Package org.gnome.gio

Class TlsInteraction.TlsInteractionClass

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class TlsInteraction.TlsInteractionClass extends GObject.ObjectClass
The class for GTlsInteraction. Derived classes implement the various virtual interaction methods to handle TLS interactions.

Derived classes can choose to implement whichever interactions methods they'd like to support by overriding those virtual methods in their class initialization function. If a derived class implements an async method, it must also implement the corresponding finish method.

The synchronous interaction methods should implement to display modal dialogs, and the asynchronous methods to display modeless dialogs.

If the user cancels an interaction, then the result should be TlsInteractionResult.FAILED and the error should be set with a domain of G_IO_ERROR and code of IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED.