Package org.gnome.gtk

Interface SectionModel<T extends GObject>

All Superinterfaces:
Collection<T>, Iterable<T>, List<T>, ListModel<T>, ListModelJavaList<T>, Proxy, SequencedCollection<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
FilterListModel, FlattenListModel, MapListModel, MultiSelection, NoSelection, SectionModel.SectionModelImpl, SingleSelection, SliceListModel, SortListModel

@Generated("io.github.jwharm.JavaGI") public interface SectionModel<T extends GObject> extends Proxy, ListModel<T>
GtkSectionModel is an interface that adds support for sections to list models.

A GtkSectionModel groups successive items into so-called sections. List widgets like GtkListView and GtkGridView then allow displaying section headers for these sections by installing a header factory.

Many GTK list models support sections inherently, or they pass through the sections of a model they are wrapping.

When the section groupings of a model change, the model will emit the Gtk.SectionModel::sections-changed signal by calling the sectionsChanged(int, int) function. All sections in the given range then need to be queried again. The Gio.ListModel::items-changed signal has the same effect, all sections in that range are invalidated, too.