Package org.gnome.gio
package org.gnome.gio
A library providing useful classes for general purpose I/O, networking, IPC, settings, and other high level application functionality
The following native libraries are required and will be loaded: libgio-2.0.0
For namespace-global declarations, refer to the Gio
class documentation.
represents a single named action.The ActionImpl type represents a native instance of the Action interface.The virtual function table forGio.Action
.Action.Builder<B extends Builder<B>>This struct defines a single action.Functional interface declaration of theActivateCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theChangeStateCallback
represents a group of actions.Functional interface declaration of theActionAddedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theActionEnabledChangedCallback
callback.The ActionGroupImpl type represents a native instance of the ActionGroup interface.The virtual function table forGio.ActionGroup
.Functional interface declaration of theActionRemovedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theActionStateChangedCallback
is an interface for action containers.The ActionMapImpl type represents a native instance of the ActionMap interface.The virtual function table forActionMap
.Information about an installed application and methods to launch it (with file arguments).Application Information interface, for operating system portability.The AppInfoImpl type represents a native instance of the AppInfo interface.Flags used when creating aGAppInfo
monitors application information for changes.AppInfoMonitor.Builder<B extends AppInfoMonitor.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theChangedCallback
callback.Integrating the launch with the launching application.AppLaunchContext.Builder<B extends AppLaunchContext.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theLaunchedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theLaunchFailedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theLaunchStartedCallback
is the core class for application support.Functional interface declaration of theActivateCallback
callback.Virtual function table forGApplication
.Application.Builder<B extends Application.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theCommandLineCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theHandleLocalOptionsCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theNameLostCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theOpenCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theShutdownCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theStartupCallback
represents a command-line invocation of an application.TheGApplicationCommandLineClass
-struct contains private data only.ApplicationCommandLine.Builder<B extends ApplicationCommandLine.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Flags used to define the behaviour of aGApplication
are used to request specific information from the user, or to notify the user of their choices in an authentication situation.GAsyncInitable
is an interface for asynchronously initializable objects.Provides an interface for asynchronous initializing object such that initialization may fail.The AsyncInitableImpl type represents a native instance of the AsyncInitable interface.Functional interface declaration of theAsyncReadyCallback
provides a base class for implementing asynchronous function results.Interface definition forAsyncResult
.The AsyncResultImpl type represents a native instance of the AsyncResult interface.Buffered input stream implementsFilterInputStream
and provides for buffered reads.BufferedInputStream.Builder<B extends BufferedInputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Buffered output stream implementsFilterOutputStream
and provides for buffered writes.BufferedOutputStream.Builder<B extends BufferedOutputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theBusAcquiredCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theBusNameAcquiredCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theBusNameAppearedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theBusNameLostCallback
callback.Flags used in g_bus_own_name().Functional interface declaration of theBusNameVanishedCallback
callback.Flags used in g_bus_watch_name().An enumeration for well-known message buses.GBytesIcon
specifies an image held in memory in a common format (usually PNG) to be used as icon.BytesIcon.Builder<B extends BytesIcon.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GCancellable
allows operations to be cancelled.Cancellable.Builder<B extends Cancellable.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theCancelledCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theCancellableSourceFunc
callback.CharsetConverter.Builder<B extends CharsetConverter.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GConverter
is an interface for streaming conversions.Provides an interface for converting data from one type to another type.The ConverterImpl type represents a native instance of the Converter interface.Flags used when calling a g_converter_convert().Converter input stream implementsInputStream
and allows conversion of data of various types during reading.ConverterInputStream.Builder<B extends ConverterInputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Converter output stream implementsOutputStream
and allows conversion of data of various types during reading.ConverterOutputStream.Builder<B extends ConverterOutputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Results returned from g_converter_convert().TheGCredentials
type is a reference-counted wrapper for native credentials.Credentials.Builder<B extends Credentials.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Class structure forGCredentials
