Class HSTSPolicy

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Generated("io.github.jwharm.JavaGI") public class HSTSPolicy extends ProxyInstance
SoupHSTSPolicy implements HTTP policies, as described by RFC 6797.

domain represents the host that this policy applies to. The domain must be IDNA-canonicalized. HSTSPolicy(java.lang.String, int, boolean) and related methods will do this for you.

maxAge contains the 'max-age' value from the Strict Transport Security header and indicates the time to live of this policy, in seconds.

expires will be non-null if the policy has been set by the host and hence has an expiry time. If expires is null, it indicates that the policy is a permanent session policy set by the user agent.

If includeSubdomains is true, the Strict Transport Security policy must also be enforced on subdomains of domain.