Class WebInspector

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Generated("io.github.jwharm.JavaGI") public final class WebInspector extends GObject
Access to the WebKit inspector.

The WebKit Inspector is a graphical tool to inspect and change the content of a WebKitWebView. It also includes an interactive JavaScript debugger. Using this class one can get a GtkWidget which can be embedded into an application to show the inspector.

The inspector is available when the WebKitSettings of the WebKitWebView has set the WebKitSettings:enable-developer-extras to true, otherwise no inspector is available.

// Enable the developer extras
 WebKitSettings *settings = webkit_web_view_get_settings (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(my_webview));
 g_object_set (G_OBJECT(settings), "enable-developer-extras", TRUE, NULL);

 // Load some data or reload to be able to inspect the page
 webkit_web_view_load_uri (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(my_webview), "");

 // Show the inspector
 WebKitWebInspector *inspector = webkit_web_view_get_inspector (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(my_webview));
 webkit_web_inspector_show (WEBKIT_WEB_INSPECTOR(inspector));