Create a new NetworkError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkProxyMode
Create a new NetworkProxyMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionState
Create a new PermissionState for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecisionType
Create a new PolicyDecisionType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyError
Create a new PolicyError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PrintError
Create a new PrintError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperationResponse
Create a new PrintOperationResponse for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SaveMode
Create a new SaveMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialogType
Create a new ScriptDialogType for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotError
Create a new SnapshotError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotOptions
Create a new SnapshotOptions for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotRegion
Create a new SnapshotRegion for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.TLSErrorsPolicy
Create a new TLSErrorsPolicy for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterError
Create a new UserContentFilterError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentInjectedFrames
Create a new UserContentInjectedFrames for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessageError
Create a new UserMessageError for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserScriptInjectionTime
Create a new UserScriptInjectionTime for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserStyleLevel
Create a new UserStyleLevel for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebExtensionMode
Create a new WebExtensionMode for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebProcessTerminationReason
Create a new WebProcessTerminationReason for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
Create a new WebsiteDataTypes for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageLevel
Create a new ConsoleMessageLevel for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageSource
Create a new ConsoleMessageSource for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Create a new ContextMenuAction for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResultContext
Create a new HitTestResultContext for the provided value
of(int) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessageError
Create a new UserMessageError for the provided value
OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorMode
Do not use colors in logs.
OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SensitivityType
The control is always insensitive
OFFLINE_APPLICATION_CACHE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
Offline web application cache.
offset(float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Offsets the origin by dX and dY.
offset(float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Offsets the bound's origin by dx and dy.
offset(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeZone
Creates a GTimeZone corresponding to the given constant offset from UTC, in seconds.
offsetAtDiscont() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Get the offset that was on the last buffer with the GST_BUFFER_FLAG_DISCONT flag, or GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_NONE.
offsetR(float, float, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Offsets the origin of the given rectangle by dX and dY.
offsetRunningTime(Format, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Adjust the values in this Segment so that offset is applied to all future running-time calculations.
offsets(VideoFormatInfo, Out<int[]>, Out<int[]>) - Method in enum class
Compute the offset and scale values for each component of info.
OGHAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
OGHAM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
OGHAM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockReturn
The operation succeeded.
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
Data passing was ok.
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorResult
An item was retrieved
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkReturn
link succeeded
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeReturn
normal probe return value.
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererResult
The discovery was successful
OK - Enum constant in enum class
A GstVideoAncillary was found.
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.PollableReturn
The operation was successfully finished.
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ButtonsType
an OK button
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ResponseType
Returned by OK buttons in GTK dialogs
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
200 Success (HTTP).
OK_CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ButtonsType
OK and Cancel buttons
OL_CHIKI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
OL_CHIKI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Ol Chiki.
OL_CHIKI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Ol Chiki.
OLD_HUNGARIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Hung, Since: 0.9.30
OLD_HUNGARIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Old Hungarian.
OLD_HUNGARIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Old Hungarian.
OLD_ITALIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
OLD_ITALIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Old Italic
OLD_ITALIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Old Italic
OLD_NORTH_ARABIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Narb, Since: 0.9.30
OLD_NORTH_ARABIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Old North Arabian.
OLD_NORTH_ARABIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Old North Arabian.
OLD_PERMIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Perm, Since: 0.9.30
OLD_PERMIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Old Permic.
OLD_PERMIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Old Permic.
OLD_PERSIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
OLD_PERSIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Old Persian
OLD_PERSIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Old Persian.
OLD_SOGDIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Sogo, Since: 1.8.0
OLD_SOGDIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Old Sogdian.
OLD_SOUTH_ARABIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
OLD_SOUTH_ARABIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Old South Arabian.
OLD_TURKIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
OLD_TURKIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Old Turkic.
OLD_UYGHUR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Ougr, Since: 3.0.0
OLD_UYGHUR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Old Uyghur.
ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorMode
Paint logs in a platform-specific way.
ON - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SensitivityType
The control is always sensitive
ON - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Other Neutrals
onAborted(MountOperation.AbortedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.Builder
Emitted by the backend when e.g.
onAborted(MountOperation.AbortedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Emitted by the backend when e.g.
onAccelCleared(CellRendererAccel.AccelClearedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel.Builder
Gets emitted when the user has removed the accelerator.
onAccelCleared(CellRendererAccel.AccelClearedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel
Gets emitted when the user has removed the accelerator.
onAccelEdited(CellRendererAccel.AccelEditedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel.Builder
Gets emitted when the user has selected a new accelerator.
onAccelEdited(CellRendererAccel.AccelEditedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel
Gets emitted when the user has selected a new accelerator.
onAccept(DropTarget.AcceptCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.Builder
Emitted on the drop site when a drop operation is about to begin.
onAccept(DropTarget.AcceptCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Emitted on the drop site when a drop operation is about to begin.
onAccept(DropTargetAsync.AcceptCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.Builder
Emitted on the drop site when a drop operation is about to begin.
onAccept(DropTargetAsync.AcceptCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Emitted on the drop site when a drop operation is about to begin.
onAcceptCertificate(DtlsConnection.AcceptCertificateCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Emitted during the TLS handshake after the peer certificate has been received.
onAcceptCertificate(TlsConnection.AcceptCertificateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.Builder
Emitted during the TLS handshake after the peer certificate has been received.
onAcceptCertificate(TlsConnection.AcceptCertificateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Emitted during the TLS handshake after the peer certificate has been received.
onAcceptCertificate(Message.AcceptCertificateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Emitted during the msg's connection TLS handshake after an unacceptable TLS certificate has been received.
onAcceptCertificate(Message.AcceptCertificateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emitted during the msg's connection TLS handshake after an unacceptable TLS certificate has been received.
onAcceptCertificate(ServerMessage.AcceptCertificateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.Builder
Emitted during the msg's connection TLS handshake after client TLS certificate has been received.
onAcceptCertificate(ServerMessage.AcceptCertificateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emitted during the msg's connection TLS handshake after client TLS certificate has been received.
onAcceptPosition(Paned.AcceptPositionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned.Builder
Emitted to accept the current position of the handle when moving it using key bindings.
onAcceptPosition(Paned.AcceptPositionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Emitted to accept the current position of the handle when moving it using key bindings.
onActionAdded(String, ActionGroup.ActionAddedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Signals that a new action was just added to the group.
onActionEnabledChanged(String, ActionGroup.ActionEnabledChangedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Signals that the enabled status of the named action has changed.
onActionRemoved(String, ActionGroup.ActionRemovedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Signals that an action is just about to be removed from the group.
onActionStateChanged(String, ActionGroup.ActionStateChangedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Signals that the state of the named action has changed.
onActivate(SplitButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.Builder
Emitted to animate press then release.
onActivate(SplitButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Emitted to animate press then release.
onActivate(TabButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabButton.Builder
Emitted to animate press then release.
onActivate(TabButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabButton
Emitted to animate press then release.
onActivate(Application.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.Builder
The ::activate signal is emitted on the primary instance when an activation occurs.
onActivate(Application.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
The ::activate signal is emitted on the primary instance when an activation occurs.
onActivate(SimpleAction.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction.Builder
Indicates that the action was just activated.
onActivate(SimpleAction.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction
Indicates that the action was just activated.
onActivate(AppChooserButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.Builder
Emitted to when the button is activated.
onActivate(AppChooserButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
Emitted to when the button is activated.
onActivate(Button.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button.Builder
Emitted to animate press then release.
onActivate(Button.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Emitted to animate press then release.
onActivate(CheckButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.Builder
Emitted to when the check button is activated.
onActivate(CheckButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Emitted to when the check button is activated.
onActivate(ColorButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton.Builder
Emitted to when the color button is activated.
onActivate(ColorButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton
Emitted to when the color button is activated.
onActivate(ColorDialogButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton.Builder
Emitted when the color dialog button is activated.
onActivate(ColorDialogButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton
Emitted when the color dialog button is activated.
onActivate(ColumnView.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView.Builder
Emitted when a row has been activated by the user, usually via activating the GtkListBase|list.activate-item action.
onActivate(ColumnView.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Emitted when a row has been activated by the user, usually via activating the GtkListBase|list.activate-item action.
onActivate(ComboBox.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
Emitted to when the combo box is activated.
onActivate(ComboBox.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
Emitted to when the combo box is activated.
onActivate(DropDown.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.Builder
Emitted to when the drop down is activated.
onActivate(DropDown.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Emitted to when the drop down is activated.
onActivate(Entry.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Emitted when the entry is activated.
onActivate(Entry.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Emitted when the entry is activated.
onActivate(Expander.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander.Builder
Activates the GtkExpander.
onActivate(Expander.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Activates the GtkExpander.
onActivate(FlowBoxChild.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild.Builder
Emitted when the user activates a child widget in a GtkFlowBox.
onActivate(FlowBoxChild.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild
Emitted when the user activates a child widget in a GtkFlowBox.
onActivate(FontButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton.Builder
Emitted to when the font button is activated.
onActivate(FontButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
Emitted to when the font button is activated.
onActivate(FontDialogButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton.Builder
Emitted when the font dialog button is activated.
onActivate(FontDialogButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Emitted when the font dialog button is activated.
onActivate(GridView.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView.Builder
Emitted when a cell has been activated by the user, usually via activating the GtkGridView|list.activate-item action.
onActivate(GridView.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Emitted when a cell has been activated by the user, usually via activating the GtkGridView|list.activate-item action.
onActivate(ListBoxRow.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow.Builder
This is a keybinding signal, which will cause this row to be activated.
onActivate(ListBoxRow.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
This is a keybinding signal, which will cause this row to be activated.
onActivate(ListView.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView.Builder
Emitted when a row has been activated by the user, usually via activating the GtkListView|list.activate-item action.
onActivate(ListView.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Emitted when a row has been activated by the user, usually via activating the GtkListView|list.activate-item action.
onActivate(MenuButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.Builder
Emitted to when the menu button is activated.
onActivate(MenuButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Emitted to when the menu button is activated.
onActivate(PasswordEntry.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry.Builder
Emitted when the entry is activated.
onActivate(PasswordEntry.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry
Emitted when the entry is activated.
onActivate(SearchEntry.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.Builder
Emitted when the entry is activated.
onActivate(SearchEntry.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Emitted when the entry is activated.
onActivate(SpinButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.Builder
Emitted when the spin button is activated.
onActivate(SpinButton.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Emitted when the spin button is activated.
onActivate(Switch.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Switch.Builder
Emitted to animate the switch.
onActivate(Switch.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Switch
Emitted to animate the switch.
onActivate(Text.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Emitted when the user hits the Enter key.
onActivate(Text.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emitted when the user hits the Enter key.
onActivate(GutterRenderer.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.Builder
The signal is emitted when the renderer is activated.
onActivate(GutterRenderer.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
The signal is emitted when the renderer is activated.
onActivate(StyleSchemePreview.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview.Builder
onActivate(StyleSchemePreview.ActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview
onActivateCurrentLink(Label.ActivateCurrentLinkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
Gets emitted when the user activates a link in the label.
onActivateCurrentLink(Label.ActivateCurrentLinkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Gets emitted when the user activates a link in the label.
onActivateCursorChild(FlowBox.ActivateCursorChildCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.Builder
Emitted when the user activates the box.
onActivateCursorChild(FlowBox.ActivateCursorChildCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Emitted when the user activates the box.
onActivateCursorItem(IconView.ActivateCursorItemCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
A Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user activates the currently focused item.
onActivateCursorItem(IconView.ActivateCursorItemCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
A Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user activates the currently focused item.
onActivateCursorRow(ListBox.ActivateCursorRowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.Builder
Emitted when the cursor row is activated.
onActivateCursorRow(ListBox.ActivateCursorRowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Emitted when the cursor row is activated.
onActivated(ActionRow.ActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow.Builder
This signal is emitted after the row has been activated.
onActivated(ActionRow.ActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
This signal is emitted after the row has been activated.
onActivated(ButtonRow.ActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow.Builder
This signal is emitted after the row has been activated.
onActivated(ButtonRow.ActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow
This signal is emitted after the row has been activated.
onActivateDefault(Popover.ActivateDefaultCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.Builder
Emitted whend the user activates the default widget.
onActivateDefault(Popover.ActivateDefaultCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Emitted whend the user activates the default widget.
onActivateDefault(Window.ActivateDefaultCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
Emitted when the user activates the default widget of window.
onActivateDefault(Window.ActivateDefaultCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Emitted when the user activates the default widget of window.
onActivateFocus(Window.ActivateFocusCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
Emitted when the user activates the currently focused widget of window.
onActivateFocus(Window.ActivateFocusCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Emitted when the user activates the currently focused widget of window.
onActivateLink(AboutDialog.ActivateLinkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
Emitted when a URL is activated.
onActivateLink(AboutDialog.ActivateLinkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Emitted when a URL is activated.
onActivateLink(AboutWindow.ActivateLinkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
onActivateLink(AboutWindow.ActivateLinkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
onActivateLink(AboutDialog.ActivateLinkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
Emitted every time a URL is activated.
onActivateLink(AboutDialog.ActivateLinkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Emitted every time a URL is activated.
onActivateLink(Label.ActivateLinkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
Gets emitted to activate a URI.
onActivateLink(Label.ActivateLinkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Gets emitted to activate a URI.
onActivateLink(LinkButton.ActivateLinkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton.Builder
Emitted each time the GtkLinkButton is clicked.
onActivateLink(LinkButton.ActivateLinkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton
Emitted each time the GtkLinkButton is clicked.
onAddEditable(CellArea.AddEditableCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.Builder
Indicates that editing has started on renderer and that editable should be added to the owning cell-layouting widget at cellArea.
onAddEditable(CellArea.AddEditableCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
Indicates that editing has started on renderer and that editable should be added to the owning cell-layouting widget at cellArea.
onAdjustBounds(Range.AdjustBoundsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range.Builder
Emitted before clamping a value, to give the application a chance to adjust the bounds.
onAdjustBounds(Range.AdjustBoundsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Emitted before clamping a value, to give the application a chance to adjust the bounds.
onAfterPaint(FrameClock.AfterPaintCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.Builder
This signal ends processing of the frame.
onAfterPaint(FrameClock.AfterPaintCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
This signal ends processing of the frame.
onAllowMechanism(DBusAuthObserver.AllowMechanismCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver.Builder
Emitted to check if mechanism is allowed to be used.
onAllowMechanism(DBusAuthObserver.AllowMechanismCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver
Emitted to check if mechanism is allowed to be used.
onAngleChanged(GestureRotate.AngleChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureRotate.Builder
Emitted when the angle between both tracked points changes.
onAngleChanged(GestureRotate.AngleChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureRotate
Emitted when the angle between both tracked points changes.
onApplicationActivated(AppChooserWidget.ApplicationActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget.Builder
Emitted when an application item is activated from the widget's list.
onApplicationActivated(AppChooserWidget.ApplicationActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
Emitted when an application item is activated from the widget's list.
onApplicationSelected(AppChooserWidget.ApplicationSelectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget.Builder
Emitted when an application item is selected from the widget's list.
onApplicationSelected(AppChooserWidget.ApplicationSelectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
Emitted when an application item is selected from the widget's list.
onApply(Breakpoint.ApplyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint.Builder
Emitted when the breakpoint is applied.
onApply(Breakpoint.ApplyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint
Emitted when the breakpoint is applied.
onApply(EntryRow.ApplyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.Builder
Emitted when the apply button is pressed.
onApply(EntryRow.ApplyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Emitted when the apply button is pressed.
onApply(Assistant.ApplyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.Builder
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
onApply(Assistant.ApplyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
onApplyAttributes(CellArea.ApplyAttributesCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.Builder
This signal is emitted whenever applying attributes to area from model
onApplyAttributes(CellArea.ApplyAttributesCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
This signal is emitted whenever applying attributes to area from model
onApplyTag(TextBuffer.ApplyTagCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Emitted to apply a tag to a range of text in a GtkTextBuffer.
onApplyTag(TextBuffer.ApplyTagCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emitted to apply a tag to a range of text in a GtkTextBuffer.
onAreaPrepared(PixbufLoader.AreaPreparedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.Builder
This signal is emitted when the pixbuf loader has allocated the pixbuf in the desired size.
onAreaPrepared(PixbufLoader.AreaPreparedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
This signal is emitted when the pixbuf loader has allocated the pixbuf in the desired size.
onAreaUpdated(PixbufLoader.AreaUpdatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.Builder
This signal is emitted when a significant area of the image being loaded has been updated.
onAreaUpdated(PixbufLoader.AreaUpdatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
This signal is emitted when a significant area of the image being loaded has been updated.
onAskPassword(MountOperation.AskPasswordCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.Builder
Emitted when a mount operation asks the user for a password.
onAskPassword(MountOperation.AskPasswordCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Emitted when a mount operation asks the user for a password.
onAskQuestion(MountOperation.AskQuestionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.Builder
Emitted when asking the user a question and gives a list of choices for the user to choose from.
onAskQuestion(MountOperation.AskQuestionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Emitted when asking the user a question and gives a list of choices for the user to choose from.
onAttach(WebInspector.AttachCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.Builder
Emitted when the inspector is requested to be attached to the window where the inspected web view is.
onAttach(WebInspector.AttachCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Emitted when the inspector is requested to be attached to the window where the inspected web view is.
onAuthenticate(Message.AuthenticateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Emitted when the message requires authentication.
onAuthenticate(Message.AuthenticateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emitted when the message requires authentication.
onAuthenticate(WebView.AuthenticateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
This signal is emitted when the user is challenged with HTTP authentication.
onAuthenticate(WebView.AuthenticateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
This signal is emitted when the user is challenged with HTTP authentication.
onAuthenticated(AuthenticationRequest.AuthenticatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest.Builder
This signal is emitted when the user authentication request succeeded.
onAuthenticated(AuthenticationRequest.AuthenticatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
This signal is emitted when the user authentication request succeeded.
onAuthorize(DebugControllerDBus.AuthorizeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus.Builder
Emitted when a D-Bus peer is trying to change the debug settings and used to determine if that is authorized.
onAuthorize(DebugControllerDBus.AuthorizeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus
Emitted when a D-Bus peer is trying to change the debug settings and used to determine if that is authorized.
onAuthorizeAuthenticatedPeer(DBusAuthObserver.AuthorizeAuthenticatedPeerCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver.Builder
Emitted to check if a peer that is successfully authenticated is authorized.
onAuthorizeAuthenticatedPeer(DBusAuthObserver.AuthorizeAuthenticatedPeerCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver
Emitted to check if a peer that is successfully authenticated is authorized.
onAuthorizeMethod(DBusObjectSkeleton.AuthorizeMethodCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton.Builder
Emitted when a method is invoked by a remote caller and used to determine if the method call is authorized.
onAuthorizeMethod(DBusObjectSkeleton.AuthorizeMethodCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton
Emitted when a method is invoked by a remote caller and used to determine if the method call is authorized.
onAutomationStarted(WebContext.AutomationStartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.Builder
This signal is emitted when a new automation request is made.
onAutomationStarted(WebContext.AutomationStartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
This signal is emitted when a new automation request is made.
onBackspace(Text.BackspaceCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onBackspace(Text.BackspaceCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onBackspace(TextView.BackspaceCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Gets emitted when the user asks for it.
onBackspace(TextView.BackspaceCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets emitted when the user asks for it.
onBeforePaint(FrameClock.BeforePaintCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.Builder
Begins processing of the frame.
onBeforePaint(FrameClock.BeforePaintCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Begins processing of the frame.
onBegin(Gesture.BeginCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.Builder
Emitted when the gesture is recognized.
onBegin(Gesture.BeginCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Emitted when the gesture is recognized.
onBeginPrint(PrintOperation.BeginPrintCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
Emitted after the user has finished changing print settings in the dialog, before the actual rendering starts.
onBeginPrint(PrintOperation.BeginPrintCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emitted after the user has finished changing print settings in the dialog, before the actual rendering starts.
onBeginSwipe(SwipeTracker.BeginSwipeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.Builder
This signal is emitted right before a swipe will be started, after the drag threshold has been passed.
onBeginSwipe(SwipeTracker.BeginSwipeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
This signal is emitted right before a swipe will be started, after the drag threshold has been passed.
onBeginUserAction(TextBuffer.BeginUserActionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Emitted at the beginning of a single user-visible operation on a GtkTextBuffer.
onBeginUserAction(TextBuffer.BeginUserActionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emitted at the beginning of a single user-visible operation on a GtkTextBuffer.
onBind(SignalGroup.BindCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup.Builder
This signal is emitted when GSignalGroup:target is set to a new value other than null.
onBind(SignalGroup.BindCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
This signal is emitted when GSignalGroup:target is set to a new value other than null.
onBind(SignalListItemFactory.BindCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.Builder
Emitted when an object has been bound, for example when a new Gtk.ListItem:item has been set on a listitem and should be bound for use.
onBind(SignalListItemFactory.BindCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory
Emitted when an object has been bound, for example when a new Gtk.ListItem:item has been set on a listitem and should be bound for use.
onBracketMatched(Buffer.BracketMatchedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.Builder
iter is set to a valid iterator pointing to the matching bracket if state is BracketMatchType.FOUND.
onBracketMatched(Buffer.BracketMatchedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
iter is set to a valid iterator pointing to the matching bracket if state is BracketMatchType.FOUND.
onBringToFront(WebInspector.BringToFrontCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.Builder
Emitted when the inspector should be shown.
onBringToFront(WebInspector.BringToFrontCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Emitted when the inspector should be shown.
onBufferConsumed(AggregatorPad.BufferConsumedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad.Builder
onBufferConsumed(AggregatorPad.BufferConsumedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad
onButtonClicked(Banner.ButtonClickedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner.Builder
This signal is emitted after the action button has been clicked.
onButtonClicked(Banner.ButtonClickedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner
This signal is emitted after the action button has been clicked.
onButtonClicked(Toast.ButtonClickedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast.Builder
Emitted after the button has been clicked.
onButtonClicked(Toast.ButtonClickedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Emitted after the button has been clicked.
onCancel(Drag.CancelCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag.Builder
Emitted when the drag operation is cancelled.
onCancel(Drag.CancelCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Emitted when the drag operation is cancelled.
onCancel(Assistant.CancelCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.Builder
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
onCancel(Assistant.CancelCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
onCancel(Gesture.CancelCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.Builder
Emitted whenever a sequence is cancelled.
onCancel(Gesture.CancelCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Emitted whenever a sequence is cancelled.
onCancelled(Cancellable.CancelledCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable.Builder
Emitted when the operation has been cancelled.
onCancelled(Cancellable.CancelledCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Emitted when the operation has been cancelled.
onCancelled(GestureLongPress.CancelledCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress.Builder
Emitted whenever a press moved too far, or was released before Gtk.GestureLongPress::pressed happened.
onCancelled(GestureLongPress.CancelledCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress
Emitted whenever a press moved too far, or was released before Gtk.GestureLongPress::pressed happened.
onCancelled(AuthenticationRequest.CancelledCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest.Builder
This signal is emitted when the user authentication request is cancelled.
onCancelled(AuthenticationRequest.CancelledCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
This signal is emitted when the user authentication request is cancelled.
onCancelPosition(Paned.CancelPositionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned.Builder
Emitted to cancel moving the position of the handle using key bindings.
onCancelPosition(Paned.CancelPositionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Emitted to cancel moving the position of the handle using key bindings.
Once - Class in org.gnome.glib
A GOnce struct controls a one-time initialization function.
Once() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Once
Allocate a new Once.
Once(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Once
Allocate a new Once.
Once(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Once
Create a Once proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Once(OnceStatus, MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Once
Allocate a new Once with the fields set to the provided values.
Once(OnceStatus, MemorySegment, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Once
Allocate a new Once with the fields set to the provided values.
OnceStatus - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
The possible statuses of a one-time initialization function controlled by a GOnce struct.
onChangeCase(View.ChangeCaseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
Keybinding signal to change case of the text at the current cursor position.
onChangeCase(View.ChangeCaseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Keybinding signal to change case of the text at the current cursor position.
onChangeCurrentPage(Notebook.ChangeCurrentPageCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
Emitted when the current page should be changed.
onChangeCurrentPage(Notebook.ChangeCurrentPageCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Emitted when the current page should be changed.
onChangeCurrentPage(ShortcutsSection.ChangeCurrentPageCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection.Builder
Emitted when we change the current page.
onChangeCurrentPage(ShortcutsSection.ChangeCurrentPageCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection
Emitted when we change the current page.
onChanged(String, Settings.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings.Builder
The "changed" signal is emitted when a key has potentially changed.
onChanged(String, Settings.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
The "changed" signal is emitted when a key has potentially changed.
onChanged(Clipboard.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard.Builder
Emitted when the clipboard changes ownership.
onChanged(Clipboard.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Emitted when the clipboard changes ownership.
onChanged(Device.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device.Builder
Emitted either when the number of either axes or keys changes.
onChanged(Device.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Emitted either when the number of either axes or keys changes.
onChanged(AppInfoMonitor.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoMonitor.Builder
Signal emitted when the app info database changes, when applications are installed or removed.
onChanged(AppInfoMonitor.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoMonitor
Signal emitted when the app info database changes, when applications are installed or removed.
onChanged(Drive.ChangedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Emitted when the drive's state has changed.
onChanged(FileMonitor.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor.Builder
Emitted when file has been changed.
onChanged(FileMonitor.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor
Emitted when file has been changed.
onChanged(Mount.ChangedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Emitted when the mount has been changed.
onChanged(Volume.ChangedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Emitted when the volume has been changed.
onChanged(Adjustment.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.Builder
Emitted when one or more of the GtkAdjustment properties have been changed.
onChanged(Adjustment.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Emitted when one or more of the GtkAdjustment properties have been changed.
onChanged(AppChooserButton.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.Builder
Emitted when the active application changes.
onChanged(AppChooserButton.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
Emitted when the active application changes.
onChanged(CellRendererCombo.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererCombo.Builder
This signal is emitted each time after the user selected an item in the combo box, either by using the mouse or the arrow keys.
onChanged(CellRendererCombo.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererCombo
This signal is emitted each time after the user selected an item in the combo box, either by using the mouse or the arrow keys.
onChanged(ComboBox.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
Emitted when the active item is changed.
onChanged(ComboBox.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
Emitted when the active item is changed.
onChanged(Editable.ChangedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Emitted at the end of a single user-visible operation on the contents.
onChanged(Filter.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Filter.Builder
Emitted whenever the filter changed.
onChanged(Filter.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Filter
Emitted whenever the filter changed.
onChanged(IconTheme.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme.Builder
Emitted when the icon theme changes.
onChanged(IconTheme.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Emitted when the icon theme changes.
onChanged(RecentManager.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.Builder
Emitted when the current recently used resources manager changes its contents.
onChanged(RecentManager.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
Emitted when the current recently used resources manager changes its contents.
onChanged(Sorter.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter.Builder
Emitted whenever the sorter changed.
onChanged(Sorter.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter
Emitted whenever the sorter changed.
onChanged(TextBuffer.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Emitted when the content of a GtkTextBuffer has changed.
onChanged(TextBuffer.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emitted when the content of a GtkTextBuffer has changed.
onChanged(TreeSelection.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection.Builder
Emitted whenever the selection has (possibly) changed.
onChanged(TreeSelection.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Emitted whenever the selection has (possibly) changed.
onChanged(SnippetContext.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext.Builder
The signal is emitted when a change has been discovered in one of the chunks of the snippet which has caused a variable or other dynamic data within the context to have changed.
onChanged(SnippetContext.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext
The signal is emitted when a change has been discovered in one of the chunks of the snippet which has caused a variable or other dynamic data within the context to have changed.
onChanged(CookieJar.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar.Builder
Emitted when jar changes.
onChanged(CookieJar.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Emitted when jar changes.
onChanged(HSTSEnforcer.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer.Builder
Emitted when hstsEnforcer changes.
onChanged(HSTSEnforcer.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer
Emitted when hstsEnforcer changes.
onChanged(BackForwardList.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList.Builder
This signal is emitted when backForwardList changes.
onChanged(BackForwardList.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList
This signal is emitted when backForwardList changes.
onChanged(CookieManager.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager.Builder
This signal is emitted when cookies are added, removed or modified.
onChanged(CookieManager.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
This signal is emitted when cookies are added, removed or modified.
onChanged(EditorState.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState.Builder
Emitted when the WebKitEdtorState is changed.
onChanged(EditorState.ChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.EditorState
Emitted when the WebKitEdtorState is changed.
onChangeEvent(Settings.ChangeEventCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings.Builder
The "change-event" signal is emitted once per change event that affects this settings object.
onChangeEvent(Settings.ChangeEventCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
The "change-event" signal is emitted once per change event that affects this settings object.
onChangeNumber(View.ChangeNumberCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
Keybinding signal to edit a number at the current cursor position.
onChangeNumber(View.ChangeNumberCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Keybinding signal to edit a number at the current cursor position.
onChangeState(SimpleAction.ChangeStateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction.Builder
Indicates that the action just received a request to change its state.
onChangeState(SimpleAction.ChangeStateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction
Indicates that the action just received a request to change its state.
onChangeValue(Range.ChangeValueCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range.Builder
Emitted when a scroll action is performed on a range.
onChangeValue(Range.ChangeValueCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Emitted when a scroll action is performed on a range.
onChangeValue(SpinButton.ChangeValueCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.Builder
Emitted when the user initiates a value change.
onChangeValue(SpinButton.ChangeValueCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Emitted when the user initiates a value change.
onChildActivated(FlowBox.ChildActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.Builder
Emitted when a child has been activated by the user.
onChildActivated(FlowBox.ChildActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Emitted when a child has been activated by the user.
onChildAdded(ChildProxy.ChildAddedCallback) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy
Will be emitted after the object was added to the childProxy.
onChildRemoved(ChildProxy.ChildRemovedCallback) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy
Will be emitted after the object was removed from the childProxy.
onCleared(WeakValue.ClearedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue.Builder
This signal is emitted when the JavaScript value is destroyed.
onCleared(WeakValue.ClearedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue
This signal is emitted when the JavaScript value is destroyed.
onClicked(SplitButton.ClickedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.Builder
Emitted when the button has been activated (pressed and released).
onClicked(SplitButton.ClickedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Emitted when the button has been activated (pressed and released).
onClicked(TabButton.ClickedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabButton.Builder
Emitted when the button has been activated (pressed and released).
onClicked(TabButton.ClickedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabButton
Emitted when the button has been activated (pressed and released).
onClicked(Button.ClickedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button.Builder
Emitted when the button has been activated (pressed and released).
onClicked(Button.ClickedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Emitted when the button has been activated (pressed and released).
onClicked(TreeViewColumn.ClickedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
Emitted when the column's header has been clicked.
onClicked(TreeViewColumn.ClickedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Emitted when the column's header has been clicked.
onClicked(Notification.ClickedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Notification.Builder
Emitted when a notification has been clicked.
onClicked(Notification.ClickedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Notification
Emitted when a notification has been clicked.
onClose(Assistant.CloseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.Builder
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
onClose(Assistant.CloseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
onClose(Dialog.CloseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog.Builder
Use Window instead
onClose(Dialog.CloseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Use Window instead
onClose(InfoBar.CloseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar.Builder
Gets emitted when the user uses a keybinding to dismiss the info bar.
onClose(InfoBar.CloseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
Gets emitted when the user uses a keybinding to dismiss the info bar.
onClose(ShortcutsWindow.CloseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow.Builder
Emitted when the user uses a keybinding to close the window.
onClose(ShortcutsWindow.CloseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow
Emitted when the user uses a keybinding to close the window.
onClose(OptionMenu.CloseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu.Builder
Emitted when closing a WebKitOptionMenu is requested.
onClose(OptionMenu.CloseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu
Emitted when closing a WebKitOptionMenu is requested.
onClose(WebView.CloseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Emitted when closing a WebKitWebView is requested.
onClose(WebView.CloseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emitted when closing a WebKitWebView is requested.
onCloseAttempt(BottomSheet.CloseAttemptCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.Builder
Emitted when the close button or shortcut is used while Dialog:can-close is set to FALSE.
onCloseAttempt(BottomSheet.CloseAttemptCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Emitted when the close button or shortcut is used while Dialog:can-close is set to FALSE.
onCloseAttempt(Dialog.CloseAttemptCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.Builder
Emitted when the close button or shortcut is used, or Dialog.close() is called while Dialog:can-close is set to FALSE.
onCloseAttempt(Dialog.CloseAttemptCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Emitted when the close button or shortcut is used, or Dialog.close() is called while Dialog:can-close is set to FALSE.
onClosed(Dialog.ClosedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.Builder
Emitted when the dialog is successfully closed.
onClosed(Dialog.ClosedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Emitted when the dialog is successfully closed.
onClosed(Display.ClosedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display.Builder
Emitted when the connection to the windowing system for display is closed.
onClosed(Display.ClosedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Emitted when the connection to the windowing system for display is closed.
onClosed(PixbufLoader.ClosedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.Builder
This signal is emitted when gdk_pixbuf_loader_close() is called.
onClosed(PixbufLoader.ClosedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
This signal is emitted when gdk_pixbuf_loader_close() is called.
onClosed(DBusConnection.ClosedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection.Builder
Emitted when the connection is closed.
onClosed(DBusConnection.ClosedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Emitted when the connection is closed.
onClosed(Popover.ClosedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.Builder
Emitted when the popover is closed.
onClosed(Popover.ClosedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Emitted when the popover is closed.
onClosed(WebsocketConnection.ClosedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.Builder
Emitted when the connection has completely closed.
onClosed(WebsocketConnection.ClosedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Emitted when the connection has completely closed.
onClosed(Notification.ClosedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Notification.Builder
Emitted when a notification has been withdrawn.
onClosed(Notification.ClosedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Notification
Emitted when a notification has been withdrawn.
onClosed(WebInspector.ClosedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.Builder
Emitted when the inspector page is closed.
onClosed(WebInspector.ClosedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Emitted when the inspector page is closed.
onClosePage(TabView.ClosePageCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView.Builder
Emitted after TabView.closePage(org.gnome.adw.TabPage) has been called for page.
onClosePage(TabView.ClosePageCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Emitted after TabView.closePage(org.gnome.adw.TabPage) has been called for page.
onCloseRequest(Window.CloseRequestCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
Emitted when the user clicks on the close button of the window.
onCloseRequest(Window.CloseRequestCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Emitted when the user clicks on the close button of the window.
onClosing(WebsocketConnection.ClosingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.Builder
This signal will be emitted during an orderly close.
onClosing(WebsocketConnection.ClosingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
This signal will be emitted during an orderly close.
onColorActivated(ColorChooser.ColorActivatedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser
Use ColorDialog and ColorDialogButton instead of widgets implementing GtkColorChooser
onColorSet(ColorButton.ColorSetCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton.Builder
Emitted when the user selects a color.
onColorSet(ColorButton.ColorSetCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton
Emitted when the user selects a color.
onColumnsChanged(TreeView.ColumnsChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
The number of columns of the treeview has changed.
onColumnsChanged(TreeView.ColumnsChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
The number of columns of the treeview has changed.
onCommandLine(Application.CommandLineCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.Builder
The ::command-line signal is emitted on the primary instance when a commandline is not handled locally.
onCommandLine(Application.CommandLineCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
The ::command-line signal is emitted on the primary instance when a commandline is not handled locally.
onCommit(IMContext.CommitCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.Builder
The ::commit signal is emitted when a complete input sequence has been entered by the user.
onCommit(IMContext.CommitCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
The ::commit signal is emitted when a complete input sequence has been entered by the user.
onCommitted(InputMethodContext.CommittedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.Builder
Emitted when a complete input sequence has been entered by the user.
onCommitted(InputMethodContext.CommittedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Emitted when a complete input sequence has been entered by the user.
onComputeSize(DragSurface.ComputeSizeCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.DragSurface
Emitted when the size for the surface needs to be computed, when it is present.
onComputeSize(Toplevel.ComputeSizeCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Emitted when the size for the surface needs to be computed, when it is present.
onConnected(ServerMessage.ConnectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.Builder
Emitted when the msg's socket is connected and the TLS handshake completed.
onConnected(ServerMessage.ConnectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emitted when the msg's socket is connected and the TLS handshake completed.
onConsoleMessageSent(WebPage.ConsoleMessageSentCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.Builder
Emitted when a message is sent to the console.
onConsoleMessageSent(WebPage.ConsoleMessageSentCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
Emitted when a message is sent to the console.
onContentChanged(ContentProvider.ContentChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.Builder
Emitted whenever the content provided by this provider has changed.
onContentChanged(ContentProvider.ContentChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
Emitted whenever the content provided by this provider has changed.
onContentSniffed(Message.ContentSniffedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
This signal is emitted after Message::got-headers.
onContentSniffed(Message.ContentSniffedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
This signal is emitted after Message::got-headers.
onContextMenu(WebView.ContextMenuCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Emitted when a context menu is about to be displayed to give the application a chance to customize the proposed menu, prevent the menu from being displayed, or build its own context menu.
onContextMenu(WebView.ContextMenuCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emitted when a context menu is about to be displayed to give the application a chance to customize the proposed menu, prevent the menu from being displayed, or build its own context menu.
onContextMenu(WebPage.ContextMenuCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.Builder
Emitted before a context menu is displayed in the UI Process to give the application a chance to customize the proposed menu, build its own context menu or pass user data to the UI Process.
onContextMenu(WebPage.ContextMenuCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
Emitted before a context menu is displayed in the UI Process to give the application a chance to customize the proposed menu, build its own context menu or pass user data to the UI Process.
onContextMenuDismissed(WebView.ContextMenuDismissedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Emitted after WebKitWebView::context-menu signal, if the context menu is shown, to notify that the context menu is dismissed.
onContextMenuDismissed(WebView.ContextMenuDismissedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emitted after WebKitWebView::context-menu signal, if the context menu is shown, to notify that the context menu is dismissed.
onCopyClipboard(Label.CopyClipboardCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
Gets emitted to copy the selection to the clipboard.
onCopyClipboard(Label.CopyClipboardCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Gets emitted to copy the selection to the clipboard.
onCopyClipboard(Text.CopyClipboardCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Emitted to copy the selection to the clipboard.
onCopyClipboard(Text.CopyClipboardCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emitted to copy the selection to the clipboard.
onCopyClipboard(TextView.CopyClipboardCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Gets emitted to copy the selection to the clipboard.
onCopyClipboard(TextView.CopyClipboardCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets emitted to copy the selection to the clipboard.
onCountedMatches(FindController.CountedMatchesCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController.Builder
This signal is emitted when the WebKitFindController has counted the number of matches for a given text after a call to webkit_find_controller_count_matches().
onCountedMatches(FindController.CountedMatchesCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
This signal is emitted when the WebKitFindController has counted the number of matches for a given text after a call to webkit_find_controller_count_matches().
onCreate(WebView.CreateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Emitted when the creation of a new WebKitWebView is requested.
onCreate(WebView.CreateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emitted when the creation of a new WebKitWebView is requested.
onCreateContext(GLArea.CreateContextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.Builder
Emitted when the widget is being realized.
onCreateContext(GLArea.CreateContextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Emitted when the widget is being realized.
onCreateCustomWidget(PrintOperation.CreateCustomWidgetCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
Emitted when displaying the print dialog.
onCreateCustomWidget(PrintOperation.CreateCustomWidgetCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emitted when displaying the print dialog.
onCreatedDestination(Download.CreatedDestinationCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download.Builder
This signal is emitted after WebKitDownload::decide-destination and before WebKitDownload::received-data to notify that destination file has been created successfully at destination.
onCreatedDestination(Download.CreatedDestinationCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
This signal is emitted after WebKitDownload::decide-destination and before WebKitDownload::received-data to notify that destination file has been created successfully at destination.
onCreateTab(TabOverview.CreateTabCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.Builder
Emitted when a tab needs to be created;
onCreateTab(TabOverview.CreateTabCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Emitted when a tab needs to be created;
onCreateWebView(String, AutomationSession.CreateWebViewCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession.Builder
This signal is emitted when the automation client requests a new browsing context to interact with it.
onCreateWebView(String, AutomationSession.CreateWebViewCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession
This signal is emitted when the automation client requests a new browsing context to interact with it.
onCreateWindow(TabView.CreateWindowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView.Builder
Emitted when a tab should be transferred into a new window.
onCreateWindow(TabView.CreateWindowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Emitted when a tab should be transferred into a new window.
onCreateWindow(Notebook.CreateWindowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
The ::create-window signal is emitted when a detachable tab is dropped on the root window.
onCreateWindow(Notebook.CreateWindowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
The ::create-window signal is emitted when a detachable tab is dropped on the root window.
onCurrentlyLoadingFrame() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter
Used to determine how to respond to the area_updated signal on GdkPixbufLoader when loading an animation.
onCursorChanged(TreeView.CursorChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
The position of the cursor (focused cell) has changed.
onCursorChanged(TreeView.CursorChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
The position of the cursor (focused cell) has changed.
onCursorMoved(Buffer.CursorMovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.Builder
The "cursor-moved" signal is emitted when then insertion mark has moved.
onCursorMoved(Buffer.CursorMovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
The "cursor-moved" signal is emitted when then insertion mark has moved.
onCursorOnMatch(EntryCompletion.CursorOnMatchCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.Builder
Emitted when a match from the cursor is on a match of the list.
onCursorOnMatch(EntryCompletion.CursorOnMatchCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
Emitted when a match from the cursor is on a match of the list.
onCustomItemActivated(String, AppChooserButton.CustomItemActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.Builder
Emitted when a custom item is activated.
onCustomItemActivated(String, AppChooserButton.CustomItemActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
Emitted when a custom item is activated.
onCustomWidgetApply(PrintOperation.CustomWidgetApplyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
Emitted right before ::begin-print if you added a custom widget in the ::create-custom-widget handler.
onCustomWidgetApply(PrintOperation.CustomWidgetApplyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emitted right before ::begin-print if you added a custom widget in the ::create-custom-widget handler.
onCutClipboard(Text.CutClipboardCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Emitted to cut the selection to the clipboard.
onCutClipboard(Text.CutClipboardCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emitted to cut the selection to the clipboard.
onCutClipboard(TextView.CutClipboardCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Gets emitted to cut the selection to the clipboard.
onCutClipboard(TextView.CutClipboardCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets emitted to cut the selection to the clipboard.
onCycleChildFocus(Paned.CycleChildFocusCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned.Builder
Emitted to cycle the focus between the children of the paned.
onCycleChildFocus(Paned.CycleChildFocusCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Emitted to cycle the focus between the children of the paned.
onCycleHandleFocus(Paned.CycleHandleFocusCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned.Builder
Emitted to cycle whether the paned should grab focus to allow the user to change position of the handle by using key bindings.
onCycleHandleFocus(Paned.CycleHandleFocusCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Emitted to cycle whether the paned should grab focus to allow the user to change position of the handle by using key bindings.
onDaySelected(Calendar.DaySelectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.Builder
Emitted when the user selects a day.
onDaySelected(Calendar.DaySelectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Emitted when the user selects a day.
onDecelerate(EventControllerScroll.DecelerateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.Builder
Emitted after scroll is finished if the EventControllerScrollFlags.KINETIC flag is set.
onDecelerate(EventControllerScroll.DecelerateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
Emitted after scroll is finished if the EventControllerScrollFlags.KINETIC flag is set.
onDecideDestination(Download.DecideDestinationCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download.Builder
This signal is emitted after response is received to decide a destination for the download using webkit_download_set_destination().
onDecideDestination(Download.DecideDestinationCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
This signal is emitted after response is received to decide a destination for the download using webkit_download_set_destination().
onDecidePolicy(WebView.DecidePolicyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
This signal is emitted when WebKit is requesting the client to decide a policy decision, such as whether to navigate to a page, open a new window or whether or not to download a resource.
onDecidePolicy(WebView.DecidePolicyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
This signal is emitted when WebKit is requesting the client to decide a policy decision, such as whether to navigate to a page, open a new window or whether or not to download a resource.
onDeepElementAdded(Bin.DeepElementAddedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.Builder
Will be emitted after the element was added to subBin.
onDeepElementAdded(Bin.DeepElementAddedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Will be emitted after the element was added to subBin.
onDeepElementRemoved(Bin.DeepElementRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.Builder
Will be emitted after the element was removed from subBin.
onDeepElementRemoved(Bin.DeepElementRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Will be emitted after the element was removed from subBin.
onDeepNotify(String, GstObject.DeepNotifyCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject.Builder
The deep notify signal is used to be notified of property changes.
onDeepNotify(String, GstObject.DeepNotifyCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
The deep notify signal is used to be notified of property changes.
onDeletedText(EntryBuffer.DeletedTextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.Builder
The text is altered in the default handler for this signal.
onDeletedText(EntryBuffer.DeletedTextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
The text is altered in the default handler for this signal.
onDeleteFromCursor(Text.DeleteFromCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Emitted when the user initiates a text deletion.
onDeleteFromCursor(Text.DeleteFromCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emitted when the user initiates a text deletion.
onDeleteFromCursor(TextView.DeleteFromCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Gets emitted when the user initiates a text deletion.
onDeleteFromCursor(TextView.DeleteFromCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets emitted when the user initiates a text deletion.
onDeleteRange(TextBuffer.DeleteRangeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Emitted to delete a range from a GtkTextBuffer.
onDeleteRange(TextBuffer.DeleteRangeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emitted to delete a range from a GtkTextBuffer.
onDeleteSurrounding(IMContext.DeleteSurroundingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.Builder
The ::delete-surrounding signal is emitted when the input method needs to delete all or part of the context surrounding the cursor.
onDeleteSurrounding(IMContext.DeleteSurroundingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
The ::delete-surrounding signal is emitted when the input method needs to delete all or part of the context surrounding the cursor.
onDeleteSurrounding(InputMethodContext.DeleteSurroundingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.Builder
Emitted when the input method wants to delete the context surrounding the cursor.
onDeleteSurrounding(InputMethodContext.DeleteSurroundingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Emitted when the input method wants to delete the context surrounding the cursor.
onDeleteText(Editable.DeleteTextCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Emitted when text is deleted from the widget by the user.
onDesktopFolder(FileChooserWidget.DesktopFolderCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.Builder
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onDesktopFolder(FileChooserWidget.DesktopFolderCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onDestroy(Widget.DestroyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Signals that all holders of a reference to the widget should release the reference that they hold.
onDestroy(Widget.DestroyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Signals that all holders of a reference to the widget should release the reference that they hold.
onDetach(WebInspector.DetachCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.Builder
Emitted when the inspector is requested to be detached from the window it is currently attached to.
onDetach(WebInspector.DetachCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Emitted when the inspector is requested to be detached from the window it is currently attached to.
onDetailsAcquired(Printer.DetailsAcquiredCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer.Builder
Emitted in response to a request for detailed information about a printer from the print backend.
onDetailsAcquired(Printer.DetailsAcquiredCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Emitted in response to a request for detailed information about a printer from the print backend.
onDeviceAdded(Seat.DeviceAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat.Builder
Emitted when a new input device is related to this seat.
onDeviceAdded(Seat.DeviceAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Emitted when a new input device is related to this seat.
onDeviceRemoved(Seat.DeviceRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat.Builder
Emitted when an input device is removed (e.g.
onDeviceRemoved(Seat.DeviceRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Emitted when an input device is removed (e.g.
onDirectionChanged(Widget.DirectionChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Emitted when the text direction of a widget changes.
onDirectionChanged(Widget.DirectionChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emitted when the text direction of a widget changes.
onDisconnected(Drive.DisconnectedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
This signal is emitted when the GDrive have been disconnected.
onDisconnected(ServerMessage.DisconnectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.Builder
Emitted when the msg's socket is disconnected.
onDisconnected(ServerMessage.DisconnectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emitted when the msg's socket is disconnected.
onDiscovered(Discoverer.DiscoveredCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.Builder
Will be emitted in async mode when all information on a URI could be discovered, or an error occurred.
onDiscovered(Discoverer.DiscoveredCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Will be emitted in async mode when all information on a URI could be discovered, or an error occurred.
onDismissed(Toast.DismissedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast.Builder
Emitted when the toast has been dismissed.
onDismissed(Toast.DismissedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Emitted when the toast has been dismissed.
onDisplayOpened(DisplayManager.DisplayOpenedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager.Builder
Emitted when a display is opened.
onDisplayOpened(DisplayManager.DisplayOpenedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager
Emitted when a display is opened.
onDndFinished(Drag.DndFinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag.Builder
Emitted when the destination side has finished reading all data.
onDndFinished(Drag.DndFinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Emitted when the destination side has finished reading all data.
onDocumentLoaded(WebPage.DocumentLoadedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.Builder
This signal is emitted when the DOM document of a WebKitWebPage has been loaded.
onDocumentLoaded(WebPage.DocumentLoadedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
This signal is emitted when the DOM document of a WebKitWebPage has been loaded.
onDoLatency(Bin.DoLatencyCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.Builder
Will be emitted when the bin needs to perform latency calculations.
onDoLatency(Bin.DoLatencyCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Will be emitted when the bin needs to perform latency calculations.
onDone(Animation.DoneCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation.Builder
This signal is emitted when the animation has been completed, either on its own or via calling Animation.skip().
onDone(Animation.DoneCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
This signal is emitted when the animation has been completed, either on its own or via calling Animation.skip().
onDone(PrintOperation.DoneCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
Emitted when the print operation run has finished doing everything required for printing.
onDone(PrintOperation.DoneCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emitted when the print operation run has finished doing everything required for printing.
onDown(GestureStylus.DownCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.Builder
Emitted when the stylus touches the device.
onDown(GestureStylus.DownCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Emitted when the stylus touches the device.
onDownFolder(FileChooserWidget.DownFolderCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.Builder
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onDownFolder(FileChooserWidget.DownFolderCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onDownloadStarted(NetworkSession.DownloadStartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession.Builder
This signal is emitted when a new download request is made.
onDownloadStarted(NetworkSession.DownloadStartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
This signal is emitted when a new download request is made.
onDragBegin(DragSource.DragBeginCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.Builder
Emitted on the drag source when a drag is started.
onDragBegin(DragSource.DragBeginCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Emitted on the drag source when a drag is started.
onDragBegin(GestureDrag.DragBeginCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag.Builder
Emitted whenever dragging starts.
onDragBegin(GestureDrag.DragBeginCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag
Emitted whenever dragging starts.
onDragCancel(DragSource.DragCancelCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.Builder
Emitted on the drag source when a drag has failed.
onDragCancel(DragSource.DragCancelCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Emitted on the drag source when a drag has failed.
onDragEnd(DragSource.DragEndCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.Builder
Emitted on the drag source when a drag is finished.
onDragEnd(DragSource.DragEndCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Emitted on the drag source when a drag is finished.
onDragEnd(GestureDrag.DragEndCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag.Builder
Emitted whenever the dragging is finished.
onDragEnd(GestureDrag.DragEndCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag
Emitted whenever the dragging is finished.
onDragEnter(DropTargetAsync.DragEnterCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.Builder
Emitted on the drop site when the pointer enters the widget.
onDragEnter(DropTargetAsync.DragEnterCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Emitted on the drop site when the pointer enters the widget.
onDragLeave(DropTargetAsync.DragLeaveCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.Builder
Emitted on the drop site when the pointer leaves the widget.
onDragLeave(DropTargetAsync.DragLeaveCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Emitted on the drop site when the pointer leaves the widget.
onDragMotion(DropTargetAsync.DragMotionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.Builder
Emitted while the pointer is moving over the drop target.
onDragMotion(DropTargetAsync.DragMotionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Emitted while the pointer is moving over the drop target.
onDragUpdate(GestureDrag.DragUpdateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag.Builder
Emitted whenever the dragging point moves.
onDragUpdate(GestureDrag.DragUpdateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag
Emitted whenever the dragging point moves.
onDrawPage(PrintOperation.DrawPageCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
Emitted for every page that is printed.
onDrawPage(PrintOperation.DrawPageCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emitted for every page that is printed.
onDriveChanged(VolumeMonitor.DriveChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.Builder
Emitted when a drive changes.
onDriveChanged(VolumeMonitor.DriveChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emitted when a drive changes.
onDriveConnected(VolumeMonitor.DriveConnectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.Builder
Emitted when a drive is connected to the system.
onDriveConnected(VolumeMonitor.DriveConnectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emitted when a drive is connected to the system.
onDriveDisconnected(VolumeMonitor.DriveDisconnectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.Builder
Emitted when a drive is disconnected from the system.
onDriveDisconnected(VolumeMonitor.DriveDisconnectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emitted when a drive is disconnected from the system.
onDriveEjectButton(VolumeMonitor.DriveEjectButtonCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.Builder
Emitted when the eject button is pressed on drive.
onDriveEjectButton(VolumeMonitor.DriveEjectButtonCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emitted when the eject button is pressed on drive.
onDriveStopButton(VolumeMonitor.DriveStopButtonCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.Builder
Emitted when the stop button is pressed on drive.
onDriveStopButton(VolumeMonitor.DriveStopButtonCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emitted when the stop button is pressed on drive.
onDrop(DropTarget.DropCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.Builder
Emitted on the drop site when the user drops the data onto the widget.
onDrop(DropTarget.DropCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Emitted on the drop site when the user drops the data onto the widget.
onDrop(DropTargetAsync.DropCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.Builder
Emitted on the drop site when the user drops the data onto the widget.
onDrop(DropTargetAsync.DropCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Emitted on the drop site when the user drops the data onto the widget.
onDropPerformed(Drag.DropPerformedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag.Builder
Emitted when the drop operation is performed on an accepting client.
onDropPerformed(Drag.DropPerformedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Emitted when the drop operation is performed on an accepting client.
one() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
A graphene_box_t with the minimum vertex set at (0, 0, 0) and the maximum vertex set at (1, 1, 1).
one() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Retrieves a constant vector with (1, 1) components.
one() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Provides a constant pointer to a vector with three components, all sets to 1.
one() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Retrieves a pointer to a graphene_vec4_t with all its components set to 1.
onEdgeOvershot(ScrolledWindow.EdgeOvershotCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
Emitted whenever user initiated scrolling makes the scrolled window firmly surpass the limits defined by the adjustment in that orientation.
onEdgeOvershot(ScrolledWindow.EdgeOvershotCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Emitted whenever user initiated scrolling makes the scrolled window firmly surpass the limits defined by the adjustment in that orientation.
onEdgeReached(ScrolledWindow.EdgeReachedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
Emitted whenever user-initiated scrolling makes the scrolled window exactly reach the lower or upper limits defined by the adjustment in that orientation.
onEdgeReached(ScrolledWindow.EdgeReachedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Emitted whenever user-initiated scrolling makes the scrolled window exactly reach the lower or upper limits defined by the adjustment in that orientation.
onEdit(VimIMContext.EditCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.Builder
Requests the application open the file found at path.
onEdit(VimIMContext.EditCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext
Requests the application open the file found at path.
onEdited(CellRendererText.EditedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
This signal is emitted after renderer has been edited.
onEdited(CellRendererText.EditedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText
This signal is emitted after renderer has been edited.
onEditingCanceled(CellRenderer.EditingCanceledCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
This signal gets emitted when the user cancels the process of editing a cell.
onEditingCanceled(CellRenderer.EditingCanceledCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
This signal gets emitted when the user cancels the process of editing a cell.
onEditingDone(CellEditable.EditingDoneCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable
This signal is a sign for the cell renderer to update its value from the cellEditable.
onEditingStarted(CellRenderer.EditingStartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
This signal gets emitted when a cell starts to be edited.
onEditingStarted(CellRenderer.EditingStartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
This signal gets emitted when a cell starts to be edited.
ONEFIELD - Enum constant in enum class
If the GstBuffer is interlaced, then only the first field (as defined by the VideoBufferFlags.TFF flag setting) is to be displayed (Since: 1.16).
ONEFIELD - Enum constant in enum class
The video frame has one field
onEjectButton(Drive.EjectButtonCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Emitted when the physical eject button (if any) of a drive has been pressed.
onElementAdded(Bin.ElementAddedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.Builder
Will be emitted after the element was added to the bin.
onElementAdded(Bin.ElementAddedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Will be emitted after the element was added to the bin.
onElementRemoved(Bin.ElementRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.Builder
Will be emitted after the element was removed from the bin.
onElementRemoved(Bin.ElementRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Will be emitted after the element was removed from the bin.
oneMinusOne() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
A graphene_box_t with the minimum vertex set at (-1, -1, -1) and the maximum vertex set at (1, 1, 1).
onEmojiPicked(EmojiChooser.EmojiPickedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EmojiChooser.Builder
Emitted when the user selects an Emoji.
onEmojiPicked(EmojiChooser.EmojiPickedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EmojiChooser
Emitted when the user selects an Emoji.
onEmpty(DataQueue.EmptyCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue.Builder
Reports that the queue became empty (empty).
onEmpty(DataQueue.EmptyCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Reports that the queue became empty (empty).
onEnableDebugging(Window.EnableDebuggingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
Emitted when the user enables or disables interactive debugging.
onEnableDebugging(Window.EnableDebuggingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Emitted when the user enables or disables interactive debugging.
onEnd(Gesture.EndCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.Builder
Emitted when gesture either stopped recognizing the event sequences as something to be handled, or the number of touch sequences became higher or lower than Gtk.Gesture:n-points.
onEnd(Gesture.EndCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Emitted when gesture either stopped recognizing the event sequences as something to be handled, or the number of touch sequences became higher or lower than Gtk.Gesture:n-points.
onEndPrint(PrintOperation.EndPrintCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
Emitted after all pages have been rendered.
onEndPrint(PrintOperation.EndPrintCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emitted after all pages have been rendered.
onEndSwipe(SwipeTracker.EndSwipeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.Builder
This signal is emitted as soon as the gesture has stopped.
onEndSwipe(SwipeTracker.EndSwipeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
This signal is emitted as soon as the gesture has stopped.
onEndUserAction(TextBuffer.EndUserActionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Emitted at the end of a single user-visible operation on the GtkTextBuffer.
onEndUserAction(TextBuffer.EndUserActionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emitted at the end of a single user-visible operation on the GtkTextBuffer.
onEnter(DropControllerMotion.EnterCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion.Builder
Signals that the pointer has entered the widget.
onEnter(DropControllerMotion.EnterCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion
Signals that the pointer has entered the widget.
onEnter(DropTarget.EnterCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.Builder
Emitted on the drop site when the pointer enters the widget.
onEnter(DropTarget.EnterCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Emitted on the drop site when the pointer enters the widget.
onEnter(EventControllerFocus.EnterCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus.Builder
Emitted whenever the focus enters into the widget or one of its descendents.
onEnter(EventControllerFocus.EnterCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus
Emitted whenever the focus enters into the widget or one of its descendents.
onEnter(EventControllerMotion.EnterCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion.Builder
Signals that the pointer has entered the widget.
onEnter(EventControllerMotion.EnterCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion
Signals that the pointer has entered the widget.
onEnterFullscreen(WebView.EnterFullscreenCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Emitted when JavaScript code calls <function>element.webkitRequestFullScreen</function>.
onEnterFullscreen(WebView.EnterFullscreenCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emitted when JavaScript code calls <function>element.webkitRequestFullScreen</function>.
onEnterMonitor(Surface.EnterMonitorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface.Builder
Emitted when surface starts being present on the monitor.
onEnterMonitor(Surface.EnterMonitorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Emitted when surface starts being present on the monitor.
onEntryActivated(EntryRow.EntryActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.Builder
Emitted when the embedded entry is activated.
onEntryActivated(EntryRow.EntryActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Emitted when the embedded entry is activated.
onError(WebsocketConnection.ErrorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.Builder
Emitted when an error occurred on the WebSocket.
onError(WebsocketConnection.ErrorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Emitted when an error occurred on the WebSocket.
onErrorQuery(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Prompts the user with [E]xit, [H]alt, show [S]tack trace or [P]roceed.
onErrorStackTrace(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Invokes gdb, which attaches to the current process and shows a stack trace.
onEscape(Assistant.EscapeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.Builder
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
onEscape(Assistant.EscapeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
onEvent(Surface.EventCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface.Builder
Emitted when GDK receives an input event for surface.
onEvent(Surface.EventCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Emitted when GDK receives an input event for surface.
onEvent(SocketClient.EventCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.Builder
Emitted when client's activity on connectable changes state.
onEvent(SocketClient.EventCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Emitted when client's activity on connectable changes state.
onEvent(SocketListener.EventCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener.Builder
Emitted when listener's activity on socket changes state.
onEvent(SocketListener.EventCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
Emitted when listener's activity on socket changes state.
onEvent(EventControllerLegacy.EventCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerLegacy.Builder
Emitted for each GDK event delivered to controller.
onEvent(EventControllerLegacy.EventCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerLegacy
Emitted for each GDK event delivered to controller.
onExecuteCommand(VimIMContext.ExecuteCommandCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.Builder
The signal is emitted when a command should be executed.
onExecuteCommand(VimIMContext.ExecuteCommandCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext
The signal is emitted when a command should be executed.
onExpandCollapseCursorRow(TreeView.ExpandCollapseCursorRowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
onExpandCollapseCursorRow(TreeView.ExpandCollapseCursorRowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
onExtendSelection(TextView.ExtendSelectionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Emitted when the selection needs to be extended at location.
onExtendSelection(TextView.ExtendSelectionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Emitted when the selection needs to be extended at location.
onExtraDragDrop(TabBar.ExtraDragDropCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar.Builder
This signal is emitted when content is dropped onto a tab.
onExtraDragDrop(TabBar.ExtraDragDropCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
This signal is emitted when content is dropped onto a tab.
onExtraDragDrop(TabOverview.ExtraDragDropCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.Builder
This signal is emitted when content is dropped onto a tab.
onExtraDragDrop(TabOverview.ExtraDragDropCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
This signal is emitted when content is dropped onto a tab.
onExtraDragValue(TabBar.ExtraDragValueCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar.Builder
This signal is emitted when the dropped content is preloaded.
onExtraDragValue(TabBar.ExtraDragValueCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
This signal is emitted when the dropped content is preloaded.
onExtraDragValue(TabOverview.ExtraDragValueCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.Builder
This signal is emitted when the dropped content is preloaded.
onExtraDragValue(TabOverview.ExtraDragValueCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
This signal is emitted when the dropped content is preloaded.
onFailed(Download.FailedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download.Builder
This signal is emitted when an error occurs during the download operation.
onFailed(Download.FailedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
This signal is emitted when an error occurs during the download operation.
onFailed(PrintOperation.FailedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation.Builder
Emitted when an error occurs while printing.
onFailed(PrintOperation.FailedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation
Emitted when an error occurs while printing.
onFailed(WebResource.FailedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.Builder
This signal is emitted when an error occurs during the resource load operation.
onFailed(WebResource.FailedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource
This signal is emitted when an error occurs during the resource load operation.
onFailedToFindText(FindController.FailedToFindTextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController.Builder
This signal is emitted when a search operation does not find any result for the given text.
onFailedToFindText(FindController.FailedToFindTextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
This signal is emitted when a search operation does not find any result for the given text.
onFailedWithTlsErrors(WebResource.FailedWithTlsErrorsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.Builder
This signal is emitted when a TLS error occurs during the resource load operation.
onFailedWithTlsErrors(WebResource.FailedWithTlsErrorsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource
This signal is emitted when a TLS error occurs during the resource load operation.
onFaviconChanged(FaviconDatabase.FaviconChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase.Builder
This signal is emitted when the favicon URI of pageUri has been changed to faviconUri in the database.
onFaviconChanged(FaviconDatabase.FaviconChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase
This signal is emitted when the favicon URI of pageUri has been changed to faviconUri in the database.
onFeatureAdded(Registry.FeatureAddedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry.Builder
Signals that a feature has been added to the registry (possibly replacing a previously-added one by the same name)
onFeatureAdded(Registry.FeatureAddedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Signals that a feature has been added to the registry (possibly replacing a previously-added one by the same name)
onFinished(Discoverer.FinishedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.Builder
Will be emitted in async mode when all pending URIs have been processed.
onFinished(Discoverer.FinishedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Will be emitted in async mode when all pending URIs have been processed.
onFinished(Message.FinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Emitted when all HTTP processing is finished for a message.
onFinished(Message.FinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emitted when all HTTP processing is finished for a message.
onFinished(ServerMessage.FinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.Builder
Emitted when all HTTP processing is finished for a message.
onFinished(ServerMessage.FinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emitted when all HTTP processing is finished for a message.
onFinished(ColorChooserRequest.FinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest.Builder
Emitted when the request finishes.
onFinished(ColorChooserRequest.FinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest
Emitted when the request finishes.
onFinished(Download.FinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download.Builder
This signal is emitted when download finishes successfully or due to an error.
onFinished(Download.FinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
This signal is emitted when download finishes successfully or due to an error.
onFinished(PrintOperation.FinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation.Builder
Emitted when the print operation has finished doing everything required for printing.
onFinished(PrintOperation.FinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation
Emitted when the print operation has finished doing everything required for printing.
onFinished(WebResource.FinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.Builder
This signal is emitted when the resource load finishes successfully or due to an error.
onFinished(WebResource.FinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource
This signal is emitted when the resource load finishes successfully or due to an error.
onFlushEvents(FrameClock.FlushEventsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.Builder
Used to flush pending motion events that are being batched up and compressed together.
onFlushEvents(FrameClock.FlushEventsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Used to flush pending motion events that are being batched up and compressed together.
onFocusChanged(CellArea.FocusChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.Builder
Indicates that focus changed on this area.
onFocusChanged(CellArea.FocusChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
Indicates that focus changed on this area.
onFocusTab(Notebook.FocusTabCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
Emitted when a tab should be focused.
onFocusTab(Notebook.FocusTabCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Emitted when a tab should be focused.
onFontActivated(FontChooser.FontActivatedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
onFontSet(FontButton.FontSetCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton.Builder
Emitted when the user selects a font.
onFontSet(FontButton.FontSetCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
Emitted when the user selects a font.
onFormatEntryText(ComboBox.FormatEntryTextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
Emitted to allow changing how the text in a combo box's entry is displayed.
onFormatEntryText(ComboBox.FormatEntryTextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
Emitted to allow changing how the text in a combo box's entry is displayed.
onFormatText(VimIMContext.FormatTextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.Builder
Requests that the application format the text between begin and end.
onFormatText(VimIMContext.FormatTextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext
Requests that the application format the text between begin and end.
onFormControlsAssociated(WebFormManager.FormControlsAssociatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.Builder
Emitted after form elements (or form associated elements) are associated to frame.
onFormControlsAssociated(WebFormManager.FormControlsAssociatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager
Emitted after form elements (or form associated elements) are associated to frame.
onFoundText(FindController.FoundTextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController.Builder
This signal is emitted when a given text is found in the web page text.
onFoundText(FindController.FoundTextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
This signal is emitted when a given text is found in the web page text.
onFull(DataQueue.FullCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue.Builder
Reports that the queue became full (full).
onFull(DataQueue.FullCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Reports that the queue became full (full).
onGAuthorizeMethod(DBusInterfaceSkeleton.GAuthorizeMethodCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.Builder
Emitted when a method is invoked by a remote caller and used to determine if the method call is authorized.
onGAuthorizeMethod(DBusInterfaceSkeleton.GAuthorizeMethodCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Emitted when a method is invoked by a remote caller and used to determine if the method call is authorized.
onGetChildPosition(Overlay.GetChildPositionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay.Builder
Emitted to determine the position and size of any overlay child widgets.
onGetChildPosition(Overlay.GetChildPositionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay
Emitted to determine the position and size of any overlay child widgets.
onGetNextPage(NavigationView.GetNextPageCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.Builder
Emitted when a push shortcut or a gesture is triggered.
onGetNextPage(NavigationView.GetNextPageCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Emitted when a push shortcut or a gesture is triggered.
onGotBody(Message.GotBodyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Emitted after receiving the complete message response body.
onGotBody(Message.GotBodyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emitted after receiving the complete message response body.
onGotBody(ServerMessage.GotBodyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.Builder
Emitted after receiving the complete request body.
onGotBody(ServerMessage.GotBodyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emitted after receiving the complete request body.
onGotBodyData(Message.GotBodyDataCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Emitted after reading a portion of the message body from the network.
onGotBodyData(Message.GotBodyDataCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emitted after reading a portion of the message body from the network.
onGotChunk(ServerMessage.GotChunkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.Builder
Emitted after receiving a chunk of a message body.
onGotChunk(ServerMessage.GotChunkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emitted after receiving a chunk of a message body.
onGotCompletionData(FilenameCompleter.GotCompletionDataCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter.Builder
Emitted when the file name completion information comes available.
onGotCompletionData(FilenameCompleter.GotCompletionDataCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter
Emitted when the file name completion information comes available.
onGotHeaders(Message.GotHeadersCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Emitted after receiving the Status-Line and response headers.
onGotHeaders(Message.GotHeadersCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emitted after receiving the Status-Line and response headers.
onGotHeaders(ServerMessage.GotHeadersCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.Builder
Emitted after receiving the Request-Line and request headers.
onGotHeaders(ServerMessage.GotHeadersCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emitted after receiving the Request-Line and request headers.
onGotInformational(Message.GotInformationalCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Emitted after receiving a 1xx (Informational) response for a (client-side) message.
onGotInformational(Message.GotInformationalCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emitted after receiving a 1xx (Informational) response for a (client-side) message.
onGotPageSize(PrintOperationPreview.GotPageSizeCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview
Emitted once for each page that gets rendered to the preview.
onGPropertiesChanged(DBusProxy.GPropertiesChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.Builder
Emitted when one or more D-Bus properties on proxy changes.
onGPropertiesChanged(DBusProxy.GPropertiesChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Emitted when one or more D-Bus properties on proxy changes.
onGSignal(String, DBusProxy.GSignalCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.Builder
Emitted when a signal from the remote object and interface that proxy is for, has been received.
onGSignal(String, DBusProxy.GSignalCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Emitted when a signal from the remote object and interface that proxy is for, has been received.
onGtkPrivateChanged(StyleProvider.GtkPrivateChangedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.StyleProvider
onHandleLocalOptions(Application.HandleLocalOptionsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.Builder
The ::handle-local-options signal is emitted on the local instance after the parsing of the commandline options has occurred.
onHandleLocalOptions(Application.HandleLocalOptionsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
The ::handle-local-options signal is emitted on the local instance after the parsing of the commandline options has occurred.
onHidden(NavigationPage.HiddenCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.Builder
Emitted when the navigation view transition has been completed and the page is fully hidden.
onHidden(NavigationPage.HiddenCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Emitted when the navigation view transition has been completed and the page is fully hidden.
onHide(Widget.HideCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Emitted when widget is hidden.
onHide(Widget.HideCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emitted when widget is hidden.
onHide(Completion.HideCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.Builder
The "hide" signal is emitted when the completion window should be hidden.
onHide(Completion.HideCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
The "hide" signal is emitted when the completion window should be hidden.
onHiding(NavigationPage.HidingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.Builder
Emitted when the page starts hiding at the beginning of the navigation view transition.
onHiding(NavigationPage.HidingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Emitted when the page starts hiding at the beginning of the navigation view transition.
onHighlightUpdated(Buffer.HighlightUpdatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.Builder
The ::highlight-updated signal is emitted when the syntax highlighting and context classes are updated in a certain region of the buffer.
onHighlightUpdated(Buffer.HighlightUpdatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
The ::highlight-updated signal is emitted when the syntax highlighting and context classes are updated in a certain region of the buffer.
onHomeFolder(FileChooserWidget.HomeFolderCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.Builder
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onHomeFolder(FileChooserWidget.HomeFolderCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onHstsEnforced(Message.HstsEnforcedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Emitted when HSTSEnforcer has upgraded the protocol for msg to HTTPS as a result of matching its domain with a HSTS policy.
onHstsEnforced(Message.HstsEnforcedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emitted when HSTSEnforcer has upgraded the protocol for msg to HTTPS as a result of matching its domain with a HSTS policy.
onIconPress(Entry.IconPressCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Emitted when an activatable icon is clicked.
onIconPress(Entry.IconPressCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Emitted when an activatable icon is clicked.
onIconRelease(Entry.IconReleaseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Emitted on the button release from a mouse click over an activatable icon.
onIconRelease(Entry.IconReleaseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Emitted on the button release from a mouse click over an activatable icon.
onImagesUpdated(VulkanContext.ImagesUpdatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanContext.Builder
Emitted when the images managed by this context have changed.
onImagesUpdated(VulkanContext.ImagesUpdatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanContext
Emitted when the images managed by this context have changed.
onImUpdate(EventControllerKey.ImUpdateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.Builder
Emitted whenever the input method context filters away a keypress and prevents the controller receiving it.
onImUpdate(EventControllerKey.ImUpdateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey
Emitted whenever the input method context filters away a keypress and prevents the controller receiving it.
onIncoming(SocketService.IncomingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketService.Builder
The ::incoming signal is emitted when a new incoming connection to service needs to be handled.
onIncoming(SocketService.IncomingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketService
The ::incoming signal is emitted when a new incoming connection to service needs to be handled.
onIndicatorActivated(TabView.IndicatorActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView.Builder
Emitted after the indicator icon on page has been activated.
onIndicatorActivated(TabView.IndicatorActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Emitted after the indicator icon on page has been activated.
onInitializeNotificationPermissions(WebContext.InitializeNotificationPermissionsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.Builder
This signal is emitted when a WebKitWebContext needs to set initial notification permissions for a web process.
onInitializeNotificationPermissions(WebContext.InitializeNotificationPermissionsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
This signal is emitted when a WebKitWebContext needs to set initial notification permissions for a web process.
onInitializeWebProcessExtensions(WebContext.InitializeWebProcessExtensionsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.Builder
This signal is emitted when a new web process is about to be launched.
onInitializeWebProcessExtensions(WebContext.InitializeWebProcessExtensionsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
This signal is emitted when a new web process is about to be launched.
onInput(SpinRow.InputCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.Builder
Emitted to convert the user's input into a double value.
onInput(SpinRow.InputCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Emitted to convert the user's input into a double value.
onInput(SpinButton.InputCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.Builder
Emitted to convert the users input into a double value.
onInput(SpinButton.InputCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Emitted to convert the users input into a double value.
onInsecureContentDetected(WebView.InsecureContentDetectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
onInsecureContentDetected(WebView.InsecureContentDetectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
onInsertAtCursor(Text.InsertAtCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Emitted when the user initiates the insertion of a fixed string at the cursor.
onInsertAtCursor(Text.InsertAtCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emitted when the user initiates the insertion of a fixed string at the cursor.
onInsertAtCursor(TextView.InsertAtCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Gets emitted when the user initiates the insertion of a fixed string at the cursor.
onInsertAtCursor(TextView.InsertAtCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets emitted when the user initiates the insertion of a fixed string at the cursor.
onInsertChildAnchor(TextBuffer.InsertChildAnchorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Emitted to insert a GtkTextChildAnchor in a GtkTextBuffer.
onInsertChildAnchor(TextBuffer.InsertChildAnchorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emitted to insert a GtkTextChildAnchor in a GtkTextBuffer.
onInsertedText(EntryBuffer.InsertedTextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.Builder
This signal is emitted after text is inserted into the buffer.
onInsertedText(EntryBuffer.InsertedTextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
This signal is emitted after text is inserted into the buffer.
onInsertEmoji(Text.InsertEmojiCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Emitted to present the Emoji chooser for the widget.
onInsertEmoji(Text.InsertEmojiCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emitted to present the Emoji chooser for the widget.
onInsertEmoji(TextView.InsertEmojiCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Gets emitted to present the Emoji chooser for the textView.
onInsertEmoji(TextView.InsertEmojiCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets emitted to present the Emoji chooser for the textView.
onInsertPaintable(TextBuffer.InsertPaintableCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Emitted to insert a GdkPaintable in a GtkTextBuffer.
onInsertPaintable(TextBuffer.InsertPaintableCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emitted to insert a GdkPaintable in a GtkTextBuffer.
onInsertPrefix(EntryCompletion.InsertPrefixCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.Builder
Emitted when the inline autocompletion is triggered.
onInsertPrefix(EntryCompletion.InsertPrefixCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
Emitted when the inline autocompletion is triggered.
onInsertText(Editable.InsertTextCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Emitted when text is inserted into the widget by the user.
onInsertText(TextBuffer.InsertTextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Emitted to insert text in a GtkTextBuffer.
onInsertText(TextBuffer.InsertTextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emitted to insert text in a GtkTextBuffer.
onInterfaceAdded(DBusObject.InterfaceAddedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObject
Emitted when interface_ is added to object.
onInterfaceAdded(DBusObjectManager.InterfaceAddedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager
Emitted when interface_ is added to object.
onInterfaceProxyPropertiesChanged(DBusObjectManagerClient.InterfaceProxyPropertiesChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.Builder
Emitted when one or more D-Bus properties on proxy changes.
onInterfaceProxyPropertiesChanged(DBusObjectManagerClient.InterfaceProxyPropertiesChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Emitted when one or more D-Bus properties on proxy changes.
onInterfaceProxySignal(DBusObjectManagerClient.InterfaceProxySignalCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.Builder
Emitted when a D-Bus signal is received on interfaceProxy.
onInterfaceProxySignal(DBusObjectManagerClient.InterfaceProxySignalCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Emitted when a D-Bus signal is received on interfaceProxy.
onInterfaceRemoved(DBusObject.InterfaceRemovedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObject
Emitted when interface_ is removed from object.
onInterfaceRemoved(DBusObjectManager.InterfaceRemovedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager
Emitted when interface_ has been removed from object.
onInvalidate(Monitor.InvalidateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor.Builder
Emitted when the output represented by monitor gets disconnected.
onInvalidate(Monitor.InvalidateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor
Emitted when the output represented by monitor gets disconnected.
onInvalidateContents(Paintable.InvalidateContentsCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable
Emitted when the contents of the paintable change.
onInvalidateSize(Paintable.InvalidateSizeCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable
Emitted when the intrinsic size of the paintable changes.
onItemActivated(IconView.ItemActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The ::item-activated signal is emitted when the method gtk_icon_view_item_activated() is called, when the user double clicks an item with the "activate-on-single-click" property set to false, or when the user single clicks an item when the "activate-on-single-click" property set to true.
onItemActivated(IconView.ItemActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
The ::item-activated signal is emitted when the method gtk_icon_view_item_activated() is called, when the user double clicks an item with the "activate-on-single-click" property set to false, or when the user single clicks an item when the "activate-on-single-click" property set to true.
onItemsChanged(ListModel.ItemsChangedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ListModel
This signal is emitted whenever items were added to or removed from list.
onItemsChanged(MenuModel.ItemsChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.Builder
Emitted when a change has occurred to the menu.
onItemsChanged(MenuModel.ItemsChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel
Emitted when a change has occurred to the menu.
onJoinLines(View.JoinLinesCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
Keybinding signal to join the lines currently selected.
onJoinLines(View.JoinLinesCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Keybinding signal to join the lines currently selected.
onKeynavFailed(Widget.KeynavFailedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Emitted if keyboard navigation fails.
onKeynavFailed(Widget.KeynavFailedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emitted if keyboard navigation fails.
onKeyPressed(EventControllerKey.KeyPressedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.Builder
Emitted whenever a key is pressed.
onKeyPressed(EventControllerKey.KeyPressedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey
Emitted whenever a key is pressed.
onKeyReleased(EventControllerKey.KeyReleasedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.Builder
Emitted whenever a key is released.
onKeyReleased(EventControllerKey.KeyReleasedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey
Emitted whenever a key is released.
onKeysChanged(Window.KeysChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
Use Shortcut and EventController to implement keyboard shortcuts
onKeysChanged(Window.KeysChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Use Shortcut and EventController to implement keyboard shortcuts
onLaunched(AppLaunchContext.LaunchedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.Builder
The Gio.AppLaunchContext::launched signal is emitted when a AppInfo is successfully launched.
onLaunched(AppLaunchContext.LaunchedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
The Gio.AppLaunchContext::launched signal is emitted when a AppInfo is successfully launched.
onLaunchFailed(AppLaunchContext.LaunchFailedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.Builder
The Gio.AppLaunchContext::launch-failed signal is emitted when a AppInfo launch fails.
onLaunchFailed(AppLaunchContext.LaunchFailedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
The Gio.AppLaunchContext::launch-failed signal is emitted when a AppInfo launch fails.
onLaunchStarted(AppLaunchContext.LaunchStartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.Builder
The Gio.AppLaunchContext::launch-started signal is emitted when a AppInfo is about to be launched.
onLaunchStarted(AppLaunchContext.LaunchStartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
The Gio.AppLaunchContext::launch-started signal is emitted when a AppInfo is about to be launched.
onLayout(FrameClock.LayoutCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.Builder
Emitted as the second step of toolkit and application processing of the frame.
onLayout(FrameClock.LayoutCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Emitted as the second step of toolkit and application processing of the frame.
onLayout(Surface.LayoutCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface.Builder
Emitted when the size of surface is changed, or when relayout should be performed.
onLayout(Surface.LayoutCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Emitted when the size of surface is changed, or when relayout should be performed.
onLeave(DropControllerMotion.LeaveCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion.Builder
Signals that the pointer has left the widget.
onLeave(DropControllerMotion.LeaveCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion
Signals that the pointer has left the widget.
onLeave(DropTarget.LeaveCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.Builder
Emitted on the drop site when the pointer leaves the widget.
onLeave(DropTarget.LeaveCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Emitted on the drop site when the pointer leaves the widget.
onLeave(EventControllerFocus.LeaveCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus.Builder
Emitted whenever the focus leaves the widget hierarchy that is rooted at the widget that the controller is attached to.
onLeave(EventControllerFocus.LeaveCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus
Emitted whenever the focus leaves the widget hierarchy that is rooted at the widget that the controller is attached to.
onLeave(EventControllerMotion.LeaveCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion.Builder
Signals that the pointer has left the widget.
onLeave(EventControllerMotion.LeaveCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion
Signals that the pointer has left the widget.
onLeaveFullscreen(WebView.LeaveFullscreenCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Emitted when the WebKitWebView is about to restore its top level window out of its full screen state.
onLeaveFullscreen(WebView.LeaveFullscreenCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emitted when the WebKitWebView is about to restore its top level window out of its full screen state.
onLeaveMonitor(Surface.LeaveMonitorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface.Builder
Emitted when surface stops being present on the monitor.
onLeaveMonitor(Surface.LeaveMonitorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Emitted when surface stops being present on the monitor.
onLineMarkActivated(View.LineMarkActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
Emitted when a line mark has been activated (for instance when there was a button press in the line marks gutter).
onLineMarkActivated(View.LineMarkActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Emitted when a line mark has been activated (for instance when there was a button press in the line marks gutter).
onLinked(Pad.LinkedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.Builder
Signals that a pad has been linked to the peer pad.
onLinked(Pad.LinkedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Signals that a pad has been linked to the peer pad.
onLoadChanged(WebView.LoadChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Emitted when a load operation in webView changes.
onLoadChanged(WebView.LoadChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emitted when a load operation in webView changes.
onLoadFailed(WebView.LoadFailedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Emitted when an error occurs during a load operation.
onLoadFailed(WebView.LoadFailedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emitted when an error occurs during a load operation.
onLoadFailedWithTlsErrors(WebView.LoadFailedWithTlsErrorsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Emitted when a TLS error occurs during a load operation.
onLoadFailedWithTlsErrors(WebView.LoadFailedWithTlsErrorsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emitted when a TLS error occurs during a load operation.
onLoadSerializedInfo(Discoverer.LoadSerializedInfoCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.Builder
Retrieves information about a URI from and external source of information, like a cache file.
onLoadSerializedInfo(Discoverer.LoadSerializedInfoCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Retrieves information about a URI from and external source of information, like a cache file.
onLocationPopup(FileChooserWidget.LocationPopupCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.Builder
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onLocationPopup(FileChooserWidget.LocationPopupCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onLocationPopupOnPaste(FileChooserWidget.LocationPopupOnPasteCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.Builder
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onLocationPopupOnPaste(FileChooserWidget.LocationPopupOnPasteCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onLocationTogglePopup(FileChooserWidget.LocationTogglePopupCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.Builder
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onLocationTogglePopup(FileChooserWidget.LocationTogglePopupCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onLowMemoryWarning(MemoryMonitor.LowMemoryWarningCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitor
Emitted when the system is running low on free memory.
ONLY_EXISTING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileSetContentsFlags
Only apply consistency and durability guarantees if the file already exists.
ONLY_LINES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathForeachFlags
The default behavior, only allow lines.
ONLY_UNIT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FormatSizeFlags
return only unit, without value; this should not be used together with GFORMATSIZELONGFORMAT nor GFORMATSIZEONLYVALUE.
ONLY_VALUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FormatSizeFlags
return only value, without unit; this should not be used together with GFORMATSIZELONGFORMAT nor GFORMATSIZEONLYUNIT.
onMap(Widget.MapCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Emitted when widget is going to be mapped.
onMap(Widget.MapCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emitted when widget is going to be mapped.
onMarkDeleted(TextBuffer.MarkDeletedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Emitted as notification after a GtkTextMark is deleted.
onMarkDeleted(TextBuffer.MarkDeletedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emitted as notification after a GtkTextMark is deleted.
onMarkSet(TextBuffer.MarkSetCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Emitted as notification after a GtkTextMark is set.
onMarkSet(TextBuffer.MarkSetCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emitted as notification after a GtkTextMark is set.
onMatchSelected(EntryCompletion.MatchSelectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.Builder
Emitted when a match from the list is selected.
onMatchSelected(EntryCompletion.MatchSelectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
Emitted when a match from the list is selected.
onMessage(String, Bus.MessageCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus.Builder
A message has been posted on the bus.
onMessage(String, Bus.MessageCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
A message has been posted on the bus.
onMessage(WebsocketConnection.MessageCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.Builder
Emitted when we receive a message from the peer.
onMessage(WebsocketConnection.MessageCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Emitted when we receive a message from the peer.
onMnemonicActivate(Widget.MnemonicActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Emitted when a widget is activated via a mnemonic.
onMnemonicActivate(Widget.MnemonicActivateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emitted when a widget is activated via a mnemonic.
onModifiedChanged(TextBuffer.ModifiedChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Emitted when the modified bit of a GtkTextBuffer flips.
onModifiedChanged(TextBuffer.ModifiedChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emitted when the modified bit of a GtkTextBuffer flips.
onModifiers(EventControllerKey.ModifiersCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.Builder
Emitted whenever the state of modifier keys and pointer buttons change.
onModifiers(EventControllerKey.ModifiersCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey
Emitted whenever the state of modifier keys and pointer buttons change.
onMotion(DropControllerMotion.MotionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion.Builder
Emitted when the pointer moves inside the widget.
onMotion(DropControllerMotion.MotionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion
Emitted when the pointer moves inside the widget.
onMotion(DropTarget.MotionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.Builder
Emitted while the pointer is moving over the drop target.
onMotion(DropTarget.MotionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Emitted while the pointer is moving over the drop target.
onMotion(EventControllerMotion.MotionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion.Builder
Emitted when the pointer moves inside the widget.
onMotion(EventControllerMotion.MotionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion
Emitted when the pointer moves inside the widget.
onMotion(GestureStylus.MotionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.Builder
Emitted when the stylus moves while touching the device.
onMotion(GestureStylus.MotionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Emitted when the stylus moves while touching the device.
onMountAdded(VolumeMonitor.MountAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.Builder
Emitted when a mount is added.
onMountAdded(VolumeMonitor.MountAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emitted when a mount is added.
onMountChanged(VolumeMonitor.MountChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.Builder
Emitted when a mount changes.
onMountChanged(VolumeMonitor.MountChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emitted when a mount changes.
onMountpointsChanged(UnixMountMonitor.MountpointsChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor.Builder
Emitted when the unix mount points have changed.
onMountpointsChanged(UnixMountMonitor.MountpointsChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor
Emitted when the unix mount points have changed.
onMountPreUnmount(VolumeMonitor.MountPreUnmountCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.Builder
May be emitted when a mount is about to be removed.
onMountPreUnmount(VolumeMonitor.MountPreUnmountCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
May be emitted when a mount is about to be removed.
onMountRemoved(VolumeMonitor.MountRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.Builder
Emitted when a mount is removed.
onMountRemoved(VolumeMonitor.MountRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emitted when a mount is removed.
onMountsChanged(UnixMountMonitor.MountsChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor.Builder
Emitted when the unix mounts have changed.
onMountsChanged(UnixMountMonitor.MountsChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor
Emitted when the unix mounts have changed.
onMouseTargetChanged(WebView.MouseTargetChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
This signal is emitted when the mouse cursor moves over an element such as a link, image or a media element.
onMouseTargetChanged(WebView.MouseTargetChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
This signal is emitted when the mouse cursor moves over an element such as a link, image or a media element.
onMoveActive(ComboBox.MoveActiveCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
Emitted to move the active selection.
onMoveActive(ComboBox.MoveActiveCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
Emitted to move the active selection.
onMoveCursor(FlowBox.MoveCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.Builder
Emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
onMoveCursor(FlowBox.MoveCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
onMoveCursor(IconView.MoveCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The ::move-cursor signal is a Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
onMoveCursor(IconView.MoveCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
The ::move-cursor signal is a Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
onMoveCursor(Label.MoveCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
Gets emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
onMoveCursor(Label.MoveCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Gets emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
onMoveCursor(ListBox.MoveCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.Builder
Emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
onMoveCursor(ListBox.MoveCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
onMoveCursor(Text.MoveCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
onMoveCursor(Text.MoveCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
onMoveCursor(TextView.MoveCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Gets emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
onMoveCursor(TextView.MoveCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
onMoveCursor(TreeView.MoveCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
The GtkTreeView::move-cursor signal is a [keybinding signal]SignalAction which gets emitted when the user presses one of the cursor keys.
onMoveCursor(TreeView.MoveCursorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
The GtkTreeView::move-cursor signal is a [keybinding signal]SignalAction which gets emitted when the user presses one of the cursor keys.
onMoveFocus(Widget.MoveFocusCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Emitted when the focus is moved.
onMoveFocus(Widget.MoveFocusCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emitted when the focus is moved.
onMoveFocusOut(Notebook.MoveFocusOutCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
Emitted when focus was moved out.
onMoveFocusOut(Notebook.MoveFocusOutCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Emitted when focus was moved out.
onMoveFocusOut(ScrolledWindow.MoveFocusOutCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
Emitted when focus is moved away from the scrolled window by a keybinding.
onMoveFocusOut(ScrolledWindow.MoveFocusOutCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Emitted when focus is moved away from the scrolled window by a keybinding.
onMoveHandle(Paned.MoveHandleCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned.Builder
Emitted to move the handle with key bindings.
onMoveHandle(Paned.MoveHandleCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Emitted to move the handle with key bindings.
onMoveLines(View.MoveLinesCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
The signal is a keybinding which gets emitted when the user initiates moving a line.
onMoveLines(View.MoveLinesCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
The signal is a keybinding which gets emitted when the user initiates moving a line.
onMoveSlider(Range.MoveSliderCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range.Builder
Virtual function that moves the slider.
onMoveSlider(Range.MoveSliderCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Virtual function that moves the slider.
onMoveToMatchingBracket(View.MoveToMatchingBracketCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
Keybinding signal to move the cursor to the matching bracket.
onMoveToMatchingBracket(View.MoveToMatchingBracketCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Keybinding signal to move the cursor to the matching bracket.
onMoveViewport(TextView.MoveViewportCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Gets emitted to move the viewport.
onMoveViewport(TextView.MoveViewportCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets emitted to move the viewport.
onMoveWords(View.MoveWordsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
The signal is a keybinding which gets emitted when the user initiates moving a word.
onMoveWords(View.MoveWordsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
The signal is a keybinding which gets emitted when the user initiates moving a word.
onNameLost(Application.NameLostCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.Builder
The ::name-lost signal is emitted only on the registered primary instance when a new instance has taken over.
onNameLost(Application.NameLostCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
The ::name-lost signal is emitted only on the registered primary instance when a new instance has taken over.
onNetworkChanged(NetworkMonitor.NetworkChangedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor
Emitted when the network configuration changes.
onNetworkEvent(Message.NetworkEventCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Emitted to indicate that some network-related event related to msg has occurred.
onNetworkEvent(Message.NetworkEventCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emitted to indicate that some network-related event related to msg has occurred.
onNewConnection(DBusServer.NewConnectionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer.Builder
Emitted when a new authenticated connection has been made.
onNewConnection(DBusServer.NewConnectionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer
Emitted when a new authenticated connection has been made.
onNextMatch(SearchEntry.NextMatchCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.Builder
Emitted when the user initiates a move to the next match for the current search string.
onNextMatch(SearchEntry.NextMatchCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Emitted when the user initiates a move to the next match for the current search string.
onNextMonth(Calendar.NextMonthCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.Builder
Emitted when the user switched to the next month.
onNextMonth(Calendar.NextMonthCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Emitted when the user switched to the next month.
onNextYear(Calendar.NextYearCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.Builder
Emitted when user switched to the next year.
onNextYear(Calendar.NextYearCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Emitted when user switched to the next year.
onNoMatches(EntryCompletion.NoMatchesCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.Builder
Emitted when the filter model has zero number of rows in completion_complete method.
onNoMatches(EntryCompletion.NoMatchesCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
Emitted when the filter model has zero number of rows in completion_complete method.
onNoMorePads(Element.NoMorePadsCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.Builder
This signals that the element will not generate more dynamic pads.
onNoMorePads(Element.NoMorePadsCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
This signals that the element will not generate more dynamic pads.
onNotify(String, GObject.NotifyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.Builder
The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.
onNotify(String, GObject.NotifyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.
onObjectAdded(DBusObjectManager.ObjectAddedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager
Emitted when object is added to manager.
onObjectRemoved(DBusObjectManager.ObjectRemovedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager
Emitted when object is removed from manager.
onOffsetChanged(String, LevelBar.OffsetChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar.Builder
Emitted when an offset specified on the bar changes value.
onOffsetChanged(String, LevelBar.OffsetChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Emitted when an offset specified on the bar changes value.
onOpen(Application.OpenCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.Builder
The ::open signal is emitted on the primary instance when there are files to open.
onOpen(Application.OpenCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
The ::open signal is emitted on the primary instance when there are files to open.
onOpened(Display.OpenedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display.Builder
Emitted when the connection to the windowing system for display is opened.
onOpened(Display.OpenedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Emitted when the connection to the windowing system for display is opened.
onOpenWindow(WebInspector.OpenWindowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.Builder
Emitted when the inspector is requested to open in a separate window.
onOpenWindow(WebInspector.OpenWindowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Emitted when the inspector is requested to open in a separate window.
onOutput(SpinRow.OutputCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.Builder
Emitted to tweak the formatting of the value for display.
onOutput(SpinRow.OutputCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Emitted to tweak the formatting of the value for display.
onOutput(SpinButton.OutputCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.Builder
Emitted to tweak the formatting of the value for display.
onOutput(SpinButton.OutputCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Emitted to tweak the formatting of the value for display.
onPadAdded(Element.PadAddedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.Builder
a new GstPad has been added to the element.
onPadAdded(Element.PadAddedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
a new GstPad has been added to the element.
onPadCreated(PadTemplate.PadCreatedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate.Builder
This signal is fired when an element creates a pad from this template.
onPadCreated(PadTemplate.PadCreatedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate
This signal is fired when an element creates a pad from this template.
onPadRemoved(Element.PadRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.Builder
a GstPad has been removed from the element
onPadRemoved(Element.PadRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
a GstPad has been removed from the element
onPageAdded(Notebook.PageAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
the ::page-added signal is emitted in the notebook right after a page is added to the notebook.
onPageAdded(Notebook.PageAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
the ::page-added signal is emitted in the notebook right after a page is added to the notebook.
onPageAttached(TabView.PageAttachedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView.Builder
Emitted when a page has been created or transferred to self.
onPageAttached(TabView.PageAttachedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Emitted when a page has been created or transferred to self.
onPageChanged(Carousel.PageChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel.Builder
This signal is emitted after a page has been changed.
onPageChanged(Carousel.PageChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
This signal is emitted after a page has been changed.
onPageCreated(WebProcessExtension.PageCreatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension.Builder
This signal is emitted when a new WebKitWebPage is created in the Web Process.
onPageCreated(WebProcessExtension.PageCreatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension
This signal is emitted when a new WebKitWebPage is created in the Web Process.
onPageDetached(TabView.PageDetachedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView.Builder
Emitted when a page has been removed or transferred to another view.
onPageDetached(TabView.PageDetachedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Emitted when a page has been removed or transferred to another view.
onPageRemoved(Notebook.PageRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
the ::page-removed signal is emitted in the notebook right after a page is removed from the notebook.
onPageRemoved(Notebook.PageRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
the ::page-removed signal is emitted in the notebook right after a page is removed from the notebook.
onPageReordered(TabView.PageReorderedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView.Builder
Emitted after page has been reordered to position.
onPageReordered(TabView.PageReorderedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Emitted after page has been reordered to position.
onPageReordered(Notebook.PageReorderedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
the ::page-reordered signal is emitted in the notebook right after a page has been reordered.
onPageReordered(Notebook.PageReorderedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
the ::page-reordered signal is emitted in the notebook right after a page has been reordered.
onPaginate(PrintOperation.PaginateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
Emitted after the ::begin-print signal, but before the actual rendering starts.
onPaginate(PrintOperation.PaginateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emitted after the ::begin-print signal, but before the actual rendering starts.
onPaint(FrameClock.PaintCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.Builder
Emitted as the third step of toolkit and application processing of the frame.
onPaint(FrameClock.PaintCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Emitted as the third step of toolkit and application processing of the frame.
onPan(GesturePan.PanCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GesturePan.Builder
Emitted once a panning gesture along the expected axis is detected.
onPan(GesturePan.PanCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GesturePan
Emitted once a panning gesture along the expected axis is detected.
onParsingError(CssProvider.ParsingErrorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider.Builder
Signals that a parsing error occurred.
onParsingError(CssProvider.ParsingErrorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider
Signals that a parsing error occurred.
onPasteClipboard(Text.PasteClipboardCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Emitted to paste the contents of the clipboard.
onPasteClipboard(Text.PasteClipboardCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emitted to paste the contents of the clipboard.
onPasteClipboard(TextView.PasteClipboardCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Gets emitted to paste the contents of the clipboard into the text view.
onPasteClipboard(TextView.PasteClipboardCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets emitted to paste the contents of the clipboard into the text view.
onPasteDone(TextBuffer.PasteDoneCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Emitted after paste operation has been completed.
onPasteDone(TextBuffer.PasteDoneCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emitted after paste operation has been completed.
onPermissionRequest(WebView.PermissionRequestCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
This signal is emitted when WebKit is requesting the client to decide about a permission request, such as allowing the browser to switch to fullscreen mode, sharing its location or similar operations.
onPermissionRequest(WebView.PermissionRequestCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
This signal is emitted when WebKit is requesting the client to decide about a permission request, such as allowing the browser to switch to fullscreen mode, sharing its location or similar operations.
onPlacesShortcut(FileChooserWidget.PlacesShortcutCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.Builder
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onPlacesShortcut(FileChooserWidget.PlacesShortcutCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onPluginAdded(Registry.PluginAddedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry.Builder
Signals that a plugin has been added to the registry (possibly replacing a previously-added one by the same name)
onPluginAdded(Registry.PluginAddedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Signals that a plugin has been added to the registry (possibly replacing a previously-added one by the same name)
onPong(WebsocketConnection.PongCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.Builder
Emitted when we receive a Pong frame (solicited or unsolicited) from the peer.
onPong(WebsocketConnection.PongCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Emitted when we receive a Pong frame (solicited or unsolicited) from the peer.
onPopdown(ComboBox.PopdownCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
Emitted to popdown the combo box list.
onPopdown(ComboBox.PopdownCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
Emitted to popdown the combo box list.
onPopdown(ScaleButton.PopdownCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.Builder
Emitted to dismiss the popup.
onPopdown(ScaleButton.PopdownCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Emitted to dismiss the popup.
onPopped(NavigationView.PoppedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.Builder
Emitted after page has been popped from the navigation stack.
onPopped(NavigationView.PoppedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Emitted after page has been popped from the navigation stack.
onPopup(ComboBox.PopupCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
Emitted to popup the combo box list.
onPopup(ComboBox.PopupCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
Emitted to popup the combo box list.
onPopup(ScaleButton.PopupCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.Builder
Emitted to popup the scale widget.
onPopup(ScaleButton.PopupCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Emitted to popup the scale widget.
onPreeditChanged(IMContext.PreeditChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.Builder
The ::preedit-changed signal is emitted whenever the preedit sequence currently being entered has changed.
onPreeditChanged(IMContext.PreeditChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
The ::preedit-changed signal is emitted whenever the preedit sequence currently being entered has changed.
onPreeditChanged(Text.PreeditChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Emitted when the preedit text changes.
onPreeditChanged(Text.PreeditChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emitted when the preedit text changes.
onPreeditChanged(TextView.PreeditChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Emitted when preedit text of the active IM changes.
onPreeditChanged(TextView.PreeditChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Emitted when preedit text of the active IM changes.
onPreeditChanged(InputMethodContext.PreeditChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.Builder
Emitted whenever the preedit sequence currently being entered has changed.
onPreeditChanged(InputMethodContext.PreeditChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Emitted whenever the preedit sequence currently being entered has changed.
onPreeditEnd(IMContext.PreeditEndCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.Builder
The ::preedit-end signal is emitted when a preediting sequence has been completed or canceled.
onPreeditEnd(IMContext.PreeditEndCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
The ::preedit-end signal is emitted when a preediting sequence has been completed or canceled.
onPreeditFinished(InputMethodContext.PreeditFinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.Builder
Emitted when a preediting sequence has been completed or canceled.
onPreeditFinished(InputMethodContext.PreeditFinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Emitted when a preediting sequence has been completed or canceled.
onPreeditStart(IMContext.PreeditStartCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.Builder
The ::preedit-start signal is emitted when a new preediting sequence starts.
onPreeditStart(IMContext.PreeditStartCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
The ::preedit-start signal is emitted when a new preediting sequence starts.
onPreeditStarted(InputMethodContext.PreeditStartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.Builder
Emitted when a new preediting sequence starts.
onPreeditStarted(InputMethodContext.PreeditStartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Emitted when a new preediting sequence starts.
onPrepare(SwipeTracker.PrepareCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.Builder
This signal is emitted when a possible swipe is detected.
onPrepare(SwipeTracker.PrepareCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
This signal is emitted when a possible swipe is detected.
onPrepare(Assistant.PrepareCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.Builder
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
onPrepare(Assistant.PrepareCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
onPrepare(DragSource.PrepareCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.Builder
Emitted when a drag is about to be initiated.
onPrepare(DragSource.PrepareCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Emitted when a drag is about to be initiated.
onPressed(GestureClick.PressedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.Builder
Emitted whenever a button or touch press happens.
onPressed(GestureClick.PressedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick
Emitted whenever a button or touch press happens.
onPressed(GestureLongPress.PressedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress.Builder
Emitted whenever a press goes unmoved/unreleased longer than what the GTK defaults tell.
onPressed(GestureLongPress.PressedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress
Emitted whenever a press goes unmoved/unreleased longer than what the GTK defaults tell.
onPreUnmount(Mount.PreUnmountCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
This signal may be emitted when the GMount is about to be unmounted.
onPreview(PrintOperation.PreviewCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
Gets emitted when a preview is requested from the native dialog.
onPreview(PrintOperation.PreviewCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Gets emitted when a preview is requested from the native dialog.
onPreviousMatch(SearchEntry.PreviousMatchCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.Builder
Emitted when the user initiates a move to the previous match for the current search string.
onPreviousMatch(SearchEntry.PreviousMatchCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Emitted when the user initiates a move to the previous match for the current search string.
onPrevMonth(Calendar.PrevMonthCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.Builder
Emitted when the user switched to the previous month.
onPrevMonth(Calendar.PrevMonthCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Emitted when the user switched to the previous month.
onPrevYear(Calendar.PrevYearCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.Builder
Emitted when user switched to the previous year.
onPrevYear(Calendar.PrevYearCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Emitted when user switched to the previous year.
onPrint(WebView.PrintCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Emitted when printing is requested on webView, usually by a JavaScript call, before the print dialog is shown.
onPrint(WebView.PrintCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emitted when printing is requested on webView, usually by a JavaScript call, before the print dialog is shown.
onProviderAdded(Completion.ProviderAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.Builder
The "provided-added" signal is emitted when a new provider is added to the completion.
onProviderAdded(Completion.ProviderAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
The "provided-added" signal is emitted when a new provider is added to the completion.
onProviderHidden(DeviceProvider.ProviderHiddenCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.Builder
onProviderHidden(DeviceProvider.ProviderHiddenCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
onProviderModelChanged(CompletionContext.ProviderModelChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext.Builder
Emitted when a provider changes a model.
onProviderModelChanged(CompletionContext.ProviderModelChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
Emitted when a provider changes a model.
onProviderRemoved(Completion.ProviderRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.Builder
The "provided-removed" signal is emitted when a provider has been removed from the completion.
onProviderRemoved(Completion.ProviderRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
The "provided-removed" signal is emitted when a provider has been removed from the completion.
onProviderUnhidden(DeviceProvider.ProviderUnhiddenCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.Builder
onProviderUnhidden(DeviceProvider.ProviderUnhiddenCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
onProximity(GestureStylus.ProximityCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.Builder
Emitted when the stylus is in proximity of the device.
onProximity(GestureStylus.ProximityCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Emitted when the stylus is in proximity of the device.
onPushed(NavigationView.PushedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.Builder
Emitted after a page has been pushed to the navigation stack.
onPushed(NavigationView.PushedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Emitted after a page has been pushed to the navigation stack.
onPushSnippet(View.PushSnippetCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
The signal is emitted to insert a new snippet into the view.
onPushSnippet(View.PushSnippetCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
The signal is emitted to insert a new snippet into the view.
onQueryActivatable(GutterRenderer.QueryActivatableCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.Builder
The signal is emitted when the renderer can possibly be activated.
onQueryActivatable(GutterRenderer.QueryActivatableCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
The signal is emitted when the renderer can possibly be activated.
onQueryData(GutterRenderer.QueryDataCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.Builder
onQueryData(GutterRenderer.QueryDataCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
onQueryEnd(Application.QueryEndCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application.Builder
Emitted when the session manager is about to end the session.
onQueryEnd(Application.QueryEndCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Emitted when the session manager is about to end the session.
onQueryPermissionState(WebView.QueryPermissionStateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
This signal allows the User-Agent to respond to permission requests for powerful features, as specified by the Permissions W3C Specification.
onQueryPermissionState(WebView.QueryPermissionStateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
This signal allows the User-Agent to respond to permission requests for powerful features, as specified by the Permissions W3C Specification.
onQueryTooltip(Widget.QueryTooltipCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Emitted when the widget’s tooltip is about to be shown.
onQueryTooltip(Widget.QueryTooltipCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emitted when the widget’s tooltip is about to be shown.
onQueryTooltipMarkup(MarkAttributes.QueryTooltipMarkupCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.Builder
The code should connect to this signal to provide a tooltip for given mark.
onQueryTooltipMarkup(MarkAttributes.QueryTooltipMarkupCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
The code should connect to this signal to provide a tooltip for given mark.
onQueryTooltipText(MarkAttributes.QueryTooltipTextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.Builder
The code should connect to this signal to provide a tooltip for given mark.
onQueryTooltipText(MarkAttributes.QueryTooltipTextCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
The code should connect to this signal to provide a tooltip for given mark.
onQuickBookmark(FileChooserWidget.QuickBookmarkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.Builder
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onQuickBookmark(FileChooserWidget.QuickBookmarkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onReady(PrintOperationPreview.ReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview
The ::ready signal gets emitted once per preview operation, before the first page is rendered.
onReadyToShow(WebView.ReadyToShowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Emitted after WebKitWebView::create on the newly created WebKitWebView when it should be displayed to the user.
onReadyToShow(WebView.ReadyToShowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emitted after WebKitWebView::create on the newly created WebKitWebView when it should be displayed to the user.
onRealize(Widget.RealizeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Emitted when widget is associated with a GdkSurface.
onRealize(Widget.RealizeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emitted when widget is associated with a GdkSurface.
onReceivedData(Download.ReceivedDataCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download.Builder
This signal is emitted after response is received, every time new data has been written to the destination.
onReceivedData(Download.ReceivedDataCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
This signal is emitted after response is received, every time new data has been written to the destination.
onRecentShortcut(FileChooserWidget.RecentShortcutCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.Builder
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onRecentShortcut(FileChooserWidget.RecentShortcutCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onRedo(TextBuffer.RedoCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Emitted when a request has been made to redo the previously undone operation.
onRedo(TextBuffer.RedoCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emitted when a request has been made to redo the previously undone operation.
onReleased(GestureClick.ReleasedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.Builder
Emitted when a button or touch is released.
onReleased(GestureClick.ReleasedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick
Emitted when a button or touch is released.
onReload(Resolver.ReloadCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.Builder
Emitted when the resolver notices that the system resolver configuration has changed.
onReload(Resolver.ReloadCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Emitted when the resolver notices that the system resolver configuration has changed.
onRemoved(Device.RemovedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device.Builder
onRemoved(Device.RemovedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device
onRemoved(Volume.RemovedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
This signal is emitted when the GVolume have been removed.
onRemoveEditable(CellArea.RemoveEditableCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.Builder
Indicates that editing finished on renderer and that editable should be removed from the owning cell-layouting widget.
onRemoveEditable(CellArea.RemoveEditableCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
Indicates that editing finished on renderer and that editable should be removed from the owning cell-layouting widget.
onRemoveTag(TextBuffer.RemoveTagCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Emitted to remove all occurrences of tag from a range of text in a GtkTextBuffer.
onRemoveTag(TextBuffer.RemoveTagCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emitted to remove all occurrences of tag from a range of text in a GtkTextBuffer.
onRemoveWidget(CellEditable.RemoveWidgetCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable
This signal is meant to indicate that the cell is finished editing, and the cellEditable widget is being removed and may subsequently be destroyed.
onRender(Surface.RenderCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface.Builder
Emitted when part of the surface needs to be redrawn.
onRender(Surface.RenderCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Emitted when part of the surface needs to be redrawn.
onRender(GLArea.RenderCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.Builder
Emitted every time the contents of the GtkGLArea should be redrawn.
onRender(GLArea.RenderCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Emitted every time the contents of the GtkGLArea should be redrawn.
onReorderTab(Notebook.ReorderTabCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
Emitted when the tab should be reordered.
onReorderTab(Notebook.ReorderTabCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Emitted when the tab should be reordered.
onReplaced(NavigationView.ReplacedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.Builder
Emitted after the navigation stack has been replaced.
onReplaced(NavigationView.ReplacedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Emitted after the navigation stack has been replaced.
onReply(MountOperation.ReplyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.Builder
Emitted when the user has replied to the mount operation.
onReply(MountOperation.ReplyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Emitted when the user has replied to the mount operation.
onRequestAborted(Server.RequestAbortedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server.Builder
Emitted when processing has failed for a message.
onRequestAborted(Server.RequestAbortedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Emitted when processing has failed for a message.
onRequestCertificate(Message.RequestCertificateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Emitted during the msg's connection TLS handshake when tlsConnection requests a certificate from the client.
onRequestCertificate(Message.RequestCertificateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emitted during the msg's connection TLS handshake when tlsConnection requests a certificate from the client.
onRequestCertificatePassword(Message.RequestCertificatePasswordCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Emitted during the msg's connection TLS handshake when tlsConnection requests a certificate password from the client.
onRequestCertificatePassword(Message.RequestCertificatePasswordCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emitted during the msg's connection TLS handshake when tlsConnection requests a certificate password from the client.
onRequestFinished(Server.RequestFinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server.Builder
Emitted when the server has finished writing a response to a request.
onRequestFinished(Server.RequestFinishedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Emitted when the server has finished writing a response to a request.
onRequestPageSetup(PrintOperation.RequestPageSetupCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
Emitted once for every page that is printed.
onRequestPageSetup(PrintOperation.RequestPageSetupCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emitted once for every page that is printed.
onRequestQueued(Session.RequestQueuedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.Builder
Emitted when a request is queued on session.
onRequestQueued(Session.RequestQueuedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Emitted when a request is queued on session.
onRequestRead(Server.RequestReadCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server.Builder
Emitted when the server has successfully read a request.
onRequestRead(Server.RequestReadCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Emitted when the server has successfully read a request.
onRequestStarted(Server.RequestStartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server.Builder
Emitted when the server has started reading a new request.
onRequestStarted(Server.RequestStartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Emitted when the server has started reading a new request.
onRequestUnqueued(Session.RequestUnqueuedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.Builder
Emitted when a request is removed from session's queue, indicating that session is done with it.
onRequestUnqueued(Session.RequestUnqueuedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Emitted when a request is removed from session's queue, indicating that session is done with it.
onResize(DrawingArea.ResizeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea.Builder
Emitted once when the widget is realized, and then each time the widget is changed while realized.
onResize(DrawingArea.ResizeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea
Emitted once when the widget is realized, and then each time the widget is changed while realized.
onResize(GLArea.ResizeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.Builder
Emitted once when the widget is realized, and then each time the widget is changed while realized.
onResize(GLArea.ResizeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Emitted once when the widget is realized, and then each time the widget is changed while realized.
onResourceLoadStarted(WebView.ResourceLoadStartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Emitted when a new resource is going to be loaded.
onResourceLoadStarted(WebView.ResourceLoadStartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emitted when a new resource is going to be loaded.
onResponse(String, AlertDialog.ResponseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.Builder
This signal is emitted when the dialog is closed.
onResponse(String, AlertDialog.ResponseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
This signal is emitted when the dialog is closed.
onResponse(String, MessageDialog.ResponseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.Builder
onResponse(String, MessageDialog.ResponseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
onResponse(Dialog.ResponseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog.Builder
Use Window instead
onResponse(Dialog.ResponseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Use Window instead
onResponse(InfoBar.ResponseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar.Builder
Emitted when an action widget is clicked.
onResponse(InfoBar.ResponseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
Emitted when an action widget is clicked.
onResponse(NativeDialog.ResponseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.Builder
Emitted when the user responds to the dialog.
onResponse(NativeDialog.ResponseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
Emitted when the user responds to the dialog.
onRestarted(Message.RestartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Emitted when a request that was already sent once is now being sent again.
onRestarted(Message.RestartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emitted when a request that was already sent once is now being sent again.
onResumeEvents(FrameClock.ResumeEventsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.Builder
Emitted after processing of the frame is finished.
onResumeEvents(FrameClock.ResumeEventsCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Emitted after processing of the frame is finished.
onRetrieveSurrounding(IMContext.RetrieveSurroundingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.Builder
The ::retrieve-surrounding signal is emitted when the input method requires the context surrounding the cursor.
onRetrieveSurrounding(IMContext.RetrieveSurroundingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
The ::retrieve-surrounding signal is emitted when the input method requires the context surrounding the cursor.
onRowActivated(ListBox.RowActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.Builder
Emitted when a row has been activated by the user.
onRowActivated(ListBox.RowActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Emitted when a row has been activated by the user.
onRowActivated(TreeView.RowActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
The "row-activated" signal is emitted when the method TreeView.rowActivated(org.gnome.gtk.TreePath, org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn) is called.
onRowActivated(TreeView.RowActivatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
The "row-activated" signal is emitted when the method TreeView.rowActivated(org.gnome.gtk.TreePath, org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn) is called.
onRowChanged(TreeModel.RowChangedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
This signal is emitted when a row in the model has changed.
onRowCollapsed(TreeView.RowCollapsedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
The given row has been collapsed (child nodes are hidden).
onRowCollapsed(TreeView.RowCollapsedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
The given row has been collapsed (child nodes are hidden).
onRowDeleted(TreeModel.RowDeletedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
This signal is emitted when a row has been deleted.
onRowExpanded(TreeView.RowExpandedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
The given row has been expanded (child nodes are shown).
onRowExpanded(TreeView.RowExpandedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
The given row has been expanded (child nodes are shown).
onRowHasChildToggled(TreeModel.RowHasChildToggledCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
This signal is emitted when a row has gotten the first child row or lost its last child row.
onRowInserted(TreeModel.RowInsertedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
This signal is emitted when a new row has been inserted in the model.
onRowSelected(ListBox.RowSelectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.Builder
Emitted when a new row is selected, or (with a null row) when the selection is cleared.
onRowSelected(ListBox.RowSelectedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Emitted when a new row is selected, or (with a null row) when the selection is cleared.
onRowsReordered(TreeModel.RowsReorderedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
This signal is emitted when the children of a node in the GtkTreeModel have been reordered.
onRun(ThreadedSocketService.RunCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService.Builder
The ::run signal is emitted in a worker thread in response to an incoming connection.
onRun(ThreadedSocketService.RunCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService
The ::run signal is emitted in a worker thread in response to an incoming connection.
onRunAsModal(WebView.RunAsModalCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Emitted after WebKitWebView::ready-to-show on the newly created WebKitWebView when JavaScript code calls <function>window.showModalDialog</function>.
onRunAsModal(WebView.RunAsModalCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emitted after WebKitWebView::ready-to-show on the newly created WebKitWebView when JavaScript code calls <function>window.showModalDialog</function>.
onRunColorChooser(WebView.RunColorChooserCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
This signal is emitted when the user interacts with a <input type='color' /> HTML element, requesting from WebKit to show a dialog to select a color.
onRunColorChooser(WebView.RunColorChooserCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
This signal is emitted when the user interacts with a <input type='color' /> HTML element, requesting from WebKit to show a dialog to select a color.
onRunFileChooser(WebView.RunFileChooserCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
This signal is emitted when the user interacts with a <input type='file' /> HTML element, requesting from WebKit to show a dialog to select one or more files to be uploaded.
onRunFileChooser(WebView.RunFileChooserCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
This signal is emitted when the user interacts with a <input type='file' /> HTML element, requesting from WebKit to show a dialog to select one or more files to be uploaded.
onSamplesSelected(Aggregator.SamplesSelectedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.Builder
Signals that the GstAggregator subclass has selected the next set of input samples it will aggregate.
onSamplesSelected(Aggregator.SamplesSelectedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
Signals that the GstAggregator subclass has selected the next set of input samples it will aggregate.
onScaleChanged(GestureZoom.ScaleChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureZoom.Builder
Emitted whenever the distance between both tracked sequences changes.
onScaleChanged(GestureZoom.ScaleChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureZoom
Emitted whenever the distance between both tracked sequences changes.
onScriptDialog(WebView.ScriptDialogCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Emitted when JavaScript code calls <function>window.alert</function>, <function>window.confirm</function> or <function>window.prompt</function>, or when <function>onbeforeunload</function> event is fired.
onScriptDialog(WebView.ScriptDialogCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Emitted when JavaScript code calls <function>window.alert</function>, <function>window.confirm</function> or <function>window.prompt</function>, or when <function>onbeforeunload</function> event is fired.
onScriptMessageReceived(String, UserContentManager.ScriptMessageReceivedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager.Builder
This signal is emitted when JavaScript in a web view calls <code>window.webkit.messageHandlers.<name>.postMessage()</code>, after registering <code><name></code> using webkit_user_content_manager_register_script_message_handler()
onScriptMessageReceived(String, UserContentManager.ScriptMessageReceivedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
This signal is emitted when JavaScript in a web view calls <code>window.webkit.messageHandlers.<name>.postMessage()</code>, after registering <code><name></code> using webkit_user_content_manager_register_script_message_handler()
onScriptMessageWithReplyReceived(String, UserContentManager.ScriptMessageWithReplyReceivedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager.Builder
This signal is emitted when JavaScript in a web view calls <code>window.webkit.messageHandlers.<name>.postMessage()</code>, after registering <code><name></code> using webkit_user_content_manager_register_script_message_handler_with_reply()
onScriptMessageWithReplyReceived(String, UserContentManager.ScriptMessageWithReplyReceivedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
This signal is emitted when JavaScript in a web view calls <code>window.webkit.messageHandlers.<name>.postMessage()</code>, after registering <code><name></code> using webkit_user_content_manager_register_script_message_handler_with_reply()
onScroll(EventControllerScroll.ScrollCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.Builder
Signals that the widget should scroll by the amount specified by dx and dy.
onScroll(EventControllerScroll.ScrollCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
Signals that the widget should scroll by the amount specified by dx and dy.
onScrollBegin(EventControllerScroll.ScrollBeginCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.Builder
Signals that a new scrolling operation has begun.
onScrollBegin(EventControllerScroll.ScrollBeginCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
Signals that a new scrolling operation has begun.
onScrollChild(ScrolledWindow.ScrollChildCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
Emitted when a keybinding that scrolls is pressed.
onScrollChild(ScrolledWindow.ScrollChildCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Emitted when a keybinding that scrolls is pressed.
onScrollEnd(EventControllerScroll.ScrollEndCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.Builder
Signals that a scrolling operation has finished.
onScrollEnd(EventControllerScroll.ScrollEndCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
Signals that a scrolling operation has finished.
onSearch(ShortcutsWindow.SearchCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow.Builder
Emitted when the user uses a keybinding to start a search.
onSearch(ShortcutsWindow.SearchCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow
Emitted when the user uses a keybinding to start a search.
onSearchChanged(SearchEntry.SearchChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.Builder
Emitted with a delay.
onSearchChanged(SearchEntry.SearchChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Emitted with a delay.
onSearchShortcut(FileChooserWidget.SearchShortcutCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.Builder
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onSearchShortcut(FileChooserWidget.SearchShortcutCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onSearchStarted(SearchEntry.SearchStartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.Builder
Emitted when the user initiated a search on the entry.
onSearchStarted(SearchEntry.SearchStartedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Emitted when the user initiated a search on the entry.
onSeatAdded(Display.SeatAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display.Builder
Emitted whenever a new seat is made known to the windowing system.
onSeatAdded(Display.SeatAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Emitted whenever a new seat is made known to the windowing system.
onSeatRemoved(Display.SeatRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display.Builder
Emitted whenever a seat is removed by the windowing system.
onSeatRemoved(Display.SeatRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Emitted whenever a seat is removed by the windowing system.
onSectionsChanged(SectionModel.SectionsChangedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SectionModel
Emitted when the start-of-section state of some of the items in model changes.
onSelectAll(FlowBox.SelectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.Builder
Emitted to select all children of the box, if the selection mode permits it.
onSelectAll(FlowBox.SelectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Emitted to select all children of the box, if the selection mode permits it.
onSelectAll(IconView.SelectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
A Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user selects all items.
onSelectAll(IconView.SelectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
A Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user selects all items.
onSelectAll(ListBox.SelectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.Builder
Emitted to select all children of the box, if the selection mode permits it.
onSelectAll(ListBox.SelectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Emitted to select all children of the box, if the selection mode permits it.
onSelectAll(TextView.SelectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Gets emitted to select or unselect the complete contents of the text view.
onSelectAll(TextView.SelectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets emitted to select or unselect the complete contents of the text view.
onSelectAll(TreeView.SelectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
onSelectAll(TreeView.SelectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
onSelectCursorItem(IconView.SelectCursorItemCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
A Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user selects the item that is currently focused.
onSelectCursorItem(IconView.SelectCursorItemCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
A Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user selects the item that is currently focused.
onSelectCursorParent(TreeView.SelectCursorParentCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
onSelectCursorParent(TreeView.SelectCursorParentCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
onSelectCursorRow(TreeView.SelectCursorRowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
onSelectCursorRow(TreeView.SelectCursorRowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
onSelectedChildrenChanged(FlowBox.SelectedChildrenChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.Builder
Emitted when the set of selected children changes.
onSelectedChildrenChanged(FlowBox.SelectedChildrenChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Emitted when the set of selected children changes.
onSelectedRowsChanged(ListBox.SelectedRowsChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.Builder
Emitted when the set of selected rows changes.
onSelectedRowsChanged(ListBox.SelectedRowsChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Emitted when the set of selected rows changes.
onSelectionChanged(IconView.SelectionChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The ::selection-changed signal is emitted when the selection (i.e.
onSelectionChanged(IconView.SelectionChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
The ::selection-changed signal is emitted when the selection (i.e.
onSelectionChanged(SelectionModel.SelectionChangedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel
Emitted when the selection state of some of the items in model changes.
onSelectionChanged(WebEditor.SelectionChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebEditor.Builder
This signal is emitted for every selection change inside a WebKitWebPage as well as for every caret position change as the caret is a collapsed selection.
onSelectionChanged(WebEditor.SelectionChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebEditor
This signal is emitted for every selection change inside a WebKitWebPage as well as for every caret position change as the caret is a collapsed selection.
onSelectPage(Notebook.SelectPageCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
Emitted when a page should be selected.
onSelectPage(Notebook.SelectPageCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Emitted when a page should be selected.
onSendRequest(WebPage.SendRequestCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.Builder
This signal is emitted when request is about to be sent to the server.
onSendRequest(WebPage.SendRequestCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
This signal is emitted when request is about to be sent to the server.
onSentRequest(WebResource.SentRequestCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.Builder
This signal is emitted when request has been sent to the server.
onSentRequest(WebResource.SentRequestCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource
This signal is emitted when request has been sent to the server.
onSequenceStateChanged(Gesture.SequenceStateChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.Builder
Emitted whenever a sequence state changes.
onSequenceStateChanged(Gesture.SequenceStateChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Emitted whenever a sequence state changes.
onSetAnchor(TextView.SetAnchorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Gets emitted when the user initiates settings the "anchor" mark.
onSetAnchor(TextView.SetAnchorCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets emitted when the user initiates settings the "anchor" mark.
onSettingChanged(Display.SettingChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display.Builder
Emitted whenever a setting changes its value.
onSettingChanged(Display.SettingChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Emitted whenever a setting changes its value.
onSetup(SignalListItemFactory.SetupCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.Builder
Emitted when a new listitem has been created and needs to be setup for use.
onSetup(SignalListItemFactory.SetupCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory
Emitted when a new listitem has been created and needs to be setup for use.
onSetupMenu(TabView.SetupMenuCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView.Builder
Emitted when a context menu is opened or closed for page.
onSetupMenu(TabView.SetupMenuCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Emitted when a context menu is opened or closed for page.
onShow(Widget.ShowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Emitted when widget is shown.
onShow(Widget.ShowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emitted when widget is shown.
onShow(Completion.ShowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.Builder
The "show" signal is emitted when the completion window should be shown.
onShow(Completion.ShowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
The "show" signal is emitted when the completion window should be shown.
onShowCompletion(View.ShowCompletionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
The signal is a key binding signal which gets emitted when the user requests a completion, by pressing <keycombo><keycap>Control</keycap><keycap>space</keycap></keycombo>.
onShowCompletion(View.ShowCompletionCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
The signal is a key binding signal which gets emitted when the user requests a completion, by pressing <keycombo><keycap>Control</keycap><keycap>space</keycap></keycombo>.
onShowHidden(FileChooserWidget.ShowHiddenCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.Builder
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onShowHidden(FileChooserWidget.ShowHiddenCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onShowing(NavigationPage.ShowingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.Builder
Emitted when the page shows at the beginning of the navigation view transition.
onShowing(NavigationPage.ShowingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Emitted when the page shows at the beginning of the navigation view transition.
onShown(NavigationPage.ShownCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.Builder
Emitted when the navigation view transition has been completed and the page is fully shown.
onShown(NavigationPage.ShownCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Emitted when the navigation view transition has been completed and the page is fully shown.
onShowNotification(WebView.ShowNotificationCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
This signal is emitted when a notification should be presented to the user.
onShowNotification(WebView.ShowNotificationCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
This signal is emitted when a notification should be presented to the user.
onShowOptionMenu(WebView.ShowOptionMenuCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
This signal is emitted when a select element in webView needs to display a dropdown menu.
onShowOptionMenu(WebView.ShowOptionMenuCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
This signal is emitted when a select element in webView needs to display a dropdown menu.
onShowProcesses(MountOperation.ShowProcessesCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.Builder
Emitted when one or more processes are blocking an operation e.g.
onShowProcesses(MountOperation.ShowProcessesCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Emitted when one or more processes are blocking an operation e.g.
onShowUnmountProgress(MountOperation.ShowUnmountProgressCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.Builder
Emitted when an unmount operation has been busy for more than some time (typically 1.5 seconds).
onShowUnmountProgress(MountOperation.ShowUnmountProgressCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Emitted when an unmount operation has been busy for more than some time (typically 1.5 seconds).
onShutdown(Application.ShutdownCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.Builder
The ::shutdown signal is emitted only on the registered primary instance immediately after the main loop terminates.
onShutdown(Application.ShutdownCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
The ::shutdown signal is emitted only on the registered primary instance immediately after the main loop terminates.
onSizePrepared(PixbufLoader.SizePreparedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.Builder
This signal is emitted when the pixbuf loader has been fed the initial amount of data that is required to figure out the size of the image that it will create.
onSizePrepared(PixbufLoader.SizePreparedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
This signal is emitted when the pixbuf loader has been fed the initial amount of data that is required to figure out the size of the image that it will create.
onSmartHomeEnd(View.SmartHomeEndCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
Emitted when a the cursor was moved according to the smart home end setting.
onSmartHomeEnd(View.SmartHomeEndCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Emitted when a the cursor was moved according to the smart home end setting.
onSortColumnChanged(TreeSortable.SortColumnChangedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable
The ::sort-column-changed signal is emitted when the sort column or sort order of sortable is changed.
onSourceMarkUpdated(Buffer.SourceMarkUpdatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.Builder
The ::source-mark-updated signal is emitted each time a mark is added to, moved or removed from the buffer.
onSourceMarkUpdated(Buffer.SourceMarkUpdatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
The ::source-mark-updated signal is emitted each time a mark is added to, moved or removed from the buffer.
onSourceSetup(Discoverer.SourceSetupCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.Builder
This signal is emitted after the source element has been created for, so the URI being discovered, so it can be configured by setting additional properties (e.g.
onSourceSetup(Discoverer.SourceSetupCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
This signal is emitted after the source element has been created for, so the URI being discovered, so it can be configured by setting additional properties (e.g.
onStart(GeolocationManager.StartCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager.Builder
The signal is emitted to notify that manager needs to start receiving position updates.
onStart(GeolocationManager.StartCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager
The signal is emitted to notify that manager needs to start receiving position updates.
onStarting(Discoverer.StartingCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.Builder
Will be emitted when the discover starts analyzing the pending URIs
onStarting(Discoverer.StartingCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Will be emitted when the discover starts analyzing the pending URIs
onStarting(Message.StartingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Emitted just before a message is sent.
onStarting(Message.StartingCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emitted just before a message is sent.
onStartInteractiveSearch(TreeView.StartInteractiveSearchCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
onStartInteractiveSearch(TreeView.StartInteractiveSearchCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
onStartup(Application.StartupCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.Builder
The ::startup signal is emitted on the primary instance immediately after registration.
onStartup(Application.StartupCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
The ::startup signal is emitted on the primary instance immediately after registration.
onStateChange(ATContext.StateChangeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ATContext.Builder
Emitted when the attributes of the accessible for the GtkATContext instance change.
onStateChange(ATContext.StateChangeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ATContext
Emitted when the attributes of the accessible for the GtkATContext instance change.
onStateFlagsChanged(Widget.StateFlagsChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Emitted when the widget state changes.
onStateFlagsChanged(Widget.StateFlagsChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emitted when the widget state changes.
onStateSet(Switch.StateSetCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Switch.Builder
Emitted to change the underlying state.
onStateSet(Switch.StateSetCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Switch
Emitted to change the underlying state.
onStatusChanged(PrintJob.StatusChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob.Builder
Emitted when the status of a job changes.
onStatusChanged(PrintJob.StatusChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Emitted when the status of a job changes.
onStatusChanged(PrintOperation.StatusChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
Emitted at between the various phases of the print operation.
onStatusChanged(PrintOperation.StatusChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emitted at between the various phases of the print operation.
onStop(GeolocationManager.StopCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager.Builder
The signal is emitted to notify that manager doesn't need to receive position updates anymore.
onStop(GeolocationManager.StopCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager
The signal is emitted to notify that manager doesn't need to receive position updates anymore.
onStopButton(Drive.StopButtonCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Emitted when the physical stop button (if any) of a drive has been pressed.
onStopped(GestureClick.StoppedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.Builder
Emitted whenever any time/distance threshold has been exceeded.
onStopped(GestureClick.StoppedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick
Emitted whenever any time/distance threshold has been exceeded.
onStopSearch(SearchEntry.StopSearchCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.Builder
Emitted when the user stops a search via keyboard input.
onStopSearch(SearchEntry.StopSearchCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Emitted when the user stops a search via keyboard input.
onStreamNotify(String, StreamCollection.StreamNotifyCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection.Builder
The stream notify signal is used to be notified of property changes to streams within the collection.
onStreamNotify(String, StreamCollection.StreamNotifyCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection
The stream notify signal is used to be notified of property changes to streams within the collection.
onSubmitForm(WebView.SubmitFormCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
This signal is emitted when a form is about to be submitted.
onSubmitForm(WebView.SubmitFormCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
This signal is emitted when a form is about to be submitted.
onSwipe(GestureSwipe.SwipeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSwipe.Builder
Emitted when the recognized gesture is finished.
onSwipe(GestureSwipe.SwipeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSwipe
Emitted when the recognized gesture is finished.
onSwitchPage(Notebook.SwitchPageCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
Emitted when the user or a function changes the current page.
onSwitchPage(Notebook.SwitchPageCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Emitted when the user or a function changes the current page.
onSynced(Clock.SyncedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.Builder
Signaled on clocks with ClockFlags.NEEDS_STARTUP_SYNC set once the clock is synchronized, or when it completely lost synchronization.
onSynced(Clock.SyncedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Signaled on clocks with ClockFlags.NEEDS_STARTUP_SYNC set once the clock is synchronized, or when it completely lost synchronization.
onSyncMessage(String, Bus.SyncMessageCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus.Builder
A message has been posted on the bus.
onSyncMessage(String, Bus.SyncMessageCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
A message has been posted on the bus.
onTagAdded(TextTagTable.TagAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable.Builder
Emitted every time a new tag is added in the GtkTextTagTable.
onTagAdded(TextTagTable.TagAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable
Emitted every time a new tag is added in the GtkTextTagTable.
onTagChanged(TextTagTable.TagChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable.Builder
Emitted every time a tag in the GtkTextTagTable changes.
onTagChanged(TextTagTable.TagChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable
Emitted every time a tag in the GtkTextTagTable changes.
onTagRemoved(TextTagTable.TagRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable.Builder
Emitted every time a tag is removed from the GtkTextTagTable.
onTagRemoved(TextTagTable.TagRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable
Emitted every time a tag is removed from the GtkTextTagTable.
onTeardown(SignalListItemFactory.TeardownCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.Builder
Emitted when an object is about to be destroyed.
onTeardown(SignalListItemFactory.TeardownCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory
Emitted when an object is about to be destroyed.
onTestCollapseRow(TreeView.TestCollapseRowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
The given row is about to be collapsed (hide its children nodes).
onTestCollapseRow(TreeView.TestCollapseRowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
The given row is about to be collapsed (hide its children nodes).
onTestExpandRow(TreeView.TestExpandRowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
The given row is about to be expanded (show its children nodes).
onTestExpandRow(TreeView.TestExpandRowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
The given row is about to be expanded (show its children nodes).
onTextPopped(Statusbar.TextPoppedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar.Builder
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
onTextPopped(Statusbar.TextPoppedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
onTextPushed(Statusbar.TextPushedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar.Builder
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
onTextPushed(Statusbar.TextPushedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
onToggleCursorChild(FlowBox.ToggleCursorChildCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.Builder
Emitted to toggle the selection of the child that has the focus.
onToggleCursorChild(FlowBox.ToggleCursorChildCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Emitted to toggle the selection of the child that has the focus.
onToggleCursorItem(IconView.ToggleCursorItemCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
A Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user toggles whether the currently focused item is selected or not.
onToggleCursorItem(IconView.ToggleCursorItemCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
A Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user toggles whether the currently focused item is selected or not.
onToggleCursorRow(ListBox.ToggleCursorRowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.Builder
Emitted when the cursor row is toggled.
onToggleCursorRow(ListBox.ToggleCursorRowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Emitted when the cursor row is toggled.
onToggleCursorRow(TreeView.ToggleCursorRowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
onToggleCursorRow(TreeView.ToggleCursorRowCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
onToggleCursorVisible(TextView.ToggleCursorVisibleCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Gets emitted to toggle the cursor-visible property.
onToggleCursorVisible(TextView.ToggleCursorVisibleCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets emitted to toggle the cursor-visible property.
onToggled(CellRendererToggle.ToggledCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle.Builder
The ::toggled signal is emitted when the cell is toggled.
onToggled(CellRendererToggle.ToggledCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle
The ::toggled signal is emitted when the cell is toggled.
onToggled(CheckButton.ToggledCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.Builder
Emitted when the buttons's Gtk.CheckButton:active property changes.
onToggled(CheckButton.ToggledCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Emitted when the buttons's Gtk.CheckButton:active property changes.
onToggled(ToggleButton.ToggledCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton.Builder
Emitted whenever the GtkToggleButton's state is changed.
onToggled(ToggleButton.ToggledCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton
Emitted whenever the GtkToggleButton's state is changed.
onToggleHandleFocus(Paned.ToggleHandleFocusCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned.Builder
Emitted to accept the current position of the handle and then move focus to the next widget in the focus chain.
onToggleHandleFocus(Paned.ToggleHandleFocusCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Emitted to accept the current position of the handle and then move focus to the next widget in the focus chain.
onToggleOverwrite(Text.ToggleOverwriteCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Emitted to toggle the overwrite mode of the GtkText.
onToggleOverwrite(Text.ToggleOverwriteCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Emitted to toggle the overwrite mode of the GtkText.
onToggleOverwrite(TextView.ToggleOverwriteCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Gets emitted to toggle the overwrite mode of the text view.
onToggleOverwrite(TextView.ToggleOverwriteCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Gets emitted to toggle the overwrite mode of the text view.
onToolAdded(Seat.ToolAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat.Builder
Emitted whenever a new tool is made known to the seat.
onToolAdded(Seat.ToolAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Emitted whenever a new tool is made known to the seat.
onToolChanged(Device.ToolChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device.Builder
Emitted on pen/eraser devices whenever tools enter or leave proximity.
onToolChanged(Device.ToolChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device
Emitted on pen/eraser devices whenever tools enter or leave proximity.
onToolRemoved(Seat.ToolRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat.Builder
Emitted whenever a tool is no longer known to this seat.
onToolRemoved(Seat.ToolRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Emitted whenever a tool is no longer known to this seat.
onUnapply(Breakpoint.UnapplyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint.Builder
Emitted when the breakpoint is unapplied.
onUnapply(Breakpoint.UnapplyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint
Emitted when the breakpoint is unapplied.
onUnbind(SignalGroup.UnbindCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup.Builder
This signal is emitted when the target instance of self is set to a new GObject.
onUnbind(SignalGroup.UnbindCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
This signal is emitted when the target instance of self is set to a new GObject.
onUnbind(SignalListItemFactory.UnbindCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.Builder
Emitted when an object has been unbound from its item, for example when a listitem was removed from use in a list widget and its Gtk.ListItem:item is about to be unset.
onUnbind(SignalListItemFactory.UnbindCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory
Emitted when an object has been unbound from its item, for example when a listitem was removed from use in a list widget and its Gtk.ListItem:item is about to be unset.
onUndo(TextBuffer.UndoCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Emitted when a request has been made to undo the previous operation or set of operations that have been grouped together.
onUndo(TextBuffer.UndoCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emitted when a request has been made to undo the previous operation or set of operations that have been grouped together.
onUnlinked(Pad.UnlinkedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.Builder
Signals that a pad has been unlinked from the peer pad.
onUnlinked(Pad.UnlinkedCallback) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Signals that a pad has been unlinked from the peer pad.
onUnmap(Widget.UnmapCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Emitted when widget is going to be unmapped.
onUnmap(Widget.UnmapCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emitted when widget is going to be unmapped.
onUnmounted(Mount.UnmountedCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
This signal is emitted when the GMount have been unmounted.
onUnpairedRelease(GestureClick.UnpairedReleaseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.Builder
Emitted whenever the gesture receives a release event that had no previous corresponding press.
onUnpairedRelease(GestureClick.UnpairedReleaseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick
Emitted whenever the gesture receives a release event that had no previous corresponding press.
onUnrealize(Widget.UnrealizeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Emitted when the GdkSurface associated with widget is destroyed.
onUnrealize(Widget.UnrealizeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emitted when the GdkSurface associated with widget is destroyed.
onUnselectAll(FlowBox.UnselectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.Builder
Emitted to unselect all children of the box, if the selection mode permits it.
onUnselectAll(FlowBox.UnselectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Emitted to unselect all children of the box, if the selection mode permits it.
onUnselectAll(IconView.UnselectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
A Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user unselects all items.
onUnselectAll(IconView.UnselectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
A Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user unselects all items.
onUnselectAll(ListBox.UnselectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.Builder
Emitted to unselect all children of the box, if the selection mode permits it.
onUnselectAll(ListBox.UnselectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Emitted to unselect all children of the box, if the selection mode permits it.
onUnselectAll(TreeView.UnselectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
onUnselectAll(TreeView.UnselectAllCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
onUp(GestureStylus.UpCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.Builder
Emitted when the stylus no longer touches the device.
onUp(GestureStylus.UpCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Emitted when the stylus no longer touches the device.
onUpdate(FrameClock.UpdateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.Builder
Emitted as the first step of toolkit and application processing of the frame.
onUpdate(FrameClock.UpdateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Emitted as the first step of toolkit and application processing of the frame.
onUpdate(Gesture.UpdateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.Builder
Emitted whenever an event is handled while the gesture is recognized.
onUpdate(Gesture.UpdateCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Emitted whenever an event is handled while the gesture is recognized.
onUpdateCustomWidget(PrintOperation.UpdateCustomWidgetCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
Emitted after change of selected printer.
onUpdateCustomWidget(PrintOperation.UpdateCustomWidgetCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emitted after change of selected printer.
onUpdateSwipe(SwipeTracker.UpdateSwipeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.Builder
This signal is emitted every time the progress value changes.
onUpdateSwipe(SwipeTracker.UpdateSwipeCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
This signal is emitted every time the progress value changes.
onUpFolder(FileChooserWidget.UpFolderCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.Builder
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onUpFolder(FileChooserWidget.UpFolderCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget
Emitted when the user asks for it.
onUserMessageReceived(WebContext.UserMessageReceivedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.Builder
This signal is emitted when a WebKitUserMessage is received from a web process extension.
onUserMessageReceived(WebContext.UserMessageReceivedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
This signal is emitted when a WebKitUserMessage is received from a web process extension.
onUserMessageReceived(WebView.UserMessageReceivedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
This signal is emitted when a WebKitUserMessage is received from the WebKitWebPage corresponding to webView.
onUserMessageReceived(WebView.UserMessageReceivedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
This signal is emitted when a WebKitUserMessage is received from the WebKitWebPage corresponding to webView.
onUserMessageReceived(WebPage.UserMessageReceivedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.Builder
This signal is emitted when a WebKitUserMessage is received from the WebKitWebView corresponding to webPage.
onUserMessageReceived(WebPage.UserMessageReceivedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
This signal is emitted when a WebKitUserMessage is received from the WebKitWebView corresponding to webPage.
onUserMessageReceived(WebProcessExtension.UserMessageReceivedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension.Builder
This signal is emitted when a WebKitUserMessage is received from the WebKitWebContext corresponding to extension.
onUserMessageReceived(WebProcessExtension.UserMessageReceivedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension
This signal is emitted when a WebKitUserMessage is received from the WebKitWebContext corresponding to extension.
onValueChanged(ColorBalance.ValueChangedCallback) - Method in interface
Fired when the value of the indicated channel has changed.
onValueChanged(ColorBalanceChannel.ValueChangedCallback) - Method in class
Fired when the value of the indicated channel has changed.
onValueChanged(ColorBalanceChannel.ValueChangedCallback) - Method in class
Fired when the value of the indicated channel has changed.
onValueChanged(Adjustment.ValueChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.Builder
Emitted when the value has been changed.
onValueChanged(Adjustment.ValueChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Emitted when the value has been changed.
onValueChanged(Range.ValueChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range.Builder
Emitted when the range value changes.
onValueChanged(Range.ValueChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Emitted when the range value changes.
onValueChanged(ScaleButton.ValueChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.Builder
Emitted when the value field has changed.
onValueChanged(ScaleButton.ValueChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Emitted when the value field has changed.
onValueChanged(SpinButton.ValueChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.Builder
Emitted when the value is changed.
onValueChanged(SpinButton.ValueChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Emitted when the value is changed.
onVolumeAdded(VolumeMonitor.VolumeAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.Builder
Emitted when a mountable volume is added to the system.
onVolumeAdded(VolumeMonitor.VolumeAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emitted when a mountable volume is added to the system.
onVolumeChanged(VolumeMonitor.VolumeChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.Builder
Emitted when mountable volume is changed.
onVolumeChanged(VolumeMonitor.VolumeChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emitted when mountable volume is changed.
onVolumeRemoved(VolumeMonitor.VolumeRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.Builder
Emitted when a mountable volume is removed from the system.
onVolumeRemoved(VolumeMonitor.VolumeRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Emitted when a mountable volume is removed from the system.
onWebProcessTerminated(WebView.WebProcessTerminatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
This signal is emitted when the web process terminates abnormally due to reason.
onWebProcessTerminated(WebView.WebProcessTerminatedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
This signal is emitted when the web process terminates abnormally due to reason.
onWillClose(AutomationSession.WillCloseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession.Builder
This signal is emitted when the given automation session is about to finish.
onWillClose(AutomationSession.WillCloseCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession
This signal is emitted when the given automation session is about to finish.
onWillSendSubmitEvent(WebFormManager.WillSendSubmitEventCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.Builder
This signal is emitted when the DOM submit event is about to be fired for form.
onWillSendSubmitEvent(WebFormManager.WillSendSubmitEventCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager
This signal is emitted when the DOM submit event is about to be fired for form.
onWillSubmitForm(WebFormManager.WillSubmitFormCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.Builder
This signal is emitted when form will imminently be submitted.
onWillSubmitForm(WebFormManager.WillSubmitFormCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager
This signal is emitted when form will imminently be submitted.
onWindowAdded(Application.WindowAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application.Builder
Emitted when a Window is added to application through Application.addWindow(org.gnome.gtk.Window).
onWindowAdded(Application.WindowAddedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Emitted when a Window is added to application through Application.addWindow(org.gnome.gtk.Window).
onWindowObjectCleared(ScriptWorld.WindowObjectClearedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld.Builder
Emitted when the JavaScript window object in a WebKitScriptWorld has been cleared.
onWindowObjectCleared(ScriptWorld.WindowObjectClearedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld
Emitted when the JavaScript window object in a WebKitScriptWorld has been cleared.
onWindowRemoved(Application.WindowRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application.Builder
Emitted when a Window is removed from application.
onWindowRemoved(Application.WindowRemovedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Emitted when a Window is removed from application.
onWrapped(SpinRow.WrappedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.Builder
Emitted right after the spinbutton wraps.
onWrapped(SpinRow.WrappedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Emitted right after the spinbutton wraps.
onWrapped(SpinButton.WrappedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.Builder
Emitted right after the spinbutton wraps from its maximum to its minimum value or vice-versa.
onWrapped(SpinButton.WrappedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Emitted right after the spinbutton wraps from its maximum to its minimum value or vice-versa.
onWritableChanged(String, Settings.WritableChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings.Builder
The "writable-changed" signal is emitted when the writability of a key has potentially changed.
onWritableChanged(String, Settings.WritableChangedCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
The "writable-changed" signal is emitted when the writability of a key has potentially changed.
onWritableChangeEvent(Settings.WritableChangeEventCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings.Builder
The "writable-change-event" signal is emitted once per writability change event that affects this settings object.
onWritableChangeEvent(Settings.WritableChangeEventCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
The "writable-change-event" signal is emitted once per writability change event that affects this settings object.
onWrite(VimIMContext.WriteCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.Builder
Requests the application save the file.
onWrite(VimIMContext.WriteCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext
Requests the application save the file.
onWroteBody(Message.WroteBodyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Emitted immediately after writing the complete body for a message.
onWroteBody(Message.WroteBodyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emitted immediately after writing the complete body for a message.
onWroteBody(ServerMessage.WroteBodyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.Builder
Emitted immediately after writing the complete response body for a message.
onWroteBody(ServerMessage.WroteBodyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emitted immediately after writing the complete response body for a message.
onWroteBodyData(Message.WroteBodyDataCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Emitted immediately after writing a portion of the message body to the network.
onWroteBodyData(Message.WroteBodyDataCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emitted immediately after writing a portion of the message body to the network.
onWroteBodyData(ServerMessage.WroteBodyDataCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.Builder
Emitted immediately after writing a portion of the message body to the network.
onWroteBodyData(ServerMessage.WroteBodyDataCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emitted immediately after writing a portion of the message body to the network.
onWroteChunk(ServerMessage.WroteChunkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.Builder
Emitted immediately after writing a body chunk for a message.
onWroteChunk(ServerMessage.WroteChunkCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emitted immediately after writing a body chunk for a message.
onWroteHeaders(Message.WroteHeadersCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Emitted immediately after writing the request headers for a message.
onWroteHeaders(Message.WroteHeadersCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Emitted immediately after writing the request headers for a message.
onWroteHeaders(ServerMessage.WroteHeadersCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.Builder
Emitted immediately after writing the response headers for a message.
onWroteHeaders(ServerMessage.WroteHeadersCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emitted immediately after writing the response headers for a message.
onWroteInformational(ServerMessage.WroteInformationalCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.Builder
Emitted immediately after writing a 1xx (Informational) response.
onWroteInformational(ServerMessage.WroteInformationalCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Emitted immediately after writing a 1xx (Informational) response.
OOB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketMsgFlags
Request to send/receive out of band data.
OPACITY_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node that changes the opacity of its child
OpacityNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node controlling the opacity of its single child node.
OpacityNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.OpacityNode
Create a OpacityNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OpacityNode(RenderNode, float) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.OpacityNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will drawn the child with reduced opacity.
open() - Method in class
open() - Method in class
open() - Method in class
Open the device.
open() - Method in class
open the device with the specified caps
open() - Method in class
open() - Method in class
open() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
open(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Opens a display.
open(String, Set<ModuleFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gmodule.Module
A thin wrapper function around g_module_open_full()
open(String, ModuleFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gmodule.Module
A thin wrapper function around g_module_open_full()
open(String) - Method in class
opening the device
open(String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Dir
Opens a directory for reading.
open(String, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A wrapper for the POSIX open() function.
open(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.IConv
Same as the standard UNIX routine iconv_open(), but may be implemented via libiconv on UNIX flavors that lack a native implementation.
open(File[], String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Opens the given files.
open(VariantType) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantBuilder
Opens a subcontainer inside the given this VariantBuilder.
open(Window, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
This function initiates a file selection operation by presenting a file chooser dialog to the user.
OPEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserAction
Indicates open mode.
OPEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketState
the connection is ready to send messages
OPEN_AUDIO_IN_NEW_WINDOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Open current audio element in a new window.
OPEN_AUDIO_IN_NEW_WINDOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Open current audio element in a new window.
OPEN_FRAME_IN_NEW_WINDOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Open current frame in a new window.
OPEN_FRAME_IN_NEW_WINDOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Open current frame in a new window.
OPEN_IMAGE_IN_NEW_WINDOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Open current image in a new window.
OPEN_IMAGE_IN_NEW_WINDOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Open current image in a new window.
OPEN_LINK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Open current link.
OPEN_LINK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Open current link.
OPEN_LINK_IN_NEW_WINDOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Open current link in a new window.
OPEN_LINK_IN_NEW_WINDOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Open current link in a new window.
OPEN_PUNCTUATION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
OPEN_PUNCTUATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Opening Punctuation (OP)
OPEN_PUNCTUATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Punctuation, Open" (Ps)
OPEN_READ - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
used when resource fails to open for reading.
OPEN_READ_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
used when resource cannot be opened for both reading and writing, or either (but unspecified which).
OPEN_VIDEO_IN_NEW_WINDOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Open current video element in a new window.
OPEN_VIDEO_IN_NEW_WINDOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Open current video element in a new window.
OPEN_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
used when resource fails to open for writing.
OPENBSD_SOCKPEERCRED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.CredentialsType
The native credentials type is a struct sockpeercred.
openContainingFolder(Window, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher
Launch a file manager to show the file in its parent directory.
openContainingFolderFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher
openDevice() - Method in class
Open the audio device associated with the ring buffer.
openDisplay(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager
Opens a display.
openFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
openFull(String, Set<ModuleFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gmodule.Module
Opens a module.
openFull(String, ModuleFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gmodule.Module
Opens a module.
openMultiple(Window, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
This function initiates a multi-file selection operation by presenting a file chooser dialog to the user.
openMultipleFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Finishes the, org.gnome.gio.Cancellable, org.gnome.gio.AsyncReadyCallback) call and returns the resulting files in a GListModel.
openReadwrite(Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Opens an existing file for reading and writing.
openReadwriteAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously opens this File for reading and writing.
openReadwriteFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous file read operation started with g_file_open_readwrite_async().
openStream(String, Set<ResourceLookupFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resource
Looks for a file at the specified path in the resource and returns a GInputStream that lets you read the data.
openStream(String, ResourceLookupFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resource
Looks for a file at the specified path in the resource and returns a GInputStream that lets you read the data.
OPTICAL_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.StyleTag
Used to vary design to suit different text sizes.
OPTIMIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Since 2.74 and the port to pcre2, requests JIT compilation, which, if the just-in-time compiler is available, further processes a compiled pattern into machine code that executes much faster.
OPTIMIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Optimization of the regular expression failed.
OPTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
OPTION_GROUP - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GOptionGroup.
OPTION_REMAINING - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
If a long option in the main group has this name, it is not treated as a regular option.
OPTIONAL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerValueFlags
the value is optional.
OPTIONAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupCollectType
can be bitwise ORed with the other fields.
OPTIONAL_ARG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionFlags
For options of the OptionArg.CALLBACK kind, this flag indicates that the argument supply is optional.
OptionArg - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
The GOptionArg enum values determine which type of extra argument the options expect to find.
OptionArgFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the OptionArgFunc callback.
OptionContext - Class in org.gnome.glib
A GOptionContext struct defines which options are accepted by the commandline option parser.
OptionContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Create a OptionContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OptionEntry - Class in org.gnome.glib
A GOptionEntry struct defines a single option.
OptionEntry() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Allocate a new OptionEntry.
OptionEntry(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Allocate a new OptionEntry.
OptionEntry(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Create a OptionEntry proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OptionEntry(String, byte, int, OptionArg, MemorySegment, String, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Allocate a new OptionEntry with the fields set to the provided values.
OptionEntry(String, byte, int, OptionArg, MemorySegment, String, String, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Allocate a new OptionEntry with the fields set to the provided values.
OptionError - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Error codes returned by option parsing.
OptionErrorFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the OptionErrorFunc callback.
optionErrorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
OptionFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Flags which modify individual options.
OptionGroup - Class in org.gnome.glib
A GOptionGroup struct defines the options in a single group.
OptionGroup - Class in org.gnome.gobject
OptionGroup(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.OptionGroup
Create a OptionGroup proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OptionGroup(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.OptionGroup
Create a OptionGroup proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OptionGroup(String, String, String, MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.OptionGroup
Creates a new GOptionGroup.
OptionMenu - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Represents the dropdown menu of a select element in a WebKitWebView.
OptionMenu(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu
Create a OptionMenu proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OptionMenu.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
OptionMenu.CloseCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the CloseCallback callback.
OptionMenu.OptionMenuClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
OptionMenuClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu.OptionMenuClass
Allocate a new OptionMenuClass.
OptionMenuClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu.OptionMenuClass
Allocate a new OptionMenuClass.
OptionMenuClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu.OptionMenuClass
Create a OptionMenuClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OptionMenuItem - Class in org.gnome.webkit
One item of a WebKitOptionMenu.
OptionMenuItem(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenuItem
Create a OptionMenuItem proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OptionParseFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the OptionParseFunc callback.
OPTIONS_USE_DFG - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Allows the DFG JIT to be used if true.
OPTIONS_USE_FTL - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Allows the FTL JIT to be used if true.
OPTIONS_USE_JIT - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Allows the executable pages to be allocated for JIT and thunks if true.
OPTIONS_USE_LLINT - Static variable in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Allows the LLINT to be used if true.
optionsForeach(OptionsFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Iterates all available options calling function for each one.
OptionsFunc - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Functional interface declaration of the OptionsFunc callback.
optionsGetBoolean(String, Out<Boolean>) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Get option as a gboolean value.
optionsGetDouble(String, Out<Double>) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Get option as a gdouble value.
optionsGetInt(String, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Get option as a gint value.
optionsGetOptionGroup() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Create a GOptionGroup to handle JSCOptions as command line arguments.
optionsGetRangeString(String, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Get option as a range string.
optionsGetSize(String, Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Get option as a gsize value.
optionsGetString(String, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Get option as a string.
optionsGetUint(String, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Get option as a guint value.
optionsPing(Uri) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Creates a new SoupMessage to send OPTIONS * to a server.
optionsSetBoolean(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Set option as a gboolean value.
optionsSetDouble(String, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Set option as a gdouble value.
optionsSetInt(String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Set option as a gint value.
optionsSetQuality(AudioResamplerMethod, int, int, int, Structure) - Static method in class
Set the parameters for resampling from inRate to outRate using method for quality in options.
optionsSetRangeString(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Set option as a range string.
optionsSetSize(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Set option as a gsize value.
optionsSetString(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Set option as a string.
optionsSetUint(String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.JavaScriptCore
Set option as a guint value.
OptionType - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Enum values for options types.
or(BreakpointCondition, BreakpointCondition) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointCondition
Creates a condition that triggers when either condition1 or condition2 is true.
ORANGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.AccentColor
Use a orange color (#ed5b00).
order(Date) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Checks if this Date is less than or equal to date2, and swap the values if this is not the case.
order(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Swaps the value of this TextIter and second if second comes before this TextIter in the buffer.
Ordering - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes the way two values can be compared.
ORDINALS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
The GStreamer Audio Library
org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base - package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Provides some GStreamer base classes to be extended by elements and utility classes that are most useful for plugin developers
org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst - package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Provides all the core GStreamer services, including initialization, plugin management and types, as well as the object hierarchy that defines elements and bins, along with some more specialized elements
org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils - package org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
A general utility library for GStreamer plugins and applications - package
The GStreamer Video Library
org.freedesktop.harfbuzz - package org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
The HarfBuzz text shaping engine
org.gnome.adw - package org.gnome.adw
Building blocks for modern GNOME applications
org.gnome.gdk - package org.gnome.gdk
The low-level library used by GTK to interact with the windowing system for graphics and input devices
org.gnome.gdkpixbuf - package org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
A library that loads image data in various formats and stores it as linear buffers in memory
org.gnome.gio - package org.gnome.gio
A library providing useful classes for general purpose I/O, networking, IPC, settings, and other high level application functionality
org.gnome.glib - package org.gnome.glib
A general-purpose, portable utility library, which provides many useful data types, macros, type conversions, string utilities, file utilities, a mainloop abstraction, and so on
org.gnome.gmodule - package org.gnome.gmodule
A portable API for dynamically loading modules
org.gnome.gobject - package org.gnome.gobject
The base type system and object class
org.gnome.graphene - package org.gnome.graphene
A thin layer of types for graphic libraries
org.gnome.gsk - package org.gnome.gsk
The rendering and scene graph API for GTK
org.gnome.gtk - package org.gnome.gtk
GTK is a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces
org.gnome.gtksourceview - package org.gnome.gtksourceview
A text editor widget for code editing
org.gnome.pango - package org.gnome.pango
A library for layout and rendering of text, with an emphasis on internationalization
org.gnome.pango.cairo - package org.gnome.pango.cairo
Cairo support for Pango
org.gnome.soup - package org.gnome.soup
An HTTP client/server library for GNOME
org.gnome.webkit - package org.gnome.webkit
WebKitGTK is a full-featured port of the WebKit rendering engine
org.gnome.webkit.jsc - package org.gnome.webkit.jsc
The JavaScript engine used in WebKit
org.gnome.webkit.wpe - package org.gnome.webkit.wpe
The WebKit web extension and DOM library
Orientable - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkOrientable interface is implemented by all widgets that can be oriented horizontally or vertically.
Orientable.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Orientable.OrientableIface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Orientable.OrientableImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The OrientableImpl type represents a native instance of the Orientable interface.
OrientableIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Orientable.OrientableIface
Allocate a new OrientableIface.
OrientableIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Orientable.OrientableIface
Allocate a new OrientableIface.
OrientableIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Orientable.OrientableIface
Create a OrientableIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OrientableImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Orientable.OrientableImpl
Creates a new instance of Orientable for the provided memory address.
Orientation - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Represents the orientation of widgets and other objects.
ORIENTATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Indicates whether the element's orientation is horizontal, vertical, or unknown/ambiguous.
ORIYA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
ORIYA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
ORIYA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
ORNAMENT_SETS_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
OSAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Osge, Since: 1.3.0
OSAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
OSMANYA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
OSMANYA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
OSMANYA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
OsxAppInfo - Class in org.gnome.gio
OsxAppInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OsxAppInfo
Create a OsxAppInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OsxAppInfo.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
OsxAppInfo.OsxAppInfoClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
OsxAppInfoClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OsxAppInfo.OsxAppInfoClass
Allocate a new OsxAppInfoClass.
OsxAppInfoClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OsxAppInfo.OsxAppInfoClass
Allocate a new OsxAppInfoClass.
OsxAppInfoClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OsxAppInfo.OsxAppInfoClass
Create a OsxAppInfoClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OT_LAYOUT_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_INDEX - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Special value for language index indicating default or unsupported language.
OT_LAYOUT_NO_FEATURE_INDEX - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Special value for feature index indicating unsupported feature.
OT_LAYOUT_NO_SCRIPT_INDEX - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Special value for script index indicating unsupported script.
OT_LAYOUT_NO_VARIATIONS_INDEX - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Special value for variations index indicating unsupported variation.
OT_MAX_TAGS_PER_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Maximum number of OpenType tags that can correspond to a give hb_language_t.
OT_MAX_TAGS_PER_SCRIPT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Maximum number of OpenType tags that can correspond to a give hb_script_t.
OT_VAR_NO_AXIS_INDEX - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Do not use.
otColorGlyphGetLayers(Face, Codepoint, int, Out<OtColorLayer[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of all color layers for the specified glyph index in the specified face.
otColorGlyphHasPaint(Face, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests where a face includes COLRv1 paint data for glyph.
otColorGlyphReferencePng(Font, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the PNG image for a glyph.
otColorGlyphReferenceSvg(Face, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the SVG document for a glyph.
otColorHasLayers(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether a face includes a COLR table with data according to COLRv0.
otColorHasPaint(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests where a face includes a COLR table with data according to COLRv1.
otColorHasPalettes(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether a face includes a CPAL color-palette table.
otColorHasPng(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether a face has PNG glyph images (either in CBDT or sbix tables).
otColorHasSvg(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether a face includes any SVG glyph images.
OtColorLayer - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Pairs of glyph and color index.
OtColorLayer() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorLayer
Allocate a new OtColorLayer.
OtColorLayer(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorLayer
Allocate a new OtColorLayer.
OtColorLayer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorLayer
Create a OtColorLayer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OtColorLayer(Codepoint, int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorLayer
Allocate a new OtColorLayer with the fields set to the provided values.
OtColorLayer(Codepoint, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorLayer
Allocate a new OtColorLayer with the fields set to the provided values.
otColorPaletteColorGetNameId(Face, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the name table Name ID that provides display names for the specified color in a face's CPAL color palette.
OtColorPaletteFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Flags that describe the properties of color palette.
otColorPaletteGetColors(Face, int, int, Out<Color[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of the colors in a color palette.
otColorPaletteGetCount(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the number of color palettes in a face.
otColorPaletteGetFlags(Face, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the flags defined for a color palette.
otColorPaletteGetNameId(Face, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the name table Name ID that provides display names for a CPAL color palette.
otFontSetFuncs(Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the font functions to use when working with font.
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockType
some other time source is used (Since: 1.0.5)
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleSort
A sort algorithm other than ascending or descending has been applied.
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccelMode
Other accelerator mode
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MessageType
None of the above
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationType
The navigation was triggered by some other action.
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageSource
Other messages.
OTHER_LETTER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
OTHER_LETTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Letter, Other" (Lo)
OTHER_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
OTHER_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Number, Other" (No)
OTHER_PUNCTUATION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
OTHER_PUNCTUATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Punctuation, Other" (Po)
OTHER_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
OTHER_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Symbol, Other" (So)
OtLayoutBaselineTag - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Baseline tags from Baseline Tags registry.
otLayoutCollectFeatures(Face, Tag, Tag[], Tag[], Tag[], Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of all feature indexes in the specified face's GSUB table or GPOS table, underneath the specified scripts, languages, and features.
otLayoutCollectFeaturesMap(Face, Tag, int, int, Map) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the mapping from feature tags to feature indexes for the specified script and language.
otLayoutCollectLookups(Face, Tag, Tag[], Tag[], Tag[], Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of all feature-lookup indexes in the specified face's GSUB table or GPOS table, underneath the specified scripts, languages, and features.
otLayoutFeatureGetCharacters(Face, Tag, int, int, Out<Codepoint[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of the characters defined as having a variant under the specified "Character Variant" ("cvXX") feature tag.
otLayoutFeatureGetLookups(Face, Tag, int, int, Out<int[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of all lookups enumerated for the specified feature, in the specified face's GSUB table or GPOS table.
otLayoutFeatureGetNameIds(Face, Tag, int, OtNameId, OtNameId, OtNameId, Out<Integer>, OtNameId) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches name indices from feature parameters for "Stylistic Set" ('ssXX') or "Character Variant" ('cvXX') features.
otLayoutFeatureWithVariationsGetLookups(Face, Tag, int, int, int, Out<int[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of all lookups enumerated for the specified feature, in the specified face's GSUB table or GPOS table, enabled at the specified variations index.
otLayoutGetAttachPoints(Face, Codepoint, int, Out<int[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of all attachment points for the specified glyph in the GDEF table of the face.
otLayoutGetBaseline(Font, OtLayoutBaselineTag, Direction, Tag, Tag, Position) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a baseline value from the face.
otLayoutGetBaseline2(Font, OtLayoutBaselineTag, Direction, Script, Language, Position) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a baseline value from the face.
otLayoutGetBaselineWithFallback(Font, OtLayoutBaselineTag, Direction, Tag, Tag, Position) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a baseline value from the face, and synthesizes it if the font does not have it.
otLayoutGetBaselineWithFallback2(Font, OtLayoutBaselineTag, Direction, Script, Language, Position) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a baseline value from the face, and synthesizes it if the font does not have it.
otLayoutGetFontExtents(Font, Direction, Tag, Tag, FontExtents) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches script/language-specific font extents.
otLayoutGetFontExtents2(Font, Direction, Script, Language, FontExtents) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches script/language-specific font extents.
otLayoutGetGlyphClass(Face, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the GDEF class of the requested glyph in the specified face.
otLayoutGetGlyphsInClass(Face, OtLayoutGlyphClass, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Retrieves the set of all glyphs from the face that belong to the requested glyph class in the face's GDEF table.
otLayoutGetHorizontalBaselineTagForScript(Script) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the dominant horizontal baseline tag used by script.
otLayoutGetLigatureCarets(Font, Direction, Codepoint, int, Out<Position[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of the caret positions defined for a ligature glyph in the GDEF table of the font.
otLayoutGetSizeParams(Face, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, OtNameId, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches optical-size feature data (i.e., the size feature from GPOS).
OtLayoutGlyphClass - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
The GDEF classes defined for glyphs.
otLayoutHasGlyphClasses(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether a face has any glyph classes defined in its GDEF table.
otLayoutHasPositioning(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether the specified face includes any GPOS positioning.
otLayoutHasSubstitution(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether the specified face includes any GSUB substitutions.
otLayoutLanguageFindFeature(Face, Tag, int, int, Tag, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the index of a given feature tag in the specified face's GSUB table or GPOS table, underneath the specified script and language.
otLayoutLanguageGetFeatureIndexes(Face, Tag, int, int, int, Out<int[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of all features in the specified face's GSUB table or GPOS table, underneath the specified script and language.
otLayoutLanguageGetFeatureTags(Face, Tag, int, int, int, Out<Tag[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of all features in the specified face's GSUB table or GPOS table, underneath the specified script and language.
otLayoutLanguageGetRequiredFeature(Face, Tag, int, int, Out<Integer>, Tag) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the tag of a requested feature index in the given face's GSUB or GPOS table, underneath the specified script and language.
otLayoutLanguageGetRequiredFeatureIndex(Face, Tag, int, int, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the index of a requested feature in the given face's GSUB or GPOS table, underneath the specified script and language.
otLayoutLookupCollectGlyphs(Face, Tag, int, Set, Set, Set, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of all glyphs affected by the specified lookup in the specified face's GSUB table or GPOS table.
otLayoutLookupGetGlyphAlternates(Face, int, Codepoint, int, Out<Codepoint[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches alternates of a glyph from a given GSUB lookup index.
otLayoutLookupGetOpticalBound(Font, int, Direction, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the optical bound of a glyph positioned at the margin of text.
otLayoutLookupsSubstituteClosure(Face, Set, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Compute the transitive closure of glyphs needed for all of the provided lookups.
otLayoutLookupSubstituteClosure(Face, int, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Compute the transitive closure of glyphs needed for a specified lookup.
otLayoutLookupWouldSubstitute(Face, int, Codepoint, int, Bool) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether a specified lookup in the specified face would trigger a substitution on the given glyph sequence.
otLayoutScriptFindLanguage(Face, Tag, int, Tag, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
otLayoutScriptGetLanguageTags(Face, Tag, int, int, Out<Tag[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of language tags in the given face's GSUB or GPOS table, underneath the specified script index.
otLayoutScriptSelectLanguage(Face, Tag, int, int, Tag, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the index of the first language tag fom languageTags that is present in the specified face's GSUB or GPOS table, underneath the specified script index.
otLayoutScriptSelectLanguage2(Face, Tag, int, int, Tag, Out<Integer>, Tag) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the index of the first language tag fom languageTags that is present in the specified face's GSUB or GPOS table, underneath the specified script index.
otLayoutTableChooseScript(Face, Tag, Tag, Out<Integer>, Tag) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Deprecated since 2.0.0
otLayoutTableFindFeatureVariations(Face, Tag, MemorySegment, int, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of feature variations in the specified face's GSUB table or GPOS table, at the specified variation coordinates.
otLayoutTableFindScript(Face, Tag, Tag, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the index if a given script tag in the specified face's GSUB table or GPOS table.
otLayoutTableGetFeatureTags(Face, Tag, int, Out<Tag[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of all feature tags in the given face's GSUB or GPOS table.
otLayoutTableGetLookupCount(Face, Tag) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the total number of lookups enumerated in the specified face's GSUB table or GPOS table.
otLayoutTableGetScriptTags(Face, Tag, int, Out<Tag[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of all scripts enumerated in the specified face's GSUB table or GPOS table.
otLayoutTableSelectScript(Face, Tag, int, Tag, Out<Integer>, Tag) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Selects an OpenType script for tableTag from the scriptTags array.
OtMathConstant - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
The 'MATH' table constants, refer to OpenType documentation For more explanations.
otMathGetConstant(Font, OtMathConstant) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the specified math constant.
otMathGetGlyphAssembly(Font, Codepoint, Direction, int, Out<OtMathGlyphPart[]>, Position) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the GlyphAssembly for the specified font, glyph index, and direction.
otMathGetGlyphItalicsCorrection(Font, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches an italics-correction value (if one exists) for the specified glyph index.
otMathGetGlyphKerning(Font, Codepoint, OtMathKern, Position) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the math kerning (cut-ins) value for the specified font, glyph index, and kern.
otMathGetGlyphKernings(Font, Codepoint, OtMathKern, int, Out<OtMathKernEntry[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the raw MathKern (cut-in) data for the specified font, glyph index, and kern.
otMathGetGlyphTopAccentAttachment(Font, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a top-accent-attachment value (if one exists) for the specified glyph index.
otMathGetGlyphVariants(Font, Codepoint, Direction, int, Out<OtMathGlyphVariant[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the MathGlyphConstruction for the specified font, glyph index, and direction.
otMathGetMinConnectorOverlap(Font, Direction) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the MathVariants table for the specified font and returns the minimum overlap of connecting glyphs that are required to draw a glyph assembly in the specified direction.
OtMathGlyphPart - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type to hold information for a "part" component of a math-variant glyph.
OtMathGlyphPart() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPart
Allocate a new OtMathGlyphPart.
OtMathGlyphPart(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPart
Allocate a new OtMathGlyphPart.
OtMathGlyphPart(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPart
Create a OtMathGlyphPart proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OtMathGlyphPart(Codepoint, Position, Position, Position, Set<OtMathGlyphPartFlags>) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPart
Allocate a new OtMathGlyphPart with the fields set to the provided values.
OtMathGlyphPart(Codepoint, Position, Position, Position, Set<OtMathGlyphPartFlags>, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPart
Allocate a new OtMathGlyphPart with the fields set to the provided values.
OtMathGlyphPartFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Flags for math glyph parts.
OtMathGlyphVariant - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type to hold math-variant information for a glyph.
OtMathGlyphVariant() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphVariant
Allocate a new OtMathGlyphVariant.
OtMathGlyphVariant(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphVariant
Allocate a new OtMathGlyphVariant.
OtMathGlyphVariant(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphVariant
Create a OtMathGlyphVariant proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OtMathGlyphVariant(Codepoint, Position) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphVariant
Allocate a new OtMathGlyphVariant with the fields set to the provided values.
OtMathGlyphVariant(Codepoint, Position, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphVariant
Allocate a new OtMathGlyphVariant with the fields set to the provided values.
otMathHasData(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether a face has a MATH table.
otMathIsGlyphExtendedShape(Face, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether the given glyph index is an extended shape in the face.
OtMathKern - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
The math kerning-table types defined for the four corners of a glyph.
OtMathKernEntry - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type to hold math kerning (cut-in) information for a glyph.
OtMathKernEntry() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKernEntry
Allocate a new OtMathKernEntry.
OtMathKernEntry(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKernEntry
Allocate a new OtMathKernEntry.
OtMathKernEntry(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKernEntry
Create a OtMathKernEntry proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OtMathKernEntry(Position, Position) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKernEntry
Allocate a new OtMathKernEntry with the fields set to the provided values.
OtMathKernEntry(Position, Position, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKernEntry
Allocate a new OtMathKernEntry with the fields set to the provided values.
otMetaGetEntryTags(Face, int, Out<OtMetaTag[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches all available feature types.
otMetaReferenceEntry(Face, OtMetaTag) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
It fetches metadata entry of a given tag from a font.
OtMetaTag - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Known metadata tags from
otMetricsGetPosition(Font, OtMetricsTag, Position) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches metrics value corresponding to metricsTag from font.
otMetricsGetPositionWithFallback(Font, OtMetricsTag, Position) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches metrics value corresponding to metricsTag from font, and synthesizes a value if it the value is missing in the font.
otMetricsGetVariation(Font, OtMetricsTag) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches metrics value corresponding to metricsTag from font with the current font variation settings applied.
otMetricsGetXVariation(Font, OtMetricsTag) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches horizontal metrics value corresponding to metricsTag from font with the current font variation settings applied.
otMetricsGetYVariation(Font, OtMetricsTag) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches vertical metrics value corresponding to metricsTag from font with the current font variation settings applied.
OtMetricsTag - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Metric tags corresponding to [MVAR Value Tags](
OtNameEntry - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Structure representing a name ID in a particular language.
OtNameEntry() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameEntry
Allocate a new OtNameEntry.
OtNameEntry(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameEntry
Allocate a new OtNameEntry.
OtNameEntry(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameEntry
Create a OtNameEntry proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OtNameEntry(OtNameId, VarInt) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameEntry
Allocate a new OtNameEntry with the fields set to the provided values.
OtNameEntry(OtNameId, VarInt, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameEntry
Allocate a new OtNameEntry with the fields set to the provided values.
otNameGetUtf16(Face, OtNameId, Language, Out<short[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a font name from the OpenType 'name' table.
otNameGetUtf32(Face, OtNameId, Language, Out<int[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a font name from the OpenType 'name' table.
otNameGetUtf8(Face, OtNameId, Language, Out<String[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a font name from the OpenType 'name' table.
OtNameId - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
An integral type representing an OpenType 'name' table name identifier.
OtNameId(int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameId
Create a new OtNameId with the provided value
OtNameIdPredefined - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
An enum type representing the pre-defined name IDs.
otNameListNames(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Enumerates all available name IDs and language combinations.
otShapeGlyphsClosure(Font, Buffer, Feature[], Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Computes the transitive closure of glyphs needed for a specified input buffer under the given font and feature list.
otShapePlanCollectLookups(ShapePlan, Tag, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Computes the complete set of GSUB or GPOS lookups that are applicable under a given shapePlan.
otTagFromLanguage(Language) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
use hb_ot_tags_from_script_and_language() instead
otTagsFromScript(Script, Tag, Tag) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
use hb_ot_tags_from_script_and_language() instead
otTagsToScriptAndLanguage(Tag, Tag, Out<Script>, Language) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Converts a script tag and a language tag to an hb_script_t and an hb_language_t.
otTagToLanguage(Tag) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Converts a language tag to an hb_language_t.
otTagToScript(Tag) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Converts a script tag to an hb_script_t.
OtVarAxis - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
OtVarAxis() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxis
Allocate a new OtVarAxis.
OtVarAxis(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxis
Allocate a new OtVarAxis.
OtVarAxis(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxis
Create a OtVarAxis proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OtVarAxis(Tag, OtNameId, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxis
Allocate a new OtVarAxis with the fields set to the provided values.
OtVarAxis(Tag, OtNameId, float, float, float, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxis
Allocate a new OtVarAxis with the fields set to the provided values.
OtVarAxisFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Flags for hb_ot_var_axis_info_t.
OtVarAxisInfo - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for holding variation-axis values.
OtVarAxisInfo() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Allocate a new OtVarAxisInfo.
OtVarAxisInfo(int, Tag, OtNameId, Set<OtVarAxisFlags>, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Allocate a new OtVarAxisInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
OtVarAxisInfo(int, Tag, OtNameId, Set<OtVarAxisFlags>, float, float, float, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Allocate a new OtVarAxisInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
OtVarAxisInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Allocate a new OtVarAxisInfo.
OtVarAxisInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Create a OtVarAxisInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
otVarFindAxis(Face, Tag, MemorySegment, OtVarAxis) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
  • use hb_ot_var_find_axis_info() instead
otVarFindAxisInfo(Face, Tag, OtVarAxisInfo) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the variation-axis information corresponding to the specified axis tag in the specified face.
otVarGetAxes(Face, int, Out<OtVarAxis[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
use hb_ot_var_get_axis_infos() instead
otVarGetAxisCount(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the number of OpenType variation axes included in the face.
otVarGetAxisInfos(Face, int, Out<OtVarAxisInfo[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a list of all variation axes in the specified face.
otVarGetNamedInstanceCount(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the number of named instances included in the face.
otVarHasData(Face) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether a face includes any OpenType variation data in the fvar table.
otVarNamedInstanceGetDesignCoords(Face, int, Out<float[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the design-space coordinates corresponding to the given named instance in the face.
otVarNamedInstanceGetPostscriptNameId(Face, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the name table Name ID that provides display names for the "PostScript name" defined for the given named instance in the face.
otVarNamedInstanceGetSubfamilyNameId(Face, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the name table Name ID that provides display names for the "Subfamily name" defined for the given named instance in the face.
otVarNormalizeCoords(Face, int, MemorySegment, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Normalizes the given design-space coordinates.
otVarNormalizeVariations(Face, Variation, int, Out<int[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Normalizes all of the coordinates in the given list of variation axes.
Out<T> - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.base
A wrapper class for out-parameters of (usually primitive) values.
Out() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Out
Create an Out object with no initial value.
Out(T) - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Out
Create an Out object and set the initial value.
OUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOCondition
Data can be written (without blocking).
OUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.IOCondition
OUT_OF_BOUNDS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.NumberParserError
string was a number, but out of bounds
OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.CheckSyntaxResult
out of memory error
OUT_OF_RANGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.BracketMatchType
matching a bracket failed because the maximum range was reached.
OUTLINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
OUTLINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
OUTPUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutSerializeFlags
Include information about the formatted output
OUTPUT_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class
use the output color matrix to convert to and from R'G'B
OutputMessage - Class in org.gnome.gio
Structure used for scatter/gather data output when sending multiple messages or packets in one go.
OutputMessage() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
Allocate a new OutputMessage.
OutputMessage(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
Allocate a new OutputMessage.
OutputMessage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
Create a OutputMessage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OutputMessage(SocketAddress, OutputVector, int, int, SocketControlMessage[], int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
Allocate a new OutputMessage with the fields set to the provided values.
OutputMessage(SocketAddress, OutputVector, int, int, SocketControlMessage[], int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
Allocate a new OutputMessage with the fields set to the provided values.
OutputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
GOutputStream is a base class for implementing streaming output.
OutputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Create a OutputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OutputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
OutputStream.OutputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
OutputStream.OutputStreamImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The OutputStreamImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract OutputStream class.
OutputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Allocate a new OutputStreamClass.
OutputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Allocate a new OutputStreamClass.
OutputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Create a OutputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OutputStreamImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamImpl
Creates a new instance of OutputStream for the provided memory address.
OutputStreamSpliceFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
GOutputStreamSpliceFlags determine how streams should be spliced.
OutputVector - Class in org.gnome.gio
Structure used for scatter/gather data output.
OutputVector() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OutputVector
Allocate a new OutputVector.
OutputVector(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OutputVector
Allocate a new OutputVector.
OutputVector(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OutputVector
Create a OutputVector proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OutputVector(MemorySegment, long) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OutputVector
Allocate a new OutputVector with the fields set to the provided values.
OutputVector(MemorySegment, long, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.OutputVector
Allocate a new OutputVector with the fields set to the provided values.
OUTSET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BorderStyle
Looks as if the content is coming out of the canvas
OUTSET_SHADOW_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node drawing an outset shadow
OutsetShadowNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node for an outset shadow.
OutsetShadowNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.OutsetShadowNode
Create a OutsetShadowNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OutsetShadowNode(RoundedRect, RGBA, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.OutsetShadowNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will render an outset shadow around the box given by outline.
OVER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.FlapTransitionType
The flap slides over the content, which is dimmed.
OVER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.LeafletTransitionType
Cover the old page or uncover the new page, sliding from or towards the end according to orientation, text direction and children order
OVER_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Cover the old page by sliding down
OVER_DOWN_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Cover the old page sliding down or uncover the new page sliding up, according to order
OVER_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Cover the old page by sliding to the left
OVER_LEFT_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Cover the old page sliding left or uncover the new page sliding right, according to order
OVER_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Cover the old page by sliding to the right
OVER_RIGHT_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Cover the old page sliding right or uncover the new page sliding left, according to order
OVER_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Cover the old page by sliding up
OVER_UP_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Cover the old page sliding up or uncover the new page sliding down, according to order
OVERBAR_EXTRA_ASCENDER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
OVERBAR_RULE_THICKNESS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
OVERBAR_VERTICAL_GAP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
Overflow - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Defines how content overflowing a given area should be handled.
OVERFLOW - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QOSType
The QoS event type that is produced when upstream elements are producing data too quickly and the element can't keep up processing the data.
OVERFLOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOChannelError
Value too large for defined datatype.
OVERLAPPING_CHARACTERS_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
Overlay - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkOverlay is a container which contains a single main child, on top of which it can place “overlay” widgets.
Overlay() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay
Creates a new GtkOverlay.
Overlay(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay
Create a Overlay proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OVERLAY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
multiplies or screens, depending on the lightness of the destination color.
OVERLAY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Marks which overlay a base letter or symbol
OVERLAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the destination color value.
Overlay.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Overlay.GetChildPositionCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the GetChildPositionCallback callback.
OverlayLayout - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkOverlayLayout is the layout manager used by Overlay.
OverlayLayout() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayout
Creates a new GtkOverlayLayout instance.
OverlayLayout(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayout
Create a OverlayLayout proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OverlayLayout.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
OverlayLayout.OverlayLayoutClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
OverlayLayoutChild - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkLayoutChild subclass for children in a GtkOverlayLayout.
OverlayLayoutChild(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayoutChild
Create a OverlayLayoutChild proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OverlayLayoutChild.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
OverlayLayoutChild.OverlayLayoutChildClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
OverlayLayoutChildClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayoutChild.OverlayLayoutChildClass
Allocate a new OverlayLayoutChildClass.
OverlayLayoutChildClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayoutChild.OverlayLayoutChildClass
Allocate a new OverlayLayoutChildClass.
OverlayLayoutChildClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayoutChild.OverlayLayoutChildClass
Create a OverlayLayoutChildClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OverlayLayoutClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayout.OverlayLayoutClass
Allocate a new OverlayLayoutClass.
OverlayLayoutClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayout.OverlayLayoutClass
Allocate a new OverlayLayoutClass.
OverlayLayoutClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayout.OverlayLayoutClass
Create a OverlayLayoutClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
overlayPaintable(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf
Allows overlaying a paintable on top of any other image that has been set for the pixbuf.
OverlaySplitView - Class in org.gnome.adw
A widget presenting sidebar and content side by side or as an overlay.
OverlaySplitView() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Creates a new AdwOverlaySplitView.
OverlaySplitView(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Create a OverlaySplitView proxy instance for the provided memory address.
OverlaySplitView.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
OverlaySplitView.OverlaySplitViewClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
OverlaySplitViewClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.OverlaySplitViewClass
Allocate a new OverlaySplitViewClass.
OverlaySplitViewClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.OverlaySplitViewClass
Allocate a new OverlaySplitViewClass.
OverlaySplitViewClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.OverlaySplitViewClass
Create a OverlaySplitViewClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Overline - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoOverline enumeration is used to specify whether text should be overlined, and if so, the type of line.
OVERLINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
whether the text has an overline (Pango.AttrInt).
OVERLINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.RenderPart
OVERLINE_COLOR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
overline color (Pango.AttrColor).
overrideAborted(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.MountOperationClass
Override virtual method aborted.
overrideAcceptCaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method accept_caps.
overrideAcceptCertificate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.DtlsConnectionInterface
Override virtual method accept_certificate.
overrideAcceptCertificate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.TlsConnectionClass
Override virtual method accept_certificate.
overrideAccepts(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain.AuthDomainClass
Override virtual method accepts.
overrideAcquire(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method acquire.
overrideAcquire(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission.PermissionClass
Override virtual method acquire.
overrideAcquireAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission.PermissionClass
Override virtual method acquire_async.
overrideAcquireBuffer(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool.BufferPoolClass
Override virtual method acquire_buffer.
overrideAcquireFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission.PermissionClass
Override virtual method acquire_finish.
overrideActionAdded(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
Override virtual method action_added.
overrideActionEnabledChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
Override virtual method action_enabled_changed.
overrideActionRemoved(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
Override virtual method action_removed.
overrideActionStateChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
Override virtual method action_state_changed.
overrideActivate(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method activate.
overrideActivate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow.ActionRowClass
Override virtual method activate.
overrideActivate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Action.ActionInterface
Override virtual method activate.
overrideActivate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Override virtual method activate.
overrideActivate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button.ButtonClass
Override virtual method activate.
overrideActivate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method activate.
overrideActivate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.CellRendererClass
Override virtual method activate.
overrideActivate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.CheckButtonClass
Override virtual method activate.
overrideActivate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.ComboBoxClass
Override virtual method activate.
overrideActivate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.EntryClass
Override virtual method activate.
overrideActivate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild.FlowBoxChildClass
Override virtual method activate.
overrideActivate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow.ListBoxRowClass
Override virtual method activate.
overrideActivate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderInterface
Override virtual method activate.
overrideActivate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.GutterRendererClass
Override virtual method activate.
overrideActivate(ActionEntry.ActivateCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry
Write a value in the field activate.
overrideActivateAction(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
Override virtual method activate_action.
overrideActivateActionFull(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.RemoteActionGroup.RemoteActionGroupInterface
Override virtual method activate_action_full.
overrideActivateDefault(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.PopoverClass
Override virtual method activate_default.
overrideActivateDefault(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.WindowClass
Override virtual method activate_default.
overrideActivateFocus(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.WindowClass
Override virtual method activate_focus.
overrideActivateOsk(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method activate_osk.
overrideActivateOskWithEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method activate_osk_with_event.
overrideActivatePull(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method activate_pull.
overrideAdd(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method add.
overrideAddAction(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionMap.ActionMapInterface
Override virtual method add_action.
overrideAddAttribute(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout.CellLayoutIface
Override virtual method add_attribute.
overrideAddChild(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Buildable.BuildableIface
Override virtual method add_child.
overrideAddController(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutManager.ShortcutManagerInterface
Override virtual method add_controller.
overrideAddElement(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.BinClass
Override virtual method add_element.
overrideAddPalette(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser.ColorChooserInterface
Override virtual method add_palette.
overrideAddPlatformData(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Override virtual method add_platform_data.
overrideAddSupportsType(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method add_supports_type.
overrideAddWritableNamespaces(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs.VfsClass
Override virtual method add_writable_namespaces.
overrideAdjustBounds(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range.RangeClass
Override virtual method adjust_bounds.
overrideAdoptOrphanMount(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method adopt_orphan_mount.
overrideAdvance(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter.PixbufAnimationIterClass
Override virtual method advance.
overrideAfterEmit(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Override virtual method after_emit.
overrideAggregate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method aggregate.
overrideAggregateFrames(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method aggregate_frames.
overrideAggregateOneBuffer(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method aggregate_one_buffer.
overrideAlloc(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method alloc.
overrideAlloc(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.PushSrc.PushSrcClass
Override virtual method alloc.
overrideAlloc(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator.AllocatorClass
Override virtual method alloc.
overrideAllocate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext.CellAreaContextClass
Override virtual method allocate.
overrideAllocate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager.LayoutManagerClass
Override virtual method allocate.
overrideAllocBuffer(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool.BufferPoolClass
Override virtual method alloc_buffer.
overrideAllow(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionRequest.PermissionRequestInterface
Override virtual method allow.
overrideAppendTo(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method append_to.
overrideAppendToAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method append_to_async.
overrideAppendToFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method append_to_finish.
overrideApplyAttributes(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method apply_attributes.
overrideApplyTag(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Override virtual method apply_tag.
overrideAreaPrepared(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.PixbufLoaderClass
Override virtual method area_prepared.
overrideAreaUpdated(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.PixbufLoaderClass
Override virtual method area_updated.
overrideAskPassword(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.MountOperationClass
Override virtual method ask_password.
overrideAskPassword(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction.TlsInteractionClass
Override virtual method ask_password.
overrideAskPasswordAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction.TlsInteractionClass
Override virtual method ask_password_async.
overrideAskPasswordFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction.TlsInteractionClass
Override virtual method ask_password_finish.
overrideAskQuestion(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.MountOperationClass
Override virtual method ask_question.
overrideAttachClipboard(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.ContentProviderClass
Override virtual method attach_clipboard.
overrideAuthenticate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth.AuthClass
Override virtual method authenticate.
overrideAuthenticate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method authenticate.
overrideAuthorize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus.DebugControllerDBusClass
Override virtual method authorize.
overrideAuthorizeMethod(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton.DBusObjectSkeletonClass
Override virtual method authorize_method.
overrideBackspace(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.TextViewClass
Override virtual method backspace.
overrideBeforeEmit(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Override virtual method before_emit.
overrideBeforeTransform(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method before_transform.
overrideBegin(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.GutterRendererClass
Override virtual method begin.
overrideBegin(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.RendererClass
Override virtual method begin.
overrideBeginPrint(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
Override virtual method begin_print.
overrideBeginUserAction(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Override virtual method begin_user_action.
overrideBracketMatched(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.BufferClass
Override virtual method bracket_matched.
overrideCalloc(MemVTable.CallocCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MemVTable
Write a value in the field calloc.
overrideCanAuthenticate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth.AuthClass
Override virtual method can_authenticate.
overrideCancel(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor.FileMonitorClass
Override virtual method cancel.
overrideCancelled(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable.CancellableClass
Override virtual method cancelled.
overrideCanDelete(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method can_delete.
overrideCanEject(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method can_eject.
overrideCanEject(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method can_eject.
overrideCanEject(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method can_eject.
overrideCanMount(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method can_mount.
overrideCanPoll(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.PollableInputStream.PollableInputStreamInterface
Override virtual method can_poll.
overrideCanPoll(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.PollableOutputStream.PollableOutputStreamInterface
Override virtual method can_poll.
overrideCanPollForMedia(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method can_poll_for_media.
overrideCanReach(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor.NetworkMonitorInterface
Override virtual method can_reach.
overrideCanReachAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor.NetworkMonitorInterface
Override virtual method can_reach_async.
overrideCanReachFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor.NetworkMonitorInterface
Override virtual method can_reach_finish.
overrideCanRemoveSupportsType(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method can_remove_supports_type.
overrideCanSeek(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream.FileInputStreamClass
Override virtual method can_seek.
overrideCanSeek(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream.FileIOStreamClass
Override virtual method can_seek.
overrideCanSeek(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream.FileOutputStreamClass
Override virtual method can_seek.
overrideCanSeek(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Seekable.SeekableIface
Override virtual method can_seek.
overrideCanStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method can_start.
overrideCanStartDegraded(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method can_start_degraded.
overrideCanStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method can_stop.
overrideCanTruncate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream.FileIOStreamClass
Override virtual method can_truncate.
overrideCanTruncate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream.FileOutputStreamClass
Override virtual method can_truncate.
overrideCanTruncate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Seekable.SeekableIface
Override virtual method can_truncate.
overrideCanUnmount(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method can_unmount.
overrideChallenge(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain.AuthDomainClass
Override virtual method challenge.
overrideChangeActionState(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
Override virtual method change_action_state.
overrideChangeActionStateFull(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.RemoteActionGroup.RemoteActionGroupInterface
Override virtual method change_action_state_full.
overrideChangeBuffer(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.GutterRendererClass
Override virtual method change_buffer.
overrideChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method changed.
overrideChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor.FileMonitorClass
Override virtual method changed.
overrideChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method changed.
overrideChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings.SettingsClass
Override virtual method changed.
overrideChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener.SocketListenerClass
Override virtual method changed.
overrideChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method changed.
overrideChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.AdjustmentClass
Override virtual method changed.
overrideChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.ComboBoxClass
Override virtual method changed.
overrideChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Editable.EditableInterface
Override virtual method changed.
overrideChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.RecentManagerClass
Override virtual method changed.
overrideChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext.StyleContextClass
Override virtual method changed.
overrideChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Override virtual method changed.
overrideChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap.FontMapClass
Override virtual method changed.
overrideChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar.CookieJarClass
Override virtual method changed.
overrideChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer.HSTSEnforcerClass
Override virtual method changed.
overrideChangeEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings.SettingsClass
Override virtual method change_event.
overrideChangeResolution(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.ClockClass
Override virtual method change_resolution.
overrideChangeState(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Override virtual method change_state.
overrideChangeState(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Action.ActionInterface
Override virtual method change_state.
overrideChangeState(ActionEntry.ChangeStateCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry
Write a value in the field change_state.
overrideChangeValue(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range.RangeClass
Override virtual method change_value.
overrideChangeView(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.GutterRendererClass
Override virtual method change_view.
overrideCheckPassword(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain.AuthDomainClass
Override virtual method check_password.
overrideChildAdded(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy.ChildProxyInterface
Override virtual method child_added.
overrideChildRemoved(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy.ChildProxyInterface
Override virtual method child_removed.
overrideClassMethods(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Overrides
Find declared methods that override methods defined in a GObject type class, and return a class initializer lambda that will register the method overrides in the class virtual function table.
overrideCleanFrame(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method clean_frame.
overrideCleanup(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool.TaskPoolClass
Override virtual method cleanup.
overrideClear(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout.CellLayoutIface
Override virtual method clear.
overrideClearAll(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method clear_all.
overrideClearAll(AudioSinkClassExtension.ClearAllCallback, Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field clear_all.
overrideClearAttributes(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout.CellLayoutIface
Override virtual method clear_attributes.
overrideClicked(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button.ButtonClass
Override virtual method clicked.
overrideClip(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method clip.
overrideClose(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method close.
overrideClose(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method close.
overrideClose(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method close.
overrideClose(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method close.
overrideClose(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method close.
overrideClose(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method close.
overrideClose(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method close.
overrideClose(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog.DialogClass
Override virtual method close.
overrideClose(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile.MediaFileClass
Override virtual method close.
overrideClose(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method close.
overrideCloseAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator.FileEnumeratorClass
Override virtual method close_async.
overrideCloseAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream.InputStreamClass
Override virtual method close_async.
overrideCloseAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream.IOStreamClass
Override virtual method close_async.
overrideCloseAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Override virtual method close_async.
overrideCloseAttempt(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.DialogClass
Override virtual method close_attempt.
overrideClosed(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.DialogClass
Override virtual method closed.
overrideClosed(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.PixbufLoaderClass
Override virtual method closed.
overrideClosed(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.PopoverClass
Override virtual method closed.
overrideCloseDevice(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method close_device.
overrideCloseFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator.FileEnumeratorClass
Override virtual method close_finish.
overrideCloseFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream.InputStreamClass
Override virtual method close_finish.
overrideCloseFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream.IOStreamClass
Override virtual method close_finish.
overrideCloseFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Override virtual method close_finish.
overrideCloseFn(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator.FileEnumeratorClass
Override virtual method close_fn.
overrideCloseFn(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream.InputStreamClass
Override virtual method close_fn.
overrideCloseFn(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream.IOStreamClass
Override virtual method close_fn.
overrideCloseFn(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Override virtual method close_fn.
overrideCloseRequest(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.WindowClass
Override virtual method close_request.
overrideColorActivated(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser.ColorChooserInterface
Override virtual method color_activated.
overrideColumnsChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Override virtual method columns_changed.
overrideCommandLine(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Override virtual method command_line.
overrideCommit(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method commit.
overrideCommit(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method commit.
overrideCommitted(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass
Override virtual method committed.
overrideCompare(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter.SorterClass
Override virtual method compare.
overrideComputeChildAllocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame.FrameClass
Override virtual method compute_child_allocation.
overrideComputeExpand(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method compute_expand.
overrideCondBroadcast(ThreadFunctions.CondBroadcastCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field cond_broadcast.
overrideCondFree(ThreadFunctions.CondFreeCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field cond_free.
overrideConditionCheck(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased.DatagramBasedInterface
Override virtual method condition_check.
overrideConditionWait(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased.DatagramBasedInterface
Override virtual method condition_wait.
overrideCondNew(ThreadFunctions.CondNewCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field cond_new.
overrideCondSignal(ThreadFunctions.CondSignalCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field cond_signal.
overrideCondTimedWait(ThreadFunctions.CondTimedWaitCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field cond_timed_wait.
overrideCondWait(ThreadFunctions.CondWaitCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field cond_wait.
overrideConfigure(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension.WebsocketExtensionClass
Override virtual method configure.
overrideConnect(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Proxy.ProxyInterface
Override virtual method connect.
overrideConnectAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Proxy.ProxyInterface
Override virtual method connect_async.
overrideConnectFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Proxy.ProxyInterface
Override virtual method connect_finish.
overrideConstructChild(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Buildable.BuildableIface
Override virtual method construct_child.
overrideConstructed(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Override virtual method constructed.
overrideConstructor(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Override virtual method constructor.
overrideContains(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method contains.
overrideContentChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.ContentProviderClass
Override virtual method content_changed.
overrideContextMenu(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method context_menu.
overrideContextMenuDismissed(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method context_menu_dismissed.
overrideConvert(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.BaseParseClass
Override virtual method convert.
overrideConvert(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Converter.ConverterIface
Override virtual method convert.
overrideConvertBuffer(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method convert_buffer.
overrideCopy(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method copy.
overrideCopy(AttrClass.CopyCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrClass
Write a value in the field copy.
overrideCopyAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method copy_async.
overrideCopyClipboard(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.TextViewClass
Override virtual method copy_clipboard.
overrideCopyContext(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method copy_context.
overrideCopyFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method copy_finish.
overrideCopyMetadata(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method copy_metadata.
overrideCopySessionState(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection.TlsClientConnectionInterface
Override virtual method copy_session_state.
overrideCreate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method create.
overrideCreate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.PushSrc.PushSrcClass
Override virtual method create.
overrideCreate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method create.
overrideCreate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method create.
overrideCreateAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method create_async.
overrideCreateBuffer(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.TextViewClass
Override virtual method create_buffer.
overrideCreateCertificateHandle(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass
Override virtual method create_certificate_handle.
overrideCreateClosure(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderScope.BuilderScopeInterface
Override virtual method create_closure.
overrideCreateContext(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method create_context.
overrideCreateContext(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.GLAreaClass
Override virtual method create_context.
overrideCreateConversionInfo(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method create_conversion_info.
overrideCreateCustomWidget(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
Override virtual method create_custom_widget.
overrideCreateElement(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device.DeviceClass
Override virtual method create_element.
overrideCreateFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method create_finish.
overrideCreateHbFont(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font.FontClass
Override virtual method create_hb_font.
overrideCreateLayoutChild(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager.LayoutManagerClass
Override virtual method create_layout_child.
overrideCreateNewPad(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method create_new_pad.
overrideCreateOutputBuffer(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method create_output_buffer.
overrideCreateOutputBuffer(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method create_output_buffer.
overrideCreateReadwrite(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method create_readwrite.
overrideCreateReadwriteAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method create_readwrite_async.
overrideCreateReadwriteFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method create_readwrite_finish.
overrideCreateRingbuffer(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method create_ringbuffer.
overrideCreateRingbuffer(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method create_ringbuffer.
overrideCreateSource(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased.DatagramBasedInterface
Override virtual method create_source.
overrideCreateSource(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.PollableInputStream.PollableInputStreamInterface
Override virtual method create_source.
overrideCreateSource(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.PollableOutputStream.PollableOutputStreamInterface
Override virtual method create_source.
overrideCssChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method css_changed.
overrideCursorChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Override virtual method cursor_changed.
overrideCustomFinished(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Buildable.BuildableIface
Override virtual method custom_finished.
overrideCustomTagEnd(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Buildable.BuildableIface
Override virtual method custom_tag_end.
overrideCustomTagStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Buildable.BuildableIface
Override virtual method custom_tag_start.
overrideCustomWidgetApply(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
Override virtual method custom_widget_apply.
overrideCutClipboard(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.TextViewClass
Override virtual method cut_clipboard.
overrideDbusRegister(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Override virtual method dbus_register.
overrideDbusUnregister(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Override virtual method dbus_unregister.
overrideDecideAllocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method decide_allocation.
overrideDecideAllocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method decide_allocation.
overrideDecideAllocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method decide_allocation.
overrideDecideAllocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method decide_allocation.
overrideDecideAllocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method decide_allocation.
overrideDecideAllocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer.AudioVisualizerClass
Override virtual method decide_allocation.
overrideDecideAllocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method decide_allocation.
overrideDecideAllocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method decide_allocation.
overrideDecidePolicy(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method decide_policy.
overrideDeepElementAdded(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.BinClass
Override virtual method deep_element_added.
overrideDeepElementRemoved(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.BinClass
Override virtual method deep_element_removed.
overrideDeepNotify(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject.ObjectClass
Override virtual method deep_notify.
overrideDelay(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method delay.
overrideDelay(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method delay.
overrideDelay(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method delay.
overrideDeletedText(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.EntryBufferClass
Override virtual method deleted_text.
overrideDeleteFile(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method delete_file.
overrideDeleteFileAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method delete_file_async.
overrideDeleteFileFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method delete_file_finish.
overrideDeleteFromCursor(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.TextViewClass
Override virtual method delete_from_cursor.
overrideDeletePreset(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset.PresetInterface
Override virtual method delete_preset.
overrideDeleteRange(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Override virtual method delete_range.
overrideDeleteSurrounding(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method delete_surrounding.
overrideDeleteSurrounding(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass
Override virtual method delete_surrounding.
overrideDeleteText(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Editable.EditableInterface
Override virtual method delete_text.
overrideDeleteText(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.EntryBufferClass
Override virtual method delete_text.
overrideDeny(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionRequest.PermissionRequestInterface
Override virtual method deny.
overrideDescribe(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font.FontClass
Override virtual method describe.
overrideDescribe(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFace.FontFaceClass
Override virtual method describe.
overrideDescribeAbsolute(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font.FontClass
Override virtual method describe_absolute.
overrideDeserialize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage.SocketControlMessageClass
Override virtual method deserialize.
overrideDeserializeIcon(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs.VfsClass
Override virtual method deserialize_icon.
overrideDestroy(AttrClass.DestroyCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrClass
Write a value in the field destroy.
overrideDetachClipboard(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.ContentProviderClass
Override virtual method detach_clipboard.
overrideDetect(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.BaseParseClass
Override virtual method detect.
overrideDirectionChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method direction_changed.
overrideDisconnected(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method disconnected.
overrideDiscovered(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.DiscovererClass
Override virtual method discovered.
overrideDispatchPropertiesChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Override virtual method dispatch_properties_changed.
overrideDisplay(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderInterface
Override virtual method display.
overrideDispose(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Override virtual method dispose.
overrideDisposeHandle(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool.TaskPoolClass
Override virtual method dispose_handle.
overrideDoDelete(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method do_delete.
overrideDoDeleteText(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Editable.EditableInterface
Override virtual method do_delete_text.
overrideDoInsertText(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Editable.EditableInterface
Override virtual method do_insert_text.
overrideDoLatency(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.BinClass
Override virtual method do_latency.
overrideDone(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine.ApplicationCommandLineClass
Override virtual method done.
overrideDone(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
Override virtual method done.
overrideDoSeek(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method do_seek.
overrideDragDataDelete(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragSource.TreeDragSourceIface
Override virtual method drag_data_delete.
overrideDragDataGet(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragSource.TreeDragSourceIface
Override virtual method drag_data_get.
overrideDragDataReceived(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragDest.TreeDragDestIface
Override virtual method drag_data_received.
overrideDrain(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method drain.
overrideDrawErrorUnderline(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.RendererClass
Override virtual method draw_error_underline.
overrideDrawGlyph(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.RendererClass
Override virtual method draw_glyph.
overrideDrawGlyphItem(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.RendererClass
Override virtual method draw_glyph_item.
overrideDrawGlyphs(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.RendererClass
Override virtual method draw_glyphs.
overrideDrawPage(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
Override virtual method draw_page.
overrideDrawRectangle(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.RendererClass
Override virtual method draw_rectangle.
overrideDrawShape(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.RendererClass
Override virtual method draw_shape.
overrideDrawTrapezoid(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.RendererClass
Override virtual method draw_trapezoid.
overrideDriveChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method drive_changed.
overrideDriveConnected(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method drive_connected.
overrideDriveDisconnected(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method drive_disconnected.
overrideDriveEjectButton(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method drive_eject_button.
overrideDriveStopButton(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method drive_stop_button.
overrideDup(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method dup.
overrideDup(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method dup.
overrideDupObject(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterface.DBusInterfaceIface
Override virtual method dup_object.
overrideEdited(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.CellRendererTextClass
Override virtual method edited.
overrideEditingCanceled(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.CellRendererClass
Override virtual method editing_canceled.
overrideEditingDone(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable.CellEditableIface
Override virtual method editing_done.
overrideEditingStarted(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.CellRendererClass
Override virtual method editing_started.
overrideEject(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method eject.
overrideEject(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method eject.
overrideEject(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method eject.
overrideEjectButton(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method eject_button.
overrideEjectFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method eject_finish.
overrideEjectFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method eject_finish.
overrideEjectFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method eject_finish.
overrideEjectMountable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method eject_mountable.
overrideEjectMountableFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method eject_mountable_finish.
overrideEjectMountableWithOperation(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method eject_mountable_with_operation.
overrideEjectMountableWithOperationFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method eject_mountable_with_operation_finish.
overrideEjectWithOperation(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method eject_with_operation.
overrideEjectWithOperation(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method eject_with_operation.
overrideEjectWithOperation(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method eject_with_operation.
overrideEjectWithOperationFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method eject_with_operation_finish.
overrideEjectWithOperationFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method eject_with_operation_finish.
overrideEjectWithOperationFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method eject_with_operation_finish.
overrideElementAdded(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.BinClass
Override virtual method element_added.
overrideElementRemoved(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.BinClass
Override virtual method element_removed.
overrideEmpty(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue.DataQueueClass
Override virtual method empty.
overrideEnableDebugging(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.WindowClass
Override virtual method enable_debugging.
overrideEnd(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.GutterRendererClass
Override virtual method end.
overrideEnd(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.RendererClass
Override virtual method end.
overrideEndElement(MarkupParser.EndElementCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser
Write a value in the field end_element.
overrideEndElement(BuildableParser.EndElementCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser
Write a value in the field end_element.
overrideEndPreview(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview.PrintOperationPreviewIface
Override virtual method end_preview.
overrideEndPrint(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
Override virtual method end_print.
overrideEndUserAction(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Override virtual method end_user_action.
overrideEnterFullscreen(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method enter_fullscreen.
overrideEnumerate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnectable.SocketConnectableIface
Override virtual method enumerate.
overrideEnumerateChildren(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method enumerate_children.
overrideEnumerateChildrenAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method enumerate_children_async.
overrideEnumerateChildrenFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method enumerate_children_finish.
overrideEnumerateIdentifiers(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method enumerate_identifiers.
overrideEnumerateIdentifiers(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method enumerate_identifiers.
overrideEqual(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method equal.
overrideEqual(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method equal.
overrideEqual(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Icon.IconIface
Override virtual method equal.
overrideEqual(AttrClass.EqualCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrClass
Write a value in the field equal.
overrideError(MarkupParser.ErrorCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser
Write a value in the field error.
overrideError(BuildableParser.ErrorCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser
Write a value in the field error.
overrideEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method event.
overrideEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method event.
overrideEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.SocketClientClass
Override virtual method event.
overrideEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener.SocketListenerClass
Override virtual method event.
overrideEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method event.
overrideExpandCollapseCursorRow(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Override virtual method expand_collapse_cursor_row.
overrideExpose(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method expose.
overrideExtendSelection(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.TextViewClass
Override virtual method extend_selection.
overrideFill(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method fill.
overrideFill(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.PushSrc.PushSrcClass
Override virtual method fill.
overrideFill(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream.BufferedInputStreamClass
Override virtual method fill.
overrideFillAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream.BufferedInputStreamClass
Override virtual method fill_async.
overrideFillFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream.BufferedInputStreamClass
Override virtual method fill_finish.
overrideFilterKeyEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass
Override virtual method filter_key_event.
overrideFilterKeypress(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method filter_keypress.
overrideFilterMeta(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method filter_meta.
overrideFinalize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Override virtual method finalize.
overrideFinalize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec.ParamSpecClass
Override virtual method finalize.
overrideFinalize(ParamSpecTypeInfo.FinalizeCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo
Write a value in the field finalize.
overrideFindBestFormat(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method find_best_format.
overrideFindEnclosingMount(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method find_enclosing_mount.
overrideFindEnclosingMountAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method find_enclosing_mount_async.
overrideFindEnclosingMountFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method find_enclosing_mount_finish.
overrideFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method finish.
overrideFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method finish.
overrideFinishBuffer(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method finish_buffer.
overrideFinishBufferList(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method finish_buffer_list.
overrideFinished(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.DiscovererClass
Override virtual method finished.
overrideFixate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method fixate.
overrideFixate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method fixate.
overrideFixateCaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method fixate_caps.
overrideFixateSrcCaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method fixate_src_caps.
overrideFlush(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method flush.
overrideFlush(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method flush.
overrideFlush(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method flush.
overrideFlush(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad.AggregatorPadClass
Override virtual method flush.
overrideFlush(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method flush.
overrideFlush(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method flush.
overrideFlush(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass
Override virtual method flush.
overrideFlush(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Override virtual method flush.
overrideFlushAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Override virtual method flush_async.
overrideFlushFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Override virtual method flush_finish.
overrideFlushStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool.BufferPoolClass
Override virtual method flush_start.
overrideFlushStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool.BufferPoolClass
Override virtual method flush_stop.
overrideFocus(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method focus.
overrideFocus(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method focus.
overrideFocusIn(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method focus_in.
overrideFocusOut(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method focus_out.
overrideFontActivated(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.FontChooserIface
Override virtual method font_activated.
overrideForeach(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method foreach.
overrideForeach(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Fontset.FontsetClass
Override virtual method foreach.
overrideForeachAlloc(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method foreach_alloc.
overrideFormatEntryText(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.ComboBoxClass
Override virtual method format_entry_text.
overrideFree(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator.AllocatorClass
Override virtual method free.
overrideFree(MemVTable.FreeCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MemVTable
Write a value in the field free.
overrideFreeBuffer(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool.BufferPoolClass
Override virtual method free_buffer.
overrideFromTokens(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Icon.IconIface
Override virtual method from_tokens.
overrideFull(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue.DataQueueClass
Override virtual method full.
overrideGAuthorizeMethod(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass
Override virtual method g_authorize_method.
overrideGenerateOutput(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method generate_output.
overrideGet(SourceCallbackFuncs.GetCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SourceCallbackFuncs
Write a value in the field get.
overrideGetAccessibleParent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Accessible.AccessibleInterface
Override virtual method get_accessible_parent.
overrideGetActionEnabled(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
Override virtual method get_action_enabled.
overrideGetActionName(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Actionable.ActionableInterface
Override virtual method get_action_name.
overrideGetActionParameterType(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
Override virtual method get_action_parameter_type.
overrideGetActionState(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
Override virtual method get_action_state.
overrideGetActionStateHint(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
Override virtual method get_action_state_hint.
overrideGetActionStateType(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
Override virtual method get_action_state_type.
overrideGetActionTargetValue(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Actionable.ActionableInterface
Override virtual method get_action_target_value.
overrideGetActivationRoot(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method get_activation_root.
overrideGetAlignedArea(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.CellRendererClass
Override virtual method get_aligned_area.
overrideGetArea(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout.CellLayoutIface
Override virtual method get_area.
overrideGetAtContext(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Accessible.AccessibleInterface
Override virtual method get_at_context.
overrideGetAttributes(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleText.AccessibleTextInterface
Override virtual method get_attributes.
overrideGetAuthorization(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth.AuthClass
Override virtual method get_authorization.
overrideGetBalanceType(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method get_balance_type.
overrideGetBasename(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method get_basename.
overrideGetBindingData(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.DtlsConnectionInterface
Override virtual method get_binding_data.
overrideGetBindingData(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.TlsConnectionClass
Override virtual method get_binding_data.
overrideGetBorder(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable.ScrollableInterface
Override virtual method get_border.
overrideGetBounds(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Accessible.AccessibleInterface
Override virtual method get_bounds.
overrideGetCacheability(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cache.CacheClass
Override virtual method get_cacheability.
overrideGetCancelProgress(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Swipeable.SwipeableInterface
Override virtual method get_cancel_progress.
overrideGetcaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method getcaps.
overrideGetcaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method getcaps.
overrideGetcaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method getcaps.
overrideGetcaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method getcaps.
overrideGetCaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method get_caps.
overrideGetCaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method get_caps.
overrideGetCaretPosition(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleText.AccessibleTextInterface
Override virtual method get_caret_position.
overrideGetCellProperty(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method get_cell_property.
overrideGetCells(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout.CellLayoutIface
Override virtual method get_cells.
overrideGetChildByIndex(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy.ChildProxyInterface
Override virtual method get_child_by_index.
overrideGetChildByName(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy.ChildProxyInterface
Override virtual method get_child_by_name.
overrideGetChildForDisplayName(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method get_child_for_display_name.
overrideGetChildrenCount(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy.ChildProxyInterface
Override virtual method get_children_count.
overrideGetColumnType(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method get_column_type.
overrideGetCommandline(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method get_commandline.
overrideGetConnectedDrives(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method get_connected_drives.
overrideGetContents(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleText.AccessibleTextInterface
Override virtual method get_contents.
overrideGetContentsAt(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleText.AccessibleTextInterface
Override virtual method get_contents_at.
overrideGetCoverage(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font.FontClass
Override virtual method get_coverage.
overrideGetCurrentImage(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Paintable.PaintableInterface
Override virtual method get_current_image.
overrideGetDefaultAttributes(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleText.AccessibleTextInterface
Override virtual method get_default_attributes.
overrideGetDefaultDatabase(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface
Override virtual method get_default_database.
overrideGetDefaultForUriScheme(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfoLookup.DesktopAppInfoLookupIface
Override virtual method get_default_for_uri_scheme.
overrideGetDefaultLocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method get_default_location.
overrideGetDefaultWarning(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword.TlsPasswordClass
Override virtual method get_default_warning.
overrideGetDelayTime(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter.PixbufAnimationIterClass
Override virtual method get_delay_time.
overrideGetDelegate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Editable.EditableInterface
Override virtual method get_delegate.
overrideGetDescription(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method get_description.
overrideGetDisplay(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.AppLaunchContextClass
Override virtual method get_display.
overrideGetDisplayName(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method get_display_name.
overrideGetDistance(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Swipeable.SwipeableInterface
Override virtual method get_distance.
overrideGetDrive(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method get_drive.
overrideGetDrive(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method get_drive.
overrideGetEnabled(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Action.ActionInterface
Override virtual method get_enabled.
overrideGetEtag(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream.FileIOStreamClass
Override virtual method get_etag.
overrideGetEtag(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream.FileOutputStreamClass
Override virtual method get_etag.
overrideGetExecutable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method get_executable.
overrideGetExtents(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleText.AccessibleTextInterface
Override virtual method get_extents.
overrideGetFace(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily.FontFamilyClass
Override virtual method get_face.
overrideGetFace(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap.FontMapClass
Override virtual method get_face.
overrideGetFaceName(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFace.FontFaceClass
Override virtual method get_face_name.
overrideGetFamily(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress.SocketAddressClass
Override virtual method get_family.
overrideGetFamily(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFace.FontFaceClass
Override virtual method get_family.
overrideGetFamily(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap.FontMapClass
Override virtual method get_family.
overrideGetFd(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileDescriptorBased.FileDescriptorBasedIface
Override virtual method get_fd.
overrideGetFeatures(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font.FontClass
Override virtual method get_features.
overrideGetFileForPath(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs.VfsClass
Override virtual method get_file_for_path.
overrideGetFileForUri(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs.VfsClass
Override virtual method get_file_for_uri.
overrideGetFirstAccessibleChild(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Accessible.AccessibleInterface
Override virtual method get_first_accessible_child.
overrideGetFlags(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Paintable.PaintableInterface
Override virtual method get_flags.
overrideGetFlags(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method get_flags.
overrideGetFont(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Fontset.FontsetClass
Override virtual method get_font.
overrideGetFontFace(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.FontChooserIface
Override virtual method get_font_face.
overrideGetFontFamily(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.FontChooserIface
Override virtual method get_font_family.
overrideGetFontMap(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.FontChooserIface
Override virtual method get_font_map.
overrideGetFontMap(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font.FontClass
Override virtual method get_font_map.
overrideGetFontSize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.FontChooserIface
Override virtual method get_font_size.
overrideGetGlyphExtents(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font.FontClass
Override virtual method get_glyph_extents.
overrideGetGValueArray(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding.ControlBindingClass
Override virtual method get_g_value_array.
overrideGetHcenter(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method get_hcenter.
overrideGetHflip(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method get_hflip.
overrideGetIcon(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method get_icon.
overrideGetIcon(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method get_icon.
overrideGetIcon(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method get_icon.
overrideGetIcon(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method get_icon.
overrideGetId(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method get_id.
overrideGetId(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Buildable.BuildableIface
Override virtual method get_id.
overrideGetIdentifier(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method get_identifier.
overrideGetIdentifier(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method get_identifier.
overrideGetInfo(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterface.DBusInterfaceIface
Override virtual method get_info.
overrideGetInfo(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass
Override virtual method get_info.
overrideGetInputStream(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream.IOStreamClass
Override virtual method get_input_stream.
overrideGetInterface(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObject.DBusObjectIface
Override virtual method get_interface.
overrideGetInterface(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.DBusObjectManagerIface
Override virtual method get_interface.
overrideGetInterfaces(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObject.DBusObjectIface
Override virtual method get_interfaces.
overrideGetInternalChild(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Buildable.BuildableIface
Override virtual method get_internal_child.
overrideGetInternalTime(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.ClockClass
Override virtual method get_internal_time.
overrideGetIntrinsicAspectRatio(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Paintable.PaintableInterface
Override virtual method get_intrinsic_aspect_ratio.
overrideGetIntrinsicHeight(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Paintable.PaintableInterface
Override virtual method get_intrinsic_height.
overrideGetIntrinsicWidth(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Paintable.PaintableInterface
Override virtual method get_intrinsic_width.
overrideGetItem(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ListModel.ListModelInterface
Override virtual method get_item.
overrideGetItemAttributes(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.MenuModelClass
Override virtual method get_item_attributes.
overrideGetItemAttributeValue(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.MenuModelClass
Override virtual method get_item_attribute_value.
overrideGetItemLink(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.MenuModelClass
Override virtual method get_item_link.
overrideGetItemLinks(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.MenuModelClass
Override virtual method get_item_links.
overrideGetItemType(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ListModel.ListModelInterface
Override virtual method get_item_type.
overrideGetIter(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation.PixbufAnimationClass
Override virtual method get_iter.
overrideGetIter(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method get_iter.
overrideGetLanguage(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Fontset.FontsetClass
Override virtual method get_language.
overrideGetLayoutOffsets(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale.ScaleClass
Override virtual method get_layout_offsets.
overrideGetLength(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.EntryBufferClass
Override virtual method get_length.
overrideGetLength(TypeFind.GetLengthCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind
Write a value in the field get_length.
overrideGetLevel(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage.SocketControlMessageClass
Override virtual method get_level.
overrideGetMeta(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset.PresetInterface
Override virtual method get_meta.
overrideGetMetrics(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font.FontClass
Override virtual method get_metrics.
overrideGetMetrics(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Fontset.FontsetClass
Override virtual method get_metrics.
overrideGetMount(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method get_mount.
overrideGetMountForMountPath(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NativeVolumeMonitor.NativeVolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method get_mount_for_mount_path.
overrideGetMountForUuid(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method get_mount_for_uuid.
overrideGetMounts(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method get_mounts.
overrideGetName(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Action.ActionInterface
Override virtual method get_name.
overrideGetName(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method get_name.
overrideGetName(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method get_name.
overrideGetName(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method get_name.
overrideGetName(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method get_name.
overrideGetName(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily.FontFamilyClass
Override virtual method get_name.
overrideGetNativeSize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress.SocketAddressClass
Override virtual method get_native_size.
overrideGetNColumns(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method get_n_columns.
overrideGetNegotiatedProtocol(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.DtlsConnectionInterface
Override virtual method get_negotiated_protocol.
overrideGetNegotiatedProtocol(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.TlsConnectionClass
Override virtual method get_negotiated_protocol.
overrideGetNext(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuAttributeIter.MenuAttributeIterClass
Override virtual method get_next.
overrideGetNext(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuLinkIter.MenuLinkIterClass
Override virtual method get_next.
overrideGetNextAccessibleSibling(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Accessible.AccessibleInterface
Override virtual method get_next_accessible_sibling.
overrideGetNextTime(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method get_next_time.
overrideGetNItems(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ListModel.ListModelInterface
Override virtual method get_n_items.
overrideGetNItems(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.MenuModelClass
Override virtual method get_n_items.
overrideGetObject(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterface.DBusInterfaceIface
Override virtual method get_object.
overrideGetObject(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.DBusObjectManagerIface
Override virtual method get_object.
overrideGetObjectPath(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObject.DBusObjectIface
Override virtual method get_object_path.
overrideGetObjectPath(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.DBusObjectManagerIface
Override virtual method get_object_path.
overrideGetObjects(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.DBusObjectManagerIface
Override virtual method get_objects.
overrideGetOffset(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleText.AccessibleTextInterface
Override virtual method get_offset.
overrideGetOptions(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool.BufferPoolClass
Override virtual method get_options.
overrideGetOrder(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter.SorterClass
Override virtual method get_order.
overrideGetOutputStream(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream.IOStreamClass
Override virtual method get_output_stream.
overrideGetParameterType(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Action.ActionInterface
Override virtual method get_parameter_type.
overrideGetParent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method get_parent.
overrideGetParseName(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method get_parse_name.
overrideGetPath(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method get_path.
overrideGetPath(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method get_path.
overrideGetPermission(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend.SettingsBackendClass
Override virtual method get_permission.
overrideGetPixbuf(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter.PixbufAnimationIterClass
Override virtual method get_pixbuf.
overrideGetPlatformState(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Accessible.AccessibleInterface
Override virtual method get_platform_state.
overrideGetPreedit(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass
Override virtual method get_preedit.
overrideGetPreeditString(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method get_preedit_string.
overrideGetPreferredHeight(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method get_preferred_height.
overrideGetPreferredHeight(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.CellRendererClass
Override virtual method get_preferred_height.
overrideGetPreferredHeightForWidth(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method get_preferred_height_for_width.
overrideGetPreferredHeightForWidth(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext.CellAreaContextClass
Override virtual method get_preferred_height_for_width.
overrideGetPreferredHeightForWidth(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.CellRendererClass
Override virtual method get_preferred_height_for_width.
overrideGetPreferredWidth(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method get_preferred_width.
overrideGetPreferredWidth(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.CellRendererClass
Override virtual method get_preferred_width.
overrideGetPreferredWidthForHeight(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method get_preferred_width_for_height.
overrideGetPreferredWidthForHeight(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext.CellAreaContextClass
Override virtual method get_preferred_width_for_height.
overrideGetPreferredWidthForHeight(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.CellRendererClass
Override virtual method get_preferred_width_for_height.
overrideGetPresetNames(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset.PresetInterface
Override virtual method get_preset_names.
overrideGetPriority(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderInterface
Override virtual method get_priority.
overrideGetProgress(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Swipeable.SwipeableInterface
Override virtual method get_progress.
overrideGetProperties(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass
Override virtual method get_properties.
overrideGetProperty(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Override virtual method get_property.
overrideGetPropertyNames(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset.PresetInterface
Override virtual method get_property_names.
overrideGetProtectionSpace(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth.AuthClass
Override virtual method get_protection_space.
overrideGetProtocols(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIHandler.URIHandlerInterface
Override virtual method get_protocols.
overrideGetRangeBorder(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range.RangeClass
Override virtual method get_range_border.
overrideGetRelativePath(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method get_relative_path.
overrideGetRequestMode(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method get_request_mode.
overrideGetRequestMode(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.CellRendererClass
Override virtual method get_request_mode.
overrideGetRequestMode(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager.LayoutManagerClass
Override virtual method get_request_mode.
overrideGetRequestMode(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method get_request_mode.
overrideGetRequestParams(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension.WebsocketExtensionClass
Override virtual method get_request_params.
overrideGetResolution(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.ClockClass
Override virtual method get_resolution.
overrideGetResponseParams(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension.WebsocketExtensionClass
Override virtual method get_response_params.
overrideGetRgba(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser.ColorChooserInterface
Override virtual method get_rgba.
overrideGetRoot(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method get_root.
overrideGetSection(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SectionModel.SectionModelInterface
Override virtual method get_section.
overrideGetSelection(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleText.AccessibleTextInterface
Override virtual method get_selection.
overrideGetSelectionBounds(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Editable.EditableInterface
Override virtual method get_selection_bounds.
overrideGetSelectionInRange(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel.SelectionModelInterface
Override virtual method get_selection_in_range.
overrideGetSerial(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap.FontMapClass
Override virtual method get_serial.
overrideGetSinkCaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.BaseParseClass
Override virtual method get_sink_caps.
overrideGetSize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method get_size.
overrideGetSize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation.PixbufAnimationClass
Override virtual method get_size.
overrideGetSize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage.SocketControlMessageClass
Override virtual method get_size.
overrideGetSnapPoints(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Swipeable.SwipeableInterface
Override virtual method get_snap_points.
overrideGetSortColumnId(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable.TreeSortableIface
Override virtual method get_sort_column_id.
overrideGetSortKey(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method get_sort_key.
overrideGetSortKey(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method get_sort_key.
overrideGetSortKey(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method get_sort_key.
overrideGetSourceObject(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AsyncResult.AsyncResultIface
Override virtual method get_source_object.
overrideGetStartStopType(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method get_start_stop_type.
overrideGetStartupNotifyId(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.AppLaunchContextClass
Override virtual method get_startup_notify_id.
overrideGetState(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Override virtual method get_state.
overrideGetState(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Action.ActionInterface
Override virtual method get_state.
overrideGetStateHint(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Action.ActionInterface
Override virtual method get_state_hint.
overrideGetStateType(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Action.ActionInterface
Override virtual method get_state_type.
overrideGetStaticImage(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation.PixbufAnimationClass
Override virtual method get_static_image.
overrideGetStdin(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine.ApplicationCommandLineClass
Override virtual method get_stdin.
overrideGetStrictness(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Filter.FilterClass
Override virtual method get_strictness.
overrideGetStyleScheme(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooser.StyleSchemeChooserInterface
Override virtual method get_style_scheme.
overrideGetSupportedTypes(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method get_supported_types.
overrideGetSupportedUriSchemes(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs.VfsClass
Override virtual method get_supported_uri_schemes.
overrideGetSurrounding(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method get_surrounding.
overrideGetSurroundingWithSelection(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method get_surrounding_with_selection.
overrideGetSwipeArea(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Swipeable.SwipeableInterface
Override virtual method get_swipe_area.
overrideGetSymbolicIcon(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method get_symbolic_icon.
overrideGetSymbolicIcon(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method get_symbolic_icon.
overrideGetSymbolicIcon(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method get_symbolic_icon.
overrideGetText(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Editable.EditableInterface
Override virtual method get_text.
overrideGetText(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.EntryBufferClass
Override virtual method get_text.
overrideGetTimes(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method get_times.
overrideGetTimes(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method get_times.
overrideGetTitle(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderInterface
Override virtual method get_title.
overrideGetType(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIHandler.URIHandlerInterface
Override virtual method get_type.
overrideGetType(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage.SocketControlMessageClass
Override virtual method get_type.
overrideGetTypedText(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProposal.CompletionProposalInterface
Override virtual method get_typed_text.
overrideGetTypeFromFunction(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderScope.BuilderScopeInterface
Override virtual method get_type_from_function.
overrideGetTypeFromName(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderScope.BuilderScopeInterface
Override virtual method get_type_from_name.
overrideGetUnitSize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method get_unit_size.
overrideGetUri(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIHandler.URIHandlerInterface
Override virtual method get_uri.
overrideGetUri(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method get_uri.
overrideGetUriScheme(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method get_uri_scheme.
overrideGetUserData(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AsyncResult.AsyncResultIface
Override virtual method get_user_data.
overrideGetUuid(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method get_uuid.
overrideGetUuid(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method get_uuid.
overrideGetValue(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding.ControlBindingClass
Override virtual method get_value.
overrideGetValue(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method get_value.
overrideGetValue(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.ContentProviderClass
Override virtual method get_value.
overrideGetValue(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword.TlsPasswordClass
Override virtual method get_value.
overrideGetValue(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method get_value.
overrideGetValueArray(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding.ControlBindingClass
Override virtual method get_value_array.
overrideGetVcenter(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method get_vcenter.
overrideGetVflip(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method get_vflip.
overrideGetVolume(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method get_volume.
overrideGetVolumeForUuid(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method get_volume_for_uuid.
overrideGetVolumes(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method get_volumes.
overrideGetVolumes(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method get_volumes.
overrideGetVtable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass
Override virtual method get_vtable.
overrideGetWritable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend.SettingsBackendClass
Override virtual method get_writable.
overrideGotCompletionData(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter.FilenameCompleterClass
Override virtual method got_completion_data.
overrideGotPageSize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview.PrintOperationPreviewIface
Override virtual method got_page_size.
overrideGPropertiesChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.DBusProxyClass
Override virtual method g_properties_changed.
overrideGrabFocus(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method grab_focus.
overrideGSignal(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.DBusProxyClass
Override virtual method g_signal.
overrideGuessContentType(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method guess_content_type.
overrideGuessContentTypeFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method guess_content_type_finish.
overrideGuessContentTypeSync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method guess_content_type_sync.
overrideHandleEvents(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method handle_events.
overrideHandleFrame(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method handle_frame.
overrideHandleFrame(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method handle_frame.
overrideHandleFrame(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.BaseParseClass
Override virtual method handle_frame.
overrideHandleFrame(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method handle_frame.
overrideHandleFrame(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method handle_frame.
overrideHandleLocalOptions(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Override virtual method handle_local_options.
overrideHandleMessage(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.BinClass
Override virtual method handle_message.
overrideHandleMissingData(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method handle_missing_data.
overrideHandshake(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.DtlsConnectionInterface
Override virtual method handshake.
overrideHandshake(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.TlsConnectionClass
Override virtual method handshake.
overrideHandshakeAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.DtlsConnectionInterface
Override virtual method handshake_async.
overrideHandshakeAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.TlsConnectionClass
Override virtual method handshake_async.
overrideHandshakeFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.DtlsConnectionInterface
Override virtual method handshake_finish.
overrideHandshakeFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.TlsConnectionClass
Override virtual method handshake_finish.
overrideHasAction(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
Override virtual method has_action.
overrideHasDefaultSortFunc(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable.TreeSortableIface
Override virtual method has_default_sort_func.
overrideHash(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method hash.
overrideHash(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Icon.IconIface
Override virtual method hash.
overrideHasMedia(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method has_media.
overrideHasUriScheme(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method has_uri_scheme.
overrideHasValidPolicy(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer.HSTSEnforcerClass
Override virtual method has_valid_policy.
overrideHasVolumes(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method has_volumes.
overrideHidden(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.NavigationPageClass
Override virtual method hidden.
overrideHide(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.NativeDialogClass
Override virtual method hide.
overrideHide(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method hide.
overrideHiding(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.NavigationPageClass
Override virtual method hiding.
overrideIncoming(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketService.SocketServiceClass
Override virtual method incoming.
overrideIndent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Indenter.IndenterInterface
Override virtual method indent.
overrideInit(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Initable.InitableIface
Override virtual method init.
overrideInitAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AsyncInitable.AsyncInitableIface
Override virtual method init_async.
overrideInitFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AsyncInitable.AsyncInitableIface
Override virtual method init_finish.
overrideInsecureContentDetected(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method insecure_content_detected.
overrideInsertAtCursor(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.TextViewClass
Override virtual method insert_at_cursor.
overrideInsertChildAnchor(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Override virtual method insert_child_anchor.
overrideInsertedText(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.EntryBufferClass
Override virtual method inserted_text.
overrideInsertEmoji(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.TextViewClass
Override virtual method insert_emoji.
overrideInsertPaintable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Override virtual method insert_paintable.
overrideInsertText(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Editable.EditableInterface
Override virtual method insert_text.
overrideInsertText(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.EntryBufferClass
Override virtual method insert_text.
overrideInsertText(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Override virtual method insert_text.
overrideInstanceInit(ParamSpecTypeInfo.InstanceInitCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo
Write a value in the field instance_init.
overrideInterfaceAdded(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObject.DBusObjectIface
Override virtual method interface_added.
overrideInterfaceAdded(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.DBusObjectManagerIface
Override virtual method interface_added.
overrideInterfaceProxyPropertiesChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.DBusObjectManagerClientClass
Override virtual method interface_proxy_properties_changed.
overrideInterfaceProxySignal(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.DBusObjectManagerClientClass
Override virtual method interface_proxy_signal.
overrideInterfaceRemoved(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObject.DBusObjectIface
Override virtual method interface_removed.
overrideInterfaceRemoved(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.DBusObjectManagerIface
Override virtual method interface_removed.
overrideIoClose(IOFuncs.IoCloseCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs
Write a value in the field io_close.
overrideIoCreateWatch(IOFuncs.IoCreateWatchCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs
Write a value in the field io_create_watch.
overrideIoFree(IOFuncs.IoFreeCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs
Write a value in the field io_free.
overrideIoGetFlags(IOFuncs.IoGetFlagsCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs
Write a value in the field io_get_flags.
overrideIoRead(IOFuncs.IoReadCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs
Write a value in the field io_read.
overrideIoSeek(IOFuncs.IoSeekCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs
Write a value in the field io_seek.
overrideIoSetFlags(IOFuncs.IoSetFlagsCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs
Write a value in the field io_set_flags.
overrideIoWrite(IOFuncs.IoWriteCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs
Write a value in the field io_write.
overrideIsActivatable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method is_activatable.
overrideIsActive(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs.VfsClass
Override virtual method is_active.
overrideIsAuthenticated(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth.AuthClass
Override virtual method is_authenticated.
overrideIsMediaCheckAutomatic(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method is_media_check_automatic.
overrideIsMediaRemovable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method is_media_removable.
overrideIsMonospace(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily.FontFamilyClass
Override virtual method is_monospace.
overrideIsMutable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.MenuModelClass
Override virtual method is_mutable.
overrideIsNative(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method is_native.
overrideIsPersistent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar.CookieJarClass
Override virtual method is_persistent.
overrideIsPersistent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer.HSTSEnforcerClass
Override virtual method is_persistent.
overrideIsReadable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.PollableInputStream.PollableInputStreamInterface
Override virtual method is_readable.
overrideIsReady(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth.AuthClass
Override virtual method is_ready.
overrideIsRemovable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method is_removable.
overrideIsSeekable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method is_seekable.
overrideIsSelected(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview.PrintOperationPreviewIface
Override virtual method is_selected.
overrideIsSelected(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel.SelectionModelInterface
Override virtual method is_selected.
overrideIsStaticImage(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation.PixbufAnimationClass
Override virtual method is_static_image.
overrideIsSupported(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyResolver.ProxyResolverInterface
Override virtual method is_supported.
overrideIsSynthesized(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFace.FontFaceClass
Override virtual method is_synthesized.
overrideIsTagged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AsyncResult.AsyncResultIface
Override virtual method is_tagged.
overrideIsTrigger(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderInterface
Override virtual method is_trigger.
overrideIsTrigger(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Indenter.IndenterInterface
Override virtual method is_trigger.
overrideIsVariable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily.FontFamilyClass
Override virtual method is_variable.
overrideIsWritable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.PollableOutputStream.PollableOutputStreamInterface
Override virtual method is_writable.
overrideIterateItemAttributes(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.MenuModelClass
Override virtual method iterate_item_attributes.
overrideIterateItemLinks(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.MenuModelClass
Override virtual method iterate_item_links.
overrideIterChildren(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method iter_children.
overrideIterHasChild(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method iter_has_child.
overrideIterNChildren(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method iter_n_children.
overrideIterNext(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method iter_next.
overrideIterNthChild(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method iter_nth_child.
overrideIterParent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method iter_parent.
overrideIterPrevious(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method iter_previous.
overrideJoin(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool.TaskPoolClass
Override virtual method join.
overrideKeyActivates(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderInterface
Override virtual method key_activates.
overrideKeynavFailed(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method keynav_failed.
overrideKeysChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.WindowClass
Override virtual method keys_changed.
overrideLaunch(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method launch.
overrideLaunched(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.AppLaunchContextClass
Override virtual method launched.
overrideLaunchFailed(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.AppLaunchContextClass
Override virtual method launch_failed.
overrideLaunchStarted(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.AppLaunchContextClass
Override virtual method launch_started.
overrideLaunchUris(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method launch_uris.
overrideLaunchUrisAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method launch_uris_async.
overrideLaunchUrisFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method launch_uris_finish.
overrideLeaveFullscreen(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method leave_fullscreen.
overrideLineMarkActivated(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ViewClass
Override virtual method line_mark_activated.
overrideLinked(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.PadClass
Override virtual method linked.
overrideListActions(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
Override virtual method list_actions.
overrideListAlternates(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderInterface
Override virtual method list_alternates.
overrideListChannels(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method list_channels.
overrideListFaces(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFamily.FontFamilyClass
Override virtual method list_faces.
overrideListFamilies(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap.FontMapClass
Override virtual method list_families.
overrideListSizes(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontFace.FontFaceClass
Override virtual method list_sizes.
overrideLoad(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.LoadableIcon.LoadableIconIface
Override virtual method load.
overrideLoad(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule.TypeModuleClass
Override virtual method load.
overrideLoadAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.LoadableIcon.LoadableIconIface
Override virtual method load_async.
overrideLoadChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method load_changed.
overrideLoadFailed(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method load_failed.
overrideLoadFailedWithTlsErrors(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method load_failed_with_tls_errors.
overrideLoadFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.LoadableIcon.LoadableIconIface
Override virtual method load_finish.
overrideLoadFont(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap.FontMapClass
Override virtual method load_font.
overrideLoadFontset(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap.FontMapClass
Override virtual method load_fontset.
overrideLoadPreset(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset.PresetInterface
Override virtual method load_preset.
overrideLoadSerializeInfo(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.DiscovererClass
Override virtual method load_serialize_info.
overrideLocalCommandLine(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Override virtual method local_command_line.
overrideLocalFileAddInfo(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs.VfsClass
Override virtual method local_file_add_info.
overrideLocalFileMoved(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs.VfsClass
Override virtual method local_file_moved.
overrideLocalFileRemoved(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs.VfsClass
Override virtual method local_file_removed.
overrideLocalFileSetAttributes(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs.VfsClass
Override virtual method local_file_set_attributes.
overrideLookup(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyResolver.ProxyResolverInterface
Override virtual method lookup.
overrideLookupAction(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionMap.ActionMapInterface
Override virtual method lookup_action.
overrideLookupAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyResolver.ProxyResolverInterface
Override virtual method lookup_async.
overrideLookupByAddress(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Override virtual method lookup_by_address.
overrideLookupByAddressAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Override virtual method lookup_by_address_async.
overrideLookupByAddressFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Override virtual method lookup_by_address_finish.
overrideLookupByName(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Override virtual method lookup_by_name.
overrideLookupByNameAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Override virtual method lookup_by_name_async.
overrideLookupByNameFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Override virtual method lookup_by_name_finish.
overrideLookupByNameWithFlags(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Override virtual method lookup_by_name_with_flags.
overrideLookupByNameWithFlagsAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Override virtual method lookup_by_name_with_flags_async.
overrideLookupByNameWithFlagsFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Override virtual method lookup_by_name_with_flags_finish.
overrideLookupCertificateForHandle(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass
Override virtual method lookup_certificate_for_handle.
overrideLookupCertificateForHandleAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass
Override virtual method lookup_certificate_for_handle_async.
overrideLookupCertificateForHandleFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass
Override virtual method lookup_certificate_for_handle_finish.
overrideLookupCertificateIssuer(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass
Override virtual method lookup_certificate_issuer.
overrideLookupCertificateIssuerAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass
Override virtual method lookup_certificate_issuer_async.
overrideLookupCertificateIssuerFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass
Override virtual method lookup_certificate_issuer_finish.
overrideLookupCertificatesIssuedBy(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass
Override virtual method lookup_certificates_issued_by.
overrideLookupCertificatesIssuedByAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass
Override virtual method lookup_certificates_issued_by_async.
overrideLookupCertificatesIssuedByFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass
Override virtual method lookup_certificates_issued_by_finish.
overrideLookupFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyResolver.ProxyResolverInterface
Override virtual method lookup_finish.
overrideLookupRecords(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Override virtual method lookup_records.
overrideLookupRecordsAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Override virtual method lookup_records_async.
overrideLookupRecordsFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Override virtual method lookup_records_finish.
overrideLookupService(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Override virtual method lookup_service.
overrideLookupServiceAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Override virtual method lookup_service_async.
overrideLookupServiceFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Override virtual method lookup_service_finish.
overrideLowMemoryWarning(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitor.MemoryMonitorInterface
Override virtual method low_memory_warning.
overrideMakeDirectory(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method make_directory.
overrideMakeDirectoryAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method make_directory_async.
overrideMakeDirectoryFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method make_directory_finish.
overrideMakeSymbolicLink(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method make_symbolic_link.
overrideMakeSymbolicLinkAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method make_symbolic_link_async.
overrideMakeSymbolicLinkFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method make_symbolic_link_finish.
overrideMalloc(MemVTable.MallocCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MemVTable
Write a value in the field malloc.
overrideMap(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method map.
overrideMap(VideoMeta.MapCallback, Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field map.
overrideMarkDeleted(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Override virtual method mark_deleted.
overrideMarkSet(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Override virtual method mark_set.
overrideMarshal(Closure.MarshalCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Write a value in the field marshal.
overrideMatch(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Filter.FilterClass
Override virtual method match.
overrideMeasure(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager.LayoutManagerClass
Override virtual method measure.
overrideMeasure(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method measure.
overrideMeasureDiskUsage(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method measure_disk_usage.
overrideMeasureDiskUsageAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method measure_disk_usage_async.
overrideMeasureDiskUsageFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method measure_disk_usage_finish.
overrideMessage(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus.BusClass
Override virtual method message.
overrideMnemonicActivate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method mnemonic_activate.
overrideModifiedChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Override virtual method modified_changed.
overrideModify(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter.TreeModelFilterClass
Override virtual method modify.
overrideMonitorDir(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method monitor_dir.
overrideMonitorFile(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method monitor_file.
overrideMountAdded(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method mount_added.
overrideMountChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method mount_changed.
overrideMountEnclosingVolume(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method mount_enclosing_volume.
overrideMountEnclosingVolumeFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method mount_enclosing_volume_finish.
overrideMountFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method mount_finish.
overrideMountFn(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method mount_fn.
overrideMountMountable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method mount_mountable.
overrideMountMountableFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method mount_mountable_finish.
overrideMountPreUnmount(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method mount_pre_unmount.
overrideMountRemoved(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method mount_removed.
overrideMouseTargetChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method mouse_target_changed.
overrideMove(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method move.
overrideMoveAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method move_async.
overrideMoveCursor(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.TextViewClass
Override virtual method move_cursor.
overrideMoveCursor(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Override virtual method move_cursor.
overrideMoveFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method move_finish.
overrideMoveFocus(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method move_focus.
overrideMoveLines(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ViewClass
Override virtual method move_lines.
overrideMoveSlider(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range.RangeClass
Override virtual method move_slider.
overrideMoveWords(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ViewClass
Override virtual method move_words.
overrideMutexFree(ThreadFunctions.MutexFreeCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field mutex_free.
overrideMutexLock(ThreadFunctions.MutexLockCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field mutex_lock.
overrideMutexNew(ThreadFunctions.MutexNewCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field mutex_new.
overrideMutexTrylock(ThreadFunctions.MutexTrylockCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field mutex_trylock.
overrideMutexUnlock(ThreadFunctions.MutexUnlockCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field mutex_unlock.
overrideNameLost(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Override virtual method name_lost.
overrideNegotiate(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method negotiate.
overrideNegotiate(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method negotiate.
overrideNegotiate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method negotiate.
overrideNegotiate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method negotiate.
overrideNegotiate(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method negotiate.
overrideNegotiate(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method negotiate.
overrideNegotiatedSrcCaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method negotiated_src_caps.
overrideNetworkChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor.NetworkMonitorInterface
Override virtual method network_changed.
overrideNext(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator.SocketAddressEnumeratorClass
Override virtual method next.
overrideNextAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator.SocketAddressEnumeratorClass
Override virtual method next_async.
overrideNextFile(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator.FileEnumeratorClass
Override virtual method next_file.
overrideNextFilesAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator.FileEnumeratorClass
Override virtual method next_files_async.
overrideNextFilesFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator.FileEnumeratorClass
Override virtual method next_files_finish.
overrideNextFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator.SocketAddressEnumeratorClass
Override virtual method next_finish.
overrideNoMorePads(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Override virtual method no_more_pads.
overrideNotify(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Override virtual method notify.
overrideNotifyCursorArea(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass
Override virtual method notify_cursor_area.
overrideNotifyFocusIn(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass
Override virtual method notify_focus_in.
overrideNotifyFocusOut(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass
Override virtual method notify_focus_out.
overrideNotifySurrounding(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass
Override virtual method notify_surrounding.
overrideObjectAdded(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.DBusObjectManagerIface
Override virtual method object_added.
overrideObjectRemoved(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.DBusObjectManagerIface
Override virtual method object_removed.
overrideOnCurrentlyLoadingFrame(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter.PixbufAnimationIterClass
Override virtual method on_currently_loading_frame.
overrideOpen(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method open.
overrideOpen(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method open.
overrideOpen(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method open.
overrideOpen(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method open.
overrideOpen(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method open.
overrideOpen(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method open.
overrideOpen(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method open.
overrideOpen(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Override virtual method open.
overrideOpen(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile.MediaFileClass
Override virtual method open.
overrideOpenDevice(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method open_device.
overrideOpenReadwrite(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method open_readwrite.
overrideOpenReadwriteAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method open_readwrite_async.
overrideOpenReadwriteFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method open_readwrite_finish.
overridePackEnd(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout.CellLayoutIface
Override virtual method pack_end.
overridePackStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout.CellLayoutIface
Override virtual method pack_start.
overridePadAdded(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Override virtual method pad_added.
overridePadCreated(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate.PadTemplateClass
Override virtual method pad_created.
overridePadRemoved(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Override virtual method pad_removed.
overridePaginate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
Override virtual method paginate.
overrideParse(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method parse.
overrideParse(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method parse.
overrideParseName(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs.VfsClass
Override virtual method parse_name.
overrideParserFinished(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Buildable.BuildableIface
Override virtual method parser_finished.
overridePartChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.RendererClass
Override virtual method part_changed.
overridePassthrough(MarkupParser.PassthroughCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser
Write a value in the field passthrough.
overridePasteClipboard(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.TextViewClass
Override virtual method paste_clipboard.
overridePasteDone(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Override virtual method paste_done.
overridePause(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method pause.
overridePause(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method pause.
overridePause(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.MediaStreamClass
Override virtual method pause.
overridePayload(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method payload.
overridePeek(TypeFind.PeekCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind
Write a value in the field peek.
overridePeekNextSample(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method peek_next_sample.
overridePermissionRequest(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method permission_request.
overridePlay(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.MediaStreamClass
Override virtual method play.
overridePollForMedia(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method poll_for_media.
overridePollForMediaFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method poll_for_media_finish.
overridePollMountable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method poll_mountable.
overridePollMountableFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method poll_mountable_finish.
overridePopulate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderInterface
Override virtual method populate.
overridePopulate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverProvider.HoverProviderInterface
Override virtual method populate.
overridePopulateAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderInterface
Override virtual method populate_async.
overridePopulateAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverProvider.HoverProviderInterface
Override virtual method populate_async.
overridePopulateFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderInterface
Override virtual method populate_finish.
overridePopulateFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverProvider.HoverProviderInterface
Override virtual method populate_finish.
overridePostMessage(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Override virtual method post_message.
overridePreeditChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method preedit_changed.
overridePreeditChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass
Override virtual method preedit_changed.
overridePreeditEnd(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method preedit_end.
overridePreeditFinished(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass
Override virtual method preedit_finished.
overridePreeditStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method preedit_start.
overridePreeditStarted(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass
Override virtual method preedit_started.
overridePrefixMatches(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method prefix_matches.
overridePrepare(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method prepare.
overridePrepare(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method prepare.
overridePrepare(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method prepare.
overridePrepare(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool.TaskPoolClass
Override virtual method prepare.
overridePrepareFrame(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method prepare_frame.
overridePrepareFrameFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method prepare_frame_finish.
overridePrepareFrameStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method prepare_frame_start.
overridePrepareList(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method prepare_list.
overridePrepareOutputBuffer(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method prepare_output_buffer.
overridePrepareRun(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.RendererClass
Override virtual method prepare_run.
overridePrepareSeekSegment(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method prepare_seek_segment.
overridePrePush(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method pre_push.
overridePrePush(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method pre_push.
overridePrePush(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method pre_push.
overridePrePushFrame(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.BaseParseClass
Override virtual method pre_push_frame.
overridePreroll(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method preroll.
overridePreUnmount(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method pre_unmount.
overridePreview(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
Override virtual method preview.
overridePrint(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method print.
overridePrinterrLiteral(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine.ApplicationCommandLineClass
Override virtual method printerr_literal.
overridePrintLiteral(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine.ApplicationCommandLineClass
Override virtual method print_literal.
overridePrivateGet(ThreadFunctions.PrivateGetCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field private_get.
overridePrivateNew(ThreadFunctions.PrivateNewCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field private_new.
overridePrivateSet(ThreadFunctions.PrivateSetCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field private_set.
overrideProbe(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderClass
Override virtual method probe.
overrideProcessIncomingMessage(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension.WebsocketExtensionClass
Override virtual method process_incoming_message.
overrideProcessOutgoingMessage(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension.WebsocketExtensionClass
Override virtual method process_outgoing_message.
overrideProperty(int, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Registers propertyId as referring to a property with the name name in a parent class or in an interface implemented by this ObjectClass.
overrideProposeAllocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method propose_allocation.
overrideProposeAllocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method propose_allocation.
overrideProposeAllocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method propose_allocation.
overrideProposeAllocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method propose_allocation.
overrideProposeAllocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method propose_allocation.
overrideProposeAllocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method propose_allocation.
overrideProposeAllocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method propose_allocation.
overrideProvideClock(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Override virtual method provide_clock.
overrideProxyEnumerate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnectable.SocketConnectableIface
Override virtual method proxy_enumerate.
overridePush(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool.TaskPoolClass
Override virtual method push.
overridePushSnippet(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ViewClass
Override virtual method push_snippet.
overrideQuery(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method query.
overrideQuery(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method query.
overrideQuery(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method query.
overrideQuery(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Override virtual method query.
overrideQueryAction(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionGroupInterface
Override virtual method query_action.
overrideQueryActivatable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.GutterRendererClass
Override virtual method query_activatable.
overrideQueryData(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.GutterRendererClass
Override virtual method query_data.
overrideQueryFilesystemInfo(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method query_filesystem_info.
overrideQueryFilesystemInfoAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method query_filesystem_info_async.
overrideQueryFilesystemInfoFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method query_filesystem_info_finish.
overrideQueryInfo(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method query_info.
overrideQueryInfo(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream.FileInputStreamClass
Override virtual method query_info.
overrideQueryInfo(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream.FileIOStreamClass
Override virtual method query_info.
overrideQueryInfo(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream.FileOutputStreamClass
Override virtual method query_info.
overrideQueryInfoAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method query_info_async.
overrideQueryInfoAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream.FileInputStreamClass
Override virtual method query_info_async.
overrideQueryInfoAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream.FileIOStreamClass
Override virtual method query_info_async.
overrideQueryInfoAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream.FileOutputStreamClass
Override virtual method query_info_async.
overrideQueryInfoFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method query_info_finish.
overrideQueryInfoFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream.FileInputStreamClass
Override virtual method query_info_finish.
overrideQueryInfoFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream.FileIOStreamClass
Override virtual method query_info_finish.
overrideQueryInfoFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream.FileOutputStreamClass
Override virtual method query_info_finish.
overrideQueryPermissionState(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method query_permission_state.
overrideQuerySettableAttributes(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method query_settable_attributes.
overrideQueryTooltip(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method query_tooltip.
overrideQueryWritableNamespaces(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method query_writable_namespaces.
overrideQuitMainloop(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Override virtual method quit_mainloop.
overrideRead(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method read.
overrideRead(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend.SettingsBackendClass
Override virtual method read.
overrideReadAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method read_async.
overrideReadAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream.InputStreamClass
Override virtual method read_async.
overrideReadFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method read_finish.
overrideReadFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream.InputStreamClass
Override virtual method read_finish.
overrideReadFn(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method read_fn.
overrideReadFn(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream.InputStreamClass
Override virtual method read_fn.
overrideReadNonblocking(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.PollableInputStream.PollableInputStreamInterface
Override virtual method read_nonblocking.
overrideReadSector(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method read_sector.
overrideReadUserValue(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend.SettingsBackendClass
Override virtual method read_user_value.
overrideReady(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview.PrintOperationPreviewIface
Override virtual method ready.
overrideReadyToShow(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method ready_to_show.
overrideRealize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.MediaStreamClass
Override virtual method realize.
overrideRealize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method realize.
overrideRealloc(MemVTable.ReallocCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MemVTable
Write a value in the field realloc.
overrideReceiveMessages(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased.DatagramBasedInterface
Override virtual method receive_messages.
overrideReconfigureElement(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device.DeviceClass
Override virtual method reconfigure_element.
overrideRedo(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Override virtual method redo.
overrideRef(SourceCallbackFuncs.RefCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SourceCallbackFuncs
Write a value in the field ref.
overrideRefFormats(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.ContentProviderClass
Override virtual method ref_formats.
overrideRefilter(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider.CompletionProviderInterface
Override virtual method refilter.
overrideRefNode(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method ref_node.
overrideRefStorableFormats(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.ContentProviderClass
Override virtual method ref_storable_formats.
overrideRelease(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method release.
overrideRelease(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission.PermissionClass
Override virtual method release.
overrideReleaseAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission.PermissionClass
Override virtual method release_async.
overrideReleaseBuffer(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool.BufferPoolClass
Override virtual method release_buffer.
overrideReleaseFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission.PermissionClass
Override virtual method release_finish.
overrideReleasePad(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Override virtual method release_pad.
overrideReload(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Override virtual method reload.
overrideRemount(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method remount.
overrideRemountFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method remount_finish.
overrideRemove(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method remove.
overrideRemoveAction(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionMap.ActionMapInterface
Override virtual method remove_action.
overrideRemoveController(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutManager.ShortcutManagerInterface
Override virtual method remove_controller.
overrideRemoved(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method removed.
overrideRemoveElement(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.BinClass
Override virtual method remove_element.
overrideRemoveSupportsType(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method remove_supports_type.
overrideRemoveTag(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Override virtual method remove_tag.
overrideRemoveWidget(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable.CellEditableIface
Override virtual method remove_widget.
overrideRenamePreset(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset.PresetInterface
Override virtual method rename_preset.
overrideRender(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method render.
overrideRender(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer.AudioVisualizerClass
Override virtual method render.
overrideRender(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.GLAreaClass
Override virtual method render.
overrideRenderList(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method render_list.
overrideRenderPage(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview.PrintOperationPreviewIface
Override virtual method render_page.
overrideReorder(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout.CellLayoutIface
Override virtual method reorder.
overrideReplace(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method replace.
overrideReplaceAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method replace_async.
overrideReplaceFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method replace_finish.
overrideReplaceReadwrite(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method replace_readwrite.
overrideReplaceReadwriteAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method replace_readwrite_async.
overrideReplaceReadwriteFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method replace_readwrite_finish.
overrideReply(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.MountOperationClass
Override virtual method reply.
overrideRequestAborted(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server.ServerClass
Override virtual method request_aborted.
overrideRequestCertificate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction.TlsInteractionClass
Override virtual method request_certificate.
overrideRequestCertificateAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction.TlsInteractionClass
Override virtual method request_certificate_async.
overrideRequestCertificateFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction.TlsInteractionClass
Override virtual method request_certificate_finish.
overrideRequestFinished(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server.ServerClass
Override virtual method request_finished.
overrideRequestNewPad(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Override virtual method request_new_pad.
overrideRequestPageSetup(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
Override virtual method request_page_setup.
overrideRequestQueued(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.SessionClass
Override virtual method request_queued.
overrideRequestRead(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server.ServerClass
Override virtual method request_read.
overrideRequestStarted(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server.ServerClass
Override virtual method request_started.
overrideRequestUnqueued(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.SessionClass
Override virtual method request_unqueued.
overrideReset(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method reset.
overrideReset(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method reset.
overrideReset(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method reset.
overrideReset(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method reset.
overrideReset(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Converter.ConverterIface
Override virtual method reset.
overrideReset(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend.SettingsBackendClass
Override virtual method reset.
overrideReset(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext.CellAreaContextClass
Override virtual method reset.
overrideReset(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method reset.
overrideReset(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass
Override virtual method reset.
overrideResetBuffer(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool.BufferPoolClass
Override virtual method reset_buffer.
overrideResize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea.DrawingAreaClass
Override virtual method resize.
overrideResize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.GLAreaClass
Override virtual method resize.
overrideResize(ByteArrayInterface.ResizeCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ByteArrayInterface
Write a value in the field resize.
overrideResolveRelativePath(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method resolve_relative_path.
overrideResourceLoadStarted(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method resource_load_started.
overrideResponse(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.AlertDialogClass
Override virtual method response.
overrideResponse(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.MessageDialogClass
Override virtual method response.
overrideResponse(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog.DialogClass
Override virtual method response.
overrideResponse(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.NativeDialogClass
Override virtual method response.
overrideResume(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method resume.
overrideResume(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method resume.
overrideRetrieveSurrounding(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method retrieve_surrounding.
overrideRoot(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager.LayoutManagerClass
Override virtual method root.
overrideRoot(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method root.
overrideRowActivated(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Override virtual method row_activated.
overrideRowChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method row_changed.
overrideRowCollapsed(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Override virtual method row_collapsed.
overrideRowDeleted(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method row_deleted.
overrideRowDraggable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragSource.TreeDragSourceIface
Override virtual method row_draggable.
overrideRowDropPossible(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragDest.TreeDragDestIface
Override virtual method row_drop_possible.
overrideRowExpanded(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Override virtual method row_expanded.
overrideRowHasChildToggled(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method row_has_child_toggled.
overrideRowInserted(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method row_inserted.
overrideRowsReordered(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method rows_reordered.
overrideRun(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService.ThreadedSocketServiceClass
Override virtual method run.
overrideRunAsModal(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method run_as_modal.
overrideRunColorChooser(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method run_color_chooser.
overrideRunFileChooser(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method run_file_chooser.
overrideRunMainloop(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Override virtual method run_mainloop.
Overrides - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types
Helper class to register method overrides in a new GType.
Overrides() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Overrides
overrideSave(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar.CookieJarClass
Override virtual method save.
overrideSavePreset(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset.PresetInterface
Override virtual method save_preset.
overrideScriptDialog(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method script_dialog.
overrideSeek(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream.FileInputStreamClass
Override virtual method seek.
overrideSeek(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream.FileIOStreamClass
Override virtual method seek.
overrideSeek(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream.FileOutputStreamClass
Override virtual method seek.
overrideSeek(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Seekable.SeekableIface
Override virtual method seek.
overrideSeek(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.MediaStreamClass
Override virtual method seek.
overrideSelectAll(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel.SelectionModelInterface
Override virtual method select_all.
overrideSelectAll(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Override virtual method select_all.
overrideSelectCursorParent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Override virtual method select_cursor_parent.
overrideSelectCursorRow(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Override virtual method select_cursor_row.
overrideSelectItem(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel.SelectionModelInterface
Override virtual method select_item.
overrideSelectRange(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel.SelectionModelInterface
Override virtual method select_range.
overrideSendEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Override virtual method send_event.
overrideSendEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method send_event.
overrideSendEventSimple(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method send_event_simple.
overrideSendMessages(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased.DatagramBasedInterface
Override virtual method send_messages.
overrideSerialize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Icon.IconIface
Override virtual method serialize.
overrideSerialize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage.SocketControlMessageClass
Override virtual method serialize.
overrideSetActionName(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Actionable.ActionableInterface
Override virtual method set_action_name.
overrideSetActionTargetValue(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Actionable.ActionableInterface
Override virtual method set_action_target_value.
overrideSetAdvertisedProtocols(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.DtlsConnectionInterface
Override virtual method set_advertised_protocols.
overrideSetAnchor(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.TextViewClass
Override virtual method set_anchor.
overrideSetAsDefaultForExtension(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method set_as_default_for_extension.
overrideSetAsDefaultForType(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method set_as_default_for_type.
overrideSetAsLastUsedForType(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method set_as_last_used_for_type.
overrideSetAttribute(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method set_attribute.
overrideSetAttributesAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method set_attributes_async.
overrideSetAttributesFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method set_attributes_finish.
overrideSetAttributesFromInfo(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method set_attributes_from_info.
overrideSetBuildableProperty(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Buildable.BuildableIface
Override virtual method set_buildable_property.
overrideSetBus(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Override virtual method set_bus.
overrideSetCaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method set_caps.
overrideSetCaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method set_caps.
overrideSetCaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method set_caps.
overrideSetCellDataFunc(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout.CellLayoutIface
Override virtual method set_cell_data_func.
overrideSetCellProperty(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method set_cell_property.
overrideSetClientWidget(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method set_client_widget.
overrideSetClock(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Override virtual method set_clock.
overrideSetConfig(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool.BufferPoolClass
Override virtual method set_config.
overrideSetContext(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Override virtual method set_context.
overrideSetCurrentValue(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRange.AccessibleRangeInterface
Override virtual method set_current_value.
overrideSetCursorLocation(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method set_cursor_location.
overrideSetDefaultSortFunc(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable.TreeSortableIface
Override virtual method set_default_sort_func.
overrideSetDisplayName(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method set_display_name.
overrideSetDisplayNameAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method set_display_name_async.
overrideSetDisplayNameFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method set_display_name_finish.
overrideSetEnablePreedit(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.InputMethodContextClass
Override virtual method set_enable_preedit.
overrideSetFilterFunc(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.FontChooserIface
Override virtual method set_filter_func.
overrideSetFocusChild(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method set_focus_child.
overrideSetFontMap(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.FontChooserIface
Override virtual method set_font_map.
overrideSetFormat(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method set_format.
overrideSetFormat(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method set_format.
overrideSetFormat(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method set_format.
overrideSetFormat(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method set_format.
overrideSetHcenter(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method set_hcenter.
overrideSetHflip(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method set_hflip.
overrideSetId(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Buildable.BuildableIface
Override virtual method set_id.
overrideSetInfo(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method set_info.
overrideSetInfo(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method set_info.
overrideSetMeta(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset.PresetInterface
Override virtual method set_meta.
overrideSetObject(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterface.DBusInterfaceIface
Override virtual method set_object.
overrideSetProperty(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Override virtual method set_property.
overrideSetRenderRectangle(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method set_render_rectangle.
overrideSetRgba(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser.ColorChooserInterface
Override virtual method set_rgba.
overrideSetSelection(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel.SelectionModelInterface
Override virtual method set_selection.
overrideSetSelectionBounds(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Editable.EditableInterface
Override virtual method set_selection_bounds.
overrideSetSinkCaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.BaseParseClass
Override virtual method set_sink_caps.
overrideSetSortColumnId(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable.TreeSortableIface
Override virtual method set_sort_column_id.
overrideSetSortFunc(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable.TreeSortableIface
Override virtual method set_sort_func.
overrideSetState(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Override virtual method set_state.
overrideSetStyleScheme(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooser.StyleSchemeChooserInterface
Override virtual method set_style_scheme.
overrideSetSurrounding(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method set_surrounding.
overrideSetSurroundingWithSelection(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method set_surrounding_with_selection.
overrideSetup(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method setup.
overrideSetup(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer.AudioVisualizerClass
Override virtual method setup.
overrideSetUri(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIHandler.URIHandlerInterface
Override virtual method set_uri.
overrideSetUsePreedit(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.IMContextClass
Override virtual method set_use_preedit.
overrideSetValue(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method set_value.
overrideSetValue(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword.TlsPasswordClass
Override virtual method set_value.
overrideSetVcenter(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method set_vcenter.
overrideSetVflip(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method set_vflip.
overrideSetWindowHandle(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method set_window_handle.
overrideShouldAutomount(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Override virtual method should_automount.
overrideShouldShow(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method should_show.
overrideShow(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.NativeDialogClass
Override virtual method show.
overrideShow(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method show.
overrideShowCompletion(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ViewClass
Override virtual method show_completion.
overrideShowFrame(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method show_frame.
overrideShowing(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.NavigationPageClass
Override virtual method showing.
overrideShown(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.NavigationPageClass
Override virtual method shown.
overrideShowNotification(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method show_notification.
overrideShowOptionMenu(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method show_option_menu.
overrideShowProcesses(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.MountOperationClass
Override virtual method show_processes.
overrideShowUnmountProgress(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.MountOperationClass
Override virtual method show_unmount_progress.
overrideShutdown(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Override virtual method shutdown.
overrideShutdown(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.DtlsConnectionInterface
Override virtual method shutdown.
overrideShutdownAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.DtlsConnectionInterface
Override virtual method shutdown_async.
overrideShutdownFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.DtlsConnectionInterface
Override virtual method shutdown_finish.
overrideSinkEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method sink_event.
overrideSinkEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method sink_event.
overrideSinkEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method sink_event.
overrideSinkEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.BaseParseClass
Override virtual method sink_event.
overrideSinkEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method sink_event.
overrideSinkEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method sink_event.
overrideSinkEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method sink_event.
overrideSinkEventPreQueue(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method sink_event_pre_queue.
overrideSinkQuery(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method sink_query.
overrideSinkQuery(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method sink_query.
overrideSinkQuery(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method sink_query.
overrideSinkQuery(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.BaseParseClass
Override virtual method sink_query.
overrideSinkQuery(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method sink_query.
overrideSinkQuery(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method sink_query.
overrideSinkQueryPreQueue(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method sink_query_pre_queue.
overrideSizeAllocate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method size_allocate.
overrideSizePrepared(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.PixbufLoaderClass
Override virtual method size_prepared.
overrideSkip(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream.InputStreamClass
Override virtual method skip.
overrideSkipAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream.InputStreamClass
Override virtual method skip_async.
overrideSkipBuffer(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad.AggregatorPadClass
Override virtual method skip_buffer.
overrideSkipFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream.InputStreamClass
Override virtual method skip_finish.
overrideSnapshot(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Paintable.PaintableInterface
Override virtual method snapshot.
overrideSnapshot(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.CellAreaClass
Override virtual method snapshot.
overrideSnapshot(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.CellRendererClass
Override virtual method snapshot.
overrideSnapshot(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method snapshot.
overrideSnapshotLayer(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.TextViewClass
Override virtual method snapshot_layer.
overrideSnapshotLine(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.GutterRendererClass
Override virtual method snapshot_line.
overrideSnapshotSymbolic(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SymbolicPaintable.SymbolicPaintableInterface
Override virtual method snapshot_symbolic.
overrideSortColumnChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable.TreeSortableIface
Override virtual method sort_column_changed.
overrideSourceSetup(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.DiscovererClass
Override virtual method source_setup.
overrideSplice(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Override virtual method splice.
overrideSpliceAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Override virtual method splice_async.
overrideSpliceFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Override virtual method splice_finish.
overrideSrcActivate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method src_activate.
overrideSrcEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method src_event.
overrideSrcEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method src_event.
overrideSrcEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method src_event.
overrideSrcEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.BaseParseClass
Override virtual method src_event.
overrideSrcEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method src_event.
overrideSrcEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method src_event.
overrideSrcEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method src_event.
overrideSrcQuery(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method src_query.
overrideSrcQuery(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method src_query.
overrideSrcQuery(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method src_query.
overrideSrcQuery(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.BaseParseClass
Override virtual method src_query.
overrideSrcQuery(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method src_query.
overrideSrcQuery(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method src_query.
overrideStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method start.
overrideStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method start.
overrideStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method start.
overrideStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method start.
overrideStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.BaseParseClass
Override virtual method start.
overrideStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method start.
overrideStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method start.
overrideStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method start.
overrideStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool.BufferPoolClass
Override virtual method start.
overrideStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderClass
Override virtual method start.
overrideStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method start.
overrideStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method start.
overrideStart(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method start.
overrideStartEditing(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable.CellEditableIface
Override virtual method start_editing.
overrideStartEditing(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.CellRendererClass
Override virtual method start_editing.
overrideStartElement(MarkupParser.StartElementCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser
Write a value in the field start_element.
overrideStartElement(BuildableParser.StartElementCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser
Write a value in the field start_element.
overrideStartFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method start_finish.
overrideStarting(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.DiscovererClass
Override virtual method starting.
overrideStartInteractiveSearch(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Override virtual method start_interactive_search.
overrideStartMountable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method start_mountable.
overrideStartMountableFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method start_mountable_finish.
overrideStartup(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.ApplicationClass
Override virtual method startup.
overrideStateChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Override virtual method state_changed.
overrideStateFlagsChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method state_flags_changed.
overrideStatusChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
Override virtual method status_changed.
overrideStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method stop.
overrideStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method stop.
overrideStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method stop.
overrideStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method stop.
overrideStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method stop.
overrideStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.BaseParseClass
Override virtual method stop.
overrideStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method stop.
overrideStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method stop.
overrideStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method stop.
overrideStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool.BufferPoolClass
Override virtual method stop.
overrideStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderClass
Override virtual method stop.
overrideStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method stop.
overrideStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method stop.
overrideStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method stop.
overrideStopButton(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method stop_button.
overrideStopFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Drive.DriveIface
Override virtual method stop_finish.
overrideStopMountable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method stop_mountable.
overrideStopMountableFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method stop_mountable_finish.
overrideStreamNotify(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection.StreamCollectionClass
Override virtual method stream_notify.
overrideSubmitForm(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method submit_form.
overrideSubmitInputBuffer(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method submit_input_buffer.
overrideSubscribe(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend.SettingsBackendClass
Override virtual method subscribe.
overrideSuggest(TypeFind.SuggestCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind
Write a value in the field suggest.
overrideSupportsDtls(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface
Override virtual method supports_dtls.
overrideSupportsFiles(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method supports_files.
overrideSupportsHostname(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Proxy.ProxyInterface
Override virtual method supports_hostname.
overrideSupportsTls(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface
Override virtual method supports_tls.
overrideSupportsUris(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppInfo.AppInfoIface
Override virtual method supports_uris.
overrideSync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend.SettingsBackendClass
Override virtual method sync.
overrideSyncMessage(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus.BusClass
Override virtual method sync_message.
overrideSyncValues(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding.ControlBindingClass
Override virtual method sync_values.
overrideSystemSettingChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method system_setting_changed.
overrideTell(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream.FileInputStreamClass
Override virtual method tell.
overrideTell(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream.FileIOStreamClass
Override virtual method tell.
overrideTell(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream.FileOutputStreamClass
Override virtual method tell.
overrideTell(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Seekable.SeekableIface
Override virtual method tell.
overrideTestCollapseRow(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Override virtual method test_collapse_row.
overrideTestExpandRow(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Override virtual method test_expand_row.
overrideText(MarkupParser.TextCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser
Write a value in the field text.
overrideText(BuildableParser.TextCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser
Write a value in the field text.
overrideThreadCreate(ThreadFunctions.ThreadCreateCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field thread_create.
overrideThreadEqual(ThreadFunctions.ThreadEqualCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field thread_equal.
overrideThreadExit(ThreadFunctions.ThreadExitCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field thread_exit.
overrideThreadJoin(ThreadFunctions.ThreadJoinCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field thread_join.
overrideThreadSelf(ThreadFunctions.ThreadSelfCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field thread_self.
overrideThreadSetPriority(ThreadFunctions.ThreadSetPriorityCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field thread_set_priority.
overrideThreadYield(ThreadFunctions.ThreadYieldCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Write a value in the field thread_yield.
overrideToBytes(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress.InetAddressClass
Override virtual method to_bytes.
overrideToggleCursorRow(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Override virtual method toggle_cursor_row.
overrideToggled(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.CheckButtonClass
Override virtual method toggled.
overrideToggled(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton.ToggleButtonClass
Override virtual method toggled.
overrideToggleOverwrite(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.TextViewClass
Override virtual method toggle_overwrite.
overrideToNative(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress.SocketAddressClass
Override virtual method to_native.
overrideToString(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress.InetAddressClass
Override virtual method to_string.
overrideToString(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnectable.SocketConnectableIface
Override virtual method to_string.
overrideToTokens(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Icon.IconIface
Override virtual method to_tokens.
overrideTransform(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method transform.
overrideTransformCaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method transform_caps.
overrideTransformFrame(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method transform_frame.
overrideTransformFrameIp(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method transform_frame_ip.
overrideTransformIp(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method transform_ip.
overrideTransformMeta(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method transform_meta.
overrideTransformMeta(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method transform_meta.
overrideTransformMeta(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method transform_meta.
overrideTransformMeta(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method transform_meta.
overrideTransformMeta(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method transform_meta.
overrideTransformSize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Override virtual method transform_size.
overrideTrash(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method trash.
overrideTrashAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method trash_async.
overrideTrashFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method trash_finish.
overrideTruncateFn(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream.FileIOStreamClass
Override virtual method truncate_fn.
overrideTruncateFn(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream.FileOutputStreamClass
Override virtual method truncate_fn.
overrideTruncateFn(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Seekable.SeekableIface
Override virtual method truncate_fn.
overrideTryMalloc(MemVTable.TryMallocCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MemVTable
Write a value in the field try_malloc.
overrideTryRealloc(MemVTable.TryReallocCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MemVTable
Write a value in the field try_realloc.
overrideUndo(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Override virtual method undo.
overrideUnlinked(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.PadClass
Override virtual method unlinked.
overrideUnload(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule.TypeModuleClass
Override virtual method unload.
overrideUnlock(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method unlock.
overrideUnlock(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method unlock.
overrideUnlockStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method unlock_stop.
overrideUnlockStop(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.BaseSrcClass
Override virtual method unlock_stop.
overrideUnmap(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method unmap.
overrideUnmap(VideoMeta.UnmapCallback, Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field unmap.
overrideUnmount(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method unmount.
overrideUnmounted(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method unmounted.
overrideUnmountFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method unmount_finish.
overrideUnmountMountable(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method unmount_mountable.
overrideUnmountMountableFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method unmount_mountable_finish.
overrideUnmountMountableWithOperation(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method unmount_mountable_with_operation.
overrideUnmountMountableWithOperationFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Override virtual method unmount_mountable_with_operation_finish.
overrideUnmountWithOperation(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method unmount_with_operation.
overrideUnmountWithOperationFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Mount.MountIface
Override virtual method unmount_with_operation_finish.
overrideUnprepare(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method unprepare.
overrideUnprepare(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method unprepare.
overrideUnrealize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.MediaStreamClass
Override virtual method unrealize.
overrideUnrealize(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method unrealize.
overrideUnref(SourceCallbackFuncs.UnrefCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SourceCallbackFuncs
Write a value in the field unref.
overrideUnrefNode(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Override virtual method unref_node.
overrideUnroot(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager.LayoutManagerClass
Override virtual method unroot.
overrideUnroot(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Override virtual method unroot.
overrideUnschedule(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.ClockClass
Override virtual method unschedule.
overrideUnselectAll(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel.SelectionModelInterface
Override virtual method unselect_all.
overrideUnselectAll(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Override virtual method unselect_all.
overrideUnselectItem(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel.SelectionModelInterface
Override virtual method unselect_item.
overrideUnselectRange(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel.SelectionModelInterface
Override virtual method unselect_range.
overrideUnsubscribe(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend.SettingsBackendClass
Override virtual method unsubscribe.
overrideUpdate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth.AuthClass
Override virtual method update.
overrideUpdateAudio(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.MediaStreamClass
Override virtual method update_audio.
overrideUpdateCaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method update_caps.
overrideUpdateConversionInfo(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method update_conversion_info.
overrideUpdateConversionInfo(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method update_conversion_info.
overrideUpdateCustomWidget(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
Override virtual method update_custom_widget.
overrideUpdateSrcCaps(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.AggregatorClass
Override virtual method update_src_caps.
overrideUserMessageReceived(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method user_message_received.
overrideValueChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method value_changed.
overrideValueChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method value_changed.
overrideValueChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.AdjustmentClass
Override virtual method value_changed.
overrideValueChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range.RangeClass
Override virtual method value_changed.
overrideValueChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.ScaleButtonClass
Override virtual method value_changed.
overrideValueIsValid(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec.ParamSpecClass
Override virtual method value_is_valid.
overrideValuesCmp(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec.ParamSpecClass
Override virtual method values_cmp.
overrideValuesCmp(ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValuesCmpCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo
Write a value in the field values_cmp.
overrideValueSetDefault(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec.ParamSpecClass
Override virtual method value_set_default.
overrideValueSetDefault(ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValueSetDefaultCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo
Write a value in the field value_set_default.
overrideValueValidate(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec.ParamSpecClass
Override virtual method value_validate.
overrideValueValidate(ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValueValidateCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo
Write a value in the field value_validate.
overrideVerify(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate.TlsCertificateClass
Override virtual method verify.
overrideVerifyChain(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass
Override virtual method verify_chain.
overrideVerifyChainAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass
Override virtual method verify_chain_async.
overrideVerifyChainFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass
Override virtual method verify_chain_finish.
overrideVisible(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter.TreeModelFilterClass
Override virtual method visible.
overrideVolumeAdded(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method volume_added.
overrideVolumeChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method volume_changed.
overrideVolumeRemoved(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Override virtual method volume_removed.
overrideWait(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.ClockClass
Override virtual method wait.
overrideWaitAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.ClockClass
Override virtual method wait_async.
overrideWaitEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.BaseSinkClass
Override virtual method wait_event.
overrideWebProcessCrashed(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method web_process_crashed.
overrideWebProcessTerminated(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Override virtual method web_process_terminated.
overrideWindowAdded(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application.ApplicationClass
Override virtual method window_added.
overrideWindowRemoved(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application.ApplicationClass
Override virtual method window_removed.
overrideWritableChanged(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings.SettingsClass
Override virtual method writable_changed.
overrideWritableChangeEvent(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings.SettingsClass
Override virtual method writable_change_event.
overrideWrite(Arena, Method) - Method in class
Override virtual method write.
overrideWrite(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend.SettingsBackendClass
Override virtual method write.
overrideWriteAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Override virtual method write_async.
overrideWriteFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Override virtual method write_finish.
overrideWriteFn(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Override virtual method write_fn.
overrideWriteMimeTypeAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.ContentProviderClass
Override virtual method write_mime_type_async.
overrideWriteMimeTypeFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.ContentProviderClass
Override virtual method write_mime_type_finish.
overrideWriteNonblocking(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.PollableOutputStream.PollableOutputStreamInterface
Override virtual method write_nonblocking.
overrideWriteTree(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend.SettingsBackendClass
Override virtual method write_tree.
overrideWritevAsync(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Override virtual method writev_async.
overrideWritevFinish(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Override virtual method writev_finish.
overrideWritevFn(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream.OutputStreamClass
Override virtual method writev_fn.
overrideWritevNonblocking(Arena, Method) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.PollableOutputStream.PollableOutputStreamInterface
Override virtual method writev_nonblocking.
overwrite(long, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Overwrites part of a string, lengthening it if necessary.
OVERWRITE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCopyFlags
Overwrite any existing files
overwriteLen(long, String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Overwrites part of a string, lengthening it if necessary.
OWNERLESS_POLLING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MainContextFlags
Assume that polling for events will free the thread to process other jobs.
OWNS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Identifies an element (or elements) in order to define a visual, functional, or contextual parent/child relationship between elements where the widget hierarchy cannot be used to represent the relationship.


P010_10BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.10)
P010_10LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.10)
P012_BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.18)
P012_LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.18)
P016_BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 16 bits per channel (Since: 1.18)
P016_LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 16 bits per channel (Since: 1.18)
packEnd(CellRenderer, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout
packEnd(CellRenderer, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
packEnd(CellRenderer, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaBox
packEnd(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Adds child to this HeaderBar, packed with reference to the end of this HeaderBar.
packEnd(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ActionBar
Adds child to this ActionBar, packed with reference to the end of the this ActionBar.
packEnd(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar
Adds child to this HeaderBar, packed with reference to the end of the this HeaderBar.
packStart(CellRenderer, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout
packStart(CellRenderer, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
packStart(CellRenderer, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaBox
packStart(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Adds child to this HeaderBar, packed with reference to the start of the this HeaderBar.
packStart(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ActionBar
Adds child to this ActionBar, packed with reference to the start of the this ActionBar.
packStart(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar
Adds child to this HeaderBar, packed with reference to the start of the this HeaderBar.
PackType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Represents the packing location of a children in its parent.
Pad - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A GstElement is linked to other elements via "pads", which are extremely light-weight generic link points.
Pad(String, PadDirection) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Creates a new pad with the given name in the given direction.
Pad(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Create a Pad proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PAD - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
used for pad-related errors.
PAD - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerValueScope
the value is related to a GstPad
PAD - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintExtend
Outside the defined interval, the color of the closest color stop is used.
PAD_BUTTON_PRESS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
A tablet pad button press event.
PAD_BUTTON_RELEASE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
A tablet pad button release event.
PAD_GROUP_MODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
A tablet pad group mode change.
PAD_RING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
A tablet pad axis event from a "ring".
PAD_STRIP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
A tablet pad axis event from a "strip".
Pad.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Pad.LinkedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the LinkedCallback callback.
Pad.PadClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Pad.UnlinkedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the UnlinkedCallback callback.
PadActionEntry - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Struct defining a pad action entry.
PadActionEntry() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionEntry
Allocate a new PadActionEntry.
PadActionEntry(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionEntry
Allocate a new PadActionEntry.
PadActionEntry(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionEntry
Create a PadActionEntry proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PadActionEntry(PadActionType, int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionEntry
Allocate a new PadActionEntry with the fields set to the provided values.
PadActionEntry(PadActionType, int, int, String, String, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionEntry
Allocate a new PadActionEntry with the fields set to the provided values.
PadActionType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The type of a pad action.
PadActivateFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PadActivateFunction callback.
PadActivateModeFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PadActivateModeFunction callback.
padAdded(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
PadChainFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PadChainFunction callback.
PadChainListFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PadChainListFunction callback.
PadClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.PadClass
Allocate a new PadClass.
PadClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.PadClass
Allocate a new PadClass.
PadClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.PadClass
Create a PadClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PadController - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkPadController is an event controller for the pads found in drawing tablets.
PadController(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PadController
Create a PadController proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PadController(ActionGroup, Device) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PadController
Creates a new GtkPadController that will associate events from pad to actions.
PadController.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PadController.PadControllerClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
PadControllerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PadController.PadControllerClass
Create a PadControllerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
padCreated(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate
Emit the pad-created signal for this template when created by this pad.
PadDirection - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The direction of a pad.
PadEvent - Class in org.gnome.gdk
An event related to a pad-based device.
PadEvent(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.PadEvent
Create a PadEvent proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PadEventFullFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PadEventFullFunction callback.
PadEventFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PadEventFunction callback.
PadFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Pad state flags
PadForwardFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PadForwardFunction callback.
PadGetRangeFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PadGetRangeFunction callback.
PadIterIntLinkFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PadIterIntLinkFunction callback.
PadLinkCheck - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The amount of checking to be done when linking pads.
PadLinkFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PadLinkFunction callback.
PadLinkReturn - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Result values from gst_pad_link and friends.
PadMode - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The status of a GstPad.
PadPresence - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Indicates when this pad will become available.
PadProbeCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PadProbeCallback callback.
PadProbeInfo - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Info passed in the GstPadProbeCallback.
PadProbeInfo() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
Allocate a new PadProbeInfo.
PadProbeInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
Allocate a new PadProbeInfo.
PadProbeInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
Create a PadProbeInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PadProbeInfo(Set<PadProbeType>, int, MemorySegment, long, int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
Allocate a new PadProbeInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
PadProbeInfo(Set<PadProbeType>, int, MemorySegment, long, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
Allocate a new PadProbeInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
PadProbeReturn - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Different return values for the GstPadProbeCallback.
PadProbeType - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The different probing types that can occur.
PadQueryFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PadQueryFunction callback.
padRemoved(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
PadStickyEventsForeachFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PadStickyEventsForeachFunction callback.
PadTemplate - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Padtemplates describe the possible media types a pad or an elementfactory can handle.
PadTemplate(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate
Create a PadTemplate proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PadTemplate(String, PadDirection, PadPresence, Caps) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate
Creates a new pad template with a name according to the given template and with the given arguments.
PadTemplate.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PadTemplate.PadCreatedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PadCreatedCallback callback.
PadTemplate.PadTemplateClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
PadTemplateClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate.PadTemplateClass
Allocate a new PadTemplateClass.
PadTemplateClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate.PadTemplateClass
Allocate a new PadTemplateClass.
PadTemplateClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate.PadTemplateClass
Create a PadTemplateClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PadTemplateFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Flags for the padtemplate
PadUnlinkFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PadUnlinkFunction callback.
PAGE_BACKWARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Page backward.
PAGE_BACKWARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinType
Decrement by the adjustments page increment.
PAGE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Page down.
PAGE_FORWARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Page forward.
PAGE_FORWARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinType
Increment by the adjustments page increment.
PAGE_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Page to the left.
PAGE_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Page to the right.
PAGE_SET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintCapabilities
Print dialog will offer printing even/odd pages.
PAGE_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Page up.
pageNum(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Finds the index of the page which contains the given child widget.
PageOrientation - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
See also gtk_print_settings_set_orientation().
PageRange - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A range of pages to print.
PageRange() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PageRange
Allocate a new PageRange.
PageRange(int, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PageRange
Allocate a new PageRange with the fields set to the provided values.
PageRange(int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PageRange
Allocate a new PageRange with the fields set to the provided values.
PageRange(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PageRange
Allocate a new PageRange.
PageRange(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PageRange
Create a PageRange proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PAGES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MovementStep
Move by pages
PAGES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollStep
Scroll by pages.
PageSet - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
See also gtk_print_job_set_page_set().
PageSetup - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkPageSetup object stores the page size, orientation and margins.
PageSetup() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Creates a new GtkPageSetup.
PageSetup(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Create a PageSetup proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PageSetup.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PageSetupDoneFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PageSetupDoneFunc callback.
PageSetupUnixDialog - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkPageSetupUnixDialog implements a page setup dialog for platforms which don’t provide a native page setup dialog, like Unix.
PageSetupUnixDialog(String, Window) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetupUnixDialog
Creates a new page setup dialog.
PageSetupUnixDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetupUnixDialog
Create a PageSetupUnixDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PageSetupUnixDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
paginate(PrintContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Signal emitted after the “begin-print” signal, but before the actual rendering starts.
paginate(PrintContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Paginate the document associated with the this PrintCompositor.
PAHAWH_HMONG - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Hmng, Since: 0.9.30
PAHAWH_HMONG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Pahawh Hmong.
PAHAWH_HMONG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Pahawh Hmong.
PAINT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClockPhase
corresponds to GdkFrameClock::paint.
Paintable - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
GdkPaintable is a simple interface used by GTK to represent content that can be painted.
PAINTABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ImageType
the widget contains a GdkPaintable
Paintable.InvalidateContentsCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the InvalidateContentsCallback callback.
Paintable.InvalidateSizeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the InvalidateSizeCallback callback.
Paintable.PaintableImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The PaintableImpl type represents a native instance of the Paintable interface.
Paintable.PaintableInterface - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The list of functions that can be implemented for the GdkPaintable interface.
PaintableFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Flags about a paintable object.
PaintableImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Paintable.PaintableImpl
Creates a new instance of Paintable for the provided memory address.
PaintableInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Paintable.PaintableInterface
Allocate a new PaintableInterface.
PaintableInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Paintable.PaintableInterface
Allocate a new PaintableInterface.
PaintableInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Paintable.PaintableInterface
Create a PaintableInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paintColor(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, Bool, Color) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "color" paint operation.
PaintColorFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the PaintColorFunc callback.
paintColorGlyph(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, Codepoint, Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "color-glyph" paint operation.
PaintColorGlyphFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the PaintColorGlyphFunc callback.
PaintCompositeMode - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
The values of this enumeration describe the compositing modes that can be used when combining temporary redirected drawing with the backdrop.
paintCustomPaletteColor(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, int, Color) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Gets the custom palette color for colorIndex.
PaintCustomPaletteColorFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the PaintCustomPaletteColorFunc callback.
PaintExtend - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
The values of this enumeration determine how color values outside the minimum and maximum defined offset on a hb_color_line_t are determined.
PaintFuncs - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Glyph paint callbacks.
PaintFuncs(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintFuncs
Create a PaintFuncs proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paintFuncsCreate() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates a new hb_paint_funcs_t structure of paint functions.
paintFuncsDestroy(PaintFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Decreases the reference count on a paint-functions structure.
paintFuncsGetEmpty() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the singleton empty paint-functions structure.
paintFuncsGetUserData(PaintFuncs, UserDataKey) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the user-data associated with the specified key, attached to the specified paint-functions structure.
paintFuncsIsImmutable(PaintFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether a paint-functions structure is immutable.
paintFuncsMakeImmutable(PaintFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Makes a paint-functions structure immutable.
paintFuncsReference(PaintFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Increases the reference count on a paint-functions structure.
paintFuncsSetColorFunc(PaintFuncs, PaintColorFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the paint-color callback on the paint functions struct.
paintFuncsSetColorGlyphFunc(PaintFuncs, PaintColorGlyphFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the color-glyph callback on the paint functions struct.
paintFuncsSetCustomPaletteColorFunc(PaintFuncs, PaintCustomPaletteColorFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the custom-palette-color callback on the paint functions struct.
paintFuncsSetImageFunc(PaintFuncs, PaintImageFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the paint-image callback on the paint functions struct.
paintFuncsSetLinearGradientFunc(PaintFuncs, PaintLinearGradientFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the linear-gradient callback on the paint functions struct.
paintFuncsSetPopClipFunc(PaintFuncs, PaintPopClipFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the pop-clip callback on the paint functions struct.
paintFuncsSetPopGroupFunc(PaintFuncs, PaintPopGroupFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the pop-group callback on the paint functions struct.
paintFuncsSetPopTransformFunc(PaintFuncs, PaintPopTransformFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the pop-transform callback on the paint functions struct.
paintFuncsSetPushClipGlyphFunc(PaintFuncs, PaintPushClipGlyphFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the push-clip-glyph callback on the paint functions struct.
paintFuncsSetPushClipRectangleFunc(PaintFuncs, PaintPushClipRectangleFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the push-clip-rect callback on the paint functions struct.
paintFuncsSetPushGroupFunc(PaintFuncs, PaintPushGroupFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the push-group callback on the paint functions struct.
paintFuncsSetPushTransformFunc(PaintFuncs, PaintPushTransformFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the push-transform callback on the paint functions struct.
paintFuncsSetRadialGradientFunc(PaintFuncs, PaintRadialGradientFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the radial-gradient callback on the paint functions struct.
paintFuncsSetSweepGradientFunc(PaintFuncs, PaintSweepGradientFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the sweep-gradient callback on the paint functions struct.
paintFuncsSetUserData(PaintFuncs, UserDataKey, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc, Bool) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Attaches a user-data key/data pair to the specified paint-functions structure.
paintImage(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, Blob, int, int, Tag, float, GlyphExtents) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "image" paint operation.
PaintImageFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the PaintImageFunc callback.
paintLinearGradient(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, ColorLine, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "linear-gradient" paint operation.
PaintLinearGradientFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the PaintLinearGradientFunc callback.
paintPopClip(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "pop-clip" paint operation.
PaintPopClipFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the PaintPopClipFunc callback.
paintPopGroup(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, PaintCompositeMode) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "pop-group" paint operation.
PaintPopGroupFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the PaintPopGroupFunc callback.
paintPopTransform(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "pop-transform" paint operation.
PaintPopTransformFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the PaintPopTransformFunc callback.
paintPushClipGlyph(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, Codepoint, Font) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "push-clip-glyph" paint operation.
PaintPushClipGlyphFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the PaintPushClipGlyphFunc callback.
paintPushClipRectangle(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "push-clip-rect" paint operation.
PaintPushClipRectangleFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the PaintPushClipRectangleFunc callback.
paintPushGroup(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "push-group" paint operation.
PaintPushGroupFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the PaintPushGroupFunc callback.
paintPushTransform(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "push-transform" paint operation.
PaintPushTransformFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the PaintPushTransformFunc callback.
paintRadialGradient(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, ColorLine, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "radial-gradient" paint operation.
PaintRadialGradientFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the PaintRadialGradientFunc callback.
paintSweepGradient(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, ColorLine, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Perform a "sweep-gradient" paint operation.
PaintSweepGradientFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the PaintSweepGradientFunc callback.
PALETTE - Enum constant in enum class
The video format has a palette.
PALMYRENE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Palm, Since: 0.9.30
PALMYRENE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
PALMYRENE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
PanDirection - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes the panning direction of a GesturePan.
Paned - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A widget with two panes, arranged either horizontally or vertically.
Paned(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Create a Paned proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Paned(Orientation) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Creates a new GtkPaned widget.
Paned.AcceptPositionCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the AcceptPositionCallback callback.
Paned.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Paned.CancelPositionCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CancelPositionCallback callback.
Paned.CycleChildFocusCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CycleChildFocusCallback callback.
Paned.CycleHandleFocusCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CycleHandleFocusCallback callback.
Paned.MoveHandleCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MoveHandleCallback callback.
Paned.ToggleHandleFocusCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ToggleHandleFocusCallback callback.
Pango - Class in org.gnome.pango
Constants and functions that are declared in the global Pango namespace.
Pango() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Pango
PangoCairo - Class in org.gnome.pango.cairo
Constants and functions that are declared in the global PangoCairo namespace.
PangoCairo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
pangoLayoutGetClipRegion(Layout, int, int, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Obtains a clip region which contains the areas where the given ranges of text would be drawn.
pangoLayoutLineGetClipRegion(LayoutLine, int, int, int[], int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Obtains a clip region which contains the areas where the given ranges of text would be drawn.
PAPER_NAME_A3 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Name for the A3 paper size.
PAPER_NAME_A4 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Name for the A4 paper size.
PAPER_NAME_A5 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Name for the A5 paper size.
PAPER_NAME_B5 - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Name for the B5 paper size.
PAPER_NAME_EXECUTIVE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Name for the Executive paper size.
PAPER_NAME_LEGAL - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Name for the Legal paper size.
PAPER_NAME_LETTER - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Name for the Letter paper size.
PaperSize - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkPaperSize handles paper sizes.
PaperSize() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Calls PaperSize(java.lang.String) with name = null
PaperSize(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Creates a new GtkPaperSize object by parsing a PWG 5101.1-2002 paper name.
PaperSize(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Create a PaperSize proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PARAGRAPH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A paragraph of content.
PARAGRAPH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextGranularity
Use the boundary between paragraphs, starting from the beginning of the current paragraph and ending at the beginning of the next paragraph
PARAGRAPH_ENDS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DeleteType
Delete to the end of the paragraph.
PARAGRAPH_ENDS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MovementStep
Move to either end of a paragraph
PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Separator, Paragraph" (Zp)
PARAGRAPHS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DeleteType
Delete entire line.
PARAGRAPHS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MovementStep
Move up or down paragraphs (newline-ended lines)
PARAM - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type from which all GParamSpec types are derived.
PARAM_CONDITIONALLY_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Use this flag on GObject properties of GstObject to indicate that they might not be available depending on environment such as OS, device, etc, so such properties will be installed conditionally only if the GstObject is able to support it.
PARAM_CONTROLLABLE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Use this flag on GObject properties to signal they can make sense to be.
PARAM_DOC_SHOW_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Use this flag on GObject properties of GstObject to indicate that during gst-inspect and friends, the default value should be used as default instead of the current value.
PARAM_MASK - Static variable in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Mask containing the bits of GParamSpec.flags which are reserved for GLib.
PARAM_MUTABLE_PAUSED - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Use this flag on GObject properties of GstElements to indicate that they can be changed when the element is in the PAUSED or lower state.
PARAM_MUTABLE_PLAYING - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Use this flag on GObject properties of GstElements to indicate that they can be changed when the element is in the PLAYING or lower state.
PARAM_MUTABLE_READY - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Use this flag on GObject properties of GstElements to indicate that they can be changed when the element is in the READY or lower state.
PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS - Static variable in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
PARAM_USER_SHIFT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Bits based on GST_PARAM_USER_SHIFT can be used by 3rd party applications.
PARAM_USER_SHIFT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Minimum shift count to be used for user defined flags, to be stored in GParamSpec.flags.
ParamArray - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A fundamental type that describes a GParamSpec for arrays of values
ParamArray(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamArray
Create a ParamArray proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Parameter - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Parameter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Parameter
Allocate a new Parameter.
Parameter(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Parameter
Allocate a new Parameter.
Parameter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Parameter
Create a Parameter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Parameter(String, Value) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Parameter
Allocate a new Parameter with the fields set to the provided values.
Parameter(String, Value, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Parameter
Allocate a new Parameter with the fields set to the provided values.
ParamFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gobject
Through the GParamFlags flag values, certain aspects of parameters can be configured.
ParamFraction - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A fundamental type that describes a GParamSpec for fractional properties
ParamFraction(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamFraction
Create a ParamFraction proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ParamSpec - Class in org.gnome.gobject
GParamSpec encapsulates the metadata required to specify parameters, such as GObject properties.
ParamSpec(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Create a ParamSpec proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ParamSpec.ParamSpecClass - Class in org.gnome.gobject
The class structure for the GParamSpec type.
ParamSpec.ParamSpecImpl - Class in org.gnome.gobject
The ParamSpecImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract ParamSpec class.
paramSpecArray(String, String, String, ParamSpec, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
This function creates a GstArray GParamSpec for use by objects/elements that want to expose properties of GstArray type.
paramSpecArray(String, String, String, ParamSpec, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
This function creates a GstArray GParamSpec for use by objects/elements that want to expose properties of GstArray type.
ParamSpecArray - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A GParamSpec derived structure for arrays of values.
ParamSpecArray() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecArray
Allocate a new ParamSpecArray.
ParamSpecArray(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecArray
Allocate a new ParamSpecArray.
ParamSpecArray(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecArray
Create a ParamSpecArray proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ParamSpecArray(ParamSpec, ParamSpec) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecArray
Allocate a new ParamSpecArray with the fields set to the provided values.
ParamSpecArray(ParamSpec, ParamSpec, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecArray
Allocate a new ParamSpecArray with the fields set to the provided values.
paramSpecBoolean(String, String, String, boolean, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecBoolean instance specifying a G_TYPE_BOOLEAN property.
paramSpecBoolean(String, String, String, boolean, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecBoolean instance specifying a G_TYPE_BOOLEAN property.
ParamSpecBoolean - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for boolean properties.
ParamSpecBoolean(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecBoolean
Create a ParamSpecBoolean proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecBoxed(String, String, String, Type, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecBoxed instance specifying a G_TYPE_BOXED derived property.
paramSpecBoxed(String, String, String, Type, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecBoxed instance specifying a G_TYPE_BOXED derived property.
ParamSpecBoxed - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for boxed properties.
ParamSpecBoxed(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecBoxed
Create a ParamSpecBoxed proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecChar(String, String, String, byte, byte, byte, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecChar instance specifying a G_TYPE_CHAR property.
paramSpecChar(String, String, String, byte, byte, byte, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecChar instance specifying a G_TYPE_CHAR property.
ParamSpecChar - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for character properties.
ParamSpecChar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecChar
Create a ParamSpecChar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ParamSpecClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec.ParamSpecClass
Allocate a new ParamSpecClass.
ParamSpecClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec.ParamSpecClass
Allocate a new ParamSpecClass.
ParamSpecClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec.ParamSpecClass
Create a ParamSpecClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecDouble(String, String, String, double, double, double, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecDouble instance specifying a G_TYPE_DOUBLE property.
paramSpecDouble(String, String, String, double, double, double, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecDouble instance specifying a G_TYPE_DOUBLE property.
ParamSpecDouble - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for double properties.
ParamSpecDouble(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecDouble
Create a ParamSpecDouble proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecEnum(String, String, String, Type, int, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecEnum instance specifying a G_TYPE_ENUM property.
paramSpecEnum(String, String, String, Type, int, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecEnum instance specifying a G_TYPE_ENUM property.
ParamSpecEnum - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for enum properties.
ParamSpecEnum(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecEnum
Create a ParamSpecEnum proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecExpression(String, String, String, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Creates a new GParamSpec instance for a property holding a GtkExpression.
paramSpecExpression(String, String, String, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Creates a new GParamSpec instance for a property holding a GtkExpression.
ParamSpecExpression - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GParamSpec for properties holding a GtkExpression.
ParamSpecExpression(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ParamSpecExpression
Create a ParamSpecExpression proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecFlags(String, String, String, Type, int, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecFlags instance specifying a G_TYPE_FLAGS property.
paramSpecFlags(String, String, String, Type, int, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecFlags instance specifying a G_TYPE_FLAGS property.
ParamSpecFlags - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for flags properties.
ParamSpecFlags(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecFlags
Create a ParamSpecFlags proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecFloat(String, String, String, float, float, float, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecFloat instance specifying a G_TYPE_FLOAT property.
paramSpecFloat(String, String, String, float, float, float, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecFloat instance specifying a G_TYPE_FLOAT property.
ParamSpecFloat - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for float properties.
ParamSpecFloat(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecFloat
Create a ParamSpecFloat proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecFraction(String, String, String, int, int, int, int, int, int, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
This function creates a fraction GParamSpec for use by objects/elements that want to expose properties of fraction type.
paramSpecFraction(String, String, String, int, int, int, int, int, int, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
This function creates a fraction GParamSpec for use by objects/elements that want to expose properties of fraction type.
ParamSpecFraction - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for fractional properties.
ParamSpecFraction() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Allocate a new ParamSpecFraction.
ParamSpecFraction(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Allocate a new ParamSpecFraction.
ParamSpecFraction(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Create a ParamSpecFraction proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ParamSpecFraction(ParamSpec, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Allocate a new ParamSpecFraction with the fields set to the provided values.
ParamSpecFraction(ParamSpec, int, int, int, int, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Allocate a new ParamSpecFraction with the fields set to the provided values.
paramSpecGtype(String, String, String, Type, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecGType instance specifying a G_TYPE_GTYPE property.
paramSpecGtype(String, String, String, Type, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecGType instance specifying a G_TYPE_GTYPE property.
ParamSpecGType - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for GType properties.
ParamSpecGType(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecGType
Create a ParamSpecGType proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ParamSpecImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec.ParamSpecImpl
Creates a new instance of ParamSpec for the provided memory address.
paramSpecInt(String, String, String, int, int, int, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecInt instance specifying a G_TYPE_INT property.
paramSpecInt(String, String, String, int, int, int, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecInt instance specifying a G_TYPE_INT property.
ParamSpecInt - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for integer properties.
ParamSpecInt(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecInt
Create a ParamSpecInt proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecInt64(String, String, String, long, long, long, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecInt64 instance specifying a G_TYPE_INT64 property.
paramSpecInt64(String, String, String, long, long, long, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecInt64 instance specifying a G_TYPE_INT64 property.
ParamSpecInt64 - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for 64bit integer properties.
ParamSpecInt64(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecInt64
Create a ParamSpecInt64 proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecLong(String, String, String, int, int, int, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecLong instance specifying a G_TYPE_LONG property.
paramSpecLong(String, String, String, int, int, int, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecLong instance specifying a G_TYPE_LONG property.
ParamSpecLong - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for long integer properties.
ParamSpecLong(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecLong
Create a ParamSpecLong proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecObject(String, String, String, Type, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecBoxed instance specifying a G_TYPE_OBJECT derived property.
paramSpecObject(String, String, String, Type, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecBoxed instance specifying a G_TYPE_OBJECT derived property.
ParamSpecObject - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for object properties.
ParamSpecObject(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecObject
Create a ParamSpecObject proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecOverride(String, ParamSpec) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new property of type GParamSpecOverride.
ParamSpecOverride - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that redirects operations to other types of GParamSpec.
ParamSpecOverride(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecOverride
Create a ParamSpecOverride proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecParam(String, String, String, Type, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecParam instance specifying a G_TYPE_PARAM property.
paramSpecParam(String, String, String, Type, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecParam instance specifying a G_TYPE_PARAM property.
ParamSpecParam - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for G_TYPE_PARAM properties.
ParamSpecParam(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecParam
Create a ParamSpecParam proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecPointer(String, String, String, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecPointer instance specifying a pointer property.
paramSpecPointer(String, String, String, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecPointer instance specifying a pointer property.
ParamSpecPointer - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for pointer properties.
ParamSpecPointer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecPointer
Create a ParamSpecPointer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ParamSpecPool - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpecPool maintains a collection of GParamSpecs which can be quickly accessed by owner and name.
ParamSpecPool(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecPool
Create a ParamSpecPool proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecString(String, String, String, String, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecString instance.
paramSpecString(String, String, String, String, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecString instance.
ParamSpecString - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for string properties.
ParamSpecString(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecString
Create a ParamSpecString proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ParamSpecTypeInfo - Class in org.gnome.gobject
This structure is used to provide the type system with the information required to initialize and destruct (finalize) a parameter's class and instances thereof.
ParamSpecTypeInfo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo
Allocate a new ParamSpecTypeInfo.
ParamSpecTypeInfo(short, short, ParamSpecTypeInfo.InstanceInitCallback, Type, ParamSpecTypeInfo.FinalizeCallback, ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValueSetDefaultCallback, ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValueValidateCallback, ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValuesCmpCallback) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo
Allocate a new ParamSpecTypeInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
ParamSpecTypeInfo(short, short, ParamSpecTypeInfo.InstanceInitCallback, Type, ParamSpecTypeInfo.FinalizeCallback, ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValueSetDefaultCallback, ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValueValidateCallback, ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValuesCmpCallback, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo
Allocate a new ParamSpecTypeInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
ParamSpecTypeInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo
Allocate a new ParamSpecTypeInfo.
ParamSpecTypeInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo
Create a ParamSpecTypeInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ParamSpecTypeInfo.FinalizeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the FinalizeCallback callback.
ParamSpecTypeInfo.InstanceInitCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the InstanceInitCallback callback.
ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValuesCmpCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the ValuesCmpCallback callback.
ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValueSetDefaultCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the ValueSetDefaultCallback callback.
ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValueValidateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the ValueValidateCallback callback.
paramSpecUchar(String, String, String, byte, byte, byte, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecUChar instance specifying a G_TYPE_UCHAR property.
paramSpecUchar(String, String, String, byte, byte, byte, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecUChar instance specifying a G_TYPE_UCHAR property.
ParamSpecUChar - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for unsigned character properties.
ParamSpecUChar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecUChar
Create a ParamSpecUChar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecUint(String, String, String, int, int, int, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecUInt instance specifying a G_TYPE_UINT property.
paramSpecUint(String, String, String, int, int, int, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecUInt instance specifying a G_TYPE_UINT property.
ParamSpecUInt - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for unsigned integer properties.
ParamSpecUInt(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecUInt
Create a ParamSpecUInt proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecUint64(String, String, String, long, long, long, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecUInt64 instance specifying a G_TYPE_UINT64 property.
paramSpecUint64(String, String, String, long, long, long, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecUInt64 instance specifying a G_TYPE_UINT64 property.
ParamSpecUInt64 - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for unsigned 64bit integer properties.
ParamSpecUInt64(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecUInt64
Create a ParamSpecUInt64 proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecUlong(String, String, String, int, int, int, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecULong instance specifying a G_TYPE_ULONG property.
paramSpecUlong(String, String, String, int, int, int, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecULong instance specifying a G_TYPE_ULONG property.
ParamSpecULong - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for unsigned long integer properties.
ParamSpecULong(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecULong
Create a ParamSpecULong proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecUnichar(String, String, String, int, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecUnichar instance specifying a G_TYPE_UINT property.
paramSpecUnichar(String, String, String, int, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecUnichar instance specifying a G_TYPE_UINT property.
ParamSpecUnichar - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for unichar (unsigned integer) properties.
ParamSpecUnichar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecUnichar
Create a ParamSpecUnichar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecValueArray(String, String, String, ParamSpec, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecValueArray instance specifying a G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY property.
paramSpecValueArray(String, String, String, ParamSpec, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecValueArray instance specifying a G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY property.
ParamSpecValueArray - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for GValueArray properties.
ParamSpecValueArray(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecValueArray
Create a ParamSpecValueArray proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramSpecVariant(String, String, String, VariantType, Variant, Set<ParamFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecVariant instance specifying a GVariant property.
paramSpecVariant(String, String, String, VariantType, Variant, ParamFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new GParamSpecVariant instance specifying a GVariant property.
ParamSpecVariant - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for GVariant properties.
ParamSpecVariant(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecVariant
Create a ParamSpecVariant proxy instance for the provided memory address.
paramTypeRegisterStatic(String, ParamSpecTypeInfo) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Registers name as the name of a new static type derived from G_TYPE_PARAM.
paramValueConvert(ParamSpec, Value, Value, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Transforms srcValue into destValue if possible, and then validates destValue, in order for it to conform to pspec.
paramValueDefaults(ParamSpec, Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Checks whether value contains the default value as specified in pspec.
paramValueIsValid(ParamSpec, Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Return whether the contents of value comply with the specifications set out by pspec.
paramValuesCmp(ParamSpec, Value, Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Compares value1 with value2 according to pspec, and return -1, 0 or +1, if value1 is found to be less than, equal to or greater than value2, respectively.
paramValueSetDefault(ParamSpec, Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Sets value to its default value as specified in pspec.
paramValueValidate(ParamSpec, Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Ensures that the contents of value comply with the specifications set out by pspec.
ParentBufferMeta - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The GstParentBufferMeta is a GstMeta which can be attached to a GstBuffer to hold a reference to another buffer that is only released when the child GstBuffer is released.
ParentBufferMeta() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParentBufferMeta
Allocate a new ParentBufferMeta.
ParentBufferMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParentBufferMeta
Allocate a new ParentBufferMeta.
ParentBufferMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParentBufferMeta
Create a ParentBufferMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ParentBufferMeta(Meta, Buffer) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParentBufferMeta
Allocate a new ParentBufferMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
ParentBufferMeta(Meta, Buffer, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParentBufferMeta
Allocate a new ParentBufferMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
parentBufferMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
PARENTHESIS_ANNOTATION - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
parse(Out<String[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Parses the command line arguments, recognizing options which have been added to this OptionContext.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointCondition
Parses a condition from a string.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Parses the given string into GdkContentFormats and returns the formats.
parse(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Parses a textual representation of a color.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.Path
This is a convenience function that constructs a GskPath from a serialized form.
parse(String) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Color
Fill in the fields of a color from a string specification.
parse(String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseContext
Feed some data to the GMarkupParseContext.
parse(String, short) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress
Creates a new GSocketConnectable for connecting to the given hostname and port.
parse(String, Out<Transform>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Parses the given string into a transform and puts it in outTransform.
parse(String, Set<UriFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Parses uriString according to flags.
parse(String, Uri) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Parses header and returns a SoupCookie.
parse(String, UriFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Parses uriString according to flags.
parse(Adapter, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class
parse(VideoCodecFrame, Adapter, boolean) - Method in class
Required for non-packetized input.
parse(VariantType, String, String, String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Parses a GVariant from a text representation.
PARSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.KeyFileError
document was ill-formed
PARSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupError
document was ill-formed
PARSE_RELAXED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriFlags
Parse the URI more relaxedly than the RFC 3986 grammar specifies, fixing up or ignoring common mistakes in URIs coming from external sources.
PARSE_RELAXED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsFlags
parseAcceptCaps(Out<Caps>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Get the caps from this Query.
parseAcceptCapsResult(Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse the result from this Query and store in result.
parseAllocation(Out<Caps>, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse an allocation query, writing the requested caps in caps and whether a pool is needed in needPool, if the respective parameters are non-null.
parseAsyncDone(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extract the running_time from the async_done message.
parseBinFromDescription(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
This is a convenience wrapper around gst_parse_launch() to create a GstBin from a gst-launch-style pipeline description.
parseBinFromDescriptionFull(String, boolean, ParseContext, Set<ParseFlags>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
This is a convenience wrapper around gst_parse_launch() to create a GstBin from a gst-launch-style pipeline description.
parseBinFromDescriptionFull(String, boolean, ParseContext, ParseFlags...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
This is a convenience wrapper around gst_parse_launch() to create a GstBin from a gst-launch-style pipeline description.
parseBitrate(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Get the results of a bitrate query.
parseBuffering(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extracts the buffering percent from the GstMessage.
parseBufferingPercent(Out<Boolean>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Get the percentage of buffered data.
parseBufferingRange(Out<Format>, Out<Long>, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse an available query, writing the format into format, and other results into the passed parameters, if the respective parameters are non-null
parseBufferingStats(Out<BufferingMode>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extracts the buffering stats values from this Message.
parseBufferingStats(Out<BufferingMode>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Extracts the buffering stats values from this Query.
parseBufferSize(Out<Format>, Out<Long>, Out<Long>, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Get the format, minsize, maxsize and async-flag in the buffersize event.
parseCaps(Out<Caps>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Get the caps from this Event.
parseCaps(Out<Caps>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Get the filter from the caps this Query.
parseCaps(AudioRingBufferSpec, Caps) - Static method in class
Parse caps into spec.
parseCapsResult(Out<Caps>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Get the caps result from this Query.
parseClockLost(Out<Clock>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extracts the lost clock from the GstMessage.
parseClockProvide(Out<Clock>, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extracts the clock and ready flag from the GstMessage.
parseContext(Out<Context>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Get the context from the context this Query.
ParseContext - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Opaque structure.
ParseContext() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseContext
Allocates a parse context for use with gst_parse_launch_full() or gst_parse_launchv_full().
ParseContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseContext
Create a ParseContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
parseContextType(Out<String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Parse a context type from an existing GST_MESSAGE_NEED_CONTEXT message.
parseContextType(Out<String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse a context type from an existing GST_QUERY_CONTEXT query.
parseConvert(Out<Format>, Out<Long>, Out<Format>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse a convert query answer.
parsed(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Parses the snippet formatted text into a series of chunks and adds them to a new GtkSourceSnippet.
parsed(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Parses format and returns the result.
parseDebugString(String, DebugKey[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Parses a string containing debugging options into a guint containing bit flags.
parseDetailedName(String, Out<String>, Out<Variant>) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.Action
Parses a detailed action name into its separate name and target components.
parseDeviceAdded(Out<Device>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Parses a device-added message.
parseDeviceChanged(Out<Device>, Out<Device>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Parses a device-changed message.
parseDeviceRemoved(Out<Device>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Parses a device-removed message.
parseDuration(Out<Format>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse a duration query answer.
parseEnum(Type, String, Out<Integer>, boolean, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
parseError(Out<GError>, Out<String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extracts the GError and debug string from the GstMessage.
ParseError - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The different parsing errors that can occur.
parseErrorDetails(Out<Structure>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Returns the optional details structure, may be NULL if none.
ParseErrorFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gsk
Functional interface declaration of the ParseErrorFunc callback.
parseErrorPrintContext(GError, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Pretty-prints a message showing the context of a GVariant parse error within the string for which parsing was attempted.
parseErrorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
ParseFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Parsing options.
parseFlushStop(Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Parse the FLUSH_STOP event and retrieve the resetTime member.
parseGap(ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Extract timestamp and duration from a new GAP event.
parseGapFlags(Out<Set<GapFlags>>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Retrieve the gap flags that may have been set on a gap event with gst_event_set_gap_flags().
parseGroupId(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
parseGroupId(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extract the group from the STREAM_START message.
parseHaveContext(Out<Context>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extract the context from the HAVE_CONTEXT message.
parseInfo(Out<GError>, Out<String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extracts the GError and debug string from the GstMessage.
parseInfoDetails(Out<Structure>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Returns the optional details structure, may be NULL if none The returned structure must not be freed.
parseInstantRateChange(Out<Double>, Out<Set<SegmentFlags>>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Extract rate and flags from an instant-rate-change event.
parseInstantRateRequest(Out<Double>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Parses the rate_multiplier from the instant-rate-request message.
parseInstantRateSyncTime(Out<Double>, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Extract the rate multiplier and running times from an instant-rate-sync-time event.
parseLatency(Out<Boolean>, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse a latency query answer.
parseLatency(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Get the latency in the latency event.
parseLaunch(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Create a new pipeline based on command line syntax.
parseLaunchFull(String, ParseContext, Set<ParseFlags>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Create a new pipeline based on command line syntax.
parseLaunchFull(String, ParseContext, ParseFlags...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Create a new pipeline based on command line syntax.
parseLaunchv(String[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Create a new element based on command line syntax.
parseLaunchvFull(String[], ParseContext, Set<ParseFlags>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Create a new element based on command line syntax.
parseLaunchvFull(String[], ParseContext, ParseFlags...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Create a new element based on command line syntax.
ParseLocation - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A location in a parse buffer.
ParseLocation() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ParseLocation
Allocate a new ParseLocation.
ParseLocation(long, long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ParseLocation
Allocate a new ParseLocation with the fields set to the provided values.
ParseLocation(long, long, long, long, long, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ParseLocation
Allocate a new ParseLocation with the fields set to the provided values.
ParseLocation(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ParseLocation
Allocate a new ParseLocation.
ParseLocation(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ParseLocation
Create a ParseLocation proxy instance for the provided memory address.
parseMarkup(String, int, int, Out<AttrList>, Out<String>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Parses marked-up text to create a plain-text string and an attribute list.
parseName(String) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Constructs a GFile with the given parseName (i.e.
parseName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
This operation never fails, but the returned object might not support any I/O operations if the parseName cannot be parsed by the GVfs module.
parseNewClock(Out<Clock>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extracts the new clock from the GstMessage.
parseNFormats(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse the number of formats in the formats this Query.
parseNthAllocationMeta(int, Out<Structure>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse an available query and get the metadata API at index of the metadata API array.
parseNthAllocationParam(int, Out<Allocator>, AllocationParams) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse an available query and get the allocator and its params at index of the allocator array.
parseNthAllocationPool(int, Out<BufferPool>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Get the pool parameters in this Query.
parseNthBufferingRange(int, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse an available query and get the start and stop values stored at the index of the buffered ranges array.
parseNthFormat(int, Out<Format>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse the format query and retrieve the nth format from it into format.
parseNthSchedulingMode(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse an available query and get the scheduling mode at index of the scheduling modes array.
parseParams(String, long, String, Set<UriParamsFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Many URI schemes include one or more attribute/value pairs as part of the URI value.
parseParams(String, long, String, UriParamsFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Many URI schemes include one or more attribute/value pairs as part of the URI value.
parsePosition(Out<Format>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse a position query, writing the format into format, and the position into cur, if the respective parameters are non-null.
parseProgress(Out<ProgressType>, Out<String>, Out<String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Parses the progress type, code and text.
parsePropertyNotify(Out<GstObject>, Out<String>, Out<Value>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Parses a property-notify message.
parseProtection(Out<String>, Out<Buffer>, Out<String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Parses an event containing protection system specific information and stores the results in systemId, data and origin.
parseQos(Out<Boolean>, Out<Long>, Out<Long>, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extract the timestamps and live status from the QoS message.
parseQos(Out<QOSType>, Out<Double>, ClockTimeDiff, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Get the type, proportion, diff and timestamp in the qos event.
parseQosStats(Out<Format>, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extract the QoS stats representing the history of the current continuous pipeline playback period.
parseQosValues(Out<Long>, Out<Double>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extract the QoS values that have been calculated/analysed from the QoS data
parseRedirectEntry(long, Out<String>, Out<TagList>, Out<Structure>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Parses the location and/or structure from the entry with the given index.
parseRelative(String, Set<UriFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Parses uriRef according to flags and, if it is a relative URI, resolves it relative to this Uri.
parseRelative(String, UriFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Parses uriRef according to flags and, if it is a relative URI, resolves it relative to this Uri.
parseRequestState(Out<State>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extract the requested state from the request_state message.
parseResetTime(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extract the running-time from the RESET_TIME message.
parserGetErrorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Use g_variant_parse_error_quark() instead.
parseScheduling(Out<Set<SchedulingFlags>>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Set the scheduling properties.
parseScheme(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Gets the scheme portion of a URI string.
parseSeek(Out<Double>, Out<Format>, Out<Set<SeekFlags>>, Out<SeekType>, Out<Long>, Out<SeekType>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Parses a seek this Event and stores the results in the given result locations.
parseSeeking(Out<Format>, Out<Boolean>, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse a seeking query, writing the format into format, and other results into the passed parameters, if the respective parameters are non-null
parseSeekTrickmodeInterval(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Retrieve the trickmode interval that may have been set on a seek event with gst_event_set_seek_trickmode_interval().
parseSegment(Out<Double>, Out<Format>, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse a segment query answer.
parseSegment(Out<Segment>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Parses a segment this Event and stores the result in the given segment location.
parseSegmentDone(Out<Format>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Extracts the position and format from the segment done message.
parseSegmentDone(Out<Format>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extracts the position and format from the segment done message.
parseSegmentStart(Out<Format>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extracts the position and format from the segment start message.
parseSelectable(Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Get the results of a selectable query.
parseSelectStreams(Out<List<String>>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Parse the SELECT_STREAMS event and retrieve the contained streams.
parseSinkMessage(Out<Message>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Parse the sink-message event.
parseStateChanged(Out<State>, Out<State>, Out<State>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extracts the old and new states from the GstMessage.
parseStep(Out<Format>, Out<Long>, Out<Double>, Out<Boolean>, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Parse the step event.
parseStepDone(Out<Format>, Out<Long>, Out<Double>, Out<Boolean>, Out<Boolean>, Out<Long>, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extract the values the step_done message.
parseStepStart(Out<Boolean>, Out<Format>, Out<Long>, Out<Double>, Out<Boolean>, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extract the values from step_start message.
parseStream(Out<Stream>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Parse a stream-start this Event and extract the GstStream from it.
parseStreamCollection(Out<StreamCollection>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Retrieve new GstStreamCollection from STREAM_COLLECTION event this Event.
parseStreamCollection(Out<StreamCollection>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Parses a stream-collection message.
parseStreamFlags(Out<Set<StreamFlags>>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
parseStreamGroupDone(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Parse a stream-group-done this Event and store the result in the given groupId location.
parseStreamsSelected(Out<StreamCollection>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Parses a streams-selected message.
parseStreamStart(Out<String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Parse a stream-id this Event and store the result in the given streamId location.
parseStreamStatus(Out<StreamStatusType>, Out<Element>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extracts the stream status type and owner the GstMessage.
parseStretch(String, Out<Stretch>, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Parses a font stretch.
parseString(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutAction
Tries to parse the given string into an action.
parseString(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutTrigger
Tries to parse the given string into a trigger.
parseStructureChange(Out<StructureChangeType>, Out<Element>, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extracts the change type and completion status from the GstMessage.
parseStrv(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Parses the command line arguments.
parseStyle(String, Out<Style>, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Parses a font style.
parseTag(Out<TagList>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Parses a tag this Event and stores the results in the given taglist location.
parseTag(Out<TagList>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extracts the tag list from the GstMessage.
parseToc(Out<Toc>, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Parse a TOC this Event and store the results in the given toc and updated locations.
parseToc(Out<Toc>, Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extract the TOC from the GstMessage.
parseTocSelect(Out<String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Parse a TOC select this Event and store the results in the given uid location.
parseUri(Out<String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse an URI query, writing the URI into uri as a newly allocated string, if the respective parameters are non-null.
parseUri(String, short) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress
Creates a new GSocketConnectable for connecting to the given uri.
parseUriRedirection(Out<String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse an URI query, writing the URI into uri as a newly allocated string, if the respective parameters are non-null.
parseUriRedirectionPermanent(Out<Boolean>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse an URI query, and set permanent to true if there is a redirection and it should be considered permanent.
parseVariant(String, Out<Variant>, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Parses a font variant.
parseWarning(Out<GError>, Out<String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Extracts the GError and debug string from the GstMessage.
parseWarningDetails(Out<Structure>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Returns the optional details structure, may be NULL if none The returned structure must not be freed.
parseWeight(String, Out<Weight>, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Parses a font weight.
parseWithAlpha(Out<Short>, String) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Color
Fill in the fields of a color from a string specification.
PARSING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.SessionError
the server's response could not be parsed
partChanged(RenderPart) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Informs Pango that the way that the rendering is done for part has changed.
PARTIAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.KeyMatch
The key event matches if keyboard state (specifically, the currently active group) is ignored
PARTIAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
Turns on the partial matching feature, for more documentation on partial matching see g_match_info_is_partial_match().
PARTIAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SorterOrder
A partial order.
PARTIAL_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
206 Partial Content (HTTP)
PARTIAL_HARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
Turns on the partial matching feature.
PARTIAL_INPUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Need more input to finish operation.
PARTIAL_INPUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ConvertError
Partial character sequence at end of input.
PARTIAL_SOFT - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
PARTIAL_SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsReturn
some of the requested plugins could be installed, but not all
PARTIALLY_CONNECTED - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
PASS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusSyncReply
pass the message to the async queue
PASS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorItem
Return item
PASS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeReturn
pass the data item in the block probe and block on the next item.
PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DriveStartStopType
The start/stop methods will unlock/lock the disk (for example using the ATA SECURITY UNLOCK DEVICE command)
PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriHideFlags
Hide the password.
PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputPurpose
Like InputPurpose.FREE_FORM, but characters are hidden
PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.URIComponent
the URI password component
PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputPurpose
Editable element expects a password
PasswordEntry - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkPasswordEntry is an entry that has been tailored for entering secrets.
PasswordEntry() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry
Creates a GtkPasswordEntry.
PasswordEntry(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry
Create a PasswordEntry proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PasswordEntry.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
PasswordEntry.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PasswordEntry.PasswordEntryClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
PasswordEntryBuffer - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkEntryBuffer that locks the underlying memory to prevent it from being swapped to disk.
PasswordEntryBuffer() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntryBuffer
Creates a new GtkEntryBuffer using secure memory allocations.
PasswordEntryBuffer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntryBuffer
Create a PasswordEntryBuffer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PasswordEntryBuffer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PasswordEntryBuffer.PasswordEntryBufferClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
PasswordEntryBufferClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntryBuffer.PasswordEntryBufferClass
Allocate a new PasswordEntryBufferClass.
PasswordEntryBufferClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntryBuffer.PasswordEntryBufferClass
Allocate a new PasswordEntryBufferClass.
PasswordEntryBufferClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntryBuffer.PasswordEntryBufferClass
Create a PasswordEntryBufferClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PasswordEntryClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry.PasswordEntryClass
Create a PasswordEntryClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PasswordEntryRow - Class in org.gnome.adw
A EntryRow tailored for entering secrets.
PasswordEntryRow() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PasswordEntryRow
Creates a new AdwPasswordEntryRow.
PasswordEntryRow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PasswordEntryRow
Create a PasswordEntryRow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PasswordEntryRow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PasswordEntryRow.PasswordEntryRowClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
PasswordEntryRowClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PasswordEntryRow.PasswordEntryRowClass
Allocate a new PasswordEntryRowClass.
PasswordEntryRowClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PasswordEntryRow.PasswordEntryRowClass
Allocate a new PasswordEntryRowClass.
PasswordEntryRowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PasswordEntryRow.PasswordEntryRowClass
Create a PasswordEntryRowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PasswordSave - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
GPasswordSave is used to indicate the lifespan of a saved password.
PASTE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Paste clipboard contents.
PASTE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Paste clipboard contents.
PASTE_AS_PLAIN_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Paste clipboard contents as plain text.
PASTE_AS_PLAIN_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Paste clipboard contents as plain text.
pasteClipboard() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
The class handler for the GtkTextView::paste-clipboard keybinding signal.
pasteClipboard(Clipboard, TextIter, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Pastes the contents of a clipboard.
pasteDone(Clipboard) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
The class handler for the GtkTextBuffer::paste-done signal.
Path - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A GskPath describes lines and curves that are more complex than simple rectangles.
Path(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.Path
Create a Path proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PATH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageHeaderField
The object path.
PATH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddressType
a filesystem path
PATH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.URIComponent
the URI path component
PathBuf - Class in org.gnome.glib
GPathBuf is a helper type that allows you to easily build paths from individual elements, using the platform specific conventions for path separators.
PathBuf() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Allocate a new PathBuf.
PathBuf(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Allocate a new PathBuf.
PathBuf(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Create a PathBuf proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PathBuf(MemorySegment[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Allocate a new PathBuf with the fields set to the provided values.
PathBuf(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Allocate a new PathBuf with the fields set to the provided values.
PathBuilder - Class in org.gnome.gsk
GskPathBuilder is an auxiliary object for constructing GskPath objects.
PathBuilder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Create a new GskPathBuilder object.
PathBuilder(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Create a PathBuilder proxy instance for the provided memory address.
pathChanged(String, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
Signals that all keys below a given path may have possibly changed.
PathDirection - Enum Class in org.gnome.gsk
The values of the GskPathDirection enum are used to pick one of the four tangents at a given point on the path.
PathForeachFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gsk
Flags that can be passed to gsk_path_foreach() to influence what kinds of operations the path is decomposed into.
PathForeachFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gsk
Functional interface declaration of the PathForeachFunc callback.
pathGetBasename(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the last component of the filename.
pathGetDirname(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the directory components of a file name.
pathIsAbsolute(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns true if the given fileName is an absolute file name.
pathIsSelected(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
pathIsSelected(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
PathMeasure - Class in org.gnome.gsk
GskPathMeasure is an object that allows measurements on GskPaths such as determining the length of the path.
PathMeasure(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.PathMeasure
Create a PathMeasure proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PathMeasure(Path) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.PathMeasure
Creates a measure object for the given path with the default tolerance.
PathOperation - Enum Class in org.gnome.gsk
Path operations are used to describe the segments of a GskPath.
PathPoint - Class in org.gnome.gsk
GskPathPoint is an opaque type representing a point on a path.
PathPoint() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.PathPoint
Allocate a new PathPoint.
PathPoint(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.PathPoint
Allocate a new PathPoint.
PathPoint(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.PathPoint
Create a PathPoint proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PATHS_ARE_DEFAULT_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDependencyFlags
use paths argument only if none of the environment variables is set
PATHS_ARE_RELATIVE_TO_EXE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDependencyFlags
interpret non-absolute paths as relative to the main executable directory.
pathSkipRoot(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns a pointer into fileName after the root component, i.e.
pathWritableChanged(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
Signals that the writability of all keys below a given path may have changed.
PATTERN_SPEC - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for GPatternSpec.
patternMatch(PatternSpec, int, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
patternMatchSimple(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Matches a string against a pattern given as a string.
patternMatchString(PatternSpec, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
PatternSpec - Class in org.gnome.glib
A GPatternSpec struct is the ‘compiled’ form of a glob-style pattern.
PatternSpec - Class in org.gnome.gobject
PatternSpec(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.PatternSpec
Create a PatternSpec proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PatternSpec(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.PatternSpec
Create a PatternSpec proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PatternSpec(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.PatternSpec
Compiles a pattern to a GLib.PatternSpec.
PAU_CIN_HAU - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Pauc, Since: 0.9.30
PAU_CIN_HAU - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Pau Cin Hau.
PAU_CIN_HAU - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Pau Cin Hau.
pause() - Method in class
Pause processing samples from the ringbuffer.
pause() - Method in class
Pause the device and unblock write as fast as possible.
pause() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
Pauses this Task.
pause() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
Pauses a playing animation for this Animation.
pause() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Pauses playback of the stream.
pause() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Pauses I/O on this ServerMessage.
PAUSE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamStatusType
a thread is paused
PAUSED - Enum constant in enum class
The ringbuffer is paused
PAUSED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.State
the element is PAUSED, it is ready to accept and process data.
PAUSED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskState
the task is paused
PAUSED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.AnimationState
The animation has been paused.
PAUSED_TO_PAUSED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChange
state change from PAUSED to PAUSED.
PAUSED_TO_PLAYING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChange
state change from PAUSED to PLAYING.
PAUSED_TO_READY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChange
state change from PAUSED to READY.
pauseMessage(ServerMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Use soup_server_message_pause() instead.
pauseTask() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Pause the task of this Pad.
payload(Buffer) - Method in class
payload data in a format suitable to write to the sink.
PAYMENT_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
402 Payment Required (HTTP)
pbUtilsAddCodecDescriptionToTagList(TagList, String, Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Adds a codec tag describing the format specified by caps to taglist.
PbUtilsCapsDescriptionFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils
Flags that are returned by gst_pb_utils_get_caps_description_flags() and describe the format of the caps.
pbUtilsGetCapsDescriptionFlags(Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Returns flags that describe the format of the caps if known.
pbUtilsGetCodecDescription(Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Returns a localised (as far as this is possible) string describing the media format specified in caps, for use in error dialogs or other messages to be seen by the user.
pbUtilsGetDecoderDescription(Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Returns a localised string describing an decoder for the format specified in caps, for use in error dialogs or other messages to be seen by the user.
pbUtilsGetElementDescription(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Returns a localised string describing the given element, for use in error dialogs or other messages to be seen by the user.
pbUtilsGetEncoderDescription(Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Returns a localised string describing an encoder for the format specified in caps, for use in error dialogs or other messages to be seen by the user.
pbUtilsGetFileExtensionFromCaps(Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Returns a possible file extension for the given caps, if known.
pbUtilsGetSinkDescription(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Returns a localised string describing a sink element handling the protocol specified in protocol, for use in error dialogs or other messages to be seen by the user.
pbUtilsGetSourceDescription(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Returns a localised string describing a source element handling the protocol specified in protocol, for use in error dialogs or other messages to be seen by the user.
pbUtilsInit() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Initialises the base utils support library.
PDF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Pop Directional Format
PDI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Pop directional isolate.
PDP_ENDIAN - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Specifies one of the possible types of byte order (currently unused).
peek() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AtomicQueue
Peek the head element of the queue without removing it from the queue.
peek() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Peeks the message on the top of the bus' queue.
peek() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TrashStack
peek(byte[], long) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream
Peeks in the buffer, copying data of size count into buffer, offset offset bytes.
peek(long, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind
Returns the size bytes of the stream to identify beginning at offset.
peek(Out<DataQueueItem>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Retrieves the first item available on the this DataQueue without removing it.
peek(CollectData) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Peek at the buffer currently queued in data.
peek(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
This function is essentially the same as g_type_class_ref(), except that the classes reference count isn't incremented.
peek(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Returns the location of the GTypeValueTable associated with type.
peek(TypeClass, Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterface
Returns the GTypeInterface structure of an interface to which the passed in class conforms.
PEEK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketMsgFlags
Read data from the socket without removing it from the queue.
peekBitsUint16(Out<Short>, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Read nbits bits into val but keep the current position.
peekBitsUint32(Out<Integer>, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Read nbits bits into val but keep the current position.
peekBitsUint64(Out<Long>, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Read nbits bits into val but keep the current position.
peekBitsUint8(Out<Byte>, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Read nbits bits into val but keep the current position.
peekBuffer() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad
peekBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream
Returns the buffer with the currently available bytes.
peekData(Out<byte[]>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Returns a constant pointer to the current data position if at least size bytes are left and keeps the current position.
peekFds() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList
Returns the array of file descriptors that is contained in this object.
peekFloat32Be(Out<Float>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a 32 bit big endian floating point value into val but keep the current position.
peekFloat32Le(Out<Float>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a 32 bit little endian floating point value into val but keep the current position.
peekFloat64Be(Out<Double>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a 64 bit big endian floating point value into val but keep the current position.
peekFloat64Le(Out<Double>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a 64 bit little endian floating point value into val but keep the current position.
peekHead() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Returns the head of the queue this QueueArray and does not remove it from the queue.
peekHead() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Returns the first element of the queue.
peekHeadLink() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Returns the first link in this Queue.
peekHeadStruct() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Returns the head of the queue this QueueArray without removing it from the queue.
peekInt16Be(Out<Short>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 16 bit big endian integer into val but keep the current position.
peekInt16Le(Out<Short>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 16 bit little endian integer into val but keep the current position.
peekInt24Be(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 24 bit big endian integer into val but keep the current position.
peekInt24Le(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 24 bit little endian integer into val but keep the current position.
peekInt32Be(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 32 bit big endian integer into val but keep the current position.
peekInt32Le(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 32 bit little endian integer into val but keep the current position.
peekInt64Be(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 64 bit big endian integer into val but keep the current position.
peekInt64Le(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 64 bit little endian integer into val but keep the current position.
peekInt8(Out<Byte>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read a signed 8 bit integer into val but keep the current position.
peekMemory(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Gets the memory block at idx in this Buffer.
peekNextSample(AggregatorPad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
Use this function to determine what input buffers will be aggregated to produce the next output buffer.
peekNextToken() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Parses the next token, without removing it from the input stream.
peekNth(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Returns the item at idx in this QueueArray, but does not remove it from the queue.
peekNth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Returns the n'th element of this Queue.
peekNthLink(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Returns the link at the given position
peekNthStruct(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Returns the item at idx in this QueueArray, but does not remove it from the queue.
peekParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
This is a convenience function often needed in class initializers.
peekParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterface
Returns the corresponding GTypeInterface structure of the parent type of the instance type to which this TypeInterface belongs.
peekPath() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Exactly like g_file_get_path(), but caches the result via g_object_set_qdata_full().
peekPointer() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Returns the value contents as pointer.
peekScheme(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Gets the scheme portion of a URI string.
peekStatic(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
A more efficient version of g_type_class_peek() which works only for static types.
peekString() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Returns the type string corresponding to the given this VariantType.
peekStringIndex(String, int, Out<String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Peeks at the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.
peekStringUtf8(Out<String[]>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Returns a constant pointer to the current data position if there is a NUL-terminated string in the data (this could be just a NUL terminator).
peekSubReader(ByteReader, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Initializes a GstByteReader sub-reader instance to contain size bytes of data from the current position of this ByteReader.
peekTail() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Returns the tail of the queue this QueueArray, but does not remove it from the queue.
peekTail() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Returns the last element of the queue.
peekTailLink() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Returns the last link in this Queue.
peekTailStruct() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Returns the tail of the queue this QueueArray, but does not remove it from the queue.
peekUint16Be(Out<Short>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 16 bit big endian integer into val but keep the current position.
peekUint16Le(Out<Short>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 16 bit little endian integer into val but keep the current position.
peekUint24Be(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 24 bit big endian integer into val but keep the current position.
peekUint24Le(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 24 bit little endian integer into val but keep the current position.
peekUint32Be(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 32 bit big endian integer into val but keep the current position.
peekUint32Le(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 32 bit little endian integer into val but keep the current position.
peekUint64Be(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 64 bit big endian integer into val but keep the current position.
peekUint64Le(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 64 bit little endian integer into val but keep the current position.
peekUint8(Out<Byte>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read an unsigned 8 bit integer into val but keep the current position.
peerQuery(Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Performs gst_pad_query() on the peer of this Pad.
peerQueryAcceptCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Check if the peer of this Pad accepts caps.
peerQueryCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Gets the capabilities of the peer connected to this pad.
peerQueryConvert(Format, long, Format, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Queries the peer pad of a given sink pad to convert srcVal in srcFormat to destFormat.
peerQueryDuration(Format, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Queries the peer pad of a given sink pad for the total stream duration.
peerQueryPosition(Format, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Queries the peer of a given sink pad for the stream position.
PEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceToolType
Tool is a standard tablet stylus.
PEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.InputSource
the device is a stylus of a graphics tablet or similar device.
PENCIL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceToolType
Tool is a pencil stylus.
pending() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Checks if any sources have pending events for the given context.
PENDING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PromiseResult
Initial state.
PENDING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Operations are still pending.
PENDING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintStatus
The print job has been sent to the printer, but is not printed for some reason, e.g.
PENDING_EVENTS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
the pad has pending events
PENDING_ISSUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintStatus
Some problem has occurred during printing, e.g.
PERCENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Format
percentage of stream (few, if any, elements implement this as of May 2009)
PERIOD_ANNOTATION - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
PERIODIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntryType
a periodic timeout request
periodicIdReinit(ClockID, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Reinitializes the provided periodic id to the provided start time and interval.
PERIODS_TO_ELLIPSIS_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
PERIODS_TO_ELLIPSIS_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
PERM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Operation not permitted; only the owner of the file (or other resource) or processes with special privileges can perform the operation.
PERM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
execv() returned EPERM
PERMANENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CredentialPersistence
Credential persists permanently
PERMANENT_REDIRECT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
308 Permanent Redirect (HTTP)
PERMANENTLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.PasswordSave
save a password permanently.
Permission - Class in org.gnome.gio
A GPermission represents the status of the caller’s permission to perform a certain action.
Permission(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Permission
Create a Permission proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PERMISSION_DENIED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Permission denied.
Permission.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Permission.PermissionClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Permission.PermissionImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The PermissionImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Permission class.
PermissionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Permission.PermissionClass
Allocate a new PermissionClass.
PermissionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Permission.PermissionClass
Allocate a new PermissionClass.
PermissionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Permission.PermissionClass
Create a PermissionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PermissionImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Permission.PermissionImpl
Creates a new instance of Permission for the provided memory address.
permissionRequest(PermissionRequest) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
PermissionRequest - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
A permission request.
PermissionRequest.PermissionRequestImpl - Class in org.gnome.webkit
The PermissionRequestImpl type represents a native instance of the PermissionRequest interface.
PermissionRequest.PermissionRequestInterface - Class in org.gnome.webkit
PermissionRequestImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionRequest.PermissionRequestImpl
Creates a new instance of PermissionRequest for the provided memory address.
PermissionRequestInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionRequest.PermissionRequestInterface
Allocate a new PermissionRequestInterface.
PermissionRequestInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionRequest.PermissionRequestInterface
Allocate a new PermissionRequestInterface.
PermissionRequestInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionRequest.PermissionRequestInterface
Create a PermissionRequestInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PermissionState - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values representing query permission results.
PermissionStateQuery - Class in org.gnome.webkit
This query represents a user's choice to allow or deny access to "powerful features" of the platform, as specified in the [Permissions W3C Specification](
PermissionStateQuery(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionStateQuery
Create a PermissionStateQuery proxy instance for the provided memory address.
perspective(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Applies a perspective projection transform.
perspective(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Applies a perspective projection transform.
perspective(float, Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Applies a perspective of depth to the matrix.
PETITE_CAPS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Variant
A font with the lower case characters replaced by smaller variants of the capital characters.
PHAGS_PA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
PHAGS_PA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
PHAGS_PA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
PHOENICIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
PHOENICIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
PHOENICIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
PHONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputPurpose
Edited field expects phone number
PHONE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputPurpose
Editable element expects a telephone
PHYSICALLY_CONTIGUOUS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryFlags
the memory is physically contiguous.
PI - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The value of pi (ratio of circle's circumference to its diameter).
PI - Static variable in class org.gnome.graphene.Graphene
PI_2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Pi divided by 2.
PI_2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.graphene.Graphene
PI_4 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Pi divided by 4.
PI_CHARACTERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
pick(double, double, Set<PickFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Finds the descendant of this Widget closest to the point (x, y).
pick(double, double, PickFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Finds the descendant of this Widget closest to the point (x, y).
PickFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Picture - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkPicture widget displays a GdkPaintable.
Picture() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Creates a new empty GtkPicture widget.
Picture(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Create a Picture proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Picture.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Picture.PictureClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
PictureClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Picture.PictureClass
Allocate a new PictureClass.
PictureClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Picture.PictureClass
Allocate a new PictureClass.
PictureClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Picture.PictureClass
Create a PictureClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Pid - Class in org.gnome.glib
A type which is used to hold a process identification.
Pid(int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Pid
Create a new Pid with the provided value
PID_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A format specifier that can be used in printf()-style format strings when printing a GPid.
PIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputPurpose
Like InputPurpose.DIGITS, but characters are hidden
PING_PONG - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocLoopType
repeat forward and backward
PINK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.AccentColor
Use a pink color (#d56199).
PIPE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Broken pipe; there is no process reading from the other end of a pipe.
PIPE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOChannelError
Broken pipe.
Pipeline - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A GstPipeline is a special GstBin used as the toplevel container for the filter graph.
Pipeline() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Calls Pipeline(java.lang.String) with name = null
Pipeline(String) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Create a new pipeline with the given name.
Pipeline(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Create a Pipeline proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Pipeline.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Pipeline.PipelineClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
PipelineClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline.PipelineClass
Allocate a new PipelineClass.
PipelineClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline.PipelineClass
Allocate a new PipelineClass.
PipelineClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline.PipelineClass
Create a PipelineClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PipelineFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Pipeline flags
Pixbuf - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
A pixel buffer.
Pixbuf(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Create a Pixbuf proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Pixbuf(Colorspace, boolean, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a new GdkPixbuf structure and allocates a buffer for it.
PIXBUF_MAJOR - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.GdkPixbuf
Major version of gdk-pixbuf library, that is the "0" in "0.8.2" for example.
PIXBUF_MICRO - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.GdkPixbuf
Micro version of gdk-pixbuf library, that is the "2" in "0.8.2" for example.
PIXBUF_MINOR - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.GdkPixbuf
Minor version of gdk-pixbuf library, that is the "8" in "0.8.2" for example.
PIXBUF_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.GdkPixbuf
Contains the full version of GdkPixbuf as a string.
Pixbuf.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PixbufAlphaMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
PixbufAnimation - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
An opaque object representing an animation.
PixbufAnimation(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
Create a PixbufAnimation proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PixbufAnimation.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PixbufAnimation.PixbufAnimationClass - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Modules supporting animations must derive a type from GdkPixbufAnimation, providing suitable implementations of the virtual functions.
PixbufAnimationClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation.PixbufAnimationClass
Allocate a new PixbufAnimationClass.
PixbufAnimationClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation.PixbufAnimationClass
Allocate a new PixbufAnimationClass.
PixbufAnimationClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation.PixbufAnimationClass
Create a PixbufAnimationClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PixbufAnimationIter - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
An opaque object representing an iterator which points to a certain position in an animation.
PixbufAnimationIter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter
Create a PixbufAnimationIter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PixbufAnimationIter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PixbufAnimationIter.PixbufAnimationIterClass - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Modules supporting animations must derive a type from GdkPixbufAnimationIter, providing suitable implementations of the virtual functions.
PixbufAnimationIterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter.PixbufAnimationIterClass
Allocate a new PixbufAnimationIterClass.
PixbufAnimationIterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter.PixbufAnimationIterClass
Allocate a new PixbufAnimationIterClass.
PixbufAnimationIterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimationIter.PixbufAnimationIterClass
Create a PixbufAnimationIterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PixbufDestroyNotify - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the PixbufDestroyNotify callback.
PixbufError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
An error code in the GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR domain.
PixbufFormat - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
A GdkPixbufFormat contains information about the image format accepted by a module.
PixbufFormat() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Allocate a new PixbufFormat.
PixbufFormat(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Allocate a new PixbufFormat.
PixbufFormat(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Create a PixbufFormat proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PixbufFormat(String, PixbufModulePattern, String, String, String[], String[], int, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Allocate a new PixbufFormat with the fields set to the provided values.
PixbufFormat(String, PixbufModulePattern, String, String, String[], String[], int, boolean, String, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Allocate a new PixbufFormat with the fields set to the provided values.
PixbufFormatFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Flags which allow a module to specify further details about the supported operations.
pixbufGetFromSurface(Surface, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Use Texture and subclasses instead cairo surfaces and pixbufs
pixbufGetFromTexture(Texture) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Use Texture and subclasses instead cairo surfaces and pixbufs
PixbufLoader - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Incremental image loader.
PixbufLoader() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
Creates a new pixbuf loader object.
PixbufLoader(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
Create a PixbufLoader proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PixbufLoader.AreaPreparedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the AreaPreparedCallback callback.
PixbufLoader.AreaUpdatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the AreaUpdatedCallback callback.
PixbufLoader.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PixbufLoader.ClosedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the ClosedCallback callback.
PixbufLoader.PixbufLoaderClass - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
PixbufLoader.SizePreparedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the SizePreparedCallback callback.
PixbufLoaderClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.PixbufLoaderClass
Allocate a new PixbufLoaderClass.
PixbufLoaderClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.PixbufLoaderClass
Allocate a new PixbufLoaderClass.
PixbufLoaderClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.PixbufLoaderClass
Create a PixbufLoaderClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PixbufModule - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
A GdkPixbufModule contains the necessary functions to load and save images in a certain file format.
PixbufModule() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Allocate a new PixbufModule.
PixbufModule(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Allocate a new PixbufModule.
PixbufModule(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Create a PixbufModule proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PixbufModule(String, String, PixbufFormat, PixbufModuleLoadFunc, PixbufModuleLoadXpmDataFunc, PixbufModuleBeginLoadFunc, PixbufModuleStopLoadFunc, PixbufModuleIncrementLoadFunc, PixbufModuleLoadAnimationFunc, PixbufModuleSaveFunc, PixbufModuleSaveCallbackFunc, PixbufModuleSaveOptionSupportedFunc) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Allocate a new PixbufModule with the fields set to the provided values.
PixbufModule(String, String, PixbufFormat, PixbufModuleLoadFunc, PixbufModuleLoadXpmDataFunc, PixbufModuleBeginLoadFunc, PixbufModuleStopLoadFunc, PixbufModuleIncrementLoadFunc, PixbufModuleLoadAnimationFunc, PixbufModuleSaveFunc, PixbufModuleSaveCallbackFunc, PixbufModuleSaveOptionSupportedFunc, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Allocate a new PixbufModule with the fields set to the provided values.
PixbufModuleBeginLoadFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the PixbufModuleBeginLoadFunc callback.
PixbufModuleFillInfoFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the PixbufModuleFillInfoFunc callback.
PixbufModuleFillVtableFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the PixbufModuleFillVtableFunc callback.
PixbufModuleIncrementLoadFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the PixbufModuleIncrementLoadFunc callback.
PixbufModuleLoadAnimationFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the PixbufModuleLoadAnimationFunc callback.
PixbufModuleLoadFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the PixbufModuleLoadFunc callback.
PixbufModuleLoadXpmDataFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the PixbufModuleLoadXpmDataFunc callback.
PixbufModulePattern - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
The signature prefix for a module.
PixbufModulePattern() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModulePattern
Allocate a new PixbufModulePattern.
PixbufModulePattern(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModulePattern
Allocate a new PixbufModulePattern.
PixbufModulePattern(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModulePattern
Create a PixbufModulePattern proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PixbufModulePattern(String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModulePattern
Allocate a new PixbufModulePattern with the fields set to the provided values.
PixbufModulePattern(String, String, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModulePattern
Allocate a new PixbufModulePattern with the fields set to the provided values.
PixbufModulePreparedFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the PixbufModulePreparedFunc callback.
PixbufModuleSaveCallbackFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the PixbufModuleSaveCallbackFunc callback.
PixbufModuleSaveFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the PixbufModuleSaveFunc callback.
PixbufModuleSaveOptionSupportedFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the PixbufModuleSaveOptionSupportedFunc callback.
PixbufModuleSizeFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the PixbufModuleSizeFunc callback.
PixbufModuleStopLoadFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the PixbufModuleStopLoadFunc callback.
PixbufModuleUpdatedFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the PixbufModuleUpdatedFunc callback.
PixbufNonAnim - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
PixbufNonAnim(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufNonAnim
Create a PixbufNonAnim proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PixbufNonAnim(Pixbuf) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufNonAnim
PixbufNonAnim.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PixbufRotation - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
The possible rotations which can be passed to gdk_pixbuf_rotate_simple().
PixbufSaveFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Functional interface declaration of the PixbufSaveFunc callback.
PixbufSimpleAnim - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
An opaque struct representing a simple animation.
PixbufSimpleAnim(int, int, float) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnim
Creates a new, empty animation.
PixbufSimpleAnim(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnim
Create a PixbufSimpleAnim proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PixbufSimpleAnim.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PixbufSimpleAnim.PixbufSimpleAnimClass - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
PixbufSimpleAnimClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnim.PixbufSimpleAnimClass
Create a PixbufSimpleAnimClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PixbufSimpleAnimIter - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
PixbufSimpleAnimIter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnimIter
Create a PixbufSimpleAnimIter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PixbufSimpleAnimIter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdkpixbuf
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PKCS11_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsPasswordFlags
For PKCS 11, the context-specific PIN is required.
PKCS11_SECURITY_OFFICER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsPasswordFlags
For PKCS 11, the security officer PIN is required.
PKCS11_USER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsPasswordFlags
For PKCS 11, the user PIN is required.
PLACE_IN_BIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseFlags
If more than one toplevel element is described by the pipeline description string, put them in a GstBin instead of a GstPipeline.
placeCursor(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
This function moves the “insert” and “selection_bound” marks simultaneously.
placeCursorOnscreen() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Moves the cursor to the currently visible region of the buffer.
PLACEHOLDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Defines a short hint (a word or short phrase) intended to aid the user with data entry when the control has no value.
Plane - Class in org.gnome.graphene
A 2D plane that extends infinitely in a 3D volume.
Plane() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Allocate a new Plane.
Plane(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Allocate a new Plane.
Plane(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Create a Plane proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Plane(Vec3, float) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Allocate a new Plane with the fields set to the provided values.
Plane(Vec3, float, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Allocate a new Plane with the fields set to the provided values.
Platform - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop
The Platform class provides utility functions to retrieve the runtime platform and and check if a function is supported on the runtime platform.
Platform() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Platform
play() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
Starts the animation for this Animation.
play() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Starts playing the stream.
PLAYING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.State
the element is PLAYING, the GstClock is running and the data is flowing.
PLAYING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.AnimationState
The animation is currently playing.
PLAYING_TO_PAUSED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChange
state change from PLAYING to PAUSED.
PLAYING_TO_PLAYING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChange
state change from PLAYING to PLAYING.
Plugin - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GStreamer is extensible, so GstElement instances can be loaded at runtime.
Plugin(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Create a Plugin proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Plugin.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Plugin.PluginClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
PluginAPIFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
PluginClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin.PluginClass
Create a PluginClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PluginDependencyFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Flags used in connection with gst_plugin_add_dependency().
PluginDesc - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A plugin should export a variable of this type called plugin_desc.
PluginDesc() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Allocate a new PluginDesc.
PluginDesc(int, int, String, String, PluginInitFunc, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Allocate a new PluginDesc with the fields set to the provided values.
PluginDesc(int, int, String, String, PluginInitFunc, String, String, String, String, String, String, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Allocate a new PluginDesc with the fields set to the provided values.
PluginDesc(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Allocate a new PluginDesc.
PluginDesc(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Create a PluginDesc proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PluginError - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The plugin loading errors
PluginFeature - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
This is a base class for anything that can be added to a GstPlugin.
PluginFeature(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature
Create a PluginFeature proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PluginFeature.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PluginFeature.PluginFeatureClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
PluginFeature.PluginFeatureImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The PluginFeatureImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract PluginFeature class.
PluginFeatureClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature.PluginFeatureClass
Create a PluginFeatureClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PluginFeatureFilter - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PluginFeatureFilter callback.
PluginFeatureImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature.PluginFeatureImpl
Creates a new instance of PluginFeature for the provided memory address.
pluginFilter(PluginFilter, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Runs a filter against all plugins in the registry and returns a GList with the results.
PluginFilter - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PluginFilter callback.
PluginFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The plugin loading state
PluginInitFullFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PluginInitFullFunc callback.
PluginInitFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PluginInitFunc callback.
PLUGINS_BASE_VERSION_MAJOR - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
The major version of GStreamer's gst-plugins-base libraries at compile time.
PLUGINS_BASE_VERSION_MICRO - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
The micro version of GStreamer's gst-plugins-base libraries at compile time.
PLUGINS_BASE_VERSION_MINOR - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
The minor version of GStreamer's gst-plugins-base libraries at compile time.
PLUGINS_BASE_VERSION_NANO - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
The nano version of GStreamer's gst-plugins-base libraries at compile time.
pluginsBaseVersion(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
Gets the version number of the GStreamer Plugins Base libraries.
pluginsBaseVersionString() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.GstPbutils
This function returns a string that is useful for describing this version of GStreamer's gst-plugins-base libraries to the outside world: user agent strings, logging, about dialogs ...
PLUS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
source and destination layers are accumulated
Point - Class in org.gnome.graphene
A point with two coordinates.
Point() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Allocate a new Point.
Point(float, float) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Allocate a new Point with the fields set to the provided values.
Point(float, float, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Allocate a new Point with the fields set to the provided values.
Point(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Allocate a new Point.
Point(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Create a Point proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Point3D - Class in org.gnome.graphene
A point with three components: X, Y, and Z.
Point3D() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Allocate a new Point3D.
Point3D(float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Allocate a new Point3D with the fields set to the provided values.
Point3D(float, float, float, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Allocate a new Point3D with the fields set to the provided values.
Point3D(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Allocate a new Point3D.
Point3D(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Create a Point3D proxy instance for the provided memory address.
POINTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SeatCapabilities
The seat has a pointer (e.g.
POINTER - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type corresponding to gpointer.
pointerBitLock(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This is equivalent to g_bit_lock, but working on pointers (or other pointer-sized values).
pointerBitLockAndGet(MemorySegment, int, Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This is equivalent to g_bit_lock, but working on pointers (or other pointer-sized values).
pointerBitLockMaskPtr(MemorySegment, int, boolean, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This mangles ptr as g_pointer_bit_lock() and g_pointer_bit_unlock() do.
pointerBitTrylock(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This is equivalent to g_bit_trylock(), but working on pointers (or other pointer-sized values).
pointerBitUnlock(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This is equivalent to g_bit_unlock, but working on pointers (or other pointer-sized values).
pointerBitUnlockAndSet(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This is equivalent to g_pointer_bit_unlock() and atomically setting the pointer value.
PointerLockPermissionRequest - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A permission request for locking the pointer.
PointerLockPermissionRequest(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PointerLockPermissionRequest
Create a PointerLockPermissionRequest proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PointerLockPermissionRequest.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PointerLockPermissionRequest.PointerLockPermissionRequestClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
PointerLockPermissionRequestClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PointerLockPermissionRequest.PointerLockPermissionRequestClass
Allocate a new PointerLockPermissionRequestClass.
PointerLockPermissionRequestClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PointerLockPermissionRequest.PointerLockPermissionRequestClass
Allocate a new PointerLockPermissionRequestClass.
PointerLockPermissionRequestClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PointerLockPermissionRequest.PointerLockPermissionRequestClass
Create a PointerLockPermissionRequestClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
pointerTypeRegisterStatic(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new G_TYPE_POINTER derived type id for a new pointer type with name name.
POINTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Unit
Dimensions in points.
POLICY_VIOLATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketCloseCode
generic error code indicating some sort of policy violation.
PolicyDecision - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A pending policy decision.
PolicyDecision(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecision
Create a PolicyDecision proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PolicyDecision.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PolicyDecision.PolicyDecisionClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
PolicyDecision.PolicyDecisionImpl - Class in org.gnome.webkit
The PolicyDecisionImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract PolicyDecision class.
PolicyDecisionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecision.PolicyDecisionClass
Allocate a new PolicyDecisionClass.
PolicyDecisionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecision.PolicyDecisionClass
Allocate a new PolicyDecisionClass.
PolicyDecisionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecision.PolicyDecisionClass
Create a PolicyDecisionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PolicyDecisionImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecision.PolicyDecisionImpl
Creates a new instance of PolicyDecision for the provided memory address.
PolicyDecisionType - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used for determining the type of a policy decision during WebKitWebView::decide-policy.
PolicyError - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to denote the various policy errors.
PolicyType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Determines how the size should be computed to achieve the one of the visibility mode for the scrollbars.
poll(Set<MessageType>, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Polls the bus for messages.
poll(MessageType, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Polls the bus for messages.
poll(PollFD, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Polls fds, as with the poll() system call, but portably.
Poll - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A GstPoll keeps track of file descriptors much like fd_set (used with select ()) or a struct pollfd array (used with poll ()).
Poll(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Create a Poll proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PollableInputStream - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GPollableInputStream is implemented by InputStreams that can be polled for readiness to read.
PollableInputStream.PollableInputStreamImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The PollableInputStreamImpl type represents a native instance of the PollableInputStream interface.
PollableInputStream.PollableInputStreamInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
The interface for pollable input streams.
PollableInputStreamImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.PollableInputStream.PollableInputStreamImpl
Creates a new instance of PollableInputStream for the provided memory address.
PollableInputStreamInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.PollableInputStream.PollableInputStreamInterface
Allocate a new PollableInputStreamInterface.
PollableInputStreamInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.PollableInputStream.PollableInputStreamInterface
Allocate a new PollableInputStreamInterface.
PollableInputStreamInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.PollableInputStream.PollableInputStreamInterface
Create a PollableInputStreamInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PollableOutputStream - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GPollableOutputStream is implemented by OutputStreams that can be polled for readiness to write.
PollableOutputStream.PollableOutputStreamImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The PollableOutputStreamImpl type represents a native instance of the PollableOutputStream interface.
PollableOutputStream.PollableOutputStreamInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
The interface for pollable output streams.
PollableOutputStreamImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.PollableOutputStream.PollableOutputStreamImpl
Creates a new instance of PollableOutputStream for the provided memory address.
PollableOutputStreamInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.PollableOutputStream.PollableOutputStreamInterface
Allocate a new PollableOutputStreamInterface.
PollableOutputStreamInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.PollableOutputStream.PollableOutputStreamInterface
Allocate a new PollableOutputStreamInterface.
PollableOutputStreamInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.PollableOutputStream.PollableOutputStreamInterface
Create a PollableOutputStreamInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PollableReturn - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Return value for various IO operations that signal errors via the return value and not necessarily via a GError.
PollableSourceFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the PollableSourceFunc callback.
pollableSourceNew(GObject) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Utility method for GPollableInputStream and GPollableOutputStream implementations.
pollableSourceNewFull(GObject, Source, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Utility method for GPollableInputStream and GPollableOutputStream implementations.
pollableStreamRead(InputStream, byte[], boolean, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Tries to read from stream, as with g_input_stream_read() (if blocking is true) or g_pollable_input_stream_read_nonblocking() (if blocking is false).
pollableStreamWrite(OutputStream, byte[], boolean, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Tries to write to stream, as with g_output_stream_write() (if blocking is true) or g_pollable_output_stream_write_nonblocking() (if blocking is false).
pollableStreamWriteAll(OutputStream, byte[], boolean, Out<Long>, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Tries to write count bytes to stream, as with g_output_stream_write_all(), but using g_pollable_stream_write() rather than g_output_stream_write().
PollFD - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A file descriptor object.
PollFD - Class in org.gnome.glib
Represents a file descriptor, which events to poll for, and which events occurred.
PollFD - Class in org.gnome.gobject
PollFD() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PollFD
Allocate a new PollFD.
PollFD(int, int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PollFD
Allocate a new PollFD with the fields set to the provided values.
PollFD(int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PollFD
Allocate a new PollFD with the fields set to the provided values.
PollFD(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PollFD
Allocate a new PollFD.
PollFD(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PollFD
Create a PollFD proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PollFD(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.PollFD
Create a PollFD proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PollFD(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.PollFD
Create a PollFD proxy instance for the provided memory address.
POLLFD - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GPollFD.
POLLFD_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A format specifier that can be used in printf()-style format strings when printing the fd member of a GPollFD.
pollForMedia(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Asynchronously polls this Drive to see if media has been inserted or removed.
pollForMediaFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Finishes an operation started with g_drive_poll_for_media() on a drive.
PollFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the PollFunc callback.
pollMountable(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Polls a file of type FileType.MOUNTABLE.
pollMountableFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes a poll operation.
POOLED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaFlags
metadata is managed by a bufferpool
pop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AtomicQueue
Get the head element of the queue.
pop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Gets a message from the bus.
pop() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Pops the visible page from the navigation stack.
pop() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Pops data from the this AsyncQueue.
pop() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseContext
Completes the process of a temporary sub-parser redirection.
pop() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Removes the last element of the path buffer.
pop() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogBuffer
Internal function for gtester to retrieve test log messages, no ABI guarantees provided.
pop() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TrashStack
pop() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParseContext
Completes the process of a temporary sub-parser redirection.
pop() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Removes the top element from the stack of render nodes, and appends it to the node underneath it.
pop(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
pop(Out<DataQueueItem>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Retrieves the first item available on the this DataQueue.
pop(CollectData) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Pop the buffer currently queued in data.
popAllocator() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
popBuffer() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad
Steal the ref to the buffer currently queued in this AggregatorPad.
popCurrent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Pops this Cancellable off the cancellable stack (verifying that this Cancellable is on the top of the stack).
popdown() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Dismisses the menu.
popdown() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
popdown() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Dismiss the menu.
popdown() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Pops this Popover down.
popExceptionHandler() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Remove the last JSCExceptionHandler previously pushed to this Context with jsc_context_push_exception_handler().
popFiltered(Set<MessageType>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Gets a message matching type from the bus.
popFiltered(MessageType...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Gets a message matching type from the bus.
popHead() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Returns and head of the queue this QueueArray and removes it from the queue.
popHead() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Removes the first element of the queue and returns its data.
popHeadLink() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Removes and returns the first element of the queue.
popHeadStruct() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Returns the head of the queue this QueueArray and removes it from the queue.
popNth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Removes the n'th element of this Queue and returns its data.
popNthLink(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Removes and returns the link at the given position.
Popover - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkPopover is a bubble-like context popup.
Popover() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Creates a new GtkPopover.
Popover(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Create a Popover proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Popover.ActivateDefaultCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateDefaultCallback callback.
Popover.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Popover.ClosedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ClosedCallback callback.
Popover.PopoverClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
PopoverClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.PopoverClass
Allocate a new PopoverClass.
PopoverClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.PopoverClass
Allocate a new PopoverClass.
PopoverClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.PopoverClass
Create a PopoverClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PopoverMenu - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkPopoverMenu is a subclass of GtkPopover that implements menu behavior.
PopoverMenu(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu
Create a PopoverMenu proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PopoverMenu.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PopoverMenuBar - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkPopoverMenuBar presents a horizontal bar of items that pop up popover menus when clicked.
PopoverMenuBar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuBar
Create a PopoverMenuBar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PopoverMenuBar.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PopoverMenuFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Flags that affect how PopoverMenu widgets built from a MenuModel are created and displayed.
popSubpage() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog
Pop the visible page from the subpage stack of this PreferencesDialog.
popSubpage() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
popTail() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Returns the tail of the queue this QueueArray and removes it from the queue.
popTail() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Removes the last element of the queue and returns its data.
popTailLink() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Removes and returns the last element of the queue.
popTailStruct() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Returns the tail of the queue this QueueArray and removes it from the queue.
popThreadDefault() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Pops this MainContext off the thread-default context stack (verifying that it was on the top of the stack).
popToPage(NavigationPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Pops pages from the navigation stack until page is visible.
popToTag(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Pops pages from the navigation stack until page with the tag tag is visible.
populateAsync(CompletionContext, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider
Asynchronously requests that the provider populates the completion results for context.
populateAsync(HoverContext, HoverDisplay, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverProvider
populateFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider
Completes an asynchronous operation to populate a completion provider.
populateFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverProvider
popUnlocked() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Pops data from the this AsyncQueue.
popup() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Pops up the menu.
popup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
popup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Pop up the menu.
popup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Pops this Popover up.
popup(Surface, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Create a new popup surface.
Popup - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkPopup is a surface that is attached to another surface.
Popup.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Popup.PopupImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The PopupImpl type represents a native instance of the Popup interface.
Popup.PopupInterface - Class in org.gnome.gdk
popupDisable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Disables the popup menu.
popupEnable() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Enables the popup menu.
popupForDevice(Device) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
PopupImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Popup.PopupImpl
Creates a new instance of Popup for the provided memory address.
PopupInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Popup.PopupInterface
Create a PopupInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PopupLayout - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The GdkPopupLayout struct contains information that is necessary position a Popup relative to its parent.
PopupLayout(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Create a PopupLayout proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PopupLayout(Rectangle, Gravity, Gravity) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Create a popup layout description.
PORT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.URIComponent
the URI port component
PORTAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.NetworkConnectivity
The host is behind a captive portal and cannot reach the full Internet.
PORTRAIT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PageOrientation
Portrait mode.
POS_IN_SET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Defines an element's number or position in the current set of listitems or treeitems.
position(Format) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new query stream position query object.
Position - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for holding a single coordinate value.
Position(int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Position
Create a new Position with the provided value
POSITION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
current position in stream
POSITION_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferDiffFlags
difference in hb_glyph_position_t.
positionFromRunningTime(Format, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Convert runningTime into a position in the segment so that gst_segment_to_running_time() with that position returns runningTime.
positionFromRunningTimeFull(Format, long, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Translate runningTime to the segment position using the currently configured segment.
positionFromStreamTime(Format, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Convert streamTime into a position in the segment so that gst_segment_to_stream_time() with that position returns streamTime.
positionFromStreamTimeFull(Format, long, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Translate streamTime to the segment position using the currently configured segment.
PositionType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes which edge of a widget a certain feature is positioned at.
POSIX_COLLATING_ELEMENTS_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
POSIX collating elements are not supported.
POSIX_NAMED_CLASS_OUTSIDE_CLASS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
POSIX named classes are supported only within a class.
POSSIBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindProbability
possible type detected.
post(Message) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Posts a message on the given bus.
POST_ORDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseType
visits the node's children, then the node itself.
POSTFIX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Postfix (Numeric) (PO)
postMessage(Message) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Post a message on the element's GstBus.
POSTSCRIPT_NAME - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
PostScript name for the font
POWER_PROFILE_MONITOR_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Extension point for power profile usage monitoring functionality.
PowerProfileMonitor - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GPowerProfileMonitor makes it possible for applications as well as OS components to monitor system power profiles and act upon them.
PowerProfileMonitor.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gio
PowerProfileMonitor.PowerProfileMonitorImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The PowerProfileMonitorImpl type represents a native instance of the PowerProfileMonitor interface.
PowerProfileMonitor.PowerProfileMonitorInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
The virtual function table for GPowerProfileMonitor.
PowerProfileMonitorImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.PowerProfileMonitor.PowerProfileMonitorImpl
Creates a new instance of PowerProfileMonitor for the provided memory address.
PowerProfileMonitorInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.PowerProfileMonitor.PowerProfileMonitorInterface
Allocate a new PowerProfileMonitorInterface.
PowerProfileMonitorInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.PowerProfileMonitor.PowerProfileMonitorInterface
Allocate a new PowerProfileMonitorInterface.
PowerProfileMonitorInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.PowerProfileMonitor.PowerProfileMonitorInterface
Create a PowerProfileMonitorInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PRE_ORDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseType
visits a node, then its children.
PRE_UNMOUNT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorEvent
the file location will soon be unmounted.
PRECONDITION_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
412 Precondition Failed (HTTP)
preconnectAsync(Message, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Start a preconnection to msg.
preconnectFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
preeditChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Default handler of the Gtk.IMContext::preedit-changed signal.
preeditChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
preeditEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Default handler of the Gtk.IMContext::preedit-end signal.
preeditFinished() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
preeditStart() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Default handler of the Gtk.IMContext::preedit-start signal.
preeditStarted() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
PREFER_DARK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.ColorScheme
Use dark appearance unless the system prefers prefers light colors.
PREFER_LIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.ColorScheme
Use light appearance unless the system prefers dark colors.
PreferencesDialog - Class in org.gnome.adw
A dialog showing application's preferences.
PreferencesDialog() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog
Creates a new AdwPreferencesDialog.
PreferencesDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog
Create a PreferencesDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PreferencesDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PreferencesDialog.PreferencesDialogClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
PreferencesDialogClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog.PreferencesDialogClass
Allocate a new PreferencesDialogClass.
PreferencesDialogClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog.PreferencesDialogClass
Allocate a new PreferencesDialogClass.
PreferencesDialogClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog.PreferencesDialogClass
Create a PreferencesDialogClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PreferencesGroup - Class in org.gnome.adw
A group of preference rows.
PreferencesGroup() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup
Creates a new AdwPreferencesGroup.
PreferencesGroup(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup
Create a PreferencesGroup proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PreferencesGroup.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PreferencesGroup.PreferencesGroupClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
PreferencesGroupClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup.PreferencesGroupClass
Allocate a new PreferencesGroupClass.
PreferencesGroupClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup.PreferencesGroupClass
Allocate a new PreferencesGroupClass.
PreferencesGroupClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup.PreferencesGroupClass
Create a PreferencesGroupClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PreferencesPage - Class in org.gnome.adw
A page from PreferencesDialog.
PreferencesPage() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Creates a new AdwPreferencesPage.
PreferencesPage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Create a PreferencesPage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PreferencesPage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PreferencesPage.PreferencesPageClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
PreferencesPageClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage.PreferencesPageClass
Allocate a new PreferencesPageClass.
PreferencesPageClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage.PreferencesPageClass
Allocate a new PreferencesPageClass.
PreferencesPageClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage.PreferencesPageClass
Create a PreferencesPageClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PreferencesRow - Class in org.gnome.adw
A ListBoxRow used to present preferences.
PreferencesRow() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow
Creates a new AdwPreferencesRow.
PreferencesRow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow
Create a PreferencesRow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PreferencesRow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PreferencesRow.PreferencesRowClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
PreferencesRowClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow.PreferencesRowClass
Allocate a new PreferencesRowClass.
PreferencesRowClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow.PreferencesRowClass
Allocate a new PreferencesRowClass.
PreferencesRowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow.PreferencesRowClass
Create a PreferencesRowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PreferencesWindow - Class in org.gnome.adw
PreferencesWindow() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
PreferencesWindow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
Create a PreferencesWindow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PreferencesWindow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PreferencesWindow.PreferencesWindowClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
PreferencesWindowClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow.PreferencesWindowClass
Allocate a new PreferencesWindowClass.
PreferencesWindowClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow.PreferencesWindowClass
Allocate a new PreferencesWindowClass.
PreferencesWindowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow.PreferencesWindowClass
Create a PreferencesWindowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
prefetchDns(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Resolve the domain name of the given hostname in advance, so that if a URI of hostname is requested the load will be performed more quickly.
PREFIX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Prefix (Numeric) (PR)
PREFIX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilterMatchMode
The text must begin with the search string.
PREFIX_ERROR_POSITION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseFlags
Normally errors caught by GMarkup itself have line/column information prefixed to them to let the caller know the location of the error.
prefixError(Out<GError>, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Formats a string according to format and prefix it to an existing error message.
prefixErrorLiteral(Out<GError>, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Prefixes prefix to an existing error message.
PRELIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Widget has a mouse pointer over it
PRELIT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererState
The mouse is hovering over the cell.
PRELOAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconLookupFlags
Starts loading the texture in the background so it is ready when later needed.
PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class
Each color has been scaled by the alpha value.
PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class
RGB are premultiplied by A/255.
prepare() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool
Prepare the taskpool for accepting gst_task_pool_push() operations.
prepare(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Prepares to poll sources within a main loop.
prepare(AudioRingBufferSpec) - Method in class
Prepare the device to operate with the specified parameters.
prepare(AudioRingBufferSpec) - Method in class
configure device with format
prepare(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Called to prepare the buffer for render and preroll.
prepared(boolean, boolean, boolean, long) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
prepareFrame(VideoAggregator, Buffer, VideoFrame) - Method in class
Prepare the frame from the pad buffer and sets it to prepared_frame.
prepareFrameFinish(VideoAggregator, VideoFrame) - Method in class
Finish preparing preparedFrame.
prepareFrameStart(VideoAggregator, Buffer, VideoFrame) - Method in class
Begin preparing the frame from the pad buffer and sets it to prepared_frame.
prepareGl() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Checks that OpenGL is available for this Display and ensures that it is properly initialized.
prepareList(BufferList) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Called to prepare the buffer list for renderList.
prepareOutputBuffer(Buffer, Out<Buffer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
prepareRead(Out<Integer>, Out<byte[]>) - Method in class
Returns a pointer to memory where the data from segment segment can be found.
prepareRun(LayoutRun) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
updates the renderer for a new run
prepareSeekSegment(Event, Segment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Prepare the GstSegment that will be passed to the GstBaseSrcClass::do_seek vmethod for executing a seek request.
prepareWindowHandle() - Method in interface
This will post a "prepare-window-handle" element message on the bus to give applications an opportunity to call gst_video_overlay_set_window_handle() before a plugin creates its own window.
PREPARING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintStatus
This status is set while the begin-print signal is emitted and during pagination.
prepend(byte[], MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Adds the given data to the start of the GByteArray.
prepend(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Convenience function for prepending a normal menu item to the start of this Menu.
prepend(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBoxText
prepend(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Adds a new item to the front of this Sequence
prepend(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Adds a string on to the start of a GString, expanding it if necessary.
prepend(HookList, Hook) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Prepends a GHook on the start of a GHookList.
prepend(Node) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Inserts a GNode as the first child of the given parent.
prepend(Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
Use GArray and g_array_prepend_val() instead.
prepend(TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Use list models
prepend(TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
prepend(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Prepends child to this Carousel.
prepend(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
prepend(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Inserts child as the first non-pinned page.
prepend(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box
Adds child as the first child to this Box.
prepend(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Adds child to the start of this FlowBox.
prepend(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Prepend a widget to the list.
prepend(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverDisplay
prepend(ContextMenuItem) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Adds item at the beginning of the this ContextMenu.
prepend(ContextMenuItem) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Adds item at the beginning of the this ContextMenu.
PREPEND - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagMergeMode
prepend tags
prependC(byte) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Adds a byte onto the start of a GString, expanding it if necessary.
prependIndex(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
prependItem(MenuItem) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Prepends item to the start of this Menu.
prependLen(String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Prepends len bytes of val to this String.
prependMemory(Memory) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Prepends the memory block mem to this Buffer.
prependName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThemedIcon
Prepend a name to the list of icons from within this ThemedIcon.
prependPage(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
prependPage(Widget, Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Prepends a page to this Notebook.
prependPageMenu(Widget, Widget, Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Prepends a page to this Notebook, specifying the widget to use as the label in the popup menu.
prependPinned(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Inserts child as the first pinned page.
prependSearchPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager
Prepends path to the list of directories where the manager looks for language files.
prependSearchPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager
Prepends path to the list of directories where the this StyleSchemeManager looks for style scheme files.
prependSection(String, MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Convenience function for prepending a section menu item to the start of this Menu.
prependSubmenu(String, MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Convenience function for prepending a submenu menu item to the start of this Menu.
prependText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBoxText
prependUnichar(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Converts a Unicode character into UTF-8, and prepends it to the string.
prependVals(MemorySegment[], MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Adds len elements onto the start of the array.
prependValue(Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueArray
Prepends prependValue to the GstValueArray in value.
prependValue(Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueList
Prepends prependValue to the GstValueList in value.
prePush(Buffer[]) - Method in class
prePush(Buffer[]) - Method in class
prePush(VideoCodecFrame) - Method in class
prePushFrame(BaseParseFrame) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
prerequisites(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterface
Returns the prerequisites of an interfaces type.
preroll(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Called to present the preroll buffer if desired.
present() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Allocate a size for the GtkPopover.
present() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Presents a window to the user.
present(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.DragSurface
Present this DragSurface.
present(int, int, PopupLayout) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Popup
Present this Popup after having processed the GdkPopupLayout rules.
present(ToplevelLayout) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Present this Toplevel after having processed the GdkToplevelLayout rules.
present(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Presents this Dialog within parent's window.
PRESENTATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
An element that is not represented to accessibility technologies.
presentSubpage(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
presentWithTime(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Use gtk_window_present()
PRESERVE_DEFAULT_IGNORABLES - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferFlags
flag indication that character with Default_Ignorable Unicode property should use the corresponding glyph from the font, instead of hiding them (done by replacing them with the space glyph and zeroing the advance width.) This flag takes precedence over HBBUFFERFLAGREMOVEDEFAULTIGNORABLES.
PRESERVE_SERIAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSendMessageFlags
Do not automatically assign a serial number from the GDBusConnection object when sending a message.
Preset - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
This interface offers methods to query and manipulate parameter preset sets.
Preset.PresetImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The PresetImpl type represents a native instance of the Preset interface.
Preset.PresetInterface - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstPreset interface.
PresetImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset.PresetImpl
Creates a new instance of Preset for the provided memory address.
PresetInterface() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset.PresetInterface
Allocate a new PresetInterface.
PresetInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset.PresetInterface
Allocate a new PresetInterface.
PresetInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset.PresetInterface
Create a PresetInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PRESSED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleState
A “pressed” state; indicates the current state of a ToggleButton.
PRESSURE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisFlags
Pressure axis is present
PRESSURE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
the axis is used for pressure information.
prev() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SequenceIter
Returns an iterator pointing to the previous position before this SequenceIter.
prev() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
prev(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Mark
Returns the previous GtkSourceMark in the buffer or null if the mark was not added to a buffer.
PREV_ANGLE - Enum constant in enum class
Switch to the previous angle in a multiangle feature.
prevCluster() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Moves the iterator to the preceding cluster in the glyph item.
prevDts(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Get the dts that was before the current byte in the adapter.
prevDtsAtOffset(long, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Get the dts that was before the byte at offset offset in the adapter.
PREVENT_OVERLAP_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
PREVENT_OVERLAP_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
preview(PrintOperationPreview, PrintContext, Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Signal emitted when a preview is requested from the native dialog.
PREVIEW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintCapabilities
Print dialog will offer a preview
PREVIEW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationAction
Show the print preview.
PREVIEW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureStatus
Feature ready to be tested by users.
previous() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TreeNode
Returns the previous in-order node of the tree, or null if the passed node was already the first one.
previous(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BitsetIter
Moves this BitsetIter to the previous value in the set.
previousPage() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
prevOffset(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Get the offset that was before the current byte in the adapter.
prevPage() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Switches to the previous page.
prevPts(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Get the pts that was before the current byte in the adapter.
prevPtsAtOffset(long, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Get the pts that was before the byte at offset offset in the adapter.
PRI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOCondition
There is urgent data to read.
PRI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.IOCondition
PRIMARY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Rank
will be chosen first
PRIMARY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EntryIconPosition
At the beginning of the entry (depending on the text direction).
print() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MemChunk
print() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Relation
Rarely used API
print() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Prints the contents of a matrix to the standard error stream.
print() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation
Start a print operation using current print settings and page setup.
print(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Pretty-prints this Variant in the format understood by g_variant_parse().
print(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Produces a human-readable multi-line description of this DBusMessage.
print(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Outputs a formatted message via the GLib print handler.
print(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Formats a message and prints it using the stdout print handler in the invoking process.
print(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Outputs a formatted message via the print handler.
print(GString) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Prints the given this ContentFormats into a string for human consumption.
print(GString) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Path
Converts this Path into a human-readable string representation suitable for printing.
print(GString) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Converts this Transform into a human-readable string representation suitable for printing.
print(GString) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssSection
Prints the section into string in a human-readable form.
print(GString) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutAction
Prints the given action into a string for the developer.
print(GString) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutTrigger
Prints the given trigger into a string for the developer.
print(Window, PrintSetup, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
This function prints content from a stream.
print(PrintOperation) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
PRINT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.AsciiType
PRINT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationAction
Start to print without showing the print dialog, based on the current print settings.
PRINT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperationResponse
Print button was clicked in print dialog
PRINT_DIALOG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationAction
Show the print dialog.
PRINT_SETTINGS_COLLATE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store whether to collate the printed pages.
PRINT_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_SOURCE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the default source.
PRINT_SETTINGS_DITHER - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the dither used.
PRINT_SETTINGS_DUPLEX - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store whether to print the output in duplex.
PRINT_SETTINGS_FINISHINGS - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the finishings.
PRINT_SETTINGS_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the media type.
PRINT_SETTINGS_N_COPIES - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the number of copies.
PRINT_SETTINGS_NUMBER_UP - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the number of pages per sheet.
PRINT_SETTINGS_NUMBER_UP_LAYOUT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the number of pages per sheet in number-up mode.
PRINT_SETTINGS_ORIENTATION - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the orientation.
PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_BASENAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the file name of the output without the path to the directory and the file extension.
PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_BIN - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the output bin.
PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_DIR - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the directory to which the output should be written.
PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_FILE_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the format of the output.
PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_URI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the URI to which the output should be written.
PRINT_SETTINGS_PAGE_RANGES - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the array of page ranges to print.
PRINT_SETTINGS_PAGE_SET - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the set of pages to print.
PRINT_SETTINGS_PAPER_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the page format.
PRINT_SETTINGS_PAPER_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the page height.
PRINT_SETTINGS_PAPER_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the paper width.
PRINT_SETTINGS_PRINT_PAGES - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store which pages to print.
PRINT_SETTINGS_PRINTER - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the printer name.
PRINT_SETTINGS_PRINTER_LPI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the resolution in lines per inch.
PRINT_SETTINGS_QUALITY - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the printing quality.
PRINT_SETTINGS_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the resolution in DPI.
PRINT_SETTINGS_RESOLUTION_X - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the horizontal resolution in DPI.
PRINT_SETTINGS_RESOLUTION_Y - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the vertical resolution in DPI.
PRINT_SETTINGS_REVERSE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store whether to reverse the order of the printed pages.
PRINT_SETTINGS_SCALE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the scale.
PRINT_SETTINGS_USE_COLOR - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store whether to print with colors.
PRINT_SETTINGS_WIN32_DRIVER_EXTRA - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store 32-bit Windows extra driver.
PRINT_SETTINGS_WIN32_DRIVER_VERSION - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the 32-bit Windows driver version.
PrintBackend - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A print backend.
PrintBackend(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintBackend
Create a PrintBackend proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PrintCapabilities - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Specifies which features the print dialog should offer.
PrintCompositor - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Compose a Buffer for printing.
PrintCompositor(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Create a PrintCompositor proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PrintCompositor(Buffer) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Creates a new print compositor that can be used to print buffer.
PrintCompositor.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PrintCompositor.PrintCompositorClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
PrintCompositorClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor.PrintCompositorClass
Allocate a new PrintCompositorClass.
PrintCompositorClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor.PrintCompositorClass
Allocate a new PrintCompositorClass.
PrintCompositorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor.PrintCompositorClass
Create a PrintCompositorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PrintContext - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkPrintContext encapsulates context information that is required when drawing pages for printing.
PrintContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintContext
Create a PrintContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PrintContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
printDetailedName(String, Variant) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.Action
Formats a detailed action name from actionName and targetValue.
PrintDialog - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkPrintDialog object collects the arguments that are needed to present a print dialog to the user, such as a title for the dialog and whether it should be modal.
PrintDialog() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
Creates a new GtkPrintDialog object.
PrintDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
Create a PrintDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PrintDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PrintDialog.PrintDialogClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
PrintDialogClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog.PrintDialogClass
Allocate a new PrintDialogClass.
PrintDialogClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog.PrintDialogClass
Allocate a new PrintDialogClass.
PrintDialogClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog.PrintDialogClass
Create a PrintDialogClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PrintDuplex - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
See also gtk_print_settings_set_duplex().
Printer - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkPrinter object represents a printer.
Printer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Create a Printer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Printer(String, PrintBackend, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Creates a new GtkPrinter.
PRINTER_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PrintError
Selected printer cannot be found
Printer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Printer.DetailsAcquiredCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DetailsAcquiredCallback callback.
PrinterFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PrinterFunc callback.
printerr(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Outputs a formatted message via the GLib error message handler.
printerr(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Formats a message and prints it using the stderr print handler in the invoking process.
printerr(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Outputs a formatted message via the error message handler.
printerrLiteral(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Prints a message using the stderr print handler in the invoking process.
printerrln(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Outputs a formatted message via the GLib error message handler.
PrintError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Error codes that identify various errors that can occur while using the GTK printing support.
PrintError - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to denote the various print errors.
printf(Out<Long>, Cancellable, GError[], String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
This is a utility function around g_output_stream_write_all().
printf(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
An implementation of the standard printf() function which supports positional parameters, as specified in the Single Unix Specification.
printf(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Writes a formatted string into a GString.
printf(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a string-type GVariant using printf formatting.
printf(Context, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception
Create a new JSCException in context using a formatted string for the message.
printFile(Window, PrintSetup, File, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
This function prints a file.
printFileFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
printFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
PrintFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the PrintFunc callback.
PRINTING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Information about printing
PRINTING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintStatus
The printer is processing the print job.
PrintJob - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkPrintJob object represents a job that is sent to a printer.
PrintJob(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Create a PrintJob proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PrintJob(String, Printer, PrintSettings, PageSetup) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Creates a new GtkPrintJob.
PrintJob.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PrintJob.StatusChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the StatusChangedCallback callback.
PrintJobCompleteFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PrintJobCompleteFunc callback.
printLabel(Display, GString) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutTrigger
Prints the given trigger into a string.
printLiteral(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Prints a message using the stdout print handler in the invoking process.
println(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Outputs a formatted message via the GLib print handler.
PrintOperation - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkPrintOperation is the high-level, portable printing API.
PrintOperation - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Controls a print operation.
PrintOperation() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Creates a new GtkPrintOperation.
PrintOperation(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Create a PrintOperation proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PrintOperation(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation
Create a PrintOperation proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PrintOperation(WebView) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation
Create a new WebKitPrintOperation to print webView contents.
PrintOperation.BeginPrintCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the BeginPrintCallback callback.
PrintOperation.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PrintOperation.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PrintOperation.CreateCustomWidgetCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CreateCustomWidgetCallback callback.
PrintOperation.CustomWidgetApplyCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CustomWidgetApplyCallback callback.
PrintOperation.DoneCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DoneCallback callback.
PrintOperation.DrawPageCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DrawPageCallback callback.
PrintOperation.EndPrintCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EndPrintCallback callback.
PrintOperation.FailedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the FailedCallback callback.
PrintOperation.FinishedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the FinishedCallback callback.
PrintOperation.PaginateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PaginateCallback callback.
PrintOperation.PreviewCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PreviewCallback callback.
PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
PrintOperation.RequestPageSetupCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RequestPageSetupCallback callback.
PrintOperation.StatusChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the StatusChangedCallback callback.
PrintOperation.UpdateCustomWidgetCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the UpdateCustomWidgetCallback callback.
PrintOperationAction - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Determines what action the print operation should perform.
PrintOperationClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
Allocate a new PrintOperationClass.
PrintOperationClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
Allocate a new PrintOperationClass.
PrintOperationClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
Allocate a new PrintOperationClass.
PrintOperationClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
Allocate a new PrintOperationClass.
PrintOperationClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
Create a PrintOperationClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PrintOperationClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation.PrintOperationClass
Create a PrintOperationClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PrintOperationPreview - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
GtkPrintOperationPreview is the interface that is used to implement print preview.
PrintOperationPreview.GotPageSizeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the GotPageSizeCallback callback.
PrintOperationPreview.PrintOperationPreviewIface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
PrintOperationPreview.PrintOperationPreviewImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The PrintOperationPreviewImpl type represents a native instance of the PrintOperationPreview interface.
PrintOperationPreview.ReadyCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ReadyCallback callback.
PrintOperationPreviewIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview.PrintOperationPreviewIface
Allocate a new PrintOperationPreviewIface.
PrintOperationPreviewIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview.PrintOperationPreviewIface
Allocate a new PrintOperationPreviewIface.
PrintOperationPreviewIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview.PrintOperationPreviewIface
Create a PrintOperationPreviewIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PrintOperationPreviewImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview.PrintOperationPreviewImpl
Creates a new instance of PrintOperationPreview for the provided memory address.
PrintOperationResponse - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values representing the response of the print dialog shown with webkit_print_operation_run_dialog().
PrintOperationResult - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The result of a print operation.
PrintPages - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
See also gtk_print_job_set_pages()
PrintQuality - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
See also gtk_print_settings_set_quality().
printRunPageSetupDialog(Window, PageSetup, PrintSettings) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from pageSetup.
printRunPageSetupDialogAsync(Window, PageSetup, PrintSettings, PageSetupDoneFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from pageSetup.
PrintSettings - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkPrintSettings object represents the settings of a print dialog in a system-independent way.
PrintSettings() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Creates a new GtkPrintSettings object.
PrintSettings(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Create a PrintSettings proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PrintSettings.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PrintSettingsFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PrintSettingsFunc callback.
PrintSetup - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkPrintSetup is an auxiliary object for printing that allows decoupling the setup from the printing.
PrintSetup(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSetup
Create a PrintSetup proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PrintStatus - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The status gives a rough indication of the completion of a running print operation.
printString(GString, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Behaves as g_variant_print(), but operates on a GString.
PrintUnixDialog - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkPrintUnixDialog implements a print dialog for platforms which don’t provide a native print dialog, like Unix.
PrintUnixDialog(String, Window) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Creates a new GtkPrintUnixDialog.
PrintUnixDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Create a PrintUnixDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PrintUnixDialog.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PRIORITY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintVflParserError
Invalid or unknown priority
PRIORITY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Use this for default priority event sources.
PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Use this for default priority idle functions.
PRIORITY_HIGH - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Use this for high priority event sources.
PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Use this for high priority idle functions.
PRIORITY_LOW - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Use this for very low priority background tasks.
PRIORITY_REDRAW - Static variable in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
This is the priority that the idle handler processing surface updates is given in the main loop.
PRIORITY_RESIZE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Use this priority for functionality related to size allocation.
Private - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GPrivate struct is an opaque data structure to represent a thread-local data key.
Private() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Private
Allocate a new Private.
Private(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Private
Allocate a new Private.
Private(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Private
Create a Private proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Private(MemorySegment, DestroyNotify, MemorySegment[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Private
Allocate a new Private with the fields set to the provided values.
Private(MemorySegment, DestroyNotify, MemorySegment[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Private
Allocate a new Private with the fields set to the provided values.
PRIVATE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCreateFlags
Create a file that can only be accessed by the current user.
PRIVATE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
Request that the input method should not update personalized data (like typing history)
PRIVATE - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ParamFlags
PRIVATE_USE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
PRIVATE_USE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Other, Private Use" (Co)
probe() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
Returns a list of devices that are currently available.
process(boolean, ClockTime, int, ClockTime, ClockTime, Out<Long>) - Method in class
Processes data with timestamp and nSamples, and returns the output timestamp, duration and sample position together with a boolean to signal whether a discontinuity was detected or not.
PROCESS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerValueScope
the value is related to the process
processIncomingMessage(Out<Byte>, Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension
Process a message after it's received.
PROCESSING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
102 Processing (WebDAV)
processOutgoingMessage(Out<Byte>, Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension
Process a message before it's sent.
PRODUCE_SAFE_TO_INSERT_TATWEEL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferFlags
flag indicating that the HBGLYPHFLAGSAFETOINSERTTATWEEL glyph-flag should be produced by the shaper.
PRODUCE_UNSAFE_TO_CONCAT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferFlags
flag indicating that the HBGLYPHFLAGUNSAFETOCONCAT glyph-flag should be produced by the shaper.
progress(GstObject, ProgressType, String, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Progress messages are posted by elements when they use an asynchronous task to perform actions triggered by a state change.
PROGRESS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
A progress message.
PROGRESS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OnceStatus
the function call is currently in progress.
PROGRESS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPageType
Used for tasks that take a long time to complete, blocks the assistant until the page is marked as complete.
PROGRESS_BAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
An element that displays the progress status for tasks that take a long time.
ProgressBar - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkProgressBar is typically used to display the progress of a long running operation.
ProgressBar() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
Creates a new GtkProgressBar.
ProgressBar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
Create a ProgressBar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ProgressBar.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PROGRESSIVE - Enum constant in enum class
Progressive or no field specified (default)
PROGRESSIVE - Enum constant in enum class
all frames are progressive
progressPulse() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Indicates that some progress is made, but you don’t know how much.
ProgressType - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The type of a MessageType.PROGRESS.
projectPoint(Point, Point) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Projects a graphene_point_t using the matrix this Matrix.
projectRect(Rect, Quad) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Projects all corners of a graphene_rect_t using the given matrix.
projectRectBounds(Rect, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Projects a graphene_rect_t using the given matrix.
Promise - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The GstPromise object implements the container for values that may be available later.
Promise() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Promise
Promise(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Promise
Create a Promise proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PromiseChangeFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PromiseChangeFunc callback.
PromiseResult - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The result of a GstPromise
PROMPT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionState
Access to the feature has to be requested via user prompt.
PROMPT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialogType
Prompt script dialog, used to ask information to the user.
promptGetDefaultText() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialog
Get the default text of a WebKitScriptDialog of type ScriptDialogType.PROMPT.
promptSetText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialog
Set the text entered by the user in the dialog.
PROP_CURSOR_POSITION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EditableProperties
the property id for Gtk.Editable:cursor-position
PROP_EDITABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EditableProperties
the property id for Gtk.Editable:editable
PROP_ENABLE_UNDO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EditableProperties
the property id for Gtk.Editable:enable-undo
PROP_MAX_WIDTH_CHARS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EditableProperties
the property id for Gtk.Editable:max-width-chars
PROP_SELECTION_BOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EditableProperties
the property id for Gtk.Editable:selection-bound
PROP_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EditableProperties
the property id for Gtk.Editable:text
PROP_WIDTH_CHARS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EditableProperties
the property id for Gtk.Editable:width-chars
PROP_XALIGN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EditableProperties
the property id for Gtk.Editable:xalign
propagateBoolean() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Gets the result of this Task as a gboolean.
propagateError() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use GTask instead.
propagateError(Out<GError>, GError) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
If dest is null, free src; otherwise, moves src into *dest.
propagateInt() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Gets the result of this Task as an integer (gssize).
propagatePointer() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Gets the result of this Task as a pointer, and transfers ownership of that value to the caller.
propagatePrefixedError(GError[], GError, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
If dest is null, free src; otherwise, moves src into *dest.
propagateValue(Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Gets the result of this Task as a GValue, and transfers ownership of that value to the caller.
PropagationLimit - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes limits of a EventController for handling events targeting other widgets.
PropagationPhase - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes the stage at which events are fed into a EventController.
Properties - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types
Helper class to register properties in a new GType.
Properties() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Properties
Properties.GetPropertyCallback - Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types
Functional interface declaration of the GetPropertyCallback callback.
Properties.SetPropertyCallback - Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types
Functional interface declaration of the SetPropertyCallback callback.
Property - Annotation Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations
PROPERTY_NOTIFY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Message indicating a GObject property has changed (Since: 1.10)
PROPERTY_READ_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Property you tried to set is read-only.
PropertyAction - Class in org.gnome.gio
A GPropertyAction is a way to get a Action with a state value reflecting and controlling the value of a GObject property.
PropertyAction(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.PropertyAction
Create a PropertyAction proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PropertyAction(String, GObject, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.PropertyAction
Creates a GAction corresponding to the value of property propertyName on object.
PropertyAction.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PropertyAnimationTarget - Class in org.gnome.adw
An AnimationTarget changing the value of a property of a GObject instance.
PropertyAnimationTarget(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PropertyAnimationTarget
Create a PropertyAnimationTarget proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PropertyAnimationTarget(GObject, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PropertyAnimationTarget
Creates a new AdwPropertyAnimationTarget for the propertyName property on object.
PropertyAnimationTarget.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PropertyAnimationTarget.PropertyAnimationTargetClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
PropertyAnimationTargetClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.PropertyAnimationTarget.PropertyAnimationTargetClass
Create a PropertyAnimationTargetClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PropertyExpression - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GObject property value in a GtkExpression.
PropertyExpression(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PropertyExpression
Create a PropertyExpression proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PropertyExpression(Type, Expression, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.PropertyExpression
Creates an expression that looks up a property.
propertyNotify(GstObject, String, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
PROPORTIONAL_CJK_ROMAN - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
PROPORTIONAL_IDEOGRAPHS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
PROPORTIONAL_KANA - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
PROPORTIONAL_NUMBERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
PROPORTIONAL_TEXT - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
proposeAllocation(AggregatorPad, Query, Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
proposeAllocation(Query) - Method in class
proposeAllocation(Query) - Method in class
proposeAllocation(Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
configure the allocation query
proposeAllocation(Query) - Method in class
proposeAllocation(Query) - Method in class
proposeAllocation(Query, Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Propose buffer allocation parameters for upstream elements.
protection(String, Buffer, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Creates a new event containing information specific to a particular protection system (uniquely identified by systemId), by which that protection system can acquire key(s) to decrypt a protected stream.
PROTECTION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
An event which indicates that new or updated encryption information has been found in the stream.
PROTECTION_SYSTEM_ID_CAPS_FIELD - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
The field name in a GstCaps that is used to signal the UUID of the protection system.
PROTECTION_UNSPECIFIED_SYSTEM_ID - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
The protection system value of the unspecified UUID.
protectionFilterSystemsByAvailableDecryptors(String[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Iterates the supplied list of UUIDs and checks the GstRegistry for all the decryptors supporting one of the supplied UUIDs.
ProtectionMeta - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Metadata type that holds information about a sample from a protection-protected track, including the information needed to decrypt it (if it is encrypted).
ProtectionMeta() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProtectionMeta
Allocate a new ProtectionMeta.
ProtectionMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProtectionMeta
Allocate a new ProtectionMeta.
ProtectionMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProtectionMeta
Create a ProtectionMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ProtectionMeta(Meta, Structure) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProtectionMeta
Allocate a new ProtectionMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
ProtectionMeta(Meta, Structure, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProtectionMeta
Allocate a new ProtectionMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
protectionMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
protectionSelectSystem(String[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Iterates the supplied list of UUIDs and checks the GstRegistry for an element that supports one of the supplied UUIDs.
PROTOCOL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketCloseCode
a protocol error occurred
protocolIsSupported(URIType, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Checks if an element exists that supports the given URI protocol.
protocolIsValid(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Tests if the given string is a valid protocol identifier.
PROVIDE_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFlags
the element can provide a clock
provideClock() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Get the clock provided by the given element.
PROXIMITY_IN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
an input device has moved into contact with a sensing surface (e.g.
PROXIMITY_OUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
an input device has moved out of contact with a sensing surface.
ProximityEvent - Class in org.gnome.gdk
An event related to the proximity of a tool to a device.
ProximityEvent(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ProximityEvent
Create a ProximityEvent proxy instance for the provided memory address.
proxy(GObject, TreeModel, TreePath) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeRowReference
Proxy - Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.base
Represents an instance of a proxy object with a handle to an object in native memory.
Proxy - Interface in org.gnome.gio
A GProxy handles connecting to a remote host via a given type of proxy server.
PROXY_ALLOCATION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
the default query handler will forward allocation queries to the internally linked pads instead of discarding them.
PROXY_AUTH_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Proxy authentication failed.
PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
407 Proxy Authentication Required (HTTP)
PROXY_CAPS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
the default event and query handler will forward all events and queries to the internally linked pads instead of discarding them.
PROXY_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Extension point for proxy functionality.
PROXY_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Connection to proxy server failed.
PROXY_NEED_AUTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Proxy server needs authentication.
PROXY_NEGOTIATED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketClientEvent
The client has negotiated with the proxy server.
PROXY_NEGOTIATING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketClientEvent
The client is negotiating with a proxy to connect to the destination server.
PROXY_NOT_ALLOWED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Proxy connection is not allowed by ruleset.
PROXY_RESOLVER_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Extension point for proxy resolving functionality.
PROXY_SCHEDULING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
the default query handler will forward scheduling queries to the internally linked pads instead of discarding them.
PROXY_UNAUTHORIZED - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
Proxy.ProxyImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The ProxyImpl type represents a native instance of the Proxy interface.
Proxy.ProxyInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Provides an interface for handling proxy connection and payload.
ProxyAddress - Class in org.gnome.gio
A InetSocketAddress representing a connection via a proxy server.
ProxyAddress(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress
Create a ProxyAddress proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ProxyAddress(InetAddress, short, String, String, short, String, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress
Creates a new GProxyAddress for inetaddr with protocol that should tunnel through destHostname and destPort.
ProxyAddress.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ProxyAddress.ProxyAddressClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Class structure for GProxyAddress.
ProxyAddressClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress.ProxyAddressClass
Allocate a new ProxyAddressClass.
ProxyAddressClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress.ProxyAddressClass
Allocate a new ProxyAddressClass.
ProxyAddressClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress.ProxyAddressClass
Create a ProxyAddressClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ProxyAddressEnumerator - Class in org.gnome.gio
GProxyAddressEnumerator is a wrapper around SocketAddressEnumerator which takes the SocketAddress instances returned by the SocketAddressEnumerator and wraps them in ProxyAddress instances, using the given Gio.ProxyAddressEnumerator:proxy-resolver.
ProxyAddressEnumerator(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddressEnumerator
Create a ProxyAddressEnumerator proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ProxyAddressEnumerator.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ProxyAddressEnumerator.ProxyAddressEnumeratorClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Class structure for GProxyAddressEnumerator.
ProxyAddressEnumeratorClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddressEnumerator.ProxyAddressEnumeratorClass
Allocate a new ProxyAddressEnumeratorClass.
ProxyAddressEnumeratorClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddressEnumerator.ProxyAddressEnumeratorClass
Allocate a new ProxyAddressEnumeratorClass.
ProxyAddressEnumeratorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddressEnumerator.ProxyAddressEnumeratorClass
Create a ProxyAddressEnumeratorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
proxyEnumerate() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SocketConnectable
Creates a GSocketAddressEnumerator for this SocketConnectable that will return a GProxyAddress for each of its addresses that you must connect to via a proxy.
proxyGetcaps(Caps, Caps) - Method in class
Returns caps that express caps (or sink template caps if caps == NULL) restricted to rate/channels/...
proxyGetcaps(Caps, Caps) - Method in class
Returns caps that express caps (or sink template caps if caps == NULL) restricted to channel/rate combinations supported by downstream elements (e.g.
proxyGetcaps(Caps, Caps) - Method in class
Returns caps that express caps (or sink template caps if caps == NULL) restricted to resolution/format/...
proxyGetcaps(Caps, Caps) - Method in class
Returns caps that express caps (or sink template caps if caps == NULL) restricted to resolution/format/...
ProxyImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Proxy.ProxyImpl
Creates a new instance of Proxy for the provided memory address.
ProxyInstance - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.base
Base type for a Java proxy object to an instance in native memory.
ProxyInstance(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.ProxyInstance
Create a new ProxyInstance object for an instance in native memory.
ProxyInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Proxy.ProxyInterface
Allocate a new ProxyInterface.
ProxyInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Proxy.ProxyInterface
Allocate a new ProxyInterface.
ProxyInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Proxy.ProxyInterface
Create a ProxyInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ProxyPad - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
ProxyPad(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProxyPad
Create a ProxyPad proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ProxyPad.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ProxyPad.ProxyPadClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
ProxyPadClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProxyPad.ProxyPadClass
Allocate a new ProxyPadClass.
ProxyPadClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProxyPad.ProxyPadClass
Allocate a new ProxyPadClass.
ProxyPadClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProxyPad.ProxyPadClass
Create a ProxyPadClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
proxyQueryAcceptCaps(Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Checks if all internally linked pads of this Pad accepts the caps in query and returns the intersection of the results.
proxyQueryCaps(Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Calls gst_pad_query_caps() for all internally linked pads of this Pad and returns the intersection of the results.
ProxyResolver - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GProxyResolver provides synchronous and asynchronous network proxy resolution.
ProxyResolver.ProxyResolverImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The ProxyResolverImpl type represents a native instance of the ProxyResolver interface.
ProxyResolver.ProxyResolverInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
The virtual function table for GProxyResolver.
ProxyResolverImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ProxyResolver.ProxyResolverImpl
Creates a new instance of ProxyResolver for the provided memory address.
ProxyResolverInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ProxyResolver.ProxyResolverInterface
Allocate a new ProxyResolverInterface.
ProxyResolverInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ProxyResolver.ProxyResolverInterface
Allocate a new ProxyResolverInterface.
ProxyResolverInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ProxyResolver.ProxyResolverInterface
Create a ProxyResolverInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PSALTER_PAHLAVI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Phlp, Since: 0.9.30
PSALTER_PAHLAVI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Psalter Pahlavi.
PSALTER_PAHLAVI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Psalter Pahlavi.
PT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.LengthUnit
points, changes with text scale factor
PTR_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GPtrArray reference.
PTR_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
printf format type used to debug GStreamer types.
PtrArray - Class in org.gnome.glib
Contains the public fields of a pointer array.
PtrArray - Class in org.gnome.gobject
PtrArray() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Allocate a new PtrArray.
PtrArray(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Allocate a new PtrArray.
PtrArray(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Create a PtrArray proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PtrArray(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.PtrArray
Create a PtrArray proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PtrArray(MemorySegment, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Allocate a new PtrArray with the fields set to the provided values.
PtrArray(MemorySegment, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Allocate a new PtrArray with the fields set to the provided values.
ptsAtDiscont() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Get the PTS that was on the last buffer with the GST_BUFFER_FLAG_DISCONT flag, or GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE.
PULL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadMode
Pad handles dataflow in upstream pull mode
PULL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe pull
pullRange(long, int, Out<Buffer>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Pulls a buffer from the peer pad or fills up a provided buffer.
pulse() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
Indicates that some progress has been made, but you don’t know how much.
PUNCT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.AsciiType
purgeItems() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
Purges every item from the recently used resources list.
PURPLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.AccentColor
Use a purple color (#9141ac).
push(int, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogBuffer
Internal function for gtester to decode test log messages, no ABI guarantees provided.
push(int, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
push(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AtomicQueue
Append data to the tail of the queue.
push(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Inserts data into the list of tasks to be executed by this ThreadPool.
push(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Pushes the data into the this AsyncQueue.
push(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TrashStack
push(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Extends the given path buffer with path.
push(DataQueueItem) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Pushes a GstDataQueueItem (or a structure that begins with the same fields) on the this DataQueue.
push(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Adds the data from buf to the data stored inside this Adapter and takes ownership of the buffer.
push(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Pushes a buffer to the peer of this Pad.
push(Iterator) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Pushes other iterator onto this Iterator.
push(TaskPoolFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool
Start the execution of a new thread from this TaskPool.
push(NavigationPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Pushes page onto the navigation stack.
push(MarkupParser, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseContext
Temporarily redirects markup data to a sub-parser.
push(BuildableParser, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParseContext
Temporarily redirects markup data to a sub-parser.
PUSH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadMode
Pad handles dataflow in downstream push mode
PUSH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe push
pushAllocator(Allocator) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
pushBlend(BlendMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Blends together two images with the given blend mode.
pushBlur(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Blurs an image.
pushByTag(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Pushes the page with the tag tag onto the navigation stack.
pushClip(Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Clips an image to a rectangle.
pushColorMatrix(Matrix, Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Modifies the colors of an image by applying an affine transformation in RGB space.
pushCrossFade(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Snapshots a cross-fade operation between two images with the given progress.
pushCurrent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Pushes this Cancellable onto the cancellable stack.
pushDebug(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Inserts a debug node with a message.
pushEvent(Event) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Sends the event to the peer of the given pad.
pushExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Push an exception handler in this Context.
pushFill(Path, FillRule) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Fills the area given by path and fillRule with an image and discards everything outside of it.
pushForce(DataQueueItem) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Pushes a GstDataQueueItem (or a structure that begins with the same fields) on the this DataQueue.
pushFrame(BaseParseFrame) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
Pushes the frame's buffer downstream, sends any pending events and does some timestamp and segment handling.
pushFront(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Pushes the item into the this AsyncQueue.
pushFrontUnlocked(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Pushes the item into the this AsyncQueue.
pushGlShader(GLShader, Rect, Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GLArea for OpenGL rendering.
pushHead(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Adds a new element at the head of the queue.
pushHeadLink(List<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Adds a new element at the head of the queue.
pushList(BufferList) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Pushes a buffer list to the peer of this Pad.
pushMask(MaskMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Until the first call to Snapshot.pop(), the mask image for the mask operation will be recorded.
pushNth(MemorySegment, int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Inserts a new element into this Queue at the given position.
pushNthLink(int, List<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Inserts link into this Queue at the given position.
pushOpacity(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Modifies the opacity of an image.
pushPreferredHeight(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext
This object will be removed in GTK 5
pushPreferredWidth(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext
This object will be removed in GTK 5
pushRepeat(Rect, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Creates a node that repeats the child node.
pushRoundedClip(RoundedRect) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Clips an image to a rounded rectangle.
pushSegment(Segment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Send a new segment downstream.
pushShadow(Shadow[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Applies a shadow to an image.
pushSnippet(Snippet, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Inserts a new snippet at location
pushSorted(MemorySegment, CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Pushes data to the queue this QueueArray, finding the correct position by comparing data with each array element using func.
pushSorted(MemorySegment, CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Inserts data into this AsyncQueue using func to determine the new position.
pushSortedStruct(MemorySegment, CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Pushes the element at address pStruct into the queue this QueueArray (copying the contents of a structure of the struct_size specified when creating the queue into the array), finding the correct position by comparing the element at pStruct with each element in the array using func.
pushSortedUnlocked(MemorySegment, CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Inserts data into this AsyncQueue using func to determine the new position.