.Enumeration describing different kinds of native credential types.Interface for socket-like objects with datagram semantics.The DatagramBasedImpl type represents a native instance of the DatagramBased interface.Provides an interface for socket-like objects which have datagram semantics, following the Berkeley sockets API.Functional interface declaration of theDatagramBasedSourceFunc
callback.Data input stream implementsInputStream
and includes functions for reading structured data directly from a binary input stream.DataInputStream.Builder<B extends DataInputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Data output stream implementsOutputStream
and includes functions for writing data directly to an output stream.DataOutputStream.Builder<B extends DataOutputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GDataStreamByteOrder
is used to ensure proper endianness of streaming data sources across various machine architectures.GDataStreamNewlineType
is used when checking for or setting the line endings for a given file.GDBusActionGroup
is an implementation of theActionGroup
interface.DBusActionGroup.Builder<B extends DBusActionGroup.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Information about an annotation.Information about an argument for a method or a signal.GDBusAuthObserver
provides a mechanism for participating in how aDBusServer
(or aDBusConnection
) authenticates remote peers.Functional interface declaration of theAllowMechanismCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theAuthorizeAuthenticatedPeerCallback
callback.DBusAuthObserver.Builder<B extends DBusAuthObserver.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Flags used in g_dbus_connection_call() and similar APIs.Capabilities negotiated with the remote peer.TheGDBusConnection
type is used for D-Bus connections to remote peers such as a message buses.DBusConnection.Builder<B extends DBusConnection.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theClosedCallback
callback.Flags used when creating a newGDBusConnection
.Error codes for theG_DBUS_ERROR
error domain.Struct used in g_dbus_error_register_error_domain().Base type for D-Bus interfaces.Base type for D-Bus interfaces.The DBusInterfaceImpl type represents a native instance of the DBusInterface interface.Functional interface declaration of theDBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc
callback.Information about a D-Bus interface.Functional interface declaration of theDBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc
callback.Functional interface declaration of theDBusInterfaceSetPropertyFunc
callback.Abstract base class for D-Bus interfaces on the service side.DBusInterfaceSkeleton.Builder<B extends DBusInterfaceSkeleton.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Class structure forGDBusInterfaceSkeleton
.The DBusInterfaceSkeletonImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract DBusInterfaceSkeleton class.Functional interface declaration of theGAuthorizeMethodCallback
callback.Flags describing the behavior of aGDBusInterfaceSkeleton
instance.Virtual table for handling properties and method calls for a D-Bus interface.GDBusMenuModel
is an implementation ofMenuModel
that can be used as a proxy for a menu model that is exported over D-Bus withDBusConnection.exportMenuModel(java.lang.String, org.gnome.gio.MenuModel)
.DBusMenuModel.Builder<B extends DBusMenuModel.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.A type for representing D-Bus messages that can be sent or received on aDBusConnection
.DBusMessage.Builder<B extends DBusMessage.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Enumeration used to describe the byte order of a D-Bus message.Functional interface declaration of theDBusMessageFilterFunction
callback.Message flags used inGDBusMessage
.Header fields used inGDBusMessage
.Message types used inGDBusMessage
.Information about a method on a D-Bus interface.Instances of theGDBusMethodInvocation
class are used when handling D-Bus method calls.DBusMethodInvocation.Builder<B extends DBusMethodInvocation.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Information about nodes in a remote object hierarchy.TheGDBusObject
type is the base type for D-Bus objects on both the service side (seeDBusObjectSkeleton
) and the client side (seeDBusObjectProxy
).Base object type for D-Bus objects.The DBusObjectImpl type represents a native instance of the DBusObject interface.Functional interface declaration of theInterfaceAddedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theInterfaceRemovedCallback
type is the base type for service- and client-side implementations of the standardizedorg.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager
interface.Base type for D-Bus object managers.The DBusObjectManagerImpl type represents a native instance of the DBusObjectManager interface.Functional interface declaration of theInterfaceAddedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theInterfaceRemovedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theObjectAddedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theObjectRemovedCallback
is used to create, monitor and delete object proxies for remote objects exported by aDBusObjectManagerServer
(or any code implementing the org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager interface).Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Class structure forGDBusObjectManagerClient
.Functional interface declaration of theInterfaceProxyPropertiesChangedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theInterfaceProxySignalCallback
callback.Flags used when constructing aGDBusObjectManagerClient
is used to exportDBusObject
instances using the standardizedorg.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager
interface.Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Class structure forGDBusObjectManagerServer
is an object used to represent a remote object with one or more D-Bus interfaces.DBusObjectProxy.Builder<B extends DBusObjectProxy.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Class structure forGDBusObjectProxy
