Package io.github.jwharm.javagi.base
package io.github.jwharm.javagi.base
Java-GI base classes that are used or extended by generated bindings.
ClassDescriptionAlias<T>Base class for type aliases of primitive values.Interface implemented by all enums generated by Java-GI.Classes that implement the Floating interface, have a refSink method.A common interface to create a function pointer in native memory for a Java functional interface.A GErrorException is thrown when a GError is returned by native code.Utility class to call
GLib.log(java.lang.String, java.util.Set<org.gnome.glib.LogLevelFlags>, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...)
for debug purposes.Out<T>A wrapper class for out-parameters of (usually primitive) values.Represents an instance of a proxy object with a handle to an object in native memory.Base type for a Java proxy object to an instance in native memory.Types of ownership transfer used by GObject-Introspection for many elements, for example, a returned value.This exception is thrown when a function is run on a platform where it is not available.