PushSrc - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
This class is mostly useful for elements that cannot do random access, or at least very slowly.
PushSrc(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.PushSrc
Create a PushSrc proxy instance for the provided memory address.
PushSrc.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
PushSrc.PushSrcClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Subclasses can override any of the available virtual methods or not, as needed.
PushSrcClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.PushSrc.PushSrcClass
Allocate a new PushSrcClass.
PushSrcClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.PushSrc.PushSrcClass
Allocate a new PushSrcClass.
PushSrcClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.PushSrc.PushSrcClass
Create a PushSrcClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
pushStroke(Path, Stroke) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Strokes the given path with the attributes given by stroke and an image.
pushSubpage(NavigationPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog
Pushes page onto the subpage stack of this PreferencesDialog.
pushSubpage(NavigationPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
pushTail(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Pushes data to the tail of the queue this QueueArray.
pushTail(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Adds a new element at the tail of the queue.
pushTailLink(List<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Adds a new element at the tail of the queue.
pushTailStruct(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
pushThreadDefault() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Acquires this MainContext and sets it as the thread-default context for the current thread.
pushUnlocked(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Pushes the data into the this AsyncQueue.
put(MemorySegment, Proxy) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.InstanceCache
Add the new GObject instance to the cache.
put(K, V) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
put(Widget, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed
Adds a widget to a GtkFixed at the given position.
putBitsUint16(short, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Write nbits bits of value to GstBitWriter.
putBitsUint32(int, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Write nbits bits of value to GstBitWriter.
putBitsUint64(long, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Write nbits bits of value to GstBitWriter.
putBitsUint8(byte, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Write nbits bits of value to GstBitWriter.
putBuffer(Buffer, long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes size bytes of data to this ByteWriter.
putByte(byte, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream
Puts a byte into the output stream.
putBytes(byte[], int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Write nbytes bytes of data to GstBitWriter.
putData(byte[]) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes size bytes of data to this ByteWriter.
putEvent(Event) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
This function is only useful in very special situations and should not be used by applications.
putFloat32Be(float) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a big endian 32 bit float to this ByteWriter.
putFloat32Le(float) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a little endian 32 bit float to this ByteWriter.
putFloat64Be(double) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a big endian 64 bit float to this ByteWriter.
putFloat64Le(double) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a little endian 64 bit float to this ByteWriter.
putInt16(short, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream
Puts a signed 16-bit integer into the output stream.
putInt16Be(short) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a signed big endian 16 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
putInt16Le(short) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a signed little endian 16 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
putInt24Be(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a signed big endian 24 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
putInt24Le(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a signed little endian 24 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
putInt32(int, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream
Puts a signed 32-bit integer into the output stream.
putInt32Be(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a signed big endian 32 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
putInt32Le(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a signed little endian 32 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
putInt64(long, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream
Puts a signed 64-bit integer into the stream.
putInt64Be(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a signed big endian 64 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
putInt64Le(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a signed little endian 64 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
putInt8(byte) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a signed 8 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
putString(String, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream
Puts a string into the output stream.
putStringUtf16(short[]) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a NUL-terminated UTF16 string to this ByteWriter (including the terminator).
putStringUtf32(int[]) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a NUL-terminated UTF32 string to this ByteWriter (including the terminator).
putStringUtf8(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a NUL-terminated UTF8 string to this ByteWriter (including the terminator).
putUint16(short, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream
Puts an unsigned 16-bit integer into the output stream.
putUint16Be(short) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a unsigned big endian 16 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
putUint16Le(short) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a unsigned little endian 16 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
putUint24Be(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a unsigned big endian 24 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
putUint24Le(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a unsigned little endian 24 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
putUint32(int, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream
Puts an unsigned 32-bit integer into the stream.
putUint32Be(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a unsigned big endian 32 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
putUint32Le(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a unsigned little endian 32 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
putUint64(long, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream
Puts an unsigned 64-bit integer into the stream.
putUint64Be(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a unsigned big endian 64 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
putUint64Le(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a unsigned little endian 64 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
putUint8(byte) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Writes a unsigned 8 bit integer to this ByteWriter.
PX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.LengthUnit


qos(GstObject, boolean, long, long, long, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
A QOS message is posted on the bus whenever an element decides to drop a buffer because of QoS reasons or whenever it changes its processing strategy because of QoS reasons (quality adjustments such as processing at lower accuracy).
qos(QOSType, double, ClockTimeDiff, ClockTime) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Allocate a new qos event with the given values.
QOS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
A quality message.
QOS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
A buffer was dropped or an element changed its processing strategy for Quality of Service reasons.
QOSType - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The different types of QoS events that can be given to the gst_event_new_qos() method.
qsortWithData(MemorySegment, int, long, CompareDataFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Quad - Class in org.gnome.graphene
A 4 vertex quadrilateral, as represented by four graphene_point_t.
Quad() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Quad
Allocate a new Quad.
Quad(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Quad
Allocate a new Quad.
Quad(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Quad
Create a Quad proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Quad(Point[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Quad
Allocate a new Quad with the fields set to the provided values.
Quad(Point[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Quad
Allocate a new Quad with the fields set to the provided values.
QUAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathForeachFlags
Allow emission of GSK_PATH_QUAD operations
QUAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathOperation
A curve-to operation describing a quadratic Bézier curve with 3 points describing the start point, the control point and the end point of the curve.
quadTo(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Adds a quadratic Bézier curve from the current point to x2, y2 with x1, y1 as the control point.
QUANTIFIER_TOO_BIG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Number too big in "{}" quantifier.
QUANTIFIERS_OUT_OF_ORDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Numbers out of order in "{}" quantifier.
QUANTIZE - Enum constant in enum class
quantize values in addition to adding dither.
quantizeLineGeometry(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Quantizes the thickness and position of a line to whole device pixels.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
quark() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LibraryError
quark() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseError
Get the error quark used by the parsing subsystem.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginError
Get the error quark.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
quark() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
quark() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIError
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufError
Registers an error quark for DmabufTexture errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLError
Registers an error quark for GLContext errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TextureError
Registers an error quark for Texture errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanError
Registers an error quark for VulkanContext errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufError
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverError
Gets the GResolver Error Quark.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceError
Gets the GResource Error Quark.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingError
Gets the TLS channel binding error quark.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsError
Gets the TLS error quark.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.SerializationError
Registers an error quark for RenderNode errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
Registers an error quark for GtkBuilder errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintVflParserError
Registers an error quark for VFL error parsing.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DialogError
Registers an error quark for an operation that requires a dialog if necessary.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserError
Registers an error quark for GtkFileChooser errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconThemeError
Registers an error quark for IconTheme errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintError
Registers an error quark for GtkPrintOperation if necessary.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManagerError
Registers an error quark for RecentManager errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoaderError
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaverError
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutDeserializeError
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.SessionError
Registers error quark for SoupSession if needed.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.TLDError
Registers error quark for soup_tld_get_base_domain() if needed.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketError
Registers error quark for SoupWebsocket if needed.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.DownloadError
Gets the quark for the domain of download errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabaseError
Gets the quark for the domain of favicon database errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.JavascriptError
Gets the quark for the domain of JavaScript errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.MediaError
Gets the quark for the domain of media errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkError
Gets the quark for the domain of networking errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyError
Gets the quark for the domain of policy errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PrintError
Gets the quark for the domain of printing errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotError
Gets the quark for the domain of page snapshot errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterError
Gets the quark for the domain of user content filter errors.
quark() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessageError
Gets the quark for the domain of user message errors.
Quark - Class in org.gnome.glib
A GQuark is a non-zero integer which uniquely identifies a particular string.
Quark(int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Quark
Create a new Quark with the provided value
quarkFromStaticString(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the GQuark identifying the given (static) string.
quarkFromString(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the GQuark identifying the given string.
quarkToString(Quark) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the string associated with the given GQuark.
quarkTryString(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the GQuark associated with the given string, or 0 if string is null or it has no associated GQuark.
QUARTER_WIDTH_NUMBERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
QUARTER_WIDTH_TEXT - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
Quaternion - Class in org.gnome.graphene
A quaternion.
Quaternion() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Allocate a new Quaternion.
Quaternion(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Allocate a new Quaternion with the fields set to the provided values.
Quaternion(float, float, float, float, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Allocate a new Quaternion with the fields set to the provided values.
Quaternion(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Allocate a new Quaternion.
Quaternion(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Create a Quaternion proxy instance for the provided memory address.
query() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.IOModule
Optional API for GIO modules to implement.
query(PadDirection, Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
query(Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
perform a GstQuery on the element.
query(Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Handle a requested query.
query(Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Performs a query on the given element.
query(Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Dispatches a query to a pad.
Query - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Queries can be performed on pads (gst_pad_query()) and elements (gst_element_query()).
Query() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Allocate a new Query.
Query(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Allocate a new Query.
Query(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Create a Query proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Query(MiniObject, QueryType) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Allocate a new Query with the fields set to the provided values.
Query(MiniObject, QueryType, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Allocate a new Query with the fields set to the provided values.
QUERY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriHideFlags
Hide the query.
QUERY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.URIComponent
the URI query component
QUERY_BOTH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe upstream and downstream queries
QUERY_DOWNSTREAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe downstream queries
QUERY_NUM_SHIFT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
QUERY_TYPE_BOTH - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
QUERY_UPSTREAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe upstream queries
queryAcceptCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Check if the given pad accepts the caps.
queryAction(int, Type, Out<String>, Out<VariantType>, Out<String>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Returns details about the index-th action that has been installed for this WidgetClass during class initialization.
queryAction(String, Out<Boolean>, Out<VariantType>, Out<VariantType>, Out<Variant>, Out<Variant>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup
Queries all aspects of the named action within an this ActionGroup.
queryActivatable(TextIter, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Get whether the renderer is activatable at the location provided.
queryCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Gets the capabilities this pad can produce or consume.
queryChild(Widget, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Queries the attach points and spans of child inside the given GtkGrid.
queryConvert(Format, long, Format, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Queries an element to convert srcVal in srcFormat to destFormat.
queryConvert(Format, long, Format, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Queries a pad to convert srcVal in srcFormat to destFormat.
queryData(GutterLines, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
queryDefault(CollectData, Query, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Default GstCollectPads query handling that elements should always chain up to to ensure proper operation.
queryDefault(GstObject, Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Invokes the default query handler for the given pad.
queryDefaultHandler(Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Returns the GAppInfo that is registered as the default application to handle the file specified by this File.
queryDefaultHandlerAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Async version of g_file_query_default_handler().
queryDefaultHandlerFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes a g_file_query_default_handler_async() operation.
queryDuration(Format, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Queries an element (usually top-level pipeline or playbin element) for the total stream duration in nanoseconds.
queryDuration(Format, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Queries a pad for the total stream duration.
queryExists(Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Utility function to check if a particular file exists.
queryFilesystemInfo(String, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Similar to g_file_query_info(), but obtains information about the filesystem the this File is on, rather than the file itself.
queryFilesystemInfoAsync(String, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously gets the requested information about the filesystem that the specified this File is on.
queryFilesystemInfoFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous filesystem info query.
queryFileType(Set<FileQueryInfoFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Utility function to inspect the GFileType of a file.
queryFileType(FileQueryInfoFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Utility function to inspect the GFileType of a file.
queryFlags(Set<MessageFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Queries if flags are present in the set of this Message's flags.
queryFlags(MessageFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Queries if flags are present in the set of this Message's flags.
queryGetType(Query) - Static method in interface
Inspect a GstQuery and return the GstNavigationQueryType associated with it if it is a GstNavigation query.
queryHasKey(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Check if there is a query table entry for the queryKey key.
queryInfo(String, Set<FileQueryInfoFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Gets the requested information about specified this File.
queryInfo(String, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream
Queries a file input stream the given attributes.
queryInfo(String, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream
Queries a file io stream for the given attributes.
queryInfo(String, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream
Queries a file output stream for the given attributes.
queryInfo(String, FileQueryInfoFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Gets the requested information about specified this File.
queryInfoAsync(String, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream
Queries the stream information asynchronously.
queryInfoAsync(String, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream
Asynchronously queries the this FileIOStream for a GFileInfo.
queryInfoAsync(String, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream
Asynchronously queries the this FileOutputStream for a GFileInfo.
queryInfoAsync(String, Set<FileQueryInfoFlags>, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously gets the requested information about specified this File.
queryInfoAsync(String, FileQueryInfoFlags, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously gets the requested information about specified this File.
queryInfoFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous file info query.
queryInfoFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInputStream
Finishes an asynchronous info query operation.
queryInfoFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream
Finalizes the asynchronous query started by g_file_io_stream_query_info_async().
queryInfoFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream
Finalizes the asynchronous query started by g_file_output_stream_query_info_async().
queryLatency(Out<Boolean>, Out<Boolean>, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Query the sink for the latency parameters.
queryLatency(Out<Boolean>, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Query the source for the latency parameters.
queryNewAngles() - Static method in interface
Create a new GstNavigation angles query.
queryNewCommands() - Static method in interface
Create a new GstNavigation commands query.
queryParseAngles(Query, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in interface
Parse the current angle number in the GstNavigation angles query into the guint pointed to by the curAngle variable, and the number of available angles into the guint pointed to by the nAngles variable.
queryParseCommandsLength(Query, Out<Integer>) - Static method in interface
Parse the number of commands in the GstNavigation commands query.
queryParseCommandsNth(Query, int, Out<NavigationCommand>) - Static method in interface
Parse the GstNavigation command query and retrieve the nth command from it into cmd.
queryPermissionState(PermissionStateQuery) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
queryPosition(Format, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Queries an element (usually top-level pipeline or playbin element) for the stream position in nanoseconds.
queryPosition(Format, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Queries a pad for the stream position.
querySetAngles(Query, int, int) - Static method in interface
Set the GstNavigation angles query result field in query.
querySetCommands(Query, int, Object...) - Static method in interface
Set the GstNavigation command query result fields in query.
querySetCommandsv(Query, NavigationCommand[]) - Static method in interface
Set the GstNavigation command query result fields in query.
querySettableAttributes(Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Obtain the list of settable attributes for the file.
queryTooltip(int, int, boolean, Tooltip) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Signal emitted when “has-tooltip” is true and the hover timeout has expired with the cursor hovering “above” widget; or emitted when widget got focus in keyboard mode.
QueryType - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Standard predefined Query types
QueryTypeFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstQueryTypeFlags indicate the aspects of the different GstQueryType values.
queryUnixFd(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Queries the events reported for the fd corresponding to tag on this Source during the last poll.
queryWritableNamespaces(Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Obtain the list of attribute namespaces where new attributes can be created by a user.
QUESTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MessageType
Question requiring a choice
Queue - Class in org.gnome.glib
Contains the public fields of a [Queue][glib-Double-ended-Queues].
Queue() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Allocate a new Queue.
Queue(int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Allocate a new Queue with the fields set to the provided values.
Queue(int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Allocate a new Queue with the fields set to the provided values.
Queue(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Allocate a new Queue.
Queue(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Create a Queue proxy instance for the provided memory address.
QUEUE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrameFlags
indicates to finishFrame that the the frame should be queued for now and processed fully later when the first non-queued frame is finished
queueAllocate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Flags the widget for a rerun of the Widget.sizeAllocate(org.gnome.gtk.Allocation, int) function.
QueueArray - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
GstQueueArray is an object that provides standard queue functionality based on an array instead of linked lists.
QueueArray(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Create a QueueArray proxy instance for the provided memory address.
queueDraw() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Schedules this widget to be redrawn in the paint phase of the current or the next frame.
queueRender() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Forces a Gdk.Surface::render signal emission for this Surface to be scheduled.
queueRender() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Marks the currently rendered data (if any) as invalid, and queues a redraw of the widget.
queueResize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
queueResize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Flags a widget to have its size renegotiated.
quit() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Immediately quits the application.
quit() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainLoop
Stops a GLib.MainLoop from running.
quitMainloop() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Used to be invoked on the primary instance when the use count of the application drops to zero (and after any inactivity timeout, if requested).
QUOTATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Ambiguous Quotation (QU)


R - Enum constant in enum class
R texture, GL_RED_EXT
R - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
R16G16B16 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
3 guint16 values; for red, green, blue.
R16G16B16_FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
3 half-float values; for red, green, blue.
R16G16B16A16 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 guint16 values; for red, green, blue, alpha.
R16G16B16A16_FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 half-float values; for red, green, blue and alpha.
R16G16B16A16_FLOAT_PREMULTIPLIED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 half-float values; for red, green, blue and alpha.
R16G16B16A16_PREMULTIPLIED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 guint16 values; for red, green, blue, alpha.
R210 - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:4:4 RGB, 10 bits per channel
R32G32B32_FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
3 float values; for red, green, blue.
R32G32B32A32_FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 float values; for red, green, blue and alpha.
R32G32B32A32_FLOAT_PREMULTIPLIED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 float values; for red, green, blue and alpha.
R8G8B8 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
3 bytes; for red, green, blue.
R8G8B8A8 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 bytes; for red, green, blue, alpha.
R8G8B8A8_PREMULTIPLIED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 bytes; for red, green, blue, alpha The color values are premultiplied with the alpha value.
R8G8B8X8 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 bytes; for red, green, blue, unused.
RADIAL_GRADIENT_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node drawing a radial gradient
RadialGradientNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node for a radial gradient.
RadialGradientNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.RadialGradientNode
Create a RadialGradientNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RadialGradientNode(Rect, Point, float, float, float, float, ColorStop[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.RadialGradientNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that draws a radial gradient.
RADICAL_DEGREE_BOTTOM_RAISE_PERCENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
RADICAL_DISPLAY_STYLE_VERTICAL_GAP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
RADICAL_EXTRA_ASCENDER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
RADICAL_KERN_AFTER_DEGREE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
RADICAL_KERN_BEFORE_DEGREE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
RADICAL_RULE_THICKNESS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
RADICAL_VERTICAL_GAP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
RADIO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A checkable input in a group of radio roles, only one of which can be checked at a time.
RADIO_GROUP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
RAISED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarStyle
Opaque background with a persistent shadow
RAISED_BORDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarStyle
Opaque background with a persistent border
Rand - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GRand struct is an opaque data structure.
Rand - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Rand() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Rand
Creates a new random number generator initialized with a seed taken either from /dev/urandom (if existing) or from the current time (as a fallback).
Rand(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Rand
Create a Rand proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Rand(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Rand
Create a Rand proxy instance for the provided memory address.
randomDouble() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns a random gdouble equally distributed over the range [0..1).
randomDoubleRange(double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns a random gdouble equally distributed over the range [begin..end).
randomInt() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Return a random guint32 equally distributed over the range [0..2^32-1].
randomIntRange(int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns a random gint32 equally distributed over the range end-1.
randomSetSeed(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets the seed for the global random number generator, which is used by the g_random_* functions, to seed.
range(int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Creates a bitset with the given range set.
range(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrIterator
Get the range of the current segment.
Range - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkRange is the common base class for widgets which visualize an adjustment.
Range - Class in org.gnome.soup
Represents a byte range as used in the Range header.
Range() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Range
Allocate a new Range.
Range(long, long) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Range
Allocate a new Range with the fields set to the provided values.
Range(long, long, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Range
Allocate a new Range with the fields set to the provided values.
Range(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Range
Allocate a new Range.
Range(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Create a Range proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Range(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Range
Create a Range proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RANGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Abstract role.
RANGE_OUT_OF_ORDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Range out of order in character class.
RANGE_STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.OptionType
A range string option type.
Range.AdjustBoundsCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the AdjustBoundsCallback callback.
Range.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Range.ChangeValueCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ChangeValueCallback callback.
Range.MoveSliderCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MoveSliderCallback callback.
Range.RangeClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Range.ValueChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ValueChangedCallback callback.
rangeCheck(String, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Use g_settings_schema_key_range_check() instead.
rangeCheck(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaKey
Checks if the given value is within the permitted range for this SettingsSchemaKey.
RangeClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Range.RangeClass
Allocate a new RangeClass.
RangeClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Range.RangeClass
Allocate a new RangeClass.
RangeClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Range.RangeClass
Create a RangeClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
rangeGetMidpoint(SequenceIter, SequenceIter) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Finds an iterator somewhere in the range (begin, end).
RANGES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintPages
Range of pages.
Rank - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Element priority ranks.
rankCompareFunc(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature
Compares the two given GstPluginFeature instances.
RARE_LIGATURES_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
RARE_LIGATURES_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
RATE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
current rate of the stream
ratio(BreakpointConditionRatioType, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointCondition
Creates a condition that triggers on ratio changes.
raw(Buffer, int, int, int, int, Set<VideoOverlayFormatFlags>) - Static method in class
Creates a new video overlay rectangle with ARGB or AYUV pixel data.
raw(Buffer, int, int, int, int, VideoOverlayFormatFlags...) - Static method in class
Creates a new video overlay rectangle with ARGB or AYUV pixel data.
RAW - Enum constant in enum class
samples in linear or float
RAW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressorFormat
deflate compression with no header
RAW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Usually strings must be valid UTF-8 strings, using this flag they are considered as a raw sequence of bytes.
Ray - Class in org.gnome.graphene
A ray emitted from an origin in a given direction.
Ray() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Allocate a new Ray.
Ray(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Allocate a new Ray.
Ray(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Create a Ray proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Ray(Vec3, Vec3) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Allocate a new Ray with the fields set to the provided values.
Ray(Vec3, Vec3, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Allocate a new Ray with the fields set to the provided values.
RayIntersectionKind - Enum Class in org.gnome.graphene
The type of intersection.
RBGA - Enum constant in enum class
packed RGB with alpha, 8 bits per channel
rcBoxAcquire(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Acquires a reference on the data pointed by memBlock.
rcBoxAlloc(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Allocates blockSize bytes of memory, and adds reference counting semantics to it.
rcBoxAlloc0(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Allocates blockSize bytes of memory, and adds reference counting semantics to it.
rcBoxDup(long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Allocates a new block of data with reference counting semantics, and copies blockSize bytes of memBlock into it.
rcBoxGetSize(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Retrieves the size of the reference counted data pointed by memBlock.
rcBoxRelease(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Releases a reference on the data pointed by memBlock.
rcBoxReleaseFull(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Releases a reference on the data pointed by memBlock.
RE_TIMESTAMP - Enum constant in enum class
Retimestamp output buffers with master clock time.
read(byte[], ClockTime) - Method in class
Read samples from the device.
read(long, byte[], ClockTime) - Method in class
Read len samples from the ringbuffer into the memory pointed to by data.
read(Out<byte[]>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Tries to read count bytes from the stream into the buffer starting at buffer.
read(String, long, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Use g_io_channel_read_chars() instead.
read(String, VariantType, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
virtual method to read a key's value
read(Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Opens a file for reading.
READ - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LockFlags
lock for read access
READ - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapFlags
map for read access
READ - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
used when the resource can't be read from.
READ - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFileError
document was ill formed
READ - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
Read or select on pipes failed.
READ - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnixPipeEnd
The readable file descriptor 0
READ - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManagerError
failure while reading the recently used resources file.
READ_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
File is read only.
READ_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Indicates that the element is not editable, but is otherwise operable.
readA() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Read the value of the field a.
readable() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Property
READABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfoFlags
Property is readable.
READABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ParamFlags
the parameter is readable
readActionName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionEntry
Read the value of the field action_name.
readAddress() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
Read the value of the field address.
readAddress(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Read the value of the field address.
readAdvance() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphVariant
Read the value of the field advance.
readAfd() - Method in class
Read the value of the field afd.
readAlign() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocationParams
Read the value of the field align.
readAlign() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Read the value of the field align.
readAlignment() - Method in class
Read the value of the field alignment.
readAlignment() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathPoint
Read the value of the field alignment.
readAll(Out<byte[]>, Out<Long>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Tries to read count bytes from the stream into the buffer starting at buffer.
readAllAsync(Out<byte[]>, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Request an asynchronous read of count bytes from the stream into the buffer starting at buffer.
readAllFinish(AsyncResult, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Finishes an asynchronous stream read operation started with g_input_stream_read_all_async().
readAllocatedLen() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Read the value of the field allocated_len.
readAllocationCaps() - Method in class
Read the value of the field allocation_caps.
readAllocator() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Read the value of the field allocator.
readAllocSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Read the value of the field alloc_size.
readAlpha() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Read the value of the field alpha.
readAnalysis() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Item
Read the value of the field analysis.
readAngles() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Read the value of the field angles.
readAnnotations() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
Read the value of the field annotations.
readAnnotations() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusArgInfo
Read the value of the field annotations.
readAnnotations() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Read the value of the field annotations.
readAnnotations() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
Read the value of the field annotations.
readAnnotations() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Read the value of the field annotations.
readAnnotations() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
Read the value of the field annotations.
readAnnotations() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalInfo
Read the value of the field annotations.
readApi() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Read the value of the field api.
readAppExec() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Read the value of the field app_exec.
readAppliedRate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Read the value of the field applied_rate.
readAppName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Read the value of the field app_name.
readApproximateCharWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Read the value of the field approximate_char_width.
readApproximateDigitWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Read the value of the field approximate_digit_width.
readArg() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Read the value of the field arg.
readArgData() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Read the value of the field arg_data.
readArgDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Read the value of the field arg_description.
readArgs() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalInfo
Read the value of the field args.
readAscender() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontExtents
Read the value of the field ascender.
readAscent() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Read the value of the field ascent.
readAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously opens this File for reading.
readAsync(Out<byte[]>, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Request an asynchronous read of count bytes from the stream into the buffer starting at buffer.
readAsync(String[], int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Asynchronously requests an input stream to read the this Clipboard's contents from.
readAsync(String[], int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
Asynchronously read the dropped data from a GdkDrop in a format that complies with one of the mime types.
readAttr() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrColor
Read the value of the field attr.
readAttr() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrFloat
Read the value of the field attr.
readAttr() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontDesc
Read the value of the field attr.
readAttr() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontFeatures
Read the value of the field attr.
readAttr() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrInt
Read the value of the field attr.
readAttr() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrLanguage
Read the value of the field attr.
readAttr() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Read the value of the field attr.
readAttr() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrSize
Read the value of the field attr.
readAttr() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrString
Read the value of the field attr.
readAttr() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphInfo
Read the value of the field attr.
readAutoGrow() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Read the value of the field auto_grow.
readAxes() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TimeCoord
Read the value of the field axes.
readAxisIndex() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Read the value of the field axis_index.
readB() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Read the value of the field b.
readBarData1() - Method in class
Read the value of the field bar_data1.
readBarData2() - Method in class
Read the value of the field bar_data2.
readBase() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Read the value of the field base.
readBaseFinalize() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Read the value of the field base_finalize.
readBaseIface() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginClass
Read the value of the field base_iface.
readBaseInit() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Read the value of the field base_init.
readBeginLoad() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Read the value of the field begin_load.
readBit() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Read the value of the field bit.
readBitCapacity() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Read the value of the field bit_capacity.
readBits() - Method in class
Read the value of the field bits.
readBitSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Read the value of the field bit_size.
readBlue() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Read the value of the field blue.
readBlue() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Color
Read the value of the field blue.
readBottom() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Border
Read the value of the field bottom.
readBounds() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Read the value of the field bounds.
readBpf() - Method in class
Read the value of the field bpf.
readBuffer() - Method in class
Read the value of the field buffer.
readBuffer() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Read the value of the field buffer.
readBuffer() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
Read the value of the field buffer.
readBuffer() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParentBufferMeta
Read the value of the field buffer.
readBuffer() - Method in class
Read the value of the field buffer.
readBuffer() - Method in class
Read the value of the field buffer.
readBuffer() - Method in class
Read the value of the field buffer.
readBuffer() - Method in class
Read the value of the field buffer.
readBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputVector
Read the value of the field buffer.
readBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputVector
Read the value of the field buffer.
readBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field buffer.
readBuffer(CollectData, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Get a subbuffer of size bytes from the given pad data.
readBufferTime() - Method in class
Read the value of the field buffer_time.
readBufSize() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Read the value of the field buf_size.
readBx() - Method in class
Read the value of the field Bx.
readBy() - Method in class
Read the value of the field By.
readByte() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Read the value of the field byte.
readByte() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read the value of the field byte.
readByte(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Reads an unsigned 8-bit/1-byte value from this DataInputStream.
readBytes() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueSize
Read the value of the field bytes.
readBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ParseLocation
Read the value of the field bytes.
readBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssLocation
Read the value of the field bytes.
readBytes(long, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Like g_input_stream_read(), this tries to read count bytes from the stream in a blocking fashion.
readBytesAsync(long, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Request an asynchronous read of count bytes from the stream into a new GBytes.
readBytesFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Finishes an asynchronous stream read-into-GBytes operation.
readBytesReceived() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Read the value of the field bytes_received.
readBytesSent() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
Read the value of the field bytes_sent.
readC() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Read the value of the field c.
readCallback() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
Read the value of the field callback.
readCallbackData() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Read the value of the field callback_data.
readCallbackFuncs() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Read the value of the field callback_funcs.
readCaps() - Method in class
Read the value of the field caps.
readCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticCaps
Read the value of the field caps.
readCaps() - Method in class
Read the value of the field caps.
readCaptionType() - Method in class
Read the value of the field caption_type.
readCenter() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Read the value of the field center.
readChannels() - Method in class
Read the value of the field channels.
readChannels() - Method in class
Read the value of the field channels.
readChars() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ParseLocation
Read the value of the field chars.
readChars() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssLocation
Read the value of the field chars.
readChars(Out<byte[]>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Replacement for g_io_channel_read() with the new API.
readCheck() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
Read the value of the field check.
readChecksum() - Method in class
Read the value of the field checksum.
readChildren() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Read the value of the field children.
readChromaSite() - Method in class
Read the value of the field chroma_site.
readClassData() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Read the value of the field class_data.
readClassFinalize() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Read the value of the field class_finalize.
readClassInit() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Read the value of the field class_init.
readClassSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Read the value of the field class_size.
readClassSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeQuery
Read the value of the field class_size.
readClearFunc() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Read the value of the field clear_func.
readClock() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Read the value of the field clock.
readClosure() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
Read the value of the field closure.
readClosureCallback() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
Read the value of the field closure_callback.
readClosureMarshal() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
Read the value of the field closure_marshal.
readCluster() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphInfo
Read the value of the field cluster.
readCNotYChannel() - Method in class
Read the value of the field c_not_y_channel.
readCode() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GError
Read the value of the field code.
readCodecData() - Method in class
Read the value of the field codec_data.
readCodepoint() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphInfo
Read the value of the field codepoint.
readCollect() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
Read the value of the field collect.
readCollectFormat() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Read the value of the field collect_format.
readCollectValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Read the value of the field collect_value.
readColor() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Read the value of the field color.
readColor() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorStop
Read the value of the field color.
readColor() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ColorStop
Read the value of the field color.
readColor() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Shadow
Read the value of the field color.
readColor() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrColor
Read the value of the field color.
readColorimetry() - Method in class
Read the value of the field colorimetry.
readColorIndex() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorLayer
Read the value of the field color_index.
readCompare() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueTable
Read the value of the field compare.
readCompleteInterfaceInfo() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginClass
Read the value of the field complete_interface_info.
readCompleteTypeInfo() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginClass
Read the value of the field complete_type_info.
readCond() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Read the value of the field cond.
readConfig() - Method in class
Read the value of the field config.
readConfig() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field config.
readConstant() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Read the value of the field constant.
readContentLightLevel() - Method in class
Read the value of the field content_light_level.
readContext() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Read the value of the field context.
readControl() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Read a byte from the control socket of the controllable this Poll.
readControlMessages() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Read the value of the field control_messages.
readControlMessages() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
Read the value of the field control_messages.
readCookie() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Read the value of the field cookie.
readCopy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Read the value of the field copy.
readCopy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Read the value of the field copy.
readCopyFunc() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Read the value of the field copy_func.
readCorner() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Read the value of the field corner.
readCpairCommentSingle() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ScannerConfig
Read the value of the field cpair_comment_single.
readCsetIdentifierFirst() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ScannerConfig
Read the value of the field cset_identifier_first.
readCsetIdentifierNth() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ScannerConfig
Read the value of the field cset_identifier_nth.
readCsetSkipCharacters() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ScannerConfig
Read the value of the field cset_skip_characters.
readCurrentX() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawState
Read the value of the field current_x.
readCurrentY() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawState
Read the value of the field current_y.
readData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ByteArrayInterface
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLine
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.StaticResource
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogBuffer
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ClosureNotifyData
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RequestedSize
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Read the value of the field data.
readData() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Read the value of the field data.
readDataCount() - Method in class
Read the value of the field data_count.
readDataCount() - Method in class
Read the value of the field data_count.
readDataLen() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.StaticResource
Read the value of the field data_len.
readDbusErrorName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusErrorEntry
Read the value of the field dbus_error_name.
readDeadline() - Method in class
Read the value of the field deadline.
readDecodeFrameNumber() - Method in class
Read the value of the field decode_frame_number.
readDefaultValue() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxis
Read the value of the field default_value.
readDefaultValue() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Read the value of the field default_value.
readDefDen() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Read the value of the field def_den.
readDefNum() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Read the value of the field def_num.
readDeleteProperty() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassVTable
Read the value of the field delete_property.
readDepth() - Method in class
Read the value of the field depth.
readDepth() - Method in class
Read the value of the field depth.
readDepth() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRecMutex
Read the value of the field depth.
readDesc() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontDesc
Read the value of the field desc.
readDescender() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontExtents
Read the value of the field descender.
readDescent() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Read the value of the field descent.
readDescription() - Method in class
Read the value of the field description.
readDescription() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Read the value of the field description.
readDescription() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FormatDefinition
Read the value of the field description.
readDescription() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Read the value of the field description.
readDescription() - Method in class
Read the value of the field description.
readDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Read the value of the field description.
readDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Read the value of the field description.
readDescription() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Read the value of the field description.
readDeserialize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueTable
Read the value of the field deserialize.
readDeserializeFunc() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Read the value of the field deserialize_func.
readDeserializeWithPspec() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueTable
Read the value of the field deserialize_with_pspec.
readDestroy() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueItem
Read the value of the field destroy.
readDestroy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Read the value of the field destroy.
readDestroyData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Read the value of the field destroy_data.
readDestroyFunc() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Read the value of the field destroy_func.
readDetail() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalInvocationHint
Read the value of the field detail.
readDID() - Method in class
Read the value of the field DID.
readDID() - Method in class
Read the value of the field DID.
readDirection() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticPadTemplate
Read the value of the field direction.
readDirection() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.SegmentProperties
Read the value of the field direction.
readDirection() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Read the value of the field direction.
readDisable() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo
Read the value of the field disable.
readDisabled() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Read the value of the field disabled.
readDispatch() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeVTable
Read the value of the field dispatch.
readDispatch() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
Read the value of the field dispatch.
readDisplayName() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Read the value of the field display_name.
readDisplayPrimaries() - Method in class
Read the value of the field display_primaries.
readDispose() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Read the value of the field dispose.
readDistanceFromSync() - Method in class
Read the value of the field distance_from_sync.
readDomain() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Read the value of the field domain.
readDomain() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GError
Read the value of the field domain.
readDrmFourcc() - Method in class
Read the value of the field drm_fourcc.
readDrmModifier() - Method in class
Read the value of the field drm_modifier.
readDts() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Read the value of the field dts.
readDts() - Method in class
Read the value of the field dts.
readDummy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Read the value of the field dummy.
readDummy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Read the value of the field dummy.
readDummy() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec.ParamSpecClass
Read the value of the field dummy.
readDummy() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersIter
Read the value of the field dummy.
readDummy0() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsIter
Read the value of the field dummy0.
readDummy1() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Read the value of the field dummy1.
readDummy1() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsIter
Read the value of the field dummy1.
readDummy1() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Read the value of the field dummy1.
readDummy1() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.RegionIter
Read the value of the field dummy1.
readDummy10() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Read the value of the field dummy10.
readDummy11() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Read the value of the field dummy11.
readDummy12() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Read the value of the field dummy12.
readDummy13() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Read the value of the field dummy13.
readDummy14() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Read the value of the field dummy14.
readDummy2() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Read the value of the field dummy2.
readDummy2() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsIter
Read the value of the field dummy2.
readDummy2() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Read the value of the field dummy2.
readDummy2() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.RegionIter
Read the value of the field dummy2.
readDummy3() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Read the value of the field dummy3.
readDummy3() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Read the value of the field dummy3.
readDummy3() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsIter
Read the value of the field dummy3.
readDummy3() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Read the value of the field dummy3.
readDummy3() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.RegionIter
Read the value of the field dummy3.
readDummy4() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Read the value of the field dummy4.
readDummy4() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Read the value of the field dummy4.
readDummy5() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Read the value of the field dummy5.
readDummy5() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Read the value of the field dummy5.
readDummy6() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Read the value of the field dummy6.
readDummy6() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Read the value of the field dummy6.
readDummy7() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Read the value of the field dummy7.
readDummy8() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Read the value of the field dummy8.
readDummy9() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Read the value of the field dummy9.
readDuration() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueItem
Read the value of the field duration.
readDuration() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Read the value of the field duration.
readDuration() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ReferenceTimestampMeta
Read the value of the field duration.
readDuration() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Read the value of the field duration.
readDuration() - Method in class
Read the value of the field duration.
readDx() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Shadow
Read the value of the field dx.
readDy() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Shadow
Read the value of the field dy.
readElementfactory() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Read the value of the field elementfactory.
readElementSpec() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecArray
Read the value of the field element_spec.
readEnable() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo
Read the value of the field enable.
readEncodedReadBuf() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Read the value of the field encoded_read_buf.
readEncoding() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Read the value of the field encoding.
readEnd() - Method in class
Read the value of the field end.
readEnd() - Method in class
Read the value of the field end.
readEnd() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Feature
Read the value of the field end.
readEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageRange
Read the value of the field end.
readEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Range
Read the value of the field end.
readEndChar() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Read the value of the field end_char.
readEndConnectorLength() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPart
Read the value of the field end_connector_length.
readEndGlyph() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Read the value of the field end_glyph.
readEndianness() - Method in class
Read the value of the field endianness.
readEndIndex() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Read the value of the field end_index.
readEndIndex() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Read the value of the field end_index.
readEndXOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Read the value of the field end_x_offset.
readEnumerate() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeVTable
Read the value of the field enumerate.
readEnumerateProperties() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassVTable
Read the value of the field enumerate_properties.
readerLock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
Obtain a read lock on this RWLock.
readerLock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Use g_rw_lock_reader_lock() instead
readErrorCode() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusErrorEntry
Read the value of the field error_code.
readerTrylock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
Tries to obtain a read lock on this RWLock and returns true if the read lock was successfully obtained.
readerTrylock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Use g_rw_lock_reader_trylock() instead
readerUnlock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
Release a read lock on this RWLock.
readerUnlock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Use g_rw_lock_reader_unlock() instead
readExclusive() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Read the value of the field exclusive.
readExtension() - Method in class
Read the value of the field extension.
readExtensions() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Read the value of the field extensions.
readFactory() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderClass
Read the value of the field factory.
readFd() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PollFD
Read the value of the field fd.
readFds() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.UnixPipe
Read the value of the field fds.
readFeatures() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontFeatures
Read the value of the field features.
readField() - Method in class
Read the value of the field field.
readField() - Method in class
Read the value of the field field.
readField() - Method in class
Read the value of the field field.
readFieldCount() - Method in class
Read the value of the field field_count.
readFinalize() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
Read the value of the field finalize.
readFinalizeHook() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Read the value of the field finalize_hook.
readFinfo() - Method in class
Read the value of the field finfo.
readFinfo() - Method in class
Read the value of the field finfo.
readFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous file read operation started with g_file_read_async().
readFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Finishes an asynchronous stream read operation.
readFinish(AsyncResult, Out<String>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Finishes an asynchronous clipboard read.
readFinish(AsyncResult, Out<String>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
Finishes an async drop read operation.
readFixed() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Read the value of the field fixed.
readFlags() - Method in class
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocationParams
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireParams
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPart
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TimeCoord
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfo
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Read the value of the field flags.
readFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Read the value of the field flags.
readFn(MemorySegment, long, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
readFont() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Read the value of the field font.
readFormat() - Method in class
Read the value of the field format.
readFormat() - Method in class
Read the value of the field format.
readFormat() - Method in class
Read the value of the field format.
readFormat() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireParams
Read the value of the field format.
readFormat() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Read the value of the field format.
readFormat() - Method in class
Read the value of the field format.
readFormat() - Method in class
Read the value of the field format.
readFpsD() - Method in class
Read the value of the field fps_d.
readFpsD() - Method in class
Read the value of the field fps_d.
readFpsN() - Method in class
Read the value of the field fps_n.
readFpsN() - Method in class
Read the value of the field fps_n.
readFrames() - Method in class
Read the value of the field frames.
readFrames() - Method in class
Read the value of the field frames.
readFree() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Read the value of the field free.
readFree() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Read the value of the field free.
readFreeFunc() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Read the value of the field free_func.
readFromChannels() - Method in class
Read the value of the field from_channels.
readFromPosition() - Method in class
Read the value of the field from_position.
readFullAdvance() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPart
Read the value of the field full_advance.
readFunc() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Read the value of the field func.
readFunc() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Read the value of the field func.
readFunc() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Read the value of the field func.
readFunc() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Read the value of the field func.
readFunc() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Read the value of the field func.
readFuncs() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Read the value of the field funcs.
readFuture() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Private
Read the value of the field future.
readGClass() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInstance
Read the value of the field g_class.
readGeometry() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphInfo
Read the value of the field geometry.
readGetColorStops() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLine
Read the value of the field get_color_stops.
readGetColorStopsUserData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLine
Read the value of the field get_color_stops_user_data.
readGetExtend() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLine
Read the value of the field get_extend.
readGetExtendUserData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLine
Read the value of the field get_extend_user_data.
readGetProperty() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceVTable
Read the value of the field get_property.
readGetProperty() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassVTable
Read the value of the field get_property.
readGInstanceType() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterface
Read the value of the field g_instance_type.
readGlyph() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorLayer
Read the value of the field glyph.
readGlyph() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPart
Read the value of the field glyph.
readGlyph() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphVariant
Read the value of the field glyph.
readGlyph() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphInfo
Read the value of the field glyph.
readGlyphItem() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Read the value of the field glyph_item.
readGlyphs() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Read the value of the field glyphs.
readGlyphs() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Read the value of the field glyphs.
readGravity() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Read the value of the field gravity.
readGreen() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Read the value of the field green.
readGreen() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Color
Read the value of the field green.
readGroup() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeymapKey
Read the value of the field group.
readGroups() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Read the value of the field groups.
readGType() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
Read the value of the field g_type.
readGType() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterface
Read the value of the field g_type.
readGType() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Read the value of the field g_type.
readGTypeClass() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumClass
Read the value of the field g_type_class.
readGTypeClass() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsClass
Read the value of the field g_type_class.
readGx() - Method in class
Read the value of the field Gx.
readGy() - Method in class
Read the value of the field Gy.
readH() - Method in class
Read the value of the field h.
readH() - Method in class
Read the value of the field h.
readHasProperty() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassVTable
Read the value of the field has_property.
readHaveWriter() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Read the value of the field have_writer.
readHeight() - Method in class
Read the value of the field height.
readHeight() - Method in class
Read the value of the field height.
readHeight() - Method in class
Read the value of the field height.
readHeight() - Method in class
Read the value of the field height.
readHeight() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphExtents
Read the value of the field height.
readHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Read the value of the field height.
readHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Size
Read the value of the field height.
readHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Requisition
Read the value of the field height.
readHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Read the value of the field height.
readHeight() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Rectangle
Read the value of the field height.
readHookId() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Read the value of the field hook_id.
readHooks() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Read the value of the field hooks.
readHours() - Method in class
Read the value of the field hours.
readHours() - Method in class
Read the value of the field hours.
readHSub() - Method in class
Read the value of the field h_sub.
readI() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Cond
Read the value of the field i.
readI() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RecMutex
Read the value of the field i.
readI() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
Read the value of the field i.
readId() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
Read the value of the field id.
readId() - Method in class
Read the value of the field id.
readId() - Method in class
Read the value of the field id.
readId() - Method in class
Read the value of the field id.
readIdx() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PollFD
Read the value of the field idx.
readInArgs() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
Read the value of the field in_args.
readIndex() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionEntry
Read the value of the field index.
readInfo() - Method in class
Read the value of the field info.
readInfo() - Method in class
Read the value of the field info.
readInfo() - Method in class
Read the value of the field info.
readInfo() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Read the value of the field info.
readInfo() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProtectionMeta
Read the value of the field info.
readInfo() - Method in class
Read the value of the field info.
readInfo() - Method in class
Read the value of the field info.
readInfo() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Read the value of the field info.
readInfos() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoList
Read the value of the field infos.
readInInfo() - Method in class
Read the value of the field in_info.
readInitFunc() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Read the value of the field init_func.
readInkRect() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Read the value of the field ink_rect.
readInputBuffer() - Method in class
Read the value of the field input_buffer.
readInputFd() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field input_fd.
readInputName() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field input_name.
readInSize() - Method in class
Read the value of the field in_size.
readInstanceInit() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Read the value of the field instance_init.
readInstanceSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo
Read the value of the field instance_size.
readInstanceSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Read the value of the field instance_size.
readInstanceSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeQuery
Read the value of the field instance_size.
readInt(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream
Tries to read a single byte from the stream or the buffer.
readInt16(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Reads a 16-bit/2-byte value from this DataInputStream.
readInt32(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Reads a signed 32-bit/4-byte value from this DataInputStream.
readInt64(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Reads a 64-bit/8-byte value from this DataInputStream.
readInterfaceData() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceInfo
Read the value of the field interface_data.
readInterfaceFinalize() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceInfo
Read the value of the field interface_finalize.
readInterfaceInit() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceInfo
Read the value of the field interface_init.
readInterfaces() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Read the value of the field interfaces.
readInterlaceMode() - Method in class
Read the value of the field interlace_mode.
readInterval() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Read the value of the field interval.
readIntrospect() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeVTable
Read the value of the field introspect.
readIsAudio() - Method in class
Read the value of the field is_audio.
readIsForeground() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorStop
Read the value of the field is_foreground.
readIsLetterbox() - Method in class
Read the value of the field is_letterbox.
readIsPrivate() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Read the value of the field is_private.
readIsSaveOptionSupported() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Read the value of the field is_save_option_supported.
readItem() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Read the value of the field item.
readItem() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Read the value of the field item.
readItype() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Read the value of the field itype.
readJoinable() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Read the value of the field joinable.
readKernValue() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKernEntry
Read the value of the field kern_value.
readKey() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
Read the value of the field key.
readKey() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DebugKey
Read the value of the field key.
readKey() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.LogField
Read the value of the field key.
readKeycode() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeymapKey
Read the value of the field keycode.
readKlass() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Read the value of the field klass.
readLabel() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionEntry
Read the value of the field label.
readLangEngine() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Read the value of the field lang_engine.
readLanguage() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Read the value of the field language.
readLatencyTime() - Method in class
Read the value of the field latency_time.
readLatestDailyJam() - Method in class
Read the value of the field latest_daily_jam.
readLayout() - Method in class
Read the value of the field layout.
readLayout() - Method in class
Read the value of the field layout.
readLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Read the value of the field layout.
readLayoutChildType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager.LayoutManagerClass
Read the value of the field layout_child_type.
readLcopyFormat() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Read the value of the field lcopy_format.
readLcopyValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Read the value of the field lcopy_value.
readLeft() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Border
Read the value of the field left.
readLen() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ByteArrayInterface
Read the value of the field len.
readLen() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Read the value of the field len.
readLen() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Read the value of the field len.
readLen() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Read the value of the field len.
readLen() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Read the value of the field len.
readLen() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tuples
Read the value of the field len.
readLength() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.LogField
Read the value of the field length.
readLength() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Read the value of the field length.
readLength() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextRange
Read the value of the field length.
readLength() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Item
Read the value of the field length.
readLength() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Read the value of the field length.
readLength() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Read the value of the field length.
readLevel() - Method in class
Read the value of the field level.
readLevel() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeymapKey
Read the value of the field level.
readLevel() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Read the value of the field level.
readLicense() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Read the value of the field license.
readLicense() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Read the value of the field license.
readLine() - Method in class
Read the value of the field line.
readLine() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field line.
readLine(Out<Long>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Reads a line from the data input stream.
readLine(Out<String>, Out<Long>, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Reads a line, including the terminating character(s), from a GIOChannel into a newly-allocated string.
readLine(MemorySegment, GString) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
readLineAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
The asynchronous version of g_data_input_stream_read_line().
readLineBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ParseLocation
Read the value of the field line_bytes.
readLineBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssLocation
Read the value of the field line_bytes.
readLineChars() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ParseLocation
Read the value of the field line_chars.
readLineChars() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssLocation
Read the value of the field line_chars.
readLineFinish(AsyncResult, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Finish an asynchronous call started by g_data_input_stream_read_line_async().
readLineFinishUtf8(AsyncResult, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Finish an asynchronous call started by g_data_input_stream_read_line_async().
readLineGap() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontExtents
Read the value of the field line_gap.
readLines() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ParseLocation
Read the value of the field lines.
readLines() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssLocation
Read the value of the field lines.
readLineString(GString, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Reads a line from a GIOChannel, using a GString as a buffer.
readLineTerm() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Read the value of the field line_term.
readLineTermLen() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Read the value of the field line_term_len.
readLineUtf8(Out<Long>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Reads a UTF-8 encoded line from the data input stream.
readLoad() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Read the value of the field load.
readLoadAnimation() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Read the value of the field load_animation.
readLoadIncrement() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Read the value of the field load_increment.
readLoadXpmData() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Read the value of the field load_xpm_data.
readLock() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Read the value of the field lock.
readLock() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Read the value of the field lock.
readLockstate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Read the value of the field lockstate.
readLogClusters() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Read the value of the field log_clusters.
readLogicalRect() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Read the value of the field logical_rect.
readLogType() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogMsg
Read the value of the field log_type.
readLongName() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Read the value of the field long_name.
readMajorVersion() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Read the value of the field major_version.
readMap() - Method in class
Read the value of the field map.
readMapInfos() - Method in class
Read the value of the field map_infos.
readMask() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphInfo
Read the value of the field mask.
readMask() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModulePattern
Read the value of the field mask.
readMask() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsClass
Read the value of the field mask.
readMasterCookie() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Read the value of the field master_cookie.
readMasteringDisplayInfo() - Method in class
Read the value of the field mastering_display_info.
readMatrix() - Method in class
Read the value of the field matrix.
readMatrix() - Method in class
Read the value of the field matrix.
readMatrix(int) - Method in class
Read the value of the field matrix.
readMax() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Read the value of the field max.
readMaxContentLightLevel() - Method in class
Read the value of the field max_content_light_level.
readMaxCorrectionHeight() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKernEntry
Read the value of the field max_correction_height.
readMaxDen() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Read the value of the field max_den.
readMaxDisplayMasteringLuminance() - Method in class
Read the value of the field max_display_mastering_luminance.
readMaxFrameAverageLightLevel() - Method in class
Read the value of the field max_frame_average_light_level.
readMaximum() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumClass
Read the value of the field maximum.
readMaxNum() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Read the value of the field max_num.
readMaxParseErrors() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field max_parse_errors.
readMaxsize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
Read the value of the field maxsize.
readMaxsize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Read the value of the field maxsize.
readMaxTaps() - Method in class
Read the value of the field max_taps.
readMaxValue() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxis
Read the value of the field max_value.
readMaxValue() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Read the value of the field max_value.
readMemory() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
Read the value of the field memory.
readMessage() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GError
Read the value of the field message.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CustomMeta
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProtectionMeta
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMeta() - Method in class
Read the value of the field meta.
readMetadata() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderClass
Read the value of the field metadata.
readMetadata() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Read the value of the field metadata.
readMethodCall() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceVTable
Read the value of the field method_call.
readMethods() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Read the value of the field methods.
readMimeType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Read the value of the field mime_type.
readMimeTypes() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Read the value of the field mime_types.
readMin() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Read the value of the field min.
readMinDen() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Read the value of the field min_den.
readMinDisplayMasteringLuminance() - Method in class
Read the value of the field min_display_mastering_luminance.
readMinimum() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumClass
Read the value of the field minimum.
readMinimumSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RequestedSize
Read the value of the field minimum_size.
readMiniObject() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Read the value of the field mini_object.
readMiniObject() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Read the value of the field mini_object.
readMiniObject() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Read the value of the field mini_object.
readMiniObject() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Read the value of the field mini_object.
readMiniObject() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Read the value of the field mini_object.
readMiniObject() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Read the value of the field mini_object.
readMiniObject() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Read the value of the field mini_object.
readMinNum() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Read the value of the field min_num.
readMinorVersion() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Read the value of the field minor_version.
readMinutes() - Method in class
Read the value of the field minutes.
readMinutes() - Method in class
Read the value of the field minutes.
readMinValue() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxis
Read the value of the field min_value.
readMinValue() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Read the value of the field min_value.
readMode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionEntry
Read the value of the field mode.
readModuleName() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Read the value of the field module_name.
readModulePath() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Read the value of the field module_path.
readMsgHandler() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field msg_handler.
readMutex() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticMutex
Read the value of the field mutex.
readMutex() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRecMutex
Read the value of the field mutex.
readMutex() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Read the value of the field mutex.
readName() - Method in class
Read the value of the field name.
readName() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Read the value of the field name.
readName() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Read the value of the field name.
readName() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Read the value of the field name.
readName() - Method in class
Read the value of the field name.
readName() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Read the value of the field name.
readName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry
Read the value of the field name.
readName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusArgInfo
Read the value of the field name.
readName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Read the value of the field name.
readName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
Read the value of the field name.
readName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
Read the value of the field name.
readName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalInfo
Read the value of the field name.
readName() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfo
Read the value of the field name.
readName() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Dir
Retrieves the name of another entry in the directory, or null.
readName() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Read the value of the field name.
readName() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Parameter
Read the value of the field name.
readName() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension.WebsocketExtensionClass
Read the value of the field name.
readNameId() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo
Read the value of the field name_id.
readNameId() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameEntry
Read the value of the field name_id.
readNameId() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxis
Read the value of the field name_id.
readNameId() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Read the value of the field name_id.
readNameTemplate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticPadTemplate
Read the value of the field name_template.
readNaturalSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RequestedSize
Read the value of the field natural_size.
readNComponents() - Method in class
Read the value of the field n_components.
readNConstructProperties() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Read the value of the field n_construct_properties.
readNext() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Read the value of the field next.
readNext() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.StaticResource
Read the value of the field next.
readNext() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Read the value of the field next.
readNext() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Read the value of the field next.
readNext() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Read the value of the field next.
readNext() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TrashStack
Read the value of the field next.
readNextLine() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field next_line.
readNextPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field next_position.
readNextToken() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field next_token.
readNextValue() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field next_value.
readNick() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FormatDefinition
Read the value of the field nick.
readNInfos() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoList
Read the value of the field n_infos.
readNNums() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogMsg
Read the value of the field n_nums.
readNodes() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Read the value of the field nodes.
readNonblocking(Out<byte[]>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.PollableInputStream
Attempts to read up to count bytes from this PollableInputStream into buffer, as with g_input_stream_read().
readNormal() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Read the value of the field normal.
readNotifiers() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Read the value of the field notifiers.
readNotify() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Private
Read the value of the field notify.
readNotify() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ClosureNotifyData
Read the value of the field notify.
readNParams() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Read the value of the field n_params.
readNPhases() - Method in class
Read the value of the field n_phases.
readNPlanes() - Method in class
Read the value of the field n_planes.
readNPlanes() - Method in class
Read the value of the field n_planes.
readNPlanes() - Method in class
Read the value of the field n_planes.
readNPrealloced() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
Read the value of the field n_prealloced.
readNPreallocs() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo
Read the value of the field n_preallocs.
readNPreallocs() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Read the value of the field n_preallocs.
readNPspecs() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Read the value of the field n_pspecs.
readNSamples() - Method in class
Read the value of the field n_samples.
readNStrings() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogMsg
Read the value of the field n_strings.
readNTaps() - Method in class
Read the value of the field n_taps.
readNTextures() - Method in class
Read the value of the field n_textures.
readNum() - Method in class
Read the value of the field num.
readNumBytesPerChannel() - Method in class
Read the value of the field num_bytes_per_channel.
readNumChannels() - Method in class
Read the value of the field num_channels.
readNumChars() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Item
Read the value of the field num_chars.
readNumControlMessages() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Read the value of the field num_control_messages.
readNumControlMessages() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
Read the value of the field num_control_messages.
readNumGlyphs() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Read the value of the field num_glyphs.
readNumpadtemplates() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Read the value of the field numpadtemplates.
readNums() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogMsg
Read the value of the field nums.
readNumVectors() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Read the value of the field num_vectors.
readNumVectors() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
Read the value of the field num_vectors.
readNValues() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumClass
Read the value of the field n_values.
readNValues() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsClass
Read the value of the field n_values.
readNValues() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
Read the value of the field n_values.
readObject() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueItem
Read the value of the field object.
readOffset() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Read the value of the field offset.
readOffset() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Read the value of the field offset.
readOffset() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Read the value of the field offset.
readOffset() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaTransformCopy
Read the value of the field offset.
readOffset() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
Read the value of the field offset.
readOffset() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Read the value of the field offset.
readOffset() - Method in class
Read the value of the field offset.
readOffset() - Method in class
Read the value of the field offset.
readOffset() - Method in class
Read the value of the field offset.
readOffset() - Method in class
Read the value of the field offset.
readOffset() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorStop
Read the value of the field offset.
readOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ColorStop
Read the value of the field offset.
readOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Item
Read the value of the field offset.
readOffsetEnd() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Read the value of the field offset_end.
readOffsets() - Method in class
Read the value of the field offsets.
readOffsets() - Method in class
Read the value of the field offsets.
READONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryFlags
memory is readonly.
READONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaFlags
metadata should not be modified
READONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.MemoryMode
HarfBuzz client will never modify the data, and HarfBuzz will never modify the data.
READONLY_MAY_MAKE_WRITABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.MemoryMode
See above
readOrder() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Read the value of the field order.
readOrigin() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Read the value of the field origin.
readOrigin() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Read the value of the field origin.
readOrigin() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Read the value of the field origin.
readOutArgs() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
Read the value of the field out_args.
readOutBuffer() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Read the value of the field out_buffer.
readOutInfo() - Method in class
Read the value of the field out_info.
readOutputBuffer() - Method in class
Read the value of the field output_buffer.
readOutSize() - Method in class
Read the value of the field out_size.
readOverhead() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Read the value of the field overhead.
readOverlay() - Method in class
Read the value of the field overlay.
readOwned() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Read the value of the field owned.
readOwned() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Read the value of the field owned.
readP() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Cond
Read the value of the field p.
readP() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Private
Read the value of the field p.
readP() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RecMutex
Read the value of the field p.
readP() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
Read the value of the field p.
readP() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.WeakRef
Read the value of the field p.
readPackage() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Read the value of the field package.
readPackFunc() - Method in class
Read the value of the field pack_func.
readPackFunc() - Method in class
Read the value of the field pack_func.
readPackLines() - Method in class
Read the value of the field pack_lines.
readPad() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
Read the value of the field pad.
readPadding() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.GLAreaClass
Read the value of the field _padding.
readPadding() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager.LayoutManagerClass
Read the value of the field _padding.
readPaddingBottom() - Method in class
Read the value of the field padding_bottom.
readPaddingDummy() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ScannerConfig
Read the value of the field padding_dummy.
readPaddingLeft() - Method in class
Read the value of the field padding_left.
readPaddingRight() - Method in class
Read the value of the field padding_right.
readPaddingTop() - Method in class
Read the value of the field padding_top.
readPadTemplCookie() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Read the value of the field pad_templ_cookie.
readParameterType() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry
Read the value of the field parameter_type.
readParamTypes() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Read the value of the field param_types.
readParD() - Method in class
Read the value of the field par_d.
readParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Read the value of the field parent.
readParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Read the value of the field parent.
readParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParentBufferMeta
Read the value of the field parent.
readParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Promise
Read the value of the field parent.
readParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ReferenceTimestampMeta
Read the value of the field parent.
readParent() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Read the value of the field parent.
readParentId() - Method in class
Read the value of the field parent_id.
readParentInstance() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecArray
Read the value of the field parent_instance.
readParentInstance() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Read the value of the field parent_instance.
readParN() - Method in class
Read the value of the field par_n.
readParseErrors() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field parse_errors.
readPartialWriteBuf() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Read the value of the field partial_write_buf.
readPassthroughOnSameCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Read the value of the field passthrough_on_same_caps.
readPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Read the value of the field path.
readPathOpen() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawState
Read the value of the field path_open.
readPathStartX() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawState
Read the value of the field path_start_x.
readPathStartY() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawState
Read the value of the field path_start_y.
readPathStringSeparator() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject.ObjectClass
Read the value of the field path_string_separator.
readPdata() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Read the value of the field pdata.
readPdummy() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Read the value of the field pdummy.
readPhase() - Method in class
Read the value of the field phase.
readPixelBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Provides a GBytes buffer containing the raw pixel data; the data must not be modified.
readPixels() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Provides a read-only pointer to the raw pixel data.
readPixelStride() - Method in class
Read the value of the field pixel_stride.
readPlane() - Method in class
Read the value of the field plane.
readPlanes() - Method in class
Read the value of the field planes.
readPlanes() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Read the value of the field planes.
readPluginInit() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Read the value of the field plugin_init.
readPoffset() - Method in class
Read the value of the field poffset.
readPoints() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quad
Read the value of the field points.
readPool() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.BinClass
Read the value of the field pool.
readPool() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Read the value of the field pool.
readPool() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task.TaskClass
Read the value of the field pool.
readPos() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
Read the value of the field pos.
readPosition() - Method in class
Read the value of the field position.
readPosition() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Read the value of the field position.
readPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field position.
readPositions() - Method in class
Read the value of the field positions.
readPrefix() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocationParams
Read the value of the field prefix.
readPrefix() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModulePattern
Read the value of the field prefix.
readPrefix() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Read the value of the field prefix.
readPrepare() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
Read the value of the field prepare.
readPresence() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticPadTemplate
Read the value of the field presence.
readPresentationFrameNumber() - Method in class
Read the value of the field presentation_frame_number.
readPrev() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Read the value of the field prev.
readPrev() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Read the value of the field prev.
readPrev() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Read the value of the field prev.
readPrimaries() - Method in class
Read the value of the field primaries.
readPrimaries() - Method in class
Read the value of the field primaries.
readPriority() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Read the value of the field priority.
readPriority() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Read the value of the field priority.
readPrivateData() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BitsetIter
Read the value of the field private_data.
readPrivateFlags() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Read the value of the field _private_flags.
readPrivMapInfosArr() - Method in class
Read the value of the field priv_map_infos_arr.
readPrivOffsetsArr() - Method in class
Read the value of the field priv_offsets_arr.
readPrivOffsetsArr() - Method in class
Read the value of the field priv_offsets_arr.
readPrivPlanesArr() - Method in class
Read the value of the field priv_planes_arr.
readPrivPointer() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Read the value of the field priv_pointer.
readPrivUint() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Read the value of the field priv_uint.
readProperties() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Read the value of the field properties.
readPropertyValueType(GObject.ObjectClass, String) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Properties
Read the GType of the GParamSpec of a GObject property.
readPspec() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ObjectConstructParam
Read the value of the field pspec.
readPspecs() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Read the value of the field pspecs.
readPts() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Read the value of the field pts.
readPts() - Method in class
Read the value of the field pts.
readPushed() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Read the value of the field pushed.
readQuark() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FormatDefinition
Read the value of the field quark.
readRadius() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Read the value of the field radius.
readRadius() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Shadow
Read the value of the field radius.
readRange() - Method in class
Read the value of the field range.
readRate() - Method in class
Read the value of the field rate.
readRate() - Method in class
Read the value of the field rate.
readRate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Read the value of the field rate.
readReadBuf() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Read the value of the field read_buf.
readReadCond() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Read the value of the field read_cond.
readReadCounter() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Read the value of the field read_counter.
readRed() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Read the value of the field red.
readRed() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Color
Read the value of the field red.
readRefcount() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Read the value of the field refcount.
readRefcount() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Read the value of the field refcount.
readRefCount() - Method in class
Read the value of the field ref_count.
readRefCount() - Method in class
Read the value of the field ref_count.
readRefCount() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
Read the value of the field ref_count.
readRefCount() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusArgInfo
Read the value of the field ref_count.
readRefCount() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Read the value of the field ref_count.
readRefCount() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
Read the value of the field ref_count.
readRefCount() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Read the value of the field ref_count.
readRefCount() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
Read the value of the field ref_count.
readRefCount() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalInfo
Read the value of the field ref_count.
readRefCount() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Read the value of the field ref_count.
readRefCount() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Read the value of the field ref_count.
readRefCount() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Read the value of the field ref_count.
readRefCount() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Read the value of the field ref_count.
readReference() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ReferenceTimestampMeta
Read the value of the field reference.
readRegion() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaTransformCopy
Read the value of the field region.
readReleaseDatetime() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Read the value of the field release_datetime.
readRelevance() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModulePattern
Read the value of the field relevance.
readResource() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.StaticResource
Read the value of the field resource.
readResync() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Read the value of the field resync.
readReturnType() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Read the value of the field return_type.
readRetval() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Once
Read the value of the field retval.
readReversedBytes() - Method in class
Read the value of the field reversed_bytes.
readRight() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Border
Read the value of the field right.
readRoiType() - Method in class
Read the value of the field roi_type.
readRunType() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalInvocationHint
Read the value of the field run_type.
readRx() - Method in class
Read the value of the field Rx.
readRy() - Method in class
Read the value of the field Ry.
readSamples() - Method in class
Read the value of the field samples.
readSave() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Read the value of the field save.
readSaveToCallback() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Read the value of the field save_to_callback.
readSchemeName() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth.AuthClass
Read the value of the field scheme_name.
readScopeId() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field scope_id.
readScript() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.SegmentProperties
Read the value of the field script.
readScript() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Read the value of the field script.
readSDIDBlockNumber() - Method in class
Read the value of the field SDID_block_number.
readSDIDBlockNumber() - Method in class
Read the value of the field SDID_block_number.
readSeconds() - Method in class
Read the value of the field seconds.
readSeconds() - Method in class
Read the value of the field seconds.
readSector(int) - Method in class
reading a sector
readSeglatency() - Method in class
Read the value of the field seglatency.
readSegment() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
Read the value of the field segment.
readSegsize() - Method in class
Read the value of the field segsize.
readSegtotal() - Method in class
Read the value of the field segtotal.
readSeqId() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Read the value of the field seq_id.
readSeqnum() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Read the value of the field seqnum.
readSeqnum() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Read the value of the field seqnum.
readSerialize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueTable
Read the value of the field serialize.
readSerializeFunc() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Read the value of the field serialize_func.
readSetProperty() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceVTable
Read the value of the field set_property.
readSetProperty() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassVTable
Read the value of the field set_property.
readShapeEngine() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Read the value of the field shape_engine.
readShapeEngineType() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap.FontMapClass
Read the value of the field shape_engine_type.
readShift() - Method in class
Read the value of the field shift.
readShortName() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Read the value of the field short_name.
readSignalFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Read the value of the field signal_flags.
readSignalId() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalInvocationHint
Read the value of the field signal_id.
readSignalId() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Read the value of the field signal_id.
readSignalName() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Read the value of the field signal_name.
readSignalPadding() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass
Read the value of the field signal_padding.
readSignals() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Read the value of the field signals.
readSignature() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Read the value of the field signature.
readSignature() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusArgInfo
Read the value of the field signature.
readSignature() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
Read the value of the field signature.
readSilence() - Method in class
Read the value of the field silence.
readSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Read the value of the field size.
readSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Read the value of the field size.
readSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Read the value of the field size.
readSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueItem
Read the value of the field size.
readSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Read the value of the field size.
readSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
Read the value of the field size.
readSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Read the value of the field size.
readSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Read the value of the field size.
readSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaTransformCopy
Read the value of the field size.
readSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
Read the value of the field size.
readSize() - Method in class
Read the value of the field size.
readSize() - Method in class
Read the value of the field size.
readSize() - Method in class
Read the value of the field size.
readSize() - Method in class
Read the value of the field size.
readSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputVector
Read the value of the field size.
readSize() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputVector
Read the value of the field size.
readSize() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Read the value of the field size.
readSize() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrSize
Read the value of the field size.
readSource() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Read the value of the field source.
readSourceFuncs() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Read the value of the field source_funcs.
readSourceId() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Read the value of the field source_id.
readSpace() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Read the value of the field space.
readSpec() - Method in class
Read the value of the field spec.
readSrc() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Read the value of the field src.
readStamp() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeIter
Read the value of the field stamp.
readStart() - Method in class
Read the value of the field start.
readStart() - Method in class
Read the value of the field start.
readStart() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireParams
Read the value of the field start.
readStart() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Read the value of the field start.
readStart() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Feature
Read the value of the field start.
readStart() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextRange
Read the value of the field start.
readStart() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageRange
Read the value of the field start.
readStart() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Range
Read the value of the field start.
readStartChar() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Read the value of the field start_char.
readStartConnectorLength() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPart
Read the value of the field start_connector_length.
readStartGlyph() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Read the value of the field start_glyph.
readStartIndex() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Read the value of the field start_index.
readStartIndex() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Read the value of the field start_index.
readStartIndex() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Read the value of the field start_index.
readStartXOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Read the value of the field start_x_offset.
readState() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
Read the value of the field state.
readState() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry
Read the value of the field state.
readStaticCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticPadTemplate
Read the value of the field static_caps.
readStatus() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Read the value of the field status.
readStatus() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Once
Read the value of the field status.
readStop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireParams
Read the value of the field stop.
readStop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Read the value of the field stop.
readStopLoad() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Read the value of the field stop_load.
readStr() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Read the value of the field str.
readStrength() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth.AuthClass
Read the value of the field strength.
readStride() - Method in class
Read the value of the field stride.
readStride() - Method in class
Read the value of the field stride.
readStride() - Method in class
Read the value of the field stride.
readStrideAlign() - Method in class
Read the value of the field stride_align.
readStrikethroughPosition() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Read the value of the field strikethrough_position.
readStrikethroughThickness() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Read the value of the field strikethrough_thickness.
readString() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticCaps
Read the value of the field string.
readStrings(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogMsg
Read the value of the field strings.
readStrncmpFunc() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Read the value of the field strncmp_func.
readStructure() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CustomMeta
Read the value of the field structure.
readSupportsThreadContexts() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Read the value of the field supports_thread_contexts.
readSystemFrameNumber() - Method in class
Read the value of the field system_frame_number.
readTag() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Feature
Read the value of the field tag.
readTag() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxis
Read the value of the field tag.
readTag() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Read the value of the field tag.
readTag() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Variation
Read the value of the field tag.
readTags() - Method in class
Read the value of the field tags.
readTaps() - Method in class
Read the value of the field taps.
readTc() - Method in class
Read the value of the field tc.
readTestInitialized() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
Read the value of the field test_initialized.
readTestPerf() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
Read the value of the field test_perf.
readTestQuick() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
Read the value of the field test_quick.
readTestQuiet() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
Read the value of the field test_quiet.
readTestUndefined() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
Read the value of the field test_undefined.
readTestVerbose() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
Read the value of the field test_verbose.
readText() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field text.
readText() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Read the value of the field text.
readTextAsync(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Asynchronously request the this Clipboard contents converted to a string.
readTextEnd() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field text_end.
readTextFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Finishes an asynchronous clipboard read.
readTextureAsync(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Asynchronously request the this Clipboard contents converted to a GdkPixbuf.
readTextureFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Finishes an asynchronous clipboard read.
readTextureOrientation() - Method in class
Read the value of the field texture_orientation.
readTextureType() - Method in class
Read the value of the field texture_type.
readThreshold() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Read the value of the field threshold.
readTileHs() - Method in class
Read the value of the field tile_hs.
readTileInfo() - Method in class
Read the value of the field tile_info.
readTileMode() - Method in class
Read the value of the field tile_mode.
readTileWs() - Method in class
Read the value of the field tile_ws.
readTime() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueSize
Read the value of the field time.
readTime() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Read the value of the field time.
readTime() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Read the value of the field time.
readTime() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TimeCoord
Read the value of the field time.
readTimestamp() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Read the value of the field timestamp.
readTimestamp() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Read the value of the field timestamp.
readTimestamp() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ReferenceTimestampMeta
Read the value of the field timestamp.
readTimestamp() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TimedValue
Read the value of the field timestamp.
readToChannels() - Method in class
Read the value of the field to_channels.
readToEnd(Out<byte[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Reads all the remaining data from the file.
readToken() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field token.
readTop() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Border
Read the value of the field top.
readToPosition() - Method in class
Read the value of the field to_position.
readTransfer() - Method in class
Read the value of the field transfer.
readTransformFunc() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Read the value of the field transform_func.
readTransformIpOnPassthrough() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Read the value of the field transform_ip_on_passthrough.
readTvSec() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeVal
Read the value of the field tv_sec.
readTvUsec() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeVal
Read the value of the field tv_usec.
readType() - Method in class
Read the value of the field type.
readType() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Read the value of the field type.
readType() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Read the value of the field type.
readType() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Read the value of the field type.
readType() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Read the value of the field type.
readType() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Read the value of the field type.
readType() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Read the value of the field type.
readType() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
Read the value of the field type.
readType() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Read the value of the field type.
readType() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Read the value of the field type.
readType() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueTable
Read the value of the field type.
readType() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfo
Read the value of the field type.
readType() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeQuery
Read the value of the field type.
readType() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionEntry
Read the value of the field type.
readType() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrClass
Read the value of the field type.
readTypeFlags() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFundamentalInfo
Read the value of the field type_flags.
readTypeName() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeQuery
Read the value of the field type_name.
readUint16(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Reads an unsigned 16-bit/2-byte value from this DataInputStream.
readUint32(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Reads an unsigned 32-bit/4-byte value from this DataInputStream.
readUint64(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Reads an unsigned 64-bit/8-byte value from this DataInputStream.
readUnderlinePosition() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Read the value of the field underline_position.
readUnderlineThickness() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Read the value of the field underline_thickness.
readUnichar(Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Reads a Unicode character from this IOChannel.
readUnpackFormat() - Method in class
Read the value of the field unpack_format.
readUnpackFormat() - Method in class
Read the value of the field unpack_format.
readUnpackFunc() - Method in class
Read the value of the field unpack_func.
readUnpackFunc() - Method in class
Read the value of the field unpack_func.
readUnscheduled() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Read the value of the field unscheduled.
readUntil(String, Out<Long>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Use g_data_input_stream_read_upto() instead, which has more consistent behaviour regarding the stop character.
readUntilAsync(String, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Use g_data_input_stream_read_upto_async() instead, which has more consistent behaviour regarding the stop character.
readUntilFinish(AsyncResult, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Use g_data_input_stream_read_upto_finish() instead, which has more consistent behaviour regarding the stop character.
readUnused() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UserDataKey
Read the value of the field unused.
readUnusePlugin() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginClass
Read the value of the field unuse_plugin.
readUpload() - Method in class
Read the value of the field upload.
readUpto(String, long, Out<Long>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Reads a string from the data input stream, up to the first occurrence of any of the stop characters.
readUptoAsync(String, long, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
The asynchronous version of g_data_input_stream_read_upto().
readUptoFinish(AsyncResult, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Finish an asynchronous call started by g_data_input_stream_read_upto_async().
readUsePlugin() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginClass
Read the value of the field use_plugin.
readUserData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Read the value of the field user_data.
readUserData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
Read the value of the field user_data.
readUserData() - Method in class
Read the value of the field user_data.
readUserData() - Method in class
Read the value of the field user_data.
readUserData() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field user_data.
readUserData() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Read the value of the field user_data.
readUserData() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeIter
Read the value of the field user_data.
readUserData2() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeIter
Read the value of the field user_data2.
readUserData3() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeIter
Read the value of the field user_data3.
readUserDataCopy() - Method in class
Read the value of the field user_data_copy.
readUserDataDestroyNotify() - Method in class
Read the value of the field user_data_destroy_notify.
readUserDataFree() - Method in class
Read the value of the field user_data_free.
readUserValue(String, VariantType) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
virtual method to read user's key value
readUuid() - Method in class
Read the value of the field uuid.
readValue() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FormatDefinition
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TimedValue
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Feature
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Variation
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DebugKey
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.LogField
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumValue
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsValue
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ObjectConstructParam
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Parameter
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrFloat
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrInt
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrLanguage
Read the value of the field value.
readValue() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrString
Read the value of the field value.
readValueAsync(Type, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Asynchronously request the this Clipboard contents converted to the given type.
readValueAsync(Type, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
Asynchronously request the drag operation's contents converted to the given type.
readValueCopy() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Read the value of the field value_copy.
readValueFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Finishes an asynchronous clipboard read.
readValueFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
Finishes an async drop read.
readValueFree() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Read the value of the field value_free.
readValueInit() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Read the value of the field value_init.
readValueName() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumValue
Read the value of the field value_name.
readValueName() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsValue
Read the value of the field value_name.
readValueNick() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumValue
Read the value of the field value_nick.
readValueNick() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsValue
Read the value of the field value_nick.
readValuePeekPointer() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Read the value of the field value_peek_pointer.
readValues() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumClass
Read the value of the field values.
readValues() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsClass
Read the value of the field values.
readValues() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
Read the value of the field values.
readValueTable() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Read the value of the field value_table.
readValueType() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec.ParamSpecClass
Read the value of the field value_type.
readValueType() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo
Read the value of the field value_type.
readVar() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphPosition
Read the value of the field var.
readVar() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameEntry
Read the value of the field var.
readVar1() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphInfo
Read the value of the field var1.
readVar2() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphInfo
Read the value of the field var2.
readVectors() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Read the value of the field vectors.
readVectors() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
Read the value of the field vectors.
readVersion() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Read the value of the field version.
readVfuncPadding() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass
Read the value of the field vfunc_padding.
readViews() - Method in class
Read the value of the field views.
readVinfo() - Method in class
Read the value of the field vinfo.
readVisible() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueItem
Read the value of the field visible.
readVisible() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueSize
Read the value of the field visible.
readVoiceActivity() - Method in class
Read the value of the field voice_activity.
readW() - Method in class
Read the value of the field w.
readW() - Method in class
Read the value of the field w.
readW() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Read the value of the field w.
readW() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4F
Read the value of the field w.
readW() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4X4F
Read the value of the field w.
readWantToRead() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Read the value of the field want_to_read.
readWantToWrite() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Read the value of the field want_to_write.
readWhitePoint() - Method in class
Read the value of the field white_point.
readWidth() - Method in class
Read the value of the field width.
readWidth() - Method in class
Read the value of the field width.
readWidth() - Method in class
Read the value of the field width.
readWidth() - Method in class
Read the value of the field width.
readWidth() - Method in class
Read the value of the field width.
readWidth() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphExtents
Read the value of the field width.
readWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Read the value of the field width.
readWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Size
Read the value of the field width.
readWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Requisition
Read the value of the field width.
readWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphGeometry
Read the value of the field width.
readWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Rectangle
Read the value of the field width.
readWokenUp() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Read the value of the field woken_up.
READWRITE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ParamFlags
readWriteBuf() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Read the value of the field write_buf.
readWriteCond() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Read the value of the field write_cond.
readWSub() - Method in class
Read the value of the field w_sub.
readWx() - Method in class
Read the value of the field Wx.
readWy() - Method in class
Read the value of the field Wy.
readX() - Method in class
Read the value of the field x.
readX() - Method in class
Read the value of the field x.
readX() - Method in class
Read the value of the field x.
readX() - Method in class
Read the value of the field x.
readX() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Read the value of the field x.
readX() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantBuilder
Read the value of the field x.
readX() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
Read the value of the field x.
readX() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantIter
Read the value of the field x.
readX() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Read the value of the field x.
readX() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Read the value of the field x.
readX() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Read the value of the field x.
readX() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4F
Read the value of the field x.
readX() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4X4F
Read the value of the field x.
readX() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Rectangle
Read the value of the field x.
readX0() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Read the value of the field x0.
readXAdvance() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphPosition
Read the value of the field x_advance.
readXBearing() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphExtents
Read the value of the field x_bearing.
readXOffset() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphPosition
Read the value of the field x_offset.
readXOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphGeometry
Read the value of the field x_offset.
readXx() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Read the value of the field xx.
readXy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Read the value of the field xy.
readY() - Method in class
Read the value of the field y.
readY() - Method in class
Read the value of the field y.
readY() - Method in class
Read the value of the field y.
readY() - Method in class
Read the value of the field y.
readY() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Read the value of the field y.
readY() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Read the value of the field y.
readY() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Read the value of the field y.
readY() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Read the value of the field y.
readY() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4F
Read the value of the field y.
readY() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4X4F
Read the value of the field y.
readY() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Rectangle
Read the value of the field y.
READY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.State
the element is ready to go to PAUSED.
READY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OnceStatus
the function has been called.
READY_TO_NULL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChange
state change from READY to NULL.
READY_TO_PAUSED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChange
state change from READY to PAUSED.
READY_TO_READY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChange
state change from READY to READY, This might happen when going to PAUSED asynchronously failed, in that case elements should make sure they are in a proper, coherent READY state.
readY0() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Read the value of the field y0.
readYAdvance() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphPosition
Read the value of the field y_advance.
readYBearing() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphExtents
Read the value of the field y_bearing.
readYOffset() - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphPosition
Read the value of the field y_offset.
readYOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphGeometry
Read the value of the field y_offset.
readYOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Read the value of the field y_offset.
readyToShow() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
readYx() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Read the value of the field yx.
readYy() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Read the value of the field yy.
readZ() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Read the value of the field z.
readZ() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Read the value of the field z.
readZ() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4F
Read the value of the field z.
readZ() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4X4F
Read the value of the field z.
realize() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Realizes the given GdkGLContext.
realize() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Native
Realizes a GtkNative.
realize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Creates the GDK resources associated with a widget.
realize(Surface) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Renderer
Creates the resources needed by the this Renderer to render the scene graph.
realize(Surface) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Called by users to attach the media stream to a GdkSurface they manage.
realizeForDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Renderer
Creates the resources needed by the this Renderer to render the scene graph.
realloc(MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Reallocates the memory pointed to by mem, so that it now has space for nBytes bytes of memory.
ReallocFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ReallocFunc callback.
reallocN(MemorySegment, long, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function is similar to g_realloc(), allocating (nBlocks * nBlockBytes) bytes, but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.
REALTIME - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockType
time since Epoch
REAR_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class
Rear center
REAR_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
Rear left
REAR_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
Rear right
REBUS_PICTURES_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
REBUS_PICTURES_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
recalculateLatency() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Queries this Bin for the current latency and reconfigures this latency on all the elements using a LATENCY event.
receive(Out<byte[]>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Receive data (up to size bytes) from a socket.
receiveBytes(long, long, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Receives data (up to size bytes) from a socket.
receiveBytesFrom(Out<SocketAddress>, long, long, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Receive data (up to size bytes) from a socket.
receiveCredentials(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection
Receives credentials from the sending end of the connection.
receiveCredentialsAsync(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection
Asynchronously receive credentials.
receiveCredentialsFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection
Finishes an asynchronous receive credentials operation started with g_unix_connection_receive_credentials_async().
receiveFd(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection
Receives a file descriptor from the sending end of the connection.
receiveFrom(Out<SocketAddress>, Out<byte[]>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Receive data (up to size bytes) from a socket.
receiveMessage(Out<SocketAddress>, InputVector[], Out<SocketControlMessage[]>, Out<Integer>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Receive data from a socket.
receiveMessages(InputMessage[], int, long, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased
Receive one or more data messages from this DatagramBased in one go.
receiveMessages(InputMessage[], int, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Receive multiple data messages from this Socket in one go.
receiveWithBlocking(Out<byte[]>, boolean, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
This behaves exactly the same as g_socket_receive(), except that the choice of blocking or non-blocking behavior is determined by the blocking argument rather than by this Socket's properties.
RecentData - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Meta-data to be passed to gtk_recent_manager_add_full() when registering a recently used resource.
RecentData() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Allocate a new RecentData.
RecentData(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Allocate a new RecentData.
RecentData(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Create a RecentData proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RecentData(String, String, String, String, String, String[], boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Allocate a new RecentData with the fields set to the provided values.
RecentData(String, String, String, String, String, String[], boolean, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Allocate a new RecentData with the fields set to the provided values.
RecentInfo - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkRecentInfo contains the metadata associated with an item in the recently used files list.
RecentInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Create a RecentInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RecentManager - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkRecentManager manages and looks up recently used files.
RecentManager() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
Creates a new recent manager object.
RecentManager(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
Create a RecentManager proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RecentManager.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
RecentManager.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
RecentManager.RecentManagerClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkRecentManagerClass contains only private data.
RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent1Callback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the GtkRecent1Callback callback.
RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent2Callback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the GtkRecent2Callback callback.
RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent3Callback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the GtkRecent3Callback callback.
RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent4Callback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the GtkRecent4Callback callback.
RecentManagerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.RecentManagerClass
Allocate a new RecentManagerClass.
RecentManagerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.RecentManagerClass
Allocate a new RecentManagerClass.
RecentManagerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.RecentManagerClass
Create a RecentManagerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RecentManagerError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Error codes for GtkRecentManager operations
RecMutex - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GRecMutex struct is an opaque data structure to represent a recursive mutex.
RecMutex() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.RecMutex
Allocate a new RecMutex.
RecMutex(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.RecMutex
Allocate a new RecMutex.
RecMutex(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.RecMutex
Create a RecMutex proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RecMutex(MemorySegment, int[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.RecMutex
Allocate a new RecMutex with the fields set to the provided values.
RecMutex(MemorySegment, int[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.RecMutex
Allocate a new RecMutex with the fields set to the provided values.
RecMutexLocker - Class in org.gnome.glib
Opaque type.
RecMutexLocker() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.RecMutexLocker
reconfigure() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Negotiates src pad caps with downstream elements if the source pad is marked as needing reconfiguring.
reconfigure() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new reconfigure event.
RECONFIGURE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
A request for upstream renegotiating caps and reconfiguring.
reconfigureElement(Element) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device
Tries to reconfigure an existing element to use the device.
reconfigureSink() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Instructs this BaseTransform to request renegotiation upstream.
reconfigureSrc() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Instructs this BaseTransform to renegotiate a new downstream transform on the next buffer.
RECOVERABLE_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.CheckSyntaxResult
recoverable syntax error
Rect - Class in org.gnome.graphene
The location and size of a rectangle region.
Rect() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Allocate a new Rect.
Rect(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Allocate a new Rect.
Rect(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Create a Rect proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Rect(Point, Size) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Allocate a new Rect with the fields set to the provided values.
Rect(Point, Size, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Allocate a new Rect with the fields set to the provided values.
Rectangle - Class in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkRectangle data type for representing rectangles.
Rectangle - Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoRectangle structure represents a rectangle.
Rectangle() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Allocate a new Rectangle.
Rectangle() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Rectangle
Allocate a new Rectangle.
Rectangle(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Allocate a new Rectangle with the fields set to the provided values.
Rectangle(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Rectangle
Allocate a new Rectangle with the fields set to the provided values.
Rectangle(int, int, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Allocate a new Rectangle with the fields set to the provided values.
Rectangle(int, int, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Rectangle
Allocate a new Rectangle with the fields set to the provided values.
Rectangle(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Allocate a new Rectangle.
Rectangle(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Rectangle
Allocate a new Rectangle.
Rectangle(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Create a Rectangle proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Rectangle(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Rectangle
Create a Rectangle proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RECURSE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDependencyFlags
recurse into subdirectories
RECURSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContextPrintFlags
Print the entire tree of CSS nodes starting at the style context's node
RECURSION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
variant was too deeply nested; GVariant is only guaranteed to handle nesting up to 64 levels (Since: 2.64)
RED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.AccentColor
Use a red color (#e62d42).
redirect(GstObject, String, TagList, Structure) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Creates a new redirect message and adds a new entry to it.
REDIRECT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Message indicating to request the application to try to play the given URL(s).
REDIRECT_BAD_URI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.SessionError
failed to redirect message because Location header contains an invalid URI
REDIRECT_NO_LOCATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.SessionError
failed to redirect message because Location header was missing or empty in response
REDIRECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.LoadEvent
A provisional data source received a server redirect.
redo() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Redoes the next redoable action on the buffer, if there is one.
ref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.FlowCombiner
Increments the reference count on the GstFlowCombiner.
ref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AtomicQueue
Increase the refcount of this AtomicQueue.
ref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Increases the refcount of the given buffer by one.
ref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferList
Increases the refcount of the given buffer list by one.
ref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Adds a reference to a GstCaps object.
ref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Context
Convenience macro to increase the reference count of the context.
ref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Atomically increments the reference count of this DateTime by one.
ref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Increase the refcount of this event.
ref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Increments the reference count on this Object.
ref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Increase the refcount of this memory.
ref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Convenience macro to increase the reference count of the message.
ref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Increase the reference count of the mini-object.
ref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Promise
Increases the refcount of the given this Promise by one.
ref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Increases the refcount of the given query by one.
ref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Sample
Increases the refcount of the given sample by one.
ref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Add a reference to a GstTagList mini object.
ref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Add a reference to this GstUri object.
ref() - Method in class
Increases the refcount of the given frame by one.
ref() - Method in class
Increases the refcount of the given state by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringParams
Increases the reference count of this SpringParams.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ColorState
Increase the reference count of this ColorState.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Increases the reference count of a GdkContentFormats by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormatsBuilder
Acquires a reference on the given this ContentFormatsBuilder.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufFormats
Increases the reference count of this DmabufFormats.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Increase the ref count of this Event.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameTimings
Increases the reference count of this FrameTimings.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Increases the reference count of value.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelLayout
Increases the reference count of this ToplevelLayout.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Use g_object_ref().
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
Use g_object_ref().
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
If this DBusAnnotationInfo is statically allocated does nothing.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusArgInfo
If this DBusArgInfo is statically allocated does nothing.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
If this DBusInterfaceInfo is statically allocated does nothing.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
If this DBusMethodInfo is statically allocated does nothing.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
If this DBusNodeInfo is statically allocated does nothing.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
If this DBusPropertyInfo is statically allocated does nothing.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalInfo
If this DBusSignalInfo is statically allocated does nothing.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoList
References a file attribute info list.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeMatcher
References a file attribute matcher.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resource
Atomically increments the reference count of this Resource by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchema
Increase the reference count of this SettingsSchema, returning a new reference.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaKey
Increase the reference count of this SettingsSchemaKey, returning a new reference.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaSource
Increase the reference count of this SettingsSchemaSource, returning a new reference.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Increases the reference count of the asynchronous this AsyncQueue by 1.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Increase the reference count on this Bytes.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Atomically increments the reference count of this DateTime by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Dir
Increment the reference count of dir.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Atomically increments the reference count of this GLib.HashTable by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hmac
Atomically increments the reference count of this Hmac by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Increments the reference count of a GIOChannel.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Increases the reference count of this KeyFile.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Increases the reference count on a GLib.MainContext object by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainLoop
Increases the reference count on a GLib.MainLoop object by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MappedFile
Increments the reference count of this MappedFile by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseContext
Increases the reference count of this MarkupParseContext.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MatchInfo
Increases reference count of this MatchInfo by 1.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionGroup
Increments the reference count of this OptionGroup by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Increases reference count of this Regex by 1.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Increases the reference count on a source by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StrvBuilder
Atomically increments the reference count of this StrvBuilder by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Increase the reference count on this Thread.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeZone
Increases the reference count on this TimeZone.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Increments the reference count of this Tree by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Increments the reference count of this Uri by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Increases the reference count of this Variant.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantBuilder
Increases the reference count on this VariantBuilder.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
Increases the reference count on this VariantDict.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Increments the reference count on a closure to force it staying alive while the caller holds a pointer to it.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Increases the reference count of this Object.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Increments the reference count of this ParamSpec.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Path
Increases the reference count of a GskPath by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Acquires a reference on the given builder.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathMeasure
Increases the reference count of a GskPathMeasure by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNode
Acquires a reference on the given GskRenderNode.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Acquires a reference on the given GskTransform.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Acquires a reference on the given GtkBitset.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssSection
Increments the reference count on section.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expression
Acquires a reference on the given GtkExpression.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ExpressionWatch
Acquires a reference on the given GtkExpressionWatch.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSetup
Increase the reference count of this PrintSetup.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Increases the reference count of recentInfo by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollInfo
Increases the reference count of a GtkScrollInfo by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrList
Increase the reference count of the given attribute list by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Increase the reference count of a font metrics structure by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Increase the reference count of a PangoLayoutLine by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Atomically increments the reference count of this MessageBody by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Atomically increments the reference count of this MessageHeaders by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ApplicationInfo
Atomically increments the reference count of this ApplicationInfo by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Feature
Atomically acquires a reference on the given this Feature.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureList
Atomically acquires a reference on the given this FeatureList.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ITPFirstParty
Atomically increments the reference count of this ITPFirstParty by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ITPThirdParty
Atomically increments the reference count of this ITPThirdParty by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionStateQuery
Atomically increments the reference count of this PermissionStateQuery by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialog
Atomically increments the reference count of this ScriptDialog by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptMessageReply
Atomically increments the reference count of this ScriptMessageReply by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityOrigin
Atomically increments the reference count of this SecurityOrigin by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilter
Atomically increments the reference count of this UserContentFilter by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserScript
Atomically increments the reference count of this UserScript by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserStyleSheet
Atomically increments the reference count of this UserStyleSheet by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteData
Atomically increments the reference count of this WebsiteData by one.
ref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebViewSessionState
Atomically increments the reference count of this WebViewSessionState by one.
ref(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Atomically increments the reference count of array by one.
ref(MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Atomically increments the reference count of array by one.
ref(MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Atomically increments the reference count of array by one.
ref(HookList, Hook) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Increments the reference count for a GHook.
ref(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
Increments the reference count of the class structure belonging to type.
REF_COUNT_INIT - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Evaluates to the initial reference count for grefcount.
refClass() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOExtension
Gets a reference to the class for the type that is associated with this IOExtension.
refCountCompare(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Compares the current value of rc with val.
refCountDec(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Decreases the reference count.
refCountInc(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Increases the reference count.
refCountInit(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Initializes a reference count variable to 1.
ReferenceTableFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the ReferenceTableFunc callback.
ReferenceTimestampMeta - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstReferenceTimestampMeta can be used to attach alternative timestamps and possibly durations to a GstBuffer.
ReferenceTimestampMeta() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ReferenceTimestampMeta
Allocate a new ReferenceTimestampMeta.
ReferenceTimestampMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ReferenceTimestampMeta
Allocate a new ReferenceTimestampMeta.
ReferenceTimestampMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ReferenceTimestampMeta
Create a ReferenceTimestampMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ReferenceTimestampMeta(Meta, Caps, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ReferenceTimestampMeta
Allocate a new ReferenceTimestampMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
ReferenceTimestampMeta(Meta, Caps, ClockTime, ClockTime, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ReferenceTimestampMeta
Allocate a new ReferenceTimestampMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
referenceTimestampMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
refFormats() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
Gets the formats that the provider can provide its current contents in.
refilter() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter
refilter(CompletionContext, ListModel) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionProvider
This function can be used to filter results previously provided to the CompletionContext by the GtkSourceCompletionProvider.
REFLECT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintExtend
The color line is repeated over repeated intervals, as for the repeat mode.
refNode(TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
refresh() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooser
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
refSink() - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Floating
Sink the floating reference.
refSink() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
GVariant uses a floating reference count system.
refSink() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Increase the reference count of this Object, and possibly remove the [floating][floating-ref] reference, if this Object has a floating reference.
refSink() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Convenience function to ref and sink a GParamSpec.
refSink(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Increase the reference count of object, and possibly remove the floating reference, if object has a floating reference.
refStorableFormats() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
Gets the formats that the provider suggests other applications to store the data in.
RefString - Class in org.gnome.glib
A typedef for a reference-counted string.
RefString(byte) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.RefString
Create a new RefString with the provided value
refStringAcquire(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Acquires a reference on a string.
refStringLength(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Retrieves the length of str.
refStringNew(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a new reference counted string and copies the contents of str into it.
refStringNewIntern(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a new reference counted string and copies the content of str into it.
refStringNewLen(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a new reference counted string and copies the contents of str into it, up to len bytes.
refStringRelease(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Releases a reference on a string; if it was the last reference, the resources allocated by the string are freed as well.
refThreadDefault() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Gets the thread-default GLib.MainContext for this thread, as with MainContext.getThreadDefault(), but also adds a reference to it with MainContext.ref().
refUnlocked() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Reference counting is done atomically. so g_async_queue_ref() can be used regardless of the this AsyncQueue's lock.
REFUSED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkReturn
refused for some reason
Regex - Class in org.gnome.glib
A GRegex is the "compiled" form of a regular expression pattern.
Regex - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Regex(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Create a Regex proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Regex(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Regex
Create a Regex proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Regex(String, Set<RegexCompileFlags>, Set<RegexMatchFlags>) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Compiles the regular expression to an internal form, and does the initial setup of the GRegex structure.
Regex(String, RegexCompileFlags, RegexMatchFlags...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Compiles the regular expression to an internal form, and does the initial setup of the GRegex structure.
REGEX - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GRegex reference.
RegexCompileFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Flags specifying compile-time options.
RegexError - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Error codes returned by regular expressions functions.
RegexEvalCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the RegexEvalCallback callback.
RegexMatchFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Flags specifying match-time options.
Region - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Region utility.
Region(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region
Create a Region proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Region(TextBuffer) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region
REGION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Region.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Region.RegionClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
REGIONAL_INDICATOR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Regional Indicator (RI).
RegionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region.RegionClass
Allocate a new RegionClass.
RegionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region.RegionClass
Allocate a new RegionClass.
RegionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region.RegionClass
Create a RegionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RegionIter - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
An opaque datatype.
RegionIter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.RegionIter
Allocate a new RegionIter.
RegionIter(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.RegionIter
Allocate a new RegionIter.
RegionIter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.RegionIter
Create a RegionIter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RegionIter(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.RegionIter
Allocate a new RegionIter with the fields set to the provided values.
RegionIter(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.RegionIter
Allocate a new RegionIter with the fields set to the provided values.
register() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Registers a new meta.
register(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Register a new GType for a Java class.
register(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.types.TemplateTypes
This will call TemplateTypes.registerTemplate(Class) when cls is a Widget.class with GtkTemplate annotation, and Types.register(Class) for all other (GObject-derived) classes.
register(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.types.Types
register(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.IOExtensionPoint
Registers an extension point.
register(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
Allocate a new attribute type ID.
register(String, String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Format
Create a new GstFormat based on the nick or return an already registered format with that nick.
register(String, Allocator) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator
Registers the memory allocator with name.
register(Plugin, String, int, TypeFindFunction, String, Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind
Registers a new typefind function to be used for typefinding.
register(Plugin, String, int, Type) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
Create a new device providerfactory capable of instantiating objects of the type and add the factory to plugin.
register(Plugin, String, int, Type) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Create a new elementfactory capable of instantiating objects of the type and add the factory to plugin.
register(Plugin, String, Type) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Tracer
Create a new tracer-factory capable of instantiating objects of the type and add the factory to plugin.
register(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Attempts registration of the application.
register(Type) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlagSet
Create a new sub-class of GST_TYPE_FLAG_SET which will pretty-print the human-readable flags when serializing, for easier debugging.
register(Type, String, long, MetaInitFunction, MetaFreeFunction, MetaTransformFunction) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Register a new GstMeta implementation.
register(Type, String, MemoryLayout, Consumer<TC>, MemoryLayout, Consumer<T>, Function<MemorySegment, T>, Set<TypeFlags>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Register a new GType.
register(Type, String, MemoryLayout, Consumer<TC>, MemoryLayout, Consumer<T>, Function<MemorySegment, T>, Set<TypeFlags>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.types.TemplateTypes
register(Type, String, MemoryLayout, Consumer<TC>, MemoryLayout, Consumer<T>, Function<MemorySegment, T>, Set<TypeFlags>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.types.Types
register(Type, Function<MemorySegment, ? extends Proxy>) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.TypeCache
Register the provided constructor function for the provided type
register(TextBuffer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords
Registers buffer in the this CompletionWords provider.
registerClass(String, Class, ClassVTable) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Register a custom class in this Context using the given name.
registerCustom(String, String[], CustomMetaTransformFunction) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Register a new custom GstMeta implementation, backed by an opaque structure holding a GstStructure.
registerCustomSimple(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Simplified version of gst_meta_register_custom(), with no tags and no transform function.
RegisteredType - Annotation Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations
registerEnum(String, EnumValue) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule
Looks up or registers an enumeration that is implemented with a particular type plugin.
registerError(Quark, int, String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Creates an association to map between dbusErrorName and GErrors specified by errorDomain and errorCode.
registerErrorDomain(String, MemorySegment, DBusErrorEntry[]) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Helper function for associating a GError error domain with D-Bus error names.
registerFlags(String, FlagsValue) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule
Looks up or registers a flags type that is implemented with a particular type plugin.
registerObject(String, DBusInterfaceInfo, DBusInterfaceVTable, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Registers callbacks for exported objects at objectPath with the D-Bus interface that is described in interfaceInfo.
registerObjectWithClosures(String, DBusInterfaceInfo, Closure, Closure, Closure) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Version of g_dbus_connection_register_object() using closures instead of a GDBusInterfaceVTable for easier binding in other languages.
registerScriptMessageHandler(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Registers a new user script message handler in script world.
registerScriptMessageHandlerWithReply(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Registers a new user script message handler in script world with name worldName.
registerStatic(int, int, String, String, PluginInitFunc, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Registers a static plugin, ie.
registerStaticFull(int, int, String, String, PluginInitFullFunc, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Registers a static plugin, ie.
registerSubtree(String, DBusSubtreeVTable, Set<DBusSubtreeFlags>, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Registers a whole subtree of dynamic objects.
registerSubtree(String, DBusSubtreeVTable, DBusSubtreeFlags, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Registers a whole subtree of dynamic objects.
registerTransformFunc(Type, Type, ValueTransform) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Registers a value transformation function for use in g_value_transform().
registerType(Type, String, TypeInfo, Set<TypeFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule
Looks up or registers a type that is implemented with a particular type plugin.
registerType(Type, String, TypeInfo, TypeFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule
Looks up or registers a type that is implemented with a particular type plugin.
registerUriScheme(String, VfsFileLookupFunc, VfsFileLookupFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
Registers uriFunc and parseNameFunc as the GFile URI and parse name lookup functions for URIs with a scheme matching scheme.
registerUriScheme(String, URISchemeRequestCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Register scheme in this WebContext.
registerUriSchemeAsCorsEnabled(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager
Register scheme as a CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) enabled scheme.
registerUriSchemeAsDisplayIsolated(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager
Register scheme as a display isolated scheme.
registerUriSchemeAsEmptyDocument(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager
Register scheme as an empty document scheme.
registerUriSchemeAsLocal(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager
Register scheme as a local scheme.
registerUriSchemeAsNoAccess(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager
Register scheme as a no-access scheme.
registerUriSchemeAsSecure(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager
Register scheme as a secure scheme.
Registry - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
One registry holds the metadata of a set of plugins.
Registry(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Create a Registry proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Registry.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Registry.FeatureAddedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the FeatureAddedCallback callback.
Registry.PluginAddedCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PluginAddedCallback callback.
Registry.RegistryClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
RegistryClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry.RegistryClass
Allocate a new RegistryClass.
RegistryClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry.RegistryClass
Allocate a new RegistryClass.
RegistryClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry.RegistryClass
Create a RegistryClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
registrySettingsBackendNew(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
If registryKey is null then the default path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\GSettings is used.
REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileType
File handle represents a regular file.
reinterpret(MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Reinterpret address to newSize iff newSize is larger than the current size of address.
REJANG - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
REJANG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
REJANG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
reject() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Rejects the ongoing drop operation.
REJECT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ResponseType
Generic response id, not used by GTK dialogs
rejectDrop(Drop) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Sets the drop as not accepted on this drag site.
relArcTo(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Adds an elliptical arc from the current point to x2, y2 with x1, y1 determining the tangent directions.
Relation - Class in org.gnome.glib
Relation(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Relation
Create a Relation proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RELATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintVflParserError
Invalid or unknown relation
relConicTo(float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Adds a conic curve from the current point to x2, y2 with the given weight and x1, y1 as the control point.
relCubicTo(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Adds a cubic Bézier curve from the current point to x3, y3 with x1, y1 and x2, y2 as the control points.
release() - Method in class
Free the resources of the ringbuffer.
release() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTexture
Releases the GL resources held by a GdkGLTexture.
release() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Decrease the use count of this Application.
release() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Releases ownership of a context previously acquired by this thread with MainContext.acquire().
release(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission
Attempts to release the permission represented by this Permission.
releaseAsync(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission
Attempts to release the permission represented by this Permission.
releaseBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Releases buffer to this BufferPool.
releaseFd() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Releases a resources previously allocated by g_cancellable_get_fd() or g_cancellable_make_pollfd().
releaseFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Permission
Collects the result of attempting to release the permission represented by this Permission.
releaseFrame(VideoCodecFrame) - Method in class
Similar to gst_video_decoder_drop_frame(), but simply releases frame without any processing other than removing it from list of pending frames, after which it is considered finished and released.
releasePad(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
called when a request pad is to be released
releaseRequestPad(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Makes the element free the previously requested pad as obtained with gst_element_request_pad().
relHtmlArcTo(float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Implements arc-to according to the HTML Canvas spec.
relLineTo(float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Draws a line from the current point to a point offset from it by x, y and makes it the new current point.
relMoveTo(float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Starts a new contour by placing the pen at x, y relative to the current point.
reload() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
reload() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Reloads the current contents of this WebView.
RELOAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Reload the contents of current view.
RELOAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationType
The navigation was triggered by reloading.
RELOAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Reload the contents of current view.
reloadBypassCache() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Reloads the current contents of this WebView without using any cached data.
reloadFont(Font, double, Context, String) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap
Returns a new font that is like font, except that its size is multiplied by scale, its backend-dependent configuration (e.g.
reloadUserSpecialDirsCache() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Resets the cache used for g_get_user_special_dir(), so that the latest on-disk version is used.
relQuadTo(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Adds a quadratic Bézier curve from the current point to x2, y2 with x1, y1 the control point.
relSvgArcTo(float, float, float, boolean, boolean, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Implements arc-to according to the SVG spec.
REMAP - Enum constant in enum class
convert between input and output gamma Different gamma conversion modes
RemoteActionGroup - Interface in org.gnome.gio
The GRemoteActionGroup interface is implemented by ActionGroup instances that either transmit action invocations to other processes or receive action invocations in the local process from other processes.
RemoteActionGroup.RemoteActionGroupImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The RemoteActionGroupImpl type represents a native instance of the RemoteActionGroup interface.
RemoteActionGroup.RemoteActionGroupInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
The virtual function table for GRemoteActionGroup.
RemoteActionGroupImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.RemoteActionGroup.RemoteActionGroupImpl
Creates a new instance of RemoteActionGroup for the provided memory address.
RemoteActionGroupInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.RemoteActionGroup.RemoteActionGroupInterface
Allocate a new RemoteActionGroupInterface.
RemoteActionGroupInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.RemoteActionGroup.RemoteActionGroupInterface
Allocate a new RemoteActionGroupInterface.
RemoteActionGroupInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.RemoteActionGroup.RemoteActionGroupInterface
Create a RemoteActionGroupInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
remount(Set<MountMountFlags>, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Remounts a mount.
remount(MountMountFlags, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Remounts a mount.
remountFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Finishes remounting a mount.
remove() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Removes the key/value pair currently pointed to by the iterator from its associated GHashTable.
remove(int) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
remove(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Removes an item from the menu.
remove(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Removes the source with the given ID from the default main context.
remove(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
Use GArray and g_array_remove_index() instead.
remove(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Removes value from this Bitset if it was part of it before.
remove(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBoxText
remove(int, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferList
Removes length buffers starting from idx in this BufferList.
remove(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
remove(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Cache
Use a GHashTable instead
remove(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Removes the first element in this Queue that contains data.
remove(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Removes a key/value pair from a GTree.
remove(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Remove an item from the queue.
remove(MemorySegment[], MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Removes the first occurrence of the given pointer from the pointer array.
remove(Object) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
remove(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Removes feature from this CapsFeatures.
remove(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleActionGroup
Use g_action_map_remove_action()
remove(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A wrapper for the POSIX remove() function.
remove(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
Removes a key and its associated value from a GVariantDict.
remove(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Removes name from this MessageHeaders.
remove(String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore
Asynchronously remove a content filter given its identifier.
remove(Set<WebsiteDataTypes>, List<WebsiteData>, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Asynchronously removes the website data in the given websiteData list.
remove(Element) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Removes the element from the bin, unparenting it as well.
remove(NavigationPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Removes page from this NavigationView.
remove(PreferencesGroup) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Removes a group from this PreferencesPage.
remove(PreferencesPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog
Removes a page from this PreferencesDialog.
remove(PreferencesPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
remove(SequenceIter) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Removes the item pointed to by iter.
remove(ParamSpec) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecPool
Removes a GParamSpec from the pool.
remove(CellRenderer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
remove(TextTag) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable
Remove a tag from the table.
remove(TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Use list models
remove(TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Removes a child from this ActionRow.
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Removes child from this Carousel.
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Removes a child from this EntryRow.
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Removes a child from this ExpanderRow.
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Removes a child from this HeaderBar.
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup
Removes a child from this PreferencesGroup.
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Removes a child from this ToolbarView.
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Removes a child widget from this ViewStack.
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ActionBar
Removes a child from this ActionBar.
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box
Removes a child widget from this Box.
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed
Removes a child from this Fixed.
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Removes a child from this FlowBox.
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Removes a child from this Grid.
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar
Removes a child from the GtkHeaderBar.
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Removes a child from this ListBox.
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Removes a child widget from this Stack.
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Removes a child widget from this TextView.
remove(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.HoverDisplay
remove(GutterRenderer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Gutter
remove(ContextMenuItem) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Removes item from the this ContextMenu.
remove(WebsiteDataTypes, List<WebsiteData>, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Asynchronously removes the website data in the given websiteData list.
remove(ContextMenuItem) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Removes item from the this ContextMenu.
REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeReturn
remove this probe, passing the data.
REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextContentChange
contents change as the result of a remove operation
remove_(K) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Removes a key and its associated value from a GHashTable.
REMOVE_DEFAULT_IGNORABLES - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferFlags
flag indication that character with Default_Ignorable Unicode property should be removed from glyph string instead of hiding them (done by replacing them with the space glyph and zeroing the advance width.) HBBUFFERFLAGPRESERVEDEFAULTIGNORABLES takes precedence over this flag.
REMOVE_DUPLICATES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SortFlags
remove duplicates
removeAction(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionMap
Removes the named action from the action map.
removeActionEntries(ActionEntry[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionMap
Remove actions from a ActionMap.
removeActionWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
removeActionWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
removeAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ListStore
Removes all items from this ListStore.
removeAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Menu
Removes all items in the menu.
removeAll() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Removes all keys and their associated values from a GHashTable.
removeAll() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Removes all nodes from a GTree and destroys their keys and values, then resets the GTree’s root to null.
removeAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Removes all values from the bitset so that it is empty again.
removeAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBoxText
removeAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Removes all children from this FlowBox.
removeAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Removes all rows from this ListBox.
removeAll() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Removes all items of the this ContextMenu.
removeAll() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Removes all items of the this ContextMenu.
removeAll(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
removeAll(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Remove all elements whose data equals data from this Queue.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
removeAllConstraints() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout
Removes all constraints from the layout manager.
removeAllFields() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Removes all fields in a GstStructure.
removeAllFilters() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Removes all content filters from the given WebKitUserContentManager.
removeAllMemory() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Removes all the memory blocks in this Buffer.
removeAllScripts() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Removes all user scripts from the given WebKitUserContentManager
removeAllStyleSheets() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Removes all user style sheets from the given WebKitUserContentManager.
removeAllTags(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Removes all tags in the range between start and end.
removeApplication(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Removes application registered with name from the list of applications that have registered a bookmark for uri inside this BookmarkFile.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Removes all cases of attribute from this FileInfo if it exists.
removeAuthDomain(AuthDomain) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Removes authDomain from this Server.
removeBreakpoint(Breakpoint) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin
Removes breakpoint from this BreakpointBin.
removeByFuncsUserData(SourceFuncs, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Removes a source from the default main loop context given the source functions and user data.
removeByUserData(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Removes a source from the default main loop context given the user data for the callback.
removeChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
removeChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu
Removes a widget that has previously been added with PopoverMenu#addChild()
removeChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuBar
Removes a widget that has previously been added with gtk_popover_menu_bar_add_child().
removeChildSource(Source) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Detaches childSource from this Source and destroys it.
removeChoice(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
removeClass(int, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Removes the class matching name from line.
removeClass(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
removeColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Removes a column from the grid.
removeColumn(ColumnViewColumn) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Removes the column from the list of columns of this ColumnView.
removeColumn(TreeViewColumn) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
removeComment(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Removes a comment above key from groupName.
removeCommitNotify(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
removeConstraint(Constraint) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout
Removes constraint from the layout manager, so that it no longer influences the layout.
removeControlBinding(ControlBinding) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Removes the corresponding GstControlBinding.
removeController(EventController) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Removes controller from this Widget, so that it doesn't process events anymore.
removeCssClass(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Removes a style from this Widget.
removeElement(Element) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Method to remove an element from the bin.
removeFast(MemorySegment[], MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Removes the first occurrence of the given pointer from the pointer array.
removeFd(PollFD) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Remove a file descriptor from the file descriptor set.
removeFeature(PluginFeature) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Remove the feature from the registry.
removeFeature(SessionFeature) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Removes feature's functionality from this Session.
removeFeatureByType(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Removes all features of type featureType (or any subclass of featureType) from this Session.
removeField(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Removes the field with the given name.
removeFields(String, Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Removes the fields with the given names.
removeFilter(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor
Removes a filter from the GstDeviceMonitor using the id that was returned by gst_device_monitor_add_filter().
removeFilter(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Removes a filter.
removeFilter(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiFilter
Removes the filter at the given position from the list of filters used by this MultiFilter.
removeFilter(FileFilter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
removeFilter(UserContentFilter) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Removes a filter from the given WebKitUserContentManager.
removeFilterById(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Removes a filter by the given identifier.
removeFinalizeNotifier(MemorySegment, ClosureNotify) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Removes a finalization notifier.
removeFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore
Finishes an asynchronous filter removal previously started with webkit_user_content_filter_store_remove().
removeFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_website_data_manager_remove().
removeFlags(Set<MessageFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Removes flags from the set of this Message's flags.
removeFlags(MessageFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Removes flags from the set of this Message's flags.
removeFocusSibling(CellRenderer, CellRenderer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
removeGroup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Removes the specified group, groupName, from the key file.
removeGroup(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Removes group from the list of groups to which the bookmark for uri belongs to.
removeGuide(ConstraintGuide) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintLayout
Removes guide from the layout manager, so that it no longer influences the layout.
removeHandler(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Removes all handlers (early and normal) registered at path.
removeId(Quark) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Removes feature from this CapsFeatures.
removeIndex(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Removes the byte at the given index from a GByteArray.
removeIndex(MemorySegment[], int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Removes the element at the given index from a GArray.
removeIndex(MemorySegment[], int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Removes the pointer at the given index from the pointer array.
removeIndexFast(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Removes the byte at the given index from a GByteArray.
removeIndexFast(MemorySegment[], int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Removes the element at the given index from a GArray.
removeIndexFast(MemorySegment[], int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Removes the pointer at the given index from the pointer array.
removeInterface(DBusInterfaceSkeleton) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton
Removes interface_ from this DBusObjectSkeleton.
removeInterfaceByName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton
Removes the GDBusInterface with interfaceName from this DBusObjectSkeleton.
removeInvalidateNotifier(MemorySegment, ClosureNotify) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Removes an invalidation notifier.
removeItem(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ListStore
Removes the item from this ListStore that is at position.
removeItem(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Removes the bookmark for uri from the bookmark file this BookmarkFile.
removeItem(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager
Removes a resource pointed by uri from the recently used resources list handled by a recent manager.
removeItems(List<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Rarely used API
removeKey(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Removes key in groupName from the key file.
removeLayout(Layout) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView
Removes layout from this MultiLayoutView.
removeMany(Element, Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Removes a list of elements from a bin.
removeMemory(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Removes the memory block in b at index i.
removeMemoryRange(int, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Removes length memory blocks in this Buffer starting from idx.
removeMeta(Meta) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Removes the metadata for meta on this Buffer.
removeMnemonicLabel(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Removes a widget from the list of mnemonic labels for this widget.
removeNthAllocationMeta(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Remove the metadata API at index of the metadata API array.
removeNthAllocationParam(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Remove the allocation param at index of the allocation param array.
removeNthAllocationPool(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Remove the allocation pool at index of the allocation pool array.
removeOffsetValue(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Removes an offset marker from a GtkLevelBar.
removeOption(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Removes the key/value pair option attached to a GdkPixbuf.
removeOverlay(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay
Removes an overlay that was added with gtk_overlay_add_overlay().
removePad(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Remove a pad from the collection of collect pads.
removePad(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.FlowCombiner
Removes a GstPad from the GstFlowCombiner.
removePad(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Removes pad from this Element.
removePage(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
removePage(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Removes a page from the notebook given its index in the notebook.
removeParent(MiniObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
This removes parent as a parent for this MiniObject.
removePath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain
Removes path from this AuthDomain.
removePlugin(Plugin) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Remove the plugin from the registry.
removePoll(PollFD) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Removes file descriptor from the set of file descriptors to be polled for a particular context.
removePoll(PollFD) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Removes a file descriptor from the set of file descriptors polled for this source.
removeProbe(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Remove the probe with id from this Pad.
removePropertyNotifyWatch(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
removeProvider(StyleProvider) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
removeProvider(CompletionProvider) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
removeProvider(HoverProvider) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Hover
removeProviderForDisplay(Display, StyleProvider) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
removeQclass(int, Quark) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterLines
Reverses a call to GutterLines.addQclass(int, org.gnome.glib.Quark) by removing the GLib.Quark matching qname.
removeQueryKey(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Remove an entry from the query table by key.
removeRange(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Removes the given number of bytes starting at the given index from a GByteArray.
removeRange(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Removes all values from start (inclusive) to start + nItems (exclusive) in this Bitset.
removeRange(MemorySegment[], int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Removes the given number of elements starting at the given index from a GArray.
removeRange(MemorySegment[], int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Removes the given number of pointers starting at the given index from a GPtrArray.
removeRange(SequenceIter, SequenceIter) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Removes all items in the (begin, end) range.
removeRangeClosed(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Removes the closed range last, so first, last and all values in between.
removeRectangle(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Interprets the values as a 2-dimensional boolean grid with the given stride and inside that grid, removes a rectangle with the given width and height.
removeResponse(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Removes a response from this AlertDialog.
removeResponse(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
removeRow(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Removes a row from the grid.
removeScript(UserScript) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Removes a WebKitUserScript from the given WebKitUserContentManager.
removeSelectionClipboard(Clipboard) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
removeShortcut(Shortcut) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController
Removes shortcut from the list of shortcuts handled by this ShortcutController.
removeShortcutFolder(File) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
removeShortcuts(Set<TabViewShortcuts>) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Removes shortcuts from this TabView.
removeShortcuts(TabViewShortcuts...) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Removes shortcuts from this TabView.
removeSignalWatch() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Removes a signal watch previously added with gst_bus_add_signal_watch().
removeSorter(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSorter
Removes the sorter at the given position from the list of sorter used by this MultiSorter.
removeSourceMarks(TextIter, TextIter, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Remove all marks of category between start and end from the buffer.
removeString(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringList
Removes the string at position from this StringList.
removeStructure(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Removes the structure with the given index from the list of structures contained in this Caps.
removeStyleSheet(UserStyleSheet) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Removes a WebKitUserStyleSheet from the given WebKitUserContentManager.
removeSupportsType(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Removes a supported type from an application, if possible.
removeTag(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Removes the given tag from the taglist.
removeTag(TextTag, TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the “remove-tag” signal.
removeTagByName(String, TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Emits the “remove-tag” signal.
removeTickCallback(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Removes a tick callback previously registered with gtk_widget_add_tick_callback().
removeToggleRef(ToggleNotify) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Removes a reference added with g_object_add_toggle_ref().
removeUnixFd(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Reverses the effect of a previous call to Source.addUnixFd(int, java.util.Set<org.gnome.glib.IOCondition>).
removeUnlocked(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Remove an item from the queue.
removeWatch() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Removes an installed bus watch from this Bus.
removeWeakPointer(Out<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Removes a weak reference from this Object that was previously added using g_object_add_weak_pointer().
removeWebsocketExtension(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Removes support for WebSocket extension of type extensionType (or any subclass of extensionType) from this Server.
removeWidget() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable
removeWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroup
Removes a widget from a GtkSizeGroup.
removeWindow(Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Remove a window from application.
removeWindow(Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowGroup
Removes a window from a GtkWindowGroup.
rename(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A wrapper for the POSIX rename() function.
RENAMED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorEvent
the file was renamed within the current directory -- only sent if the FileMonitorFlags.WATCH_MOVES flag is set.
renamePreset(String, String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset
Renames a preset.
render(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Called when a buffer should be presented or output, at the correct moment if the GstBaseSink has been set to sync to the clock.
render(Buffer, VideoFrame) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer
render(GLContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
class closure for the GtkGLArea::render signal
render(RenderNode, Region) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Renderer
Renders the scene graph, described by a tree of GskRenderNode instances to the renderer's surface, ensuring that the given region gets redrawn.
renderActivity(StyleContext, Context, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
renderArrow(StyleContext, Context, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
renderBackground(StyleContext, double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
renderBackground(StyleContext, Context, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
renderCheck(StyleContext, Context, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Renderer - Class in org.gnome.gsk
GskRenderer is a class that renders a scene graph defined via a tree of RenderNode instances.
Renderer - Class in org.gnome.pango
PangoRenderer is a base class for objects that can render text provided as PangoGlyphString or PangoLayout.
Renderer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.Renderer
Create a Renderer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Renderer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Create a Renderer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Renderer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gsk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Renderer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.pango
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Renderer.RendererClass - Class in org.gnome.gsk
Renderer.RendererClass - Class in org.gnome.pango
Class structure for PangoRenderer.
Renderer.RendererImpl - Class in org.gnome.gsk
The RendererImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Renderer class.
Renderer.RendererImpl - Class in org.gnome.pango
The RendererImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Renderer class.
RendererClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.RendererClass
Allocate a new RendererClass.
RendererClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.RendererClass
Allocate a new RendererClass.
RendererClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.Renderer.RendererClass
Create a RendererClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RendererClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.RendererClass
Create a RendererClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RendererImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.Renderer.RendererImpl
Creates a new instance of Renderer for the provided memory address.
RendererImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.Renderer.RendererImpl
Creates a new instance of Renderer for the provided memory address.
renderExpander(StyleContext, Context, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
renderFocus(StyleContext, double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
renderFocus(StyleContext, Context, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
renderFrame(StyleContext, double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
renderFrame(StyleContext, Context, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
renderHandle(StyleContext, Context, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
renderIcon(StyleContext, Context, Texture, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
renderIcon(Widget, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
Renders an icon of given size.
renderInsertionCursor(StyleContext, double, double, Layout, int, Direction) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
renderLayout(StyleContext, double, double, Layout) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
renderLayout(StyleContext, Context, double, double, Layout) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
renderLine(StyleContext, Context, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
renderList(BufferList) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Same as render but used with buffer lists instead of buffers.
RenderNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
GskRenderNode is the basic block in a scene graph to be rendered using Renderer.
RenderNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNode
Create a RenderNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RenderNode.RenderNodeImpl - Class in org.gnome.gsk
The RenderNodeImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract RenderNode class.
RenderNodeImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNode.RenderNodeImpl
Creates a new instance of RenderNode for the provided memory address.
RenderNodeType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gsk
The type of a node determines what the node is rendering.
renderOption(StyleContext, Context, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
renderPage(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview
Renders a page to the preview.
RenderPart - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
PangoRenderPart defines different items to render for such purposes as setting colors.
renderTexture(RenderNode, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Renderer
Renders the scene graph, described by a tree of GskRenderNode instances, to a GdkTexture.
reorder(int[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Use list models
reorder(EulerOrder, Euler) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Reorders a graphene_euler_t using order.
reorder(TreeIter, int[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
reorder(CellRenderer, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout
reorder(Widget, int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Moves child into position position.
reorder(GutterRenderer, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Gutter
Reorders renderer in this Gutter to new position.
reorderBackward(TabPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Reorders page to before its previous page if possible.
reorderChannels(Buffer, AudioFormat, AudioChannelPosition[], AudioChannelPosition[]) - Static method in class
Reorders buffer from the channel positions from to the channel positions to.
reorderChild(Widget, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Reorders the page containing child, so that it appears in position position.
reorderChildAfter(Widget, Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
reorderChildAfter(Widget, Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box
Moves child to the position after sibling in the list of this Box children.
reordered(GObject, TreePath, TreeIter, int[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeRowReference
reorderFirst(TabPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Reorders page to the first possible position.
reorderForward(TabPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Reorders page to after its next page if possible.
reorderItems(List<Item>) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Reorder items from logical order to visual order.
reorderLast(TabPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Reorders page to the last possible position.
reorderPage(TabPage, int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Reorders page to position.
REPEAT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintExtend
The color line is repeated over repeated multiples of the defined interval
REPEAT_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node that repeats the child's contents
REPEATING_LINEAR_GRADIENT_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node drawing a repeating linear gradient
REPEATING_RADIAL_GRADIENT_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node drawing a repeating radial gradient
RepeatingLinearGradientNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node for a repeating linear gradient.
RepeatingLinearGradientNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.RepeatingLinearGradientNode
Create a RepeatingLinearGradientNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RepeatingLinearGradientNode(Rect, Point, Point, ColorStop[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.RepeatingLinearGradientNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will create a repeating linear gradient from the given points and color stops, and render that into the area given by bounds.
RepeatingRadialGradientNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node for a repeating radial gradient.
RepeatingRadialGradientNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.RepeatingRadialGradientNode
Create a RepeatingRadialGradientNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RepeatingRadialGradientNode(Rect, Point, float, float, float, float, ColorStop[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.RepeatingRadialGradientNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that draws a repeating radial gradient.
RepeatNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node repeating its single child node.
RepeatNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.RepeatNode
Create a RepeatNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RepeatNode(Rect, RenderNode, Rect) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.RepeatNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will repeat the drawing of child across the given bounds.
replace(Out<Buffer>, Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Modifies a pointer to a GstBuffer to point to a different GstBuffer.
replace(Out<BufferList>, BufferList) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferList
Modifies a pointer to a GstBufferList to point to a different GstBufferList.
replace(Out<Caps>, Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Modifies a pointer to a GstCaps to point to a different GstCaps.
replace(Out<Event>, Event) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Modifies a pointer to a GstEvent to point to a different GstEvent.
replace(Out<GstObject>, GstObject) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Atomically modifies a pointer to point to a new object.
replace(Out<Message>, Message) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Modifies a pointer to a GstMessage to point to a different GstMessage.
replace(Out<MiniObject>, MiniObject) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Atomically modifies a pointer to point to a new mini-object.
replace(Out<Query>, Query) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Modifies a pointer to a GstQuery to point to a different GstQuery.
replace(Out<TagList>, TagList) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Modifies a pointer to a GstTagList to point to a different GstTagList.
replace(Out<Context>, Context) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Context
Modifies a pointer to a GstContext to point to a different GstContext.
replace(String, boolean, Set<FileCreateFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Returns an output stream for overwriting the file, possibly creating a backup copy of the file first.
replace(String, boolean, FileCreateFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Returns an output stream for overwriting the file, possibly creating a backup copy of the file first.
replace(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Replaces the value currently pointed to by the iterator from its associated GHashTable.
replace(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Private
Sets the thread local variable this Private to have the value value in the current thread.
replace(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Inserts a new key and value into a GTree as g_tree_replace_node() does, only this function does not return the inserted or set node.
replace(String[], int, String, Set<RegexMatchFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Replaces all occurrences of the pattern in this Regex with the replacement text.
replace(String[], int, String, RegexMatchFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Replaces all occurrences of the pattern in this Regex with the replacement text.
replace(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Replaces the value of the header name in this MessageHeaders with value.
replace(String, String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Replaces the string find with the string replace in a GString up to limit times.
replace(NavigationPage[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Replaces the current navigation stack with pages.
replace(TextIter, TextIter, String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
Replaces a search match by another text.
REPLACE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagMergeMode
replace tags
REPLACE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationFlags
Take over from another instance.
REPLACE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusNameOwnerFlags
If another message bus connection owns the name and have specified BusNameOwnerFlags.ALLOW_REPLACEMENT, then take the name from the other connection.
REPLACE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Replacement failed due to an ill-formed replacement string.
replace_(K, V) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Inserts a new key and value into a GHashTable similar to g_hash_table_insert().
REPLACE_ALL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagMergeMode
replace all tags (clear list and append)
REPLACE_DESTINATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCreateFlags
Replace the destination as if it didn't exist before.
replaceAll(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
Replaces all search matches by another text.
replaceAllMemory(Memory) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Replaces all memory in this Buffer with mem.
replaceAsync(String, boolean, Set<FileCreateFlags>, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously overwrites the file, replacing the contents, possibly creating a backup copy of the file first.
replaceAsync(String, boolean, FileCreateFlags, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously overwrites the file, replacing the contents, possibly creating a backup copy of the file first.
replaceContents(byte[], String, boolean, Set<FileCreateFlags>, Out<String>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Replaces the contents of this File with contents of length bytes.
replaceContents(byte[], String, boolean, FileCreateFlags, Out<String>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Replaces the contents of this File with contents of length bytes.
replaceContentsAsync(byte[], String, boolean, Set<FileCreateFlags>, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Starts an asynchronous replacement of this File with the given contents of length bytes.
replaceContentsAsync(byte[], String, boolean, FileCreateFlags, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Starts an asynchronous replacement of this File with the given contents of length bytes.
replaceContentsBytesAsync(Bytes, String, boolean, Set<FileCreateFlags>, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Same as g_file_replace_contents_async() but takes a GBytes input instead.
replaceContentsBytesAsync(Bytes, String, boolean, FileCreateFlags, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Same as g_file_replace_contents_async() but takes a GBytes input instead.
replaceContentsFinish(AsyncResult, Out<String>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous replace of the given this File.
replaceCookies(List<Cookie>, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Asynchronously replace all cookies in this CookieManager with the given list of cookies.
replaceCookiesFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_cookie_manager_replace_cookies().
replaceData(String, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, Out<DestroyNotify>) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Compares the user data for the key key on this Object with oldval, and if they are the same, replaces oldval with newval.
replaceEval(String[], int, Set<RegexMatchFlags>, RegexEvalCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Replaces occurrences of the pattern in regex with the output of eval for that occurrence.
replaceEval(String[], int, RegexMatchFlags, RegexEvalCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Replaces occurrences of the pattern in regex with the output of eval for that occurrence.
replaceFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous file replace operation started with g_file_replace_async().
replaceLiteral(String[], int, String, Set<RegexMatchFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Replaces all occurrences of the pattern in this Regex with the replacement text.
replaceLiteral(String[], int, String, RegexMatchFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Replaces all occurrences of the pattern in this Regex with the replacement text.
replaceMemory(int, Memory) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Replaces the memory block at index idx in this Buffer with mem.
replaceMemoryRange(int, int, Memory) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Replaces length memory blocks in this Buffer starting at idx with mem.
replaceNode(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Inserts a new key and value into a GTree similar to g_tree_insert_node().
replaceQdata(Quark, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, Out<DestroyNotify>) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Compares the user data for the key quark on this Object with oldval, and if they are the same, replaces oldval with newval.
replaceReadwrite(String, boolean, Set<FileCreateFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Returns an output stream for overwriting the file in readwrite mode, possibly creating a backup copy of the file first.
replaceReadwrite(String, boolean, FileCreateFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Returns an output stream for overwriting the file in readwrite mode, possibly creating a backup copy of the file first.
replaceReadwriteAsync(String, boolean, Set<FileCreateFlags>, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously overwrites the file in read-write mode, replacing the contents, possibly creating a backup copy of the file first.
replaceReadwriteAsync(String, boolean, FileCreateFlags, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously overwrites the file in read-write mode, replacing the contents, possibly creating a backup copy of the file first.
replaceReadwriteFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous file replace operation started with g_file_replace_readwrite_async().
replaceWithTags(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Replaces the current navigation stack with pages with the tags tags.
REPLIED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PromiseResult
A producer marked a reply
reply(Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Promise
Set a reply on this Promise.
reply(MountOperationResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Emits the GMountOperation::reply signal.
REPLY_SERIAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageHeaderField
The serial number the message is a reply to.
report() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception
Return a report message of this Exception, containing all the possible details such us source URI, line, column and backtrace, and formatted to be printed.
REPORT_ANY_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMeasureFlags
Report any error encountered while traversing the directory tree.
reportDeviceFailure() - Method in class
Informs this base class that the audio output device has failed for some reason, causing a discontinuity (for example, because the device recovered from the error, but lost all contents of its ring buffer).
reportError(GObject, AsyncReadyCallback, MemorySegment, GError) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Creates a GTask and then immediately calls g_task_return_error() on it.
reportNewError(GObject, AsyncReadyCallback, MemorySegment, Quark, int, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Creates a GTask and then immediately calls g_task_return_new_error() on it.
REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadPresence
the pad is only available on request with gst_element_request_pad().
REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersType
request headers
REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
413 Request Entity Too Large (HTTP)
REQUEST_STATE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Posted by elements when they want the pipeline to change state.
REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
408 Request Timeout (HTTP)
REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
414 Request-URI Too Long (HTTP)
requestAborted(ServerMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
requestCertificate(TlsConnection, TlsCertificateRequestFlags, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction
Run synchronous interaction to ask the user to choose a certificate to use with the connection.
requestCertificateAsync(TlsConnection, TlsCertificateRequestFlags, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction
Run asynchronous interaction to ask the user for a certificate to use with the connection.
requestCertificateFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction
Complete a request certificate user interaction request.
requestDetails() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer
Requests the printer details.
REQUESTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsAuthenticationMode
client authentication is requested
REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable (HTTP)
RequestedSize - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Represents a request of a screen object in a given orientation.
RequestedSize() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.RequestedSize
Allocate a new RequestedSize.
RequestedSize(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.RequestedSize
Allocate a new RequestedSize.
RequestedSize(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.RequestedSize
Create a RequestedSize proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RequestedSize(MemorySegment, int, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.RequestedSize
Allocate a new RequestedSize with the fields set to the provided values.
RequestedSize(MemorySegment, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.RequestedSize
Allocate a new RequestedSize with the fields set to the provided values.
requestFinished(ServerMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
requestLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Request a layout phase from the surface's frame clock.
requestPad(PadTemplate, String, Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Retrieves a request pad from the element according to the provided template.
requestPadSimple(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Retrieves a pad from the element by name (e.g.
requestPageSetup(PrintContext, int, PageSetup) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emitted once for every page that is printed, to give the application a chance to modify the page setup.
requestPhase(Set<FrameClockPhase>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Asks the frame clock to run a particular phase.
requestPhase(FrameClockPhase...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock
Asks the frame clock to run a particular phase.
requestQueued(Message) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
requestRead(ServerMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
requestRenderer(CellRenderer, Orientation, Widget, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
requestStarted(ServerMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
requestState(GstObject, State) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
This message can be posted by elements when they want to have their state changed.
requestSyncPoint(VideoCodecFrame, Set<VideoDecoderRequestSyncPointFlags>) - Method in class
Allows the GstVideoDecoder subclass to request from the base class that a new sync should be requested from upstream, and that frame was the frame when the subclass noticed that a new sync point is required.
requestSyncPoint(VideoCodecFrame, VideoDecoderRequestSyncPointFlags...) - Method in class
Allows the GstVideoDecoder subclass to request from the base class that a new sync should be requested from upstream, and that frame was the frame when the subclass noticed that a new sync point is required.
requestUnqueued(Message) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
REQUIRE_CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFlags
the element requires a clock
REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsAuthenticationMode
client authentication is required
REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Indicates that user input is required on the element before a form may be submitted.
REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintStrength
The constraint is required towards solving the layout
REQUIRED_LIGATURES_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
REQUIRED_LIGATURES_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
Requisition - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkRequisition represents the desired size of a widget.
Requisition() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Requisition
Allocates a new GtkRequisition.
Requisition(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Requisition
Create a Requisition proxy instance for the provided memory address.
resample(MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment, long) - Method in class
Perform resampling on inFrames frames in in and write outFrames to out.
RESAMPLE - Enum constant in enum class
Resample to match the master clock
RESAMPLE - Enum constant in enum class
Resample to match the master clock.
RESERVED_BSE_FIRST - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
First fundamental type number to create a new fundamental type id with G_TYPE_MAKE_FUNDAMENTAL() reserved for BSE.
RESERVED_BSE_LAST - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Last fundamental type number reserved for BSE.
RESERVED_GLIB_FIRST - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
First fundamental type number to create a new fundamental type id with G_TYPE_MAKE_FUNDAMENTAL() reserved for GLib.
RESERVED_GLIB_LAST - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Last fundamental type number reserved for GLib.
RESERVED_USER_FIRST - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
First available fundamental type number to create new fundamental type id with G_TYPE_MAKE_FUNDAMENTAL().
reset() - Method in class
Reset this AudioConverter to the state it was when it was first created, clearing any history it might currently have.
reset() - Method in class
Reset this AudioQuantize to the state is was when created, clearing any history it might have.
reset() - Method in class
Reset this AudioResampler to the state it was when it was first created, discarding all sample history.
reset() - Method in class
Returns as quickly as possible from a write and flush any pending samples from the device.
reset() - Method in class
unblock a read to the device and reset.
reset() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Resets this BitWriter and frees the data if it's owned by this BitWriter.
reset() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Resets this ByteWriter and frees the data if it's owned by this ByteWriter.
reset() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.FlowCombiner
Reset flow combiner and all pads to their initial state without removing pads.
reset() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocSetter
Reset the internal TOC.
reset() - Method in class
Set this VideoAlignment to its default values with no padding and no alignment.
reset() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
Resets the animation for this Animation.
reset() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Resets this Cancellable to its uncancelled state.
reset() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Converter
Resets all internal state in the converter, making it behave as if it was just created.
reset() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Checksum
Resets the state of the this Checksum back to its initial state.
reset() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MemChunk
reset() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Timer
This function is useless; it's fine to call g_timer_start() on an already-started timer to reset the start time, so g_timer_reset() serves no purpose.
reset() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Clears the current value in this Value and resets it to the default value (as if the value had just been initialized).
reset() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext
This object will be removed in GTK 5
reset() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController
Resets the this EventController to a clean state.
reset() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Notify the input method that a change such as a change in cursor position has been made.
reset() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Reset the this InputMethodContext.
reset(boolean) - Method in class
reset(boolean) - Method in class
reset(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Resets key to its default value.
reset(String, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
virtual method to reset state
reset(ClockTime) - Method in class
Inform this AudioClock that future calls to GstAudioClockGetTimeFunc will return values starting from time.
RESET - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SegmentFlags
reset the pipeline running_time to the segment running_time
RESET_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
205 Reset Content (HTTP)
RESET_TIME - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Message to request resetting the pipeline's running time from the pipeline.
resetAndGetBuffer() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Resets this BitWriter and returns the current data as GstBuffer.
resetAndGetBuffer() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Resets this ByteWriter and returns the current data as buffer.
resetAndGetData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Resets this BitWriter and returns the current data.
resetAndGetData() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Resets this ByteWriter and returns the current data.
resetBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Reset the buffer to its state when it was freshly allocated.
resetCursorBlink() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Ensures that the cursor is shown.
resetDefaultSortFunc() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort
resetImContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Reset the input method context of the entry if needed.
resetImContext() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Reset the input method context of the text view if needed.
resetProperty(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings
Undoes the effect of calling g_object_set() to install an application-specific value for a setting.
resetProperty(AccessibleProperty) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible
Resets the accessible property to its default value.
resetRelation(AccessibleRelation) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible
Resets the accessible relation to its default value.
resetState(AccessibleState) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible
Resets the accessible state to its default value.
resetTags() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagSetter
Reset the internal taglist.
resetThreshold() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Resets the threshold of the category to the default level.
resetTime(GstObject, ClockTime) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
This message is posted when the pipeline running-time should be reset to runningTime, like after a flushing seek.
resetTypeAssociations(String) - Static method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
resizable() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream
Creates a new GMemoryOutputStream, using g_realloc() and g_free() for memory allocation.
resize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
Resizes a tab array.
resize(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea
resize(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
class closeure for the GtkGLArea::resize signal
resize(long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Sets the offset and total size of the memory blocks in this Buffer.
resize(long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Resize the memory region.
RESIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AnchorHints
allow resizing surface on both axes
RESIZE_X - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AnchorHints
allow resizing surface horizontally
RESIZE_Y - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AnchorHints
allow resizing surface vertically
resizeRange(int, int, long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Sets the total size of the length memory blocks starting at idx in this Buffer
RESOLVED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketClientEvent
The client has completed a DNS lookup.
Resolver - Class in org.gnome.gio
The object that handles DNS resolution.
Resolver(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Create a Resolver proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Resolver.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Resolver.ReloadCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ReloadCallback callback.
Resolver.ResolverClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Resolver.ResolverImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The ResolverImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Resolver class.
ResolverClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Allocate a new ResolverClass.
ResolverClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Allocate a new ResolverClass.
ResolverClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverClass
Create a ResolverClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
resolveRelative(String, String, Set<UriFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Parses uriRef according to flags and, if it is a relative URI, resolves it relative to baseUriString.
resolveRelative(String, String, UriFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Parses uriRef according to flags and, if it is a relative URI, resolves it relative to baseUriString.
resolveRelativePath(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Resolves a relative path for this File to an absolute path.
ResolverError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
An error code used with G_RESOLVER_ERROR in a GError returned from a GResolver routine.
ResolverImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ResolverImpl
Creates a new instance of Resolver for the provided memory address.
ResolverNameLookupFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags to modify lookup behavior.
ResolverRecordType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
The type of record that g_resolver_lookup_records() or g_resolver_lookup_records_async() should retrieve.
RESOLVING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketClientEvent
The client is doing a DNS lookup.
Resource - Class in org.gnome.gio
Applications and libraries often contain binary or textual data that is really part of the application, rather than user data.
Resource(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Resource
Create a Resource proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ResourceError - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Resource errors are for any resource used by an element: memory, files, network connections, process space, ...
ResourceError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
An error code used with G_RESOURCE_ERROR in a GError returned from a GResource routine.
ResourceFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
GResourceFlags give information about a particular file inside a resource bundle.
resourceLoadStarted(WebResource, URIRequest) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
ResourceLookupFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
GResourceLookupFlags determine how resource path lookups are handled.
resourcesEnumerateChildren(String, Set<ResourceLookupFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Returns all the names of children at the specified path in the set of globally registered resources.
resourcesEnumerateChildren(String, ResourceLookupFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Returns all the names of children at the specified path in the set of globally registered resources.
resourcesGetInfo(String, Set<ResourceLookupFlags>, Out<Long>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Looks for a file at the specified path in the set of globally registered resources and if found returns information about it.
resourcesGetInfo(String, ResourceLookupFlags, Out<Long>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Looks for a file at the specified path in the set of globally registered resources and if found returns information about it.
resourcesLookupData(String, Set<ResourceLookupFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Looks for a file at the specified path in the set of globally registered resources and returns a GBytes that lets you directly access the data in memory.
resourcesLookupData(String, ResourceLookupFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Looks for a file at the specified path in the set of globally registered resources and returns a GBytes that lets you directly access the data in memory.
resourcesOpenStream(String, Set<ResourceLookupFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Looks for a file at the specified path in the set of globally registered resources and returns a GInputStream that lets you read the data.
resourcesOpenStream(String, ResourceLookupFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Looks for a file at the specified path in the set of globally registered resources and returns a GInputStream that lets you read the data.
resourcesRegister() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resource
Registers the resource with the process-global set of resources.
resourcesRegister(Resource) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Registers the resource with the process-global set of resources.
resourcesUnregister() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resource
Unregisters the resource from the process-global set of resources.
resourcesUnregister(Resource) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Unregisters the resource from the process-global set of resources.
response(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Use Window instead
response(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
response(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
class handler for the GtkNativeDialog::response signal
response(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
response(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersType
response headers
RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecisionType
This type of decision is used when WebKit has received a response for a network resource and is about to start the load.
ResponseAppearance - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
Describes the possible styles of AlertDialog response buttons.
ResponsePolicyDecision - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A policy decision for resource responses.
ResponsePolicyDecision(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ResponsePolicyDecision
Create a ResponsePolicyDecision proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ResponsePolicyDecision.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ResponsePolicyDecision.ResponsePolicyDecisionClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
ResponsePolicyDecisionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ResponsePolicyDecision.ResponsePolicyDecisionClass
Allocate a new ResponsePolicyDecisionClass.
ResponsePolicyDecisionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ResponsePolicyDecision.ResponsePolicyDecisionClass
Allocate a new ResponsePolicyDecisionClass.
ResponsePolicyDecisionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ResponsePolicyDecision.ResponsePolicyDecisionClass
Create a ResponsePolicyDecisionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ResponseType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Predefined values for use as response ids in gtk_dialog_add_button().
restart() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Restart any gst_poll_wait() that is in progress.
restore() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Restores this Snapshot to the state saved by a preceding call to and removes that state from the stack of saved states.
restore() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
This API will be removed in GTK 5
restoreSessionState(WebViewSessionState) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Restore the this WebView session state from state
restoreSystemShortcuts() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Restore default system keyboard shortcuts which were previously inhibited.
resume() - Method in class
resume processing of samples after pause
resume() - Method in class
Resume the device.
resume() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
Resume this Task in case it was paused.
resume() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
Resumes a paused animation for this Animation.
RESUME_EVENTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClockPhase
corresponds to GdkFrameClock::resume-events.
resync() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Resync the iterator.
RESYNC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
the buffer timestamps might have a discontinuity and this buffer is a good point to resynchronize.
RESYNC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorResult
Datastructure changed while iterating
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
retrieveSurrounding() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Default handler of the Gtk.IMContext::retrieve-surrounding signal.
RETRY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsPasswordFlags
The password was wrong, and the user should retry.
returnBoolean(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Sets this Task's result to result and completes the task (see g_task_return_pointer() for more discussion of exactly what this means).
returnDbusError(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Finishes handling a D-Bus method call by returning an error.
returnError(GError) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializer
Indicate that the deserialization has ended with an error.
returnError(GError) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializer
Indicate that the serialization has ended with an error.
returnError(GError) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Sets this Task's result to error (which this Task assumes ownership of) and completes the task (see g_task_return_pointer() for more discussion of exactly what this means).
returnError(Quark, int, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Finishes handling a D-Bus method call by returning an error.
returnErrorIfCancelled() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Checks if this Task's GCancellable has been cancelled, and if so, sets this Task's error accordingly and completes the task (see g_task_return_pointer() for more discussion of exactly what this means).
returnErrorLiteral(Quark, int, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Like g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() but without printf()-style formatting.
returnErrorMessage(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptMessageReply
Reply to a script message with an error message.
returnGerror(GError) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Like g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error() but takes a GError instead of the error domain, error code and message.
returnIfFailWarning(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Internal function used to print messages from the public GLib#returnIfFail and GLib#returnValIfFail macros.
returnInt(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Sets this Task's result to result and completes the task (see g_task_return_pointer() for more discussion of exactly what this means).
returnNewError(Quark, int, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Sets this Task's result to a new GError created from domain, code, format, and the remaining arguments, and completes the task (see g_task_return_pointer() for more discussion of exactly what this means).
returnNewErrorLiteral(Quark, int, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Sets this Task’s result to a new GLib.Error created from domain, code, message and completes the task.
returnPointer(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Sets this Task's result to result and completes the task.
returnPrefixedError(GError, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Sets this Task's result to error (which this Task assumes ownership of), with the message prefixed according to format, and completes the task (see g_task_return_pointer() for more discussion of exactly what this means).
returnSuccess() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializer
Indicate that the deserialization has been successfully completed.
returnSuccess() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializer
Indicate that the serialization has been successfully completed.
returnValue(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Finishes handling a D-Bus method call by returning parameters.
returnValue(Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Sets this Task's result to result (by copying it) and completes the task.
returnValue(Value) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptMessageReply
Reply to a script message with a value.
returnValueWithUnixFdList(Variant, UnixFDList) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Like g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value() but also takes a GUnixFDList.
Revealer - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkRevealer animates the transition of its child from invisible to visible.
Revealer() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer
Creates a new GtkRevealer.
Revealer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer
Create a Revealer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Revealer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
RevealerTransitionType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
These enumeration values describe the possible transitions when the child of a GtkRevealer widget is shown or hidden.
reverse() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Reverses the order of the items in this Queue.
REVERSE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocLoopType
repeat backward
REVERSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionFlags
For options of the OptionArg.NONE kind, this flag indicates that the sense of the option is reversed.
REVERSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintCapabilities
Print dialog will allow to print pages in reverse order.
REVERSE_LANDSCAPE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PageOrientation
Reverse landscape mode.
REVERSE_ORDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SortFlags
sort in reverse order
REVERSE_PORTRAIT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PageOrientation
Reverse portrait mode.
reverseChildren() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Reverses the order of the children of a GNode.
revert() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Reverts all non-applied changes to the settings.
REVOKED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateFlags
The certificate has been revoked according to the GTlsConnection's certificate revocation list.
rewind() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Dir
Resets the given directory.
RFF - Enum constant in enum class
If the GstBuffer is interlaced, then the first field (as defined by the VideoBufferFlags.TFF flag setting) is repeated.
RFF - Enum constant in enum class
The video frame has the repeat flag
RG - Enum constant in enum class
RG texture, GL_RG_EXT
RGB - Enum constant in enum class
identity matrix.
RGB - Enum constant in enum class
RGB packed into 24 bits without padding (R-G-B-R-G-B)
RGB - Enum constant in enum class
The video format is RGB, components are numbered 0=R, 1=G, 2=B.
RGB - Enum constant in enum class
RGB texture, GL_RGB
RGB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Colorspace
Indicates a red/green/blue additive color space.
RGB10A2_LE - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:4:4 RGB with alpha channel(R-G-B-A), 10 bits for R/G/B channel and MSB 2 bits for alpha channel (Since: 1.18)
RGB15 - Enum constant in enum class
rgb 5-5-5 bits per component
RGB16 - Enum constant in enum class
rgb 5-6-5 bits per component
RGB16 - Enum constant in enum class
RGB 565 texture, GL_RGB
RGB8P - Enum constant in enum class
8-bit paletted RGB
RGBA - Class in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkRGBA is used to represent a color, in a way that is compatible with cairo’s notion of color.
RGBA - Enum constant in enum class
rgb with alpha channel last
RGBA - Enum constant in enum class
RGBA texture, GL_RGBA
RGBA() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Allocate a new RGBA.
RGBA(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Allocate a new RGBA with the fields set to the provided values.
RGBA(float, float, float, float, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Allocate a new RGBA with the fields set to the provided values.
RGBA(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Allocate a new RGBA.
RGBA(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Create a RGBA proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RGBA64_BE - Enum constant in enum class
RGB with alpha channel last, 16 bits (big endian) per channel.
RGBA64_LE - Enum constant in enum class
RGB with alpha channel last, 16 bits (little endian) per channel.
rgbaToStandalone(RGBA, boolean, RGBA) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
Adjusts rgba to be suitable as a standalone color.
RGBP - Enum constant in enum class
Planar 4:4:4 RGB, R-G-B order
rgbToHsv(float, float, float, Out<Float>, Out<Float>, Out<Float>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Converts a color from RGB space to HSV.
RGBX - Enum constant in enum class
sparse rgb packed into 32 bit, space last
RIDGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BorderStyle
Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
Select the next button to the right in a menu, if such a button exists.
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
All frames represent a right-eye view.
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
All frames represent a right-eye view.
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Distinct marks to the right
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollDirection
the surface is scrolled to the right.
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ArrowType
Represents a right pointing arrow.
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintAttribute
The right edge of a widget, regardless of text direction
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DirectionType
Move right.
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Justification
The text is placed at the right edge of the label.
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PanDirection
panned towards the right
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PositionType
The feature is at the right edge.
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextWindowType
Right side border window.
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Alignment
Put all available space on the left
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.TabAlign
the text appears to the left of the tab stop position until the available space is filled.
RIGHT_BRACE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
a ']' character
RIGHT_CLICK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TitlebarGesture
right click gesture
RIGHT_CURLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
a '}' character
RIGHT_FLIPPED - Enum constant in enum class
The right view is vertically mirrored.
RIGHT_FLOPPED - Enum constant in enum class
The right view is horizontally mirrored.
RIGHT_PAREN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
a ')' character
RIGHT_RESIZABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
whether the right edge is resizable
RIGHT_TILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
whether the right edge is tiled
RIGHT_VIEW_FIRST - Enum constant in enum class
For stereo streams, the normal arrangement of left and right views is reversed.
RING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DevicePadFeature
a ring-shaped interactive area
RING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionType
Action is triggered by a pad ring
RISE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
baseline displacement (Pango.AttrInt)
RLBT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NumberUpLayout
RLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Right-to-Left Embedding
RLI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Right-to-Left isolate.
RLO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Right-to-Left Override
RLTB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NumberUpLayout
rmdir(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A wrapper for the POSIX rmdir() function.
ROFS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
The directory containing the new link can't be modified because it's on a read-only file system.
ROLE_DESCRIPTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Defines a human-readable, author-localized description for the role of an element.
ROMAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutBaselineTag
The baseline used by alphabetic scripts such as Latin, Cyrillic and Greek.
ROMAN_NUMERAL_ANNOTATION - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
ROMANIZATION_TO_HIRAGANA - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
ROMANIZATION_TO_KATAKANA - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
root() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager
a virtual function, called when the widget using the layout manager is attached to a GtkRoot
root() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Called when the widget gets added to a GtkRoot widget.
Root - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
GtkRoot is the interface implemented by all widgets that can act as a toplevel widget.
Root.RootImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The RootImpl type represents a native instance of the Root interface.
Root.RootInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
RootImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Root.RootImpl
Creates a new instance of Root for the provided memory address.
RootInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Root.RootInterface
Create a RootInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
rotate(double) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Changes the transformation represented by this Matrix to be the transformation given by first rotating by degrees degrees counter-clockwise then applying the original transformation.
rotate(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Rotates this Transform angle degrees in 2D - or in 3D-speak, around the Z axis.
rotate(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Rotates this Snapshot's coordinate system by angle degrees in 2D space - or in 3D speak, rotates around the Z axis.
rotate(float, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Adds a rotation transformation to this Matrix, using the given angle and axis vector.
ROTATE_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Pretend the pages are sides of a cube and rotate that cube to the left
ROTATE_LEFT_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Pretend the pages are sides of a cube and rotate that cube to the left or right according to the children order
ROTATE_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Pretend the pages are sides of a cube and rotate that cube to the right
rotate3d(float, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Rotates this Transform angle degrees around axis.
rotate3d(float, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Rotates this Snapshot's coordinate system by angle degrees around axis.
rotateEuler(Euler) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Adds a rotation transformation to this Matrix, using the given graphene_euler_t.
rotateQuaternion(Quaternion) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Adds a rotation transformation to this Matrix, using the given graphene_quaternion_t.
rotateSimple(PixbufRotation) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Rotates a pixbuf by a multiple of 90 degrees, and returns the result in a new pixbuf.
rotateX(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Adds a rotation transformation around the X axis to this Matrix, using the given angle.
rotateY(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Adds a rotation transformation around the Y axis to this Matrix, using the given angle.
rotateZ(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Adds a rotation transformation around the Z axis to this Matrix, using the given angle.
ROTATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisFlags
Z-axis rotation is present
ROTATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
the axis is used for pen rotation information
round(Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Use graphene_rect_round_extents() instead
ROUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.LineCap
Use a round ending, the center of the circle is the start or end point
ROUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.LineJoin
Use a round join, the center of the circle is the join point
ROUND_POSITIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.ShapeFlags
Round glyph positions and widths to whole device units This option should be set if the target renderer can't do subpixel positioning of glyphs
ROUNDED_BOX_ANNOTATION - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
ROUNDED_CLIP_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node that clips its child to a rounded rectangle
RoundedClipNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node applying a rounded rectangle clip to its single child.
RoundedClipNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedClipNode
Create a RoundedClipNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RoundedClipNode(RenderNode, RoundedRect) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedClipNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will clip the child to the area given by clip.
RoundedRect - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A rectangular region with rounded corners.
RoundedRect() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Allocate a new RoundedRect.
RoundedRect(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Allocate a new RoundedRect.
RoundedRect(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Create a RoundedRect proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RoundedRect(Rect, Size[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Allocate a new RoundedRect with the fields set to the provided values.
RoundedRect(Rect, Size[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Allocate a new RoundedRect with the fields set to the provided values.
roundExtents(Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Rounds the origin of the given rectangle to its nearest integer value and and recompute the size so that the rectangle is large enough to contain all the conrners of the original rectangle.
roundToPixel() - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Use graphene_rect_round() instead
ROW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A row in a columned list.
ROW_COUNT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Defines the total number of rows in a table, grid, or treegrid.
ROW_GROUP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
ROW_HEADER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
ROW_INDEX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Defines an element's row index or position with respect to the total number of rows within a table, grid, or treegrid.
ROW_INDEX_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Defines a human readable text alternative of aria-rowindex.
ROW_INTERLEAVED - Enum constant in enum class
Alternating horizontal rows of pixels represent the left and right eye view respectively.
ROW_INTERLEAVED - Enum constant in enum class
Alternating horizontal rows of pixels represent the left and right eye view respectively.
ROW_SPAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Defines the number of rows spanned by a cell or gridcell within a table, grid, or treegrid.
rowActivated(TreePath, TreeViewColumn) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
rowChanged(TreePath, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
rowCollapsed(TreeIter, TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
rowDeleted(TreePath) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
rowDraggable(TreePath) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragSource
Use list models instead
rowDropPossible(TreePath, Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragDest
Use list models instead
rowExpanded(TreeIter, TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
rowExpanded(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
rowHasChildToggled(TreePath, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
rowInserted(TreePath, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
rowsReordered(TreePath, TreeIter, int[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
RPDF - Enum constant in enum class
Rectangular dithering
RTL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Direction
Text is set horizontally from right to left.
RTL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextDirection
Right to left text direction.
RTL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Direction
A strong right-to-left direction
RUBY_KANA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
RUBY_KANA - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
RUBY_KANA_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
RUBY_KANA_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
run() - Method in record class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.ArenaCloseAction
run() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue.EmptyCallback
Reports that the queue became empty (empty).
run() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue.FullCallback
Reports that the queue became full (full).
run() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.DoLatencyCallback
Will be emitted when the bin needs to perform latency calculations.
run() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugFuncPtr
we define this to avoid a compiler warning regarding a cast from a function pointer to a void pointer (see
run() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device.RemovedCallback
run() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.NoMorePadsCallback
This signals that the element will not generate more dynamic pads.
run() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MainFuncSimple
Simplified version of GstMainFunc, meant to be used with gst_macos_main_simple(), which does not require argc/argv to be passed.
run() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskFunction
A function that will repeatedly be called in the thread created by a GstTask.
run() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPoolFunction
Task function, see gst_task_pool_push().
run() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.FinishedCallback
Will be emitted in async mode when all pending URIs have been processed.
run() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.StartingCallback
Will be emitted when the discover starts analyzing the pending URIs
run() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DestroyFunc
A virtual method for destroy user-data callbacks.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.ActionRow.ActivatedCallback
This signal is emitted after the row has been activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Animation.DoneCallback
This signal is emitted when the animation has been completed, either on its own or via calling Animation.skip().
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Banner.ButtonClickedCallback
This signal is emitted after the action button has been clicked.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.CloseAttemptCallback
Emitted when the close button or shortcut is used while Dialog:can-close is set to FALSE.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint.ApplyCallback
Emitted when the breakpoint is applied.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint.UnapplyCallback
Emitted when the breakpoint is unapplied.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow.ActivatedCallback
This signal is emitted after the row has been activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Dialog.CloseAttemptCallback
Emitted when the close button or shortcut is used, or Dialog.close() is called while Dialog:can-close is set to FALSE.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Dialog.ClosedCallback
Emitted when the dialog is successfully closed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.ApplyCallback
Emitted when the apply button is pressed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.EntryActivatedCallback
Emitted when the embedded entry is activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.HiddenCallback
Emitted when the navigation view transition has been completed and the page is fully hidden.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.HidingCallback
Emitted when the page starts hiding at the beginning of the navigation view transition.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.ShowingCallback
Emitted when the page shows at the beginning of the navigation view transition.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.ShownCallback
Emitted when the navigation view transition has been completed and the page is fully shown.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.GetNextPageCallback
Emitted when a push shortcut or a gesture is triggered.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.PushedCallback
Emitted after a page has been pushed to the navigation stack.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.ReplacedCallback
Emitted after the navigation stack has been replaced.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.OutputCallback
Emitted to tweak the formatting of the value for display.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.WrappedCallback
Emitted right after the spinbutton wraps.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.ActivateCallback
Emitted to animate press then release.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.ClickedCallback
Emitted when the button has been activated (pressed and released).
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.BeginSwipeCallback
This signal is emitted right before a swipe will be started, after the drag threshold has been passed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabButton.ActivateCallback
Emitted to animate press then release.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabButton.ClickedCallback
Emitted when the button has been activated (pressed and released).
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.CreateTabCallback
Emitted when a tab needs to be created;
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.CreateWindowCallback
Emitted when a tab should be transferred into a new window.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Toast.ButtonClickedCallback
Emitted after the button has been clicked.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Toast.DismissedCallback
Emitted when the toast has been dismissed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard.ChangedCallback
Emitted when the clipboard changes ownership.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.ContentChangedCallback
Emitted whenever the content provided by this provider has changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Device.ChangedCallback
Emitted either when the number of either axes or keys changes.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Display.OpenedCallback
Emitted when the connection to the windowing system for display is opened.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Drag.DndFinishedCallback
Emitted when the destination side has finished reading all data.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Drag.DropPerformedCallback
Emitted when the drop operation is performed on an accepting client.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.AfterPaintCallback
This signal ends processing of the frame.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.BeforePaintCallback
Begins processing of the frame.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.FlushEventsCallback
Used to flush pending motion events that are being batched up and compressed together.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.LayoutCallback
Emitted as the second step of toolkit and application processing of the frame.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.PaintCallback
Emitted as the third step of toolkit and application processing of the frame.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.ResumeEventsCallback
Emitted after processing of the frame is finished.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.UpdateCallback
Emitted as the first step of toolkit and application processing of the frame.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Monitor.InvalidateCallback
Emitted when the output represented by monitor gets disconnected.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable.InvalidateContentsCallback
Emitted when the contents of the paintable change.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable.InvalidateSizeCallback
Emitted when the intrinsic size of the paintable changes.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.VulkanContext.ImagesUpdatedCallback
Emitted when the images managed by this context have changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.AreaPreparedCallback
This signal is emitted when the pixbuf loader has allocated the pixbuf in the desired size.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.ClosedCallback
This signal is emitted when gdk_pixbuf_loader_close() is called.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfoMonitor.ChangedCallback
Signal emitted when the app info database changes, when applications are installed or removed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.ActivateCallback
The ::activate signal is emitted on the primary instance when an activation occurs.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.NameLostCallback
The ::name-lost signal is emitted only on the registered primary instance when a new instance has taken over.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.ShutdownCallback
The ::shutdown signal is emitted only on the registered primary instance immediately after the main loop terminates.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.StartupCallback
The ::startup signal is emitted on the primary instance immediately after registration.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Cancellable.CancelledCallback
Emitted when the operation has been cancelled.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive.ChangedCallback
Emitted when the drive's state has changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive.DisconnectedCallback
This signal is emitted when the GDrive have been disconnected.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive.EjectButtonCallback
Emitted when the physical eject button (if any) of a drive has been pressed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive.StopButtonCallback
Emitted when the physical stop button (if any) of a drive has been pressed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface.QuerySettableAttributesAsyncCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface.QuerySettableAttributesFinishCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface.QueryWritableNamespacesAsyncCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface.QueryWritableNamespacesFinishCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter.GotCompletionDataCallback
Emitted when the file name completion information comes available.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount.ChangedCallback
Emitted when the mount has been changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount.PreUnmountCallback
This signal may be emitted when the GMount is about to be unmounted.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount.UnmountedCallback
This signal is emitted when the GMount have been unmounted.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.AbortedCallback
Emitted by the backend when e.g.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ReloadCallback
Emitted when the resolver notices that the system resolver configuration has changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetCertificateTypeCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetClientConnectionTypeCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetDtlsClientConnectionTypeCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetDtlsServerConnectionTypeCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetFileDatabaseTypeCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetServerConnectionTypeCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor.MountpointsChangedCallback
Emitted when the unix mount points have changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor.MountsChangedCallback
Emitted when the unix mounts have changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume.ChangedCallback
Emitted when the volume has been changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume.RemovedCallback
This signal is emitted when the GVolume have been removed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass.IsSupportedCallback
run() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainLoop
Runs a main loop until MainLoop.quit() is called on the loop.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceDummyMarshal
This is just a placeholder for GClosureMarshal, which cannot be used here for dependency reasons.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceFunc
Specifies the type of function passed to GLib.timeoutAdd(int, int, org.gnome.glib.SourceFunc), GLib#timeoutAddFull, GLib.idleAdd(int, org.gnome.glib.SourceFunc), and GLib#idleAddFull.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceOnceFunc
A source function that is only called once before being removed from the main context automatically.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TestDataFunc
The type used for test case functions that take an extra pointer argument.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TestFunc
The type used for test case functions.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondNewCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.MutexNewCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.PrivateNewCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadExitCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadYieldCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.VoidFunc
Declares a type of function which takes no arguments and has no return value.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.Callback
The type used for callback functions in structure definitions and function signatures.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup.UnbindCallback
This signal is emitted when the target instance of self is set to a new GObject.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.ChangedCallback
Emitted when one or more of the GtkAdjustment properties have been changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.ValueChangedCallback
Emitted when the value has been changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.ActivateCallback
Emitted to when the button is activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.ChangedCallback
Emitted when the active application changes.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Application.QueryEndCallback
Emitted when the session manager is about to end the session.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.ApplyCallback
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.CancelCallback
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.CloseCallback
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.EscapeCallback
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ATContext.StateChangeCallback
Emitted when the attributes of the accessible for the GtkATContext instance change.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Button.ActivateCallback
Emitted to animate press then release.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Button.ClickedCallback
Emitted when the button has been activated (pressed and released).
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.DaySelectedCallback
Emitted when the user selects a day.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.NextMonthCallback
Emitted when the user switched to the next month.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.NextYearCallback
Emitted when user switched to the next year.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.PrevMonthCallback
Emitted when the user switched to the previous month.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.PrevYearCallback
Emitted when user switched to the previous year.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable.EditingDoneCallback
This signal is a sign for the cell renderer to update its value from the cellEditable.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable.RemoveWidgetCallback
This signal is meant to indicate that the cell is finished editing, and the cellEditable widget is being removed and may subsequently be destroyed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.EditingCanceledCallback
This signal gets emitted when the user cancels the process of editing a cell.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.ActivateCallback
Emitted to when the check button is activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.ToggledCallback
Emitted when the buttons's Gtk.CheckButton:active property changes.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton.ActivateCallback
Emitted to when the color button is activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton.ColorSetCallback
Emitted when the user selects a color.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton.ActivateCallback
Emitted when the color dialog button is activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.ActivateCallback
Emitted to when the combo box is activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.ChangedCallback
Emitted when the active item is changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.PopdownCallback
Emitted to popdown the combo box list.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.PopupCallback
Emitted to popup the combo box list.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Dialog.CloseCallback
Use Window instead
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion.LeaveCallback
Signals that the pointer has left the widget.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.ActivateCallback
Emitted to when the drop down is activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.LeaveCallback
Emitted on the drop site when the pointer leaves the widget.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable.ChangedCallback
Emitted at the end of a single user-visible operation on the contents.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Entry.ActivateCallback
Emitted when the entry is activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.NoMatchesCallback
Emitted when the filter model has zero number of rows in completion_complete method.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus.EnterCallback
Emitted whenever the focus enters into the widget or one of its descendents.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus.LeaveCallback
Emitted whenever the focus leaves the widget hierarchy that is rooted at the widget that the controller is attached to.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.ImUpdateCallback
Emitted whenever the input method context filters away a keypress and prevents the controller receiving it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion.LeaveCallback
Signals that the pointer has left the widget.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.ScrollBeginCallback
Signals that a new scrolling operation has begun.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.ScrollEndCallback
Signals that a scrolling operation has finished.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Expander.ActivateCallback
Activates the GtkExpander.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ExpressionNotify
Callback called by gtk_expression_watch() when the expression value changes.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.DesktopFolderCallback
Emitted when the user asks for it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.DownFolderCallback
Emitted when the user asks for it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.HomeFolderCallback
Emitted when the user asks for it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.LocationPopupOnPasteCallback
Emitted when the user asks for it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.LocationTogglePopupCallback
Emitted when the user asks for it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.PlacesShortcutCallback
Emitted when the user asks for it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.RecentShortcutCallback
Emitted when the user asks for it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.SearchShortcutCallback
Emitted when the user asks for it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.ShowHiddenCallback
Emitted when the user asks for it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.UpFolderCallback
Emitted when the user asks for it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.ActivateCursorChildCallback
Emitted when the user activates the box.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.SelectAllCallback
Emitted to select all children of the box, if the selection mode permits it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.SelectedChildrenChangedCallback
Emitted when the set of selected children changes.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.ToggleCursorChildCallback
Emitted to toggle the selection of the child that has the focus.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.UnselectAllCallback
Emitted to unselect all children of the box, if the selection mode permits it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild.ActivateCallback
Emitted when the user activates a child widget in a GtkFlowBox.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontButton.ActivateCallback
Emitted to when the font button is activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontButton.FontSetCallback
Emitted when the user selects a font.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton.ActivateCallback
Emitted when the font dialog button is activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.StoppedCallback
Emitted whenever any time/distance threshold has been exceeded.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress.CancelledCallback
Emitted whenever a press moved too far, or was released before Gtk.GestureLongPress::pressed happened.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.CreateContextCallback
Emitted when the widget is being realized.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme.ChangedCallback
Emitted when the icon theme changes.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.ActivateCursorItemCallback
A Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user activates the currently focused item.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.SelectAllCallback
A Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user selects all items.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.SelectCursorItemCallback
A Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user selects the item that is currently focused.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.SelectionChangedCallback
The ::selection-changed signal is emitted when the selection (i.e.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.ToggleCursorItemCallback
A Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user toggles whether the currently focused item is selected or not.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.UnselectAllCallback
A Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user unselects all items.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.PreeditChangedCallback
The ::preedit-changed signal is emitted whenever the preedit sequence currently being entered has changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.PreeditEndCallback
The ::preedit-end signal is emitted when a preediting sequence has been completed or canceled.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.PreeditStartCallback
The ::preedit-start signal is emitted when a new preediting sequence starts.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.RetrieveSurroundingCallback
The ::retrieve-surrounding signal is emitted when the input method requires the context surrounding the cursor.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar.CloseCallback
Gets emitted when the user uses a keybinding to dismiss the info bar.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Label.ActivateCurrentLinkCallback
Gets emitted when the user activates a link in the label.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Label.CopyClipboardCallback
Gets emitted to copy the selection to the clipboard.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton.ActivateLinkCallback
Emitted each time the GtkLinkButton is clicked.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.ActivateCursorRowCallback
Emitted when the cursor row is activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.SelectAllCallback
Emitted to select all children of the box, if the selection mode permits it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.SelectedRowsChangedCallback
Emitted when the set of selected rows changes.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.ToggleCursorRowCallback
Emitted when the cursor row is toggled.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.UnselectAllCallback
Emitted to unselect all children of the box, if the selection mode permits it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow.ActivateCallback
This is a keybinding signal, which will cause this row to be activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.ActivateCallback
Emitted to when the menu button is activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.AcceptPositionCallback
Emitted to accept the current position of the handle when moving it using key bindings.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.CancelPositionCallback
Emitted to cancel moving the position of the handle using key bindings.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.ToggleHandleFocusCallback
Emitted to accept the current position of the handle and then move focus to the next widget in the focus chain.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry.ActivateCallback
Emitted when the entry is activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Popover.ActivateDefaultCallback
Emitted whend the user activates the default widget.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Popover.ClosedCallback
Emitted when the popover is closed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob.StatusChangedCallback
Emitted when the status of a job changes.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.CreateCustomWidgetCallback
Emitted when displaying the print dialog.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.StatusChangedCallback
Emitted at between the various phases of the print operation.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Range.ValueChangedCallback
Emitted when the range value changes.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.ChangedCallback
Emitted when the current recently used resources manager changes its contents.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent1Callback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent2Callback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent3Callback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent4Callback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.PopdownCallback
Emitted to dismiss the popup.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.PopupCallback
Emitted to popup the scale widget.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.ActivateCallback
Emitted when the entry is activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.NextMatchCallback
Emitted when the user initiates a move to the next match for the current search string.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.PreviousMatchCallback
Emitted when the user initiates a move to the previous match for the current search string.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.SearchChangedCallback
Emitted with a delay.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.SearchStartedCallback
Emitted when the user initiated a search on the entry.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.StopSearchCallback
Emitted when the user stops a search via keyboard input.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow.CloseCallback
Emitted when the user uses a keybinding to close the window.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow.SearchCallback
Emitted when the user uses a keybinding to start a search.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.ActivateCallback
Emitted when the spin button is activated.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.OutputCallback
Emitted to tweak the formatting of the value for display.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.ValueChangedCallback
Emitted when the value is changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.WrappedCallback
Emitted right after the spinbutton wraps from its maximum to its minimum value or vice-versa.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.StyleProvider.GtkPrivateChangedCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Switch.ActivateCallback
Emitted to animate the switch.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.ActivateCallback
Emitted when the user hits the Enter key.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.BackspaceCallback
Emitted when the user asks for it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.CopyClipboardCallback
Emitted to copy the selection to the clipboard.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.CutClipboardCallback
Emitted to cut the selection to the clipboard.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.InsertEmojiCallback
Emitted to present the Emoji chooser for the widget.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.PasteClipboardCallback
Emitted to paste the contents of the clipboard.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.ToggleOverwriteCallback
Emitted to toggle the overwrite mode of the GtkText.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.BeginUserActionCallback
Emitted at the beginning of a single user-visible operation on a GtkTextBuffer.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.ChangedCallback
Emitted when the content of a GtkTextBuffer has changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.EndUserActionCallback
Emitted at the end of a single user-visible operation on the GtkTextBuffer.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.ModifiedChangedCallback
Emitted when the modified bit of a GtkTextBuffer flips.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.RedoCallback
Emitted when a request has been made to redo the previously undone operation.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.UndoCallback
Emitted when a request has been made to undo the previous operation or set of operations that have been grouped together.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.BackspaceCallback
Gets emitted when the user asks for it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.CopyClipboardCallback
Gets emitted to copy the selection to the clipboard.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.CutClipboardCallback
Gets emitted to cut the selection to the clipboard.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.InsertEmojiCallback
Gets emitted to present the Emoji chooser for the textView.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.PasteClipboardCallback
Gets emitted to paste the contents of the clipboard into the text view.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.SetAnchorCallback
Gets emitted when the user initiates settings the "anchor" mark.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.ToggleCursorVisibleCallback
Gets emitted to toggle the cursor-visible property.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.ToggleOverwriteCallback
Gets emitted to toggle the overwrite mode of the text view.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton.ToggledCallback
Emitted whenever the GtkToggleButton's state is changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection.ChangedCallback
Emitted whenever the selection has (possibly) changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable.SortColumnChangedCallback
The ::sort-column-changed signal is emitted when the sort column or sort order of sortable is changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.ColumnsChangedCallback
The number of columns of the treeview has changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.CursorChangedCallback
The position of the cursor (focused cell) has changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.SelectAllCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.SelectCursorParentCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.StartInteractiveSearchCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.ToggleCursorRowCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.UnselectAllCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.ClickedCallback
Emitted when the column's header has been clicked.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.DestroyCallback
Signals that all holders of a reference to the widget should release the reference that they hold.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.HideCallback
Emitted when widget is hidden.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.MapCallback
Emitted when widget is going to be mapped.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.RealizeCallback
Emitted when widget is associated with a GdkSurface.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.ShowCallback
Emitted when widget is shown.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.UnmapCallback
Emitted when widget is going to be unmapped.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.UnrealizeCallback
Emitted when the GdkSurface associated with widget is destroyed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Window.ActivateDefaultCallback
Emitted when the user activates the default widget of window.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Window.ActivateFocusCallback
Emitted when the user activates the currently focused widget of window.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Window.CloseRequestCallback
Emitted when the user clicks on the close button of the window.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Window.KeysChangedCallback
Use Shortcut and EventController to implement keyboard shortcuts
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.CursorMovedCallback
The "cursor-moved" signal is emitted when then insertion mark has moved.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.HideCallback
The "hide" signal is emitted when the completion window should be hidden.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.ShowCallback
The "show" signal is emitted when the completion window should be shown.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext.ChangedCallback
The signal is emitted when a change has been discovered in one of the chunks of the snippet which has caused a variable or other dynamic data within the context to have changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview.ActivateCallback
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.JoinLinesCallback
Keybinding signal to join the lines currently selected.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ShowCompletionCallback
The signal is a key binding signal which gets emitted when the user requests a completion, by pressing <keycombo><keycap>Control</keycap><keycap>space</keycap></keycombo>.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.AttrDataCopyFunc
Type of a function that can duplicate user data for an attribute.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.FinishedCallback
Emitted when all HTTP processing is finished for a message.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.GotBodyCallback
Emitted after receiving the complete message response body.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.GotHeadersCallback
Emitted after receiving the Status-Line and response headers.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.GotInformationalCallback
Emitted after receiving a 1xx (Informational) response for a (client-side) message.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.HstsEnforcedCallback
Emitted when HSTSEnforcer has upgraded the protocol for msg to HTTPS as a result of matching its domain with a HSTS policy.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.RestartedCallback
Emitted when a request that was already sent once is now being sent again.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.StartingCallback
Emitted just before a message is sent.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.WroteBodyCallback
Emitted immediately after writing the complete body for a message.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.WroteHeadersCallback
Emitted immediately after writing the request headers for a message.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.ConnectedCallback
Emitted when the msg's socket is connected and the TLS handshake completed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.DisconnectedCallback
Emitted when the msg's socket is disconnected.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.FinishedCallback
Emitted when all HTTP processing is finished for a message.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.GotBodyCallback
Emitted after receiving the complete request body.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.GotHeadersCallback
Emitted after receiving the Request-Line and request headers.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.WroteBodyCallback
Emitted immediately after writing the complete response body for a message.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.WroteChunkCallback
Emitted immediately after writing a body chunk for a message.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.WroteHeadersCallback
Emitted immediately after writing the response headers for a message.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.WroteInformationalCallback
Emitted immediately after writing a 1xx (Informational) response.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.ClosedCallback
Emitted when the connection has completely closed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.ClosingCallback
This signal will be emitted during an orderly close.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest.CancelledCallback
This signal is emitted when the user authentication request is cancelled.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession.CreateWebViewCallback
This signal is emitted when the automation client requests a new browsing context to interact with it.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession.WillCloseCallback
This signal is emitted when the given automation session is about to finish.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest.FinishedCallback
Emitted when the request finishes.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager.ChangedCallback
This signal is emitted when cookies are added, removed or modified.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Download.FinishedCallback
This signal is emitted when download finishes successfully or due to an error.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.EditorState.ChangedCallback
Emitted when the WebKitEdtorState is changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.FindController.FailedToFindTextCallback
This signal is emitted when a search operation does not find any result for the given text.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager.StartCallback
The signal is emitted to notify that manager needs to start receiving position updates.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager.StopCallback
The signal is emitted to notify that manager doesn't need to receive position updates anymore.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.PreeditChangedCallback
Emitted whenever the preedit sequence currently being entered has changed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.PreeditFinishedCallback
Emitted when a preediting sequence has been completed or canceled.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.PreeditStartedCallback
Emitted when a new preediting sequence starts.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue.ClearedCallback
This signal is emitted when the JavaScript value is destroyed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Notification.ClickedCallback
Emitted when a notification has been clicked.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Notification.ClosedCallback
Emitted when a notification has been withdrawn.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu.CloseCallback
Emitted when closing a WebKitOptionMenu is requested.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation.FinishedCallback
Emitted when the print operation has finished doing everything required for printing.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.InitializeNotificationPermissionsCallback
This signal is emitted when a WebKitWebContext needs to set initial notification permissions for a web process.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.InitializeWebProcessExtensionsCallback
This signal is emitted when a new web process is about to be launched.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.AttachCallback
Emitted when the inspector is requested to be attached to the window where the inspected web view is.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.BringToFrontCallback
Emitted when the inspector should be shown.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.ClosedCallback
Emitted when the inspector page is closed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.DetachCallback
Emitted when the inspector is requested to be detached from the window it is currently attached to.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.OpenWindowCallback
Emitted when the inspector is requested to open in a separate window.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.FinishedCallback
This signal is emitted when the resource load finishes successfully or due to an error.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.CloseCallback
Emitted when closing a WebKitWebView is requested.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ContextMenuDismissedCallback
Emitted after WebKitWebView::context-menu signal, if the context menu is shown, to notify that the context menu is dismissed.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.EnterFullscreenCallback
Emitted when JavaScript code calls <function>element.webkitRequestFullScreen</function>.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.LeaveFullscreenCallback
Emitted when the WebKitWebView is about to restore its top level window out of its full screen state.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ReadyToShowCallback
Emitted after WebKitWebView::create on the newly created WebKitWebView when it should be displayed to the user.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.RunAsModalCallback
Emitted after WebKitWebView::ready-to-show on the newly created WebKitWebView when JavaScript code calls <function>window.showModalDialog</function>.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebEditor.SelectionChangedCallback
This signal is emitted for every selection change inside a WebKitWebPage as well as for every caret position change as the caret is a collapsed selection.
run() - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.DocumentLoadedCallback
This signal is emitted when the DOM document of a WebKitWebPage has been loaded.
run(boolean) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.SyncedCallback
Signaled on clocks with ClockFlags.NEEDS_STARTUP_SYNC set once the clock is synchronized, or when it completely lost synchronization.
run(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Display.ClosedCallback
Emitted when the connection to the windowing system for display is closed.
run(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor.NetworkChangedCallback
Emitted when the network configuration changes.
run(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.SelectPageCallback
Emitted when a page should be selected.
run(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.CycleChildFocusCallback
Emitted to cycle the focus between the children of the paned.
run(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.CycleHandleFocusCallback
Emitted to cycle whether the paned should grab focus to allow the user to change position of the handle by using key bindings.
run(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Printer.DetailsAcquiredCallback
Emitted in response to a request for detailed information about a printer from the print backend.
run(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Switch.StateSetCallback
Emitted to change the underlying state.
run(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.SelectAllCallback
Gets emitted to select or unselect the complete contents of the text view.
run(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.SelectCursorRowCallback
run(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.MnemonicActivateCallback
Emitted when a widget is activated via a mnemonic.
run(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Window.EnableDebuggingCallback
Emitted when the user enables or disables interactive debugging.
run(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.MoveLinesCallback
The signal is a keybinding which gets emitted when the user initiates moving a line.
run(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.MoveToMatchingBracketCallback
Keybinding signal to move the cursor to the matching bracket.
run(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.ExpandCollapseCursorRowCallback
run(boolean, long, long, long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.FileMeasureProgressCallback
This callback type is used by g_file_measure_disk_usage() to make periodic progress reports when measuring the amount of disk spaced used by a directory.
run(boolean, GError) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection.ClosedCallback
Emitted when the connection is closed.
run(byte[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufDestroyNotify
A function of this type is responsible for freeing the pixel array of a pixbuf.
run(byte[], Out<GError>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSaveFunc
run(double) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.AnimationTargetFunc
Prototype for animation targets based on user callbacks.
run(double) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.UpdateSwipeCallback
This signal is emitted every time the progress value changes.
run(double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureZoom.ScaleChangedCallback
Emitted whenever the distance between both tracked sequences changes.
run(double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Range.AdjustBoundsCallback
Emitted before clamping a value, to give the application a chance to adjust the bounds.
run(double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.ValueChangedCallback
Emitted when the value field has changed.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.EndSwipeCallback
This signal is emitted as soon as the gesture has stopped.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.PrepareCallback
Emitted when a drag is about to be initiated.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion.EnterCallback
Signals that the pointer has entered the widget.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion.MotionCallback
Emitted when the pointer moves inside the widget.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.EnterCallback
Emitted on the drop site when the pointer enters the widget.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.MotionCallback
Emitted while the pointer is moving over the drop target.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion.EnterCallback
Signals that the pointer has entered the widget.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion.MotionCallback
Emitted when the pointer moves inside the widget.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.DecelerateCallback
Emitted after scroll is finished if the EventControllerScrollFlags.KINETIC flag is set.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.ScrollCallback
Signals that the widget should scroll by the amount specified by dx and dy.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag.DragBeginCallback
Emitted whenever dragging starts.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag.DragEndCallback
Emitted whenever the dragging is finished.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag.DragUpdateCallback
Emitted whenever the dragging point moves.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress.PressedCallback
Emitted whenever a press goes unmoved/unreleased longer than what the GTK defaults tell.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureRotate.AngleChangedCallback
Emitted when the angle between both tracked points changes.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.DownCallback
Emitted when the stylus touches the device.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.MotionCallback
Emitted when the stylus moves while touching the device.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.ProximityCallback
Emitted when the stylus is in proximity of the device.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.UpCallback
Emitted when the stylus no longer touches the device.
run(double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureSwipe.SwipeCallback
Emitted when the recognized gesture is finished.
run(double, double, int, EventSequence) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.UnpairedReleaseCallback
Emitted whenever the gesture receives a release event that had no previous corresponding press.
run(int) - Method in interface
Fired when the value of the indicated channel has changed.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Carousel.PageChangedCallback
This signal is emitted after a page has been changed.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Settings.WritableChangeEventCallback
The "writable-change-event" signal is emitted once per writability change event that affects this settings object.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ClearHandleFunc
Specifies the type of function passed to GLib.clearHandleId(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, org.gnome.glib.ClearHandleFunc) The implementation is expected to free the resource identified by handleId; for instance, if handleId is a GLib.Source ID, Source.remove(int) can be used.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPageFunc
Type of callback used to calculate the next page in a GtkAssistant.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView.ActivateCallback
Emitted when a row has been activated by the user, usually via activating the GtkListBase|list.activate-item action.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Dialog.ResponseCallback
Use Window instead
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.QuickBookmarkCallback
Emitted when the user asks for it.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GridView.ActivateCallback
Emitted when a cell has been activated by the user, usually via activating the GtkGridView|list.activate-item action.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar.ResponseCallback
Emitted when an action widget is clicked.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListView.ActivateCallback
Emitted when a row has been activated by the user, usually via activating the GtkListView|list.activate-item action.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.ResponseCallback
Emitted when the user responds to the dialog.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.ChangeCurrentPageCallback
Emitted when the current page should be changed.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection.ChangeCurrentPageCallback
Emitted when we change the current page.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextCharPredicate
The predicate function used by gtk_text_iter_forward_find_char() and gtk_text_iter_backward_find_char().
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ChangeNumberCallback
Keybinding signal to edit a number at the current cursor position.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.MoveWordsCallback
The signal is a keybinding which gets emitted when the user initiates moving a word.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.GotBodyDataCallback
Emitted after reading a portion of the message body from the network.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.WroteBodyDataCallback
Emitted immediately after writing a portion of the message body to the network.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.WroteBodyDataCallback
Emitted immediately after writing a portion of the message body to the network.
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.FindController.CountedMatchesCallback
This signal is emitted when the WebKitFindController has counted the number of matches for a given text after a call to webkit_find_controller_count_matches().
run(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.FindController.FoundTextCallback
This signal is emitted when a given text is found in the web page text.
run(int, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.PressedCallback
Emitted whenever a button or touch press happens.
run(int, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.ReleasedCallback
Emitted when a button or touch is released.
run(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Surface.LayoutCallback
Emitted when the size of surface is changed, or when relayout should be performed.
run(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.SizePreparedCallback
This signal is emitted when the pixbuf loader has been fed the initial amount of data that is required to figure out the size of the image that it will create.
run(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea.ResizeCallback
Emitted once when the widget is realized, and then each time the widget is changed while realized.
run(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable.DeleteTextCallback
Emitted when text is deleted from the widget by the user.
run(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.DeletedTextCallback
The text is altered in the default handler for this signal.
run(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.ResizeCallback
Emitted once when the widget is realized, and then each time the widget is changed while realized.
run(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.DeleteSurroundingCallback
The ::delete-surrounding signal is emitted when the input method needs to delete all or part of the context surrounding the cursor.
run(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SectionModel.SectionsChangedCallback
Emitted when the start-of-section state of some of the items in model changes.
run(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel.SelectionChangedCallback
Emitted when the selection state of some of the items in model changes.
run(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.DeleteSurroundingCallback
Emitted when the input method wants to delete the context surrounding the cursor.
run(int, int, boolean, Tooltip) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.QueryTooltipCallback
Emitted when the widget’s tooltip is about to be shown.
run(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ListModel.ItemsChangedCallback
This signal is emitted whenever items were added to or removed from list.
run(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.ItemsChangedCallback
Emitted when a change has occurred to the menu.
run(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.AreaUpdatedCallback
This signal is emitted when a significant area of the image being loaded has been updated.
run(int, int, Set<ModifierType>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.KeyPressedCallback
Emitted whenever a key is pressed.
run(int, int, Set<ModifierType>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.KeyReleasedCallback
Emitted whenever a key is released.
run(int, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar.TextPoppedCallback
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
run(int, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar.TextPushedCallback
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
run(int, String, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.InsertedTextCallback
This signal is emitted after text is inserted into the buffer.
run(int, Set<IOCondition>) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.UnixFDSourceFunc
The type of functions to be called when a UNIX fd watch source triggers.
run(int, Bytes) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.MessageCallback
Emitted when we receive a message from the peer.
run(long) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.MallocCallback
run(long) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.TryMallocCallback
run(long) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.SchedulerCallback
This function is called incrementally to process additional background work.
run(long) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Download.ReceivedDataCallback
This signal is emitted after response is received, every time new data has been written to the destination.
run(long, long) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.CallocCallback
run(long, long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.FileProgressCallback
When doing file operations that may take a while, such as moving a file or copying a file, a progress callback is used to pass how far along that operation is to the application.
run(Out<Buffer>, int) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferListFunc
A function that will be called from gst_buffer_list_foreach().
run(Out<Double>) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.InputCallback
Emitted to convert the user's input into a double value.
run(Out<Double>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.InputCallback
Emitted to convert the users input into a double value.
run(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Runs the application.
run(String, String, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.GSignalCallback
Emitted when a signal from the remote object and interface that proxy is for, has been received.
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleLoadAnimationFunc
Loads a file from a standard C file stream into a new GdkPixbufAnimation.
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleLoadFunc
Loads a file from a standard C file stream into a new GdkPixbuf.
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleStopLoadFunc
Finalizes the image loading state.
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CacheDestroyFunc
Use a GHashTable instead
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CacheDupFunc
Use a GHashTable instead
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CacheNewFunc
Use a GHashTable instead
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CompletionFunc
Rarely used API
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.DestroyNotify
Specifies the type of function which is called when a data element is destroyed.
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.DuplicateFunc
The type of functions that are used to 'duplicate' an object.
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.FreeFunc
Declares a type of function which takes an arbitrary data pointer argument and has no return value.
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.Func
Specifies the type of functions passed to g_list_foreach() and g_slist_foreach().
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HashFunc
Specifies the type of the hash function which is passed to g_hash_table_new() when a GHashTable is created.
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookCheckFunc
Defines the type of a hook function that can be invoked by g_hook_list_invoke_check().
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookFunc
Defines the type of a hook function that can be invoked by g_hook_list_invoke().
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SpawnChildSetupFunc
Specifies the type of the setup function passed to g_spawn_async(), g_spawn_sync() and g_spawn_async_with_pipes(), which can, in very limited ways, be used to affect the child's execution.
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunc
Specifies the type of the func functions passed to g_thread_new() or g_thread_try_new().
run(MemorySegment, byte[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleIncrementLoadFunc
Incrementally loads a buffer into the image data.
run(MemorySegment, int, boolean, boolean, ThreadPriority, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadCreateCallback
run(MemorySegment, long) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ReallocFunc
Changes the size of the memory block pointed to by data to size bytes.
run(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CompareDataFunc
Specifies the type of a comparison function used to compare two values.
run(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CompareFunc
Specifies the type of a comparison function used to compare two values.
run(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.EqualFunc
Specifies the type of a function used to test two values for equality.
run(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.EqualFuncFull
Specifies the type of a function used to test two values for equality.
run(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HFunc
Specifies the type of the function passed to g_hash_table_foreach().
run(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HRFunc
run(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TraverseFunc
Specifies the type of function passed to g_tree_traverse().
run(MemorySegment, Pixbuf, String[], String[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleSaveFunc
Saves a GdkPixbuf into a standard C file stream.
run(MemorySegment, Closure) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ClosureNotify
The type used for the various notification callbacks which can be registered on closures.
run(MemorySegment, GObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.WeakNotify
A GWeakNotify function can be added to an object as a callback that gets triggered when the object is finalized.
run(MemorySegment, GObject, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ToggleNotify
A callback function used for notification when the state of a toggle reference changes.
run(MemorySegment, TypeClass) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeClassCacheFunc
A callback function which is called when the reference count of a class drops to zero.
run(MemorySegment, TypeInterface) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterfaceCheckFunc
A callback called after an interface vtable is initialized.
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind.GetLengthCallback
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.FreeCallback
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceCallbackFuncs.RefCallback
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceCallbackFuncs.UnrefCallback
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TestFixtureFunc
The type used for functions that operate on test fixtures.
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadJoinCallback
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadSelfCallback
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.BoxedCopyFunc
This function is provided by the user and should produce a copy of the passed in boxed structure.
run(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.BoxedFreeFunc
This function is provided by the user and should free the boxed structure passed.
run(MemorySegment, int, Caps) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind.SuggestCallback
run(MemorySegment, long) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.ReallocCallback
run(MemorySegment, long) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.TryReallocCallback
run(MemorySegment, long, int) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind.PeekCallback
run(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CopyFunc
A function of this signature is used to copy the node data when doing a deep-copy of a tree.
run(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleSizeFunc
Defines the type of the function that gets called once the size of the loaded image is known.
run(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadEqualCallback
run(MemorySegment, Source, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceCallbackFuncs.GetCallback
run(MemorySegment, ThreadPriority) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadSetPriorityCallback
run(String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.ProviderHiddenCallback
run(String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.ProviderUnhiddenCallback
run(String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.LoadSerializedInfoCallback
Retrieves information about a URI from and external source of information, like a cache file.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.ActivateLinkCallback
Emitted when a URL is activated.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.ActivateLinkCallback
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.ResponseCallback
This signal is emitted when the dialog is closed.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.ResponseCallback
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Display.SettingChangedCallback
Emitted whenever a setting changes its value.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleSaveOptionSupportedFunc
Checks whether the given option_key is supported when saving.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionAddedCallback
Signals that a new action was just added to the group.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionRemovedCallback
Signals that an action is just about to be removed from the group.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.LaunchFailedCallback
The Gio.AppLaunchContext::launch-failed signal is emitted when a AppInfo launch fails.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver.AllowMechanismCallback
Emitted to check if mechanism is allowed to be used.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Settings.ChangedCallback
The "changed" signal is emitted when a key has potentially changed.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Settings.WritableChangedCallback
The "writable-changed" signal is emitted when the writability of a key has potentially changed.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.PrintFunc
Specifies the type of the print handler functions.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.ActivateLinkCallback
Emitted every time a URL is activated.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.CustomItemActivatedCallback
Emitted when a custom item is activated.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel.AccelClearedCallback
Gets emitted when the user has removed the accelerator.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle.ToggledCallback
The ::toggled signal is emitted when the cell is toggled.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.FormatEntryTextCallback
Emitted to allow changing how the text in a combo box's entry is displayed.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EmojiChooser.EmojiPickedCallback
Emitted when the user selects an Emoji.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.InsertPrefixCallback
Emitted when the inline autocompletion is triggered.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.LocationPopupCallback
Emitted when the user asks for it.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.FontActivatedCallback
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.CommitCallback
The ::commit signal is emitted when a complete input sequence has been entered by the user.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Label.ActivateLinkCallback
Gets emitted to activate a URI.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar.OffsetChangedCallback
Emitted when an offset specified on the bar changes value.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.InsertAtCursorCallback
Emitted when the user initiates the insertion of a fixed string at the cursor.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.PreeditChangedCallback
Emitted when the preedit text changes.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.InsertAtCursorCallback
Gets emitted when the user initiates the insertion of a fixed string at the cursor.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.PreeditChangedCallback
Emitted when preedit text of the active IM changes.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.ExecuteCommandCallback
The signal is emitted when a command should be executed.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Download.CreatedDestinationCallback
This signal is emitted after WebKitDownload::decide-destination and before WebKitDownload::received-data to notify that destination file has been created successfully at destination.