instance is essentially a group of D-Bus interfaces.Functional interface declaration of theAuthorizeMethodCallback
callback.DBusObjectSkeleton.Builder<B extends DBusObjectSkeleton.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Class structure forGDBusObjectSkeleton
.Information about a D-Bus property on a D-Bus interface.Flags describing the access control of a D-Bus property.GDBusProxy
is a base class used for proxies to access a D-Bus interface on a remote object.DBusProxy.Builder<B extends DBusProxy.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Class structure forGDBusProxy
.Functional interface declaration of theGPropertiesChangedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theGSignalCallback
callback.Flags used when constructing an instance of aGDBusProxy
derived class.Functional interface declaration of theDBusProxyTypeFunc
callback.Flags used when sendingGDBusMessages
on aGDBusConnection
is a helper for listening to and accepting D-Bus connections.DBusServer.Builder<B extends DBusServer.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theNewConnectionCallback
callback.Flags used when creating aGDBusServer
.Functional interface declaration of theDBusSignalCallback
callback.Flags used when subscribing to signals via g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe().Information about a signal on a D-Bus interface.Functional interface declaration of theDBusSubtreeDispatchFunc
callback.Functional interface declaration of theDBusSubtreeEnumerateFunc
callback.Flags passed to g_dbus_connection_register_subtree().Functional interface declaration of theDBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc
callback.Virtual table for handling subtrees registered with g_dbus_connection_register_subtree().GDebugController
is an interface to expose control of debugging features and debug output.DebugController.Builder<B extends Builder<B>>The DebugControllerImpl type represents a native instance of the DebugController interface.The virtual function table forGDebugController
is an implementation ofDebugController
which exposes debug settings as a D-Bus object.Functional interface declaration of theAuthorizeCallback
callback.DebugControllerDBus.Builder<B extends DebugControllerDBus.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.The virtual function table forGDebugControllerDBus
is an implementation ofAppInfo
based on desktop files.DesktopAppInfo.Builder<B extends DesktopAppInfo.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Deprecated.Interface that is used by backends to associate default handlers with URI schemes.The DesktopAppInfoLookupImpl type represents a native instance of the DesktopAppInfoLookup interface.Functional interface declaration of theDesktopAppLaunchCallback
represents a piece of hardware connected to the machine.Functional interface declaration of theChangedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theDisconnectedCallback
callback.Interface for creatingGDrive
implementations.The DriveImpl type represents a native instance of the Drive interface.Functional interface declaration of theEjectButtonCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theStopButtonCallback
callback.Flags used when starting a drive.Enumeration describing how a drive can be started/stopped.GDtlsClientConnection
is the client-side subclass ofDtlsConnection
, representing a client-side DTLS connection.DtlsClientConnection.Builder<B extends Builder<B>>The DtlsClientConnectionImpl type represents a native instance of the DtlsClientConnection interface.vtable for aGDtlsClientConnection
is the base DTLS connection class type, which wraps aDatagramBased
and provides DTLS encryption on top of it.Functional interface declaration of theAcceptCertificateCallback
callback.DtlsConnection.Builder<B extends Builder<B>>The DtlsConnectionImpl type represents a native instance of the DtlsConnection interface.Virtual method table for aGDtlsConnection
is the server-side subclass ofDtlsConnection
, representing a server-side DTLS connection.DtlsServerConnection.Builder<B extends Builder<B>>The DtlsServerConnectionImpl type represents a native instance of the DtlsServerConnection interface.vtable for aGDtlsServerConnection
is an implementation ofIcon
that supports having an emblem, which is an icon with additional properties.Emblem.Builder<B extends Emblem.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GEmblemedIcon
is an implementation ofIcon
that supports adding an emblem to an icon.EmblemedIcon.Builder<B extends EmblemedIcon.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GEmblemOrigin is used to add information about the origin of the emblem toGEmblem
is a high level abstraction for manipulating files on a virtual file system.An interface for writing VFS file handles.Functional interface declaration of theQuerySettableAttributesAsyncCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theQuerySettableAttributesFinishCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theQueryWritableNamespacesAsyncCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theQueryWritableNamespacesFinishCallback
callback.The FileImpl type represents a native instance of the File interface.Information about a specific attribute.Flags specifying the behaviour of an attribute.Acts as a lightweight registry for possible valid file attributes.Determines if a string matches a file attribute.Used by g_file_set_attributes_from_info() when setting file attributes.The data types for file attributes.Flags used when copying or moving files.Flags used when an operation may create a file.GFileDescriptorBased
is an interface for file descriptor based IO.An interface for file descriptor based io objects.The FileDescriptorBasedImpl type represents a native instance of the FileDescriptorBased interface.FileEnumerator.Builder<B extends FileEnumerator.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GFileIcon
