Building and running the bindings generator

Java-GI publishes pre-built bindings for several libraries, including GLib, Gtk4, LibAdwaita, GtkSourceview, WebkitGtk, and GStreamer. The bindings should work on Linux, Windows, and macOS. To generate and build the bindings for these libraries, follow these steps:

  • Clone the Java-GI project (jwharm/java-gi) and the GIR input files (gircore/gir-files) from GitHub

Warning: Normally, the gir-files repository can be used as usual without issues. Recently, the gir files were updated to GNOME 46. Java GI has yet to be updated to GNOME 46. Until then, please checkout commit c11be30.

  • Run the Gradle build, either using an IDE, or navigate into the java-gi folder and run ./gradlew build (on Windows: gradlew build).
git clone
git clone
cd java-gi
./gradlew build

The gir-files repository contains regularly updated gir files that Java-GI generates bindings from. If you clone this repository in another location, update the girFilesLocation path in accordingly.

Generating bindings for other libraries

First, install the GObject-introspection (gir) files of the library you want to generate bindings for. To do this, you need to download the release package (usually a .tar.gz file) of the library from their website and generate the introspection files using the included build script. Usually, there is a build option to generate the gir file.

Alternatively, in most Linux distributions, the gir files are usually installed with a development package, postfixed with "-dev" or "-devel". For example, the Gtk gir files on Fedora are installed by the "gtk4-devel" package. All installed gir files can normally be found in /usr/share/gir-1.0. However, this is not the preferred method to obtain a gir file. Distributions often patch libraries, impacting the gir file too. It's better to generate the gir file from the upstream release package. Be sure to download the release package for an actual release, and not a random snapshot.

Once the gir file is available, copy it into the gir-files folder under the correct platform subfolder (Linux, windows, or macOS).

Now you can add a Java-GI module for the library. Create a folder under /modules, add it to settings.gradle, and create a build.gradle file:

plugins {
    id 'java-gi.library-conventions'

dependencies {
    // Add dependencies on other modules here.
    // The dependencies can be found in the GIR file (search for <include> tags).
    api project(':gio')

generateSources.configure {
    namespace = 'Insert-Namespace-Here'

Configure the Java package name, description, and URL prefix for image links in the ModuleInfo class in the package io.github.jwharm.javagi.configuration in the BuildSrc/src/main/java directory.

When necessary, you can patch the introspection data. To do this, create a patch class implementing Patch in the folder buildSrc/main/java/io/github/jwharm/javagi/patches and add it to the list in the Patches class.

If you encounter any problems or errors, check the generated Java source code in the java-gi/modules/{modulename}/build/generated/sources/java-gi directory for issues. Remember that other libraries are not guaranteed to work flawlessly as soon as they are added. If you have patched the introspection data and are still getting errors, Java GI may have a bug. Log an issue in the GitHub repo.