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Download.DecideDestinationCallback
This signal is emitted after response is received to decide a destination for the download using webkit_download_set_destination().
run(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.CommittedCallback
Emitted when a complete input sequence has been entered by the user.
run(String[]) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MainFunc
Represents a simple pointer to the main() function of a program.
run(String[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleLoadXpmDataFunc
Loads XPM data into a new GdkPixbuf.
run(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionEnabledChangedCallback
Signals that the enabled status of the named action has changed.
run(String, int, Out<Integer>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable.InsertTextCallback
Emitted when text is inserted into the widget by the user.
run(String, int, Set<ModifierType>, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel.AccelEditedCallback
Gets emitted when the user has selected a new accelerator.
run(String, long, long) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.ShowUnmountProgressCallback
Emitted when an unmount operation has been busy for more than some time (typically 1.5 seconds).
run(String, long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.FileReadMoreCallback
When loading the partial contents of a file with g_file_load_partial_contents_async(), it may become necessary to determine if any more data from the file should be loaded.
run(String, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TranslateFunc
The type of functions which are used to translate user-visible strings, for <option>--help</option> output.
run(String, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.EditedCallback
This signal is emitted after renderer has been edited.
run(String, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettingsFunc
Function called by PrintSettings.foreach(org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettingsFunc) on every key/value pair inside a PrintSettings.
run(String, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersForeachFunc
run(String, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase.FaviconChangedCallback
This signal is emitted when the favicon URI of pageUri has been changed to faviconUri in the database.
run(String, String[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.AskQuestionCallback
Emitted when asking the user a question and gives a list of choices for the user to choose from.
run(String, String, long) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CompletionStrncmpFunc
Rarely used API
run(String, String, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.OptionArgFunc
The type of function to be passed as callback for OptionArg.CALLBACK options.
run(String, String, String, Set<AskPasswordFlags>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.AskPasswordCallback
Emitted when a mount operation asks the user for a password.
run(String, Set<LogLevelFlags>, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.LogFunc
Specifies the prototype of log handler functions.
run(String, Set<LogLevelFlags>, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TestLogFatalFunc
Specifies the prototype of fatal log handler functions.
run(String, TlsCertificate, Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.LoadFailedWithTlsErrorsCallback
Emitted when a TLS error occurs during a load operation.
run(String, HashTable<String, String>) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.ContentSniffedCallback
This signal is emitted after Message::got-headers.
run(String, Pid[], String[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.ShowProcessesCallback
Emitted when one or more processes are blocking an operation e.g.
run(String, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionStateChangedCallback
Signals that the state of the named action has changed.
run(String, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererCombo.ChangedCallback
This signal is emitted each time after the user selected an item in the combo box, either by using the mouse or the arrow keys.
run(String, OptionType, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.OptionsFunc
Function used to iterate options.
run(Set<ModifierType>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.ModifiersCallback
Emitted whenever the state of modifier keys and pointer buttons change.
run(Set<LogLevelFlags>, LogField[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.LogWriterFunc
Writer function for log entries.
run(Set<StateFlags>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.StateFlagsChangedCallback
Emitted when the widget state changes.
run(Context, AttrShape, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.cairo.ShapeRendererFunc
Function type for rendering attributes of type AttrType.SHAPE with Pango's Cairo renderer.
run(Region) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Surface.RenderCallback
Emitted when part of the surface needs to be redrawn.
run(AudioBaseSink, ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTimeDiff, AudioBaseSinkDiscontReason) - Method in interface
This function is set with gst_audio_base_sink_set_custom_slaving_callback() and is called during playback.
run(AudioFormatInfo, Set<AudioPackFlags>, byte[], byte[], int) - Method in interface
Packs length samples from src to the data array in format info.
run(AudioFormatInfo, Set<AudioPackFlags>, byte[], byte[], int) - Method in interface
Unpacks length samples from the given data of format info.
run(AudioRingBuffer, byte[]) - Method in interface
This function is set with gst_audio_ring_buffer_set_callback() and is called to fill the memory at data with len bytes of samples.
run(AudioSink) - Method in interface
run(CollectData) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectDataDestroyNotify
A function that will be called when the GstCollectData will be freed.
run(CollectPads) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsFlushFunction
A function that will be called while processing a flushing seek event.
run(CollectPads) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsFunction
A function that will be called when all pads have received data.
run(CollectPads, CollectData, Buffer) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsBufferFunction
A function that will be called when a (considered oldest) buffer can be muxed.
run(CollectPads, CollectData, Buffer, Out<Buffer>) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsClipFunction
A function that will be called when inbuffer is received on the pad managed by data in the collectpad object pads.
run(CollectPads, CollectData, ClockTime, CollectData, ClockTime) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsCompareFunction
A function for comparing two timestamps of buffers or newsegments collected on one pad.
run(CollectPads, CollectData, Event) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsEventFunction
A function that will be called while processing an event.
run(CollectPads, CollectData, Query) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsQueryFunction
A function that will be called while processing a query.
run(DataQueue, int, int, long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueCheckFullFunction
The prototype of the function used to inform the queue that it should be considered as full.
run(DataQueue, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueEmptyCallback
run(DataQueue, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueFullCallback
run(Bin, Element) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.DeepElementAddedCallback
Will be emitted after the element was added to subBin.
run(Bin, Element) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.DeepElementRemovedCallback
Will be emitted after the element was removed from subBin.
run(Buffer) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad.BufferConsumedCallback
run(Buffer, Out<Meta>) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferForeachMetaFunc
A function that will be called from gst_buffer_foreach_meta().
run(Buffer, CustomMeta, Buffer, Quark, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CustomMetaTransformFunction
Function called for each meta in buffer as a result of performing a transformation that yields transbuf.
run(Buffer, Meta) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaClearFunction
Clears the content of the meta.
run(Buffer, Meta, Buffer, Quark, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaTransformFunction
Function called for each meta in buffer as a result of performing a transformation on transbuf.
run(Bus, Message) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusFunc
Specifies the type of function passed to gst_bus_add_watch() or gst_bus_add_watch_full(), which is called from the mainloop when a message is available on the bus.
run(Bus, Message) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusSyncHandler
Handler will be invoked synchronously, when a new message has been injected into the bus.
run(ByteArrayInterface, long) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ByteArrayInterface.ResizeCallback
run(CapsFeatures, Structure) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFilterMapFunc
A function that will be called in gst_caps_filter_and_map_in_place().
run(CapsFeatures, Structure) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsForeachFunc
A function that will be called in gst_caps_foreach().
run(CapsFeatures, Structure) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsMapFunc
A function that will be called in gst_caps_map_in_place().
run(Clock) - Method in interface
This function will be called whenever the current clock time needs to be calculated.
run(Clock, ClockTime, ClockID) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockCallback
The function prototype of the callback.
run(ControlBinding, double, Value) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBindingConvert
FIXME(2.0): remove, this is unused
run(ControlSource, ClockTime, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSourceGetValue
Function for returning a value for a given timestamp.
run(ControlSource, ClockTime, ClockTime, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSourceGetValueArray
Function for returning an array of values starting at a given timestamp.
run(DebugCategory, DebugLevel, String, String, int, GObject, DebugMessage) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LogFunction
Function prototype for a logging function that can be registered with gst_debug_add_log_function().
run(Element) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.ElementAddedCallback
Will be emitted after the element was added to the bin.
run(Element) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.ElementRemovedCallback
Will be emitted after the element was removed from the bin.
run(Element) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementCallAsyncFunc
Callback prototype used in gst_element_call_async
run(Element) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.SourceSetupCallback
This signal is emitted after the source element has been created for, so the URI being discovered, so it can be configured by setting additional properties (e.g.
run(Element, Pad) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementForeachPadFunc
Function called for each pad when using gst_element_foreach_sink_pad(), gst_element_foreach_src_pad(), or gst_element_foreach_pad().
run(GstObject, GstObject, long, int, Out<Buffer>) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.TypeFindHelperGetRangeFunction
This function will be called by gst_type_find_helper_get_range() when typefinding functions request to peek at the data of a stream at certain offsets.
run(GstObject, ParamSpec) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject.DeepNotifyCallback
The deep notify signal is used to be notified of property changes.
run(Iterator) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorFreeFunction
This function will be called when the iterator is freed.
run(Iterator) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorResyncFunction
This function will be called whenever a concurrent update happened to the iterated datastructure.
run(Iterator, Iterator) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorCopyFunction
This function will be called when creating a copy of it and should create a copy of all custom iterator fields or increase their reference counts.
run(Iterator, Value) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorItemFunction
The function that will be called after the next item of the iterator has been retrieved.
run(Iterator, Value) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorNextFunction
The function that will be called when the next element of the iterator should be retrieved.
run(Memory) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryUnmapFunction
Release the pointer previously retrieved with gst_memory_map().
run(Memory, long, long) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryCopyFunction
Copy size bytes from mem starting at offset and return them wrapped in a new GstMemory object.
run(Memory, long, long) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryShareFunction
Share size bytes from mem starting at offset and return them wrapped in a new GstMemory object.
run(Memory, long, Set<MapFlags>) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryMapFunction
Get the memory of mem that can be accessed according to the mode specified in flags.
run(Memory, MapInfo) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryUnmapFullFunction
Release the pointer previously retrieved with gst_memory_map() with info.
run(Memory, MapInfo, long) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryMapFullFunction
Get the memory of mem that can be accessed according to the mode specified in info's flags.
run(Memory, Memory, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryIsSpanFunction
Check if mem1 and mem2 occupy contiguous memory and return the offset of mem1 in the parent buffer in offset.
run(Message) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus.MessageCallback
A message has been posted on the bus.
run(Message) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus.SyncMessageCallback
A message has been posted on the bus.
run(MetaInfo, Buffer, MemorySegment, long, byte) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaDeserializeFunction
Recreate a GstMeta from serialized data returned by GstMetaSerializeFunction and add it to buffer.
run(Meta, MemorySegment, Buffer) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInitFunction
Function called when meta is initialized in buffer.
run(Meta, Buffer) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaFreeFunction
Function called when meta is freed in buffer.
run(Meta, ByteArrayInterface, Out<Byte>) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaSerializeFunction
Serialize meta into a format that can be stored or transmitted and later deserialized by GstMetaDeserializeFunction.
run(MiniObject) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectCopyFunction
Function prototype for methods to create copies of instances.
run(MiniObject) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectDisposeFunction
Function prototype for when a miniobject has lost its last refcount.
run(MiniObject) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectFreeFunction
Virtual function prototype for methods to free resources used by mini-objects.
run(MiniObject) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectNotify
A GstMiniObjectNotify function can be added to a mini object as a callback that gets triggered when gst_mini_object_unref() drops the last ref and obj is about to be freed.
run(Pad) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.PadAddedCallback
a new GstPad has been added to the element.
run(Pad) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.PadRemovedCallback
a GstPad has been removed from the element
run(Pad) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.LinkedCallback
Signals that a pad has been linked to the peer pad.
run(Pad) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.UnlinkedCallback
Signals that a pad has been unlinked from the peer pad.
run(Pad) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadForwardFunction
A forward function is called for all internally linked pads, see gst_pad_forward().
run(Pad) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate.PadCreatedCallback
This signal is fired when an element creates a pad from this template.
run(Pad, Event[]) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadStickyEventsForeachFunction
Callback used by gst_pad_sticky_events_foreach().
run(Pad, GstObject) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadIterIntLinkFunction
The signature of the internal pad link iterator function.
run(Pad, GstObject) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadUnlinkFunction
Function signature to handle a unlinking the pad prom its peer.
run(Pad, GstObject, long, int, Buffer[]) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadGetRangeFunction
This function will be called on source pads when a peer element request a buffer at the specified offset and length.
run(Pad, GstObject, Buffer) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadChainFunction
A function that will be called on sinkpads when chaining buffers.
run(Pad, GstObject, BufferList) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadChainListFunction
A function that will be called on sinkpads when chaining buffer lists.
run(Pad, GstObject, Event) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadEventFullFunction
Function signature to handle an event for the pad.
run(Pad, GstObject, Event) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadEventFunction
Function signature to handle an event for the pad.
run(Pad, GstObject, Pad) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkFunction
Function signature to handle a new link on the pad.
run(Pad, GstObject, Query) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadQueryFunction
The signature of the query function.
run(Pad, GstObject) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadActivateFunction
This function is called when the pad is activated during the element READY to PAUSED state change.
run(Pad, GstObject, PadMode, boolean) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadActivateModeFunction
The prototype of the push and pull activate functions.
run(Pad, PadProbeInfo) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeCallback
Callback used by gst_pad_add_probe().
run(Plugin) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFilter
A function that can be used with e.g.
run(Plugin) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginInitFullFunc
A plugin should provide a pointer to a function of either GstPluginInitFunc or this type in the plugin_desc struct.
run(Plugin) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginInitFunc
A plugin should provide a pointer to a function of this type in the plugin_desc struct.
run(Plugin) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry.PluginAddedCallback
Signals that a plugin has been added to the registry (possibly replacing a previously-added one by the same name)
run(PluginFeature) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeatureFilter
A function that can be used with e.g.
run(PluginFeature) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry.FeatureAddedCallback
Signals that a feature has been added to the registry (possibly replacing a previously-added one by the same name)
run(Promise) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PromiseChangeFunc
run(Sample, GError) - Method in interface
run(Segment, long, long, long, Structure) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.SamplesSelectedCallback
Signals that the GstAggregator subclass has selected the next set of input samples it will aggregate.
run(Stream, ParamSpec) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection.StreamNotifyCallback
The stream notify signal is used to be notified of property changes to streams within the collection.
run(TagList, String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagForeachFunc
A function that will be called in gst_tag_list_foreach().
run(Task, Thread) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskThreadFunc
Custom GstTask thread callback functions that can be installed.
run(TypeFind) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindFunction
A function that will be called by typefinding.
run(AudioVisualizer, VideoFrame, VideoFrame) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShaderFunc
run(DiscovererInfo, GError) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.DiscoveredCallback
Will be emitted in async mode when all information on a URI could be discovered, or an error occurred.
run(InstallPluginsReturn) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsResultFunc
The prototype of the callback function that will be called once the external plugin installer program has returned.
run(ColorBalanceChannel, int) - Method in interface
Fired when the value of the indicated channel has changed.
run(VideoAffineTransformationMeta, MemorySegment) - Method in interface
run(VideoFormatInfo, Set<VideoPackFlags>, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, Set<VideoChromaSite>, int, int) - Method in interface
Packs width pixels from src to the given planes and strides in the format info.
run(VideoFormatInfo, Set<VideoPackFlags>, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int) - Method in interface
Unpacks width pixels from the given planes and strides containing data of format info.
run(VideoGLTextureUploadMeta, MemorySegment) - Method in interface
run(VideoMeta, int, MapInfo) - Method in interface
run(VideoMeta, int, MapInfo, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, Set<MapFlags>) - Method in interface
run(Buffer, Font, String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferMessageFunc
A callback method for hb_buffer_t.
run(ColorLine, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLineGetExtendFunc
A virtual method for the hbColorLineT to fetches the extend mode.
run(ColorLine, MemorySegment, int, Out<ColorStop[]>) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLineGetColorStopsFunc
A virtual method for the hb_color_line_t to fetch color stops.
run(DrawFuncs, MemorySegment, DrawState) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawClosePathFunc
A virtual method for the hb_draw_funcs_t to perform a "close-path" draw operation.
run(DrawFuncs, MemorySegment, DrawState, float, float) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawLineToFunc
A virtual method for the hb_draw_funcs_t to perform a "line-to" draw operation.
run(DrawFuncs, MemorySegment, DrawState, float, float) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawMoveToFunc
A virtual method for the hb_draw_funcs_t to perform a "move-to" draw operation.
run(DrawFuncs, MemorySegment, DrawState, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawQuadraticToFunc
A virtual method for the hb_draw_funcs_t to perform a "quadratic-to" draw operation.
run(DrawFuncs, MemorySegment, DrawState, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawCubicToFunc
A virtual method for the hb_draw_funcs_t to perform a "cubic-to" draw operation.
run(Face, Tag) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ReferenceTableFunc
Callback function for hb_face_create_for_tables().
run(Font, MemorySegment, int, Codepoint, int, Codepoint, int) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetNominalGlyphsFunc
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
run(Font, MemorySegment, int, Codepoint, int, Position, int) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphAdvancesFunc
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
run(Font, MemorySegment, String[], Codepoint) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphFromNameFunc
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
run(Font, MemorySegment, Codepoint) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphAdvanceFunc
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
run(Font, MemorySegment, Codepoint, int, Position, Position) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphContourPointFunc
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
run(Font, MemorySegment, Codepoint, Out<String[]>) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphNameFunc
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
run(Font, MemorySegment, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphKerningFunc
This method should retrieve the kerning-adjustment value for a glyph-pair in the specified font, for horizontal text segments.
run(Font, MemorySegment, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetNominalGlyphFunc
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
run(Font, MemorySegment, Codepoint, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphFunc
run(Font, MemorySegment, Codepoint, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetVariationGlyphFunc
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
run(Font, MemorySegment, Codepoint, DrawFuncs, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontDrawGlyphFunc
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
run(Font, MemorySegment, Codepoint, DrawFuncs, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphShapeFunc
Use hb_font_draw_glyph_func_t instead
run(Font, MemorySegment, Codepoint, GlyphExtents) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphExtentsFunc
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
run(Font, MemorySegment, Codepoint, PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, int, Color) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontPaintGlyphFunc
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
run(Font, MemorySegment, Codepoint, Position, Position) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphOriginFunc
A virtual method for the hb_font_funcs_t of an hb_font_t object.
run(Font, MemorySegment, FontExtents) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetFontExtentsFunc
This method should retrieve the extents for a font.
run(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPopClipFunc
A virtual method for the hb_paint_funcs_t to undo the effect of a prior call to the hb_paint_funcs_push_clip_glyph_func_t or hb_paint_funcs_push_clip_rectangle_func_t vfuncs.
run(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPopTransformFunc
A virtual method for the hb_paint_funcs_t to undo the effect of a prior call to the hb_paint_funcs_push_transform_func_t vfunc.
run(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPushGroupFunc
A virtual method for the hb_paint_funcs_t to use an intermediate surface for subsequent paint calls.
run(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPushClipRectangleFunc
A virtual method for the hb_paint_funcs_t to clip subsequent paint calls to a rectangle.
run(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPushTransformFunc
A virtual method for the hb_paint_funcs_t to apply a transform to subsequent paint calls.
run(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, int, Color) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCustomPaletteColorFunc
A virtual method for the hb_paint_funcs_t to fetch a color from the custom color palette.
run(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, Blob, int, int, Tag, float, GlyphExtents) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintImageFunc
A virtual method for the hb_paint_funcs_t to paint a glyph image.
run(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, Bool, Color) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintColorFunc
A virtual method for the hb_paint_funcs_t to paint a color everywhere within the current clip.
run(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, Codepoint, Font) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintColorGlyphFunc
A virtual method for the hb_paint_funcs_t to render a color glyph by glyph index.
run(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, Codepoint, Font) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPushClipGlyphFunc
A virtual method for the hb_paint_funcs_t to clip subsequent paint calls to the outline of a glyph.
run(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, ColorLine, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintSweepGradientFunc
A virtual method for the hb_paint_funcs_t to paint a sweep gradient everywhere within the current clip.
run(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, ColorLine, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintLinearGradientFunc
A virtual method for the hb_paint_funcs_t to paint a linear gradient everywhere within the current clip.
run(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, ColorLine, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintRadialGradientFunc
A virtual method for the hb_paint_funcs_t to paint a radial gradient everywhere within the current clip.
run(PaintFuncs, MemorySegment, PaintCompositeMode) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPopGroupFunc
A virtual method for the hb_paint_funcs_t to undo the effect of a prior call to the hb_paint_funcs_push_group_func_t vfunc.
run(UnicodeFuncs, Codepoint) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClassFunc
A virtual method for the hb_unicode_funcs_t structure.
run(UnicodeFuncs, Codepoint) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeEastasianWidthFunc
run(UnicodeFuncs, Codepoint) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategoryFunc
A virtual method for the hb_unicode_funcs_t structure.
run(UnicodeFuncs, Codepoint) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeMirroringFunc
A virtual method for the hb_unicode_funcs_t structure.
run(UnicodeFuncs, Codepoint) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeScriptFunc
A virtual method for the hb_unicode_funcs_t structure.
run(UnicodeFuncs, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeDecomposeCompatibilityFunc
run(UnicodeFuncs, Codepoint, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeComposeFunc
A virtual method for the hb_unicode_funcs_t structure.
run(UnicodeFuncs, Codepoint, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeDecomposeFunc
A virtual method for the hb_unicode_funcs_t structure.
run(TabPage) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.SetupMenuCallback
Emitted when a context menu is opened or closed for page.
run(NavigationDirection) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.PrepareCallback
This signal is emitted when a possible swipe is detected.
run(NavigationPage) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.PoppedCallback
Emitted after page has been popped from the navigation stack.
run(TabPage) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.ClosePageCallback
Emitted after TabView.closePage(org.gnome.adw.TabPage) has been called for page.
run(TabPage) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.IndicatorActivatedCallback
Emitted after the indicator icon on page has been activated.
run(TabPage, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.PageAttachedCallback
Emitted when a page has been created or transferred to self.
run(TabPage, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.PageDetachedCallback
Emitted when a page has been removed or transferred to another view.
run(TabPage, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.PageReorderedCallback
Emitted after page has been reordered to position.
run(TabPage, Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabBar.ExtraDragDropCallback
This signal is emitted when content is dropped onto a tab.
run(TabPage, Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabBar.ExtraDragValueCallback
This signal is emitted when the dropped content is preloaded.
run(TabPage, Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.ExtraDragDropCallback
This signal is emitted when content is dropped onto a tab.
run(TabPage, Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.ExtraDragValueCallback
This signal is emitted when the dropped content is preloaded.
run(EventSequence) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.BeginCallback
Emitted when the gesture is recognized.
run(EventSequence) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.CancelCallback
Emitted whenever a sequence is cancelled.
run(EventSequence) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.EndCallback
Emitted when gesture either stopped recognizing the event sequences as something to be handled, or the number of touch sequences became higher or lower than Gtk.Gesture:n-points.
run(EventSequence) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.UpdateCallback
Emitted whenever an event is handled while the gesture is recognized.
run(EventSequence, EventSequenceState) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.SequenceStateChangedCallback
Emitted whenever a sequence state changes.
run(Clipboard) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.PasteDoneCallback
Emitted after paste operation has been completed.
run(ContentDeserializer) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializeFunc
The type of a function that can be registered with gdk_content_register_deserializer().
run(ContentSerializer) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializeFunc
The type of a function that can be registered with gdk_content_register_serializer().
run(Cursor, int, double, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.CursorGetTextureCallback
The type of callback used by a dynamic GdkCursor to generate a texture for the cursor image at the given cursorSize and scale.
run(Device) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Seat.DeviceAddedCallback
Emitted when a new input device is related to this seat.
run(Device) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Seat.DeviceRemovedCallback
Emitted when an input device is removed (e.g.
run(DeviceTool) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Device.ToolChangedCallback
Emitted on pen/eraser devices whenever tools enter or leave proximity.
run(DeviceTool) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Seat.ToolAddedCallback
Emitted whenever a new tool is made known to the seat.
run(DeviceTool) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Seat.ToolRemovedCallback
Emitted whenever a tool is no longer known to this seat.
run(Display) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager.DisplayOpenedCallback
Emitted when a display is opened.
run(Drag) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.DragBeginCallback
Emitted on the drag source when a drag is started.
run(DragCancelReason) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Drag.CancelCallback
Emitted when the drag operation is cancelled.
run(Drag, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.DragEndCallback
Emitted on the drag source when a drag is finished.
run(Drag, DragCancelReason) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.DragCancelCallback
Emitted on the drag source when a drag has failed.
run(DragSurfaceSize) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.DragSurface.ComputeSizeCallback
Emitted when the size for the surface needs to be computed, when it is present.
run(Drop) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.AcceptCallback
Emitted on the drop site when a drop operation is about to begin.
run(Drop) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.AcceptCallback
Emitted on the drop site when a drop operation is about to begin.
run(Drop) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.DragLeaveCallback
Emitted on the drop site when the pointer leaves the widget.
run(Drop, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.DragEnterCallback
Emitted on the drop site when the pointer enters the widget.
run(Drop, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.DragMotionCallback
Emitted while the pointer is moving over the drop target.
run(Drop, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.DropCallback
Emitted on the drop site when the user drops the data onto the widget.
run(Event) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Surface.EventCallback
Emitted when GDK receives an input event for surface.
run(Event) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerLegacy.EventCallback
Emitted for each GDK event delivered to controller.
run(GLContext) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.RenderCallback
Emitted every time the contents of the GtkGLArea should be redrawn.
run(Monitor) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Surface.EnterMonitorCallback
Emitted when surface starts being present on the monitor.
run(Monitor) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Surface.LeaveMonitorCallback
Emitted when surface stops being present on the monitor.
run(RGBA) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser.ColorActivatedCallback
Use ColorDialog and ColorDialogButton instead of widgets implementing GtkColorChooser
run(Seat) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Display.SeatAddedCallback
Emitted whenever a new seat is made known to the windowing system.
run(Seat) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Display.SeatRemovedCallback
Emitted whenever a seat is removed by the windowing system.
run(ToplevelSize) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel.ComputeSizeCallback
Emitted when the size for the surface needs to be computed, when it is present.
run(PixbufFormat) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleFillInfoFunc
Defines the type of the function used to fill a GdkPixbufFormat structure with information about a module.
run(PixbufModule) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleFillVtableFunc
Defines the type of the function used to set the vtable of a GdkPixbufModule when it is loaded.
run(PixbufModuleSizeFunc, PixbufModulePreparedFunc) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleBeginLoadFunc
Sets up the image loading state.
run(Pixbuf, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleUpdatedFunc
Defines the type of the function that gets called every time a region of pixbuf is updated.
run(Pixbuf, String[], String[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleSaveCallbackFunc
Saves a GdkPixbuf by calling the provided function.
run(Pixbuf, PixbufAnimation) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModulePreparedFunc
Defines the type of the function that gets called once the initial setup of pixbuf is done.
run(Cancellable, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.CancellableSourceFunc
This is the function type of the callback used for the GSource returned by g_cancellable_source_new().
run(AppInfo) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget.ApplicationActivatedCallback
Emitted when an application item is activated from the widget's list.
run(AppInfo) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget.ApplicationSelectedCallback
Emitted when an application item is selected from the widget's list.
run(AppInfo, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.LaunchStartedCallback
The Gio.AppLaunchContext::launch-started signal is emitted when a AppInfo is about to be launched.
run(AppInfo, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.LaunchedCallback
The Gio.AppLaunchContext::launched signal is emitted when a AppInfo is successfully launched.
run(ApplicationCommandLine) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.CommandLineCallback
The ::command-line signal is emitted on the primary instance when a commandline is not handled locally.
run(DatagramBased, Set<IOCondition>, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DatagramBasedSourceFunc
This is the function type of the callback used for the GSource returned by g_datagram_based_create_source().
run(DBusConnection) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusServer.NewConnectionCallback
Emitted when a new authenticated connection has been made.
run(DBusConnection, String, String, String, String, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalCallback
Signature for callback function used in g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe().
run(DBusConnection, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.BusAcquiredCallback
Invoked when a connection to a message bus has been obtained.
run(DBusConnection, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.BusNameAcquiredCallback
Invoked when the name is acquired.
run(DBusConnection, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.BusNameLostCallback
Invoked when the name is lost or connection has been closed.
run(DBusConnection, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.BusNameVanishedCallback
Invoked when the name being watched is known not to have to have an owner.
run(DBusConnection, String, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.BusNameAppearedCallback
Invoked when the name being watched is known to have to have an owner.
run(DBusConnection, String, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeEnumerateFunc
The type of the enumerate function in GDBusSubtreeVTable.
run(DBusConnection, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc
The type of the introspect function in GDBusSubtreeVTable.
run(DBusConnection, String, String, String, String, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeDispatchFunc
The type of the dispatch function in GDBusSubtreeVTable.
run(DBusConnection, String, String, String, String, GError[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc
The type of the getProperty function in GDBusInterfaceVTable.
run(DBusConnection, String, String, String, String, Variant, DBusMethodInvocation) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc
The type of the methodCall function in GDBusInterfaceVTable.
run(DBusConnection, String, String, String, String, Variant, GError[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSetPropertyFunc
The type of the setProperty function in GDBusInterfaceVTable.
run(DBusConnection, DBusMessage, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageFilterFunction
Signature for function used in g_dbus_connection_add_filter().
run(DBusInterface) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObject.InterfaceAddedCallback
Emitted when interface_ is added to object.
run(DBusInterface) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObject.InterfaceRemovedCallback
Emitted when interface_ is removed from object.
run(DBusInterfaceSkeleton, DBusMethodInvocation) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton.AuthorizeMethodCallback
Emitted when a method is invoked by a remote caller and used to determine if the method call is authorized.
run(DBusMethodInvocation) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.GAuthorizeMethodCallback
Emitted when a method is invoked by a remote caller and used to determine if the method call is authorized.
run(DBusMethodInvocation) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus.AuthorizeCallback
Emitted when a D-Bus peer is trying to change the debug settings and used to determine if that is authorized.
run(DBusObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.ObjectAddedCallback
Emitted when object is added to manager.
run(DBusObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.ObjectRemovedCallback
Emitted when object is removed from manager.
run(DBusObjectManagerClient, String, String, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusProxyTypeFunc
Function signature for a function used to determine the GType to use for an interface proxy (if interfaceName is not null) or object proxy (if interfaceName is null).
run(DBusObjectProxy, DBusProxy, String, String, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.InterfaceProxySignalCallback
Emitted when a D-Bus signal is received on interfaceProxy.
run(DBusObjectProxy, DBusProxy, Variant, String[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.InterfaceProxyPropertiesChangedCallback
Emitted when one or more D-Bus properties on proxy changes.
run(DBusObject, DBusInterface) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.InterfaceAddedCallback
Emitted when interface_ is added to object.
run(DBusObject, DBusInterface) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.InterfaceRemovedCallback
Emitted when interface_ has been removed from object.
run(DesktopAppInfo, Pid) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppLaunchCallback
During invocation, g_desktop_app_info_launch_uris_as_manager() may create one or more child processes.
run(Drive) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.DriveChangedCallback
Emitted when a drive changes.
run(Drive) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.DriveConnectedCallback
Emitted when a drive is connected to the system.
run(Drive) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.DriveDisconnectedCallback
Emitted when a drive is disconnected from the system.
run(Drive) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.DriveEjectButtonCallback
Emitted when the eject button is pressed on drive.
run(Drive) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.DriveStopButtonCallback
Emitted when the stop button is pressed on drive.
run(File[], String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.OpenCallback
The ::open signal is emitted on the primary instance when there are files to open.
run(File, File, FileMonitorEvent) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor.ChangedCallback
Emitted when file has been changed.
run(IOSchedulerJob, Cancellable, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.IOSchedulerJobFunc
run(IOStream, Credentials) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver.AuthorizeAuthenticatedPeerCallback
Emitted to check if a peer that is successfully authenticated is authorized.
run(MemoryMonitorWarningLevel) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitor.LowMemoryWarningCallback
Emitted when the system is running low on free memory.
run(Mount) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.MountAddedCallback
Emitted when a mount is added.
run(Mount) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.MountChangedCallback
Emitted when a mount changes.
run(Mount) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.MountPreUnmountCallback
May be emitted when a mount is about to be removed.
run(Mount) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.MountRemovedCallback
Emitted when a mount is removed.
run(MountOperationResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.ReplyCallback
Emitted when the user has replied to the mount operation.
run(SimpleAction, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry.ActivateCallback
run(SimpleAction, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry.ChangeStateCallback
run(SimpleAsyncResult, GObject, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncThreadFunc
Simple thread function that runs an asynchronous operation and checks for cancellation.
run(SocketClientEvent, IOStream) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.NetworkEventCallback
Emitted to indicate that some network-related event related to msg has occurred.
run(SocketClientEvent, SocketConnectable, IOStream) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.EventCallback
Emitted when client's activity on connectable changes state.
run(SocketConnection, GObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SocketService.IncomingCallback
The ::incoming signal is emitted when a new incoming connection to service needs to be handled.
run(SocketConnection, GObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService.RunCallback
The ::run signal is emitted in a worker thread in response to an incoming connection.
run(SocketConnection, GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService
run(SocketListenerEvent, Socket) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SocketListener.EventCallback
Emitted when listener's activity on socket changes state.
run(Socket, Set<IOCondition>, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SocketSourceFunc
This is the function type of the callback used for the GSource returned by g_socket_create_source().
run(Task, GObject, MemorySegment, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TaskThreadFunc
The prototype for a task function to be run in a thread via g_task_run_in_thread() or g_task_run_in_thread_sync().
run(TlsCertificate, Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.AcceptCertificateCallback
Emitted during the TLS handshake after the peer certificate has been received.
run(TlsCertificate, Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.AcceptCertificateCallback
Emitted during the TLS handshake after the peer certificate has been received.
run(TlsCertificate, Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.AcceptCertificateCallback
Emitted during the msg's connection TLS handshake after an unacceptable TLS certificate has been received.
run(TlsCertificate, Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.AcceptCertificateCallback
Emitted during the msg's connection TLS handshake after client TLS certificate has been received.
run(TlsCertificate, Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.FailedWithTlsErrorsCallback
This signal is emitted when a TLS error occurs during the resource load operation.
run(TlsClientConnection) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.RequestCertificateCallback
Emitted during the msg's connection TLS handshake when tlsConnection requests a certificate from the client.
run(TlsPassword) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.RequestCertificatePasswordCallback
Emitted during the msg's connection TLS handshake when tlsConnection requests a certificate password from the client.
run(Vfs, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VfsFileLookupFunc
This function type is used by g_vfs_register_uri_scheme() to make it possible for a client to associate a URI scheme to a different GFile implementation.
run(Volume) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeAddedCallback
Emitted when a mountable volume is added to the system.
run(Volume) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeChangedCallback
Emitted when mountable volume is changed.
run(Volume) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeRemovedCallback
Emitted when a mountable volume is removed from the system.
run(Quark[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Settings.ChangeEventCallback
The "change-event" signal is emitted once per change event that affects this settings object.
run(Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction.ActivateCallback
Indicates that the action was just activated.
run(Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction.ChangeStateCallback
Indicates that the action just received a request to change its state.
run(Bytes) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.GotChunkCallback
Emitted after receiving a chunk of a message body.
run(Bytes) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.PongCallback
Emitted when we receive a Pong frame (solicited or unsolicited) from the peer.
run(Cond) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondBroadcastCallback
run(Cond) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondFreeCallback
run(Cond) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondSignalCallback
run(Cond, Mutex) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondWaitCallback
run(Cond, Mutex, TimeVal) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondTimedWaitCallback
run(GError) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ErrorClearFunc
Specifies the type of function which is called when an extended error instance is freed.
run(GError) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ErrorInitFunc
Specifies the type of function which is called just after an extended error instance is created and its fields filled.
run(GError) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.ErrorCallback
Emitted when an error occurred on the WebSocket.
run(GError) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Download.FailedCallback
This signal is emitted when an error occurs during the download operation.
run(GError) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation.FailedCallback
Emitted when an error occurs while printing.
run(GError) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.FailedCallback
This signal is emitted when an error occurs during the resource load operation.
run(GError, GError) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ErrorCopyFunc
Specifies the type of function which is called when an extended error instance is copied.
run(HookList, Hook) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookFinalizeFunc
Defines the type of function to be called when a hook in a list of hooks gets finalized.
run(Hook, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookCheckMarshaller
Defines the type of function used by g_hook_list_marshal_check().
run(Hook, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookFindFunc
Defines the type of the function passed to g_hook_find().
run(Hook, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookMarshaller
Defines the type of function used by g_hook_list_marshal().
run(Hook, Hook) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookCompareFunc
Defines the type of function used to compare GHook elements in g_hook_insert_sorted().
run(IOChannel) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoCloseCallback
run(IOChannel) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoFreeCallback
run(IOChannel) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoGetFlagsCallback
run(IOChannel, long, SeekType) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoSeekCallback
run(IOChannel, String, long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoReadCallback
run(IOChannel, String, long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoWriteCallback
run(IOChannel, Set<IOCondition>) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoCreateWatchCallback
run(IOChannel, Set<IOCondition>, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFunc
Specifies the type of function passed to g_io_add_watch() or g_io_add_watch_full(), which is called when the requested condition on a GIOChannel is satisfied.
run(IOChannel, Set<IOFlags>) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoSetFlagsCallback
run(MarkupParseContext, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser.EndElementCallback
run(MarkupParseContext, String, long) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser.PassthroughCallback
run(MarkupParseContext, String, long) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser.TextCallback
run(MarkupParseContext, String, String[], String[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser.StartElementCallback
run(MarkupParseContext, GError) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser.ErrorCallback
run(MatchInfo, GString) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.RegexEvalCallback
Specifies the type of the function passed to g_regex_replace_eval().
run(Mutex) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.MutexFreeCallback
run(Mutex) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.MutexLockCallback
run(Mutex) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.MutexTrylockCallback
run(Mutex) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.MutexUnlockCallback
run(Node, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.NodeForeachFunc
Specifies the type of function passed to g_node_children_foreach().
run(Node, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.NodeTraverseFunc
Specifies the type of function passed to g_node_traverse().
run(OptionContext, OptionGroup, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.OptionErrorFunc
The type of function to be used as callback when a parse error occurs.
run(OptionContext, OptionGroup, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.OptionParseFunc
The type of function that can be called before and after parsing.
run(Pid, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ChildWatchFunc
Prototype of a GChildWatchSource callback, called when a child process has exited.
run(PollFD, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.PollFunc
Specifies the type of function passed to g_main_context_set_poll_func().
run(Private) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.PrivateGetCallback
run(Private, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.PrivateSetCallback
run(Quark, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.DataForeachFunc
Specifies the type of function passed to g_dataset_foreach().
run(Quark, Value) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StructureFilterMapFunc
A function that will be called in gst_structure_filter_and_map_in_place().
run(Quark, Value) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StructureForeachFunc
A function that will be called in gst_structure_foreach().
run(Quark, Value) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StructureMapFunc
A function that will be called in gst_structure_map_in_place().
run(Scanner, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ScannerMsgFunc
Specifies the type of the message handler function.
run(SequenceIter, SequenceIter, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SequenceIterCompareFunc
A GSequenceIterCompareFunc is a function used to compare iterators.
run(Source) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceDisposeFunc
Dispose function for source.
run(Source) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncsCheckFunc
Checks if the source is ready to be dispatched.
run(Source) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncsDispatchFunc
Dispatches the source callback.
run(Source) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncsFinalizeFunc
Finalizes the source.
run(Source, Out<Integer>) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncsPrepareFunc
Checks the source for readiness.
run(TreeNode, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TraverseNodeFunc
Specifies the type of function passed to g_tree_foreach_node().
run(VariantDict) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.HandleLocalOptionsCallback
The ::handle-local-options signal is emitted on the local instance after the parsing of the commandline options has occurred.
run(Variant, Out<MemorySegment>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SettingsGetMapping
The type of the function that is used to convert from a value stored in a GSettings to a value that is useful to the application.
run(Variant, String[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.GPropertiesChangedCallback
Emitted when one or more D-Bus properties on proxy changes.
run(Module) - Method in interface org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleCheckInit
Specifies the type of the module initialization function.
run(Module) - Method in interface org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleUnload
Specifies the type of the module function called when it is unloaded.
run(GObject, AsyncResult, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AsyncReadyCallback
Type definition for a function that will be called back when an asynchronous operation within GIO has been completed.
run(Binding, Value, Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.BindingTransformFunc
A function to be called to transform fromValue to toValue.
run(Closure, Value, Value[], MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ClosureMarshal
The type used for marshaller functions.
run(Closure, Value, int, Value, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.Closure.MarshalCallback
run(GObject) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.types.TemplateTypes.DisposeCallback
run(GObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ObjectFinalizeFunc
The type of the finalize_ function of GObjectClass.
run(GObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup.BindCallback
This signal is emitted when GSignalGroup:target is set to a new value other than null.
run(GObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CustomFilterFunc
User function that is called to determine if the item should be matched.
run(GObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxCreateWidgetFunc
Called for flow boxes that are bound to a GListModel.
run(GObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxCreateWidgetFunc
Called for list boxes that are bound to a GListModel with gtk_list_box_bind_model() for each item that gets added to the model.
run(GObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.MapListModelMapFunc
User function that is called to map an item of the original model to an item expected by the map model.
run(GObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.BindCallback
Emitted when an object has been bound, for example when a new Gtk.ListItem:item has been set on a listitem and should be bound for use.
run(GObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.SetupCallback
Emitted when a new listitem has been created and needs to be setup for use.
run(GObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.TeardownCallback
Emitted when an object is about to be destroyed.
run(GObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.UnbindCallback
Emitted when an object has been unbound from its item, for example when a listitem was removed from use in a list widget and its Gtk.ListItem:item is about to be unset.
run(GObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModelCreateModelFunc
Prototype of the function called to create new child models when gtk_tree_list_row_set_expanded() is called.
run(GObject, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.QueryDataCallback
run(GObject, int, Value, ParamSpec) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Properties.GetPropertyCallback
run(GObject, int, Value, ParamSpec) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Properties.SetPropertyCallback
run(GObject, int, Value, ParamSpec) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ObjectGetPropertyFunc
The type of the getProperty function of GObjectClass.
run(GObject, int, Value, ParamSpec) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ObjectSetPropertyFunc
The type of the setProperty function of GObjectClass.
run(GObject, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.PollableSourceFunc
This is the function type of the callback used for the GSource returned by g_pollable_input_stream_create_source() and g_pollable_output_stream_create_source().
run(GObject, String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy.ChildAddedCallback
Will be emitted after the object was added to the childProxy.
run(GObject, String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy.ChildRemovedCallback
Will be emitted after the object was removed from the childProxy.
run(ParamSpec) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.GObject.NotifyCallback
The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.
run(ParamSpec) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo.FinalizeCallback
run(ParamSpec) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo.InstanceInitCallback
run(ParamSpec, Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValueSetDefaultCallback
run(ParamSpec, Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValueValidateCallback
run(ParamSpec, Value, Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValuesCmpCallback
run(SignalInvocationHint, Value[], MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.SignalEmissionHook
A simple function pointer to get invoked when the signal is emitted.
run(SignalInvocationHint, Value, Value, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.SignalAccumulator
The signal accumulator is a special callback function that can be used to collect return values of the various callbacks that are called during a signal emission.
run(TypeClass) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.BaseFinalizeFunc
A callback function used by the type system to finalize those portions of a derived types class structure that were setup from the corresponding GBaseInitFunc() function.
run(TypeClass) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.BaseInitFunc
A callback function used by the type system to do base initialization of the class structures of derived types.
run(TypeClass, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ClassFinalizeFunc
A callback function used by the type system to finalize a class.
run(TypeClass, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ClassInitFunc
A callback function used by the type system to initialize the class of a specific type.
run(TypeInstance, TypeClass) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.InstanceInitFunc
A callback function used by the type system to initialize a new instance of a type.
run(TypeInterface, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceFinalizeFunc
A callback function used by the type system to finalize an interface.
run(TypeInterface, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceInitFunc
A callback function used by the type system to initialize a new interface.
run(TypePlugin) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginUnuse
The type of the unusePlugin function of GTypePluginClass.
run(TypePlugin) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginUse
The type of the usePlugin function of GTypePluginClass, which gets called to increase the use count of plugin.
run(TypePlugin, Type, Type, InterfaceInfo) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginCompleteInterfaceInfo
The type of the completeInterfaceInfo function of GTypePluginClass.
run(TypePlugin, Type, TypeInfo, TypeValueTable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginCompleteTypeInfo
The type of the completeTypeInfo function of GTypePluginClass.
run(Value) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorForeachFunction
A function that is called by gst_iterator_foreach() for every element.
run(Value) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueSerializeFunc
Used by gst_value_serialize() to obtain a non-binary form of the GValue.
run(Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueFreeFunc
Frees any old contents that might be left in the value->data array of the given value.
run(Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueInitFunc
Initializes the value contents by setting the fields of the value->data array.
run(Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValuePeekPointerFunc
If the value contents fit into a pointer, such as objects or strings, return this pointer, so the caller can peek at the current contents.
run(Value, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.DropCallback
Emitted on the drop site when the user drops the data onto the widget.
run(Value, String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueDeserializeFunc
Used by gst_value_deserialize() to parse a non-binary form into the GValue.
run(Value, String, ParamSpec) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueDeserializeWithPSpecFunc
Used by gst_value_deserialize_with_pspec() to parse a non-binary form into the GValue.
run(Value, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SettingsBindGetMapping
The type for the function that is used to convert from GSettings to an object property.
run(Value, VariantType) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SettingsBindSetMapping
The type for the function that is used to convert an object property value to a GVariant for storing it in GSettings.
run(Value, TypeCValue[], int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueCollectFunc
This function is responsible for converting the values collected from a variadic argument list into contents suitable for storage in a GValue.
run(Value, TypeCValue[], int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueLCopyFunc
This function is responsible for storing the value contents into arguments passed through a variadic argument list which got collected into collect_values according to lcopy_format.
run(Value, Value) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorFoldFunction
A function to be passed to gst_iterator_fold().
run(Value, Value) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagMergeFunc
A function for merging multiple values of a tag used when registering tags.
run(Value, Value) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueCompareFunc
Used together with gst_value_compare() to compare GValue items.
run(Value, Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueCopyFunc
Copies the content of a GValue into another.
run(Value, Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ValueTransform
The type of value transformation functions which can be registered with g_value_register_transform_func().
run(ParseLocation, ParseLocation, GError) - Method in interface org.gnome.gsk.ParseErrorFunc
Type of callback that is called when an error occurs during node deserialization.
run(PathOperation, Point, long, float) - Method in interface org.gnome.gsk.PathForeachFunc
Prototype of the callback to iterate through the operations of a path.
run(ListBoxRow) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.RowSelectedCallback
Emitted when a new row is selected, or (with a null row) when the selection is cleared.
run(TextIter, BracketMatchType) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.BracketMatchedCallback
iter is set to a valid iterator pointing to the matching bracket if state is BracketMatchType.FOUND.
run(BuildableParseContext, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser.EndElementCallback
run(BuildableParseContext, String, long) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser.TextCallback
run(BuildableParseContext, String, String[], String[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser.StartElementCallback
run(BuildableParseContext, GError) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser.ErrorCallback
run(CellEditable, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.EditingStartedCallback
This signal gets emitted when a cell starts to be edited.
run(CellLayout, CellRenderer, TreeModel, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellLayoutDataFunc
A function which should set the value of cellLayout’s cell renderer(s) as appropriate.
run(CellRenderer) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellCallback
The type of the callback functions used for iterating over the cell renderers of a GtkCellArea, see gtk_cell_area_foreach().
run(CellRenderer, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.FocusChangedCallback
Indicates that focus changed on this area.
run(CellRenderer, Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellAllocCallback
The type of the callback functions used for iterating over the cell renderers and their allocated areas inside a GtkCellArea, see gtk_cell_area_foreach_alloc().
run(CellRenderer, CellEditable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.RemoveEditableCallback
Indicates that editing finished on renderer and that editable should be removed from the owning cell-layouting widget.
run(CellRenderer, CellEditable, Rectangle, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.AddEditableCallback
Indicates that editing has started on renderer and that editable should be added to the owning cell-layouting widget at cellArea.
run(CssSection, GError) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider.ParsingErrorCallback
Signals that a parsing error occurred.
run(DeleteType, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.DeleteFromCursorCallback
Emitted when the user initiates a text deletion.
run(DeleteType, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.DeleteFromCursorCallback
Gets emitted when the user initiates a text deletion.
run(DirectionType) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.MoveFocusOutCallback
Emitted when focus was moved out.
run(DirectionType) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.MoveFocusOutCallback
Emitted when focus is moved away from the scrolled window by a keybinding.
run(DirectionType) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.KeynavFailedCallback
Emitted if keyboard navigation fails.
run(DirectionType) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.MoveFocusCallback
Emitted when the focus is moved.
run(DirectionType, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.ReorderTabCallback
Emitted when the tab should be reordered.
run(DrawingArea, Context, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DrawingAreaDrawFunc
Whenever drawingArea needs to redraw, this function will be called.
run(EntryCompletion, String, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletionMatchFunc
A function which decides whether the row indicated by iter matches a given key, and should be displayed as a possible completion for key.
run(EntryIconPosition) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Entry.IconPressCallback
Emitted when an activatable icon is clicked.
run(EntryIconPosition) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Entry.IconReleaseCallback
Emitted on the button release from a mouse click over an activatable icon.
run(FilterChange) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Filter.ChangedCallback
Emitted whenever the filter changed.
run(FlowBoxChild) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.ChildActivatedCallback
Emitted when a child has been activated by the user.
run(FlowBoxChild) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxFilterFunc
A function that will be called whenever a child changes or is added.
run(FlowBoxChild, FlowBoxChild) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxSortFunc
A function to compare two children to determine which should come first.
run(FlowBox, FlowBoxChild) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxForeachFunc
A function used by gtk_flow_box_selected_foreach().
run(IconView, TreePath) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconViewForeachFunc
A function used by gtk_icon_view_selected_foreach() to map all selected rows.
run(ListBox, ListBoxRow) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxForeachFunc
A function used by gtk_list_box_selected_foreach().
run(ListBoxRow) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.RowActivatedCallback
Emitted when a row has been activated by the user.
run(ListBoxRow) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxFilterFunc
Will be called whenever the row changes or is added and lets you control if the row should be visible or not.
run(ListBoxRow, ListBoxRow) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxUpdateHeaderFunc
Whenever row changes or which row is before row changes this is called, which lets you update the header on row.
run(ListBoxRow, ListBoxRow) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxSortFunc
Compare two rows to determine which should be first.
run(MenuButton) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.MenuButtonCreatePopupFunc
User-provided callback function to create a popup for a GtkMenuButton on demand.
run(MovementStep, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Label.MoveCursorCallback
Gets emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
run(MovementStep, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.MoveCursorCallback
Emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
run(MovementStep, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.MoveCursorCallback
Gets emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
run(MovementStep, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.MoveCursorCallback
Emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
run(MovementStep, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.MoveCursorCallback
The ::move-cursor signal is a Gtk.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
run(MovementStep, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.MoveCursorCallback
Emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement.
run(MovementStep, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.MoveCursorCallback
The GtkTreeView::move-cursor signal is a [keybinding signal]SignalAction which gets emitted when the user presses one of the cursor keys.
run(NotebookTab) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.FocusTabCallback
Emitted when a tab should be focused.
run(PageSetup) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PageSetupDoneFunc
The type of function that is passed to gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog_async().
run(PanDirection, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GesturePan.PanCallback
Emitted once a panning gesture along the expected axis is detected.
run(PositionType) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.EdgeOvershotCallback
Emitted whenever user initiated scrolling makes the scrolled window firmly surpass the limits defined by the adjustment in that orientation.
run(PositionType) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.EdgeReachedCallback
Emitted whenever user-initiated scrolling makes the scrolled window exactly reach the lower or upper limits defined by the adjustment in that orientation.
run(PrintContext) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.BeginPrintCallback
Emitted after the user has finished changing print settings in the dialog, before the actual rendering starts.
run(PrintContext) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.EndPrintCallback
Emitted after all pages have been rendered.
run(PrintContext) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PaginateCallback
Emitted after the ::begin-print signal, but before the actual rendering starts.
run(PrintContext) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview.ReadyCallback
The ::ready signal gets emitted once per preview operation, before the first page is rendered.
run(PrintContext, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.DrawPageCallback
Emitted for every page that is printed.
run(PrintContext, int, PageSetup) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.RequestPageSetupCallback
Emitted once for every page that is printed.
run(PrintContext, PageSetup) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview.GotPageSizeCallback
Emitted once for each page that gets rendered to the preview.
run(Printer) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrinterFunc
The type of function passed to gtk_enumerate_printers().
run(PrintJob, GError) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintJobCompleteFunc
The type of callback that is passed to gtk_print_job_send().
run(PrintOperationAction, Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Runs the print operation.
run(PrintOperationPreview, PrintContext, Window) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PreviewCallback
Gets emitted when a preview is requested from the native dialog.
run(PrintOperationResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.DoneCallback
Emitted when the print operation run has finished doing everything required for printing.
run(Scale, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScaleFormatValueFunc
Function that formats the value of a scale.
run(ScrollStep, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.MoveViewportCallback
Gets emitted to move the viewport.
run(ScrollType) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.MoveActiveCallback
Emitted to move the active selection.
run(ScrollType) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.MoveHandleCallback
Emitted to move the handle with key bindings.
run(ScrollType) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Range.MoveSliderCallback
Virtual function that moves the slider.
run(ScrollType) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.ChangeValueCallback
Emitted when the user initiates a value change.
run(ScrollType, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.ScrollChildCallback
Emitted when a keybinding that scrolls is pressed.
run(ScrollType, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Range.ChangeValueCallback
Emitted when a scroll action is performed on a range.
run(SorterChange) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Sorter.ChangedCallback
Emitted whenever the sorter changed.
run(TextBuffer, Set<TextBufferNotifyFlags>, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBufferCommitNotify
run(TextDirection) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.DirectionChangedCallback
Emitted when the text direction of a widget changes.
run(TextExtendSelection, TextIter, TextIter, TextIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.ExtendSelectionCallback
Emitted when the selection needs to be extended at location.
run(TextIter, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.SmartHomeEndCallback
Emitted when a the cursor was moved according to the smart home end setting.
run(TextIter, int, Set<ModifierType>, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.LineMarkActivatedCallback
Emitted when a line mark has been activated (for instance when there was a button press in the line marks gutter).
run(TextIter, String, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.InsertTextCallback
Emitted to insert text in a GtkTextBuffer.
run(TextIter, Paintable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.InsertPaintableCallback
Emitted to insert a GdkPaintable in a GtkTextBuffer.
run(TextIter, Rectangle) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.QueryActivatableCallback
The signal is emitted when the renderer can possibly be activated.
run(TextIter, Rectangle, int, Set<ModifierType>, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.ActivateCallback
The signal is emitted when the renderer is activated.
run(TextIter, TextChildAnchor) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.InsertChildAnchorCallback
Emitted to insert a GtkTextChildAnchor in a GtkTextBuffer.
run(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.DeleteRangeCallback
Emitted to delete a range from a GtkTextBuffer.
run(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.HighlightUpdatedCallback
The ::highlight-updated signal is emitted when the syntax highlighting and context classes are updated in a certain region of the buffer.
run(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.FormatTextCallback
Requests that the application format the text between begin and end.
run(TextIter, TextMark) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.MarkSetCallback
Emitted as notification after a GtkTextMark is set.
run(TextMark) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.MarkDeletedCallback
Emitted as notification after a GtkTextMark is deleted.
run(TextMark) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.SourceMarkUpdatedCallback
The ::source-mark-updated signal is emitted each time a mark is added to, moved or removed from the buffer.
run(TextTag) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable.TagAddedCallback
Emitted every time a new tag is added in the GtkTextTagTable.
run(TextTag) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable.TagRemovedCallback
Emitted every time a tag is removed from the GtkTextTagTable.
run(TextTag) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTableForeach
A function used with gtk_text_tag_table_foreach(), to iterate over every GtkTextTag inside a GtkTextTagTable.
run(TextTag, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable.TagChangedCallback
Emitted every time a tag in the GtkTextTagTable changes.
run(TextTag, TextIter, TextIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.ApplyTagCallback
Emitted to apply a tag to a range of text in a GtkTextBuffer.
run(TextTag, TextIter, TextIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.RemoveTagCallback
Emitted to remove all occurrences of tag from a range of text in a GtkTextBuffer.
run(TreeIter, TreePath) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.RowCollapsedCallback
The given row has been collapsed (child nodes are hidden).
run(TreeIter, TreePath) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.RowExpandedCallback
The given row has been expanded (child nodes are shown).
run(TreeIter, TreePath) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TestCollapseRowCallback
The given row is about to be collapsed (hide its children nodes).
run(TreeIter, TreePath) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TestExpandRowCallback
The given row is about to be expanded (show its children nodes).
run(TreeModel, int, String, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewSearchEqualFunc
A function used for checking whether a row in model matches a search key string entered by the user.
run(TreeModel, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.CursorOnMatchCallback
Emitted when a match from the cursor is on a match of the list.
run(TreeModel, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.MatchSelectedCallback
Emitted when a match from the list is selected.
run(TreeModel, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc
A function which decides whether the row indicated by iter is visible.
run(TreeModel, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewRowSeparatorFunc
Function type for determining whether the row pointed to by iter should be rendered as a separator.
run(TreeModel, TreeIter, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.ApplyAttributesCallback
This signal is emitted whenever applying attributes to area from model
run(TreeModel, TreeIter, Value, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilterModifyFunc
A function which calculates display values from raw values in the model.
run(TreeModel, TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeIterCompareFunc
A GtkTreeIterCompareFunc should return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer if a sorts before b, a sorts with b, or a sorts after b respectively.
run(TreeModel, TreePath, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelForeachFunc
Type of the callback passed to gtk_tree_model_foreach() to iterate over the rows in a tree model.
run(TreeModel, TreePath, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelectionForeachFunc
A function used by gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach() to map all selected rows.
run(TreePath) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.ItemActivatedCallback
The ::item-activated signal is emitted when the method gtk_icon_view_item_activated() is called, when the user double clicks an item with the "activate-on-single-click" property set to false, or when the user single clicks an item when the "activate-on-single-click" property set to true.
run(TreePath) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.RowDeletedCallback
This signal is emitted when a row has been deleted.
run(TreePath, TreeViewColumn) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.RowActivatedCallback
The "row-activated" signal is emitted when the method TreeView.rowActivated(org.gnome.gtk.TreePath, org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn) is called.
run(TreePath, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.RowChangedCallback
This signal is emitted when a row in the model has changed.
run(TreePath, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.RowHasChildToggledCallback
This signal is emitted when a row has gotten the first child row or lost its last child row.
run(TreePath, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.RowInsertedCallback
This signal is emitted when a new row has been inserted in the model.
run(TreePath, TreeIter, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.RowsReorderedCallback
This signal is emitted when the children of a node in the GtkTreeModel have been reordered.
run(TreeSelection, TreeModel, TreePath, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelectionFunc
A function used by gtk_tree_selection_set_select_function() to filter whether or not a row may be selected.
run(TreeViewColumn, CellRenderer, TreeModel, TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeCellDataFunc
A function to set the properties of a cell instead of just using the straight mapping between the cell and the model.
run(TreeView, TreePath) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewMappingFunc
Function used for gtk_tree_view_map_expanded_rows().
run(TreeView, TreeViewColumn, TreeViewColumn, TreeViewColumn) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumnDropFunc
Function type for determining whether column can be dropped in a particular spot (as determined by prevColumn and nextColumn).
run(Widget) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.PrepareCallback
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
run(Widget) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.CreateWindowCallback
The ::create-window signal is emitted when a detachable tab is dropped on the root window.
run(Widget) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.CustomWidgetApplyCallback
Emitted right before ::begin-print if you added a custom widget in the ::create-custom-widget handler.
run(Widget, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.PageAddedCallback
the ::page-added signal is emitted in the notebook right after a page is added to the notebook.
run(Widget, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.PageRemovedCallback
the ::page-removed signal is emitted in the notebook right after a page is removed from the notebook.
run(Widget, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.PageReorderedCallback
the ::page-reordered signal is emitted in the notebook right after a page has been reordered.
run(Widget, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.SwitchPageCallback
Emitted when the user or a function changes the current page.
run(Widget, String, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.WidgetActionActivateFunc
The type of the callback functions used for activating actions installed with gtk_widget_class_install_action().
run(Widget, FrameClock) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TickCallback
Callback type for adding a function to update animations.
run(Widget, Rectangle) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Overlay.GetChildPositionCallback
Emitted to determine the position and size of any overlay child widgets.
run(Widget, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutFunc
Prototype for shortcuts based on user callbacks.
run(Widget, PageSetup, PrintSettings) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.UpdateCustomWidgetCallback
Emitted after change of selected printer.
run(Window) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Application.WindowAddedCallback
Emitted when a Window is added to application through Application.addWindow(org.gnome.gtk.Window).
run(Window) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Application.WindowRemovedCallback
Emitted when a Window is removed from application.
run(ChangeCaseType) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ChangeCaseCallback
Keybinding signal to change case of the text at the current cursor position.
run(CompletionProvider) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.ProviderAddedCallback
The "provided-added" signal is emitted when a new provider is added to the completion.
run(CompletionProvider) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.ProviderRemovedCallback
The "provided-removed" signal is emitted when a provider has been removed from the completion.
run(CompletionProvider, ListModel) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext.ProviderModelChangedCallback
Emitted when a provider changes a model.
run(File, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.MountOperationFactory
Type definition for a function that will be called to create a MountOperation.
run(Mark) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.QueryTooltipMarkupCallback
The code should connect to this signal to provide a tooltip for given mark.
run(Mark) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.QueryTooltipTextCallback
The code should connect to this signal to provide a tooltip for given mark.
run(Snippet, TextIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.PushSnippetCallback
The signal is emitted to insert a new snippet into the view.
run(View, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.EditCallback
Requests the application open the file found at path.
run(View, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.WriteCallback
Requests the application save the file.
run(Attribute) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.AttrClass.CopyCallback
run(Attribute) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.AttrClass.DestroyCallback
run(Attribute) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.AttrFilterFunc
Type of a function filtering a list of attributes.
run(Attribute, Attribute) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.AttrClass.EqualCallback
run(FontFamily, FontFace) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontFilterFunc
The type of function that is used for deciding what fonts get shown in a GtkFontChooser.
run(Fontset, Font) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.FontsetForeachFunc
Callback used when enumerating fonts in a fontset.
run(AuthDomainBasic, ServerMessage, String, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainBasicAuthCallback
Callback used by SoupAuthDomainBasic for authentication purposes.
run(AuthDomainDigest, ServerMessage, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigestAuthCallback
Callback used by SoupAuthDomainDigest for authentication purposes.
run(AuthDomain, ServerMessage) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainFilter
The prototype for a SoupAuthDomain filter.
run(AuthDomain, ServerMessage, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainGenericAuthCallback
The prototype for a SoupAuthDomain generic authentication callback.
run(Auth, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.AuthenticateCallback
Emitted when the message requires authentication.
run(Cookie, Cookie) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.CookieJar.ChangedCallback
Emitted when jar changes.
run(HSTSPolicy, HSTSPolicy) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer.ChangedCallback
Emitted when hstsEnforcer changes.
run(Logger, LoggerLogLevel, byte, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.LoggerPrinter
The prototype for a custom printing callback.
run(Logger, Message) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.LoggerFilter
The prototype for a logging filter.
run(Message) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Session.RequestQueuedCallback
Emitted when a request is queued on session.
run(Message) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Session.RequestUnqueuedCallback
Emitted when a request is removed from session's queue, indicating that session is done with it.
run(ServerMessage) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Server.RequestAbortedCallback
Emitted when processing has failed for a message.
run(ServerMessage) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Server.RequestFinishedCallback
Emitted when the server has finished writing a response to a request.
run(ServerMessage) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Server.RequestReadCallback
Emitted when the server has successfully read a request.
run(ServerMessage) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Server.RequestStartedCallback
Emitted when the server has started reading a new request.
run(Server, ServerMessage, String, HashTable<String, String>) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerCallback
A callback used to handle requests to a Server.
run(Server, ServerMessage, String, WebsocketConnection) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerWebsocketCallback
A callback used to handle WebSocket requests to a SoupServer.
run(BackForwardListItem, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList.ChangedCallback
This signal is emitted when backForwardList changes.
run(AuthenticationRequest) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.AuthenticateCallback
This signal is emitted when the user is challenged with HTTP authentication.
run(AutomationSession) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.AutomationStartedCallback
This signal is emitted when a new automation request is made.
run(ColorChooserRequest) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.RunColorChooserCallback
This signal is emitted when the user interacts with a <input type='color' /> HTML element, requesting from WebKit to show a dialog to select a color.
run(ContextMenu, HitTestResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ContextMenuCallback
Emitted when a context menu is about to be displayed to give the application a chance to customize the proposed menu, prevent the menu from being displayed, or build its own context menu.
run(Credential) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest.AuthenticatedCallback
This signal is emitted when the user authentication request succeeded.
run(Download) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession.DownloadStartedCallback
This signal is emitted when a new download request is made.
run(FileChooserRequest) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.RunFileChooserCallback
This signal is emitted when the user interacts with a <input type='file' /> HTML element, requesting from WebKit to show a dialog to select one or more files to be uploaded.
run(FormSubmissionRequest) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.SubmitFormCallback
This signal is emitted when a form is about to be submitted.
run(HitTestResult, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.MouseTargetChangedCallback
This signal is emitted when the mouse cursor moves over an element such as a link, image or a media element.
run(InsecureContentEvent) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.InsecureContentDetectedCallback
run(Class, Context, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassEnumeratePropertiesFunction
The type of enumerate_properties in JSCClassVTable.
run(Class, Context, MemorySegment, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassDeletePropertyFunction
The type of delete_property in JSCClassVTable.
run(Class, Context, MemorySegment, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassGetPropertyFunction
The type of get_property in JSCClassVTable.
run(Class, Context, MemorySegment, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassHasPropertyFunction
The type of has_property in JSCClassVTable.
run(Class, Context, MemorySegment, String, Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassSetPropertyFunction
The type of set_property in JSCClassVTable.
run(Context, Exception) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ExceptionHandler
Function used to handle JavaScript exceptions in a JSCContext.
run(Value) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager.ScriptMessageReceivedCallback
This signal is emitted when JavaScript in a web view calls <code>window.webkit.messageHandlers.<name>.postMessage()</code>, after registering <code><name></code> using webkit_user_content_manager_register_script_message_handler()
run(Value, ScriptMessageReply) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager.ScriptMessageWithReplyReceivedCallback
This signal is emitted when JavaScript in a web view calls <code>window.webkit.messageHandlers.<name>.postMessage()</code>, after registering <code><name></code> using webkit_user_content_manager_register_script_message_handler_with_reply()
run(Value, Frame, Frame) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.WillSendSubmitEventCallback
This signal is emitted when the DOM submit event is about to be fired for form.
run(Value, Frame, Frame) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.WillSubmitFormCallback
This signal is emitted when form will imminently be submitted.
run(LoadEvent) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.LoadChangedCallback
Emitted when a load operation in webView changes.
run(LoadEvent, String, GError) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.LoadFailedCallback
Emitted when an error occurs during a load operation.
run(NavigationAction) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.CreateCallback
Emitted when the creation of a new WebKitWebView is requested.
run(Notification) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ShowNotificationCallback
This signal is emitted when a notification should be presented to the user.
run(OptionMenu, Rectangle) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ShowOptionMenuCallback
This signal is emitted when a select element in webView needs to display a dropdown menu.
run(PermissionRequest) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.PermissionRequestCallback
This signal is emitted when WebKit is requesting the client to decide about a permission request, such as allowing the browser to switch to fullscreen mode, sharing its location or similar operations.
run(PermissionStateQuery) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.QueryPermissionStateCallback
This signal allows the User-Agent to respond to permission requests for powerful features, as specified by the Permissions W3C Specification.
run(PolicyDecision, PolicyDecisionType) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.DecidePolicyCallback
This signal is emitted when WebKit is requesting the client to decide a policy decision, such as whether to navigate to a page, open a new window or whether or not to download a resource.
run(PrintOperation) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.PrintCallback
Emitted when printing is requested on webView, usually by a JavaScript call, before the print dialog is shown.
run(ScriptDialog) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ScriptDialogCallback
Emitted when JavaScript code calls <function>window.alert</function>, <function>window.confirm</function> or <function>window.prompt</function>, or when <function>onbeforeunload</function> event is fired.
run(URIRequest, URIResponse) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.SentRequestCallback
This signal is emitted when request has been sent to the server.
run(URISchemeRequest) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequestCallback
Type definition for a function that will be called back when an URI request is made for a user registered URI scheme.
run(UserMessage) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.UserMessageReceivedCallback
This signal is emitted when a WebKitUserMessage is received from a web process extension.
run(UserMessage) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.UserMessageReceivedCallback
This signal is emitted when a WebKitUserMessage is received from the WebKitWebPage corresponding to webView.
run(WebProcessTerminationReason) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebProcessTerminatedCallback
This signal is emitted when the web process terminates abnormally due to reason.
run(WebResource, URIRequest) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ResourceLoadStartedCallback
Emitted when a new resource is going to be loaded.
run(ConsoleMessage) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.ConsoleMessageSentCallback
Emitted when a message is sent to the console.
run(ContextMenu, WebHitTestResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.ContextMenuCallback
Emitted before a context menu is displayed in the UI Process to give the application a chance to customize the proposed menu, build its own context menu or pass user data to the UI Process.
run(Frame, Value[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.FormControlsAssociatedCallback
Emitted after form elements (or form associated elements) are associated to frame.
run(URIRequest, URIResponse) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.SendRequestCallback
This signal is emitted when request is about to be sent to the server.
run(UserMessage) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.UserMessageReceivedCallback
This signal is emitted when a WebKitUserMessage is received from the WebKitWebView corresponding to webPage.
run(UserMessage) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension.UserMessageReceivedCallback
This signal is emitted when a WebKitUserMessage is received from the WebKitWebContext corresponding to extension.
run(WebPage) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension.PageCreatedCallback
This signal is emitted when a new WebKitWebPage is created in the Web Process.
run(WebPage, Frame) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld.WindowObjectClearedCallback
Emitted when the JavaScript window object in a WebKitScriptWorld has been cleared.
run(WebProcessExtension) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtensionInitializeFunction
Type definition for a function that will be called to initialize the web extension when the web process starts.
run(WebProcessExtension, Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtensionInitializeWithUserDataFunction
Type definition for a function that will be called to initialize the web extensions when the web process starts, and which receives as additional argument the user data set with webkit_web_context_set_web_process_extensions_initialization_user_data().
RUN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InsecureContentEvent
Insecure content has been detected by trying to execute any kind of logic (e.g.
RUN_CLEANUP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalFlags
Invoke the object method handler in the last emission stage.
RUN_FIRST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalFlags
Invoke the object method handler in the first emission stage.
RUN_IN_THREAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusServerFlags
All GDBusServer::new-connection signals will run in separated dedicated threads (see signal for details).
RUN_LAST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalFlags
Invoke the object method handler in the third emission stage.
runAsModal() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
runCleanup() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Signal
Invoke the object method handler in the last emission stage.
runColorChooser(ColorChooserRequest) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
runDialog(Window) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation
Run the print dialog and start printing.
runDispose() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Releases all references to other objects.
runFileChooser(FileChooserRequest) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
runFirst() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Signal
Invoke the object method handler in the first emission stage.
RUNIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
RUNIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
RUNIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
runInThread(SimpleAsyncThreadFunc, int, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use GTask and g_task_run_in_thread() instead.
runInThread(TaskThreadFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Runs taskFunc in another thread.
runInThreadSync(TaskThreadFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Runs taskFunc in another thread, and waits for it to return or be cancelled.
runLast() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Signal
Invoke the object method handler in the third emission stage.
runMainloop() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Used to be invoked on the primary instance from g_application_run() if the use-count is non-zero.
RWLock - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GRWLock struct is an opaque data structure to represent a reader-writer lock.
RWLock() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
Allocate a new RWLock.
RWLock(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
Allocate a new RWLock.
RWLock(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
Create a RWLock proxy instance for the provided memory address.
RWLock(MemorySegment, int[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
Allocate a new RWLock with the fields set to the provided values.
RWLock(MemorySegment, int[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
Allocate a new RWLock with the fields set to the provided values.
RWLockReaderLocker - Class in org.gnome.glib
Opaque type.
RWLockReaderLocker() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.RWLockReaderLocker
RWLockWriterLocker - Class in org.gnome.glib
Opaque type.
RWLockWriterLocker() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.RWLockWriterLocker
RXYX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a relative rotation along the X, Y, and X axes (Since: 1.10)
RXYZ - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a relative rotation along the X, Y, and Z axes (Since: 1.10)
RXZX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a relative rotation along the X, Z, and X axes (Since: 1.10)
RXZY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a relative rotation along the X, Z, and Y axes (Since: 1.10)
RYXY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a relative rotation along the Y, X, and Y axes (Since: 1.10)
RYXZ - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a relative rotation along the Y, X, and Z axes (Since: 1.10)
RYZX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a relative rotation along the Y, Z, and X axes (Since: 1.10)
RYZY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a relative rotation along the Y, Z, and Y axes (Since: 1.10)
RZXY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a relative rotation along the Z, X, and Y axes (Since: 1.10)
RZXZ - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a relative rotation along the Z, X, and Z axes (Since: 1.10)
RZYX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a relative rotation along the Z, Y, and X axes (Since: 1.10)
RZYZ - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a relative rotation along the Z, Y, and Z axes (Since: 1.10)


S - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Segment Separator
S16 - Static variable in enum class
16 bits in 16 bits, signed, native endianness
S16BE - Enum constant in enum class
16 bits in 16 bits, signed, big endian
S16LE - Enum constant in enum class
16 bits in 16 bits, signed, little endian
S18 - Static variable in enum class
18 bits in 24 bits, signed, native endianness
S18BE - Enum constant in enum class
18 bits in 24 bits, signed, big endian
S18LE - Enum constant in enum class
18 bits in 24 bits, signed, little endian
S20 - Static variable in enum class
20 bits in 24 bits, signed, native endianness
S2016_3_AFD_BAR - Enum constant in enum class
AFD/Bar Ancillary data according to SMPTE 2016-3 (Since: 1.18)
S20BE - Enum constant in enum class
20 bits in 24 bits, signed, big endian
S20LE - Enum constant in enum class
20 bits in 24 bits, signed, little endian
S24 - Static variable in enum class
24 bits in 24 bits, signed, native endianness
S24_32 - Static variable in enum class
24 bits in 32 bits, signed, native endianness
S24_32BE - Enum constant in enum class
24 bits in 32 bits, signed, big endian
S24_32LE - Enum constant in enum class
24 bits in 32 bits, signed, little endian
S24BE - Enum constant in enum class
24 bits in 24 bits, signed, big endian
S24LE - Enum constant in enum class
24 bits in 24 bits, signed, little endian
S32 - Static variable in enum class
32 bits in 32 bits, signed, native endianness
S32BE - Enum constant in enum class
32 bits in 32 bits, signed, big endian
S32LE - Enum constant in enum class
32 bits in 32 bits, signed, little endian
S334_EIA_608 - Enum constant in enum class
CEA 608 Ancillary data according to SMPTE 334
S334_EIA_708 - Enum constant in enum class
CEA 708 Ancillary data according to SMPTE 334
S8 - Enum constant in enum class
8 bits in 8 bits, signed
SAFE_TO_INSERT_TATWEEL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphFlags
In scripts that use elongation (Arabic, Mongolian, Syriac, etc.), this flag signifies that it is safe to insert a U+0640 TATWEEL character before this cluster for elongation.
SAFELY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsRehandshakeMode
Allow safe rehandshaking only
SAMARITAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
SAMARITAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
SAME_NATIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PropagationLimit
Events are only handled if their target is in the same Native as the event controllers widget.
SameSitePolicy - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
Represents the same-site policies of a cookie.
Sample - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A GstSample is a small object containing data, a type, timing and extra arbitrary information.
Sample(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Sample
Create a Sample proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Sample(Buffer, Caps, Segment, Structure) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Sample
Create a new GstSample with the provided details.
SAMPLE_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Sample text
samples(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in class
In case the samples are interleaved, in and out must point to an array with a single element pointing to a block of interleaved samples.
samples(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in class
Perform quantization on samples in in and write the result to out.
samples(Set<AudioConverterFlags>, MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment, long) - Method in class
Perform the conversion with inFrames in in to outFrames in out using this AudioConverter.
samples(AudioConverterFlags, MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment, long) - Method in class
Perform the conversion with inFrames in in to outFrames in out using this AudioConverter.
samplesDone() - Method in class
Get the number of samples that were processed by the ringbuffer since it was last started.
saturateAndPixelate(Pixbuf, float, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Modifies saturation and optionally pixelates src, placing the result in dest.
SATURATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Creates a color with the saturation of the source color and the hue and luminosity of the destination color
SATURDAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateWeekday
SAURASHTRA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
SAURASHTRA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
SAURASHTRA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
save() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget
Saves the this EncodingTarget to a default user-local directory.
save() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Makes a copy of the current state of this Snapshot and saves it on an internal stack.
save() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
This API will be removed in GTK 5
save() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
save(String, String, GError[], Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Saves pixbuf to a file in format type.
save(String, Bytes, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore
Asynchronously save a content filter from a set source rule.
save(Window, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
This function initiates a file save operation by presenting a file chooser dialog to the user.
save(SaveMode, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Asynchronously save the current web page.
SAVE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserAction
Indicates save mode.
saveAsync(int, Cancellable, FileProgressCallback, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
Saves asynchronously the buffer into the file.
saveFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
saveFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
saveFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore
Finishes an asynchronous filter save previously started with webkit_user_content_filter_store_save().
saveFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_view_save().
saveFromFile(String, File, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore
Asynchronously save a content filter from the contents of a file.
saveFromFileFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore
Finishes and asynchronous filter save previously started with webkit_user_content_filter_store_save_from_file().
SaveMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values to specify the different ways in which a WebKitWebView can save its current web page into a self-contained file.
savePreset(String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset
Save the current object settings as a preset under the given name.
saveToBuffer(Out<byte[]>, String, GError[], Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Saves pixbuf to a new buffer in format type, which is currently "jpeg", "png", "tiff", "ico" or "bmp".
saveToBufferv(Out<byte[]>, String, String[], String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Vector version of gdk_pixbuf_save_to_buffer().
saveToCallback(PixbufSaveFunc, String, GError[], Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Saves pixbuf in format type by feeding the produced data to a callback.
saveToCallbackv(PixbufSaveFunc, String, String[], String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Vector version of gdk_pixbuf_save_to_callback().
saveToFile(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingTarget
Saves the this EncodingTarget to the provided file location.
saveToFile(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Writes the contents of this KeyFile to filename using g_file_set_contents().
saveToFile(File, SaveMode, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Asynchronously save the current web page.
saveToFileFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_view_save_to_file().
saveToPng(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
Store the given this Texture to the filename as a PNG file.
saveToPngBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
Store the given this Texture in memory as a PNG file.
saveToStream(OutputStream, String, Cancellable, GError[], Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Saves pixbuf to an output stream.
saveToStreamAsync(OutputStream, String, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Saves pixbuf to an output stream asynchronously.
saveToStreamFinish(AsyncResult) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Finishes an asynchronous pixbuf save operation started with gdk_pixbuf_save_to_stream_async().
saveToStreamv(OutputStream, String, String[], String[], Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Saves pixbuf to an output stream.
saveToStreamvAsync(OutputStream, String, String[], String[], Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Saves pixbuf to an output stream asynchronously.
saveToTiff(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
Store the given this Texture to the filename as a TIFF file.
saveToTiffBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
Store the given this Texture in memory as a TIFF file.
saveUtf8(String, String, GError[], Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
savev(String, String, String[], String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Vector version of gdk_pixbuf_save().
savevUtf8(String, String, String[], String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Same as gdk_pixbuf_savev()
SAVING_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.AskPasswordFlags
operation supports saving settings.
SCALABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormatFlags
the image format is scalable
scale(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Changes the transformation represented by this Matrix to be the transformation given by first scaling by sx in the X direction and sy in the Y direction then applying the original transformation.
scale(float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Scales this Transform in 2-dimensional space by the given factors.
scale(float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Scales this Snapshot's coordinate system in 2-dimensional space by the given factors.
scale(float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Adds a scaling transformation to this Matrix, using the three given factors.
scale(float, float, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Scales the size and origin of a rectangle horizontaly by sH, and vertically by sV.
scale(float, Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Scales the coordinates of the given graphene_point3d_t by the given factor.
scale(float, Quaternion) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Scales all the elements of a graphene_quaternion_t this Quaternion using the given scalar factor.
scale(float, Size) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Size
Scales the components of a graphene_size_t using the given factor.
scale(float, Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Multiplies all components of the given vector with the given scalar factor.
scale(float, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Multiplies all components of the given vector with the given scalar factor.
scale(float, Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Multiplies all components of the given vector with the given scalar factor.
scale(Pixbuf, int, int, int, int, double, double, double, double, InterpType) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Creates a transformation of the source image this Pixbuf by scaling by scaleX and scaleY then translating by offsetX and offsetY, then renders the rectangle (destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight) of the resulting image onto the destination image replacing the previous contents.
Scale - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkScale is a slider control used to select a numeric value.
Scale(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
Create a Scale proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Scale(Orientation, Adjustment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
Creates a new GtkScale.
SCALE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintCapabilities
Print dialog will allow to scale the output.
SCALE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
font size scale factor (Pango.AttrFloat)
SCALE - Static variable in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
The scale between dimensions used for Pango distances and device units.
SCALE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ContentFit
The content is scaled down to fit the allocation, if needed, otherwise its original size is used.
Scale.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Scale.ScaleClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
scale3d(float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Scales this Transform by the given factors.
scale3d(float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Scales this Snapshot's coordinate system by the given factors.
ScaleButton - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkScaleButton provides a button which pops up a scale widget.
ScaleButton(double, double, double, String[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Creates a GtkScaleButton.
ScaleButton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Create a ScaleButton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ScaleButton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ScaleButton.PopdownCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PopdownCallback callback.
ScaleButton.PopupCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PopupCallback callback.
ScaleButton.ScaleButtonClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ScaleButton.ValueChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ValueChangedCallback callback.
ScaleButtonClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.ScaleButtonClass
Allocate a new ScaleButtonClass.
ScaleButtonClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.ScaleButtonClass
Allocate a new ScaleButtonClass.
ScaleButtonClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.ScaleButtonClass
Create a ScaleButtonClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ScaleClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Scale.ScaleClass
Allocate a new ScaleClass.
ScaleClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Scale.ScaleClass
Allocate a new ScaleClass.
ScaleClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Scale.ScaleClass
Create a ScaleClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ScaleFormatValueFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ScaleFormatValueFunc callback.
scaleGetQuark() - Static method in class
Get the GQuark for the "gst-video-scale" metadata transform operation.
scaleSimple(int, int, InterpType) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Create a new pixbuf containing a copy of src scaled to dest_width x dest_height.
ScalingFilter - Enum Class in org.gnome.gsk
The filters used when scaling texture data.
scanInt(Out<String>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Scanner - Class in org.gnome.glib
GScanner provides a general-purpose lexical scanner.
Scanner() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Allocate a new Scanner.
Scanner(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Allocate a new Scanner.
Scanner(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Create a Scanner proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Scanner(MemorySegment, int, int, String, ScannerConfig, TokenType, TokenValue, int, int, TokenType, TokenValue, int, int, int, String, String, String, int, ScannerMsgFunc) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Allocate a new Scanner with the fields set to the provided values.
Scanner(MemorySegment, int, int, String, ScannerConfig, TokenType, TokenValue, int, int, TokenType, TokenValue, int, int, int, String, String, String, int, ScannerMsgFunc, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Allocate a new Scanner with the fields set to the provided values.
ScannerConfig - Class in org.gnome.glib
Specifies the GScanner parser configuration.
ScannerConfig() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ScannerConfig
Allocate a new ScannerConfig.
ScannerConfig(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ScannerConfig
Allocate a new ScannerConfig.
ScannerConfig(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ScannerConfig
Create a ScannerConfig proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ScannerConfig(String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ScannerConfig
Allocate a new ScannerConfig with the fields set to the provided values.
ScannerConfig(String, String, String, String, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ScannerConfig
Allocate a new ScannerConfig with the fields set to the provided values.
ScannerMsgFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the ScannerMsgFunc callback.
scanPath(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry
Scan the given path for plugins to add to the registry.
scanString(Out<String>, GString) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
scanWord(Out<String>, GString) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
schedulerAdd(SchedulerCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GtkSource
schedulerAddFull(SchedulerCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GtkSource
Adds a new callback that will be executed as time permits on the main thread.
SchedulerCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the SchedulerCallback callback.
schedulerRemove(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GtkSource
scheduling() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new query object for querying the scheduling properties.
SCHEDULING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
probe push and pull
SCHEDULING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
the scheduling properties
SchedulingFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The different scheduling flags.
SCHEME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.URIComponent
the URI scheme component
SCHEME_NORMALIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriFlags
A scheme-based normalization will be applied.
SCIENTIFIC_INFERIORS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
scopeAddSymbol(int, String, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Adds a symbol to the given scope.
scopeForeachSymbol(int, HFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Calls the given function for each of the symbol/value pairs in the given scope of the GScanner.
scopeLookupSymbol(int, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Looks up a symbol in a scope and return its value.
scopeRemoveSymbol(int, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Removes a symbol from a scope.
SCREEN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
source and destination are complemented and multiplied.
SCREEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Multiplies the complements of the destination and source color values, then complements the result.
Script - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for scripts.
Script - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoScript enumeration identifies different writing systems.
SCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.CheckSyntaxMode
mode to check syntax of a script
SCRIPT_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.JavascriptError
An exception was raised in JavaScript execution
SCRIPT_PERCENT_SCALE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
SCRIPT_SCRIPT_PERCENT_SCALE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
scriptDialog(ScriptDialog) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
ScriptDialog - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Carries details to be shown in user-facing dialogs.
ScriptDialog(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialog
Create a ScriptDialog proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ScriptDialogType - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used for determining the type of WebKitScriptDialog
scriptFromIso15924Tag(Tag) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Converts an ISO 15924 script tag to a corresponding hb_script_t.
scriptFromString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Converts a string str representing an ISO 15924 script tag to a corresponding hb_script_t.
scriptGetHorizontalDirection(Script) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the hb_direction_t of a script when it is set horizontally.
ScriptIter - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoScriptIter is used to iterate through a string and identify ranges in different scripts.
ScriptIter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.ScriptIter
Create a ScriptIter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ScriptIter(String, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.ScriptIter
Create a new PangoScriptIter, used to break a string of Unicode text into runs by Unicode script.
ScriptMessageReply - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A reply for a script message received.
ScriptMessageReply(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptMessageReply
Create a ScriptMessageReply proxy instance for the provided memory address.
scriptToIso15924Tag(Script) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Converts an hb_script_t to a corresponding ISO 15924 script tag.
ScriptWorld - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
ScriptWorld() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld
Creates a new isolated WebKitScriptWorld.
ScriptWorld(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld
Create a ScriptWorld proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ScriptWorld.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ScriptWorld.ScriptWorldClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
ScriptWorld.WindowObjectClearedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Functional interface declaration of the WindowObjectClearedCallback callback.
ScriptWorldClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld.ScriptWorldClass
Allocate a new ScriptWorldClass.
ScriptWorldClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld.ScriptWorldClass
Allocate a new ScriptWorldClass.
ScriptWorldClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld.ScriptWorldClass
Create a ScriptWorldClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SCROLL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
the scroll wheel was turned
Scrollable - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
GtkScrollable is an interface for widgets with native scrolling ability.
Scrollable.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Scrollable.ScrollableImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The ScrollableImpl type represents a native instance of the Scrollable interface.
Scrollable.ScrollableInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ScrollableImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable.ScrollableImpl
Creates a new instance of Scrollable for the provided memory address.
ScrollableInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable.ScrollableInterface
Allocate a new ScrollableInterface.
ScrollableInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable.ScrollableInterface
Allocate a new ScrollableInterface.
ScrollableInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable.ScrollableInterface
Create a ScrollableInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ScrollablePolicy - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Defines the policy to be used in a scrollable widget when updating the scrolled window adjustments in a given orientation.
Scrollbar - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkScrollbar widget is a horizontal or vertical scrollbar.
Scrollbar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Scrollbar
Create a Scrollbar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Scrollbar(Orientation, Adjustment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Scrollbar
Creates a new scrollbar with the given orientation.
SCROLLBAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A graphical object that controls the scrolling of content within a viewing area, regardless of whether the content is fully displayed within the viewing area.
SCROLLBAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResultContext
a scrollbar element.
SCROLLBAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResultContext
a scrollbar element.
Scrollbar.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ScrollDirection - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Specifies the direction for scroll events.
ScrolledWindow - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkScrolledWindow is a container that makes its child scrollable.
ScrolledWindow() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Creates a new scrolled window.
ScrolledWindow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Create a ScrolledWindow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ScrolledWindow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ScrolledWindow.EdgeOvershotCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EdgeOvershotCallback callback.
ScrolledWindow.EdgeReachedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EdgeReachedCallback callback.
ScrolledWindow.MoveFocusOutCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MoveFocusOutCallback callback.
ScrolledWindow.ScrollChildCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ScrollChildCallback callback.
ScrollEvent - Class in org.gnome.gdk
An event related to a scrolling motion.
ScrollEvent(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollEvent
Create a ScrollEvent proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ScrollInfo - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkScrollInfo can be used to provide more accurate data on how a scroll operation should be performed.
ScrollInfo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollInfo
Creates a new scroll info for scrolling an element into view.
ScrollInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollInfo
Create a ScrollInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
scrollMarkOnscreen(TextMark) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Scrolls this TextView the minimum distance such that mark is contained within the visible area of the widget.
ScrollStep - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Passed as argument to various keybinding signals.
scrollTo(int, Set<ListScrollFlags>, ScrollInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Scrolls to the item at the given position and performs the actions specified in flags.
scrollTo(int, Set<ListScrollFlags>, ScrollInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Scrolls to the item at the given position and performs the actions specified in flags.
scrollTo(int, ColumnViewColumn, Set<ListScrollFlags>, ScrollInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Scroll to the row at the given position - or cell if a column is given - and performs the actions specified in flags.
scrollTo(int, ColumnViewColumn, ListScrollFlags, ScrollInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Scroll to the row at the given position - or cell if a column is given - and performs the actions specified in flags.
scrollTo(int, ListScrollFlags, ScrollInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Scrolls to the item at the given position and performs the actions specified in flags.
scrollTo(int, ListScrollFlags, ScrollInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Scrolls to the item at the given position and performs the actions specified in flags.
scrollTo(Widget, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Scrolls to widget.
scrollTo(Widget, ScrollInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Viewport
Scrolls a descendant of the viewport into view.
scrollToCell(TreePath, TreeViewColumn, boolean, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
scrollToIter(TextIter, double, boolean, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Scrolls this TextView so that iter is on the screen in the position indicated by xalign and yalign.
scrollToMark(TextMark, double, boolean, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Scrolls this TextView so that mark is on the screen in the position indicated by xalign and yalign.
scrollToPath(TreePath, boolean, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
scrollToPoint(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
scrollToTop() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Scrolls the scrolled window of this PreferencesPage to the top.
ScrollType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Scrolling types.
ScrollUnit - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Specifies the unit of scroll deltas.
SCTP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketProtocol
SCTP over IP
search(MemorySegment, CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Returns an iterator pointing to the position where data would be inserted according to cmpFunc and cmpData.
search(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
Searches desktop files for ones that match searchString.
search(String, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
Looks for searchText associated with this FindController.
search(CompareFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Searches a GTree using searchFunc.
SEARCH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
SEARCH_BOX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A type of textbox intended for specifying search criteria.
SEARCH_PATH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnFlags
argv[0] need not be an absolute path, it will be looked for in the user's PATH.
SEARCH_PATH_FROM_ENVP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessFlags
if path searching is needed when spawning the subprocess, use the PATH in the launcher environment.
SEARCH_PATH_FROM_ENVP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnFlags
if argv[0] is not an absolute path, it will be looked for in the PATH from the passed child environment.
SearchBar - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkSearchBar is a container made to have a search entry.
SearchBar() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar
Creates a GtkSearchBar.
SearchBar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar
Create a SearchBar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SearchBar.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SearchContext - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Search context.
SearchContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
Create a SearchContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SearchContext(Buffer, SearchSettings) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
Creates a new search context, associated with buffer, and customized with settings.
SearchContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SearchContext.SearchContextClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
SearchContextClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext.SearchContextClass
Allocate a new SearchContextClass.
SearchContextClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext.SearchContextClass
Allocate a new SearchContextClass.
SearchContextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext.SearchContextClass
Create a SearchContextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SearchEntry - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkSearchEntry is an entry widget that has been tailored for use as a search entry.
SearchEntry() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Creates a GtkSearchEntry.
SearchEntry(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Create a SearchEntry proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SearchEntry.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
SearchEntry.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SearchEntry.NextMatchCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the NextMatchCallback callback.
SearchEntry.PreviousMatchCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PreviousMatchCallback callback.
SearchEntry.SearchChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SearchChangedCallback callback.
SearchEntry.SearchStartedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SearchStartedCallback callback.
SearchEntry.StopSearchCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the StopSearchCallback callback.
searchFinish() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
Finishes a find operation.
searchIter(MemorySegment, SequenceIterCompareFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Like g_sequence_search(), but uses a GSequenceIterCompareFunc instead of a GCompareDataFunc as the compare function.
SearchMode - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The different search modes.
searchNext() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
Looks for the next occurrence of the search text.
searchNode(CompareFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Searches a GTree using searchFunc.
SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The search path separator character.
SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR_S - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The search path separator as a string.
searchPrevious() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController
Looks for the previous occurrence of the search text.
SearchSettings - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Search settings.
SearchSettings() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
Creates a new search settings object.
SearchSettings(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
Create a SearchSettings proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SearchSettings.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SearchSettings.SearchSettingsClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
SearchSettingsClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings.SearchSettingsClass
Allocate a new SearchSettingsClass.
SearchSettingsClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings.SearchSettingsClass
Allocate a new SearchSettingsClass.
SearchSettingsClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings.SearchSettingsClass
Create a SearchSettingsClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Seat - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The GdkSeat object represents a collection of input devices that belong to a user.
Seat(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Seat
Create a Seat proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Seat.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Seat.DeviceAddedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the DeviceAddedCallback callback.
Seat.DeviceRemovedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the DeviceRemovedCallback callback.
Seat.SeatImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The SeatImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Seat class.
Seat.ToolAddedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the ToolAddedCallback callback.
Seat.ToolRemovedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the ToolRemovedCallback callback.
SeatCapabilities - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Flags describing the seat capabilities.
SeatImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Seat.SeatImpl
Creates a new instance of Seat for the provided memory address.
SECOND - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Constant that defines one GStreamer second.
SECONDARY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Rank
likely to be chosen
SECONDARY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EntryIconPosition
At the end of the entry (depending on the text direction).
section(String, MenuModel) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Creates a new GMenuItem representing a section.
SECTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Abstract role.
SECTION_HEAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Abstract role.
SectionModel<T> - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
GtkSectionModel is an interface that adds support for sections to list models.
SectionModel.SectionModelImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The SectionModelImpl type represents a native instance of the SectionModel interface.
SectionModel.SectionModelInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The list of virtual functions for the GtkSectionModel interface.
SectionModel.SectionsChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SectionsChangedCallback callback.
SectionModelImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SectionModel.SectionModelImpl
Creates a new instance of SectionModel for the provided memory address.
SectionModelInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SectionModel.SectionModelInterface
Allocate a new SectionModelInterface.
SectionModelInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SectionModel.SectionModelInterface
Allocate a new SectionModelInterface.
SectionModelInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SectionModel.SectionModelInterface
Create a SectionModelInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
sectionsChanged(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SectionModel
This function emits the Gtk.SectionModel::sections-changed signal to notify about changes to sections.
SECURITY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageSource
Security messages.
SecurityManager - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Controls security settings in a WebKitWebContext.
SecurityManager(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager
Create a SecurityManager proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SecurityManager.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SecurityManager.SecurityManagerClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
SecurityManagerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager.SecurityManagerClass
Allocate a new SecurityManagerClass.
SecurityManagerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager.SecurityManagerClass
Allocate a new SecurityManagerClass.
SecurityManagerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager.SecurityManagerClass
Create a SecurityManagerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SecurityOrigin - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A security boundary for websites.
SecurityOrigin(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityOrigin
Create a SecurityOrigin proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SecurityOrigin(String, String, short) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityOrigin
Create a new security origin from the provided protocol, host and port.
SEE_OTHER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
303 See Other (HTTP)
seek(double, Format, Set<SeekFlags>, SeekType, long, SeekType, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Sends a seek event to an element.
seek(double, Format, Set<SeekFlags>, SeekType, long, SeekType, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Allocate a new seek event with the given parameters.
seek(double, Format, SeekFlags, SeekType, long, SeekType, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Sends a seek event to an element.
seek(double, Format, SeekFlags, SeekType, long, SeekType, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Allocate a new seek event with the given parameters.
seek(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Start a seek operation on this MediaStream to timestamp.
seek(long, SeekType) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Use g_io_channel_seek_position() instead.
seek(long, SeekType, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Seekable
Seeks in the stream by the given offset, modified by type.
SEEK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
used for seek-related errors.
SEEK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
A request for a new playback position and rate.
SEEK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
used when a seek on the resource fails.
Seekable - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GSeekable is implemented by streams (implementations of InputStream or OutputStream) that support seeking.
SEEKABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SchedulingFlags
if seeking is possible
Seekable.SeekableIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Provides an interface for implementing seekable functionality on I/O Streams.
Seekable.SeekableImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The SeekableImpl type represents a native instance of the Seekable interface.
SeekableIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Seekable.SeekableIface
Allocate a new SeekableIface.
SeekableIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Seekable.SeekableIface
Allocate a new SeekableIface.
SeekableIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Seekable.SeekableIface
Create a SeekableIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SeekableImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Seekable.SeekableImpl
Creates a new instance of Seekable for the provided memory address.
seekFailed() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Ends a seek operation started via as a failure.
SeekFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Flags to be used with gst_element_seek() or gst_event_new_seek().
seeking(Format) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new query object for querying seeking properties of the stream.
SEEKING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
seeking capabilities
seekPosition(long, SeekType) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Replacement for g_io_channel_seek() with the new API.
seekSimple(Format, Set<SeekFlags>, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Simple API to perform a seek on the given element, meaning it just seeks to the given position relative to the start of the stream.
seekSimple(Format, SeekFlags, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Simple API to perform a seek on the given element, meaning it just seeks to the given position relative to the start of the stream.
seekSuccess() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Ends a seek operation started via successfully.
SeekType - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The different types of seek events.
SeekType - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
An enumeration specifying the base position for a g_io_channel_seek_position() operation.
segment(Format) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new segment query object.
segment(Segment) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new SEGMENT event for segment.
Segment - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
This helper structure holds the relevant values for tracking the region of interest in a media file, called a segment.
Segment() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Allocate a new GstSegment structure and initialize it using gst_segment_init().
Segment(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Create a Segment proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SEGMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
A new media segment follows in the dataflow.
SEGMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
segment start/stop positions
SEGMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
perform a segment seek.
SEGMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SegmentFlags
send SEGMENT_DONE instead of EOS
SEGMENT_DONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Marks the end of a segment playback.
SEGMENT_DONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
pipeline completed playback of a segment.
SEGMENT_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
printf format type used to debug GStreamer segments.
SEGMENT_INSTANT_FLAGS - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
SEGMENT_START - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
pipeline started playback of a segment.
segmentDone(GstObject, Format, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new segment done message.
segmentDone(Format, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new segment-done event.
SegmentFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Flags for the GstSegment structure.
SegmentProperties - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
The structure that holds various text properties of an hb_buffer_t.
SegmentProperties() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.SegmentProperties
Allocate a new SegmentProperties.
SegmentProperties(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.SegmentProperties
Allocate a new SegmentProperties.
SegmentProperties(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.SegmentProperties
Create a SegmentProperties proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SegmentProperties(Direction, Script) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.SegmentProperties
Allocate a new SegmentProperties with the fields set to the provided values.
SegmentProperties(Direction, Script, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.SegmentProperties
Allocate a new SegmentProperties with the fields set to the provided values.
segmentPropertiesEqual(SegmentProperties, SegmentProperties) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Checks the equality of two hb_segment_properties_t's.
segmentPropertiesHash(SegmentProperties) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates a hash representing p.
segmentPropertiesOverlay(SegmentProperties, SegmentProperties) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fills in missing fields of p from src in a considered manner.
segmentStart(GstObject, Format, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new segment message.
segtrapIsEnabled() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Some functions in the GStreamer core might install a custom SIGSEGV handler to better catch and report errors to the application.
segtrapSetEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Applications might want to disable/enable the SIGSEGV handling of the GStreamer core.
select(MemorySegment, int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Relation
Rarely used API
SELECT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamFlags
This stream should be selected by default.
SELECT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Abstract role.
SELECT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ListScrollFlags
Select the target item and unselect all other items.
SELECT_ALL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Select all text.
SELECT_ALL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Select all text.
SELECT_FOLDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserAction
Indicates an Open mode for selecting folders.
SELECT_STREAMS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
A request to select one or more streams (Since: 1.10)
selectable() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new query object for querying the stream selection capability.
SELECTABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
Query stream selection capability.
selectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Select all children of this FlowBox, if the selection mode allows it.
selectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
selectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Select all children of this ListBox, if the selection mode allows it.
selectAll() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel
Requests to select all items in the model.
selectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
selectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
selectChild(FlowBoxChild) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Selects a single child of this FlowBox, if the selection mode allows it.
selectCursorParent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
selectCursorRow(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
selectDay(DateTime) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Switches to date's year and month and select its day.
SELECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleState
A “selected” state; set when a widget is selected.
SELECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererState
The cell is currently selected, and probably has a selection colored background to render to.
SELECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Widget is selected
selectedForeach(FlowBoxForeachFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Calls a function for each selected child.
selectedForeach(IconViewForeachFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
selectedForeach(ListBoxForeachFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Calls a function for each selected child.
selectedForeach(TreeSelectionForeachFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
selectedSamples(ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime, Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
Subclasses should call this when they have prepared the buffers they will aggregate for each of their sink pads, but before using any of the properties of the pads that govern how aggregation should be performed, for example z-index for video aggregators.
selectFiles(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FileChooserRequest
Ask WebKit to select local files for upload and complete the request.
selectFolder(Window, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
This function initiates a directory selection operation by presenting a file chooser dialog to the user.
selectFolderFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
SELECTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintPages
Selected pages.
SELECTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResultContext
a selected element.
SELECTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResultContext
a selected element.
selectionChanged(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel
Helper function for implementations of GtkSelectionModel.
SelectionFilterModel<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkSelectionFilterModel is a list model that presents the selection from a GtkSelectionModel.
SelectionFilterModel() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionFilterModel
SelectionFilterModel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionFilterModel
Create a SelectionFilterModel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SelectionFilterModel(SelectionModel) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionFilterModel
Creates a new GtkSelectionFilterModel that will include the selected items from the underlying selection model.
SelectionFilterModel.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SelectionFilterModel.SelectionFilterModelClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
SelectionFilterModelClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionFilterModel.SelectionFilterModelClass
Allocate a new SelectionFilterModelClass.
SelectionFilterModelClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionFilterModel.SelectionFilterModelClass
Allocate a new SelectionFilterModelClass.
SelectionFilterModelClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionFilterModel.SelectionFilterModelClass
Create a SelectionFilterModelClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SelectionMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Used to control what selections users are allowed to make.
SelectionModel<T> - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
GtkSelectionModel is an interface that add support for selection to list models.
SelectionModel.SelectionChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SelectionChangedCallback callback.
SelectionModel.SelectionModelImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The SelectionModelImpl type represents a native instance of the SelectionModel interface.
SelectionModel.SelectionModelInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The list of virtual functions for the GtkSelectionModel interface.
SelectionModelImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel.SelectionModelImpl
Creates a new instance of SelectionModel for the provided memory address.
SelectionModelInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel.SelectionModelInterface
Allocate a new SelectionModelInterface.
SelectionModelInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel.SelectionModelInterface
Allocate a new SelectionModelInterface.
SelectionModelInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel.SelectionModelInterface
Create a SelectionModelInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
selectItem(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu
Selects the WebKitOptionMenuItem at index in this OptionMenu.
selectItem(int, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel
Requests to select an item in the model.
selectIter(TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
selectMultipleFolders(Window, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
This function initiates a multi-directory selection operation by presenting a file chooser dialog to the user.
selectMultipleFoldersFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
selectNextPage() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Selects the page after the currently selected page.
selectPath(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
selectPath(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
selectPreviousPage() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Selects the page before the currently selected page.
selectRange(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel
Requests to select a range of items in the model.
selectRange(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
This function moves the “insert” and “selection_bound” marks simultaneously.
selectRange(TreePath, TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
selectRegion(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Selects a region of text.
selectRegion(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Selects a range of characters in the label, if the label is selectable.
selectRow(ListBoxRow) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Make row the currently selected row.
selectStreams(List<String>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Allocate a new select-streams event.
self() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
This function returns the GThread corresponding to the current thread.
SELINUX_SECURITY_CONTEXT_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Asked for SELinux security context and it wasn't available.
SEMI_CONDENSED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Stretch
semi condensed width
SEMI_EXPANDED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Stretch
semi expanded width
SEMIBOLD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Weight
the semibold weight (= 600)
SEMILIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Weight
the semilight weight (= 350) Since: 1.36.7
send(byte[], Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Tries to send size bytes from buffer on the socket.
send(PrintJobCompleteFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Sends the print job off to the printer.
send(Message, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Synchronously sends msg and waits for the beginning of a response.
SEND_ENVIRONMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationFlags
Send the environment of the launching process to the primary instance.
SEND_MOVED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorFlags
Pair DELETED and CREATED events caused by file renames (moves) and send a single G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_MOVED event instead (NB: not supported on all backends; the default behaviour -without specifying this flag- is to send single DELETED and CREATED events).
sendAndRead(Message, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Synchronously sends msg and reads the response body.
sendAndReadAsync(Message, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Asynchronously sends msg and reads the response body.
sendAndReadFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
sendAndSplice(Message, OutputStream, Set<OutputStreamSpliceFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Synchronously sends msg and splices the response body stream into outStream.
sendAndSplice(Message, OutputStream, OutputStreamSpliceFlags, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Synchronously sends msg and splices the response body stream into outStream.
sendAndSpliceAsync(Message, OutputStream, Set<OutputStreamSpliceFlags>, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Asynchronously sends msg and splices the response body stream into outStream.
sendAndSpliceAsync(Message, OutputStream, OutputStreamSpliceFlags, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Asynchronously sends msg and splices the response body stream into outStream.
sendAndSpliceFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
sendAsync(Message, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Asynchronously sends msg and waits for the beginning of a response.
sendBinary(byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Send a binary message to the peer.
sendCommand(NavigationCommand) - Method in interface
Sends the indicated command to the navigation interface.
sendCredentials(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection
Passes the credentials of the current user the receiving side of the connection.
sendCredentialsAsync(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection
Asynchronously send credentials.
sendCredentialsFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection
Finishes an asynchronous send credentials operation started with g_unix_connection_send_credentials_async().
SENDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageHeaderField
Unique name of the sender of the message (filled in by the bus).
sendEvent(Event) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Sends an event to an element.
sendEvent(Event) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Sends the event to the pad.
sendEvent(Structure) - Method in interface
sendEventSimple(Event) - Method in interface
Sends an event to the navigation interface.
sendFd(int, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection
Passes a file descriptor to the receiving side of the connection.
sendFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
SENDING_DATA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintStatus
The print job is being sent off to the printer.
sendKeyEvent(String, String) - Method in interface
sendMessage(SocketAddress, OutputVector[], SocketControlMessage[], int, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Send data to address on this Socket.
sendMessage(DBusMessage, Set<DBusSendMessageFlags>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Asynchronously sends message to the peer represented by this DBusConnection.
sendMessage(DBusMessage, DBusSendMessageFlags, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Asynchronously sends message to the peer represented by this DBusConnection.
sendMessage(WebsocketDataType, Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Send a message of the given type to the peer.
sendMessages(OutputMessage[], int, long, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DatagramBased
Send one or more data messages from this DatagramBased in one go.
sendMessages(OutputMessage[], int, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Send multiple data messages from this Socket in one go.
sendMessageToAllExtensions(UserMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Send message to all web process extensions associated to this WebContext.
sendMessageToContext(UserMessage, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension
Send message to the WebKitWebContext corresponding to this WebProcessExtension.
sendMessageToContextFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_process_extension_send_message_to_context().
sendMessageToPage(UserMessage, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Send message to the WebKitWebPage corresponding to this WebView.
sendMessageToPageFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_view_send_message_to_page().
sendMessageToView(UserMessage, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
Send message to the WebKitWebView corresponding to this WebPage.
sendMessageToViewFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_page_send_message_to_view().
sendMessageWithReply(DBusMessage, Set<DBusSendMessageFlags>, int, Out<Integer>, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Asynchronously sends message to the peer represented by this DBusConnection.
sendMessageWithReply(DBusMessage, DBusSendMessageFlags, int, Out<Integer>, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Asynchronously sends message to the peer represented by this DBusConnection.
sendMessageWithReplyFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Finishes an operation started with g_dbus_connection_send_message_with_reply().
sendMessageWithReplySync(DBusMessage, Set<DBusSendMessageFlags>, int, Out<Integer>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Synchronously sends message to the peer represented by this DBusConnection and blocks the calling thread until a reply is received or the timeout is reached.
sendMessageWithReplySync(DBusMessage, DBusSendMessageFlags, int, Out<Integer>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Synchronously sends message to the peer represented by this DBusConnection and blocks the calling thread until a reply is received or the timeout is reached.
sendMessageWithTimeout(SocketAddress, OutputVector[], SocketControlMessage[], int, long, Out<Long>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
This behaves exactly the same as g_socket_send_message(), except that the choice of timeout behavior is determined by the timeoutUs argument rather than by this Socket's properties.
sendMouseEvent(String, int, double, double) - Method in interface
Sends a mouse event to the navigation interface.
sendMouseScrollEvent(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface
Sends a mouse scroll event to the navigation interface.
sendNotification(String, Notification) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Sends a notification on behalf of this Application to the desktop shell.
sendReply(UserMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage
Send a reply to an user message.
sendReply(UserMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage
Send a reply to an user message.
sendSignal(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Sends the UNIX signal signalNum to the subprocess, if it is still running.
sendText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Send a null-terminated text (UTF-8) message to the peer.
sendTo(SocketAddress, byte[], Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Tries to send size bytes from buffer to address.
sendToMainloop(SourceFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOSchedulerJob
Use g_main_context_invoke().
sendToMainloopAsync(SourceFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOSchedulerJob
Use g_main_context_invoke().
sendWithBlocking(byte[], boolean, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
This behaves exactly the same as g_socket_send(), except that the choice of blocking or non-blocking behavior is determined by the blocking argument rather than by this Socket's properties.
SensitivityType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Determines how GTK handles the sensitivity of various controls, such as combo box buttons.
SENTENCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextGranularity
Use the boundary between sentences, starting from the beginning of the current sentence and ending at the beginning of the next sentence
SENTENCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
override segmentation to classify the range of the attribute as a single sentence (Pango.AttrInt).
SEPARATED - Enum constant in enum class
Multiple views are provided as separate GstMemory framebuffers attached to each GstBuffer, described by the GstVideoMultiviewMeta and GstVideoMeta(s)
separator() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem
Creates a new WebKitContextMenuItem representing a separator.
separator() - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem
Creates a new WebKitContextMenuItem representing a separator.
Separator - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkSeparator is a horizontal or vertical separator widget.
Separator(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Separator
Create a Separator proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Separator(Orientation) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Separator
Creates a new GtkSeparator with the given orientation.
SEPARATOR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A divider that separates and distinguishes sections of content or groups of menuitems.
Separator.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SEPTEMBER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateMonth
SEQNUM_INVALID - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
A value which is guaranteed to never be returned by gst_util_seqnum_next().
SEQPACKET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketType
Reliable connection-based passing of datagrams of fixed maximum length (e.g.
Sequence - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GSequence struct is an opaque data type representing a [sequence][glib-Sequences] data type.
Sequence(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Create a Sequence proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SequenceIter - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GSequenceIter struct is an opaque data type representing an iterator pointing into a GSequence.
SequenceIter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.SequenceIter
Create a SequenceIter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SequenceIterCompareFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the SequenceIterCompareFunc callback.
SEQUENTIAL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SchedulingFlags
if sequential access is recommended
SerializationError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gsk
Errors that can happen during (de)serialization.
serialize() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Icon
Serializes a GIcon into a GVariant.
serialize() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNode
Serializes the this RenderNode for later deserialization via gsk_render_node_deserialize().
serialize() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Font
Serializes the this Font in a way that can be uniquely identified.
serialize() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebViewSessionState
Serializes a WebKitWebViewSessionState.
serialize(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage
Converts the data in the message to bytes placed in the message.
serialize(Set<SerializeFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Converts this Caps to a string representation.
serialize(Set<SerializeFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Use gst_structure_serialize_full() instead.
serialize(Set<LayoutSerializeFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
serialize(ByteArrayInterface) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Serialize this Meta into a format that can be stored or transmitted and later deserialized by gst_meta_deserialize().
serialize(SerializeFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Converts this Caps to a string representation.
serialize(SerializeFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Use gst_structure_serialize_full() instead.
serialize(LayoutSerializeFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
SERIALIZED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventTypeFlags
Set if the event should be serialized with data flow.
SERIALIZED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryTypeFlags
Set if the query should be serialized with data flow.
SerializeFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
serializeFull(Set<SerializeFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Alias for gst_structure_serialize() but with nullable annotation because it can return null when SerializeFlags.STRICT flag is set.
serializeFull(SerializeFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Alias for gst_structure_serialize() but with nullable annotation because it can return null when SerializeFlags.STRICT flag is set.
serializeSimple(byte[]) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Same as gst_meta_serialize() but with a GByteArray instead of GstByteArrayInterface.
Server - Class in org.gnome.soup
A HTTP server.
Server(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Server
Create a Server proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Server(String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Server
Creates a new SoupServer.
SERVER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.Win32OSType
The running system is a server edition of Windows, such as Windows Server 2008 R2.
SERVER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnectionType
a server-side connection
SERVER_END_POINT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingType
SERVER_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketCloseCode
the server is closing the connection because it was unable to fulfill the request.
SERVER_TRUST_EVALUATION_REQUESTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationScheme
Server Trust Authentication.
Server.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Server.RequestAbortedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the RequestAbortedCallback callback.
Server.RequestFinishedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the RequestFinishedCallback callback.
Server.RequestReadCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the RequestReadCallback callback.
Server.RequestStartedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the RequestStartedCallback callback.
Server.ServerClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
ServerCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the ServerCallback callback.
ServerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Server.ServerClass
Allocate a new ServerClass.
ServerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Server.ServerClass
Allocate a new ServerClass.
ServerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Server.ServerClass
Create a ServerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ServerListenOptions - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
ServerMessage - Class in org.gnome.soup
An HTTP server request and response pair.
ServerMessage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Create a ServerMessage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ServerMessage.AcceptCertificateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the AcceptCertificateCallback callback.
ServerMessage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ServerMessage.ConnectedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the ConnectedCallback callback.
ServerMessage.DisconnectedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the DisconnectedCallback callback.
ServerMessage.FinishedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the FinishedCallback callback.
ServerMessage.GotBodyCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the GotBodyCallback callback.
ServerMessage.GotChunkCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the GotChunkCallback callback.
ServerMessage.GotHeadersCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the GotHeadersCallback callback.
ServerMessage.ServerMessageClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
ServerMessage.WroteBodyCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the WroteBodyCallback callback.
ServerMessage.WroteBodyDataCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the WroteBodyDataCallback callback.
ServerMessage.WroteChunkCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the WroteChunkCallback callback.
ServerMessage.WroteHeadersCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the WroteHeadersCallback callback.
ServerMessage.WroteInformationalCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the WroteInformationalCallback callback.
ServerMessageClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.ServerMessageClass
Allocate a new ServerMessageClass.
ServerMessageClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.ServerMessageClass
Allocate a new ServerMessageClass.
ServerMessageClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.ServerMessageClass
Create a ServerMessageClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ServerWebsocketCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the ServerWebsocketCallback callback.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
503 Service Unavailable (HTTP)
SERVICE_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
The bus doesn't know how to launch a service to supply the bus name you wanted.
SERVICE_WORKER_REGISTRATIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
Service worker registrations.
Session - Class in org.gnome.soup
Soup session state object.
Session() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Session
Creates a SoupSession with the default options.
Session(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Session
Create a Session proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SESSION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusType
The login session message bus.
SESSION_STORAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
Session storage data.
Session.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Session.RequestQueuedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the RequestQueuedCallback callback.
Session.RequestUnqueuedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the RequestUnqueuedCallback callback.
Session.SessionClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
SessionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Session.SessionClass
Allocate a new SessionClass.
SessionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Session.SessionClass
Allocate a new SessionClass.
SessionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Session.SessionClass
Create a SessionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SessionError - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
A SoupSession error.
SessionFeature - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Interface for miscellaneous Session features.
SessionFeature.SessionFeatureImpl - Class in org.gnome.soup
The SessionFeatureImpl type represents a native instance of the SessionFeature interface.
SessionFeature.SessionFeatureInterface - Class in org.gnome.soup
The interface implemented by SessionFeatures.
SessionFeatureImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.SessionFeature.SessionFeatureImpl
Creates a new instance of SessionFeature for the provided memory address.
SessionFeatureInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.SessionFeature.SessionFeatureInterface
Create a SessionFeatureInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
sessionPolicy(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSPolicy
Creates a new session SoupHSTSPolicy with the given attributes.
set(int, E) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
set(int, CoverageLevel) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Coverage
Modify a particular index within this Coverage
set(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Private
Sets the thread local variable this Private to have the value value in the current thread.
set(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Associates value with key.
set(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy
Sets properties of the parent object and its children.
set(String, Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Parses the variable arguments and sets fields accordingly.
set(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Sets properties on an object.
set(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Sets key in this Settings to value.
set(SequenceIter, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Changes the data for the item pointed to by iter to be data.
set(Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Sets the this Clipboard to contain the given value.
set(TreeIter, int[], Value[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Use list models
set(TreeIter, int[], Value[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
set(T) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Out
Set the parameter to the provided value.
set(T) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.WeakRef
Change the object to which this WeakRef points, or set it to null.
Set - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for holding a set of integers.
Set(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Set
Create a Set proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SET - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorStartTimeSelection
Start at the running time selected by the start-time property.
SET - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekType
absolute position is requested
SET - Enum constant in enum class
SET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeStatus
Attribute value is set.
SET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBindFlags
Update the setting when the GObject property changes.
SET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SeekType
the start of the file.
SET_MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOFlags
the mask of the flags that the user can modify with g_io_channel_set_flags()
SET_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Defines the number of items in the current set of listitems or treeitems.
setAbsoluteSize(double) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Sets the size field of a font description, in device units.
setAbstract(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress.Builder
setAccelerator(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutLabel.Builder
The accelerator that self displays.
setAccelerator(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutLabel
Sets the accelerator to be displayed by this ShortcutLabel.
setAccelerator(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut.Builder
The accelerator(s) represented by this object.
setAccelKey(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel.Builder
The keyval of the accelerator.
setAccelMode(CellRendererAccelMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel.Builder
Determines if the edited accelerators are GTK accelerators.
setAccelMods(Set<ModifierType>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel.Builder
The modifier mask of the accelerator.
setAccelMods(ModifierType...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel.Builder
The modifier mask of the accelerator.
setAccelsForAction(String, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Sets zero or more keyboard accelerators that will trigger the given action.
setAccelSizeGroup(SizeGroup) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsGroup.Builder
The size group for the accelerator portion of shortcuts in this group.
setAccelSizeGroup(SizeGroup) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut.Builder
The size group for the accelerator portion of this shortcut.
setAcceptCapsResult(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Set result as the result for the this Query.
setAcceptLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserNative
Use FileDialog instead
setAcceptLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Sets the label shown on the file chooser's accept button.
setAcceptLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserNative.Builder
The text used for the label on the accept button in the dialog, or null to use the default text.
setAcceptLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog.Builder
Label for the file chooser's accept button.
setAcceptLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog.Builder
A label that may be shown on the accept button of a print dialog that is presented by PrintDialog.setup(org.gnome.gtk.Window, org.gnome.gio.Cancellable, org.gnome.gio.AsyncReadyCallback).
setAcceptLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
Sets the label that will be shown on the accept button of the print dialog shown for PrintDialog.setup(org.gnome.gtk.Window, org.gnome.gio.Cancellable, org.gnome.gio.AsyncReadyCallback).
setAcceptLanguage(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.Builder
If non-null, the value to use for the "Accept-Language" header on Messages sent from this session.
setAcceptLanguage(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Set the value to use for the "Accept-Language" header on Messages sent from this Session.
setAcceptLanguageAuto(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.Builder
If true, SoupSession will automatically set the string for the "Accept-Language" header on every Message sent, based on the return value of GLib.getLanguageNames().
setAcceptLanguageAuto(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Set whether this Session will automatically set the "Accept-Language" header on requests using a value generated from system languages based on GLib.getLanguageNames().
setAcceptPolicy(CookieJarAcceptPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar.Builder
The policy the jar should follow to accept or reject cookies.
setAcceptPolicy(CookieJarAcceptPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Sets policy as the cookie acceptance policy for this CookieJar.
setAcceptPolicy(CookieAcceptPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Set the cookie acceptance policy of this CookieManager as policy.
setAcceptsPdf(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer.Builder
true if this printer can accept PDF.
setAcceptsPs(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer.Builder
true if this printer can accept PostScript.
setAcceptsTab(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Whether Tab will result in a tab character being entered.
setAcceptsTab(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets the behavior of the text widget when the Tab key is pressed.
setAcceptUnpairedRelease(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.Builder
Whether to accept unpaired release events.
setAcceptUnpairedRelease(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.Builder
Whether to accept unpaired release events.
setAccessDateTime(DateTime) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_ACCESS and G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_ACCESS_USEC attributes in the file info to the given date/time value.
setAccessible(Accessible) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ATContext.Builder
The GtkAccessible that created the GtkATContext instance.
setAccessibleDescription(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow.Builder
The accessible description to set on the row.
setAccessibleDescription(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow
Sets the accessible description for the row, which may be used by e.g.
setAccessibleDescription(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem.Builder
The accessible description to set on the list item.
setAccessibleDescription(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Sets the accessible description for the list item, which may be used by e.g.
setAccessibleLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow.Builder
The accessible label to set on the row.
setAccessibleLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow
Sets the accessible label for the row, which may be used by e.g.
setAccessibleLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem.Builder
The accessible label to set on the list item.
setAccessibleLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Sets the accessible label for the list item, which may be used by e.g.
setAccessibleParent(Accessible, Accessible) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible
Sets the parent and sibling of an accessible object.
setAccessibleRole(AccessibleRole) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible.Builder
The accessible role of the given GtkAccessible implementation.
setAccessibleRole(AccessibleRole) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ATContext.Builder
The accessible role used by the AT context.
setAccessibleRole(AccessibleRole) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Sets the accessible role used by the given GtkWidget class.
setAccumulate(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Sets or clears the accumulate flag on this MessageBody.
setAccumulativeMargin(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the margins accumulate or override each other.
setAction(ShortcutAction) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut
Sets the new action for this Shortcut to be action.
setAction(FileChooserAction) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser.Builder
setAction(FileChooserAction) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
setAction(PadActionType, int, int, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadController
Adds an individual action to this PadController.
setAction(ShortcutAction) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut.Builder
The action that gets activated by this shortcut.
setActionAndTarget(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Sets or unsets the "action" and "target" attributes of this MenuItem.
setActionAndTargetValue(String, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Sets or unsets the "action" and "target" attributes of this MenuItem.
setActionEntries(PadActionEntry[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadController
A convenience function to add a group of action entries on this PadController.
setActionGroup(ActionGroup) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Use the GActionMap interface instead. Never ever mix use of this API with use of GActionMap on the same this Application or things will go very badly wrong. This function is known to introduce buggy behaviour (ie: signals not emitted on changes to the action group), so you should really use GActionMap instead.
setActionGroup(ActionGroup) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.Builder
setActionGroup(ActionGroup) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadController.Builder
The action group of the controller.
setActionName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Sets the name of the associated action.
setActionName(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Actionable
Specifies the name of the action with which this widget should be associated.
setActionName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast.Builder
The name of the associated action.
setActionName(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Actionable.Builder
The name of the action with which this widget should be associated.
setActionName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NamedAction.Builder
The name of the action to activate.
setActionName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut.Builder
A detailed action name.
setActions(Set<DragAction>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag.Builder
The possible actions of this drag.
setActions(Set<DragAction>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop.Builder
The possible actions for this drop
setActions(Set<DragAction>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.Builder
The actions that are supported by drag operations from the source.
setActions(Set<DragAction>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Sets the actions on the GtkDragSource.
setActions(Set<DragAction>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.Builder
The GdkDragActions that this drop target supports.
setActions(Set<DragAction>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Sets the actions that this drop target supports.
setActions(Set<DragAction>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.Builder
The GdkDragActions that this drop target supports.
setActions(Set<DragAction>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Sets the actions that this drop target supports.
setActions(DragAction...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag.Builder
The possible actions of this drag.
setActions(DragAction...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop.Builder
The possible actions for this drop
setActions(DragAction...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.Builder
The actions that are supported by drag operations from the source.
setActions(DragAction...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Sets the actions on the GtkDragSource.
setActions(DragAction...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.Builder
The GdkDragActions that this drop target supports.
setActions(DragAction...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Sets the actions that this drop target supports.
setActions(DragAction...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.Builder
The GdkDragActions that this drop target supports.
setActions(DragAction...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Sets the actions that this drop target supports.
setActionTarget(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Sets the parameter for action invocations.
setActionTarget(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Actionable
Sets the target of an actionable widget.
setActionTarget(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast.Builder
The parameter for action invocations.
setActionTarget(Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Actionable.Builder
The target value of the actionable widget's action.
setActionTargetValue(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Sets the parameter for action invocations.
setActionTargetValue(Variant) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Actionable
Sets the target value of an actionable widget.
setActionWidget(Widget, PackType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Sets widget as one of the action widgets.
setActivatable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle.Builder
setActivatable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle
setActivatable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow.Builder
If the row can be activated by the user.
setActivatable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow
Sets this ColumnViewRow to be activatable.
setActivatable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow.Builder
Determines whether the ::row-activated signal will be emitted for this row.
setActivatable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
Set whether the row is activatable.
setActivatable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem.Builder
If the item can be activated by the user.
setActivatable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Sets this ListItem to be activatable.
setActivatableWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Sets the widget to activate when this ActionRow is activated.
setActivatableWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow.Builder
The widget to activate when the row is activated.
setActivateFunctionFull(PadActivateFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Sets the given activate function for this Pad.
setActivatemodeFunctionFull(PadActivateModeFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Sets the given activate_mode function for the pad.
setActivateOnSingleClick(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.Builder
Determines whether children can be activated with a single click, or require a double-click.
setActivateOnSingleClick(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
If single is true, children will be activated when you click on them, otherwise you need to double-click.
setActivateOnSingleClick(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The activate-on-single-click property specifies whether the "item-activated" signal will be emitted after a single click.
setActivateOnSingleClick(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setActivateOnSingleClick(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.Builder
Determines whether children can be activated with a single click, or require a double-click.
setActivateOnSingleClick(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
If single is true, rows will be activated when you click on them, otherwise you need to double-click.
setActivateOnSingleClick(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
The activate-on-single-click property specifies whether the "row-activated" signal will be emitted after a single click.
setActivateOnSingleClick(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setActivatesDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.Builder
Whether activating the embedded entry can activate the default widget.
setActivatesDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Sets whether activating the embedded entry can activate the default widget.
setActivatesDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Whether to activate the default widget when Enter is pressed.
setActivatesDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets whether pressing Enter in the this Entry will activate the default widget for the window containing the entry.
setActivatesDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry.Builder
Whether to activate the default widget when Enter is pressed.
setActivatesDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.Builder
Whether to activate the default widget when Enter is pressed.
setActivatesDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.Builder
Whether to activate the default widget when the spin button is activated.
setActivatesDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Sets whether activating the spin button will activate the default widget for the window containing the spin button.
setActivatesDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Whether to activate the default widget when Enter is pressed.
setActivatesDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
If activates is true, pressing Enter will activate the default widget for the window containing this Text.
setActivateSignal(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Sets the GtkWidgetClass.activate_signal field with the given signalId.
setActivateSignalFromName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Sets the GtkWidgetClass.activate_signal field with the signal id for the given signalName.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Controls the active state of this BufferPool.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Activates or deactivates the given pad.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwitchRow.Builder
Whether the switch row is in the "on" or "off" position.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwitchRow
Sets whether this SwitchRow is in its "on" or "off" position
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketService.Builder
Whether the service is currently accepting connections.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpinner.Builder
Whether the spinner is active (ie.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle.Builder
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.Builder
If the check button is active.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Changes the check buttons active state.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.Builder
Whether the menu button is active.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Sets whether the menu button is active.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Switch.Builder
Whether the GtkSwitch widget is in its on or off state.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Switch
Changes the state of this Switch to the desired one.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton.Builder
If the toggle button should be pressed in.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton
Sets the status of the toggle button.
setActive(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
The item which is currently active.
setActive(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
setActiveCustomItem(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setActiveId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
setActiveId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
The value of the ID column of the active row.
setActiveIter(TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
setAdd(Set, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Adds codepoint to set.
setAdded(String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Use g_bookmark_file_set_added_date_time() instead, as time_t is deprecated due to the year 2038 problem.
setAddedDateTime(String, DateTime) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Sets the time the bookmark for uri was added into this BookmarkFile.
setAddRange(Set, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Adds all of the elements from first to last (inclusive) to set.
setAddress(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection.Builder
A D-Bus address specifying potential endpoints that can be used when establishing the connection.
setAddress(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer.Builder
The D-Bus address to listen on.
setAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask.Builder
The base address.
setAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress.Builder
The address.
setAddressType(UnixSocketAddressType) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress.Builder
The type of Unix socket address.
setAddSortedArray(Set, Codepoint[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Adds numCodepoints codepoints to a set at once.
setAdjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Sets the adjustment that holds the value for the spin row.
setAdjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Sets the adjustment (if any) that the widget uses to for vertical scrolling.
setAdjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scrollbar
Makes the scrollbar use the given adjustment.
setAdjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.Builder
The adjustment that holds the value of the spin row.
setAdjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpin.Builder
The adjustment that holds the value of the spinbutton.
setAdjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range.Builder
The adjustment that is controlled by the range.
setAdjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Sets the adjustment to be used as the “model” object for the GtkRange
setAdjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.Builder
The GtkAdjustment that is used as the model.
setAdjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Sets the GtkAdjustment to be used as a model for the GtkScaleButton’s scale.
setAdjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scrollbar.Builder
The GtkAdjustment controlled by this scrollbar.
setAdjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.Builder
The adjustment that holds the value of the spin button.
setAdjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Replaces the GtkAdjustment associated with this SpinButton.
setAdvertisedProtocols(String[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Sets the list of application-layer protocols to advertise that the caller is willing to speak on this connection.
setAdvertisedProtocols(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Sets the list of application-layer protocols to advertise that the caller is willing to speak on this connection.
setAdvertisedProtocols(String[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.Builder
The list of application-layer protocols that the connection advertises that it is willing to speak.
setAdvertisedProtocols(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.Builder
The list of application-layer protocols that the connection advertises that it is willing to speak.
setAlign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.Builder
Horizontal alignment of the bottom sheet.
setAlign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Sets horizontal alignment of the bottom sheet.
setAlignment(float) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Sets the alignment for the contents of the editable.
setAlignment(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets the alignment for the contents of the entry.
setAlignment(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
setAlignment(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setAlignment(float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
setAlignment(VideoAlignment) - Method in class
Set the alignment of this VideoMeta to alignment.
setAlignment(Alignment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
Specifies how to align the lines of text with respect to each other.
setAlignment(Alignment) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets the alignment for the layout: how partial lines are positioned within the horizontal space available.
setAlignmentMode(GutterRendererAlignmentMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.Builder
The alignment mode of the renderer.
setAlignmentMode(GutterRendererAlignmentMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Set the alignment mode.
setAlignmentThreshold(long) - Method in class
setAlignmentThreshold(long) - Method in class
setAlignmentThreshold(ClockTime) - Method in class
Controls the sink's alignment threshold.
setAlignmentThreshold(ClockTime) - Method in class
Sets alignmentTreshold as new alignment threshold for the following processing.
setAlignSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setAllocationCaps(Caps) - Method in class
Sets a caps in allocation query which are different from the set pad's caps.
setAllocationCaps(Caps) - Method in class
Sets a caps in allocation query which are different from the set pad's caps.
setAllocationSuccessful(Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether memory allocation for a set was successful.
setAllowAsync(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
Determines whether the print operation may run asynchronously or not.
setAllowAsync(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Sets whether gtk_print_operation_run() may return before the print operation is completed.
setAllowBreaks(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether breaks are allowed.
setAllowBreaksSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the allow-breaks property is set.
setAllowDynamicOutput(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Sets whether the format that has been negotiated in at some point can be renegotiated later during the encoding.
setAllowedApis(Set<GLAPI>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext.Builder
The allowed APIs.
setAllowedApis(Set<GLAPI>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Sets the allowed APIs.
setAllowedApis(Set<GLAPI>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.Builder
The allowed APIs.
setAllowedApis(Set<GLAPI>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Sets the allowed APIs to create a context with.
setAllowedApis(GLAPI...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext.Builder
The allowed APIs.
setAllowedApis(GLAPI...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Sets the allowed APIs.
setAllowedApis(GLAPI...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.Builder
The allowed APIs.
setAllowedApis(GLAPI...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Sets the allowed APIs to create a context with.
setAllowedBackends(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Sets a list of backends that GDK should try to use.
setAllowFileAccessFromFileUrls(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Whether file access is allowed from file URLs.
setAllowFileAccessFromFileUrls(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:allow-file-access-from-file-urls property.
setAllowLongSwipes(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel.Builder
Whether to allow swiping for more than one page at a time.
setAllowLongSwipes(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Sets whether to allow swiping for more than one page at a time.
setAllowLongSwipes(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.Builder
Whether to allow swiping for more than one snap point at a time.
setAllowLongSwipes(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Sets whether to allow swiping for more than one snap point at a time.
setAllowModalDialogs(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Determine whether it's allowed to create and run modal dialogs from a WebKitWebView through JavaScript with <function>window.showModalDialog</function>.
setAllowModalDialogs(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:allow-modal-dialogs property.
setAllowMouseDrag(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel.Builder
Sets whether the AdwCarousel can be dragged with mouse pointer.
setAllowMouseDrag(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Sets whether this Carousel can be dragged with mouse pointer.
setAllowMouseDrag(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.Builder
Whether to allow dragging with mouse pointer.
setAllowMouseDrag(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Sets whether this SwipeTracker can be dragged with mouse pointer.
setAllowNone(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer.Builder
setAllowNone(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
setAllowOverwrite(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download.Builder
Whether or not the download is allowed to overwrite an existing file on disk.
setAllowOverwrite(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Sets the WebKitDownload:allow-overwrite property.
setAllowScrollWheel(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel.Builder
Whether the widget will respond to scroll wheel events.
setAllowScrollWheel(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Sets whether this Carousel will respond to scroll wheel events.
setAllowTopNavigationToDataUrls(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Whether or not the top frame is allowed to navigate to data URLs.
setAllowTopNavigationToDataUrls(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:allow-top-navigation-to-data-urls property.
setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileUrls(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Whether or not JavaScript running in the context of a file scheme URL should be allowed to access content from any origin.
setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileUrls(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:allow-universal-access-from-file-urls property.
setAllowWindowHandle(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.Builder
Whether to allow touchscreen swiping from GtkWindowHandle.
setAllowWindowHandle(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Sets whether to allow touchscreen swiping from GtkWindowHandle.
setAlpha(RenderPart, short) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Sets the alpha for part of the rendering.
setAlternate(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation.Builder
Whether the animation changes direction on every iteration.
setAlternate(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Sets whether this TimedAnimation changes direction on every iteration.
setAlternativeText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Sets an alternative textual description for the picture contents.
setAlternativeText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture.Builder
The alternative textual description for the picture.
setAltitude(double) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPosition
Set the this GeolocationPosition altitude.
setAltitudeAccuracy(double) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPosition
Set the accuracy of this GeolocationPosition altitude.
setAlwaysAsk(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher.Builder
Whether to ask the user to choose an app for opening the file.
setAlwaysAsk(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher
Sets whether to awlays ask the user to choose an app for opening the file.
setAlwaysShowArrow(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.Builder
Whether to show a dropdown arrow even when using an icon or a custom child.
setAlwaysShowArrow(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Sets whether to show a dropdown arrow even when using an icon or a custom child.
setAnchor() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
The class handler for the GtkTextView::set-anchor keybinding signal.
setAnchorHints(Set<AnchorHints>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Set new anchor hints.
setAnchorHints(AnchorHints...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Set new anchor hints.
setAnchorRect(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Set the anchor rectangle.
setAnchors(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsFileDatabase.Builder
The path to a file containing PEM encoded certificate authority root anchors.
setAnimateTransitions(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.Builder
Whether to animate page transitions.
setAnimateTransitions(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Sets whether this NavigationView should animate page transitions.
setAnonymous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.Builder
Whether to use an anonymous user when authenticating.
setAnonymous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Sets the mount operation to use an anonymous user if anonymous is true.
setAppDir(String) - Static method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset
Sets an extra directory as an absolute path that should be considered when looking for presets.
setAppInfo(String, String, String, int, long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Use g_bookmark_file_set_application_info() instead, as time_t is deprecated due to the year 2038 problem.
setApplication(Application) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets or unsets the GtkApplication associated with the window.
setApplication(Application) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
The GtkApplication associated with the window.
setApplicationIcon(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The name of the application icon.
setApplicationIcon(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the name of the application icon for this AboutDialog.
setApplicationIcon(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setApplicationIcon(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setApplicationId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Sets the unique identifier for this Application.
setApplicationId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.Builder
The unique identifier for the application.
setApplicationInfo(String, String, String, int, DateTime) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Sets the meta-data of application name inside the list of applications that have registered a bookmark for uri inside this BookmarkFile.
setApplicationInfo(ApplicationInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession
Set the application information to this AutomationSession.
setApplicationName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The name of the application.
setApplicationName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the application name for this AboutDialog.
setApplicationName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setApplicationName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setApplicationName(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets a human-readable name for the application.
setArea(CellArea) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaContext.Builder
setArguments(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut
Sets the arguments to pass when activating the shortcut.
setArguments(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine.Builder
The commandline that caused this Gio.Application::command-line signal emission.
setArguments(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut.Builder
Arguments passed to activation.
setArgv(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess.Builder
Argument vector.
setArray(String, ValueArray) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
This is useful in language bindings where unknown GValue types are not supported.
setArtists(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the list of artists of the application.
setArtists(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setArtists(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The list of artists of the application.
setArtists(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setArtists(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
The people who contributed artwork to the program, as a NULL-terminated array of strings.
setArtists(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Sets the names of the artists to be displayed in the "Credits" page.
setAsDefaultForExtension(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Sets the application as the default handler for the given file extension.
setAsDefaultForType(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Sets the application as the default handler for a given type.
setAsLastUsedForType(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Sets the application as the last used application for a given type.
setAsync(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.Builder
If set to true, the basesink will perform asynchronous state changes.
setAsync(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Configure async behaviour in this BaseSrc, no state change will block.
setAsyncEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Configures this BaseSink to perform all state changes asynchronously.
setAsyncHandling(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.Builder
If set to true, the bin will handle asynchronous state changes.
setAttribute(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Sets or unsets an attribute on this MenuItem.
setAttribute(String, FileAttributeType, MemorySegment, Set<FileQueryInfoFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Sets an attribute in the file with attribute name attribute to valueP.
setAttribute(String, FileAttributeType, MemorySegment, FileQueryInfoFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Sets an attribute in the file with attribute name attribute to valueP.
setAttribute(String, FileAttributeType, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the attribute to contain the given value, if possible.
setAttributeBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the attribute to contain the given attrValue, if possible.
setAttributeByteString(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the attribute to contain the given attrValue, if possible.
setAttributeByteString(String, String, Set<FileQueryInfoFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Sets attribute of type FileAttributeType.BYTE_STRING to value.
setAttributeByteString(String, String, FileQueryInfoFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Sets attribute of type FileAttributeType.BYTE_STRING to value.
setAttributeFilePath(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the attribute to contain the given attrValue, if possible.
setAttributeInt32(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the attribute to contain the given attrValue, if possible.
setAttributeInt32(String, int, Set<FileQueryInfoFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Sets attribute of type FileAttributeType.INT32 to value.
setAttributeInt32(String, int, FileQueryInfoFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Sets attribute of type FileAttributeType.INT32 to value.
setAttributeInt64(String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the attribute to contain the given attrValue, if possible.
setAttributeInt64(String, long, Set<FileQueryInfoFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Sets attribute of type FileAttributeType.INT64 to value.
setAttributeInt64(String, long, FileQueryInfoFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Sets attribute of type FileAttributeType.INT64 to value.
setAttributeMask(FileAttributeMatcher) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets mask on this FileInfo to match specific attribute types.
setAttributeObject(String, GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the attribute to contain the given attrValue, if possible.
setAttributes(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList
Sets the attributes to be enumerated and starts the enumeration.
setAttributes(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList
Sets the attributes to be enumerated and starts the enumeration.
setAttributes(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList.Builder
The attributes to query.
setAttributes(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList.Builder
The attributes to query.
setAttributes(CellRenderer, Object...) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout
setAttributes(CellRenderer, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setAttributes(AttrList) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Sets Pango attributes to apply to the text of the embedded entry.
setAttributes(AttrList) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Apply attributes to the inscription text.
setAttributes(AttrList) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Apply attributes to the label text.
setAttributes(AttrList) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Sets attributes that are applied to the text.
setAttributes(AttrList) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets the text attributes for a layout object.
setAttributes(AttrList) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.Builder
A list of Pango attributes to apply to the text of the embedded entry.
setAttributes(AttrList) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setAttributes(AttrList) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
A list of Pango attributes to apply to the text of the entry.
setAttributes(AttrList) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets a PangoAttrList.
setAttributes(AttrList) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription.Builder
A list of style attributes to apply to the text of the inscription.
setAttributes(AttrList) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
A list of style attributes to apply to the text of the label.
setAttributes(AttrList) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
A list of Pango attributes to apply to the text of the GtkText.
setAttributesAsync(FileInfo, Set<FileQueryInfoFlags>, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously sets the attributes of this File with info.
setAttributesAsync(FileInfo, FileQueryInfoFlags, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously sets the attributes of this File with info.
setAttributesFinish(AsyncResult, Out<FileInfo>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes setting an attribute started in g_file_set_attributes_async().
setAttributesFromInfo(FileInfo, Set<FileQueryInfoFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Tries to set all attributes in the GFileInfo on the target values, not stopping on the first error.
setAttributesFromInfo(FileInfo, FileQueryInfoFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Tries to set all attributes in the GFileInfo on the target values, not stopping on the first error.
setAttributeStatus(String, FileAttributeStatus) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the attribute status for an attribute key.
setAttributeString(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the attribute to contain the given attrValue, if possible.
setAttributeString(String, String, Set<FileQueryInfoFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Sets attribute of type FileAttributeType.STRING to value.
setAttributeString(String, String, FileQueryInfoFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Sets attribute of type FileAttributeType.STRING to value.
setAttributeStringv(String, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the attribute to contain the given attrValue, if possible.
setAttributeUint32(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the attribute to contain the given attrValue, if possible.
setAttributeUint32(String, int, Set<FileQueryInfoFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Sets attribute of type FileAttributeType.UINT32 to value.
setAttributeUint32(String, int, FileQueryInfoFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Sets attribute of type FileAttributeType.UINT32 to value.
setAttributeUint64(String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the attribute to contain the given attrValue, if possible.
setAttributeUint64(String, long, Set<FileQueryInfoFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Sets attribute of type FileAttributeType.UINT64 to value.
setAttributeUint64(String, long, FileQueryInfoFlags, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Sets attribute of type FileAttributeType.UINT64 to value.
setAttributeValue(String, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Sets or unsets an attribute on this MenuItem.
setAtWordBoundaries(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings.Builder
If true, a search match must start and end a word.
setAtWordBoundaries(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
Change whether the search is done at word boundaries.
setAuthCallback(AuthDomainBasicAuthCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainBasic.Builder
The AuthDomainBasicAuthCallback.
setAuthCallback(AuthDomainBasicAuthCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainBasic
Sets the callback that this AuthDomainBasic will use to authenticate incoming requests.
setAuthCallback(AuthDomainDigestAuthCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigest.Builder
The AuthDomainDigestAuthCallback.
setAuthCallback(AuthDomainDigestAuthCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigest
Sets the callback that this AuthDomainDigest will use to authenticate incoming requests.
setAuthData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainBasic.Builder
The data to pass to the AuthDomainBasicAuthCallback.
setAuthData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigest.Builder
The data to pass to the AuthDomainDigestAuthCallback.
setAuthenticationMode(TlsAuthenticationMode) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsServerConnection.Builder
The GTlsAuthenticationMode for the server.
setAuthenticationMode(TlsAuthenticationMode) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsServerConnection.Builder
The GTlsAuthenticationMode for the server.
setAuthenticationObserver(DBusAuthObserver) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection.Builder
A GDBusAuthObserver object to assist in the authentication process or null.
setAuthenticationObserver(DBusAuthObserver) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer.Builder
A GDBusAuthObserver object to assist in the authentication process or null.
setAuthority(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth.Builder
The authority (host:port) being authenticated to.
setAuthors(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
The authors of the program, as a NULL-terminated array of strings.
setAuthors(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Sets the names of the authors which are displayed in the "Credits" page of the about dialog.
setAutoDir(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets whether to calculate the base direction for the layout according to its contents.
setAutoexpand(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel.Builder
If all rows should be expanded by default.
setAutoexpand(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel
Sets whether the model should autoexpand.
setAutoFlushBus(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline.Builder
Whether or not to automatically flush all messages on the pipeline's bus when going from READY to NULL state.
setAutoFlushBus(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Usually, when a pipeline goes from READY to NULL state, it automatically flushes all pending messages on the bus, which is done for refcounting purposes, to break circular references.
setAutoGrow(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream.Builder
Whether the buffer should automatically grow.
setAutoGrow(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream
Sets whether or not the this BufferedOutputStream's buffer should automatically grow.
setAutohide(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar.Builder
Whether the tabs automatically hide.
setAutohide(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Sets whether the tabs automatically hide.
setAutohide(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Popup.Builder
Whether to hide on outside clicks.
setAutohide(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.Builder
Whether to dismiss the popover on outside clicks.
setAutohide(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Sets whether this Popover is modal.
setAutoIndent(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
setAutoIndent(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
If true auto-indentation of text is enabled.
setAutoLoadImages(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Determines whether images should be automatically loaded or not.
setAutoLoadImages(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:auto-load-images property.
setAutomaticEos(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.Builder
See gst_base_src_set_automatic_eos()
setAutomaticEos(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
If automaticEos is true, this BaseSrc will automatically go EOS if a buffer after the total size is returned.
setAutomaticRequestSyncPointFlags(Set<VideoDecoderRequestSyncPointFlags>) - Method in class
GstVideoDecoderRequestSyncPointFlags to use for the automatically requested sync points if automatic-request-sync-points is enabled.
setAutomaticRequestSyncPointFlags(VideoDecoderRequestSyncPointFlags...) - Method in class
GstVideoDecoderRequestSyncPointFlags to use for the automatically requested sync points if automatic-request-sync-points is enabled.
setAutomaticRequestSyncPoints(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true the decoder will automatically request sync points when it seems like a good idea, e.g.
setAutomationAllowed(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Set whether automation is allowed in this WebContext.
setAutomationPresentationType(AutomationBrowsingContextPresentation) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
The WebKitAutomationBrowsingContextPresentation of WebKitWebView.
setAutoplay(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video.Builder
If the video should automatically begin playing.
setAutoplay(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Sets whether this Video automatically starts playback when it becomes visible or when a new file gets loaded.
setAutoplay(AutoplayPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsitePolicies.Builder
The WebKitAutoplayPolicy of WebKitWebsitePolicies.
setAutoRender(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.Builder
If set to true the ::render signal will be emitted every time the widget draws.
setAutoRender(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Sets whether the GtkGLArea is in auto render mode.
setAutoselect(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection.Builder
If the selection will always select an item.
setAutoselect(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection
Enables or disables autoselect.
setAutoStartupNotification(boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets whether the window should request startup notification.
setAverageBitrate(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
Optionally sets the average bitrate detected in media (if non-zero), e.g.
setAxes(Set<AxisFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceTool.Builder
The axes of the tool.
setAxes(AxisFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceTool.Builder
The axes of the tool.
setBackend(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer.Builder
The backend for the printer.
setBackend(SettingsBackend) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings.Builder
The name of the context that the settings are stored in.
setBackground(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setBackground(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Background color as a string.
setBackground(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setBackground(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.Builder
A color used for background of a line.
setBackground(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
Sets background color to the one given in background.
setBackgroundColor(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Sets the color that will be used to draw the this WebView background.
setBackgroundFullHeight(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the background color fills the entire line height or only the height of the tagged characters.
setBackgroundFullHeightSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the background-full-height property is set.
setBackgroundPattern(BackgroundPatternType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
Draw a specific background pattern on the view.
setBackgroundPattern(BackgroundPatternType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Set if and how the background pattern should be displayed.
setBackgroundRgba(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
Background color as a GdkRGBA
setBackgroundRgba(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Background color as a GdkRGBA.
setBackgroundSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setBackgroundSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the background property is set.
setBackgroundSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setBacklog(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
Sets the listen backlog on the sockets in the listener.
setBadgeNumber(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage.Builder
The badge number for this page.
setBadgeNumber(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Sets the badge number for this page.
setBaseCacheDirectory(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager.Builder
The base directory for caches.
setBaseDataDirectory(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager.Builder
The base directory for website data.
setBaseDir(Direction) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Sets the base direction for the context.
setBaseGravity(Gravity) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Sets the base gravity for the context.
setBaseIoStream(IOStream) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TcpWrapperConnection.Builder
The wrapped IOStream.
setBaseIoStream(IOStream) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.Builder
The GIOStream that the connection wraps.
setBaselineChild(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box.Builder
The child that determines the baseline, in vertical orientation.
setBaselineChild(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box
Sets the baseline child of a box.
setBaselineChild(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout.Builder
The child that determines the baseline of the box in vertical layout.
setBaselineChild(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout
Sets the index of the child that determines the baseline in vertical layout.
setBaselinePosition(BaselinePosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box.Builder
The position of the baseline aligned widgets if extra space is available.
setBaselinePosition(BaselinePosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box
Sets the baseline position of a box.
setBaselinePosition(BaselinePosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout.Builder
The position of the allocated baseline within the extra space allocated to each child.
setBaselinePosition(BaselinePosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout
Sets the baseline position of a box layout.
setBaselinePosition(BaselinePosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox.Builder
The position of the baseline aligned widget if extra space is available.
setBaselinePosition(BaselinePosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox
Sets the baseline position of a center box.
setBaselinePosition(BaselinePosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout
Sets the new baseline position of this CenterLayout
setBaselineRow(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid.Builder
The row to align to the baseline when valign is using baseline alignment.
setBaselineRow(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Sets which row defines the global baseline for the entire grid.
setBaselineRow(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout.Builder
The row to align to the baseline, when GtkWidget:valign is set to Align.BASELINE.
setBaselineRow(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout
Sets which row defines the global baseline for the entire grid.
setBaseSocket(DatagramBased) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.Builder
The GDatagramBased that the connection wraps.
setBaseStream(InputStream) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterInputStream.Builder
The underlying base stream on which the I/O ops will be done.
setBaseStream(OutputStream) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterOutputStream.Builder
setBaseTime(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Set the base time of an element.
setBitrate(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Set the results of a bitrate query.
setBitsPerSample(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf.Builder
The number of bits per sample.
setBlackBackground(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload.Builder
Whether to draw a black background.
setBlackBackground(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload
Sets whether this GtkGraphicsOffload widget will draw a black background.
setBlocking(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket.Builder
Whether I/O on this socket is blocking.
setBlocking(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Sets the blocking mode of the socket.
setBlocksize(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.Builder
The amount of bytes to pull when operating in pull mode.
setBlocksize(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Set the number of bytes that the sink will pull when it is operating in pull mode.
setBlocksize(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.Builder
setBlocksize(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Set the number of bytes that this BaseSrc will push out with each buffer.
setBody(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Notification
Sets the body of this Notification to body.
setBody(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.Builder
The body text of the dialog.
setBody(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Sets the body text of this AlertDialog.
setBody(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.Builder
setBody(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
setBody(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Sets the body this DBusMessage.
setBodyFontName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor.Builder
Name of the font used for the text body.
setBodyFontName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Sets the default font for the printed text.
setBodyUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.Builder
Whether the body text includes Pango markup.
setBodyUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Sets whether the body text of this AlertDialog includes Pango markup.
setBodyUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.Builder
setBodyUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
setBold(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setBoldSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setBool(int, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
setBool(String, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Sets key to a boolean value.
setBoolean(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_BOOLEAN GValue to vBoolean.
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Sets key in this Settings to value.
setBoolean(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Associates a new boolean value with key under groupName.
setBooleanList(String, String, boolean[]) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Associates a list of boolean values with key under groupName.
setBottomBar(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Sets the bottom bar widget for this BottomSheet.
setBottomBar(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.Builder
The bottom bar widget.
setBottomBarStyle(ToolbarStyle) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView.Builder
Appearance of the bottom bars.
setBottomBarStyle(ToolbarStyle) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Sets appearance of the bottom bars for this ToolbarView.
setBottomMargin(double, Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Sets the bottom margin of the GtkPageSetup.
setBottomMargin(double, Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Sets the bottom margin used by this PrintCompositor.
setBottomMargin(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
The bottom margin for text in the text view.
setBottomMargin(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets the bottom margin for text in this TextView.
setBoxed(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_BOXED derived GValue to vBoxed.
setBoxedTakeOwnership(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Use g_value_take_boxed() instead.
setBoxedType(Proxy, Type) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.MemoryCleaner
For a boxed type, g_boxed_free(type, pointer) will be used as cleanup function.
setBroadcast(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket.Builder
Whether the socket should allow sending to broadcast addresses.
setBroadcast(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Sets whether this Socket should allow sending to broadcast addresses.
setBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Sample
Set the buffer associated with this Sample.
setBuffer(TextBuffer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets buffer as the buffer being displayed by this TextView.
setBuffer(EntryBuffer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
The buffer object which actually stores the text.
setBuffer(EntryBuffer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Set the GtkEntryBuffer object which holds the text for this widget.
setBuffer(EntryBuffer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
The GtkEntryBuffer object which stores the text.
setBuffer(EntryBuffer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Set the GtkEntryBuffer object which holds the text for this widget.
setBuffer(TextBuffer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
The buffer which is displayed.
setBuffer(TextBuffer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region.Builder
setBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader.Builder
The GtkSourceBuffer to load the contents into.
setBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver.Builder
The GtkSourceBuffer to save.
setBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor.Builder
The Buffer object to print.
setBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext.Builder
The Buffer associated to the search context.
setBuffered(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
The buffering state can only be set if the channel's encoding is null.
setBufferFunction(CollectPadsBufferFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Set the callback function and user data that will be called with the oldest buffer when all pads have been collected, or null on EOS.
setBufferingPercent(boolean, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Set the percentage of buffered data.
setBufferingRange(Format, long, long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Set the available query result fields in this Query.
setBufferingStats(BufferingMode, int, int, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Configures the buffering stats values in this Message.
setBufferingStats(BufferingMode, int, int, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Configures the buffering stats values in this Query.
setBufferList(BufferList) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Sample
Set the buffer list associated with this Sample.
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream.Builder
The size of the backend buffer, in bytes.
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream.Builder
The size of the backend buffer, in bytes.
setBufferSize(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream
Sets the size of the internal buffer of this BufferedInputStream to size, or to the size of the contents of the buffer.
setBufferSize(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream
Sets the size of the internal buffer to size.
setBufferSize(long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Sets the buffer size.
setBufferTime(long) - Method in class
setBufferTime(long) - Method in class
setBus(Bus) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Sets the bus of the element.
setBusType(BusType) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.Builder
If this property is not BusType.NONE, then GDBusObjectManagerClient:connection must be null and will be set to the GDBusConnection obtained by calling g_bus_get() with the value of this property.
setButton(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle.Builder
Mouse button number to listen to, or 0 to listen for any button.
setButton(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle
Sets the button number this GestureSingle listens to.
setButtonLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner
Sets the button label for this Banner.
setButtonLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Sets the label to show on the button.
setButtonLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner.Builder
The label to show on the button.
setButtonLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast.Builder
The label to show on the button.
setButtons(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog.Builder
Labels for buttons to show in the alert.
setButtons(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Sets the button labels for the alert.
setButtons(ButtonsType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog.Builder
Set of buttons to display on the dialog.
setButtonSensitivity(SensitivityType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
Whether the dropdown button is sensitive when the model is empty.
setButtonSensitivity(SensitivityType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
setByteOrder(DataStreamByteOrder) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream.Builder
The :byte-order property determines the byte ordering that is used when reading multi-byte entities (such as integers) from the stream.
setByteOrder(DataStreamByteOrder) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
This function sets the byte order for the given this DataInputStream.
setByteOrder(DataStreamByteOrder) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream.Builder
Determines the byte ordering that is used when writing multi-byte entities (such as integers) to the stream.
setByteOrder(DataStreamByteOrder) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataOutputStream
Sets the byte order of the data output stream to order.
setByteOrder(DBusMessageByteOrder) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Sets the byte order of this DBusMessage.
setBytes(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress.Builder
The raw address data.
setBytes(Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Sets the data to be shown but the texture.
setBytes(Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder.Builder
The bytes holding the data.
setBytes(Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.BytesIcon.Builder
The bytes containing the icon.
setBytes(Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderListItemFactory.Builder
GBytes containing the UI definition.
setCacheData(Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Plugin
Adds plugin specific data to cache.
setCacheDir(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cache.Builder
The directory to store the cache files.
setCacheDirectory(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession.Builder
The base caches directory used to create the WebKitWebsiteDataManager.
setCachedProperty(String, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
If value is not null, sets the cached value for the property with name propertyName to the value in value.
setCacheModel(CacheModel) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Specifies a usage model for WebViews.
setCacheType(CacheType) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cache.Builder
Whether the cache is private or shared.
setCairoContext(Context, double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintContext
Sets a new cairo context on a print context.
setCalibration(ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Adjusts the rate and time of this Clock.
setCallback(AudioRingBufferCallback) - Method in class
Sets the given callback function on the buffer.
setCallback(SourceFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Sets the callback function for a source.
setCallbackIndirect(MemorySegment, SourceCallbackFuncs) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Sets the callback function storing the data as a refcounted callback "object".
setCameraCaptureState(MediaCaptureState) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Capture state of the camera device.
setCameraCaptureState(MediaCaptureState) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Set the camera capture state of a WebKitWebView.
setCanActivatePull(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelButton(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog.Builder
This property determines what happens when the Escape key is pressed while the alert is shown.
setCancelButton(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Sets the index of the cancel button.
setCancelLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserNative
Use FileDialog instead
setCancelLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserNative.Builder
The text used for the label on the cancel button in the dialog, or null to use the default text.
setCanClose(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.Builder
Whether the bottom sheet can be closed by user.
setCanClose(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Sets whether the bottom sheet can be closed by user.
setCanClose(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.Builder
Whether the dialog can be closed.
setCanClose(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Sets whether this Dialog can be closed.
setCandidateEncodings(SList<Encoding>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader
Sets the candidate encodings for the file loading.
setCanFocus(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Whether the widget or any of its descendents can accept the input focus.
setCanFocus(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Specifies whether the input focus can enter the widget or any of its children.
setCanNavigateBack(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet.Builder
setCanNavigateBack(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
setCanNavigateBack(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow.Builder
setCanNavigateBack(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
setCanNavigateForward(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet.Builder
setCanNavigateForward(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
setCanOpen(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.Builder
Whether the bottom sheet can be opened by user.
setCanOpen(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Sets whether the bottom sheet can be opened by user.
setCanPop(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.Builder
Whether the page can be popped from navigation stack.
setCanPop(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Sets whether this NavigationPage can be popped from navigation stack.
setCanRecurse(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Sets whether a source can be called recursively.
setCanSaveCredentials(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Set whether the authentication method associated with this AuthenticationRequest should allow the storage of credentials.
setCanShrink(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent.Builder
Whether the button can be smaller than the natural size of its contents.
setCanShrink(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent
Sets whether the button can be smaller than the natural size of its contents.
setCanShrink(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.Builder
Whether the button can be smaller than the natural size of its contents.
setCanShrink(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Sets whether the button can be smaller than the natural size of its contents.
setCanShrink(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button.Builder
Whether the size of the button can be made smaller than the natural size of its contents.
setCanShrink(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Sets whether the button size can be smaller than the natural size of its contents.
setCanShrink(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.Builder
Whether the size of the button can be made smaller than the natural size of its contents.
setCanShrink(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Sets whether the button size can be smaller than the natural size of its contents.
setCanShrink(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture.Builder
If the GtkPicture can be made smaller than the natural size of its contents.
setCanShrink(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
If set to true, the this Picture can be made smaller than its contents.
setCanTarget(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Whether the widget can receive pointer events.
setCanTarget(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets whether this Widget can be the target of pointer events.
setCanUnfold(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet.Builder
setCanUnfold(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
setCanUnselect(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection.Builder
If unselecting the selected item is allowed.
setCanUnselect(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection
If true, unselecting the current item via gtk_selection_model_unselect_item() is supported.
setCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
Set the caps for the GstStream
setCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Notify subclass of changed caps
setCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Set new caps on the basesrc source pad.
setCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device.Builder
setCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate.Builder
The capabilities of the pad described by the pad template.
setCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Sample
Set the caps associated with this Sample.
setCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream.Builder
The GstCaps of the GstStream.
setCaps(Caps, Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Allows the subclass to be notified of the actual caps set.
setCapsResult(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Set the caps result in this Query.
setCarousel(Carousel) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorDots
Sets the displayed carousel.
setCarousel(Carousel) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorLines
Sets the displayed carousel.
setCarousel(Carousel) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorDots.Builder
The displayed carousel.
setCarousel(Carousel) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.CarouselIndicatorLines.Builder
The displayed carousel.
setCascadePopdown(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.Builder
Whether the popover pops down after a child popover.
setCascadePopdown(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
If cascadePopdown is true, the popover will be closed when a child modal popover is closed.
setCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings.Builder
Whether the search is case sensitive.
setCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
Enables or disables the case sensitivity for the search.
setCategory(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Notification
Sets the type of this Notification to category.
setCategory(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Mark.Builder
The category of the GtkSourceMark, classifies the mark and controls which pixbuf is used and with which priority it is drawn.
setCellArea(CellArea) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView.Builder
The GtkCellArea rendering cells
setCellArea(CellArea) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.Builder
The GtkCellArea used to layout cell renderers in the treeview column.
setCellArea(CellArea) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The GtkCellArea used to layout cell renderers for this view.
setCellArea(CellArea) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
The GtkCellArea used to layout cell renderers for this column.
setCellAreaContext(CellAreaContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView.Builder
The GtkCellAreaContext used to compute the geometry of the cell view.
setCellBackground(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
setCellBackgroundRgba(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
Cell background as a GdkRGBA
setCellBackgroundSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
setCellDataFunc(CellRenderer, CellLayoutDataFunc) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellLayout
setCellDataFunc(CellRenderer, TreeCellDataFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setCellProperty(CellRenderer, int, Value, ParamSpec) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
This should be implemented to handle changes in child cell properties for a given GtkCellRenderer that were previously installed on the GtkCellAreaClass with gtk_cell_area_class_install_cell_property().
setCenteringPolicy(CenteringPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar.Builder
The policy for aligning the center widget.
setCenteringPolicy(CenteringPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Sets the policy for aligning the center widget.
setCenterWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ActionBar
Sets the center widget for the GtkActionBar.
setCenterWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox
Sets the center widget.
setCenterWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout
Sets the new center widget of this CenterLayout.
setCenterWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox.Builder
The widget that is placed at the center position.
setCertificate(byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate.Builder
The DER (binary) encoded representation of the certificate.
setCertificate(TlsCertificate) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.Builder
The connection's certificate; see g_dtls_connection_set_certificate().
setCertificate(TlsCertificate) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
This sets the certificate that this DtlsConnection will present to its peer during the TLS handshake.
setCertificate(TlsCertificate) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.Builder
The connection's certificate; see g_tls_connection_set_certificate().
setCertificate(TlsCertificate) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
This sets the certificate that this TlsConnection will present to its peer during the TLS handshake.
setCertificatePem(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate.Builder
The PEM (ASCII) encoded representation of the certificate.
setChainFunctionFull(PadChainFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Sets the given chain function for the pad.
setChainListFunctionFull(PadChainListFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Sets the given chain list function for the pad.
setChannelPositions(AudioChannelPosition[]) - Method in class
Tell the ringbuffer about the device's channel positions.
setChar(byte) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
This function's input type is broken, see g_value_set_schar()
setCheckCancellable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Sets or clears this Task's check-cancellable flag.
setCheckCancellable(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use GTask instead.
setChild(String, Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView
Sets child as the child for id in this MultiLayoutView.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Bin
Sets the child widget of this Bin.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin
Sets the child widget of this BreakpointBin.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Clamp
Sets the child widget of this Clamp.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable
Sets the child widget of this ClampScrollable.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Sets the child widget of this Dialog.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Sets the child widget of this NavigationPage.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Sets the child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage
Sets the child widget of this StatusPage.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Sets the child widget of this TabOverview.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToastOverlay
Sets the child widget of this ToastOverlay.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame
Sets the child widget of this AspectFrame.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Sets the child widget of this Button.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Sets the child widget of this CheckButton.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewCell
Sets the child to be used for this listitem.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragIcon
Sets the widget to display as the drag icon.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Sets the child widget of this Expander.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild
Sets the child widget of this FlowBoxChild.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame
Sets the child widget of this Frame.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload
Sets the child of this GraphicsOffload.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
Sets the child widget of self.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListHeader
Sets the child to be used for this listitem.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Sets the child to be used for this listitem.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Sets the child widget of this MenuButton.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay
Sets the child widget of this Overlay.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Sets the child widget of this Popover.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer
Sets the child widget of this Revealer.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Sets the child widget of this ScrolledWindow.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar
Sets the child widget of this SearchBar.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander
Sets the content widget to display.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Viewport
Sets the child widget of this Viewport.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets the child widget of this Window.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowHandle
Sets the child widget of this WindowHandle.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Bin.Builder
The child widget of the AdwBin.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointBin.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Clamp.Builder
The child widget of the AdwClamp.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable.Builder
The child widget of the AdwClampScrollable.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.Builder
The child widget of the AdwDialog.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage.Builder
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerPage.Builder
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.Builder
The child of the page.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToastOverlay.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage.Builder
The stack child to which the page belongs.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPage.Builder
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewCell.Builder
Widget used for display.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragIcon.Builder
The widget to display as drag icon.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListHeader.Builder
Widget used for display.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem.Builder
Widget used for display.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookPage.Builder
The child for this page.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay.Builder
The main child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage.Builder
The child that this page is for.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander.Builder
The child widget with the actual contents.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Viewport.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
The child widget.
setChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowHandle.Builder
The child widget.
setChildModel(TreeModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter.Builder
The child model of the tree model filter.
setChildSetup(SpawnChildSetupFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Sets up a child setup function.
setChildTransform(Widget, Transform) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Fixed
Sets the transformation for widget.
setChildTransitionParams(SpringParams) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet.Builder
setChildTransitionParams(SpringParams) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
setChildVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets whether this Widget should be mapped along with its parent.
setChildWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutChild.Builder
The widget that is associated to the GtkLayoutChild instance.
setChoice(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.Builder
The index of the user's choice when a question is asked during the mount operation.
setChoice(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Sets a default choice for the mount operation.
setChoice(String, String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
setClamp(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation.Builder
Whether the animation should be clamped.
setClamp(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Sets whether this SpringAnimation should be clamped.
setClear(Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Clears out the contents of a set.
setClearFunc() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Sets a function to clear an element of this QueueArray.
setClearFunc(MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Sets a function to clear an element of array.
setClickable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
setClickable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setClientWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Set the client widget for the input context.
setClimbRate(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.Builder
The acceleration rate when you hold down a button or key.
setClimbRate(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Sets the acceleration rate when you hold down a button or key.
setClimbRate(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpin.Builder
The acceleration rate when you hold down a button.
setClimbRate(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.Builder
The acceleration rate when you hold down a button or key.
setClimbRate(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Sets the acceleration rate for repeated changes when you hold down a button or key.
setClipFunction(CollectPadsClipFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Install a clipping function that is called right after a buffer is received on a pad managed by this CollectPads.
setClipOverlay(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayoutChild.Builder
Whether the child should be clipped to fit the parent's size.
setClipOverlay(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayoutChild
Sets whether to clip this child.
setClipOverlay(Widget, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay
Sets whether widget should be clipped within the parent.
setClock(Clock) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Sets the clock for the element.
setClock(Clock) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Set the clock for this Pipeline.
setClockType(ClockType) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SystemClock.Builder
setCloseBaseStream(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterInputStream.Builder
Whether the base stream should be closed when the filter stream is closed.
setCloseBaseStream(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterInputStream
Sets whether the base stream will be closed when this FilterInputStream is closed.
setCloseBaseStream(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterOutputStream.Builder
Whether the base stream should be closed when the filter stream is closed.
setCloseBaseStream(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilterOutputStream
Sets whether the base stream will be closed when this FilterOutputStream is closed.
setCloseFd(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixInputStream.Builder
Whether to close the file descriptor when the stream is closed.
setCloseFd(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixInputStream
Sets whether the file descriptor of this UnixInputStream shall be closed when the stream is closed.
setCloseFd(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixOutputStream.Builder
Whether to close the file descriptor when the stream is closed.
setCloseFd(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixOutputStream
Sets whether the file descriptor of this UnixOutputStream shall be closed when the stream is closed.
setCloseHandle(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32InputStream.Builder
Whether to close the file handle when the stream is closed.
setCloseHandle(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32InputStream
Sets whether the handle of this Win32InputStream shall be closed when the stream is closed.
setCloseHandle(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32OutputStream.Builder
Whether to close the file handle when the stream is closed.
setCloseHandle(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32OutputStream
Sets whether the handle of this Win32OutputStream shall be closed when the stream is closed.
setCloseOnUnref(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Whether to close the channel on the final unref of the GIOChannel data structure.
setCloseResponse(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.Builder
The ID of the close response.
setCloseResponse(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Sets the ID of the close response of this AlertDialog.
setCloseResponse(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.Builder
setCloseResponse(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
setClosure(Source, Closure) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Source
Set the callback for a source as a GClosure.
setCollapsed(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView.Builder
Whether the split view is collapsed.
setCollapsed(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Sets whether this NavigationSplitView is collapsed.
setCollapsed(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.Builder
Whether the split view is collapsed.
setCollapsed(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Sets whether this OverlaySplitView view is collapsed.
setCollate(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Sets whether this job is printed collated.
setCollate(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter.Builder
The collation method to use for sorting.
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter
Sets the collation method to use for sorting.
setColor(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodUnderline
Set the color of the underline.
setColor(RenderPart, Color) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Sets the color for part of the rendering.
setColorPrimaries(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams.Builder
The color primaries to use.
setColorPrimaries(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams
Sets the color-primaries property of this CicpParams.
setColorScheme(ColorScheme) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager.Builder
The requested application color scheme.
setColorScheme(ColorScheme) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager
Sets the requested application color scheme.
setColorspace(Colorspace) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf.Builder
The color space of the pixbuf.
setColorState(ColorState) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Sets the color state for the texture.
setColorState(ColorState) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Sets the colorstate describing the data.
setColorState(ColorState) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder.Builder
The color state of the texture.
setColorState(ColorState) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder.Builder
The color state of the texture.
setColorState(ColorState) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Sets the color state for the texture.
setColorState(ColorState) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder.Builder
The colorstate describing the data.
setColorState(ColorState) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture.Builder
The color state of the texture.
setColorState(ColorState) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TextureDownloader
Sets the color state the downloader will convert the data to.
setColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild.Builder
The column to place the child in.
setColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild
Sets the column number to attach the left side of this GridLayoutChild.
setColumn(CompletionColumn) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell.Builder
setColumnDragFunction(TreeViewColumnDropFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setColumnHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid.Builder
If true, the columns are all the same width.
setColumnHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Sets whether all columns of this Grid will have the same width.
setColumnHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout.Builder
Whether all the columns in the grid have the same width.
setColumnHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout
Sets whether all columns of this GridLayout should have the same width.
setColumns(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The columns property contains the number of the columns in which the items should be displayed.
setColumns(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setColumnSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.Builder
The amount of horizontal space between two children.
setColumnSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Sets the horizontal space to add between children.
setColumnSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid.Builder
The amount of space between two consecutive columns.
setColumnSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Sets the amount of space between columns of this Grid.
setColumnSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout.Builder
The amount of space between to consecutive columns.
setColumnSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout
Sets the amount of space to insert between consecutive columns.
setColumnSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The column-spacing property specifies the space which is inserted between the columns of the icon view.
setColumnSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setColumnSpan(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild.Builder
The number of columns the child spans to.
setColumnSpan(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild
Sets the number of columns this GridLayoutChild spans to.
setColumnTypes(Type[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Use list models
setColumnTypes(Type[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
setComment(String, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Places a comment above key from groupName.
setComments(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Sets the comments string to display in the about dialog.
setComments(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The comments about the application.
setComments(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the comments about the application.
setComments(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setComments(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setComments(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
Comments about the program.
setCompare(CompletionStrncmpFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Rarely used API
setCompareFunction(CollectPadsCompareFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Set the timestamp comparison function.
setComplete(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPage.Builder
setCompletion(EntryCompletion) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
setCompletion(EntryCompletion) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
setCompletion(Completion) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext.Builder
The "completion" is the GtkSourceCompletion that was used to create the context.
setCompressionType(CompressionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver.Builder
The compression type.
setCompressionType(CompressionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
Sets the compression type.
setCondition(BreakpointCondition) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint
Sets the condition for this Breakpoint.
setCondition(BreakpointCondition) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint.Builder
The breakpoint's condition.
setConfig(Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Sets the configuration of the pool.
setConfig(Structure) - Method in class
Set config as extra configuration for this VideoConverter.
setConfirmSearch(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsContext
This function is used to tell the external installer process whether it should ask for confirmation or not before searching for missing plugins.
setConnectable(SocketConnectable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddressEnumerator.Builder
The connectable being enumerated.
setConnection(DBusConnection) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer
Exports all objects managed by this DBusObjectManagerServer on connection.
setConnection(DBusConnection) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.Builder
The GDBusConnection to use.
setConnection(DBusConnection) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer.Builder
The GDBusConnection to export objects on.
setConnection(DBusConnection) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus.Builder
The D-Bus connection to expose the debugging interface on.
setConnectionType(WebsocketConnectionType) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.Builder
The type of connection (client/server).
setConservativeThreshold(double) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.MemoryPressureSettings
Sets the memory limit for the conservative policy to start working.
setConstant(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint.Builder
The constant value to be added to the Gtk.Constraint:source-attribute.
setConstant(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext
Sets a constatnt within the context.
setContainer(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator.Builder
The container that is being enumerated.
setContent(NavigationPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Sets the content widget for this NavigationSplitView.
setContent(NavigationPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView.Builder
The content widget.
setContent(ContentProvider) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Sets a new content provider on this Clipboard.
setContent(ContentProvider) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Sets a content provider on a GtkDragSource.
setContent(ContentProvider) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag.Builder
The GdkContentProvider.
setContent(ContentProvider) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.Builder
The data that is offered by drag operations from this source.
setContent(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow
Sets the content widget of this ApplicationWindow.
setContent(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Sets the content widget for this BottomSheet.
setContent(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
setContent(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Sets the content widget for this OverlaySplitView.
setContent(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Sets the content widget for this ToolbarView.
setContent(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Window
Sets the content widget of this Window.
setContent(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ApplicationWindow.Builder
The content widget.
setContent(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.Builder
The content widget.
setContent(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap.Builder
setContent(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Layout.Builder
The content widget.
setContent(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.Builder
The content widget.
setContent(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView.Builder
The content widget.
setContent(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Window.Builder
The content widget.
setContentDisposition(String, HashTable<String, String>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Sets the "Content-Disposition" header in this MessageHeaders to disposition, optionally with additional parameters specified in params.
setContentFit(ContentFit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture.Builder
How the content should be resized to fit inside the GtkPicture.
setContentFit(ContentFit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Sets how the content should be resized to fit the GtkPicture.
setContentHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.Builder
The height of the dialog's contents.
setContentHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Sets the height of the dialog's contents.
setContentHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea.Builder
The content height.
setContentHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea
Sets the desired height of the contents of the drawing area.
setContentLength(long) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Sets the message body length that this MessageHeaders will declare, and sets this MessageHeaders's encoding to Encoding.CONTENT_LENGTH.
setContentRange(long, long, long) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Sets this MessageHeaders's Content-Range header according to the given values.
setContentType(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the content type attribute for a given GFileInfo.
setContentType(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooser.Builder
The content type of the GtkAppChooser object.
setContentType(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeResponse
Sets the content type for the this URISchemeResponse
setContentType(String, HashTable<String, String>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Sets the "Content-Type" header in this MessageHeaders to contentType.
setContentWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.Builder
The width of the dialog's contents.
setContentWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Sets the width of the dialog's contents.
setContentWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea.Builder
The content width.
setContentWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea
Sets the desired width of the contents of the drawing area.
setContext(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult.Builder
Bitmask of WebKitHitTestResultContext flags representing the context of the WebKitHitTestResult.
setContext(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult.Builder
Bitmask of WebKitHitTestResultContext flags representing the context of the WebKitHitTestResult.
setContext(Context) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Answer a context query by setting the requested context.
setContext(Context) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Sets the context of the element.
setContext(GLContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Sets the context to be used for the texture.
setContext(GLContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder.Builder
The context owning the texture.
setContext(SnippetContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk.Builder
setContext(SnippetContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
setContext(Context) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class.Builder
The JSCContext in which the class was registered.
setContext(Context) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value.Builder
The JSCContext in which the value was created.
setContextId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMMulticontext
Sets the context id for this IMMulticontext.
setControlBindingDisabled(String, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
This function is used to disable the control bindings on a property for some time, i.e.
setControlBindingsDisabled(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
This function is used to disable all controlled properties of the this Object for some time, i.e.
setControllable(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
When controllable is true, this function ensures that future calls to gst_poll_wait() will be affected by gst_poll_restart() and gst_poll_set_flushing().
setControlRate(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Change the control-rate for this this Object.
setConvert(Format, long, Format, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Answer a convert query by setting the requested values.
setConverter(Converter) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ConverterInputStream.Builder
The converter object.
setConverter(Converter) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ConverterOutputStream.Builder
The converter object.
setConverterConfig(Structure) - Method in class
setConverterConfig(Structure) - Method in class
setCookie(Uri, String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Adds cookie to this CookieJar, exactly as though it had appeared in a Set-Cookie header returned from a request to uri.
setCookieWithFirstParty(Uri, Uri, String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar
Adds cookie to this CookieJar, exactly as though it had appeared in a Set-Cookie header returned from a request to uri.
setCopy(Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Allocate a copy of set.
setCopyright(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Sets the copyright string to display in the about dialog.
setCopyright(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The copyright information.
setCopyright(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the copyright information for this AboutDialog.
setCopyright(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setCopyright(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setCopyright(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
Copyright information for the program.
setCorsAllowlist(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Sets the allowlist for CORS.
setCreate() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates a new, initially empty set.
setCreateFolders(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser.Builder
setCreateFolders(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
setCreatePopupFunc(MenuButtonCreatePopupFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Sets func to be called when a popup is about to be shown.
setCreationDateTime(DateTime) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_CREATED and G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_CREATED_USEC attributes in the file info to the given date/time value.
setCredentials(Credentials) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixCredentialsMessage.Builder
The credentials stored in the message.
setCssClasses(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
A list of css classes applied to this widget.
setCssClasses(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Clear all style classes applied to this Widget and replace them with classes.
setCssName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
The name of this widget in the CSS tree.
setCssName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Sets the name to be used for CSS matching of widgets.
setCurrentFolder(File) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
setCurrentName(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
setCurrentObject(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Sets the current object for the this Builder.
setCurrentObject(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder.Builder
The object the builder is evaluating for.
setCurrentPage(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setCurrentPage(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Switches to the page number pageNum.
setCurrentPage(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
The current page in the document.
setCurrentPage(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Sets the current page.
setCurrentPage(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog.Builder
The current page in the document.
setCurrentPage(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Sets the current page number.
setCursiveFontFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
The font family used as the default for content using a cursive font.
setCursiveFontFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:cursive-font-family property.
setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Sets the default mouse pointer for a GdkSurface.
setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets the cursor to be shown when pointer devices point towards this Widget.
setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface.Builder
The mouse pointer for the GdkSurface.
setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
The cursor used by widget.
setCursor(TreePath, CellRenderer, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setCursor(TreePath, TreeViewColumn, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setCursorFromName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets a named cursor to be shown when pointer devices point towards this Widget.
setCursorLocation(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Notify the input method that a change in cursor position has been made.
setCursorOnCell(TreePath, TreeViewColumn, CellRenderer, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setCursorVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
If the insertion cursor is shown.
setCursorVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Toggles whether the insertion point should be displayed.
setCustom(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Tooltip
Replaces the widget packed into the tooltip with customWidget.
setCustomCharset(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Sets the current custom character encoding override of this WebView.
setCustomImage(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar
Sets the custom image paintable.
setCustomImage(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar.Builder
A custom image paintable.
setCustomSlavingCallback(AudioBaseSinkCustomSlavingCallback) - Method in class
Sets the custom slaving callback.
setCustomTabLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Sets the label for the tab holding custom widgets.
setCustomTabLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
Used as the label of the tab containing custom widgets.
setCustomTitle(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Sets the custom title widget of this Toast.
setCustomTitle(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast.Builder
The custom title widget.
setCwd(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Sets the current working directory that processes will be launched with.
setDash(float[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Sets the dash pattern to use by this stroke.
setDashOffset(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Sets the offset into the dash pattern where dashing should begin.
setData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream.Builder
Pointer to buffer where data will be written.
setData(String, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Each object carries around a table of associations from strings to pointers.
setDatabase(TlsDatabase) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Sets the certificate database that is used to verify peer certificates.
setDatabase(TlsDatabase) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Sets the certificate database that is used to verify peer certificates.
setDatabase(TlsDatabase) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.Builder
The certificate database to use when verifying this TLS connection.
setDatabase(TlsDatabase) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.Builder
The certificate database to use when verifying this TLS connection.
setDataDirectory(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession.Builder
The base data directory used to create the WebKitWebsiteDataManager.
setDataFull(String, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Like g_object_set_data() except it adds notification for when the association is destroyed, either by setting it to a different value or when the object is destroyed.
setDay(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.Builder
The selected day (as a number between 1 and 31).
setDay(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Sets the day for the selected date.
setDay(DateDay) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Sets the day of the month for a GDate.
setDbusError(GError[], String, String, String, Object...) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Does nothing if error is null.
setDebugEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Sets whether the GdkGLContext should perform extra validations and runtime checking.
setDebugEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DebugController.Builder
true if debug output should be exposed (for example by forwarding it to the journal), false otherwise.
setDebugEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DebugController
Set the value of GDebugController:debug-enabled.
setDebugFlags(Set<DebugFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Sets the GTK debug flags.
setDebugFlags(DebugFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Sets the GTK debug flags.
setDebugInfo(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The debug information.
setDebugInfo(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the debug information for this AboutDialog.
setDebugInfo(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setDebugInfo(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setDebugInfoFilename(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The debug information filename.
setDebugInfoFilename(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the debug information filename for this AboutDialog.
setDebugInfoFilename(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setDebugInfoFilename(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setDecimalPoint(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
Sets the Unicode character to use as decimal point.
setDecorated(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel.Builder
Whether the window manager should add decorations.
setDecorated(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Sets the toplevel to be decorated.
setDecorated(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
Whether the window should have a frame (also known as *decorations*).
setDecorated(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets whether the window should be decorated.
setDecorationLayout(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Sets the decoration layout for this HeaderBar.
setDecorationLayout(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar
Sets the decoration layout for this header bar.
setDecorationLayout(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls
Sets the decoration layout for the title buttons.
setDecorationLayout(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar.Builder
The decoration layout for buttons.
setDecorationLayout(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar.Builder
The decoration layout for buttons.
setDecorationLayout(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls.Builder
The decoration layout for window buttons.
setDefault() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Allocator
Set the default allocator.
setDefault() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Sets or unsets the default application for the process, as returned by g_application_get_default().
setDefault() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Sets this Resolver to be the application's default resolver (reffing this Resolver, and unreffing the previous default resolver, if any).
setDefault() - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.cairo.FontMap
Sets a default PangoCairoFontMap to use with Cairo.
setDefault(Clock) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SystemClock
Sets the default system clock that can be obtained with gst_system_clock_obtain().
setDefaultAction(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Notification
Sets the default action of this Notification to detailedAction.
setDefaultActionAndTarget(String, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Notification
Sets the default action of this Notification to action.
setDefaultButton(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog.Builder
This property determines what happens when the Return key is pressed while the alert is shown.
setDefaultButton(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Sets the index of the default button.
setDefaultCharset(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
The default text charset used when interpreting content with an unspecified charset.
setDefaultCharset(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:default-charset property.
setDefaultContentSecurityPolicy(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
The default Content-Security-Policy used by the webview as if it were set by an HTTP header.
setDefaultDatabase(TlsDatabase) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend
Set the default GTlsDatabase used to verify TLS connections
setDefaultDirection(TextDirection) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets the default reading direction for widgets.
setDefaultDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager.Builder
The default display.
setDefaultDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager
Sets display as the default display.
setDefaultFilter(FileFilter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Sets the filter that will be selected by default in the file chooser dialog.
setDefaultFilter(FileFilter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog.Builder
The default filter, that is, the filter that is initially active in the file chooser dialog.
setDefaultFontFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
The font family to use as the default for content that does not specify a font.
setDefaultFontFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:default-font-family property.
setDefaultFontSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
The default font size in pixels to use for content displayed if no font size is specified.
setDefaultFontSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:default-font-size property.
setDefaultHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
The default height of the window.
setDefaultIcon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView.Builder
Default page icon.
setDefaultIcon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Sets the default page icon for this TabView.
setDefaultIconName(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets an icon to be used as fallback.
setDefaultMonospaceFontSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
The default font size in pixels to use for content displayed in monospace font if no font size is specified.
setDefaultMonospaceFontSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:default-monospace-font-size property.
setDefaultPageSetup(PageSetup) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Makes defaultPageSetup the default page setup for this PrintOperation.
setDefaultPageSetup(PageSetup) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
The GtkPageSetup used by default.
setDefaultPort(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddressEnumerator.Builder
The default port to use if GProxyAddressEnumerator:uri does not specify one.
setDefaultProxy(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleProxyResolver
Sets the default proxy on this SimpleProxyResolver, to be used for any URIs that don't match GSimpleProxyResolver:ignore-hosts or a proxy set via g_simple_proxy_resolver_set_uri_proxy().
setDefaultProxy(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleProxyResolver.Builder
The default proxy URI that will be used for any URI that doesn't match GSimpleProxyResolver:ignore-hosts, and doesn't match any of the schemes set with g_simple_proxy_resolver_set_uri_proxy().
setDefaultResponse(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Use Window instead
setDefaultResponse(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
setDefaultResponse(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Sets the ID of the default response of this AlertDialog.
setDefaultResponse(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
setDefaultResponse(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.Builder
The response ID of the default response.
setDefaultResponse(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.Builder
setDefaultSize(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets the default size of a window.
setDefaultSortFunc(TreeIterCompareFunc) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable
setDefaultSource(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setDefaultText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget.Builder
The text that appears in the widget when there are no applications for the given content type.
setDefaultText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setDefaultTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Sets the timeout to use if -1 (specifying default timeout) is passed as timeoutMsec in the g_dbus_proxy_call() and g_dbus_proxy_call_sync() functions.
setDefaultWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Sets the default widget for this Dialog.
setDefaultWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Sets the default widget of a GtkPopover.
setDefaultWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets the default widget.
setDefaultWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.Builder
The default widget.
setDefaultWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.Builder
The default widget inside the popover.
setDefaultWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
The default widget.
setDefaultWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
The default width of the window.
setDeferDrawing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Sets up the GtkPrintOperation to wait for calling of PrintOperation#drawPageFinish from application. This can be used for drawing page in another thread. This function must be called in the callback of the [signal@Gtk.PrintOperation::drawPage signal.
setDel(Set, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Removes codepoint from set.
setDelay(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline.Builder
The expected delay needed for elements to spin up to the PLAYING state expressed in nanoseconds.
setDelay(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Set the expected delay needed for all elements to perform the PAUSED to PLAYING state change.
setDelayFactor(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress.Builder
Factor by which to modify the default timeout.
setDelayFactor(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress
Applies the given delay factor.
setDeletable(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel.Builder
Whether the window manager should allow to close the surface.
setDeletable(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Sets the toplevel to be deletable.
setDeletable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
Whether the window frame should have a close button.
setDeletable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets whether the window should be deletable.
setDelRange(Set, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Removes all of the elements from first to last (inclusive) from set.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Set description as the given description for the this EncodingProfile.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup
Sets the description for this PreferencesGroup.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage
Sets the description markup for this StatusPage.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Adds a string to be displayed in --help output after the list of options.
setDescription(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Sets description as the description of the bookmark for uri.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup.Builder
The description for this group of preferences.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage.Builder
The description to be displayed at the top of the page.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Sets the description of this PreferencesPage.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage.Builder
The description markup to be displayed below the title.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword.Builder
Description of what the password is for.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
Set a description string about what the password will be used for.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet.Builder
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Sets the description for the snippet.
setDescriptionCentered(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage.Builder
Whether the description should be centered.
setDescriptionCentered(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Sets whether the description should be centered.
setDesigners(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the list of designers of the application.
setDesigners(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setDesigners(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The list of designers of the application.
setDesigners(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setDesktop(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.AppLaunchContext
Sets the workspace on which applications will be launched.
setDesktopEnv(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo
do not use this API. Since 2.42 the value of the XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP environment variable will be used.
setDesktopId(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsContext
This function is used to pass the calling application's desktop file ID to the external installer process.
setDestination(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience setter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.DESTINATION header field.
setDestination(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Download
Sets the destination to which the downloaded file will be written.
setDestinationHostname(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress.Builder
The proxy destination hostname.
setDestinationPort(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress.Builder
The proxy destination port.
setDestinationProtocol(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress.Builder
The protocol being spoke to the destination host, or null if the GProxyAddress doesn't know.
setDestroy(Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Decreases the reference count on a set.
setDestroyFunction(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream.Builder
Function called with the buffer as argument when the stream is destroyed.
setDestroyWithParent(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
If this window should be destroyed when the parent is destroyed.
setDestroyWithParent(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
If setting is true, then destroying the transient parent of this Window will also destroy this Window itself.
setDetachable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookPage.Builder
Whether the tab is detachable.
setDetail(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog.Builder
The detail text for the alert.
setDetail(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Sets the detail text that will be shown in the alert.
setDetailedAction(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Sets the "action" and possibly the "target" attribute of this MenuItem.
setDetailedActionName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Sets the action name and its parameter.
setDetailedActionName(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Actionable
Sets the action-name and associated string target value of an actionable widget.
setDeveloperName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The developer name.
setDeveloperName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the developer name for this AboutDialog.
setDeveloperName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setDeveloperName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setDevelopers(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the list of developers of the application.
setDevelopers(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setDevelopers(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The list of developers of the application.
setDevelopers(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setDevice(String) - Method in class
setDevice(Device) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag.Builder
The GdkDevice that is performing the drag.
setDevice(Device) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop.Builder
The GdkDevice performing the drop
setDeviceClass(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device.Builder
setDeviceCursor(Device, Cursor) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Sets a specific GdkCursor for a given device when it gets inside this Surface.
setDialog(ColorDialog) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton.Builder
The GtkColorDialog that contains parameters for the color chooser dialog.
setDialog(ColorDialog) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton
Sets a GtkColorDialog object to use for creating the color chooser dialog that is presented when the user clicks the button.
setDialog(FontDialog) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton.Builder
The GtkFontDialog that contains parameters for the font chooser dialog.
setDialog(FontDialog) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Sets a GtkFontDialog object to use for creating the font chooser dialog that is presented when the user clicks the button.
setDigits(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.Builder
The number of decimal places to display.
setDigits(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Sets the number of decimal places to display.
setDigits(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpin.Builder
The number of decimal places to display.
setDigits(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale.Builder
The number of decimal places that are displayed in the value.
setDigits(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
Sets the number of decimal places that are displayed in the value.
setDigits(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.Builder
The number of decimal places to display.
setDigits(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Set the precision to be displayed by this SpinButton.
setDirection(PadDirection) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.Builder
setDirection(PadDirection) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate.Builder
The direction of the pad described by the pad template.
setDirection(ArrowType) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.Builder
The direction in which the popup will be popped up.
setDirection(ArrowType) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Sets the direction in which the popup will be popped up.
setDirection(ArrowType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.Builder
The GtkArrowType representing the direction in which the menu or popover will be popped out.
setDirection(ArrowType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Sets the direction in which the popup will be popped up.
setDirection(TextDirection) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut.Builder
The text direction for which this shortcut is active.
setDirection(TextDirection) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Text direction, e.g.
setDirection(TextDirection) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets the reading direction on a particular widget.
setDirsOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter
If dirsOnly is true, this FilenameCompleter will only complete directory names, and not file names.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding
This function is used to disable a control binding for some time, i.e.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Disables or enables an image format.
setDisabledText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutLabel.Builder
The text that is displayed when no accelerator is set.
setDisabledText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutLabel
Sets the text to be displayed by this ShortcutLabel when no accelerator is set.
setDisablePassthrough(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse.Builder
If set to true, baseparse will unconditionally force parsing of the incoming data.
setDisableWebSecurity(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Enable or disable support for Web Security on pages.
setDisableWebSecurity(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:disable-web-security property.
setDiscardCorruptedFrames(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true the decoder will discard frames that are marked as corrupted instead of outputting them.
setDiscontWait(long) - Method in class
setDiscontWait(long) - Method in class
A window of time in nanoseconds to wait before creating a discontinuity as a result of breaching the drift-tolerance.
setDiscontWait(ClockTime) - Method in class
Controls how long the sink will wait before creating a discontinuity.
setDiscontWait(ClockTime) - Method in class
Sets alignmentTreshold as new discont wait for the following processing.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager.Builder
The display the style manager is associated with.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.AppLaunchContext.Builder
The display that the GdkAppLaunchContext is on.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard.Builder
The GdkDisplay that the clipboard belongs to.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device.Builder
The GdkDisplay the GdkDevice pertains to.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder.Builder
The display that this texture will be used on.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Sets the display that this texture builder is associated with.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DrawContext.Builder
The GdkDisplay used to create the GdkDrawContext.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Monitor.Builder
The GdkDisplay of the monitor.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Seat.Builder
GdkDisplay of this seat.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface.Builder
The GdkDisplay connection of the surface.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ATContext.Builder
The GdkDisplay for the GtkATContext.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme.Builder
The display that this icon theme object is attached to.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation.Builder
The display where dialogs will be shown.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation
Sets the display to show windows of the GtkMountOperation on.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext.Builder
The display of the style context.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
You should not use this api
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
The display that will display this window.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets the GdkDisplay where the this Window is displayed.
setDisplayCaptureState(MediaCaptureState) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Capture state of the display device.
setDisplayCaptureState(MediaCaptureState) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Set the display capture state of a WebKitWebView.
setDisplayedRow(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device.Builder
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the display name for the current GFileInfo.
setDisplayName(String, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Renames this File to the specified display name.
setDisplayNameAsync(String, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously sets the display name for a given GFile.
setDisplayNameFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes setting a display name started with g_file_set_display_name_async().
setDisposeFunction(SourceDisposeFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Set dispose as dispose function on this Source.
setDither(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setDmy(DateDay, DateMonth, DateYear) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Sets the value of a GDate from a day, month, and year.
setDocumentationCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate
Certain elements will dynamically construct the caps of their pad templates.
setDocumenters(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the list of documenters of the application.
setDocumenters(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setDocumenters(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The list of documenters of the application.
setDocumenters(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setDocumenters(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
The people documenting the program, as a NULL-terminated array of strings.
setDocumenters(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Sets the names of the documenters which are displayed in the "Credits" page.
setDomain(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Sets the mount operation's domain.
setDomain(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.Builder
The domain to use for the mount operation.
setDomain(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService.Builder
Network domain, for example
setDomain(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Sets this Cookie's domain to domain.
setDoTimestamp(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.Builder
setDoTimestamp(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Configure this BaseSrc to automatically timestamp outgoing buffers based on the current running_time of the pipeline.
setDouble(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_DOUBLE GValue to vDouble.
setDouble(String, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Sets key in this Settings to value.
setDouble(String, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Sets key to a double value.
setDouble(String, String, double) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Associates a new double value with key under groupName.
setDoubleList(String, String, double[]) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Associates a list of double values with key under groupName.
setDrag(Drag) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop.Builder
The GdkDrag that initiated this drop
setDragDestItem(TreePath, IconViewDropPosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setDragDestRow(TreePath, TreeViewDropPosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setDrainable(boolean) - Method in class
Configures decoder drain handling.
setDrainable(boolean) - Method in class
Configures encoder drain handling.
setDrawCompositingIndicators(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Whether to draw compositing borders and repaint counters on layers drawn with accelerated compositing.
setDrawCompositingIndicators(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:draw-compositing-indicators property.
setDrawFunc(DrawingAreaDrawFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea
Setting a draw function is the main thing you want to do when using a drawing area.
setDrawSensitive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView.Builder
Whether all cells should be draw as sensitive for this view regardless of the actual cell properties (used to make menus with submenus appear sensitive when the items in submenus might be insensitive).
setDrawSensitive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView
setDrawSpaces(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Tag.Builder
Whether to draw white spaces.
setDrawSpacesSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Tag.Builder
Whether the Tag:draw-spaces property is set and must be taken into account.
setDrawValue(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale.Builder
Whether the current value is displayed as a string next to the slider.
setDrawValue(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
Specifies whether the current value is displayed as a string next to the slider.
setDriftTolerance(long) - Method in class
Controls the amount of time in microseconds that clocks are allowed to drift before resynchronisation happens.
setDriftTolerance(long) - Method in class
Controls the sink's drift tolerance.
setDropdownTooltip(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.Builder
The tooltip of the dropdown button.
setDropdownTooltip(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Sets the tooltip of the dropdown button of this SplitButton.
setDropOutOfSegment(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Configure this BaseSink to drop buffers which are outside the current segment
setDummyCallback(Source) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Source
Sets a dummy callback for source.
setDuplex(PrintDuplex) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setDuration(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation.Builder
Duration of the animation, in milliseconds.
setDuration(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Sets the duration of this TimedAnimation.
setDuration(Format, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Answer a duration query by setting the requested value in the given format.
setDuration(Format, long, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
Sets the duration of the currently playing media.
setDynamicSize(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
If not dynamic, size is only updated when needed, such as when trying to read past current tracked size.
setEasing(Easing) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation.Builder
Easing function used in the animation.
setEasing(Easing) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Sets the easing function this TimedAnimation will use.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setEditable(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable.Builder
Whether the entry contents can be edited.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Determines if the user can edit the text in the editable widget.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the text can be modified by the user.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Whether the text can be modified by the user.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets the default editability of the GtkTextView.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Whether the pages loaded inside WebKitWebView are editable.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Sets whether the user is allowed to edit the HTML document.
setEditableSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setEditableSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the editable property is set.
setEditing(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EditableLabel.Builder
This property is true while the widget is in edit mode.
setEditingCanceled(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable.Builder
Indicates whether editing on the cell has been canceled.
setEditName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the edit name for the current file.
setElementPrivate(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Set the given private data gpointer on the pad.
setElementProperties(Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile.Builder
A GstStructure defining the properties to be set to the element the profile represents.
setElementProperties(Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
This allows setting the muxing/encoding element properties.
setEllipsize(EllipsizeMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
Specifies the preferred place to ellipsize the string, if the cell renderer does not have enough room to display the entire string.
setEllipsize(EllipsizeMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
The preferred place to ellipsize the string, if the label does not have enough room to display the entire string.
setEllipsize(EllipsizeMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Sets the mode used to ellipsize the text.
setEllipsize(EllipsizeMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar.Builder
The preferred place to ellipsize the string.
setEllipsize(EllipsizeMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
Sets the mode used to ellipsize the text.
setEllipsize(EllipsizeMode) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets the type of ellipsization being performed for this Layout.
setEllipsizeSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setEmbedPageSetup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
If true, page size combo box and orientation combo box are embedded into page setup page.
setEmbedPageSetup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Embed page size combo box and orientation combo box into page setup page.
setEmbedPageSetup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog.Builder
true if the page setup controls are embedded.
setEmbedPageSetup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Embed page size combo box and orientation combo box into page setup page.
setEmitSignals(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.Builder
Enables the emission of signals such as GstAggregator::samples-selected
setEmitSignals(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad.Builder
Enables the emission of signals such as GstAggregatorPad::buffer-consumed
setEnable2dCanvasAcceleration(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Enable or disable 2D canvas acceleration.
setEnable2dCanvasAcceleration(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-2d-canvas-acceleration property.
setEnableAsync(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus.Builder
Enables async message delivery support for bus watches, gst_bus_pop() and similar API.
setEnableBackForwardNavigationGestures(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Enable or disable horizontal swipe gesture for back-forward navigation.
setEnableBackForwardNavigationGestures(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-back-forward-navigation-gestures property.
setEnableCaretBrowsing(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Whether to enable accessibility enhanced keyboard navigation.
setEnableCaretBrowsing(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-caret-browsing property.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Set whether the profile should be used or not.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerPage.Builder
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerPage
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.Builder
Whether the swipe tracker is enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Sets whether this SwipeTracker is enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction.Builder
If action is currently enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction
Sets the action as enabled or not.
setEnabled(GraphicsOffloadEnabled) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload.Builder
Whether graphics offload is enabled.
setEnabled(GraphicsOffloadEnabled) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffload
Sets whether this GtkGraphicsOffload widget will attempt to offload the content of its child widget.
setEnableDeveloperExtras(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Determines whether or not developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, are enabled.
setEnableDeveloperExtras(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-developer-extras property.
setEnableDnsPrefetching(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Determines whether or not to prefetch domain names.
setEnableDnsPrefetching(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-dns-prefetching property.
setEnableEmojiCompletion(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.Builder
Whether to suggest emoji replacements on the entry row.
setEnableEmojiCompletion(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Sets whether to suggest emoji replacements on this EntryRow.
setEnableEmojiCompletion(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Whether to suggest Emoji replacements for :-delimited names like :heart:.
setEnableEmojiCompletion(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Whether to suggest Emoji replacements.
setEnableEmojiCompletion(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Sets whether Emoji completion is enabled.
setEnableEncryptedMedia(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Enable or disable support for Encrypted Media API on pages.
setEnableEncryptedMedia(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-encrypted-media property.
setEnableExpansion(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow.Builder
Whether expansion is enabled.
setEnableExpansion(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Sets whether the expansion of this ExpanderRow is enabled.
setEnableFullscreen(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Whether to enable the Javascript Fullscreen API.
setEnableFullscreen(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-fullscreen property.
setEnableGridLines(TreeViewGridLines) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
setEnableHideGesture(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.Builder
Whether the sidebar can be closed with a swipe gesture.
setEnableHideGesture(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Sets whether this OverlaySplitView can be closed with a swipe gesture.
setEnableHorizontal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollInfo
Turns horizontal scrolling on or off.
setEnableHtml5Database(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Whether to enable HTML5 client-side SQL database support (IndexedDB).
setEnableHtml5Database(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-html5-database property.
setEnableHtml5LocalStorage(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Whether to enable HTML5 local storage support.
setEnableHtml5LocalStorage(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-html5-local-storage property.
setEnableHyperlinkAuditing(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Determines whether or not hyperlink auditing is enabled.
setEnableHyperlinkAuditing(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-hyperlink-auditing property.
setEnableJavascript(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Determines whether or not JavaScript executes within a page.
setEnableJavascript(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-javascript property.
setEnableJavascriptMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Determines whether or not JavaScript markup is allowed in document.
setEnableJavascriptMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-javascript-markup property.
setEnableLastSample(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.Builder
Enable the last-sample property.
setEnableMatrix(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer.Builder
Whether the SpaceDrawer:matrix property is enabled.
setEnableMatrix(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer
Sets whether the SpaceDrawer:matrix property is enabled.
setEnableMedia(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Enable or disable support for media playback on pages.
setEnableMedia(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-media property.
setEnableMediaCapabilities(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Enable or disable support for MediaCapabilities on pages.
setEnableMediaCapabilities(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-media-capabilities property.
setEnableMediasource(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Enable or disable support for MediaSource on pages.
setEnableMediasource(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-mediasource property.
setEnableMediaStream(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Enable or disable support for MediaStream on pages.
setEnableMediaStream(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-media-stream property.
setEnableMockCaptureDevices(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Enable or disable the Mock Capture Devices.
setEnableMockCaptureDevices(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-mock-capture-devices property.
setEnableNewTab(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.Builder
Whether to enable new tab button.
setEnableNewTab(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Sets whether to enable new tab button for this TabOverview.
setEnableOfflineWebApplicationCache(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
setEnableOfflineWebApplicationCache(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
setEnablePageCache(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Enable or disable the page cache.
setEnablePageCache(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-page-cache property.
setEnablePopup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
If true, pressing the right mouse button on the notebook shows a page switching menu.
setEnablePreedit(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Set whether this InputMethodContext should enable preedit to display feedback.
setEnableProxy(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.Builder
Enable proxy support.
setEnableProxy(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Sets whether or not this SocketClient attempts to make connections via a proxy server.
setEnableResizableTextAreas(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Determines whether or not text areas can be resized.
setEnableResizableTextAreas(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-resizable-text-areas property.
setEnableRubberband(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView.Builder
Allow rubberband selection.
setEnableRubberband(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Sets whether selections can be changed by dragging with the mouse.
setEnableRubberband(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView.Builder
Allow rubberband selection.
setEnableRubberband(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Sets whether selections can be changed by dragging with the mouse.
setEnableRubberband(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView.Builder
Allow rubberband selection.
setEnableRubberband(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Sets whether selections can be changed by dragging with the mouse.
setEnableSearch(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow.Builder
Whether to show a search entry in the popup.
setEnableSearch(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Sets whether to enable search.
setEnableSearch(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.Builder
Whether to enable search in tabs.
setEnableSearch(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Sets whether to enable search in tabs for this TabOverview.
setEnableSearch(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.Builder
Whether to show a search entry in the popup.
setEnableSearch(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Sets whether a search entry will be shown in the popup that allows to search for items in the list.
setEnableSearch(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
setEnableSearch(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setEnableShowGesture(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.Builder
Whether the sidebar can be opened with an edge swipe gesture.
setEnableShowGesture(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Sets whether this OverlaySplitView can be opened with an edge swipe gesture.
setEnableSiteSpecificQuirks(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Whether to turn on site-specific quirks.
setEnableSiteSpecificQuirks(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-site-specific-quirks property.
setEnableSmoothScrolling(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Enable or disable smooth scrolling.
setEnableSmoothScrolling(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-smooth-scrolling property.
setEnableSnippets(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
The property denotes if snippets should be expanded when the user presses Tab after having typed a word matching the snippets found in SnippetManager.
setEnableSnippets(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Sets the View:enable-snippets property.
setEnableSpatialNavigation(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Whether to enable Spatial Navigation.
setEnableSpatialNavigation(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-spatial-navigation property.
setEnableTabsToLinks(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Determines whether the tab key cycles through the elements on the page.
setEnableTabsToLinks(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-tabs-to-links property.
setEnableTreeLines(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
setEnableTreeLines(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setEnableUndo(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable.Builder
If undo/redo should be enabled for the editable.
setEnableUndo(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
If enabled, changes to this Editable will be saved for undo/redo actions.
setEnableUndo(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
Denotes if support for undoing and redoing changes to the buffer is allowed.
setEnableUndo(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Sets whether or not to enable undoable actions in the text buffer.
setEnableVertical(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollInfo
Turns vertical scrolling on or off.
setEnableWebaudio(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Enable or disable support for WebAudio on pages.
setEnableWebaudio(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-webaudio property.
setEnableWebgl(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Enable or disable support for WebGL on pages.
setEnableWebgl(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-webgl property.
setEnableWebrtc(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Enable WebRTC support for loaded pages.
setEnableWebrtc(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the Settings:enable-webrtc property.
setEnableWriteConsoleMessagesToStdout(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Enable or disable writing console messages to stdout.
setEnableWriteConsoleMessagesToStdout(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:enable-write-console-messages-to-stdout property.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Sets the encoding for the input/output of the channel.
setEncoding(Encoding) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
Sets the encoding.
setEncoding(Encoding) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver.Builder
The file's encoding.
setEncoding(Encoding) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Sets the message body encoding that this MessageHeaders will declare.
setEndActionWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Sets the widget to show after the tabs.
setEndActionWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar.Builder
The widget shown after the tabs.
setEndChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Sets the end child of this Paned to child.
setEndChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned.Builder
The second child.
setEndIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow
Sets the end icon name for this ButtonRow.
setEndIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow.Builder
The icon name to show after the title.
setEndWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox
Sets the end widget.
setEndWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout
Sets the new end widget of this CenterLayout.
setEndWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox.Builder
The widget that is placed at the end position.
setEnterCallback(TaskThreadFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
Call enterFunc when the task function of this Task is entered.
setEntryTextColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
The model column to associate with strings from the entry.
setEntryTextColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
setEnum(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_ENUM GValue to vEnum.
setEnum(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Looks up the enumerated type nick for value and writes it to key, within this Settings.
setEnumType(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EnumListModel.Builder
The type of the enum represented by the model.
setenv(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
Arranges for variable to be set to value in the child’s environment when this AppLaunchContext is used to launch an application.
setenv(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Sets the environment variable variable in the environment of processes launched from this launcher.
setenv(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets an environment variable.
setEnviron(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Replace the entire environment of processes launched from this launcher with the given 'environ' variable.
setEpsilon(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation.Builder
Precision of the spring.
setEpsilon(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Sets the precision of the spring.
setError(Out<GError>, Quark, int, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Does nothing if err is null; if err is non-null, then *err must be null.
setError(GError) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Sets an error on the area which will be shown instead of the GL rendering.
setError(Quark, int, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use GTask and g_task_return_new_error() instead.
setErrored() - Method in class
Mark the ringbuffer as errored after it has started.
setErrorHook(OptionErrorFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionGroup
Associates a function with this OptionGroup which will be called from g_option_context_parse() when an error occurs.
setErrorIfCancelled() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
If the this Cancellable is cancelled, sets the error to notify that the operation was cancelled.
setErrorLiteral(Out<GError>, Quark, int, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Does nothing if err is null; if err is non-null, then *err must be null.
setErrorName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience setter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.ERROR_NAME header field.
setEstimateRate(boolean) - Method in class
Allows baseclass to perform byte to time estimated conversion.
setEstimateRate(boolean) - Method in class
Allows baseclass to perform byte to time estimated conversion.
setEventFullFunctionFull(PadEventFullFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Sets the given event handler for the pad.
setEventFunction(CollectPadsEventFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Set the event callback function and user data that will be called when collectpads has received an event originating from one of the collected pads.
setEventFunctionFull(PadEventFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Sets the given event handler for the pad.
setExclusive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle.Builder
Whether the gesture is exclusive.
setExclusive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle
Sets whether this GestureSingle is exclusive.
setExitOnClose(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection.Builder
A boolean specifying whether the process will be terminated (by calling raise(SIGTERM)) if the connection is closed by the remote peer.
setExitOnClose(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Sets whether the process should be terminated when this DBusConnection is closed by the remote peer.
setExitStatus(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine
Sets the exit status that will be used when the invoking process exits.
setExpand(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn.Builder
Column gets share of extra width allocated to the view.
setExpand(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Sets the column to take available extra space.
setExpand(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
setExpand(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow.Builder
Whether the row is expanded.
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Sets whether this ExpanderRow is expanded.
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander.Builder
Whether the expander has been opened to reveal the child.
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Sets the state of the expander.
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow.Builder
If this row is currently expanded.
