Package org.gnome.gdk

Enum Class ScrollUnit

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enumeration, Serializable, Comparable<ScrollUnit>, Constable

@Generated("io.github.jwharm.JavaGI") public enum ScrollUnit extends Enum<ScrollUnit> implements Enumeration
Specifies the unit of scroll deltas.

When you get WHEEL, a delta of 1.0 means 1 wheel detent click in the south direction, 2.0 means 2 wheel detent clicks in the south direction... This is the same logic for negative values but in the north direction.

If you get SURFACE, are managing a scrollable view and get a value of 123, you have to scroll 123 surface logical pixels right if it's deltaX or down if it's deltaY. This is the same logic for negative values but you have to scroll left instead of right if it's deltaX and up instead of down if it's deltaY.

1 surface logical pixel is equal to 1 real screen pixel multiplied by the final scale factor of your graphical interface (the product of the desktop scale factor and eventually a custom scale factor in your app).