Package org.gnome.gtk

Class ApplicationWindow

All Implemented Interfaces:
Proxy, ActionGroup, ActionMap, Accessible, Buildable, ConstraintTarget, Native, Root, ShortcutManager
Direct Known Subclasses:

@Generated("io.github.jwharm.JavaGI") public class ApplicationWindow extends Window implements ActionGroup, ActionMap, Accessible, Buildable, ConstraintTarget, Native, Root, ShortcutManager
GtkApplicationWindow is a GtkWindow subclass that integrates with GtkApplication.

Notably, GtkApplicationWindow can handle an application menubar.

This class implements the GActionGroup and GActionMap interfaces, to let you add window-specific actions that will be exported by the associated Application, together with its application-wide actions. Window-specific actions are prefixed with the “win.” prefix and application-wide actions are prefixed with the “app.” prefix. Actions must be addressed with the prefixed name when referring to them from a GMenuModel.

Note that widgets that are placed inside a GtkApplicationWindow can also activate these actions, if they implement the Actionable interface.

The settings Gtk.Settings:gtk-shell-shows-app-menu and Gtk.Settings:gtk-shell-shows-menubar tell GTK whether the desktop environment is showing the application menu and menubar models outside the application as part of the desktop shell. For instance, on OS X, both menus will be displayed remotely; on Windows neither will be.

If the desktop environment does not display the menubar, then GtkApplicationWindow will automatically show a menubar for it. This behaviour can be overridden with the Gtk.ApplicationWindow:show-menubar property. If the desktop environment does not display the application menu, then it will automatically be included in the menubar or in the windows client-side decorations.

See PopoverMenu for information about the XML language used by GtkBuilder for menu models.

See also: Application.setMenubar(org.gnome.gio.MenuModel).

A GtkApplicationWindow with a menubar
The code sample below shows how to set up a GtkApplicationWindow with a menu bar defined on the Application:

GtkApplication *app = gtk_application_new ("org.gtk.test", 0);

 GtkBuilder *builder = gtk_builder_new_from_string (
     "  <menu id='menubar'>"
     "    <submenu>"
     "      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Edit</attribute>"
     "      <item>"
     "        <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Copy</attribute>"
     "        <attribute name='action'>win.copy</attribute>"
     "      </item>"
     "      <item>"
     "        <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Paste</attribute>"
     "        <attribute name='action'>win.paste</attribute>"
     "      </item>"
     "    </submenu>"
     "  </menu>"

 GMenuModel *menubar = G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "menubar"));
 gtk_application_set_menubar (GTK_APPLICATION (app), menubar);
 g_object_unref (builder);

 // ...

 GtkWidget *window = gtk_application_window_new (app);