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow
Expands or collapses a row.
setExpanderColumn(TreeViewColumn) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setExpanderColumn(TreeViewColumn) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
setExpandTabs(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar.Builder
Whether tabs expand to full width.
setExpandTabs(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Sets whether tabs expand to full width.
setExpectations(Set<Expectation>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Sets this MessageHeaders's "Expect" header according to expectations.
setExpectations(Expectation...) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Sets this MessageHeaders's "Expect" header according to expectations.
setExpires(DateTime) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Sets this Cookie's expiration time to expires.
setExportFilename(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
The name of a file to generate instead of showing the print dialog.
setExportFilename(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Sets up the GtkPrintOperation to generate a file instead of showing the print dialog.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Sets the expression used to obtain strings from items.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter
Sets the expression that the filter uses to check if items should be filtered.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Sets the expression that gets evaluated to obtain strings from items.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter
Sets the expression that is evaluated to obtain numbers from items.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter
Sets the expression that the string filter uses to obtain strings from items.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter
Sets the expression that is evaluated to obtain strings from items.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow.Builder
An expression used to obtain strings from items.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter.Builder
The boolean expression to evaluate on item.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.Builder
An expression to evaluate to obtain strings to match against the search term.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter.Builder
The expression to evaluate on items to get a number to compare with.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter.Builder
The expression to evaluate on item to get a string to compare with.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter.Builder
The expression to evaluate on item to get a string to compare with.
setExtendContentToBottomEdge(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView.Builder
Whether the content widget can extend behind bottom bars.
setExtendContentToBottomEdge(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Sets whether the content widget can extend behind bottom bars.
setExtendContentToTopEdge(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView.Builder
Whether the content widget can extend behind top bars.
setExtendContentToTopEdge(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Sets whether the content widget can extend behind top bars.
setExtension(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Adds an extension to the file name in the path buffer.
setExtensions(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.Builder
List of WebsocketExtension objects that are active in the connection.
setExtraChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Sets the child widget of this AlertDialog.
setExtraChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
setExtraChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.Builder
The child widget.
setExtraChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.Builder
setExtraDragPreload(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar.Builder
Whether the drop data should be preloaded on hover.
setExtraDragPreload(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Sets whether drop data should be preloaded on hover.
setExtraDragPreload(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.Builder
Whether the drop data should be preloaded on hover.
setExtraDragPreload(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Sets whether drop data should be preloaded on hover.
setExtraMenu(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets a menu model to add when constructing the context menu for this Entry.
setExtraMenu(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Sets a menu model to add when constructing the context menu for label.
setExtraMenu(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry
Sets a menu model to add when constructing the context menu for this PasswordEntry.
setExtraMenu(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Sets a menu model to add when constructing the context menu for this Text.
setExtraMenu(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets a menu model to add when constructing the context menu for this TextView.
setExtraMenu(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
A menu model whose contents will be appended to the context menu.
setExtraMenu(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
A menu model whose contents will be appended to the context menu.
setExtraMenu(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry.Builder
A menu model whose contents will be appended to the context menu.
setExtraMenu(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
A menu model whose contents will be appended to the context menu.
setExtraMenu(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
A menu model whose contents will be appended to the context menu.
setFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Sets the factory for populating list items.
setFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Sets the GtkListItemFactory to use for populating list items for this column.
setFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Sets the GtkListItemFactory to use for populating list items.
setFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Sets the GtkListItemFactory to use for populating list items.
setFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Sets the GtkListItemFactory to use for populating list items.
setFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow.Builder
Factory for populating list items.
setFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn.Builder
Factory for populating list items.
setFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.Builder
Factory for populating list items.
setFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView.Builder
Factory for populating list items.
setFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView.Builder
Factory for populating list items.
setFallback(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether font fallback is enabled.
setFallback(Cursor) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor.Builder
Cursor to fall back to if this cursor cannot be displayed.
setFallbackSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the fallback property is set.
setFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Name of the font family, e.g.
setFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Sets the family name field of a font description.
setFamily(SocketFamily) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress.Builder
The address family (IPv4 or IPv6).
setFamily(SocketFamily) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket.Builder
The socket’s address family.
setFamily(SocketFamily) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.Builder
The address family to use for socket construction.
setFamily(SocketFamily) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Sets the socket family of the socket client.
setFamilySet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setFamilySet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the family property is set.
setFamilyStatic(String) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Sets the family name field of a font description, without copying the string.
setFantasyFontFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
The font family used as the default for content using a fantasy font.
setFantasyFontFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:fantasy-font-family property.
setFaviconsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Set whether website icons are enabled.
setFd(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket.Builder
The socket’s file descriptor.
setFd(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixInputStream.Builder
The file descriptor that the stream reads from.
setFd(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixOutputStream.Builder
The file descriptor that the stream writes to.
setFd(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Sets the file descriptor for a plane.
setFdList(UnixFDList) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDMessage.Builder
The UnixFDList object to send with the message.
setFdList(UnixFDList) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage.Builder
The UNIX file descriptors of the user message.
setFdList(UnixFDList) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage.Builder
The UNIX file descriptors of the user message.
setFeatureEnabled(Feature, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Enables or disables a feature.
setFeatures(int, CapsFeatures) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Sets the features for the structure at index.
setFeaturesSimple(CapsFeatures) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Sets the features for all the structures of this Caps.
setFile(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image.Builder
A path to the file to display.
setFile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList
Sets the file to be enumerated and starts the enumeration.
setFile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher
Sets the file that will be opened.
setFile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
Sets the GtkMediaFile to play the given file.
setFile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Makes this Picture load and display file.
setFile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Makes this Video play the given file.
setFile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIcon.Builder
The file containing the icon.
setFile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList.Builder
File to query.
setFile(File) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
setFile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher.Builder
The file to launch.
setFile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconPaintable.Builder
The file representing the icon, if any.
setFile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile.Builder
The file being played back or null if not playing a file.
setFile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture.Builder
The GFile that is displayed or null if none.
setFile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video.Builder
The file played by this video if the video is playing a file.
setFile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader.Builder
The GtkSourceFile.
setFile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver.Builder
The GtkSourceFile.
setFileInfo(FileInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressor
Sets fileInfo in this ZlibCompressor.
setFileInfo(FileInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressor.Builder
If set to a non-null GFileInfo object, and GZlibCompressor:format is ZlibCompressorFormat.GZIP, the compressor will write the file name and modification time from the file info to the GZIP header.
setFilename(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
Sets the GtkMediaFile to play the given file. This is a utility function that converts the given @filename to a GFile` and calls MediaFile.setFile(org.gnome.gio.File).
setFilename(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Makes this Picture load and display the given filename.
setFilename(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Makes this Video play the given filename.
setFilename(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppInfo.Builder
The origin filename of this DesktopAppInfo
setFilename(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Sets the file name of the path.
setFilename(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList.Builder
The bookmark file to load.
setFilename(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.Builder
The full path to the file to be used to store and read the recently used resources list
setFilename(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarDB.Builder
Cookie-storage filename.
setFilename(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarText.Builder
Cookie-storage filename.
setFilename(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcerDB.Builder
The filename of the SQLite database where HSTS policies are stored.
setFileType(FileType) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the file type in a GFileInfo to type.
setFillLevel(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range.Builder
The fill level (e.g.
setFillLevel(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Set the new position of the fill level indicator.
setFilter(Filter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel
Sets the filter used to filter items.
setFilter(Filter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
Adds a filter that decides which fonts to display in the font chooser dialog.
setFilter(FileFilter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser.Builder
setFilter(FileFilter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
setFilter(Filter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel.Builder
The filter for this model.
setFilter(Filter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog.Builder
Sets a filter to restrict what fonts are shown in the font chooser dialog.
setFilter(AuthDomainFilter) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain.Builder
The AuthDomainFilter for the domain.
setFilter(AuthDomainFilter) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain
Adds filter as an authentication filter to this AuthDomain.
setFilterData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain.Builder
Data to pass to the AuthDomainFilter.
setFilterFunc(CustomFilterFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CustomFilter
Sets the function used for filtering items.
setFilterFunc(FlowBoxFilterFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
By setting a filter function on the this FlowBox one can decide dynamically which of the children to show.
setFilterFunc(FontFilterFunc) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
setFilterFunc(ListBoxFilterFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
By setting a filter function on the this ListBox one can decide dynamically which of the rows to show.
setFilters(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Sets the filters that will be offered to the user in the file chooser dialog.
setFilters(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog.Builder
The list of filters.
setFinishings(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setFirst(ShortcutTrigger) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlternativeTrigger.Builder
The first GtkShortcutTrigger to check.
setFirstParty(Uri) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
The GLib.Uri loaded in the application when the message was queued.
setFirstParty(Uri) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Sets firstParty as the main document GUri for this Message.
setFitModel(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView.Builder
Whether the view should request enough space to always fit the size of every row in the model (used by the combo box to ensure the combo box size doesn't change when different items are selected).
setFitModel(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView
setFixedHeightFromFont(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText
setFixedHeightMode(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
Setting the ::fixed-height-mode property to true speeds up GtkTreeView by assuming that all rows have the same height.
setFixedHeightMode(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setFixedSize(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
setFixedWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn.Builder
If not -1, this is the width that the column is allocated, regardless of the size of its content.
setFixedWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
If fixedWidth is not -1, sets the fixed width of column; otherwise unsets it.
setFixedWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
setFixedWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setFlags(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_FLAGS GValue to vFlags.
setFlags(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Looks up the flags type nicks for the bits specified by value, puts them in an array of strings and writes the array to key, within this Settings.
setFlags(Set<BufferFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Sets one or more buffer flags on a buffer.
setFlags(Set<ApplicationFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.Builder
Flags specifying the behaviour of the application.
setFlags(Set<ApplicationFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Sets the flags for this Application.
setFlags(Set<DBusConnectionFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection.Builder
Flags from the GDBusConnectionFlags enumeration.
setFlags(Set<DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Sets flags describing what the behavior of skeleton should be.
setFlags(Set<DBusMessageFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Sets the flags to set on this DBusMessage.
setFlags(Set<DBusObjectManagerClientFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.Builder
Flags from the GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags enumeration.
setFlags(Set<DBusServerFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer.Builder
Flags from the GDBusServerFlags enumeration.
setFlags(Set<SubprocessFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess.Builder
Subprocess flags.
setFlags(Set<SubprocessFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher.Builder
Gio.SubprocessFlags for launched processes.
setFlags(Set<SubprocessFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Sets the flags on the launcher.
setFlags(Set<TestDBusFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TestDBus.Builder
GTestDBusFlags specifying the behaviour of the D-Bus session.
setFlags(Set<TlsPasswordFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword.Builder
Flags about the password.
setFlags(Set<TlsPasswordFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
Set flags about the password.
setFlags(Set<IOFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Sets the (writeable) flags in this IOChannel to (flags & IOFlags.SET_MASK).
setFlags(Set<BindingFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding.Builder
Flags to be used to control the GBinding
setFlags(Set<EventControllerScrollFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.Builder
The flags affecting event controller behavior.
setFlags(Set<EventControllerScrollFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
Sets the flags conditioning scroll controller behavior.
setFlags(Set<PopoverMenuFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu.Builder
The flags that popover uses to create/display a menu from its model.
setFlags(Set<PopoverMenuFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu
Sets the flags that this PopoverMenu uses to create/display a menu from its model.
setFlags(Set<FileSaverFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver.Builder
File saving flags.
setFlags(Set<FileSaverFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
setFlags(Set<MessageFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Various message options.
setFlags(Set<MessageFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Sets the specified flags on this Message.
setFlags(BufferFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Sets one or more buffer flags on a buffer.
setFlags(ApplicationFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.Builder
Flags specifying the behaviour of the application.
setFlags(ApplicationFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Sets the flags for this Application.
setFlags(DBusConnectionFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection.Builder
Flags from the GDBusConnectionFlags enumeration.
setFlags(DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Sets flags describing what the behavior of skeleton should be.
setFlags(DBusMessageFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Sets the flags to set on this DBusMessage.
setFlags(DBusObjectManagerClientFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.Builder
Flags from the GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags enumeration.
setFlags(DBusServerFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer.Builder
Flags from the GDBusServerFlags enumeration.
setFlags(SubprocessFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess.Builder
Subprocess flags.
setFlags(SubprocessFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher.Builder
Gio.SubprocessFlags for launched processes.
setFlags(SubprocessFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Sets the flags on the launcher.
setFlags(TestDBusFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TestDBus.Builder
GTestDBusFlags specifying the behaviour of the D-Bus session.
setFlags(TlsPasswordFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword.Builder
Flags about the password.
setFlags(TlsPasswordFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
Set flags about the password.
setFlags(IOFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Sets the (writeable) flags in this IOChannel to (flags & IOFlags.SET_MASK).
setFlags(BindingFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding.Builder
Flags to be used to control the GBinding
setFlags(EventControllerScrollFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.Builder
The flags affecting event controller behavior.
setFlags(EventControllerScrollFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll
Sets the flags conditioning scroll controller behavior.
setFlags(PopoverMenuFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu.Builder
The flags that popover uses to create/display a menu from its model.
setFlags(PopoverMenuFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu
Sets the flags that this PopoverMenu uses to create/display a menu from its model.
setFlags(FileSaverFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver.Builder
File saving flags.
setFlags(FileSaverFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
setFlags(MessageFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Various message options.
setFlags(MessageFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Sets the specified flags on this Message.
setFlap(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
setFlap(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap.Builder
setFlapPosition(PackType) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap.Builder
setFlapPosition(PackType) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
setFlippable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Sets whether the GtkRange respects text direction.
setFloat(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_FLOAT GValue to vFloat.
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder
Sets the value of the uniform idx.
setFlowinfo(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress.Builder
The sin6_flowinfo field, for IPv6 addresses.
setFlushFunction(CollectPadsFlushFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Install a flush function that is called when the internal state of all pads should be flushed as part of flushing seek handling.
setFlushing(boolean) - Method in class
Set the ringbuffer to flushing mode or normal mode.
setFlushing(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Change the flushing state of all the pads in the collection.
setFlushing(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue
Sets the queue to flushing state if flushing is true.
setFlushing(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Enables or disables the flushing state of a this BufferPool without freeing or allocating buffers.
setFlushing(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
If flushing, flushes out and unrefs any messages queued in the bus.
setFlushing(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
When flushing is true, this function ensures that current and future calls to gst_poll_wait() will return -1, with errno set to EBUSY.
setFocus(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Sets the focus widget for this Dialog.
setFocus(Widget) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Root
If focus is not the current focus widget, and is focusable, sets it as the focus widget for the root.
setFocus(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets the focus widget.
setFocusable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewCell.Builder
If the item can be focused with the keyboard.
setFocusable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewCell
Sets this ColumnViewCell to be focusable.
setFocusable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow.Builder
If the row can be focused with the keyboard.
setFocusable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow
Sets this ColumnViewRow to be focusable.
setFocusable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem.Builder
If the item can be focused with the keyboard.
setFocusable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Sets this ListItem to be focusable.
setFocusable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Whether this widget itself will accept the input focus.
setFocusable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Specifies whether this Widget can own the input focus.
setFocusCell(CellRenderer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
setFocusCell(CellRenderer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.Builder
The cell in the area that currently has focus
setFocusChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Set child as the current focus child of this Widget.
setFocusOnClick(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Whether the widget should grab focus when it is clicked with the mouse.
setFocusOnClick(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets whether the widget should grab focus when it is clicked with the mouse.
setFocusPosition(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk.Builder
setFocusPosition(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
Sets the SnippetChunk:focus-position property.
setFocusVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
Whether 'focus rectangles' are currently visible in this window.
setFocusVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets whether “focus rectangles” are supposed to be visible.
setFocusWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.Builder
The focus widget.
setFocusWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
The focus widget.
setFoldDuration(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap.Builder
setFoldDuration(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
setFoldPolicy(FlapFoldPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap.Builder
setFoldPolicy(FlapFoldPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
setFoldThresholdPolicy(FoldThresholdPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap.Builder
setFoldThresholdPolicy(FoldThresholdPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
setFoldThresholdPolicy(FoldThresholdPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet.Builder
setFoldThresholdPolicy(FoldThresholdPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
setFollowEnableAnimationsSetting(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation.Builder
Whether to skip the animation when animations are globally disabled.
setFollowEnableAnimationsSetting(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
Sets whether to skip this Animation when animations are globally disabled.
setFollowsContentSize(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.Builder
Whether to size content automatically.
setFollowsContentSize(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Sets whether to size content of this Dialog automatically.
setFont(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setFont(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.Builder
setFont(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
setFont(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Font description as string, e.g.
setFontDesc(FontDescription) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setFontDesc(FontDescription) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.Builder
setFontDesc(FontDescription) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
setFontDesc(FontDescription) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton.Builder
The selected font.
setFontDesc(FontDescription) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Sets the font of the button.
setFontDesc(FontDescription) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Font description as a PangoFontDescription.
setFontDesc(FontDescription) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Map.Builder
setFontDescription(FontDescription) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Set the default font description for the context
setFontDescription(FontDescription) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets the default font description for the layout.
setFontFeatures(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Sets the font features of the button.
setFontFeatures(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton.Builder
The selected font features.
setFontFeatures(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
OpenType font features, as a string.
setFontFeaturesSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the font-features property is set.
setFontMap(FontMap) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
setFontMap(FontMap) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
Sets the fontmap from which fonts are selected.
setFontMap(FontMap) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets the font map to use for Pango rendering.
setFontMap(FontMap) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Sets the font map to be searched when fonts are looked-up in this context.
setFontMap(FontMap) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog.Builder
Sets a custom font map to select fonts from.
setFontOptions(FontOptions) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
setFooterFontName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Sets the font for printing the page footer.
setFooterFontName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor.Builder
Name of the font used to print page footer.
setFooterFormat(boolean, String, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
setForceHttp1(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Sets whether HTTP/1 version should be used when sending this message.
setForceLive(boolean) - Method in class
Causes the element to aggregate on a timeout even when no live source is connected to its sinks.
setForceLive(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
Subclasses should call this at construction time in order for this Aggregator to aggregate on a timeout even when no live source is connected.
setForceLive(boolean) - Method in class
Causes the element to aggregate on a timeout even when no live source is connected to its sinks.
setForeground(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setForeground(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Foreground color as a string.
setForeground(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setForegroundRgba(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
Foreground color as a GdkRGBA
setForegroundRgba(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Foreground color as a GdkRGBA.
setForegroundSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setForegroundSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the foreground property is set.
setForegroundSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setFormat(AudioFormat, int, int, AudioChannelPosition[]) - Method in class
Set the default info for the audio info of format and rate and channels.
setFormat(AudioInfo) - Method in class
Notifies subclass of incoming data format.
setFormat(DsdFormat, int, int, AudioChannelPosition[]) - Method in class
Set the default info for the DSD info of format and rate and channels.
setFormat(Caps) - Method in class
Notifies subclass of incoming data format (caps).
setFormat(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Sets the media format used in the profile.
setFormat(Format) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Sets the default format of the source.
setFormat(VideoCodecState) - Method in class
Notifies subclass of incoming data format (caps).
setFormat(VideoCodecState) - Method in class
setFormat(VideoFormat, int, int) - Method in class
Set the default info for a video frame of format and width and height.
setFormat(MemoryFormat) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder.Builder
The format when downloading the texture.
setFormat(MemoryFormat) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Sets the format of the texture.
setFormat(MemoryFormat) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder.Builder
The format of the data.
setFormat(MemoryFormat) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Sets the format of the bytes.
setFormat(MemoryFormat) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TextureDownloader
Sets the format the downloader will download.
setFormat(ZlibCompressorFormat) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressor.Builder
The format of the compressed data.
setFormat(ZlibCompressorFormat) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ZlibDecompressor.Builder
The format of the compressed data.
setFormats(int, Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Set the formats query result fields in this Query.
setFormats(ContentFormats) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync
Sets the data formats that this drop target will accept.
setFormats(ContentFormats) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag.Builder
The possible formats that the drag can provide its data in.
setFormats(ContentFormats) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop.Builder
The possible formats that the drop can provide its data in.
setFormats(ContentFormats) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.Builder
The GdkContentFormats that determine the supported data formats.
setFormats(ContentFormats) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.Builder
The GdkContentFormats that determines the supported data formats.
setFormatsv(Format[]) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Set the formats query result fields in this Query.
setFormatValueFunc(ScaleFormatValueFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
func allows you to change how the scale value is displayed.
setForwardCompatible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Sets whether the GdkGLContext should be forward-compatible.
setForwardPageFunc(AssistantPageFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setFourcc(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder.Builder
The format of the texture, as a fourcc value.
setFourcc(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Sets the format of the texture.
setFraction(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar.Builder
The fraction of total work that has been completed.
setFraction(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
Causes the progress bar to “fill in” the given fraction of the bar.
setFragment(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Sets the fragment string in the URI.
setFrameClock(FrameClock) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface.Builder
The GdkFrameClock of the surface.
setFrameMax(int) - Method in class
Sets max number of frames accepted at once (assumed minimally 1).
setFrameRate(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
If frames per second is configured, parser can take care of buffer duration and timestamping.
setFrameSamplesMax(int) - Method in class
Sets number of samples (per channel) subclass needs to be handed, at most or will be handed all available if 0.
setFrameSamplesMin(int) - Method in class
Sets number of samples (per channel) subclass needs to be handed, at least or will be handed all available if 0.
setFreeFunc(Proxy, String) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.MemoryCleaner
Register a specialized cleanup function for this proxy instance, instead of the default
setFreeFunc(MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Sets a function for freeing each element when array is destroyed either via g_ptr_array_unref(), when g_ptr_array_free() is called with freeSegment set to true or when removing elements.
setFromCharset(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.CharsetConverter.Builder
The character encoding to convert from.
setFromError(GError) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use GTask and g_task_return_error() instead.
setFromFile(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Sets a GtkImage to show a file.
setFromGicon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Sets a GtkImage to show a GIcon.
setFromIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Sets a GtkImage to show a named icon.
setFromPaintable(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Sets a GtkImage to show a GdkPaintable.
setFromPaintable(Drag, Paintable, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragIcon
Creates a GtkDragIcon that shows paintable, and associates it with the drag operation.
setFromPixbuf(Pixbuf) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
setFromResource(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Sets a GtkImage to show a resource.
setFullscreen(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties.Builder
Whether window will be displayed fullscreen.
setFullscreen(boolean, Monitor) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelLayout
Sets whether the layout should cause the surface to be fullscreen when presented.
setFullscreened(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
Whether the window is fullscreen.
setFullscreenMode(FullscreenMode) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel.Builder
The fullscreen mode of the surface.
setFullWidth(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.Builder
Whether the bottom sheet takes the full width.
setFullWidth(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Sets whether the bottom sheet takes the full width.
setFuncs(SourceFuncs) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Sets the source functions (can be used to override default implementations) of an unattached source.
setFunction(CollectPadsFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
CollectPads provides a default collection algorithm that will determine the oldest buffer available on all of its pads, and then delegate to a configured callback.
setGapAware(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
If gapAware is false (the default), output buffers will have the BufferFlags.GAP flag unset.
setGapFlags(Set<GapFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Sets flags on this Event to give additional information about the reason for the GST_EVENT_GAP.
setGapFlags(GapFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Sets flags on this Event to give additional information about the reason for the GST_EVENT_GAP.
setGBusType(BusType) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.Builder
If this property is not BusType.NONE, then GDBusProxy:g-connection must be null and will be set to the GDBusConnection obtained by calling g_bus_get() with the value of this property.
setGConnection(DBusConnection) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectProxy.Builder
The connection of the proxy.
setGConnection(DBusConnection) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.Builder
The GDBusConnection the proxy is for.
setGDefaultTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.Builder
The timeout to use if -1 (specifying default timeout) is passed as timeoutMsec in the g_dbus_proxy_call() and g_dbus_proxy_call_sync() functions.
setGenericAuthCallback(AuthDomainGenericAuthCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain.Builder
The AuthDomainGenericAuthCallback.
setGenericAuthCallback(AuthDomainGenericAuthCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain
Sets authCallback as an authentication-handling callback for this AuthDomain.
setGenericAuthData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain.Builder
The data to pass to the AuthDomainGenericAuthCallback.
setGeometry(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties.Builder
The size and position of the window on the screen.
setGetEmpty() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the singleton empty hb_set_t.
setGetMax(Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Finds the largest element in the set.
setGetMin(Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Finds the smallest element in the set.
setGetPopulation(Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Returns the number of elements in the set.
setGetProxyTypeDestroyNotify(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.Builder
A GDestroyNotify for the gpointer user_data in GDBusObjectManagerClient:get-proxy-type-user-data.
setGetProxyTypeFunc(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.Builder
The GDBusProxyTypeFunc to use when determining what GType to use for interface proxies or null.
setGetProxyTypeUserData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.Builder
The gpointer user_data to pass to GDBusObjectManagerClient:get-proxy-type-func.
setGetrangeFunctionFull(PadGetRangeFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Sets the given getrange function for the pad.
setGetUserData(Set, UserDataKey) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the user data associated with the specified key, attached to the specified set.
setGfile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserDialog.Builder
The GFile used by the GtkAppChooserDialog.
setGFlags(Set<DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.Builder
Flags from the GDBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags enumeration.
setGFlags(Set<DBusProxyFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.Builder
Flags from the GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
setGFlags(DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.Builder
Flags from the GDBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags enumeration.
setGFlags(DBusProxyFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.Builder
Flags from the GDBusProxyFlags enumeration.
setGicon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf
setGicon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.EmblemedIcon.Builder
The Icon to attach emblems to.
setGicon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererPixbuf.Builder
The GIcon representing the icon to display.
setGicon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image.Builder
The GIcon displayed in the GtkImage.
setGicon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell
setGicon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf.Builder
setGicon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.Builder
A GIcon that may be a base of a rendered icon.
setGicon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
Sets an icon to be used as a base for rendered icon.
setGInterfaceInfo(DBusInterfaceInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.Builder
Ensure that interactions with this proxy conform to the given interface.
setGInterfaceName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.Builder
The D-Bus interface name the proxy is for.
setGlobalAlpha(float) - Method in class
Sets the global alpha value associated with a GstVideoOverlayRectangle.
setGName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.Builder
The well-known or unique name that the proxy is for.
setGObjectPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectProxy.Builder
The object path of the proxy.
setGObjectPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton.Builder
The object path where the object is exported.
setGObjectPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.Builder
The object path the proxy is for.
setGracefulDisconnect(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TcpConnection.Builder
Whether IOStream.close(org.gnome.gio.Cancellable) does a graceful disconnect.
setGracefulDisconnect(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TcpConnection
This enables graceful disconnects on close.
setGraphicsOffload(GraphicsOffloadEnabled) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video.Builder
Whether to enable graphics offload.
setGraphicsOffload(GraphicsOffloadEnabled) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Sets whether to enable graphics offload.
setGravity(Gravity) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Sets the gravity field of a font description.
setGravityHint(GravityHint) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Sets the gravity hint for the context.
setGridLines(TreeViewGridLines) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setGroup(CheckButton) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Adds this CheckButton to the group of group.
setGroup(ToggleButton) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton
Adds self to the group of group.
setGroup(CheckButton) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.Builder
The check button whose group this widget belongs to.
setGroup(ToggleButton) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton.Builder
The toggle button whose group this widget belongs to.
setGroupId(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
All streams that have the same group id are supposed to be played together, i.e.
setGroupId(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Sets the group id on the stream-start message.
setGroupName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Sets a group name for this Notebook.
setGroupName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
Group name for tab drag and drop.
setGroups(String, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Sets a list of group names for the item with URI uri.
setGtkAlternativeButtonOrder(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether buttons in dialogs should use the alternative button order.
setGtkAlternativeSortArrows(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Controls the direction of the sort indicators in sorted list and tree views.
setGtkApplicationPreferDarkTheme(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether the application prefers to use a dark theme.
setGtkCursorAspectRatio(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
The aspect ratio of the text caret.
setGtkCursorBlink(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether the cursor should blink.
setGtkCursorBlinkTime(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Length of the cursor blink cycle, in milliseconds.
setGtkCursorBlinkTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Time after which the cursor stops blinking, in seconds.
setGtkCursorThemeName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Name of the cursor theme to use.
setGtkCursorThemeSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
The size to use for cursors.
setGtkDecorationLayout(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Determines which buttons should be put in the titlebar of client-side decorated windows, and whether they should be placed on the left or right.
setGtkDialogsUseHeader(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether builtin GTK dialogs such as the file chooser, the color chooser or the font chooser will use a header bar at the top to show action widgets, or an action area at the bottom.
setGtkDndDragThreshold(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
The number of pixels the cursor can move before dragging.
setGtkDoubleClickDistance(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
The maximum distance allowed between two clicks for them to be considered a double click, in pixels.
setGtkDoubleClickTime(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
The maximum time to allow between two clicks for them to be considered a double click, in milliseconds.
setGtkEnableAccels(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether menu items should have visible accelerators which can be activated.
setGtkEnableAnimations(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether to enable toolkit-wide animations.
setGtkEnableEventSounds(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether to play any event sounds at all.
setGtkEnableInputFeedbackSounds(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether to play event sounds as feedback to user input.
setGtkEnablePrimaryPaste(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether a middle click on a mouse should paste the 'PRIMARY' clipboard content at the cursor location.
setGtkEntryPasswordHintTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
How long to show the last input character in hidden entries.
setGtkEntrySelectOnFocus(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether to select the contents of an entry when it is focused.
setGtkErrorBell(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
When true, keyboard navigation and other input-related errors will cause a beep.
setGtkFontconfigTimestamp(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Timestamp of the current fontconfig configuration.
setGtkFontName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
The default font to use.
setGtkFontRendering(FontRendering) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
How GTK font rendering is set up.
setGtkHintFontMetrics(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether hinting should be applied to font metrics.
setGtkIconThemeName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Name of the icon theme to use.
setGtkImModule(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Which IM (input method) module should be used by default.
setGtkKeynavUseCaret(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether GTK should make sure that text can be navigated with a caret, even if it is not editable.
setGtkLabelSelectOnFocus(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether to select the contents of a selectable label when it is focused.
setGtkLongPressTime(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
The time for a button or touch press to be considered a “long press”.
setGtkOverlayScrolling(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether scrolled windows may use overlaid scrolling indicators.
setGtkPrimaryButtonWarpsSlider(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
If the value of this setting is true, clicking the primary button in a GtkRange trough will move the slider, and hence set the range’s value, to the point that you clicked.
setGtkPrintBackends(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
A comma-separated list of print backends to use in the print dialog.
setGtkPrintPreviewCommand(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
A command to run for displaying the print preview.
setGtkRecentFilesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether GTK should keep track of items inside the recently used resources list.
setGtkRecentFilesMaxAge(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
The maximum age, in days, of the items inside the recently used resources list.
setGtkShellShowsAppMenu(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Set to true if the desktop environment is displaying the app menu, false if the app should display it itself.
setGtkShellShowsDesktop(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Set to true if the desktop environment is displaying the desktop folder, false if not.
setGtkShellShowsMenubar(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Set to true if the desktop environment is displaying the menubar, false if the app should display it itself.
setGtkShowStatusShapes(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
When true, widgets like switches include shapes to indicate their on/off state.
setGtkSoundThemeName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
The XDG sound theme to use for event sounds.
setGtkSplitCursor(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether two cursors should be displayed for mixed left-to-right and right-to-left text.
setGtkThemeName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Name of the theme to load.
setGtkTitlebarDoubleClick(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Determines the action to take when a double-click occurs on the titlebar of client-side decorated windows.
setGtkTitlebarMiddleClick(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Determines the action to take when a middle-click occurs on the titlebar of client-side decorated windows.
setGtkTitlebarRightClick(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Determines the action to take when a right-click occurs on the titlebar of client-side decorated windows.
setGtkXftAntialias(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether to antialias fonts.
setGtkXftDpi(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
The font resolution, in 1024 * dots/inch.
setGtkXftHinting(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
Whether to enable font hinting.
setGtkXftHintstyle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
What degree of font hinting to use.
setGtkXftRgba(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Settings.Builder
The type of subpixel antialiasing to use.
setGtype(Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate.Builder
The type of the pad described by the pad template.
setGtype(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_GTYPE GValue to vGtype.
setGtypes(Type[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Sets the supported GTypes for this drop target.
setGuid(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection.Builder
The GUID of the peer performing the role of server when authenticating.
setGuid(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer.Builder
The GUID of the server.
setGutter(TextWindowType, Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Places widget into the gutter specified by win.
setHadjustment(Adjustment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable
Sets the horizontal adjustment of the GtkScrollable.
setHadjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Sets the GtkAdjustment for the horizontal scrollbar.
setHadjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Hooks up an adjustment to focus handling in this FlowBox.
setHadjustment(Adjustment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable.Builder
Horizontal GtkAdjustment of the scrollable widget.
setHadjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
The GtkAdjustment for the horizontal position.
setHalign(Align) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
How to distribute horizontal space if widget gets extra space.
setHalign(Align) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets the horizontal alignment of this Widget.
setHandle(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32InputStream.Builder
The handle that the stream reads from.
setHandle(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Win32OutputStream.Builder
The file handle that the stream writes to.
setHandleCancellation(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
setHandleMenubarAccel(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
Whether the window frame should handle F10 for activating menubars.
setHandleMenubarAccel(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets whether this window should react to F10 key presses by activating a menubar it contains.
setHardMin(boolean) - Method in class
Configures encoder hard minimum handling.
setHardResync(boolean) - Method in class
setHardResync(boolean) - Method in class
setHardwareAccelerationPolicy(HardwareAccelerationPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
The WebKitHardwareAccelerationPolicy to decide how to enable and disable hardware acceleration.
setHardwareAccelerationPolicy(HardwareAccelerationPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:hardware-acceleration-policy property.
setHardwareId(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceTool.Builder
The hardware ID of the tool.
setHas(Set, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether codepoint belongs to set.
setHasAlpha(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf.Builder
Whether the pixbuf has an alpha channel.
setHasArrow(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.Builder
Whether to draw an arrow.
setHasArrow(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Sets whether this popover should draw an arrow pointing at the widget it is relative to.
setHasCursor(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device.Builder
Whether the device is represented by a cursor on the screen.
setHasDepthBuffer(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.Builder
If set to true the widget will allocate and enable a depth buffer for the target framebuffer.
setHasDepthBuffer(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Sets whether the GtkGLArea should use a depth buffer.
setHasEntry(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererCombo.Builder
If true, the cell renderer will include an entry and allow to enter values other than the ones in the popup list.
setHasEntry(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
Whether the combo box has an entry.
setHasFrame(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button.Builder
Whether the button has a frame.
setHasFrame(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Sets the style of the button.
setHasFrame(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
The has-frame property controls whether a frame is drawn around the entry.
setHasFrame(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Whether the entry should draw a frame.
setHasFrame(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets whether the entry has a beveled frame around it.
setHasFrame(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.Builder
Whether the button has a frame.
setHasFrame(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Sets the style of the button.
setHasFrame(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.Builder
If the scale button has a frame.
setHasFrame(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Sets the style of the button.
setHasFrame(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
Whether to draw a frame around the contents.
setHasFrame(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Changes the frame drawn around the contents of this ScrolledWindow.
setHash(Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates a hash representing set.
setHasMipmap(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder.Builder
If the texture has a mipmap.
setHasMipmap(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Sets whether the texture has a mipmap.
setHasOrigin(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale.Builder
Whether the scale has an origin.
setHasOrigin(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
Sets whether the scale has an origin.
setHasSelection(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
Determines whether there is a selection in your application.
setHasSelection(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Sets whether there is a selection to print.
setHasSelection(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog.Builder
Whether the application has a selection.
setHasSelection(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Sets whether a selection exists.
setHasStencilBuffer(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.Builder
If set to true the widget will allocate and enable a stencil buffer for the target framebuffer.
setHasStencilBuffer(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Sets whether the GtkGLArea should use a stencil buffer.
setHasTimingInfo(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
Set if frames carry timing information which the subclass can (generally) parse and provide.
setHasTooltip(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Enables or disables the emission of the ::query-tooltip signal on widget.
setHasTooltip(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets the has-tooltip property on this Widget to hasTooltip.
setHcenter(int) - Method in interface
Set the horizontal centering offset for the given object.
setHeader(DBusMessageHeaderField, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Sets a header field on this DBusMessage.
setHeader(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
Sets the current header of the this ListBoxRow.
setHeaderFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Sets the factory to use for creating header widgets for the popup.
setHeaderFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Sets the GtkListItemFactory to use for populating the ListHeader objects used in section headers.
setHeaderFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Sets the GtkListItemFactory to use for creating header widgets for the popup.
setHeaderFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Sets the GtkListItemFactory to use for populating the ListHeader objects used in section headers.
setHeaderFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow.Builder
The factory for creating header widgets for the popup.
setHeaderFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView.Builder
Factory for creating header widgets.
setHeaderFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.Builder
The factory for creating header widgets for the popup.
setHeaderFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView.Builder
Factory for creating header widgets.
setHeaderFontName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Sets the font for printing the page header.
setHeaderFontName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor.Builder
Name of the font used to print page header.
setHeaderFormat(boolean, String, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Sets strftime like header format strings, to be printed on the left, center and right of the top of each page.
setHeaderFunc(ListBoxUpdateHeaderFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Sets a header function.
setHeaderMenu(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Sets the menu model that is used to create the context menu for the column header.
setHeaderMenu(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn.Builder
Menu model used to create the context menu for the column header.
setHeaders(List<Buffer>) - Method in class
Set the codec headers to be sent downstream whenever requested.
setHeaders(List<Buffer>) - Method in class
Set the codec headers to be sent downstream whenever requested.
setHeadersClickable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
setHeadersClickable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setHeaderSuffix(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup
Sets the suffix for this PreferencesGroup's header.
setHeaderSuffix(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup.Builder
The header suffix widget.
setHeadersVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
setHeadersVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setHeading(double) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPosition
Set the this GeolocationPosition heading.
setHeading(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Sets the heading of this AlertDialog.
setHeading(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
setHeading(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.Builder
The heading of the dialog.
setHeading(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.Builder
setHeading(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.Builder
The text to show at the top of the dialog that can be opened from the button.
setHeading(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setHeading(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserDialog.Builder
The text to show at the top of the dialog.
setHeading(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserDialog
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setHeadingUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.Builder
Whether the heading includes Pango markup.
setHeadingUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Sets whether the heading of this AlertDialog includes Pango markup.
setHeadingUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.Builder
setHeadingUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
setHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder.Builder
The height of the texture.
setHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Sets the height of the texture.
setHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder.Builder
The height of the texture.
setHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Sets the height of the texture.
setHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder.Builder
The height of the texture.
setHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Sets the height of the texture.
setHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture.Builder
The height of the texture, in pixels.
setHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf.Builder
The number of rows of the pixbuf.
setHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
setHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets the height to which the PangoLayout should be ellipsized at.
setHeightRequest(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Override for height request of the widget.
setHelpEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Enables or disables automatic generation of --help output.
setHelpOverlay(ShortcutsWindow) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow
Associates a shortcuts window with the application window.
setHexpand(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Whether to expand horizontally.
setHexpand(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets whether the widget would like any available extra horizontal space.
setHexpandSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Whether to use the hexpand property.
setHexpandSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets whether the hexpand flag will be used.
setHflip(boolean) - Method in interface
Set the horizontal flipping state (true for flipped) for the given object.
setHhomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack.Builder
Whether the stack is horizontally homogeneous.
setHhomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Sets this ViewStack to be horizontally homogeneous or not.
setHhomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack.Builder
true if the stack allocates the same width for all children.
setHhomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Sets the GtkStack to be horizontally homogeneous or not.
setHideExpander(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander.Builder
Whether the expander icon should be hidden in a GtkTreeListRow.
setHideExpander(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander
Sets whether the expander icon should be visible in a GtkTreeListRow.
setHideOnClose(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
If this window should be hidden when the users clicks the close button.
setHideOnClose(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
If setting is true, then clicking the close button on the window will not destroy it, but only hide it.
setHighlight(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext.Builder
Highlight the search occurrences.
setHighlight(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
Enables or disables the search occurrences highlighting.
setHighlightCurrentLine(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
setHighlightCurrentLine(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
If highlight is true the current line will be highlighted.
setHighlightMatchingBrackets(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.Builder
Whether to highlight matching brackets in the buffer.
setHighlightMatchingBrackets(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Controls the bracket match highlighting function in the buffer.
setHighlightSyntax(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.Builder
Whether to highlight syntax in the buffer.
setHighlightSyntax(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Controls whether syntax is highlighted in the buffer.
setHighlightSyntax(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor.Builder
Whether to print the document with highlighted syntax.
setHighlightSyntax(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Sets whether the printed text will be highlighted according to the buffer rules.
setHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet.Builder
setHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
setHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer.Builder
setHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
setHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box.Builder
Whether the children should all be the same size.
setHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box
Sets whether or not all children of this Box are given equal space in the box.
setHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout.Builder
Whether the box layout should distribute the available space equally among the children.
setHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout
Sets whether the box layout will allocate the same size to all children.
setHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.Builder
Determines whether all children should be allocated the same size.
setHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Sets whether or not all children of this FlowBox are given equal space in the box.
setHost(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Set or unset the host for the URI.
setHostname(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress.Builder
Hostname to resolve.
setHotspot(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag
Sets the position of the drag surface that will be kept under the cursor hotspot.
setHotspotX(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor.Builder
X position of the cursor hotspot in the cursor image.
setHotspotY(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor.Builder
Y position of the cursor hotspot in the cursor image.
setHoverDelay(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Hover.Builder
Contains the number of milliseconds to delay before showing the hover assistant.
setHoverExpand(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
Enables or disables the hover expansion mode of treeView.
setHoverExpand(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setHoverSelection(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
Enables or disables the hover selection mode of treeView.
setHoverSelection(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setHscrollbarPolicy(PolicyType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
When the horizontal scrollbar is displayed.
setHscrollPolicy(ScrollablePolicy) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable.Builder
Determines when horizontal scrolling should start.
setHscrollPolicy(ScrollablePolicy) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable
Sets the GtkScrollablePolicy.
setHttpHeaders(MessageHeaders) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeResponse
Assign the provided SoupMessageHeaders to the response.
setHttpOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Sets this Cookie's HttpOnly attribute to httpOnly.
setHttpVersion(HTTPVersion) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Set the HTTP version of this ServerMessage.
setIcon(String, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Sets the icon for the bookmark for uri.
setIcon(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Tooltip
Sets the icon of the tooltip (which is in front of the text) to be paintable.
setIcon(Paintable, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DragSource
Sets a paintable to use as icon during DND operations.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Sets the icon of this TabPage.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.AppLaunchContext
Sets the icon for applications that are launched with this context.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.Builder
The icon of the page.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the icon for a given GFileInfo.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Sets (or unsets) the icon on this MenuItem.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Notification
Sets the icon of this Notification to icon.
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut.Builder
An icon to represent the shortcut or gesture.
setIcon(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Emblem.Builder
The actual icon of the emblem.
setIconActivatable(EntryIconPosition, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets whether the icon is activatable.
setIconDragSource(EntryIconPosition, ContentProvider, Set<DragAction>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets up the icon at the given position as drag source.
setIconDragSource(EntryIconPosition, ContentProvider, DragAction...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets up the icon at the given position as drag source.
setIconFromGicon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Tooltip
Sets the icon of the tooltip (which is in front of the text) to be the icon indicated by gicon with the size indicated by size.
setIconFromGicon(EntryIconPosition, Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets the icon shown in the entry at the specified position from the current icon theme.
setIconFromIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Tooltip
Sets the icon of the tooltip (which is in front of the text) to be the icon indicated by iconName with the size indicated by size.
setIconFromIconName(EntryIconPosition, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets the icon shown in the entry at the specified position from the current icon theme.
setIconFromPaintable(EntryIconPosition, Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets the icon shown in the specified position using a GdkPaintable.
setIconList(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel.Builder
A list of textures to use as icon.
setIconList(List<Texture>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Sets a list of icons for the surface.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar
Sets the name of an icon to use as a fallback.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Sets the icon name for this PreferencesPage.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage
Sets the icon name for this StatusPage.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Sets the icon name of the page.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.AppLaunchContext
Sets the icon for applications that are launched with this context.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets the icon for the window from a named themed icon.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow.Builder
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar.Builder
The name of an icon to use as a fallback.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent.Builder
The name of the displayed icon.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent
Sets the name of the displayed icon.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow.Builder
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage.Builder
The icon name for this page.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.Builder
The name of the icon used to automatically populate the button.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Sets the name of the icon used to automatically populate the button.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage.Builder
The name of the icon to be used.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage.Builder
The icon name of the child page.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button.Builder
The name of the icon used to automatically populate the button.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Adds a GtkImage with the given icon name as a child.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererPixbuf.Builder
The name of the themed icon to display.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconPaintable.Builder
The icon name that was chosen during lookup.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image.Builder
The name of the icon in the icon theme.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.Builder
The name of the icon used to automatically populate the button.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Sets the name of an icon to show inside the menu button.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage.Builder
The icon name of the child page.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage
Sets the icon name of the page.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
Specifies the name of the themed icon to use as the window icon.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf.Builder
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.Builder
An icon name that may be a base of a rendered icon.
setIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
Sets a name of an icon to be used as a base for rendered icon.
setIcons(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.Builder
The names of the icons to be used by the scale button.
setIcons(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Sets the icons to be used by the scale button.
setIconSensitive(EntryIconPosition, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets the sensitivity for the specified icon.
setIconSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut.Builder
true if an icon has been set.
setIconSize(IconSize) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererPixbuf.Builder
The GtkIconSize value that specifies the size of the rendered icon.
setIconSize(IconSize) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image.Builder
The symbolic size to display icons at.
setIconSize(IconSize) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Suggests an icon size to the theme for named icons.
setIconTooltipMarkup(EntryIconPosition, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets tooltip as the contents of the tooltip for the icon at the specified position.
setIconTooltipText(EntryIconPosition, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets tooltip as the contents of the tooltip for the icon at the specified position.
setId(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder.Builder
The texture ID to use.
setId(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Sets the texture id of the texture.
setId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Sets the id of this column.
setId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.LayoutSlot.Builder
The slot ID.
setId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn.Builder
An ID for the column.
setId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme.Builder
Style scheme id, a unique string used to identify the style scheme in StyleSchemeManager.
setId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession.Builder
The session unique identifier.
setIdColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
The model column that provides string IDs for the values in the model, if != -1.
setIdColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
setIdleTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.Builder
Connection lifetime (in seconds) when idle.
setIdleTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Set a timeout in seconds for idle connection lifetime to be used by this Session on new connections.
setIgnoreCase(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter.Builder
If matching is case sensitive.
setIgnoreCase(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter
Sets whether the filter ignores case differences.
setIgnoreCase(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter.Builder
If sorting is case sensitive.
setIgnoreCase(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter
Sets whether the sorter will ignore case differences.
setIgnoreHosts(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleProxyResolver.Builder
A list of hostnames and IP addresses that the resolver should allow direct connections to.
setIgnoreHosts(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleProxyResolver
Sets the list of ignored hosts.
setIgnoreInactivePads(boolean) - Method in class
Don't wait for inactive pads when live.
setIgnoreInactivePads(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
Subclasses should call this when they don't want to time out waiting for a pad that hasn't yet received any buffers in live mode.
setIgnoreUnknownOptions(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Sets whether to ignore unknown options or not.
setImageUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult.Builder
The URI of the image if flag HitTestResultContext.IMAGE is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context
setImageUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult.Builder
The URI of the image if flag HitTestResultContext.IMAGE is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context
setImContext(IMContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey
Sets the input method context of the key this EventControllerKey.
setImModule(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Which IM (input method) module should be used for this entry.
setImModule(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Which IM (input method) module should be used for this self.
setImModule(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Which IM (input method) module should be used for this text_view.
setImplicitTrailingNewline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.Builder
Whether the buffer has an implicit trailing newline.
setImplicitTrailingNewline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Sets whether the this Buffer has an implicit trailing newline.
setInactivityTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.Builder
Time (in milliseconds) to stay alive after becoming idle.
setInactivityTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Sets the current inactivity timeout for the application.
setInconsistent(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle.Builder
setInconsistent(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.Builder
If the check button is in an “in between” state.
setInconsistent(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Sets the GtkCheckButton to inconsistent state.
setIncremental(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel.Builder
If the model should filter items incrementally.
setIncremental(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel
Sets the filter model to do an incremental sort.
setIncremental(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel.Builder
If the model should sort items incrementally.
setIncremental(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel
Sets the sort model to do an incremental sort.
setIncrements(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Sets the step and page sizes for the range.
setIncrements(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Sets the step and page increments for spin_button.
setIndent(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Amount to indent the paragraph, in pixels.
setIndent(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Amount to indent the paragraph, in pixels.
setIndent(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets the default indentation for paragraphs in this TextView.
setIndent(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets the width in Pango units to indent each paragraph.
setIndenter(Indenter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Sets the indenter for this View to indenter.
setIndenter(Indenter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
The property is a Indenter to use to indent as the user types into the View.
setIndentForDepth(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander.Builder
TreeExpander indents the child according to its depth.
setIndentForDepth(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander
Sets if the TreeExpander should indent the child according to its depth.
setIndentForIcon(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander.Builder
TreeExpander indents the child by the width of an expander-icon if it is not expandable.
setIndentForIcon(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander
Sets if the TreeExpander should indent the child by the width of an expander-icon when it is not expandable.
setIndentOnTab(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
setIndentOnTab(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
If true, when the tab key is pressed when several lines are selected, the selected lines are indented of one level instead of being replaced with a \\t character.
setIndentSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the indent property is set.
setIndentWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
Width of an indentation step expressed in number of spaces.
setIndentWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Sets the number of spaces to use for each step of indent when the tab key is pressed.
setIndicatorActivatable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.Builder
Whether the indicator icon is activatable.
setIndicatorActivatable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Sets whether the indicator of this TabPage is activatable.
setIndicatorIcon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Sets the indicator icon of this TabPage.
setIndicatorIcon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.Builder
An indicator icon for the page.
setIndicatorTooltip(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.Builder
The tooltip of the indicator icon.
setIndicatorTooltip(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Sets the tooltip of the indicator icon of this TabPage.
setInferTs(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
By default, the base class might try to infer PTS from DTS and vice versa.
setInfo(Caps, VideoInfo) - Method in class
Notifies the subclass of changed GstVideoInfo.
setInfo(Caps, VideoInfo, Caps, VideoInfo) - Method in class
function to be called with the negotiated caps and video infos
setInfo(Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Sample
Set the info structure associated with this Sample.
setInitialFile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Sets the file that will be initially selected in the file chooser dialog.
setInitialFile(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog.Builder
The initial file, that is, the file that is initially selected in the file chooser dialog
setInitialFolder(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Sets the folder that will be set as the initial folder in the file chooser dialog.
setInitialFolder(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog.Builder
The initial folder, that is, the directory that is initially opened in the file chooser dialog
setInitialName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Sets the name for the file that should be initially set.
setInitialName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog.Builder
The initial name, that is, the filename that is initially selected in the file chooser dialog.
setInitialVelocity(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation.Builder
The initial velocity to start the animation with.
setInitialVelocity(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Sets the initial velocity of this SpringAnimation.
setInlineCompletion(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.Builder
Determines whether the common prefix of the possible completions should be inserted automatically in the entry.
setInlineCompletion(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
setInlineSelection(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.Builder
Determines whether the possible completions on the popup will appear in the entry as you navigate through them.
setInlineSelection(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
setInPlace(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Determines whether a non-writable buffer will be copied before passing to the transform_ip function.
setInputHints(Set<InputHints>) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.Builder
Additional input hints for the entry row.
setInputHints(Set<InputHints>) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Set additional input hints for this EntryRow.
setInputHints(Set<InputHints>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Additional hints that allow input methods to fine-tune their behavior.
setInputHints(Set<InputHints>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Set additional hints which allow input methods to fine-tune their behavior.
setInputHints(Set<InputHints>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.Builder
Additional hints that allow input methods to fine-tune their behaviour.
setInputHints(Set<InputHints>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.Builder
The hints about input for the GtkSearchEntry used to alter the behaviour of input methods.
setInputHints(Set<InputHints>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Sets the input hints for this SearchEntry.
setInputHints(Set<InputHints>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Additional hints that allow input methods to fine-tune their behaviour.
setInputHints(Set<InputHints>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Sets input hints that allow input methods to fine-tune their behaviour.
setInputHints(Set<InputHints>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Additional hints (beyond Gtk.TextView:input-purpose) that allow input methods to fine-tune their behaviour.
setInputHints(Set<InputHints>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets the input-hints of the GtkTextView.
setInputHints(Set<InputHints>) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.Builder
The WebKitInputHints of the input associated with this context.
setInputHints(Set<InputHints>) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Set the value of the WebKitInputMethodContext:input-hints property.
setInputHints(InputHints...) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.Builder
Additional input hints for the entry row.
setInputHints(InputHints...) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Set additional input hints for this EntryRow.
setInputHints(InputHints...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Additional hints that allow input methods to fine-tune their behavior.
setInputHints(InputHints...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Set additional hints which allow input methods to fine-tune their behavior.
setInputHints(InputHints...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.Builder
Additional hints that allow input methods to fine-tune their behaviour.
setInputHints(InputHints...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.Builder
The hints about input for the GtkSearchEntry used to alter the behaviour of input methods.
setInputHints(InputHints...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Sets the input hints for this SearchEntry.
setInputHints(InputHints...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Additional hints that allow input methods to fine-tune their behaviour.
setInputHints(InputHints...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Sets input hints that allow input methods to fine-tune their behaviour.
setInputHints(InputHints...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Additional hints (beyond Gtk.TextView:input-purpose) that allow input methods to fine-tune their behaviour.
setInputHints(InputHints...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets the input-hints of the GtkTextView.
setInputHints(InputHints...) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.Builder
The WebKitInputHints of the input associated with this context.
setInputHints(InputHints...) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Set the value of the WebKitInputMethodContext:input-hints property.
setInputMethodContext(InputMethodContext) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Set the WebKitInputMethodContext to be used by this WebView.
setInputPurpose(InputPurpose) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.Builder
The input purpose of the entry row.
setInputPurpose(InputPurpose) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Sets the input purpose of this EntryRow.
setInputPurpose(InputPurpose) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
The purpose of this text field.
setInputPurpose(InputPurpose) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets the input purpose which can be used by input methods to adjust their behavior.
setInputPurpose(InputPurpose) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.Builder
The purpose of the text field that the `GtkIMContext is connected to.
setInputPurpose(InputPurpose) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.Builder
The purpose for the GtkSearchEntry input used to alter the behaviour of input methods.
setInputPurpose(InputPurpose) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Sets the input purpose of this SearchEntry.
setInputPurpose(InputPurpose) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
The purpose of this text field.
setInputPurpose(InputPurpose) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Sets the input purpose of the GtkText.
setInputPurpose(InputPurpose) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
The purpose of this text field.
setInputPurpose(InputPurpose) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets the input-purpose of the GtkTextView.
setInputPurpose(InputPurpose) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.Builder
The WebKitInputPurpose of the input associated with this context.
setInputPurpose(InputPurpose) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext
Set the value of the WebKitInputMethodContext:input-purpose property.
setInputRegion(Region) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Apply the region to the surface for the purpose of event handling.
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
Sets the GtkMediaFile to play the given stream.
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleIOStream.Builder
The InputStream to read from.
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile.Builder
The stream being played back or null if not playing a stream.
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader.Builder
The GInputStream to load.
setInsertHyphens(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether to insert hyphens at breaks.
setInsertHyphensSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the insert-hyphens property is set.
setInsertSpacesInsteadOfTabs(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
setInsertSpacesInsteadOfTabs(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
If true a tab key pressed is replaced by a group of space characters.
setInstance(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Sets this Value from an instantiatable type via the value_table's collect_value() function.
setInt(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_INT GValue to vInt.
setInt(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
setInt(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Sets key in this Settings to value.
setInt(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Sets key to an integer value.
setInt64(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_INT64 GValue to vInt64.
setInt64(String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Sets key in this Settings to value.
setInt64(String, String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Associates a new integer value with key under groupName.
setInteger(String, String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Associates a new integer value with key under groupName.
setIntegerList(String, String, int[]) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Associates a list of integer values with key under groupName.
setInteraction(TlsInteraction) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Set the object that will be used to interact with the user.
setInteraction(TlsInteraction) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Set the object that will be used to interact with the user.
setInteraction(TlsInteraction) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.Builder
A GTlsInteraction object to be used when the connection or certificate database need to interact with the user.
setInteraction(TlsInteraction) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.Builder
A GTlsInteraction object to be used when the connection or certificate database need to interact with the user.
setInteractive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel.Builder
Whether the carousel can be navigated.
setInteractive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Sets whether this Carousel can be navigated.
setInteractiveDebugging(boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Opens or closes the interactive debugger.
setInterface(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience setter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.INTERFACE header field.
setInterfaceInfo(DBusInterfaceInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Ensure that interactions with this DBusProxy conform to the given interface.
setInterlacedFormat(VideoFormat, VideoInterlaceMode, int, int) - Method in class
Same as gst_video_info_set_format but also allowing to set the interlaced mode.
setInterlacedOutputState(VideoFormat, VideoInterlaceMode, int, int, VideoCodecState) - Method in class
Same as gst_video_decoder_set_output_state() but also allows you to also set the interlacing mode.
setInternedString(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_STRING GValue to vString.
setInterpolateSize(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer.Builder
setInterpolateSize(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
setInterpolateSize(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack.Builder
Whether or not the size should smoothly change during the transition.
setInterpolateSize(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Sets whether or not this Stack will interpolate its size when changing the visible child.
setIntersect(Set, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Makes set the intersection of set and other.
setInvert(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter.Builder
If the expression result should be inverted.
setInvert(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoolFilter
Sets whether the filter should invert the expression.
setInvert(Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Inverts the contents of set.
setInvertBoolean(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.PropertyAction.Builder
If true, the state of the action will be the negation of the property value, provided the property is boolean.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar.Builder
Whether tabs use inverted layout.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Sets whether tabs tabs use inverted layout.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.Builder
Whether thumbnails use inverted layout.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Sets whether thumbnails use inverted layout.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererProgress.Builder
Whether progess is inverted.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar.Builder
Whether the GtkLeveBar is inverted.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Sets whether the GtkLevelBar is inverted.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar.Builder
Invert the direction in which the progress bar grows.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
Sets whether the progress bar is inverted.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range.Builder
If true, the direction in which the slider moves is inverted.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Sets whether to invert the range.
setInvisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether this text is hidden.
setInvisibleChar(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
The character to use when masking entry contents (“password mode”).
setInvisibleChar(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets the character to use in place of the actual text in “password mode”.
setInvisibleChar(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
The character to used when masking contents (in “password mode”).
setInvisibleChar(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Sets the character to use when in “password mode”.
setInvisibleCharSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Whether the invisible char has been set for the GtkEntry.
setInvisibleCharSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Whether the invisible char has been set for the GtkText.
setInvisibleSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the invisible property is set.
setIoPriority(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList.Builder
Priority used when loading.
setIoPriority(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BookmarkList
Sets the IO priority to use while loading files.
setIoPriority(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList.Builder
Priority used when loading.
setIoPriority(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList
Sets the IO priority to use while loading directories.
setIoStream(IOStream) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.Builder
The underlying IO stream the WebSocket is communicating over.
setIsControlledByAutomation(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Whether the WebKitWebView is controlled by automation.
setIsEmpty(Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether a set is empty (contains no elements).
setIsEphemeral(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession.Builder
Whether to create an ephermeral WebKitWebsiteDataManager for the session.
setIsEphemeral(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager.Builder
Whether the WebKitWebsiteDataManager is ephemeral.
setIsEqual(Set, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether set and other are equal (contain the same elements).
setIsExpanded(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
setIsExpanded(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
setIsExpander(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
setIsExpander(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
setIsForProxy(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth.Builder
Whether or not the auth is for a proxy server.
setIsHidden(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the "is_hidden" attribute in a GFileInfo according to isHidden.
setIsInverted(Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Returns whether the set is inverted.
setIsMuted(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Whether the WebKitWebView audio is muted.
setIsMuted(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Sets the mute state of this WebView.
setIsOptionsPing(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Whether the message is an OPTIONS ping.
setIsOptionsPing(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Set whether this Message is intended to be used to send OPTIONS * to a server.
setIsPrivate(String, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Sets the private flag of the bookmark for uri.
setIsSubset(Set, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether set is a subset of largerSet.
setIssuer(TlsCertificate) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate.Builder
A GTlsCertificate representing the entity that issued this certificate.
setIssueUrl(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The URL for the application's issue tracker.
setIssueUrl(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the issue tracker URL for this AboutDialog.
setIssueUrl(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setIssueUrl(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setIsSymbolic(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconPaintable.Builder
Whether the icon is symbolic or not.
setIsSymlink(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the "is_symlink" attribute in a GFileInfo according to isSymlink.
setIsTcryptHiddenVolume(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.Builder
Whether the device to be unlocked is a TCRYPT hidden volume.
setIsTcryptHiddenVolume(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Sets the mount operation to use a hidden volume if hiddenVolume is true.
setIsTcryptSystemVolume(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.Builder
Whether the device to be unlocked is a TCRYPT system volume.
setIsTcryptSystemVolume(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Sets the mount operation to use a system volume if systemVolume is true.
setIsTopLevelNavigation(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Set when the message is navigating between top level domains.
setIsTopLevelNavigation(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Sets whether the current request is a top-level navitation.
setIsVirtual(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer.Builder
false if this represents a real hardware device.
setItalic(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setItalicSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setItemOrientation(Orientation) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The item-orientation property specifies how the cells (i.e.
setItemOrientation(Orientation) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setItemPadding(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The item-padding property specifies the padding around each of the icon view's item.
setItemPadding(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setItemType(Type) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListIndexModel
setItemType(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ListStore.Builder
The type of items contained in this list store.
setItemWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The item-width property specifies the width to use for each item.
setItemWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setIterateInternalLinksFunctionFull(PadIterIntLinkFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Sets the given internal link iterator function for the pad.
setItpEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Enable or disable Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP).
setJavascriptCanAccessClipboard(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Whether JavaScript can access the clipboard.
setJavascriptCanAccessClipboard(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:javascript-can-access-clipboard property.
setJavascriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Whether JavaScript can open popup windows automatically without user intervention.
setJavascriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:javascript-can-open-windows-automatically property.
setJobName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
A string used to identify the job (e.g.
setJobName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Sets the name of the print job.
setJulian(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Sets the value of a GDate from a Julian day number.
setJustification(Justification) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Left, right, or center justification.
setJustification(Justification) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Left, right, or center justification.
setJustification(Justification) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets the default justification of text in this TextView.
setJustificationSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the justification property is set.
setJustify(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets whether each complete line should be stretched to fill the entire width of the layout.
setJustify(Justification) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
The alignment of the lines in the text of the label, relative to each other.
setJustify(Justification) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Sets the alignment of the lines in the text of the label relative to each other.
setJustifyLastLine(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets whether the last line should be stretched to fill the entire width of the layout.
setKeepalive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket.Builder
Whether to keep the connection alive by sending periodic pings.
setKeepalive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Sets or unsets the SO_KEEPALIVE flag on the underlying socket.
setKeepaliveInterval(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.Builder
Interval in seconds on when to send a ping message which will serve as a keepalive message.
setKeepaliveInterval(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Sets the interval in seconds on when to send a ping message which will serve as a keepalive message.
setKeepalivePongTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.Builder
Timeout in seconds for when the absence of a pong from a keepalive ping is assumed to be caused by a faulty connection.
setKeepalivePongTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Set the timeout in seconds for when the absence of a pong from a keepalive ping is assumed to be caused by a faulty connection.
setKeepAspectRatio(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture.Builder
setKeepAspectRatio(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Use Picture.setContentFit(org.gnome.gtk.ContentFit) instead. If still used, this method will always set the Gtk.Picture:content-fit property to GTK_CONTENT_FIT_CONTAIN if keepAspectRatio is true, otherwise it will set it to GTK_CONTENT_FIT_FILL.
setKeyCaptureWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar
Sets widget as the widget that this SearchBar will capture key events from.
setKeyCaptureWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Sets widget as the widget that this SearchEntry will capture key events from.
setKeyCaptureWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar.Builder
The key capture widget.
setKeycode(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel.Builder
The hardware keycode of the accelerator.
setKeyval(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.KeyvalTrigger.Builder
The key value for the trigger.
setKeyval(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MnemonicTrigger.Builder
The key value for the trigger.
setKeyword(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.Builder
The search keyboard of the page.
setKeyword(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Sets the search keyword for this TabPage.
setKillThreshold(double) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.MemoryPressureSettings
Sets value as the fraction of the defined memory limit where the process will be killed.
setKineticScrolling(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
Whether kinetic scrolling is enabled or not.
setKineticScrolling(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Turns kinetic scrolling on or off.
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Sets or unsets the "label" attribute of this MenuItem.
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Sets the text of this CheckButton.
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Sets the text of the label of the expander to label.
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame
Creates a new GtkLabel with the label and sets it as the frame's label widget.
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent.Builder
The displayed label.
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent
Sets the displayed label.
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.Builder
The label for the button.
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Sets the label for this SplitButton.
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button.Builder
Text of the label inside the button, if the button contains a label widget.
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Sets the text of the label of the button to label.
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.Builder
Text of the label inside the check button, if it contains a label widget.
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander.Builder
The text of the expanders label.
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame.Builder
Text of the frame's label.
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
The contents of the label.
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Sets the text of the label.
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.Builder
The label for the button.
setLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Sets the label to show inside the menu button.
setLabelAlign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame
Sets the X alignment of the frame widget’s label.
setLabelWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Set the label widget for the expander.
setLabelWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame
Sets the label widget for the frame.
setLabelWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander.Builder
A widget to display instead of the usual expander label.
setLabelWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame.Builder
Widget to display in place of the usual frame label.
setLabelXalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Frame.Builder
The horizontal alignment of the label.
setLanguage(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setLanguage(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.Builder
setLanguage(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
setLanguage(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
The language this text is in, as an ISO code.
setLanguage(Language) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Associates a Language with the buffer.
setLanguage(Language) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.Builder
setLanguage(Language) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Sets the language to use for font features.
setLanguage(Language) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Sets the global language tag for the context.
setLanguage(Language) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog.Builder
The language for which the font features are selected.
setLanguage(Language) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
Sets the language for which font features are applied.
setLanguage(Language) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton.Builder
The selected language for font features.
setLanguageId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet.Builder
setLanguageId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Sets the language identifier for the snippet.
setLanguageSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setLanguageSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the language property is set.
setLastSampleEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Configures this BaseSink to store the last received sample in the last-sample property.
setLatency(boolean, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Answer a latency query by setting the requested values in the given format.
setLatency(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.Builder
setLatency(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline.Builder
Latency to configure on the pipeline.
setLatency(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Sets the latency that should be configured on the pipeline.
setLatency(ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class
Sets decoder latency.
setLatency(ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class
Sets encoder latency.
setLatency(ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
Lets GstAggregator sub-classes tell the baseclass what their internal latency is.
setLatency(ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
Sets the minimum and maximum (which may likely be equal) latency introduced by the parsing process.
setLatency(ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class
Lets GstVideoDecoder sub-classes tell the baseclass what the decoder latency is.
setLatency(ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class
Informs baseclass of encoding latency.
setLatencyTime(long) - Method in class
setLatencyTime(long) - Method in class
setLayout(Layout) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView.Builder
The currently used layout.
setLayout(Layout) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView
Makes layout the current layout of this MultiLayoutView.
setLayoutManager(LayoutManager) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets the layout manager delegate instance that provides an implementation for measuring and allocating the children of this Widget.
setLayoutManager(LayoutManager) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutChild.Builder
The layout manager that created the GtkLayoutChild instance.
setLayoutManager(LayoutManager) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
The GtkLayoutManager instance to use to compute the preferred size of the widget, and allocate its children.
setLayoutManagerType(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Sets the type to be used for creating layout managers for widgets of this WidgetClass.
setLayoutName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView.Builder
The name of the currently used layout.
setLayoutName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MultiLayoutView
Makes the layout with name the current layout of this MultiLayoutView.
setLeaveCallback(TaskThreadFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
Call leaveFunc when the task function of this Task is left.
setLeftGravity(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark.Builder
Whether the mark has left gravity.
setLeftMargin(double, Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Sets the left margin of the GtkPageSetup.
setLeftMargin(double, Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Sets the left margin used by this PrintCompositor.
setLeftMargin(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Width of the left margin in pixels.
setLeftMargin(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
The default left margin for text in the text view.
setLeftMargin(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets the default left margin for text in this TextView.
setLeftMarginSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the left-margin property is set.
setLength(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask.Builder
The prefix length, in bytes.
setLength(String, double, Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Associates a length in units of unit with key.
setLetterSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Extra spacing between graphemes, in Pango units.
setLetterSpacingSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the letter-spacing property is set.
setLevel(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressor.Builder
The level of compression from 0 (no compression) to 9 (most compression).
setLevel(Set<FontChooserLevel>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.Builder
setLevel(Set<FontChooserLevel>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
setLevel(FontChooserLevel...) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.Builder
setLevel(FontChooserLevel...) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
setLevel(FontLevel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton.Builder
The level of detail for the font chooser dialog.
setLevel(FontLevel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
Sets the level of detail at which this dialog lets the user select fonts.
setLevel(LoggerLogLevel) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Logger.Builder
The level of logging output.
setLevelIndentation(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
Extra indentation for each level.
setLevelIndentation(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setLicense(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Sets the license information to be displayed in the about dialog.
setLicense(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The license text.
setLicense(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the license for this AboutDialog.
setLicense(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setLicense(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setLicense(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
The license of the program, as free-form text.
setLicenseType(License) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The license type.
setLicenseType(License) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the license for this AboutDialog from a list of known licenses.
setLicenseType(License) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setLicenseType(License) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setLicenseType(License) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
The license of the program.
setLicenseType(License) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Sets the license of the application showing the about dialog from a list of known licenses.
setLine(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves iterator this TextIter to the start of the line lineNumber.
setLineBackground(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setLineBackgroundSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setLineCap(LineCap) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Sets the line cap to be used when stroking.
setLineHeight(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Factor to scale line height by.
setLineHeightSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the line-height property is set.
setLineIndex(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Same as TextIter.setLineOffset(int), but works with a byte index.
setLineJoin(LineJoin) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Sets the line join to be used when stroking.
setLineNumbersFontName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Sets the font for printing line numbers on the left margin.
setLineNumbersFontName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor.Builder
Name of the font used to print line numbers on the left margin.
setLineOffset(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Moves this TextIter within a line, to a new character (not byte) offset.
setLinePrefix(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext
setLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
The number of lines to which an ellipsized, wrapping label should be limited.
setLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Sets the number of lines to which an ellipsized, wrapping label should be limited.
setLineSpacing(float) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets a factor for line spacing.
setLineTerm(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
This sets the string that GIOChannel uses to determine where in the file a line break occurs.
setLineWidth(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Sets the line width to be used when stroking.
setLink(String, MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Creates a link from this MenuItem to model if non-null, or unsets it.
setLinkFunctionFull(PadLinkFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Sets the given link function for the pad.
setLinkLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult.Builder
The label of the link if flag HitTestResultContext.LINK is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context
setLinkLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult.Builder
The label of the link if flag HitTestResultContext.LINK is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context
setLinkTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult.Builder
The title of the link if flag HitTestResultContext.LINK is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context
setLinkTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult.Builder
The title of the link if flag HitTestResultContext.LINK is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context
setLinkUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult.Builder
The URI of the link if flag HitTestResultContext.LINK is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context
setLinkUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult.Builder
The URI of the link if flag HitTestResultContext.LINK is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context
setList(String, ValueArray) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
This is useful in language bindings where unknown GValue types are not supported.
setListenBacklog(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket.Builder
The number of outstanding connections in the listen queue.
setListenBacklog(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Sets the maximum number of outstanding connections allowed when listening on this socket.
setListenBacklog(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener.Builder
The number of outstanding connections in the listen queue.
setListFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Sets the factory for populating list items in the popup.
setListFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Sets the GtkListItemFactory to use for populating list items in the popup.
setListFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow.Builder
The factory for populating list items in the popup.
setListFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.Builder
The factory for populating list items in the popup.
setListRow(TreeListRow) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander
Sets the tree list row that this expander should manage.
setListRow(TreeListRow) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander.Builder
The list row to track for expander state.
setListSeparator(byte) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Sets the character which is used to separate values in lists.
setLive(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
If the element listens to a live source, live should be set to true.
setLiveThumbnail(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.Builder
Whether to enable live thumbnail for this page.
setLiveThumbnail(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Sets whether to enable live thumbnail for this TabPage.
setLoadIconsIgnoringImageLoadSetting(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
setLoadIconsIgnoringImageLoadSetting(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
setLoading(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.Builder
Whether the page is loading.
setLoading(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Sets whether this TabPage is loading.
setLocalAddress(SocketAddress) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Sets the local address of the socket client.
setLocalAddress(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.Builder
Sets the InetSocketAddress to use for the client side of the connection.
setLocalAddress(SocketAddress) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.Builder
The local address constructed sockets will be bound to.
setLocaleString(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Associates a string value for key and locale under groupName.
setLocaleStringList(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Associates a list of string values for key and locale under groupName.
setLocation(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File.Builder
The location.
setLocation(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File
Sets the location.
setLocation(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoader.Builder
The GFile to load.
setLocation(File) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver.Builder
The GFile where to save the buffer.
setLocationbarVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties.Builder
Whether the locationbar should be visible for the window.
setLock(RecMutex) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
Set the mutex used by the task.
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap.Builder
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
setLockedState(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Locks the state of an element, so state changes of the parent don't affect this element anymore.
setLogo(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Sets the logo in the about dialog.
setLogo(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
A logo for the about box.
setLogoIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Sets the icon name to be displayed as logo in the about dialog.
setLogoIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
A named icon to use as the logo for the about box.
setLong(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_LONG GValue to vLong.
setLookahead(int) - Method in class
Sets encoder lookahead (in units of input rate samples)
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnim.Builder
Whether the animation should loop when it reaches the end.
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSimpleAnim
Sets whether this PixbufSimpleAnim should loop indefinitely when it reaches the end.
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.Builder
Try to restart the media from the beginning once it ended.
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Sets whether the stream should loop.
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video.Builder
If new media files should be set to loop.
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Sets whether new files loaded by this Video should be set to loop.
setLoop(TocLoopType, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
Set loopType and repeatCount values for the this TocEntry.
setLower(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.Builder
The minimum value of the adjustment.
setLower(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Sets the minimum value of the adjustment.
setLowerOvershoot(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.Builder
Whether to allow swiping past the first available snap point.
setLowerOvershoot(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Sets whether to allow swiping past the first available snap point.
setMainGroup(OptionGroup) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Sets a GOptionGroup as main group of the this OptionContext.
setManualCapabilities(Set<PrintCapabilities>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog.Builder
Capabilities the application can handle.
setManualCapabilities(Set<PrintCapabilities>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
This lets you specify the printing capabilities your application supports.
setManualCapabilities(PrintCapabilities...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog.Builder
Capabilities the application can handle.
setManualCapabilities(PrintCapabilities...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
This lets you specify the printing capabilities your application supports.
setMapFunc(MapListModelMapFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MapListModel
Sets the function used to map items.
setMargin(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The margin property specifies the space which is inserted at the edges of the icon view.
setMargin(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setMarginBottom(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Margin on bottom side of widget.
setMarginBottom(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets the bottom margin of this Widget.
setMarginEnd(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Margin on end of widget, horizontally.
setMarginEnd(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets the end margin of this Widget.
setMarginStart(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Margin on start of widget, horizontally.
setMarginStart(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets the start margin of this Widget.
setMarginTop(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Margin on top side of widget.
setMarginTop(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets the top margin of this Widget.
setMarkAttributes(String, MarkAttributes, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Sets attributes and priority for the category.
setMarkGranule(boolean) - Method in class
Enable or disable encoder granule handling.
setMarkup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Utility function to set the text and attributes to be displayed.
setMarkup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Tooltip
Sets the text of the tooltip to be markup.
setMarkup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setMarkup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription.Builder
Utility property that sets both the Gtk.Inscription:text and Gtk.Inscription:attributes properties, mainly intended for use in GtkBuilder ui files to ease translation support and bindings.
setMarkup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Sets the labels text and attributes from markup.
setMarkup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog
Use AlertDialog instead
setMarkup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell.Builder
setMarkup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell
setMarkup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText.Builder
setMarkup(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText
setMarkup(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets the layout text and attribute list from marked-up text.
setMarkupColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The ::markup-column property contains the number of the model column containing markup information to be displayed.
setMarkupColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setMarkupWithAccel(String, int, int, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets the layout text and attribute list from marked-up text.
setMarkupWithMnemonic(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Sets the labels text, attributes and mnemonic from markup.
setMarshal(ClosureMarshal) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Sets the marshaller of this Closure.
setMaster(Clock) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Sets master as the master clock for this Clock.
setMatchFunc(EntryCompletionMatchFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
setMatchMode(StringFilterMatchMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter.Builder
If exact matches are necessary or if substrings are allowed.
setMatchMode(StringFilterMatchMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter
Sets the match mode for the filter.
setMatchStyle(Style) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext
Set the style to apply on search matches.
setMatchStyle(Style) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext.Builder
A Style, or null for theme's scheme default style.
setMatrix(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer
Sets a new value to the SpaceDrawer:matrix property, as a GLib.Variant.
setMatrix(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer.Builder
The property is a GLib.Variant property to specify where and what kind of white spaces to draw.
setMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Sets the transformation matrix that will be applied when rendering with this context.
setMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Renderer
Sets the transformation matrix that will be applied when rendering.
setMatrixCoefficients(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams.Builder
The matrix coefficients (for YUV to RGB conversion).
setMatrixCoefficients(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams
this CicpParams a GdkCicpParams Sets the matrix-coefficients property of this CicpParams.
setMaxAge(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Sets this Cookie's max age to maxAge.
setMaxBitrate(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.Builder
Control the maximum amount of bits that will be rendered per second.
setMaxBitrate(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Set the maximum amount of bits per second that the sink will render.
setMaxBodySize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Logger.Builder
If Logger:level is LoggerLogLevel.BODY, this gives the maximum number of bytes of the body that will be logged.
setMaxBodySize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Logger
Sets the maximum body size for this Logger (-1 means no limit).
setMaxChildrenPerLine(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.Builder
The maximum amount of children to request space for consecutively in the given orientation.
setMaxChildrenPerLine(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Sets the maximum number of children to request and allocate space for in this FlowBox’s orientation.
setMaxColumns(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView.Builder
Maximum number of columns per row.
setMaxColumns(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Sets the maximum number of columns to use.
setMaxConns(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.Builder
The maximum number of connections that the session can open at once.
setMaxConnsPerHost(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.Builder
The maximum number of connections that the session can open at once to a given host.
setMaxContentHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
The maximum content height of scrolledWindow.
setMaxContentHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Sets the maximum height that this ScrolledWindow should keep visible.
setMaxContentWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
The maximum content width of scrolledWindow.
setMaxContentWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Sets the maximum width that this ScrolledWindow should keep visible.
setMaxErrors(int) - Method in class
Maximum number of tolerated consecutive decode errors.
setMaxErrors(int) - Method in class
Sets numbers of tolerated decoder errors, where a tolerated one is then only warned about, but more than tolerated will lead to fatal error.
setMaxErrors(int) - Method in class
Maximum number of tolerated consecutive decode errors.
setMaxErrors(int) - Method in class
Sets numbers of tolerated decoder errors, where a tolerated one is then only warned about, but more than tolerated will lead to fatal error.
setMaxHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide.Builder
The maximum height of the guide.
setMaxHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection.Builder
The maximum number of lines to allow per column.
setMaxIdleTime(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
This function will set the maximum interval that a thread waiting in the pool for new tasks can be idle for before being stopped.
setMaximized(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelLayout
Sets whether the layout should cause the surface to be maximized when presented.
setMaximized(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
Whether the window is maximized.
setMaximumSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Clamp.Builder
The maximum size allocated to the child.
setMaximumSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Clamp
Sets the maximum size allocated to the child.
setMaximumSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout.Builder
The maximum size to allocate to the children.
setMaximumSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout
Sets the maximum size allocated to the children.
setMaximumSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable.Builder
The maximum size allocated to the child.
setMaximumSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable
Sets the maximum size allocated to the child.
setMaxIncomingPayloadSize(long) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.Builder
The maximum payload size for incoming packets.
setMaxIncomingPayloadSize(long) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Sets the maximum payload size allowed for incoming packets.
setMaxLastBufferRepeat(long) - Method in class
setMaxLateness(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.Builder
setMaxLateness(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Sets the new max lateness value to maxLateness.
setMaxLength(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.Builder
Maximum number of characters for the entry.
setMaxLength(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Sets the maximum length of the entry.
setMaxLength(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Maximum number of characters for this entry.
setMaxLength(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets the maximum allowed length of the contents of the widget.
setMaxLength(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.Builder
The maximum length (in characters) of the text in the buffer.
setMaxLength(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
Sets the maximum allowed length of the contents of the buffer.
setMaxLength(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Maximum number of characters that are allowed.
setMaxLength(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Sets the maximum allowed length of the contents of the widget.
setMaxSidebarWidth(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView.Builder
The maximum sidebar width.
setMaxSidebarWidth(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Sets the maximum sidebar width for this NavigationSplitView.
setMaxSidebarWidth(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.Builder
The maximum sidebar width.
setMaxSidebarWidth(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Sets the maximum sidebar width for this OverlaySplitView.
setMaxSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cache
Sets the maximum size of the cache.
setMaxSize(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide
Sets the maximum size of this ConstraintGuide.
setMaxThreads(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SharedTaskPool
Update the maximal number of threads the this SharedTaskPool may spawn.
setMaxThreads(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService.Builder
The maximum number of threads handling clients for this service.
setMaxThreads(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Sets the maximal allowed number of threads for this ThreadPool.
setMaxUndoLevels(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Sets the maximum number of undo levels to perform.
setMaxUnusedThreads(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Sets the maximal number of unused threads to maxThreads.
setMaxValue(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar.Builder
Determines the maximum value of the interval that can be displayed by the bar.
setMaxValue(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Sets the max-value of the GtkLevelBar.
setMaxWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide.Builder
The maximum width of the guide.
setMaxWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
setMaxWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setMaxWidthChars(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
The desired maximum width of the cell, in characters.
setMaxWidthChars(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable.Builder
The desired maximum width of the entry, in characters.
setMaxWidthChars(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Sets the desired maximum width in characters of this Editable.
setMaxWidthChars(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
The desired maximum width of the label, in characters.
setMaxWidthChars(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Sets the desired maximum width in characters of label to nChars.
setMeasure(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayoutChild.Builder
Whether the child size should contribute to the GtkOverlayLayout's measurement.
setMeasure(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.OverlayLayoutChild
Sets whether to measure this child.
setMeasureOverlay(Widget, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Overlay
Sets whether widget is included in the measured size of this Overlay.
setMediaContentTypesRequiringHardwareSupport(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:media-content-types-requiring-hardware-support property.
setMediaContentTypesRequiringHardwareSupport(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
List of media content types requiring hardware support, split by semicolons (:).
setMediaPlaybackAllowsInline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Whether media playback is full-screen only or inline playback is allowed.
setMediaPlaybackAllowsInline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:media-playback-allows-inline property.
setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Whether a user gesture (such as clicking the play button) would be required to start media playback or load media.
setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:media-playback-requires-user-gesture property.
setMediaStream(MediaStream) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaControls
Sets the stream that is controlled by this MediaControls.
setMediaStream(MediaStream) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Sets the media stream to be played back.
setMediaStream(MediaStream) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaControls.Builder
The media-stream managed by this object or null if none.
setMediaStream(MediaStream) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video.Builder
The media-stream played
setMediaType(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setMediaUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResult.Builder
The URI of the media if flag HitTestResultContext.MEDIA is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context
setMediaUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResult.Builder
The URI of the media if flag HitTestResultContext.MEDIA is present in WebKitHitTestResult:context
setMember(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience setter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.MEMBER header field.
setMemoryLimit(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.MemoryPressureSettings
Sets memoryLimit the memory limit value to this MemoryPressureSettings.
setMemoryPressureSettings(MemoryPressureSettings) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Sets settings as the WebKitMemoryPressureSettings.
setMemoryPressureSettings(MemoryPressureSettings) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.Builder
The WebKitMemoryPressureSettings applied to the web processes created by this context.
setMenu(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookPage.Builder
The label widget displayed in the child's menu entry.
setMenubar(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Sets or unsets the menubar for windows of application.
setMenubar(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application.Builder
The GMenuModel to be used for the application's menu bar.
setMenubarVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties.Builder
Whether the menubar should be visible for the window.
setMenuLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookPage.Builder
The text of the menu widget.
setMenuLabel(Widget, Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Changes the menu label for the page containing child.
setMenuLabelText(Widget, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Creates a new label and sets it as the menu label of child.
setMenuModel(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Sets the menu model from which the popup will be created.
setMenuModel(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Sets the tab context menu model for this TabView.
setMenuModel(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Sets the GMenuModel from which the popup will be constructed.
setMenuModel(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu
Sets a new menu model on this PopoverMenu.
setMenuModel(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuBar
Sets a menu model from which this PopoverMenuBar should take its contents.
setMenuModel(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.Builder
The GMenuModel from which the popup will be created.
setMenuModel(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView.Builder
Tab context menu model.
setMenuModel(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.Builder
The GMenuModel from which the popup will be created.
setMenuModel(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu.Builder
The model from which the menu is made.
setMenuModel(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuBar.Builder
The GMenuModel from which the menu bar is created.
setMessage(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog.Builder
The message for the alert.
setMessage(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Sets the message that will be shown in the alert.
setMessage(Message) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MultipartInputStream.Builder
The Message.
setMessageForward(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.Builder
Forward all children messages, even those that would normally be filtered by the bin.
setMessageType(DBusMessageType) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Sets this DBusMessage to be of type.
setMessageType(MessageType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar.Builder
The type of the message.
setMessageType(MessageType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
setMessageType(MessageType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog.Builder
The type of the message.
setMeta(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Preset
Sets a new value for an existing meta data item or adds a new item.
setMetadata(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderClass
Sets the detailed information for a GstDeviceProviderClass.
setMetadata(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Sets the detailed information for a GstElementClass.
setMetaMarshal(MemorySegment, ClosureMarshal) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Sets the meta marshaller of this Closure.
setMethod(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
The message's HTTP method.
setMethod(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Set this Message's HTTP method to method.
setMicrophoneCaptureState(MediaCaptureState) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
Capture state of the microphone device.
setMicrophoneCaptureState(MediaCaptureState) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Set the microphone capture state of a WebKitWebView.
setMimeType(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Sets mimeType as the MIME type of the bookmark for uri.
setMimeTypes(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter.Builder
The MIME types that this filter matches.
setMinChars(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription.Builder
The number of characters that should fit into the inscription at minimum.
setMinChars(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Sets the min-chars of the inscription.
setMinChildrenPerLine(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.Builder
The minimum number of children to allocate consecutively in the given orientation.
setMinChildrenPerLine(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Sets the minimum number of children to line up in this FlowBox’s orientation before flowing.
setMinColumns(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView.Builder
Minimum number of columns per row.
setMinColumns(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Sets the minimum number of columns to use.
setMinContentHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
The minimum content height of scrolledWindow.
setMinContentHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Sets the minimum height that this ScrolledWindow should keep visible.
setMinContentWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
The minimum content width of scrolledWindow.
setMinContentWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Sets the minimum width that this ScrolledWindow should keep visible.
setMinForceKeyUnitInterval(long) - Method in class
Minimum interval between force-key-unit events sent upstream by the decoder.
setMinForceKeyUnitInterval(long) - Method in class
Minimum interval between force-keyunit requests in nanoseconds.
setMinForceKeyUnitInterval(ClockTime) - Method in class
Sets the minimum interval for requesting keyframes based on force-keyunit events.
setMinFrameSize(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
Subclass can use this function to tell the base class that it needs to be given buffers of at least minSize bytes.
setMinHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide.Builder
The minimum height of the guide.
setMinimumFontSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
The minimum font size in pixels used to display text.
setMinimumFontSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:minimum-font-size property.
setMinimumKeyLength(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.Builder
The minimum key length as set for completion.
setMinimumKeyLength(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
setMinimumWordSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords.Builder
setMinLatency(long) - Method in class
setMinLatency(ClockTime) - Method in class
Sets decoder minimum aggregation latency.
setMinLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription.Builder
The number of lines that should fit into the inscription at minimum.
setMinLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Sets the min-lines of the inscription.
setMinPts(ClockTime) - Method in class
Request minimal value for PTS passed to handle_frame.
setMinSidebarWidth(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView.Builder
The minimum sidebar width.
setMinSidebarWidth(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Sets the minimum sidebar width for this NavigationSplitView.
setMinSidebarWidth(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.Builder
The minimum sidebar width.
setMinSidebarWidth(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Sets the minimum sidebar width for this OverlaySplitView.
setMinSize(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelSize
Sets the minimum size of the toplevel.
setMinSize(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide
Sets the minimum size of this ConstraintGuide.
setMinUpstreamLatency(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.Builder
Force minimum upstream latency (in nanoseconds).
setMinValue(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar.Builder
Determines the minimum value of the interval that can be displayed by the bar.
setMinValue(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Sets the min-value of the GtkLevelBar.
setMinWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide.Builder
The minimum width of the guide.
setMinWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
setMinWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setMiterLimit(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Sets the limit for the distance from the corner where sharp turns of joins get cut off.
setMnemonicModifiers(Set<ModifierType>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController.Builder
The modifiers that need to be pressed to allow mnemonics activation.
setMnemonicModifiers(ModifierType...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController.Builder
The modifiers that need to be pressed to allow mnemonics activation.
setMnemonicsModifiers(Set<ModifierType>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController
Sets the controller to use the given modifier for mnemonics.
setMnemonicsModifiers(ModifierType...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController
Sets the controller to use the given modifier for mnemonics.
setMnemonicsVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.Builder
Whether mnemonics are currently visible in this popover.
setMnemonicsVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Sets whether mnemonics should be visible.
setMnemonicsVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
Whether mnemonics are currently visible in this window.
setMnemonicsVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets whether mnemonics are supposed to be visible.
setMnemonicWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Associate the label with its mnemonic target.
setMnemonicWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
The widget to be activated when the labels mnemonic key is pressed.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.Builder
Whether the bottom sheet is modal.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Sets whether the bottom sheet is modal.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap.Builder
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
setModal(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel.Builder
Whether the surface is modal.
setModal(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Sets the toplevel to be modal.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog.Builder
Whether the alert is modal.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Sets whether the alert blocks interaction with the parent window while it is presented.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.Builder
Whether the app chooser dialog should be modal.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton.Builder
Whether the color chooser dialog should be modal.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton
Use ColorDialogButton instead
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog.Builder
Whether the color chooser dialog is modal.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog
Sets whether the color chooser dialog blocks interaction with the parent window while it is presented.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog.Builder
Whether the file chooser dialog is modal.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Sets whether the file chooser dialog blocks interaction with the parent window while it is presented.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton.Builder
Whether the font chooser dialog should be modal.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
Use FontDialogButton instead
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog.Builder
Whether the font chooser dialog is modal.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
Sets whether the font chooser dialog blocks interaction with the parent window while it is presented.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.Builder
Whether the window should be modal with respect to its transient parent.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
Sets a dialog modal or non-modal.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog.Builder
Whether the print dialog is modal.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
Sets whether the print dialog blocks interaction with the parent window while it is presented.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
If true, the window is modal.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets a window modal or non-modal.
setMode(AudioCdSrcMode) - Method in class
setMode(CellRendererMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
setMode(LevelBarMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar.Builder
Determines the way GtkLevelBar interprets the value properties to draw the level fill area.
setMode(LevelBarMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Sets the mode of the GtkLevelBar.
setMode(SelectionMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection.Builder
Selection mode.
setMode(SelectionMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
setMode(SizeGroupMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroup.Builder
The direction in which the size group affects requested sizes.
setMode(SizeGroupMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroup
Sets the GtkSizeGroupMode of the size group.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Sets the model that provides the displayed items.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Sets the GListModel to use.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel
Sets the model to be filtered.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlattenListModel
Sets a new model to be flattened.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MapListModel
Sets the model to be mapped.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSelection
Sets the model that this MultiSelection should wrap.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NoSelection
Sets the model that this NoSelection should wrap.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection
Sets the model that this SingleSelection should wrap.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel
Sets the model to show a slice of.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel
Sets the model to be sorted.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow.Builder
The model that provides the displayed items.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.Builder
Model for the displayed items.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FilterListModel.Builder
The model being filtered.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlattenListModel.Builder
The model being flattened.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MapListModel.Builder
The model being mapped.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MultiSelection.Builder
The list managed by this selection.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NoSelection.Builder
The model being managed.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController.Builder
A list model to take shortcuts from.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection.Builder
The model being managed.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel.Builder
Child model to take slice from.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel.Builder
The model being sorted.
setModel(SelectionModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Sets the model to use.
setModel(SelectionModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Sets the model to use.
setModel(SelectionModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Sets the model to use.
setModel(SelectionModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionFilterModel
Sets the model to be filtered.
setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView
setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setModel(SelectionModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView.Builder
Model for the items displayed.
setModel(SelectionModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView.Builder
Model for the items displayed.
setModel(SelectionModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView.Builder
Model for the items displayed.
setModel(SelectionModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionFilterModel.Builder
The model being filtered.
setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererCombo.Builder
Holds a tree model containing the possible values for the combo box.
setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView.Builder
The model for cell view
setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
The model from which the combo box takes its values.
setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.Builder
The model used as data source.
setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The model of the icon view.
setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort.Builder
The model of the tree model sort.
setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
setModeTransitionDuration(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet.Builder
setModeTransitionDuration(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
setModificationDateTime(DateTime) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_MODIFIED and G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_MODIFIED_USEC attributes in the file info to the given date/time value.
setModificationTime(TimeVal) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Use g_file_info_set_modification_date_time() instead, as GTimeVal is deprecated due to the year 2038 problem.
setModified(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Used to keep track of whether the buffer has been modified since the last time it was saved.
setModified(String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Use g_bookmark_file_set_modified_date_time() instead, as time_t is deprecated due to the year 2038 problem.
setModifiedDateTime(String, DateTime) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Sets the last time the bookmark for uri was last modified.
setModifier(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder.Builder
The modifier.
setModifier(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Sets the modifier.
setModifiers(Set<ModifierType>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.KeyvalTrigger.Builder
The key modifiers for the trigger.
setModifiers(ModifierType...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.KeyvalTrigger.Builder
The key modifiers for the trigger.
setModifyFunc(Type[], TreeModelFilterModifyFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter
setMonitored(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList.Builder
true if the directory is monitored for changed.
setMonitored(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DirectoryList
Sets whether the directory list will monitor the directory for changes.
setMonospace(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Whether text should be displayed in a monospace font.
setMonospace(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets whether the GtkTextView should display text in monospace styling.
setMonospaceFontFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
The font family used as the default for content using a monospace font.
setMonospaceFontFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:monospace-font-family property.
setMonth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.Builder
The selected month (as a number between 0 and 11).
setMonth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Sets the month for the selected date.
setMonth(DateMonth) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Sets the month of the year for a GDate.
setMountOperationFactory(MountOperationFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.File
Sets a MountOperationFactory function that will be called when a MountOperation must be created.
setMulticastLoopback(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket.Builder
Whether outgoing multicast packets loop back to the local host.
setMulticastLoopback(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Sets whether outgoing multicast packets will be received by sockets listening on that multicast address on the same host.
setMulticastTtl(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket.Builder
Time-to-live out outgoing multicast packets
setMulticastTtl(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Sets the time-to-live for outgoing multicast datagrams on this Socket.
setMultiplier(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint.Builder
The multiplication factor to be applied to the Gtk.Constraint:source-attribute.
setMute(boolean) - Method in interface
setMute(boolean) - Method in interface
setMuted(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.Builder
Whether the audio stream should be muted.
setMuted(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Sets whether the audio stream should be muted.
setName(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Sets the name of this Object, or gives this Object a guaranteed unique name (if name is null).
setName(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Set name as the given name for the this EncodingProfile.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Layout
Sets the name of the layout.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Sets the name of this PreferencesPage.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Sets the name of the page.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Sets this Task’s name, used in debugging and profiling.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide
Sets a name for the given GtkConstraintGuide.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController
Sets a name on the controller that can be used for debugging.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter
Sets a human-readable name of the filter.
setName(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the name of the structure to the given name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Layout.Builder
The name of the layout.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage.Builder
The name of this page.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage.Builder
The name of the child page.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor.Builder
Name of this this cursor.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device.Builder
The device name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.Builder
The well-known name or unique name that the manager is for.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the name attribute for the current GFileInfo.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.PropertyAction.Builder
The name of the action.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction.Builder
The name of the action.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThemedIcon.Builder
The icon name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Sets a name for the source, used in debugging and profiling.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule
Sets the name for a GTypeModule
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide.Builder
A name that identifies the GtkConstraintGuide, for debugging.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController.Builder
The name for this controller, typically used for debugging purposes.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter.Builder
The human-readable name of the filter.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Printer.Builder
The name of the printer.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage.Builder
The name of the child page.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage
Sets the name of the page.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark.Builder
The name of the mark or null if the mark is anonymous.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
The name used to refer to the tag.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
The name of the widget.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets a widgets name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Sets the name for the snippet.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Sets this Cookie's name to name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ApplicationInfo
Set the name of the application.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class.Builder
The name of the class.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage.Builder
The name of the user message.
setName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage.Builder
The name of the user message.
setNameById(int, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Sets the name of a source using its ID.
setNames(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThemedIcon.Builder
A null-terminated array of icon names.
setNameTemplate(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate.Builder
The name template of the pad template.
setNatChars(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription.Builder
The number of characters that should ideally fit into the inscription.
setNatChars(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Sets the nat-chars of the inscription.
setNatHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide.Builder
The preferred, or natural, height of the guide.
setNative(CredentialsType, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Credentials
Copies the native credentials of type nativeType from native_ into this Credentials.
setNatLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription.Builder
The number of lines that should ideally fit into the inscription.
setNatLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Sets the nat-lines of the inscription.
setNatSize(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide
Sets the natural size of this ConstraintGuide.
setNaturalWrapMode(NaturalWrapMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
Select the line wrapping for the natural size request.
setNaturalWrapMode(NaturalWrapMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Select the line wrapping for the natural size request.
setNatWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide.Builder
The preferred, or natural, width of the guide.
setNavigatable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage.Builder
setNavigatable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.LeafletPage
setNChannels(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf.Builder
The number of samples per pixel.
setNCopies(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setNeedsAlpha(boolean) - Method in class
Allows selecting that this pad requires an output format with alpha
setNeedsAttention(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.Builder
Whether the page needs attention.
setNeedsAttention(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Sets whether this TabPage needs attention.
setNeedsAttention(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage.Builder
Whether the page requires the user attention.
setNeedsAttention(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Sets whether the page requires the user attention.
setNeedsAttention(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage.Builder
Whether the page requires the user attention.
setNeedsAttention(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage
Sets whether the page is marked as “needs attention”.
setNeedsFormat(boolean) - Method in class
Configures decoder format needs.
setNeedsFormat(boolean) - Method in class
Configures decoder format needs.
setNeedsSyncPoint(boolean) - Method in class
Configures whether the decoder requires a sync point before it starts outputting data in the beginning.
setNetworkSession(NetworkSession) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
The WebKitNetworkSession of the view
setNewlineType(DataStreamNewlineType) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream.Builder
The :newline-type property determines what is considered as a line ending when reading complete lines from the stream.
setNewlineType(DataStreamNewlineType) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DataInputStream
Sets the newline type for the this DataInputStream.
setNewlineType(NewlineType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver.Builder
The newline type.
setNewlineType(NewlineType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
Sets the newline type.
setNext(Set, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the next element in set that is greater than current value of codepoint.
setNextMany(Set, Codepoint, Codepoint[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Finds the next element in set that is greater than codepoint.
setNextRange(Set, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the next consecutive range of elements in set that are greater than current value of last.
setNPages(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
The number of pages in the document.
setNPages(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Sets the number of pages in the document.
setNPlanes(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder.Builder
The number of planes of the texture.
setNPlanes(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Sets the number of planes of the texture.
setNPoints(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.Builder
The number of touch points that trigger recognition on this gesture.
setNthAllocationParam(int, Allocator, AllocationParams) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Parse an available query and get the allocator and its params at index of the allocator array.
setNthAllocationPool(int, BufferPool, int, int, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Set the pool parameters in this Query.
setNumberUp(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setNumberUpLayout(NumberUpLayout) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setNumBuffers(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.Builder
setNumCopies(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Sets the number of copies for this job.
setNumeric(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.Builder
Whether non-numeric characters should be ignored.
setNumeric(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Sets whether non-numeric characters should be ignored.
setNumeric(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.Builder
Whether non-numeric characters should be ignored.
setNumeric(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Sets the flag that determines if non-numeric text can be typed into the spin button.
setNumTouches(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device.Builder
The maximal number of concurrent touches on a touch device.
setNumUnixFds(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience setter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.NUM_UNIX_FDS header field.
setNUp(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Sets the n-up setting for this job.
setNUpLayout(NumberUpLayout) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Sets the n-up layout setting for this job.
setObeyChild(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame.Builder
Whether the GtkAspectFrame should use the aspect ratio of its child.
setObeyChild(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame
Sets whether the aspect ratio of the child's size request should override the set aspect ratio of the GtkAspectFrame.
setObject(GstObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding.Builder
setObject(DBusObject) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusInterface
Sets the GDBusObject for this DBusInterface to object.
setObject(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_OBJECT derived GValue to vObject.
setObject(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PropertyAnimationTarget.Builder
The object whose property will be animated.
setObject(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.PropertyAction.Builder
The object to wrap a property on.
setObjectPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.Builder
The object path the manager is for.
setObjectPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer.Builder
The object path to register the manager object at.
setObjectPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton
Sets the object path for this DBusObjectSkeleton.
setObjectTakeOwnership(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Use g_value_take_object() instead.
setOffset(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel.Builder
Offset of slice.
setOffset(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel
Sets the offset into the original model for this slice.
setOffset(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Sets this TextIter to point to charOffset.
setOffset(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Sets the offset for a plane.
setOffset(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Offset the position of the anchor rectangle with the given delta.
setOffset(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Sets the offset to use when calculating the position of the popover.
setOffset(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.Builder
The offset that will be applied to the running time of the pad.
setOffset(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Set the offset that will be applied to the running time of this Pad.
setOpacity(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
The requested opacity of the widget.
setOpacity(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Request the this Widget to be rendered partially transparent.
setOpaqueRegion(Region) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
GDK can figure out the opaque parts of a window itself by inspecting the contents that are drawn.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.Builder
Whether the bottom sheet is open.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Sets whether the bottom sheet is open.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.Builder
Whether the overview is open.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Sets whether the to open this TabOverview.
setOpResGboolean(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use GTask and g_task_return_boolean() instead.
setOpResGpointer(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use GTask and g_task_return_pointer() instead.
setOpResGssize(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use GTask and g_task_return_int() instead.
setOption(int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Sets the value of an integer-valued option on this Socket, as with setsockopt().
setOption(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Attaches a key/value pair as an option to a GdkPixbuf.
setOptionContextDescription(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Adds a description to the this Application option context.
setOptionContextParameterString(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Sets the parameter string to be used by the commandline handling of this Application.
setOptionContextSummary(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Adds a summary to the this Application option context.
setOptions(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine.Builder
The options sent along with the commandline.
setOrientation(Orientation) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout
Sets the orientation of this CenterLayout.
setOrientation(Orientation) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GesturePan.Builder
The expected orientation of pan gestures.
setOrientation(Orientation) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GesturePan
Sets the orientation to be expected on pan gestures.
setOrientation(Orientation) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBase.Builder
The orientation of the list.
setOrientation(Orientation) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Orientable.Builder
The orientation of the orientable.
setOrientation(Orientation) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Orientable
Sets the orientation of the this Orientable.
setOrientation(PageOrientation) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Sets the page orientation of the GtkPageSetup.
setOrientation(PageOrientation) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setOrigin(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.Builder
The client's Origin.
setOrigin(EmblemOrigin) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Emblem.Builder
The origin the emblem is derived from.
setOriginStorageRatio(double) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager.Builder
The percentage of volume space that can be used for data storage for every domain.
setOutputBin(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setOutputBufferDuration(long) - Method in class
setOutputCaps(Caps) - Method in class
Configure output caps on the srcpad of this AudioDecoder.
setOutputFormat(AudioInfo) - Method in class
Configure output info on the srcpad of this AudioDecoder.
setOutputFormat(Caps) - Method in class
Configure output caps on the srcpad of this AudioEncoder.
setOutputState(Caps, VideoCodecState) - Method in class
Creates a new GstVideoCodecState with the specified caps as the output state for the encoder.
setOutputState(VideoFormat, int, int, VideoCodecState) - Method in class
Creates a new GstVideoCodecState with the specified fmt, width and height as the output state for the decoder.
setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleIOStream.Builder
The OutputStream to write to.
setOverflow(Overflow) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
How content outside the widget's content area is treated.
setOverflow(Overflow) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets how this Widget treats content that is drawn outside the widget's content area.
setOverlayScrolling(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
Whether overlay scrolling is enabled or not.
setOverlayScrolling(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Enables or disables overlay scrolling for this scrolled window.
setOverline(Overline) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Style of overline for this text.
setOverlineRgba(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
This property modifies the color of overlines.
setOverlineRgbaSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the overline-rgba property is set.
setOverlineSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the overline property is set.
setOverwrite(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Whether entered text overwrites existing contents.
setOverwrite(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Changes the GtkTextView overwrite mode.
setOverwriteMode(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
If text is overwritten when typing in the GtkEntry.
setOverwriteMode(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets whether the text is overwritten when typing in the GtkEntry.
setOverwriteMode(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
If text is overwritten when typing in the GtkText.
setOverwriteMode(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Sets whether the text is overwritten when typing in the GtkText.
setPacketized(boolean) - Method in class
Allows baseclass to consider input data as packetized or not.
setPad(Device) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadController.Builder
The pad of the controller.
setPadding(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
setPage(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
The index of the current page.
setPageComplete(Widget, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setPageIncrement(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.Builder
The page increment of the adjustment.
setPageIncrement(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Sets the page increment of the adjustment.
setPagePinned(TabPage, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Pins or unpins page.
setPageRanges(PageRange[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Sets the page ranges for this job.
setPageRanges(PageRange[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setPages(PrintPages) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Sets the GtkPrintPages setting for this job.
setPageSet(PageSet) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Sets the GtkPageSet setting for this job.
setPageSet(PageSet) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setPageSetup(PageSetup) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetupUnixDialog
Sets the GtkPageSetup from which the page setup dialog takes its values.
setPageSetup(PageSetup) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog.Builder
The page setup to use.
setPageSetup(PageSetup) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
Set the page setup for the print dialog.
setPageSetup(PageSetup) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob.Builder
Page setup.
setPageSetup(PageSetup) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog.Builder
The GtkPageSetup object to use.
setPageSetup(PageSetup) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Sets the page setup of the GtkPrintUnixDialog.
setPageSetup(PageSetup) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation.Builder
The initial GtkPageSetup for the print operation.
setPageSetup(PageSetup) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation
Set the current page setup of this PrintOperation.
setPageSize(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.Builder
The page size of the adjustment.
setPageSize(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Sets the page size of the adjustment.
setPageSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.Builder
The number of rows to display to the user before scrolling.
setPageSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
setPageTitle(Widget, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setPageType(AssistantPageType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPage.Builder
setPageType(Widget, AssistantPageType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setPaintable(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage
Sets the paintable for this StatusPage.
setPaintable(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Makes this Picture display the given paintable.
setPaintable(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf
setPaintable(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage.Builder
The paintable to be used.
setPaintable(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image.Builder
The GdkPaintable to display.
setPaintable(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture.Builder
The GdkPaintable to be displayed by this GtkPicture.
setPaintable(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell.Builder
setPaintable(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell
setPaintable(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf.Builder
setPangoUnderline(Underline) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setPaperHeight(double, Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setPaperSize(PaperSize) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Sets the paper size of the GtkPageSetup without changing the margins.
setPaperSize(PaperSize) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setPaperSizeAndDefaultMargins(PaperSize) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Sets the paper size of the GtkPageSetup and modifies the margins according to the new paper size.
setPaperWidth(double, Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setParagraphBackground(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
The paragraph background color as a string.
setParagraphBackgroundRgba(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
The paragraph background color as a GdkRGBA.
setParagraphBackgroundSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the paragraph-background property is set.
setParam(ParamSpec) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_PARAM GValue to param.
setParameters(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage.Builder
The parameters of the user message as a GVariant, or null if the message doesn't include parameters.
setParameters(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage.Builder
The parameters of the user message as a GVariant, or null if the message doesn't include parameters.
setParameterType(VariantType) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction.Builder
The type of the parameter that must be given when activating the action.
setParams(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Tracer.Builder
setParamTakeOwnership(ParamSpec) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Use g_value_take_param() instead.
setParent(GstObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject.Builder
The parent of the object.
setParent(GstObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Sets the parent of this Object to parent.
setParent(TabPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.Builder
The parent page of the page.
setParent(Surface) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Popup.Builder
The parent surface.
setParent(Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation
Sets the transient parent for windows shown by the GtkMountOperation.
setParent(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets parent as the parent widget of this Widget.
setParent(Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MountOperation.Builder
The parent window.
setParent(Class) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Class.Builder
The parent class or null in case of final classes.
setParentRefcount(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Sets the parent_refcount field of GstCapsFeatures.
setParentRefcount(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the parent_refcount field of GstStructure.
setParse(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Parses a user-inputted string str, and try to figure out what date it represents, taking the [current locale][setlocale] into account.
setParseHooks(OptionParseFunc, OptionParseFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionGroup
Associates two functions with this OptionGroup which will be called from g_option_context_parse() before the first option is parsed and after the last option has been parsed, respectively.
setPass(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingVideoProfile
Sets the pass number of this video profile.
setPassthrough(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
Set if the nature of the format or configuration does not allow (much) parsing, and the parser should operate in passthrough mode (which only applies when operating in push mode).
setPassthrough(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Set passthrough mode for this filter by default.
setPassthrough(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel.Builder
Gets whether the model is in passthrough mode.
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Sets the mount operation's password to password.
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.Builder
The password that is used for authentication when carrying out the mount operation.
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress.Builder
The proxy password.
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate.Builder
An optional password used when constructed with GTlsCertificate:pkcs12-data.
setPasswordSave(PasswordSave) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.Builder
Determines if and how the password information should be saved.
setPasswordSave(PasswordSave) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Sets the state of saving passwords for the mount operation.
setPath(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Sets or unsets the path in the URI.
setPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience setter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.PATH header field.
setPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings.Builder
The path within the backend where the settings are stored.
setPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress.Builder
Unix socket path.
setPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Sets this Cookie's path to path.
setPath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore.Builder
The directory used for filter storage.
setPathAsArray(byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress.Builder
Unix socket path, as a byte array.
setPathSegments(List<String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Replace the path segments list in the URI.
setPathString(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Sets or unsets the path in the URI.
setPatterns(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter.Builder
The patterns that this filter matches.
setPending() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Sets this InputStream to have actions pending.
setPending() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
Sets this IOStream to have actions pending.
setPending() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Sets this OutputStream to have actions pending.
setPending(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileEnumerator
Sets the file enumerator as having pending operations.
setPerfectTimestamp(boolean) - Method in class
setPerfectTimestamp(boolean) - Method in class
Enable or disable encoder perfect output timestamp preference.
setPermission(Permission) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LockButton
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setPermission(Permission) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LockButton.Builder
setPersistentCredentialStorageEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Enable or disable persistent credential storage.
setPersistentStorage(String, CookiePersistentStorage) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager
Set non-session cookies.
setPictographFontFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
The font family used as the default for content using a pictograph font.
setPictographFontFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:pictograph-font-family property.
setPim(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.Builder
The VeraCrypt PIM value, when unlocking a VeraCrypt volume.
setPim(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Sets the mount operation's PIM to pim.
setPinSidebar(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.Builder
Whether the sidebar widget is pinned.
setPinSidebar(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Sets whether the sidebar widget is pinned for this OverlaySplitView.
setPixbuf(Pixbuf) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
setPixbuf(Pixbuf) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf
setPixbuf(Pixbuf) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererPixbuf.Builder
setPixbuf(Pixbuf) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererPixbuf.Builder
setPixbuf(Pixbuf) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.Builder
A GdkPixbuf that may be a base of a rendered icon.
setPixbuf(Pixbuf) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes
Sets a pixbuf to be used as a base for rendered icon.
setPixbufColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The ::pixbuf-column property contains the number of the model column containing the pixbufs which are displayed.
setPixbufColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setPixbufExpanderClosed(Pixbuf) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererPixbuf.Builder
setPixbufExpanderOpen(Pixbuf) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererPixbuf.Builder
setPixelBytes(Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf.Builder
setPixels(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf.Builder
A pointer to the pixel data of the pixbuf.
setPixelsAboveLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Pixels of blank space above paragraphs.
setPixelsAboveLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Pixels of blank space above paragraphs.
setPixelsAboveLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets the default number of blank pixels above paragraphs in this TextView.
setPixelsAboveLinesSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the pixels-above-lines property is set.
setPixelsBelowLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Pixels of blank space below paragraphs.
setPixelsBelowLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Pixels of blank space below paragraphs.
setPixelsBelowLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets the default number of pixels of blank space to put below paragraphs in this TextView.
setPixelsBelowLinesSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the pixels-below-lines property is set.
setPixelsInsideWrap(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Pixels of blank space between wrapped lines in a paragraph.
setPixelsInsideWrap(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Pixels of blank space between wrapped lines in a paragraph.
setPixelsInsideWrap(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets the default number of pixels of blank space to leave between display/wrapped lines within a paragraph.
setPixelsInsideWrapSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the pixels-inside-wrap property is set.
setPixelSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image.Builder
The size in pixels to display icons at.
setPixelSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image
Sets the pixel size to use for named icons.
setPkcs11Uri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate.Builder
A URI referencing the PKCS \\#11 objects containing an X.509 certificate and optionally a private key.
setPkcs12Data(byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate.Builder
The PKCS 12 formatted data used to construct the object.
setPlaceholder(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Sets the placeholder widget that is shown in the list when it doesn't display any visible children.
setPlaceholderText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets text to be displayed in this Entry when it is empty.
setPlaceholderText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Sets the placeholder text associated with this SearchEntry.
setPlaceholderText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Sets text to be displayed in this Text when it is empty.
setPlaceholderText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
The text that will be displayed in the GtkCellRenderer if GtkCellRendererText:editable is true and the cell is empty.
setPlaceholderText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
The text that will be displayed in the GtkEntry when it is empty and unfocused.
setPlaceholderText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry.Builder
The text that will be displayed in the GtkPasswordEntry when it is empty and unfocused.
setPlaceholderText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.Builder
The text that will be displayed in the GtkSearchEntry when it is empty and unfocused.
setPlaceholderText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
The text that will be displayed in the GtkText when it is empty and unfocused.
setPlacement(CornerType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Sets the placement of the contents with respect to the scrollbars for the scrolled window.
setPlatformData(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationCommandLine.Builder
Platform-specific data for the commandline.
setPlaying(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.Builder
Whether the stream is currently playing.
setPlaying(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Starts or pauses playback of the stream.
setPlc(boolean) - Method in class
setPlc(boolean) - Method in class
Enable or disable decoder packet loss concealment, provided subclass and codec are capable and allow handling plc.
setPlcAware(boolean) - Method in class
Indicates whether or not subclass handles packet loss concealment (plc).
setPointer(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a pointer GValue to vPointer.
setPointingTo(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Sets the rectangle that this Popover points to.
setPointingTo(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.Builder
Rectangle in the parent widget that the popover points to.
setPolicy(ViewSwitcherPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcher.Builder
The policy to determine which mode to use.
setPolicy(ViewSwitcherPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcher
Sets the policy of this ViewSwitcher.
setPolicy(PolicyType, PolicyType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Sets the scrollbar policy for the horizontal and vertical scrollbars.
setPolicy(HSTSPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer
Sets policy to this HSTSEnforcer.
setPollFunc(PollFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Sets the function to use to handle polling of file descriptors.
setPollInterval(double) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.MemoryPressureSettings
Sets value as the poll interval used by this MemoryPressureSettings.
setPool(TaskPool) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
Set pool as the new GstTaskPool for this Task.
setPopOnEscape(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.Builder
Whether pressing Escape pops the current page.
setPopOnEscape(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationView
Sets whether pressing Escape pops the current page on this NavigationView.
setPopover(Popover) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Sets the popover that will be popped up when the dropdown is clicked.
setPopover(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Sets the GtkPopover that will be popped up when the this MenuButton is clicked.
setPopover(Popover) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.Builder
The GtkPopover that will be popped up when the dropdown is clicked.
setPopover(Popover) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.Builder
The GtkPopover that will be popped up when the button is clicked.
setPopupCompletion(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.Builder
Determines whether the possible completions should be shown in a popup window.
setPopupCompletion(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
setPopupFixedWidth(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.Builder
Whether the popup's width should be a fixed width matching the allocated width of the combo box.
setPopupFixedWidth(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
setPopupSetWidth(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.Builder
Determines whether the completions popup window will be resized to the width of the entry.
setPopupSetWidth(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
setPopupSingleMatch(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.Builder
Determines whether the completions popup window will shown for a single possible completion.
setPopupSingleMatch(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
setPort(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Set or unset the port number for the URI.
setPort(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress.Builder
The port.
setPort(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress.Builder
Network port.
setPos(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Sets the new position of a GstBitReader instance to pos in bits.
setPos(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
setPos(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Sets the new position of a GstByteReader instance to pos in bytes.
setPosition(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Sets the cursor position in the editable to the given value.
setPosition(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookPage.Builder
The index of the child in the parent.
setPosition(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned.Builder
Position of the separator in pixels, from the left/top.
setPosition(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Sets the position of the divider between the two panes.
setPosition(Format, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Answer a position query by setting the requested value in the given format.
setPosition(PositionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover.Builder
How to place the popover, relative to its parent.
setPosition(PositionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Popover
Sets the preferred position for this Popover to appear.
setPositionSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned.Builder
Whether the Gtk.Paned:position property has been set.
setPositionsInPixels(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
Sets whether positions in this array are specified in pixels.
setPreferPassthrough(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
If preferPassthrough is true (the default), this BaseTransform will check and prefer passthrough caps from the list of caps returned by the transform_caps vmethod.
setPreferredLanguages(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Set the list of preferred languages.
setPreferWideLayout(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.Builder
Whether to prefer wide layout.
setPreferWideLayout(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Sets whether this AlertDialog prefers wide layout.
setPreload(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.Builder
Whether the drop data should be preloaded when the pointer is only hovering over the widget but has not been released.
setPreload(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget
Sets whether data should be preloaded on hover.
setPremultiplied(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder.Builder
Whether the alpha channel is premultiplied into the others.
setPremultiplied(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Sets whether the data is premultiplied.
setPrepared(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.Builder
Whether the stream has finished initializing and existence of audio and video is known.
setPresence(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Set the number of time the profile is used in its parent container profile.
setPresence(PadPresence) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate.Builder
When the pad described by the pad template will become available.
setPresentationMode(DialogPresentationMode) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.Builder
The dialog's presentation mode.
setPresentationMode(DialogPresentationMode) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Sets presentation mode for this Dialog.
setPreset(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Sets the name of the GstElement that implements the GstPreset interface to use for the profile.
setPresetName(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Sets the name of the GstPreset's factory to be used in the profile.
setPreviewText(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.Builder
setPreviewText(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
setPrevious(Set, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the previous element in set that is lower than current value of codepoint.
setPreviousRange(Set, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the previous consecutive range of elements in set that are greater than current value of last.
setPrgname(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets the name of the program.
setPrimary(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.Builder
Whether the menu button acts as a primary menu.
setPrimary(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
Sets whether menu button acts as a primary menu.
setPrimaryIconActivatable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Whether the primary icon is activatable.
setPrimaryIconGicon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
The GIcon to use for the primary icon for the entry.
setPrimaryIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
The icon name to use for the primary icon for the entry.
setPrimaryIconPaintable(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
A GdkPaintable to use as the primary icon for the entry.
setPrimaryIconSensitive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Whether the primary icon is sensitive.
setPrimaryIconTooltipMarkup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
The contents of the tooltip on the primary icon, with markup.
setPrimaryIconTooltipText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
The contents of the tooltip on the primary icon.
setPrintBackgrounds(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Whether background images should be drawn during printing.
setPrintBackgrounds(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:print-backgrounds property.
setPrinter(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Convenience function to set GTK_PRINT_SETTINGS_PRINTER to printer.
setPrinter(Printer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob.Builder
The printer to send the job to.
setPrinter(LoggerPrinter) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Logger
Sets up an alternate log printing routine, if you don't want the log to go to stdout.
setPrinterLpi(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setPrinterrHandler(PrintFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets the handler for printing error messages to func, or resets it to the default GLib handler if NULL.
setPrintFooter(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor.Builder
Whether to print a footer in each page.
setPrintFooter(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Sets whether you want to print a footer in each page.
setPrintHandler(PrintFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets the print handler to func, or resets it to the default GLib handler if NULL.
setPrintHeader(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor.Builder
Whether to print a header in each page.
setPrintHeader(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Sets whether you want to print a header in each page.
setPrintLineNumbers(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor.Builder
Interval of printed line numbers.
setPrintLineNumbers(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Sets the interval for printed line numbers.
setPrintPages(PrintPages) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setPrintSettings(PrintSettings) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetupUnixDialog
Sets the GtkPrintSettings from which the page setup dialog takes its values.
setPrintSettings(PrintSettings) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Sets the print settings for this PrintOperation.
setPrintSettings(PrintSettings) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog.Builder
The print settings to use.
setPrintSettings(PrintSettings) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
Sets the print settings for the print dialog.
setPrintSettings(PrintSettings) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
The GtkPrintSettings used for initializing the dialog.
setPrintSettings(PrintSettings) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog.Builder
The GtkPrintSettings object used for this dialog.
setPrintSettings(PrintSettings) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation.Builder
The initial GtkPrintSettings for the print operation.
setPrintSettings(PrintSettings) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation
Set the current print settings of this PrintOperation.
setPriority(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Sets this Task's priority.
setPriority(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Sets the priority of a source.
setPriority(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag
Sets the priority of a GtkTextTag.
setPriority(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionSnippets.Builder
setPriority(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords.Builder
setPriority(ToastPriority) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast.Builder
The priority of the toast.
setPriority(ToastPriority) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Sets priority for this Toast.
setPriority(NotificationPriority) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Notification
Sets the priority of this Notification to priority.
setPriority(ThreadPriority) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Thread priorities no longer have any effect.
setPriority(MessagePriority) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Sets the priority of the SoupMessage.
setPriority(MessagePriority) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Sets the priority of a message.
setPrivateKey(byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate.Builder
The DER (binary) encoded representation of the certificate's private key, in either PKCS \\#1 format or unencrypted PKCS \\#8 format. PKCS \\8 format is supported since 2.32; earlier releases only support PKCS \\1.
setPrivateKeyPem(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate.Builder
The PEM (ASCII) encoded representation of the certificate's private key in either PKCS \\#1 format ("BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY") or unencrypted PKCS \\#8 format ("BEGIN PRIVATE KEY").
setPrivateKeyPkcs11Uri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate.Builder
A URI referencing a PKCS \\#11 object containing a private key.
setProcessingDeadline(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.Builder
Maximum amount of time (in nanoseconds) that the pipeline can take for processing the buffer.
setProcessingDeadline(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Maximum amount of time (in nanoseconds) that the pipeline can take for processing the buffer.
setProductId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device.Builder
Product ID of this device.
setProgramName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Sets the name to display in the about dialog.
setProgramName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
The name of the program.
setProgressFraction(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
The current fraction of the task that's been completed.
setProgressFraction(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Causes the entry’s progress indicator to “fill in” the given fraction of the bar.
setProgressPulseStep(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
The fraction of total entry width to move the progress bouncing block for each pulse.
setProgressPulseStep(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets the fraction of total entry width to move the progress bouncing block for each pulse.
setPropagateNaturalHeight(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
Whether the natural height of the child should be calculated and propagated through the scrolled window’s requested natural height.
setPropagateNaturalHeight(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Sets whether the natural height of the child should be calculated and propagated through the scrolled window’s requested natural height.
setPropagateNaturalWidth(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
Whether the natural width of the child should be calculated and propagated through the scrolled window’s requested natural width.
setPropagateNaturalWidth(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Sets whether the natural width of the child should be calculated and propagated through the scrolled window’s requested natural width.
setPropagateTextWidth(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
Whether the widget should grow and shrink with the content.
setPropagateTextWidth(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Sets whether the GtkText should grow and shrink with the content.
setPropagationLimit(PropagationLimit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController.Builder
The limit for which events this controller will handle.
setPropagationLimit(PropagationLimit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController
Sets the event propagation limit on the event controller.
setPropagationPhase(PropagationPhase) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController.Builder
The propagation phase at which this controller will handle events.
setPropagationPhase(PropagationPhase) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController
Sets the propagation phase at which a controller handles events.
setProperties(Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device.Builder
setProperty(int, Value, ParamSpec) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
the generic setter for all properties of this type.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Set a property of an object.
setProperty(String, Value) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy
Sets a single property using the GstChildProxy mechanism.
setProperty(String, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Sets a property on an object.
setProperty(GObject, int, int, Value) - Static method in interface
This helper shall be used by classes implementing the GstVideoOverlay interface that want the render rectangle to be controllable using properties.
setProperty(GObject, String, Object) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Properties
Set a property of an object.
setPropertyName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.PropertyAction.Builder
The name of the property to wrap on the object.
setProposalsBatchSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords.Builder
setProposalsForProvider(CompletionProvider, ListModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext
This function allows providers to update their results for a context outside of a call to CompletionProvider.populateAsync(org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext, org.gnome.gio.Cancellable, org.gnome.gio.AsyncReadyCallback).
setProposedCredential(Credential) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest
Set the WebKitCredential of the proposed authentication challenge.
setProtocol(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService.Builder
Network protocol, for example tcp.
setProtocol(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress.Builder
The proxy protocol.
setProtocol(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.Builder
The chosen protocol, or null if a protocol was not agreed upon.
setProtocol(SocketProtocol) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket.Builder
The ID of the protocol to use, or -1 for unknown.
setProtocol(SocketProtocol) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.Builder
The protocol to use for socket construction, or 0 for default.
setProtocol(SocketProtocol) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Sets the protocol of the socket client.
setProvideClock(boolean) - Method in class
setProvideClock(boolean) - Method in class
Controls whether this AudioBaseSink will provide a clock or not.
setProvideClock(boolean) - Method in class
setProvideClock(boolean) - Method in class
Controls whether this AudioBaseSrc will provide a clock or not.
setProxy(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain.Builder
Whether or not this is a proxy auth domain.
setProxyResolver(ProxyResolver) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Overrides the GProxyResolver used by this SocketClient.
setProxyResolver(ProxyResolver) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Set a ProxyResolver to be used by this Session on new connections.
setProxyResolver(ProxyResolver) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddressEnumerator.Builder
The proxy resolver to use.
setProxyResolver(ProxyResolver) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.Builder
The proxy resolver to use
setProxyResolver(ProxyResolver) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.Builder
A ProxyResolver to use with this session.
setProxySettings(NetworkProxyMode, NetworkProxySettings) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Set the network proxy settings to be used by connections started in this NetworkSession session.
setPspec(ParamSpec) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PropertyAnimationTarget.Builder
The GParamSpec of the property to be animated.
setPtsInterpolation(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
By default, the base class will guess PTS timestamps using a simple interpolation (previous timestamp + duration), which is incorrect for data streams with reordering, where PTS can go backward.
setPulse(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererProgress.Builder
Setting this to a non-negative value causes the cell renderer to enter "activity mode", where a block bounces back and forth to indicate that some progress is made, without specifying exactly how much.
setPulse(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpinner.Builder
Pulse of the spinner.
setPulseStep(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar.Builder
The fraction of total progress to move the bounding block when pulsed.
setPulseStep(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
Sets the fraction of total progress bar length to move the bouncing block.
setQdata(Quark, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
This sets an opaque, named pointer on a miniobject.
setQdata(Quark, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
This sets an opaque, named pointer on an object.
setQdata(Quark, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Sets an opaque, named pointer on a GParamSpec.
setQdataFull(Quark, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
This function works like g_object_set_qdata(), but in addition, a void (*destroy) (gpointer) function may be specified which is called with data as argument when the this Object is finalized, or the data is being overwritten by a call to g_object_set_qdata() with the same quark.
setQdataFull(Quark, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
This function works like g_param_spec_set_qdata(), but in addition, a void (*destroy) (gpointer) function may be specified which is called with data as argument when the this ParamSpec is finalized, or the data is being overwritten by a call to g_param_spec_set_qdata() with the same quark.
setQos(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.Builder
setQos(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.Builder
setQos(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true the decoder will handle QoS events received from downstream elements.
setQos(boolean) - Method in class
setQosEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Configures this BaseSink to send Quality-of-Service events upstream.
setQosEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Enable or disable QoS handling in the transform.
setQosEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Configures this VideoEncoder to handle Quality-of-Service events from downstream.
setQosMessages(boolean) - Method in class
Emit QoS messages when dropping buffers.
setQosStats(Format, long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Set the QoS stats representing the history of the current continuous pipeline playback period.
setQosValues(long, double, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Set the QoS values that have been calculated/analysed from the QoS data
setQuality(PrintQuality) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setQueryFunction(CollectPadsQueryFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Set the query callback function and user data that will be called after collectpads has received a query originating from one of the collected pads.
setQueryFunctionFull(PadQueryFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Set the given query function for the pad.
setQueryString(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Sets or unsets the query table in the URI.
setQueryTable(HashTable<String, String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Set the query table to use in the URI.
setQueryValue(String, String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
This inserts or replaces a key in the query table.
setRadio(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle.Builder
setRadio(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle
setRange(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Sets the minimum and maximum allowable values for this SpinRow.
setRange(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Sets the allowable values in the GtkRange.
setRange(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Sets the minimum and maximum allowable values for this SpinButton.
setRange(long, long) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Sets this MessageHeaders's Range header to request the indicated range.
setRange(CicpRange) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams.Builder
Whether the data is using the full range of values.
setRange(CicpRange) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams
Sets the range property of this CicpParams
setRanges(Range, int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Sets this MessageHeaders's Range header to request the indicated ranges.
setRank(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeature
Specifies a rank for a plugin feature, so that autoplugging uses the most appropriate feature.
setRate(int) - Method in class
Sets rate as new sample rate for the following processing.
setRateLimit(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor.Builder
The limit of the monitor to watch for changes, in milliseconds.
setRateLimit(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor
Sets the rate limit to which the this FileMonitor will report consecutive change events to the same file.
setRateLimit(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor
This function does nothing. Don't call it.
setRatio(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame.Builder
The aspect ratio to be used by the GtkAspectFrame.
setRatio(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame
Sets the desired aspect ratio of the child.
setRawPaths(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server.Builder
If true, percent-encoding in the Request-URI path will not be automatically decoded.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.CookieJar.Builder
Whether or not the cookie jar is read-only.
setReadyTime(long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Sets a GSource to be dispatched when the given monotonic time is reached (or passed).
setReallocFunction(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream.Builder
Function with realloc semantics called to enlarge the buffer.
setRealm(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth.Builder
The authentication realm.
setRealm(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthDomain.Builder
The realm of this auth domain.
setReceivesDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Whether the widget will receive the default action when it is focused.
setReceivesDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Specifies whether this Widget will be treated as the default widget within its toplevel when it has the focus, even if another widget is the default.
setRectAnchor(Gravity) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Set the anchor on the anchor rectangle.
setRedirect(int, String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Sets this ServerMessage's status_code to statusCode and adds a Location header pointing to redirectUri.
setReference(Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Increases the reference count on a set.
setRegexEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings.Builder
Search by regular expressions with SearchSettings:search-text as the pattern.
setRegexEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
Enables or disables whether to search by regular expressions.
setRegisterSession(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application.Builder
Set this property to TRUE to register with the session manager.
setRehandshakeMode(TlsRehandshakeMode) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.Builder
setRehandshakeMode(TlsRehandshakeMode) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Changing the rehandshake mode is no longer required for compatibility. Also, rehandshaking has been removed from the TLS protocol in TLS 1.3.
setRehandshakeMode(TlsRehandshakeMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.Builder
setRehandshakeMode(TlsRehandshakeMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Changing the rehandshake mode is no longer required for compatibility. Also, rehandshaking has been removed from the TLS protocol in TLS 1.3.
setRelatedView(WebView) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
The related WebKitWebView used when creating the view to share the same web process and network session.
setRelation(ConstraintRelation) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint.Builder
The order relation between the terms of the constraint.
setReleaseNotes(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The release notes of the application.
setReleaseNotes(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the release notes for this AboutDialog.
setReleaseNotes(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setReleaseNotes(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setReleaseNotesVersion(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The version described by the application's release notes.
setReleaseNotesVersion(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the version described by the application's release notes.
setReleaseNotesVersion(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setReleaseNotesVersion(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setRememberInfoVisibility(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.Builder
Determines whether the visibility of the info window should be saved when the completion is hidden, and restored when the completion is shown again.
setRemoteConnectable(SocketConnectable) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.Builder
Sets a socket to make outgoing connections on.
setRenderDelay(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.Builder
The additional delay between synchronisation and actual rendering of the media.
setRenderDelay(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Set the render delay in this BaseSink to delay.
setRenderRectangle(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface
Configure a subregion as a video target within the window set by gst_video_overlay_set_window_handle().
setRenderRectangle(int, int, int, int) - Method in class
Sets the render position and dimensions of the rectangle on the video.
setReorderable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView.Builder
Whether columns are reorderable.
setReorderable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Sets whether columns should be reorderable by dragging.
setReorderable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The reorderable property specifies if the items can be reordered by DND.
setReorderable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setReorderable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookPage.Builder
Whether the tab is reorderable by user action.
setReorderable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
setReorderable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setReorderable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
setReorderable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setRepeatAfterEos(boolean) - Method in class
setRepeatCount(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation.Builder
Number of times the animation will play.
setRepeatCount(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Sets the number of times this TimedAnimation will play.
setReplySerial(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience setter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.REPLY_SERIAL header field.
setRequestBody(String, InputStream, long) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Set the request body of a SoupMessage.
setRequestBodyFromBytes(String, Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Set the request body of a SoupMessage from GLib.Bytes.
setRequestFilter(LoggerFilter) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Logger
Sets up a filter to determine the log level for a given request.
setRequireCloseNotify(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.Builder
Whether or not proper TLS close notification is required.
setRequireCloseNotify(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Sets whether or not this DtlsConnection expects a proper TLS close notification before the connection is closed.
setRequireCloseNotify(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.Builder
Whether or not proper TLS close notification is required.
setRequireCloseNotify(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Sets whether or not this TlsConnection expects a proper TLS close notification before the connection is closed.
setRequiredType(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOExtensionPoint
Sets the required type for this IOExtensionPoint to type.
setRequiredVersion(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Sets the major and minor version of OpenGL to request.
setRequiredVersion(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
Sets the required version of OpenGL to be used when creating the context for the widget.
setResizable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelLayout
Sets whether the layout should allow the user to resize the surface after it has been presented.
setResizable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn.Builder
Whether this column is resizable.
setResizable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Sets whether this column should be resizable by dragging.
setResizable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
setResizable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setResizable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
If true, users can resize the window.
setResizable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets whether the user can resize a window.
setResizable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties.Builder
Whether the window can be resized.
setResizeEndChild(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned.Builder
Determines whether the second child expands and shrinks along with the paned widget.
setResizeEndChild(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Sets whether the Gtk.Paned:end-child can be resized.
setResizeStartChild(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned.Builder
Determines whether the first child expands and shrinks along with the paned widget.
setResizeStartChild(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Sets whether the Gtk.Paned:start-child can be resized.
setResizeToplevel(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander.Builder
When this property is true, the expander will resize the toplevel widget containing the expander upon expanding and collapsing.
setResizeToplevel(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Sets whether the expander will resize the toplevel widget containing the expander upon resizing and collapsing.
setResolution(double) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.cairo.FontMap
Sets the resolution for the fontmap.
setResolution(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setResolution(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Sets the accuracy of the clock.
setResolutionXy(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setResource(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaFile
Sets the GtkMediaFile to play the given resource. This is a utility function that converts the given @resource_path to a GFile` and calls MediaFile.setFile(org.gnome.gio.File).
setResource(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Picture
Makes this Picture load and display the resource at the given resourcePath.
setResource(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Makes this Video play the resource at the given resourcePath.
setResource(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader.Builder
Resource containing the source code for the shader.
setResource(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderListItemFactory.Builder
Path of the resource containing the UI definition.
setResource(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image.Builder
A path to a resource file to display.
setResourceBasePath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Sets (or unsets) the base resource path of this Application.
setResourceBasePath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.Builder
The base resource path for the application.
setResourcePath(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Sets the resource paths that will be looked at when looking for icons, similar to search paths.
setResourcePath(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme.Builder
Resource paths that will be looked at when looking for icons, similar to search paths.
setResponse(String, MemoryUse, byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Convenience function to set the response body of a SoupServerMessage.
setResponseAppearance(String, ResponseAppearance) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Sets the appearance for response.
setResponseAppearance(String, ResponseAppearance) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
setResponseEnabled(String, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Sets whether response is enabled.
setResponseEnabled(String, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
setResponseFilter(LoggerFilter) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Logger
Sets up a filter to determine the log level for a given response.
setResponseLabel(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog
Sets the label of response to label.
setResponseLabel(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog
setResponseSensitive(int, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Use Window instead
setResponseSensitive(int, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
setRestriction(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
Set the restriction GstCaps to apply before the encoder that will be used in the profile.
setRestrictionCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile.Builder
setRestrictToFillLevel(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range.Builder
Controls whether slider movement is restricted to an upper boundary set by the fill level.
setRestrictToFillLevel(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Sets whether the slider is restricted to the fill level.
setReturnOnCancel(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Sets or clears this Task's return-on-cancel flag.
setReveal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherBar.Builder
Whether the bar should be revealed or hidden.
setReveal(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherBar
Sets whether this ViewSwitcherBar should be revealed or hidden.
setRevealBottomBars(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView.Builder
Whether bottom bars are visible.
setRevealBottomBars(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Sets whether bottom bars are revealed for this ToolbarView.
setRevealChild(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer.Builder
Whether the revealer should reveal the child.
setRevealChild(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer
Tells the GtkRevealer to reveal or conceal its child.
setRevealDuration(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel.Builder
Page reveal duration, in milliseconds.
setRevealDuration(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Sets the page reveal duration, in milliseconds.
setRevealed(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner.Builder
Whether the banner is currently revealed.
setRevealed(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner
Sets whether a banner should be revealed
setRevealed(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ActionBar.Builder
Controls whether the action bar shows its contents.
setRevealed(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ActionBar
Reveals or conceals the content of the action bar.
setRevealed(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar.Builder
Whether the info bar shows its contents.
setRevealed(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
setRevealFlap(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap.Builder
setRevealFlap(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
setRevealParams(SpringParams) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap.Builder
setRevealParams(SpringParams) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
setRevealTopBars(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView.Builder
Whether top bars are revealed.
setRevealTopBars(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Sets whether top bars are revealed for this ToolbarView.
setReverse(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation.Builder
Whether the animation plays backwards.
setReverse(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Sets whether this TimedAnimation plays backwards.
setReverse(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Sets whether this job is printed reversed.
setReverse(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setReversed(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.Builder
Whether to reverse the swipe direction.
setReversed(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Sets whether to reverse the swipe direction.
setRgba(RGBA) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser.Builder
setRgba(RGBA) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser
Use ColorDialog instead
setRgba(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton.Builder
The selected color.
setRgba(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton
Sets the color of the button.
setRgba(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest.Builder
The GdkRGBA color of the request
setRgba(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest
Sets the current GdkRGBA color of this ColorChooserRequest
setRightMargin(double, Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Sets the right margin of the GtkPageSetup.
setRightMargin(double, Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Sets the right margin used by this PrintCompositor.
setRightMargin(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Width of the right margin, in pixels.
setRightMargin(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
The default right margin for text in the text view.
setRightMargin(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets the default right margin for text in the text view.
setRightMarginPosition(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
Position of the right margin.
setRightMarginPosition(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Sets the position of the right margin in the given this View.
setRightMarginSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the right-margin property is set.
setRise(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setRise(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Offset of text above the baseline, in Pango units.
setRiseSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setRiseSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the rise property is set.
setRotate(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Sets whether this job is printed rotated.
setRoundDigits(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range.Builder
The number of digits to round the value to when it changes.
setRoundDigits(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Sets the number of digits to round the value to when it changes.
setRoundGlyphPositions(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Context
Sets whether font rendering with this context should round glyph positions and widths to integral positions, in device units.
setRow(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild.Builder
The row to place the child in.
setRow(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild
Sets the row to place this GridLayoutChild in.
setRowBaselinePosition(int, BaselinePosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Sets how the baseline should be positioned on row of the grid, in case that row is assigned more space than is requested.
setRowBaselinePosition(int, BaselinePosition) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout
Sets how the baseline should be positioned on row of the grid, in case that row is assigned more space than is requested.
setRowFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Sets the factory used for configuring rows.
setRowFactory(ListItemFactory) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView.Builder
The factory used for configuring rows.
setRowHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid.Builder
If true, the rows are all the same height.
setRowHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Sets whether all rows of this Grid will have the same height.
setRowHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout.Builder
Whether all the rows in the grid have the same height.
setRowHomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout
Sets whether all rows of this GridLayout should have the same height.
setRowSeparatorFunc(TreeViewRowSeparatorFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
setRowSeparatorFunc(TreeViewRowSeparatorFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setRowSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.Builder
The amount of vertical space between two children.
setRowSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Sets the vertical space to add between children.
setRowSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid.Builder
The amount of space between two consecutive rows.
setRowSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Grid
Sets the amount of space between rows of this Grid.
setRowSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout.Builder
The amount of space between to consecutive rows.
setRowSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayout
Sets the amount of space to insert between consecutive rows.
setRowSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The row-spacing property specifies the space which is inserted between the rows of the icon view.
setRowSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setRowSpan(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild.Builder
The number of rows the child spans to.
setRowSpan(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridLayoutChild
Sets the number of rows this GridLayoutChild spans to.
setRowstride(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf.Builder
The number of bytes between the start of a row and the start of the next row.
setRubberBanding(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
setRubberBanding(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setRunningTime(Format, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Adjust the start/stop and base values of this Segment such that the next valid buffer will be one with runningTime.
setRunningTimeOffset(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Set the running time offset of a event.
setSameSitePolicy(SameSitePolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
When used in conjunction with CookieJar.getCookieListWithSameSiteInfo(org.gnome.glib.Uri, org.gnome.glib.Uri, org.gnome.glib.Uri, boolean, boolean, boolean) this sets the policy of when this cookie should be exposed.
setSample(long) - Method in class
Make sure that the next sample written to the device is accounted for as being the sample sample written to the device.
setSansSerifFontFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
The font family used as the default for content using a sans-serif font.
setSansSerifFontFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:sans-serif-font-family property.
setScale(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setScale(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Sets the scale for this job.
setScale(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setScale(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Font size as a scale factor relative to the default font size.
setScale(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
You should not use this api
setScale(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setScaleSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setScaleSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the scale property is set.
setScaleSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setScanBatchSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords.Builder
setSchar(byte) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_CHAR GValue to vChar.
setScheduling(Set<SchedulingFlags>, int, int, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Set the scheduling properties.
setScheduling(SchedulingFlags, int, int, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Set the scheduling properties.
setSchema(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings.Builder
setSchemaId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings.Builder
The name of the schema that describes the types of keys for this GSettings object.
setScheme(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Set or unset the scheme for the URI.
setScheme(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkAddress.Builder
URI scheme.
setScheme(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService.Builder
Network scheme (default is to use service).
setScheme(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService
Set's the URI scheme used to resolve proxies.
setScheme(StyleScheme) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview.Builder
setScope(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Sets the current scope.
setScope(TagScope) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Sets the scope of this TagList to scope.
setScope(BuilderScope) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Sets the scope the builder should operate in.
setScope(BuilderScope) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderListItemFactory.Builder
GtkBuilderScope to use when instantiating listitems
setScope(BuilderScope) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder.Builder
The scope the builder is operating in
setScope(ShortcutScope) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController.Builder
What scope the shortcuts will be handled in.
setScope(ShortcutScope) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController
Sets the controller to have the given scope.
setScopeId(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetSocketAddress.Builder
The sin6_scope_id field, for IPv6 addresses.
setScrollable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
If true, scroll arrows are added if there are too many pages to fit.
setScrollable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Sets whether the tab label area will have arrows for scrolling if there are too many tabs to fit in the area.
setScrollbarsVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties.Builder
Whether the scrollbars should be visible for the window.
setScrollParams(SpringParams) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel.Builder
Scroll animation spring parameters.
setScrollParams(SpringParams) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Sets the scroll animation spring parameters for this Carousel.
setScrollToFocus(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Viewport.Builder
Whether to scroll when the focus changes.
setScrollToFocus(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Viewport
Sets whether the viewport should automatically scroll to keep the focused child in view.
setSearch(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter
Sets the string to search for.
setSearch(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter.Builder
The search term.
setSearchColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
setSearchColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setSearchDelay(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.Builder
The delay in milliseconds from last keypress to the search changed signal.
setSearchDelay(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry
Set the delay to be used between the last keypress and the Gtk.SearchEntry::search-changed signal being emitted.
setSearchEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog.Builder
Whether search is enabled.
setSearchEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog
Sets whether search is enabled for this PreferencesDialog.
setSearchEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow.Builder
setSearchEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
setSearchEntry(Editable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setSearchEqualFunc(TreeViewSearchEqualFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setSearchMatchMode(StringFilterMatchMode) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow.Builder
The match mode for the search filter.
setSearchMatchMode(StringFilterMatchMode) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Sets the match mode for the search filter.
setSearchMatchMode(StringFilterMatchMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.Builder
The match mode for the search filter.
setSearchMatchMode(StringFilterMatchMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Sets the match mode for the search filter.
setSearchMode(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.Builder
Whether search mode is enabled.
setSearchMode(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar
Switches the search mode on or off.
setSearchModeEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar.Builder
Whether the search mode is on and the search bar shown.
setSearchPath(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Sets the search path for the icon theme object.
setSearchPath(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager
Sets the list of directories where the this LanguageManager looks for language files.
setSearchPath(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager
Sets the list of directories in which the GtkSourceSnippetManager looks for snippet files.
setSearchPath(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager
Sets the list of directories where the this StyleSchemeManager looks for style scheme files.
setSearchPath(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme.Builder
The search path for this icon theme.
setSearchPath(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.LanguageManager.Builder
setSearchPath(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager.Builder
Contains a list of directories to search for files containing snippets (*.snippets).
setSearchPath(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager.Builder
setSearchText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
Sets the text to search.
setSearchText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings.Builder
A search string, or null if the search is disabled.
setSeat(Seat) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device.Builder
GdkSeat of this device.
setSecond(ShortcutTrigger) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlternativeTrigger.Builder
The second GtkShortcutTrigger to check.
setSecondaryIconActivatable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Whether the secondary icon is activatable.
setSecondaryIconGicon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
The GIcon to use for the secondary icon for the entry.
setSecondaryIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
The icon name to use for the secondary icon for the entry.
setSecondaryIconPaintable(Paintable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
A GdkPaintable to use as the secondary icon for the entry.
setSecondaryIconSensitive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Whether the secondary icon is sensitive.
setSecondaryIconTooltipMarkup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
The contents of the tooltip on the secondary icon, with markup.
setSecondaryIconTooltipText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
The contents of the tooltip on the secondary icon.
setSecondaryMenu(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Sets the secondary menu model for this TabOverview.
setSecondaryMenu(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.Builder
The secondary menu model.
setSecondaryText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog.Builder
The secondary text of the message dialog.
setSecondaryUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog.Builder
true if the secondary text of the dialog includes Pango markup.
setSection(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Sets or unsets the "section" link of this MenuItem to section.
setSectionName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection.Builder
A unique name to identify this section among the sections added to the GtkShortcutsWindow.
setSectionName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow.Builder
The name of the section to show.
setSectionSorter(Sorter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel
Sets a new section sorter on this SortListModel.
setSectionSorter(Sorter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel.Builder
The section sorter for this model, if one is set.
setSecure(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Sets this Cookie's secure attribute to secure.
setSeed(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Rand
Sets the seed for the random number generator GRand to seed.
setSeedArray(MemorySegment, int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Rand
Initializes the random number generator by an array of longs.
setSeeking(Format, boolean, long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Set the seeking query result fields in this Query.
setSeekTrickmodeInterval(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Sets a trickmode interval on a (writable) seek event.
setSegment(double, Format, long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Answer a segment query by setting the requested values.
setSegment(Segment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Sample
Set the segment associated with this Sample.
setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Set the results of a selectable query.
setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow.Builder
If the row can be selected by the user.
setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewRow
Sets this ColumnViewRow to be selectable.
setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
Whether the label text can be selected with the mouse.
setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Makes text in the label selectable.
setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow.Builder
Determines whether this row can be selected.
setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow
Set whether the row can be selected.
setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem.Builder
If the item can be selected by the user.
setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListItem
Sets this ListItem to be selectable.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview.Builder
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview
setSelected(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow.Builder
The position of the selected item.
setSelected(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Selects the item at the given position.
setSelected(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.Builder
The position of the selected item.
setSelected(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Selects the item at the given position.
setSelected(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection.Builder
Position of the selected item.
setSelected(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection
Selects the item at the given position.
setSelectedAction(Set<DragAction>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag.Builder
The currently selected action of the drag.
setSelectedAction(DragAction...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag.Builder
The currently selected action of the drag.
setSelectedPage(TabPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView.Builder
The currently selected page.
setSelectedPage(TabPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Sets the currently selected page in this TabView.
setSelectedPage(ViewStackPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPages.Builder
The selected ViewStackPage within the ViewStackPages.
setSelectedPage(ViewStackPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPages
Sets the visible child in the associated ViewStack.
setSelectFunction(TreeSelectionFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
setSelection(Bitset, Bitset) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel
Make selection changes.
setSelectionMode(SelectionMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.Builder
The selection mode used by the flow box.
setSelectionMode(SelectionMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Sets how selection works in this FlowBox.
setSelectionMode(SelectionMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The ::selection-mode property specifies the selection mode of icon view.
setSelectionMode(SelectionMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setSelectionMode(SelectionMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.Builder
The selection mode used by the list box.
setSelectionMode(SelectionMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Sets how selection works in the listbox.
setSelectMultiple(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser.Builder
setSelectMultiple(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooser
Use FileDialog instead
setSelectOnShow(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.Builder
Determines whether the first proposal should be selected when the completion is first shown.
setSender(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience setter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.SENDER header field.
setSensitive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
setSensitive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
setSensitive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Whether the widget responds to input.
setSensitive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets the sensitivity of a widget.
setSentence(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether this tag represents a single sentence.
setSentenceSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the sentence property is set.
setSeparateRows(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup.Builder
Whether to separate rows.
setSeparateRows(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup
Sets whether this PreferencesGroup's rows are separated.
setSeparator(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
setSeparator(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap.Builder
setSeqnum(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Set the sequence number of a event.
setSeqnum(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Set the sequence number of a message.
setSequenceState(EventSequence, EventSequenceState) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
setSerial(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Sets the serial for this DBusMessage.
setSerial(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceTool.Builder
The serial number of the tool.
setSerifFontFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
The font family used as the default for content using a serif font.
setSerifFontFamily(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:serif-font-family property.
setServerHeader(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server.Builder
Server header.
setServerIdentity(SocketConnectable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsClientConnection.Builder
A GSocketConnectable describing the identity of the server that is expected on the other end of the connection.
setServerIdentity(SocketConnectable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsClientConnection
Sets this DtlsClientConnection's expected server identity, which is used both to tell servers on virtual hosts which certificate to present, and also to let this DtlsClientConnection know what name to look for in the certificate when performing TlsCertificateFlags.BAD_IDENTITY validation, if enabled.
setServerIdentity(SocketConnectable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection.Builder
A GSocketConnectable describing the identity of the server that is expected on the other end of the connection.
setServerIdentity(SocketConnectable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection
Sets this TlsClientConnection's expected server identity, which is used both to tell servers on virtual hosts which certificate to present, and also to let this TlsClientConnection know what name to look for in the certificate when performing TlsCertificateFlags.BAD_IDENTITY validation, if enabled.
setService(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.NetworkService.Builder
Service name, for example ldap.
setSessionPolicy(String, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer
Sets a session policy for domain.
setSet(Set, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Makes the contents of set equal to the contents of other.
setSettings(PrintSettings) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Sets the GtkPrintSettings for the GtkPrintUnixDialog.
setSettings(PrintSettings) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob.Builder
Printer settings.
setSettings(SearchSettings) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchContext.Builder
The SearchSettings associated to the search context.
setSettings(Settings) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
The WebKitSettings of the view.
setSettings(Settings) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Sets the WebKitSettings to be applied to this WebView.
setSettingsSchema(SettingsSchema) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings.Builder
The GSettingsSchema describing the types of keys for this GSettings object.
setSetUserData(Set, UserDataKey, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc, Bool) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Attaches a user-data key/data pair to the specified set.
setShadeAmount(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer.Builder
setShader(AudioVisualizerShader) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer.Builder
setShadowWidth(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Sets the shadow width of the popup.
setShadowWidth(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelSize
Sets the shadows size of the toplevel.
setSharedContext(GLContext) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext.Builder
setSheet(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Sets the bottom sheet widget for this BottomSheet.
setSheet(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.Builder
The bottom sheet widget.
setShortcuts(Set<TabViewShortcuts>) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView.Builder
The enabled shortcuts.
setShortcuts(Set<TabViewShortcuts>) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Sets the enabled shortcuts for this TabView.
setShortcuts(TabViewShortcuts...) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView.Builder
The enabled shortcuts.
setShortcuts(TabViewShortcuts...) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Sets the enabled shortcuts for this TabView.
setShortcutType(ShortcutType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut.Builder
The type of shortcut that is represented.
setShowAll(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor.Builder
setShowAll(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget.Builder
If true, the app chooser presents all applications in a single list, without subsections for default, recommended or related applications.
setShowAll(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setShowAllDevices(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor
Set if all devices should be visible, even those devices from hidden providers.
setShowApplyButton(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.Builder
Whether to show the apply button.
setShowApplyButton(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.EntryRow
Sets whether this EntryRow can show the apply button.
setShowArrow(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.Builder
Whether to show an arrow within the GtkDropDown widget.
setShowArrow(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.DropDown
Sets whether an arrow will be displayed within the widget.
setShowBackButton(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar.Builder
Whether the header bar can show the back button.
setShowBackButton(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Sets whether this HeaderBar can show the back button.
setShowBorder(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
Whether the border should be shown.
setShowBorder(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Sets whether a bevel will be drawn around the notebook pages.
setShowCloseButton(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar.Builder
Whether to include a standard close button.
setShowCloseButton(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
setShowCloseButton(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar.Builder
Whether to show the close button in the search bar.
setShowCloseButton(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SearchBar
Shows or hides the close button.
setShowColumnSeparators(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView.Builder
Show separators between columns.
setShowColumnSeparators(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Sets whether the list should show separators between columns.
setShowContent(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView.Builder
Determines the visible page when collapsed.
setShowContent(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Sets which page is visible when this NavigationSplitView is collapsed.
setShowDayNames(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.Builder
Determines whether day names are displayed.
setShowDayNames(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Sets whether the calendar shows day names.
setShowDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget.Builder
Determines whether the app chooser should show the default handler for the content type in a separate section.
setShowDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setShowDefaultItem(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.Builder
Determines whether the dropdown menu shows the default application on top for the provided content type.
setShowDefaultItem(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setShowDialogItem(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.Builder
Determines whether the dropdown menu shows an item to open a GtkAppChooserDialog.
setShowDialogItem(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setShowDragHandle(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.Builder
Whether to overlay a drag handle in the bottom sheet.
setShowDragHandle(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet
Sets whether to show a drag handle in the bottom sheet.
setShowEditor(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton.Builder
Whether the color chooser should open in editor mode.
setShowEditor(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooserDialog.Builder
Whether the color chooser dialog is showing the single-color editor.
setShowEditor(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooserWidget.Builder
true when the color chooser is showing the single-color editor.
setShowEmojiIcon(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Whether the entry will show an Emoji icon in the secondary icon position to open the Emoji chooser.
setShowEnableSwitch(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow.Builder
Whether the switch enabling the expansion is visible.
setShowEnableSwitch(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Sets whether the switch enabling the expansion of this ExpanderRow is visible.
setShowEndTitleButtons(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar.Builder
Whether to show title buttons at the end of the header bar.
setShowEndTitleButtons(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Sets whether to show title buttons at the end of this HeaderBar.
setShowEndTitleButtons(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.Builder
Whether to show end title buttons in the overview's header bar.
setShowEndTitleButtons(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Sets whether to show end title buttons in this TabOverview's header bar.
setShowExpanders(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
true if the view has expanders.
setShowExpanders(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setShowFallback(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget.Builder
Determines whether the app chooser should show a section for fallback applications.
setShowFallback(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setShowFillLevel(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range.Builder
Controls whether fill level indicator graphics are displayed on the trough.
setShowFillLevel(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Sets whether a graphical fill level is show on the trough.
setShowHeading(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.Builder
Determines whether a heading is displayed.
setShowHeading(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Sets whether the calendar should show a heading.
setShowIcons(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.Builder
The "show-icons" property denotes if icons should be displayed within the list of completions presented to the user.
setShowInitials(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar.Builder
Whether initials are used instead of an icon on the fallback avatar.
setShowInitials(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar
Sets whether to use initials instead of an icon on the fallback avatar.
setShowLineMarks(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
Whether to display line mark pixbufs
setShowLineMarks(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
If true line marks will be displayed beside the text.
setShowLineNumbers(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
Whether to display line numbers
setShowLineNumbers(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
If true line numbers will be displayed beside the text.
setShowMenubar(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow.Builder
If this property is true, the window will display a menubar unless it is shown by the desktop shell.
setShowMenubar(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationWindow
Sets whether the window will display a menubar for the app menu and menubar as needed.
setShowOther(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget.Builder
Determines whether the app chooser should show a section for other applications.
setShowOther(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setShowPeekIcon(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry.Builder
Whether to show an icon for revealing the content.
setShowPeekIcon(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry
Sets whether the entry should have a clickable icon to reveal the contents.
setShowPrerollFrame(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to show video frames during preroll.
setShowPreviewEntry(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.Builder
setShowPreviewEntry(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser
setShowProgress(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
Determines whether to show a progress dialog during the print operation.
setShowProgress(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
If showProgress is true, the print operation will show a progress dialog during the print operation.
setShowRecommended(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget.Builder
Determines whether the app chooser should show a section for recommended applications.
setShowRecommended(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
setShowRightMargin(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
Whether to display the right margin.
setShowRightMargin(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
If true a right margin is displayed.
setShowRowSeparators(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView.Builder
Show separators between rows.
setShowRowSeparators(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Sets whether the list should show separators between rows.
setShowSeparators(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.Builder
Whether to show separators between rows.
setShowSeparators(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Sets whether the list box should show separators between rows.
setShowSeparators(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView.Builder
Show separators between rows.
setShowSeparators(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Sets whether the list box should show separators between rows.
setShowSidebar(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.Builder
Whether the sidebar widget is shown.
setShowSidebar(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Sets whether the sidebar widget is shown for this OverlaySplitView.
setShowSpaces(Set<ShowFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
How to render invisible characters.
setShowSpaces(ShowFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
How to render invisible characters.
setShowSpacesSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the show-spaces property is set.
setShowStartTitleButtons(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar.Builder
Whether to show title buttons at the start of the header bar.
setShowStartTitleButtons(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Sets whether to show title buttons at the start of this HeaderBar.
setShowStartTitleButtons(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.Builder
Whether to show start title buttons in the overview's header bar.
setShowStartTitleButtons(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Sets whether to show start title buttons in this TabOverview's header bar.
setShowTabs(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
Whether tabs should be shown.
setShowTabs(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Sets whether to show the tabs for the notebook or not.
setShowText(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar.Builder
Sets whether the progress bar will show a text in addition to the bar itself.
setShowText(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
Sets whether the progress bar will show text next to the bar.
setShowTitle(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar.Builder
Whether the title widget should be shown.
setShowTitle(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Sets whether the title widget should be shown.
setShowTitleButtons(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar.Builder
Whether to show title buttons like close, minimize, maximize.
setShowTitleButtons(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar
Sets whether this header bar shows the standard window title buttons.
setShowWeekNumbers(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.Builder
Determines whether week numbers are displayed.
setShowWeekNumbers(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Sets whether week numbers are shown in the calendar.
setShrinkCenterLast(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox.Builder
Whether to shrink the center widget after other children.
setShrinkCenterLast(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox
Sets whether to shrink the center widget after other children.
setShrinkCenterLast(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout.Builder
Whether to shrink the center widget after other children.
setShrinkCenterLast(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout
Sets whether to shrink the center widget after other children.
setShrinkEndChild(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned.Builder
Determines whether the second child can be made smaller than its requisition.
setShrinkEndChild(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Sets whether the Gtk.Paned:end-child can shrink.
setShrinkStartChild(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned.Builder
Determines whether the first child can be made smaller than its requisition.
setShrinkStartChild(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Sets whether the Gtk.Paned:start-child can shrink.
setSide(PackType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls.Builder
Whether the widget shows start or end side of the decoration layout.
setSide(PackType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls
Determines which part of decoration layout the GtkWindowControls uses.
setSidebar(NavigationPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Sets the sidebar widget for this NavigationSplitView.
setSidebar(NavigationPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView.Builder
The sidebar widget.
setSidebar(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Sets the sidebar widget for this OverlaySplitView.
setSidebar(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.Builder
The sidebar widget.
setSidebarPosition(PackType) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.Builder
The sidebar position.
setSidebarPosition(PackType) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Sets the sidebar position for this OverlaySplitView.
setSidebarWidthFraction(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView.Builder
The preferred sidebar width as a fraction of the total width.
setSidebarWidthFraction(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Sets the preferred sidebar width as a fraction of the total width of this NavigationSplitView.
setSidebarWidthFraction(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.Builder
The preferred sidebar width as a fraction of the total width.
setSidebarWidthFraction(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Sets the preferred sidebar width as a fraction of the total width of this OverlaySplitView.
setSidebarWidthUnit(LengthUnit) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView.Builder
The length unit for minimum and maximum sidebar widths.
setSidebarWidthUnit(LengthUnit) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationSplitView
Sets the length unit for minimum and maximum sidebar widths.
setSidebarWidthUnit(LengthUnit) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView.Builder
The length unit for minimum and maximum sidebar widths.
setSidebarWidthUnit(LengthUnit) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.OverlaySplitView
Sets the length unit for minimum and maximum sidebar widths.
setSignalName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SignalAction.Builder
The name of the signal to emit.
setSignature(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Convenience setter for the DBusMessageHeaderField.SIGNATURE header field.
setSimple(String, Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Sets fields in a GstCaps.
setSingleClickActivate(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView.Builder
Activate rows on single click and select them on hover.
setSingleClickActivate(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Sets whether rows should be activated on single click and selected on hover.
setSingleClickActivate(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView.Builder
Activate rows on single click and select them on hover.
setSingleClickActivate(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Sets whether items should be activated on single click and selected on hover.
setSingleClickActivate(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView.Builder
Activate rows on single click and select them on hover.
setSingleClickActivate(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Sets whether rows should be activated on single click and selected on hover.
setSingleLineMode(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
Whether the label is in single line mode.
setSingleLineMode(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Sets whether the label is in single line mode.
setSingleParagraphMode(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setSingleParagraphMode(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets the single paragraph mode of this Layout.
setSingleSegment(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingProfile
If using a single segment, buffers will be retimestamped and segments will be eat so as to appear as one segment.
setSinkCaps(AudioAggregatorPad, Caps) - Method in class
setSinkCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
setSiteForCookies(Uri) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Sets siteForCookies as the policy URL for same-site cookies for this Message.
setSiteForCookies(Uri) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
Site used to compare cookies against.
setSize(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Sets the size of the GByteArray, expanding it if necessary.
setSize(double, double, Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Changes the dimensions of a this PaperSize to width x height.
setSize(int) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListIndexModel
Set the size field to the provided value, and emit the "items-changed" signal.
setSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar.Builder
The size of the avatar.
setSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar
Sets the size of the avatar.
setSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream.Builder
Current size of the data buffer.
setSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel.Builder
Maximum size of slice.
setSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel
Sets the maximum size.
setSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Font size in Pango units.
setSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Sets the size field of a font description in fractional points.
setSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Resize a glyph string to the given length.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DragSurfaceSize
Sets the size the drag surface prefers to be resized to.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelSize
Sets the size the toplevel prefers to be resized to.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
Causes the image to be scaled while it is loaded.
setSize(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Sets the total size of the memory blocks in this Buffer.
setSize(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_SIZE attribute in the file info to the given size.
setSize(long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Sets the length of a GString.
setSize(MemorySegment[], int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Sets the size of the array, expanding it if necessary.
setSize(MemorySegment[], int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Sets the size of the array.
setSize(IconSize) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererSpinner.Builder
The GtkIconSize value that specifies the size of the rendered spinner.
setSizePoints(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setSizePoints(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Font size in points.
setSizeRequest(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets the minimum size of a widget.
setSizeSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setSizeSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the size property is set.
setSizing(TreeViewColumnSizing) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
setSizing(TreeViewColumnSizing) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setSlaveMethod(AudioBaseSinkSlaveMethod) - Method in class
setSlaveMethod(AudioBaseSinkSlaveMethod) - Method in class
Controls how clock slaving will be performed in this AudioBaseSink.
setSlaveMethod(AudioBaseSrcSlaveMethod) - Method in class
setSlaveMethod(AudioBaseSrcSlaveMethod) - Method in class
Controls how clock slaving will be performed in this AudioBaseSrc.
setSliderSizeFixed(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Sets whether the range’s slider has a fixed size, or a size that depends on its adjustment’s page size.
setSmartBackspace(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
Whether smart Backspace should be used.
setSmartBackspace(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
When set to true, pressing the Backspace key will try to delete spaces up to the previous tab stop.
setSmartHomeEnd(SmartHomeEndType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
Set the behavior of the HOME and END keys.
setSmartHomeEnd(SmartHomeEndType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Set the desired movement of the cursor when HOME and END keys are pressed.
setSnapToTicks(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.Builder
Whether invalid values are snapped to the nearest step increment.
setSnapToTicks(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Sets whether invalid values are snapped to the nearest step increment.
setSnapToTicks(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.Builder
Whether erroneous values are automatically changed to the spin buttons nearest step increment.
setSnapToTicks(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Sets the policy as to whether values are corrected to the nearest step increment when a spin button is activated after providing an invalid value.
setSocket(Socket) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection.Builder
The underlying Socket.
setSocketType(SocketType) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Sets the socket type of the socket client.
setSortColumnId(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
Logical sort column ID this column sorts on when selected for sorting.
setSortColumnId(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setSortColumnId(int, SortType) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable
setSorter(Sorter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Associates a sorter with the column.
setSorter(Sorter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel
Sets a new sorter on this SortListModel.
setSorter(Sorter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRowSorter
Sets the sorter to use for items with the same parent.
setSorter(Sorter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn.Builder
Sorter for sorting items according to this column.
setSorter(Sorter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel.Builder
The sorter for this model.
setSorter(Sorter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRowSorter.Builder
The underlying sorter
setSortFunc(int, TreeIterCompareFunc) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable
setSortFunc(CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CustomSorter
Sets (or unsets) the function used for sorting items.
setSortFunc(FlowBoxSortFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
By setting a sort function on the this FlowBox, one can dynamically reorder the children of the box, based on the contents of the children.
setSortFunc(ListBoxSortFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Sets a sort function.
setSortFunction(CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Sets the function used to sort the list of tasks.
setSortIndicator(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
setSortIndicator(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setSortOrder(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the sort order attribute in the file info structure.
setSortOrder(SortType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter.Builder
Whether the sorter will sort smaller numbers first.
setSortOrder(SortType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NumericSorter
Sets whether to sort smaller numbers before larger ones.
setSortOrder(SortType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
setSortOrder(SortType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setSource(InputSource) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device.Builder
Source type for the device.
setSource(Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.GLShader.Builder
The source code for the shader, as a GBytes.
setSource(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.BindingGroup
Sets source as the source object used for creating property bindings.
setSource(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding.Builder
The GObject that should be used as the source of the binding
setSource(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.BindingGroup.Builder
The source object used for binding properties.
setSource(ConstraintTarget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint.Builder
The source of the constraint.
setSourceAttribute(ConstraintAttribute) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint.Builder
The attribute of the Gtk.Constraint:source read by the constraint.
setSourceFd(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Make the GtkPrintJob send an existing document to the printing system.
setSourceFile(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
Make the GtkPrintJob send an existing document to the printing system.
setSourceProperty(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding.Builder
The name of the property of GBinding:source that should be used as the source of the binding.
setSourceTag(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Sets this Task's source tag.
setSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel.Builder
Spacing between pages in pixels.
setSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Carousel
Sets spacing between pages in pixels.
setSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box.Builder
The amount of space between children.
setSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Box
Sets the number of pixels to place between children of this Box.
setSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout.Builder
The space to put between the children.
setSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BoxLayout
Sets how much spacing to put between children.
setSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaBox.Builder
The amount of space to reserve between cells.
setSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellAreaBox
setSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The spacing property specifies the space which is inserted between the cells (i.e.
setSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
setSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setSpacing(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets the amount of spacing in Pango units between the lines of the layout.
setSpec(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk.Builder
setSpec(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
Sets the specification for the chunk.
setSpeed(double) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPosition
Set the this GeolocationPosition speed.
setSpellCheckingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Enable or disable the spell checking feature.
setSpellCheckingLanguages(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Set the list of spell checking languages to be used for spell checking.
setSpinning(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Spinner.Builder
Whether the spinner is spinning
setSpinning(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Spinner
Sets the activity of the spinner.
setSpringParams(SpringParams) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation.Builder
Physical parameters describing the spring.
setSpringParams(SpringParams) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Sets the physical parameters of the spring of this SpringAnimation.
setSrcCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
Sets the caps to be used on the src pad.
setStack(ViewStack) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcher
Sets the stack controlled by this ViewSwitcher.
setStack(ViewStack) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherBar
Sets the stack controlled by this ViewSwitcherBar.
setStack(ViewStack) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle
setStack(ViewStack) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcher.Builder
The stack the view switcher controls.
setStack(ViewStack) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherBar.Builder
The stack the view switcher controls.
setStack(ViewStack) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle.Builder
setStack(Stack) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackSwitcher
Sets the stack to control.
setStack(Stack) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackSidebar.Builder
The stack.
setStack(Stack) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackSidebar
Set the GtkStack associated with this GtkStackSidebar.
setStack(Stack) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackSwitcher.Builder
The stack.
setStartActionWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Sets the widget to show before the tabs.
setStartActionWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar.Builder
The widget shown before the tabs.
setStartChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Sets the start child of this Paned to child.
setStartChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned.Builder
The first child.
setStartIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow
Sets the start icon name for this ButtonRow.
setStartIconName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow.Builder
The icon name to show before the title.
setStartStopTimes(long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
Set start and stop values for the this TocEntry.
setStartTime(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.Builder
setStartTime(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Set the start time of an element.
setStartTimeSelection(AggregatorStartTimeSelection) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.Builder
setStartupId(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel.Builder
The startup ID of the surface.
setStartupId(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Sets the startup notification ID.
setStartupId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
A write-only property for setting window's startup notification identifier.
setStartupId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets the startup notification ID.
setStartupNotificationId(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsContext
Sets the startup notification ID for the launched process.
setStartWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox
Sets the start widget.
setStartWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterLayout
Sets the new start widget of this CenterLayout.
setStartWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CenterBox.Builder
The widget that is placed at the start position.
setState(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Switch.Builder
The backend state that is controlled by the switch.
setState(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Switch
Sets the underlying state of the GtkSwitch.
setState(Set<StateFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
You should not use this api
setState(State) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Sets the state of the element.
setState(TaskState) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
Sets the state of this Task to state.
setState(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction.Builder
The state of the action, or null if the action is stateless.
setState(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction
Sets the state of the action.
setState(EventSequenceState) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Sets the state of all sequences that this Gesture is currently interacting with.
setState(StateFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
You should not use this api
setStateFlags(Set<StateFlags>, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Turns on flag values in the current widget state.
setStateFlags(StateFlags, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Turns on flag values in the current widget state.
setStateHint(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction
Sets the state hint for the action.
setStaticBoxed(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_BOXED derived GValue to vBoxed.
setStaticMetadata(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderClass
Sets the detailed information for a GstDeviceProviderClass.
setStaticMetadata(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Sets the detailed information for a GstElementClass.
setStaticName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Sets this Task’s name, used in debugging and profiling.
setStaticName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EventController
Sets a name on the controller that can be used for debugging.
setStaticName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
A variant of Source.setName(java.lang.String) that does not duplicate the name, and can only be used with string literals.
setStaticString(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_STRING GValue to vString.
setStatus(int, String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Sets this ServerMessage's status code to statusCode.
setStatus(int, String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeResponse
Sets the status code and reason phrase for the this URISchemeResponse.
setStatusbarVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties.Builder
Whether the statusbar should be visible for the window.
setStderrFilePath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Sets the file path to use as the stderr for spawned processes.
setStdinFilePath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Sets the file path to use as the stdin for spawned processes.
setStdoutFilePath(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Sets the file path to use as the stdout for spawned processes.
setStepIncrement(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.Builder
The step increment of the adjustment.
setStepIncrement(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Sets the step increment of the adjustment.
setStream(Stream) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Set the stream on the stream-start this Event
setStream(InputStream) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeResponse.Builder
The input stream to read from.
setStream(IOStream) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection.Builder
The underlying GIOStream used for I/O.
setStreamFlags(Set<StreamFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
setStreamFlags(Set<StreamFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream.Builder
setStreamFlags(Set<StreamFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
Set the flags for the this Stream.
setStreamFlags(StreamFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
setStreamFlags(StreamFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream.Builder
setStreamFlags(StreamFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
Set the flags for the this Stream.
setStreamId(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream.Builder
The unique identifier of the GstStream.
setStreamLength(long) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeResponse.Builder
The input stream length in bytes, -1 for unknown length.
setStreamStatusObject(Value) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Configures the object handling the streaming thread.
setStreamType(Set<StreamType>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream.Builder
The GstStreamType of the GstStream.
setStreamType(Set<StreamType>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
Set the stream type of this Stream
setStreamType(StreamType...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream.Builder
The GstStreamType of the GstStream.
setStreamType(StreamType...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
Set the stream type of this Stream
setStrength(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint.Builder
The strength of the constraint.
setStrength(ConstraintStrength) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide.Builder
The GtkConstraintStrength to be used for the constraint on the natural size of the guide.
setStrength(ConstraintStrength) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintGuide
Sets the strength of the constraint on the natural size of the given GtkConstraintGuide.
setStretch(Stretch) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setStretch(Stretch) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Font stretch as a PangoStretch, e.g.
setStretch(Stretch) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Sets the stretch field of a font description.
setStretchSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setStretchSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the stretch property is set.
setStrictPosix(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Sets strict POSIX mode.
setStrictThreshold(double) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.MemoryPressureSettings
Sets the memory limit for the strict policy to start working.
setStride(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Sets the stride for a plane.
setStride(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder.Builder
The rowstride of the texture.
setStride(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Sets the rowstride of the bytes used.
setStrikethrough(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setStrikethrough(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether to strike through the text.
setStrikethrough(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setStrikethroughRgba(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
This property modifies the color of strikeouts.
setStrikethroughRgbaSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
If the strikethrough-rgba property has been set.
setStrikethroughSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setStrikethroughSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the strikethrough property is set.
setStrikethroughSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setString(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_STRING GValue to a copy of vString.
setString(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Sets key in this Settings to value.
setString(String, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Associates a new string value with key under groupName.
setStringList(String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Associates a list of string values for key under groupName.
setStrings(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringList.Builder
The strings in the model.
setStringTakeOwnership(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Use g_value_take_string() instead.
setStrv(String, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Sets key in this Settings to value.
setStyle(Style) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setStyle(Style) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Font style as a PangoStyle, e.g.
setStyle(Style) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Sets the style field of a PangoFontDescription.
setStyleScheme(StyleScheme) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Sets a StyleScheme to be used by the buffer and the view.
setStyleScheme(StyleScheme) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.Builder
Style scheme.
setStyleScheme(StyleScheme) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooser.Builder
Contains the currently selected style scheme.
setStyleScheme(StyleScheme) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooser
Sets the scheme.
setStyleSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setStyleSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the style property is set.
setStylusOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.Builder
If this gesture should exclusively react to stylus input devices.
setStylusOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus
Sets the state of stylus-only
setSubframeMode(boolean) - Method in class
If this is set to TRUE, it informs the base class that the subclass can receive the data at a granularity lower than one frame.
setSubmenu(MenuModel) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Sets or unsets the "submenu" link of this MenuItem to submenu.
setSubmenu(ContextMenu) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem
Sets or replaces the this ContextMenuItem submenu.
setSubmenu(ContextMenu) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem
Sets or replaces the this ContextMenuItem submenu.
setSubtitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow.Builder
The subtitle for this row.
setSubtitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Sets the subtitle for this ActionRow.
setSubtitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow.Builder
The subtitle for this row.
setSubtitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Sets the subtitle for this ExpanderRow.
setSubtitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle.Builder
setSubtitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle
setSubtitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.WindowTitle.Builder
The subtitle to display.
setSubtitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.WindowTitle
Sets the subtitle of this WindowTitle.
setSubtitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut.Builder
The subtitle for the shortcut or gesture.
setSubtitleLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow.Builder
The number of lines at the end of which the subtitle label will be ellipsized.
setSubtitleLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Sets the number of lines at the end of which the subtitle label will be ellipsized.
setSubtitleLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow.Builder
The number of lines at the end of which the subtitle label will be ellipsized.
setSubtitleLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Sets the number of lines at the end of which the subtitle label will be ellipsized.
setSubtitleSelectable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow.Builder
Whether the user can copy the subtitle from the label.
setSubtitleSelectable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Sets whether the user can copy the subtitle from the label
setSubtitleSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut.Builder
true if a subtitle has been set.
setSubtract(Set, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Subtracts the contents of other from set.
setSuffixes(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter.Builder
The suffixes that this filter matches.
setSummary(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Adds a string to be displayed in --help output before the list of options.
setSupportSelection(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
If true, the print operation will support print of selection.
setSupportSelection(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Sets whether selection is supported by GtkPrintOperation.
setSupportSelection(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog.Builder
Whether the dialog supports selection.
setSupportSelection(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintUnixDialog
Sets whether the print dialog allows user to print a selection.
setSupportUrl(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The URL of the application's support page.
setSupportUrl(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the URL of the support page for this AboutDialog.
setSupportUrl(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setSupportUrl(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setSuppressedFlags(Set<ElementFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Suppresses the given flags on the bin.
setSuppressedFlags(ElementFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Suppresses the given flags on the bin.
setSurface(Surface) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drag.Builder
The surface where the drag originates.
setSurface(Surface) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DrawContext.Builder
The GdkSurface the context is bound to.
setSurface(Surface) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop.Builder
The GdkSurface the drop happens on
setSurfaceAnchor(Gravity) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Set the anchor on the popup surface.
setSurrounding(String, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
setSurroundingWithSelection(String, int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Sets surrounding context around the insertion point and preedit string.
setSwipeable(Swipeable) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.Builder
The widget the swipe tracker is attached to.
setSwipeToClose(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap.Builder
setSwipeToClose(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
setSwipeToOpen(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap.Builder
setSwipeToOpen(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
setSwitchThresholdPolicy(FoldThresholdPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer.Builder
setSwitchThresholdPolicy(FoldThresholdPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
setSymbolicIcon(Icon) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the symbolic icon for a given GFileInfo.
setSymlinkTarget(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Sets the G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_SYMLINK_TARGET attribute in the file info to the given symlink target.
setSymmetricDifference(Set, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Makes set the symmetric difference of set and other.
setSync(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.Builder
setSync(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Configures this BaseSink to synchronize on the clock or not.
setSync(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Sets the GLSync object to use for the texture.
setSync(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder.Builder
An optional GLSync object.
setSyncable(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
Set if frame starts can be identified.
setSynced(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Sets this Clock to synced and emits the GstClock::synced signal, and wakes up any thread waiting in gst_clock_wait_for_sync().
setSyncHandler(BusSyncHandler) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Sets the synchronous handler on the bus.
setSystemInformation(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Sets the system information to be displayed in the about dialog.
setSystemInformation(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
Information about the system on which the program is running.
setTab(int, TabAlign, int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
Sets the alignment and location of a tab stop.
setTab(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookPage.Builder
The tab widget for this page.
setTabBehavior(ListTabBehavior) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView.Builder
Behavior of the Tab key
setTabBehavior(ListTabBehavior) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Sets the behavior of the Tab and Shift+Tab keys.
setTabBehavior(ListTabBehavior) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView.Builder
Behavior of the Tab key
setTabBehavior(ListTabBehavior) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GridView
Sets the behavior of the Tab and Shift+Tab keys.
setTabBehavior(ListTabBehavior) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView.Builder
Behavior of the Tab key
setTabBehavior(ListTabBehavior) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListView
Sets the behavior of the Tab and Shift+Tab keys.
setTabDetachable(Widget, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Sets whether the tab can be detached from this Notebook to another notebook or widget.
setTabExpand(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookPage.Builder
Whether to expand the child's tab.
setTabFill(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookPage.Builder
Whether the child's tab should fill the allocated area.
setTabLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookPage.Builder
The text of the tab widget.
setTabLabel(Widget, Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Changes the tab label for child.
setTabLabelText(Widget, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Creates a new label and sets it as the tab label for the page containing child.
setTabPos(PositionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.Builder
Which side of the notebook holds the tabs.
setTabPos(PositionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Sets the edge at which the tabs are drawn.
setTabReorderable(Widget, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Notebook
Sets whether the notebook tab can be reordered via drag and drop or not.
setTabs(TabArray) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets a PangoTabArray.
setTabs(TabArray) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Sets the default tab stops for paragraphs in this Label.
setTabs(TabArray) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Sets tabstops that are applied to the text.
setTabs(TabArray) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets the tabs to use for this Layout, overriding the default tabs.
setTabs(TabArray) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
A list of tabstops to apply to the text of the entry.
setTabs(TabArray) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
Custom tabs for this label.
setTabs(TabArray) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
A list of tabstops to apply to the text of the GtkText.
setTabs(TabArray) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Custom tabs for this text.
setTabs(TabArray) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Custom tabs for this text.
setTabs(TabArray) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets the default tab stops for paragraphs in this TextView.
setTabsSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the tabs property is set.
setTabWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor.Builder
Width of a tab character expressed in spaces.
setTabWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Sets the width of tabulation in characters for printed text.
setTabWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext
setTabWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.Builder
Width of a tab character expressed in number of spaces.
setTabWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Sets the width of tabulation in characters.
setTag(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Sets the tag for this NavigationPage.
setTag(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.Builder
The page tag.
setTagMergeMode(TagMergeMode) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagSetter
Sets the given merge mode that is used for adding tags from events to tags specified by this interface.
setTags(TagList) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
Set the tags for the GstStream
setTags(TagList) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Toc
Set a GstTagList with tags for the complete this Toc.
setTags(TagList) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
Set a GstTagList with tags for the complete this TocEntry.
setTags(TagList) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream.Builder
The GstTagList of the GstStream.
setTagTable(TextTagTable) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
The GtkTextTagTable for the buffer.
setTarget(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GhostPad
Set the new target of the ghostpad this GhostPad.
setTarget(AnimationTarget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation.Builder
The target to animate.
setTarget(AnimationTarget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
Sets the target this Animation animates to target.
setTarget(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Sets the target instance used when connecting signals.
setTarget(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding.Builder
The GObject that should be used as the target of the binding
setTarget(GObject) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup.Builder
The target instance used when connecting signals.
setTarget(ConstraintTarget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint.Builder
The target of the constraint.
setTargetAttribute(ConstraintAttribute) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Constraint.Builder
The attribute of the Gtk.Constraint:target set by the constraint.
setTargetProperty(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding.Builder
The name of the property of GBinding:target that should be used as the target of the binding.
setTargetType(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup.Builder
The GType of the target property.
setTaskData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializer
Associate data with the current deserialization operation.
setTaskData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializer
Associate data with the current serialization operation.
setTaskData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Task
Sets this Task's task data (freeing the existing task data, if any).
setTemplate(PadTemplate) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.Builder
setTemplate(Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
This should be called at class initialization time to specify the GtkBuilder XML to be used to extend a widget.
setTemplateFromResource(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
A convenience function that calls WidgetClass#setTemplate with the contents of a GResource.
setTemplateScope(BuilderScope) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
For use in language bindings, this will override the default GtkBuilderScope to be used when parsing GtkBuilder XML from this class’s template data.
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar
Sets the text used to generate the fallback initials and color.
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Sets the text to be displayed.
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar
Causes the given text to appear next to the progress bar.
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Tooltip
Sets the text of the tooltip to be text.
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell
Sets the text for the column cell.
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Avatar.Builder
Sets the text used to generate the fallback initials and color.
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Puts the given text into the clipboard.
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererProgress.Builder
The "text" property determines the label which will be drawn over the progress bar.
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setText(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable.Builder
The contents of the entry.
setText(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Sets the text in the editable to the given value.
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.Builder
The contents of the buffer.
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription.Builder
The displayed text.
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Sets the text within the GtkLabel widget.
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog.Builder
The primary text of the message dialog.
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ProgressBar.Builder
Text to be displayed in the progress bar.
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.Builder
The text content of the buffer.
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell.Builder
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText.Builder
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk.Builder
setText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
Sets the text for the snippet chunk.
setText(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer
Sets the text in the buffer.
setText(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Deletes current contents of this TextBuffer, and inserts text instead.
setText(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererText
setText(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets the text of the layout.
setTextColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererCombo.Builder
Specifies the model column which holds the possible values for the combo box.
setTextColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.Builder
The column of the model containing the strings.
setTextColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
setTextColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The ::text-column property contains the number of the model column containing the texts which are displayed.
setTextColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setTextLock(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LockButton.Builder
setTextOverflow(InscriptionOverflow) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription.Builder
The overflow method to use for the text.
setTextOverflow(InscriptionOverflow) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Sets what to do when the text doesn't fit.
setTextSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk.Builder
setTextSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
Sets the SnippetChunk:text-set property.
setTextTransform(TextTransform) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
How to transform the text for display.
setTextTransformSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the text-transform property is set.
setTextUnlock(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LockButton.Builder
setTexture(Texture) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Puts the given texture into the clipboard.
setTexture(Texture) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Cursor.Builder
The texture displayed by this cursor.
setTexture(Texture) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TextureDownloader
Changes the texture the downloader will download.
setTexture(Texture) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererPixbuf.Builder
setTextWithAttributes(String, AttrList) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell
setTextWithMnemonic(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Sets the label’s text from the string str.
setTextXalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererProgress.Builder
The "text-xalign" property controls the horizontal alignment of the text in the progress bar.
setTextYalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererProgress.Builder
The "text-yalign" property controls the vertical alignment of the text in the progress bar.
setThemeName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme
Sets the name of the icon theme that the GtkIconTheme object uses overriding system configuration.
setThemeName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme.Builder
The name of the icon theme that is being used.
setThreshold(DebugLevel) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Sets the threshold of the category to the given level.
setThrottleTime(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.Builder
The time to insert between buffers.
setThrottleTime(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Set the time that will be inserted between rendered buffers.
setThumbnailXalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.Builder
The horizontal alignment of the page thumbnail.
setThumbnailXalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Sets the horizontal alignment of the thumbnail for this TabPage.
setThumbnailYalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.Builder
The vertical alignment of the page thumbnail.
setThumbnailYalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Sets the vertical alignment of the thumbnail for this TabPage.
setTighteningThreshold(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Clamp.Builder
The size above which the child is clamped.
setTighteningThreshold(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Clamp
Sets the size above which the child is clamped.
setTighteningThreshold(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout.Builder
The size above which the children are clamped.
setTighteningThreshold(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout
Sets the size above which the children are clamped.
setTighteningThreshold(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable.Builder
The size above which the child is clamped.
setTighteningThreshold(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable
Sets the size above which the child is clamped.
setTime(Time) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Use g_date_set_time_t() instead.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast.Builder
The timeout of the toast, in seconds.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Sets timeout for this Toast.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver.Builder
The timeout applied to all resolver lookups, in milliseconds.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resolver
Set the timeout applied to all resolver lookups.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket.Builder
The timeout in seconds on socket I/O
setTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Sets the time in seconds after which I/O operations on this Socket will time out if they have not yet completed.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.Builder
The I/O timeout for sockets, in seconds, or 0 for none.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Sets the I/O timeout for sockets created by this SocketClient.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.Builder
The timeout (in seconds) for socket I/O operations (including connecting to a server, and waiting for a reply to an HTTP request).
setTimeout(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Set a timeout in seconds for socket I/O operations to be used by this Session on new connections.
setTimeout(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.Builder
setTimeout(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.Builder
The duration (in nanoseconds) after which the discovery of an individual URI will timeout.
setTimeout(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Sets the amount of time, in nanoseconds, to sample master and slave clocks
setTimestamp(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.AppLaunchContext
Sets the timestamp of this AppLaunchContext.
setTimestamp(int, ClockTime) - Method in class
setTimestamp(long) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationPosition
Set the this GeolocationPosition timestamp.
setTimeT(long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Sets the value of a date to the date corresponding to a time specified as a time_t.
setTimeVal(TimeVal) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
GTimeVal is not year-2038-safe. Use g_date_set_time_t() instead.
setTimeZoneOverride(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.Builder
The timezone override for this web context.
Settings - Class in org.gnome.gio
The GSettings class provides a convenient API for storing and retrieving application settings.
Settings - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkSettings provides a mechanism to share global settings between applications.
Settings - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Control the behaviour of a WebKitWebView.
Settings() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Creates a new WebKitSettings instance with default values.
Settings(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Create a Settings proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Settings(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Settings
Create a Settings proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Settings(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Create a Settings proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Settings(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Creates a new GSettings object with the schema specified by schemaId.
SETTINGS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LibraryError
used when the library doesn't accept settings.
SETTINGS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
used when settings can't be manipulated on.
SETTINGS_BACKEND_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Extension point for GSettingsBackend functionality.
Settings.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Settings.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Settings.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Settings.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
Settings.ChangeEventCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ChangeEventCallback callback.
Settings.SettingsClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Settings.SettingsClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Settings.WritableChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the WritableChangedCallback callback.
Settings.WritableChangeEventCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the WritableChangeEventCallback callback.
SettingsBackend - Class in org.gnome.gio
The GSettingsBackend interface defines a generic interface for non-strictly-typed data that is stored in a hierarchy.
SettingsBackend(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
Create a SettingsBackend proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SettingsBackend.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SettingsBackend.SettingsBackendClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Class structure for GSettingsBackend.
SettingsBackend.SettingsBackendImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The SettingsBackendImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract SettingsBackend class.
SettingsBackendClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend.SettingsBackendClass
Allocate a new SettingsBackendClass.
SettingsBackendClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend.SettingsBackendClass
Allocate a new SettingsBackendClass.
SettingsBackendClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend.SettingsBackendClass
Create a SettingsBackendClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SettingsBackendImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend.SettingsBackendImpl
Creates a new instance of SettingsBackend for the provided memory address.
SettingsBindFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used when creating a binding.
SettingsBindGetMapping - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the SettingsBindGetMapping callback.
SettingsBindSetMapping - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the SettingsBindSetMapping callback.
SettingsClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Settings.SettingsClass
Allocate a new SettingsClass.
SettingsClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.SettingsClass
Allocate a new SettingsClass.
SettingsClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Settings.SettingsClass
Allocate a new SettingsClass.
SettingsClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.SettingsClass
Allocate a new SettingsClass.
SettingsClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Settings.SettingsClass
Create a SettingsClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SettingsClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.SettingsClass
Create a SettingsClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SettingsGetMapping - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the SettingsGetMapping callback.
SettingsSchema - Class in org.gnome.gio
The Gio.SettingsSchemaSource and GSettingsSchema APIs provide a mechanism for advanced control over the loading of schemas and a mechanism for introspecting their content.
SettingsSchema(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchema
Create a SettingsSchema proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SettingsSchemaKey - Class in org.gnome.gio
GSettingsSchemaKey is an opaque data structure and can only be accessed using the following functions.
SettingsSchemaKey(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaKey
Create a SettingsSchemaKey proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SettingsSchemaSource - Class in org.gnome.gio
This is an opaque structure type.
SettingsSchemaSource(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaSource
Create a SettingsSchemaSource proxy instance for the provided memory address.
setTipArea(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Tooltip
Sets the area of the widget, where the contents of this tooltip apply, to be rect (in widget coordinates).
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Sets the page title.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Sets the title of this column.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets the title of the GtkWindow.
setTitle(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Sets title as the title of the bookmark for uri inside the bookmark file this BookmarkFile.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner.Builder
The title for this banner.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner
Sets the title for this banner.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog.Builder
The title of the dialog.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Dialog
Sets the title of this Dialog.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.Builder
The page title.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Sets the title of this NavigationPage.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup.Builder
The title for this group of preferences.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesGroup
Sets the title for this PreferencesGroup.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage.Builder
The title for this page.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Sets the title of this PreferencesPage.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow.Builder
The title of the preference represented by this row.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow
Sets the title of the preference represented by this PreferencesRow.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage.Builder
The title to be displayed below the icon.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage
Sets the title for this StatusPage.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.Builder
The title of the page.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
TabBar will display it in the center of the tab unless it's pinned, and will use it as a tooltip unless TabPage:tooltip is set.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast.Builder
The title of the toast.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Sets the title that will be displayed on the toast.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage.Builder
The title of the child page.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle.Builder
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.WindowTitle.Builder
The title to display.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.WindowTitle
Sets the title of this WindowTitle.
setTitle(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel.Builder
The title of the surface.
setTitle(String) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Sets the title of a toplevel surface.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Notification
Sets the title of this Notification to title.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPage.Builder
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton.Builder
The title of the color chooser dialog
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton
Use ColorDialogButton instead
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog.Builder
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog
Sets the title that will be shown on the color chooser dialog.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn.Builder
Title displayed in the header.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog.Builder
A title that may be shown on the file chooser dialog.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileDialog
Sets the title that will be shown on the file chooser dialog.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton.Builder
The title of the font chooser dialog.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
Use FontDialogButton instead
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog.Builder
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialog
Sets the title that will be shown on the font chooser dialog.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.Builder
The title of the dialog window
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
Sets the title of the GtkNativeDialog.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog.Builder
A title that may be shown on the print dialog that is presented by PrintDialog.setup(org.gnome.gtk.Window, org.gnome.gio.Cancellable, org.gnome.gio.AsyncReadyCallback).
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
Sets the title that will be shown on the print dialog.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob.Builder
The title of the print job.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsGroup.Builder
The title for this group of shortcuts.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection.Builder
The string to show in the section selector of the GtkShortcutsWindow for this section.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut.Builder
The textual description for the shortcut or gesture represented by this object.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage.Builder
The title of the child page.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage
Sets the page title.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
The title of the window.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionSnippets.Builder
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords.Builder
setTitlebar(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Sets a custom titlebar for this Window.
setTitlebar(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
The titlebar widget.
setTitleLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow.Builder
The number of lines at the end of which the title label will be ellipsized.
setTitleLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ActionRow
Sets the number of lines at the end of which the title label will be ellipsized.
setTitleLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow.Builder
The number of lines at the end of which the title label will be ellipsized.
setTitleLines(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ExpanderRow
Sets the number of lines at the end of which the title label will be ellipsized.
setTitleSelectable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow.Builder
Whether the user can copy the title from the label.
setTitleSelectable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow
Sets whether the user can copy the title from the label
setTitleSizeGroup(SizeGroup) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsGroup.Builder
The size group for the textual portion of shortcuts in this group.
setTitleSizeGroup(SizeGroup) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut.Builder
The size group for the textual portion of this shortcut.
setTitleWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar
Sets the title widget for this HeaderBar.
setTitleWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar
Sets the title for the GtkHeaderBar.
setTitleWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.HeaderBar.Builder
The title widget to display.
setTitleWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.HeaderBar.Builder
The title widget to display.
setTls(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.Builder
Whether to create TLS connections.
setTls(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Sets whether this SocketClient creates TLS (aka SSL) connections.
setTlsAuthMode(TlsAuthenticationMode) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server.Builder
A Gio.TlsAuthenticationMode for SSL/TLS client authentication.
setTlsAuthMode(TlsAuthenticationMode) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Sets this Server's GTlsAuthenticationMode to use for SSL/TLS client authentication.
setTlsCertificate(TlsCertificate) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server.Builder
A org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate[ that has a Gio.TlsCertificate:private-key set.
setTlsCertificate(TlsCertificate) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Sets this Server up to do https, using the given SSL/TLS certificate.
setTlsClientCertificate(TlsCertificate) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Sets the certificate to be used by this Message's connection when a client certificate is requested during the TLS handshake.
setTlsDatabase(TlsDatabase) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Set a TlsDatabase to be used by this Session on new connections.
setTlsDatabase(TlsDatabase) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server.Builder
A TlsDatabase to use for validating SSL/TLS client certificates.
setTlsDatabase(TlsDatabase) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Sets this Server's GTlsDatabase to use for validating SSL/TLS client certificates.
setTlsDatabase(TlsDatabase) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.Builder
Sets the TlsDatabase to use for validating SSL/TLS certificates.
setTlsErrorsPolicy(TLSErrorsPolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession
Set the TLS errors policy of this NetworkSession as policy.
setTlsInteraction(TlsInteraction) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Set a TlsInteraction to be used by this Session on new connections.
setTlsInteraction(TlsInteraction) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.Builder
A TlsInteraction object that will be passed on to any TlsConnections created by the session.
setTlsValidationFlags(Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.Builder
setTlsValidationFlags(Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Do not attempt to ignore validation errors.
setTlsValidationFlags(TlsCertificateFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.Builder
setTlsValidationFlags(TlsCertificateFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Do not attempt to ignore validation errors.
setToc(Toc) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocSetter
Set the given TOC on the setter.
setToCharset(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.CharsetConverter.Builder
The character encoding to convert to.
setTolerance(long) - Method in class
setTolerance(long) - Method in class
setTolerance(ClockTime) - Method in class
Configures decoder audio jitter tolerance threshold.
setTolerance(ClockTime) - Method in class
Configures encoder audio jitter tolerance threshold.
setToolbarVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties.Builder
Whether the toolbar should be visible for the window.
setTooltip(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.Builder
The tooltip of the page.
setTooltip(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Sets the tooltip of this TabPage.
setTooltipCell(Tooltip, TreePath, TreeViewColumn, CellRenderer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setTooltipCell(Tooltip, TreePath, CellRenderer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setTooltipColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView.Builder
The column of the icon view model which is being used for displaying tooltips on it's rows.
setTooltipColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setTooltipColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.Builder
setTooltipColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setTooltipItem(Tooltip, TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
setTooltipLock(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LockButton.Builder
setTooltipMarkup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets markup as the contents of the tooltip, which is marked up with Pango markup.
setTooltipMarkup(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Sets the text of tooltip to be the given string, which is marked up with Pango markup.
setTooltipNotAuthorized(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LockButton.Builder
setTooltipRow(Tooltip, TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
setTooltipText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets text as the contents of the tooltip.
setTooltipText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Sets the text of tooltip to be the given string.
setTooltipText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk.Builder
setTooltipText(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
setTooltipUnlock(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LockButton.Builder
setToolType(DeviceToolType) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceTool.Builder
The type of the tool.
setTopBarStyle(ToolbarStyle) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView.Builder
Appearance of the top bars.
setTopBarStyle(ToolbarStyle) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Sets appearance of the top bars for this ToolbarView.
setTopMargin(double, Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Sets the top margin of the GtkPageSetup.
setTopMargin(double, Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Sets the top margin used by this PrintCompositor.
setTopMargin(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
The top margin for text in the text view.
setTopMargin(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets the top margin for text in this TextView.
setTotalStorageRatio(double) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager.Builder
The percentage of volume space that can be used for data storage for all domains.
setTouchOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle.Builder
Whether the gesture handles only touch events.
setTouchOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GestureSingle
Sets whether to handle only touch events.
setTrack(int) - Method in class
setTrackPrintStatus(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob.Builder
true if the print job will continue to emit status-changed signals after the print data has been setn to the printer.
setTrackPrintStatus(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob
If track_status is true, the print job will try to continue report on the status of the print job in the printer queues and printer.
setTrackPrintStatus(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
If true, the print operation will try to continue report on the status of the print job in the printer queues and printer.
setTrackPrintStatus(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
If track_status is true, the print operation will try to continue report on the status of the print job in the printer queues and printer.
setTransferFunction(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams.Builder
The transfer function to use.
setTransferFunction(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.CicpParams
Sets the transfer-function property of this CicpParams.
setTransform(Transform) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayoutChild.Builder
The transform of the child.
setTransform(Transform) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FixedLayoutChild
Sets the transformation of the child of a GtkFixedLayout.
setTransientFor(Surface) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel.Builder
The transient parent of the surface.
setTransientFor(Surface) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Sets a transient-for parent.
setTransientFor(Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
Dialog windows should be set transient for the main application window they were spawned from.
setTransientFor(Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Dialog windows should be set transient for the main application window they were spawned from.
setTransientFor(Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.Builder
The transient parent of the dialog, or null for none.
setTransientFor(Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window.Builder
The transient parent of the window.
setTransitionDuration(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer.Builder
setTransitionDuration(int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
setTransitionDuration(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer.Builder
The animation duration, in milliseconds.
setTransitionDuration(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer
Sets the duration that transitions will take.
setTransitionDuration(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack.Builder
The animation duration, in milliseconds.
setTransitionDuration(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Sets the duration that transitions between pages in this Stack will take.
setTransitionType(FlapTransitionType) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap.Builder
setTransitionType(FlapTransitionType) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Flap
setTransitionType(LeafletTransitionType) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet.Builder
setTransitionType(LeafletTransitionType) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
setTransitionType(SqueezerTransitionType) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer.Builder
setTransitionType(SqueezerTransitionType) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
setTransitionType(RevealerTransitionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer.Builder
The type of animation used to transition.
setTransitionType(RevealerTransitionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Revealer
Sets the type of animation that will be used for transitions in this Revealer.
setTransitionType(StackTransitionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack.Builder
The type of animation used to transition.
setTransitionType(StackTransitionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Sets the type of animation that will be used for transitions between pages in this Stack.
setTranslateFunc(TranslateFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
Sets the function which is used to translate the contexts user-visible strings, for --help output.
setTranslateFunc(TranslateFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionGroup
Sets the function which is used to translate user-visible strings, for --help output.
setTranslationDomain(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Sets the translation domain of this Builder.
setTranslationDomain(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionContext
A convenience function to use gettext() for translating user-visible strings.
setTranslationDomain(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionGroup
A convenience function to use gettext() for translating user-visible strings.
setTranslationDomain(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder.Builder
The translation domain used when translating property values that have been marked as translatable.
setTranslatorCredits(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Sets the translator credits string which is displayed in the credits page.
setTranslatorCredits(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The translator credits string.
setTranslatorCredits(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the translator credits string.
setTranslatorCredits(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setTranslatorCredits(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setTranslatorCredits(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
Credits to the translators.
setTrigger(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet.Builder
setTrigger(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Sets the trigger for the snippet.
setTrigger(ShortcutTrigger) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut
Sets the new trigger for this Shortcut to be trigger.
setTrigger(ShortcutTrigger) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut.Builder
The trigger that triggers this shortcut.
setTruncateMultiline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
When true, pasted multi-line text is truncated to the first line.
setTruncateMultiline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
When true, pasted multi-line text is truncated to the first line.
setTruncateMultiline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Sets whether the GtkText should truncate multi-line text that is pasted into the widget.
setTsAtOffset(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
This function should only be called from a handleFrame implementation.
setTsOffset(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink.Builder
Controls the final synchronisation, a negative value will render the buffer earlier while a positive value delays playback.
setTsOffset(ClockTimeDiff) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Adjust the synchronisation of this BaseSink with offset.
setTtl(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket.Builder
Time-to-live for outgoing unicast packets
setTtl(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Sets the time-to-live for outgoing unicast packets on this Socket.
setType(SocketType) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket.Builder
The socket’s type.
setType(SocketType) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.Builder
The type to use for socket construction.
setTypefind(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc.Builder
setTypesForLocations(Set<SpaceLocationFlags>, Set<SpaceTypeFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer
Modifies the SpaceDrawer:matrix property at the specified locations.
setTypesForLocations(SpaceLocationFlags, SpaceTypeFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer
Modifies the SpaceDrawer:matrix property at the specified locations.
setUchar(byte) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_UCHAR GValue to vUchar.
setUint(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_UINT GValue to vUint.
setUint(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
setUint(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Sets key in this Settings to value.
setUint64(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_UINT64 GValue to vUint64.
setUint64(String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Sets key in this Settings to value.
setUint64(String, String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Associates a new integer value with key under groupName.
setUlong(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a G_TYPE_ULONG GValue to vUlong.
setUnderline(Underline) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setUnderline(Underline) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Style of underline for this text.
setUnderlineColor(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setUnderlineColorSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setUnderlineRgba(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
This property modifies the color of underlines.
setUnderlineRgbaSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
If the underline-rgba property has been set.
setUnderlineSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setUnderlineSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the underline property is set.
setUnderlineSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setUnion(Set, Set) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Makes set the union of set and other.
setUnit(LengthUnit) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Clamp.Builder
The length unit for maximum size and tightening threshold.
setUnit(LengthUnit) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Clamp
Sets the length unit for maximum size and tightening threshold.
setUnit(LengthUnit) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout.Builder
The length unit for maximum size and tightening threshold.
setUnit(LengthUnit) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampLayout
Sets the length unit for maximum size and tightening threshold.
setUnit(LengthUnit) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable.Builder
The length unit for maximum size and tightening threshold.
setUnit(LengthUnit) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ClampScrollable
Sets the length unit for maximum size and tightening threshold.
setUnit(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
The transformation for the cairo context obtained from GtkPrintContext is set up in such a way that distances are measured in units of unit.
setUnit(Unit) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Sets up the transformation for the cairo context obtained from GtkPrintContext in such a way that distances are measured in units of unit.
setUnixFdList(UnixFDList) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Sets the UNIX file descriptors associated with this DBusMessage.
setUnixUser(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Credentials
Tries to set the UNIX user identifier on this Credentials.
setUnlinkFunctionFull(PadUnlinkFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Sets the given unlink function for the pad.
setup() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizer
setup(AudioInfo) - Method in class
virtual function called whenever the format changes
setup(Window, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
This function presents a print dialog to let the user select a printer, and set up print settings and page setup.
setUpdatePolicy(SpinButtonUpdatePolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.Builder
The policy for updating the spin row.
setUpdatePolicy(SpinButtonUpdatePolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Sets the policy for updating the spin row.
setUpdatePolicy(SpinButtonUpdatePolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.Builder
Whether the spin button should update always, or only when the value is acceptable.
setUpdatePolicy(SpinButtonUpdatePolicy) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Sets the update behavior of a spin button.
setUpdateRegion(Region) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Sets the region to be updated by this texture.
setUpdateRegion(Region) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Sets the region to be updated by this texture.
setUpdateRegion(Region) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Sets the region to be updated by this texture.
setUpdateRegion(Region) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder.Builder
The update region for Gdk.GLTextureBuilder:update-texture.
setUpdateRegion(Region) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder.Builder
The update region for Gdk.GLTextureBuilder:update-texture.
setUpdateRegion(Region) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder.Builder
The update region for Gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder:update-texture.
setUpdateTexture(Texture) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Sets the texture to be updated by this texture.
setUpdateTexture(Texture) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Sets the texture to be updated by this texture.
setUpdateTexture(Texture) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Sets the texture to be updated by this texture.
setUpdateTexture(Texture) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder.Builder
The texture Gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder:update-region is an update for.
setUpdateTexture(Texture) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder.Builder
The texture Gdk.GLTextureBuilder:update-region is an update for.
setUpdateTexture(Texture) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder.Builder
The texture Gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder:update-region is an update for.
setupExtraDropTarget(Set<DragAction>, Type[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Sets the supported types for this drop target.
setupExtraDropTarget(Set<DragAction>, Type[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Sets the supported types for this drop target.
setupExtraDropTarget(DragAction, Type[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Sets the supported types for this drop target.
setupExtraDropTarget(DragAction, Type[]) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Sets the supported types for this drop target.
setupFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDialog
setUpper(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.Builder
The maximum value of the adjustment.
setUpper(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Sets the maximum value of the adjustment.
setUpperOvershoot(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.Builder
Whether to allow swiping past the last available snap point.
setUpperOvershoot(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Sets whether to allow swiping past the last available snap point.
setUpstreamId(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection.Builder
setUrgent(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Notification
Since 2.42, this has been deprecated in favour of g_notification_set_priority().
setUri(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Answer a URI query by setting the requested URI.
setUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.UriLauncher
Sets the uri that will be opened.
setUri(String) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIHandler
Tries to set the URI of the given handler.
setUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress.Builder
The URI string that the proxy was constructed from (or null if the creator didn't specify this).
setUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddressEnumerator.Builder
The destination URI.
setUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton.Builder
The URI bound to this button.
setUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton
Sets uri as the URI where the GtkLinkButton points.
setUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.UriLauncher.Builder
The uri to launch.
setUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIRequest.Builder
The URI to which the request will be made.
setUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.URIRequest
Set the URI of this URIRequest
setUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIRequest.Builder
The URI to which the request will be made.
setUri(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIRequest
Set the URI of this URIRequest
setUri(Uri) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message.Builder
The message's Request-URI.
setUri(Uri) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Sets this Message's URI to uri.
setUri(Uri) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.Builder
The URI of the WebSocket.
setUriProxy(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleProxyResolver
Adds a URI-scheme-specific proxy to this SimpleProxyResolver; URIs whose scheme matches uriScheme (and which don't match GSimpleProxyResolver:ignore-hosts) will be proxied via proxy.
setUriRedirection(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Answer a URI query by setting the requested URI redirection.
setUriRedirectionPermanent(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Answer a URI query by setting the requested URI redirection to permanent or not.
setUseAlpha(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser.Builder
setUseAlpha(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser
Use ColorDialog instead
setUseCache(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.Builder
setUseColor(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
setUseDefaultFallbacks(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ThemedIcon.Builder
Whether to use the default fallbacks found by shortening the icon name at '-' characters.
setUseDefaultPadAcceptcaps(boolean) - Method in class
Lets GstAudioDecoder sub-classes decide if they want the sink pad to use the default pad query handler to reply to accept-caps queries.
setUseDefaultPadAcceptcaps(boolean) - Method in class
Lets GstVideoDecoder sub-classes decide if they want the sink pad to use the default pad query handler to reply to accept-caps queries.
setUseEs(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.Builder
setUseEs(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea
setUseEs(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLContext
Requests that GDK create an OpenGL ES context instead of an OpenGL one.
setUseFallback(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.CharsetConverter.Builder
Use fallback (of form \\<hexval>) for invalid bytes.
setUseFallback(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.CharsetConverter
Sets the GCharsetConverter:use-fallback property.
setUseFallback(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Image.Builder
Whether the icon displayed in the GtkImage will use standard icon names fallback.
setUseFont(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton.Builder
Whether the buttons label will be drawn in the selected font.
setUseFont(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
Use FontDialogButton instead
setUseFont(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton.Builder
Whether the buttons label will be drawn in the selected font.
setUseFont(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
If useFont is TRUE, the font name will be written using the selected font.
setUseFullPage(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.Builder
If true, the transformation for the cairo context obtained from GtkPrintContext puts the origin at the top left corner of the page.
setUseFullPage(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
If fullPage is true, the transformation for the cairo context obtained from GtkPrintContext puts the origin at the top left corner of the page.
setUseHeaderBar(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.Builder
setUseHeaderBar(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog.Builder
setUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner.Builder
Whether to use Pango markup for the banner title.
setUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Banner
Sets whether to use Pango markup for the banner title.
setUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow.Builder
Whether to use Pango markup for the title label.
setUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow
Sets whether to use Pango markup for the title label.
setUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast.Builder
Whether to use Pango markup for the toast title.
setUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Whether to use Pango markup for the toast title.
setUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander.Builder
Whether the text in the label is Pango markup.
setUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Sets whether the text of the label contains Pango markup.
setUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
true if the text of the label includes Pango markup.
setUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Sets whether the text of the label contains markup.
setUseMarkup(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog.Builder
true if the primary text of the dialog includes Pango markup.
setUsePreedit(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IMContext
Sets whether the IM context should use the preedit string to display feedback.
setUserAgent(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:user-agent property.
setUserAgent(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session.Builder
User-Agent string.
setUserAgent(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Set the value to use for the "User-Agent" header on Messages sent from this Session.
setUserAgent(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
The user-agent string used by WebKit.
setUserAgentWithApplicationDetails(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:user-agent property by appending the application details.
setUserContentManager(UserContentManager) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
The WebKitUserContentManager of the view.
setUserData() - Method in class
Sets userData on the frame and the GDestroyNotify that will be called when the frame is freed.
setUserData(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Sets user data to this ContextMenu.
setUserData(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Sets user data to this ContextMenu.
setUserinfo(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Set or unset the user information for the URI.
setUsername(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Sets the user name within this MountOperation to username.
setUsername(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.Builder
The user name that is used for authentication when carrying out the mount operation.
setUsername(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ProxyAddress.Builder
The proxy username.
setUseSize(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton.Builder
Whether the buttons label will use the selected font size.
setUseSize(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
Use FontDialogButton instead
setUseSize(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton.Builder
Whether the buttons label will use the selected font size.
setUseSize(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton
If useSize is TRUE, the font name will be written using the selected font size.
setUseSpaces(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext
setUseSsl3(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection.Builder
setUseSsl3(boolean) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection
SSL 3.0 is insecure.
setUseSubtitle(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow.Builder
Whether to use the current value as the subtitle.
setUseSubtitle(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ComboRow
Sets whether to use the current value as the subtitle.
setUseSymbolic(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.VolumeButton.Builder
setUseSystemCertdb(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.Builder
setUseSystemCertdb(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Use g_tls_connection_set_database() instead
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent.Builder
Whether an underline in the text indicates a mnemonic.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ButtonContent
Sets whether an underline in the text indicates a mnemonic.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage.Builder
Whether an embedded underline in the title indicates a mnemonic.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesPage
Sets whether an embedded underline in the title indicates a mnemonic.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow.Builder
Whether an embedded underline in the title indicates a mnemonic.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesRow
Sets whether an embedded underline in the title indicates a mnemonic.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.Builder
Whether an underline in the text indicates a mnemonic.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Sets whether an underline in the text indicates a mnemonic.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage.Builder
Whether an embedded underline in the title indicates a mnemonic.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Sets whether underlines in the page title indicate mnemonics.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button.Builder
If set, an underline in the text indicates that the following character is to be used as mnemonic.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Sets whether to use underlines as mnemonics.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.Builder
If set, an underline in the text indicates that the following character is to be used as mnemonic.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Sets whether underlines in the label indicate mnemonics.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander.Builder
Whether an underline in the text indicates a mnemonic.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
If true, an underline in the text indicates a mnemonic.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
true if the text of the label indicates a mnemonic with an _ before the mnemonic character.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Sets whether underlines in the text indicate mnemonics.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.Builder
If set an underscore in the text indicates a mnemonic.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton
If true, an underline in the text indicates a mnemonic.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage.Builder
If set, an underline in the title indicates a mnemonic.
setUseUnderline(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage
Sets whether underlines in the page title indicate mnemonics.
setv(String[], Value[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Sets nProperties properties for an this Object.
setVadjustment(Adjustment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable
Sets the vertical adjustment of the GtkScrollable.
setVadjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Sets the GtkAdjustment for the vertical scrollbar.
setVadjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Hooks up an adjustment to focus handling in this FlowBox.
setVadjustment(Adjustment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable.Builder
Vertical GtkAdjustment of the scrollable widget.
setVadjustment(Adjustment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
The GtkAdjustment for the vertical position.
setValidationFlags(Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsClientConnection.Builder
setValidationFlags(Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsClientConnection
Do not attempt to ignore validation errors.
setValidationFlags(Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection.Builder
setValidationFlags(Set<TlsCertificateFlags>) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection
Do not attempt to ignore validation errors.
setValidationFlags(TlsCertificateFlags...) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsClientConnection.Builder
setValidationFlags(TlsCertificateFlags...) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsClientConnection
Do not attempt to ignore validation errors.
setValidationFlags(TlsCertificateFlags...) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection.Builder
setValidationFlags(TlsCertificateFlags...) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection
Do not attempt to ignore validation errors.
setValign(Align) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
How to distribute vertical space if widget gets extra space.
setValign(Align) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets the vertical alignment of this Widget.
setValue(byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
Set the value for this password.
setValue(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.Builder
The current value.
setValue(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Sets the current value.
setValue(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.Builder
The value of the adjustment.
setValue(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
Sets the GtkAdjustment value.
setValue(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar.Builder
Determines the currently filled value of the level bar.
setValue(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar
Sets the value of the GtkLevelBar.
setValue(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
Sets the current value of the range.
setValue(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.Builder
The value of the scale.
setValue(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
Sets the current value of the scale.
setValue(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.Builder
The current value.
setValue(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Sets the value of this SpinButton.
setValue(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererProgress.Builder
The "value" property determines the percentage to which the progress bar will be "filled in".
setValue(String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Sets this Cookie's value to value.
setValue(String, String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Associates a new value with key under groupName.
setValue(String, Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Sets key in this Settings to value.
setValue(String, Value) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Sets the given field on all structures of this Caps to the given value.
setValue(String, Value) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the field with the given name field to value.
setValue(String, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Set a property of this Context global object with name and value.
setValue(ColorBalanceChannel, int) - Method in interface
Sets the current value of the channel to the passed value, which must be between min_value and max_value.
setValue(TreeIter, int, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Use list models
setValue(TreeIter, int, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
setValue(Value) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue.Builder
The JSCValue referencing the JavaScript value.
setValue(T) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Alias
Set the alias to the provided value, overwriting any existing value.
setValueFrom(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation.Builder
The value to animate from.
setValueFrom(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Sets the value this SpringAnimation will animate from.
setValueFrom(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation.Builder
The value to animate from.
setValueFrom(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Sets the value this TimedAnimation will animate from.
setValueFull(byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
Provide the value for this password.
setValuePos(PositionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale.Builder
The position in which the current value is displayed.
setValuePos(PositionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
Sets the position in which the current value is displayed.
setValueTo(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation.Builder
The value to animate to.
setValueTo(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Sets the value this SpringAnimation will animate to.
setValueTo(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation.Builder
The value to animate to.
setValueTo(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Sets the value this TimedAnimation will animate to.
setVariable(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext
Sets a variable within the context.
setVariableframerate(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.EncodingVideoProfile
If set to true, then the incoming stream will be allowed to have non-constant framerate.
setVariant(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a variant GValue to variant.
setVariant(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setVariant(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Font variant as a PangoVariant, e.g.
setVariant(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Sets the variant field of a font description.
setVariantSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setVariantSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the variant property is set.
setVariations(String) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Sets the variations field of a font description.
setVariationsStatic(String) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Sets the variations field of a font description.
setVcenter(int) - Method in interface
Set the vertical centering offset for the given object.
setVec2(int, Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
setVec3(int, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
setVec4(int, Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
setVendorId(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Device.Builder
Vendor ID of this device.
setVersion(long, long, long) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ApplicationInfo
Set the application version.