specifies an icon by pointing to an image file to be used as icon.FileIcon.Builder<B extends FileIcon.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Stores information about a file system object referenced by aFile
.FileInfo.Builder<B extends FileInfo.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GFileInputStream
provides input streams that take their content from a file.FileInputStream.Builder<B extends FileInputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GFileIOStream
provides I/O streams that both read and write to the same file handle.FileIOStream.Builder<B extends FileIOStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Flags that can be used with g_file_measure_disk_usage().Functional interface declaration of theFileMeasureProgressCallback
callback.Monitors a file or directory for changes.FileMonitor.Builder<B extends FileMonitor.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theChangedCallback
callback.The FileMonitorImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract FileMonitor class.Specifies what type of event a monitor event is.Flags used to set what aGFileMonitor
will watch for.Completes partial file and directory names given a partial string by looking in the file system for clues.FilenameCompleter.Builder<B extends FilenameCompleter.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theGotCompletionDataCallback
provides output streams that write their content to a file.FileOutputStream.Builder<B extends FileOutputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theFileProgressCallback
callback.Flags used when querying aGFileInfo
.Functional interface declaration of theFileReadMoreCallback
callback.Indicates a hint from the file system whether files should be previewed in a file manager.Indicates the file's on-disk type.Base class for input stream implementations that perform some kind of filtering operation on a base stream.FilterInputStream.Builder<B extends FilterInputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.The FilterInputStreamImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract FilterInputStream class.Base class for output stream implementations that perform some kind of filtering operation on a base stream.FilterOutputStream.Builder<B extends FilterOutputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.The FilterOutputStreamImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract FilterOutputStream class.Constants and functions that are declared in the global Gio namespace.GIcon
is a very minimal interface for icons.GIconIface is used to implement GIcon types for various different systems.The IconImpl type represents a native instance of the Icon interface.GInetAddress
represents an IPv4 or IPv6 internet address.InetAddress.Builder<B extends InetAddress.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GInetAddressMask
represents a range of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses described by a base address and a length indicating how many bits of the base address are relevant for matching purposes.InetAddressMask.Builder<B extends InetAddressMask.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.An IPv4 or IPv6 socket address.InetSocketAddress.Builder<B extends InetSocketAddress.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GInitable
is implemented by objects that can fail during initialization.Provides an interface for initializing object such that initialization may fail.The InitableImpl type represents a native instance of the Initable interface.Structure used for scatter/gather data input when receiving multiple messages or packets in one go.GInputStream
is a base class for implementing streaming input.InputStream.Builder<B extends InputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.The InputStreamImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract InputStream class.Structure used for scatter/gather data input.Error codes returned by GIO functions.GIOExtension
is an opaque data structure and can only be accessed using the following functions.GIOExtensionPoint
provides a mechanism for modules to extend the functionality of the library or application that loaded it in an organized fashion.Provides an interface and default functions for loading and unloading modules.IOModule.Builder<B extends IOModule.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Represents a scope for loading IO modules.Flags for use with g_io_module_scope_new().Deprecated.Deprecated.GIOStream
represents an object that has both read and write streams.IOStream.Builder<B extends IOStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.The IOStreamImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract IOStream class.GIOStreamSpliceFlags determine how streams should be spliced.GListModel
is an interface that represents a mutable list ofGObject
.Functional interface declaration of theItemsChangedCallback
callback.The ListModelImpl type represents a native instance of the ListModel interface.The virtual function table forGListModel
is a simple implementation ofListModel
that stores all items in memory.ListStore.Builder<B extends ListStore.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.ListStore.ListStoreClass<T extends GObject>GLoadableIcon
extends theIcon
interface and adds the ability to load icons from streams.Interface for icons that can be loaded as a stream.The LoadableIconImpl type represents a native instance of the LoadableIcon interface.GMemoryInputStream
is a class for using arbitrary memory chunks as input for GIO streaming input operations.MemoryInputStream.Builder<B extends MemoryInputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GMemoryMonitor
will monitor system memory and suggest to the application when to free memory so as to leave more room for other applications.Functional interface declaration of theLowMemoryWarningCallback
callback.The MemoryMonitorImpl type represents a native instance of the MemoryMonitor interface.The virtual function table forGMemoryMonitor
.Memory availability warning levels.GMemoryOutputStream
is a class for using arbitrary memory chunks as output for GIO streaming output operations.MemoryOutputStream.Builder<B extends MemoryOutputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GMenu
is a simple implementation ofMenuModel
.Menu.Builder<B extends Menu.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GMenuAttributeIter
is an opaque structure type.MenuAttributeIter.Builder<B extends MenuAttributeIter.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.The MenuAttributeIterImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract MenuAttributeIter class.GMenuItem
is an opaque structure type.MenuItem.Builder<B extends MenuItem.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GMenuLinkIter
is an opaque structure type.MenuLinkIter.Builder<B extends MenuLinkIter.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.The MenuLinkIterImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract MenuLinkIter class.GMenuModel
represents the contents of a menu — an ordered list of menu items.MenuModel.Builder<B extends MenuModel.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theItemsChangedCallback
callback.The MenuModelImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract MenuModel class.TheGMount
interface represents a user-visible mount, such as a mounted file system.Functional interface declaration of theChangedCallback
callback.Interface for implementing operations for mounts.The MountImpl type represents a native instance of the Mount interface.Functional interface declaration of thePreUnmountCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theUnmountedCallback
callback.Flags used when mounting a mount.GMountOperation
provides a mechanism for interacting with the user.Functional interface declaration of theAbortedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theAskPasswordCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theAskQuestionCallback
callback.MountOperation.Builder<B extends MountOperation.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theReplyCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theShowProcessesCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theShowUnmountProgressCallback
is returned as a result when a request for information is send by the mounting operation.Flags used when an unmounting a mount.A socket address of some unknown native type.NativeSocketAddress.Builder<B extends NativeSocketAddress.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.NativeVolumeMonitor.Builder<B extends NativeVolumeMonitor.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.The NativeVolumeMonitorImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract NativeVolumeMonitor class.GNetworkAddress
provides an easy way to resolve a hostname and then attempt to connect to that host, handling the possibility of multiple IP addresses and multiple address families.NetworkAddress.Builder<B extends NetworkAddress.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.The host's network connectivity state, as reported byGNetworkMonitor
provides an easy-to-use cross-platform API for monitoring network connectivity.NetworkMonitor.Builder<B extends Builder<B>>Functional interface declaration of theNetworkChangedCallback
callback.The NetworkMonitorImpl type represents a native instance of the NetworkMonitor interface.The virtual function table forGNetworkMonitor
does with hostnames,GNetworkService
provides an easy way to resolve a SRV record, and then attempt to connect to one of the hosts that implements that service, handling service priority/weighting, multiple IP addresses, and multiple address families.NetworkService.Builder<B extends NetworkService.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GNotification
is a mechanism for creating a notification to be shown to the user — typically as a pop-up notification presented by the desktop environment shell.Notification.Builder<B extends Notification.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Priority levels forGNotifications
.OsxAppInfo.Builder<B extends OsxAppInfo.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Structure used for scatter/gather data output when sending multiple messages or packets in one go.GOutputStream
is a base class for implementing streaming output.OutputStream.Builder<B extends OutputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.The OutputStreamImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract OutputStream class.GOutputStreamSpliceFlags determine how streams should be spliced.Structure used for scatter/gather data output.GPasswordSave
is used to indicate the lifespan of a saved password.AGPermission
represents the status of the caller’s permission to perform a certain action.Permission.Builder<B extends Permission.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.The PermissionImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Permission class.GPollableInputStream
is implemented byInputStream
s that can be polled for readiness to read.The PollableInputStreamImpl type represents a native instance of the PollableInputStream interface.The interface for pollable input streams.GPollableOutputStream
is implemented byOutputStream
s that can be polled for readiness to write.The PollableOutputStreamImpl type represents a native instance of the PollableOutputStream interface.The interface for pollable output streams.Return value for various IO operations that signal errors via the return value and not necessarily via aGError
.Functional interface declaration of thePollableSourceFunc
makes it possible for applications as well as OS components to monitor system power profiles and act upon them.PowerProfileMonitor.Builder<B extends Builder<B>>The PowerProfileMonitorImpl type represents a native instance of the PowerProfileMonitor interface.The virtual function table forGPowerProfileMonitor
