Package io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop
package io.github.jwharm.javagi.interop
Java-GI classes used by generated bindings to load native libraries, call
native functions, allocate and release memory, and check the runtime
ClassDescriptionHelper class to separate the cleanup logic from the object being cleanedKeeps a list of open Arenas that will be closed in a DestroyNotify callback.The Interop class contains functionality for interoperability with native code.Thrown when an unexpected error occurs when calling a native function or reading/writing from/to native memory.The LibLoad class is used by Java-GI to load native libraries by name.This class keeps a cache of all memory addresses for which a Proxy object was created (except for GObject instances; those are handled in the InstanceCache).The Platform class provides utility functions to retrieve the runtime platform and and check if a function is supported on the runtime platform.Utility functions to split an array of variadic arguments into a first argument and a null-terminated array of remaining arguments.