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Sets the version string to display in the about dialog.
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The version of the application.
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the version for this AboutDialog.
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application.Builder
The human-readable version number of the application.
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Sets the version number of this Application.
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
The version of the program.
setVexpand(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Whether to expand vertically.
setVexpand(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets whether the widget would like any available extra vertical space.
setVexpandSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Whether to use the vexpand property.
setVexpandSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets whether the vexpand flag will be used.
setVflip(boolean) - Method in interface
Set the vertical flipping state (true for flipped) for the given object.
setVhomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack.Builder
Whether the stack is vertically homogeneous.
setVhomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Sets this ViewStack to be vertically homogeneous or not.
setVhomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack.Builder
true if the stack allocates the same height for all children.
setVhomogeneous(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Sets the GtkStack to be vertically homogeneous or not.
setVideoDirection(VideoOrientationMethod) - Method in interface
setView(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsGroup.Builder
An optional view that the shortcuts in this group are relevant for.
setView(TabView) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Sets the tab view this TabBar controls.
setView(TabView) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabButton
Sets the tab view to display.
setView(TabView) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Sets the tab view to control.
setView(TabView) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabBar.Builder
The tab view the tab bar controls.
setView(TabView) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabButton.Builder
The view the tab button displays.
setView(TabView) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.Builder
The tab view the overview controls.
setView(View) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.Builder
The "view" property is the GtkTextView for which this GtkSourceCompletion is providing completion features.
setView(View) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Gutter.Builder
The GtkSourceView of the gutter.
setView(View) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Map.Builder
setView(View) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Map
Sets the view that this Map will be doing the mapping to.
setViewName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection.Builder
A view name to filter the groups in this section by.
setViewName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow.Builder
The view name by which to filter the contents.
setViewSwitcherEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle.Builder
setViewSwitcherEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle
setVirtualMachine(VirtualMachine) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context.Builder
The JSCVirtualMachine in which the context was created.
setVirtualRoot(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter.Builder
The virtual root of the tree model filter.
setVisibility(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry.Builder
Whether the entry should show the “invisible char” instead of the actual text (“password mode”).
setVisibility(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Sets whether the contents of the entry are visible or not.
setVisibility(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text.Builder
If false, the text is masked with the “invisible char”.
setVisibility(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Sets whether the contents of the GtkText are visible or not.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage.Builder
Whether this page is visible.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Sets whether page is visible in its AdwViewStack.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn.Builder
Whether this column is visible.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnViewColumn
Sets whether this column should be visible in views.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.Builder
Whether the window is currently visible.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage.Builder
Whether this page is visible.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage
Sets whether page is visible in its GtkStack.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark
Sets the visibility of this TextMark.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Whether the widget is visible.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Sets the visibility state of this Widget.
setVisibleChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet.Builder
setVisibleChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
setVisibleChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack.Builder
The widget currently visible in the stack.
setVisibleChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Makes child the visible child of this ViewStack.
setVisibleChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack.Builder
The widget currently visible in the stack.
setVisibleChild(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Makes child the visible child of this Stack.
setVisibleChildFull(String, StackTransitionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Makes the child with the given name visible.
setVisibleChildName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet.Builder
setVisibleChildName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Leaflet
setVisibleChildName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack.Builder
The name of the widget currently visible in the stack.
setVisibleChildName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Makes the child with name visible.
setVisibleChildName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack.Builder
The name of the widget currently visible in the stack.
setVisibleChildName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Makes the child with the given name visible.
setVisibleColumn(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter
setVisibleFunc(TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter
setVisibleLineIndex(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Like TextIter.setLineIndex(int), but the index is in visible bytes, i.e.
setVisibleLineOffset(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Like TextIter.setLineOffset(int), but the offset is in visible characters, i.e.
setVisibleOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings.Builder
Exclude invisible text from the search.
setVisibleOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
Enables or disables whether to exclude invisible text from the search.
setVisiblePage(PreferencesPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog
Makes page the visible page of this PreferencesDialog.
setVisiblePage(PreferencesPage) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
setVisiblePage(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog.Builder
The currently visible page.
setVisiblePage(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow.Builder
setVisiblePageName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog.Builder
The name of the currently visible page.
setVisiblePageName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesDialog
Makes the page with the given name visible.
setVisiblePageName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow.Builder
setVisiblePageName(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.PreferencesWindow
setVisibleSubmenu(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenu.Builder
The name of the visible submenu.
setVisited(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton.Builder
The 'visited' state of this button.
setVisited(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton
Sets the “visited” state of the GtkLinkButton.
setVisited(String, long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Use g_bookmark_file_set_visited_date_time() instead, as time_t is deprecated due to the year 2038 problem.
setVisitedDateTime(String, DateTime) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
Sets the time the bookmark for uri was last visited.
setVolume(double) - Method in interface
setVolume(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream.Builder
Volume of the audio stream.
setVolume(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Sets the volume of the audio stream.
setVolume(StreamVolumeFormat, double) - Method in interface
setVscrollbarPolicy(PolicyType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
When the vertical scrollbar is displayed.
setVscrollPolicy(ScrollablePolicy) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable.Builder
Determines when vertical scrolling should start.
setVscrollPolicy(ScrollablePolicy) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Scrollable
Sets the GtkScrollablePolicy.
setWaiting(CollectData, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Sets a pad to waiting or non-waiting mode, if at least this pad has not been created with locked waiting state, in which case nothing happens.
setWarning(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword.Builder
Warning about the password.
setWarning(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
Set a user readable translated warning.
setWebContext(WebContext) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
The WebKitWebContext of the view.
setWebExtensionMode(WebExtensionMode) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
This configures webView to treat the content as a WebExtension.
setWebProcessExtensionsDirectory(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Set the directory where WebKit will look for web process extensions.
setWebProcessExtensionsInitializationUserData(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Set user data to be passed to Web Extensions on initialization.
setWebsite(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Sets the URL to use for the website link.
setWebsite(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.Builder
The URL of the application's website.
setWebsite(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog
Sets the application website URL for this AboutDialog.
setWebsite(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.Builder
setWebsite(String) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow
setWebsite(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
The URL for the link to the website of the program.
setWebsiteLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
The label for the link to the website of the program.
setWebsiteLabel(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Sets the label to be used for the website link.
setWebsitePolicies(WebsitePolicies) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
The WebKitWebsitePolicies for the view.
setWebView(WebView) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FindController.Builder
The WebKitWebView this controller is associated to.
setWebView(WebView) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation.Builder
The WebKitWebView that will be printed.
setWeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setWeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Font weight as an integer.
setWeight(Weight) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setWeight(Weight) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Sets the weight field of a font description.
setWeightSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
setWeightSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the weight property is set.
setWeightSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.Builder
setWideHandle(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned.Builder
Whether the GtkPaned should provide a stronger visual separation.
setWideHandle(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Paned
Sets whether the separator should be wide.
setWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinnerPaintable
Sets the widget used for frame clock.
setWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
setWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WidgetPaintable
Sets the widget that should be observed.
setWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation.Builder
The animation widget.
setWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinnerPaintable.Builder
The widget the spinner uses for frame clock.
setWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.Builder
setWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.WidgetPaintable.Builder
The observed widget or null if none.
setWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell.Builder
setWidget(Widget) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionCell
setWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder.Builder
The width of the texture.
setWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder
Sets the width of the texture.
setWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder.Builder
The width of the texture.
setWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.GLTextureBuilder
Sets the width of the texture.
setWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder.Builder
The width of the texture.
setWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryTextureBuilder
Sets the width of the texture.
setWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Texture.Builder
The width of the texture, in pixels.
setWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf.Builder
The number of columns of the pixbuf.
setWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
setWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets the width to which the lines of the PangoLayout should wrap or ellipsized.
setWidthChars(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
The desired width of the cell, in characters.
setWidthChars(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable.Builder
Number of characters to leave space for in the entry.
setWidthChars(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable
Changes the size request of the editable to be about the right size for nChars characters.
setWidthChars(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
The desired width of the label, in characters.
setWidthChars(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Sets the desired width in characters of label to nChars.
setWidthRequest(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.Builder
Override for width request of the widget.
setWindowHandle(long) - Method in interface
This will call the video overlay's set_window_handle method.
setWindowPlacement(CornerType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.Builder
Where the contents are located with respect to the scrollbars.
setWindowSize(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.Builder
setWindowThreshold(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.Builder
setWindowType(TextWindowType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Gutter.Builder
The text window type on which the window is placed.
setWithAlpha(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog.Builder
Whether colors may have alpha (translucency).
setWithAlpha(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialog
Sets whether colors may have alpha.
setWord(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether this tag represents a single word.
setWordSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the word property is set.
setWrap(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.Builder
Whether the spin row should wrap upon reaching its limits.
setWrap(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Sets whether the spin row should wrap upon reaching its limits.
setWrap(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
true if the label text will wrap if it gets too wide.
setWrap(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Toggles line wrapping within the GtkLabel widget.
setWrap(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.Builder
Whether a spin button should wrap upon reaching its limits.
setWrap(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Sets the flag that determines if a spin button value wraps around to the opposite limit when the upper or lower limit of the range is exceeded.
setWrap(WrapMode) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Sets the wrap mode.
setWrapAround(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings.Builder
For a forward search, continue at the beginning of the buffer if no search occurrence is found.
setWrapAround(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SearchSettings
Enables or disables the wrap around search.
setWrapLicense(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.Builder
Whether to wrap the text in the license dialog.
setWrapLicense(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog
Sets whether the license text in the about dialog should be automatically wrapped.
setWrapMode(WrapMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether to wrap lines never, at word boundaries, or at character boundaries.
setWrapMode(WrapMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.Builder
Whether to wrap lines never, at word boundaries, or at character boundaries.
setWrapMode(WrapMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Sets the line wrapping for the view.
setWrapMode(WrapMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor.Builder
Whether to wrap lines never, at word boundaries, or at character boundaries.
setWrapMode(WrapMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.PrintCompositor
Sets the line wrapping mode for the printed text.
setWrapMode(WrapMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
Specifies how to break the string into multiple lines, if the cell renderer does not have enough room to display the entire string.
setWrapMode(WrapMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription.Builder
Controls how the line wrapping is done.
setWrapMode(WrapMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Controls how line wrapping is done.
setWrapMode(WrapMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
Controls how the line wrapping is done.
setWrapMode(WrapMode) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Controls how line wrapping is done.
setWrapModeSet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.Builder
Whether the wrap-mode property is set.
setWrapWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.Builder
Specifies the minimum width at which the text is wrapped.
setWritable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher.Builder
Whether to make the file writable for the handler.
setWritable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileLauncher
Sets whether to make the file writable for the handler.
setXalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer.Builder
setXalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
setXalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame.Builder
The horizontal alignment of the child.
setXalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame
Sets the horizontal alignment of the child within the allocation of the GtkAspectFrame.
setXalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
setXalign(float) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable.Builder
The horizontal alignment, from 0 (left) to 1 (right).
setXalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription.Builder
The horizontal alignment of the text inside the allocated size.
setXalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Sets the xalign of the inscription.
setXalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
The horizontal alignment of the label text inside its size allocation.
setXalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Sets the xalign of the label.
setXalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.Builder
The horizontal alignment of the renderer.
setXalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Adjusts the xalign property.
setXid(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsContext
This function is for X11-based applications (such as most Gtk/Qt applications on linux/unix) only.
setXpad(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
setXpad(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.Builder
The left and right padding of the renderer.
setXpad(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Adjusts the xpad property.
setYalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer.Builder
setYalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
setYalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame.Builder
The vertical alignment of the child.
setYalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AspectFrame
Sets the vertical alignment of the child within the allocation of the GtkAspectFrame.
setYalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
setYalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription.Builder
The vertical alignment of the text inside the allocated size.
setYalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Inscription
Sets the yalign of the inscription.
setYalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label.Builder
The vertical alignment of the label text inside its size allocation.
setYalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Sets the yalign of the label.
setYalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.Builder
The vertical alignment of the renderer.
setYalign(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Adjusts the yalign property.
setYear(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.Builder
The selected year.
setYear(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Sets the year for the selected date.
setYear(DateYear) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Sets the year for a GDate.
setYpad(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.Builder
setYpad(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.Builder
The top and bottom padding of the renderer.
setYpad(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
Adjusts the ypad property.
setZoomLevel(double) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.Builder
The zoom level of the WebKitWebView content.
setZoomLevel(double) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Set the zoom level of this WebView.
setZoomTextOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings.Builder
Whether WebKitWebView:zoom-level affects only the text of the page or all the contents.
setZoomTextOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Set the WebKitSettings:zoom-text-only property.
setZorder(int) - Method in class
SHA1 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ChecksumType
Use the SHA-1 hashing algorithm
SHA256 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ChecksumType
Use the SHA-256 hashing algorithm
SHA384 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ChecksumType
Use the SHA-384 hashing algorithm (Since: 2.51)
SHA512 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ChecksumType
Use the SHA-512 hashing algorithm (Since: 2.36)
ShaderArgsBuilder - Class in org.gnome.gsk
An object to build the uniforms data for a GskGLShader.
ShaderArgsBuilder(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder
Create a ShaderArgsBuilder proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShaderArgsBuilder(GLShader, Bytes) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
shadow() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Increments the shadow count on this Mount.
Shadow - Class in org.gnome.gsk
The shadow parameters in a shadow node.
Shadow() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.Shadow
Allocate a new Shadow.
Shadow(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.Shadow
Allocate a new Shadow.
Shadow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.Shadow
Create a Shadow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Shadow(RGBA, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.Shadow
Allocate a new Shadow with the fields set to the provided values.
Shadow(RGBA, float, float, float, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.Shadow
Allocate a new Shadow with the fields set to the provided values.
SHADOW_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node that draws a shadow below its child
ShadowNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node drawing one or more shadows behind its single child node.
ShadowNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ShadowNode
Create a ShadowNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShadowNode(RenderNode, Shadow[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.ShadowNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will draw a child with the given shadows below it.
shape(String, int, Analysis, GlyphString) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Convert the characters in text into glyphs.
shape(Font, Buffer, Feature[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Shapes buffer using font turning its Unicode characters content to positioned glyphs.
SHAPE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
shape (Pango.AttrShape)
ShapeFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
Flags influencing the shaping process.
shapeFull(String, int, String, int, Analysis, GlyphString) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Convert the characters in text into glyphs.
shapeFull(Font, Buffer, Feature[], String[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
See hb_shape() for details.
shapeItem(Item, String, int, LogAttr, GlyphString, Set<ShapeFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Convert the characters in item into glyphs.
shapeItem(Item, String, int, LogAttr, GlyphString, ShapeFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Convert the characters in item into glyphs.
shapeJustify(Font, Buffer, Feature[], String[], float, float, Out<Float>, Tag, Out<Float>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
See hb_shape_full() for basic details.
shapeListShapers() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Retrieves the list of shapers supported by HarfBuzz.
ShapePlan - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for holding a shaping plan.
ShapePlan(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ShapePlan
Create a ShapePlan proxy instance for the provided memory address.
shapePlanCreate(Face, SegmentProperties, Feature[], String[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Constructs a shaping plan for a combination of face, userFeatures, props, and shaperList.
shapePlanCreate2(Face, SegmentProperties, Feature[], int[], String[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
The variable-font version of hb_shape_plan_create.
shapePlanCreateCached(Face, SegmentProperties, Feature[], String[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates a cached shaping plan suitable for reuse, for a combination of face, userFeatures, props, and shaperList.
shapePlanCreateCached2(Face, SegmentProperties, Feature[], int[], String[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
The variable-font version of hb_shape_plan_create_cached.
shapePlanDestroy(ShapePlan) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Decreases the reference count on the given shaping plan.
shapePlanExecute(ShapePlan, Font, Buffer, Feature[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Executes the given shaping plan on the specified buffer, using the given font and features.
shapePlanGetEmpty() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the singleton empty shaping plan.
shapePlanGetShaper(ShapePlan) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the shaper from a given shaping plan.
shapePlanGetUserData(ShapePlan, UserDataKey) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the user data associated with the specified key, attached to the specified shaping plan.
shapePlanReference(ShapePlan) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Increases the reference count on the given shaping plan.
shapePlanSetUserData(ShapePlan, UserDataKey, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc, Bool) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Attaches a user-data key/data pair to the given shaping plan.
ShapeRendererFunc - Interface in org.gnome.pango.cairo
Functional interface declaration of the ShapeRendererFunc callback.
shapeWithFlags(String, int, String, int, Analysis, GlyphString, Set<ShapeFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Convert the characters in text into glyphs.
shapeWithFlags(String, int, String, int, Analysis, GlyphString, ShapeFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Convert the characters in text into glyphs.
SHARADA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
SHARADA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
SHARADA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
share(long, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Return a shared copy of size bytes from this Memory starting from offset.
SHARED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.CacheType
a shared cache
SharedTaskPool - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The GstSharedTaskPool object.
SharedTaskPool() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SharedTaskPool
Create a new shared task pool.
SharedTaskPool(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SharedTaskPool
Create a SharedTaskPool proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SharedTaskPool.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SharedTaskPool.SharedTaskPoolClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The GstSharedTaskPoolClass object.
SharedTaskPoolClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SharedTaskPool.SharedTaskPoolClass
Allocate a new SharedTaskPoolClass.
SharedTaskPoolClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SharedTaskPool.SharedTaskPoolClass
Allocate a new SharedTaskPoolClass.
SharedTaskPoolClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SharedTaskPool.SharedTaskPoolClass
Create a SharedTaskPoolClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SHAVIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
SHAVIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
SHAVIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
ShellError - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Error codes returned by shell functions.
shellErrorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
shellParseArgv(String, Out<String[]>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Parses a command line into an argument vector, in much the same way the shell would, but without many of the expansions the shell would perform (variable expansion, globs, operators, filename expansion, etc.
shellQuote(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Quotes a string so that the shell (/bin/sh) will interpret the quoted string to mean unquotedString.
shellUnquote(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Unquotes a string as the shell (/bin/sh) would.
SHIFT_MASK - Enum constant in enum class
the Shift key.
SHIFT_MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
the Shift key.
shiftLeft(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Shifts all values in this Bitset to the left by amount.
shiftPosition(double) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Moves the current progress value by delta.
shiftRight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Shifts all values in this Bitset to the right by amount.
Shortcut - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkShortcut describes a keyboard shortcut.
Shortcut(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut
Create a Shortcut proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Shortcut(ShortcutTrigger, ShortcutAction) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut
Creates a new GtkShortcut that is triggered by trigger and then activates action.
SHORTCUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileType
File is a shortcut (Windows systems).
Shortcut.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Shortcut.ShortcutClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ShortcutAction - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkShortcutAction encodes an action that can be triggered by a keyboard shortcut.
ShortcutAction(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutAction
Create a ShortcutAction proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShortcutAction.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ShortcutAction.ShortcutActionClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ShortcutAction.ShortcutActionImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The ShortcutActionImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract ShortcutAction class.
ShortcutActionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutAction.ShortcutActionClass
Create a ShortcutActionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShortcutActionFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
List of flags that can be passed to action activation.
ShortcutActionImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutAction.ShortcutActionImpl
Creates a new instance of ShortcutAction for the provided memory address.
ShortcutClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut.ShortcutClass
Allocate a new ShortcutClass.
ShortcutClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut.ShortcutClass
Allocate a new ShortcutClass.
ShortcutClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut.ShortcutClass
Create a ShortcutClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShortcutController<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkShortcutController is an event controller that manages shortcuts.
ShortcutController() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController
Creates a new shortcut controller.
ShortcutController(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController
Create a ShortcutController proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShortcutController.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ShortcutController.ShortcutControllerClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ShortcutControllerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutController.ShortcutControllerClass
Create a ShortcutControllerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShortcutFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ShortcutFunc callback.
ShortcutLabel - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkShortcutLabel displays a single keyboard shortcut or gesture.
ShortcutLabel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutLabel
Create a ShortcutLabel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShortcutLabel(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutLabel
Creates a new GtkShortcutLabel with accelerator set.
ShortcutLabel.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ShortcutLabel.ShortcutLabelClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ShortcutLabelClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutLabel.ShortcutLabelClass
Create a ShortcutLabelClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShortcutManager - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkShortcutManager interface is used to implement shortcut scopes.
ShortcutManager.ShortcutManagerImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The ShortcutManagerImpl type represents a native instance of the ShortcutManager interface.
ShortcutManager.ShortcutManagerInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The list of functions that can be implemented for the GtkShortcutManager interface.
ShortcutManagerImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutManager.ShortcutManagerImpl
Creates a new instance of ShortcutManager for the provided memory address.
ShortcutManagerInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutManager.ShortcutManagerInterface
Allocate a new ShortcutManagerInterface.
ShortcutManagerInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutManager.ShortcutManagerInterface
Allocate a new ShortcutManagerInterface.
ShortcutManagerInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutManager.ShortcutManagerInterface
Create a ShortcutManagerInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShortcutScope - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes where Shortcuts added to a ShortcutController get handled.
ShortcutsGroup - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkShortcutsGroup represents a group of related keyboard shortcuts or gestures.
ShortcutsGroup(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsGroup
Create a ShortcutsGroup proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShortcutsGroup.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ShortcutsGroup.ShortcutsGroupClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ShortcutsGroupClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsGroup.ShortcutsGroupClass
Create a ShortcutsGroupClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShortcutsSection - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkShortcutsSection collects all the keyboard shortcuts and gestures for a major application mode.
ShortcutsSection(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection
Create a ShortcutsSection proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShortcutsSection.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ShortcutsSection.ChangeCurrentPageCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ChangeCurrentPageCallback callback.
ShortcutsSection.ShortcutsSectionClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ShortcutsSectionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection.ShortcutsSectionClass
Create a ShortcutsSectionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShortcutsShortcut - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkShortcutsShortcut represents a single keyboard shortcut or gesture with a short text.
ShortcutsShortcut(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut
Create a ShortcutsShortcut proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShortcutsShortcut.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ShortcutsShortcut.ShortcutsShortcutClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ShortcutsShortcutClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsShortcut.ShortcutsShortcutClass
Create a ShortcutsShortcutClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShortcutsWindow - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkShortcutsWindow shows information about the keyboard shortcuts and gestures of an application.
ShortcutsWindow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow
Create a ShortcutsWindow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShortcutsWindow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ShortcutsWindow.CloseCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CloseCallback callback.
ShortcutsWindow.SearchCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SearchCallback callback.
ShortcutTrigger - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkShortcutTrigger tracks how a GtkShortcut should be activated.
ShortcutTrigger(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutTrigger
Create a ShortcutTrigger proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShortcutTrigger.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ShortcutTrigger.ShortcutTriggerClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ShortcutTrigger.ShortcutTriggerImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The ShortcutTriggerImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract ShortcutTrigger class.
ShortcutTriggerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutTrigger.ShortcutTriggerClass
Create a ShortcutTriggerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ShortcutTriggerImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutTrigger.ShortcutTriggerImpl
Creates a new instance of ShortcutTrigger for the provided memory address.
ShortcutType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkShortcutType specifies the kind of shortcut that is being described.
shouldAutomount() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume
Returns whether the volume should be automatically mounted.
shouldLayout() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Returns whether this Widget should contribute to the measuring and allocation of its parent.
shouldShow() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Checks if the application info should be shown in menus that list available applications.
show() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog
Shows the dialog on the display.
show() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
show() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
Emits the "show" signal.
show() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Request this WebInspector to be shown.
show(Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AlertDialog
Show the alert to the user.
SHOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
how to render invisible characters (Pango.AttrInt).
SHOW_CHANGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContextPrintFlags
Show information about what changes affect the styles
SHOW_DIACRITICS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
SHOW_STYLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContextPrintFlags
Show the values of the CSS properties for each node
showAboutDialog(Window, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
A convenience function for showing an application’s about dialog.
showAboutDialog(Widget, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
A convenience function for showing an application’s about dialog.
showAboutDialogFromAppdata(Widget, String, String, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
A convenience function for showing an application’s about dialog from AppStream metadata.
showAboutWindow(Window, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
showAboutWindowFromAppdata(Window, String, String, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
showCompletion() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
showErrorUnderline(Context, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Draw a squiggly line in the specified cairo context that approximately covers the given rectangle in the style of an underline used to indicate a spelling error.
ShowFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
These flags affect how Pango treats characters that are normally not visible in the output.
showFrame(Buffer) - Method in class
render a video frame.
showGlyphItem(Context, String, GlyphItem) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Draws the glyphs in glyphItem in the specified cairo context,
showGlyphString(Context, Font, GlyphString) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Draws the glyphs in glyphs in the specified cairo context.
showing() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Called when the page shows at the beginning of the navigation view transition.
showLayout(Context, Layout) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Draws a PangoLayout in the specified cairo context.
showLayoutLine(Context, LayoutLine) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Draws a PangoLayoutLine in the specified cairo context.
shown() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Called when the navigation view transition has been completed and the page is fully shown.
showNotification(Notification) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
showOptionMenu(OptionMenu, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
showProcesses(String, Pid[], String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
Virtual implementation of GMountOperation::show-processes.
showUnmountProgress(String, long, long) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MountOperation
showUri(Window, String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
showUriFull(Window, String, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
showUriFullFinish(Window, AsyncResult) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
showWindowMenu(Event) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Asks the windowing system to show the window menu.
shrink(float, float, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Shrinks (or grows) the given rectangle by moving the 4 sides according to the offsets given.
shutdown() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
invoked only on the registered primary instance immediately after the main loop terminates
shutdown(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Close an IO channel.
shutdown(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Shut down part or all of a full-duplex connection.
shutdown(boolean, boolean, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Shut down part or all of a DTLS connection.
SHUTDOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LibraryError
used when the library could not be closed.
SHUTDOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DriveStartStopType
The stop method will physically shut down the drive and e.g.
shutdownAsync(boolean, boolean, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Asynchronously shut down part or all of the DTLS connection.
shutdownFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection
Finish an asynchronous TLS shutdown operation.
SIDDHAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Sidd, Since: 0.9.30
SIDDHAM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
SIDDHAM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
SIDE_BY_SIDE - Enum constant in enum class
Left and right eye views are provided in the left and right half of the frame respectively.
SIDE_BY_SIDE - Enum constant in enum class
Left and right eye views are provided in the left and right half of the frame respectively.
SIDE_BY_SIDE_QUINCUNX - Enum constant in enum class
Left and right eye views are provided in the left and right half of the frame, but have been sampled using quincunx method, with half-pixel offset between the 2 views.
SIDE_BY_SIDE_QUINCUNX - Enum constant in enum class
Left and right eye views are provided in the left and right half of the frame, but have been sampled using quincunx method, with half-pixel offset between the 2 views.
SIDE_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
Side left
SIDE_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
Side right
SIERRA_LITE - Enum constant in enum class
Dither with Sierra Lite error diffusion
signal() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Cond
If threads are waiting for this Cond, at least one of them is unblocked.
signal(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Creates a new GDBusMessage for a signal emission.
Signal - Annotation Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations
Register the annotated type as a GObject signal on the enclosing class.
SIGNAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageType
Signal emission.
SIGNAL_FLAGS_MASK - Static variable in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
A mask for all GSignalFlags bits.
SIGNAL_MATCH_MASK - Static variable in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
A mask for all GSignalMatchType bits.
SignalAccumulator - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the SignalAccumulator callback.
signalAccumulatorFirstWins(SignalInvocationHint, Value, Value, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
A predefined GSignalAccumulator for signals intended to be used as a hook for application code to provide a particular value.
signalAccumulatorTrueHandled(SignalInvocationHint, Value, Value, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
A predefined GSignalAccumulator for signals that return a boolean values.
SignalAction - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkShortcutAction that emits a signal.
SignalAction(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SignalAction
Create a SignalAction proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SignalAction(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SignalAction
Creates an action that when activated, emits the given action signal on the provided widget.
SignalAction.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SignalAction.SignalActionClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
SignalActionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SignalAction.SignalActionClass
Create a SignalActionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
signalAddEmissionHook(int, Quark, SignalEmissionHook) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Adds an emission hook for a signal, which will get called for any emission of that signal, independent of the instance.
signalChainFromOverridden(Value[], Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Calls the original class closure of a signal.
signalChainFromOverriddenHandler(TypeInstance, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Calls the original class closure of a signal.
SignalCMarshaller - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
This is the signature of marshaller functions, required to marshall arrays of parameter values to signal emissions into C language callback invocations.
signalConnectClosure(GObject, String, Closure, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Connects a closure to a signal for a particular object.
signalConnectClosureById(GObject, int, Quark, Closure, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Connects a closure to a signal for a particular object.
signalConnectData(GObject, String, Callback, ClosureNotify, Set<ConnectFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Connects a GCallback function to a signal for a particular object.
signalConnectData(GObject, String, Callback, ClosureNotify, ConnectFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Connects a GCallback function to a signal for a particular object.
SignalConnection<T> - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject
Represents a signal connection.
SignalConnection(MemorySegment, int) - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.SignalConnection
Create a SignalConnection instance for the provided GObject instance and handler ID.
SignalConnection(MemorySegment, int, Closure) - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.SignalConnection
Create a SignalConnection instance for the provided GObject instance and handler ID.
signalConnectObject(TypeInstance, String, Callback, GObject, Set<ConnectFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
This is similar to g_signal_connect_data(), but uses a closure which ensures that the gobject stays alive during the call to cHandler by temporarily adding a reference count to gobject.
signalConnectObject(TypeInstance, String, Callback, GObject, ConnectFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
This is similar to g_signal_connect_data(), but uses a closure which ensures that the gobject stays alive during the call to cHandler by temporarily adding a reference count to gobject.
SignalEmissionHook - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the SignalEmissionHook callback.
signalEmit(GObject, int, Quark, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Emits a signal.
signalEmitByName(GObject, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Emits a signal.
signalEmitv(Value[], int, Quark, Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Emits a signal.
SignalFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gobject
The signal flags are used to specify a signal's behaviour.
signalGetInvocationHint(GObject) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Returns the invocation hint of the innermost signal emission of instance.
SignalGroup - Class in org.gnome.gobject
GSignalGroup manages a collection of signals on a GObject.
SignalGroup(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Create a SignalGroup proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SignalGroup(Type) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Creates a new GSignalGroup for target instances of targetType.
SignalGroup.BindCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the BindCallback callback.
SignalGroup.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SignalGroup.UnbindCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the UnbindCallback callback.
signalHandlerBlock(GObject, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Blocks a handler of an instance so it will not be called during any signal emissions unless it is unblocked again.
signalHandlerDisconnect(GObject, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Disconnects a handler from an instance so it will not be called during any future or currently ongoing emissions of the signal it has been connected to.
signalHandlerFind(GObject, Set<SignalMatchType>, int, Quark, Closure, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Finds the first signal handler that matches certain selection criteria.
signalHandlerFind(GObject, SignalMatchType, int, Quark, Closure, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Finds the first signal handler that matches certain selection criteria.
signalHandlerIsConnected(GObject, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Returns whether handlerId is the ID of a handler connected to instance.
signalHandlersBlockMatched(GObject, Set<SignalMatchType>, int, Quark, Closure, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Blocks all handlers on an instance that match a certain selection criteria.
signalHandlersBlockMatched(GObject, SignalMatchType, int, Quark, Closure, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Blocks all handlers on an instance that match a certain selection criteria.
signalHandlersDestroy(GObject) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Destroy all signal handlers of a type instance.
signalHandlersDisconnectMatched(GObject, Set<SignalMatchType>, int, Quark, Closure, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Disconnects all handlers on an instance that match a certain selection criteria.
signalHandlersDisconnectMatched(GObject, SignalMatchType, int, Quark, Closure, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Disconnects all handlers on an instance that match a certain selection criteria.
signalHandlersUnblockMatched(GObject, Set<SignalMatchType>, int, Quark, Closure, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Unblocks all handlers on an instance that match a certain selection criteria.
signalHandlersUnblockMatched(GObject, SignalMatchType, int, Quark, Closure, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Unblocks all handlers on an instance that match a certain selection criteria.
signalHandlerUnblock(GObject, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Undoes the effect of a previous g_signal_handler_block() call.
signalHasHandlerPending(GObject, int, Quark, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Returns whether there are any handlers connected to instance for the given signal id and detail.
SignalInvocationHint - Class in org.gnome.gobject
The GSignalInvocationHint structure is used to pass on additional information to callbacks during a signal emission.
SignalInvocationHint() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.SignalInvocationHint
Allocate a new SignalInvocationHint.
SignalInvocationHint(int, Quark, Set<SignalFlags>) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.SignalInvocationHint
Allocate a new SignalInvocationHint with the fields set to the provided values.
SignalInvocationHint(int, Quark, Set<SignalFlags>, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.SignalInvocationHint
Allocate a new SignalInvocationHint with the fields set to the provided values.
SignalInvocationHint(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.SignalInvocationHint
Allocate a new SignalInvocationHint.
SignalInvocationHint(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.SignalInvocationHint
Create a SignalInvocationHint proxy instance for the provided memory address.
signalIsValidName(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Validate a signal name.
signalListIds(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Lists the signals by id that a certain instance or interface type created.
SignalListItemFactory - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkSignalListItemFactory is a GtkListItemFactory that emits signals to manage listitems.
SignalListItemFactory() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory
Creates a new GtkSignalListItemFactory.
SignalListItemFactory(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory
Create a SignalListItemFactory proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SignalListItemFactory.BindCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the BindCallback callback.
SignalListItemFactory.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SignalListItemFactory.SetupCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SetupCallback callback.
SignalListItemFactory.SignalListItemFactoryClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
SignalListItemFactory.TeardownCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TeardownCallback callback.
SignalListItemFactory.UnbindCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the UnbindCallback callback.
SignalListItemFactoryClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.SignalListItemFactoryClass
Create a SignalListItemFactoryClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
signalLookup(String, Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Given the name of the signal and the type of object it connects to, gets the signal's identifying integer.
SignalMatchType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gobject
The match types specify what g_signal_handlers_block_matched(), g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched() and g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched() match signals by.
signalName(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Given the signal's identifier, finds its name.
signalNew(String, Type, Set<SignalFlags>, int, SignalAccumulator, SignalCMarshaller, Type, int, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new signal.
signalNew(String, Type, SignalFlags, int, SignalAccumulator, SignalCMarshaller, Type, int, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new signal.
signalNewClassHandler(String, Type, Set<SignalFlags>, Callback, SignalAccumulator, SignalCMarshaller, Type, int, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new signal.
signalNewClassHandler(String, Type, SignalFlags, Callback, SignalAccumulator, SignalCMarshaller, Type, int, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new signal.
signalNewv(String, Type, Set<SignalFlags>, Closure, SignalAccumulator, SignalCMarshaller, Type, Type[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new signal.
signalNewv(String, Type, SignalFlags, Closure, SignalAccumulator, SignalCMarshaller, Type, Type[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new signal.
signalOverrideClassClosure(int, Type, Closure) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Overrides the class closure (i.e.
signalOverrideClassHandler(String, Type, Callback) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Overrides the class closure (i.e.
signalParseName(String, Type, Out<Integer>, Quark, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Internal function to parse a signal name into its signalId and detail quark.
signalQuery(int, SignalQuery) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Queries the signal system for in-depth information about a specific signal.
SignalQuery - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A structure holding in-depth information for a specific signal.
SignalQuery() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Allocate a new SignalQuery.
SignalQuery(int, String, Type, Set<SignalFlags>, Type, int, Type[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Allocate a new SignalQuery with the fields set to the provided values.
SignalQuery(int, String, Type, Set<SignalFlags>, Type, int, Type[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Allocate a new SignalQuery with the fields set to the provided values.
SignalQuery(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Allocate a new SignalQuery.
SignalQuery(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Create a SignalQuery proxy instance for the provided memory address.
signalRemoveEmissionHook(int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Deletes an emission hook.
Signals - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types
Helper class to register signals in a new GType.
Signals() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Signals
SIGNALS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeDebugFlags
Print messages about signal emissions
signalStopEmission(GObject, int, Quark) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Stops a signal's current emission.
signalStopEmissionByName(GObject, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Stops a signal's current emission.
signalSubscribe(String, String, String, String, String, Set<DBusSignalFlags>, DBusSignalCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Subscribes to signals on this DBusConnection and invokes callback whenever the signal is received.
signalSubscribe(String, String, String, String, String, DBusSignalFlags, DBusSignalCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Subscribes to signals on this DBusConnection and invokes callback whenever the signal is received.
signalTypeCclosureNew(Type, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates a new closure which invokes the function found at the offset structOffset in the class structure of the interface or classed type identified by itype.
signalUnsubscribe(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Unsubscribes from signals.
signature(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a D-Bus type signature GVariant with the contents of string.
SIGNATURE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageHeaderField
The signature of the message body.
SIGNATURE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is a D-Bus signature string.
SIGNATURE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of a D-Bus type signature.
SIGNED - Enum constant in enum class
signed samples
SIGNWRITING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Sgnw, Since: 0.9.30
SIGNWRITING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
SIGNWRITING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
SILENCE_STDERR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestTrapFlags
Redirect stderr of the test child to /dev/null so it cannot be observed on the console during test runs.
SILENCE_STDOUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestTrapFlags
Redirect stdout of the test child to /dev/null so it cannot be observed on the console during test runs.
Simd4F - Class in org.gnome.graphene
Simd4F() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4F
Allocate a new Simd4F.
Simd4F(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4F
Allocate a new Simd4F with the fields set to the provided values.
Simd4F(float, float, float, float, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4F
Allocate a new Simd4F with the fields set to the provided values.
Simd4F(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4F
Allocate a new Simd4F.
Simd4F(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4F
Create a Simd4F proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Simd4X4F - Class in org.gnome.graphene
Simd4X4F() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4X4F
Allocate a new Simd4X4F.
Simd4X4F(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4X4F
Allocate a new Simd4X4F.
Simd4X4F(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4X4F
Create a Simd4X4F proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Simd4X4F(Simd4F, Simd4F, Simd4F, Simd4F) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4X4F
Allocate a new Simd4X4F with the fields set to the provided values.
Simd4X4F(Simd4F, Simd4F, Simd4F, Simd4F, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4X4F
Allocate a new Simd4X4F with the fields set to the provided values.
simple(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Allocates a struct of the given size and initializes the initial part as a GClosure.
simple(String, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Creates a new GstCaps that contains one GstStructure.
SIMPLE - Enum constant in enum class
Simple 2-pole noise shaping
SimpleAction - Class in org.gnome.gio
A GSimpleAction is the obvious simple implementation of the Action interface.
SimpleAction(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction
Create a SimpleAction proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SimpleAction(String, VariantType) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction
Creates a new action.
SimpleAction.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
SimpleAction.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SimpleAction.ChangeStateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ChangeStateCallback callback.
SimpleActionGroup - Class in org.gnome.gio
GSimpleActionGroup is a hash table filled with Action objects, implementing the ActionGroup and ActionMap interfaces.
SimpleActionGroup() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleActionGroup
Creates a new, empty, GSimpleActionGroup.
SimpleActionGroup(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleActionGroup
Create a SimpleActionGroup proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SimpleActionGroup.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SimpleActionGroup.SimpleActionGroupClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
SimpleActionGroupClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleActionGroup.SimpleActionGroupClass
Allocate a new SimpleActionGroupClass.
SimpleActionGroupClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleActionGroup.SimpleActionGroupClass
Allocate a new SimpleActionGroupClass.
SimpleActionGroupClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleActionGroup.SimpleActionGroupClass
Create a SimpleActionGroupClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
simpleAsyncReportErrorInIdle(GObject, AsyncReadyCallback, Quark, int, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Use g_task_report_error().
simpleAsyncReportGerrorInIdle(GObject, AsyncReadyCallback, GError) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Use g_task_report_error().
simpleAsyncReportTakeGerrorInIdle(GObject, AsyncReadyCallback, GError) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Use g_task_report_error().
SimpleAsyncResult - Class in org.gnome.gio
As of GLib 2.46, GSimpleAsyncResult is deprecated in favor of Task, which provides a simpler API.
SimpleAsyncResult(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Create a SimpleAsyncResult proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SimpleAsyncResult(GObject, AsyncReadyCallback, MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use g_task_new() instead.
SimpleAsyncResult.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SimpleAsyncResult.SimpleAsyncResultClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
SimpleAsyncResultClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult.SimpleAsyncResultClass
Create a SimpleAsyncResultClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SimpleAsyncThreadFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the SimpleAsyncThreadFunc callback.
simpleGetNextTime() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
This is a simple GstAggregatorClass::get_next_time implementation that just looks at the GstSegment on the srcpad of the aggregator and bases the next time on the running time there.
SimpleIOStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
GSimpleIOStream creates a IOStream from an arbitrary InputStream and OutputStream.
SimpleIOStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleIOStream
Create a SimpleIOStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SimpleIOStream(InputStream, OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleIOStream
Creates a new GSimpleIOStream wrapping inputStream and outputStream.
SimpleIOStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SimplePermission - Class in org.gnome.gio
GSimplePermission is a trivial implementation of Permission that represents a permission that is either always or never allowed.
SimplePermission(boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimplePermission
Creates a new GPermission instance that represents an action that is either always or never allowed.
SimplePermission(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimplePermission
Create a SimplePermission proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SimplePermission.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SimpleProxyResolver - Class in org.gnome.gio
GSimpleProxyResolver is a simple ProxyResolver implementation that handles a single default proxy, multiple URI-scheme-specific proxies, and a list of hosts that proxies should not be used for.
SimpleProxyResolver(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleProxyResolver
Create a SimpleProxyResolver proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SimpleProxyResolver.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SimpleProxyResolver.SimpleProxyResolverClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
SimpleProxyResolverClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleProxyResolver.SimpleProxyResolverClass
Allocate a new SimpleProxyResolverClass.
SimpleProxyResolverClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleProxyResolver.SimpleProxyResolverClass
Allocate a new SimpleProxyResolverClass.
SimpleProxyResolverClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SimpleProxyResolver.SimpleProxyResolverClass
Create a SimpleProxyResolverClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SIMPLEX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDuplex
No duplex.
SIMPLIFIED_CHARACTERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
simplify() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Converts the given this Caps into a representation that represents the same set of formats, but in a simpler form.
SINC - Enum constant in enum class
Uses sinc interpolation
single(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Creates a new GstCapsFeatures with a single feature.
single(Type, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
This GstIterator is a convenient iterator for the common case where a GstIterator needs to be returned but only a single object has to be considered.
SINGLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntryType
a single shot timeout
SINGLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionMode
Zero or one element may be selected.
SINGLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Overline
Draw a single line above the ink extents of the text being underlined.
SINGLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Underline
a single underline should be drawn
SINGLE_BYTE_MATCH_IN_LOOKBEHIND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
\\\\C not allowed in lookbehind assertion.
SINGLE_LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Underline
Like PANGOUNDERLINESINGLE, but drawn continuously across multiple runs.
SINGLE_USER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.CacheType
a single-user cache
SingleSelection<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkSingleSelection is a GtkSelectionModel that allows selecting a single item.
SingleSelection() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection
SingleSelection(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection
Create a SingleSelection proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SingleSelection(ListModel) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection
Creates a new selection to handle model.
SingleSelection.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SingleSelection.SingleSelectionClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
SingleSelectionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection.SingleSelectionClass
Allocate a new SingleSelectionClass.
SingleSelectionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection.SingleSelectionClass
Allocate a new SingleSelectionClass.
SingleSelectionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SingleSelection.SingleSelectionClass
Create a SingleSelectionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
singleShotIdReinit(ClockID, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Reinitializes the provided single shot id to the provided time.
SINHALA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
SINHALA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
SINHALA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
sink() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Takes over the initial ownership of a closure.
sink() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
The initial reference count of a newly created GParamSpec is 1, even though no one has explicitly called g_param_spec_ref() on it yet.
SINK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFlags
the element is a sink
SINK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadDirection
the pad is a sink pad.
SINK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIType
The URI is a consumer.
SINK_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
An event that sinks turn into a message.
sinkEvent(AggregatorPad, Event) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
sinkEvent(Event) - Method in class
sinkEvent(Event) - Method in class
sinkEvent(Event) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
sinkEvent(Event) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
sinkEvent(Event) - Method in class
sinkEvent(Event) - Method in class
sinkEventPreQueue(AggregatorPad, Event) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
sinkMessage(String, Message) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new sink-message event.
sinkQuery(AggregatorPad, Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
sinkQuery(Query) - Method in class
sinkQuery(Query) - Method in class
sinkQuery(Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
sinkQuery(Query) - Method in class
sinkQuery(Query) - Method in class
sinkQueryPreQueue(AggregatorPad, Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
size() - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
size() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Returns the number of elements contained in the GHashTable.
size() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.List
Retrieve the size of the list.
size() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SList
Retrieve the size of the list.
size() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontsetSimple
Returns the number of fonts in the fontset.
Size - Class in org.gnome.graphene
A size.
Size() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Size
Allocate a new Size.
Size(float, float) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Size
Allocate a new Size with the fields set to the provided values.
Size(float, float, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Size
Allocate a new Size with the fields set to the provided values.
Size(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Size
Allocate a new Size.
Size(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Size
Create a Size proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.PaintableFlags
The size is immutable.
SIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserLevel
Allow selecting a specific font size
SIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
font size in points scaled by PANGO_SCALE (Pango.AttrInt)
SIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontMask
the font size is specified.
SIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.OptionType
A gsize options type.
SIZE_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Information about size requests
sizeAllocate(int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Called to set the allocation, if the widget does not have a layout manager.
sizeAllocate(Allocation, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Allocates widget with a transformation that translates the origin to the position in allocation.
sized(int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferList
Creates a new, empty GstBufferList.
sized(InputStream, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedInputStream
Creates a new BufferedInputStream from the given baseStream, with a buffer set to size.
sized(OutputStream, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.BufferedOutputStream
Creates a new buffered output stream with a given buffer size.
sizedNew(boolean, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Creates a new GArray with reservedSize elements preallocated and a reference count of 1.
sizedNew(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Creates a new GByteArray with reservedSize bytes preallocated.
sizedNew(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Creates a new GPtrArray with reservedSize pointers preallocated and a reference count of 1.
sizedNew(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Creates a new GString, with enough space for dflSize bytes.
SizeGroup - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkSizeGroup groups widgets together so they all request the same size.
SizeGroup(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroup
Create a SizeGroup proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SizeGroup(SizeGroupMode) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroup
Create a new GtkSizeGroup.
SizeGroup.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SizeGroupMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The mode of the size group determines the directions in which the size group affects the requested sizes of its component widgets.
SIZEOF_LONG - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
SIZEOF_SIZE_T - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
SIZEOF_SSIZE_T - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
SIZEOF_VOID_P - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
sizePrepared(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
SizeRequestMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Specifies a preference for height-for-width or width-for-height geometry management.
skew(float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Applies a skew transform.
SKEW - Enum constant in enum class
Adjust playout pointer when master clock drifts too much.
SKEW - Enum constant in enum class
Adjust capture pointer when master clock drifts too much.
SKEWED_FRACTION_HORIZONTAL_GAP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
SKEWED_FRACTION_VERTICAL_GAP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
skewXy(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Adds a skew of factor on the X and Y axis to the given matrix.
skewXz(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Adds a skew of factor on the X and Z axis to the given matrix.
skewYz(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Adds a skew of factor on the Y and Z axis to the given matrix.
skip() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.Animation
Skips the animation for this Animation.
skip(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Skips nbits bits of the GstBitReader instance.
skip(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Skips nbytes bytes of the GstByteReader instance.
skip(long, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Tries to skip count bytes from the stream.
SKIP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorItem
Skip this item
SKIP - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
Deprecated backward compatibility flag, replaced by SeekFlags.TRICKMODE
SKIP - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SegmentFlags
Deprecated backward compatibility flag, replaced by GSTSEGMENTFLAGTRICKMODE
SKIP_CASE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestLogType
skipAsync(long, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Request an asynchronous skip of count bytes from the stream.
skipBuffer(Aggregator, Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad
Optional Called before input buffers are queued in the pad, return true if the buffer should be skipped.
skipFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputStream
Finishes a stream skip operation.
SKIPPED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestResult
skipSpace(Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
skipStringUtf16() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Skips a NUL-terminated UTF-16 string in the GstByteReader instance, advancing the current position to the byte after the string.
skipStringUtf32() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Skips a NUL-terminated UTF-32 string in the GstByteReader instance, advancing the current position to the byte after the string.
skipStringUtf8() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Skips a NUL-terminated string in the GstByteReader instance, advancing the current position to the byte after the string.
skipToByte() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Skips until the next byte.
SLANT_ANGLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.StyleTag
Used to vary between upright and slanted text.
SLANT_RATIO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.StyleTag
same as HBSTYLETAGSLANTANGLE expression as ratio.
SLASH_TO_DIVIDE_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
SLASH_TO_DIVIDE_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
SLASHED_ZERO_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
SLASHED_ZERO_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
SLATE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.AccentColor
Use a slate color (#6f8396).
slerp(Quaternion, float, Quaternion) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Interpolates between the two given quaternions using a spherical linear interpolation, or SLERP, using the given interpolation factor.
sliceAlloc(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Allocates a block of memory from the libc allocator.
sliceAlloc0(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Allocates a block of memory via g_slice_alloc() and initializes the returned memory to 0.
SliceConfig - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
sliceCopy(long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Allocates a block of memory from the slice allocator and copies blockSize bytes into it from memBlock.
sliceFree1(long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Frees a block of memory.
sliceFreeChainWithOffset(long, MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Frees a linked list of memory blocks of structure type type.
sliceGetConfig(SliceConfig) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
sliceGetConfigState(SliceConfig, long, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
SliceListModel<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkSliceListModel is a list model that presents a slice of another model.
SliceListModel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel
Create a SliceListModel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SliceListModel(ListModel, int, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel
Creates a new slice model.
SliceListModel.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SliceListModel.SliceListModelClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
SliceListModelClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel.SliceListModelClass
Allocate a new SliceListModelClass.
SliceListModelClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel.SliceListModelClass
Allocate a new SliceListModelClass.
SliceListModelClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SliceListModel.SliceListModelClass
Create a SliceListModelClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
sliceSetConfig(SliceConfig, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
SLIDE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.FlapTransitionType
The flap slides offscreen when hidden, neither the flap nor content overlap each other.
SLIDE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.LeafletTransitionType
Slide from left, right, up or down according to the orientation, text direction and the children order
SLIDE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AnchorHints
allow sliding surface on both axes
SLIDE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RevealerTransitionType
Slide in from the top
SLIDE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Slide from top down
SLIDE_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RevealerTransitionType
Slide in from the right
SLIDE_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Slide from right to left
SLIDE_LEFT_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Slide from left or right according to the children order
SLIDE_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RevealerTransitionType
Slide in from the left
SLIDE_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Slide from left to right
SLIDE_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RevealerTransitionType
Slide in from the bottom
SLIDE_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Slide from bottom up
SLIDE_UP_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Slide from top down or bottom up according to the order
SLIDE_X - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AnchorHints
allow sliding surface horizontally
SLIDE_Y - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AnchorHints
allow sliding surface vertically
SLIDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisFlags
Slider axis is present
SLIDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
the axis is used for pen slider information
SLIDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A user input where the user selects a value from within a given range.
SLIDING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuFlags
Submenus are presented as sliding submenus that replace the main menu.
SList<E> - Class in org.gnome.glib
Java wrapper for GLib.SList that implements List.
SList(MemorySegment, Function<MemorySegment, E>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.SList
Create a new GLib.SList wrapper.
SList(MemorySegment, Function<MemorySegment, E>, Consumer<E>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.SList
Create a new GLib.SList wrapper.
SList(Function<MemorySegment, E>, Consumer<E>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.SList
Create a wrapper for a new, empty GLib.SList.
SMALL_CAPS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontScale
Change the font to a size suitable for Small Caps
SMALL_CAPS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Variant
A font with the lower case characters replaced by smaller variants of the capital characters.
SMALL_CAPS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
SMALLER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Ordering
the first value is smaller than the second
SMART_QUOTES_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
SMART_QUOTES_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
SMART_SWASH_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
SmartHomeEndType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
SMOOTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollDirection
the scrolling is determined by the delta values in scroll events.
SMPTE_ST2016_1 - Enum constant in enum class
SMPTE170M - Enum constant in enum class
SMPTE170M primaries, also ITU-R BT601-6 525 / ITU-R BT1358 525 / ITU-R BT1700 NTSC
SMPTE2084 - Enum constant in enum class
SMPTE ST 2084 for 10, 12, 14, and 16-bit systems.
SMPTE240M - Enum constant in enum class
SMPTE 240M color matrix
SMPTE240M - Enum constant in enum class
SMPTE240M primaries
SMPTE240M - Enum constant in enum class
Gamma 2.2 curve with a linear segment in the lower range
SMPTEEG432 - Enum constant in enum class
SMPTE EG 432 primaries (ST 432-1 (2010) / P3 D65).
SMPTERP431 - Enum constant in enum class
SMPTE RP 431 primaries (ST 431-2 (2011) / DCI P3).
SMPTEST428 - Enum constant in enum class
SMPTE ST 428 primaries (CIE 1931 XYZ).
SNAP_AFTER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
go to a location after the requested position, if SeekFlags.KEY_UNIT this means the keyframe at of after the requested position.
SNAP_BEFORE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
go to a location before the requested position, if SeekFlags.KEY_UNIT this means the keyframe at or before the requested position the one at or before the seek target.
SNAP_NEAREST - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
go to a position near the requested position, if SeekFlags.KEY_UNIT this means the keyframe closest to the requested position, if both keyframes are at an equal distance, behaves like SeekFlags.SNAP_BEFORE.
snapshot(Snapshot, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable
Snapshots the given paintable with the given width and height.
snapshot(CellAreaContext, Widget, Snapshot, Rectangle, Rectangle, Set<CellRendererState>, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
snapshot(CellAreaContext, Widget, Snapshot, Rectangle, Rectangle, CellRendererState, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
snapshot(Snapshot) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Vfunc called when a new snapshot of the widget has to be taken.
snapshot(Snapshot, Widget, Rectangle, Rectangle, Set<CellRendererState>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
snapshot(Snapshot, Widget, Rectangle, Rectangle, CellRendererState...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
Snapshot - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Base type for snapshot operations.
Snapshot - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkSnapshot assists in creating RenderNodes for widgets.
Snapshot() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Creates a new GtkSnapshot.
Snapshot(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Snapshot
Create a Snapshot proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Snapshot(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Create a Snapshot proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SNAPSHOT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Include debug render nodes in the generated snapshots
Snapshot.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Snapshot.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Snapshot.SnapshotClass - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Snapshot.SnapshotClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Snapshot.SnapshotImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The SnapshotImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Snapshot class.
snapshotChild(Widget, Snapshot) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Snapshot the a child of this Widget.
SnapshotClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Snapshot.SnapshotClass
Create a SnapshotClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SnapshotClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot.SnapshotClass
Create a SnapshotClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SnapshotError - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to denote errors happening when creating snapshots of WebKitWebView
SnapshotImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Snapshot.SnapshotImpl
Creates a new instance of Snapshot for the provided memory address.
snapshotLayer(TextViewLayer, Snapshot) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
The snapshot_layer vfunc is called before and after the text view is drawing its own text.
snapshotLine(Snapshot, GutterLines, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer
SnapshotOptions - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to specify options when taking a snapshot from a WebKitWebView.
SnapshotRegion - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to specify the region from which to get a WebKitWebView snapshot
snapshotSymbolic(Snapshot, double, double, RGBA[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SymbolicPaintable
Snapshots the paintable with the given colors.
sniff(Message, Bytes, Out<HashTable<String, String>>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ContentSniffer
Sniffs buffer to determine its Content-Type.
Snippet - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Quick insertion code snippets.
Snippet(String, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Creates a new GtkSourceSnippet
Snippet(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet
Create a Snippet proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Snippet.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Snippet.SnippetClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
SnippetChunk - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
A chunk of text within the source snippet.
SnippetChunk() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
Create a new GtkSourceSnippetChunk that can be added to a Snippet.
SnippetChunk(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk
Create a SnippetChunk proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SnippetChunk.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SnippetChunk.SnippetChunkClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
SnippetChunkClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk.SnippetChunkClass
Allocate a new SnippetChunkClass.
SnippetChunkClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk.SnippetChunkClass
Allocate a new SnippetChunkClass.
SnippetChunkClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetChunk.SnippetChunkClass
Create a SnippetChunkClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SnippetClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet.SnippetClass
Allocate a new SnippetClass.
SnippetClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet.SnippetClass
Allocate a new SnippetClass.
SnippetClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Snippet.SnippetClass
Create a SnippetClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SnippetContext - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Context for expanding SnippetChunk.
SnippetContext() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext
Creates a new GtkSourceSnippetContext.
SnippetContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext
Create a SnippetContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SnippetContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SnippetContext.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
SnippetContext.SnippetContextClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
SnippetContextClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext.SnippetContextClass
Allocate a new SnippetContextClass.
SnippetContextClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext.SnippetContextClass
Allocate a new SnippetContextClass.
SnippetContextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext.SnippetContextClass
Create a SnippetContextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SnippetManager - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Provides access to Snippet.
SnippetManager(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager
Create a SnippetManager proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SnippetManager.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SnippetManager.SnippetManagerClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
SnippetManagerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager.SnippetManagerClass
Allocate a new SnippetManagerClass.
SnippetManagerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager.SnippetManagerClass
Allocate a new SnippetManagerClass.
SnippetManagerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetManager.SnippetManagerClass
Create a SnippetManagerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
snprintf(String, int, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A safer form of the standard sprintf() function.
SOA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverRecordType
look up DNS SOA records for a zone
Socket - Class in org.gnome.gio
A GSocket is a low-level networking primitive.
Socket(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Create a Socket proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Socket(SocketFamily, SocketType, SocketProtocol) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Creates a new GSocket with the defined family, type and protocol.
Socket.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Socket.SocketClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
SocketAddress - Class in org.gnome.gio
GSocketAddress is the equivalent of struct sockaddr) and its subtypes in the BSD sockets API.
SocketAddress(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress
Create a SocketAddress proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SocketAddress.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SocketAddress.SocketAddressClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
SocketAddress.SocketAddressImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The SocketAddressImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract SocketAddress class.
SocketAddressClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress.SocketAddressClass
Allocate a new SocketAddressClass.
SocketAddressClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress.SocketAddressClass
Allocate a new SocketAddressClass.
SocketAddressClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress.SocketAddressClass
Create a SocketAddressClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SocketAddressEnumerator - Class in org.gnome.gio
GSocketAddressEnumerator is an enumerator type for SocketAddress instances.
SocketAddressEnumerator(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator
Create a SocketAddressEnumerator proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SocketAddressEnumerator.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SocketAddressEnumerator.SocketAddressEnumeratorClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Class structure for GSocketAddressEnumerator.
SocketAddressEnumerator.SocketAddressEnumeratorImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The SocketAddressEnumeratorImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract SocketAddressEnumerator class.
SocketAddressEnumeratorClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator.SocketAddressEnumeratorClass
Allocate a new SocketAddressEnumeratorClass.
SocketAddressEnumeratorClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator.SocketAddressEnumeratorClass
Allocate a new SocketAddressEnumeratorClass.
SocketAddressEnumeratorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator.SocketAddressEnumeratorClass
Create a SocketAddressEnumeratorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SocketAddressEnumeratorImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddressEnumerator.SocketAddressEnumeratorImpl
Creates a new instance of SocketAddressEnumerator for the provided memory address.
SocketAddressImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress.SocketAddressImpl
Creates a new instance of SocketAddress for the provided memory address.
SocketClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Socket.SocketClass
Allocate a new SocketClass.
SocketClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Socket.SocketClass
Allocate a new SocketClass.
SocketClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Socket.SocketClass
Create a SocketClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SocketClient - Class in org.gnome.gio
GSocketClient is a lightweight high-level utility class for connecting to a network host using a connection oriented socket type.
SocketClient() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Creates a new GSocketClient with the default options.
SocketClient(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient
Create a SocketClient proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SocketClient.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SocketClient.EventCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the EventCallback callback.
SocketClient.SocketClientClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
SocketClientClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.SocketClientClass
Allocate a new SocketClientClass.
SocketClientClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.SocketClientClass
Allocate a new SocketClientClass.
SocketClientClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.SocketClientClass
Create a SocketClientClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SocketClientEvent - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Describes an event occurring on a GSocketClient.
SocketConnectable - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Objects that describe one or more potential socket endpoints implement GSocketConnectable.
SocketConnectable.SocketConnectableIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Provides an interface for returning a GSocketAddressEnumerator and GProxyAddressEnumerator
SocketConnectable.SocketConnectableImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The SocketConnectableImpl type represents a native instance of the SocketConnectable interface.
SocketConnectableIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnectable.SocketConnectableIface
Allocate a new SocketConnectableIface.
SocketConnectableIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnectable.SocketConnectableIface
Allocate a new SocketConnectableIface.
SocketConnectableIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnectable.SocketConnectableIface
Create a SocketConnectableIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SocketConnectableImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnectable.SocketConnectableImpl
Creates a new instance of SocketConnectable for the provided memory address.
SocketConnection - Class in org.gnome.gio
GSocketConnection is a IOStream for a connected socket.
SocketConnection(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection
Create a SocketConnection proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SocketConnection.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SocketConnection.SocketConnectionClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
SocketConnectionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection.SocketConnectionClass
Allocate a new SocketConnectionClass.
SocketConnectionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection.SocketConnectionClass
Allocate a new SocketConnectionClass.
SocketConnectionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketConnection.SocketConnectionClass
Create a SocketConnectionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SocketControlMessage - Class in org.gnome.gio
A GSocketControlMessage is a special-purpose utility message that can be sent to or received from a Socket.
SocketControlMessage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage
Create a SocketControlMessage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SocketControlMessage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SocketControlMessage.SocketControlMessageClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Class structure for GSocketControlMessage.
SocketControlMessage.SocketControlMessageImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The SocketControlMessageImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract SocketControlMessage class.
SocketControlMessageClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage.SocketControlMessageClass
Allocate a new SocketControlMessageClass.
SocketControlMessageClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage.SocketControlMessageClass
Allocate a new SocketControlMessageClass.
SocketControlMessageClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage.SocketControlMessageClass
Create a SocketControlMessageClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SocketControlMessageImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketControlMessage.SocketControlMessageImpl
Creates a new instance of SocketControlMessage for the provided memory address.
SocketFamily - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
The protocol family of a GSocketAddress.
SocketListener - Class in org.gnome.gio
A GSocketListener is an object that keeps track of a set of server sockets and helps you accept sockets from any of the socket, either sync or async.
SocketListener() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
Creates a new GSocketListener with no sockets to listen for.
SocketListener(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener
Create a SocketListener proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SocketListener.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SocketListener.EventCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the EventCallback callback.
SocketListener.SocketListenerClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Class structure for GSocketListener.
SocketListenerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener.SocketListenerClass
Allocate a new SocketListenerClass.
SocketListenerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener.SocketListenerClass
Allocate a new SocketListenerClass.
SocketListenerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketListener.SocketListenerClass
Create a SocketListenerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SocketListenerEvent - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Describes an event occurring on a GSocketListener.
SocketMsgFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used in g_socket_receive_message() and g_socket_send_message().
SocketProtocol - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
A protocol identifier is specified when creating a GSocket, which is a family/type specific identifier, where 0 means the default protocol for the particular family/type.
SocketService - Class in org.gnome.gio
A GSocketService is an object that represents a service that is provided to the network or over local sockets.
SocketService() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketService
Creates a new GSocketService with no sockets to listen for.
SocketService(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketService
Create a SocketService proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SocketService.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SocketService.IncomingCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the IncomingCallback callback.
SocketService.SocketServiceClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Class structure for GSocketService.
SocketServiceClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketService.SocketServiceClass
Allocate a new SocketServiceClass.
SocketServiceClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketService.SocketServiceClass
Allocate a new SocketServiceClass.
SocketServiceClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SocketService.SocketServiceClass
Create a SocketServiceClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SocketSourceFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the SocketSourceFunc callback.
SocketType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags used when creating a GSocket.
SOFT_LIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
Darkens or lightens, dependent on source color.
SOFT_LIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Darkens or lightens the colors, depending on the source color value
SOFTWARE - Enum constant in enum class
Color balance is implemented via software processing.
SOGDIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Sogd, Since: 1.8.0
SOGDIAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
SOLARIS_UCRED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.CredentialsType
The native credentials type is a ucred_t.
SOLID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BorderStyle
A single line segment
SOME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FilterMatch
The filter matches some items, gtk_filter_match() may return true or false
SOMETIMES - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadPresence
the pad will become available depending on the media stream
SORA_SOMPENG - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
SORA_SOMPENG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Sora Sompeng.
SORA_SOMPENG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Sora Sompeng.
sort() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
Utility function to ensure that the tab stops are in increasing order.
sort(byte[], CompareFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Sorts a byte array, using compareFunc which should be a qsort()-style comparison function (returns less than zero for first arg is less than second arg, zero for equal, greater than zero if first arg is greater than second arg).
sort(MemorySegment[], CompareFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Sorts a GArray using compareFunc which should be a qsort()-style comparison function (returns less than zero for first arg is less than second arg, zero for equal, greater zero if first arg is greater than second arg).
sort(MemorySegment[], CompareFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Sorts the array, using compareFunc which should be a qsort()-style comparison function (returns less than zero for first arg is less than second arg, zero for equal, greater than zero if first arg is greater than second arg).
sort(CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.QueueArray
Sorts the queue this QueueArray by comparing elements against each other using the provided compareFunc.
sort(CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ListStore
Sort the items in this ListStore according to compareFunc.
sort(CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Sorts this AsyncQueue using func.
sort(CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Sorts this Queue using compareFunc.
sort(CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Sorts this Sequence using cmpFunc.
sort(CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
Use GArray and g_array_sort_with_data().
SORT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Indicates if items in a table or grid are sorted in ascending or descending order.
sortArray(MemorySegment[], long, CompareDataFunc, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This is just like the standard C qsort()) function, but the comparison routine accepts a user data argument (like qsort_r())).
sortByColumn(ColumnViewColumn, SortType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView
Sets the sorting of the view.
sortChanged(SequenceIter, CompareDataFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Moves the data pointed to by iter to a new position as indicated by cmpFunc.
sortChangedIter(SequenceIter, SequenceIterCompareFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Like g_sequence_sort_changed(), but uses a GSequenceIterCompareFunc instead of a GCompareDataFunc as the compare function.
sortColumnChanged() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable
SORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererState
The cell is in a sorted row
Sorter - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkSorter is an object to describe sorting criteria.
Sorter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter
Create a Sorter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Sorter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Sorter.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
Sorter.SorterClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The virtual table for GtkSorter.
SorterChange - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes changes in a sorter in more detail and allows users to optimize resorting.
SorterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter.SorterClass
Allocate a new SorterClass.
SorterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter.SorterClass
Allocate a new SorterClass.
SorterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Sorter.SorterClass
Create a SorterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SorterOrder - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes the type of order that a GtkSorter may produce.
SortFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
sortIter(SequenceIterCompareFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Like g_sequence_sort(), but uses a GSequenceIterCompareFunc instead of a GCompareDataFunc as the compare function
sortLines(TextIter, TextIter, Set<SortFlags>, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Sort the lines of text between the specified iterators.
sortLines(TextIter, TextIter, SortFlags, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Sort the lines of text between the specified iterators.
SortListModel<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GListModel that sorts the elements of an underlying model according to a GtkSorter.
SortListModel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel
Create a SortListModel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SortListModel(ListModel, Sorter) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel
Creates a new sort list model that uses the sorter to sort model.
SortListModel.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SortListModel.SortListModelClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
SortListModelClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel.SortListModelClass
Allocate a new SortListModelClass.
SortListModelClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel.SortListModelClass
Allocate a new SortListModelClass.
SortListModelClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SortListModel.SortListModelClass
Create a SortListModelClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SortType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Determines the direction of a sort.
sortUnlocked(CompareDataFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Sorts this AsyncQueue using func.
sortValues(MemorySegment[], CompareFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Sorts the array, using compareFunc which should be a qsort()-style comparison function (returns less than zero for first arg is less than second arg, zero for equal, greater than zero if first arg is greater than second arg).
sortValuesWithData(MemorySegment[], CompareDataFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Like g_ptr_array_sort_values(), but the comparison function has an extra user data argument.
sortWithData(byte[], CompareDataFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Like g_byte_array_sort(), but the comparison function takes an extra user data argument.
sortWithData(MemorySegment[], CompareDataFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Like g_array_sort(), but the comparison function receives an extra user data argument.
sortWithData(MemorySegment[], CompareDataFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Like g_ptr_array_sort(), but the comparison function has an extra user data argument.
Soup - Class in org.gnome.soup
Constants and functions that are declared in the global Soup namespace.
Soup() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Soup-method - Search tag in package org.gnome.soup
source(GObject) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.BindingBuilder
Set the source GObject
Source - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GSource struct is an opaque data type representing an event source.
Source - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Source(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Source
Create a Source proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Source(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Source
Create a Source proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Source(SourceFuncs, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Source
Creates a new GLib.Source structure.
SOURCE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFlags
the element is a source.
SOURCE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GSource.
SOURCE_CONTINUE - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Use this macro as the return value of a GLib.SourceFunc to leave the GLib.Source in the main loop.
SOURCE_REMOVE - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Use this macro as the return value of a GLib.SourceFunc to remove the GLib.Source from the main loop.
SourceCallbackFuncs - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GSourceCallbackFuncs struct contains functions for managing callback objects.
SourceCallbackFuncs() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.SourceCallbackFuncs
Allocate a new SourceCallbackFuncs.
SourceCallbackFuncs(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.SourceCallbackFuncs
Allocate a new SourceCallbackFuncs.
SourceCallbackFuncs(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.SourceCallbackFuncs
Create a SourceCallbackFuncs proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SourceCallbackFuncs.GetCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the GetCallback callback.
SourceCallbackFuncs.RefCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the RefCallback callback.
SourceCallbackFuncs.UnrefCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the UnrefCallback callback.
SourceDisposeFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the SourceDisposeFunc callback.
SourceDummyMarshal - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the SourceDummyMarshal callback.
SourceFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the SourceFunc callback.
SourceFuncs - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GSourceFuncs struct contains a table of functions used to handle event sources in a generic manner.
SourceFuncs() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
Allocate a new SourceFuncs.
SourceFuncs(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
Allocate a new SourceFuncs.
SourceFuncs(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
Create a SourceFuncs proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SourceFuncs(SourceFuncsPrepareFunc, SourceFuncsCheckFunc, SourceFuncsDispatchFunc, SourceFuncsFinalizeFunc, SourceFunc, SourceDummyMarshal) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
Allocate a new SourceFuncs with the fields set to the provided values.
SourceFuncs(SourceFuncsPrepareFunc, SourceFuncsCheckFunc, SourceFuncsDispatchFunc, SourceFuncsFinalizeFunc, SourceFunc, SourceDummyMarshal, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
Allocate a new SourceFuncs with the fields set to the provided values.
SourceFuncsCheckFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the SourceFuncsCheckFunc callback.
SourceFuncsDispatchFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the SourceFuncsDispatchFunc callback.
SourceFuncsFinalizeFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the SourceFuncsFinalizeFunc callback.
SourceFuncsPrepareFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the SourceFuncsPrepareFunc callback.
sourceNew() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Cancellable
Creates a source that triggers if this Cancellable is cancelled and calls its callback of type GCancellableSourceFunc.
SourceOnceFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the SourceOnceFunc callback.
sourceProperty(String) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.BindingBuilder
Set the property on the source object to bind
sourceSetup(Element) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.Gravity
the reference point is at the middle of the lower edge.
SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SurfaceEdge
the lower edge.
SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Gravity
Glyphs stand upright (default) <img align="right" valign="center" src="m-south.png">
SOUTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.Gravity
the reference point is at the lower right corner.
SOUTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SurfaceEdge
the lower right corner.
SOUTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.Gravity
the reference point is at the lower left corner.
SOUTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SurfaceEdge
the lower left corner.
SOYOMBO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Soyo, Since: 1.6.0
SOYOMBO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
SP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.LengthUnit
scale independent pixels, changes with text scale factor
SPACE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.AsciiType
SPACE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Space (SP)
SPACE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceTypeFlags
Space character.
SPACE_AFTER_SCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
SPACE_SEPARATOR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
SPACE_SEPARATOR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Separator, Space" (Zs)
spacedPrimesClosest(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the smallest prime number from a built-in array of primes which is larger than num.
SpaceDrawer - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Represent white space characters with symbols.
SpaceDrawer() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer
Creates a new GtkSourceSpaceDrawer object.
SpaceDrawer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer
Create a SpaceDrawer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SpaceDrawer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SpaceDrawer.SpaceDrawerClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
SpaceDrawerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer.SpaceDrawerClass
Allocate a new SpaceDrawerClass.
SpaceDrawerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer.SpaceDrawerClass
Allocate a new SpaceDrawerClass.
SpaceDrawerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceDrawer.SpaceDrawerClass
Create a SpaceDrawerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SpaceLocationFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
GtkSourceSpaceLocationFlags contains flags for white space locations.
SPACES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.ShowFlags
Render spaces, tabs and newlines visibly
SpaceTypeFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
GtkSourceSpaceTypeFlags contains flags for white space types.
SPACING_MARK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
SPACING_MARK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Mark, Spacing" (Mc)
SPARSE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamFlags
This stream is a sparse stream (e.g.
spawn(GError[], String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Creates a GSubprocess given a provided varargs list of arguments.
SPAWN_CHILD_EXITED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
While starting a new process, the child exited with a status code.
SPAWN_CHILD_SIGNALED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
While starting a new process, the child exited on a signal.
SPAWN_CONFIG_INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
We failed to setup the config parser correctly.
SPAWN_EXEC_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
While starting a new process, the exec() call failed.
SPAWN_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
While starting a new process, something went wrong.
SPAWN_FILE_INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Service file invalid (Name, User or Exec missing).
SPAWN_FORK_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
While starting a new process, the fork() call failed.
SPAWN_NO_MEMORY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Tried to get a UNIX process ID and it wasn't available.
SPAWN_PERMISSIONS_INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Permissions are incorrect on the setuid helper.
SPAWN_SERVICE_INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Bus name was not valid.
SPAWN_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Service file not found in system-services directory.
SPAWN_SETUP_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
We failed to setup the environment correctly.
spawnAsync(String, String[], String[], Set<SpawnFlags>, SpawnChildSetupFunc, Pid) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Executes a child program asynchronously.
spawnAsync(String, String[], String[], SpawnFlags, SpawnChildSetupFunc, Pid) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Executes a child program asynchronously.
spawnAsyncWithFds(String, String[], String[], Set<SpawnFlags>, SpawnChildSetupFunc, Pid, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Executes a child program asynchronously.
spawnAsyncWithFds(String, String[], String[], SpawnFlags, SpawnChildSetupFunc, Pid, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Executes a child program asynchronously.
spawnAsyncWithPipes(String, String[], String[], Set<SpawnFlags>, SpawnChildSetupFunc, Pid, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Identical to g_spawn_async_with_pipes_and_fds() but with n_fds set to zero, so no FD assignments are used.
spawnAsyncWithPipes(String, String[], String[], SpawnFlags, SpawnChildSetupFunc, Pid, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Identical to g_spawn_async_with_pipes_and_fds() but with n_fds set to zero, so no FD assignments are used.
spawnAsyncWithPipesAndFds(String, String[], String[], Set<SpawnFlags>, SpawnChildSetupFunc, int, int, int, int[], int[], Pid, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Executes a child program asynchronously (your program will not block waiting for the child to exit).
spawnAsyncWithPipesAndFds(String, String[], String[], SpawnFlags, SpawnChildSetupFunc, int, int, int, int[], int[], Pid, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Executes a child program asynchronously (your program will not block waiting for the child to exit).
spawnCheckExitStatus(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Use g_spawn_check_wait_status() instead, and check whether your code is conflating wait and exit statuses.
spawnCheckWaitStatus(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Set error if waitStatus indicates the child exited abnormally (e.g.
SpawnChildSetupFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the SpawnChildSetupFunc callback.
spawnClosePid(Pid) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
On some platforms, notably Windows, the GPid type represents a resource which must be closed to prevent resource leaking.
spawnCommandLineAsync(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A simple version of g_spawn_async() that parses a command line with g_shell_parse_argv() and passes it to g_spawn_async().
spawnCommandLineSync(String, Out<byte[]>, Out<byte[]>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A simple version of g_spawn_sync() with little-used parameters removed, taking a command line instead of an argument vector.
SpawnError - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Error codes returned by spawning processes.
spawnErrorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
spawnExitErrorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
SpawnFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Flags passed to g_spawn_sync(), g_spawn_async() and g_spawn_async_with_pipes().
spawnSync(String, String[], String[], Set<SpawnFlags>, SpawnChildSetupFunc, Out<byte[]>, Out<byte[]>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Executes a child synchronously (waits for the child to exit before returning).
spawnSync(String, String[], String[], SpawnFlags, SpawnChildSetupFunc, Out<byte[]>, Out<byte[]>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Executes a child synchronously (waits for the child to exit before returning).
spawnv(String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Creates a GSubprocess given a provided array of arguments.
speaksIpv4() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Socket
Checks if a socket is capable of speaking IPv4.
SPECIAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileType
File is a "special" file, such as a socket, fifo, block device, or character device.
SPELLCHECK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
Suggest checking for typos
SPELLCHECK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputHints
Suggest spell checking
SPELLING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleInvalidState
A spelling error was detected
SPELLING_GUESS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
A proposed replacement for a misspelled word.
SPELLING_GUESS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
A proposed replacement for a misspelled word.
Sphere - Class in org.gnome.graphene
A sphere, represented by its center and radius.
Sphere() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Allocate a new Sphere.
Sphere(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Allocate a new Sphere.
Sphere(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Create a Sphere proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Sphere(Vec3, float) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Allocate a new Sphere with the fields set to the provided values.
Sphere(Vec3, float, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Allocate a new Sphere with the fields set to the provided values.
spin(SpinType, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Increment or decrement a spin button’s value in a specified direction by a specified amount.
SPIN_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A form of range that expects the user to select from among discrete choices.
SpinButton - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkSpinButton is an ideal way to allow the user to set the value of some attribute.
SpinButton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Create a SpinButton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SpinButton(Adjustment, double, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Creates a new GtkSpinButton.
SpinButton.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
SpinButton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SpinButton.ChangeValueCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ChangeValueCallback callback.
SpinButton.InputCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the InputCallback callback.
SpinButton.OutputCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the OutputCallback callback.
SpinButton.ValueChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ValueChangedCallback callback.
SpinButton.WrappedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the WrappedCallback callback.
SpinButtonUpdatePolicy - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Determines whether the spin button displays values outside the adjustment bounds.
Spinner - Class in org.gnome.adw
A widget showing a loading spinner.
Spinner - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkSpinner widget displays an icon-size spinning animation.
Spinner() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Spinner
Creates a new AdwSpinner.
Spinner() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Spinner
Returns a new spinner widget.
Spinner(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Spinner
Create a Spinner proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Spinner(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Spinner
Create a Spinner proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Spinner.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Spinner.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Spinner.SpinnerClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
SpinnerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Spinner.SpinnerClass
Allocate a new SpinnerClass.
SpinnerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Spinner.SpinnerClass
Allocate a new SpinnerClass.
SpinnerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Spinner.SpinnerClass
Create a SpinnerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SpinnerPaintable - Class in org.gnome.adw
A paintable showing a loading spinner.
SpinnerPaintable() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpinnerPaintable
SpinnerPaintable(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpinnerPaintable
Create a SpinnerPaintable proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SpinnerPaintable(Widget) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpinnerPaintable
Creates a new AdwSpinnerPaintable for widget.
SpinnerPaintable.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SpinnerPaintable.SpinnerPaintableClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
SpinnerPaintableClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpinnerPaintable.SpinnerPaintableClass
Allocate a new SpinnerPaintableClass.
SpinnerPaintableClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpinnerPaintable.SpinnerPaintableClass
Allocate a new SpinnerPaintableClass.
SpinnerPaintableClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpinnerPaintable.SpinnerPaintableClass
Create a SpinnerPaintableClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SpinRow - Class in org.gnome.adw
An ActionRow with an embedded spin button.
SpinRow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Create a SpinRow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SpinRow(Adjustment, double, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Creates a new AdwSpinRow.
SpinRow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SpinRow.InputCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the InputCallback callback.
SpinRow.OutputCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the OutputCallback callback.
SpinRow.SpinRowClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
SpinRow.WrappedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the WrappedCallback callback.
SpinRowClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.SpinRowClass
Allocate a new SpinRowClass.
SpinRowClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.SpinRowClass
Allocate a new SpinRowClass.
SpinRowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.SpinRowClass
Create a SpinRowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SpinType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The values of the GtkSpinType enumeration are used to specify the change to make in gtk_spin_button_spin().
splice(int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
This is a support function for GListModel handling, by mirroring the GlistModel::items-changed signal.
splice(int, int, String[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringList
Changes this StringList by removing nRemovals strings and adding additions to it.
splice(int, int, GObject[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ListStore
Changes this ListStore by removing nRemovals items and adding nAdditions items to it.
splice(InputStream, Set<OutputStreamSpliceFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Splices an input stream into an output stream.
splice(InputStream, OutputStreamSpliceFlags, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Splices an input stream into an output stream.
splice(AttrList, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrList
This function opens up a hole in this AttrList, fills it in with attributes from the left, and then merges other on top of the hole.
spliceAsync(InputStream, Set<OutputStreamSpliceFlags>, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Splices a stream asynchronously.
spliceAsync(InputStream, OutputStreamSpliceFlags, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Splices a stream asynchronously.
spliceAsync(IOStream, Set<IOStreamSpliceFlags>, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
Asynchronously splice the output stream of this IOStream to the input stream of stream2, and splice the output stream of stream2 to the input stream of this IOStream.
spliceAsync(IOStream, IOStreamSpliceFlags, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
Asynchronously splice the output stream of this IOStream to the input stream of stream2, and splice the output stream of stream2 to the input stream of this IOStream.
spliceFinish(AsyncResult) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.IOStream
Finishes an asynchronous io stream splice operation.
spliceFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Finishes an asynchronous stream splice operation.
split(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Item
Modifies this Item to cover only the text after splitIndex, and returns a new item that covers the text before splitIndex that used to be in this Item.
split(String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Modifies this GlyphItem to cover only the text after splitIndex, and returns a new item that covers the text before splitIndex that used to be in this GlyphItem.
split(String, Set<RegexMatchFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Breaks the string on the pattern, and returns an array of the tokens.
split(String, Set<UriFlags>, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<Integer>, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Parses uriRef (which can be an absolute or relative URI) according to flags, and returns the pieces.
split(String, RegexMatchFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Breaks the string on the pattern, and returns an array of the tokens.
split(String, UriFlags, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<Integer>, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Parses uriRef (which can be an absolute or relative URI) according to flags, and returns the pieces.
SplitButton - Class in org.gnome.adw
A combined button and dropdown widget.
SplitButton() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Creates a new AdwSplitButton.
SplitButton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton
Create a SplitButton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SplitButton.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
SplitButton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SplitButton.ClickedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ClickedCallback callback.
SplitButton.SplitButtonClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
SplitButtonClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.SplitButtonClass
Allocate a new SplitButtonClass.
SplitButtonClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.SplitButtonClass
Allocate a new SplitButtonClass.
SplitButtonClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.SplitButtonClass
Create a SplitButtonClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
splitFileList(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
splitFull(String[], int, Set<RegexMatchFlags>, int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Breaks the string on the pattern, and returns an array of the tokens.
splitFull(String[], int, RegexMatchFlags, int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Breaks the string on the pattern, and returns an array of the tokens.
splitNetwork(String, Set<UriFlags>, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Parses uriString (which must be an absolute URI) according to flags, and returns the pieces relevant to connecting to a host.
splitNetwork(String, UriFlags, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Parses uriString (which must be an absolute URI) according to flags, and returns the pieces relevant to connecting to a host.
splitSimple(String, String, Set<RegexCompileFlags>, Set<RegexMatchFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Breaks the string on the pattern, and returns an array of the tokens.
splitSimple(String, String, RegexCompileFlags, RegexMatchFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Breaks the string on the pattern, and returns an array of the tokens.
splitWithUser(String, Set<UriFlags>, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<Integer>, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Parses uriRef (which can be an absolute or relative URI) according to flags, and returns the pieces.
splitWithUser(String, UriFlags, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<Integer>, Out<String>, Out<String>, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Parses uriRef (which can be an absolute or relative URI) according to flags, and returns the pieces.
SpringAnimation - Class in org.gnome.adw
A spring-based Animation.
SpringAnimation(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Create a SpringAnimation proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SpringAnimation(Widget, double, double, SpringParams, AnimationTarget) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation
Creates a new AdwSpringAnimation on widget.
SpringAnimation.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SpringAnimation.SpringAnimationClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
SpringAnimationClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpringAnimation.SpringAnimationClass
Create a SpringAnimationClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SpringParams - Class in org.gnome.adw
Physical parameters of a spring for SpringAnimation.
SpringParams(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpringParams
Creates a new AdwSpringParams from mass, stiffness and dampingRatio.
SpringParams(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SpringParams
Create a SpringParams proxy instance for the provided memory address.
sprintf(String, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
An implementation of the standard sprintf() function which supports positional parameters, as specified in the Single Unix Specification.
SQLITE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CookiePersistentStorage
Cookies are stored in a SQLite file in the current Mozilla format.
SQRT2 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The square root of two.
SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.LineCap
use squared ending, the center of the square is the start or end point
SQUARED_LIGATURES_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
SQUARED_LIGATURES_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
Squeezer - Class in org.gnome.adw
Squeezer() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
Squeezer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer
Create a Squeezer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Squeezer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Squeezer.SqueezerClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
SqueezerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer.SqueezerClass
Allocate a new SqueezerClass.
SqueezerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer.SqueezerClass
Allocate a new SqueezerClass.
SqueezerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Squeezer.SqueezerClass
Create a SqueezerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SqueezerPage - Class in org.gnome.adw
SqueezerPage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerPage
Create a SqueezerPage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SqueezerPage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SqueezerPage.SqueezerPageClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
SqueezerPageClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerPage.SqueezerPageClass
Allocate a new SqueezerPageClass.
SqueezerPageClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerPage.SqueezerPageClass
Allocate a new SqueezerPageClass.
SqueezerPageClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerPage.SqueezerPageClass
Create a SqueezerPageClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SqueezerTransitionType - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
SRC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadDirection
the pad is a source pad.
SRC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIType
The URI is a producer.
SRC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
replace destination layer (bounded)
SRC_ATOP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
draw source on top of destination content and only there
SRC_IN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
draw source where there was destination content (unbounded)
SRC_OUT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
draw source where there was no destination content (unbounded)
SRC_OVER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
draw source layer on top of destination layer (bounded)
srcActivate(PadMode, boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
srcEvent(Event) - Method in class
srcEvent(Event) - Method in class
srcEvent(Event) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
srcEvent(Event) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
srcEvent(Event) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
srcEvent(Event) - Method in class
srcEvent(Event) - Method in class
srcEventDefault(Pad, Event) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Default GstCollectPads event handling for the src pad of elements.
srcQuery(Query) - Method in class
srcQuery(Query) - Method in class
srcQuery(Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
srcQuery(Query) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
srcQuery(Query) - Method in class
srcQuery(Query) - Method in class
SRGB - Enum constant in enum class
Gamma 2.4 curve with a linear segment in the lower range.
SRV - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverRecordType
look up DNS SRV records for a domain
SrvTarget - Class in org.gnome.gio
A single target host/port that a network service is running on.
SrvTarget(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SrvTarget
Create a SrvTarget proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SrvTarget(String, short, short, short) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SrvTarget
Creates a new GSrvTarget with the given parameters.
SSL_3_0 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsProtocolVersion
SSL 3.0, which is insecure and should not be used
STABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureStatus
Feature ready for general use.
Stack - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkStack is a container which only shows one of its children at a time.
Stack() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Creates a new GtkStack.
Stack(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Stack
Create a Stack proxy instance for the provided memory address.
STACK_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_STYLE_SHIFT_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
STACK_BOTTOM_SHIFT_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
STACK_DISPLAY_STYLE_GAP_MIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
STACK_GAP_MIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
STACK_OVERFLOW_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.CheckSyntaxResult
stack overflow error
STACK_TOP_DISPLAY_STYLE_SHIFT_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
STACK_TOP_SHIFT_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
Stack.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
StackPage - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkStackPage is an auxiliary class used by GtkStack.
StackPage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StackPage
Create a StackPage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StackPage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
StackSidebar - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkStackSidebar uses a sidebar to switch between GtkStack pages.
StackSidebar() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StackSidebar
Creates a new GtkStackSidebar.
StackSidebar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StackSidebar
Create a StackSidebar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StackSidebar.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
StackSwitcher - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkStackSwitcher shows a row of buttons to switch between GtkStack pages.
StackSwitcher() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StackSwitcher
Create a new GtkStackSwitcher.
StackSwitcher(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StackSwitcher
Create a StackSwitcher proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StackSwitcher.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
StackTraceFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
StackTransitionType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Possible transitions between pages in a GtkStack widget.
STANDARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TimeType
the time is in local standard time
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
Start processing samples from the ringbuffer.
start() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
start() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
start() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Start processing.
start() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Start processing.
start() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
start() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Starts the processing of data in the collect_pads.
start() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Start the bufferpool.
start() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor
Starts monitoring the devices, one this has succeeded, the MessageType.DEVICE_ADDED and MessageType.DEVICE_REMOVED messages will be emitted on the bus when the list of devices changes.
start() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
Starts providering the devices.
start() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
Starts this Task.
start() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Allow asynchronous discovering of URIs to take place.
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer
Starts this DBusServer.
start() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketService
Restarts the service, i.e.
start() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Timer
Marks a start time, so that future calls to g_timer_elapsed() will report the time since g_timer_start() was called.
start() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Spinner
Starts the animation of the spinner.
start(Set<DriveStartFlags>, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Asynchronously starts a drive.
start(DriveStartFlags, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Asynchronously starts a drive.
START - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProgressType
A new task started.
START - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamStatusType
a thread is started
START - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Align
snap to left or top side, leaving space on right or bottom
START - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintAttribute
The leading edge of a widget, depending on text direction; equivalent to ConstraintAttribute.LEFT for LTR languages, and ConstraintAttribute.RIGHT for RTL ones
START - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PackType
The child is packed into the start of the widget
START - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Scroll to start.
START - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.EllipsizeMode
Omit characters at the start of the text
START - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserScriptInjectionTime
Insert the code of the user script at the beginning of loaded documents.
START_BINARY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestLogType
START_CASE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestLogType
START_SUITE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestLogType
startComplete(FlowReturn) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Complete an asynchronous start operation.
STARTED - Enum constant in enum class
The ringbuffer is started
STARTED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrcFlags
has source been started
STARTED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskState
the task is started and running
STARTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.LoadEvent
A new load request has been made.
STARTED_OK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsReturn
returned by gst_install_plugins_async() to indicate that everything went fine so far and the provided callback will be called with the result of the installation later
startEditing() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EditableLabel
Switches the label into “editing mode”.
startEditing(Event) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable
Begins editing on a this CellEditable.
startEditing(Event, Widget, String, Rectangle, Rectangle, Set<CellRendererState>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
startEditing(Event, Widget, String, Rectangle, Rectangle, CellRendererState...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
STARTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusType
An alias for the message bus that activated the process, if any.
startFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Finishes starting a drive.
starting() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
STARTING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrcFlags
has source is starting
startInteractiveSearch() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
startMessageProcessing() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
If this DBusConnection was created with DBusConnectionFlags.DELAY_MESSAGE_PROCESSING, this method starts processing messages.
startMountable(Set<DriveStartFlags>, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Starts a file of type FileType.MOUNTABLE.
startMountable(DriveStartFlags, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Starts a file of type FileType.MOUNTABLE.
startMountableFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes a start operation.
startsDisplayLine(TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Determines whether iter is at the start of a display line.
startsLine() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns true if this TextIter begins a paragraph.
startsSentence() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Determines whether this TextIter begins a sentence.
startsTag(TextTag) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Returns true if tag is toggled on at exactly this point.
startsWord() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Determines whether this TextIter begins a natural-language word.
startTask(TaskFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Starts a task that repeatedly calls func with userData.
startup() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
invoked on the primary instance immediately after registration
startWait() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Wait until the start operation completes.
stat(String, StatBuf) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A wrapper for the POSIX stat() function.
StatBuf - Class in org.gnome.glib
A type corresponding to the appropriate struct type for the stat() system call, depending on the platform and/or compiler being used.
StatBuf(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StatBuf
Create a StatBuf proxy instance for the provided memory address.
State - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The possible states an element can be in.
STATE_CHANGE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
used for state change errors.
STATE_CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
a state change happened
STATE_CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingMode
crossing because a GTK widget changed state (e.g.
STATE_DIRTY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
an element changed state in a streaming thread.
StateChange - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
These are the different state changes an element goes through.
stateChanged(GstObject, State, State, State) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a state change message.
stateChanged(State, State, State) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
called immediately after a new state was set.
StateChangeReturn - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The possible return values from a state change function such as gst_element_set_state().
stateChangeReturnGetName(StateChangeReturn) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Gets a string representing the given state change result.
stateDirty(GstObject) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a state dirty message.
StateFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes a widget state.
stateFlagsChanged(Set<StateFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Signal emitted when the widget state changes, see gtk_widget_get_state_flags().
stateful(String, VariantType, Variant) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction
Creates a new stateful action.
stateGetName(State) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Gets a string representing the given state.
STATES - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugGraphDetails
show element states
STATIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.Gravity
the reference point is at the top left corner of the surface itself, ignoring window manager decorations.
STATIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.MemoryUse
The memory is statically allocated and constant; libsoup can use the passed-in buffer directly and not need to worry about it being modified or freed.
static_(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Creates a new GBytes from static data.
STATIC_BLURB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ParamFlags
the string used as blurb when constructing the parameter is guaranteed to remain valid and unmodified for the lifetime of the parameter.
STATIC_NAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ParamFlags
the string used as name when constructing the parameter is guaranteed to remain valid and unmodified for the lifetime of the parameter.
STATIC_NICK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ParamFlags
the string used as nick when constructing the parameter is guaranteed to remain valid and unmmodified for the lifetime of the parameter.
StaticCaps - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Data structure to initialize GstCaps from a string description usually used in conjunction with GST_STATIC_CAPS() and gst_static_caps_get() to instantiate a GstCaps.
StaticCaps() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticCaps
Allocate a new StaticCaps.
StaticCaps(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticCaps
Allocate a new StaticCaps.
StaticCaps(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticCaps
Create a StaticCaps proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StaticCaps(Caps, String) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticCaps
Allocate a new StaticCaps with the fields set to the provided values.
StaticCaps(Caps, String, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticCaps
Allocate a new StaticCaps with the fields set to the provided values.
staticCapsGetType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
StaticMutex - Class in org.gnome.glib
A GStaticMutex works like a GMutex.
StaticMutex() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StaticMutex
Allocate a new StaticMutex.
StaticMutex(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StaticMutex
Allocate a new StaticMutex.
StaticMutex(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StaticMutex
Create a StaticMutex proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StaticMutex(Mutex) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StaticMutex
Allocate a new StaticMutex with the fields set to the provided values.
StaticMutex(Mutex, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StaticMutex
Allocate a new StaticMutex with the fields set to the provided values.
StaticPadTemplate - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Structure describing the GstStaticPadTemplate.
StaticPadTemplate() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticPadTemplate
Allocate a new StaticPadTemplate.
StaticPadTemplate(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticPadTemplate
Allocate a new StaticPadTemplate.
StaticPadTemplate(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticPadTemplate
Create a StaticPadTemplate proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StaticPadTemplate(String, PadDirection, PadPresence, StaticCaps) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticPadTemplate
Allocate a new StaticPadTemplate with the fields set to the provided values.
StaticPadTemplate(String, PadDirection, PadPresence, StaticCaps, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticPadTemplate
Allocate a new StaticPadTemplate with the fields set to the provided values.
staticPadTemplateGetType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
StaticRecMutex - Class in org.gnome.glib
A GStaticRecMutex works like a GStaticMutex, but it can be locked multiple times by one thread.
StaticRecMutex() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StaticRecMutex
Allocate a new StaticRecMutex.
StaticRecMutex(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StaticRecMutex
Allocate a new StaticRecMutex.
StaticRecMutex(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StaticRecMutex
Create a StaticRecMutex proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StaticRecMutex(StaticMutex, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StaticRecMutex
Allocate a new StaticRecMutex with the fields set to the provided values.
StaticRecMutex(StaticMutex, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StaticRecMutex
Allocate a new StaticRecMutex with the fields set to the provided values.
StaticResource - Class in org.gnome.gio
GStaticResource is an opaque data structure and can only be accessed using the following functions.
StaticResource() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.StaticResource
Allocate a new StaticResource.
StaticResource(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.StaticResource
Allocate a new StaticResource.
StaticResource(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.StaticResource
Create a StaticResource proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StaticResource(MemorySegment, long, Resource, StaticResource) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.StaticResource
Allocate a new StaticResource with the fields set to the provided values.
StaticResource(MemorySegment, long, Resource, StaticResource, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.StaticResource
Allocate a new StaticResource with the fields set to the provided values.
StaticRWLock - Class in org.gnome.glib
StaticRWLock() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Allocate a new StaticRWLock.
StaticRWLock(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Allocate a new StaticRWLock.
StaticRWLock(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Create a StaticRWLock proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StaticRWLock(StaticMutex, Cond, Cond, int, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Allocate a new StaticRWLock with the fields set to the provided values.
StaticRWLock(StaticMutex, Cond, Cond, int, boolean, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Allocate a new StaticRWLock with the fields set to the provided values.
status(Set<DragAction>, Set<DragAction>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
Selects all actions that are potentially supported by the destination.
status(DragAction, DragAction...) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Drop
Selects all actions that are potentially supported by the destination.
Status - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
These represent the known HTTP status code values, plus various network and internal errors.
STATUS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Statusbar - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Statusbar() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
Statusbar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar
Create a Statusbar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Statusbar.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Statusbar.TextPoppedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Statusbar.TextPushedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
statusChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emitted at between the various phases of the print operation.
StatusPage - Class in org.gnome.adw
A page used for empty/error states and similar use-cases.
StatusPage() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage
Creates a new AdwStatusPage.
StatusPage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage
Create a StatusPage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StatusPage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
StatusPage.StatusPageClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
StatusPageClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage.StatusPageClass
Allocate a new StatusPageClass.
StatusPageClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage.StatusPageClass
Allocate a new StatusPageClass.
StatusPageClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.StatusPage.StatusPageClass
Create a StatusPageClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
STDERR_MERGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessFlags
merge the stderr of the spawned process with whatever the stdout happens to be.
STDERR_PIPE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessFlags
create a pipe for the stderr of the spawned process that can be accessed with g_subprocess_get_stderr_pipe().
STDERR_SILENCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessFlags
silence the stderr of the spawned process (ie: redirect to /dev/null).
STDERR_TO_DEV_NULL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnFlags
the child's standard error will be discarded.
STDIN_FROM_DEV_NULL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnFlags
The child's standard input is attached to /dev/null.
STDIN_INHERIT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessFlags
stdin is inherited from the calling process.
STDIN_PIPE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessFlags
create a pipe for the stdin of the spawned process that can be accessed with g_subprocess_get_stdin_pipe().
STDOUT_PIPE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessFlags
create a pipe for the stdout of the spawned process that can be accessed with g_subprocess_get_stdout_pipe().
STDOUT_SILENCE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessFlags
silence the stdout of the spawned process (ie: redirect to /dev/null).
STDOUT_TO_DEV_NULL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnFlags
the child's standard output will be discarded, instead of going to the same location as the parent's standard output.
steal() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Removes the key/value pair currently pointed to by the iterator from its associated GHashTable, without calling the key and value destroy functions.
steal(byte[], Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Frees the data in the array and resets the size to zero, while the underlying array is preserved for use elsewhere and returned to the caller.
steal(Out<Event>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Atomically replace the GstEvent pointed to by oldEvent with null and return the original event.
steal(Out<MiniObject>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Replace the current GstMiniObject pointer to by olddata with null and return the old value.
steal(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Removes a key and its associated value from a GTree without calling the key and value destroy functions.
steal(MemorySegment[], Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Frees the data in the array and resets the size to zero, while the underlying array is preserved for use elsewhere and returned to the caller.
steal(MemorySegment[], Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Frees the data in the array and resets the size to zero, while the underlying array is preserved for use elsewhere and returned to the caller.
steal(K) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Removes a key and its associated value from a GHashTable without calling the key and value destroy functions.
stealAll() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Removes all keys and their associated values from a GHashTable without calling the key and value destroy functions.
stealAllKeys() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Removes all keys and their associated values from a GHashTable without calling the key destroy functions, returning the keys as a GPtrArray with the free func set to the this GLib.HashTable key destroy function.
stealAllValues() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Removes all keys and their associated values from a GHashTable without calling the value destroy functions, returning the values as a GPtrArray with the free func set to the this GLib.HashTable value destroy function.
stealAsBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream
Returns data from the this MemoryOutputStream as a GBytes.
stealConnection() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
"Steals" the HTTP connection associated with this ServerMessage from its SoupServer.
stealData() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.MemoryOutputStream
Gets any loaded data from the this MemoryOutputStream.
stealData(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Remove a specified datum from the object's data associations, without invoking the association's destroy handler.
stealExtended(K, Out<K>, Out<V>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Looks up a key in the GHashTable, stealing the original key and the associated value and returning true if the key was found.
stealFds() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList
Returns the array of file descriptors that is contained in this object.
stealFds() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDMessage
Returns the array of file descriptors that is contained in this object.
stealIndex(MemorySegment[], int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Removes the pointer at the given index from the pointer array.
stealIndexFast(MemorySegment[], int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Removes the pointer at the given index from the pointer array.
stealQdata(Quark) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
This function gets back user data pointers stored via gst_mini_object_set_qdata() and removes the data from this MiniObject without invoking its destroy() function (if any was set).
stealQdata(Quark) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
This function gets back user data pointers stored via g_object_set_qdata() and removes the data from object without invoking its destroy() function (if any was set).
stealQdata(Quark) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Gets back user data pointers stored via g_param_spec_set_qdata() and removes the data from this ParamSpec without invoking its destroy() function (if any was set).
stealString() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Steal ownership on contents of a G_TYPE_STRING GValue.
stealStructure(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Retrieves the structure with the given index from the list of structures contained in this Caps.
step(Format, long, double, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new step event.
STEP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
A request for stepping through the media.
STEP_BACKWARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Step backward.
STEP_BACKWARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinType
Decrement by the adjustments step increment.
STEP_DONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
a stepping operation finished.
STEP_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Step down.
STEP_FORWARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Step forward.
STEP_FORWARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinType
Increment by the adjustments step increment.
STEP_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Step to the left.
STEP_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Step to the right.
STEP_START - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
A stepping operation was started.
STEP_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Step up.
stepDone(GstObject, Format, long, double, boolean, boolean, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
This message is posted by elements when they complete a part, when intermediate set to true, or a complete step operation.
STEPS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollStep
Scroll in steps.
stepStart(GstObject, boolean, Format, long, double, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
This message is posted by elements when they accept or activate a new step event for amount in format.
STICKY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventTypeFlags
Set if the event is sticky on the pads.
STICKY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
the surface is sticky
STICKY_MULTI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventTypeFlags
Multiple sticky events can be on a pad, each identified by the event name.
stickyEventsForeach(PadStickyEventsForeachFunction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Iterates all sticky events on this Pad and calls foreachFunc for every event.
STIME_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
A string that can be used in printf-like format strings to display a signed GstClockTimeDiff or gint64 value in h:m:s format.
STIMEP_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
printf format type used to debug GStreamer signed time value pointers.
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
Stop processing samples from the ringbuffer.
stop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
stop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParse
stop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Stop processing.
stop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Stop processing.
stop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
stop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Stops the processing of data in the collect_pads.
stop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPool
Stop the bufferpool.
stop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceMonitor
Stops monitoring the devices.
stop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
Decreases the use-count by one.
stop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
Stops this Task.
stop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer
Stop the discovery of any pending URIs and clears the list of pending URIS (if any).
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer
Stops this DBusServer.
stop() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus
Stop the debug controller, unregistering its object from the bus.
stop() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketService
Stops the service, i.e.
stop() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TestDBus
Stop the session bus started by g_test_dbus_up().
stop() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Timer
Marks an end time, so calls to g_timer_elapsed() will return the difference between this end time and the start time.
stop() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Spinner
Stops the animation of the spinner.
stop(Set<MountUnmountFlags>, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Asynchronously stops a drive.
stop(MountUnmountFlags, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Asynchronously stops a drive.
STOP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamStatusType
a thread is stopped
STOP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Stop any ongoing loading operation.
STOP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Stop any ongoing loading operation.
STOP_CASE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestLogType
STOP_SUITE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestLogType
stopEditing(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellArea
stopEditing(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer
stopEditing(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.EditableLabel
Switches the label out of “editing mode”.
stopFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive
Finishes stopping a drive.
stopLoading() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Stops any ongoing loading operation in this WebView.
stopMountable(Set<MountUnmountFlags>, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Stops a file of type FileType.MOUNTABLE.
stopMountable(MountUnmountFlags, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Stops a file of type FileType.MOUNTABLE.
stopMountableFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes a stop operation, see g_file_stop_mountable() for details.
STOPPED - Enum constant in enum class
The ringbuffer is stopped
STOPPED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskState
the task is stopped
stopTask() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Stop the task of this Pad.
stopUnusedThreads() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Stops all currently unused threads.
store(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Stores the serialized form of this Variant at data.
storeAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Asynchronously instructs the this Clipboard to store its contents remotely.
storeFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard
Finishes an asynchronous clipboard store.
storeStickyEvent(Event) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Store the sticky event on this Pad
stpcpy(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Copies a nul-terminated string into the destination buffer, including the trailing nul byte, and returns a pointer to the trailing nul byte in dest.
STR_DELIMITERS - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
STRAY_BACKSLASH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
"\\\\" at end of pattern.
strcanon(String, String, byte) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
For each character in string, if the character is not in validChars, replaces the character with substitutor.
strcasecmp(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
See GLib.strncasecmp(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int) for a discussion of why this function is deprecated and how to replace it.
strchomp(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Removes trailing whitespace from a string.
strchug(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Removes leading whitespace from a string, by moving the rest of the characters forward.
strcmp0(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Compares str1 and str2 like strcmp().
strcompress(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Makes a copy of a string replacing C string-style escape sequences with their one byte equivalent: \\bU+0008 Backspace \\fU+000C Form Feed \\nU+000A Line Feed \\rU+000D Carriage Return \\tU+0009 Horizontal Tabulation \\vU+000B Vertical Tabulation \\ followed by one to three octal digits → the numeric value (mod 255) \\ followed by any other character → the character as is.
strconcat(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Concatenates all of the given strings into one long string.
strdelimit(String, String, byte) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts any delimiter characters in string to newDelimiter.
strdown(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function is totally broken for the reasons discussed in the GLib.strncasecmp(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int) docs — use GLib.asciiStrdown(java.lang.String, long) or GLib.utf8Strdown(java.lang.String, long) instead.
strdup(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Duplicates a string.
STRDUP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupCollectType
as with MarkupCollectType.STRING, but expects a parameter of type (char **) and g_strdup()s the returned pointer.
strdupPrintf(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Similar to the standard C sprintf() function but safer, since it calculates the maximum space required and allocates memory to hold the result.
strdupv(String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Copies an array of strings.
strdupValueContents(Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Return a newly allocated string, which describes the contents of a GValue.
Stream - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A high-level object representing a single stream.
Stream(String, Caps, Set<StreamType>, Set<StreamFlags>) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
Create a new GstStream for the given streamId, caps, type and flags
Stream(String, Caps, StreamType, StreamFlags...) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
Create a new GstStream for the given streamId, caps, type and flags
Stream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream
Create a Stream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
STREAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferingMode
a small amount of data is buffered
STREAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagScope
tags specific to this single stream
STREAM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketType
Reliable connection-based byte streams (e.g.
STREAM_COLLECTION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
A new GstStreamCollection is available (Since: 1.10)
STREAM_COLLECTION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Message indicating a new GstStreamCollection is available (Since: 1.10)
STREAM_GROUP_DONE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Indicates that there is no more data for the stream group ID in the message.
STREAM_START - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Event to mark the start of a new stream.
STREAM_START - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Message indicating start of a new stream.
STREAM_STATUS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
status about a stream, emitted when it starts, stops, errors, etc..
Stream.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Stream.StreamClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstStream class structure
StreamClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream.StreamClass
Allocate a new StreamClass.
StreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream.StreamClass
Allocate a new StreamClass.
StreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Stream.StreamClass
Create a StreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
streamCollection(GstObject, StreamCollection) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Creates a new stream-collection message.
streamCollection(StreamCollection) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new STREAM_COLLECTION event.
StreamCollection - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A collection of GstStream that are available.
StreamCollection() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection
Calls StreamCollection(java.lang.String) with upstreamId = null
StreamCollection(String) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection
Create a new GstStreamCollection.
StreamCollection(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection
Create a StreamCollection proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StreamCollection.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
StreamCollection.StreamCollectionClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstStreamCollection class structure
StreamCollection.StreamNotifyCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the StreamNotifyCallback callback.
StreamCollectionClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection.StreamCollectionClass
Allocate a new StreamCollectionClass.
StreamCollectionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection.StreamCollectionClass
Allocate a new StreamCollectionClass.
StreamCollectionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection.StreamCollectionClass
Create a StreamCollectionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
streamEnded() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Pauses the media stream and marks it as ended.
StreamError - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Stream errors are for anything related to the stream being processed: format errors, media type errors, ...
StreamFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
streamGroupDone(int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new Stream Group Done event.
streamNotify(Stream, ParamSpec) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection
default signal handler for the stream-notify signal
streamPrepared(boolean, boolean, boolean, long) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Called by GtkMediaStream implementations to advertise the stream being ready to play and providing details about the stream.
STREAMS_AWARE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BinFlags
Indicates whether the bin can handle elements that add/remove source pads at any point in time without first posting a no-more-pads signal.
STREAMS_SELECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Message indicating the active selection of GstStreams has changed (Since: 1.10)
streamsSelected(GstObject, StreamCollection) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Creates a new steams-selected message.
streamsSelectedAdd(Stream) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Adds the stream to the this Message.
streamsSelectedGetSize() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Returns the number of streams contained in the this Message.
streamsSelectedGetStream(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Retrieves the GstStream with index index from the this Message.
streamStart(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Create a new STREAM_START event.
streamStart(GstObject) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new stream_start message.
streamStatus(GstObject, StreamStatusType, Element) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new stream status message.
StreamStatusType - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
StreamType - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstStreamType describes a high level classification set for flows of data in GstStream objects.
streamUnprepared() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Resets a given media stream implementation.
StreamVolume - Interface in
This interface is implemented by elements that provide a stream volume.
StreamVolume.Builder<B> - Interface in
StreamVolume.StreamVolumeImpl - Class in
The StreamVolumeImpl type represents a native instance of the StreamVolume interface.
StreamVolume.StreamVolumeInterface - Class in
StreamVolumeFormat - Enum Class in
Different representations of a stream volume.
StreamVolumeImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of StreamVolume for the provided memory address.
StreamVolumeInterface() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new StreamVolumeInterface.
StreamVolumeInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new StreamVolumeInterface.
StreamVolumeInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a StreamVolumeInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
strEqual(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Compares two strings for byte-by-byte equality and returns true if they are equal.
strerror(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns a string corresponding to the given error code, e.g.
strescape(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
It replaces the following special characters in the string source with their corresponding C escape sequence:
Stretch - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
An enumeration specifying the width of the font relative to other designs within a family.
STRETCH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
font stretch (Pango.AttrInt)
STRETCH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontMask
the font stretch is specified.
STRETCH_STACK_BOTTOM_SHIFT_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
STRETCH_STACK_GAP_ABOVE_MIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
STRETCH_STACK_GAP_BELOW_MIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
STRETCH_STACK_TOP_SHIFT_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
strfreev(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Frees an array of strings, as well as each string it contains.
strftime(String, long, String, Date) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Generates a printed representation of the date, in a [locale][setlocale]-specific way.
strHash(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a string to a hash value.
strHasPrefix(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Looks whether the string str begins with prefix.
strHasSuffix(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Looks whether a string ends with suffix.
STRICT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SerializeFlags
Serialization fails if a value cannot be serialized instead of using placeholder "NULL" value (e.g.
STRICT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.CenteringPolicy
Keep the title centered at all cost
STRICT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.SameSitePolicy
The cookie is only exposed for same-site requests
STRIKEOUT_OFFSET - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
strikeout offset.
STRIKEOUT_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
strikeout size.
STRIKETHROUGH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
whether the text is struck-through (Pango.AttrInt)
STRIKETHROUGH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.RenderPart
strikethrough lines
STRIKETHROUGH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.EditorTypingAttributes
Strikethrough typing attribute.
STRIKETHROUGH_COLOR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
strikethrough color (Pango.AttrColor)
string(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a string GVariant with the contents of string.
string(Context, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Create a new JSCValue from string.
STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeType
a null terminated UTF8 string.
STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupCollectType
collect the string pointer directly from the attribute_values[] array.
STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionArg
The option takes a UTF-8 string argument.
STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
a string
STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is a normal string.
STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.OptionType
A string option type.
STRING - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of a string.
STRING - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type corresponding to nul-terminated C strings.
STRING_ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionArg
The option takes a string argument, multiple uses of the option are collected into an array of strings.
STRING_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of an array of strings.
StringChunk - Class in org.gnome.glib
GStringChunk provides efficient storage of groups of strings
StringChunk(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StringChunk
Create a StringChunk proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StringFilter - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkStringFilter determines whether to include items by comparing strings to a fixed search term.
StringFilter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter
Calls StringFilter(org.gnome.gtk.Expression) with expression = null
StringFilter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter
Create a StringFilter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StringFilter(Expression) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter
Creates a new string filter.
StringFilter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
StringFilter.StringFilterClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
StringFilterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter.StringFilterClass
Allocate a new StringFilterClass.
StringFilterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter.StringFilterClass
Allocate a new StringFilterClass.
StringFilterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilter.StringFilterClass
Create a StringFilterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StringFilterMatchMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Specifies how search strings are matched inside text.
stringFromBytes(Context, Bytes) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Create a new JSCValue from bytes.
stringGetDepth(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
stringIsValid(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Checks if typeString is a valid GVariant type string.
StringList<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkStringList is a list model that wraps an array of strings.
StringList() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringList
Calls StringList(java.lang.String[]) with strings = null
StringList(String[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringList
Creates a new GtkStringList with the given strings.
StringList(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringList
Create a StringList proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StringList.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
StringList.StringListClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
StringListClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringList.StringListClass
Allocate a new StringListClass.
StringListClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringList.StringListClass
Allocate a new StringListClass.
StringListClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringList.StringListClass
Create a StringListClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StringObject - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkStringObject is the type of items in a GtkStringList.
StringObject(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringObject
Create a StringObject proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StringObject(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringObject
Wraps a string in an object for use with GListModel.
StringObject.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
StringObject.StringObjectClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
StringObjectClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringObject.StringObjectClass
Allocate a new StringObjectClass.
StringObjectClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringObject.StringObjectClass
Allocate a new StringObjectClass.
StringObjectClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringObject.StringObjectClass
Create a StringObjectClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
stringScan(String, String, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Scan for a single complete and valid GVariant type string in string.
StringSorter - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkStringSorter is a GtkSorter that compares strings.
StringSorter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter
Calls StringSorter(org.gnome.gtk.Expression) with expression = null
StringSorter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter
Create a StringSorter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StringSorter(Expression) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter
Creates a new string sorter that compares items using the given expression.
StringSorter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
StringSorter.StringSorterClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
StringSorterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter.StringSorterClass
Allocate a new StringSorterClass.
StringSorterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter.StringSorterClass
Allocate a new StringSorterClass.
StringSorterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StringSorter.StringSorterClass
Create a StringSorterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
STRINGV - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeType
a null terminated char **.
STRIP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DevicePadFeature
a straight interactive area
STRIP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionType
Action is triggered by a pad strip
stripContext(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
An auxiliary function for gettext() support (see Q_()).
stripRemoteError(GError) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Looks for extra information in the error message used to recover the D-Bus error name and strips it if found.
strIsAscii(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines if a string is pure ASCII.
strjoin(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Joins a number of strings together to form one long string, with the optional separator inserted between each of them.
strjoinv(String, String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Joins an array of strings together to form one long string, with the optional separator inserted between each of them.
strlcat(String, String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Portability wrapper that calls strlcat() on systems which have it, and emulates it otherwise.
strlcpy(String, String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Portability wrapper that calls strlcpy() on systems which have it, and emulates strlcpy() otherwise.
strMatchString(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Checks if a search conducted for searchTerm should match potentialHit.
strncasecmp(String, String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The problem with g_strncasecmp() is that it does the comparison by calling toupper()/tolower(). These functions are locale-specific and operate on single bytes. However, it is impossible to handle things correctly from an internationalization standpoint by operating on bytes, since characters may be multibyte. Thus g_strncasecmp() is broken if your string is guaranteed to be ASCII, since it is locale-sensitive, and it's broken if your string is localized, since it doesn't work on many encodings at all, including UTF-8, EUC-JP, etc.

There are therefore two replacement techniques: GLib.asciiStrncasecmp(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long), which only works on ASCII and is not locale-sensitive, and GLib.utf8Casefold(java.lang.String, long) followed by strcmp() on the resulting strings, which is good for case-insensitive sorting of UTF-8.

strndup(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Duplicates the first n bytes of a string, returning a newly-allocated buffer n + 1 bytes long which will always be nul-terminated.
strnfill(long, byte) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a new string length bytes long filled with fillChar.
Stroke - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A GskStroke struct collects the parameters that influence the operation of stroking a path.
Stroke(float) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Creates a new GskStroke with the given lineWidth.
Stroke(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
Create a Stroke proxy instance for the provided memory address.
STROKE_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node that strokes a path.
StrokeNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node that will fill the area determined by stroking the the given Gsk.Path using the Gsk.Stroke attributes.
StrokeNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.StrokeNode
Create a StrokeNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StrokeNode(RenderNode, Path, Stroke) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.StrokeNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will fill the outline generated by stroking the given path using the attributes defined in stroke.
STRONG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintStrength
A strong constraint
STRONG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.GravityHint
always use the base gravity set, regardless of the script.
strreverse(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Reverses all of the bytes in a string.
strrstr(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Searches the string haystack for the last occurrence of the string needle.
strrstrLen(String, long, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Searches the string haystack for the last occurrence of the string needle, limiting the length of the search to haystackLen.
strsignal(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns a string describing the given signal, e.g.
strsplit(String, String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Splits a string into a maximum of maxTokens pieces, using the given delimiter.
strsplitSet(String, String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Splits string into a number of tokens not containing any of the characters in delimiters.
strstrLen(String, long, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Searches the string haystack for the first occurrence of the string needle, limiting the length of the search to haystackLen or a nul terminator byte (whichever is reached first).
strToAscii(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Transliterate str to plain ASCII.
strtod(String, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a string to a floating point value.
strTokenizeAndFold(String, String, Out<String[]>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Tokenizes string and performs folding on each token.
Structure - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A GstStructure is a collection of key/value pairs.
Structure(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Create a Structure proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Structure(String, String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Creates a new GstStructure with the given name.
STRUCTURE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Abstract role.
STRUCTURE_CHANGE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
the structure of the pipeline changed.
structureChange(GstObject, StructureChangeType, Element, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new structure change message.
StructureChangeType - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
StructureFilterMapFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the StructureFilterMapFunc callback.
StructureForeachFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the StructureForeachFunc callback.
StructureMapFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the StructureMapFunc callback.
strup(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function is totally broken for the reasons discussed in the GLib.strncasecmp(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int) docs — use GLib.asciiStrup(java.lang.String, long) or GLib.utf8Strup(java.lang.String, long) instead.
strv(String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Constructs an array of strings GVariant from the given array of strings.
Strv - Class in org.gnome.glib
A typedef alias for gchar**.
Strv - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Strv(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Strv
Create a Strv proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Strv(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Strv
Create a new Strv with the provided value
STRV - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a null-terminated array of strings.
StrvBuilder - Class in org.gnome.glib
GStrvBuilder is a helper object to build a null-terminated string arrays.
StrvBuilder - Class in org.gnome.gobject
StrvBuilder() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StrvBuilder
Creates a new GStrvBuilder with a reference count of 1.
StrvBuilder(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.StrvBuilder
Create a StrvBuilder proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StrvBuilder(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.StrvBuilder
Create a StrvBuilder proxy instance for the provided memory address.
strvContains(String[], String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Checks if an array of strings contains the string str according to GLib.strEqual(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment).
strvEqual(String[], String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Checks if two arrays of strings contain exactly the same elements in exactly the same order.
strvGetType() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
strvLength(String[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns the length of an array of strings.
Style - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Represents a style.
Style - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
An enumeration specifying the various slant styles possible for a font.
Style(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style
Create a Style proxy instance for the provided memory address.
STYLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserLevel
Allow selecting a specific font face
STYLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
font slant style (Pango.AttrInt)
STYLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontMask
the font style is specified.
STYLE_OPTIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
A priority that can be used when adding a GtkStyleProvider for application-specific style information.
STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_FALLBACK - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The priority used for default style information that is used in the absence of themes.
STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_SETTINGS - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The priority used for style information provided via GtkSettings.
STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_THEME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The priority used for style information provided by themes.
STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_USER - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The priority used for the style information from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtk-4.0/gtk.css.
Style.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Style.StyleClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
StyleClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.StyleClass
Allocate a new StyleClass.
StyleClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.StyleClass
Allocate a new StyleClass.
StyleClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Style.StyleClass
Create a StyleClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StyleContext - Class in org.gnome.gtk
StyleContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
Create a StyleContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StyleContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
StyleContext.StyleContextClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
styleContextAddProviderForDisplay(Display, StyleProvider, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Adds a global style provider to display, which will be used in style construction for all GtkStyleContexts under display.
StyleContextClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext.StyleContextClass
Allocate a new StyleContextClass.
StyleContextClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext.StyleContextClass
Allocate a new StyleContextClass.
StyleContextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext.StyleContextClass
Create a StyleContextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StyleContextPrintFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Flags that modify the behavior of gtk_style_context_to_string().
styleContextRemoveProviderForDisplay(Display, StyleProvider) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Removes provider from the global style providers list in display.
styleGetValue(Font, StyleTag) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Searches variation axes of a hb_font_t object for a specific axis first, if not set, then tries to get default style values from different tables of the font.
StyleManager - Class in org.gnome.adw
A class for managing application-wide styling.
StyleManager(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager
Create a StyleManager proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StyleManager.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
StyleManager.StyleManagerClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
StyleManagerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager.StyleManagerClass
Allocate a new StyleManagerClass.
StyleManagerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager.StyleManagerClass
Allocate a new StyleManagerClass.
StyleManagerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.StyleManager.StyleManagerClass
Create a StyleManagerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StyleProvider - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
GtkStyleProvider is an interface for style information used by GtkStyleContext.
StyleProvider.GtkPrivateChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the GtkPrivateChangedCallback callback.
StyleProvider.StyleProviderImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The StyleProviderImpl type represents a native instance of the StyleProvider interface.
StyleProviderImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.StyleProvider.StyleProviderImpl
Creates a new instance of StyleProvider for the provided memory address.
StyleScheme - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Controls the appearance of View.
StyleScheme(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme
Create a StyleScheme proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StyleScheme.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
StyleScheme.StyleSchemeClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
StyleSchemeChooser - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Interface implemented by widgets for choosing style schemes.
StyleSchemeChooser.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
StyleSchemeChooser.StyleSchemeChooserImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
The StyleSchemeChooserImpl type represents a native instance of the StyleSchemeChooser interface.
StyleSchemeChooser.StyleSchemeChooserInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
StyleSchemeChooserButton - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
A button to launch a style scheme selection dialog.
StyleSchemeChooserButton() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserButton
Creates a new GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserButton.
StyleSchemeChooserButton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserButton
Create a StyleSchemeChooserButton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StyleSchemeChooserButton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
StyleSchemeChooserButton.StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserButton.StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass
Allocate a new StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass.
StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserButton.StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass
Allocate a new StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass.
StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserButton.StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass
Create a StyleSchemeChooserButtonClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StyleSchemeChooserImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooser.StyleSchemeChooserImpl
Creates a new instance of StyleSchemeChooser for the provided memory address.
StyleSchemeChooserInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooser.StyleSchemeChooserInterface
Allocate a new StyleSchemeChooserInterface.
StyleSchemeChooserInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooser.StyleSchemeChooserInterface
Allocate a new StyleSchemeChooserInterface.
StyleSchemeChooserInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooser.StyleSchemeChooserInterface
Create a StyleSchemeChooserInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StyleSchemeChooserWidget - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
A widget for choosing style schemes.
StyleSchemeChooserWidget() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserWidget
Creates a new GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserWidget.
StyleSchemeChooserWidget(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserWidget
Create a StyleSchemeChooserWidget proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StyleSchemeChooserWidget.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
StyleSchemeChooserWidget.StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserWidget.StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass
Allocate a new StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass.
StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserWidget.StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass
Allocate a new StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass.
StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeChooserWidget.StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass
Create a StyleSchemeChooserWidgetClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StyleSchemeClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme.StyleSchemeClass
Allocate a new StyleSchemeClass.
StyleSchemeClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme.StyleSchemeClass
Allocate a new StyleSchemeClass.
StyleSchemeClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleScheme.StyleSchemeClass
Create a StyleSchemeClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StyleSchemeManager - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Provides access to StyleSchemes.
StyleSchemeManager() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager
Creates a new style manager.
StyleSchemeManager(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager
Create a StyleSchemeManager proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StyleSchemeManager.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
StyleSchemeManager.StyleSchemeManagerClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
StyleSchemeManagerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager.StyleSchemeManagerClass
Allocate a new StyleSchemeManagerClass.
StyleSchemeManagerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager.StyleSchemeManagerClass
Allocate a new StyleSchemeManagerClass.
StyleSchemeManagerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemeManager.StyleSchemeManagerClass
Create a StyleSchemeManagerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StyleSchemePreview - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
A preview widget for StyleScheme.
StyleSchemePreview(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview
Create a StyleSchemePreview proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StyleSchemePreview(StyleScheme) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview
Creates a new GtkSourceStyleSchemePreview to preview the style scheme provided in scheme.
StyleSchemePreview.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
StyleSchemePreview.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
StyleSchemePreview.StyleSchemePreviewClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
StyleSchemePreviewClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview.StyleSchemePreviewClass
Allocate a new StyleSchemePreviewClass.
StyleSchemePreviewClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview.StyleSchemePreviewClass
Allocate a new StyleSchemePreviewClass.
StyleSchemePreviewClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview.StyleSchemePreviewClass
Create a StyleSchemePreviewClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
StyleTag - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
STYLISTIC_ALT_EIGHT_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_EIGHT_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_EIGHTEEN_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_EIGHTEEN_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_ELEVEN_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_ELEVEN_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_FIFTEEN_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_FIFTEEN_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_FIVE_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_FIVE_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_FOUR_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_FOUR_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_FOURTEEN_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_FOURTEEN_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_NINE_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_NINE_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_NINETEEN_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_NINETEEN_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_ONE_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_ONE_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_SEVEN_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_SEVEN_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_SEVENTEEN_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_SEVENTEEN_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_SIX_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_SIX_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_SIXTEEN_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_SIXTEEN_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_TEN_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_TEN_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_THIRTEEN_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_THIRTEEN_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_THREE_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_THREE_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_TWELVE_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_TWELVE_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_TWENTY_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_TWENTY_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_TWO_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALT_TWO_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
STYLISTIC_ALTERNATIVES - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
SUB_SUPERSCRIPT_GAP_MIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
subList(int, int) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
submenu(String, MenuModel) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.MenuItem
Creates a new GMenuItem representing a submenu.
submit() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FormSubmissionRequest
Continue the form submission.
submitBufferList(BufferList) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Subclasses can call this from their create virtual method implementation to submit a buffer list to be pushed out later.
submitForm(FormSubmissionRequest) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
submitInputBuffer(boolean, Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Function which accepts a new input buffer and pre-processes it.
SUBPATTERN_NAME_TOO_LONG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Subpattern name is too long (maximum 32 characters).
SubpixelLayout - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
This enumeration describes how the red, green and blue components of physical pixels on an output device are laid out.
Subprocess - Class in org.gnome.gio
GSubprocess allows the creation of and interaction with child processes.
Subprocess(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Create a Subprocess proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Subprocess(String[], Set<SubprocessFlags>) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Create a new process with the given flags and argument list.
Subprocess(String[], SubprocessFlags...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Create a new process with the given flags and argument list.
Subprocess.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SubprocessFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags to define the behaviour of a GSubprocess.
SubprocessLauncher - Class in org.gnome.gio
This class contains a set of options for launching child processes, such as where its standard input and output will be directed, the argument list, the environment, and more.
SubprocessLauncher(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Create a SubprocessLauncher proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SubprocessLauncher(Set<SubprocessFlags>) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Creates a new GSubprocessLauncher.
SubprocessLauncher(SubprocessFlags...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Creates a new GSubprocessLauncher.
SubprocessLauncher.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
subscribe(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
virtual method to subscribe to key changes
SUBSCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BaselineShift
Shift the baseline to the subscript position, relative to the previous run
SUBSCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontScale
Change the font to a size suitable for subscripts
SUBSCRIPT_BASELINE_DROP_MIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
SUBSCRIPT_EM_X_OFFSET - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
subscript em x offset.
SUBSCRIPT_EM_X_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
subscript em x size.
SUBSCRIPT_EM_Y_OFFSET - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
subscript em y offset.
SUBSCRIPT_EM_Y_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
subscript em y size.
SUBSCRIPT_SHIFT_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
SUBSCRIPT_TOP_MAX - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
SUBSTITUTE_VERTICAL_FORMS_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
SUBSTITUTE_VERTICAL_FORMS_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
SUBSTRING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilterMatchMode
The search string must be contained as a substring inside the text.
SUBSURFACE_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node that possibly redirects part of the scene graph to a subsurface.
SubsurfaceNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node that potentially diverts a part of the scene graph to a subsurface.
SubsurfaceNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.SubsurfaceNode
Create a SubsurfaceNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SubsurfaceNode(RenderNode, MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.SubsurfaceNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will possibly divert the child node to a subsurface.
SUBTILES - Enum constant in enum class
The tile size varies per plane according to the subsampling.
SUBTITLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.PbUtilsCapsDescriptionFlags
Caps describe an subtitle format, or a container format that can store subtitles.
subtract(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Subtracts the subtrahend from the this Caps.
subtract(FileAttributeMatcher) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeMatcher
Subtracts all attributes of subtract from this FileAttributeMatcher and returns a matcher that supports those attributes.
subtract(Vec2, Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Subtracts from each component of the first operand this Vec2 the corresponding component of the second operand b and places each result into the components of res.
subtract(Vec3, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Subtracts from each component of the first operand this Vec3 the corresponding component of the second operand b and places each result into the components of res.
subtract(Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Subtracts from each component of the first operand this Vec4 the corresponding component of the second operand b and places each result into the components of res.
subtract(Bitset) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Sets this Bitset to be the subtraction of other from this Bitset.
subtractDays(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Moves a date some number of days into the past.
subtractMonths(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Moves a date some number of months into the past.
subtractRegion(Region) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region
Subtracts regionToSubtract from this Region.
subtractSubregion(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region
Subtracts the subregion delimited by Start and End from this Region.
subtractYears(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Moves a date some number of years into the past.
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChangeReturn
the state change succeeded
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsReturn
all of the requested plugins could be installed
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestResult
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SymbolicColor
Indication color for success
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.CheckSyntaxResult
no errors
suggest(int, Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind
If a GstTypeFindFunction calls this function it suggests the caps with the given probability.
SUGGESTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.ResponseAppearance
used to denote important responses such as the affirmative action.
suggestEmptySimple(int, String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind
If a GstTypeFindFunction calls this function it suggests caps of the given mediaType with the given probability.
suggestNextSync() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Returns a suggestion for timestamps where buffers should be split to get best controller results.
suggestSimple(int, String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind
If a GstTypeFindFunction calls this function it suggests the caps with the given probability.
SUMMARY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPageType
The page informs the user of the changes done.
SUNDANESE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
SUNDANESE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
SUNDANESE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
SUNDAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateWeekday
SUPER_MASK - Enum constant in enum class
the Super modifier
SUPER_MASK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
the Super modifier.
SUPERIORS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
SUPERSCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BaselineShift
Shift the baseline to the superscript position, relative to the previous run
SUPERSCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontScale
Change the font to a size suitable for superscripts
SUPERSCRIPT_BASELINE_DROP_MAX - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
SUPERSCRIPT_BOTTOM_MAX_WITH_SUBSCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
SUPERSCRIPT_BOTTOM_MIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
SUPERSCRIPT_EM_X_OFFSET - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
superscript em x offset.
SUPERSCRIPT_EM_X_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
superscript em x size.
SUPERSCRIPT_EM_Y_OFFSET - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
superscript em y offset.
SUPERSCRIPT_EM_Y_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
superscript em y size.
SUPERSCRIPT_SHIFT_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
SUPERSCRIPT_SHIFT_UP_CRAMPED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
supported() - Static method in class org.gnome.gmodule.Module
Checks if modules are supported on the current platform.
supported() - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthNegotiate
Indicates whether libsoup was built with GSSAPI support.
SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetaTag
Supported languages.
SUPPORTS_STARTUP_NOTIFICATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoCreateFlags
Application supports startup notification.
SUPPORTS_URIS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoCreateFlags
Application supports URI arguments.
supportsDtls() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend
Checks if DTLS is supported.
supportsEdgeConstraints() - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Returns whether the desktop environment supports tiled window states.
supportsFiles() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Checks if the application accepts files as arguments.
supportsHostname() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Proxy
Some proxy protocols expect to be passed a hostname, which they will resolve to an IP address themselves.
supportsInplace() - Method in class
Returns whether the audio converter can perform the conversion in-place.
supportsInputShapes() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Returns true if the display supports input shapes.
supportsShadowWidth() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Returns whether it's possible for a surface to draw outside of the window area.
supportsThreadContexts() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Checks if this File supports [thread-default contexts][g-main-context-push-thread-default-context].
supportsTls() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend
Checks if TLS is supported; if this returns false for the default GTlsBackend, it means no "real" TLS backend is available.
supportsUris() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfo
Checks if the application supports reading files and directories from URIs.
Surface - Class in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkSurface is a rectangular region on the screen.
Surface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Create a Surface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SURFACE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollUnit
The delta is in surface pixels to scroll directly on screen.
Surface.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Surface.EnterMonitorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the EnterMonitorCallback callback.
Surface.EventCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the EventCallback callback.
Surface.LayoutCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the LayoutCallback callback.
Surface.LeaveMonitorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the LeaveMonitorCallback callback.
Surface.RenderCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the RenderCallback callback.
Surface.SurfaceClass - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Surface.SurfaceImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The SurfaceImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Surface class.
SurfaceClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Surface.SurfaceClass
Create a SurfaceClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SurfaceEdge - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Determines a surface edge or corner.
SurfaceImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Surface.SurfaceImpl
Creates a new instance of Surface for the provided memory address.
SURROGATE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
SURROGATE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Surrogates (SG)
SURROGATE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Other, Surrogate" (Cs)
SURROUND_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
Surround left (between rear left and side left)
SURROUND_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
Surround right (between rear right and side right)
SUSPEND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationInhibitFlags
Inhibit suspending the session or computer
SUSPENDED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
The surface is not visible to the user.
svgArcTo(float, float, float, boolean, boolean, float, float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Implements arc-to according to the SVG spec.
swap(SequenceIter, SequenceIter) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Sequence
Swaps the items pointed to by a and b.
swap(TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListStore
Use list models
swap(TreeIter, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
SWAPPED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ConnectFlags
If set, the instance and data should be swapped when calling the handler; see g_signal_connect_swapped() for an example.
SWAPPED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderClosureFlags
The closure should be created swapped.
SWASH_ALTERNATES_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
SWASH_ALTERNATES_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
SWING_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RevealerTransitionType
Floop in from the top
SWING_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RevealerTransitionType
Floop in from the right
SWING_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RevealerTransitionType
Floop in from the left
SWING_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RevealerTransitionType
Floop in from the bottom
Swipeable - Interface in org.gnome.adw
An interface for swipeable widgets.
Swipeable.SwipeableImpl - Class in org.gnome.adw
The SwipeableImpl type represents a native instance of the Swipeable interface.
Swipeable.SwipeableInterface - Class in org.gnome.adw
An interface for swipeable widgets.
SwipeableImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Swipeable.SwipeableImpl
Creates a new instance of Swipeable for the provided memory address.
SwipeableInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Swipeable.SwipeableInterface
Allocate a new SwipeableInterface.
SwipeableInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Swipeable.SwipeableInterface
Allocate a new SwipeableInterface.
SwipeableInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Swipeable.SwipeableInterface
Create a SwipeableInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SwipeTracker - Class in org.gnome.adw
A swipe tracker used in Carousel, NavigationView and OverlaySplitView.
SwipeTracker(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Create a SwipeTracker proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SwipeTracker(Swipeable) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker
Creates a new AdwSwipeTracker for widget.
SwipeTracker.BeginSwipeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the BeginSwipeCallback callback.
SwipeTracker.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SwipeTracker.EndSwipeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the EndSwipeCallback callback.
SwipeTracker.PrepareCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the PrepareCallback callback.
SwipeTracker.SwipeTrackerClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
SwipeTracker.UpdateSwipeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the UpdateSwipeCallback callback.
SwipeTrackerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.SwipeTrackerClass
Allocate a new SwipeTrackerClass.
SwipeTrackerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.SwipeTrackerClass
Allocate a new SwipeTrackerClass.
SwipeTrackerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.SwipeTrackerClass
Create a SwipeTrackerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Switch - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkSwitch is a "light switch" that has two states: on or off.
Switch() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Switch
Creates a new GtkSwitch widget.
Switch(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Switch
Create a Switch proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SWITCH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A type of checkbox that represents on/off values, as opposed to checked/unchecked values.
SWITCH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationInhibitFlags
Inhibit user switching
Switch.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
Switch.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Switch.StateSetCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the StateSetCallback callback.
SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
101 Switching Protocols (HTTP)
SwitchRow - Class in org.gnome.adw
A ListBoxRow used to represent two states.
SwitchRow() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SwitchRow
Creates a new AdwSwitchRow.
SwitchRow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SwitchRow
Create a SwitchRow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SwitchRow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SwitchRow.SwitchRowClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
SwitchRowClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SwitchRow.SwitchRowClass
Allocate a new SwitchRowClass.
SwitchRowClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SwitchRow.SwitchRowClass
Allocate a new SwitchRowClass.
SwitchRowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.SwitchRow.SwitchRowClass
Create a SwitchRowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SXYX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a static rotation along the X, Y, and X axes (Since: 1.10)
SXYZ - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a static rotation along the X, Y, and Z axes (Since: 1.10)
SXZX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a static rotation along the X, Z, and X axes (Since: 1.10)
SXZY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a static rotation along the X, Z, and Y axes (Since: 1.10)
SYLOTI_NAGRI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
SYLOTI_NAGRI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Syloti Nagri
SYLOTI_NAGRI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Syloti Nagri.
symbol(String, Out<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.gmodule.Module
Gets a symbol pointer from a module, such as one exported by G_MODULE_EXPORT.
SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
a symbol
SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Symbols Allowing Break After (SY)
SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintVflParserError
Invalid or unknown symbol
SYMBOL_LIGATURES_OFF - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
SYMBOL_LIGATURES_ON - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
SYMBOLIC_LINK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileType
File handle represents a symbolic link (Unix systems).
SymbolicColor - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The indexes of colors passed to symbolic color rendering, such as SymbolicPaintable.snapshotSymbolic(org.gnome.gdk.Snapshot, double, double, org.gnome.gdk.RGBA[]).
SymbolicPaintable - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
GtkSymbolicPaintable is an interface that support symbolic colors in paintables.
SymbolicPaintable.SymbolicPaintableImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The SymbolicPaintableImpl type represents a native instance of the SymbolicPaintable interface.
SymbolicPaintable.SymbolicPaintableInterface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The list of virtual functions for the GtkSymbolicPaintable interface.
SymbolicPaintableImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SymbolicPaintable.SymbolicPaintableImpl
Creates a new instance of SymbolicPaintable for the provided memory address.
SymbolicPaintableInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SymbolicPaintable.SymbolicPaintableInterface
Allocate a new SymbolicPaintableInterface.
SymbolicPaintableInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SymbolicPaintable.SymbolicPaintableInterface
Allocate a new SymbolicPaintableInterface.
SymbolicPaintableInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.SymbolicPaintable.SymbolicPaintableInterface
Create a SymbolicPaintableInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
sync() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Flushes any requests queued for the windowing system and waits until all requests have been handled.
sync() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Ensures that all pending operations are complete for the default backend.
sync() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
virtual method to sync state
sync(String, Set<DBusServerFlags>, String, DBusAuthObserver, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer
Creates a new D-Bus server that listens on the first address in address that works.
sync(String, DBusServerFlags, String, DBusAuthObserver, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusServer
Creates a new D-Bus server that listens on the first address in address that works.
sync(DBusConnection, Set<DBusObjectManagerClientFlags>, String, String, DBusProxyTypeFunc, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Creates a new GDBusObjectManagerClient object.
sync(DBusConnection, Set<DBusProxyFlags>, DBusInterfaceInfo, String, String, String, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Creates a proxy for accessing interfaceName on the remote object at objectPath owned by name at connection and synchronously loads D-Bus properties unless the DBusProxyFlags.DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES flag is used.
sync(DBusConnection, DBusObjectManagerClientFlags, String, String, DBusProxyTypeFunc, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient
Creates a new GDBusObjectManagerClient object.
sync(DBusConnection, DBusProxyFlags, DBusInterfaceInfo, String, String, String, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy
Creates a proxy for accessing interfaceName on the remote object at objectPath owned by name at connection and synchronously loads D-Bus properties unless the DBusProxyFlags.DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES flag is used.
sync(IOStream, String, Set<DBusConnectionFlags>, DBusAuthObserver, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Synchronously sets up a D-Bus connection for exchanging D-Bus messages with the end represented by stream.
sync(IOStream, String, DBusConnectionFlags, DBusAuthObserver, Cancellable) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Synchronously sets up a D-Bus connection for exchanging D-Bus messages with the end represented by stream.
SYNC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
used when a synchronize on the resource fails.
SYNC_AFTER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
Elements which write to disk or permanent storage should ensure the data is synced after writing the contents of this buffer.
SYNC_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.BindingFlags
Synchronize the values of the source and target properties when creating the binding; the direction of the synchronization is always from the source to the target.
SYNC_LATENCY - Enum constant in enum class
Sink was synchronized to the estimated latency (occurs during initialization)
SYNC_POINT - Enum constant in enum class
is the frame a synchronization point (keyframe)
syncChildrenStates() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin
Synchronizes the state of every child of this Bin with the state of this Bin.
syncCreate() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.BindingBuilder
Synchronize the values of the source and target properties when creating the binding; the direction of the synchronization is always from the source to the target.
syncFileOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Rewinds the filedescriptor to the current buffer position and blows the file read ahead buffer.
syncMessage(Message) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
A message has been posted on the bus.
syncSignalHandler(Message, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
A helper GstBusSyncHandler that can be used to convert all synchronous messages into signals.
syncStateWithParent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Tries to change the state of the element to the same as its parent.
syncValues(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Sets the properties of the object, according to the GstControlSources that (maybe) handle them and for the given timestamp.
syncValues(GstObject, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBinding
Sets the property of the object, according to the GstControlSources that handles it and for the given timestamp.
SYNTAX - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseError
A syntax error occurred.
SYNTAX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CssParserError
The given text does not form valid syntax
SYNTAX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CssParserWarning
A syntax construct was used that should be avoided
SYRIAC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
SYRIAC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
SYRIAC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
SYSDEF_AF_INET - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
SYSDEF_AF_INET6 - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
SYSDEF_AF_UNIX - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
SYSDEF_MSG_DONTROUTE - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
SYSDEF_MSG_OOB - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
SYSDEF_MSG_PEEK - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
SYSTEM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusType
The system-wide message bus.
SystemClock - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The GStreamer core provides a GstSystemClock based on the system time.
SystemClock(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SystemClock
Create a SystemClock proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SystemClock.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
SystemClock.SystemClockClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
SystemClockClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SystemClock.SystemClockClass
Allocate a new SystemClockClass.
SystemClockClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SystemClock.SystemClockClass
Allocate a new SystemClockClass.
SystemClockClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SystemClock.SystemClockClass
Create a SystemClockClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
SystemSetting - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Values that can be passed to the Widget.systemSettingChanged(org.gnome.gtk.SystemSetting) vfunc.
systemSettingChanged(SystemSetting) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Emitted when a system setting was changed.
SYXY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a static rotation along the Y, X, and Y axes (Since: 1.10)
SYXZ - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a static rotation along the Y, X, and Z axes (Since: 1.10)
SYZX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a static rotation along the Y, Z, and X axes (Since: 1.10)
SYZY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a static rotation along the Y, Z, and Y axes (Since: 1.10)
SZXY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a static rotation along the Z, X, and Y axes (Since: 1.10)
SZXZ - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a static rotation along the Z, X, and Z axes (Since: 1.10)
SZYX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a static rotation along the Z, Y, and X axes (Since: 1.10)
SZYZ - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Defines a static rotation along the Z, Y, and Z axes (Since: 1.10)


TAB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
An item in a list of tab used for switching pages.
TAB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceTypeFlags
Tab character.
TAB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationBrowsingContextPresentation
a tab
TAB_BACKWARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DirectionType
Move backward.
TAB_FORWARD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DirectionType
Move forward.
TAB_LIST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A list of tabs for switching pages.
TAB_PANEL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A page in a notebook or stack.
TabAlign - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
PangoTabAlign specifies where the text appears relative to the tab stop position.
TabArray - Class in org.gnome.pango
A PangoTabArray contains an array of tab stops.
TabArray(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
Creates an array of initialSize tab stops.
TabArray(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
Create a TabArray proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TabBar - Class in org.gnome.adw
A tab bar for TabView.
TabBar() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Creates a new AdwTabBar.
TabBar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabBar
Create a TabBar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TabBar.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TabBar.ExtraDragDropCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ExtraDragDropCallback callback.
TabBar.ExtraDragValueCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ExtraDragValueCallback callback.
TabBar.TabBarClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
TabBarClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabBar.TabBarClass
Allocate a new TabBarClass.
TabBarClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabBar.TabBarClass
Allocate a new TabBarClass.
TabBarClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabBar.TabBarClass
Create a TabBarClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TabButton - Class in org.gnome.adw
A button that displays the number of TabView pages.
TabButton() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabButton
Creates a new AdwTabButton.
TabButton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabButton
Create a TabButton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TabButton.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
TabButton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TabButton.ClickedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ClickedCallback callback.
TabButton.TabButtonClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
TabButtonClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabButton.TabButtonClass
Allocate a new TabButtonClass.
TabButtonClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabButton.TabButtonClass
Allocate a new TabButtonClass.
TabButtonClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabButton.TabButtonClass
Create a TabButtonClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
TABLET_PAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.InputSource
the device is a "pad", a collection of buttons, rings and strips found in drawing tablets
TABLET_PAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SeatCapabilities
The seat has drawing tablet pad(s) attached
TABLET_STYLUS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SeatCapabilities
The seat has drawing tablet(s) attached
TabOverview - Class in org.gnome.adw
A tab overview for TabView.
TabOverview() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Creates a new AdwTabOverview.
TabOverview(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview
Create a TabOverview proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TabOverview.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TabOverview.CreateTabCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the CreateTabCallback callback.
TabOverview.ExtraDragDropCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ExtraDragDropCallback callback.
TabOverview.ExtraDragValueCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ExtraDragValueCallback callback.
TabOverview.TabOverviewClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
TabOverviewClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.TabOverviewClass
Allocate a new TabOverviewClass.
TabOverviewClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.TabOverviewClass
Allocate a new TabOverviewClass.
TabOverviewClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.TabOverviewClass
Create a TabOverviewClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TabPage - Class in org.gnome.adw
An auxiliary class used by TabView.
TabPage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabPage
Create a TabPage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TabPage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TabPage.TabPageClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
TabPageClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.TabPageClass
Allocate a new TabPageClass.
TabPageClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.TabPageClass
Allocate a new TabPageClass.
TabPageClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabPage.TabPageClass
Create a TabPageClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TabView - Class in org.gnome.adw
A dynamic tabbed container.
TabView() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Creates a new AdwTabView.
TabView(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Create a TabView proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TabView.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TabView.ClosePageCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ClosePageCallback callback.
TabView.CreateWindowCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the CreateWindowCallback callback.
TabView.IndicatorActivatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the IndicatorActivatedCallback callback.
TabView.PageAttachedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the PageAttachedCallback callback.
TabView.PageDetachedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the PageDetachedCallback callback.
TabView.PageReorderedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the PageReorderedCallback callback.
TabView.SetupMenuCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the SetupMenuCallback callback.
TabView.TabViewClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
TabViewClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabView.TabViewClass
Allocate a new TabViewClass.
TabViewClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabView.TabViewClass
Allocate a new TabViewClass.
TabViewClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TabView.TabViewClass
Create a TabViewClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TabViewShortcuts - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
Describes available shortcuts in an TabView.
tag(GstObject, TagList) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new tag message.
tag(TagList) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Generates a metadata tag event from the given taglist.
Tag - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for tag identifiers.
Tag - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
A tag that can be applied to text in a Buffer.
Tag() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Tag
Calls Tag(java.lang.String) with name = null
Tag(int) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Tag
Create a new Tag with the provided value
Tag(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Tag
Creates a GtkSourceTag.
Tag(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Tag
Create a Tag proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TAG - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
used for negotiation-related errors.
TAG - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
A new set of metadata tags has been found in the stream.
TAG - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
a tag was found.
TAG - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.PbUtilsCapsDescriptionFlags
Container format is a tags container.
TAG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.EmblemOrigin
Emblem comes from a user-defined tag, e.g.
TAG_ALBUM - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
album containing this data (string)
TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
The artist of the entire album, as it should be displayed.
TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST_SORTNAME - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
The artist of the entire album, as it should be sorted.
TAG_ALBUM_GAIN - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
album gain in db (double)
TAG_ALBUM_PEAK - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
peak of the album (double)
TAG_ALBUM_SORTNAME - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
album containing this data, as used for sorting (string)
TAG_ALBUM_VOLUME_COUNT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
count of discs inside collection this disc belongs to (unsigned integer)
TAG_ALBUM_VOLUME_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
disc number inside a collection (unsigned integer)
TAG_APPLICATION_DATA - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Arbitrary application data (sample)
TAG_APPLICATION_NAME - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Name of the application used to create the media (string)
TAG_ARTIST - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
person(s) responsible for the recording (string)
TAG_ARTIST_SORTNAME - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
person(s) responsible for the recording, as used for sorting (string)
TAG_ATTACHMENT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
generic file attachment (sample) (sample taglist should specify the content type and if possible set "filename" to the file name of the attachment)
TAG_AUDIO_CODEC - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
codec the audio data is stored in (string)
TAG_BEATS_PER_MINUTE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
number of beats per minute in audio (double)
TAG_BITRATE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
exact or average bitrate in bits/s (unsigned integer)
TAG_CODEC - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
codec the data is stored in (string)
TAG_COMMENT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
free text commenting the data (string)
TAG_COMPOSER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
person(s) who composed the recording (string)
TAG_COMPOSER_SORTNAME - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
The composer's name, used for sorting (string)
TAG_CONDUCTOR - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
conductor/performer refinement (string)
TAG_CONTACT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
contact information (string)
TAG_CONTAINER_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
container format the data is stored in (string)
TAG_CONTAINER_SPECIFIC_TRACK_ID - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Unique identifier for the audio, video or text track this tag is associated with.
TAG_COPYRIGHT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
copyright notice of the data (string)
TAG_COPYRIGHT_URI - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
URI to location where copyright details can be found (string)
TAG_DATE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
date the data was created (GDate structure)
TAG_DATE_TIME - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
date and time the data was created (GstDateTime structure)
TAG_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
short text describing the content of the data (string)
TAG_DEVICE_MANUFACTURER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Manufacturer of the device used to create the media (string)
TAG_DEVICE_MODEL - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Model of the device used to create the media (string)
TAG_DURATION - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
length in GStreamer time units (nanoseconds) (unsigned 64-bit integer)
TAG_ENCODED_BY - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
name of the person or organisation that encoded the file.
TAG_ENCODER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
encoder used to encode this stream (string)
TAG_ENCODER_VERSION - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
version of the encoder used to encode this stream (unsigned integer)
TAG_EXTENDED_COMMENT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
key/value text commenting the data (string)
TAG_GENRE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
genre this data belongs to (string)
TAG_GEO_LOCATION_CAPTURE_DIRECTION - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Indicates the direction the device is pointing to when capturing a media.
TAG_GEO_LOCATION_CITY - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
The city (english name) where the media has been produced (string).
TAG_GEO_LOCATION_COUNTRY - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
The country (english name) where the media has been produced (string).
TAG_GEO_LOCATION_ELEVATION - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
geo elevation of where the media has been recorded or produced in meters according to WGS84 (zero is average sea level) (double).
TAG_GEO_LOCATION_HORIZONTAL_ERROR - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Represents the expected error on the horizontal positioning in meters (double).
TAG_GEO_LOCATION_LATITUDE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
geo latitude location of where the media has been recorded or produced in degrees according to WGS84 (zero at the equator, negative values for southern latitudes) (double).
TAG_GEO_LOCATION_LONGITUDE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
geo longitude location of where the media has been recorded or produced in degrees according to WGS84 (zero at the prime meridian in Greenwich/UK, negative values for western longitudes).
TAG_GEO_LOCATION_MOVEMENT_DIRECTION - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Indicates the movement direction of the device performing the capture of a media.
TAG_GEO_LOCATION_MOVEMENT_SPEED - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Speed of the capturing device when performing the capture.
TAG_GEO_LOCATION_NAME - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
human readable descriptive location of where the media has been recorded or produced.
TAG_GEO_LOCATION_SUBLOCATION - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
A location 'smaller' than GST_TAG_GEO_LOCATION_CITY that specifies better where the media has been produced.
TAG_GROUPING - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Groups together media that are related and spans multiple tracks.
TAG_HOMEPAGE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Homepage for this media (i.e.
TAG_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
image (sample) (sample taglist should specify the content type and preferably also set "image-type" field as GstTagImageType)
TAG_IMAGE_ORIENTATION - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Represents the 'Orientation' tag from EXIF.
TAG_INTERPRETED_BY - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Information about the people behind a remix and similar interpretations of another existing piece (string)
TAG_ISRC - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
International Standard Recording Code - see (string)
TAG_KEYWORDS - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
comma separated keywords describing the content (string).
TAG_LANGUAGE_CODE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
ISO-639-2 or ISO-639-1 code for the language the content is in (string)
TAG_LANGUAGE_NAME - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Name of the language the content is in (string)
TAG_LICENSE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
license of data (string)
TAG_LICENSE_URI - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
URI to location where license details can be found (string)
TAG_LOCATION - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Origin of media as a URI (location, where the original of the file or stream is hosted) (string)
TAG_LYRICS - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
The lyrics of the media (string)
TAG_MAXIMUM_BITRATE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
maximum bitrate in bits/s (unsigned integer)
TAG_MEMORY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
this flag is set when memory of the buffer is added/removed
TAG_MIDI_BASE_NOTE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Midi note number of the audio track.
TAG_MINIMUM_BITRATE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
minimum bitrate in bits/s (unsigned integer)
TAG_NOMINAL_BITRATE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
nominal bitrate in bits/s (unsigned integer).
TAG_ORGANIZATION - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
organization (string)
TAG_PERFORMER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
person(s) performing (string)
TAG_PREVIEW_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
image that is meant for preview purposes, e.g.
TAG_PRIVATE_DATA - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Any private data that may be contained in tags (sample).
TAG_PUBLISHER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Name of the label or publisher (string)
TAG_REFERENCE_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
reference level of track and album gain values (double)
TAG_SERIAL - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
serial number of track (unsigned integer)
TAG_SHOW_EPISODE_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Number of the episode within a season/show (unsigned integer)
TAG_SHOW_NAME - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Name of the show, used for displaying (string)
TAG_SHOW_SEASON_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Number of the season of a show/series (unsigned integer)
TAG_SHOW_SORTNAME - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Name of the show, used for sorting (string)
TAG_SUBTITLE_CODEC - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
codec/format the subtitle data is stored in (string)
TAG_TITLE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
commonly used title (string)
TAG_TITLE_SORTNAME - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
commonly used title, as used for sorting (string)
TAG_TRACK_COUNT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
count of tracks inside collection this track belongs to (unsigned integer)
TAG_TRACK_GAIN - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
track gain in db (double)
TAG_TRACK_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
track number inside a collection (unsigned integer)
TAG_TRACK_PEAK - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
peak of the track (double)
TAG_USER_RATING - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Rating attributed by a person (likely the application user).
TAG_VERSION - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
version of this data (string)
TAG_VIDEO_CODEC - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
codec the video data is stored in (string)
Tag.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Tag.TagClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
TAGALOG - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
TAGALOG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
TAGALOG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
TAGBANWA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
TAGBANWA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
TAGBANWA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
TagClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Tag.TagClass
Allocate a new TagClass.
TagClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Tag.TagClass
Allocate a new TagClass.
TagClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Tag.TagClass
Create a TagClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
tagExists(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Checks if the given type is already registered.
TagFlag - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Extra tag flags used when registering tags.
TagForeachFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the TagForeachFunc callback.
tagFromString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Converts a string into an hb_tag_t.
tagGetDescription(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Returns the human-readable description of this tag, You must not change or free this string.
tagGetFlag(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the flag of tag.
tagGetNick(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Returns the human-readable name of this tag, You must not change or free this string.
tagGetType(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the GType used for this tag.
tagIsFixed(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Checks if the given tag is fixed.
TagList - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
List of tags and values used to describe media metadata.
TagList(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Create a TagList proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TagList(String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Creates a new taglist and appends the values for the given tags.
TagMergeFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the TagMergeFunc callback.
TagMergeMode - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The different tag merging modes are basically replace, overwrite and append, but they can be seen from two directions.
tagMergeStringsWithComma(Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
This is a convenience function for the func argument of gst_tag_register().
tagMergeUseFirst(Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
This is a convenience function for the func argument of gst_tag_register().
tagRegister(String, TagFlag, Type, String, String, TagMergeFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Registers a new tag type for the use with GStreamer's type system.
tagRegisterStatic(String, TagFlag, Type, String, String, TagMergeFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Registers a new tag type for the use with GStreamer's type system.
TAGS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSerializeFlags
Serialize the tags for each stream
TagScope - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstTagScope specifies if a taglist applies to the complete medium or only to one single stream.
TagSetter - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Element interface that allows setting of media metadata.
TagSetter.TagSetterImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The TagSetterImpl type represents a native instance of the TagSetter interface.
TagSetter.TagSetterInterface - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstTagSetterInterface interface.
TagSetterImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagSetter.TagSetterImpl
Creates a new instance of TagSetter for the provided memory address.
TagSetterInterface() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagSetter.TagSetterInterface
Allocate a new TagSetterInterface.
TagSetterInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagSetter.TagSetterInterface
Allocate a new TagSetterInterface.
TagSetterInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagSetter.TagSetterInterface
Create a TagSetterInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
tagToString(Tag, Out<byte[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Converts an hb_tag_t to a string and returns it in buf.
TAI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockType
time since Epoch, but using International Atomic Time as reference (Since: 1.18)
TAI_LE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
TAI_LE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Tai Le
TAI_LE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Tai Le
TAI_THAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
TAI_THAM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Tai Tham.
TAI_VIET - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
TAI_VIET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Tai Viet.
tailorBreak(String, int, Analysis, int, LogAttr[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Apply language-specific tailoring to the breaks in attrs.
take() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Returns a freshly allocated buffer containing the first nbytes bytes of the this Adapter.
take(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Creates a new GBytes from data.
take(Out<Event>, Event) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Modifies a pointer to a GstEvent to point to a different GstEvent.
take(Out<Query>, Query) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Modifies a pointer to a GstQuery to point to a different GstQuery.
take(Out<Structure>, Structure) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Atomically modifies a pointer to point to a new structure.
take(Out<BufferList>, BufferList) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferList
Modifies a pointer to a GstBufferList to point to a different GstBufferList.
take(Out<Caps>, Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Modifies a pointer to a GstCaps to point to a different GstCaps.
take(Out<Message>, Message) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Modifies a pointer to a GstMessage to point to a different GstMessage.
take(Out<MiniObject>, MiniObject) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Modifies a pointer to point to a new mini-object.
take(Out<TagList>, TagList) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Modifies a pointer to a GstTagList to point to a different GstTagList.
take(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Creates a new GString, initialized with the given string.
take(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StrvBuilder
Add a string to the end of the array.
take(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StringList
Adds string to self at the end, and takes ownership of it.
TAKE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.MemoryUse
The caller has allocated the memory and libsoup will assume ownership of it and free it with
takeBoxed(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Sets the contents of a G_TYPE_BOXED derived GValue to vBoxed and takes over the ownership of the caller’s reference to vBoxed; the caller doesn’t have to unref it any more.
takeBuffer(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Returns a GstBuffer containing the first nbytes bytes of the this Adapter.
takeBuffer(CollectData, int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPads
Get a subbuffer of size bytes from the given pad data.
takeBufferFast(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Returns a GstBuffer containing the first nbytes of the this Adapter.
takeBufferList(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Returns a GstBufferList of buffers containing the first nbytes bytes of the this Adapter.
takeError(GError) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInvocation
Like g_dbus_method_invocation_return_gerror() but takes ownership of error so the caller does not need to free it.
takeError(GError) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use GTask and g_task_return_error() instead.
takeError(GObject, AsyncReadyCallback, GError) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncResult
Use g_task_new() and g_task_return_error() instead.
takeFd(int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Transfer an arbitrary file descriptor from parent process to the child.
takeList(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Returns a GList of buffers containing the first nbytes bytes of the this Adapter.
takeObject(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Sets the contents of a G_TYPE_OBJECT derived GValue to vObject and takes over the ownership of the caller’s reference to vObject; the caller doesn’t have to unref it any more (i.e.
takeOwnership(Proxy) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.MemoryCleaner
Take ownership of this memory address: when all proxy objects are garbage-collected, the memory will automatically be released.
takeParam(ParamSpec) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Sets the contents of a G_TYPE_PARAM GValue to param and takes over the ownership of the caller’s reference to param; the caller doesn’t have to unref it any more.
takeRef() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
If this Variant is floating, sink it.
takeRef() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
If this Object is floating, sink it.
takeStderrFd(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Sets the file descriptor to use as the stderr for spawned processes.
takeStdinFd(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Sets the file descriptor to use as the stdin for spawned processes.
takeStdoutFd(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Sets the file descriptor to use as the stdout for spawned processes.
takeString(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Sets the contents of a G_TYPE_STRING GValue to vString.
takeString(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a string GVariant with the contents of string.
takeValue(String, Value) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Sets the field with the given name field to value.
takeVariant(Variant) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Set the contents of a variant GValue to variant, and takes over the ownership of the caller's reference to variant; the caller doesn't have to unref it any more (i.e.
TAKRI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
TAKRI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
TAKRI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
TALL_CAPS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
TAMIL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
TAMIL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
TAMIL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
TANGSA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Tnsa, Since: 3.0.0
TANGSA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
TANGUT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Tang, Since: 1.3.0
TANGUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
target(GObject) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.BindingBuilder
Set the target GObject
TARGET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PropagationPhase
Events are delivered in the default widget event handlers, note that widget implementations must chain up on button, motion, touch and grab broken handlers for controllers in this phase to be run.
TARGET_DEFAULT_MODIFIED_TIME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCopyFlags
Use default modification timestamps instead of copying them from the source file.
TARGET_DEFAULT_PERMS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCopyFlags
Leaves target file with default perms, instead of setting the source file perms.
targetProperty(String) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.BindingBuilder
the property on target to bind
Task - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstTask is used by GstElement and GstPad to provide the data passing threads in a GstPipeline.
Task - Class in org.gnome.gio
A GTask represents and manages a cancellable ‘task’.
Task(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
Create a Task proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Task(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Task
Create a Task proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Task(TaskFunction) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task
Create a new Task that will repeatedly call the provided func with userData as a parameter.
Task(GObject, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Task
Creates a GTask acting on sourceObject, which will eventually be used to invoke callback in the current [thread-default main context][g-main-context-push-thread-default].
Task.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Task.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Task.TaskClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Task.TaskClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
TaskClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task.TaskClass
Allocate a new TaskClass.
TaskClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task.TaskClass
Allocate a new TaskClass.
TaskClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task.TaskClass
Create a TaskClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TaskClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Task.TaskClass
Create a TaskClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TaskFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the TaskFunction callback.
TaskPool - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
This object provides an abstraction for creating threads.
TaskPool() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool
Create a new default task pool.
TaskPool(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool
Create a TaskPool proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TaskPool.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TaskPool.TaskPoolClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The GstTaskPoolClass object.
TaskPoolClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool.TaskPoolClass
Allocate a new TaskPoolClass.
TaskPoolClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool.TaskPoolClass
Allocate a new TaskPoolClass.
TaskPoolClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPool.TaskPoolClass
Create a TaskPoolClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TaskPoolFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the TaskPoolFunction callback.
TaskState - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The different states a task can be in
TaskThreadFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the TaskThreadFunc callback.
TaskThreadFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the TaskThreadFunc callback.
TBLR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NumberUpLayout
TBRL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NumberUpLayout
TCP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketProtocol
TCP over IP
TcpConnection - Class in org.gnome.gio
This is the subclass of SocketConnection that is created for TCP/IP sockets.
TcpConnection(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TcpConnection
Create a TcpConnection proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TcpConnection.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TcpConnection.TcpConnectionClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
TcpConnectionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TcpConnection.TcpConnectionClass
Allocate a new TcpConnectionClass.
TcpConnectionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TcpConnection.TcpConnectionClass
Allocate a new TcpConnectionClass.
TcpConnectionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TcpConnection.TcpConnectionClass
Create a TcpConnectionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TcpWrapperConnection - Class in org.gnome.gio
A GTcpWrapperConnection can be used to wrap a IOStream that is based on a Socket, but which is not actually a SocketConnection.
TcpWrapperConnection(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TcpWrapperConnection
Create a TcpWrapperConnection proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TcpWrapperConnection(IOStream, Socket) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TcpWrapperConnection
Wraps baseIoStream and socket together as a GSocketConnection.
TcpWrapperConnection.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TcpWrapperConnection.TcpWrapperConnectionClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
TcpWrapperConnectionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TcpWrapperConnection.TcpWrapperConnectionClass
Allocate a new TcpWrapperConnectionClass.
TcpWrapperConnectionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TcpWrapperConnection.TcpWrapperConnectionClass
Allocate a new TcpWrapperConnectionClass.
TcpWrapperConnectionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TcpWrapperConnection.TcpWrapperConnectionClass
Create a TcpWrapperConnectionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TCRYPT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.AskPasswordFlags
operation takes TCRYPT parameters (Since: 2.58)
TEAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.AccentColor
Use a teal color (#2190a4).
tell() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Seekable
Tells the current position within the stream.
TELUGU - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
TELUGU - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
TELUGU - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
TEMPLATE_CAPS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkCheck
Check if the pads are compatible by using their template caps.
TEMPLATE_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
The wrong type was specified in a composite class’s template XML
TemplateTypes - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.types
This class contains functionality to register a Java class as a Gtk composite template class.
TemplateTypes() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.types.TemplateTypes
TemplateTypes.DisposeCallback - Interface in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.types
TEMPORARY_FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverError
the requested information could not be looked up due to a network error or similar problem
TEMPORARY_REDIRECT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
307 Temporary Redirect (HTTP)
TERMINAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A virtual terminal.
TERMINAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputPurpose
Allow any character, in addition to control codes
TERMINATED_BY_API - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebProcessTerminationReason
the web process termination was requested by an API call.
terminateWebProcess() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Terminates the web process associated to this WebView.
TEST_OPTION_ISOLATE_DIRS - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a unique temporary directory for each unit test and uses g_set_user_dirs() to set XDG directories to point into subdirectories of it for the duration of the unit test.
TESTABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureStatus
Feature in active development and complete enough for testing.
testAccessibleAssertionMessageRole(String, String, int, String, String, Accessible, AccessibleRole, AccessibleRole) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Prints an assertion message for gtk_test_accessible_assert_role().
testAccessibleCheckProperty(Accessible, AccessibleProperty, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Checks whether the accessible property of accessible is set to a specific value.
testAccessibleCheckRelation(Accessible, AccessibleRelation, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Checks whether the accessible relation of accessible is set to a specific value.
testAccessibleCheckState(Accessible, AccessibleState, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Checks whether the accessible state of accessible is set to a specific value.
testAccessibleHasProperty(Accessible, AccessibleProperty) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Checks whether the GtkAccessible has property set.
testAccessibleHasRelation(Accessible, AccessibleRelation) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Checks whether the GtkAccessible has relation set.
testAccessibleHasRole(Accessible, AccessibleRole) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Checks whether the GtkAccessible:accessible-role of the accessible is role.
testAccessibleHasState(Accessible, AccessibleState) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Checks whether the GtkAccessible has state set.
testAddDataFunc(String, MemorySegment, TestDataFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Create a new test case, similar to g_test_create_case().
testAddDataFuncFull(String, MemorySegment, TestDataFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Create a new test case, as with g_test_add_data_func(), but freeing testData after the test run is complete.
testAddFunc(String, TestFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Create a new test case, similar to g_test_create_case().
testAddVtable(String, long, MemorySegment, TestFixtureFunc, TestFixtureFunc, TestFixtureFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
testAssertExpectedMessagesInternal(String, String, int, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
testBug(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function adds a message to test reports that associates a bug URI with a test case.
testBugBase(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Specify the base URI for bug reports.
testBuildFilename(TestFileType, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates the pathname to a data file that is required for a test.
TestCase - Class in org.gnome.glib
An opaque structure representing a test case.
TestCase(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TestCase
Create a TestCase proxy instance for the provided memory address.
testCollapseRow(TreeIter, TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
TestConfig - Class in org.gnome.glib
TestConfig() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
Allocate a new TestConfig.
TestConfig(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
Allocate a new TestConfig with the fields set to the provided values.
TestConfig(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
Allocate a new TestConfig with the fields set to the provided values.
TestConfig(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
Allocate a new TestConfig.
TestConfig(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
Create a TestConfig proxy instance for the provided memory address.
testCreateCase(String, long, MemorySegment, TestFixtureFunc, TestFixtureFunc, TestFixtureFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Create a new GTestCase, named testName.
testCreateSuite(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Create a new test suite with the name suiteName.
TestDataFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the TestDataFunc callback.
TestDBus - Class in org.gnome.gio
A helper class for testing code which uses D-Bus without touching the user’s session bus.
TestDBus(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TestDBus
Create a TestDBus proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TestDBus(Set<TestDBusFlags>) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TestDBus
Create a new GTestDBus object.
TestDBus(TestDBusFlags...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TestDBus
Create a new GTestDBus object.
TestDBus.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TestDBusFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags to define future GTestDBus behaviour.
testDisableCrashReporting() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Attempt to disable system crash reporting infrastructure.
testExpandRow(TreeIter, TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
testExpectMessage(String, Set<LogLevelFlags>, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Indicates that a message with the given logDomain and logLevel, with text matching pattern, is expected to be logged.
testExpectMessage(String, LogLevelFlags, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Indicates that a message with the given logDomain and logLevel, with text matching pattern, is expected to be logged.
testFail() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Indicates that a test failed.
testFailed() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns whether a test has already failed.
testFailPrintf(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Equivalent to g_test_fail(), but also record a message like g_test_skip_printf().
TestFileType - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
The type of file to return the filename for, when used with g_test_build_filename().
TestFixtureFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the TestFixtureFunc callback.
TestFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the TestFunc callback.
testGetDir(TestFileType) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the pathname of the directory containing test files of the type specified by fileType.
testGetFilename(TestFileType, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the pathname to a data file that is required for a test.
testGetPath() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the test path for the test currently being run.
testGetRoot() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Get the toplevel test suite for the test path API.
testIncomplete(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Indicates that a test failed because of some incomplete functionality.
testIncompletePrintf(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Equivalent to g_test_incomplete(), but the explanation is formatted as if by g_strdup_printf().
testInit(Out<String[]>, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
This function is used to initialize a GTK test program.
testInit(MemorySegment, String[], Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Initialize the GLib testing framework, e.g.
testListAllTypes() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Return the type ids that have been registered after calling gtk_test_register_all_types().
TestLogBuffer - Class in org.gnome.glib
TestLogBuffer() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TestLogBuffer
Allocate a new TestLogBuffer.
TestLogBuffer(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TestLogBuffer
Allocate a new TestLogBuffer.
TestLogBuffer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TestLogBuffer
Create a TestLogBuffer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TestLogBuffer(GString) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TestLogBuffer
Allocate a new TestLogBuffer with the fields set to the provided values.
TestLogBuffer(GString, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TestLogBuffer
Allocate a new TestLogBuffer with the fields set to the provided values.
TestLogFatalFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the TestLogFatalFunc callback.
TestLogMsg - Class in org.gnome.glib
TestLogMsg() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TestLogMsg
Allocate a new TestLogMsg.
TestLogMsg(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TestLogMsg
Allocate a new TestLogMsg.
TestLogMsg(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TestLogMsg
Create a TestLogMsg proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TestLogMsg(TestLogType, int, String[], int, MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TestLogMsg
Allocate a new TestLogMsg with the fields set to the provided values.
TestLogMsg(TestLogType, int, String[], int, MemorySegment, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TestLogMsg
Allocate a new TestLogMsg with the fields set to the provided values.
testLogSetFatalHandler(TestLogFatalFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Installs a non-error fatal log handler which can be used to decide whether log messages which are counted as fatal abort the program.
TestLogType - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
testLogTypeName(TestLogType) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
testMaximizedResult(double, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Report the result of a performance or measurement test.
testMessage(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Add a message to the test report.
testMinimizedResult(double, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Report the result of a performance or measurement test.
testQueueDestroy(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Enqueues a callback destroyFunc to be executed during the next test case teardown phase.
testQueueFree(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Enqueue a pointer to be released with g_free() during the next teardown phase.
testRandDouble() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Get a reproducible random floating point number, see g_test_rand_int() for details on test case random numbers.
testRandDoubleRange(double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Get a reproducible random floating pointer number out of a specified range, see g_test_rand_int() for details on test case random numbers.
testRandInt() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Get a reproducible random integer number.
testRandIntRange(int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Get a reproducible random integer number out of a specified range, see g_test_rand_int() for details on test case random numbers.
testRegisterAllTypes() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Force registration of all core GTK object types.
TestResult - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
testRun() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Runs all tests under the toplevel suite which can be retrieved with g_test_get_root().
testRunSuite(TestSuite) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Execute the tests within suite and all nested GTestSuites.
testSetNonfatalAssertions() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Changes the behaviour of the various g_assert_*() macros, g_test_assert_expected_messages() and the various g_test_trap_assert_*() macros to not abort to program, but instead call g_test_fail() and continue.
testSkip(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Indicates that a test was skipped.
testSkipPrintf(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Equivalent to g_test_skip(), but the explanation is formatted as if by g_strdup_printf().
testSubprocess() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns true (after g_test_init() has been called) if the test program is running under g_test_trap_subprocess().
TestSubprocessFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Flags to pass to g_test_trap_subprocess() to control input and output.
TestSuite - Class in org.gnome.glib
An opaque structure representing a test suite.
TestSuite(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TestSuite
Create a TestSuite proxy instance for the provided memory address.
testSummary(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Set the summary for a test, which describes what the test checks, and how it goes about checking it.
testTimerElapsed() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Get the number of seconds since the last start of the timer with g_test_timer_start().
testTimerLast() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Report the last result of g_test_timer_elapsed().
testTimerStart() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Start a timing test.
testTrapAssertions(String, String, int, String, long, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
TestTrapFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
testTrapFork(long, Set<TestTrapFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function is implemented only on Unix platforms, is not always reliable due to problems inherent in fork-without-exec and doesn't set close-on-exec flag on its file descriptors. Use g_test_trap_subprocess() instead.
testTrapFork(long, TestTrapFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function is implemented only on Unix platforms, is not always reliable due to problems inherent in fork-without-exec and doesn't set close-on-exec flag on its file descriptors. Use g_test_trap_subprocess() instead.
testTrapHasPassed() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Check the result of the last g_test_trap_subprocess() call.
testTrapReachedTimeout() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Check the result of the last g_test_trap_subprocess() call.
testTrapSubprocess(String, long, Set<TestSubprocessFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Respawns the test program to run only testPath in a subprocess.
testTrapSubprocess(String, long, TestSubprocessFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Respawns the test program to run only testPath in a subprocess.
testTrapSubprocessWithEnvp(String, String[], long, Set<TestSubprocessFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Respawns the test program to run only testPath in a subprocess with the given envp environment.
testTrapSubprocessWithEnvp(String, String[], long, TestSubprocessFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Respawns the test program to run only testPath in a subprocess with the given envp environment.
testWidgetWaitForDraw(Widget) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Enters the main loop and waits for widget to be “drawn”.
Text - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The GtkText widget is a single-line text entry widget.
Text() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Creates a new GtkText.
Text(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Create a Text proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamType
The stream contains subtitle / subpicture data.
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFormat
a human-readable, plain text format.
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Information about GtkTextView
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextWindowType
Scrollable text window.
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketDataType
UTF-8 text
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CookiePersistentStorage
Cookies are stored in a text file in the Mozilla "cookies.txt" format.
TEXT_BOX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A type of input that allows free-form text as its value.
TEXT_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node containing a glyph string
TEXT_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextSearchFlags
Search only text.
TEXT_SPACING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
TEXT_TRANSFORM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
TEXT_VIEW_PRIORITY_VALIDATE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
The priority at which the text view validates onscreen lines in an idle job in the background.
Text.ActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateCallback callback.
Text.BackspaceCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the BackspaceCallback callback.
Text.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Text.CopyClipboardCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CopyClipboardCallback callback.
Text.CutClipboardCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CutClipboardCallback callback.
Text.DeleteFromCursorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DeleteFromCursorCallback callback.
Text.InsertAtCursorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the InsertAtCursorCallback callback.
Text.InsertEmojiCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the InsertEmojiCallback callback.
Text.MoveCursorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MoveCursorCallback callback.
Text.PasteClipboardCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PasteClipboardCallback callback.
Text.PreeditChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PreeditChangedCallback callback.
Text.ToggleOverwriteCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ToggleOverwriteCallback callback.
TextBuffer - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Stores text and attributes for display in a GtkTextView.
TextBuffer() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
TextBuffer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Create a TextBuffer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TextBuffer(TextTagTable) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Creates a new text buffer.
TextBuffer.ApplyTagCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ApplyTagCallback callback.
TextBuffer.BeginUserActionCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the BeginUserActionCallback callback.
TextBuffer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TextBuffer.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
TextBuffer.DeleteRangeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DeleteRangeCallback callback.
TextBuffer.EndUserActionCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EndUserActionCallback callback.
TextBuffer.InsertChildAnchorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the InsertChildAnchorCallback callback.
TextBuffer.InsertPaintableCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the InsertPaintableCallback callback.
TextBuffer.InsertTextCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the InsertTextCallback callback.
TextBuffer.MarkDeletedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MarkDeletedCallback callback.
TextBuffer.MarkSetCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MarkSetCallback callback.
TextBuffer.ModifiedChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ModifiedChangedCallback callback.
TextBuffer.PasteDoneCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PasteDoneCallback callback.
TextBuffer.RedoCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RedoCallback callback.
TextBuffer.RemoveTagCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RemoveTagCallback callback.
TextBuffer.TextBufferClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The class structure for GtkTextBuffer.
TextBuffer.UndoCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the UndoCallback callback.
TextBufferClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Allocate a new TextBufferClass.
TextBufferClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Allocate a new TextBufferClass.
TextBufferClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.TextBufferClass
Create a TextBufferClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TextBufferCommitNotify - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TextBufferCommitNotify callback.
TextBufferNotifyFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Values for Gtk.TextBufferCommitNotify to denote the point of the notification.
TextCharPredicate - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TextCharPredicate callback.
TextChildAnchor - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkTextChildAnchor is a spot in a GtkTextBuffer where child widgets can be “anchored”.
TextChildAnchor() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextChildAnchor
Creates a new GtkTextChildAnchor.
TextChildAnchor(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextChildAnchor
Create a TextChildAnchor proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TextChildAnchor.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TextChildAnchor.TextChildAnchorClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TextChildAnchorClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextChildAnchor.TextChildAnchorClass
Allocate a new TextChildAnchorClass.
TextChildAnchorClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextChildAnchor.TextChildAnchorClass
Allocate a new TextChildAnchorClass.
TextChildAnchorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextChildAnchor.TextChildAnchorClass
Create a TextChildAnchorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TextDirection - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Reading directions for text.
TextExtendSelection - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Granularity types that extend the text selection.
TextIter - Class in org.gnome.gtk
An iterator for the contents of a GtkTextBuffer.
TextIter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Allocate a new TextIter.
TextIter(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Allocate a new TextIter.
TextIter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Create a TextIter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TextIter(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Allocate a new TextIter with the fields set to the provided values.
TextIter(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Allocate a new TextIter with the fields set to the provided values.
TextMark - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkTextMark is a position in a GtkTextbuffer that is preserved across modifications.
TextMark(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark
Creates a text mark.
TextMark(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark
Create a TextMark proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TextMark.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TextMark.TextMarkClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TextMarkClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark.TextMarkClass
Allocate a new TextMarkClass.
TextMarkClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark.TextMarkClass
Allocate a new TextMarkClass.
TextMarkClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextMark.TextMarkClass
Create a TextMarkClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TextNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node drawing a set of glyphs.
TextNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.TextNode
Create a TextNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TextNode(Font, GlyphString, RGBA, Point) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.TextNode
Creates a render node that renders the given glyphs.
TextSearchFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Flags affecting how a search is done.
TextTag - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A tag that can be applied to text contained in a GtkTextBuffer.
TextTag() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag
Calls TextTag(java.lang.String) with name = null
TextTag(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag
Creates a GtkTextTag.
TextTag(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag
Create a TextTag proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TextTag.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TextTag.TextTagClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TextTagClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.TextTagClass
Allocate a new TextTagClass.
TextTagClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.TextTagClass
Allocate a new TextTagClass.
TextTagClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextTag.TextTagClass
Create a TextTagClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TextTagTable - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The collection of tags in a GtkTextBuffer
TextTagTable() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable
Creates a new GtkTextTagTable.
TextTagTable(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable
Create a TextTagTable proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TextTagTable.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TextTagTable.TagAddedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TagAddedCallback callback.
TextTagTable.TagChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TagChangedCallback callback.
TextTagTable.TagRemovedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TagRemovedCallback callback.
TextTagTableForeach - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TextTagTableForeach callback.
TextTransform - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
An enumeration that affects how Pango treats characters during shaping.
Texture - Class in org.gnome.gdk
GdkTexture is the basic element used to refer to pixel data.
Texture(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Texture
Create a Texture proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TEXTURE_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node drawing a GdkTexture
TEXTURE_SCALE_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node drawing a GdkTexture scaled and filtered.
Texture.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Texture.TextureClass - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Texture.TextureImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The TextureImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Texture class.
TextureClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Texture.TextureClass
Create a TextureClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TextureDownloader - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The GdkTextureDownloader is used to download the contents of a Texture.
TextureDownloader(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.TextureDownloader
Create a TextureDownloader proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TextureDownloader(Texture) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.TextureDownloader
Creates a new texture downloader for texture.
TextureError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Possible errors that can be returned by GdkTexture constructors.
TextureImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Texture.TextureImpl
Creates a new instance of Texture for the provided memory address.
TextureNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node for a GdkTexture.
TextureNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.TextureNode
Create a TextureNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TextureNode(Texture, Rect) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.TextureNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will render the given texture into the area given by bounds.
TextureScaleNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node for a GdkTexture.
TextureScaleNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.TextureScaleNode
Create a TextureScaleNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TextureScaleNode(Texture, Rect, ScalingFilter) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.TextureScaleNode
Creates a node that scales the texture to the size given by the bounds using the filter and then places it at the bounds' position.
TextView - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A widget that displays the contents of a TextBuffer.
TextView() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Creates a new GtkTextView.
TextView(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Create a TextView proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TextView.BackspaceCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the BackspaceCallback callback.
TextView.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TextView.CopyClipboardCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CopyClipboardCallback callback.
TextView.CutClipboardCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CutClipboardCallback callback.
TextView.DeleteFromCursorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DeleteFromCursorCallback callback.
TextView.ExtendSelectionCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ExtendSelectionCallback callback.
TextView.InsertAtCursorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the InsertAtCursorCallback callback.
TextView.InsertEmojiCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the InsertEmojiCallback callback.
TextView.MoveCursorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MoveCursorCallback callback.
TextView.MoveViewportCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MoveViewportCallback callback.
TextView.PasteClipboardCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PasteClipboardCallback callback.
TextView.PreeditChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the PreeditChangedCallback callback.
TextView.SelectAllCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SelectAllCallback callback.
TextView.SetAnchorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SetAnchorCallback callback.
TextView.TextViewClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TextView.ToggleCursorVisibleCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ToggleCursorVisibleCallback callback.
TextView.ToggleOverwriteCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ToggleOverwriteCallback callback.
TextViewClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.TextViewClass
Allocate a new TextViewClass.
TextViewClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.TextViewClass
Allocate a new TextViewClass.
TextViewClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TextView.TextViewClass
Create a TextViewClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TextViewLayer - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Used to reference the layers of GtkTextView for the purpose of customized drawing with the ::snapshot_layer vfunc.
TextWindowType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Used to reference the parts of GtkTextView.
TFF - Enum constant in enum class
If the GstBuffer is interlaced, then the first field in the video frame is the top field.
TFF - Enum constant in enum class
The video frame has the top field first
THAANA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
THAANA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
THAANA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
THAI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
THAI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
THAI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
thawNotify() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Reverts the effect of a previous call to g_object_freeze_notify().
ThemedIcon - Class in org.gnome.gio
GThemedIcon is an implementation of Icon that supports icon themes.
ThemedIcon(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ThemedIcon
Create a ThemedIcon proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ThemedIcon(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ThemedIcon
Creates a new themed icon for iconname.
ThemedIcon.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ThemedIcon.ThemedIconClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
ThemedIconClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ThemedIcon.ThemedIconClass
Create a ThemedIconClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
THIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Weight
the thin weight (= 100) Since: 1.24
THIRD_WIDTH_NUMBERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
THIRD_WIDTH_TEXT - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
Thread - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GThread struct represents a running thread.
Thread - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Thread(String, ThreadFunc) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Thread
This function creates a new thread.
Thread(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Create a Thread proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Thread(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Thread
Create a Thread proxy instance for the provided memory address.
THREAD - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
used for thread-related errors.
THREAD - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerValueScope
the value is related to a thread
THREAD - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GThread.
THREAD_ERROR_AGAIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ThreadError
a thread couldn't be created due to resource shortage.
ThreadedResolver - Class in org.gnome.gio
GThreadedResolver is an implementation of GResolver which calls the libc lookup functions in threads to allow them to run asynchronously.
ThreadedResolver(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedResolver
Create a ThreadedResolver proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ThreadedResolver.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ThreadedResolver.ThreadedResolverClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
ThreadedResolverClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedResolver.ThreadedResolverClass
Allocate a new ThreadedResolverClass.
ThreadedResolverClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedResolver.ThreadedResolverClass
Allocate a new ThreadedResolverClass.
ThreadedResolverClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedResolver.ThreadedResolverClass
Create a ThreadedResolverClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ThreadedSocketService - Class in org.gnome.gio
A GThreadedSocketService is a simple subclass of SocketService that handles incoming connections by creating a worker thread and dispatching the connection to it by emitting the Gio.ThreadedSocketService::run signal in the new thread.
ThreadedSocketService(int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService
Creates a new GThreadedSocketService with no listeners.
ThreadedSocketService(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService
Create a ThreadedSocketService proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ThreadedSocketService.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ThreadedSocketService.RunCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the RunCallback callback.
ThreadedSocketService.ThreadedSocketServiceClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
ThreadedSocketServiceClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService.ThreadedSocketServiceClass
Allocate a new ThreadedSocketServiceClass.
ThreadedSocketServiceClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService.ThreadedSocketServiceClass
Allocate a new ThreadedSocketServiceClass.
ThreadedSocketServiceClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService.ThreadedSocketServiceClass
Create a ThreadedSocketServiceClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ThreadError - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Possible errors of thread related functions.
ThreadFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the ThreadFunc callback.
ThreadFunctions - Class in org.gnome.glib
This function table is no longer used by g_thread_init() to initialize the thread system.
ThreadFunctions() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Allocate a new ThreadFunctions.
ThreadFunctions(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Allocate a new ThreadFunctions.
ThreadFunctions(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions
Create a ThreadFunctions proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ThreadFunctions.CondBroadcastCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the CondBroadcastCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.CondFreeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the CondFreeCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.CondNewCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the CondNewCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.CondSignalCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the CondSignalCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.CondTimedWaitCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the CondTimedWaitCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.CondWaitCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the CondWaitCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.MutexFreeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the MutexFreeCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.MutexLockCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the MutexLockCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.MutexNewCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the MutexNewCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.MutexTrylockCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the MutexTrylockCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.MutexUnlockCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the MutexUnlockCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.PrivateGetCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the PrivateGetCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.PrivateNewCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the PrivateNewCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.PrivateSetCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the PrivateSetCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.ThreadCreateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the ThreadCreateCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.ThreadEqualCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the ThreadEqualCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.ThreadExitCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the ThreadExitCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.ThreadJoinCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the ThreadJoinCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.ThreadSelfCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the ThreadSelfCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.ThreadSetPriorityCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the ThreadSetPriorityCallback callback.
ThreadFunctions.ThreadYieldCallback - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the ThreadYieldCallback callback.
ThreadPool - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GThreadPool struct represents a thread pool.
ThreadPool() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Allocate a new ThreadPool.
ThreadPool(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Allocate a new ThreadPool.
ThreadPool(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Create a ThreadPool proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ThreadPool(Func, MemorySegment, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Allocate a new ThreadPool with the fields set to the provided values.
ThreadPool(Func, MemorySegment, boolean, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Allocate a new ThreadPool with the fields set to the provided values.
ThreadPriority - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
THREADSAFE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormatFlags
the module is threadsafe.
THROTTLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QOSType
The QoS event type that is produced when the application enabled throttling to limit the data rate.
throw_(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Throw an exception to this Context using the given error message.
throwException(Exception) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Throw exception to this Context.
throwPrintf(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Throw an exception to this Context using the given formatted string as error message.
throwWithName(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Throw an exception to this Context using the given error name and message.
throwWithNamePrintf(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Throw an exception to this Context using the given error name and the formatted string as error message.
THURSDAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateWeekday
TIBETAN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
TIBETAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
TIBETAN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
TickCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TickCallback callback.
TIFINAGH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
TIFINAGH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
TIFINAGH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
TILED - Enum constant in enum class
The format is tiled, there is tiling information in the last plane.
TILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
the surface is in a tiled state
TILES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.InterpType
This is an accurate simulation of the PostScript image operator without any interpolation enabled.
Time - Class in org.gnome.glib
Time(int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Time
Create a new Time with the provided value
TIME - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Format
time in nanoseconds
TIME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
TIME_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
A string that can be used in printf-like format strings to display a GstClockTime value in h:m:s format.
TIME_SPAN_DAY - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Evaluates to a time span of one day.
TIME_SPAN_HOUR - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Evaluates to a time span of one hour.
TIME_SPAN_MILLISECOND - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Evaluates to a time span of one millisecond.
TIME_SPAN_MINUTE - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Evaluates to a time span of one minute.
TIME_SPAN_SECOND - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Evaluates to a time span of one second.
TIME_ZONE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GTimeZone.
TimeCoord - Class in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkTimeCoord stores a single event in a motion history.
TimeCoord() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.TimeCoord
Allocate a new TimeCoord.
TimeCoord(int, Set<AxisFlags>, double[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.TimeCoord
Allocate a new TimeCoord with the fields set to the provided values.
TimeCoord(int, Set<AxisFlags>, double[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.TimeCoord
Allocate a new TimeCoord with the fields set to the provided values.
TimeCoord(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.TimeCoord
Allocate a new TimeCoord.
TimeCoord(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.TimeCoord
Create a TimeCoord proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TIMED_OUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Certain timeout errors, e.g.
TIMED_OUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Operation timed out.
TimedAnimation - Class in org.gnome.adw
A time-based Animation.
TimedAnimation(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Create a TimedAnimation proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TimedAnimation(Widget, double, double, int, AnimationTarget) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation
Creates a new AdwTimedAnimation on widget to animate target from from to to.
TimedAnimation.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TimedAnimation.TimedAnimationClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
TimedAnimationClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.TimedAnimation.TimedAnimationClass
Create a TimedAnimationClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
timedPop(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Gets a message from the bus, waiting up to the specified timeout.
timedPop(TimeVal) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
use g_async_queue_timeout_pop().
timedPopFiltered(ClockTime, Set<MessageType>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Gets a message from the bus whose type matches the message type mask types, waiting up to the specified timeout (and discarding any messages that do not match the mask provided).
timedPopFiltered(ClockTime, MessageType...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus
Gets a message from the bus whose type matches the message type mask types, waiting up to the specified timeout (and discarding any messages that do not match the mask provided).
timedPopUnlocked(TimeVal) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
use g_async_queue_timeout_pop_unlocked().
TimedValue - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Structure for storing a timestamp and a value.
TimedValue() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TimedValue
Allocate a new TimedValue.
TimedValue(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TimedValue
Allocate a new TimedValue.
TimedValue(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TimedValue
Create a TimedValue proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TimedValue(ClockTime, double) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TimedValue
Allocate a new TimedValue with the fields set to the provided values.
TimedValue(ClockTime, double, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TimedValue
Allocate a new TimedValue with the fields set to the provided values.
timedWait(Mutex, TimeVal) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Cond
Use g_cond_wait_until() instead.
TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererResult
the discovery timed-out
TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Certain timeout errors, possibly ETIMEDOUT on a socket.
timeoutAdd(int, int, SourceFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets a function to be called at regular intervals, with the given priority.
timeoutAddOnce(int, SourceOnceFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets a function to be called after interval milliseconds have elapsed, with the default priority, GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT.
timeoutAddSeconds(int, int, SourceFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets a function to be called at regular intervals, with priority.
timeoutAddSecondsOnce(int, SourceOnceFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function behaves like GLib.timeoutAddOnce(int, org.gnome.glib.SourceOnceFunc) but with a range in seconds.
timeoutPop(long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Pops data from the this AsyncQueue.
timeoutPopUnlocked(long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Pops data from the this AsyncQueue.
timeoutSourceNew(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a new timeout source.
timeoutSourceNewSeconds(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a new timeout source.
TIMEP_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
printf format type used to debug GStreamer ClockTime pointers.
Timer - Class in org.gnome.glib
GTimer records a start time, and counts microseconds elapsed since that time.
Timer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Timer
Create a Timer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TIMER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
TIMESHIFT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferingMode
the stream is being downloaded in a ringbuffer
TimeSpan - Class in org.gnome.glib
A value representing an interval of time, in microseconds.
TimeSpan(long) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TimeSpan
Create a new TimeSpan with the provided value
TIMESTAMPS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferCopyFlags
flag indicating that buffer pts, dts, duration, offset and offset_end should be copied
TimeType - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Disambiguates a given time in two ways.
TimeVal - Class in org.gnome.glib
TimeVal() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TimeVal
Allocate a new TimeVal.
TimeVal(int, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TimeVal
Allocate a new TimeVal with the fields set to the provided values.
TimeVal(int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TimeVal
Allocate a new TimeVal with the fields set to the provided values.
TimeVal(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TimeVal
Allocate a new TimeVal.
TimeVal(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TimeVal
Create a TimeVal proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TimeZone - Class in org.gnome.glib
A GTimeZone represents a time zone, at no particular point in time.
TimeZone - Class in org.gnome.gobject
TimeZone() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TimeZone
TimeZone(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TimeZone
Use g_time_zone_new_identifier() instead, as it provides error reporting. Change your code to handle a potentially null return value.
TimeZone(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TimeZone
Create a TimeZone proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TimeZone(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TimeZone
Create a TimeZone proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TIRHUTA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Tirh, Since: 0.9.30
TIRHUTA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
TIRHUTA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
TITLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntryType
entry is a title (i.e.
TITLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.ChangeCaseType
capitalize each word.
TITLE_CAPS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Variant
A font with capital letters that are more suitable for all-uppercase titles.
titlebarGesture(TitlebarGesture) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel
Performs a title bar gesture.
TitlebarGesture - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
The kind of title bar gesture to emit with Toplevel.titlebarGesture(org.gnome.gdk.TitlebarGesture).
TITLECASE_LETTER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
TITLECASE_LETTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Letter, Titlecase" (Lt)
TITLING_CAPS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
tldDomainIsPublicSuffix(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Looks whether the domain passed as argument is a public domain suffix (.org, .com,, etc) or not.