.PropertyAction.Builder<B extends PropertyAction.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.AGProxy
handles connecting to a remote host via a given type of proxy server.The ProxyImpl type represents a native instance of the Proxy interface.Provides an interface for handling proxy connection and payload.AInetSocketAddress
representing a connection via a proxy server.ProxyAddress.Builder<B extends ProxyAddress.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Class structure forGProxyAddress
is a wrapper aroundSocketAddressEnumerator
which takes theSocketAddress
instances returned by theSocketAddressEnumerator
and wraps them inProxyAddress
instances, using the givenGio.ProxyAddressEnumerator:proxy-resolver
.ProxyAddressEnumerator.Builder<B extends ProxyAddressEnumerator.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Class structure forGProxyAddressEnumerator
provides synchronous and asynchronous network proxy resolution.The ProxyResolverImpl type represents a native instance of the ProxyResolver interface.The virtual function table forGProxyResolver
.Functional interface declaration of theReallocFunc
interface is implemented byActionGroup
instances that either transmit action invocations to other processes or receive action invocations in the local process from other processes.The RemoteActionGroupImpl type represents a native instance of the RemoteActionGroup interface.The virtual function table forGRemoteActionGroup
.The object that handles DNS resolution.Resolver.Builder<B extends Resolver.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theReloadCallback
callback.The ResolverImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract Resolver class.An error code used withG_RESOLVER_ERROR
in aGError
returned from aGResolver
routine.Flags to modify lookup behavior.The type of record that g_resolver_lookup_records() or g_resolver_lookup_records_async() should retrieve.Applications and libraries often contain binary or textual data that is really part of the application, rather than user data.An error code used withG_RESOURCE_ERROR
in aGError
returned from aGResource
routine.GResourceFlags give information about a particular file inside a resource bundle.GResourceLookupFlags determine how resource path lookups are handled.GSeekable
is implemented by streams (implementations ofInputStream
) that support seeking.Provides an interface for implementing seekable functionality on I/O Streams.The SeekableImpl type represents a native instance of the Seekable interface.TheGSettings
class provides a convenient API for storing and retrieving application settings.Settings.Builder<B extends Settings.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theChangedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theChangeEventCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theWritableChangedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theWritableChangeEventCallback
interface defines a generic interface for non-strictly-typed data that is stored in a hierarchy.SettingsBackend.Builder<B extends SettingsBackend.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Class structure forGSettingsBackend
.The SettingsBackendImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract SettingsBackend class.Flags used when creating a binding.Functional interface declaration of theSettingsBindGetMapping
callback.Functional interface declaration of theSettingsBindSetMapping
callback.Functional interface declaration of theSettingsGetMapping
APIs provide a mechanism for advanced control over the loading of schemas and a mechanism for introspecting their content.GSettingsSchemaKey
is an opaque data structure and can only be accessed using the following functions.This is an opaque structure type.AGSimpleAction
is the obvious simple implementation of theAction
interface.Functional interface declaration of theActivateCallback
callback.SimpleAction.Builder<B extends SimpleAction.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theChangeStateCallback
is a hash table filled withAction
objects, implementing theActionGroup
interfaces.SimpleActionGroup.Builder<B extends SimpleActionGroup.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.As of GLib 2.46,GSimpleAsyncResult
is deprecated in favor ofTask
, which provides a simpler API.SimpleAsyncResult.Builder<B extends SimpleAsyncResult.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theSimpleAsyncThreadFunc
callback.SimpleIOStream.Builder<B extends SimpleIOStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GSimplePermission
is a trivial implementation ofPermission
that represents a permission that is either always or never allowed.SimplePermission.Builder<B extends SimplePermission.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GSimpleProxyResolver
is a simpleProxyResolver
implementation that handles a single default proxy, multiple URI-scheme-specific proxies, and a list of hosts that proxies should not be used for.SimpleProxyResolver.Builder<B extends SimpleProxyResolver.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.AGSocket
is a low-level networking primitive.Socket.Builder<B extends Socket.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GSocketAddress
is the equivalent ofstruct sockaddr
) and its subtypes in the BSD sockets API.SocketAddress.Builder<B extends SocketAddress.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.The SocketAddressImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract SocketAddress class.GSocketAddressEnumerator
is an enumerator type forSocketAddress
instances.Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Class structure forGSocketAddressEnumerator
.The SocketAddressEnumeratorImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract SocketAddressEnumerator class.GSocketClient
is a lightweight high-level utility class for connecting to a network host using a connection oriented socket type.SocketClient.Builder<B extends SocketClient.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theEventCallback
