Package org.gnome.gtk

Class MediaStream

All Implemented Interfaces:
Proxy, Paintable
Direct Known Subclasses:
MediaFile, MediaStream.MediaStreamImpl

@Generated("io.github.jwharm.JavaGI") public abstract class MediaStream extends GObject implements Paintable
GtkMediaStream is the integration point for media playback inside GTK.

GTK provides an implementation of the GtkMediaStream interface that is called MediaFile.

Apart from application-facing API for stream playback, GtkMediaStream has a number of APIs that are only useful for implementations and should not be used in applications: prepared(boolean, boolean, boolean, long), unprepared(), update(long), ended(), seekSuccess(), seekFailed(), gerror(org.gnome.glib.GError), error(org.gnome.glib.Quark, int, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...), MediaStream#errorValist.