TLDError - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
Error codes for SOUP_TLD_ERROR.
tldGetBaseDomain(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Finds the base domain for a given hostname
TLS_1_0 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsProtocolVersion
TLS 1.0, which is insecure and should not be used
TLS_1_1 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsProtocolVersion
TLS 1.1, which is insecure and should not be used
TLS_1_2 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsProtocolVersion
TLS 1.2, defined by RFC 5246
TLS_1_3 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsProtocolVersion
TLS 1.3, defined by RFC 8446
TLS_BACKEND_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Extension point for TLS functionality via GTlsBackend.
TLS_DATABASE_PURPOSE_AUTHENTICATE_CLIENT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The purpose used to verify the client certificate in a TLS connection.
TLS_DATABASE_PURPOSE_AUTHENTICATE_SERVER - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The purpose used to verify the server certificate in a TLS connection.
TLS_HANDSHAKE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketCloseCode
reserved value indicating that the TLS handshake failed; must not be sent.
TLS_HANDSHAKED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketClientEvent
The client has performed a TLS handshake.
TLS_HANDSHAKING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketClientEvent
The client is performing a TLS handshake.
TlsAuthenticationMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
The client authentication mode for a GTlsServerConnection.
TlsBackend - Interface in org.gnome.gio
TLS (Transport Layer Security, aka SSL) and DTLS backend.
TlsBackend.TlsBackendImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The TlsBackendImpl type represents a native instance of the TlsBackend interface.
TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Provides an interface for describing TLS-related types.
TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetCertificateTypeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the GetCertificateTypeCallback callback.
TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetClientConnectionTypeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the GetClientConnectionTypeCallback callback.
TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetDtlsClientConnectionTypeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the GetDtlsClientConnectionTypeCallback callback.
TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetDtlsServerConnectionTypeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the GetDtlsServerConnectionTypeCallback callback.
TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetFileDatabaseTypeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the GetFileDatabaseTypeCallback callback.
TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetServerConnectionTypeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the GetServerConnectionTypeCallback callback.
TlsBackendImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendImpl
Creates a new instance of TlsBackend for the provided memory address.
TlsBackendInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface
Allocate a new TlsBackendInterface.
TlsBackendInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface
Allocate a new TlsBackendInterface.
TlsBackendInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface
Create a TlsBackendInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TlsCertificate - Class in org.gnome.gio
A certificate used for TLS authentication and encryption.
TlsCertificate(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
Create a TlsCertificate proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TlsCertificate.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TlsCertificate.TlsCertificateClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
TlsCertificate.TlsCertificateImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The TlsCertificateImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract TlsCertificate class.
TlsCertificateClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate.TlsCertificateClass
Allocate a new TlsCertificateClass.
TlsCertificateClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate.TlsCertificateClass
Allocate a new TlsCertificateClass.
TlsCertificateClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate.TlsCertificateClass
Create a TlsCertificateClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TlsCertificateFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
A set of flags describing TLS certification validation.
TlsCertificateImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate.TlsCertificateImpl
Creates a new instance of TlsCertificate for the provided memory address.
TlsCertificateRequestFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags for g_tls_interaction_request_certificate(), g_tls_interaction_request_certificate_async(), and g_tls_interaction_invoke_request_certificate().
TlsChannelBindingError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
An error code used with G_TLS_CHANNEL_BINDING_ERROR in a GError to indicate a TLS channel binding retrieval error.
TlsChannelBindingType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
The type of TLS channel binding data to retrieve from GTlsConnection or GDtlsConnection, as documented by RFC 5929 or RFC 9266.
tlsClientCertificatePasswordRequestComplete() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Message
Completes a certificate password request.
TlsClientConnection - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GTlsClientConnection is the client-side subclass of TlsConnection, representing a client-side TLS connection.
TlsClientConnection.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gio
TlsClientConnection.TlsClientConnectionImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The TlsClientConnectionImpl type represents a native instance of the TlsClientConnection interface.
TlsClientConnection.TlsClientConnectionInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
vtable for a GTlsClientConnection implementation.
TlsClientConnectionImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection.TlsClientConnectionImpl
Creates a new instance of TlsClientConnection for the provided memory address.
TlsClientConnectionInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection.TlsClientConnectionInterface
Allocate a new TlsClientConnectionInterface.
TlsClientConnectionInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection.TlsClientConnectionInterface
Allocate a new TlsClientConnectionInterface.
TlsClientConnectionInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsClientConnection.TlsClientConnectionInterface
Create a TlsClientConnectionInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TlsConnection - Class in org.gnome.gio
GTlsConnection is the base TLS connection class type, which wraps a IOStream and provides TLS encryption on top of it.
TlsConnection(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection
Create a TlsConnection proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TlsConnection.AcceptCertificateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the AcceptCertificateCallback callback.
TlsConnection.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TlsConnection.TlsConnectionClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
The class structure for the GTlsConnection type.
TlsConnection.TlsConnectionImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The TlsConnectionImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract TlsConnection class.
TlsConnectionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.TlsConnectionClass
Allocate a new TlsConnectionClass.
TlsConnectionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.TlsConnectionClass
Allocate a new TlsConnectionClass.
TlsConnectionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.TlsConnectionClass
Create a TlsConnectionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TlsConnectionImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.TlsConnectionImpl
Creates a new instance of TlsConnection for the provided memory address.
TlsDatabase - Class in org.gnome.gio
GTlsDatabase is used to look up certificates and other information from a certificate or key store.
TlsDatabase(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Create a TlsDatabase proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TlsDatabase.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
The class for GTlsDatabase.
TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The TlsDatabaseImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract TlsDatabase class.
TlsDatabaseClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass
Allocate a new TlsDatabaseClass.
TlsDatabaseClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass
Allocate a new TlsDatabaseClass.
TlsDatabaseClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseClass
Create a TlsDatabaseClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TlsDatabaseImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase.TlsDatabaseImpl
Creates a new instance of TlsDatabase for the provided memory address.
TlsDatabaseLookupFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags for g_tls_database_lookup_certificate_for_handle(), g_tls_database_lookup_certificate_issuer(), and g_tls_database_lookup_certificates_issued_by().
TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Flags for g_tls_database_verify_chain().
TlsError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
An error code used with G_TLS_ERROR in a GError returned from a TLS-related routine.
TLSErrorsPolicy - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to denote the TLS errors policy.
TlsFileDatabase - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GTlsFileDatabase is implemented by TlsDatabase objects which load their certificate information from a file.
TlsFileDatabase.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gio
TlsFileDatabase.TlsFileDatabaseImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The TlsFileDatabaseImpl type represents a native instance of the TlsFileDatabase interface.
TlsFileDatabase.TlsFileDatabaseInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Provides an interface for GTlsFileDatabase implementations.
TlsFileDatabaseImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsFileDatabase.TlsFileDatabaseImpl
Creates a new instance of TlsFileDatabase for the provided memory address.
TlsFileDatabaseInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsFileDatabase.TlsFileDatabaseInterface
Allocate a new TlsFileDatabaseInterface.
TlsFileDatabaseInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsFileDatabase.TlsFileDatabaseInterface
Allocate a new TlsFileDatabaseInterface.
TlsFileDatabaseInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsFileDatabase.TlsFileDatabaseInterface
Create a TlsFileDatabaseInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TlsInteraction - Class in org.gnome.gio
GTlsInteraction provides a mechanism for the TLS connection and database code to interact with the user.
TlsInteraction(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction
Create a TlsInteraction proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TlsInteraction.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TlsInteraction.TlsInteractionClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
The class for GTlsInteraction.
TlsInteractionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction.TlsInteractionClass
Allocate a new TlsInteractionClass.
TlsInteractionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction.TlsInteractionClass
Allocate a new TlsInteractionClass.
TlsInteractionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteraction.TlsInteractionClass
Create a TlsInteractionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TlsInteractionResult - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
GTlsInteractionResult is returned by various functions in GTlsInteraction when finishing an interaction request.
TlsPassword - Class in org.gnome.gio
An abstract interface representing a password used in TLS.
TlsPassword(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
Create a TlsPassword proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TlsPassword(Set<TlsPasswordFlags>, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
Create a new GTlsPassword object.
TlsPassword(TlsPasswordFlags, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword
Create a new GTlsPassword object.
TlsPassword.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TlsPassword.TlsPasswordClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Class structure for GTlsPassword.
TlsPasswordClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword.TlsPasswordClass
Allocate a new TlsPasswordClass.
TlsPasswordClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword.TlsPasswordClass
Allocate a new TlsPasswordClass.
TlsPasswordClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsPassword.TlsPasswordClass
Create a TlsPasswordClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TlsPasswordFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Various flags for the password.
TlsProtocolVersion - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
The TLS or DTLS protocol version used by a GTlsConnection or GDtlsConnection.
TlsRehandshakeMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
TlsServerConnection - Interface in org.gnome.gio
GTlsServerConnection is the server-side subclass of TlsConnection, representing a server-side TLS connection.
TlsServerConnection.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gio
TlsServerConnection.TlsServerConnectionImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The TlsServerConnectionImpl type represents a native instance of the TlsServerConnection interface.
TlsServerConnection.TlsServerConnectionInterface - Class in org.gnome.gio
vtable for a GTlsServerConnection implementation.
TlsServerConnectionImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsServerConnection.TlsServerConnectionImpl
Creates a new instance of TlsServerConnection for the provided memory address.
TlsServerConnectionInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsServerConnection.TlsServerConnectionInterface
Allocate a new TlsServerConnectionInterface.
TlsServerConnectionInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsServerConnection.TlsServerConnectionInterface
Allocate a new TlsServerConnectionInterface.
TlsServerConnectionInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.TlsServerConnection.TlsServerConnectionInterface
Create a TlsServerConnectionInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TO_END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathDirection
The tangent in path direction of the outgoing side of the path
TO_START - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathDirection
The tangent against path direction of the incoming side of the path
to2d(Out<Double>, Out<Double>, Out<Double>, Out<Double>, Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Converts a graphene_matrix_t to an affine transformation matrix, if the given matrix is compatible.
to2d(Out<Float>, Out<Float>, Out<Float>, Out<Float>, Out<Float>, Out<Float>) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Converts a GskTransform to a 2D transformation matrix.
to2dComponents(Out<Float>, Out<Float>, Out<Float>, Out<Float>, Out<Float>, Out<Float>, Out<Float>) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Converts a GskTransform to 2D transformation factors.
toAffine(Out<Float>, Out<Float>, Out<Float>, Out<Float>) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Converts a GskTransform to 2D affine transformation factors.
toAngles(Out<Float>, Out<Float>, Out<Float>) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Converts a graphene_quaternion_t to its corresponding rotations on the Euler angles on each axis.
toAngleVec3(Out<Float>, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Converts a quaternion into an angle, axis pair.
toArgs() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
toArray() - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
toArray(T[]) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gio.ListModelJavaList
Toast - Class in org.gnome.adw
A helper object for ToastOverlay.
Toast(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Create a Toast proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Toast(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Toast
Creates a new AdwToast.
Toast.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Toast.ButtonClickedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the ButtonClickedCallback callback.
Toast.DismissedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.adw
Functional interface declaration of the DismissedCallback callback.
Toast.ToastClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
ToastClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Toast.ToastClass
Allocate a new ToastClass.
ToastClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Toast.ToastClass
Allocate a new ToastClass.
ToastClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Toast.ToastClass
Create a ToastClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ToastOverlay - Class in org.gnome.adw
A widget showing toasts above its content.
ToastOverlay() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ToastOverlay
Creates a new AdwToastOverlay.
ToastOverlay(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ToastOverlay
Create a ToastOverlay proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ToastOverlay.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ToastOverlay.ToastOverlayClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
ToastOverlayClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ToastOverlay.ToastOverlayClass
Allocate a new ToastOverlayClass.
ToastOverlayClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ToastOverlay.ToastOverlayClass
Allocate a new ToastOverlayClass.
ToastOverlayClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ToastOverlay.ToastOverlayClass
Create a ToastOverlayClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ToastPriority - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
Toast behavior when another toast is already displayed.
toBlob(Set<DBusCapabilityFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Serializes this DBusMessage to a blob.
toBlob(DBusCapabilityFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
Serializes this DBusMessage to a blob.
toBoolean() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Convert this Value to a boolean.
toBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Gets the raw binary address data from this InetAddress.
toBytes(Out<byte[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Coverage
This returns null
toc(GstObject, Toc, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new TOC message.
toc(Toc, boolean) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Generate a TOC event from the given toc.
Toc - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstToc functions are used to create/free GstToc and GstTocEntry structures.
Toc(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Toc
Create a Toc proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Toc(TocScope) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Toc
Create a new GstToc structure.
TOC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
An event which indicates that a new table of contents (TOC) was found or updated.
TOC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
A new table of contents (TOC) was found or previously found TOC was updated.
TOC_REPEAT_COUNT_INFINITE - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Special value for the repeat_count set in gst_toc_entry_set_loop() or returned by gst_toc_entry_set_loop() to indicate infinite looping.
TOC_SELECT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
A request for a new playback position based on TOC entry's UID.
toCairo(Context) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Path
Appends the given path to the given cairo context for drawing with Cairo.
toCairo(Context) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Stroke
A helper function that sets the stroke parameters of cr from the values found in this Stroke.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.FunctionPointer
Create a function pointer in native memory for this callback.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Properties.GetPropertyCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Properties.SetPropertyCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.types.TemplateTypes.DisposeCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.SamplesSelectedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad.BufferConsumedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectDataDestroyNotify
Creates a native function pointer to the CollectDataDestroyNotify.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsBufferFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsClipFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsCompareFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsEventFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsFlushFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsQueryFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue.EmptyCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the DataQueue.EmptyCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue.FullCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the DataQueue.FullCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueCheckFullFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueEmptyCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueFullCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.TypeFindHelperGetRangeFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.DeepElementAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.DeepElementRemovedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.DoLatencyCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Bin.DoLatencyCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.ElementAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.ElementRemovedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferForeachMetaFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferListFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus.MessageCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus.SyncMessageCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusSyncHandler
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ByteArrayInterface.ResizeCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFilterMapFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsForeachFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsMapFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy.ChildAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy.ChildRemovedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.SyncedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Clock.SyncedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBindingConvert
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSourceGetValue
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSourceGetValueArray
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CustomMetaTransformFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugFuncPtr
Creates a native function pointer to the DebugFuncPtr.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device.RemovedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Device.RemovedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.ProviderHiddenCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.ProviderUnhiddenCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.NoMorePadsCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Element.NoMorePadsCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.PadAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.PadRemovedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementCallAsyncFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementForeachPadFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject.DeepNotifyCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorCopyFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorFoldFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorForeachFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorFreeFunction
Creates a native function pointer to the IteratorFreeFunction.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorItemFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorNextFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorResyncFunction
Creates a native function pointer to the IteratorResyncFunction.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LogFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MainFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MainFuncSimple
Creates a native function pointer to the MainFuncSimple.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryCopyFunction
Creates a native function pointer to the MemoryCopyFunction.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, long, long) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryIsSpanFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryMapFullFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryMapFunction
Creates a native function pointer to the MemoryMapFunction.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, long, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryShareFunction
Creates a native function pointer to the MemoryShareFunction.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, long, long) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryUnmapFullFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryUnmapFunction
Creates a native function pointer to the MemoryUnmapFunction.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaClearFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaDeserializeFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaFreeFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInitFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaSerializeFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaTransformFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectCopyFunction
Creates a native function pointer to the MiniObjectCopyFunction.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectDisposeFunction
Creates a native function pointer to the MiniObjectDisposeFunction.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectFreeFunction
Creates a native function pointer to the MiniObjectFreeFunction.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectNotify
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.LinkedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.UnlinkedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadActivateFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadActivateModeFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadChainFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadChainListFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadEventFullFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadEventFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadForwardFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadGetRangeFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadIterIntLinkFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadQueryFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadStickyEventsForeachFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate.PadCreatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadUnlinkFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeatureFilter
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFilter
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginInitFullFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginInitFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the PluginInitFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PromiseChangeFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry.FeatureAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry.PluginAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection.StreamNotifyCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StructureFilterMapFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StructureForeachFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StructureMapFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagForeachFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagMergeFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskFunction
Creates a native function pointer to the TaskFunction.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPoolFunction
Creates a native function pointer to the TaskPoolFunction.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskThreadFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind.GetLengthCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TypeFind.GetLengthCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind.PeekCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TypeFind.PeekCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, long, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind.SuggestCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueCompareFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueDeserializeFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueDeserializeWithPSpecFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueSerializeFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the ValueSerializeFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShaderFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.DiscoveredCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.FinishedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Discoverer.FinishedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.LoadSerializedInfoCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.SourceSetupCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.StartingCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Discoverer.StartingCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsResultFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the InstallPluginsResultFunc.upcall(int, java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferMessageFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLineGetColorStopsFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLineGetExtendFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DestroyFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the DestroyFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawClosePathFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawCubicToFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawLineToFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawMoveToFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawQuadraticToFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontDrawGlyphFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetFontExtentsFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphAdvanceFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphAdvancesFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphContourPointFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphExtentsFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphFromNameFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphKerningFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphNameFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphOriginFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphShapeFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetNominalGlyphFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetNominalGlyphsFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetVariationGlyphFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontPaintGlyphFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintColorFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintColorGlyphFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCustomPaletteColorFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintImageFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintLinearGradientFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPopClipFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPopGroupFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPopTransformFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPushClipGlyphFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPushClipRectangleFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPushGroupFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPushTransformFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintRadialGradientFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintSweepGradientFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ReferenceTableFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClassFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeComposeFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeDecomposeCompatibilityFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeDecomposeFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeEastasianWidthFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategoryFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeMirroringFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeScriptFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.ActivateLinkCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.ActivateLinkCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.ActionRow.ActivatedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ActionRow.ActivatedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.ResponseCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Animation.DoneCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Animation.DoneCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.AnimationTargetFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the AnimationTargetFunc.upcall(double, java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Banner.ButtonClickedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Banner.ButtonClickedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.CloseAttemptCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the BottomSheet.CloseAttemptCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint.ApplyCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Breakpoint.ApplyCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint.UnapplyCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Breakpoint.UnapplyCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow.ActivatedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ButtonRow.ActivatedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Carousel.PageChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Carousel.PageChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Dialog.CloseAttemptCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Dialog.CloseAttemptCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Dialog.ClosedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Dialog.ClosedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.ApplyCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the EntryRow.ApplyCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.EntryActivatedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the EntryRow.EntryActivatedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.ResponseCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.HiddenCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the NavigationPage.HiddenCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.HidingCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the NavigationPage.HidingCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.ShowingCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the NavigationPage.ShowingCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.ShownCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the NavigationPage.ShownCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.GetNextPageCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.PoppedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.PushedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the NavigationView.PushedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.ReplacedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the NavigationView.ReplacedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.InputCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.OutputCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SpinRow.OutputCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.WrappedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SpinRow.WrappedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SplitButton.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.ClickedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SplitButton.ClickedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.BeginSwipeCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SwipeTracker.BeginSwipeCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.EndSwipeCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.PrepareCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SwipeTracker.PrepareCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.UpdateSwipeCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabBar.ExtraDragDropCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabBar.ExtraDragValueCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabButton.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TabButton.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabButton.ClickedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TabButton.ClickedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.CreateTabCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TabOverview.CreateTabCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.ExtraDragDropCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.ExtraDragValueCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.ClosePageCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.CreateWindowCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TabView.CreateWindowCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.IndicatorActivatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.PageAttachedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.PageDetachedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.PageReorderedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.SetupMenuCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Toast.ButtonClickedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Toast.ButtonClickedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Toast.DismissedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Toast.DismissedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Clipboard.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializeFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the ContentDeserializeFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.ContentChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializeFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the ContentSerializeFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.CursorGetTextureCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Device.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Device.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Device.ToolChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Display.ClosedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Display.ClosedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Display.OpenedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Display.OpenedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Display.SeatAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Display.SeatRemovedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Display.SettingChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager.DisplayOpenedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Drag.CancelCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Drag.CancelCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Drag.DndFinishedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Drag.DndFinishedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Drag.DropPerformedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Drag.DropPerformedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.DragSurface.ComputeSizeCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.AfterPaintCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the FrameClock.AfterPaintCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.BeforePaintCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the FrameClock.BeforePaintCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.FlushEventsCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the FrameClock.FlushEventsCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.LayoutCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the FrameClock.LayoutCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.PaintCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the FrameClock.PaintCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.ResumeEventsCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the FrameClock.ResumeEventsCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.UpdateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the FrameClock.UpdateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Monitor.InvalidateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Monitor.InvalidateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable.InvalidateContentsCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable.InvalidateSizeCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Paintable.InvalidateSizeCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Seat.DeviceAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Seat.DeviceRemovedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Seat.ToolAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Seat.ToolRemovedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Surface.EnterMonitorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Surface.EventCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Surface.LayoutCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Surface.LayoutCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Surface.LeaveMonitorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Surface.RenderCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel.ComputeSizeCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.VulkanContext.ImagesUpdatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufDestroyNotify
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.AreaPreparedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the PixbufLoader.AreaPreparedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.AreaUpdatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.ClosedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the PixbufLoader.ClosedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.SizePreparedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleBeginLoadFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleFillInfoFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the PixbufModuleFillInfoFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleFillVtableFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the PixbufModuleFillVtableFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleIncrementLoadFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleLoadAnimationFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleLoadFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleLoadXpmDataFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the PixbufModuleLoadXpmDataFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModulePreparedFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleSaveCallbackFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleSaveFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleSaveOptionSupportedFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleSizeFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleStopLoadFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleUpdatedFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSaveFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry.ActivateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry.ChangeStateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionEnabledChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionRemovedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionStateChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfoMonitor.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the AppInfoMonitor.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.LaunchedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.LaunchFailedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.LaunchStartedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Application.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.CommandLineCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.HandleLocalOptionsCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.NameLostCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Application.NameLostCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.OpenCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.ShutdownCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Application.ShutdownCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.StartupCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Application.StartupCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AsyncReadyCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.BusAcquiredCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.BusNameAcquiredCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.BusNameAppearedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.BusNameLostCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.BusNameVanishedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Cancellable.CancelledCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Cancellable.CancelledCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.CancellableSourceFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DatagramBasedSourceFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver.AllowMechanismCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver.AuthorizeAuthenticatedPeerCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection.ClosedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSetPropertyFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.GAuthorizeMethodCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageFilterFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObject.InterfaceAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObject.InterfaceRemovedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.InterfaceAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.InterfaceRemovedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.ObjectAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.ObjectRemovedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.InterfaceProxyPropertiesChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.InterfaceProxySignalCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton.AuthorizeMethodCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.GPropertiesChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.GSignalCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusProxyTypeFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusServer.NewConnectionCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeDispatchFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeEnumerateFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus.AuthorizeCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppLaunchCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Drive.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive.DisconnectedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Drive.DisconnectedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive.EjectButtonCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Drive.EjectButtonCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive.StopButtonCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Drive.StopButtonCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.AcceptCertificateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface.QuerySettableAttributesAsyncCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the File.FileIface.QuerySettableAttributesAsyncCallback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface.QuerySettableAttributesFinishCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the File.FileIface.QuerySettableAttributesFinishCallback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface.QueryWritableNamespacesAsyncCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the File.FileIface.QueryWritableNamespacesAsyncCallback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface.QueryWritableNamespacesFinishCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the File.FileIface.QueryWritableNamespacesFinishCallback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.FileMeasureProgressCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor.ChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter.GotCompletionDataCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.FileProgressCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the FileProgressCallback.upcall(long, long, java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.FileReadMoreCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.IOSchedulerJobFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ListModel.ItemsChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitor.LowMemoryWarningCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.ItemsChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Mount.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount.PreUnmountCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Mount.PreUnmountCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount.UnmountedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Mount.UnmountedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.AbortedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the MountOperation.AbortedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.AskPasswordCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.AskQuestionCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.ReplyCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the MountOperation.ReplyCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.ShowProcessesCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.ShowUnmountProgressCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor.NetworkChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.PollableSourceFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ReallocFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the ReallocFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, long) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ReloadCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Resolver.ReloadCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Settings.ChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Settings.ChangeEventCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Settings.WritableChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Settings.WritableChangeEventCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SettingsBindGetMapping
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SettingsBindSetMapping
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SettingsGetMapping
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction.ActivateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction.ChangeStateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncThreadFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.EventCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SocketListener.EventCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SocketService.IncomingCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SocketSourceFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TaskThreadFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService.RunCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetCertificateTypeCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetCertificateTypeCallback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetClientConnectionTypeCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetClientConnectionTypeCallback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetDtlsClientConnectionTypeCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetDtlsServerConnectionTypeCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetFileDatabaseTypeCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetFileDatabaseTypeCallback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetServerConnectionTypeCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetServerConnectionTypeCallback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.AcceptCertificateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor.MountpointsChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor.MountsChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VfsFileLookupFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Volume.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume.RemovedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Volume.RemovedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.DriveChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.DriveConnectedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.DriveDisconnectedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.DriveEjectButtonCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.DriveStopButtonCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.MountAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.MountChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.MountPreUnmountCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.MountRemovedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass.IsSupportedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass.IsSupportedCallback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeRemovedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CacheDestroyFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the CacheDestroyFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CacheDupFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the CacheDupFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CacheNewFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the CacheNewFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ChildWatchFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the ChildWatchFunc.upcall(int, int, java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ClearHandleFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the ClearHandleFunc.upcall(int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CompareDataFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CompareFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CompletionFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the CompletionFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CompletionStrncmpFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CopyFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.DataForeachFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.DestroyNotify
Creates a native function pointer to the DestroyNotify.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.DuplicateFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.EqualFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.EqualFuncFull
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ErrorClearFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the ErrorClearFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ErrorCopyFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ErrorInitFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the ErrorInitFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.FreeFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the FreeFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.Func
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HashFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the HashFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookCheckFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the HookCheckFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookCheckMarshaller
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookCompareFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookFinalizeFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookFindFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the HookFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookMarshaller
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HRFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoCloseCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoCreateWatchCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoFreeCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the IOFuncs.IoFreeCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoGetFlagsCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the IOFuncs.IoGetFlagsCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoReadCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoSeekCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoSetFlagsCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoWriteCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.LogFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.LogWriterFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser.EndElementCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser.ErrorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser.PassthroughCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser.StartElementCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser.TextCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.CallocCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the MemVTable.CallocCallback.upcall(long, long) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.FreeCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the MemVTable.FreeCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.MallocCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the MemVTable.MallocCallback.upcall(long) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.ReallocCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the MemVTable.ReallocCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, long) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.TryMallocCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the MemVTable.TryMallocCallback.upcall(long) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.TryReallocCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.NodeForeachFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.NodeTraverseFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.OptionArgFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.OptionErrorFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.OptionParseFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.PollFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the PollFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.PrintFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the PrintFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.RegexEvalCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ScannerMsgFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SequenceIterCompareFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceCallbackFuncs.GetCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceCallbackFuncs.RefCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SourceCallbackFuncs.RefCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceCallbackFuncs.UnrefCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SourceCallbackFuncs.UnrefCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceDisposeFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the SourceDisposeFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceDummyMarshal
Creates a native function pointer to the SourceDummyMarshal.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the SourceFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncsCheckFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the SourceFuncsCheckFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncsDispatchFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncsFinalizeFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the SourceFuncsFinalizeFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncsPrepareFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceOnceFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the SourceOnceFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SpawnChildSetupFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the SpawnChildSetupFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TestDataFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the TestDataFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TestFixtureFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TestFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the TestFunc.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TestLogFatalFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the ThreadFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondBroadcastCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondFreeCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ThreadFunctions.CondFreeCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondNewCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ThreadFunctions.CondNewCallback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondSignalCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondTimedWaitCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondWaitCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.MutexFreeCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ThreadFunctions.MutexFreeCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.MutexLockCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ThreadFunctions.MutexLockCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.MutexNewCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ThreadFunctions.MutexNewCallback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.MutexTrylockCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.MutexUnlockCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.PrivateGetCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.PrivateNewCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.PrivateSetCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadCreateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadEqualCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadExitCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ThreadFunctions.ThreadExitCallback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadJoinCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadSelfCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadSetPriorityCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadYieldCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ThreadFunctions.ThreadYieldCallback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TranslateFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TraverseFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TraverseNodeFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.UnixFDSourceFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the UnixFDSourceFunc.upcall(int, int, java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.VoidFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the VoidFunc.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleCheckInit
Creates a native function pointer to the ModuleCheckInit.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleUnload
Creates a native function pointer to the ModuleUnload.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.BaseFinalizeFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the BaseFinalizeFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.BaseInitFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the BaseInitFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.BindingTransformFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.BoxedCopyFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the BoxedCopyFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.BoxedFreeFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the BoxedFreeFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.Callback
Creates a native function pointer to the Callback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ClassFinalizeFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ClassInitFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.Closure.MarshalCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ClosureMarshal
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ClosureNotify
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.GObject.NotifyCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.InstanceInitFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceFinalizeFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceInitFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ObjectFinalizeFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the ObjectFinalizeFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ObjectGetPropertyFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ObjectSetPropertyFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo.FinalizeCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo.InstanceInitCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValuesCmpCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValueSetDefaultCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValueValidateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.SignalAccumulator
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.SignalEmissionHook
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup.BindCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup.UnbindCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SignalGroup.UnbindCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ToggleNotify
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeClassCacheFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterfaceCheckFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginCompleteInterfaceInfo
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginCompleteTypeInfo
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginUnuse
Creates a native function pointer to the TypePluginUnuse.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginUse
Creates a native function pointer to the TypePluginUse.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueCollectFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueCopyFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueFreeFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the TypeValueFreeFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueInitFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the TypeValueInitFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueLCopyFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValuePeekPointerFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the TypeValuePeekPointerFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ValueTransform
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.WeakNotify
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gsk.ParseErrorFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gsk.PathForeachFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.ActivateLinkCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Adjustment.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.ValueChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Adjustment.ValueChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the AppChooserButton.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the AppChooserButton.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.CustomItemActivatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget.ApplicationActivatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget.ApplicationSelectedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Application.QueryEndCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Application.QueryEndCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Application.WindowAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Application.WindowRemovedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.ApplyCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Assistant.ApplyCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.CancelCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Assistant.CancelCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.CloseCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Assistant.CloseCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.EscapeCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Assistant.EscapeCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.PrepareCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPageFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the AssistantPageFunc.upcall(int, java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ATContext.StateChangeCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ATContext.StateChangeCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser.EndElementCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser.ErrorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser.StartElementCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser.TextCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Button.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Button.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Button.ClickedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Button.ClickedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.DaySelectedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Calendar.DaySelectedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.NextMonthCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Calendar.NextMonthCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.NextYearCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Calendar.NextYearCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.PrevMonthCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Calendar.PrevMonthCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.PrevYearCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Calendar.PrevYearCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellAllocCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.AddEditableCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.ApplyAttributesCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.FocusChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.RemoveEditableCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable.EditingDoneCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the CellEditable.EditingDoneCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable.RemoveWidgetCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the CellEditable.RemoveWidgetCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellLayoutDataFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.EditingCanceledCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.EditingStartedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel.AccelClearedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel.AccelEditedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererCombo.ChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.EditedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle.ToggledCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the CheckButton.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.ToggledCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the CheckButton.ToggledCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ColorButton.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton.ColorSetCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ColorButton.ColorSetCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser.ColorActivatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton.ActivateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ColumnView.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ComboBox.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ComboBox.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.FormatEntryTextCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.MoveActiveCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ComboBox.MoveActiveCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.PopdownCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ComboBox.PopdownCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.PopupCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ComboBox.PopupCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider.ParsingErrorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CustomFilterFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Dialog.CloseCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Dialog.CloseCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Dialog.ResponseCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Dialog.ResponseCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.DragBeginCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.DragCancelCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.DragEndCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.PrepareCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea.ResizeCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DrawingAreaDrawFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion.EnterCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion.LeaveCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion.MotionCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the DropDown.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.AcceptCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.DropCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.EnterCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.LeaveCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the DropTarget.LeaveCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.MotionCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.AcceptCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.DragEnterCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.DragLeaveCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.DragMotionCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.DropCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Editable.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable.DeleteTextCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable.InsertTextCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EmojiChooser.EmojiPickedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Entry.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Entry.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Entry.IconPressCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Entry.IconPressCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Entry.IconReleaseCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Entry.IconReleaseCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.DeletedTextCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.InsertedTextCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.CursorOnMatchCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.InsertPrefixCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.MatchSelectedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.NoMatchesCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the EntryCompletion.NoMatchesCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletionMatchFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus.EnterCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus.LeaveCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.ImUpdateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.KeyPressedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.KeyReleasedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.ModifiersCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerLegacy.EventCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion.EnterCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion.LeaveCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion.MotionCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.DecelerateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.ScrollBeginCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.ScrollCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.ScrollEndCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Expander.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Expander.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ExpressionNotify
Creates a native function pointer to the ExpressionNotify.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.DesktopFolderCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.DownFolderCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.HomeFolderCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.LocationPopupCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.LocationPopupOnPasteCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.LocationTogglePopupCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.PlacesShortcutCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.QuickBookmarkCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.RecentShortcutCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.SearchShortcutCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.ShowHiddenCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.UpFolderCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Filter.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Filter.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.ActivateCursorChildCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.ChildActivatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.MoveCursorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.SelectAllCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the FlowBox.SelectAllCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.SelectedChildrenChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.ToggleCursorChildCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the FlowBox.ToggleCursorChildCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.UnselectAllCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the FlowBox.UnselectAllCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the FlowBoxChild.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxCreateWidgetFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxFilterFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxForeachFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxSortFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontButton.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the FontButton.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontButton.FontSetCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the FontButton.FontSetCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.FontActivatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the FontDialogButton.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontFilterFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.BeginCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.CancelCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.EndCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.SequenceStateChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.UpdateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.PressedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.ReleasedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.StoppedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the GestureClick.StoppedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.UnpairedReleaseCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag.DragBeginCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag.DragEndCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag.DragUpdateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress.CancelledCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress.PressedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GesturePan.PanCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureRotate.AngleChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.DownCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.MotionCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.ProximityCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.UpCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureSwipe.SwipeCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureZoom.ScaleChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.CreateContextCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the GLArea.CreateContextCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.RenderCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.ResizeCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the GLArea.ResizeCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GridView.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the GridView.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the IconTheme.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.ActivateCursorItemCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.ItemActivatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.MoveCursorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.SelectAllCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the IconView.SelectAllCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.SelectCursorItemCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the IconView.SelectCursorItemCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.SelectionChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the IconView.SelectionChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.ToggleCursorItemCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the IconView.ToggleCursorItemCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.UnselectAllCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the IconView.UnselectAllCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconViewForeachFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.CommitCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.DeleteSurroundingCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.PreeditChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the IMContext.PreeditChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.PreeditEndCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the IMContext.PreeditEndCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.PreeditStartCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the IMContext.PreeditStartCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.RetrieveSurroundingCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar.CloseCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the InfoBar.CloseCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar.ResponseCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the InfoBar.ResponseCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Label.ActivateCurrentLinkCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Label.ActivateCurrentLinkCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Label.ActivateLinkCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Label.CopyClipboardCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Label.CopyClipboardCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Label.MoveCursorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar.OffsetChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton.ActivateLinkCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the LinkButton.ActivateLinkCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.ActivateCursorRowCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ListBox.ActivateCursorRowCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.MoveCursorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.RowActivatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.RowSelectedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.SelectAllCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ListBox.SelectAllCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.SelectedRowsChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.ToggleCursorRowCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ListBox.ToggleCursorRowCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.UnselectAllCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ListBox.UnselectAllCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxCreateWidgetFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxFilterFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxForeachFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ListBoxRow.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxSortFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxUpdateHeaderFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListView.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ListView.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.MapListModelMapFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the MenuButton.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.MenuButtonCreatePopupFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.ResponseCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.ChangeCurrentPageCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.CreateWindowCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.FocusTabCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Notebook.FocusTabCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.MoveFocusOutCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.PageAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.PageRemovedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.PageReorderedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.ReorderTabCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.SelectPageCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Notebook.SelectPageCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.SwitchPageCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Overlay.GetChildPositionCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PageSetupDoneFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.AcceptPositionCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Paned.AcceptPositionCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.CancelPositionCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Paned.CancelPositionCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.CycleChildFocusCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.CycleHandleFocusCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.MoveHandleCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Paned.MoveHandleCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.ToggleHandleFocusCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Paned.ToggleHandleFocusCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the PasswordEntry.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Popover.ActivateDefaultCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Popover.ActivateDefaultCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Popover.ClosedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Popover.ClosedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Printer.DetailsAcquiredCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrinterFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob.StatusChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the PrintJob.StatusChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintJobCompleteFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.BeginPrintCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.CreateCustomWidgetCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.CustomWidgetApplyCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.DoneCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the PrintOperation.DoneCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.DrawPageCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.EndPrintCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PaginateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PreviewCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.RequestPageSetupCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.StatusChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.UpdateCustomWidgetCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview.GotPageSizeCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview.ReadyCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettingsFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Range.AdjustBoundsCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Range.ChangeValueCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Range.MoveSliderCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Range.MoveSliderCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Range.ValueChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Range.ValueChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the RecentManager.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent1Callback
Creates a native function pointer to the RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent1Callback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent2Callback
Creates a native function pointer to the RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent2Callback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent3Callback
Creates a native function pointer to the RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent3Callback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent4Callback
Creates a native function pointer to the RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent4Callback.upcall() method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.PopdownCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ScaleButton.PopdownCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.PopupCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ScaleButton.PopupCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.ValueChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScaleFormatValueFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.EdgeOvershotCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.EdgeReachedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.MoveFocusOutCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.ScrollChildCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SearchEntry.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.NextMatchCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SearchEntry.NextMatchCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.PreviousMatchCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SearchEntry.PreviousMatchCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.SearchChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SearchEntry.SearchChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.SearchStartedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SearchEntry.SearchStartedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.StopSearchCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SearchEntry.StopSearchCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SectionModel.SectionsChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel.SelectionChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection.ChangeCurrentPageCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow.CloseCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ShortcutsWindow.CloseCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow.SearchCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ShortcutsWindow.SearchCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.BindCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.SetupCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.TeardownCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.UnbindCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Sorter.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Sorter.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SpinButton.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.ChangeValueCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.InputCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.OutputCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SpinButton.OutputCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.ValueChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SpinButton.ValueChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.WrappedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SpinButton.WrappedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar.TextPoppedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar.TextPushedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.StyleProvider.GtkPrivateChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Switch.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Switch.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Switch.StateSetCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Switch.StateSetCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.ActivateCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Text.ActivateCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.BackspaceCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Text.BackspaceCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.CopyClipboardCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Text.CopyClipboardCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.CutClipboardCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Text.CutClipboardCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.DeleteFromCursorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.InsertAtCursorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.InsertEmojiCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Text.InsertEmojiCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.MoveCursorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.PasteClipboardCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Text.PasteClipboardCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.PreeditChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.ToggleOverwriteCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Text.ToggleOverwriteCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.ApplyTagCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.BeginUserActionCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TextBuffer.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.DeleteRangeCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.EndUserActionCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TextBuffer.EndUserActionCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.InsertChildAnchorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.InsertPaintableCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.InsertTextCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.MarkDeletedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.MarkSetCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.ModifiedChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.PasteDoneCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.RedoCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TextBuffer.RedoCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.RemoveTagCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.UndoCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TextBuffer.UndoCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBufferCommitNotify
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextCharPredicate
Creates a native function pointer to the TextCharPredicate.upcall(int, java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable.TagAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable.TagChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable.TagRemovedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTableForeach
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.BackspaceCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TextView.BackspaceCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.CopyClipboardCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TextView.CopyClipboardCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.CutClipboardCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TextView.CutClipboardCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.DeleteFromCursorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.ExtendSelectionCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.InsertAtCursorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.InsertEmojiCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TextView.InsertEmojiCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.MoveCursorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.MoveViewportCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.PasteClipboardCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TextView.PasteClipboardCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.PreeditChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.SelectAllCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TextView.SelectAllCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.SetAnchorCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TextView.SetAnchorCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.ToggleCursorVisibleCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.ToggleOverwriteCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TextView.ToggleOverwriteCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TickCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton.ToggledCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ToggleButton.ToggledCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeCellDataFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeIterCompareFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModelCreateModelFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.RowChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.RowDeletedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.RowHasChildToggledCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.RowInsertedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.RowsReorderedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilterModifyFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelForeachFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TreeSelection.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelectionForeachFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelectionFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable.SortColumnChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.ColumnsChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TreeView.ColumnsChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.CursorChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TreeView.CursorChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.ExpandCollapseCursorRowCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.MoveCursorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.RowActivatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.RowCollapsedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.RowExpandedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.SelectAllCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TreeView.SelectAllCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.SelectCursorParentCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.SelectCursorRowCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.StartInteractiveSearchCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TestCollapseRowCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TestExpandRowCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.ToggleCursorRowCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TreeView.ToggleCursorRowCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.UnselectAllCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TreeView.UnselectAllCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.ClickedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the TreeViewColumn.ClickedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumnDropFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewMappingFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewRowSeparatorFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewSearchEqualFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.DestroyCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Widget.DestroyCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.DirectionChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.HideCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Widget.HideCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.KeynavFailedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Widget.KeynavFailedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.MapCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Widget.MapCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.MnemonicActivateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.MoveFocusCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Widget.MoveFocusCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.QueryTooltipCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.RealizeCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Widget.RealizeCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.ShowCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Widget.ShowCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.StateFlagsChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.UnmapCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Widget.UnmapCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.UnrealizeCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Widget.UnrealizeCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.WidgetActionActivateFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Window.ActivateDefaultCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Window.ActivateDefaultCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Window.ActivateFocusCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Window.ActivateFocusCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Window.CloseRequestCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Window.CloseRequestCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Window.EnableDebuggingCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Window.KeysChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Window.KeysChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.BracketMatchedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.CursorMovedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Buffer.CursorMovedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.HighlightUpdatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.SourceMarkUpdatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.HideCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Completion.HideCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.ProviderAddedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.ProviderRemovedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.ShowCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Completion.ShowCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext.ProviderModelChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.ActivateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.QueryActivatableCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.QueryDataCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.QueryTooltipMarkupCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.QueryTooltipTextCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.MountOperationFactory
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.SchedulerCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SchedulerCallback.upcall(long, java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the SnippetContext.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview.ActivateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ChangeCaseCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the View.ChangeCaseCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ChangeNumberCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the View.ChangeNumberCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.JoinLinesCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the View.JoinLinesCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.LineMarkActivatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.MoveLinesCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the View.MoveLinesCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.MoveToMatchingBracketCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.MoveWordsCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the View.MoveWordsCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.PushSnippetCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ShowCompletionCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the View.ShowCompletionCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.SmartHomeEndCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.EditCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.ExecuteCommandCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.FormatTextCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.WriteCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.AttrClass.CopyCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the AttrClass.CopyCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.AttrClass.DestroyCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the AttrClass.DestroyCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.AttrClass.EqualCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.AttrDataCopyFunc
Creates a native function pointer to the AttrDataCopyFunc.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.AttrFilterFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.cairo.ShapeRendererFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.FontsetForeachFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainBasicAuthCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigestAuthCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainFilter
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainGenericAuthCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.CookieJar.ChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer.ChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.LoggerFilter
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.LoggerPrinter
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.AcceptCertificateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.AuthenticateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.ContentSniffedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.FinishedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Message.FinishedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.GotBodyCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Message.GotBodyCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.GotBodyDataCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Message.GotBodyDataCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.GotHeadersCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Message.GotHeadersCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.GotInformationalCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Message.GotInformationalCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.HstsEnforcedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Message.HstsEnforcedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.NetworkEventCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.RequestCertificateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.RequestCertificatePasswordCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.RestartedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Message.RestartedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.StartingCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Message.StartingCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.WroteBodyCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Message.WroteBodyCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.WroteBodyDataCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.WroteHeadersCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Message.WroteHeadersCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersForeachFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Server.RequestAbortedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Server.RequestFinishedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Server.RequestReadCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Server.RequestStartedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.AcceptCertificateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.ConnectedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ServerMessage.ConnectedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.DisconnectedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.FinishedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ServerMessage.FinishedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.GotBodyCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ServerMessage.GotBodyCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.GotChunkCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.GotHeadersCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ServerMessage.GotHeadersCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.WroteBodyCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ServerMessage.WroteBodyCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.WroteBodyDataCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.WroteChunkCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the ServerMessage.WroteChunkCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.WroteHeadersCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.WroteInformationalCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerWebsocketCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Session.RequestQueuedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Session.RequestUnqueuedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.ClosedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.ClosingCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.ErrorCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.MessageCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.PongCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest.AuthenticatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest.CancelledCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession.CreateWebViewCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession.WillCloseCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList.ChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest.FinishedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the CookieManager.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Download.CreatedDestinationCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Download.DecideDestinationCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Download.FailedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Download.FinishedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Download.FinishedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Download.ReceivedDataCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.EditorState.ChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the EditorState.ChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase.FaviconChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.FindController.CountedMatchesCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.FindController.FailedToFindTextCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.FindController.FoundTextCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager.StartCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the GeolocationManager.StartCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager.StopCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the GeolocationManager.StopCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.CommittedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.DeleteSurroundingCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.PreeditChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.PreeditFinishedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.PreeditStartedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassDeletePropertyFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassEnumeratePropertiesFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassGetPropertyFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassHasPropertyFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassSetPropertyFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ExceptionHandler
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.OptionsFunc
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue.ClearedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the WeakValue.ClearedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession.DownloadStartedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Notification.ClickedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Notification.ClickedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Notification.ClosedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the Notification.ClosedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu.CloseCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the OptionMenu.CloseCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation.FailedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation.FinishedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the PrintOperation.FinishedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequestCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager.ScriptMessageReceivedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager.ScriptMessageWithReplyReceivedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.AutomationStartedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.InitializeNotificationPermissionsCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.InitializeWebProcessExtensionsCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.UserMessageReceivedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.AttachCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the WebInspector.AttachCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.BringToFrontCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the WebInspector.BringToFrontCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.ClosedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the WebInspector.ClosedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.DetachCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the WebInspector.DetachCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.OpenWindowCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the WebInspector.OpenWindowCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.FailedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.FailedWithTlsErrorsCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.FinishedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the WebResource.FinishedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.SentRequestCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.AuthenticateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.CloseCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the WebView.CloseCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ContextMenuCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ContextMenuDismissedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.CreateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.DecidePolicyCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.EnterFullscreenCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the WebView.EnterFullscreenCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.InsecureContentDetectedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.LeaveFullscreenCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the WebView.LeaveFullscreenCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.LoadChangedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the WebView.LoadChangedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, int) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.LoadFailedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.LoadFailedWithTlsErrorsCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.MouseTargetChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.PermissionRequestCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.PrintCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.QueryPermissionStateCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ReadyToShowCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the WebView.ReadyToShowCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ResourceLoadStartedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.RunAsModalCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the WebView.RunAsModalCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.RunColorChooserCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.RunFileChooserCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ScriptDialogCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ShowNotificationCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ShowOptionMenuCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.SubmitFormCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.UserMessageReceivedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebProcessTerminatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld.WindowObjectClearedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebEditor.SelectionChangedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.FormControlsAssociatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.WillSendSubmitEventCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.WillSubmitFormCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.ConsoleMessageSentCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.ContextMenuCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.DocumentLoadedCallback
Creates a native function pointer to the WebPage.DocumentLoadedCallback.upcall(java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment) method.
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.SendRequestCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.UserMessageReceivedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension.PageCreatedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension.UserMessageReceivedCallback
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtensionInitializeFunction
toCallback(Arena) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtensionInitializeWithUserDataFunction
toCaps() - Method in class
Convert the values of this AudioInfo into a GstCaps.
toCaps() - Method in class
Convert the values of this DsdInfo into a GstCaps.
toCaps() - Method in enum class
Creates new caps corresponding to this VideoCaptionType.
toCaps() - Method in class
Convert the values of this VideoInfo into a GstCaps.
toCaps() - Method in class
Convert the values of this VideoInfoDmaDrm into a GstCaps.
toCapsString() - Method in enum class
Given a GstVideoMultiviewMode returns the multiview-mode caps string for insertion into a caps structure
TocEntry - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
TocEntry(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
Create a TocEntry proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TocEntry(TocEntryType, String) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntry
Create new GstTocEntry structure.
TocEntryType - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The different types of TOC entries (see GstTocEntry).
TocLoopType - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
How a GstTocEntry should be repeated.
toCookieHeader() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Serializes this Cookie in the format used by the Cookie header (ie, for returning a cookie from a Session to a server).
TocScope - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The scope of a TOC.
tocSelect(String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Generate a TOC select event with the given uid.
TocSetter - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Element interface that allows setting of the TOC.
TocSetter.TocSetterImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The TocSetterImpl type represents a native instance of the TocSetter interface.
TocSetter.TocSetterInterface - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
GstTocSetterInterface interface.
TocSetterImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocSetter.TocSetterImpl
Creates a new instance of TocSetter for the provided memory address.
TocSetterInterface() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocSetter.TocSetterInterface
Allocate a new TocSetterInterface.
TocSetterInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocSetter.TocSetterInterface
Allocate a new TocSetterInterface.
TocSetterInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocSetter.TocSetterInterface
Create a TocSetterInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
toData() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
This function outputs this BookmarkFile as a string.
toData(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
This function outputs this KeyFile as a string.
toDateTime() - Method in class
The this VideoTimeCode.config->latest_daily_jam is required to be non-NULL.
toDouble() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Convert this Value to a double.
toFile(String) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFile
This function outputs this BookmarkFile into a file.
toFile(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
This function saves the information from this PageSetup to fileName.
toFile(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
This function saves the print settings from this PrintSettings to fileName.
toFilename() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Creates a filename representation of a font description.
toFloat(Out<float[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Converts a graphene_matrix_t to an array of floating point values.
toFloat(Out<float[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Stores the components of this Vec2 into an array.
toFloat(Out<float[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Copies the components of a graphene_vec3_t into the given array.
toFloat(Out<float[]>) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Stores the components of the given graphene_vec4_t into an array of floating point values.
toFormats() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormatsBuilder
Creates a new GdkContentFormats from the given this ContentFormatsBuilder.
toFourcc() - Method in enum class
Converts a GstVideoFormat value into the corresponding FOURCC.
toGDateTime() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Creates a new GDateTime from a fully defined GstDateTime object.
toGerror() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessage
If this DBusMessage is not of type DBusMessageType.ERROR does nothing and returns false.
toGError() - Method in exception class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.GErrorException
Create a new GError instance with the domain, code and message of this GErrorException.
TOGGLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.ChangeCaseType
toggle case of each character.
TOGGLE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A type of push button which stays pressed until depressed by a second activation.
TOGGLE_MEDIA_CONTROLS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Enable or disable media controls.
TOGGLE_MEDIA_CONTROLS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Enable or disable media controls.
TOGGLE_MEDIA_LOOP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Enable or disable media loop.
TOGGLE_MEDIA_LOOP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Enable or disable media loop.
ToggleButton - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkToggleButton is a button which remains “pressed-in” when clicked.
ToggleButton() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton
Creates a new toggle button.
ToggleButton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton
Create a ToggleButton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ToggleButton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ToggleButton.ToggleButtonClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
ToggleButton.ToggledCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ToggledCallback callback.
ToggleButtonClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton.ToggleButtonClass
Allocate a new ToggleButtonClass.
ToggleButtonClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton.ToggleButtonClass
Allocate a new ToggleButtonClass.
ToggleButtonClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton.ToggleButtonClass
Create a ToggleButtonClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
toggleCursorRow() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
toggled() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
toggled() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton
There is no good reason for an application ever to call this function.
ToggleNotify - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the ToggleNotify callback.
toggleOverwrite() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
The class handler for the GtkTextView::toggle-overwrite keybinding signal.
togglesTag(TextTag) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Gets whether a range with tag applied to it begins or ends at this TextIter.
toGvariant() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FileFilter
Serialize a file filter to an a{sv} variant.
toGvariant() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
Serialize page setup to an a{sv} variant.
toGvariant() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
Serialize a paper size to an a{sv} variant.
toGvariant() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Serialize print settings to an a{sv} variant.
toInt32() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Convert this Value to a gint32.
toIso() - Method in enum class
Converts GstVideoColorMatrix to the "matrix coefficients" (MatrixCoefficients) value defined by "ISO/IEC 23001-8 Section 7.3 Table 4" and "ITU-T H.273 Table 4".
toIso() - Method in enum class
Converts GstVideoColorPrimaries to the "colour primaries" (ColourPrimaries) value defined by "ISO/IEC 23001-8 Section 7.1 Table 2" and "ITU-T H.273 Table 2".
toIso() - Method in enum class
Converts GstVideoTransferFunction to the "transfer characteristics" (TransferCharacteristics) value defined by "ISO/IEC 23001-8 Section 7.2 Table 3" and "ITU-T H.273 Table 3".
toIso15924() - Method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Looks up the ISO 15924 code for this UnicodeScript.
toIso8601() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeVal
GTimeVal is not year-2038-safe. Use g_date_time_format_iso8601(dt) instead.
toIso8601String() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Create a minimal string compatible with ISO-8601.
toJson(int) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Create a JSON string of this Value serialization.
TokenType - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
The possible types of token returned from each g_scanner_get_next_token() call.
TokenValue - Class in org.gnome.glib
A union holding the value of the token.
TokenValue(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TokenValue
Allocate a new TokenValue.
TokenValue(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TokenValue
Create a TokenValue proxy instance for the provided memory address.
toKeyFile(KeyFile, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageSetup
This function adds the page setup from this PageSetup to keyFile.
toKeyFile(KeyFile, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
This function adds the print settings from this PrintSettings to keyFile.
toKeyFile(KeyFile, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize
This function adds the paper size from this PaperSize to keyFile.
toLabel(Display) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutTrigger
Gets textual representation for the given trigger.
toLocal() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a new GDateTime corresponding to the same instant in time as this DateTime, but in the local time zone.
toMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Converts a graphene_euler_t into a transformation matrix expressing the extrinsic composition of rotations described by the Euler angles.
toMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Converts a quaternion into a transformation matrix expressing the rotation defined by the graphene_quaternion_t.
toMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Computes the actual value of this Transform and stores it in outMatrix.
toMessage(MessageHeaders, Out<Bytes>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Multipart
Serializes this Multipart to destHeaders and destBody.
toNative(MemorySegment, long) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SocketAddress
Converts a GSocketAddress to a native struct sockaddr, which can be passed to low-level functions like connect() or bind().
toNode() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Returns the render node that was constructed by this Snapshot.
TOO_BIG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
execv() returned E2BIG
TOO_BIG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoaderError
The file is too big.
TOO_BIG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketCloseCode
the endpoint received a message that is too big to process.
TOO_LARGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TextureError
Not enough memory to handle this image
TOO_LAZY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
do not use this except as a placeholder for deciding where to go while developing code.
TOO_LAZY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LibraryError
do not use this except as a placeholder for deciding where to go while developing code.
TOO_LAZY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
do not use this except as a placeholder for deciding where to go while developing code.
TOO_LAZY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
do not use this except as a placeholder for deciding where to go while developing code.
TOO_MANY_BRANCHES_IN_DEFINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
"DEFINE" group contains more than one branch.
TOO_MANY_CONDITIONAL_BRANCHES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Conditional group contains more than two branches.
TOO_MANY_FORWARD_REFERENCES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
too many forward references.
TOO_MANY_LINKS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
File contains too many symbolic links.
TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
The current process has too many files open and can't open any more.
TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.SessionError
the message has been redirected too many times
TOO_MANY_RESTARTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.SessionError
the message has been restarted too many times
TOO_MANY_SUBPATTERNS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Too many named subpatterns (maximum 10,000).
TOOLBAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
ToolbarStyle - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
Describes the possible top or bottom bar styles in an ToolbarView widget.
ToolbarView - Class in org.gnome.adw
A widget containing a page, as well as top and/or bottom bars.
ToolbarView() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Creates a new AdwToolbarView.
ToolbarView(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView
Create a ToolbarView proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ToolbarView.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ToolbarView.ToolbarViewClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
ToolbarViewClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView.ToolbarViewClass
Allocate a new ToolbarViewClass.
ToolbarViewClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView.ToolbarViewClass
Allocate a new ToolbarViewClass.
ToolbarViewClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarView.ToolbarViewClass
Create a ToolbarViewClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Tooltip - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkTooltip is an object representing a widget tooltip.
Tooltip(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Tooltip
Create a Tooltip proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TOOLTIP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Tooltip.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TOP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BaselinePosition
Align the baseline at the top
TOP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintAttribute
The top edge of a widget
TOP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PositionType
The feature is at the top edge.
TOP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextWindowType
Top border window.
TOP_BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class
The top half of the frame contains the left eye, and the bottom half the right eye.
TOP_BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class
The top half of the frame contains the left eye, and the bottom half the right eye.
TOP_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class
Top center
TOP_FIELD - Enum constant in enum class
The video frame has the top field only.
TOP_FIELD - Enum constant in enum class
The video frame has the top field only.
TOP_FIELD_FIRST - Enum constant in enum class
top field is first
TOP_FRAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentInjectedFrames
Insert the user style sheet only in the top-level frame loaded by the web view, and not in the nested frames.
TOP_FRONT_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class
Top front center
TOP_FRONT_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
Top front left
TOP_FRONT_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
Top front right
TOP_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKern
The top left corner of the glyph.
TOP_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.Corner
The top left corner
TOP_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CornerType
Place the scrollbars on the right and bottom of the widget (default behaviour).
TOP_REAR_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class
Top rear center
TOP_REAR_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
Top rear left
TOP_REAR_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
Top rear right
TOP_RESIZABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
whether the top edge is resizable
TOP_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKern
The top right corner of the glyph.
TOP_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.Corner
The top right corner
TOP_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CornerType
Place the scrollbars on the left and bottom of the widget.
TOP_SIDE_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
Top side right
TOP_SIDE_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
Top rear right
TOP_TILED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
whether the top edge is tiled
toPaintable(Size) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Returns a paintable encapsulating the render node that was constructed by this Snapshot.
toPath() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Retrieves the built path from the path buffer.
toPath() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Creates a new GskPath from the given builder.
toplevel(Display) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Creates a new toplevel surface.
Toplevel - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
A GdkToplevel is a freestanding toplevel surface.
Toplevel.Builder<B> - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Toplevel.ComputeSizeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the ComputeSizeCallback callback.
Toplevel.ToplevelImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The ToplevelImpl type represents a native instance of the Toplevel interface.
Toplevel.ToplevelInterface - Class in org.gnome.gdk
ToplevelImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel.ToplevelImpl
Creates a new instance of Toplevel for the provided memory address.
ToplevelInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel.ToplevelInterface
Create a ToplevelInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ToplevelLayout - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The GdkToplevelLayout struct contains information that is necessary to present a sovereign window on screen.
ToplevelLayout() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelLayout
Create a toplevel layout description.
ToplevelLayout(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelLayout
Create a ToplevelLayout proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ToplevelSize - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The GdkToplevelSize struct contains information that is useful to compute the size of a toplevel.
ToplevelSize(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelSize
Create a ToplevelSize proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ToplevelState - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Specifies the state of a toplevel surface.
toPosition(Format, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Use gst_segment_position_from_running_time() instead.
toPx(double, Settings) - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.LengthUnit
Converts value from this LengthUnit to pixels.
toQuark() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Get the unique quark for the given event type.
toQuark() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Format
Get the unique quark for the given format.
toQuark() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Get the unique quark for the given message type.
toQuark() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
Get the unique quark for the given query type.
toQuaternion(Quaternion) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Converts a graphene_euler_t into a graphene_quaternion_t.
toRadians(Out<Float>, Out<Float>, Out<Float>) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Converts a graphene_quaternion_t to its corresponding rotations on the Euler angles on each axis.
toRgba(RGBA) - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.AccentColor
Converts this AccentColor to a GdkRGBA representing its background color.
toRotation() - Method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Gravity
Converts a PangoGravity value to its natural rotation in radians.
toRunningTime(Format, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Translate position to the total running time using the currently configured segment.
toRunningTimeFull(Format, long, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Translate position to the total running time using the currently configured segment.
toSetCookieHeader() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Cookie
Serializes this Cookie in the format used by the Set-Cookie header.
toStandaloneRgba(boolean, RGBA) - Method in enum class org.gnome.adw.AccentColor
Converts this AccentColor to a GdkRGBA representing its standalone color.
toStickyOrdering() - Method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Converts the GstEventType to an unsigned integer that represents the ordering of sticky events when re-sending them.
toStreamTime(Format, long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Translate position to stream time using the currently configured segment.
toStreamTimeFull(Format, long, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Translate position to the total stream time using the currently configured segment.
toString() - Method in record class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.ArenaCloseAction
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in enum class
Returns a string containing a descriptive name for the GstDsdFormat if there is one, or NULL otherwise.
toString() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Converts this Caps to a string representation.
toString() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFeatures
Converts this CapsFeatures to a human-readable string representation.
toString() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Converts this Structure to a human-readable string representation.
toString() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Serializes a tag list to a string.
toString() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Convert the URI to a string.
toString() - Method in enum class
Converts this VideoChromaSite to its string representation.
toString() - Method in class
Make a string representation of this VideoColorimetry.
toString() - Method in class
Convert this VideoContentLightLevel to its string representation.
toString() - Method in enum class
Convert this VideoFieldOrder to its string representation.
toString() - Method in enum class
Returns a string containing a descriptive name for the GstVideoFormat if there is one, or NULL otherwise.
toString() - Method in enum class
Convert this VideoInterlaceMode to its string representation.
toString() - Method in class
Convert this VideoMasteringDisplayInfo to its string representation
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointCondition
Returns a textual representation of this BreakpointCondition.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Prints the given this ContentFormats into a human-readable string.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Returns a textual specification of this RGBA in the form rgb(r,g,b) or rgba(r,g,b,a), where “r”, “g”, “b” and “a” represent the red, green, blue and alpha values respectively.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Credentials
Creates a human-readable textual representation of this Credentials that can be used in logging and debug messages.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeMatcher
Prints what the matcher is matching against.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddress
Converts this InetAddress to string form.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InetAddressMask
Converts this InetAddressMask back to its corresponding string form.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Returns a string representing this Uri.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Return a newly allocated String using GObjects.strdupValueContents(Value), which describes the contents of a Value.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Path
Converts the path into a string that is suitable for printing.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Converts a matrix into a string that is suitable for printing.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider
Converts the this CssProvider into a string representation in CSS format.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssSection
Prints the section into a human-readable text form using CssSection.print(org.gnome.glib.GString).
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutAction
Prints the given action into a human-readable string.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutTrigger
Prints the given trigger into a human-readable string.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Encoding
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Region
Gets a string represention of this Region, for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrList
Serializes a PangoAttrList to a string.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Color
Returns a textual specification of this Color.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Creates a string representation of a font description.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Language
Gets the RFC-3066 format string representing the given language tag.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
Serializes a PangoTabArray to a string.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception
Get the string representation of this Exception error.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Convert this Value to a string.
toString() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityOrigin
Gets a string representation of this SecurityOrigin.
toString(Set<StyleContextPrintFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
This api will be removed in GTK 5
toString(StyleContextPrintFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContext
This api will be removed in GTK 5
toString_() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Icon
Generates a textual representation of this Icon that can be used for serialization such as when passing this Icon to a different process or saving it to persistent storage.
toString_() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SocketConnectable
Format a GSocketConnectable as a string.
toStringAsBytes() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Convert this Value to a string and return the results as GBytes.
toStringPartial(Set<UriHideFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Returns a string representing this Uri, subject to the options in flags.
toStringPartial(UriHideFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Returns a string representing this Uri, subject to the options in flags.
toStringWithKeys(List<String>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Convert the URI to a string, with the query arguments in a specific order.
toStructTm(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Fills in the date-related bits of a struct tm using the this Date value.
TOTAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SorterOrder
A total order.
toTimeval(TimeVal) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
GTimeVal is not year-2038-safe. Use g_date_time_to_unix() instead.
toTimezone(TimeZone) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Create a new GDateTime corresponding to the same instant in time as this DateTime, but in the time zone tz.
TOTO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Toto, Since: 3.0.0
TOTO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
toTranslate(Out<Float>, Out<Float>) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Converts a GskTransform to a translation operation.
TOUCH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SeatCapabilities
The seat has touchscreen(s) attached
TOUCH_BEGIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingMode
crossing because a touch sequence has begun, this event is synthetic as the pointer might have not left the surface.
TOUCH_BEGIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
A new touch event sequence has just started.
TOUCH_CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class
An event cancelling all currently active touch points.
TOUCH_CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
A touch event sequence has been canceled.
TOUCH_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class
An event describing a new touch point, which will be assigned an identifier that is unique to it for the duration of its movement on the screen.
TOUCH_END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingMode
crossing because a touch sequence has ended, this event is synthetic as the pointer might have not left the surface.
TOUCH_END - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
A touch event sequence has finished.
TOUCH_FRAME - Enum constant in enum class
An event signaling the end of a sequence of simultaneous touch events.
TOUCH_MOTION - Enum constant in enum class
An event describing the movement of an active touch point across the screen.
TOUCH_UP - Enum constant in enum class
An event describing a removed touch point.
TOUCH_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
A touch event sequence has been updated.
TouchEvent - Class in org.gnome.gdk
An event related to a touch-based device.
TouchEvent(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.TouchEvent
Create a TouchEvent proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TOUCHPAD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.InputSource
the device is an indirect touch device, such as a touchpad
TOUCHPAD_HOLD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
A touchpad hold gesture event, the current state is determined by its phase field.
TOUCHPAD_PINCH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
A touchpad pinch gesture event, the current state is determined by its phase field.
TOUCHPAD_SWIPE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
A touchpad swipe gesture event, the current state is determined by its phase field.
TouchpadEvent - Class in org.gnome.gdk
An event related to a gesture on a touchpad device.
TouchpadEvent(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.TouchpadEvent
Create a TouchpadEvent proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TouchpadGesturePhase - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Specifies the current state of a touchpad gesture.
TOUCHSCREEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.InputSource
the device is a direct-input touch device, such as a touchscreen or tablet
toUnix() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Gives the Unix time corresponding to this DateTime, rounding down to the nearest second.
toUnixUsec() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Gives the Unix time corresponding to this DateTime, in microseconds.
toUtc() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a new GDateTime corresponding to the same instant in time as this DateTime, but in UTC.
toVariant(Set<DiscovererSerializeFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
Serializes this DiscovererInfo to a GVariant that can be parsed again through gst_discoverer_info_from_variant().
toVariant(DiscovererSerializeFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererInfo
Serializes this DiscovererInfo to a GVariant that can be parsed again through gst_discoverer_info_from_variant().
toVec2(Vec2) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Stores the coordinates of the given graphene_point_t into a graphene_vec2_t.
toVec3(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Retrieves the angles of a graphene_euler_t and initializes a graphene_vec3_t with them.
toVec3(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Stores the coordinates of a graphene_point3d_t into a graphene_vec3_t.
toVec4(Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Copies the components of a graphene_quaternion_t into a graphene_vec4_t.
toVideoInfo(VideoInfo) - Method in class
Convert the GstVideoInfoDmaDrm into a traditional GstVideoInfo with recognized video format.
TPDF - Enum constant in enum class
Triangular dithering (default)
TPDF_HF - Enum constant in enum class
High frequency triangular dithering
TRACE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugLevel
Tracing-related messages.
Tracer - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Tracing modules will subclass GstTracer and register through gst_tracer_register().
Tracer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Tracer
Create a Tracer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Tracer.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Tracer.TracerClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Tracer.TracerImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The TracerImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Tracer class.
TracerClass() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Tracer.TracerClass
Allocate a new TracerClass.
TracerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Tracer.TracerClass
Allocate a new TracerClass.
TracerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Tracer.TracerClass
Create a TracerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TracerFactory - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Use gst_tracer_factory_get_list() to get a list of tracer factories known to GStreamer.
TracerFactory(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerFactory
Create a TracerFactory proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TracerFactory.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TracerFactory.TracerFactoryClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
TracerFactoryClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerFactory.TracerFactoryClass
Create a TracerFactoryClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TracerImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Tracer.TracerImpl
Creates a new instance of Tracer for the provided memory address.
TracerRecord - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Tracing modules will create instances of this class to announce the data they will log and create a log formatter.
TracerRecord(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerRecord
Create a TracerRecord proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TracerRecord(String, String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerRecord
Create a new tracer record.
TracerRecord.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TracerRecord.TracerRecordClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
TracerRecordClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerRecord.TracerRecordClass
Create a TracerRecordClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TracerValueFlags - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Flag that describe the value.
TracerValueScope - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Tracing record will contain fields that contain a measured value or extra meta-data.
tracingGetActiveTracers() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Get a list of all active tracer objects owned by the tracing framework for the entirety of the run-time of the process or till gst_deinit() is called.
tracingRegisterHook(Tracer, String, Callback) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Register func to be called when the trace hook detail is getting invoked.
TRACK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntryType
entry is a track (i.e.
TRACKPOINT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.InputSource
the device is a trackpoint
TRADEMARK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
TRADITIONAL_ALT_FIVE - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
TRADITIONAL_ALT_FOUR - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
TRADITIONAL_ALT_ONE - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
TRADITIONAL_ALT_THREE - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
TRADITIONAL_ALT_TWO - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
TRADITIONAL_CHARACTERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
TRADITIONAL_NAMES_CHARACTERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
TRAILING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceLocationFlags
Trailing white spaces on a line.
TRANSCODING_COMPOSITION_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
TRANSCODING_COMPOSITION_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
transferPage(TabPage, TabView, int) - Method in class org.gnome.adw.TabView
Transfers page from this TabView to otherView.
transform(Buffer, Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Required if the element does not operate in-place.
transform(Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Tries to cast the contents of this Value into a type appropriate to store in destValue, e.g.
transform(Matrix, Matrix, Plane) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Transforms a graphene_plane_t this Plane using the given matrix and normalMatrix.
transform(Transform) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Applies all the operations from other to this Transform.
transform(Transform) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Transforms this Snapshot's coordinate system with the given transform.
Transform - Class in org.gnome.gsk
GskTransform is an object to describe transform matrices.
Transform() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Creates a new identity transform.
Transform(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Create a Transform proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TRANSFORM_NODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
A node that renders its child after applying a matrix transform
transformBounds(Rect, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Transforms each corner of a graphene_rect_t using the given matrix this Matrix.
transformBounds(Rect, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Transforms a graphene_rect_t using the given transform this Transform.
transformBox(Box, Box) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Transforms the vertices of a graphene_box_t using the given matrix this Matrix.
transformCaps(PadDirection, Caps, Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
TransformCategory - Enum Class in org.gnome.gsk
The categories of matrices relevant for GSK and GTK.
transformDistance(Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Transforms the distance vector (dx,dy) by this Matrix.
transformFrame(VideoFrame, VideoFrame) - Method in class
transform a video frame
transformFrameIp(VideoFrame) - Method in class
transform a video frame in place
transformFrom(Function<T, S>) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.BindingBuilder
Set the transformation function from the target to this GObject, or null to use the default
transformIp(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Required if the element operates in-place.
transformMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Transforms this Snapshot's coordinate system with the given matrix.
transformMeta(Buffer, Meta, Buffer) - Method in class
transformMeta(Buffer, Meta, Buffer) - Method in class
transformMeta(Buffer, Meta, Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
transformMeta(VideoCodecFrame, Meta) - Method in class
transformMeta(VideoCodecFrame, Meta) - Method in class
TransformNode - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A render node applying a GskTransform to its single child node.
TransformNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.TransformNode
Create a TransformNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TransformNode(RenderNode, Transform) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.TransformNode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will transform the given child with the given transform.
transformPixelRectangle(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
First transforms the rect using this Matrix, then calculates the bounding box of the transformed rectangle.
transformPoint(Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Transforms the point (x, y) by this Matrix.
transformPoint(Point, Point) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Transforms the given graphene_point_t using the matrix this Matrix.
transformPoint(Point, Point) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Transforms a graphene_point_t using the given transform this Transform.
transformPoint3d(Point3D, Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Transforms the given graphene_point3d_t using the matrix this Matrix.
transformRay(Ray, Ray) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Transform a graphene_ray_t using the given matrix this Matrix.
transformRect(Rect, Quad) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Transforms each corner of a graphene_rect_t using the given matrix this Matrix.
transformRectangle(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
First transforms rect using this Matrix, then calculates the bounding box of the transformed rectangle.
transformSize(PadDirection, Caps, long, Caps, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
transformSphere(Sphere, Sphere) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Transforms a graphene_sphere_t using the given matrix this Matrix.
transformTo(Function<S, T>) - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.BindingBuilder
Set the transformation function from this GObject to the target, or null to use the default.
transformVec3(Vec3, Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Transforms the given graphene_vec3_t using the matrix this Matrix.
transformVec4(Vec4, Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Transforms the given graphene_vec4_t using the matrix this Matrix.
translate(double, double) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Changes the transformation represented by this Matrix to be the transformation given by first translating by (tx, ty) then applying the original transformation.
translate(Point) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Translates this Transform in 2-dimensional space by point.
translate(Point) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Translates this Snapshot's coordinate system by point in 2-dimensional space.
translate(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Adds a translation transformation to this Matrix using the coordinates of the given graphene_point3d_t.
translate(Point3D, Sphere) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Translates the center of the given graphene_sphere_t using the point coordinates as the delta of the translation.
translate3d(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Translates this Transform by point.
translate3d(Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Snapshot
Translates this Snapshot's coordinate system by point.
translateCoordinates(Surface, Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Surface
Translates coordinates between two surfaces.
translateCoordinates(Widget, double, double, Out<Double>, Out<Double>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Use gtk_widget_compute_point() instead
TranslateFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the TranslateFunc callback.
translateKey(int, Set<ModifierType>, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Set<ModifierType>>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Translates the contents of a GdkEventKey into a keyval, effective group, and level.
translateKey(int, ModifierType, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<ModifierType>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Display
Translates the contents of a GdkEventKey into a keyval, effective group, and level.
TRANSLITERATION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotOptions
Do not fill the background with white before rendering the snapshot.
TRANSPORT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkError
Load failure due to transport error
transpose(Matrix) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Transposes the given matrix.
trash(Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Sends this File to the "Trashcan", if possible.
trashAsync(int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Asynchronously sends this File to the Trash location, if possible.
trashFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an asynchronous file trashing operation, started with g_file_trash_async().
TrashStack - Class in org.gnome.glib
TrashStack() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TrashStack
Allocate a new TrashStack.
TrashStack(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TrashStack
Allocate a new TrashStack.
TrashStack(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TrashStack
Create a TrashStack proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TrashStack(TrashStack) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TrashStack
Allocate a new TrashStack with the fields set to the provided values.
TrashStack(TrashStack, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TrashStack
Allocate a new TrashStack with the fields set to the provided values.
traverse(TraverseFunc, TraverseType) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
The order of a balanced tree is somewhat arbitrary. If you just want to visit all nodes in sorted order, use g_tree_foreach() instead. If you really need to visit nodes in a different order, consider using an [n-ary tree][glib-N-ary-Trees].
traverse(TraverseType, Set<TraverseFlags>, int, NodeTraverseFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Traverses a tree starting at the given root GNode.
traverse(TraverseType, TraverseFlags, int, NodeTraverseFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Traverses a tree starting at the given root GNode.
TraverseFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Specifies which nodes are visited during several of the tree functions, including g_node_traverse() and g_node_find().
TraverseFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the TraverseFunc callback.
TraverseNodeFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the TraverseNodeFunc callback.
TraverseType - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Specifies the type of traversal performed by g_tree_traverse(), g_node_traverse() and g_node_find().
TREAT_CDATA_AS_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseFlags
When this flag is set, CDATA marked sections are not passed literally to the passthrough function of the parser.
TREAT_MEDIAL_CAPITAL_AS_WORD_START - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FindOptions
treat capital letters in the middle of words as word start.
Tree - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GTree struct is an opaque data structure representing a [balanced binary tree][glib-Balanced-Binary-Trees].
Tree - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Tree(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Create a Tree proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Tree(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Tree
Create a Tree proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Tree(CompareFunc) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Creates a new GTree.
TREE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
TREE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Information about GtkTreeView
TREE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for GTree.
TREE_GRID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
A treeview-like, columned list.
TREE_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
TREE_SORTABLE_DEFAULT_SORT_COLUMN_ID - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Uses the default sort function in a TreeSortable.
TREE_SORTABLE_UNSORTED_SORT_COLUMN_ID - Static variable in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Disables sorting in a TreeSortable.
TreeCellDataFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TreeCellDataFunc callback.
treeCreateRowDragContent(TreeModel, TreePath) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Use list models instead
TreeDragDest - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
TreeDragDest.TreeDragDestIface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeDragDest.TreeDragDestImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The TreeDragDestImpl type represents a native instance of the TreeDragDest interface.
TreeDragDestIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragDest.TreeDragDestIface
Allocate a new TreeDragDestIface.
TreeDragDestIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragDest.TreeDragDestIface
Allocate a new TreeDragDestIface.
TreeDragDestIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragDest.TreeDragDestIface
Create a TreeDragDestIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeDragDestImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragDest.TreeDragDestImpl
Creates a new instance of TreeDragDest for the provided memory address.
TreeDragSource - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
TreeDragSource.TreeDragSourceIface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeDragSource.TreeDragSourceImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The TreeDragSourceImpl type represents a native instance of the TreeDragSource interface.
TreeDragSourceIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragSource.TreeDragSourceIface
Allocate a new TreeDragSourceIface.
TreeDragSourceIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragSource.TreeDragSourceIface
Allocate a new TreeDragSourceIface.
TreeDragSourceIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragSource.TreeDragSourceIface
Create a TreeDragSourceIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeDragSourceImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeDragSource.TreeDragSourceImpl
Creates a new instance of TreeDragSource for the provided memory address.
TreeExpander - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkTreeExpander is a widget that provides an expander for a list.
TreeExpander() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander
Creates a new GtkTreeExpander
TreeExpander(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander
Create a TreeExpander proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeExpander.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TreeExpander.TreeExpanderClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeExpanderClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander.TreeExpanderClass
Allocate a new TreeExpanderClass.
TreeExpanderClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander.TreeExpanderClass
Allocate a new TreeExpanderClass.
TreeExpanderClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeExpander.TreeExpanderClass
Create a TreeExpanderClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
treeGetRowDragData(Value, Out<TreeModel>, Out<TreePath>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Use list models instead
TreeIter - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeIter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeIter
Allocate a new TreeIter.
TreeIter(int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeIter
Allocate a new TreeIter with the fields set to the provided values.
TreeIter(int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeIter
Allocate a new TreeIter with the fields set to the provided values.
TreeIter(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeIter
Allocate a new TreeIter.
TreeIter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeIter
Create a TreeIter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeIterCompareFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TreeIterCompareFunc callback.
TreeListModel<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkTreeListModel is a list model that can create child models on demand.
TreeListModel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel
Create a TreeListModel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeListModel(ListModel, boolean, boolean, TreeListModelCreateModelFunc) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel
Creates a new empty GtkTreeListModel displaying root with all rows collapsed.
TreeListModel.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TreeListModel.TreeListModelClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeListModelClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel.TreeListModelClass
Allocate a new TreeListModelClass.
TreeListModelClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel.TreeListModelClass
Allocate a new TreeListModelClass.
TreeListModelClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModel.TreeListModelClass
Create a TreeListModelClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeListModelCreateModelFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TreeListModelCreateModelFunc callback.
TreeListRow - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkTreeListRow is used by GtkTreeListModel to represent items.
TreeListRow(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow
Create a TreeListRow proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeListRow.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TreeListRow.TreeListRowClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeListRowClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow.TreeListRowClass
Allocate a new TreeListRowClass.
TreeListRowClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow.TreeListRowClass
Allocate a new TreeListRowClass.
TreeListRowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRow.TreeListRowClass
Create a TreeListRowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeListRowSorter - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkTreeListRowSorter is a special-purpose sorter that will apply a given sorter to the levels in a tree.
TreeListRowSorter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRowSorter
TreeListRowSorter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRowSorter
Create a TreeListRowSorter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeListRowSorter(Sorter) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRowSorter
Create a special-purpose sorter that applies the sorting of sorter to the levels of a GtkTreeListModel.
TreeListRowSorter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TreeListRowSorter.TreeListRowSorterClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeListRowSorterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRowSorter.TreeListRowSorterClass
Allocate a new TreeListRowSorterClass.
TreeListRowSorterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRowSorter.TreeListRowSorterClass
Allocate a new TreeListRowSorterClass.
TreeListRowSorterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeListRowSorter.TreeListRowSorterClass
Create a TreeListRowSorterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeModel - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
TreeModel.RowChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RowChangedCallback callback.
TreeModel.RowDeletedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RowDeletedCallback callback.
TreeModel.RowHasChildToggledCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RowHasChildToggledCallback callback.
TreeModel.RowInsertedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RowInsertedCallback callback.
TreeModel.RowsReorderedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RowsReorderedCallback callback.
TreeModel.TreeModelIface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeModel.TreeModelImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The TreeModelImpl type represents a native instance of the TreeModel interface.
TreeModelFilter - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeModelFilter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter
Create a TreeModelFilter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeModelFilter.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TreeModelFilter.TreeModelFilterClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeModelFilterClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter.TreeModelFilterClass
Allocate a new TreeModelFilterClass.
TreeModelFilterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter.TreeModelFilterClass
Allocate a new TreeModelFilterClass.
TreeModelFilterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter.TreeModelFilterClass
Create a TreeModelFilterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeModelFilterModifyFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TreeModelFilterModifyFunc callback.
TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc callback.
TreeModelFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeModelForeachFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TreeModelForeachFunc callback.
TreeModelIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Allocate a new TreeModelIface.
TreeModelIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Allocate a new TreeModelIface.
TreeModelIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelIface
Create a TreeModelIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeModelImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.TreeModelImpl
Creates a new instance of TreeModel for the provided memory address.
TreeModelSort - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeModelSort(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort
Create a TreeModelSort proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeModelSort.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TreeModelSort.TreeModelSortClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeModelSortClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort.TreeModelSortClass
Allocate a new TreeModelSortClass.
TreeModelSortClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort.TreeModelSortClass
Allocate a new TreeModelSortClass.
TreeModelSortClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort.TreeModelSortClass
Create a TreeModelSortClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeNode - Class in org.gnome.glib
An opaque type which identifies a specific node in a GTree.
TreeNode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.TreeNode
Create a TreeNode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreePath - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreePath() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
TreePath(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
Create a TreePath proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeRowData - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeRowData(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeRowData
Create a TreeRowData proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeRowReference - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeRowReference(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeRowReference
Create a TreeRowReference proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeRowReference(TreeModel, TreePath) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeRowReference
TreeSelection - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeSelection(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Create a TreeSelection proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeSelection.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TreeSelection.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
TreeSelectionForeachFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TreeSelectionForeachFunc callback.
TreeSelectionFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TreeSelectionFunc callback.
TreeSortable - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
TreeSortable.SortColumnChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SortColumnChangedCallback callback.
TreeSortable.TreeSortableIface - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeSortable.TreeSortableImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The TreeSortableImpl type represents a native instance of the TreeSortable interface.
TreeSortableIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable.TreeSortableIface
Allocate a new TreeSortableIface.
TreeSortableIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable.TreeSortableIface
Allocate a new TreeSortableIface.
TreeSortableIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable.TreeSortableIface
Create a TreeSortableIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeSortableImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable.TreeSortableImpl
Creates a new instance of TreeSortable for the provided memory address.
TreeStore - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeStore(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Create a TreeStore proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeStore(Type[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore
Use TreeListModel instead
TreeStore.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TreeStore.TreeStoreClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeStoreClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore.TreeStoreClass
Allocate a new TreeStoreClass.
TreeStoreClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore.TreeStoreClass
Allocate a new TreeStoreClass.
TreeStoreClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeStore.TreeStoreClass
Create a TreeStoreClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeView - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeView() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
TreeView(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Create a TreeView proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeView.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TreeView.ColumnsChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ColumnsChangedCallback callback.
TreeView.CursorChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CursorChangedCallback callback.
TreeView.ExpandCollapseCursorRowCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ExpandCollapseCursorRowCallback callback.
TreeView.MoveCursorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MoveCursorCallback callback.
TreeView.RowActivatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RowActivatedCallback callback.
TreeView.RowCollapsedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RowCollapsedCallback callback.
TreeView.RowExpandedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RowExpandedCallback callback.
TreeView.SelectAllCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SelectAllCallback callback.
TreeView.SelectCursorParentCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SelectCursorParentCallback callback.
TreeView.SelectCursorRowCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the SelectCursorRowCallback callback.
TreeView.StartInteractiveSearchCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the StartInteractiveSearchCallback callback.
TreeView.TestCollapseRowCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TestCollapseRowCallback callback.
TreeView.TestExpandRowCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TestExpandRowCallback callback.
TreeView.ToggleCursorRowCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ToggleCursorRowCallback callback.
TreeView.TreeViewClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeView.UnselectAllCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the UnselectAllCallback callback.
TreeViewClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Allocate a new TreeViewClass.
TreeViewClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Allocate a new TreeViewClass.
TreeViewClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TreeViewClass
Create a TreeViewClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeViewColumn - Class in org.gnome.gtk
TreeViewColumn() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
TreeViewColumn(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Create a TreeViewColumn proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TreeViewColumn.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TreeViewColumn.ClickedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ClickedCallback callback.
TreeViewColumnDropFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TreeViewColumnDropFunc callback.
TreeViewColumnSizing - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
The sizing method the column uses to determine its width.
TreeViewDropPosition - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
An enum for determining where a dropped row goes.
TreeViewGridLines - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Used to indicate which grid lines to draw in a tree view.
TreeViewMappingFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TreeViewMappingFunc callback.
TreeViewRowSeparatorFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TreeViewRowSeparatorFunc callback.
TreeViewSearchEqualFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the TreeViewSearchEqualFunc callback.
Triangle - Class in org.gnome.graphene
A triangle.
Triangle() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Allocate a new Triangle.
Triangle(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Allocate a new Triangle.
Triangle(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Create a Triangle proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Triangle(Vec3, Vec3, Vec3) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Allocate a new Triangle with the fields set to the provided values.
Triangle(Vec3, Vec3, Vec3, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Allocate a new Triangle with the fields set to the provided values.
TRICKMODE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
when doing fast forward or fast reverse playback, allow elements to skip frames instead of generating all frames.
TRICKMODE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SegmentFlags
perform skip playback (Since: 1.6)
TRICKMODE_FORWARD_PREDICTED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
When doing fast forward or fast reverse playback, request that elements only decode keyframes and forward predicted frames and skip all other content (for example B-Frames), for formats that have keyframes and forward predicted frames.
TRICKMODE_FORWARD_PREDICTED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SegmentFlags
Decode only keyframes or forward predicted frames, where possible (Since: 1.18)
TRICKMODE_KEY_UNITS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
when doing fast forward or fast reverse playback, request that elements only decode keyframes and skip all other content, for formats that have keyframes.
TRICKMODE_KEY_UNITS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SegmentFlags
Decode only keyframes, where possible (Since: 1.6)
TRICKMODE_NO_AUDIO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
when doing fast forward or fast reverse playback, request that audio decoder elements skip decoding and output only gap events or silence.
TRICKMODE_NO_AUDIO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SegmentFlags
Do not decode any audio, where possible (Since: 1.6)
trigger(Event, boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutTrigger
Checks if the given event triggers this ShortcutTrigger.
triggersContextMenu() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Returns whether a GdkEvent should trigger a context menu, according to platform conventions.
triggerTooltipQuery() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Triggers a tooltip query on the display where the toplevel of this Widget is located.
TRILINEAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.ScalingFilter
linear interpolation along each axis, plus mipmap generation, with linear interpolation along the mipmap levels
trimString(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
TRISTATE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupCollectType
as with MarkupCollectType.BOOLEAN, but in the case of a missing attribute a value is set that compares equal to neither false nor true G_MARKUP_COLLECT_OPTIONAL is implied
TRUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleInvalidState
The value entered by the user has failed validation
TRUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTristate
The state is true
truncate() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Discards all but the first structure from this Caps.
truncate() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Deletes all of the data in this MessageBody.
truncate(long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Cuts off the end of the GString, leaving the first len bytes.
truncate(long, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Seekable
Sets the length of the stream to offset.
truncate(Buffer, int, long, long) - Static method in class
Truncate the buffer to finally have samples number of samples, removing the necessary amount of samples from the end and trim number of samples from the beginning.
TRUNCATE_RANGE - Enum constant in enum class
When the source has a smaller depth than the target format, set the least significant bits of the target to 0.
TRUNCATE_RANGE - Enum constant in enum class
When the source has a smaller depth than the target format, set the least significant bits of the target to 0.
truncateFn(long, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileIOStream
truncateFn(long, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileOutputStream
tryClose() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Tries to close the this WebView.
trylock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RecMutex
Tries to lock this RecMutex.
trylock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRecMutex
Use g_rec_mutex_trylock()
tryMalloc(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Attempts to allocate nBytes, and returns null on failure.
tryMalloc0(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Attempts to allocate nBytes, initialized to 0's, and returns null on failure.
tryMalloc0N(long, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function is similar to g_try_malloc0(), allocating (nBlocks * nBlockBytes) bytes, but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.
tryMallocN(long, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function is similar to g_try_malloc(), allocating (nBlocks * nBlockBytes) bytes, but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.
tryNew(String, ThreadFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
This function is the same as g_thread_new() except that it allows for the possibility of failure.
tryPop() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Tries to pop data from the this AsyncQueue.
tryPopUnlocked() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Tries to pop data from the this AsyncQueue.
tryRealloc(MemorySegment, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Attempts to realloc mem to a new size, nBytes, and returns null on failure.
tryReallocN(MemorySegment, long, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function is similar to g_try_realloc(), allocating (nBlocks * nBlockBytes) bytes, but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.
TTB - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Direction
Text is set vertically from top to bottom.
TTB_LTR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Direction
Deprecated value; treated the same as PANGO_DIRECTION_RTL.
TTB_RTL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Direction
Deprecated value; treated the same as PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR
TUESDAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateWeekday
tuple(Variant[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a new tuple GVariant out of the items in children.
tuple(VariantType[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Constructs a new tuple type, from items.
TUPLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is a tuple.
TUPLE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
An indefinite type that is a supertype of every tuple type, regardless of the number of items in the tuple.
Tuples - Class in org.gnome.glib
Tuples() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Tuples
Allocate a new Tuples.
Tuples(int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Tuples
Allocate a new Tuples with the fields set to the provided values.
Tuples(int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Tuples
Allocate a new Tuples with the fields set to the provided values.
Tuples(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Tuples
Allocate a new Tuples.
Tuples(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Tuples
Create a Tuples proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverRecordType
look up DNS TXT records for a name
TXTBSY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Text file busy.
TXTBUSY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
execv() returned ETXTBUSY
type() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Property
Type - Class in org.gnome.glib
Type - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A numerical value which represents the unique identifier of a registered type.
Type(long) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Type
Create a new Type with the provided value
Type(long) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Type
Create a new Type with the provided value
TYPE_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
cannot parse as variant of the specified type
TYPE_FLAG_RESERVED_ID_BIT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
A bit in the type number that's supposed to be left untouched.
TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL_MAX - Static variable in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
An integer constant that represents the number of identifiers reserved for types that are assigned at compile-time.
TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL_SHIFT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Shift value used in converting numbers to type IDs.
TYPE_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
used when the element doesn't know the stream's type.
TYPE_RESERVED_BSE_FIRST - Static variable in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
First fundamental type number to create a new fundamental type id with G_TYPE_MAKE_FUNDAMENTAL() reserved for BSE.
TYPE_RESERVED_BSE_LAST - Static variable in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Last fundamental type number reserved for BSE.
TYPE_RESERVED_GLIB_FIRST - Static variable in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
First fundamental type number to create a new fundamental type id with G_TYPE_MAKE_FUNDAMENTAL() reserved for GLib.
TYPE_RESERVED_GLIB_LAST - Static variable in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Last fundamental type number reserved for GLib.
TYPE_RESERVED_USER_FIRST - Static variable in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
First available fundamental type number to create new fundamental type id with G_TYPE_MAKE_FUNDAMENTAL().
typeAddClassCacheFunc(MemorySegment, TypeClassCacheFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Adds a GTypeClassCacheFunc to be called before the reference count of a class goes from one to zero.
typeAddClassPrivate(Type, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Registers a private class structure for a classed type; when the class is allocated, the private structures for the class and all of its parent types are allocated sequentially in the same memory block as the public structures, and are zero-filled.
typeAddInstancePrivate(Type, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
typeAddInterfaceCheck(MemorySegment, TypeInterfaceCheckFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Adds a function to be called after an interface vtable is initialized for any class (i.e.
typeAddInterfaceDynamic(Type, Type, TypePlugin) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Adds interfaceType to the dynamic instanceType.
typeAddInterfaceStatic(Type, Type, InterfaceInfo) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Adds interfaceType to the static instanceType.
TypeCache - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types
A register of GTypes with a Java constructor for each GType.
TypeCache() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.TypeCache
typeCheckClassCast(TypeClass, Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
typeCheckClassIsA(TypeClass, Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
typeCheckInstance(TypeInstance) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Private helper function to aid implementation of the G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE() macro.
typeCheckInstanceCast(TypeInstance, Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
typeCheckInstanceIsA(TypeInstance, Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
typeCheckInstanceIsFundamentallyA(TypeInstance, Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
typeCheckIsValueType(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
typeCheckValue(Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
typeCheckValueHolds(Value, Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
typeChildren(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Return a newly allocated and 0-terminated array of type IDs, listing the child types of type.
TypeClass - Class in org.gnome.gobject
An opaque structure used as the base of all classes.
TypeClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
Allocate a new TypeClass.
TypeClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
Allocate a new TypeClass.
TypeClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
Create a TypeClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TypeClass(Type) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
Allocate a new TypeClass with the fields set to the provided values.
TypeClass(Type, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
Allocate a new TypeClass with the fields set to the provided values.
TypeClassCacheFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the TypeClassCacheFunc callback.
typeCompatible(Type, Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Returns whether a GValue of type srcType can be copied into a GValue of type destType.
typeCreateInstance(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Creates and initializes an instance of type if type is valid and can be instantiated.
TypeCValue - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A union holding one collected value.
TypeCValue(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeCValue
Allocate a new TypeCValue.
TypeCValue(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeCValue
Create a TypeCValue proxy instance for the provided memory address.
typed(Type, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
Create a content provider that provides the value of the given type.
TYPED_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionColumn
typedArray(Context, TypedArrayType, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Create a new typed array containing a given amount of elements.
typedArrayGetBuffer() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Obtain the ArrayBuffer for the memory region of the typed array elements.
typedArrayGetData(Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Obtains a pointer to the memory region that holds the elements of the typed array; modifications done to them will be visible to JavaScript code.
typedArrayGetLength() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Gets the number of elements in a typed array.
typedArrayGetOffset() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Gets the offset over the underlying array buffer data.
typedArrayGetSize() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Gets the size of a typed array.
typedArrayGetType() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Gets the type of elements contained in a typed array.
TypedArrayType - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Possible types of the elements contained in a typed array.
TypeDebugFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gobject
typeDefaultInterfacePeek(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
If the interface type gType is currently in use, returns its default interface vtable.
typeDefaultInterfaceRef(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Increments the reference count for the interface type gType, and returns the default interface vtable for the type.
typeDefaultInterfaceUnref(TypeInterface) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Decrements the reference count for the type corresponding to the interface default vtable gIface.
typeDepth(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Returns the length of the ancestry of the passed in type.
typeEnsure(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Ensures that the indicated type has been registered with the type system, and its _class_init() method has been run.
TypeFind - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The following functions allow you to detect the media type of an unknown stream.
TypeFind() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind
Allocate a new TypeFind.
TypeFind(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind
Allocate a new TypeFind.
TypeFind(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind
Create a TypeFind proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TypeFind(TypeFind.PeekCallback, TypeFind.SuggestCallback, MemorySegment, TypeFind.GetLengthCallback) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind
Allocate a new TypeFind with the fields set to the provided values.
TypeFind(TypeFind.PeekCallback, TypeFind.SuggestCallback, MemorySegment, TypeFind.GetLengthCallback, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind
Allocate a new TypeFind with the fields set to the provided values.
TypeFind.GetLengthCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the GetLengthCallback callback.
TypeFind.PeekCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the PeekCallback callback.
TypeFind.SuggestCallback - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the SuggestCallback callback.
TypeFindData - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
The opaque GstTypeFindData structure.
TypeFindData(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.TypeFindData
Create a TypeFindData proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TypeFindFactory - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
These functions allow querying information about registered typefind functions.
TypeFindFactory(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindFactory
Create a TypeFindFactory proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TypeFindFactory.Builder<B> - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TypeFindFactory.TypeFindFactoryClass - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
TypeFindFactoryClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindFactory.TypeFindFactoryClass
Create a TypeFindFactoryClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TypeFindFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the TypeFindFunction callback.
typeFindGetType() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
typeFindHelper(Pad, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.GstBase
Tries to find what type of data is flowing from the given source GstPad.
typeFindHelperForBuffer(GstObject, Buffer, Out<TypeFindProbability>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.GstBase
Tries to find what type of data is contained in the given GstBuffer, the assumption being that the buffer represents the beginning of the stream or file.
typeFindHelperForBufferWithCaps(GstObject, Buffer, Caps, Out<TypeFindProbability>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.GstBase
Tries to find if type of media contained in the given GstBuffer, matches caps specified, assumption being that the buffer represents the beginning of the stream or file.
typeFindHelperForBufferWithExtension(GstObject, Buffer, String, Out<TypeFindProbability>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.GstBase
Tries to find what type of data is contained in the given GstBuffer, the assumption being that the buffer represents the beginning of the stream or file.
typeFindHelperForData(GstObject, byte[], Out<TypeFindProbability>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.GstBase
Tries to find what type of data is contained in the given data, the assumption being that the data represents the beginning of the stream or file.
typeFindHelperForDataWithCaps(GstObject, byte[], Caps, Out<TypeFindProbability>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.GstBase
Tries to find if type of media contained in the given data, matches the caps specified, assumption being that the data represents the beginning of the stream or file.
typeFindHelperForDataWithExtension(GstObject, byte[], String, Out<TypeFindProbability>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.GstBase
Tries to find what type of data is contained in the given data, the assumption being that the data represents the beginning of the stream or file.
typeFindHelperForExtension(GstObject, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.GstBase
Tries to find the best GstCaps associated with extension.
typeFindHelperGetRange(GstObject, GstObject, TypeFindHelperGetRangeFunction, long, String, Out<TypeFindProbability>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.GstBase
Utility function to do pull-based typefinding.
typeFindHelperGetRangeFull(GstObject, GstObject, TypeFindHelperGetRangeFunction, long, String, Out<Caps>, Out<TypeFindProbability>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.GstBase
Utility function to do pull-based typefinding.
TypeFindHelperGetRangeFunction - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base
Functional interface declaration of the TypeFindHelperGetRangeFunction callback.
typeFindListFactoriesForCaps(GstObject, Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.GstBase
Tries to find the best GstTypeFindFactory associated with caps.
TypeFindProbability - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The probability of the typefind function.
TypeFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gobject
Bit masks used to check or determine characteristics of a type.
typeFreeInstance(TypeInstance) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Frees an instance of a type, returning it to the instance pool for the type, if there is one.
typeFromName(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Look up the type ID from a given type name, returning 0 if no type has been registered under this name (this is the preferred method to find out by name whether a specific type has been registered yet).
typeFundamental(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Internal function, used to extract the fundamental type ID portion.
TypeFundamentalFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.gobject
Bit masks used to check or determine specific characteristics of a fundamental type.
TypeFundamentalInfo - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A structure that provides information to the type system which is used specifically for managing fundamental types.
TypeFundamentalInfo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFundamentalInfo
Allocate a new TypeFundamentalInfo.
TypeFundamentalInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFundamentalInfo
Allocate a new TypeFundamentalInfo.
TypeFundamentalInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFundamentalInfo
Create a TypeFundamentalInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TypeFundamentalInfo(Set<TypeFundamentalFlags>) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFundamentalInfo
Allocate a new TypeFundamentalInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
TypeFundamentalInfo(Set<TypeFundamentalFlags>, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFundamentalInfo
Allocate a new TypeFundamentalInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
typeFundamentalNext() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Returns the next free fundamental type id which can be used to register a new fundamental type with g_type_register_fundamental().
typeGetInstanceCount(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Returns the number of instances allocated of the particular type; this is only available if GLib is built with debugging support and the instance-count debug flag is set (by setting the GOBJECT_DEBUG variable to include instance-count).
typeGetLength(ChecksumType) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Checksum
Gets the length in bytes of digests of type checksumType
typeGetPlugin(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Returns the GTypePlugin structure for type.
typeGetQdata(Type, Quark) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Obtains data which has previously been attached to type with g_type_set_qdata().
typeGetTypeRegistrationSerial() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Returns an opaque serial number that represents the state of the set of registered types.
TypeInfo - Class in org.gnome.gobject
This structure is used to provide the type system with the information required to initialize and destruct (finalize) a type's class and its instances.
TypeInfo() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Allocate a new TypeInfo.
TypeInfo(short, BaseInitFunc, BaseFinalizeFunc, ClassInitFunc, ClassFinalizeFunc, MemorySegment, short, short, InstanceInitFunc, TypeValueTable) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Allocate a new TypeInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
TypeInfo(short, BaseInitFunc, BaseFinalizeFunc, ClassInitFunc, ClassFinalizeFunc, MemorySegment, short, short, InstanceInitFunc, TypeValueTable, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Allocate a new TypeInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
TypeInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Allocate a new TypeInfo.
TypeInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Create a TypeInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
typeInit() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
the type system is now initialised automatically
typeInitWithDebugFlags(Set<TypeDebugFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
the type system is now initialised automatically
typeInitWithDebugFlags(TypeDebugFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
the type system is now initialised automatically
TypeInstance - Class in org.gnome.gobject
An opaque structure used as the base of all type instances.
TypeInstance() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInstance
Allocate a new TypeInstance.
TypeInstance(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInstance
Allocate a new TypeInstance.
TypeInstance(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInstance
Create a TypeInstance proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TypeInstance(TypeClass) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInstance
Allocate a new TypeInstance with the fields set to the provided values.
TypeInstance(TypeClass, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInstance
Allocate a new TypeInstance with the fields set to the provided values.
TypeInterface - Class in org.gnome.gobject
An opaque structure used as the base of all interface types.
TypeInterface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterface
Allocate a new TypeInterface.
TypeInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterface
Allocate a new TypeInterface.
TypeInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterface
Create a TypeInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TypeInterface(Type, Type) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterface
Allocate a new TypeInterface with the fields set to the provided values.
TypeInterface(Type, Type, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterface
Allocate a new TypeInterface with the fields set to the provided values.
TypeInterfaceCheckFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the TypeInterfaceCheckFunc callback.
typeInterfaces(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Return a newly allocated and 0-terminated array of type IDs, listing the interface types that type conforms to.
typeIsA(Type, Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
If isAType is a derivable type, check whether type is a descendant of isAType.
typeIsPluginApi(Type, Out<Set<PluginAPIFlags>>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Checks if type is plugin API.
typeMarkAsPluginApi(Type, Set<PluginAPIFlags>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Marks type as plugin API.
typeMarkAsPluginApi(Type, PluginAPIFlags...) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Marks type as plugin API.
TypeModule - Class in org.gnome.gobject
GTypeModule provides a simple implementation of the GTypePlugin interface.
TypeModule(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule
Create a TypeModule proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TypeModule.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
TypeModule.TypeModuleClass - Class in org.gnome.gobject
In order to implement dynamic loading of types based on GTypeModule, the load and unload functions in GTypeModuleClass must be implemented.
TypeModule.TypeModuleImpl - Class in org.gnome.gobject
The TypeModuleImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract TypeModule class.
TypeModuleClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule.TypeModuleClass
Allocate a new TypeModuleClass.
TypeModuleClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule.TypeModuleClass
Allocate a new TypeModuleClass.
TypeModuleClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule.TypeModuleClass
Create a TypeModuleClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TypeModuleImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule.TypeModuleImpl
Creates a new instance of TypeModule for the provided memory address.
typeName(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Get the unique name that is assigned to a type ID.
typeNameFromClass(TypeClass) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
typeNameFromInstance(TypeInstance) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
typeNextBase(Type, Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Given a leafType and a rootType which is contained in its ancestry, return the type that rootType is the immediate parent of.
typeParent(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Return the direct parent type of the passed in type.
TypePlugin - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
An interface that handles the lifecycle of dynamically loaded types.
TypePlugin.TypePluginImpl - Class in org.gnome.gobject
The TypePluginImpl type represents a native instance of the TypePlugin interface.
TypePluginClass - Class in org.gnome.gobject
The GTypePlugin interface is used by the type system in order to handle the lifecycle of dynamically loaded types.
TypePluginClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginClass
Allocate a new TypePluginClass.
TypePluginClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginClass
Allocate a new TypePluginClass.
TypePluginClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginClass
Create a TypePluginClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TypePluginClass(TypeInterface, TypePluginUse, TypePluginUnuse, TypePluginCompleteTypeInfo, TypePluginCompleteInterfaceInfo) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginClass
Allocate a new TypePluginClass with the fields set to the provided values.
TypePluginClass(TypeInterface, TypePluginUse, TypePluginUnuse, TypePluginCompleteTypeInfo, TypePluginCompleteInterfaceInfo, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginClass
Allocate a new TypePluginClass with the fields set to the provided values.
TypePluginCompleteInterfaceInfo - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the TypePluginCompleteInterfaceInfo callback.
TypePluginCompleteTypeInfo - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the TypePluginCompleteTypeInfo callback.
TypePluginImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypePlugin.TypePluginImpl
Creates a new instance of TypePlugin for the provided memory address.
TypePluginUnuse - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the TypePluginUnuse callback.
TypePluginUse - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the TypePluginUse callback.
typeQname(Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Get the corresponding quark of the type IDs name.
typeQuery(Type, TypeQuery) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Queries the type system for information about a specific type.
TypeQuery - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A structure holding information for a specific type.
TypeQuery() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeQuery
Allocate a new TypeQuery.
TypeQuery(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeQuery
Allocate a new TypeQuery.
TypeQuery(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeQuery
Create a TypeQuery proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TypeQuery(Type, String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeQuery
Allocate a new TypeQuery with the fields set to the provided values.
TypeQuery(Type, String, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeQuery
Allocate a new TypeQuery with the fields set to the provided values.
typeRegisterDynamic(Type, String, TypePlugin, Set<TypeFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Registers typeName as the name of a new dynamic type derived from parentType.
typeRegisterDynamic(Type, String, TypePlugin, TypeFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Registers typeName as the name of a new dynamic type derived from parentType.
typeRegisterFundamental(Type, String, TypeInfo, TypeFundamentalInfo, Set<TypeFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Registers typeId as the predefined identifier and typeName as the name of a fundamental type.
typeRegisterFundamental(Type, String, TypeInfo, TypeFundamentalInfo, TypeFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Registers typeId as the predefined identifier and typeName as the name of a fundamental type.
typeRegisterStatic(Type, String, TypeInfo, Set<TypeFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Registers typeName as the name of a new static type derived from parentType.
typeRegisterStatic(Type, String, TypeInfo, TypeFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Registers typeName as the name of a new static type derived from parentType.
typeRegisterStaticSimple(Type, String, int, ClassInitFunc, int, InstanceInitFunc, Set<TypeFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Registers typeName as the name of a new static type derived from parentType.
typeRegisterStaticSimple(Type, String, int, ClassInitFunc, int, InstanceInitFunc, TypeFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Registers typeName as the name of a new static type derived from parentType.
typeRemoveClassCacheFunc(MemorySegment, TypeClassCacheFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Removes a previously installed GTypeClassCacheFunc.
typeRemoveInterfaceCheck(MemorySegment, TypeInterfaceCheckFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Removes an interface check function added with g_type_add_interface_check().
Types - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types
The Types class contains GType constants, a series of static methods to check gtype characteristics, and static methods to register a Java class as a new GObject-derived GType.
Types - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.types
This class was renamed to TemplateTypes
Types() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
Types() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.types.Types
typeSetQdata(Type, Quark, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
Attaches arbitrary data to a type.
typeSetSkipDocumentation(Type) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Marks type as "documentation should be skipped".
typeTestFlags(Type, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
typeTransformable(Type, Type) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Check whether g_value_transform() is able to transform values of type srcType into values of type destType.
TypeValueCollectFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the TypeValueCollectFunc callback.
TypeValueCopyFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the TypeValueCopyFunc callback.
TypeValueFreeFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the TypeValueFreeFunc callback.
TypeValueInitFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the TypeValueInitFunc callback.
TypeValueLCopyFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the TypeValueLCopyFunc callback.
TypeValuePeekPointerFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the TypeValuePeekPointerFunc callback.
TypeValueTable - Class in org.gnome.gobject
The GTypeValueTable provides the functions required by the GValue implementation, to serve as a container for values of a type.
TypeValueTable() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Allocate a new TypeValueTable.
TypeValueTable(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Allocate a new TypeValueTable.
TypeValueTable(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Create a TypeValueTable proxy instance for the provided memory address.
TypeValueTable(TypeValueInitFunc, TypeValueFreeFunc, TypeValueCopyFunc, TypeValuePeekPointerFunc, String, TypeValueCollectFunc, String, TypeValueLCopyFunc) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Allocate a new TypeValueTable with the fields set to the provided values.
TypeValueTable(TypeValueInitFunc, TypeValueFreeFunc, TypeValueCopyFunc, TypeValuePeekPointerFunc, String, TypeValueCollectFunc, String, TypeValueLCopyFunc, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Allocate a new TypeValueTable with the fields set to the provided values.
TYPOGRAPHIC_EXTRAS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
TYPOGRAPHIC_FAMILY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Typographic Family name
TYPOGRAPHIC_SUBFAMILY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Typographic Subfamily name


U16 - Static variable in enum class
16 bits in 16 bits, unsigned, native endianness
U16BE - Enum constant in enum class
16 bits in 16 bits, unsigned, big endian
U16LE - Enum constant in enum class
16 bits in 16 bits, unsigned, little endian
U18 - Static variable in enum class
18 bits in 24 bits, unsigned, native endianness
U18BE - Enum constant in enum class
18 bits in 24 bits, unsigned, big endian
U18LE - Enum constant in enum class
18 bits in 24 bits, unsigned, little endian
U20 - Static variable in enum class
20 bits in 24 bits, unsigned, native endianness
U20BE - Enum constant in enum class
20 bits in 24 bits, unsigned, big endian
U20LE - Enum constant in enum class
20 bits in 24 bits, unsigned, little endian
U24 - Static variable in enum class
24 bits in 24 bits, unsigned, native endianness
U24_32 - Static variable in enum class
24 bits in 32 bits, unsigned, native endianness
U24_32BE - Enum constant in enum class
24 bits in 32 bits, unsigned, big endian
U24_32LE - Enum constant in enum class
24 bits in 32 bits, unsigned, little endian
U24BE - Enum constant in enum class
24 bits in 24 bits, unsigned, big endian
U24LE - Enum constant in enum class
24 bits in 24 bits, unsigned, little endian
U32 - Static variable in enum class
32 bits in 32 bits, unsigned, native endianness
U32BE - Enum constant in enum class
32 bits in 32 bits, unsigned, big endian
U32LE - Enum constant in enum class
32 bits in 32 bits, unsigned, little endian
U8 - Enum constant in enum class
8 bits in 8 bits, unsigned
UCHAR - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type corresponding to guchar.
ucs4ToUtf16(int[], Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Convert a string from UCS-4 to UTF-16.
ucs4ToUtf8(int[], Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Convert a string from a 32-bit fixed width representation as UCS-4.
UDP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketProtocol
UDP over IP
UGARITIC - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
UGARITIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
UGARITIC - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
ui() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.annotations.GtkTemplate
UINT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.GLUniformType
A GLSL uint / guint32 uniform
UINT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.OptionType
A guint option type.
UINT - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type corresponding to guint.
uint16(short) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a new uint16 GVariant instance.
UINT16 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is an unsigned 16 bit integer.
UINT16 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.TypedArrayType
Array elements are 16-bit unsigned integers (uint16_t).
UINT16 - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of an integer value that can range from 0 to 65535.
uint32(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a new uint32 GVariant instance.
UINT32 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeType
an unsigned 4-byte/32-bit integer.
UINT32 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is an unsigned 32 bit integer.
UINT32 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.TypedArrayType
Array elements are 32-bit unsigned integers (uint32_t).
UINT32 - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of an integer value that can range from 0 to 4294967295.
uint64(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a new uint64 GVariant instance.
UINT64 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeType
an unsigned 8-byte/64-bit integer.
UINT64 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is an unsigned 64 bit integer.
UINT64 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.TypedArrayType
Array elements are 64-bit unsigned integers (uint64_t).
UINT64 - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of an integer value that can range from 0 to 18446744073709551615 (inclusive).
UINT64 - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type corresponding to guint64.
UINT8 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.TypedArrayType
Array elements are 8-bit unsigned integers (uint8_t).
UINT8_CLAMPED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.TypedArrayType
Array elements are 8-bit unsigned integers (uint8_t).
UL_LR - Enum constant in enum class
Flip across upper left/lower right diagonal
ULONG - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type corresponding to gulong.
ULTRA_CONDENSED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Stretch
ultra condensed width
ULTRA_EXPANDED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Stretch
ultra expanded width
ULTRABOLD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Weight
the ultrabold weight (= 800)
ULTRAHEAVY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Weight
the ultraheavy weight (= 1000) Since: 1.24
ULTRALIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Weight
the ultralight weight (= 200)
unadjustUnlocked(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Converts the given external clock time to the internal time of this Clock, using the rate and reference time set with gst_clock_set_calibration().
unadjustWithCalibration(ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Converts the given externalTarget clock time to the internal time, using the passed calibration parameters.
UNASSIGNED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
UNASSIGNED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Other, Not Assigned" (Cn)
UNAUTHORIZED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
401 Unauthorized (HTTP)
UNAVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class
Unavailable (see note 0 below).
UNAVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsError
No TLS provider is available
unbind() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Binding
Explicitly releases the binding between the source and the target property expressed by this Binding.
unbind(GObject, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Removes an existing binding for property on object.
unbindBusyProperty(GObject, String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Destroys a binding between property and the busy state of this Application that was previously created with g_application_bind_busy_property().
unblock() - Method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.SignalConnection
Undoes the effect of a previous SignalConnection.block() call.
unblock() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup
Unblocks all signal handlers managed by this SignalGroup so they will be called again during any signal emissions unless it is blocked again.
UNBLOCKED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalMatchType
Only unblocked signals may be matched.
unblockInteractive() - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion
UNCACHEABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Cacheability
The message shouldn't be cached
UNCLASSIFIED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutGlyphClass
Glyphs not matching the other classifications
UNCONNECTED - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
undefined(Context) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Create a new JSCValue referencing <function>undefined</function> in context.
UNDEFINED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Format
undefined format
UNDEFINED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagFlag
undefined flag
UNDEFINED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagMergeMode
undefined merge mode
UNDEFINED - Enum constant in enum class
UNDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.FlapTransitionType
The content slides over the flap.
UNDER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.LeafletTransitionType
Uncover the new page or cover the old page, sliding from or towards the start according to orientation, text direction and children order
UNDER_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Uncover the new page by sliding down
UNDER_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Uncover the new page by sliding to the left
UNDER_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Uncover the new page by sliding to the right
UNDER_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Uncover the new page by sliding up
UNDERBAR_EXTRA_DESCENDER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
UNDERBAR_RULE_THICKNESS - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
UNDERBAR_VERTICAL_GAP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
UNDERFLOW - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QOSType
The QoS event type that is produced when upstream elements are producing data too slowly and need to speed up their production rate.
Underline - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
The PangoUnderline enumeration is used to specify whether text should be underlined, and if so, the type of underlining.
UNDERLINE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Underline the output.
UNDERLINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
whether the text has an underline (Pango.AttrInt)
UNDERLINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.RenderPart
UNDERLINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
UNDERLINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.EditorTypingAttributes
Underline typing attribute.
UNDERLINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
UNDERLINE_COLOR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
underline color (Pango.AttrColor)
UNDERLINE_OFFSET - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
underline offset.
UNDERLINE_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
underline size.
undo() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer
Undoes the last undoable action on the buffer, if there is one.
unescapeBytes(String, long, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Unescapes a segment of an escaped string as binary data.
unescapeSegment(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Unescapes a segment of an escaped string.
unescapeString(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Unescapes a whole escaped string.
UNEXP_EOF - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ErrorType
unexpected end of file
UNEXP_EOF_IN_COMMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ErrorType
unterminated comment
UNEXP_EOF_IN_STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ErrorType
unterminated string constant
UNEXPECTED_TOKEN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
an unexpected token was encountered
unexport() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Stops exporting this DBusInterfaceSkeleton on all connections it is exported on.
unexport(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerServer
If this DBusObjectManagerServer has an object at path, removes the object.
unexportActionGroup(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
unexportFromConnection(DBusConnection) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton
Stops exporting this DBusInterfaceSkeleton on connection.
unexportMenuModel(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Reverses the effect of a previous call to g_dbus_connection_export_menu_model().
unexpToken(TokenType, String, String, String, String, int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Outputs a message through the scanner's msg_handler, resulting from an unexpected token in the input stream.
unfullscreen() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Asks to remove the fullscreen state for this Window, and return to its previous state.
UNGRAB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingMode
crossing because a grab is deactivated.
UNGREEDY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Inverts the "greediness" of the quantifiers so that they are not greedy by default, but become greedy if followed by "?".
ungroup() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gesture
Separates this Gesture into an isolated group.
UNHANDLED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountOperationResult
The request was unhandled (i.e.
UNHANDLED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteractionResult
The interaction was unhandled (i.e.
UNHANDLED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogWriterOutput
Log writer could not handle the log entry.
UNHANDLED_TAG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
The input contained a tag that GtkBuilder can’t handle.
unhideProvider(String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider
Make this DeviceProvider unhide the devices from factory name.
UNICASE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Variant
A font with the upper case characters replaced by smaller variants of the capital letters.
UNICHAR_MAX_DECOMPOSITION_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The maximum length (in codepoints) of a compatibility or canonical decomposition of a single Unicode character.
unicharBreakType(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines the break type of c.
unicharCombiningClass(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines the canonical combining class of a Unicode character.
unicharCompose(int, int, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Performs a single composition step of the Unicode canonical composition algorithm.
unicharDecompose(int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Performs a single decomposition step of the Unicode canonical decomposition algorithm.
unicharDigitValue(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines the numeric value of a character as a decimal digit.
unicharDirection(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Determines the inherent direction of a character.
unicharFullyDecompose(int, boolean, Out<Integer>, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Computes the canonical or compatibility decomposition of a Unicode character.
unicharGetMirrorChar(int, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
In Unicode, some characters are "mirrored".
unicharGetScript(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Looks up the GUnicodeScript for a particular character (as defined by Unicode Standard Annex \\24).
unicharIsalnum(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines whether a character is alphanumeric.
unicharIsalpha(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines whether a character is alphabetic (i.e.
unicharIscntrl(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines whether a character is a control character.
unicharIsdefined(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines if a given character is assigned in the Unicode standard.
unicharIsdigit(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines whether a character is numeric (i.e.
unicharIsgraph(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines whether a character is printable and not a space (returns false for control characters, format characters, and spaces).
unicharIslower(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines whether a character is a lowercase letter.
unicharIsmark(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines whether a character is a mark (non-spacing mark, combining mark, or enclosing mark in Unicode speak).
unicharIsprint(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines whether a character is printable.
unicharIspunct(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines whether a character is punctuation or a symbol.
unicharIsspace(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines whether a character is a space, tab, or line separator (newline, carriage return, etc.).
unicharIstitle(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines if a character is titlecase.
unicharIsupper(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines if a character is uppercase.
unicharIswide(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines if a character is typically rendered in a double-width cell.
unicharIswideCjk(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines if a character is typically rendered in a double-width cell under legacy East Asian locales.
unicharIsxdigit(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines if a character is a hexadecimal digit.
unicharIszerowidth(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines if a given character typically takes zero width when rendered.
unicharTolower(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a character to lower case.
unicharTotitle(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a character to the titlecase.
unicharToupper(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a character to uppercase.
unicharToUtf8(int, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a single character to UTF-8.
unicharType(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Classifies a Unicode character by type.
unicharValidate(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Checks whether ch is a valid Unicode character.
unicharXdigitValue(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Determines the numeric value of a character as a hexadecimal digit.
UNICODE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferContentType
The buffer contains input characters (before shaping).
UNICODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Collation
UNICODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Unicode menu.
UNICODE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Unicode menu.
UNICODE_COMBINING_CLASS_CCC133 - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
UNICODE_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
UNICODE_MAX - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Maximum valid Unicode code point.
UNICODE_MAX_DECOMPOSITION_LEN - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
See Unicode 6.1 for details on the maximum decomposition length.
UnicodeBreakType - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
These are the possible line break classifications.
unicodeCanonicalDecomposition(int, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Use the more flexible g_unichar_fully_decompose() instead.
unicodeCanonicalOrdering(int[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Computes the canonical ordering of a string in-place.
unicodeCombiningClass(UnicodeFuncs, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Retrieves the Canonical Combining Class (ccc) property of code point unicode.
UnicodeCombiningClass - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for the Canonical_Combining_Class (ccc) property from the Unicode Character Database.
UnicodeCombiningClassFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the UnicodeCombiningClassFunc callback.
unicodeCompose(UnicodeFuncs, Codepoint, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the composition of a sequence of two Unicode code points.
UnicodeComposeFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the UnicodeComposeFunc callback.
unicodeDecompose(UnicodeFuncs, Codepoint, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the decomposition of a Unicode code point.
unicodeDecomposeCompatibility(UnicodeFuncs, Codepoint, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
UnicodeDecomposeCompatibilityFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
UnicodeDecomposeFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the UnicodeDecomposeFunc callback.
unicodeEastasianWidth(UnicodeFuncs, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
UnicodeEastasianWidthFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
UnicodeFuncs - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type containing a set of virtual methods used for accessing various Unicode character properties.
UnicodeFuncs(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeFuncs
Create a UnicodeFuncs proxy instance for the provided memory address.
unicodeFuncsCreate(UnicodeFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Creates a new hb_unicode_funcs_t structure of Unicode functions.
unicodeFuncsDestroy(UnicodeFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Decreases the reference count on a Unicode-functions structure.
unicodeFuncsGetDefault() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches a pointer to the default Unicode-functions structure that is used when no functions are explicitly set on hb_buffer_t.
unicodeFuncsGetEmpty() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the singleton empty Unicode-functions structure.
unicodeFuncsGetParent(UnicodeFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the parent of the Unicode-functions structure ufuncs.
unicodeFuncsGetUserData(UnicodeFuncs, UserDataKey) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Fetches the user-data associated with the specified key, attached to the specified Unicode-functions structure.
unicodeFuncsIsImmutable(UnicodeFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Tests whether the specified Unicode-functions structure is immutable.
unicodeFuncsMakeImmutable(UnicodeFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Makes the specified Unicode-functions structure immutable.
unicodeFuncsReference(UnicodeFuncs) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Increases the reference count on a Unicode-functions structure.
unicodeFuncsSetCombiningClassFunc(UnicodeFuncs, UnicodeCombiningClassFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_unicode_combining_class_func_t.
unicodeFuncsSetComposeFunc(UnicodeFuncs, UnicodeComposeFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_unicode_compose_func_t.
unicodeFuncsSetDecomposeCompatibilityFunc(UnicodeFuncs, UnicodeDecomposeCompatibilityFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
unicodeFuncsSetDecomposeFunc(UnicodeFuncs, UnicodeDecomposeFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_unicode_decompose_func_t.
unicodeFuncsSetEastasianWidthFunc(UnicodeFuncs, UnicodeEastasianWidthFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
unicodeFuncsSetGeneralCategoryFunc(UnicodeFuncs, UnicodeGeneralCategoryFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_unicode_general_category_func_t.
unicodeFuncsSetMirroringFunc(UnicodeFuncs, UnicodeMirroringFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_unicode_mirroring_func_t.
unicodeFuncsSetScriptFunc(UnicodeFuncs, UnicodeScriptFunc, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Sets the implementation function for hb_unicode_script_func_t.
unicodeFuncsSetUserData(UnicodeFuncs, UserDataKey, MemorySegment, DestroyFunc, Bool) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Attaches a user-data key/data pair to the specified Unicode-functions structure.
unicodeGeneralCategory(UnicodeFuncs, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Retrieves the General Category (gc) property of code point unicode.
UnicodeGeneralCategory - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for the "General_Category" (gc) property from the Unicode Character Database.
UnicodeGeneralCategoryFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the UnicodeGeneralCategoryFunc callback.
unicodeMirroring(UnicodeFuncs, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Retrieves the Bi-directional Mirroring Glyph code point defined for code point unicode.
UnicodeMirroringFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the UnicodeMirroringFunc callback.
unicodeScript(UnicodeFuncs, Codepoint) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Retrieves the hb_script_t script to which code point unicode belongs.
UnicodeScript - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
The GUnicodeScript enumeration identifies different writing systems.
UnicodeScriptFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Functional interface declaration of the UnicodeScriptFunc callback.
unicodeToKeyval(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.Gdk
Convert from a Unicode character to a key symbol.
UnicodeType - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
These are the possible character classifications from the Unicode specification.
UNIMPLEMENTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CssParserWarning
A feature is not implemented
unindentLines(TextIter, TextIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Removes one indentation level at the beginning of the specified lines.
uninhibit(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Removes an inhibitor that has been previously established.
union(ContentProvider[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
Creates a content provider that represents all the given providers.
union(ContentFormats) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Append all missing types from second to this ContentFormats, in the order they had in second.
union(Rectangle, Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Calculates the union of two rectangles.
union(Box, Box) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Unions the two given graphene_box_t.
union(Rect, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Computes the union of the two given rectangles.
union(Bitset) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Sets this Bitset to be the union of this Bitset and other.
unionDeserializeGtypes() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Add GTypes for mime types in this ContentFormats for which deserializers are registered.
unionDeserializeMimeTypes() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Add mime types for GTypes in this ContentFormats for which deserializers are registered.
unionSerializeGtypes() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Add GTypes for the mime types in this ContentFormats for which serializers are registered.
unionSerializeMimeTypes() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Add mime types for GTypes in this ContentFormats for which serializers are registered.
UNIQUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingType
tls-unique binding type
UNIQUE_ID - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Unique font identifier
Unit - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
See also gtk_print_settings_set_paper_width().
UNIT - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The empty tuple type.
unitsFromDouble(double) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Converts a floating-point number to Pango units.
unitsToDouble(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Converts a number in Pango units to floating-point.
UNIVERSAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.TimeType
the time is in UTC
UNIX - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorMode
Paint logs with UNIX terminal color codes no matter what platform GStreamer is running on.
UNIX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketFamily
the UNIX domain family
UNIX_FD_PASSING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusCapabilityFlags
The connection supports exchanging UNIX file descriptors with the remote peer.
UNIX_PROCESS_ID_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Tried to get a UNIX process ID and it wasn't available.
UnixConnection - Class in org.gnome.gio
This is the subclass of SocketConnection that is created for UNIX domain sockets.
UnixConnection(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection
Create a UnixConnection proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UnixConnection.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
UnixConnection.UnixConnectionClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
UnixConnectionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection.UnixConnectionClass
Allocate a new UnixConnectionClass.
UnixConnectionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection.UnixConnectionClass
Allocate a new UnixConnectionClass.
UnixConnectionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixConnection.UnixConnectionClass
Create a UnixConnectionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UnixCredentialsMessage - Class in org.gnome.gio
This SocketControlMessage contains a Credentials instance.
UnixCredentialsMessage() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixCredentialsMessage
Creates a new GUnixCredentialsMessage with credentials matching the current processes.
UnixCredentialsMessage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixCredentialsMessage
Create a UnixCredentialsMessage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UnixCredentialsMessage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
UnixCredentialsMessage.UnixCredentialsMessageClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Class structure for GUnixCredentialsMessage.
UnixCredentialsMessageClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixCredentialsMessage.UnixCredentialsMessageClass
Allocate a new UnixCredentialsMessageClass.
UnixCredentialsMessageClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixCredentialsMessage.UnixCredentialsMessageClass
Allocate a new UnixCredentialsMessageClass.
UnixCredentialsMessageClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixCredentialsMessage.UnixCredentialsMessageClass
Create a UnixCredentialsMessageClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
unixErrorQuark() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
unixFdAdd(int, Set<IOCondition>, UnixFDSourceFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets a function to be called when the IO condition, as specified by condition becomes true for fd.
unixFdAdd(int, IOCondition, UnixFDSourceFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets a function to be called when the IO condition, as specified by condition becomes true for fd.
unixFdAddFull(int, int, Set<IOCondition>, UnixFDSourceFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets a function to be called when the IO condition, as specified by condition becomes true for fd.
unixFdAddFull(int, int, IOCondition, UnixFDSourceFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Sets a function to be called when the IO condition, as specified by condition becomes true for fd.
UnixFDList - Class in org.gnome.gio
A GUnixFDList contains a list of file descriptors.
UnixFDList() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList
Creates a new GUnixFDList containing no file descriptors.
UnixFDList(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList
Create a UnixFDList proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UnixFDList.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
UnixFDList.UnixFDListClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
UnixFDListClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList.UnixFDListClass
Allocate a new UnixFDListClass.
UnixFDListClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList.UnixFDListClass
Allocate a new UnixFDListClass.
UnixFDListClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDList.UnixFDListClass
Create a UnixFDListClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UnixFDMessage - Class in org.gnome.gio
UnixFDMessage() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDMessage
Creates a new GUnixFDMessage containing an empty file descriptor list.
UnixFDMessage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDMessage
Create a UnixFDMessage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UnixFDMessage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
UnixFDMessage.UnixFDMessageClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
UnixFDMessageClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDMessage.UnixFDMessageClass
Allocate a new UnixFDMessageClass.
UnixFDMessageClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDMessage.UnixFDMessageClass
Allocate a new UnixFDMessageClass.
UnixFDMessageClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDMessage.UnixFDMessageClass
Create a UnixFDMessageClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UnixFDSourceFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the UnixFDSourceFunc callback.
unixFdSourceNew(int, Set<IOCondition>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a GSource to watch for a particular I/O condition on a file descriptor.
unixFdSourceNew(int, IOCondition...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Creates a GSource to watch for a particular I/O condition on a file descriptor.
unixGetFd() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Returns the file descriptor of the GIOChannel.
unixGetPasswdEntry(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Get the passwd file entry for the given userName using getpwnam_r().
UnixInputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
GUnixInputStream implements InputStream for reading from a UNIX file descriptor, including asynchronous operations.
UnixInputStream(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixInputStream
Creates a new GUnixInputStream for the given fd.
UnixInputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixInputStream
Create a UnixInputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UnixInputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
UnixInputStream.UnixInputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
UnixInputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixInputStream.UnixInputStreamClass
Allocate a new UnixInputStreamClass.
UnixInputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixInputStream.UnixInputStreamClass
Allocate a new UnixInputStreamClass.
UnixInputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixInputStream.UnixInputStreamClass
Create a UnixInputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
unixIsMountPathSystemInternal(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Determines if mountPath is considered an implementation of the OS.
unixIsSystemDevicePath(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Determines if devicePath is considered a block device path which is only used in implementation of the OS.
unixIsSystemFsType(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Determines if fsType is considered a type of file system which is only used in implementation of the OS.
unixMountAt(String, Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets a GUnixMountEntry for a given mount path.
unixMountCompare(UnixMountEntry, UnixMountEntry) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Compares two unix mounts.
unixMountCopy(UnixMountEntry) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Makes a copy of mountEntry.
UnixMountEntry - Class in org.gnome.gio
Defines a Unix mount entry (e.g.
UnixMountEntry(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountEntry
Create a UnixMountEntry proxy instance for the provided memory address.
unixMountFor(String, Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets a GUnixMountEntry for a given file path.
unixMountFree(UnixMountEntry) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Frees a unix mount.
unixMountGetDevicePath(UnixMountEntry) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets the device path for a unix mount.
unixMountGetFsType(UnixMountEntry) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets the filesystem type for the unix mount.
unixMountGetMountPath(UnixMountEntry) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets the mount path for a unix mount.
unixMountGetOptions(UnixMountEntry) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets a comma-separated list of mount options for the unix mount.
unixMountGetRootPath(UnixMountEntry) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets the root of the mount within the filesystem.
unixMountGuessCanEject(UnixMountEntry) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Guesses whether a Unix mount can be ejected.
unixMountGuessIcon(UnixMountEntry) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Guesses the icon of a Unix mount.
unixMountGuessName(UnixMountEntry) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Guesses the name of a Unix mount.
unixMountGuessShouldDisplay(UnixMountEntry) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Guesses whether a Unix mount should be displayed in the UI.
unixMountGuessSymbolicIcon(UnixMountEntry) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Guesses the symbolic icon of a Unix mount.
unixMountIsReadonly(UnixMountEntry) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Checks if a unix mount is mounted read only.
unixMountIsSystemInternal(UnixMountEntry) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Checks if a Unix mount is a system mount.
UnixMountMonitor - Class in org.gnome.gio
Watches GUnixMounts for changes.
UnixMountMonitor() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor
Use g_unix_mount_monitor_get() instead.
UnixMountMonitor(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor
Create a UnixMountMonitor proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UnixMountMonitor.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
UnixMountMonitor.MountpointsChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the MountpointsChangedCallback callback.
UnixMountMonitor.MountsChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the MountsChangedCallback callback.
UnixMountMonitor.UnixMountMonitorClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
UnixMountMonitorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor.UnixMountMonitorClass
Create a UnixMountMonitorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UnixMountPoint - Class in org.gnome.gio
Defines a Unix mount point (e.g.
UnixMountPoint(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixMountPoint
Create a UnixMountPoint proxy instance for the provided memory address.
unixMountPointsChangedSince(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Checks if the unix mount points have changed since a given unix time.
unixMountPointsGet(Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets a GList of GUnixMountPoint containing the unix mount points.
unixMountPointsGetFromFile(String, Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets an array of Gio.UnixMountPoints containing the Unix mount points listed in tablePath.
unixMountsChangedSince(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Checks if the unix mounts have changed since a given unix time.
unixMountsGet(Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets a GList of GUnixMountEntry containing the unix mounts.
unixMountsGetFromFile(String, Out<Long>) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Gets an array of Gio.UnixMountEntrys containing the Unix mounts listed in tablePath.
unixNew(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Creates a new GIOChannel given a file descriptor.
unixOpenPipe(int[], int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Similar to the UNIX pipe() call, but on modern systems like Linux uses the pipe2() system call, which atomically creates a pipe with the configured flags.
UnixOutputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
GUnixOutputStream implements OutputStream for writing to a UNIX file descriptor, including asynchronous operations.
UnixOutputStream(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixOutputStream
Creates a new GUnixOutputStream for the given fd.
UnixOutputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixOutputStream
Create a UnixOutputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UnixOutputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
UnixOutputStream.UnixOutputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
UnixOutputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixOutputStream.UnixOutputStreamClass
Allocate a new UnixOutputStreamClass.
UnixOutputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixOutputStream.UnixOutputStreamClass
Allocate a new UnixOutputStreamClass.
UnixOutputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixOutputStream.UnixOutputStreamClass
Create a UnixOutputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UnixPipe - Class in org.gnome.glib
A Unix pipe.
UnixPipe() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.UnixPipe
Allocate a new UnixPipe.
UnixPipe(int[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.UnixPipe
Allocate a new UnixPipe with the fields set to the provided values.
UnixPipe(int[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.UnixPipe
Allocate a new UnixPipe with the fields set to the provided values.
UnixPipe(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.UnixPipe
Allocate a new UnixPipe.
UnixPipe(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.UnixPipe
Create a UnixPipe proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UnixPipeEnd - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Mnemonic constants for the ends of a Unix pipe.
unixSetFdNonblocking(int, boolean) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Control the non-blocking state of the given file descriptor, according to nonblock.
unixSignalAdd(int, int, SourceFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A convenience function for g_unix_signal_source_new(), which attaches to the default GMainContext.
unixSignalSourceNew(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Create a GSource that will be dispatched upon delivery of the UNIX signal signum.
UnixSocketAddress - Class in org.gnome.gio
Support for UNIX-domain (also known as local) sockets, corresponding to struct sockaddr_un.
UnixSocketAddress(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress
Create a UnixSocketAddress proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UnixSocketAddress(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress
Creates a new GUnixSocketAddress for path.
UnixSocketAddress.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
UnixSocketAddress.UnixSocketAddressClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
UnixSocketAddressClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress.UnixSocketAddressClass
Allocate a new UnixSocketAddressClass.
UnixSocketAddressClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress.UnixSocketAddressClass
Allocate a new UnixSocketAddressClass.
UnixSocketAddressClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress.UnixSocketAddressClass
Create a UnixSocketAddressClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UnixSocketAddressType - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
The type of name used by a GUnixSocketAddress.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
unknown or unset audio format
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
unknown event.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
an undefined message
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadDirection
direction is unknown.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
unknown query type
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamType
The stream is of unknown (unclassified) type.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIType
The URI direction is unknown
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
Unknown type of CC
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
unknown cositing
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
unknown matrix
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
unknown color primaries
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
unknown range
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
unknown field order for interlaced content.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
Unknown or unset video format id
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
Unknown or unset tile mode
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
unknown transfer function
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceToolType
Tool is of an unknown type.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.NotifyType
an unknown type of enter/leave event occurred.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SubpixelLayout
The layout is not known
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DriveStartStopType
Unknown or drive doesn't support start/stop.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.EmblemOrigin
Emblem of unknown origin
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileType
File's type is unknown.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketProtocol
The protocol type is unknown
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsProtocolVersion
No protocol version or unknown protocol version
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ErrorType
unknown error
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOError
another error occurred
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Unknown (XX)
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
an unassigned code point
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.TransformCategory
The category of the matrix has not been determined.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
No license specified
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManagerError
unspecified error.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
an unassigned code point.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnectionType
unknown/invalid connection
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationScheme
Authentication scheme unknown.
UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupError
error should be set by GMarkupParser functions; attribute wasn't known
UNKNOWN_BACKTRACKING_CONTROL_VERB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
unknown backtracing control verb.
UNKNOWN_CA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateFlags
The signing certificate authority is not known.
UNKNOWN_ELEMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupError
error should be set by GMarkupParser functions; element wasn't known
UNKNOWN_ENCODING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFileError
the text being parsed was in an unknown encoding
UNKNOWN_ENCODING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.KeyFileError
the text being parsed was in an unknown encoding
UNKNOWN_INTERFACE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Interface you invoked a method on isn't known by the object.
UNKNOWN_KEYWORD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
an unknown keyword was encountered
UNKNOWN_METHOD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Method name you invoked isn't known by the object you invoked it on.
UNKNOWN_OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Object you invoked a method on isn't known.
UNKNOWN_OPTION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionError
An option was not known to the parser.
UNKNOWN_POSIX_CLASS_NAME - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Unknown POSIX class name.
UNKNOWN_PROPERTY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Property you tried to access isn't known by the object.
UNKNOWN_PROPERTY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Unknown property name after "\\\\P" or "\\\\p".
UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkError
Load failure due to unknown protocol
UNKNOWN_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufError
Unknown image type.
UNKNOWN_VALUE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CssParserError
The given value is not correct
unlink() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Unlinks a GNode from a tree, resulting in two separate trees.
unlink(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A wrapper for the POSIX unlink() function.
unlink(Element) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Unlinks all source pads of the source element with all sink pads of the sink element to which they are linked.
unlink(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
Unlinks the source pad from the sink pad.
unlink(List<MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Unlinks link so that it will no longer be part of this Queue.
UNLINK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StructureChangeType
Pad unlinking is starting or done.
unlinked(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
unlinkMany(Element, Object...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Unlinks a series of elements.
unlinkPads(String, Element, String) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element
Unlinks the two named pads of the source and destination elements.
unload() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.IOModule
Required API for GIO modules to implement.
unload() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule
unloads the module
unlock() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Unlock any pending access to the resource.
unlock() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Unlock any pending access to the resource.
unlock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Releases the queue's lock.
unlock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RecMutex
Unlocks this RecMutex.
unlock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRecMutex
Use g_rec_mutex_unlock()
unlock(Set<LockFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Unlock the mini-object with the specified access mode in flags.
unlock(LockFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Unlock the mini-object with the specified access mode in flags.
unlockFull() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRecMutex
Use g_rec_mutex_unlock()
unlockStop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Clear the previous unlock request.
unlockStop() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
Clear the previous unlock request.
unmap() - Method in class
Unmaps an audio buffer that was previously mapped with gst_audio_buffer_map().
unmap() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Adapter
Releases the memory obtained with the last gst_adapter_map().
unmap() - Method in class
Unmap the memory previously mapped with gst_video_frame_map.
unmap() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Causes a widget to be unmapped if it’s currently mapped.
unmap(int, MapInfo) - Method in class
Unmap a previously mapped plane with gst_video_meta_map().
unmap(MapInfo) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Releases the memory previously mapped with gst_buffer_map().
unmap(MapInfo) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Release the memory obtained with gst_memory_map()
unmarkBusy() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Decreases the busy count of this Application.
unmarkDay(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Calendar
Removes the visual marker from a particular day.
UNMATCHED_PARENTHESIS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Missing terminating ")" or ")" without opening "(".
unmaximize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Asks to unmaximize this Window.
unminimize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Asks to unminimize the specified this Window.
unmount(Set<MountUnmountFlags>, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Use g_mount_unmount_with_operation() instead.
unmount(MountUnmountFlags, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Use g_mount_unmount_with_operation() instead.
UNMOUNTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorEvent
the file location was unmounted.
unmountFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Use g_mount_unmount_with_operation_finish() instead.
unmountMountable(Set<MountUnmountFlags>, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Use g_file_unmount_mountable_with_operation() instead.
unmountMountable(MountUnmountFlags, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Use g_file_unmount_mountable_with_operation() instead.
unmountMountableFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Use g_file_unmount_mountable_with_operation_finish() instead.
unmountMountableWithOperation(Set<MountUnmountFlags>, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Unmounts a file of type FileType.MOUNTABLE.
unmountMountableWithOperation(MountUnmountFlags, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Unmounts a file of type FileType.MOUNTABLE.
unmountMountableWithOperationFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File
Finishes an unmount operation, see g_file_unmount_mountable_with_operation() for details.
unmountWithOperation(Set<MountUnmountFlags>, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Unmounts a mount.
unmountWithOperation(MountUnmountFlags, MountOperation, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Unmounts a mount.
unmountWithOperationFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Finishes unmounting a mount.
UNPACK - Enum constant in enum class
the format can be used in GstAudioFormatUnpack and GstAudioFormatPack functions
UNPACK - Enum constant in enum class
This format can be used in a GstVideoFormatUnpack and GstVideoFormatPack function.
unparent() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Clear the parent of this Object, removing the associated reference.
unparent() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Dissociate this Widget from its parent.
unpause() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage
Resumes I/O on this ServerMessage.
unpauseMessage(ServerMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Server
Use soup_server_message_unpause() instead.
UNPOSITIONED - Enum constant in enum class
the position array explicitly contains unpositioned channels.
UNPOSITIONED_IN - Enum constant in enum class
input channels are explicitly unpositioned
UNPOSITIONED_OUT - Enum constant in enum class
output channels are explicitly unpositioned
unprepare() - Method in class
Undo operations done in prepare.
unprepare() - Method in class
undo the configuration
unprepared() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV)
unprocessed() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Returns the number of tasks still unprocessed in this ThreadPool.
unprojectPoint3d(Matrix, Point3D, Point3D) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Unprojects the given point using the this Matrix matrix and a modelview matrix.
unrealize() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Renderer
Releases all the resources created by gsk_renderer_realize().
unrealize() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Native
Unrealizes a GtkNative.
unrealize() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Causes a widget to be unrealized (frees all GDK resources associated with the widget).
unrealize(Surface) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Undoes a previous call to gtk_media_stream_realize().
UNRECOGNIZED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Encoding
unknown / error
UNRECOGNIZED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Expectation
any unrecognized expectation
UNRECOGNIZED_CHARACTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Unrecognized character after "(?", "(?<" or "(?P".
UNRECOGNIZED_ESCAPE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Unrecognized character follows "\\\\".
unref() - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.Floating
Decrease the reference count of the instance.
unref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.FlowCombiner
Decrements the reference count on the GstFlowCombiner.
unref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AtomicQueue
Unref this AtomicQueue and free the memory when the refcount reaches 0.
unref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Decreases the refcount of the buffer.
unref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferList
Decreases the refcount of the buffer list.
unref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Unrefs a GstCaps and frees all its structures and the structures' values when the refcount reaches 0.
unref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Context
Convenience macro to decrease the reference count of the context, possibly freeing it.
unref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Atomically decrements the reference count of this DateTime by one.
unref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Decrease the refcount of an event, freeing it if the refcount reaches 0.
unref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject
Decrements the reference count on this Object.
unref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Decrease the refcount of a memory, freeing it if the refcount reaches 0.
unref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Convenience macro to decrease the reference count of the message, possibly freeing it.
unref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Decreases the reference count of the mini-object, possibly freeing the mini-object.
unref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Promise
Decreases the refcount of the promise.
unref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Decreases the refcount of the query.
unref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Sample
Decreases the refcount of the sample.
unref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Unref a GstTagList, and and free all its memory when the refcount reaches 0.
unref() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Decrement the reference count to this GstUri object.
unref() - Method in class
Decreases the refcount of the frame.
unref() - Method in class
Decreases the refcount of the state.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpringParams
Decreases the reference count of this SpringParams.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ColorState
Decrease the reference count of this ColorState.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormats
Decreases the reference count of a GdkContentFormats by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentFormatsBuilder
Releases a reference on the given this ContentFormatsBuilder.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufFormats
Decreases the reference count of this DmabufFormats.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Event
Decrease the ref count of this Event.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.FrameTimings
Decreases the reference count of this FrameTimings.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.PopupLayout
Decreases the reference count of value.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelLayout
Decreases the reference count of this ToplevelLayout.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf
Use g_object_unref().
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAnimation
Use g_object_unref().
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
If this DBusAnnotationInfo is statically allocated, does nothing.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusArgInfo
If this DBusArgInfo is statically allocated, does nothing.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
If this DBusInterfaceInfo is statically allocated, does nothing.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
If this DBusMethodInfo is statically allocated, does nothing.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
If this DBusNodeInfo is statically allocated, does nothing.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
If this DBusPropertyInfo is statically allocated, does nothing.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalInfo
If this DBusSignalInfo is statically allocated, does nothing.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoList
Removes a reference from the given this FileAttributeInfoList.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeMatcher
Unreferences this FileAttributeMatcher.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Resource
Atomically decrements the reference count of this Resource by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchema
Decrease the reference count of this SettingsSchema, possibly freeing it.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaKey
Decrease the reference count of this SettingsSchemaKey, possibly freeing it.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsSchemaSource
Decrease the reference count of this SettingsSchemaSource, possibly freeing it.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Decreases the reference count of the asynchronous this AsyncQueue by 1.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Releases a reference on this Bytes.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Atomically decrements the reference count of this DateTime by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Dir
Decrements the reference count of dir.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTable
Atomically decrements the reference count of this GLib.HashTable by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hmac
Atomically decrements the reference count of this Hmac by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Decrements the reference count of a GIOChannel.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.KeyFile
Decreases the reference count of this KeyFile by 1.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Decreases the reference count on a GLib.MainContext object by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainLoop
Decreases the reference count on a GLib.MainLoop object by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MappedFile
Decrements the reference count of this MappedFile by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseContext
Decreases the reference count of this MarkupParseContext.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MatchInfo
Decreases reference count of this MatchInfo by 1.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionGroup
Decrements the reference count of this OptionGroup by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Regex
Decreases reference count of this Regex by 1.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Decreases the reference count of a source by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StrvBuilder
Decreases the reference count on this StrvBuilder.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Decrease the reference count on this Thread, possibly freeing all resources associated with it.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeZone
Decreases the reference count on this TimeZone.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Decrements the reference count of this Tree by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Atomically decrements the reference count of this Uri by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Decreases the reference count of this Variant.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantBuilder
Decreases the reference count on this VariantBuilder.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
Decreases the reference count on this VariantDict.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Decrements the reference count of a closure after it was previously incremented by the same caller.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Decreases the reference count of this Object.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Decrements the reference count of a this ParamSpec.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
Decrements the reference count of the class structure being passed in.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Path
Decreases the reference count of a GskPath by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathBuilder
Releases a reference on the given builder.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathMeasure
Decreases the reference count of a GskPathMeasure by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNode
Releases a reference on the given GskRenderNode.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder
GTK's new Vulkan-focused rendering does not support this feature. Use GtkGLArea for OpenGL rendering.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Transform
Releases a reference on the given GskTransform.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Bitset
Releases a reference on the given GtkBitset.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssSection
Decrements the reference count on section, freeing the structure if the reference count reaches 0.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expression
Releases a reference on the given GtkExpression.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ExpressionWatch
Releases a reference on the given GtkExpressionWatch.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSetup
Decrease the reference count of this PrintSetup.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentInfo
Decreases the reference count of this RecentInfo by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollInfo
Decreases the reference count of a GtkScrollInfo by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrList
Decrease the reference count of the given attribute list by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Coverage
Use g_object_unref instead
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Decrease the reference count of a font metrics structure by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Decrease the reference count of a PangoLayoutLine by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Atomically decrements the reference count of this MessageBody by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeaders
Atomically decrements the reference count of this MessageHeaders by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ApplicationInfo
Atomically decrements the reference count of this ApplicationInfo by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.Feature
Atomically releases a reference on the given this Feature.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureList
Atomically releases a reference on the given this FeatureList.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ITPFirstParty
Atomically decrements the reference count of this ITPFirstParty by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ITPThirdParty
Atomically decrements the reference count of this ITPThirdParty by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionStateQuery
Atomically decrements the reference count of this PermissionStateQuery by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialog
Atomically decrements the reference count of this ScriptDialog by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptMessageReply
Atomically decrements the reference count of this ScriptMessageReply by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityOrigin
Atomically decrements the reference count of this SecurityOrigin by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilter
Atomically decrements the reference count of this UserContentFilter by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserScript
Atomically decrements the reference count of this UserScript by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserStyleSheet
Atomically decrements the reference count of this UserStyleSheet by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteData
Atomically decrements the reference count of this WebsiteData by one.
unref() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebViewSessionState
Atomically decrements the reference count of this WebViewSessionState by one.
unref(byte[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Atomically decrements the reference count of array by one.
unref(MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Atomically decrements the reference count of array by one.
unref(MemorySegment[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Atomically decrements the reference count of array by one.
unref(HookList, Hook) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Decrements the reference count of a GHook.
unrefAndUnlock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.AsyncQueue
Reference counting is done atomically. so g_async_queue_unref() can be used regardless of the this AsyncQueue's lock.
unrefNode(TreeIter) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel
unrefToArray() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Unreferences the bytes, and returns a new mutable GByteArray containing the same byte data.
unrefToData() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Unreferences the bytes, and returns a pointer the same byte data contents.
unrefToStrv() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StrvBuilder
Decreases the reference count on the string vector builder, and returns its contents as a NULL-terminated string array.
unrefUncached() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
A variant of g_type_class_unref() for use in GTypeClassCacheFunc implementations.
unregister(TextBuffer) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionWords
Unregisters buffer from the this CompletionWords provider.
unregisterError(Quark, int, String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Destroys an association previously set up with g_dbus_error_register_error().
unregisterObject(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Unregisters an object.
unregisterScriptMessageHandler(String, String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Unregisters a previously registered message handler in script world with name worldName.
unregisterSubtree(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection
Unregisters a subtree.
unregisterUriScheme(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
Unregisters the URI handler for scheme previously registered with g_vfs_register_uri_scheme().
unroot() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager
a virtual function, called when the widget using the layout manager is detached from a GtkRoot
unroot() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Called when the widget is about to be removed from its GtkRoot widget.
UNSAFE_TO_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphFlags
Indicates that if input text is broken at the beginning of the cluster this glyph is part of, then both sides need to be re-shaped, as the result might be different.
UNSAFE_TO_CONCAT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphFlags
Indicates that if input text is changed on one side of the beginning of the cluster this glyph is part of, then the shaping results for the other side might change.
UNSAFELY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsRehandshakeMode
Allow unsafe rehandshaking
unschedule(ClockEntry) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Unblock a blocking or async wait operation.
UNSCHEDULED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockReturn
The clockID was unscheduled
UNSELECT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamFlags
This stream should not be selected by default.
unselectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Unselect all children of this FlowBox, if the selection mode allows it.
unselectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
unselectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Unselect all children of this ListBox, if the selection mode allows it.
unselectAll() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel
Requests to unselect all items in the model.
unselectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
unselectAll() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
unselectChild(FlowBoxChild) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox
Unselects a single child of this FlowBox, if the selection mode allows it.
unselectItem(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel
Requests to unselect an item in the model.
unselectIter(TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
unselectPath(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
unselectPath(TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
unselectRange(int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel
Requests to unselect a range of items in the model.
unselectRange(TreePath, TreePath) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection
Use GtkListView or GtkColumnView
unselectRow(ListBoxRow) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ListBox
Unselects a single row of this ListBox, if the selection mode allows it.
unset() - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.TestDBus
Unset DISPLAY and DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS env variables to ensure the test won't use user's session bus.
unset() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Clears the current value in this Value (if any) and "unsets" the type, this releases all resources associated with this GValue.
unset(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettings
Removes any value associated with key.
UNSET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeStatus
Attribute value is unset (empty).
unsetAttributeMask() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileInfo
Unsets a mask set by g_file_info_set_attribute_mask(), if one is set.
unsetenv(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext
Arranges for variable to be unset in the child’s environment when this AppLaunchContext is used to launch an application.
unsetenv(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessLauncher
Removes the environment variable variable from the environment of processes launched from this launcher.
unsetenv(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Removes an environment variable from the environment.
unsetFields(Set<FontMask>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Unsets some of the fields in a PangoFontDescription.
unsetFields(FontMask...) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontDescription
Unsets some of the fields in a PangoFontDescription.
unsetFlags(Set<BufferFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Clears one or more buffer flags.
unsetFlags(BufferFlags...) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Clears one or more buffer flags.
unsetInvisibleChar() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Unsets the invisible char, so that the default invisible char is used again.
unsetInvisibleChar() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Unsets the invisible char.
unsetModelDragDest() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
unsetModelDragSource() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
unsetPlacement() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow
Unsets the placement of the contents with respect to the scrollbars.
unsetRowsDragDest() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
unsetRowsDragSource() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
unsetStateFlags(Set<StateFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Turns off flag values for the current widget state.
unsetStateFlags(StateFlags...) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Turns off flag values for the current widget state.
unshadow() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount
Decrements the shadow count on this Mount.
UNSTABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureStatus
Feature in development.
unsubscribe(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
virtual method to unsubscribe to key changes
UNSUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockReturn
Operation is not supported
UNSUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanError
Vulkan is not supported on this backend or has not been compiled in.
UNSUPPORTED_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TextureError
The image contains features that cannot be loaded
UNSUPPORTED_DATA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketCloseCode
the endpoint received data of a type that it does not support.
UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufError
The requested format is not supported
UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLError
The requested visual format is not supported
UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TextureError
The image format is not supported
UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.SerializationError
The format can not be identified
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
415 Unsupported Media Type (HTTP)
UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufError
Don't know how to perform the given operation on the type of image at hand.
UNSUPPORTED_PROFILE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLError
The requested profile is not supported
UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIError
The protocol is not supported
UNSUPPORTED_VERSION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.SerializationError
The version of the data is not understood
UnsupportedPlatformException - Exception Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.base
This exception is thrown when a function is run on a platform where it is not available.
UnsupportedPlatformException(String) - Constructor for exception class io.github.jwharm.javagi.base.UnsupportedPlatformException
Create a new UnsupportedPlatformException with the provided message.
UNTERMINATED_CHARACTER_CLASS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Missing terminating "]" for character class.
UNTERMINATED_COMMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Missing terminating ")" after comment.
UNTERMINATED_LITERAL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.CheckSyntaxResult
unterminated literal error
UNTERMINATED_STRING_CONSTANT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
unterminated string constant
untransformBounds(Rect, Rect, Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Undoes the transformation on the corners of a graphene_rect_t using the given matrix, within the given axis aligned rectangular bounds.
untransformPoint(Point, Rect, Point) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Undoes the transformation of a graphene_point_t using the given matrix, within the given axis aligned rectangular bounds.
unuse() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule
Decreases the use count of a GTypeModule by one.
unuse() - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypePlugin
Calls the unusePlugin function from the GTypePluginClass of this TypePlugin.
unwatch() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ExpressionWatch
Stops watching an expression.
up() - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TestDBus
Start a dbus-daemon instance and set DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS.
up() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
This function uses the locale-specific toupper() function, which is almost never the right thing. Use g_string_ascii_up() or g_utf8_strup() instead.
up() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreePath
UP - Enum constant in enum class
Select the button above the current one in a menu, if such a button exists.
UP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollDirection
the surface is scrolled up.
UP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ArrowType
Represents an upward pointing arrow.
UP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DirectionType
Move up.
UP - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PanDirection
panned upwards
upcall() - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugFuncPtr
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface.QuerySettableAttributesAsyncCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface.QuerySettableAttributesFinishCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface.QueryWritableNamespacesAsyncCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface.QueryWritableNamespacesFinishCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetCertificateTypeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetClientConnectionTypeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetDtlsClientConnectionTypeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetDtlsServerConnectionTypeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetFileDatabaseTypeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsBackend.TlsBackendInterface.GetServerConnectionTypeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass.IsSupportedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceDummyMarshal
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TestFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondNewCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.MutexNewCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadExitCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadYieldCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.VoidFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.Callback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent1Callback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent2Callback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent3Callback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.RecentManagerClass.GtkRecent4Callback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(double, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.AnimationTargetFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(int) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ClearHandleFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(int, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ChildWatchFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(int, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.UnixFDSourceFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(int, long, long, long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.FileMeasureProgressCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsResultFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPageFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextCharPredicate
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(int, MemorySegment, long, float, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gsk.PathForeachFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(int, MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.LogWriterFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MainFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StructureFilterMapFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StructureForeachFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StructureMapFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.DataForeachFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(long) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.MallocCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(long) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.TryMallocCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(long, long) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.CallocCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(long, long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.FileProgressCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.SchedulerCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gtk.types.TemplateTypes.DisposeCallback
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectDataDestroyNotify
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue.EmptyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueue.FullCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.DoLatencyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Device.RemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.NoMorePadsCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorFreeFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorResyncFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MainFuncSimple
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryUnmapFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectCopyFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectDisposeFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectFreeFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginInitFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskPoolFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind.GetLengthCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueSerializeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.FinishedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.StartingCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DestroyFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.ActionRow.ActivatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Animation.DoneCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Banner.ButtonClickedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.BottomSheet.CloseAttemptCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint.ApplyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Breakpoint.UnapplyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.ButtonRow.ActivatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Dialog.CloseAttemptCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Dialog.ClosedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.ApplyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.EntryRow.EntryActivatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.HiddenCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.HidingCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.ShowingCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage.ShownCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.GetNextPageCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.PushedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.ReplacedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.OutputCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.WrappedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SplitButton.ClickedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.BeginSwipeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabButton.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabButton.ClickedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.CreateTabCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.CreateWindowCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Toast.ButtonClickedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Toast.DismissedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Clipboard.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.ContentDeserializeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider.ContentChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.ContentSerializeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Device.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Display.OpenedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Drag.DndFinishedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Drag.DropPerformedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.AfterPaintCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.BeforePaintCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.FlushEventsCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.LayoutCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.PaintCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.ResumeEventsCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.FrameClock.UpdateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Monitor.InvalidateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable.InvalidateContentsCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Paintable.InvalidateSizeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.VulkanContext.ImagesUpdatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.AreaPreparedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.ClosedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleFillInfoFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleFillVtableFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleLoadXpmDataFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleSaveOptionSupportedFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppInfoMonitor.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.NameLostCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.ShutdownCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.StartupCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Cancellable.CancelledCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive.DisconnectedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive.EjectButtonCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Drive.StopButtonCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.FilenameCompleter.GotCompletionDataCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount.PreUnmountCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Mount.UnmountedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.AbortedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Resolver.ReloadCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor.MountpointsChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.UnixMountMonitor.MountsChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Volume.RemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CacheDestroyFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CacheDupFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CacheNewFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CompletionFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.DestroyNotify
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ErrorClearFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ErrorInitFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.FreeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HashFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookCheckFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoFreeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoGetFlagsCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.FreeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.PrintFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceCallbackFuncs.RefCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceCallbackFuncs.UnrefCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceDisposeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncsCheckFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncsFinalizeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceOnceFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SpawnChildSetupFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TestDataFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondBroadcastCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondFreeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondSignalCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.MutexFreeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.MutexLockCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.MutexTrylockCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.MutexUnlockCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.PrivateGetCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.PrivateNewCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadJoinCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadSelfCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleCheckInit
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleUnload
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.BaseFinalizeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.BaseInitFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.BoxedCopyFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.BoxedFreeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ObjectFinalizeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo.FinalizeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo.InstanceInitCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup.UnbindCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginUnuse
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginUse
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueFreeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueInitFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValuePeekPointerFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment.ValueChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Application.QueryEndCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.ApplyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.CancelCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.CloseCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.EscapeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ATContext.StateChangeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Button.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Button.ClickedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.DaySelectedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.NextMonthCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.NextYearCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.PrevMonthCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Calendar.PrevYearCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable.EditingDoneCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellEditable.RemoveWidgetCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.EditingCanceledCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton.ToggledCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton.ColorSetCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorDialogButton.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.PopdownCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.PopupCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Dialog.CloseCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion.LeaveCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropDown.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.LeaveCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Entry.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.NoMatchesCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus.EnterCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerFocus.LeaveCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.ImUpdateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion.LeaveCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.ScrollBeginCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.ScrollEndCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Expander.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ExpressionNotify
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.DesktopFolderCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.DownFolderCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.HomeFolderCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.LocationPopupOnPasteCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.LocationTogglePopupCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.PlacesShortcutCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.RecentShortcutCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.SearchShortcutCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.ShowHiddenCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.UpFolderCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.ActivateCursorChildCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.SelectAllCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.SelectedChildrenChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.ToggleCursorChildCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.UnselectAllCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxChild.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontButton.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontButton.FontSetCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontDialogButton.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.StoppedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress.CancelledCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.CreateContextCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconTheme.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.ActivateCursorItemCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.SelectAllCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.SelectCursorItemCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.SelectionChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.ToggleCursorItemCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.UnselectAllCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.PreeditChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.PreeditEndCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.PreeditStartCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.RetrieveSurroundingCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar.CloseCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Label.ActivateCurrentLinkCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Label.CopyClipboardCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton.ActivateLinkCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.ActivateCursorRowCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.SelectAllCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.SelectedRowsChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.ToggleCursorRowCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.UnselectAllCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxRow.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.MenuButton.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.AcceptPositionCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.CancelPositionCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.ToggleHandleFocusCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PasswordEntry.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Popover.ActivateDefaultCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Popover.ClosedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintJob.StatusChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.CreateCustomWidgetCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.StatusChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Range.ValueChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.RecentManager.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.PopdownCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.PopupCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.NextMatchCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.PreviousMatchCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.SearchChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.SearchStartedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SearchEntry.StopSearchCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow.CloseCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsWindow.SearchCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.OutputCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.ValueChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.WrappedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.StyleProvider.GtkPrivateChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Switch.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.BackspaceCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.CopyClipboardCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.CutClipboardCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.InsertEmojiCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.PasteClipboardCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.ToggleOverwriteCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.BeginUserActionCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.EndUserActionCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.ModifiedChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.RedoCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.UndoCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.BackspaceCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.CopyClipboardCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.CutClipboardCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.InsertEmojiCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.PasteClipboardCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.SetAnchorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.ToggleCursorVisibleCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.ToggleOverwriteCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton.ToggledCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelection.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSortable.SortColumnChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.ColumnsChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.CursorChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.SelectAllCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.SelectCursorParentCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.StartInteractiveSearchCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.ToggleCursorRowCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.UnselectAllCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn.ClickedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.DestroyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.HideCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.MapCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.RealizeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.ShowCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.UnmapCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.UnrealizeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Window.ActivateDefaultCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Window.ActivateFocusCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Window.CloseRequestCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Window.KeysChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.CursorMovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.HideCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.ShowCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.SnippetContext.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.StyleSchemePreview.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.JoinLinesCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ShowCompletionCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.AttrClass.CopyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.AttrClass.DestroyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.AttrDataCopyFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.FinishedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.GotBodyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.GotHeadersCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.GotInformationalCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.HstsEnforcedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.RestartedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.StartingCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.WroteBodyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.WroteHeadersCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.ConnectedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.DisconnectedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.FinishedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.GotBodyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.GotHeadersCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.WroteBodyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.WroteChunkCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.WroteHeadersCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.WroteInformationalCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.ClosedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.ClosingCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest.CancelledCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession.CreateWebViewCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.AutomationSession.WillCloseCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.ColorChooserRequest.FinishedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.CookieManager.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Download.FinishedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.EditorState.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.FindController.FailedToFindTextCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager.StartCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager.StopCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.PreeditChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.PreeditFinishedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.PreeditStartedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue.ClearedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Notification.ClickedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Notification.ClosedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.OptionMenu.CloseCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation.FinishedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.InitializeNotificationPermissionsCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.InitializeWebProcessExtensionsCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.AttachCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.BringToFrontCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.ClosedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.DetachCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.OpenWindowCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.FinishedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.CloseCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ContextMenuDismissedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.EnterFullscreenCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.LeaveFullscreenCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ReadyToShowCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.RunAsModalCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebEditor.SelectionChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.DocumentLoadedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtensionInitializeFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.UpdateSwipeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureZoom.ScaleChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Range.AdjustBoundsCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton.ValueChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.EndSwipeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.PrepareCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion.EnterCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropControllerMotion.MotionCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.EnterCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.MotionCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion.EnterCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerMotion.MotionCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.DecelerateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScroll.ScrollCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag.DragBeginCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag.DragEndCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureDrag.DragUpdateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureLongPress.PressedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureRotate.AngleChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.DownCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.MotionCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.ProximityCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureStylus.UpCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureSwipe.SwipeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, double, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.UnpairedReleaseCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlBindingConvert
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, double, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScaleFormatValueFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock.SyncedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.Carousel.PageChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SwipeTracker.PrepareCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Display.ClosedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Drag.CancelCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitor.LowMemoryWarningCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.ReplyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.NetworkMonitor.NetworkChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Settings.WritableChangeEventCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoCreateWatchCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadSetPriorityCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColumnView.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.MoveActiveCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Dialog.ResponseCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Entry.IconPressCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Entry.IconReleaseCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.ModifiersCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.QuickBookmarkCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Filter.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GridView.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar.ResponseCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListView.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.NativeDialog.ResponseCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.ChangeCurrentPageCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.FocusTabCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.MoveFocusOutCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.SelectPageCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.CycleChildFocusCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.CycleHandleFocusCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Paned.MoveHandleCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Printer.DetailsAcquiredCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.DoneCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Range.MoveSliderCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.EdgeOvershotCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.EdgeReachedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.MoveFocusOutCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutsSection.ChangeCurrentPageCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Sorter.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.ChangeValueCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Switch.StateSetCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.SelectAllCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.SelectCursorRowCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.DirectionChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.KeynavFailedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.MnemonicActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.MoveFocusCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.StateFlagsChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Window.EnableDebuggingCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ChangeCaseCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ChangeNumberCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.MoveLinesCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.MoveToMatchingBracketCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.MoveWordsCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.GotBodyDataCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.WroteBodyDataCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.WroteBodyDataCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.FindController.CountedMatchesCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.FindController.FoundTextCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.InsecureContentDetectedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.LoadChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebProcessTerminatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, byte, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.LoggerPrinter
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GesturePan.PanCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Range.ChangeValueCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.PressedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GestureClick.ReleasedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, double, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.CursorGetTextureCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Surface.LayoutCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.SizePreparedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.PollFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DrawingArea.ResizeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable.DeleteTextCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.DeletedTextCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.ResizeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.DeleteSurroundingCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.ReorderTabCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ScrolledWindow.ScrollChildCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SectionModel.SectionsChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SelectionModel.SelectionChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.DeleteFromCursorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.DeleteFromCursorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.MoveViewportCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.DeleteSurroundingCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ListModel.ItemsChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MenuModel.ItemsChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.KeyPressedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerKey.KeyReleasedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Label.MoveCursorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.MoveCursorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.MoveCursorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.ExpandCollapseCursorRowCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader.AreaUpdatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.MoveCursorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.MoveCursorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.MoveCursorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.MoveCursorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleUpdatedFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBufferCommitNotify
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Widget.QueryTooltipCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueCheckFullFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeComposeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferListFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind.SuggestCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ReferenceTableFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClassFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeEastasianWidthFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategoryFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeMirroringFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeScriptFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DatagramBasedSourceFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusConnection.ClosedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DesktopAppLaunchCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SocketListener.EventCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SocketSourceFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoSetFlagsCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar.TextPoppedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Statusbar.TextPushedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.NetworkEventCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.MessageCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueCollectFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueLCopyFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryBuffer.InsertedTextCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int) - Method in interface
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Properties.GetPropertyCallback
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Properties.SetPropertyCallback
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeDecomposeCompatibilityFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SocketClient.EventCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.LogFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TestLogFatalFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ObjectGetPropertyFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ObjectSetPropertyFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.SignalEmissionHook
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.OptionsFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.LoadFailedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LogFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeDecomposeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.ExtendSelectionCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewSearchEqualFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int) - Method in interface
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ByteArrayInterface.ResizeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ReallocFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.ReallocCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MemVTable.TryReallocCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Download.ReceivedDataCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long, int) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryMapFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long, int) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind.PeekCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoSeekCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long, long) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryCopyFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long, long) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryShareFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long, long, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSourceGetValueArray
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long, long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginCompleteInterfaceInfo
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long, long, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ControlSourceGetValue
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.FileReadMoreCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufSaveFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginCompleteTypeInfo
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorPad.BufferConsumedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsFlushFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueEmptyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueFullCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.ElementAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.ElementRemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus.MessageCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bus.SyncMessageCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.ProviderHiddenCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.ProviderUnhiddenCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.PadAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.PadRemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementCallAsyncFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorCopyFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorForeachFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorItemFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorNextFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryUnmapFullFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaClearFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaFreeFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectNotify
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.LinkedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad.UnlinkedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadActivateFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadForwardFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadIterIntLinkFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate.PadCreatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadUnlinkFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFeatureFilter
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFilter
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginInitFullFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PromiseChangeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry.FeatureAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Registry.PluginAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagMergeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueCompareFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueDeserializeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.LoadSerializedInfoCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.SourceSetupCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.AboutDialog.ActivateLinkCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.AboutWindow.ActivateLinkCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.AlertDialog.ResponseCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.MessageDialog.ResponseCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.NavigationView.PoppedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.SpinRow.InputCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.ClosePageCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.IndicatorActivatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.SetupMenuCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Device.ToolChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Display.SeatAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Display.SeatRemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Display.SettingChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.DisplayManager.DisplayOpenedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.DragSurface.ComputeSizeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Seat.DeviceAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Seat.DeviceRemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Seat.ToolAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Seat.ToolRemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Surface.EnterMonitorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Surface.EventCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Surface.LeaveMonitorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Surface.RenderCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdk.Toplevel.ComputeSizeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufDestroyNotify
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleLoadAnimationFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleLoadFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleStopLoadFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionRemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.LaunchFailedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.CommandLineCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.HandleLocalOptionsCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.CancellableSourceFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver.AllowMechanismCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.GAuthorizeMethodCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObject.InterfaceAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObject.InterfaceRemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.ObjectAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.ObjectRemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusServer.NewConnectionCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DebugControllerDBus.AuthorizeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.PollableSourceFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Settings.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Settings.WritableChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SimpleAction.ChangeStateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.DriveChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.DriveConnectedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.DriveDisconnectedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.DriveEjectButtonCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.DriveStopButtonCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.MountAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.MountChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.MountPreUnmountCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.MountRemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeRemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CompareFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CopyFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.DuplicateFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.EqualFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ErrorCopyFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.Func
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookCheckMarshaller
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookCompareFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookFinalizeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookFindFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HookMarshaller
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoCloseCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.NodeForeachFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.NodeTraverseFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncsPrepareFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TestFixtureFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondWaitCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.PrivateSetCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadEqualCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TranslateFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TraverseNodeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ClassFinalizeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ClassInitFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ClosureNotify
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.GObject.NotifyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.InstanceInitFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceFinalizeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceInitFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValueSetDefaultCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValueValidateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.SignalGroup.BindCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeClassCacheFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterfaceCheckFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueCopyFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ValueTransform
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.WeakNotify
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AboutDialog.ActivateLinkCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserButton.CustomItemActivatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget.ApplicationActivatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AppChooserWidget.ApplicationSelectedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Application.WindowAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Application.WindowRemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Assistant.PrepareCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel.AccelClearedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererToggle.ToggledCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ColorChooser.ColorActivatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox.FormatEntryTextCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CustomFilterFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.DragBeginCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.AcceptCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.AcceptCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.DragLeaveCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EmojiChooser.EmojiPickedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.InsertPrefixCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerLegacy.EventCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserWidget.LocationPopupCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBox.ChildActivatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxCreateWidgetFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxFilterFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontChooser.FontActivatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.BeginCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.CancelCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.EndCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.UpdateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.RenderCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconView.ItemActivatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IMContext.CommitCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Label.ActivateLinkCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.LevelBar.OffsetChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.RowActivatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBox.RowSelectedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxCreateWidgetFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxFilterFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.MapListModelMapFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.MenuButtonCreatePopupFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.CreateWindowCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PageSetupDoneFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrinterFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.BeginPrintCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.CustomWidgetApplyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.EndPrintCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PaginateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview.ReadyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.BindCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.SetupCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.TeardownCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SignalListItemFactory.UnbindCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton.InputCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.InsertAtCursorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Text.PreeditChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.MarkDeletedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.PasteDoneCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable.TagAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable.TagRemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTableForeach
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.InsertAtCursorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextView.PreeditChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeListModelCreateModelFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.RowDeletedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.SourceMarkUpdatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.ProviderAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Completion.ProviderRemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.QueryTooltipMarkupCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.MarkAttributes.QueryTooltipTextCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.MountOperationFactory
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.ExecuteCommandCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.AttrClass.EqualCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.AttrFilterFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.RequestCertificateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.RequestCertificatePasswordCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Server.RequestAbortedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Server.RequestFinishedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Server.RequestReadCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Server.RequestStartedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.GotChunkCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Session.RequestQueuedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Session.RequestUnqueuedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.ErrorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.PongCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationRequest.AuthenticatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Download.CreatedDestinationCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Download.DecideDestinationCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.Download.FailedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.InputMethodContext.CommittedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.NetworkSession.DownloadStartedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperation.FailedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequestCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager.ScriptMessageReceivedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.AutomationStartedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.UserMessageReceivedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.FailedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.AuthenticateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.CreateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.PermissionRequestCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.PrintCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.QueryPermissionStateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.RunColorChooserCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.RunFileChooserCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ScriptDialogCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ShowNotificationCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.SubmitFormCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.UserMessageReceivedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.ConsoleMessageSentCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.UserMessageReceivedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension.PageCreatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension.UserMessageReceivedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtensionInitializeWithUserDataFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTarget.DropCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.DragEnterCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.DragMotionCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, double, double) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DropTargetAsync.DropCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, float, float, float, float, float, float, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPushTransformFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, float, float, float, float, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPushClipRectangleFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.PageAttachedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.PageDetachedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabView.PageReorderedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionEnabledChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DtlsConnection.AcceptCertificateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Settings.ChangeEventCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TlsConnection.AcceptCertificateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ScannerMsgFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ToggleNotify
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.DragCancelCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DragSource.DragEndCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Gesture.SequenceStateChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.PageAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.PageRemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.PageReorderedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Notebook.SwitchPageCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.DrawPageCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextTagTable.TagChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.BracketMatchedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.QueryDataCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.SmartHomeEndCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.AcceptCertificateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.AuthenticateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerMessage.AcceptCertificateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.FailedWithTlsErrorsCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.DecidePolicyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.MouseTargetChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadActivateModeFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccel.AccelEditedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.LineMarkActivatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.ThreadCreateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphKerningFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintColorFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.DrawingAreaDrawFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetVariationGlyphFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphContourPointFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphAdvanceFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPopGroupFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleIncrementLoadFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.Application.OpenCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageFilterFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Editable.InsertTextCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.RequestPageSetupCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.cairo.ShapeRendererFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphNameFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphAdvancesFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetNominalGlyphsFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphExtentsFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetNominalGlyphFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintColorGlyphFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCustomPaletteColorFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPushClipGlyphFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontPaintGlyphFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLineGetColorStopsFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontDrawGlyphFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphOriginFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphShapeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.Closure.MarshalCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ClosureMarshal
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryMapFullFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CompletionStrncmpFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.TypeFindHelperGetRangeFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadGetRangeFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long, long) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.ShowUnmountProgressCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long, long, long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator.SamplesSelectedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsCompareFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoReadCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.IOFuncs.IoWriteCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser.PassthroughCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser.TextCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser.TextCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.DeepElementAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.DeepElementRemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferForeachMetaFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusSyncHandler
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFilterMapFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsForeachFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsMapFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy.ChildAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ChildProxy.ChildRemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementForeachPadFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject.DeepNotifyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorFoldFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryIsSpanFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInitFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaSerializeFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadChainFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadChainListFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadEventFullFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadEventFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadQueryFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadStickyEventsForeachFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamCollection.StreamNotifyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagForeachFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskThreadFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueDeserializeWithPSpecFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShaderFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.Discoverer.DiscoveredCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLineGetExtendFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPopClipFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPopTransformFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintPushGroupFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabBar.ExtraDragDropCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabBar.ExtraDragValueCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.ExtraDragDropCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.adw.TabOverview.ExtraDragValueCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModulePreparedFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleSizeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry.ChangeStateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ActionGroup.ActionStateChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.LaunchedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AppLaunchContext.LaunchStartedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.AsyncReadyCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.BusAcquiredCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.BusNameAcquiredCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.BusNameLostCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.BusNameVanishedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusAuthObserver.AuthorizeAuthenticatedPeerCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.InterfaceAddedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManager.InterfaceRemovedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectSkeleton.AuthorizeMethodCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.GPropertiesChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.IOSchedulerJobFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.AskQuestionCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SettingsBindGetMapping
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SettingsBindSetMapping
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SettingsGetMapping
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SimpleAsyncThreadFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.SocketService.IncomingCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.ThreadedSocketService.RunCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.VfsFileLookupFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.CompareDataFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.EqualFuncFull
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.HRFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser.ErrorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.RegexEvalCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SequenceIterCompareFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncsDispatchFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.ThreadFunctions.CondTimedWaitCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.TraverseFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo.ValuesCmpCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser.ErrorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.FocusChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.RemoveEditableCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRenderer.EditingStartedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererCombo.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererText.EditedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CssProvider.ParsingErrorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.CursorOnMatchCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion.MatchSelectedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxForeachFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FlowBoxSortFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.FontFilterFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.IconViewForeachFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxForeachFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxSortFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ListBoxUpdateHeaderFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Overlay.GetChildPositionCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintJobCompleteFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationPreview.GotPageSizeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintSettingsFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.DeleteRangeCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.InsertChildAnchorCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.InsertPaintableCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.MarkSetCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TickCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.RowChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.RowHasChildToggledCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.RowInsertedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.RowActivatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.RowCollapsedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.RowExpandedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TestCollapseRowCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeView.TestExpandRowCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewMappingFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewRowSeparatorFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.WidgetActionActivateFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer.HighlightUpdatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionContext.ProviderModelChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.QueryActivatableCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.PushSnippetCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.EditCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.FormatTextCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.WriteCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.pango.FontsetForeachFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainFilter
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.CookieJar.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.HSTSEnforcer.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.LoggerFilter
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.Message.ContentSniffedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersForeachFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.BackForwardList.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabase.FaviconChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassEnumeratePropertiesFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ExceptionHandler
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager.ScriptMessageWithReplyReceivedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.SentRequestCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ContextMenuCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ResourceLoadStartedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.ShowOptionMenuCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld.WindowObjectClearedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.FormControlsAssociatedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.ContextMenuCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.SendRequestCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, float, float, float, float, float, float, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawCubicToFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, float, float, float, float, float, float, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintLinearGradientFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, float, float, float, float, float, float, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintRadialGradientFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, float, float, float, float, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawQuadraticToFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, float, float, float, float, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintSweepGradientFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, float, float, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawLineToFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, float, float, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawMoveToFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.FileMonitor.ChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.InsertTextCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.WebView.LoadFailedWithTlsErrorsCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.ApplyAttributesCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRenderer.ActivateCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int, int, float, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintImageFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaTransformFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilterModifyFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelectionFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CustomMetaTransformFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetGlyphFromNameFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, long, byte) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaDeserializeFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsBufferFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsEventFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsQueryFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferMessageFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawClosePathFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontGetFontExtentsFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.BusNameAppearedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusProxy.GSignalCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusProxyTypeFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeEnumerateFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.ShowProcessesCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.TaskThreadFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser.EndElementCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.OptionArgFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.OptionErrorFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.OptionParseFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.SourceCallbackFuncs.GetCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.BindingTransformFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.SignalAccumulator
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gsk.ParseErrorFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser.EndElementCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellAllocCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletionMatchFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.PreviewCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation.UpdateCustomWidgetCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.ApplyTagCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TextBuffer.RemoveTagCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeIterCompareFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModel.RowsReorderedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelForeachFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeSelectionForeachFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainDigestAuthCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainGenericAuthCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassDeletePropertyFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassGetPropertyFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassHasPropertyFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.WillSendSubmitEventCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.WillSubmitFormCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.MountOperation.AskPasswordCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsClipFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleBeginLoadFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleSaveFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.InterfaceProxyPropertiesChangedCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellArea.AddEditableCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.CellLayoutDataFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeCellDataFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumnDropFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.AuthDomainBasicAuthCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.soup.ServerWebsocketCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassSetPropertyFunction
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModuleSaveCallbackFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClient.InterfaceProxySignalCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.glib.MarkupParser.StartElementCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.BuildableParser.StartElementCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalCallback
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeDispatchFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcall(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSetPropertyFunc
The upcall method is called from native code.
upcallHandle(MethodHandles.Lookup, Class<?>, FunctionDescriptor) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Create a method handle for the upcall method in the provided class.
upcallHandle(MethodHandles.Lookup, Class<?>, String, FunctionDescriptor) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.Interop
Create a method handle for a method in the provided class.
update() - Method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Manually force an update of the spin row.
update() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Manually force an update of the spin button.
update(byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Checksum
Feeds data into an existing GChecksum.
update(byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hmac
Feeds data into an existing GHmac.
update(int, int, int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrList
Update indices of attributes in this AttrList for a change in the text they refer to.
update(int, int, Structure) - Method in class
Update the resampler parameters for this AudioResampler.
update(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
Media stream implementations should regularly call this function to update the timestamp reported by the stream.
update(Message, String) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Updates this Auth with the information from msg and authHeader, possibly un-authenticating it.
update(Message, HashTable<MemorySegment, MemorySegment>) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth
Updates this Auth with the information from msg and authHeader, possibly un-authenticating it.
UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClockPhase
corresponds to GdkFrameClock::update.
UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TouchpadGesturePhase
The gesture has been updated.
updateAudio(boolean, double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.MediaStream
updateButtonsState() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Assistant
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
updateCaps(Caps) - Method in class
updateCaretPosition() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleText
Updates the position of the caret.
updateConfig(int, int, Structure) - Method in class
Set inRate, outRate and config as extra configuration for this AudioConverter.
updateContents(AccessibleTextContentChange, int, int) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleText
Notifies assistive technologies of a change in contents.
updateContext(Context, Context) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Updates a PangoContext previously created for use with Cairo to match the current transformation and target surface of a Cairo context.
updateConversionInfo() - Method in class
Called when either the input or output formats have changed.
updateConversionInfo() - Method in class
Requests the pad to check and update the converter before the next usage to update for any changes that have happened.
updateConversionInfo() - Method in class
Called when either the input or output formats have changed.
updateCustomWidget(Widget, PageSetup, PrintSettings) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperation
Emitted after change of selected printer.
updateFlow(FlowReturn) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.FlowCombiner
Computes the combined flow return for the pads in it.
updateLayout(Context, Layout) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.cairo.PangoCairo
Updates the private PangoContext of a PangoLayout created with PangoCairo.createLayout(org.freedesktop.cairo.Context) to match the current transformation and target surface of a Cairo context.
updateNextAccessibleSibling(Accessible) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible
Updates the next accessible sibling of this Accessible.
updatePadFlow(Pad, FlowReturn) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.FlowCombiner
Sets the provided pad's last flow return to provided value and computes the combined flow return for the pads in it.
updatePosition(GeolocationPosition) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.GeolocationManager
Notify this GeolocationManager that position has been updated to position.
updateProperty(AccessibleProperty[], Value[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible
Updates an array of accessible properties.
updateQos(double, ClockTimeDiff, ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Set the QoS parameters in the transform.
updateRegistry() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Forces GStreamer to re-scan its plugin paths and update the default plugin registry.
updateRelation(AccessibleRelation[], Value[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible
Updates an array of accessible relations.
updateSegment(Segment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
Subclasses should use this to update the segment on their source pad, instead of directly pushing new segment events downstream.
updateSelectionBound() - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleText
Updates the boundary of the selection.
updateSrcCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform
Updates the srcpad caps and sends the caps downstream.
updateSrcCaps(Caps, Out<Caps>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.Aggregator
updateState(AccessibleState[], Value[]) - Method in interface org.gnome.gtk.Accessible
Updates an array of accessible states.
upload(MemorySegment) - Method in class
Uploads the buffer which owns the meta to a specific texture ID.
UPPER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.AsciiType
UPPER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.ChangeCaseType
change case to uppercase.
UPPER_AND_LOWER_CASE - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
UPPER_CASE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
UPPER_CASE_NUMBERS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
UPPER_CASE_PETITE_CAPS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
UPPER_CASE_SMALL_CAPS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
UPPER_LIMIT_BASELINE_RISE_MIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
UPPER_LIMIT_GAP_MIN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
upperBound(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Gets the upper bound node corresponding to the given key, or null if the tree is empty or all the nodes in the tree have keys that are lower than or equal to the searched key.
UPPERCASE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.TextTransform
Display letters and numbers as uppercase
UPPERCASE_CHARS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
Suggest to capitalize all text
UPPERCASE_CHARS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputHints
Suggest to capitalize all text
UPPERCASE_LETTER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
UPPERCASE_LETTER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
General category "Letter, Uppercase" (Lu)
UPPERCASE_SENTENCES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
Suggest to capitalize the first word of each sentence
UPPERCASE_SENTENCES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputHints
Suggest to capitalize the first word of each sentence
UPPERCASE_WORDS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
Suggest to capitalize the first character of each word
UPPERCASE_WORDS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputHints
Suggest to capitalize the first character of each word
UPSAMPLE_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class
only perform chroma upsampling
UPSIDEDOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufRotation
Rotate by 180 degrees.
UPSTREAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventTypeFlags
Set if the event can travel upstream.
UPSTREAM - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryTypeFlags
Set if the query can travel upstream.
UR_LL - Enum constant in enum class
Flip across upper right/lower left diagonal
URGENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.NotificationPriority
for urgent notifications, or notifications that require a response in a short space of time (for example phone calls or emergency warnings)
URGENT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPriority
the highest priority
uri() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Constructs a new query URI query object.
Uri - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A GstUri object can be used to parse and split a URI string into its constituent parts.
Uri - Class in org.gnome.glib
The GUri type and related functions can be used to parse URIs into their components, and build valid URIs from individual components.
Uri - Class in org.gnome.gobject
Uri(String, String, String, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Creates a new GstUri object with the given URI parts.
Uri(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Uri
Create a Uri proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Uri(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Uri
Create a Uri proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Uri(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Uri
Create a Uri proxy instance for the provided memory address.
URI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
query the URI of the source or sink.
URI - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GUri.
URI_INVALID - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererResult
the URI is invalid
URI_NO_PORT - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Value for GstUri<!-- -->.port to indicate no port number.
URI_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFileError
a requested URI was not found
URI_RESERVED_CHARS_GENERIC_DELIMITERS - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Generic delimiters characters as defined in RFC 3986.
URI_RESERVED_CHARS_SUBCOMPONENT_DELIMITERS - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Subcomponent delimiter characters as defined in RFC 3986.
URIComponent - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
Enum values passed to Soup.uriCopy(org.gnome.glib.Uri, org.gnome.soup.URIComponent, java.lang.Object...) to indicate the components of the URI that should be updated with the given values.
uriCopy(Uri, URIComponent, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
As of 3.4.0 this will detect the default ports of HTTP(s) and WS(S) URIs when copying and set it to the default port of the new scheme.
uriDecodeDataUri(String, Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Decodes the given data URI and returns its contents and contentType.
uriEqual(Uri, Uri) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Tests whether or not uri1 and uri2 are equal in all parts.
UriError - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Error codes returned by GUri methods.
URIError - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Different URI-related errors that can occur.
UriFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Flags that describe a URI.
uriForDisplay(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
Use this function to format a URI for display.
URIHandler - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The GstURIHandler is an interface that is implemented by Source and Sink GstElement to unify handling of URI.
URIHandler.URIHandlerImpl - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The URIHandlerImpl type represents a native instance of the URIHandler interface.
URIHandler.URIHandlerInterface - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Any GstElement using this interface should implement these methods.
URIHandlerImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIHandler.URIHandlerImpl
Creates a new instance of URIHandler for the provided memory address.
URIHandlerInterface() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIHandler.URIHandlerInterface
Allocate a new URIHandlerInterface.
URIHandlerInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIHandler.URIHandlerInterface
Allocate a new URIHandlerInterface.
URIHandlerInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIHandler.URIHandlerInterface
Create a URIHandlerInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UriHideFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Flags describing what parts of the URI to hide in g_uri_to_string_partial().
UriLauncher - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkUriLauncher object collects the arguments that are needed to open a uri with an application.
UriLauncher() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.UriLauncher
Calls UriLauncher(java.lang.String) with uri = null
UriLauncher(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.UriLauncher
Creates a new GtkUriLauncher object.
UriLauncher(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.UriLauncher
Create a UriLauncher proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UriLauncher.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
UriLauncher.UriLauncherClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
UriLauncherClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.UriLauncher.UriLauncherClass
Allocate a new UriLauncherClass.
UriLauncherClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.UriLauncher.UriLauncherClass
Allocate a new UriLauncherClass.
UriLauncherClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.UriLauncher.UriLauncherClass
Create a UriLauncherClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UriParamsFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Flags modifying the way parameters are handled by g_uri_parse_params() and GUriParamsIter.
UriParamsIter - Class in org.gnome.glib
Many URI schemes include one or more attribute/value pairs as part of the URI value.
UriParamsIter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsIter
Allocate a new UriParamsIter.
UriParamsIter(int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsIter
Allocate a new UriParamsIter with the fields set to the provided values.
UriParamsIter(int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, byte[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsIter
Allocate a new UriParamsIter with the fields set to the provided values.
UriParamsIter(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsIter
Allocate a new UriParamsIter.
UriParamsIter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsIter
Create a UriParamsIter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
URIRequest - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Represents a URI request.
URIRequest - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Represents a URI request.
URIRequest(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URIRequest
Create a URIRequest proxy instance for the provided memory address.
URIRequest(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIRequest
Create a URIRequest proxy instance for the provided memory address.
URIRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URIRequest
Creates a new WebKitURIRequest for the given URI.
URIRequest(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIRequest
Creates a new WebKitURIRequest for the given URI.
URIRequest.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
URIRequest.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
URIRequest.URIRequestClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
URIRequest.URIRequestClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
URIRequestClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URIRequest.URIRequestClass
Allocate a new URIRequestClass.
URIRequestClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIRequest.URIRequestClass
Allocate a new URIRequestClass.
URIRequestClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URIRequest.URIRequestClass
Allocate a new URIRequestClass.
URIRequestClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIRequest.URIRequestClass
Allocate a new URIRequestClass.
URIRequestClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URIRequest.URIRequestClass
Create a URIRequestClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
URIRequestClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIRequest.URIRequestClass
Create a URIRequestClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
URIResponse - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Represents an URI response.
URIResponse - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Represents an URI response.
URIResponse(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URIResponse
Create a URIResponse proxy instance for the provided memory address.
URIResponse(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIResponse
Create a URIResponse proxy instance for the provided memory address.
URIResponse.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
URIResponse.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
URIResponse.URIResponseClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
URIResponse.URIResponseClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
URIResponseClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URIResponse.URIResponseClass
Allocate a new URIResponseClass.
URIResponseClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIResponse.URIResponseClass
Allocate a new URIResponseClass.
URIResponseClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URIResponse.URIResponseClass
Allocate a new URIResponseClass.
URIResponseClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIResponse.URIResponseClass
Allocate a new URIResponseClass.
URIResponseClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URIResponse.URIResponseClass
Create a URIResponseClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
URIResponseClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.URIResponse.URIResponseClass
Create a URIResponseClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
uriSchemeIsCorsEnabled(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager
Whether scheme is considered as a CORS enabled scheme.
uriSchemeIsDisplayIsolated(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager
Whether scheme is considered as a display isolated scheme.
uriSchemeIsEmptyDocument(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager
Whether scheme is considered as an empty document scheme.
uriSchemeIsLocal(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager
Whether scheme is considered as a local scheme.
uriSchemeIsNoAccess(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager
Whether scheme is considered as a no-access scheme.
uriSchemeIsSecure(String) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.SecurityManager
Whether scheme is considered as a secure scheme.
URISchemeRequest - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Represents a URI scheme request.
URISchemeRequest(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest
Create a URISchemeRequest proxy instance for the provided memory address.
URISchemeRequest.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
URISchemeRequest.URISchemeRequestClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
URISchemeRequestCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the URISchemeRequestCallback callback.
URISchemeRequestClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest.URISchemeRequestClass
Allocate a new URISchemeRequestClass.
URISchemeRequestClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest.URISchemeRequestClass
Allocate a new URISchemeRequestClass.
URISchemeRequestClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeRequest.URISchemeRequestClass
Create a URISchemeRequestClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
URISchemeResponse - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Represents a URI scheme response.
URISchemeResponse(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeResponse
Create a URISchemeResponse proxy instance for the provided memory address.
URISchemeResponse(InputStream, long) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeResponse
Create a new WebKitURISchemeResponse
URISchemeResponse.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
URISchemeResponse.URISchemeResponseClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
URISchemeResponseClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeResponse.URISchemeResponseClass
Allocate a new URISchemeResponseClass.
URISchemeResponseClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeResponse.URISchemeResponseClass
Allocate a new URISchemeResponseClass.
URISchemeResponseClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.URISchemeResponse.URISchemeResponseClass
Create a URISchemeResponseClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
URIType - Enum Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
The different types of URI direction.
URL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputPurpose
Edited field expects URL
URL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputPurpose
Editable element expects a URL
USABLE_WITH_DARK_BACKGROUND - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorPaletteFlags
Flag indicating that the color palette is appropriate to use when displaying the font on a dark background such as black.
USABLE_WITH_LIGHT_BACKGROUND - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorPaletteFlags
Flag indicating that the color palette is appropriate to use when displaying the font on a light background such as white.
use() - Method in interface org.gnome.gobject.TypePlugin
Calls the usePlugin function from the GTypePluginClass of this TypePlugin.
use() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecision
Accept the action which triggered this decision.
USE_HEADER_BAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DialogFlags
Create dialog with actions in header bar instead of action area
USE_PROXY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
305 Use Proxy (HTTP)
useAuth(Uri, Auth) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.AuthManager
Records that auth is to be used under uri, as though a WWW-Authenticate header had been received at that URI.
USEC_PER_SEC - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Number of microseconds in one second (1 million).
useClock(Clock) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pipeline
Force this Pipeline to use the given clock.
USECOND - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Constant that defines one GStreamer microsecond.
useFixedCaps() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Pad
A helper function you can use that sets the FIXED_CAPS flag This way the default CAPS query will always return the negotiated caps or in case the pad is not negotiated, the padtemplate caps.
USER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.URIComponent
the URI user component
USER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserStyleLevel
The style sheet is an user style sheet, its contents always override other style sheets.
USER_ABORT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsReturn
the user has aborted the installation
USER_CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragCancelReason
Drag cancelled by the user
USER_DEFINED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinType
Change by a specified amount.
USER_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessageError
The message was not handled by the receiver.
USER_REQUESTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionActivation
UserContentFilter - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A compiled set of rules which applied to resource loads.
UserContentFilter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilter
Create a UserContentFilter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UserContentFilterError - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Errors that can occur while compiling content filters.
UserContentFilterStore - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Handles storage of user content filters on disk.
UserContentFilterStore(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore
Create a UserContentFilterStore proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UserContentFilterStore(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore
Create a new WebKitUserContentFilterStore to manipulate filters stored at storagePath.
UserContentFilterStore.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
UserContentFilterStore.UserContentFilterStoreClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
UserContentFilterStoreClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore.UserContentFilterStoreClass
Allocate a new UserContentFilterStoreClass.
UserContentFilterStoreClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore.UserContentFilterStoreClass
Allocate a new UserContentFilterStoreClass.
UserContentFilterStoreClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterStore.UserContentFilterStoreClass
Create a UserContentFilterStoreClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UserContentInjectedFrames - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Specifies in which frames user style sheets are to be inserted in.
UserContentManager - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Manages user-defined content which affects web pages.
UserContentManager() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Creates a new user content manager.
UserContentManager(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager
Create a UserContentManager proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UserContentManager.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
UserContentManager.ScriptMessageReceivedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the ScriptMessageReceivedCallback callback.
UserContentManager.ScriptMessageWithReplyReceivedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the ScriptMessageWithReplyReceivedCallback callback.
UserContentManager.UserContentManagerClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
UserContentManagerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager.UserContentManagerClass
Allocate a new UserContentManagerClass.
UserContentManagerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager.UserContentManagerClass
Allocate a new UserContentManagerClass.
UserContentManagerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentManager.UserContentManagerClass
Create a UserContentManagerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UserDataKey - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data structure for holding user-data keys.
UserDataKey() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UserDataKey
Allocate a new UserDataKey.
UserDataKey(byte) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UserDataKey
Allocate a new UserDataKey with the fields set to the provided values.
UserDataKey(byte, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UserDataKey
Allocate a new UserDataKey with the fields set to the provided values.
UserDataKey(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UserDataKey
Allocate a new UserDataKey.
UserDataKey(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UserDataKey
Create a UserDataKey proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UserDirectory - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
These are logical ids for special directories which are defined depending on the platform used.
USERINFO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriHideFlags
Hide the userinfo.
userMediaPermissionIsForAudioDevice(UserMediaPermissionRequest) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
Check whether the permission request is for an audio device.
userMediaPermissionIsForDisplayDevice(UserMediaPermissionRequest) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
Check whether the permission request is for a display device.
userMediaPermissionIsForVideoDevice(UserMediaPermissionRequest) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
Check whether the permission request is for a video device.
UserMediaPermissionRequest - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A permission request for accessing user's audio/video devices.
UserMediaPermissionRequest(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserMediaPermissionRequest
Create a UserMediaPermissionRequest proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UserMediaPermissionRequest.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
UserMediaPermissionRequest.UserMediaPermissionRequestClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
UserMediaPermissionRequestClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserMediaPermissionRequest.UserMediaPermissionRequestClass
Allocate a new UserMediaPermissionRequestClass.
UserMediaPermissionRequestClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserMediaPermissionRequest.UserMediaPermissionRequestClass
Allocate a new UserMediaPermissionRequestClass.
UserMediaPermissionRequestClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserMediaPermissionRequest.UserMediaPermissionRequestClass
Create a UserMediaPermissionRequestClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UserMessage - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Message that can be sent between the UI process and web process extensions.
UserMessage - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Message that can be sent between the UI process and web process extensions.
UserMessage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage
Create a UserMessage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UserMessage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage
Create a UserMessage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UserMessage(String, Variant) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage
Create a new WebKitUserMessage with name.
UserMessage(String, Variant) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage
Create a new WebKitUserMessage with name.
UserMessage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
UserMessage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
UserMessage.UserMessageClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
UserMessage.UserMessageClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
UserMessageClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage.UserMessageClass
Allocate a new UserMessageClass.
UserMessageClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage.UserMessageClass
Allocate a new UserMessageClass.
UserMessageClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage.UserMessageClass
Allocate a new UserMessageClass.
UserMessageClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage.UserMessageClass
Allocate a new UserMessageClass.
UserMessageClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage.UserMessageClass
Create a UserMessageClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UserMessageClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage.UserMessageClass
Create a UserMessageClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UserMessageError - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to denote errors happening when sending user messages.
UserMessageError - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Enum values used to denote errors happening when sending user messages.
userMessageReceived(UserMessage) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
UserScript - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A JavaScript snippet which can be injected in loaded pages.
UserScript(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserScript
Create a UserScript proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UserScript(String, UserContentInjectedFrames, UserScriptInjectionTime, String[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserScript
Creates a new user script.
UserScriptInjectionTime - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Specifies at which place of documents an user script will be inserted.
UserStyleLevel - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Specifies how to treat an user style sheet.
UserStyleSheet - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A CSS style sheet which can be injected in loaded pages.
UserStyleSheet(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserStyleSheet
Create a UserStyleSheet proxy instance for the provided memory address.
UserStyleSheet(String, UserContentInjectedFrames, UserStyleLevel, String[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.UserStyleSheet
Creates a new user style sheet.
useTypeModule() - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeModule
Increases the use count of a GTypeModule by one.
useWithPolicies(WebsitePolicies) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecision
Accept the navigation action and continue with provided policies.
usleep(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Pauses the current thread for the given number of microseconds.
utc() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeZone
Creates a GTimeZone corresponding to UTC.
utc(int, int, int, int, int, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.DateTime
Creates a new GDateTime corresponding to the given date and time in UTC.
utf16ToUcs4(short[], Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Convert a string from UTF-16 to UCS-4.
utf16ToUtf8(short[], Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Convert a string from UTF-16 to UTF-8.
utf8Casefold(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a string into a form that is independent of case.
utf8Collate(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Compares two strings for ordering using the linguistically correct rules for the [current locale][setlocale].
utf8CollateKey(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a string into a collation key that can be compared with other collation keys produced by the same function using strcmp().
utf8CollateKeyForFilename(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a string into a collation key that can be compared with other collation keys produced by the same function using strcmp().
utf8FindNextChar(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Finds the start of the next UTF-8 character in the string after p.
utf8FindPrevChar(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Given a position p with a UTF-8 encoded string str, find the start of the previous UTF-8 character starting before p.
utf8GetChar(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a sequence of bytes encoded as UTF-8 to a Unicode character.
utf8GetCharValidated(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Convert a sequence of bytes encoded as UTF-8 to a Unicode character.
utf8MakeValid(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
If the provided string is valid UTF-8, return a copy of it.
utf8Normalize(String, long, NormalizeMode) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a string into canonical form, standardizing such issues as whether a character with an accent is represented as a base character and combining accent or as a single precomposed character.
utf8OffsetToPointer(String, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts from an integer character offset to a pointer to a position within the string.
utf8PointerToOffset(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts from a pointer to position within a string to an integer character offset.
utf8PrevChar(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Finds the previous UTF-8 character in the string before p.
utf8Strchr(String, long, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Finds the leftmost occurrence of the given Unicode character in a UTF-8 encoded string, while limiting the search to len bytes.
utf8Strdown(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts all Unicode characters in the string that have a case to lowercase.
utf8Strlen(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Computes the length of the string in characters, not including the terminating nul character.
utf8Strncpy(String, String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Like the standard C strncpy() function, but copies a given number of characters instead of a given number of bytes.
utf8Strrchr(String, long, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Find the rightmost occurrence of the given Unicode character in a UTF-8 encoded string, while limiting the search to len bytes.
utf8Strreverse(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Reverses a UTF-8 string.
utf8Strup(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts all Unicode characters in the string that have a case to uppercase.
utf8Substring(String, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Copies a substring out of a UTF-8 encoded string.
utf8ToUcs4(String, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Convert a string from UTF-8 to a 32-bit fixed width representation as UCS-4.
utf8ToUcs4Fast(String, int, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Convert a string from UTF-8 to a 32-bit fixed width representation as UCS-4, assuming valid UTF-8 input.
utf8ToUtf16(String, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Convert a string from UTF-8 to UTF-16.
utf8TruncateMiddle(String, long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Cuts off the middle of the string, preserving half of truncateLength characters at the beginning and half at the end.
utf8Validate(byte[], Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Validates UTF-8 encoded text.
utf8ValidateLen(byte[], Out<String>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Validates UTF-8 encoded text.
utilArrayBinarySearch(MemorySegment, int, long, CompareDataFunc, SearchMode, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Searches inside array for searchData by using the comparison function searchFunc.
utilCeilLog2(int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Return a max num of log2.
utilDoubleToFraction(double, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Transforms a gdouble to a fraction and simplifies the result.
utilDumpBuffer(Buffer) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Dumps the buffer memory into a hex representation.
utilDumpMem(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Dumps the memory block into a hex representation.
utilFilenameCompare(String, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Compares the given filenames using natural ordering.
utilFractionAdd(int, int, int, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Adds the fractions aN/aD and bN/bD and stores the result in resN and resD.
utilFractionCompare(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Compares the fractions aN/aD and bN/bD and returns -1 if a < b, 0 if a = b and 1 if a > b.
utilFractionMultiply(int, int, int, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Multiplies the fractions aN/aD and bN/bD and stores the result in resN and resD.
utilFractionToDouble(int, int, Out<Double>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Transforms a fraction to a gdouble.
utilGdoubleToGuint64(double) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
utilGetObjectArray(GObject, String, Out<ValueArray>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Get a property of type GST_TYPE_ARRAY and transform it into a GValueArray.
utilGetTimestamp() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Get a timestamp as GstClockTime to be used for interval measurements.
utilGreatestCommonDivisor(int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Calculates the greatest common divisor of a and b.
utilGreatestCommonDivisorInt64(long, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Calculates the greatest common divisor of a and b.
utilGroupIdNext() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Return a constantly incrementing group id.
utilGuint64ToGdouble(long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Utils - Search tag in package org.gnome.gtksourceview
utilSeqnumCompare(int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Compare two sequence numbers, handling wraparound.
utilSeqnumNext() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Return a constantly incrementing sequence number.
utilsEscapeSearchText(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GtkSource
Use this function to escape the following characters: \\n, \\r, \\t and \\.
utilSetObjectArg(GObject, String, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Converts the string value to the type of the objects argument and sets the argument with it.
utilSetObjectArray(GObject, String, ValueArray) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Transfer a GValueArray to GST_TYPE_ARRAY and set this value on the specified property name.
utilSetValueFromString(Value, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Converts the string to the type of the value and sets the value with it.
utilSimplifyFraction(MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Calculates the simpler representation of numerator and denominator and update both values with the resulting simplified fraction.
utilsUnescapeSearchText(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GtkSource
Use this function before SearchSettings.setSearchText(java.lang.String), to unescape the following sequences of characters: \\n, \\r, \\t and \\\\.
utilUint64Scale(long, long, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Scale val by the rational number num / denom, avoiding overflows and underflows and without loss of precision.
utilUint64ScaleCeil(long, long, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Scale val by the rational number num / denom, avoiding overflows and underflows and without loss of precision.
utilUint64ScaleInt(long, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Scale val by the rational number num / denom, avoiding overflows and underflows and without loss of precision.
utilUint64ScaleIntCeil(long, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Scale val by the rational number num / denom, avoiding overflows and underflows and without loss of precision.
utilUint64ScaleIntRound(long, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Scale val by the rational number num / denom, avoiding overflows and underflows and without loss of precision.
utilUint64ScaleRound(long, long, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Scale val by the rational number num / denom, avoiding overflows and underflows and without loss of precision.
utime(String, MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A wrapper for the POSIX utime() function.
uuidStringIsValid(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Parses the string str and verify if it is a UUID.
uuidStringRandom() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Generates a random UUID (RFC 4122 version 4) as a string.