callback.Describes an event occurring on aGSocketClient
.Objects that describe one or more potential socket endpoints implementGSocketConnectable
.Provides an interface for returning aGSocketAddressEnumerator
The SocketConnectableImpl type represents a native instance of the SocketConnectable interface.GSocketConnection
is aIOStream
for a connected socket.SocketConnection.Builder<B extends SocketConnection.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.AGSocketControlMessage
is a special-purpose utility message that can be sent to or received from aSocket
.SocketControlMessage.Builder<B extends SocketControlMessage.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Class structure forGSocketControlMessage
.The SocketControlMessageImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract SocketControlMessage class.The protocol family of aGSocketAddress
is an object that keeps track of a set of server sockets and helps you accept sockets from any of the socket, either sync or async.SocketListener.Builder<B extends SocketListener.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theEventCallback
callback.Class structure forGSocketListener
.Describes an event occurring on aGSocketListener
.Flags used in g_socket_receive_message() and g_socket_send_message().A protocol identifier is specified when creating aGSocket
, which is a family/type specific identifier, where 0 means the default protocol for the particular family/type.AGSocketService
is an object that represents a service that is provided to the network or over local sockets.SocketService.Builder<B extends SocketService.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theIncomingCallback
callback.Class structure forGSocketService
.Functional interface declaration of theSocketSourceFunc
callback.Flags used when creating aGSocket
.A single target host/port that a network service is running on.GStaticResource
is an opaque data structure and can only be accessed using the following functions.GSubprocess
allows the creation of and interaction with child processes.Subprocess.Builder<B extends Subprocess.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Flags to define the behaviour of aGSubprocess
.This class contains a set of options for launching child processes, such as where its standard input and output will be directed, the argument list, the environment, and more.SubprocessLauncher.Builder<B extends SubprocessLauncher.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.AGTask
represents and manages a cancellable ‘task’.Task.Builder<B extends Task.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theTaskThreadFunc
callback.This is the subclass ofSocketConnection
that is created for TCP/IP sockets.TcpConnection.Builder<B extends TcpConnection.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.AGTcpWrapperConnection
can be used to wrap aIOStream
that is based on aSocket
, but which is not actually aSocketConnection
.TcpWrapperConnection.Builder<B extends TcpWrapperConnection.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.A helper class for testing code which uses D-Bus without touching the user’s session bus.TestDBus.Builder<B extends TestDBus.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Flags to define futureGTestDBus
is an implementation ofIcon
that supports icon themes.ThemedIcon.Builder<B extends ThemedIcon.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GThreadedResolver
is an implementation ofGResolver
which calls the libc lookup functions in threads to allow them to run asynchronously.ThreadedResolver.Builder<B extends ThreadedResolver.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.AGThreadedSocketService
is a simple subclass ofSocketService
that handles incoming connections by creating a worker thread and dispatching the connection to it by emitting theGio.ThreadedSocketService::run signal
in the new thread.ThreadedSocketService.Builder<B extends ThreadedSocketService.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theRunCallback
callback.The client authentication mode for aGTlsServerConnection
.TLS (Transport Layer Security, aka SSL) and DTLS backend.The TlsBackendImpl type represents a native instance of the TlsBackend interface.Provides an interface for describing TLS-related types.Functional interface declaration of theGetCertificateTypeCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theGetClientConnectionTypeCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theGetDtlsClientConnectionTypeCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theGetDtlsServerConnectionTypeCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theGetFileDatabaseTypeCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theGetServerConnectionTypeCallback
callback.A certificate used for TLS authentication and encryption.TlsCertificate.Builder<B extends TlsCertificate.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.The TlsCertificateImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract TlsCertificate class.A set of flags describing TLS certification validation.Flags for g_tls_interaction_request_certificate(), g_tls_interaction_request_certificate_async(), and g_tls_interaction_invoke_request_certificate().An error code used withG_TLS_CHANNEL_BINDING_ERROR
in aGError
to indicate a TLS channel binding retrieval error.The type of TLS channel binding data to retrieve fromGTlsConnection
, as documented by RFC 5929 or RFC 9266.GTlsClientConnection
is the client-side subclass ofTlsConnection
, representing a client-side TLS connection.TlsClientConnection.Builder<B extends Builder<B>>The TlsClientConnectionImpl type represents a native instance of the TlsClientConnection interface.vtable for aGTlsClientConnection
is the base TLS connection class type, which wraps aIOStream
and provides TLS encryption on top of it.Functional interface declaration of theAcceptCertificateCallback
