Package org.gnome.webkit.jsc

package org.gnome.webkit.jsc
The JavaScript engine used in WebKit

The following native libraries are required and will be loaded:

For namespace-global declarations, refer to the JavaScriptCore class documentation.

This package is only available on linux.


JavaScript options allow changing the behavior of the JavaScript engine. They affect the way the engine works, so the options must be set at the very beginning of the program execution, before any other JavaScript API call. Most of the options are only useful for testing and debugging. Only a few of them are documented; you can use the undocumented options at your own risk. (You can find the list of options in the WebKit source code).

The API allows to set and get any option using the types defined in JSCOptionType. You can also iterate all the available options using jsc_options_foreach() and passing a JSCOptionsFunc callback. If your application uses GOptionContext to handle command line arguments, you can easily integrate the JSCOptions by adding the GOptionGroup returned by jsc_options_get_option_group().