UYVP - Enum constant in enum class
packed 10-bit 4:2:2 YUV (U0-Y0-V0-Y1 U2-Y2-V2-Y3 U4 ...)
UYVY - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:2:2 YUV (U0-Y0-V0-Y1 U2-Y2-V2-Y3 U4 ...)


V_COSITED - Enum constant in enum class
chroma is vertically cosited
V210 - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:2:2 10-bit YUV, complex format
V216 - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:2:2 16-bit YUV, Y0-U0-Y1-V1 order
V308 - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:4:4 YUV (Y-U-V ...)
VA_COPY_AS_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
VAI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
VAI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
VAI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
valid() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns true if the GDate represents an existing day.
valid() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeRowReference
VALIDATE_ALL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateFlags
the combination of all of the above flags
VALIDATES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.Cacheability
The messages cache should be updated
validDay(DateDay) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns true if the day of the month is valid (a day is valid if it's between 1 and 31 inclusive).
validDmy(DateDay, DateMonth, DateYear) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns true if the day-month-year triplet forms a valid, existing day in the range of days GDate understands (Year 1 or later, no more than a few thousand years in the future).
validJulian(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns true if the Julian day is valid.
validMonth(DateMonth) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns true if the month value is valid.
validWeekday(DateWeekday) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns true if the weekday is valid.
validYear(DateYear) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Date
Returns true if the year is valid.
value() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TreeNode
Gets the value stored at a particular tree node.
value() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Determines the value type of a dictionary entry type.
Value - Class in org.gnome.gobject
An opaque structure used to hold different types of values.
Value - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
JSCValue represents a reference to a value in a JSCContext.
Value() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Allocate a new Value.
Value(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Allocate a new Value.
Value(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Create a Value proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Value(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value
Create a Value proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Value(Type, ValueDataUnion[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Allocate a new Value with the fields set to the provided values.
Value(Type, ValueDataUnion[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Allocate a new Value with the fields set to the provided values.
VALUE_ABSTRACT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFlags
Indicates an abstract value type, i.e.
VALUE_COLLECT_FORMAT_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
The maximal number of GTypeCValues which can be collected for a single GValue.
VALUE_EQUAL - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Indicates that the first value provided to a comparison function (gst_value_compare()) is equal to the second one.
VALUE_EXPECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
no value given
VALUE_GREATER_THAN - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Indicates that the first value provided to a comparison function (gst_value_compare()) is greater than the second one.
VALUE_INTERNED_STRING - Static variable in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
For string values, indicates that the string contained is canonical and will exist for the duration of the process.
VALUE_LESS_THAN - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Indicates that the first value provided to a comparison function (gst_value_compare()) is lesser than the second one.
VALUE_MAX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Defines the maximum allowed value for a range widget.
VALUE_MIN - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Defines the minimum allowed value for a range widget.
VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS - Static variable in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
If passed to G_VALUE_COLLECT(), allocated data won't be copied but used verbatim.
VALUE_NOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Defines the current value for a range widget.
VALUE_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Defines the human readable text alternative of aria-valuenow for a range widget.
VALUE_UNORDERED - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Indicates that the comparison function (gst_value_compare()) can not determine a order for the two provided values.
Value.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Value.ValueClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
ValueArray - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A fundamental type that describes an ordered list of GValue
ValueArray - Class in org.gnome.gobject
ValueArray(int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
Use GArray and g_array_sized_new() instead.
ValueArray(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueArray
Create a ValueArray proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ValueArray(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
Create a ValueArray proxy instance for the provided memory address.
valueCanCompare(Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Determines if value1 and value2 can be compared.
valueCanIntersect(Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Determines if intersecting two values will produce a valid result.
valueCanSubtract(Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Checks if it's possible to subtract subtrahend from minuend.
valueCanUnion(Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Determines if value1 and value2 can be non-trivially unioned.
valueChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Adjustment
valueChanged() - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Range
valueChanged(double) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.ScaleButton
valueChanged(int) - Method in class
default handler for value changed notification
valueChanged(ColorBalanceChannel, int) - Method in interface
A helper function called by implementations of the GstColorBalance interface.
ValueClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value.ValueClass
Allocate a new ValueClass.
ValueClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value.ValueClass
Allocate a new ValueClass.
ValueClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Value.ValueClass
Create a ValueClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
valueCompare(Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Compares value1 and value2.
ValueCompareFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the ValueCompareFunc callback.
ValueDataUnion - Class in org.gnome.gobject
ValueDataUnion(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ValueDataUnion
Allocate a new ValueDataUnion.
ValueDataUnion(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.ValueDataUnion
Create a ValueDataUnion proxy instance for the provided memory address.
valueDeserialize(Value, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Tries to deserialize a string into the type specified by the given GValue.
ValueDeserializeFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the ValueDeserializeFunc callback.
valueDeserializeWithPspec(Value, String, ParamSpec) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Tries to deserialize a string into the type specified by the given GValue.
ValueDeserializeWithPSpecFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the ValueDeserializeWithPSpecFunc callback.
valueDupExpression(Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Retrieves the GtkExpression stored inside the given value, and acquires a reference to it.
valueDupRenderNode(Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.Gsk
Retrieves the GskRenderNode stored inside the given value, and acquires a reference to it.
valueFixate(Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Fixate src into a new value dest.
valueForeach(HFunc) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Cache
The reason is that it passes pointers to internal data structures to func; use g_cache_key_foreach() instead
valueFractionMultiply(Value, Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Multiplies the two GValue items containing a GST_TYPE_FRACTION and sets product to the product of the two fractions.
valueFractionSubtract(Value, Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Subtracts the subtrahend from the minuend and sets dest to the result.
valueFromString(ParamSpec, String, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Demarshals a value from a string.
valueFromStringType(Type, String, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GtkBuilder
Demarshals a value from a string.
valueGetBitmask(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the bitmask specified by value.
valueGetCaps(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the contents of value.
valueGetCapsFeatures(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the contents of value.
valueGetDoubleRangeMax(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the maximum of the range specified by value.
valueGetDoubleRangeMin(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the minimum of the range specified by value.
valueGetExpression(Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Retrieves the GtkExpression stored inside the given value.
valueGetFlagsetFlags(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Retrieve the flags field of a GstFlagSet value.
valueGetFlagsetMask(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Retrieve the mask field of a GstFlagSet value.
valueGetFractionDenominator(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the denominator of the fraction specified by value.
valueGetFractionNumerator(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the numerator of the fraction specified by value.
valueGetFractionRangeMax(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the maximum of the range specified by value.
valueGetFractionRangeMin(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the minimum of the range specified by value.
valueGetInt64RangeMax(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the maximum of the range specified by value.
valueGetInt64RangeMin(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the minimum of the range specified by value.
valueGetInt64RangeStep(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the step of the range specified by value.
valueGetIntRangeMax(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the maximum of the range specified by value.
valueGetIntRangeMin(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the minimum of the range specified by value.
valueGetIntRangeStep(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the step of the range specified by value.
valueGetRenderNode(Value) - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.Gsk
Retrieves the GskRenderNode stored inside the given value.
valueGetStructure(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the contents of value.
valueInitAndCopy(Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Initialises the target value to be of the same type as source and then copies the contents from source to target.
valueIntersect(Value, Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Calculates the intersection of two values.
valueIsFixed(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Tests if the given GValue, if available in a GstStructure (or any other container) contains a "fixed" (which means: one value) or an "unfixed" (which means: multiple possible values, such as data lists or data ranges) value.
valueIsSubset(Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Check that value1 is a subset of value2.
valueIsValid(Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Checks if contents of value comply with the specifications set out by this type, without modifying the value.
ValueList - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
A fundamental type that describes an unordered list of GValue
ValueList(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueList
Create a ValueList proxy instance for the provided memory address.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorStartTimeSelection
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrameFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrcFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsStateFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocatorFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BinFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferCopyFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferingMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusSyncReply
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsIntersectMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntryType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockReturn
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugGraphDetails
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventTypeFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Format
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GapFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorItem
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LibraryError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LockFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ObjectFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadDirection
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkCheck
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkReturn
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadPresence
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeReturn
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplateFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PipelineFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginAPIFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDependencyFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProgressType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PromiseResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QOSType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryTypeFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Rank
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SchedulingFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SearchMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SegmentFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SerializeFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StackTraceFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChange
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChangeReturn
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamStatusType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StructureChangeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagFlag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagMergeMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagScope
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntryType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocLoopType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocScope
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerValueFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerValueScope
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindProbability
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShader
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSerializeFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsReturn
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.PbUtilsCapsDescriptionFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferClusterLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferContentType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferDiffFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.MemoryMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorPaletteFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutBaselineTag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutGlyphClass
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPartFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKern
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetaTag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintExtend
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.StyleTag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.AccentColor
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.AnimationState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointConditionLengthType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointConditionRatioType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.CenteringPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ColorScheme
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.DialogPresentationMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.FlapFoldPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.FlapTransitionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.FoldThresholdPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.LeafletTransitionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.LengthUnit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.NavigationDirection
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ResponseAppearance
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerTransitionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ToastPriority
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarStyle
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AnchorHints
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CicpRange
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DevicePadFeature
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceToolType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragCancelReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClockPhase
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FullscreenMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLAPI
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.Gravity
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.InputSource
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.KeyMatch
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.NotifyType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.PaintableFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollDirection
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollUnit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SeatCapabilities
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SubpixelLayout
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SurfaceEdge
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TextureError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TitlebarGesture
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TouchpadGesturePhase
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Colorspace
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.InterpType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAlphaMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormatFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufRotation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoCreateFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.AskPasswordFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusNameOwnerFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusNameWatcherFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ConverterFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ConverterResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.CredentialsType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DataStreamByteOrder
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DataStreamNewlineType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusCallFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusCapabilityFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnectionFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageByteOrder
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageHeaderField
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClientFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfoFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxyFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSendMessageFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusServerFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DriveStartFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DriveStartStopType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.EmblemOrigin
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCopyFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCreateFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMeasureFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileQueryInfoFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FilesystemPreviewType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOModuleScopeFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOStreamSpliceFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitorWarningLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountMountFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountOperationResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountUnmountFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.NetworkConnectivity
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.NotificationPriority
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.OutputStreamSpliceFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.PasswordSave
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.PollableReturn
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverNameLookupFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverRecordType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceLookupFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBindFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketClientEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketFamily
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketListenerEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketMsgFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketProtocol
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TestDBusFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsAuthenticationMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateRequestFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabaseLookupFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteractionResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsPasswordFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsProtocolVersion
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsRehandshakeMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddressType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressorFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.AsciiType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFileError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ChecksumType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ConvertError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateDMY
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateMonth
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateWeekday
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileSetContentsFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileTest
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.FormatSizeFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.HookFlagMask
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOChannelError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOCondition
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.KeyFileError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.KeyFileFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogLevelFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogWriterOutput
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.MainContextFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupCollectType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.NormalizeMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.NumberParserError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.OnceStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionArg
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.SeekType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ShellError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.SliceConfig
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestFileType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestLogType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestSubprocessFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestTrapFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ThreadError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPriority
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TimeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnixPipeEnd
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriHideFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UserDirectory
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.Win32OSType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.BindingFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ConnectFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.IOCondition
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ParamFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalMatchType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeDebugFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFundamentalFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.graphene.RayIntersectionKind
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.Corner
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.FillRule
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.GLUniformType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.LineCap
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.LineJoin
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.MaskMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathDirection
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathForeachFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathOperation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.ScalingFilter
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.SerializationError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.TransformCategory
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleAnnouncementPriority
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleAutocomplete
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleInvalidState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessiblePlatformState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleSort
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextContentChange
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextGranularity
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTristate
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Align
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationInhibitFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ArrowType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPageType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BaselinePosition
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BorderStyle
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderClosureFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ButtonsType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccelMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Collation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintAttribute
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintRelation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintStrength
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintVflParserError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ContentFit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CornerType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CssParserError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CssParserWarning
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DeleteType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DialogError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DialogFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DirectionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EditableProperties
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EntryIconPosition
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScrollFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventSequenceState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FilterChange
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FilterMatch
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontRendering
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffloadEnabled
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconLookupFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconSize
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconThemeError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconViewDropPosition
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ImageType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputPurpose
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InscriptionOverflow
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Justification
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBarMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ListScrollFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ListTabBehavior
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MessageType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MovementStep
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NaturalWrapMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookTab
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NumberUpLayout
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Ordering
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Orientation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Overflow
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PackType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PageOrientation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PageSet
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PanDirection
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PickFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PolicyType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PositionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintCapabilities
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDuplex
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintPages
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintQuality
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PropagationLimit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PropagationPhase
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManagerError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ResponseType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RevealerTransitionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollablePolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollStep
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SensitivityType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutActionFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutScope
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroupMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SizeRequestMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SorterChange
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SorterOrder
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SortType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButtonUpdatePolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilterMatchMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContextPrintFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SymbolicColor
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SystemSetting
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextBufferNotifyFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextDirection
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextExtendSelection
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextSearchFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextViewLayer
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextWindowType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewDropPosition
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewGridLines
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Unit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.WrapMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.BackgroundPatternType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.BracketMatchType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.ChangeCaseType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionActivation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionColumn
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompressionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoaderError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaverError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaverFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererAlignmentMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.NewlineType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SmartHomeEndType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SortFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceLocationFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceTypeFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.ViewGutterPosition
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Alignment
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.BaselineShift
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.CoverageLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.EllipsizeMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontMask
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontScale
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Gravity
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.GravityHint
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutDeserializeError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutDeserializeFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutSerializeFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Overline
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.RenderPart
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.ShapeFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.ShowFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Stretch
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Style
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.TabAlign
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.TextTransform
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Underline
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Variant
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Weight
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.WrapMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Cacheability
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.CacheType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarAcceptPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.DateFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Encoding
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Expectation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.HTTPVersion
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.LoggerLogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MemoryUse
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessagePriority
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.SameSitePolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.ServerListenOptions
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.SessionError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.TLDError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.URIComponent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketCloseCode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnectionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketDataType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationScheme
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationBrowsingContextPresentation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AutoplayPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CacheModel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CookieAcceptPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CookiePersistentStorage
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CredentialPersistence
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.DownloadError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.EditorTypingAttributes
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabaseError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FindOptions
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HardwareAccelerationPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResultContext
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputHints
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputPurpose
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InsecureContentEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.JavascriptError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.CheckSyntaxMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.CheckSyntaxResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.OptionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.TypedArrayType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ValuePropertyFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.LoadEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.MediaCaptureState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.MediaError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkProxyMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecisionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PrintError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperationResponse
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SaveMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialogType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotOptions
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotRegion
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.TLSErrorsPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentInjectedFrames
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessageError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserScriptInjectionTime
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserStyleLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebExtensionMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebProcessTerminationReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageSource
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResultContext
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessageError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
ValuePropertyFlags - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Flags used when defining properties with jsc_value_object_define_property_data() and jsc_value_object_define_property_accessor().
valueRegister(ValueTable) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Registers functions to perform calculations on GValue items of a given type.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorStartTimeSelection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrameFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrcFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsStateFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocatorFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BinFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferCopyFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BusSyncReply
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsIntersectMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockReturn
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CoreError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugColorMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugGraphDetails
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ElementFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.EventTypeFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FlowReturn
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GapFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorItem
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.IteratorResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LibraryError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LockFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObjectFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ObjectFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkCheck
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkReturn
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadPresence
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeReturn
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplateFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParseFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PipelineFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginAPIFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDependencyFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProgressType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PromiseResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QOSType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.QueryTypeFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Rank
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SchedulingFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SearchMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SeekType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SegmentFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.SerializeFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StackTraceFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChange
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StateChangeReturn
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamStatusType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StructureChangeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagMergeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TaskState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocLoopType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerValueFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TracerValueScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFindProbability
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.URIType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.AudioVisualizerShader
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.DiscovererSerializeFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.InstallPluginsReturn
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.PbUtilsCapsDescriptionFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferClusterLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferContentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferDiffFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferSerializeFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.MemoryMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorPaletteFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutBaselineTag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtLayoutGlyphClass
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathConstant
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPartFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKern
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetaTag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintExtend
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.StyleTag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeGeneralCategory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.AccentColor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.AnimationState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointConditionLengthType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.BreakpointConditionRatioType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.CenteringPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ColorScheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.DialogPresentationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.Easing
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.FlapFoldPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.FlapTransitionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.FoldThresholdPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.LeafletTransitionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.LengthUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.NavigationDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ResponseAppearance
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.SqueezerTransitionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.TabViewShortcuts
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ToastPriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ToolbarStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AnchorHints
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CicpRange
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.CrossingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DevicePadFeature
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DeviceToolType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DmabufError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.DragCancelReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.EventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FrameClockPhase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.FullscreenMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLAPI
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.GLError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.Gravity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.InputSource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.KeyMatch
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ModifierType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.NotifyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.PaintableFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SeatCapabilities
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SubpixelLayout
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SurfaceEdge
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TextureError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TitlebarGesture
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ToplevelState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.TouchpadGesturePhase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.Colorspace
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.InterpType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufAlphaMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormatFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufRotation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.AppInfoCreateFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ApplicationFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.AskPasswordFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusNameOwnerFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusNameWatcherFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.BusType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ConverterFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ConverterResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.CredentialsType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DataStreamByteOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DataStreamNewlineType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusCallFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusCapabilityFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusConnectionFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageByteOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageHeaderField
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusMessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusObjectManagerClientFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfoFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusProxyFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSendMessageFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusServerFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DriveStartFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.DriveStartStopType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.EmblemOrigin
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCopyFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileCreateFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMeasureFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileQueryInfoFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FilesystemPreviewType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOModuleScopeFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOStreamSpliceFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MemoryMonitorWarningLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountMountFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountOperationResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.MountUnmountFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.NetworkConnectivity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.NotificationPriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.OutputStreamSpliceFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.PasswordSave
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.PollableReturn
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverNameLookupFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResolverRecordType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ResourceLookupFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBindFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketClientEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketFamily
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketListenerEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketMsgFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketProtocol
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SocketType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.SubprocessFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TestDBusFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsAuthenticationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificateRequestFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsChannelBindingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabaseLookupFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsInteractionResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsPasswordFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsProtocolVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.TlsRehandshakeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddressType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressorFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.AsciiType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFileError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ChecksumType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ConvertError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateDMY
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateMonth
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateWeekday
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileSetContentsFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.FileTest
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.FormatSizeFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.HookFlagMask
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOChannelError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOCondition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.IOStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.KeyFileError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.KeyFileFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogLevelFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.LogWriterOutput
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.MainContextFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupCollectType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.MarkupParseFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.NormalizeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.NumberParserError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.OnceStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionArg
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.OptionFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexCompileFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexMatchFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.SeekType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ShellError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.SliceConfig
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestFileType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestLogType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestSubprocessFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TestTrapFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ThreadError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TimeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TokenType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.TraverseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnixPipeEnd
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriHideFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.UserDirectory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantParseError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.glib.Win32OSType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gmodule.ModuleFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.BindingFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ConnectFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.IOCondition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ParamFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.SignalMatchType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeDebugFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFundamentalFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.graphene.RayIntersectionKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.BlendMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.Corner
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.FillRule
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.GLUniformType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.LineCap
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.LineJoin
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.MaskMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathForeachFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.PathOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNodeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.ScalingFilter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.SerializationError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gsk.TransformCategory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleAnnouncementPriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleAutocomplete
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleInvalidState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessiblePlatformState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleProperty
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRelation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleSort
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextContentChange
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextGranularity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTristate
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Align
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ApplicationInhibitFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ArrowType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AssistantPageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BaselinePosition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BorderStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderClosureFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ButtonsType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererAccelMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CellRendererState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Collation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintAttribute
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintRelation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintStrength
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintVflParserError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ContentFit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CornerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CssParserError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.CssParserWarning
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DebugFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DeleteType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DialogError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DialogFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DirectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EditableProperties
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EntryIconPosition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScrollFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventSequenceState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FileChooserError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FilterChange
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FilterMatch
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontRendering
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.GraphicsOffloadEnabled
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconLookupFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconSize
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconThemeError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.IconViewDropPosition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ImageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputPurpose
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InscriptionOverflow
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Justification
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.LevelBarMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ListScrollFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ListTabBehavior
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MovementStep
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NaturalWrapMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NotebookTab
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NumberUpLayout
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Ordering
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Orientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Overflow
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PackType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PageOrientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PageSet
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PanDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PickFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PolicyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PopoverMenuFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PositionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintCapabilities
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDuplex
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintOperationResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintPages
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintQuality
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PropagationLimit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PropagationPhase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManagerError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ResponseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RevealerTransitionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollablePolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollStep
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ScrollType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SelectionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SensitivityType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutActionFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ShortcutType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroupMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SizeRequestMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SorterChange
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SorterOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SortType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButtonUpdatePolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SpinType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StackTransitionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StringFilterMatchMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StyleContextPrintFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SymbolicColor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SystemSetting
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextBufferNotifyFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextExtendSelection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextSearchFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextViewLayer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextWindowType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewDropPosition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewGridLines
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Unit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtk.WrapMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.BackgroundPatternType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.BracketMatchType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.ChangeCaseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionActivation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompletionColumn
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.CompressionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileLoaderError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaverError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaverFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.GutterRendererAlignmentMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.NewlineType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SmartHomeEndType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SortFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceLocationFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.SpaceTypeFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.gtksourceview.ViewGutterPosition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Alignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.BaselineShift
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.CoverageLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.EllipsizeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontMask
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontScale
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Gravity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.GravityHint
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutDeserializeError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutDeserializeFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.LayoutSerializeFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Overline
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.RenderPart
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.ShapeFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.ShowFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Stretch
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Style
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.TabAlign
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.TextTransform
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Underline
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Variant
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.Weight
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.pango.WrapMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Cacheability
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.CacheType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.CookieJarAcceptPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.DateFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Encoding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Expectation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.HTTPVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.LoggerLogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MemoryUse
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessagePriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.SameSitePolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.ServerListenOptions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.SessionError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.TLDError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.URIComponent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketCloseCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketDataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AuthenticationScheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationBrowsingContextPresentation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AutoplayPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CacheModel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CookieAcceptPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CookiePersistentStorage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CredentialPersistence
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.DownloadError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.EditorTypingAttributes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FaviconDatabaseError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FeatureStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FindOptions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HardwareAccelerationPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.HitTestResultContext
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputHints
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InputPurpose
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.InsecureContentEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.JavascriptError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.CheckSyntaxMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.CheckSyntaxResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.OptionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.TypedArrayType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ValuePropertyFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.LoadEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.MediaCaptureState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.MediaError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NavigationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.NetworkProxyMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PermissionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyDecisionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PolicyError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PrintError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.PrintOperationResponse
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SaveMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.ScriptDialogType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotOptions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotRegion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.TLSErrorsPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentFilterError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserContentInjectedFrames
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessageError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserScriptInjectionTime
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.UserStyleLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebExtensionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebProcessTerminationReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataTypes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageSource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.HitTestResultContext
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessageError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
valuesCmp(Value, Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Compares value1 with value2 according to this type (recommended, the default is memcmp()), see g_param_values_cmp().
valueSerialize(Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
tries to transform the given value into a string representation that allows getting back this string later on using gst_value_deserialize().
ValueSerializeFunc - Interface in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
Functional interface declaration of the ValueSerializeFunc callback.
valueSetBitmask(Value, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sets value to the bitmask specified by bitmask.
valueSetCaps(Value, Caps) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sets the contents of value to caps.
valueSetCapsFeatures(Value, CapsFeatures) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sets the contents of value to features.
valueSetDefault(Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Resets a value to the default value for this type (recommended, the default is g_value_reset()), see g_param_value_set_default().
valueSetDoubleRange(Value, double, double) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sets value to the range specified by start and end.
valueSetExpression(Value, Expression) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Stores the given GtkExpression inside value.
valueSetFlagset(Value, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sets value to the flags and mask values provided in flags and mask.
valueSetFraction(Value, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sets value to the fraction specified by numerator over denominator.
valueSetFractionRange(Value, Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sets value to the range specified by start and end.
valueSetFractionRangeFull(Value, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sets value to the range specified by numeratorStart/denominatorStart and numeratorEnd/denominatorEnd.
valueSetInt64Range(Value, long, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sets value to the range specified by start and end.
valueSetInt64RangeStep(Value, long, long, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sets value to the range specified by start, end and step.
valueSetIntRange(Value, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sets value to the range specified by start and end.
valueSetIntRangeStep(Value, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sets value to the range specified by start, end and step.
valueSetRenderNode(Value, RenderNode) - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.Gsk
Stores the given GskRenderNode inside value.
valueSetStructure(Value, Structure) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Sets the contents of value to structure.
valueSubtract(Value, Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Subtracts subtrahend from minuend and stores the result in dest.
ValueTable - Class in org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst
VTable for the GValue type.
ValueTable() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueTable
Allocate a new ValueTable.
ValueTable(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueTable
Allocate a new ValueTable.
ValueTable(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueTable
Create a ValueTable proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ValueTable(Type, ValueCompareFunc, ValueSerializeFunc, ValueDeserializeFunc, ValueDeserializeWithPSpecFunc) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueTable
Allocate a new ValueTable with the fields set to the provided values.
ValueTable(Type, ValueCompareFunc, ValueSerializeFunc, ValueDeserializeFunc, ValueDeserializeWithPSpecFunc, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueTable
Allocate a new ValueTable with the fields set to the provided values.
valueTakeExpression(Value, Expression) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Gtk
Stores the given GtkExpression inside value.
valueTakeRenderNode(Value, RenderNode) - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.Gsk
Stores the given GskRenderNode inside value.
valueToObject(Value) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.ValueUtil
Read the GType from the GValue, call the corresponding getter (using the methods defined in the Value proxy class), and return the result.
ValueTransform - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the ValueTransform callback.
valueUnion(Value, Value, Value) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Creates a GValue corresponding to the union of value1 and value2.
ValueUtil - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject
Utility functions to convert a Value to and from a Java Object.
ValueUtil() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.ValueUtil
valueValidate(Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec
Ensures that the contents of value comply with the specifications set out by this type (optional), see g_param_value_validate().
VARDICT - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of a dictionary mapping strings to variants (the ubiquitous "a{sv}" type).
VARIABLE_FPS - Enum constant in enum class
a variable fps is selected, fps_n and fps_d denote the maximum fps of the video
VARIABLE_LENGTH_LOOKBEHIND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.RegexError
Lookbehind assertion is not fixed length.
VARIABLE_RATE - Enum constant in enum class
allow arbitrary rate updates with gst_audio_converter_update_config().
VARIABLE_RATE - Enum constant in enum class
optimize for dynamic updates of the sample rates with gst_audio_resampler_update().
variant(Variant) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Boxes value.
Variant - Class in org.gnome.glib
GVariant is a variant datatype; it can contain one or more values along with information about the type of the values.
Variant - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
An enumeration specifying capitalization variant of the font.
Variant(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Create a Variant proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Variant(String, Object...) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.Variant
Creates a new GVariant instance.
VARIANT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.VariantClass
The GVariant is a variant.
VARIANT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
font variant (normal or small caps) (Pango.AttrInt)
VARIANT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontMask
the font variant is specified.
VARIANT - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
The type of a box that contains any other value (including another variant).
VARIANT - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The fundamental type corresponding to G_TYPE_VARIANT.
VARIANT_BUILDER - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GVariantBuilder.
VARIANT_DICT - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GVariantDict.
VARIANT_TYPE - Static variable in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.types.Types
The GType for a boxed type holding a GVariantType.
VariantBuilder - Class in org.gnome.glib
A utility type for constructing container-type GVariant instances.
VariantBuilder - Class in org.gnome.gobject
VariantBuilder(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.VariantBuilder
Create a VariantBuilder proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VariantBuilder(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.VariantBuilder
Create a VariantBuilder proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VariantBuilder(VariantType) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.VariantBuilder
Allocates and initialises a new GVariantBuilder.
VariantClass - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
The range of possible top-level types of GVariant instances.
VariantDict - Class in org.gnome.glib
GVariantDict is a mutable interface to GVariant dictionaries.
VariantDict - Class in org.gnome.gobject
VariantDict() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
Calls VariantDict(org.gnome.glib.Variant) with fromAsv = null
VariantDict(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
Create a VariantDict proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VariantDict(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.VariantDict
Create a VariantDict proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VariantDict(Variant) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
Allocates and initialises a new GVariantDict.
variantGetGtype() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
variantGetGtype() - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObjects
VariantIter - Class in org.gnome.glib
GVariantIter is an opaque data structure and can only be accessed using the following functions.
VariantIter() - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.VariantIter
Allocate a new VariantIter.
VariantIter(long[]) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.VariantIter
Allocate a new VariantIter with the fields set to the provided values.
VariantIter(long[], Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.VariantIter
Allocate a new VariantIter with the fields set to the provided values.
VariantIter(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.VariantIter
Allocate a new VariantIter.
VariantIter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.VariantIter
Create a VariantIter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VariantParseError - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Error codes returned by parsing text-format GVariants.
variantToClass(Variant) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
Return a Java class that is suitable for the VariantType of this GVariant.
VariantType - Class in org.gnome.glib
A type in the GLib.Variant type system.
VariantType - Class in org.gnome.gobject
VariantType(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Create a VariantType proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VariantType(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.VariantType
Create a VariantType proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VariantType(String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.glib.VariantType
Creates a new GVariantType corresponding to the type string given by typeString.
VariantTypes - Class in io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types
This class contains G_VARIANT_TYPE_...
VariantTypes() - Constructor for class io.github.jwharm.javagi.glib.types.VariantTypes
Variation - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
Data type for holding variation data.
Variation() - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Variation
Allocate a new Variation.
Variation(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Variation
Allocate a new Variation.
Variation(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Variation
Create a Variation proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Variation(Tag, float) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Variation
Allocate a new Variation with the fields set to the provided values.
Variation(Tag, float, Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Variation
Allocate a new Variation with the fields set to the provided values.
variationFromString(byte[], Variation) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Parses a string into a hb_variation_t.
VARIATIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.FontChooserLevel
Allow changing OpenType font variation axes
VARIATIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontMask
OpenType font variations are specified (Since: 1.42)
VARIATIONS_PS_PREFIX - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Variations PostScript Name Prefix
variationToString(Out<String[]>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Variation
Converts an hb_variation_t into a NULL-terminated string in the format understood by hb_variation_from_string().
variationToString(Variation, Out<String[]>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
Converts an hb_variation_t into a NULL-terminated string in the format understood by hb_variation_from_string().
VarInt - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
VarInt(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.VarInt
Allocate a new VarInt.
VarInt(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.VarInt
Create a VarInt proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VarNum - Class in org.freedesktop.harfbuzz
VarNum(Arena) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.VarNum
Allocate a new VarNum.
VarNum(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.VarNum
Create a VarNum proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Vec2 - Class in org.gnome.graphene
A structure capable of holding a vector with two dimensions, x and y.
Vec2() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Allocate a new Vec2.
Vec2(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Allocate a new Vec2.
Vec2(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Create a Vec2 proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Vec2(Simd4F) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Allocate a new Vec2 with the fields set to the provided values.
Vec2(Simd4F, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Allocate a new Vec2 with the fields set to the provided values.
VEC2 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.GLUniformType
A GLSL vec2 / graphene_vec2_t uniform
VEC2_LEN - Static variable in class org.gnome.graphene.Graphene
Evaluates to the number of components of a graphene_vec2_t.
Vec3 - Class in org.gnome.graphene
A structure capable of holding a vector with three dimensions: x, y, and z.
Vec3() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Allocate a new Vec3.
Vec3(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Allocate a new Vec3.
Vec3(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Create a Vec3 proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Vec3(Simd4F) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Allocate a new Vec3 with the fields set to the provided values.
Vec3(Simd4F, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Allocate a new Vec3 with the fields set to the provided values.
VEC3 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.GLUniformType
A GLSL vec3 / graphene_vec3_t uniform
VEC3_LEN - Static variable in class org.gnome.graphene.Graphene
Evaluates to the number of components of a graphene_vec3_t.
Vec4 - Class in org.gnome.graphene
A structure capable of holding a vector with four dimensions: x, y, z, and w.
Vec4() - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Allocate a new Vec4.
Vec4(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Allocate a new Vec4.
Vec4(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Create a Vec4 proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Vec4(Simd4F) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Allocate a new Vec4 with the fields set to the provided values.
Vec4(Simd4F, Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Allocate a new Vec4 with the fields set to the provided values.
VEC4 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.GLUniformType
A GLSL vec4 / graphene_vec4_t uniform
VEC4_LEN - Static variable in class org.gnome.graphene.Graphene
Evaluates to the number of components of a graphene_vec4_t.
VENDOR_URL - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
URL of font vendor
VERBOSE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugGraphDetails
show all details regardless of how large or verbose they make the resulting output
verify(SocketConnectable, TlsCertificate) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsCertificate
This verifies this TlsCertificate and returns a set of GTlsCertificateFlags indicating any problems found with it.
VERIFY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.BufferFlags
flag indicating that the hb_shape() call and its variants should perform various verification processes on the results of the shaping operation on the buffer.
verifyChain(TlsCertificate, String, SocketConnectable, TlsInteraction, Set<TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Determines the validity of a certificate chain, outside the context of a TLS session.
verifyChain(TlsCertificate, String, SocketConnectable, TlsInteraction, TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Determines the validity of a certificate chain, outside the context of a TLS session.
verifyChainAsync(TlsCertificate, String, SocketConnectable, TlsInteraction, Set<TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags>, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Asynchronously determines the validity of a certificate chain after looking up and adding any missing certificates to the chain.
verifyChainAsync(TlsCertificate, String, SocketConnectable, TlsInteraction, TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Asynchronously determines the validity of a certificate chain after looking up and adding any missing certificates to the chain.
verifyChainFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.TlsDatabase
Finish an asynchronous verify chain operation.
version() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Returns the encoded version of Pango available at run-time.
version(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
Gets the version number of the GStreamer library.
VERSION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TocEntryType
entry is a version (i.e.
VERSION_MAJOR - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
The major version of GStreamer at compile time:
VERSION_MAJOR - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
VERSION_MAJOR - Static variable in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
The major component of the version of Pango available at compile-time.
VERSION_MICRO - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
The micro version of GStreamer at compile time:
VERSION_MICRO - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
VERSION_MICRO - Static variable in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
The micro component of the version of Pango available at compile-time.
VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
A macro that should be defined by the user prior to including the glib.h header.
VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED - Static variable in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
A macro that should be defined by the user prior to including libsoup.h.
VERSION_MINOR - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
The minor version of GStreamer at compile time:
VERSION_MINOR - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
VERSION_MINOR - Static variable in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
The minor component of the version of Pango available at compile-time.
VERSION_MISMATCH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.BuilderError
The input file requires a newer version of GTK.
VERSION_NANO - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
The nano version of GStreamer at compile time: Actual releases have 0, GIT versions have 1, prerelease versions have 2-...
VERSION_S - Static variable in class org.gnome.adw.Adw
Adwaita version, encoded as a string, useful for printing and concatenation.
VERSION_STRING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
Version string
VERSION_STRING - Static variable in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.HarfBuzz
VERSION_STRING - Static variable in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
A string literal containing the version of Pango available at compile-time.
versionCheck(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Checks that the Pango library in use is compatible with the given version.
versionString() - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Gst
This function returns a string that is useful for describing this version of GStreamer to the outside world: user agent strings, logging, ...
versionString() - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.Pango
Returns the version of Pango available at run-time.
VERT - Enum constant in enum class
Flip vertically
VERTERR - Enum constant in enum class
propagate rounding errors downwards
vertical(VideoFormat, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, int, int) - Method in class
Vertically combine width pixels in the lines in srcLines to dest.
VERTICAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.EventControllerScrollFlags
Emit scroll with vertical deltas.
VERTICAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Orientation
The element is in vertical orientation.
VERTICAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.PrintDuplex
Vertical duplex.
VERTICAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SizeGroupMode
group affects vertical requisition
VERTICAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewGridLines
Vertical grid lines.
VERTICAL_ASCENDER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
vertical ascender.
VERTICAL_BGR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SubpixelLayout
The layout is vertical, the order is BGR
VERTICAL_CARET_OFFSET - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
vertical caret offset.
VERTICAL_CARET_RISE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
vertical caret rise.
VERTICAL_CARET_RUN - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
vertical caret run.
VERTICAL_DESCENDER - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
vertical descender.
VERTICAL_FRACTIONS - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
VERTICAL_LINE_GAP - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
vertical line gap.
VERTICAL_POSITION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
VERTICAL_RGB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SubpixelLayout
The layout is vertical, the order is RGB
VERTICAL_SUBSTITUTION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureType
VERTICAL_WRITING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
The text is vertical
VERY_HIGH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessagePriority
The highest priority, use this for very urgent SoupMessage as they will be the first ones to be attended.
VERY_LOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.soup.MessagePriority
The lowest priority, the messages with this priority will be the last ones to be attended.
Vfs - Class in org.gnome.gio
Entry point for using GIO functionality.
Vfs(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Vfs
Create a Vfs proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VFS_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Extension point for GVfs functionality.
Vfs.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Vfs.VfsClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
VfsClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Vfs.VfsClass
Allocate a new VfsClass.
VfsClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Vfs.VfsClass
Allocate a new VfsClass.
VfsClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Vfs.VfsClass
Create a VfsClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VfsFileLookupFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the VfsFileLookupFunc callback.
Video - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkVideo is a widget to show a GtkMediaStream with media controls.
Video() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Creates a new empty GtkVideo.
Video(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Video
Create a Video proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamType
The stream carries video data
VIDEO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.pbutils.PbUtilsCapsDescriptionFlags
Caps describe an video format, or a container format that can store video.
VIDEO_COLORIMETRY_BT2020 - Static variable in class
VIDEO_COLORIMETRY_BT2020_10 - Static variable in class
VIDEO_COLORIMETRY_BT2100_HLG - Static variable in class
VIDEO_COLORIMETRY_BT2100_PQ - Static variable in class
VIDEO_COLORIMETRY_BT601 - Static variable in class
VIDEO_COLORIMETRY_BT709 - Static variable in class
VIDEO_COLORIMETRY_SMPTE240M - Static variable in class
VIDEO_COLORIMETRY_SRGB - Static variable in class
VIDEO_COMP_A - Static variable in class
VIDEO_COMP_B - Static variable in class
VIDEO_COMP_G - Static variable in class
VIDEO_COMP_INDEX - Static variable in class
VIDEO_COMP_PALETTE - Static variable in class
VIDEO_COMP_R - Static variable in class
VIDEO_COMP_U - Static variable in class
VIDEO_COMP_V - Static variable in class
VIDEO_COMP_Y - Static variable in class
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_ALPHA_MODE - Static variable in class
GstVideoAlphaMode, the alpha mode to use.
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_ALPHA_VALUE - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_DOUBLE, the alpha color value to use.
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_ASYNC_TASKS - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, whether gst_video_converter_frame() will return immediately without waiting for the conversion to complete.
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_BORDER_ARGB - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_UINT, the border color to use if GST_VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_FILL_BORDER is set to true.
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_CHROMA_MODE - Static variable in class
GstVideoChromaMode, set the chroma resample mode subsampled formats.
GstVideoChromaMethod, The resampler method to use for chroma resampling.
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_DEST_HEIGHT - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_INT, height in the destination frame, default destination height
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_DEST_WIDTH - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_INT, width in the destination frame, default destination width
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_DEST_X - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_INT, x position in the destination frame, default 0
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_DEST_Y - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_INT, y position in the destination frame, default 0
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_DITHER_METHOD - Static variable in class
GstVideoDitherMethod, The dither method to use when changing bit depth.
G_TYPE_UINT, The quantization amount to dither to.
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_FILL_BORDER - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, if the destination rectangle does not fill the complete destination image, render a border with GST_VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_BORDER_ARGB.
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_GAMMA_MODE - Static variable in class
GstVideoGammaMode, set the gamma mode.
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_MATRIX_MODE - Static variable in class
GstVideoMatrixMode, set the color matrix conversion mode for converting between Y'PbPr and non-linear RGB (R'G'B').
GstVideoPrimariesMode, set the primaries conversion mode.
GstVideoResamplerMethod, The resampler method to use for resampling.
G_TYPE_UINT, The number of taps for the resampler.
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_SRC_HEIGHT - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_INT, source height to convert, default source height
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_SRC_WIDTH - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_INT, source width to convert, default source width
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_SRC_X - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_INT, source x position to start conversion, default 0
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_SRC_Y - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_INT, source y position to start conversion, default 0
VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_THREADS - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_UINT, maximum number of threads to use.
VIDEO_DECODER_MAX_ERRORS - Static variable in class
Default maximum number of errors tolerated before signaling error.
VIDEO_DECODER_SINK_NAME - Static variable in class
The name of the templates for the sink pad.
VIDEO_DECODER_SRC_NAME - Static variable in class
The name of the templates for the source pad.
VIDEO_DMA_DRM_CAPS_MAKE - Static variable in class
Generic caps string for video wit DMABuf(GST_CAPS_FEATURE_MEMORY_DMABUF) feature, for use in pad templates.
VIDEO_ENCODER_SINK_NAME - Static variable in class
The name of the templates for the sink pad.
VIDEO_ENCODER_SRC_NAME - Static variable in class
The name of the templates for the source pad.
VIDEO_FORMATS_ALL - Static variable in class
List of all video formats, for use in template caps strings.
VIDEO_FORMATS_ALL_STR - Static variable in class
Declare all video formats as a string.
VIDEO_FORMATS_ANY - Static variable in class
This is similar to GST_VIDEO_FORMATS_ALL but includes formats like DMA_DRM that do not have a software converter.
VIDEO_FORMATS_ANY_STR - Static variable in class
This is similar to GST_VIDEO_FORMATS_ALL_STR but includes formats like DMA_DRM for which no software converter exists.
VIDEO_FPS_RANGE - Static variable in class
VIDEO_MAX_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class
VIDEO_MAX_PLANES - Static variable in class
VIDEO_RESAMPLER_OPT_CUBIC_B - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_DOUBLE, B parameter of the cubic filter.
VIDEO_RESAMPLER_OPT_CUBIC_C - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_DOUBLE, C parameter of the cubic filter.
VIDEO_RESAMPLER_OPT_ENVELOPE - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_DOUBLE, specifies the size of filter envelope for GSTVIDEORESAMPLERMETHODLANCZOS.
VIDEO_RESAMPLER_OPT_MAX_TAPS - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_INT, limits the maximum number of taps to use.
VIDEO_RESAMPLER_OPT_SHARPEN - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_DOUBLE, specifies sharpening of the filter for GSTVIDEORESAMPLERMETHODLANCZOS.
VIDEO_RESAMPLER_OPT_SHARPNESS - Static variable in class
G_TYPE_DOUBLE, specifies sharpness of the filter for GSTVIDEORESAMPLERMETHODLANCZOS.
VIDEO_SCALER_OPT_DITHER_METHOD - Static variable in class
GstVideoDitherMethod, The dither method to use for propagating quatization errors.
VIDEO_SIZE_RANGE - Static variable in class
VIDEO_TILE_TYPE_MASK - Static variable in class
VIDEO_TILE_TYPE_SHIFT - Static variable in class
VIDEO_TILE_X_TILES_MASK - Static variable in class
VIDEO_TILE_Y_TILES_SHIFT - Static variable in class
Video.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Video.VideoClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
VideoAFDMeta - Class in
Active Format Description (AFD)
VideoAFDMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAFDMeta.
VideoAFDMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAFDMeta.
VideoAFDMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoAFDMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoAFDMeta(Meta, byte, VideoAFDSpec, VideoAFDValue) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAFDMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoAFDMeta(Meta, byte, VideoAFDSpec, VideoAFDValue, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAFDMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
videoAfdMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
VideoAFDSpec - Enum Class in
Enumeration of the different standards that may apply to AFD data:
VideoAFDValue - Enum Class in
Enumeration of the various values for Active Format Description (AFD)
VideoAffineTransformationGetMatrix - Interface in
Functional interface declaration of the VideoAffineTransformationGetMatrix callback.
VideoAffineTransformationMeta - Class in
Extra buffer metadata for performing an affine transformation using a 4x4 matrix.
VideoAffineTransformationMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAffineTransformationMeta.
VideoAffineTransformationMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAffineTransformationMeta.
VideoAffineTransformationMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoAffineTransformationMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoAffineTransformationMeta(Meta, float[]) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAffineTransformationMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoAffineTransformationMeta(Meta, float[], Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAffineTransformationMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
videoAffineTransformationMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
VideoAggregator - Class in
VideoAggregator can accept AYUV, ARGB and BGRA video streams.
VideoAggregator(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoAggregator proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoAggregator.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
VideoAggregator.VideoAggregatorClass - Class in
VideoAggregator.VideoAggregatorImpl - Class in
The VideoAggregatorImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract VideoAggregator class.
VideoAggregatorClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAggregatorClass.
VideoAggregatorClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAggregatorClass.
VideoAggregatorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoAggregatorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoAggregatorConvertPad - Class in
An implementation of GstPad that can be used with GstVideoAggregator.
VideoAggregatorConvertPad(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoAggregatorConvertPad proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoAggregatorConvertPad.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
VideoAggregatorConvertPad.VideoAggregatorConvertPadClass - Class in
VideoAggregatorConvertPadClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAggregatorConvertPadClass.
VideoAggregatorConvertPadClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAggregatorConvertPadClass.
VideoAggregatorConvertPadClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoAggregatorConvertPadClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoAggregatorImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of VideoAggregator for the provided memory address.
VideoAggregatorPad - Class in
VideoAggregatorPad(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoAggregatorPad proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoAggregatorPad.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
VideoAggregatorPad.VideoAggregatorPadClass - Class in
VideoAggregatorPadClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAggregatorPadClass.
VideoAggregatorPadClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAggregatorPadClass.
VideoAggregatorPadClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoAggregatorPadClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoAggregatorParallelConvertPad - Class in
An implementation of GstPad that can be used with GstVideoAggregator.
VideoAggregatorParallelConvertPad(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoAggregatorParallelConvertPad proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoAggregatorParallelConvertPad.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
VideoAggregatorParallelConvertPad.VideoAggregatorParallelConvertPadClass - Class in
VideoAggregatorParallelConvertPadClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAggregatorParallelConvertPadClass.
VideoAggregatorParallelConvertPadClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAggregatorParallelConvertPadClass.
VideoAggregatorParallelConvertPadClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoAggregatorParallelConvertPadClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoAlignment - Class in
Extra alignment parameters for the memory of video buffers.
VideoAlignment() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAlignment.
VideoAlignment(int, int, int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAlignment with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoAlignment(int, int, int, int, int[], Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAlignment with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoAlignment(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAlignment.
VideoAlignment(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoAlignment proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoAlphaMode - Enum Class in
Different alpha modes.
VideoAncillary - Class in
Video Ancillary data, according to SMPTE-291M specification.
VideoAncillary() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAncillary.
VideoAncillary(byte, byte, byte, byte[]) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAncillary with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoAncillary(byte, byte, byte, byte[], Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAncillary with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoAncillary(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoAncillary.
VideoAncillary(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoAncillary proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoAncillaryDID - Enum Class in
VideoAncillaryDID16 - Enum Class in
Some know types of Ancillary Data identifiers.
VideoBarMeta - Class in
Bar data should be included in video user data whenever the rectangular picture area containing useful information does not extend to the full height or width of the coded frame and AFD alone is insufficient to describe the extent of the image.
VideoBarMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoBarMeta.
VideoBarMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoBarMeta.
VideoBarMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoBarMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoBarMeta(Meta, byte, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoBarMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoBarMeta(Meta, byte, boolean, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoBarMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
videoBarMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
videoBlend(VideoFrame, VideoFrame, int, int, float) - Static method in class
Lets you blend the src image into the dest image
videoBlendScaleLinearRGBA(VideoInfo, Buffer, int, int, VideoInfo, Out<Buffer>) - Static method in class
Scales a buffer containing RGBA (or AYUV) video.
VideoBufferFlags - Enum Class in
Additional video buffer flags.
VideoBufferPool - Class in
VideoBufferPool() - Constructor for class
Create a new bufferpool that can allocate video frames.
VideoBufferPool(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoBufferPool proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoBufferPool.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
VideoBufferPool.VideoBufferPoolClass - Class in
VideoBufferPoolClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoBufferPoolClass.
VideoBufferPoolClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoBufferPoolClass.
VideoBufferPoolClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoBufferPoolClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
videoCalculateDisplayRatio(Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class
Given the Pixel Aspect Ratio and size of an input video frame, and the pixel aspect ratio of the intended display device, calculates the actual display ratio the video will be rendered with.
VideoCaptionMeta - Class in
Extra buffer metadata providing Closed Caption.
VideoCaptionMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCaptionMeta.
VideoCaptionMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCaptionMeta.
VideoCaptionMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoCaptionMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoCaptionMeta(Meta, VideoCaptionType, byte[], long) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCaptionMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoCaptionMeta(Meta, VideoCaptionType, byte[], long, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCaptionMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
videoCaptionMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
VideoCaptionType - Enum Class in
The various known types of Closed Caption (CC).
videoCenterRect(VideoRectangle, VideoRectangle, VideoRectangle, boolean) - Static method in class
Takes src rectangle and position it at the center of dst rectangle with or without scaling.
VideoChromaFlags - Enum Class in
Extra flags that influence the result from gst_video_chroma_resample_new().
videoChromaFromString(String) - Static method in class
Use gst_video_chroma_site_from_string() instead.
VideoChromaMethod - Enum Class in
Different subsampling and upsampling methods
VideoChromaMode - Enum Class in
Different chroma downsampling and upsampling modes
videoChromaResample(MemorySegment, int) - Method in class
Perform resampling of width chroma pixels in lines.
videoChromaResample(VideoChromaResample, MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class
Perform resampling of width chroma pixels in lines.
VideoChromaResample - Class in
VideoChromaResample(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoChromaResample proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoChromaSite - Enum Class in
Various Chroma sitings.
videoChromaToString(Set<VideoChromaSite>) - Static method in class
Use gst_video_chroma_site_to_string() instead.
videoChromaToString(VideoChromaSite...) - Static method in class
Use gst_video_chroma_site_to_string() instead.
VideoClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Video.VideoClass
Allocate a new VideoClass.
VideoClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Video.VideoClass
Allocate a new VideoClass.
VideoClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Video.VideoClass
Create a VideoClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoCodecAlphaMeta - Class in
This meta is primarily for internal use in GStreamer elements to support VP8/VP9 transparent video stored into WebM or Matroska containers, or transparent static AV1 images.
VideoCodecAlphaMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCodecAlphaMeta.
VideoCodecAlphaMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCodecAlphaMeta.
VideoCodecAlphaMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoCodecAlphaMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoCodecAlphaMeta(Meta, Buffer) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCodecAlphaMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoCodecAlphaMeta(Meta, Buffer, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCodecAlphaMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
videoCodecAlphaMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
VideoCodecFrame - Class in
A GstVideoCodecFrame represents a video frame both in raw and encoded form.
VideoCodecFrame() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCodecFrame.
VideoCodecFrame(int, int, int, int, int, ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime, int, Buffer, Buffer, ClockTime, MemorySegment, DestroyNotify) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCodecFrame with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoCodecFrame(int, int, int, int, int, ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime, int, Buffer, Buffer, ClockTime, MemorySegment, DestroyNotify, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCodecFrame with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoCodecFrame(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCodecFrame.
VideoCodecFrame(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoCodecFrame proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoCodecFrameFlags - Enum Class in
Flags for GstVideoCodecFrame
VideoCodecState - Class in
Structure representing the state of an incoming or outgoing video stream for encoders and decoders.
VideoCodecState() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCodecState.
VideoCodecState(int, VideoInfo, Caps, Buffer, Caps, VideoMasteringDisplayInfo, VideoContentLightLevel) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCodecState with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoCodecState(int, VideoInfo, Caps, Buffer, Caps, VideoMasteringDisplayInfo, VideoContentLightLevel, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCodecState with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoCodecState(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCodecState.
VideoCodecState(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoCodecState proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoColorimetry - Class in
Structure describing the color info.
VideoColorimetry() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoColorimetry.
VideoColorimetry(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoColorimetry.
VideoColorimetry(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoColorimetry proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoColorimetry(VideoColorRange, VideoColorMatrix, VideoTransferFunction, VideoColorPrimaries) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoColorimetry with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoColorimetry(VideoColorRange, VideoColorMatrix, VideoTransferFunction, VideoColorPrimaries, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoColorimetry with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoColorMatrix - Enum Class in
The color matrix is used to convert between Y'PbPr and non-linear RGB (R'G'B')
VideoColorPrimaries - Enum Class in
The color primaries define the how to transform linear RGB values to and from the CIE XYZ colorspace.
VideoColorPrimariesInfo - Class in
Structure describing the chromaticity coordinates of an RGB system.
VideoColorPrimariesInfo() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoColorPrimariesInfo.
VideoColorPrimariesInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoColorPrimariesInfo.
VideoColorPrimariesInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoColorPrimariesInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoColorPrimariesInfo(VideoColorPrimaries, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoColorPrimariesInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoColorPrimariesInfo(VideoColorPrimaries, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoColorPrimariesInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoColorRange - Enum Class in
Possible color range values.
videoColorTransferDecode(VideoTransferFunction, double) - Static method in class
videoColorTransferEncode(VideoTransferFunction, double) - Static method in class
VideoContentLightLevel - Class in
Content light level information specified in CEA-861.3, Appendix A.
VideoContentLightLevel() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoContentLightLevel.
VideoContentLightLevel(short, short) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoContentLightLevel with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoContentLightLevel(short, short, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoContentLightLevel with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoContentLightLevel(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoContentLightLevel.
VideoContentLightLevel(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoContentLightLevel proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Videoconverter - Search tag in package
VideoConverter - Class in
VideoConverter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoConverter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
videoConvertSample(Sample, Caps, ClockTime) - Static method in class
Converts a raw video buffer into the specified output caps.
videoConvertSampleAsync(Sample, Caps, ClockTime, VideoConvertSampleCallback) - Static method in class
Converts a raw video buffer into the specified output caps.
VideoConvertSampleCallback - Interface in
Functional interface declaration of the VideoConvertSampleCallback callback.
VideoCropMeta - Class in
Extra buffer metadata describing image cropping.
VideoCropMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCropMeta.
VideoCropMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCropMeta.
VideoCropMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoCropMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoCropMeta(Meta, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCropMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoCropMeta(Meta, int, int, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoCropMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
videoCropMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
VideoDecoder - Class in
This base class is for video decoders turning encoded data into raw video frames.
VideoDecoder(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoDecoder proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoDecoder.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
VideoDecoder.VideoDecoderClass - Class in
Subclasses can override any of the available virtual methods or not, as needed.
VideoDecoder.VideoDecoderImpl - Class in
The VideoDecoderImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract VideoDecoder class.
VideoDecoderClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoDecoderClass.
VideoDecoderClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoDecoderClass.
VideoDecoderClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoDecoderClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoDecoderImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of VideoDecoder for the provided memory address.
VideoDecoderRequestSyncPointFlags - Enum Class in
Flags to be used in combination with gst_video_decoder_request_sync_point().
VideoDirection - Interface in
The interface allows unified access to control flipping and rotation operations of video-sources or operators.
VideoDirection.Builder<B> - Interface in
VideoDirection.VideoDirectionImpl - Class in
The VideoDirectionImpl type represents a native instance of the VideoDirection interface.
VideoDirection.VideoDirectionInterface - Class in
GstVideoDirectionInterface interface.
VideoDirectionImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of VideoDirection for the provided memory address.
VideoDirectionInterface() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoDirectionInterface.
VideoDirectionInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoDirectionInterface.
VideoDirectionInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoDirectionInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoDither - Class in
GstVideoDither provides implementations of several dithering algorithms that can be applied to lines of video pixels to quantize and dither them.
VideoDither(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoDither proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoDitherFlags - Enum Class in
Extra flags that influence the result from gst_video_chroma_resample_new().
VideoDitherMethod - Enum Class in
Different dithering methods to use.
videoDmaDrmFourccFromFormat(VideoFormat) - Static method in class
Converting the video format into dma drm fourcc.
videoDmaDrmFourccFromString(String, Out<Long>) - Static method in class
Convert the formatStr string into the drm fourcc value.
videoDmaDrmFourccToFormat(int) - Static method in class
Converting a dma drm fourcc into the video format.
videoDmaDrmFourccToString(int, long) - Static method in class
Returns a string containing drm kind format, such as NV12:0x0100000000000002, or NULL otherwise.
VideoEncoder - Class in
This base class is for video encoders turning raw video into encoded video data.
VideoEncoder(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoEncoder proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoEncoder.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
VideoEncoder.VideoEncoderClass - Class in
Subclasses can override any of the available virtual methods or not, as needed.
VideoEncoder.VideoEncoderImpl - Class in
The VideoEncoderImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract VideoEncoder class.
VideoEncoderClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoEncoderClass.
VideoEncoderClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoEncoderClass.
VideoEncoderClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoEncoderClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoEncoderImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of VideoEncoder for the provided memory address.
videoEventIsForceKeyUnit(Event) - Static method in class
Checks if an event is a force key unit event.
videoEventNewDownstreamForceKeyUnit(ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime, boolean, int) - Static method in class
Creates a new downstream force key unit event.
videoEventNewStillFrame(boolean) - Static method in class
Creates a new Still Frame event.
videoEventNewUpstreamForceKeyUnit(ClockTime, boolean, int) - Static method in class
Creates a new upstream force key unit event.
videoEventParseDownstreamForceKeyUnit(Event, ClockTime, ClockTime, ClockTime, Out<Boolean>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class
Get timestamp, stream-time, running-time, all-headers and count in the force key unit event.
videoEventParseStillFrame(Event, Out<Boolean>) - Static method in class
Parse a GstEvent, identify if it is a Still Frame event, and return the still-frame state from the event if it is.
videoEventParseUpstreamForceKeyUnit(Event, ClockTime, Out<Boolean>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class
Get running-time, all-headers and count in the force key unit event.
VideoFieldOrder - Enum Class in
Field order of interlaced content.
VideoFilter - Class in
Provides useful functions and a base class for video filters.
VideoFilter(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoFilter proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoFilter.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
VideoFilter.VideoFilterClass - Class in
The video filter class structure.
VideoFilter.VideoFilterImpl - Class in
The VideoFilterImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract VideoFilter class.
VideoFilterClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoFilterClass.
VideoFilterClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoFilterClass.
VideoFilterClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoFilterClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoFilterImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of VideoFilter for the provided memory address.
VideoFlags - Enum Class in
Extra video flags
VideoFormat - Enum Class in
Enum value describing the most common video formats.
VideoFormatFlags - Enum Class in
The different video flags that a format info can have.
VideoFormatInfo - Class in
Information for a video format.
VideoFormatInfo() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoFormatInfo.
VideoFormatInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoFormatInfo.
VideoFormatInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoFormatInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoFormatInfo(VideoFormat, String, String, Set<VideoFormatFlags>, int, int, int[], int[], int[], int, int[], int[], int[], int[], VideoFormat, VideoFormatUnpack, int, VideoFormatPack, VideoTileMode, int, int, VideoTileInfo[]) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoFormatInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoFormatInfo(VideoFormat, String, String, Set<VideoFormatFlags>, int, int, int[], int[], int[], int, int[], int[], int[], int[], VideoFormat, VideoFormatUnpack, int, VideoFormatPack, VideoTileMode, int, int, VideoTileInfo[], Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoFormatInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoFormatPack - Interface in
Functional interface declaration of the VideoFormatPack callback.
videoFormatsAny() - Static method in class
Return all the raw video formats supported by GStreamer including special opaque formats such as VideoFormat.DMA_DRM for which no software conversion exists.
videoFormatsRaw() - Static method in class
Return all the raw video formats supported by GStreamer.
VideoFormatUnpack - Interface in
Functional interface declaration of the VideoFormatUnpack callback.
VideoFrame - Class in
A video frame obtained from gst_video_frame_map()
VideoFrame() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoFrame.
VideoFrame(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoFrame.
VideoFrame(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoFrame proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoFrame(VideoInfo, Set<VideoFrameFlags>, Buffer, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment[], MapInfo[]) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoFrame with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoFrame(VideoInfo, Set<VideoFrameFlags>, Buffer, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment[], MapInfo[], Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoFrame with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoFrameFlags - Enum Class in
Extra video frame flags
VideoFrameMapFlags - Enum Class in
Additional mapping flags for gst_video_frame_map().
VideoGammaMode - Enum Class in
VideoGLTextureOrientation - Enum Class in
The orientation of the GL texture.
VideoGLTextureType - Enum Class in
The GL texture type.
VideoGLTextureUpload - Interface in
Functional interface declaration of the VideoGLTextureUpload callback.
VideoGLTextureUploadMeta - Class in
Extra buffer metadata for uploading a buffer to an OpenGL texture ID.
VideoGLTextureUploadMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoGLTextureUploadMeta.
VideoGLTextureUploadMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoGLTextureUploadMeta.
VideoGLTextureUploadMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoGLTextureUploadMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoGLTextureUploadMeta(Meta, VideoGLTextureOrientation, int, VideoGLTextureType[], Buffer, VideoGLTextureUpload, MemorySegment, BoxedCopyFunc, BoxedFreeFunc) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoGLTextureUploadMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoGLTextureUploadMeta(Meta, VideoGLTextureOrientation, int, VideoGLTextureType[], Buffer, VideoGLTextureUpload, MemorySegment, BoxedCopyFunc, BoxedFreeFunc, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoGLTextureUploadMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
videoGlTextureUploadMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
videoGuessFramerate(ClockTime, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Static method in class
Given the nominal duration of one video frame, this function will check some standard framerates for a close match (within 0.1%) and return one if possible,
VideoInfo - Class in
Information describing image properties.
VideoInfo() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new GstVideoInfo that is also initialized with gst_video_info_init().
VideoInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoInfoDmaDrm - Class in
Information describing a DMABuf image properties.
VideoInfoDmaDrm() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new GstVideoInfoDmaDrm that is also initialized with gst_video_info_dma_drm_init().
VideoInfoDmaDrm(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoInfoDmaDrm proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoInterlaceMode - Enum Class in
The possible values of the GstVideoInterlaceMode describing the interlace mode of the stream.
videoIsCommonAspectRatio(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class
Given a frame's dimensions and pixel aspect ratio, this function will calculate the frame's aspect ratio and compare it against a set of common well-known "standard" aspect ratios.
videoIsDmaDrmCaps(Caps) - Static method in class
Check whether the caps is a dma drm kind caps.
videoMakeRawCaps(VideoFormat[]) - Static method in class
Return a generic raw video caps for formats defined in formats.
videoMakeRawCapsWithFeatures(VideoFormat[], CapsFeatures) - Static method in class
Return a generic raw video caps for formats defined in formats with features features.
VideoMasteringDisplayInfo - Class in
Mastering display color volume information defined by SMPTE ST 2086 (a.k.a static HDR metadata).
VideoMasteringDisplayInfo() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoMasteringDisplayInfo.
VideoMasteringDisplayInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoMasteringDisplayInfo.
VideoMasteringDisplayInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoMasteringDisplayInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoMasteringDisplayInfo(VideoMasteringDisplayInfoCoordinates[], VideoMasteringDisplayInfoCoordinates, int, int) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoMasteringDisplayInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoMasteringDisplayInfo(VideoMasteringDisplayInfoCoordinates[], VideoMasteringDisplayInfoCoordinates, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoMasteringDisplayInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoMasteringDisplayInfoCoordinates - Class in
Used to represent display_primaries and white_point of GstVideoMasteringDisplayInfo struct.
VideoMasteringDisplayInfoCoordinates() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoMasteringDisplayInfoCoordinates.
VideoMasteringDisplayInfoCoordinates(short, short) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoMasteringDisplayInfoCoordinates with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoMasteringDisplayInfoCoordinates(short, short, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoMasteringDisplayInfoCoordinates with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoMasteringDisplayInfoCoordinates(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoMasteringDisplayInfoCoordinates.
VideoMasteringDisplayInfoCoordinates(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoMasteringDisplayInfoCoordinates proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoMatrixMode - Enum Class in
Different color matrix conversion modes
VideoMeta - Class in
Extra buffer metadata describing image properties
VideoMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoMeta.
VideoMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoMeta.
VideoMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoMeta(Meta, Buffer, Set<VideoFrameFlags>, VideoFormat, int, int, int, int, long[], int[], VideoMeta.MapCallback, VideoMeta.UnmapCallback, VideoAlignment) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoMeta(Meta, Buffer, Set<VideoFrameFlags>, VideoFormat, int, int, int, int, long[], int[], VideoMeta.MapCallback, VideoMeta.UnmapCallback, VideoAlignment, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoMeta.MapCallback - Interface in
Functional interface declaration of the MapCallback callback.
VideoMeta.UnmapCallback - Interface in
Functional interface declaration of the UnmapCallback callback.
videoMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
VideoMetaTransform - Class in
Extra data passed to a video transform GstMetaTransformFunction such as: "gst-video-scale".
VideoMetaTransform() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoMetaTransform.
VideoMetaTransform(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoMetaTransform.
VideoMetaTransform(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoMetaTransform proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoMetaTransform(VideoInfo, VideoInfo) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoMetaTransform with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoMetaTransform(VideoInfo, VideoInfo, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoMetaTransform with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoMultiviewFlags - Enum Class in
GstVideoMultiviewFlags are used to indicate extra properties of a stereo/multiview stream beyond the frame layout and buffer mapping that is conveyed in the GstVideoMultiviewMode.
VideoMultiviewFlagsSet - Class in
See GstVideoMultiviewFlags.
VideoMultiviewFlagsSet(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoMultiviewFlagsSet proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoMultiviewFramePacking - Enum Class in
GstVideoMultiviewFramePacking represents the subset of GstVideoMultiviewMode values that can be applied to any video frame without needing extra metadata.
videoMultiviewGetDoubledHeightModes() - Static method in class
videoMultiviewGetDoubledSizeModes() - Static method in class
videoMultiviewGetDoubledWidthModes() - Static method in class
videoMultiviewGetMonoModes() - Static method in class
videoMultiviewGetUnpackedModes() - Static method in class
videoMultiviewGuessHalfAspect(VideoMultiviewMode, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class
VideoMultiviewMode - Enum Class in
All possible stereoscopic 3D and multiview representations.
videoMultiviewVideoInfoChangeMode(VideoInfo, VideoMultiviewMode, Set<VideoMultiviewFlags>) - Static method in class
Utility function that transforms the width/height/PAR and multiview mode and flags of a GstVideoInfo into the requested mode.
videoMultiviewVideoInfoChangeMode(VideoInfo, VideoMultiviewMode, VideoMultiviewFlags...) - Static method in class
Utility function that transforms the width/height/PAR and multiview mode and flags of a GstVideoInfo into the requested mode.
VideoOrientation - Interface in
The interface allows unified access to control flipping and autocenter operation of video-sources or operators.
VideoOrientation.VideoOrientationImpl - Class in
The VideoOrientationImpl type represents a native instance of the VideoOrientation interface.
VideoOrientation.VideoOrientationInterface - Class in
GstVideoOrientationInterface interface.
VideoOrientationImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of VideoOrientation for the provided memory address.
VideoOrientationInterface() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoOrientationInterface.
VideoOrientationInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoOrientationInterface.
VideoOrientationInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoOrientationInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoOrientationMethod - Enum Class in
The different video orientation methods.
VideoOverlay - Interface in
The GstVideoOverlay interface is used for 2 main purposes : To get a grab on the Window where the video sink element is going to render.
VideoOverlay.VideoOverlayImpl - Class in
The VideoOverlayImpl type represents a native instance of the VideoOverlay interface.
VideoOverlay.VideoOverlayInterface - Class in
GstVideoOverlay interface
VideoOverlayComposition - Class in
Functions to create and handle overlay compositions on video buffers.
VideoOverlayComposition() - Constructor for class
VideoOverlayComposition(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoOverlayComposition proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoOverlayComposition(VideoOverlayRectangle) - Constructor for class
Creates a new video overlay composition object to hold one or more overlay rectangles.
VideoOverlayCompositionMeta - Class in
Extra buffer metadata describing image overlay data.
VideoOverlayCompositionMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoOverlayCompositionMeta.
VideoOverlayCompositionMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoOverlayCompositionMeta.
VideoOverlayCompositionMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoOverlayCompositionMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoOverlayCompositionMeta(Meta, VideoOverlayComposition) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoOverlayCompositionMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoOverlayCompositionMeta(Meta, VideoOverlayComposition, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoOverlayCompositionMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
videoOverlayCompositionMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
VideoOverlayFormatFlags - Enum Class in
Overlay format flags.
VideoOverlayImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of VideoOverlay for the provided memory address.
VideoOverlayInterface() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoOverlayInterface.
VideoOverlayInterface(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoOverlayInterface.
VideoOverlayInterface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoOverlayInterface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoOverlayRectangle - Class in
An opaque video overlay rectangle object.
VideoOverlayRectangle(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoOverlayRectangle proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoPackFlags - Enum Class in
The different flags that can be used when packing and unpacking.
VideoPrimariesMode - Enum Class in
Different primaries conversion modes
VideoRectangle - Class in
Helper structure representing a rectangular area.
VideoRectangle() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoRectangle.
VideoRectangle(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoRectangle with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoRectangle(int, int, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoRectangle with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoRectangle(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoRectangle.
VideoRectangle(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoRectangle proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoRegionOfInterestMeta - Class in
Extra buffer metadata describing an image region of interest
VideoRegionOfInterestMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoRegionOfInterestMeta.
VideoRegionOfInterestMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoRegionOfInterestMeta.
VideoRegionOfInterestMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoRegionOfInterestMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoRegionOfInterestMeta(Meta, Quark, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoRegionOfInterestMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoRegionOfInterestMeta(Meta, Quark, int, int, int, int, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoRegionOfInterestMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
videoRegionOfInterestMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
VideoResampler - Class in
GstVideoResampler is a structure which holds the information required to perform various kinds of resampling filtering.
VideoResampler() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoResampler.
VideoResampler(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoResampler with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoResampler(int, int, int, int, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, MemorySegment, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoResampler with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoResampler(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoResampler.
VideoResampler(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoResampler proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoResamplerFlags - Enum Class in
Different resampler flags.
VideoResamplerMethod - Enum Class in
Different subsampling and upsampling methods
VideoScaler - Class in
GstVideoScaler is a utility object for rescaling and resampling video frames using various interpolation / sampling methods.
VideoScaler(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoScaler proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoScalerFlags - Enum Class in
Different scale flags.
VideoSEIUserDataUnregisteredMeta - Class in
H.264 H.265 metadata from SEI User Data Unregistered messages
VideoSEIUserDataUnregisteredMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoSEIUserDataUnregisteredMeta.
VideoSEIUserDataUnregisteredMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoSEIUserDataUnregisteredMeta.
VideoSEIUserDataUnregisteredMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoSEIUserDataUnregisteredMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoSEIUserDataUnregisteredMeta(Meta, byte[], MemorySegment, long) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoSEIUserDataUnregisteredMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoSEIUserDataUnregisteredMeta(Meta, byte[], MemorySegment, long, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoSEIUserDataUnregisteredMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
videoSeiUserDataUnregisteredMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
videoSeiUserDataUnregisteredParsePrecisionTimeStamp(VideoSEIUserDataUnregisteredMeta, Out<Byte>, Out<Long>) - Static method in class
Parses and returns the Precision Time Stamp (ST 0604) from the SEI User Data Unregistered buffer
VideoSink - Class in
Provides useful functions and a base class for video sinks.
VideoSink(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoSink proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoSink.Builder<B> - Class in
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
VideoSink.VideoSinkClass - Class in
The video sink class structure.
VideoSinkClass() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoSinkClass.
VideoSinkClass(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoSinkClass.
VideoSinkClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoSinkClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
videoTileGetIndex(VideoTileMode, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class
Get the tile index of the tile at coordinates x and y in the tiled image of xTiles by yTiles.
VideoTileInfo - Class in
Description of a tile.
VideoTileInfo() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoTileInfo.
VideoTileInfo(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoTileInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoTileInfo(int, int, int, int, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoTileInfo with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoTileInfo(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoTileInfo.
VideoTileInfo(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoTileInfo proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoTileMode - Enum Class in
Enum value describing the available tiling modes.
VideoTileType - Enum Class in
Enum value describing the most common tiling types.
VideoTimeCode - Class in
fieldCount must be 0 for progressive video and 1 or 2 for interlaced.
VideoTimeCode(int, int, DateTime, Set<VideoTimeCodeFlags>, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
fieldCount is 0 for progressive, 1 or 2 for interlaced.
VideoTimeCode(int, int, DateTime, VideoTimeCodeFlags, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
fieldCount is 0 for progressive, 1 or 2 for interlaced.
VideoTimeCode(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoTimeCode proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoTimeCodeConfig - Class in
Supported frame rates: 30000/1001, 60000/1001 (both with and without drop frame), and integer frame rates e.g.
VideoTimeCodeConfig() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoTimeCodeConfig.
VideoTimeCodeConfig(int, int, Set<VideoTimeCodeFlags>, DateTime) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoTimeCodeConfig with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoTimeCodeConfig(int, int, Set<VideoTimeCodeFlags>, DateTime, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoTimeCodeConfig with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoTimeCodeConfig(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoTimeCodeConfig.
VideoTimeCodeConfig(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoTimeCodeConfig proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoTimeCodeFlags - Enum Class in
Flags related to the time code information.
VideoTimeCodeInterval - Class in
A representation of a difference between two GstVideoTimeCode instances.
VideoTimeCodeInterval(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
VideoTimeCodeInterval(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoTimeCodeInterval proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoTimeCodeMeta - Class in
Extra buffer metadata describing the GstVideoTimeCode of the frame.
VideoTimeCodeMeta() - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoTimeCodeMeta.
VideoTimeCodeMeta(Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoTimeCodeMeta.
VideoTimeCodeMeta(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoTimeCodeMeta proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoTimeCodeMeta(Meta, VideoTimeCode) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoTimeCodeMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
VideoTimeCodeMeta(Meta, VideoTimeCode, Arena) - Constructor for class
Allocate a new VideoTimeCodeMeta with the fields set to the provided values.
videoTimeCodeMetaApiGetType() - Static method in class
VideoTransferFunction - Enum Class in
The video transfer function defines the formula for converting between non-linear RGB (R'G'B') and linear RGB
VideoVBIEncoder - Class in
An encoder for writing ancillary data to the Vertical Blanking Interval lines of component signals.
VideoVBIEncoder(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoVBIEncoder proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoVBIEncoder(VideoFormat, int) - Constructor for class
Create a new GstVideoVBIEncoder for the specified format and pixelWidth.
VideoVBIParser - Class in
A parser for detecting and extracting GstVideoAncillary data from Vertical Blanking Interval lines of component signals.
VideoVBIParser(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class
Create a VideoVBIParser proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VideoVBIParser(VideoFormat, int) - Constructor for class
Create a new GstVideoVBIParser for the specified format and pixelWidth.
VideoVBIParserResult - Enum Class in
Return values for GstVideoVBIParser
View - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Subclass of TextView.
View() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Creates a new GtkSourceView.
View(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Create a View proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VIEW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintVflParserError
Invalid or unknown view
View.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
View.ChangeCaseCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the ChangeCaseCallback callback.
View.ChangeNumberCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the ChangeNumberCallback callback.
View.JoinLinesCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the JoinLinesCallback callback.
View.LineMarkActivatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the LineMarkActivatedCallback callback.
View.MoveLinesCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the MoveLinesCallback callback.
View.MoveToMatchingBracketCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the MoveToMatchingBracketCallback callback.
View.MoveWordsCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the MoveWordsCallback callback.
View.PushSnippetCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the PushSnippetCallback callback.
View.ShowCompletionCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the ShowCompletionCallback callback.
View.SmartHomeEndCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the SmartHomeEndCallback callback.
View.ViewClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
ViewClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ViewClass
Allocate a new ViewClass.
ViewClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ViewClass
Allocate a new ViewClass.
ViewClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View.ViewClass
Create a ViewClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ViewGutterPosition - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Viewport - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkViewport implements scrollability for widgets that lack their own scrolling capabilities.
Viewport(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Viewport
Create a Viewport proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Viewport(Adjustment, Adjustment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Viewport
Creates a new GtkViewport.
Viewport.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ViewStack - Class in org.gnome.adw
A view container for ViewSwitcher.
ViewStack() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Creates a new AdwViewStack.
ViewStack(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack
Create a ViewStack proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ViewStack.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ViewStack.ViewStackClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
ViewStackClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack.ViewStackClass
Allocate a new ViewStackClass.
ViewStackClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack.ViewStackClass
Allocate a new ViewStackClass.
ViewStackClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewStack.ViewStackClass
Create a ViewStackClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ViewStackPage - Class in org.gnome.adw
An auxiliary class used by ViewStack.
ViewStackPage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage
Create a ViewStackPage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ViewStackPage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ViewStackPage.ViewStackPageClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
ViewStackPageClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage.ViewStackPageClass
Allocate a new ViewStackPageClass.
ViewStackPageClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage.ViewStackPageClass
Allocate a new ViewStackPageClass.
ViewStackPageClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPage.ViewStackPageClass
Create a ViewStackPageClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ViewStackPages<T> - Class in org.gnome.adw
An auxiliary class used by ViewStack.
ViewStackPages(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPages
Create a ViewStackPages proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ViewStackPages.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ViewStackPages.ViewStackPagesClass<T> - Class in org.gnome.adw
ViewStackPagesClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPages.ViewStackPagesClass
Allocate a new ViewStackPagesClass.
ViewStackPagesClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPages.ViewStackPagesClass
Allocate a new ViewStackPagesClass.
ViewStackPagesClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewStackPages.ViewStackPagesClass
Create a ViewStackPagesClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ViewSwitcher - Class in org.gnome.adw
An adaptive view switcher.
ViewSwitcher() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcher
Creates a new AdwViewSwitcher.
ViewSwitcher(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcher
Create a ViewSwitcher proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ViewSwitcher.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ViewSwitcher.ViewSwitcherClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
ViewSwitcherBar - Class in org.gnome.adw
A view switcher action bar.
ViewSwitcherBar() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherBar
Creates a new AdwViewSwitcherBar.
ViewSwitcherBar(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherBar
Create a ViewSwitcherBar proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ViewSwitcherBar.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ViewSwitcherBar.ViewSwitcherBarClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
ViewSwitcherBarClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherBar.ViewSwitcherBarClass
Allocate a new ViewSwitcherBarClass.
ViewSwitcherBarClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherBar.ViewSwitcherBarClass
Allocate a new ViewSwitcherBarClass.
ViewSwitcherBarClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherBar.ViewSwitcherBarClass
Create a ViewSwitcherBarClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ViewSwitcherClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcher.ViewSwitcherClass
Allocate a new ViewSwitcherClass.
ViewSwitcherClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcher.ViewSwitcherClass
Allocate a new ViewSwitcherClass.
ViewSwitcherClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcher.ViewSwitcherClass
Create a ViewSwitcherClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ViewSwitcherPolicy - Enum Class in org.gnome.adw
Describes the adaptive modes of ViewSwitcher.
ViewSwitcherTitle - Class in org.gnome.adw
ViewSwitcherTitle() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle
ViewSwitcherTitle(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle
Create a ViewSwitcherTitle proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ViewSwitcherTitle.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ViewSwitcherTitle.ViewSwitcherTitleClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
ViewSwitcherTitleClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle.ViewSwitcherTitleClass
Allocate a new ViewSwitcherTitleClass.
ViewSwitcherTitleClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle.ViewSwitcherTitleClass
Allocate a new ViewSwitcherTitleClass.
ViewSwitcherTitleClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherTitle.ViewSwitcherTitleClass
Create a ViewSwitcherTitleClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VimIMContext - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Vim emulation.
VimIMContext() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext
VimIMContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext
Create a VimIMContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VimIMContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
VimIMContext.EditCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the EditCallback callback.
VimIMContext.ExecuteCommandCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the ExecuteCommandCallback callback.
VimIMContext.FormatTextCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the FormatTextCallback callback.
VimIMContext.VimIMContextClass - Class in org.gnome.gtksourceview
VimIMContext.WriteCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtksourceview
Functional interface declaration of the WriteCallback callback.
VimIMContextClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.VimIMContextClass
Allocate a new VimIMContextClass.
VimIMContextClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.VimIMContextClass
Allocate a new VimIMContextClass.
VimIMContextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtksourceview.VimIMContext.VimIMContextClass
Create a VimIMContextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VIRAMA - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UnicodeCombiningClass
VIRAMA - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
VIRAMA_FINAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
VIRTUAL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.NotifyType
the pointer moves between an ancestor and an inferior of the surface.
VirtualMachine - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
JSCVirtualMachine represents a group of JSCContext<!-- -->s.
VirtualMachine() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.VirtualMachine
Create a new JSCVirtualMachine.
VirtualMachine(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.VirtualMachine
Create a VirtualMachine proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VirtualMachine.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
VirtualMachine.VirtualMachineClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
VirtualMachineClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.VirtualMachine.VirtualMachineClass
Allocate a new VirtualMachineClass.
VirtualMachineClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.VirtualMachine.VirtualMachineClass
Allocate a new VirtualMachineClass.
VirtualMachineClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.VirtualMachine.VirtualMachineClass
Create a VirtualMachineClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
visible(TreeModel, TreeIter) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelFilter
VISIBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.Overflow
No change is applied.
VISIBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.SnapshotRegion
Specifies a snapshot only for the area that is visible in the webview
VISIBLE_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextSearchFlags
Search only visible data.
VISITED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleState
Indicates that a widget with the GTK_ACCESSIBLE_ROLE_LINK has been visited.
VISITED - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.StateFlags
The location the widget points to has already been visited
VISUAL_POSITIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MovementStep
Move left or right by graphemes
VITHKUQI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Vith, Since: 3.0.0
VITHKUQI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
VOID_PENDING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.State
no pending state.
VoidFunc - Interface in org.gnome.glib
Functional interface declaration of the VoidFunc callback.
Volume - Interface in org.gnome.gio
The GVolume interface represents user-visible objects that can be mounted.
VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_KIND_CLASS - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The string used to obtain the volume class with g_volume_get_identifier().
VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_KIND_HAL_UDI - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The string used to obtain a Hal UDI with g_volume_get_identifier().
VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_KIND_LABEL - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The string used to obtain a filesystem label with g_volume_get_identifier().
VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_KIND_NFS_MOUNT - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The string used to obtain a NFS mount with g_volume_get_identifier().
VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_KIND_UNIX_DEVICE - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The string used to obtain a Unix device path with g_volume_get_identifier().
VOLUME_IDENTIFIER_KIND_UUID - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
The string used to obtain a UUID with g_volume_get_identifier().
VOLUME_MONITOR_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME - Static variable in class org.gnome.gio.Gio
Extension point for volume monitor functionality.
Volume.ChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the ChangedCallback callback.
Volume.RemovedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the RemovedCallback callback.
Volume.VolumeIface - Class in org.gnome.gio
Interface for implementing operations for mountable volumes.
Volume.VolumeImpl - Class in org.gnome.gio
The VolumeImpl type represents a native instance of the Volume interface.
volumeAdded(Volume) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
VolumeButton - Class in org.gnome.gtk
VolumeButton() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.VolumeButton
This widget will be removed in GTK 5
VolumeButton(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.VolumeButton
Create a VolumeButton proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VolumeButton.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
volumeChanged(Volume) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
VolumeIface() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Allocate a new VolumeIface.
VolumeIface(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Allocate a new VolumeIface.
VolumeIface(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeIface
Create a VolumeIface proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VolumeImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Volume.VolumeImpl
Creates a new instance of Volume for the provided memory address.
VolumeMonitor - Class in org.gnome.gio
GVolumeMonitor is for listing the user interesting devices and volumes on the computer.
VolumeMonitor(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
Create a VolumeMonitor proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VolumeMonitor.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
VolumeMonitor.DriveChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the DriveChangedCallback callback.
VolumeMonitor.DriveConnectedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the DriveConnectedCallback callback.
VolumeMonitor.DriveDisconnectedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the DriveDisconnectedCallback callback.
VolumeMonitor.DriveEjectButtonCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the DriveEjectButtonCallback callback.
VolumeMonitor.DriveStopButtonCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the DriveStopButtonCallback callback.
VolumeMonitor.MountAddedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the MountAddedCallback callback.
VolumeMonitor.MountChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the MountChangedCallback callback.
VolumeMonitor.MountPreUnmountCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the MountPreUnmountCallback callback.
VolumeMonitor.MountRemovedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the MountRemovedCallback callback.
VolumeMonitor.VolumeAddedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the VolumeAddedCallback callback.
VolumeMonitor.VolumeChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the VolumeChangedCallback callback.
VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass.IsSupportedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the IsSupportedCallback callback.
VolumeMonitor.VolumeRemovedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gio
Functional interface declaration of the VolumeRemovedCallback callback.
VolumeMonitorClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Allocate a new VolumeMonitorClass.
VolumeMonitorClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Allocate a new VolumeMonitorClass.
VolumeMonitorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor.VolumeMonitorClass
Create a VolumeMonitorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
volumeRemoved(Volume) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.VolumeMonitor
VulkanContext - Class in org.gnome.gdk
VulkanContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanContext
Create a VulkanContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VulkanContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gdk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
VulkanContext.ImagesUpdatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gdk
Functional interface declaration of the ImagesUpdatedCallback callback.
VulkanContext.VulkanContextImpl - Class in org.gnome.gdk
The VulkanContextImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract VulkanContext class.
VulkanContextImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gdk.VulkanContext.VulkanContextImpl
Creates a new instance of VulkanContext for the provided memory address.
VulkanError - Enum Class in org.gnome.gdk
Error enumeration for GdkVulkanContext.
VulkanRenderer - Class in org.gnome.gsk
A GSK renderer that is using Vulkan.
VulkanRenderer() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.VulkanRenderer
Creates a new Vulkan renderer.
VulkanRenderer(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.VulkanRenderer
Create a VulkanRenderer proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VulkanRenderer.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gsk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
VulkanRenderer.VulkanRendererClass - Class in org.gnome.gsk
VulkanRendererClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gsk.VulkanRenderer.VulkanRendererClass
Create a VulkanRendererClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
VUYA - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:4:4 YUV with alpha channel (V0-U0-Y0-A0...) (Since: 1.16)
VYUY - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:2:2 YUV (V0-Y0-U0-Y1 V2-Y2-U2-Y3 V4 ...)


wait_() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Promise
Wait for this Promise to move out of the PromiseResult.PENDING state.
wait_(ClockEntry, ClockTimeDiff) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Perform a blocking wait on the given GstClockEntry and return the jitter.
wait_(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Wait for activity on the file descriptors in this Poll.
wait_(ClockTime, ClockTimeDiff) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
This function will wait for preroll to complete and will then block until time is reached.
wait_(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Synchronously wait for the subprocess to terminate.
wait_(Cond, Mutex) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Use MainContext.isOwner() and separate locking instead.
wait_(Mutex) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Cond
Atomically releases mutex and waits until this Cond is signalled.
WAIT_FOR_BOTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOStreamSpliceFlags
Wait for both splice operations to finish before calling the callback.
waitAsync(ClockEntry) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Perform an asynchronous wait on the given GstClockEntry.
waitAsync(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Wait for the subprocess to terminate.
waitCheck(Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Combines g_subprocess_wait() with g_spawn_check_wait_status().
waitCheckAsync(Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Combines g_subprocess_wait_async() with g_spawn_check_wait_status().
waitCheckFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Collects the result of a previous call to g_subprocess_wait_check_async().
waitClock(ClockTime, ClockTimeDiff) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
This function will block until time is reached.
waitEvent(Event) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
Override this to implement custom logic to wait for the event time (for events like EOS and GAP).
waitFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Subprocess
Collects the result of a previous call to g_subprocess_wait_async().
waitForSync(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Clock
Waits until this Clock is synced for reporting the current time.
WAITING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectPadsStateFlags
Set if collectdata's pad must be waited for when collecting.
waitPlaying() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSrc
If the GstBaseSrcClass::create method performs its own synchronisation against the clock it must unblock when going from PLAYING to the PAUSED state and call this method before continuing to produce the remaining data.
waitPreroll() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseSink
If the GstBaseSinkClass::render method performs its own synchronisation against the clock it must unblock when going from PLAYING to the PAUSED state and call this method before continuing to render the remaining data.
waitUntil(Mutex, long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Cond
Waits until either this Cond is signalled or endTime has passed.
wakeup() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
If this MainContext is currently blocking in MainContext.iteration(boolean) waiting for a source to become ready, cause it to stop blocking and return.
WANCHO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Wcho, Since: 2.4.0
WANCHO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
WARANG_CITI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Wara, Since: 0.9.30
WARANG_CITI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Warang Citi.
WARANG_CITI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
Warang Citi.
warn(String, Object...) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Outputs a warning message, via the GScanner message handler.
warning(GstObject, GError, String) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new warning message.
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugLevel
Warning messages are to inform about abnormal behaviour that could lead to problems or weird behaviour later on.
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MessageType
a warning occurred.
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MessageType
Non-fatal warning message
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SymbolicColor
Indication color for warnings
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ConsoleMessageLevel
Warning message.
warningWithDetails(GstObject, GError, String, Structure) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Create a new warning message.
warnMessage(String, String, int, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Internal function used to print messages from the public GLib#warnIfReached and GLib#warnIfFail macros.
WAS_LINKED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkReturn
pad was already linked
watch(GObject, ExpressionNotify) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expression
Watch the given expression for changes.
WATCH_HARD_LINKS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorFlags
Watch for changes to the file made via another hard link.
WATCH_MOUNTS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorFlags
Watch for mount events.
WATCH_MOVES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.FileMonitorFlags
Watch for rename operations on a monitored directory.
watchClosure(Closure) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
This function essentially limits the life time of the closure to the life time of the object.
wAxis() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Retrieves a pointer to a graphene_vec4_t with its components set to (0, 0, 0, 1).
WEAK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintStrength
A weak constraint
WEAK_LTR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Direction
A weak left-to-right direction
WEAK_RTL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Direction
A weak right-to-left direction
WeakNotify - Interface in org.gnome.gobject
Functional interface declaration of the WeakNotify callback.
weakRef(MiniObjectNotify) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Adds a weak reference callback to a mini object.
weakRef(WeakNotify) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Adds a weak reference callback to an object.
WeakRef<T> - Class in org.gnome.gobject
A structure containing a weak reference to a GObject.
WeakRef() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.WeakRef
Allocate a new WeakRef.
WeakRef(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.WeakRef
Allocate a new WeakRef.
WeakRef(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gobject.WeakRef
Create a WeakRef proxy instance for the provided memory address.
weakUnref(MiniObjectNotify) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Removes a weak reference callback from a mini object.
weakUnref(WeakNotify) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Removes a weak reference callback to an object.
WeakValue - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
JSCWeakValue represents a weak reference to a value in a JSCContext.
WeakValue(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue
Create a WeakValue proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WeakValue(Value) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue
Create a new JSCWeakValue for the JavaScript value referenced by value.
WeakValue.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WeakValue.ClearedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
Functional interface declaration of the ClearedCallback callback.
WeakValue.WeakValueClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.jsc
WeakValueClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue.WeakValueClass
Allocate a new WeakValueClass.
WeakValueClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue.WeakValueClass
Allocate a new WeakValueClass.
WeakValueClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.WeakValue.WeakValueClass
Create a WeakValueClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WEB_BROWSER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.CacheModel
Improve document load speed substantially by caching a very large number of resources and previously viewed content.
WebContext - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Manages aspects common to all WebKitWebView<!-- -->s
WebContext() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Create a new WebKitWebContext.
WebContext(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext
Create a WebContext proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebContext.AutomationStartedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the AutomationStartedCallback callback.
WebContext.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WebContext.InitializeNotificationPermissionsCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the InitializeNotificationPermissionsCallback callback.
WebContext.InitializeWebProcessExtensionsCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the InitializeWebProcessExtensionsCallback callback.
WebContext.UserMessageReceivedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the UserMessageReceivedCallback callback.
WebContext.WebContextClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
WebContextClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.WebContextClass
Allocate a new WebContextClass.
WebContextClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.WebContextClass
Allocate a new WebContextClass.
WebContextClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebContext.WebContextClass
Create a WebContextClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebEditor - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Access to editing capabilities of a WebKitWebPage.
WebEditor(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebEditor
Create a WebEditor proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebEditor.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WebEditor.SelectionChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Functional interface declaration of the SelectionChangedCallback callback.
WebEditor.WebEditorClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
WebEditorClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebEditor.WebEditorClass
Allocate a new WebEditorClass.
WebEditorClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebEditor.WebEditorClass
Allocate a new WebEditorClass.
WebEditorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebEditor.WebEditorClass
Create a WebEditorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebExtensionMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used for setting if a WebKitWebView is intended for WebExtensions.
WebFormManager - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Form manager of a WebKitWebPage in a WebKitScriptWorld
WebFormManager(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager
Create a WebFormManager proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebFormManager.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WebFormManager.FormControlsAssociatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Functional interface declaration of the FormControlsAssociatedCallback callback.
WebFormManager.WebFormManagerClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
WebFormManager.WillSendSubmitEventCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Functional interface declaration of the WillSendSubmitEventCallback callback.
WebFormManager.WillSubmitFormCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Functional interface declaration of the WillSubmitFormCallback callback.
WebFormManagerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.WebFormManagerClass
Allocate a new WebFormManagerClass.
WebFormManagerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.WebFormManagerClass
Allocate a new WebFormManagerClass.
WebFormManagerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebFormManager.WebFormManagerClass
Create a WebFormManagerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebHitTestResult - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Result of a Hit Test (Web Process Extensions).
WebHitTestResult(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult
Create a WebHitTestResult proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebHitTestResult.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WebHitTestResult.WebHitTestResultClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
WebHitTestResultClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult.WebHitTestResultClass
Allocate a new WebHitTestResultClass.
WebHitTestResultClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult.WebHitTestResultClass
Allocate a new WebHitTestResultClass.
WebHitTestResultClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebHitTestResult.WebHitTestResultClass
Create a WebHitTestResultClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebInspector - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Access to the WebKit inspector.
WebInspector(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector
Create a WebInspector proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebInspector.AttachCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the AttachCallback callback.
WebInspector.BringToFrontCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the BringToFrontCallback callback.
WebInspector.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WebInspector.ClosedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the ClosedCallback callback.
WebInspector.DetachCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the DetachCallback callback.
WebInspector.OpenWindowCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the OpenWindowCallback callback.
WebInspector.WebInspectorClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
WebInspectorClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.WebInspectorClass
Allocate a new WebInspectorClass.
WebInspectorClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.WebInspectorClass
Allocate a new WebInspectorClass.
WebInspectorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebInspector.WebInspectorClass
Create a WebInspectorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebKit - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Constants and functions that are declared in the global WebKit namespace.
WebKit() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebKit
WebKitWebProcessExtension - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Constants and functions that are declared in the global WebKitWebProcessExtension namespace.
WebKitWebProcessExtension() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebKitWebProcessExtension
WebPage - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
A loaded web page.
WebPage(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage
Create a WebPage proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebPage.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WebPage.ConsoleMessageSentCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Functional interface declaration of the ConsoleMessageSentCallback callback.
WebPage.ContextMenuCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Functional interface declaration of the ContextMenuCallback callback.
WebPage.DocumentLoadedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Functional interface declaration of the DocumentLoadedCallback callback.
WebPage.SendRequestCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Functional interface declaration of the SendRequestCallback callback.
WebPage.UserMessageReceivedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Functional interface declaration of the UserMessageReceivedCallback callback.
WebPage.WebPageClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
WebPageClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.WebPageClass
Allocate a new WebPageClass.
WebPageClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.WebPageClass
Allocate a new WebPageClass.
WebPageClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebPage.WebPageClass
Create a WebPageClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
webProcessCrashed() - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
WebProcessExtension - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Represents an extension of the web process.
WebProcessExtension(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension
Create a WebProcessExtension proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebProcessExtension.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WebProcessExtension.PageCreatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Functional interface declaration of the PageCreatedCallback callback.
WebProcessExtension.UserMessageReceivedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Functional interface declaration of the UserMessageReceivedCallback callback.
WebProcessExtension.WebProcessExtensionClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
WebProcessExtensionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension.WebProcessExtensionClass
Allocate a new WebProcessExtensionClass.
WebProcessExtensionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension.WebProcessExtensionClass
Allocate a new WebProcessExtensionClass.
WebProcessExtensionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.WebProcessExtension.WebProcessExtensionClass
Create a WebProcessExtensionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebProcessExtensionInitializeFunction - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Functional interface declaration of the WebProcessExtensionInitializeFunction callback.
WebProcessExtensionInitializeWithUserDataFunction - Interface in org.gnome.webkit.wpe
Functional interface declaration of the WebProcessExtensionInitializeWithUserDataFunction callback.
webProcessTerminated(WebProcessTerminationReason) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
WebProcessTerminationReason - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values used to specify the reason why the web process terminated abnormally.
WebResource - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Represents a resource at the end of a URI.
WebResource(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource
Create a WebResource proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebResource.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WebResource.FailedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the FailedCallback callback.
WebResource.FailedWithTlsErrorsCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the FailedWithTlsErrorsCallback callback.
WebResource.FinishedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the FinishedCallback callback.
WebResource.SentRequestCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the SentRequestCallback callback.
WebResource.WebResourceClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
WebResourceClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.WebResourceClass
Allocate a new WebResourceClass.
WebResourceClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.WebResourceClass
Allocate a new WebResourceClass.
WebResourceClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebResource.WebResourceClass
Create a WebResourceClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebsiteData - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Data stored locally by a web site.
WebsiteData(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteData
Create a WebsiteData proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest - Class in org.gnome.webkit
A permission request for accessing website data from third-party domains.
WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest
Create a WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest.WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequestClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequestClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest.WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequestClass
Allocate a new WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequestClass.
WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequestClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest.WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequestClass
Allocate a new WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequestClass.
WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequestClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequest.WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequestClass
Create a WebsiteDataAccessPermissionRequestClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebsiteDataManager - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Manages data stored locally by web sites.
WebsiteDataManager(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager
Create a WebsiteDataManager proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebsiteDataManager.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WebsiteDataManager.WebsiteDataManagerClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
WebsiteDataManagerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager.WebsiteDataManagerClass
Allocate a new WebsiteDataManagerClass.
WebsiteDataManagerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager.WebsiteDataManagerClass
Allocate a new WebsiteDataManagerClass.
WebsiteDataManagerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebsiteDataManager.WebsiteDataManagerClass
Create a WebsiteDataManagerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebsiteDataTypes - Enum Class in org.gnome.webkit
Enum values with flags representing types of Website data.
WebsitePolicies - Class in org.gnome.webkit
View specific website policies.
WebsitePolicies() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebsitePolicies
Create a new WebKitWebsitePolicies.
WebsitePolicies(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebsitePolicies
Create a WebsitePolicies proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebsitePolicies.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WebsitePolicies.WebsitePoliciesClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
WebsitePoliciesClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebsitePolicies.WebsitePoliciesClass
Allocate a new WebsitePoliciesClass.
WebsitePoliciesClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebsitePolicies.WebsitePoliciesClass
Allocate a new WebsitePoliciesClass.
WebsitePoliciesClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebsitePolicies.WebsitePoliciesClass
Create a WebsitePoliciesClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
websocketClientPrepareHandshake(Message, String, String[], TypeClass[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Adds the necessary headers to msg to request a WebSocket handshake including supported WebSocket extensions.
websocketClientVerifyHandshake(Message, TypeClass[], Out<List<WebsocketExtension>>) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Looks at the response status code and headers in msg and determines if they contain a valid WebSocket handshake response (given the handshake request in msg's request headers).
WebsocketCloseCode - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
Pre-defined close codes that can be passed to WebsocketConnection.close(short, java.lang.String) or received from WebsocketConnection.getCloseCode().
websocketConnectAsync(Message, String, String[], int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Asynchronously creates a WebsocketConnection to communicate with a remote server.
websocketConnectFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
WebsocketConnection - Class in org.gnome.soup
The WebSocket Protocol
WebsocketConnection(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Create a WebsocketConnection proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebsocketConnection(IOStream, Uri, WebsocketConnectionType, String, String, List<WebsocketExtension>) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection
Creates a SoupWebsocketConnection on stream with the given active extensions.
WebsocketConnection.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WebsocketConnection.ClosedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the ClosedCallback callback.
WebsocketConnection.ClosingCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the ClosingCallback callback.
WebsocketConnection.ErrorCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the ErrorCallback callback.
WebsocketConnection.MessageCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the MessageCallback callback.
WebsocketConnection.PongCallback - Interface in org.gnome.soup
Functional interface declaration of the PongCallback callback.
WebsocketConnection.WebsocketConnectionClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
The abstract base class for WebsocketConnection.
WebsocketConnectionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.WebsocketConnectionClass
Allocate a new WebsocketConnectionClass.
WebsocketConnectionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.WebsocketConnectionClass
Allocate a new WebsocketConnectionClass.
WebsocketConnectionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketConnection.WebsocketConnectionClass
Create a WebsocketConnectionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebsocketConnectionType - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
The type of a WebsocketConnection.
WebsocketDataType - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
The type of data contained in a WebsocketConnection::message signal.
WebsocketError - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
WebSocket-related errors.
WebsocketExtension - Class in org.gnome.soup
A WebSocket extension
WebsocketExtension(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension
Create a WebsocketExtension proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebsocketExtension.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WebsocketExtension.WebsocketExtensionClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
The class structure for the SoupWebsocketExtension.
WebsocketExtension.WebsocketExtensionImpl - Class in org.gnome.soup
The WebsocketExtensionImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract WebsocketExtension class.
WebsocketExtensionClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension.WebsocketExtensionClass
Allocate a new WebsocketExtensionClass.
WebsocketExtensionClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension.WebsocketExtensionClass
Allocate a new WebsocketExtensionClass.
WebsocketExtensionClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension.WebsocketExtensionClass
Create a WebsocketExtensionClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebsocketExtensionDeflate - Class in org.gnome.soup
A SoupWebsocketExtensionDeflate is a WebsocketExtension implementing permessage-deflate (RFC 7692).
WebsocketExtensionDeflate(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionDeflate
Create a WebsocketExtensionDeflate proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebsocketExtensionDeflate.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WebsocketExtensionDeflate.WebsocketExtensionDeflateClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
WebsocketExtensionDeflateClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionDeflate.WebsocketExtensionDeflateClass
Allocate a new WebsocketExtensionDeflateClass.
WebsocketExtensionDeflateClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionDeflate.WebsocketExtensionDeflateClass
Allocate a new WebsocketExtensionDeflateClass.
WebsocketExtensionDeflateClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionDeflate.WebsocketExtensionDeflateClass
Create a WebsocketExtensionDeflateClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebsocketExtensionImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension.WebsocketExtensionImpl
Creates a new instance of WebsocketExtension for the provided memory address.
WebsocketExtensionManager - Class in org.gnome.soup
SoupWebsocketExtensionManager is the SessionFeature that handles WebSockets extensions for a Session.
WebsocketExtensionManager(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionManager
Create a WebsocketExtensionManager proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebsocketExtensionManager.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.soup
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WebsocketExtensionManager.WebsocketExtensionManagerClass - Class in org.gnome.soup
WebsocketExtensionManagerClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionManager.WebsocketExtensionManagerClass
Allocate a new WebsocketExtensionManagerClass.
WebsocketExtensionManagerClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionManager.WebsocketExtensionManagerClass
Allocate a new WebsocketExtensionManagerClass.
WebsocketExtensionManagerClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtensionManager.WebsocketExtensionManagerClass
Create a WebsocketExtensionManagerClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
websocketServerCheckHandshake(ServerMessage, String, String[], TypeClass[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Examines the method and request headers in msg and determines whether msg contains a valid handshake request.
websocketServerProcessHandshake(ServerMessage, String, String[], TypeClass[], Out<List<WebsocketExtension>>) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Soup
Examines the method and request headers in msg and (assuming msg contains a valid handshake request), fills in the handshake response.
WebsocketState - Enum Class in org.gnome.soup
The state of the WebSocket connection.
WebView - Class in org.gnome.webkit
The central class of the WPE WebKit and WebKitGTK APIs.
WebView() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Creates a new WebKitWebView with the default WebKitWebContext.
WebView(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebView
Create a WebView proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebView.AuthenticateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the AuthenticateCallback callback.
WebView.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WebView.CloseCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the CloseCallback callback.
WebView.ContextMenuCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the ContextMenuCallback callback.
WebView.ContextMenuDismissedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the ContextMenuDismissedCallback callback.
WebView.CreateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the CreateCallback callback.
WebView.DecidePolicyCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the DecidePolicyCallback callback.
WebView.EnterFullscreenCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the EnterFullscreenCallback callback.
WebView.InsecureContentDetectedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
WebView.LeaveFullscreenCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the LeaveFullscreenCallback callback.
WebView.LoadChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the LoadChangedCallback callback.
WebView.LoadFailedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the LoadFailedCallback callback.
WebView.LoadFailedWithTlsErrorsCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the LoadFailedWithTlsErrorsCallback callback.
WebView.MouseTargetChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the MouseTargetChangedCallback callback.
WebView.PermissionRequestCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the PermissionRequestCallback callback.
WebView.PrintCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the PrintCallback callback.
WebView.QueryPermissionStateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the QueryPermissionStateCallback callback.
WebView.ReadyToShowCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the ReadyToShowCallback callback.
WebView.ResourceLoadStartedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the ResourceLoadStartedCallback callback.
WebView.RunAsModalCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the RunAsModalCallback callback.
WebView.RunColorChooserCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the RunColorChooserCallback callback.
WebView.RunFileChooserCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the RunFileChooserCallback callback.
WebView.ScriptDialogCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the ScriptDialogCallback callback.
WebView.ShowNotificationCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the ShowNotificationCallback callback.
WebView.ShowOptionMenuCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the ShowOptionMenuCallback callback.
WebView.SubmitFormCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the SubmitFormCallback callback.
WebView.UserMessageReceivedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the UserMessageReceivedCallback callback.
WebView.WebProcessTerminatedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.webkit
Functional interface declaration of the WebProcessTerminatedCallback callback.
WebView.WebViewClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
WebViewBase - Class in org.gnome.webkit
WebViewBase(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebViewBase
Create a WebViewBase proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebViewBase.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WebViewBase.WebViewBaseClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
WebViewBaseClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebViewBase.WebViewBaseClass
Allocate a new WebViewBaseClass.
WebViewBaseClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebViewBase.WebViewBaseClass
Allocate a new WebViewBaseClass.
WebViewBaseClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebViewBase.WebViewBaseClass
Create a WebViewBaseClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebViewClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Allocate a new WebViewClass.
WebViewClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Allocate a new WebViewClass.
WebViewClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebView.WebViewClass
Create a WebViewClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebViewSessionState - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Handles serialization of a web view's browsing state.
WebViewSessionState(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebViewSessionState
Create a WebViewSessionState proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WebViewSessionState(Bytes) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WebViewSessionState
Creates a new WebKitWebViewSessionState from serialized data.
WEDNESDAY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateWeekday
Weight - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
An enumeration specifying the weight (boldness) of a font.
WEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.StyleTag
Used to vary stroke thicknesses or other design details to give variation from lighter to blacker.
WEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
font weight (Pango.AttrInt)
WEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.FontMask
the font weight is specified.
WEST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.Gravity
the reference point is at the middle of the left edge.
WEST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.SurfaceEdge
the left edge.
WEST - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Gravity
Glyphs are rotated 90 degrees clockwise.
WHEEL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisFlags
Wheel axis is present
WHEEL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
the axis is used for wheel information.
WHEEL - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.ScrollUnit
The delta is in number of wheel clicks.
WHITESPACE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DeleteType
Delete only whitespace.
WIDE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.ViewSwitcherPolicy
Force the wide mode
WIDE_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
Wide left (between front left and side left)
WIDE_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
Wide right (between front right and side right)
Widget - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The base class for all widgets.
Widget(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Widget
Create a Widget proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WIDGET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Abstract role for interactive components of a graphical user interface
WIDGET - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextWindowType
Window that floats over scrolling areas.
Widget.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Widget.DestroyCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DestroyCallback callback.
Widget.DirectionChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the DirectionChangedCallback callback.
Widget.HideCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the HideCallback callback.
Widget.KeynavFailedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the KeynavFailedCallback callback.
Widget.MapCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MapCallback callback.
Widget.MnemonicActivateCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MnemonicActivateCallback callback.
Widget.MoveFocusCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the MoveFocusCallback callback.
Widget.QueryTooltipCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the QueryTooltipCallback callback.
Widget.RealizeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the RealizeCallback callback.
Widget.ShowCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ShowCallback callback.
Widget.StateFlagsChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the StateFlagsChangedCallback callback.
Widget.UnmapCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the UnmapCallback callback.
Widget.UnrealizeCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the UnrealizeCallback callback.
Widget.WidgetClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Widget.WidgetImpl - Class in org.gnome.gtk
The WidgetImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Widget class.
WidgetActionActivateFunc - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the WidgetActionActivateFunc callback.
WidgetClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Allocate a new WidgetClass.
WidgetClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Allocate a new WidgetClass.
WidgetClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetClass
Create a WidgetClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WidgetImpl(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Widget.WidgetImpl
Creates a new instance of Widget for the provided memory address.
WidgetPaintable - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkWidgetPaintable is a GdkPaintable that displays the contents of a widget.
WidgetPaintable() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WidgetPaintable
Calls WidgetPaintable(org.gnome.gtk.Widget) with widget = null
WidgetPaintable(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WidgetPaintable
Create a WidgetPaintable proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WidgetPaintable(Widget) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WidgetPaintable
Creates a new widget paintable observing the given widget.
WidgetPaintable.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WidgetPaintable.WidgetPaintableClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
WidgetPaintableClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WidgetPaintable.WidgetPaintableClass
Allocate a new WidgetPaintableClass.
WidgetPaintableClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WidgetPaintable.WidgetPaintableClass
Allocate a new WidgetPaintableClass.
WidgetPaintableClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WidgetPaintable.WidgetPaintableClass
Create a WidgetPaintableClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WIDTH - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.StyleTag
Used to vary width of text from narrower to wider.
WIDTH - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ConstraintAttribute
The width of a widget
WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.SizeRequestMode
Prefer width-for-height geometry management
WIN32_MSG_HANDLE - Static variable in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
WIN32_PID - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.CredentialsType
The native credentials type is a PID DWORD.
win32CheckWindowsVersion(int, int, int, Win32OSType) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Returns whether the version of the Windows operating system the code is running on is at least the specified major, minor and service pack versions.
win32ErrorMessage(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Translate a Win32 error code (as returned by GetLastError() or WSAGetLastError()) into the corresponding message.
win32Ftruncate(int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
win32GetCommandLine() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Gets the command line arguments, on Windows, in the GLib filename encoding (ie: UTF-8).
win32GetFd() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
win32Getlocale() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
The setlocale() function in the Microsoft C library uses locale names of the form "English_United States.1252" etc.
win32GetPackageInstallationDirectory(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Pass the HMODULE of a DLL or EXE to g_win32_get_package_installation_directory_of_module() instead.
win32GetPackageInstallationDirectoryOfModule(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
This function tries to determine the installation directory of a software package based on the location of a DLL of the software package.
win32GetPackageInstallationSubdirectory(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Pass the HMODULE of a DLL or EXE to g_win32_get_package_installation_directory_of_module() instead, and then construct a subdirectory pathname with g_build_filename().
win32GetSystemDataDirsForModule(MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
win32GetWindowsVersion() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Be aware that for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 and later, this will return 62 unless the application is manifested for Windows 8.1/Windows Server 2012 R2, for example. MSDN stated that GetVersion(), which is used here, is subject to further change or removal after Windows 8.1.
Win32InputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
GWin32InputStream implements InputStream for reading from a Windows file handle.
Win32InputStream(MemorySegment, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Win32InputStream
Creates a new GWin32InputStream for the given handle_.
Win32InputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Win32InputStream
Create a Win32InputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Win32InputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Win32InputStream.Win32InputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Win32InputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Win32InputStream.Win32InputStreamClass
Allocate a new Win32InputStreamClass.
Win32InputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Win32InputStream.Win32InputStreamClass
Allocate a new Win32InputStreamClass.
Win32InputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Win32InputStream.Win32InputStreamClass
Create a Win32InputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
win32LocaleFilenameFromUtf8(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.GLib
Converts a filename from UTF-8 to the system codepage.
win32MakePollfd(Set<IOCondition>, PollFD) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
win32MakePollfd(IOCondition, PollFD) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
win32NewFd(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Creates a new GIOChannel given a file descriptor on Windows.
win32NewMessages(long) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Creates a new GIOChannel given a window handle on Windows.
win32NewSocket(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Creates a new GIOChannel given a socket on Windows.
win32NewStreamSocket(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Win32OSType - Enum Class in org.gnome.glib
Type of Windows edition to check for at run-time.
Win32OutputStream - Class in org.gnome.gio
GWin32OutputStream implements OutputStream for writing to a Windows file handle.
Win32OutputStream(MemorySegment, boolean) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Win32OutputStream
Creates a new GWin32OutputStream for the given handle_.
Win32OutputStream(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Win32OutputStream
Create a Win32OutputStream proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Win32OutputStream.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Win32OutputStream.Win32OutputStreamClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
Win32OutputStreamClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Win32OutputStream.Win32OutputStreamClass
Allocate a new Win32OutputStreamClass.
Win32OutputStreamClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Win32OutputStream.Win32OutputStreamClass
Allocate a new Win32OutputStreamClass.
Win32OutputStreamClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.Win32OutputStream.Win32OutputStreamClass
Create a Win32OutputStreamClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
win32Poll(PollFD, int, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
win32SetDebug(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
WINDING - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.FillRule
If the path crosses the ray from left-to-right, counts +1.
Window - Class in org.gnome.adw
A freeform window.
Window - Class in org.gnome.gtk
A GtkWindow is a toplevel window which can contain other widgets.
Window() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Window
Creates a new AdwWindow.
Window() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Creates a new GtkWindow.
Window(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Window
Create a Window proxy instance for the provided memory address.
Window(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Window
Create a Window proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WINDOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleRole
Abstract role for windows.
WINDOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.AutomationBrowsingContextPresentation
a window
Window.ActivateDefaultCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateDefaultCallback callback.
Window.ActivateFocusCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the ActivateFocusCallback callback.
Window.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Window.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
Window.CloseRequestCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the CloseRequestCallback callback.
Window.EnableDebuggingCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Functional interface declaration of the EnableDebuggingCallback callback.
Window.KeysChangedCallback - Interface in org.gnome.gtk
Window.WindowClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
Window.WindowClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
windowAdded(Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Signal emitted when a GtkWindow is added to application through gtk_application_add_window().
WindowClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Window.WindowClass
Allocate a new WindowClass.
WindowClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Window.WindowClass
Allocate a new WindowClass.
WindowClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Window.WindowClass
Allocate a new WindowClass.
WindowClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Window.WindowClass
Allocate a new WindowClass.
WindowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.Window.WindowClass
Create a WindowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WindowClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.Window.WindowClass
Create a WindowClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WindowControls - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkWindowControls shows window frame controls.
WindowControls(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls
Create a WindowControls proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WindowControls(PackType) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls
Creates a new GtkWindowControls.
WindowControls.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WindowControls.WindowControlsClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
WindowControlsClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls.WindowControlsClass
Allocate a new WindowControlsClass.
WindowControlsClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls.WindowControlsClass
Allocate a new WindowControlsClass.
WindowControlsClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowControls.WindowControlsClass
Create a WindowControlsClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WindowGroup - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkWindowGroup makes group of windows behave like separate applications.
WindowGroup() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowGroup
Creates a new GtkWindowGroup object.
WindowGroup(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowGroup
Create a WindowGroup proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WindowGroup.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WindowGroup.WindowGroupClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
WindowGroupClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowGroup.WindowGroupClass
Allocate a new WindowGroupClass.
WindowGroupClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowGroup.WindowGroupClass
Allocate a new WindowGroupClass.
WindowGroupClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowGroup.WindowGroupClass
Create a WindowGroupClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WindowHandle - Class in org.gnome.gtk
GtkWindowHandle is a titlebar area widget.
WindowHandle() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowHandle
Creates a new GtkWindowHandle.
WindowHandle(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowHandle
Create a WindowHandle proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WindowHandle.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gtk
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WindowHandle.WindowHandleClass - Class in org.gnome.gtk
WindowHandleClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowHandle.WindowHandleClass
Allocate a new WindowHandleClass.
WindowHandleClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowHandle.WindowHandleClass
Allocate a new WindowHandleClass.
WindowHandleClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gtk.WindowHandle.WindowHandleClass
Create a WindowHandleClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WindowProperties - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Window properties of a WebKitWebView.
WindowProperties(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties
Create a WindowProperties proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WindowProperties.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.webkit
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WindowProperties.WindowPropertiesClass - Class in org.gnome.webkit
WindowPropertiesClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties.WindowPropertiesClass
Allocate a new WindowPropertiesClass.
WindowPropertiesClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties.WindowPropertiesClass
Allocate a new WindowPropertiesClass.
WindowPropertiesClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.webkit.WindowProperties.WindowPropertiesClass
Create a WindowPropertiesClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
windowRemoved(Window) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Application
Signal emitted when a GtkWindow is removed from application, either as a side-effect of being destroyed or explicitly through gtk_application_remove_window().
WindowTitle - Class in org.gnome.adw
A helper widget for setting a window's title and subtitle.
WindowTitle(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.WindowTitle
Create a WindowTitle proxy instance for the provided memory address.
WindowTitle(String, String) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.WindowTitle
Creates a new AdwWindowTitle.
WindowTitle.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.adw
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
WindowTitle.WindowTitleClass - Class in org.gnome.adw
WindowTitleClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.WindowTitle.WindowTitleClass
Allocate a new WindowTitleClass.
WindowTitleClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.WindowTitle.WindowTitleClass
Allocate a new WindowTitleClass.
WindowTitleClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.adw.WindowTitle.WindowTitleClass
Create a WindowTitleClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
windowToBufferCoords(TextWindowType, int, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Converts coordinates on the window identified by win to buffer coordinates.
withArea(CellArea) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.EntryCompletion
GtkEntryCompletion will be removed in GTK 5.
withArea(CellArea) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
withArea(CellArea) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
withArguments(ShortcutTrigger, ShortcutAction, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Shortcut
Creates a new GtkShortcut that is triggered by trigger and then activates action with arguments given by formatString.
withAttributes(String, CellRenderer, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeViewColumn
Use GtkColumnView instead
withBackend(String, SettingsBackend) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Creates a new GSettings object with the schema specified by schemaId and a given GSettingsBackend.
withBackendAndPath(String, SettingsBackend, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Creates a new GSettings object with the schema specified by schemaId and a given GSettingsBackend and path.
withBuffer(EntryBuffer) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Entry
Creates a new entry with the specified text buffer.
withBuffer(EntryBuffer) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Text
Creates a new GtkText with the specified text buffer.
withBuffer(TextBuffer) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextView
Creates a new GtkTextView widget displaying the buffer buffer.
withBuffer(Buffer) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.View
Creates a new GtkSourceView widget displaying the buffer buffer.
withButtons(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.InfoBar
withButtons(String, Window, Set<DialogFlags>, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Use Window instead
withButtons(String, Window, DialogFlags, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Dialog
Use Window instead
withBytes(File, Bytes, CssLocation, CssLocation) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssSection
Creates a new GtkCssSection referring to the section in the given file or the given bytes from the start location to the end location.
withCaps(AudioInfo, Caps) - Static method in class
Parse caps and update info.
withCaps(DsdInfo, Caps) - Static method in class
Parse caps and update info.
withCaps(VideoInfoDmaDrm, Caps) - Static method in class
Parse caps and update info.
withCaps(VideoInfo, Caps) - Static method in class
Parse caps and update info.
withChangeFunc(PromiseChangeFunc) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Promise
func will be called exactly once when transitioning out of PromiseResult.PENDING into any of the other GstPromiseResult states.
withContext(CellArea, CellAreaContext) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView
withCredentials(Credentials) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixCredentialsMessage
Creates a new GUnixCredentialsMessage holding credentials.
withData(CompareDataFunc) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Tree
Creates a new GTree with a comparison function that accepts user data.
withDefaultFallbacks(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.ThemedIcon
Creates a new themed icon for iconname, and all the names that can be created by shortening iconname at '-' characters.
withdrawNotification(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Application
Withdraws a notification that was sent with g_application_send_notification().
withEntry() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
withEntry() - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBoxText
withFdList(String, Variant, UnixFDList) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.UserMessage
Create a new WebKitUserMessage including also a list of UNIX file descriptors to be sent.
withFdList(String, Variant, UnixFDList) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.UserMessage
Create a new WebKitUserMessage including also a list of UNIX file descriptors to be sent.
withFdList(UnixFDList) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixFDMessage
Creates a new GUnixFDMessage containing list.
withFlags(Set<MainContextFlags>) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Creates a new GLib.MainContext structure.
withFlags(MainContextFlags...) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.MainContext
Creates a new GLib.MainContext structure.
withFont(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.FontButton
Use FontDialogButton instead
withFreeFunc(byte[], MemorySegment) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Bytes
Creates a GBytes from data.
withGtype(String, PadDirection, PadPresence, Caps, Type) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadTemplate
Creates a new pad template with a name according to the given template and with the given arguments.
withItems(List<ContextMenuItem>) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenu
Creates a new WebKitContextMenu object with the given items.
withItems(List<ContextMenuItem>) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenu
Creates a new WebKitContextMenu object with the given items.
withLabel(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Creates a new GtkCheckButton with the given text.
withLabel(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Creates a GtkButton widget with a GtkLabel child.
withLabel(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton
Creates a new toggle button with a text label.
withLabel(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.LinkButton
Creates a new GtkLinkButton containing a label.
withLanguage(Language) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.Buffer
Creates a new source buffer using the highlighting patterns in language.
withMarkup(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView
withMarkup(Window, Set<DialogFlags>, MessageType, ButtonsType, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog
Use AlertDialog instead
withMarkup(Window, DialogFlags, MessageType, ButtonsType, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.MessageDialog
Use AlertDialog instead
withMimeType(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
Creates a new pixbuf loader object that always attempts to parse image data as if it were an image of MIME type mimeType, instead of identifying the type automatically.
withMnemonic(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CheckButton
Creates a new GtkCheckButton with the given text and a mnemonic.
withMnemonic(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Expander
Creates a new expander using label as the text of the label.
withMnemonic(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Label
Creates a new GtkLabel, containing the text in str.
withMnemonic(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Button
Creates a new GtkButton containing a label.
withMnemonic(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ToggleButton
Creates a new GtkToggleButton containing a label.
withModel(TreeModel) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
withModel(TreeModel) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.IconView
Use GridView instead
withModel(TreeModel) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeModelSort
Creates a new GtkTreeModelSort, with childModel as the child model.
withModel(TreeModel) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeView
Use ListView or ColumnView instead
withModelAndEntry(TreeModel) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ComboBox
withName(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ScriptWorld
Creates a new isolated WebKitScriptWorld with a name.
withName(Context, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception
Create a new JSCException in context with name and message.
withNamePrintf(Context, String, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Exception
Create a new JSCException in context with name and using a formatted string for the message.
withOptions(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.soup.Session
Creates a SoupSession with the specified options.
withOrigin(Icon, EmblemOrigin) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Emblem
Creates a new emblem for icon.
withPath(String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
Creates a new GSettings object with the relocatable schema specified by schemaId and a given path.
withPolicies(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.WebsitePolicies
Create a new WebKitWebsitePolicies with given policies.
withPositions(int, boolean, TabAlign, int, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.pango.TabArray
Creates a PangoTabArray and allows you to specify the alignment and position of each tab stop.
withProperties(Type, String[], Value[]) - Static method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject
Creates a new instance of a GObject subtype and sets its properties using the provided arrays.
withRange(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.SpinRow
Creates a new AdwSpinRow with the given properties.
withRange(double, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.SpinButton
Creates a new GtkSpinButton with the given properties.
withRange(Orientation, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.Scale
Creates a new scale widget with a range from min to max.
withReplacement(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextChildAnchor
Creates a new GtkTextChildAnchor with the given replacement character.
withRgba(RGBA) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.ColorButton
Creates a new color button showing the given color.
withSeed(int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Rand
Creates a new random number generator initialized with seed.
withSeedArray(MemorySegment, int) - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Rand
Creates a new random number generator initialized with seed.
withSettings(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.Settings
Creates a new WebKitSettings instance with the given settings.
withSubmenu(String, ContextMenu) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.ContextMenuItem
Creates a new WebKitContextMenuItem using the given label with a submenu.
withSubmenu(String, ContextMenu) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.wpe.ContextMenuItem
Creates a new WebKitContextMenuItem using the given label with a submenu.
withTag(Widget, String, String) - Static method in class org.gnome.adw.NavigationPage
Creates a new AdwNavigationPage with provided tag.
withTarget(Buffer, File, File) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.FileSaver
Creates a new GtkSourceFileSaver object with a target location.
withText(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView
withTexture(Texture) - Static method in class org.gnome.gtk.CellView
withTolerance(Path, float) - Static method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathMeasure
Creates a measure object for the given path and tolerance.
withType(byte[], UnixSocketAddressType) - Static method in class org.gnome.gio.UnixSocketAddress
Creates a new GUnixSocketAddress of type type with name path.
withType(String) - Static method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
Creates a new pixbuf loader object that always attempts to parse image data as if it were an image of type imageType, instead of identifying the type automatically.
withVirtualMachine(VirtualMachine) - Static method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.Context
Create a new JSCContext in virtualMachine.
WORD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextGranularity
Use the boundary between words, starting from the beginning of the current word and ending at the beginning of the next word
WORD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.NaturalWrapMode
Attempt to wrap at word boundaries.
WORD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.TextExtendSelection
Selects the current word.
WORD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.WrapMode
wrap text, breaking lines in between words
WORD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.AttrType
override segmentation to classify the range of the attribute as a single word (Pango.AttrInt).
WORD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.WrapMode
wrap lines at word boundaries.
WORD_CHAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.WrapMode
wrap text, breaking lines in between words, or if that is not enough, also between graphemes
WORD_CHAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.WrapMode
wrap lines at word boundaries, but fall back to character boundaries if there is not enough space for a full word.
WORD_COMPLETION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.InputHints
Suggest word completion
WORD_ENDS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DeleteType
Delete only the portion of the word to the left/right of cursor if we’re in the middle of a word.
WORD_FINAL_SWASHES_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
WORD_FINAL_SWASHES_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
WORD_INITIAL_SWASHES_OFF - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
WORD_INITIAL_SWASHES_ON - Static variable in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelector
WORD_JOINER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Word Joiner (WJ)
WORDS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.DeleteType
Delete words.
WORDS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.MovementStep
Move forward or back by words
WORKING_SET_MSECS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.SliceConfig
WORKSTATION - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.Win32OSType
The running system is a workstation edition of Windows, such as Windows 7 Professional.
WOULD_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Operation would block.
WOULD_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.PollableReturn
The operation would block.
WOULD_MERGE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Operation would merge files.
WOULD_RECURSE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
Operation would be recursive.
WRAP_AROUND - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.FindOptions
if not present search will stop at the end of the document.
WrapMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.gtk
Describes a type of line wrapping.
WrapMode - Enum Class in org.gnome.pango
PangoWrapMode describes how to wrap the lines of a PangoLayout to the desired width.
wrapped(byte[]) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Creates a new buffer that wraps the given data.
wrapped(Set<MemoryFlags>, byte[], long, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Allocate a new memory block that wraps the given data.
wrapped(MemoryFlags, byte[], long, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Allocate a new memory block that wraps the given data.
wrappedBytes(Bytes) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Creates a new GstBuffer that wraps the given bytes.
wrappedFull(Set<MemoryFlags>, byte[], long, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Allocates a new buffer that wraps the given memory.
wrappedFull(MemoryFlags, byte[], long, long) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Allocates a new buffer that wraps the given memory.
writable() - Element in annotation interface io.github.jwharm.javagi.gobject.annotations.Property
WRITABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.MemoryMode
HarfBuzz client made a copy of the data solely for HarfBuzz, so HarfBuzz may modify the data.
WRITABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormatFlags
the module can write out images in the format.
WRITABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfoFlags
Property is writable.
WRITABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gobject.ParamFlags
the parameter is writable
WRITABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ValuePropertyFlags
the value associated with the property may be changed with an assignment operator.
writableChanged(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
writableChanged(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
Signals that the writability of a single key has possibly changed.
writableChangeEvent(Quark) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.Settings
writableStructure() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Context
Gets a writable version of the structure.
writableStructure() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Get a writable version of the structure.
writableStructure() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Get a writable version of the structure.
writableStructure() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Get the structure of a query.
write(byte[]) - Method in class
Write samples to the device.
write(byte[]) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
Parses the next count bytes in the given image buffer.
write(byte[], Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Tries to write count bytes from buffer into the stream.
write(String, long, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Use g_io_channel_write_chars() instead.
write(String, Variant, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
virtual method to change key's value
WRITE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.LockFlags
lock for write access
WRITE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapFlags
map for write access
WRITE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ResourceError
used when the resource can't be written to.
WRITE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.BookmarkFileError
an error occurred while writing
WRITE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnixPipeEnd
The writable file descriptor 1
WRITE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.RecentManagerError
failure while writing the recently used resources file.
writeA(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Write a value in the field a.
writeActionName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionEntry
Write a value in the field action_name.
writeAddress(SocketAddress) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
Write a value in the field address.
writeAddress(SocketAddress[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Write a value in the field address.
writeAdvance(Position) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphVariant
Write a value in the field advance.
writeAfd(VideoAFDValue) - Method in class
Write a value in the field afd.
writeAlign(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocationParams
Write a value in the field align.
writeAlign(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Write a value in the field align.
writeAlignment(VideoAlignment) - Method in class
Write a value in the field alignment.
writeAlignment(Vec4) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.PathPoint
Write a value in the field alignment.
writeAll(byte[], Out<Long>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Tries to write count bytes from buffer into the stream.
writeAllAsync(byte[], int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Request an asynchronous write of count bytes from buffer into the stream.
writeAllFinish(AsyncResult, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Finishes an asynchronous stream write operation started with g_output_stream_write_all_async().
writeAllocatedLen(long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Write a value in the field allocated_len.
writeAllocationCaps(Caps) - Method in class
Write a value in the field allocation_caps.
writeAllocator(Allocator) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Write a value in the field allocator.
writeAllocSize(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Write a value in the field alloc_size.
writeAlpha(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Write a value in the field alpha.
writeAnalysis(Analysis) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Item
Write a value in the field analysis.
writeAngles(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Write a value in the field angles.
writeAnnotations(DBusAnnotationInfo[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
Write a value in the field annotations.
writeAnnotations(DBusAnnotationInfo[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusArgInfo
Write a value in the field annotations.
writeAnnotations(DBusAnnotationInfo[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Write a value in the field annotations.
writeAnnotations(DBusAnnotationInfo[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
Write a value in the field annotations.
writeAnnotations(DBusAnnotationInfo[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Write a value in the field annotations.
writeAnnotations(DBusAnnotationInfo[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
Write a value in the field annotations.
writeAnnotations(DBusAnnotationInfo[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalInfo
Write a value in the field annotations.
writeApi(Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Write a value in the field api.
writeAppExec(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Write a value in the field app_exec.
writeAppliedRate(double) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Write a value in the field applied_rate.
writeAppName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Write a value in the field app_name.
writeApproximateCharWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Write a value in the field approximate_char_width.
writeApproximateDigitWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Write a value in the field approximate_digit_width.
writeArg(OptionArg) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Write a value in the field arg.
writeArgData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Write a value in the field arg_data.
writeArgDescription(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Write a value in the field arg_description.
writeArgs(DBusArgInfo[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalInfo
Write a value in the field args.
writeAscender(Position) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontExtents
Write a value in the field ascender.
writeAscent(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Write a value in the field ascent.
writeAsync(byte[], int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Request an asynchronous write of count bytes from buffer into the stream.
writeAttr(Attribute) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrColor
Write a value in the field attr.
writeAttr(Attribute) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrFloat
Write a value in the field attr.
writeAttr(Attribute) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontDesc
Write a value in the field attr.
writeAttr(Attribute) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontFeatures
Write a value in the field attr.
writeAttr(Attribute) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrInt
Write a value in the field attr.
writeAttr(Attribute) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrLanguage
Write a value in the field attr.
writeAttr(Attribute) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Write a value in the field attr.
writeAttr(Attribute) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrSize
Write a value in the field attr.
writeAttr(Attribute) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrString
Write a value in the field attr.
writeAttr(GlyphVisAttr) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphInfo
Write a value in the field attr.
writeAutoGrow(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Write a value in the field auto_grow.
writeAxes(double[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TimeCoord
Write a value in the field axes.
writeAxisIndex(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Write a value in the field axis_index.
writeB(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Write a value in the field b.
writeBarData1(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field bar_data1.
writeBarData2(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field bar_data2.
writeBase(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Write a value in the field base.
writeBaseFinalize(BaseFinalizeFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Write a value in the field base_finalize.
writeBaseIface(TypeInterface) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginClass
Write a value in the field base_iface.
writeBaseInit(BaseInitFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Write a value in the field base_init.
writeBeginLoad(PixbufModuleBeginLoadFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Write a value in the field begin_load.
writeBit(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Write a value in the field bit.
writeBitCapacity(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Write a value in the field bit_capacity.
writeBits(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field bits.
writeBitSize(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Write a value in the field bit_size.
writeBlue(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Write a value in the field blue.
writeBlue(short) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Color
Write a value in the field blue.
writeBottom(short) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Border
Write a value in the field bottom.
writeBounds(Rect) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Write a value in the field bounds.
writeBpf(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field bpf.
writeBuffer(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputVector
Write a value in the field buffer.
writeBuffer(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputVector
Write a value in the field buffer.
writeBuffer(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field buffer.
writeBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class
Write a value in the field buffer.
writeBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Write a value in the field buffer.
writeBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
Write a value in the field buffer.
writeBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParentBufferMeta
Write a value in the field buffer.
writeBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class
Write a value in the field buffer.
writeBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class
Write a value in the field buffer.
writeBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class
Write a value in the field buffer.
writeBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class
Write a value in the field buffer.
writeBufferTime(long) - Method in class
Write a value in the field buffer_time.
writeBufSize(long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Write a value in the field buf_size.
writeBx(double) - Method in class
Write a value in the field Bx.
writeBy(double) - Method in class
Write a value in the field By.
writeByte(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Write a value in the field byte.
writeByte(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Write a value in the field byte.
writeBytes(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueSize
Write a value in the field bytes.
writeBytes(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ParseLocation
Write a value in the field bytes.
writeBytes(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssLocation
Write a value in the field bytes.
writeBytes(Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufLoader
Parses the next contents of the given image buffer.
writeBytes(Bytes, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
A wrapper function for g_output_stream_write() which takes a GBytes as input.
writeBytesAsync(Bytes, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
This function is similar to g_output_stream_write_async(), but takes a GBytes as input.
writeBytesFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Finishes a stream write-from-GBytes operation.
writeBytesReceived(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Write a value in the field bytes_received.
writeBytesSent(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
Write a value in the field bytes_sent.
writeC(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Triangle
Write a value in the field c.
writeCallback(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
Write a value in the field callback.
writeCallbackData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Write a value in the field callback_data.
writeCallbackFuncs(SourceCallbackFuncs) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Write a value in the field callback_funcs.
writeCaps(Caps) - Method in class
Write a value in the field caps.
writeCaps(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticCaps
Write a value in the field caps.
writeCaps(Caps) - Method in class
Write a value in the field caps.
writeCaptionType(VideoCaptionType) - Method in class
Write a value in the field caption_type.
writeCenter(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Write a value in the field center.
writeChannels(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field channels.
writeChannels(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field channels.
writeChars(byte[], long, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Replacement for g_io_channel_write() with the new API.
writeChars(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ParseLocation
Write a value in the field chars.
writeChars(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssLocation
Write a value in the field chars.
writeCheck(SourceFuncsCheckFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
Write a value in the field check.
writeChecksum(short) - Method in class
Write a value in the field checksum.
writeChildren(Node) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Write a value in the field children.
writeChromaSite(Set<VideoChromaSite>) - Method in class
Write a value in the field chroma_site.
writeClassData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Write a value in the field class_data.
writeClassFinalize(ClassFinalizeFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Write a value in the field class_finalize.
writeClassInit(ClassInitFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Write a value in the field class_init.
writeClassSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeQuery
Write a value in the field class_size.
writeClassSize(short) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Write a value in the field class_size.
writeClearFunc(MetaClearFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Write a value in the field clear_func.
writeClock(Clock) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Write a value in the field clock.
writeClosure(Closure) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.CClosure
Write a value in the field closure.
writeClosureCallback(SourceFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
Write a value in the field closure_callback.
writeClosureMarshal(SourceDummyMarshal, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
Write a value in the field closure_marshal.
writeCluster(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphInfo
Write a value in the field cluster.
writeCNotYChannel(boolean) - Method in class
Write a value in the field c_not_y_channel.
writeCode(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GError
Write a value in the field code.
writeCodecData(Buffer) - Method in class
Write a value in the field codec_data.
writeCodepoint(Codepoint) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphInfo
Write a value in the field codepoint.
writeCollect(CollectPads) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
Write a value in the field collect.
writeCollectFormat(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Write a value in the field collect_format.
writeCollectValue(TypeValueCollectFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Write a value in the field collect_value.
writeColor(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Write a value in the field color.
writeColor(Color) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorStop
Write a value in the field color.
writeColor(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ColorStop
Write a value in the field color.
writeColor(RGBA) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Shadow
Write a value in the field color.
writeColor(Color) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrColor
Write a value in the field color.
writeColorimetry(VideoColorimetry) - Method in class
Write a value in the field colorimetry.
writeColorIndex(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorLayer
Write a value in the field color_index.
writeCompare(ValueCompareFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueTable
Write a value in the field compare.
writeCompleteInterfaceInfo(TypePluginCompleteInterfaceInfo, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginClass
Write a value in the field complete_interface_info.
writeCompleteTypeInfo(TypePluginCompleteTypeInfo, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginClass
Write a value in the field complete_type_info.
writeCond(Cond) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Write a value in the field cond.
writeConfig(VideoTimeCodeConfig) - Method in class
Write a value in the field config.
writeConfig(ScannerConfig) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field config.
writeConstant(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Write a value in the field constant.
writeContentLightLevel(VideoContentLightLevel) - Method in class
Write a value in the field content_light_level.
writeContext(MainContext) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Write a value in the field context.
writeControl() - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Poll
Write a byte to the control socket of the controllable this Poll.
writeControlMessages(SocketControlMessage[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Write a value in the field control_messages.
writeControlMessages(SocketControlMessage[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
Write a value in the field control_messages.
writeCookie(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Write a value in the field cookie.
writeCopy(IteratorCopyFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Write a value in the field copy.
writeCopy(MiniObjectCopyFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Write a value in the field copy.
writeCopyFunc(AttrDataCopyFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Write a value in the field copy_func.
writeCorner(Size[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RoundedRect
Write a value in the field corner.
writeCpairCommentSingle(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ScannerConfig
Write a value in the field cpair_comment_single.
writeCsetIdentifierFirst(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ScannerConfig
Write a value in the field cset_identifier_first.
writeCsetIdentifierNth(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ScannerConfig
Write a value in the field cset_identifier_nth.
writeCsetSkipCharacters(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ScannerConfig
Write a value in the field cset_skip_characters.
writeCurrentX(float) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawState
Write a value in the field current_x.
writeCurrentY(float) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawState
Write a value in the field current_y.
writeData(byte[], Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(byte[], Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(byte[], Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(byte[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(byte[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(byte[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ByteArrayInterface
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TypeFind
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(MemorySegment) - Method in class
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(MemorySegment) - Method in class
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLine
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.StaticResource
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ClosureNotifyData
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RequestedSize
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(GString) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogBuffer
Write a value in the field data.
writeData(ValueDataUnion[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Write a value in the field data.
writeDataCount(byte) - Method in class
Write a value in the field data_count.
writeDataCount(short) - Method in class
Write a value in the field data_count.
writeDataLen(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.StaticResource
Write a value in the field data_len.
writeDbusErrorName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusErrorEntry
Write a value in the field dbus_error_name.
writeDeadline(ClockTime) - Method in class
Write a value in the field deadline.
writeDecodeFrameNumber(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field decode_frame_number.
writeDefaultValue(float) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxis
Write a value in the field default_value.
writeDefaultValue(float) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Write a value in the field default_value.
writeDefDen(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Write a value in the field def_den.
writeDefNum(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Write a value in the field def_num.
writeDeleteProperty(ClassDeletePropertyFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassVTable
Write a value in the field delete_property.
writeDepth(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field depth.
writeDepth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRecMutex
Write a value in the field depth.
writeDepth(int[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field depth.
writeDesc(FontDescription) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontDesc
Write a value in the field desc.
writeDescender(Position) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontExtents
Write a value in the field descender.
writeDescent(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Write a value in the field descent.
writeDescription(String, Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field description.
writeDescription(String, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Write a value in the field description.
writeDescription(String, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FormatDefinition
Write a value in the field description.
writeDescription(String, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Write a value in the field description.
writeDescription(String, Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field description.
writeDescription(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Write a value in the field description.
writeDescription(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Write a value in the field description.
writeDescription(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Write a value in the field description.
writeDeserialize(ValueDeserializeFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueTable
Write a value in the field deserialize.
writeDeserializeFunc(MetaDeserializeFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Write a value in the field deserialize_func.
writeDeserializeWithPspec(ValueDeserializeWithPSpecFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueTable
Write a value in the field deserialize_with_pspec.
writeDestroy(DestroyNotify, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueItem
Write a value in the field destroy.
writeDestroy(DestroyNotify, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Write a value in the field destroy.
writeDestroyData(DestroyNotify, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Write a value in the field destroy_data.
writeDestroyFunc(DestroyNotify, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Write a value in the field destroy_func.
writeDetail(Quark) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalInvocationHint
Write a value in the field detail.
writeDID(byte) - Method in class
Write a value in the field DID.
writeDID(short) - Method in class
Write a value in the field DID.
writeDirection(PadDirection) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticPadTemplate
Write a value in the field direction.
writeDirection(Direction) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.SegmentProperties
Write a value in the field direction.
writeDirection(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Write a value in the field direction.
writeDisable(AatLayoutFeatureSelector) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo
Write a value in the field disable.
writeDisabled(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Write a value in the field disabled.
writeDispatch(DBusSubtreeDispatchFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeVTable
Write a value in the field dispatch.
writeDispatch(SourceFuncsDispatchFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
Write a value in the field dispatch.
writeDisplayName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Write a value in the field display_name.
writeDisplayPrimaries(VideoMasteringDisplayInfoCoordinates[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field display_primaries.
writeDispose(MiniObjectDisposeFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Write a value in the field dispose.
writeDistanceFromSync(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field distance_from_sync.
writeDomain(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Write a value in the field domain.
writeDomain(Quark) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GError
Write a value in the field domain.
writeDrmFourcc(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field drm_fourcc.
writeDrmModifier(long) - Method in class
Write a value in the field drm_modifier.
writeDts(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Write a value in the field dts.
writeDts(ClockTime) - Method in class
Write a value in the field dts.
writeDummy(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Write a value in the field dummy.
writeDummy(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PathBuf
Write a value in the field dummy.
writeDummy(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec.ParamSpecClass
Write a value in the field dummy.
writeDummy(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageHeadersIter
Write a value in the field dummy.
writeDummy0(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsIter
Write a value in the field dummy0.
writeDummy1(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Write a value in the field dummy1.
writeDummy1(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsIter
Write a value in the field dummy1.
writeDummy1(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Write a value in the field dummy1.
writeDummy1(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.RegionIter
Write a value in the field dummy1.
writeDummy10(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Write a value in the field dummy10.
writeDummy11(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Write a value in the field dummy11.
writeDummy12(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Write a value in the field dummy12.
writeDummy13(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Write a value in the field dummy13.
writeDummy14(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Write a value in the field dummy14.
writeDummy2(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.RegionIter
Write a value in the field dummy2.
writeDummy2(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Write a value in the field dummy2.
writeDummy2(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsIter
Write a value in the field dummy2.
writeDummy2(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Write a value in the field dummy2.
writeDummy3(byte[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsIter
Write a value in the field dummy3.
writeDummy3(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Write a value in the field dummy3.
writeDummy3(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Write a value in the field dummy3.
writeDummy3(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Write a value in the field dummy3.
writeDummy3(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtksourceview.RegionIter
Write a value in the field dummy3.
writeDummy4(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Write a value in the field dummy4.
writeDummy4(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Write a value in the field dummy4.
writeDummy5(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Write a value in the field dummy5.
writeDummy5(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Write a value in the field dummy5.
writeDummy6(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Write a value in the field dummy6.
writeDummy6(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HashTableIter
Write a value in the field dummy6.
writeDummy7(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Write a value in the field dummy7.
writeDummy8(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Write a value in the field dummy8.
writeDummy9(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TextIter
Write a value in the field dummy9.
writeDuration(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueItem
Write a value in the field duration.
writeDuration(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Write a value in the field duration.
writeDuration(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Write a value in the field duration.
writeDuration(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ReferenceTimestampMeta
Write a value in the field duration.
writeDuration(ClockTime) - Method in class
Write a value in the field duration.
writeDx(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Shadow
Write a value in the field dx.
writeDy(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Shadow
Write a value in the field dy.
writeElementfactory(ElementFactory) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Write a value in the field elementfactory.
writeElementSpec(ParamSpec) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecArray
Write a value in the field element_spec.
writeEnable(AatLayoutFeatureSelector) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo
Write a value in the field enable.
writeEncodedReadBuf(GString) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Write a value in the field encoded_read_buf.
writeEncoding(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Write a value in the field encoding.
writeEnd(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field end.
writeEnd(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Feature
Write a value in the field end.
writeEnd(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageRange
Write a value in the field end.
writeEnd(long) - Method in class
Write a value in the field end.
writeEnd(long) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Range
Write a value in the field end.
writeEndChar(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Write a value in the field end_char.
writeEndConnectorLength(Position) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPart
Write a value in the field end_connector_length.
writeEndGlyph(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Write a value in the field end_glyph.
writeEndianness(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field endianness.
writeEndIndex(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Write a value in the field end_index.
writeEndIndex(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Write a value in the field end_index.
writeEndXOffset(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Write a value in the field end_x_offset.
writeEnumerate(DBusSubtreeEnumerateFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeVTable
Write a value in the field enumerate.
writeEnumerateProperties(ClassEnumeratePropertiesFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassVTable
Write a value in the field enumerate_properties.
writeErrorCode(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusErrorEntry
Write a value in the field error_code.
writeExclusive(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Write a value in the field exclusive.
writeExtension(AudioSinkClassExtension) - Method in class
Write a value in the field extension.
writeExtensions(String[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Write a value in the field extensions.
writeFactory(DeviceProviderFactory) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderClass
Write a value in the field factory.
writeFd(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PollFD
Write a value in the field fd.
writeFds(int[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.UnixPipe
Write a value in the field fds.
writeFeatures(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrFontFeatures
Write a value in the field features.
writeField(byte) - Method in class
Write a value in the field field.
writeField(byte) - Method in class
Write a value in the field field.
writeField(AncillaryMetaField) - Method in class
Write a value in the field field.
writeFieldCount(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field field_count.
writeFinalize(SourceFuncsFinalizeFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
Write a value in the field finalize.
writeFinalizeHook(HookFinalizeFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Write a value in the field finalize_hook.
writeFinfo(AudioFormatInfo) - Method in class
Write a value in the field finfo.
writeFinfo(VideoFormatInfo) - Method in class
Write a value in the field finfo.
writeFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Finishes a stream write operation.
writeFixed(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Write a value in the field fixed.
writeFlags(byte) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<AudioFlags>) - Method in class
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<AudioFlags>) - Method in class
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<AudioFormatFlags>) - Method in class
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<BufferPoolAcquireFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireParams
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<MapFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<MemoryFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocationParams
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<MetaFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<SegmentFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<VideoFlags>) - Method in class
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<VideoFormatFlags>) - Method in class
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<VideoFrameFlags>) - Method in class
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<VideoFrameFlags>) - Method in class
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<VideoTimeCodeFlags>) - Method in class
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<OtMathGlyphPartFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPart
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<OtVarAxisFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<AxisFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TimeCoord
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<DBusPropertyInfoFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFlags(Set<FileAttributeInfoFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfo
Write a value in the field flags.
writeFont(Font) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Write a value in the field font.
writeFormat(AudioFormat) - Method in class
Write a value in the field format.
writeFormat(DsdFormat) - Method in class
Write a value in the field format.
writeFormat(Format) - Method in class
Write a value in the field format.
writeFormat(Format) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireParams
Write a value in the field format.
writeFormat(Format) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Write a value in the field format.
writeFormat(VideoFormat) - Method in class
Write a value in the field format.
writeFormat(VideoFormat) - Method in class
Write a value in the field format.
writeFpsD(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field fps_d.
writeFpsD(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field fps_d.
writeFpsN(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field fps_n.
writeFpsN(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field fps_n.
writeFrames(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field frames.
writeFrames(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field frames.
writeFree(IteratorFreeFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Write a value in the field free.
writeFree(MiniObjectFreeFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Write a value in the field free.
writeFreeFunc(MetaFreeFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Write a value in the field free_func.
writeFromChannels(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field from_channels.
writeFromPosition(MemorySegment) - Method in class
Write a value in the field from_position.
writeFullAdvance(Position) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPart
Write a value in the field full_advance.
writeFunc(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Write a value in the field func.
writeFunc(ClockCallback, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Write a value in the field func.
writeFunc(CompletionFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Write a value in the field func.
writeFunc(Func, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Write a value in the field func.
writeFunc(ThreadFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Write a value in the field func.
writeFuncs(IOFuncs) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Write a value in the field funcs.
writeFuture(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Private
Write a value in the field future.
writeGClass(TypeClass) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInstance
Write a value in the field g_class.
writeGeometry(GlyphGeometry) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphInfo
Write a value in the field geometry.
writeGetColorStops(ColorLineGetColorStopsFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLine
Write a value in the field get_color_stops.
writeGetColorStopsUserData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLine
Write a value in the field get_color_stops_user_data.
writeGetExtend(ColorLineGetExtendFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLine
Write a value in the field get_extend.
writeGetExtendUserData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorLine
Write a value in the field get_extend_user_data.
writeGetProperty(DBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceVTable
Write a value in the field get_property.
writeGetProperty(ClassGetPropertyFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassVTable
Write a value in the field get_property.
writeGInstanceType(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterface
Write a value in the field g_instance_type.
writeGlyph(Codepoint) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtColorLayer
Write a value in the field glyph.
writeGlyph(Codepoint) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPart
Write a value in the field glyph.
writeGlyph(Codepoint) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphVariant
Write a value in the field glyph.
writeGlyph(Glyph) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphInfo
Write a value in the field glyph.
writeGlyphItem(GlyphItem) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Write a value in the field glyph_item.
writeGlyphs(GlyphInfo[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Write a value in the field glyphs.
writeGlyphs(GlyphString) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Write a value in the field glyphs.
writeGravity(byte) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Write a value in the field gravity.
writeGreen(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Write a value in the field green.
writeGreen(short) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Color
Write a value in the field green.
writeGroup(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeymapKey
Write a value in the field group.
writeGroups(String[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Write a value in the field groups.
writeGType(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeClass
Write a value in the field g_type.
writeGType(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInterface
Write a value in the field g_type.
writeGType(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Value
Write a value in the field g_type.
writeGTypeClass(TypeClass) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumClass
Write a value in the field g_type_class.
writeGTypeClass(TypeClass) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsClass
Write a value in the field g_type_class.
writeGx(double) - Method in class
Write a value in the field Gx.
writeGy(double) - Method in class
Write a value in the field Gy.
writeH(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field h.
writeH(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field h.
writeHasProperty(ClassHasPropertyFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassVTable
Write a value in the field has_property.
writeHaveWriter(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Write a value in the field have_writer.
writeHeight(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Size
Write a value in the field height.
writeHeight(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field height.
writeHeight(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field height.
writeHeight(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field height.
writeHeight(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field height.
writeHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Write a value in the field height.
writeHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Requisition
Write a value in the field height.
writeHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Write a value in the field height.
writeHeight(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Rectangle
Write a value in the field height.
writeHeight(Position) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphExtents
Write a value in the field height.
writeHookId(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Write a value in the field hook_id.
writeHooks(Hook) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Write a value in the field hooks.
writeHours(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field hours.
writeHours(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field hours.
writeHSub(int[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field h_sub.
writeI(int[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Cond
Write a value in the field i.
writeI(int[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RecMutex
Write a value in the field i.
writeI(int[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
Write a value in the field i.
writeId(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
Write a value in the field id.
writeId(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field id.
writeId(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field id.
writeId(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field id.
writeIdx(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PollFD
Write a value in the field idx.
writeInArgs(DBusArgInfo[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
Write a value in the field in_args.
writeIndex(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionEntry
Write a value in the field index.
writeInfo(AudioInfo) - Method in class
Write a value in the field info.
writeInfo(AudioInfo) - Method in class
Write a value in the field info.
writeInfo(AudioInfo) - Method in class
Write a value in the field info.
writeInfo(MetaInfo) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Meta
Write a value in the field info.
writeInfo(Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProtectionMeta
Write a value in the field info.
writeInfo(VideoInfo) - Method in class
Write a value in the field info.
writeInfo(VideoInfo) - Method in class
Write a value in the field info.
writeInfo(PixbufFormat) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Write a value in the field info.
writeInfos(FileAttributeInfo) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoList
Write a value in the field infos.
writeInInfo(VideoInfo) - Method in class
Write a value in the field in_info.
writeInitFunc(MetaInitFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Write a value in the field init_func.
writeInkRect(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Write a value in the field ink_rect.
writeInputBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class
Write a value in the field input_buffer.
writeInputFd(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field input_fd.
writeInputName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field input_name.
writeInSize(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field in_size.
writeInstanceInit(InstanceInitFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Write a value in the field instance_init.
writeInstanceSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeQuery
Write a value in the field instance_size.
writeInstanceSize(short) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo
Write a value in the field instance_size.
writeInstanceSize(short) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Write a value in the field instance_size.
writeInterfaceData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceInfo
Write a value in the field interface_data.
writeInterfaceFinalize(InterfaceFinalizeFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceInfo
Write a value in the field interface_finalize.
writeInterfaceInit(InterfaceInitFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.InterfaceInfo
Write a value in the field interface_init.
writeInterfaces(DBusInterfaceInfo[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Write a value in the field interfaces.
writeInterlaceMode(VideoInterlaceMode) - Method in class
Write a value in the field interlace_mode.
writeInterval(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Write a value in the field interval.
writeIntrospect(DBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSubtreeVTable
Write a value in the field introspect.
writeIsAudio(boolean) - Method in class
Write a value in the field is_audio.
writeIsForeground(Bool) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorStop
Write a value in the field is_foreground.
writeIsLetterbox(boolean) - Method in class
Write a value in the field is_letterbox.
writeIsPrivate(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Write a value in the field is_private.
writeIsSaveOptionSupported(PixbufModuleSaveOptionSupportedFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Write a value in the field is_save_option_supported.
writeItem(IteratorItemFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Write a value in the field item.
writeItem(Item) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Write a value in the field item.
writeItype(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Write a value in the field itype.
writeJoinable(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Write a value in the field joinable.
writeKernValue(Position) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKernEntry
Write a value in the field kern_value.
writeKey(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
Write a value in the field key.
writeKey(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DebugKey
Write a value in the field key.
writeKey(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.LogField
Write a value in the field key.
writeKeycode(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeymapKey
Write a value in the field keycode.
writeKlass(AttrClass) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Write a value in the field klass.
writeLabel(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionEntry
Write a value in the field label.
writeLangEngine(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Write a value in the field lang_engine.
writeLanguage(Language) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Write a value in the field language.
writeLatencyTime(long) - Method in class
Write a value in the field latency_time.
writeLatestDailyJam(DateTime) - Method in class
Write a value in the field latest_daily_jam.
writeLayout(AudioLayout) - Method in class
Write a value in the field layout.
writeLayout(AudioLayout) - Method in class
Write a value in the field layout.
writeLayout(Layout) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Write a value in the field layout.
writeLayoutChildType(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager.LayoutManagerClass
Write a value in the field layout_child_type.
writeLcopyFormat(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Write a value in the field lcopy_format.
writeLcopyValue(TypeValueLCopyFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Write a value in the field lcopy_value.
writeLeft(short) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Border
Write a value in the field left.
writeLen(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Array
Write a value in the field len.
writeLen(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ByteArray
Write a value in the field len.
writeLen(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Write a value in the field len.
writeLen(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Tuples
Write a value in the field len.
writeLen(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ByteArrayInterface
Write a value in the field len.
writeLen(long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Write a value in the field len.
writeLength(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Queue
Write a value in the field length.
writeLength(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Item
Write a value in the field length.
writeLength(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Write a value in the field length.
writeLength(long) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.LogField
Write a value in the field length.
writeLength(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextRange
Write a value in the field length.
writeLength(long) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Write a value in the field length.
writeLevel(byte) - Method in class
Write a value in the field level.
writeLevel(byte) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Write a value in the field level.
writeLevel(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.KeymapKey
Write a value in the field level.
writeLicense(String, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Write a value in the field license.
writeLicense(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Write a value in the field license.
writeLine(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field line.
writeLine(short) - Method in class
Write a value in the field line.
writeLine(MemorySegment) - Method in class
writeLineBytes(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ParseLocation
Write a value in the field line_bytes.
writeLineBytes(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssLocation
Write a value in the field line_bytes.
writeLineChars(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ParseLocation
Write a value in the field line_chars.
writeLineChars(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssLocation
Write a value in the field line_chars.
writeLineGap(Position) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.FontExtents
Write a value in the field line_gap.
writeLines(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ParseLocation
Write a value in the field lines.
writeLines(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.CssLocation
Write a value in the field lines.
writeLineTerm(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Write a value in the field line_term.
writeLineTermLen(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Write a value in the field line_term_len.
writeLoad(PixbufModuleLoadFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Write a value in the field load.
writeLoadAnimation(PixbufModuleLoadAnimationFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Write a value in the field load_animation.
writeLoadIncrement(PixbufModuleIncrementLoadFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Write a value in the field load_increment.
writeLoadXpmData(PixbufModuleLoadXpmDataFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Write a value in the field load_xpm_data.
writeLock(Mutex) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Write a value in the field lock.
writeLock(Mutex) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Write a value in the field lock.
writeLockstate(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Write a value in the field lockstate.
writeLogClusters(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Write a value in the field log_clusters.
writeLogicalRect(Rectangle) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrShape
Write a value in the field logical_rect.
writeLogType(TestLogType) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogMsg
Write a value in the field log_type.
writeLongName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Write a value in the field long_name.
writeMajorVersion(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Write a value in the field major_version.
writeMap(MapInfo[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field map.
writeMapInfos(MapInfo) - Method in class
Write a value in the field map_infos.
writeMask(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsClass
Write a value in the field mask.
writeMask(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModulePattern
Write a value in the field mask.
writeMask(Mask) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphInfo
Write a value in the field mask.
writeMasterCookie(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Write a value in the field master_cookie.
writeMasteringDisplayInfo(VideoMasteringDisplayInfo) - Method in class
Write a value in the field mastering_display_info.
writeMatrix(float[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field matrix.
writeMatrix(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field matrix.
writeMatrix(VideoColorMatrix) - Method in class
Write a value in the field matrix.
writeMax(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Write a value in the field max.
writeMaxContentLightLevel(short) - Method in class
Write a value in the field max_content_light_level.
writeMaxCorrectionHeight(Position) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathKernEntry
Write a value in the field max_correction_height.
writeMaxDen(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Write a value in the field max_den.
writeMaxDisplayMasteringLuminance(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field max_display_mastering_luminance.
writeMaxFrameAverageLightLevel(short) - Method in class
Write a value in the field max_frame_average_light_level.
writeMaximum(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumClass
Write a value in the field maximum.
writeMaxNum(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Write a value in the field max_num.
writeMaxParseErrors(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field max_parse_errors.
writeMaxsize(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
Write a value in the field maxsize.
writeMaxsize(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Write a value in the field maxsize.
writeMaxTaps(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field max_taps.
writeMaxValue(float) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxis
Write a value in the field max_value.
writeMaxValue(float) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Write a value in the field max_value.
writeMemory(Memory) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
Write a value in the field memory.
writeMessage(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GError
Write a value in the field message.
writeMeta(MemorySegment) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CustomMeta
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ProtectionMeta
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMeta(Meta) - Method in class
Write a value in the field meta.
writeMetadata(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DeviceProvider.DeviceProviderClass
Write a value in the field metadata.
writeMetadata(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Write a value in the field metadata.
writeMethodCall(DBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceVTable
Write a value in the field method_call.
writeMethods(DBusMethodInfo[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Write a value in the field methods.
writeMimeType(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RecentData
Write a value in the field mime_type.
writeMimeTypeAsync(String, OutputStream, int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
Asynchronously writes the contents of this ContentProvider to stream in the given mimeType.
writeMimeTypeFinish(AsyncResult) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.ContentProvider
Finishes an asynchronous write operation.
writeMimeTypes(String[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Write a value in the field mime_types.
writeMin(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
Write a value in the field min.
writeMinDen(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Write a value in the field min_den.
writeMinDisplayMasteringLuminance(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field min_display_mastering_luminance.
writeMinimum(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumClass
Write a value in the field minimum.
writeMinimumSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RequestedSize
Write a value in the field minimum_size.
writeMiniObject(MiniObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Write a value in the field mini_object.
writeMiniObject(MiniObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Caps
Write a value in the field mini_object.
writeMiniObject(MiniObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Write a value in the field mini_object.
writeMiniObject(MiniObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Write a value in the field mini_object.
writeMiniObject(MiniObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Write a value in the field mini_object.
writeMiniObject(MiniObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Write a value in the field mini_object.
writeMiniObject(MiniObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TagList
Write a value in the field mini_object.
writeMinNum(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Write a value in the field min_num.
writeMinorVersion(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Write a value in the field minor_version.
writeMinutes(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field minutes.
writeMinutes(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field minutes.
writeMinValue(float) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxis
Write a value in the field min_value.
writeMinValue(float) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Write a value in the field min_value.
writeMode(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionEntry
Write a value in the field mode.
writeModuleName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Write a value in the field module_name.
writeModulePath(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Write a value in the field module_path.
writeMsgHandler(ScannerMsgFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field msg_handler.
writeMutex(Mutex) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticMutex
Write a value in the field mutex.
writeMutex(StaticMutex) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRecMutex
Write a value in the field mutex.
writeMutex(StaticMutex) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Write a value in the field mutex.
writeName(String, Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field name.
writeName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Write a value in the field name.
writeName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Write a value in the field name.
writeName(String, Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field name.
writeName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Write a value in the field name.
writeName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry
Write a value in the field name.
writeName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusArgInfo
Write a value in the field name.
writeName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Write a value in the field name.
writeName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
Write a value in the field name.
writeName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
Write a value in the field name.
writeName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalInfo
Write a value in the field name.
writeName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfo
Write a value in the field name.
writeName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Write a value in the field name.
writeName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Parameter
Write a value in the field name.
writeName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.WebsocketExtension.WebsocketExtensionClass
Write a value in the field name.
writeName(Quark) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Write a value in the field name.
writeNameId(OtNameId) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo
Write a value in the field name_id.
writeNameId(OtNameId) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameEntry
Write a value in the field name_id.
writeNameId(OtNameId) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxis
Write a value in the field name_id.
writeNameId(OtNameId) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Write a value in the field name_id.
writeNameTemplate(String, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticPadTemplate
Write a value in the field name_template.
writeNaturalSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.RequestedSize
Write a value in the field natural_size.
writeNComponents(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field n_components.
writeNConstructProperties(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Write a value in the field n_construct_properties.
writeNext(IteratorNextFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Write a value in the field next.
writeNext(StaticResource) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.StaticResource
Write a value in the field next.
writeNext(Hook) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Write a value in the field next.
writeNext(Node) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Write a value in the field next.
writeNext(Source) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Write a value in the field next.
writeNext(TrashStack) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TrashStack
Write a value in the field next.
writeNextLine(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field next_line.
writeNextPosition(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field next_position.
writeNextToken(TokenType) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field next_token.
writeNextValue(TokenValue) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field next_value.
writeNick(String, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FormatDefinition
Write a value in the field nick.
writeNInfos(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfoList
Write a value in the field n_infos.
writeNNums(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogMsg
Write a value in the field n_nums.
writeNodes(DBusNodeInfo[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Write a value in the field nodes.
writeNonblocking(byte[], Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.PollableOutputStream
Attempts to write up to count bytes from buffer to this PollableOutputStream, as with g_output_stream_write().
writeNormal(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Plane
Write a value in the field normal.
writeNotifiers(ClosureNotifyData) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Closure
Write a value in the field notifiers.
writeNotify(DestroyNotify, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Private
Write a value in the field notify.
writeNotify(ClosureNotify, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ClosureNotifyData
Write a value in the field notify.
writeNParams(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Write a value in the field n_params.
writeNPhases(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field n_phases.
writeNPlanes(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field n_planes.
writeNPlanes(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field n_planes.
writeNPlanes(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field n_planes.
writeNPrealloced(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
Write a value in the field n_prealloced.
writeNPreallocs(short) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo
Write a value in the field n_preallocs.
writeNPreallocs(short) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Write a value in the field n_preallocs.
writeNPspecs(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Write a value in the field n_pspecs.
writeNSamples(long) - Method in class
Write a value in the field n_samples.
writeNStrings(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogMsg
Write a value in the field n_strings.
writeNTaps(MemorySegment) - Method in class
Write a value in the field n_taps.
writeNTextures(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field n_textures.
writeNum(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field num.
writeNumBytesPerChannel(long) - Method in class
Write a value in the field num_bytes_per_channel.
writeNumChannels(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field num_channels.
writeNumChars(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Item
Write a value in the field num_chars.
writeNumControlMessages(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
Write a value in the field num_control_messages.
writeNumControlMessages(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Write a value in the field num_control_messages.
writeNumGlyphs(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Write a value in the field num_glyphs.
writeNumpadtemplates(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Write a value in the field numpadtemplates.
writeNums(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogMsg
Write a value in the field nums.
writeNumVectors(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Write a value in the field num_vectors.
writeNumVectors(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
Write a value in the field num_vectors.
writeNValues(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumClass
Write a value in the field n_values.
writeNValues(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsClass
Write a value in the field n_values.
writeNValues(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
Write a value in the field n_values.
writeObject(MiniObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueItem
Write a value in the field object.
writeOffset(float) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.ColorStop
Write a value in the field offset.
writeOffset(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.ColorStop
Write a value in the field offset.
writeOffset(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Item
Write a value in the field offset.
writeOffset(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Write a value in the field offset.
writeOffset(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Write a value in the field offset.
writeOffset(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Write a value in the field offset.
writeOffset(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaTransformCopy
Write a value in the field offset.
writeOffset(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
Write a value in the field offset.
writeOffset(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Write a value in the field offset.
writeOffset(long[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field offset.
writeOffset(long[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field offset.
writeOffset(short) - Method in class
Write a value in the field offset.
writeOffset(MemorySegment) - Method in class
Write a value in the field offset.
writeOffsetEnd(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Write a value in the field offset_end.
writeOffsets(MemorySegment) - Method in class
Write a value in the field offsets.
writeOffsets(MemorySegment) - Method in class
Write a value in the field offsets.
writeOrder(EulerOrder) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Euler
Write a value in the field order.
writeOrigin(String, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Write a value in the field origin.
writeOrigin(Point) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Write a value in the field origin.
writeOrigin(Vec3) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Ray
Write a value in the field origin.
writeOutArgs(DBusArgInfo[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
Write a value in the field out_args.
writeOutBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Write a value in the field out_buffer.
writeOutInfo(VideoInfo) - Method in class
Write a value in the field out_info.
writeOutputBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class
Write a value in the field output_buffer.
writeOutSize(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field out_size.
writeOverhead(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Write a value in the field overhead.
writeOverlay(VideoOverlayComposition) - Method in class
Write a value in the field overlay.
writeOwned(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitWriter
Write a value in the field owned.
writeOwned(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Write a value in the field owned.
writeP(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Cond
Write a value in the field p.
writeP(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Private
Write a value in the field p.
writeP(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RecMutex
Write a value in the field p.
writeP(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
Write a value in the field p.
writeP(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.WeakRef
Write a value in the field p.
writePackage(String, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Write a value in the field package.
writePackFunc(AudioFormatPack, Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field pack_func.
writePackFunc(VideoFormatPack, Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field pack_func.
writePackLines(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field pack_lines.
writePad(Pad) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
Write a value in the field pad.
writePadding(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.GLArea.GLAreaClass
Write a value in the field _padding.
writePadding(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.LayoutManager.LayoutManagerClass
Write a value in the field _padding.
writePaddingBottom(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field padding_bottom.
writePaddingDummy(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ScannerConfig
Write a value in the field padding_dummy.
writePaddingLeft(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field padding_left.
writePaddingRight(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field padding_right.
writePaddingTop(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field padding_top.
writePadTemplCookie(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Element.ElementClass
Write a value in the field pad_templ_cookie.
writeParameterType(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry
Write a value in the field parameter_type.
writeParamTypes(Type[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Write a value in the field param_types.
writeParD(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field par_d.
writeParent(ByteReader) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteWriter
Write a value in the field parent.
writeParent(Memory) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Write a value in the field parent.
writeParent(Meta) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParentBufferMeta
Write a value in the field parent.
writeParent(Meta) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ReferenceTimestampMeta
Write a value in the field parent.
writeParent(MiniObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Promise
Write a value in the field parent.
writeParent(Node) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Write a value in the field parent.
writeParentId(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field parent_id.
writeParentInstance(ParamSpec) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecArray
Write a value in the field parent_instance.
writeParentInstance(ParamSpec) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ParamSpecFraction
Write a value in the field parent_instance.
writeParN(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field par_n.
writeParseErrors(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field parse_errors.
writePartialWriteBuf(byte[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Write a value in the field partial_write_buf.
writePassthroughOnSameCaps(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Write a value in the field passthrough_on_same_caps.
writePath(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Write a value in the field path.
writePathOpen(Bool) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawState
Write a value in the field path_open.
writePathStartX(float) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawState
Write a value in the field path_start_x.
writePathStartY(float) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.DrawState
Write a value in the field path_start_y.
writePathStringSeparator(String, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.GstObject.ObjectClass
Write a value in the field path_string_separator.
writePdata(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.PtrArray
Write a value in the field pdata.
writePdummy(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Write a value in the field pdummy.
writePhase(MemorySegment) - Method in class
Write a value in the field phase.
writePixelStride(int[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field pixel_stride.
writePlane(int[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field plane.
writePlanes(MemorySegment) - Method in class
Write a value in the field planes.
writePlanes(Plane[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Frustum
Write a value in the field planes.
writePluginInit(PluginInitFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Write a value in the field plugin_init.
writePoffset(int[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field poffset.
writePoints(Point[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quad
Write a value in the field points.
writePool(BufferPool) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Write a value in the field pool.
writePool(TaskPool) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Task.TaskClass
Write a value in the field pool.
writePool(ThreadPool) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Bin.BinClass
Write a value in the field pool.
writePos(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
Write a value in the field pos.
writePosition(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field position.
writePosition(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Write a value in the field position.
writePosition(AudioChannelPosition[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field position.
writePositions(AudioChannelPosition[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field positions.
writePrefix(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.AllocationParams
Write a value in the field prefix.
writePrefix(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModulePattern
Write a value in the field prefix.
writePrefix(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Write a value in the field prefix.
writePrepare(SourceFuncsPrepareFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.SourceFuncs
Write a value in the field prepare.
writePresence(PadPresence) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticPadTemplate
Write a value in the field presence.
writePresentationFrameNumber(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field presentation_frame_number.
writePrev(Hook) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Write a value in the field prev.
writePrev(Node) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Node
Write a value in the field prev.
writePrev(Source) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Write a value in the field prev.
writePrimaries(VideoColorPrimaries) - Method in class
Write a value in the field primaries.
writePrimaries(VideoColorPrimaries) - Method in class
Write a value in the field primaries.
writePriority(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Write a value in the field priority.
writePriority(ThreadPriority) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Write a value in the field priority.
writePrivateData(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.BitsetIter
Write a value in the field private_data.
writePrivateFlags(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Write a value in the field _private_flags.
writePrivMapInfosArr(MapInfo[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field priv_map_infos_arr.
writePrivOffsetsArr(long[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field priv_offsets_arr.
writePrivOffsetsArr(long[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field priv_offsets_arr.
writePrivPlanesArr(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field priv_planes_arr.
writePrivPointer(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Write a value in the field priv_pointer.
writePrivUint(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Write a value in the field priv_uint.
writeProperties(DBusPropertyInfo[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Write a value in the field properties.
writePspec(ParamSpec) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ObjectConstructParam
Write a value in the field pspec.
writePspecs(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.GObject.ObjectClass
Write a value in the field pspecs.
writePts(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Buffer
Write a value in the field pts.
writePts(ClockTime) - Method in class
Write a value in the field pts.
writePushed(Iterator) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Write a value in the field pushed.
writeQuark(Quark) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FormatDefinition
Write a value in the field quark.
writeRadius(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Sphere
Write a value in the field radius.
writeRadius(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.Shadow
Write a value in the field radius.
writeRange(VideoColorRange) - Method in class
Write a value in the field range.
writeRate(double) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Write a value in the field rate.
writeRate(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field rate.
writeRate(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field rate.
writeReadBuf(GString) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Write a value in the field read_buf.
writeReadCond(Cond) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Write a value in the field read_cond.
writeReadCounter(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Write a value in the field read_counter.
writeRed(float) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.RGBA
Write a value in the field red.
writeRed(short) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Color
Write a value in the field red.
writeRefcount(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Write a value in the field refcount.
writeRefcount(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Write a value in the field refcount.
writeRefCount(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field ref_count.
writeRefCount(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field ref_count.
writeRefCount(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
Write a value in the field ref_count.
writeRefCount(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusArgInfo
Write a value in the field ref_count.
writeRefCount(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Write a value in the field ref_count.
writeRefCount(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusMethodInfo
Write a value in the field ref_count.
writeRefCount(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusNodeInfo
Write a value in the field ref_count.
writeRefCount(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
Write a value in the field ref_count.
writeRefCount(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusSignalInfo
Write a value in the field ref_count.
writeRefCount(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Hook
Write a value in the field ref_count.
writeRefCount(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Write a value in the field ref_count.
writeRefCount(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Write a value in the field ref_count.
writeRefCount(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Write a value in the field ref_count.
writeReference(Caps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ReferenceTimestampMeta
Write a value in the field reference.
writeRegion(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaTransformCopy
Write a value in the field region.
writeReleaseDatetime(String, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Write a value in the field release_datetime.
writeRelevance(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModulePattern
Write a value in the field relevance.
writeResource(Resource) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.StaticResource
Write a value in the field resource.
writeResync(IteratorResyncFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Write a value in the field resync.
writeReturnType(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Write a value in the field return_type.
writeRetval(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Once
Write a value in the field retval.
writeReversedBytes(boolean) - Method in class
Write a value in the field reversed_bytes.
writeRight(short) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Border
Write a value in the field right.
writerLock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
Obtain a write lock on this RWLock.
writerLock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Use g_rw_lock_writer_lock() instead
writeRoiType(Quark) - Method in class
Write a value in the field roi_type.
writerTrylock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
Tries to obtain a write lock on this RWLock.
writerTrylock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Use g_rw_lock_writer_trylock() instead
writerUnlock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.RWLock
Release a write lock on this RWLock.
writerUnlock() - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Use g_rw_lock_writer_unlock() instead
writeRunType(Set<SignalFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalInvocationHint
Write a value in the field run_type.
writeRx(double) - Method in class
Write a value in the field Rx.
writeRy(double) - Method in class
Write a value in the field Ry.
writeSamples(long) - Method in class
Write a value in the field samples.
writeSave(PixbufModuleSaveFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Write a value in the field save.
writeSaveToCallback(PixbufModuleSaveCallbackFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Write a value in the field save_to_callback.
writeSchemeName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth.AuthClass
Write a value in the field scheme_name.
writeScopeId(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field scope_id.
writeScript(byte) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Write a value in the field script.
writeScript(Script) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.SegmentProperties
Write a value in the field script.
writeSDIDBlockNumber(byte) - Method in class
Write a value in the field SDID_block_number.
writeSDIDBlockNumber(short) - Method in class
Write a value in the field SDID_block_number.
writeSeconds(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field seconds.
writeSeconds(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field seconds.
writeSeglatency(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field seglatency.
writeSegment(Segment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
Write a value in the field segment.
writeSegsize(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field segsize.
writeSegtotal(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field segtotal.
writeSeqId(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.HookList
Write a value in the field seq_id.
writeSeqnum(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Write a value in the field seqnum.
writeSeqnum(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Write a value in the field seqnum.
writeSerialize(ValueSerializeFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueTable
Write a value in the field serialize.
writeSerializeFunc(MetaSerializeFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Write a value in the field serialize_func.
writeSetProperty(DBusInterfaceSetPropertyFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceVTable
Write a value in the field set_property.
writeSetProperty(ClassSetPropertyFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.webkit.jsc.ClassVTable
Write a value in the field set_property.
writeShapeEngine(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Analysis
Write a value in the field shape_engine.
writeShapeEngineType(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMap.FontMapClass
Write a value in the field shape_engine_type.
writeShift(int[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field shift.
writeShortName(byte) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.OptionEntry
Write a value in the field short_name.
writeSignalFlags(Set<SignalFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Write a value in the field signal_flags.
writeSignalId(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalInvocationHint
Write a value in the field signal_id.
writeSignalId(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Write a value in the field signal_id.
writeSignalName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.SignalQuery
Write a value in the field signal_name.
writeSignalPadding(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass
Write a value in the field signal_padding.
writeSignals(DBusSignalInfo[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceInfo
Write a value in the field signals.
writeSignature(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusArgInfo
Write a value in the field signature.
writeSignature(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusPropertyInfo
Write a value in the field signature.
writeSignature(PixbufModulePattern) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufFormat
Write a value in the field signature.
writeSilence(byte[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field silence.
writeSize(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseParseFrame
Write a value in the field size.
writeSize(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BitReader
Write a value in the field size.
writeSize(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.ByteReader
Write a value in the field size.
writeSize(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueItem
Write a value in the field size.
writeSize(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Write a value in the field size.
writeSize(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
Write a value in the field size.
writeSize(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field size.
writeSize(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrSize
Write a value in the field size.
writeSize(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
Write a value in the field size.
writeSize(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Memory
Write a value in the field size.
writeSize(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Write a value in the field size.
writeSize(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaTransformCopy
Write a value in the field size.
writeSize(long) - Method in class
Write a value in the field size.
writeSize(long) - Method in class
Write a value in the field size.
writeSize(long) - Method in class
Write a value in the field size.
writeSize(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputVector
Write a value in the field size.
writeSize(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputVector
Write a value in the field size.
writeSize(Size) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Write a value in the field size.
writeSource(String, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Write a value in the field source.
writeSourceFuncs(SourceFuncs) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Write a value in the field source_funcs.
writeSourceId(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Source
Write a value in the field source_id.
writeSpace(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Write a value in the field space.
writeSpec(VideoAFDSpec) - Method in class
Write a value in the field spec.
writeSrc(GstObject) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Write a value in the field src.
writeStamp(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeIter
Write a value in the field stamp.
writeStart(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field start.
writeStart(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Feature
Write a value in the field start.
writeStart(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PageRange
Write a value in the field start.
writeStart(long) - Method in class
Write a value in the field start.
writeStart(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireParams
Write a value in the field start.
writeStart(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Write a value in the field start.
writeStart(long) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.AccessibleTextRange
Write a value in the field start.
writeStart(long) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Range
Write a value in the field start.
writeStartChar(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Write a value in the field start_char.
writeStartConnectorLength(Position) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMathGlyphPart
Write a value in the field start_connector_length.
writeStartGlyph(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Write a value in the field start_glyph.
writeStartIndex(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Attribute
Write a value in the field start_index.
writeStartIndex(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Write a value in the field start_index.
writeStartIndex(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Write a value in the field start_index.
writeStartXOffset(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Write a value in the field start_x_offset.
writeState(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.ActionEntry
Write a value in the field state.
writeState(Set<CollectPadsStateFlags>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.CollectData
Write a value in the field state.
writeStaticCaps(StaticCaps) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticPadTemplate
Write a value in the field static_caps.
writeStatus(ClockReturn) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Write a value in the field status.
writeStatus(OnceStatus) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Once
Write a value in the field status.
writeStop(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.BufferPoolAcquireParams
Write a value in the field stop.
writeStop(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Write a value in the field stop.
writeStopLoad(PixbufModuleStopLoadFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gdkpixbuf.PixbufModule
Write a value in the field stop_load.
writeStr(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.GString
Write a value in the field str.
writeStrength(int) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.Auth.AuthClass
Write a value in the field strength.
writeStride(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field stride.
writeStride(int[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field stride.
writeStride(int[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field stride.
writeStrideAlign(int[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field stride_align.
writeStrikethroughPosition(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Write a value in the field strikethrough_position.
writeStrikethroughThickness(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Write a value in the field strikethrough_thickness.
writeString(String, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StaticCaps
Write a value in the field string.
writeStrings(String[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestLogMsg
Write a value in the field strings.
writeStrncmpFunc(CompletionStrncmpFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Completion
Write a value in the field strncmp_func.
writeStructure(Structure) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CustomMeta
Write a value in the field structure.
writeSupportsThreadContexts(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.File.FileIface
Write a value in the field supports_thread_contexts.
writeSystemFrameNumber(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field system_frame_number.
writeTag(Tag) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Feature
Write a value in the field tag.
writeTag(Tag) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxis
Write a value in the field tag.
writeTag(Tag) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtVarAxisInfo
Write a value in the field tag.
writeTag(Tag) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Variation
Write a value in the field tag.
writeTags(TagList) - Method in class
Write a value in the field tags.
writeTaps(MemorySegment) - Method in class
Write a value in the field taps.
writeTc(VideoTimeCode) - Method in class
Write a value in the field tc.
writeTestInitialized(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
Write a value in the field test_initialized.
writeTestPerf(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
Write a value in the field test_perf.
writeTestQuick(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
Write a value in the field test_quick.
writeTestQuiet(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
Write a value in the field test_quiet.
writeTestUndefined(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
Write a value in the field test_undefined.
writeTestVerbose(boolean) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TestConfig
Write a value in the field test_verbose.
writeText(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field text.
writeText(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItemIter
Write a value in the field text.
writeTextEnd(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field text_end.
writeTextureOrientation(VideoGLTextureOrientation) - Method in class
Write a value in the field texture_orientation.
writeTextureType(VideoGLTextureType[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field texture_type.
writeThreshold(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DebugCategory
Write a value in the field threshold.
writeTileHs(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field tile_hs.
writeTileInfo(VideoTileInfo[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field tile_info.
writeTileMode(VideoTileMode) - Method in class
Write a value in the field tile_mode.
writeTileWs(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field tile_ws.
writeTime(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.TimeCoord
Write a value in the field time.
writeTime(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueSize
Write a value in the field time.
writeTime(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Segment
Write a value in the field time.
writeTime(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Write a value in the field time.
writeTimestamp(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Write a value in the field timestamp.
writeTimestamp(long) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Write a value in the field timestamp.
writeTimestamp(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ReferenceTimestampMeta
Write a value in the field timestamp.
writeTimestamp(ClockTime) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TimedValue
Write a value in the field timestamp.
writeToChannels(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field to_channels.
writeToFile(String) - Method in class org.gnome.gsk.RenderNode
This function is equivalent to calling RenderNode.serialize() followed by GLib.fileSetContents(java.lang.String, byte[]).
writeToFile(Set<LayoutSerializeFlags>, String) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
A convenience method to serialize a layout to a file.
writeToFile(LayoutSerializeFlags, String) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
A convenience method to serialize a layout to a file.
writeToken(TokenType) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field token.
writeTop(short) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Border
Write a value in the field top.
writeToPosition(MemorySegment) - Method in class
Write a value in the field to_position.
writeTransfer(VideoTransferFunction) - Method in class
Write a value in the field transfer.
writeTransformFunc(MetaTransformFunction, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Write a value in the field transform_func.
writeTransformIpOnPassthrough(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.BaseTransform.BaseTransformClass
Write a value in the field transform_ip_on_passthrough.
writeTree(Tree, MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.SettingsBackend
virtual method to change a tree of keys
writeTvSec(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeVal
Write a value in the field tv_sec.
writeTvUsec(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.TimeVal
Write a value in the field tv_usec.
writeType(Set<MessageType>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Message
Write a value in the field type.
writeType(Set<PadProbeType>) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadProbeInfo
Write a value in the field type.
writeType(AudioRingBufferFormatType) - Method in class
Write a value in the field type.
writeType(ClockEntryType) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Write a value in the field type.
writeType(EventType) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Event
Write a value in the field type.
writeType(QueryType) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Query
Write a value in the field type.
writeType(FileAttributeType) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.FileAttributeInfo
Write a value in the field type.
writeType(Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Iterator
Write a value in the field type.
writeType(Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MetaInfo
Write a value in the field type.
writeType(Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MiniObject
Write a value in the field type.
writeType(Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.Structure
Write a value in the field type.
writeType(Type) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ValueTable
Write a value in the field type.
writeType(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeQuery
Write a value in the field type.
writeType(PadActionType) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.PadActionEntry
Write a value in the field type.
writeType(AttrType) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrClass
Write a value in the field type.
writeTypeFlags(Set<TypeFundamentalFlags>) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeFundamentalInfo
Write a value in the field type_flags.
writeTypeName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeQuery
Write a value in the field type_name.
writeUnderlinePosition(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Write a value in the field underline_position.
writeUnderlineThickness(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.FontMetrics
Write a value in the field underline_thickness.
writeUnichar(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Writes a Unicode character to this IOChannel.
writeUnpackFormat(AudioFormat) - Method in class
Write a value in the field unpack_format.
writeUnpackFormat(VideoFormat) - Method in class
Write a value in the field unpack_format.
writeUnpackFunc(AudioFormatUnpack, Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field unpack_func.
writeUnpackFunc(VideoFormatUnpack, Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field unpack_func.
writeUnscheduled(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Write a value in the field unscheduled.
writeUnused(byte) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.UserDataKey
Write a value in the field unused.
writeUnusePlugin(TypePluginUnuse, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginClass
Write a value in the field unuse_plugin.
writeUpload(VideoGLTextureUpload, Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field upload.
writeUsePlugin(TypePluginUse, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypePluginClass
Write a value in the field use_plugin.
writeUserData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Write a value in the field user_data.
writeUserData(MemorySegment) - Method in class
Write a value in the field user_data.
writeUserData(MemorySegment) - Method in class
Write a value in the field user_data.
writeUserData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field user_data.
writeUserData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.ThreadPool
Write a value in the field user_data.
writeUserData(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeIter
Write a value in the field user_data.
writeUserData(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MapInfo
Write a value in the field user_data.
writeUserData2(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeIter
Write a value in the field user_data2.
writeUserData3(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.TreeIter
Write a value in the field user_data3.
writeUserDataCopy(BoxedCopyFunc, Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field user_data_copy.
writeUserDataDestroyNotify(DestroyNotify, Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field user_data_destroy_notify.
writeUserDataFree(BoxedFreeFunc, Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field user_data_free.
writeUuid(byte[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field uuid.
writev(OutputVector[], Out<Long>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Tries to write the bytes contained in the nVectors vectors into the stream.
writevAll(OutputVector[], Out<Long>, Cancellable) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Tries to write the bytes contained in the nVectors vectors into the stream.
writevAllAsync(OutputVector[], int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Request an asynchronous write of the bytes contained in the nVectors vectors into the stream.
writevAllFinish(AsyncResult, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Finishes an asynchronous stream write operation started with g_output_stream_writev_all_async().
writeValue(double) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.TimedValue
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(double) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrFloat
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(float) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Variation
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Feature
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.DebugKey
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumValue
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsValue
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrInt
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(MemorySegment) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.LogField
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusAnnotationInfo
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrString
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(Format) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.FormatDefinition
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(TokenValue) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.Scanner
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ObjectConstructParam
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.Parameter
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(Simd4F) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(Simd4F) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(Simd4F) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(Simd4X4F) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Matrix
Write a value in the field value.
writeValue(Language) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.AttrLanguage
Write a value in the field value.
writeValueCopy(TypeValueCopyFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Write a value in the field value_copy.
writeValueFree(TypeValueFreeFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Write a value in the field value_free.
writeValueInit(TypeValueInitFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Write a value in the field value_init.
writeValueName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumValue
Write a value in the field value_name.
writeValueName(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsValue
Write a value in the field value_name.
writeValueNick(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumValue
Write a value in the field value_nick.
writeValueNick(String, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsValue
Write a value in the field value_nick.
writeValuePeekPointer(TypeValuePeekPointerFunc, Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeValueTable
Write a value in the field value_peek_pointer.
writeValues(EnumValue) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.EnumClass
Write a value in the field values.
writeValues(FlagsValue) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.FlagsClass
Write a value in the field values.
writeValues(Value) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ValueArray
Write a value in the field values.
writeValueTable(TypeValueTable) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.TypeInfo
Write a value in the field value_table.
writeValueType(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpec.ParamSpecClass
Write a value in the field value_type.
writeValueType(Type) - Method in class org.gnome.gobject.ParamSpecTypeInfo
Write a value in the field value_type.
writeVar(VarInt) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphPosition
Write a value in the field var.
writeVar(VarInt) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameEntry
Write a value in the field var.
writeVar1(VarInt) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphInfo
Write a value in the field var1.
writeVar2(VarInt) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphInfo
Write a value in the field var2.
writevAsync(OutputVector[], int, Cancellable, AsyncReadyCallback) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Request an asynchronous write of the bytes contained in nVectors vectors into the stream.
writeVectors(InputVector[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.InputMessage
Write a value in the field vectors.
writeVectors(OutputVector) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputMessage
Write a value in the field vectors.
writeVersion(String, Arena) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PluginDesc
Write a value in the field version.
writevFinish(AsyncResult, Out<Long>) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.OutputStream
Finishes a stream writev operation.
writeVfuncPadding(MemorySegment[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.DBusInterfaceSkeletonClass
Write a value in the field vfunc_padding.
writeViews(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field views.
writeVinfo(VideoInfo) - Method in class
Write a value in the field vinfo.
writeVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueItem
Write a value in the field visible.
writeVisible(int) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.DataQueueSize
Write a value in the field visible.
writevNonblocking(OutputVector[], Out<Long>, Cancellable) - Method in interface org.gnome.gio.PollableOutputStream
Attempts to write the bytes contained in the nVectors vectors to this PollableOutputStream, as with g_output_stream_writev().
writeVoiceActivity(boolean) - Method in class
Write a value in the field voice_activity.
writeW(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Write a value in the field w.
writeW(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4F
Write a value in the field w.
writeW(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field w.
writeW(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field w.
writeW(Simd4F) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4X4F
Write a value in the field w.
writeWantToRead(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Write a value in the field want_to_read.
writeWantToWrite(int) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Write a value in the field want_to_write.
writeWhitePoint(VideoMasteringDisplayInfoCoordinates) - Method in class
Write a value in the field white_point.
writeWidth(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Size
Write a value in the field width.
writeWidth(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field width.
writeWidth(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field width.
writeWidth(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field width.
writeWidth(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field width.
writeWidth(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field width.
writeWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Write a value in the field width.
writeWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gtk.Requisition
Write a value in the field width.
writeWidth(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Rectangle
Write a value in the field width.
writeWidth(Position) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphExtents
Write a value in the field width.
writeWidth(GlyphUnit) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphGeometry
Write a value in the field width.
writeWokenUp(boolean) - Method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.ClockEntry
Write a value in the field woken_up.
writeWriteBuf(GString) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.IOChannel
Write a value in the field write_buf.
writeWriteCond(Cond) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.StaticRWLock
Write a value in the field write_cond.
writeWSub(int[], Arena) - Method in class
Write a value in the field w_sub.
writeWx(double) - Method in class
Write a value in the field Wx.
writeWy(double) - Method in class
Write a value in the field Wy.
writeX(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Write a value in the field x.
writeX(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Write a value in the field x.
writeX(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Write a value in the field x.
writeX(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4F
Write a value in the field x.
writeX(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field x.
writeX(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field x.
writeX(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field x.
writeX(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Write a value in the field x.
writeX(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Rectangle
Write a value in the field x.
writeX(long[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantBuilder
Write a value in the field x.
writeX(long[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantDict
Write a value in the field x.
writeX(long[], Arena) - Method in class org.gnome.glib.VariantIter
Write a value in the field x.
writeX(short) - Method in class
Write a value in the field x.
writeX(Simd4F) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4X4F
Write a value in the field x.
writeX0(double) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Write a value in the field x0.
writeXAdvance(Position) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphPosition
Write a value in the field x_advance.
writeXBearing(Position) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphExtents
Write a value in the field x_bearing.
writeXOffset(Position) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphPosition
Write a value in the field x_offset.
writeXOffset(GlyphUnit) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphGeometry
Write a value in the field x_offset.
writeXx(double) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Write a value in the field xx.
writeXy(double) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Write a value in the field xy.
writeY(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Write a value in the field y.
writeY(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Write a value in the field y.
writeY(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Write a value in the field y.
writeY(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4F
Write a value in the field y.
writeY(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field y.
writeY(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field y.
writeY(int) - Method in class
Write a value in the field y.
writeY(int) - Method in class org.gnome.gdk.Rectangle
Write a value in the field y.
writeY(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Rectangle
Write a value in the field y.
writeY(short) - Method in class
Write a value in the field y.
writeY(Simd4F) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4X4F
Write a value in the field y.
writeY0(double) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Write a value in the field y0.
writeYAdvance(Position) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphPosition
Write a value in the field y_advance.
writeYBearing(Position) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphExtents
Write a value in the field y_bearing.
writeYOffset(int) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphItem
Write a value in the field y_offset.
writeYOffset(Position) - Method in class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.GlyphPosition
Write a value in the field y_offset.
writeYOffset(GlyphUnit) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphGeometry
Write a value in the field y_offset.
writeYx(double) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Write a value in the field yx.
writeYy(double) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Matrix
Write a value in the field yy.
writeZ(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Write a value in the field z.
writeZ(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Quaternion
Write a value in the field z.
writeZ(float) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4F
Write a value in the field z.
writeZ(Simd4F) - Method in class org.gnome.graphene.Simd4X4F
Write a value in the field z.
WRONG_DIRECTION - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkReturn
pads have wrong direction
WRONG_ETAG - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.IOErrorEnum
File's Entity Tag was incorrect.
WRONG_HIERARCHY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.PadLinkReturn
pads have no common grandparent
WRONG_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.StreamError
used when the element doesn't handle this type of stream.
wroteChunk(Bytes) - Method in class org.gnome.soup.MessageBody
Handles the SoupMessageBody part of writing a chunk of data to the network.
WS - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.BidiType
WWS_FAMILY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
WWS Family Name
WWS_SUBFAMILY - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtNameIdPredefined
WWS Subfamily Name
WWW_FORM - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UriParamsFlags
Replace + with space character.


X - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisFlags
X axis is present
X - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
the axis is used as the x axis.
X_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.OtMetricsTag
x height.
X8B8G8R8 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 bytes; for unused, blue, green, red.
X8R8G8B8 - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.MemoryFormat
4 bytes; for unused, red, green, blue.
xAxis() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Retrieves a constant vector with (1, 0) components.
xAxis() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Provides a constant pointer to a vector with three components with values set to (1, 0, 0).
xAxis() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Retrieves a pointer to a graphene_vec4_t with its components set to (1, 0, 0, 0).
XBGR - Enum constant in enum class
sparse reverse rgb packed into 32 bit, space first
XDIGIT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.AsciiType
XOR - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.PaintCompositeMode
source and destination are shown where there is only one of them
XRGB - Enum constant in enum class
sparse rgb packed into 32 bit, space first
XTILT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisFlags
X tilt axis is present
XTILT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
the axis is used for x tilt information.
xToIndex(int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine
Converts from x offset to the byte index of the corresponding character within the text of the layout.
xToIndex(String, int, Analysis, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.GlyphString
Convert from x offset to character position.
xyToIndex(int, int, Out<Integer>, Out<Integer>) - Method in class org.gnome.pango.Layout
Converts from X and Y position within a layout to the byte index to the character at that logical position.
XYZ - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Rotate in the X, Y, and Z order.
XZY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Rotate in the X, Z, and Y order.


y(int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Creates a new GstDateTime using the date and times in the gregorian calendar in the local timezone.
Y - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisFlags
Y axis is present
Y - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
the axis is used as the y axis.
Y210 - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:2:2 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.16)
Y212_BE - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:2:2 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Y-U-Y-V) (Since: 1.18)
Y212_LE - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:2:2 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Y-U-Y-V) (Since: 1.18)
Y410 - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:4:4 YUV, 10 bits per channel(A-V-Y-U...) (Since: 1.16)
Y412_BE - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:4:4:4 YUV, 12 bits per channel(U-Y-V-A...) (Since: 1.18)
Y412_LE - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:4:4:4 YUV, 12 bits per channel(U-Y-V-A...) (Since: 1.18)
Y41B - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:1:1 YUV
Y42B - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:2 YUV
Y444 - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4 YUV
Y444_10BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.2)
Y444_10LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4 YUV, 10 bits per channel (Since: 1.2)
Y444_12BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12)
Y444_12LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Since: 1.12)
Y444_16BE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4 YUV, 16 bits per channel (Since: 1.18)
Y444_16LE - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:4:4 YUV, 16 bits per channel (Since: 1.18)
yAxis() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Retrieves a constant vector with (0, 1) components.
yAxis() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Provides a constant pointer to a vector with three components with values set to (0, 1, 0).
yAxis() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Retrieves a pointer to a graphene_vec4_t with its components set to (0, 1, 0, 0).
YEAR - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.DateDMY
a year
YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.adw.AccentColor
Use a yellow color (#c88800).
YES - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ResponseType
Returned by Yes buttons in GTK dialogs
YES_NO - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.ButtonsType
Yes and No buttons
YEZIDI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Yezi, Since: 2.6.7
YEZIDI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
YI - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
YI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
YI - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.pango.Script
yield() - Static method in class org.gnome.glib.Thread
Causes the calling thread to voluntarily relinquish the CPU, so that other threads can run.
yieldOwnership(Proxy) - Static method in class io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop.MemoryCleaner
Yield ownership of this memory address: when all proxy objects are garbage-collected, the memory will not be released.
ym(int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Creates a new GstDateTime using the date and times in the gregorian calendar in the local timezone.
ymd(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.DateTime
Creates a new GstDateTime using the date and times in the gregorian calendar in the local timezone.
YTILT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisFlags
Y tilt axis is present
YTILT - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gdk.AxisUse
the axis is used for y tilt information.
YUV - Enum constant in enum class
The video format is YUV, components are numbered 0=Y, 1=U, 2=V.
YUV9 - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:1:0 YUV
YUY2 - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:2:2 YUV (Y0-U0-Y1-V0 Y2-U2-Y3-V2 Y4 ...)
YV12 - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:2:0 YVU (like I420 but UV planes swapped)
YVU9 - Enum constant in enum class
planar 4:1:0 YUV (like YUV9 but UV planes swapped)
YVYU - Enum constant in enum class
packed 4:2:2 YUV (Y0-V0-Y1-U0 Y2-V2-Y3-U2 Y4 ...)
YXZ - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Rotate in the Y, X, and Z order.
YZX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Rotate in the Y, Z, and X order.


ZANABAZAR_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.harfbuzz.Script
Zanb, Since: 1.6.0
ZANABAZAR_SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeScript
Zanabazar Square.
zAxis() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Provides a constant pointer to a vector with three components with values set to (0, 0, 1).
zAxis() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Retrieves a pointer to a graphene_vec4_t with its components set to (0, 0, 1, 0).
zero() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Box
A graphene_box_t with both the minimum and maximum vertices set at (0, 0, 0).
zero() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point
Returns a point fixed at (0, 0).
zero() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Point3D
Retrieves a constant point with all three coordinates set to 0.
zero() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Rect
Returns a degenerate rectangle with origin fixed at (0, 0) and a size of 0, 0.
zero() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Size
A constant pointer to a zero graphene_size_t, useful for equality checks and interpolations.
zero() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec2
Retrieves a constant vector with (0, 0) components.
zero() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec3
Provides a constant pointer to a vector with three components, all sets to 0.
zero() - Static method in class org.gnome.graphene.Vec4
Retrieves a pointer to a graphene_vec4_t with all its components set to 0.
ZERO - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.base.AggregatorStartTimeSelection
Start at running time 0.
ZERO_PADDED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryFlags
the memory padding is filled with 0 bytes
ZERO_PREFIXED - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.MemoryFlags
the memory prefix is filled with 0 bytes
ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Zero Width Joiner (ZWJ).
ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.glib.UnicodeBreakType
Zero Width Space (ZW)
ZFLIPZ_2X2 - Enum constant in enum class
Every four adjacent blocks - two horizontally and two vertically are grouped together and are located in memory in Z or flipped Z order.
ZIG_ZAG - Enum constant in enum class org.freedesktop.gstreamer.gst.CapsIntersectMode
Zig-zags over both caps.
ZLIB - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressorFormat
deflate compression with zlib header
ZlibCompressor - Class in org.gnome.gio
GZlibCompressor is an implementation of Converter that compresses data using zlib.
ZlibCompressor(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressor
Create a ZlibCompressor proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ZlibCompressor(ZlibCompressorFormat, int) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressor
Creates a new GZlibCompressor.
ZlibCompressor.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ZlibCompressor.ZlibCompressorClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
ZlibCompressorClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressor.ZlibCompressorClass
Allocate a new ZlibCompressorClass.
ZlibCompressorClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressor.ZlibCompressorClass
Allocate a new ZlibCompressorClass.
ZlibCompressorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ZlibCompressor.ZlibCompressorClass
Create a ZlibCompressorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ZlibCompressorFormat - Enum Class in org.gnome.gio
Used to select the type of data format to use for GZlibDecompressor and GZlibCompressor.
ZlibDecompressor - Class in org.gnome.gio
GZlibDecompressor is an implementation of Converter that decompresses data compressed with zlib.
ZlibDecompressor(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ZlibDecompressor
Create a ZlibDecompressor proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ZlibDecompressor(ZlibCompressorFormat) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ZlibDecompressor
Creates a new GZlibDecompressor.
ZlibDecompressor.Builder<B> - Class in org.gnome.gio
Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.
ZlibDecompressor.ZlibDecompressorClass - Class in org.gnome.gio
ZlibDecompressorClass() - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ZlibDecompressor.ZlibDecompressorClass
Allocate a new ZlibDecompressorClass.
ZlibDecompressorClass(Arena) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ZlibDecompressor.ZlibDecompressorClass
Allocate a new ZlibDecompressorClass.
ZlibDecompressorClass(MemorySegment) - Constructor for class org.gnome.gio.ZlibDecompressor.ZlibDecompressorClass
Create a ZlibDecompressorClass proxy instance for the provided memory address.
ZXY - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Rotate in the Z, X, and Y order.
ZYX - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.graphene.EulerOrder
Rotate in the Z, Y, and X order.


_0_255 - Enum constant in enum class
[0..255] for 8 bit components
_0BSD - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gtk.License
Zero-Clause BSD license
_14_9_LETTER_14_9_PILLAR - Enum constant in enum class
For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 14:9 image, vertically centered in the coded frame.
_14_9_TOP_ALIGNED - Enum constant in enum class
For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 14:9 image, at top of the coded frame.
_16_235 - Enum constant in enum class
[16..235] for 8 bit components.
_16_9_LETTER_14_9_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class
For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, with alternative 14:9 center.
_16_9_LETTER_16_9_FULL - Enum constant in enum class
For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, vertically centered in the coded frame with all image areas protected.
_16_9_LETTER_4_3_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class
For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, with alternative 4:3 center.
_16_9_TOP_ALIGNED - Enum constant in enum class
For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, at top of the coded frame.
_180 - Enum constant in enum class
Rotate 180 degrees
_2BIG - Static variable in enum class org.gnome.glib.SpawnError
deprecated alias for SpawnError.TOO_BIG (deprecated since GLib 2.32)
_2d(VideoScaler, VideoFormat, MemorySegment, int, MemorySegment, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class
Scale a rectangle of pixels in src with srcStride to dest with destStride using the horizontal scaler hscaler and the vertical scaler vscale.
_2D - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.TransformCategory
The matrix is a 2D matrix.
_2D_AFFINE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.TransformCategory
The matrix is a combination of 2D scale and 2D translation operations.
_2D_TRANSLATE - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.TransformCategory
The matrix is a 2D translation.
_3D - Enum constant in enum class org.gnome.gsk.TransformCategory
The matrix is a 3D matrix.
_4_3_FULL_14_9_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class
For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, with alternative 14:9 center.
_4_3_FULL_16_9_FULL - Enum constant in enum class
For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, the same as the coded frame.
_4_3_FULL_4_3_PILLAR - Enum constant in enum class
For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, the same as the coded frame.
_90L - Enum constant in enum class
Rotate counter-clockwise 90 degrees
_90R - Enum constant in enum class
Rotate clockwise 90 degrees
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
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