callback.TlsConnection.Builder<B extends TlsConnection.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.The class structure for theGTlsConnection
type.The TlsConnectionImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract TlsConnection class.GTlsDatabase
is used to look up certificates and other information from a certificate or key store.TlsDatabase.Builder<B extends TlsDatabase.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.The class forGTlsDatabase
.The TlsDatabaseImpl type represents a native instance of the abstract TlsDatabase class.Flags for g_tls_database_lookup_certificate_for_handle(), g_tls_database_lookup_certificate_issuer(), and g_tls_database_lookup_certificates_issued_by().Flags for g_tls_database_verify_chain().An error code used withG_TLS_ERROR
in aGError
returned from a TLS-related routine.GTlsFileDatabase
is implemented byTlsDatabase
objects which load their certificate information from a file.TlsFileDatabase.Builder<B extends Builder<B>>The TlsFileDatabaseImpl type represents a native instance of the TlsFileDatabase interface.Provides an interface forGTlsFileDatabase
provides a mechanism for the TLS connection and database code to interact with the user.TlsInteraction.Builder<B extends TlsInteraction.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.The class forGTlsInteraction
is returned by various functions inGTlsInteraction
when finishing an interaction request.An abstract interface representing a password used in TLS.TlsPassword.Builder<B extends TlsPassword.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Class structure forGTlsPassword
.Various flags for the password.The TLS or DTLS protocol version used by aGTlsConnection
is the server-side subclass ofTlsConnection
, representing a server-side TLS connection.TlsServerConnection.Builder<B extends Builder<B>>The TlsServerConnectionImpl type represents a native instance of the TlsServerConnection interface.vtable for aGTlsServerConnection
implementation.This is the subclass ofSocketConnection
that is created for UNIX domain sockets.UnixConnection.Builder<B extends UnixConnection.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.ThisSocketControlMessage
contains aCredentials
instance.UnixCredentialsMessage.Builder<B extends UnixCredentialsMessage.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Class structure forGUnixCredentialsMessage
contains a list of file descriptors.UnixFDList.Builder<B extends UnixFDList.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.ThisSocketControlMessage
contains aUnixFDList
.UnixFDMessage.Builder<B extends UnixFDMessage.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GUnixInputStream
for reading from a UNIX file descriptor, including asynchronous operations.UnixInputStream.Builder<B extends UnixInputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Defines a Unix mount entry (e.g.WatchesGUnixMounts
for changes.UnixMountMonitor.Builder<B extends UnixMountMonitor.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theMountpointsChangedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theMountsChangedCallback
callback.Defines a Unix mount point (e.g.GUnixOutputStream
for writing to a UNIX file descriptor, including asynchronous operations.UnixOutputStream.Builder<B extends UnixOutputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Support for UNIX-domain (also known as local) sockets, corresponding tostruct sockaddr_un
.UnixSocketAddress.Builder<B extends UnixSocketAddress.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.The type of name used by aGUnixSocketAddress
.Entry point for using GIO functionality.Vfs.Builder<B extends Vfs.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theVfsFileLookupFunc
interface represents user-visible objects that can be mounted.Functional interface declaration of theChangedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theRemovedCallback
callback.Interface for implementing operations for mountable volumes.The VolumeImpl type represents a native instance of the Volume interface.GVolumeMonitor
is for listing the user interesting devices and volumes on the computer.VolumeMonitor.Builder<B extends VolumeMonitor.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Functional interface declaration of theDriveChangedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theDriveConnectedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theDriveDisconnectedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theDriveEjectButtonCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theDriveStopButtonCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theMountAddedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theMountChangedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theMountPreUnmountCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theMountRemovedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theVolumeAddedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theVolumeChangedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theIsSupportedCallback
callback.Functional interface declaration of theVolumeRemovedCallback
for reading from a Windows file handle.Win32InputStream.Builder<B extends Win32InputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GWin32OutputStream
for writing to a Windows file handle.Win32OutputStream.Builder<B extends Win32OutputStream.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.GZlibCompressor
is an implementation ofConverter
that compresses data using zlib.ZlibCompressor.Builder<B extends ZlibCompressor.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.Used to select the type of data format to use forGZlibDecompressor
is an implementation ofConverter
that decompresses data compressed with zlib.ZlibDecompressor.Builder<B extends ZlibDecompressor.Builder<B>>Inner class implementing a builder pattern to construct a GObject with properties.